™ Firefly™: Shiny Dice A Press Your Luck Dice Game set in the Firefly™ Universe! Game Components: Dice • 1 Rulebook • 10 Crew Dice • 7 Outlaw Dice (Brown) • 3 Passenger Dice (White) • 5 Foe Dice (Black) Lyt Pos. 39 CardLyt Pos. # 9 39 CardLyt #Pos. 9 39 Form 1Lyt Pos. 39 FormCard 1 # 9 Name We are just too pretty for God to let us die Card # 9 WE ARE JUST TOO PRETTY FOR GOD TO LET US DIE • 38 Mission Cards Name We are just too pretty for God to let us dieForm 1 City / Form 1 WE ARE JUST TOO PRETTY FOR GOD TO LET US DIE Name We are just too pretty for God toCity let us/ die WE ARE JUST TOO PRETTY FOR GOD TO LET US DIE Name We areCard just Master too pretty Mission for God Card to let us die WE ARE JUST TOO PRETTY FOR GOD TO LET US DIE Card Master Mission CardCity / Image Name sc09 City / • 32 Victory Point Cards CardImage Master Name Mission sc09 Card PAGECard #:Master Page Mission09 Card PAGEImage #: Page Name 09 sc09 ImageMal 2Name sc09 PAGE #:Mal Page 2 09 PAGEZoe 2 #: Page 09 • 20 – 100 Point Cards Zoe 2Mal 2 Wash 0 Mal 2 Wash 0Zoe 2 Jayne 0 Zoe 2 JayneWash 0 0 Kaylee 0 Wash 0 • 12 – 500 Point cards KayleeJayne 0 0 Supplies 0 Jayne 0 SuppliesKaylee 0 0 Simon 0 Kaylee 0 SimonSupplies 0 0 River 0Supplies 0 • 30 Supply Cards RiverSimon 0 0 Inara 0 Simon 0 InaraRiver 0 0 Book 0 River 0 BookInara 0 0 Saffron 0 Inara 0 • 10 Single Supply Cards SaffronBook 0 0 Niska 0 Book 0 Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to NiskaSaffron 0 0 yourMission Temporary Complete: Score Pool Add and 2 Victorygain 2 Supplies.Points to Badger 0 Saffron 0 Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to BadgerNiska 0 0 your Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. Total 4 Niska 0 yourMission Temporary Complete: Score Pool Add and 2 Victory gain 2 Supplies.Points to • 10 Double Supply Cards TotalBadger 4 0 Keyword 1 / Side A Escape Badger 0 your Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. Keyword 1 / Side A EscapeTotal 4 Keyword 2 / Side B Total 4 “You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is.” KeywordKeyword 1 / 2 Side / Side A Escape B “You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is.” • 10 Triple Supply Cards Completed Mission Bonus Mission Complete: Add 2 VictoryKeyword PointsKeyword 1 to / yourSide 2 / ASide Escape B “You got a job, weESCAPE can do it. Don’t much care what it is.” Completed Mission Bonus Mission Complete: Add 2 Victory Points to your ESCAPE Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 KeywordSupplies. 2 / Side B “You got a ©2015job, UDC.we can & © 2015do Fox.it. Don’t much care what it is.” Completed Mission Bonus TemporaryMission Complete: Score Pool Add and 2 Victory gain 2 PointsSupplies. to your ™ ESCAPE FlavorCompleted Text You Mission got a job, Bonus we MissioncanTemporary do it. Complete: Don’t Score much AddPool care 2and Victory what gain it Points2 is. Supplies. to your ©2015 UDC. ™ & ©ESCAPE 2015 Fox. Flavor Text You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is. ©2015 UDC. ™ & © 2015 Fox. • 5 Player Screens Temporary Score Pool and gain 2 Supplies. ©2015 UDC. & © 2015 Fox. Flavor Text You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is. ™ Flavor Text You got a job, we can do it. Don’t much care what it is. • 2 Play Mats Mission Cards Game Shield 1 Game Mat Lyt Pos. 2 Card # 39 Form 1 Name Lyt Pos. 6 City / Card # 40 Card Master Single Suppy Card Form 1 Image Name Name PAGE #: Page 39 Card Master Double Suppy CityCard / Mal Image Name Zoe PAGE #: Page 40 Wash Jayne Mal Kaylee Zoe Supplies Wash Simon Jayne River Kaylee Supplies Inara Lyt Pos. 10 Simon Book Card # 41 Saffron River Form 1 Niska Inara Book Card Master Triple Supply CardName ™ & © 2015 Fox. Badger ©2015 UDC. City / Total Saffron Total Total Niska Image Name Flavor Text Text Flavor Niska Niska Keyword 1 / Side A 1 Badger Badger Book Book PAGE #: Page 41 Inara Inara Saffron Saffron Badger River River Keyword 2 / Side B 1 Simon Simon Zoe Zoe Total Jayne Jayne Kaylee Kaylee Supplies Supplies Wash Wash Mal Mal Completed Mission Bonus Keyword 1 / Side A 2 Mal Flavor Text City / City ©2015Keyword UDC. ™ & © 20152 / Fox. Side B 2 Zoe Name Name Keyword 2 / Side B 100 B Side / 2 Keyword Completed Mission Bonus Bonus Mission Completed Keyword 1 / Side A 100 A Side / 1 Keyword Form 1 Form Completed Mission Bonus Wash Image Name Name Image Card # 42 # Card Lyt Pos. 4 Pos. Lyt Jayne PAGE #: Page 42 Page #: PAGE Flavor Text Kaylee Supplies ©2015 UDC. Simon ™ & © 2015 Fox. River Card Master 100 Victory Point Card Point Victory 100 Master Card Inara Book Supply CardsSaffron Niska Badger Keyword 1 / Side A 3 Total Keyword 2 / Side B 3 Completed Mission Bonus ©2015 UDC. ™ & © 2015 Fox. Flavor Text Total Total Book Book Niska Niska Inara Inara River River Badger Badger Zoe Zoe Mal Mal Saffron Saffron Simon Simon Jayne Jayne Wash Wash Flavor Text Text Flavor Kaylee Kaylee City / City Supplies Supplies Name Name Form 1 Form ©2015 UDC. Card # 43 # Card ™ Lyt Pos. 7 Pos. Lyt & © 2015 Fox. Image Name Name Image PAGE #: Page 43 Page #: PAGE Keyword 2 / Side B 500 B Side / 2 Keyword Victory Point Cards500 A Side / 1 Keyword Completed Mission Bonus Bonus Mission Completed Card Master 500 Victory Point Card Point Victory 500 Master Card 2 Object: Play Area: Use Crew Members aboard While playing, ensure you have Serenity to complete missions enough space to roll all of the and defeat evil Foes! Firefly™: dice. Once the dice are rolled they Shiny Dice is played over 3 are then placed in the appropriate rounds. At the end, the player areas on the Play Mat. If a Play with the most Victory Points wins Mat is not used, ensure that and is declared the “Best in the players distinguish between dice ’Verse”! For longer games, you “In Play” and those “Locked” or can add more rounds, however, “Knocked Out”. we recommend 3 for an average game length. Here’s how it is… Firefly™: Shiny Dice is played over a course of Set Up: 3 rounds. In each round, each • Ensure each player has their player will take a turn. Depending own empty space in front of on the outcome of that turn, a them for their play area. player may take additional turns, • Each player chooses a player in a row, pressing their luck, screen to place in front of over the course of one round. them which has game Remember, this is a press your information on the back and luck dice game, and while at first, will hide their collected points it may seem easy to defeat your from their opponents. Foes, over time, your Crew will • Randomly choose a player to tire, and they will need to recoup! be the first player. Danger lurks around every corner, • Hand all 15 dice to the first player. but with smart teamwork, you can • Place all Victory Point Cards in become the “Best in the ‘Verse”! the center within reach of all players. Dice Icons • Place all Supply Cards in Mal Supplies Badger the center within reach of all players. Zoe Simon Saffron • Shuffle all Mission Cards together to form Wash River Niska the Mission Deck. Jayne Inara Kaylee Book 3 Gameplay: IMPORTANT NOTE: You may only Step 1 – Get a Crew: make one reroll, choosing some, This is where you make your all, or none of your dice to reroll all initial roll to see what Foes are at once, based on the above rules. attempting to make life miserable for the Crew of Serenity, and what Phase 3: Check the dice as they members of the Serenity will help are after rerolls are complete you… you hope! and perform the following steps in order: Phase 1: Roll all 15 dice and based 1. If you rolled 4 of a kind of any on the die faces rolled, perform Foe, all other players must the following steps in order: discard 100 Victory Points 1. Foe Dice are locked in their to the main supply. If any respective area(s). player does not have any 2. Supplies are locked in the Victory Points to discard, there Supplies area. is no additional penalty. 3. Crew Dice are all placed 2. If you rolled 5 of a kind of any into Serenity. Foe, then in addition to all other players discarding 100 Victory Phase 2: Choose which dice, if Points to the main supply, your any, to reroll: turn is immediately over. • For each Wash die, you may 3. All Crew Dice are placed re-roll it and one other Crew in Serenity. Die of your choice that is in 4. Apply the Team Bonus! If Serenity. you have at least four different • You may reroll just the Wash Outlaws, the team gets to die and do not have to choose immediately do 1 damage point an additional die to reroll. to any Foe! (Supply dice rolls • You may not reroll any do not count as Outlaws) Supply Dice. 5. Proceed to Step 2 – Get a Mission! • For each River die, you may reroll it and any one Foe Die of your choice.
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