a~onteur · kersiield ~oll~ge The 1955 Raconteur is respectfully dedicated to Dr. Edward Simonsen dJDinistration

MR. T. L. McCUEN District Superintendent

LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. H. E. Woodworth, Board President; Mr. Emil 1 • Bender; Mr. Albert S. Gould; Mr. Chester W. O'Neill, Board Clerk; Mr. William T. Baldwin.

Trustees of the Kern County Union High School and Junior College District spent a busy year preparing for the con­ tinuing growth of the district's eight high schools and one junior college. Board members, district administrators headed by Theron McCuen,' as well as Bakersfield College leaders spent endless hours poring over plans, bids, and time schedules in a herculean effort to have the new Bakers· field College campus ready for a 1955 opening.

4 president

Anxious eyes watch the construction of the new Bakersfield College. As the structures rise and grow in size, we reflect on what they mean to the people we serve. The facilities have been especially designed for the students of this community. Here in mortar and stone is the philosophy of Bakers· field College. DR. RALPH PRATOR College President Our students, our faculty, our taxpayer , and espe· cially our Board of Trustees have been engaged in planning this new campus. It reflects the thinking not only of us who are here but those who pre· ceded us. However, to our sophomores and fresh· men of this year, we owe a special debt of gratitude. You've been patiently helping to plan for the students who will follow you. Perhaps they will profit most from your contribution, but the com· munity in whioh we live will profit, too. In the years ahead when you haYe taken your place among the leaders of our city and our county, you may gaze in retrospection. You can truthfully say, "I had a part in planning the college of our community." It is now and it will be more so in the years ahead Baker field's community college.

5 ~tivities

. ;

The most logical place to find BC students is the Graee Van Dyke Bird Library ... well, at least before finals.

a Bakersfield (;ollege

Highlighting the football season, was the coronation of Queen Diane with her royal court and gallant escorts.

8 One of the many half-time activities included a solo by Larry Thornton, member of the Renegade Band.

The Queen and her attendants were presented with gifts from local merchants at the Coronation Ball.

BC sophomores call a time out from one of the after-game dances to relax and enjoy a refreshing Cokt-. Jlla••Y tl•i•tgs happe 1te1l

lf at first you don't succeed ... proved true in the case of the AMS Bonfire Rally. Despite valiant efforts, defenders had to rebuild the bonfire three times before the student rally.

Promoting school spirit was of utmost importance to our song and yell leaders.

10 Bakersfield College played a large part in training vocational nurses for this area.

The State Collegians sponsored many cake sales to booster the club treasury. Miss Bihlman demonstrates a cross-over variation for the Rumba to an attentive dancing class .

• I It the year

Bakersfield College was well represented at all California Junior College Conferences.

12 Richard Brown, Editor of the Renegade Rip, receiving an award for the best editorial of 1955.

These BCites take time out for lunch on one of the many botany field trips from Bakersfield College.

The annual Christmas program sent BC students home for the holidays in high spirits. t here were dan~es------~

These freshman students seem assured they will enjoy themselves as they arrive for one of BC's many dances.

These Bakersfield College students art> enjoying a "Let's sit this one out" at the Christmas formal "Stairway to the Stars."

14 The "Ice Breaker Dance" on the tennis courts was a huge success as the year's social season got underway.

Many helped the Queen celebrate her victory at the oronation Ball.

15 The AWS potluck gave BC girls a chance to become acquainted early in the year.

here were parties

These girls find that life in the dorm is just one big party.

16 Hungry members of the German Club wait patiently for their weiners to get that charred look at their club's annual weiner roast.

The 3·D day at North High (Dine, Dance. and Duel) brought out a recor-d crowd.

The conservation field trip gave these students a swell reason to have a picnic. 111 - 1 here were a s s e b I i e s

A good item for Ripley's Believe It or Not column was the appearance of this pair of size 78 shorts at the Beta Gamma Rho fashion show.

One of the highlights of the Spring fashion show was Jackie Luce in a snazzy pedal pusher set.

18 Showing their respect for upperclassmen, the freshmen remained standing until the sophomores were seated at the first BC assembly.

All the models in the Harry Coffee Fashion Show come on the stage as Joann Karr sings "Easter Parade."

19 At the student body play, "The Far-Off Hills," Patrick enjoys a good joke with his two cronies.

here were proje~ts

These students were responsible for counting votes after BC elections.

20 "Interior Decoration can be fun," says Mrs. Johnson as she helps these students choose drapery material for their model home.

Helping spread the true spirit of Christmas was the Yuletide display which these students are admiring.

Dr. Ralph Prator participates in a recording session for one of the many projects of the recording class. - here were a~tive stude••ts-

Dean of Women Margaret Levinson and Assistant Dean of Men William Heffernan chat over last-minute plans with student delegates to the California Junior College Student Government Association Conference at Asilomar, California.

Rosemary Robinson demonstrates the fact that it takes constant concentration to cope with the problems that arise in a bacteriology class.

22 Many B.C. students motored to Death Valley to take part in a Geology field trip.

Dr. Jack Casey, instructor in the social sciences, pauses briefly to outline the program of events scheduled for the Bakersfield College students and their friends who were leaving to attend an opera in Los Angeles and to enjoy some delicious foreign cuisine.

23 The temptation is great at times to skip classes and drive off for the hills on a brief holiday.

here were the in·a~ti ves

The student lounge does its greatest business during fifth period when most of the B.C. students are free for lunch.

24 These students take time out to discuss the current happenings at B.C.

The student lounge is the focal point for all those students with free time on their hands.

Who says that the boys at.B.C. outnumber the girls? here were joyitii i••••sters

This picture just goes to show that you should never bet on elections.

We haven't heard Jack make any more promises to let people throw pies at him, have you?

26 It seems like the two young ladies in this picture had the same thought at the same time.

You can find almost anything on the roadside if you look hard enough.

27 One student, her eyes glazed from hours upon hours of burning the midnight oil studying for final examinations, searches the photographer foggily in hopes of finding inspiration while dozens of other students bury themselves in Dr. Gorman's test.

l•e re were

Ed Hemmerling, chairman of the engineering and mathematics department, takes an unmerciful ribbing from the members of one of his engineering classes as he appears an hour late to one of the fall semester final exams. It wasn't shortened by one question, students reported ruefully.

28 "You lucky stiff," says Mickie Witham, Bakersfield College freshman, to the photographer. "All you have to do during final week is snap pictures. I don't see any bags under your eyes from studying."

"By Golly," says one discouraged student, "I don't remember him giving that problem." On the blackboard, a sympathetic student has chalked hopefully, "Dream-and it might come true."

Any old costume will do for final exams. It isn't how nice you look, but rather how nicely filled out your examination paper looks that counts with Bakersfield College instructors. a tltere were gradtiates-

Doris Rosales can't decide whether she should buy a class ring now or wait until she finishes a four-year college.

These sophomores are keeping their fingers crossed that they will be in the graduating class this June.

30 Sophomores received graduation instructions and were measured for caps and gowns at a special meeting.

Climaxing this year at B.C. Lhe graduates wait tensely to hear their names called and receive their B.A. degrees.

31 rganizations

I f all exe~11tive ~OIIIt~iJ

Jerry Orrick Fall Executive Council President

LEFT TO RIGHT: Colleen Bertolini, Secretary; Jerry Orrick, President; Gene Man, Vice President; Pat Bowden, Business Manager; Tom Giles, Chief Justice.

BACK ROW, left to right: Mr. Heffernan, Advisor; Sid Sheffield, Publicity; Ron Sells, Assemblies; Jack Schuetz, Athletics; Pete Grossman, Associate Justice. FRONT ROW: Murray Smith, Di1·ector of Student Activities; Col· leen Bertolini, Vice President; Gene Mau, President; Linda Wilson, Secretary.

GeneMau Spring Executive Council President

ex · e~u ti ve ~oun~il

34 T BACK ROW, left to right: Pat Lewis, Helen Hearn, Ben Crabb, Kent Kilburn, Bill Watson, Richard Brown, Fred Doehrn, Sid Sheffield, Dr. Edward Simonsen, advisor. MIDDLE ROW: Pat Calder, Nancy Ghilarducci, Murray Smith, Pete Gro sman, Joyce Blagg, Ron Holley, Jack Adkisson, Ernest Holland, Bill Maxwell, Peggy Williams. FRONT ROW: George Landers, Joanne Becker, Colleen Bertolini, Jerry Orrick, Gene Mau, Pat Bowden, Tom Giles.

BACK ROW, left to right: Sid Sheffield, Cedric Shanley, Maurice Jamison, Dick Nelson, Richard Brown, Mr. Heffernan, Advisor; Fred Doehrn, Tom Giles, Henry Shumpert. MIDDLE ROW: Ron Sells, Ron Holley, Bill Maxwell, Pete Grossman, Darrell Parks, Morris Kyle, Jack Schuetz, Bill Ronaldson. FRONT ROW: Carolyn Rice, Loretta Porter, Jerry Weitzel, Colleen Bertolini, Gene Mau, Linda Wilson, Pat Bowden, Gaye Lum. f all fresh111a1J ~OUII~il

Murray Smith Fall Freshman Council President

BACK ROW, left to right: Morris Kyle, Bill Ronaldson, Dick Snyder. fiDDLE ROW: Sid Sheffield, Janice Carley, Sharon King, Helen Hearn, Diana Beatty, Dorothy Arthur, Shirley Goode, Ron Siemons. FRONT ROW: Jean Monfort, Jerry Weitzel, Mur· ray Smith, Diane Reynolds, Sandra Rapley, Celia Zamborlan.

36 • • pr •••g fresh••• a•• ~ o •••• ~ i I


Morris Kyle Spring Freshman Council President

BACK ROW, left to right: Morris Kyle, President; Bill Ronaldson. FRONT ROW: Dick Nelson, Jerry Weitzel, Dick Snyder.

BACK ROW, left to right: Kathy Gill, Jean Monfort, Bill Ronaldson, Dorothy Arthur, Sid bcflield, Rula Keetch. ~fiDDLE ROW: Joyce Hammer, Barbara Olsen, Shirley Goode, Joyce Avakian, Sandra Rapley, Helen Hearn, Joann Becker, Celia Zamborlan. FRONT ROW: Sharon King, Diana Reynolds, Dick nyder, Morris Kyle, Jerry Weitzel, Dick Nelson. iarie Countryman.

37 f all so pho11tore ~······~il

Kent Kilburn Fall Sophomore Council President

BACK ROW, left to right: Pete Grossman, Darrell Parks, Jack Edmoundsen, Jack Adkisson. FRONT ROW: Pat Bowden, Bill Maxwell, Loretta Porter.

BACK ROW, left to right: Loretta Porter, Pat Bowden, Pete Grossman. FRONT ROW: Darrell Parks, Bill Maxwell, Jack Adkisson, Jack Edmoundsen.

38 • • pr•••g sopho11Iore ~OIID~iJ

Bill Maxwell Spring Sophomore Council President

BACK ROW,left to right: Darrell Parks, Carolyn Rice, Mr. Zimmerman, Advisor. FRONT ROW: Pat Bow· den, Bill Maxwell, Loretta Porter.

BACK ROW, left to right: Bill Maxwell, Darrell Parks, Jack Edmoundsen: FRONT ROW: Pat Bowden, Pete Grossman, Loretta Porter, Jack Adkisson.

39 The Associated Women Students this year as in the past have con· tributed much to the activities at Bakersfield College. Their potluck dinner started the social ball rolling in the fall and their booth at the annual Spring Carnival concluded the cycle for 1955.

BACK ROW, left to right: Pat Lewis, Linda Wilson, Diane Meier, Pat Bowden. MIDDLE ROW: Betty Sawyer, Helen Hearn, Joyce Hammer, Joann Becker, Shirley Goode, Marie Countryman. FRONT ROW: Jerry Weitzel, Maxine Whit· ley, Mary Ann Noonan, Gaye Lum, Elizabeth Erassarret, Rhoda Cohen, Loretta Porter.

a .s s •• ~ i a t e d 'V f) Ill e II stt1de1tts

a ss••~iated Ill e II S t II de II ts

BACK ROW, left to right: Dick Snyder, Sid Sheffield, Mr. Wilbur, Morris Kyle. FRONT ROW:.Jeff Taylor, Murray Smith, Fred Doehrn; George Landers, Tom Giles.

The Associated Men Students spon· sored two major events during the social season at BC. AMS took charge of the annual Football Queen Contest and the bonfire rally before the Long Beach game. An­ other organization highlight in­ cluded the awarding of trophies to the track and stars.

40 Organizing out of a common de­ sire to promote athletic activity, the physical education majors, oth­ erwise known as the Pheds, have broadened the social outlook at Bakersfield College by including such sports as bowling, skating, and miniature golf.

BACK ROW, left to right: Morris Kyle, Laurie StrausR, Walt Napier, Pat Mills, Lenard Whitlock, Henry Shumpert, Ralph Rea. MIDDLE ROW: George Fields, Norma Cappella, Mis Bihlman, Advisor; Billie Jo Davis, Barbara Boss, Mr. Jim Turner, Advisor. FRONT ROW: Pat Lewis, Marieta Bartell, Pat Bowden, Mary Davinson, Pat Stovall, Loui e Bederman. p hysi~al edt1~ati•••• a g r i ~ 11 I t 11 r e ~I•• h

BA,CK ROW, left to right: Bill Stewart, Bob Adams, Pete Cattani, Prymus M. Jones. THIRD ROW: Fred Doehrn, Ronnie Handel, Bob Barnes, Don Taylor, Robert Vanderhuff, Charlie Maddux. SECOND ROW: Mr. Davidson, advisor; Norman Powers, Hugh Mouser, Marino Ricomini, Ken Daughtery, Sherrill Sears, Douglas Bair, Mr. Hanson, advisor. FRONT ROW: Warner Reed, Dondra Hall, Pat Beecky, Linda Kennedy, Sybil Spreitzer, Jerry Saunders, Joe Fredricks.

One of our newest clubs, the Agri­ culture Club, was formed this year to give ag students a chance to meet and study common interests rang­ ing from slaughtering of beef to conditioning of soil.

4 1 Several ski enthusiasts this year de­ cided to take advantage of nature's winter offerings by organizing a club which would help to further interest in skiing. The ski club's first year in operation has been as successful as expected. The mem­ bers enjoyed several week-end trips to Greenhorn and Yosemite's top skiing areas. This new organization has contributed much to Bakers­ field College's wide variety of ac­ tivities. BACK ROW, left to right: Mr. Nelson, advisor; James Mootry. MIDDLE ROW: Morris Kyle, Cruz Ybanez, Bill Smith, Tony Tranchita, Dick McKelvey. FRONT ROW: Fred Meirs, Bob Hobbs, Gene Mau, Chuck Ladley, Dan Christy.


v etera11s ~ltl b

BACK ROW, left to right: Walt Schicker, Jean Monfort, Ron Holley. FRONT ROW: Gale Jones, Dan Smith, Don Rasmussen, Stan Sherman, Richard Rettick.

The Associated Veterans' Club started its activities rolling with the election of Diane Perry as Football Queen in the contest sponsored by the Associated Men Students. The Vets also scheduled a full slate of social functions with several club get-gethers. Between times they sponsored a well-planned after­ game dance and participated in the Spring carnival.

42 r a~o•t1etlr

Joyce Blagg, Editor

BACK ROW, left to right: Gene Mau, Vera Church, Melba Emerson, Pat Bowden, Tom Giles. FRONT ROW: Carol Hale, Mary Ann Noonan, Joyce Blagg, Joann Becker, Donna Dawald.

Pat Bowden, Business Manager

Gene Mau, Photography Coordinator

Don Pond, Student Photographer

Gary Girard, Sports Editor

Budge Loustalot, Advertising Manager

Kent Kilburn, Copy Editor 43 r e11egade rip•

Richard Brown, Editor-in-Chief

BACK ROW, left to right: Holland, Rice, Drennan, Grossman, Sanders, Headley, Edmoundsen, Newell MIDDLE ROW: Faulkner, Girard, Gill, Wilkerson, Reynolds, Carley, Brooks, Mau. FRONT ROW: Mr. Spilsbury, Advisor; Watson, McGee, Witham, Brown, Morgan, Oppenheimer, Warren.

Merle Oppenheimer, Managing Editor

Caroline Rice, Feature Editor

Ernest Holland, News Editor

Dan Morgan, Sports Editor

Bill Watson, Business Manager

Joyce Brooks, Advertising Manager 44 Le Cercle Francais, the French Club, worked hard this year to raise funds to purchase French phono· graph records for the li len ing booth in the Audio-Visual Aids Laboratory. They also held a French dinner to stimulate inter­ est in French outside of the class· room.

STANDING, left to right: Bill Siemon, Joan Keller, Bill Easter. SEATED: George McLant>, Joyce Hammer, Joyce Brooks, Lois Barns, Miss LaFevre, advisor; Claudette Swab, Dick Clark, Shirley Morris, Clyde Stevison. i re11~l• ~l11b

e r 111 a 11 ~ ltl b

BACK ROW, left to right: Larry Batty, Pete Grossman, Chuck Ladley, Bob Hobbs. MIDDLE ROW: Richard Kosman, Leslie Brown, Darrell Parks, Miss Schafer, Advisor; Gene Mau, Jim Lovegreen. FRONT ROW: Jean Howard, Don Pond, Mary Cor be, Blake Baumstark, Alfred Schmidt, Betty Hendricks.

The German Club has been very active this past year in the pursuit of German cultural interests. A deeper and better understanding of the German people, their country, and language was the goal of this organization. A trip to Los Angeles to see a German movie highlighted the season's activities.

45 · Ia •• ~ e shield

In addition to promoting the ideal~ of service and citizenship at Bakersfield College, the Lance and Shield members also found time to donate their services in making stuffed toys for needy children. Part of their busy pre·Christmas schedule was de­ voted to decoration o{ the Christmas tree in the JC Building. Several dances and a part {or new mem­ bers were also among the activities on their agenda.

BACK ROW, left to right: LaVaughn Shaw, Violet Collins, Carolyn Rice, Pat Beasley. FRONT ROW: Mia Koesemodilago, Betty Sawyer, Linda Wilson, Arlene Reed.

BACK ROW, left to right: Miss Albaugh, Advisor; Carolyn Rice, Arlene Sourbeer, La Vaughn Shaw, Violet Collins. MIDDLE ROW: Arlene Reed, Sata Zarzana, Louise Bramlett, Pat Beasley, Joyce Blagg, Pat Bowden, Mia Koesernodilago. FRONT ROW: Beulah Powell, Colleen Bertolini, Mickie Devine, Betty Sawyer, Linda Wilson, Gaye Lum, Wanda Benge, Elaine Stoller.

46 BACK ROW, left to right: Jeff Taylor, Gene Mau, David Christensen, Dan Morgan, Jim Drennan, Bob Easter, George McKenny, John Mulhause. MIDDLE ROW: Don Watts, Clyde Stepheson, Ronnie Han· sen. Pete Grossman, John Tompson, Murray Smith, Ron Holley. FRONT: Glen Cooks, Jerry Orrick, Tom Spurgeon, Mr. Jones, Advisor; Ben Crabb, Charles Ostrander, Stan Sherman.

BACK ROW, left to right: 1urray Smith, Pete Grossman. MID­ DLE ROW: Clyde Stepheson, Kent Kilburn, Bill Maxwell. FRONT ROW: Tom purgeon, Jack Adkisson, Ron Holley.

The Renegade Knights received a well-deserved honor this year when the organization was admitted to the Circle K, an international college men's service organization. From the long list of accomplished activities of the Knights, such as sponsoring a March of Dimes drive, ushering at football games and the Convocation, and installing the new campus activity board, it is certainly evident that the group followed their motto, "We serve."

re11egade k11ights

47 alpha g a 111111a

An achievement of not less than 30 grade points in 12 units and a grade ratio of at least 2.0 gains for students the honor of member hip in Alpha Gamma igma. High school graduates who earned life mem· bership in CSF are also granted membership in the organization for the fall semester of their freshman year. Activities of the club were limited this year, but the members did contribute heavily to the scho· lastic average at Bakersfield College.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Pat Beasley, Bob Taylor, Alfred Schmidt, Pat Lewis.

BACK ROW, left to right: Homer McCall, Rod arlson, }erry Bo worth, Gary Cunningham, Ronald Fontaine, Darrel Gordon, Bob The man, Ed Creswell, Frank Pycha. FOURTH ROW: Ron Abbott, Mr. Frantz, Advisor; Floyd eaton, Roger Wilson, Glenn Cookes, Bob Burn , Charle Young, Rodney Thordierg, Tom Merson, Richard Brown, Bob Ma t, Bill Tolmitt, Willis Flickinger. THIRD ROW: Arlene Reed, Patsy Counts, Arlene Sourbeer, LaVaughn Shaw Pat Ll'wis, Hugh Mouser, Dennis Starr, Alfred Schmidt, Richard Bozman, Kent Kilburn, Irwin Soloman, Joe Madruga, Don Mattson, Melton Rogers. SECOND ROW: Betty Spencer, Betty Jo Davis, Carol Kessler, Linda Wilson, Ann Arnold, Erma Carter, Hortense Motte, David Christensen, Ray Moody, Pete Grossman, Bob Taylor, Don Watts. FRONT ROW: Sybil Spreitzer, Juanit.a Chanley, Linda Turnipseed, Colleen Bertolini, Pat Beasley, Mia Koesemodilago, George Cazaly, Nancy Burt, Diane Reynolds, Doris Rosales, Janice Lando, Helen Hearn.

48 BACK ROW, left to right: Kengo Kawano, Richard Rettick, Gary Cunningham, George Landers, Mr. Hemmerling, Advisor. THIRD ROW: Gene Hughes, Charles Wilson, Homer McCall, Stanley Melcher, Tom Spurgeon, Ron Turner, Bob Rockwell, Bob Hall. SECOND ROW: Jeff Taylor, Bill Easter, Clifton Highman, Tom Merson, Dale Fairbanks, Albert Gould, LaVan Bock, LaVell Bock. FRONT ROW: Bob Erickson, Jack Egan, Peter Stockton, Dale Robinson, Jack Immel, Fred Bein, Ron Elrod, Don Dearing. BACK ROW, left to right: Kengo Kawano, Jack Agan, Jeff Tay­ lor. FRONT ROW: Tom Merson, Gene Hughes, Gary Cunning· ham, Bob Erickson.

The Bakersfield College Chapter of the American Association of Engineers has as its purpose the promotion of activities of interest to eng"neering ;tudents at Bakersfield College. This year the ac· tivities included two steak bakes, field trips to Lockheed Aircraft, F on tan a Steel Mills, Monolith Cement Plant, and the PG&E steam plant, a fish· ing trip, besides entering a basketball team and two bowling teams in intramural leagues, and 3ponsoring a booth in the Spring Carnival.


49 l 0 •·~hestra

Purpose of the 65-piece BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA is to serve college, high school, and community functions. Under the able direction of Harold J. Burt, the orchestra added its bit to PTA's "Back to School" Night, Beta Gamma Rho's fall fashion show, "Song of Christmas," and assemblies for elementary schools. In the springtime the group sponsored ·a chamber music concert, took part in music festivals and the All­ County Orchestra, played for Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs, and aided the light opera production. Concluding the busy and successful year was the brilliant spring concert on May 23, high school Baccalaureate, and college com­ mencement.

50 Mr. Burt, Director, with Bob Easter; President four college students. of the Orchestra.

51 I b atJd

Cheers greeted the BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE RENE­ GADE BAND when it brought home the coveted Junior Rose Bowl Parade Sweepstakes Trophy for the second year in a row. The band, ably directed by Clarence Wiggins, drew wide acclaim for its showing at football games. In the fall, it sponsored a concert by the United States Air Force Band in Harvey Auditorium. Bakersfield was privi· leged to hear a concert in January put on by both the band and choir. On April 25 the band staged its own concert. Performances at various schools, in community parades, and at BC day filled out the band's eventful year.

52 Janice Tolson

Richard Claassen, Drum Major

Chris Garland

53 The main desire of the Interfaith Council is to bring about a better understanding and genuine feeling of friendship among all races on campus. Keeping abreast of social gatherings, the club enjoyed a bar­ becue at the home of their advisor, Mr. Robert Davidson, during the fall semester, and sent several dele­ gates to the meeting of the Inter­ national Y Clubs held in Asilomar. BACK ROW, left to right: John Constantin, Jim Drennan, Diana Peery, Layne Stramler, Mr. Davidson, Advisor. FRONT ROW: Joyce Hammer, Susan Hodge, Nancy Burt, Valerie Buerkle• • I ltterfaitlt ~ttllll~il

f) • ~ II r r I ~ II ftl Ill

BACK ROW, left to right: Bob Erickson, Charles Maddux. MIDDLE ROW: Bob Hobbs, Bill Maxwell, Joe Fredricks, Tom Giles, Sid Chanley, Ron Sells, Ron Holley. FRONT ROW: Pete Grossman, Louise Pelosi, Gaye Lum, Murray Smith, Ann Robards, Violet Collins, Louise Biderman.

The Co-Curriculum Board, which coordinates student organization activities on the campus, took on the man-sized job of managing the annual Spring Carnival. Among the other activities of the council was sponsorship of the interclub bowl· ing league.

54 BACK ROW, left to right: Tom Puchard, Guy Swoloda. THIRD ROW: Roy Armstrong, Warren McMahan, John Esponda, Richard Garcia, Richard Cox, Dick Nelson, Tom Falletti, Victor Anostez, James Gee, Willey Graham. SECOND ROW: Freddie Kinoshito, Manuel Owens, Dick Fritz, Fred Doehrn, Jack Wright, Frank Souza, Charlie Bain, Curtiss Warner, Leo Meyer, Advisor. FRONT ROW: Earnie Alberti, Jim Guen, George Meshel, Wes Ramsey, Bill Maxwell, Jim Maxwell, Wayne Chase.

BACK ROW, left to right: Freddie Kinoshlto, Richard Garcia, Wayne Chase. FRONT ROW: Dick Fritz, Wes Ramsey.

The Kraftsman Club again gained the distinction of being one of the more active, cooperative, and l!elpful of our campus organizations. Through money brought into the club's treasury from the candy vending machines on campus, they were again able to present their annual scholarship. Another successful business venture for the club was the showing of a movie, with the main attrac· tion being a TV set given away as a door prize.

kraftsiitalt ~lob

55 beta g a 111111a rho

Beta Gamma Rho, a club for students primarily interested in business affairs, again contributed their share to Bakersfield College's social func­ tions. Their 3rd annual fashion show was the highlight of the club's activities. The group is advised by Mrs. Geraldine Wilson and Mr. Rich­ ard Tigner.

BACK ROW, lelt to right: John Clavin, Treas.; Bob Martin, Parliamentarian; Russell Lusk, Veep. FRONT ROW: Margaret Baccus, Sec.; Duane Crossley, Pres.; Ronnie Sells, Project Chairman.

BACK ROW, left to right: Childs Carter, David Dutchman, Gilbert Lopez, Dale Barker, AI Gonzales, Bruce Jones, Frank Simpson, Floyd Hedman, Richard Tigner, advisor. MIDDLE ROW: Harvey Friedley, Jim McRee, Howard DeArmon, John Fischer, Ernest Uhles, Elaine Stoller, Joan Kazakoff, James Saba. FRONT ROW: Jeanine Hilt, Shirley Brinkley, John Clavin, Margaret Baccus, Duane Crossley, Russell Lusk, Ronnie Sells, Bob Martin.

56 BACK ROW, left to right: Ron Headley, Kathleen 1cClure, Miss Johnson, Advisor. FRONT ROW: Janet Coombs, Jim New, Noble Johnson, Lewis McCall, Beverly Varner, Merle Oppenheimer.

LEIT TO RIGHT: Jim Neu, Noble Johnson, Lewis McCall.

Delta Psi Omega made it possible for BC students to enjoy some of the better plays and top dra­ matic talent on campus. Their formal initiation highlighted the club's activities. Their project for this year was the presentation of a series of one­ act plays. Even the hard work involved didn't faze them, according to Miss Phyllis Justice, their advisor. delta ps•• o•••ega

57 LEFT TO RIGHT: Johnny Cook, Vice Presi· dent ; Garry Gill, President; Ron Colman, Secretary· Treasurer.

The cutouts formed to bring together all the B.C. students who are interested in cars. The main object of the club is safety. The group sponsored a very successful dance called "The Cutout Capers."

BACK ROW, left to right: Jerry Gibbins, Dave Pearson, Murray Smith, Harley Harty, Harvey Harper, John Friesen. FRONT ROW: Jere Graham, Johnny Cook, Garry Gill, Ron Colman, Gordon Fin wall. tltOtltS

adettes BACK ROW, left to right: Peg,zy Lewis, Gl!il Hancock, Joyce Downing, Jerry Weitzel. FRONT ROW: Margaret Jaybush, Ann Slaughter, Marie Waller, Loretta Bagley.

Sporting new red and white uniforms and prancing with perfect timing through their original routines, the Gadettes this year added much color and variety to the halftime activities of most of Bakersfield College's sporting events. The attractive girls, eight in number, create, practice and learn their unique drills in a special physical education class under the direc· lion of Miss Georgine Bihlman.

Miss Georgine Bihlman, Advisor BACK ROW, left to right: Mr. Wheatland, Director; Bobbie Holstom, Leilani Striplen, Diane Mc­ Donald, Judy Bieger, Jetho Davis, Joe Grundy, Russell Lusk, Dale Barker, Roy Ives, Mary Giovannetti, Betty Smith, Roberta Pentzer, Joanne Compton, Penny Ashworth. THIRD ROW: Alice Houchin, Jackie Ritchie, Martha Miller, Murray Smith, Wayman Watts, Dale Rose, Dale Knox, Darrell Leek· liter, Don Watts, Louise Huckabay, Mary Davidson, Kathleen McClure, Ruth Vacin. SECOND ROW: Arlene Vines, Beverly Rynes, Betty Jo Everrett, Marie Waller, Roger Tubberville, Alfred Alexander, Oceloa McClinton, Diane Kresin, Alice Salsa, Mary Pieri, Janice Tolson, Martina Elcano. FRONT ROW: Joyce Bartel, Dot Sabbatini, Linda Kennedy, Oma June Dickey, Rubin Grundy, Marvin Cooper, • Lois Barnes, Jeannette Walsh, Donna Bender, Pat Swattzel.

LEIT TO RIGHT: Murray Smith, Gus Davidson.

The A Cappella Choir performed many times dur­ ing the busy school year. They represented the col­ lege at the various high schools in this district, took part in the Christmas Pageant, California Pageant, and College Night for P-TA members. They had a combined concert with the band, at­ tended the music festival at Redlands, and wound up the year by singing for the Commencement exercises.

a ~appella ~h••ir

59 Modem Dance Officers The college students in the Modern Dance Club are Diane Peery, lst row 4th; Kathleen McClure, lst row 5th; Linda Kennedy, 2nd row 7th; Mary Davison, 3rd row 3rd; Pat Alicson, 3rd row 6th.

ID_ oder 11 da 11 ~e

The Modern Dance Club performed for the Mother Singers, for the Women's Oub, and gave a Modern Dance Concert. The hours of train­ ing and practice that goes into this art and the skillful leadership of Miss Robesky combine to make this group one of the most enjoyable and interesting clubs on our cam­ pus.

60 BACK ROW,left to right: Joe Albitre, Ron Elrod. MIDDLE ROW: Marino Rica· mini, Arthur Conner, Dick Nelson, Jim Lovegreen, John Tiler, Jim Estes. FRONT ROW: Jerry Weitzel, G'Ann Surgener, Jerry Bosworth, Joanne Becker, Hortense Motte.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Jerry Bosworth, Mary Pieri, Joe Magruda.

The Newman Club is composed of stu· dents of Catholic faith who are interested in furtherin'!; the ideals of Christianity. They attempt to achieve this goal through urganized and dedicated social and reti· gious activities.

.U ew 111 a 11

r oger williaiitS

The purpose of the Roger Williams Club is to further Christian spiritual growth throughout the school and to promote friendly spirit and thoughtfulness. This year they sponsored a Queen candidate and several sales on the campus.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Darrell Parks, Earlene Winder, Don Bengtson.

BACK ROW. left to right: Mr. Hal, Dick Kosman, Bruce McDaniel, Bill Siemons, Johnny De Vinzino, Dr. Boyd, advisor; Dr. Halling, advisor. MIDDLE ROW: Sharon Watson, Pat Morley, Bill Adhelin, Wayman Watts, Charles Young, Twila Luis, Patsy Counts. FRONT ROW: Erma Carter, Selma Eubank , Don Bengtson, Darrel Parks, Earlene Winder, Doris Daniels.

61 Members of Hepsilon, women's home economics organization, proved their culinary abilities this year by cooking a turkey dinner for the Agriculture Club and sponsor­ ing cookie sales at various times on lhe campus.

BACK ROW, left to right: Walter Mary Fort, Lotus Ladkins, Sue Barrett, Billy Marrow, Juanita Chandler. MIDDLE ROW: Santa Zarzana, Twila Lewis, Joyce Simoni, Billie Arnold, Pat Gillbreath, Margie Shatto, Helen Anderson, Miss Johnson, advisor. FRONT ROW: Gladys McCoy, Doris Mootry, Louise Biderman, Cara Stiglar, Jeannette Goss, Arlene Apalatea, Georgia Murphy. h epsiloJt

u shers

BACK ROW, left to right: Pete Grossman, Violet Coltlbs.._Nancy Burt, Maritta Bartel, Heidi Senftlehen, Blake Baumstark. FRONT ROW: Jerry Weitzel, Pat Becky, Louise Biderman, Sybil Spreitzer.

The Ushers did much to promote better relations between the college and the community. The aim of their organization was to show per­ sons to their seats during such per­ formances as the George Lewis concert, the Los Angeles •Philhar­ monic concert, and all other offer­ ings of the Kern County Musical Association. They ended a very busy year with a party after the final concert.

62 BACK ROW, left to right: Gam Surgener, Hortense Motte, Joyce Brooks, Rhoda Cohen, Violet Collins, Shirley Louis, Peg Carter, Mrs. Graff, advisor. FRONT ROW: Jerry Weitzel, Louise Bramlett, Arlene Sourbeer, Arlene Reed, Doris Rosales, LaVaughn Shaw, Joanne Becker.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Doris Rosales, Arlene Reed, Arlene Sourbeer.

State Collegians provides an opportunity for those interested in teaching to become acquainted with the scope of education. Fulfilling this purpose is done by inviting the state's outstanding adminis­ trators and teachers to speak before the club. The Collegian gained an inside view of their future vocations when they toured the many new schools in this area.

state ~ollegia••s

63 ports

19 54 r eategades

66 Bakersfield College...... 33 Edwards Air Force Base.... 3 Bakersfield College...... 44 Stockton ------6 Bakersfield College...... l4 Fresno ···---·------·-----·------13 Bakersfield College...... 7 Los Angeles Valley...... 0 Bakersfield College ...... 27 Pasadena --·-----·------0 Bakersfield College ...... 42 Los Angeles Harbor...... 12 Bakersfield College ...... 6 East Los Angeles ______0 Bakersfield College ...... 45 Long Beach --·------· 9 Bakersfield College ...... 24 San Diego ------····-·------21 Bakersfield College ...... 4 7 Santa Monica ··-·------·---- 0 Bakersfield College ...... l9 El Camino -·-----·-----·------30

308 94 Regular season, BC ...... 275 Opponents ---·-·------·-----·-91 Conference, BC ...... 190 Opponents ----··------·72

Head Coach Homer Beatty is shown in between Back­ field Coach Don Robards on the left and Line Coach Jim Turner on the right.

Head Coach Homer Beatty, Backfield Coach Don Robards and Line Coach Jim Turner led their charge to another top season as the Renegades won nine out of their ten scheduled football games, giving the Gades a record of 21 wins and only one defeat in the past two seasons. The heart-breaking loss to El Camino on Thanksgiving Day ended a winning streak of 24 games, extending back into the middle of the 1952 season. Bakersfield College's "winsome" three show a varied background of experience with which they built the great Renegade grid machines. "Butch" Beatty had coached in every field of organized football from high school to professional ranks. Don Robards played football at Tulsa University as a teammate of the great Glen Dobbs and was a student assistant coach at the University of California. Turner was an All-American at California, before turning to high school coaching at Hayward High School in the Bay Area.

67 LEFT TO RIGHT: Fred Doehrn, Manager; Tom Henderson, Manager; Parley Poulson, Frank Smith, Henry Shumpert, Carl Gordon, LeRoy Kollenborn, George Spencer, Hal Eggleston, Alfred Lee, Pat Mills, Dick Clark, Terry O'Connell, Jim Dempsey, John Uhalt.

LEFT TO RIGHT: George Fields, Leland Stahl, Bob Bierlein, Bill Turner, Ron Barger, Reggis Farley, Art Balcerzak.


68 re••egades

LEIT TO RIGHT: Dick Olive, Walter Watty, Dick Fritz, Don Hammons, Bob Warkentin, Herb Walker.

LEIT TO RIGHT: Joe Lizarrago, "Coke" McClinton, Jim Jackson, Budge Loustalot, Fred Perry, Sheldon Sullivan, Don Shulte, Walter Napier, Bill Menagh, Jim Turner, Coach; Homer Beatty, Coach; Don Robards, Coach; John Valembois, Equipment Manager.

69 Pat Mills Carl Gordon George Fields Walt Napier Walter Watty Parley Poulson QB HB FB RH E T

Bill Grace Dick Clark John Uhalt Regis Farley T G G T Bob Bierlein Art Balcerzak Lelan Stahl Joe Lizzarago E HB E T Herb Walker Fred Perry Bill Turner Bill Menagh E HB E QB

70 Ron Barger George Spencer Hal Eggleston Dick Olive Don Hammons G c G T (Capt.) E

John Krober Terry O'Connell Coke McClinton Jim Jackson c HB HB HB Bob Warkentin Budge Loustalot Henry Shumpert Jim Dempsey T HB FB c Sheldon Sullivan Dick Fritz Fred Doehrn Tom Bone G G M&r. Mgr.

71 "Stop those end runs," says Renegade Coach Homer Beatty as he sends in end Bob Bierlein. Line Coach Jim Turner nervously paces the sidelines. And there's no wonder as the Gades sq ueak by on a close 7-0 decision over L.A. Valley.

on or 0 fi the field • • • ..

Five Renegades converge to knock a hap­ less L.A. Harbor player out of bounds just short of a first down. Walt Napier, with his helmet bobbing, hits him first, then Carl Gordon puts on the clincher. Bakersfield won going away 42-13. Pat Mills, Gade quarterback, is off and running down the sidelines eating up added yardage for Bakersfield. Mills was the chief signal caller throughout the season.

Renegade team Doctor, Romain Clerou, helps Captain Dick Olive get the tape off his hand as Olive sits glumly after the Renegades lost a hard-fought 30-19 contest to El Camino in the final game.

The Renegade bench looks tt>nsc as Bak­ t>rsfield trails El Camino. The cheering section stayed with them throughout the game. The look on the face of 1ack Frost, former Gade football mentor, seems to mirror the outcome of the game. The final score of this Thanksgiving Day game with El Camino was real upsetting to the host of Bakersfield College players and fans.

tl•e re11egades • •

Renegade fans hoot and holler after gridders spank Renegades line the sidelines for a kickoff late in the Pasadena 27·0. El Camino game. As the looks on the Renegades show, Bakersfield trail'ed in the game.

74 Ex-Berkeley High stars Walt Watty and Carl Gordon combine to flatten an L.A. Harbor man. Four more Gades worn in to help.

Bakersfield won going away, 42-12. Walt Napier rips off 11 yards around end for a first down against East Los Angeles. The Renegades scored on a first period pass and held on for a 6-0 score.

Everyone's all set for the opening kickoff of the L.A. Valley game. The big question then was the out­ come of the game. The answer: a 7-0 victory for Bakersfield.

75 b asketball

76 Coach Gil Bishop

Bakersfield College ...... 7l Fresno ------·--·-·-·--·---·--·-···---·--81 Bakersfield Coli ge .. ------85 Glendale ...... --··---·····-----·------·--·66 Bakersfield College ...... 83 Dixie (Utah) ...... 69 Bakersfield College...... 58 Santa Ana ...... :...... 46 Bakersfield College...... 89 Hartnell ~ .. :...... 52 Bakersfield College ...... 99 COS ...... 72 Bakersfield College ...... 89 Menlo ...... 72 Bakersfield College ...... 87 San Jose JC .. .. ,...... 77 Bakersfield College ...... 72 Glendale ...... : ...... 51 Bakersfield College...... 81 Santa Monica ...... 55 Bakersfield College ...... 70 Ventura ...... 69 Bakersfield College ...... 60 Long Beach ...... 61 Bakersfield College ...... 70 East Los Angeles ...... 57 Bakersfield College ...... 78 El Camino ...... 53 Bakersfield College ...... 92 Long Beach ...... 69 Bakersfield College ...... 69 Los Angeles Valley ...... 71 Bakersfield College ...... 89 San Diego ...... 74 Baker field College ...... 82 Santa Monica ·-·-····--··-··---·------76 Bakersfield College ...... 100* Los Angele Harbor...... 75 *New School coring Record.

71 Ralph Barkey

Leonard Brown

One of George Fields' famous layups is about to drop through the hoop as the Long Beach man tries frantically to stop him. Gade Ralph Barkey follows Fields in for the shot.

Ed Holliday

Pat Black

78 . George J:<' ields

Jim Key

Pat Black jumps high to drop in a bucket against El Camino while Ed Holliday stands poised to make sure it's in.

Ken Daugherty

Ralph McPhetridge

79 Fred Perry

Willie Montgomery

Laurie Strauss

Jim Key, Renegade center, is about to let loose with a jump shot. At the basketball banquet Key was honored as th~ most improved Renegade player.

80 Ralph Barkey scurries down court for a layup as the El Camino man closes in. Bakersfield teammate Laurie Strauss rushes in to help.

Is it in? Yep, it's two points for Pat Black. Ed Holliday is under the basket just in case. Leonard Brown, number 16, is in the fon·ground.

81 b aseball

Coach Earl Sargent

82 BASEBALL SCORE FOR 1955 Be______9 Fresno ...... 3 BC ...... 13 El Camino ...... 4. BC ______3 Fresno ...... 6 BC...... 10 Long Beach .... 14 Be______o Porterville ...... 1 BC ...... ----~- 27 Oceanside ...... *1 BC ______1 Porterville ______8 BC...... 10 Santa Monica .. *7 Be ______1 cos··········--···· 2 BC...... 6 cos ------·--····--· •5 BL______13 Reedley 2 BL...... 12 El Camino ...... *9 BC ______3 Reedley ·-----···· 2 BC ...... 5 L. A. City Coil. • 4 Be______16 Reedley ...... 5 BC...... 16 Antelope Val... x1 Be______10 L. A. Valley.... 4 BC...... ll Fresno ...... x3 BC ______19 St. Barbara JC 3 BC...... 8 COS ...... x4 BC ______. __ 16 Porterville ...... 7 BC...... 2 L. A. Harbor.. 8 BC ______16 East L.A...... 8 BC...... 16 San Diego ...... 7 BC ...... 9 Santa Monica.. 2 BC...... 2 L. A. Valley.... 3 • Azusa Tournament. x San Joaquin Valley Tournament. Games through April 25.

Here are the members of the Bakersfield Renegade baseball team, winners of the Azusa and San Joaquin Junior College Tournaments. In the back row, left to right, are Uoyd Medlen, Manager; Reggis Farley, Mike olano, Ernie Gosselin, Don Dearing, Walt Watty, John Bucka, Claude Gilbert, Pat Mills, Dick Adam , Coach Earl Sargent. In the front row are Emery Barnes, LeRoy Kollenborn, Bob Taylor, Bob Craven, Delbert Little, Bill Menagh, Harry haw, Walt Napier.

Chances were slim for a baseball championship for the Renegades as this copy went to press, but the diamond nine could still boast of their two tournament championships. J.,ong Beach was leading the league with the Renegades in third place with five wins and three losses. Just before and during the Easter holidays Bakersfield won the Azusa and San Joaquin Valley baseball tournaments, sweeping to eight straight wins in the two tourneys. For the season Coach Earl Sargent's team has 19 wins and 7 defeats.

83 Joanne Becker, pretty Bakersfield score· keeper, has dilli,culties keeping up with all the Gade hits.

or off the field • • • •

Workhorse pitcher Dick Adams is wind· ing up and about to fire one across the plate. Walt Napier comes in to score for the Renegade baseball team as Pat Mills walks toward the plate to take his turn .

Handling all the pitching chores for the Gades during the season were, left· to right: Walt Napier, Pat Mills, Don Dearing, Dick Ad· ams, and Mike Solano.

Claude Gilbert, center fielder, blasts out a for Bakersfield. ra~k

Track Coach Chris Christenson is flanked by managers Chuck Ladley on the left and Jerry Orrick on the right.

86 a 11d i i e ld

Wins for the Bakersfield College Renegade track team have been scarce this year, hut the small 15-man track squad has turned in some fine individual performances. Bakersfield athletes who qualified for the conference finals were John Notley, Alfred Lee, Morris Kyle, Leonard Brown, and Coke McClinton. The mile relay team and distanceman Pete Grossman did not have to qualify for the finals.

Here is the small but very competitive Bakersfield track team that Coach Chris Christen en fielded this year. In the BACK ROW are, left to right: Coach Christenson, Jerry Orrick, fanager; Chuck Ladley, Manager; Sherrill Sears, John Notley, Leonard Brown. MIDDLE ROW: Edclie Fi h r, Ward Holden, Bennie Walker, Alfred Lee, Henry Shumpert, Grant Schofield. FRONT ROW: Captain Jack Schuetz, Don Randolph, Blake Baumstark, Pete Grossman, Morris Kyle, and Rollie Hoffman.

87 Morris Kvle, star Gade halfmiler, strides hom"

0 II or off the field • • • •

It's a race to the finish line between dis· tance man Rollie Hoffman of the Rene· gades, left, and the Los Angeles Valley man. Weightman Blake Baumstark starts his spin in the discus ring.

Pete Grossman, ace distance man for the Gades, leads the way in the two·mile run.

Henry Shumpert, 440 man and broad jumper, leaps from the board for a dis· tance of over 20 feet in the broad jump. e•••••s•

Members of the Bakersfield College tennis team are, from left to right, Don Pond, Bob Gentry, John DeVincenzo, Ron Elrod, Paul Swafford, and Bill Bope.

Baker field College netters had won one match this year as this copy goes to press. The Gade took their first match since 1953, beating El Camino 6 to 3. Coach Don Robards will lose only one player by graduation from this year's squad.

90 Bill Bope smashes the ball over the net for a point as doubles mate Don Pond is poised for action on the right side.

Coach Don Robards

Bakersfield netters Ron Elrod and John DeVincenzo, on the far side of the net, shake hands with their opponents after a grueling match.

91 • • Wllllllliitg

Renegade swimmers, left to right, BACK ROW, are Don Beebe, Herb Walker, Fred Mears, Gordon Ellis, Ben Sill, Jack Immel, and Coach Jim Turner. In the FRONT ROW are Roger Hudson, Ken Crabell, Wade Freeland, Bill Ronaldson, Ronald Hanson, and Manager Ben Crabb.

Renegade swimmers won two and lost three meets in Metropol· itan Conference competition this year. The schools with their own pools finished on top in the conference meet. Next year Coach Jim Turner's Gades will have their own heated pool.

92 On your mark! Bakersfield swim­ mers awaiting the starting signal are, left to right, Ben Sill, Don Beebe, Jack Immel, Ken Crabe! I, Gordon Ellis, Herb Walker, Fred Mears.

Coach Jim Turner

Don Beebe springs from the board in preparation for a one and a half gainer.

93 o If

Members of the Renegade golf team are, BACK ROW, left to right: Bob Easter, Charles Maddux, Leonard Whitlock, Ralph Barkey, Coach Jack Frost. In the FRONT ROW are Eddie Ryan, Bob Pelley, G. B. Glasgow, and Dick Nelson.

An inexperienced Bakersfield College golf team, coached by Jack Frost, defeated Los Angeles Valley for their own victory in Metropolitan Conference play. Leonard Whitlock was the top man for the Gades throughout the season.

94 "Down in one," says Renegade golf star Leonard Whitlock.

Coach Jack Frost

Hey, G.B. How can you keep your eye on the ball?

95 dJDinistration PRESIDENT'S -OFFICE- dea11s

Miss Levinson, Mr. Finlinson, Dr. Si~onsen, and Dr. Merson discuss school problems over a cup of coffee.

Miss Levinson puts in many long hours helping students and teachers alike solve their problems.

98 ~OIIIISelors

Discussing counseling problems and answers are, left to right, Seated: Mjss McGuire, Mr. Freed, Mr. Heffernan, Miss Levinson, Dr. Luke, Mr. McKaig, Mr. Hemmerling. Standing, left to right: · Mr. Walt and Mr. Bishop.

Mr. Freed advises a student as to how many units his schedule for the Spring semester should contain.

99 STANDING, left to right: Miss Duerkson, Mrs. Quan, Mrs. Champness. SEATED: re~ords Mrs. Taber, Miss Daniel.



STANDING, left to right: Miss Campiglio, Miss Misono, Miss Cameron, Mr. Finlin· offi~e son, Mrs. Van Osdel, Mrs. Sears. SEATED: M{s. Goodman, Mrs. Hoffman.

100 exteiided day

Dr. Parley Kilburn

The extended day classes this year were larger than ever before and offered more varied courses. This program allows people who work in the day time to complete their educations withourconflict.

101 libraria••s LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Engles, Mr. Grainger.

11 11 r s e s

LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Rowen, Mrs. Bailey.

102 103 :f aeulty

Albaugh, Dorothy

Baldwin, Paul

Bishop, Gil

Burt, Harold

Chamberlain, P. J.

Cullinmore, Clarence

Frantz, Don

Gianopulis, George

104 Gibhs, Fred

Gillett, Georgco

Gorman, Dr. Joe

Granger, William

Hanson, Holger

Johnson, Don

J aggard, Guy

Johnston, Charlott«:

105 1ohnson, Don 1ustice, Phyllis Lefevre, Eva

f a~ulty

Levinson, Margaret Loeber, Marian Merson, Dr. Tom

106 Metzger, Charles

Neilsen, William

Robard, Don

Sogen, George

Spilsbury, Duane

Stutzman, N. D.

Wilbur, L. E.

Zimmerman, John

107 f a~ulty

Bihlman, Georgine

Bitner, Dorothy

Boyd, Dr. Harland

Casey, Dr. Jack

Emerson, Ruth

Freed, Paul

Graff, Mary

Halling, Victor

108 Harris, Norman

Heffernan, William

Hemmerling, Edwin

Hulsebus, Lowell

Ingles, Goldie

Johnson, June

Keough, Edna

Kilburn, Dr. Parley

109 Luke, Dr. Orral Lynn, Forrest McKaig, Leonard

f a~ulty

Neilsen, J. W. Parmt'nter, Lucille Schuett, Donald

110 Tigner, Richard

Wessman, Rodney

Walker, Paul

Wiggins, Clarence

Walt, Robb

Wilson, Geraldine

Young, Robert

Ill radu_ates

Abbott, Ronald

Adkisson, Jack

Ahlberg, Lloyd -

Allen, Bob

Anderson, Floyd

Arnold, Ann • raduates

Ashworth, Penny

Bagsby, Joyce

Bain, Bonnie

Barkey, Ralph

Bartel, J oycc Beasley, Pat •

114 Becky, Patty

Beebe, Don

Benge, Wanda

Bertolini, Colleen

Bied«>rman, Louise

Blackwell, Janice

elass of

Blagg, Joyce

Bledsoe, Kay

Beck, LaVan

Bock, La V<'II

Boss, Barbara

Bowden, Pat

115 Bramlett, Bobby

Bramlett, Louise •

Brown, Leonard

Brown, Richard E.

Casados, Victor

Chandler, Juanita

Chanley, James

Christian, Jean

Christensen, David

Collins, Violet

raduates Constantin, John

Cox, Harold

Crossley, Gerald • • Daugherty, Ken

Davis, Billy Jo

Dearing, Don

Deitchman, David

Dibble, Valerie

Downs, Walter

Duerk en, Ronnie

Earborn, Roger

Easter, Bill

Emery, Mary Ann·

Erickson, Bob

Flad, Fred

117 Franklin, Janet

Ghilarducci, Nancy

Giles, Tom

Goss, Jeannette

Gould, Albert S.

Graham, Willie •


Greene, Robert

Grossman, Pete Highman, Clifton •'

· Hill, Betty

Holland, Ernie

Holliday, Ed

*MJY<":' .. ~-¥ ....;~.'''"';_; -- ·-- · --- . •

118 Holley, Ron

Hoy, Alfred

Hull, Dondra

Immel, Jack

Johnson, Sylvia

Jones, Bruce

elaN o

Key, Jim

Kilburn, Kent

Kosman, Richard

Laman, Norma

Landes, Lee

Leitch, Mrs. Grace

119 Long, Louise

Louis, Pat

Love, Ida

Lurn, Gaye

Madruga, Joe

Martin, Bobbie

Mashburn, Virginia

Mattson, Don -

Mau, Gene

Martin, Thomas •

120 Maxwell, Bill

McClure, Kathleen

Mears, Fred

McRee, Jim

Miller, John

Morris, Cosby

Mulhouse, John

Murray, Dale

Neu,James •

Nord, Leland

Notley, John

Oppenheimer, Merle

Orrick, Jerry

Owens, Manuel

Patterson, Selina •

121 Porter, Loretta

Powell, Beulah

Ratzlaff, Stanley

Reed, Arlene

Rice, Caroline

Richardson, Jean


Robertson, Dale

Rockwell, Bob

Sanders, Gerald

Sawyer, Betty

Schmidt, Alfred

Shaw, LaVaughn

122 Simmons, Frances

Soloman, Erwin

ourbeer, Arlene

Spencer, Betty

Spreitzer, Sibyl

Spurgeon, Tom

Stevens, Carol

Stoller, Elaine

Summers, M. F.

Taylor, Don

Taylor, Jeff

Thompson, Ethel

123 Tolson, Janice

Tooman, Norman

Turner, Ronald

Ungles, Bob

Valdez, Luis

Watson, Bill

Watts, Don

Whaley, Leonard

Whitley, Maxine

Wilson, Linda

124 Williams, Carole

Wilson, Charles

Winder, Earlene

Williams, Bill

Winslow, Bob


125 J a utographs dvertisers

The Ra~ontetar Staff ~vould like to thank all of the ad,·ertisers ,,·ho

pla~ed an ad in the 1955


130 "Man, I'd like to have," Bill Williams tells Bob Bierlein as they examine a fine set of golf clubs at the Bakersfield Hardware Com­ pany, located at 2015 Chester Avenue.

Joanne Becker and Dorothy Arthur are mak­ ing plans for their summer wardrobe from Fedway Dept. Store, located at 2106 Chester Avenue.

Garry Gill is pictured here looking at a pic­ ture of the Raconteur editor at Reinekings' Photography, located at 216 Chester Avenue.

Gene Hughes and Tom Giles are looking over the fine election of music from Booth's Ra­ dio and Appliance Co., located at 2020 H St.


Bob's Muffler Shop, at 2431 N Street, offers Bakersfield College students the latest in automotive muffier equipment.

"All right. Pitch it right in the old mitt," Cheryl Wagner tells the photographer as Garry Gill, sports editor of the Renegade Rip, steps up to slap a hot into left field while Vince Clerou, manager of Vin­ cent's Cyclery and Sporting Goods Store, watches.

"Put on your Easter bonnet" seems to be the tune Merle Oppenheimer, at right, hums as she watches Larona Baker having her cha­ peau adjusted by the smiling saleslady at Weill's Department Store, located at 1420 19th Street.

Doyle Elliott and Dick Snyder getting ready to take a ride in a merry Oldsmobile from the Hawk Motor Co., located at 1101 18th Street.

132 Two pretty coeds, Gaye Lum and Francine Lum, are pictured here inspecting some fine vegetables from the Pacific Produce Co., located at 1814 R Street.

"Look at those crusty fragrant hamburger rolls," says the Golden Crust Bakery man to Louise Long and Carol Hooper as they take a tour through the plant at 1512 M Street. Golden Crust is Kern County's finest and large t bakery.

Jack Geer and his fiance, Nancy Burt, look for home decoration ideas at McCart and Bultman's, home of fine furnishings, located at 701 19th Street.

Nancy Keeshan, Jerry Orrick, and Jack Ad­ ki son ompare the beautie of fine foreign automobiles at R. F. Hackett, Inc., located at 2300 H Street.

133 "My, but that's a beautiful silver candy dish," Rula Keetch tells Dennis Day as they shop for fine gifts and jewelry at Wicker· sham Jewelry, Bakersfield's oldest and larg· est jeweler, located at 1531 19th Street in downtown Bakersfield.

Vera Church and Donna Dawald cast gleam· ing eyes upon one of the fine cameras on dis· · play at Towne Photo, located at 1609 19th Street. Towne Photo provides the tops in films, cameras, and photographic supplies to Bakersfield College students.

Gail Hancock and Melba Emerson compare shoe styles from among the many smart lines carried by the Guarantee Shoe Center, located at 2101 Chester Avenue.

"And here we go," says Joyce Blagg from behind the wheel of the spanking new 1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air convertible as Jim Key and Jeannette Goss hang on for the pleasur· able ride.

134 "Gee, that's a beautiful train case," Carol McGee says to Joyce Downing, as they ex­ amine the wonderful collection of J. C. Hig­ gins' white plastic matched sets offered by Sears, Roebuck and Co., located at 1317 19th Street in downtown Bakersfield.

"KBIS-970 on your dial. Listen, listen, all the while.'' With this catchy singing com­ mercial, KBIS, Bakersfield's independent music and news station, announces some of the outhern San Joaquin Valley's finest en­ tertainment. Carol Hale, Gene Mau, and Joann Kaar stage a merry rehear al behind the station microphone .

"There is a Ford in your futu1·e," from George Haberfelde, Inc., located at 1501 Chester Avenue. Pictured here are Jere Gra­ ham and Ron Colman.

"That fine gabardine wears like iron, and the cut of these slacks is the smartest thing in men's fashions," Vic Wessel at Harry Coffee's tells Art Balcerzak and Budge Lous­ talot, star football backfield men from last year's top Renegade football team. Coffee's . hop are located at 1409 19th Street and in We tche ter.

135 Ralph Barkey, Renegade basketball star, seems highly ati fied with this clas y .Hot­ point automatic di hwa her from Witham's Radio and Appliance; while Diane Peery seems to be looking mighty satisfied with Barkey. Witham's offer a complete line of home appliances and radio and television equipment.

Jack Shuetz and Chuck Ladley, left to right in the center, admire the expert craftsman­ ship of two of the experienced body and fender men at Baker field Body Work , at 117 23rd Street in downtown Bakersfield.

Bakersfield Collegians enjoy a refreshing pau e between cla e at the Budge In Drive Inn, located at 1030 Chester Avenue just a couple of short blocks from the college cam­ pus.

Linda Wilson and Colleen Bertolini seem to be ordering an expert job of wiring from the electrician at Advance Electric Company, located at 3004 Jewett Avenue. The work is ADVANCE efficient and reasonable, and the service is ELECTRIC CO. courteous.

136 ftlho gets ...... ,...... • ••• I I .. I I I I I I ... I I •I. I •. ' 4' ~ I ~ ... I ..... I I o ...... •· ...... ' ...... ~ ...... I ...... '.I I I I I I. I ' I I I I. I I I I ...... ,

MITCHELL A SNYDER OFFICE MACHINE CO. 1021 North Chester Ave. FA: 52469


137 I autographs


a ~ k II 0 w I e d g Ill e II ' s

Mr. Duane Spilsbury for being our advisor.

Mr. Paul Baldwin for being our chief photographer.

Mr. and Mrs. Reineking, 216 Chester Avenue, for sophomore picture .

The S. K. Smith Company, 5260 W. 104th Street, Los Angeles, for our cover.

California Art & Engraving, 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, for our engravings.

Lederer, Street & Zeus Company, 2121 All ton Way, Berkeley, for printing our book.

Mr. AI Dennis, Mr. Jack Edmoundsen, Mr. George Landers, Mr. Don Pon, Mr. Bob Winslow, Mr. Sam Trivitt, Mr. Clyde Stepheson, and Mrs. Beverly Torkilson for additional photographs.

