VOL. XXX.-NO. 1. MASON. MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6.1888. WHOLE NO. 1613. rroM Onr West SM* BepavMr. ,Dry Good8.~E. H. Sl»7ton. The News for $1.00. W. O. Longyear and wife spent Ford's New Year's in Lansing. Hlaaea Dora Andenon, Pearl Bobln* In view of the failure of the oropa A. It. Vandereook baa 18-lnob wood, son, Mabel Sean of Lansing and Mrs. PvBuiBio Bvxar TanaasAT. Br «nd tlie astrlngeney of the times we both dry and green, for sale. * Wm. Atchison of Eaton Bapida were will Bend The^ewb for one year for Charllo Henderson returned toOr- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1 one dollar caah In advance to any new Hull over New Year's. I Dry Qoods obard Lake to sohool last Tuesday. Om t—ft II.SOi iU Monih*. 7S MiHi lkp«« aubacrlber, to nny old subaoriber not Mr. and Mn. £kl. Petty, after pass­ «*iMil, 40 Mat*—la idvMtt. Mrs. L. Newcomb of Detroit has now in arrears, and to any old sub­ ing the holidays among their friends been visiting S. J. P. Smead'a family AOvcRTiiiia RATn. -And- aoriber. owl Hg for back aubsorlptlon In this city, Lansing, and Danavllle, _ Onr kdTertliIng r»t«« mad* known alofflM, who will pay up to date and advance this week. Builnoncardi<!• tin*par year. returned to their home in Boohester, Bntlnou looalt ilye ocnta par line eaeh and $1.00 ill cash. Bev. W. C. Phillips is on the alok Ohio, on the 9:35 train Monday eve. avarr InaartlOD. Carpets. list at present. Bev, Wm. Putnam Marriace, birth, and death noueeaflraa, _ The regular subaorlptlon price, how­ The many friends of Master Evert Obituary notlcei, reaoluttoni of reapaeti ever, remains at $1.60 'per annum, supplied his pulpit Sunday morning aarda ortbanki. ate.. Ave eanta a Una. Clark, son of L. Frank Clark, will be 5 and all fractional parts nf a year, all and evening. pained to learn that he Is again aufifer* THFNBWB~JOB~B6O back subBcriptloiis and all subscrip­ Last week The News said that lug from a rectal abscess of which he tions not paid for cash In advance will James Bennett had moved to bis farm. Dry Goods has had several at Intervals of two or Ii inppMed with the beat maoblnary be charged at that rate. This Is a very ' money can buy, Attad for steam power, a It was an error. He had moved to his more years. uaortmant of tha lateit atylet of Tyr low price for a weekly paper not con- father-in-law's farm one mile west of The young gentlemen who belong -And- dam, etc., enabling na todo Job PrW hected with a daily. In view of this Mason. to Mrs. A. A. Howard's Sunday school •hort noUee. at low prloea. and l^tne fact we wish that every reader would The slippery roads makeagieat har­ class Invited their lady friends to see that his neighbor subscribes for BEST POSSIBLE MANNERI CarpetSa vest for blacksmiths. L. Frank Clark accompany them and made her a very The News. We can make this hoz- We do aa good work oa can be obtained any* has been In the shop for eleven years happy surprise lost Monday evening. ardous offer only because we have the where, and partlea In need of oommerclal or and says that last Monday was the best The time was spent very pleasantly, largest circulation of any paper in the fancy Job Printing of any deaorlptlon are day for work that he has seen yet. and before leaving the gentlemen pre­ county, and through it we hope to add sented her with a beautiful, easy, willow raqneited to call, examine atylea, and obtain A. F. Lett spent his holiday vacation the names of live hundred more good rocker as a token of the respect and m prleei before placing their orders. Dry Qoods with his parents In Delhi and returned republicans who aught to take The esteem which they have for her as a Vm GvABAirraa PaBrxoi' SATiarAorioM, to sohool last Wednesday morning. News, the ofQcial, paper of Ingham teacher. -And- county. Mr. Lott will graduate from the theo­ logical Seminary at Princeton, N. Y., Last Monday evening Miss Immo- WBIGHT, Stamped Linen Goods at Webb's. next May. gene Clark gave a party in honor of Carpets. Miss Mamie Sackrider of Detroit who A. L. Vandereook has 18-lnch wood, Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Geo; KAY has been spending the holidays among both dry and green, for sale. * A. Earle commenced housekeeping in her former friends and acquaintances the Geo. James house on west Maple- A; F4 Kttle Kltaon of Ionia is visiting and returned to Detroit Tuesday morn­ St., the removal necessitating the res­ with her aunt, Mrs. J. A. May. ing. A very enjoyable time was re­ COMPANY'S JEWELER. ignation of Mr. Earle as alderman for We are informed that "TInk" Burch ported by the participants. Music, the first ward. All Aeeeanta Hast Be BatlM Vp y< OPTICAL LIA8 CULVER, dealer In watches, clocks. recitations and parlor games. Icecream This month. Jewelry, silverware, etc. Repairing done. will be in Mason again about March 1. L. O. WxBB, tha Olotbler../ E The safe In. the county treasurer's Circuit court and the board of auper- and cake, fruits and nuts, made up the AtfdreM W. J. Hill, iMlU. DEPARTMENT office has become so old and poor that A. P. DRAKE, visoTS dive Mason quite a busy aspect program. If you want »13,000 homestaod ebvsif EPUTY COUNTY BUBVEYOR, Mason, It would not work and In order to get Now recognized throughout Midi. Urnln work it specialty. this week. Mrs. Pliebe D. Branch, mother of p'ne- —— ,;;d D into it the doors had to be torn off Mrs. Abba Walker of west Maple-st., Co-operaUvc! •toM.^i.e thlB and adjoining States as H. M. Dresser is attending the Jan­ from the hinges. The supervisors will after a lingering illness"passed peace­ A few facts which have bappoffs, being one of the Ifew AdverUaementaThla Week. uary term of the circuit court as a past two weeks: One lady aavetS-nn- probably act upon the matter this week fully Into the spirit world at the above Farmers' Bank Report. deputy sheriff. and replace it with a new one. purchase 17.80, another saved • Caatoria ail.-Centaur Company. residence last Tuesday morning at two 81 cents, another ll.sa, anothar';']^'j^^^{~ -)MOST SUCCESSFUK- Emma Swift, wlio clerks at Bali & o'clock. The funeral was held at the throughallst toolong topab'.kxvliluh Mew Boaineea Loeala. Last Saturday afternoon about 25 of Sherman's, is spending her vacation house this morning and the remains of the above parties can be leB'.<<ey the bar presented Judge Gridley with store, as well as our enUre.llstof Oei-^ In thia country, has in con­ Clothlng-L. C. Webb. in the country. an elegant bronze clock costing $75. were taken to Dexter, her former place Dry Qoods-M. H. Webb. holders. They are people who lookani.\. stant attendance two edu­ Cash lor Poultry—Dean dc Cross. E. M. Sluyton went to Chicago and Judge Qridley's term of offlceas Judge of residence, for interment beside her pmnit: Come and see. ' U12w3 BALt. A SUBKMAM. cated, competent Opticians, Cutters—L. Frank Clark. Grand Rapids last week in the inter­ in this circuit expired with last year. husband, who preceded her some 25 ests of tiie knitting factory. Judge Peck his successor oiiened court years ago. Thus ends the life of a Material lor Fancy Work at and parties from out of town NEWS NOTES. Miss Carrie Avery of Lowell s|ient in this city lastTuesday morning. pure. Christian woman ut the advanced lS12tf - Mas. C. Rick's. whose time is limited can New Year's with her sister, Mrs. A. The Bogers manufacturing company age of 08 years. ' WMBledl secure engagements aliead by Write It 1888 now. Two hundred cords ot green beech and ma­ G. Ball. She returned home this held its annual meeting last Tuesday ple wood. 8. W. MAYBbV Holt, Mioh. mall for any hour they may For nice Ribbons go to Webb's. 2w morning. evening at the office of the Farmers' Miss Marian McDonald, formerly a wish. Mamie Sackrider returned to Detroit The annual meeting of the stock­ bank. They declared a dividend of teacher in our public schools, spent Hetlie Vp ror the Naif Year. last Tuesday. holders of the Micliigan knitting com­ seven per cent, and re-elected all the part of her vacation In Mason. She 1513W4 L.. Wkbd, tha Clothier. left last Friday night for Ludlngton, We Hake no Ota for Testiiis Eyes. Canh paid for Furs at Rogers & Fer­ pany will be held lit tlieir rooms next old officers. The post year has been a Ifoiice. Wednesday evenings prosperous one for the company, they where she remained over Sunday, and The SIth annual meeting ot the Ingham . guson's, Mason. * County Agricultural Society will be held at , having turned out 785 wagons and 530 Monday morning returned to her Ellas Culver spent New Year's with Frazel li Densmore's meat market the Court House In Masuu on Thursday, Jen»vf 0|tera House lllock, Woodw'd Ave., cutters. school work at Manistee. friends in Ypsllunti. has been stocked to its fullest capacity uary 19,1888, at I o'clock v. u.^KjtM attuAl- once of the farmers and business men of tba during the lioiiduys, and is denoriited The Scientific American, which we A large flouring mill owned by Wui; Haynes of Leslie was In Mason county Is desired.
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