Augustine Kolencherry1


As we explore the role played by Elisabetta Sanna in the life and apostolate of , it is necessary for us to point out sum- marily what Pallottine Charism is. The Church has been telling us that all the members of the Institute of consecrated life must go back to their origins, namely, for what their congregation was founded in order to revive the original charism and to live according to the spirit of the Founder. The whole patrimony of the Institute must be faithfully pre- served by all. This patrimony is comprised of the intention of the Founders of all that the competent ecclesiastical authority has approved concerning the nature, purpose, spirit and character of the Institute and its sound traditions. It is in this context that we search for the charism of Pallotti, his original intentions and his special spirit which he imparted to his fol- lowers. Work of evangelization is the fundamental task of the people of . As members of the living Christ incorporated into him in baptism, all faithful have an obligation to collaborate in the expansion and spread of the body of Christ. The mission of the people of God is one. All pas- tors, laymen and religious each one according to his specific vocation, are called to an apostolic engagement. In fact the charism of the founders is an experience of the Holy Spirit transmitted to their followers, to be lived by them to be preserved, deepened and developed in harmony with the Body of Christ. Pallotti speaks of his charism and the triple inspiration which he received during the Mass celebrated on 9th January, 1835: to establish a

1 Professor of Systematic Theology, Prabodhana.

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Pious Society of universal apostolate to propagate faith and religion of Christ among the non-Christians and non-Catholics; another apostolate to revive, conserve and foster faith among Catholics; an in- stitution of universal charity which embraces all kinds of works of mercy both spiritual and corporal in order to make the world realize that God is infinite love. From the above passage, Pallotti’s charism is clear. We further notice the special background existing during the time of Pallotti: the worsening crisis of faith; expansion of Church’s missions; Church fac- ing opposition - faith and believers ridiculed; Diocesan and religious disunited; laity and clergy segregated; Priests and religious at the helm of affairs guiding the destinies of the Church; lLaity mere passive spectators or receivers of spiritual benefits; isolated missionary work still prevalent. Therefore, Pallotti wanted to revive faith, enkindle zeal and or- ganize missionary work in a team involving the laity. Pallotti’s vision of the Church is worth noting. Church according to Pallotti: One body, the faithful united in faith under one shepherd, Jesus. In that church there will be no fight, no di- vision, no domination and no power seeking. All contributing towards the common goal, collaborating, owning responsibility, honouring the dignity of each other, Caring for the weak and poor and One Commun- ion effected by baptism.

1. Elisabetta Sanna’s life at

Elisabetta was born on April 23rd, 1788 in the village of Codrongi- anos. It is interesting to note the past history of Elisabeth. She was not from a rich affluent family. From her childhood onwards, Elisabetta was a bit handicapped. Even three months after her birth she could not raise her arms. No medical treatment could improve her situation. She grew up as a devout pious girl. She was indeed a pretty young girl. She was married at the age of 19th on September 13th, 1807 and had five children. Her husband was Antonio Maria Porcu, a virtuous Christian. He was a dedicated young man, an exemplary husband and father who loved his wife and trusted her fully. In fact he used to tell his friends very


correctly: “My wife is not like yours, she is a .” Elisabeth in turn used to remark proudly “I was not worthy to have such a husband, he was so good.” Their family was a model for the entire area. Elisabeth took care of her each child so carefully that the children grew up in virtue, with profound love of God and neighbor. Elisabeth’s attention was largely on the Christian education of her children. She was an or- dinary housewife and she had to work hard to feed her children. Sanna prepared the children for the . She taught them cate- chism and fostered their faith carefully. A genuine Family Apostolate was carried out by Elisabetta. She herself was a good spiritual Mother for the girls and women of the locality. She was indeed an apostle in the family and village.

2. The Family Apostolate

The Family of Elisabetta appeared to be a school of perfection with discipline and system. Every day there was a common time when the Mother and the Family sat together for the reading of the Word and due reflection, for catechetical teaching, recital of Holy and other family prayers. It is to be specially noted that Elisabetta Sanna found time every day to spend long hours before the Blessed Sacrament in silent adoration. Many people approached her for counsel and spir- itual direction. In fact she wished to be with her children always. But the proposed pilgrimage to the , which she already started together with others, its unexpected failure, her subsequent illness and the changed situations made her incapable of returning home as she planned. By this time her eldest son was 17 years old (……). Some ignorant people used to make sinister remarks saying that Elisabeth Sanna neglected her family and did not form her children in Catholic Faith. She did not even care to return to her family to fulfill her duty as a Mother. In fact all these remarks came from ignorance of the people. The first part of her life saw her in the fullness of Christian Family Apostolate. She could not return home in Sardinia, because of her ill health. In fact she longed to visit her children at home, but could not. Her Doctor Petrilli wrote finally in 1838: “I am of opinion that under- taking another journey by Boat to Sardinia could lead her to an even

N. 50/2020 – pp. 229-243 | 231 AUGUSTINE KOLENCHERRY worse condition.”(….) When St. Vincent Pallotti heard it he said to Elis- abeth “God wants you in .” Elisabeth bowed her head low and said “Lord, your will be done”. She was accustomed to bow in every- thing in immense pain and sorrow before the Lord unconditionally and say “your will be done, all for your glory.” In spite of her handicaps, and heavy works every now and then she turned to the Lord and offered everything as a sacrifice acceptable to him. And Elisabetta remained in Rome until her death in 1857.

3. “All for Your Infinite Glory”

Herein we find an echo of Palottine spirituality. Pallotti had adopted a stricter slogan compared to that of Ignatius Loyola who said frequently “All for the glory of God”. In 1825 Sanna’s husband Antonio fell sick and Elisabetta was at his side to offer him all possible services. No medication was able to bring him the sound health which he pos- sessed in those youthful years. He bade farewell to his beloved family on January 25th and went up to the Lord for his well merited reward in heaven. Sanna now a widow with five children felt keenly the respon- sibility for the administration of the house and land especially the spir- itual and temporal education of the children. With the permission of her Franciscan Lenten preacher Luigi Paolo da Ploaghe Elisabetta made a vow of chastity. With firm conviction that she was a bride of Jesus Christ she made phenomenal progress in spiritual maturity. As we al- ready mentioned she became a collaborator in the Union of Catholic Apostolate founded by Vincent Pallotti in Rome. Those who came to her would say of her “She saw God in everything and adored him eve- rywhere.” The love of God was her life. Every greater interest disap- peared in the face of the interests of God. In fact, Elisabeth herself used to say almost unceasingly “my God, I love you above all things.” A mystical fire burnt in her. She became an instrument of divine Provi- dence for the salvation of others. It was indeed a holiness of daily life as Francis mentioned in his apostolic exhortation. We learn from Elisabeth that our happiness is in doing the will of God and our ability to accept all things that happen to us. “O Lord, with your help I always do the best. I can act everyday according to the will of God.”


4. The Domestic Church

The Family Apostolate with the prevalent idea of Domestic Church, today every Christian Family has to take over the evangeliza- tion of the members of the family seriously. The knowledge of Christ and the salvation history are not seriously attended to in daily life. The youth in general are ignorant of Christ and the role of redemption which Christianity plays in the modern world. Millions of young Christians do not know who Christ is. Many of them are totally ignorant of Christian prayers, the value of Sacramental life and spiritual call to attain perfec- tion of holiness and the mystical treasures which are open before them. Elisabetta Sanna’s history opens up a vista of spiritual wonders which a Christian has to share and proclaim to a world which is spiritually barren, fruitless and tasteless. It appears that the present generation in general is no more inter- ested in the supernatural and spiritual. It is concerned with only material things, money, power, success, glory which are palpable and scientifi- cally proved. Things which are beyond the sensible world are to be re- jected as superstitious. But Sanna was a woman of faith. She lived her faith courageously. The Domestic Church of which she was the head remained before the people in the village as Pallotti envisioned an evan- gelical trumpet so much so the people of the village of Codrongianos really saw what a Christian family is and what the fundamental tenets of Christianity are. Sanna had perfect conviction about the faith she practiced. She did not care for any criticism for the faith she publicly professed: “This is my style of life. It hasn’t prevented me from attend- ing to my duties as a Mother of the Family”. As we have already seen, she herself prepared her children for confession, and first Holy Com- munion. She imparted to them a burning love for Jesus and affection for him at every moment of the day. She understood that every family must be formed into a veritable Cenacle at the heart of which the Holy Spirit abides radiating his power and grace upon every member of the family. Every family must become a replica of the Cenacle emanating the power and light of the Holy Spirit of God. Vincent confirmed Sanna’s spiritual progress in1846 on May 18th. Pallotti wrote to Guiseppe Valle

N. 50/2020 – pp. 229-243 | 233 AUGUSTINE KOLENCHERRY her spiritual director “she continues in good works and I hope she will reach the perfection desired by God, the Father of Mercies”. She fre- quented S. Peter’s Basilica. The Basilica was her home. When she died the cry resounded “the Saint of St. Peter’s is dead.” Sanna was faithful to her daily duties. Her first duty was adoration of the Blessed Sacra- ment. Then, came the duties of her vocation- of charity towards others.

5. Elisabetta: a Great Spiritual Mother

Spiritual Counsel is another area of her service. People observed that she had the gift of spiritual discernment. She helped many people in her poor attic before the painting of the Madonna Virgo Potens. Car- dinal Giovanni Soglia also consulted her in certain matters of con- science. Pallotti himself consulted her. He had great respect and trust in that humble woman of St. Peter’s. Several times Pallotti brought his spiritual children to listen to her. Fr. Rafaele Melia who knew Elisabetta very well, gave her the title of “Most attentive Mother” of the Union of Catholic Apostolate. Fr. Ignatius Auconi, his successor in the office of General Supe- rior confirmed that she had the attentiveness of a Mother towards the work of Pallotti.

6. The Pilgrimage to Holy Land

Fr. Giuseppe Valle came to Codrongianos as the assistant Parish in 1829. He eventually became the confessor and spiritual direc- tor to the Sanna Family especially to Elisabeth. The spiritual life of Elis- abeth advanced smooth and fast. That year the Lenten preacher was Fr. Luigi Paolo. He spoke very impressively about a pilgrimage that could be conducted to the Holy Land. Elisabetta was profoundly moved and longed to go on that pilgrimage with other devout people. The preacher had pointed out that in Palestine one could stand in the same places where Jesus the Crucified savior moved along especially during his pas- sion. Elisabettta on her part thought that now being a Bride of Christ she could be inflamed with love for Jesus and be transformed into a

234 | RIVISTA APOSTOLATO UNIVERSALE ELISABETTA SANNA IMBUED WITH PALLOTTINE CHARISM holy and zealous soul. It would be a marvelous experience that will inflame the heart with a burning love for the Lord. Elisabetta went to Fr. Giuseppe Valle and talked with him and expressed her yearning to go on pilgrimage to Palestine with others. But Fr. Valle refused permis- sion to Elisabeth to go on the pilgrimage. After a few months, she went again to Fr. Valle and asked for permission. But this time Fr. Valle agreed. Fr. Valle too planned to go with her. Soon both families began the preparations. Their fond hope was that this pilgrimage would help them to grow spiritually and to better serve others. Elisabeth had the hope that her mother then already 65 and her priest Brother Fr. Luigi, living in Codrongianos, would be able to take care of her family during the pilgrimage. Therefore according to the plan at end of June 1831 she along with Fr. Valle embarked for . The boat for Cyprus was awaiting them. Unfortunately at the last moment Fr. Valle realized that he lacked the visa for the East. Therefore Fr. Valle and Elisabetta de- cided to go to Rome. They said to themselves “There too is also holy land”. So they arrived in Rome on 23rd July, in 1831. Indeed Elisabeth unknowingly chose a new journey.

7. Her Pilgrimage around the Churches in Rome

In fact in Church’s spirituality our whole life’s journey is com- pared to a pilgrimage. The idea of pilgrimage in our earthly life is quite fitting and is in accordance with the Word of God. Mother Church con- siders herself to be a pilgrim here on earth. No doubt, our journey here on earth is a pilgrimage. Our ancestors, the had the entire life like a pilgrimage. lived in tents looking forward to a perma- nent abode of everlasting joy. Here on earth nothing is permanent. Hence Mother church considers herself a pilgrim always in search of the Lord and his permanent Kingdom. She does not belong to this world. She belongs to heaven. With spirit of poverty and detachment she moves on freely to her heavenly bridegroom. The Fathers depict her journey here on earth: “With her eyes fixed on the face of the Lord, unconcerned with the passing glories of the world, she moves on to heaven”. Her heart is

N. 50/2020 – pp. 229-243 | 235 AUGUSTINE KOLENCHERRY totally detached. And therefore she travels light, free with heart set on the Lord alone. St. advices us: “In your spiritual journey, fix your eyes altogether on the face of the Lord. If you take away your eyes from his face, you will miss the way”.

8. How did Elisabetta Sanna come into contact with Vincent Pallotti?

During those days, one evening a devotional procession was tak- ing place in Rome. People lined up with Rosary in hand moving towards St. Peter’s Basilica. Elisabetta Sanna was also one of the participants. In fact Elisabeth was quite new to the different streets of Rome. During the procession Elisabeth missed the way. She tried to identify someone who was with her, but failed. She was in utter confusion. While raising her head seeking help of someone, she found at the Church of St. Au- gustine, a Roman priest whom she had never met before. Realizing the miserable situation in which she was, he approached her with much kindness and sympathy and asked her what help he could give her. She explained how she missed the way and needed someone to take her to the attic of St. Peter’s where she lodged in a tiny dwelling. Pallotti took her forthwith and she was finally in peace. She stayed there and made pilgrimage around the churches in Rome. Her heart was burning with prayer. Pallotti observed her pitiful plight and in 1832 he decided to accompany her spiritually. St. Vincent wrote a letter to her priest brother explaining the situation of Elisabeth. He made it clear that Elisabeth could never make a journey to Sardinia her homeland because of her poor health. She hoped that she might be able to visit her village once she regained her health. Thus in a strange way, Pallotti got into acquaintance with Blessed Sanna and in fact she became a co-worker of Pallotti until she died. Pallotti’s aim of involving women in the apostolate is evident from the picture of the Cenacle which he himself had designed. Among those Disciples of Christ in the picture one notices Mary and also some other women and many others as the nucleus church on which the Holy Spirit descended. In short Pallotti wanted to emphasize the fact


that the entire baptized are bound to be apostles. Women too were sent out to preach, to bear witness to the risen Jesus Christ. History shows that both men and women were sent and were actively engaged in the Apostolate. On the very resurrection day, we see the risen Saviour com- manding to go and announce his resurrection to the “brethren” (the apostles and the followers and to tell them that “they must leave for Galilee, there they will see me”) Mt 28:6-10. Involvement of women in the apostolic activities of Pallotti is ev- ident from history. Bl. Elisabetta Sanna had a unique role in the aposto- late of Pallotti. She took part in the activities reserved to her. Sanna is presented as an apostle associated with St. Vincent in various mission- ary activities especially in the apostolate of mercy. Vincent insisted that everyone must joyfully undertake the task of evangelization in daily life. Pallotti’s vision of the Church was: One body of Faithful united in faith under one Shepherd – Jesus. In that church there will be no fight, no division, no domination, no power seeking. All will be contributing towards the common goal, col- laborating and owning the responsibility, honouring the dignity of each other, caring for the weak and the poor – one communion effected by Baptism.

9. The missionary work according to Pallotti

For Pallotti the mission is, “To make all people Christians, Chris- tians Catholics and Catholics apostles”. Therefore, the tasks will be: bringing all to faith; revive faith in Catholics; inflame their love and charity; make them zealous missionaries; organize them for effective apostolate in their own field; bringing all like a flock under one Shep- herd. In all the above matters Bl. Elisabetta had made her contribution. Once her husband passed away, she became more free to dedicate her- self in the various apostolic activities. She made a vow of Chastity and gave herself entirely to Jesus Christ, the beloved. With a burning love for him she immersed herself in the apostolic activities which Pallotti assigned to her. The situations that forced her to give up her homeland were in fact the expression of the will of God. In fact, Sanna became

N. 50/2020 – pp. 229-243 | 237 AUGUSTINE KOLENCHERRY fully filled with the same spirit of Vincent Pallotti and gave herself over to Jesus. The Holy Spirit poured the flame of love into the heart of Bl. Elisabetta and radiated it in her family which was indeed a domestic Church. Hundreds of people acknowledged Sanna’s house to be an ex- emplary family, a model for the entire area. As a housewife, she took upon herself the task of caring for the children and working for their proper education and upbringing, besides long hours of prayer, prepar- ing the children for confession and first communion. It is said that Sanna imparted to the children a true education from the heart. Elisabetta’s example inspires many other women despite their heavy schedule of work to find time to be real apostles in the families making the faith rooted in human hearts. Today especially the knowledge of Christ and the catechetical teachings are at low ebb. Elisabetta was keenly aware of her serious responsibility of man- aging her family without neglecting her spiritual duty of forming the young ones in the line of Christian upbringing. It is evident that if Chris- tian education with due religious knowledge is lacking the moral and spiritual life of the people will crumble.

10. Elisabetta in the service of the poor

Once, Elisabetta came into association with Vincent Pallotti, her services to the poor increased and her works of mercy expanded to new horizons then Vincent accepted her as a cooperator in his vast apostolic activities. She collaborated with Pallotti through prayer, counsel, and the most needed works of mercy. In the meanwhile her health got dete- riorated. Pallotti helped her to carry on her medical treatment. He man- aged to get a small for her through Archbishop Giovanni Soglia. The group of people engaged in serving the poor especially at Ponte Rotto expanded and people of all sorts, men and women, priests and religious became more interested in the works of mercy. The role Blessed Sanna played in the progress of UAC in various ways was em- phatically attested by Fr. Scapaticci and Fr. Vaccari: “Two people until now have carried our Institute forward: One is as you have often under- stood from Fr. Vincent, Elisabetta Sanna , a poor woman, the other is Cardinal Lambruschini”. For this reason the poor


received the privilege of being buried in the church of , near the tomb of St. Vincent Pallotti. When she died her reputa- tion of holiness was so great that postulator was named for her cause of . She was declared Blessed on January 27, 2014 some 160 years after her death. The miracle which finally led her to be beatified was the healing of a young Brasilian woman of 31 years of age Suzanna Correia da Conceição of an atrophy of the muscles of the right forearm and hand with grave functional impairment on May 18th , 2008- Trinity Sunday. The miracle was approved by on Jan 22nd 2016. On Sat- urday September 17th, 2016 - 160 years after her death, before the Ba- silica of Saccargia, Cardinal Prefect of Congregation for the causes of , presided over the solemn ceremony of the Beatifi- cation of Elisabetta Sanna. It is worth mentioning about one of the collaborators of Pallotti, a holy woman, a saintly widow of Trastevere. She was well known for her prophetic vision and charismatic gifts. Many distinguished personalities like Cardinals came to consult her in im- portant matters. In 1837 on June 8th the holy woman, Anna Maria Taigi, the wife and mother of a family died. It was the time when cholera, the terrible killer plague was raging. In order to keep the people in joyful mood which was necessary to ward of Cholera, the death of Anna Maria was kept secret. Yet multitude came to honour her. Pallotti came to know about her parting to heaven and prayed for her. Pallotti had great admiration for the holy widow. Anna lived a hidden life. The holy woman hailed from Sienna where she was born in 1769. She was a char- ismatic woman with extraordinary blessings from the Lord. She had a “mysterious sun” that appeared in her room , from which she could get knowledge of the past, future and present which was related to the Church and to the salvation of souls. Once, a cousin of Vincent wan- dered away from home. He had been missing for several days. The man had been running a business which ended up in failure. People sus- pected that he had ended his life out of disappointment by jumping into river Tiber which was flooded at that time. Pallotti was anxious to know about him. Anna Maria was consulted about this event. And she with her special powers saw the place where the missing man was staying.

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He was found at the exact place pointed out by her. Pallotti was one of the confessors of Anna Maria. He had great trust in her. Pallotti spoke with her many times as a friend. An interesting story is reported about her “mysterious Sun”. The prophetess could know about the sanctity of a man with whom she was talking through her mysterious sun. If the man was holy the Sun used to shine fully in its entire splendor. But if the man was in sin the sun was darkened. When she was speaking with Pallotti she watched her sun shining in all its radiance. Thus she came to know of the exceptional holiness of Pallotti. When Pallotti received the news of Anna Maria’s death, he thanked the Holy Trinity for the blessings which had been lavished upon her. He used to say “I have appointed her my Chief Secretary and powerful representative of my co-operative Society before the throne of Most Holy Trinity.” In fact, Anna Maria Taigi was an important member of the Union of Catholic Apostolate. The great prophetess through her counsels and inspiration has rendered a conspicuous help to our holy Founder. She was very ten- der hearted and sympathetic towards the poor. Hence together with Anna Maria Taigi, Elisabetta Sanna was indeed a powerful instrument in the Apostolate of Mercy according to the missionary plan of Pallotti. His idea was to show that women are to be apostles like men in different fields of life. Today, the Church has established the role of women in the missionary apostolate as indispensible.

11. A burning love for the Eucharist

During the earlier days of Elisabetta at Codrongianos, we notice how she took part in the Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice every day. Often she went to the church taking her small children along with her. She realized that we are bound to offer adoration, homage, praise and worship to the Lord every day and these were meaningfully offered during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Eucharistic devotion was ever aflame in her throughout her life. In later years she was always in Rome as we have already noted. And at St. Peter’s Basilica she was there at the altar every morning and if she was free she stayed there until the last Mass was over. For she was convinced that a single Holy Mass was by its very nature was greater in power, efficacy and merit compared to any other


Christian prayer. She took pleasure in encouraging others to participate in the Calvary Sacrifice which goes on in the church and in the world large continuously. Forty hours’ Eucharistic adoration was a special devotion in the Church. It was conducted only in few churches during those days. Elis- abetta never missed a chance to go to such churches where the altar and sanctuary were decorated with a liturgical charm attracting many devo- tees especially during the 40 hrs. adoration she remained absorbed in the love of the Eucharistic Lord with profound experience of the Divine Saviour. Her spiritual director Fr. Valle had observed that she spent hours there at the altar whenever possible and received as many as seven Eucharistic blessings a day. (N.B. During those days, there was a popular belief that a Eucharistic blessing namely, the blessing which the priest imparts at the conclusion of the Mass had special privilege of indulgences.) Devotion to Holy Eucharist was indeed an essential part of Pal- lottine Spirituality. In fact, Pallotti desired to found a congregation which is devoted to the adoration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Later on there came to be Eucharistic Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament fulfilling the wishes of the Founder. Fr. Melia remarks that Elisabetta’s love and devotion to the Lord Jesus in the Bl. Sacrament was so deep that she would have offered herself up in adoration before Him throughout her entire life. As for Pallotti, the very adoration of the Lord in the Holy Sacrament was one of the powerful apostolates of the members of the UAC. As for Pallotti, whenever he thought of the Eucharistic Lord the entire picture of Heavenly Court came in front of him. As Prophet Dan- iel would depict in (Daniel 7, 9-14) “The most venerable, the Ancient of ages took his seat. His robe was white as snow…” (We have to add further Rev, 7, 9-12 and Rev, 19, 5-9) Pallotti visualizes the whole of heavenly court with: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Pow- ers, Principalities, Virtues, and Angels come with burning love to adore the Lord and render honour, glory and praise singing, “Glory to the one on the throne (Father) and his son, the Lamb (Jesus) and the spirit forever and ever like a roaring thunder and the stunning noise of the waves of the sea”. In fact, this picture is transferred to

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Eucharistic throne, the Blessed Sacrament ‘This scene was always be- fore the eyes of our Founder whenever he was before the Eucharistic Lord and also at other times. His spiritual eyes could further see the holy Patriarchs and Prophets, Apostles and Evangelists, the holy Inno- cents, martyrs, Pontiffs, Bishops, Doctors, Confessors and Virgins. In short for Pallotti this was the picture of heaven and this shone before him whenever he knelt before the Eucharistic Lord. He imparted to Elis- abetta Sanna his deepest personal devotion to Eucharistic Lord. Very often Sanna had the great privilege to be present at the Altar when he was blessed with the Mystical Levitation and visions.

12. Elisabetta Sanna: a woman of faith

We have already seen Elisabetta’s deep and unshakable faith and burning love for the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Elisabeth lived a simple village life and practiced the simple faith of an ordinary house- wife. Her confidence was so firm that no physical or spiritual problem could shake her. She had the courage of a martyr to bear pain and agony. And her hope for heaven and heavenly beatitude remained ever shining before her. She used to say that one should not forget that “Son of God came down to die for me and suffered terrible agony to atone for my sins. Therefore I have no doubt that I will be saved. Her fond hope was “I have been saved by the merits of Jesus Christ and I trust in the God of Mercy. This intense confidence in God set her heart aflame with love and made her ever happy. Despair could never touch her. Whenever she was in deep distress, she used to utter repeatedly “Mercy, mercy”. In reality a woman like her placed in lifelong handicap and frequent fail- ures will be tempted to be in despair. The evil spirit will always throw darkness and confusion in front of such people. All those who struggle for growth in spiritual life face such discouragement. But Sanna was free from all these distressing thoughts because she had the conviction: “I am completely of God, I am completely of Jesus.” And this Jesus is absolutely powerful and ever faithful. She had a feeling that she could never live far from God. The little poetry she composed while in Sar- dinia is beautiful: “I am completely of God, I am completely of Jesus. I

242 | RIVISTA APOSTOLATO UNIVERSALE ELISABETTA SANNA IMBUED WITH PALLOTTINE CHARISM can no longer live far from God. Jesus is my heart”. Any genuine Chris- tian should have the same feelings felt by Elisaabetta Sanna: “I WOULD LIKE HEAVEN FULL, PURGATORY EMPTIED, AND HELL CLOSED.”


AMOROSO, Francesco SAC, Elisabetta Sanna: The Disabled Women, who Became an Apostle, Victoria, Spectrum Publications, 1996.

BONIFAZI, Flavian SAC, Saint Vincent Pallotti’s Vision, USA: SAC Publications, 1989.

GEORGE, Vensus SAC, Find the God who Seeks You, Bangalore: Asian trading corporation, 2004.

KOLENCHERRY, Augustine SAC, St. Vincent Pallotti, Thiruvanantha- puram: SAC Publications, 2001.

MOELLER, Mary Jacquiline, “Beginning of Union of Catholic Apostlate and the Active Role of Bl. Elizabeth Sanna”, in Pallottine call, ed. Manuel Raj SAC, Banglore: Optim Graphics, 2017. (doubt)

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