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revival UPDATE 2010Newsletter of the Revival Fellowship Council ISSUE NO. 20 News, photos and testimonies from Revival What kind of church is this? As you leaf through this magazine, reading of heal- Fellowship assemblies around the world ings and miracles in strange places around the world, you’ll probably think “what kind of church is this?” Welcome The Revival Fellowship is a simple church along Welcome to the twentieth edition of the Revival the lines of the earliest Christians. Christian- Fellowship Council Newsletter. We report from around the world, beginning in with the Holy Spirit and began to “speak in other Brazil, then heading through Bali, Fiji and Africa. ity began when 120 disciples of Jesus were filled We are pleased to report on new assemblies and experience was seen by a large crowd of visitors outreaches in some unusual places—Argentina, tongues (languages)” (Acts 2:4). This astonishing Nepal, Aruba, Curacao and Malekula for starters! they too were baptised and became Christians. Most of us will never get the opportunity to visit Christianityto Jerusalem had and begun.3000 of them were so moved that the assemblies in Vanuatu, so we also introduce The Bible goes on to record that “many wonders the whole fellowship to you in this edition. We have a wrap-up on the Australian Leader- The ensuing history of the church (the Book of - and signs were done by the apostles” (Acts 2:43). nual Leaders’ Meeting, the Fellowship’s Council Meetingsship Camp, in March,the fifteenth the upcoming Papua NewAustralian Guinea State An Acts) is filled with stories of miracles and healings. and International Rallies, and photos from some of This fulfilled Jesus’ promise that “these signs shall the Christmas Camps. It’s a busy life in the Lord. follow them that believe . they shall speak with new tongues . they shall Continuedlay hands onoverleaf the sick . Brazil 2 Vanuatu 9 Argentina 4 Ireland 12 Nepal 4 France 12 Indonesia 4 Australia 12 Inside Curacao & Aruba 5 Fiji 15 Africa 6 Camps 15 PNG 8 We believe in the infallibility of the Bible. We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. and they shall recover” (Mark 16:17, 18). is But“the the same Good yesterday, News is that and Christianity to day, and isfor exactly ever” We believe the gospel of His death, the same today. The Bible records that Jesus Christ resurrection, and directive to repent, be - baptised and receive the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 13:8) and that his gospel is “the everlast ingpromised, gospel” “ye (Revelation shall receive 14:6). power, after that the We believe we are baptised into the Body The secret to this power from God? As Jesus of Christ (the Church) through the Holy Spirit, with the Bible evidence of speaking Holyof speaking Ghost is in come tongues) upon weyou” experience (Acts 1:8). the Once same we in tongues. receive God’s Holy Spirit (evidenced by the sign early Christians. We believe in the miraculous gifts of the power of God, and miracles from God, as those Holy Spirit in the Church. - What we believe We believe in prayer for the sick and How do we get the Holy Spirit? The apostle Pe ter explained to those same 3000 eager onlookers healing by the power of God. Christon Day for One the that remission they needed of sins, to “Repent,and ye shall and bere- We believe the Bible identifies modern baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus nations and gives signs of the imminent ceive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38). return of Jesus Christ. It’s a gift from God. 2 Paid for with the blood of his Son, Jesus Christ. BrazilGet baptised and receive the gift of the Spirit! The material in this - publication is copyright. spite the deepening security crisis enveloping For- Pr Esteves reports that revival has continued de Enquiries and contributions of material should be sent to: fortaleza. a time He whentells us many that arethere too have frightened been over to even 300 baptisms in the first 2 months of this year; not bad [email protected] venture out after dark. Some of the recent baptisms in Fortaleza, Brazil Happy young campers! The assembly conducted an outreach in one of “Carnaval” celebrations there was a lot of violence. - out of town for a camp to remove them from the ingthe slumsthe Holy in early Spirit February in the crowd and had as 118the baptisms meeting Soscene. Pastor Two Esteves young ladiestook a received group of the young Spirit people while in one night. People at the outreach were receiv in the shower, and another young man received Brazil wasduring taking these place events. à la the Acts 10 experience of the the Lord. ApostleThe growth Peter. inThis the is assembly becoming has quite been common so con- while barbecuing one of the evening meals. Praise- ing well, and the new banana trees are growing in the church. It is estimated that there are now healthilyOut in the(the countryside, old ones had the reached banana thefarm end is doof stant that Pr Esteves has lost count of the people 3 meetingssome 2500 on saints various in Fortaleza days during alone, the with week. another Some theirare told productive these new life). trees The are first more “half productive crop” is than due 700 in the villages. He conducts about 60 house theat the previous end of ones.2010, thenAll of full this crops is designed thereafter. to help We those working and unable to make the weekend reduce Brazil’s reliance on the Mission Fund. The meetings.of these meetings A number are of at these 7am toare accommodate communion farm provides jobs for many of the folk out in the meetings. Some house-leaders run six meetings villages, as well as income to pay for the pastors each week. out there, fuel costs, some hall rent and so on. The Fellowship Council is also looking at the possibil- the country assemblies to assist in Fortaleza again. ity of expanding the banana project. HePr has Esteves been usinghas recalled public histransport brother, to Pr get Jose, around from town to visit the saints, but it is both slow and safety and the revival there. dangerous. (There are several hundred hold-ups, Please continue to pray for both the brethren’s and even murders, on the buses each year.) Fortu- nately, an offer of money for a second-hand car has Not a very clear snap, but it shows scores of baptism candidates lining up along the wall justgangs come are innow from attacking Australia. the Praise police the to Lord.take their weaponsOn the away safety from front, them. the “Some police parts reported of Fortale that- - za now resemble a street war”, Pr Esteves says. Be causeas a safety of the measure.epidemic Heof violence, will remain Pastor there Esteves and driveand his in familyuntil the have situation moved improves. 55km out of Fortaleza During the recent weekend of the rambunctious Argentina While still in South America, we have a new out- in Fortaleza about two years ago (see his testi- monyreach inat Argentina.left) has returned A surfie brotherhome and who prayed was saved with quiteso who a numberhave received of folk—who the Spirit have he alsohas baptisedreceived the Holy Spirit and spoken in tongues. Of the 15 or south-east of Buenos Aires in a town called San 7. The work is situated on the coast, about 360km visit shortly. We’ll keep you posted. Bernardo. Pr Estevão from Fortaleza is going to Nepal - Ondecided the topics to head of new back outposts, to his homeland, brother Israel, Nepal, a fel in Februarylow who cameand start to the preaching. Lord in Manila, Philippines, He reports that one man has recently received My name is Matias Ezequiel - “My name is Matias Ezequiel. When I was 19 the Holy Spirit. A family is also waiting to be bap- I decided to leave my family and my country tised. Israel asks for our prayers as he is facing op (Argentina) to check out other places. Like position.of the pastors He is rejoicing and helping in Asia determined are making to contin a trip all young people I had plenty of dreams in my ue to preach the Good News to his people. Several head. I started to travel and discovered many places and people, but inside me I was filled there in June. They also plan a visit to our fledgling with a very great emptiness that I tried to Argentina Bali,group Indonesiain Bangalore, India. fill with all types of drugs and relationships. In the last newsletter we brought you the details From Argentina I eventually came to rest in of the revival that has broken out on West Timor. Brazil. I arrived in Fortaleza and lived on Ic- 4 That has continued and has stabilised to the point araí beach. To support myself I made handi- crafts, and got to know two sisters from the • - Revival Fellowship who spoke to me of an whereess which they have normally in quick takes order: years—see story and experience I had never heard of—they said Officiallyphotos next registered page), the Church there (a proc I could receive the Holy Spirit and have a life • Leased a house to run permanent meetings (see completely changed by the power of God. photos next page), I accepted Jesus Christ’s teachings, was • baptized in water, received the Holy Spirit • Teddy has decided to move to West Timor with and was totally set free of drugs! Hadhis family their official to look Hall after Opening the group Meeting, (he sold and, up Today I am a completely different person.