European Monthly Report September 2016 Combined Prayer and Fast in Roerdam We enjoyed talks at the prayer and fast relang to the theme revival. Revival is the only way for us to have a future. It is not about us, but about the salvaon of others. Cleaning the roof of the Dordrecht hall Young at heart. The biggest event on the French Fellowship calendar took place in September, their annual outreach weekend! Saints came from all over Europe and Australia to help with distribung some 6,500 pamphlets, inving people to a presentaon held at a on the Saturday evening. Read more on page 5. Coming Events: Czech Camp 26 - 30 October 2016 Enquiries: Lenka Stribrna E-mail:
[email protected] Ireland Camp 2nd - 6th Nov 2016 Enquiries: Rachael Brereton E-mail:
[email protected] The Netherlands Winter Camp Server News, October 2016 Newsleer Crew: Karen, Ney, Heleen and 25 December - 1 January local contributors. Enquiries: Paul van Wijnen All the movie files from both Euro camps are E-mail:
[email protected] now available for download from our server. Editor: You can find them on: ‘Public/Convenons and Pastor Pieter Visser UK Winter Camp camps/Euro summer camp 2016 or UK Summer Kromhout 95 25 December - 1 January camp 2016. 3311RE Dordrecht Enquiries: Ps Lee Finney The Netherlands E-mail itsthefi
[email protected] For login details, e-mail me at: Telephone: +31 78 6146173
[email protected]. Mobile: +31 (0)6 22 808 977 Hungary Winter Camp E-mail:
[email protected] 25 December - 1 January Please note: the login codes have recently been Internet: Enquiries: Ps Chris Kaye changed! E-mail:
[email protected] Mark 16:15-20 John 3: 1-8 Acts 2: 38 September 2016 Page 1 of 6 Editorial: Vision Most of us take the ability to see and see my house.