Geelong, Western District & Squatters Directory 1866-1867 (Stevens) Ref. AU7011 ISBN: 978 1 921175 25 1

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Squatters , Storekeepers , and Shipping supp li ed on the most favorable terms.

L75C cv dS' Z?S:i Z5 a?lo Drapery. Show Room. Clothing. Furnishing.

Calicoes Mantles Gents ' Clothing Carpets Sheetings Shawls Boys' & Youths' do. Hearth Rugs Linens Millinery Tweeds FloorCloths Prints Bonnets and Hats Cloths Mattings Dresses Underclothing Hats Cornice Poles Silks Parachutes Caps Damasks Flannels Real Furs Shirts Door Mats Blankets and Quilts Jupons Portmanteaus Sheepskin Mats Hosiery and Gloves Stays Carpet Bags CarriageTrimmings &c., &c. &c., &c. &c., &c. &c., &c.

TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Every description of ts', Boys', and Youths' Clothing made up in the most FashionableStyle. ADVERTISEMENTS. in. Igqrt( C T !d Ltvll TAILORINGESTABLISHMENT. AN J. M. ANDERSON Begs respectfully to call attention to his large and well-assorted stock of New Goods for the Season, which embraces some of the choicest p*tterni , combined with the best qualities procurable, in Cloths , Tweeds, and Doeskins, A first-class Tradesman is employed in the Cutting Department, who has every garment made up under his own superintendence, and can, therefore, safely guarantee as good a fit and as thorough workmanship as can be procured in any first-class tailoring establishment in the colonies. While desirous of giving the best materials, and employing first-class labour, J. M. A. is anxious to extend and support colonial industry ; it will, therefore, be his duty, aq'it will be his interest, to seek to develop it by the adoption of the most reasonable charges, and punctually attending to all orders with which he may be favoured. J. M. A.'s Stock of CLOD Shirts , Hosiery, Gloves , and Neckties, Is well assorted and of the newest styles, while the prices are strictly moderate. Orders from all parts of the Country carefully and punctually attended to. Directions for Self -Measurement may be had on app li cation. 8 MALOP STREET , GEELONG, April, 1866. THE GEELONGSEA-BATHING COMPANY'S


xE above favourite and fashionable Baths are NOW OPEN to the Public, under the luperintendeuce of Mr. and Mrs. RIONEr. The following is the Scale of Charges for he Season First-class Family Season Tickets ...... £ 2 0 0 First-class Single do...... 1 0 0 First-classMonthly do. .. 0 7 6 First -class Weekly do...... 0 2 6 Fi rst-c lass Single Baths ...... 0 0 6 Second-class Single Baths ...... 0 0 3 First-class Single Baths, per dozen ...... 0 4 0 Tickets may be had on application to the Superintendent at the Baths ; or to J. X. ANDERSON , Secretary. MALOP STREET. IV. ADVIMTISEMENTS.


Excursion, Picnic and Wedding Parties, Families, Commercial Travellers and others, requiring to hire Conveyances, can be provided upon the shortest notice with Horses and Vehicles of any description, at extremely moderate rates. Horses taken in to Bait or Livery at Geelong or Queensolif. None but thorough rooms employed. Terms by the Day, Week, or Month, as per agreement. SADDLE HORSES TO LET FOR LADIESOR GENTLEMEN. An extensive assortment of American Buggies, Carryalls, Wagonettes, Private Coaches, Express Wagons, Tilburys, Dog Carts, and English and American Carriages, constantly on hire. These Vehicles are of a superior description, and fitted with all modern improvements. EXPRESS CONVEYANCES. Conveyances, suited for Bush Travelling, can be supplied upon the shortest notice, and dispatched to any part of the colony. None but experienced and steady drivers employed. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. On Public Holidays, great facilities are offered to Excursionists to QUEENSCLIFF, BARWON HEADS , and other favourite resorts. Parties of two, three, or four may hire a Private Vehicle, with one or two horses, at Ordinary Coach Fares. These Vehicles are received at our Queenscliff Stables, without any charge for bait. To Captains , Pilots , and Ship Passengers. Express -Conveyances at all hours, night or day, to and from Queenscliff and Geelong Drivers furnished whenever required. Telegrams promptly attended to, and when required , Vehicles will await the arrival of Trains. COACHES TO AND FROM QUEENSCLIFF AND GEELONG. Two Coaches are dispatched daily, with Passengers and Luggage, to and from the Union Hotel, Geelong, and Queenscliff. W UDUAL BOOKING 0 FIC 9 COBB & CO.'S WESTERN LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHES. Passengers and Parcels booked and forwarded to all parts of the Western District including Colac, Camperdown, Warrnambool, Belfast, Portland, Birregurra, Darling- ton, Cressy, Mortlake, Carramut, Hamilton, Shelford, Rokewood, Pitfield, Penshurst, Penola, Hotspur, Sandford, Casterton, Heywood, Lintons, Coleraine, Digby, Merino. Every Information will be given at the Coach Office. THOMASSTONEMAN & Co., Proprietors, ADVERTISEMENTS. V.


238 BOURKE STREET EAST, NEAR THE PARLIAMENT HOUSES, Respectfully announces immense reduction in his charges for every descrip- tion of Garments, without any decrease in the actual value of articles supplied. The same scrupulous care which always distinguished his opera- tions, the same elegance of design and completeness of finish, will be exemplified in the execution of every order.

,In (Excellent 2tnch .nf te'Eebi¢st Vnttern5 nA.1' on 440. SUITSOF CLOT19, AT SIX HOURS"OT L LADIES' RIDING HABITS Of the choicest description , latest Fashions , beautifu ll y made. F I T U N R I V A L L E D. Good Tweed Suits , from £2 15s. FROCK OR DRESS SUITS, FROM £6. LADIES' HABITS,FIRST-CLASS IN STYLE ANDMODERATE IN PRICE,

Country Orders promptly attended to. vi. ADVERTISEMENTS. GROVER & BAKER



The Grover -Baker Elastic-StitchMachines Will hem , fell, cord, bind , tuck, gather , quilt, braid and embroider . They are simple, durable, and not liable to derangement . They sew from ordinary reels, and no re- winding of the thread is necessary . They sew with equal facility all fabrics, the most delicate and the heaviest , and with all kinds of thread, silk , cotton, or linen; their seam is so strong and elastic that 'it never breaks even on the bias . They fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation . Their seam, though cut at every sixth stitch, remains firm , and neither runs or ravels in wear . Their seam is plump and beautiful, and retains its plumpness and beauty after washing better than any other . Their seam can be removed in altering garments , after proper instruction, without picking or cutting them . Watching and varying the tensions upon the threads , necessary in other machines , is unnecessary in these. The tensions being once adjusted on the Grover & Baker elastic-stitch machine , any amount ' of sewing may be done without change. They make beautiful embroidery , and are the only machines that both embroider and sew perfectly. Grover& Baker Shuttle or Lock-StitchMachines, Which are comparatively new, combine the good points of former shuttle machines with most important improvements , making them the most simple , perfect, efficient, and durable shuttle or " lock-stitch " machines yet introduced. Hence the universal favour and success of the machines wherever known. For all descriptions of cloth or leather work they have no equal. The Highest Premiums Over all competitors , both for machines and machine-work, were taken by the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company , in 1863 and 1864, at 31 State and County Exhibitions , in America , where all the other leading machines were placed in competition Upwards of 100,000 of these Machines are in use in all parts of the World. Head Office for the Australian Colonies: 80 COLLINS STREET EAST, . á á ADVERTISEMENTS.


GENTLEMEN,We would beg to again draw your attention to the following important facts, having reference to our SOLUBLE SHEEP -DIPPING COMPOSITION. First : We introduced it in the end of December, 1864, only twenty-seven months ago, since which time the sale has gone on steadily increasing, we having sold since then over one hundred and twenty tons, or sufficient to dip four million eight hundred thousand sheep ; we believe that this fact alone ought to stamp its value. Secondly :-We subjoin the certi- ficate of Mr. George Foord, Analytical Chemist, as to the care with which it is made, and in the next page we give a few certificates from men of known standing in this colony, In intimate connection with the above, we would wish to direct your attention to our SOFT SOAP, also to Mr. Foord's report thereon ; but more particu- larly would we wish you to carefully note the letter of our Sydney agent, wherein he says that wool washed with our soap brought one penny per pound more than the same clip washed with hard soap. We also are manufacturers of the strongest liquid Ammonia, which by many is preferred even to soft soap for wool scouring. We are, Gentlemen, your obedient servants, HOOD & Co., Manufacturing Chemists. 180 ELIZABETHST., MELBOURNE. CERTIFICATES. Melbourne, 4th April, 1866. Messrs. Hoon & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Elizabeth street, Melbourne. GaxnLEMEr.-- I have examined your Sheep -dipping Composition and am well acquainted with its manufacture. I know it to be carefully prepared, and in my opinion it is eminently qualified for the purpose of curing scab without impairing the texture of the wool. GEORGE FOORD, F.C.S., London, Analytical Chemist, &c., &c.

Melbourne, 4th April, 1866. Messrs. Hoon & Co. GEaTLxscax .-- A sample of your Soft Soap was examined by me; it is a pure Soap; it is free from all excess of alkali beyond that essential to proper detergent qualities. GEORGE FOORD , F.C.S., London, Analytical Chemist, &c., &c. ADVERTISEMENTS. iL

CERTIFICATE S-CONTINUED. Sydney, January 30, 1866. Messrs . HooD & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, 160 Elizabeth street, Melbourne. DEAR SIRS.-I mentioned in my letter of 16th inst. that I had sent some of your Soft Soap to a country customer. I am glad to inform you that he speaks highly in its favour. He says that it makes the wool softer than when washed with hard soap, and that the parcel washed with it brought Id. per pound more than the same clip did washed with othersoap. 178 Pitt street, Sydney. (Signed) E. H. O'NEILL.

Messrs. LORD, CROAKER, & Co. Breakfast Creek, March 7, 1866. GENTLEMEN: In answer to yours of 14th lilt, we have to state, for your guidance and information as well as in justice to Messrs. Hood & Co., that in the end of 1864 we dipped over 10,000 sheep, all more or less scabby, in their preparation. First dipping was done as the sheep left the shearers; the second, in twenty days after; and the third, in ten days after that. We made the wash on the second dipping ten per cent. stronger than recommended; in all other respects we were guided precisely by Messrs. Hood & Co.'s directions. We have only further to state that we have never seen a single case of scab in our flocks since the second dipping, sixteen months ago, and that we consider it has this other important recommendation:--Whereas all other sheep- dressings , with which we are acquainted, more or less injure and discolour the wool, Messrs . Hood & Co.'s, in our opinion, improves it in colour, texture, and weight. J. & A. TAYLOR.

Messrs. Hoon & Co. Summerhill, November 4th, 1865. GENTLEMEN.-I feel great pleasure in being able to bear testimony to the efficacy of your preparation as a cure for scab. After giving everything else a fair trial, I had recourse to your stuff, and I am happy to say it answered my most sanguine expecta- tion. I can confidently recommend it, as being not only effectual but cheaper than anything I am acquainted with, besides being so easily prepared for use. I unhesita- ingly pronounce it what you have named it, a Spec ific for Scab if properly used. Truly yours, THOS. WILSON. The preceding certificate from Dr. Wilson was presented to us after a trial of fully fifteen months; the sheep operated on were Leicester, the most difficult to cure. From these circumstances and from the Doctor's well established position as a scientific man, we receive this result of his unbiassed judgment as an opinion which should command great weight.

Extract from a letter received from L. RYAN, Esq., Bunyip, Wimmera. " I dipped some flocks in tobacco and sulphur, and some in your preparation The only difference observable now is, that the wool of those dipped in yours is clean and fit for market, whereas with those dipped in tobacco it is muc )*stained . The scab was cured in each case, both by the tobacco and by the use of yours. Your preparation is only about one-third the price of tobacco, and much easier of application. I am so much impressed with the value of your composition that I shall in future use it every year, even on clean flocks, to promote the growth of the wool, and to destroy tick, &c."

Messrs. HOOD& Co., Melbourne. Morton's Hotel, March 9, 1865. DEAR SIRS.-I may inform you that I have used your Sheep-dipping Composition very largely, and with the greatest success. My sheep were very badly infected with scab, some of them I dipped but twice, while others needed three dippings to effect a cure; but as I went on the principle of making a thorough cure, an extra dipping was of no object to me. I am certainly of opinion that your Composition is the most reliable as well as the cheapest remedy for scab, and I can confidently recommend it to the notice of all those whose flocks are troubled with that disease , as a simple , cheap , safe, and certain cure , if the directions are followed to the letter . It is not more than one-fourth the cost of tobacco. I remain, dear sir , faithfully yours, Lake Meran, Lower Loddon. DONALD CAMERON.

HOOD A Co., Wholesale Chemists , 160 Elizabeth street, Melbourne, E. ADVERTISEMENTS. ALraa-0 C BILLIARDTABLE MANUFACTURERS, " I never played on a better table in my life."--JoHN RoBERTS, Champion Billiard Player of the World. First Match played in , vide Argus, Aug. 30, 1864.

oMuth THE CHAMPION BILLIARD TABLE. BlackwoodBilliard Tables, warranted to stand the test of any climate. Cloth, Balls , Cues, Tips, and every other requisite for the Billi ard Saloon.




'Will fL9 84 RUSSELL ST., mzzoloiumn



MONUMENTSAND HE In Polished Aberdeen and Peter and Marble, from £4 10s. t


Always fixed in Show Rooms to select from. Prices : £4 to £100.

A Large Assortment from £7 to £18.




In addition to which i8 Incorporated an ALMANAC FOR 1866, GARDENERS' CALENDAR, GOLD READY RECKONER, &c., &c.:



COMPILED BY GEO. STEVENS, Compiler of the Sandhurst, Castlemaine, and Echuca Directory, 186"6; and the K yneton, Taradale , and Malmabury Directory, 1866.




IN placing the present work before the public, the compiler begs to return thanks for the liberal manner in which he has been supported in his undertaking, which has added increased zeal to his earnest wish to give that satisfaction which so much patronage properly demanded. He can confi- dently assure his patrons that iie has spared neither pains nor expense in rendering the work complete ; but, at the same time, must crave a little consideration from them should any error have occurred, as the com- pilation of a work of its extent can hardly be expected to arrive at perfection ; although he hopes the present will be equally successful in affording that satisfaction which has attended his previous works, viz., "The Sandhurst, Castlemaine, and Echuca Directory for 1865-66," and " The Kyneton, Malmsbury, and Taradale Directory for 1866." The compiler, feeling assured that a Squatters' Directory would be of infinite use and value to the Banks, Insurance Companies, and the commer- cial community generally, has added one, although it was not named in the Prospectus ; he has also included an Almanac, and such local information with respect to the townships as he considejpd of the most importance. The Advertising Sheets (mounted on calico) and the Page Advertisements have been got up with very great care, and each advertisement in the former appears under the heading of its own township. From the immense circulation attending the work, there is no doubt that much ultimate benefit must be derived by the advertisers, as it will be conveyed through the whole of the Western District and among the squatters of Vic- toria; also, the south-eastern border of South Australia, a circuitous distance of 850 miles, and including nearly 40 townships. The proprietor wishes to observe, that the sale of books and number of advertisements far exceed those of any other work of the same kind that has ever been published in Victoria. In conclusion, the compiler begs again to return thanks, also to those gentlemen who have kindly given him information, and trusts that the work may give such satisfaction as to ensure him a continuance of future favours in his succeeding editions. GEORGE STEVENS, Compiler, Publisher, and Proprietor.

Melbourne, 22nd April, 1866. CONTENTS,

Page Page I GeelongStreet Directory 91 Skipton General Information 16 Geelong Alphabetical Directory 91 Stawell, Pleasant Creek, General In- 30 South Geelong Alphabetical Directory formation 32 Ashby Alphabetical Directory 92 Steiglitz General Information 40 Newtown and Chilwell Directory 92 Warrnambool „ „ 47 Western District Commercial Direc- 93 Index to Advertisements tory 5a Latitudes and Longitudes of Aus- 63 Mount Gambier and Port MacDrnnell tralia, &c. Directory 6a Eclipses, 1866, &c. 74 Penola Directory 7a Approximate Arrivals and Departures 75 Squatters' Directory of English Mail 86 Ararat General Information 8a Moonlight Nights, &c. 86 Beaufort „ „ 9a Almanac, &c. 87 Belfast 21a New Postal Regulations 87 Casterton 31a Travellers' Road Guide 87 Colac „ 36a Diggers' Gold Ready Reckoner 88 Coleraine „ 41a Acts of Parliament 88 Digby „ 50a How to make a Will 88 Geelong ,> 51a Treatment of Snake Bites

90 Hamilton „ 53a Gardeners' Calendar 90 Meredith 62a Government Departments 91 Portland 69a Advertisements, &c., &c., &c. GEELONGSTREET DIRECTORY.


Bellarine st.-North to South, Bellarine st.---North to South, Right hand. Left hand. Humphries , H., hairdresser Leech, Alfred, labourer Horan, Miss , dressmaker Britter, Samuel, compositor Miller, Robert, mariner Hargreaves, Mrs. Ash, Mrs. C., schoolmistress Roy, James, plasterer Higgins, John, bootinaker; No. 31 Brown, G., bootmaker Adams, Edward, hawker Stainsby, Robert, draper Brook, Edward, veterinary s4r geon Ferris, Mrs., straw hat maker Williamson, Thomas , tailor; No. 45 Browne, -, grocer and corn store Matthews , James, bootmaker Sutton, Mrs , draper Kennedy, William, bootmaker Joy, John, labourer Copnag, A., fisherman; No. 65 Murphy, Mrs., grocer Thorpe, W., bootmaker Rasdale, -, labourer Brown, Mrs . Mary Ann Young, C., carpenter Holland, -, junior , plumber Colbert, William, greengrocer Hospitalgarden Demillo, Xavier, Clare hotel Sutherland, A., shoemaker McEllroy, James, labourer Watt, John, carpenter Clarke, -, labourer Napier, Charles, cook Ward, C., labourer Johnston, William, labourer Santley, bookbinder; No. 70 Domney, John, butcher Holland, Andrew, junior, plumber Martin, David, clerk Ninham, Thomas, cooper Jenson, James , on the light-ship Reid, James, cooper Ahern, Michael, builder Butler, Thomas, tailor Haasy, G., cook Johnson, Mrs. John, grocer Macgregor, F., jeweller Patterson, -, residence Baker, R., tinsmith Balding, Robert, town surveyor Hunt , A., mason Crisp, Mrs. Baskin, Mrs., day school Roberts, Francis, labourer Payne, John, carpenter Bourke crescent, Bannister, R. D. Rush, Mrs. Left hand. Macpherson, -, carpenter Trear, Miss, ladies' school Bible Christian Chapel Macnamara , Patrick, turnkey Sebastian, Robert, shipbuilder Hewitt, Alexander , labourer H 2 STREET

Bourke crescent, Wilkinson, L. Halpin, C., compositor Right hand. Julian, J. Deleaney, Mrs. Brodie, William, carpenter Munro, Hugh, shoemaker Norman, James, contractor Feehan, Mrs. Webb, Thomas, Captain of the Exp7ess Morton, Ma..., sergeant of police Mitchell, James Anderson, 11. Heath, Mrs. Noble, John

Brougham Place. Oorio at. east-From Moorabool at., Gibbs, Ronald, & Co.. wool merchants McCallum, Neil, & Co, merchants Left hand. Henty, & Co., James, merchants Adams, George, boarding-house Sheils, F., bootmaker Clare, J. and S., naturalists Cavendish at. Bowen, J., jnn , confectioner British hotel ; Rich. Gosling Catholic school Hartnup, -, coachbuilder Davies, Tudor, mariner Thistle inn ; James Brown Mansfield, Joseph, machinist Free school Booth, Mrs, residence Harmer, W., cliimneysweep Mullen, Thomas, labourer Nickson, Mrs. Lahant, William De, millwright and en- Fairbrother, James gineer Volumn & Co., James, brewers Curlie, Joseph, carrier Grant, -, labourer Cottell, George, labourer Imley, Mrs. Wood, John S., Sir Charles Hotham hotel Lowday, It, musician Argles, George, musician Gillis, Henry, mariner Clare st. (Malop St.) Dunden, Edward, carpenter Heath & CQrdell's printing offices Eyre, Thomas Synot & Guthrie's wool and hide stores, Stirling, James, labourer and auctioneers Ritchie, C., bootmaker Thompson, Thomas Clarke,Alfred Stoneman, Thomas, livery stables Jones, Edward, labourer Tyler, Edward, tailor Robertson, Mrs , grocer' s stores Corio at. east-From Moorabool at., Right hand. Corio at. west-From Moorabool Watchhouse at. Carriers' Arms ; J. Donelly, proprietor Scott Brothers, timber merchants Dent, Mrs., dressmaker Puflett, Thomas, Bush inn Yan Wook, chinaman Harrison, Thomas, tailor Weeks, II., galvanist Robertson, James, bootmaker Blair, W., grocer Tyfe & Mackenzie, wool stores Bent's British dining-rooms I'ontin, James, carter Commercial hotel ; A. Bent Holland, Charles, mariner Limerick Castle boarding-house ; J. Eastern Beach-From Moorabool Noonan St., Walker, Robert, labourer Lynch, M., labourer Right hand. Malloy, D, labourer Strachan & Co., bonded stores Mooney, John, mason Wilson, Buchanan & Co. Brennan, Edward, labourer Mac's hotel ; Wm. Trear, proprietor Reeves, G. Bennett's dining rooms Kelsall, Mrs. Maudsley, James, watchmaker McDuff, P., brewer Mann, John, ship-smith and boiler maker Wilton, Edward Birch, -, drayman DIRECTORY. 3

Mitchell, - North Garden st.-Running South, Jackson,- Right hand. Ormerod, L. Water Police station Cowie, James, residence Huckin, -- Glynn, -, residence Macnamara, J., merchant Eddington, John, carter Tolson, - Nelson, Henry, residence Etheridge, -, residence Forbes, Mrs., residence Eastern Beach- From Moorabool Guthrie, George , of Messrs . Synnott & at., Guthrie Left hand. Brown, Robert, painter Duggan, Mrs. Custom House Crough, John, labourer Custom House sheds White, Michael, labourer Harbour office Carley, John, labourer Sinclair, J., boat-builder Loclinan, Mrs. Tait, Peter, boat-builder Anderson, Wm., boat-builder Gentlemen's Bathing House ; Mr. Rigney Gheringhap st.-North to South, Ladies' Bathing House ; Mr. Rigney Right hand. Town Hall reserve Fenwick at., Post Officereserve Ytighthand. Stoneman, Samuel, coaclibuilder Reformed Presbyterian Church High Church Baptist Chapel Common school Sykes, John, carpenter Wallace, Alexander, clerk Moore, Wm., grocer Grundy, Wm., builder Burn, Mrs., residence Stpneman, Samuel, private residence National School playground Hargraves, Simon, wheelwright Bowman, George, estate agent Hotchin, Robert, butcher Fenwick at., Freeman, James, labourer Morris, Edward, bookseller Left hand. King, -, contractor Artillery Reserve Thomson, Wm ., ironmonger Baird, Thomas, Esq. Pittard, Wm., bootmaker Craig, Alexander Fitzroy st.-North to South, Hutchins , Francis, carpenter Bannister, Mary Ann Right hand. Dunthorne, George, carpenter Lugg, Mrs., residence Depot Spence,Mrs„ grocer Gheringhapst.-North to South, Miller, John, labourer Left hand. Holmes, White & Co., merchants Fitzroy at. - North to South, Templeton , Andrew, cabinet maker Swanston , Willis & Stephen , merchants Left hand. Cameron, Gibson & Co., wine and spirit Douglass, Alfred, residence merchants Gilbert, Mrs., residence Phall & Co., Charles, cabinet makers Griffiths, V., wine and spirit merchant Taylor, Charles, saddler Le Patourel, --, harbour office Harvey, Frederick Taylor, Edward, storeman Shirley, Richard, shoemaker North Garden st.-Running South. Smith, John , turner Doogan, Matthew, blacksmith [The left hand side is occupied.] Woods, James , labourer Botanical Gardens and the Agricultural Cook, Thomas, jeweller and Horticultural Societies' reserve McDonald, Robert, chemist 4 STREET

Clarkson, Wm., seedsman Kilgour at. east- From Moorabool Wood, George, cabinet maker at., Cuthertson, George, corn store Walsh, Mrs. Joseph, dressmaker Right hand. Rashleigh, Mrs. Francis, day school Hill, Mrs. Alexander, female register Bierman, Mary office Parker, Charles, labourer Johnson, James, butcher Rich, Ellen Day school McMurrich, Margaret Albert, John, labourer Spalding, David, cabinet maker Cameron, Mrs. Sarah McGregor, Thomas, carpenter Burn, Mrs., ladies' college Waldie, Ellen, baker Collins, W. H. Hitchins, Edward Gheringhap at. north-From the Andrews, Wm., turnkey Murray, Donald, labourer Bay. Gerrard, Charles, storeman Corio flour mills McCarty, Thomas, labourer Ryan, Martin, Golden Age hotel Nile, Cornelius, labourer Murphy, Michael, mariner Downie, Wm., printer Hunter, Robert, labourer Duncan, Joseph, storeman Seles, Hugh, carter Durran, John, carpenter Mason, Thomas, candle-maker

James at.-North to South, Kilgour at. east-From Moorabool Right hand. St., Watts, William, labourer Left hand. Witham, Clerles, residence Anderson, Andrew, plumber Wheatland, Eleanor, ladies' school Hartley, Allen, cowkeeper Harrison, James, Geelong Register James st.-North to South, Campbell, John, baker Stewart, Thomas, draper Left hand. Howe, Joseph, confectioner Just, Jacob, cabinet maker Bell, Thomas, baker Baird, John , residen ce Rourke, Henry, contractor Amiet, Louis , Pension Suisse Watt, James. master mariner Alpin , James , builder Passelaigue , Francis, colonial wine depot Schwab, Abraham, bootmaker Fox, Henry, cabinet maker Kilgour st. west-From Mcorabool St., Kardinia st.-North to South, Rendell , Mrs., residence Gladstone, loseph, labourer Right hand. Graham, Mrs., residence Leon, S., pawnbroker Daniels, Thomas, residence Anderson, W. S., wine and spirit mer- Finnigan, Henry, labourer, No. 60 chant Malcolm, Thomas, carpenter Clarke, J., hoot and shoemaker Farrow, John, storeman Cowley's dining rooms

Kardinia st.-North to South, Kirk place. Left hand. Leggett, James , labourer Cashan , Patrick, bootmaker Fischer, -,j eweller Laurie & Tracey, slaters Thacker, Henry , printer Montgomery, John, livery stables Ormond , Mary Ann Moore , W. S., blacksmith Kirkwood, Robert, compositor DIRECTORY. 6

Latrobe terrace-From Aberdeen Bushby, James, boot and shoemaker Dowling, Henry, carpenter st., Kelly, Thomas, Crown hotel Right hand. Thompson, Wm., No. 205 Kirkwood, Alfred, draper, No. 207 St. George's Church McKennon, Catherine, residence Greenwood, Rev. Elijah, Primitive min- Garratt, J . M., residence ister St. Paul's Church St. Paul's Common School Chrisholm, Ellen Little Malop st. east- From Moor- Paterson, Lachlan, bootmaker abool st., Right hand. Bright & Hitchcock's warehouse Latrobe terrace -From Aberdeen Johnston, John, saddler St., Albion hotel, J. Miller, proprietor Left hand. Golden Horn Gold-Mining Company; T. Inglis, manager Crook, Alfred, ironmonger Wane, W., coflee dealer Fraser, Mrs. Alexander Davison, J., auctioneer Turner, Joseph, portrait taker Tappin, J. IT., seedsman McCullum, Mrs. Newmarket hotel, John Burns Christie, Arthur, clerk; No. h5 Nash, Stephen, blacksmith Dobineon, Lanslett, Presbyterian minister, Denmead, N., tinsmith No. 297. Prince of Wales hotel, James Miller Williams, James, Corio flour mills Hood & Co, coachbuilders Wigney, John, printer Griffith, Bros, wine and spirit merchants Earles, Edward, residence Carpenter, Wm , coachbuilder Forbes, Alexander, Culloden Castle hotel Gas Company's Office; G. G. Whalley, Stoneman, Thomas, coachbuilder manager Tracey's, Martin, brewery Lawrence, J., dyer and cleaner Shepherd, Jane, residence Humble & Co., foundry Graham, Olive, residence Mooney, Thos., hay and corn merchant Reid, Ellen, residence Murphy, ,John, general merchant Sephenfelt, Frederick, labourer IIyde,ilenry,labourer Ward, George, labourer Calby, Philip McShane Short, John, produce dealer Cox, -, tailor Cameron, Donald, blacksmith The Depot Gough & Son, grocers and flour-bag makers Matthews, Edward, chemist; No. 83 Little Malop st. east-From Moor- Kelley, Patrick, contractor abool st., Brittian, William, carpenter Lucas, William, grocer Left hand. Lucas, William, saddler; No. 107 Market gardens IIoctor, Alice, residence Market Kitchen, Thomas, grocer Prime, Richard, blacksmith Kitchen, Thomas, tailor Sims, James, livery stable keeper Williams, John, residence Powell, Thomas, brewer Mitchell, Jane, residence Taylor, T., chimney-sweep Newman, Samuel, mariner Rayner, Walter, blacksmith Bird, David, grocer's store Blashki, Philip, No., 67 Fletcher, John, residence Common School and Free Church Tynes, Mary, residence Walker, Samuel, labourer Isely, William, broker's shop Fisher, Mrs. Cavanagh, Johanna, residence Brequet, Frederick Humble & Co., engineers and moulders, Morris, James, botcher Western Foundry Bourke, Thomas. grocer Wood, William James, baker Pool, Charles, coachbuilder; No. 9.5 Firth, Joseph, butcher Canny, Daniel, cabman Keaman, Noble, grocer Maley, - 6 STREET

Day, Samuel , Baptist minister- Walsh, John, carpenter Eastwood , Charles, hatmaker Descrimes, Peter E., upholsterer Lynch, John, labourer llohanna, Thomas, wheelwright Carmi, John , sailmaker Maugher, James, gardener Finch, Sophia Fitchett, Alfred Little Malop st. west - From Warders' Quarters of the Gaol Moorabool st. Martin, -, crier of the Supreme Court Right hand. Little Myers st. west Mulligan, John, hay and corn store Welch, James, scalemaker and gasfitter Right hand. McPherson, John, livery stables Dillan, Mrs., store Ricketts, David, colonial oven maker Camp, -, coaclibuilder Meakin, Henry, Derby Arms hotel Fitzgerald, David, wheelwright Heath, Edwin, wholesale fruiterer Sherwood, -, general dealer Watts, Mrs , storekeeper Ryan, Maria, dressmaker Ducker & Co, W. F., auctioneers Powell, George, miller Ducker, W. F., private residence Fox, Henry, cabinetmaker Victoria Lime and Cement Company, - Royce, Walter, baker Parker, Esq., manager Toole, James, wheelwright Holdsworth, Joseph, builder Manger, Samuel, carpenter Broadbent, George A., collector Scott, James, engineer Bullock, H. If., merchant Holmes, White, & Co., stores Town hall Fire Brigade Station Little Myers st. west, Left hand. Little Malop st west -From Guera, Auguste, Hotel De La Ville Moorabool st, Hiscox, John, mariner Davey, Richard, grocer Left hand. Langhorne, Edward, hay contractor Gough, W. J., Eureka hotel Skirving, Peter, tailor and outfitter McLauchlan, James, cabinet-maker Chandler, William Henry, postman Woodward, Thomas, coachbuilder Hughes, Josiah, ironmonger Baird, John, blacksmith Page, Frederick, auctioneer Cakebread, Wm., lime and cement store Langhorne, Edward, residence Cakebread, Wm , coal yard Reid, Alexander, produce stores Bullock, R. H., guano stores Bullock, R. H, produce stores Little Ryrie st. east - From Moor- Temperance Hall abool st,, Artillery Reserve Left hand. Little Myers st east - From Moor- Elnor, Sarah, dressmaker Fahey, Michael, bootmaker abool st. McIntosh, David, butcher Right hand. Lovenburry, Matthew, produce stores Ditton, James, cutler, No. 23. Christ Church Schools Troopers' Reserve Wesleyan School Superintendent's Police Offices Wesleyan Chapel Scotch School Nichols, John, chapel-keeper Hamilton, John, jeweller and engraver, No. 41 Little Myers st. east- From Moor- Langley, Sarah, No. 47 abool st. Harris, James Peak, Robert, coach trimmer Left hand. Upwood, John, plasterer Catholic School NeMullen, Alexander , cabman Catholic Chapel Pride, Henry, plasterer DIRECTORY. 7

Cordell, Henry Wilcox, Charles, mason O'Halloran, Michael, cow-keeper Howard, -, bandmaster Hospital Reserve Goulter, William, coach painter Byrne, Michael, carpenter McMullen, John, wine and spirit mer- Kitchen, Robert, mason chant Waters, Joseph, labourer Patten, Thomas, salesman Keenon, Thomas, labourer Anderson, William, mason Lowe, Isabella Malop st. east-From Moorabool st., Hewitt, William, builder Right hand. Market squaregardens Little Ryrie st. east- From Moor- Whitelaw & Co., Charles, grocers abool st., Dick, Alexander, greengrocer Tann, W., bootmaker Left hand. Lawton, P., tobacconist White & Sims, horse bazaar Appleton, James, furniture warehouse Reynard, John, restaurant Mackie, Thomas, mattress maker Mansfield, John, baker and confectioner Smith, Ann Green, Thomas, brush-maker Royal hotel; Joseph Quiney Theatre Royal Carnow, Wm., wheelwright Friend, Mrs., boarding house Warner, Joseph, bootmaker Thompson, Win, bootmaker Vile, James, water-carrier Macfarlane, Mrs. George, milliner Dunning, John, greengrocer Goulden, S., moulder Curtain, Mrs. Beard, J., Manchester Arms Taylor, Henry, cooper Johnston, Thomas, greengrocer Rogers, Patrick, labourer Botanical Gardens hotel Cannon, Thomas, French polisher McAllister, -, waterman Welsh, -. grocer Little Ryrie st. west - From Moor- Kirkland, J., grocer abool st., Left hand. Sebastopol terrace. Floyd, Benjamin, furniture dealer Fawkner, -, residence, No. 1 Fouracre, Thomas, cabinetmaker Wise, George, residence, No. 3 Daniels, George, butcher Fink, H., residence, No. 4 Lem, James Ali, cabinetmaker Langhorne, Win., residence, No. 5 Ball, Mary Ann, grocery store Townsend, Nathaniel, bootmaker Curran, Thomas, labourer Malop st. east-FromMooraboolst., Cocks, David, produce dealer Moore, Benjamin, bootinaker Left hand. McDonald, Allen, Caledonian hotel Macnamara, Peter, greengrocer Port, James, timber merchant Treman, J., confectioner Wood, Bros., timber merchants McCallum, -, saddler Robertson, John, city saw-mill Bennett & Son, pastrycooks Inglis, Thomas, market inspector Royal Exchange hotel ; W. P. Noonan Daws, Robert, storeman Wright, Thomas, watchmaker Mount Zion Baptist Chapel Sander & Co., E., tobacconists Wood, Benjamin, timber merchant Rofl'ey, C., fishmonger and greengrocer Hall, Win., draper Fitchetts, --, labour mart Hedrick, John, grocer Norton's, -, portrait rooms National School; L. R. Lennon, master Bank of New South Wales Espinasse, Robert, ironmonger Davies, -, tailor Little Ryrie st. west - From Moor- Jacobs, Morris, outfitter abool st., Fraer, Miss S., dressmaker Irvine, Henry, master mariner Right hand. Trainer, Win., bootmaker McKiever, Philip, residence Wilton, T., musician Curtis, Robert, wheelwright Upjohn, W., greengrocer 8 STREET

Freemasons ' hotel ; Owen Brady Hendy, James , loan and sharebroker Matthews Bros., butchers Bartlett & Bunton, saddlers, &e. Bell, John, grocer and produce dealer, Osborne, G., hat manufacturer No. 69 O'Brien, Thomas, Turf Club hotel Stent, J., greengrocer Poynton, Edwd. 0 , chemist and druggist Roberts, Samuel , tinsmith Geelong Advertiser office; Alfred Douglas, Builders' Arms ; S. Ryan proprietor Day, John, miner, No. 93 Johnston, Robert, saddler, &c. Milnes, George , coachbuilder Delion, Henry, hairdresser and importer Barbier, John , carrier (next door to the Bank of Victoria) Reid, -, labourer Bank of Victoria : Vincent W. Giblin, Harris, Wm ., carpenter manager; H. Gladstone, actua:y and Sullivan, C., baker accountant Williamson, J ., miner Hendrick, John, & Co., grocers and wine Johnson, Mrs. and spirit merchants Edwards, Mrs. Fink, M. & H., wholesale grocers and pro• McCallum, Mrs. vision merchants Hearle, Mrs. Freeman & Gaydon, tinsmiths Roberts, Jonah , portrait taker Cunningham, George, iron merchant Sowry, Mrs ., grocer Rice, Joseph, Bull hotel Mackinnon, - Brearley Bros., leather merchants Channpion, -, carter Willmot & Key, photographic artists Mercer, George, printer Malop at. west- From Moorabool Anderson, John, mining and general com- mission agent St., Mercer, George, bookseller and stationer Right hand. Hawkes Bros , iron merchants and whole- National Bank of Australasia: T. M. Har- sale ironmongers, Nos. 35 and 37 rington, manager; Charles Farrel, ac- Hunt & Holmes, saddlers, &c. countant Colonial Bank of Australasia: A. S. Park, Anderson, James, draper and clothier manager; William Tait, accountant Bearnond, Alfred, greengrocer, &c. Bank of Australasia: John R. Morris, Burke Bros., gentlemen's outfitters manager; John B. Goulston, accountant Brown, Warren II., draper and clothier Garratt, John M., loan and share broker, house and land agent, residence, La- trobe at. Market Place-Little Malop St. Heath and Cordell, general printers Lake, John, tailor and outfitter Bannerman, John, butcher Haworth, Edmund F., tanner and currier Upjohn, W., fruiterer Cobb & Co.'s booking office; T. Stoneman Moses, Hyam, merchant & Co., proprietors Croker, Joseph, butcher Stoneman, 'T'homas, Union hotel Dens, Robert, glass and china warehouse Thompson, Thomas, paperhanger Cantor, Benjamin, general dealer Sheckell, Thomas, basket manufacturer Hyman, Mrs., fancy goods merchant Trevena & Gabby, builders, &c. Freeman , Win, fruiterer Ashton, James, sharebroker The Geelonq Register Newspaper Co.'s office ; James Harrison, manager London Chartered Bank of Australia John Galletly, manager ; James Nicol, Maud st. east- From Moorabool accountant St , Upjohn, William, grocer Rayht hand. Powers, John, cooper Ashmore, Edward, cabinetmaker Malop at. west- From Moorabool Baxter, Win., painter at., McCallum, Neil, pastrycook Baldings, Robert, Left hand. Whitfield, John, agent Heath , Richard, dentist McWilliams, Andrew, architect Warner, J. & K., bootmakers Lane, Win., carter DIRECTORY. 9

Maude St. east - From Moorabool Wood, Mrs., No. 58 st., Swift, Charles, clerk, No. 60 Growden, William, builder Left hand. Humphrey, R., carpenter and joiner Grammar School play-ground Ladies' Benevolent Asylum Lawrence, Samuel, bootmaker Howard, Robert. miner Henry, James, dealer Nesbit, Wm., contractor Burch, William, fisherman Bannister , Henry, clerk Fenton, Mary, grocer Ryan, Patrick, labourer Leonard, Serjeant Miller, John, bootmaker Holden, -, grocer M'Killopst . west-FromMoorabool Maude st west -- From Moorabool st., st., Right hand. Right hand. Turnbull, Wm ., waterworks Fraser, Hugh. saddler Richardson, Mary, music teacher Blewitt, Elizabeth, ladies' school Congregational Church Gibbins, John, cabinetmaker Roach, Thomas, labourer Cameron, Hugh, merchant Peters, Win , quarryman Parkinson, James, storeman Davison, Edward, carpenter Lowe, Henry, carpenter Keown, John, grocer Jaffray, Mrs., residence Valentine, Francis, builder Ashmore, Joseph C., upholsterer Moore, Rev. A. M. Taylor, John Charles, carpenter Ure, Agnes, teacher Dale, Henry, butcher Huggan, Thomas, compositor Macklin, 11. P., schoolmaster Metcalfe, Benjamin , plasterer Maude at. west - From Moorabool st. Left hand. M'Killopst .west - From Moorabool Doeharty, William, storeman St., Catton, Henry, compositor Left hand. Pater#on. William, collector Howey, Wm., gingerbeer maker Ashmore, George, upholsterer Staines, Wm., head turnkey Shugg, Thomas, mason Taylor, James, carpenter Stewart, Archibald, mason Morrison, Mrs. E., residence Patterson, Mrs. Jane, residence Thorburne, James, coachbuilder M'Killopst. east - From Moorabool Jones, Charles, railway porter St. McCoubrie, John, baker Left hand. Beamond, Alfred, storeman Goodman, Rev. Georgc Pescott, Thomas, carpenter Troopers' Reserve Brooks, Zacariah, railway pointsman Police Court Reserve Hooper, James, groom ScotchChurch Love, Rev. A. Mercer st., Right hand. M'Killop st . east - From Moorabool Stock, Joseph, machinist St., Austin, John, iron and brass foundry Smith, Henry, turner and chairmaker Right -had. Dickens, Edward, smith Grammar School Icely, Robert, cooper Upton, William, soap and candle maker Catholic Church Roxburgh, Adam, draper Gosney, James, carpenter Pasmore, William, gunsmith, No. 54. Bolger, Martin , residence Foot, Joseph, carpenter, No. 56 Griffiths, Frank , residence C 10 STREET

Evens, Wm., cabman Andrews, H., draper ; residence , Skeene Short, John, produce dealer St. Smith, Mary, residence Biggs & Co., china and earthenware Holman, Join, grocer dealers Westacot, John, butcher Burgess, G. G., watchmaker Kelly, Thomas, Crown hotel Sander, Emil, tobacconist Parker, Richard , ironmonger McCure, Henry, boot and shoe warehouse Mercer st., Tannock, Archibald, confectioner and Left hand. pastrycook Skirving, Peter, tailor and outfitter Bedford, Mrs., Terminus hotel Walker, Roberts,& Co.,grocers Gosbell, James, grocer McCure, boot and shoe warehouse Bradley, George, watchmaker De Balk, E., photographic artist Hare, Wm., bookseller Whitchell & Co., boot importers Brown, James, greengrocer Shaw, Francis, boot and shoemaker Searjeant, John, saddler Atkin, Jas. H., watchmaker and jeweller Thomas, -, cabman Eastwood, Edward, hatter Spriggins, B. & R, dressmakers Colledge, William, chemist and druggist Strong, James, bootmaker Bray, Joseph, tailor and outfitter Brown, Osborne, & Co, commission and Coade, Josiah, boot and shoe maker forwarding agents Turner, Joseph, photographic artist Rea, Hugh, grocer Kitz, Lewis, watchmaker Foster, Henry, mason Bartlett, Edwin, draper Beattie & Longloft, bootmakers, No. 73. McCallum, Neil, pastrycook and confec- Chalder, John, greengrocer tioner Bonwick, Henry, Western hotel Knight, Edward, Olive Brknch hotel Davey, Richd., " Pee Chee Lee Teashop," grocer Mercer place. Shepperd. Thomas, bootmaker Sheedy,Patrick, mechanic Lowe & McKeiizie, butchers Seargeant, Benjamin, carpenter Gundry & Son, china and glass warehouse Cunningham, Wm., carpenter Miles, George, Excelsior clothing estab- lishment Miles, George, draper and outfitter Moorabool st.-North to South, Baylie, Dr. W. H , surgeon, &c. McGouge, John, grocer and wine mer- Riqht hand. chant McDonald, P., & Co, wine and spirit mer- Penrose, Henry, fruiterer chants Austin, C. H., bootmaker Fyfe & Mackenzie, stock agents and wool Ritchie, Peter, tailor brokers Warr, Alfred, basketmaker Isard,H. A., coalmerchant Webster, Lawrence, butcher Tough, Robert, sailmaker Blair, John, baker Cole, Edward IL, wine and spirit mer- Hasell, Samuel, fruiterer chant Hiscox, George, fishmonger Knowlton, James, storekeeper Pardey, W. E., chemist Ogilvie & Robinson, auctioneers and ship- Goodwin, George W., grocer ping agents ; residence, Little Mier st. Reeves Bros , grocers Armand, Mary, dining rooms O'Halloran, Michael, Red Lion inn Robertson & Nash, painters and glaziers Hall Bros., drapers and clothiers Hewitt, Henry Richard, Artillery hotel Daniels, J., ironmonger Carr, J. G., auctioneer; residence, Skeene Hourigan, Denis, grocer St., New Town Jacobs, Hyam, outfitter and fancy goods Dalgety, Ibbotson & Co., merchants merchant Franks, Henry, stationer and bookseller Wale, G., draper Ormero,l, Lionel, photographic artist Collins, John, bootmaker McGee, Dick, & Co., general warehouse- Bourke, Michael, produce merchant men O'Kane, John, tinsmith Clark Bros., grocers Giles, Thomas, watch and clockmaker Anderson & Co., drapers Hornsey Bros ., paper merchants DIRECTORY. 11

Clanchy, John, Brian Born hotel Wise, George, bookseller and stationer Hallifax, Joseph W., fruiterer Combe, Harvey E., solicitor, &c. Kenny, Edward, grocer McWilliams, Andrew, architect Fallen, Michael, Farmers' hotel Campbell, James, secretary Horticultural Julien, Mrs., dressmaker Society Searle, -, carter Downie & Thompson, printers, &c. Jane, Mrs., dressmaker Pankhurst, Mrs., widow Mackin, Dr. Charles, surgeon and Govern- Richmond, William, painter, &c. ment vaccinator Mackie, Thomas, mattressmaker Roberts, Walker, residence Cowes, Thomas N., baker, &c. Nichol, J., grocer Coade, Josiah, bootmaker Gibbins, John, cabinetmaker and under- Jenkins & Bennett, undertakers taker Brown, Robert, paperhanger Brady, William, grocer, &c. Hudson, John 14'., undertaker McDonald, Patrick, wine and spirit mer- Duffy, Michael, residence chant Patterson,Elizabeth, greengrocer Bartlett, George, cabinetmaker Usher, Patrick, National hotel Tannock, Archibald,confectioner Leckie, Mrs. John, grocer Hartz, W. J., collector for the hospital Shaw, Wm., china and earthenware dealer Baily, Thomas, detective officer Andrews, Robert J., cabinetmaker Roche & Sons, blacksmiths Marendaz, F., grocer Oxborough, Charles, George and Dragon Forster & Co., valuators and general hotel agents Bowen, Joseph, jun., confectioner Bowen, Joseph, male and female registry Moorabool at.-North to South, office Left hand. Bartlett, George, cabinet-maker Fox, W., produce merchant Solomon , E., greengrocer Sillett, S., London hotel Keeble, Henry , naturalist Holhgan, Mrs., greengrocer Wall, Mrs ., Phoenix hotel Ashmore, William, furniture manufac- Po lice Station turer Savings' Bank Mingage, Syder Charles B., medical prac- Reid, A. It., residence titioner CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Rippon, George It., reporter Dennys , C. J., & Co., woolbrokers Searles, Robert, poultry merchant Scott , Benjamin, agent Burvill, Mrs., milliner Quinan , James, deputy registrar for Baldoek, Thomas, tinsmith births, deaths, &c. Vey, James, watchmaker Pitman, Jacob, architect Kernot, W. H., chemist and druggist Bardwell, E, solicitor Warren, John, produce dealer Belcher, G. F., land officer Christ Church Common School: H. P. Skene, A. J., surveyor , Survey Office Macklan, schoolmaster; Mrs. Maehlan, Thorburn , Walter, carriage builder schoolmistress Lewis, Joseph, Victoria hotel Christ Church ; Rev. George Goodman, Bright & Hitchcock , drapers clergyman Bray, Mrs , milliner Geelong Grammar School; - Wilson, Conway, William , upholsterer director Blashki, Philip, watchmaker and jeweller Needham, John, writingmaster Read, Charles , draper and tailor .laffrey, Dlrs , fancy repository Mundy st.- From Mooraboolat., Haasy, Gustavus, restaurant Left hand. Mulder, John T., hairdresser Appleton, Mrs ., confectioner Nash, William, painter Morkham, Wm ., bootmaker O'Bryan, Thomas, labourer Rudd, Mrs , draper Ryan, Catherine, residence Wray, Thomas, fancy repository Waugh, Robert, harbour office Wilton, Edward , leather merchant Hopkins, Mrs. John, residence Levien, B. G., seedsman Frazer, May, residence Wilkins, Benjamin , chemist and druggist Ford, George, labourer Bell, James, .wholesale and retail grocer Baker, Anne, residence 12 STREET

Veitch, Thomas, wheelwright Myers st. west- From Moorabool Noonan, James, labourer St., Lenan, John, labourer Right hand. Rowden, Edward, French polisher Odgers, Elizabeth, linendraper Mundy at. east-From Moorabool Cockerhem, Charles, labourer at., Arbuckle, Thomas, tailor Right hand Blake, Benjamin, bootmaker Fox, Eliza, dressmaker Jones, Win., tailor Bean, Charles, bootmaker Hughes, Matthew, tailor Tool, Patrick, Star hotel Clements, James, labourer Nott, R. G., painter and glazier Bumpstead, Stephen, labourer Wilson, Sophia, dressmaker Holley, James, carpenter Graham, Patrick, carter Huggins, Julias, compositor Michael, Curry, labourer Hartley, George, cowkeeper Ferguson, John, coachbuilder Stokes, Benjamin, quarryman Brown, Robert, painter Glenister, George, coachbuilder Barnes, William, tailor Cuthbertson, George, grocer Myers st. east - From Moorabool Ulbrick, Charles, schoolmaster st., Wood Bros, timber yard Left hand. Shaw, Dr. William, surgeon Davies, Henry, cabinetmaker Lambert, Mrs. John, residence National School playground Broderick, Patrick, corn store Wilson & Moore, painters Holyoak, Frederick, cabinet maker Wood, Robert, grocery store Myers st . west-From Moorabool Milford, Jas., Waggon and Horses hotel Hunt, Alexander, tailor St., Smythe, Mary, residence Left hand. Birrel, James, residence Fink, Henry, grocer Weatherilt, Gerard, residence Camp & Glenister, coachbuilders Wheeler, James, labourer Wallis, Dr., homoeopathist Hillhouse, James, butcher Mudie, Isabel, residence Noble, Wm., grocer Downing, B. J., professor of music Myers st . west - From Moorabool Nott, Robert, builder St., Clarke, Michael, bootmaker Clarke, Mary Ann, dressmaker Right hand. Heady, John, grocer Hay -Market Sach, Charles, residence Catholic Parsonage Heady, John, chaffcutting mills Fitzpatrick, John, labourer McCall, Andrew, baker Bartlett, John, general store Gabb, John, painter Burgess, George G., watchmaker Sasse, Edmund, drawing-master Reeves, Robert, grocer Gaelic Church McNab, William, general store Brinsley, Annie, dressmaker Warders' Quarters of the Goal Pevenseycrescent. Supreme Court Brodie, Charles, governor of Gaol Link, George F., Wesleyan schoolmaster Geelong Goal Tietjen, -, tailor Jones, Win., tailor Brazier, Charles. draper Mills, Edward, coachbuilder Bell, William, residence Ward, Richard, wheelwright Treal, -, agent for the steamer Linford, Alfred, miner -Matthews, John, farmer Bowland, Edward, clerk Davison, John, residence Clampett, Margaret, residence Gibson,George, grocer DIRECTORY. 13

Pevensey at., Ryrie at. east-From Mooraboolat., Right hand. Left hand.

Rider, Thomas. wool merchant Buckingham, H., butcher Handy, James, residence Webber, John, cooper Biggs, -, residence Creed & Son, lock and gun smiths Band, Thomas, water police Grigg, Tobias, baker Cunningham, -, iron bedstead maker Curnow, John, produce stores Day, Joseph, farrier Grigg, John, Preston's hotel Pevensey at., Tait, John, timber merchant Martin, B. & Son, timber merchants Left hand. Carr, Daniel, fruiterer Mottram, Joseph, blacksmith Sharp, Wm., residence Woodyatt, Thomas, veterinary surgeon Jacobs, Morris, residence Benjamin, Neal, sign writer Nash, Stephen, blacksmith Tait, James, carpenter Woods, George, coach builder Sidders, Thos. A., Kent House and private Prospect place. hotel Blackney, George, fisherman Handley, John, grocer Andrews, Samuel, coachbuilder Anstice, John, tailor Bunting, John, saddler Immigration Depot Carraway, J., carpenter Franks, Henry, bookseller Collingwood, Mrs., residence Brew, Mary Ann Common School; Miss Brew

Ryrie at. east-From Moorabool at., Ryrie at. west - From Moorabool at., Right hand. Right hand. Carr, -, land agent Allinson, James, saddler Wilkinson, Robert, ironmonger Burns, E., tailor Stone, Elias, jeweller Jones, F., hairdresser Clarkson, William , seedsman Princess of Wales hotel, by Charles B. C. Thacker, Henry, printer and stationer Dawson Curie, Thomas, wine merchant Smith, J., lock and gun smith Brown, Wm., grocer and wine and spirit Lamble, E., blacksmith merchant Melville, Mrs., labour office Morris, W. T., draper Bottomly, J., labour office Dupe, John, gunmaker Ferguson, John, carriage builder Taylor, Richard, photographic artist Moore Bros., produce dealers Murray, D., confectioner Wesleyan Schools McDonald, R., New Drug hall Walshe, Dr., residence Sewell, Frederick, bootmaker Woollard, John, bootmaker Rososeln, Joseph, embroidery warehouse Miles, Frederick Wm., tailor Jenyngs, Thomas, hairdresser Watts, Joseph, carpenter Jenyngs, Thomas, fruiterer Thompson, Wm., printer Davies, H., cabinetmaker Geelong Hospital; Dr. Reid, surgeon Clanchy, M., Queen's Head hotel Burrows, Wm., residence MacMullen, Wm.,'. ine and general mer- Joyce, Robert, draper chant Walker, Wm., labourer Wood, George, cabinetmaker and under- Wilson, Wm., draper taker Williamson, Henry, draper White & Brockbank, agricultural imple- Scott, Donald, timber merchant ment manufacturer Bullen, Cooper, residence Electric Telegraph Office 14 STREET

Post Office Malcolm , Robert, carter Mechanics' Institute Cunningham , George, M.L.A. UnitedPresbyterian Church Simpson , Charles, fisherman Artillery Reserve Glen, -, labourer Farley, Peter, storeman

Ryriest . west - From Mooraboolst. Left hand. Swanston st.-- North to South, Collins, John, bootmaker Right hand. Baldock, Thomas, tinsmith Sheehy, -, boatbuilder Macdonald, A. C, No. 5; agent for the Sullivan, -, residence Imperial Fire Insurance Company, Mount of the Treasury Australian Alliance Assurance Com- Brehault, Thomas, carpenter pany, Equitable. Mortgage Bank of Vic- Stoneham, Samuel, cabman toria Wyeth, Wm., gardener Summers, Wm., Australian hotel Hospital Garden Grant, H. D., ornamental hairworker and Geelong Gaol jeweller Rix, 'T'homas, auctioneer Holland & King, paperhangers Noble, W , & Co., grocers, wine and spirit merchants Levy, Michael S., auctioneer Swanston st.-North to South, Andrews, Charles, warehouseman Robinson,Sidney R.,homaeopathicsurgeon, Left hand. M.R C.S.L.,and L.S.A. Hall, Charles, builder Crooke, Alfred, ironmonger Industrial School Young, Andrew, grocer, No. 25 Hayes, Captain, No. 91 Wadelton, John, watchmaker Mulcahy, Patrick, carrier, No. 93 Bowman, G. H , estate agent Stubart, Win., carpenter Tempest, G. H., ironmonger Carroll, W., butcher Wells, Robert, fruiterer Maloney, -, carrier Le Seur, James, tentmaker Robertson, Joseph, mason, No. 102 Sargeant, John, saddler, &c. Hinchcliffe, J., government clerk, No. 103 Hudson, Henry, Rising Sun hotel Brod, Wm., saddler Field, Win., sale yards Tait, J., timber merchant Howell, Win. S., auctioneer Kiett, -, horsedealer Harvey, H. & F., produce merchant Hare, John, coachman Rix & Co., auctioneers and agents Hurman, Win., compositor Nicholls, Thomas and Co., wholesale and Pardue, Edward, warder retail grocers and produce merchants Lockwood, Thomas, bootmaker Vines, Joshua, farm, station, and com- Finn, Thomas, carter mission merchant Murray, Win., labourer Owen, John, homoeopathic chemist Stevens,W in.,labourer Hunt, T. B., produce merchant Gaulton & Chapman, coachbuilders Brown, Nathaniel, monumental mason Peters, J., slate merchant Sydney place - From East to West, IndependentChapel Nicholson & Son, timber merchants Right hand. Hawkesford, Win. H., agricultural imple- Dewar, John, labourer ment manufacturer Hayward, John, stevedore Munro, James, cabinetmaker Burgess, John, hawker Burrowes & Adamson, produce stores Meldrom, -, limeburner Wilson, Benjamin, dyer, scourer, and cleaner

Sydney place - From West to East, Smythes st. Left hand. McNab, Win., labourer Dickens, Edward, whitesmith, No. 31 Heade, Mrs. P., Portarlington hotel DIRECTORY. IN

Sydney place- From North to William st., South. Left hand. Anderson, Wm., boatbuilder Gillies, Robert, tailor Gain, -, coachbuilder Tarbett, David, stonemason Hornsey, Frederick, residence Robertson, John, sawyer Mildren, Edward, printer Mangan, Mrs., residence Chapman, George, coachbuilder Willie, Alexander, mason Cox, Sarah , machinist

Union st .- From Little Malop st., Right hand. Yarra st.-North to South, Right hand. Barnes, Robert, photographic artist Toohey & Sons, blacksmiths Gosborne, James , grocer, &c. Bevan 's old established pawn office Reedy, Timothy, Steampacket hotel Allen, Frederick, wireworker Hubbard, Eliza, Ship inn O'Halloran, Andrew, residence Holmes, Alfred, bootmaker Bull, William J., chemist, &c. Union Bank of Australia: Alexander Union at.-From Little Malop St., Sutherland, manager ; Jos C. Pounds, accountant Left hand. Holiday, Joseph, pianofortewarehouse; Wane, Wm., coffee works professor of music Hursh, Jacob, residence Volunteer Orderly room Over, Henry, watchmaker Shaw, J. L., architect and surveyor Masonic Hall, A. Levy Martin, Richard, watchmaker Hynes, Mrs., Prince Albert hotel Binks, Rev W. L., residence Wesleyan Church Victoria terrace. Excel], -, draper McPhillimy, Hugh, merchant Baddeley, N., grocer Mackenzie , John, auctioneer Baylie, Mrs., residence Saunders , E., tobacconist Carr, D., greengrocer Dennys, Charles John, wool merchant Williams, T., bootmaker Douglass & Co., Alfred, wool merchants Stanley, J., coachbuilder Dennys, Chas. John, private house Macheter, Victor, billiardroom proprietor Gemeson, Roland, labourer, No. 42 Buckingham, -, butcher Macdonald, -, residence Orgen, John, mariner Waldon, Miss, teacher Anderson, --, residence Bentwith , Mark, traveller CatholicParsonage Dick, Alexander, grocer Catholic Chapel Armstrong, Sarah, residence Police Court Brown, George, residence Grammar School Anderson, Andrew, grocer Pitman, Jacob, architect, private house Cook, Eliza , ladies' school Hawkes , Thomas, ironmonger Yarra st . - North to South, Watson, Robert, railway engineer Left hand. Stoneham, John, Temperance hotel Martin, James, shoemaker William st., Tuit, Joseph, Royal Mail hotel Sullivan, John, Britannia hotel Right hand. Wade, William, potato merchant Chiddle, James, carrier Goldsmith, Charles, general dealer Hutchison, James, coachbuilder Whitelaw, G.. & Co., grocer Barber , Samuel , dealer Irvine, John, bootmaker Cadzie, William, stonemason, No. 16 Parrott & Mills, carriage repository Warr, Alfred, basketmaker , No. 18 Langhone, Win., shipping agent Box, William, shopman, No. 20 Woolley & Harwood, solicitors Brinkley, Sarah, No. 22 Simeon , James, official assignee 16 ALPHABETICAL

Gibson Bros . & Co., land, estate, and I Ward, Mrs., dressmaker general agents Gerratz, John, grocer Speedy, Henry, solicitor Rose, R. J., wheelwright Taylor & Buckland, solicitors Loughlan, John, Royal Charter hotel Friend, Samuel C., solicitor Healy, Patrick, bootmaker Australasian Insurance Office ; George Walters, Charles, grocer Fraser , resident secretary Cluan, Michael, residence Higgins, Wm., solicitor Wall, Rol ert, cabinetmaker Shepperd, Miss Francis, ladies' seminary Court House hotel. John Farrell Steedman , George, pianoforte-maker and Scotch School tuner Scotch Church Guy, Arthur, solicitor Jewish Synagogue Coleman, William, Southey's hotel Pasmore, Mrs., residence Maley, Roger, solicitor Howe, Samuel, builder Burns , Charles, cooper, &e. Ham, H. M., grocer



A. Anderson, William, boat-builder , Eastern Beach Adams, George, boarding-house, Corio at. Anderson, Wm., mason, Little Ryrie at. Adams, Edward, hawker, Bellarine at. Anderson, -, residence, Yarra at. Ahem, Michael, builder, Bellarine at. Anderson, W. S., wine and spirit mer- Ah Sem, James, cabinetmaker, Little chant, Kardinia at. Rorie at. Andrews, Chas., warehouseman, Ryrie at. Albert, John, labourer, Gheringhap at. Andrews, Robert J., cabinet maker, Moor- Allan, Frederick, wire-worker, Union at. abool at. Allinson, James, saddler , Ryrie at. Andrews, Samuel, coachbuilder, Prospect Alpin, James, builder, James at. place Amiet, Louis, Pension Suisse , James at. Andrews, William, turnkey, Kilgour at. Anderson, Andrew, grocer, Victoria ter. Andrews, 11., draper, Moorabool at. Anderson, Andrew, plumber, James at. Anstice, John, tailor, Ryrie at. Anderson, John, mining and general com- Appleton, James , furniture warehouse, mission agent , Malop at. Little Ryrie at. Anderson, James, draper and clothier, Appleton, Mrs., confectioner, Modrabool Malop at. at. Anderson, R., residence, Bourke crescent Arbuckle, Thomas, tailor, Myers at. Anderson, T. Y., & Co., drapers , Moora- Arglea, George, musician, Corio at. bool at. Arm DIRECTORY. Bow 17

Armand, Mary, dining rooms, Moorabool Baylie, Mrs., residence, Yarra St. st. Baylie, Dr. W. H., surgeon, Moorabool St. Armstrong, Mrs., residence, Victoria ter- Baxter, William, painter, Maude St. race Beattie & Longloft, bootmakers, Mercer St. Artillery reserve, Ryrie St. Beamond, Alfred, greengrocer, &c., Malop Ash, Mrs. C., shoolmistress, Bellarine St. at. Ashmore, William, furniture manufac- Beamond, Alfred, atoreman , M'Killop at. turer, Moorabool St. Bean, Charles, bootmaker, Myers at. Ashmore, Edward, cabinetmaker, Maude Beard, J., Manchester Arms, Malop St. st. Bedford, Mrs., Terminus hotel, Mercer at Ashmore, George, upholsterer, Maude at Belcher, G. F., land officer, Moorabool at. Ashmore, J., upholsterer, Maude St. Bell, James, wholsesale and retail grocer, Ashton, James, sharebroker, Malop st. Moorabool St. Atken, James N., watchmaker and jewel- Bell, Thomas, baker, Kilgour St. ler, Moorabool at. Bell, Wm., residence, Pevensey crescent Austin, C. H., bootmaker, Moorabool St. Bell, John, grocer and produce dealer, Austin, John, foundry, Mercer at. Malop St. Australasian Insurance Office; Geo. Fra- Bennett & Son, pastrycooks, Malop St. ser, resident secretary, Yarra st. Bennett's dining rooms, Eastern beach Bent, A., Commercial hotel, Corio at. B. Bent's dining rooms, Corio St. Baddely,N., residence,Yarra st. Bentwith, Mark, residence, Victoria ter- Bailey, Thomas, detective officer, Moora- race bool st. Bevan, -, pawnbroker, Union St. Baird, John, blacksmith, Little Malop St. Bible Christian Chapel, Bellarine at. Baird, John, residence, James at, Biggs & Co., china and earthenware Baird, Thomas, residence, Fenwick at. dealers, Moorabool St. Baker, Mrs., residence, Mundy St. Biggs, -, residence, Pevensey St. Baker, It., tinsmith, Bellarine St. Birrell, James, residence, Myers St. Ball, Mrs., grocer, Little Ryrie st. Bird, David, grocer, Latrobe terrace Baldock, Thomas, tinsmith, Moorabool St. Binch, Wm., fisherman, McKillop St. Baldock, Thomas, tinsmith, Ryrie at. Birch, -, drayman, Eastern beach Balding, Robert, town surveyor, Bellarine Blackney, George, fisherman, Prospect St. place Baldings, Robert, residence, Maude at, Blair, W., grocer, Corio St. Band, Thomas, residence, Pevensey at. Blake, Benjamin, bootmaker, Myers St. Bank of Victoria, Malop St.; Vincent W. Blair, John, baker, Moorabool St. Giblin, manager ; It. Gladstone, acting Blashki, Philip, watchmaker, &c., Moora- accountant bool St. Bank of New South Wales, Malop St.; Blashki, Philip, residence, Little Malop St. W. J M. Larnoch, manager Bleuritt, Mrs., ladies' school, Maude at. Bank of Australasia, Malop at ; John R. Bohanna, Thomas, wheelwright, Little Morris, manager ; John B. Goulaton, Myers at. accountant Bolger, Martin, residence, Mercer at. Bannerman, John, butcher, Market place Bonwick, Henry, Western hotel, Mercer Bannister, Henry, clerk, Maude st. at. Bannister, R. D., residence, Bellarine at. Booth, Mrs., residence, Cavendish St. Bannister, Mrs., residence, Gheringhap at. Botanical Gardens and the Agricultural Barber, Samuel, dealer, William at. and Horticultural Societies' reserve Barbier, John, carrier, Malop at. Botanical Gardens hotel, Malop St. Bardwell, E., solicitor, Moorabool st. Bottomly, J., labour office, Ryrie St. Barnes, Robt., photographic artist, Union Bourke, Thomas, grocer, Little Malop St. at. Bourke, Michael, produce merchant, Moor- Barnes, William, tailor, Myers St. abool St. Bartlett, Edwin, draper, Moorabool at. Bowen, J., jun., confectioner, Corio St. Bartlett, G., cabinetmaker, Moorabool at. Bowen, -, Warden of the Gaol, Henry at. Bartlett & Brunton, saddlers, &c., Malop Bowen, Joseph, jun., confectioner, Moor- at. abool st. Bartlett, John, general store, Myers at. Bowen, Joseph, male and female registry Baskin, Mrs., day school, Bellarine St. office, Moorabool at. Baydon & Graham, soapworks, Corio at. Bowland, Edward , clerk, Myers at. D 18 Bow ALPHABETICAL Cat

Bowman, George, estate agent, Ghering- Burgess, John, hawker, Sydney place hap St. Burgess, G. G., watchmaker, Moorabool at. Bowman, G. H., estate agent, Ryrie at Burke Bros., gentlemen's outfitters, Malop Box, Wm., shopman, William St. at. Brady, Owen, Freemason's hotel, Malop Burn, Mrs., residence, Fenwick at. St. Burns, Mrs., ladies' college, Gheringhap Brady, Wm., grocer, Moorabool at. St. Bradley, George, watchmaker, Mercer St. Burns, E., tailor, Ryrie St. Brazier, Chas., draper, Pevenscy crescent Burns, John, Newmarket hotel, Little Brag, Mrs., milliner, Moorabool St. Malop St. Bray, Joseph, tailor and outfitter, Moora Burns, Charles, cooper, &c., Yarra St. bool St. Burrows, Wm , residence, Ryrie St. Blearley, Bros., leather merchants, Malop Burrowes & Adamson, produce stores, st. Ryrie St. Brehault, Thos., carpenter, Swanston at. Burvill, Mrs., milliner, Moorabool St. Brequet, Frederick, Little Malop St. Bushby, John, bootmaker, Latrobe terrace Breanen, Edward, labourer, Corio St. Butler, Thomas, tailor, Bellarine St. Brew, Mary Ann, Ryrie st. Byrne, Michael, carpenter, Little Ryrie at Broadbent, Geo., collector. Little Malop st Brodie, C., governor of the gaol, Myers st. C. Bright & Hitchcock, drapers, Moorabool Cakebread, Wm., coalyard,Little Malop st. St. Cakebread, William, cement store, Little Bright & Hitchcock's warehouse, Little Malop at. Malop st. Calby, Philip McShane, residence, Little Briukley, Mrs., residence, William at. Malop St. Brinsley, Annie, dressmaker, Myers at. Cameron, Gibson & Co , grocers, wine and Brittian, Wm, carpenter, Latrobe at, spirit merchants, Gheringbap at. Britter, Samuel, compositor. Bellarine st. Cameron, Hugh, niercmmt, Maude St. Brod, Wm., saddler, Swanston at. Cameron, Mrs , residenee, Gheringbap St. Broderick, Patk., produce store, Myers St Cameron, Donald, blacksmith, Latrobe Brodie, Wm., carpenter, Corio at. terrace Brook, Edward, veterinary surgeon, Bel- Camp, -, coaclihuilder, Little Myers st. larinest. Camp & Glenister, coachbuilders, Myers St. Brooks, Zacariah, residence, M'Killop st. Campbell, James, residence, 81 Moorabool Brown, Robert, painter, Garden at. at ; agent for the Australian Alliance Browne, Wm , grocer, Ryrie St. Astiurance, secretary for the Geelong Browne, -, grocer, &c., Bellarine at and Western District Horticultural Brown, Mrs. Mary Ann, residence, Bella- Society, and Secretary Geelong Protes- rine at tant Orphan Asylum Brown, James, Thistle inn, Corio St. Campbell, John, baker, Kilgour st. Brown, Nathaniel, monumental mason, Campbell, James, secretary to Horticul- Ryrie st. tural Society, Moorabool at. Brown, Robert, painter, Myers St. Canny, Daniel, cabman, Little Malop St. Brown, James, grocer, Mercer st. Cannon, Thomas, French polisher, Little Brown, Osborne, & Co., commission and Ryrie at. forwarding agents, Mercer St. Cantor, Benjamin, general dealer, market Brown, Warren H., draper, &e, Malop at. place Brown, Geo., residence, Victoria terrace Carr, J. G., auctioneer, Moorabool st. Brown, Robt., paperhanger, Moorabool st. Carr, -, land agent, Ryrie St. Brown, G., bootmaker, Bellarine St. Carr, Daniel, fruiterer, Ryrie at. Bryan, Thomas, labourer, Mundy st. Carr, D., greengrocer, Yarra St. Buckingham, H., butcher, Ryrie at. Carley, John, labourer, Garden st. Buckingham, residence, Yarra at. Carne, John, sailmaker, Little Malop st. Bull, Win. J., chemist, Yarra St. Carpenter, William, coachbuilder, Little Bullen, -, cooper, Ryrie at. Malop St. Bullock, R. H., merchant, Little Malop at. Carraway, J., carpenter, Prospect place Bullock, R. H., produce merchant, Little Carroll, W., butcher, Swanston St. Malop at. Carter, Champion, Malop St. Bumpstead , S., labourer, Mundy St. Cashan, Patrick, bootmaker, Kardinia St. Bunting, John, saddler, Prospect place Catholic Church, Yarra St. Burgess , George G., watchmaker, Myers at. Catholic Parsonage, Yarra at. Cav DIRECTORY. Day 19

Cavanagh, Johana, residence, Latrobe Cordell, Henry , residence , Little Ryrie at. terrace Corio Flour Mills, Gheringhap St. Chalder, John, greengrocer, Mercer St. Cottell, G., labourer, Cavendish St. Chandler, William Henry, postman, Little Cotton, Henry, compositor, Maude at. Myers St. Corres, Thomas N., baker, Moorabool at. Chapman, George, coachbuilder, Sydney Cowie, James, residence, Garden St. place Cowley' s dining rooms, Kardinia St. Chiddle, James, carrier, William at. Cox, Sarah, machinist, William St. Christe,Arthur, clerk,Latrobe terrace Cox, -, tailor, Little Malop at. Christ Church Common School, Moora- Craig, Alexr., residence, Gheringhap St. bool St.; Mr. and Mrs. Macklan, school- Creed & Son, lock and gunsmith, Ryrie St. master and schoolmistress Cries, Martin, residence, Little Myers St. Christ Church; Rev. George Goodman, Crisp, Mrs., residence, Bellarine St. Moorabool St. Croker, Joseph, butcher, Market place Clampett, Margaret, residence, Myers St. Crook, Alfred, ironmonger , Ryrie St. Clanchy, John, Brian Born hotel Crook, Alfred, ironmonger , Latrobe ter- Clanchy, M., Queen's Head hotel, Ryrie race at. Crouch, John, labourer, Garden St. Clare, J. & S., naturalists, Corio at. Cunningham, -, iron bedstead manufac- Clark Bros, grocers, Moorabool St. turer, Ryrie St. Clarke, Alfred, residence, Corio St. Cunningham, George, M L.A., residence, Clarke, Mrs , dressmaker, Myers St. Smythe St. Clarke, -, labourer, Bellarine st. Cunningham, William, carpenter, Mercer Clarke, Michael, bootmaker, Myers st. place Clarke, J., boot and shoemaker, Kardinia Cunningham , George, iron merchant, St. Malop St. Clarkson, Wm., seedsn\an, Ryrie St. Curlie, Joseph, carrier, Cavendish St. Clarkson, Win., seedsman , Gheringhap at. Curle, Thomas, wine merchant, Ryrie at. Cluan, Michael, residence, Yarra St. Curnow, John, produce store, Ryrie St. Clements, James, labourer, Mundy st. Curnow, Wm., wheelwright, Little Ryrie at. Coode, Josiah, boot and shoemaker, Moor- Curren, Thomas, labourer, Little Ryrie at. abool St. Curry, Michael, labourer, Myers at. Cobb & Co.'s booking office, Malop St.; T. Curtain, Mrs., Little Ryrie St. Stoneman & Co., proprietors Curtis, Robt., wheelwright, Little Ryrie at, Cocks, David, produce dealer, Little Ryrie Custom House, Eastern Beach St. Cuthbertson, George, grocer , Myers St. Cockerham, Charles, labourer, Myers at. Cuthbertson , George , corn store, Ghering- Codzie, Wm., mason, William St. hap St. Colbert, Wm., greengrocer, Bellarine at. Cole, Edward H., wine and spirit mer- D. chant, Moorabool St. Dale, Henry, butcher, Maude St. Coleman, William, Southey's hotel, Yarra Dalgety, Ibbotson & Co., merchants, st. Moorabool St. Collingwood, Mrs., Prospect place Daniels, Thomas, residence, Kilgour St. Collins, John, bootmaker, Ryrie St. Daniels, J., ironmonger, Moorabool St. Collins, John, bootmaker, Moorabool St. Daniels, George, butcher, Little Ryrie St. Collins, W. H., residence, Kilgour St. Davey, Richard Peechee Lee, grocer, Colonial Bank of Australasia, Malop St.: Moorabool at. A. S. Park, manager ; Wm. Tait, ac- Davey, Richard, grocer, Little Myers St. countant Davies, -, tailor, Malop St. Colledge, Wm., chemist and druggist, Davies, Henry, cabinet- maker, Myers St. Moorabool St. Davies, Tudor, mariner, Cavendish at. Coombe, Harvey, solicitor , Moorabool St. Davies, H , cabinet-maker, Ryrie at.' Common School ; Miss Brew , schoolmis- Davison, John, Pevensey crescent tress, Ryrie St. Davison, Edward, carpenter , M'Killop St. Conway, Wm., upholsterer, Moorabool St. Davison, J., auctioneer , Little Malop St. Cook, Charles Napier, Bellarine St. Daws, Robert, storeman , Little Ryrie St. Cook, Mrs., ladies' school, Victoria ter- Dawson, Charles B., Princess of Wales race • hotel, Ryrie St. Cook, Thomas, jeweller, Gheriiighap St. Day, Joseph, farrier, Ryrie St. Copnag, A., fisherman , Bellarine St. Day, John, miner , Malop at. 20 Day ALPHABETICAL For

Day, Rev. Samuel, Baptist minister, Little E. Malop at. De Balk, E., photographic artist, Moora- Earles, Edward, residence, Latrobe terrace bool at. Eastwood, Edwd., hatter, Moorabool st. De La Hant, Wm., millwright and en- Eastwood, Chas., hat manufactory, Little gineer, Cavendish St. Malop St. Delion, Henry, hairdresser and importer Eddington, John, carter, Garden st. (next door to the Bank of Victoria), Edwards, Mrs., residence, Malop St. Malop St. Electric Telegraph Office, Ryrie St. Demillo, Xavier, Clare hotel, Bellarine St. Elnor, Sarah, dressmaker, Little Ryrie St. Denmead, N., tinsmith, Little Malop St. Espinasse, Robert, ironmonger, Malop St. Denny, Chas. J., residence, Victoria ter- Etheridge, -, residence, Garden St. race Evens, Wm., cabman, Mercer St. Denny, C. J., woolmerchant, Victoria ter- Excells, -, residence, Yarra St. race Eyre, Thomas, residence, Corio st. Dennys, C. J. & Co., woolbrokers, Moor- F. abool st. Dens, Robert, glass and china warehouse, Fahey, Michael, bootmaker, Little Ryrie Market place st. Dent, Mrs., dressmaker, Corio St. Fairbrother, James, residence, Corio st. Descrimes, Peter E., upholsterer, Little Fallen, Michael, Farmers' hotel, Moore- Myers at. bool st. Dewar, John, labourer, Sydney place Farley, Peter, storeman, Smythe St. Dick, Alexr.,residence, Victoria terrace Farrell, Charles, accountant Bank of Aus- Dick, Alexr., greengrocer, Malop at. tralasia, Malop St. Dickins, Edward, Smith, Mercer st. Farrell, John, Court House hotel, Yarra St. Dickins, Edward, whiteamith, Smythe St. Farrow, John, storeman, Kilgour St. Dilan, Mrs., storekeeper, Little Myers St. Fawkner, -, residence, Malop St. Ditton, James, cutler, 23 Little Ryrie st. Feehan, Mrs., residence, Bourke crescent Dleaney, Mrs, residence, Bourke crescent Fenton, Mary, grocer, Maude St. Dobinson, L., Presbyterian minister, La- Ferguson, John, carriagebuilder, Ryrie St. trobeterrace Ferguson, John, coachbuilder, Myers st. Docharty, Wm., storeman, Maude St. Ferris, Mrs., straw hat manufacturer, Domney, John, butcher, Bellarine St. Bellarine St. Donelly, J., jun., Carriers' Arms, Corio St. Field, Wm., Sale Yards, Ryrie St. Doogan, Matthew, blacksmith, Ghering- Finch, Sophia, residence, Little Myers St. hap St. Fink, M. & H, wholesale grocers and pro- Douglass, Alfred, proprietor Geelong Ad- vision merchants, Malop St. vertiser newspaper, Malop St. Fink, II., residence, Malop St. Douglass, Alfred, residence, Fitzroy St. Fink, Henry, grocer, Myers St. Douglass & Co., Alfred, wool merchants, Finn, Thomas, carter, Swanston st. Victoriaterrace Finnegan, Henry, labourer, Kilgour St. Dowling, Hy., carpenter, Latrobe terrace Firth, Joseph, butcher, Latrobe terrace Downie, Wm., printer, Kilgour St. Fischer, Mr., jeweller, Kirk place Downie & Thompson, printers, Moorabool Fisher, Mrs., residence, Little Mop st. St. Fitchett, Alfred, residence, Little Myers Downing, B. J., music teacher, Myers St. St. Ducker, W. F., private residence, Little Fitchett's Labour Mart, Malop st. Malop st. Fitzgerald, David, wheelwright, Little Ducker & Co., W. F., auctioneers, Little Myers St. Malop• st. Fitzpatrick, John, labourer, Myers St. Duffy, Michael, residence, Moorabool St. Fletcher, John, residence, Latrobe terrace Duggan, Mrs , residence, Garden St. Floyd, Benjamin, furniture dealer, Little Duncan, Joseph, storeman, Kilgour St. Ryrie st. Dunden, Edward, carpenter, Corio St. Foot, Joseph, carpenter, 56 McKillop st. Dunning, John, greengrocer, Little Ryrie Forbes, Alex., Culloden Castle hotel, La- St. trobeterrace Dunthorne, George, carpenter, Ghering- Forbes, Mrs., residence, Garden st. hap St. Ford, George, labourer, Mundy st. Durran, John, carpenter, Kilgour st. Forster & Co., valuators and general Dupe, John, gunmaker, Ryrie St. agents, Moorabool at. Fos DIRECTORY. liar 21

Foster, Henry, mason, Mercer at. Glynn, -, residence, Garden St. Fouracre, Thos., cabinetmaker, Little Golden Horn Gold-mining Company; J. Ryrie St. Inglis, manager, Little Malop st. Fox, Her y, cabinetmaker, James St. Goldsmith, C., general dealer, Yarra St. Fox, Henry, cabinetmaker, Little Myers Goodman, Rev. George, M'Killop at, st. Goodwin, George W., grocer, Moorabool Fox, W., produce merchant, Moorabool St. st. Fox, Mrs., dressmaker, Myers St. Gosbell, James, grocer, Mercer st. Franks, Henry, bookseller, Ryrie St. Gosling, Richard, British hotel, Corio St. Franks, Henry, stationer, bookseller, &c., Gosney, James, carpenter, Mercer at: Moorabool st. Gough and Sons, grocers, Latrobe terrace Fraser, S., Miss, dressmaker, Malop St. Gough, W. J, Eureka hotel, Little Malop Fraser, Mrs., residence, Latrobe terrace St. Fraser, Hugh, saddler, Maude St. Goulden, S., moulder, Malop St. Frazer, Mrs., residence, Mundy St. Goulton, W., coachpainter, Little Ryrie at. Free Church and Common School, Little Goulston, John B., accountant Bank of Malop St. Australasia,Malop st. Freeman, James, labourer, Gheringhap St. Graham, Patrick, carter, Myers st. Freeman & Gaydon, tinsmiths, Malop st. Graham, Mrs., residence, Kilgour at Freeman, Wm , fruiterer, Market place Graham, Olive, residence, Latrobe terrace Friend, Mrs., boardinghouse, Malop St. Grammar School, Yarra st. Friend, Samuel C., solicitor, Yarra St. Grammar School, M'Killop St. Fyfe & Mackenzie, stock agents and wool- Grant, -, labourer, Corio St. brokers, Moorabool St. Grant, H. D., ornamental hairworker and jeweller, Ityrie St. G. Green, Thos., brushmaker, Little Ryrie St. Gabb, John, painter, Myers st. Greenwood, Rev. E., residence, Latrobe Gain, -, coachbuilder, Sydney place terrace Galletly, John, manager of London Char- Griffiths Bros , wine and spirit merchants, tered Bank of Australasia, Malop st. Little Malop st. Garratt, John M., loan and share broker, Griffiths, V, wine and spirit merchant house and land agent, Malop St. Fitzroy st. Garratt, J. M., residence, Latrobe terrace Griffith, Frank, residence, Mercer at. Gasborne, James, grocer, &c., Yarra st. Grigg, Tobias, baker, Ityrie St. Gaulton & Chapman, coachbuilders, Ityrie Grigg, John, Preston's Hotel, Ryrie st. St. Growden, Win., builder, M'Killop St. Geelong Advertiser office ; Alfred Dou- Grundy, Wm , builder, Fenwick St. glass , proprietor, Malop st. Guera, Auguste, Hotel de la Ville, Little Geelong Gaol, Swanston st. Myers st. Geelong Gaol, Myers st. Gundry and Son, china and glass ware- Geelong Hospital, Ryrie St. house, Moorabool St. Gemeson, R., labourer, Victoria terrace Guthrie, George, residence, Garden St. Gerratty, John, grocer, Yarra St. Guy, Arthur, solicitor, Yarra St. Gerrard, Charles, storeman, Kilgour St. Gibbins, J., cabinetmaker, Moorabool st. H. Gibbs, Ronald, & Co., wool merchants, Hoasy, G., restaurant , Moorabool St. Brougham place Hall, Charles, builder, Swanston St. Gibes, Thos., watchmaker, Moorahool st. Hall Bros., drapers, Moorabool st. Giblin, Vincent W, manager Bank of Hall, Benjamin, draper, Little Ryrie St. Victoria, Malop St. Hallifax, Joseph, fruiterer, Moorabool St. Gibson Bros. and Co., land, estate and Halpin, C., compositor, Corio St. general agents, Yarra St. Hamilton, John, jeweller and engraver, Gibson, George, grocer, Pevensey crescent Little Ryrie St. Gilbert, Mrs., residence, Fitzroy St. I andley, John, grocer, Ryrie St. Gillies, Robert, tailor, William st. I arbour Office, Eastern Beach Gillis, Henry, mariner, Corio St. Hare, Wm., bookseller, Mercer St. Gladstone, R., acting accountant, Bank of Hare, John, coachman, Swanston St. Victoria, Malop St. Hargraves, Mrs., residence, Bellarine St. Gladstone, Joseph, labourer, Kilgour St. Hargraves, Simon, wheelwright, Gherin- Glen, -, labourer, Smythe st. ghap St. Glenister, G., coach builder, Myers at. Harmer, W., chimney- sweep, Corio at. 22 Har ALPHABETICAL Hyn

Harrington, T. M., manager Bank of Holdsworth, Jos., builder, Little Malop St. Australasia,Malop St. Holland, -, jun., plumber, Bellarine st. Harris, James, residence, Little Eyrie St. Holland, Chas., mariner, Corio St. Harris, Win , carpenter, Malop St. Holland, Andrew, jun., plumber, Bella- Harrison , James, Geelong Register, Kil- rine St. gour St. Holland & King, paperhangers, Ryrie st. Harrison, James, manager of Geelong Holley, James, carpenter, Mundy at. Register, newspaper, Malop St. Holhgan, Mrs., greengrocer, Moorabool St. Harrison, Thos., tailor, Corio at. Holman, John, grocer, Mercer St. Hartley, George, cowkeeper, Mundy st. Holmes, White, & Co., merchants, Gher- Hartley, Allen, cowkeeper, Kilgour St. inghap at. Hartly, M. J., collector for the hospital, Holmes, White, & Co., merchants, Little Moorabool St. Malop St. Hartnup, -, coachbuilder, Corio St. Holmes, Alfred, bootmaker, Yarra St. Harvey, Fredk., residence, Gheringhap St. llolyoak, Fredk., cabinet maker, Myers st. Harvey, H. & F., produce merchants, Hood & Co., coachbuilders, Little Malop Eyrie St. St. Hasell, Samuel, fruiterer, Moorabool St. Hooper, James, residence, M'Killop St. Haslem, --, residence, James St. Hopkins, Mrs., residence, Mundy St. Haw, 11. M, grocer, Yarra St. Horan, Miss, dressmaker, Bellarine St. Hawkes Bros., iron merchants, Malop st. IIoeman, Win, compositor, Swanston at. Hawkes, Thos ,residence, Victoria terrace llornsey, Fredk., residence, Sydney place Hawkesford, Wm. H., agricultural imple- Ilornsey Bros., paper merchants, Moora- ment manufacturer, Eyrie st. 1 00l st. Haworth, Edmund F., tanner and currier, Hospital Reserve, Little Eyrie St. Malop st. Hotchin, Robert, butcher, Gheringhap st. Hay Market, Myers St. Hourigan, Denis, grocer, Moorabool St. Hayes, Captain, residence, Swanston st. llon ard, -, bandmaster, Little Ryrie St. Hayward, John, stevedore, Sydney place Howard, Robert, miner, Maude St. Heade, Mrs. I'., residence, Sydney place Howe, Joseph, confectioner, Kilgour St. Heady John, grocer, Myers St. Howe, Samuel, builder, Yarra at Heady, John, chaff mills, Myers St. Howell, Win. S., auctioneer, Eyrie St. Healy, Patrick, bootmaker, Yarra st. Howey, Wm., gingerbeer maker, M'Killop Hearle, Mrs., residence, Malop St. St. Heath & Cordell, general printers, Malop Hubbard, Eliza, Ship inn, Yarra at. st. lluckin, residence, Eastern Beach Heath, Edwin, fruiterer, Little Malop st. Hudson, Henry, Rising Sun hotel, Eyrie at Heath, Mrs., residence, Corio St. Hudson, John W., undertaker, Moorabool Heath, Richard, dentist, Malop st. St. Hedrick, J., grocer, Little Ryrie St. Huggins, Julius, compositor, Mundy st. Hendrick, John, & Co., grocers, and wine hIuggon, Thos., compositor, M'Killop St. and spirit merchants, Malop St. Hughes, M., tailor, Mundy St. Hendy, James, residence, I'evensey St. Hughes, Josiah, ironmonger, Little Myers Hendy, James, loan and sharebroker, Malop St. St. Humble & Co., foundry, Little Malop at Henry, James, dealer, M'Killop St. Humphries, II., hairdresser, Bellarine St. Henty, Jas., & Co., merchants, Brougham Humphrey, It., carpenter, M'Killop St. place Hunt, A., mason, Bellarine St. Hewitt, Alex., labourer, Bourke crescent Hunt, T. B., produce merchant, Eyrie at. Hewitt, Wm., builder, Little Eyrie st. Hunt, Alex., tailor, Myers st. Higgins, W., solicitor, Yarra St. Hunt & Holmes, saddlers, Malop St. Higgins, John, bootmaker, Bellarine St. Hunter, R., labourer, Gheringhap St. Hill, Mrs., registry office, Gheringhap st. Hurst, Jacob, residence, Union St. Hillhouse, James, butcher, Myers St. Hutchins, Francis, carpenter, Gheringhap Hinchclif , John, residence, Swanston at. St. Hiscox, George, fishmonger, Moorabool St. Hutchison, James, coachbuilder, William Hitchins, Edward, residence, Kilgour St. St. Hobday, Joseph, pianofortewarehouse, Hyde, Henry, labourer, Little Malop st. Yarra at. Hyman, Mrs., fancy goods merchant, Hoctor, Mrs., residence, Latrobe terrace Market place Holden, -, grocer, Maude st. Hynes, Mrs., Prince Albert hotel, Yarra St. Ice DIRECTORY. Lou 23

I. Kernot, W. A., chemist and druggist, Moorabool st. Icely, Robert, cooper, Mercer st. King, -, contractor, Gheringhap St. Imly, Mrs., residence, Corio st. Kirkland, J., grocer, Malop St. Immigration Depot, Ryrie St. Kirkwood, Alfred, draper, Latrobe terrace Independent Chapel, Ryrie st. Kitchen, Thos , grocer, Latrobe terrace Industrial School, Swanston St. Kitchen, Robert, mason, Little Ryrie St. Inglis, Thomas, market inspector, Little Kitchen, Thomas, tailor, Latrobe terrace Ryrie St. Kitt, -, horse dealer, Swanston St. Irvine, John, hootmaker, Yarra St. Ritz, Lewis, watchmaker, Moorabool St. Irvine, Henry, master mariner, Malop St. Knight, Edward, Olive Branch hotel Isard, H. A., coal merchant, Moorabool St. Moorabool St. Isely, Wm , broker, Latrobe terrace Knowlton, James, storekeeper, Moorabool St. J. L. Jackson, residence, Eastern Beach Jacobs, Morris, outfitter, Malop St. Ladies' Benevolent Asylum, McKillop St. Jacobs, Hyam, outfitter and fancy goods Ladies' and Gentlemen's Baths, Eastern merchant, Moorabool St. beach Jacobs, Morris, residence, Pevensey St. Lake, John, tailor and outfitter, Malop st. Jaffrey, Mrs, fancy repository, Moorabool Lambert, Mrs. J., Myers st. St. Lamble, E., blacksmith, Ryrie st. Jane, Mrs , dressmaker, Moorabool st. Lane, Wm., carter, Maude St. Jeffrey, Mrs., residence, Maude st. Langhorne, Edward, hay merchant, Little Jenkins & Bennett, undertaker, Moora- Myers st. bool st. Langhorne, Wm., shipping agent, Yarra St. Jenson, James, residence, Bellarine st. Langhorne, Wm., residence, Malop St. Jenyngs, Thomas, hairdresser, Ryrie st. Langley, Sarah, 4; Little Ryrie St. Jenyngs, Thomas, fruiterer, Ryrie St. Larnach, W. J. M., manager Bank of New Jewish Synagogue, Yarra St. South Wales, Malop St. Johnson, Mr, residence, Malop st. Laurie and Trasey, slaters, Kardinia st. Johnson, Mrs. J., grocer, Bellarine st. Lavenburry, Matthew, produce store, Johnson, James, butcher, Gheringhap St. Little Ryrie st. Johnston, Thomas, greengrocer, Malop St. Lawrence, Samuel, bootmaker, McKillop St. Johnston, Wm., labourer, Bellarine st. Lawrence, J., dyer and cleaner, Little Johnston, John, saddler, Little Malop st. Malop St. Johnston, Robert, saddler, &c., Malop st. Lawton, P., tobacconist, Malop st. Jones, F., hairdresser, Ryrie st. Leckie, Mrs. John, grocer, Moorabool st. Jones, Chas., railway porter. McKillop st. Leech; Alfred, labourer, Bellarine st. Jones, Wm., tailor, Mundy st. Leggitt, James, labourer, Kirk place Jones, Wm., tailor, Myers St. Lenan, John, labourer, Mundy St. Jones, Edward, labourer, Corio st. Leon, S., pawnbroker, Kardinia st. Joy, John, labourer, Bellarine st. Leonard, Serjeant, McKillop at. Joyse, Robert, draper, Ryrie at. he Patourel, Harbour office, Fitzroy st. Julian, J , residence, Corio st. Le Seur, James, tent maker, Ryrie st. Julien, Mrs., dressmaker, Moorabool st. Levien, B. G, seedsman, Moorabool St. Just, Jacob, cabinetmaker, James St. Levy, A., Union st. Levy, Michael S., auctioneer, Ryrie st. K. Lewis, Joseph, Victoria hotel, Moorabool st. Keaman, Noble, grocer, Latrobe terrace Linford, Alfred, miner, Myers St. Keeble, Henry, naturalist, Moorabool st. Link, George P., schoolmaster, Pevensey Keenan, Thomas, labourer, Little Ryrie St. crescent Keierman, Mrs., residence, Kilgour St. Lochnan, Mrs., residence, Garden st. Kelly, Patrick, contractor, Latrobe terrace Lockwood, Thomas, bootmaker, Swanston Kelly, Thos , Crown hotel, Latrobd terrace St. Kelsall, Mrs., residence, Corio st. London Chartered Bank of Australasia, Kennedy, William, bootmaker, Bellarine Malop St.: John Galletly, manager ; St. James Nicol, accountant Kenny, Edward, grocer, Moorabool st. Loughlan, John, Royal Charter hotel, Keown, John, grocer, McKillop at. Yarra at. 24 Lov ALPHABETICAL MCW

Love, Rev. A., McKillop St. Maudsley, James, watchmaker, Eastern Lowday, R., musician, Corio St. beach Lowe, Henry, carpenter, Maude St. McAllister, -, Waterman, Malop St. Lowe, Isabella, Little Ryrie St. McCallum, Mrs., residence, Malop St. Lowe and McKenzie, butchers, Moorabool McCallum, Neil, confectioner, Moorabool at. St. Lowry, Mrs., grocer, Malop St. McCallum, Neil, confectioneer, Maude at, Lucas, Win, saddler,Latrobe terrace McCallum, saddler, Malop st. Lugg, Mrs., residence, Fitzroy St. McCallum, Neil, & Co., merchants, Lynch, John, labourer, Little Malop St. Brougham place Lynch, M., labourer, Corio at. McCall, Andrew, baker, Myers St. McCarly, Thos., labourer, Kilgour st. M. McConbrie, John, baker, M'Killop St. Macdonald, A. C., merchant, agent for the McCullum, Mrs., residence, Latrobe ter- Imperial Fire Insurance Company, Aus- race tralian Alliance Assurance Company, McCure, Henry, boot and shoe warehouse, Equitable Mortgage Bank of Victoria, Moorabool St. Ryrie st. McDonald, Allen, Caledonian Hotel, Lit- Macdonald,-, residence,Victoria terrace tle Ryrie st. Mackefer, Victor, billiard room proprietor, McDonald, Robert, chemist,'Geringhap at. Yarra St. McDonald, Patrick, wine and spirit mer- Mackenzie, John, auctioneer, Victoria chant, Moorabool st. terrace McDonald, R, New Drug Hall, Ryrie St. Mackie, Thos., mattrass maker, Moora- McDonald, P., & Co., wine and spirit bool St. merchants, Moorabool st. Mackie, Thomas, mattrass maker, Little McDuff, P., brewer, Corio St. Ryrie St. McEllroy, James, labourer, Bellarine st. Macklin, H., schoolmaster, M'Killop St. McFarlane, Mrs, milliner, Malop st. Macpherson, -, carpenter, Bellarine St. McGee, Dick, & Co., general warehouse- Macnamara, Patrick, turnkey, Bourke men, Moorabool st. crescent. McGouge, John, grocer, wine and spirit Malcolm, Robert, carter, Smythe St. merchant, Moorabool st. Malcolm, Thos., carpenter, Kilgour St. McGregor, Thos, carpenter, Kilgour St. Maley, R., solicitor, Yarra St. McGregor, F , jeweller, Bellarine st. Maley, Mrs, LittleMalop st. McKennon, Mrs., residence, Latrobe ter- Malloy, D., labourer, Corio St. race. Maloney, -, carrier, Swanston st. McKinnon, -, residence, Malop St. Manger, Mrs., residence, William St. McIntosh, David, butcher, Little Ryrie St. Manger, Samuel, carpenter, Little Myers McKiever, Phillip, residence, Little Ryrie St. St. Mann, John, shipsmith and boiler maker, McLauchlan, James, cabinet maker, Little Easternbeach Malop St. Mansfield, Joseph, machinist, Cavendish McMullen, John, wine and spirit merchant, at. Little Ryrie St. Mansfield, John, baker and confectioner, McMullen, Wm., wine and general mer- Malop St. chant, Ryrie st. Marendaz, F, grocer, Moorabool at. McMullen, Alexander, cabman, Little Martin, David, residence, Bellarine St. Ryrie St. Martin, Richard, watchmaker, Yarra St. McMurrich, Mrs, residence, Kilgour St. Martin, B. & Sons, timber merchants, McNab, Wm., general store, Myers St. Ryrie St. McNab, Wm., labourer, Smythe at. Martin, James, shoemakar, Yarra st. McNamara, Peter, greengrocer, Malop at. Mason, T., candlemaker, Gheringhap st. McNamara, J., merchant, Eastern Beach Masonic Hall, Union st. McPherson, John, livery stables, Little Matthews Bros, butchers, Malop at. Malop st. Matthews, Edward, chemist, Latrobe ter- McPhillimy, Hugh, merchant, Victoria race terrace Matthews, James, bootmaker, Bellarine McWilliams, Andrew, architect, Moora- St. bool St. Matthews, John, farmer, Pevensey cres- McWilliams, Andrew, architect, Maude cent at. Mea DIRECTORY. O'Ke 25

Mekkin, Henry, Derby Arms hotel, Little Munro, Hugh, shoemaker, Bourke crescent Malop St. Munro, James, cabinetmaker, Ryrie st. Mechanics ' Institute , Ryrie st. Murphy, John, general merchant , Little Meldrom, -, limeburner , Sydney place Malop at. Melville, Mrs., labour office, Ryrie st. Murphy, Michael, mariner , Gheringhap st. Mercer, George, bookseller and stationer, Murphy, Mrs., grocer, Bellarine St. Malop St. Murray, Donald, labourer, Kilgour St. Mercer, George, printer, Malop St. Murray, D., confectioner, Ryrie at, Metcalfe, Benjamin, plasterer, M'Killop at, Murray, Wm., labourer, Swanston St. Mildren, Edward, printer, Sydney place Miles, Frederick Wm., tailor, Ryrie st. N. Miles, George, Excelsior clothing estab- Nash, Stephen, blacksmith, Ryrie St. lishment, Moorabool St. Nash, Wm., painter, Mundy St. Miles, George, draper and outfitter, Moor- National Bank of Australasia : T. M. abool St. Harrington, manager ; Charles Farrel, Milford, James, residence, Myers St. accountant, Malop St. Miller, John, labourer, Fitzroy St. Neal, Benjamin, signwriter, Ryrie st4 Miller, John, bootmaker, Maude St. Needham, John, writingmaster, oora- Miller, James, Prince of Wales hotel, bool St. Little Malop St. Nelson, Henry, residence, Garden St. Miller, J., Albion hotel, Little Malop St. Nesbit, Wm., contractor, Maude St. Miller, Robert, mariner, Bellarine at, Newman, Samuel, mariner, Latrobe ter- Mills, Edward, coachbuilder, Myers st. race Milnes, George, coachbuilder, Malop St. Nicol, James, accountant of London Mingaye Syder, C. B., medical practi- Chartered Bank of Australasia, Malop tioner , Moorabool St. at, Mitchell, Mrs , residence, Latrobe terrace Nichol, J., grocer, Moorabool st. Mitchell, James, residence, Corio St. Nichols, John, residence , Little Ryrie st. Mooney, Thomas, hay and corn merchant, Nicholls, Thomas, & Co., wholesale and Little Malop St. retail grocers and produce merchants, Mooney, john, mason, Corio st. Ryrie st. Montgomery, John, livery stables, Kar- Nicholson & Son, timber merchants, Ryrie dinia st. st. Moore, W. S., blacksmith, Kardinia st. Nickson, Mrs., residence , Corio st. Moore, Rev. A., residence, M'Killop St. Nile, Cornelius, labourer, Kilgour St. Moore, Wm., grocer, Gheringhap St. Ninham, Thomas, cooper, Bellarine st. Moore, Benjamin, bootmaker, Little Ryrie Noble, John, residence, Corio st. st. Noble, Wm., grocer, Myers at, Moore Bros., produce dealers, Ryrie St. Noble, W., & Co., grocers, &c., Ryrie st. Moors, W. S., draper, Ryrie st. Noonan, W. P., Royal Exchange hotel, Morkham, Wm., bootmaker, Moorabool St. Malop St. Morris, Edward, bookseller, Gheringhap Noonan, J., Limerick Castle boarding- St. house, Corio St. Morris, James, butcher, Little Malop St. Noonan, James, labourer, Mundy St. Morris, John R., manager Bank of Aus- Norman, James, contractor, Corio St. tralasia,Malop St. Norton, -, photographic artist, Malop at. Morrison, Mrs., residence, M'Killop St. Nott, Robert, builder, Myers St. Moses, Hyam, merchant, Market place Nott, R. G., painter, Myers St. Motteram, Joseph, blacksmith, Ryrie st. Mougher. James, gardener, Little Myers 0. St. O'Brien, Thomas, Turf Club hotel, Malop Mount, -, residence, Swanston St. st. Morton, Mark , sergeant of police, Bourke Odgers, Elizabeth, draper, Myers st. crescent Ogilvie & Robinson, auctioneers and ship- Mudie, Mrs., residence, Myers st. ping agents, Moorabool St. Mulcahy, Patrick, carrier, Swanston st. O'Halloran, Michael, dairyman, Little Mulder, John T., hairdresser, Moorabool Ryrie it. St. O'Halloran, Andrew, Union St. Mullen, Thos, labourer, Cavendish St. O'Halloran, Michael, Red Lion inn, Moor- Mulligan , John , hay and corn store, Little abool at. Malop St. O'Keene, John, tinsmith, Moorabool st. E 26 Orm ALPHABETICAL Rob

Ormerod, Lionel, photographic artist, Poynton, Edward 0., chemist and drug- Moorabool St. gist, Malop St. Ormerod, L., residence, Eastern Beach Pride, Henry, plasterer, Little Ryrie st. Ormond, Mary Ann, residence, Kirk place Prime, Richard, blacksmith, Little Malop Osborne, G., hat manufacturer, Malop St. at. Osgen, John, mariner, Yarra st. Puflett, Thomas, Bush inn, Corio at. Over, Henry, watchmaker, Union St. Purdue, E. G., warder, Swanston St. Owen, John, homoeopathic chemist, Ryrie at. Q. Oxborough, Chas., George and Dragon Quinan, James, deputy registrar of births hotel, Moorabool St. deaths, &c., Moorabool St. Quincy, -, Royal hotel, Malop St. P. Page, Frederick, residence, Little Myers R. at. Rasdale, -, labourer, Bellarine St. Pankhurst, Mrs., widow, Moorabool St. Rashleigh, Mrs., teacher, Gheringhap St. Pardsy, W. E., chemist, Moorabool st. Ray, James, plasterer, Bellarine St. Park, A. S., manager Colonial Bank, Rea, Hugh, grocer, Mercer St. Malop st. Reedy, Timothy, Steam Packet hotel, Parker, Richard, ironmonger, Moorabool Yarra St. St. Reeves Bros., grocers, Moorabool St. Parker, Chas, labourer, Kilgour at Reeves, Robert, grocer, Myers St. Parkinson, James, storeman, Maude St. Reeves, G., residence, Corio St. Parrott & Mills, carriage repository, Yarra Reid, James, cooper, Bellarine St. St. Reid, Alexander, produce merchant, Little Payne, John, carpenter, Bellarine st. Malop at. Pasmore, Wm., gunsmith, 54 M'Killop at. Reid, A. R, residence, Moorabool St. Pasmore, Mrs., residence, Yarra st. Read, Chas., draper and tailor, Moorabool Passelaigue, Francis, Colonial Wine Depbt, at. James at Reid, Mrs., residence, Latrobe terrace Paterson, Wm., collector, Maude st. Reid, -, labourer, Malop St. Paterson, Lachlan, bootmaker, Latrobe Reid, Dr., surgeon, Ryrie St. terrace Rendell, Mrs., residence, Kilgour St. Patten, Thomas, salesman, Little Ryrie at. Reynard, -, restaurant, Malop at. Patterson, Elizabeth, greengrocer, Moora- Reyner, Walter, blacksmith, Little Malop bool at. St. Patterson, Mrs., residence, M'Killop St. Rice, George, Black Bull hotel, Malop St. Patterson, -, residence, Bellarine at. Rich, Mrs., residence, Kilgour St. Peak, Robert, coachtrimmer, Little Eyrie Richardson, Mrs., music teacher, M'Killop st. St. Pescott, Thos., carpenter, M'Killop st Richmond, Wm., painter, &c., Moorabool Peters, J., slate merchant, Ryrie St. at. Peters, W., quarryman, M'Killop St. Ricketts, David, ovenmaker, Little Malop Penrose, Henry, fruiterer, Moorabool at. at. Phall, Chas., & Co., cabinetmaker, Gher- Rider, Thos., wool merchant, Pevenaey St. inghap at. Rippon, Geo. It., reporter, Moorabool St. Pitman, Jacob, architect, Moorabool St. Ritchie, C., bootmaker, Corio St. Pitman, J., residence, Victoria terrace Ritchie, Peter, tailor, Moorabool St. Pittard, Wm., bootmaker, Gheringhap St. Rix & Co., auctioneers and agents, Ryrie Police Court, Yarra St. at. Pool, Chas., coachbuilder, Little Malop St. Rix, Thomas, auctioneer, Swanston St. Pontin, James, carter, Corio at. Roach, Thos., labourer, M'Killop St. Portarlington hotel, Sydney place Roberts, Francis, labourer, Bellarine at. Port, James, timber merchant, Little Eyrie Roberts, Samuel, tinsmith, Malop St. at. Roberts, Walker, residence, Moorabool at. Post Office, Ryrie St. Roberts, Jonah, photographic artist, Malop Pounds, J. C., accountant, Union Bank, at. Yarra St. Robertson & Nash, painters and glaziers, Powell, Geo., miller, Little Myers at. Moorabool St. Powell, Thomas, brewer, Little Malop St. Robertson, John, City Saw mill, Little Powers, John, cooper, Malop St. Ryrie at. Rob DIRECTORY. Sto 27

Robertson, Joseph, mason, Swanston at. Shaw, W., Dr., surgeon, Myers St. Robertson, John, sawyer, William St. Sheckell, Thomas, basket manufacturer, Robertson, James, bootmaker, Corio St. Malop St. Robertson, Mrs., grocer, Corio St. Sheedy, Patrick, mechanic , Mercer place Robinson, Sydney It., homoeopathic sur Sheehy, -, boatbuilder, Swanston St. geon, M.R.C.S.L. & L.S.A., Ryrie St. Sheils, F,, bootmaker, Corio at. Roche & Sons, blacksmiths, Moorabool St. Shepperd, Thomas, bootmaker, Moorabool Roffey, C., fishmonger and greengrocer, St. Malop St. Shepperd, Miss, ladies' seminary , Yarra St. Rogers, Patrick, labourer, Little Ryrie St. Shepperd, Mrs., residence, Latrobe terrace Rose, R. J., wheelwright, Yarra St. Sherwood, -, general dealer, Little Myers Rourke, Henry, contractor, Kilgour St. St. Rowden, Edward, french-polisher, Myers Shirty, Richard, bootmaker, Gheringhap St. at. Rowseln, Joseph, embroidery warehouse, Short, John, produce dealer, Mercer St. Ryrie St. 4 Short, John, produce dealer, Latrobe ter- Roxburgh, Adam, draper, M'Killop St. race Royce, Walter, baker, Little Myers st. Shugg, Thos., mason, Maude St. Rudd, Mrs., draper, Moorabool st Sidders, Thomas A., Kent House and pri- Rush, Mrs., residence, Bellarine st. vate hotel, Ryrie st. Ryan, Martin, Golden Age hotel, Gher- Sillett, S., London hotel, Moorabool St. inghap st. Sims, James, livery stable keeper, Little Ryan, Mrs., residence, Mundy St. Malop at. Ryan, L., Builders' Arms, Malop st. Sims, -, livery stable keeper, Malop St. Ryan, Patrick, labourer, M'Killop St. Simson, James , official assignee , Yarra St. Ryan, Mrs., dressmaker, Little Myers St. Simpson, Chas, fisherman, Smythe St. Sinclair, J., boatbuilder, Eastern Beach S. Skene, A. J., surveyor, Moorabool St. Sach, Chas., residence, Myers st. Skirving, Peter, residence, Little Myers Sander, Emil, tobacconist, Moorabool St. at. Sander, E, & Co., tobacconists, Malop St. Skirving, Peter, tailor and outfitter, Moor- Santley, E., bookbinder, Bellarine st. abool st. Sargeant, John, saddler, &c , Ryrie st. Smith, J., gun and locksmith, Ryrie St. Sargeant, Benjamin, carpenter, Mercer Smith, John, turner, Gheringhap St. place Smith, Henry, turner, Mercer St. Sasse, Edmund, drawiugmaster, Myers St. Smith, Ann, Little Ryrie St. Saunders, E., residence, Victoria terrace Smith, Mrs., residence, M yers St. Schwab, Abraham, bootmaker, James St. Smythe, Mary, residence , Myers St. Scotch Church, M'Killop St. Spalding.David, cabinetmaker, Kilgour at. Scotch School, Little Myers st. Speedy, Henry, solicitor, Yarra St. Scotch School, Yarra st. Spence, I)., horsedealer, James St. Scott, Benjamin, agent, Moorabool St. Spence, Mrs, grocer, Fitzroy St. Scott, James, engineer, Little Myers st. Spriggins, Mrs., dressmaker , Mercer St. Scott Bros., timber merchants, Corio St. Solomon, E., greengrocer, Moorabool at. Scott, Donald, timber merchant, Ryrie St. Staines, Wm., turnkey, M' Killop St. Seargeant, John, saddler, Mercer St. Stainsby, Robert, draper, Bellarine St. Searle, -, carter, Moorabool at. Stanley, J., coachbuilder, Yarra St. Searles, Robert, poultry merchant, Moor- Steedman , George, pianoforte maker and abool St. tuner, Yarra St. Sebastian, Robt., shipbuilder, Bellarine at. Stent, J., greengrocer , Malop st. Seles, Hugh, carter, Glieringhap at. Stevens, Wm., labourer , Swanaton St. Sephenfelt, Frederick, labourer, Latrobe Stewart, Archibald , mason , Maude St. terrace Stewart, Thos., draper , Kilgour St. Sewell, Frederick, bootmaker, Ryrie st. Stock, Joseph , merchant , Mercer St. Sharp, Wm., residence, Pevensey St. Stokes , Benjamin , quarryman , Mundy at. Shaw, Wm., china and earthenware dealer, Stirling, James , labourer, Corio St. Moorabool at. Stone, Elias, jeweller, Ryrie St. Shaw, J . L., architect and surveyor, Yarra Stoneham, J., Temperance hotel, Yarra at. at. Shaw, Francis, boot and shoe maker, Stoneman, Samuel, private residence, Ghe- Moorabool St. ringhap at. 28 Sto ALPHABETICAL Ush

Stoneham, Samuel, cabman, Swanston at. The Market Gardens, Little Malop St. Stoneman, Thos., coachbuilder, Latrobe The Police Court Reserve, M'Killop St. terrace The Police Station, Moorabool St. Stoneman, Thomas, livery stables, Clare The Savings' Bank, Moorabool St. at., Malop St. The Supreme Court, Myers St. Stoneman, Thos., Union hotel, Malop St. The Troopers' Reserve, M'Killop St. Stoneman, Samuel, coachbuilder, Ghering- Theatre Royal, Malop St. hap St. Thomas, -, cabman, Mercer St. Strachan & Co.,' bonded stores, Eastern Thompson, Wm , printer, Ryrie at. beach Thompson, Wm., residence, Latrobe ter- Strong, James, bootmaker, Mercer St. race Stubart, Wm., carpenter, Swanston`st. Thompson, Thomas, paperhanger, Malop Sullivan, John, Britannia hotel, Yarra at. St. Sullivan, C., baker, Malop St. Thompson, Wm., bootmaker, Malop St. Sullivan, -, residence, Swanston St. Thomson, W., ironmonger, Gheringhap St. Summers, William, Australian hotel, Thorburn, Walter, cariagebuilder, Moor- Ryrie St. abool St. Superintendent's Offices, Police, Little Thorburne, James, coachbuilder, M'Killop Myers St. at. Sutherland, Alexr., manager of Union Thorpe, W., bootmaker, Bellarine at. Bank, Yarra St. Tietgen, -, tailor, Pevensey crescent Sutherland, A., bootmaker, Bellarine St. Tolson, --, residence, Eastern beach Sutton, Mrs., draper, Bellarine St. Tooh, Patrick,Star hotel, Myers St. Swanston, Willis, & Co., merchants, Ghe- Toole, James, wheelwright, Little Myers ringhap st. St. Swift, Charles, clerk, 60 M'Killop St. Toohey & Sons, blacksmiths , Union St. Sykes, John, carpenter, Gheringhap at. Tough, Robert, sailmaker, Moorabool St. Synnot & Guthrie's wool stores, Clare Townsend, Nathaniel, bootmaker, Little at., Malop St. Ryrie at, Tracey, Martin, brewer, Latrobe terrace T. Trainer, Wm., bootmaker, Malop at. Tait, John, timber merchant, Ryrie St. Treat, -, agent, Pevensey crescent Tait, J., timber merchant, Swanston St. Trear, Miss, ladies' school, Bourke cres- Tait, James, carpenter, Ryrie St. cent Tait, Wm., accountant Colonial Bank, Trear, Wm., Mac's hotel, Eastern beach Malop St. Trewan, J., confectioner, Malop at. Tait, Joseph, Royal Mail hotel, Yarra St. Trevena & Gabby, builders, &c., Malop at. Tait, Peter, boatbuilder, Eastern Beach Tuppin, J. H., seedsman, Little Malop St. Tann, Wm., bootmaker, Malop at. Turnbull, W., residence, M'Killop at. Tannock, Archibald,confectioner, Moor- Turner, Joseph, photographic artist, abool St. Moorabool St. Tarbett, David, Stoneman, William St. Turner, J., photographic artist, Latrobe Taylor & Buckland, solicitors, Yarra at. terrace Taylor, T., sweep, Little Malop St. Tyler, Edward, tailor, Corio St. Taylor, Richard, photographic artist, Tynes, Mrs., residence, Latrobe terrace Ryrie at. Taylor, J. C., carpenter, Maude St. U. Taylor, Henry, cooper, Little Ryrie St. Ulrich, Chas., schoolmaster, Myers St. Taylor, James, carpenter, M'Killop St. Union Bank of Australasia; Alex. Suther- Taylor, Chas., saddler, Gheringhap St. land, manager; Joseph C. Pounds, ac- Tempest, G. H., ironmonger, Ryrie at. countant, Yarra St. Templeton, Andrew, cabinetmaker, Ghe- United Presbyterian Church, Ryrie St. ringhap at. Upjohn, W., greengrocer, Malop St. Thacker, Henry, stationer, Ryrie St. Upjohn, W., grocer, Malop St. Thacker, Henry, printer, Kirk place Upjohn, W., fruiterer, Market place The Geelong Gas Company, Little Malop Upton, Wm., soap and candle manufac- at.; G. G. Whalley, manager turer, M'Killop St. The Geelong Grammar School, Moorabool Upwood, John, plasterer, Little Ryrie St. at.; J. B. Wilson, director Ure, Agnes, teacher, M'Killop St. The Geelong Register newspaper office; Usher, Patrick, National hotel, Moorabool James Harrison, manager at. Val DIRECTORY. Woo 29

V. Weeks, H., galvanist, Corio at. Welch, James, gas fitter , Little Malop St. Valentine, Francis, builder, M`Killop st. Welch, -, grocer, Malop St. Veitch, Thomas, wheelwright, Mundy St. Wells, Robt ., fruiterer , Ryrie St. Vey, James, watchmaker, Moorabool St. Wesleyan Schools, Ryrie St. Victoria Lime and Cement Company, Wesleyan Chapel; Rev . W. L. Binks, Little Malop at.; - Parker, manager Yarra St. Vile, James, water carrier, Little Ryrie St. Wesleyan Chapel and School , Little Ryrie Vines, Joshua, farm, station , and com- at. mission agent, Ryrie st. Westacot, John, butcher , Mercer St. Volum, Jame', & Co., brewers, Corio St. Whalley, G. G., manager Geelong Gas Volunteer Orderly Room, Yarra St. Company, Little Malop St. Wheatland , Mrs., ladies ' school , Kilgour W. st. Wade, Wm., patato merchant, Yarra Wheeler , James, labourer , Myers St. Wadelton, John, watchmaker, Ryrie St. Whitchell, -, residence , Eastern beach Walden, Miss,teacher, Victoria terrace Whitchell & Co., boot importers , Moora. Wale, G., draper, Moorabool St. bool at. Walker, Robert, labourer, Corio St. White, Michael , labourer , Garden St. Walker, Roberts, & Co., grocers, Moora- White & Brockbank , agricultural imple- bool St. ment manufacturers , &c., Ryrie St. Walker, Samuel, labourer, Little Malop St. Whitfield, John, agent, Maude at. Walker, Wm., labourer, Ryrie St. Whitelaw & Co., grocers, Yarra St. Wall, Mrs., Phoenix hotel, Moorabool St. Whitelaw, Charles , & Co., grocers, Malop Wall, Robert, cabinetmaker, Yarra St. at. Wallace, Alexander, clerk, Fenwick St. Wigney, John, printer , Latrobe terrace Waldie, Mrs, baker, Kilgour St. Wilcox, Chas ., monumental mason , Little Wallis, Dr., homoeopathic doctor, Myers at, Ryrie St. Walsh, John, carpenter, Little Myers St. Wilkins, Benjamin , chemist and druggist, Walsh, Mrs., dressmaker, Gheringhap St. Moorabool at. Walshe, Dr., residence, Ryrie St. Wilkinson , L, residence , Corio st. Walters,Charles, grocer, Yarra at Wilkinson , Robert, ironmonger , Ryrie St. Ward, George, labourer, Latrobe terrace Williams, James , residence , Latrobe ter- Ward, t., labourer, Bellarine St. race Ward, Richard, wheelwright, Myers St. Williams, John , residence , Latrobe terrace Ward, Mrs., dressmaker, Yarra St. Williams, T., bootmaker , Yarra at. Warders' Quarters of the Gaol, Little Williamson , Henry, draper , Ryrie St. Myers St. Williamson , Thomas, tailor , Bellarine St. Wane, W., coffee dealer, Little Malop at. Williamson, J., miner , Malop at. Wane, Wm., coffee works, Union St. Whillie, Alexr , mason, William at. Warner, Joseph, bootmaker, Little Ryrie Willmot & Key, photographic artists, St. Malop St. Warner, J. & R., bootmakers, Malop St. Wilson, Wm., draper , Ryrie St. Warren. John, produce-dealer, Moorabool Wilson, J. B , director of the Geelong St. Grammar School , Moorabool St. Warr, Alfred, basketmaker, William St. Wilson, Buchanan , & Co., merchants, &c,, Warr, Alfred, bootmaker, Moorabool St. Easternbeach Water Police Station, Eastern Beach Wilson & Moore, painters , Myers St. Waters, Joseph, labourer, Little Ryrie st. Wilson, Benjamin , dyer , scourer, and Waters, Robt., residence, Victoria terrace cleaner , Ryrie st. Watt, James, residence, Kilgour St. Wilson, Mrs., dressmaker , Myers at. Watt, John, carpenter, Bellarine St. Wilton , T., musician , Malop St. Watts, Mrs., storekeeper, Little Malop St. Wilton, Edward , leather merchant, Moora- Watts, Wm., labourer, James st. bool St. Watts, Joseph, carpenter, Ryrie St. Wilton, E., residence , Corio St. Waugh, Robt., Harbour Office, Mundy st. Wise, George , residence , Malop at. Weatheritt, Gerard, residence, Myers at. Wise, George , bookseller , Moorabool St. Webb, Thomas, residence, Corio St. Witham, Chas., residence , James St. Webber, John, cooper, Ryrie St. Wood Bros ., timber merchants , Little Webster, Lawrence, butcher, Moorabool Ryrie at. St. Wood Bros., timber merchants, Myers at. 30 Woo ALPHABETICAL Gat

Wood, J. S., Sir Charles Hotham hotel, Woodgatt , Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Cavendish St. Ryrie St. Wood, George, cabinetmaker and under- Wook Yan (chinaman), Corio st. taker, Ryrie St. Woollard, John , bootmaker , Ryrie st. Wood, George, cabinetmaker, Gheringhap Woolley & Harwood , solicitors , Yarra at. St. Wray, Thomas , fancy repository , Moora- Wood, Mrs., residence, 58 M'Killop St. bool st. Wood, W. J., baker, Latrobe terrace Wright, Thomas , watchmaker , Malop St. Wood, Robert, grocery store, Myers St. Wyeth, Wm., gardener , Swanston St. Woods, James, labourer, Gheringhap St. Woods, George, coachbuilder, Ryrie St. Woodward, Thomas, coachbuilder, Little Young, Andrew, grocer, Ryrie st. Malop st. Young, C., carpenter , Bellarine at.



Alexander, Henry Vanman, Lonsdale St. Comma Na Feinne grounds, Bellarine st. Allasion, Elizabeth, Bellarine St. Connor, Thomas, carter, Fyans St. Andrews, William, grocer, Moorabool St. Ashton, William, labourer, Yarra st. Davey, Thomas, butcher, Moorabool St., Dent, Frederick, grocer, Moorabool st. \ Badden, Thomas, butcher, Moorabool St. Douglass, John, bootmaker, Fyans st. Ball, Benjamin, bootmaker, Moorabool St. Doyle, James, policeman, Balliang St. Barnes, Robert, residence, Lonsdale at. Dupe, William, labourer, Barwori terrace Bartlett --, Young Queen hotel, Moorahool Eldridge, William, porter, Lonsdale St. St. Batten, Thomas, butcher, Lonsdale St. Fagg Bros., builders and ironmongers, Bedggood, Charles, plasterer, Fyans at. Moorabool at. Blakestone, Mary, grocer, Fyans at. Female Gaol, Yarra at. Bottrell, William, draper, Moorabool st. Fitzpatrick, Thomas, baker, Moorabool st. Bowyer, James, labourer, Little Fyans at. Flanders, Minnie, residence, Yarra St. Boyd, Alexander, labourer, Fyana at. Flour Mill, vacant, Moorabool St. Butterworth, Thomas, Little Fyans at. Fraser, Hugh, saddler, Moorabool St. Campbell, Donald, labourer, Bellarine St. Gates, John, Barwon Bridge hotel, Moor- Coleman, John, labourer, Little Fyans St. abool at. d ee DIRECTORY, Woo 31

Geelong Pound. McLaurin , Duncan, labourer , Balliang at, George, John , labourer, Foster St. Miller , Margaret , residence , Little Fyans Gibbs, William , engineer , Little Fyans st. St. Gideons, Henry, miller, Little Fyans St. Mills, Shannon, residence , Little Fyans at. Goodman , Mrs., Barwon terrace Mitchell, David , labourer , Fyans St. Greenwood , Charles, Nelson 's Victory Moore , John , Bridge Inn, Moorabool St. Hotel , Balliang St. Morris, Henry , sawyer, Foster St.

Ham, Samuel , carpenter , Foster st. Nicholson , Peter, carpenter , Bellarine St. Hammond, Daniel, grocer, Fyans St. IIampson , George, tailor , Little Fyans at. O'Neil, John , labourer, Bellarine st. lIardley, John „ residence , Yarra St. Ilassett , John , blacksmith, Moorabool st. 1'etitjean , Augustus Henry , watchmaker, Hincheliff, Matilda, Little Fyans st. Moorabool St. Howard, Nathan, dealer, Bellarine St. Power, George, rate collector , Lonsdale at. Price, Simeon , Balliang, st. Izod, Joseph, Esq., sheriff's officer, Fyans Purdue, Mrs ., Barwon terrace st. Rathleigh , Charles, school master, BaI- Jewell , William, farmer , Fyans St. liang St. Jewell, Elizabeth , residence, Balliang St. Robinson, Reynolds, miller, Fyans st. Johnson, Alexander , labourer, Yarra st. Jones, James , general dealer , Moorabool Sceneay, Thomas, labourer, Little Fyans at. St. Scott, David , horse dealer , Foster St. Kitchen, Patrick, labourer, Little Fyans Shaw, Marcham, labourer, Bellarine St. St. Shepherd, Thomas, bootmaker , Foster St. Smyth, Peter, bootmaker , Moorabool St. Lamble, William, grocer , Moorabool st. South Geelong Pound, Bellarine St. Lidgerwood , Margaret , residence, Fyans Stewart, John , labourer, Fyans at. St. Stone, Frederick , draper, Moorabool St. Littlejohn , Isaac , carter, Fyans St. Luxmoor, William , town herdsman, Yarra Thomson, James, labourer, Little Fyans St. 9t. Towle, Dr., residence , Yarra at. Turner, Hill , draper, Fyans st. Mackenzie , Roderick , labourer, Fyans st. Martin, George , butcher, Foster St. Veitch, William, saddler, Moorabool St. Martin , Richard, labourer , Lonsdale at McClelland, William, horse dealer, Bal- Wade, Charles , labourer, Fyans St. liang at. Water Works, Moorabool st. McCracken , Joseph , policeman , Yarra St. Wesleyan Church and School, Balliang at. McDonald, John , labourer, Bellarine St. Wood, James, blacksmith, Moorabool at. 32 Ada ALPHABETICAL Bri



A. Battersby, Thomas, bootmaker, Aberdeen at. Adams, George, engineer, Autumn St. Battie, Abraham, carter, Packington st. Adams, John, miner, Albert St. Baxter, John, carpenter, Clarence St. Aitchison, John, drayman, Hope at. Baylis, Robert, labourer, Addis St. Alder, Henry, engine driver, Candover at. Beach, Richard, hawker, Villamanta St. Alexander, Mark, lettersorter, Wheeler Bean, Cornelius, baker, Waterloo st. St. Bean, Jonathan, tailor, Autumn St. Allen, George, butcher, Packington at. Belfield, Joseph, bootmaker, Coquet st. Anderson, Alexander, squatter, Welling- Bell, Duncan, blacksmith, O'Connell at. ton St. Bell, William, hide and sheepskin mer- Anderson, George, coach driver, Autumn chant, Autumn at. st. Bemist, Mary Ann, residence, Autumn St. Anderson, David, cokeman, Wheeler at. Bennett, Thomas, storeman, Villamanta Andrews, Charles, bricklayer, Spring St. St. Aram, William, carter, Anderson St. Best, J. P., plasterer, Anderson st. Archer, Reuben, farmer, Coronation st. Betts, Thomas, miner, Hope st. Armour, William, Railway Hotel, Hope Birtrett, Joseph, sheep farmer, Autumn St. St. Bisshop, James, salesman, Western St. Armstrong, Elizabeth, residence, Autumn Blackball, Thomas, grocer, Hope St. st. Blackwell, Ebenezer, whitesmith, Aber- Arnott, George, bricklayer, Elizabeth at. deen st. Arthur, Ann, residence, Coronation at. Blythe, George, brickmaker, King St. Ashby Common School, Wellington at.; Bohn, Martin, bricklayer, Elizabeth St. teacher, Thomas Targie, Bond, Jonathan, railway porter, Autumn Ashton, James, aharebroker, Packington at. St. Bone, Mary, residence, Hope St. Atkinson, Samuel, gingerbeer manufac- Bonning, Theophilus, carter, Wellington turer , Hope St. at. Atkinson, Matthew, labourer, Anderson Bonsford, John, builder, Wellington St. St. Bowen, Francis, marine stores, Keera St. Audsley, Thomas E., labourer, Catherine Bowyer, Mr., storeman, Gertrude at. St. Boyle, R., W., residence, Anderson St. Brann, Morris, labourer, Preston at. B. Bramnel, Joseph, labourer, Elizabeth St. Bailey, Isaac, bricklayer, Wheeler St.' Brash, Morris, general dealer, Western at. Bailiff, Jared, ironmonger, Packington St. Brearly, Thomas, carpenter, Keera St. Bannerman, John, butcher, Autumn St. Brennan, Patrick, labourer, Britannia St. Baptist Church, Aberdeen at. Brennen, Edward, blacksmith, O'Connell Barnett, Peter, storeman, Gertrude at. at. Bates, Richard, quarryman, Little Clar- Brewester, David, gardener, Gertrude St. ence St. Bridge, James, labourer, Western at. Bro DIRECTORY. Dob 33

Broadbent, George A., draper, Spring at. Collier, Lee, clerk, Autumn St. Brodie, Charlotte, residence, Gertrude St. Collins, William, mason, Spring st. Brogan, Martin, cowkeeper, Spring st. Collins, Thomas, labourer, King St. Broomhead, Alfred, cabmen, Wheeler St. Commins, Daniel B., grocer, Spring at. Brown, William, gardener, King at. Common School, Preston St. Brown, John, mason, Albert St. Congregational Church, Packington St. Brown, Louis, painter, Autumn St. Connelly, John, wheelwright, Hope St. Brown, John, butcher, Packington St. Cook, Stephen, gardener, Little Clarence Brown, John, residence, O'Connell St. St. Brown, Isaac, fireman, Autumn st. Cook, Thomas, labourer, Ann St. Brunger, George, storeman, Hope St. Cook, J., hairdresser, Keera St. Buchanan, Robert, labourer, Autumn at. Cooke, James, labourer, Preston st. Buck, John, senr, carpenter, Church St. Corder, William, gardener, Wellington St. Buck, John, jun., labourer, Church St. Corrigan, Samuel, wool merchant, Aber- Bunn, William, draper, Packington St. deen st. Burnobey, Mr., hawker, McDougal St. Cottle, Robert, baker, Aberdeen St. Burns, Mary, residence, Britannia st. Coxon, Mark P., butcher, Packington St. Burns, Garrard, residence, Elizabeth at. Corrin, Henry, blacksmith, Aberdeen st. Burr, Thomas, labourer, Albert St. Cow, Patrick, blacksmith, O'Connell st. Burr, Robert, labourer, Albert St. Coy, John, engine driver, Hope st. Burwell, Mrs., dressmaker, Packington Cranch, William, dealer in skins, Western at. St. Bushby, James, bootmaker, O'Connell st. Craven, Thomas, grocer, Packington at. Butt, John, mason, Addis St. Cripps, James, drill instructor, Villamanta Butters, John, draper, Preston st. St. Crook, Christopher, carpenter, Autumn C. St. Campbell, Duncan, labourer, Wellington Croker, Joseph, butcher, Aberdeen St. st. Crooks, William, blacksmith, Packington Canny, James, storeman, Wellington St. St. Carlier, David, schoolmaster, No. 73 Wel- Crosby, John, labourer, Autumn St. lington St. Cuizens, Susanna, day school, King st. Carmichal, John, carpenter, Autumn St. Curie, Thomas, wine and spirit merchant, Carney, William, labourer, Britannia st. Aberdeen St. Carr, Joseph, tailor, Coronation st. Curtis, Miss S., dressmaker, Packington Carr, Joseph, compositor, Gertrude St. St. Carroll, Thomas, policeman, Britannia St. Curtis, James, grocer, Packington st. Carson, John, fisherman, Spring St. Cuthbertson, John, grocer, Anderson at. Carter, Mr., residence, Britannia St. Cary, James S., grocery store, Preston st. D. Cassady, Thomas, carter, Spring st. Dale, James, blacksmith, Villamanta St. Catterson, William, grocer, Villamanta st. Daniel, William H., storeman, Wellington Chalmers, Samuel, grocer, Autumn St. St. Chambers, George, Queen of the South Dare, M. 0., labourer, Autumn st. hotel, Packington St. Davies, Frederick, labourer, Church St. Charlton, John, carpenter, Autumn St. Davies, James, mason, McDougal St. Charlton, William, gardener, Spring St. Dawe, William, labourer, O'Connell st. Chevalier, Francis, settler, Preston st. Dawson, Mr., residence, Aberdeen St. Chiselett, Joseph, labourer, Albert St. Day school, Autumn St. Clark, Samuel, butcher, Autumn St. Denmark, James, City of Norwich Hotel, Clark, David, labourer, Autumn st. O'Connell St. Clarke, Richard, labourer, Albert st. Dennis, Jane, day school, Autumn at, Clarke, Richard, grocer, Aberdeen St. Denhan, John, hawker, Wellington St. Clarke, John, wheelwright, Preston St. Denny, Thomas, carpenter, Villamanta St. Clarke, William, blacksmith, Spring St. Dent, William, bootmaker, Packington st. Clingan, Thomas, mason, Preston st. Dick, Alexander, stonemason, Hope st. Cochrane, James, labourer, O'Connell St. Dimelow, Joseph, grocer, Packington St. Cohen, Morris, hawker, Western St. Dinelow, Joseph, grocery store, Autumn Colman, Patrick, labourer, Packington at. St. Colquhoun, Parline, contractor, Packing- Dines, William, carter, Aberdeen st. ton at. Dobson, Elizabeth, residence, Hope at. F 34 Doe ALPHABETICAL $ag

Docharty, Jane, nurse, Spring St. Fleet, John, mangleman , Wheeler St. Dolarty, Martin, labourer, King St. Ford, Michael, at the Railway, Candover Dolley, Ellen, residence, King at. at. Dolley, William, butcher, Clarence St. Ford, Robert, atoreman , O'Connell St. Doolan, Thomas, labourer, King st. Ford, Thomas, labourer, Autumn St. Dougheny, John, labourer, Autumn St. Foster, Henry, bootmaker and grocer, Douglass, Mrs. M., machinist, Spring St. Packington St. Dovey, James, railway inspector, Ander- Foster, Louisa, ladies' school, Villamanta son St. at. Doyle, Matthew, labourer, Packington St. Francis, John, contractor, Autumn St. Doyle, James, railway porter, Autumn St. Fraser, John, mason, Autumn St. Driver, Richard, gardener, Coquet St. Frazer, Thomas, tailor, Yuille at. Drummond, Stephen, Mrs., ladies' nurse, Frend, John, practical gardener, John St. Candover St. Fynney, William, butcher, Packington at. Duffy, John, slipper maker, Spring St. Duncan, Alexander, butcher, Addis at. G. Duncan, George, mason, Spring St. Gabally, James, cabman, Preston St. Dunlop, Thomas, baker, Autumn St. Gardner, James, atoreman, Spring St. Dunn, Richard, labourer, Spring St. Garlic, Samuel, carpenter, Hope at. Dunn, Miss, residence, Addis St. Gatehouse, Robert, clerk, Autumn at. Dunn, Peter, carpenter, Packington St. Gatenby, John, painter, Britannia St. Dutton, Robert, joiner, Hope at. Geelong Fire Brigade branch station, Dymmott, Alfred, butcher, Albert St. Packington St. Gentil, Charles George, residence, Aber- E. deen St. Eades, Samuel, residence, Clarence St. Giblin, Allan, tailor, Aberdeen at. Eden, John, land agent, Villamanta st. Gilmore, John, labourer, Britannia St. Edwards, Frederick, builder, Coronation Gleesby, Isaac, butcher, Spring at. at. Glynn, Thomas, labourer, King St. Elliott, William, labourer, O'Connell St. Goff, W., tailor, Autumn St. Elton, William, Mrs., residence, Autumn Goff, John, grocer, Packington St. at. Goosney, George John, grocer, Spring at. Emery, George, mason, McDougal at. Graham, Percival , schoolmaster, Coquet Estall,William, H., schoolmaster, Clarence at. St. Green, Francis , labourer , Clarence at. Eustace, John, cowkeeper, Autumn St. Green , James , residence , Spring at. Evans, William, blacksmith, Preston at. Green, Fredk., grinder, Autumn at. Everett, Charles, plasterer, Coquet St. Gregor, Alex., traveller, No. 45 O'Connell St. F. Grey, James Henry, labourer, O'Connell Fagan, Patrick, labourer, O'Connell St. at. Fallow, Andrew, engine driver, Wheeler Grey, Thomas, labourer, Elizabeth St. at. Griggs, Isaac, Sir William Wallace hotel, Fairchild, -, painter, Wheeler St. Autumn St. Fargie, Thomas, ahoolmaster, Villamanta Grierson, James, mason, Wheeler at. at. Grundle, John, brickmaker, King St. Fargies, Jeanet, boarding-house, O'Con- Gubby, James, shoemaker, 67 Welling- nell at. ton St. Farr, James, carpenter, Addis St. Gubby, John, carpenter, Wellington at. Farrell, John, carrier, Hope St. Guest , John, engine-driver , Wheeler St. Featom, George, carpenter , Elizabeth at. Gullick, Thomas, grocery store, Welling- Feltham, Henry, labourer, King St. ton at. Fewster , William, printer , Autumn at. Gulliford, George, painter, Aberdeen St. Field, Margaret , residence , Packington at. Fielder, Harry, stationer , Hope St. H. Fimmet , Jeremiah, labourer , Spring at. Haaaon, John, Labourer, Autumn at. Finney, Peter, grocery store, O'Connell Hackett, William, railway porter, Cathe- at. rine at. Fisher , Mrs., machinist and dressmaker, Hackinson, Joseph, labourer, Clarence at. Autumn at. Haffarin, Michael, labourer, Spring St. Fisher, George, baker, Wheeler at. Hagger, James, saddler, Spring at. Hai DIRECTORY. Kne 35

Haines , John, clerk, Autumn at. Hollow, Thomas, labourer, Wheeler St. Hair, John, engine-driver, Coquet at. Holmes, John, money-broker, Gertrude St. Hall, George, labourer, King St. Holmes, W., saddler, Aberdeen St. Hall, George, schoolmaster , Autumn at. Homewood, Chas., coppersmith, Autumn Hallanan, Charles, blacksmith, King St. at. Hands, Edward, labourer, Spring st. Hooper, James, mariner , Preston St. Hannaford, Michael, Autumn St. Iloulham, Mary, residence, Autumn St. Hardie, Peter, carpenter, Catherine at, Howell, Dr., residence, Packington St. Harding, Silas, residence, Aberdeen St. Hoyle, Emanuel, engine-driver, Little Hardie, Peter, bootmaker, Gertrude St. Clarence st. Harkness , Wm., stonemason, Hope st. Hurle, Wm, labourer, Gertrude St. Harley, James, bootmaker, Aberdeen St. Hurly, Mary, residence, Packington St. Harrick, Patrick, water-carrier, Hope St. Harris , Richard, carter, Coronation St. I. Harrison, Daniel, residence, Gertrude St. Ince, John, grocer, Aberdeen st. Harrison, John, labourer, King St. Israelite Sanctuary, Spring St. Harrison, James, carpenter, Western at. Ives, -, gardener and florist , Aberdeen St. Harrison, H., bootmaker, O'Connell St. Ives, -, undertaker and cabinetmaker, Harrison, John, carpenter, Western St. Villamanta St. Hart, Henry, butcher, Elizabeth St. Ivison, Stephen, miner, Villamanta St. Harvey, Thomas, painter, Coronation at. Harvey, John, labourer, Spring St. J. Harvey, H. T., baker, Aberdeen St. Harvey, H. T., baker, Gertrude St. Jackson, Robert William, compositor, Pres- Harway, Alice, Wellington at. ton St. Hawkesford, Wm., cabinetmaker, Lando- Jarman, Jane, residence, Packington St. ver St. Jarrett, -, labourer, Gertrude St. Haxton, John, carter, Hope at. Jeffs, Jonas, gardener, Autumn St. Hayson, Wm., baker, Spring St. Jennings, John, tailor, Coronation St. Hayward, Eliza, straw bonnetmaker, Ger- Jennings, John, bootmaker, Coronation St. trude St. Jenkins, Wm., residence, Wellington at. Heasman John, labourer, Clarence St. Jillet, John, draper, Hope St. Heath, Gorge, residence, O'Connell St. Johnson, Edward, labourer, Albert at. Heath, Edwin, greengrocer, Aberdeen St. Johnson, Margaret, Preston St. Heatherington, Charles, grocer, Ann St. Johnson, W. B., bootmaker, Autumn St. Hedley, Robert, Globe inn, Packington at. Johnston, .Jane, residence, Spring St. Heenan, Wm., labourer, Autumn St. Johnston, Mary, residence, Candover st. Henesey, Patrick, labourer, King St. Jones, Henry, butcher, King St. Hewison, Lanslet, tailor, Hope St. Jones, Wm., bricklayer, Albert St. Hewitt, Wm., tailor, Hope St. Jose, James, miner, Spring St. Hickinbotham, David, butcher, Spring St. Jose, Francis, bootmaker, Preston at. Higgins, Alfred, railway porter, Gertrude Joy, Wm., shupman, Candover St. at. K. Higgins, Rev. Wm., Villamanta at. Hilbert, George, mason, King St. Keating, Michael, coachman, Gertrude at Hill, John, engine-driver, Hope St. Kelly, John, contractor, Wheeler St. Hill, Wm., hay and corn store, Packington Kendall, John, brickmaker, King St. at. Kendall, Thomas, mason, Hope St. Hill, Wm., botanical dispensary, Packing- Kennedy, John, labourer, Autumn St. ton St. Kenshula, Samuel, tailor, Spring St. Hilson , George, grocer, Packington St. Kettle, Walter, butcher, Packington at. Hiacox, Ivay, labourer, Church St. Kewley, Elizabeth, St. George's hotel, Hitchcock, George, residence , Aberdeen Packington Et. at. Kewley, Thomas, miner , Yuille St. Hyatt, Joseph, labourer, Gertrude St. Kickey, Patrick, carrier , Clarence St. Hobbs, George, butcher, Hope St. Killurn , Elizabeth , residence , Packingtou Hobbs, Wm. S., butcher, Candover St. at. Hobson, John, mason , Autumn at. Kingsbury, Amelia , residence, Hope at. Hockley, Edward, labourer , Clarence St. Kitz, Louis, private house, Candover at Hockey, Mrs., dressmaker , Villamanta at. Kitchen, Thomas , residence, Preston at. Holdswo rt h, Joseph, builder , Preston at. Kneebone, Fredk., farmer, John at. 36 Kne ALPHABETICAL Moo

Kneebone, George, dairyman, Ann St. Marshall, James, carpenter, O'Connell st. Knight, Thomas Edwin, carpenter, Aber- Marshall, John, labourer, Clarence St. deen at. Marshall, Wm., carpenter, Gertrude st. Mason, Wm., bootmaker, Spring St. L. Matheson, John It., labourer, Packington Lacey, Michael, labourer, Clarence St. St. Lamb, Jeanette, residence, O'Connell St. Martin, Wm., builder, Wheeler St. Lamont, John, grocer, Hope St. Maughar, Daniel, labourer, Autumn St. Langdon, John, blacksmith, Packington McArthur, Margaret, Britannia St. st. McClelland, Thomas, storeman , Preston Langton, Elizabeth, residence, O'Connell at. at. McCoy, James, labourer, Little Clarence Law, Rudolph, mariner, Wellington St. at. Lawrie, David, engineer, Aberdeen st. McDead, Chas., labourer, Little Clarence Leach, Misses, dressmakers, Villamanta St. St. Leaford, Elizabeth, Shearers' Arms hotel, MoDiarmid, Peter, cabman , Clarence at. Aberdeen St. McDonald, Henry, soapmaker, Britannia Legg, Thomas, labourer, Anderson St. St. Leggett, Samuel, coaclismith, Wheeler St. McDonald, Edward, bootmaker, Britannia Le Page, Nicholas, hawker, Albert St. at. Le Page, James, grocer, Britannia St. McEwen, John, mason, Spring at. McEwen, James, Slater , Anderson at. Le Page, Peter, hawker, Albert St. McFarlane, Ramsay, mason, O'Connell at. Lemmon, Robert, carrier, Britannia st. Lemmon, Eliza, residence, Candover St. McGuire, Patrick, labourer, Elizabeth St. Lerman, E. R., schoolmaster, Aberdeen St. McGuire, Thomas, labourer, McDougal at. Lesscels, John, engineer, Preston St. McGuire, James, blacksmith and wheel- Le Sueur, James, tentmaker, Preston at. wright, Packington St. Leverich, Theodore, residence, Coquet at. McKenna, James, labourer , Albert St. Lewis, Mrs., ladies' evening school, Pack- McKenzie, Mrs., dressmaker , Autumn St. McKenzie, John, labourer, Coronation at. ington St. McKinlay, Elizabeth, residence, Autumn Lewis, Samuel, farmer, Britannia St. Lewis, Thomas, labourer, Albert St. St. Le Liever, Isaac, wheelwright, Candover McKinnon, Angus, labourer, Clarence St. at, McKuen, Stephen, grocer, Wheeler St. Linay, Fredk., residence, Anderson St. McLane, John, railway guard, O'Connell Lions, Catherine, residence, 65 Welling- at. ton St. McLauchlan, Roger, labourer, Autumn at. McLean, John, groom, Spring St. Lishton, Garratt, labourer, Britannia at. McLaughlan, Roger, grocer, Packington Lloyd, R. W., residence, Villamanta st. at. Logan, Robert, bootmaker, Autumn St. McMahon, John, labourer, Hope St. Logan, Jane, residence, Autumn St. McMahon, Peter, Ashby hotel, Britannia Long, Sarah, residence, Albert St. at. Longden, John, blacksmith, Wheeler at. McMullen, Isabella, residence, Packington Longton, John, carter, Ann St. Lucas, Thomas, builder, Candover at. St. McMullen, John, miner , Spring St. Lukey, Mary, Clarence St. McNeill, John, tailor, O'Connell St. M. McPherson, Wm., miner, Preston St. McRoy, Wm., mason, Catherine at. Macdonald, -, saddler, O'Connell St. Meek, James, carpenter, Wheeler St. Macdonald, John, labourer, Clarence st. Mehan, John, labourer, Elizabeth at. Macdonell, John, lineman, &c., telegraph Mekan, Patrick, labourer, Elizabeth St. office, Spring st. Middleton, John, carter, Albert at. Mack, Martin, labourer, King st. Millard, Edmond, blacksmith, Western at. Maddern, Miss, dressmaker, Autumn St. Milligan, David, labourer, King St. Maher, Edward, bootmaker, Wheeler St. Nlirrielles, George, carrier, Ann St. Maloney, Charles, farmer, O'Connell at. Molyneux, John, painter, Autumn St. Mangen, James, labourer, Britannia St. Molyneux, Henry, railway guard , Clarence Marriott, Wm., engraver, Aberdeen St. at. Marshall, George, greengrocer, Packing- Monahan, Robert, hawker, Britannia St. ton St. Moody, Chas., coachman, King at. Moo DIRECTORY. Ras 37

Moore, Samuel, labourer, Albert St. O'Meara, Michael, labourer, Britannia St. Moore, Wm. Leth, blacksmith, Clarence Orland, Mary, dairy, Little Clarence St. St. Ormond, Francis, residence, Aberdeen at. Moore, Henry, draper, Yuille St. Orr, John, mason, Elizabeth St. Moore, Ann, residence, Clarence St. Osborne, Geo., hatter, Hope at. Moore, Thomas, bailiff, Gertrude at. Moore, Daniel, carpenter, Gertrude St. P. Moore, James, painter, Preston St. Page, Harriet, Bunyip hotel, Spring St. Morgan, Chas., cook, Coquet St. Page, Margaret, residence, Clarence St. Morgan, Wm., residence, Autumn St. Page, Wm., carpenter, Autumn St. Morgan, Wm., furniture broker, Autumn Page, Wm., tailor, Coronation st. St. Parker, Cain, coachman, Coronation St. Morgerage, Edward, sawyer, Hope at. Parrott, Frederick, coachbuilder, Packing- Morrison, Robert, general dealer, Autumn ton St. at. Parkinson, John, labourer, Autumn St. Morrison, Peter, grocer, Packington St. Parkinson, Robert, woolsorter, O'Connell Morrow, James, labourer, Britannia at. at. Morton, -, bootmaker, Wheeler St. Pasmore, John, carpenter, Coronation St. Moses, Mark, travelling hawker, Clarence Paterson, John, plumber, O'Connell St. St. Patterson, George, railway inspector, Moss, John, labourer, Spring at. Britannia at. Mowbray, Joseph D., schoolmaster, Villa- Patterson, James, mason, 92 O'Connell at. manta St. Pattison, John, labourer, Packington St. Mullhall, Wm., labourer, Clarence St. Pedder, Alfred, painter, Little Clarence St. Munday, Samuel, residence, Coronation St. Pelley, Joseph, Geelong and Ballaarat Mundy, Mary, residence, Gertrude St. hotel, Church St. Murphy, Thomas, labourer, Clarence at. Pembroke, Thos., labourer, O'Connell St. Murray, Philip, carter, Wellington St. Pendigaat, Morris, labourer, Spring St. Murray, David, grocer, Clarence at. Peratt, Geo., labourer, King St. Philip, Alexander, letter-carrier, Corona- N. tion St. Nangle, Martha, residence, Hope at. Phipps, Henry, platelayer, Clarence at. Nangle, Ann, residence, Wellington St. Pimch, P. J., violinist, Little Clarence St. Napier, Thomas, labourer, Autumn St. Porter, Wm., labourer, Albert St. Nash, Wm., bootmaker, Autumn St. Porter, Robert, labourer, Autumn at. Nelson, John, fisherman, Packington st. Poulson, Mary, residence, Wellington St. Nicholls, Thomas, grocery store, Au- Pound, Wm., grocer, Catherine St. tumn St. Pouell, Richard, brickmaker, King St. Nicholls, Wm., painter, Albert St. Powell, Thomas, butcher, Hope St. Nicholson, J. P., timber merchant, Villa- Powney, George, gardener, Gertrude St. manta St. Pratt, Mary Ann, residence,Packington at. Nicholson, Ward, blacksmith, Wellington Primitive Methodist Chapel. Wheeler St. St. Protestant Free School, O'Connell St. Nixon, John, grocer, King at. Pulbrook, John, gingerbeer manufacturer, Autumn St. 0. Purcel, James, labourer, Wellington at. 1'urcel, Michael, labourer, King St. O'Bryan, Dennis, carter, Anderson at. O'Bryan, Cornelius, carrier, Church at. R. O'Bryan, Patrick, Argyle hotel, Aberdeen at. Radford, Maria Ann, Petrel hotel, Pack- O'Connell, Thomas, policeman, O'Connell ington St. at. Raiment, Fredk., grocer, Addis at. O'Connell, Thomas, policeman, Britannia Rammige, Captain John, residence, Hope at. at. O'Connor, Daniel, baker, Packington St. Rand, John, wheelwright, Wheeler St. Oddy, James, grocer, Elizabeth at. Rankin, Robert, mason , Spring St. O'Halloran, Alice, residence, Britannia St. Rastrick, Geo. Thomas, residence, Au- O'Honey, Patrick, carrier, Ann St. tumn St. O'Kiefe, James, labourer, King St. Rastrick, Geo. Thomas, chemist, Packing- O'Meara, Michael, residence, O'Connell at. ton at. 38 Rea ALPHABETICAL Tre

Read, Charles, tailor and draper, Corona- Smith, John, residence , Autumn St. tion St. Snell, James, bricklayer, Albert at. Reeves Bros ., grocers , Packington St. Snowden, J., house and sign painter, Pack- Reid, George, bootmaker, Autumn St. ington St. Richardson, Thomas, bone merchant, Au- Soap and Candle Factory (vacant), Pres- tumn St. ton St. Richardson, Wm., labourer, 30 Wellington Spellman, Wm., bootmaker, Packington at. at. Spicer, Henry, clerk, Hope St. Riley, Thos., labourer, Little Clarence St. Spriggins , George, farmer , Britannia St. Robertson, Thomas, baker, Autumn at. Steel, Wm., labourer, Little Clarence at. Robertson, A. S., residence, Aberdeen St. Stent, John, grocer, Candover at. Robertson , Alexander, labourer, Little Stephens, Samuel, compositor, Spring St. Clarence at. Stephens, Joseph, labourer, Church St. Robins, Miss Gertrude , ladies' school, Stephenson, Robert, carrier, Waterloo at. O'Connell St. Stevens , Elizabeth , residence , Spring St. Robinson , David , ship carpenter, Eliza- Stevenson, David, bootmaker, Western at. beth St. Stewart, James, mason, Albert St. Robinson, Thomas, carrier, Packington St. Stewart, Mary, grocer, Autumn St. Rogers , John, labourer, Packington St. Stirling, Wm., grocer, Spring St. Rontley, Henry, butcher, Wellington St. St. James' Church of England School, Ruffin , Edwin, tallow chandler, Clarence Aberdeen St. St. Stoddart, Dr., residence, Church at. Ruffin , Edward, bootmaker, Clarence St. Stone, James, coachsmith, Packington St. Russell , James, cowkeeper, Britannia St. Stoneman , W m., coachbuilder, Spring at. Ryan, Michael, carrier, Packington St. Strong, Jas., bootmaker, 71 O'Connell St. Ryan, Ellen, residence, Autumn St. Summers, Josiah, bootmaker, Packington Rylah, Smith, mason, Gertrude St. at. Syder, Jas , railway clerk, Packington St. S. Sykes, Louis, labourer, Britannia St. Salmon, Frederick, bootmaker , Packing- ton St. T. Saunders, Wm., tinsmith, Hope St. Tainton, Philip, cowkeeper, Clarence at. Schofield,Mason, labourer,Western St. Tainton, Richard, labourer, Clarence at. Sebo, Sarah, residence, Clarence St. Tatnall, Samuel, labourer. O'Connell St. Seal, John, mason, Britannia at. Telegraph hotel (vacant), Packington at. Shackley, John, bootmaker, Aberdeen St. Thewlais, Robert, labourer, Coquet St. Shannon, Thomas, & Co., wheelwrights, Thomson, Charles A., shopman, Candover Keera St. at. Sharpley, Joseph, residence, Hope St. Thompson, Wm., draper, Wheeler St. Sharre, Robert, draper, Preston St. Thompson, Elizabeth, residence, Autumn Shaw, Alexander, quarryman, Autumn St. St. Sheckell, Mrs. M., straw hatmaker, Au- Thompson, John, labourer, Elizabeth St. tumn St. Thompson, Samuel, mason, Autumn St. Shellman, Wm., residence, Britannia at. Thompson, Wm., coachbuilder, Preston at. Shepherd, Wm., bootmaker, Keera St. Thompson, Wm., tallow chandler, Hope at. Sidley, Anna, residence, Albert St. Thorn, George, carpenter, Western St. Sikes, Matthew, labourer, Preston at. Thorp, Chas., residence, Villamanta St. Simmons, Ann, dressmaker, Wellington Timms, Mrs., residence, Packington St. at. Tomlinson, Thos., labourer, Britannia St. Simpkins , James, tailor , Spring St. Toner, John, labourer, Ann st. Skews , Richard, farmer, Autumn St. Toohey, Michael, labourer, Autumn at. Smith, Joseph, labourer, Ann St. Townsend, John J, carpenter, Autumn St. Smith, Samuel, labourer, Little Clarence Tulloch, J. M., draper, Packington at. at. Tulton , James, residence , Spring St. Smith , Joseph Jones, carpenter, Clarence Trainer, Mrs., residence, Spring at. at. Trait, Kyra, grocer, Autumn St. Smith , Isaac, carpenter , Wheeler at. Tracy, Lucinde, dressmaker, Autumn at. Smith, William, tailor, Hope St. Trembling, George, builder, Hope at. Smith, Thomas , labourer , O' Connell at. Trender, Chas., foreman at Railway, Smith , John, labourer , Albert at. Clarence St. Smith, James , butcher, Spring St. Tretheway, Wm., dealer, Packington at. Tre DIRECTORY. You 39

Trevena, Alfred, carpenter, Wellington at. Welsh, Bernard , labourer, Clarence at. Trickett, Wm., cabinetmaker, Spring at. Wesleyan Chapel, Wellington at. Trotter, Joseph, contractor, Anderson at. Westaway, John W., cabman, Preston at. Truscott, Wm., miner, Spring at. Wheelena, Wm., bootmaker, Aberdeen at. Truss, Robt., labourer, Spring at. White, Robert, gardener, Wellington at. Turnbull, Margaret, residence, Spring at. Wild, John, labourer, Albert at. Turner, John, grocer, Hope at. Wild, Mary, residence, McDougal at. Willet, James, engineer , Wheeler at. U. Williams, George, labourer, Coronation at. Williams, J. W., butcher, Villamanta at. United Methodist Free Church, Ann at. Williams, Philip, mason, Coquet at. Williams, John, labourer, Albert at. V. Williams, Thomas, shipwright, Coquet at. Wills, Capt. John, residence, Autumn at. Vance, Miss, dressmaker, Packington at. Wilson, Christiana, residence, Autumn at. Vaughan, Jamesl, labourer, Wheeler at. Venneck, Alfred, sailmaker, off Preston at. Wilson, Geo., baker, Packington at. Vickers, Alfred, bricklayer, Clarence at. Winter, John, cabman, Clarence at. Wiseman, Benjamin, guard, Coquet at. Vines, Joshua, mail contractor, Villa- Wood, James, mason, Autumn at. manta at. Vines, Joshua, residence, Packington at. Wood, Geo., general store, O'Connell at. Wood, Edmund, grocer , Preston at. Woodward, Henry, draper, Aberdeen at. W. Wright, Geo., watchmaker, O'Connell at. Wright, Daniel,mason, Waterloo at. Walker , Wm., labourer , O'Connell at. Walls, Jennett , residence , Hope at. Wright, Elizabeth, residence, Autumn at. Wasaldini , -, painter , Gertrude at. Y. Watt, Hugh , baker , Packington at. Wattera , James , labourer , Ann at. Young, Thomas, grocer, Packington at. Watts , James , bricklayer , Packington at. Young, Alexander, labourer, Clarence at. Webster , Thomas, carpenter , O'Connell at. Young, John, mason, Coronation at. 40 Ada ALPHABETICAL Bro



A. Barr, Joseph M., carpenter, Park St. Barra, Thomas, butcher, Noble St. Adamson, Moses, mason, Margaret St. Basnett , George, labourer, Fyans St. Addams, Michael, draper, Barwon avenue Bassett , Thomas, carter, Clarendon at. Akehurat, Arthur P., police magistrate, Batten, James, general dealer, Chilwelb Noble at. Court, Packington St. Aldridge, Thomas, labourer, Skene at. Bayley, Edward, carpenter, Clarendon St. Allan, Robert, draper, Virginia St. Beard, William, cabman, Marshall at. All Saints' Church, Noble st. Bendall, William, miller, Russell St. Anderson, John, sharebroker , Virginia Bennett, Edward, whitesmith, Fyans St. at. Bennett, John, ropemaker, Russell St. Andrews, Henry, residence, Skene St. Bennett, Elizabeth, Elizabeth st. Anthony , Morris, watchmaker, Latrobe Bennett, Frederick, turn er, Margaret at. terrace Bennion, Edwin, compositor, Sharp St. Armitage, Mrs., the Hermitage, Packing- Bennett, Joseph, bricklayer, Bond St. ton St. Benson, Richard, labourer, Skene at. Arnold, Elizabeth, grocer, Fyans at. Best, James, cabman, Fyana St. Asling , Richard, general dealer, Latrobe Bible Christian Chapel, Bond St. terrace Blair, Mrs., Charles St. Aspinall , Richard, halter maker, Cumber- Blaxall, Morris, grocer and baker, Fyana land at. at. Atkins , Norcott, sheep manager, Marshall Bonnay, Mr., gardener, Skene St. St. Bonnett, John, painter and glazier, Aus- Austin , William, bootmaker, Skene St. tinterrace Bonnett, George, labourer, Skene St. B. Bottrell, William, quarryman, Marvin at. Backwell, Ebenezer, whitesmith, Claren- Bowes, Nathan, residence, Campden road don at. Bowey, Thomas, carter, West Melbourne Bade, Richard, gardener, Marvin St. road Bailey , George, labourer, Sharp St. Bran, Henry, cowkeeper, Bond St. Baker, William, contractor, Skene at. Brew, -, carpenter, Latrobe terrace Bales, William, tailor, Nicholas St. Brewer, George, carpenter, Camden road Ball, Stephen, bootmaker, Skene at. Briggs, Fletcher, fr uiterer, Marshall St. Ball, William, farmer, Leviens road Brimblecombe, William, mason, Sharp St. Bankhead, John, bootmaker, Noble St. Brimblecombe, John, mason, Sharp St. Banks, John, quarryman, Clarke St. Brockbank, Bohn, ironmonger, Pleasant at. Barnard, John, labourer, Stephen St. Brockwell, Richard, carpenter, Skene St. Barnes, William, carpenter, Saffron at. Brockwell, James, carpenter, Skene at. Bro DIRECTORY. Dre 41

Brockwell , William, turner, Williams St. Cole, Thomas, labourer, Nicholas St. Broom, William, storeman, Clarendon St. Coleman, John, labourer, Saffron St. Brown, Thomas, bootmaker, Clarke St. Coleman, Henry, contractor, Mercer's hill Brown, Nathaniel, monumental mason, Colman, James, quarryman, Mercer's hill Elizabeth at. Colenso, Edwin, undertaker, Nicholas at. Brown, James, blacksmith, Packington St. Coles, Frank, labourer, Cumberland St. Brown, James, general dealer,Packington Collins, John, plasterer, Fyans St. at. Collins, Edward, carrier , Skene St. Brown, Thomas, bootmaker, Austin St. Comb, H. E., solicitor, Bloomsbury St. Brown, William, Elizabeth St. Common School, St. Peter 's, Church of Bruce, James, stonemason, Clarke St. England, Marshall St. Bruffey, Dennis, Gold Diggers' hotel, Connelly, John, carpenter, Noble St. Fyans St. Connell, Jerry, labourer, Sharp St. Bruford, Eliza, ladies ' school, Skene St. Coombs, J, turner, Noble St. Byrant, William, labourer, Fyans St. Corbet, David, carter, George St. Buck, William, tailor, Austin St. Cotton, Herbert, grocer, Russell St. Buckland, Stephen, residence, Packington Coulson, Henry, Slater, Marshall St. St. Coy, Mark, ale and porter depot, Saffron Budd, John, carpenter, Clarke St. St. Bullock, R. H., residence, Stephen St. Creswell, Charles, confectioner, Clarke at. Bunnett, John, painter, Latrobe terrace rofts, Thomas, butcher, Clarke at. Burch, Robert, mason, Bond St. roomer, Henry, carter, Marshall et. Burke, Michael, labourer, Charles St. Cross, George, plumber, West Melbourne road C. Cruickshank, James, gardener , Cumber- Cade, John, carpenter, Charles St. land St. Cakebread, William, lime and cement Cullen, John, residence, Leviens road merchant, Austin St. Cuttle, Rev., -, residence , George St. Calder, David, labourer, Austin terrace Capp, Robert, carter, Marshall st. D. Carpenter, William, coach builder, Pack- Dale, Henry, butcher, Saffron at. ington St. 1 dimore, William, carpenter, l4arahali at. Carr, Omesimus, fancy shop, Latrobe ter- Daniel, Thomas, grocer and corn store, race Saffron St. Carr, J. G., auctioneer, Skene St. Daniels, Mark, stonecutter , Marvin at. Carrington, Walter, hawker, Clarendon Davidson, John, gardener, Skene St. St. Davis, John, boot and shoe maker, Carter, William, gardener, West Mel- Marshall at. bourne road Davison, Charles, bricklayer, Russell St. Cathcart, George, residence, West Mel- Dawson, Mary, grocer, Latrobe terrace bourneroad Day, Rev. Samuel, Baptist minister, Catholic Convent, Retreat road Bloomsbury St. Caton, Joseph, labourer, Bond St. Day, Caleb, draper, Marshall St. Chafe, Richard, grocer, Bond St. Denis, John, residence , Latrobe terrace Champion, Frederick, residence, Pleasant Denmeade, Nathaniel, tinsmith , Nicholas at. at. Chant, Alfred, residence, Skene St. Dew, William, mason , Clarendon St. Chappel, Jonathan, contractor, Marvin St. Dick, John, quarryman, Saffron St. Chapple, William, carpenter, Fernly St. Dickson, Edward, bootmaker, Upper Skene Chasholm, John, labourer, Fyans St. at. Chattel, Henry, residence, Retreat road Dobson , James, sen ., grocer , Packington Christopherson, Henry 0., civil engineer, at. Retreat road Dobson, John, labourer, Noble St. Child, William, baker, Latrobe terrace Docherty, James, residence, Clarendon St. Clarendon, Samuel, carrier, Fyans St. Dodd, Samuel, tailor, Bond St. Clark, Charles, butcher , Skene St. Dodds, Christiana, grocer, Bond St. Cleary, William, labourer, Russell St. Donaghay , Michael, ropewalk , Fyana St. Clutterbuck, W. G., carpenter, Noble St. Douglas , Hugh , quarryman , Saffron at. Clydesdale, John, labourer, Williams St. Drayton , William, labourer, Clarendon St. Coady, Thomas, labourer, Austin at. Drew, William, warder at the hospital, Cocking, Elizabeth, residence , Skene at. Austin terrace a 42 Dun ALPHABETICAL Hea

Dun, Thomas, draper, Latrobe terrace Furnell, Robert, residence, Skene at. Dun, Thomas, saddler, Latrobe terrace Fynder, Thomas, labourer, Woodstock St.

E. G. Ebenezer Independant Chapel, Marshall Gale, William, grocer, West Melbourne St. road Ebbles, William, carpenter, Latrobe ter- Gee, Edward, butcher, Sharp St. race Geelong College, Skene St.; - Morrison, Eddy, Miss Mary Jane, dressmaker, Aus- proprietor tin St. Geoghegan, Samuel, residence, Armitage Edwards, -, plumber, Fyans St. road Edwards, William, mason, Nantes St. Giblin, Vincent W., residence, Noble at, Ellis, David, bootmaker, Fyans at. Gilchrist, Archibald, tailor, Little Park St. Elms, Charles, residence, Barwon avenue Giles, Edmond, labourer, Fyans st. Esgar, Jane E., ladies' school, Skene St. Gill, James, carter, Clarendon St. Espinass , Robert, ironmonger, Leviens Gill, Henry, commission agent, Virginia road at. Evans, Percival, cabman, Cumberland at. Gill, Joseph, tailor, Noble St. Evans, John B., law clerk, Upper Skene St. Gillingham, Edwin, carrier, Williams St. Eurn, Henry, labourer, Fernly St. Gilmore, Robert, labourer, Clarke at. Eyre, G. & J., bakers, Retreat road Gorey, Joseph, butcher, Packington St. Grace, Dr., residence, Skene st. F. Grant, Archibald, mason, Noble St. Grant, Elizabeth, residence, Skene St. Fagg, Miss Elizabeth, Packington St. Grant, William, mason, Saffron St. Fagg Bros., timber merchants, Packing- Grave, Richard, stonemason, Virginia St. ton St. Gray, Alexander, miller, Latrobe terrace Fare, Robert, Duke of Wellington hotel, Great Western Hotel, West Melbourne Packington St. road Farrel, Patrick, labourer, Bond st. Grecian, George, mason, Austin St. Folley, Ann, grocer, Retreat road Grix, Benjamin, labourer, Nicholas St. Fordham, William, Sawyers' Arms hotel, Grix, John, labourer, Nicholas at. Noble St. Groell, James, tinsmith, Noble St. Fowler, Richard, wholesale warehouse, off Groves, James, labourer, Clarendon St. Bond St. Gunn, Barbara, dressmaker, Bond St. Foy, James, bootmaker, Austin St. Guthrie, John, collector of customs, La- Fedley, David, labourer, Saffron st. trobeterrace Fergusson, William, ropemaker, Russell St. H. Few, Edward, residence, Bloomsbury st. Filse, Ebenezer, carpenter, Marshall st. Hale, William, carpenter, Lawrence at. Fisher, Henry, labourer, Bond st. Hall, Edmond, printer, Latrobe terrace Fitton, William, storeman, Saffron St. Hamilton, James, grocer and carpenter, Fitton, James, Gold Diggers' hotel, Skene Clarke St. st. Hampton, Henry, baker, Sharp at. Fitzpatrick,Patrick, labourer, Clarke St. Harding, W., residence, Latrobe terrace Fizzard, John, mangleman, Armitage road Hardy, John, labourer, Woodstock St. Fletcher, Henry, labourer, Clarendon St. Harper, William, bailiff, Fyans St. Fletcher, James, gardener, Nicholas st. Harris, Thomas, ironmonger, Pleasant St. Foster, George, blacksmith, Packington Harris, Edward, schoolmaster, Blooms- St. bury St. Fort, William, labourer, Fyans St. Harris, William, residence, Retreat road Fraser, Stewart, residence, Packington St. Harrison,Daniel, residence, Elizabeth St. Frazer, Rev. McKenzie, residence, Austin Harty, John, draper, Austin St. St. Harvey, William, butcher, West Mel- Francis, Joseph, farmer, Sharp at. bourne road Free Church of England, Latrobe terrace Harvey, Thomas, mason, Russe ll St. Freer, William, coachmaker , Russell at. Harwood, Thomas, solicitor , Skene St. Friend, Robert, gardener, Fyans St. Hawker, John, storeman, Skene at. Fuller, Thomas, bootmaker, Skene St. Head, John H., gardener , Stephen St. Fuller , Charles , labourer, Austin terrace Healey, James, grocer, Skene at. Ilea DIRECTORY. Max 43

Healy, Jane, residence, Packington St. Jenkins, John, mason, Upper Skene St. Healey, John, grocer, Austin St. Jenkins, John, undertaker, Bloomsbury St. Heals, William, gardener, Bloomsbury St. Jenkinson,Wm , water-carrier,Noble at. Heard, James, plasterer, Bloomsbury St. Johnson, William W., carpenter , Retreat Heath, John, carpenter, Cumberland St. road Hebbard, Mrs., dressmaker, George st. Johnston, James, labourer, Marshall St. Hebuirn, Thomas, carter, Saffron st. Jones, Charles, carpenter, Bond St. Hebuirn, Thomas, watercarrier, Nicholas Jones,Robert, plasterer, Clarke st. at. Jones, John, plasterer , Clarke St. Helm, C. 0., schoolmaster, Austin st. Jones, Henry, contractor, Cumberland at. Hendely, John, atoreman, Clarendon St. Henderson , Rev. James, residence, Armi- S. tage road Keenen, Patrick, policeman, Noble st. Henry, Thomas, grocer, Marshall at. Kells, Henry, labourer, Skene St. Hickey, John, plasterer, Clarke St. Kennedy, Mary, residence, Mercer's hill Hicks, Matthew, quarryman, Saffron at. Kinsella, James, gardener, Leviens road Higgs, Thomas, labourer, Fyans st. Kernott, W. H., chemist, Latrobe terrace Hill, Mrs. John, schoolmistress, Upper King, Alfred, plumber, Marshall St. Skene St. King, George, gardener, Marshall St. Hillman, Samuel, bootmaker, Noble st. Knight, George, carter, George St. Hillman, Edward, labourer, Williams at. Hislop, William, mason, Skene St. L. Hobbs, John, butcher, Skene St. Hockins, Joseph, ropemaker, Mercer's hill Lane, H. B., residence, Pleasant st. Hodgson, Charles Alfred, residence, Bar- Lauchlan, Campbell, confectioner, Noble won avenue St. Holdsworth, Thomas, contractor, Wood- Lawrence, George, farmer, Latrobe ter- stock St. race Holien, John, labourer, Woodstock St. Lee, Richard, blacksmith, Barwon avenue Hollow, Christopher, grocer, Skene St. Leach, Robert, labourer, Woodstock St. Holmes, Maria, manglewoman, Little Park Levien, Benjamin G., residence, Leviena at. row Holmes, Arthur, residence, Fyaus St. Lewis, Wm., drapery store, Saffron at. Horne, Thomas, paperhanger, Latrobe ter- London, John, residence, West Melbourne race road Horsey, Charles, carpenter, Skene at. Lowe, Robert, painter, Barwon avenue Howarth, James, shoemaker, Nicholas St. Lowe, James, butcher, Russell at. Hunt, Henry, hawker, Margaret St. Lowrie, Wm., labourer, Saffron St. Hunt, Thomas B., baker, Latrobe terrace Lowry, James, labourer, Austin at. Hunt , John, labourer, Bond St. Luttrell, Daniel, labourer, Marsha ll at. Hurle, John, bootmaker, Skene St. Lynch, Henry, sawyer, Bond St. Hutchins , Henry, coachman, Pleasant at. Lynch, Lawrence , policeman, Pleasant at. Hyatt, Moses, labourer , Skene St. M. I. Macdonald, Ronald, sharebroker, Skene at. Ibboston, Charles, residence, Stephen St. Macdonald , Jessie, residence, Park St. Ibboston' s mill, off Fyans St. Macdonald, Alex. C., auctioneer, Noble St. lerson, T. W., teacher of singing, Skene Macfarlane , Thomas , labourer, Cumber- St. land St. Irving, David, mason, Noble St. Maddocks, Thomas, labourer, Saffron St. Malcolm, Michael, carter, Skene St. Malony, John, cowkeeper, Nicholas at. J. Marshall, Thomas , herdsman , )Vest Mel- Jackson, John, labourer, Marshall at. bourne road James, Lucy Jane , schoolmistress, Bless- Marsham , Robert, plasterer , Skene at. ington St. Martin, James , baker , Little Park at. Jeffery, Thos., New Town hotel, West Martin , Caleb , stonemason , Latrobe ter- Melbourne road race Jeffrees , Wellington , gardener , Woodstock Martin , Thomas, mason, Marshall at. at. Martin, Henry, cabman, Clarke at. Jenkins, John, carter, Stephen, at. Martin, Wm., stonemason, Clarendon at, 44 Mar ALPHABETICAL Qui

Martin, Richard, cabman, Noble st. N. Martin, Wm., mason, Latrobe terrace Martin, Henry, carpenter, Lawrence St. Nairn, Joseph, gardener, Skene St. Massie, John, labourer, Austin terrace Near, Samuel, carter, Bond st. Mathews, Wm., wheelright, Russell at. Nelson, Henry, butcher, Fyans at. Matters, Joseph, painter and glazier, Rus- Newtown & Chilwell Fire Brigade, Pack- sel St. ington St. Maxwell, Robert, residence, Skene St. Newtown Surveyor's Office, Packington Mayse, John, labourer, Saffron St. St. McCallum, Peter, residence, off Austin st. Newtown & Chile ell, Police Court, Pack- McCarty, John, farmer, Marvin at. ington st. McCullagh, R. M., residence, Noble st. Newtown Police Station, Austin St. McClelland, Wm., plasterer, Bloomsbury Nicholson, Donald, residence, Williams St. St. Nokes, Thomas, stonemason, Skene St. McDonald, Michael, labourer, Marshall St. McDonald, Alex., mariner, Bond St. 0. McDonald, Margaret,. residence, Bond St. McDonald, Angus, labourer, Saffron st. Oates, Wm , quarryman, Marvin at. McDonald, Thomas, gardener, Clarendon O'Bryan, Daniel, labourer, Marshall st. at. O'Donoghue, Mary, grocer, West Mel- McDermott, Michael, carter, Latrobe ter- bourne road race O'Neil, Stephen, tailor, Little Park St. McFarlane, John, builder, Latrobe terrace O'Neil, John, tailor, Charles St. McInnes, Ronald, residence, Cumberland Osbourne, John W., bootmaker, Noble St. St. Mcintoch, John, labourer, Nicholas St. P. McKenzie, George, labourer, Elizabeth St. McLean, Hugh, limeburner, Park st. Paine, John, carpenter, Russell st. McLennan, Joseph, plasterer, Noble St. Palmer, John, plasterer, Margaret St. McMullen, W., residence, Fernly St. Parker, Ann, general store, Skene st. McNaughton, John, miller, Latrobe ter- Parker, -, limeburner, Saffron St. race Parker, Richard, ironmonger, Retreat road McPherson, Captain, harbour-master, No- Parkinson, Wm., labourer, Marshall St. ble St. Parray, Thomas, labourer, Noble at. Meade, James, carpenter, Noble st. Passmore, Thos, painter, Saffron st. Meagan, Thomas, builder, Pleasant st. Patterson, Win., labourer, Sharp St. Merefield, Christopher, draper, Skene st. Pearson, Fredk., tanner, Latrobe terrace Mervil, Charles, tailor, Austin St. Petch, Wm., carter, Bond St. Metcalf, Joshua, Cremorne hotel, Packing- Peters, John, carpenter, Marshall St. ton at. Phillips, Wm, labourer, Bond St. Middlemiss, John, secretary to the hospi- Piddle, George, gardener, Blessington st. tal, Austin St. Pigeon, Richard, butcher. Noble St. Middleton, John William, coachbuilder, Pike, Robert, wheelwright, Russell st. Austin St. Pile, James, stonemason, Fyans St. Miles, George, teacher, Bloomsbury at. Tither, Henry, mason, Upper Skene st. Miles, Wm., gardener, Noble st. Pittard, James, bootmaker, Bond St. Millard, Thomas, labourer, Marshall at. Pittock, Jonathan, carpenter, Fyans St. Miller, Wm., gardener, Fyans st. Plummer, Wm., sawyer, Nicholas St. Mitchel, George, tailor, Camden road Pounds, Joseph, residence, Packington at. Mitchel, Wm., labourer, Clarendon st. Power, Charles, inspector of sheep, Skene Moore, John, residence, Camden road at. Morall, John, gardener, Fernly St. Powell, Thomas, sawyer, Packington at. Morris, James, labourer, Marshall st. Preston, Wm., grocer, Skene St. Morris, Fredk, cabinetmaker, Noble st. Price, John, labourer, Clarendon St. Morrow, Charles S , squatter, Retreat road Purnell, Wm., carpenter, Russell St. Mulhara, Patrick, wheelwright, Saffron st. Mullen, Michael, labourer, Charles St. Q. Murphy, Dennis, Little Park st. Murphy, Wm., carpenter, Park st. Quin, Michael, cowkeeper, Woodstock St. Murray, Daniel, confectioner, Park at. Quinan, James, registrar of births and Musgrove , Wm., residence, Noble St. deaths, Skene at. Pact DIRECTORY. Tay 45

R. Seeley, Elijah, builder, Pleasant St. Seiver, John, upholsterer, Retreat road Radcliff, John, gardener, William St. Shaahar, John, tanner, Fyans St. Rankin, James D., Commercial tavern, Shade, Andrew, Custom house officer, Leviens road Russell st. Rebsamen , Madame, teacher of French, Shand, Wm., mason, Park st. Skene St. Sharp, James, grocer, Packington at. Redman, John, carpenter, Upper Skene st. Shaw, Joseph L., architect, Stephen at. Reed, George, brickmaker, Skene St. Sheldrick, Jas., storeman, Blessington St. Reeves, John, labourer, Clarendon St. Shingfield, David, carpenter, Lawrence St. Renault, Thomas, fruiterer, Saffron st. Shugg, Samuel, mason, Retreat road Rice, Joseph, residence, Noble St. Silk, James, tailor, Noble St. Richards, Wm., quarryman, Fyans st. Simson, James, merchant, Skene at. Riddle, Thomas C , residence, Skene st. Sinnott, Chas., labourer, Clarke st. Ricketts, James, wheelwright, Packington Sladen, Chas., Esq, M.L.C., residence, St. Packington st. Ricketts, Wm., baker, Marshall St. Slammers, Miss Elizabeth, ladies' school, Roach, Richard, wheelwright, Bond St. Pleasant st. Roach, James, grocer, West Melbourne Sleator, Samuel, rate collector, West Mel- road bourne road Roadknight, Thomas, residence, Packing- Smellie, Alexander, carpenter, Upper ton St. Skene St. Roberts, John, carpenter, West Melbourne Smith and Aitchison, general store , Eliza- road beth St. Robertson,Joseph, carpenter,Clarendon Smith, Hugh, dealer, Fyans st. at. Smith, John, butcher, Fyans st. Robins, Thomas, labourer, Park St. Smith, John, stonemason, Clarendon st. Robins, Charles, carpenter, Clarendon st. Smith, George, labourer, Mercer's hill Robinson, James, painter, Saffron at. Smith, Wm., labourer, Clarendon St. Robinson, J. I)., auctioneer, 7 Skene st. Smith, Joseph, cabnian, Austin St. Robinson, Robert, labourer, Clarendon st. Smith, James, labourer, Noble St. Rogers, Mary, Virginia st. Smith, James, residence, Blessington St. Rolph, Nathaniel, hatmaker, Noble St. South, Wm., residence, Packington at. Ronold, R. B., residence, Fernly st. Spencer, Jas., ship-steward, Margaret at. Rout, Wm., carpenter, Noble at. Spooner, Alfred, baker, Sharp St. Rowand, Dr. Chas , residence, Skene st. Stephen, G. A., Esq., residence, Stephen Rudduck, Frederick, baker, Saffron St. St. Rutherford, Wm., carter, William st. Stewart, Dr., surgeon, Fyans at. Ryan, John, carter, Clarke St. Stewart, Henry, mason, Margaret St. Ryan, Patrick, labourer, Bond St. Stewart, John, bootmaker, Autumn St. Ryan, Thos., cowkeeper, Upper Skene St. Stewert, Matthew, sawyer, Bond at. Ryan, Timothy, cowkeeper, Russell St. Stock, Mark, builder and carpenter, Ryan, Timothy, labourer, Clarendon St. Charles st. Stone, John, ship-builder, Park at. S. Stone, James, labourer, Fyans st. Sadler, Edward, carter, Fyans St. Stott, Benjamin, Life Insurance agent, Saffron, Edward, mason, Fernley at. West Melbourne road Sasse, Harry A., inspector of schools, Strange, Wm., residence, Nicholas St. Autumn st. Stratford, Robert, cabinetmaker, Clarke Saunders, John, labourer, Marshall st. at. Sayers, Wm., tobacco stores, West Mel- Strickland, Rev. Frederick P., residence, bourne road Skene st. Sayers, W. F., clerk, Newtown and Chil- Sullivan, John, grocer, Russell st. well, Packington st. Sullivan, John, Cricket Club hotel, La- Scales, Mrs. Sarah, ladies' school, Pack- trobeterrace ington st. Sutherland, Duncan , carter , Marshall at. Scott, Duncan, residence, Fyans St. Sweatman , Wm. J., signwriter, Skene at. Scott, Chas., teacher, Nicholas at. T. Scott, James, timber merchant, Noble st. Seabrook, Robert, draper, Packington St. Tappin, Jas., bookkeeper, Packington at. Searle, James, draper , Skene at. Taylor, Wm., carpenter, Saffron at. 46 Tay ALPHABETICAL Zoa

Taylor , John, gafener , Nicholas St. %ase, Joseph , blacksmith , Russell St. Telford, James C., residence , Leviens road Webber, George, boot and shoe maker, Tempest, George , ironmonger , Autumn st. Bond St. Thomas, Wm., bootmaker , Saffron st. Welch, James H., gasfitter, Noble St. Thomas, Wm ., residence , Nantes St. Wells, Thomas, labourer, Skene St. Thomas , -, chemist, Woodstock St. Wesleyan Chapel, Noble St. Thomas , Geo., wine and spirit merehant, Wesleyan School, Saffron St. Noble St. Wheatland, Wm., carpenter, Fernly at. Thompson , Robert , labourer, Bond st. White, Jas., quarryman, Latrobe terrace Thompson , Archibald , bootmaker , Russell White, George , ironmonger , Austin St. St. White, James Charles, residence, Noble St. Thompson , Thomas, baker, Park St. White, Wm., stonemason , Latrobe terrace Thomson , Edward, plasterer , Skene St. White, John, bricklayer, Latrobe terrace Thorley, Wm., labourer, Charles at. Whybrow, Philip, carter, Fyans St. Toogood, James, baker , Saffron St. Wiggs, George A., bricklayer, Upper Toole, James , wheelwright, Virginia St. Skene St. Trenglove, John, coachsmith, Clarendon Wilkinson, George B., residence , Noble at. St. Wilkinson , Robert , ironmonger , Austin St. Trotman , Sanders, rate collector, West Williams, William, cook, Sharp St. Melbourne road Williams, Ralph, carter, Marvin St. Truman , Richard , stonemason , Packington Williams, Thomas , mariner, Austin ter- St. race Tweeddale , John, town inspector , Marshall Williams , Edward, butcher , Marshall St. St. Williams, Charles, labourer, Fernly st. Tweeddale, Wm., ironmonger, Latrobe Williams, Geo. Thos., cabman, Skene St. terrace Williams, John, farmer, Packington at. Will more, Mrs. Elizabeth, residence, West V. Melbourne road Vanstone, James, grocer, Clarendon at. Wilson, Charles, labourer, Clarendon St. Veal, Wm., labourer, Noble St. Wilson, John, merchant, Noble St. Vessey, Edward, compositor , Marshall at. Willson, Mrs. Catherine, day school, Clarke Victor, Farbus , labourer , Sharp St. st. Wright, Thomas, cabman, Skene St. W. Wright, William, residence , Latrobe ter- race Wade, Mrs. John, residence , Clarke at. Walker , Henry, mariner , William St. Wyatt, Joseph, carpenter and joiner, Wallace, John, carpenter , Marshall St. Skene St. Walter , Ellen Jane, day school , Austin St. Y. Walters, Joseph , carpenter , Noble St. Walton, George , chemist, Skene St. Yates, Joseph , tollgate keeper, Clarendon Walton, Elijah , chemist, Saffron St. St. Warbaton , dames, labourer , Noble st. Young, Robert, carrier, Marshall St. Ward , Mary Ann, residence , St. Alban's Young, John, architect , Leviens road house, Retreat road Young, John, postman, Russell St. Ward, Alfred, painter , Blessington st. Z. Ward, Wm ., blacksmith , Marshall St. Watt, Wm., draper , Nantes et. Zoar Chapel, Noblest. Abr DIRECTORY. Ara 47



Winchelsea Portland Merino Colac Heyward Digby Birregurra Dartmoor Branxholme Camperdown Edenhope Dunkeld Terang Harrow Wickliffe Mortlake Balmoral Ararat Warrnambool Cavendish Beaufort Woodford Hamilton Skipton Koroit Coleraine Streatham Belfast Casterton Meredith Yambuk Sandford Steigli tz.


A. Allitt, Wm, gardener, Otway at., Portland. Alexander, David, painter, South Port- Abrahams, Isaac, tobacconist, Barkly at., land Ararat Ambler, Oliver, blacksmith, Duneed Adams, W., Victoria hotel, Mt. Cole, Beau- Anderson, Thomas, residence, Bentinck at., fort Portland Adamson, Thomas, storekeeper, South Anderson, George, Dumfern Inn, Koroit Portland Anderson, David, saddler, Camperdown Adamson, John, storekeeper, Stieglitz Anderson, George, butcher, Winchelsea Aitken & Bostock, general storekeepers, Anderson, James, blacksmith, &c., Sand- Timor st., Warrnambool ford Albert, J, Half-way house, Steiglitz Andrews, Alexander, blacksmith, &c., Allan, Thomas, butcher, Hurd at., Port- Colac land Anthony, William, Royal hotel, Colac Allan, J., & Co., timber merchants and Applegate, William, shoemaker, South ironmongers, Gray at., Hamilton Portland Allen, -, storekeeper, Skipton Ararat Mining Board office, Barkly at. Allen, Edward, bootmaker , Branxholme Ararat Allingham, John , draper , & c., Pleasant Ararat Flour Mills, - Forester, see., creek Barkly at., Ararat 48 Are WESTERN DISTRICT Bre

Archer, William, storekeeper, Colac Bagshawe, Ed., mining surveyor, Beau- Archer, David, photographic artist, Colac fort; agent for the Liverpool, London, Armstrong, Robert, carpenter, Hurd st , and Globe Insuranceoffices Portland Beams, Robert, carter, Percy st., Port- Armstrong, T., bootmaker, Timor st., land Warrnambool Beath, David, storekeeper, Gray st., Armstrong, P., draper, Timor at., Warr- Hamilton nambool Beauvois, Hudson, agent, Gawler st , Port- Arnold, John, saddler, Cox at., Belfast land Atherton, Mrs., fancy repository, Julia at., Bcauvois, Hudson, county court bailiff, Portland Portland Atkinson, Edwin, town clerk, Otway A, Beeson, James, gardener, Tyers st. Portland Behrens, G., photographic artist, Barkly Atkinson, Edwin, town clerk and borough at., Ararat treasurer, Portland Belcher & Co., storekeepers, wine and Atkinson, J. H., Apothecaries' Hall, Sack- spirit merchants, Camperdown ville st, Belfast Belfast Police Station, Cox st., Belfast Austin, W. G., steam, packet and general Bennett, Mrs , fruiterer, Sackville at., Bel- commission agent, Liebeg st., Warrnam- fast bool Bennett, Tlios., tailor, &c., Bentinck at., Avery, W., painter, &c., Gray at,, Hamil- Portland ton Besley, Francis, coach painter, &c., Colac Best,Jabez, general storekeeper and post- B. master, Brauxholme Bachli, Frank, butcher, Barkly at, Ararat Bevan, Geo., hotelkeeper, Bentinck at., Badnall, Chales 1-1, storekeeper, Heywood Portland Bailey, James, butcher, Hurd st. Bevan, Geo., London hotel, Julia st., Port- Bailey, George, hairdresser, Barkly st., land Ararat eBignell, Mrs., Royal hotel, Beaufort Baines, John, labourer, Camperdown Bilston, -, publican, Merino Balderson, Joseph, carrier, Cameron at., Blair, James, police magistrate, Welling- Portland ton road, Portland Balding, Henry, residence, Hurd st., Port- Blair, James, police magistrate, Portland land Blair, David, grocer, Sackville st., Belfast Ballis, Joseph, fruiterer, Timor St., Warr- Blay, James, bootmaker, Percy at, Port- nambool land Barber, George, solicitor, Liebeg at., Warr- Boffham, Thos., bootmaker, Coleraine nambool Bond, John, storekeeper, Dunkeld Barber, R. W., coachbuilder, Liebeg st., Bond, John, storeman, Blair at., Portland Warrnambool Boardman, Robt , storekeeper, Steiglitz Barclay, Buros, superintendent of police, Bourke, Garrett, tinsmith, View point, Coleraine Ararat Barker, Thomas L., Royal hotel, Barkly Boyle, James, storekeeper, Mortlake st., Ararat Boylett, Benj., blacksmith and wheel- Barkley, Hugh Ross, superintendent of wright, Mount Monac police, Portland Bradley, Wm , Telegraph hotel, Colac Barsley, Edward, fruiterer and gardener, Bradshaw, Wm., woolwasher, Fern at., Julia at., Portland Portland Basch, Jacob, watchmaker, Barkly at., Bradshaw, Thos , tailor, Julia at., Portland Ararat Brady, James, tinsmith, Timor st, Warr- Bateman, William, timber merchant, &c., nambool Cox at., Belfast Braham, E., postmaster and telegraph Baylis, Charles, saddler and harness manager, Portland maker,Pleasant creek Bramley, Wm., fanner, Colac Bayly, S. J., solicitor, commissioner for Brannely, Patk., bootmaker, Camperdown taking affidavits in the Supreme Court, Brebner, Isaac, tailor, Timor at., Warr- &c., Princess st., Belfast nambool Bayne, Alexander, accountant Bank of Breckon, Francis, draper and clothier, Victoria, Liebeg st, Warrnambool Timor st., Warrnambool Bayne, Archibald, blacksmith, &c., Liebeg Brewer, Henry E., surgeon, Richmond st., st., Warrnambool Portland Bre DIRECTORY. Cla 49

Brewster, Win, bootmaker, Julia St., Cameron , Donald , stock agent and auc- Portland tioneer, Gray St., Hamilton Bridger, George, tailor, Barkly St., Ararat Cameron, Donald, settler, Bentinck at., Briggs. J., draper, &c., Timor St., Warr- Portland nambool Cameron, Neil, commission agent, Cox Broadbent, George, residence, Colac St., Belfast Bromfield, Astley, chemist, Liebeg st., Cameron, Angus, general storekeeper, Warrnambool Redruth Bromfield, W., Cricketers' Arms, Steig- Cannon, Win., labourer, Gawler at., Port- litz land Bromley, John, bootmaker, Gray St., Chadwick & Co., drapers, &c., Ararat Hamilton Challis, John, butcher, Winchelsea Brown, Joseph, baker, Timor at, Warr- Chambers, Henry, accountant Bank of nambool Victoria, Cox at, Belfast Brown Bros., butchers, Grey St., Hamilton Chaffey, Philippa, Glenelg inn, Casterton Brown, Wm., tailor, Grey st., Hamilton Camp hotel, -, proprietor, Stawell Brown, John, storeman , Julia St., Port- Campbell, Simon, blacksmith, Colac land Campbell, John, draper and out fitter, Brown, James, Manchester hotel, Barkly Grey St., Hamilton. St., Ararat Campbell, Wm. M., storekeeper, Hurd at., Brown, James, saddler, &c., Grey St., Portland Hamilton Campbell, James, Secretary to the Me- Brown, Walter, baker, Percy St., Port- chanics' Institute, Barkly St., Ararat land Campbell, Mrs., dressmaker, Thomson St., Browning, John, boarding-school,South Hamilton Portland Campbell, Gray, tobacconist, Pleasant ck. Browning, James, merchant, Percy St., Candy & Batten, carpentersand under- Portland takers, Pleasant creek Brownlies, J., undertaker and Smith, Carroll, John, shoemaker, South Portland Lingsdale St., Hamilton Carruthers, John, surveyor, Casterton Brown's grocery and produce warehouse, Carter, J., plasterer, &c., Dryden it., Pleasantcreek Hamilton Bruce, John, blacksmith, Wickliffe Carter & Brockman, blacksmiths, wheel- Bruce, Neil, storekeeper, Palmer St., Port- wrights, &c, Mortlake land Catholic Church, Colac Bruce, Andrew, draper, Sackville St., Bel- Cave, James, hairdresser, Timor at., fast Warrnambool Buchholz, Louis, saddler, &c., Sackville St. Cavenagh, George, accountant Bank of Belfast Australasia, Julia st., Portland Buckle, Thos., Digby hotel, Digby Chandler, -, Britannia hotel, Julia at., Buckley, Emma, residence, Camperdown Portland Buglehole, Henry, stonemason , Blair at., Chandler, Thos., bootmaker, Gray at., Portland Hamilton Burbank, Ednot, teacher National School, Chapman & Butcher, butchers, Colac Camperdown Chapman & Butcher, bakers and confec- Burgess, Nathaniel, blacksmith, Digby tioners, Colac Burkitt, R., hairdresser, Julia at., Port- Chaponnel, John, watchmaker, &c., Plea. land santcreek Burnett, Thos., Warrnambool hotel, Ban- Charrett & Co., carpenters, builders, &c., yon St., Warrnambool Terang Burnett, Jas., painter, Henty St., Portland Childe Bros ., wine and spirit merchants, Burrow, Thos., storeman , Henty St., Port- Pleasant creek land Christen, David, bootmaker , Timor at., Bye, Edmund H., gardener, Clarke at., Warrnambool Portland Church, W., Albion hotel, Barkly at., Ararat 0. Church of England , Rev. - Pyne, cler- Cameron, John, saddler, Mortlake gyman , Camperdown Cameron, Jae., blacksmith, Bentinck at., Clark, George, saddler, Beaufort Portland Clark, Miss, ladies' school, Gawler it,, Cameron, Mrs., residence, Camperdown Portland R 50 Cla WESTERN DISTRICT Dal

Clarke, Lindsay, surveyor, Henty St., Cooper, W , general storekeeper, n gent for Portland the London and Lancashire Fire and Clarke, Peter, carpenter, Palmer st., Port- Life Insurance Companies, post-office, land Steiglitz Clarke, Thomas, tinsmith, Colac Cope, Fredk. Chas., clerk of courts, Barkly Claridge, George, residence, Percy st., at , Ararat Portland Corney, Wm., residence, South Portland Claridge, George G. P., residence, Fern Cosser, Wm , labourer, Camperdown at , Portland Cox & Palmer, solicitors, Thomson St., Clay Richard, residence, Palmer St., Port- Hamilton land Corstorphan, John, carpenter, Balmoral Clay, F. L., Solicitor and Commissioner Cotton, Albert, storekeeper, and wine and for taking affidavits in the Supreme spirit merchant, Chilwell and Duneed Court, Merino, and Gawler st., Portland Court of Petty Sessions, Camperdown Clemes, Alfred B., chemist and druggist, Court of Petty Sessions, Barkly at , Ararat Pleasantcreek Courtis, Edward C., general storekeeper, Cleverdon, John, bookseller and stationer, and agent for the London and Lancashire agent for the London and Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Companies, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, Casterton Warrnambool Cowans, James, baker, Beaufort Cannon, John, stationer and news agent, Cowl, Wm., blacksmith, spring maker, Barkly at. and wheelwright, Terang Coakley, Joseph, saddler, Timor st., Warr- Craig, Samuel, coroner, Stawell shire, nambool Stawell Cobb & Co.'s coach stables; J. Vines, Cramer, Chas. A., draper, Timor st., Warr- proprietor,Colac nambool Cockman, Walter, general storekeeper, Cramond & Dickson, drapers, Timor St., Liebeg st., Warrnambool Warrnambool Codrington,John, painter,South Port- Crick, James, Eddnhope inn, Edenhope land Croaker, Chas., merchant, Percy st., Port- Codrington, James, residence, Tyers st., land Portland Cross, S , general storekeeper, Gray St., Colbert, Edmund A., surveyor, Percy St., Cross, Samuel, draper, Hurd St., Portland Portland Crossley & Brown, ironmongers, Barkly Collin, Leopold R., teacher of music, Mar- at , Ararat ket square, Portland Crothers, W. & D., grocers and bakers, Collins, Edwin, Royal Mail hotel, Dunkeld Pleasantcreek Collins, -, solicitor, Camperdown Crouch, Daniel, Travellers' Rest hotel, Collins, W., manager Cobb & Co.'s, Barkly Casterton at., Ararat Crouch, Edward, bootmaker, Barkly at., Collis, C. T., bootmaker, Grey St., Hamil- Ararat ton Crouch & Co., bootmakers, Barkly st., Collard, Jeffray, tanner, Hurd St., Port- Ararat land Ct ouch & Co., merchants, Percy St., Port- Colstock, James, residence, Liebeg St., land Warrnambool Crough & Fethers, auctioneers, &c., Percy Common School, No. 187; , school- St. master, Duneed Cunning, Peter, turnkey, Palmer st., Port- Connor, John, auctioneer and commission land agent, Colac Core, Joseph, boot and shoemaker, Colac Constable, A. It., receiver and paymaster, Curtis, Charles, gardener, South Portland Barkly St., Ararat Cussen, At., general storekeeper, Merino Coach, Mrs., storekeeper and fruiterer, Cuzens, James, storekeeper, Balmoral Pleasantcreek Cook, Richard B., carpenter, Percy st., D. Portland Dacomb, Edmund, merchant, Richmond Cooke, Hervey, Prince of Wales hotel, St., Portland Thomson St., Hamilton Dahl, Murdoch C., accountant , Richmond Cooper, W., agent for the London and st., Portland Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Dalton, John, wheelwright and carriage- Companies , Portland builder, Colac Dan DIRECTORY, Far 51

Dane, James H., secretary Mechanics' Doran, John, bootmaker, Beaufort Institute, Pleasant creek Douglas, Jas., saddler and harnessmaker, Dane, James Henry, accountant and anent Coleraine to the London and Lancashire Fire Douglas, James, watchmaker and engra- Insurance Co, Pleasant creek ver, Mortlake D'Arcy, Patrick, Shamrock hotel, Stawell Dudden, J., baker, Grey at., Hamilton Darling, Wm., storekeeper, Woodford Duigan, John, postmaster and telegraph Davidson,Alexander, residence,South manager, Camperdown Portland Dunbar, Charles S., teacher, South Port- Davis, Henry, auctioneer, stock and com- land mission agent, Casterton Duncan & Saunders, blacksmiths, &c., Davies, Richard, agent for the London and Branxholme Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Dunne, W., common school teacher, Companies, Winchelsea Steiglitz Davies, Thomas H., shoemaker, Bentinck Dunoon, George, tailor, &c., Colac at., Warrnambool Davies, Daniel, bootmaker, Timor at., E. Warrnambool Davies, Walter, bookseller, Timor at., Eager, Wm., chemist and druggist, Barkly Warrnambool at , Ararat Davison, D. S., chemist and druggist, Eastx,h, Elijah, baker, confectioner, &c., Pleasantcreek Merino Dawson, P., photographer, Grey at., Edgar, Ii., Spur hotel, Harrow Hamilton Edraich, Benjamin, Commercial hotel, Dawson & Lee, grocers, &c., Barkly at., Bentinck at., Portland a Ararat Edwards, Thomas, fancy bazaar, Timor Dawson, P., photographic artist, Liebeg at., Warrnambool st., Warrnambool Edwards, John, wheelwright, Blair at., Day & Maclean, carriage builders, Percy Portland at., Portland Ehinke, H., Princess Alexandra hotel, Deacon Henry, brickmaker, Clarke at., Liebeg at., Warrnambool Portland Ehrenberg, M., tobacconist, Barkly at., Denholm, John, farrier, &c., Grey at,, Ararat Hamilton Elden,C. J.,general storekeeper, Mount Denney, John Thos , accountant, Glenelg Moriac at., Portland Elder, A. M.,post office and store, Skipton Denny, J. T., accountant, Union Bank of Elliott, James, schoolmaster, Cavendish Australia, Julia at, Portland Emmett, George, storekeeper, Smythes. Dent, James, bootmaker, Bank at., Belfast dale at., Hamilton Destree, Adolf, jeweller and watchmaker, Enscoe, Wm., butcher, Merino Grey at., Hamilton Etheridge, T. 8, accountant, Bank of Deutscher, Carl T., refreshment house, Victoria, Pleasant creek between Hamilton and Coleraine Evans, David, saddler and harness maker, Dickman, Arthur, Travellers' Rest hotel, Beaufort storeand postoffice, Birregurra Evans, David, tailor, Timor at., Warrnam- Dickson, Joseph, tinsmith, Pleasant creek bool Digby, George, New inn, Rosebrook road, Evans, Benjamin, blacksmith, &c., Plea- Belfast santcreek Dillon, Michael, bootmaker, Camperdown Evans, Martin, draper and clothier, District Survey Office, Clark Lindsay, Timor at., Warrnambool District surveyor, Portland Evans and Gleeson, livery stables,Liebeg Dix, Samuel, stonemason, Market square, at., Warrnambool Portland Everett, Chas., fruiterer, Liebeg at., Warr- Dobson, Henry, Picnic hotel, Burrembeet nambool Dodd, F. W., auctioneer and commission F. agent, Pleasant creek Dogherty, -, Dogherty hotel, Cavendish Farley, Alfred T., auctioneer, Digby Dolman, Wm, butcher, Coleraine Farnell, S. S., inspector of police, Cam- Donaldson, B., Bunyip inn, Cavendish perdown Douglas, Mrs, Berlin wool repository, Farrell, Alexander, Hopkins' hotel, Wick- Bentinck at., Portland liffe 52 Far ALPHABETICAL Gra

Farrer, John, wheelwright and carpenter, G. Woodford Fawthrop, Captain, harbour master, Port- Gallie, D. W., manager Bank of Austra- land lasia, Julia at., Portland Fawthrop, James, harbour master, South Gallin, John, furniture warehouse, Sack- Portland ville at., Belfast Fedarb, Munro & Co., glass, china, and Game, George, fancy repository, Grey at., furniture warehouse, Thomson at., Hamilton Hamilton Gamin, Robert, wine merchant, Cox at., Fender, Mrs., private residence, Winchel- Belfast sea Gamson, Frederick, druggist and chemist, Fenn, J., draper, &c., Julia at., Portland Barkly at., Ararat Ferguson & Wells, training stables, Gosling and Nugent, Gosling's hotel, Grange creek, Hamilton Meredith Ferguson, Duncan, sexton, Winchelsea Gosney, James, carpenter and undertaker, Ferguson, W., clerk of courts, Camper- Winchelsea down Gibbs & Cowell, butchers, Mortlake Fidler, Thomas, butcher, Liebeg at., Warr- Gibbs, Wm., plumber and paperhanger, nambool Liebeg at., Warrnambool Findlay, George, general storekeeper, Gibson, James, farmer, South Portland Percy at., Portland Gilbert, John, bootmaker, Woodford Finn, Thomas, residence, Percy at., Port- Giles, John, watchmaker, Barkly at., land Ararat Gilles, E. B., dressmaker and milliner, Finnigan, J., saddler and harness maker, Coleraine Percy at., Portland Gill, John, painter, Palmer at., Portland Finnigan, John, saddler, Gawler at., Port- land Gillespy, M. A., Union inn, Cox at., Bel- Firmin, Alfred, Kardinia hotel, Kardinia fast Fisher, Sophia M., agent for the London Gilloch, James P., London tavern, Beau- and Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance fort Companies, Dunkeld Gleeson, E. & P., drapers, grocers, &c., Fitzgerald, G., butcher, Mortlake Cox at., Belfast Fitzgerald, Bryan, tanner, Glenelg at., Gleeson, Mrs., Victoria hotel, Colac Portland Goldsmith, Peter, fisherman, Tyera at., Fitzgerald, Bryan, tanner and currier, Portland near the Immigration Depot, Portland Goodwin, E. H., fancy repository and Fitzpatrick, P. Albert, Excelsior hotel, stationer,Pleasant creek Steiglitz Gordon, John, tailor, Thomson at., Hamil- Flower, Horace, secretary to the shire, ton Belfast Gorie, James, tailor, Liebeg at., Ware Floyd, Wm., coachbuilder & wheelwright, nambool Sackville at., Belfast Gough, Wm. Branxholme hotel, Branx- Foote, Wm., blacksmith and wheelwright, holme Liebeg at., Warrnambool Goulden, Benjamin, Victoria hotel, Steig- Forbes, John, bootmaker, Bank at., Bel- litz fast Govett, Dr., residence, Thomson at., Ham- Ford, William, bootmaker, Wickliffe ilton Ford, Frederick,general storekeeper, Guinn, Alfred, Temperance hotel, Sack- Merino ville at., Belfast Fordham, Samuel, miller, South Portland Gunn, Wm., general storekeeper, Beaufort Foster, Wm., grocer and stationer, Barkly Guthrie, Chas., accountant London Char- at., Ararat tered Bank of Australia, Barkly at., Ararat Fox, Chas., stonemason , Bentinck at., Guttierrez & Co., storekeepers, and wino Portland Fraser, William, cooper, Percy at., Port- and spirit merchants, Pleasant creek land Gracie, Thomas, draper, Beaufort French, R., bootmaker, Bentinck at., Grame, Hugh, cooper, Timor at., Warm Portland nambool Frencdh, -, bootmaker, Gawler at., Port- Grant, J. S., agent for the London and Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance lan Companies, Sandford (bra DIRECTORY. How 53

Grant, John S., hotelkeeper, Palmer at., Heath, Richard, Hermitage hotel, Harrow Portland Hemphill, C, accountant Oriental Bank, Grant, Patrick,fruiterer and hairdresser, Pleasantcreek Sackville at., Belfast Henderson, Hector, Fyans Ford hotel, Grant, John S., Caledonian Union hotel, Fyans Ford Sandford Henderson, L., general storekeeper, wine Grant, R. & G., Albion hotel, Casterton and spirit merchant , Beaufort Graves, J., general storekeeper and timber Hendry, Wm., wheelwright and plough- merchant, Beaufort maker, Woodford Graves, S., bootmaker, Grey at., Hamilton Iienningsen, H. P., bookseller, stationer, Gray, John, baker, Colac and news agent , Beaufort Gray, Isaac G., Black Horse inn, Cole- Henty, Edward, residence , Ben t;inck at., raine Portland Green, Chas., butcher, Cox at., Belfast Henty, S. G., & Co., merchants , Julia at., Greenham, Isaac, butcher, Sandford Portland Grieve & Benn, storekeepers, Mortlake Herbert, Christopher, hairdresser, Beau- Grinham, C., Woodford inn, Dartmoor fort Grubb, Wm., draper, Sackville st., Belfast Herbertson, Robert, farmer, Julia at., Gwyther, James, family hotel, Dunkeld Portland Hickey, James, Bull and Mouth hotel, H. Pleasantcreek Hicklin, -, agent National Bank Austra- Haferkorn, Charles, brewer, Grey at, lasia,Colac Hamilton Hide, John, coachbuilder, Timor at., Haggestton, Joseph, storekeeper, Percy Warrnambool at., Portland Hider, James, bookseller and stationer, Haig, Chas., Western hotel, Wickliffe Timor at., Warrnambool Haley, Edward, bootniaker, Thomson at., Hill, George, blacksmith, Merino Hamilton Hill, John, teacher, Fitzgerald at., Port- Halley, Wm., stonemason, Finn at., Port- land land Hill, Robert, boot and shoemaker, Sack- Hamblin, Louis, Trawalla hotel, store, ville at., Belfast and post office, Trawalla Hill, W. H., farrier, Pleasant creek Homes , J. T., baker, &c., Barkly at., Hill, William, toll collector, Beaufort Ararat Hill, John, bootmaker, Liebeg at., Warr- Hardie, John, stonemas, n, South Portland nambool Harrington, Richd., Dr., residence, Liebeg Hodgson, Thos., storekeeper, Beaufort at., Warrnambool Hoggeston, Joseph, general store, Percy Harriott, George, postmaster, clerk of at., Portland petty sessions , &c., Wickliffe Holfmann, George, butcher, Barkly at., Harris, Edward, baker and confectioner, Ararat Beaufort Hollis & Peacher, butchers, Percy at., Harris & Troy, produce merchants, Beau- Portland fort Holmes, Edwin F., baker, Palmer at., Harris, Richd. S., seedsman and fruiterer, Portland Liebeg at., Warrnambool Holmes, Henry F., residence, Tyers at., Harris, R., bread and biscuit baker, Digby Portland Harris, J. R., boot and drapery mart, Holmes, John J., teacher, South Portland Steiglitz Holmes, Edwin, storekeeper, Percy at., Haslam, Thomas, printer, South Portland Portland Hassett, John, Eagle tavern, Purnim Holt, Isaac, Burnside' s hotel, Pleasant Hawkes Bros., ironmongers, Beaufort creek Hawkins, James, teacher, Percy at., Port- Hood, Alexander J., acting accountant land Bank of New South Wales, Barkly at., Hawkins, Samuel P., residence , Hurd at., Ararat Portland Hooper, E. G., View Point Dispensary, Hay, James, cooper, Gawler at., Portland Ararat Haynes, George, draper and storekeeper, Hopton, Edwin, Swan hotel, Fyans Ford Sackville at., Belfast Horn, John, bootmaker, Terang Hazledine, Samuel, poundkeeper, South Howes, D. H., engineer to the Shire, Portland Belfast 54 Hyl ALPHABETICAL Kee

Hyland, Thomas Francis, Governor of the Jennings & Co., photographic artist, Gaol, Portland Gray at., Hamilton Hughes, Edward F., printer, Henty -at., Jermyn, Dr., surgeon, Cox at., Belfast Portland Johnson, Henry J., residence, Timor at., Humpage, -, solicitor, Beaufort Warrnambool Humm, George, butcher, Woodford Johnson, Jas. L., F.B.S. Glasgow, doctor, Hunt, H. R., surgeon, Casterton Beaufort Hutchison, J., Hamilton rnills, Hamilton Johnson, John, tailor, Barkly at., Ararat Hutchinson, S., Victoria hotel, Percy at., Johnson, John, storekeeper, Beaufort Portland Johnson, J., blacksmith, Woodford Hutchinson, Samuel, general storekeeper, Johnson, Wm. IT., tobacconist, Liebeg at., Gawler at., Portland Warrnambool Hutton & Bulstrode,storekeepers, Sack- Johnson, J. M., accountant Bank of Aus- ville at., Belfast stralia, Sackville at., Belfast Huxley, Edward, Forest inn, Bulwarra, Johnston, W., Oddfellows hotel, Colac near Portland Johnston, J. F, furniture warehouse, Huxley, John, butcher, Tyers at., Portland Barkly at., Ararat Johnstone, John, farmer, Bridgewater I. road, Portland Jones, Daniel, clerk, Tyers at., Portland Iles, George, baker, Percy at., Portland Jones & Co., blacksmiths, &c., Liebeg at., Illidge, George, Camperdown hotel, Cam- Warrnambool perdown Jones, Wm , Western hotel, Balmoral Ingram, James, bootmaker, Beaufort Jones & Arnot, farriers, Grey at., Hamil- Ingram, Edward, blacksmith, Coleraine ton Ingram, Thomas, manager Bank of Aus- Jones, Geo., stonemason, Hurd at., Port- tralasia, Sackville at., Belfast land Inverarity, Henry, Dr., M.B., Cantab., Jones, John, stonemason, Julia at., Port- publicvaccinator and deputy registrar land of births, deaths, &c., Merino Jones, John Henry, Clyde hotel, Clyde Irvin, Geo., Temperance hotel, Mortlake Joyce, John, Hibernia hotel, Pleasant ck. Isaacson, S., draper and clothier, Pleasant creek K. Ison, George, tailor, Beaufort Kannard, Mrs., private residence, View Point, Ararat J. Kavannagh, John, Bush inn, between Jackson, John, baker and confectioner, Mortlake and Warrnambool Sackville at., Belfast Kay, David, ironmonger, Percy at., Port- Jackson, Wm., Commercial hotel, Thom- land son at., Hamilton Kay, Rev. D., minister Presbyterian Jacoby, S., draper, silkman, and clothier, Church, Wickliffe Grey at., Hamilton Kean, James, lighterman, Palmer at., James, Wm., fruiterer, Timor at., Warr- Portland nambool Kean, Thomas, ship chandler, Gawler at., James, Mark, tinsmith, Mortlake Portland Jamieson & Co., general storekeepers, Keen, Rev. T. E., residence, Camperdown Koroit Keiller, Thomas, confectioner, &c., Ben- Jamieson, W. W., ironmonger and grocer, tinck at., Portland Liebeg at., Warrnambool Keiley, Henry, secretary and treasurer, Jarrett, Stephen, ironmonger, Percy at., Stawell Shire, Stawell Portland Kelly, John, Union hotel, Julia at,, Port- Jarrett, George, coachbuilder and wheel- land wright, &c., Percy at., Portland Kelly, Matthew, Junction hotel, Erurnbeen Jeffries, Thomas, carpenter, Kennedy at., Kelly, John, general storekeeper, Yambuk Portland Kelly, James, Yambuk inn, Yambuk Jenkins, David, Union hotel, East Wood- Kelly, Daniel, storekeeper, Koroit at., ford, Purnim Warrnambool Jenkins, Mrs., dressmaker , Barkly at., Kendall, F. W., cabinetmaker and under- Ararat taker, Timor at., Warrnambool Jennings, George, Western Turf hotel, Keeping , John, farrier , opposite Church Pleasantcreek of England, Percy at., Portland Her DIRECTORY. Mae 55

Kerr, John, bootmaker, Sandford Learmonth, J., auctioneer and commission King, Thomas, produce merchant, Liebeg agent, Grey at , Hamilton at., Warrnambool Lee, John, storekeeper, Colac road, Mo- King, John, aerated water and cordial dewarre manufacturer, Lava at., Warrnambool Lee, G. D., flour and produce dealer, King, Wm., private residence, Milton at., Winchelsea Hamilton Lee, James, blacksmith, Winchelsea Kistere, Wm., Balmoral hotel, Fyans Ford Lemster,Christian, farrier and blacksmith, Kleig, Carl, chemist and druggist, Grey Colac at,, Hamilton Lesser,Abraham, generalstorekeeper, Kofoed, John, brewer, Barkly at., Aarat Coleraine Knight. James, Knight's hotel, Sturt at., Lesser's general store, Sandford West Ballaarat Levett, Francis F., settler, Gardens, Port- Kaufmann, Louis, butcher, Grey at., land Hamilton Lightbody, William, Wesleyan minister, Kunnard, Mrs., storekeeper. Barkly at., South Portland Ararat Lincoln, Mrs., greengrocer, Sackville at., Kuntze, Mrs., fancy repository, Timor at., Belfast Warrnambool Litchfield, Joseph, butcher, Mount Moriac Kruger, J. C. A., Commercial hotel, Timor Littlejohn, J. B., manager London Char- at., Warrnambool tered Bank of Australia, Barkly at., Kucks, Wm., baker, Timor st, Warrnam- Ararat bool Lockie, Andrew, saddler, Percy at., Port- land L. Loft, Wm., builder, Beaufort Laing, F. T. B., Terang hotel, Terang Loftus, Wm., surgeon, Cox at., Belfast Laity, Joseph, bootmaker, Dunkeld London Chartered Bank of Australasia, Lamont, Herbert, solicitor , Barkly at., Barkly st., Ararat: Littlejohn, A. B., Ararat manager; Guthrie, Chas., accountant Lanagan, Alfred, bootmaker, Timor st., Long, Wm., general storekeeper, Timor Warrnambool at., Warrnambool Lance, George, plumber, &c., Liebeg st., Lord, Croaker, & Co., merchants, Percy Warrnambool st., Portland Landman, August, cabinetmaker, Timor Lord, Croaker, & Co., merchants, Grey st., Warrnambool at, Hamilton Lane, Albion S Flying Buck hotel, Liebeg Loui,Oscar, tailor and habit maker, Cole- at., Warrnambool raine Lane & Osborne, butchers, Gawler at., Lowe, James, Heywood hotel, Heywood Portland Lowes, Joseph, storekeeper, Mortlake Lang, John, Squatters' Arms hotel, Bal- Lucas, W. B., manager Bank of Victoria, Pleasantcreek moral Langlands , J., agent for the London and Luy & Paterson, saddlers, Thomson at., Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Hamilton Companies, Horsham Lymer, Thomas, undertaker, View Point, Lavery, Patrick, blacksmith and farrier, Ararat Heywood Lyne & Aeschimann, butchers, Barkly at., Laurie, Henry, town clerk , Timor at., Ararat and Pleasant creek "Lyner, J. A., postmaster and telegraph Warrnambool Law, Dr., residence , Barkly st., Ararat manager, Bank at., Belfast Lawrence, Dr., J.P., residence , Camper- Lynn, John, farrier, &c., Beaufort down Lyon, Basil , general storekeeper and post- Layh, C., tobacconist, Gray at., Hamilton master, Balmoral Layley, Wm., bootmaker, Sandford Lyth, James, agent for the London and Layzell, W. A., stationer and postmaster, Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Pleasantcreek Companies, Ararat Lear, Elijah, fruiterer and seedsman, Julia M. at., Portland Learmonth, Peter, Mary Burn mills, Maccade, Edward , auctioneer , Barkly at., Hamilton Ararat Learmonth, John R., settler, South Port- Maconachie, J., saddler and harnessmaker, land Pleasantcreek 56 Mac ALPHABETICAL Mic

Mackwood, Thomas, Merino hotel, Merino McGuinness , Robert, stonemason , Gawler Maddock, Wm., bootmaker, Gawler at., at., Portland Portland McGuinness, Thomas, lighterman, Hurd Magners, G., general storekeeper, Stawell at., Portland Maitland, Wm., boot and shoe maker, Mellwaine. Mrs., teacher Infants' School, Mortlake Camperdown Maloney & Johnson, carriage builders, McIntyre, Hector, butcher, Winchelsea blacksmiths , &c., Coleraine McKay, John, smith and wheelwright, Maltby, G., bread and biscuit baker, Percy at., Portland Sackville at., Belfast McKellar, D, wine, spirit, and provision Manning, Edward, clerk of petty sessions, merchant, Pleasant creek Hurd at., Portland McKenzie, Donald, tanner, Colac March, Mrs., general storekeeper, Sack- McKillop, Alexander, residence, Bentinek ville at., Belfast at., Portland Marriott, Joseph, draper, Julia at., Port- McKinnon, Charles, blacksmith, &c., Bal- land moral Martin, Thomas , cooper, Liebeg at., Warr- McLaren, John, engineer Shawell Shire, nambool Stawell Martin & Co., T. Jaques, managers McLaughlin, John, hotelkeeper, Colac Special Branch office of the London and McLaws, D., Koroit hotel, Koroit Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance McLeas, Neil, timber merchant, Gawler Companies, Lydiard at., Ballaarat at., Portland Mathieson , G. S., livery stables, Lingsdale McLean, Hector, engineer Shire Dundas at., Hamilton Hamilton McCallum, Donald, wheelwright, Digby McLean, -, bootmaker, Branxholme McCallum, A., wheelwright, blacksmith, McLean, Daniel, blacksmith, Tyers at., &c., Beaufort Portland McCallum & Ainslie, drapers and out- McLeod, Angus, stonemason, Colac fitters, Pleasant creek McLennan, Wm , blacksmith and farrier, McCann, Snoad, & Co., drapers, &c., Steiglitz Barkly at., Ararat McMahon, Robert, storekeeper, Bank at., McCaskill, M., bootmaker, Coleraine Belfast McClure, Valentine, & Co., storekeepers, McMillan, R & J., butchers, Terang Terang McMillan, Duncan, residence , Camper- McCollam, Alex., general smith, Beaufort down McConachy, Samuel, Lamb inn, Perpy at., McMullen, Ed., livery atablekeeper, Gaw- Portland ler at., Portland McDonald, Alex., Mac's hotel, Mortlake McPhail, Hugh, bootmaker, Koroit McDonald, Hector, tailor, Grey at., Hamil- McPherson, Sandy Creek hotel, Sandy ck. ton McRae, Dunrobin station, near Casterton ; McDonald, D. Allen, Winchelsea hotel, J. S. Murray, overseer Winchelsea McRae, Duncan, residence, Gawler at., McDonald, Mrs., Mae's hotel, Bentinck Portland at., Portland McSheehy, John, Koroit hotel, Coleraine McDonald, D., Argyle hotel, Grey at., Mechanics' Institute; James Campbell, Hamilton secretary, Barkly at., Ararat McDonald, Dr., residence, Hamilton Mechanics' Institute ; James H. Dane, McDonald, John, Mac's hotel, Buangor secretary,Pleasant creek McEdoo, M., baker, &c., Barkly at., Melville, George, rate collector, Camper- Ararat down McEvoy, Thos., Sandford hotel, Sandford Mercer, John, storekeeper, Cavendish McGell, A., residence, High Park station, Merchant, F. L., telegraph manager, Cas- Cavendish terton McGibbony, John, watchmaker and jewel- Merri Mills ; Aitkin & Bostock, proprie- ler, Barkly at., Ararat tors, Merri at., Warrnambool MeGibbony, Henry, watchmaker, Barkly Meyler, Henry, Dr., deputy registrar of at., Ararat births, deaths, &c., and public vaccina- McGonigal, Stephen, Court House hotel, tor at Winchelsea and Mount Moriac, Steiglitz Winchelsea McGowen, James, carpenter, Timor at., Michael, J., draper, Thomson at., Hamil- Warrnambool ton We DIRECTORY. Oxe 57

Michael , Isaac, general store, Percy at., Neiman, M., draper, &c., Sackville at., Portland a Belfast Midgley,David, generalstorekeeper, Nevill, Barnard B., tinsmith, Julia at., Yangery Portland Michael , Philip, Garibaldi hotel , Beaufort Newson, Samuel, boot store, Stieglitz Millar, Hugh, draper , South Portland Newton, F., Newmarket hotel, Barkly at., Miller , W., saddler, &c., Barkly at., Ararat Ararat Miller , Wm., boardinghouse keeper, Cole- Nolan, James, bootmaker, Beaufort raine Norman, Chris., general storekeeper, &c., Miller, Robert Charles, chemist and drug- Koroit gist, Mortlake Nicholls, George J., storekeeper, Percy Milnes, Frank , carpenter , builder, and at., Portland manufacturer of lever presses, Mortlake Nicholson, Daniel, architect, South Port- Moffit, Mrs., storekeeper , Steiglitz land Molan , Maurice, Shamrock inn, Koroit Nicholson, Daniel, town surveyor, Portland Molloy, Michael, Lake Wallace hotel, Nickoll, Henry, Coleraine hotel, Coleraine Edenhope Nickolls, John T.. general storekeeper, Monague, Thos., butcher, Steiglitz Sandford Moore, Wm. A ., Collector of Customs, Nicol, John, settler, South Portland Hurd at., Portland Night, Miss, dressmaker, Barkly at., Ara- Moore, John, farmer, Colac rat Moate, Joseph, grocer , and wine and spirit Nunn, John, solicitor, Thomson at., Ham- merchant , Grey at., Hamilton ilton Moreland, Joseph , carpenter , Camperdown Nurthen, George, fruiterer and general Morgan, Win ., furniture and general dealer, Percy at., Portland store,Steiglitz Morgan & Bird , blacksmiths , Winchelsea 0. Morgan, W., fishmonger , Barkly at., Ararat Oates, James, plumber, Barkly at., Ararat Morris, Mrs ., residence , Camperdow n O'Brien, Win., Hibernia hotel, Koroit at., Morrison , John, Phcenix forge, Liebeg at., Warrnambool Warrnambool O'Callaghan, Shamrock hotel, Barkly at., Moutray, H. A., storekeeper , Yambuk Ararat Madden, J., Skipton hotel, Skipton O'Connell, D., general storekeeper, Cole- Martin, W., coachmaker , View Point, raine Ararat Muerson, Francis,general storekeeper, O'Connor, Patrick, general dealer, James Belfast Koroit O'Connothy, -, Lamb inn, Percy at., Muir, David , fruiterer , Beaufort Portland Muir, Walter produce dealer, Pleasant ck. O'Donnell, Francis, surgeon, Pleasant ck. Mulcahy, C., Bull and Mouth hotel, O'Grady, Daniel, Travellers' Rest inn, Barkly at., Ararat. Woodford Mulla, John, Lady of the Lake hotel, Oman, Mrs., storekeeper, Streatham Modewarre O'Reilly, Owen, settler, Percy at., Port- Munro, Wm., Constitution hotel, Stawell land Murray, Adam, Victoria hotel , Liebeg at., O'Reilly, Michael, proprietor of the Ban- Warrnambool ner newspaper, Prince's at., Belfast Murray, K. L., postmaster and telegraph Osborne, Wm., butcher, Percy at., Port- manager, Barkly at., Ararat land Murrew, Findon , storekeeper , Winchelsea Osborne, Richard, proprietor of the Exa- Must, Thos ., merchant, Bentinck at., Port- miner newspaper office, Timor at., Port- land land Oswald, IF. C., manager, Bank of Victoria, N. Julia at., Portland Napthene, R. W., general storekeeper, Owen, Mrs., registry office, Grey at., Ham- post-office receiving-box, and electoral ilton registrar,Terang Owen, Fredk., commission agent, agent Napthene, R. W., general storekeeper, for the London and Lancashire Fire and Woodford Life Insurance Companies, Thomson at., National Bank; D. Macpherson, Thom- Hamilton son at., Hamilton Owen, Jane, residence, Wickliffe Neely, Wm., Liverpool house, Stawell Oxenham, Robert, baker, Erumbeen I 5s Pad ALPHABETICAL Ren

P. Porter, Benj., furniture, bedding, and fancy repository warehouse, Gawler at., Padwick, Wm., residence, Hard st,, Port- Portland land Portland Times newspaper office, Julia at., Pagan, John, residence, Mortlake Portland Palmer, Edward, private residence, Timor Post and Telegraph Offices, John Durgan, at., Warrnambool postmaster and telegraph manager, Cam- Parker, A. C., photographic artist, Warr- perdown nambool, Belfast, and Hamilton Post and Telegraph Offices; E. Braham, Parker, John, veterinary and horse-shoeing postmaster and telegraph manager, forge, Terang Portland Parker, ; George, boardinghouse keeper, Post & Telegraph Offices; K. L. Murray, Camperdown postmaster and telegraph manager, Parkes,John, undertakerand cabinet- Barkly at., Ararat maker, Colac Powell, & Co., T., Corio brewery, Timor Parr, Wm., lighterman, Percy at., Port- at., Warrnambool land Powell, Henry, draper, Timor at., Warr- Paterson, George, butcher, Woodford nambool Paterson, R. B., manager Bank of Victo- Powell, H. N., solicitor, Thomson at., ria, Liebeg at., Warrnambool) Hamilton Patience, James, bootmaker, Beaufort Pyle, James, general storekeeper, Wick- Patience, George, tinsmith, Beaufort liffe Patience, Miss, dressmaker, Beaufort Puckle, F. H., police magistrate, Camper- Paton, John, manager Colonial Bank of down Australasia, Camperdown Punchard, John, timber merchant, and Patrick, Robert, blacksmith, Percy at., ironmonger, Pleasant creek Portland Presbyterian Church, Colac Peachey, John, Perseverance store, Cas- Presswell, John, solicitor, Barkly at., Ara- terton rat Peake, Jos., storeman, Percy at., Portland Price, Thomas, Temperance hotel, Liebeg Peake, Wm., bootmaker, Harrow at., Warrnambool Pearson,F. J.,& Co.,drapers, clothiers, Price, Wm. B., senior police constable, &c., Beaufort Casterton Penrose, Nicholas, blacksmith, Mortlake Perel, E., draper, &c., Barkly at., Ararat Q. Perry, Wm. H., storekeeper, Burrumbeet Quigley, John, Wannon hotel, Rellruth Phelan & Butler, produce dealers, Barkly Quinn, Wm., Commercial hotel, Terang at., Ararat Phelan, Martin J., tanner, South Portland R. Philips, Henry, stonemason , Bentinck at., Portland Rackham,T. R., postmaster and telegraph Phillip, -, schoolmaster, Grey at., Ham- manager ,'l'imor at., Warrnambool ilton Radford, Caleb, surgeon, F.R.C.S., L.S.M., Phillips, G., hairdresser, Thomson at., and coroner for the Casterton district, Hamilton Casterton Pike, Chas., butcher, Camperdown Ramsay, George, bootmaker, Pleasant ck. Pilven, Chas., Hamilton hotel, Lingsdale Rea & Robertson, wine, spirit, and provi- at., Hamilton sion merchant, Colac Pine, Alex., M.A., Rev., clergyman Church Reach, J. A., manager, Oriental Bank, of England, Camperdown Pleasantcreek Pitcher, Geo., butcher, Palmer at., Port- Read, Henry T., bookseller and stationer, land Timor at., Warrnambool Pitcher, John, wheelwright, IIenty at., Redford, Thomas,, residence, Bentinck at., Portland Portland Plummer, Wm., J.P. and M.L.A., resi- Reed, Cornelius C., hawker, Hurd at., dence, Timor at., Warrnambool Portland Police Station, Timor at., Warrnambool Reed, John, blacksmith and wheelwright, Police Station; Wm. Fogarty, trooper, Koroit Terang Reeves, Wm., blacksmith , Birregurra Pooley, James, nursery and seedsmen, Rennison, Chas., watchmaker and jeweller, Beaufort Grey at., Hamilton Rem. DIRECTORY Sim 59

Rentier, Francis, Victoria hotel, Grey at., Sampson, Henry E., cabinetmaker, Hurd Hamilton at., Portland Revell, T. H., paperhanger, Belfast Sampson, Thos., senior police constable, Richie, David, tinsmith, Timor at., Warr- Wickliffe nambool Saunders, J. M., manager Bank of New Richie, T. T., acting accountant, London South Wales, Barkly at., Ararat Chartered Bank of Australia, Pleasant Sayers, James, private residence, Win- creek chelsea Richardson, Thomas E., residence, Otway Scharp, F. R., Beaufort hotel, Beaufort at., Portland Scheldon, John, clergyman Church of Richardson, Joseph, grocer, and wine and England, Winchelsea spirit merchant, Pleasant creek Scherell, Robert, saddler and harnesss- Richmond, James, teacher common school, maker, Timor at., Warrnambool Lake Wenmouth Scterer, Carl, hairdresser and perfumer, Rickard, Arthur, draper, &c., Julia at., Pleasantcreek Portland Schofield, James, woolwasher, Customs' Robertson, Roderick, storekeeper, Steiglitz Point, Portland Robertson, James, residence, Percy at., Scott, Philip, solicitor, Percy at., Portland Portland Scott, James, Steiglitz hotel, Steiglitz Robertson, W. & J., Warratten Bullie Sta- Scott, It., 1)., district surveyor and land tion; Alexander McEdward, overseer, officer, Camperdown near Penola Scott, John, Free Press newspaper office, Robinson, Thomas, labourer, Camperdown Grey at., Hamilton Robinson, George, Spectator newspaper Scott, John, stationer, Grey at., Hamilton office, Grey at., Hamilton Searle, Geo., Cricketers' Arms, Beaufort Robinson, George, stationer and book- Seath, Peter, tinsmith, Barkly at., Ararat seller , Grey at., Hamilton Seaton, David, miller, Palmer at., Portland Rogers, Win., blacksmith Balmoral Seidel, A. F., boar,ling house, Hamilton Rogers, Joseph, plumber and glazier, Seman, Henry Paul, surgeon, Lake Wen- Timor at. mouth Roman Catholic Church, Camperdown Seopold, John, Great Eastern store, Barkly Rooke, Wm., woodcutter, Pleasant creek at., Ararat Rosenbloom, II., storekeeper, Heywood Skacklock, John, storeman, Glenelg at., Ross, Hugh, Plough inn, Tower hill Flat Portland Ross, George, Travellers' Rest hotel, Shadland, Chas. E., grocer, &c., Barkly Branxholme at., Ararat Ross, Alexander M., architect, Bentinck Shannon & Co., land agents, Grey at., at., Portland Hamilton Rout, B., draper and ironmonger, Colac Shaw, G., hairdresser, Thomson at., Row, John H., watchmaker and jeweller, Hamilton Julia at., Portland Sheldrick, Walter, butcher, Liebeg at., Rule, James H., plumber and painter, Warrnambool Timor at., Warrnambool Sherwin, Mrs., confectioner, Thomson at., Rundel, Wm., Court House hotel, Barkly Hamilton at., Ararat Sheville, Peter W., accountant, Ben- Russel, James, general smith, View Point, tinck at., Portland Ararat Shields, R. W. H., butcher, Colac Russell, George, Elderslie station; Wm. Shrine, Charles, butcher, Harrow Thompson, overseer, near Apsley Shirreff, J. I., carriage builder, blacksmith, Ryan, M., bootmaker; Barkly at., Ararat and wheelwright, Pleasant creek Ryan, Miss, dressmaker, Grey at., Hamil- Silk, James, Farmers ' hotel, Colac ton Simmons, Richard, tailor, Palmer at., Portland S. Simmons , W. G., butcher, Pleasant creek Salinger, H., Freemasons' hotel, Barkly Simmons, B ., Great Eastern hotel , Barkly at., Ararat at., Ararat Salmon, Thomas & John, bootmakers, Simpson , W. W., Criterion hotel, Grey at., Percy at., Portland Hamilton Salmon, Thomas , shoemaker , Percy at., Simpson & Francis, saddlers, &c., Merino Portland Simpson, Will , Forest Home hotel, $teig- Salt, Henry, bootmaker, Bank at., Belfast litz 60 Sim ALPHABETICAL The

Simpson , W., storekeeper, Steiglitz Stevens, Robert, baker, Julia St., Portland Sindall, John, accountant, Henty st., Port- Stevens, F. P., & Co., produce merchants, land Liebeg St., Warrnambool Singleton,Richard, clerk of court,Steig- Stevens, Mrs., registry office, Percy st., litz Portland Slack, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, Stevenson, Moodie, & Miller, storekeepers, Timor St., Warrnambool Camperdown, next door to Colonial Slolay, Hugh, tinsmith, Sackville St., Bank Belfast Stewart, John, blacksmith and farrier, Smith, Thos., general storekeeper, Branx- Casterton holme Stichnath, D., upholsterer, Barkly St., Smith, Mrs., storekeeper, Cox st., Belfast Ararat Smith, John, Norfolk brewery, Beaufort Stirling, James, Barwon hotel, Winchelsea Smith, Jeremiah, Golden Age hotel, Beau- Stirling Wm., storekeeper, Winchelsea fort Stokes, W. A., manager Union Bank of Smith & Osborne, proprietors of the Bel- Australia, Julia st., Portland fast Gazette newspaper, Cox St., Belfast Stone, 1). B., bootmaker, Heywood Smith, T., & Sons, tailors and habit- Studt, Jacob, Crescent hotel, Beaufort makers, Balmoral and Edenhope Sullivan, James, bootmaker, Sackville St., Smith, James, actuary, Richmond st., Belfast Portland Swinton, Wm., general storekeeper, Timor Smith, Henry, wharfinger, Percy St., St., Warrnambool Portland Symonds, Stanley, cabinetmaker, Ben- Smith, Thomas, storekeeper, Percy St., tinck St., Portland Portland Smith, Wm. S., general storekeeper, Beau- T. fort Tallerman, J. & Co., storekeepers, Grey Smith, Wm., butcher, Beaufort at., Hamilton Smith, T., tailor and habit-maker, Eden- Tait, Jas., general storekeeper, Camper- hope down Smith, Thomas, bootmaker, Pleasant ck. Tate, John, Farmers' hotel, Woodford Smith, J., blacksmith, Percy st., Portland Taylor, Mrs., Star of the West hotel, Smith, David, Commercial hotel, Bank St., Sackville st., Belfast Belfast Taylor, James Grant, warden, Barkly St., Smith, John, bootmaker, Steiglitz Ararat Smith & Co., ironmongers, Barkly st., Temple, George, grocer, &c., Barkly st., Ararat Ararat Smith, Thomas, general store, Percy St., The Bank of Australasia : D. W. Gallic, Portland manager; George Cavenagh, account- Smith, Jonas, wheelwright, Tyer St., ant ; Julia at., Portland Portland The Bank of Australasia, Sackville St., Snellgrove & Co., drapers, Grey St., Belfast : Thomas Ingram, manager Hamilton J. M. Johnson,accountant Snow, Henry, butcher, Timor St., Warr- The Bank of Victoria ; D. Williams, ma- nambool nager, Grey it., Hamilton Southcombe & Ireland,carpenters, Cox The Bank of Victoria, Cox at , Belfast: St., Belfast Wm., Young, manager ; Hy. Chambers, Southern, Walter, livery stables, Grey at., accountant Hamilton The Bank of Victoria : F. C. Oswald, Spencer, G. F., Good Woman hotel and manager; F. L. Williams, accountant, storekeeper, Dartmoor Julia St., Portland Spruce, John, blacksmith, &c., Burrum- The Bank of Victoria: Paterson, R. B., beet manager ; Alexr. Bayne, accountant, Spruhan, James, Western hotel and gene- Liebeg St., Warrnambool ral storekeeper, Dunkeld The Banner newspaper office, Princes St., Stanworth, E. B., Stony Rises hotel, Belfast; Michael O'Reilly, proprietor Stony Rise The Belfast Gazette newspaper office; Stelling Bros., cabinetmakers and uphol- Smith & Osborne, proprietors, Cox St., sterers, Timor St., Warrnambool Belfast Steven, John C., butcher, Hurd at., Port- The Belfast Brewery, Cox st., Belfast;. land Wm. Flattely, proprietor The DIRECTORY. Ven 61

The Bible Christian Church; Rev. T. E. Thomas, W. D., carpenter, &c., Digby Keen, minister, Camperdown Thomson, M. R., tailor, Camperdown The Colonial Bank of Australasia; John Thompson, Andrew, watchmaker, Beau- Paton, manager, Camperdown fort The Commercial hotel ; -, proprietor, Thompson, Puckle, & Black, Messrs., Pleasantcreek police magistrates, Terang The Castlemaine hotel; -, proprietor, Thompson, G., & Co., general store- Pleasantck. keepers, wine and spirit merchants, The Court of Petty Sessions, Timor at , Edenhope Warrnambool Thorn, John, galvanized ironworks, Sack- The Bank of Australasia : Edw. Palmer, ville at., Belfast manager , Warrnambool Thron, S. W., gunsmith, Cox at., Belfast The Bank of New South Wales: J. M. Thurman, Wm., residence, Richmond at., Saunders , manager ; Alexander J. Hood, Portland accountant, Barkly at., Ararat Thurman, Joseph, saddler and harness- The Bank of Victoria ; James Manson, maker, Casterton manager ; A. G. W. Scott, accountant, Thurman, Thos. W., residence, Palmer Beaufort at., Portland The Bank of Victoria ; W. B. Lucas, Timor Baths, I. Rub, proprietor, Timor manager ; T. S. Etheridge, accountant, at., Warrnambool Pleasantcreek Tobin & Co., grocers and produce dealers, The Examiner newspaper office; Richard Barkly at., Ararat Osborne, Timor at., Warrnambool Tompkins, Joel, Camp hotel, Beaufort The Guardian newspaper office; Wm. Tonge, Wm.,chemist and druggist, agent Cooper, proprietor, also bookseller, sta- for the London and Lancashire Fire and tioner, &c., Gawler at., Portland Life Insurance Companies, Beaufort The London Chartered Bank of Australia, Tooke, Joseph, Builders' Arms hotel, Pleasant creek ; John S. Trew, acting Percy at., Portland manager; T. T. Ritchie, acting accoun- Townsend, M., general storekeeper, Digby tant Trainor, Wm., Racecourse hotel, Hamilton The National Bank of Australasia; - Trangmar, C. M., storekeeper, Julia at., Ilicklin, agent, Colac Portland The Oriental Bank Corporation, Pleasant Trangmar, James, residence, Julia at., creek; J. A. Reach, manager; C. Hemp- Portland hill, accountant Trangmar, G., storekeeper, Coleraine The Post Office and Telegraph Offices, Trew, Lennox, Stag hotel, Sackville at., T. R. Rackham, postmaster and tele- Belfast graph manager , Timor at., Warrnam- Trew, John S., acting manager London bool Chartered Bank of Australia, Pleasant The Sentinel newspaper office ; Davidson creek J. Burnie, proprietor, Koroit at., Warr- Trigg, Wm., Royal hotel, Timor at., nambool Warrnambool Thesinger, Jacob, musician , Hurd at., Tucker, James, Ripton hotel, Skipton Portland Tugby, Samuel, Yangery Prince hotel, The Star hotel, -, proprietor, Pleasant Yangery creek Tullogh, C., storekeeper, Harrow The Town Hall, Timor at., Warrnambool Tulloch, Wm., accountant, Percy at., Port- The Union Bank of Australia ; W. 'A. land Stokes, manager; J. T. Denny, accoun- Turner & White, cabinetmakers, &c., tant, Julia at., Portland Cox at., Belfast The Western Times newspaper office Tuson, James, baker, Barkly at., Ararat Patmore Gurney, proprietor, also book- Tuson, James, Camp hotel, Barkly at., seller and stationer , Julia at., Portland Ararat Thomas, Wm., brickmaker, West Suburbs, Tytherleigh, John, residence , Market Portland square, Portland Thomas, Wm., stonemason, Palmer at., Tytherleigh, Robert, blacksmith, Percy Portland at., Portland Thomas, H., chemist, Timor at., Warr- nambool V. Thomas, George, bootmaker, Barkly at., Venner, Thomas, storekeeper, Barkly at., Ararat Ararat 62 Vin ALPHABETICAL You

Vine, Richard , residence , Bentinck st., Whyte, Charles , Woolpack inn, Digby Portland Wiggins, John , Mount Shadwell hotel, Voisey, Charles, watchmaker, &c., Sack- Mortlake ville St., Belfast Wild, John T., watchmaker, Sackville St., Belfast W. Williams, Mary, dressmaker, Colac Wade, -, storekeeper, Steiglitz Williams, Corrie M., auctioneer , Camper- Waldron, Edmund , saddler , Terang down Walker, Duncan S., Leura hotel, Camper- Williams, Wm., residence, Timor St., down Warrnambool Walker, Mrs., general storekeeper, Caven- Williams & Co., timber merchants, Timor dish at., Warrnambool Walker, Thomas, agent, Percy St., Port- Williams, Leo, accountant, Hurd st., land Portland Wall, Wm., Rising Sun hotel, Timor St., Williams, F. L., accountant Bank of Vic- Warrnambool toria, Julia St., Portland Wall, John, Farmers' inn, Sackville at., Williamson , D., private residence, Grey Belfast St., Hamilton Wallace, Hugh , Bank hotel, Sackville St., Wilson, George, chemist and druggist, Belfast Julia St., Portland Wallis, John, blacksmith, Camperdown Wilson & Meats , general store , Wickliffe Walsh, Wm., Court House hotel, Colac Wilson, Francis R. M., Rev., Presbyterian Walsh, H., watchmaker, &c., Timor St., minister , Camperdown Warrnambool Wilson, James Y., residence, Julia St., Wardell , Edward, residence , Fern st., Portland Portland Wilson, Wm. S., storekeeper, Palmer st., Warden's office; James Grant Taylor, Portland warden , Barkly St., Ararat Wilson, -, storekeeper, Thompson st., Wardlie, Wm., solicitor, Timor st., Warr- Hamilton nambool Wilson, Geo., chemist, Julia st., Portland Warlgoehs , Wm., hairdresser and natural- Witton, John, general storekeeper, Yam- ist, Gawler St., Portland link Warner, Richard, bootmaker, Harrow Withers, Chas., draper, Barkly St., Ararat Warren, Wm., baker, Colac Womersley , Samuel, smith , & c., Dunkeld Watson, W., currier , Grey St., Hamilton Wood, George, storekeeper , Timor at., Watson , Wm., tailor, Cox St., Belfast Warrnambool Watson, Robert, blacksmith, Barrow Wood, John, saddler , Barkly St., Ararat Watts, Henry, bootmaker, Liebeg at., Woodhead, Samuel , storekeeper , wheel- War rn ambool wright, &c., Dunkeld Watts, J. A., blacksmith, &c., Coleraine Worrall, John, solicitor, Timor St., Warr- Webb, Wm., Belfast shoeing forge, Sack- nambool ville St., Belfast Wortham, F., agent for the London and Webb, Alfred R., accountant , Gawler St., Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Portland Companies, Smythesdale Welch, Thomas , produce merchant, Bean- Wotherspoon Bros., & Co., wholesale wine, fort spirit, and provision merchants, Beau- Wesleyan Church, Rev. John Catterall, fort Colac Wuttrick, Alfonso, fruiterer, Steiglitz Weston , Wm., comptroller Savings' Bank, Wyat, Wm., Streatham hotel, Streatham telegraph manager and postmaster,Colac Wyly, Dr., residence, Grey st., Hamilton Weston , James , chemist and druggist, Steiglitz Y. Wetzel, Frederick, baker and confectioner, Woodford Young, Andrew, saddler, &c., Koroit White, Thomas E., surgeon, Julia St., Young, Stephen, blacksmith, Barkly at., Portland Ararat Whitehead , Thomas, grocer and produce Young, Wm., manager Bank of Victoria, dealer, Timor at., Warrnambool Cox at., Belfast Ada DIRECTORY. bar 63




A Backman, John, farmer, Allendale Bartlett, J., Government boatman, Port Adams, T., farmer, Tarpeena Elliot Adams, Robt., farmer, Mount Gambier Bass, R. Trusty, farmer, Mount Gambier Ahnel, Aug., farmer, Drop Drop, Mount Barton, George, carpenter, Mingpool Gambier Barratt, Saml., blacksmith, Mount Gam- Allen, John, sodawater manufacturer, bier Mount Gambier Barratt, Mrs., Temperance hotel, Mount Allchin, Chris., carpenter, Mount Gambier Gambier Alexander, Jas., farmer, Mount Gambier Ballard, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Anderson, Robt., carpenter, Port Mac- Ball, Henry, splitter, Rosaville, Mount Donnell Gambier Anderson, J. W., foreman, Port Mac- Barrett, A. F., J.P., merchant , Port Mac- Donnell Donnell Anderson, W., fellmonger, Port MacDon- Barry, John, contractor, Port MacDonnell nell Bamford, Geo., farmer, Tarpeena Appleby, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Baker, Matthew, farmer, Mount Gambier Arthur, Herbert, farmer, Mount Gambier Baker, Alfred, farmer, Mount Gambier Arnold, John, blacksmith, Port Mac- Baker, John Thos., farmer, Mount Gam- Donnell bier Arkwell, James, mason, Mount Gambier Baker, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Ashwell, Benj., farmer, Mount Gambier Baker, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Ashton, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Baker, Henry, storekeeper, Port Mac- Aston, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Donnell Atherton, Josh., tinsmith, Mount Gambier Barry, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Aitkin, Thomas, farmer, Mount Gambier Badenoch, Jas., baker, Port MacDonnell Attiwell, Andrew, farmer, Mount Gam- Baines, Geo., farmer, Port MacDonnell bier Battams , Elisba, butcher, Mount Gambier Avey, Geo., carpenter, Colleytown, Mount Bass, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Bartlett , Geo. Jehu , police trooper, Mount Gambier B. Barrow, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Baker , T., lodging house keeper, Port Bartley, Wm., ostler, Tarpeena MacDonnell Barker, John, farmer, Mount Gambier 64 Ben ALPHABETICAL Cla

Bennett, J., poundkeeper, Mount Gambier Bruce, Wm., blacksmith and wheelwright, Bentley, John, butcher, MacDonnell Bay Port McDonnell Beswick, Andw., farmer, Mount Gambier Bull, Henry, farmer, Suttontown Begg , John, gardener, Glencoe Bush, Wm., storekeeper, Tarpeena Beaton , D., splitter, Mount Gambier Burrowes, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Beaton , Malcolm, farmer, Mount Gam- Burns, Michl., wheelwright, Mt. Gambier bier Burge, Hein., wheelwright, Mt. Gambier Beaton , John, farmer, Mount Gambier Buchanan, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Bell, Ebenezer , contractor, Kalangadoo Buchanan, Robt., stockrider, Warraunga Bell, Richard, farmer, Tarpeena Burton, Wm. Edwd., solicitor, Mt. Gam- Billing, Alfred, storekeeper, Mount Gam- bier bier Burcham, Wm. N., miller, Mt. Gambier Bishop, Thomas, boarding-house keeper, Burcham, Thos. Win., miller, Mt. Gam- Mount Gambier bier Bird, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Burns , John, farmer , Mount Gambier Blume, Carl, farmer, Mount Gambier Burrows, Nich., sawyer, Mount Gambier Blume, Gustavus, farmer, Mount Gambier Borchardt, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Blackmore, Henry, farmer, Mount Gam- Bullen, Samuel, farmer, Mount Gambier bier Buckingham, Andw., farmer, Mt. Gam. Bloomer, Patrick, farmer, Tarpeena bier Blackwell & Cole, storekeepers, Mount Burton, James, mason , Claraville, Mount Gambier Gambier Boldt, Heinrich, storekeeper, Mount Gam- Byrnes, Michl., wheelwright, Mt. Gambier bier Byrne, James, sawyer, Mount Gambier Boehm, E., stonemason, Mount Gambier Byrne, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Borbidge, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Byass, Lovel, surgeon, Port MacDonnell Bors, Kasper, farmer, Mount Gambier Boneham, Josiah, farmer, Kalangadoo C. Boneham, Ebenezer, farmer, Kalangadoo Cameron, A., farmer, Mount Gambier Bowman, Henry, splitter, Mount Gambier Campbell, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Boneham, Job, splitter, Tarpeena Caldwell, R. A., Presbyterian minister, Brilliant, John, splitter, Mount Gambier Mount Gambier Breust, F., splitter, Mount Gambier Caldwell, W., tailor, Mount Gambier Breust, Wilhlm., splitter, Mount Gambier Carson, J., harbour- master , Port Mac- Breust, H. A., splitter, Mount Gambier Donnell Bridges, Alfred, stonemason, Mount Gam- Cameron, Hugh, farmer, Mt. Gambier bier Campbell, Wm., bootmaker, Mount Gam- Briggs, George, farmer, Mount Gambier bier Brooks, W., draper, Mount Gambier Catt, Wm., Richard, tailor, Mount Muir- Breur, C., stonemason, Mount Gambier head Breur, J. F. E., stonemason, Mount Gam- Carey, J. S., carpenter, Mount Gambier bier Clark, Job, farmer, Port MacDonnell Bristowe, Henry, cabinetmaker and un- Clonan, Patrick, farmer , Mount Gambier dertaker, Mount Gambier Campbell, N., overseer , Benaira Brandt, Hein., farmer, Mount Gambier Cameron, Alex, sen., overseer, Mount Brittain , Wm., farmer, Port MacDonnell Muirhead Bromley, James, shoemaker, Mount Gam- Cassidy, P., farmer, Tarpeena bier Cears, H., farmer , Allendale Brougham, Robt., farmer, Mount Gambier Chant, Henry, boatbuilder, Port Mac- Brown, J., farmer , Mount Gambier Donnell Brown, Henry, chemist, Mount Gambier Chant, Henry, butcher, Port MacDonnell Brown, George Benjamin , cabinetmaker, Chappel, John , shoemaker , Mount Gam- Mount Gambier bier Brown, Richard, painter , Mount Gambier Chester, Rev. Henry , Wesleyan minister4 Brown, Win., fishmonger, Port MacDon- Mount Gambier nell Christie, H., farmer, Mount Gambier Brown, E. G., farmer, Mount Gambier Clarke, Geo, brewer, Port MacDonnell Browne, Wm. James, sheepfarmer, Mount Clark, Thos. T., brewer, Port MacDonnell Gambier Clark, Wm . A., farmer , Port MacDone Brown, Andrew, puntkeeper, Glenelg nell Brickney, Wm., farmer , Tarpeena Clark, Win., carpenter, Mount Gambier, Cia DIRECTORY. pis 65

Clark, Chas., iron and brass founder, also Dixon, Wm., farmer, Allendale machinist, carriage builder, &c., Mount Douglas, Win., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Douglas, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Clarke, Hon. W. J. T., sheepfarmer, Mt. Douglas, Peter, overseer , Warreunga Schanck Doughty, C. G., J.P., agent, Mount Gam- Clode, Chas., farmer, Allendale bier Cock, Robt., brewer, Mount Gambier Doyle, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Cole, Chas., carpenter, Mount Gambier Dougall, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Cole, G. E. Claraville, carpenter, Mount Denovon, F. D., teacher, Mount Gambier Gambier Doyle, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Collie, Geo., storekeeper, Mount Gambier Donovan, Michael, fisherman, Port Mac- Collins, Geo. G., farmer, Mount Gambier Donnell Collis & Co., drapers and clothiers, Mount Dougall, John, storekeeper, Mount Gam- Gambier bier Coulthard, W. R., engineer, Mount Gam- Draper, Geo., carpenter, Mount Gambier bier Draper, P., confectioner, Mount Gambier Costello, A. M., Colleytown, Mount Gam- Dwyer, A., farmer, Allendale bier Dwyer, M., farmer, Allendale Cottrell, Geo., farmer, Mount Gambier Dwyer, W., shoemaker, Allendale Coghlan, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Dyer, Wm., shoemaker, Nymphvale Cousland, Alex., farmer, Mount Gambier Dyke, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Cock, John, sen., wheelwright, Mount Gambier E. Crafter, C., farmer, Port MacDonnell Edwards, Thomas, farmer, Mount Schanck Craker, Geo., carpenter, Mount Gambier Edwards, Samuel, Mount Gambier Creek, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Edwards, Wm., shepherd, Mount Schanck Crozier, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Egan, L., Crown Lands ranger, Tarpeena Crouch, Wm. A., storekeeper, Mount Egan, John, jun., Tarpeena hotel, Tar- Gambier peena Crozier, Wm., hawker, Mount Gambier Egan, John McN., baker, Tarpeena Curren, Michael, farmer, Mount Gambier Ellard, George, farmer, Mount Gambier Cullen, Jas., farmer, Mount Gambier Elliott, George, farmer, Mount Gambier Cullen, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Elliott, Ellen, residence, Mount Gambier Cullen, Michael, farmer, Mount Gambier Embury, J., farmer, Allendale Cummings, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Embury, Josiah, farmer, Allendale Cunningham, Alex., mason, Mount Gam- Engelbrecht, C., storekeeper, Port Mao- bier Donnell Curren, Michael, farmer, Mount Gambier Everett, Wm., shepherd, Mount Schanck Curl, E., nurseryman, Mount Gambier Ewers, Wni., farmer, Mount Gambier Copper, Henry, carter, Port MacDonnell Ewers, Alf., farmer, Mount Gambier

D. F. Dalling, Samuel, farmer, Allendale Farrell, John, quarryman, Nymphvale, Dagwell, L., lighthouse-keeper, Port Mac- Mount Gambier Donnell Fairmanners, John, carter, Claraville, Mt. Dann, N., corporal police, Port MacDon- Gambier nell Fartch, Adam, butcher, Mount Gambier Dashwood, Charles, stockman, Mayura Fallott, Wm., carrier, Allendale Dart, Thomas, farmer , Allendale Fernee, Henry, sawyer, Compton Da4s, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Fens, Wilhelm, painter, Mount Gambier Day, W. T., farmer, Mount Gambier Fensom, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Davis, Thos., bootmaker, Mount Gambier Fensom, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Dawson, Wm., carpenter, Mount Gambier Fennimore, Geo., farmer, Mount Gambier Day, John, hairdresser , Mount Gambier Fitzgerald, Michael, farmer, Mt. Gambier Degenhardt, F., farmer, Tarpeena Fidge, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Derbidge, L., sawyer, Glencoe Fidge, Thomas, farmer, Mount Gambier Dew, J,, gardener , Mount Gambier Fidge, Frederick, farmer, Mount Gambier Derrington , Edwin H ., telegraph station Fidge, Stephen, farmer , Mount Gambier master , Mount Gambier Fidler & Webb, storekeepers , Mt.Gambier Dickson, W., farmer, Mount Gambier Fisher , John, sawyer , Mount Gambier 66 Fit ALPHABETICAL Hot

Fitzgibbon, Daniel R. C., clergyman, Mt. Hately, James Samuel, farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Forster, John, general storekeeper, Allen- Hateley, Alf., farmer, Mount Gambier dale Hartel, John, sawyer, Mount Gambier Foster, E. C., teacher, Allendale Harvie, John, farmer, Mount Gambier French, Ed., J.P., agent, Port MacDonnell Hammond, S., carpenter, Mount Gambier Frith, Moses, contractor, Port MacDonnell Hammer, Charles, engineer, Mt. Gambier Frew, Wm., farmer, Compton, Mount Hayes, Christoph., farmer, Compton Gambier Hall, Hy., carpenter, Mount Gambier Hay, Peter, farmer, Mount Gambier G. Hay, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Hart, Thos., sawyer, Mount Gambier Galpin, John, farmer, Allendale Gates, Robert, farmer, Mount Gambier Hart, S., farmer, Allendale Hartley, Edward, sawyer, Mount Gambier Garland, Henry, shepherd, Tarpeena Galle, Charles, carpenter, Mount Gambier Harmt, James, farmer, Allendale Gardener, John, gardener, Mount Gambier Hammond, George P., farmer, McDonnell Gebhardt, Wm., brewer, Mount Gambier Bay Gene, Gottfd., farmer, Mount Gambier Haase, Frederick, coppersmith, Mount Genske, Frederick Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Harmer, James, farmer, Allendale Gerard, I., farmer, Mount Gambier Harvey, Wm.; farmer, Mount Gambier Germain, B., lighthouse keeper, Port Haywood, Wm., butcher, Pt. MacDonnell MacDonnell Hartwig, C., baker, Mount Gambier Genson, Fredk., farmer, Mount Gambier Hart, Wm., baker, Mount Gambier Gey, Ernst, farmer, Glencoe Hardy, F., draper, Mount Gambier Gellert, Jas., teacher, Mount Gambier Hartshorn, John, carrier, Mount Gambier Glen, George, J.P., sheepfarmer, Mayura Iiarrald, Wm. II., accountant, Mount Godecke, Wm., boarding-house keeper, Gambier Mount Gambier Hayes, Charles, stockrider, Glencoe Gooch, Robt., farmer, Mount Gambier Hayes, C., shoemaker, Mount Gambier Goes, John, stonemason, Mount Gambier Harfull, John, carrier, Mount Gambier Gordon, Linsay, farmer, Allendale Hardy, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Goods, George, farmer, Drop Drop Hanson, Wm., overseer, Mayura Gould, Thomas, farmer, Allendale Heinemann, J., saddler, Mount Gambier Gould, Henry, farmer, Allendale Heinemann, Heinr., wheelwright, Mount Gould, I., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Gould, I., jun., farmer, Allendale Hennessy, Pat., farmer, Mount Gambier Gould, George, farmer, Allendale Hedley, John, sawyer, Mount Gambier Gould, John, farmer, Allendale Hellyer, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Goedecke, Wm., lodginghouse-keeper, Mt. Hensley, Miss, teacher, Port MacDonnell Gambier Hennessy, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Griffin, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Hewitt, Edward, farmer, Allendale Greenhill, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Heaps, C., butcher, Port MacDonnell Grady, Edward, blacksmith, Allendale Henwood, N., sheepfarmer, Lalee, Mount Greenwood, R., wheelwright, Rosaville, Gambier Mount Gambier Healy, John, eatinghouse-keeper, Mount Grosser, Alex., surveyor, Mount Gambier Gambier Graham, Thomas, M.D., M.R.C.S., and Healey, Thomas, farmer, Mount Gambier L.A.C., surgeon, Mount Gambier Herdy, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Greve, George, saddler, Mount Gambier Hickey, James B., schoolmaster, Mount Graunitz, Ernst W., brewer, Mt. Gambier Gambier Grist, Robt., Bush inn, Mount Burr Hirth, Johann Fried., Mount Gambier Grant, John, baker, Mount Gambier Hirth, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Gust, Christian, blacksmith, Mt. Gambier Hickie, Michael, farmer, Tarpeena Hitchcock, Sam., farmer, MacDonnell Bay H. Hitchcock, Isaac, farmer, MacDonnell Bay Hitchcock, Ish., farmer, MacDonnell Bay Hoase, Fredk., tinsmith, &c., Mt. Gambier Hilland, Geo., farmer, Kalangadoo Hanel, Aug., farmer, Mount Gambier Hogan, Michael, farmer, Mount Gambier Harrall, August, farmer, Mount Gambier Hoggett, John, schoolmaster, Mt. Gambier Hart, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Holden, Samuel, farmer, Mount Gambier Hol DIRECTORY. lire 67

Holding, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Johnson, Jas., sheepfarmer, Mt. Muirhead Holkins, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Johnston, Alexander, farmer, Mt. Gambier Hoff, T., farmer, Mount Gambier Jones, L., farmer, Mount Gambier Holmes, Thos., splitter, Mount Gambier Jones, H., farmer, Mount Gambier Holmes, Thos., coltbreaker, Mount Burr Jones, 0., stonemason, Mount Gambier Holman, Joseph, farmer, Mount Gambier Joyce, Richard, farmer, Tarpeena Horne, George, carter, Mount Gambier Jones, W. T., collector of customs, Port Howard, Geo., carter, Allendale MacDonnell Hopping, Hy., carter, Port MacDonnell Joice, Patrick, farmer, Tarpeena Hopwood, Geo., carter, Port McDonnnell Jordans, James, storekeeper, Glencoe Holtzmann, H., tinsmith, Mount Gambier Holtje & Rischbieth, A., storekeepers, Mt. K. Gambier Holloway, Chas., farmer, Mount Gambier Kaben, Got., farmer, Mount Gambier Hoskin, Edward, farmer, Mount Gambier Kanenberg, Carl, Mount Gambier Honan, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Kappler, Andreas, Lutheran pastor, Mt. Howe, John, mason, Mount Gambier Gambier Hood, A., farmer, Allendale Kalms, J., Gottlieb, farmer, Mt. Gambier Hood, Edw., farmer. Allendale Kent, Robt., mason, Mount Gambier Hood, Wm., farmer, Allendale Ketam, Carr, carpenter, Mount Gambier Holtzkeefe, Christoff, wheelwright, Mount Kennedy, John, teacher, Tarpeena Gambier Kerr, Robt., storekeeper, Allendale Hood, Rice, farmer, Allendale Kennedy, Martin, carpenter, Mt. Gambier Honan, Edward, farmer, Mount Gambier Kemp, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Holloway, Thos., teacher, Compton Kembley, Thos., kangaroo hunter, Cur- Holt, John, teacher and corn-agent, Mt. ratum Gambier Kekwick, J., merchant's clerk, Port Mac- Hood, James B., blacksmith, Mt. Gambier Donnell Holland, Geo., farmer, Tarpeena Kelly, Frederick, farmer, Mount Gambier Horne, Thos., Drop Drop, Mount Gambier Keloch, James, shepherd, Benaird Hunter, George, farmer, Mount Gambier Keon, Jas., storekeeper, Mount Gambier Hughes, Wm , farmer. Mount Gambier Kerby, Edmund, sheepfarmer, Avenue Humphrey, J. T., farmer, Mt. Gambier Kerby, Reuben, sheepfarmer, Avenue Humphrey, Wm , tailor, Mount Gambier Kerby, James, sheepfarmer, Avenue Hunter, James, residence, Mt. Gambier Kilsby, Jas., farmer, Mount Gambier Hunter, J. N. C., stockholder, Tarpeena Kilsby, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Kilsby, Geo., farmer, Mount Gambier I. King, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Ingleby, John, farmer, Tarpeena King, Stephen, farmer, Mount Gambier Ingram, Edw., blacksmith, Tarpeena Kieselbach, Adolf, farmer, Mt. Gambier Kirkpatrick, David, residence, Glencoe J. Klowss, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Klowss, J., jun., farmer, Mount Gambier Jacobs, Joseph, farmer, Mount Gambier Knight, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Jacob, T., farmer, Mount Gambier Knout, Julius, sawyer, Claraville, Mount Jaeger, A., saddler, Mount Gambier Gambier Jennings, Geo., farmer, Mount Gambier Knighton, Thomas, maildriver, Port Mac- Jennings, John, sawyer, Mount Gambier Donnell Jeffs, Wm., carrier, Mount Gambier Kohle, Hermann, gardener, Mt. Gambier ,Jobling, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Kruger, August, farmer, Mount Gambier Johns, Samuel, carter, Mount Gambier Kohler, H., farmer, Mount Gambier Johns, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Kuhler, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Johnson, John, gardener, Mount Gambier Koops, Hy., farmer, Mount Gambier Johnson, John, jun., farmer, Mt. Gambier Koop, Peter, farmer, Mount Gambier Johnson, A., stockholder, Mount Muirhead Koop, Frederick, farmer, Mount Gambier Johnson, Andrew, farmer, Glenelg Klintworth, J., fencer, Mount Schanck Johnston, John, farmer, Glenelg Krummell, G. A., blacksmith, Mount Johnson, Duncan, sheepfarmer, Mount Schank Muirhead Kreighter, A., Claraville, Mount Schanck Johnson, Wm., baker and confectioner, Kreighk, E., farmer, Mount Gambier Mount Gambier Krella, Win., farmer, Mount Gambier $8 Kre ALPHABETICAL MCC

Kreig, Gottfried, farmer, Mount Gambier Litman, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Keyte, Hy., farmer, Allendale Linn, James, farmer, Port MacDonnell Kuhler, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Livingston, D., cooper, Curratum Livingston, John, stockholder, Curratum L. Livingston, Dun., jun., farmer, Allendale Lange, John, farmer, Allendale Loughbead, Thos., merchant, Mt. Gambier Lange, Christian, farmer, Allendale Long, Robt., South Australian hotel, Mt. Lawrence, J., farmer and carter, Port Gambier MacDonnell Long, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Long, John, storekeeper, Mount Burr Laurence, Sol., storekeeper, Port Mac- Long, George, hawker, Mount Burr Donnell Laley, Wm., shoemaker, Port MacDonnell Lorimer, Wm, superintendent, Benaira Laurie, A. F., printer and publisher, Mt. Locke, J., MacDonnell Bay hotel, Port Gambier MacDonnell Laurie, Jas., P. D., typographer, Mount Lord, N. A., storekeeper, Mount Gambier Gambier Lord, W. J., farmer, Mount Gambier Lucas, John, stonemason, Mount Gambier Lange, Christopher, farmer , Port Mac- Donnell Lucas, Benj., stonemason, Mount Gambier Lane, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Luebke, C., farmer, Mount Gambier Lane, Henry, farmer, Mount Gambier Lynch, Al., farmer, Mount Gambier Lane, James, sawyer, Mount Gambier Lyon, J. C. S. M., residence, Compton Lambert, Isaac, farmer, Tarpeena Lybia, John, farmer, Allendale Lambert, I., farmer, Kalangadoo X. Lamb, Pickering, storeman , Port Mac- Donnell Matthes, Jos., residence, Port MacDonnel Lambert, James, splitter, Mount Gambier Maisey, E. F., accountant, auctioneer Lawrie, Watson, & Lawrie, proprietors of and commission agent, Mount Gambier The Border Watch newspaper; also Markey, Thos., mason, Allendale booksellers and stationers, Mt. Gambier Mansell, S. D., mason, Claraville Learmouth, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Manser, P., farmer, Allendale Leahy, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Masters, L., farmer, Allendale Lee, Robt., farmer, Mount Gambier May, Chas. F. A., carpenter, Mt. Gambier Lee, Joseph, farmer, Mount Gambier May, Chas. L. J., gardener, Allendale Learney, David, carter, Mount Gambier Magee, Martin, farmer, Mount Gambier Leery, James, carpenter, Tarpeena Mallen, Hugh, shoemaker, Allendale Lehman, John, farmer, Tarpeena Manners, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Leete, Samuel, farmer, Mount Gambier Manhood, Geo., farmer, Mount Gambier Leete, Chas., farmer, Mount Gambier Major, Thos, farmer, Mount Gambier Leete, Edward, coltbreaker, Mt. Gambier Major, John, carpenter, Mount Gambier Lewis, Thos., carter, Mount Gambier Maas, R., farmer, Mount Gambier Leake, Edward J., stockholder, Glencoe McArthur, P., farmer, Mount Gambier Leicht, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier McArthur, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Leonard, John, farmer, Mount Gambier McArthur, N., farmer, Mount Gambier Leywood, Wm., farmer, Suttontown, McArthur, Arch., farmer, Mount Gambier Mount Gambier McArthur, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Lester, Lott, farmer, Tarpeena McBean, John, wheelwright, Mt. Gambier Lehman, John, farmer, Mount Gambier McCabe, James, farmer , Mount Gambier Lindner, Traugott, farmer, Mt. Gambier McCarthy, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Lindner, Chas., farmer , Mount Gambier McCarthy, Geo., farmer, Allendale Link, Alex., farmer, Allendale McCormick, Henry, farmer, Allendale Link, Ronald, farmer, Allendale McCall, N., Travellers' Rest hotel, Allen- Link, James, farmer , Allendale dale Linn, Henry, contractor, Allendale McCalman, Geo., farmer, Tarpeena Lindner, Gottlieb, blacksmith, Mount McCalman, H. G., farmer, Tarpeena Gambier McCouspie, Donald, farmer, Allendale Lintner, Charles, farmer, Mount Gambier McCallum, Hugh, farmer, Compton Linn, James , poundkeeper, Allendale McCall, John, farmer, Allendale Little, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier McCalman, H., farmer, Compton Little, Thos., farmer , Mount Gambier McCalman, H. M., engineer , Dismal Little, Geo., farmer, Mount Gambier Swamp Littlefield, Chas., farmer , Tarpeena McCarthy, J., farmer , Tarpeena MCC DIRECTORY. Nee 69

McCabe, Patrick, farmer, Allendale Meyer, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier McDonald, James, gardener, Compton Mewett, Robert, farmer, Port MacDonnell McDonald, John, Mac's hotel, Mt. Gambier Meyers, Edward, schoolmaster, Mount McDonald, Patk., farmer, Mt Gambier Gambier McDonald, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Meyer, August, farmer, Mount Gambier McDonald, K., carpenter, Mount Gambier Meischell, J. F., Lutheran pastor, Mount McDougall, Alex., teacher, Port MacDon- Gambier nell Medhurst, James, farmer, Compton, Mt. McDiarmid, M., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier McDiarmid, P., farmer, Mount Gambier Meehan, Hugh, farmer, Mount Gambier McDonald, N., farmer, Kalangadoo Mellon, John, gardener, Mount Gambier McDougall, A. D., shepherd, Mt. Gambier Mitchell, Mrs., Mount Gambier hotel, Mt. McFayden, John, butcher, Mt. Gambier Gambier McFayden, Lachlan, farmer, Mt. Gambier Miller, James, farmer, Mount Gambier McFarlane, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Mills, Thomas, farmer, Mount Gambier McFarlane, N., farmer, Mount Gambier Milton, Wm., butcher, Mount Gambier McFarlane, H., farmer, Mount Gambier Mitchell, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier McFarlane, Alex., shepherd, Mt. Schanck Mitchell, Joseph, farmer, Mount Gambier McGee, Patk., farmer, Mount Gambier Mitchell, John, farmer, Compton, Mount McGuire, -, overseer, Kalangadoo Gambier McGugan, D., farmer, Mingpool Mitchell, John, jun., farmer, Compton, McGugan, D., tobacconist, Mt. Gambier Mount Gambier McGregor, A. W., manager, National Mitchell, James, farmer, Drop Drop, Mt. Bank, Mount Gambier Gambier McIntyre, D., farmer, Mt. Gambier Millstead, S., butcher, Port MacDonnelI McIver, F., farmer, Mount Gambier Millhouse, Wm., stonemason McInnes, Rodk., farmer, Port MacDonnell Mills, James, sawyer, Mount Gambier McInnes, Ewen, farmer, Allendale Millard, James, sawyer, Mount Gambier McInnes, Malcolm, farmer, Allendale Mills, Thomas, sawyer, Glenburnie, Mount McIntosh, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier McKay, Finlay, blacksmith, Mt. Gambier Milligan, Samuel, farmer, Mount Gambier McKay, Wm., Globe inn, Mount Gambier Mobes, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier McKenzie, Alex, farmer, Mt. Gambier Morgan, John, boatman, Port MacDonnell McKenzie, Archibald, butcher, Allendale Morrison, Arch., farmer McKinnon, Neil, farmer, Tarpeena Morrison, A. C., Drop Drop, Mt. Gambier McKenzie, A., Victoria hotel, Port Mac- Morrison, M., residence, Mount Gambier Donnell Morrey, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier McKenzie, John, farmer, Mt. Gambier Moore, Alex., farmer, Allendale McKenzie, John, farmer, Pt. MacDonnell Moore, Jos., sawyer, Mount Gambier McKinnon, Arch., butcher, Allendale Molyneux, Jas., farmer, Mount Gambier McKinnon, Lachlan, farmer, Tarpeena Money, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier McLean, Alex., farmer, Mt. Gambier Moulton, B., eating-house, Drop Drop, McLeod, Alex., farmer, MacDonnell Bay Mount Gambier McLeod, Alex., stockholder, Kalangadoo Mott, John, farmer, Allendale McLean, Duncan, farmer , Allendale Morse, H. T., teacher, Port MacDonnell McLeod, Malcolm, farmer, Port Mac- Murdie, William, farmer, Mount Gambier Donnell Mulqueeny, Michael, farmer, Tarpeena MeMasters, John, fencer, Mt. Gambier Mumme, W., farmer, Mount Gambier McMorron, Alex., farmer, Mt. Gambier Must & Co., merchants, Port MacDonell McMahon, Thos., stockrider, Glencoe and Mount Gambier McNicol, John, sheepfarmer , Mt. Muir- head N. McPhail, Hugh, lodging-house keeper, Mount Gambier National Bank of Australasia, Mount McPherson, Hugh , farmer, Mt. Gambier Gambier McPherson, Allen, farmer, Glencoe Neal, Thos. N., farmer, Mount Gambier McPherson, Donald, farmer, Mt. Gambier Newton, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier McPherson, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Needham, Rev. R. W., Church of England MeRostie, James, farmer, Mount Gambier clergyman, Mount Gambier McRostie, Robert, farmer, Mt. Gambier Needham, H. S., telegraph station master, McSheehy, Patrick, farmer, Mt, Gambier Port McDonnell 70 Nev ALPHABETICAL Bel

Neville, George, commission agent, Mt. Preece, Geo., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Priaulx, George H., storekeeper, PortMac- Nicholas, J., storeman, Port MacDonnell Donnell Nichterlein, Lud., farmer, Mt. Gambier Pritchard, Hy., carpenter, Glencoe Norman, John, watchmaker, Mt. Gambier Pudney, Hy., farmer, Mount Gambier Norman, W, E., photographer, Mt. Gam- Pulford, -, farmer, Mount Gambier bier North, S., carpenter, Port MacDonnell R. Nobes, Geo. M., land agent, Mt. Gambier Rabone, Thos., blacksmith, Mt. Gambier Nugent, Thos., farmer, Mount Gambier Rabone, Hy., miller, Mount Gambier Reinecke, Alex., shoemaker, Mt. Gambier 0. Reinecke, Fredk., cabinetmaker, Mount O'Brien, Den., coltbreaker, Mt. Gambier Gambier Orchard, Thos., fellmonger, Port Mac- Reneke & Co., cordial manufacturers, Mt. Donnell Gambier Orchard, Wm., fellmonger, Port Mac- Renfrey, Richard, farmer, Mount Gambier donnell Renfrey, W. H., farmer, Mount Gambier Rey, P., farmer, Mount Gambier P. Richardson, Geo., fencer, Mount Gambier Rittmann, Henry, baker, Mount Gambier Parish, Walter, farmer, Allendale Richardson, G., baker, Mount Gambier Paris, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Rischbieth, H., storekeeper, Mt. Gambier Pargeter, George, farmer, Pt. MacDonnell Riddoch, A. M., teacher, Curratum Patzel, Aug., farmer, Mount Gambier Riley, Edw., tailor, Curratum Patzel, Gottl., farmer, Mount Gambier Riley, P., farmer, Mount Gambier Patzel, E., farmer, Mount Gambier Rob, Jas., road overseer, Allendale Parfitt, Chas., farmer, Allendale Robinson, Alex., farmer, Mount Gambier Paltridge, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Robinson, Chas., farmer, Mount Gambier Parkin, Chas., farmer, Mt. Gambier Roberts, Chas., schoolmaster, Mt. Gambier Pannell, Geo., builder, Mount Gambier Rogers, John, farmer, Kalangadoo Paxton, Chas., bank accountant, Mount Rossell, Wm., dairyman, Port MacDonnell Gambier Ruwe, H., farmer, Mount Gambier Pether, Thos., grazier, Lake Bonney Ruwoldt, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Pether, R., grazier, Lake Bonney Ruwoldt, C., farmer, Mount Gambier Pendlebury, Thos., farmer, Mt. Gambier Ruwoldt, C., jun., farmer, Mount Gambier Pendlebury, W., fireman, Mt. Gambier Ruwoldt, H., farmer, Mount Gambier Penny, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Ryan, P., farmer, Mount Gambier Peters, Robt., farmer, Mount Gambier Perryman, Jas., carrier, Mount Gambier Perryman, Thos., mason, Mount Gambier S. Pepper, Edward, shoemaker, Mt. Gambier Sanders, Edmund, cooper, Mount Gambier Peacock, Wm., sawyer, Mount Gambier Saunders, S., mason, Mount Gambier Peacock, Wm., jun., sawyer, Mt. Gambier Savill, Robt., farmer, Allendale Peschke, Aug, farmer, Mount Gambier Savill, Jas., farmer, Allendale Pegler, Wm., gardener, Mount Gambier Sandmeyer, W., farmer, Mount Gambier Peiffer, August, farmer, Mount Gambier Sawkins, Thos., farmer, Port MacDonnell Pickett, Wm. A., carpenter, Mt. Gambier Sassanowski, farmer, Mount Gambier Pincott, D., lighthouse-keeper, Cape Sager, P., farmer, Mount Gambier Northumberland Savage, Robt., farmer, Mount Gambier Pigott, Wm., carpenter, Mount Gambier Sarre, Thos., carter, Mount Gambier Pick, Jas., storekeeper, Glencoe Sarbey, John, farmer, Allendale Pigott, W., mason, Mount Gambier Schultz, Got., farmer, Mount Gambier Plate, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Schinckel and Milton, butchers, Mount Plunkett, Isaac, farmer, Tarpeena Gambier Plunkett, David, farmer, Tarpeena Schmidt, Maria, dairy, Mount Gambier Powell, Henry, bailiff local court, Mt. Schmidt, H., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Schmidt, C., farmer, Mount Gambier Power, J., farmer, Mount Gambier Schmidt, Hermann, carpenter, M. Gambier Potter, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Schmidt, Joachim, farmer, Mt. Gambier Powel, J., limeburner, Mount Gambier Severn, George, farmer, Mount Gambier Preece, E., farmer, Mount Gambier Selwood, John, watchmaker, Mt. Gambier Se't DIRECTORY. Und 71

Seve rn , George , carpenter, Tarpeena Stark , John, farmer , Mount Gambier Senior, Thomas, farmer, Tarpeena Studenann , T., carpenter , Mount Gambier Sears, H., farmer, Allendale Steele, Arch., stockrider, Curratum Seeborne, W., shepherd, Glencoe Stewart, D., stockholder Sexton, T., gentleman, Tarpeena Stewart, D., shepherd, Lake Leake Sharp and Anderson , brewers, Mount Stone, D., Mount Gambier Gambier and Port McDonnell Storm, Frederick, farmer, Mount Gambier Shattock , J. H., Engineer ' s office, Mount Stephenson , James, Mount Gambier Gambier Steel, James, butcher, Allendale Shelton,George, nursery, Nymphvale, Mt. Steel, Jamieson , contractor , Port Mac- Gambier Donell Shone, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Sturtzel , W., mason, Mount Gambier Shone, William, farmer, Mount Gambier Stapleton, J. L., Vic. Tel, stationmaster, Short, E., gardener , Mount Gambier Mount Gambier Shillas, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Sutton, A., stockholder, Tarpeena Shepherd, C. F., farmer, Tarpeena Sutton, James, farmer, Mount Gambier Shepherdson, John, teacher, Mt. Gambier Sutton, James, jun., farmer, Mt. Gambier Shaw, E. L., bush carpenter, Mt. Gambier Sutton, John , farmer, Mount Gambier Silwood, John, watchmaker, &c., Mount Sutherland , J. D., solicitor, Mt. Gambier Gambier Sweetbier, F., farmer, Mount Gambier Simpson, P ., farmer, Mount Gambier Sinclair, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier T. Singleton, -, overseer, Mount Gambier Simmonds, Win., draper, Mount Gambier Taylor, Richard, farmer, Mount Gambier Simmonds, Edward R., saddler, Mount Taylor, Wm, farmer, MacDonnell Bay Gambier Telford, Robert, farmer, Mount Gambier Simmons, R., tailor, Mount Gambier Telfer, Robert, overseer, Mount Gambier Skipper, 0., Clerk of Court, Port McDon- Telford, James, farmer, Mount Gambier nell Telford, 1'., farmer, Mount Gambier Skeggs, George, farmer, Mount Gambier The Savings Bank : W. H. Harold, ac- Sladdin, George, mason, Mount Gambier countant, Mount Gambier Slaughter, Thomas, shepherd, Glencoe Thomson, Robert, sen., farmer, Mount Smith, C. G., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Smith, Joseph, farmer, Mount Gambier Thomson, Robert , jun., farmer, Mount Smith, Thomas, farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Smith, Wm., shoemaker, Mount Gambier Tolmie, Wm., sheep -farmer , Mt. Gambier Smith, Henry, carpenter, Mount Gambier Tolmie, M., sheep -farmer , Mt. Gambier Smith, A., farmer, Mount Gambier Tolmie, A., shoemaker , Mount Gambier Smith, Henry, cooper, Port MacDonnell Tollner, F., farmer , Mount Gambier Smith, E., carpenter, Port MacDonnell Torhill , Thomas, carpenter , P. MacDonnell Smith, Joseph, carpenter , Blanche, Port Trower, Charles, farmer, Mount Gambier MacDonnell Turner , Catherine , lodging-house, Mount Smith, Henry, carpenter , Mount Gambier Gambier Smith, Thomas , plasterer , Mt. Gambier Tuite, John , farmer , Mount Gambier Smith, James, farmer, Drop Drop Tucker, Robert, farmer , Tarpeena Smith, Mrs., farmer , Mount Gambier Tucker , W., farmer , Tarpeena Smith, Wm., shoemaker , Port MacDonne ll Turner, David, saddler, Mount Gambier Smith, Michael , farmer, Allendale Tucker , Sidney, farmer , Mount Gambier Smith, Duncan , carrier, Port MacDonnell Tucker, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Smith, Donald, farmer , Allendale Tyrrell, A., tailor, Port MacDonnell Smith, William, carrier, Allendale Tyrrell, R., Pr. Albert hotel , MacDonnell Smith, Henry, boatman, Port MacDonnell Bay Smith , Nicholas, carrier , Port MacDonnell Smith, Gersham, farmer , Mount Gambier U. South, Alfred, Farmer 's inn, Mt. Gambier Sorrell, Wm., sawyer , Mount Gambier Umpherston, J., J.P., sheep-farmer, Mt. Spencer , G. T., wheelwright , Glenelg Gambier Sprenger , G. H., baker , Mount Gambier Umpherston, Wm., farmer , Mt. Gambier Spain, John, farmer , Mount Gambier Ungar, Frederick , farmer , Mount Gambier Sparkes, James, shepherd , Benaira Underwood , R., shoemaker , Mt. Gambier Stein, James, overseer, Mount Schanck Underwood , A., farmer , Mount Gambier 72 Vau ALPHABETICAL Zip

V. Wells, Wm., Mount Gambier Vause, Thomas, sheep-farmer, Mount Wedd, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Webb, S. T., storekeeper, Mount Gambier Varley, A. K, district clerk, Mt. Gambier Webb, James, storekeeper, Mt. Gambier Victoria Steam Flour-mill, E. Wehl, pro- Webber, Thomas, farmer, Mount Gambier prietor, Mount Gambier Whennen, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Varley, Mrs., ladies' school, Mt. Gambier Whitehouse, John, mason, Allendale Virgo, D., farmer, Mount Gambier White, Robert, farmer, Allendale Vizard, Henry, storekeeper, Mt. Gambier Whitehouse; John, mason, Allendale Vorwerk, W., farmer, Mount Gambier Williams, James, farmer, Compton Vockins, George, farmer, Mount Gambier Williams, Thomas, farmer, Compton Williams, Thomas, farmer, Mt. Gambier W. Williams, W., farmer, Mount Gambier Williams, D., farmer, Mount Gambier Watson, John, editor Border Watch, Mt. Williams, James, shoemaker, Mt. Gambier Gambier Williams, T. H.,MacDonnell Steam Flour. Watson, Wm. W., surveyor, Mt. Gambier mills, fort MacDonnell Wake, Anthony, farmer, Mount Gambier Wilson, Wm., farmer, Mount Gambier Watts, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Wieman, W., Mount Gambier Wallace, Anne, storekeeper, Mt. Gambier Winterfield, John, farmer, Allendale Wallace, I., farmer, Allendale Wissmann, P., carpenter, Mount Gambier Wallace, D. G., splitter, Mount Gambier Wolf, Wm., bush carpenter, Mt. Gambier Wallace, F., splitter, Mount Gambier Woodhall, James, fellmonger, Port Mae- Walters, T. R., quarryman, Mt. Gambier Donnell Walker, Arch., farmer, Mount Gambier Wulff, F., stockrider, Mount Gambier Walker, John, farmer, Mount Gambier Wyatt, G. D., wheelwright, Mt. Gambier Walsgott, G., farmer, Mount Gambier Wynneot, P., stock-keeper, Avenue Walden, Henry, farmer, Mount Gambier Wesor, A., farmer, Mount Gambier Y. Wedlock, Joanna, farmer, Mt. Gambier Wehl, Edward, J.P., surgeon, Mt. Gambier Young, Alexander, farmer, Mt. Gambier Wehl, F., tanner, Mount Gambier Young, B., Prince of Wales hotel, Port Wehl, W., miller, Mount Gambier MacDonnell Wege, J. H., carpenter, Mount Gambier Z. Wells, T. A., sheep-farmer, Mt. Gambier Wells, H. E., sheep-farmer, Mingbool, Mt. Zabel, Christian, farmer, Mount Gambier Gambier Zippel, W., miller, Port MacDonnell Air DIRECTORY. MCC 73




A. G. Air, James, butcher, Penola Gilding, James E., carpenter, Penola Allen, R., carpenter, Penola Gladstone, George, carpenter, Penola Artaud, Thomas H., accountant, Penola Gleeson, James, Comaum B. H. Boneham, Josiah, farmer, Kalangadoo Hayes, A., overseer, Monbulla Boneham, Job, farmer, Kalangadoo Hester, J., bailiff, Penola Boneham, Ebenezer, farmer, Kalangadoo Hogg, John, carrier, Comaum Brett, William, carrier, Penola Hunt, B., inspector of police, Penola Hunter, J. A. C., sheep-farmer, Mern C. K. Cameron, Anne, sheep-farmer, Wattle Range Kirby, E., stock-dealer,Penola Cameron, Angus, hawker, Penola Cameron, Ewin, Krongeart L. Campbell, John, carpenter, Penola Lang, P., schoolmaster, Penola Campbell, Alexander, carrier, Penola Laidlaw, A., saddler, Penola Cawker, John, Penola Little, J. A. G., Telegraph Station , Penola Clarke, M., saddler, Penola Littlefield, C., farmer , near Tarpeena Hd., Coleman, Mrs., storekeeper, Penola Grey D. X. Don, Rev. J., Presbyterian minister, Mack, John H., shoemaker, Penola Penola Marcus, Wm., tailor, Penola E. McAlpine, A., storekeeper, Penola McArthur, D., sheep-farmer, Limestone Eaton, Alfred, carpenter, Penola Ridge Edwards, Albert J., Prince of Wales hotel, McCarthy, M., sheep-farmer, Suttledge Penola McClure, R., contractor, Penola L 74 MeD ALPHABETICAL You

McDonald, Ronald, Glenroy Riddoch, J., M.P., sheep-farmer, Yallum McDonald, D., Royal Oak hotel, Penola Park McEdwards, Alexander, overseer, Warrat- Roden, Henry, carrier, Penola tenbully McFarlane, -, bookbinder, Penola S. McGillivray, J., sheep-farmer, Maroope Scott, G. B., SM., Penola Peak Seymour, C., commission agent, Penola McKeand, A., storekeeper, Penola Sharem, Christopher, shoemaker, Penola McLeod, Alexander, sheep-farmer, Kalan- Sims, W., schoolmaster, Penola gadoo Smith, A. P., watchmaker and photo- McKay, D., blacksmith, Penola grapher, Penola McKenzie, S., storekeeper, Penola Smith, Wm., mason, Penola Mepstead, Isaac, carrier, Penola Starke, James, carpenter, Penola Miles, Richard, mason, Penola T. P. Thompson and Dickson, stock agents, Phillips, Job, surgeon, Kupuran Penola Pinkerton, T., manager, Marooupe w. Plunkett, George E. D., schoolmaster, Penola Watson, Andrew, sheep-farmer, Killbride Watson, J. S., sheep inspector, Penola R. Whiteford, A., blacksmith, Penola Woods, Rev. J. E. T., Catholic clergyman, Ralstone, R. H., sheep-farmer, Penola Penola Remington, W. F., National Bank, Penola Y. Richards, George, carpenter, Penola Riddoch, George, overseer, Kalnook Young, James, Madooupe Ada DIRECTORY. Bea 75




A. B. Adams, Robert, St l.noch 's, Ararat Bacchus,W. H., Perewerrh, Ballaarat Mount Elephant , Warrnambool Combajuk Adams, J . S., Balla Balls , Melbourne Begot, E. Meade , Lindsay Island , Swan Hill Adams, Francis , Sunday Creek , A, Gisborne Woolwoolwa Adeney, Wm., chocolyn , Warrnambool Lower Culnine Af lleek, James , Yanac-a-yanac , West Wimmera Lower Culluleraine „ Afiieck , David, Pleasant Banks Watermeite Afeck, William , Rose Bank Bagot, E. N., Cameron 's Run, Gisborne Affleck and Broughton , Lemon Springs,. Baird, M . H. and S., Mount Bute , Ballaarat Ai re y and Nicoll , Warranooke , L ast Wimmera Bakewell. John, Manton 's or Tooraddin, Melb. Airey and Ker, Killingworth, Gisborne Baker, W. It. C., Six i',lile Creek , West Wim. Aitken, James, Mosquito Point, Settled Districts mera Aitken , J. C., Acheron, Gisborne Bakewell, John , Red Bluff, Melbourne Thornton Bakewell and Lyall, Great Swamp, Melbourne Alexander , Robert, Genoa , No rt h Gipps Land Ballantine , Duncan , Summerlee , North Gippa Allen, Benjamin , Kirkenong Land Allen, James , Merrimingo „ Bank of Australasia , Goorambat , Benalla Allen , Wm Wilson, Colantit , Warrnambool Mokoan Amey, John, Jack Rivulet Settled Districts Barber, C. H., Gundowring , Beechwo'rth Anderson , Alex ., Boryallock North , Warrnam- Barbour, Robert, Bullengarooke, Gisborne bool Barclay, John, Greenvale , Portland Anderson , Alex ., Bangal, Ararat Barker , William, Mount Alexander , Castlemaine Anderson , David, Wallaloo Ck., East Wimmera Barker, John , Cape Schanck , Melbourne Anderson , Caleb, Wooragee, A, Beechwo rt h Barker,John, Cape Schanck and another, Set- Anderson , William, Boryallock South, Warr- tled Districts nambool Barnett and Bruscombe , Holcombe , Castlemaine Anderson and Shaw , Wooriwyroite Barrett, John, Paignie, Swan Hill Arming, C. C. S., Mount Pleasant , Echuca Batchelor , Jas., Richmond , Portland Archibold , George, Duddo, Swan H ill Fitzroy River , Portland Roes Plains , Taggarty, Gisborne Archbold and Son , Brimin or Nipo , Swan Hill Worrialloek , Melbourne Armstrong , William , Tittibong 11 Bath, Robert, Cherry -tree Flat, Settled Distr eta Parasia, or Mt. Shadwell, Bathe, J., Axedale , Castlemame Warrnambool Bathe, Jas., Toomah , Melbourne Armytage , Charles H., Fulham , No. 1 and No. 2, Baylee and Headlam , Upper Moira , Bena lla West Wimmera Bayliss, Henry, Bremin , Beechworth Atkinson and Pepper , Heath, West Wimmera Baynton , Thomas , Darlington, Gisborne Austin . B. and Albe rt , Eilyer , Warrnambool Baylis, E. W.. Merton , South Gipps Land Austin , James, Yoe, Grant Bear , T. H., Kotupna , Benalla Austin , John, Green Hills , A, Warrnambool Bear, John P ., Norongaronngg,' Beochworth Austin , J. and J ., Gre envale, Ararat Bear and McMahon, Terrick Terrick Plains, Austin , S. and J., Waterloo Plains, Grant Echuca 76 Bea SQUATTING Car

Bear and McMahon , Bungil and Keotong, Brock and Brockman , Tallygaroopna , Benalla Beechworth Mon cons. Bear and McMahon, Mitts Mitts, No. 2 do. Broughton, J. B., Korea Katkin, West Wim- Beggs, Francis , Bushy Creek, Warrnambool mera Beggs, Charles, Yabba Yabba, Benalla Broughton , R. B., Second Kent Narin, West Benalla Wimmera Beggs,G. and F ., Eurambeen'or Mt. Cole, Brown, R., Wonga Wonga, Settled Districts Ararat Brown, Charles, Gravels, Omeo Bell, John, Warrambine , Ararat Brown, Thomas, Jun., Yallock Vale, Grant Bell, Jas , Golf 1i ill, East, Grant Brown and Rutherford, Strathmerton East, Bell, Messrs ., Gulph, Settled Districts Benalla Bell, Robert Lewis, Mount Mercer Cattle Sta- Brown and Hillier, Scrubby Forest, South tion , Ballaarat Gipps Land Bell and Armstrong, Gulph No. 2, Melbourne Bryant, M. and W., Cairn Curran, Castlemaine Bennett, Robert, Merri Jig , Swan Hill Muckleford , Buchanan, J., Roseneath, North Gipps Jappa ri t Land Keera Buckley and Mason, Chillington, Omeo Poopmindie Buckley, P. C., Benambra, Beechworth Tallarook Coady Vale, South Gipps Land Bennett's Run Coady Vale, Settled Districts King Bole Bole Belfleld, East „ Neoyang, North Gipps Land West Maryville, South Gipps Land Benison , Richard, Mount Wellington, North Gelantiby, Omeo Gipps Laid Bucknall, E. G., Rodborough Vale, Castlemaine Beveridge , Ant'rew, Tyntindia , Swan Hill Budd, H. F. H., Tarcombe , Benalla Lowan Flat Burcliett, H. and Alfred, St. Germaine, Echuca Beveridge,' 31. K, Mount Myall Bullen, F and G. F., Ohin Ghin , Benalla Beveridge, G. S. and P, Eureka Burnett, W. T. Y., Wirmburchep , East Wim- Beveridge Brothers, Piangill mera Burra Burrs Butchart, J., Bushy Park, North Gipps Land Birch , Edward , Bullarook,Castlemaine Eagle Vale Black, George, Tarwin, West and East, Settled Stratford Districts Butler ', Thomas , Deighton Blask , Neil & Co., Glenormiston , Warrnambool The Sisters C. LibertonBank Warranga, Portland " Cain, Peter , Roschial , Benalla Black, Neil, Sections, Glenelg, Warrnambool Caldwell, Robert, Solitude, Melbourne Blair, James. Clume, West Wimmera Callanan, Michael, Long Warren „ Blake and Parker , Borrombeta , Ballaarat Calder, Robert, Polkemmet, West Wimmera Blackwood and Buckley, Traralgon, West, Cameron, Alexander, Mount Sturgeon Plains South Gipps Land Warrnambool Boden, A. V. St. Luz, Ascot Heath, Portland Camerou, Alexander, Morgiana, Portland Coayenne Lower Crawford,, Bodman, Henry, Trenton Valley, Settled Dis- Cameron, A. and A, Sutledge tricts Cameron, Duncan, Hilgay, West Wimmera Bolden, Lemuel, Strathfieldsaye, North Gipps Cameron , D., Meran, Castlemaine Land Cameron„ D., excrs . of, Violet Creek, Portland Bon and M'Kenzie, Maintoongoon West, Benalla Cameron, Duncan, Spring Hill, West Wimmera Bon, J. and W., Miller's Ponds Heath Hill Gobur Cameron,'A . and J ., Glenaulin , No. 1,' Portland Bon, John, Wappan Cameron, George, Dorodong Creek Bond, Thomas, Upotipotpon, Cameron, Christina, Narrawong Stony Creek Cameron, Donald, Ultima, Swan Hill Bond, E. M , Degamero , Beechworth Cameron, Alexander, Nigretta, West Wimmera Booth and Holloway, Tragowell or Lower Lake, Campbell, John, Glencoe, South Gipps Land Echuca Campbell and Co., Ensay or Windermere, Omeo Bourke and Neville, Minton's Creek, Melbourne Campbell and Elms, Chetwynd, West Wimmera Bould, Joseph, Booraham, Beechworth Campbell and Messer , Eumeralla , West, Port- Bould Brothers, Gooramadda land Bowler , Samuel, Mitts Mitta , No. 1, Beechworth Cantwell, R., Glenlyon, Ballaarat Bowler, Samuel T., Magora Carfrae and Jervis, Wordigworm, West Wim- Bowles, Ambrose, Lamplough, A, Castlemaine mera Bowring, Edwin, Lyne, Portland Carfrae and Jervis , Lochiel, West Wimmera Box, Richard, Barwidgee, Beechworth 11 Black Heath, West ,, Boyd, M'Naught and Boyd, Comeralghip, Bal- Carmichael , W., Grassme re , Warrnambool laarat Carmichael, William, Blackfellow' e Cre ek, Boyd, M•Naught and Boyd, Dereel, Ballaarat Portland Bradey and Dumphey, Wandillegong & Port- Carmichael , W., Barton H ills , Warrnambool punka , Beechworth Carmichael, W. and J., Refuge, Portland Bramwell, J., Quambatook East, Castlemaine Carmichael, W. and G., Retreat , West Wim- Quambatook West, Swan Hill mera Reedy Lake, Castlemaine Carmichael and Russell , Aberfoyle , Castlemaine Springfield, Serpentine , Echuca Brereton , John , Fanwick, Omeo Carter and 'Sons , Rosebrook , West Wimmera Brook, A., Torpichen, Castlemaine Glenisla, Northand South,, Brook, Thomas Collier, Worrough, Benalla Wortook Tallarook , Gisborne Carter, Charles, Brim Spring Car DIRECTORY Des 77

Carwither and Stewart, Glenalbyn, North Gipps Cooper, D. E., Warrapingoe, Ararat Land Corbett, R., Kilmore, Melbourne Catto, John, Catto's Run, Castlemaine Coutts, J. and G., Coyurah Springs, Castlemaine Car, Robert, Loddon Plains Coutts, Brothers, Ballochmyle, Swan Hill Chalmers, J., Elizabeth Island, Melbourne Coutts, Messrs., Pilgrimage Chambers, If., Sydenham, North Gipps Land Richmond ('hamp, W. T. N., Durdidwarrah, Grant Coutts, J. G. and D., Brenanah, Castlemaine Chenery, A., Delatite, Benalla Craig, Angus, Eddington, Warrnambool Loyola Crawford and Co., Campaspe, Gisborne Chirnside, J. B., West Charlton, East Wimmera Creswick. Henry. St. James, Benalla Lake Woram>ok Crooke, Edward, Holey Plains, South Gipps Chirnside, T. and A., Kenilworth, South, West Land Wimmera Crooke, Edward, Lucknow, North Gipps Land ('hirnside, Thomas, Barton, West Wimmera Crosswell, R., Remuera, Settled Districts Chirnside, Andrew, Carambalac, Warrnambool Crowe, Joseph, 'I'atonga, Ieechworth Curnong Crozier, John, Poilya, Swan Hill Chirnside,' T. and A., Mount William. Ararat Kidd's Station , Chirnside, '1'. & A.,1Markanger, West Wimmera Outer Cullullearne Victoria Lagoon Upper Cullullerane Chirnside and Logan, Elephant North, Warr- Tarackna nambool Culnine Upper Chirnside and Logan, Elephant South Cowra Burrumbeep, Ararat Curdie,Daniel. Tandarook, Warrnambool Tattyoon Cumming, J., Terrinallum Chisholm, J. W., _Myrhee, ilenalla Cumming, John, Stony Point ('lapham, J. G. and B., Sinclair, East, Portland Cumming, G. and W., Mount Fyans,Warrnam- Clapperton, T., Amphitheatre, East Winnuera )ool Clarke, W. J. T., La Rose Mokepille, and Lex- Cunningham and MM'Credie, Glenelg, Portland ington, West Wimmera Greenwich , Clarke, W. J. T., Lockhart, West Wimmera Dederang, Beech- Moray, West worth Clarke,David, Piggoreet, West, Ballaarat Cunningham and M'Credie, Wilderness, South Mindie, No. 3 Gipps Land Clarke,' R. N., Avoca or Wycherpraff, East Cunningham and M'Credie, Beremboke, Grant Wimmera Cunningham, A., Ellangowan Clarke, Thomas, Salisbury Plains, Echuca Ettrick Clarke, William, Ovens Crossing Place, Benalla St. Helen's Clarke and Maclaine, Strettle's Dale, Swan hill Cunningham, H., Saud Hills, Swan Hill Clarke, John 'l'., and Maclaine, John J., Cap- Stratford rera, awan hill. Currie, J. L., Geelengla, or Lara, Warrnambool Clarke. .John 1'., and Maclaine. ,John ,J., Strath- West Elephant. No. 1 more or Gibson's Well, Swan 11111 Currie and Lowe, Miudie, No. 1, Ballaarat Clement, Thomas Nixon, 31 uskery, Echuca Carrie, Scott, and Co.. Eaariucba. Ilenalla Clifton, David, Barjarg, Benalla Currie, Scott, and Dufrayer, Stratlcmerton West Clough, J. H. and Co., Darbalary, Beechworth Benalla Lamplough, Castlemame Curtain, Ill., Nelson, Warrnambool Woodstock Yalloak Buudaramongee, Ocneo Knighton, Swan Hill D. Lansdowne Pine Ridge, East Dalgety and Co., El Dorado East, Beechworth Pine Ridge, West Dalgety and Ibbotson, Coucongella, West Wim- 'Powma mera Drumbanagher, ' West Dalton, C., Black Forest, Gisborne Wimmera Dance. J. E.,'I'ooram, Warrnambool Tourbouric, Gisborne Daniels, Samuel. Changue, Benalla Longlauds, Swan Hill Darcy, Michael, !Marengo or Dempsey's, Benalla Maiden Hills, Castle- Darlot, J. 31. and 11. K. It., North Brighton, maine West Wimmera Coghill, George, Woodstock, South Gipps Land Dance, J. E., Buckley's Creek, Settled Districts 11 Glendaruel, Castlemaine 11 (late Stanhope), Sections Coldham, John, Grassdale, Portland Davidson, S. J., Allenvale, or Sinclair's, West Coldham. George, Eneremete Winimera Cole, Nicholas, Nest Cloven llill,Warrnambool' Dawson and Mitchel, Kangatong, Warrnambool Cole, F. and E., Darlington, Dawson, C. J., Glenfern, Settled Districts Collins, John, Snughorough, South Gipps Land Heathdale Colonial Bank of Australasia, Mount Napier Degraves, William, North and " South Wood- Portland lands, East Wimmera Conolly, J., Kangaroo, Melbourne Degraves, William, Woodside, South Gipps Ovens Land Conolley, J., Summerside, Warrnambool DeLittle, R. and H., Caramut, Warrnambool Connolly, Joseph, Koowee-rup, Melbourne DeLittle, Douglas, and De Little, Ledcourt, Connor, P. and T., Merimarembung, Beechworth West Wimmera Cook, Cecil Pybus, Lake Condon, Portland DePass, M.. Spring Creek and Wild Duck Whittlebury Plains,Gisborne Cook, Wm., Ayrey's Inlet, Settled Districts Dennistoun, Barbara H., Wattle Station, Benalla Cooke, William, Mopianimum , Ballaarat Dennis Brothers, Carr's Plains, East Wimmera Coppock, John, Albacutya, West Wimmera 11 Roberts *h 'a Outlet, Lake Hindmarsh „ Desailly, Edwin, Emu Vale, North Gip11ps Land 178 Dev SQUATTING Gol

Develing, R., Sections, Gabo, Settled Districts Foster, John, Boisdale, South Gipps Land Tangel, „ Dewing, F., Paraparap, Grant „ Dargo, North Gipps Land Dick, G. C., Glenmore, Omeo Castleburn Docker , Joseph, Bonthorambo Plains, Beech- Fraser, Robert, Lillirie, Ararat' worth Fraser, A., Stratherick, Omeo Donald, W. M., Banyeyong East, East Wim- French Acheson Monivae, Portland mera Fryer, i'eter Moika, Benalla Donald, J. S., Corack, East Wimmera Forlonge, .t Euroa Dorgan, Thomas, Monbolk, Settled Districts „ Saintfleld, Dorgan, Barry, and Jenning, Tarhattan, Settled Croppers, Districts Honeysuckle, Sth., Douglass and De Little, Banyena Plains, East Faithful's Creek „ Wimmera Mangalore, Dowling, Thomas , Jellalabad, Warrnambool Strathbogie, Duff, Robert, Thogolong, Beechworth Springs, A, Dumphy and Brady, Portpunk, Beechworth Wombat Hill Duncan, B., Jun., Deighton East, North Gipps Hailie's Hill, Land Seven Creeks Dundas, James, Nog-Nog-Wa, North Gipps Land G. Dunlop, J. K., Kadnook, West Wimmera Dunlop, J. H., Buckle Kupple, West Wimmera Gardiner, R., Weandron, Melbourne Dun, G E., Katandra, Benalla Gavan, Emily, Sunday Creek, Gisborne Dunn, C. C., Bolwarra, Ballaarat Mount Piper „ Dunsford, W. H., Lancefield, Gisborne Gibb, Matthew, Patrick's Day, Warrnambool Dyott, Eleanor . French Island, Melbourne Gibbs, Ronald and Co. Mount Emu, Ararat Gibbs, Ronald and Mcilain, Fern Hills, Benalla Gibbs Ronald and Ronald, Congbool, West E. Wimmera Eddington, John, Ballangeich, Warrnambool Gibbs, Margaret, Glenvale, Settled Districts Eddington and Son, Drysdale Gibson, T. L., Lake Briugalbert, West Wim- Edgar, David, Pine Hills, West Wimmera mera Edols, J. and T, Inglestone, Grant Gill, J , Mallan, Swan Hill Edols, Thomas, Bonegar, West Wimmera Upper Regions, West Wimmera Glass, Hugli, Bulloc Creek Plains,Castlemaine Egan,'John, Greenwald. No 2, Portland Bullock Creek Corinella, Castlemame Noorilim, Benalla Egon, James, Major's Line, Gisborne Lower Coliban, Castlemaine Elder, John and Son, Kurucaruc, Ballaarat Glengower, Ellerman, H. C, Antwerp, West Wimmera Torumbarry , East, Ec'iuca Elmslie and Strachan, Jingellac, Beechworth Torumbarry, West „ Evans, G. B. and J B., Morrison's, Grant Torumbarry , Middle Evans, John, Whitefield, Benalla Glenhope, Gisborne Evans, D. H., Wabonga, Beechworth Mount Macedon Ranges „ Ewbank, G., Swanwater North, East Wimmera Steel's Creek Netty Yallocle Castlemaine Mount Hope Creek, Echuca F. Weddikar or M Yer's Cr ek , Cae- tlemaine Faithful, W. P., Edi, Beechworth Glass, Hugh, Wanregnan, Gisborne Fallon, T., Boglara, Portland „ Moyreisk or Rathscar, East Wim- Feehan, Richard, Wild Cattle Run, Settled Dis- mera trict Glass, Hugh, Avoca Forest, East Wimmera Feehan, Richard, Wild Cattle Run, South Gipps „ Castlemaine Land „ Plains of Thalia, East Wimmera Felstead, John, Sections,Mooroolbark, South Mt. Sturgeon, Nos. 1, 2,3,4, West Gipps Land Wi mmera Fenton, Frederick, Ravenswood or Mount Alex- Glass, Hugh, Towaninnie, Swan Hill ander, Castlemame Niagaroon, Gisborne Fenton, John, Richmond Plains, Castlemaine „ Riversdale, Nos. l and 2, Gisborne Spring Hill „ Killeen, or Five Mile Crk , Benalla Ferguson and Symons, Raymond Island, North Meering Lake, or Combatook, Cas- Gipps Land tlemaine Ferguson, D., Flowerdale. Gisborne Glass, Hugh, Avoca Forest, Castlemaine Ferrell, J. M., Northwood, StratfordLodge, „ Firebrace, It. T., Hayfield, South Gipps Land Tabilk, Benalla Fiskin, A., Lal- Lal, Ballaarat Wharparella,Echuca Fitzgerald, James, Lake Monemia, Ararat Godfrey and M`Kinnon, Kilkunda, Settled Dis- Fitzgerald and Co., Mullagh, West Wimmera tricts Flanner, James, Sandy Point, Settled Districts Godfrey, H., Boortl Castlemaine 11 Sunday Island Goldsbrough and I arker, Borodomanan, North Fletcher, Miles, Tullick, Portland Benalla Flint, B., Mount Baldhead North Gipps Land Goldsbrough and Parker , Borodomanan, South Flower, Lydiard and Co., Nareb-Nareb, Warr- Benalla nambool Goldsbrough and Parker , Junction , Benalla Fors} th, J and It . Maintoongoon East, Benalla Goldsbrough, Richard , Archdale, Castlemaine Forsyth, Hobert, Mimamiluke, Dunollp Foster, John, Glenialloch, A, North Gipps Land BandyCreek, „ G01 DIRECTORY.

Goldsbrough , Richard, Cooltorsa , East Wim- Henderson, John, Sections,Cape Liptrap, Set- mera tled Districts Gordon, James, Newlands , West Wimmera Henderson, John, River Tyers, South Gipps Murndara, Land Ganoo-Ganoo Henderson John, River Tyers, North, South The Gums, Warrnambool Gipps Land Gould, Gould's Run, Beechworth Henderson John, Pannebannewar Gisborne Graham b , Glencairne, North Gipps Land Henry, C. P., Panty Gurn-Guru, M'elbourne Grant, l obert, Switzerland Benalla Hensieigh, John S, Deddiek, North Gipps Land Grant, G. Pentland Hills, iisborne Henty, Edward, Gonnell 's Run , West Wim- Grattan,umphrey, Caniambo, Gisborne mera Gowangardie Henty, Edward, Muntham, West Wimmera Gray anAalmer, Balham Hill, Gisborne Henty, Francis Merino Downs, Portland Gray, J. H. U. and W. Telford, Dandongadale, Henty, S. G., Mount Sturgeon Plains North, Beechworth or Warrayure, Warrnambool Green, E. B., Greenvale, Benalla Hent yy S. U. Mount Sturgeon Plains South, Keilawarra, , Wa'rrnambool Green,' Ann, Oxley Plains, Beechworth Henty, S. G., Strathflllan , East Wimmera Grice, Sumner and Co., Maryvale, West Wim- Tallangour West Wimmera mera Hervey, Matthew, Long beach, Settled Districts trice, Sumner and Co., Ulswater, West Wim- Ton eomongie, Omeo mera Bin , Grice, Sumner and Co., Navarre, East Wim- Hinnomongie, mera Herbert,"VV., Virtue Hall Settled Districts trice, Sumner and Co., Lake Wallace, West Hick, J, Mt. Eccles and 'Lake Gorrie, Portland Wimmera Hick, John, Ardonachie, Portland Grice and Sumner, Edgar's Plains, Castlemaine „ Grafton, Griffith and Green, Mount Hope and Mount Higgins, John, Gibbo, Omeo Pyramid, Echuca Higghett, William, Maindample, Benalla Griffith and Green, Glenmore, Grant 11111, W., Running Creek, Settled Districts Griffin, Frederick, Preston, Benalla Hines and Barnes, Ranges East Wimmera Groves, G., Colbinabin, South, Echuca Hines, F. P., Newhapper, West Wimmera Gobareep, Hindhaugh, William Yambuk Warrnambool Gulliver, James, LilliputLBeechworth Hislop and Agnew, Marlben East Wimmera Gundry, Joseph, Iron ISarK Ranges, Settled Hore, John, Bethanga, Beechworth Districts Talgarno, „ Guthrie, H. M., Glenvale, Gisborne Hoddinott, Uriah, Ready Creek, South Gipps Land Hoddinott, Uriah, Sunville South Gipps Land H. Warrigal Creek, A, South Gipps Land Iladden , Wm, Lodge Park, Benalla Hoddinott, Uriah, Warrigal Creek, No. 1, Set- South, Benalla tled Districts Haley ,L S., Diamon'd' Creek Settled Districts Holland, William , Cairgains , Swan Hi ll Hall, A. W., Glenalbyn, Castlemaine Annefield, A, „ Ballet, Andrew, Devon, South Gipps Land Annefield, B, Haliday, William , Merino Plains , East Wim- Annefield, C, mera Annefield, D, Haliday William, Spring Bank , East, Castle- Holmes and Campbell , Lorquonf West Wim- maine mera Haliday, William , Spring Bank, West, East Holmes, White and Co., Glendhu , East Wim- Wimmera mera Haliday and Richmond, Glenlee, West Wim- Hood, John , Clifton Plains, A, Swan Hill mera Clifton Plains, B, „ Hamilton , Robert, Morelia, West Wimmera Clifton Plains, C, „ Hamilton , L. G., Buangor, Ararat „ Clifton Plains, D, Hamilton, Thomas , Mount Baw Baw, South Clifton Plains, E Gipps Land Hood, J., Hollywood, A, B and C, West Wim- Hamilton, Thomas, Mount Juliet, South Gipps mera Land Hopkins, Arthur, Mount Hesse, Grant Hamilton, William Glenarona , Gisborne Houston, George, Gunbower Echuca Hampton, W. J.,11fount Franklin, South Gipps Houston, Joshua and J . B. Bennett , McKenzie Land Springs, or Vborrall, West Wimmera Hampton and Watts , Langwarry , South Gipps Hume, Elizabeth Yarrowonga, Benalla Land Huon, William, *adonga, Beechworth Hampton and Watts , Tarween, South Gipps Hurst, Edward , Eumeralla East Portland Land Hutchison, Peter, Glen Ronald,'Warrnambool Hancock , Theodore , Allerton, Grant Hutchison , John, Mount Struan , Portland Hanson and Wheeler, Adjie, Beechworth Hutchison, J., Runnymede, Hardie, H. and J ., Glenburn, Gisborne Hutton , David , Purdeet, War rn amTool Harney, John , Barnedown , Castlemaine Hyland, J., Shadwell South, A, „ Ha ham , W. T. Dean Station Gisborne Hasler and Co., ?herry- tree Hill, Grant Hassell , Janes, Koonongwootong , East, West 1. Wimmero Hartle, John , Punpundal , Warrnambool Ibbotson and Buckley, Goomalibee Benalla Hawkins , S. P., Melville Forest, West Wim- Ibbotson , Charles Tawonga , Beechworth mera Ibbotson and Blackwood , W arrambayne , Bena lla Hay, William, Pine Lodge, Benalla Inglis , Peter, Warrenheip , Ballarat 80 Jac SQUATTING MCI

Learmonth, William, Fitzroy L'Estrange, Ports J. land Jack , W. C., Mount Wills, Omeo Learmonth, William, Tahara, Portland Jackson, S. and W., Sandford Portland „ St. Helen's, Settled Dis. Jamieson , R Bolac Plains, 1 arrnambool tricts Jamieson , H and B., Irymple and Mildura, Learmonth, J. and T., Buninyong, Ballarat Swan Hill Lett, J. S. and W., Sutton Forest, Settled Dis- Jamieson , H. and B., Benetook , Swan Hill tricts Jarret, H. and J., The Den, Gisborne Levey, G. C., Tenland, Portland Jenkins , John, Winteregah , Beechworth Lewis, Richard, Sandy Water Holes, Portland Jeffreys , Henry, C, Burnewang , East and West, „ Pleasant Hills, „ Echuca v Rifle Downs, Jel lie, James, Torbinurruck , Melbourne Lewis, 1N. H. and J. A., Merrigum Echuea Johnston John, Hurdle Creek, Beechworth Johnson, Henry, Eglintoun, Benalla Echuea „ Ardpatrick, or Cooma, Johnson John, Newborn Park, South Gipps Liddle, Robert, Springs Benalla Land Lincoln, Abraham, Bar?'old, Gisborne Johnson John, Swan Reach, North Gipps Lindsay, William, Quamby, Warrnambool Land Lintott, Wheatley, and Garrett , Bael-Bael, Johnson, John, Kilmorie , North Gipps Land Swan Hill Allendale, Little, D., Heath Springs, West Wimmera „ Illewarra Lloyd, J. P,, Emu Hill, No 1, Ballarat Johnson, G. W., Woodside, Gisborne Lloyd, Frederica; Mountain Glen, South Gipps Johnson, A ., Bumbang Swan Hill Land Joyce, Alfred, Norwood , Castlemaine Lock, J. A., Bushy Park Settled Districts Joyce, George , Plaistowe, Lord, Thomas, Mount A leery, Melbourne Jones, Highway , Yan Yip, West Wimmera Ludlow George, Quail Island, Melbourne Tattyara, Lynch, ifhomas, Mount Burchett Ararat Yan Yip North „ Lyon and Ferrars, Ballanee, Gisoorne Jones, I'ienry , Erin Vale , South Gippa Land Morockdong' „ Jones, B. D., Bonegilla , Beechworth Narraport, East Wimmera Jones, Eliza , Towong, Omeo Jones, H. and D. 0., Tallagiera, West Wim- M. mera Jones H. and D. 0., Tallagiera North, West McArthur, P., and Gilbert, Laurenny, Warr- Wimmera nambool Jones, Llo yyd, Avenel , Benalla McArthur, P., Meringorott Warrnambool Jones, J. W., Fulham, South Gipps Land McBean, D, Old Crossing i'lace, Echuca McCallum, Alexander, Youngeira, Swan Hill McCallum, Duncan, Ardgarton, Portland K. Ardno, East „ McCallum, E., Ardno, West „ Kaye and Butchart, Yarraberb and Myer's McCartney, J. A, W arrouley, Beechworth Creek, Echuca McClellan, -, Cape Wrath Portland Kaye and Butchart, Bullock Creek, Open Plains McColl, James, Yet Nat, Vest Wimmera and Tandarra, Echuca McCrae, A. J, Mount Useful, South Gipps Kaye and Butchart, Sandy Creek, North Gipps Land Land McCulloch, James, Dhoorcap Beechworth Kaye, Butchart and Co., Keilfeera, Benalla McCulloch and Sellar , Emu Srtation, Benalla Kennedy, David, Union, Warrnambool Springs Station Keys, G., Sections, Dandenong, Settled Dis- Yerring, Melbourne tricts Tatong, Benalla Kichington, George, Thilingallanga, Beech- McDonald, Alexander, Armidale, South Gippa worth Land Kidd and Briekett, Jallandoon, Beechworth McDonnell, John, Yielima , Benalla King, W. E. and A. S., Wingelgoodbin, Oineo McDowell, J. W., Newchurch, Warrnambool King, John Co., Rosedale, South Gipps Land MoEachern, A. and M., Strathdownie, West, „ Scarne, Portland Snake's Bridge, McEachern, H., Heathfleld, Portland King, John, Mulagong, Beechworth McEachern, W. and A., Strathdownie, East, Kinnear, R. H., Conover, Castlemaine Portland „ Conover and Spring Bank, East McEachern, D. and A. Kangaroo, Portland Wimmera McFarlane, M., Glenfalloch, North Gipps Land Kinnear, It. H., Lower Moira, Benalla McFarlane, J. and P., Island, Gisborne Kyles, William, Sections, Toorowrong, Settled McFarlane , James, Glenmaggie , South Gipps Districts Land McFarlane, J. A., Sections, Yan Yean , Settled L. Districts McGill, A., Hyde Park, West Wimmera Lane, McDonald and White, Clones, Castle- McGillvray, Alexander Cargerie, Grant maine McGuinness and Bell, t orong, Swan Hill Lane, McDonald and White Clones, Benalla. Minapree „ Lang, A. and G., Yaugher, farrnambool Lake Wilhelmina, Swan Lavender J. S., Strathmore South Gipps Land Hill Lawson, aharles, Benlock, l orth Gipps Land McHaffie, W. and J., Phillip Island, Melbourne Leake and McLachlan , Monbeong, Portland McIntosh , Alex ., Glendinning , West Wimmera Kentbrush Moorlang Settled nistricts Spring Bank Monbeong, McIntyre, D. and A,, Snizort, Portlaio MeK DIRECTORY. Nan 81

McKay, G. E., Tarrawingee, Beechworth McVean, J. H., Dunach Forest, Castlemaine Yackandandah, Mc William, W. H., Crawford, Portland McKay and Kerr, Waranga Park, Echuca Macalister and Morgan, Mibost, North Gipps McKellar, Thomas, Croxton, Portland Land Kanawalla, West Wimmera Mackay and Sons , Lal-lal West, Ballarat McKellar', William, Samaria, Benalla Mount Mercer Cattle Station, Lima, A, Ballarat McKellar "and Flower, Knebsworth, Portland Mack, J. G, Gnarkeet, Warrnambool McKenzie, Alex., Reedy Creek, Gisborne Gerangemeraga, , , Running Creek, Macredie and Turnbull, Bunyeyong, West, McKenzie, Donald Mount Pleasant, 1lenalla East Wimmera McKenzie, J. M , Clonbinane, Benalla Macredie, G. Cunningham, Morton Plains, East McKersey, J, Kenilworth North, West Wim- Wimmera mera Macredie, G. Cunningham, Watcham, East McKmlay, Andrew, Polockdale, Ararat Wimmera McKinnon, Collin, Mountain Creek, East Wim- Manifold J. and P., Purrumbete Warrnambool mera Mason, ) , Fifteen-mile Creek , i enalla McKinnon , D., Marida Yallock, Warrnambool Matches and Duncan, St. Margaret' s Island, McKinnon, John, Koroit, West Wimmera Settled Districts McKinnon, Malcolm and D., Kalabro, or Roke- Mattheson, John, Moranghurk, Grant by, Portland Matthews, J. H , Little Portland, Beechworth McKnight and Hamilton , Dunmore . Warrnam- Maxwell and Drew Yanakie, Settled Districts bool Mayne, James Mulla Mullane, Benalla McLachan, J. R., Rich Avon East, East Wim- Meighan and dray, Cassillis, Omeo mera Merry Ilrothers, Deighton, West, North Gipps McLean and McLeod, Sections Fitz Roy River, Land Settled Districts Messer, W. C., Bongmire, West Wimmera McLean, Donald, and Co, Lalbert, Swan Hill Mickle, Bakewell1and Lyall, Yallock, Melbourne McLean Bros., and Gilles, Glenaladale, North Miller, Alexander, Murindinda, East, Gishorne Gipps Land Murindinda West „ McLeish, Duncan, Muddy Creek Gisborne Millar, henry, Mount Elgin, Vest 4%immera McLelland, William, Happy Valley, Gisborne Davis Plains, West Wimmera McLennan, S , Tamboon, North Gipps Land Lanegiran, Ararat McLennan, A and D , Brimble, West Wimmera Brim, West Wimmera McLellan B. and N Cove Miller and Mattheson, Restdown Plains, W., McLeod ,'H ,Leiderdery, Gisborne Echuca McLeod, H L., Benyeo West Wimmera Miller, John and David, Murrabit, Castlemaine McLeod, J C , Orbost, North Gipps Land Miller, James, Noorilim, East, Benalla McLeod, John N , Castleniaddie, Portland Milne, Robert, junr, Merriang, Beechworth Mount Clay, Mitchell, I) , Steel's Flat, Melbourne McLeod;' N. R., Normella, or Lockend, North Mitchell, Thomas, 'l'angambalanga, Beechworth Gipps Land Moffatt, Robert, Itichavon, West, East Wim- McLeod, N. R., Bairnsdale, North Gipps Land mera McLoughlin, John, Delicknora Moffatt, R , Glenloth, Castlemaine McMillan, Archibald, Glenwyllan, East Wim- Moffatt, John, Hopkins' Hills, Warrnambool mera Mogg, V. N, Swan Water, South, East Wim- McMillan, Archibald, Irrewarra, West Wim- mera inera Molhson, W. T, Pyalong, Gisborne JcMillan, Archibald, Sheep Hills, East Wim- Montgomery, William, Heart, North Gipps mora Land McMillan and McDonald, Leaghur, Castlemaine Montgomery, William, Mountain Creek, North McMillan, Angus, Cuigmundie, North Gipps Gipps Land Land Moody, John, Wando Dale, West Wimmera McMillan, Angus, Tabbarabbara, North Gipps Moore, Charles, Wagra, Beechworth Land Moore, Frederick Thomas, Laceby Benalla McMillan, John, Hazlewood, South Gipps Land Morrison, Hugh, Borhoneyghurk, East, Grant McNab, D., Lake Bolac, Ararat Morrow, C. S., Bungal, Grant Me aught and Boyd, Mindie, No 2, Ballarat Moreep, Me aughton, J Dutson, South Gipps Land Mulcahy, John, Mount Pleasant, Melbourne McNicol, D., Builen Merri, Warrnambool Mullins, Charles, Mogolemby, Benalla „ Elingamite, Murchison, John, Kerrisdale, Gisborne Mc Nicoll, Jolin, Bassett's , Portland' Murray, Andrew, South Stoney Rises, Warr- MoNicol P. and W., Keayang South, Warr- nambool McNicolnambool and McKinnon , Dunoon, Warrnambool Murray, Andrew, Irrewillipe, Grant Murray, Hugh, Illminyte, McNicoll and Smith , Fox Hall, Portland Gnorareet, Borongorong , West Wim- Murray, James , Glenampile , Settled Dist ri cts mera " 11 . Ghim Ghim Bean, Melbou rn e McPhail, John, Meadows South Gipps Land Murray, William, Dunrobin, Portland McPherson , Dugald, Nhill West Wimmera Must, Thomas , Argyle, Portland Bungletap West, Grant Mepunga , West Wimmera McPherson , James, Nerrin Nerrin, Warrnam- Park Hill, Portland bool Brinbungle, West Wimmera McPherson , James, Yarra Glen, Settled Dis- Myers, John , St. German 's, Melbourne tricts McPherson , John , Wilderness , West Wimmera N. McPherson , William, Nangeela , Portland McPherson , Thomas, Lowlands, South Gipps Nankeville and Calvert, Parinyallock, Warr- Land nam bool M 82 Nan SQUATTING Rob

Nankeville and Calvert, Forest, Warrnambool Power and Ainslie , Salt Lake, Swan Hill National Bank , Ganawarra , Echuca Spectacle Plains , Swan Hill Neil, H. J, Ardacy, Portland Pine Plains Nicholas, R , Tobreck, Gisborne Power and Davenport, Louth, Portland Nicholson, W., Dalry, Melbourne 11 Compton Creek Parambool, Melbourne 11 Major Mitchell' s Creek, View Hill Gisborne Woodlands Broom Hill , Swan Hill Nicholson and Coux, Mount Disappointment, Broom Hill, South Gisborne Chaves Plain, East Nixon, Hugh, Buffalo, East, Beechwoith Chaves Plains, West Nolan, Wm., Glenmire, West Wimmera Corunna Noonan, Daniel , Lamplough, B, Castlemaine Salamanca, Norrie, David, Cudjieiwa, Beechworth Sunset, Nugent and Whitehead, Cowper's Heifer, Beech- Werrengourt, Portland worth Power, II. Pine Hills, or Loddon, Echuca Power T. II , Terrick Terrick, East, or Prairie, Echuca 0. Prendergast, J. and J, Omeo A, Omeo O'Brien, John, Buffalo Heifer Station, Beech- Purvis, James, Tootgai ook, Melbourne worth Pyers, George, Lawler, East Wimmera O'Connor, M J., Mount Buninyong, Ballarat O'Dea, Patrick, Cornelia Creek, Echuca Tongala, Q. Restdown Plains, bast, Echuca Quarterman , J. Glenmona , Castlemaine Officer,'C. It. and S H., Lingmer, West Wim- Quartermananid Rutherford, Wonwondah, West mera Wimmera Officer, C. M and S. H., Mount Talbot, West Quin, James , Glenmore, Benalla Wimmera Quin, Johnson , Murramongee , Beechworth Officer, Robert, J, Yat Nat, A, West Wimmera Ogilvy, J. S, Bangbolms, Settled Districts R. O'Neil William, Beggary, Omeo O'Reilly, B, Altdorf, Beechworth Ray and Morrison, South Corner Inlet,South O'Reilly, Owen, Wando, West Wimmera Gipps Land „ Steep Bank Rivulet, West W im- Ray and Morrison, Mount Singapore, Settled mera Districts O'Reilly, Owen, Cashmere, West Wimmera Read and Younger Wahgunyah, Beechworth Ormond, F., jun , Borryalock East, Wairnam- Ready and Hook, Minton's Creek, or Conobal, bool Melbourne Orr, J. and F., Yawong, East Wimmera Reid, David, Barnawartha, Beechworth „ Yawong Spiings, Castlemaine Ray and Morrison, Mount Singapore, Settled ] awong Springs, Castlemaine District' Osborne, J., sen, Yackandandah West, Beech- Ready and Hook, Minton's Creek, or Conabal, worth Melboui ne Osborne, J. and H, Kergunia, Reid's Hill, Read and Younger, Wahgunvah, Beechworth Beechworth Reid, D, Barnawartha Beechworth Osborne, John, Bungletap East, Grant Reid, William James, IVoodburne, Grant Reid Brothers, Carraiagarmongee, Beechworth P. Richardson, James, Gorrin, Ararat Richardson and Ayres, Keayang North, Warr- Palmer, Murphy and Henty, Peechelba, Benalla nambool Palmer, T. W., Angora, North Gipps Land Riddle, ,John Gellingal Omeo „ Rock Springs, Riddle and hlamilton, Lairnhill, Gisborne Windermere, Omeo 1 urritable, Derwentwater, Ritchie, Daniel, Blackwood, Warrnambool Parker, Hugh, Redbank East Wimmera Ritchie, John, Fiery Creek, Ararat Parslow and Meighan, Cobungra, (imeo View Lake, Paterson, J H., exors. of, Kimbolton, Gisborne Ritchie, Simon, Woodhouse , R'arrnambool Langworner, Roadnight, Thomas, Gerangamete, Grant Patterson,Myles, Pine Grove East,Echuca Roadknight, W, Sen., Stony Rises, Warrnam- Picaninny Creek, or Kama- bool rooka,Echuca Roadknight and Sterling, Lake Tyers and Paton, A. and Sons, Yabba, Beechworth Snowy River, Settled Districts Paul, James, Cropper's Creek Robertson, A S , Little Corangamite , Warrnam- Pearce, .J. W., Arcadia Benalla bool Pearce, Thomas, Angabook, Settled Districts Robertson , D., Englefield, West Wimmera Pearson, John, Glenorchy, Portland Gringegalgona, Rifle Ranges Robertson, Alexander, Satimer, Pearson, William, Kilmany Park South Gipps 11 Mica Lake, ,, Land Robertson,George,Warrock, Pearson, William, Forest Hill, South Gipps Robertson, J V., Konnewarreu Warrnambool Land Robertson, Thomas, Campaspe'R.iver, Echuca Pearson, William, Moondara , South Gipps Robertson, W. and J, Wando Vale, West Wim- Land m era Peppin, G. H., and Sons , Borothat , Benalla Robertson, H. T , Cherrington, Gisborne Phillips, Henry Tarrone, Warrnambool Mount Campbell , Echuca Phillipott, W., 11iount Ararat, Melbourne Robertson , Win, Wooling, Gisborne Power and Ains lie, Campania , Swan Hill Ondit, Grant „ Sand Mount, 11 Robertson, Wm, and John, Struan, Portland Rob DIRECTORY. Tho 83

Robertson , W. H. and J. H., Moorabbee, Echuca Sloane , William and Co., Woodaga, or Woora- Fine Grove West, gee, Beechworth Echuca " Sloane, William and Co., Thowgala, Omeo Robertson , Brothers , Woodford, Portland Narong, Swan Hill Kinkell, Pine, Mount Mitchell, Castle- Mount Teddington, maine East Wimmera Robertson , T. J. J. and T., Victoria Valley, Pieracle, Portland West Wimmera Smith, A J., Langley Vale, Gisborne Robertson, J. G. and T., Moora-Moora, West Borhoneyghurk West, Grant Wimmera Smith, John and Elizabeth, Cow, Swan Hill Robertson, Messrs., Wannon, Ararat Smith, J. D. and A., Glenard, Settled Districts Yarram Yarram, Ararat Lindenow, North Gipps East Loddon, Castlemaine Land " Rogers, John, Churchill Island, Melbourne Smith and Wynne, North Boundary, No. 1 Sandstone Island, Swan Hill Roper,'W. H , Mullindollin- ong„ Beechworth Smith and Wynne, North Boundary, No. 2 Ross, John, Mount William Plains, Ararat Swan Hill Ross Brothers, Eldorado, West Wimmera Smith and Wynne, Red Bluff Well, West Wim- Rosborough, Thos, Myrtle Creek Beechworth mera Rostron, ., Tottington, East 4ilimmera Smith and Wynne, South Boundary, West Ramsbottom, Wimmera Rourke, C., Woologoomrang, Omeo Snodgrass, Peter, Doogalook, Gisborne Rourke, E., Suggan Buggan, Snodgrass, W, Tarwell, Rourke, James, Bruthen Creek, South Gipps Speed, W., Deerimal, Lan d Stanbridge, W. E., Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rourke, John, Little River, North Gipps Land Stanbridge, W. Astley's, or; Tyrrell, Swan Rourke, William Brodribb, „ Hill Rowe, R , Long Lorner, Beechworth Stanhope and M'Creddan, Buckley's Creek, Rowe, J. P , Terrick Terrick, Echuca Warrnambool Rowe, William, Gnarkeet East, Warrnambool Stau"hton, Simon, exors . of, Birsbane Ranges, Ito, e and Son, Glentine, )a llarat GTr nt Rusty, W J., Namhubutla, Benalla Steigglitz, R W., Tullivea, West Wimmera Dropmore Stephens,'Ihomas Curyo North Swan Hill Russell, Alex , 31awhalloek, Ararat Stevens,Thomas, lvmtingbool, lallarat Russell, Phillip Carngham, Ballarat Stevenson, John, Wangerbill, North Gipps Russell, Geo., l derelie, West Wimmera Land Upper Leigh. Grant Stephenson,Henry, Glenbuinie,Gisborne Russell, Messrs , Wardy Yallock, Ballarat Stephenson, P., Toolamba, Echuca Russell, T. and Co., Allen's Home, Grant Wanalta, Mount Rebecca, Stewart , Gideon, Ifabbies Howe, Benalla Long Water Holes, Grant Glenlyon, Russell, Aitken and Co., Langi Willie, or Ban- Rocky Passes, jamie, Ararat Stratton,Ricard and Co., Sections,Alberton, Ryan, John, Powlett's Plains, Castlemame Settled Districts Ryan, L., Lawloit, West Wimmera Street, Frederick, Baranduda, Beechworth „ Bunyip, „ Stiettle, A , Paripa, N arrnamboal Bungonia , Beechworth Sumner and Benn, Coolort, Melbourne S. Sutherland, R, Native Creek, Grant Sanders, J., Ronald Kirk, Swan Hill Swan, William, Koonongwootong West, West Sanderson, J„ l'iggoreet, East, Ballarat Wimmera Sanderson and Co., Burril-burril, Warrnambool Swan, D, Spring Vale, West Wimmera Schlesinger, Richard, River Tyers South, South Swanston, C. L , Mooree „ Gipps Land Synnott, Monckton , Brighton South,West Wim- Scott Brothers, Cannui, West Wimmera mera Scott and Sons, Warracknabel, , Scott, Hugh, Jancourt, Warrnambool T. Scott, Daniel, Deloine, North Gipps Land Shanahan, Martin, Marno, East Wimmera Tait, Henry, Spring Creek, Settled Districts York Plains, Taylor, John and A , Breakfast Creek, Portland Shaw and Forge, Table Top, Benalla, Taylor, James, Warrigall Creek, No. 2, Settled Shielde and Horsley, Totara, Swan Hill Districts Short, John, Loutitt Bay, Settled Districts Taylor, James, Warrigall Creek, South Gipps Simpson, John, Westaway, Melbourne Land Simeon, John, Ilurdy Gurdy, Taylor, James, Gammon Creek, South Gipps Trewalla, Aiarat Land Simson, Robert, Mount Ross, Ararat Telford, J. C., Swinton, West Wimmera Langi Kal-Kal, Thom., Archibald, Eildon, or Dickson's, Benalla Sinlson,D. C., Exors. of, Charlotte Plains, Cas- Thomas, Charles, Howqua Hills, tlemaine Thomas and Another, Goulburn Downs, „ Janevale, Castlemaine Thomson, John, Shadwell South, B, Warrnam- Langi Coors, bool Simsons and Ralston, Dergholm, Portland' Thomson, John, Snake Island, Settled Districts Roseneath, Keilambete, Warrnambool Sinclair William, Wyuna, Echuca Thomson and Cunningham, Red Grass Hills, Skene, William, Plains, West Wimmera South Gipps Land Sloane, William and Co, Burrowye, Beech- Thomson and Cunningham, Hill End, South worth Gipps Land 84 Tho SQUATTING Wil

Thomson and Cunningham, Tangel Hills, South V. Gipps Land Thomson and Cunningham, Clyde Bank and Vaughan and Wild, Tuerong, Melbourne Marley Point, North Gipps Land Bunguyan Thomson and Cunningham, Clyde Bank and Vicary, T.. Cape Otway, Se,ttled Districts Marley Point Yan Yan Gurt, Grant Thomson George, Challicum, Ararat Vicary, George, Dean' s Marsh, Grant Tolmie, 1y4, and W., Limestone Ridge, Portland Vine, Richard, Woodburne, West Wimmera Tolmie, E., Deneran, Benalla Holland's Creek, , 'l'orry, J. S., Bealiba, Castlemaine w. Tozer, Francis, Junction of Hopkins and Black Waddle, W., exors. of, I Y U, Melbourne Rivers, Warruambool Walker, Alexander, Dalliamong, East Wimmera Trust and Agency Co., Buckrabanyule, Castle- Walker, W. G, Tom Groggin, Omeo mame Omeo B, Omeo Trust and Agency Co., Baileston, Echuca Wall, lt., Stainsforth, Gisborne 11 East Charlton, Castle Wallace William, Ficary, South Gipps Land maine Wallace, , John, Ballark, No 1 and 2, Grant Narrewilleck, Waller, W. W., Bureep Bureep, South Gipps Terappeet Land Terrick lerrick West, Waller and Haxell, Merton Rush, South Gipps Echuca Land Wychetella, Castlemaine Walsh and O' Brien, Mount Ararat Creek, Mel- Yeungroonmp,, Echuca bourne Duck Swa Warby, Benjamin, junr, Taminick Plains, Buchan, Oineo Benalla Western Albacutya, Ware, Joseph, Minjah, Warrnambool Swan Hill Muston's Creek No. 2, Warrnam- 11 Barbiston , Swan Hill bool Kenmare, „ Ware, Joseph, Spring Byrne, Portland 11 Muckross, „ Sinclair West 11 DunDunmore West, Warr- Ware, John Green Hills, Warrnambool Ware J (x., Koorkootnong, or Cloven Hill, Snaky Creek, Warr- \Varrnambool nambool Ware, J G and J. Yalla-y-poora, Ararat „ Squattleseamere, Warr- Warren, Richard, 1&ount Typo, Beechworth nambool Watson, Andrew, Nangwarry, Portland Cobram, Benalla Watson, S. G., Wermatong, Beechworth Evergreen, West Wim- Tintaldra, Beechworth mera Jerrimul, Beechworth „ Glanmire , West Wim- 11 Cunyong, Omeo mera Walwa, Beechworth „ Pine Hills, Lake Hind- Watson W Corhanwarrabul Settled Districts marsh, West Wimmera Watts, J. Dorap East, West 'Wimmera Tucket, W. H , Spring Bank, Portland Webster, John, Shadwell North, Warrnambool Turnbull, J. F., Lowyang, South Gipps Land Webster, M'Kinnon, and Wright, Mount Bat- Traralgon East, tery, Benalla Turnbull, Thomas, Emu Plains, Benalla Wedge, H., Sections, Eumemmering, Settled Broken Creek, Districts Turnbull, George, Bolangum, East V6mmera Wheeler, Arthur, Upton, Benalla Curren East, Wheeler, Charles Nariel, Beechworth West, Wheeler, Henry, Wangambehan, Benalla Turnbulland Son, Winniburn, Portland White, James, Brisbane Hill, Portland Turnbull, Thomas, Honeysuckle North, Benalla White T. W, Bagshot Heath Swan Hill Turnbull and Co., Sections, Settled Districts Whitehead, Robert, Spring Creek, Warrnam- Turnbull, Phipps, 11 bool „ Laen , East Wimmera Whitehead, Thomas, Wabba, Beechworth Witehipool, Whittaker, J. and J, Longlands, West Wim- Turnbull R. and P., Mangrove, South Gipps mera Land Whittaker William, Tibbutt, North Gipps Ld. Turner, W. J., Comay, West Wimmera Williams, J ., Sutton Grange, Castlemaine Twomey, John, sent ., Old Stockyard, Portland Williams, P. J, Curyo South, Swan Hill Twomey, John, Kolor, Warriiambool Williamson, C., Junction or Glenlogie, East Wimmera Williamson C., Decameron, East Wimmera Willan, P. o., Kingarara Creek, Castlemaine Kingower U. Willis, Charles, Tea Tree Creek Warrnambool Willis, E , Koolomert, West Wimmera Underwood and Pickering, Muddy Creek, A, Wills, T. Sections Plenty, Settled Districts Gisborne Willis , William, Wellatt, West Wimmera Urquhart, George, Gayiield, or Kulknyne, Swan Wilson, Alexander, Vectis Hill Wyn-wyn Urquhart, George, Mournpool, Swan Hill Mucxnidar Ballarook, West Wimmera Arapiles Nurnurnemal, Swan Hill Darragan Ouyen, Wilson, David, Bryan O'Lynn, Warrambool Raak, Wilson, John, Christmas Hills, Melbourne Yellamyip, Wilson , Thomas, Dowling Forest, Ballarat Wil DIRECTORY. Zea 85

Wilson, George, Wonga Lake, Swan Hill Winter Brothers, Burramboot,!Echuca Wilson and Leece, St. ,Mary's Lake, West Wim- Withers, Jason, Ultima Beechworth m era Eldorado West , Wilson, James, Tallangatta Beechworth Wood Brothers and Kirk, Pental Island, Swan 11 Kangaroo Giround Hill Wilson, Samuel, Narmbcol, Ballaarat Wood Brothers and Kirk, Gerahmin „ Wilson and Elder, Yariam, Grant South Tyrrell „ Wilson Brothers, Green Hills, East Wimmera Woodside, John, Happy Valley Creek, Beech- Kirkwood worth „ Marma Downs „ Woodside, John, Kiewa, Beechworth St Helen's Worster, Mary, George and Thomas, Bynno- Walmer and Tulganny, West mongee, Omeo Wimmera Wright, C. E., Lake Catherine, Warrnambool Wilson Brothers, Kewell, West Wimmera Sherbrook Blackheath East , Wyslaskie, J. D., Nanapumelap, Ararat Longerenong, East Wimmera Ashens Y. Avon or Mallee Plains „ Wilson, Crosbie and Boyd, Kathkin, Benalla Youl, Ebenezer, St. Kitts, Warrnambool Winter, John, Stewart's Plains, Echuca Young, Thomas, Newington, West Wimmera Caragarac „ Youn g, William, Dundas Colbinabin Mount Koroit Corop Younger, George, Bochara Bans haw, Ballarat Winter, Samuel Pratt, Murndah or Spring Val- Z. ley, Portland Winter, J. and W., Colbinabin North, Echuca Zeally, Robert, South Beach, Settled Districts 86 GENERAL INFORMATION.


ARARAT. (154 miles from Melbourne - Ballarat line. Pop. Elec. dis. 3,981: municipality, 1570.)

LAW, &c. -Chairman of Gen. Scs., Judge of C. of Mines and County C., J. L. Clarke. Pol. Magis., Coroner, Vis. Jus., Chinese Protector, Com. of Crown Londs, Warden, &c., J. G. Taylor. Super. of Police, T. E. Langley. Clerk of the Peace, County C., Clerk of Pet . Sessions , Court of Mines, Warden's Clerk, F. C. Cope. Postmas. and Tel. Sta. Mas., K. L. Murray. Dep. Reg., J. Cannon. Pub. Vac., J. Galbraith. Local Jus.-J. L. Clarke, J. G. Taylor, J. Richardson, C. Campbell, J. M. Saunders, G. Thompson, F. Gamson, G. Logan. Mayor, T. Walker. Town Clerk, J. Campbell. BANKS.-New South Wales, J. M. Saunders. London Chartered, J. B. Littlejohn. Bank of Victoria, W. Blackburn. INSURANCE.-Victoria, J. Parkin. Australian Alliance, Edward McCabe. Austra- lasian, A. W. Lamont. London and Lancashire, T. Foyster. Imperial, W. N. Swan. HOTELS.-Manchester , - Parkinson . Bull and Mouth , - Mulcahy. Great Eastern, B. Simmons. Shamrock, W. O'Callaghan. Court House, W. Rundle. COACHES.-To Ballarat, Maryborough, and Pleasant Creek, daily. MISCELLANEOUS.-Mining Board- Chairman, E. Salisbury; Clerk, J. Payne. Road Board: Chairman, G. Thomson. Clerk, J. Maclean. Barrister, J. Lamont. Solicitor, J. Y. Presswell. Hospital: President, K. I. Murray. Secretary, J. Cannon. Mechanics ' Institute , J. Campbell, Secretary . News Agent, J. Cannon. Newspaper, Ararat Advertiser.


(124 miles from Melbourne , 28 from Ballarat , 28 from Ararat.)

LAW, &c.--Judge of County Ct. and Ct. of Mines, J. L. Clark. Clerk of Ct. of Mines, County C., and Court of P. Sess , Com. of Supreme Court, Gold Receiver, and Elect . Reg., C. W. Minchni . Bailiff, W. E Nickols . Elec. Tel. Station Master and Postmaster, G. Allan. Police Sergeant, R. Chamberlain. Shire of Ripon: Secretary, J. Wotherspoon. P.M. and Warden, F. R. Pohlman. Public Vaccinator, J. Johnston. BANK.-Victoria, W. Mendell (acting) INSURANCE.-Alliance, R. McNiece. London and Lancashire , W. Tonge. Victoria, E. W. Bagshawe. HOTELS.- Camp, Tomkins ; Golden Age, J. Smith; Bickne ll' s Bicknell ; Beaufort, Scharpe ; Garibaldi, Mitchell; Barley Mow, H. Bourne ; Golden Lion, C. Richardson; Reservoir, H. Smith; Cricketers' Arms, G. Searle; All Nations', W. Schultz. COACHto and from Ararat, Beaufort , and Ballarat , daily. MISCELLANEOUS.- Grammar School , W. Humpage; Common School , Mr. Grenvi ll e. GENERAL INFORMATION. 87

BELFAST, PORT FAIRY. (186 miles from Melbou rn e. Pop. Elec. Dis., 2,338; Municipality , 2,300.) Law.-Stipendiary Magistrate, G. Stewart. Superintendent of Police, S. S. Furnell. Collector of Customs, P. Nicolson. Receiver and Paymaster, P. Nicolson. Harbor Master and Pilot, J. B. Mills. Immigration Agent, P. Nicolson. Local Guardian of Minors, G. Stewart . Clerk of the Peace , County C., and Pet . Sess. and Registrar, W. E. Wheeler. Postmaster and Tel. Station Master, J. A. Lynar. Coroner, Dr. Jermyn. Mayor, R. H. Woodward. Town Clerk and Surveyor, W. Barrett. BANKS.- Australasia , T. Ingram . Victoria , W. Young. Savings ' Bank, Actuary, R. Allen. INSURANCE,-Liverpool and London and Globe, Lord, Croaker, & Co. Australasian, U. Allen. Victoria , J. Mason. Australian Alliance, W. Beaver . European , R. A ll en, Imperial , G. Haynes. Australian Mutual , J. H. Atkinson. STEAMERS.-Every week from Melbourne Lord, Croaker, & Co., Agents. COACHES.-Leave the Star of the West Hotel, for Warrnambool, Camperdown, Colac, and Geelong, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 4 p. m., through from Warrnambool to Geelong and Melbourne in one day. HOTELS.- Farmer 's, J. Wall; Star of the West , S. Taylor; Caledonian , A. McLaren; Union, Mrs. M. A. Gillespy; Stag, L. Trew; Bank, H. Wallace; Commercial, D. Smith; Royal Hibernian, P. Anderson. NLwsPAvERS.-Weekly: Belfast Gazette, and Banner of Belfast. SCHOOLS.-Church of England, W. Conroy and Mrs. M. A. Braim ; Wesleyan, W. Bedford and A. Witton ; Roman Catholic, Mr. O'Callaghan and M. Roe. MISCELLANEOUS.-District Council: P. Duffus (chairman). Engineer and Secretary, D. J. Howes. Benevolent Asylum: Secretary, D. J. Howes; Surgeon, W. Loftus, M.D. Mechanics' Institute: President, R. H. Woodward; Librarian, A. Youngman. Tem- perance Society: Secretary, W. Powling. Cricket Club and Western Turf Club: President, R. H. Woodward; Hon. Sec., E. G. Yorke. Lloyd's Agent, H. Flower. News Agent, R. Allen.

CASTERTON. (272 mile from Melbourne, 40 from Hamilton, and 60 from Portland.) LAW, &c.-P. M. and Com. of Crown Lands, C. Fetherstonaugh. Clerk of Petty Sess. and Agent of Board of Land and Works , G. Cue. Local Justices , F. Henty, W. H. Tuckett, J. H. Jackson, J. S. Marray, and G. Carmichael. Coroner, Dep. Reg. and Pub. Vaccinator, C. Radford. Surgeons, T. M. Wyly, M.D., C. Radford, F. R. C. S. E. Postmaster , E. C. Courtis . Telegraph , E. L. Merchant. t'olice Serg. and Insp. of Slaughter -houses, W. B. Price. Poundkeeper , H. Davis. Shire Council: G. Carmichael, President. INSURANCE.- Australian Mutual, H. Davis. COACHES.-For Hamilton, via Coleraine , Mon., Wed., Fri., 10 a.m. For Penola, Tues ., Thurs., Sat ., 12 noon. For Portland, Tues ., Thurs., Sat ., 5 a.m. HOTEL.-Glenelg, P. Chaffey. MISCELLANEOUS.- Common School, R. W. Bell.

COLAC. (92 miles from Melbourne, 30 from Camperdown.) LAW, &c.-Judge of County Ct., His Honor C. B. Brewer . Clerk of Pet . Sess., Elect. alfd Dep. Reg., G. Dunderdale . Local Justices : H. Murray, A . Dennis, R. Calvert, J. D . Bromfield. Coroner , Dr. T. Rae. County Ct. Bailiff, B. J. Miller. Poundkeeper , W. Bradley. Postmaster and Electric Teleg ., E. Smith . Elect. Ret. Officer, J. D. Bromfield . Police Serg ., W. Child. Shire Council : Chairman, H. Murray; Clerk , C. P. Wilson . Public Vaccinator , Dr. Rae. Corns. for taking Affidavits , J. R. Lane and G. Dunderdale . J.P. empowered to consent to the Marriage of Minors , H. Murray. BANK.- National, J. Hinckley. 88 GENERAL INFORMATION.

INSURANCE. -Victoria Life and General, J. Connor. HOTELS.-Victoria, Telegraph, Royal, Oddfellows', Colac. MISCELLANEOUS.-Schools: Roman Catholic, J. McCormack; Common, G. Archer. Agri. and Horti. Society, J. Chapman, Sec. Cricket Club, E. Smith, Sec. Temperance Hall, W. Smith, Librarian.

COLERAINE. (205 miles from Melbourne, 60 from Portland, 21 from Hamilton.) LAW, &c.-Police Mag., C. Featherstonaugh. Clerk of Petty Sessions, Com. of Supreme Ct. for taking Affidavits, and Elect. Reg., G. Cue. Local Justices, A. Turn. bull, W. Learmouth, G. Trangmar. Constable in charge, J. G. Gray. Inspector of Slaughter House, J. G. Gray. Poundkeeper, D. Barry. Public Vaccinator, J. Baird, Postmaster and Deputy Registrar, G. Trangmar. SCHOOLS.-Church of England, Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald. Roman Catholic, Mime Buckley. HOTELS. -Coleraine Hotel, H. Nickols. Koroit Inn, P. Miller. COACHES.-A mail car to carry six passengers passes through Coleraine each alternate clay from Hamilton to Penola, S.A., by Casterton. MISCELLANEOU14.-BookClub, A. Turnbull, Sec. Cricket Club, G. Trangmar, Sec.

DIGBY. (254 miles from Melbourne, 41 from Portland.) LAW, &c.-P.M. and Com. of Crown Lands, C. Fetherstonau*h. Clerk of Petty Sess., A Tent to Board of Land and Works, and Com. for taking Affidavits, J. H. Quinn. Local Justices: J. Coldham, F. Henty, and S. P. Winter. Dep. Reg. and Pub. Vaccinator, C. Eastwood. Postmaster, R. I. Mercer. Insp. of Slaughter Houses, F. Keon. Poundkeeper, A. J. Farley. Police: Sen. Cons. Keon. HOTELS.-Woolpack, C. Whyte. Digby, T. Buckle. INSURANCE.-Australian Alliance, R. T. Mercer & Co. COACHES.-For Melbourne and Portland, via Heywood, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8 a.m.; returning Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 1 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS.-COmmOn Schools, Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood,

GEELONG. (Pop. 23,037; Municipality, 14,784.) THE CORPORATION OF GEELONG. R. de B Johnstone, Mayor. Wards. Aldermen. Retires. Bellerine ...... R. Upston 9 November, 1867 Kardinia ...... J. Hedrick 1867 Villamanata . R. de B. Johnstone 1868 Barwon ...... T. N. Couves 1868 Thomson ...... I. Boynton 1868 Bellerine ...... C. A. Woolley ...... :31 October, 1865 „ ...... W. Mathews ...... 1866 ...... W. Carpenter ...... 1867 Kardinia ...... W. Morris ...... 1865 ...... A. C. McDonald... 1866 ...... R. Reeves ... 1867 Villamanata ...... M. S. Levy 1865 „ J. M. Anderson 1866 J. Brearley 1867 Barwon ...... J. Whitchell ... 1865 W. Ashmore ...... 1866 ...... W. Veitch 1867 Thomson ...... J. Holdsworth ... 1865 ...... Jas.Oddy ...... 1866 J. M. Garratt ...... 1867 GENERAL INFORMATION. 89

Town Clerk, W. Weirs. Treasurer, H. Roebuck. Surveyor, R. Balding. Rate Collectors, &c., G. Power, 9. Trotman. Town and Lodging House Inspector, &c., J. Tweedale. Inspector of General Market, T. Inglis. Inspector Haymarket, L. Ryan. Town Herdsman, W. Luxmoor. BOROUGH OF SOUTH BARw0N.-Mayor, S. Brearley. Town Clerk, J. Richardson. BOROUGH OF NEWTON AND CHILWELL.-Mayor, P. Huddart. Town Clerk, J. Sayers. LAW, &c.-Judge of the County C. of Grant, Chairman of Gen. See., and Com. of Insolvent Estates for the Circuit District of Geelong, His Honor C. B. Brewer. Clerk of the Peace, County Ct. and Isolvent Ct., A. P. Akehurst. County Court Bailiff, W. Harper. Insolvent Court, Bailiff and Messenger , P. J. Martyn. Com. of Crown Lands and Sheriff for the Circuit District of Geelong, R. Reds. Official Assignee, J. Simson. Clerk, S. A. Bryant. Bailiff, J. Izod. MAGISTRATES.-His Worship the Mayor; William Henry Bonsey, Pol. Mag. Justices the Peace: G. Armytage, sen., J. Austin, J. Balfour, J. Bell, G. Board, W. Bright, W. Burrow, J. B. Callan, J. Calvert, A. M. Campbell, H. Chambers, J. Cowie, F. Champion, H. Coward, S. L. Curlewis, J. Day, A. Douglas, C. J. Dennys, W. Fenwick, F. Fyans, N. Foott, J. Guthrie, V. W. Gibbin, J. S. Hill, R. C. Hope, J. R. Hopkins, C. Ibbotson, D. Lan den, J. C. Langden, W. G. McKeller, J. G. McMillan, P. McDonald, J. Myles, J. H. Mercer, J. R. Morris, M. Minter, J. Noble, R. Richardson, T. Roadknight, A. S. Robertson, J. C. Raymond, J. F. Strachan, J. Von Steiglitz, F. Shaw, V. Suter, M. Tracey, H. S. Wills, G. Webster. Harbour Master, D. McPherson. Clerk, R. Christie. Coroner, F. Shaw, M.D. and J.P. Postmaster, W. Thacker. Collector of Customs, J. Guthrie, District Surveyor, A. J. Skene. Deputy Sheriff, R. Rede. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.-D. R. Penton, Superintendent, Great Ryrie street. BANKS.-Bank of Australasia, J. R. Morris. New South Wales, W. J. M. Larnach. Union, J. S. Turner. Victoria, V. W. Giblin. London Chartered, J. Galletly. Savings', Actuary, A. R. Reed, J.P. Colonial, A. S. Park. National, - Harrington. INSURANCE COMPANIES.-Victoria, Gibson Bros. Liverpool and London and Globe, J. Henty & Co. Tasmanian, Ogilvie & Robinson. Derwent and Tamar, James Henty & Co. Imperial, A. C. McDonald. Hobart Town and Launceston, Swanton, Willis, and Stephen. Australasian, G. Fraser. European, B. Scott. Australian Alliance, J. Campbell. London and Lancashire, C. A. Hodgson. Australian Mutual, H. C. Wigg. Southern, C. J. Dennys & Co. POLICE.-Superintendent, W. A. P. Dana. Sub-Inspector, H. Downing. Court open daily, at 10 a.m. Clerk of Petty Ses.: W. H. Anderson. Police cases heard every day. Summonses, within the Town boundary, on Mondays and Fridays. All cases outside the Town boundary, on Wednesdays. Summonses to be taken out between 10 and 12 o'clock daily. HOTELS. -British, Corio street; Commercial, A. Bent, Corio street west; Haymarket, Moorabool street; Mack's, Corio terrace; Terminus, James Bedford, Mercer street; Victoria, J. Lewis, Moorabool street; Union, - Rowley, Malop street; Black Bull, Joseph Rice, Malop street. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.-A. Douglas, chairman; Secretary, Henry C. Wigg. COACHES.-For Colac and Camperdown, from the Union Hotel, Gt. Malop street, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 6 a.m .; returning the following day at 6 p.m. Also, a night coach, running through, to Warrnambool and Belfast, same days, at 10 p.m., via Winchelsea, Bungurra, Colac, Larpent, Camperdown, Terang, Allansford, and Black's River; returning Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 8 p.m. For Warrnambool and Belfast, Tuesday and Friday, at 4 a.m., via Cressy, Darlington, Mortlake, Framlingham, and Woodford; returning Wednesday and Saturday, at 8 p.m. For Hamilton, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 a.m., via Mortlake, Hexham, Cara- mut, and Penshurst; returning alternate days at 8 p.m. "For Queenscliff, daily, at 2 p.m. and 10 p.m.; returning at 10 a. m. For Colac and Camperdown, from Archer's Prince of Wales Hotel, Wednesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m ., and for Warrnambool, Tuesday and Friday, at 5 a. m. NEWSPAPERS.-News Agency Office, Henry Franks, Stationer . Geelong Advertiser, daily ; publisher, A Douglass ; Melbourne Agents, Gordon & Gotch. Geelong Chronicle, Wednesday and Saturday. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. - Office : 48 Moorabool street ; President, R. C. Hope. Treasurer , A. Douglass. Secretary , James Campbe ll . HORTICULTURAL PROVE ['ENT ASSOCIATION.- President , A. S. Robert son. Seem tart', Wm. Batson . Treasurer , W. Chtrkson. N 90 GENERAL INFORMATION.

LADIES' BENEVOLENTASSOCIATION .- Pres., Mrs. Hewlett . See., Mrs. Burn. AUXILIARY TO THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY.- Secretaries , Rev. G. Goodman and B. W. Wheatland . Treasurer , J. S. Turner. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.- Great Ryrie street. B. W. Wheatland , Secretary. VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE.- T. Thompson , Foreman. INFIRMARY AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETY.-Secretary, John Middlemiss . Resident Surgeon,D. B. Reid. ORPHAN ASYLUMS.- Secretary , J. Campbe ll. Saint Augustine 's Orphanage , Newton Hi ll . Patron , Very Rev. Dean Hayes.

HAMILTON. (219miles from Melbourne, 55 from Portland, and 60 from Port Fairy. Population of the Municipality, 1500.) LAw, &c.-Chairman of General Sessions, and Judge of County Court, J. L. Clarke. Crown Prosecutor, J. F. Nolan. Clerk of the Peace, County C. and Pet. Ses., Elec. Reg., Dep. Reg., R. Garton. Paymaster, Receiver, and Land Officer, E. Wrixon. Police Magistrate, Dep. Sheriff, and Vis. Justice, Crown Lands Com., and Guardian of Minors, C. Fetherstonaugh. Local Justices, A. Learmonth (Terri.), F. Henty, E. Henty, J. Coldham, J. G. Jackson, R. Officer, C. Officer, S. P. Winter, C. P. Cooke, A. Turnbull, T. McKillar, J. Mackersey, P. Learmonth. Coroners, C. Fether. stonaugh, and A. Learmonth. Returning Officer, W. Skene. Election Auditor, H. Cox. Public Vaccinator, E. Govett. Police Sub-Inspector, - Kabat. Inspector of Slaughter Houses, R. Kennedy. Poundkeeper, R. Bloomfield. Postmaster, C. Rogers. Electric Telegraph Station Master, W. Weston. Mayor, A. Learmonth. Town Clerk, J. S. Jenkins. INSURANCE.-Victoria, A. Learmonth. Australasian, D. Cameron. London and Lancashire, H. N. Powell. Liverpool, and London and Globe, G. W. Harris. Australian Alli ance, J. Learmonth. Australian Mutual, D. Laidlaw. Imperial, D. Laidlaw. European, A. Learmonth. BANES.-Bank of Victoria, Manager, D. Williamson. National, Manager, D. McPherson. Savings' Bank, Actuary, Alexander Learmonth. HOTELS. Hamilton, Grant Bros. Victoria, W. Malcolm, Commercial, R. Barfield. Prince of Wales, J. Serior. COACHES.-For Dunkeld, Wickliffe, Fiery Creek, Emu Creek, Skipton, and Ballarat, daily, at I a.m.; returning at 8.30 p.m. For Branxholme, Greenhills, Heywood, and Portland, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 a.m.; returning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 3 p.m. For Redruth, Coleraine, Casterton, and Penola, Wednesday and Saturday, at 5 a.m.; returning on Tuesday and Friday, at 7.30 p.m. For Cavendish, Balmoral, Harrow, Apsley, and Lake Wallace, on Tuesday and Satur. day, at 5 a.m.; returning on Monday and'Friday, at 3 p.m. For Penshurst, Caramut, Hexham, and Mortlake, Thursday, at 6 a.m ; returning on Monday, at 9 a.m. SCHOOLS.-Common, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips; Corresponding Patron, R. Garton. Roman Catholic, - Nicholas and Mrs. Flinn. Presbyterian, - Frazer. German Lutheran, 0. Mueller. MISCELLANEOUS.-Pastoral and Agricultural Association. Secretary, Alex. Lear- month. Mechanics' Institute, Secretary, J. Doig. Cricket Club, Secretary, W. Vale. Turf Club, Secretary, N. J. Uren. Ancient Order of Foresters, Secretary, W. Mott. Hospital and Benevolent Asylum, Secretary, J. H. Gome. Shire of Dundas, Secretary, J. Walpole. Newspapers, Hamilton Spectator, an d Free Press.

MEREDITH. (70; miles from Melbourne, on the Geelongand Ballarat line of railway.) LAw.-P.M., Warden, and Com, of Crown Lands, J. M. Clow. Clerk of Petty Ses- sions, R. Singleton. Territorial Magistrate, J. Munro, of Native Creek. Solicitor, G. King. Police, Sen. Const. R. Hadfield in charge. Road Board, W. J. Reid, chairman, D. Hamilton, clerk and treasurer. Postmaster, C. L. Nugent. Common School, J. Vickers. INSURANCE.-Victoria Life and General, T. Conner. HOTEL.-Royal, Goslings and Meredith. CoAcH, carrying the mail, leaves Steiglitz for Meredith (Sundays excepted), at 10.45 atm., returning at 2.45 p.m. from Meredith. GENERAL INFORMATION. 91

PORTLAND. (255miles fromMelbou rne.-Pop. Municipality, 2804.) LAW, &c.-Police Magistrate, J. Blair. Local Justices, E. Henty, T. Must, T. Finn, H. E. Brewer, M.D., J. Trangmar, and C. Croaker. Clerk of the Bench, Regis- trar of County Court, and Clerk of the Peace, E. Manning . Sheriff, visited from Ararat. Sheriff's Bailiff, - Fricker. County C. Bailiff, H. Beauvais. Governor of Gaol, T. F. Hyland. Com. of Sup. Court for Taking Affidavits, J. Blair, P.M., P. Scott, E Manning. Com. Sup. Court, S. Australia, E. Manning . Notary Public, P. Scott. Dep. Reg, E. Atkinson. Sup. of Police, H. R. Barclay. Com. for taking Acknowledgments of Married Women, Registrar of Imported Live Stock, E. Manning. Poundkeeper, S. Hazeldine. Inspector of Distilleries, H. R. Barclay. Tel. Station and Postmaster, E. Braun. Collector of Customs, W. A. Moore. Landing Waiter, E. Wardell. Lighthouse-keeper, L. Barton. Harbour Master, J. Fawthrop. Immigra- tion Agent, W. A. Moore. Receiver and Paymaster, W. A. Moore. Coroner, H. E. Brewer, M.D. Thos. Must, Mayor. E. Atkinson, Town Clerk and Borough Treasurer. Shire Council, J. Trangmar, President. BANxs.-Union, W. A. Stokes. Australasia, D. W. Gallie. Victoria, F. C. Oswald. Savings Bank , J. Smith, Actuary. INSURANCE.-London and Liverpool and Globe, S. G. Henty and Co. Victoria, Crouch and Fethers. Australasian, T. Must. Australian Alliance, J. Robertson. European, E. Atkinson. Imperial, Trangmar and Crouch. Southern, S. G. Henty and Co. Australian Mutual, E. Atkinson. HOTELS.-Tasmanian; Mac's, Mrs. McDonald ; Lamb, S. M'Conachy ; Builders' Arms, Mrs. Doueal ; Britannia, J. Tooke ; Commercial, B. Edrick ; Union, J. Kelly ; Victoria,S. Hutchinson. CiOACHES.-Cobb and Co.'s Royal Mail Coaches leave Mac's Hotel, Portland, daily, at 6 a.m., for Geelong, Casterton , Hamilton , Melbourne , &c. Retu rn Coaches arrive at Portl an d at 3 p.m. NawspArERS.-Portland Guardian, twice a week. Western Times, twice a week. Argos Agent, E. Atkinson. ScnooLS,-Common, C. S. Dunbar. Ch. of England, J. Dempster. R. Catholic, Mr. Cusack. STEAMERS-The Western, from Melbourne, every Tuesday, Capt. Lucas. Leaves Portland for Belfast, Warrnambool, and Melbourne, every Friday. Agents, Messrs. Henty and Co. MiscnLLAnEous.-Benevolent Asylum : J. Blair, P.M, Pres. ; T. E. White, Surgeon- Super . ; R. Clay, Sec. Building Society, R. Clay, Sec. Cricket Club, J. R. V. Gold- stein , Sec. Mechanics ' Institute , W. Flannigan, Sec. Botanical Gardens , W. Allitt, Curator. Land Officer, W. A. Moore.

SKIPTON. (EmuCreek , 30 miles fromBallarat, on the mainroad to Hamilton.) LAw, &c.- Police Magistrate , F. R. Pohlman. Local Justice, J. Aitken. Clerk of Pet. Sess . and Sen . Constable, J. P. Gannon. Poundkeeper, J. Daly, Dep. Reg., Elect. Reg, and Postmaster, A. M. Elder. HOTELS.-Ripon, J. Tucker ; Skipton, J. Madden. MISCELLANEOUS.- Western District Pastoral and Agricultural Association, Sec., T. Shaw.

STAWELL (PLEASANT CREEK). (177miles from Melbourne : Ballaratline.) LAw, &c.-Warden and P.M., B. Smith. Local Jus., B. Smyth (Dep. Sheriff), E. J. Bennett , D. Scallan , J. Childe, J. Holt. Chairm an of Gen. Seas., J. L. Clarke. Clerk of Courts an d Electoral Registrar , H. H. Roberts. Postmaster and Telegraph master, E. Johnson . Caroner an d Deputy Registrar, E. J. Bennett. Police , Sup. M `Culloch. BANx .- Oriental , H. P. Wil son, manager. INSURANCE.- Australasian, Mantel and Kraefft. Australian All iance, D. Scallan, J.P. London and Lancashire, J. Dane. Northern, B. Sutherland. Imperial, A. B. Clemes. European, A. B. Clemea. 92 GENERAL INFORMATION.

HOTELS.-Connick's Camp, Munro's Constitution, D'Aroy's Shamrock, Kinsella's Star, Jenning's Western Turf, Blackburn's Commercial, 'Burnside's Hotel, Joyce's Hibernia, Jones's Castlemaine, Hickey's Bull and Mouth. MISCELLANEous.-Hospital : President, D. Scallan, J.P.; Secretary, C. Playford. Shire Council: President, D. Scallan, J.P.; Treasurer and Secretary, H. Keiley. Me- chanics ' Institute: President, J. Dalton; Secretary, J. H. Dane. Mining Surveyor, J. D'Alton. Newspaper, Ararat Advertiser. News Agent, J. Cannon.

STEIGLITZ. (Distancefrom Meredith Railway Station , 7 miles. Population, 1000.) LAw.-Judge of Court of Mines, J. W. Rogers. Clerk, R. Singleton. Resident Police Magistrate , Warden, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Chinese Protector, and Guardian of Minors, J. M. Clow. Deputy Registrar, R. Singleton. Electoral Regis. trar, B. Goulden. Clerk of Petty Sessions, Warden's Clerk, Agent for Board of Land and Works, Commissioner for Taking Affidavits, R. Singleton. District Mining Sur- veyor, T. Woolgrove. Postmaster, W. R. Cooper. INsuRANCE.-London and Lancashire, W. R. Cooper. HoTELs.-Victoria, The Forest Home, Steiglitz, Albert Edward, Court House and Cricketers' Hotel. COACHES.-A coach, carrying the mails, leaves the Post-office, Steiglitz, daily, at 10.45 a.m., arriving at Meredith Railway Station at 12 noon , returning at 2.45 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS.-Cricket Club , R. Robinson , Sec. Mechanics ' Institute , R. Robin- son, Sec. News Agent, W. R. Cooper.

WARRNAMBOOL. (About170 miles fromMelbourne . Steamerstwice a week. Pop. municipality, 2700.) LAw, &c.-P. M. and Com. of Crown Lands, L. W. Gilles. Clerk of the Bench, J. M. Ardlie. Coroners, L. W. Gilles and R. H. Harrington. Col. of Cus., Imm. Agent and Sub-Treasurer, PA. W. Musgrove. Harbour, Master and Pilot, Capt. Helpman. Landing Waiter, A C. Farquharson, Reg. of County and Clerk of Peace, J. M. Ardlie. Government Engineer, S. Parker. District Surveyor, R. D. Scott. Postmaster and Elec. Tel. Station Master, T. Rackham. Mayor, J. W. M. Aitkin. Town Clerk, - Laurie. Shire Council : Chairman , E. Bostock ; Secretary , A. Davies. Police, Serj. Johnston. BANKS.-Australasia , W. H. Palmer ; Victoria , R. B. Paterson ; Savings' Bank, T. Raingill, actuary. INSURANCE.-Liverpool and London and Globe, Aitkin and Bostock; Victoria, F. P. Stevens and Co.; Australasian, W. Davies ; Imperial, G. Slous ; European, J. Hider ; Australian Alliance, A. Macfarlane ; Australian Mutual, G. Slows ; Southern, Aitken and Bostock. HOTELS.-Commercial, J. C. A. Kruger ; Victoria, A. Murray ; Rising Sun, W. Wall ; Caledonia, J. Wilson ; Hibernian, W. O'Brien ; Princess Alexandra, H. Ehmke; Warrnambool, T. Burnett ; Hotel Royal, - Fligg. COACHES-From Commercial hotel , for Geelong , Tuesday , Thursday , and Saturday, at 11 p.m, via Terang , Camperdown , and Colac. From Evans and Gleeson's booking office, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at 10 p in., via Camperdown and Colac ; Monday and Friday, at 12 noon , via Mortlake . For Belfast , Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday , at 4 p.m., and Tuesday and Saturday , 11 a.m. MISCELLANEOUS - Hospital and Benevolent Asylum : President and Treasurer, F. P. Stevens ; Secretary, A. Davies. Argus and Brad8haw's Guide, W. Davies. Steam- ers to and from Melbourne , Western and Edina, twice a week . Government moorings laid down fit for the largest vessels . Schools : Common , W. M'Leish ; Church of England, W. Robb ; Wesleyan , W. B. Stocks . Mechanics ' Institute : Secretary, H.T. Read. Cricket Club : Secretary, J. L. Wall. Temperance Society : Secretary, W. Robb . Bible Society : Secretary , J. W. Andler . Christian Association : Secretary, J. M. Ard li e. Newspapers : Warrnambool Examiner and Sentinel . Fire Brigade : Secretary , J. D. Burnie. Caledonian Society : Secretary , A. B. Mackay. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS.

PAGIC Adams, J., saddler, &c., 94 Elizabeth street, Melbourne ,.. ... 98 Alcock & Co., billiard table manufacturers, Russell street, Melbourne ,., x Alston, D., saddler, &c., 25 Bourke street west, Melbourne ,,, 91 Anderson, J. M., tailor and clothier, 8 Malop street, Geelong ...... iii. Australasian Insurance Company, Collins street west, Melbourne ...... 79 Bank of Australasia ... 69 Bank of New South Wales, Malop street, Geelong ...... 73 Bank of Victoria, Melbourne, Geelong, &c...... 70,71, 78 Bartlett, Edwin, draper, &c., 69 and 70 Moorabool street, Geelong ...... 81 Berliner, private inquiry office, 78 Elizabeth street, Melbourne ...... 86 Briggs & Co., drapers, &e., Timor street, Warrnambool ...... 82 Bright Bros., Peruvian guano, Flinders lane west, Melbourne ...... 97 Bright & Hitchcock, general drapers, Moorabool street, Geelong ...... ii. Bromby, Dr., Church of England Grammar School ... 95 Burke Bros., outfitters, Malop street, Geelong ...... 84 Burn, Mrs., Ladies' College, Gheringhap street, Geelong ...... 93 Campbell, John, draper, &c., Grey street, Hamilton ,,, ...... 83 Chapman, H. W., guano merchant, 89 Queen street, Melbourne ...... 100 Cleland's miscellaneous depot, Stephen street, Melbourne ...... 99 Colonial Bank of Australasia, Melbourne ...... 72 Cramer, C. A., draper, &c., Timor street, Warrnambool ...... 82 Cramond & Dickson, drapers, Timor street, Warrnambool ...... 84 Daniel, John, ironmonger, 104 Moorabool street, Geelong ...... 81 Decourtet, Mdme., French stay warehouse, 95 Russell street, Melbourne ... 97 Dinte, tailor and habit maker, 238 Bourke street east, Melbourne ...... V. Evans, M., draper, &c., Timor street, Warrnambool ...... 84 Felton, A., 41 and 41a Swanston street ...... 91 Finn J., draper, &c., Julia street, Portland ...... , 90 Ford' W., & Co., wholesale druggists, &c., Swanston street, Melbourne 88 Forster, L, saddler, &c., 25 and 29 Post-Office place (late Little Bourke et. east), Melbourne ...... 91 Grover & Baker sewing machine company, 80 Collins street east, Melbourne vi. Haynes, G., draper, Sackville street, Belfast ...... 102 Henson, gun maker, Bourke street east, Melbourne ...... 101 Henty, J., & Co., 11 Little Collins street west, Melbourne...... 98 Hood & Co., manufacturing druggists, 160 Elizabeth street, Melbourne .,,viii. &ix. Huxley, Parker, and Co., Russell street, Melbourne ...... xv, Jacoby, S., draper, &c., Grey street , Hamilton .. ... 89 Lempriere, T. H., stock and share broker, 79 Collins street west, Melbourne... 79 Land Mortgage Bank of Victoria, 28 Collins street east, Melbourne ... 76 Law, Somner, and Co., seedsmen, Swanton street, Melbourne ...... 101 London Chartered Bank of Australia, Ararat ...... 74 94 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. RAGE London and Lancashire Insurance Company, 82 Collins street, Melbourne ... 85 Lovelock, D., Victoria Horse Bazaar, Melbourne ...... 97 McCann, Snoad, and Co., drapers, Barkly street, Ararat ...... 90 Macarthur, Mrs., Ladies' College, Belle Vue House, St. Kilda ...... 99 McCaw and Another, produce brokers, Melbourne ...... 97 McKeand, Andrew, storekeeper, Penola ...... 90 Mathieson, James, gunsmith, 82 Bourke street west, Melbourne ...... 97 Meigs and Anderson, coach proprietors, Grey street, Hamilton ... 80 Mitchener, -, Venetian blind manufacturer , Russell street, Melbourne X. Morrison, G., Geelong College, Geelong...... 94 National Bank of Australasia, Collins street, Melbourne ...... 75 Nicholson, B. B., and Co., guano merchants, 59 Bourke street west, Melbourne 100 Oriental Bank Corporation, Queen street, Melbourne ...... 87 Parrott, carriage builder, Yarra street, Geelong ...... 102 Pearson and Co., stationers, &c., 67 Collins street east, Melbourne ...... 96 Peart, Mrs., Ladies' Seminary, Grey street, St. Kilda ...... 92 Rea and Robertson, wine and spirit merchants, Colac ...... 90 Reid, A., Belmont Flour-mills, Geelong... .. 85 Rolls and Son, boot and shoe importers, &c., 14 Flinders lane west, Melbourne 98 Schott, J., academy of music, 119 Collins street east , Melbourne 92 Skirving, P., draper and clothier, Moorabool street, Geelong ...... 105 Snellgrove Bros., drapers, &c., Grey street, Hamilton ...... 83 Stevens, G., publisher, 23 Post-Office place, Melbourne 102 Stevenson, T., estate agent, &c., 48 Elizabeth street south, Melbourne 99 Stevenson, Moodie, and Miller, storekeepers, Camperdown...... 101 Stoneman, C , coach proprietors, Malop street, Geelong ...... iv. Tallerman, J., general storekeeper, Grey street, Hamilton ...... 103 Union Bank of Australia, Yarra street, Geelong ...... 77 W esley College, M elbourne ...... 95 Wilkie, Webster, and Co., music sellers, &c., Collins street, Melbourne ... 104 5 LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES OF AUSTRALIA.


o . " o i It It. 117. S. Sydney ?3 51 45 111 11 49 10 4 7 26 Brisbane...... 27 25 0 153 5 0 10 12 20 Port Essington,North Australia .... 11 22 0 133 13 0 8 48 52 Melbourne ...... 37 29 255 144 59 0 9 39 56 Adelaide, S.A...... 34 45 0 138 25 50 9 13 40 Hobart Town, Tasmania ...... 42 31 o5 147 28 0 9 49 52 Perth,West Australia...... 31 20 0 115 46 43 7 43 7


TIDES. w m I TIDES. o. o bi a 0 biD o Morn. Even. , Cam, Morn. Even. EXPLANATION AN T) USE se i ME rAELE. In the Gist column is entered H. M. H. M. H M. H. M. the clay of the moon's age, 0 2 51 3 1 16 3 25 3 45 «lnen corresponds with the 1 3 18 3 36 17 4 2 4 19 d w of the moon s agi euterea 2 3' 53 4 11 18 4 36 4 54 in the toutth column of each month of the cilinclai res_ 3 4 28 4 46 19 5 12 5 30 pectively Thenmaheisiiithe 4 5 3 5 51 20 5 50 5 11 second column repiesent the' 5 5 41 6 1 21 6 33 6 56 time of high water at Mel- boaine between morning, or 6 6 2t 6 44 22 7 23 1 51 midnight, and noon for each 7 7 10 7 37 23 8 25 9 9 cciresponding day cf the 8 8 8 8 40 24 9 39 10 18 moon a age on the same line and in the first column, chile 9 9 10 9 5d 25 10 54 11 31 the corieepondingnumberson 10 10 36 11 14 2'0 0 1 0 31 the Same line in the third 11 11 45 0 17 27 0 56 1 21 column show the time of high 12 0 43 1 9 water at Melbourne between 28 1 42 2 3 noon and midnight for the day 13 1 31 1 53 29 2 22 2 42 of the moon a age on the same 14 2 13 2 33 291 2 21 3 0 line, and in the fi rst column. 15 2 50 3 8

CHRONOLOGICALNOTES FOR 1886. Golden Number ...... 5 Dominical Letter ...... G Epaet ...... 14 Roman Indiction ...... 9 Solar Cycle ...... 27 Julian Period...... 6579

ERAS OF THE WORLD. Christian Era ...... 1x66 Roman Era (Building of Rome).. 2649 Jewish Era ...... 5627 Year of the Olypiads...... 2642 Mnhommedan Era ...... 12t•3 Year of Era of Nebochodiiassor.. 2613 Year of the World (Ushci)...... 5870 Julian period ...... 65119 Year of the World (Septuagint).. 7374 JewiehYear (beginnuigSept. 21st) 5027 The Year 1283 of the Hegira begins on May 27th. AUSTRALIAN SEASONS Autumn begins March 21st, 6 a.m. Winter „ June 22nd, 2 a.m. (the shortest day). Spring „ September 231d, 5 Summer „ Deixmber 22nd, 10 a.m. (the longest day). 6 ECLIPSES, 1866. In the Year 1866 there will happen three eclipses of the sun and two of the moon: let. A partial eclipse of the sun on March 17th. Invisible in Australia. 2nd. A total eclipse of the moon on March 31st. Invisible in Australia. 3rd. A partial eclipse of the sun on April 15th. The commencement of which will be visible in Victoria. At Melbourne, the eclipse will begin at 46 minutes past 4. The greatest obscuration will be about the time of sunset, when about one-third of the sun's diameter will be obscured. 4th. A total eclipse of the moon on September 24th. Visible throughout Australia. A, Melbourne the different phenomena will take place at the undermentioned Lim, i First contact with the shadow.. Sept. 24 ...... 10.0 p.m. Beginning of total phase ...... 10.59 Middle of the eclipse ...... 11.47 End of total phase ...... Sept. 25 ...... 12..35 a.m. Last contact with the shadow ...... 1.34 Magnitude 1.61 times the moon's diameter. 5th. A partial eclipse of the sun on October 9th. Invisible in Australia.

THE ROYAL FAMILY. QDAAw (ALAxAwDRINA) VICTORIA, bo rn May 24, 1819; proclaimed lane 21, 18 1 1: crowned June 28 , 1838 ; married February 10, 1840, to her cousin, Field Marshal Ilis Royal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel Duke of Saxe, Prince of Saxe Coburg and Gotha , K.T., G.C.B., born August 26, 1819, died December 14, 1861. Issue .- Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal, born November 21, 1840 married January 25,1858, to Prince Frederick William of Prussia . Albeit L.dward, Prince of Wales and Earl of Dublin, born November 9, 1841 ; married March 10, 1863, to Princess Alexandra of Denmark. Alice Maud Mary, born April 25, 184 3; married July 1, 1862 , to Prince Frederick William Louis of Hesse . Alfred Ernest Albert, bore August 6, 1844 . Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25, 1846. Louisa Carolina Alberta, born March 18, 1849 . Arthur Patrick William Albert, born May 1, 1850. Leopold George Duncan Albeit, born April 7, 1853. Beatrice Mary Victoria Fend ore, born April 14, 1857.( ROYAL PAIxoES AND PRixcEesas .- George Frederick (King of Hanover ), Duke of Cumberland, born May 27, 1819; married February 18, 1843, to Princess Mary of Saxe Altenburg .- Issue : Ernest Augustus, born September 21, 1844. George William Duke of Cambridge , K.G., G.C.b1.G., born March 26, 1819; Princess Augusta Ca, oline, of Cambridge , July 19,1822 ; married June 28, 1843 , to Fredeu(k. Grand Duke of Meek. lenburg Strelitz; ' Princess Mary Adehide, November 27, 183 3. Augusta, Dowag Duchess of Cambridge, born July 25, 1797.

HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT. First Lord of the Treasury (Premier)-Viscount Palmerston. Lord High Chancellor- Secretary of State for the Foreign Department-Earl Russell. Secretary of State for the Home Department-Sir George Grey. Secretary of State for the Colonial 1) apartment-Right Hon. 11. 1 C Secretary of State for the War Department-Earl de Grey and Secretary of State for India-Sir C. Wood. First Lord of the Admiralty-Doke of Somerset. Chancellor of the Exchequer-W. E. Gladstone. President of the Council-Earl Granville. President of the Poor Law Board-Charles P. Villiers. President of the Board of Trade-T. M. Gibson. Postmaster-General-Lord Stanley of Alderley. Chancellor of the Duchey of Lancaster- Lord Privy Seal-Duke of Argyll. APPROXIMATE ARRIVALS&DEPARTURES OF ENGLISH MAIL, P. & 0. COMPANY.

uoldws 4-4 Moos 113 feup iS senc3xV 18 saelxxy w m a N C '.. G0.+a .J ON C0 COCl yy¢oa OZA0W ,a ¢.4y 4 ¢m O/Ayw .pM•SM WN ) MdMCCJM '381183 -q1{1 10 au.nogjCW r-'ryy¢mozA w SOABe'1 CC 0!000 00lO 00.00!0) P r- o 'oai 011uN1 1s santuv G p p p C04m ^C 0^CC 00+00000! C V O;a A W au mogjelq W .lira C OD 0.O.C 4mw.o •sjxpus 18 saeux3V -X91V cp°cozAtiwGp'pdvov SCABS? n n.n.n eow.n C C.40* putlo5 •uopuoZ S 009 2UIN U1 sCAI33V 18 80ACx.IV ¢'eo1.000aaiy o aoi a ¢ay yCutO%AyW

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•s1j0Nl 1u Na`iNNGNNNCN`14v 4NVN saeulV Gm°^a'mo'o m'"d 0 a[I0 1s eeellxV n y.n-i.nacvay.naw- m a'' a d •supue wiCtiyhk00zQ

eo ra -,ewc-Mwcc ' Q9PV Q 1s 0aAt33V ? s.'; V, p G'COR o •2eng I d maNq 4 doag 185eeuay y wCtiyy¢tn0,4Ay mo.0 mod d m p I oa zm,v 2 wwco 5is CSN NNCGV C'V .Yti N ti • 7 eng 0 uaPV dD..° M 10 0an1.UV A + Q'UON n, J eansa'I adF4;ny a.. ^Jy V CCpdj 9 O.y Wi¢ti_ti¢v.C/Ay_

a!maa, ^, r 01109 10 eaAIUUV l.llpura.![F qo a 18 edAlllF G i'i.,y¢a` CY 00} Ay wFd'oti a'd,C/.Ay 'pun0s C^CJ0 04)~M ICJ s •000 kiurj G.+W Ol 0 +0 POa P. Ja O+ i+ TAA Pppy UU N NNNN NNClN 18 kmi m O P • U U U m 0115N1 wi. Pd Q> l qp 7 P 18 SOA133V Om titii6ti-iC¢7.A •euxnoglalg SCAB 0'J L7a c a C NCV CINNNCFNN mW000,i-is a a.yCmO't,A „ o d •.tsljsxgt 1s SOA1xxV w i . O Tpp c3 cMiCpl c3wci c3 oirvcl csw S7N 9uanoglep U " ,. R ani 7y '.7 d U O Cl 18e 9nuxV I yWCsyy¢m0%A dmF•tiom°ooa°i _ _yw6nyymO cooooooooom c`wc°vLw clBc}$BBB NNCINNNNNNNN •&eupdS uldutsglnoS 095;9 ,1 y ti G ° p N V O Wti6F,yti¢raOZA yWrdn.;y¢m0% Z Aq SHIPS .TO AND FROM ENGLAND. Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Monthly Steamers to and from Europe. John Sparkes, agent, 5 Flinders-street east. LiverpoolBlack Ball & I agleLine of Packets.BrightBtothets ,agents,Flinders -laneW. White Star Line, Liverpool-Lorimer, Marwood, and Rome, agents, Collins- street west. Blackwall Line of Packets for London (Green's). W. P. White and Co., agents, 10 Elizabeth-street. Money Wtgram and Sons' Line for London. W. P. White and Co., agents, 10 Elizabeth -street. For list of intercolonial steamers see page 29. MOONLIGHTNIGHTS.

Moon's Age. Winter. Summer.

1st to 3rd day.... From dark until 7 p m. Almost invisible. 3rd to 8th day.... From dark until 12 night. From dark until 12 night. 8th to 12th cloy.... From dark until 4 p in. From dark until daylight. 12th to 16th day.... From 7 p.m. till daylight. From 7 p in. till daylight. 16th to 23rd day.... From 9 p.m. till daylight. From 9 p.m. till daylight. 23rd to 29th day.... Frotp 1 a.m. till daylight. From 1 a.m. till daylight.


N.B.-S in the distinguishing column signifies that the Office named at the top of the column is shut on the day named. When any holiday falls on Sunday, it is considered by the banks to halve been kept; Government offices keep the Monday following. All these Offices are a closedat noon on Saturdays. O p o a C7 m V Fq

Monday, lot January ...... New Year's Day ...... S S S Saturday, 17th March ...... St. Patrick's Day ...... -- S Friday, 30th March ...... Good Friday...... S S S Monday, 2nd April ...... Easter Monday ...... S S S Tuesday , 3rd April ...... Easter Tuesday ...... - S - Monday, 23rd April ...... St. George's Day ...... -- S Thursday, 24thMay ...... Her Majesty's Birthday...... S S S Monday, 21stMay ...... Whit Monday ...... -- S Sunday, Ist July ...... Separation Day ...... S S S Friday, 9th November ...... Prince of Wales Birthday ...... S S S Friday, 30th November ...... St. Andrew's Day ...... -- S r uesday,25thDecember ...... Christmas Day ...... S S IS WAGES TABLE.

Year. Per Month Per Week. Per Day. Year. 'Per Month Per Week. I Per Day l £ L S. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ £ s. d. £ s. d . a. d. 1 0 1 8 0 0 41 0 01 15 1 5 0 0 5 9 0 10 2 0 3 4 0 0 91 0 it 16 1 6 8 0 6 11 0 1071 3 0 5 0 0 1 11 0 2 17 1 8 4 0 6 61 011* 4 0 6 8 0 1 61 0 21 18 1 10 0 0 6 10 0111 5 0 8 4 0 1 11 0 :31 19 1 11 8 0 7 3 1 071 6 0 10 0 0 2 31 0 4 '- ' 0 113 4 0 7 8 1 if 7 0 11 8 0 2 81 0 41 30 2 10 0 0 11 6 1 71 8 0 13 4 0 3 04 0 51 40 3 6 8 0 15 4 2 2 9 0 15 0 0 3 54 0 6 '0 4 3 4 0 19 2 2 9 10 0 16 8 0 310 0 61 60 5 0 0 1 3 01 3 31 11 0 18 4 0 4 24 0 71 70 5 16 8 1 6 10i 3 10 12 1 0 0 0 4 71 0 8 80 6 13 4 1 10 84 4 472 18 1 1 8 0 5 0 0 87 90 7 10 0 1 14 6i 4 Ili 14 1 3 4 0 5 41 0 91 100 8 6 8 1118 41 5 51 let Month. JANUARY. 31 Days

Full Moon ...... Monday, let, 4.28 p.m. Day Day Last Quarter .... Tuesday, 9th, 7 17 a.m. SUN. of of New Moon ...... Wednesday, 17th, 6.17 a in. surd Hirst Quarter .. Wednesday, 24th, 6 34 a in. MOON. Mon Wk. Full Moon ...... Wednesday, 31st, 6 9 a.m. Apogee-10th, 9 a m. Peiigee-24th, S a m Rises. Sets.

REMARKABLE EVENTS. H. M. H. M. D. H. M. Yen Yean Water Works opened ...... 18584 437 2414 R. 7 7 p.m. FirstNewspaper publi shed in Melbourne..1838 4 44 7 2415 7 55 Bank of Victoria opened ...... 1853 4 457 2416 8 38 Western Port discovered by Bass...... 1798 4 487 2417 9 16 N. S. W. Constitution proclaimed ...... 1843 4 477 2 18 9 51 Epiphany. Twelfth Day. 4 477 2419 10 23 First Sunday after Epiphany. 4 487 249,0 10 52 (7)First Maori War ...... 18454 497 24 21 11 23 (2 Cape of Good Hope taken ...... 18004 507 23 22 11 56 (9) Great bush fires,loes of life, &c., Viet. 1865 4 517 23 23 Registration Bill passed in Victoria ...... 1853 4 527 232A 12 30 a.m. Fi st British Parliament ...... 1203 4 537 2325 1 6 First Transports arrived at Botany Bay .... 1788 4: 547 2326 1 47 Second Sunday after Epiphany. 4 557 22 27 2 31 First Government of Victoria inaugurated 1851 4 567 22 28 3 22 (1.5)LaTrobe first ....1851 4 577 2229 4 17 Melbourne and Williamstown Rail. opd.1859 4 587 22 0 S. 7 17p.m. Governor Phillip arrived at Botany Bay.... 1788 4 597 21 1 7 58 Return of Sturt's Expedition ...... 1846 5 07 21 2 8 39 Public Funeral of Burke and Wills...... 1863 5 17 20 3 9 16 Third Sunday after Epiphany. 5 3 7 20 4 9 53 Wellington, New Zealand, founded ...... 1840 5 47 19 5 10 29 Western Market, Melbourne, burnt...... 1853 5 5719 6 11 8 3 First Bishop of Melbourne arrived.... 1843 5 67 18 7 11 49 PrincessRoyal married ...... 18385 77 18 8 Colony of New South Wales founded ...... 1788 5 87 17 9 12 36 a.m. Sturt Imprisoned in the Desert (6 months) 1845 5 97 16101 1 26 Septuagesilna Sunday. 5 107 15 11 2 22 First shipment of cotton from Brisbane ..1854 5 117 15 12 3 21 Charles I. beheaded ...... 1649 1649,5 137 1413 4 23 ll Port Phillip aband. for want of water ..1804 5 147 13 141 5 25

EXPLANATION 019 THE COLUMN HEADED "MOON."-This column shows the time of the moon's rising or setting. When the time of rising is given, the moon Will not set till after daylight ; and when the time of setting is shown, the moon will have risen before the end of the previous daylight.

HORTICULTURAL.- General Notes.-But little reliance can be placed upon crops from seed sown during this month . The systematic husbandman will find plenty to do in the seasonable operations of the month , such as budding , layering , &c., in moist weather; trenching and forking vacant patches , and hoeing among growing crops; this latter operation is essential in strong soils , as it impedes the evaporation, and prevents the ground cracking , rendering it fit for cropping on the first favourable rain . Growing crops demand most attention . Cucumbers , melons, marrows, and, indeed, all vegetables , should have the soil lightly forked around them previous to watering. In addition to general attention to cleanlinessin the garden , a feso light sowings of vegetables named in the calendar may be wads, 2nd Month. FEBRUARY. 28 Days.

Day Day' Lavt Quarter.... Thursday, 8th, 2 .19 a.m. SUN. IAA Of I Of Nete .11,nn ...... 'I'lunr,duy, 15th , 7.53 p.m. P'irut Qo;trter .. 'Chu-day, 22nd, 2'28 p.m. 'o< MOON. Mon wk. z Apugee-7th, 6 a.m. Perigee- 19th, 2 a.m. Rises. Sets.

REMARKABLE EVENTS. H. M. H. M. D.I H. M. Th Nelson,New Zealand,founded ...... 184.25 157 121511. 48 p.m Fri Feast of Purification. 5 167 1116, 8 21 Sat Governor Bourke visited Melbourne ...... 1857 5 177 1017, 8 54 S Sexagesinla Sunday. 5 187 9 IS: 9 23 110 First Judge appointed at Melbourne ...... 1841 5 207 8191 9 55 'I'u Black Thursday's Bush Fires , Victoria .... 1851 5 217 7 20 ': 10 30 We Wreck of the " Orpheus " ...... 1862 5 22 7 6 21; 11 3 I'll Meeting at Sydney for Transportation 1839 5 237 5 22 11 42 Fri Marriage of Queen Victoria ...... 1840 5 247 4231 Sat Transport. to Fast. Aust. colonies ceased ..1853 5 257 321 12 25a.m. S Shrove Sunday. 5 267 2 25 1 11 MVloI Hargreaves di,covered gold in N. S. Wales 1851 5 277 126 2 4 Tu Shrove Tuesday. 5 287 0 27 3 1 We Ash Wed. St . Valentine 's Day. 5 30 6 59 28 4 1 Th Commencement of British Nat. Debt.. 1500 5 316 5829, 5 5 Fri First wool ship e. from Brisbane to London 1851 5 326 56 L S . 7 13p.m. Sat (11) Public Library, Melbour ne, opened .... 1856 Jr 336 55 2 7 51 S First Sunday in Lent. 5 346 54 3 8 29 Mo (18) Gov. Collins landed at Hobart Town 1804 5 35 6 53 4 9 8 Tu Suspaaaion of Governor Bligh ...... 18085 36 (i 51 5 9 50 We (25) Eyre started overland for Kg. Geo.'s Sd.1841 5 37 6 50 6 10 35 Th j First ship sailed from Eng. for S. Aus. 1836 5 88.0 49 7 11 25 Fri Governor Gipps arrivedat Sydney ...... 1838 5 '0j!6 48 8'i Sat Third French Revolution ...... 1848 5 406 46i 9! 12 17 a.m NS Second Sunday in Lent. 5 416 45 10: 1 13 o Escape of Napoleon from Elba ...... 1815 5 42 6 43 11 2 14 'I'u " Phenix " burnt in Hobson 's Bay ...... 1833 5 4364212 3 14 We (27) " West Wind " burnt in Hobson' s Bay 1854 5 446 4113 4 16

This is always regarded as the dryest month in the year , and the notes on lard month will apply, with equal force, to this. *Ripening seeds should be attended top and discretionused in saving onlyfine kinds. If the expended blooms be cut from Roses, tidiness , and a good autumn show is secured . Clayey soils trenched during summer are incalculably improved ; and the additional expense and labour of break. ing up such soils in dry weather is more than repaid in their being ready for planting early-at a time when most soils have yet to be trenched. The Budding of Fruit Trees should be proceeded with, and if the weather be very dry, or the bark not free, a few buckets of water applied to the roots of the stocks a few days previous to budding will generally render the operation easy and successful. ®A few of the choicest specimens of melons, as also cucumbers should be allowed to thoroughly ripen for seed, and care should be taken that such specimens are ti'own at a distance from other kind; likely to hybridize, and thus jeopardise the purity of the variety. 10 3rd Month. MARCH. 31 Days.

Full Moon ...... Thursday, let, 932 P.M. Day Day Last Quarter .... Saturday , 10th, 138 a in. SUN. of of Now Moon ...... Saturday , 17th, 7 17 a.m. 09 Mon Wk. test Quarter .. Friday, 23rd, 10 42 p.m . - IcBi MOON. 1 Moon...... Saturday , 31st, 211 p .m. Rises. Sets. II Apogee-7th, 1 a in. Perigee-18th, midnt.

REMARKABLE EVENTS . H. M. H. M. D. H. M. St. David's Day. 5 45 6 8914 R. 6 20 p.m. Czar Nicholas died ...... 1803 5 4(36 88151 fi 52 Bourke (8tb Governor N. S W.) sworn in..1830 5 476 36 161 7 23 Third Sunday in Lent. 5 486 35 17 7 55 Port Phillip Patriot" published ...... 1838 5 496 3318 f 8 28 Melbourne named and site approved ..... 1837 5 5()6 32 19' 9 2 Slave trade to British colonies abolished ..1807 5 516 31 * 9 39 General Post GAce established in N S. W. 1821 5 52 6 29 21 10 19 Fight between "Merrimac" and "Monitor" 1802 5 53 6 28 22 11 2 l New South Wales discovered...... Ieee 5 546 26 231 11 52 Fourth Sunday in Lent. 5 55 6 25 24 Electric Telegraph first used in Victoria ..l455 5 56 6 23 25 12 46 a.m. Boundaries of Melbourne proclaimed ....1841 5 517 6 22 26 1 44 Admiral Byng shot at Portsmouth ...... 1757 5 58 6 20 27, 2 45 Crimean Armistice signed ...... 1856 5 59 6 19 28 3 52 Prince Imperial of France born ...... 1856 6 06 1710 4 56 ® St. Patrick's Day. 6 16 16 o S, 6 -z p. ii. Fifth Sunday in Lent. 6 2 6 141 1 7 3 Captain Cook's Monument erec., Bet. Bay 1822 6 36 13' 2 7 45 Melbourne Hospital founded ...... 1846 6 4 6 11 3 8 80 (20) Found. Prince's Br dge laid, (Melb.) ..1846 6 56 10 4 9 20 New South Wales Squatting Act passed....1627 6 6 6 8 5 1 O 13 ;1 (22) Gov. Gawler sue. by Sir G.Grey,S A.1841 6 76 7 6 11 9 Queen Elizabeth died ...... 1601 6 76 5 7 Palm Sunday. Lady Day. 6 86 4 8 12 10 a.m. Mr. Price murdered by convicts, Will 'istn.18Fi8 6 96 2 9 1 U War with Russia declared ...... 1851 6 1016 01011 2 8 Latrobe announced Lieut. Gov, Victoua..1851(6 115 5911 3 8 Wesley died, 1791. N. S. W. Gold Regulat. 18.51 6 125 57 12 4 5 Good Friday. 6 135 5613+ 5 4 (j First steamer launched at Sydney . . ..1831 6 14 5 54 141 6 0

SSaxby Days - 2 ri- 1oth - 17th - %4th-3eth. Continue to work land just cleared of crops, well manuring where necessary. The propagation of Roses and many kinds of ornamental shrubs, by cuttings, should this month receive attention For this purpose, prepare a piece of the best land in the garden, lying dry and well drained; deeply dig, but add no manure . Cuttings should be formed from the matured wood of the season 's growth, and may be prepared as follows --Cut clean across close below an eye-not into it-remove the buds from that portion going beneath the ground, leaving but one or two buds with leaves above the soil The developed leaves should not be removed, as they perform an im- portant function in the economy of the plant, and promote the formation of roots. The ground is usually in a warm , moist state , and watering will rarely be needed thismonth. 11 4th Month. APRIL. 30 Days.

Last Quarter.... Sunday, 8th. 6 22 p in. Day Day New Moon...... Sunday, 15th, 4 43 p in SUN. of of First Quarter .. Sunday, 22nd, 8 11 am. to Mon Wk. Full Moon ...... Monday, 30th, 7 3 a in. c MOON. Apogee-ard, 3 p.m. Perigee-loth, S a.m. Rises. Sets. Apogee-30th, 8 p in

REMARKABLE EVENTS. M.H. M.D. I H. M. 1 Easter Sunday. 6 S 155 53115 R. 6 28 p.m. 2 C Cobden died, 1865. Washing. Irving born. 1783 6 165 5116 7 3 3 `l.'u (2) Capture of Richmond, U. S. A...... 1865 6 175 5017 7 38 4 We Date of Leichhardt' s last letter ...... 1848 6 175 48 18 8 17 5 1 Canada discovered ...... 1497 6 185 47 19 8 59 6 Fri Bonaparte abdicated ...... 1814 6 195 45 20 9 45 7 Sat Proclamation of martial law in Sydney ....1804 6 205 441-)l 10 36 8 S (( First Sunday after Easter. 6 215 42 22 11 30 9 MO (8) Bank of New South Wales established .1817 6 22 5 4123 - 10 Tu Prince of Wales mariied ...... 1863 6 235 40 2 t 12 28 a.m. 11 We Gieat File in Queen-street, Dii`bane ....1865 6 245 38 25 1 30 12 Th First Criminal Sessions, Molbourne ...... 1841 6 255 37 26 2 33 13 Fri Gas in Sydney ...... 1836 6 265 35 27 3 40 14 Sat Piesident Lincoln shot by Wilkes Booth ..1865 6 265 34 28 4 50 15 S e Second Sunday after Easter. 6 9,75 32 29 6 1 16 Mo Duchess of Kent died ...... 1861 6 285 31 is. 6 19 p.m. 17 '1'11 Prince Leopold boin ...... 1853 6 295 30 2 7 8 18 We (5) Bonney's ovei land journey to Adelaide 1838 6 305 28 3 8 2 19 Th American War of Independence comment 1775 6 315 27 4 9 0 20 Fri Captain Cook anchored in Botany Bay ....1770 6 32 5 26 5 10 0 21 Sat Burke, Wills, and King ret. to Cooper's Ck.]86] 6 335 24 6 11 P. 22 S ) Third Sunday after Easter. 6 34[5 23 7 - 23 tiro St. George's Day. (21)Anniv 8-hours sys 6 35 5 22 8 12 3 a.m. 24 1'n Ports of West Australia declared flee...... 1846 6 35 5 20 9 1 2 25 We Lady Day. 6 36 5 1910 2 1 26 1'h (25) Princess Alice horn ...... 1843 6 37 5 1811 2 58 27 Fri { Peace with Russia ratified ...... 1856 6 38 5 1712 3 53 28 Sat "Sultana" boiler burst, Mississip .,1100 kill.186a 6 39 5 1613 4 50 29 S Fourth Sunday after Easter. 6 40 5 1414 5 44 30 Mo Q FiistNkriiageand Chusteng.,P.Phill.18376 41 5 1315 R. 5 3dp.m.

Saaby Hays - 6th-13th - 19th - 26th.

This month in Victoria frequently resembles October in the rapidity of growth which sets in after the autumnal runs. Vines and many fruit trees frequently start into a vigorous second growth, and produce blooms. The wood, however, so formed se1,L'ni ripen-3, and the plant is usually seriously injured by this premature starting \nto fruitless growth of wood, intended in the economy of the plant to bear blossoms awl fi,ut in the succeeding spring. The truit grower may not expect to gather more than one crop annually, except at the cost of the health of the plant. If a judicious selection of roses has been made there should be a fine display of bloom durm , the month ; the Hybrid Perpetuals, of course, as usual, monopolising a large sharein the gaeityof the garden. 12 5th,Month. MAY. 31 Days.

Last Quarter .... Tuesday, 8th , 7.22 a.m. Day Day New Moon ...... Tuesday, 15th, 12.38 a.m. SUN. of of First Quarter .. Monday, 21st, 7 38 p m. Mon Wk. Fiat Moon Tuesday 29th 105b -an. Perigee-14th, 7 p.m. Apogee-27th, 11 p in. Rises. Sets.

REMARKABLY EVENTS. H. M. H. M. D. H. M. 1 Tu Wellington born ...... 1764 6 42 5 12 16 R. 6 16 P.M. 2 We Last Council of N. S. W. end P. Phillip met 1851 6 435 11 17 6 57 3 Th New Zealand declared indep . of N. S. W...1841 6 445 10 18 7 40 4 Fri Moreton Bay proclaimed ...... 18426 44 5 9 19 8 30 5 Sat Port Phillip Patriot first printed ...... 1835 6 45 5 8 20 9 23 6 S Rogation Sunday. 6 465 621 10 18 7 Mo (6) First steamer afloat in Port Jackson.... 18316 475 5 22 11 17 8 Tu E First salmon in Victoria hatched...... 1864 6 48 5 4 23 9 We Dublin Exhibition opened ...... 1865 6 49 5 3 24 12 18 a.m. 10 Th Ascension Day. 6 505 2 25 1 20 11 Fri (10)President Davis captured at Trwinville 1865 6 51 5 2 26 2 27 12 Sat Mitchell discovered the Murrumbidgee ..1836 6 51 5 1 27 3 36 13 S First Sunday after Ascension. 6 52 5 0.2s 44'6 14 Me Mint established at Sydney ...... 185 6 53 4 59 29 5 58 15 '1'u Capt. Cook discovered Moreton Bay ..1770 6 5414 58 0 S. 5 45p.m. 16 We (15)Melbourne founded ...... 18376 55 4 57 1 6 42 1i '1'h Chart er of New South Wales promulgated 18416 56 4 56 2 7 45 18 Fri (15) Port Phillip disc . by Liout Murray .... 1802 6 57 4 56 3 8 47 19 Sat Burro Burrs Copper Mines discovered ....1846 6 57 1 55 4 9 50 20 S Whit Sunday. 6 58 4 54 5 10 53 21 MO S (20) Proel . of N. S. W. as a British Col. 1840 6 5914 53 6 11 53 22 Tu First Queensland Parliament assembled ..1860 7 O 453 7, 23 We (19) Sailing of Sir J. Franklin s last Exped .1845 7 1 4 52 8 12 52 a.m. 24 Th Queen's Birthday. Boin1819. 7 1 4 51 9 1 49 25 Fri Pitncess Helena born, 1846. Pittborn ....17547 4 5110 2 45 26 Sat Emer. Hill first Municipality pros. in Viot. 18557 3 4 5011 3 39 27 S Trinity Sunday. 7 4 4 50 12 4 33 28 Mo (27) Mitchell arrived at Mount Dispersion 1836 7 4 4 49 13 5 27 29 Tu Great Floods in and abort Melbourne 1848 7 5 4 4914 6 19 30 We FirstImmigrant Ship arrivedin Sydney ..18317 6 4 481511. 5 313p.m 31 Th (291 John Batman landed at Port Phillip ..1838 7 6 4 46110 vi 27

Saxby Bays-4th - 11th - 1Wft - 2 4rd-31st. This month will absorb all the attention of the gardener; for, in addition to the seasonable operations, all alteration in the plans of the garden and the formation of new walks and permanent beds, should be as nearly as possible completed. The formation of new asparagus beds, and the deep digging and trenching of land cannot safely b, left beyond this month ; as to trench land in wet weather is a slow pro. cess and one, withal, conferring but little benefit on the soil. Keep beds of cuttings, and the garden generally free from weeds-selecting dry weather for such work. This is the best month to plant Anemone and Ranunculus Bulbs ; and if the beds have a good dressing of well decomposed cow dung, a good dttsplay of bloom may be expected. Hya..inth, crocus, snowdrop, and, inck,ed, most spring flowering bulbs, should be planted out on prepared beds. 13 Ath Month. JUNE. 30 Days.

Day Day; Last Quarter .... Wednesday , 6th, 4:53 p.m. New Moon ...... Wednesday , 13th, 7'47 SUN. of of First Quarter .. Wednesday , 20th , 9a.m. In. MOON. Mon Wk. Full Moon ...... Thursday , 28th, I.15 p.m. Perigee-12th , 3 a.m. Apogee - 24th , 10 a.m. Rises .l Sets.

REMARKABLE EVENTS. H. M.I D. H. M. 1 Fri Colony of Western Australia founded ...... 1829 7 47 17 R. 7 18 p.m. 2 Sat First Female Convict arrived at Sydney ..1790 7 47 18 8 13 3 S First Sunday after Trinity. 7 4719 9 9 4 Mo (3)First Adelaide newspaper published....183' 7 46 20 10 9 5 Tu (7) British Reform Bill became law...... 1032 7 46 21 11 9 6 We I Pastoral Soc. of Aust . Felix founded ..1841 7 46 22 7 Th Sydney Chamber of Commerce estab li shed 11'26 7 46 23 12 12 a.m. 8 Fri Pitcairn handers landed at Norfolk Island 1856 7 46 24 1 18 9 Sat Lieut. Govern„r s Commission arrived ... .1851, 1851,7 45 25 2 26 10 Second Sluttlay after Trinity. 7 45126 3 34 11 (10) Gold discovered) at the Turon, N. S. W. 1851 1 45127 4 45 12 TMo u Fitzroy, first Governor Gen. of Australia ..1851 17 4528 5 54 13 We Ice one ineb thielt at Melbourne ...... 1863 7 45 0'S. 5 23p.m. 14 '1'h Camels for Exploration party arrived ...... 1Ntn 7 14'14 -15 6 26 15 Fri Cartage to nwtdigo £150 7 er tun...... 1852 7 154 45 7 32 16 Sat War declared bet. England and America ..1812 7 154 45 8 36 17 S Third Sunday after Trinity. 17 10 -1 -15 9 40 18 MO (17) 13totle of Bunter's Hill ...... 17 -,:,. 7 1641 45 10 40 1'9 '1'u Hon.L It. Healrs died, 1861. "Alabama" deA l,6ti7 1104 45 11 39 20 '\Ve TV (Is) Battl e of Waterloo ...... 16 5,7 l lid-1 46 21 '1'h Winter conlnlences. 17l .16 8' 12 36 a.m. 22 Fri Sir Charles Hotham arrived at Melhourne 1844' 7 174 4(ii 0 1 32 23 Sat Tasmania , Van Diemrn's Lmi d, settled .... loo:t 7 17.1 .10101!101 2 26 24 S Fourth Sunday after Trinity. 7 1714 47111 3 20 MO (24) St. John the Baptist. 7 171,1 4711'2 4 14 26 'I'll Corn Law Repeal Act panscd ...... 1846 7 184 47,13 5

27 W e (_ti ) George 1A'. died ...... 1830 7 114 -1714' 5 57 28 'I'll (47:) C, er of Queen Victoria ...... 18:.8 7 1`+'1 •1s(15 R. 5 1:1 p.m. 29 Fri Iturl:e and Wills, the explorers, died ...... 1861 7 lt1 1 .181,16!, 1i 7 30 ,,,at I Crr.r,l eli Hospital founded ...... 1611117 1814 .1'.-)117I 7 4

S.txly Days - 7th-13th - 2Bth- 7th.

June is the usual month for pruning vines , and for planting cuttings ; but it not uufrogtient:y happens that the wood is in b Ater oiler in July. Ail kuue pro ing should be pt -fountcd when plants are dorm utt. This is the most favour,tbl • period for transplanting fruit trees ; and if good plants are desired, it is better to order from a respectable seedsman, or to visit the nursery at once and select plants, 'lctn to defer the selection a mouth or two, with the idea of getting a "cheap l,tt" at auction . It is generally the case that these " bargains" are dying from exp,mun•, or have received such constitution tl injury as will secure them but a sickly existence and a fruitless end. It will be found, too, that where healthy plants are offered at auction the buyer u,ually obtains many varieties not desired , and has no security as to the getuinanessof the kindsselected. 14 7th Month. JULY. 31 Days.

Last Quarter .... Thursday , 5th, 11 1 p.m. Day Day New Moon ...... Thursday , 12th, 3.15 pet. of of First Quarter .. Friday, 20th, 1 24 a.m. MOON. Mon Wk. Full hv,n ...... atudey , 29th, 1 53 a.m. Perigee-loth , 5 a.m. Apogee - 22nd, 3 am.

REMARKABLE EVENTS. M. I E. M. ! 11. M. H. D. 1 S Fifth Sunday after Trinity. 7 1134 49,181:. M 3p.m. 2 N10 (1) Port Phillip separated from N. S. R'alns _151 7 164 5011w ) 9 3 3 '1't) Ai elbo urne Lnivcr- and pull. ib. fouudt d l'. l 7 18;4 5(P20I 11) 4 4 We American Independence declared ...... 7 17 -1 51i'21 11 8 5 Th iff Strike of flail.Labourersatsunhurs..1alt)i 17,4 51.22! 6 Fri Crown Lands first leased in V. li, Land. ...1d;F' 7 174 521,n; 12 14 a.m. 7 Sat Gold discovered at the Pyrenees ...... 1':1 7 17 4 52,,'1,4 1 19 8 S Sixth Sunday after Trinity. 7 1i4 53,25 2 27 9 110 (8) Edmund Burke died ...... u. ; 1 164 531' hi, 3 35 1 0 ['u First Cattle and Sheep landed in Victoria leas 7 If; 4 5-1,•27 4 42 11 We Departure of Governor Gipps ...... 18111 7 Ili -4 55 98 5 44 12 Th ® George Stephenson died ...... 1242 7 15 4 55 1) S. 5 11 P.M. 13 Fri Allies evacuated the Crimea ...... 1+:.o 7 1J i-4 0 6 1 li 16 14 Sat The Baetile destroyed ...... 15h.i 7 15 4 57 2 7 21 15 S Seventh Sunday after Trinity. 7 114 57 3 8 25 16 Mo (15) St. Swithun's Day. 7 144 58 4 9 26 17 Tu First Court Petty Sessions hold at to 7 134 51.3 5 10 25 18 We South-west coast of New llolluu.ldi .,c,n(l . hi-)_I7 134 59 6 11 22 - 19 Th FiretTelegram sent from Melb. to Adelaide1852 7 12 5 0 7 - 21) Fri ) Garibaldi'e victory at Nuplus...... 18co7 1115 1' 8 12 17 a. in. 21 Sat Battle of Bulls Ran ...... 1861 7 11 5 2 91 1 12 22 S Eighth Sunday after Trinity. 7 10 5 2,111, 2 6 23 M0 (21)Lord Williaml:ns;ell l,ubeude1 ...... l 1115 3111' 2 58 •11t) 24 Insurance first Established ...... UOU 7 9 '5, 4 112 3 50 25 We Small-pox first apps aced in Sydney...... lOst 7 815 5!13 1 11 26 '1'h Coleridge died ...... 12.111)7 7 5 614 S 29 First inuni gran t sin p arrived in S. Aust. ..18.11, 27 Fri ,7 7 5 6 15: 1t 1 1 First overland m!.il arrived ...... lot,l7 6 5 1 1); t(. 5 i p.m. 2b Sat CJ 21) S Ninth Sunday ;lflcr 'l'riu it y. 7 55 811 5; 30 N 0 (29) Ucfeal of the Spnni=h Armada ...... Its' 7 45 9 18 7 58 2 31 Tu (30) Source of Nile first disc. Iy Cup. S)" 1- :1 5 1(t)1!)

Saxb3' Dan' S- 41 11-1 1 1 11- 1 7t11-25tII. Pruuin should not be deferred 1',ur than this month on all trees in a fit state for the knife, I', is impossible to lay down precise r ilex as to the peculiar systi'nl ser- viceablo in each plant, for it will h,; f Ruud few trees are of the same habit or style of growth. Again, some persists pr,'for a purely formal style rather that) that suited for the permanent orchard ; and in that case adapt their treatment to the (1.,sired end. There can be no doubt, It )waver, that where the tree is desired as a pernn:uient standard the less knife work-beyond the removal of such shoots as would interfere with the symmetry and balance of the tree-the better. It is well for an amateur to watch a practised hind before experimenting on his own trees . The system of training fruit trees egg-cup or wiue-;;lass shape may be carried out successfully for a few years in a small garden, but on a large scale is not to be commended, as the heads in a few years become so thick as to entirely exclude the sun and air. 15 8th Month. AUGUST. 31 Days.

Last Quarter .... Saturday , 4th, 4,56 am. Day Day New Bootl ...... Saturday, 11th, 1216 am. SUN. 9111 of of First Quarter .. Saturday, Isth, 116 p.m. Full Aloon ...... Sunday , 2tilh, 1.14 P.M. 0.4 MOON. Mon Wk.l Perigee-6th, 9 mil l. Apogee-13th, 9 p.m. Rises.Sets. Perigee-31st, 1U am.

REMARKABLE EVENTS. If , M. H. M. D. I H. M. 1 We Battleof the Nile ...... 171)s 7 2 5 10 20 R.10 6 P.M. 2 'I'll Leichhart Search Expedition started ...... 1865 7 1 5 11 21) 11 12 3 Fri Columbus sailed for America ...... 1492 7 05 12 22 4 Sat Ql. Golddiscovered at huiinlong ...... 18.1 (j 50 5 13 23 12 17 a.m. 5 S Tenth Sunday after T rinity . 6 585 14 24 1 24 6 1110 Wreck of the "Admlella ••...... 1859 G 575 15 25 2 29 7 Tn (5) Arrival of Governor Bligh at s ydney .... 1806 6 56 5 15 26 3 32 8 We Colonial tobacco first udtcrtised for sale ..782 _ 6 55 5 16 27 4 30 9 '171 Bombardment w b weaborg ...... 1835 (i 545 17 28 5 22 10 Fri V. D hind first settled by the British .... 181136 535 18 20 6 9 Ledis. Council of N. S. Wales pro ....1824 11 sat ® 6 52 5 19 0 S. 6 8 p.m. 12 S Eleventh Sunday after Trinity 6 515 20 1 7 10 13 Mo (12) Leichhart left Syd . for Port Essington 1844 6 49 5 20 2 8 11 14 'I'u First book printed by Faust ...... 1157 0 48 5 21 3 9 10 15 We Colony of South Australia founded ...... 1884 G 475 22 4 10 6 16 'I'll (15) Viet. gold mines prod, crown property 18.51 6 46 5 23 5 11 1 17 Fri (15) Sir Walter Scott born ...... 1771 6 45 5 24 6 11 56 18 Sat ]I Brisbane Water Works commenced .. 1S01 (1 435 25 7 19 S T welfth Sunday after T rinity . 6 42 5 26 8 12 49 a.m. 20 Dlo Burke'sExploring Expedition started .... 18606 41 5 26 9 1 41 21 Tu Transportation to N. S. Wales ceased ...... 1842 6 395 27 10 2 32 2 2 We Warren Hastings died ...... 1818 6 385 28 11 3 21 23 Th First vessel sailed up the Yarra to Melb...1835 6 37 5 29 12 4 6 24 Fri founds established in Now South Wales ..1811 6 355 30 13 4 50 25 Sat Sir Charles llothum visited gold-fields .... 1854 6 3 4 5 31 14 5 32 26 S U Thirteenth Sunday aft. Trinity . 6 325 32 15 R. 5 46 p.m. 27 MIo Navigationof the Murrayby Cadell...... 1853 6 315 32 16 6 50 26 Tu Riot at Houses of Parliament, Melbourne 18606 30 5 33 17 7 56 21j We Fawknor camped on site of AMelbourne.... 18356 28 5 34 18 9 4 30 Th Torres Straits discovered ...... 16006 275 35 19 10 10 31 Fri John Bunyan died ...... 16x3 6 2515 36 20 11 17

Snxhy IDays-1st - 7th-14th - 21st - 2 Sth. I lit 14 Mils month and early in September grafting fruit trees should be got on with. The modes described are not difficult even for the amateur : but unless he has at command suitable plants as stocks he had better purchase the grafted plants from A nurseryman . He should especially avoid grafting upon suckers or shoots sprin g,ing up round the stems of the tree . To procure sound stock ;, the seeds of the verious fruit s slionk d be sows in .March and April, and the following year the seedlings should be platltel in rows R'il,rd they ma y remain until the g rafting period or until of a stn Ilici tit size . The scioll , or graft, rigitired sit, 11,11 be cut a week or two previous to u.iu;. an l push.'d into the soil ; as it is found that th + uni.,n takes place with greater certainty whoa the stock is in a Inure v1,,drops state of growth than the scion. drafting is frequ on tly practised with Vines, laid where it is desired to supersede a worthless variety , it is an admirable method of directing the estab li shed power of tlil: plant to useful account. 16 9th Month . SEPTEMBER . 30 Days.

Last Quarter .... Sunday, 2nd, 9.40 a.m. Day Day New Noon ...... Sumlac, !n l+, 11 51 p.m. SUN. of of First Quarter .. Monday, 17+h, 1 s a.m. MOON. Mon Wk. 111 . Grm ...... I „u 1av, 24th, 1145 p.m. Apogee-i5th, I p.m. Perigee-27th, noon . Rises.) Sets.

REMARKABLE EVENTa , II. M. H. ,3 L'/ 1`DI H. M. Howitt ' s party at Turin Creek ...... 14611ti 2.1 5 7 Q Fourteenth Sunday aft. '1'rinitc.1; 2'i 3 ..3 7 I'll? 1.1.12 22 :1.111. Gold di scovered in California ...... lsl7;Ii 21 5 3 23 1 '2o Moscow burnt ...... lelSi1 2115 3':I2-l 2 23 Sydney Bethel Union started...... 1NG%.6 15 40'2:;' 3 10 Ballarat gold-field discovered...... I S.'d ' O 17 5 41'261 4 3 Hunter, second Gov., arrived at Sydney .. 170.,10 15 5 42,27 4 46 Port Curtis gold rush ...... 18590 1.15 42,28; 5 24 ® Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.i(i 125 43 , 0, S. 5 57 p.m. (9) Sir C. Darling arrived at Melbourne .... 196:31.6 115 4-1 1 6 56 (12) Rai lwav oper+ed from Sandh . to Kchues 1864 1; 95 45 2 7 54 Melbourne Provident Institute stopped ....1 .062 75 461 3 8 50 Quebec taken by the English ...... 1757 6 6547 4 945 Duke of Wellington died ...... 1852 4 5 48 5 10 40 King rescued at Cooper 's Crk . by Hewitt .. 1861 0 35 48 6 11 32 Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. 0 15 49 7 Shock of Earthquake at ;Melbourne .. lhu 6 0.5 50 8 12 23 a.m. Dr. Samuel Johnson burn ...... 170'I5 5815519 1 13 Robt . Emmett exec . at Dublin for treason 18035 5 7 5 5210 1 58 Battle of the Alma ...... 1.05415 555 53 11 2 43 Sir WalterScott died ...... 19325 53'5 54 12 3 24 Kennedy left Sydney on his lastexpedition t8i8 5 525 5413 4 2 Seventeenth Sunday after 'Trinity. 5 50,5 5514 4 43 City of Washington captured ...... 1911 5 495 5615 5 21 l.ucknuw relievi .d ...... 1171; 47 5 57 1611. 6 47 p.m. Governor Sir Ifenry Barkly left Victoria ..Lsct115 465 58 171 7 56 (26) Sydney sli d Paramatta Railway opeued 185.515 .115 59 18j 9 6 King Georges Sound discovered ...... 1791 1) -130 0,191 10 12 i\Iichaclmas Day. 5 41 0 O'2,) 11 18 Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. 5 400 121

Sazby Days - 3rd-10th - 17th-24th.

For the heavy basaltic soils, this is usually the busiest month of the year, as by this time, in ordinary seasons, the soil works freely, and is in nice condition for receiving seed. Full sowings of peas, bean, French beaus. scarlet runners, and others indicated in calendar may be made. The beds and hills for cucumbers, melons, marrows, and indeed the whole of this useful family, should be prepared of well-rotted dung and fine turfy soil cut from a good loarn pasture. No well-kept garden should be without its turf heaps in various stages of dea,mpositioli ; as, for many kinds of plants, a pure sweet vegetable mould is indisdensable to their healthy growth. Ranunculi, anemones, tulips, hy,ociuths, &c., will be blooming during September; and it is a good plan to mark the beat varieties with their particular '-olonr and character. Especially is this requisite with rauntlculi, as NO many weedy uds are sold mixed with the better varieties. Where it is desired to retard the bloom. season of roses, the upper wood with young shoots may I'' pruned more closely. 17 10th Month. OCTOBBR. 31 DayE.

Last Quarter .... Monday, let, 3 49 p.m. Day Dayl New Moon ...... Tuesday, 9th , 2.38 a.m. SUN. First Quarter .. Wednesday , 17th, 7 4 a in. orwy of of MOON. Mon Wk. Full Moon ...... Wednesday, 24th, 9.52 a in. Last Quarter.... Wednesday, 31st, 12.25 a.m. Rises. Sets. Apogee-13th, 10 a.m . Perigee-25th, 3 p.m.

REMARKABLE EVENTS . H. M. H. M. D. H. M. ((£ Erith Gunpowder explosion ...... 1865 5 38 6 2 22 R.12 19 a.ln. Sebastopol besieged ...... 1854 5 376 3231 1 13 First complete trans. of Bible into English 1535 5 35 6 4 24 2 2 Benevolent Asylum opened at Sydney ....1821 5 33 6 5 25 2 45 Captain Cook landed at New Zealand ...... 1768 5 32 6 6 26 3 24 Names of Sydney streets proclaimed ...... 1810 5 306 7 27 4 0 Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. 5 29 6 8 28 4 34 (7) Gunpowder first made in Australia ....1829 5 27 6 9 29 5 6 ® Governor Collins landed at P. Phillip 1803 5 26 6 10 0 S. 6 41 p. n^ Result of Burke's expl. expedition rep rt d. 1861 5 24 6 10 1 7 37 Sydney University inaugurated ...... 1852 5 23 6 11 2 8 32 Thirty-four pris. cond. to death in Sydney 1822 5 22 6 12 3 9 24 First Viet. Part. under manhood suffrage ..1859 5 20 6 13 4 10 16 Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. 5 19 6 14 5 11 6 (14) First Legislative Council N. S. Wales..1851 5 17 6 15 6 11 51 (12) Columbus discovered America ...... 1492 5 16 6 16 7 3 Victorian Exhibition opened ...... 1854 5 14 6 17 8 12 36 a.m. St. Luke the Evangelist. 5 13 6 18 9 1 19 Dean Swift died ...... 1746 5 126 19 10 1 58 Railway from Melb. to Sandhurst opened ..1862 5 106 20 11 2 36 Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. 5 96 21 12 3 13 (21) Battle of Trafalgar ...... 1806 5 86 22 13 3 50 Iilliam Penn born ...... 1644 5 66 23 14 4 28 "Rol al Chaitei' wreck (459 lives lost)1839 5 5 6 24 15 11. 6 44 p.m. Battle of Balaclava (26) ltat. of lakermann 1858 5 46 25 16 7 55 Leichhart started on his last expedition ..1847 5 36 26 17 9 4 Sir Walter Raleigh beheaded ...... 1618 5 16 27 18 10 9 Twenty-second Sunday aft. Trinity 5 06 28 19 11 8 Opening first Queensland Exhibition ....1861 4 59 6 29 20 11 59 Kosciusko defeated ...... 1794 4 58 6 31 21 ((E Found. stone of Sydney Infirmary laid 18114 576 32 22 12 46 a.m

Saxby Days - 1st-7t1i - 15th - 22nd-2Sth.

The garden this month presents to the eye its most charming aspect. The bril- liancy of the young foliage of fruit trees, intermingled with blooms, the advancing crops of vegetables contrasting with the as yet moist, dark coloured soil; the air laden with the perfume of fruit and blossom+ of strawberries-all make labour light and pleasing. The close of this month is usually selected in the Melbourne district, for the first Horticultural Exhibition of the sea,on ; and the rose is then the chief attraction There is usually a section for amateurs, and, if the grower desires, he may exhibit in that or any section There are no societies more deserving of public, support than those designed for the t ncouragement of Horticulture ; and especially is this the case in new countries, wher' by such means the community is kept informed of new discoveries, and such plants as are likely to prove useful, are introduced for' the public advantage. The raiser of new varieties of fruits will find this the most critical month for the pet='rmauce of artificial fertilisation. 18 11th Month . NOVEMBER . 30 Days, f New Moon ...... Wednesday , 7th, 85 p m. Da y Dav First Quarter .. Thursday, 15th, 11 47 p m. SUN. zcd of of Full Moon ...... Thursday ,22nd , 745 p in. _ o0° MOON. Mon Wk. Last Quarter .... Thursday , 29th, 12 45 p in B Apogee-9th , 10 p.m. Perigee - 23rd, 2 a in. Rises.l Sege.

REMARKABLE EVENTS. H. M. M D.; H. M. All Saints' Day. 4 55 6 33 2,311t. 1 26 a.m. Fast on account of drought in N. S. Wales..1818 4 546 34,)4 2 2 Mitchell returned from Darling explorat...1810 4 53 6 35 12,5 2 37 Twenty-third Sunday aft. Trinity. 4 52 6 36 26 3 9 Gunpowder Plot. 4 516 37 27 3 40 (4) William Prince of Orange land. in Eng . 1688 4 50 6 38 28 4 12 Gtvernor B ri sbane arrived at Sydney 1821 1 49 6 39 23 4 48 Firat Viet. census taken (males 186, fem. 38)1836 4 48 6 40 1 S. 7 18 p.m. Prince of Wales born ...... 1841 4 47 6 41 2 8 11 Martin Luther born ...... 1483 4 46 6 42 3 9 2 Twenty-fourth Sunday aft. Trinity 4 45 6 43 4 9 51 (11) First Legislative Council in Viet met 1851 1 44 6 45 5 10 34 Battle of Preston Pans ...... 1715 4 44 6 46 6 11 16 Prince's B ri dge opened , Melbourne ...... 1850 4 13 6 47 7 11 56 Capt. Cook took possess. of N Zealand 1769 1 42 6 48 8 First Legislat . Council met in N. Zealand ,.1848 4 41 6 49 9 12 32 a.m. Sydney free Grammar School formed ...... 1825 1 40 6 50101 1 10 Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity. 4 40 6 51 11 1 46 (18) Last convicts landed in Sydney ...... 1840 4 39 6 5212 2 21 John Williams , the missionary killed...... 1839 4 39 6 53 13 2 59 Piincess Ro}al born ...... 1840 4 3816 5414 3 41 t) Heavy fall of snow at Hobait Town .... 1849 ( 3 7 6 56 15 4 2 6 Victorian New Constitution proclaimed.... 1855 1 3716 57 lb 11. 7 50 p.m. Tasman diacoveied Tasmania ...... lbIS 1 39 6 5817 8 54 S Twenty-sixth Sunday aft. Trinity 1 366 5918 9 51 Mo (2.5) Mitchell started on first expedition ..18 31 4 35 7 019 10 41 Tu Paci fic ocean discov.1519 . Dr. Watts died 174" 4 35 7 120 11 26 We Great flood at Melbourn e ...... 1819 4 35 7 221 Th (1 (28) Earthquake felt at Launceston ....1823 4 347 322 12 4a.m. Fri St. Andrew's Day. 4 347 4 23 12 30

Saxby Days - 3rd-111h - 1Sth-24sh. BUDDING.-In this month many varieties of roses and shrubs may be budded with success, but fruit trees will not be ready until February or March Care should be taken in the season (March, April, and May) to plant out a few cuttings of the com- mon free growing kinds of roses to serve as stocks, to bud choice varieties upon If this has been done, they will probably be in a good condition now to receive the buds. The operation, as hereafter described, is so simple that children easily acquire dexterity, and every amateur (lady or gentleman) should be able to increase their choice varieties of roses at pleasiiie, without running to the nurseryman for addi• tional plants of any admired variety. The pleasures of Floriculture will not thus be marred by any consideration of their costliness, and the pursuit comes to have the additional interest of an experimental science . Strawberries and cherries will be in full season during November. 19 12th Month. DECEMBER. 'A' Days.

New Moon ...... Friday, 7th, 3.5 p.m. Dayy Day y First Quarter .. Saturday, 15th, 2.23 a•.m. SUN. e of of Full Moon . .... Saturday, 22nd, 6.14 a.m. MOON. Mon Wk. Last Quarter .... Saturday, 29th, 5.3 a.m. 0` Apogee-6th, midnight. Perigee-21st,3 p.m. Rises.l Sets.

REMARKABLE EVENTS. H. M. Lx. M. D.1 N. M. Sat First Civic Election in Melbourne ...... 1842 4 341 5 24,11. 1 12 a.m. S First Sunday in Advent. 4 347 6 25' 1 43 Me Storming of Eureka Stockade , Ballarat.... 18544 33 7 7 26 2 14 Tn (2) Napoleon crowned, 1801. Eat. Austerlitz 1805 4 33 7 8 271 2 49 We Gov. Bourke left Sydney , 1837. ; (2) arrived 1821 4 33 7 8 281 3 23 Th Lady Mary Fitzroy killed at Paramatta ....1847 4 33 7 9 29 4 0 Fri ® Alg . Sidney belied., 1683. Mar. Ney shot 1815 4 33 7 1030 4 40 Sat Bendigo gold- field discovered ...... 1851 4 33 7 11 IS. 7 47p.m. S Second Sunday in Advent. 4 33 7 12 2 8 33 Mo Queensland Separation Day ...... 18594 3 3 7 13 3 9 14 'I'll Pilgrim Fathers landed in America ...... 11120 ,1 33 7 14 4 9 57 We New Zealand discovered by Tasman ...... 1012 4 33 7 14 5 10 34 'i'h (16) Oliver Cromwell deel . Lord Protector .. 1653 4 33-, 15 6 11 11 Fri Prince Albert died, 1861. G. Washington d. 1799 4 34 7 16 7 11 46 S :1 3 Mt. Alexr . diggers resist £ 3 license . .1851 4 347 17 8 S Third Sunday in Advent. 4 34 7 17 9 12 19a.m. 1 1o Great Flood at Melbourne (lives lost) ...... 10034 34 7 18 10'1 12 54 T11 (16)Burke left Coopers Ck. for Carpentaria 1841 4 35 7 1811, 1 33 We New South Wales Parliament proclaimed ..1857 4 35 7 19'10' 2 14 Th (19)Bass discovered Twofold Bay...... 17974 U17 20 131 3 1 Fri St. Thomas. 4 36 7 21) 141 3 54 Sat Summer commences. 4 377 21 15.11. 7 33 p.m. S Fourth Sunday in Advent. 4 37 7. 2116, 829 Mo (23) Abdication of James It ...... 1688 4 33 7 22 17 9 18 Tu Christmas Day. 4 38 7 22 181 10 0 We St. Stephen. 4 39 7 22 191 10 39 Th St. John. Arrival of Sir H. Barkly 1856 4 39 7 2320' 11 14 Fri GovernorMacquarie arrived at Sydney .... 18094 407 23 21 11 46 Sat ((j;Wreck of the "Schomberg" off C. Otwayl855 4 417 23 221 - S First Sunday after Christmas. 4 4Q,7 24231 12 18 a.ui. Mo 1 (30) Syd. Exchange and Else . Telegraph op. 1857 4 427 24 24 12 50

Saxhy Days - 1st-Sth - 16th - 22nd-2Sth. Hot winds frequently affect growing crops prejudicially this mouth. Care should be taken that the vines of melons, marrows, cucumbers, &c., are not injured by being blown about. Peg down at intervals. Attend to vines, and re-tie where necessary,great injury generally resulting from neglectin keepingthe young tender shoots tied to the stakes. Should any stakes appear loose, have them driven firmly. in without delay, or the loss of the vile may be occasioned by the wind blowing both down together. Writers on the vine sometimes advise the removal of foliage from around the young fruit, but such a practice, unless for very special requirements, is to he condemned; as it too frequently happens that the hot winds scorch the unripe- fruit, and spoil the crop, even where no foliage has been removed. Stopping back, the shoots is also not advisable ; but young lateral, or side growth, may be rubbed of with advantage. The growing of crops of vegetables, however light, among the vines, is a very bad plan, and one not defensible on the score of economy. 20 21



II xnaa the New Postal Act, many changes have been made, particularly as regards the 1, trtsmission of Parketb. It is necessary that all Packets be franked with the exact words required by the Act. 1. Town Letters. Received at any Post-office for delivery at or from such Post-office within ten miles thereof : - Not exceeding one-half ounce ------Os. 2d. Not exceeding one ounce but exceeding half an ounce - - - - Os, 4d. )or every ounce or fraction of an ounce over one ounce - - Os, 4d 2. CountryLetters. For delivery in any part of the coloriv beyond ten miles from the Office at which the letters are posted, or overland to South Australia : - Not exceeding half an ounce ------Os. 4d. Not exceeding one ounce, but exceeding half an ounce - - - - Os, 8d. For every ounce or fraction of an ounce over one ounce - - - - 0s. 8d. S. Foreign Letters. For delivery beyond the limits of the colony (except to South Australia overland) and forwarded by private ship Not exceeding half an ounce ------Os. 6d, Not exceeding one ounce, but exceeding half an ounce Is. Od. For every ounce or fraction of ounce over one ounce 1s, Od. 4. For the United Kingdom. Letters for transmission to any part of the United Kingdom Vid SOUTHAMPTON. Not exceeding half an ounce ------Os. 6d. Exceeding half an ounce, but not exceeding one ounce - - - 1s. Od. For every ounce or fraction of ounce over one ounce 1s. Od. Vac. MARSEILLES. Not exceeding half an ounce ------Os. 10d. Exceeding half an ounce, but not exceeding one ounce 1s, 8d. For every ounce or fraction of ounce over one ounce - - - - Is, 8d. NEWSPAPERS. Not exceeding five ounces in weight Vid Southampton ------id. each. Marseilles ------3d. each. 5. Letters containing Gold or Silver. Letters containing gold or silver, either in a manufactured or unmanufactured state, o• whether mixed or not with any other substance or material, posted for delivery at any post town in the colony, are chargeable with treble the ordinary rates of postage (that is to say) :- TOWN LETTERS. cot exceeding half an ounce ------Os. 6d. Not exceeding one ounce, but exceeding half an ounce - - - 1s. Od. For ever) ounce or fraction of ounce oier one ounce - - - - Is. Od. COUNTRY LETTERS. Not exceeding half an ounce ------1s. Od. Not exceeding one ounce, but exceeding half an ounce - - - - 2s. Od. For every ounce or fraction of an ounce over one ounce - 2s. Od 22

6. Letters for Officers on Board Her Hgjesty"s Ships. Letters forwarded vi4 the United Kingdom for officers on board Her Majesty's ships oa any foreign or colonial station Not exceeding half an ounce ------1s. Od. Not exceeding one ounce , but exceeding half an ounce 2s. Od. For every ounce or fraction of ounce over one ounce - - - - 2s. Od. 7. Soldiers'and Sailors' Letters. Addressed to or forwarded by any seamen on actual service in Her Majesty's Navy, or by any sergeant, corporal, drummer, trumpeter, fifer, or private soldier, on actual service in Her Majesty's regular forces , militia, feneible regiments, or Royal Mari nes Not exceeding half an ounce ------Os. If forwarded to any place vid United Kingdom - - - - Os. 2d, Provided that (in the case of a letter forwarded by any soldier or sailor) there shall be on the face thereof the name of the writer and his class or descri ption in the vessel, regiment , corps, or detachment to which he belongs, and the signature of the officer having command of such vessel, regiment , corps or detachment ; and also (in the case of a letter addressed to a soldieror sailor) theresha ll be specifiedupon thesuperscrip- tion thereof, the vessel, regiment , corps, or detachment to which the person to whom it is addressed belongs. Letters of the above class, exceeding half an ounce in weight , are to be charged the ordinaryrates of postage. Soldiers' and Sailors' letters sent vid the United Kingdom to any part beyond so with which there is no communication by Bri tish mail packet , are chargeable with tbt foreign transit rate due to the country through which such letters pass, or according to the following scale:- Panama or any other place on the Pacific side of New Granada, vid Panama Os. 8d. Valparaiso , or any other place in Chili , vi4 Panama - • Os. 8d. Callao, or any other place in Peru , v0 Panama - - - - - Os. 8d. Vancouver 's Island or British Columbia , vid New York and Panama 0e. id, Vancouver 's Island or British Columbia , vid St. Thomas and Panama ls. 6d, Canada, vid United States Os. 4d. S. Prepayment of Postage, The postage upon all letters , packets , and newspapers must be prepaid by affixing stamps thereon , except it may happen that any Postmaster shall not have stamps of th. requisite value for sale , in which case the postage may be prepaid in coin , and shall b, acknowledged by such Postmaster on the face or cover of such letter, packet, or newspaper. Town and country letters and packets , bearing postage stamps equal in value to one single rate ( letters not exceeding half an ounce, town 2d., country 4d., packets not exceeding four ounces 2d.), will be regularly transmitted ; but if over the above weight, will be charged on delivery double the amount of postage which may have been omitted to be prepaid. Town, country, and foreign letters , packets , and newspapers , posted without any stamp being affixed thereon, and unpaid , and town, country, and foreign letters and packets stamped or paid less than a single rate of postage, are to be sent without delay to theGeneral Post -officeto be dealtwith according to law. Letters addressed to the United Kingdom, South Australia, Western Australia, and New Zealand, will be forwarded if a single rate be prepaid , and the deficient postage, together with a fine equal to a single rate, will be charged on delivery. 9. Exemption from Postage Rates. Letters on the Government service, contained in official envelopes or covers, described on the outside thereof as being " On Her Majesty's Service ," and attested with the signature of the Governor, or impressed with " a frank stamp" with the title of a Responsible Minister of the Crown thereon, or the title of the officers in command of any portion of her Majesty's land and sea forces, and the officers of Her Majesty's Ord- nance or Commissariat respectively , are exempt from postage. The Government Gazette , in printed covers, with the words " On Her Majesty's Servi ce," open at both ends, and bearing the imp rint of the Government Printer (if received at the General Post office from the Office of the Govern ment Printer, but not otherwise) to be exempt from postage. 28

Letters, newspapers , and packets sent by post from any place beyond the li mits of t}Ie colony are to be transmitted and delivered free of charge, except in cases where it is necessary to collect postage under an arrangement with the country or colony from which such letters, packets , and newspapers have been received. 10. Re-direction of Letters. If any letter, packet, or newspaper, which shall have been carried according to its original address (before the delivery thereof), be re-directed to some new address within the colony, there shall be paid thereon before delivery, the amount of postage which would have been chargeable upon such letter, packet, or newspaper, if the same had been originally posted at the Post-office at which the same was re-directed. 11. Registered Letters. For the Registration of letters, stamps to the value of sixpence must be affixed, in additionto thepostage. 12. Late Letters. TOWN AND COUNTRY LETTERS. For any time not exceeding a quarter of an hour Os. 2d. For any time beyond a quarter of an hour Os. 4d. If handed to the railway mail guards, or posted in the railway travelling post-office - - Os. 4d, FOREIGN LETTERS, BY PRIVATE SHIP. For any time not exceeding a quarter of an hour - - - - - Oa. 3d For any time beyond a quarter of an hour Os. 6d. ENGLISH MAILS, BY R. M. CONTRACT STEAMERS. For any time not exceeding one half hour Os. 3d. For any time beyond one half hour ------Os. 6d. If posted on board the mail steamer Is. Od. Late fees to be paid in all cases by stamps affixed to the letters. 13. Newspapers. For each newspaper posted in the colony, one penny must be prepaid by stamp. 14. Packets. Town, country, and foreign Packets of the descriptions undermentioned, and no others, are to be prepaid by stamp at the following rates Not exceeding four ounces, Town or Country - - - - Os. 2d. „ Foreign Os. 6d. Every additional two ounces, or fraction of two ounces, Town or Country Os. ld. „ Foreign - - Os. 3d. 1. Bankers' Packets containing Notes, Orders, Cheques, or Pass-books, sent by or to any bank or banker. 2. Packets containing Process of, or Proceedings, or Pleadings in, any Court, briefs, cases, and instructions for Counsel, and their opinions thereon respectively; Deeds, Affidavits, Policies of Assurance, Letters of Attorney, Depositions, or Recognizances. Il. Packets in covers open at each end, containing Patterns or Samples of Merchandise, not having a value of their own apart from their mere use as Patterns or Samples, and either unenclosed, or enclosed in bags tied round the neck so as to be easily loosened and refastened. 4. Packets in overs open at each end, containing Prices Current and Catalogues. 5 Packets in covers open at each end, containing Acts of the Victorian or Imperial Parliaments, or printed Votes and Proceedings of either House thereof respectively, or Returns or copies of Returns made by or to My Officer in the Public Service. 6. Packets in covers open at each end, ooutaining Pamphlets, Maps, Plans, Music, Photographs, Magazines, Reviews, Placards, Almanacs, Prospectuses, Paintings , Engrav- ings, Printers' Proofs, or Periodical Publications, Scrip, or paper only. 7. Packets in covers open at the end. containing Printed or Plain Books. All Packets, except Packets containing patterns or samples, or Packets containing seeds, which may be either unenclosed or enclosed in bags tied round the neck so as to be easily loosened and refastened , MUST BE IN COVERS OPEN AT THE ENDS OR SIDES, otherwise they cannot be transmitted at the packet rate. This particularly affects Bankers' Packets, and Packets containing law papers. For the greater secvrity of their contents, Packets may be tied 0 the ends with string. U It is not necessaryfor the sender of a Packet to subscribe or print with his address a statement of the contents , but that such particulars may at the optionname of or sender be given. the 15. Book Post. For the transmission of Books , &c., front Victoria to the undermen tioned countries and colonies only The United Kingdom. Malta. South Australia. India . Gibraltar. Tasmania. Ceylot. Cape of Good Hope. New Zealand. Mauritius. Ascension. Western Australia, Hong Kong. New South Wales. Queensland. If in conformity with the undermentioned Regulations

Not exceeding four ounces Os. Above four ounces and not exceeding six ounces - - - 8d. Os. Above six ounces and not exceeding eight ounces- . 9d, Is. Od. And so on, adding three pence for every addi ti onal two ounces or fraction of two fiances rap to three poundq. Book Packets may be forwarded to the United Kingdom , aid Marseilles upon payment of the following rates'- Not exceeding four ounces - - - - - Os. Si. Above four ounces and not exceeding eight ounces - - - - Is. 4d. Above eight ounces and not exceeding one pound - - - - 98. Nd. Above one pound and not exceeding one pound and a half pound - 45. Od. Above one pound and a half and not exceeding two pounds - - - lls. 4d. And so on, adding one shilling and fourpence for each additional half pound or fraction of half pound rap to three pounds. REGULATIONS. Every Book Packet must be sent either without a cover or in a cover open at the ends or sides. No Book Packet must exceed two feet in length, breadth, or depth, or three pounds in weight A Book Packet may contain any number of separate Books , Almanacs , Maps, or Prints, and any quantity of Paper, Vellum , or Parchment (to the exclusion of letters, whether sealed or open ), and the Books, Maps, Papers, &c., may be either pruned. wri tten, or plain , or any mixture of the three. On the cover or outside of the Packet, in addition to the name and address of the person to whom the same is to be delive red, the sender thereof altoU be at liberty to subscribe a statement of the contents thereof, together with his name and address. The Books , &c., may be in any binding , mounting, or covering , whether such binding be loose or attached. In the ease of Prints or Maps, rollers may accompany them ; and markers, whether of paper or otherwise , may be sent with books or other printed papers. If a Book Packet be found to contain any enclosure which is sealed or otherwise closed against inspec tion or any letter whether sealed or not the letter or other en- closure will be taken out and forwarded to the addres on the Packet, charged with the fall postage as an unpaid letter, together with an additional rate equal to the amount chargeable on a Book not exceeding half a pound in weight . The remainder of the Packet, if fully prepaid, will be forwarded without extra charge. If a Packet addressed to the United Kingdom, India , Ceylon, Mauritius, Hong Kong Malta, P.ibraltar, Tasmania , Western Australia, South Australia, or New Zealand, be trot sufficiently prepaid according to its weight, but, ne%ertbeless, a single book-rate be p e paid, it will be forwarded, charged with the deficient book postage , and with an sddi' tional book rate This does not apply to Book Packets addressed to New South Wa1011 or Queensland , which must be fully prepaid. In the event of a Book Packet addressed to any place being posted altogether nnpaill or prepaid less than a single rate, it will be detained and sent to the Dead Letter OM0e' Book Packets correctly posted will be delivered according to their addresses without further charge. 26 MONEY ORDERS. Money Orders may be obtained and made payable at the principalPost -offices throughout the Colony, on payment of the following charges:- Not exceeding £5 Os. 6d. Above £5, but not exceeding £10 - Is. Od. For N. S. Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, and New Zealand:- Not exceeding £5 Is. Od. Above £5, but not exceeding £10 . 2s. Od. For Great Britain and Ireland Not exceeding £2 . is. Od. Above £2, but not exceeding £5 . . 2s. 6d. Above £5, but not exceeding £7 . . 3s. 6d. Above £7, but not exceeding ;CIO - . 6s. Od. The largest amount for which any Money Order is issued in Victoria is £10. Lists of the Money Order Offices in South Australia , the United Kingdom, and New Zealand, way be seen, and further information obtained, at any Money Order Office in Victoria.

EXCHANGEOF POSTAGESTAMPS FOR MONEY. Victorian Postage Stamps will be received at all Money Order Offices in exchange for money, a charge of five per cent, being made upon the value of the Stamps purchased, or according to the following scale, viz.: Not exceeding in value is. 8d. . . . Os, ld. Above Is. 8d., but not exceeding 3s. 4d. . Os. 2d. Above 3s. 4d., but not exceeding 6s. . . Os. 3d. And so on at the rate of Id. for every is. 8d. or portion of Is. 8d. Postage Stamps only to be exchanged when not soiled or otherwise damaged, and when presented in strips at least two Stamps adhering to each other as at hest issued from the Post-office.

DELIVERIES IN MELBOURNE AND SUBURBS. There are four Deliveries daily by Letter Carriers in Melbourne within the following boundaries :-On the north, by the south side of Victoria-street ; on the east, by Spring- street (including the Parliament Houses); on the south by the River Yarta; on the west by Spencer and Adderley-streets. The Letter Carriers leave the General Post- office at S a.m ., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., and 5 p.m. The Delivery of Letters, &c., by Letter Carriers in Hotham, Fitzroy, and Collingwood, takes piece three times daily, commencing at 8 a.m. , 1 p.m., and 4 p.m., and in Carlton and East Melbourne, at 8 a.m., 12 noon, and 4 p.m.

Letters intended for any of the above Deliveries are required to be posted at the General Post-office not less than fifteen minutes before the time stated. Registered Letters and Newspapers are required to be posted one hour prior to the time appointed for closing Mails, and before 4 p.m. daily. Mails are dispatched on an average twice a week to the neighbouring colonies, and at the same postal rates as letters to England. Letters for the country districts, to be in time for the day mail, should be posted before a quarter to 11 a.m. ; and for the evening mail, before half-past`5 p.m. daily. The mail for Beechworth and townships on the route closes at Melbourne at halt-past 11 everymorning. It is suggested that all letters intended for transmission by the Roval Mail contract steamers should be secured with gum or wafers, the use of sealing-wax having been found to cause delay in separating letters, and in some instances to lead to addresses an envelopes beingrendered illegible. 26 POPULATION OF VICTORIA, 1865. The subjoined quarterly abstract shows the estimated population of Victoria on the 30th June, 1865

Males. Females. Persons.

Population on the 31st March, 1865 351,023 259,870 610,893 Increase of population by excess of iuunigration over emigration (by sea) during the quarter ending30th June,1865 ...... 1,568 h99 2,267 Increase by excess of births over deaths during the quarter ending 30th June, 1 865 ...... 1,638 1,865 3,503

Total ...... 354,229 262,434 616,663

VACCINATION The Deputy-Registrar of Births and Deaths must, within twenty days after regis• tration of any birth , give notice to the parents or guardian to have the child vao• cinated, specifying the days and hours when the Government Vaccinator attends fort the purpose. Parents or guardians, refusing to attend to such notice are liable to penalty of from 40s. to £5.


A Concise Table for Estimating Purchases by the Pound, Yard, Stone, &c.

No. 21d. 34d. 44d. 61d. 61d. 71d. 184d. 94d. l0ljd. 111jd.

S. d. s. d.I s. d. s, d.l s. d. 1s. d. S. d.1 s. d. I s. d. s. d. 1 0 21 0 31 0 41 0 5.1 0 611 0 71 0 84' 0 94' 0 1010 Ili 2 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 11 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 9 1 11 3 0 71 0 101, 1 141 1 41 1 71 1 101' 2 11 2 44 2 74 2 101 4 0 10 1 2 1 6 1 1 10 2 2 2 6 2 10 3 2 3 6 3 10 5 1 04 1 54 1 1041 2 31 2 8-11 3 14 3 61 3 114 4 44 4 91 6 1 3 1 9 2 3 2 9 33 3 9 4 3 i 4 9 53 5p 7 1 51 2 01 2 71' 3 2 3 91 4 44 4 11 5 61 6 11 6 81 8 1 8 2 4 3 3 8 4 4 5 0 5 8 6 4 1 7 0 7 8 9 1 1011 2 74 3 44 14 4 101 5 71 17 6 44' 7 11 7 101 8 74 10 2 1 2 11 3 9 4 7 5 5-1 6 3 1 1 7 11 8 9 9 7 11 2 31 3 21 4 14 5 01 5 1111 6 10:} 7 94 8 8!, 19 7110 64 12 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 1 8 6 9 6 ,10 6 f 1 6 1:3 2 84 3 91 4 101 5 11.11 7 04; 8 14 9 21 10 3.1 11 4112 51 14 2 11 4 1 5 3 6 5 7 7 8 9 11 11 1 12 3 13 5 15 3 14 4 41 5 71 6 1041 8 11 9 4410 7111 104113 1114 44 26 3 4 4 8 6 0 7 4 8 8 10 0 ''11 4 12 8 114 0 15 4 17 3 641 4 114 6 41 7 941 9 2110 74112 0 13 51114 10116 31j 18 3 9 1 5 3 6 9 8 3 9 9 11 3 12 9 14 3 15 9 17 3 19 3 1'.1' 5 64 7 14 8 81 10 3111 10.113 5115 0116 7118 21 20 4 2 5 10*0 i 7 6 9 2 '10 10 1112 6 114 215 10 17 6 19 2 25 5 24 7 31 9 4111 5413 6115 74,17 8419 9121 10123 114 28 5 10 8 2 10 6 '12 10 15 2 117 6 19 10 22 2 24 6 26 10 42 8 9 12 3 115 9 19 3 22 9 26 3 129 9 33 3 36 9 40 3 56 11 8 16 4 21 0 25 8 ,30 4 135 0 130 8,44 4 49 0 53 8 27

ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. GeneralSuperintendent -S. W. McGOWAN. Head Office, corner of William Street and Flinders Lane.

MELBOURNE, Ten ] ach ad. MELBOURNE , Too Ea ch r, ! Words. word. Words. Word from or to e. d. s. d. from or to S. d. S. d. Ararat 3 0 .. 0 2 1'aradal C 2 0 0 2 Avoca 3 0 .. 0 2 Taruag ulla 3 0 0 2 Ballarat 2 6 0 2 Wahgu nyah 3 0 0 2 Beaufort 3 0 .. 0 2 Wangar atta 3 0 0 2 Beechworth 3 0 .. 0 2 Warrna mbool 3 0 11 '2 Belfast 3 0 .. 0 2 William stown 1 0 0 1 Belvoir 3 0 .. 0 2 Yackan dandah 3 0 0 2 Benalla 3 0 .. 0 2 r Geelong 1 fi 0 1 Buninyong 2 6 .. 0 2 Li ttle River 1 6 0 1 Camperdown 3 0 .. 0 2 W erribee 1 0 0 1 Cape Schanck 2 0 .. 0 2 Ge elong Junet. 1 0 0 1 Castlemaine 2 0 .. O 2 Sp encer-street 1 0 0 1 Casterton 3 0 .. 0 2 Ballarat West 2 6 .. 0 1 Carishrook 3 0 .. 0 2 Woodend 1 6 .. 0 1. Chiltern 3 0 .. 0 2 Ca stlemaine 2 0 .. 0 2 Clones 3 0 .. 0 2 Sandhurst 2 6 .. 0 2 Colac 3 0 .. 0 2 Ru nnymede 3 0 .. 0 3 Creswick 3 0 .. 0 2 l,,Echuca 3 0 .. 0 3 D aylesford 2 6 .. 0 2 Dunolly 3 0 .. 0 2 NEW SOUTH WALES. E chuca 3 0 .. 0 2 Geelong 1 6 .. 0 1 SYDNE Y, 6 0 .. 0 4 Gisborne 1 6 .. 0 1 Albury 4 0 .. 0 3 Hamilton 3 0 .. 0 2 Armida le 8 0 .. 0 4 H eathcote 2 0 .. 0 2 Bathurs t 7 0 0 4 Heaham 3 0 .. 0 2 Berrima 6 0 .. 0 4 Inglewood 3 0 .. 0 2 Braidw ood 6 0 .. 0 4 Jamieson 3 0 .. 0 3 Campbe lltown 6 0 .. 0 4 Kerang 3 0 .. 0 2 Deniliq uin 6 0 .. 0 4 Kilmore 1 6 .. 0 1 Glen la nes 8 0 .. 0 4 Kyneton 2 0 ,. 0 2 Goulbu rn 6 0 .. 0 4 Longwood 2 6 .. 0 2 Gundag ai 6 0 .. 0 4 Maldon 2 6 .. 0 2 Hartley 7 0 .. 0 4 Maryborough 3 0 .. 0 2 Kiandra 6 0 .. 0 4 Moonambel 3 0 .. 0 2 Kyamba 6 0 .. 0 4 Mortlake 3 0 .. 0 2 Liverpool 6 0 .. 0 4 Newstead 2 0 .. 0 2 Maitlan d 7 0 .. 0 4 Otway 3 0 .. 0 2 Morpeth 7 0 .. 0 4 Point Lonsdale 2 0 .. 0 2 M udgee 8 0 .. 0 4 PortAlbert 3 0 .. 0 2 Murrur undi 8 0 0 4 Portland 3 0 .. 0 2 M uswel lbrook 8 0 .. 0 4 Queenscliff 2 0 .. 0 2 Newcast le 7 0 . 0 4 Red Bank 3 0 .. 0 2 Orange 7 0 .. 0 4 Rutherglen 3 0 .. 0 2 Parrama tta 6 0 .. 0 4 Sale 3 0 0 2 Penrith 7 0 .. 0 4 Sandhurst 2 6 .. 0 2 Picton 6 0 .. 0 4 Sandridge 1 0 .. 0 1 Scone 8 0 0 4 Seymour 3 0 0 3 Singleto n 7 0 .. 0 4 Smytbesdale 2 6 .. 0 2 Sbf'ala 7 0 .. 0 4 SnapperPoint 1 0 .. 0 1 South H ead 6 0 .. 0 4 St. Arnaud 3 0 .. 0 2 Tarnwor th 8 0 .. 0 4 Stawell 3 0 .. 0 2 Tenterii eld 8 0 .. 0 4 Streatham 3 0 .. 0 2 Tumutn 6 0 .. 0 4 Swan Hill 3 0 .. 0 2 V rang 6 0 .. 0 4 Talbot 3 0 .. 0 2 Wagga Wagga 6 0 .. 0 4 m

MELBOURNE, Ten Each ad. MELBOUINE , Ten Each ad. Words. Word. Words. Word. from or to s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Windeyer .. 8 0 .. 0 4 Penola .. 4 0 .. 0 3 Windsor .. 7 0 .. 0 4 Port 6 0 .. 0 3 Wollombi .. 7 0 .. 0 4 Port Elliot .. 5 0 .. 0 8 Yass .. 6 0 . . 0 4 Robe .. 4 0 .. 0 3 Rosewortby 6 0 .. 0 :t SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Salisbury .. 6 0 .. 0 3 ADELAIDE .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Smithfield .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Alberton .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Stuthalbyn 6 0 .. 0 3 Bowden .. 6 0 0 3 Willunga .. 6 0 .. 0 6 Clare .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Woodside .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Dry Creek .. 6 0 .. 0 a Freeling 6 0 .. 0 3 QUEENSLANI). Gawler .. 6 0 .. 0 3 BRISBANE .. 9 0 .. 0 6 Glenelg .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Drryt,:n .. 9 0 0 6 Goolwa .. 5 0 .. 0 3 Gatton .. 9 0 .. 0 6 Kapunda .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Ipswich .. 9 0 .. 0 6 Kooringa .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Lytton .. 9 0 .. 0 6 Mount Barker 6 0 0 3 Maryboro .. 9 0 .. 0 6 Mount Gambier .. 4. 0 .. 0 3 Rockhampton .. 9 0 .. 0 6 Nairne .. li 0 .. 0 3 Toowomba .. 9 0 .. 0 6 Peninsula .. 6 0 .. 0 3 Warwick .. 9 0 .. 0 6

Press Messages at a reduced rate of 1s. not exceeding 12 words ; and id. for each additional word. The charge between intermediate Stations can be ascertained at any of the above offices.

Regulations and Conditions under which Telegraphic messages are authorised to be Transmitted in Victoria. 1. To lessen as mpch as possible any liability to tirror in the transmission of Mes- sages from defective manuscript, it is desirable that the use of Figures should be avoided, and that Words at length be substituted; and the public, in using the Electric Tele. graph, are requested to be particular in giving a full and correct Address to every Mes- sage, so that the least possible delay in delivery may occur. 2. Messages will be transmitted in the order of their reception, and no precedence will be allowed except for special despatches on the service of the Government, the arrest of criminals, and in cases of pressing emergency, sickness, or death. 3. All Messages will be held strictly confidential. 4. PAYMENT of , CaAnose IN ADVANCE will be required , except for Replies to Inter- rogatory Messages on which the sender may have written the words " Reply will be paid for;" but special arrangements may be made for the receipt of Messages payable by the receiver, either by depositing security at the receiving office or by furnishing written authority covering the cost of transmission. 5. No charge will be made for the date, address, or signature to any Message, and it is particularly requested that the two latter may be as clear and explicit as possible. 6. Messages must be WRITTEN WITH INK, in a clear and legible manner, and bear a proper date, address, and genuine signature in the usual handwriting of the sender. 7. Messages will be delivered free of charge within one mile of the office; over'that distance cab or omnibus fare will be charged, when incurred; and for Messages to be delivered on shipboard , an extra charge to cover the disbursement for boat expenses will be made. 8. Messages may be transmitted in cvrnEE in the English language , on payment of. an additional charge of fifty per cent., but Cypher Words must not average more than two syllables. 9. On special occasions , when the communication may be kept open during the night , an additional charge equal to one-third of the ordinary rate will be required upon all Messages received for transmission latter than 8 p.m, 10. Every reasonable exertion will be used , and precaution adopted, to secure the greatest promptness , accuracy, and despatch in conducting the business of the Tel.. 29 graph, but no responsibility will be assumed for any errors, omissions , or delays in inc transmission or non-transmission, delivery, or non-delivery of any Message, from what- ever cause the same arise. In order, however , to afford the fullest security for the correctness of a transmitted Message, the sender may obtain a copy of the Message as repeated back from the Receiving Office, if within the bounds of this colony, upon pay. ment of one-half the original charge upon such Message ; but in no case will any pecu. niary responsibility be recognised beyond the extent of Five Pounds. 11. In the event of serious delay occurring to prevent the transmission of a Message within a reasonable time, or sufficient to destroy the value of the despatch, notice will be conveyed to the sender, should his address be known, and the Message, together with the amount paid thereon, be returned. if desired. 12. In cases where immediate replies are required, the messenger will be instructed to wait Fly] MINUTESafter the delivery, provided the Message may contain the words "Reply by Telegraph immediately." 13. PRINTEDFoaMs upon which Messages should be wri tten may be obtained upon application at the office ; but all Messages , whether written upon the prescribed forms, or upon plain paper, will be considered as tendered for transmission , and transmitted to their destination under the several conditions and stipulations above detailed. 14. The Offices will be kept open for the transmission of Messages by the public generally between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Sundays excepted).

RAILWAYS. Victorian Railways .- Melbourne Terminus- Spencer-street, Batman's Hill. Melbourne to Echuca.-166 m.les. Through in five hours. Melbourne to Williamstown-9# miles. Melbourne to Geelono and Ballarat-98 miles . Through in four hours. Melbourne and Essendon-41 miles. Return Tickets issued on Saturday, available for return up to Monday night. (Time and Fare Table issued monthly.) Melbourne Railway Brighton Railway Melbourne and St . Kilda Railway . { Station : Flinders-street. Melbourne and Sandridge Railway, J

Cabs run between the Spencer-street Station and the Builders' Arms, Collingwood, in connexion with all the trains . Fares-To or from Spencer -street to the Post Office, or the intersection of Bourke and Swanston streets, od; through fare, 6d. After 10 p.m. and on Sundays and holidays , double fare. To the vari ous Suburbs, for one person, 2e. per mile ; by the hour, 4s.

TO STEAMERSFROM MELBOURNE Adelaide-Every fourth day, and by A. S. N. Co.'s steamer, monthly. Fares : Saloon, £6 6s. ; Second Cabin, £3 Sc. Belfast-Tuesday and Saturday. Fares : Saloon, £'3 10s. ; Foie Cabin, £1 lbs. Geelong-For cargo: Express, from Queen's Wharf, deity, 4 p.m. Hobart Town-Three times a month, from Queen's Wharf. Saloon, £4 10s., return, £7 10s.; Fore Cabin, £3. Launceston-About twice a week, from the Queen's Wharf. Fares: Saloon, £ 3 3s., Return, £5 5s.; Fore Cabin, £1 10s. King George's Sound-P. and 0. Co.'s and Branch Mail Steamer, once a month. New Zealand Ports-Weekly. Fares: Cabin, £15, Second Cabin, £6 6s. Port Albert-Wednesday and Saturday, at 11 a.m., from Queen's Wharf. Fares: Cabin, £2 5s., Return, £3 15s. ; Steerage, 17s. 6d. Portland-Tuesday and Saturday. Fares: Saloon, £4; Fore Cabin, £2. Queensland-For Brisbane, vid Sydney, per A. S. N. Co.'s steamers, about twice a week. Sydney-About twice a week, from Railway Pier, at 1 p.m. Return tickets: First Class, £9; Single , £ 5; Steerage, £2. Warrnambool - Tuesday and Saturday. Fares : Saloon, £3 89.; Fore Cabin, £1 10s. 30 COACHES. a1 ECHWOBTHLINE , from35 BOIIRKESTREET {AST

Leave Arriv® Arrive Melbourne , 11.45 a.m. Seymour .. .. 9 Campbellfield I p.m. Tallarook .. .. 10. 45 Somerton 1.30 Broadford .. .. midnight Donnybrook 2 „ Kilmore .. .. 2 a.m Wallan Wallan 3 „ Wallan-Wallan .. .. .3.15 Kilmore 4.15 Donnybrook .. .. 4 Broadford 5.30 Somerton .. .. 4.30 „ Tallarook ... 6 30. Campbellfield .. 5 Seymour .. .. 7.30 Melbourne .. .. 6.30 „ Avenel .. .. 0 Leave Aurvo Longwood .. .. 11 30 Wangaratta 8. 30. a,m. Euroa .. .. 12.45 Chrlte,u .. .. noon Violet Town .. .. 2.45 Rutherglen .. .. 12.30 p.m. Benalla .. .. 4.45 Barnawartha .. .. 1 Wangaratta .. .. 8.15 Be)voir r . 3 Tarrawingee .. .. 9.15 Albury .,, .. 3.30 „ Leave Arrive Beechwortb .. .. noon Leave Arrive Albury 5 p.m. Beechworth 4 a.m. Belvoir .. .. 5.30 p.m. Tarrawingee .. .. 7 „ Barnawartha .. .. 7 Wangaratta .. .. 8 Chiltern .. 8 Benalla .. .. 11.30 4 a.m next day Violet Town .. .. 1.30 P.M. Wangaratta .. .. 8 a.m. Euroa .. .. 3.30 „ Leave Rutherglen4 a.m. to reach Longwood .. .. 5.30 „ Springs in time for onward despatch by Avenel .. .. 7.30 Chiltern coach to Wangaratta, To WOOD'S POINT , yid JAMIESON , MANSFIELD , and Intermediate townships , at 7 a.m., from 35 Bourke-street east, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, arriving Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 6 p.m. Returning from Jamieson on Mondays, Wednes- days, and Fridays. at 4 a.m., reaching Melbourne on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur. days, at 6 p.m. To Woon's POINT, std HEALESVILLE, Yarra Track, daily, at 11 a.m., from 35 Bourke. street east , and 5 p.ln. from Globe Hotel, Swanston-street. Returning from Healesville, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 a.m.; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 1 p.m. To JAMIESON'S, vid LONGWOOD and MANSFIELD, at 11.30 a.m., on Tuesdays, Thurs. days, and Saturdays. Returning from Jamieson's same days, at 4 a.m., arriving in Melbourne at 6.30 a.m. following morning. To YEA, at 7 from 35 Bourke-street east, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri- days, arriving at Yea same evening, at 5 p.m. Returning from Yea, Tuesdays, Thurs. days, and Saturdays, at 6 a.m., reaching Melbourne the same evening, at 6 p.m. To McIvoR, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 a,m., from 35 Bourke-street, arriving at 5 p.m. some day. Returning from McIver at 8.30 a.m., reaching Melbourne at 6 p.m. on Tufsdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. To Mclvon, ved Kyneton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 12.15 p-m. train from Spencer-street, arriving at Melvor at 8.30 p.m. Returning, leave Melvor Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, at 2.10 p.m., arriving by 11.15 p.m. train, at Spencer-street station. To KILn.oRE, daily, 4.30 p.m., from 35 Bourke-street, arriving at 9.30 p.m. Returning, from Kilmure, 9 a.m., reaching Melbourne, 1.30 p.m. To SNAPPERPOINT, Thursdays and Saturdays, 12 noon, from 35 Bourke-street east. Return, Snapper Point, 8 a.m. To ST. ANDREW'S,Tuesdays, Tnursdays, and Saturdays, departure 10.30 a.m., trom Star Hotel, Swanston-street, vul Eltham and Caledonia. Return, St. Andrew's, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, depot ture 10 a.m. To WHITTLESEAand YANYEAH, departure, 3 p.m., from 35 Bourke -street. Return, Yan Yean, 8. a.m. wl To DANDExoEG, daily, at 2 p .m. Return , Dandenong , daily, at 8 a.m. IF THE TRAVELLER'S ROAD GUIDE FOR VICTORIA.

The distance and bearing from Melbourne , and best route and means of conveyanc., together with the townships, 8Pyc.,nearest to the place first named in each line. Albertan, 209 S E-Steamer-'I'arnnt!le, We ehpool, Sale, Barnsdale, Lucknow. Albury (N.S.W.), 207 miles, N E -Via Beechworth by coach-Belvoir, Yackandandah, Beechworth, Chiltern, Wangaratta. Aima. 107 miles, N. W.-Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach-Maryborougb. Alpbington, 5 miles, N E-Heidelberg bus. Amherst, 114 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach -Maryborough , Carisbrook, Lexton, or Burnbnnk. Amphitheatre, 128 miles, N.W.-Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach-Maryborough. Apsley, 317 miles, W by N-Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Harrow, Casterton, Coleraine, Mostyn, and Balmoral. Ararat, 158 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Crowlands, Raglan, Avoca, Navarre,Glenorchy. Armstrong's, 166 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Ararat. Ascot, 115 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Creswick, Cogshill Creek. Avenel, 85 miles, N E-on Beechworth road by coach-Seymour, Rushworth, Long. wood, Mitchellstown, Tallarvar. Avoca, 120 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Crowlands, Lexton, Raglan, Maryborough. Avon Plains, 203 miles, N E-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Horsham. Axedaile, 101 miles, N-Sandhurst byrail, thence bycoach-Huntley, Sandhurst, Marong. P, cchus Marsh, 34 miles, N W-Keilor Road by Sandhurst Melton, Pentland Hills, 13.Pan Bald Hills, 113 miles, N W.-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Glenorchy, Navarre. Ballan, 49 miles, N W-Keilor road by Sandhurst Railway , thence by coach-Bacchus Marsh. Balmoral , 204 miles, W by N-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Mostyn, Harrow. Ballarat, 96} miles , W by N-by coach road, 102 miles by rail-Geelong and Ballarat Railway-Bnninyong, Carngham, Creswick, Clines, Smythesdale. Barkly, 146 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Navarre, Avoca. Barnawatha, 187 miles, N E-Chiltern by Coach-Belvoir, Chiltern, Beechworth. Batesford, 48 miles, S W-on Geelong and Ballaiut Railway-Geelong, Ceres. Beaufort, 124 miles , N W-Ballarat by Fail, thence by coaeh-Creswick, Shirley, Lexton'. Beechworth, 185 miles, N E-Coach- Wangaratta, Yackandandab, Chiltern. Belfast, 180 miles , S W-Steamer-Warrnambool, Portland, Woodford, Yambuk. Belvoir, 205 miles, N E-Via Beechworth by coach-Albury (N.S.W.), Yackandandah, Beechworth. Benalla, 131: miles , N E-on the Beechworth road by coacb- Euroa, Wangaratta, Violet Town. Bet Bet, 103 miles, N W-Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach-Maryborough , Dunolly, Carisbrook. Birregurra, 80 miles, S W-Geelong by rat], thence by coach, via Camperdown. Brauxholme, 199 niilLs, W-Geelong and Ballarat Railway, thence by coach-Hotspur, Hamilton, Digby. Heywood. Broadtord, 45 miles, N-Via Kilmore, by coacb-Kilmore, Seymour, Tallarvar. Broadmeadows, 10 miles, N-on Kilmore road by coach-Epping, Essendon , Bulla. Brown's Diggings, 109 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Scarsdale Smythesdale. Buckland , 229 miles, N E-by coach via Beechworth-Beechworth, Belvoir, Chiltern. Bnninyong, 86* miles , W by N- by Geelong and Ballarat Railway, thence by car- Ballarat, Burrumbeet , ltiti miles, W by N-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Learmonth Bal- larat, Creswick, Dowling Forest. Campbellfield, 10 miles, N-by coach- Broadmeadows , Epping. Camperdown, 120 miles, S W-Geelong by rail, thence b) coach , via Colac- Panmuic, Terang. Carloruhe, 621 miles, N by W-Sandhurst Railway-Kyneton , Lancefield, Woodend. a2

Cardigan, 1.02 miles, N W-Ballara t by rail , thence by coach-Burrumbeet , Beaufort. Carisbrook , 1011 miles , N W-Castlemaine by rail , thence by coach - Maryborough, Amherst, Lexton, Newstead. Carngham, 119 miles, W by N-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach- Burrumbeet, Bal. larat. Casterton , 272 miles, W-Geelong by rail , or steamer to Portland , thence by coach- Coleraine, Lindsay, Digby, Dartmoor. Castlemaine , 79 miles , N by W-Sandburst Railway- Tarrengower , Newstead , Elphin- stone, Taradale, Fryers Town. Cathcart , 138 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail , thence by coach-Ararat , Crowlands, Raglan. Cavendish, 193 miles, W by N- Geelong by rail, or Portland by steamer, thence by coach-Harrow , Balmoral. Chewton, 74g miles, N by W -Castlemaine by rail, thence by cab-Castlemaine, &c. (See Castlemaine.) Chiltern, 181 miles, N E-on Beechworth road by coach- Beechworth , Belvoir, Wan- garatta. Clunes, 120 miles , N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Creswick: Clyilesdale, 881 miles, N by W-Castlemaine by rail , thence by coach-Newstead, Maldon. Coghill's Creek, 121 miles , N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Clunee, Creswick, Miner's Rest. Colas, 92 miles , 8 W-Geelong by rail, thence per coach. Coleraine, 200 miles, W-Geelong by rail, or Portland by steamer, thence by coach. Cowie's Creek, 411 miles , S W-ou Geelong Railway - Geelong. Cressy, 87 miles , S W-Geelong by rail, thence by Warrnambool eoaeh- Foxton, Inverleigh , Lismore. Creswick, 109 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail , thence by coach - Kingston, Clones. Crowlands, 148 miles , N W-Rail to Castlemaine , thence by eoaeh- Eversley , Ararat. Dandenong , 191 miles , S E-Coach daily - Elsternwick , Oakleigh. Darlington , 123 miles, W by S-Geelong by rail, thence by Warrnambool coach- Hexham , Mortlake. Daylesford, 78 miles, N by W-Malmsbury or Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach- Fryers Town, Castlemaine, Glenlyon. Digby , 254 miles , W-Steamer to Portland , thence by eoacb-Coleraine , Dartmoor, Hotspur, Branxholme. Donnybrook, 191 miles, N-on Beechworth road by coach-Beveridge, Deepdene. Digger's Rest , 201 miles, N by W-on Sandhurst Railway-Sunbury, Gap. Duck Ponds, 351 miles, S W-Geelong Railway-Geelong. Dunkeld, 170 mites, W-Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Hamilton, Wickliffe. Dunolly, 107 miles , N W-Ballarat by rail , thence by ooach- Maryborough, Amherst, Carisbrook. Echuca, 166 miles, N-by rail, via Sandhurst - on the Murray River, the Boundary of Victoria and New South Wales. Elsternwick , 6 miles, S-Brighton Railway-St . Kilda, Brighton. Eltbam, 14 miles, N E-coaeli via Heidelberg. Essendon, 5 miles, N-Essendoi Railway-Keilor, Euroa, 102 miles, N by E-on Beechworth road by coach- Longwood , Violet Town. Framlingham , 1)5 miles, S by W-Steamer to Warrnambool, thence byeoach - Terang, Mortlake, Woolsthorpe. Fryers Town, 801 miles , N by W-Castlemaine by rail , thence by car-Castlemaine, Guilford, Taradale. Geelong, 45 miles, S W-Railway -Fyansford, Ceres, Wellington. Gisborne , 41 miles N-on the Sandhurst Railway-Woodend, Gap. Glendaruel , 92 miles, N W- Carlsruhe on Sandhurst Railway , thence by coach-Daylea• ford, Carlsruhe. Glengower , 93} miles, N by W-Castlemaine by rail , thence by eoacb-Newstead. Glenlyon, 70 miles, N W-Carlsruhe by Sandhurst Railway, thence by coach-Dayles- ford, Carlsruhe. Glenorchy , 193 miles , N W-Ba llarat by rail , thence by eoaeh-Horsham , Stawell. Gordon's, 54 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach- Warrenheip, Ballarat, Bamnyong, so

Great Western, 169 miles W by N-Ba llarat by all, via Beaufort per coach--drm. strong's,Ararat. Guilford, 801 miles , N W-Castlemaine by rail , thence by coach-Spring Creek, Yen. 'doit, Daylesford. Hamilton , 219 miles, S W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach- Dunkeld, Branxholme. Harrow, 231 miles, N by W- Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Mostyn , Apsley, Balmoral. Heathcote , 84 miles, N- Sandhurst by rail, thence by Dosch- Mandurang, Moors. Hexham, 160 miles, W by S- Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Caramut , Mortlake, Chatsworth. Heywood , 256 miles, W by S-Portland by steamer, thence by coach- Narrangong, Portland. Horsham , 222 miles , N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-GAenorcby , Navarre. Huntly, 113 miles , N-Sandhurst by rail, thence by coach-Epsom , Sandhurst. Indigo, 187 miles, N E-on Beechworth road5by coach-Chiltern, Beachworth. Inglewood , 134 miles, N W-Sandhurst by rail, thence by coach-Kingower , Wedder. burn. Inverleigh , 61 miles , W by S-Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Shelford , Teesdale. Italian Gully, 113 miles , N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Brown 's, Smythes. dale. Jamieson , 170 miles, N E-via Longwood by coach - Mansfield. Jericho (West), 136 miles , N Z-Sandhurst by rail, thence by coach-Kingower. Jericho , 119 miles, S E-dray road to Buneep , via Dandenong, thence by packhorse. Jordan, 109 miles, N E-by coach, new Yarra track. Kilmore , 37 miles N--on Beechworth road by coach-Broa4ford , Beveri dge. Kingower , 129 miles, N by W-Sandhurst by rail , thence by coach- Inglewood , Jericho. Kingston , 96 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Creswick , Clunes. Kyneton, 661 miles, N by W-Sandhurst Railway-Carlsruhe , Lancefield. Lake Learmonth , 109 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Burrumbeet. Lal Lal , 831 miles, W-on Ballarat Railway - Buninyong , Meredith. Lancefield , 37 miles, N-Lancefield -road station by rail-Carlsruhe. Landsborougb , 157 miles , N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach. Larpent , 97 miles, S W-Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Colac. Lethbridge , 61} miles, S W--on Geelong and Ballarat Railway- Shelford , Steiglitz. Lexton. 126 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail , thence by coach via Learmonth-Raglan, Carisbrook. Little River, 29 1 miles, S W-on Geelong Railway- Geelong. Linton, 116 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach- Brown's, Smythesdale. 11 Lockwood, 103 miles, N-Sandhiirst by rail, thence by coach. Longwood , 95 miles, N by E-on Beechworth road by coach-Avenel, Mitehellatown. Majorca, 106 miles, N W-Rail to Castlemaine, thence by coach-Carisbrook , Talbot, Amherst. Maldon, 841 miles , N by W-Castlemaine by rail , thence by coach - Newstead. Malmsbury, 031 miles, N-Sandhurst Railway. Mansfield, 145 miles, N E-by coach via Avenel- Merton. Marong, 116 miles, N by W-rail to Sandhurst, thence by coach- Newbridge, Long. wood. Maryborougb, 104 miles, N W-Castlemaine by rail, thence by eoacb - Dunolly , Caris- brook. Meredith , 701 miles, W-on Geelong and Ballarat Railway-Lethbridge, Steiglitz, Merino, 261 miles, W-Geelong by rail, or steamer to Portland, thence by coach--Cas- terton, Col. raise, Digby. Merton, 120 miles, N E-via Avenel by coach-Mansfield, Jamieson. Miner' s Rest, 104 miles, N by W-Sandhurst by rail, thence by coach-Dowling Forest, Creswick, Ascot. Moonee Ponds, 4 miles, N-Essendon Railway-Flemington. Moliagnl , 11:5 miles, N by W-Sandhurst by rail, thence by roach- Kingower, Sandy Creek. Morang, 18 isriles, N E-by coach on Plenty road. Mortlake , 137 miles, W- by Belfast coach from Geelong twice a week. Mount Blackwood , 98 miles, W by N-Keilor road by rail, thence by coach-Bailer, Mount Egerton , 74 miles, N W- Keilor-road by rail, thence by coach-Sallan , Gordoas. 34

,donut Bolton, 112 miles , N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Miner ' s Rest, Learmontb. Moonambel, 134 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Ararat, Talbot. Newbridge, 121 miles, N by W-Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach-Tatnagulla, Marong, Maldon. New Chum, 40 miles E-by coach, new Yarra track. Newstead, 844 miles, N by W-Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach-Sandy Creek, Maldon. Omeo, 290 miles, N E-Port Albert by steamer, thence by coach-175 from Port Albert, Sale. Penshurst , 169 miles, W-Belfast by steamer , or railway to Geelong , thence by coach. Hamilton, Ca smut, Dunkeld. Pentland Hills, 4es, N W-Keilor road by rail, thence by coach-Bacchus Marsh, Ballan. Pitfield, 150 miles, W-Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Rokewood, Lismore. Port Albert, 204 miles, S E-steamer-Tarraville, Welch Pool. Portland, 255 miles, S by W-steamer-Bridgewater, Narrangong. Pyalong, 524 miles, N-via Broadford by coach, Beechworth road-Broadford, Seymour. Quartz Reefs (Pleasant Creek), 176 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach- Ararat, Glenorchy, Beaufort. Queenscliff , 65 miles, S-by steamer , or to Geelong by railway , thence by coach- Wellington, Port Arlington, Drysdale. Queenstown (Caledonia Diggings), 28 miles, N E-by coach via Eltham. Raywood, 118 miles, N-Sandhurst by rail, thence by coach-Inglewood. Redbank, 137 miles, N W S-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Avoca, Barkly. Riddle's Creek, 354 miles, N-on the Sandhurst Railway-Gisborne, Sunbury. Rokewood. 86 miles. W-Geelonc by railway, thence by coach-Pitfield, Cressy, She]- ford. Rushwortb, 122 miles N-Sandhurst by rail, thence by coach-Warranga. Rutherglen, 184 miles N E-Beechworth road by coach-Wabgunyah. Sale , 180 miles, E by S-Port Albert by steamer, thence by eoacb-Longford, Stratford. Sandhurst, 1001 miles, E by S-railway-Epsom, Huntley, Axedale. Sandy Creek, 225 miles, N by W--Castlemaine by railway, thence by coach--New- bnidge, Kingower. Scarsdale, 119 miles, W by N-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Carngham, Brown's. Sebastopol, 99 miles, W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Ballarat. Seymour, 64 miles, N-on Beechworth road by coach-Avenel, T$llarvar. Skipton, 113 miles, W by N-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Streatham, Chepstowe. Smeaton, 103 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Creswick, Kingston, Daylesford. Smythesdale, 107 miles, N by W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Carngham Brown's. Snapper Point, 35 miles, S-steamer or coach-Osborne, Kangerong. Snowy Creek, 267 miles, S K-Port Albert by steamer, thence by coach. Somerton, 154 miles, N-on Beechworth road by coach-Donnybrook. Springs, 116 miles, NW-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Mount Bolton, Miner's Rest. Stawell (Pleasant Creek), 178 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Glen. orchy, Navarre. Steiglitz, 71 miles, W-by Geelong and Ballarat Railway-Geelong, Lethbridge. Streatham, 129 miles, W by N-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Skipton, Chepstowe. St. Arnaud, 150 miles-Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach-Maryborough. Sunbury, 20 miles, N-on Sandhurst Railway-Gisborne, Bulls Bulla. Swan Hill, 231 miles, N-Sandhurst by rail, thence by coach-Castle Donnington. Talbot (Back Creek), 101 miles, N W-Ballarat by rail, thence by coach-Mary- borougb,Avoca. Tallarook, 55 miles, N-on Beechworth road by coach-Kilmore, Broadford. Tarnagulla, 117 miles, see Sandy Creek. Tarradale, 671 miles-on Sandhurst Railway-Castlemaine, Elphinstone, Malmsbury. Tarrawingee, 169 miles, N by E-on Beechworth road by coach-Benalla. Violet Town, 116 miles, N by E-on Beechworth road by coacli-Euroa, Benalla. Wabgunyah, 1 '3 miles, N by E-on Beechworth road by coach-Rutberglen, Beechworth. Wangaratta, 159 miles, N by E-on Beechworth road by coach-Beechworth. Warrrandyte , 18 miles, N E-by coach - Eltham. 36

Warrenbeip , 70 miles , W by N-by Geelong and Ballarat Railway- Ballarat, Buninyong Warrnambool, 170 miles , S W-steamers , also coach from Geelong-Woodford, Ken. sington. Wedderburn, 147 miles, N by W-Sandburst by rail, thence by coach-Korong , Ingle. wood. Wickliffe, 155 miles, W-Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Chatsworth , Streatham. Werribee, 191 miles, S W-on Melbourne and Geelong Railway-Bothwell. Winchelsea. 68 miles, S W-Geelong by rail, thence by coach-Layard. Woodend, 481 miles, N-Sandhurst Railway-Gisborne, Carlsruhe. Wood's Point, 109 miles E-by coach, new Yarra track. . Yackandandah, 200 miles N E-via Wangaratta by coach-Belvoir, Beechworth. Yandoit, 821 miles, N by W-Castlemaine by rail, thence by coach-Daylesfmd, Guilford. Yea, 75 miles , N by E-by coach via Broadford-Broadford, Kilmote.


Are now opened at the new offices of the General Post-office, Melbou rn e, corner of Elizabeth and Little Bourke-street , and at the post-offices at Ballarat Geelong. Sandhurst Beechworth Maryborough I and Castlemaine Williamstown, in conformity with the regulations made by the Governor-in-Council, dated Aug. 7,1886. The offices are open for receipt of deposits and payments daily, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and on Saturdays from 6 to 8 p.m. Deposits of one sixpence, or any number of sixpences, or of pounds, shillings, and sixpences , will be received from any depositor at the Pnst-office Savings Banks, provided the deposits made by such depositor do not exceed £50 within any period of fourteen lays. When the principal and interest together, standing to the credit of any one depo- sitor, amount to the sum of £1000, all interest will cease so long as the same funds :ontinue to amount to the said sum of £1000. An abstract of Regulations is printed in each pass-book.

WHARFAGE AND HARBORS' RATES. Liquids in Bulk:- S. a. e. d. Tun Butt ...... each 3 0 Lead, Lead Piping, Iron, Iron Wire, Pipe or Puncheon .... „ 2 0 Steel, or other loosg Metal, Shot, Hogshead ...... „ 1 U Nails,or Metal in casks,cases, Barrel or Quarter Cask .. „ 0 6 or frames ...... per cwt. 0 3 Octave, Keg, Drum, Tin, Sugar, Salt, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Jar, or other small Meal, Potatoes, or other Vege. single package ...... „ 0 3 tables, Grain Seeds, Malt, Hops, Other Goods:- or Pulse ...... per cwt. 0 3 Case, Crate, Cask, Bale, Bundle, Spades, Shovels, Brooms, Forks, Box, Trunk, Bag, Keg, Fir- Frying Pans, an' small pieces of kin, or Package, measuring- Shaped Wood .. .. per doz. 0 3 30 cubic feet and upwards 3 Timber per load of 40 cubic, or t 480 superficial feet 3 0 20 „ „ „ to 30 2 1 Posts and Rails ...... per 100 3 0 10 „ It „ „20 1 6 to „ „10 0 Pickets or Palings...... „ 1 0 Shingles or laths...... per 1000 1 0 3 to to to „ 6 0 1 „ „ 3 0 Oars, Tubs, or Buckets .. per doz. 0 6 Less than to 1 foot ...... to 0 Coals, Coke, or Firewood.. per ton 1 0 Steam Boilers , Millstones , Chains, Slates and Bricks ...... per 1000 3 0 Machinery, Railway Materials, Empty Casks or Snooks per bundle 0 6 Pig Iron, Cordage, Oakum, Flax, Goods to be ratedaccording to weight or other fibrous articles, Carriages, or measurement, at the option of the Furniture , and goods not other- Collector of Customs at the port of dis- 'e antunerated ...... per ton 8 0 charge. DIGGERS ' READY RECKONER. At £8. 18s. 9d. At £814s . Od. I At £314x. 3d. At £814x. 6d. At £814x. 9d, per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce, per Ounce. oz. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d, 1 3 13 9 3 14 0 3 14 3 3 14 6 3 14 9 2 7 7 6 7 8 0 7 8 6 7 9 0 7 9 8 3 11 1 3 11 2 0 11 2 9 11 3 6 11 4 3 4 14 15 0 14 16 0 14 17 0 14 18 0 14 19 0 5 18 8 9 18 10 0 18 11 3 18 12 6 18 13 9 6 22 2 6 22 4 0 22 5 6 22 7 0 22 8 6 7 25 16 3 25 18 0 25 19 9 26 1 6 26 3 3 8 29 10 0 29 12 0 29 14 0 29 16 0 29 18 0 9 33 3 9 I 33 6 0 33 8 3 33 10 6 33 12 9 10 36 17 6 37 0 0 37 2 6 37 5 0 37 7 8 20 73 15 0 74 0 0 74 5 0 74 10 0 74 15 0 30 110 12 6 111 0 0 111 7 6 111 15 0 112 2 6 40 147 10 0 148 0 0 14810 0 14980 0 149 10 0 50 184 7 6 18.50 0 185 12 6 186 5 0 188 17 6 60 221 5 0 222 0 0 222 15 0 223 10 0 224 5 0 70 268 2 6 259 0 0 259 17 6 ,26015 0 261 12 6 80 295 0 0 296 0 0 297 0 0 298 0 0 299 0 0 90 331 17 6 333 0 0 334 2 6 395 5 0 336 7 6 100 368 15 0 370 0 0 371 5 0 372 10 0 373 1 0 200 737 10 0 740 0 0 742 10 0 745 0 0 747 16 0 300 1106 .5 0 1110 0 0 111315 0 1117 10 0 1121 5 0 400 1475 0 0 1480 0 0 1185 0 0 1490 0 0 1495 0 0 600 184315 0 1850 0 0 18,6 5 0 1862 10 0 186815 0 600 2212 10 0 2220 0 0 *2227 10 0 2235 0 0 224210 0 '$10 2081 5 0 2590 0 0 259815 0 2607 10 0 1 2616 5 0 I0 2950 0 0 2960 0 0 2570 0 0 2990 0 0 2990 0, 0 900 3318 15 0 3330 0 0 3341 5 0 3352 10 0 336315' 0 1000 3687 10 0 3700 0 0 371210 0 3725 0 0 379710 0 Pennyweights Pennyweights Pennyweights Pennyweights Pnia,/wevghts and Grains. and Grains. and Grains. and Grains and Grains.

awls . GRB. DWTS C. RB DWTb GRS. DWIS. GRS. DWIS. aRS. £ s. d, s. d. £ a. d. S. d £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d s. d. £ s. d. s, d. 1 0 3 81 0 11 0 3 81 0 1 0 3 81 0 111 0 3 8 0 1 0 3 8 0 1! 2 0 7 4 0 3 0 7 41 0 3 0 7 5 0 3 1 0 7 5 0 3 0 7 5 0 3 011 of 0 5 011 1 0 5 011 14 0 54 011 2 0 5 0 11 2 0 5 0 14 9 0 7 0 14 9:1 0 7 0 14 10 0 7 0 14 10 0 7 0 14 1) 0 7 5 0 18 61 0 9 0 le 6 0 93 0 18 6 0 9 0 18 7 0 9 0 18 8 0 6 1 2 1 011 1 2 21 Oil 1 2 3011 12 4 011 1 2 5 011 7 1 5 9 0 1 5 101 1 5 11 1 0 1 6 0 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 8 p 9 6 1 2 1 9 7 2 1 9 81 1 2 1 9 9 1 2$ 1 9 10 1 113 24 4 113 31 4 113 45 1 4 113 a41 1 441 13 7 1 4 10 11610 8 117 0 6 117 1 1 6 117 3 6 1 17 4 1 11 2 0 of 81 2 0 81 1 A 2 0 10 1 8 2 0 111 A} 2 1 1} 1 8 12 2 4 3 110 2 4 45110 2 4 6} 1101 2 4 81 1101 2 4 10 1 1 13 2 7 111 111 2 8 1 2 0 2 8 3 2 0 2 8 5 0 2 8 7 2 14 2 11 74 2 1 2 11 91 2 1* 2 11 11 2 2 12 1 2 2 2 12 32 2 15 2 15 3$ 2 3 2 15 6 3} 2 15 85 2 3 2 15 10 2 34 216 0 2 4 16 2 19 0 2 5 2 19 2 5 2 19 4 2 5 2 19 7 2 54 2 19 9 2 5 17 3 2 8} 2 71 3 2 101 7 1 3 3 11 2 71 13 3 3 2 74 3 3 642 7 18 3 6 4.4 2 9 3 6 7 •2 9 1 3 6 94 2 91 3 7 0 2 13 3 7 3 2 9 19 3 10 01 •211 3 10 31 2 11 3 10 61 2 111 3 10 91 211} 3 11 0 211 20 .. 3 0 .. 3 1 3 1 3 1} .. 3 1 21 3 2 .. '3 2 .. 3 2 ... 3 3 .. 3 3 3 4 31 i 34 3 4 .. 3 5 3 6 1 3 6}, , 3 6 .3 fi 1 .. 3 Of

DIRECTIONS TO PEOPLE LOST IN THE BUSH. 1. As soon as you discover yourself astray, sit down and quietly consider what course, you should take, and do not be tiui rigid. When you have made up your mind, never change your course on any sudden impulse, but only after sitting down and considering carefully your position. 2. When you find yourself utterly lost, stop at once, and wait for your friends to find you. If you cannot do that. 3 Never leave a road once you have come upon it; it must lead somewhere. 4. If iou come upon a fence, stick to it; it must lead to a gate and a road. DIGGERS' READY RECKONER.

At £3 155. Od. At £315s , 8d. At £3 15s. 6d. At £8 15s 9d. At £8 16s. Od. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce. os. £ s. d. £ a. d. a d £ s. £ a. d. I 315 0 315 3 1 15 6 3 15 3 16 0 t 7 10 0 7 10 6 7 11 0 7 11 7 12 0 3 11 5 0 11 5 9 11 6 6 11 7 11 8 0 4 15 0 0 15 1 0 15 2 0 15 3 15 4 0 5 18 15 0 18 16 3 18 17 6 18 18 19 0 0 6 22 10 0 22 11 6 22 13 0 22 14 99 16 0 7 26 5 0 26 6 9 26 8 6 26 10 26 12 0 8 30 0 0 30 2 0 30 4 0 30 6 30 8 0 9 33 15 0 33 1 3 33 19 6 34 1 34 4 0 10 37 10 0 37 12 6 37 15 0 37 17 38 0 0 20 75 0 0 75 5 0 75 10 0 75 15 76 0 0 30 112 10 0 112 17 6 113 5 0 113 12 114 0 0 40 150 0 0 150 10 0 151 0 0 151 10 152 0 0 50 187 10 0 188 2 6 188 15 0 189 7 190 0 0 60 225 0 0 225 15 0 226 10 0 227 5 228 0 0 70 262 10 0 213 7 6 264 5 0 105 2 266 0 0 80 300 0 0 301 0 0 302 0 0 303 0 304 0 0 90 337 10 0 338 12 6 339 15 0 340 17 342 0 0 100 375 0 0 376 5 0 W7 10 0 378 15 380 0 0 200 750 0 0 752 10 0 755 0 0 757 10 760 0 0 300 1125 0 0 1128 13 0 1132 10 0 11.36 6 1140 0 0 400 1500 0 0 1505 0 0 1510 0 0 1615 0 1520 0 0 500 1875 0 0 1881 5 0 1887 10 0 1893 15 0 1900 0 0 600 2250 0 0 225710 0 2265 0 0 2272 10 0 2280 0 0 700 2625 0 0 2633 15 a 2642 10 0 2h&1 5 0 2660 00 800 3000 0 0 3010 0 0 3020 0 0 3030 0 0 3040 T 960 3375 0 0 3386 6 0 3397 10 0 3408 15 0 3420 0 0 1000 3750 0 0 3762 10 0 3775 0 0 3787 10 0 3800 0 0

Pennyweight* Pennyweights Pennyuetght, Pennyweeglats Pennyu e.y Its and Grain . and Grains. and Graine. and Grains . and Grains.

DWTB. GRB. DWTB. ORB. DWTB. ORS. DWTB. aas. DWTB. ORS, £ a. d. a. d. £ s. d. a. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d a. d. £ a. d. a. d. 0 3 9 0 1 0 3 9 0 1 0 3 94 0 1 0 3 9 0 110 3 91 0 11 0 7 6 0 3 0 7 6 0 3 0 7 6 0 3 0 7 6 0 3 0 7 7 0 3 011 3 0 5 011 3 0 6 011 340 5 0 11 4 0 54 0 11 44 0 u 0 15 0 0 7 015 0 0 7 01.5 1 0 7 015 1 0 71 015 21 0 7 018 9 0 9 018 91 0 9 0 18 105 0 9 01811 0 1 019 0 0 9 1 2 6 011 1 2 6j Oil 1 2 7 0 114 1 2 8 011 1 2 9} 01l 1 6 3 1 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 6 6 1 14 1 6 7 1 1 1 10 0 1 3 1 10 1 1 3 110 2 1 3 1 10 34 1 3 i 10 4 1 3 1 13 0 1 41 1 13 101 1 4$ 1 13 114 1 4 1 34 1 1 5 1 14 25 1 5 1 17 6 1 61 1 17 7 1 6 117 9 1 6 1 17 l0i 1 6 1 18 0 1 7 2 1 3 1 8 2 1 44 1 81 2 1 64 1 2 1 71 l 8 2 1 91 1 8 2 5 0 110 2 5 1 110 2 5 35 11t 2 5 59 110, 2 5 7 110 2 8 9 2 0 2 810 2 0# 2 9 111 2 2 9 2 2 0, 2 9 4 2 0 2 12 6 2 2 2 12 8 2 21 2 12 111 2 2 13 0 2 24 2 13 2 2 2 2 16 3 2 4 2 16 51 2 4 2 16 74 2 216 9 2 41 2 17 0 2 4 3 0 0 2 6 3 0 21 2 6 3 0 41 2 6 3 0 7 2 64 .3 0 94 2 6 3 3 9 2 7 3 3 11 2 7 3 4 2 2 8 3 4 4} 2 8 3 4 7 2 8 3 7 6 2 9 3 7 8 2 9 3 7 11 2 9 3 8 2 210 3 8 4 2 10 3 11 3 2 11 3 11 5 2 11 3 11 8 2 11 3 11 114 2 11 3 12 2 3 0 3 1 3 1 ,. 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 ,. 3 3 3 3 3 31 3 5 3 5 .. 3 5 .. 3 6 3 5 3 7 3 74 *a 3 75 3 7 „ 3 7

To DESTROY ANTS.-Drop some quicklime on the mouth of their nest, and wash it in with boiling water ; or dissolve some camphor in spirits of wine, then mix with water, and pour into their hau',ts; or tobacco water, which has been found effectual. They are averse to strong scents. Camphor will prevent them from infesting a cupboard, or it sponge saturated with creosote. To prevent their climbing up trees, place a ring of tat about the trunk, or a circle of rag moistened occasionally with creosote. To DESTROYBLIGHT ON BosEs. - Procure a handful of the chips of quassia, oser which pour a gallon of boiling water. When cold, add a pint of the decoction thus formed to a gallon of rainwater, and syringe the plant infested with the aphis. This is considered the best remedy known, and is perfectly harmless to the plant. A little perseverance will soon clean off the blight. DIGGERS ' READY RECKONER.

At £3 lOs, 3d. At £3 16s. 6d. At £3 16s. 9d, At £3 17s. Od, At £3 17s. 8d, per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Once . per Ounce.

ez £ s. a. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 3 1ti 3 3 16 6 316 9 317 0 317 3 2 7 12 6 7 13 0 713 6 714 0 714 6 3 11 8 9 11 9 6 11 10 9 11 11 0 11 11 9 4 15 5 0 15 6 0 15 7 0 15 8 0 15 9 0 5 19 1 3 19 2 6 19 3 9 19 5 0 19 6 3 6 22 17 6 22 19 0 23 0 6 23 2 0 23 3 6 7 26 13 9 26 15 6 26 17 3 26 19 0 27 0 9 8 30 10 0 30 12 0 30 14 0 30 16 0 30 18 0 9 34 6 3 34 8 6 34 10 9 34 13 0 34 15 3 10 38 2 6 38 5 0 38 7 6 38 10 0 38 12 5 10 76 5 0 76 10 0 76 15 0 77 0 0 77 5 0 30 114 7 6 114 15 0 115 2 6 115 10 0 115 17 6 40 152 10 0 153 0 0 153 10 0 154 0 0 154 10 0 50 190 12 6 191 5 0 191 17 6 192 10 0 193 2 6 60 228 15 0 229 10 0 230 0 231 0 0 23115 0 70 266 17 6 267 15 0 268 5w1p 6 269 10 0 270 7 6 80 1205 0 0 306 0 0 307 0 10 88 0 0 309 0 0 90 313 2 6 344 5 0 345 7 6 546 18 0 347 12 6 100 38I 5 0 382 10 0 383 15 0 3855 0 0 386 5 0 200 762 10 0 765 0 0 767 10 0 770 0 0 772 10 0 3(0 1143 15 0 1147 10 0 1151 5 0 1155 0 0 11,58 15 0 400 1525 0 0 15.36 0 0 1535 0 0 1540 0 0 1545 0 0 5500 19013 5 0 1912 10 0 1916 15 0 1985 0 0 1931 5 0 600 2287 10 0 2295 0 0 2302 10 0 2310 0 0 2317 10 0 700 2668 15 0 2677 10 0 0 2695 0 0 2716 15 9 8pp 3050 0 0 3000 0 0 70 0 0 3080 0 0 3090 0 0 906 3131 5 0 3442 10 0 9939 15 0 3466 0 0 3476 5 0 1000 3812 10 0 3825 0 0 3837 10 0 3850 0 0 3862 10 0 Pennyweights Pennyweights Pennyweights Pennyweights PennyweigAts and Grains. and Grains. and Grains . aied Groins . and Grains.

DWTS. ORs , DwTs . aRe. DWTS. Gas. DWTS. Gas . DWTS. *Its. £ s. d. a. d. £ s. d. s. d . £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ a. d. s. d. 0391 0 ] 0 3 9 0 1 0 310 0 1 0 3 10 0 1 0 3 101 0 1 2 0 7 7 0 3 0 7 7 0 3' 0 7 8 0 3 0 7 8 0 3' 0 7 8j 0 3 3 0 11 51 0 5 0 11 5 0 .5 0 11 6 0 5 0 11 6 0 5 0 11 7 0 4 0 15 3 0 7 0 15 3 0 7 0 15 4 0 7 0 15 4 0 7 0 15 61 0 7 5 0 19 0 0 9 019 1 0 9 019 21 0 9 0 19 3 0 91 0 19 33 0 6 1 210 0 11 1 2 11 013 1 3 01 011 1 3 1 0Il i 1 3 2 011 7 1 6 8 1 1 1 6 9 1 1 1 610 1 1 1 611 1 1 7 0} 1 1 8 1 10 6 3i 110 7 1 3 110 8 1 3 1 10 9 3 1 10 10¢ 1 3 9 ] 14 3 5 l 14 5 1 5 114 6 1 5 1 14 7 5 1 14 9 1 10 1 18 l 7 1 18 3 1 7 1 18 4 1 7 1 18 6 1 7 118 7 1 7; 11 2 1 1l 8 2 2 0 1 9 2 2 2 1 9 2 2 4 9 2 2 54 1 9 12 2 5 9 1 10 2 510 110 2 6 0 111 2621 111 264 111 13 296 2 0 2 9 8 2 0 2 9 1 0 2 0 2 10 0 2 1 2 10 2 2 1 14 2 13 4 2 2 2 13 fi 2 2 213 8 2 2 2 13 10 2 21 2 14 0 2 3 15 2 17 2 2 4 2 17 41 2 2 17 62 2 4 2 17 9 2 4 21711 2 4 16 3 1 0 2 6 3 1 21 2 6 3 1 4 2 6 3 1 7 2 62 3 1 9 2 6: 17 3 4 9$ 2 8 3 5 of 2 8 3 5 2 2 8 3 5 5 2 8 3 5 7 2 8 18 3 8 7 2 10 3 8 10 2 10 3 9 0 2 10 3934 21013961 210 19 3 12 51 3 0 312 8 3 0 3121 3 0 3 13 7 3 0 3 13 4; 3 0 20 3 2 3 2 .. 3 2 1 ., 3 2 3 2 21 3 4 3 4 .. 3 4 3 41 3 4 22 3 51 3 6 . 3 6 3 61 3 6 03 3 76 3 7! ., 3 8 3 81 3 8

BOLOGNASAUSeaas .- Take equal quantities of bacon, fat and lean , beef, veal, pork, and beef suet ; chop them small, season with pepper, salt, dto., sweet herbs, and sage rubbed fine. Have ready a well-washed intestine , fill, and prick it ; boil gently for an hour, and lay it on straw to dry They may be smoked the same as hams. To EXTINGUISHA FIRE in a chimney , besides any water that may be at hand, throw on it salt, or a handful of flour of sulphur as soon as you can obtain it ; keep all the doors and windows tightly shut, and hold before the fire-place a blanket or some woollen article, to exclude the air. DIGGERS ' READY RECKONER.

At AS. 17s . 6d, At £3 17s. 9d. At AS 17a. 101d. At £318s . Od. At AS 18s. 3d. per Ounce, per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce, per Ounce.

us. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. --- - £ s. d. 1 3 17 6 3 17 9 3 17 10} 3 18 0 3 18 3 2 7 15 0 7 15 6 7 15 9 7 16 0 7 16 6 3 11 12 6 11 13 3 11 13 74 11 14 0 11 14 9 4 15 10 0 15 11 0 15 11 6 15 12 0 15 13 0 b 19 7 6 19 6 9 19 9 4} 19 10 0 19 11 3 6 23 5 0 23 6 6 23 7 3 23 8 0 23 9 6 7 27 2 6 27 4 3 27 5]} 27 6 0 27 7 9 8 31 0 0 31 2 0 31 3 0 31 4 0 31 6 0 9 34 17 6 34 19 9 35 0 104 35 2 0 35 4 3 10 38 15 0 38 17 6 38 18 9 39 0 0 39 2 6 20 77 10 0 77 15 0 77 17 6 78 0 0 78 5 0 30 116 5 0 116 12 6 116 16 3 117 0 0 117 7 6 40 155 0 0 155 10 0 155 15 0 156 0 0 156 10 0 60 193 ]5 0 194 7 6 194 13 9 195 0 0 195 12 6 60 232 10 0 233 5 0 233 12 6 234 0 0 234 15 0 70 271 5 0 272 2 6 272 11 3 273 0 0 273 17 6 80 310 0 0 311 0 0 311 10 0 312 0 0 313 0 0 90 348 15 0 349 17 6 350 8 9 351 0 0 352 2 6 100 387 10 0 388 15 0 389 7 6 390 0 0 391 5 0 200 775 0 0 777 10 0 778 15 0 780 0 0 782 10 0 300 1162 10 0 1166 5 0 1168 2 6 1170 0 0 1173 15 0 400 1550 0 0 1555 0 0 1557 10 0 1560 0 0 1565 0 0 600 1937 10 0 1943 15 0 1946 17 6 19`10 0 0 1950 5 0 600 2325 0 0 2332 10 0 2336 5 0 2340 0 0 2347 10 0 700 2712 10 0 2721 5 0 2725 12 6 2 730 0 0 2738 15 0 800 3100 0 0 3110 0 0 3115 0 0 3120 0 0 3130 0 0 900 3487 10 0 3498 15 0 3504 7 6 3510 0 0 3521 5 0 1000 3875 0 0 3887 10 0 3893 15 0 3900 0 0 3912 10 0 Pennyweights Pennyweights Pennyweights Pennyweights Pennyweights and Grains . and Grains . and Grains. and Grains . and Grains.

DWT8 . GUS. DWTS . ORB. DWTS . ORS. DWTS . Gas. DWTS. Gas. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ a. d. s. d. £ a. d. a. d. £ s. d. s. d, 1 0310} 0 1 0310 0 1 03104 0 1 03101 01 0 3 10 01 2 0 7 9 0 3 0 7 9 0 3 0 7 91 0 3 0 7 9 0 3 0 7 9 0 3 3 0 11 7} 0 0 0 11 7 0 5 011 8 0 5 0 11 ft 0 5 0 11 8 0 5t 4 0 15 6 0 7 0 15 6 0 7 0 15 63 0 7 0 15 7 0 7' 0 15 7 0 7 6 0 19 4} 0 9 0 19 0 9 0 19 5 0 9 0 19 6 0 9 0 19 6 0 9' 6 1 3 3 011 1 3 3 011 1 3 4 011 1 3 4 011 3 5 011 7 1 7 1} 1 1 7 2 1 1 7 3 1 1 7 3 1 7 4 1 8 1 11 0 3 1 11 1 3 1 11 1 1 11 2 3 1 11 3 3 9 11410} 5 11411 6 115 0 5 115 1 5 1 15 2 5 10 1 18 9 1 7 1 18 7 I 19 1] 1 7 1 19 0 7 19 1 7 11 2 2 7} 9 2 2 9 9 2 2 9 2 210 9 2 3 0 1 9 1! 2 6 6 1 11 2 6 7 1 11 2 6 8 111 2 6 9 111 } 2 611 111 i3 2 10 44 1 2 10 6 2 1 2 10 7 2 1 2 10 8 2 1 2 10 10} 2 1 14 2 14 3 2 3 2 14 5 2 3 2 14 6 2 214 7 2 3 2 14 91 2 3 15 2 18 1} 2 5 2 1 3' 2 5 2 18 4 2 5 2 18 6 2 5 2 18 82 `2 5 26 3 2 0 2 7 1 2 2 2 7 3 2 3 2 7 3 2 2 7 3 2 7 2 7 I' 3 510} 2 8 3 6 1 2 9 3 6 2 2 9 3 6 34 2 9 3 6 6 2 9 18 3 9 9 210 3 911 } 2101 310 1 211 3 10 24 211 3 10 5 211 )9 3 13 7} 3 0 3 13 101 3 01 3 13 111 3 0 3 14 1 3 1 1 14 4 3 1 1) 3 2 ., 3 2 ,. Y 2 .. 3 3 3 i1 .. 3 4,y .. 3 4 ., 3 4 .. 3 4f ., 3 5 !Y2 .. 3 64 .. 3 6 ., 3 6 ,. 3„ .. 3 7 23 .. 3 81 .. 3 8 .. 3 8 ,. 3 81 .. 3 Of

PLACES WORTH VISITING IN MELBOURNE .- ADMISSION FREE. Acclimatisation Society's Grounds, Royal Park .- Open daily from sunrise to sunset. Botanical Gardens.-Open daily until sunset. Sundays , from 1 p.m. Carlton Gardens. -Open from sun rise to sunset. Fitzroy Gardens.-Always open. Horticultural Gardens, Survey Paddock.-Open daily from sun rise to sunset. Melbourne Cemetery.-Open daily from sunrise to sunset . Sundays from 1 p.m. Public Library.-Open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. South Park.-Always open. University Museum.-Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., free, daily. University Grounds- Daily , from sunrise to sunset. Sundays from 1 p.m. to s(;w.sct. DIGGERS' READY RECKONER.

At £8 18a. 6d. At £3 18s. 9d, At £S 19s . Od. At £ 819e. Bd. At £4 Oz. 04. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce. per Ounce.

oz. £ s. d . £ s. d £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. 1 318 6 318 9 319 0 319 6 4 0 0 2 717 0 717 6 718 0 719 0 8 0 0 3 11 15 6 11 16 3 11 17 0 11 18 6 12 0 0 4 15 14 0 15 15 0 15 16 0 15 18 0 16 0 0 6 19 12 6 19 13 9 19 15 0 19 17 6 20 0 0 0 23 11 0 23 12 6 23 14 0 23 17 0 24 0 0 7 27 9 6 27 11 3 27 13 0 27 14 6 28 0 0 8 31 8 0 31 10 0 31 12 0 31 16 0 32 0 0 9 35 6 6 35 8 9 35 11 0 35 15 6 36 0 0 10 39 5 0 39 7 6 39 10 0 39 15 0 40 0 0 20 78 10 0 78 15 0 79 0 0 79 10 0 80 0 0 30 117 15 0 118 2 6 118 10 0 119 5 0 120 0 0 40 157 0 0 157 10 0 158 0 0 159 0 0 160 0 0 50 196 5 0 196 17 6 197 10 0 198 15 0 200 0 0 60 235 10 0 236 5 0 237 0 0 238 10 0 240 0 0 70 274 15 0 275 12 6 276 10 0 278 5 0 280 0 0 80 314 0 0 315 0 0 316 0 0 318 0 0 320 0 0 90 353 5 0 351 7 6 355 10 0 357 15 0 360 0 0 100 392 10 0 393 15 0 395 0 0 397 10 0 400 0 0 200 785 0 0 787 10 0 790 0 0 795 0 0 800 0 0 300 1177 10 0 1181 5 0 118.5 0 0 1102 10 0 1200 0 0 400 1570 0 0 1575 0 0 1580 0 0 1590 0 0 1600 0 0 500 1962 10 0 1968 15 0 1875 0 0 1987 10 0 2000 0 0 600 2355 0 0 2362 10 0 2370 0 0 2385 0 0 2400 0 0 700 2747 10 0 2756 5 0 2765 0 0 2783 10 0 2800 0 0 800 3140 0 0 3150 0 0 3160 0 0 3180 0 0 3200 0 0 900 353210 0 3543 15 0 3.555 0 0 3577 10 0 3600 0 0 1000 3925 0 0 3937 10 0 3050 0 0 3975 0 0 4000 0 0

Pennyweights Penny weights Pennyu •,ights I Pennyweights Pennyweights and Grai m and Grains . and Grains . and Grains . and Grains.

DWTB . GRS. DWTS. G Re. DWTB . 0R8. DWTS . GRB. DWTS. Ga8. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. S. d. £ s. d. s. d. I £ s. d. s. d. 0 311 0 1 0 .311} 0 1 0 3 Ili 0 1 ; 0 3 11 0 1 0 4 0 0 2 0 7 10 0 3 0 7 10 0 3 0 7 104 0 .3 0 7 115 1 0 3 0 8 0 0 4 011 9# 0 5 011 9 0 5' 0 11 10 0 f 0 11 11 l1 0 12 0 0 6 0 15 8 0 7 0 15 9 0 7 0 15 95 0 7 0 15 I 1 0 71 0 16 0 0 8 0 19 7 0 9 0 19 8 0 9 0 19 9 0 0 19 104 0 95 1 0 0 0 10 1 3 6 011 1 3 7 0 1 1 1 3 8 0 1: 1 1 3 10 1 0 1 1 4 0 1 0 1 7 6 1 1 1 7 6 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 7 i 1 2 1 1 8 0 1 2 1 11 4 1 3 1 11 G 1 3 1 11 7 1 3 ! 1 I1 9 1 4 1 12 0 1 4 1153 15,5 11551 15 1 15 64 1 5 1 15 Y I 6 1 16 0 1 6 119 3 1 7t 1 19 4J 1 7 1 19 6 1 7 1 19 9 1 8 2 0 0 1 8 2 3 2 1 95 2 3 :31 1 94 2 3 451 1 9 2 :1 81 1 9, 2 4 0 1 10 2 7 1 11152 7 3 1 11} 2 7 45 1 11 `2 7 84 1 115 2 8 0 2 0 2 11 0 2 1 2 11 21 2 It 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 345 2 2 2 i2 0 2 2 214 1 2 3 2 15 1 2 3J 2 15 35 2 2 15 8 15 2 16 0 9 4 2 18 1 2 219 2 5 2 19 3 2 5 1 2 19 7. 2 3 0 Il `2 6 3 2 95 2 7 3 3 0 2 74 3 3 24 2 7} i 3 3 7# 2 7 :3 •1 02 8 3 6 2 9 3 611 2 9 :3 7 ) 2 ) 3 7 7 2 a 3 8 0 2 10 3 10 7 2 11 3 10 10 2 11 :3 11 1 2 11 3 11 6} 2 1) 3 I9 0 3 0 314 6 3 1 314 9 3 1 3 15 04 3 1 3 15 61 3 2 :1 16 0 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 5 3 f, 1 .. 3 5 I .. 3 .. 3 6 3 7 3 7 I .. 3 7 3 8 3 9 3 1) :3 9 .. I :3 Oj .. .3 10 SILK CULTURE. M4BTELL1, in his useful little band-book on the Silk Worm, recommends the foliage of Manilla, Moretto, and White Mulberries for feeding the worms upon. After the eggs are hatched and before it spins the cocoon, the life of the worm is divided into four distinctstages or changes, ateach of which periods greatattention is necessary , as they aresucceeded by unusal voracityon thepart of theworm. The approach of thefinal stage may be judged of by the worm changing in color, from a white to a yellowish tint, and its tendency to explore the frame . It should then be supplied with papers folded into hollow cones , or twigs of fern or small sticks should be placed round the edge, and the room partially darkened. It will have finished spinning the cocoon is about sight days. di ACTS OF PARLIAMENT.


The following is the kernel of this new measure :- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Composed of Thirty Members-Six Provinces, containing about 10,000 Electors. Member's Qualification,- Being a natural born British subject, and possessing a freehold in the colony, value £5,000, or annual rental value £500, free of all charges, Period Elected for.-Members are elected for ten years, one for each province retiring every two years. Qualification of Electors.-1. Freeholders of property worth £1000 or having a yearly value of £100 or more, situate in any electoral province, may vote for a mem- ber for such province. 2. Occupiers of property of similar value. 3. Professional men, as ministers of religion, barristers, solicitors, or conveyancers, graduates of British universities. Legally qualified medical men and schoolmasters may also vote for a member of the Council for the electoral province in which they reside. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Composed of Seventy -eight Members-Forty-nine Districts, containing about 165,000Electors. Members .- Persons attainted of treason , convicted of felony , or uncertificated solvents , cannot sit as members. Qualification of Electors: -1. All qualified as above to vote for members of the Council. 2. Every freeholder owning property or properties of the value of or above £50 or having the yearly value of or above £5, and where such property is held by two or more persons, each must have an interest of the value of or not less than £50 or a yearly value of £5 to qualify him to vote. 3. Mortgagees or trustees of any property, unlessin actualpossession, cannot vote in respectof such property. 4. Every male person whose name shall be upon any citizen or burgess roll of rate- payers for any city, town, borough, shire, or riding, is entitled to vote. 5. Every male person of 21 years, who has been in the colony twelve months, and residing in the locality in which he claims to vote for three months prior to his applying for his Elector's right. General Lists of Electors are made up by the Registrars during the week ending the 1st day of September of every year; and Supplementary Lists during the week ending the 1st day of March of every year. It is the duty of every one desirous of voting, and whose name does not appear upon any rate-payer's roll, to call upon the Registrar of the district in which he resides, and request to be enrolled as an elector. It is the duty of the Registrar in accordance with the Act to issue to such applicant an Elector 's Right at a cost of one shilling. Such are the provisions of the Electoral Act which immediately concern the per. son desirous of qualifying himself to vote at any election. The Act itself is a very bulky document , containing full instructions to registrars and to those conducting elections. THE LAND ACT OF 1865. The country has had sufficient experience of the working of this new measure to warrant us in pronouncing it the best system as yet devised for putting the lands of the colonywithin the reachof the bona fide cultivator.A greatdeal of bustleand confusion naturally occurred on the opening up of the first areas , but as time elapses and the Land Department gains experience, the Act will work more smoothly. The following clauses and extracts from the Act will be useful to the selector. The Land Act provides for the survey fi om time to time of large areas in allot. ments of from 40 to 640 acres , and also for the proclamation of such areas for seleo. 414 tion , purchase , or leasing . On the proclamation of such areas there shall be stated the name of the land officer to whom, and the date upon which, apgliotjon may be made for selection. Every application must be made personally. The folllowing are the two clauses which more immediately concern the selector i- Clause 12. All applications shall be made by the applicants in person . When on any day within the period of one hour calculated from the time of the opening or re-opening of the land office two or mote persons shall attend at the land office to make application for the purchase or selection or for a lease of land under this part of this Act the priority of the order of applications shall be determined by lot to be conducted in such manner as the Board of Land and Works may direct, and upon such determination such application shall be received and entered in the order so ascertained as aforesaid. When any application is refused or disallowed by the Board, or withdrawn, the rent in advance paid, as hereinafter provided (see clause 13) by the applicant, shall notwithstanding anything contained in any Act now or hereafter to be in force relating to the collection and payment of the public moneys be forthwith returned without interest by the land officer or his substitute to the unsuccessful applicant. Provided that every application in manner aforesaid and accompanied by payment of the rent in advance as hereinafter mentioned shall be and be deemed to be accepted by the board unless such application shall within thirty clear days from the time the same has been entered as aforesaid be refused or disallowed by a notice under the hand of the President of the Board which shall be published in the Government Gazette within the period last aforesaid, and shall specify the grounds of such refusal or disallowance. Clause 13. The Board of Land and Works may grant a lease under the seal of the board of an allotment in an agricultural area for a term of seven years at a rent of two shillings per annum for each and every acre or fractional part of an acre of the said allotment to any person who shall have applied in manner aforesaid for such lease, and who shall have paid to the land officer or his substitute before or at the time of making application, a half-year's rent in advance for such allotment. The Board of Land and Works may also in such manner and subject to such terms, con- ditions, and regulations as the Governor in Council may from time to time direct, grant leases of subdivisions of an allotment to two or more persons, one of whom shall have made application and paid a half-year's rent in advance for the allotment in manner aforesaid, and every such lease and every lessee of any such subdivision respectively shall contain and be subject to all the covenants, conditions, and pro- visions of this Act with respect to leases and lessees of allotments.

THE DIVIDING FENCES' ACT, FENCES STATUTE, 1865. This Act, which was passed on May 9th, 1865, is one which should be generally understood in the country districts. It will be found of special importance in those districts wherein the agricultural areas have recently been taken up for settlement. "From and after the coming into operation of this Act (June 1st, 1861) the owner of lands adjoining or abutting upon any other lands, and having no sufficient dividing fence, may require, by writing under his hand, the owner or person legally possessed of and holding any adjoining lands (excepting such lands as shall be held of the Crown by temporary occupation only), or his agent, to assist in equal propor- tions to make or repair any or all the dividing fences between such lands respec- tively; and in case the owner of such adjoining lands or person legally possessed of and holding the same or his agent shall refuse or neglect to assist, or fail to use due diligence in the making or repairing such dividing fences for the space of six months after receiving such requisition, or shall not give to the owner of such adjoining land, from whom he shall have received such requisition, a sufficient and reasonable excuse for not having assisted in carrying such fencin.i into effect, the owner of such adjoining lands who shall have given such requisition, and who shall have completed his share of such dividing fence may engage and contract with any person to com- plete and execute or repair such dividing fence; and such owner and his servants or the person coptracting to execute , complete, or repair such fencing, and his ser- vants respectively may cut upon the farm or lands of the person so neglecting or refusing as aforesaid , all such indigenous timber or other indigenous trees ( excepting such as shall have been planted or preserved for ornament) and materials as shall be necessary for executing and completing or repairing such fencing as aforesaid ; and such owner and contractor and their servants respectively shall not be answerable or chargeable for any act of trespass which they respectively may have committed on such adjoining lands for the purpose of cutting and carrying away any such indi. genous timber as aforesaid ; and in case a sufficient quantity of the materials neces sary for the executing and completing or repairing of such fencing cannot be obtained upon such adjoining lauds, the person authorised to make and repair such dividing fences or the person with whom he shall so contract may procure and purchase the materials necessary for the executing and completing or repairing of such fencing; and all sums of money which shall or may be so expended or laid out under the pro. visions of this section shall be recoverable as money paid to the use of the person so neglectingor refusingas aforesaid. " If any person or persons shall after the coming into operation of this Act enclose his lands before the lands immediately adjoining shall have been duly granted by the Crown, or otherwise held as private property, the owner of land so enclosed shall be authorised to claim and recover from the person who shall afterwards become the proprietor of such adjoining lands one-half of the actual value of the wall, hedge, or fence forming the dividing line or fence between the said adjoining lands; and such value shall be ascertained immediately or as soon as may be after such adjoining land shall have been grant d by the Crown, or otherwise held as private property as aforesaid by the arbitration of two persons to be chosen by the parties; and the amount which shall be awarded under such arbitration as one-half of the value of such dividing fence shall be recoverable by due course of law, if not paid within twelve months after the date of the award. Provided that in case such two persons so chosen as aforesaid shall not agree in the amount to be paid for one-half of the valueof such dividingfence within the spaceof one month next aftersuch reference shall be made to them, then the ques ion shall be referred to the determination of such indifferent person as the said arbitrators by writing under their hands, shall nominate and appoint as umpire ; and the decision of such umpire shall be conclu- sive. Provided also that in case either of the parties in difference shall neglect or refuse for the space of one month after notice in writing given by the other party for that purpose to appoint an arbitrator as aforesaid, the aubitrator to be chosen by the party giving such notice may make an award ex parte, which shall be binding and conclusive in like manner as if the party so neglecting or refusing had chosen an arbitrator who had actually joined and made an award therein. " In all cases where there shall be natural boundaries between adjoining lands, or where any dispute or difference shall arise between the respective owners or persons legally possessed of such adjoining lands as to the necessity or sufficiency of any dividing fence as aforesaid, then and in every such case the question shall be referred to arbitration in like manner and shall be subject to the like award and decision as hereinbefore provided with respect to the value of dividing lines or fences as aforesaid. " If the owner or occupier of any land shall clear the same of inflammable mate. rials for the space of fifteen feet from any fence dividing such land from the land of any other owner or occupier, and such other owner or occupier shall neglect or omit so to clear his land, and any damage from fire shall happen to such dividing fence through such neglect or omission, the owner or occupier so neglecting or omitting to clear , shall at his own costs and charges cause such fence to be repaired and re• erected within the space of one month after the same shall have been so damaged; and in case he shall refuse or omit to repair or re-erect the same fence within such space of one month, it shall be lawful for the owner or occupier of the land conti. noun to the said fence who shall have cleared the same of inflammable material as aforesaid to repair or re-erect such dividing fence ; and all sums of money which shall or may be so expended or laid out under the provisions of this section shall be deemed and be taken to be money paid to the use of the owner or occupier in de. fault. Nothing herein shall be deemed to take away or interfere with the right of any person to sue for and recover compensation for or in respect of any damage or injury to any fence occasioned by the reckless or negligent use of fare." 44 THE NEW POSTAL ACT. PART IV.-POST OFFICE DEPOSIT FOR SAVINGS. Th- Postmaster -General may anthorise and direct any postmaster or other fiier of the post office as he shall think fit, to receive deposits for remittance to tie General Post Office, and to repay the same under such regulations as the Governor in Council may prescribe in that respect. Deposits may be received under this Part of this Act from any minor, or from a parent or other relative of a minor in the name and on behalf of such minor; and such deposits shall be iepaid on the apphcatio i in writing of such parent or other relit ve or of the minor himself, in ( ase he hall have made the deposit and the receipt of any such minor attested by one witness sha ll be a sufficient dis harge, notwitl standin, the infancy of such minor. Deposits made by a married wo can without notice to the Postmaster -General of he. marr, age may be repaid to her unless the husband of such woman in any case where no order has been made by a court, judge, magi trate, or -ustices protecting th' ea•nings and property of the wife, shall give to t e Postmaster- General notice in writing of such marriage and shall requi e payment to be made to him, is whi, h cas the Postmaster-General may in his discretion pay the same or any portion tleieof together with any interest due in respect of the same to such husb in I (r to such woman as to him shall seem proper. When the trustees of any bank commonly known as a Penny Savings Bank shall have determined to close such bank for the receipt of deposits, an I shall have given public notice of such intention by advertisement in a newspaper circulating in the district in which such bank is situated, such trustees may, if they think fit, transmit under the hand of a majority of their number to the Postmaster-General a certified list of such depositors as shall not have applied to them to receive their deposits and of the amounts due to them respectively, and the Postmaster-General may thereupon receive as a deposit under this Part of this Act th- moneys remaining in the hands of the trustees, he same shall be sufficient to discharge the whole of the liabil t es of such trustees to the depositors set forth in the said list. The certificate of the Postmaster-General shall be a sufficient discharge to the said trustees in respect of all such moneys so paid over and all such moneys shall be received and held subject to the rights and claims of the depositors named in such list who shall be thenceforth be conside.ied to be depositors under t e provisions of this Part of this Act, and shall be entitled, subject to the provisions, and in form prescribed under the authority of this Part on presenting their c'epsic books to any postmaster or other officer of the post office authorised as aforesaid , to claim payment of the sums shown by the said list to be due to them respectively, with the interest due to them thereon. Every deposit received by any postmaster or other officer appointed for that pus; ose shall be entered by him at the time in a c.epositoi5' book, and the entry shall be attested by Lim and by the dated stamp of his office ; and the amount of such deposit shall upon the day of such receipt be reported by such postmaster or officer to the Postmaster-General, and the acknowledgment of the Postmaster- General sig, ified by the officer whom he shall appoint for the purpose shall be furtliwiih transmitte l to the depositor, and the said acknowledgment sha ll be conclusive evidence of his claim to the repayment thereof with the interest thereon upon demand made by him on the Postmaster -General . In order to allow a seasonable time for the receipt of the said acknowledgment, the entry by such postmaster or other officer in the del ositois ' book shall also be conclusive evidence of title fo ten days from the lodgment of the deposit, and if the said acknow- ledg lent shall not have been received by the depositor through the post within tell days, and I e shall before oc immediately upon the expiry thereof demand the raid acknowledgment from tl e Postmaster-General, then the entry in such book ha 1 be conclusive evidence of title during another term of ten days and to ties. quot es. Provided that such deposits s'.all not be of less amount that sixpence, s.or of any sum not a multiple thereof. On demand of the depositor or person legally authorised to claim on account of a depositor, made in such form as shall be prescribed in that beha f, for repayment 46 of any deposit or any part thereof, the authority of the Postmaster-General for such repayment shall be transmitted to the depositor forthwith, and the depositor shall be absolutely entitled to repayment of any sum or sums that may be due to him within ten drys at farthest, after his demand shall be made at any post office where deposits were received and paid. Postmasters and other officers of the post office engaged in the receipt or payment of deposits sha ll not disclose the name of any depositor nor the amount deposited or withdrawn, except to the Postmaster-General or to such of eers or persons as may be appointed to assist in carrying this Part of this Act into operation. All moneys so deposited with the Postmaster-General sh 11 forthwith be paid over to the Treasurer of Victoria, and shall be placed to the credit of the trust fund and shall be a charge upon the consolidated revenue, and all sums withdrawn by depositors, or by persons legally authorised to claim on account of depositors may and shall be repaid to them out of the said trust fund through the office of the Postmaster-General. The interest payable to the persons making such deposits shall be at a rate not exceeding four pounds per centum per annum, but such interest shall not be calculated on any account less than ten shillings or some multiple thereof ; and shall not commence until the first day of the month next iol owing the day of deposit, and shall cease on the first day of the month in which such deposit is withdrawn. Interest on deposits shall be calculated to the thirty-first day of December in every year, and shall be added to and form part of the principal money.

THE THISTLES PREVENTION STATUTE. AsSEXTED TO MAY 9, 1b63, Provides for the Eradication of Thistles by the owners and occupiers of land, inflict. ing penalties for notlt=oampliance with its provisions. Clause IV. subjects the occupier of land whereon thistles are growing to the penalty of twenty pounds if, after notice, he neglects their removal. Clause V. provides that where the land is unoccupied a notice may he conspicuously affixed, and be deemed sufficient in law. Clause VI., under authority of the justices of the peace, enables the party giving such notice (in the event of the thistles not being being removed by the owner or occupierwithin seven days), to enteron the land and destroythem, and to recoverthe cost of doing the same from the owner or occupier so neglecting. Clause VII. permits a man, under authority from a magistrate, to enter upon another's land and search for thistles without being deemed a trespasser, and without being liable for damages other than such as may be found wilful and unnecessary. Clause VIIL-Under this clause a magistrate may order the destruction of thistles on a complaint being lodged. Clause IX. provides that if owner of land unknown or absent from Victoria, such land may be sold to defray expenses upon order of the Supreme Court, after eighteen months' notice in Government Gazette. Clause X. gives power of appeal. Clauses XI. and XII. refer to thistles growing upon Grown lands, which, if within any proclaimed shire or borough, may be cleared by the council of such shire or borough, at the expense of the Govern. ment.

THE ALIENS STATUTE. ASSENTED TO MAY 9TH, 1865. Provides for the Naturalization of Aliens, and the following is the simple mode of operation :- 7. When any person desires to obtain naturalization under this Act he may present to the Governor in Council a memorial , signed by himself and verified upon oath, stating his name, age, birth-place, residence and occupation; the length of his residence in Victoria, and his desire to settle therein, and praying that letters of naturalization ma} be granted to him, and also a certificate, signed by some warden police magistrate of ju,,t.ce of tine peace, to the effect that the applicant is known to the person so signing, and is, to the best of such person's belief and kuowledgt, a person of good repute. 46 THE JURIES STATUTE. AsezIITED TO 15TR JUNE , 1865. Provides that the police shall, on the two fii at Sundays in March of every year, fix notice at every place of public worship , informing the public at what place the list of persons liable to serve as jurors, may be inspected . Objections may be taken to omissions , or to names appearing on the list, on the second Friday in April of every year, on which day a special petty sessions is held for the purpose of revising the lists.

DOG ACT. 4. The owner of every dog above the age of six months shall on or before the first day of Augustin the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four and there. after within fifteen days from and after the first day of January in each and every year register such dog at the court of petty sessions held nearest to the place where it is intended to keep such dog, or if the said last-mentioned place be within any road, dis- trict, shire, or borough, then at the office of such district board or of the council of such. shire or borough, and shall previously to such registration pay to the clerk of the bench of the said court for the use of Her Majesty, or to the clerk of such road district, or to the secretary of such shire, or to the town clerk of such borough, as the case may be, for the use of the district board, or of the council of the said shire or borough respec. tively, the registration fee of five shillings, and shall at the time of payment deliver or send to the said clerk or secretary or town clerk a description of the said dog, with a declaration thereunder written of the truth thereof under the hand of such owner, or of some person authorised by the owner in that behalf. Every such registration shall be deemed to be in force from the day upon which the same shall be so made until the thirty-first day of December then next ensuing and no longer, and when a registration shall be made after the first day of July in any year one half only of the fee mentioned in the Second Schedule shall be payable in respect of such registration . The fine for non-registration is five -billings, and for a second offence ten shillings or one pound. It is further necessary that every registered dog shall have on a collar with the name of the owner and place of registration, otherwise the dog will be destroyed.

THE HAWKER'S STATUTE,1865. Clause IV. provides that -" From and after the coming into operation of this Act, It shall not be lawful for any person not being already licensed under some Act hereto- fore in force, c i being so licensed from and after the expiration of such license to carry on the business of a hawker or pedler in any place whatsoever within Victoria without having previously obtained a license hereinafter mentioned. And if any person shall,,, without having first obtained such license as aforesaid , carry on such business within any part of Victoria, he shall forfeit and pay on conviction for every such offence such sum, not exceeding twenty pounds , as to the convicting justices shall seem meet, and , every psi son carrying on such business as aforesaid shall be deemed and taken to be unlicensed, unless he shall prove to the contrary by the production of his license or otherwise." Any person desirous of obtaining a license must produce a certificate of good character from two respectable ratepayers, to the justices of petty sessions ; and enter into a recognizance , with two sureties in the sum of twenty pounds each; and, in addition, pay the required fees. Clause XIII." Every person to whom any such license as aforesaid shall be granted, and who shall carry on the business of a hawker or pedlar under the authority of such license, shall cause to be written, painted, or printed, in large, legible Roman letters, upon some conspicuous part of every pack, bag, box, trunk, case, cart, dray, waggon, boat, or other vehicle or conveyance in or witli wlitrh he shall so carry on such business, the words `Licensed Hawker,' together with his name at full length and the number of his license . And every such person making default therein shall forfeit and pay on con- viction for every such offence such sum, not exceeding ten pounds, as to the convicting justices shall seem meet." 47 TIE STATUTEOF WRONGS. ABSENTED TO MAY 9, 1886. This Act repeals all previous acts , and provides , first :- That no action is maintainable against a person for faithfully reporting. That in any actionevidence of an apology havingbeen tenderedis admissiblein mitigation of damages. That in an action for newspaper libel, a defendant may plead that it was inserted with. out malice , and may pay money into court as amends. That publishing , or threatening to publish a libel , or proposing to abstain from pub. lisbing anything , with intent to extort money , shall be punishable by imp ri sonment and hard labour. Whensoever the death of a person shall be caused by a wrongful act, neglect, or default, and the act, neglect , or default , is such as would (if death had not ensued) have entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages in respect thereof, then, and in every such case, the person who would have been liable if death had not ensued shall be liable to an action for damages, notwithstanding the death of the person injured, and although the death shall have been caused under such circumstances as amount in law to felony. Every such action shall be for the benefit of the wife, husband, parent, and child of the person whose death shall have been so caused, and shall be brought by and in the name of the executor or administrator of the person deceased; and in every such action the jury may give such damages as they may think proportioned to the injury resulting from such death to the parties respectively for whom and for whose benefit such action shall be brought, and the amount so recovered , after deducting the costs not recovered fr m the defendant, shall be divided amongst the before-mentioned parties in such shares as the jury by their verdict shall find and direct. Not more than one action shall lie for and in respect of the same subject matter of complaint; and every such action shall be commenced within twelve months after the deathof such deceasedperson. In every such action, the plaintiff on the record shall be required, together with the declaration, to deliver to the defendant or his attorney a full particular of the person or persons for whom and on whose behalf such action shall be brought, and of the nature of the claim in respect of which damages shall be sought to be recovered.

VOLUNTEER ACT. ASSENTED TO lsT JUNE, 18655. Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled,'and by the authority of the same, as follows:- 1. This Act shall come into operation on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and shall be called and may be cited as ,{ The Volunteer Statute, 1i65." 2. The Act mentioned in the Schedule hereto to the extent to which the same is therein expressed to be repealed shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect or render invalid any regulation, appointment, or promotion lawfully made or any act or thing lawfully done before the coming into operation of this Act under the authority of the Act hereby repealed. 3. The Governor in Council may, on behalf of Her Majesty, accept the offers of service of any corps of volunteers, naval as well as military, upon such terms and con- ditions as to the said Governor in Council may seem lit and proper, and may discontinue the services of and cause to be disbanded any such corps, and may with or without previousenquiry dispense with theservices of any volunteerwhether officer or private, and ofany personappointed to thepaid staff of or servingfor pey in thevolunteer force and may after enquiry discharge any such volunteer or person for disobedience of orders, neglect of duty, misconduct as a member of or in connection with a corps, or for any other sufficient cause whatsoever , and the Govenor in Council shall be the sole judge of the existence and sufficiency of such cause. Provided that the whole number of volunteers whose services shall be so accepted shall not at any time exceed ten thousand. 48

4. The Govern or In Council may from time to time make regulations and orders respecting the enrolment and disbanding of any volunteer corps, the appointment, promotion , and rank of all volunteer officers and the relative rank of such officers and of the officers of any milita ry and naval force, and officers holding any military or naval staff appointment in the service of the local Government of Victoria, the requisites to require & ,volunteer to be deemed an effective ; the constitution , assembling , and pro ceed. lugs of courts of enqui ry ; to bear, receive, and exa mine eviden ce relating to, and to report on any matter connected with the government or discipline of the volunteer force or of any corps thereof, or on any charge brought against it member of any such corps, the maintenance of discipline , the power of arrest, the payment and recovery of subscrip. lions , fines, and penalties ; and the general government, discipline , and management of the volunteer force and the several corps thereof ; and the persons appointed to the paid staff of or serving for pay in the said force ; and may from time to time alter or repeal any such regula tions and orders ; and may call for such returns as may from time to time seem requisite ; and all such regulations shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within fourteen days after the making thereof if Parliament be then sitting , and if Parlia. went be not sitting , then within fourteen days after the commencement of the next sitting of Parliament. 5, The commanding and other officers of the rank of commissioned officers in each corps shall be appointed by commissions under the hand and seal of the Governor, and all such officers shall rank with the officers of the regular troops in Her Majesty's service as juniors of their respec tive ranks. 6. Every volunteer corps may recommend its own non -commissioned and commis- sioned officers under the rank of captain for appointment by the Governor in Council, by submitting for each vacancy the names of three candidates who shall have been balloted for by the members of their corps at a meeting specially convened for the purpose, land thereupon received the greatest number of votes , and who shall have previously passed a satisfac tory examina tion as to their fitness for promotion before a board appointed by the Governor in Council . 7. Eve ry person who shall be accepted as a member of a corps shall, upon such his acceptance, and before he shall be ranked as an effective member thereof, take and sub. scribe before some jus tice the following oath of allegian ce :-" 1, A. B., do sin cerely pro- mise and swear that I will he faithful and bear tree allegian ce to Her Majesty Queen Victoria as lawful Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of this Colony of Victoria, dependent on and belonging to the said United Kingdom , and that 1 will faithfully serve Her said Majesty in the said colon) for the defence of the same against all her enemies and oppose rs whomsoever . So help me God " N. The majority of the members of any volunteer corps present at any special meeting of the corps to be convened by the commanding officer for the purpose, may make and rescind and alter rules for the management of the affairs of the corps . Providedtbat every such rule shall be consistent with the re gulations here in gan tioned, and that no $trrli rule shall have any force or effect until the same shall have been forwarded by the commanding officer to and approved by the Governor in Council, and notice of such approval shall have appeared in the Government Gazette. 9. The officer commanding any corps may recover by summa ry proceedings before two or more jus tices any subsc ription , fine, or penalty whatever which shall have seemed from or become payable by any member of the corps under any of the ru les or regulations aforesaid. Provided that all such proceedings shall be taken within twelve months after such subscription, fine, or penalty has become due : Pro vided also that for the purposes of this sec tion any officer in actual or temporary command of a corps shall be deemed and be taken ih be the officer commanding the corps. 10. It shall be lawful for any volunteer when not on active service to quit his corps on the following condi tions :-( living to his commanding officer fourteen days' notice in writi ng of his inten tion to quit the corps ; delivering up in good order and condition, fair wear and tear only excepted , all arms, clothing , and accoutremen ts being public pro* perty, or the property of the corps issued to him ; paying all money due or becoming due by him under any of the regulations or the rules aforesaid, either before or at the time of or by reason of his quitting the corps : and thereupon he shall be struck out of the muster- roll by the commanding officer. 11. If any volunteer claims to have fulfilled these condi tions, and his commanding 49 officer notwithstanding refuses to strike his name off the roll, the volunteer may appeal to the court of petty sessions nearest the head quarters of the corps, who shall bear and determine the appeal, and the decision of the said court shall be final. 12. All money subscribed by or for the use of any corps, and all arms, stores, ammu. nition , or musical instruments , or other articles whatever belonging to or used by any such corps, not being the property of any particular individual, shall be vested in the commanding officer of such corps for all purposes of any proceedings criminal or civil, at law or in equity, and shall for such purpose be deemed to be his property, and may be so laid in any information, action, or suit; and no such information, action, or suit shall be discontinued by the death, resignation, or removal of a commanding officer, but the same may be proceeded in by the succeeding commanding officer ; and upon the die. banding of any corps, the volunteers who, previously to such disbanding, had served in the said corps, shall forthwith deliver up as they shall be required all arms, accoutre- ments, and clothing furnished to them. 13. It shall not be lawful for any person not being duly enrolled a member of a volun- teer corps to wear the uniform of any such corps; and any person so unlawfully wearing the uniform of any such corps ; or any person who, after his services have been dispensed with, or after he has quitted, or has been discharged from any corps, shall afterwards wear the uniform of such corps, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, to be snod for and recovered in a summary way before any two justices. 14. All volunteer corps in Victoria shall be under the superintendence of a field officer of Her Majesty's regular forces ; and every such corps shall be subject to be inspected once at least in every six months by some field officer of Her Majesty's regular forces, or by some captain in Her Majesty's n v3, as the ease may require according to the nature of the services for which such corps shall have been enrolled. 15. In all cases of actual invasion of Victoria, or hostile or predatory attack thereon, or of imminent danger thereto, all such corps of volunteers shall, whenever they shall be summoned by the Governor in Council, or upon the making of any general signals of alarm by order of the Government, forthwith assemble, and shall be liable to march or embark on board ship or otherwise, according to the terms and conditions of their respective services ; and in all such coips of volunteers, and the several members thereof shall, upon and from the time of such assembling as aforesaid, and so long as their services shall be required by the Governor in Council, continue and be subject to all the provisions contained in any Act of Parliam-ut then in force in the United Kingdom of Gieat Britain and Ireland for the punishment of mutiny and desertion, and to any articles of war made in pursuance thereof, or (in case of engagement to serve in aid of Her Majesty's naval forces) to all the laws and customs for the time being in force for the government of Her Mnjesty' s sit ps, vessels, and forces by sea, and applicable to any person in or belonging to the Royal Navy, or to any person being in actual service And full pay and being part of the crew of any of Her Majesty's ships or vessels. Provided that at least one-half of the members of any court martial which may be summoned for the trial of any volunteer shall be officers of volunteers. 16. When any such corps shall be assembled or marched on any summons or general signal of alarm, the Governor in Council may order them to be put under the command of such military officer, or such naval officer as he may appoint, or as may then be com- manding within Victoria, but they shall be led by their respective officers under such command as aforesaid. 17. All persons enrolled in any corps of volunteers when assembled on any of the occasions above stated shall be entitled to pay (if demanded) during the period of their so remaining assembled as aforesaid, in such manner and after such rates, according to their respective ranks and situations, and to be quartered and billeted in like manner in every respect, and under and subject to the ,ame regulations as Her Majesty's regular forces within Victoria, so far as the same shall by the Governor in Council be deemed applicable to volunteer corps. 18. In the event of any member of any such volunteer corps being killed or wounded in actual service, the Governor in Council shall, within twenty-one clays after the com- mencement of the then next session of Parliament , propose the grant out of the public revenue of such pensionor gratuity to such wounded person,or to the widow or family of such person killed as aforesaid as the Governor in Council shall think fit. 60 DIRECTIONSFOR MAKING A WILL. A Will cannot be made in language too simple or concise ; must be written with ink} on paper or parchment, and if contained on one sheet, must be signed at the end by thlt testator, in the presence of two or more witnesses ; and if wri tten on more than one sheet,the testatorand thewitnesses had bettersign each sheet. The witnesses (b) must rigidly comply with every particular required by the Attests. tion Clause, at the end of which clause they must sign their names (c). The signature of the testator must be acknowledged by him, in the presence of the witnesses; and in order that this be properly done he must (after having signed the Will) take it in his hand and say, "I acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament, and request you to witness it." To avoid the evils of intestacy, the following form may suffice as a general guide. WILL. This is the last Will and Testament of me, Charles Smith, of Hendon Hall, near Boston, in the County of Lincoln, farmer. After payment of all my just debts, funeral and other expenses, I give, devise, and bequeath unto (c) also to (b) And as to the residue and remainder (d) of all my real and personal estate, I give, devise, and bequeath the same unto (c) And I hereby appoint ( c and c), or the survivor of them, and (c ) Executors of this my Will, as witness my hand this day of 18 ATTESTATION. Signed and acknowledged by the said Charles Smith, the testator, as and for his last Will and Testament , in the pre- sence of us, being present at the same time , who, at his --- request,in hispresence, and in thepresence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. A Codicil to a Will is to be made with the same regulations as the Will itself , and may be written thus :- This is a Codicil to my last Will and Testament, bearing date the day of 18 , and which I direct be taken as part thereof. I give, devise, and bequeath, &o. As witness my band this day of Obliterations or alterations of any sort in a Will ought, if possible, to be avoided as dangerous ; and when of necessity made, ought to be signed by the testator and witnesses in the margin , or as near to the alterations as possible , and the alterations specially noticed in the Attestation Clause as having been made before the Will was signed. Marriage after making a Will renders the Will void. If a person wish to dispose of all his property in one gift , the words " all my real and personal estate" may he used. It is not indispensable for a witness to know the contents of a Will, which may be so folded as to prevent any other part from the signature and Attestation Clause being read. It may be usefulto remark thatpersonal property left withouta Will isdivisible as under:- If the deceased leave children and no widow , the whole property is to be divided equally amongst the children. If he leave a widow and child or children, the former is entitled to one-third, and the latter to the remaining two-thirds. If be leave a widow and no child, the former is entitled to half, and the next of kin to the remainder, as under:- A father, the whole amount. If no father, a mother, brothers and sisters , or their issue , equal portions. If none, uncles, aunts, nephews , and nieces , equal portions, &c.

A DAYS SHOOTING. From the 20th December to the let of August following the sportsman is at liberty to shoot any native game. There is scarcely any part of Victoria but what some if not all of the following may be found within an hour's ride of large centres of population :-Quail, Ducks, and Teal, Swans , Bustards or Wild Turkeys, Bronze 51

Wing , and Scrub Pigeons , Mallee Hens , Bitterns , Rai1, Waterhens , and Snipe. The latter three are not in the schedule of birds protected , and may therefore be killed at any time, but the whole of the others may not be killed, nor their eggs taken, from 1st August to 20th December under very heavy penalties. A good steady setter or pointer is necessary for quail ; while the shot used should be about that known as No . 8 or 9. But few farmers object to anyone going over their farms, yet it is well if possible, to get permission, as one is liable to be turned off at any moment, and to be summoned for ti cap isa unless he comply. A stranger visiting any d strict, and desiring information as to the locality for game, will do well to call upon any resident gunsmith, whose business it is to make himself acquainted with such likely localities , and who wi ll usually be only too glad to communicate them to his customers.

SAXBY'S WEATHER SYSTEM. Under each month in the Calendar will be found enumerated the days upon which, according to the theory of Saxby, we may expect a marked dis'urbance of the weather. They are given prominence to from the fact that a very large number of people believe most implicitly in the truth of his predictions, and also, in order that the public may have an opportunity of testing their accuracy.

JEWISH KALENDAR. 1866. 5626 1866. 5627. Jan. 17. New Moon .... Sebat 1 Sept. 10, 11. New Year .. Tiari 1, 2 Feb. 15. New Moon ..30 Adar 1 12. Fast of Gluedaliah .. 3 28. Fast of Esther ...... 13 19. Kipur ...... 10 Max. 1, 2, Purim ...... 14, 15 24, 25. Tabernacle ...... 15 16 31. Passover ...... Nisan 15 30. Hosana Raba ...... 21 April 15, 16. New Moon ..30 Yiar 1 Oct. 1, 2. Feast of 8th Day, 22, 23 May 15. New Moon .... Sivan 1 9, 10. New Moon 30 Hesvan 1 20, 21. Sebuot ..6, 7 Nov. 8, 9. Now Moon.... Kislev 1 June Id, I t. New Moon 30 Tamuz 1 Dec. 3. Hanu a ...... 25 July 1. Fast of Tamuz ...... 18 8, 9 . New Moon 30 Tebet 1 13. New Moon ...... Ab 1 18. Fast of Tebet ...... 10 22. Fast of Ab .. 10 Aug. 11, 12. New Moon ..30 Elul 1

TREATMENT OF SNAKE BITES. We feel it a duty to give prominence to the following plain and simple directions for the treatment of snake-bites . The great point is, of course, immediate excision , and a copious flow of blood from the wound. Stimulants in such cases may be valuable But if excision has been neglected, then hope centres in giving large doses of stimulative medicines - brandy, rum , or other spirits, by all means, if nothing else is to be bad,-but the remedy is Liquor Ammonia The following directions for using Liquor Ammonia in the treatment of snake -bites have been published by the Government of Ceylon , but revised , corrected , and additions made by Dr. G. H. Pringle, of Parramatta :- TREATMENT OF SNARE -BITES. 1.-Thirty or forty drops of Liquor Ammonia should at once be given , mixed with a wine-giass- full of water and oil, and this should be repeated at intervals of ten or fifteen minutes, till all symptoms of the poison disappear , and till consciousness be restored. The above is the dose for an adult or full-grown person. 2.-Admimatered to young people the dose should be as follows:- For those aged from twelve to fifteen years, twenty to twenty -five drops in each dose; for those aged from four to eight years , ten to fifteen drops in each dose ; and for infants under four years , from three up to ten drops in each dose , according to period of life; and in each case the dose must be given mixed with a quantity of water and oil. 3 -The mode of employment in every case is the same as that above described -viz: a dose at intervals of ten or fifteen minutes till the symptoms of collapse subside and sensibility and warmth on surface be restored ; the greatest care being always taken to mix a sufficiency of water and oil with each done, so as to enable it to be swallowed without pain, the quantity varying with the strength of the dose, but not leas than in proportion to that directed in the case of adults. 4.-Three or four doses will generally be sufficient to relieve the patient , but the remedy may 62

safely be continued as long as there is need, till consciousness returns, and the symptoms of poleop. lug subside. RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN THE TREATMENT OF SNAKE-BITES. 1.--On any person being bitten by a snake, he should immediately tie a thin cord, or strip of cloth rolled up in the form of cord, tightly round the limb, about an inch above the bate, for by this means the poison ie pievented from entering the body. The cord should not be removed for some hours. 2 -Scar iucations should be freely made with a knife, razor, or any sharp instrument procurable, over the bitten part These cuts should, if possible, be made through the punctures caused by the snake 's teeth. Blood should be allowed to flow from the wounds, and bleeding induced by every means possible , as by so doing the poison is actually washed out 3- The best way of insuring flee bleeding and extraction of the poison is by a person sucking the wound after the cuts have been made. Another person's mouth, or the sutler' s own if practic- able , may be applied Suction should be continuously kept up for half-an-hour at least 4.-There is no fear of iril ury happening to a person by sucking the bitten part. The poison will have no effect either by entering the mouth or by being swallowed. No person with a cut on the lip or tongue should attempt to suck a poisoned wound. 5 -Whatever stimulants are most easily and readily procurable should at once be administered. Two tablespoonsful of brandy, rum, or other spirits, twenty or thirty drops of Liquor Ammonia in two tablespoonful of water and oil should be given every hour or half-hour, and oontmued as long an any symptoms of faintness or dro wsiness appear.

DIRECTIONS TO ACCOMPANY VIAL OF LIQUOR AMMONIA. TREATMENT FOR CASES OF SNAKE-BITE. 1.-This medicine (Liquor Ammonia), if promptly and properly used, will inevitably cure people from the bite of all kinds of snakes; and if those bitten be otherwise sick , or if they happen to be women in the family way, this medicine will do them no harm. 2.-The following directions must be carefully attended to :- let As soon as possible after the bite, a string must be tightly tied round above the bitten part to prevent the poison flowing towards the heart. 2nd T he bite must be immediately cut open a little by any instrument , and as much blood as possible must be squeezed out by some means Sucking is boa[, and the poison will not do the slightest harm to the sucker's mouth, unless it be scratched, and very little even then 3rd After as much blood as possible is taken out, a little of the Liquor Ammonia must be applied to the wound on cotton wool, but, or soft rag 4th The medicine must now be quickly given internally in done according to the bitten person 's age as follows STRONGEST AGE. WATER. AMMONIA. To a grown -up person .. .. 35 drops .. In rather more than a wine. glassful From 12 to 15 years old .. 20 to 25 „ .. In 37j tablespoonful. 8 to 12 „ „ .. 15 to 20 „ .. .. In 3 4to 8 10 to 15 „ .. .. In 211 Infants up to four years 3 to 10 In 2 With each dose most be nixed a tea or dessert spoonful of salad or any other oil. 3 -If the sick person's head has become deranged or heavy, the dose must be given every twelve minutes, until the head becomes well, and after that small doses must be given every four hours, until all the bad symptoms disappear. 4 -If the bite be given by awhip snake, or one that kills quickly, the doses must be larger, and they must be given more frequently until the patient gets better. 5.-Butif the bite be given by a carpet, diamond, or some slow-killing snake, then about twenty drops must be given three times a day to a grown -up person , but this must be in creased if the bad effects of the poison get worse. 6 -If the bitten person be just on the point of death, this medicine should be al ways given, as it has frequently cured people even in this state 7 -When the patient has lock-jaw from the effect of the poison, or when his head is very bad, it should be held up and the bottle placed close under his nose for him to smell 8 -The bottle should be always kept tightly stoppered, or the strength of the medicine will go quickly ; a little wax round the stoppered vial will keep the strength in 9.-When the medicine has been often used, the strength of the remainder becomes lees, there- fore more drops should then be given This must not be forgotten 10 -Sometimes the stopper sticks in the bottle and is difficult to take out ; in this case, the stop. per and neck of the bottle should be gently struck with a piece of iron or some metal, wluch will loosen the stopper. A little oil applied to the stopper before it is put into the bottle will prevent its sticking 11.-Every means must be used to keep the patient awake, and on no account must he be allowed to sleep until out of danger. 12 -The bite of the Centipede, Tarantula , Scorpion, be , may be cured in a few minutes by the external application of Liquor Ammonia; and if necessary it must also be given internally as above directed. 13 -All animals may be treated as above directed, but the dose must be proportioned to the size of the beast ; for instance a full -grown bullock , cow, or horse , wi ll requ ire a good tablespoonful of liquor Ammonia, mixed with a pint of oil at least. 63 EVERGREEN SHRUBS. THE following is a list of a few hardy evergreen shrubs suited for ornamental planting, and which are seldom seen except in the gardens of those who are more advanced in horticultural taste and the knowledge of the beautiful. Unfortunately there is a strong disposition among planters to do just as their`neigh. bours do, and so we get the ugly , stiff , American aloe, and the formal seedy-looking cypress or arborvitae , at every cottage door ; plants adapted well enough for cemeteries and for strong contrasts with other trees in large shrubberies , but certainly occupying places where more beautiful and cheerful forms of vegetable life might be planted. Let us commend the following to the attention of those desirous of growing this beautiful class of plants . They will be found to gratify both in bloom and foliage the most exacting taste. Rhododendron varieties ; best in peaty soil. Magnolia grandiflora ; in rich garden soil. Aucuba Japonica ; cool shady situation. Azaleas ; giving abundant bloom, in peaty soil. Lagunaria Pattersonii ; a beautiful pyramidal tree, with pink blossoms. Ceanotbus divaricus ; a beautiful, quick-growing, glossy foliaged plant, with per. fumed blue flowers. The Norfolk Island pine tribe ( Araucaria varieties ), with their beautiful plumy branches and elegant shape. Photiuia serrulata , is a plant with beautiful foliage, varying from crimson to deep green, of quick growth , and characteristic habit. Acmena Kingiana , with Eugenia myrtifolia and Pittosporum nigrescene , are also ex. quisitely foliaged shrubs. Arbutus unedo , Gardenia florida , Berberis Darwinii , Tree-box, Portugal laurel, Hakes eucalyptoides , Cestrum aurantiacum , Daphne odorata of exquisite odour, Escallonia orgenensis , Habrothamnus elegans , silky Podalyria, Polygala grandiflora , Swainsonii Osburnii are truly very beautiful evergreen shrubs, which will at all seasons of the year delight the eyes of the grower , and all of them will grow in any average garden soil, without much care and attention. DECIDUOUS SHRUBS. WA have spoken of some of the most beautiful of the evergreen class, it remains for us to name a few of the beautiful deciduous shrubs, or those which shed their leaves in the autumn, and with the spring resume their foliage and beautiful flowers. First,then , thedouble blossomed cherry, peach, and plum ; a group ofmarvellous beauty during the months of September and October. Next come the Weigelia roses , with its profusion of apple-like blossom ; the Aralia japonica, with its large fern-like leaves; the yellow and purple laburnums; the exquisite Deutzia scabra, with its orange-like bloom ; the Magnolia conspicua , with its gaudy painted flowers, sans foliage ; the gay Philadelphus coronarius; the Pyrus japonica; the rose acacia ; the Daubeutonia puniceus ; the old flowering currant ( Ribes sanguinea) ; the old favourite lilac; the towering " Tree of Heaven" (Ailantus glandulosa ), and the stately sumach ; the sweet chesnut ; the Judas tree ; the Salvia barbata ; are all plants of rare beauty, and most of them are uncommon in the gardens of Victoria, though perfectly hardy and easy of culture. CLIMBING AND TWINING PLANTS. WE now come to the interesting and beautiful class of plants which seem designed by nature for decorating bare or unsightly objects with their rich foliage and their gorgeous bloom. It is surely from ignorance as to what to plant that nearly every cottage, verandah, or trellis is covered with the perpetual Cape ivy or the heavy looking dolichos, both of which speedily become seedy looking and ragged in their growth. Let the planter who is desirous of greater variety, and fine cheerful contrasts in colour, sele, t from the following:-Wistaria sinensis , with its gorgeous spikes of pale blue, flagrant blossoms ; Bignonias, of glossy foliage and brilliant scarlet flowers : Tecoma lasminoides , with its fine habit and peach coloured flowers ; Cohea scandens, and Lophospermum Hendersonii , with their rapid growth, purple and pink flowers ; Dissemma 54 coo-inea, with Tacsonia Mortii, and manicata (the crimson and scarlet passion flowers) all quite hardy ; Hoya carnosa, the tender wax plant of the English hothouse, stilt very sensitive to our spring frosts, but growing well in any warm, dry aspect; tbw deliciously perfumed Jasminum grandiflorum ; the pretty purple Maurandya , with its tiny leaves and dense growth ; the ever fragrant Clematis odorata ; the beautiful orange coloured Calempelis scabra; and, lastly, the lovely white and yellow Banksia roses, than which no plants are more suitable for training over a verandah, as they are without thorns, and, therefore , are not likely to become a nuisance , in tearing the clothes of thepasser-by. We have not spoken here of the many beautiful annuals which may be sown, but which die in the autumn ; neither have we exhausted the list of the perennial climbers. We hive given those of which we nave had experience. They are all hardy ; and to the cottager, it is of little use naming those which require greenhouse treatment.

GARDENING. In selecting land for garden and orchard purposes, avoid the cold tenacious clays and the loose sands of many districts. The former, from the absence of organi matter , can only be made productive by the expenditure of much labor in trenching and repeated cropping and working in dry weather ; while the latter , except where deeply worked to the subsoil, are comparatively valueless unless under repeated heavy manuring. The soils most to be desired for Horticultural purposes are the alluvial deposits in the bends of rivers and creeks ; the old chocolate soils, generally adjoining the "stony rises'" so prevalent in this colony; and the rich black soils formed by the more recent decomposition of basalt. Next to the character of the soil, stands in importance the facility for easy drain. age, and no matter how tempting the position or quality of the soil, let this be regarded as an essential requirement. If practicable, select only land the condition of which you have had the opportunity of observing in winter. In the absence of this knowledge be careful to note if cattle have left the marks of their feet visible in deep indentations, colonially termed "glue-pots." If so, it has arisen from the water lodging on the ground during winter; and such land, where no natural inclination for drainage exists, should be avoided as totally unfit for Horticultural purposes. All labor expended on it, in the way of trenching, would be thrown away; and fruit trees would rarely give any result commensurate with the labor and mone y expended. Where, however, such land is already occupied, there is no help left but to do the best with it. It should be thrown up in ridges; but deep trenching is not advan- tageous, as the adhesive nature of the soil tends to retain the water at the roots during the winter, and the summer but serves to harden the subsoil- -cracking the ground and injuring roots crossing the fissures so formed.

CALENDAR OF OPERATIONS. JANUARY. In favourable seasons the following may be sown for medium crops ; but if, as is frequently the case, no rain falls , and the ground is parched, sowing should not be attempted, unless facilities for irrigation exist :-Peas, of early kinds ; early kidney potatoes, for late autumn use ; turnips , a full crop ; celery, under shade ; Brussels sprouts, a few ; N. Z. spinach ; and m.cize, for green fodder. Melons, cucumbers, marrows, and pumpkins should not be allowed to su ffer from drought; and especially is this caution needed in newly planted fruit trees. Budding of roses should be proceeded with, as favourable weather offers. Thumb pruning-- the rubbing off of shoots, which if allowed to grow, would require knife pruning in the season -should be largely practised on fruit trees this month. Ripening fruits will require attention. FEBRUARY. If the weather last month was unpromising, the sowing of seeds named will have been deferred : sow now without del.ty, adding to the list-Kidney beans, caultJlowee, winter spinach, lettuce, mustard, cress, and radish, weather permitting . Success will vary with the season. A general overnight of such permanent crops as rhubarb , asparagus , seakale, &c., is required , the roots being frequently eaten away by wood-lice and other vermin that accumulate in moist spots . Plant out celery in damp weather in shaded trenches; also strong stocky plants of late brocoli, and others, of the Brassies tribe, in fit condition . Continue budding roses , and such fruit trees as are recommended, viz., peaches , plums, apricots , &e. Dahlias planted last month will require care, as no plant suffers more from drought , and, when well grown , no plant is more orna- mental in the garden during autumn. MABCE. Celery , plant out main crop. Lettuce , endive, radish, cress, early potatoes, white Dutch turnips , and quick podding peas, should be sown for light crops. Carro ts and onions should be stored ; the former buried in sand, and the latter hung up in " reeves ." Apples and pears, of certain kinds, will be ripening , and will require gathering and storing . Wine making will be an important item of business this month (see Wine Making, p. 64). Prepare land for annuals , and carefully fork over and clean flower garden ; cutting back straggling or expended growth of ver. benas, petunias , ageratums , and languishing herbaceous plants. APRIL. Clear away asparagus where turning yellow ; as also rhubarb, and such declining crops. Earth up advancing crops of celery , keeping such moist and growing. Sow lettuce , spinach, small salads , cauliflower , and of early peas lightly . Transplant any of the cabbage family you may have in condition , as also lettuce ; and plant out potato onions, for spring use. Have beds prepared for bulbous flowering plants-tulips , anemones , rununculus, nyacinth , &c. Divide and plant out the choice kinds of pansies , holyhocks, poly- anthus, primrose and mimulus . Pansies may be propagated by cuttings, under glass, and by side shoots , under light cover. This is the best month for planting cuttings or slips taken from the grassy growth of carnations , picotees , and good pinks . These should have more attention than is usually paid to them in this colony , for no flower is more suitable for a warm climate , as it keeps fresh looking and fragrant for several days after cutting . Take up and replant rooted layers, but deferred ti ll next month will be better . Sow hardy annuals in dry, well drained borders. MAY. Asparagus beds should have a light forking and top -dressing of well decomposed manure . Seakale and rhubarb beds should also be forked and enriched ; and new plantations made . Lettuce , peas , broad beans, and spinach, should be sown . Garlic, eschalottes, and potato onions , may be planted at the end of this month. Annuals should be sown on prepared patches, and care taken that slugs do not destroy them as they sprout. Give all the borders a good dre ssing of manure ; so, that in place of weedy looking annuals, and sickly looking roses and shrubs , you may have something beautiful to look at . It is a great mistake to suppose that because flowers grow wild in the bush, they may be grown in a garden without cultivation. JUNE. Sow sparingly of the following , as the ensuing rainy season is seldom favourable for full crops of vegetables :- Early peas , horn carrots , parsnips, onions, salads, and winter spinach. Thin , and keep free from weeds , seed -beds of advancing crops. Earth up celery as required . Attend to the planting of fruit trees on prepared land ; and also the for- mation of new vineyards : carefully removing the rooted cuttings-where such are used-from the bed . Gooseberries , currants , raspberries , and the runners of straw- berries should be planted out in permanent , well prepared beds. Plant out seedling annuals, and shelter fr om heavy rains . Plant out hedges of roses , sweet briar , furze, Cape broom, Spanish broom, quicks , Osage orange, as may be desired , this month, Deep cul+.ire and careful cutting is necessary in growing a good regular hedge. JULY. Seakale and a few plants rhubarb may be covered with pots or casks for blanching, which is efeclted by heaping up around the pots , fermenting stable manure. Use 56

discretion in sowing carrots, parsnips , salad, &c., just as the month is favorable or not. Of peas , broad beans, kale , spinach , cabbage, and cauliflower, sow a medium crop. This is the month for pruning most fruit trees . Water should not be permitted to rest about bulbs. During wet weather it is labor lost to attempt the digging of clayey soils . Tie up crysanthemums that are of straggling growth.

AUGUST. This and the next are the two most active months of the year as regards seed. time . Full sowings of peas , broad beans, onions, carrots , beet, parsnips , round seeded spinach , cabbages, cauliflower, potatoes , ground or Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, salads, &c., should be attended to. The grafting of fruit trees will need prompt attention . Disbud and train pot plants, such as fuschias , geraniums , and roses . Sow hardy annuals in pre pared patches; and more tender kinds in pots and pans for subsequenttransplanting. Plant out layers and rooted cuttings of such bedding plants as petunias , pinks, pan. sies, double wallflower, &c.

SEPTEMBER. Should the weather have been unfavorable during last month for the operations named , embrace early opportunity of completing them during September, It is well also to sow again of main crops, so that a season may not be lost in case of accident to the first sowing Broad beans are more productive if the head of the plantsbe taken off. Asparagus beds should be yielding constantcuttings for the table. The main crop of potatoes should be got in. Lettuce , and the seeds of the more useful herbs may be sown . A few seeds of melons , cucumbers and vegetable marrows may be dibbled in, under frame , and permanent beds prepared for the reception of seeds or established plants next months. Look carefu lly to your annuals , whether in open border or growing in pots, for planting out. A little straw should be laid carefu lly on the beds of strawberries, after freeing from weeds by a good hoeing.

OCTOBER. The chief attention in the Kitchen Garden this month will be devoted to the advancingseed -beds,thinning out and transplantingwhere necessary. If an un- usual season , and crops look unpromising , sow fre sh beds of the leading vegetables, but do not dig up or destroy those already sown. Sowmgs may be made of French beans , scarlet runners , cucumbers , melons, pumpkins , marrows , custard squash, tomatoes , chillies and capsicum , spinach, brocoli, kale, and salads. Potatoes should be hoed and earthed up-d ry weather being always selected for such operations Vines wi ll re quire attention , and if not previously staked , should be completed early . Whe re , as is generally the case, too many buds appear, the weak ones should be rubbed off, and as the shoots advance to sufficient size they should be carefullytied to stakes. The best materialfor this purpose is the " list" cut from the edges of flannel and cloth by tailors . The thinning of such fruits as apricots , peaches , apples , pears, and some kinds of plums, where " set " too thickly, is advantageous . Look carefully to slugs among ripening strawberries. Plant out annuals from pots and pans • and finish sowings of tender kinds in the open border.

NOVEIDER. Watch narrowly advancing crops ; keeping the ground loose and free from weeds. Melons , cucumbers , and marrows , will need constant attention ; covering up during cold nights , and very heavy rain and severe winds , and guarding against slugs and red spider ; sow again in open ground . Tomatoes may be planted out, and fresh sowings made both N this useful fruit and chillies. Of turnips, peas, and French beans, sow largely. Early potatoes, in somelocalities, where fully grown, should be dug. Water straw- berries to prolong thm fruiting season; guard against slugs , ants, and wood -lice, Ti5 57

up raspberry canes loosely to stakes. Finish planting out the tender annuals, and tie up patches needing support. Plant out dahlias for summer blooming, but deferring till January those required for autumn display,

DECEMBER A few light sowings under shade may be made of celery, cabbage, cucumbers, mar- rows, and melons. Keep clean and see that advancing crops do not suffer from drought. Where watering is resorted to, be careful that it is THOROUGHLYdone. A little care paid to melons, cucumbers, and, indeed, all the members of the Cucurbita family, will be well repaid in the fruiting season. Trim up hedges of Cape broom after flowering.

THE VERBENA. No garden should be without its dozen varieties of this beautiful creeping plant. Its culture is very simple, and it stands the heat of summer well, while the variety of colour, and its long continued bloom and dwarf habit, mark it as one of the very best flowering plants for effective display with which we are acquainted. It is propagated by division of the plant, by cuttings, by layers, and by seed. The latter plan should not be adopted by the amateur, for the reason that the seedlings are uncertain, and usually inferior as flowers. Most of the varieties root freely at the joint as they creep along the ground, or may be made to do so by pegging tightly down at intervals with small pegs cut from fern. When well rooted they may be cut from the parent plant, and re-planted. The soil for the verbena should be of good average quality, not too stiff or clayey, as, if so, it is liable to crack in summer, and in so doing, tear the roots of the plant; nor yet of too light or sandy a character, as such a soil induces a thin, weedy growth, with a fleeting bloom. Enrich the garden soil with well-decayed vegetable manure, and in hot weather water occasionally. No plant so well repays any attention which may be paid to it as the verbena. The following are first-class varieties:-Foxhnnter, it vivid crimson : Monettte prettily striped lilac and white ; Landsboroagh, rose, with pale eye ; Beautd Supreme; Variabilis, mottled pink, with crimson eye (one of the best) ; Amy Robsart, Mrs. Glen- dinning, Gray, Burke. Wills, Sir Charles liotham, &e. It is not well to let a plant remain longer than about a year, as when once a hard woody growth is formed, the flowers decline in richness, and the plant ceases to be ornamental. It is a part of good management to have rooted layers ready for planting by the time the parent plant becomes unsightly.


No flower s are more suitable for the Australian climate than those of this class. They are very easy of culture, either as pot plants or border flowers, and possess the rare quality of keeping in bloom a long period, even during hot weather; while, as cut flowers, their delicious fragrance and enduring freshness put them far before all other flowers for bouquet purposes. Unfortunately, our stock of good flowers is as yet small in Australia, but in a short time the many merits of the flower will induce our nursery. men to import all the best English and Italian varieties. They all thrive in a sound loam, enriched with well rotted frame manure and leaf mould, with a little river sand added to keep the compost open. Obtain plants in September from a nurseryman. They will bloom profusely during the summer, and may easily be propagated by layers or by slips or pipings of the grassy growth struck in sand. A small grub or caterpillar frequently infests the plant, and destroys the bloom by boring into the flower bud. The plants should, therefore, be carefully looked over. The flower stern will also require tying to light rods stuck in the ground. Carnations are divided into scarlet, crimson, pink, and purple bizarres; and purple, rose, and scarlet flakes. Picotees are of rose, purple, and red edge. They should not be allowed to droop for want of water, as if so the flowers lose in fragrance and substance of petal. 89

Their tall stems should be secured to light rods as they advance in height , otherwise the wind is liable to break them down. Plants of the Perennial Phlox , of many varistMNS may be procured from any nurseryman.

ANNUALS. We select a few of those beautifulplants of which seed may be purchasedin Victoria, and of which we have had experience as to growth and suitability for the Victorian climate. We do not profess to exhaust the list ; we are selecting for those who can but attend to a few, and therefore it is that we give the very best- such as we know will give satisfaction :- Acroclineum rosenm. Lycbnis fulgens , scarlet. Balsams. Marigold, Afri can and French. Cuphea platycentra , crimson. Mignonette. Delphinium Ajacis, dwarf rocket larkspur. Nasturtium , dwarf and tell . Dianthus barbatus ( Sweet William) Nemopbila insignis , beautiful blue. Dianthus Sinensis. Peas, sweet, mixed. Gaillardia pitta , very showy. Potentilla aurea, golden yellow. Gilia tricolor, an old favourite. Snapdragon (Antirrhinum ), of varieties. Hollyhock, fine double mixed. Viscaria oculata. Lobelia formosa, beautiful blue. Zinnia elegans , a flower of surpassing bril. Lupine, blue and yellow. liancy during the autumn.

THE HONEY BEE. No cottager should be without a hive or two of bees; for apart from the profit of their honey, they are an endless source of interest to every member of the family who cares to observe close'y their high intelligence and their industrious habits. If the keeping of bees is attended with so much profit in England, with its long winter, how much more profitable is it likely to be in a country which is never without flowers, and where the bee may gather its honey forty-five out of the fifty- two weeks of the year. Unfortunately, most books treating of the honey bee are too technically written, or comm(nce with assuming that every one has 1 ees in his poraession . For the ptir. pose of this short notice, however , we will assume that a pe.-•nn is without a stick or hive and is desirous of keeping bees His first step is to procure a swarm from some one who has them to dispose of, and he may usually find such advertised in the pages of the Australasian or Weekly Age; or he may I espeak a swarm from some friend who keeps bees. We would strongly recommend him to procure the Ligurian bees in preference to the ordinary ones, as it is found they thrive very well and produce abundance of honey. Mr. Templeton, of Fitzroy, near Melbourne, to whom much of the success attending the introduction (by the Acclimatization Society) of the Ligurian Bee is fairly due, will at all times forward stocks and the necessary information to any one desirous of procuring such. In bee keeping, as in other things , "a good beginning goes far towards a good ending." We would, therefore, advise the beginner to be careful to avoid the use of old porter and gin cases as being totally unsuitable for hives, and to procure the boxes which experienced ap arians have found most suitable. One very good form is that of a shallow frame or box , 15 inches square , whose sides are about 6 or 7 inches deep with bits of glass let in, and with moveable bars at the top. They are sold by most seedsmen for the purpose, and are so arranged as that when filled with honey, another box of similar size and shape may be placed above it, and be removed expe- ditiously when it in turn becomes full. Having, then, procured a swarm in the box described, or in any other which Me be recommended by a successful bee keeper, place the box on a bench or tress about 2 feet from the ground, with a slanting groove or lip cut in the edge to serve as entrance to the hive. This tressel or bench should be strongly made , with faed inclining outward , so that a gust of wind may not blow it over ; and to prevent antra ft slugs, and other vermin creeping up to the hive and annoying the bees, its feet should stand in pans or enamelled basins, in which water may be placed from time to time. Fully half the nou-success with beginners is owing to w uit of care in this particular, as if annoyed by any vermin, the bees become fretful, and frequently leave the hive altogether. A light paling-roofed shed, erected over the hive to keep off heavy rains and the direct rays of the sun, is indispensable, though less so perhaps where the old English straw hive is used. If in a locality where there is but little natural pasturage for the bee-or but few flowers-it is well to sow a few patches of mignonette , white clover, lucerne, &o., within the neighbourhood; but if gum trees and wattles , with other native flowering trees and shrubs prevail , this will not be so necessary. The bees will soon sally forth on their labour of love, returning laden with honey and pollen dust, and upon their activity and the strength of the stock will depend the results. Now will be apparent the use of the glass in the sides of the hive, as by drawing out the zinc or tin slide, with which the glass should be darkened, the progress of the bees can be seen, and the time noted when another box (or super) is required to cover the nearly full first one, and so, by giving more room prevent for a time the throwing off of small swarms. Of course, we are assuming that honey, and not swarms, is the object, but if the latter are desired, the following mode of procedure should be adopted :- From six o'clock in the morning till ten or eleven is the time a swarm may be expected to leave the hive. That they are preparing to swarm will be apparent for a day or two previously by the disturbed and excited state of the bees, and by their clustering at the entrance to the hive, without any apparent cause. When the swarm has left, it should be watched, and when it has alighted, as it frequently will, upon some low-growing branch or shrub, within a greater or less distance of the hive, care should be taken that it is not disturbed until the evening when the bees are more compact, and may be easily treated in the manner following :-During the day lay a table cloth or sheet as well as you can on the ground underneath the cluster of bees, and have ready the box or hi%e in which the new swarm will be kept, having pre- viously smeared the inside with sugar or honey and water. When you see the bees pretty quiet, bend the branch upon which they are clustered down towards the ground , and by a smart rap with a stick shake off the swarm on to the cloth lying on the ground, and place over them quickly the box or hive which you have had in readiness , draw the corners of the cloth tightly over the box, and convey it to the bench on which you desire to place it permanently. Next morning draw out the cloth from under the box, taking care not to kill many tees in this operation . We have adopted this plan without the loss of a dozen bees , and with perfect success. In handling bees never appear flurried or in a rush ; do everything necessary in a leisurely , careful manner , and you will rarely get stung. The bees so treated soon get accustomed to their new abode, and in a day or two commence their work of honey-gathering. The best aspect for a hive is one facing the east, and protected from the scorching rays of the mid-day and afternoon's sun. To Gather the Honey.-The following is the plan adopted by us, and herein will be apparent the advantages of the bar and slide hives over the gin case and other clumsy contrivances . With a slide or sheet of zinc, out off the communi- cations between the lower and the upper box, and gently insert for a few minutes in the upper box a bit of smouldering cotton rag. In a short time the bees in the box to bo taken will become stupefied or inactive, when the box may be removed and an empty one placed in its stead, and the zinc slide withdrawn, so as to admit the bee,. The box of honey and bees just taken should be turned over, and the bees removed. Upon exposure to the air they will quickly recover, and seek the hive. The combs of honey should be out out of the box with a knife, and laid to drain on bars placed across shallow pans, or the honey may be preserved in the combs entire-this at the option of the gatherer. There are, of course , many details of management which expe ri ence alone will teach the beekeeper ; but the foregoing will suffice for the beginner . If, however, it is intended to adopt the keeping of bees on a large sods, then it would be well to consult some of the larger works on the subject. 61)


THE leading principles of the following directions for the restoration of the apparently dead from drowning are founded on those of the late Dr. Marshall Hall, combined with those of Dr. H. R. Silvester, and are the result of extensive enquiries which were made by the Institution in 1863-4 amongst medical men, medical bodies, and coroners throughout the United Kingdom. These directions have been extensively circulated by the Institution throughout the United Kingdom and in the colonies. They are also in use in her Majesty' s fleet, and in the Coast Guard Service. 1. Send immediately for medical assistance , blankets, and dry clothing, but proceed to treat the patient, instantly on the spot, and in the open air, with tk face downwards, whether on shore or afloat ; exposing the face, neck, and chest to the wind, except in severe weather, removing all tight clothing from the neck and chest, especially the braces. The points to be aimed at are :-first and immediately the restoration of breathing ; and secondly, after breathing is restored , the promotion of warmth and circulation. The efforts to restore breathing must be commenced immediately and ener- getically, and persevered in for one or two hours, or until a medical man has pronounced that life is extinct. Efforts to promote warmth and circulation, beyond removing the wet clothes and drying the skin, must not be made until the firstappearance cf natural breathing,for if circulationof the blood be induced before breathing has recommenced, the restoration to life wi ll be endangered 2. To RESTORE BREATHING. To Clear the Throat-place the patient on the floor or ground with the face downwards, and one of the arms under the forehead, in which position all fluids will more readily escape by the mouth, and the tongue itself will fall forward, leaving the entrance into the windpipe free. Assist this operation by wiping and cleansing the mouth. If satisfactory breathing commences, use the treatment prescribed below to promote warmth. If there be only slight breathing-or no breathing-or if the breathing fail, then- To Excite Breathing-Turn the patient well and instantly on the side, sup. porting the head, and Excite the nostrils with snuff, hartshorn, and smelling salts, or tickle the throat with a feather, &c., if they are not at hand. Rub the chest and face warm, and dash cold water, or cold and hot water alternately, on them. If there be no success , lose not a moment, but instantly To Imitate Breathing-Replace the patient on the face, raising and supporting the chest well on a folded coat or other article of dress. Turn the body very gently on the side and a little beyond, and then briskly on the face, back again ; repeating these measures cautiously, efficiently, and perse. veringly about fifteen times in the minute, or once every four or five seconds -occasionally varying the side. [By placing the patient on the chest, the weight of the body forces the air out ; when turned on the side this pressure is removed, and air enters the chest. ] On each occasion rthat the body is replaced on the face, make uniform but efficient pressure with brisk movement on the back between and below the shoulder-blades or bones on each side, removing the pressure immediately before turning the body on the side. During the whole of the operations let one person attend solely to the movements of the head, and of the arm placed under it. he first measure commences the expiration - the second commences inspiration.] *** The result is respiration or natural breathing ; and if not too late, life. Whilst the above operations are being proceeded with, dry the hands and feet j 61

and as soon as dry clothingor blankets can be procured, strip the body, and cover, or gradually reclothe it ; but taking care not to interfere with the effortsto restorebreathing. 3. Should these efforts not prove successful in the course of from two to five minutes, proceed to imitate breathing by Dr. Silvester's method as follows :- Place the patient on the back on a flat surface inclined a little upwards from the feet ; raise and support the head and shoulders on a sma ll firm cushion or folded articleof dressplaced under the shoulder-blades. Draw forward the patient' s tongue and keep it projecting beyond the lips an elastic band over the tongue and under the chin will answer this purpose, or a piece of string or tape may be tied round them, or by raising the lower jaw the teeth may be made to retain the tongue in that position. Remove all tight clothing from about the neck and chest, especially the braces. To Imitate the Movements of Breathing-Standing at the patient 's head, grasp the arm just above the elbows, and draw the arms gently and steadily up- wards above the head, and keep them stretched upwards for two seconds. (By this means air is drawn into the lungs.) Then turn down the patient's arms and press them gently and firmly for two seconds against the sides of the chest. (By this means air is pressed out of the lungs.) Repeat these measures alternately, deliberately, and perseveringly, about fifteen times in a minute , until spontaneous effort to respire is perceived, imme- diately upon which cease to imitate the movement of breathing, and proceed to induce circulation and warmth. 4. TREATMENT AFTER NATURAL BREATHING HAS BEEN RESTORED. To Promote Warmth and Circulation-Commence rubbing the limbs upwards, with firm grasping pressure and energy, using handkerchiefs, flannels, &c. (By this means the blood is propelled along the veins, towards the heart.) The friction must be continued under the blanket or over the dry clothing. Promote the warmth of the body by the application of hot flannels, bottles or bladders of hot water, heated bricks, &c., to the pit of the stomach, the arm pits, between the thighs, and to the soles of the feet. If the patient has been carried to a house after respiration has been restored, be careful to let the air play freelyabout the room. On restoration of life, a teaspoonful of warm water should be given ; and then, if the power of swallowing have returned , sma ll quantities of wine, warm brandy and water, or coffee should be administered. The patient should be kept in bed, and a disposition to sleep encouraged. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. The above treatment should be persevered in for some hours, as it is an erro- neous opinion that persons are irrecoverable because lifedoes not soon make its appearance , persons having been restored after persevering for many hours. APPEARANCES WHICH GENERALLY ACCOMPANY DEATH. Breathing and the heart' s action cease entirely ; the eyelids are generally half closed, the pupils dilated ; the jaws clenched ; the fingers semi-contracted ; the tongue approaches to the under edges of the lips ; and these, as well as the nostrils, are covered with a frothy mucous. Coldness and pallor of surface increase. CAUTIONS. Prevent unnecessary crowding of persons round the body, especially if in an apartment. Avoid rough usage, and do not all ow the body to remain on the back unless the tongue is secured. Under no circumstances hold the body up by the feet. On no account place the body in a warm bath, unless under medical direction, and even then it should only be employed as a momentary excitant. By order of the Committee, RICHARD LEWIS, Secretary. Royal National Lifeboat Institution , London, May, 1864. 82 GOVERNORS OF THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. Victoria-Sir Charles Darling. New South Wales- Sir John Young . South Australia-9ir Dominic Duly. New Zealand-Sir George Grey . Tasmania - Colonel Thos. Gore Browne. Queensland - Sir George Bowen Western Australia - Dr. Hampton.

CONSULS AND CONSULAR AGENTS. •+• The date indicates the day on which the appointment was Gazetted ui saetoris. Argentine Confederation-Vacant April 10, 1862 Brazil-J. B. Were. Bremen-Adolph Schlostein , 38 Flinders -lane west. October 16, 186 0. Belgium-Gustave Beckx, 64 Flinders-lane. Chili-J . B. Were, 22 Collins -street west . May 5, 1852. Denmark-J. B. Were, 75 Collins-street west. December 8, 1852. Vic$.CoNSuL, at Geelong, H. J. Henty. September 15, 1859. France - Le Comte de Castelnau , Apsley-place , West Melbourne . June 23, 18t'& Vies.CoxstL-Henry Follet, Apsley-place. Hamburgh-Adolph Schlostein , 38 Flinders -lane west. August 20, 1858. Hanover-A. Kauffmann , 122 Collins -street west . August 3, 1855. ACTING-CONSUL- Adolph Schl6stein , 38 Flinders -lane west. May 11, 1863. Italy-Signor Guiseppe Biago. July 22, 1864. VIDE-CoxsuL - C. Cossu, 36 William -street. Lubec-J. B. Were, 22 Collins-street Went . July 0, 1855. Netherlands-John William Ploos Van Amstel. January 3, 1862. Vrcz -CoxsuL-Daniel Ploos Van Amstel , 49 Collins -street west. ACTINGVioE -CoNsuL-Edward Ploos Van Amstel. Portugal-R. Cooper, 21 Queen -street. June 1, 1853. Prussia - M. A. Kruge. Lloyd 's Rooms , Collins -street west. Russia-oics -CoxsvL .. James :Damyon, Custom House, Market -street. July 13, 18.57. Spain-Vloz-CoxsuL-J. J. Marshall, 56 Flinders- lane east. Jan. 30, 1863. Sweden and Norway-J. B. Were, 22 Collins-street west . Nov. 26, 1831. Oct. 6, 18:8 VICE-CONSUL,at Geelong-Herbert James Henty . January 20, 1859. United States , North America-Wm. Blanchard , corner of Collins and William streets.


DEPARTMENTS UNDER THE HON . THE CHIEF SECRETARY. Offices : Treasury Buildings , Spring -street.

Chief Secretary - The Hon. James M'Culloch, M.L.A. Under Secretary--J. Moore, J.P. Audit Office- Commissioners : Charles H . Symonds , A. J. Agg, and F. Jones. Board of Examiners for the Civil Service-W. E. Hearne, M.A., LL.D. ; Capt. Kay, R.N.. F.R.S. ; and W. W. Wardell. Secretary-- W. H. Odgers. 153

R agbtrm.Generalm-William Henry Archer, J.P. P ire-Chia Commissioner : Frederick C. Standish. Offices: Colline .etreet east, Gaols-Claude Farie, Sheriff. Melbourne, G. Wintte, Governor. Patents -Chief Secretary 's and Registrar-General 's Offices. Penal-Inspector -General of Penal Establishments : W. T. N. Champ. Medical-Chief Medical Officer : William M'Crea, M.B. Offices : Collins- et. east. Central Board of Health-Secretary-Frederick W. Thomas. School of Anatomy, Madeline-street-W. M'Crea, Chief Medical Officer, Inspector. Medical Board of Victoria- Lunatic Asylum , Yarra Bend - Medical Superintendent : E. Paley. Public Library, Swanston -street-Librarian : Augustus Talk. Friendly Societies - Certifying Barrister : F. S. Dobson . Registrar : J. Lasoella. Office : at Chief Secretary's Offices. Board of Education-Secretary: Benjamin F. Kane. Botanical Gardens - Government Botanist : Dr. Mueller, F.R.S., &o. Board of Agriculture-Secretary : J. M. Matson. Office : Old Treasury, Qusea•at. Volunteer Naval Brigade-Commander : Joseph H. Kay, Com. R.N. National Museum-At University. Director: Professor M'Coy. Experimental Farm, near Flemington-Lessee : Josiah Mitchell. Board appointed to watch over the interests of the Aborigines - Secretary : Brougb Smyth , Esq. Offices : Queen-street , Melbourne. Board to consider Claims for Rewards and Premiums for New Manufactures and Industries- Secretary , C. Greville. Pleuro- Pneumonia Commission- Secretary : J. M. Matson. Naval Departments-Offices : Chief Secretary 's, Government House. DEPARTMENTS UNDER THE HON. THE TREASURER. Minister of Finance-The Hon. George F. Verdon, M.L.A. Under Treastarer- E. S. Symonds. Government Stores and Transport- Secre tary and Inspector : F. T. Moore. Government Printing Office, Eastern Hill-John Ferree, Government Printer. MILITARY. Offices : 5, 6, and 7 Apsley -place. Staff-Brigadier-General Carey, Commanding the Forces. Commissariat -Deputy Com.-Gen. G. Horne, Comptroller Army Expenditure. Medical Staf- Staff Surgeon: Major W. Sall, M.D. Royal Artillery-No. 2 Battery, 7th Brigade. Captain and Brevet : Lieat.-Col. C. H. Smith. Barracks-New Military , Pri nce's Bri dge ; and Spender-street. VOLUNTEER FORCE. General Staff-Col. Commandant of Volunteers, W. A. D. Anderson. Superintendent of Military Store Department-Major C. H. Hall. DEPARTMENT UNDER THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES. Minister of Mines-Hon. J. F. Sullivan, M.L.A. Secretary- R. Brough Smyth, F.G.S.L. Mining Registrars and Keepers of Powder Magazines. DEPARTMENTSUNDER THE BOARDOF LAND AND WORKS. Board of Land and Works.-President: Hon. J. M. Giant, M.L.A. Members: C. W. Ligar, J. Steavenson, W. W. Wardell, C. Hodgkinson. Lands and Survey-Surveyor-General : C. W. Ligar. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Public Works- Inspector -General, &o.:-W. W. Wardell. Se"arage and Water Branch-Engineer: C. Taylor. Office, Lonsdale .street. ROADS AND BRIDGES DEPARTMENT. Commissioner of Roads and Bridges-The Hon. J. M. Grant, M.L.A. Assistant- Commsssioner-John Steavenson. Secretary-P. P. Labertoncbe. Victorian Railways - Secretary : W. H. Wright . Accountant : athison. Geological Surveyor - Director of Mining and Geological Surve R. G. Selwyn. 64

DEPARTMENTS UNDER THE RON. THE COMMISSIONER OF TRADE & CUSTOMS. Commissioner of 't'rade and Customs-Hon. J. G. Francis, M.L.A. Secretary-J. Chatfield Tyler. Government Shipping Office: Shipping Master and Registrar of Seamen : Johu J. Shillinglaw . Office-: Custom House. Ports and Harbors-Chief Harbor-Master of Victoria: Charles Ferguson, J.P. Pilot Board-Office at Williamstown: Chas. Ferguson, J.P. (Chief Harbor -Master) President. Steam Navigation Board-Inspector and Secretary : C. B. Payne. Powder Magazines-Melbourne, Footscray, Geelong, and Portland. Distilleries-Chief Inspector: Leslie A. Moody. Immigration-Agent and Principal Emigration Officer of the Colony of Victoria: Leslie A. Moody.

DEPARTMENTS UNDER THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Posr.Office-Secretary : Wm. Turner. Inspector of Postal Service : H. P. Banco. Accountant : B. Waymouth. Superintendent of Mail Branch : Adolphus Sievwright. Chief Clerk : T. W. Jackson. Inspector of Dead Letters : Richard Snow. General Post-Office, Bourke-street. Electric Telegraph-Superintendent : S. W. M'Gowan. See Charges. tW Office hours in Government Departments, from nine till four (Saturdays, nine till half-past twelve). Holidays-Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday and three following days, Whit Monday, Queen's Birthday, Separation Day, Prince of Wales' Birthday, and Proclamation of New Constitution. GOLD OFFICE-( Custom House).

Escorts. -To Beechworth, Yackandandab, Chiltern, Morse's Creek, and Benalla, every alternate Monday. To Jamieson and Wood's Point, every fourth Monday. Gold received by the Beechworth Escort will be ready for delivery every alternate Wednesday at 2 p.m. Cash Parcels are conveyed to and from Beechworth and Benalla under the following Regulations:- 1. Parcels for escort will be received at the Gold Office, Melbourne, every alternate Monday, from 12 noon to 2 p.m.; and at the other Gold Offices during the hours hithertoobserved. 2. Gold Coin to be packed in bags, not exceeding One Thousand pounds value in each. 3. Silver Coin in bags, not exceeding fifth pounds value in each. 4. Bank Notes in pack tges, the dimensions of which are not to exceed in length and breadth the size of a bank note, containing not more than Five Hundred notes in one package, and to be wrapped in calico and canvas-the declared value and con. signee's name and address to be marked on each parcel. Escort Fees ,-On Cash Parcels, one-half per cent. On Gold from the Beechworth District, Is, per ounce; and on Gold from other Gold Fields, Sixpence per Ounce. No Escort Fee is charged on Gold upon which the d'ity has been paid.

Gold Offloes on the Gold Fields. Ararat. Dunolly. i Beaufort Avoca. Heathcote- Rashworth, Ballarat. Chiltern. Sandhurst. Beechworth, Inglewood. Sinythesdale Benalla. Jamieson. Stawell. Blackwood, Lansborough, Talbot. Castlemaine, Mahlon. I'arn,egulla. Clones. Maryborough, Yackandmdah, Creswick, Morse's Ck, , Wood's Point. Miners ' Rights and Business Licenses may be obtained at the Receipt and Pay Office, Treasury, and at all the country Gold Offices. 06 LAW DEPARTMENTS.

LAW OFFICERS. Attorney General-The Hon. George Hinginbotham. Chambers: 192 Collins-st. ea. Minister of Justice-The Hon. Archibald Michie. Queen's Counsel-The Hon. Archibald Michie and R. D. Ireland. Crown Prosecutors-Melbourne : Travers Adamson. Beechworth, Castlemaine, Maryborough and Sandhurst : C. E, Smyth. Ararat, Ballarat, Geelong, and Port- land : J. H. Dunne. Crown Solicitor-Henry Field Gurner, 192 Collins-street east.

SUPREME COURT. (Corner of Latrobe and Russell -streets.) Chief Justice- His Honor Sir W. Foster Stawell, Knight. Puisne Judges - His Honor Sir Redmond Barry, Rathdown-street ; His Honor Edward Eyre Williams, East Melbourne; His Honor Robert Molesworth. Sheriff-Claud Faris. Registrar-William Henry Archer, J.P. Prothonotary - John A . Porter. Office : 22 Lonsdale- street east.

MASTERIN EQUITY. Master in Equity-Frederick Wilkinson. Office : Latrobe-street, Melbourne. Curator of the Estates of Deceased Persons-Frederick John Bury, (Collector Imposts at Melbourne for the whole colony). Office : Temple Court.

CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF INSOLVENT ESTATES. Chief Commissioner-Wriothesley Baptist Noel. Office : Latrobe-street. Official Assignees-Edward Courtney; Office . Temple Court, Melbourne. Robert Elwall Jacomb ; Office : Collins-street, Melbourne. Henry Steel Shaw ; Office : Bank place, Melbourne. John Goodman; Office: Bank place, Melbourne. James Moore: Office : 10 Eldon chambers, Bank place, Melbourne. Official Assignee, Geelong: G. Webster. TERMS AND SITTINGS OF SUPREME COURT, &c. The Prothonotary *a offit.e is open during term , from half-past nine a m. until three p.m. ; and in vacation, from tem a.m. until three p.m, daily, holidays excepted. The Master in Equity' s office is open from ten a.m. to three p.m., daily, except on holidays. The Chief Commissioner is in attendance every day (excepting holidays), at his office, or in the Insolvent Court House, Latrobe-street, from ten o'clock a.m., up to three p.m. There are four sittings in each year, beginning and ending as follows :-- Sittings before Easter Term begin February 28, end March 14 ; before Trinity Term, begin 'Play 20, end June b ; before Michaelmas Term, begin August 1, end August 18 ; before Hilary Term, begin October 29, end November, 14. There are also four Terms in each year, beginning and ending as follows:-Easter Term begins 21st March, ends 4th April. Trinty Term begins 20th June, ends 5th July. Michaelmas Term begins 1st September, eni' 14th September. Hilary Term begins 21st November, ends 7th DeceVber. From the 20th December to the I at February no pleadings can be delivered, nor any otherordinary proceedings carried on in Court in any branch of itsjurisdiction. The dates of Sittings for hearing of Equity Appeal Cabes and Causes Matrimonial are between the let and 15th days of May, the 17th and 30th d Sys of September, and the 14th and '0th days of December, in each year. The offices of the Court open in Term at half-past nine o'clock a.m. and close at three e clock p.m., and in vacation, at ten a.m., and close at three p.m., except between the 20th December tud 1st February, when they open at eleven o'clock a.m,, and close at one p.m, 88

Criminal Sessions are holden at Melbourne once at least in every month (generally the 15th ), excepting January, on such days as may from time to time be appointed. Circuit Courts are holden at Geelong, Ballarat, Portland, Castlemaine, Sandhurst, Beechworth , Ararat, and Maryborougb . For the Limits of the Districts and the time of holding such Courts, see His Excellency the Governor' s Proclamations of the 3rd and 6th days of November , 1866, and Orders in Council of 20th August and 19th November, 1860. Jury Lists - Clerk of Petty Sessions to issue his warrant to Constable to prepare- Before 31st January. Constables to publish Notice of Lists-The two first Sundays in March. Petty Sessions to revise Lists-Second Friday in April. Auctioneers ' Licenses .- Notice in writing of intention to apply, together with cer- tificate of character, to be lodged with the Clerk of Petty Sessions on or before first Tuesday in November . Annual Meeting, fourth Tuesday in November. Auctioneers ' Special Licenses - Notice of application to be delivered to the Clerk of Petty Sessions twenty days before application . Certificate and license money to be lodged with Treasurer on or before the fourteenth day from the date of the certificate. Publicans ' General Licenses - Notice of application to be given to the Clerk of Petty Sessions on or before the last Tuesday in March in every year ; the consideration of such application to commence on the third Tuesday in the month of April, and may be adjourned from time to time for a period in the whole not exceeding one month. Certificate and license money to be lodged with Treasurer on or before June $0. Meetings for transfer of licenses held first Tuesday in September , December, and March. Hawkers ' Licenses are issued on the second Tuesday in the respective months of March, June. September , and December. Notice of application to be delivered to the Clerk of Petty Sessions on or before the brat Tuesday in the months of February, May, August , and November. VIC&ADMIRALTYCOURT. Judge-His Honor Sir William Foster Stawell, Knight . Registrar -John Alfrey Porter. Marshal -Claud Farie. CORONERS For the City of Melbourne - Dr. R. Youl ; Office : at private residence , 111 Collins. street east. For the District of Bourke - Samuel C. Candler, Melbourne Club. Alberton-J. J. Goldie Dunolly-G. Cook ' Palmerston-,T. J. Goldie Amherst-A. Dow Echuca-C. E. Strati Portland-H. E. Brewer Ararat -J. G. Taylor Geelong-F. Shaw Pleasant Crk .- E. J. Bennett Avoca- S. Worsley Hamilton - C. Featherston . Queenscliffe - D. J. Williams Bacchus Marsh-S . Thorpe haugh and A. Learmonth Raglan-F. R. Pohlman Bairnsdale-A. W. M'Leod Harrow -W. S. Sutherland Sale-A. Arbuckle and H. B. Ballarat-G . Glendinning Horsham-W . Johnston Lane Beechworth - E. T. Barnard Inglewood - H. H. Radcliffe Sandhurst - J. B. Pounds Belfast-D. Jermyn Jamieson-J. H. Alley Smythesdale-T. Hopper Benalla - W.Piper&J . Spark Kilmore-D . N. Nicholson St. Arnaud-E. J. Lock Buckland-A. C. Wills Kyneton-H. Geary Swan Hill-B. W. Gummow Camperdown--J.P.Lawrence Landsborougb-J. Daly Wangaratta-W. A. Dobbyn Casterton-C. Radford Learmonth--J.A.Creelman Warrnambool-L.Gillesand Castlemaine - W. F. Presbaw Maldon-R . C. Mackenzie R. H. Harrington Caramut-F. H. Puckle Maryboro-F. M. Laidman Williamstown-J. Wilkins Chiltern-W. H. Gaunt Mount Shadwell-R. Burke Wood's Point-S. IfSa Creswiek-W. B. Lees Newbury-E. W. Plews Yackandandah-J. Le M. Daylesford-J. McNicoll Omeo-A. W. Howitt Carey.

COUNTYCOURT. At Melbourne and Court of General Sessions for Bourke . Court House , Swanston-st. Tudgs-His Honor Robert Williams Pohlman. Crown Prosecutor-Travers Adamson. Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of the County Court-S . J. Stephen. d7' GOVERNMENTOF VICTORIA.

Governor and Commandet -in-Chief of Victoria-SYB CHARLESDARLING , K.C.B. Private Secretary-- H. L. Warde. Military Secretary and Aide-de-Camp-Captain W. C. Bancroft, 16th Regiment, on leave of absence . Acting - Captain Tyler, Government House , Spring Street. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Commander of Her Majesty's Forces in the Australian Colonies-Brigadier -Genera! Carey. Chief Secretary- The Hon . James MICullooh. The Minister of Justice - The Hon. Archibald Michie. The Attorney -General-The Hon. George Higinbotham. The Minister of Finance , or Treasurer- The Hon. George Frederick Verdon. The President of the Board of Land and Works and Commissioner of Crown Lands Survey-The Hon. James Macpherson Grant. A Vice-President of the Board of Land and Works and Commissioner of Public Works- ( Vacant). The Commissioner of Trade and Customs - The Hon . James Goodall Francis. The Minister of Mines-The Hon. James Forester Sullivan. A Vice-President of the Board of Land and Works and Commissioner of Railways and Roads-( Vacant ). Clerk to the Executive Council-J. H. Kay, Esq.

PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA. Members of the le;islative Council and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly take the title of " Honourable." LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Composed of Thirty Members - Six Provinces , containing 16,081 Electors. President-The Hon . Sir J. F. Palmer, Kut. Chairman of Committees - Hon. D. Wilkie. CENTRAL PROVINCE : RETIRE EASTERN PROVINCE : RETIRE. William Hull ...... 1866 William C . Haines ...... 1866 ...... 1874 Robert Turnbull ...... 1872 Thomas Turner A'Beckett .... 1868 William Highett ...... 1870 ...... 1870 Benjamin Williams ...... 1809 .... 1872 H. H. Murphy...... 18'74 SOUTHERN PROVINCE: NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCE : William Taylor ...... 1866 Nicholas Fitzgerald ...... 1874 William Henry Pettett ...... 1874 Alexander Fraser...... 1866 William Degraves ...... 1870 1808 William Henry F. Mitchell . 1870 John Pinny Bear ... David Wilkie ...... 1808 William John Turner Clarke.. 1872 William Campbell ...... 18 72 WESTERN PROVINCE: SOUTH- WESTERN PROVINCE: Stephen George Henty ...... 1866 James Ford Strachan ...... 1808 1874 Henry Miller ...... John Lowe ...... 187k Neil Black ...... 1872 James Henty ...... 1872 Sir James Frederick Palmer.. 1870 John M'Crae ...... 1870 ...... 1868 Caleb Joshua Jenner .... . 1868

t)nters to the Galle ri es are obtained from Members of each House . To the Bodv of the Council , outside the Bar, from the President . To the Assembly, Speaker's Gi, lei v, horn the Speaker. Enrolled Parliamentary Agents .- J. J. Moody, 38 Collins -sweet east. John Edwards, 05 Bourke-street west, Thomas Brereton Watson, 88 Chancery-lane. as

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Composed of Seventy -eight Members-Forty-nine Districts , containing 165,485 Eleotnrs. Speaker- Chairman of Committees- Ararat ...... William M'Lellan. Maldon...... John Ramsay. T. M. Girdlestone. Mornington ...... James M'Culloch. Avoca ...... *James M Grant. Murray Boroughs .. Sir Francis Murphy. B. G. Davies. Murray District .... John Orr. Ballarat East ...... C. E. Jones. Normanby ...... George C. Levey. Chutes Dyte. North Gipps Land . W. Pearson. Ballarat West ...... . North Grenville .... Mark Morell Pope. W. H. F. Vale. J. Thomas Randall. Belfast ...... A. F. A. Greeves. North Melbourne .. William Robinson. Brighton...... *Geo. Higinbotham. J. G. Burtt. Castlemaine ...... W. A. Zeal. Ovens ...... G. B. Kerford. S. H. Bindon. G. V. Smith. T. Carpenter. Portland ...... J. A. McPherson. Collingwood ...... John Edwards. Richmond ...... *James G. Francis. G. Berry. A. B. Wardrop. George Harker. Ripon and Hampden F. Longmore. Creswick ...... William Frazer. Rodney ...... John Macgregor. J. H. Wheeler. Sandhurst ...... John Halfey. Crowlands ...... Ronald Campbell. R. F. Howard. John Houston. Sandridge ...... David Moore. Dalhousie .. G. J. Sands. St. Kilda...... J. B. Crews. Dundas and Follett Geo. Fairbairn. *Archibald Michie. E. Bourke Boroughs Edward Cope. SouthBourke ...... L. L. Smith. East Bourke ...... J. Cowell. M. O'Grady. J. Sherwin. SouthGipps Land.. P. Snodgrass. East Melbourne .... Edward Cohen. South Grant ...... Peter Lalor. Ambrose Kyte. J. R. Hopkins. Emerald Hill ...... Henry Creswick. William N. M'Cann Evelyn ...... John Thomson. S. Grenv. & Polwarth J. H. Connor. Geelong East ...... G. Cunningham. Villiers & HeytesburyJ. Moffatt. J. Richiirdson. W. Bayles. Geelong West ..... Nicholas Foott. Warrnambool...... John Dane. George Brown. West Melbourne .... J. H. Blackwood. Kilmore ...... John O'Shanassy. John Harbison. Kyneton Boroughs.. Robert B. Tucker. West Bourke ...... John Thomas Smith. Mandurang ...... *James F . Sullivan. J. C, Riddell. J. J. Casey. M. L. King. Marybnrough ...... James Mason. Wimmera ...... James M`Bain. Nathaniel Levi. Williamstown...... *George F. Verdon. Those marked thus (*) are members of the Ministry.

OFFICERS OF PARLIAMENT. Clerk of the Parliaments , G. W. Rusden. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.-Clerk, G. W. Ruaden. Assistant Clerk, C. L. Comyls. Usher, A. A. C. Le Sonef. Clerk of the Papers, Edmund Finn. Reader, James Wears. Housekeeper, Henry Madden. Six Messengers. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.- Clerk , John Barker . Clerk Assistant , A. G. Damao. Sergeant -at-Arms, W. G. Palmer. Clerk of Committees, W. Sorrell. Clerk of Private Bills,A. Warner. Clerk of the Papers, T. G. Atkinson. AssistantClerk of the Papers S. M. Gill Reader, Geo. M. Hardess. Housekeeper, George Pearse. Six Messengers LIBnABY .-Librarian, James Smith. Assistant Librarian, William Dopping. ADVERTISEMENTS. 6 9 BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. INCORPORATEDr BY ROYAL CHARTER, 1835.

CAPITAL PAID-UP - - - - £1,200,000 RESERVED PROFITS - - - - £ 354,065




BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN THE COLONIES. New South Wales. Sydney, Maitland, Newcastle. Agency, West Maitland. Queensland . Brisbane , Ipswich. Victoria (Branches ). Melbourne , Geelong, Ballaarat , Castlemaine , Sandhurst , Beech.. worth, Belfast, Portland , Warrnambool, Sale. (Agencies ). Creswick , Smythesdale , Happy Valley, Talbot, Blackwood , Grant, Bright, Yachandandah, Chiltern. Tasmania. Hobart Town , Launceston. South Australia. Adelaide . Agencies , Port Lincoln , Kooringa. New Zealand. Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin. Agencies, Dunstan, Queenstown.

AGENTS. England ... Liverpool: Messrs. Israel Barned & Co. Manchester: Union Bank of Manchester. Penzance: Messrs. Batten, Carne, and Carne. Ireland ... Provincial Bank of Ireland. Scotland ... Bank of Scotland. Paris ... The Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris. Berlin ... Messrs. Platho and Woolf. Cape Colony i London and South African Bank. Natal India .. China Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris, and the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China. Mauritius ... Bourbon ... a TO ADVERTISEMENTS.

THE BANK OF VICTORIA, Incorporated by Act of Council. Capital £1,000,000 in 20,000, shares of £50 each. Reserve Fund, £100,000.

Established October, 1S IS 2.

atteetoto. The Hon. HENRY MILLER, M.L.C., Chairman. The Hon. WM. HIGHETT, Deputy-Chairman. GERMAIN NICHOLSON, Esq., J.P. JOS. SUTHERLAND, Esq. E. B. WIGHT, Esq., J.P. E. P. S. STURT, Esq., J.P.

Aubttoro. J. D. PINNOCK, Esq. H. N. HULL, Esq.

O enetat .tanager. JOHN MATHESON, Esq.

'i0h ltm. Messrs. VAUGHAN, MOULE, & SEDDON.



Geelong ...... Local Directors :-The Hon. J. F. Strachan, M.L C. ; A. B. White, Esq. ; Vincent W. Giblin, Manager. Belfast ...... Local Director :-George Stewart, Esq., P.M.; Wm. Young, Manager. Sandhurst ...... George Vallentine, Manager. With Agencies at Epsom, Raywood, and Eaglehawk. Castlemaine ...... Thomas Young, Manager. With Agencies at Vaughan and Malmsbury. Ballarat ...... William Robertson, Manager. With Agency at Sebastopol. Avoca ...... Leslie Ogilby, Manager. With Agency at St. Arnaud. Maryborough ...... Murdoch McLeod, Manager. With Agencies at Inglewood, Talbot, and Dunolly. Raglan ...... A. G. W. Scott, Acting Manager. With Agency at Ararat. Warrnambool ...... Robert B. Paterson, Manager. Port Albert ...... W. H. Parr, Manager. Beechworth ...... A. K. Sheppard, Manager. Portland ...... Local Director:-James Blair , Esq., P.M. ; F. C. Oswald, Manager. Hamilton ...... T. H. R. Andrews, Acting Manager. Sale ...... C. R. Sibbald, Manager. With Agencies at $airnsdale and Stringers Creek. Maldon ...... W. P. Smith, Manager. Echuca ...... E. F. Gilles, Manager. Daylesford ...... John Jamieson, Manager. Woods Point ...... Gerard Pendlebury, Manager. With Agencies at Donnelly's Creek and Jericho. Rushworth ...... T. W. Benbow, Acting Manager. Mortlake ...... H. G. Soilleux, Manager. Heathcote ...... W. Mendell, Manager. Stawell ...... W. B. Lucas, Acting Manager. Wahgunyah ...... A. Williamson, Acting Manager. Yachandandah ...... W. E. Longuehaye, Jun., Acting Manager. Grant ...... A. R. Mackenzie, Acting Manager. ICilmore ...... C. R. W. Fraser, Acting Manager.


New South Wales ... The Australian Joint Stock Bank and Commercial Banking Company. Queensland ... The Australian Joint Stock Bank and Commercial Banking Company. South Australia ... The South Australian Banking Company. Western Australia ... The Bank of Western Australia. Tasmania ... The Banking of Van Dieman 's Land and Bank of Tasmania. India ... Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China. Mauritius ... Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, New Zevland ... The Bank of New Zealand, 72 ADVERTISEMENTS.

THE (9010niz "auk of 'u txddaoza. Incorporated by Act of Council. CAPITAL , £ 1,000 ,000, in 100 ,000 SHARES of £10 each.

Directors. The Hon. JOHN O'SHANASSY, M.L.A., Governor. The Hon. W. J. T. CLARKE, M.L.C., Deputy Governor. EDWARD COHEN, Esq., M.L.A. I JAMES F. MAGUIRE, Esq. GEORGE BUTCHART, Esq. JAMES MACBAIN, Esq. Auditors. H. B. A. MIDDLETON, Esq. Solicitor. F. G. MOULE, Esq. Head Office. ADAM BURNES, General Manager. WILLIAM GREENLAW, Assistant Manager and Accountant.

Ba ll aarat Branch ...... Manager-J . HENDERSON. Camperdown Branch ...... „ J. PATON. Castlemaine Branch ...... „ J. BALL. Crooked River Branch ...... „ E. F. LUSIGNAN. Daylesford Branch ...... „ F. TAYLOR. Drummond 's Point ...... Agent, R. CONNACHER. Geelong Branch ...... Manager-A . S. PARK. Kilmore Branch ...... „ M. HAYES. Kyneton Branch ...... „ W. G. BLAIR. Matlock ...... Agent , J. W. B. GARDYNE. Sandhurst Branch ...... Manager -M. TOLMIE. Taradale Branch ...... „ G. ANDREWS. Tarnagulla Branch ...... „ A. H. WILLIS. Wood 's Point Branch „ J. M'COY.

AGENCIES. ENGLAND ...... The Colonial Bank of Australasia The Alliance Bank (Limited)...... Bank of Victoria. NEW SOUTH WALES ...... Commercial Banking Company. SOUTH AUSTRALIA...... The South Australian Banking Company. TASMANIA ...... The Commercial Banking Company. NEW ZEALAND ...... Bank of New South Wales. SCOTLAND ...... The National Bank of Scotland. IRELAND ...... The National Bank. INDIA AND CHINA ...... Bank of Hindustan, China, and Japan. BATAVIA ...... Messrs. Hunter, Houghton & Co. SAN FRANcISco ...... Falkner, Bell, & Co. ADVERTISEMENTS. 73

BA f i SOUTH I L Inoorporated by Act of Council. ESTABLISHED 1817.

CAPITAL ...... £1,000,000. Reserve Fund ...... £ 333,333. AD, 021720300 SYDNEY , NEW SOUTH WALES_ QttIrntg Nr n 4 : MALOP STREET, MARKET SQUARE.

This Branch receives Monies at the highest current rate of interest to Depositors, and transacts all usual Banking Business. Drafts issued upon its AGENTS, THE NATIONAL BANK OF IRELAND

(DIRECT UPON ANY TOWN IN IRELAND), And upon its igran6Csnnb Ag n it f4rzuff,aufgnc1an, And upon all BRANCHES OF THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. And transacts all usual Banking Business with the following AGENCIES. Bristol and West of England ...... Stuckey's Banking Company Birmingham ...... Birmingham Joint Stock Bank Batavia ...... Messrs . Morgan, Melbourn & Co. Cape of G ood Hope ... . London and South African Bank Glasgow, Edinburgh , and other parts of Scotland ...... Royal Bank of Scotland Hamburg ...... Messrs. Merck & Co. India, China, Ceylon, and Singapore The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China Ireland ...... The National Bank Liverpool ... North and South Wales Bank London ...... The Bank of New South Wales, and London Joint Stock Bank Manchester ...... Manchester and Liverpool District Bank Manila ...... Messrs. Russell & Sturgis New York ...... Messrs. Duncan , Sherman & Co. South Austra li a ...... The South Australian Banking Co. Tasmania ...... The Commercial Bank of Van Dieman's Land Weste rn Australia ...... The Western Austra lian Bank, Perth W. J. M. LARNACH , MANAGER. 74 ADVERTISEMENTS.

(Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1842)




VICTORIA. Melbourne Branch. Local Directors.-The Hon. James McCulloch, M.L.A.; Manager- John Bramwell ; Accountant-John Russell Ross. Geelong Branch. Local Directors -John Guthrie, Esq.; James Balfour, Esq.; ,Manager- John Galletly; Accountant-James Nicol. Ararat Branch. Manager-J. B. Littlejohn; Accountant-Charles Guthrie. Ballarat Branch. Manager-G. G. Mackay; Accountant-A. M. Greenfield. Maryborough Branch. Manager-James Anderson; Accountant-George Florance. Dunolly Branch. Manager-John A. Eddie; Accountant-David Myers. Talbot (late Back Creek) Agency. Acting Manager-J. Fowler; Accountant--B. J. Nicholls. Landsborough Agency. Acting Manager-J. Sutherland; Accountant-W. Reid. Red Bank Agency. Acting Manager-J. Sutherland; Accountant-P. H. Callan. Majorca Agency. Acting Manager-J. McKenzie; Acting Accountant-William Reid. Inglewood Agency. Acting Manager-J. R. Gardner; Accountant Colin Taylor. Quartz Reef, Pleasant Creek Agency. Acting Manager-J. S. Trew; Accountant-W. B. Reid.

NEW SOUTH WALES SYDNEY BRANCH. Local Director-Henry Moore; Manager-M. C. Machardy; Accountant--E. J. Webb. ADVERTISEMENTS. ":91vu5traCask75 fe jthMta1 ank of

Incorporated by Acts of the Victorian and South Australian Parliaments. CAPITAL -£ 1,000,000, IN 200,000 SHARES OF £5 EACH.

Directors: The HoN. SIR FRANCIS MURPHY (Speaker in the Legislative Assembly), Chairman. THOMAS H. POWER, ESQ. ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, Esq. The HoN . SIR JAMES FREDERICK PALMER, President of the Legislative Council. Auditors : The for. H. M. MURPHY, ESQ. HENRY HENTY, Esq. Solicitors: MESSRS MALLESON & ENGLAND. G eneral Manager : FREDERICK WRIGHT. Accountant: ALFRED PRIESTLEY. its 65.

Branches and Agencies in Victoria. Branches in South Austra li a. Bacchus Marsh Branch-Manager, Thomas N. Adelaide. Binney. Ballaarat Branch - Acting Manager, A. J LOCAL DIRECTORS. Greville. Hon. A. Blyth, Esq., M.P. Clunes Branch-Manager, Alexander G. David- Thomas Graves, Esq son. J Peacock, Esq., M P. Hon. A. Scott, M.L C. Colas Branch-Manager, F. J. Hickling. Edmund Mackenzie Young, Manager. Dayles/ordBranch- Manager, W. M. Alexander Richard G. Prole, Accountant. Geelong Branch-Local Directors, Jas. Simson, Augaston Branch-Acting Manager , C. B. Jacob Esq John L Currie, Esq. Manager, T. Auburn Branch- Manager , T G. Pleydell. M. Harrington Clare Branch-Manager, Walter Gooch Bamilton Branch-Manager, D Macpherson Gawler Branch- Manager , J. T. Williams Kadin Branch-Acting Manager, C. Furniss. Sale Branch-Manager. Charles F T Farren Kapunda Branch-Manager, Robert Walrus. Taradale Branch-Manager, W. J. Budd. Kooringa Branch-Acting Manager, W. H. Rosman. Suburban Branches. Moonta Branch-Manager, G. M. Turnbull. Collingwood Branch-Manager, F. W. rhoma Mount Barker Branch- Manager , Wi lliam Emerald Hill Branch-Manager, James M. Gray. Campbell Mount Gambier Branch-Manager, A. W. McGregor Prahran Branch-Manager, Geo. E. Tolhuret Nuriootpa Branch--Acting Manager, F. Karuth Richmond Branch - Manager, Chas . Baeyertz Penola Branch- Manager , W. F. Remington. Sandridge Branch-Manager, Wm LeCren. Port Adelaide Branch-Manager, H. D. O'Hal- loran. Bairnadale Agency-Ales. W. Cunningham, Port Augusta Branch- Manager, W. Liston. Agent. .Robe Branch-Manager, John F. Law. Strathalbyn Branch- Manager, T . Evans. Buninyong Agency-Robert Gillespie, Agent. Wallaroo Branch-Acting Manager, H. C. Carngham Agency -W. L. A. Elston, Agent. Hodge. Scarsdale Agency-M. W. Richardson, Acting Willunga Branch- Manager. D. Barker. Agent. Port MacDonnell Agency- Thomas Must & Co., Agents. Steiglitz Agency - T. Walters , Agent. FOREIGN AGENCIES. Western Australia-Perth Branch. New South Wales -The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. Tasmania - The Commercial Bank. New Zealand - The Bank of New Zealand. Queensland - The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney. India and China-The Agra and Masterman's Bank (Limited). Cape of Good Hope-The London and South African Bank. Scotland - The National Bank of Scotland. Ireland-The Provincial Bank of Ireland, The National Bank of Ireland, The Ulster Banking Coy. LONDON OFFICE - 10 CORNHILL , LONDON, E.C. Managing Director.-J. W. MUTTLEBURY, Esq. rectors. -F. J. SARGOOD, Esq., G. S. WALTERS, Esq. Rolicitors .- Messrs . MAYNARD & SON. 76 ADVERTISEMENTS.

:P H F. LANDMORTGAGE BANK OF VICTORIA (°fzntYttb), FORDEPOSITS LOAN'SON FREEZ. OL 9 Incorporated under the Companies' Statute, 1864. CAPITAL- Authorised, £500,000 ; Subscribed, £50,000 ; Paid-up, £10,000. OFFICES : 28 COLLINS ST. EAST.

Hon. C. J. JENNER, M.L.C., Chairman. Hon. JOHN M'CRAE, M.L.C., Vice-Chairman. Hon. D. E. WILKIE, M.D., M.L.C. J. SPENCE OGILVY, Esq., Queen st. ROBERT BYRNE, Esq., J.P., M.L.A. I GEO. WHARTON, Esq., J.P., Architect WM. DETMOLD, Esq., Collins street JOSH. CLARKE, Esq., Warehouseman Solicitor-JOHN HUGHES CLAYTON, Esq. Accountant-WILLIAM SINCOCK, Esq. Manager-WILLIAM PATERSON MUIR, Esq. Bankers-THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA.

THIS Bank is established for the purpose of receiving Deposits for fixed periods, and Lending on Freehold Property, on the system of Land Credit, which has been attended with marked success in Europe, India, Canada, &c. Deposit Receipts are issued, and Interest is allowed at the following rates On Deposits for 12 Months (fixed)...... 8 per cent. per annum. Do. 6 Months do...... 7 do. do. Do. 3 Months do...... 6 do. do. Do. at Call ...... 22 do. do. The Deposits of the Bank are secured by the whole of its Invested Funds, and by the additional guarantee of the uncalled Capital. The investment of the funds of the Bank is restricted by the Articles of Association to Real Estate in Victoria, and the amount of Deposits can never exceed the subscribed capital, thus affording to Depositors the most undoubted security. The Bank also acts as General Financial Agent, and undertakes the Investment of the Capital of Absentees, Trustees, and others, in first-class Mortgages in Victoria, to pay Investors 8 per cent. per annum, the interest on such Investments being guaranteed and paid half-yearly, at the Offices of the Bank. Loans are made on Freehold Property at current rates, repayable by instalments if required. Arrangements may also be made for obtaining a Cash-credit on the basis of approved Freehold Security, by which interest would be chargeable only on the sum used. Further particulars may be obtained on application to W. PATERSON MUIR, Manager.

Geelong ...... A. C. MACDONALD, Esq. Sandhurst ...... JNO. McINTYRE, Esq., J.P. Ballaarat ...... Messrs. J. ODDIE & Co. ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 7 UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, 88 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON.

ESTABLISHED IN 1838-LIABILITY UNLIMITED Paid -up Capital ------£ 1,250,000 Fixed Reserve Fund - - - - - £ 250,000

AGENTS- The National Provincial Bank of England. The Royal Bank of Ireland (Dublin) The London and County Bank The National Bank of Scotland Liverpool-The Bank of Liverpool. Tue Commercial Bank of Scotland Bristol-Baillie, Baillie, Cave and Co. The Union Bank of Scotland Messrs. Miles and Co. The City of Glasgow Bank Portsmouth-Grant, Gilman, and Long, The Mauritius Commercial Bank Bankers. The Standard Bank of British South Plymouth-.The Devon and Cornwall Africa Banking Company. The London and Brazilian Bank. Penzance-Bolitho, Sons and Co. The London, Buenos Ayres, and River The Bank of Ireland. Plate Bank Mauritius-Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China ; Mauritius Commercial Bank. India and China, &c.-The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, China. The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. Batavia-The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. New York--Quebec, Montreal, Halifax-The Bank of B. N. America, Manila-Russell and Sturgis. San Francisco-Messrs. Hellmann Brothers & Co. Valparaiso -Huth, Gruning, & Co.

ESTABLISHMENTS IN COLONIES. Inspector and General Manager-J. F. M'Mullen, Esq.

SRANCJ] ES. New South Wales-Sydney. Queensland-Brisbane, Rockhampton. Victoria-Melbourne, Geelong, Portland, Ballaarat, Sandhurst , Castlemaine, Mary- borough, Smythe's Creek, Clunes, Sandy Creek, Daylesford, Durham Lead, Piggoreet, Jamieson , Wood's Point, Gaffney's Creek, Matlock. South Australia-Adelaide, Port Adelaide. Tasmania -Hobart Town, Launceston. New Zealand-Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Picton, Lyttelton, Christchurch, Dunedin, Napier, Invercargill. J. CURTAYNE, Manager, Melbourne. 78 ADVERTISEMENTS. BANK OF VICTORIA. Incorporated by Act of Council.

Capital , £1,000 ,000; in 20,000 Shares of £50 each. RESERVE FUND, £100,000.


Directors: The HoN. HENRY MILLER, M.L C, Chairman The HoN. WM. HIGBETT, M.L C., Deputy Chairman. GERMAIN NICHOLSON, Esq, J P. E. B. WIGHT, Esq. JOSEPH SUTHERLAND, Esq. I E. P. S. STURT, Esq. Auditors: J. D. PINNOCK, Esq. if. N. HULL, Esq. General Manager: JOHN MATHESON, Esq. Solicitors: Messrs . VAUGHAN, MOULE, & SEDDON. Head Office, Melbourne: John Matheson, General Manager. Richard Shann , Accountant . E. G. Harrison , Branch Inspector. London Office : Directors -Edmund Westby, E9q Richard Gibbs, Esq. ; Robert Sutherland, Esq. H. L. Taylor, Manager. GEELONG BRANCH: Local Directors-The Hon. J. F Strachan, M.L.C ; Andrew B. White, Esq. Vincent W. Giblin, Manager.

BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN VICTORIA. Ballaarat Belfast Vaughan Yackandandah Sebastopol Warrnambool Malmsbury Wood's Point Raglan Fchuca Mahlon Donnelly 's Creek Ararat Sandhurst Daylesford Jericho Stawell, Pleasant Epsom Maryborough Grant (Crooked Creek Raywood Inglewood River) Avoca Eaglehawk Talbot Sale St. Arnaud Heathcote Dnnolly Bairnsdale Mortlake Kilmore Beechworth Stringer' s Creek Hamilton Rushworth Rutherglen Port Albert Portland Castlemame Wahgunyah

AGENCIES: NEW SOUTH WALES The Australian Joint-Stock Bank and Commercial Banking Company QUEENSLAND.. The Australian Joint-Stock Bank and Commercial Banking Company SOUTH AUSTRALIA The Sonth Australian Banking Company TASMANIA .. .. '1 he Bank of Van Diemen's Land and Bank of Tasmania INDIA .. Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China MAURITIUS .. Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China NEW ZEALAND .. The Bank of New Zealand ADVERTISEMENTS. 79 AUSTRALASIANINSURANCE COMPANY, Life and Fire and Marine. ESTABLISHED 1857.


Subscribed Capital : £ 500,000. Paid-up Capital : £ 125,000 . Reserve Fund : £70,000.

BOARD or DIRECTORS. Chairman.-Hon. Alexander Fraser, Esq , M.L.A. Vice-Chairman .- James Graham, Esq. Edward Cohen , Esq., M L.A. E. P. S. Rturt, P.M. Hon. W . J. T. Clarke , Esq., M.L . C. Joseph Griffith,, Esq. AUDITORS. James Fowler, Esq . Thomas Thorp, Esq. BANKERS. Bank of New South Wales. Colonial Bank of Australasia. SOLICITORS. STANDING COUNSEL. Messrs. Malleson & England. Archibald Michie, Esq., Q.C. MEDICAL OFFICERS. W. H. Campbell , Esq., F.R.C.S.E. J. B. Motherwell , Esq., M.D. MARINE bURVEYOR. ACTUARY. ARCHITECT. Captain W. G. Grave. G. E. Cowley, Esq . J. E. Austin, Esq. Secretary .- E. L. Monteflore , Esq., J.P.

GEELONG BRANCH .- Secretary- George Fraser, Esq.

Fire Risks taken at lowest current rates. AGENTS. London-Messrs . Joshua Brothers & Co. Port McDonne ll , S.A.-Messrs . T. Must Calcutta - Messrs. Mackillop , Stewart & Co. & Co Bombay-Messrs . John Clover & Co. Hobart Town-Messrs W. Crosby & Co. Shanghai - Messrs Augustine Heard & Co. Brisbane - Mr. John Fenwick. Singapore - W. Spottiswoode & Co Nelson-Messrs . J. Levien & Co. Hong g ong-Messrs Augustine Heard & Co. Auckland , N.Z.-Messrs . A. Woolley & Co. Mauritius - Messrs. Joshua Brothers Christchnreh, N.Z.-Messrs Matson & Tor- Sydney-Messrs. Montefiore & To Kloot. lesse. Euston , N.S.W.-Mr . John McLeod Dunedin, N.Z.-Messrs . W. & G. Turnbull Newcastle N.S.W.-Mr. it. H. Grierson. & Co. Adelaide-'Messrs . Philip Levi & Co. We ll ington - Messrs. W. & G. Turnbull & Co. AGRICULTURAL AGENT.--Mr . Henry Stevenson , 90 Queen street , Melbourne.

T. H. LEMPRIERE, Stock, Share , and Money Broker,


LOANS ON LAND , STATIONS , AND STOCK NEGOTIATED, &c. 80 ADVERTISEMENTS. COBB & CO.'S WESTERN LINE ROYALMAIL COACHES LEAVE THEIR BOOKING OFFICE', GRAY STREET, HAMILTON, AS FOLLOWS, VIZ.:- FOR I3AI .. LARAT, Daily (Sunday excepted), at I a.m.; Returning from Ballarat daily at 12 p.m. i' Passengers can Book through to Portland, Penola, and Apsley.

e P L ai 9 DOmzx, (Sunday excepted), at 6 a.m.; Returning, leaves Mae's Hotel, Portland, daily, at 6 a.m. i Passengers can Book through to Ballarat, Penola, and Apsley. 1''0I I'EIV'0LA, Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 5 a.m.; Returning, leaves the Royal Oak Hotel, Penola, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 5 a.m. ° Passengers can Book through to Portland and Ballarat. FOR APSLEY, Every Wednesday and Saturday, at 5 a.m.; Returning, leaves the Border Inn, Apsley, every Sunday and Thursday, at 11 a.m. 6 ° Passengers can Book through to Portland and Ballarat. FOR MORTLAKE,CAMPERDOWN, COLAC, AND GEELONG, Every Monday and Friday, at 7 a.m.; Returning, leaves the Black Bull Hotel, Geelong, every Thursday and Saturday, at 9.30 p.m., and Mortlake every Saturday, at 6 a.m.

A COACH For Winchelsea, Colac, and Camperdown, at 9.30 p.m., daily, upon the arrival of mail train from Melbourne ; Returning, leaves Camperdown, daily, at 7.30 a.m.; and for Terang, Allansford, Warrnambool, and Belfast, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8.30 p.m.; Returning, leaves the Commercial Hotel, Belfast, every Tuesday, Thurs- day, and Sunday, at 8 p.m. A Coach leaves Wickliffe for Belfast Every Monday and Wednesday, at 10.30 a.m.; Returning from Belfast every Monday and Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m.

Passengers Booked to all Parts of the Colony, at Cobb & Co.'s Offices, Melbourne. MEIGS & ANDERSON, W. W. CESSTAN, AGENT. PROPRIETOR'S. ADVERTISEMENTS. 81

! 1 i X, i it i i DI RV I 1tjolroale anb 1i tatl DRAPER, OUTFITTER, HABERDASHER, AND H 0 S I E R,



FAMILY MOURNING executed on the shortest notice.


0 zncanb in annxfacturex,




C. A. CRAMER HAS much pleasure in drawing the attention of parties visiting Warrnambool to his very Largeand Recherche Stockof

PKII / VTDIC!im .. L A TS; Among the leading Departments are Hat and Bonnet, Shawl and Mantle, Bilk , Dress Material , Cali co, Blanket and Flannel, Fancy Good, Underclothing , BOOT and SHOE. Our MEN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is very large and well-stocked with all suitable Goods. Daassas purchased made-up on the premises. The Mil li nery Branch is replete with every requisite, and no expense is spared tomake itas attractive aspossible. 4 V4 ]ORM6407



Have a large asortment of Shawls, Mantles, Millinery, Underclothing, Baby Linen, Hosiery, Haberdashery, Muslins, Calicoes, Linens and Flannels, always on hand. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING, ON THE PREMISES. Bostock's celebrated BOOTS and SHOES.

Agents for Singer fr Co.'s SEWING MACHINES ; also Grover 6- Baker's.







Millinery and Baby-Linen.


CRAMOND & DICKSON, thth an Arbil prapfrs,






GENERALDRAPER ANDOUTFITTER, TIMOR STREET, WARRNAMBOOL. m3"N"E AHD Ba'8° 0 17-1 f17 Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Millinery, Underclothing, Baby-Linen, Hosiery, Haberdashery, Muslins, Calicos, Linen, and Flannels. ADVERTISEMENTS. 85 THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE ffixa and Tzfe Jnnixnci (90mp34ie0. FIRE CAPITAL, £1,000,000. LIFE CAPITAL, £ 100,000. LOCALBOARD :- John Mackenzie, Esq., J.P., Queen street, Chairman; Thomas Budds Payne, Esq., Marittimo, South Yarra, ; Hon. Henry Morgan Murphy, M.P., Flinders street. BANSERs:- The National Bank of Australasia.

The two Companies are separately established, thus absolutely dividing the LIFE fr om FIRE funds, with joint economical management. The Fire Premiums for 1864 exceeded £100,000, being increase of 54 per cent. on previous year, and 200 per cent. on 1862. Distinguishing Features : Immediate settlement. Life Company.-Non-forfeiture of policies by grant of " free paid-up policies " in lieu. Facilities for payments at home or abroad. Eighty per cent. of the profits divided among participating policy-holders, without the partnership liabilities of the mutual system.


WHEAT and OATS bought at Market Rates. GRISTING done at lowest Current Rates. STORAGE and CASH ADVANCES at lowest Current Rates. Apply at the Mills, or in Town to ALEXANDER REID, PRODUCE MERCHANT AND SEEDSMAN, LITTLE MALOP STREET.

SEEDS , 1 a3M ODTJCE , C3- VAlf'O, ON SALE. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, English Grasses, Clovers, &c. GARDEN SEEDS-Tree, Shrub, and Hedge seeds. WHEAT, OATS, Maize, Barley, Rye, Tares, Peas. GUANO, Bonedust, Artificial Manures. ALEXANDERREID, Little Malopst., Geelong. 86 ADVERTISEMEN TS. INQUIRY OFFI RSV ATE P Established A.D. 1866 78 Elizabeth street, Melbourne, Victoria.

TEE undersigned respectfully begs to notify to the public that, having been connected with the General Police and Detective Departments of New South Wales and Victoria for a period of ten years, he has now opened a Private Inquiry Office, on the model of Inspector Field's, London. and begs to call the attention of the public generally to the facilities offered by this office in reference to finding Missing Friends, as inquiries in such cases will be followed up with the greatest care and attention. He trusts, from his personal knowledge of the colonists of Australia, to give every satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage.

COPIES: Understanding that Mr. Berliner does not seek an appointment under this Government, with whose patronage it would be unbecoming in me to interfere, I have no hesitation in stating that, so far as my means of observation as Chief Justice extends, Mr. Berliner is an active and efficient officer, possessed of sagacity and discretion. (Signed) W. F. STAWELL, Melbourne, Dec. 13, 1865. Chief Justice of the Colony of Victoria.

I concur in the last Testimonial, so far as my means of observation extend. (Signed) ROBT. MOLESWOB,TH, One of Her Majesty's Judges at the Supreme Court of Melbourne. Melbourne , Dec. 14, 1866. I fully believe Mr. Berliner to be a most efficient officer, from the knowledge I have had of the performance of his duties. (Signed) EDWARD E. WILLIAMS, Dec. 14, 1865. One of Her Majesty's Judges at the Supreme Court of Melbourne.

I have had many opportunities as Chairman of General Sessions for the District of Bourke of observing the intelligence and zeal of Mr. Berliner as a member of the Detective Force. It has often occurred to me that he is qualified for a better position than he has held. (Signed) R W POHLMAN, Melbourne, December 8th, 1865. Chairman of General Sessions.

I have no hesitation in certifying to my knowledge of the conduct and character of Otto Berliner, lately of the Detective Police Force. He has been much under my observation for many years, he is thoroughly sober, strictly honest and trustworthy, with a considerable amount of judgment and acumen in the pursuit of police inquiries. (Signed) E. P. S. STURT, Melbourne, 6 12 65. Police Magistrate of Victoria. Mr. Otto Berliner was well known to me, while employed in the Detective Police Force of this colony, at the gold-fields of Indigo and Wahgunyah, during the years 1859-61. Mr. Berliner's conduct during that time was marked by the greatest zeal and attention to his duties, and, during the time he remained in the district under my supervision, I had every reason to be pleased with the manner in which he carried out the onerous and difficult functions of his office. (Signed) WM. H GAUNT, One of Her Majesty's Wardens for the Gold-fields aid a Police Magistrate for Victoria. Beechworth, Victoria, Dec. 11, 1865.

Bank of New South Wales, Melbourne, let Dec., 1865. O'Cro BERLINER, Sir.-In March last year, a letter was addressed to the Superintendent of the Detective Department of Police, by me, expressing the bank's appreciation of your conduct and ability in detecting, arresting, and securing the conviction of the forger Nelson. Understanding that you are now desirous of obtaining some settled and permanent employment, I am anxious to place this on record, and nay add that I am of opinion that you would prove a useful officer in any department of business where energy and trustworthiness were essential. I am, your obedient servant (Signed) J. BADCOCK, Manager of the Bank of N.S.W.

N.B.-Payment to be made at the time of inquiry. A separate staff of EXP RIENCEn MEN are kept to perfom Duties, Serving Writs, Collecting Debts, Day and Night Duties in Warehouses, on Wharves, &c., &c., for Private Companies. Orders from the country strictly attended to. Amount required prepaid per Post-office Order, Every Member of the office carri es a Card Signed and Sealed by the Manager. OTTO BERLINER, Manager. ADVERTISEMENTS. 87 ORIENTALBANK CORPORATION. (Incorporated by Royal Charter) CAPITAL, zt1,500,000. RESERVE FUND , £ 444,000.

COURT Or DIRECTORS. Harry George Gordon, Esq., Chairman.-William Scott Binny, Esq., Deputy Chairman. W. Walter Cargill, Esq.; J. L. Bonhot, Esq.; Jas. Blyth, Esq.; Alex. Mackenzie, Esq.; L. R. Reid, Esq ; P. F. Robertson, Esq,, M.Y.

BANKERS IN ENGLAND. The Bank of England. The Union Bank of London.

HEAD OFFICE, LONDON. Charles J. F. Stuart, Chief Manager.-Patrick Campbell, Sub-Manager. W. McLay Elles, Inspector.

FOREIGN BRANCHES: Bombay Ceylon Hong Kong Calcutta Mauritius Shanghai Madras + Singapore Yokohama. Japan


MELBOURNE BRANCH. G. H. Traill, Acting Manager; G. Falkner, Sub-Manager; W. Hickling, Accountant. BEECHWORTH AGENCY. Wm. M. Hyndman, Agent; J. T. Goodsir, Accountant. Morse's Creek.-D. McLean, Sub-Agent. Rutherglen: -R. Page, Sub-Agent. CASTLEMAINEAGENCY. Alexander Kerr, Acting Agent. Chewton.-J. Dolphin, Sub-Agent.

PLEASANT CREEK AGENCY. J. A. Riach, Agent. C. Hemphill, Accountant. SANDHURST AGENCY. A. W. Anderson, Agent. Chas. Pritchard, Accountant. Eagle Hawk.-G. Reade, Sub-Agent.

ESTABLISHMENTS, IN NEW SOUTH WALES. SYDNEY BRANCH. S. Murray, Acting Manager. F. W. Crozier, Acting Sub-Manager. Agencies at Braidwood, Yass, Burrangong, Tumut, and Forbes.

AGENTS IN NEW ZEALAND: Bank of New Zealand. AGENTS 114 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: South Australian Banking Company. .88 ADVERTISEMENTS. DR.D. JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES, BRINGcompounded on strictly scientific principles, and having for thirty years past been uniformly successful wherever tried, are now recommended with confidence to the public for the various diseases for which they are designed. They consist of the following well-known preparations Jayne's Expectorant , for the Cure of Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Whooping+Cough, Croup, Coughs and Colds, Hoarseness and all Pulmonary Disorders. Jayne 's Sanative Pi ll s, for all Bilious Affections and for Liver complaints, a valuable Alterative and Purgative Medicine. Jayne's Alterative, for Scrofula, Cancer, Goitre, and Diseases of the Skin and Bones. Jayne 's Vermifuge , for Worms, Dyspepsia, Piles, General Debility, &c. Jayne 's Carminative Balsam, for Dysentery, Diarrhcea, Cholera, and all Diseases of the Bowels. Jayne's Liniment, or Counter-Irritant for Sprains, Bruises, Rheumatism, &c. Jayne 's Ague Mixture, for the Cure of Fever and Ague. Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the preservation, beauty, growth and restoration of the Hair. Jayne's Hair Dye, which does not stain the Skin.


ALL THE PHARMACEUTICALPRODUCTS PREPARED BY Messrs. GRIMAULT& Co.,Operative Chemists, 45 RUE RICHELIEU, PARIS, Can now be obtained from WILLIAM FORD & Co., DRUGGISTS , 67 SWANSTON STREET, WHOLESALE AGENTS, CONSISTING OF Iodized Syrup of Horseradish Dr. Cazenave's Skin Pills Syrup or Hypophosphite of Lime Burin du Buisson's Pepsine Lozenges Solution of Phosphate of Iron (Dr. Pepsine Powders Leras) Lactate of Soda and Matico Injection Magnesia Lozen - Matico Capsules ges Guarana or Paullinia „ Lactate of Soda and Elixir of Pepsine Magnesia Powders ADVERTISEMENTS. 89


S. JACOBY , Oen.ernzPupa, EftiffiRer,anvoutfittat WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

S. JACOBYbegs respectfully to inform the inhabitants and squatters in the Western District that he has OPENED the above premises, and feels assured that the class of goods he will offer to the public will be of such quality as to ensure that support which has been so liberally bestowed upon his predecessors. A large assortment of lll 1 W AND OWNS, Will be imported direct by every Mail, and great pains will be taken to procure a choice selection of the LATEST DESIGNS, as neither trouble nor expense will be spared on his part to give general satisfaction. The following List will afford an idea of the immense Stock in each department, viz.:- DRAPERY DEPARTMENTS. Fancy Dresses, Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Millinery, Underclothing, Baby Linen, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Trimmings, Haberdashery, Muslins, Calicoes, Linens, Flannels, &c. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING ON THE PREMISES. FURNISR(1(NGDEE" PARTM ENO'S. Damasks, Sheetings, Blankets, Carpets, Floor Cloths, Rugs, Mattrasses, Beds, &c. CLOTHING AND WOOLLEN DEPARTMENTS. Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, Shirts, Neck Ties, Hats, Caps, &c., Cloths, Doeskins,Tweeds, Witneys, Kerseys, Cords, &c.





Mantles and Mi ll inery made on the Premises. Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Millinery, Underclothing, Baby Linen, Hosiery, Muslins, Calicoes, Linen, Flannels, &c. EN, culur, pi it, ad `Txoiion mrvchaufst CALEDONIAN STORES, col G. ADVERTISEMENTS. 91 Q U114 I s STILL MAN% 0`(1 The most approved Stomachic and Nervous Tonic yet discovered. Guaranteed to containsolely as its tonic principle


This fine tonic, in combination with a light and elegant wine, renders the QUININE STILL CHAMPAGNE especially adapted for the use of invalids and all persons of delicateconstitutions. It contains all the invigorating and restorative properties of the Cinchona Bark, and takes rank with this invaluable medicine as the most reliable invigorator of the human system. Sold by all Wine and Spirit Merchants, Chemists, and Storekeepers, and may be found at the bar of every well-regulated Hotel throughout the colonies. Wholesale Agent and Proprietor: ALFRED F E L T O N, 41 and 41a SWANSTON STREET, MELBOURNE.

Wholesale orders should be addressed as above. Cards of Wholesale Prices forwarded per post on application. CAUTION.-Beware of imitations. The Quinine Wine has the name of the Pro- prietor on the Label.




Importer and Mlanuf 'actnrer of SADDLERY,

25 & 29 POST OFFICE PLACE, LITTLE BOURKE ST. EAST, MELBOURNE. 92 ADVERTISEMENTS. VICITOMA'aRUMMY of ME% 119 COLLINS STREET EAST , MELBOURNE. Tale Institution is established on the plan of the Conservatoire In BERLIN , the complete suc- cess of which, for many years , has pla ced beyond a doubt that the system of instruction by means of Classes in the science and art of Music, is the best that can be adopted , a sim ilar system having been introdu ced into England by Logier , and adopted by all the principal Academies on the Con- tinent with the most beneficial results. In opposition to the plan of private lessons Class Teaching is the most pro fitable to the student (whether advanced or only a beginner ). The lessons are longer and more varied , and the pa rt ici- pation in them by a number of pup il s at one and the same time, cre ates a spirit of emulation, excites a desire for study, and heightens the interest of the pupils in their work , which they are encouraged to follow u=ate mere rudimental stage to that of excellen ce, they being enabled to do so from the very afees demanded in comparison with those charged for Private Instruction. CLASSES.-Harmony , Counterpoint , Fugue, and Composition , Mr. C. E. Horeely ; Pianoforte Messrs . Schott and Herz ; Organ and Harmonium , Herr J. Herz; Singing , Messrs. Schott and Caste lli ; Harp , Mr. S. Marsh ; Violin, Mr E. King ; Flute, Herr Julius Siede. TERMS FOR CLASS INSTRUCTION ( per Quarter ).- Pianoforte , Singing, and Harmony , £ 4 49.; Pianofo rt e and Singing , £ 3 3 8.; Pianoforte ( alone ), Singing (alone ), Harmony ( alone ), Harmonium (alone ), £ 3 36. JUNIOR PIANOFORTE CLASS (Two Guineas per Quarter ).- The latter class is established for the exp re ss purpose of imparting the rudiments of music and at the same time ensuring to young beginners a carefully laid foundation and a correct method of Pianofo rt e playing. VIOLIN CLASS (per Quart er) - Elementary Class, £ 1 is.; Advanced Class, £1 los, FLUTE CLASS, THREE GUINEAS PER QUARTER. All communications to be addressed to Mr . SCHOrr , 119 Collins street east, who will afford every information requi re d THE QUARTER COMMENCING FROM THE 7th APRIL. A Quarter 's Notice required prier to the removal of a pupil.-All Terms payable in advance. For pupils wishing to study instruments other than those named in the above course of instruc- tion, competent masters will be provided on application. Pupils residing in the country will be enabled to take advantage of the bene fits offered by this institution , as a limited number of resident students wi ll be admitted. Arrangements may also be made for the admission of ARTICLED PUPILS. J. SCHOTT , Principal. MRS. D. G. MACARTHUR'S SELECT Sly ELXSHM T, BELLE VUE HOUSE, ST. KILDA. PRINCIPAL •• •• MRS. MACARTHUR. TERMSFOR BOARDERS. Board , including English in all its branches , also Needlework , & c., per annum , £ 10 ; Music, per quarter , £ 3 3s ; Singing , French , German, Drawing , and Dancing , each, £2 2s.; Washing, £2; Seat in Church, los. Young ladies under Twelve Years of age , Sixty Guineas per annum . A liberal allowan ce whe re two sisters attend. Quarterly payments in advan ce ; also one quarter 's notice previous to the removal of a pupil. TERMS FOR DAY PUPILS. English, &c., per quarter, £2 2S.; Music, £3 3s.; Singing , French, Drawing, and Dancing, £2 29. each. Quarter Days, 1st Rbruary, 29th April, 22nd July, and 10th October, A Private Gymnasium , conducted by Professor Metzger.

is 1 1; 10A MEUDEN VILLA, GREY STREET, ST. KILDA. PRINCIPAL - - MRS. PEART. A limited number of Boarders received. Terms, which are moderate , and payable in advance , can be had on application. Singing, Music , French, Drawing , Dancing , German, and Italian , by efficient teachers. FIRST - CLASS REFERENCES. ADVERTISEMENTS. 93



The object of this Institution is to impart a superior Education to Young Ladies, combined with careful Moral and Religious Training. The Premises are well situated for a Boarding School, being a substantial stone house, with large, lofty rooms, and well gravelled play-ground, and the situation is one of the healthiest in the town. Mrs. Burn is assisted by fully quali fied Resident Governesses and Visiting Teachers. The Domestic Arrangements approach as nearly as possible to those of a well regulated family, and every care is taken to secure the happiness and comfort of the Pupils. Constant supervision is exercised , and habits of neatness and order inculcated.

(QjeCalm of 115frttrfi rn, IN ADDITION TO

WILL INCLUDE French; German; Music, Vocal and Instrumental; Drawing, Perspective and Object; Painting; Dancing and Calisthenics; Needlework; Leatherwork and Wax Flowers. TERMS, PAYABLE QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE. RESIDENT BOARDERS ...... 15 Guineas per Quarter. DAY PUPILS - ...... 3 do. do. DAY BOARDERS ...... 7 do. do. These Terms include instruction in English Reading, Grammar. Composition, History, Natural Science, Geography, Writing, Arithmetic, and Needlework. ;xtrao : French ...... 2 Guineas if' Quarter. Painting Ii Guineas V Quarter. German ...... 2 do. do. Dancing & Calisthenics 1,} do. do. Piano, Junior Pupils.. 2 do. do. Calisthenics alone.. 1 do. do. Do. Advanced .. 3 do. do. Leather Work 2 do. do. Singing (Private Lessons) 3 do. do. Wax Flowers 2 do. do. Drawing...... 1 do. do. CLASS SINGING, FIVE SHILLINGS PER QUARTER.

Quarter Days-Jan. 18th; April 12th; July 5th; Sept. 21th. Vacations-At Christmas, Five Weeks ; Midwinter, Two Weeks ; Easter, One Week. Pupils entered af ter the commencement of a Quarter pay in proportion to the remaining time. A QUARTER'S NOTICE, OR HALF A QUARTER'S FEE, REQUIRED ON REMOVAL OF A PUPIL. Washing, Two Guineas per Quarter.

REFERENCES.- Revs. T. M. Fraser , G. Goodman, A. Cooper, A. J. Campbell, Jas. Henderson, Mesdames Strachan, Lunan, J. Guthrie, and R. B. Ronald, Geelong; Rev. D. Kaye, Wiekliff; Revs. Dr. Cairns, I. Hetherington, Melbourne ; Rev. George Mackie, South Yarra ; Rev. W. Hen- derson , Ballarat ; Rev. A . Simpson, Leigh ; Mrs. J . Balfour , Richmond ; A. Anderson. Esq., Bangal ; and Parents of 1 up11s. 94 ADVERTISEMENTS. GEELONG COLLEGE.


Commercial Master : GEORGE F. HUTTON.

Mathematical Master : ROBERT SCOTT, M.A., of Aberdeen University.

Classical Master : CHARLES 0. HELM, B.A. Worcester College, Oxford, and M.A. of Melbourne University.



At the recent Civil Service Examination six of the successful candidates were from the Geelong College. The same number passed the year before. On both occasions the number was larger than passed from any other school in the Colony. At the February Examination at the University of Melbourne, two out of the three Exhibitions annually awarded at Matriculation, viz., the Mathematical and the Classical, were awarded to Samuel Leon, a pupil of this School. Since the establishment of the University of Melbourne, a Double First, as it is called, that is, the same student carrying the highest honours in Mathematics and Classics, at Matriculation, has been won only thrice, and on two of those occasions the honour has fallen to pupils of this School. At the late Matriculation Examination the four from Geelong that passed were pupils of the College. ADVERTISEMENTS. 95 ESLET €OLLEGLS ME SOtTRNE. President .. Rev. JAMES S. WAUGH. Head Master .. J. CORRIGAN, Esq., LL.D., T.C.D. Assistant Masters .. . A. F. BENNUE , Esq, M .A., Edin, and H. 31. ANDREW , Esq., B.A., Scholar and Lecturer of Melbourne University. FRENCH Mons. J. F. NEREVY. MUSIC Mr. STAKEMAN. Highly qualified Teachers of Elocution , Drawing, Singing , & c., are also engaged . A Gymnasium has been erected , and spacious Play Ground is provided. The object contemplated by this Institution is, to impart a sound General , Commercial, and Classical Education , so as to fit the Pupils for business , or for the more advanced studies of the University. The President resides in the College, and has the charge of the establishment . He also gives regular instruction in Scripture and Theology to the Pupils.

Etrins, vagable QuartfrIg in Abaft Under Twelve years of age per quarter ).- Day Pupils , 3 guineas ; Day Boarders , 7 guineas ; Re sident Boarders , 15 guineas. Above.Iwelve Years of Age (per quarter).-Day Pupils, 4 guineas ; Day Boarders, 8 guineas ; Resident Boarders , 20 guineas. EXTRA BRANCHES. Per Quarter - German, 2 guineas ; Instrumental Music, 2 guineas ; Drawing (not yet fixed ) ; Gymnastics , 1os.; Materials (pens, ink, copies, slates , pencils, &c.), 6s. A Reduction of Ten per cent. when Brothers are Resident Boarders. For further particulars apply to REV. J. S. WAUGH, at the College. CHURCHOF ENGLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL, ST. KILDA ROAD. HEAD MASTER. Rev. J. E. BROMBY, D.D., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. ASSISTANT MASTERS. RODERICK MACKENZIE, late Scholar of Durham University. C. J. HEARLE, B.A., of Melbourne University. J. H. THOMPSON, B.A., Scholar of Melbourne University. J. S. SEDDON, B.A., of Melbourne University. C. A. GOSLETT, Ex-Sizar Trinity College, Dublin. FRENCH MASTER ...... ARISTIDE DELLAS. GERMAN ...... Dr. ADLER. SURVEYING ...... C. J. HEARLE. DRAWING ...... H. E. DAVIES ; A. DELLAS , late Student in the Ecole des Beaux Arts , Paris. MUSIC ...... HENRY KING. DANCING ...... P. DENNING. GYMNASTICS ...... M. METZGER. TERMS. For Day Pupils ...... • 5 Guineas and 3 Guineas per quarter. For Day Boarders ...... 8 do. 6 do. do. According as they are above or under 12 years of age. For Resident Boarders, above 16 years ...... 24 Guineas per Quarter. Do. do. between 12 and 16 years ...... 20 do. do. Do. do. under 12 years ...... 16 do. do. A Reduction for the Sons of Ministers of Religion , and also in some cases for Brothers. 96 ADVERTISEMENTS.


Mining Share Scrip Plates engraved, lithographed, and printed; also, Plans and Prospectuses. Companies' Dies and Presses ; Shareholders' Register , Call , and Transfer Books, ruled to pattern. J. W. P. & Co.'s New and complete patterns of Mining Companies ' Books kept on hand in every style of Binding. Also Wages, Cash, and Contingency Sheets, Call Notices, and Receipts. A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENTOF STATIONERY ON HAND : INCLUDING Superior hand-made Letter and Note Papers ; Foolscap, ruled and plain ; thick water-lined Linear Papers ; Envelopes, all sizes ; Mitchell's, Dawson's, and Gillott's first-class Pens ; Pocket Books ; Wallets ; Metallic Books. Hobbs' Japanned Deed Boxes, with patent locks and two keys, all sizes. Cabinets and Cases. Cash and Day Books, all sizes ; Ledgers and Account Books, good paper ; Memo- randum Books; Inkstands, large assortment, Embossing Presses, &c., &c. Arms, Crests, Initials , Monograms, &c., neatly engraved ; Note Paper and Envelopes , embossed, plain, and in colours; Sketches made, and Crests found. See sp,.:mens. Just Published , fine Steel Engraving portraits of the LATE SON . RICHARD HEALER, AND THE HON . J. M. GRANT, Carte de visite size, is. each ; by post, Is. 2d. To be had of all Booksellers.

Portrait of the late REV. D. J. DRAPER, Drawn on stone, and admitted to be a first-class likeness, price, 2s. 6d., post free. PEARSON & CO.'S NEW MAP OF VICTORIA. This Map is , without doubt , the best Map ever published ; great pains having been taken to make it really useful for the office , and conven ient for the pocket. The Map being divided into squares , with an alphabetical Key, any place can be found immedi- ately. The Pub lishers have determined to make it the cheapest Map ever published in the colonies. PRICE .-P lain sheet , is ; coloured , Is. 6d.; in stiff cover, coloured with key, 28. 6d.; mounted on cloth , in case, coloured , with key, 38. 6d., post free to any part of Victoria. Mounted on rollers varnished , 7s. 6d. THE MASONIC DIRECTORYfor 1866. Price 6d, ; per post, 8d. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 97 FRENCH STAY WAREHOUSE, 92 Russell st., Melbourne.


MELBOURNEEXHIBITION , D 1 25 jr d A fa Ir L9, ' DUNEDINEXHIBITION AND 1862. 1862. STAY MAKER Of the Imperial Court. Wedding, Mourning, and Country Orders punctually attended to. Patterns and Goods of the Newest Fashions received every Mail from Paris.

JAMES MATHIESON, 9 101 AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, 8•' SOTTR1 STRELT WEST, ZVIMIMSUMEUN. VICTORIA HORSE BAZAAR MELBOURNE- ,. x.0 T 30 i 0CK HOLDS Sales every Day throughout the week. Horses, Drays, Carts, and all kinds of Vehicles. SALE AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK SHARP.

T J V AN GUANO ! The undersigned , sole agents for the SALE of PERUVIAN GUANO in the Austra. lian colonies , beg to intimate to farmers , market gardeners and others , that after having been many months without any of the above incomparable manure, they have received ample supplies direct from the Chincha Islands, and it is constantly on sale in lots to suit all purchasers. In order to encourage large buyers , it is offered at the undermentioned prices:- 20 tons and upwards . . £ 13 0 0 2 tons and upwards . . . £ 13 15 0 10 tons and upwards ...... 13 5 0 Under two tons .. ... 14 0 0 5 tons and upwards ...... 13 10 0 Bags charged at Is. each. Terms: Cash as delivered. BRIGHT BROS . & Co., Flinders lane west, And PERUVIAN GUANO STORES,corner of Spencer street and Little Bourke street we ab. 98 ADVERTISEMENTS.

MANUFACTURERSAND IMPORTERSOF oats all 40r5' ELASTIC UPPERS, WELLINGTON GBH &d: 14 FLINDERSLANE WEST, MELBOURNE, Have for Sale the Largest and Best SelectedStock in Melbourne. Wholesaleonly.


Horses Carefully Fitted, London Whips, Bits, Spurs, &c. Horse Clothing, Rugs, &c. SHEEPWASH OCC PLUG, CALCUTTA , AND KENTUCKY LEAP. ALSO

ALWAYS ON SALE BY JAMES HENrrY 11 LITTLE COLLINSSTREET WEST. ADVERTISEMENTS. 99 THOMAS STEVENSON (Formerly of Neave's Buildings), .t 1 A tl LA 141) A0 E1 jj L o Loans and Mortgages Negotiated . Insurances Effected.



NOTE.-All consignments are first submitted to Public Competition, and in the event of Prices offered not being satisfactory, such Lots are withdrawn and disposed of by private sale.

Account Sales promptly rendered. Cash Advances made when require .



THE undersigned are the only importers of this valuable Guano, which contains nearly 80 per cent . Phosphate, with small quantities of Sulphate and Carbonate of Lime, but quite free from Sand or Earthy Matter. The above Guano will be found a most useful Manure, when applied to all soils, but especially so when put on those that are poor or exhausted from overcropping. It is well known that the soils of the Colony are deficient in all sorts of Lime ; the Malden Island Guano is rich in those constituents; therefore more suitable, as a manure, than the hot and stimulating Peruvian, which can only be used successfully in forcing crops on rich lands. For all general agricultural purposes the Malden Island Guano will be found better than the Peruvian, and costs only half the price. £ 7 5s. per Ton, Bags included , delivered in Melbourne. B. B. NICHOLSON & CO. 59 Bourke street west, Melbourne. ANGLO-AUSTRALIANGUANOCOMPY,, LIMITED, BIRD ISLAND GUANO, X8 PER TON, IN MELBOURNE (BAGS INCLUDED),

CONTAINING, AS PER ANALYSIS, 70 per cent. Phosphate of Lime, 12 per cent. Organic Matter containing Ammonia. THIS Guano is well adapted for the growth of all kinds of Cereals, Roots, Vegetables, Vines, Fruit Trees. It acts quickly, and, from its richness in Phosphates, lasts many years. (See Book of Testimonials.) The following are duly authorized to act as Agents :- Ballarat, J. B. Tart & Co., Geelong, A. Reed, Esq., Belfast, G. Haynes, Esq., Gisborne, H. R. Dixon, Esq., Collingwood, Hyde Brothers, Kyneton, Menzies & Co., Castlemaine, J. B. French, Esq., Portland, Crouch & Fethers. Schnapper Point, T. C. Alchin, Esq. H. W. CHAPMANN, Manager Melbourne Branch, 89 Queen street. MOLLROSS& MELYIN, 0 uvokb'drro,1 4 %uhluf 'mulfm1



to connoucnoe to their 9,rien78 and Crestomers tkat t7aey 7rerve introduced into their usta6liskment a selection of Ike roost approved mackinery, ma eria78) and applurmees (un= epcl7ed in "Ilelborcrne), for producing ork of a superior e7cseription, aml furnisking any kind of Stationery. to any pattern of r1Ming or 'finding, in Ike best style, on Ike shortest rt otr'ce, are d at rates e 7ose7y approximating to Iaome prices. o) k Commercial Stationery : -edgers ournals, Cask 0ook8, A77 ,°/4ooks,9cry lgooks, dress= Copying Qoks, indexed, paged and lettered, in fall or kaZf calf, green or white vellanv, , ussian bands, or plain, ac may be ordered. .Gaw, .,Library, Sckool, and Xusic 1o4e; Jlagazinee, ./periodicals, 2Jireceorie8, Catalogues, '' eviews, do., dc., bownd or repaired at very rec mab7e prices. Trapers' and Confectioners' Yancy foxes of every variety made to order. o ank, ..Library, and Cfice 7able8, .Yolks, gevon874res, Chairs, cue., lined in plain or dloroceo .,Leathers, witk blind or gold Ornaments. Upho7sterers' Ornamental and Xeraldic l eatker hinis7vers. j .Le(zthers for Wook Skelves, from 6d. to -92 per yard.



"ItOYA..L ( -UN S / FE0P." r ' a r l fir,! co ao

Gv W M` .1 30 RS 98 BOURKE ST. EAST, OPPOSITE THEATRE ROYAL, MELBOURNE. ' Repairs executed on the shortest notice. Agent for Underwood' s and Shires' Snake Antidote.

N 9


SEESDS] f=.J..V , yo`'FR_&`°''0 S7 260 PITTST., SYDNEY,



CALENDAR OF GARDENING OPERATIONS, Giving Instructions for each Month of the Year,

To be purchasedof all Seedsmen throughoutthe Colonies. 102 ADVERTISEMENTS.

N M Ul fft;fft I PirkS YARRASTREET , MARKETSQUARE , GEELONG. J. PARROTT Begs to inform the Public of Geelong, &c., that he has on hand, and is prepared to build, all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Street Cars, Express Wagons, and every description of Vehicles, both English and American. Having just received consignments of Car- riage Furniture, he is enabled to execute-all orders in the very best manner, and at the lowest remunerative prices. JW Parties in search of lehicles are invited to inspect the stock on hand. ALL REPAIRS ATTENDED TO AND EXEDITIOUSLY CARRIED OUT. GEORGE HAYNES,



INCLUDING Wellington, Auckland, Dunedin, Christchurch, Nelson, Napier, Invercargill, Lyttelton, Picton, Bluff, Onehunga, Hokitika, Greymouth, &c. Wi ll be published and ready for delivery in July next.

Price, to Subscribers, 15s.; Non-Subscribers, 21s.

Orders for Advertisements and for copies of the Work to be addressed to the Proprietors and Publishers, STEVENS & BARTHOLOMEW, 23 Post -office Place ( late Little Bourke street east ), Melbourne. ADVERTISEMENTS. 103

*tardleymDui 611tralfflu x ts, (ilI Eh AND TTIOMPS0N STREETS, HAMILTON,

Have always on hand a very large and varied stock of BOOTS, CLOTHING, DRAPERY, HOSIERY,

WHEAT, FLOUR, OATS, BRAN, ALSO, Farm and Garden SEEDS of guaranteed quality.

PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS PURCHASED. CountryOrders promptly and faithfully executed. 104 ADVERTISA fENTS.

Established 1y50. K9 X . IM, , C CC 15 Collins street east, Melbourne,


RESPECTFULLY announces to his friends throughout the Western District that he has always in stock a c$oice and very excellent assortment of

New Seasonable Goods, comprising Imported Clothing, Hosiery, Shirts, Hats, &c., and all the various articles included in the Outfitting Trade. Visitors, therefore, can at once be furnished with every requisite for a complete and fashionable outfit.

But he would more particularly call attention to those goods of his own Manufacture, viz., Colonial Clothing ; being made on the premises, thoroughly shrunk, and of excellent material, they are un- rivalled for town or country wear, and the fast-increasing demand show how high they already stand in public estimation.

In garments made to measure, it has been his •constant aim to produce durable and moderately-priced articles, and, having always on hand a large variety of the season's Tweeds, he is enabled now to make to order, for cash, fashionable and superior

TWEED TROUSERS at the extremely moderate price of Twenty-twoShillings per Pair, An amount not more than is generally charged for imported goods.

Trusting, therefore, that his endeavours to produce a good article, at a moderate price, may meet with continued support and approval, a1 orders, either personally or by post, shall be promptly executed.