Torrance Herald
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^THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1941 TORRANCE HERALD. To Final Round of Baseball Tourney UNDEFEATED ELLBEES AND """ Starts Saturday;- . .. _ -..Five Clubs in Race How LOCKHEED CLASH FRIDAY Teams Stewart Named Redondo A. C. jCaught O££ Base . At the Tourney Stand in Series Athlete-of-Bonth Boxing MOTTtH N' HOTTER Biin^ine tin- fourth round of tho Caliloniin Sinii 1'ro HUM- Shows bnll Tournament to an end, I wo undeieuled teams will clash in what may ho the deeldhiK Kainr at Toirance city park to tumor- Open Tuesday row (Friday) nitfht. They are the LOIIK Beach Ellbees and Ixjek- With i Ight all .star bouts on TIGHTEST GAME ... It re h«?d Aircraft, each with-three wins in the Tonaiicr- series, which the opening card, the Iledoiu(p STEVENSON STARS. In mak continues through August Named "Soul hern California : uods to stage the tightest 4 or* '- FRIDAY Athletic Club is Opening ing 10 of the 14 assists v for El " gant. 5. NIGHT, JULY 25: Atnlete-of-the-Month," William a new Eleei 13-3 (Bill) Stewart, Torrance fight arena in the remodeled Segum'o in the game with Wil- Tonight and Atascadero high Cafcr Food Centers N. \ Jumper, winner of the National Mandafln Fullroofn, n<_xt Tues and Vultc "Vultirians meet at 8 It-Is. Tli Ellbees have I cifttk. Oml,b und .M..U-: Sol.rin- day i,it/|,t. Matches will be .pre ipheil over A. A. "U. Senior- and -Junior o'clock, the los.-r to be ellmi- trim Wllmlngto'n r dcr and McC.ibo. championships sented tliere weelily by B. J. In ad- MerchnnU 8-C, this summer, was nated from the Calcrs Food Cen- SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 26: presented with r, gold plaque, Grifiith. promoter, and E. J. Far- dltion to the unbeaten Ellbo q tl'rs 11 ' 1 a'"l Torrancc Indians .. B. Ellljceg Cll rrll, niaichmakcr. Only the best e 11.5 HOO H Ii emblematic of this honor, at the and Lockheed, thr-re a only "-2- 'or. Indians 010 001 out) 1 f. ' dinner-meeting of the Klwanls flghtdi in the amateur' clasi' three other clubs ivina ling in ill UriKhlii will U signij Tor the bouts. Brief reports on games dur- fli- lub Monday night. The pivscn- the race foi- the state ; mi-pro Ing the past week follow: li.inlvlx lation was made by Bill Schroe- The ballroom, long a popular championship. National Baseball night, .spot, PEI-SIS OUT . der, managing director of the offers the maximum Congress gold trophy and a $500 . Calcr Foods SUNDAY in comfortable *""": eliminated Pepsi Cola from AFTER ERNDON, JULY 2 Helms Athletic Foundation on seating and light award that will enable tl the cno mil am '.i 10 behalf of the S. C. Athlete-of- ing, with a capacity of 1,500 ner to compete in the n I j touriKiinont last Thursday nite, s. Griffith . J 2 Month Board, composed of has arranged for t o u r n it in e n t next m to 1. George Smyer's single i . i I Los Angeles sports editors. eight bouts each Tuesday even- Wichlta, Kansas scored J. Donovan, who walked I u-l Stewart won the National A. and many stars of the A. Dale liiley, state se ii- in the seventh, to give Calers' U. tournament already the game. Ed Humc held Pepsi j SUNDAY NIGHT, JULY 27: i. U. Junior high jump cham have ?Un-iM been signed. Glenn Lee, arge to' s<-ven scattered hitu while (in,-, ill'O 1U'--I1 II pionship at Philadelphia June 28, the Ne local tonn I ^. V. A. IIIO 1'tlO -101 S braska Mnrtln Chapman gave up only'' ( 1C establishing a new meet record Wildcat is now training personnel "All •n new sensational heavy we)ght,! four binglc-s to the Calermen. ; LI,I ' { of 6 ft. H 3-8 inches. On the fol- loam din tonight's '"'lowing day he defeated the- Harold Benhain for the first' This honor squad is being selec-j SEUUNDO SCOKES . Wil world high Jump record holder, show. ted by an anonymous committee i mington Merchants were knock Steers of Ore., annexing the na- The arena provides 240 ring .,! veteran players, officlaN and ed out of the race by El Segun- ly'limu. * tlonal senior title at a new meet side seats, priced at 85 cents, managers Horn ;unong the ranks do last Friday night, 7 to 0. It [,'.!',', ;I record height. Steers actually including tax; 646 reserved at of amateur players who have was the first shut-out of the ,m,i'niii itied Stewart at 6 ft. U ;14 in. -- 65 cents, and the balance at gen not "been up" with any. majoi scries, N'ick Schrocder gettlngi j equalling the listed world re eral admission, which is 40 cents. or minor league club. credit for his mound work. Se-| cord - but Stewart cleared the In the main event Tuesday nite, j V. S. O. Be.ieflt Planned gundo shelled Harrlson Clark j jlbar with fewer misses, Jimmy Martin, light heavy Arrangements have been made from Uie mound early in the ami .McCuhv: White. I The Torrance leaper was the weight champion in the A. A. for a post-Tournament game first inning after he gave up ___ «n<i i .limes'..________ I proud possessor of the world U. Tournament will meet Ernie Saturday night. August 9, at 8 four runs off two hits and made| > high jump record himself for an Zacho, Intel-mountain light heavy (.'clock between the "All State" two errors. ! on th nound after Joe Krolo-1 hour ol. so in Ap,.^ At p,.ovo weight champion. team and an "All Star' club. ich h"d «"°*cd fiw h" five | Utah he established This latter aggregation s be KLLBEES WIN . Pounding I a m four Torrance Indian pitchers I '"s »"»! two walks in th third | mark of « ft. 10'. in. only to Di Maggio's ing picked by Pete S nchez.' , j0 1 learn a short time later that president of the Sonthcri Call-< for 18 hits, L. B. Ellbees won 1-1, but thi Alrcrafters were to 2 ' last Saturday night. Ed. be stopped Ked Blidgens was 'Steers in Seattle on the same Lucky Number . fornia Baseball Manager afternoon had bettered his mark, sociation. from among t Cook was retired ii i the- first 'credited wii 'Hill, and after giving up six and Schafte got homeruns for N.! J">W«lf 6 « 10 25-32 in. Exclusively His actlon'm ?h?Torram°e serie/Ti! I four »»s- "Murf Brown was"cre£ I Y -A., ile Kamsey. ayd Arbel- ! Second Turrunce Winner ? n,. dsrmmth^u ,n win I 'U'd with Ellbees' win. George bide did the same tor The suggestion conies from an Lock-! Bill Stewart was born in Wil- eminent sportswriter that Joe Di i ,-, i ... i i? i-mi i i ,. I Brown, young Pete Sanchez and heed. Kubiak, Lockheed second ; mington, Noi-th Carolina August I n,,'rL,,",r, r,ni I Jimmy Daniels couldn't stop the saeker, got three Maggio be assigned the number for three 19, 1»21. He will be 20 next 56 to wear on his uniform Toimia eiIT-iim^ will MIII ' Ellbees powerhouse. I two of them doubles --to lead I month. Bill attended Torrance as a lounwnient games will MJII-, . - » . , in-batting honors. .- "i high school, taking part foot- special tribute to his record- t .ue every night next week un- lu^BUfillS UOL'TKD ... An ! ' ' breaking batting spree. t the winning ball and truck. He played team is decided. altm.aUon between Arico, \'orth- VL'LTEE VICTOR1S . ball under Coach Bernie Dona Certainly 56 is the California 'Itie schnlule is now being made rup third saeker, at bat and! holding the Kelman Electrics boy's lucky number. Not only I out just one night in advance hue and high-jumped for Coac | Buzz Bachtelle, L. B. Kambler | five scattered hits, Blackwell, Pete Zamperini, whose brother did he hit in 56 consecutivi because of elim nation of clubs pitcher, in th sixth didn't do j pitcher for the Vultee Vultarians games to establish an all-time that have lust t vo games since Louis, won the "Athlete-of-the the latt any good because enabled the aircrafters to knock Month" award in February, '-10. world record, he also, drove ii the series got nder way July the Kelmen out 56 runs, and scored 66 time; Bachtelle as rapped for four of the tourm In 1938 Stewart won the L. 12. runs, thru hits and four -walks ment by a score of li to 3 Mor A. himself perhaps the most ] The Lockh<e< Ellbee game City High School and California amazing triple-threat perform as the Northrup Bombers blitz, day night. State nteet high junip champion- should be anothi thriller for the ed the Ramblers out of the ser ance in the history of baseball. fans. Both are strong clubs, BOMBEKS BLITZ . Nortr ships, setting a record of G ft. ies 9 to 4 Sunday afternoon. Jim 1 in. in .the boasting some of the heaviest Crandall scattered the Kamblers rup Bombers blasted El Segui city competition. The total number of plan( hitters In the entire series. Lock do out of the tourney Tuesday He then represented Torrance In both the U. S. Army Bud i nine hits, was credited with the the National A. A. U. et heed Is hoping for another win win. night 5 to 2 with Bob White at is said to be between 8,500 and tin; chance to again repre and Jim Crandall sharing c dii Lincoln; Nebraska und took 10.500.