Geelong, Western District & Squatters Directory 1866-1867 (Stevens) Ref. AU7011 ISBN: 978 1 921175 25 1 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the University of Queensland Library www.library.uq.edu.au Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD • This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. Use the Binoculars/Search icon in Adobe Reader or “Search” under the Edit menu to initiate all searches. • For more information on advanced searching and other tips for the best search results click here • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognised for searching. The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2007 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web site at www.archivecdbooks.com.au Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD, and to co-operate with family and local history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to digitise their collections in return for other benefits. ADVERTISEMENTS. *HT & HITCHCOCKS IMPORTERS OF DR Au. DRAPERY, CORNER OF 300L ST. & MARKETSQUARE, G 1ELONG, jo1tbott E)fftce : COUNTY CHAMBERS, CORNHILL, CITY. Squatters , Storekeepers , and Shipping supp li ed on the most favorable terms. L75C cv dS' Z?S:i Z5 a?lo Drapery. Show Room. Clothing. Furnishing. Calicoes Mantles Gents ' Clothing Carpets Sheetings Shawls Boys' & Youths' do. Hearth Rugs Linens Millinery Tweeds FloorCloths Prints Bonnets and Hats Cloths Mattings Dresses Underclothing Hats Cornice Poles Silks Parachutes Caps Damasks Flannels Real Furs Shirts Door Mats Blankets and Quilts Jupons Portmanteaus Sheepskin Mats Hosiery and Gloves Stays Carpet Bags CarriageTrimmings &c., &c. &c., &c. &c., &c. &c., &c. TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Every description of ts', Boys', and Youths' Clothing made up in the most FashionableStyle. ADVERTISEMENTS. in. Igqrt( C T !d Ltvll TAILORINGESTABLISHMENT. AN J. M. ANDERSON Begs respectfully to call attention to his large and well-assorted stock of New Goods for the Season, which embraces some of the choicest p*tterni , combined with the best qualities procurable, in Cloths , Tweeds, and Doeskins, A first-class Tradesman is employed in the Cutting Department, who has every garment made up under his own superintendence, and can, therefore, safely guarantee as good a fit and as thorough workmanship as can be procured in any first-class tailoring establishment in the colonies. While desirous of giving the best materials, and employing first-class labour, J. M. A. is anxious to extend and support colonial industry ; it will, therefore, be his duty, aq'it will be his interest, to seek to develop it by the adoption of the most reasonable charges, and punctually attending to all orders with which he may be favoured. J. M. A.'s Stock of CLOD Shirts , Hosiery, Gloves , and Neckties, Is well assorted and of the newest styles, while the prices are strictly moderate. Orders from all parts of the Country carefully and punctually attended to. Directions for Self -Measurement may be had on app li cation. 8 MALOP STREET , GEELONG, April, 1866. THE GEELONGSEA-BATHING COMPANY'S 9 ADJOINING THE BOTANICAL GARDENS, EASTERN $EACH. xE above favourite and fashionable Baths are NOW OPEN to the Public, under the luperintendeuce of Mr. and Mrs. RIONEr. The following is the Scale of Charges for he Season First-class Family Season Tickets ... ... ... £ 2 0 0 First-class Single do. ... ... ... ... 1 0 0 First-classMonthly do. .. 0 7 6 First -class Weekly do. ... ... ... ... 0 2 6 Fi rst-c lass Single Baths ... ... ... ... 0 0 6 Second-class Single Baths ... ... ... ... 0 0 3 First-class Single Baths, per dozen ... ... ... 0 4 0 Tickets may be had on application to the Superintendent at the Baths ; or to J. X. ANDERSON , Secretary. MALOP STREET. IV. ADVIMTISEMENTS. LIVERY,LETTING, AND BAIT STABLES (OPPOSITE M ESSRS. SYNNOT AND OUTHRIE ' S WOOL WAREHOUSE), UNION HOTEL, MALOP ST., GEELONG, AND AT HESSE STREET, QUEENSCLIFF. Excursion, Picnic and Wedding Parties, Families, Commercial Travellers and others, requiring to hire Conveyances, can be provided upon the shortest notice with Horses and Vehicles of any description, at extremely moderate rates. Horses taken in to Bait or Livery at Geelong or Queensolif. None but thorough rooms employed. Terms by the Day, Week, or Month, as per agreement. SADDLE HORSES TO LET FOR LADIESOR GENTLEMEN. An extensive assortment of American Buggies, Carryalls, Wagonettes, Private Coaches, Express Wagons, Tilburys, Dog Carts, and English and American Carriages, constantly on hire. These Vehicles are of a superior description, and fitted with all modern improvements. EXPRESS CONVEYANCES. Conveyances, suited for Bush Travelling, can be supplied upon the shortest notice, and dispatched to any part of the colony. None but experienced and steady drivers employed. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. On Public Holidays, great facilities are offered to Excursionists to QUEENSCLIFF, BARWON HEADS , and other favourite resorts. Parties of two, three, or four may hire a Private Vehicle, with one or two horses, at Ordinary Coach Fares. These Vehicles are received at our Queenscliff Stables, without any charge for bait. To Captains , Pilots , and Ship Passengers. Express -Conveyances at all hours, night or day, to and from Queenscliff and Geelong Drivers furnished whenever required. Telegrams promptly attended to, and when required , Vehicles will await the arrival of Trains. COACHES TO AND FROM QUEENSCLIFF AND GEELONG. Two Coaches are dispatched daily, with Passengers and Luggage, to and from the Union Hotel, Geelong, and Queenscliff. W UDUAL BOOKING 0 FIC 9 COBB & CO.'S WESTERN LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHES. Passengers and Parcels booked and forwarded to all parts of the Western District including Colac, Camperdown, Warrnambool, Belfast, Portland, Birregurra, Darling- ton, Cressy, Mortlake, Carramut, Hamilton, Shelford, Rokewood, Pitfield, Penshurst, Penola, Hotspur, Sandford, Casterton, Heywood, Lintons, Coleraine, Digby, Merino. Every Information will be given at the Coach Office. THOMASSTONEMAN & Co., Proprietors, ADVERTISEMENTS. V. I1NTE HAB) 238 BOURKE STREET EAST, NEAR THE PARLIAMENT HOUSES, Respectfully announces immense reduction in his charges for every descrip- tion of Garments, without any decrease in the actual value of articles supplied. The same scrupulous care which always distinguished his opera- tions, the same elegance of design and completeness of finish, will be exemplified in the execution of every order. ,In (Excellent 2tnch .nf te'Eebi¢st Vnttern5 nA.1' on 440. SUITSOF CLOT19, AT SIX HOURS"OT L LADIES' RIDING HABITS Of the choicest description , latest Fashions , beautifu ll y made. F I T U N R I V A L L E D. Good Tweed Suits , from £2 15s. FROCK OR DRESS SUITS, FROM £6. LADIES' HABITS,FIRST-CLASS IN STYLE ANDMODERATE IN PRICE, Country Orders promptly attended to. vi. ADVERTISEMENTS. GROVER & BAKER MANUPACTURERB OP ELASTIC-STITCH AND `LOCK-STITCH' SEWING MACHINES L PREMIUM i 'W,047A The Grover -Baker Elastic-StitchMachines Will hem , fell, cord, bind , tuck, gather , quilt, braid and embroider . They are simple, durable, and not liable to derangement . They sew from ordinary reels, and no re- winding of the thread is necessary . They sew with equal facility all fabrics, the most delicate and the heaviest , and with all kinds of thread, silk , cotton, or linen; their seam is so strong and elastic that 'it never breaks even on the bias . They fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation . Their seam, though cut at every sixth stitch, remains firm , and neither runs or ravels in wear . Their seam is plump and beautiful, and retains its plumpness and beauty after washing better than any other . Their seam can be removed in altering garments , after proper instruction, without picking or cutting them . Watching and varying the tensions upon the threads , necessary in other machines , is unnecessary in these. The tensions being once adjusted on the Grover & Baker elastic-stitch machine , any amount ' of sewing may be done without change. They make beautiful embroidery , and are the only machines that both embroider and sew perfectly. Grover& Baker Shuttle or Lock-StitchMachines, Which are comparatively new, combine the good points of former shuttle machines with most important improvements , making them the most simple , perfect, efficient, and durable shuttle or " lock-stitch " machines yet introduced. Hence the universal favour and success of the machines wherever known. For all descriptions of cloth or leather work they have no equal. The Highest Premiums Over all competitors , both for machines and machine-work, were taken by the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company , in 1863 and 1864, at 31 State and County Exhibitions , in America , where all the other leading machines were placed in competition Upwards of 100,000 of these Machines are in use in all parts of the World. Head Office for the Australian Colonies: 80 COLLINS STREET EAST, MELBOURNE. á á ADVERTISEMENTS. TO THE Jsv' rej, lux% E Q OF AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, AND NEW ZEALAND. GENTLEMEN,We would beg to again draw your attention to the following important facts, having reference to our SOLUBLE SHEEP -DIPPING COMPOSITION. First : We introduced it in the end of December, 1864, only twenty-seven months ago, since which time the sale has gone on steadily increasing, we having sold since then over one hundred and twenty tons, or sufficient to dip four million eight hundred thousand sheep ; we believe that this fact alone ought to stamp its value.
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