
The Riverlands Migratory Sanctuary (RMBS) Sp Su F W Species Sp Su F W Species Sp Su F W includes 1200 acres located in the heart of the Mississippi Flyway. These public lands and waters provide excellent CICONIFORMES ___ Lesser Yellowlegs c f u o habitat for that migrate in the east and central sections ___ Greater White-fronted (+) u u r ___ American (-) u r u o ___ Upland Sandpiper (-) o o of the , as well as long distance vagrants. ___ Snow Goose (+) f o u r ___ (-) r r ___ Whimbrel o ___ Ross's Goose (+) r r ___ Great Blue a a a u ___ Hudsonian Godwit r A o During the migration season (October 15 - April 15) the ___ Canada Goose # a c a a ___ Great c a u A ___ Marbled Godwit r o o ___ Mute r r ___ (+) f c f ___ r r r Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary is restricted to ___ Trumpeter Swan (+) r c c ___ (+) f a f ___ Red Knot A A visitors, except on paved roads and parking lots. ___ Tundra Swan o o r ___ Tri-colored Heron A A ___ Sanderling r r u ___ Wood # c c c u ___ u c r ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper c u c This checklist was compiled by the Rivers Project Office of ___ Gadwall c c u ___ u u r ___ Western Sandpiper r r u the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in cooperation with the ___ American (-) u u r ___ Black Crowned # u u u r ___ Least Sandpiper f c a o St. Louis Audubon Society and the Webster Groves Nature ___ r r r ___ Yellow Crowned Night Heron o ___ White-rumped Sandpiper u r o Study Society. The dedication and observations from these ___ # a c a a ___ White * A ___ Baird's Sandpiper r r u organizations have been greatly appreciated. ___ Blue-winged Teal # c u c o ___ * A A ___ Pectoral Sandpiper c f a ___ A ___ White faced Ibis A ___ Dunlin u r u r ___ c o c r ___ Wood * A ___ Stilt Sandpiper r u u STATUS: Season status based upon probability of species ___ (+) c c r ___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper (-) o r u being observed. ___ Green-winged Teal c o c r ___ Ruff * A ___ Canvasback a/c o r c/a ___ Vulture f f u o ___ Short-billed Dowitcher u r u Sp - Spring ___ u o u r ___ Osprey (-) u f A ___ Long-billed Dowitcher u r u Su - Summer ___ Ring-necked Duck c o c r ___ Mississippi Kite o ___ Wilson’s Snipe u u r F - Fall ___ A ___ # u o r a ___ Wilson's Phalarope u r u W - Winter ___ (-) r r r ___ u o f f ___ Red-necked Phalarope o r o ___ c r f r ___ Sharp-shinned r r ___ Red Phalarope * A ___ Harlequin Duck * A ___ Cooper’s Hawk r u r ___ Laughing Gull r o r (a) = Abundant - Occurs in great numbers at a given season ___ Surf o r o ___ o ___ Franklin's Gull r o u o and habitat; many individuals can be seen in a day. ___ White-winged Scoter o r o ___ Red-shouldered Hawk o o o ___ Little Gull A o (c) = Common - Occurs in considerable numbers at a given ___ Black Scoter o o o ___ Broad-winged Hawk r u ___ Black-headed Gull A season and habitat; several seen in a day. ___ Long-tailed Duck r o r ___ Swainson's Hawk A ___ Bonaparte's Gull c o c o (f) = Fairly common - Occurs in numbers but to a lesser ___ c c c ___ Red-tailed Hawk # c u c c ___ Ring-billed Gull a u c a degree than common. ___ a/c o r c/a ___ Rough-legged Hawk r o r ___ * o o (u) = Uncommon - Occurs in small numbers and may be ___ Barrow's Goldeneye * A ___ Golden Eagle o o ___ Herring Gull f A u a/c ___ A ___ American Kestrel # c f c c ___ Thayer's Gull o r limited by habitat; even if looked for in the right season and ___ Hooded Merganser # c r c u ___ Merlin r r o ___ Iceland Gull o habitat. It might be missed in a day. ___ Common Merganser c u c/a ___ # u r u u ___ Lesser Black-backed Gull r (r) = Rare - Sparingly reported, occurs a few times a year; ___ Red-breasted Merganser c A u f ___ Prairie Falcon A ___ Slaty-backed Gull A hard to find, probably limited by season and habitat. ___ c o c r ___ Glaucous-winged Gull * A (o) = Occasional - Occasional visitor; few records. ___ Glaucous Gull r A A r (A) = Accidental - Less than five records. ___ Yellow A ___ Great Black-backed Gull o o r * = Birds seen since 1992 that are accidentals/occasionals. ___ Ring-necked u u u u ___ King Rail o o o ___ Sabine's Gull o # = Birds known to nest on the management area. ___ Wild Turkey o o o o ___ Virginia Rail o o ___ Black-legged * o o o ___ Northern Bobwhite # f f f u ___ Sora f f ___ Ross's Gull * A (+) = Numbers of birds have increased due to Western ___ Purple Gallinule * A ___ Least o r r species moving east, Southern species moving North, GAVIFORMES ___ o o ___ Caspian Tern f o f overall increase in population of species. ___ Red-throated A ___ American a u c r ___ Black Tern (-) u u u (-) = Numbers of birds decreased due to 1993 flood, ___ Pacific Loon * o ___ Sandhill A ___ u/f o r general decrease in population of species. ___ (-) u o u r ___ Forster's Tern f r f ___ Black Skimmer A PODICIPEDIFORMES ___ Black-bellied Plover u r u ___ Pomarine Jaeger A A A This checklist is dedicated in memorial to Jack Van ___ Pied-billed # c u c r ___ American Golden-Plover u r u ___ Parasitic Jaeger A Benthuysen, a birder for over 50 years, who showed ___ f o f r ___ Semipalmated Plover u u r ___ Red-necked Grebe o o ___ Piping Plover (-) o o r COLUMBIFORMES extreme enthusiasm and dedication in the Riverlands ___ Eared Grebe r o r ___ Killdeer # a/c c a/c r ___ Rock Pigeon# c c c c Migratory Bird Sanctuary. The Rivers Project, one of ___ Western Grebe * o r ___ Black-necked Stilt * o r o ___ Eurasian Collared-dove o his favorite spots, remembers Jack Van Benthuysen for ___ American Avocet r r r ___ Mourning Dove # a a a c his contributions for identifying rare birds throughout ___ Spotted Sandpiper # u r u the Environmental Demonstration Area. ___ American White (+) c r c o ___ Solitary Sandpiper u u r o ___ Neotropic A ___ Greater Yellowlegs f f u ___ Double-crested Cormorant c r c r ___ Willet r r r

Species Sp Su F W Species Sp Su F W Species Sp Su F W

CUCULIFORMES ___ Vesper Sparrow r r ___ Black-capped Chickadee c u u c ___ Yellow-billed u u u ___ Savannah Sparrow a a u ___ Tufted Titmouse f f f f ___ Black-billed Cuckoo o o o ___ Grasshopper Sparrow r r o ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch o ___ Henslow’s Sparrow o ___ White-breasted Nuthatch u u u u STRIGIFORMES ___ Le Conte's Sparrow r u o ___ Brown Creeper r r ___ Great Horned u u u u ___ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow o r ___ Carolina Wren u u u u ___ Barred Owl u u u u ___ Sparrow u u u ___ House Wren u u u ___ Long-eared Owl o r r ___ Song Sparrow # a a a a ___ Winter Wren o o ___ Short-eared Owl r f ___ Lincoln's Sparrow u u ___ Sedge Wren u r c Checklist of Birds ___ Swamp Sparrow c c u ___ Marsh Wren c r c ___ White-throated Sparrow a c a ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet r u For the ___ Common Nighthawk u u ___ Harris’s Sparrow o ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet f f r ___ White-crowned Sparrow r c u Riverlands ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher f f f ___ Dark-eyed Junco u u c ___ Eastern # u u u r ___ Chimney Swift c a u ___ Lapland Longspur r r u Migratory Bird Sanctuary ___ Veery o o ___ Ruby-throated u r u ___ Smith's Longspur o o ___ Swainson's Thrush o o ___ Snow Bunting * r ___ Hermit Thrush o CORACIFORMES ___ # c c c u ___ Wood Thrush o o ___ Belted Kingfisher u u u r ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak u r u ___ American Robin # c c c f ___ Blue Grosbeak r ___ Gray Catbird u u u ___ Indigo Bunting # a a a ___ Northern Mockingbird u u u r ___ Red-headed Woodpecker r r r ___ Dickcissel # a a u ___ Brown Thrasher u u u ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker u u u u ___ Bobolink r r ___ European Starling a a a a ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker r ___ Red-winged Blackbird # a a a u ___ American Pipit r r r o ___ Downy Woodpecker u u u u ___ Eastern Meadowlark c c c u ___ Sprague’s Pipit A ___ Hairy Woodpecker o ___ Western Meadowlark r r ___ Cedar Waxwing o o ___ Northern Flicker u u u u ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird o ___ Tennessee Warbler u u ___ Pileated Woodpecker u u u u ___ Rusty Blackbird f u u ___ Orange-crowned Warbler r u ___ Brewer's Blackbird u r o ___ Nashville Warbler u u PASSERIFORMES ___ Great-tailed Grackle* A ___ Northern Parula r r ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher A ___ Common Grackle # a c a c ___ Yellow Warbler u u r ___ Eastern Wood-Pewee u u u ___ Brown-headed Cowbird # a a a r ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler u u ___ Acadian Flycatcher u u u ___ Orchard Oriole o o ___ Magnolia Warbler u u ___ Alder Flycatcher o ___ Baltimore Oriole # u u r ___ Cape May Warbler r r ___ Willow Flycatcher r r o ___ Purple Finch r r ___ Black-throated Blue Warbler o ___ Least Flycatcher o ___ House Finch u u u u ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler u r u ___ Eastern Phoebe r r r ___ Pine Siskin r r ___ Black-throated Green Warbler r r ___ Great Crested Flycatcher u u u ___ American Goldfinch # c a a r ___ Blackburnian Warbler r r ___ Western Kingbird * A ___ House Sparrow u u u u ___ Yellow-throated Warbler r r ___ Eastern Kingbird # u u u ___ f f f f ___ Palm Warbler f r ___ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher o ___ Bay-breasted Warbler r ___ Loggerhead Shrike * o o o o ___ Blackpoll Warbler r r Total number of species: 299 ___ White-eyed Vireo o o o ___ Black and White Warbler r r ___ Bell’s Vireo o ___ American Redstart r r ___ Yellow-throated Vireo o ___ Prothonotary Warbler # u u u The Rivers Project is interested in new or unusual ___ Blue-headed Vireo o ___ Ovenbird r r sightings. Please report any unusual sightings to the ___ Warbling Vireo f f f ___ Northern Waterthrush r r ___ Philadelphia Vireo o management office or a park ranger. ___ Louisiana Waterthrush r r ___ Red-eyed Vireo o Rivers Project Office ___ Kentucky Warbler o ___ Blue Jay f f f ___ Common Yellowthroat # c c u o Date: 301 Riverlands Way ___ American Crow # c u c c ___ Wilson's Warbler r r ___ Fish Crow f u u West Alton, MO 63386 ___ Summer Tanager o o ___ Horned Lark # c c c c Species: ___ Spotted Towhee A (636)-899-2600 or toll free at ___ Purple Martin c r c ___ Eastern Towhee r r ___ Tree Swallow # c a a 1-(888)-899-2602 ___ a u a Location: ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow # c c a ___ u u ___ Bank Swallow u u u ___ Clay-colored Sparrow r r ___ Cliff Swallow # u a c Revised 5/07 ___ Field Sparrow c u c r ___ Barn Swallow u u c