™: Shiny Dice A Press Your Luck Dice Game set in the Firefly™ Universe!

Game Components: Dice • 1 Rulebook • 10 Crew Dice • 7 Outlaw Dice (Brown) • 3 Passenger Dice (White)

• 5 Foe Dice (Black) Lyt Pos. 39 CardLyt Pos. # 9 39 CardLyt #Pos. 9 39 Form 1Lyt Pos. 39 FormCard 1 # 9 Name We are just too pretty for God to let us die Card # 9 We are just too pretty for God to let us die • 38 Mission Cards Name We are just too pretty for God to let us dieForm 1 City / Form 1 We are just too pretty for God to let us die Name We are just too pretty for God toCity let us/ die We are just too pretty for God to let us die Name We areCard just Master too pretty Mission for God Card to let us die We are just too pretty for God to let us die Card Master Mission CardCity / Image Name sc09 City / • 32 Victory Point Cards CardImage Master Name Mission sc09 Card PAGECard #:Master Page Mission09 Card PAGEImage #: Page Name 09 sc09 ImageMal 2Name sc09 PAGE #:Mal Page 2 09 PAGEZoe 2 #: Page 09 • 20 – 100 Point Cards Zoe 2Mal 2 Wash 0 Mal 2 Wash 0Zoe 2 Jayne 0 Zoe 2 JayneWash 0 0 Kaylee 0 Wash 0 • 12 – 500 Point cards KayleeJayne 0 0 Supplies 0 Jayne 0 SuppliesKaylee 0 0 Simon 0 Kaylee 0 SimonSupplies 0 0 River 0Supplies 0 • 30 Supply Cards RiverSimon 0 0 Inara 0 Simon 0 InaraRiver 0 0 Book 0 River 0 BookInara 0 0 Saffron 0 Inara 0 • 10 Single Supply Cards SaffronBook 0 0 Niska 0 Book 0 Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to NiskaSaffron 0 0 yourMission Temporary Complete: Score Pool Add and 2 Victorygain 2 Supplies.Points to Badger 0 Saffron 0 Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to BadgerNiska 0 0 your Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. Total 4 Niska 0 yourMission Temporary Complete: Score Pool Add and 2 Victory gain 2 Supplies.Points to • 10 Double Supply Cards TotalBadger 4 0 Keyword 1 / Side A Escape Badger 0 your Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. Keyword 1 / Side A EscapeTotal 4 Keyword 2 / Side B Total 4 “You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is.” KeywordKeyword 1 / 2 Side / Side A Escape B “You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is.” • 10 Triple Supply Cards Completed Mission Bonus Mission Complete: Add 2 VictoryKeyword PointsKeyword 1 to / yourSide 2 / ASide Escape B “You got a job, weESCAPE can do it. Don’t much care what it is.” Completed Mission Bonus Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to your ESCAPE Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 KeywordSupplies. 2 / Side B “You got a ©2015job, UDC.we can & © 2015do Fox.it. Don’t much care what it is.” Completed Mission Bonus TemporaryMission Complete: Score Pool Add and 2 Victory gain 2 PointsSupplies. to your ™ ESCAPE FlavorCompleted Text You Mission got a job, Bonus we MissioncanTemporary do it. Complete: Don’t Score much AddPool care 2and Victory what gain it Points2 is. Supplies. to your ©2015 UDC. ™ & ©ESCAPE 2015 Fox. Flavor Text You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is. ©2015 UDC. ™ & © 2015 Fox. • 5 Player Screens Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. ©2015 UDC. & © 2015 Fox. Flavor Text You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is. ™ Flavor Text You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is. • 2 Play Mats Mission Cards

Game Shield

1 Game Mat

Lyt Pos. 2 Card # 39 Form 1 Name Lyt Pos. 6 City / Card # 40 Card Master Single Suppy Card Form 1 Image Name Name PAGE #: Page 39 Card Master Double Suppy CityCard / Mal Image Name Zoe PAGE #: Page 40 Wash Jayne Mal Kaylee Zoe Supplies Wash Simon Jayne River Kaylee Supplies Inara Lyt Pos. 10 Simon Book Card # 41 Saffron River Form 1 Niska Inara Book Card Master Triple Supply CardName ™ & © 2015 Fox. Badger ©2015 UDC. City / Total Saffron

Total Total Niska Image Name

Flavor Text Text Flavor

Niska Niska Keyword 1 / Side A 1 Badger Badger

Book Book PAGE #: Page 41

Inara Inara Saffron Saffron Badger

River River Keyword 2 / Side B 1

Simon Simon

Zoe Zoe Total Jayne Jayne Kaylee Kaylee

Supplies Supplies Wash Wash Mal Mal Completed Mission Bonus Keyword 1 / Side A 2 Mal

Flavor Text

City / City ©2015Keyword UDC. ™ & © 20152 / Fox. Side B 2 Zoe

Name Name

Keyword 2 / Side B 100 B Side / 2 Keyword

Completed Mission Bonus Bonus Mission Completed Keyword 1 / Side A 100 A Side / 1 Keyword

Form 1 Form Completed Mission Bonus Wash

Image Name Name Image

Card # 42 # Card Lyt Pos. 4 Pos. Lyt Jayne PAGE #: Page 42 Page #: PAGE Flavor Text Kaylee Supplies ©2015 UDC. Simon ™ & © 2015 Fox.

River Card Master 100 Victory Point Card Point Victory 100 Master Card Inara Book Supply CardsSaffron Niska Badger Keyword 1 / Side A 3 Total Keyword 2 / Side B 3 Completed Mission Bonus

©2015 UDC. ™ & © 2015 Fox. Flavor Text

Total Total

Book Book Niska Niska

Inara Inara

River River

Badger Badger Zoe Zoe

Mal Mal

Saffron Saffron

Simon Simon

Jayne Jayne

Wash Wash

Flavor Text Text Flavor

Kaylee Kaylee

City / City

Supplies Supplies

Name Name

Form 1 Form ©2015 UDC.

Card # 43 # Card ™

Lyt Pos. 7 Pos. Lyt & © 2015 Fox.

Image Name Name Image

PAGE #: Page 43 Page #: PAGE Keyword 2 / Side B 500 B Side / 2 Keyword

Victory Point Cards500 A Side / 1 Keyword Completed Mission Bonus Bonus Mission Completed

Card Master 500 Victory Point Card Point Victory 500 Master Card 2 Object: Play Area: Use Crew Members aboard While playing, ensure you have to complete missions enough space to roll all of the and defeat evil Foes! Firefly™: dice. Once the dice are rolled they Shiny Dice is played over 3 are then placed in the appropriate rounds. At the end, the player areas on the Play Mat. If a Play with the most Victory Points wins Mat is not used, ensure that and is declared the “Best in the players distinguish between dice ’Verse”! For longer games, you “In Play” and those “Locked” or can add more rounds, however, “Knocked Out”. we recommend 3 for an average game length. Here’s how it is… Firefly™: Shiny Dice is played over a course of Set Up: 3 rounds. In each round, each • Ensure each player has their player will take a turn. Depending own empty space in front of on the outcome of that turn, a them for their play area. player may take additional turns, • Each player chooses a player in a row, pressing their luck, screen to place in front of over the course of one round. them which has game Remember, this is a press your information on the back and luck dice game, and while at first, will hide their collected points it may seem easy to defeat your from their opponents. Foes, over time, your Crew will • Randomly choose a player to tire, and they will need to recoup! be the first player. Danger lurks around every corner, • Hand all 15 dice to the first player. but with smart teamwork, you can • Place all Victory Point Cards in become the “Best in the ‘Verse”! the center within reach of all players. Dice Icons • Place all Supply Cards in Mal Supplies Badger the center within reach

of all players. Zoe Simon Saffron • Shuffle all Mission Cards together to form Wash River Niska the Mission Deck. Jayne Inara

Kaylee Book 3 Gameplay: IMPORTANT NOTE: You may only Step 1 – Get a Crew: make one reroll, choosing some, This is where you make your all, or none of your dice to reroll all initial roll to see what Foes are at once, based on the above rules. attempting to make life miserable for the Crew of Serenity, and what Phase 3: Check the dice as they members of the Serenity will help are after rerolls are complete you… you hope! and perform the following steps in order: Phase 1: Roll all 15 dice and based 1. If you rolled 4 of a kind of any on the die faces rolled, perform Foe, all other players must the following steps in order: discard 100 Victory Points 1. Foe Dice are locked in their to the main supply. If any respective area(s). player does not have any 2. Supplies are locked in the Victory Points to discard, there Supplies area. is no additional penalty. 3. Crew Dice are all placed 2. If you rolled 5 of a kind of any into Serenity. Foe, then in addition to all other players discarding 100 Victory Phase 2: Choose which dice, if Points to the main supply, your any, to reroll: turn is immediately over. • For each Wash die, you may 3. All Crew Dice are placed re-roll it and one other Crew in Serenity. Die of your choice that is in 4. Apply the Team Bonus! If Serenity. you have at least four different • You may reroll just the Wash Outlaws, the team gets to die and do not have to choose immediately do 1 damage point an additional die to reroll. to any Foe! (Supply dice rolls • You may not reroll any do not count as Outlaws) Supply Dice. 5. Proceed to Step 2 – Get a Mission! • For each River die, you may reroll it and any one Foe Die of your choice. • You may reroll just the River die and do not have to choose a Foe Die to reroll.

4 Note: If you like, you can try Step 2 – Get a Mission: different levels of difficulties Each turn, the active player for the “Get a Crew!” step by has the chance to complete an changing the results based off the optional Mission! number of Foes rolled: The active player reveals the top • Rookie: If you rolled 5 of a kind card of the Mission Deck and of any Foe, all other players places it in front of them. For this must discard 100 Victory Points turn, it is the active Mission and to the main supply. for only this turn, the active player • Hero: If you rolled 4 of a kind may complete it for additional of any Foe, all other players bonuses, as described by the must discard 100 Victory Points Mission Card. If a Mission is not to the main supply. completed before the end of this • Legendary: If you rolled 3 of a turn, it is discarded. kind of any Foe, all other players must discard 100 Victory Points to the main supply.

Lyt Pos. 39 Card # 9 Form 1 Name We are just too pretty for God to let us die We are just too pretty for God to let us die Card Name City / Card Master Mission Card Image Name sc09 PAGE #: Page 09 Mal 2 Zoe 2 Wash 0 Jayne 0 Kaylee 0 Supplies 0 Simon 0 River 0 Die Icons required to Inara 0 Book 0 complete the mission Saffron 0 Niska 0 Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to Card Text Badger 0 your Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. Total 4 Flavor Text Keyword 1 / Side A Escape Keyword 2 / Side B “You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is.” Completed Mission Bonus Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to your ESCAPE Mission Keyword Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. ©2015 UDC. ™ & © 2015 Fox. Flavor Text You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is.

5 Mission Cards may have one or beginning of Step 3 - Misbehave. more of the following Keywords This damage is dealt immediately on them. at the start, before the Foes Mission Keywords: strike! Additionally, all Shiny Escape: If the active player Missions offer an added bonus of completes a Mission with Escape, an additional 1 point of damage they may choose to end their to any Foe, if you can complete turn immediately, gain all Victory them! Points in the temporary score pool regardless of how many Foes are Step 3 – Misbehave!: left in play and then pass the dice During this step, it’s your chance to the next player to begin that to complete the active Mission player’s turn. and/or fight the Foe(s)!

Bushwhacked: If a Mission with Phase 1 – Shiny Times: Bushwhacked is not completed If the active Mission is a Shiny the turn it is revealed then the Mission then the active player may player must choose to “Lay Low” choose one Foe to deal 1 point of in Step 4 - Lay Low or Keep Flyin’. damage to them immediately. Card Name Gorram: If a Mission with Gorram Phase 2 - Foes Strike: is completed this turn the active For all Foes remaining (Black player must choose to “Keep Dice), resolve their Effects in Flyin’” in Step 4 - Lay Low or the following order: Niska, then Keep Flyin’. Saffron, then Badger.

Sabotage: If a Mission with • If any Niska dice were locked: Sabotage is revealed, you must KO 1 Crew Die, at the active immediately reroll all of your player’s choice! Crew Dice and keep the results • For each Saffron die locked: rolled. (Foe Dice are not rerolled) Move 1 Crew Die in Serenity to This can be avoided if you have the Cargo Hold. the appropriate Crew Dice to • For each Badger die locked: complete the Mission. Move and lock 1 Supply die next to a Badger die. These Shiny: Missions with Shiny Supplies are considered to immediately deal 1 point of have been captured by Badger, damage to any Foe at the however, they can be scored 6 the moment you defeat Badger • Dice previously moved to the as well! Cargo Hold will not be available to be used for Effects, NOTE ABOUT SUPPLIES: If there nor to be used to complete are more Supply dice than Badger Missions, as they are no dice, then place 1 Supply die next longer in Serenity, but may to each Badger die and leave be brought back to Serenity the remaining Supply dice in the with Mal’s “Inspiration” Power Supplies area. These additional or Simon’s “Adoration” Power, Supplies can only be scored if ALL both of which are outlined below. of the Foes are defeated! • When a Power is used to deal damage, each point of damage Phase 3 – Have a plan: removes a single Foe Die. Using the remaining Crew Dice • Foes are considered to have in Serenity, players use Effects a Health Total equal to the from each Crew Member Power number of their dice showing. granted from the dice face For example, if the active showing on each die to defeat player rolled 3 x Saffron and 2 x Niska, it will take 3 damage the Foes and possibly complete to defeat Saffron and 2 the Mission! damage to defeat Niska. • You may perform die Effects • When all of a specific Foe’s in any order. When a Crew dice are removed from play, Die’s Power is used it is moved the Foe is considered defeated to the “Knocked Out” (KO) area and is no longer in play. and will not be available if you • When you defeat a Foe, place choose to “Keep Flyin’” in 100 Victory Points in a Step 5. temporary score pool, forming • Dice used to complete the current “at risk” score Missions are NOT moved to pool. This will act as a “running the KO Pile. Completing a total” of points the current Mission using dice requires player is racking up, and could you to only have rolled the potentially score this round. required dice face(s), not use • Keep the current “at risk” the dice as an Effect to score pool separate from any complete the Mission. player’s current claimed Victory Points so as not to mix them up.

7 • The active player may, at any time during their turn, from this point on, use the dice face showing in Serenity to complete the active mission. If they do, the Mission Bonus as described on the card is applied immediately.

Crew Dice Powers: Below are the Powers and associated Effects for each dice face that could be rolled for the Crew Dice

Outlaw Dice (Brown) Name: Power(s): Effect(s): Charm: Deal 2 damage to Saffron (All damage must be applied to Saffron only) Inspiration: Choose 1 Outlaw Die or up to 2 Passenger Dice in the Cargo Hold Mal and reroll them, and place them in Serenity (These dice may be used this turn to fight any Foe!)

Zoe Cover Fire: Deal 2 Damage, divided as you choose to any Foe(s)

Leaf on the Wind: Re-roll Wash and any one additional Crew Die Wash (Only during Step 1 - Get a Crew)

Vera: Deal 2 Damage to any one Foe Jayne Damaged Calm: KO this and 1 additional die in Serenity and defeat any one Foe regardless of their remaining health.

Thruster Overload: Deal 1 Damage to any Foe and move 1 die Kaylee from the KO pile to the Cargo Hold

Supplies Locked in the Supply Hold

Passenger Dice (White) Name: Power(s): Effect(s):

Simon Adoration: Move 1 Kaylee from the KO pile to Serenity

Psychic Link: Re-roll River and any one Foe die (Only during Step River 1 - Get a Crew) Unstable Reaction: Deal 1 damage to each Foe Companionship: Score 100 Victory Points immediately (Note, this Inara is scored immediately and not placed in the current “at risk” score pool!) Salvation: Discard an amount of Book dice equal to the number of Book Foes in play (total Foes, not total Foe dice) to capture all Victory Points in the current “at risk” score pool and end your turn immediately

Supplies Locked in the Supply Hold

Additionally, any Passenger can be used to deal 1 point of damage to any Foe (Supplies do not count as Passengers) 8 Phase 4 – Damage report: Step 4 – Lay Low or In this step you will either have Keep Flyin’: been defeated and pass your turn In this step you will reap your rewards or determine your potential spoils or choose to press your luck! of victory! • Move all Crew Dice left in If any Foes are still in Serenity, as well as all Supply play, undefeated: dice remaining in the Supplies • The current player’s turn is Area, to the Cargo Hold. over and they score 0 Victory • All dice used for Effects this Points for this turn, placing any turn remain in the KO area and all “at risk” Victory Points (KO’d dice are not available from the current temporary should you choose to score area back into the “Keep Flyin’”). main supply. • The current player now • Any Supplies claimed this turn chooses to “Lay Low” or are placed behind the player’s “Keep Flyin’”. player screen. • If the player chooses to • They pass all 15 dice to the “Lay Low”: next player and that player • They take all Victory Points takes the next turn. accumulated in the current “at risk” score pool as their • Skip Step 4 – Lay Low or Keep score for this round, add Flyin’, as the current player’s them to their total, and they turn is over. end their turn. • Place all Victory Points, and If the current player defeated all any Supplies claimed this of the Foes in play: turn, behind the player’s • For each Supply remaining in the player screen. Supplies Area, take 1 Supply from • They take all 15 dice and the center of the table. This give them to the player on their left and play continues represents the Supplies you have with that player’s turn. salvaged this turn. While Victory • If the player chooses to Points may be accumulated and “Keep Flyin’”: lost, Supply Tokens are • The player risks all Victory permanent. If you choose to Points in the current “at “Keep Flyin’” in Step 4, the risk” score pool and takes Supplies you’ve claimed cannot another turn using all 5 be lost, should you be defeated. Foe Dice and only the remaining dice in the 9 Cargo Hold for another turn, Designer notes: starting at Step 1 – I never set out to become a game Get a Crew. designer, but as a wise man once • If the player fails to defeat said, “Life is what happens when the Foe(s) in their next turn, you’re making other plans.” In all Victory Points truth, this game in your hands is accumulated in the current the culmination of a bit of luck, “at risk” score pool are a lot of work, and even more lost and they will get 0 love. When it started, the game Victory Points was “Orcs vs Goblins” and was • Remember that Supplies claimed something I made with my son, are permanent and are not lost Zach, for us to enjoy together. We if you “Keep Flyin’” and lose to wanted something different from press your luck dice games, and the Foes. we hope you agree that’s what you’re holding right now. End of Game Scoring: I want to thank my amazing, talented, creative, and funny kids, After 3 rounds of play, each player Elyzabeth, Zach and Wyatt. They reveals their Victory Points and inspire me and motivate me every Supplies they have gained from day, and thankfully, make me behind their player screens and laugh and smile all the time! I also want to thank my wonderful wife, adds up the total of each they Betsy, who not only supports me have accumulated. Victory Points in all my crazy habits and ideas, are worth their face value and but actually encourages me to go every two Supplies are worth 100 further into the ‘Verse! I love you, Victory Points. The player with the you’re my best friend, and you always make me feel Shiny! most total points is the winner! Finally, I’d like to thank Joss Remember, you can vary the Whedon and the entire cast of Firefly for providing us some of the game’s length by changing the best moments on TV ever. Firefly number of rounds you play as well means so much to so many of and change the level of difficulty us and I know I personally have in the “Get a Crew” step to add smiled so many times thanks to variation to your gameplay. them and their creative efforts and talents! With that… I guess there’s really only one thing left to say… “Well... here I am.”

10 Credits

Designer: Scott Morris Co-Designer: Zachary Morris Brand Management: Jason Brenner Product Management: Bubby Johanson Development Team: Jason Brenner, Heather Denaro, Crystal Goggio, Bubby Johanson, Travis Rhea, Matt Rogers, Mark Shaunessy Graphic Design: Krista Timberlake Project Management: Rachel Valverde Director of Creative Services: Mike Eggleston President, Upper Deck Company: Jason Masherah

Special thanks to the following Play Testers for their help, their time, their feedback, and their (sometimes) brutal, but tremendous honesty: Benjamin Sperling, Betsy Morris, Chris Fianchi, Daniel Louzau, Donnie Clark, Jacqueline Sperling, Jasmine Tan, Kendra Fianchi, William Zobac, Xander Lee, Zachary Lee, Zachary Morris

©2015 UDC. 2251 Rutherford Road, Carlsbad, CA 92008. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. Firefly ™ & © 2015 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.