rroM Onr West SM* BepavMr. ,Dry Good8.~E. H. Sl»7ton. The News for $1.00. W. O. Longyear and wife spent Ford's New Year's in Lansing. Hlaaea Dora Andenon, Pearl Bobln* In view of the failure of the oropa A. It. Vandereook baa 18-lnob wood, son, Mabel Sean of Lansing and Mrs. PvBuiBio Bvxar TanaasAT. Br «nd tlie astrlngeney of the times we both dry and green, for sale. * Wm. Atchison of Eaton Bapida were will Bend The^ewb for one year for Charllo Henderson returned toOr- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1 one dollar caah In advance to any new Hull over New Year's. I Dry Qoods obard Lake to sohool last Tuesday. Om t—ft II.SOi iU Monih*. 7S MiHi lkp«« aubacrlber, to nny old subaoriber not Mr. and Mn. £kl. Petty, after pass­ «*iMil, 40 Mat*—la idvMtt. Mrs. L. Newcomb of Detroit has now in arrears, and to any old sub­ ing the holidays among their friends been visiting S. J. P. Smead'a family AOvcRTiiiia RATn. -And- aoriber. owl Hg for back aubsorlptlon In this city, Lansing, and Danavllle, _ Onr kdTertliIng r»t«« mad* known alofflM, who will pay up to date and advance this week. Builnoncardiserved at the OHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE The Ladies' Library association will went by way of South Toledo and musicians in the state, the members isoetf W. J. Htva., Leslie. Jr over L. C.Webb's Clolliing Store. Musou, M. E. church as the week of prayer. are enabled to get music ut wholesale iiichigaD. lawtf give a musicals at die home of Mrs. L. made her brother o short visit, meeting Read Q. W. aiynn's "ad» In another *eol- Joiin R. Dwiiiell and wife spent C. Webb, Wednesday evening, Jon. prices besides some other privileges umn—"To the traveling pabUe." Bu.. oooac, M„.. DM.. . HOMEOPATHI8T. the wedding party at Adrian. r EaekaisKe. sale prices. Purchasers can make a beautiful and have that even, solid firms upon it. Ever.v five minutes a 0MEOPATH18T. OFFICE AND BESI- Tlie plumbers are putting the '^n Improved Farms and City Property. dence over C. Q. Huntington's Slioe profitable Investment there, even for fiber which shows that they were made bell rings and each cylinder turns one- ia08tf MAMSHALI, A OASTkHtlM. re. Mason, Night culls answered at office. flxtures tutu S. J. P.'Smead's new next winter's use. » entirely without the aid of machinery. quarter around so that a firm's name residence this week. Jnekavn Staae Og A. Butler had a tub containing four is before the public on each cylinder And sewer pipe of aUjilitea on hand and fbr. Mason Business Directory. Ford &, Kirby distributed 75 presanta 8. H. Opdyke of Detroit spent a gallons and a quart of bulk oysters one-fourth of the time. sale by \mtf. J. ".V. Ouapiw. Men, Mich. among their customers last Monday liIHVEI.I.ANEOUB. portion of the holidays visiting friends sneaked from in front of his grocery Judge Peck opened his first term of Call evening besidesa com ph men tary watch in Mason and vicinity. last Saturday evening between eight court in this circuit at Mason last Tues­ At the city daUdlni^ and twenty John S. MAnMAomtE, Oovornor of Mis­ clour It iill lip I» t''" "ir>''i *''''^'' I'""™ •torca . • -• souri, diod ot pnouiuonin on tho uvoning of "THE'COMING GLORY." weakness, nor fatlgno. • "Fyo hath not seen if, oar hiitUnot hcai'd It." .' -. tho thfono, no ilark mystery "ve- — JL . Tub losses to the Iron works of tho conn-, the 28th abJcll'orsoii.Cliy,,iigod .Ufty-joiu; country roiid, hia head oont down la doop for the morrow—m fact, whothor taare eled rollof, wero tho words; "Niitsilie, from ";'r • I roiiiiirk, turtUor. that wo' 'can, in this 'Things •now utterly iiiserutublo will bo i thonglit.' ' '•.. .' , • '•. ' A WINTER PILGRIMAGE miners njul fiirmora, iis well OB-frtilt ;(rrow- ' try'-lby ffitedtirlnef the year 1887 wore'cRtl> years. • ' -• llhuiilnod (ifl plainly as though tho iinawcr (V;,utii;i. woro any morrow, a1> all i evcu his contest Otto." a. A, MAV, Publiaban'^-' : vf moted'on fl^a .211th nt I)i4,a81,000, ugalnaC ' Jud6e IlirAt.T,o, of'.tho ifew Yorlc Cnnrfc Sertbon by Rey;. T. DeWitt' TW- world, got no. just idoitot tlio spTondors ot .Tutigjnff from tho dejo'otod look upon bis erH, and land Is nhoap, there la no wonder ' Heavou. John trios to dosorlbo tlicm. He wore-written on the jasper wall, or sounded w'ith tho dreaded ins.itiit.y-^ovory thing'yAS Xiilallel His heart lotipcd. Horo waa Auilcl SuimhliK., X'ruilii anil ITlowora. that thoy oxpeot to tiausforin the old min­ (t8,417,.500 In iligo. ot AppoalB, died on tho 28lh In Now York maso, D. D. in tho tcmpln antiicin. Ikutouvnn wlU couiitcnunoo nml tho occaBionul profound I biinislied from his mind, savo ono uU-al)- proof positive that his ilrat prcaontiment Bpeclul Corrospondonoe. ing cniiip into n viist orange rtovo. As ten MASON. i . : MICfilG-iNi The Liithrop Momorlfil building nt Al- City. ; . , Hii.ys "tho t\\;elvo gates tiro twolvo^pourls," J. A. MXX, Pub^Hr. High that lie uttered, tho subject of hia and thi't "the foujulations'of tho wall arc thank dod that he was blind; uml LazartiK Horbing and burniuff tliottght, lind that tho was cor.i'cet. OllOVII.i.E, liniTE Co., Ciil., I aoi'oaotwell oultlvuted ornngo grove nf- iwiy,,N. v., oraotod- by Jtrs. •••iiBlinid Stiiu- tJoilN iT. LiTTi.CTOu; cdltor.o'f tlio, Xalloiiitt nicditulion did not ooem lo bo ngrceablo to ivresistibhi dcaii'C mid uiiconciucniblo ro- forda n splendid inconin, thoy olaliu thut Tlio Hnstcniiif; Veiii's—Ituiiiiiii Icleim nC garnished with all-. iiianneri...ol' iireelous that ho wus covered with sores; und Joseph ; MASON, ''BciIIGAN. Dec. !M, 18B;. f ford, of San Wanoisco, as n honio for worlc- Jiciiiiiu), of Nashvllio, Tonii,, who was shot that ho was ea.st Into the pit; and Daniel lilm. Ill liis Inmd lie hold a switch and, in it Bolve to learn who she was, where tvas her ciiAPTinn in. Picking np a morning paper in San Frnn- there ia room for 200,000 more people In Ing-womon's children, was dedicated on rCconily by Joseiih 11. LaukH, died ou tho llfuiveii, llowoviii* lilxalttMl. C Sorrow* 8truck ut Ilio [itonoa lyiii.g in his jiatli; or (janco did not diire su.y. Buom largo, bnt that is only u natnriil inci­ and No I'lirliiiKH Tliuro. tliyst, und potirl, and eiuer.ild, and sar­ ho was huiuphackcd; and David that he "I DON'T BELIEVi IT." Guy in henrt, rejoicing, yot conaeious of mont of an excuraion from that city to Oro^ dent of tliu climate. Whan yon conaider A rAN-IlANDLE freight train, with twenty- W. W. ConooK.VN, • ot Washington, tho wus drivon frovi .Terusiilem; and that In- kiioclted off I.ho hoadn of (lowers growing an uceomiianyiiig seerel,-aud not allxJgethur villo to attend u ciliiis fair. 'To a "tundcr- that tho county contalna 1,704 Hijuoro four loaded oars, ran Into nn opan switeQ noted philanthropist, celobrutocl his nine­ donyx, and chrysoprasns, and sapidilre, a by tho roadside. CHAPTKn II. INTERESTINQ NEWS COMPILATION. moiintain ot light, a catarai;t of color, a vulid that fer twentv yeiirs he could not lift (EUOM THE SI'ANIRa|) unpleasunt, mehiiieliol.y, ho wallicd rapidly i'ool" the display of citrus fruit is a matter nillo.a, and ],;i;JO,000 acres, ono half of Hour Boworston, O., on tho l!!tth, and was tieth hirthduy on thu 27t1i. "Tho Coming Glory" wiui the subject of Ills head freiu the jullow; and that widow Kveraudanon, llio innato iiudacily ot tho HT llEAVENi I'rj. riND OUT! toward t-lie village which, ns he hnd con­ ot interest In this region ot suushiuo, hnt which (B agricultural imd fruit land, thu oomplutoly wrecked, tho oiu's ctitchlng lire Dr. Talnnigu'B rociiiit Kernion in-the Lrool;- Koa of glass, and u city like the sun. That the yoiiiii^ widow weepiihuml .slf^hs man, his dolimit yet ciirolcs.i nature,soeiin;cl claim docn not aooni bd npocr,vphalaftelnU. '* DOMESTIC. Tub I'rohlbltlou convontton at, Topckn, John bids us Imd: again, und we see that she hail such hard work to earn broad Over the ijrave \i'Iioro her husbiiiid llos, Tho lioi'SQ was .ill but wiUking. Swinging jectured, he did not roach until after ton. tho idea ot an cxhiliit In tho winter, of ton- MnalBAir. irAOAUi.EV, who re'oontly shot una burning up, Kan., on the 2Stli cloetod dologates to tljg lyn'Tabornuclo. His text was from the for hcrelillilreii. Tho song will ho all the • 11'lereoive it; to rlso superior lo the gloom occasioned Ijy into an easy, but rapid, trot, ho aeon cuuglit He I'oiiiul it very (juiet. Many ot the vil- ilor fruits, with oranges ns tho prcdomluat- THE rmililMB BUBPB18ED. TitE will ot tho Into William Hilton, of . .iilntli verse ot the second chapter ot- First thrones; thrones ot the-prophets, thrones lii.s and I'oUiicIions, (living somo object an A fruit fair in tho winter ia a novelty In mul Iclllod hL>r husband in Chicago, was on Nutionid covivention and voted down uu of tlie 'patiiarolis,' thrones of tlie angels, grander fer earth's weeping eyes, and Hut that it would not joy renew sight ot the vehicle agaiu. lagerawere gone to Ibo euslle-grouuds to iug feature, was u novelty indeed. I Bald Boston, ttlod ,011 .tho 20th, gives.^.'JOO,000 nntl-monopol.v plaiilt ' Corinthians; K.yo hath not seen, nor our To wcl;«iim. itiv to nuiiiDer two- (-•nergelie, almost vicious, cut wiUi liin 'i'akoii up with ouch other, iho lovers "exhibit in the winter," because by consult­ itself, but a Btill grottter novelty wiuj In tho 'JTijh i'oiiijd hy a, corpnor'n jury ta imva. thrones of tho ajiostles, thrones ofJ^ie aehlng lieiids, and cxhuust-ed hands, and view tlio festal scene. For there was in Btore tor the tender pilgrims. Having no been iuHaiiu nn^l ii-rcHprniKiiilo toi' tUo not to colloges, religious societies and charities. J. W. jAuiiso.N-, aged eighty years, a ho.-ird, neither have entered into the heart 1 don't believe Itl Bwilcli, he would proudly loss buelrhis hoad failed to notice the man with set, deteriijinod lirogroHs a ball to which ho had been invited. ing the calendar 1 lind it is the Eoaaau of tho ot inan the things which God hath prepared martyrs, throne ot Jesus—throne ol'^Bd. seoiirge'd lineks. und martyred .'igoides . hull of snfllclont hIzo, thoy huve erected a IJuiiiNo tho your 18S7 1,305 miles ot rail­ The Western Soolety ot Naturalists was wth on tho Qnoen tions before the Hood following geiieratiolus When tliey leolt on when others wed, in the mull's loolis. His face had an observ­ County (£11.) hoodlcrs, now at .Tolint, was 'J'liE Kentiiolcy Leglshitaro convened on twentietli century will see thti nineteenth after the llooil, and as Jesus rises at l\U voices mine t.'ic less sweet bec;iuse tliey did er shallow iiool; it, inn.y havobecn tluit,'nt emerged sit a point some distunce he.yond. shining, thermometer above tiO dog.—It uiiges around us, In tact wo aro anrround- ,t CroFoont r.iilroad near Livingston, Aliu, liiirled. As nil the years lire hastening past, J perceive It; ant, rather open and bright (.ixprossion. His would bo diftlenlt to conceive. 'Though wo cd und surrender ut dlscrotion. 'There are placed in tho hands o£ (iovornor Oglosby on the iiOtli ult. at Frankfort. heml of that great 'host and waves Hls\ tremble ami break When I hear thcso JJul that tliey do not wish lhat thi?y this piirt:,:iilui' moment, lui hud resolved to '•Tlioseservaiits," reasoufed theirimrsuer, hcitjht was barely mcdiuni; liis form alight. tholiTth. wrecked a passenger train and serloasly in­ A Ni!W elect on to 1111 tho place ot Mr. and all onr lives on earth will soon be old songs snug, it seems as if all thu old iimlce anollier cITort to east olt Ilio gloom "can't iiossibly get oiit nf sight, while I'm huve como the distance north ot Sun Fran­ said to be 200,000 orant'os in tho buildliig, jured slxt;oen persons- sword in signal of victory all crowns are ' ^'/oro, too, led out in bride's array— cisco which I have uumod, this Stuto is so displayed in almost every conceivable TniJ annual meeting of tho 'Westom Com- Setli Moll'att, the late Ciaigressumn I'rom ended, 1 jiroposu to cheer myself ami lifted, and all ensigns slung out, and all Yountrv ' lueeting-homes joined ill tbe which evershudiiwed him; but, as he turned among the trees, because tho road is iier- In some portions of Minnesota tho ther­ cheer you with the glories to coiiio, which I doa'l bolloyo itl - ^' '"t? imnien.so that wo aro still hi central Cull- artistic manner. 'There are a number ot morclal 'lYavelers' Assooiution commotfcefl the Kleveutli Michigan dlsu'let, iiu-s been chimes- rung, and nil hallelujahs clianled, (\liorii-s', anil city eliui'cii and sailors' Hethol a curve ill the roud, ho suddenly raised bis I'ectly sU'iiight for srune distaneo on, yet; tornlii. Whim I said a journey by rail, I bins of open wire not-work, well lilled, on« ut St. Louis on tho li/tii. Tho association mometer marked -lO degrees below zero on ordered for Fobrmir.y 1-1. shall utterly eclipse all the glories past; for and-Sfhi'ie cry; "Glorv to -(ioii, most liigh," iiil^d Western cablii.s, until the whole contl- That every one ivlio versos writes e.yes from the .grtuind and looked before i iiml t.liey''i'e goingslov.'ly, too." of which contains •l,.'>00 orungee. tho 2tlth, and at Uecoruh, la., it was ;>H bo- my text tells us that eye hath not seen nor IJelleves his muse tho world dellKlita, o-iiglit to cxcuiit tho ci'OSBiiig ot tho Ktrulls has l,i)!)0 mouihors. and some: "'ilo.saniia'to the Son of David," iieili lifts the doxology and the scepters of h'im. ] •Wlint was his disma.v, then, on eniorginj o£ Caiqnlnoz, juat in sight ot tho Govern­ K noticeable thing in the exhibit 1« a Tub Misaisslpjjl rivor at St. Louis and low. FOREIGN. ea'r beard any tiling like the advanelng eter\illy hunt time in the music. Awuy, [ pei'colve It; ment Navy Yu'rd ou Mare Island. 'This was und some: '•Worthy is the Lamb that was Hut that his reiidiu's should suppose Htartiii.g buck in surprise, ho quickly con- from the wood, to «oo no curriiigci church building, 8x10 with a Bymmetrloal- ' points south was olosotl to steamboat nav­ .Tudgo Hoffman rendered n decision in tho KiNf; .ToiiN, of Abyssinia, not only refused splonilor. slain"-till all exelaimuloiis of endeariuent tli(m,"\fi^iyour starveling tunes that chill coali'd hiiiiseir beliind a sliclteriiig bush, In iisloiiisliuieiit, he gluuecd np and dovm a(:conipliaiied by ferrying tho train over ly ahnped Btocplc, 17 f cot high. 'This church United Stales Di.strlct Court nt San Fran­ the deviilftet'sof the saiietjian'_.i!«i niaku 'I'honi any tlilni; compared to prose— intuc't. 'To be in harmony with all tliiugs in igation on {ho l!7lU by the unusually low on tho 27lh to make peace, but was rapidl.y 'J'he city of Coriiilh lias been called tho and hoimigo iu the vocabulary ot Heaven 1 don't believe it! iiilii peered tlirougli Us leaves. the roud. la oompoaed ot oranges und iemon», chiefly Btngo bt water. cisco on tlio 20tli in which the right ot tho marchiu.g on Massowah with a large fmoe. Paris of anthinitv. Iiideed.for splemlor, the uro exhiiiistfld,.and there comes np surge people sit silent wl-ajTrX-si's is iiiareliiStJ^" Calitoi'iilu, this ferry was aomolhin.g iiu- tho former, and 5,000 are uaod lu tbe Ohinesu to iniiiort opium was sustained. — Uinr'jc r.irtht'iiii, in 'J'iO-JUlii, Lost ill deejiest tlioiight, one shapely lumd Nothing ivaa in siglit, except the old niense, cxeeedliijf in proportion^ Hirallur Btiucture. It has four windows, is lighted Tun Indiaiiiipolis & Wabash railway and llou.VANiA ex|ieets to hiivo use for an in­ world holds no' such womler to-day It utter surge of-.\nicn, amen and amen!" lo vletor.v. When Generals come back troll rest lag niiuii trie neck of her coubbluck peaaiint, still toiling on w'th his bundle of Jajie.'i HiiroivLEY won n.L,\,- a small port of Foi-to Ulco, struetlon of which whole kingdoms hail idea ot the sheen of (ho everlasting sea. cheer i isfactory to push the ciira on iho boat ut and 100 loinons. An odd conceit Is mitted to the Secretary of tho Interior Pile up tiie splendors of earthly cities and A Wild, -Weird Tale of Love than nineteen. ITor raven-colored hair, -They, ccrtaiiil.y, hud not gono en ahead. un oUl-faahlonod beehive composed ot consin and Kansas on tho i;7th, greatly de­ snU'ered from a huge wave ou the 27tli, been aiisorbed, wai'-gallcys with three looseiicil by the motion of riding, fell down On the other hand, he liad been especially one side ot the river uiid draw them oil ut nt •Wasliin.gton on tho 20ch the third an- banks o (oars pnslieil on t and eon foiinile ,1 the they would not make u ste]ipiii.g-stone by "Alllinil the power n.'Jesus' niiiuc! tho other, not transporting tho engine, lint oranges. 'Two cylinders, or wheels oi laying railway trains. In some plauoa tho lifty-tlireu housos being swept awa.v. I.el angels prnslriile fall. and Adventure. in shilling waves nbont ber waist. Her earcHil bi glance in tho direction from OBunges, revolving (n opposite diroo- cold was intense.. .nual report of tlieliureau of Labor, which Eleven jiersoiis were washed out to sea ami navy-yards of all ilie world. Hii.ge-li.iiiileil which yon might mount to the city of God. hero tho engine runs on the bout with liidt relates entirely to strikes and loek-outs for Kvery'house is u pulaee. J-lvery steii a Hrliii,' forth ibe ru.vul ilhuleiu. i'heek,-i were lliisliod with scarlet, and, from which they hnd come. It was, therefore, tho train, und, lest It alionld bo lonesome, u lloiis, represent tho beca going in nnd out TliK claims of William Wober to sixty-six drowned, niiichinery, such as modern invention can beneath a brow us pure as iinirlih,', her etjuully certain that they could not have ot tho liivc. Tlie hive ia Burmounted by ^ the six years ended Deeembor 111, ISSIi. not eipial, lifted slilps from the sea on one triiimidi. Kvery covering of the head a Ami cruivu Ilim l.ui-d ul all." second engine imalms tho other hidt on, iicrcs ot land iu Now York City wero proven A i-'iEiioE storm prevailed nn tho Greek Hut, my friends, if musie on earth is so H'v ^i^oa lei::. dark, hist runs eyes gazed with cidm' .vet turned ljuck, nnle.s.s—hero lliero cama over lind Loth engines, as well as tho entire hornet plenty, at tlio small end of which » •< OuthoL'Tth. The property is worth Sjf20,- During that period there were If.lMlli side ami transporieil them on IxueUs aero-su 'oronation. Kvery meal is a bampiet. revolving wheel ot oranges rcnresonta tha coast on the 27tli, and twenty-live vessels •KTery siroki; from the lower is a wedding- swi-ef, what will it be hi 1 leaven':' 'I'liuy curnest cxpressinn toward the west, where him a'dim recollection of ecrUiin, halt-con- train, glide rapidly ucrosa the straits, land­ 000,000. strikes, Involving l,;>lS,ti2-i enii)loye.s, and were driven a-hore or \\'i'ei:ked. the Isthmus and sat them down In the sea PuiiusuEtj iiv !-tni;ciAi, Ai;i!ani;.i:.mi:nt with ing us at liunicla.. bees pouring in tho fruits of tbolr labor, and . 1,(1-17 ot thu strikes were suee'.ssfiil. Tho hell. Kvervdayis .-i jubilee, everv hour a all know the nine there. All the be.s't tlio red sun wa.i fast sinking behind the low ce.iled woodpuths, or lanes, leading into tho ut the largo end of tho horn theresult la dis> • In Leo County, Go., on .tlio 27tli Nathan Is resiionse to an address ])roseiited to on the other side, 'i'lie revenue oilleers ot hills. forest. total lo.ss to employers was .f;! 1, lii-i.ll 11, the citv wcni, down through the (dive groves raplu;-e, aiid every I'liouieiit an 'ecstiicy. singers of all the ages will jnin it—choirs of THE AllTIIUI!. pliiyod h}- a huge revolving cornuoopln Eeed, who did not live li.ipplly with his lilm oil the 27lli at Lover Mr. Gladsteuo "I'.ye hath not seen it, ear hath not heard white-rolMslchililr.m, clmjrs of imlriareli.s, It was aomp distam-'i-! from his iireaont it has always been a mutter of doitlit to coinpoKcd ot all kinds of fruita und nuta •wlCa, murdoreil lier and tholr six elilldreii, and to oiuploye.s, .it."ill,!l-l.S,,S,s:.'. In 1N,S7, made a s]ieecli 111 which ho eharact-erizcul as that lined ilio laiich to collect a t:irilf (.leiitlor.essuiidrepn.se, strenglh and in- the report say.-?, there v/ere, aeeoriUng to it." clioirs of aiinstle.s. .Morulug stars ela|>piiig [CapyriijhUd ISS7, hii.'i,i w.'i'e cloai'ly revealed in that position to even the nearest ot lliese lanes. nic whether' Denieiu gained the gro:ito3t 'The whole is operated by wuter-powor, In- •hnruing thoai in his cabin, al'tijr which ho the darkest bloc upon i'arliamcnc the act friini all iiatinii.s. Tiie mirth of all [u'ople JUijM.i l.'cvrccd.l reputation by ut one time having been tho genloiialy concealed ' frotu" tho apoctutor. tho best information obtainable, I rmmu'k further, wo can get no idea on llieir cynihals, Ib-n.ers with tlieir hiirps. wondrously ]mro nml Uiv.';l.y face. 'Tli(5 soft Uewusvei'.y niiicli out of breath, and by killed himself. ... now lu opi'i'iitlou all'eittiiig the civil rigiits sported ill her Isihiuian games and tile l.t'ClC UA.S CO.ME AT LAST. abiding place of John C. Heeiiun, .yclept Cliieo, one ot the county towns 2.1 mllo» strikes. beauty nt .-ill lands sat in her tueaters.walkeil earth of the reunions of Heaven. If you 'ii-'-.-it aiitl IS of God, roll on! roll on!— CilAl'Tl.'.U I. rays of the sun lovin.gly I'liroiv uhoiit her a tho time lui reached the iirst, darkiuiss from hero, bus un craugo cottago nio»t, TniEVES blow opoli the post-ofll'.'o suCo at ot the fri.sh. He iiredicleil a restoration nt otiierciiipires joining Hie harmiinv till the "iJenicia Hoy," who ciiusod the Ain'erican Titr-; busliie.ss taiIllre^^ during the past he-r porlien.s, and threw itself on tlie liavievcr been across the seas and met a All! WHO WAS TlUT? go'lden halo, and lillod all the place with its would be ruiiidly fallin.g. S'.till, he jiressed His teutiirea were not oven regular. Darlc Eagle to brlistle with prido years ago over tastefully coiist.ruotod. It Is 20 feet front Charlestown, W. Va., ou.iho i.'8tli.. and the Lil.icral maJnrlL.v in the Cominous as tho tlin.ncs .;^-e ali full, ami the nations ;dl on. As he hurried past 1 ho llockof sliccp by 1 li high, and 11,000 pnodllng oranges are carried off $100 in luouuy and ^1,100 in year s:iow a dcen-asn of 2tH)in number, but result of the llrst eleetiou. altar of her stiipeniloiis dissipidlon-s, iriend. or even an aeipiaiutince, in some riidd.v. wiiriil li'gllt. brown hair and beard, parted iu the middle, tile meeting with 'Tom Sayers in tlio prize 'an im;re;isu of .it."!!!,!*!!!),!)!!!) 1.11 liabilitie.s, as Cnliiiim, and staiiie, and t.;iiip:c be- straiiee citv, yon I'ciiieiiilier liow vnur blnod saved. Aollnmi shall touch aiitlieiii, elionis !IR season of ISSl She stood hirgetfiilly, until the horse, Iiav- the ahephi'i'd litu.i'teti after liiiii, evidently formi.'d a tilling contrast to bis ruddy com­ ring, or bv liaving two or three times been used in the strnetnre, which Is adorned with nUimpa (IKUMAKY notilied Austria ou tho 'JSih join chorn-s, and all the sweet .sounds of was imivei'sall.v u.i'- iini'.vzed ut the sight ot a gentlemuii running niirrora und laoo ciirtaln.s. ••'iiE llttlo dau.q-hter ot Ootirgn W. lioli- followK; 1SS7, mmibur il.lilM, lial.iilitics wibleivd Ih.. bolmhler. There were while tlirill,.-il and iiow glad von wiu'e I'o sue him. iiig (|iieiii'lied bis thirst, liirned his head I.";- plexion, ile would strike the careloas ob­ the fiuiipi'ised cupiud of Cidlfornia, when that she wmilil siip])ort the latter in ease nf What will he our joys, 'after v.'e have jias-e 1 earth and Heaven be ]miin-il iuio the ear of kiiov.'ledged to bo the wiii'd her. iiud gentl.y whiniiyiug, seemed to along the public road. server as a fellow ot ordiniiry attainmouta that erratic ceneern wii.s, like Noah's dove, of Decatur, 111., w.-LS biinuid to death .•ril(i7,."(>l),!l-l I, avenige .-j! 17,1 ill'-'; 1S-W(t, a war wit li lEussia. marble tniiiifiins iu'n which, frniii aiicr- 'The exhibit of trultH tliroughout la Ian. luiiiibev ll,s:!-|., lialKlitios I .-iill-l.lia 1,1.111, turi.-s at- tlie side, there nislied watersevcrv- tlics,.:,sof (Ic.illi, to meet in the lirlgiiteily Ciiris!. Havid ol the hirji will b.i then,-. most renmvhaiiloovei' ask wli.v they v.'aited longer. He soon came to a wood-path on his It.ft. and abilit.v- light-hearted ami honest, but hunting for a resting place. At ull events, t.astie and unique in its prcaentatlon, und 28th while playin.ij with the lini. It was anuoiiin.ed on the 2-Sili that Lord Gabriel of Hie triiinii,.!, will bctlim'e, Ger­ Iciiown in the mimils it Is a thriving city now, and I'll wager that bewildering in its iinuieuKlly. There uro E eig.iroito smokin.i,'- ('au.sed tho average ."fil l,li." L. where ...known fur licaltli-glving qiialitie.s. of till! Sim those from wlumi we liuve long ••Ah'! !\ledji," .laid she, afl'ecl ionalely The sheep hnd iinurly oblilerated the wlieel- utterly iiieapiible of "setting the LiU'eyon ugood niuiiy more ot tho present genera­ Stanley would siieccc.l Lord L'liisdowiie as been sep;iruted. Alter we liiivc been away many, ri'deemcd, will pour its deep bass of llie iidaiid of :\il. lire."' oranges 18 inches In cireumterenco und "-o iiSth ot lllehard il. liarriijiior, AiivirES of the liOtli iilt. report tlio loss of Gnviu'iinr-Geiieral of Canada Around lliese basins. (wi.M-ed into wreaths eai'cssiii..,'' the iinblii animal whn d.dightcill.y Iraelcs from the hi.irhw:'..v, but lie was posi- tion have Heard ot tho "lienicia lioy," than other things In jiroportion. 'There are of slonc, tliern were all the lie.imics of from iMr frieii-ls tenor lift-cu vi'iirs, and voice into 111.'snug, ami Africa will add to Desert, lhat woiider- I'libbcil his soft iioso u.guiiist, h(,'r cheek, tivothatlio detecleil faint and iipparentJy His eyes wero a atiid.y. Y., a young man ol! strong the sloop Lizzie Ull.-i neiir l.'.ipe Lias, I'la., I:-; Snutlieru iCiirnpe the heaviest siiov.-- th 5 musie with lier inaieliless voices. the fact that Uio seat of goverumeut of this apples in profusion, ot conr.HO, poiu's, liga, M'itli lun' e'l'.'W of live men. sculpture ami areliilccture; while siaiidiiiL', we come upon thmu, we sec linw ildV.'reiitIv fiil r.hiine siiiumcr re­ "All! iW.'iiji, .villi wa'u'hfiil old fellow! I fresh rills ntniiiiig iiilo this kino. In .some lights ibe.y hmkcd blue; in others St.ite was located there. ' It ia almost inap- stnriu on nteoril in that regiiui was raging 1 wish we enuld ;milei].aic that song. I sort. I'.ar Harbor, its .liqiiineso persimmons, ruiains, jiomcgrnn- or of Coinmorco ot Salt Lake .Toils' McKuxxa, a plumbitr, fell six'y feat as if tn gui.ril the cnsily disjilav, was a tiiev look Th.-ir hair has turned and had forgoilcii myself." Onward he plodded, in a dogged, deter­ brown. A e|.;ser ins]icetioii discovered thom proiiriiite, however, to refer to it as having ate-s, ahiiddoeks, limes, olives, ulraonda, on the 2Sih, ami tho weather was uiipre- wrinkles have coim; in Ihelr faces, and we wish in onr eliising hymn in-diiv we might pnii.'ipid town, bo- to be decidedly green and mottled wiUidots beea the .s'.'.d of government, for, iu chose English, (.lulifomia und Eastern' bluck wul- *Lh adojited a rcsoluiion that into a wi-ll, at T.exiii.g nil, Kv., on tiie 3l)tli ceibuitedl.v taild. statue of Hercules nf buMiished Cerintliiau Leudiii.g hiin to a high stnne hosido one of mined trnt. ,So dui'ic was it aiiiniig tlio all., but (!Sea|ied iinluirr. brii.s.s. Vases of terra cntia adnrii.'d tiie say: "llowynu have cliaiiged:" liiii, nil,when eateh an echo tliat slips from the gate's. ••ame tlic?.lcccniif lle- of i'usl.y lii'nwn; and il, iilsn, was ajit to re­ days, that so-ealleU M.iit was Hitting about nms, pecans, chestnut?, gndns of all kinds ^bo..mado thu standard of .•\i.r- the rivers in Geruiiiu.v wore frozen Who knows but lhat wlii.-n the lleaveiilv tlifi muiiy hu.ge, .gnarlcil nuks lhat grinv trees and so dense the growth of U'ccds and between Monterey, San Jose, Sun Fraiielseo, iiiid tho usual garden proijnetlons which Titi: ivelly family, aeeu,«ed ot horrible eeiueterlcs of the dead—vases so i.-iistiv tli:it we stand be-fore the throne, all cares gone tili^^^^^^i.T~y^ |itiblic:in pnlilieians, ul.m.g Ihe way, iilie bii.le biin stand still. •,'ri:ssesalnu.g the path that it Wiis (piite Ini- veal the tolully nnsiisiiected fact that, far over on tlie 21l!li, and several ports were from the face, all marks oi sorrow disap­ door opens to-'day t-. letsouie soul tlirnug'h in their dept.lis—behind an apparent frank­ Vallejo and Saurauieuto, until It was every­ aro novel only in size and the fact tbatthey AHi^iJ", pist released from nn In- miiriiers atO.-ik Creek, Ivan., were eaptureil •Tiilius (•a'-<;ir was iioi, satislied until he had f^^m^\:.l caused him years ago, alier having oiiee or twice been an open air fruit fair. In inld-wlntor. money in his pos.session. oiijitiiro them. 'I'hu obi man eseapeil, iJuiiixii a hurricane ou tile 2!ltli at ilall- from earth. " — " 1' lioullh and freiiuciit exercise, lightly swung either luiiiil. KxKCUTroNS took plaee on the .'illtli iilt. as the ed-c of tho city a hill arose, with its we onlv meet and part. It is uood-ljye, stump spcdii'i's. oi'iice-secU-ei'.s, tngetlnu' itself inin the siiildlo. At llie v.'ei'd ot cnm- to misealculale as to the ability iiud dcsigna \vasliud ashore to San Fraiiclaeo, or else­ 'The citizens here doinonstrato that this OEonaE W. Weade .t Co., ot ,San J^ranels- fax, N. S., shiii]iiii.g and wharves were dam- gnoil-l.ye, Farewells lloatlug in the air. They rise tor the doxoh.gv, all the multi­ With patience he still pursued tho jiuth, of his new acqiiaintnueo-bebind all this where by llood.s. A halt ot a couple of hours can bo done by the stubborn tact that they co, onoot the largest e.vporting lirms on the follows; William Fiuelmm, at llarrisoiibiirg, imigiiilicent burden of colimiiis, ami tow­ with thoiisuiids nf soeiely penpln ami biiir- iimud, Iileiiji ijore olt his beiuiiil'ni rider, agcil, bnililiii.gs jiartly wrecked and trees ers, und leiii].los (one tlinusimd slaves wail­ Weimar It at tlie rai l-car window and at tude of till! I,lest! Let us rise with them; ista, litei'ully iioureil into'the inwii und lllled until it began bi ascend abruptly, and ended lurked a strong dush of reidclcsaneas, .yet gave ns a elianee to Inistily view the capital have nono II, and how it can bo done !• I'acilloeoast, failed on tin; 2.Stli. Ya., for tile murder of his lirother; tins KU- and fi'iiees leveled. wiio disiijiiiearcd in thedireetinti frnm\'.'liii:li :it lust ill a cli,:;ii'iug. as well as the capitol ot Cuiiforiila. 'Tho demonstrated by two points combined; muiison, at Somervilio, Ala., for killing his ing at one, sliriuci, und a citadel so tlior- the steaiulioat wliarf—gnod-by.-. (•liililreii and so at tills hum'the joys nf the Church "SVOI'.V iivailiiblc hnp-l, cotlaije and boarding- tin; yniiii;; man hud just come—a ghu'inns witliul. detcrmimiiion, which a passing capltol and the grounds have cost the State FounTEEN horses engaged in scraping ieo AiiviCKS of the 2lltli aniionnce tho death A broad, gruss.v plot lay st retched out, b::- First, tho rich soil, and second, by compar­ wile; Albert I'eters, at Mariaiina, .-Vrk, for oiighlv iniiircgnalile that Gibraltar is a lisp it, and old iigi^ answers it. Sometimes on earth and the jeys of the {:iiiu'cli iu houso. Ho-calli,ii //n'.i/,';i;-(/..'. diniu'i'S, leas, crouluro whom the vi.'ry gods might have ghtiico certaiiil.v wnuld never .give the owi- two and u half millions dollars, and while ing tho average niinnul mean tomperuture, on the Kan Claire river at .Stillwater, Jlluu., of .liiles Van I'raet, Ihe iielgian diiiloiuat we say it ilia liglit way; "tioo.l-bye!" and Heaven will luiu-le their clialiees, and the I'ore him. Jte.vond it was a hii,5:e mass of er credit for possessiii.g. This discover.v, in broke-through tlie ice on the iiSthaiid were thu murderer •\Villlani .loluison, and .lohii iieuji I'lf sand compared witli it. Amid all Innelioons. ]iiciiics, balls, iiarlies, reccpl ions, loved! the biuldlng Is perhajis surpassed b.y two or of this place witli tho Bamu in the moat and hisioriau. in his tilgliiy-secnud .vear. thiit siremrlli and mmjiiillceiice Corintli sometimes with aiitiuish, in wiiieii thesnul dark apparel of luir morning will seem to tennis ami allili tie toiiruumi and what tab!e-i'.;ck. 'Then there seemed to eouio a liirn, led to the instant conviction that,when three similar structures in the country, the fanums citrus regions of tho old W'orld. Crowned. Str'lekhind, at Conway, .S, U, tor killing his In (.'iiiiada during l.S,s7 tlinre wcr.j l,:tS'_J Moi ioTilosH US a Htiit.un, daring scaiTol.y to ' grounds can take the premium oviir all mother. Kliioil and ilelicd tlie world. brea-.is ili.wn. Good-bve! Ah! Ilial is tl"* whiten into the spotless raiment of tho not, were lb.' ot'di^r of l-'io il:i.\' uml occupied sl,eep preeiliici'. aroused, this apparently easy, good-nuturctl Here iU'o ate wot tho figures: A r.ow of twelve stores at liozoman, JL busino.ss failure-s, with .•itlll,.')l 1,7-1."> liahil. word that ends tlio tliaiik.sgiving baiique- , skie-s. (mil ;;raiit that llinui-li the rich breiitbi.! and ;raziiiJg nflei' liei' with straining He wallted to Iho eliirsedge. fellow might develop maii.v surprising eoniers, not exeeiiiting' tho Natlou:d C.ipltol A I>nruMi:xT advocating the use by work- ouch iiionieiil, from iiioni till ui.glit. grounds at Washhigtoa Some eighteen AVEIlAOE ANNUAL MEAN TEs'tt'EIHTtiKE. T., wero desireycil Ijy iireon the L'.Sth. Itics, Oil! it was not to rustles who laid never that is the word that comes in to close the men.y of our boid J,,.h„s chri.si we may all e.vi'Ti, sbi.id the young striuigc.r. Was il a fuiieyj Or did he hear carriiig.> trails—evi;ii such ;is the entirecfislingaside Nt.o.Fnoi.Mi .'•)0-.'i|Sliiliii;n. Siiiiln; OSU .1,1 The post-(jlUi;e at MassiJlou, 0., was en- iug-me-n of the bomb, the loreli and the. i''vei'.v liody lived in a I remiuidoiis rush of acres eoniinlse the fmmediatu grounds siu'- l-'l.ii-oai'i.. limy .'.s.lliMiiili.li'ii IBliinils (tlO llATUKD of the .Tews is unabated in Pussia. Keen auv tlilue- graiiil tli;i!, i'uiil uttered this Cliristmas ehiiiit. Good-bye, gnnd-iiye. ge't Miere. iSo deep had he been in tlioiight, so far whii'ls I'i'asliing over the stones liehiw' of con.icieii'dous scruplea in order to jjaJn round-ng tho .State Hou.sc, and as thero :',tcredby burglars on the-liSth, and v.aluiible bullet was eireiihited at New York on the 'The recimimeiidalion ot ilie Iniperial Cniii- text,- 'i'hev had heard the best musie tli-it oxcilemeiit iiiiii, ullhoiigh fow iiersous re­ awuy from Iho prcMont, tluit he hud been Surel.y, that was a hitigli- tlmt smote ujion his ends. Miillii. Sicily :ii7.;l (Jrovlllc, (;al (».< mith ult., the closing siuiteuee being tired before the 'nnrniiig lioiii's. no one is no killing olt of trees, or liKivos, or WAll OE E^MlJI.ATION. ^'mail matter,lioaie stampsan-.l money eiu*ried missioii to iicrmit .Tews tn ilwcll in au.v vil- liiiil eniiie from the best iiistriimi-uis ill all T.ut lint so in Heaven. Well les'ln the AN INTERESTING FACT. taken ntuuawures. Thu vision Inirst upon his ear, just now. He listened int'uitl.v. llowers, or ;,'i,'as.s, in Uietall, in order to give 'ioll'. iJrotliers, remember 'Jliieago ami your air, Welcomes at the gates, w.deoiues at the -seemed Ui gi'nv.' weiiry of this continuous pro UE eoxTiNt'Eii.J The rivalry which exists betwoou differ­ l.ige of illlssia w.-is rejeetuil h.v the Guverii- the world; they had bearil songs lloutiiig him like a shock. Hut, no! liecoiihl bear nothing', except- tbe nature a chance to spread liei.seU in the ent sections ot tho Stato led Honio news- .^_EjaaENfiEn car on the Toledo, Ann oatii." m'eiit on Ihe Until ult. ' from iiinriiing porli(;os ami melting in even­ liniise of many mansions—but nn gond-i.ye, Mireet ol' till, Vihl'MtidU Tcle^jnipll. Whirl nt gayety. wind, sighin.g through the iiiiios. und the • • »• spring, n.'ituro keeps right ou with her A TttAix fell through a trestle ou the llOth Hiindred.'i of beauliful woim^ii set the 1 liTd it, at lust, arrived—the fatal mnmciit? piqier joker to print tho atatoment that tho Arboi'A NokLJ;-syi|;higan road was njiset at Tin; luhabiiauts of tile /..ila v:illey. In ing groves; ihcy had passed their whole 'Tliatgrnup is eiinstaiilly being augiuented, Wires ou ^Vild .Viilmals. Tlmt l.nig liinlved-for turning-|Kiint in liis splashing waters eta brook, bubbling in t,!ie SHAKESPEARE'S HOUSE. work tho year around and double discounts people'ot Orovlllohatl Bont to Los Angolea Alma, Mloli., h.v a bail frog on llie LVSi.li, and ult. near SI. I'd-ersimrg, I'a., the cars I'.ill- Thi-y are going up from our circles of eiirtli place by the ears, and K.'fn-es of lielles were hothouse huid-seape gardening. So Sacra­ Monteiii'grn, were siilTei'iiig from a lamiue lives aiiioiig pictures, anil sciil|uiir.', and Some iuteresling fuels luive been hrnught cai'i'i'i'.' Aiitl lhat, too, when he l.taist e.x- vale belli-*'. mento leads the world (or the United for live ciir lo ds of oranges to oxhlblt at Bi.\ prr.Hons were fatally injured. Ing thirty teet. S.x pert^ous were serioUHly oil the Kllili ult. areiiiveeinre, and Coriin hian bre.vs, wbieli to j.uii il—little vni(..<.s tn iniii lb,., aiitlieiii — nut in a p;i|ier by .M. C, Nielsnn, nf i'hri.s- ulWii.ys sui'i'ouiid.'d, b.v ci'o',\*t!,. .'if itilmii'ors. TIui l':vorbitiintl.e«nenmii.l.Ml <.(AIIW1»« their fair. 'The Orovilio piipcrs retort that iiijurud and the wreck was de.stroved lif peclod it; The moon had now arisen in all its silvery Di.-sii'i, lo Inspect II. States, wlii(;h is about ull ot tho world ot the fruit at Los Angoloa will not bo ripo for Tin-; will ot 'the late Jlr.s. Charlotte Au- Ax exiilosiou In a theater at Canliageua, hail le.-n mnbleil and shaped iiiiiil tlimv little liauds to lake linid i'li the great linnie tiana, On the iiiipresslnii iirndueed upon 'Thus, when tlopoiuiier arrived and the splendor. For miles und miles around lu; any conaeqnencu) In cii])itol gTounds. frnsta Astor, Hied at Now York on the li.Slh, lire. circle-littie feet to diine.i in the ctejiial gkldy throng departed, the iiiiiversal ver­ Among ihesoof bis nuii Icitli and kin Ihore The Shakes]ieai'e liouao wtis purchased in u month, point to the growlnit trees with Siuiili, nil the evening nf the tlDlli ult. was nn cliariot wheel in wiiicli it ha,I net ail imals by the rcsniKiuee nf ihi; vilii'atioii looked over a level valle.y, watered by ripo fruit In the pavilion, nnd Wind up by hoqneatlis ijil(it),()ll() fur religions, eliarita- ATtDAT. wave ot monstrous ]u'o]iortions badly injured ever niie liuuilred iiersnns. sped, ami no lower ill wiiii-h il had not glit- glee—litlle ,.rowils tn be east down before dict was; occasionally apiieared a strange, iiiigoveru- the same way ns was Mount Vernon, thn A FAMOUS .MlNDfG CAMP. switpt uiinn tli,^ headlands outside m'i'nri- nf telegraph wires, it is fnim-l that the idile spirit wlii.;b, sometimes, ilrove its po.s- streams und dotted with lakes that glittered Itw.ns night when the pilgrims reached chiiniing prices ot lund to bo only bne-lourth Ijli! und odLic:;tioual .purpesi^s. Thu bulk ot A sMAi.T. Iiaml ot Ap:ic!ies were rnaiiiiiig lercil. and no galewav tliat It had iiot the f. etof .lesus. Our frii.iiils are in two | "Tlic gayest season on i-e.virll!" in tho iiiooiibeums. iiomo ot Washiugton. It is nominally the what thoy aro in Southeiii Ctilitornla, while • her itato gons lo her husband laiid (.Ml'.) IJiirbor on the lidtli uU,. loiii tlic^ adiinieil. Ail. it was a imlil thing for i';iiil •roups—.1 grniip this s.ile nt 1 he rlvnr, und ' I'laok and green woo(li,,-ck,.rs, fnr exaiupie, Those who I'ciiuiiiml iiaii.seil in their head­ sossor lio great ei:travii;,rniieies; or miide propert.v ot the people. With us Mount what wus oneo u tuinous mining camp in tile iiiouiilains oC the .Mont, zuiim di.itricc liiui n iiinn of but one ovorwh'olmiiigly-ali- At his feet, several yurd.s below, was a California—OrovlUe. Located on tho aoulh every thing that grows there, prowa.here, Cl. I'.T^EH i''. 1 lAYWfinn, ot New York, owner great iiia..-s rose sixi.v feet atmve high- on the. tititli nil,,, killiug and slealiu..;, and In siaild there, aliii-l.all l li;,t and s;iv: "All a group ou the other sid.^ of the river. .Now j ivliicli hunt for insects iu the hark iiiid hi long career, drew ivrealh and liulled tlieni- Vernon is eoiitrollcd by an association of lu still greater profusion. knCL thus uw;ord.v water mark, carrying ev. r.v thiii'.;" before it. selves tngcllicr to enjoy a few v.'oeks ot the sorbing idea; and that idea so ubsurd, so ini- broad lerriico that seemed to fringe the side banJc of Feather river, almost at tho foot and qiii'.o amusing' (to ii slrangor) war is in of thuJ.!ab.;oi:k lh\; i!x:ii'.,gu;sher pateiili, said a iiiiiiiber ol ii.'isseiigi rs huil been w.-ivbiid this is n iiig, •II1--V sniiuds ihat cnme 1 here goes one from this to that, and aunthi-r tlie heart of ilecnyiii.r 1 ree.s, nfien ]ieek lii- ot the precipice its entire length, and tn ladic-s, who Ihld much amusenieiit, comfort of 'Table mountain, lies this city of 2,i100 Wii.i.ia:\i ]||-:ii!MN(i, wlio nteieitiy killed hi.-< frniu ihis tn lhat, and sonn we will all be | t'"' eiriuiiiir lioh. imiile ir; iisvcisely uuluinirs i'lilm ami gather strenglh lor liriu'tieiiljlc thai, after tho S|jii'it loft him, nn full blast on the Paclllc Coast, Stutlatlos on tlui 'M'LU that the man who rcji;-,:utly dii.d and i-liot on the reads luiteriu.g liavi-sjie, from the i.-iiipli, of Ncpiuiie are unt musie one could bo more amuzed at its evil sjiell form Hie basis ot a rough earring.}-road. and importaiiee in direeliiig the alTairs o£ I people—as eonteuied und unitormly jiroa- of tho killed nnd wounded will bo devel­ In a Calltorala alinsluiiise was net iIim in­ wIC.iaiiil lier )iaraiiiour at .St. Fraueis, Ark., .Me.x. .gone over. How uiuny of your loved ones tlirougli lidegruiih iinsts, gencidly near the winter's di.-isijialioti. that iilaee, but there has never bcni any lierniis us any little city iu the country. If enuii.areil witii li.e liariuouics i.f wliicli 1 tliun the iinlorluiiale pcr.son himself. On the terrace, dii'ccfl.y beneath liim, liy oped by tho census report ot 180O. I ox- ventor of the extiii^:'uislier. OlKirlcis ]•'. ll:iii- was lyiielieil on tlie.'iOlli ult siieiik. Tiies,. wat,.rs riisliiiig iii:o tiie l.,u-iii have alr.uidy eiil.'rcl upon that blessed ln]i. ',rhe plieuniiieiioii is all I'iliiili.d to the Just us iiiiiet was liegimiing to reign, <'liarge of admissioi'i made lo Mount Vernon. tliere are uny really poor pooplc here, I jiect other cities .will take up tho cud­ I'AV.N-i-;, Stkkic it Cu,, of New York C.iy, LATIiR NEWS. lilace. If I should t.ikr: paper and pencil, resimaiiee prediiee-l in t'le, pes* liy tbe vi- The .young man knew well t his stiddem and Komelliin.g gliUering iu the moon's rays. It have been nnulilo to discover ihein. I was coelv, a IjO.-it(ja- clieiaisr, ho sniit, iuventi-d ofl'yreiiu are imt pure 'ilies-. s;a'lies of n^ipiilai'(':%'.'il.'iiU'iit. wus ii!,;;un aroused and The public can not view the Shakespeare one of a p:iriy of iillgrima who cmiiloveil u gels and winter citrua fulra will be- the oxtlnguisijcr and ho is still alive ami wholesale jewelers, tailed on the IJtltli ult. do you think 1 eipild )uit tli.-iii ull down';' lu'utinn nf the wire, ^\'lr;eli the Mrd mis­ po|iiiha'ciii'i.).-,ily ran wild over the sudd.ui ahviiys-imi'.xpectod, lier.se'.-;. like frailt.y of atti'iieled his attcniioii and aroused his curi- como as much a stiindard Califoruliin The sixt.v-eighth General As.-;-mbly of L:.ecliii> mill .M.-r.-urv are iim, cx.pisite. osit.y. Slowl;,', he lowered liimaelf from house withnut jiayiug sixpence to aeo the eiiTria.tre to see the country, and seatoil on Wiialth.y. for .'7il(l(),(i(l(), Vnlir cilailel nf Aer.ienri lU liusjis llnt.-irollg All, my fri..|Kls, the wav.-sof .InniMi roar takes as the result of llie op-ratioa of and m.yslei'ii.iis upp -nraii.-e of ii .voimg girl those of bis own blood. (Incuor twice he living rooms and sixpence more to view the the box by the livery-atablo driver, was production ua toboggan slides uro In JlUJUNii the ab.--eneeol'lierliusliaml on the Ohio orLi-iiiiiz'd at Coliiiillius nn the L'd, wnniis ami insects in the inli-rior of tint hud "'Veil liimself e:cp'cric'nt'ed it, in a mild reek to rock, ami, arriviii;/ nii tho terrac.', the East If uny ot them equal this initial The lieavicKt gale in years iir;:v:nh!rl at lion. T. R Uiivis bein-.- el-'cted l'r.,.si.leu', c.iii.p.ireil with that wliicli 1 nlV-r 't.) the so hoarsely wc can mil hear the joy on ilie whoso beiiul.v was nf the mnsi-hrilliaiil 1..V[)e, second part ot the iiouse, which is lilled up quite struck ivlien ho pointed out a largo Coney Island, N. Y.. on tint li.SLli, anil many iltli ul;. the young wile of .iolm .'ililler, a post. I'lvery one know- lie- fnniln.-ss ot inllriloly suep-issii-g thr.t nf even tlie love- foi'ii',. u:i.l hud, liirlierlo, been victorious in slui'Ied iu suiiu'ise; i'nr this tiiiio he was Mheeii ranch .'IS the property of his tiitlie-r, exhibit ot Hutto countv, they may have to liro teiu.- nt the S.!ii.-iti., and Hon, ii 1.. ].o,ire.^l slave fliat puis down bis bunleii ;,t other .-id,-wli.-n 1 hat group Is uugmciileil. net mislidten. Ibire was the distiiii,;t ami v.-itli a lot nfrubbish, supiioned lo have some inuko the joko, relative to going nwuy from small build n.g.< were nwejit out to sea. wealthy furiiiei'living leeir i-'.lliir..,er, Tex., lluit lir; zt-u galr, Vnll CoiilltllillllS tllillk It is griive.i iier.i, an 1 coliins ; n.l lii..;u',scs I bears for Imuey. It li's I ei-ii noiiced that lie..-. belle of Ih.i sninim-i'. hi". I'oiillicts with it. relation lo the Shukespuercaii peri.-id. Tills and meiitioned the business in which his homo for the fruit, a reidity, by coming hero was talvtMi from leal h.v a iiegru, e;iirie 1 to a Limiisnii Speal^ia- ot the lli.iis... ; in iinmiitiiineus ilis'.ricts t'.ie.v sci-ia tn uiis- He l'..'!t the s|iii'it'.s sudden awal.-ening frc-sli mark of wheels. His heart boiit more father was engaged in town. Ordinarily A Fiai-; tin tlie'_',Si li in i.Ih) ICiiCiiriirlse riei! 'Iiii-; iiiimiiiuel Presbyterian <''hureh at thi-i. a spl, ihld eitv, v.iii tliiiikvoii llav i here.' A littl.i cliild's iiinilii;r liad ilie-l, ami •'IVho is sill! und \',boiitio;" "wais tlieipies- .pii.'kly. repi'c-,ei;ts about twenty live cents of our people ill Ilia station aro not in atliiietir. cir- ; for su]ipli03. mill atNuw Orleaiei caused a lo.ss ot* fjilUO,- lli'ld near tlui house, assaulted aii.l miir- lieiir.l alLsw.-ei sniiiul-.aiui seen ali heautifiil tliey comliet -d licr, Tliey siiiil; " Vniir 'tal.;cthe viliraticy .seiiuil of i.'e: teli.;-raph I'ion asked on every sido. now. Ill tbe llrst K'lir of bis struggle with motley, und as there is iin iiveruge of two enmstance.s, but in OrovlUe they dou'iiseein d< r.-d. SlilwauUce was d-strnyi-d by lire on the I wires fnr tliti gr it.'ful lininiuinL:' of bees, it, he ;\i'i.;i!i',"J idou'l, und ex''liiiliiod ; Going to the siiot where ho hud lirst ai,-<-n It would bo hard to excel the local enthu­ OOO, ii l.st ulU Lnss, .f 11111,1 Hill. sight.-; lull 1 i.i I vmi, cvc luilh imis'en nor lunllier has gniie In Heaven—don't i'i'.\';" Not a soul knew, bir not u soul laid f^eoii hutidrcd and .'Ifi.y visitors a duy to tho to luive any other l;ind. Like all live town.s, siasm over tho diBpluy, und tho - week haa lluNViAKiAN and ];ii.=!sl:]U min'-rs employed \ i-'L'Uinrs siiow--tnriii prevailed in the car lieaiii, iieiilnT li:,ve euicrc! into Ihe ;iiid, tile iii'Xt lia.N', lli.'.v went to tin' gr;ivc- i :.ii',l, rushiii;!'to tile po-t, lonl: about fnr til*! "MyCh.id! What shall Idol" tlie sjiiirkle, he found a jewei-haiiuled it has iiewspiqior.s, and horo there uro two been a continuous out-door holiday, with AN iKtcldelll nil tile .'list lilt", on the ('ill- | [ l.ivo. Not liuiling il on Hie po.(, ihey her arrive, or ..v.;ii could l.-il' where she puleHe knife lying in the grass. .Shakespeare iiouse, this would foot up an In tfie iron iiiiaes at lfil)erai:i, N. .f., ea- Nor! Invest-ou tiie. :Jtu.li ult . aiul all J'aiiwa.v iieiirt I.f iiKiu. Ih.' liiiiigs whie'i God hath yai'd, and tlicy l,.id tlic body of liic mniln-r .'•'.lowly and with diili.'ulty la.lk'ctiiig his incnuie ot sixty dollars ]>er day. Cerlahdy (>£ them. Onoot lliom la a daily, while Iho groiit throngs in attendance. Tlio pilgrims travel was greatly jetardei!. eiiiiiall Spiiilieni railway, near (ireeiiwixn!, j ! selitt- • Ihe sloiii's at its bus-, which help •was staying. .Sins always upii-eurcd nn scatloi'i'd scusi's, he was ab'out, lo rush he Willi the inspiration of a man whose mind editor of the other, not to bo eeliijsed in en­ aro asl.od on all hands, what they think of g.-tge.l in a raea rior- nn the li-Sth, witli tla; ]\.\*., ri'siilied 111 the d.:;i[lior si:: persons i prepi.reii fur 1 li,-;ii l,!i;it love lliiu. down inUi.-theM-r, d, ami th-- lit', Ic girl came liorsebuck, accompiiui.^d by a grnoiti, and this great atuouut of money is not all re­ result ot badiy injui'in.g a large number ol' 'i'lli; iMieliigau Cum reial Travel.-r.s' npliort it, and, dis:i]inieiil,'-d in ih-.-ir k-iiev,-not v.'liilhi'i'—e/'.,',-'/'i'/'.; to rid hiuisclf Aviisonlhe alert, he saw all at a glance. terprise, acts as Secretary ot the Hoard of It. 'The waiter at niy hotel tabic extracted and Ih-- injury of Iweiii.\' oilier.s. | > nil c, my te.Nts.-ls fnrtli tli-i idea that up to the Verge nf llic grave, ami, Inokiug I dashed do'.'.'ii Iho r.iu.ls, iilt.'rly idiiivl.uis of quired for l;ei;piiig up u very plain housi"- 'l-i'tide, and siqiplles ull applicauls by iiiuil, my oTiiuion, us ho served mo, and aa I agreed the men. As.-ioeiat inn le 111 il-s finirLli aunii.il si-ssi ou linw, ver exalleil iiur iileiis may be of down ill-the body of the mother, said: "is i.eareli, give, tli-j post a purling jiat of tills wi'il-iiigli ii'i'i.-.-ustiblo iiupuise, that 1 Icr.Mt was she hud Iweii iiaintin.g. Thos'i 'rv.-iNrv-oM-; iiiiililings wc.-e liiiriii.il nn i v.'lili tlieir luiw, thus showing their the olieii glam-i'.s and Inmlly-iiitii'ed words was lilliug him. wlicel-ti'iU'ks were made by tho wagon llud- Twn or three hnn.lred d.ilhii's a year would or ill person, v.'itli informut.ion concerning' with IiIb views, it proved a more aucecHHtnl . Govi;i!;.-.mi:nt ollieors at Yernal, U. T., ou ill ilelniii nil llie .'IDiIi ul!. il.-av.-li, llh-v i-niue far slmrt nf the lealilv. this Heaven'-" Oil! we have no id-.11 what of iidaiiratiim lli.d. assailed her on every (lie eeiintrv. It Is no use tor any'plucuto "tip" than hard cash and lie could not 'Ii:!-: J-Caiisas 'reiuiiej'iiiiee lluioii, in cnn- thi-'.Jil in Salida, Cnl., witli a total loss nt d"!('i'iiiiiiat'im ;it leu-t to kill any lu-cs lh;it )ii:d cscap.;ii him. This was her pi:I.'ti;e- surely cover lhat expenditure. \Vliat bo- the U-Stji eapi.arf'Cl t\v(t of live train ]'olIbe]',•^ .'ii2(lll,IKItl, Si.uu- wi,-.-mil, have bc.-ll caleulutiiig hn'w Heaven i.s. it is llie crave lien—it is diirk- side. At this iiionieiil, there fell up-m his ear comes of this large fniid would afford an iu- try t(i gr.iw without newB]iaper moit It thereafter do too much for mo. Even tho •whorilled 11 mail car near Grand .Tuuctiou, veiiiion at 'J'lipc'ka on ih-tlilltli ult-,, ii.asse.l might I'C about It. liidis]ur.ab;t. tr,-ees ot kiiifo wliicli the careless servants had simply won't sprinkling of Chinene have warmed up sut- A Ni-;i;i;o \\-atch-iiit.et:ng on th.-lllst iilt. maiiv furln ._.s Inugaiid wide is ilic New iicss here—but there is merry-mukiug yiui- Liknamcleor she b.'oko urion the si'tlil, gu.v p."ils of lau.giili'i', fejutin.g il..v.-ii the tei'esting subjeet of ini|iiir.v, 1 should siiy, Col., last Oetober. . • res'nlutious lu ediitiiiue e.;riii..>c v.-urk for ,li-rii.-al. lu; Mill lliev have calculated linw dc!', .'\li;lliiiiks when a .ed th-: track on ami llieii Ihev come to this estiiiiate: That, says to the newly-urriveil: ",'i'iies-! tire tlie slates that when ;i vole v.';is :i,..ked at tho liciitlysi'.rvaiitsof llie iiioi'-\ inteliigeid. type. Follov.'iug tho v.'agtui-trucks towards the til,1'."ill's it polled l.KOO votes, tiho third Till-; 'rrcasuiy rceei|its at Wasliiii.gleu I'nr tiuio fnr tli-i lirsl, great leli-grapli lines, a ut "i';id-l''ivlds.-' .-Mr. i'orlor's bumlsniiio Nearly all of the show places of Kughtnd thusiaam must bo'nt blood hout 3.0 below in WiKiaitisln, from .lOto L'-l below the :tl)r,ii nil. near (ireac Jieiid, I'a., and all. r all the iial-ous have liecu gatlieretl to niarlyrs that ]ierisl;ed at I'ieilmont; iliese 'Tbe woimiu carried, with .!;.-'.'iit ci'.re, a leH, he found, not ur.ieli further on,a daiiily largest vote of any eitv in tho St^uc, only rolled down tlie bank, sixtjcn. of the Jias- LciM-iuber wi-re .•j('_".i.;i'_'."i,i;S,"> unci tin; ex- iiieniber of the Slorl liiiig sail lhat ;iltliniigh country-.seal v.'hich li;ul bei'ii elosi-.l bir the hiee hiiiidkercliief. have entrance fees charged for admission. San Francisco ami .Sacramento leading It, In NeljratiUn; J,'i;riin.7-ln>.l..S belov/ in Kan.sa.'i, ]ieiiililiires .•jtll),-l(lli,i)s:J. JlellV. n, Ihere will he r,,nllllnre:icll snul--a were lorn lo ]iieces at the iiiipis.tioii; tills two previmis y.'ur.-i, iliii'iii:^ Hu' nwiier's u.b- frain'e tin whi.'h v.'as slrelclicd a ciinviis auU from 8 to 17 belou' in j\linni;suta. seiigi.'i's being iujiu'ed. is ihe.iliroiie of tile great Jeliflvah; tills is his 1 listrlcl-, had no ilircei interest lu the "Luck bus at last come to me," he suid, The ruins of ICenihvortli eastle, near'.-ilrat- 'The poiiiilallon receded after tho suhsl- AN INTERESTING FACT. 'Till! cnlire lire losses iu tlie Kuitcl Slalea riiiMi si.s.c.ui feet Iniig ami lifleni feet line jirnpnsed, he wnuld li'.v-; his vnte in Us soiiee abrniid. She hIhoIuIcI.V refused to "V ford, are supposed t,o bo 1 ho most iiitcsl ing Ueue.i ni; the gold fever until In ISSO.it K\;vEN liUNDKI*'" UMil-bhndlers' at l''ort (IN the .'idtli iil-t- till,' skeletons of rour.eeu w.ile. it would nut bo liirg.i i.-niuigli for ,).'.•,-" j'eceive c;ill'U's and spoke Iri no one. aloiui.) lilt ting the handkerchief in his pocljet wus I,ri(H>, since which time it has taken a muvilere'd ]ier.soiis wc.ro. Iniiud in a <;aveni for the year 1 S.ST were aliniit .flllll.- fav(">l', beiuiuse he klii-w the lilies would 'Vis • •ivith the knife. ruins in I'higliuid. A visitor to Ibeui brings Eiriict of tho '\'iliriitiou of Tolcjcritph I'iehniond, J'a;^ IdjBllcU on'tlai ti-Sili, ami the 0(111,0111), against about Ij-:! 1 ."i.OllD.OlIU the ill,-. 1 .-1111 eiail lo Uunw lh:it nn liiiiiiaii cs. *'J :iiii going to .'I e Jesus," s:iii,l a dvim,' newstiU't, and htoadily increased uiitU the iCnight^fd!;jiJ.*bor 'liad -'ordi'rei'l anuiher neiir the raiieh ot .lolni Li illaiit. a .Sioux drive the welve,: froi.i : lie di.uriets through Tho sei'vaiils anniiid Di.i place either ' Then it. oeeurretl Io him'ner nunio might awu.y a few distinct inipresidons. First, a town new nunihcrs, as airendy s'utod, Wires Ull -Willi AlihuillH. pntvioiis year. tiiiiaio is sullieieiit tn lake Urn liimeu-inn-s. lioy; "I am going :o see .lesii-s." Th • iuis- wliicli tlic.v pass -.1. It is well known tluit "BUMl!K^oFl^,'aufn*--J<^^ emjiloye.s, but-it imllan, iit Willow Creek, I). T. Lu Llant sinimry .said: ''Vou are sure you will see iinew nolliin.'C v.l iii.'ser with regard to beupniiil. He looked again at il. in llie quickening scn.se and ap]ii'eciutiou of tho 2,r>00, 'Tliere were at one time ;"),()00 Ohl- Some interesting facta have booh brought 'llti-; oldest woman in I'.'Uii.syh'iiiiia, .Mr.s. "i-'.ye hiiili not .-eeu nor ear licaril," nor lo kceiiofi tlie ravii'jds of hiingr.v wolves in lier, or else rctu.-'-cl lo diviiigo what llii'.\' i;.-;.s tlion^iil llie urib-iV'^ould not, be gener­ had lied. arlihiuctie cali-iiiaieil. Ilim'r" ''Oh! yes; i hat's wli.it 1 want to go elour li.'.'lil of tho moon he could distingiiisli magniliceiit slory of Seott v.'i'iltea in Hie 1 neso here, and Iherc arc still a tow hun­ out In a paper by M. C. Nlelson, of Chrls- rule, of.folm.siown, died oil the 1st ai tiiu winter t-l,e farmers ill .Nmwi.v set mi poles did know, 'ilii y'.'.'d'c tillable In tell bow an ''N," woven d.di.'iitely in tlie center. N'. neighb'orhood of this once gre:it caatJo. dred seutierod about, but Orovlllu is now a tiunu, on tho iraprosJ!ton produced upon ally he'eile.tf.'^'lt'Xs'as 'estimate*^ that eight Lauiia •\Vi:i)sti;i:, aged eighteen, of Hair i lir.sl ivmark tli-il we can In Ibis wm'ld tn Heaven fnr " "Hut," sai.l the iiiissioii- bu.siiu'ss eitv, instead of a mining camp, hu'ndi-eil eihpiti'yos of t!ie ro jd bad lost T.'raneiseo, had on tile .'intli ult. been asieeii n.ge of KIS ycar.s ,~ i coiiiieeled tugellier b.v a line or repe, under sho civmo III i'llii-l'ieM'!',--'•iill we know is, For what did-N. slund! Nora. Naiic.v, Nan­ Second, the roalizatioii of tim lilncss, Ik'HU- anininla by tho rosonunco of tho vibration LuaiNci Ihe iiast year the deaths nt I'nrt.v- get nn idea of the weallli nf Heaven. Wiicu ury, "sui.pi.se .lesus sliimld the C.nmty' .Seat of linttc County, and their posiilonu boeam-e ot l.lie previous for sevent.v ila.vs. lier ))li.vsieiaiis ailiiiiiiis- Ib'-aveu—wiiat then'/" "i slioiio awal Iy follo1' w 1 „-|lioli the wnlves won Id lint dare t when v.-e wiilad up one. miiniiti.g. there she nie, Nettie, Nell.y, Nuialic' Ho raclu'd his ly and grandeur of 1,lie theater uis,m wbii'li ot tclcgru])!! wires. It ia found that tha llve i-x-memlnu's nf (Nmgress, fnrly-iiliM: you were a child, anil when you went mu, pass. M'l'-a, hor.se and all, just -i,-; if siicd been here the eonter (if a wonderfnlly thriving a/jri- strike. . . • tei'ed lii|uid food ti.i her through a tube. in Ihe iiioriiiu- linw ymi hnuuileil .•.Inngtlie Him," said the dym.g bo.y. ".Hut if .lesiis "Ami il is a fact." .M. N sen siai(,..s, •• thiit bruin for all the m'.ines bcginni;i.g with N, so inun.v historical pti.giiants during h.!:;- ciiluiral and citrus country. For miles black and green woodiicckors, tor oxampio, . 'The A-4ventl!i;ts .of r.atXlo Creek,.Mleh., A 'rKUt.'U'ie ga'e w:is r.iging on the liOlh jnurnallsls and lU'iy-sevuii eeiilunarhiii.i when ail her lifol" They knew not when, or bat, none so pleased him a.-i Natalie. In his abetii's time were displayed. 'Tiiird, a fool­ about the city the evidences renudn of which hunt for insects iu tho biuk and In were reunrdcil. rnad or sir. i-l- \ nil had iievi-r felt sorrow went down to hell—wlnit ihcii';" The dy­ tweiily or iiinr.. y(.;ii-s mjo, lelc'ijiph itully pur.suaded that the end ot the world, aiit on the New iOugland const, and many ing lio.v thou.glit for a ninmcut, and then •wlioro she ,v;is going; her imiu" even (for excited stale, this namo would not tiv.'a.y ing nf piiy and indignation for the rnthlcSB placer mining, hut there is more '•jiay dirt" tho heart ot deciiying treca, often peck In­ Tin: greater part of the town nt lllcks- ur sie)iiie,:,s. I'l-rhai.s l;ilerynii felt a glow lines wen. carried over tim ii.ouiit-:iins and •they called li.'r •'.Miuliimoi-'elle''j ; nor, iu now in orjiiiges and othi^r products than in la close :it baud, wore tUscarding jeweh'y vessels bad been wrecked, but no liv.is lost. ill your cheek, and a -••priii.g in your step, anil said; ''Where .lesus is there can be no hell!" along tim v.ille.v-s, the wolves infdly di.sap-. from him, and kept ilitliii.g through liis destruction perpetrated by Cromwell, who side the circular holo mndo trnnsveraoly vlllo, ()., was wiped out liy lire on tlie lllsl fact, mi.v thill,'! I'd all alMUt her. ^1 mining. 'The hanks of Feather rivor aro and niaking otluo' preparaiionsoiitho tJ.sth. I |AX explo-tlen nl iiatunil-L'as on the liOth nil exiib-raiiee of ...]iirit-, ami a clearness of Ob! losiand in His presence! That will be lieareil, and a specimen -is now ii'ruritv." lii'iiin, as he imsseil rapidly down tlie roud, disnmnlled this nolile fortress, creating a still wouderfullv rich, but liydraulie mining through telcgiMiih posts, generally nour tho At ameeting.,$;5,()00'was raised to estahlisli ult. at Lima, O., klileil J'.e.gene O'Neil .•mil nit. The loss was .•): 1 IKl'.dlHI, aiitl the iu- Whether thu twocirciiiiisimie..s are easmil'ly Mr. H'.'O, whose establlslimcnt ivus licad- that now descended. 'The iirook,that he had ruin which no one has since attempted to (op 'Tho phenomenon ia attributed to tho lialiltants were sulteriiig. eye, that made you i,haiik God ymi were Heaven! Oli! to put our hiiinl in that limid has been stopp'od by law in the inUiro.st of lBSion>i. (inusod tlio •dustrnetlon of property worth ]ierniitted to live. The nerves wcr.! liarp- wliieh was wounded for us nn the cross—to coiinecterl, .M. Nielsen doi.s not venture to quarlei'S for all sorts oi arlicles andiurnr- liciird in the vale below, i:amc iicurer. He resbire. Fourth, intmi.se admiration for tho commerco and agriculture, as It (Ills np iind resonance produced In tho post by the vi­ wisa -to thueontlnnaneo of low water JfilO.OOO. • An explosion id'a lam 11 ou the lUst nlli go around amid the groiijis of the rcileeiucd, SU.V. — inti'.i'iut'. iniition, declared lhat sho v.-as the largest bud no doubt this vi'us the slreaiu that thrifty sjiirit ot the Karl ot Chifcndoii, who destroys the streams. The time Wius when bration ot tho wire, which tho bird mis- eauseil the death of two Utile eliildreii ot Klriiigs, and the sunlight wus a diixolog.v, 10 Ohio river Louisville" and-other towns lJuaiNO a row on the IJDl-h ult. in a uml the rustllu!,- leaves were tin; ru.stlii'ig and shake hands witli the propbcis, and -and best-]i;i.vintr custoiner ho bver had, fed the pool where first he saw her. Turn­ in acipiii'ing this properly l.enesl tho llorist-, bud no reason for closing his lowed Uie wimlings of the principid a iiayment of tliree pence each, or six ecu Is post Every ono knows th« Sonduoss ot Cii'iiuit Cnurl at Collar Ibipiils, la., dee'areil 'I'lle .iMoi'llI lleiir.ln!:' of liiilU'iitoiil --\ets mv thorou.',difiii'0. W'ulkiifg bris.kl.v along, the can Hcareely iuiugbio such ii stato ot af- men wero fatally wniiiuled. knew wliut it w, s In b • v.-e 1, but tlii-re is" no 'That- will be the great reunion; wo can Hie riihlle .llitiil. .eonsoi'viitni'.v as long u-i she I'onmiiieil at our money. In this way ho derives Irom f.airs. '1,'liero are still vuhiiihlo working' beara for lionn.y. It has been noticed that 0 first time in tho liistory ot that Till-; peo))le ot the lown of C'birksvlUe the I.iwa Ifeglstrv law unuonstitiitional en Bar Hiirlior. Tho most costl.y ami olegiiiit man, us bo expeetcd, soon came to the well- miuos in Biitto County, but on the the lil-t ult tierteet lii'iillli on e.rt.i. Tiie deceases of no; ima.u'ine It now, our beloved ones seem We are enille.ssly eliaiigiiig. No one is ah- this property a handsome hieorno. 'Tho in mtmntainona dlatricts they Buoin to njjB- man froze to deiith'ou tUo '2',)ih Iiid., on till! Ohio rlve'i', were on the Slltli past ecicratloiis (-:iiiic down lo its, 'The llowers were sent do'.'.-.i to l'".ld-l.'ielils at reineinberod pool. Sabbaili la observed at. this iiistitulion by usual Cidlfornia .scale of big tilings, this , tako the 'Vibratory sound of the telegraph .-V rum on the 1st at Qaobee, Can., de- so far awa.v. When we are In troul.le and soliitel.v the same tii-da.v us he was .^'ester- county Is liu'gor than Ilhodo Island and iu, Tex. ult.- in'opariug to elect delegates to Con­ nil's Unit llii.it now upon Ilm I'lulh are not lone (line, Ihi'y don't seem lo coiiie tons. least twice a'^diiy. l-'rom idi sides eamo I ri'fu.sing to admit the inihlie for the sac­ whes for tho gratuful humming of Ijoes, thirteen ,tbousand miles ot new gress. TlKiy woulil demand adiii'ssion as a Rtrnye.l IJie seminary chapel, tog..tlier with da.v. 'iVhiit we did yesterday or last yeai- Bucli exiircs'iioiis us the- I'nlhnviiig: Yes! liere it was that she had stood ho­ well up towjird.s the s;zu ot Now Jersey, no about .•ji500,(J0l) worth ot original oil ]iaiiit- like Ihose that lloeteil above piiriidise. They We go nil tile liaiiks of the Jnrd.iii and call becomes, Ibevefore, in some dciiree, us un- sido her horse;, there was tho stoiio on rilegious price ot threo poate. 'Those who tliat there ia niom, outsklo of Orovillc, for nnd, rnshing to the poat, look iibbiit fo'r'tUo ck were'lald la tllio Uiiilod .Slates j'ci;ritor.v under the old Virginia charter, are eliarged witli iiii|uirit;i,'S und ilisteiiii«.r.s. across to them, but tliev don't si.eiii to hear. ".She is very rich. Who b,siie."' lire willing lo pay ei.ghteeii I'/Oeco on tho pold mining and still keep wlth'n tho hive. Not finding It on tho post, they '7, Hiirpassing the record of all which it was claimed wiis still in force. Ing.s. olher'sael; so tbut we may Inok bael: upon \vhii'li she liiul slept, when r(.'m(ninti-ii,g liim, Kx-GovEiiNoii .ToEi, PAr,Ki:n, of New ,Ter- 'Tlie most elastic and rnluist health et,cartli, We say; "Is It w.dl witii' the cliilil':' is it well ourselves objeetively, as we would look The invaria'nleanswer was; '•! don'tkiiow, Iv.'ohinirs before; and yonder, the eluinii ol holy Sabbatii dtiy can liavo tlio iirivilogo of county. ;U'ter extraotltig literally luUiions scatter the stones ut Its base which help •oar*. coiujiaicd with tliat wliicli those experience with the loved ones'/" and we lislen to lieia- 'She's a mystery I" sToon A yo::nii giui.. iiispec'oing thia most prolitahlo proiicrty of of dollars ot gold from the ground, the citi­ to anpport it, and, diaappolntcd iu their lOt tlie emi)lo.yes ot H. K. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Boy, thu war Gnveruor ot tliat State, died In upon anollier. Wliile few right-minilfid bushes that hail couceulcd lior unsusiicetcd zens ot this count.v have now discovered Pulladelpliia on the 1st, agiid se veutv years. licfiire whom the gates have been oticiioil, if any voice comes buck over the water.s. persons tail to einislder the pow.'r of their Forthwith she w.lii dub'oed 'JMijaif.rn of beurin.g th.; first toticboii of a sl-toleh in oil. observer. the most noble Earl ot Clarendon.—(^'or. .V. Honroh, give tho poat a parting put loeomotivo manutaoturers at Tll.E Union Laiior party of Indiana will is unlliing but sickness and eniaeialinii. t'.hiit untold millions Btill remain, in the 'The e.xeliaiiges at tweut.y-six leading Nnnii! none! Unliellef siiys: "'Tlie.y are examplo niion otliers, they d.i not atten Bar lln,-lM„: 'I'he man hud charge of 1!ui ease-l. 'i'he two Ho stooped to drink, tor ho wa.s thirat.y, X. World. Kha]X! ot Ik soil which is ao vorsatllo that it with tholr paw, thus ahowlng their 'a., wore suspended on -the hold a Statu convention at Indianapolis dead, aiiU they are iiniiilillateil;" bill, liiessed v.'i".'.; casliiig arfectioimto glam.'Cs, one at determination nt least to kill any beea that _ 1 a liudcof orders. March 7. cIoarlii!.'-lious..s In.tho Ijiilted'.Stnt.is during Look at that soul, i-fiiidiiig before the consider their power of (.xuuiple upon Had lior usioundin.g iiistory been known, and fe\'cv'sh with excitement. The object ot cooking of inoals should bo producoR evorn' thin.g, ranging from grain the weukendod on Ihe Hist nit. ii,gci-re.;ated throne. On earth slio was a lifo-lniig in­ be (hid! We bave a Llble that lells ns dilfer- lheniselve.>< They fail lo realize that u Bar Hiirbor w.'.iild scai'i'el.v have been largo tile C.I 111,'r; ii'.iile I'lenrl^- a jiair of havers As 111! rose something toll from his pncltet t upon thu oftimer thiiii ^YIlyy 'Tlicru uro Imndreds ot from my pruinise. And I now I'oel nt liberty very lilicly, .sh-.. l.'ft her ('n.<^.l ii-.id skcleh in mesi cx.pilsilely, in minute cliaraeters, wero digestive iluids. Thia mcth-jd of cooking ia amount that bus been plndcod lor tho ux- comicctecl togothor by a line 6r rtipo. ituder : lakes and rivers, a total ot 0,702, as coni- liliii walk now with thesteiiof an Immortal .graves In Greenwood and Laurel Hill that He who studies nature, and denies God In to toll tlio ]mblic a story \vhc.5e incidenlH Ili.ii' .'iii:r';e iin.l inr.imling her liorso lire extiugulslier, from royajtlcn on which n niun who reads a book, and denies that it Ih.^ iii'.-;t few b;:rs of his fa-.-orilo Addio, a said to bo ospeeialI.y an Aiuarienn institU: liibit. This result lia.s prov hsd timo to go down Main straet to Frank MiUbury drew the ailvar sired dolL With this hope she eom'> Mr. Hosmer'sTstore to do an errand. the revenue from ciutoma will increeae •TKrAVHT. watch at Culver's drawing and number Dry Goods.—K. H. Webb. (orted Tessy. and held before the "Timo anoughr* he snapped. "Iho The First Sign with the Increaalng proaperity and watmir sou xaa Maws bv KiLTOir MTAV. child's brightening eyes a gorgeous 88 drew the gold one but the owner hois haa got to her his feed an' a Of fsltlns health, whether la tht iorpx of population of the country, but It it no It I eould make but one leu shadow IkU vision of a real dolly with arms and of the number has not yet appeared. breathin* spell; an' Pve got to go to KlgUt Swoiita and Nervouineaa, or In a m«ndv» JMMrr S* 1888. less possible that the expenses of the O'er your lad Uto Deftr little boy I m blithe, m gay, logs and a rosy face. So Tessy hugged [ the South bridge an' trade with Shep* The newly elected offlcera of Phil or toU and strife ;- BoUars will buy Sense of General Wearlnesi and Loss ot government will inoreaoe with equal Buoh lunnjr hair, and eyei her kitten ottonei* than over, and ard tor them sheop-skins.'* McKernaii post of this city O. A. B. If I eottid every laddened hour reeati Wide open m the lummerdky, A ppctlte, should suggest the uao of Ayer's Pbobibition baa been one of the •tepa. Owing to exceptional olroum- Of time DOW pHt, dreamed her day dreams of tho coming Mrs. Persons hoped her husband will be installed next week Friday Siiranpurllln. This preparation Is moat DPBULLS And bluer thu lu ikleil moit promtnent Ikcton in Michigan stances the revenue for the past year, X, then, at laat treasure, like older and wiser people. would lot her do her errand whilo ho night at their new ball by Senior Past eirocttvo for giving tone and strongth pollUoa during the paat yiiiar. The ending August 1, 1887, was about Would know I had not lived In vain. And aearoh through all the suniet lanOa Kow, while Tessy was crying and wont on to do his: but she hopod in Commander J. C. Squires or some high to the enfeebled system, promoting the If I oould bear th* sorrows of your heart, Where tittle angelt be, legislature voted last winter to aubmit $35,000,000 more than the previous being comforted, Enoch Turner was Tain; ho was not the man to let his illKcsttoa niid nsaimtlutlon of food, reitor- And all ths grief, Bueh fine and telnr feet and hondt oflldal from Foster post of Lansing. year. But the ordinary expenses in­ You novermoro may tea. wrangling out in tho homo-lot with wife spend a cent without his knowl* ing the nervous forces to their normal to the people a oonstitutional amend­ That, Ilka a thief. The /fiagara Falls (Route. -Worth of- 'Bijah Persons, who owned tho next | edge and approvalt Groat was bis The Solentiflo American, published uoiulitlon, und for purifying, enriching, ment forbidding the manufacture and creased about $ii5,000,000. So that at Steals, In night's darkneii ere Its shades Grow, ffrow,iweo t flowers, above hla retV farm. 'Bijah was tho "nearest" man disgust when she asked for dolls,- and by Munn & Co., New York, during und vitalizliig the blood. sale of liquor within the State. Several the end of the year, August 1,1887, the depart, Tie Great East afljf est liilif ay And let the little mound The preoloui gtms With •ummer'i brightest robes be droat, In Dalton, as everybody said; stingy the gentle, prim little woman behind more than forty years, is, beyond all prominent men took the stump against surplus revenue amounted to $103,000,- Failing Health. And diadems, CONDENSED TIME FBOM MASON. A consecrated ground. even to his wife, though ho had a groat the counter took from the case a dozen question, tlie leading paper relating to the amendment and it was lost by a 000 as compared with $93,000,000 the DRY GOODS How happy would I be again t (arm, and every year sold so much smiling, stiff-bodied puppets and laid science, mechanics, and inventions Ten years aco my health began to fail. previous year. Nevertheless, owing to BOUTHWABD. COUGH All pretty, creeping, flying things I was troubled witli a UlstresaTii; Cough, small miOority. . The people outside of That babies love to see. corn, and hay, and wood, and apples, them out for inspection. published on this continent. Each If I oould feel the pangs that you have felt; Leave Miuion 10:«) a. m, 9:32 p. m. Nigbt Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous- the citlea voted so generally for the extraordinary expenditures, we find -At- 10:30 " With slender lega and diamond wing*. that he laid up money in tho bank. iiess. I tried various remedies preacribod The pain and woe, A rr. jRfllcBon 11:15 " SYRUP About his grave shall bo. "What in tarnation bo you a pricin' weekly issue presents the latest scien­ amendment that the legiaUture was at the end of the year, closed August Then I might know " Kalamazoo 1:50 p. tn. J:10 a. tn. But ho half starved both Mrs. Persons by diflercut phyaicians, but became so 3:06 " Cold!, Bouwnm, CrNP. Ailhiiu, them things forP" growled 'Bijah. tific topica In an Interesting and reli­ weak tliiit I could not jio up stairs with­ led to enact a higher license and more 1,1887, less cash in the treasury than How much each heart eould bear before " NIlei 3:82 " and tho hired man, and disputed every •• Clilcago 11:40 " 7:00 •' pinW Cough, Jiiclpli«fCoinump- 0 Father, dear, who took his hand His wife shook in her shoes. able manner, accompanied with eu- out stonplng to rest. Hy friends recom- stringent law and a county local option there was in 1888, and an increase of 'twould melt Ana led hira gently on cent that was spent in tho house, as it mcndca liio to try Ayor'a SarsRparills. " Grand Rnplda 3:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. In other ways than wo had planned, "Oh, I'm doln' an errand for Mis' gravinga prepared expressly to demon­ law allowing counties to vote prohibi­ about seventy million dollars In circu­ In sympathy. " Ann Arbor 5:30 p. ni. 4:35 a. m. Itoifc^Tho Ocmilai IJr. fluli;. bo had boon the poorest beggar. which X did, nnd I am now ns hciiltby uni But carelessly OmoA fiiirup U wM only In Where la our baby gonet Turner. Sho wants a dolly for''her strate the subjects. The Scientific atroiis na ever. —Mrs. E. L. Wllllama, lation among the people. In view of " YpHllanU S:« " 4:52 •' tion for a period of three years and I threw, the tender plant away " Detroit 6:15 '• 6:00 " lAlle mamttn, wd bi«n onr Ho was very angry now with Enoch girl." Alexandria, Minn. "W" M. We ean not know how pass his days. American is invaluable to every person longer unless a change should be de­ these facts it would be very question­ And shunned the spot where It had lain so " Bt. Tliomoa 11:10 " 9:55 " Turner bocauso ho had not built his " Buflalo i:3S a. m. 3:5.5 p. m. M'Mir&lssJi: How sweet and dear he apeaks. 'Bijah shut his mouth in ominous sl> desiring to keep pace with the Inven­ I linre used Ayer's Sarsiiporllla. in my manded by the people. Under this able statesmanship which would pro­ long. Bow good and gracious all his waia. part ot tho homo-lot fence as high as lence. fuinily, for Scrofula, and know, it it fa NOUTHWARD. What companlei he seeks; tions and discoveries of the day. taken faithfully, that It will thoroughly law the foliowiug counties have voted vide for a veri/ serious reduction of the It withered soon tho part which was his own building. "How much Is that one?" ti'cmu« And died at noon— Leave Jaokson 7:110 a. in, 4:30 p. m. fi^{.';ii!;&iri.^.?.b?i' eruUicnte thU terrible disease. I have also prohibition with approximately the revenue at this time. The country 6:24 '• Wo only know that he is aafo "You'd ouglit to ha' made it liorse- lously asked Mrs. Persons, pointing Last Monday Win. H. Wells was pi-cNurilicd it na a tonic, ns well ns an niter- At the high noon of life when hope la strong. " MaHon 7:M •• As. demands more liberal expenditures for Arr. Lanaliig 8:20 " 5:411 " la that fair land and tar, high an' bull strong," he shouted; for to a long kid-bodied doll, with blue deposed and put out of the blacksmith ntlve, und inuat auy that I boueatly believe following majorities: Oh, will It bloom LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S " OWOHSO 9:22 " 7:13 " Where boat no storms, nabardsbtpsohkta. it to be the l)nat blood medicine ever Oountlu. UigoriUea. national defense and internal and sea- This Ride the tomb? " SuKlnnw City lO:.^ " «:SS " And Love shines like a star. being deaf himself ho roared at every­ eyes, painted black hair, a prim mouth, shop near Mead's mill which himself componnilod, —AV. V. irowlcr, 11. P. S., " Bay City 11:45 " 9:50 " body clso. "'Tain't nuthor now; and St, JoMph 1,100 coast Improvements to promote our Or has lUi germ been turned to clay 7 8:80 p, m. 6:30 " ADDITIONAL LOCAL. —flMiior If. If, Battt, in W»man'i Jowntat, and the sweetest tmirki and Abram Horning, deceaaed, had St. i>,, Orcenville, Tenu. HOODS AT COST. •' Mackinaw City I'll have it so et there's a mito o' law Orand Ti»T«ne ^ 600 internal and coastwise trade. There O. W. RUGGLE8, "Tliat's nine shillin'," said Miss been operating for the post few montba in Dalton." Burr. Dyspepsia Cured. Isabells. 1,300 Is also a growing demand for natloual Mason Public School. Gen'l Pbbb. and Ticket Agent, Chicago. Charlie Gregg and wife of Jueksnii TESSY'S REAL DOLLY. in copartnership. Wells protested VanBnren, 3,a00 M.J. .MeKBAY. Ticket Agent, Maaon^ "Pll take thot one. It's just what It would bo Impossible for me to dc- encouragementofourshipplngengaged are visiting friends in Mason tbis "Well, law mo; do!" screamed against vacating but was ejected, with­ ac.'ibo what I sulfercd from Indigestion Hlllitele. t,6U0 The following Is the roll of honor for Enoch. "I shan't make it no highor'n she gave mo to spend for't;" 2U0 in foreign commerce. If, therefore. In week. out process served upon him and came nnd Headache up to tho time I began Bencie the past month: The WratohednesB Oauaad. by Ona 'tis; fust place the' ain't no boss nor no Mrs. Persons emptied the money out tiikinj; Ayer's SarHaparilin. I was under Loolenaw < 200 yielding to popular clamor, or to a BARGAINS in Bemnants. Money to Loan. to Justice Rice who Issued a civil war­ niou sciioot,. Mr. and Mrs. J, B, Langley of Gaii- Mcui's Meannaoa, bull kop' in your lot nor mine, save an' ot her purse into her hand, and the care of various physicians nnd tried Barry. 1,800 desire to reduce the revenue, it becomes On first mortgages on real estate at rant for trespass against Geo. W. a great many kinds of niediclues, but 3,600 Hugh Bateman, Fred Darrow, gea, Allegan county, are visiting their except my old gray mare, an she stretched it toward tho saleswoman; never obtained more than temporary re­ Branch necessary to take some action, let a Nettle Dean, Dora Elmer, ^SEE OUR BARGAIN COUNTER. 0, Ci, 7 and 8 per cent, according to Brown. Constable Squiera served the Antrim m coualna Mr. and Mrs, Win. Ri)gers a. True story. couldn't no more Jump oyer a punkin but 'Bijah's big paw pounced on her lief. After taking Ayer's Saraaparilia for beginning be made by abolishing the OUa Fansoo, Llbble Foler, amount of loan. pupera and brought bim before the a short time, my headache dianppearcd, The oeuntles of Shiawassee, Cass, Orrln Freeland, llamloHlncB, of thia citv. than she could over the moon; second clasped fingers before they crossed tlia tobacco tax, which is now about $28,- B. A. CLARK, Justice, the case waa tried by a Jury ond my stomach performed Its duties moro Eaton aa4 Otsego vote on prohibition Arthur Laxton, Roscoo Landls, Real Estate, £tc.-W. J. Hill & Co. I.nnMliiK, Nl«l>. SlierlH Call has ofleretl a reward of "Oh, muvvor! o-oli dee, dee, deol" place, I havo'nt got no money to buy counter. perfectly. To-day my health Is .com- 000,000 per an num. It is defended only tor WniiliinKtoa Aveaiie X. miviU rails, nor no wood-lot to chop 'em out yesterday afternoon and resulted in n letelT restored,—Mary Hurley, Spring- Jan.24,au4Inghamon Jan.Sl. There Louis Marshall, Frank Melian, $50, for the apprehension of tlie tramp Bobbed little Tos.ty Turnor, hiding hor "Pll take that there money!" lie by those who see in its removal an John Marshall, John Pratt, eld, Mass. pretty curly head in lior mother's lop, of, and that's tho eend on'U" growled, like an angry bear. "Enoch verdict of guilty and lined him S are uluoteea ether counties now circu­ Anna Rowe, Maude Rhodes, W. jr. HILL, 4fe oo., Perkins whosliot George Sharp at Mil­ obstacle to the advent of free trade. "Not by a long sight tisn't," retorted Turner ha'n't no right to spend money twenty-live dollars. I have been greatly benefited by tho lating peMMens preparatory to an eleo- Willie Snook, Guy Smith, let station hist Saturday iiiuht. and slioking ail over with sobs. prompt use of Ayer's Sursuparilia. It Its abolition would be one step towards Sallle Sherman, Verna Weeks, "Why, Tesayl what's the matter? 'Bijalu "That oro tonco ain't wiiat it on trumphery an' say he can't 'ford to tones and Invigorates the system, regulates tlon. The law will go into effect next Dealers in Thk Kkws enters upon its tliirtietli The bar of Ingham county gave a the Anal abolition of all Internal taxes Dannie Wright, Roy Vanderoook, traveITnTpublig! Stop cryin' dear; now do stop!" had ouglit to bo nnhow; thom rails is build a right fence betwixt our pastur' the action of the digestive and aHsimilntlva May. The editor of this paper was in year of existence witii litis issue. Dur­ banquet to retiring Judge Gridley and organs, and vitalizes the blood. It is, and It would soon be seen whether Harvey Young, Nina Bristol, And by way of helping her to obey, old anyway; and cf I should want to lots, Pll sea 't's built now. Nino favor of a local option law before it Charlie Worden. The mail route irom Dansville to Maxon a welcome to hla auccessor, Judge without doubt, tho most reliable blood further steps in tlie same direction having been dixcontlnued. the NUbncrlber ing these twenty-nine years It hus the mother lifted the small girl iato turn my black bull in there, they'd go shii'in' will put up one courso o' rail." purifier yet discovered.—H. D. Jobuaon, was made an act in Micbigan, has KIQIITII nitADE. Real Estate, Mining Stocks, will horealtor run a vehicle over the road alwaya stood by tlie interests of Mnsuii down like a cobwob, supposia' ho got "But, husband"—gasped tho ter­ Peck, at the Donnelly house 883 Atlantic ave,, Brooklyn, K. Y. were practicable or desirable. dally (SundnyH and the 4th of July excepted) her lap, and gently pulling away the favored it every rince, and believes to­ Luella Craft, Will Diamond. a mind to charge into 'em." rified woman, "'tisn't his money, it's last Tuesday evening. In a neat Ada OuBols, Wary Fellows, for the conveyance of pnHuenKerii, expreaa, and liua been well putrotititcd by tier cheek apron, took a corner of it to day that it is the beet kind of prohibi­ AXD PINE LAND LOCATORS. and frelKht, nt reannnnblo riiteH, lenvlRg Dans, hor'n!" and eloquent speech Hon. S. L. May Henderson, Jiiy Moore, vlllent 8 o'clock A. M. and arriving at .Maaon citizeiia. It will be noted witli pride wipe off tlie tears that ran like the "I guess you won't never turn him Ayers Sarsapaiilla,' tion that Michigan can possibly have. To cram one's bead full of knowledge Dannie Morey, Mable Morey, ^FIFTY MEN WANTED to locate on Pine Claims at or before 10 o'clock A. M., returning at Huck drip of a summer rain out of Tcssy'a into your mowin' lot!" snoored Enoch, "Sliof tho' ain't no woman't owns Kilbourne presented Judge Gridley and the stomach full of food, and then by some one if, at tlie close of the next Prepared by Dr. J, C. Aysr ts Co., Lowell, Mass. Nannie Tripp, Fred Williams, by pre-emption or homestead, that will sell for from $2,000 tlmcR each day as nhall beat promote the walking off. money ef hor husband's livin'. Ha' with n gold headed cane and to Judge neglect to observe the simplest laws of convenience of the public, thirty years Moson can look back upon blue, sweet eyes. PrIoeSli sU botUea, 98. Gov. Luce has called an election in nature are the unfailing means to in­ Howard Whcclor. Bert Boot, to $8,600 as soon as proved up. |^~Come and see us. Mrs. Turner was not given to kiss­ Ho know very well that 'Bijah Por- you got a cent to your name, I'd like and Mrs. Gridley a silver tea set. The Edith Call. CEO. W. CLYNN. oa prosperous a career as ahecaii lo-diiy. the eleventh congressional district to duce nervousness and constipation and ing, or caressing ot any kind; she only sons's black bull had to bo kept in a to know." articles were made from the finest pat­ SBVBHTIt OKADR. CAN BE FOUND AT be held February 14 for the purpose of certain loss of health. Laxador pre­ Home College .Society will meet ut barnyard with a high and strong plank Tho cruel taunt brought hot blood to terns und were very beautiful. The Vernle Brown, Henry Cook, BUY THE Btrokod the fair hair with her rough electing a cougressman to All the va­ vents all this trouble. Price only 25 My Farm in Onondaga, Five Miles Northwest of Leslie the home of L, Frank Clark, Jan. Otii, hand, and held hor baby closer to her fence, and half tho time cliainod to a Mrs, Persons' cheeks; she was helpless, sumptuous collation was spread by cents a package. Bert Lyon, Corul Potter, cancy caused by the death of Hon. Frank Severance, Maud Taylor, Village, on Monday of each week. Subject: Kiiglund under Henry III. bosom with the other; but the close post by his noso ring, tor twice 'Bijah mortified, angry; and without ono look mine host Donnelly and it ia needless Seth C. Moffatt. Jay Hubbell Is said The best remedy for the complaints Hugh Hoot. Leader, Tcy Johnson. Topics : pressure, and the dear, motherly face had boon mailo to pay damages lor tiie nt little Miss Burr's astonished and in­ to attempt to describe it, The evening of early childhood, such us colic, flatul­ savage freaks of tho creature. dignant faco. sho hung down her head to have the lead and will probably be Vernot Doane, SIXTH ORADKWalter. Dyer, Merchant Tailors.—Smith & McLcod. Detroit Imi im, Henry HI, Spencer Beecher. bent over her meant "mother" to Tos­ was filled out with toasts from nearly ency, etc., la Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. and followed hor lord and master out i^ominatad and elected as the district Price 23 cents. Willie Gregg, Oiiy Field, Subjugation of Wales, Bert Root. sy in all the fullness of that blessed But Enoch did not know th.at 'Bijah every member of the bar. Judge Grid- DonicBtlc History or the People of the Sec­ of tho shop. is strongly republican. • Maggie Callaghan, WIMIe Swan, lOc. A WEEK word. She began to grow calmer, to had taken a couplo of young colts for ley gave some very interesting remin­ Itoy Bartbolotnow, Dowitt DuRols, SMITH & IMtcLEOD, ond Hall of the Thirteenth Century, V. J, swallow the lump in her throat, to Poor woman! sho cried bitterly as t'ainnion Council Proceedings. Delivered at Tour Home or Tefft. debt, and expected another year to iscences of tlie bar of Ingham county Daisy Unbio, Dlnnche Flora, wink away the slower falling tonr.^, thoy drove homo on that sweet May Place of Business, or William Wallace and Uolicrt Bruce, Nannie turn his mowing lot into a posture. So in an early day. It ia suillcieut to say THE SURPLUS. [orKICIAL,] Bert Green, Alvercttii Pnttlsott, and in two minutes managed to say, afternoon beside her silent husband; Pain curE Lcnna Shaler, BcHfilo Soniervlllc. Sent hy Mail. Wood house. tho men each went homo, cross as pos­ that the evening was spent in a very Mason, Jan. Sd, 18S8. The Templam, Kva J. Akern. brokenly: "Oh, muwerl My skosh sible about a few rods of fence, and but at last he got tired of hor half* A How Bsmedy witli WonderfalHtallDgFowera Some doubt has been suggested as to FIFTH GBADK. Merchant Tailors! It Is Universally Conceded to lie THE profitable and enjoyable manner and For both Internal and aitarnal Uaa. Council met and was called to order Earl Gregg, Guy Royston, dolly's all b'eaked to pieces. Boso Tessy, comforted and smiling, never stifled sobs. POSITIVE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM ANDNEURALOM. the reality of the surplus, and whether Newspaper of Mlcldgan. Tile Knigiits of Pytiiias elected tlie it waa not until the wee small hours AUo Colic, Craup, Hsadache, Latnt Bsck, Wounds, by Mayor Cannon. Present, Aids. Rena Wood, George Harrington, -Have just received a FULL LINE of jumped up when I tamo in, an' tum- thouglit that lier precious "real" dolly "You shot up!" ho roared. Ef you the cry «f "Surplus" might not possibly Covering all the ncwsol tlio diiy worth know­ followint; olllccra last Friday evening that the gueata departed each declaring and ell dl»tre»Bln(! iillmcnUiof tho human body. Beecher, Coy, McDonald, Peek and Dudley Freeland, Mubol Hardcnburg, ing or worth roaillnR, In such clear nod con- buled mo down, an' dolly wcnted over could bo endangered by anytliing. snuflle ono moro time I'll sotyo off onto he a free trade bugaboo. The fact baa Mamie HInkley, Eva Tubbs, cIno inaniicr ns inukcH it poHNlblo tor the for the ensuing year: tlint the banquet had been u great "AI.Vs'i.ftAO I '•'hi BMton EsHhfor BronchHIt, VanSlyke. buslnCHK nmn to keep promptly posted with­ on tlie'tops and b'caked, an'! an'I oh Mrs. Persons and Mrs, Tumor woro tho road, an' lot ye scratch for hum on COUQH CURE ;Caughs,ThroaUndLungTrsubl«s been painted out that the circulating Loulo Bemcnt. -Of the Latest and Most Fushionubie Stylos.- out interfureiice with tiio dutivn of IiIh buKi- p. C—.T. H. Bayers. dee! doe! My dolly's deadod all up!" your own huffs." success. A FSSmrZ CCHBUVPTttt! COBS la ill tltllu OUfM. Minutes of last meeting read and O. C—S. H. Culver. good friends, as nciglibors should bo, Thtsa Medicines are Warranted by your Drugfltst. medium of tlie nation increased over VOCRTH ORADK. ncHH liuurH; the worklMKniiin to keep ubrenHt approved. Grace Clatlln, Guy Casterlln, Englisli and German Worsteds. French Clilncliillus in all shades. Special of the tlineH without tnitklni; hla ncwspaiier V. C.-C. K, Brown. Again the tears and sobs got the but thoy did not vi-sit each other Tho threat was effectual, sho knew he Price as*., BOc. and «l iwr bottle. For 11 we wlU seventy millions from July 1, 1886, to Bargains in Montognuc Fur Beaver and Kerseys. Tlie very rending luborlouH—In fuel, making it ruther "I see by the papers," said a gentle­ •end largest alio of cither Cure, prepaid. Address BEPOUT OF COMMITTEE. Flora Doaae, Mubel Dyer. u recreation and » pleasurable half hour or Prelate—llcv. J. A, Barnes, mofltcry. Mrs. Turner's head ached often. 'Bijah did not boliovo in women would do it, tor ho hod onoe before; so Walllo Depew, Frances Darrow, latest Overcoating Goods out. she choked down her tears, and sat in man in the sherifl's otHce, "that the Ralt-Rosd Remedy Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb. August 1,1887, as evidence that what The coinniittee on finance reported more after supper; and furnishing such other M. of Ex.-A. 0. DuBois. for her own dolly, wlio was so be­ "goin' a gaddin'," ns ho s.iid; and with Bertie Everts, NctUe Gritnn, S&'Gentlemcn, Call and Kxanilno Our Goods llcforc Going Elsewhere. and Interesting reading matter, liinlndiog M. of P.-Oco. A. Earlc. angry silence till thoy reached tha people of Leslie, Mich,, have given Trade auppllcd by Farrund, Wllllama A Co., Detroit. ever else might be charged to the the foliowiug claims, recommending stories, HS gives to the tired housewife an reaved in the untimely end of the all the work of her dairy, her house, AUlo Rector, Kittle Stroud, opportunity to enjoy herself while sniiU:hlng K. of R. and 8,-W, L. Clark. Turner farm-houso. one of their townsmen named John MASON MARKETS. surplus it had not diminished the their allowance ns follows: Charlie Saraw, JenslePerrln, SMITH A MeZiBOS. phyNlcal rest* of greater or less durutlon "ekosh" doll. The Tumor's were poor and her garden to do, sho had little Representative-J, H. Bayers. Tessy's mother had been on tha Soniervilie the dead cut because they money la use among the people. E. P. Que, V/i days on board of nssessors }3 00 Amy Foster, Ward Murray. Center Store Paddock Block, MaBon, Mich. throughout the day. ncsides this, it will ever Trnstces —H. Ueed, A. McDonald, C. Q farniois in the hill country of Now timo to go abroad; and it was just so Oaretally corrected ITp to Th aradny be found the friend of the people, advocating watch, and came running out into tha think he is the man who cut the rope The Coaamercial and Financial E. M. Slay ton, to goods furnished Clar­ THIRD ORADK. the greatest bcnollt to the greatest number; Iluntlugton. England, barely living on the produce with Mr*. Tumor, for thou gh sho only MoraluK of B«cli Week. ence Brown 50 Ralph Darling, BorUia Foster, exposing rottenness In the Interest of the of their few acres. Most of tho butter twilight, with her apron ovor her head. at the hanging of tlie anarchists In thia ORAIM. Chronicle says in its issue of August C: general wcifare; advocating all reforms that Secretary Hardy ia laboring very had ono cow and a dozen hens, she A. L. Vandereook, to goods furnlslied Fannie Fitch, Dick Henderson, The Home and Headqoarbirs and eggs, all tho spring chickens and "Oh, Mis' Persons! have you got it?" city. It seems they have nil idea that WHEAT, No. 1, white If the Secretary baa been every will Inure to the public weal, and generally had Tossy to make and mond for, to Henry Leonard 2 00 Johnnie Noxnn, Bertha .Soutliwick, roaAU. KINDS ur ^. exercising such a watchrul supervision as hard to make the next teachers' asso­ fatted turkeys wont to tho "store" in sho asked, cage riy. lie is a professional hangman wlio goes WHEAT, No. 2, white - month loclcing up a large amount of shall make Us piktrons feel that Its visits are watch and wait on, and rarely oven Geo. VanHorn, to goods furnished CoraSouthwlok, Clarence Templeton, ciation that is to be held in tliis city, the next village, and were tiiero bar­ "No she ain't!" roared 'Bijah; "but WHEAT. No, 2, red... currency, as is claimed, tiiese latest Roy Thompson, Lou Varlell, BRITISH HORSES. thovo of a genuine friend, whose merits will went to tho sewing circle of tho church about the country doing odd Jobs of Amos Parks 1 00 become mora iiad belter apparent to them Jan. 7, one of the most interesting ever tered for clotliing and a few groceries. I've got tho nine shillin' right in here," WHEAT, rejected returns will prove it. We have there­ J. W. Pllbeiim, to 14 nights on slreetif 18 BO Corla Wliallon, William Rogers, the longer they continue lit acquaintance. on that account. But shortly after strangling for sheriffs. I know a good CORN, In the ear, per bushel (new)... D.Southwlck.toll nlghls on streets 18 90 held in tiie county, Supt, Howell of slapping his breeches pocket. "You fore prepared the following brief sum­ Jesse Slicklor. 6ALBRAITH BROS., Tessy was tlio only living child. Two May set in, Mrs. Turner found that deal al)Out such things, and I tell you OATS, per bushel mary of the net holdings of currency Jack Fowler, to 1 month Janitor of en­ OF JANiHVitLS, WIS., have Im- Nothing shall be permitted In Us columns ha'nt no business spondin' his money gine room 10 00 SKCOND ouark. poitwl during the prewint Besion tliat can offend rellned sense or make itothcr tiie Lansing schools and Prof, Putteii- or throe had come and gono before tho money for tho doll amounted to a there Is no such person in tliis country CLOVER SEED, per bushel.. by the government, July 1, 1880, and Peek & Sberwaod, to timber furnlsbed Davlil Criswell, MnOgc Rhodes, over aoo atallloni Including than a paper that pater fnmillas may feel free her, victims to a damp oollor, no sink on rubbish, when ho don't set up a to introduce to every member of ills family giil will be present to help make the dollar and a half; suroly enough to as a profesHlonai iiaiigiiiaii. Of course TIMOTHY SEED, per bUBliel. August 1,1887, and give them below city 3 44 Burt Sanderson, Blanche Vandereook, OIVDEIDALI, tHQLIIH IHIRE, drain, soiint and poor food, and viti­ right fence on my line. I'm agoin' to S. J. P. Smeiid, to work done In city capable of reading, with the assurance tlmt nieetitiR lively and instructive. Mr. buy a beautiful baby for her pet; and it is necessary to keep secret the name )(iaOKI.LAnEOVS. for comparison: cemetery 0 12 Bessie Webb. 80FF01K PUNCH, HAOKNEY nothing Imleful shall result. ated air in tho house where every put them ahillin's into fenco rails, SALT, Saginaw, per barrel U. S. Treasurer'g net riKST ORADK. Hardy desires to meet every teacher ono afternoon, when Enoch had taken nf the niuii who did hang the anarch­ On motion the report was accepted AND OlEVELAND BAY H0R8EI. TiiK EvKNi.vo Nkws Is bound to keep at crack was puttied or papered over, or where they'd ought to go; you can BEANS, unpicked, per bushel... holdlnKHOf Jiilyl.m Auk. 1.'87. Geo. Barnes, Eva BowlcH, Mora prita winning, blgb data the head of the newspaper procession in and sciiool ofllcer at tills meeting and Tessy into tho lot whore ho was plant­ Gold JIM.793,74••" 9 «18a,30«,S!«) and adopted. Yeiw, Aids. Beecher, Btuck Imported bf ui UiBa »07 Michigan, and "don't you lorget it!" stuffed with rags, all tho long winter, whistle for 'om if you want to!" And, ists, but you call' say to the people of POTATOES, per bushel Silver 0«,229,S10 72,465,100 Lilllo Copio, Harry Caple, tbreo flrmi In America. TuEKvBNiNa Nkwh, bymall.aa per year. believes tliat they will be abundantly ing corn, the mother put on hor Sun­ Le.slie tliat John Somervillc had noth­ 2.',8«8,S17 19,6;«,740 Coy, McDonald, Peek and VanSlyke; Superior hones. (uhlonaMe in order to keep out the bitterness of with a brutol laugh, 'Bijahdrove on. EOGS, freah, per doien U. S. Notes Blanche Crittenden, Edna Doane, pedlireei and all guaranteed Rood day gown and wont over to tho sowing LARD, per pound Bank Notes 140,014 273,80-J Eric DaLamartor, Mnudlo Freeland, breedera, i>ncea and term* to paid for tiieir time and trouble. tho cold. ing to do with it. Sherifl Matson Fractional Silver. 20,282,41)0 26,803,845 nays, none. circle, that mot that afternoon at Mrs. Mrs, Turner burst into tears. BUTTER, per pound Bertie Garrison, Ada Hoyt, Bult sToryhodr. vieltora eordlally THE SUNDAY NEWS, Tlie following were elected ofHcers received a great many letters from men The treuBurer's report for the month Leo Losenby, Guy Lincoln, lurlted. ecnd for Catalogue. When Tossy was born tho old doc­ Person's liouso. While thoy woro roll­ Poor Tossy, lying awako in hor trun­ APPLES, dried, per pound Total 1305,323,113 e.'K5,472,81» CALBRAITH BROS., Issued every Sunday morning, Is an 8-pnge who wanted to serve in this capacity, of December was received and ordered Lenali Potter, Cor Marshall, paper, with as lino a "layout" of inleresUng and teachers of the Baptist Sunday tor who had dosed hor brothers and ing tho quilt sho heard Mrs. Persons dle-bed, waiting for tho real dolly, CHERRIES, dried, per pound The forsgeing presents the treasury JANSSVILLK, WIS. reading matter as can bo crowded Into 60 but John Somerville was not one of situation in as brief and clear a form placed on flic. Eugene Rogers, Bortie Stephens, Sciiool for the year 1888. On the tlrst listers with various ancient sorta of say: "Yes, ho hoored to-day that his sobbed nnd cried with all her might PEACHES, dried, per pound.. Johnnie Squires, Guy Sanderson, columns. Including the cuiront news, special those men, and if that is the only ONIONS, per bushel as it Is possible to give it. It tells us Moved by Aid. Beecher that the articles, nctlon, etc. Price, Sl.nu per year. ballot for superintendent Mr. Hall medicine, was on his death-bed, and uncle was dead; down to Hartford; when she, too, heard the disappoint* that the total currency in the sub treas­ Bennle Stephens, Annlo Wygant, NtileMe at DniiMvllle. The n«tao4t JouvmI B*yc»U. ing story; and Enoch Turner, coming reason the people of Leslie have for AGRICULTURAL SALT, per ton collector's warrant on the Sycamore Ada Lyon, Sadie Rogers, received every vote cast. his spruce young successor insisted on and ho calo'lates to go tho funeral to- ury vaults, instead of increasing, was George Post, son of Wni. Post, of The Detroit News has declared war in from foddering tho cows, used all avoiding him they may as well take LAND PLASTER, per ton 5 creek assessment roll be extended 60 Mabel Lasenby, Orvllle Varlell. Supcrlntendenl-A. J. Hull. flannel, milk and frosh air for tho morrer, bein* ono ot tho hoirs. We're Just about the same Autcust 1, 1887, an Dansville, an unmarried man thirty THE~ECHO, tho bad words ho knew, but could not LIVE STOCK ADD XBAT3. SECOND WARD SCHOOL. uiKin its aucccssful competitcr, the Assistant superintendent—It, B. Longyear. baby; so she grow up into a tolerably agoin' to rido ovor, and come back him to their hearts again."—Chicago CATTLE, per 100 pounds '....2 it was on the first of July, 1886. Now, days. Curried. Yeus, Aids. Beecher, years old und addicted to strong drink, 8 VmVS, f>« COLUMNS, IjH A VEAH. half express his rage at his neigbor, or sflssso SKCOND, THIRD AND FOURTH ORADBS. Detroit Journal, and hus sent peremp­ SecroUiry and treuaurer—Ijols Bennett. hardy and very happy child, tho idol ol next day." News. ^ HOGS, per 100 pounds i if there is anything in those cliangea Coy, McDonuId, Peek and VanSlyke. Cliorlstor—A. P. Drake. that gives the least ground for the Willie Bush, Eddie Fleming, took morphine yesterday afternoon tory orders to news agents and deuler.s that household, who regarded her with his heartfelt pity tor Te.ssy. PORK, dressed, per 100 pounds. .6 Bach Issue replete with stories hy well Organist—H. B. Longyear. Hero was Mrs. Tumor's chance; sho claim that tlie government has been On motion of Aid. Beecher Night- Mertio Moore, Maude Paddock, with suicidal Intent. Lust night his known writers, sketches from lllo. and both So 'Bijah Persons mado four people HAMS, per pound a& 0 throughout the state, telling them that Librarian—Harvey Young. as much fear as love, dreading slipped away from tho quilters, ran BonH Experiment. locltlng up currency, or to frighten wutchmuti Soutliwick was grunted a Clarence Field, Claude Hull, liistructlvu and mirthful miscellany for the CHICKENS, per pound, dressed aot 7 niotiier went to cull iiiiii to supper and they "must drop tiie Detroit Journal," iiiUNses. Tenchcrs-Waller Collon, P, Henderson, lost sho, too, should go like hor brotli- home as fast as sho could, took tho wretched for that one day and many You cannot afford to waste time in even the most timid dyspeptic alive ns vacation of two weeks und N. V. Ira Snyder, Bertha Wyoth. CHICKBNS.per pound, nllve 5 found him just l)renthiiig. He only This hoycott Is proving u bonanza for The Michigan edition contains the cream Rev. Frank Hoyt, W. D. Longyear, Mlrs ors and sisters. But sho lived and little hoard for the doll out of tho old another, for Tossy who is a grand­ experimenting when your lungs are in to post treasury doings, we should lilte Mitchell was appointed during his FIRST OKAnE. of llie news of the state, an epitoinoof the mother now, still tells the story of her danger. Consumption always aeems, TURKEYS, per pound, nllve a u to have it pointed out. Llllie Callahan, Harry Curry, lived n few iiioments longer. the Journal, for tlie mnjority of people general news of the week and the latest Platl, Mrs. W. C. Phillip*, Anna Tompler, laughed, and made joyful slaves of hor blue stocking-foot in her bureau draw­ DUCKS, per pound, alive absence. market reports. Mrs. Longyear, Mra. I.oeU», i*dlsseH Lcora patient mother and hor grim, hard­ first bitter disappointinont to the third at first, only a cold. Do not permit 6 Judd Gregory,- Claud Housel, do not like tlie idea of being bulldo/,ed. er, and, holding it fast in hor hand, DUCKS, per pound, dressed 7 It also publishes the following state­ •nrriaiie I.lcRiiavN. Arc. Hook premiums worth the cost of the paper Dr,ike, Bullen, Hannah Eakin, Carrie Bas- working father. Sho had no toys, but generation, and 'Bijah Porsons' name any dealer to impose upon you with Moved by Aid. Beecher that the Earl Hoiisel, Orange Moore, The Detroit Free Press recently pub­ given to each subscribar, went back to hor neighbor's. some ciieap imitation of Dr. King's BtTILDIKO MATERIAI.. ment of the circulation, August 1,1887, Guy Moslicr, Freddie Nichols, 100 { Geo. M. Cly, Uetroll, Midi. Co. F, nrst regt. M. S. T., at their rocks on the hillsido by tho side door Neither did ho help himsolf orhis fence; Couglis, and Colds, but be sure you get CALCINED PLASTER, per bBrral,..a 2592 60 the Bundolph and Muttkews street Ella Swan, Lizzie Thorn. )oi I ,1olm Fuller, Detroll « .suliject: breathlessly, as sho wont in by tho July 1,1880. Aug. 1,1887. Cliira I^owcr, LanuInK »- S^Iiiberal Terms to Agents, annual election lost Tuesday evening of hor home, gay with bits of blue and for tho story was told and retold in the genuine. Because he can moke LIMB, per barrel •. & 85 In bankH In bankH fund from time to time for the amount A. F. Wkbster, Supt. kitclion door whoro she know M.VB. PLASTERING HAIR, per bushel @ 33 Circulation In the and liandR and bands 103 { Evcroril J. OrcKory, Liinnlng 21 It is a frequent boast of the Evening chose tiie following otticers to fill yellow crockery, fragraonta of glass, Dalton, and sevon times his halt of the more profit ho may tell you he has ill the fund. Curried. Yeas, Aids. Clara 81ilvcly, tjiin«ln« ^1 Persons had to bo at that hour to SHINGLES, per thousand 1 SSOtSBO United States. of people, of people. ii{fwa tiiut it hus a large circulation, CO bits of rod calico, and a bright blue boundary tonco was pulled down by something Just as good, or Just the Qold coin and bul­ Beecher, Coy, McDonald, Peek and 103 I vacancies. The coniniiasions of the strain tho new milk—a duty not to bo LATH, per M leet ...r. * mm so liucklcn's Arnica Salve. Henry I'erUliiH, WlllliimHton M niid tlint this cii'ctilution has been ut- "cricket," as tliey callod footstools in night, and three times tho rails made a same. Doirt be deceived, but insist lion Ua3,g80,2U 1475,837,310 tuined oji tlic merits of the paper—that old oUlceis do not expire until May put off ovon for a sowing circle. upon getting Dr. King's New Discov­ Silver dollars 140,&S5,niS m.m.m VanSlyke; nays, none. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, 101 { Imibel FoHtur, WMUiiinHtoii 21 PAINT that day, on which sho sat and sur­ big midnight bonfire. Legal tenders .123,812,0119 827,647,27H Gooriio 11. f'^iv.crt, AniiilUm 11 is, us it hus also put it, tiiut people buy M 1st. The time of holding annual elec­ ery, wlilcli Is guaranteed to give relief Aid. Eurle tendered his resignation Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, UJ nainr rfllT It ISO'S n!(R.raAT nrnsTPAm veyed licr possessions, sang to hor doll, "I heorod you say you was a goin' to National bank notes 308,641,980 276,030,721 105 ] Kimiiii Dolliy, OnoiidaRa 21 tlie commodity becuiise they desire ft «£ 3 Ho lost tho worth ot tho nine shill­ in all Tliroat, Lung and Chest affec­ .Heat Markt^t—II. Peters. Fractional currency, us ttlderninn of the 1st ward, he having Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, •unt Frlrt.r. run It to Church Suni1..y. eiiht tion having been changed from May and administered catnip tea in a clam Har'ford to-morrow; would you do a etc 46,150,000 50,614.534 JnKPiOi K. Conner. I.iui-lim 2(1 and bucutise they tliink it worth the I luf. Yellow, Olive I,«Vt, Iliewiicr «„,l wSS ings over nnd over again, and well tions. Trial bottles free, large bottles changed liis residence into the 2d Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ 100 I money. It is natural and proper that to January. A strong eflbrt was made errand for mo?" $1 at H. M. Williams' Drug Store, tions, und poHitively cures Piles, or no All™ Wuuil, I.iiUHlim 28 i.tMni._No Vfrnlilunit necciurj. Drin hard shell to tho black and yellow kitten knew why. Total •1,263,075,841 $1,330,683,021 the News should make every legitimate nuk »".tta.." Oue'Coiit Md'job U done. to "down" Captain Snook and It "Certinl certini" answered tho good Muson, and F. H. Field's, Dansville. 6 ward. pay required. It is guuruntucd to give Cliireiii'u M. Weed, rimnipalijnc, III... 2!( that divided her aifoetions with hor But for all that, poor, sweet little The tell-tale columns reveal the fact Aaiili h. Abiir, Lmisint! 22 efl'ort which it thinks the cuse wurrunts m woman. On motion of Aid. Coy the same was perfect satisfaction or money refunded, I.MPOHIMIVT. YOUR BUGGY nearly succeeded. Olllcers oa follows: vcgotablo baby. For Tossy'3 doll was To3.sy never iiad her roal dolly, for that since July 1, 188G, the United When you vi.il or leave New York City, buvo to liold its circulution and prevent the 7'P '.^'kHP'.?'"' S"". SmIi, Flower "Well, I've saved an' saved all tho accepted and said office declared Price 2.5 cents per box. For sale by H, BoKKBRe ExproKi'iiKC and Ciirrlu(;e Hire and utop encroachments of a rival establishiiieiit I oil, Uaby Carri.Bei, Cit.i n rivt. Fuiii lute. Captain—J. Q. Snook. neither moro nor loss than a long- this is a true story.—i?os« Terry Cooke, States, so far from contracting the cur­ M. Wllllunis, Mason, and F. H. Fields, flt the Grand Union Hotel. o]ipo»ite Urand Cunt, I-to,t Uoot.. Slote.fromi, Scteen I?oorriJMl! First lleut.—C. A. Perry. cents I've got for tho eggs I sold this vacant, Voting as follows: yeas. Aids. which has similar goods to sell. It ManllM, Iron lencn, iu l.\cl everyllilnir. Ii s necked squash, dressed in some of her in Y. Independent, rency in the hands of the people, lias DunsviUe. ral Depot. the ll.lnif for llie Uiliei to ute .uit Ih. house .Second llout.-Frank Kellh. two year—I moan tho eggs Tossy's added to it $77,507,183. Is there another Beecher, Coy, McDoiiuld, Peck and ISleKnut rooiiiB lUteil up at acoBt ofono million appears from what the Evening Jour­ old baby clothes; Its eyes woro long dollars, reduced tii SIMI and upwardB per day. nal says, and its statements have not civil. OKKICEKa, cuts in tho top of tho neck—indeed tho white lion has laid, an' I want, ovor so, Happiness of the l-owly. country on the face of tlie earth ihut VunSlyke; nays, none. European plHn, Elevator, UcHtaiirant aupplled President—J. G, Suook, has hud such on addition to its note A Sound Ixtgal Opinion. lieen denied, that tiie News, not content FOR.ONE.DOLLAR whole face was rudely outlined in tho to buy hor a real doll-baby with it. with the licHt. Home ears, iitau'e» and elevated PI. .It vice president—C. A. Perry, Do white folks owns do big houses and metal circulation during tiio suiiie On motion council adjourned until E. Bnlnbridge Mundny, Esq..County railroad to all depotH, KainillcH can live lietter with legitimate effort, iius resorted to aanio way—but Tessy, like tho Hero's a dollar an' fifty conts. I guess Atty., Clay Co., Texas, says : "Have fiM- lenB money at the Mrand Union Hotel than at the "boycott" as a means of strength­ i Second vice president-Prank Keith. an' do fine bosses, but of I wuz tor period? Monday evening, Jan. 16. any other flrBt-clan hotel In the city, 15,')2oxp. Marchioness, "mado bolioro a good 'twill buy a good ono; and if you'd Now is the time. Meat it used Electric Bitters with most happy ening its own position und crippling Secretary-S, H, Worden. Btart out ter look fur happiness I The origin of all the clamor and A. G. LvoN, City Clerk. COIT'SHONEST Treasurer-I, H, Fields, deal," and loved tho awkward creature take it on yo to buy it I should bo results. My brother also was very low that of the Journal." This is not the Aio jfou piltig lo pjnt thii ,c«ft If«o would go down in do quarters 'among alarm in regard to the surplus may be with Malurhil Fever and Jaundice, but method of conscious streiigtli und bur« piSnt '<>nt.iiiiini: *.iter or betiinc she tended, and rocked, and tucked up proper glnd." hlgrh, and the farmers give it Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is recom­ The Ingham County Pomona Grange de niggers. Da mout not read outen traced to Wall street speculators. was cured by timely use of this medi­ power, and is wiiolly Inconsistent with in bod every night in the corner of tho "Well I guess I will, and bo real mended by eminent physicinns, on will hold a nieellng at the M, £. church ono o' dose luthor-kivored books, nur to the butcher, so that all he cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters the logic of the News. If its wares and fee from water »nn4 Ilk. .. .Ihrr. Mcrchaiit. "ml 1,,,' in Okemos, on Friday, Jan, 5, 1888. play on de plan, but da laugh in de saved his life." Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, are better tiiun those of the Journal, It are our neenti nnil aulhorlecd byi ..In wri „ , been a wax lady from Paris, with a want?" intended only to promote its specula­ reliable remedy fur colds, coughs, and notliing should please it lietter than U w.malll to wear t tKlHB with i iViri^ 1' Tiiia meeting will open at 2 o'clock In sunshine an' make cr fiddle talk wo'en gets is clear profit and he can all pulmonary disorders. Inquire of of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testi­ CO gorgeous wardrobe in a real trunk. "Oh! I dono; Pll trust your Jedg- tive ends. It was speedily echoed by mony, saying lie positively believes lie the comparison and competition wlilch I.ateit Stylej useil In tlie S imw the afternoon, and will be aildressed it rains. Da lib 'bout ea long ez any* your druggist for Ayer's Alinuimc. LU to i.(.|>ul.i? in 111. .West, .nndi,,, K Vkf ment; somotliln' kind of pretty and I Just as well trust you as not. ^ the free trade press witli double ear­ would iiuvedled, bud it not been for sales from the news stands uflord; if by Gov. C. G. Luce. Subject, "Neces­ body, an' dough da mout not hab er they are not as good, no witlidrawui of CO Mrs. Tumor did not really think tho smilin' like, so't Tessy'll take to 'k" I nestness. Nothing less than u radical *riii Fiiii to Wntcli the Bnay Crontis Electric Bitters. This great remedy great artickle printed erbout'em wo'en the patronage of tiie News from ofl'eiid- sity for Farmer Organizations." The So Mrs. Person!: put tho money into Oometo reduction of the tarift would avert the I>HKN In nna Out. will ward ofl', as well ns cure all Mala­ ThenHBd.aoplieaUona for mubU la child could be bo fond of hor squash; da die, yit tears from de heart falls on th* UnlMd BwtM and Foreiin eoan- iiig newsdealers who sell the Journal HOUSE PAINT public are cordially Invited. In the rial Diseases, and for nil Kidney, Liver she longed to buy Tessy a doll from a hor bead purso, and when Mrs. Turner do coflin, an' at ebonin*, w'en de gear Impending calamities tlireutened by We liave been almost led to believe and Stomach Disorders stands un- tflei, tlia pabliibm ot (In aelaatiflo can prevent the growth und sale of evening the annual meeting of Pomona Amerlota continat (a act a< totleitora the latter. It is almost incredible that Dili vo„ city shop that should have an aspect of undressed Tessy sho could not help ; hab dun been tuck offon do mules, yer the surplus. The new bugaboo was that this has not been a bad year for eouuled. Price 50c. and $1 at H. M. ever fmy grange will be lield in Cedar grange M the News is so blind us not to see tlint coirs FLOOR PAINT,I'luo, r (I. ) humanity, and bo a good thing to dross tolling her that tho roal dolly would HENRT PETERS. ken see, by do tenderness dat dar is paraded in bold type, and, like the old farmers, from the fact that they seem Williams' Drug Store, Mason, and F. (a cbtala paTcBpal U lii'oan la, Bngluid, =Franc* . ball, nt which oflicera will be elected Oannurimaar. and alallouil oltaa"r cosairlM' airlM. ,TTbatratptrlI . no policy could be better calculated to P.-.lnt that nerer .Irlcl beyonj the itleki"."„'i '," and undress, and a ploosuro to the como to-morrow night. erbout obcr one, dat da is all thinkin' bugaixms of similar character, will H. Field's, Dunsville, 6 •ace i.a ua* to be laying in a good stock of holiday build up its ufteriiooii contemporary Ne.t tltne c.li (.',r Ifllf i ibis" -li'Stt Vj^Nl and work planned for the year 1888, child for all hor child life; but Mrs. How Tossy lauglicd and jumped He keeps a large stock of ; |hL._ 'bout dat new grabs in do olo orchard; continue to be paraded until it Is ap­ presents. Tlie firm which seems to • Rl^'i,"?* o"^ apoaiaeatlcM rrtporeil and Slad tlian tiie one it Is pursuing,—Detroit as All members of Pomona grange are Turner had no money to spare for about, and dimpled with joy. She Order* for Book-Dlndiuv In th* PatentpBe* on ihoii notlea. Terma itrr Free Press, Dec. 21, 1887. I Try li nnt! an' at nigM w'en de 'oman sets down, Ohoioe Meats constantly on parent that the least intelligent of con- have drawn the largest patronage Is reannable. No charge lor uamlnatloa oi modala be eonvincuil earnestly requested to be present ond trifles; however, sho had given To«,sy could hardly go to sleep, though her she haa or song in her mouf fur da Taken at Thr Nbws Orrioa. iWONT DRY STICKY IMing readers has been surfeited. that of Ford & KIrby at their bazaar. assist in this important business. At a white ohiokon when tho little girl mother sang all tho hymns sho know, chile in her lap, an' er tear in her eye hand. By the way, if you During the past twenty years there They have kept eight clerks busy English Spavin Liniment reinovcsall this aeasion definite arraiigeineiita will was three years old, and as soon as it even to funeral "China." to soothe her fur de pusson dat is gone.—./Iribansino has, not been a year in wliioh the "net waiting on the throngs of customers, Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps und excitement. happen to hare the money a| 9 be made for a scries of meetings In the began to lay tho price of every egg Traveler. POWDER pvenue" lias not exceeded the "net and this does not include the genial Blemislies from horses. Blood Spavin, county the latter part of January, to was laid aside for Tossy's doll. It was Next day after tho funeral was orcr, Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistoria. Curtis, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-bone, hand he won't be mad if you ordinary expenditures." The smallest Mr. Ford and wife, wlio are ever on It paper deroted to aclenoa, be addressed by Bro, Jason Woodaian, February now, and the pullet's second Bijah Persons had learned, to his —The trouble with the telephone sta* Absolutely Pure. Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Thouts, groat disgust, that his Uncle Ebon had surplus occurred In 1874, when It the alert to see that every person who . —. 1,11 „orka, and Coughs, etc. Save 550 by use of one hundreddollsri a month. ltl«e«.?f„J''K"vcrol lecturer of the State grange. The offi­ season of usefulness was Just begin­ tions In Now Eagland is that eVery Thiis powder never varies. A marvel of parity. pay him fbr your meat; | pngreia, pub- left all his money to his third wife, of ' ., istn and wholesomenesa. More eeonomleal amounted to (2,345,000.. The largest enters the store receives prompt atten­ all patentaee and title ol anrr iafentitbi* namaa of bottle. Warranted. Sold by Henry M. malwfr'i.a'jd upw.rd. per ,iay,"'r,^'^/aM,oneto cers of Pomona grange will be publicly ning; the squashes were all gono ex­ girl who has a good telephone velca streni When Baby was ilek, we give har CasUiria. aaeh week. Try. it. four rnoatba lo' rIo n patented work. K thereox.yoiingoroTd. coSltai*n".'"'' «"> whose existence 'Bijah was ignorant than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In surplus occurred in 1882, when it tion and courteous treatment, wliether Bold br all newadaalart, .. one dollar. Williams, druggist. Mason, Mich. inatalled by Bro. Woodman at Wil- cept a few round green Hubbards, but receives an offer of marriage inside of competition with the mnUUndaoflow teat.sbort ' • • HBNKY PHTBB8.; When ah* wot a Child, the cried for Castorla, Invaatlen.to patent writ* to ability reqii red; you, reidcr 7an !io i.^" "P"''-'''! Mrs. Turner counted on enough egga till that day, since she had only mar. a month, and is just' mean enough to weight, sinm or phosphate powders. BMontu amounted to 1145,644,000. Last year they wisli to purchase or not.—Char­ ol Bolantiac Amerioak any one. Write tn na at onrn t^^,% " »«well as liamaton, on Friday, Jan. 27,1888. in eam, Hotal BAKino Povoaa Co., 106 Wall* Whea she becama Utm, she clung to OastorU, Blnnk Book* nf nil Klnda which we mall frfe. Addre" H5'"P"''»'il8r»' ot tho white hen to sell before May to fled old 'Bijah Reed two months b«> accept it and quit the Job.—CIMcg*TeUiem Ossterla. Furnlihed by Tua NbwsOffiob. incroRsa tho sum she had already •<> for*. Mrs. Persona askad him il A» 86^

STRIKES AND. LOCK-OUTS FORAKER ON THE TARIFF. IT TOO MUCH. A Kellii'blo Almanac for 1889. ma piroTo. Wliut TiMty Iliivn Coat lliu Einpliiyiii Oliio'H Govurnnr Attiiuica ProHldent Clnva- The Sad Experience Wliloli .Befall One of "Wobstor's Uniihriilgcii Dlotiouarv enys ]'lnii>l»yn .Uitrliig llio l.uHt Six Ye luiufs P Lrglalatiiro. taitiin'ff'i tt" calendar of days, weeks ami MEXIGA N THE YEAR 1887. Bblnotieck, N, Y....Hops attacKod und klllod NUCllOLOCl'. In tlib cnrly day.!* of tiio direct ton trade, factor of mankind, .mine ut O'Jiseii.Kirehen, Gcn'i:ninv....Iiei-- tabllshnd savings fund for employes wclh-l pur Labiir. months', to'Which astronomical data and a woman ugoa mxty yours nour Bkolby vllle, lud. munn, famous proslidlgitatour, died at Curls' cent, inturesi. Jan. a—noratio Potter, tor IU years tlialiop ol M^i;^^n':«l^^?MHSr CoT.UMiiua, C; Jan. Tlio SIxt.y-oiH-IitU with Clilhu, importui's woro mixlous to so- various statistics aro often addoci, such as intent upon liis good bad, aged ui!: the Protoataut I'kJl-'.ecipal Dioenao or New York, Gciiuriil Afisoinbly coiivenod ycstei'iliiy CKIMES. Nov, SS—Alon^T Slionnnjio & Allegheny r;ill- aged ir," Tc*lin S. ?k'Wherry, ex-Congrcsa- WAsiiiNO'ioN, Doo. ;M). — Coiuni laager curo tho qiirlicali kuckoos- of a jiowvi'op,? •;• tho tiraos of tho , rising • .and BOttiaff work.s, is known as Obronoloffy of Soma of the .Mora Juno Kl—Vernorao, A?iu, destroyed by oarth- road, Perinsylvanlu, Ii;;!) coal inlcors struck lor Coiigreusmiiii la Second Texaa district to sue- Carroll n, Wri^cht has Kiibiultted to tliuBo- iiio/iilU(f.' .Tlio jllousu .(jj'fjaulr.ed hy ctooD-, of tho sua ntid • juoon,u.changes or Jan. 8—Justice A, Jucoba, defaulting city quako. Over lUO people killed, ; lucrcU:.otl v,*aires. iiiaii from Micliiguii, at Detroit, af> tl>o Inilu^itrlal Flold—Gas- Tcnn. June SJI—Fiftietli uniiiversury Quoon Vle- closing of steel-works ut llnuldeek, I'u. from Illliio'S, at OIney, ugeil 78. luilillcnn Seiiiito ciuioits luiiilu iionihiij- Will bo found in tho Bon Frauklin Almaniio- good he has dono iailliisl rated'in tbe follow­ .lieu. 10—.liul'te .Icdiii (1. Koi'urs, ul Chlcugo, '''^::'ii:si;;;^^?;So^ippo^^ ciovomor yeiu"S"en(loil • ])ei;eiiil)..'r l8.Sli. |;Tho Tho llr*t cargo brought tlio bc^t price and issued by. tlio-Cliicugo, Milwaukeo & St. •laltti)* bjr Sea and Land — FoUtlool Jan. 11—Ilobort M. Taylor, of RoynoldsvlUo, toriu's aseonsioa to Dritlsli throne celebraLoU Dee. S;l—Over l.ll/ii employes ef I'lilladelphla lior.a tor (iltloiira isatiuriliiy .TiK'fit," eleeb P,i., killed Ilia wifo and thon hlinselt. with great eclat. .•"c Keuding K. IJ. ('ci. struck Ijecausu of omploy- agedi"i'.l,.,.Al.N"ew York, ,lolr.i lloncli, tiie fa- °'Aprso-uSslatni^" Virginia convonod report covers nlioiit; 7011 paifii.s,';•" nnd I' largo profits. 'Tlio succo'.sslul Captain was Puu 1 Kailivfly. Send six cents in postago ing liiarveloiis inslaiieo: Jan. .17, 18S3, and Suolal ETenu—Duatba of niousslilii builder, uged 70....Alice Oates. the iu.if ,T. C. nieliaril,soti,-of lliimlltou, Tro.il- Jan. UO—Mrs. Junie.s Cabclek, of Clovolunrt, July (I—Truot et laud sunk in lake at Zng, monl of non-cinioa men. comic oiieru singer, at l'liilnd"lplila, aged .'H. '"Apr''s7-Tuui'versiirv of Ocnoral Grant's liptU Klves thu tletulla ol! '(uinli Ktriko' uhd " nUvays rewarded, so every known aid to- ta'A. 'V, H. C>"'oeiitor, GoiinraU'assonge,r George C. O.sgond & Co., driigsisls, Lowell, Kotod Men, Etc. O., killed throo of her children, tntallv wound­ SwitzerliincJ, drewnnig Ic.D leople. blrihciu'v ccdel.rulod hi Plllsburgh, WauhiiiBtoa doiit ]iro toiii. and 'i.'. "J. IIii.v.u!), ot'JLaw-'; Aptqrit, ;^Iihviiul>'oo, Wis., and un iilnitiniio ed two otlicra and then committed suicide, ,Tnly 7—Priiioo Fordlnund, of Saxe<;oburg- .lull. 111-CUier-.lieillcu .luiiios ,laci;son, of look-oiit oeciirriuH:'ill tlio Ujiltecl-Stnt'OB navigiitlon wis ailoplcd. ' " ' Mass., wrote; ".Mr. 'Ijcwia J!)eiiiii,s, No. I!i0 METEIHlOKOIilC.VL. Cciirgiu. ut Atliinui, uged (17. duriuK' tlie period uainoil. Il oxliiblta tho reiieo, clerk. The other lUipuIiliuan Sena­ for ISBS will ho forwarded to your address. AORIOVI.TVRB. Feb.!)—Dr. IIoilBOS, a crunk, triod to kill Ad- Gothu, cilooted I'rincu of JIulguriu. '''Mi?J';i-ltliodo island Legislature P""™,^ a Till) youhjj Ciiptiiiii of ono of Mr. Astor.'s Moody St., desires to rceoninieiid St. .Iiicobs olina PattI, with bomb ut Grand Opera House, July II—CholWa spread ng rapidly in Italy. Jan.;)—Very cold weailier nil over the conn- •Ian. I;'i—Mrs. Abby Kellcy Foster, a notod facta bolon.ijiiiH t;o oaoli iiidiistrliil' trouble tors, wlio elaliiieil to linvo'beeirlfinorod liv Jan. 4—Thcrmomotee foil to SS' doE(roos tn ti'.y. fee fm-med In the Oily ef iMi.'Xieo unci i lior- temi'.eranco worltin" lu New Eugluuil, at Wor- Btrin tcuil liniior laiv.... 170,tiOII acres I'nl'l'c. '"'> clippers 'bou'Kiil.'o'n rhio of his trips, a now Oil to any nillietotl with rlieumatisin, and San Franclseo. ....Conllugrutlon at Witepsk, Kussiu, rendered in New Mexico reclaimed from private partios. lor caoli loc.'ilil.v, wltliout ntteiiiiiUng to i,'."!- thu lumcit.s, ecimblnod"';vU,li tUo"KuiiiocraUo TtiE o'muitorfcitor, no matter 'whorn ho Nurlhoin Florida, utiina^n{;tlio orange trooa. Mar. in-Wurdens MoGurlglo and Varnoll, thoiisiinds lioiueless and cuuaod loss of i',O0U,UOa monioter wus .f) degrees below zero ul W'ater- ceslcn', Mu.^s., aged 7(1. Mny.r-i-Cliarlcs .1, Fiiiilkiier (Deiii.) elected iiieiuliers vestenluy niiirnlu'_r iiml orH"nu- chronometer, tiud wl'tli its aid made a (luick poe.a,-Is BOldoni well Iqdgod. At loasb. Hi Is desires csp'jcially to s.ay that Orrin llobinson, Jim. 11—13111 crotttlus' Doiiiirlmont ot Agrl- nutl Kdwaril MeDoiiuld arrested ut Chicago for roubles. lown, N. Y. •lun. 1(1—I'ref. Eclwiiril Olnoy, of Ann Arlier, United States Senator for West Virglnhi. tRl^lial) or douiitc ui)on tho e.'iiineeliion be- paasatju, nnd arrived llrat. Ho put the boUovod that wUoroyer.ho la he U.ia J)ad of Graiityille, Mess., a hay of 12 years, camo •oulturo und Labor pnsaod by llio Nutloiinl Juu. -I-Snow foil a foot (loop in Louisiana, Micb Cemjvul W. 11. Hu-zen. Chief ot Signal twucn tlioiii. 'I'lie t'ollowiiig' table aumiiia- izeil tho Senate liy nieeMipj: T. !•'. Davia. ot House of Koprosontailvos. Farmers' Natlonol conspirnoy to dorraud Cook Coimiy. .Inly 11—Horr Knipp, famous gun-inakor, died Muy lll-Wiuiiaii .snlfrngo dofeatc'il la Ponn- price ot it iiito the cxpenso.aoooupt of the .quartern —dloslun Courier. to liis house i')i Hw sinnmor o/lS'Sl walking Mur. !il -Special Brunei jury at Chicago re- at-Essen, Prussia. the heaviest cn'er known, Scu'Vlce. at \Vnshiui,'tim, aged't", sylvaiila Lcglsfatiire.... Governor Hill, of Now rlz.oa tho iinmber oi: Ktri.iua ilnriujj Iho Wiislniii,'ioii (;i)iin'..y. I'resiileul, proieni. Six -CoiigreaK lic^an Ur Bcuslon at Wusbinf^ton' ,1uly Kl—UrlU.sh Parliament passed tho Irish Jan. .I-Fivc^ Inches of anew fell in (Joorgla .luu. Pi—i'*roi'. M. L. Yoiiiuaiis, editor of t'opu- ot tlio l:e]mliliiiaii ouneiia niiuiiiieeawern-ag-, trip, but !Mfi Astor tlirow it out, insisting upon cnitehes, his lefl log linvliig liecii bent Joh. £&—Tl'Xiis Senate appropriated £100,000 turuoasiliuldillonul boodle Imhetinmits. auU Mississippi. Inr .•irliiu:^ ilontliltj, New York, aged IIU,,.. York, velowl lull lor ConBtltutioiiul cenvontlon. porlotl oovored: Apr. ID-Watt and Schwartz cciiivlctnrt of Crimes bill. May ll-Hliih-Llccuso bill I'l'^i*;';'' "js;,,J,''""; foiitecl anil otiiers ulectoci, Tlio iiii;,tSiia'o ot that Bucli ill! ilciii ot oxppnso for -now Nothing Without Til Sllnp, ut the Icnco for Over two inoiitlis and could for rullof tf cU'ouslit nufTorora. muivlurlng Expross Moasongur Nickels, at Mor­ July SI—Four tlioiisaud people mado home­ .lun. (1—Tlieriuoineler rnngcd from .'ill below .1. J. Upchureli, founder of Aueleui Order Unit­ sylvania LcKisluture.....Tiiuics W^ Hyutt, of fanglod iiotlnns tioulil notlic! allowed. ' And that, too, in tho shape of tlin heart­ Fob. S—Amovlc,-n AfU'luUitutal and Dairy Aa- ns, 111. less by live ut Svenv.juny, Uussia. zero ut Moorebcud, Minn., to 11 below ul iMil- ed Workiuell. ut Stecdvillu, M:i., agedCi". fjLnnecticiit. inipoinlcd United Suites Troaaur- i (iove.nior Foniker wus read in liul.li Mouses burn (most iihomiiiablo of acidities!) nfter- not he lient hack. He could not walk upon aoclatlon mot In 'Tow Vorlt, Muy •!-Dr. Edward Knox, Fentress County, July S,"i—Eight huluired lives lost i» Duy of waiikoo, uiid wus reijortei.l lo huvo reglstercnl 11.i .lull. VI—Siiijpson Harris, lu Pntiium Cniiity, "" yesLercliiy utternooii. AtLeriiiiikiiif; varioiis The Ciipl-ain thuroiipon i-esigued nnd it. Mr. IJeiiiiia had .some .St. Jacolis Oil in Muy IX)—Calito...ia whoat crop dnmanod by below ul Aitkin, Minn,, on tlie ui'.jlil of llie ilili, Ind,, aged l.,0.... Lord Clieslerllold, iu Loiickin, tonic sorvico with a rival lino. eiitiiig, if indigestion, in its ehrouio form, ; ,, , , ... , , :"" , , •,'."• Tenn., wUippcd his 1-1-ycai-okl soiilo ileutli. Deugul by wreck. °''Muv"'IO-?loy'emm^^^ vetoed lilgli-llconBS re(;oiiiiiicMicUu.ioiia UK to legislalion tlic'Clov- has vou in iisclutchk Neither, if it hits, I l>o house and gayo it to liiui to rub on liis iot winds. Jljohis.in craps tolow avorasu. Muy 5—U. D. Gainbrol, editor f!ii)orU mtt ,luly ,'h)—Fifty tlioiiRand iiooplo starving at •Ian, 8—'riiernionietiu-.''iii below nt Miles City, ii.ged 0,-,, bin p'.issed liy New York LcgMulure. Tlio next year lie reached port long iu ad- July (1—Ch'ifcU l)ur(a und loousta doing great Adcua, Italy, from failure of crops. M. '1'., uud.'i:! below ul Peinbiiiu, 1>. T. F.:b. SI—lleiijamln F. Taylor, lecturer and crnor lias thia to siiy on the tnrill': can you long expect iiimiuiiity from bilious-1 knee. In six days ha had 110 use for Ida bai'tn III Sauthorn Mliiiiusota, S!iiM, prohibition party, at Jackson, Miss., ,luu. 1!)—(JoUl wealhiM- tlireiigboiii tho.K:isl. Muy ."ll-lc'liocle Islanil Legiskiluro conyeiiecl. viineootany eompol itor, lo tho great de­ killed by Colonel Jouos S. Hamilton, who was .•\ug. .'1-Ovor 1,0110 lives lesl by Hoods in China. wriler, nt (Cleveland, O., agoil n. ,111111! S-Tlic I'resldeiit unci his wire celebrated is •"I'he recent niessie'c of lie I're^idenlof tho ness and constipation,' its pleasing col- ' crtilc^he.' • s and weiil home well willioiil tliciii, July n—Incrounod corn ucroaKo of country os- mortally wounded. Ang. l"i—Clreul lire at Scutari, Asia, destroyed In the Mohawk Valley, N. Y., mercury ranged ;Mar. S—.loliu ^'^'all(U^s, one of Irish ]iatriots ^' ic "*' light and prolit oC his oniployurs, nud tho leagues, tho liiJeous.trio vicing ca^ili witU timalod ut 1.5ni>,(i!:o uoros, or ii poi- cout. fromS."i loin degrees helow zero, or "lis, at Detroit, ng.-d liiS, 11 rsl aunivcr.tury of tlieir wedding. United Siules corauiiiic li'.s A-.im .isuuuon uiul and lie liius heeii well since St. .Tilcolis Oil cured Muy 7—Paul Grottknu, Mllwimkeo Anarch­ l.tiai bnllding.s. ,lnue8-,laincs (1. Illalne snik'd tor Eiiropo s "' C Hie jiurtylio rcprescnlt lo i. e unisi iiiMiuiilllled chiigi'iii of Mr. Aslor. each to rendor vrmr lite moro miser.ible. Auk. 0—Wheat crop uS Mlniiusota and Daliota ist, sentonecd to one year's laiprisoniiient. Ang. S5—.lolin Unskiii, Fugllsli anlhor, report­ ,lua. .'II—Muc-cury Ii7 below zero at St. Vin­ Mnr. .'i—CInirles ,1. I'uiersen. proprietor of t;'o Ge6 Hi:^al.cl,ieV.»',Stoinaeli Bitters atoiicc;-^ liiin. Ill .luly, 1S,S7, iiKiuiry wius luadeof thu Inrgoat. on record and oC Unu Quullty. cent, Minn. J'ltf f.'ion'n Miff/ti:nit\ ut l.'liiPidolpliin, uged OS. ... .Prohibition dolealecl in .Mussuelmsetls Leg- ? C'.^ l^"to ftiid heal lie opposition to tile entire lu'lneiple Not long atlor tlioy chanced to meet, and Muy ^.1—Cook County boodler triiils begun. ed iuRuno. '«i ' insist uprtu tho genuine in glass-ami use it Messrs O.sgocjcl louKcerUiiii (lie coiulilioii of Aug. 19—Ualiis In West suvod largo portion of Sept. ."i-PIro In lloyul 'I'licator, Exeter, Eng., Fell, s—Severe bllzzurd ia Dulcota. Snow Mur. H—Henry Ward Beecher, at llrooklyu, N, and policy of a proieciive parly. He seeks • Mr. Aator cticiuircd: tliu lilllo ci'iiiple, which hroiight the I'ollow- •cropH, but losD to furraoi's by Urouglii ostlmatod May m—William Snowera, AunvlUu, Pa., cnnipellod ubaniloniinmtof all railroad trains. Y., aged '.".l. '''juiie'i'.i-Wllllum v.. Chundler eloelcd U. S. witli raiioaai peraistoiico. killed bis two grundchlUlrou that lie might over 111;) people killed. Seuiiior from New Mumpslere, . 1.881. •\;\ ',',',l.'8 u.s 10 make It iipnenr Ihul the blow lu.i would *'Hy the way, Ciiptiiin, how much did that . , uigreapouso: '•Lowell, Mas.s., July 1887.— MUSTANO •toirur5a)(l,C0.\0(W, marry again. .Sept. lll-Keceut llooda hi Nile mado son I'um- Fel). (i—llanliiiuuke sliocUs in Illinois, Iii- Mar. 10—.luiiies H. Ends, at Nassau, N. P., .luneiil-|ir.'»ldentreseiiick,'dbiitlle-lliig(irder. 18.SS. •1,1 S.lil.1 •1,0 Btrike Is iiliiied only ut Hie miuuifuetur- Cliroiioinoi.cr coat you 1" Aug. ))0—Ko))orlod Soiithorn corn crop .'iO.OOO,- Juno «—John II. Fields, farmer, at Millwood, illes clo.ititulo and destroyed vi',r,i):i,u.'iO properly. Oiiina tiud Missouri. ug.-il i',V. 18M,'l. XIOAN CCO tmaliolfi moro tha'nl83U, making Soutluioarly l''eli. 0—Winter in Moiiliuia reported sever(^st Mur. I.'l—Jlnlnci Leglslalnire repealed cupltal ,luiie s;i-Wuiuuu suilrugo killed lu Wichigun 1«N.|. •I7.'i s.r.'io .1.8 ing nu'l wool-growing Inlerests of the ",Six liundrod dollars," then, with a quizz- It is tho shop pK, that often furnishes'tha .J^u^l 'ni'ylr.Coh:;';:;!!'!;,^;!! Im^!^ LINIMENT K.V.. killed wife, two sons and liiinseir. Oct. 11-.Mmce, famous opera-buuiie sinijer, I'l.'l S,I107 .1.11 country, bin il Is niiinifesi to nil men aolf-auppurting In corn. Juno m—MuOariglo uiul MeDoimUl convicted diocl ut P.iris. in ten yeurs. Many jic-eple und cattle pe;islie»l. puuishnienl law. 18.S.1, Iciil glaiieo, ho asked i PI;??.,,..'?Vulij'oniiit. ' ^''''"'^ uiidcrstanding.-A;t,. a, . niaiued 'eiirc:;i.^'''i'h, — youne gyoun magn 1mas .'" beel Jin " eon Oct. i—Sovanth annual convention National Feb, SS—l'"'ir,st cycloiie over known wei.t of Mar. 10—(Jail Mnller, noted senlpter. at New '.liily'si —William K. Frerot, or Loulsliiuii, up- ISSU. 01.". S.SS 1 :i..i of Intelllgenee who are ncapiuintod with WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLB of "taoodluism" at Cliicai;o....'rraln robbed Oct. 11—111 rioliil T'luvnu, Kussiu, SI porsons poiiitecl Siiuervisliig Areliitect of 'I'reusury, I.IIS !i,hii;i 7.0 ".'Vnd how much lias it cost you, Mr, As­ (I is iiow at Nvorlc every day at manual rarniorc' Allliinco niol at Mliiuuiipolls. nour Flutonin, Tox.; iSlli.O.i:) taken from passen­ killed uucliKI wouucled. Keeky Ahamtiiius pusiie.l ueur Orovillc, (,'al, York*, uged 117. 'our conditions tliul if his proi.osliiims previdl h >or. Dr. George C. Csgood, M. D." No Mfc;»«.^ And otlir^m rmirrfrliifr wlt^ Oct. 17—Valno ot wool clip of Unllod States l''eb. SO—'i'rnlns tliroiiglieui .'N'oriliwcsl liluck- ilur. s.—,lu I!;,! Sumiiel H. Trent. U.S. DIs- .lulysO-I'lK-Muyor llurrusen left Chlcugo for ter!* . If afflicted with Sore Eyes uao Dr. Isaac ^OtlM?^ HIiouniatlHin, NouraltrTa, KliK gers tiud S'T.'i.lXJ!) from express car. Oct. IS—Qiiellto, Mexico, destroyed by storm. a tour uroiind tlie world. Totals, 1,1 OS.".',1111 0 .1,7 the conseipiences will be disustrous In every Thompscu's Eye AVatcr.Druggisls sell itSic. oHier remedy can make the siimc showing. t-C^^leSlnuy ttndni l Clironla UJtitiAM* eBtlmalod ut t7i),(X)l),O0O. Oct. 17-Cliilds' Shiikespeare iiii;nierlal fount­ aded by Icrrille snow storm. triei Court lor.'.iouiliern lllinuia, al Spriugileld, iiidiisti'y and every seclieii of our cuiiniry "Sixty thousand dollars." " ^nai'B iioHltivuly cured liy I>r* Nov. 11—Corn crop ot tho country estimated Juno so—Jacob Sharp convlciert of brlborv iu Mar. s,"!—Heavy snows ia Kust. At (Uovers- HI., aged 7.-1, Aug, i-:l(Mierul lluckiier (llnin.l elected fiov- —• Now York....Trial ot 1-.; Culeugo "boodler.s" ain dedicated ul Rtralford-upon-.Woii. onior of Keiiiucky by 17,01.'-, mujorily. In 1.SN7, tlie report fia.ys, there were, ac- anil to no cliiss more surely lliiin onr Mon aro often unfortiin.ito In tho rojoo- 'lleirn*i'H fiiiiMttin KI.KCTRO* 1,4fii),(l0n,OM liushcla; potato crop 1111,000,000^ begun. Oct. 18—Niiinlier lives lost in leceni llro at villc>, N. v.. piled as hii.'li us store fronts. M-M; III—.lii'.in (1. Suxe, poet, at Albiiny, N.Y., Money Just now is iikn many mon who JUAGKKTIC llEI/r. Thou. -•agulnst loa,000,oai) in im. Apr. -I—'I'rulns delayed by heavy snow iu Wis­ aged 71. Aug. 'l-l'i'ohihillon cleteated In Texas liy 100,- contln^ to llio liest^ Inrorniattoti obiuiniible, fiirmers, who must rely rliielly en our tionot what they call now fanglcd notions. .luly 11—.Tucob Sharp Henteneedto 4 yours' Ilunkow, China, reported at 1,000unil property (Hl.l innjorily, , , have it'^closa—2'aa,i Hi/Uiiijs. Union Imvjf^^ o Iicfln ciiretl. KLKCTUlCITr ihctanUr imprisonment and lino ot $j,O0ii. dcslroyeil utS.mni.uua tuels. consin unci Mielilguii. Apr. li—C'emireHsinun i:i. Wytitt Alkon, of hDlJ sU'iUes, ilnkiilH of whioli are not iivall- home lunrkets fur the sule o( their Thoro are sielc innu -Nvho refuse, even folt. Patc!ii-^V*f^,,^tO(l niii'l ."oVifiii vi^iv.'Wiiolotimiiy Apr, ir>—Cyclone at St, C'lairsviUo, C, wrecked South Curollini, uged .'ill. Aug, .'^^-WIIMrd Woodruff isaiimed charge of ahlis. proihicis. uud our luborlng people, who depend CASUALTIES. ,)uly «l)—Oseur J. llurvey. forger in United Oct. .-Jl—Loss by Hoods in Cuba 5I,(100,(«S.... Morliflui cliurrh. ., , when their physicians toll tliuin they can yiaroaiiiWfurBaiuo licitbelt.. KI.IitTllKlSllSI'hNHORtKStroiKI.KCTIlKJSUSPhNHORtKHfroiii wlth-ll.—with iniUf, Jan. 4—Near Kopuljllu. O., twenty persons States Treasury Department, soiitonced to 1*,' Mormons upplied for periulssion to establish ,11)11 houses. Loss, 5'l,(l,i.i,ii(>!l. Apr, ID—.liiliii T. Knyiiiond, actor, at j-lviins- upon a coutlnuiince ef tliiil general prespurlty not help them, to take "Warner's safe cure, ••I'l, S;,,,Av'>,lil wortlilc«» lailtiiMonii. EI.KCTBIO TUt'SBlfi years in ponilemiary. comninully in 'I'lirkey. Apr. SI—Cyelciue in Vernon County, Mo., vllle, lnd„ ugcd.'il. Ang. ll-l.'rel Doiiglus reiioiied New "iork Thu report allows tUut ditrintr the six years that hus ohtulned for Hie last c|Ciurler of n Ely's Groam Galm rillllim-TUlfB. 71)0(iiii'iilIn'80. BnnilKtiiini)torpainphlBk. klllod and many InjuroU by collision on tho K'illod about 2i people,., ,('yclelies destroyed Apr. JJ—Disliep I..oe, ef Delaware, ut W^ll- rrciiii un exu'iicled lour in Kurepe. covered by the; investigation Xow York hud becau.so it ia a "new-fangled" proprietary DR.W. J. HOBNE. Iuvo«ter,|89 W«li««^i Ar.Chlcage. Bolllraoro & Ohio rallroiicl....At Elmlra, N. V., July ai—\V. .1. MoCariglo nseapod from Chi­ Nov. S—Municipal elections in England favor- Aug. 1.1—c'oiiiracta for Hve newerulBcrs award­ cnntiiry for euiploymeni nl i-emmierutlvo «lvci relief ut ones for four inon fatiilly Injuroil by collision in railway cago jail. nl)le to Clluilsioiiians....Jenny Linil died in PrescoU, Kail., und destroyed lile und prop­ mliiglon, aged 8.i. ttio liir^'eKt, number ot cslubUshumuts a£- wiiges. Hut il sheiild be piirllculuHy noted medicine. Tho result is they lose—lifu uud London, aged 0(1. erty in Arkunsus, ,..lleuvy snows iu .Vortiiwesl. .Apr. Ui—Cliicf-.liistlce Cnrtter, SuprcmeCourl ed by C.ivernilielit, health. COLD in HEAD. • yards....Ono por.son burnoil lo doath and thir­ Ang. fl—Trial ot Cook County, 111., "boodlor.s" Muy .'I—Severe eiirtluiuuko sliocd(s in Soiith- Dlsiriel of i'lduinbiu. ut Wusliingion. aged 7-1. Aug, 10—IjiilIi'dLiilior party nomliialed Henry focted both by Ktrlkes niiil lock-outs, there hy you thill it is dulilierately iiriipnaed to teen Injured by wiiiohlnir of express train ut cndecl in cnnvictien of all. Nov. 0—tierniuii Crown Prince enicliiUy re­ Thousands ot other men have been ro- - 1 CXJKM I - JOIMES West Sprlngnold, Mass....Miss Kato Nlcliol- Sept. .'I—Two coal shovelorR nt Cineinnatl ported lo have cancer in throat and rocovei-y eril .Arizona und Mexico, SUO people killed iu Muy 11—.lustlco Williuin II. Woods, Liuitcd Cieorge for Secretury or Stale in New ^"ork, belni,' lor tlie toriiier !l,l.'.17 iiiul for tite praclieiilly sucrlllce illto,.,'ether Hie woel-grow- latl!-'rcouutr,y. States SiipreuieCourt, ul Wushlncrien — iMiss Aug. Oil -(1. Ilrowu Coode uppoliiled Commis­ liig interest or ihe eonulry by removing rrom slored to health by it, as tho tcatinioniuls .«on,of MaysvUlo, Ky., burned to deiitli. Hor quarreled over tou cents und one liiliea the iiiiprobuble. sioner or l''ishei'ies to suceeed Prof, lialrcl dc- latter l.Ti'JS, Thu Imllding ti'iitlef CATARRHa .clothing toolt llro while kncollnd to iiay her othor. Nov. 11—Floods in lion-Nun, ('liiuu, doslroyiul Muy 11 —Dryest seiison In forty years report Mury ilurcleii, the tluncee of ,luliii llowurd fiirulKlieil Ii,(l(j0 ot: thu total Hunt- fiiriiiRlicd to tho public show. Thoao testi­ ed iu Wlscensln, I'uytie, ut Athens, Cu., lu.'cd V8. ceuseil,,..Nellie drum Surloris urrived in .New 11 all protection whatever, Ohio raiiki lli"sl of Not a Liquid or Snuff, prayers nt nluht.... At PuwauKoo, Wis., a slolBh Sept. 0-Mury Clark, Lonlsvlllo, Ky., ugedSS, •t,Oi)0 lives and made hundreds of thousands Voek from Mllgluiid. bor of esiablisliiiienta ciiga.ged iu all Hie Slates of the Union lu sheep lillsbuud- monials can not bo doubted. Tho proprip- Ir.n Lncn. 8l..T"..rlSf.TBtS». load of icc-cnttors struoli by a train and throo uestilule. .May i:;—K,ve shmiks earlhiiuake nt Niu;ales, May lO-Churles I''.. Stcliirt. e::-Pnlte,l Slutes Apply Dnlm-into each nostril. poui'ecl eoal-oll on lier7c)-your-old husband und A. '1' Cyclone |eve:eil houses anil killed two Senator from Mlchigun. ul Kulumuzoo, aged 77. Sepl. 7-As«isluiil Socrolaryof Sliile Porter Btrikes. '.riie lol.al iiunilier ol' lunployea in­ ry. In l,S.s:i we hud .1. Pli.li'.';! sheep, viilnud ut tors huvo » standing olTurot {.I.OOO to any klllod and ninu ln]ureil....At Elwood, inU., two burned hlni to death. Nov. 10-French Cabiiiot resigned . ...Dutch resigned. ELY UkOS,.a;iiG reonivk'h St..N.Y. men klllod by explosion or alioUor. Sopl. M—Supreme Court of Illinois nmrmcd steamer SchoUcn sunk off Dover, uver lUO lives persons ul Three Springs, Neh. May SO-Mnjer I'eii: i'crley Poore, ul Wa.tli- volved ill the wlicile, iiiiiulior ol' sirikes for 5l,'l.'.'.m,li;i;. The reduetlon of Hie UirllTon wool one whoAvill show tli.it any testimonial pub­ tTe7flitScHii. rorrrnprlcitu*. May .'10—Two bliodcs curl licpiuko at Nogales, inglou, aged (17. Sept. i:i-Lleiilcnunt-flovcnior Waterman by Ihe net of Hint year has iilreiidv proilneed to Jan. B—Thioii boys fatally injiu-oil while coast­ jtiilgmontln Auurcliists' case and llxed Nov. 11 Jo-ji. becomes (loveruer of Oulifornui. thu oiilire iieriucl waa .!,;>IS.lJUl. The lished by them is not, so far as they kuow, •aulloB till, p.ner suit luldrcM ing at Uutliind, Vt....'nircu niun kiUucI by a lorcxoention. Nov. 110-Thh'leon men killed by choke dump .Iiiiie-I—Ex-Vice.President IVheeler, at Mii- Hie wool-growers of this Suite disuslruiis con. entirely true. in colliery at I'cineuiliia, Sili.'sia." .lune 11-Severe eavtlicpiuk" shecdvs in North­ l-?ne. N. Y„ ngcd IW, S.'iil. II—.New Vorii Uepllblieuns noinlniltod iminlier ot' emiilo.ves oj'i.giiiutiiig' Che strikes sciinences. The lolul clecllue iu Iho uu'uiber ot *ollorexploslon at SlioaUIoyvllk', Pa. Sopt. IS—At Sioux O'ty. Ia.. Fred Munelirath ern Ciiliforiiiu and \'.'est,'rii Kevuda.. June 0—ICX'ileveriior Ch "nco.y F. Cleveland, Coloiii I I'reil llrnlit for Secrelnry of Stute. l,<)'Jll,.s;fJ. 'J'iie uiiiiilier ol' einployofi Jan. 8—Qorman ship Eilzi'.both wrcoUcd near tried for murder ef llov. lluddoek, eenviutoilof Oec. S—-IjOi'd M:vyor Sullivan, Duliliii. son- Sept. l.-.'-l.'euteuiiiul eelobi'Ullou of Federal sheep since 18s,'i la l,U'.',1,7l.'l; lol'il ilcclino In Dr. Andrew "U'llaon, Fellow of tho Royal munslanghter. lenceil to s mouths' iiuiir.siiiinieiii for printing .lune III-lliirricaue (Irand Forlts. U. T., killed Iluniptoii, I'ciun,, used Se, inall estalili-iluiienls liel'oro llio atriket iic- •Oupo Henry, Va,, and 2."i lives lost.... Two mon Opeople and desiroycd f;.i,">ii.o;iil jiroperly. ,liine 17—i'Jx-l'rcsidcnt ."\lurl:llopKiiis, of Will­ oenstitiitioii hegnu at PIi 1 idelplilu. viilue *I,'IW.I1I0. Bocict.v, of Edinburgh, tho editor of frozen to duatli near lllllinijs, M. T. Sept. :.'ii—Su])reino Court of Now York ulllrmod ill Ills paper reports of suppressed branche;; of Sopi.--S-Miss Plielie Coiizuis, of St. Louis, otirrcd wus l.liU'J.Ol,"., n.,''aiiiRt J.lilil-l.'-il? "Health," Iwondoii, Kiig,, says in his maga­ jnucmiint in .lake .Siiiirp ea.se. National League — i'ri;:.idenl (.Irevy, of ,lillie 17—C.veloue lleur f Irenk'stoii, Minn., iams College, uged 88. ••Hut 11 is uol iiiilil it is rcmeinhercii Hiut Jan. 17—At Troy, N. Y., ;) piiiKons wore ovor- killed .1 peopl'e Creui. heal ilireii|,'liuiit North­ .luiie s.'i-,T:iiues .Sp.Mul, Lincoln's Attorney- llrst woinnu who ever held olllc.i ns Unllod uftor tlic sti'ilces uecurred, a loss ot L'.'i,71J.S. zine, iu answer to an cuquiry, "Wiirnor's como by oclorluss gas und tlioir corpuos woro Oct. 1—J:];.-..S.;civt-iry .SLutc of Tjoulsiana, W.- France, rosiguy. Stutes Mursliall, succeeded hcrckiceascu fiither nnt only bus ihere been tills decreuse in tho Pianos-GutMes ,T. Strong, seutenceil two ycar.s' iuuu-isunnieiit Ijee. a—l-'.uniiipuike aestroyed Ileslgnune, west uud 7 cases suiiiiirok.j uL I'liieugo. Ceueral, ul Louisville, Ky„ ngc-ii 70. There were lit:l,():lS new employes enji.iged uuinber of sh'-ep uud their vullie bill that safo euro is of a perfectly safe character, found soaturt In chairs. .lune ;S—Snow fell iu Pleasunt \'uiliiy, Minn, .luly -1—Ex-tiovernor .Anson 1'. Morrill, of ill thnl iifller. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY In nnk'rtobis wuro of rpttlnc jrnofl riiliborn soo BTWrlto to KRIIIfN TKIItPI.Ii; OP MVlilO* Fob. n-Acoldoni. on VormonI, Contrul at for embezzlcnnent. Spain; S(l hves losl....M. Sadi-i'.iriiol ulcelud •"dept. 11 i-,lohu P. Keu, of Miuueupolls, elect­ ttl'ter tlic Hlril.os, unci ,'»7,'ls;{ were brouglit Iliere bus also been u clecllue ill the value ot und perfectly rolia'Dlo," rViS *'WA I.E.S »0»f> Y J^A U HUTCftK Ici succeed J'residcnl (Irevy, of l-'ranec. .lime S.'l-i-'rosi Injured crops lu Dukoiu. Muiile. Forf.Ivnr, llllo, lii.llgc.tilon.nlc. Free frnm Mcrcnrvi 130 STATE STREET. CJjHIOACO. "Woodstock, Vt. Forty-six persons Ulilua ami Nov.:.'—Suproino C:iurl United Slates rofu.ses .lune SJ—Mono C.imily c.\ey.) murine ipnirry ed i.'ommuiiilei-lu-Chler of U A. K. ut SI. Louis. I'rum other plueea than tiio.ae ill wliicli tile Ihe wool produellou of ubniil lourlceii ce-ult The rof iianl of a manufacturing firm to ('.eilahia only I'lir.) VL-gt-tulil,, lin.'i.,,,|k'iilt. Aeeutt— €^0." 11.r0 HtumjitKl on lliij bntlnm ol thu riibbop ninny liilnrcd. to interfere 111 Aiuiri'lilst ease. Deci. ."i—Ueuilc ef 1 .er.l J.yous. i;riiish Am- ,lllly 111—Doretliy I.. Dl.v, Illi> pbilnnlbroplilsl, ....Micliuel lJuvill. llie frlidi agilnlor. arrived .MkSaiUS. I'L-I.I.KIt ,t FUbLHlll CO.. Clilcni.-u, 111. Htino.iwlilnli you liny. They niiiUt! tlio inti.st nlL'L'itnt Nov. -1—.\l l.,oulsvillc\ Ky., (Minrliis )!. llrown- bus.-.utler lo l-'runce. deslro.ved b.y c^iirllupliike. Lust. ^1,(1 i(t.u;i.l "* 'I'renlon. N. .1., aged ,so ic. M.I luu ten', Biriket iieeiur.aL per pound thill Hie mil cxleulof this caliiiiiity pay for tho iinlent ol a now invention by Ktylcsol •i»(-( lima lost. Ileld cut the tlu-euts or Ills wile, cluii,'

  • » in piinio at an clovate,!kl.'> eiu- Hie 'S.-souo, pounds new proilaced bring to "stftnl tholr ttiumlcr" aiM'lylnK tlm wtml "iiood- ,!\ili.'S Ferry. .luly IS—(Ir-Mt heel iu NorlllWest. .\t some moii I'linr.-li .iLSaii Lulic. u.ged 70 Ceuerul goods eiicni,t,'h elieaper to drive tho old firm U^*> •15)lJ.NS02.(jSi CO., 11)13 Main St., llloUiuond, Vo.- Mar. ()—Seven mon I'.'llod by boiler exi'lo- Nor. 10—Aniirchlsl I.in,'.rg committed suicide ]>ciiir,s mercury lesiu shiule, Iiloyos liel'ore uiiu lock-outs cieeiiri'ed unci till' owners of eur lloek'i eucli year mnri'IIiin buy only thu WAr.E* Cioudvtar. aioii in aMlcbiKUU saw-mills. by cxi.'loilliig bomb in Ins nuuitii tieveruer )>ec. IS—AT, 'J'irurd suect^eds In forhling new .1. .M. Culiily, eiliter L'uiitm rciul^ 'i'uleilo, tlh.o, lli'.t,-Hl(i ult'r the. Iciek-iicil.s, whiie the uuui- out ot hiisiiiess; unci iiian,y a ph.y.iician is PER •'""I'lT nii.I SAMPLKH FltPK Cuhiliet I'lir J''rullee. .Inly 10-17-liileiise hint, tlireilghoiil country. UJ.'ed .I.'. I let.'.", --Presldcnilul partyre;ieliiil Clilcugo. • Si'liin.i,i;iM less money lliaii riirnicrl.v. To GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. Mar. II—Forty poopln killed nnd many In­ Oglesb.v comiiiiitod sentences of Scliwub unci In chieui.-o ),"17 deallis Irom ,',iiii-siroke. IS in Del. lo-,Mi's. Carileli.l Juid danglitcr sailed liei jiel.unlly locd^iii out wus 1.'*)1)..*>'1:». 'J.'here daily llndiiig his i>utioiils, loiig-linie chronic n-nrrm ciuiviii'scirii for l>r, Nrou's. jured by full of bridge on Boston & Provi.ieney Fieldeu toliiVi imprisomucnt. Dec. l,*i—.Advices rcciuved of diistTllcrlion in .Aug. S-"C'iloliel I'ldwuril Uobertsou, a coii- pill wool on the free list, us proiins.'d, und ilius 8,000,000 utX-Cl-os riiilroail near IJoslon. Nov. II—Aiiurclilsts Hiiios, Parsons, Fischer Deeelulieriif Chilig (;,lnw Ulul III ollvrcllles Ciuciuiiaii. isln.s:, Leiiit. Ii in I'liihidelpiiia. gre.-suian fioiu JjOUiSunu, at liuLou Uouge, fur I'lii'dund. •Were lo.HTii new einjiloyi'S ai inireil ut the putourwool-growert lu ceinpi'tiiioii Willi the i invalids, unac'eonnliibiy restored to hoiilth etc. I.iidy iiKiints wiirit(;il lor Electric Corsots. OnuS ill t.'hiuu liy bilrsliiig of banks ol A'elliiw ri\'i;r. .luly 18—.AI i;ei-kliil"d, 111., II ehililrcii died nged Ol, ()cl. 18-l'resldcnt"s party reuclied Atlanla, tnlos. Write for tennii. Pr. Kcott. avj Broadway, N,^. Mar. U!!—'rwoivo porsons hnnioa to death by und Kui-'le cveenteil utObieigo. frotu severe heal. close of loek-iuus, and il.llS'-' were l.rou.glit free griissiiiid clienp liibor ol h.re.gii weel-grow- by tho use o[ Hie new kidney speeilic\ Now Timlier, Farming ^ Grazing •Rxplf.alon 111 boavdlnK-lioiisu of Colby Iron- Niiv. 17—.leliuun Most, N'ew York .Vuarchlst, Tliousuuus of lives lo.st uuil mlllloii.s ef pcu- .All:;. li!--.To!iii Clity, only living son ef Henry ing lutrlet is IO iiujiisiiy discriiiiluatu Jile rep.M'led slurving. .Inly SO—'J'eI'lluio destroyed half of David City, ("itiy.'iienr Li.'.viugio'u, u;,'eii 07. cici SS-Trcs;deirlial party returned to Wusli- front ol.lier jilaei's than ilioac iu wiiiuU funglod notions 'uro sonieiimos very val­ all pet Peniqionis, if M.nlng C=n)pany, at Uessonier, Mleli. urrostetl for iueeiuliury speeehes. Neil. iUl.-loU. agniiisi nil liouoruhl.', iiiilui.:.riiiiis uud puiriolio Apr. 11—Two VusBur Rruduatos Uilleri by e.s-- Ni.v. ii;i—.At'i'liiboileuux, I.U., Hi colored mem Dec. SI—New:, received of the wi-ecl!iii5 of -Aug, ll~Mx II. .S. .Scniuior Sargent, al Sun tho lock-oiils ooeiirre.l. uable, anil it costs too much to foolishly ro- .?i'l,l.rf;,'r,"-a.^ -W-^ CHEAP I - - dlsahlccl; Oincerii'pliy',t»oan-' and 1 woniuii Icilleil l.y wlili.c!s iu luTruy growing .luly .'!l—niebl de.Tihs from sun-slrokc In Pliil- I'^ruiiciisee. Nov. I-Nevciuber SI designated as Tliank!:- class ot pc.ple llml 10 lllterly lira.ny one of till) iect ihciu. . ly crolhicted; llo.ertcn'ii rellerccl; S5» yoaraT' ploaioii v/lillo siuht-suelng In eoUlory near I'olls- sev.:iil.v Vl•s^.»•ls aim '.ess of iweuvy-ene lives in aclelliliia uud 7 ill .New A'orK'. Aug. IP—I'ref. O, S, I'.iwler, iilireuologlst, iriviiig cln','. Ol' llie y.-iioii! number of emplo.ves in. IM It'l' of .\11 N.N I'lHOTA. Pini- tJK!^im( prncilcn; Hueccins or iiofce. Laws rk.nt itjlkb* vlllo, Pa. out uf recent troul)le.K on pluututious, stc.riu ulT ill.' \\"c,\'er.; ui.iies und 1 l.l'l ]ii'r eeiii. be illdepelidenl, 'I'he elleel would fall Willi ' I'nuiplilet,-'What a'liiiv Iiaisk ix mi.n- Apr. ;10—Eight persons drowned In eollision Nov. !.>;—11. JOliert, Jersey Cit.v, K. .T., killed S"\ iur."eii eases siiii-slr.ike ill ('iiica:;e unci nt (.'.'.luhriih..-.', .Mils.;., u/cil 81 r'rtif. h'.i'.( iiei'r were reiiiule.s. of 'those iiiyoiveil In loek- white siigiir, one-half cup of buttoi', oiie- R^EUE^ATIG REMEDY slilsu-rA." Willi Mu|,rt anil viduul.lu Informiitlon. l>'I)!:,s1'i:i.\ L. Hi ill N'-cv VovU. v. Ituird. U. S. l-'isli t.'iunniissK.n, nt Woods Jewu. Nelir.itka. nnd Legi.-lniiire iir New piirlieiiiur scverily upon lliis Slate, since it will pesltlvely cure rheiinnitl!>m wlicn ,„i ; IlOOKW.Xl.TKlt, l.tiu.l tliiiumUal r. piso'S':E:uia'Eiit^iOtt!i.Ej0N-$!UM piaioN on Ijako Erie, and ;) ut fntimni, Conn., by his v.-lfe ulul liiniseif. .lersey. I'roiiibiliou ilef'UIed m Oreaiii In oiits ilui'iii.o' ilic! sullies period U.S. 7.S iier ueiiC. luilt I'up of sweet milk, two eupsotnour, sr. I-iUI., Oll.V.VEAl'OLlS k llA.M10iU Il'V, S'l'. I'AUl., UIXS, cap.sizlng or bout. Nov. .SiuiLeiu'e ef .fucoli Sliurp, New York .Ian. ,1—l'"'ifteeij limnlreil im-non the N'mv J.-r- Aiii.'. .'i—l>,'"iii-'lit iulndiunn, Illinois und Wis­ Hull, ."Muss., ng.'d l-.l. weuki iiol only destroy the wool iuduslrybul everyLliliig cOfc on ciirlli ruils. It Is sey coal clucks .stnlri: ii;,'uiiisi ri'diicl ten , if wui.'es. consin impi-ecv .leuicd. 'riiou.iuials ol acres ;t, pi. s—lli.iliep 1 luri'is, M. P., ehnrcli, ul New i liukoin ,'.u out ut or eennlies voteil lor i'roiii­ wero iiiuU'S anil IM.'J- per cent, wore I'e- also injiirlously uii'.'cl every other. two eggs, a litllo salt, lAVO leaspooiisot luilc- tiikcin Iriterniill.v.iincteiireH ijiilcklv unci May 4—Twelvo men killcn by explosion In "boodler," reversed l.».v Court, of .Aiiitculi.... IvI. biliou. ing powder. Killing—'I'wo-tliirdH of a pint thi.roii.rhly- wli lii.iit ruluiiig tlie stoiii. TO $8 A DAY. Samples worth SI.OO' •Ooosa tunnel. Oeorgia. t;iewe, Aiahiiy. c\liriu , kdlotl his wife und .lull. .1—Vv ilkeslKirre mines .•.Ui>'-il i.ll iice ami hiir.icd over. A'ei'k, u.g.Ml 711, IiialcH. •'Vou huve Hie, right, and yea slnuilil exer- aeli. I'i'Ic'O, mi.. .lolliii'U buttle or I'lil'lr:. l.iiii'siiDtnnilertholiorsci'ufcot. Writ*- of sirike of il-icu llallll^, thr.ivvcii;,'S.KJi pcr,-juns .\ug. 11 —Ui.'inillc, Minn., deyusiated by lor- S'pl. IS—Coveruor r.nrtler. of f';iliriiruiu, .\'ov. i.l-Scnalor lluwiev. Conn,, miirrica Of milk, one-half cup of sugar, t.lireo lea- Muy 8-ir,leven colored people drowned at tluui lllmseir 'Ver(Ilc:tof guiUy rendered iu Miss L.lilh Jl.,nier..., Laud - Colunii.tsloiier Ol! tlie L".',;il>li eRtulillslimciita iu wlilch cite il, or rei|iie-iliig our Hepreseutiiiiyes in •Is iHiltlcH luc flvr cl.illiira. Sold iiiiEnaTca siriii'v liumuoLuiiucu., Uiiiiy,aiu. ;New Orleans while wllnessini,'un Ininiernion. ease of Anurchist Must, for incejuliivry spc;ech, out cif-"mi'leynie!il. llUllii. ugi'd OO \t Oweti .lioi.i, l-Cy,, V.illiniii .A. Coie-rets to o|iiiese nil such nieusiires tkui muy spoons of cornsiarch; heat this together, by all ilriigijists. Send for free 4n.igmu W:it|,iu.','to;i, lusl.nnil preseai S,.,.ks, Btrikesoeeuirecl, ill l.S.UI:;, or WlA'l jier ^11118011 10 J<. Ii.. IIKI.PIII'kV"- Muy 1!!—WoiHuii und -J eliiUlren ut Ciiul ul, New N'ork. .lau. It—I'Mleeu liuuilri'd ]iiin.'rs made idle .Aue. 18—I.'"piiblicuu C'il.y. Neb., iiieirU" de- lilh'e of (ieerge be oU'.'red. Olli.'r uud belier wuys can le pro- and let it thicUcn on tho lire. Put between A Moxra, Aa Ilk Valley, Pu., burned to death from iising poiro- Nov. .•)»—Cleorge nnrliuni, uged O'.i, NVw Uril- by lire iu coul iiiiue^ ueur Slisinnliin, 1 'u. siroyed by hurneuue-. s person:, kilU-'d and Wu.^eiu,'.'i.''ii's iniiiip.', I'-'.'d ; 11' -jMiss i''rul;ces E. W^llliird re cleeled cent. orUie wliele alrikea were ordered by £'I'lXi:. UruKKlnt. WAsiiisciro.N.U.C. « holly .ii.llkriirlflclRl (i.yst(.nii«. .lau. IS—'I'liree eullieiles at Slieieiiuliiuli, Pu., liinliy Injur.'d. Sept. II —1.;.\.| lever lllucl uirii, of rCeii- rr.'sliU'uI of \yeiui'ii"s Nuliiiiinl c.:lirisllui i Tciii- viili'il tor ilitpotiui; of the silrpiut reyeuile lliuii tho layers. Ali.v book li'iirnr.t In ••tin rriiiliiiu. , Ing artloloj In tlio world, i BumpTo"! loum lo kindle lire. ain. Conn.. rutall.v heat his sister witli a .*iioiie Iiicl.'y, I'.l. I.'raiikierl pi'rnlice Clliou nt Xn^llVlile. liilior or,'_''iini/,ut nns, \vliile cit' clie L', I SLi es- Hcipninnioncliicl by JlUttK TWAINI UleruTi) PimoTOn. May 18—Four tons of dynuniito exploded ai and ilitui IcIllcHl liiiuseir. siispceded cei urc-euut ef (lie coiil-liaiidl'.-r.-i' Sejit. S"i—.At .Mini'cromble, Minn mercury •d",l. by hreuklug doic'ii iillrhome iililllslry unci expos­ Uiiiti; is a Sure remedy for felons; Tlio .•Splrll Lake, Minn., killing 11 men and touring Dec. 1—'rruui|) lyiiclu-d at Alutuosu, C'.il.. for strilaM;i .N'ew .h.-r.^ey. llirew ng sewra! thou- (). 1. ;i-.lohu II. ii'li, :\"cbrusl:a icinperance .Nov. s.'l—|.:.\.Si'U,'i'.or .1 s, of Florlilu. de- tulilishiiieiit.s ill wliieii loek-oula oeeiirreil ing onrliiberlo foreign couinelillon. .All. there- tlAMC STUnr. nool.-.l-onplnjr, ri?nnian,ililp, Atltlit saiiil uieii and beys out or wiirl;. rcgl.slered S nll.i\'-,; .;ero. luh'oenl.e, ut It .tlen clur.'d u niouuiuuuia.c nl Delrollauil iu liliuuciul 1,70:1, or .sd.lM per cent, were orclered l.y Urat nymptom ia generally like tho pricking S; ov",,'.!l,^™U i?.t,,S^^^ Illl.nilU nictk', Sliortlnind, etc. ;a holo forty feet deep i ii i!nunul. assault ou youii^' woinuu. est and ab':)nt disiress. fiirc, who l.liluk more (if iliis coun try ilKiii Iliey do In noix)tl.M)0 near DKNVKli. Irrlgiitlon . tlinrouplily tnuttht May 'Jil-'l'>70 men r.t Imliunupolls, .T nt Utlca IJee. :.'—In Durllegteu Cnimty. .S. f!.. FriMl l!il- .lull, ii—Jtj !'. I.'itiibirii's inb.'icce fuetery ut S.'pi. SI—Ihiavy frni.t iu Nerlliw Oct, ,'. — Mx-1 liiyeriior Wushburn, of Mussu- ooailiiiiiit.ions cd' iuaiiu'.rers. Of the whole ot liiiy utlicr. uud nil who uptireelale llie grcut of a sliver. Aa soon as you aro convinced byuiiUl. Clrcjcihiralruo. .li.'iv.ey Uily, ;l,:iiieuipliiy,;s sniicl; ugaiiisl a re­ Lyiichliurg, Va. elius"ll .. le.'ed (7. No'.'. oii-Prol. S. A. Die'iey elected chairman DItelies insiiru fleoil (,'i'i.tiH. Address (H. .1. mivixT'scoujMit, uomiired Ul .lei-.Mi.vCiiy I Oct — HIiliu 11. Wuslililir,:.'. al l,'hiea.-e, husiiiesa lll.llKi, ur t'.l). Ill per ci'iiu, nnd on • witnu mtni wm hein you m gemi iiosiiiouo, WIlKjr WKITINO TO AUVKRTIMKKN J'l.EAIB :\liciilguii. agi 1 71 i;el'iibli un caucus nomuu.led Mr. Held, of llriuly together in 'its suiiport, and iinl onl,v Open, then let flic blister remain uutiltho iitar.i,i!IKKI(!AS"HCIIII(ll.nKT):I.):(IIUI>llV, X.iH.oh, WIi. LITTLE BIG WASHER •/;';'r;?.'''^„",7Jrn!; .tute Mint sou fmw tho AilvvrtiMiiiivui iu Uila . ./nno 17—I'ropuUer Cliuinplam i urnefl near murder tukeu frein jull by mob ut Ciiurlesien, P.luu. SI—'I'welily-live lilliidred eiuployes In «)ct, SI—."\I(M-eury ul Hilllugs, M. T., I,'! below ;".Iuiue, fur Spcalcer. iiecoiini of iueli-i.iiiis, (IL'.(Il) iiereeiiL Tiicj •Charlovoix, Mieli.: W people drowned. Mis.s., und shot lo deutli. lliggilis Cu.'s carpi!, fa.lor.y, .\ew "I'ork. Nov SO- );::•( lov, Miller, at Little lieck. Ark. slieuld Wi! C'lntiliue to proIecL and ilevelop sorcuess has disappoarecl. Clrculurii riiEE. UcjxljiO, UloomluKUulo, .Mich. KlUUflF. SI ruck l..eiuu.eeerlu,n employes liuil he zero. llee, s; • !''.N-c;oU'..i •ssinuii .M. C. 1 le-riu;;, al Dee .1-Firiieih Congress usseml.led hi Wush- tiverag'e diiraliuii of slo|ipuo'e cm ueeoiiiil cd' Juno :;8-Six mon killed by oiivimMn of rail- Dee. S—Aiiurclilsi Most denicsl new triiil unci II d:s- Oci. s,"i—In Northwest thermorneier lower Osil'-'e every luiliHIry thai Is esseutliil lo onrgreut- CisAiiA.M CuACKiiiia.—Sevon cups of gra­ cond otnbunkinent at PorlsineiUli. O. sentoiicod to one year iu penit'.'uiiary — T. .1. cberged. Ihuii ever before in (icloher, lu :edO:l. lu;:tou-Mr. Cnrbsle (K'euluckyi rcelecled Btrikes waa ^'1!-1-1 0 c'uya, for loek-oiits 2S nesS ninl illilc]lell,le.lce, linl we sllolllil 1111.ird July 13-Fivo men drowned at lloston by bout Ellis, ,lr., Keokuk, lu., shot his wife und killed .Inn. S.'l.—Eivlit buniiiTd und llflv girls In tbe Ocl. 01—Snow ill Soulliw.'ttern \'l./iiiln.. 1) 11—ih'i.. nil Thouius KIrby Sliiitli, sp. ulceror lleui,e,.,,l)i c'isloll rendered by U. dii.v,s. ham hour, one cup ot butler or aWcJt himself. ...Tlirec! negroes lynehed near Kives, Klizulielli (X. .1.) ccir.la re wurlcs slriick uu-uliisl New \"orl:. lu.'e.KiV. S. Supreme C.uirl in favor ol valUlily of Ku'lisaa direi'i prolectlou lo our lubor by carefully dis- oapsiiliiB. Nov..''—rnprecedciuteil ilrougiil 111 Southern Dec. Kl—I ;o\'i-riior Ceurle I'l'ohililtiou law. 'J'iie results oC the Htrikea, so far as f^aiii- criiuiiliitiug 11 .liusl every kind or soclillitlic, cream, ono pint of sweet milli, tu-o to, July I«-Pivo inon killed by llKlitning noar Tenu., for ussaull en girl. a iMdiiiMioM of wugi'.s. ilirowing mi oilier liuiuls lU'lkiuu. llliiios aucl iv'-iitueicy. K. I'.odwell, spoons oi" bnliiug powder with the llcitir, put .aeraiiton. Pa. O-.lury in Arensdort trial for iniiiderof oul iif w.irk. Nov. SI —I'rosl ul T.it'upa, i''lu.; probably .Muliie, nged i;;i. Dee.'il-l'resiileiiiClevelniKl iioiulnntes L Q. iuf,'' the ol,.jcels sou.glit are laiiicerneci, aro criluiuiil or .ii...i'epiilable elinrili'l.'r ^vllll may Julys;0—Four porsons shot, two futully, by Huddoek, at Sioux Oil.V, Ul., reader verdiel of .lull, SO-Tlie.-l.il'Udiienitlve inilers in llnslou killeii yi Mow l.;ver g.-rnis, Dee. 17—S. 1'. Itiilinds. ul Omaha. U'icd ,10, r. Luiuur lis i;. S. .lusliee .Supreme c'euri; hIiowii to be us lolliiws: Siiciiesses followeii ficck lo liiiiui'-'i'uie le our shores. Ne.'d. iirior in the hiilter (or the cream), a lilllo .salt, •Indian iKirfonners in a olroun ut Clinton, lu. not guilty. ...Anureliist INIiisl releaseii en ball v.'illi.lrew fiMiu llie Kuii.'Iils.il LaborSlriko Nov, S.S—'I'lieriiiomelers in iierllous of ^^lu- Dec. 111—11. (I, ('nulll'-ld, i'M-( 'ti:i.;:re.'.siiinii rreiu Will, F. Vilns Secretary or taierior; 1). .M. our obligiiliens lo flcul. il Is our iiighesL iluty to then tho milk; mix well and roll aa thin as pending uppeul to New York Supreme lliuirt. in lliggilis' -iirpei Uieii.cy luiled, llenota, Dakel.n, Iowa und W'lsecinsiii luarkeil JlliUoit, ut DeailWood, 1.1. T., ilgeil liickilison. J'estiunsler-Oeucu'ul. in 1,(117 easi's, or •U>,."i!l per cent, of the. .luly ai—lOxprcss run into gang ot ll.ulian llee, SS,—(''Uigresslluiu S, C, .Mod'atl, of Mich­ Die 7-Virgiiiiu Le,.;isliiliii'e convenes. Vhole, mill rnilure t'ollowc.il in S,1)111 liike care of .Aliier.cv," soda crackers; cut iu any shape and hake laborurs noar Allendale, N. J., killing twelve Dec% ]:.'—llariHM', bunk wreckc^r, roiuul/,'uilty .liill. iV—l*'orlv lllMie-uIliI ui.'ii emplnyed in the from 10 III SS ilegrees hclow zero. quicV.iy. or littoon nnd manglingmauy. in Cineinnatl mid sentenced to peniteuMury for vessel iiUeresls ;il, .New \,,rii i.ii slrili.! and llie Dee. 1,0—I-'our to SIX inches (if snow in igan, in \',"us}iiugt(iu, u'.'I'd-III, Dee. 8-Stille ceuveutuiii ot (.'euiieel l.'iit Pro- cuK.'.s, or liD.sll ]icr eeiiu of the wliole. Tlie (loyeriior reconiiiieiiils, am.rug oilier ocoiin si.eiiliishiiis uiiil oilier vessels were de- Wi'sii.'rn 'J'exas—heuvlesl ever known lu that Dec. SI—lii.uu'l .1. iMauuiU'^'. eN-Si".'rctary of lliblIlouisls....(.'liicugoseK,:l(sl ror meeting of tlilnes, n siiri'ey of Ihe euiiiil lands, a ays- A coot) dressin.g for fowls is made lliiLs July ai-Floods in .Savannah valley, Oa. ten yoar.s. l.-eiuiblieuii .Salionul eonveuliou lo lie held -oaiiBOd a loss or Sl.riOii.Olio. Dec. ):i—Two nogrees bnriieil to dcuih by a luiiied 111 the clucks. section, U. S. Treasury, ul Alliuu.y, N. V., ugi'dull. P.'.- loin;-. ir.,s, ."ilil. ealiibiisliiueiils, or I I'lnill izn I ion of He' public bonll-keepiug, leg's- Take as uuu.'li stii'lo bread us you will need liec. 10—HIizzard and heuvy snow fall lliroiigh- ,luiie 111, lhS.s, Aug. 10—About 1011 peopin killed unrt ano mob alOwensboro. Fla., lor assaulloii white ]|'cb. ;l—.Se\-eii huinlre'I men iu blast fiiruuces 2.">,.s,"'i per ci'iii. ul" 1 lie whole, suueeeile.l iu luliim for tin; pruleclieu ot I'lllleil .Stnlet liglll- pour boiling Wilier over and cover closely %voiiiuii., ..A 'drunken sen tdioked his mother at Sliiiriisville. I'll,, slriiik lor higher wuges, Olil .N'ortlnvi'Sl. ,..Six feel of snow in por­ J'OI.ITU'AL .\M> .S(K-:Ar.. Dee ll-Willliim Mahorie noiniuatcd tor >»o«mlod 111 wroelc on '.roludo, I'oorla & West- Pulled Stutes Scunter by Kepnblieuns or VIr-' (^•uiiiiii.','iliiir piiiiilii; 1110, or .S 7 1 p "i' eeiii'. llelltc l.itlous. etc, all,I Ihe iires,.rviilieli ol' until soft. Ijout'iip well until lino, iheu «m railroad near Oliutsworlh, 111. todeij.tli ut (Jlarement, Vt. Feb, 7—Lock-uiu. of I'liihi.lelplilu clotliing tions of N.'W .lersey—iii'uviest. full tor years. .Tail. II—Stale onicers ol WiseMUsiu iiniugii- the mannriiclHiei-s; lu.fi ill pi-.iple idle. .llec. SO—Severe I'llizzurd and exireiue cold rnteil al Mudisoii,,. Califoruiii and Tt'Unetsee giuiu l.i'gisluiiire.,.,Mlchigun Stute (Iraiige j.'iirily sue-e.'cleil, ami j,:iur>, or i'llL.SU per, Hie munud-buiMer add a lump ot hutler, the size depoiidiu., Ang. 3i-Man, wife ami 4 eliildron drowned by Dee. 1(1—At Keutou, O., Chariot Tliomus vision or Hie wuter-spout nour Cleburne, Tex. Ktabhetl nnd kllle.l his uii?ee and futiilly cut his Feb. 8—Ai Mur.|uciir. .Mieli,. .'lOii miners (piil weiiilier lu ilie Xoriliwesi, Legi^luluros eeuvened. d.'i'lures 111 hiv.irnf Locul-Optlon liiw. ceiu. I'nileil. I tux liius, llie restriclion upon the condition of llie foivl, wlieilior I'lit brollun''.s wife — Ceorge (Irei^u, eutlle thief, work for relusul lo iliseliur,'.;.. loreniuu. Decs —LliiuMluily colli weather inlliecutlle .lull. '1-Leglsinrilrcs of New Voric. Peliusyl. Dec. 1,1-Delegnle coiivention nl Aberdeen, D. of Hie pow •r of eennlies, lowiis Sept. Ifl—Four men killed und 01 Injni-od by bell of Texas, vuuiii. Deluv.'ure. (.liiio n ud NelinwsUn, ceh\eued' T., iidoptei luenioriul pruyiiig for udm.ssieu of As 111 euus s cir olijeels nl' strikes, il ia 01- lean; add an eg.cj for «:ieh fowl, sail iilid xlorullod train near Aspen, Col. lyiudwid near I'leminc^len. Via —lehn VMey, i''eb. 0—'L..iie'illoi'eiueiis' slrike in N'ew York Bliciwu tlinl. iiiei'eiseor wiejes wus the priii- ; uud eilies lo Inn' •n-e iheir ii.il.'hi".|iii'ss iih..v Oct. 4 — I'ropollor t;aliroriila wrecked noar Ivenlon, f)., killed his sweeiheurt beeiiuse she unci strike ,,r tl.iiil.) miners iu Mnnenguliela ilis- Dec. s:i—Kiirlluinake shock at New lledfercl, .bill, a-Andrew ,1. .MeC lill ( Uep.J iuullguriited Terrllory into Uliiou usoneSlule. M per eeiil, ol Hi •ir I.IX vnliialioii of r.'iil cslure, pc[ip.'i' to tasie, uud put iu etioiigli onion cut Iriel sellle I. Mass. (leveruor of Mumesotn — .'S.'ec.'tury Lniunr Dec. lo-WilliUlu M. i'lvaris clioseu cliuirmnn cipa! ciiic—I'J II ]ii'r eeiil. '.I'lie oi.'i.'r lea.l- line lo give a nice llavor. Mnc'.tliiaw, Mieli., la lives lout. refused to niurry him A luill'-wltted boy ut und Mrs. Hell inurried nl ^TucOll. ilii Leg- or conv.'utieii of Ucpuhlicaa clubs ;n New York lei'i^lulloll to eompi'l foreliru c.irjiorulli.lis lu Oct. 1,1-At Koolc Creelt, Mo., woman klllod Goiuiiibus, Ark,, cut olf lieuds of liis little F.'li.ll—Five t'loie;? n I siri'.:lii'r miners around Dec. S,"".—I'.lglit iuclle or snow 111 Lenislana iii.g' ciiiisi'': aril g'lveii as I'ollciws: l''or I'leliie- piiy lil.Ve^. ell llii'ir gross rei'i'llMS, nud lo protect . and Bovorul people injuied by collision <.f Iruliis. brother und sistcu* c^liester llellows li:ingi;d I'iitsburgh ri-lunieil in work. and Mississippi. Is lulu res of (.'ouneclicut. Mnssaehtis.'I is, Maine, I'll.v. tioii of iiciiiis. lil.'15 ji.'i* e-jii;. ; ug'niusire- Oct. ir.—At MoiiiphiR, 'J'enn., .hidge KUelt fell for imivder at Charles City, )a.—Ursi .-xecution I^'eh. s'l-Se\-eu liutiiireil ei'-ii eiupkiyed la llliuois, .Mich,gun, Celoruile and Norlll cjurolliia Dee. 17 -.1. (1. WhlUkr eelcbruled his eight, Hie jiei.ple rroul puhd.! lie,'iilciilious, und the A Gunfiral TIc-Up American wii.-e wnrli.^, (_'lcvelu(.tl, (_)., struck for coiivi'lleii, lelli birlhilnyuuuiversurv al Daiivers, .Mns.s ,. (liietioii t' y.'ii.g-i.'J, 7.7.''i jier eenl ; I'or in- I strengllienlug ot tlie How liiw. of all the tnouus oC ptihlie, conveyance in • dond from lienrt-iliseaie just ufltir inuklnga 111 Slate Hiuiai 18(15. JMISCCI.I.ANICUlhS. .lumes 1'. l-'oth relecleii p,,.suleut of Ihi'lU'W. , Bpoeoli weleoiiiiiig Iho I'rosideiilial party. Di;e. 17—Seven men klllcid during wonk in advance of svui'.'S. .fun. P!"Miss Lucy Staiiley, of l-lvunsville, .luu. (i—I'. r. Lnuiisluiry eleeter: (Iivrnor by d'eiise ut wages und i-eduetic f hour.s, i lar.ge city even for a fe\y lioiira,* during Dot. '.Ti-Pifteon vessels wrecked and 7 lives Hoeic Castle Ciuiuty, K'y.. Ulul iniinv others Aliir. 8—Sirik- uf 'srnl slr.vi-nlelders in St., thi.i Legisbiturc ot t.'oiiui'etieiil Ooveruor lie-ulTlVihs I'oaglle fiirnied by Kc|,ul>. flid,, :.]ipoii:leil l,i|ieen iii Oyi.sies in iruileil Anii't. of .Mns'.ncliusettt, inniigei'Uled Indi- 7,i'i7 pere'iih; ii,','uiiisi iin'i'ease of hours, ! str'iico o't the emplo.ves, means a general .•UiKl by storm on Lake Mrie. woniided, as resnltiiru fcunl At CllurUsbiir;.', Louis threw I,,', lil ulle-r unu nnt ef work, .Stale's. losucce.'il lier sisl 'r. .Mrs. Mluem Sliiii- ,H*J Iii'i'i-'i'iii.; loiiil for live lencliiu'e.iu-es, j SENATOR tVARTb WA.RNED, piiral.yzing ot trado and inclualry for the Oct. au-Pi-opeikir Veriien lost near Maiiitn- W. Va., I\Irs. Thoniey kilhMl lu:r eruiiUeii hus- M.ir, IC-Slr.ioi of S.lMi uuiiils in Slie.'lleUl uiin und .Mis; irl L'''j,'isluliires eouveiied. n,,,.'. ,.,!l"s,.,.nnd uuuui.l cenveiillon ol Ni» ley. deeeaieil Lur;:i' muss of reei: lull imiii .luu. 7—Till' I lelliocni 1.-, Ill the loilinu:'. .'-Venule nonul I'reliiliiiioii iliin.'uu usscuubled in Nei» 77..sl> peciieiil ; ill! otlii.'r eaiisi.'S, 'SI. 17 pet timo being, luid is altciulcd with an enor- • woe, Wis., with about rill hves. baud, who was abusing li<"r, with a polalo- saw wevks, Imlleuaeol-.i,. liorseNlioe Fulls, Niuguvn. muleriully chuiigiug Nl!^v ^"ol'tv llepilblieun.. Deliittllil 'i'hill lie iiious iig.'^'fc'giite loss lo tho coiumiinity. Nov. 1—At I.uinnra, l-,u., 7 persons died and niiislier. .Mur, 17—,Sii'il:eor Vu I urelitjeeliiral iroii-work- foriualiou oil Caiiudiuli sidt . r.-ruseii lo iiieei. in jo ul session \\ithtlK' llou^e Dec!. 10—.MFarniersvllle, T.u., lu a riuurrel. ei's in ('iiieiniiiill und Ceviiigtou fur u hours' to heur the I lov.ruor's inessu'.'i . end llie ilocii- Dec. -Sii-.lohu S. Itarbour cleeled fTaltcd Oppose I.aiiitir, liow niiicii moro serioiia to ilie iiidividiial muny others mudo ill rroiii poison ng at supper .Inn. IS—.lonus (1. Olurk guve ,^l,l!i)0,0)0 lo llielil v.'us reed liy llieelerH. la Mle House it Slides Seiiulorhy V,rgl„;.i Legislulnre Di.teluloiing' iili-ioliile ueenrae.v. Ilm report is the general lio-iip uf Ids system, known i; at private party. .Tcul:,'e ,1. I'l. 'i'rtuiible unci .luiiies .\. Itumsey work cud 10 hour...' pay. Worcesler, Muss., lor a umversily. .Ai.ii.iNV, .\'. !i",,.Iuii. H,—The l,.']iiil'iie,nii shot eaeb other dv.iui Ju a dispute ovcu- ."•hir. id—Sii-ilce er li',i.".il silk weavers at I'ut WUS tal'led AVlllmllt rending. D.'e'.•.".-ilev. Dr. Lymni, AIUhiIt selertcd :« gives the losses id! .'luiilo.yes iilid eulplci.y'u'.s coiiaiii>aiioii, mill duo lo the slriko ci f the most f (.'oi'ViiKiirr, 1.S.S7.1 Nov. Ii;-Six men lilov/ii lo plocos by c.-.-plo- Mar. -I-Mnry linker, "cVliite i.'iiuul.v, Inil., ne^iigimiuor el I'lymeulli Cnureli, lireoklyi;. .Astniiiijly i^iiiiells iiiloir.eil 1;;h1. lli'.iill : lie I'ol- Blon in dyniiiuile worbs, Islipenilnc;, Midi. money innlters ul Ikillslnii Mjui, N. V., S. S. e.-soii. X, ,1., end.'.I, eoiiipleteil l'J."i days' fnsl. .lun. 10—Coie-uei* Murl.iu, of Kiiusns, liiuu- resultiiu;' Iritiu sii'i!;es and ioek-oiii.^ us fol- impoi'tiiiit or.guus for more pi-udenl Ireau effect upon tlie llninir mucous membrnnesot tlie nnsnl nnd other Nov. lll-llul;o unci two young elilldren Inrt In Cruuclcdl shot unci killed liis wne, ills meihei'-iu- .Apl. I—Over S.e.e curpeptel-i III Chicago giiruli'd ... Li ulenuin'-l loveruer Killierlson, of liiv.'iii.g r.soliiticiiis oiV.'i'i'd Ii,\' .'i.s.'-'c'iiil.lyuiaii nientand liell.er eai-c-;. it too long iiegleel- nir-pnssuK'cs, promoting the natural secretion of their follicles nnd Mur. SI—Mrs. .lulill l-'uriillnm died ul I'tlcu, J ml in nil. sworn ill — .Arkansas l.rgi.siuinie eon- Iow,s; i,(i,-",'s 1,1 .-i'l'iki'i'.t cliiriu.g llie six Joltii 1„ l'lii;i, (if I)uielii','is Cot'iH.y: hou.se iioarMr.non. Intl., alone all iilglil. IJulie l;iw and bis .slepcluuKliiiu', und ilieu hiui.s..*ir. struck rcrudviiu. e iu wie;c-H. -N. Y., nr,"! los. years, ."i-'il I ,.s 1(1.1 (kl; loss to employes Cil, a torpid or aliiggish liver "will produce glniids, ihereby softening the diseiisod nud tliickeiiod niembrune. • frosen to dealli ami others Irosl-bltl.en. Dec. xil—'Plinst men ruiutly sb..il iiciruig u po­ .Apl, l-Ovru-,'.,11 II e.M-p.Mlers nii.l stoue ma- yelC'd, SI'DKTINd. EeriuuR bn'iiis of kidney nnd liver discaaes SV.^lII"l'«:ilIS or TBITI niSI^ASK.-nuU, lleavty headache, iind restoring it to its natural, tliln, delicate, moist, lioaltliy con- .Muy II—William O'llrieu, editor or l.'nllfj [re- .li.n. 11—Leglsluliiri's of DnkolTi, ICiui'ias und through loek-iiut.t, ;}<.•<, !;!•_',717; or a •'/,'..s.-.-c Tual the siU'i'ly or our iiisliliuioiis obslriieiion of tlio.niisul pussages, dii^eliurg-ea fulling .froin the Nov. !M—Mm. Myoniund two eliildren. J len- litical dispute 111 a saleciii ul Opel(jUs:i:i, La. sjus iu |!rool;lvii slriirk hir hi'iher wiie.'S. U:n /,'urri\'ed In Ni.'W \"orlt. .lull. 1"—.liibii L- Sullivuu broke kit wri.tt Itt uud i lie ;it'opi'r iidniin it I nil ioii el onr liiw^ re- malai'iiil ironlilo iiinl ehronie d.vsiiopsia. Dr. lieud into the fliront, Honietimcs profuse, wiiterj', nnd acrid, at dilion. As R blood-puriilur. It is unsurpaB,scd. As Uioeo Olsciise* • dei-.son Co., Ky., liiiniea to ileulli in fore.-it llres. .\pl. IS—liiiiiiieils of Cinc .iiiiiti curpLUiters M'ly 11 —\',"eiiccii v.'itti leprosy dlseeverccl in Texns coin'i'lied (lol'erilor vNi 11'. ui:-, el Colcj- :i liirld v.'iii ('iii'iiiir ill M niieupiilis, total wag'.' lo-is to eiujeuycs el' l;'."il),- Pierce's I'leaaani l-'urgufive i'elli'ls are which coinplicato ciitarrli arc diseases of the lining mucous mem­ coueedcil, end li'i i lii";i sd lo wi.rl;. r.lde. ilU'ileerue.!. l.'.'b. 11—r.ipir.iu WiP.iuui Ceiii'i'll, turluian liUirc I lull. I lie eoui'l.., lliuii he proleclei uilli others, thick, 10111101011,1), miicoiia, piiriilenl, bloody and putrid; Nov. Ui—Throe men Iiilleil and live in.iun^il In f(>i!i:i<;n. Frei'liorii ('eunt.y. Minn. ll'J.S. .s.s'j. 'i'his loss oeoiiri'i'ii for lioih the mosi j.'nloii', cure Irom iiuy liiiiil of coui- iire.veiilivc und cure of these disorders, tho eyoiii are weak; tliero la rlniring in the eara, denfne.sS, hacking branes, or ot tlio blood, it will readily bo seen why this medicine niih-oad colllKk.ii nour J''itlslMirKli....l!liiKineer -Apl. p.-S.'V.-n lliiiii.iun.i (.•iui:v;n eiirpeuters May IS—,\: ('asiie (hirdeu ]o,n'to iiiiiu'crrarits ,11111, I-;—'I'he Wi-.l Vlrgiui:', iiin! Wltc'orislu iiImI hre.'.li'i'. eii'il near Moluli.', Alu., lered 70. is so -a'cll caleulatoil to euro them. '.and llroinun Ic lied in smushiip ut Anuu. O. Jan. 1—1'''onrloeii peoiile druwiiedoff Ikin-lse.y, reiiiriieil to wo:k .'•>.nv;' iiioM.us iii I'.lis- Li'g'islul.iiles eoiivi'ued Willium .M. Sle'.vilrl .... Ilosioii Ikise-Hiill i;inii piiysiliii.ci.'o lor .Mike sl.riUi'.rt uu'l leei;-oiita in •J1,.'>1S ealuli- pliciiy with crtiii.' tu iiiiy he. lu. uiul the belli'Il ; Thoy iU'O proinpl. sure nnd clTect ivo, plciasaiil or coughing to eieiir Iho lliroal, expectoration ol otl'enslvc mat­ En;-:., by eollision of steaintM-s, c.rriv.'d, Iiu'L-esl tor any eh'' dii.v iu liNlory. (l;e|i.) eli'ct.'d Lulled Stales Seliutoc rrciiu Ne- I I'li'liy. to take, and positively harmless. ter, togeilier with senli3 from iilccra: the voice Is elinngecl and Nov. 'J«-Three elillilron drowned ut Morrison, ,1)111. ,'I—Uowlund, tlie tninperune'i cuuillilalo. bilri.'li mid Loili-.ville ,-,!rlicI: ii,::uil,.-t heycotl.'il .Muv J I—I'.ir'ier-.ttoii'e of Slauroid lliiiversil.y, lialiiiienls, or uu uver,i,o'e loss of ."f^'J,! 1 ."i to or llie'r^upreuii' ('oil rl or Hie 1..'in led .si nl cs. the has a " iiii'sai twiiug"; the lireuth ia offenBivo: Binell and tnsto' Asa locnl application for healing the diseased condi­ 111....A Mr. Ilovnielcki und his live children Si. Loirs pulieiiis :\Ieul'u IMrk, i.'.il.. laid, villi;; isb.r. ' .Aincricnn 'i'rotvliig Assocliilioii or- caeli esiulilisiiuii'iil. or of iieiirly r^* ill I .i eaeli biglie^L lu 111-' luud, IS the one pluc,' which tion in tlie heiid. Dr. Sajre's Catarrh Ueniedy is beyond cleeled i\l:iyor of 'i'orontii, Cull Oilcscalclil ,lnii. Ill—( eruer Hughes, of Arlainsiis, In- giilii'.'.ed nl I lelreit. impiiireil; lliere is a fiensiillon ot di'/.z'mcBS, with menial depres- all compurlsnn the beat prepuratlon ever invented. burned to deuth at Wuusim, Wis....Five per- puluee. Ivoule, destroyed b,viire; loss, IM.liitU.i II i. Aid, l',l-.N'e',,- Vi.fU L';;l-.l;ilnre iiui.li evory Muy IV—.Six pi-o]j|<' li'sunenl. TucHiei, A, T., aui'Ui'ul.'.!. (ilriker involved. 'I'lie assis i.iie.i given to sluinid III' lorever snci'cii ii'om the iutriislou of "II13 g-avo me aouin jioinlers," said tho filoii, a hiiekiiig eoiiifii und peueral clebllit.v. Only a low of tho Hons killed unci many others injured in build­ Jau, •:—Thirty miners iiilled ui; Meu-^, ISel- S:iliirelay ufl.i;riiooli ii lioli'iny. beli.'V'.il due lo ,'artli.iu'.clu- tr.'glit, Mur, P: 'N'm-lil'. D'UliiHi'SS aucl C'ei'oiiel slart- abovo-iinuiccl Hvinptoiua are like'y to bo present In anyone cuse. It is mild un'd pleasant to use, producing no sinnrtlnjr ing b'.owii down at Minoolu.Tex. ,l;iii. r.'—.liiih.'e Ayres. ol the cd'c.nit court ul I'il for .'s-'W \'iii'k fur a I'ucu le cjueeuslowii, Htriicevs during llie same period, so far na iiisloyiiHy. ib^honor or friiiei. trump ot Iho furiner; ••hcjabbua ino with a or pain, nnd containing no strong, irritutlii'g, or cnn»- giuni. l.y I'Xplesioli tu a csiul pit t.'luileru rug- .May 1.'—Over ,'.0.'. eeopciN ill .•\rilv,-,"iiki'e stri-.cl; MnV •SO-TweUIy-iih.lll (leni'i-nl Assembly lluliuu:,polls. 1 ..-.mil an injuui't.ioii r.iMrauiing '•/,',....'('...', 'I'liin Hie noiiruiillou Inn scut on pitchturlc—D/'j;;. Thoiismids of eases iinniiiillv, without ninnili^stlnp half ot the • Nov. •-••1-Two iniiims eriislied to doutli by iiig ill iuienos .Ayres, euusiii;,' rrigltlfiil mor­ for ieeivi:;.'iil wiigei. ,.,:.',';ei i.uinls l,irl:eil out Presbyterian church opeue.i ui I'hilud I'elihi Irel.iud- aaoertniiiuble, aiuonuis to ,'i--H.;!'J.*"i,0.'i7; lo above svinptiiins, rfTailt hi consiinipiion, and cud In the grnve. tic druK, or other poison. Tills llcmcay is a power­ falling • I: near Willio.iljurre. I'u... .Tiiree by ('IncmiiuU shoe tiiclorie^.. ...'I.ih i bod car­ l.ieuleuniil'C'.'.'TUor Hi.bi.'i'l.toii fr..m presiding ,Mur, • —Corelicl ul'I'ivecl ul QuecusUiwn, win- thoae aiii'i'eriiig" frotii loek-oiils, .-ji'l, 1 l).1,.''i;)S, Hint b.'lich of L. t^ C. I.lllllnr. wlin viollllcd his ful nntiscptlc. ami speedily destroys all bad snioll which nccom- tal il.v. .'\lliy .Avnllle (c..-lonsli (^liereiulijli, .S. I'., al Hie joint eMiiVriilion (U Hie 1 .egislal.iire to liiu;' vu The Coming Comet. Ko disease ia so enninioii, more deceptive and dangerous, less putilea so maiiv cases of ealarrli. thus ufforUlnif groat comfort tO> .mon I: lied by lulling Lri^e ikiur .lernsuiem, Vu. .lull, II—Heavy snows in Florence, Venice, riers iu i:Mh':i;.-o slruc!.' lor hi rb iv;ii:es. died, n..M'0 I'S'S, or a tulitl of .'i'M.'llJH.rill.'t, 'i'lie amounts, Oillll of nlleiriliuce logo Inio rehi'll.oll nuiillist understood, or more unsiicceaiSfnlly trented by physicians, ....Two .young men numed C!;irrlsoii iiilled in uomiiiaie II lliiilcil .SluI.es Seniitor. Ai r. ', —l-'irsl iciiue hiis^-l'ull forrhnmpleiislilp those who sillier from tlila disease. Ccnou iiiul P.odnjoiil, iiiltuTiiptiug ruilway .^l.iy •.-•••ii-v-e lienilv il ami llfly ineii locked .Iiiee II—Ureiit ('liieigo wiiei.l eiiruer c.ol- .lull, r-—The I'.illoM'iiig i;, S, Si'iiulors ivere lio-wc'ver, llie emoiiiiasioiier siiys, aro uii- Hielhiion; who iiiis iii'eliir.'cl by ids I'olc I liiit It is faneied by a grateful piilron Ihattho mine shaft near Webli (iilj-, M<)....i\Iuuy )ioi'- iralllc. mil i.r iriroli SI • -I (,•.:; iV.irK .. I •liicic-o, lapM'd, cunsiiu.'I'uilures lor is.'.o p.oeli. will Id I.I Si. Liiies rctulled: Ciucagu, o; St. the ulileliduicuts III Hie I'l ilisli I 111 ioii. which nexteoniet will I'lppeiir in the form otaliiig ' If yon would remove nn evil, elrilx at iln . sous injured, two futully, by explosion of range eleeli'.l; Ciiarles II, Furwell, lllliieis; Oush- Louis. doubledl.v' too low. Tlio Golden Jfcdicnl Discovery la tho .natural ,Iuii. 7—Several vllluges In Swllzerliind de­ Muyr-.Si.u F,':ii.ei:.co hrewenes eiscOlurt-ed .luue 1.".-Uurlish.i I), Oralilllil shot 7s'in gara lilnn K', lliivis, Mienesiilii; i'higerie Hull', Meyi'l—Celeu. 1 llic.burd V,' were pledgi'.s ol reciinsl riicl ion und Hie eiiihod- bottle, having ••Golcien Medieul Di.seovery Coi»?iiON Sense i rant. Aa the predisposing or real cause of PERiilflKEFJT "belpnuito" of Ur. Sago's Cnfurfh Itcmcdy. It Im ler In KIrby Homie, Milwuulioe. stroyed h.v avuluneheji. nil their-u.ilou nii'ii ... !i.'ii-..il sifiv.i loiinilries winrlpool in lu.rrel. Muiiie; (h'oi'fr.' (Ir:i,y, Diiuwure; .loseph K, esl, noted breeder liiacribedupoii itiiihold ehuriiclcrs, Whotlier calarrli is, in tbe nni.iority of caaes, soiiio not only cleanses, purines, reKUlates, and bullda Dec. I—Two .\oiiiiK men suitocuLud by coul sluil.iUi'.vM, ilirov.'liigs.SJIi iiK.'.n out of einplov- .lune sl,--t;ulor,j\,', reeegude (Tie elilrf. cap- of ircitl.inj.f'liinsi'S, died ul 1exiiigleii , Ky., aged 'i'he ('111)1 lu.vei'i.' losses through atrilves iui.'iils of Hie ri'sulls of Hie war, ure not weakness, impurity, or oHierwiao faulty ,lu.i, IS—On.! Iiuiulred negro Chrisiliiii con­ Hiuvley, ll.,liliecti,nir; I''. 11, Sloekliriilge, Mich- ciinnlly biluling Willi Hie resl of the eeuslilu- this eoneeit and /li.e/i cuiii|)liiiieiit will be Tre«tmeht. up tlio B.v6lom to a henlUiy standard, nnd con­ gasntStrmibville. n. T. verts r.iport'Ml to liave been biirico ulivi.'ul uieul. lureil. ignii; l.'e.irire I'enrsl. (liilll'onile: ,i\I. S, (.piny, OS, niuoiiiilril til .'ji;;il,7lll.',(i.'i;!; Ihroiigh leek- verilicii, remains io he .wm, but l)r. l*ieri'e couclition ot tho s.v.stein, In attempting to Cures. quers throat, hrouclitnl, and lung compllcntlona, Dec. II—C. ,1. West burned to death in his .\ii,'juudii, Africii, by K.iig Moiinugu, who ilireut- .Muy II—lu Ciiic •••o S,0 0 bricklayers .struck .luly 0—Dr. .^lec .'Iviiu, of liriieklvii, i';;eouimu- Peiiiisylv.iiiiu: 1-'. 111. (.ii.ckrell, iMis'iouri. ,Viiy SI—Till'10 1.mile bieycle race for cliaul. out, ifHi.H'll-'.'Jd I, or a toHil loss toilie es- tioii: who has ileii'ed Hint levying war iigiiiii\l cure the dii-euso onr chief aim must bo when any eiich exist, liut,, from its BPeclllc dwelling ut lliiiglmintoii, N. Y....Four miMi etie'il io kill every (jitrlsiiaii fniiuil in Ills iloniuin f. ir .^jatiir h.v ]iay-' pioliship of .Auii'i'lcu, ill Clurksville, ,Mn., won the CoVel'UIUi'Ul wus Il'i'il.tou. iiinl who owes will eonliiuio to seiid forth llml womlerful diroctert to llin remnriil II ueur Viiticiboro, Me. reiiled In Hie C. S. Seliule—'11 to 111. ., . I'lx-Oov- lung scrofula, ia its early stages, it is a D. T....Flve men fulully injnrert by lulling ear May S,'i-At CInciiuiiitl 7iKi eniplovet Hull III Ins Moines, killing 117 iihils iigainst 0,1 In'.1. ture, -III I; liiiiilier, li'l."); inetala unci inetiillio "/.'i.<.Vi'../, Tiiut. u copy or Ih.'sc resoliitloiia liositiyo specilic. Druggists. tnrrhal dculneas, weak or iiillnined eves, linpuro clnflilng, diet, iinil other mutters of importance, ftiU bo mailed.. ier, causing great excitement, Set.l, 'S:!—Sreiiui:.|il)i Alesla renelKil New errier Hal", of 'I'l'liu'.'ssee, elect.'d II. .S. Sena­ 11, Sl.ce, ol llliuoit, be irnu.suiiticd lo Seuutors Eviiris uud llis- Reliance. blcind, Kcroluloiis and ayphllltio taints, the woiidor- .iu mine at Lntwrne, Pu. .lull. i.*7—'I'lie lirilisli Purlliimeni eunveued. Safe ,.t l.KJelt Co, i.lriick lor reduclion of hours A'ork from Nuples with Asiatic cholera on tor— Nuliouul Woman SnlliiH.yo couvenlicin goods, l,."iS,1; iiiiuiiig', o.dlll); slonc, -HIS; puat-p'niU to any address, on receipt of n 3-coiit postage stamp. Deo. 11-Throo men killed In railroad oollisloa lo nine, .luly 'SII—Shell nice for championship ot coek." < .—•„ l"'Wci'S and virtues ot Dr. I'icroo's finlden Meil- .lull. SO—Se\en Nlliilists biiuTed at (Jdessii, board, began lis nllielccuilh uuiiuul session al Aiueficaul I'lillinun. HI., tohuceo, L'.ll.'ill; Ii'iiiiaportuliuii, 1,'17,S. The girl with tho hlgliest hat la reckoned IcaiftHIseovery euniioi bo too sirougly exioiled. It has a specltlc Address, IVorld'a Dispensary niodleal AMOClatloiir near Clifton l''erf;o, Va. Kiissia, nnd s:ni bunislieil lo Silieria. .liine s—'.Ireel i-.lrike ot uuliirul gus in flluek- , bol'.vei'u lliudaii ami No. 003 Main Street, Dorj-AW), N. T. Vm. 14-C)limles Wlinlcn, wlft^ and dniiBhter Sepl. 'Stl—Six jATorinou llolygurnisli seiileticed Washin'-'tori Hon. I'liiletlis Sawyer re- tiaiuluiir. won by fnrmcu'. TlicHO represent Sillill jier eeiic. ot Iho Ot tho lowest llgiire.—.\'tio Jhii'cu Seiea. J'.Mi. Ill—Terrible rioting iu lielfast, Ireland. forc! L'oiiiiiv, liid. 141 si.t uiouilis' iiniirisoiinie'ut ul l-suli Liilui for eleeteii H. S. Senator from Wisceesiii. Am,', la—llaulun-Teemer boul race ai To- whole iiuiiilier siili.ieuted lo tlrikes. VERY CHEAPLY SETTLED. drowned In Missouri riviM', nuurUlsmiirel.-, ».T. Tbirlv porsons killed and over ID.) iiijurcil. .lune ll-N'erl li C'lileago Kolling Mill shutdown, nnluwrul coliuhiiutlon. .bin, SO—-Nina Van /.ainllaiid August Spies "Woiiiiiii'it Work. Dee. ir.-Throe .young ino.i killed by a fulling Jan. ai—'I'lireo liiiiidred emlgranis from En­ throwing l.ueo men 11111 ni work. renti) for the world's ciiumiiioii.sllip, wou by l>iliniigoa .'\rlsliie: from Ihe Cltatswiirlli troo near Toledo. O. Oct. l'-,At .N'ew I'orluge. O., tvood.choppers married by proxy. Teenier, Desidea eoiiiplulliig t.iu iieli, work for this gland lo Ausl.rulla drowned in celllsloa efi cuasl .Iiiuo II—ileiier.il strike ofl'ciinsylviinla coke- found .^10.(1 (O ill ::n old log. Dlsiitliic Only Cost the ICoail IjlliOO.OIKI. There is no end io tlio tasks which dally Doe. lU-Mrs. Kutlier, Topekii, Kan., burned of Mrazll. workers ended. Fell. 1—(loiigressinan llengaii elecited U. S. Aug. sr—Muinl S, trotted loUe, In wagon, la report and tho coiiipil.itioii ot llie iiifor- con trout the good housewife. To bo a suc- ito death by elollies eati^liliig lire \Vliile llllint: Oct. :i—(hroi'ire linucrert, llie lilsloriun, iiussed .Seiiulor from Texas .Alderiiiiui O'Neill, of Sllll'i, lieuliie; the record. nintton, the lini'iutii has eurrieil on nliuosc to iNiiiAXAfcii.ia, lud., J 11. :i —,1. S. Stevens, Feb. ID—Mrs. Henry Wood, Iho novollal, died .liiiio hl-smke of bulkllug trades. Si. Paul, his Sllh binllilny. New'I'ork, .smvleted of hribety. ceaatul liouselcecper, llio first rcciiiiaito is .a lump.... Five persons killed by holler explo­ in 1 .'Mukui, uginl (i7. Minn., uiuu'fiivuted. ,Mig. 'SO—.lockcy West fatally hurt and two coiii))U.'tioii the iiivisligatlciii begun lust; an iilioniey ut Peoria, '.viio a .1 is ul thu g.ioil lieiillli. How can a woman contend sion In 01:^01 rie light works of Westchester. I'u. Oi.'l, .1-1)1. .loseiih J'crker. of Loudon, deliv­ Fell. S-Iluvi'i S, 'I'urpie (D.illl.) elcut.'d U. S. other .loel'.eys Uijured by eoliisioH on Saruloga .I.''eb. IS—Hotel Conliuenlul, Uorlin, burned. .liiuo sil—Strike of lieetinakers at Worcester. ered u eulogy oi't 1 leery V/anI lleeetic'r in Aeud- Sennleir from luitlu'iu. race truck. year coiiceniiug the moral, pli.ysleul und damages wliieli aro^ci I'l'oiu tiie I'll .tswurt!l iu,'ain3t tli'j trials and worries of liousekeep- Dec. 17—Two nitui burned to death in Cineia- Lens, SI.(i(Ki,ii;10. Mass., euiied in (lefecKit men. nati foundry....'I'bree men killed hy explosion eiiiy ef Micsle, Hroeklyll. li'eh. ;t—Woman siillraire laws in Wasliliii,'ton Sept. 11—Lucky H. died al Slieepsheud IJu>, cnonoiiiieul conditions of the working- disaaler on the 'J'oleilo, I'eoria ,V. \Ve-'lerii in.g it slio.ho sull'eriiig Iroiu llioao dislrcaa- Feb. s:|—About 2,00.1 people k-lUod by eartU- June SI—At New York .1(1;) Chinese laundry- Oct. 0—UnlMllioro (ililo Telc'gr;iph sold lo 'i'errilory decinred lllicoiislitulicjniil Ity .Supreme ing.irregnlaritios, ailments and Avcnkuessos in coal mine ut Fleming, Jfuiu cpiuke in Ital.y, l.-'rance und Switzerland. ineu SI ruck for hi;.'liev wages. Western IJnieii for .^D.oo-i.iriO. Women of grout eiiica, and has eonilniied roiul, aaya tliero were •1'>T> eiisoa where Doe 11)—Five men Ullleil by explosion In suw- Court. ' Sept.. II—Al Lhieoln. Nob,, ,Iuy-i''.yc-Sea damages were claimed liy the trleuds )ceuliartiliursex(. Dr. Pieree's Favorite Fidi. SI—Sir AI-xundor Camiibell apiioliited .lune s.'l—Dric-klayeiN' sirIke In fMiie:i<;o de- Oct. 7—N'ellow ii.y.n' upiioured ut, Tnriipu, Fcdi. I—Iiiler-.Statu Cominerce bill .siHned by trotted a iidio In siir,:;, las'.ii l.'orbeli, who sliol .Tohn Willies un lu'.ir-inile track. trihution ot great staiile prodiiot.s. It has ot those killed or by parties iigured in tlio 1*reseriptioii is a spoeific for those dis­ Inuonlnoatlilipemlng, iM.eli., while lighllng Feb. Sli—Curilinul Jucobiiii. Pope's Sccrelury a f.illure. President. orders. Tlio only remed.y, ' sold by drug­ Illbins ninpipe aiwundl h.ililiiiiholding' l.u'ftwoi sl'.iliisticksi ntof clirn,.,„li.dynamito, iI.n, Hoeth, deeluriul iiisiiu". ].'el). o-Nevada I.egislalure passed bill dls- Sepl. 10--AI St. I^uul tho piiccr .lohnsOn, to alao uiiilertakmi, iiecording to t'ongros- (liaastor, nnd till litit four of sniali iiiipor- of .Stute, (lied at Uonic, uged .In. .luly N-Strikesof iJhicagoand SI. Paul brick­ Oct. IS—Kolieri (lurrett resigned presidency rru rich is ing .Morruoiis. wi',4(ciu, niuiie llu'ce heels in SHOl.i, s:iri)i anil gists, tinder a poailivo giiurauieo from the his liand....F>iiir pocnons killed on ruilwuy Mur. 1—.Slxiy lives lost li.v exiiloslon In eoul layers ended. Hultiniore .'i; Olii.. rnllroud. Hloual iiialriieticiii, tile eolleellon ot statla- Iniiee liave been autiafuctoril.v iid.piscetl, manufacturors. .Satisfaction guaranteed nour Lnxiuittou, Ky. niiiie.s 111 St. I'jtienne. Franco Twenty tlioii­ ,liilv SS—r.'osl of T'eunsylvunla Coke slriko l''el'. 111—l-runsus Legislature grunted inniii- Sll.l'.i, beu'-iug Hie recoi'ik costing the ooiniinii.y a litllo ovor ;ii;!ii(>,(ll)0. . Doe. Sll-'i'wo men klllod by fulling wall of Oct. 17—(;iiiirli s Dickmis, sou of Ibe famous elpul sulTr.tge to women. Sc] I. s7 •-- Anierleau yuekt Veluntecr bcut tiea ot iiiiirriugn iiiui clivoree In the United ill every case, or money refunded, bee saud people reported liomoloss nnd S'lO.iXHMlOil cstlTniited ut .!S.i'«K).l«ll. , aulhor, arrived In Nov.' 'I'ork to give readiiigt. Feb. 1J—I'reaidoiit vetoed Dependent Pension TlilS'lle In ilr.sl raeii for A.inerlca's cup al New btalca, a report ot whieli nui.y bu aiilunlLted In the uccident eiglit,y-tu'o persons were printed guarantee on botlio wrapper. .building uLlollel, 111, lossessnsiulned by eurl.hiiuake In 1t.,ly, Aug. 1—AlHiul 7.0il;l iron-workers slopped , Oul. SI—.Annrehlsts' case taken to U. S. Su­ Doe. si—Four men killed bv gas explosion In work In Muhoiiiiig Villlev. I'a. bill, York. Iictoro tile close ot the present session ot Icilled. Hue torty ^uiIS were bi'oii.giit, and Mur. .'i-Ovur MO minors killed by explosion preme Court. I''el'. M—Secretary or Treasury Miiiiniiig ro- Sept. 'S;—In tbrce-rnlle senlllng race al Ow(-- •mliio at Plyinoulli, Pa F.xiTiosions caused by In I.'elgiun coal mine, Ang. l."—i.:iileugo carpenters gave up trying Oct.. "SS-Siutiio ol Abraham Lincoln un- Congress tiieau have all liooii aiillled. If you would Bociiro ti fresh sliaro of lite .escaped niipliiha In sowers In KoeliosLor, N. Y., I^lur. II—Mrs. Horry liungod at Tjuudon for for iiu eii;i;t-lioiii-ii;iy uud .Vj cjinlt un iioiir. Blguecl. go, N. Y.. Cliark.'S I'i. Cnunney ilcl'juieil Uoorge souk thu fi'osli air.—i''3:(i,i Si/liaf/n, Idllod four men and sot lire lo throe mills, vaih.lln T.'iicelii Hark, tllitcago. Tell. 1.1—Llenl. flreely uppolntrjd Chief Sig­ IJulieur in llliHI. • P'lji-oniuf,' her mollier and cliiugliler. Aug. lli-At (.'euuollsville. Pu., iKiii coke-work­ Oct.'^O-Aboui S.7I euses yellow fever und .Tl nal olileer. Sept. ;iu—Voluutcer ngain detcuted ThlsllOk Tll» Colli l''iitiilne Along tlie Ohio. which were desUoyed....Eleven men lo.st In iMur. S.'—Emperor Willlain's liilth birMidiiy ers struck, mukiiig nearly -hhOO men Idle In tho deulhs ul Tuiupii, Pkl., to dnle ,.,,l,ur, Davis Si'nnn.s' Changes of "Weather e.tuso Throat •barnlng steamer oa Pigeon Point on tho Pueillo celebrated iu Uorlin. I'ennsylvunlu col.-e region, VAib. Si-Lienl.-flov. T.obiTlscin forcibly ex­ by IJiri. 'I'l'i's.. v.'iriTniig the ruee. POT'SIiiJiicui, Pu., Due. ;jl).—Illvor opurii- — ".Sue Iku'c, .John," said a wifj to .coast. reviewed Mi.ii.H) Conieclerule veterans al Ma- pelled from indiaaii Senute. '(>i'.t.. 7—.M Pliilu.lelpbia V/i.lUum Hynl Pag* tora nni ahiiiiiing eonl from the I'lttsbiirgh Diaeiisea. There is 110 more cITeelual rem­ ^lur. S.'l—.Soveniy miners killed by explosion Ang. S!—At 'I'ouiigstowii. O., S,,')<).l i]uurrymen eon, fill, Feb. :,M—Seiiutor liigalis (K'un,) .ilec.tnd I'rns- broke the world's rcuiord by jumping U feoi # lier liiislniuil, "it you liou't slop sla.y- edy for Coughs, (.'olds, etc,, than i.ikowN's PURELT VEGETABLE! PERFECTLY. RARBU.EBB f Doo. Si!—Two mon klllod at Oloninary, Tenn., m eollierv ul Sydno.y, \VcleB. stTuek for higher wages. Nov. Ut—l.>i', McCesh resigned prosideuey or tlisirict to Cineiuiiatt and Louisville daily In (juarrol bolwoen whilo and colored workmen Irteul pro leio. U. S. SeiiuU', u/eir wbcriuuu re­ iii"' out so late, you will lie llie ileiitli UitoNTiiiAi, Tkocuiis. tiohl oul!/ in buxis. A> a I.I'VIIR, PILE., thoy arc ITiieqnalcd i Apl. 8—Kiil.v, in Anstrlun Caliniu, ilostroynd Aug. 'J8—Tyj>o;,'ruph!eal Union of (Tlilcugo I'rlneelon College. signed. liy rail, having-svaited na long ua ]ioaslhlo Price Uo cla. — Dr. St. ,Tohn, on trial lu Cliiuago for aiding by lire. One thousand people homeless. ajp'oed to deinurid t-'^ui hours' puy for nine Oul. S.S—In BOnllliigrueeon Lake Mnriinacoek In the eaoiipo of Warden McGuriglu, found not Nov. IS—F. H. liindgo, Lcis Angeles, Oul., Feb. S8-D. 11. Lucua appoiinted TJ. S. Senator .Me., Teenier bit.ii f luudaur, making ;i miles in for a riau ill the river. 'J'hu railroucl eom- of llie. " "It's fill your own fiiull; .I'oli Apl. S8—Pearl-llslilng Heel on coilsi of Aus- hours' work from November I. gave il.")0ii,(Ktl to fjanibrldge. Muss,, for educa-. frfiin We.st Virginia. Slim, and'.8:',;s. .. At Crawl'ordsvillo, Ind., K. G, guilty. truliiv destroyed by Iiurricauo, .1.0 lives lest. tioiiul purposes Clara Lonlso Kellogg mar­ jiaiiiea have hocMi aluiost turcecl to tiiriiisli P'o;. iric iiilo Ihe jiiihil," o'rowlcicl •John. TiiRiiK la not much color to gin, yet it can He-irnre of TmitntlonB, -which contain Poisonous Minerals. Ahvava ask for Doe. 22-Estlmatod that liO porsons per­ Nov, S.l-Hiin'iilo fN. Y.) iriiion Slock Yards Mur, s—.r. .T. I''iiilev nppolnl.ed U. S. .Senator AVliiliiikcr. t'ni.'tigo, beat world's bicyelo re*, scarcely ho euiied a ."ober ihii.—A';'oc/i. Dr, Pieree's Pelletsi,wblc, h. aro little Sugar-coated Pills, May-l-Ovcr 10) men klllod b.y explosions in Btrike ended by slrll:ei-s giving up c'ontest» ried lo (.'arl Slrak'osch al Elkhart, lud. from Florida.,.. 1,'uliis Ulocliioll olootul U. S. ord, making IMI uiiles in SI hours. cars for tho trncle. 'Die freight ratu Is .fj ••I .e"oL villi iiilci Ihe lialiit! Oh, ,101111, ished ill Kansas from liuupor iiud cold during coal minn ;il. Nanalmo, IlrlllHh Columbia, Nov. i;.—Plymouth Gliurch, llrooklyu, cuUed or Anti-bllloufl Granuloa. ONE PEULET A DOSE, . reeoiit bllraard... .Tames Lundy, wife and :i Dee. •!-.loll printers" strikes In CUicago ami .Souutor from New Jersey. Oct. Il'l'-'noaglauil won six clays' ,., Il ton, iiiul coal is Kulliii'^" in Cineluiiall for Way 8—Fires lu Hungary destrcjy many lives St. Louis declarod oit. Rev. Charles A. ll"rry, V.'olverliumplon, Eng., Mur. li—Trncle clcilhir redemption nnd nnti- walking liow eiiii .vol! any siieli dreadl'iil Ip you want to ho cured cf a cough, use nlilldren, Lima, O. falully injured by nutiiriil mill lis..'il(i,()),i property. for permunenl puslor, mulck ill. i-liiiisns Ciiy, ninklng -ISO miles. ^•,').!)()!ind ,'H'I at wholcsiile Coul ia rolall- nalo"'a Honey ot Ilornliouiid and Tar. ffuaexplosion....Mother and duughter burned Doc. ."i-lnuuguration of ii glass-blowers' strike polyguniy bills becunie laws without Presi­ Nov. :;—At liiillnlo llanilin's .Tiisilna tliiii.os':''' ••KiU. you dill, lliiiiij;li. Ill M;iy 17—Five men-exocutod at St. Peters­ in PiltsbiirK-li, I'a, Nov. 17—Tiobert llonnor rollrecl from New dent's signature. and Ing at Jf^.l,-i"i a ton, or lill eoiils a liiiahol, Pike's TooUiaclio Drops Cure iu ono minute. Sold by Druggists. SICK HEADACHE, to death in their homo ut Vieksburg. Miss. burg for iiitempt to assasslauto Czar— Sept. e—fjabor Day genonilly observed York l^'ihjrr, llelle nnmlln ke.vcreU worliVa record'for'lonma Tlio river ia frozen at Ciueiniiall and Louis­ diir coiirliii.s; 1I11.V8, j'ou'cl tliniw your Doo. sa—Forty persons Injured by dorullinont French Ciililiiul roulgnod. Mur. •'—lAirt.v-nintb (Jorigross adjourned. from Sisii lo SIK "".-co 25 Cents a Vlal. nillonn llcndnrhc, DlKzlneiu, Conattpntlon, • of train noar Loaf Itivor, III....Throe littlo throughout country by parados, piculc.s. etc. Nov. ai—Womun siipiiosod lo liavo leprosy Mnr. 0—\Vomnu..'iuffruge dufcated in Maine Nov ville, preventing any Bliipiiienta liy water ni'ins iirouiid p.i.v iieelc, ut Ihrmi o'clock Tni'iiiE Is a great deal o[ blow nbouli tho May So—Dank in City of Jlexico robbed of Cof. 11—(.lenorul A.sseinhly Kiiighls of fjabor discovered ut I'hllailelphiii. and New YieiipellR. Nov. X8—Airs, ir.lizaluuh Morriwn, aged 101, Mar. 'i.'—Thomas M. Ciioloy, 'Alich.; W. R. to 8 Curler, efClovelund, wen llrst pH-^n In ill I 111! inoniiue", iinil sii.y. 'IJou't iro, May SI—Sixty-olglith blrthduy of Queea Dot, 7—Secrelnry Lltcbman reported •ISi.nori died at AViiiclieslei', O. nCIKO PITRKI.V VEOKTAni^C, lieved ijiirt_perman,-.-\tIy cured by the use of Br. ^rsona injured lu railroad wreck near Fillukl, Victoria celelirutcfl throughout Europe. Morrison. 111.; Augiislus SuhooiTOald.T, N. Y.; billliird louniunienttournament., flldenr-rChicago,, c,.i,...,.USciia'eto'ri'aoc. " Patrick O'Jh'lon, hnviiig ."(IM.OOO on his .rciliii; it'.s eiiily yet.' Ami now, if J VuF,}'., trial package for Instant relief and Plerco'ii PeHcU. In explanation of their remedial members In Knights of Labor, a doin-oiino of Nov. fld-Iowii Soldiers' Ilome nt Marsliall- Aldueo F. Walker, Vt.. und W. L. Driigi!, Alu., ond, and Moulds, St. Louis, third. Bpoeriyeurooi! Astliiua. SendiidrtrosstoHot- I'ower over so itrcRt n variety of dlscascfl. It may May Sfj—Opera Comitpio Thealor, Paris, HW,()fi;i during the year, town dedicaiecl — Colored woman aged 118died uppniniei) Iuler'.Slulo (:;>immercQ Commission­ person, waa pieiioil up liy 0111001.1 in Ciiicin- li.'ipjieii lo stiiv out till one or two t?io rvafntl? yr'f"f""""'" without disturbance to Deo, Sa—During a auerrel at Newman, III., bumeil, 7.1 persona killed niid many injuroil. Oct. 8—.About 'kooi) br^Hs-workor.s quit work Nov. 'S.:—WillkniiHoaehtvon world'.s Boulllnit lingor's Drug Store, Lincoln Park, Chicago. tlio sjstom, diet, or occupnt on, Pnt up in irlnsa truthfully be said that their notion upon tho system it untvctaal, not« between u farmer's w ifo iinil hor servant girl at NnshvlUo, 'tVun, ,..(:ieor,'re Norman, Now ers. chiimpion.ship ut .Sydney, N. S. W., ovor Ed- nntl Wcdireaday night almost frozen to o'eiook, il.',s •killiii-j' you!"—jV. Y. Bland or tlnaue escaping their sanative inlluence. May v8—lOxplnslon In coal mlno ut Ulontyrc, lu New York und rireoklyn. London, Mo., died of hydrophobia. ^euth. Ihi liiid boon ou a Uchuuuh. Vials, lierniotlciilly senlori.' AlwiiyR fresh and roll™ both womon were fatally atubbcd. Scollund, killed 70 mon. Oct. in—Hrothorliood Locoinolivo Eiiginoerf_ _ l Mar. S'l—O.senr S. Strau.-:, N. "Y., appointed ward Hunlan. ^ An Irish wako Is usually eharaotoriznd by «Mr™n"„Fl'i*'° •»*n"vo, nlt«rntiTO, or nctlvo Due. 81—Ton poraonii leiwrteJ fro/en todeatli Dec. 17—liedles of exoeuled Clileugo Annrcb- Minister lo Turkey. l^oc. SI--IU Boston Ilan'ey MoKonnn mado a Lc'Mjcr. purgative, tlioy ffivo the most perfect Bi'tlsfooHon. •uBllietBrMl by WORLD'S DIliPEHBiBT MBDICAt iSMCIAnOR, D June (i—Steamer Sir .Tnhii Ijuwroncf', with ' mot in iinnuul convention, Chicago. ...At PUlla- Ists l.itoiTod al "VVnltihelm cemcln'.'.v. Mur. Ill—Connecticut Legislature fiaasod 10- run of •-',•1117 polnLt in a Rnmo of tlareo-buU bill- a tpiou de RQifso, says the )yasltin3ton Crilin (n Carson County. Texas....MLsa Anulc Oune, 7;'X) puHHeiK^crs. ropovted lost ofl const of India delphiarj.txn) shoo-multorr, iiuit work, Dee. 'J^-Captain WiUiiim J. Halnou, 1=11,. IjOU's, jiWi'yA.i.o. ST. ir. mt Dullus, Tox., ana two olillilrou at Sonllt ....riO,0;Kl famillos hoinolc-si by lloodo In IIuu- Nov, I—Union book uud Job printers ot Chi hour law for wonieu and ehildron. lards, boaiiiig tlin world's record. ;atfardmnn, MicU,, burned to duatli....A widow oolcihratod liU ono UundratU blrllcduy anni­ .Apr. 1—Cliiirlos S. Ii'alrcliilil, N. Y., appointed gnry cngo atruok for-nluc-boiir day. versary. Soorctary of Treasury. nilloTlifm^K"" walked 100 AVBBUVS CmBB. Clothtng.-L. €. Webb. Clothing.—L. C. Webb. Clothinii^^^ We undetsUnd tbatoards are out for the marriage of Mr. Geo. Covert and Tkanlart Jmuui 8, 1888. Miss Emma Dolbee. e3 1888. I1888J 1888. Mrs. A. Watson and daughter of Chesaning and Miasea Florence and THE NEW TEAR IS HEBE! Jessie Bond of Leslie visited W. F. MAaoir, Dm. 81, 1887. Near'a last week. The olub wm called to order by A aurprlse party wm given at Mr. VOL. XXX.-NO. 2. President /Wood at 2 p. M. In the MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 12.1888. and Mrs. William fanson's last Friday WHOLE NO. 1514. absence of L. H. Ivee, secretary, D. P. ITew OTTSRCOATS! evening in honor of their daughter Whitmore waa Invited to act as necre- Mary, who Is teaching In the public I tary pro tern. Dry Goods.—E. M. Slayton. schools at Constautine, but who has The News for $1.00. A. L. Vandereook has 18-inoh wood, MESBT WTMAN, Markets dlscusaed—pork bad reached I Ford's BaiMT* been spending vacation with her par both dry and green, for sale. * I6.M. R. F. arlfHn bad sold cattle for In view of tbe failure of tbe cropg A Bcnat tmm Jaekwn, Briaca Dowa ents and many friends here. She rc' PcBLisBBD Evaar TaoaaoAT, Bv You can buy a pound of the best 50c 2}c., some of tbem for beef, some for nnd the ostrlngency of the times we lb. Wmith or tk. CariUil City Peapla turned to Constautine last Monday. Buffalo and Wolf Robes. tea In the city and a bar of soap for 50 bjr bl. InbninaB U.mI. uniI boa • stookers. K. A. Crittenden bad sold cr. jL.j^jL'r. will send The News for one year for It seems to us that, according to his cents next Saturday at Albert Butler's. Narrow Eacape from D.atta. his beef cattle for 4c. for February one dollar cosh in advance to any new last message to Congress, the present Robe Linings in Plush and Felt. Lansimo, Mich., Jan. 7.—Henry delivery. J.H.Sbaferbadbeenoflered 0*. mr, tl.SO i iU montlii, 7S tt.li i Ikre. Bubscriber, to any old subscriber not Capt. N. Bartlett, "the good man at incumbent of the chief Executive office Moalhi, 40 o.Kia—ia .dtiaM. RED MARK Wyman, a Jackson painter, who has 4o. by two dififerent parties, one for now in arrears, and to any old sub­ the wheel," from Ashtabula county, of the United States Is very narrow Men's Underwear at 25 Cents Each. been here since last spring, waa arrested February deUvery,theother for March. ADVERTItlNa RATE*. scriber owlMg for back subscription Ohio, is visiting his friend, Capt. Minar minded if he thinks that all our coun yesterday for ashocklngandunnatural President Wood had offered 8a for OurodTerttsInf rates mad. known alofflee, who will pay up to date and odvance of this place. The old captain has try needs now Is "FreeTrade." If the Builn.ii oardt tf • line per year. performance with small boys, and came stock cattle and D. L. Cady bad paid Bnilnei. looali ilv. oenta per line Meh and $1.00 in cash. been a sailor on the lakes for the past noble democratic party ever gets a ma every Iniertlon. Beiuclios Sale! flfty years and is a great temperance near being lynched last night by the S^c. Col. Shannon had sold lambs for Marriage, birth, and death notloei frM, Jorlty of the United States to believe Come to the Largest Clothing House. The regular subscription price, how Infuriated people. When Wyman waa 4o. and some wethers for SJc. Obituary, notloea, reiolutlons of resp.Qt, talker. oardt orthanki. ate., flv. eenU a Una. Commencing— ever, remains at $1.50 per annum, In "Free Trade" they may well say, A picture of Gladstone "the fore­ arraigned in Justice court he waa fully Under head of "Any Questions?" as did Wolfe at the battle before I am Making the Prices that Surely Will Close them out. and all fractional parts of a year, all indentifled by four or Ave Ijoys, rang­ C. C. Rolfe asked what excuse could back subscriptions and all subscrip­ most man of theall w*rld" has been Quebec, "I die happy." THJB JUEWa JOB BOOM SliIIMUIUI.liM ing from 7 to 10 years of age, and then be found for 70 per cent. tarllT on tions not paid for cash In advance will presented to this office by Geo. VV. Bris Il supplied with tbe best moeliln.ry that tol with the compliments of the Hart­ the rage of the people broke out. The woolens and a 20 per cent, tarlft on the J. . money oan buy, ntted lor steam power, a large —Everything at— be charged at that rate. This Is a very ford Fire Insurance Company. It is a officers hurriedly put the prisoner into < farmer'a wool. auortment of the latest atylei of Type, Bor­ low price for a weekly paper not con­ a carriage and drove about town to Dr. Edwin French and wife of der., etc,, enabling us to do Job Printing on beautiful Christmas souvenir and con­ Col. Shannon and O. A. Gillespie The Live Clothier of Mason. Slaughter Prices. nected with a daily. In view of this elude the mob, finally boarding the Washington Territory are visiting ibort notice, at low prices, and in the stantly reminds us of the stability and made some good points lu opposition fact we wish that every reader would train for Mason, at the water tank. A friends here. worth of this company.' to the so-called protective tariff. No BEST POSSIBLE MAXNERI see that ills neighbor subscribes for large crowd, thinking that the man Married—Charles Turner and Mary one spoke in favor of it. Call and Get a Calendar for 1888. W. do as good work a. can be obtained any- The News. We can make this haz­ The Ingham County News, Farm­ would be put upon the train at North Klrkpatrick, both of Okemos. The main feature of the meeting was 't V wh.ra, and parties In need of commerelal or SPECIAL ardous otTer only because we have the er and Household for $2.40 per year, or Lansing, collected there, and although BIrtraw So Allen are negotiating for fanoy Job Printing of any description are largest circulation of any paper iu the The News nnd Farmer for $2,16, or the address by Prof. W. C. Latta of tlii'ir respect and eateeni for their the train touched for but an Instant at a full patent roller process flouring Dry Goods.—Ball & Sheriiinii. Legal. rmineated to oall, examine atylea, and obtain Saturday, Jan. 14tta. county, and through it we hope to add the Ingham County News and the Purdue University, Ind. He wos In­ teacher. Miss Casual, by pieseiitiug the station a number succeeded In mill of 76 barrel capacity, which will priees before placing their ordem. 1888,10 A. M. the names of Ave hundred more good Detroit Tribune, the best state paper In troduced by President Wood. His sub- hernt Oiiristinas witli an eleKuiit hang­ OCAI. OPTION ELECTION.- INGHAM boarding it. At the Union depot a Ject,"OrouthBand Drainage, "was made be ready for business in February. J Couaty Clerk's Olllco, Mason, Mich. Wa GtTARAIfTKK PanrEOT nATISrACTION. republicans who ought to take The Michigan, for $1,85. A few more sub­ ing Imsket of llowers and u tine box of 1 I2b the Kleelora of Ingham Caunly: SQUARE HORSE mob of several hundred was in waiting Q The Methodist Christmas tree was News, the official paper of logham scriptions expire during January. exceedingly Interesting. He made a Htntioiiery. WninKAs; ApplIcaUon having been made to Ulankcts at 75c. and became so violentthat the baggage­ equal to any previous one. They had mo hy petitions signed by over two thonsand irii powerful aruuiiieiU ({ainst tbetlieory two hundred votura of tho conuty of Inghaip, worth $1.75. county. ^^^^ Watch tlie number following your man ordered Officer Bates to take his a good program and many valuable buing moru than one-llfth of tho voters of aald > that drainage and tbe removal of our ALAIEIlOX CENIEK. name; it indicates the number of the Jl EAT CLEARING SALE county, as shown by tho last prccuding yoto on WRIGHT, E. M. SLAYTON'S prisoner out of the baggage car, where forests causes drouth. The records so presents. The Sunday School was re­ governor, vlii: (at the general election held m Stamped Linen Gooda at Webb's. paper that your subscription expires be had him concealed. Bates dragged A splendiil toboggan slide on tiie tho Statu of Michigan on Tuesday, the 2d day ol far as obtolnable do not show a falling organized last Sabbath. James A November, 1886,) which aald voters are quallfled KAY Oront Barvnln Dry Clooda Brooms will be sold at cost next Sat­ with. Come in promptly and renew the wretch across the platform into the Allen was re-elected superintendent, corners. to vote for county olllcers In aald County ot Ing­ NIore, two Doora Noiilli of O off tn the rainfall. The greatest drouth ham, praying that thu county clerk of the Coun­ urday at Albert Butler's, for cash and thus save money for your smoker, where he wusjoined by Officer and all the officers and teachers chosen J. M. HiuIhoii of Vnssar, Tusaola & PvaloOie., HlMion, Hieb. of which we have any record occurred For 14 DATS from Jan. 6th, ty of Ingham call an election In said county to A. L, Vandereook has IS-lnch wood, selves. Sears of Jackson, who volunteered to one year ago were re-elected. The county, Kpent the holidays in Alaledon. dotermlne whether ornot intoxicating llciuora.aa In Ohio In 1845, prior to drainage or mentioned In Section two ot Act No. 107 or the COMPANY'S JEWELER. both dry and green, fur sale. Several of the wives of members of assist him. The officers each guarded fa report showed a prosperous year, both John Peiiibfrtliy and family of Session Laws of 1887 of this State, entiUed "an removing the forests to any extent. )Coinmenciiig( Act to regulate the manufacture and ' 'i of malt, the G. A. R. met at the post's rooms a door of the car with drawn revolvers numerically and financially. Mason spent New Year's witli W. H. LIAS CULVER, dealer In watcbeii, clocka, Times are so hard that Albert Butler The drouth was very disastrous lu browed or furmented.splritnous or v. ^ .s llquora OPTICAL E Jewelry,Bllverware,eto. Repalrlngdone. last Tuesday evening and organized a and held the yelling crowd at bay, January, 1888, Is on hand and with It Hoyt and faniily. in the several counties in this State," approved oilers to saw any logs brought to his Iowa in 1880-7 yet not one per cent, of Wm. Weaver's Infant duuglitcr died June 18, 1887, shall bu manufactured or eold Womon's relief corps, which will be although the windows were smashed came Harper's publlcattona. The There wus a surprise party nt W. H. within the limits of the County of Ingham. And DEPARTICENT A. P. DRAKE, mill for $2.50 per thousand. • tlie land Is tiled and the forest trees Saturday and was buried last Sabbath Jan. 7, at 9 o'clock A. M., WnsniAs; Suction two of said Act No. 107 officered as follows: President, Mrs. In and the greatest efforts made to get Bazaar is composed of 10 pages of EPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOU, Mnson, Last Saturday evening Johnnie have been increased rather than dimin­ Hon. Mr. Fogg lectured at the town Hoyt's iMSt Friday evening for tlieir reads aa followa; Sec. 2. That from and after the Mich, Drain work a npeciaity. E. Henson; senior vice president, at tbe prisoner. choice reading matter and engravings first Monday In May next aflar such special elec­ Now reoognieed throughout D Kimmel was tlie lucky man and drew ished In number. Experiments show ball Saturday night. Subject, "Anti son Walter. They all tripped tlie We will oflfer our Entire Stock of tion, It la hereby declared unlawful lo manufac­ Mrs. S. D. Neely; junior vice president, and is, as its name Implies, a repository ture, sell, givo away, or furnlah malt, brewed, this and adjoining States aa a gold watcli at E. Culver's. that there Is more moisture In the soil B. and Anti M." Two "antis" but no light fantastic iov until after niidiilglit, furmonted, vinous or intoxicating liquors of any New Advertlaemcnt. TbI. Week. Mrs, H, O. Call; chaplain, Mrs. Geo. Wyman was terribly frigliteiied, as of fashion, pleasure and instruction. kind, or In any quantity, or llquora any part or of thoroughly drained land during a uncles. Bert Tyler eoiiiinenced school at being one of the Savage ti Farnum—C, Q. Sweiiaberg ad, Ask your news denier for a copy of Cotton; treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Depue; he hud reason to be, for tbe mob was It is published weekly and can be had Dress Goods, Flannels^ which is malt, bruwud, fermented, vinous or In­ drouth than lu soil on undrained lands. Harmon and Pauline Herre have Mason lust Tuesday. toxicating, or lo kuup for aalu, or keep a place Savugc & Fariiuin—Mllo K. StcveoH A Co. "Wide Awake" for Decemlier, '87. It secretary, Miss Maude Meliaii; con­ provided with a rope, and nothing but at $4.00 per year in advance or 10 cents where auch liquors are manufactured or kept for Savnge & Farmim—Whitman Agr'l Co. ad. It seemed pretty conclusive from his Just returned from Cleveland where Edwin Petty of Oliii) spent New sale, given away, or furnished, within thu limits -)MOST SUCCESSFUK- is n modern wonder and the one copy ductor, Miss Edith Cull; guard, Mrs. the determined coolness of Bates and a number. Ask your newsdealer for of any county in which a majority of tho votes Savage A Furnuni—Walter Buhl A Co. ad. Sears saved his life. Tbe train was argument and the facts and tlKures they have been visiting. Year's with his brother William. Hosiery and Underwear^ cast at tho election next preceding, upon thu itself is worth the price of the maga­ Thomas Saraw; assistant guard, Mrs. the Issue of Jan. 7, and examine the given tliat thus far the works of man The lecture givuii hy Rev. DeLa- nuostlon of prohibiting the sale of inloilcatlng Wew Biialn.aal.ooal.. zine for one year. delayed 15 minutes by tlie crowd and Gov. Luce will lecture at Okeinoa llqaora, as provided In Section one of thia Act, In 'ihis country, has in con­ Edwin Curry. These officers will be double page engraving of over 100 had had little If any Influence on tbe Friday of this week at 2 P. M. niarterof Ma.?()ii on "Literature," last AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. have beun cast acainat the manufacture and sale HIaekHmllhlng-W. H. Well». installed to-morrow evening. would have been captured altogether If illustrious Englishmen, yet so ac­ of Intoxicating liquors; except whure done by a stant attendance two edu­ Tiie musicale at L. C, Webb's last amount of rainfall. Thursday evening was grand. druggist who Is or who employs a reitlstered Groccrlen—A. Butler. tlie mob hud been organized. When it curate that nearly everyone can be rec­ JgfNow is the time to avail youi-solf of goods that aro .Staple and Seasonable. cated, competent Opticians, Wood Wanted-C, V. Brown. evening wus well attended and as n Last Friday night, Jan. fl, Franklin DANSVILLE. The next lecture will lie given to­ pharmacist strictly in compliuncu with tho laws finally did move away the trainmen ognized, Har))er's Bazar can befound Discussion followed by Col. Shan­ We must have tlie money out of these Goods to purchase our Spring Stock. lor thu rugulation of druggists. And whoever, musical treat was the most successful council of Royal Arcanum of Lansing night at the Pliillips school-house by within such limits, blmself or by an agent, or and parties from out of town succeeded iu keeping most of the lu almost every scholar's library and is non, Mr. Gillespie, President Wood J. W. Francis, formerly u dealer in otherwise, thus manufactures, sells, furnlshi'a or of the series, Tiie work of VanCunip's invited Custer council of this place to Terreiice U. Shields of Livingston gives away any such liquors, or keeps for sale, whose time is limited can NEWS NOTES. lynchers from the cars. higlily prized on account of the care­ and others. The address was highly clothing In this place, who moved to orchestra wos tine, be present at the annual Installation county, "tlie silvei-tounged orator of keeps a place where such liquors are mauufac- secure engagements ahead by At Mason everything was quiet, but ful scholarly manner in which It is commended by all. Saracac last spring, lins assigned to a The Co-operative Store. turedor kept for sale, given away or furnished, For nice nibhoii.s go to Webb's. 2w Jackson county people begin to think of tlieir officers. About 24 members Micliigttii." Let everylKidy turn out upon conviction thereof in any court of compe­ the experience of Bates and the edited. The club adjourned until 1:30 p.m. man in Ionia. tent lurladictlon, shall be fined In any sum not mail for any hour they may Soap ut coat iiextSiiturday at Albert about proliibltlon under local option. of tills council attended and all report and hear hini. less than tifty nor more than live hnndred dollars, rumors tliat were utlout, thoroughly next Saturday when the annual elec­ 03 numbers were sold at the New S^°Four per cent, aboye COST to all Certiflcute holders. or be imprisoned In the county Jail not leas than wish. Butler's. Constitutional prohibition carried tliat tliey were highly entertained. Wanteil i Districts No, out' and eight are pre­ ten days nor more than six months, or both, In aroused the officers, so that the local tion will take place. The matter ot a Year's ball held lost Friday night at there by about 1,000 majority and they There were also visiting brethren 1,000 oorda of green body Beech and Maple paring for all exhibition to be lield ut thu discretion of the court. And Cttsli paid for Furs at Rogers & Fer- military company was called out to cheese factory will be discussed at that the Union Hotel. see no reason why county prohibition from Charlotte and Portland. About Wood In exchange for Horas Blanket* and the "county scliool-hoiiso" .Saturday BALL & SHEELiAN. We Make no Cbane for Testimi Eyes. guaoii's, MiMon. guard the jail. The soldiers slept on Bobea. IMwt O. F. BboWM. time. Miss L. Beardsley was In Grass WuiiiBAs; Said petition, signed as aforesaid, should not carry. 137 sat down to u right royally pre­ uiglit, January 14th. was received by me at ny olltce In the coatt A. L, Vandereook lias 18-incIi wood, their arms with the sheriff' until 5 [We notice that the above article Lake over Sunday. pared banquet. The Nortli Lansing All Aeconat* Maat Be KeltlMI Vp Lyceum in tlie county school-house house in the City of Mason, County of Ingham, botli dry and green, for sale. At the recent session of the board of o'clock this morninii. The mob may Mrs. C. P. Norman of Grattan, Kent Mr, Miillory; secretary, R, Mayer; Legal. on Wednesday, the "JSth day of December, A. I>. Opera llouHe lilock, Wtiodw'd Are., This month. h. C. Wbbb, tbe Clothier. Btates that ,no one spoke In favor of a 1887; now, therefore, by virtue of tho power and supervisors it wus decided to purchase stringed band furnished music for the organixe to-night and succeed in hang­ county, visited tlie post week at J. M next Saturday night. Question, Jlc- treasurer, Cora Aldriidi; organist, Elitts Culver Is spending a few weeks protective tariff. This report was made authority In mo vested, bv the provisions of Sec­ a new safe for use in tlie county treas­ occasion. Several toasts were respond ing Wyman, but it is hardly thought Addrraa W. M. Hill, I.Mlle. Royoe's. Slie has been a friend from Holved, "Tliat women should have the T>EI'OHr OF THE CONDITION' OF THE tion one of aald Act No. 107,1 hereby determine, by a free trade democrat. Possibly he Rosa Colliatli; assislunt oigiiiiist. Hat JAi KiirniorH' Hnnh, nt Mitscm, Michigan, on denominate and call an election to ho held In ZDETK/ O IT, at the famous watt-r cure at Ypsllaiiti. ed to by the members of the order and If you want a EIUiON. uary IS, 1888, at 1 o'olook P. X. A full attend­ be envied by many much younger, after niglit: facture and sale shall not be prohiolted shall HUNTINQTON & HENDERSON, lonin district fair ussociatioii, Huxley, Hammond, H. L. Henderson chairman that tliey hud elected him ting Attorney Hammond, Lawyer E. it was not because they did not believe been sullcrliig with rheuniutic fever, i.iA»ii.rnics, have printed or written, or partly printed or ance of the farmera and buBlneaa manofthe enjoying a social chat, we repaired to Mimtor—D. Saudors. Ciiplliil paid In , $75,000 00 partly written.on their ballote the words, "for TTOlt.NKVS AND COUNSELORS AT Wlieaton Gilmorc of Aurellus was and O. W. HaTstead. to that position, expecting to receive C. Ciiupin, Owen Hurbert and G. R. oouuty isdeilred. and know of ItH advantage.]—Kd. is again out among iier friends. Undivided |iriitlt» tbe manufacture and sale of intoxicating llauora." _ law, Omce over Flrel National bank. the dining room where we were served Ovcrneer—A. T. .Stcveim. 3,130 10 HHon, Mich. the holder of No. ,SH and drey the gold fair and impartial decisions, but tliat Oliver with the eight-year-old Luliig Maaon. Deo, 28,1887. Leotiirer-.Mr«. J. G. UlUer. line depi»iltur» 101,908 .S9 Micliael Doyle was brought before to turkey, chicken-pie, oysters, coffee Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is partlculiir- Done at Mason, this 2Sth dav of necembcr, A, watch nt E, Culver's gilt distribution, they httd become so incensed over Ills boy, one of the assaulted youths. Mr. !S12w3 D. B. Hahmirotom, Secretary. NOltril AlIREUDS. Stowurd—a. Miirvlii. Total . $183,018 88 D, 1887. JOHN W. WI1A1.L0N. PIIYNICIANN. Justice Hammond for being disorderly tea and a great variety of cake and pie, AHHlHtniit Steward—J, Kennedy. ly reconinieiided forchiidren. It cures work tliut they had assembled there, Chapin, Mr. Hurbert and the boy |)os- New Tonaarlal Pavlara. coughs, colds, croup, sore threat, and 1 do solemnly swear that llienbiive Htate- Clerk of the County of Ingham. Adrian Stratmaii was brought before but consented to go out of the county School closed in Dist. No. 4 last week all of the flrst class. The wishes Chiiplalii—Mrs. Sural) Wiley, raent Is true, to the bust of my knowledge S, H. CULVER, M. 0., fully resolved to give him a severe itively indentify Wyman as tiie same Drury iSc Plenon have openml a new Barber of whooping cough. It is pleasant to the j Justice Hammond for being disorderly at onoe if released. When this man Shop In the Cook Block, oppoalte tb« Foit* on account of the illness of the teacher, her many friends are, that siie may Treiuurer—J. O. Itldur. JOHN M. UltESSEU. Cashier. OKTGAOE 8ALB.-DKFAULT IIAVINO HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE clubbing. Up to tills |M>tnt In tlie man, while Mr, Oliver was in doubt. taste, and acts like a charm. 25 cents. M boon made In the conditions of a curtain over L. U. Webb'H CIoUiIiik Store, MoNon, and In default of aflneof $10wasjalied was aearciied at the Jail a bible was office. When In want of a oloan shave, flMh- Rufus Raymond. Secretary-Mrs. T. lledRor. Subscribed and sworn lo belore me this 3d P speech all who did not know of the After being so perfectly recognized in have many returns of New Year's day, Guto Keeper—W, F, Slovons. "Juckshall tiipeuiKlQillHlialidance day of January. 1888. mortgage made by A rt h ur N. II art und II. Auiiusta Michigan, 13iMtr ten days. found in one pocket, an article not lonable hair out, sea foam, shampoo, .to., call Mr. Raymond of Perry Center Is A. J. Kali., Notary Public. "»". '"«, wlf«. I" llenlamin K. Hart, dated Ni^ affair thought, by the words and the afternoon, Wyman made the fol­ on them. Ladles' anff ehlldr.n'a hair cutting The presents are as follows: Swell bos ronionn—KoHe Wiley, Just us long out in the open bnrii as veinber third. A, D. i88«. and recorded in ibe B. OOOQC, M. 0,, HO,MEOI>ATHIHT. Tiiere is an epidemic of typhoid often found about a tramp. He was visiting his brother-in-law, Samuel they please. The free born American , Olllco III Darrow Hloirk. up-Mairs. Reic apiiearunce of the speaker tiiitt there lowing statement in the evening: aapeolalty. cutter, J. B. Dakiu, Williaiuston Flora—Priio Wiley, Oin'U.VUK SALK.-llKKAULT HAVISO plllce of the register of deeds, for the County of fever iu and about Jackson. Dr. Wil released. Ceres-Mrs. W. F, Stevons. citi/.eii don't fear iieurulgia with Salva­ Ingham and State of Michigan, on the Uth day "t Idence tlrnt iloor eoHt or Preiiby teriun church. was trouble In the camii whicii could ir Yon Waaa * HaotMleiMl Garrison. parlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wor- M bcun nindo in thu condiiloiiK of a certain ?.M.aSuwi,c-''-''*^' ««°' •"o'lL'sL": Mason, Jan. 0,1888. L. A. Steward—.Myrtle Sanders. tion Oil to tlie front. Price 25 cents. mortisugu made bj Charles KuUntr to GcorKc M. Hums, the prison pliyaisian, says there A good many hunters with their Worth UfiOOaller It la proved up addfM. Oak Opdyke of Detroit and his fle, Donsville; couch, Mr. and Mrs, Curtwrri;lii, for purchan nuinoy. dated Aukmsi to ' • W. W. ROOT, M. 0^, be endured no longer. At this time "I, Harry A. Wyman, now wish to HYSICIAN AND SUROEON. OFFICE are about 30 cases in tlie prison. dogs are busy about Delhi township, lawtf W. J. Hill, Leslie. brother James were among the num­ Dakin and others, Ingham; photo, Tlie following is tlie roll of honor In 21th. 18811, and recordid In the olllcu of tliBllcg- Mr. Warner stepped forward, and in plead guilty to the cliarge against me, inlur of Uccdn for thu County of InRham und cents, and an attorney's fee of thirty dollars pro- P hourM from one to two. and n-om alz to killing birds and animals at this time ber that partook of one of the largest album, Mrs. J. West, Dansville; set I> E h ill. District No. 2, Alaledon, for the month Slate of MIchlifan.on thu 20ih day of AuBust, aeven r. M. W. I. Cline of Victor, N, Y., behalf of the supervisors, in a neat and now give my written statement Itaad a. W. Qlynn'. "ad" la another Ml- vidud for In said mortgage, and no suit or pro­ nmn—"To tbe traveling pnbUe." ending Deo, ,30, 1887. The names 1880, In llburStlof morigagua on imjiBlto; asid ceedings at law having been instituted to recover nnd Albert Graham of Adrian, Mich,, when the law forbids It. Those parties and approiiriate speech, presented the before Harry O. Call, sheriff, and Ed­ North Aureliuaturkeysat the residence silver knives and forks, Mr. and Mrs Rev.LutherLlttellofMorrice.Mlch., mortg«Kewa» duly anKlgiiud on thu 7lh dayof the moneys secured hy said mortgage, or any A. B. CAMPBELL. M, 0.. win S. Bates, deputy sheriff, which is marked witli a star iiave not been Septuinbor, 1880, W the lald UcorKo M. tart- cousins of Mr. and Mrs, Clias. Rayner, better be a little careful; they are chairman, Hon, J. S. Husto^i, with an Cant. I a and Balance Vp of John Laverock, Jan. 1. E. Dakin, Muir; glass water pitcher and formerly pastor of the Presbyter­ part thereof; Now, thurufore, hy virtue of the HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE as follows: I am guilty of the charge absent, others not absent or tardy : wright to Oeoruu N. Turry. which uMsiunment power of sale contained in said mortgage and over H, M. WilllnmB' drug etore. Maaon. have been making tliem a short visit. being watched and before they know elegant gold headed cane. Mr. Huston Vour account for the New Year, The Tile Company have adopted a Mrs. Boyce, Dansville; dress pattern ian church at Holt was In town one was duly rucordud In the said "lllcu of l(u«li. IHHIi. TTOME0PATHI.ST. OFFICE AND RF.8I Mason and pay a fine and possibly different boys for that purpose. This Far Mai. «>r Baehaave. Every one is invited to attend tbe morteage ther« la claimeIniud t._u he due at tho_ „„dat„e at one o'clock In the afternoon, 1 shall sell at were brouglit before Justice Drake for unable to respond called Mr. Warner to The funeral of Ciiarles Owen was Alice Rolilnxon, Kverett Edict, of thia notice the turn of onu hnndrud and six public aucUon, to the highest bidder, at the rX douce over C, G. Hunlingtoii'H Shoe Imprisonment. statement is made of my own free will, Improved Farms and City Property. - box social at James Bulleu's, Friday dollars interest, and an attorney's fee of tlftuun Htore, Manon. Night calls annwerod at ofllce. being common vagrants. Tliey were the chair and left the room for a few FITCHBURG. held at the Presbyterian church, Holt, Arthur Lnycoolc, Millie Feiin, front door of the Court House In the City of witiiout compulsion oi fear. IHWif MAiiaiiAi.1. dt OAawamt. dollars covenant«d for theruin, nnd ai provided Mason (that being the place where the Circuit given ten days each in the county Jail. At the annual meeting of the stock­ moments, Mr. Huston has been a evening, Jan. 13, proceeds to purchase Tliiirsday, Rev. Albert Lott oflicia- Lena Feun, CltiirleH Foler, by law, and no suit or procuedlnKa at law having Court for Ingham County Is holdBn),thc premises HARRY A. Wyman." Jaekion Bloae Drala Tlia a clock for the N. A. church. The grangers' annual election took been tnetltuted to recover thuuionuya sucured deacrlbed In said mortgage, ur so mush thereof Mason Business Directory. The A. V. U. S. society will give a holders of the Michigan knitting fac­ very faithful official from Leroy town- Signeil this flth dayof January, 188S. place last Saturday evening. The off! ting. The deceased was 89 years of age. Orlle Foler, tlort Dunlels, by said mortnaBo, or any i art ihoreof; Now. as may bu necessary to pay the amount dae on And sewer pipe of all sixes oa hand and Ibr Elln Lnmberl, Alvo Talen,' therefore, by virtue of tho power of sale con­ tory last evening the following direct­ sliip for the past eight years. During wiiiipsswl l.v/^°* ®- Bates, Mrs. '£lla Adams, nee Youngs, at cers elected are aa follows: Last Sunday was a day of pecular said mortgage, with seven per cent, interest, and MINCEI.I.ANEOIIN. social nt the residence of Mr. C. C. Witnessed by | ^^^^Y O. Call. sale by llWtf J. W, Cuapih, Bden, Mich. .Mercy Robinson,'' Aggie Severnnco.* tained In aald mortgage, and tho stutulu In aneh all legal costs, together with an attorney's fee of ors were elected: J. M. Dresser, John tills time ho has served seven years as present a resident of Gratiot county is Maater—Frank Parman. solemnity In the Presbyterian church case made and provldud, notice is hereby givon thirty dollars, covenanted for therein, the pre­ Lovett, two und one-half miles west Call Mktta I'latt, Teacher, that on tbe ««*cnlren(b ilny ol' Junnary, FARMERS' MUTUAL chairman of the board. Lost .Monday evening the prisoners visiting at her former home In this Overseer—P. W. Havens. at Holt. Tiie last sad rites were per­ mises hetng described In said mortgage aa all of Mason, Friday evening, Jan. 2,18S8, Brennan, T. Densmore, F. J. Brown, At the olty drug store, and you wiu llnd th« IHMM. at one o'clock In thu afternoon, I shall sell those certain lots, ulcces and parcela of land IRE INSURANCE CO.MPANY OP ING- conflned in the county Jail with Harry place. Lecturer—A. O. liSwrence. Health is Impossible when the blood at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the W. H. Wells has opened a blaclt- L, C. Webb, E. A. Barnes. At this beat and rami omnplet. Un. of IXMU aiid Steward—Z. B. Dewey. formed for Mr. £. D. Coilmth who front door ot the court house in thu city of situate In the City of Lansing In thu County of F bam county, SafeHt, cheapeKt, bent. For The Baptist church and society held A. Wyman were determined to lynch is impure, tliick, and sluggish, or when Mason, Mich,, (that being a place where the Ingham and Btatu of Michigan, and known and Information write to O, F. Miller, seoretary, time the meeting was adjourned till shoes In DansTllIe. WHt DCNKERHILL. Assistant Steward—Homer Chase. leaves u wife and family of six child­ d«s"cribe• d• ai folTiw;; *!iP.!l'.«!l!;!.S5''.''."''«Oncunaivlded two-thlrdH '"'<»a Maaon. Geo, W. Plielpn, President, Okemos, sniith shop at the old stand known us their annual meeting last Tuesday him. They had arranged tn make a it is thin and lm))OV(>rished, Such circuit court for Ingham county is holdeu),tho of lots eeighl t (8) and nine (»), block «ven (7)' this evening, when another director ••aer Laaa Chaplain—Mrs, John Miller, ren. Tiie services were conducted by conditions gl%'e rise to boils, pimples. premises descrlhed In said mortgage, or •» much lots onu tlie Horning shop and is ready to do afternoon and elected the following rcpe of sheets by twisting strands of Treasurer—E. W. Lawrence. thereof as may be necessary tn psy the amonnt will be elected. OurMlMUUat tb« oflesof 3. U. Dtcmm, John Keeler and wife from Aurellus Rev. Edgar M. Rentier who delivered headachi'H, iieuralgiii, rheumatism, and due on said mnrtgngu, with seven per cunt. Inter­ all kinds of horse-shoeing and general officers: Trustees, Dr. D. A. Locke them together. Tti Is was to he fastened at the Farmers' bank. wtf are visiting friends In this vicinity. Secretary—Aehsah Whallon. n very impressing discourse from tlie other disorders. Ayer's Sarsaparilia est, and all lugtl costs, together with an attor­ kR. MOFFEIT, DENTIST, OFFICE OVER repairing. * The attention of the farmers of Ing­ Gate Keeper—J. Crelgt. ney's lee of nfluen dollars covunanlcrt for therein of Mason and A. J. Holley of Aurellus; in the celling to a staple after it had George Talmadge and wife have been text: Galations 0, and latter part of the purities, invigorates, and vitalizes tlie and as provided by law, the urumises being I Holmes A Cn'a, Store, Maaon, Mich, ham county is again called to tbe annu­ BeaUatiT. Pomona—Mrs. J. Crelg. blood. described In said mortgaKO as sll that piecu or -.eth Extracted without pain, by the une »r The cose of assault and battery treasurer, A. P. Drake; clerk, Leora been putaround Wyman's neck. Then Beat teeth, r.W; Oiling, Mo up; .stoaeUnc, visiting here. 7th verse, "For whatsoever a mon Vltollited Air. ArtlHcliil Teeth wltTioutplatea, al meeting of tho Agricultural Society Flora—Mrs. Frante Parman. parcel of land situate iu thu city of Lansing, 49-AII work warranted. against Geo, Brown, alias "Brownie," Drake. T. Densmore, C. J. Rayner, Wyman was to be pushed off a plat­ 25o, Teeth extracted without patB by the vm Ceres-Mrs. Frank Fltoh. L'onnty of Ingham and Statu «f .Michigan, known duo on said mertgago. May .3d. A D liiSi !:?nl?^ Felt school has organized a lyceum soweth, that shall he also reap." and described as follows: All thu south lialfc^i;) V before Esq. Rico yesterday was post- on Tliursday next, the 10th, in Moson. W. D. Longyear, A. J. Hall, Rev. W. form Into eternity. But they believed of Nitrons Oxide Gai. A. P. VAMDnmait. Lady Assistant Steward—Miss Carrie Hav­ aiie"r'r,^i;,''"-«--'^ for the beneflt of sdhool, the question Roberts. Woodard and Miss Lucin- of northwest quarter of thu southeast quar­ MARSHALL A CA8TERLIN, Every man interested in its success be should have a trial llrst. A court iwtf • Darrow ttlock, Maaon, MIeh. ens. ter (>4) ol section eight (8), In town number four Dated December 10, 1887, jwiied for one week on motion of Pros­ C. Phillips, M. Vouglin and V. J. for Jan. IS is "Jleeolved, That money du Binkley were Joined in holy matri­ (4) north of range two (2) wust, ceuniy and slate T OAN. COLLECTION, 1N8URANCH AND should come up to the annual meeting Tefft were re-electad as A nance com­ was accordingly organized and witnes­ above named. Thu above Uuscrlbod land will be »»H i^^^^i^, AVraote-„ I t Real Eatate ilmkera. Offio. over Stroud ecuting Attorney Hammond. does more for man than education." The Good Templars have organized mony on Wednesday, Dec. 28,1887, by and help to elect officers and direct in ses were sworn. Tlieir evidence was sold aubject to tho payment ot the principal and A Co.'H Furniture Store, Muoon, Mich, A. W. Jewett has Just published a mittee. Last Sunday morning Rev. It is prospering finely under the care another contest—R. E. Dewey and Rev. F. C. Berger of Jackson Mich., Interest lobecnmeduuon thuaforesald mortgage. tlie Important business that will be working strongly against the prisoner BOHEMIAN neat catalogue of his select farm seeds W. C. Phillips resigneil his position IF U WANT of Geo. Haskell, teacher. Wm. McCrary captains. Dated Lansing. Oct. DO. 1887. „ „ , , WATCHMAKER A. BARNES, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. brought before the meeting. The So­ at the residence of the bride's parents „. Inaurance and ColleotInK Agent. Onioe as pastor of the Bdi^tlBt churoii, the when the sheriff overheard them and Joe. Ariz has Just returned from a UKUHUE N. TERKY, AaalgDce. J. which can be had by addressing him ciety is In good shape now and all J. W. Bailey and G. P. Bailey and In the presence of about 30 guests, also M. D C'nATTtnTOM. Attorney for Aasigneo. over Farin.ra' Bank, Maaon, MIeh. resignation to take effect the last of stopped the proceedings. He says tbe —^To Buy a—- visit in Northern Michigan. B EJ^R . AND JEWELER! at Mason. Persons wishing to obtain sliould be interested in keeping it so. wife and daughter have been visiting some very useful presents were given ONEY TO LOAN^ITy THE REAL Es­ March. We understitiid that the large men were so much Incensed that they small lota of very choice seeds would BARREL OF SUGAR, relatives In Alaledon for the post week. Dan. Hawley Is home from the north by the friends after which a bountiful tate Agent, Jonw DuifSBAOK. A public Joint iiistaliution of the amount of work whicit the pastor is would undoubtedly have put their woods on a short visit. 3D. :Pi^-A.Ta?. better write at once. Miss Anna Corwln haa been visiting repast was enjoyed by all. May God's LARK HOUSE, Wm. H. Clark, proprietor. elected officers of Phil McKernan post called upon to do in this church and threat Into fatal execution. BARREL OF FLOUR, The membership of tho Good Tem­ Formerly of Jackson, where lie linn been In C Beat one dollar a day houae In the city. Bert Lefarge, Fred Rice and Charles relatives In Jackson county. blessings ever be theirs to sliare and No. 53, G. A. R., and the Woman's re­ at Nortli Aurellus has caused him The prisoner was taken before Jus­ plars' lodge In our article of last week bUHlness for the pnst 21) yenra. He Iiok been a M. DRESSER loans money, buya notea, Brailey,wliom Ailiert Butler accused of CHEST OF TEA, Hollls Clark and wife from White their home one of the happiest. Watcliuiaker and Jeweler for 35 years, mak­ lief corps will be held at the post's new to take this step. Last Tuesday after­ tice Hammond last Tuesday afternoon im m . and makea coUectlona; alao tire Inanr- taking a quantity of oysters from the Oak have been visiting relatives In this should have read 60 instead of ISO. ing hlin a flrat-clnss workman. Jnnoo agent. Oflloe In Farmera' bonk. rooms to-morrow (Friday) evening. noon at their annual meeting tlie mat­ and pleaded guilty, and was held to MOnUMEMTS front of Ills fttore, have all given bail CASE OF CORN, vicinity. The grange will Install its officers The recent rain makes lively work The president of the Woman's relief ter of dropping preaching services at circuit court In which he again pleaded EVERY BOTTLE IS WARRANTED. He Will be IN MASON for a few ITY BAimiYl-TiuS^iriuiEAD. PIE.i guilty and in the evening was sentenc­ Mrs. ChesterTuttle has been visiting next Saturday evening. for the blacksmiths. and cakea, Maaon, Mich. for their appearance before Justice OASE OF PEACHES, TO BB BAD AT ALL years. Bring in your Watches nnd C corps of Michigan will be present and the latter place was brought up and ed to Inula house of correction for one E. W. Lawrence has all the taxes Revival meetings began at the M. E. Rice next Wednesday. at her sister's, Mrs. John DeCamp'a, Jewelry tliat otiier Watchmakers can't F. BROWN, maufr. and dealer In harneaa, liistitll tbe officers of the newly nrgaii- laid upon the table till the next cov­ year. In pronouncing the sentence. CASE OF TOUATOES, The aid society will be held at the collected but about $1,300. church last Sunday evening. tlx nnd have them repaired as good as C. aaddlea, whipa, robea, trunka, etc., oto. The stockliolders of the First nation­ ized corps. Past Department Com- enant meeting, which takes place the Judge Peck said that he regretted that mms iimm m mm. has revolutionized tho world dnr PAIL OF TdBACOO, home of Wm. Johnston the second Mrs. Emma McKlnder Is sick. E. Oreeiioway and fumiiy of Fow- ing thu last half century, Not new. EECH A SON, proprletora of tho Moaon al bank met last Tuesday afternoon nionder Rush J. Shank, Col. C. P. first Saturday In February. It is to be he could not make the time longer, Packed in Cases or Barrels to suit least among the wonders of In­ foundry and machlneahopa. Repairing. but one year wau tbe extent that the Thursday in January. F. S. Fitch is home on a short visit. lerville spent the holidays witli Mrs. I ventive progress Is a method and B and elected the following directors: Lesher and Col, Geo. Longstreet will hoped tliat the church may provide Mrs. James Duffy Is visiting friends G.'s father, M. King. Purchasers. stem of work that can bo performed nil over SS^AU Work Warranted to Give C. WEBB, exclUHlve dealer In clothing T. Donamore, C. E. Eaton, G. M. some way to relieve Mr. PhlllliM of resent statute allowed forauoh orlmes. There will be an oyster supper at the cuiintry without separating the workers from , and genia' fnrnlahlng gooda. Maaon. participate in the iiistaliution of the Call at Bee Bl7| Christopher Overooker's, Jan. 12,1888 near Dimondale. Hattie Goldwood Is visiting friends Bottled at the Brewery, their homes, Piy liberal. ; any, onu can do Iho Perfect Satisfaction. L Huntington, Allen Rovre, V. J. Tefft, post's officers. After tho Installation this extra work, us he has a host of f n the evening Sheriff* Call started work; oithorsox.yonngorold: no special ability with the prisoner wUh n private cod* Tbe social at J. Crelg's last Monday at Fowlerville and Howell. WHO JOCKEYIWC-eoi ~REEb~ "attorney^ H, L, Henderson nnd H. P. Henderson. services an oyster supper will be served, friends, both in and out of theohuroh, DETROIT, - MICH. required. Capital not needed; you aro started , In Rayner block over City Bakery. veyanoe and took the ten o'clock train And 0«C Bottom VrloH.:.H Iloh, Mange, andSeratohet of every evening was quite largely attended, The following ofTIcers were appoint­ free. Cut this out and return to us nnd we will L who would very much dislike to see send you free, something of great value and Im­ T. Deiisinore was re-elected president tickets 15 cents. Members of the at Eden, going by the way of Jaokion, kind on human or animals cured in 80 The proceeds, (2.04, go to buy wood ed at the Presbyterian Sabbath Sciiool The Ingham Countcountyy "News." UBOIS A EARLeTdEALERS IN HEAVY • -)B*p«!tfUUy,(-— U,. minutes by Wootford'a Sanitant Zo- A rail Une or Hlehmond, Baekna * portance to you, that wilt start you In hnslness, A and Shelf Hardware. Maple et„ Maaon. and H, F. Henderson vice president. various posts in the county are Invited. him leave Mason. I Stookbrldgtlieiioe to louiae an.d Pontlao and from for tbe church. last Sunday: Superintendent, J. B. which will bring you In more money right away, D Hon. This never falls. Sold by Henry Co.'. Blank. than anything else In the world, flrand outfit A. L VAWIIQOM« 1 M. Williams, druggist, Mason, Miob. Tbe pupils in District No. 0 showed Tborburn; assistant superintendent. For sale at Taa Naws Orrioa. free. Address Tbui & Co., Anguata, Maine, $1.00 a YEAR.