Letter from the Chair

Welcome to the symposium. If you have been here before, welcome back. If this is your first time, then welcome for the first time. I hope you enjoy yourselves. The symposium is a great and magical thing and I hope you all appreciate that. There may be nowhere else in the world that has quite the unique blend of science fiction and fantasy, academics, and Mormonism. More amazing still is the way that the symposium brings people in and keeps them here. There are people here who have been attending Life, the Uni- verse, & Everything since its inception. There are many more who started attending during thefi th year. Or the tenth. Or twentieth. Or twenty-fith. They’re still here. I have this grand hope that someday I will meet someone at the symposium who is a time traveler from the future who decided that he had to be at all the symposia and has been jumping from year to year so that by this point, he has been at Life, the Universe, & Everything for several months straight. Admittedly, in my dream, this man has showered. By illustration, allow me to share the story of how I came to be involved in the symposium. My father is Jonathan Langford, a previous chair of this fine symposium. He and my mother met at Quark, BYU’s science fiction club. Throughout my childhood, I heard stories about the symposium. I heard about past guests. I heard about interesting speakers. I even heard about the people whom my father ran the symposium with, some of which are still helping to run the symposium. So when I came to BYU, I had to get involved with LTUE. And when I did, not only did I meet people whom I had only heard about, listen to lots of fascinating talks, and get to hobnob with famous authors, but I got a new family, a large extended family that is only marginally dysfunctional. The point I’m trying to get across is that Life, the Universe, & Everything, the Marion K. “Doc” Smith Symposium on Science Fiction and Fantasy (a name that while some might argue is too long, others might argue is, in fact, sev- eral paragraphs too short) is amazing. If this is your first time, you are in for a treat. If not, you’re still in for a treat; it just happens to be a treat that you have tried before and enjoy. The symposium is like a family. So welcome to the family. Which brings me to the point of the letter where I beg. I know it’s undig- nified, but I just can’t help myself. What I’m begging for is this: If you love the symposium, help out. This can be done through any number of differ- ent means. You can sign up to be part of the committee that organizes this 1 every year. You can talk to us and ask to be on panels or do presentations for future years: we’re always looking for interesting people to talk about their areas of specialty. You can be a gopher (the ubiquitous minions who ensure that the symposium runs smoothly). You could even donate money. Finally, I would like to close with giving credit where it’s due. Many of you reading this realize the work that goes into the symposium. I know that I certainly couldn’t have organized the symposium by myself. So here is a public expression of my gratitude to all of the committee members, gophers, attendees, and guests that make the symposium possible. Thank you. Nathan Langford LTUE 2013 Committee Chair


2 Wonder about the different Contents badge colors?

Etiquette with the Pros 4 Yellow Committee Member Guest of Honor 5 Hot Pink Volunteer Special Guests 6 Dark Blue Guest of Honor Movie Screenings 8 Local Restaurants 9 Light Blue Special and Participating Guests 10 Participating Guests Grid Schedule 20 Orange Panelist Educator’s Conference 29 Green Chair Emeritus Listing of Events 30 Recordings at LTUE 33 White Attendee Signings, Readings, Filking 39 Tan Educator’s Conference Acknowledgments back cover

Symposium Committee

Chair Nathan Langford Guest Liaisons Diana Ault, Assistant Chair Jessica Rhees Megan Gadd, Heidi Grover, and Track Coordinator Charlene Harmon Tricia Levenseller Writing Steve Setzer Volunteer Coordinator Toad Cox CYOW Logan Kearsley Social Media Heidi Grover Media Anthony Applegate Webmaster Jenna Eatough Art Leigh Owens and Vendor Liaison Steve Harmon Charlene Harmon Mailing List Administrator Academics Marny K. Parkin Joe Monson Gaming Becca Clegg Guru/Venue Liaison Dave Doering Educator’s Conference Coordinator Staff Robin Ambrose, Caitlyn Byers, Diana Ault Aly Gidewall, Nathan Hinckley, Contest Administrator Erin Kearsley, Vance Lee, Jenna Eatough Alicia McIntire, Kyra Nelson, Publications Director Ryan Noorda, Charles Stanford Marny K. Parkin

Any one can join our staff. Students are especially needed, from both UVU and BYU. If you are interested in helping make the next symposium bigger and better than this one, come to our staff meeting on March 2, 2013. Watch our Facebook page for more details.

3 Etiquette with the Pros

One question any symposium-goer inevitably asks is, “How do I talk to authors and artists?” Getting to know them takes a few common sense rules of etiquette that will make the experience enjoyable for both of you. First, remember that the authors and artists are only human. Just because they write fantastic books or draw fabulous pictures doesn’t mean they are ready to be on stage at any moment. An author or artist may have just had a lousy night or be suffering from something the symposium committee fed them at lunch. Don’t take it personally if they don’t want to talk to you right then. Also, don’t try to dazzle them with your latest story idea or pet project. Most authors are paid to edit material; don’t expect them to do it for free. And don’t make the mistake that one convention attendee made when he tried to discuss the wage differences between British and American actors with a main guest. We promise you, brilliant as they may be, authors and artists don’t know everything. When you want to meet the authors or artists, wait for a good moment when they aren’t busy. If they are talking with someone else, wait patiently for them to finish, then introduce yourself. Try to say something nice before you fire away with criticism. Remember, they may be as shy of meeting you as you are of meeting them. Most importantly, don’t monopolize! Share with others these mar- velous people you’ve just met. Rather than saying everything at once, try talking to them on several occasions. (Even your mother would rather hear from you for three minutes once a week than for three hours once a year.) Just remember to be courteous. Respect their privacy and respect their time. They have come to the symposium to meet people, though, so don’t be afraid to approach them. That is why they came!

4 Megan Whalen Turner

Megan Whalen Turner is the author of award-winning books for children and young adults. Her first novel,The Thief, was a Newbery Honor Book in 1997. Her most recent book, A Conspiracy of Kings, fourth in the series that began with The Thief, won the LA Times Book Prize for Young Adult Literature in 2011. The series was awarded the Mythopoeic Award for Children’s Literature in 2011, as well. Turner’s stories take place in a world with similarities to Byzantine Greece. Influ- enced by writers such as Rosemary Sutcliff, Henry Treece, Peter Dickinson, and Joan Aiken, she writes fantasy with a nod to histori- cal realism. Turner graduated from the University of Chicago with honors in 1987 and worked for several years as a children’s books buyer in Chi- cago and Washington, D.C. Married to a professor of cognitive sci- ence, she moves frequently to live for a year at a time in a new place while he does research. Most recently, they were in Oslo, Norway, where she was writing short stories about trolls. They are now back in Ohio. MeganWhalenTurner.org

5 Special Guests

Larry Correia Larry Correia is an accountant and firearms instructor turned writer. His first novel, Monster Hunter International, was originally self-published and did extremely well, bringing him to the attention of the traditional publishing industry. Larry has two other series, an alternative history/fantasy set in the 1930s and a contemporary thriller with Mike Kupari. Larry​Correia.word​press​.com

David Farland David Farland is an award-winning, New York Times bestselling author who has penned nearly fify science fiction and fantasy novels for both adults and children. Along the way, he has also worked as a creative writing instructor, a videogame designer, and a movie producer. In 1991, Dave was invited to act as a judge for the Writers of the Future Contest, the world’s largest science fiction and fantasy writing contest for new authors, and was soon promoted to the position of Coordinating Judge. Recently, Dave accepted the position of Director of Storytelling for a new ani- mation studio, Crocodiles Not Waterlilies Entertainment, where he will help guide the company’s production of books, videogames, and animated films. Dave has also worked as something of an acquisitions consultant for publishers. In 1992 and 1993, he worked for Gibbs Smith Publishers, helping them find manuscripts for children’s books, and he recently accepted a similar position for Tor books. DavidFarland.com Tracy and Laura Hickman married his high school sweetheart, Laura Curtis, within four months of his returning from his LDS mission to Indonesia. They are the parents of four chil- dren. In 1981, while between jobs, he approached TSR about buying two of his modules . . . and ended up with a job instead. That job lead to his association with and their first publication together: theDragonlance Chronicles. Since that time in 1985, they have jointly authored over forty book titles. More recently, Tracy and his wife Laura have been able to fulfill a long-time dream; they once again are writing together. Their first joint novel,Mystic Warrior, was published in 2004 and they look forward to a long and exciting career together. TRHickman.com James A. Owen James A. Owen has been working professionally as an illustrator and storyteller for more than two decades, which is notable mostly because he’s still comfortably in his thirties. In addition to numerous illustration and design projects, James has written and illustrated two dozen Starchild comics and books. Here, There Be Dragons, the

6 first in the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2006, followed by The Search for the Red Dragon, The Indigo King, The Shadow Dragons, The Dragon’s Apprentice, and one more book is forthcoming, as well as a few related surprises. James is the founder and executive director of Coppervale International, an art and design studio that also published the periodicals Interna- tional Studio and Argosy, develops television and film projects, and is redesigning an entire town, among other ventures. James lives in Arizona with his family. JamesAOwen.com

Eric James Stone Eric James Stone won the Writers of the Future contest and has sold stories to Ana- log, Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, Daily Science Fiction, and many anthologies. His story “That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made” won the Nebula award. Eric​James​Stone.com

Brad R. Torgersen Brad R. Torgersen was a 2012 nominee for the Campbell, Hugo, and Nebula awards, and a past winner of both the Writers of the Future award, and Analog magazine’s AnLab readers’ choice award. A frequent contributor to Analog magazine, Brad has collaborated with Hugo and Nebula award winner Mike Resnick, is currently col- laborating with Hugo winner and bestseller Larry Niven, and has several works pend- ing publication in 2013, to include a novella in Analog, a short story in the anthology Beyond the Sun (edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt) and a novelette in the forthcoming Galaxy’s Edge e-zine (edited by Mike Resnick). BradR​Torgersen​.word​press.com

Saturday Only Guest

L. E. Modesitt Jr. L. E. Modesitt Jr. is the author of more thanfi ty novels, a number of short stories, and numerous technical and economic articles. His first story was published inAna - log in 1973. Along the way, Mr. Modesitt has weathered eight children, a fondness for three-piece suits (which has deteriorated into a love of vests), a brown Labrador, a white cockapoo, an energetic Shih-tzu, two scheming dachshunds, a capricious spaniel, a crazy Saluki-Aussie, and various assorted pet rodents. He married a lyric soprano, and he and his wife Carol relocated to Cedar City, , in 1993, where she directs the opera program at Southern Utah University and he continues to create and manage chaos. LEModesittJr.com

7 Movie Screenings

Dawn of the Dragonslayer Lloyd Alexander Documentary * PG-13, 97 min. (Th & F) NR (G content), approx. 70 min. (F) When Will’s father is killed by a dragon, This documentary features an exclusive he embarks on an epic journey filled by look into the magical land of Prydain, vengeance that leads him to an ancestral including interviews with the editor of home which he stays at and works for Prydain, Ann (Durrell) McCrory, and the tyrannical Sterling in order to learn Michael Tunnell, the author of The Pry- how to slay the beast. While he is train- dain Companion. The film gives a never- ing, he befriends Sterling’s daughter before-seen look into the childhood and Kate, and Sterling becomes increasingly early years of Lloyd Alexander, including suspicious of and threatened by Will. his service in the army during WWII. It He orders his men to kill him but Will tells the story of how Lloyd met his wife, escapes. Now Will must evade Sterling’s Janine, and contains interviews with men whilst trying to avenge his father. some of his closest friends and associates.

Unicorn City Double Feature ** PG, 103 min. (Th & S) Flight from Shadow Voss entices local gamers to create a NR (PG/PG-13 content), Utopian society in an attempt to impress approx. 24 min. a potential employer, but paradise is and disrupted when his nemesis lays claim to And the Wheel Turns: the city and to Voss’s true love. The Journey Behind the Making of “Flight from Shadow” NR (PG/PG-13 content), approx. 45 min. (S) Based on a section from Robert Jordan’s high fantasy novel Eye of the World, book one in the epic Wheel of Time series.

* There will also be a screening with a Q&A panel 10 am–noon on Friday, February 15. ** The WORLD PREMIERE of these films, including a Q&A panel, will take place 1 pm–3 pm on Saturday, Feb. 16.

Dealers Room Hours

Thursday 10 am to 6 pm Friday 9 am to 6 pm Saturday 9 am to 6 pm 8 Local Restaurants

Bombay House Lotus Garden Restaurant 463 North University Avenue 56 West Center Street Center Street Bistro The Madison 295 West Center Street 295 West Center Street Center Street Deli Old Adobe Grill 434 West Center Street 16 West Center Street Communal Osaka Japanese Restaurant 100 North University Avenue 46 West Center Street Demae Japenese Restaurant Pete’s Lunch 82 W Center St 190 West 100 South Diegos Red Deli 45 West 300 North 227 North University Avenue El Gallo Giro Rice Garden 346 North University Avenue 350 North Freedom Boulevard (Smith’s) El Salvador Restaurant Rice King Noodle 332 West Center Street 225 West Center Street Four Seasons Hot Pot & Dumplings Sammy’s 236 North University Avenue 27 North 100 West Center Gandolfo’s New York Deli Sensuous Sandwich Ste 90, 18 North University Avenue 163 West Center Street Gloria’s Little Italy SORA Asian Dining 1 East Center Street 68 West Center Street Guru’s Cafe Spark Restaurant 45 East Center Street 86 North University Avenue Hickory Kist Deli Spice Grill 42 West Center Street 163 North University Avenue India Palace Spicy Corea 98 West Center Street 43 North University Avenue Joe Vera’s Mexican Restaurant Station 22 Cafe (vegan friendly) 250 West Center Street 22 West Center Street La Dolce Vita Ristorante Italiano Thai Village 61 North 100 East 410 North University Avenue Little Caesars Pizza Tommy’s Burgers 434 North 900 East 405 West 100 North Los Hermanos Two Jack’s Pizza 71 East Center Street 80 West Center Street 9 Participating Guests

Tara C. Allred was recognized as a Cali- manufacturer, jeweler, Computer repair fornia Scholar of the Arts for creative technician, and just about every other writing and is a graduate in psychology blue-collar job under the sun. Currently from . She he also works on low-tech microfarming currently creates educational courses as and contract writing. an instructional designer for K12, Inc. Bobbie Berendson is an independent She is the author of two novels, Sanders’ artisan living in the grand cultural hub Starfish and Unauthored Letters. of American Fork, Utah. A classical Amber Argyle is the author of Witch illustrator by training and a lifelong Song and its sequel, Witch Born. She cur- student of history, costume, and culture, rently resides in Utah with her husband she brings a unique perspective to her and three small children. craf. She maintains a thriving house- Amber​Argyle​.blog​spot.com hold full of friends, family, and felines.

Michelle Davidson Argyle’s short fic- Bryan Beus is a professional artist and tion has been published in a number of forthcoming author for children and literary venues. She served as the editor- young adults. His first self-authored story in-chief of Utah Valley University’s is set for publication through Shadow literary magazine and has won awards Mountain Publishing. for her short stories. She is also an edi- tor/publisher of “The Literary Lab Pres- Kyle Bishop received a PhD in American ents . . .” series of anthologies. literature and film from the University of Michelle​Davidson​Argyle.com Arizona. His dissertation addressing the cultural relevance of zombie cinema was Shirley Bahlmann is the author of the published by McFarland & Co., Publish- Walker’s Gold series and a number of ers as American Zombie Gothic. He now nonfiction books. Shirley​Bahl​mann​.com teaches courses at SUU in American literature, African-American literature, R. Jason Ball is a multi-award-winning fantasy fiction, and film studies. director of photography and camera operator who has worked on numerous Anne K. Black is a director, producer, short films, includingFlight from Shadow, writer, and production designer. She has the Wheel of Time–inspired fan film, as worked on various films includingOrcs!, well as a number of feature-length films, Pride and Prejudice: A Latter-day Comedy, documentaries, and television shows. Avernus, The Snell Show, and The Crown Jason also received instruction for two and the Dragon, and on Dawn of the Drag- years at the Sundance Institute Film- onslayer as both writer and director. makers Program where he was head of the camera department. RJasonBall.com Encompassing everything from the innocent dreams of youth to creating a Scott Bascom has worked in everything mythology all America’s own, the art of from film to general contracting, as a Jeffrey V. Brimley can only be described machinist, carpenter, electric vehicle as “American Fantasy”. 10 Mikey Brooks is an author/illustrator Jaleta Clegg loves to play with words with a bachelor’s in creative writing from and spin stories ranging from science fic- Utah State University. Illustration has tion adventure to silly horror and every- always been a love of Mikey’s. His art thing in between. JaletaC.com has been seen in many forms from pic- ture books to murals for community art Frank L. Cole is the author of the Hash- productions. He also manages a bakery. brown Winters series and the Guardians series. Frank​Lewis​Cole.blog​spot.com David Butler’s training is in law, and he has worked as an inhouse lawyer before Michael R. Collings is an emeritus pro- setting up in solo practice. He is a lover fessor of English at Seaver College, Pep- of language and languages, a guitarist perdine University, where he directed and self-recorder, and a serious reader. the creative writing program for over He has been writing fiction since 2010 two decades. He has published multiple and is the author of the Rock Band Fights volumes of poetry, novels, short fiction, Evil series. David​John​Butler.com and scholarly studies of such contem- porary writers as Stephen King, Orson Nancy Cannon has been involved with Scott Card, Dean R. Koontz, and Piers the film industry for over twenty years. Anthony. Dr. Collings is willing to do his She has costume designed features, shorts, one-on-one poetry workshop through- commercials, theater, been involved with out the symposium. the making of a children’s TV pilot, and Starshine​And​Shadows.com currently has three shorts in the US and Canada film festival circuits. “A charac- Michaelbrent Collings has written ter’s wardrobe enhances the visual story numerous novels and also written and of their life to an audience”. done rewrites of scripts for major Holly­ wood production companies. He has Blake Casselman writes graphic given lectures on subjects as diverse as ­novels and is a teacher, film critic, and writing (how-to), self-defense (he’s a screenwriter. black belt martial artist), dating (he used Patricia K. Castelli has been the chil- to date before he got married; don’t let dren’s librarian at the Orem Public the face fool you), and construction law Library for fourteen years and has a in California (he’s also a practicing attor- great love of youth books. She published ney). MichaelbrentCollings.com the young adult book under the Angie Renee Collins is a YA writer and profes- name Pat Bezzant. sional ponderer. She loves historical set- Marilee Clark is the youth outreach tings, fantasy, and semi-tragic romance. coordinator and associate youth services Her debut novel, Relic, will be published librarian at the Orem Public Library. Fall 2013 with Entangled Teen. MidnightMeditations.blogspot.com Platte F. Clark is author of a middle grade fantasy series coming spring of 2013 A friend to authors all over the state, from Simon and Schuster. He is also a Shanda Cottam is the founder and screenwriter and recently sold his adap- moderator of LDS Women’s Book tation of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Review and has been podcasting since to Walden Media. PlatteClark.com 2006. ldswbr.com 11 Here There Be Dragons … and … Aardvarks … and … Alligators … and … HEINDSELMAN’S YARN & GIFTS

A Tradition of Quality Since 1904 176 W Center Street (next door to the Marriott) Provo, UT 801-373-5193 A film graduate from Brigham Young has done a good bit of work for Spycraf, University, Jared Crossley is the creator Shadow­force Archer, Rolemaster, and and director of the documentary film the Stargate SG-1 role playing game. Lloyd Alexander. He’s also done fiction for Writers of the Future and When Darkness Comes, as Kristyn Crow studied creative writing in well as Spacemaster. college and has written several rhythmi- cal children’s books including Cool Daddy A freelance writer, author, Irish dancer, Rat, Bedtime at the Swamp, and the recent and cook, Christy Dorrity has had Skeleton Cat. KristynCrow.com articles appear in Feis America Magazine, DiddlyiMag, and The Friend. Inspired by Stan Crowe’s debut novel, The Cinderella her love of reading and cooking, Christy Project, was published by Breezy Reads. began matching recipes to books and has Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury has had six authored two scrumptious cookbooks, short stories published. She moderates The Book Blogger Cookbook 2011 and 2012, the Hatrack River Writers Workshop at which are available in ebook format. Orson Scott Card’s science fiction and Christy​Dorrity.com fantasy website. She earned a bachelor’s Jessica Douglas is a freelance artist who degree in mathematics and a master’s sells her art through Deviant Art. degree in mechanical engineering, both from the . She taught Anna del C. Dye received the Editor’s a short story writing course for her local Choice Award from the International high community school for many years Library of Poetry. Her short story and has done first reading for a few fic- “Amerine—Fairy Princess” won an award tion magazines. in the Oquirrh Writers contest and was published by Kalkion Magazine. Her Bryan Mikele Dayley studied film pro- fantasy trilogy enjoys a growing fan base. duction and creative writing at Salt Lake Anna​DelC.com Community College. Bryan is currently an actor at the Desert Star Playhouse in Peggy Eddleman is the author of the Murray, Utah. He has also appeared in middle grade postapocalyptic adventure a few short films includingFlight from Sky Jumpers book 1: Through the Bomb’s Shadow, the fan film inspired by Robert Breath. She hangs out at the foot of the Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. Wasatch Mountains with her three hilarious and fun kids (two sons and a Bree Despain rediscovered her child- daughter) and her incredibly supportive hood love for creating stories when she husband. Peggy​Eddleman​.blogspot.com took a semester off college to write and direct plays for at-risk, inner-city teens Aka Doctor Zagreus, Chris Ekstrom is from Philadelphia and New York. She a member of the Doctor Who Commu- currently lives in Salt Lake City with nity of Northern Utah. her husband, two young sons, and her beloved TiVo. She is the author of the A science fiction author and former spe- Dark Divine series. BreeD​ espain.com cial education teacher, Karen Carnahan Evans obtained degrees in English edu- Robert J Defendi was one of the writers cation/reading (special education) and for Savage Seas for the game Exalted. He elementary education and music. Karen 13 and her co-author husband Kevin Evans Julie Frost has been awarded an honor- are contributors to the Grantville Gazette, able mention at Writers of the Future a bimonthly electronic publication of eight times and has had several short stories set in Eric Flint’s “1632” universe. stories published in one pro and various semipro venues. AgileBrit​.live​journal.com Since deciding the US is indeed better than his homeland Canada, Jason Faller Bill Galvan is the creator of the Thun- has overseen a number of video game derbird comic series, has worked for and film projects, including SAGA—the Marvel Comics and Bongo Comics, and ground-breaking online RTS—and the currently works for Archie Comics. Bill feature filmsPride and Prejudice: A Latter- is also the creative director of the Diver- day Comedy, Moving McAllister, Dragon sity Foundation and co-creator and pen- Hunter, ! and Osombie. Also, he has an ciler of the free educational comic series MBA, so he’s not sweating it either. Scrapyard Detectives. ​Bill​Galvan.com The Great and Might and Powerful A husband and wife dynamic duo of cre- Lord Flagoon was born in the crest of ativity, Stephen and Teresa Gashler are a wave and rocked in the cradle of the are singers, songwriters, puppeteers, film deep. When he’s not wrestling polar makers, and the owners of Gashler Media. bears, clubbing baby seals (not really), or Stephen is also the author of the fantasy playing tag with a moose (really); you youth novel The Bent Sword, which he also can find him enjoying the world of Geek made into a musical. in all of its shapes and sizes. He’s also StephenGashler​.com, Gashler​Media.com a fan of making obscure references to everything and finding irony in life, the Paul Genesse’s many short stories have universe, and everything. been published in various anthologies. Dungeon​Crawlers​Radio.com He is the author of the Iron Dragon series. The Golden Cord has become the M. L. Forman was born and raised in bestselling fantasy novel his publisher Utah and now resides in the foothills of has ever had. PaulG​ enesse.com the western Rockies. He tries to write as much as possible while still attending to D. Kohl Glass is a BYU media arts his many other hobbies, such as fishing, studies graduate. His filmDer Ostwind, camping, hiking, and almost anything which he wrote, produced, and directed, that will allow him to enjoy the magic was the first BYU production to appear of nature. He is also the author of the at the Sundance Film Festival. Along Adventurers Wanted series. with being involved with many other Adventurers​Wanted.com films, Kohl is the writer, producer, and director of The Promethean, and writer Daniel Friend was editor-in-chief for and director of Wars and Redcoat. The Leading Edge magazine. He is now Eventide​Creative.com. managing editor of TM Publishing’s Emerald Sky magazine. Rebecca J. Greenwood is an artist work- ing for Cedar Fort. AKA Red Handed Grunt, John Gale is a member of the Doctor Who Commu- Kynan Griffiths emigrated to the U.S. nity of Northern Utah. from South Africa to pursue his studies 14 in film. He has since written and pro- Zachary Hill is the author of Uprising: duced several award-winning shorts, Italia and several other sci-fi and fantasy commercials, and feature films, includ- novels, as well as serialized on-line sto- ing Pride and Prejudice: A Latter-day ries. He served two tours in Iraq, taught Comedy, Moving McAllister, Orcs!, Dawn English in Italy, and enjoys many nerdy of the Dragonslayer, Osombie, and The hobbies. Crown and the Dragon. Bill Housley loves reading and writing Brian C. Hailes has worked as a free- heart-pounding science fiction that the lance illustrator, designer, and com- whole family can enjoy. He is the author mission artist for fifeen years, and has of Into the Dark: Escape of the Nomad and received numerous awards for his art, “Another Man’s Terrorist” in the anthol- including winner of the L. Ron Hubbard ogy Satirica. BHousley​.word​press.com Illustrators of the Future contest. He has written and illustrated two graphic M. K. Hutchins’s short fiction has appeared in and novels, Dragon’s Gait and Devil’s Triangle. IGMS Daily Science Other titles he has illustrated include Fiction. She studied archaeology at BYU, giving her the opportunity to compile Passion & Spirit: The Dance Quote Book, ancient Maya genealogies, excavate in Continuum, as well as McKenna and Belize, and work as a faunal analyst. She McKenna, Ready to Fly! Hailes​Art.com lives in Idaho with her husband and Deren Hansen is the author of the their two children. MKHutchins.com Dunlith Hill Writers Guides (Dunlith​ Hill​.com) and a regular contributor to Allison Hymas is currently studying fic- the Utah Children’s Writers blog. An tion as a graduate student at BYU. Her MIT-trained anthropologist, engineer, first book, a young adult fantasy titled and historian, he has worked on nuclear The Shifting, is in the process of being weapons, created fractal models of published and will be released in the fungal growth, and tried assorted other spring. She loves reading, hiking, and schemes for world domination. Fortu- blocking out imaginary sword fights. nately for all concerned, he discovered that writing is a socially acceptable A former elementary and high school outlet for his congenital megalomania. English teacher and children’s literature professor at Brigham Young University, Mette Ivie Harrison is the author of James S. Jacobs is a co-author of several Mira, Mirror, The Princess and the Hound books on children’s literature as well as series, and Tris and Izzie, among others. one picture book. He was also a personal She has a new trilogy beginning with friend of author Lloyd Alexander and The Rose Throne coming out in May 2013. co-authored the book Lloyd Alexander: Mette​Ivie​Harrison​.com A Bio-Bibliography. Chas Hathaway is an author, musician, Danny James is a professional actor, husband, dad, and X-grave digger. His first writer, director, voice over, and print book, Giraffe Tracks, is a memoir of his model who works extensively in both missionary experiences in South Africa. worlds of film and theater. Danny has He has also written numerous LSD hymn appeared in several films includingGuns, arrangements. Chas​Hatha​way.com Girls and Gambling, Saga: The Shadow 15 Cabal, Osombie, and Flight from Shadow, at both writing and educational confer- the Wheel of Time–inspired short fan film. ences, he also works as a freelance editor. Clint​John​son​Writes.com. Jenni James is the mother of seven chil- dren, as well as the author of eight book During his 30+ years as a professional babies. Her published titles include the artist, Steve Keele has painted billboards, Jane Austen Diaries series and the Faerie done layout for Saturday morning car- Tale Collection series. She also has a sweet toons Smurfs and Thundarr the Barbarian, MG novel, Prince Tennyson. When she airbrushed dozens of paintings for vari- isn’t writing or dreaming about writing, ous children’s magazines, and produced she enjoys chasing her kiddos around countless logo designs as well as numer- the house and planning elaborate parties. ous corporate and private illustrations. AuthorJenniJames.com He has created hundreds of 3D digital models which have been used for illustra- Janet Kay Jensen is an adult literacy tutor tions, ­videos, games (Gauntlet Legends, and author of the novel Don’t You Marry Abe’s Oddysee, Van Helsing), feature as well as co-author of the Mormon Boys films The( Shadow, Batman & Robin, The Book Lover’s Cookbook: Recipes Inspired Dungeons & Dragons, ANTZ, Godzilla), by Celebrated Works of Literature, and the medical visualization, and accident Passages that Feature Them. Her work also reconstruction for courtroom litigation. appears in a number of magazines and anthologies. Janet​Jensen.com Abel Keogh is the author of the novel The Third and the forthcoming science A Guy Named Joe is Dungeon ­Crawlers fiction thriller,The Time Seller. He is also Radio’s average Joe, except that he is written a memoir and three relationship a super nerd who knows many things guides. Abel​Keogh.com about the world of geek. Weather it be comic knowledge, gaming, TCG’s, and Justin Kunz holds a master’s degree in much more, he brings it all to the table. painting from Laguna College of Art and Dungeon​Crawlers​Radio.com Design. He has worked as an artist for Saffire Corporation, Michael Lee Design, J. R. Johansson writes YA thrillers. Avalanche Sofware (Disney Interactive She has a bachelor’s degree in public Studios), was senior environment artist relations and a background in market- at Blizzard Entertainment (World of ing. Her abnormal psychology minor Warcraf), an inaugural master designer inspired many of her characters. She has in the United States Mint Artistic Infu- two young sons and a wonderful hus- sion Program, and is currently assistant band. JRJohansson.com professor in the Department of Visual Clint Johnson is the author of the Arts at BYU. Justin’s artwork is also featured in the documentary film middle grade fantasy Green Dragon Codex. Lloyd He works in the Writing Center at Salt Alexander. Justin​Kunz.com Lake Community College and serves as Mike Kupari is coauthor of the Dead Six coordinator of and teacher in an experi- military thrillers with Larry Correia. mental author residency program for the public charter school Endeavor Hall. A A graduate of BYU, Kristen Landon’s frequent speaker, presenter, and teacher favorite books in the world are those for 16 youth. Kristen is the author of Life in the Melissa Lemon is the author of Cinder Pit and the award-winning dystopian and Ella, a fairytale with a supernatural novel The Limit. KristenLandon.com twist. Lemon​Inkwell​.blog​spot.com August Larson has been into board Angie Lofthouse is a stay-home mom of and card games since he was very little. six children. Her science fiction and fan- While in high school, August was intro- tasy stories have appeared in a number duced to the world of Euro- or strategy of magazines. She is an editor for Mind- games. Since then he has been designing flights Magazine. Her sci-fi adventure games for personal enjoyment, and now novel, Defenders of the Covenant, will be finally his first game, The Candy Shop out in early 2012. Angie​Lofhouse.com War Card Game, is being published by Shadow Mountain Publishing. Christopher Loke is executive editor for Jolly Fish Press and author of The House- The founder and president of Red Raven keeper’s Son. ChrisLokeNotes.blogspot.com Games, Ryan Laukat is the designer and Winner of “Best Director” at the 2012 illustrator of Empires of the Void, City of New York TV Festival for the film Iron, and Eight-Minute Empire. In 2008, Saga: (which was pitched he started illustrating as a self-taught, The Shadow Cabal for a TV deal), John Lyde has been freelance artist and his credits include producer, editor, director, and cinema- Dominion cards, Bridge Troll, Trollhalla, tographer for films includingSons of Chocolatl, Rails of New England, and Stro- Ryan is a member of the Board Game Provo, Christmas Oranges, Osombie, You’re zzi. as well as the Designers Guild of Utah, plays trumpet So Cupid, Minor Details, “Annie & Finnick” webseries and other in the Utah Wind Symphony, and is the –inspired short films. head of hand-engraving at Cannonball Hunger Games ­YouTube.com/user/MainstayPro Musical Instruments, where he engraves designs on saxophones using non-elec- Dene Low has published fantasy and tronic tools. RedRavenGames.com contemporary fiction and nonfiction. She has worked as a journalist, has a Danyelle Leafty has always loved fairy doctorate degree, and is currently a pro- tales, and prefers stories where someone fessor at Western Governors University, gets eaten, or at the very least, transmog- where she teaches writing (of all things). rified. Much of her inspiration has come She tries to live her own fantasy by rid- from fairy tales. ing her motorcycle on long trips with her amazingly wonderful husband. Loralee Leavitt is the author of Candy Experiments, a book of science experi- Lisa Mangum has worked in the pub- ments including M&M comets, giant lishing department for Deseret Book gummi worms, and cotton candy slime. since 1997. She lives in Taylorsville, Utah, A former Leading Edge editor, she has with her husband, Tracy. She is the continued her magazine career with author of trilogy and articles and short stories in The Hourglass Door Highlights, After Hello. Lisa​Mangum.com Cricket, Writer’s Journal, Mothering, Scouting, and ParentMap. She continues A film studies graduate of the University to destroy candy for the sake of science of Utah, Tracy Mangum loves every- at CandyExperiments.com. thing about movies, comics, and video 17 games. He is also an avid collector of write in several genres, run half mara- Disney pins and geek-themed T-shirts. thons and spend time with her husband, He and his wife, author Lisa Mangum, three children and two puppies. live in Taylorsville, Utah. Heather B. Monson masquerades by Jennifer McGrew has a master’s degrees day as a demure technical writer, but in costume and theater design and in by nights and weekends she’s costum- performance studies and has taught in ing, building foam props and weapons, a variety of fields and subjects for two managing costume rentals for Sandy City, decades at many schools and colleges. directing and playing in a live action She is co-owner of McGrew Studios, a role play game, helping run several local design firm specializing in custom cos- conventions, and so on. Her goal for 2013 tumes & tailoring, sets & props, special is to do less and be okay with it. effects, models and pre-production services for film and all aspects of the Leann Moody teaches seventh grade entertainment industry. Jennifer is also English, desktop publishing, and the a program development consultant for SWELL (School Wide Literacy and the Salt Lake Community College Fash- Learning) program at Dixon Middle ion Institute. McGrews.biz School in Provo. Leann is also the main organizer of the school’s annual Fall Valerie Mechling is a full time Taekwondo Reading Festival. instructor. Her martial arts philosophies of mind, body and spirit can ofen be Chad Morris’s debut novel, Cragbridge found in her writing. Valerie’s solo novel Hall, Book #1: The Inventor’s Secret, will be Traitor Defiant was a quarterfinalist in released March 5, 2013 (Shadow Moun- the 2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel tain). He graduated from BYU with a Award contest. couple of degrees and became a teacher and a curriculum writer. Adam Meyers is a professional actor WritingWithShellyAndChad.blogspot.com trained at BYU, and is a certified actor- combatant through the SAFD. He has An award-winning film, stage, and voice put on demonstrations, panels, and pre- actor as well as model and dancer, James sentations at several conventions about Christian Morris is a theatre graduate weapons and warfare. In other news, of the Actor Training Program of the he owns a small RPG design company University of Utah and has been in vari- called Drop Dead Studios. ous films and advertisements such as the Sci-fi Channel’s original film “Ice Spiders”, Donna Milakovic has worked as a jour- “Unicorn City”, “Saga: The Shadow Cabal”, nalist and is currently a weekly colum- “Flight from Shadow”, the Wheel of nist for the Daily Herald. Donna is the Time–inspired short fan film, print and executive vice president of the Utah Val- fashion at BellaOra Studios, and steam- ley Chamber of Commerce as well as a punk fashion for McGrew Studios. writer. She brings her expertise in build- ing business relationships to the writing L. L. Muir lives in northern Utah and conference world to help aspiring and writes fiction between bowls of cereal. published authors navigate the tricky Besides writing historical and time world of networking. She also loves to travel romance, she also writes for young 18 adults and middle grade reluctant read- with two remarkably pleasant pugs. The ers. Some of her titles include: Some- Shapeshifter’s Secret is her first novel in where Over the Freaking Rainbow, Kiss This, her trilogy, with the sequel set to release and Where to Pee on a Pirate Ship. June 2013.

Jennifer Nielsen is the author of The Leigh Owens is an aspiring writer with False Prince; its sequel, The Runaway years of experience. Her specialty is vil- King; and will write the sixth book of the lainy and understanding the mind of evil. Infinity Ring series. She lives in northern Utah with her husband and three chil- Scott R. Parkin is a writer, critic, and dren. JenNielsen.com technologist published in a wide variety of ­venues, including eWeek, Marion Zim- Most recently, Craig Nybo has pub- mer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine, Barron’s, lished his debut novel, Allied Zombies Galaxy Magazine, Irreantum, and others. for Peace. His short stories have been published in many markets, including Aaron Patterson is a best-selling thriller author and founder of publishing house The Crimson Pact, Sonar, The Pisgah Review, StoneHouse Ink. From writing to pub- CC&D Magazine, and Natural Bodybuild- lishing, he is known for disrupting ideas ing Magazine. Craig is the president of mediaRif.com, a digital creative agency, and innovating. Aaron has been a fea- where he works as a copywriter and tured speaker with ­Amazon​.com, Thrill- videographer. CraigNybo.com.” erFest, and The Idaho Book Extravaganza. With a construction background and a Rachel Ann Nunes is the bestsell- love for fitness, he loves to snowboard, ing author of thirty-seven published hike, watch movies and read. Aaron lives books. She and her husband have seven with his three children in Boise. children, three boys and four girls. She speaks English and Portuguese. Andrea Pearson’s books include The Rachel​AnnNunes.com Key of Kilenya and its sequels. She has written forMormonArtist, a magazine Peter Orullian sold his first short story showcasing members of the LDS faith, to a Denise Little anthology and has and is an editor for Gather​.com’s official since sold numerous stories to both writing group, Writing Essential. Denise and Marty Greenberg, as well as Andrea​Pearson​Books.blog​spot.com Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. In early 2009, Tor Books pur- Steven L. Peck is evolutionary ecolo- chased the first three books in his epic gist at at BYU. He has published ­novels, fantasy series. Peter’s dual interests of short stories, and poetry, and was nomi- music and fiction fo en converge, and nated for the 2011 Science Fiction Poetry there’s a planned concept album based Association’s Rhysling Award. His novel on one of his novels. Orullian.com The Scholar of Moab is magic realism, and The Rifts of Rime is a juvenile fantasy. Heather Ostler majored in English at Utah Valley University and soon began Luisa Perkins is the author of Dispirited, composing stories about sirens, water Comfortably Yum, and the forthcom- nymphs, and shapeshifers. She and ing The Book of Jer3miah. She wrote the her husband reside in Highland, Utah, dialogue and readable artifacts for The 19 Thursday, February 14, 2013 Aspen Birch Cedar Amphitheater Maple Boardroom 9 AM Tolkien’s The Hobbit: The Book Tricks to Writing First Person PoV How to Read to Learn Writing Pitches Pitches and the Movies (Prior registration required) (Prior 10 AM Drawing Out the Dragons Writing Short Stories Mary Sue and Gary Stu Technology Tools of the registration Trade required) 11 AM First Time Novelists Panel Lloyd Alexander: High King of “Masculism and Cyborgs in Neon Sliderule Brand Calcula- A Guide to Creating Villain Fantasy Genesis Evangelion” tors: How Do You Future- Backstories Proof Your Story? Noon The Place for Romance in Teen The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly What Do You Write? Arrowstorm Entertain- A Feast of FIction Gaming Fiction ment: Dragons, Orcs, Magic and Movies 1 PM LDS Horror Verisimilitude What Is “Punk” Literature and Its Cryptography 101 Finding and Using Refer- Many Genres? ences in Your Art 2 PM Hickman’s Amazing Roadshow Copyright Law and Fair Use Adapting Classic Stories to Modern The Lyrical Side of Poetry How to Lay Out Comic Settings Panels 3 PM Accessing the Subconscious Story Boarding—Not Just for Modern Horror: What (and Who) Real World Collaboration Illustrating Action Picture Books You Should Be Reading 4 PM Finding the Right Market for Your Writing a Teaser Structuring Your Life to Make Room Economics of Selling Your Work Online YA Book for Creativity Supervillainy 5 PM Everything I Need to Know about Classic SF&F You Should Be Effective Book Signings How to Market Your Book Creating Page Turners with Writing I Learned from The Matrix Reading the Elements of Suspense 6 PM Military in Fantasy: Drawing on Engaging the Reader Space Eldritch Digital Painting/Drawing Real Life and History 7 PM How to Kill a Zombie Unicorn City presentation Costuming Kickstarter 8 PM Valentine Dance (Costumes Unicorn City Dawn of the Dragonslayer Filking 9 PM welcome; no masks or weapons. $5 for non-LTUE attendees.) Friday, February 15, 2013 Zion Bryce Aspen Birch Cedar Amphitheater. Maple Boardroom 9 AM Illustrating Worlds Overcoming Adversity Collaborations Hungry for The Hunger “Rebellious Couplehood Raising the Language Pitches Pitches Fantastic Games? in Three Dystopias” Barrier (Prior registra- (Prior 10 AM Importance of Internal Contracts How to Outline a Novel/ Ancient Aliens The Superman Legacy Lloyd Alexander Docu- tion required) registration Consistency in Story Screenplay mentary and Q&A required) Telling 11 AM Weaving a Complex Current Trends in SF Writing Horror: The Fear Creating Effective Fight “Reactors Built in the 20th Narrative You Don’t See Scenes Century Explode in the 21st Century” Noon How to Write a Book in The 5 Things You Should Disney’s Haunted House Point of View in YA Gun Use in Fiction Textile Production Readings Gaming Three Days Know before Submitting Presentation Literature Your Manuscript to a Publisher 1 PM Creators in the How to Market Your Book Scare ‘em While They’re Writing Action Making Time to Write How to Draw Robots, Readings Community in an Electronic World Young Vehicles, and Other Machines 2 PM Writing Humor That Goes Crafting a Mystery within Voices from the Dead 50 Years of Doctor Who “The Doomsday Club” Working with Clients Readings beyond Slapstick and Your Novel Parody 3 PM Characterization That Isn’t Writers of the Future Art for Children’s and YA Reviewing Novels and Flight from Shadow & Readings Overwrought or Uneven books Being Reviewed Theory of Production Design 4 PM How to Reach Readers Writing Your First Book Xenobiology Podcasting Creating a Worthwhile MIB Games Readings through Amazon and Sell Damsel in Distress More eBooks 5 PM Writing Modern Fantasy Self-Editing Evolution and Ecology in Publishers Panel Effective Book Covers Hickman’s Pick-A-Path Readings Science Fiction Musical 6 PM Professional Networking Writing for Comics and The Business of Design- Creating a Language 1 Drawing Hands in the Publishing World Webcomics ing Card Games and Feet 7 PM Cartography Brainstorming with Your Designing Webcomics Zombies! What Can Subconscious You Do with Robots? 8 PM Mass Signing Dawn of the Dragonslayer Lloyd Alexander Filking 9 PM Documentary Saturday, February 16, 2013 Zion Bryce/Arches Canyon Aspen Birch Cedar Maple Boardroom 9 AM Worldbuilding 101: When Social Media Q&A Write for the Market or The Wizard of OZ : Why Is Writing the Opposite Making Science Fun with Pitches Pitches Do You Even Start? Write What You Know? It Different from Every- Gender in Genre Fiction Candy Experiments (Prior registra- (Prior thing Else? tion required) registration 10 AM Advanced Point of View Screenwriting and What You Need To Know Projecting Possible Why Conlangs? Using Comics & Graphic required) Scriptwriting to Write Science Fiction Futures Novels in the Classroom or Fantasy 11 AM Keynote Address: Megan Whalen Turner Noon Tricks on How To Make a Writing Fantastic Descrip- XDM Xtreme Dungeon Creating Fantasy Art Successful Author & Using Anthro- Gaming Living as an Author tion (and Knowing Mastery Illustrator School Visits pology for Where to Put It) Inspiration 1 PM Flight from Shadow – Antihero Evolution The Structure of Epic Writing and Record How Does Your Story Making Fantasy an Inte- Readings short fan film of The Fantasy Keeping Technologies Mean? gral Part of the Common Wheel of Time and and Media (Charles Core Classroom Documentary Q&A Stanford) 2 PM Cautionary Tales from a What Makes a Book MG Character, Conflict, and Zombies: The Persistence The Best Science Fiction Readings First-Time Writer or YA? Plot of the Living Dead & Fantasy Books for Youth 3 PM Power of Tolkien’s Prose: What a Mainstream Using History and Keele’s Korner Writing Science as Fiction Being LDS and Writing Readings Middle-Earth’s Magical Author Needs To Know Folklore Horror Style to Write YA 4 PM The 5 Plots of Children’s Backstories The Engines of “Zombies and You: A Readings Picture Books Exploration Guide to What Consti- tutes an ‘Apocalypse’” 5 PM Writing Romance without Space Travel without Hit Man The Business of Art Creating a Language 2 How to Sur- Erotica Warp vive a 1980s Horror Film 6 PM Mormon Perspectives on Mentalist/Mindreading eBook Publishing Technology of the Future Alien Office Tolkien Show Chair 7 PM Gala Banquet (ticket Flight from Shadow Unicorn City Filking 8 PM required; limited seats) Tides, the new online sf role-playing then switched to writing role-playing game for tween girls. She and her hus- games. His first novel isCastles and Cav- band have six children and one aging- erns: Zeld and the Invaders. but-still-insane cat. They live in a small town in Southern California. Diann T. Read published her first books in the 1990s through Tor. At the same Brett Peterson is CEO of TM Publish- time, her military career spanned twenty- ing. He is an avid and lifelong reader. three years and included deployments Brett’s formal training is in organiza- to Bosnia and Iraq. In December 2000 tional sociology, and included a number she married Jon Read, a NASA rocket of research projects in the United States, scientist and martial artist, and moved to South Africa, and England. Texas. Diann retired from the Air Force in June 2009 and is now working on a Tristi Pinkston is the author of fifeen young adult military space adventure books, as well as the Write It Right series series. DiannRead.wordpress.com of instructional books for new authors. She works full-time from home as a free- Once known for his artistic talent and lance editor and mentor, and sits on the his ability to master a campaign as Dun- board of directors for iWriteNetwork. geon Master, Revan now shows off his She is also the taker of very, very long talent as the mastermind behind Dun- naps. TristiPinkston.com geon Crawlers Radio program. If some- thing goes wrong with the operation, Tom Post is an actor, director, and he can ofen be found running around producer, and has appeared in several frantically much like Han Solo in The short and feature length films including Empire Strikes Back. His background Spyware, Shades of Treason, and Flight includes radio broadcasting, as during form Shadow, the Wheel of Time–inspired his civilian life Revan had worked for a short fan film, as Myrdaal. Tom is also rather popular local radio station. a co-director and writer as well as an Dungeon​Crawlers​Radio.com actor in the upcoming filmBFF’s OMG! Aneeka Richins graduated from BYU (formerly Friends Like These). and hasn’t lived a normal life since. She A self-proclaimed fantasy nerd, David has now seen more countries than years Powell has been creating costumes and in her life and has yet to stay in one props from a young age. Since slaying place for more than a year since 2002. dragons in the back yard, he has earned She currently runs the webcomic, Not a his bachelor’s degree, and from his Villain, and has just published her first father he learned the art of leather work, book, The Wanted Child. which he has used to create armor and costume pieces for theater and film. He Drew Robbins works at Heritage has created various pieces for Weber School, a residential treatment center State University’s theater department for youth in Provo, and Dragon’s Keep, a local comic and gaming shop. Drew has and has built armor and props for Flight worked with Heritage School regarding from Shadow and for The Shadow Cabal. the classroom benefits of comics and has J. Dan Raisor began writing articles for presented on the subject several times. historical magazines in the mid-1980s, He also does freelance editing. 23 Jeff Scott Savage’s publications include the Shadow, the Wheel of Time–inspired FarWorld series and The Fourth Nephite. short fan film. His newest series is The Shallow Grave Jess Smart Smiley is a musician and art- Case Files, beginning with Zombie Kid in spring 2013. JScott​Savage​.blog​spot.com ist who holds a bachelor’s in illustration and design from UVU. His first graphic Chris Schoebinger is the publishing novel, Upside Down: A Vampire Tale, director for Shadow Mountain Publish- came out in October 2012 from Top ing. Chris is also the #1 New York Times Shelf Comics. best-selling author for the children’s Cargo​Collective​.com/Jess​SmartSmiley adaptation of Glenn Beck’s The Christ- Emily Sorensen runs a slice-of-life mas Sweater. Chris and his wife, Jennifer, are the parents of five children and an fantasy comic strip and an online manga Austrailian Kelpie named Jynx. about magical girls. She is the author of Black Magic Academy. Nathan Shumate is the proprietor of Emily​Martha​Sorensen.com Cold Fusion Video Reviews (Cold​Fusion​ Video​.com), a genre film criticism site Robert St. Jacques teaches history at that’s been running for over a decade. Heritage School, a residential treatment He is also the editor of Arkham Tales, center for youth in Provo, where he is Arcane, and Space Eldritch and has stories known to use comics with his students. in Monsters and Mormons, Space Eldritch, and Nathan​Shumate.com Charles Stanford is a published aca- Finding Home. demic author and amateur novelist. Ulfric Silverwolf aka Sean Sartori, The BA in linguistics he got from BYU currently works as security at a Salt in 2001 equipped him for enthusiastic Lake night club. Acting roles include conlanging, and the MLIS with an Demothenese in Arise from the Shadow, archives emphasis he received from the Bernardo in West Side Story, The Cow- University of Pittsburgh in 2006 refined ardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz, and Strom, his love of history with a greater appre- a bar heavy in Flight from Shadow. Ulfric ciation for its complexity and ambiguity. currently lives in Ogden, Utah, with his wife Angeline and daughter Aydanna. Berin Stephens was born and raised in Alaska. He is the adjunct saxophone A cinematographer, producer, editor, instructor at Utah Valley University. His and director associated with Shinebox novels are The Dragon War Relic(a YA Motion Pictures, David Skousen’s fantasy/sci-fi comedy) andTime Gang- film-making work has mostly been in sters (urban fantasy). He also has stories writing and directing TV commercials. published by Big World Network. Berin Dave was director and cowriter of the currently lives in Orem, Utah, with his feature-length tongue-in-cheek action wife, five kids, dog, cat, and aloe plant. filmsThe Legend of Pretty Boy and The BerinStephens.com Legend of Pretty Boy II, as well as the short filmRedemption, and was assistant Isaac Stewart, in addition to coauthoring director of Kels Goodman’s Latter-day Jacob’s Journal of Doom, is also the artist Saint-themed feature filmHandcart. responsible for the interior illustrations Dave is also the director of Flight from in the Mistborn trilogy, as well as many 24 24

Maureen F. McHugh Patricia A. McKillip To Be Announced Guest of Honor Guest of Honor Memorial Guest of Honor

...plus over 150 writers, editors, critics, and other professionals in the field of imaginative literature.

July 11-14, 2013 Burlington, MA www.readercon.org of the interior illustrations in the New writes. Her blog, One Cobble at a Time, York Times best-seller The Way of Kings by won an AML award for online writing . Isaac lives in Utah in 2009. Sandra​Tayler.live​jour​nal.com with the woman of his dreams with their three children. IsaacSte​ wart.com Will Terry is the award-winning illustra- tor of over twenty-five children’s books, Samuel Stubbs is a student of lan- an ebook creator, and is currently work- guage and culture, with a particular ing on interactive picture book apps. He fascination for Asian studies. He has is also the founder of the Folio Academy spent many years studying martial arts, school of online art instruction. Aside especially Shotokan Karate. He began from being an illustrator and entrepre- storytelling at a young age with friends, neur, Will has taught at both BYU and where he developed worldbuilding skills UVU. Will​Terry.com that influence his writing today. An American children’s writer and Eric G. Swedin is an associate profes- educator, Michael O. Tunnell teaches sor at Weber State University in the children’s literature at Brigham Young Information Systems and Technologies University and has published several Department, specializing in information books on children’s literature, especially security and interdisciplinary studies. on the work of Lloyd Alexander. He has His most recent novel is Fragments of Me. served on the Newbery Award Com- Swedin.org mittee and on the selection committee for the NCTE Award for Excellence in Nyssa Sylvester has worked on The Poetry for Children. Mike is an author Leading Edge magazine, where she pio- of several novels, picture books, and neered their developmental editing non-fiction books, includingWishes on service. She is also managing editor of the Moon, Candy Bomber: The Story of the TM Publishing, and plans to work as a Berlin Airlift’s “Chocolate Pilot”, The Pry- fiction editor fa er she graduates. Nys- dain Companion, and co-author of Lloyd saSilvester.weebly.com Alexander: A Bio Bibliography. MichaelO​Tunnell.com Howard Tayler is the author and artist of the Hugo nominated science fiction comic Joe Vasicek studied political science and strip , which has been Middle Eastern studies at BYU and has running daily online since 2000. Prior to taught English as a second language in becoming a full-time cartoonist, Howard Eastern Europe. He has published eleven ran a small record production company science fiction ebooks. and worked as a product manager for One​Lower​Light.com . SchlockMercenary.com Suzanne Vincent is wife, mother, home- Sandra Tayler spends much of her time school teacher, and writer. Suzanne as the publication and distribution half works as an editor at Flash Fiction of the Schlock Mercenary comic business. Online—the only SFWA qualifying What time is not gobbled up by busi- flash-only market—where she leads one ness tasks is spent taking care of the four of two teams of slush readers in a fairly kids she shares with Howard Tayler. In unique selection process. the spaces between everything else she Nightingales​Cage​.blog​spot.com 26 Rachel Wadham is the education and Kasie West writes young adult fiction. juvenile literature librarian at the Her debut novel, Pivot Point, has just ­Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young been published by HarperTeen. The University and is a board member of Distance between Us, her comtemporary the Children’s Literature Association of YA novel, will be published in the fall of Utah. Rachel has authored three books 2013. Kasie​West.blog​spot.com on youth literature, including Bring- Natalie Whipple, sadly, does not have ing Fantasy Alive for Children and Young any cool mutations like her characters, Adults. unless you count the ability to watch Shaunda Kennedy Wenger is author anime and Korean dramas for hours on of several books, including Reality Bites: end, or her uncanny knack for sushi con- Tale of a Half Vampire, The Ghost in sumption. Her novels Transparent and Me, and the new cookbook From Rivets House of Ivy and Sorrow are forthcoming and Rails: Recipes of a Railroad Boarding from HarperTeen. House. Shaunda is also co-author of The Between​Fact​And​Fiction​.blog​spot.com Book Lover’s Cookbook: Recipes Inspired Roger Bouke White Jr.’s interests center by Celebrated Works of Literature, and the around figuring out why people think the Passages that Feature Them. way they do. He has a broad background Robison Wells is the author of the YA in history, science, technology, and dystopian-ish novel Variant and its sociology. He is an accomplished trainer, sequel, Feedback. He is also the founder of writer, speaker, and analyst, and has pub- LDStorymakers. Robison​Wells.com lished ten novels. WhiteWorld.com

Mormon Spectulative Fiction Bibliography www.MormonSF.org

Are you LDS? Do you have an sf/f story, poem, or novel, or an article about sf/f in print? If so, it needs to be included in the premier resource listing of science fiction, fantasy, and horror by Latter-day Saint authors.

Other resources include awards, authors’ web- site links, and forthcoming titles.

Instructions for adding titles are on the website. Tell us about your publication success today!

27 Tyler Whitesides is the author of Jani- in the creative and entertainment tors, a middle grade fantasy series. When industries for over twenty-five years; he’s not working on a novel, Tyler enjoys contributing to Magic: The Gathering cooking, fishing, and drumming. He and feature film projects likeThe Alamo, believes that any life experience can be Windtalkers, and Holes. Currently, he is turned into an interesting story. Tyler co-owner and director of creative mar- lives in Logan with his wife, Connie, keting and production for McGrew Stu- who teaches third grade. dios in Salt Lake City where he works Tyler​White​sides.com in a producer and/or production design capacity for film. Hraefn is also execu- Dan Willis wrote his first work of fic- tive producer and production designer tion at the tender age of ten and has of Flight from Shadow, the Wheel of Time been creating fantastic tales ever since. short fan film. McGrews.biz He’s used his talents working in the board game and video game industries, Michael Young is the author of the as well as advertising, and web design. ­novels The Canticle Kingdom and The Last He wrote for the long-running Dragon- Archangel. He has also had work featured Lance series and under their young adult in various online and print magazines brand, : The New Adven- such as Mindflights, The New Era, Alle- tures. Dan lives in Utah with his wife gory, and The Ensign. He both writes and and four children. narrates the web serial Canticle of Night. Writer​Mike.com As a children’s literary agent with Mansion Street Literary Management, Officially,E. A. Younker is a technical Michelle Witte brings with her a wealth writer. Unofficially she fancies herself a of experience within publishing indus- reader, painter, gamer, singer, seamstress, try. Previously, she worked as an editor and pianist. There are definitely days with nonfiction publisher Gibbs Smith where she feels as if she has too many and as a copy editor and reporter with hobbies and other days she thinks she has time for lots more. EAYounker.com the Deseret Morning News. She is the author of The Craptastic Guide to Pseudo- David Yurth holds a BS degree in Eng- and the forthcoming Swearing The Faker’s lish, an MBA in organizational leader-

Guide to the Classics. ship, and is a PhD candidate in the field Michelle​Witte​Books.com of cosmology and international business. Julie Wright started her first book when He has invented or co-invented a num- she was fifeen. She’s written over a ber of innovative technology-based inte- dozen books since then, is a Whitney grations and is the author of ten books, Awards winner, and feels she’s finally fifeen screen plays and twelve scientific getting the hang of this writing gig. papers, articles, and monographs. He is JulieWright.com currently working as chief scientist for Protium Labs in Salt Lake City. He lives Hraefn Wulfson is a lifelong artist, cre- with his wife Claudine and their two ator, and film enthusiast and has worked cats in Holladay, Utah.

28 Educator’s Conference Schedule Saturday, February 16, Cedar Room

9:00–9:50 am Sticky, Icky, Spectacular! Making Science Fun with Candy Experiments Loralee Leavitt 10:00–10:50 am Using Comics and Graphic Novels in the Classroom Robert St. Jacques, Jess Smart Smiley, Drew Robbins 11:00–11:50 am Keynote Address Megan Whalen Turner Noon–12:50 pm Successful Author & Illustrator School Visits Leann Moody, Will Terry, Kristyn Crow, Kristen Landon 1:00–1:50 pm Making Fantasy an Integral Part of the Common Core Classroom Rachel Wadham 2:00–2:50 pm The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books for Youth Patricia Castelli and Marilee Clark

Go to LTUEEducatorsConference.blogspot.com for more information.

29 Listing of Events with Participants

See the white board at the registration table for any last-minute changes. One-on-one poetry workshop with Michael Collings. Bring a poem you wrote and talk to a poet and poet tactician about how to make it better. No set time. Find Michael at his table and make arrangements during LTUE.

Thursday, February 14 11:00–11:50 am First-Time Novelists Panel 9:00–9:50 am Renee Collins, Peggy Eddleman, ­Valerie Tolkien’s The Hobbit: The Book and the Mechling, Craig Nybo, Heather Ostler, Movies Samuel Stubbs Paul Genesse, Blake Casselman, David Lloyd Alexander: High King of Fantasy Farland, Tracy Hickman James S. Jacobs, Michael O. Tunnell Tricks to Writing First Person PoV “Masculism and Cyborgs in Neon Larry Correia, Robert J Defendi, Daniel ” Friend, Clint Johnson, Rachel Ann Nunes ­Genesis Evangelion Timothy Morrise How to Read to Learn Writing Sliderule Brand Calculators: How Do Christopher Loke, Adam Meyers, You Future-Proof Your Story? Emily Sorensen, Laryssa Waldron, Tyler

Whitesides David Butler, David Farland, Deren Hansen, Eric Swedin 10:00–10:50 am “Oh, How Art Thou Fallen, Lucifer?” A Drawing Out the Dragons Guide to Creating Villain Backstories James A. Owen Leigh Averett Owens Writing Short Stories Noon–12:50 pm

Angie Lofthouse The Place for Romance in Teen Fiction Mary Sue and Gary Stu: Avoiding the Bree Despain, Judith Engracia, Lisa Dreadful Downfalls of Bad Fiction Mangum, Janci Patterson, Kasie West, Daniel Friend, Mette Ivie Harri- Robison Wells son, Clint Johnson (M), Berin Stephens, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Suzanne Vincent, Michael Young Difference between Big Publishers, Technology Tools of the Trade Small Publishers, and Self Publishing Michaelbrent Collings, Eric Swedin, Jenni James Dan Willis What Do You Write? How to Research Genre—and Sub-Genre David Farland, Scott R. Parkin (M), 30 Eric Swedin, Brad R. Torgersen, Megan Verisimilitude: How Illusions, Confi- Whalen Turner, Dan Willis dence Games, and Skillful Lying Can Improve Your Fiction Arrowstorm Entertainment: Dragons,

Orcs, Magic & Movies Deren Hansen A look at the fantasy film-making 2:00–2:50 pm business with local production studio Adapting Classic Stories to Modern Arrowstorm Entertainment Settings Anne Black, Jason Faller, Kohl Glass, Kathleen Dalton-­Woodbury, Mette Kynan Griffin, John Lyde Ivie Harrison, Andrea Pearson, Brad R. A Feast of Fiction: The Symbolism and Torgersen Significance of Food and Mealtime in Copyright Law and Fair Use Fiction Anna del C. Dye, Chas Hathaway, Karen Evans (M), Christy Dorrity, Julie Frost, Michelle Witte, Michaelbrent Janet Kay Jensen, Jonathan D. Langford, Collings, Robert J Defendi, Steve Setzer Shaunda Kennedy-Wenger 1:00–1:50 pm How to Lay Out Comic Panels How to effectively arrange the panels of LDS Horror a comic page. Can you be horrific without graphic Bill Galvan, J J Harrison, Andrea Hatch, violence or sex? Jess Smart Smiley, Emily Sorensen Blake Casselman, Michael R. Collings, Michaelbrent Collings, Brett Peterson, Hickman’s Amazing Roadshow J. Scott Savage, Nathan Shumate Tracy and Laura Hickman Finding and Using References in Your The Lyrical Side of Poetry Art Dr. Michael R. Collings, Karen Evans, How do you find good sources, take Charlene C. Harmon (M), Dr. Steven L. good pictures or find good models, and Peck, Michael Young find what’s legal to use? 3:00–3:50 pm Bobbie Berendson W., Bryan Beus, Jessica Douglas, Brian C. Hailes Modern Horror: What (and Who) You Should Be Reading What Is “Punk” Literature and Its Many Genres? Dr. Michael R. Collings, Michael- brent Collings, Charlene C. Harmon (M), David Butler, Larry Correia, Steve Nathan Shumate Diamond, Paul Genesse, Aneeka Richins Story Boarding: Not Just for Picture Cryptography 101 Books People have always had means of keep- ing secrets, verifying identity, stealing Mikey Brooks secrets, and faking identity. What’s real- Real World Collaboration istic, what isn’t, and why is it important? Larry Correia, Steve Diamond, Mike

Scott Bascom, Robert J Defendi, Kupari, Valerie Mechling, Samuel Stubbs James A. Owen, Eric Swedin 31 Illustrating Action Creating Page Turners with the Ele- How to create an engaging and emo- ments of Suspense tional, attention grabbing scene. Rachelle Christensen Jeff Brimley, Brian C. Hailes, James A. How to Market Your Book Owen, Howard Tayler Michaelbrent Collings (M), Chris Accessing the Subconscious Schoebinger, Nyssa Silvester, Jess Smart Dene Low Smiley, Robison Wells 4:00–4:50 pm 6:00–6:50 pm Finding the Right Market for Your Military in Fantasy: Drawing on Real YA Book Life and History Renee Collins, Peggy Eddleman, Tracy Zachary Hill Hickman, Jenn “J. R.” Johansson, Kristen Engaging the Reader Landon, Megan Whalen Turner Tracy Hickman, Lisa Mangum, Megan Writing a Teaser Whalen Turner, Suzanne Vincent, Laryssa Howard Tayler Waldron, Tyler Whitesides

Structuring Your Life to Make Room Space Eldritch for Creativity David Butler, Dr. Michael R. Collings, Sandra Tayler Robert J Defendi, Carter Reid, Nathan Shumate, Howard Tayler (M), Brad R. Economics of Supervillainy Torgersen, David West Scott Bascom Digital Painting/Drawing Selling Your Art Online Not only the best way to utilize the tools What online shops are out there, how (techniques) themselves, but how to do you utilize a website or blog, how do choose which tool/app/program to use. you create a client base online, and Mikey Brooks, Bryan Beus, J J Harrison, advertising. Andrea Hatch, Jess Smart Smiley Bobbie Berendson W., Jessica Douglas, Andrea Hatch, Amanda Sorensen 7:00–7:50 pm How to Kill a Zombie 5:00–5:50 pm Jaleta Clegg (M), Carter Reid, Nathan Everything I Need to Know About Shumate, Eric Swedin Writing I Learned from The Matrix Presentation J. Scott Savage Unicorn City Effective Book Signings Costuming Jaleta Clegg (M), David Farland, Chas Theater production vs. HD film, inde- Hathaway, Bill Housley, Stephen Miller, pendent clients vs. film productions, Eric James Stone working within clients’ budgets, realism/ historical vs. stage plays, etc. Classic SF&F You Should Be Reading Nancy Cannon, Michelle Corsillo, Jen Jonathan D. Langford McGrew, Heather Monson 32 Recordings at LTUE

LTUE staff may record the sessions. If you speak in a session, even just by asking a question or commenting to your neighbor, our recorder might pick up your words. By attending LTUE, you agree that the LTUE organizing committee can retain that recording and share it as part of its educational mission, without further compensa- tion to you. If you’d like to record a session yourself, please get permission from all of the panelists or presenters in that session first. Even if LTUE also records the session, you’ve got to ask on your own behalf to make your own recording. Just go up front and ask before the meeting starts. If you don’t get the permission, then please don’t record the session. Recording without permission is discourteous and a violation of copyright laws. If you’re given permission, it will be personal to you; you won’t have the right to distribute, share, or make copies of your recordings.

Kickstarter: The World’s­ Largest Fund- Movie: Dawn of the Dragonslayer ing Platform for Creative Projects Movie: Unicorn City The basics of Kickstarter and how to Filking launch and sustain a successful cam- paign with focus on presentation, con- Friday, February 15 tent, and incentives. Jared Crossley, Ryan Laukat, Jess Smart 9:00–9:50 am Smiley Illustrating Worlds Fantastic 8:00 pm Examining the process of developing fantasy worlds both through individual Valentines Dance (2 hours) creative vision and collaborative visual Live music provided by Stephen and storytelling. Teresa Gashler. Bring your sweetheart and dance cheek to cheek or just come Justin Kunz have fun. Costumes welcome (no masks Raising the Language Barrier or weapons, please). Admission is What is it really like to encounter a new included with an LTUE membership. culture, and how do you survive without Individuals without an LTUE member- a Universal Translator? ship are only $5 at the door. Scott Bascom, Dr. Dirk Elzinga, Anna del C. Dye, Dene Low, Joe Vasicek 33 The LTUE contests are changing. DragonComet Short Story Contest Introducing: Aether Odyssey Illustration Contest Poetry Contest

Increase your chance of being published! Details to be announced at the Keynote Address. www.ltue.net/Contests.html

Overcoming Adversity, or How to Keep Ancient Aliens: What Historical Writing when Life Gets in the Way Events Could Plausibly Be Blamed on Alien Intervention? Al Carlisle, Danyelle Leafty, Loralee Leavitt, Sandra Tayler, Julie Wright Mikey Brooks, Mark L. Forman, ­Charlene C. Harmon (M), Eric Swedin, Hungry for ? Why The Hunger Games Megan Whalen Turner, Robison Wells This Series Has Become So Popular Documentary and Patricia Castelli, Bree Despain, Allison Lloyd Alexander Q&A Hymas, Diann T. Read, J. Scott Savage (2 hours) Screening of the documentary filmLloyd “Forbidden Love: Rebellious Couple- Alexander followed by a Q&A panel hood in Three Dystopias” with the creator and several people from Esther Allen the film.

Collaboration: Comic Writer and Jared Crossley, James S. Jacobs, Justin Comic Artist Kunz, Michael O. Tunnell Blake Casselman, C K Edwards, The Superman Legacy Brian C. Hailes The Superman mythos in various media manifestations (comics, art, novels, film, 10:00–10:50 am etc.) from conception to modern day Importance of Internal Consistency in including the upcoming Man of Steel Story Telling film. Jaleta Clegg (M), Julie Frost, Dene Low, Bill Galvan, Tracy Mangum, James A. Roger White, Michelle Witte, Emily Younker Owen

34 Contracts Textile Production Larry Correia, Michaelbrent Collings, How to do it and how it has influenced Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury (M), David everything from child labor laws to Farland, Christopher Loke, Brett Peterson computers. Judith Eatough How to Outline a Novel/Screenplay Point of View in YA Literature Craig Nybo

11:00–11:50 am Mette Ivie Harrison, J. Dan Raisor, Natalie Whipple, Lisa Mangum, Megan “Reactors Built in the 20th Century Whalen Turner Explode in the 21st Century: A Dual Perspective on the Shift of Science Disney’s Haunted House Presentation Fiction” Paul F. Anderson Bruce H. Allred, E. A. Younker Gun Use in Fiction Current Trends in Science Fiction, Larry Correia, Julie Frost, Zachary Hill, ­Fantasy and Horror Mike Kupari, Howard Tayler Kathleen Dalton-­Woodbury, Steve How to Write a Book in Three Days Diamond, David Farland, Peter Orullian L. L. Muir Writing Horror: The Fear You Don’t See 1:00–1:50 pm Creators in the Community Al Carlisle, Dr. Michael R. Collings, Michaelbrent Collings, Andrea Pearson, How writers, artists, and musicians Nathan Shumate (M), Eric James Stone tend to come together in groups—the Inklings, the Pre-Raphaelites, etc. Creating Effective Fight Scenes Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury, David Anna del C. Dye, Mike Kupari, Adam Farland, Tracy Hickman, James A. Owen, Meyers, Jennifer Nielsen, Howard Tayler Howard Tayler, Megan Whalen Turner Weaving a Complex Narrative: How Writing Action to Write Like J. R. R. Tolkien in Three Larry Correia Easy Steps. How to Market Your Book in An Elec- Deren Hansen tronic World Documentary and Lloyd Alexander Annie Oswald Q&A (cont.) Scare ’em While They’re Young Noon–12:50 pm Mikey Brooks, Patricia Castelli, Steve The Five Things You Should Know Diamond, J. R. Johansson, J. Scott Savage before Submitting Your Manuscript Making Time to Write to a Publisher Chas Hathaway Chris Schoebinger

35 How to Draw Robots, Vehicles, and 3:00–3:50 pm Other Machines Characterization That Isn’t Over- Where do pieces fit together, how do you wrought or Uneven make an object look metallic or plastic or glassy, etc. Paul Genesse, Deren Hansen, Clint John- son, Tristi Pinkston, J. Scott Savage Jessica Douglas, Brian C. Hailes Writers of the Future 2:00–2:50 pm David Farland and WOTF winners Crafting a Mystery within Your Novel Reviewing Novels and Being Reviewed Tara C. Allred, Shirley Bahlmann, Ra­chelle Christensen, Clint Johnson, Peter Steve Diamond, Abel Keogh, Tiffini Orullian, Eric Swedin Knight, Melissa Lemon, Loralee Leavitt, Donna Milakovic, Brett Peterson Working with Clients Art for Children’s and YA Books Jeff Brimley, Rebecca J. Greenwood, Jess Smart Smiley, Mikey Brooks What styles to use and how to depict ideas. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space: Mikey Brooks, Rebecca J. Greenwood, Fifty Years of Doctor Who James A. Owen, Jess Smart Smiley In celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Doctor, a discussion of various Flight from Shadow and Theory of aspects of the whoniverse from compan- Production Design: A Presentation by ions, time/space travel, enemies, story- McGrew Studios on What Production lines, The Doctor’s past, and theories of Design Is, Why It’s Important, and his timey-wimey future. What’s Involved Chris Ekstrom, John Gale, James A. Jen McGrew, Hraefn Wolfsun Owen, Steven L. Peck Voices from the Dead: EVPs and How “The Doomsday Club: Embracing to Capture the Past (cont.) ­Genuine Apocalyptic Themes in Science­ Fiction” 4:00–4:50 pm Jen Wahlquist Xenobiology

Writing Humor That Goes beyond Slap- Dr. Kyle Bishop, Dr. Steven L. Peck, stick and Parody Dr. Eric Swedin, Roger White Platte F. Clark, Larry Correia, Robert J Writing Your First Book Defendi (M), Craig Nybo, Berin Stephens, Chas Hathaway Eric James Stone MIB Games Voices From the Dead: EVPs and How Dennis Lundstrom to Capture the Past (2 hours) Tom Carr, Russ Cook, Jessica Rice How to Reach Readers through Ama- zon and Sell More eBooks Aaron Patterson

36 Podcasting 101: The How To’s of Start- Effective Book Covers: How to Choose ing and Running a Podcast What to Depict on Your Book Cover Tom Carr, Shanda Cottam, Revan, Scene, character, emotion, theme, etc. J. Scott Savage, Howard Tayler to make it intriguing, marketable, and accurate to the story. Creating a Worthwhile Damsel in Bryan Beus, Jeff Brimley, Rebecca J. Distress Greenwood (M), Brian C. Hailes, James A. Rachelle Christensen, Robert J Defendi, Owen, Isaac Stewart Deren Hansen, Danyelle Leafty, Robison Self Editing Wells

5:00–5:50 pm Tristi Pinkston Evolution and Ecology in Science Hickman’s Pick-A-Path Musical (2 hours) Fiction Tracy and Laura Hickman Dr. Steven L. Peck 6:00–6:50 pm Writing Modern Fantasy Writing for Comics and Webcomics Larry Correia, Julie Frost, Mette Ivie C K Edwards, Brian C. Hailes (M), Harrison, Luisa M. Perkins, Megan Wha- Aneeka Richins, Nathan Shumate, Jess len Turner, Michael Young, Smart Smiley, Emily Sorensen Publishers Panel Professional Networking in the Pub- lishing World Christopher Loke (Jolly Fish Press), Aaron Patterson (StoneHouse Ink), Brett Donna Milakovic Peterson (TM Publishing), Chris Schoebin- Creating a Language 1 ger (Shadow Mountain) (2 hours) Dr. Dirk Elzinga

37 Drawing Hands and Feet The Wizard of OZ: Why Is It Different Rebecca J. Greenwood from Everything Else? Mikey Brooks, Blake Casselman, David The Business of Designing Card Games Farland, Angie Lofthouse, Dene Low, Jen

August Larson McGrew Hickman’s Pick-A-Path Musical (cont.) Write for the Market or Write What You Know? 7:00–7:50 pm Tracy Hickman, Lisa Mangum, L. E. What Can You Do with Robots? Modesitt Jr., Scott R. Parkin (M), J. Scott Scott Bascom, Kyle Bishop, Robert J Savage, Michael Young Defendi, Roger White, Dan Willis Social Media Q&A Brainstorming with Your Subconscious, Mette Ivie Harrison, PeterO ­ rullian, or Courting Your Muse Heather Ostler, Sandra Tayler (M), Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury ­Robison Wells Cartography, or How To Make Good Writing the Opposite Gender in Genre Maps Fiction Isaac Stewart Shirley Bahlmann, Clint Johnson, Zombies: The Relevance of the Ameri- ­Kristen Landon, L. L. Muir can Zombie (ec) Sticky, Icky, Spectacular! Making Dr. Kyle Bishop Science Fun with Candy Experiments

Designing Webcomics Loralee Leavitt Aneeka Richins 10:00–10:50 am Creating a Language 1 Projecting Possible Futures through (cont.) Historical Analysis 8:00 pm How did we get where we are today? Mass Autograph Signing How will 2100 look different from now? Scott Bascom, Stan Crowe, James A. (see listing on page 39) Owen, Eric Swedin, Megan Whalen Turner Movie: Dawn of the Dragonslayer Advanced Point of View Movie: Documentary Lloyd Alexander Filking Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury Why Conlangs?: When Apostrophes Saturday, February 16 Just Don’t Cut It Tolkien called it the “Secret Vice,” but 9:00–9:50 am constructed languages are showing Worldbuilding 101: Where Do You up more and more in popular culture. Even Start? What motivates people to take up this Jaleta Clegg, Larry Correia, Robert J art form? Defendi, James A. Owen, Howard Tayler, Dr. Dirk Elzinga, Dr. Paul N. Hyde, Dan Willis Logan Kearsley, Charles Stanford 38 Book Signing

Subject to change. You are also welcome to ask authors to sign books before or afer panels, but please be courteous and defer to their schedule. Friday, 8 pm Megan Whalen Turner, Cheree Alsop, J. A. Anderson, Amber Argyle, Michelle Davidson Argyle, Arrowstorm Entertainment (Anne Black, Jason Faller, Kohl Glass, Kynan Griffin, John Lyde), Mikey Brooks, Dave (D. J.) Butler, Kerrigan Byrne, Al Carlisle, Rachelle J. Christensen, Platte F. Clark, Jaleta Clegg, Larry Correia, Jared Crossley, Kristyn Crow, Mark Forman, Bill Galvan, Valerie Gardner, Stephen and Teresa Gashler, Chas Hathaway, Tiffinie Helmer, Bill Housley, Jenni James, Kristen Landon, Loralee Leavitt, Melissa Lemon, Angie Lofhouse, Lisa Mangum, Valerie Mechling, Stephen Miller, L. E. Modesitt Jr., Chad Morris, Jennifer Nielsen, Craig Nybo, Peter Orullian, Heather Ostler, James A. Owen, Lehua Parker, Steven L. Peck, Luisa Perkins, J. Dan Raisor, Jeff Scott Savage, Nathan Shumate, Jess Smart Smiley, Emily Sorensen, Berin Stephens, Isaac Stewart, Eric James Stone, Eric Swedin, Joe Vasicek, Robison Wells, Kasie West, Roger White, Tyler Whitesides, Michelle Witte, Julie Wright, Thomas Wright, James Wymore


Join your fellow bards each evening for memorable music. Filking (also known as The Bardic Circle) has been a tradition since before the Hobbit walked Middle Earth. Folk songs and poems have been set to music, changing lyrics at times to cre- atively fit science fiction and fantasy themes; thus, ìfilkingî. Bring your guitar, lute, or simply your voice and make musical magic with us. Nathan Langford, LTUE chair, has been a master Bard since childhood, and will be conducting this event each night. Participants may perform their own tunes or bring copies of music for fellow filkers to join in a jolly sing-along.


Please check at the registration table for the schedule of readings. 39 Screenwriting and Scriptwriting Noon–12:50 pm Blake Casselman, Platte F. Clark, Tricks on How To Make a Living as an Michaelbrent Collings, Nathan Shumate, Author Roger White David Farland What You Need to Know to Write Sci- Writing Fantastic Description (and ence Fiction or Fantasy Knowing Where to Put It)

Jaleta Clegg (M), David Farland, Deren Amber Argyle, Michelle Davidson Hansen, Scott R. Parkin, Eric James Stone, Argyle, Frank L. Cole, Chad Morris, Peter Brad R. Torgersen Orullian, Andrea Pearson (ec) Using Comics and Graphic Novels Creating Fantasy Art: Fantastic Mon- in the Classroom sters, Armor, Weapons, Heroes and Bill Galvan, Drew Robbins, Jess Smart Villains, etc. Smiley, Robert St. Jacques Jessica Douglas, Bobbie Berendson W., 11:00–11:50 am Brian C. Hailes, James A. Owen, Mikey Keynote Address Brooks Megan Whalen Turner XDM Xtreme Dungeon Mastery Tracy Hickman, Howard Tayler

40 Using Anthropology for Inspiration 2:00–2:50 pm Anna del C. Dye, Deren Hansen, Megan What Makes a Book MG or YA? Hutchings, Diann T. Read, Michelle Witte Bree Despain, Judith Engracia, Jenni (ec) Successful Author and Illustrator James, Kristen Landon, Dene Low, Chad School Visits Morris Kristyn Crow, Kristen Landon, Leann Character, Conflict, and Plot: The Moody, Will Terry Three Components of Story Telling 1:00–1:50 pm Craig Nybo How Does Your Story Mean? Cautionary Tales from a First Time Why Milieu, Idea, Character and Event Writer, or What I Wish I’d Known matter when you’re writing sf&f Before I Sold my First Book Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury (M), Rachelle Christensen, Mette Ivie Harri- David Farland, L. E. Modesitt Jr., Scott R. son, Janci Patterson, Julie Wright, Michael Parkin, J. Scott Savage Young Antihero Evolution: Writing for Today’s Zombies: The Persistence of the Living Market with an Antihero Protagonist Dead David Butler, Al Carlisle, Platte F. Clark, Kyle Bishop, Tom Carr, Carter Reid, Jennifer Nielsen, Eric Swedin Nathan Shumate (M), Ross Wolfe The Structure of Epic Fantasy (ec) The Best Science Fiction and Fan- Tracy Hickman tasy Books for Youth

Writing and Record-Keeping Tech- Patricia Castelli, Marilee Clark nologies and Media Flight from Shadow (Wheel of Time Charles Stanford fan film) andAnd the Wheel Turns: The Journey behind Flight from Shadow (ec) Making Fantasy an Integral Part Docu­mentary and Panel Q&A (cont.) of the Common Core Classroom Rachel Wadham 3:00–3:50 pm The Power of Tolkien’s Prose: Middle- ( Flight from Shadow Wheel of Time Earth’s Magical Style fan film) andAnd the Wheel Turns:

The Journey behind Flight from Shadow Steven C. Walker Docu­mentary and Panel Q&A (2 hours) Being LDS and Writing Horror This is the World Premiere Showing of this documentary. Blake Casselman, Dr. Michael R. Collings, Michaelbrent Collings, Steve R. Jason Ball, Blake Casselman, Bryan Diamond, Zachary Hill, Nathan Shumate Dayley, Aydanna Hallett, Danny James, Jen McGrew, James Christian Morris, Tom Using History and Folklore to Enrich Post, David Powell, Ulfric Silverwolf, David Your World Skousen, Hraefn Wulfson Give your fictional world richness and depth through history and folklore.

41 Come learn how to create believable Space Travel without Warp Drive histories and tales or superstitions that So you can’t go faster than light. Now make sense within your world. what? How to build a good story around David Farland, L. E. Modesitt Jr., James hard-science technologies. A. Owen, Charles Stanford, Roger White Scott Bascom, Eric James Stone, Howard What a Mainstream Author Needs to Tayler, Roger White Know to Write YA (or Younger) Creating a Language 2 (2 hours)

Danyelle Leafty, Megan Whalen Turner, Dr. Dirk Elzinga Tyler Whitesides, Julie Wright, Michael Young The Business of Art Writing Science as Fiction How to get yourself out and known, to David Yurth market your skills, get a job, etc. Bobbie Berendson W., Brian C. Hailes, Keele’s Korner (2 hours) Steve Keele, James A. Owen, Howard Tayler Steve Keele How to Survive a 1980s Horror Film 4:00–4:50 pm Tom Carr, Blake Casselman, Michael- Zombies and You: A Guide to What brent Collings, Carter Reid, Nathan Constitutes an “Apocalypse” Shumate

Ross Wolfe Hit Man Backstories Al Carlisle

Michelle Davidson Argyle, Robert J 6:00–6:50 pm Defendi, Tracy Hickman, L. E. Modesitt Jr., Rachel Ann Nunes, Eric Swedin Mormon Perspectives on Tolkien

The Five Plots of Children’s Picture Bobbie Berendson W., David Farland, Books Jonathan D. Langford, Steven C. Walker Mikey Brooks Technology of the Future We look back at some of the old TV The Engines of Exploration shows and movies and laugh at their A look at how commodities (like spices concept of future computer technology. and chocolate) have shaped world To keep the next generation from laugh- exploration, commerce and piracy, ide- ing at your retro-future tech, where ologies, etc. might we be headed and what can you Kevin Evans, James A. Owen, Charles postulate for a plausible future? Stanford, Howard Tayler, Megan Whalen Scott Bascom, Charles Stanford, Eric Turner, Roger White James Stone, David Yurth Keele’s Korner (cont.) Alien Office Chair 5:00–5:50 pm Can your human really use alien tech, and what happens when he tries? Writing Romance without Erotica Robert J Defendi, Mark L. Forman, Amber Argyle, Bill Housley, L. L. Muir, Angie Lofthouse Rachel Ann Nunes, Tristi Pinkston 42 To Boldly Go . . . Where no Westercon has gone before! Westercon 67 Celebration of Science Fiction and Fantasy Cory Doctorow Author, Technology Activist, Celebrated Blogger on BoingBoing.com The Writing Excuses team —Novelist Brandon Sanderson—Fantasy Novelist Howard Tayler—Artist —Horror Novelist Chris Garcia Fan Guest of Honor Hugo Award-winning Fanzine Editor of Drink Tank Curator of the Computer History Museum

Salt Lake City ◊ July 3–6, 2014 Marriott Downtown at City Creek 75 South West Temple, SLC, UT 84101

Rates: Attending: $50 Supporting: $25 INFO: www.utahwestercon.org ◊ Facebook: Utah ◊ Twitter: @Westercon67 Snail-mail: Westercon 67, PO Box 360, Orem, UT 84057

Art © Kevin Wasden. Used with permission. “Westercon” is a registered service mark of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. eBook Publishing there will be no tickets available at the door ($30/person, seating limited). Mikey Brooks, David Butler, Michael-

brent Collings, Abel Keogh, Aaron Patter- Toastmaster: Tracy Hickman son, Nyssa Silvester Movie: Unicorn City Mentalist/Mindreading Show (2 hours) Movie: Flight of Shadow Mike Sorensen Mentalist/Mindreading Show (cont.) Filking Creating a Language 2 (cont.) 7:00–7:50 pm Gala Banquet Please join us to top off a great year! Tickets must be purchased in advance;

It’s only one year away! Life, the Universe, & Everything 32!

DragonComet Short Story Contest, Odyssey Poetry Contest, and Aether Illustration Contest Deadline: postmarked by November 14, 2013 Complete rules and information: ltue.net

Come join in the fun! Be part of the committee! Ask one of the current members how to get involved. (Meetings most Saturdays in the library on BYU campus.)