Cleeve, Marigold, Comp. TITLE Suggestions for the Classical Shelves of a School Library
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 044 989 EL 002 025 AUTHOR Colehourn, R., Comm.; Cleeve, Marigold, Comp. TITLE Suggestions for the Classical Shelves of a School Library. INSTITUTION Joint Association of Classical Teachers, Oxford (England) . REPORT NO JACT-Pap-No-3-Rev PUB DATE Mar 68 NOTE 14p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC -$0.P0 DESCRIPTORS Ancient History, Archaeology, Architecture, *Bibliographies, *Classical Languages, Classical Literature, *Greek Literature, History, Instructional Program Divisions, *Latin Literature, Library Material Selection, Literary Criticism, Literary History, *Reference Books ABSTRACT This bibliography is suggested for use by students and teachers of Latin, Greek and ancient civilizations. Entries are compiled under the headings of: (1) bibliographies and journals including bocklists, periodicals, and hooks for teachers; (2) reference works in literature, mythology, history and antiquities, and language; (3) texts and anthologies; (4) commentaries on Greek and Latin classics;(5) translations; (6) literary history and criticism;(7) ancient history; (P) Roman 71ritain; (9) archaeology, antiquities, and society:(10) architecture and art including works on Greece, Rome, and Fturia; (11) philosophy and science;(12) the legacy of antiquity;(1?) later Latin, (14) fiction; and (15) nonfiction for younger pupils. Data on publisher and price are included for the approximately 550 entries. (RL) U.S. DEPAIITFAENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION P. WELFARE OFFICE OFEDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF The Joint Association of Classical Teachers VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES. SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY SERVICE AND INFORMATION BUREAU. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CLASSICAL SHELVES OF A SCHOOL Paper No.
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