Polish Journal for American Studies Vol. 7 (2013)

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Polish Journal for American Studies Vol. 7 (2013) TYTUŁ ARTYKUŁU 1 Polish Journal for American Studies Journal for 7 (2013) Polish Vol. | Polish Journal for American Studies Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies and the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw Vol. 7 (2013) Irmina Wawrzyczek Rethinking the History of the American Revolution: An Interview with Michal Jan Rozbicki Julia Fiedorczuk Marianne Moore’s Ethical Artifice Shelley Armitage Black Looks and Imagining Oneself Richly: The Cartoons of Jackie Ormes Józef Jaskulski The Frontier as Hyperreality in Robert Altman’s Buffalo Bill and the Indians ISSN 1733-9154 Jennifer D. Ryan Re-imagining the Captivity Narrative in Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves TYTUŁ ARTYKUŁU 1 Polish Journal for American Studies Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies and the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw Vol. 7 (2013) Warsaw 2013 2 IMIĘ NAZWISKO MANAGING EDITOR Marek Paryż EDITORIAL BOARD Paulina Ambroży, Patrycja Antoszek, Zofia Kolbuszewska, Karolina Krasuska, Zuzanna Ładyga ADVISORY BOARD Andrzej Dakowski, Jerzy Durczak, Joanna Durczak, Andrew S. Gross, Andrea O’Reilly Herrera, Jerzy Kutnik, John R. Leo, Zbigniew Lewicki, Eliud Martínez, Elżbieta Oleksy, Agata Preis-Smith, Tadeusz Rachwał, Agnieszka Salska, Tadeusz Sławek, Marek Wilczyński REVIEWERS FOR VOL. 7 Andrzej Antoszek , Jerzy Durczak, Joanna Durczak, Julia Fiedorczuk, Jacek Gutorow, Grzegorz Kość, Anna Krawczyk-Łaskarzewska, Krystyna Mazur, Zbigniew Mazur, Anna Pochmara ISSN 1733-9154 Copyright by the authors 2013 Polish Association for American Studies, Al. Niepodległości 22, 02-653 Warsaw www.paas.org.pl Publisher: Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw ul. Nowy Świat 4, 00-497 Warsaw www. angli.uw.edu.pl Typesetting, cover design by Bartosz Mierzyński Cover image courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ppmsca-13707 Nakład: 130 egz. Printed by Sowa – Druk na życzenie phone: +48 22 431 81 40 www.sowadruk.pl TYTUŁ ARTYKUŁU 3 Table of Contents In Memory of Andrzej Antoszek (1971–2013) ................................ 7 ARTICLES Irmina Wawrzyczek Rethinking the History of the American Revolution: An Interview with Michal Jan Rozbicki ...................................... 9 Julia Fiedorczuk “The profession of humility”: Marianne Moore’s Ethical Artifice ............... 19 Marta Kmiecik “Does it seem I . poet-wit? Shame on me then!”: Laura (Riding) Jackson’s Refusal to Play the Game of Poetry ................... 35 Tadeusz Pióro Death and Heroism in the Work of Frank O’Hara and Andy Warhol............ 49 Alicja Piechucka “Saint Brother and Saint Sister”: The Motif of Fraternal Incest in Gladys Huntington’s Madame Solario ..................................... 65 Shelley Armitage Black Looks and Imagining Oneself Richly: The Cartoons of Jackie Ormes ...... 83 Józef Jaskulski Dissecting the Commodified: The Frontier as Hyperreality in Robert Altman’s Buffalo Bill and the Indians ................................................ 103 Krzysztof K. Kietzman Between Eden and Utopia: Techno-Innocence and Cyber-Rapture in William Gibson’s Neuromancer .......................................... 117 4 Table of Contents Jennifer D. Ryan “The Omphalos of All We Are”: Re-imagining the Captivity Narrative in Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves ................................... 141 Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis “A Kitchen of Her Own”: Chicana Identity Negotiations Framed Through Foodways in Carla Trujillo’s What Night Brings .............................. 157 Mirosław Aleksander Miernik The Evolution of Emo and Its Theoretical Implications ....................... 175 REVIEW ESSAY Kacper Bartczak Poetry and Epistemology .................................................. 189 REVIEWS Bożenna Chylińska. The Gospel of Work and Wealth in the Puritan Ethic: From John Calvin to Benjamin Franklin (Mirosława Buchholtz) ............... 201 Paweł Jędrzejko, Milton M. Reigelman, and Zuzanna Szatanik, eds., Hearts of Darkness: Melville, Conrad and Narratives of Oppression; Paweł Jędrzejko, Milton M. Reigelman, and Zuzanna Szatanik, eds., Secret Sharers: Melville, Conrad and Narratives of the Real (Paweł Stachura) .......................... 205 Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis, Aristocratic Ethos in Ellen Glasgow’s and Walker Percy’s Fiction (Emmeline Gros) ..................................... 208 Alexander Leicht, The Search for a Democratic Aesthetics: Robert Rauschenberg, Walker Evans, William Carlos Williams (Grzegorz Kość) ...................... 212 Ewa Łuczak, ed., Toni Morrison (Alicja Piechucka) ........................... 215 Anne Mihan. Undoing Difference? Race and Gender in Selected Works by Toni Morrison and Jeanette Winterson (Justyna Włodarczyk).................. 219 Table of Contents 5 Karsten Fitz, ed., Visual Representations of Native Americans: Transnational Contexts and Perspectives (Joanna Ziarkowska) ................. 222 Christina Judith Hein, Whiteness, the Gaze, and Transdifference in Contemporary Native American Fiction (Joanna Ziarkowska) ................. 227 Ewa Alicja Antoszek, Out of the Margins: Identity Formation in Contemporary Chicana Writings (Izabela Kimak) ............................ 231 Volker Depkat and Meike Zwingenberger, eds., Visual Cultures–Transatlantic Perspectives (Zuzanna Ładyga) ........................ 234 CONTRIBUTORS ....................................................... 239 6 IMIĘ NAZWISKO TYTUŁ ARTYKUŁU 7 In Memory of Andrzej Antoszek (1971–2013) I knew Andrzej Antoszek for a quarter of a century—longer than any other Polish Americanist—since we played on the same high-school basketball team and studied together in the English program at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. After grad- uating, Andrzej went on to work at the Department of English at the Catholic University of Lublin, while I enrolled as a graduate student in English at the Univer- sity of Warsaw. Passionately engaged in American Studies in Poland, Andrzej did important work in two fields: postmodernism and African American Studies. His doctor- al dissertation on Don DeLillo paved the way for a group of young Polish academ- ics who continue to work on postmodern fiction. Andrzej was among the first authors in Poland to publish scholarly as well as popular essays on cyberpunk and avant-pop at a time when these phenomena were still unknown to the Polish reading audience. His activity as a scholar and critic was not limited to strictly academic pursuits; he was a frequent contributor—as author or translator—to literary journals and served as a guest-editor for such established jour- nals as Akcent and Magazyn Sztuki. He translated into Polish the works of prominent American writers, among others Susan Sontag and Robert Coover. Andrzej’s achievement in the field of African American Studies was perhaps even greater than his contribution to the study of postmodern American literature and culture. In 2009, he co-edited a volume of essays entitled Black on White: African Americans Who Challenged America; this book is the most comprehensive presen- tation of African American culture, literature, and history in the Polish language to date, a true milestone of American Studies in Poland. He performed his academic and other duties with utmost professionalism and dedication. In 2006, he co-organized an international seminar on African American culture in Puławy; this event provided a strong impulse for a further development of African American Studies in Poland and East-Central Europe. 8 In Memory of Andrzej Antoszek (1971–2013) The international community of scholars and students was his natural environ- ment: he gave papers and lectures in Europe, the United States, Australia and Japan, as well as organized workshops for translators at the Imperial College in London. He had ambitious plans for the future: he was developing a new project on contemporary African American culture’s engagement with the social, political and economic life of the black community and wanted to do the major part of research during a Fulbright Fellowship at the University of California. Andrzej was about to complete his post-doctoral book entitled “Domesticated Narratives. Contemporary Polish Representations of African American Culture: Rap and Hip Hop Lyrics, Moving Pictures and Other Stories”; we agreed on the dates when he would send me the manuscript and I submit the review to the publisher. The man- uscript never reached me. The untimely passing of this outstanding scholar is an enormous loss to the Amer- ican Studies community in Poland. Marek Paryż An Interview with Michal Jan Rozbicki 9 Irmina Wawrzyczek Rethinking the History of the American Revolution: An Interview with Michal Jan Rozbicki Michal Jan Rozbicki (b. 1946) is currently Professor of History at Saint Louis University and Director of the SLU Center for Intercultural Studies, which he founded in 2011. To the middle generation of Polish Americanists he is better remembered as the Director of the American Studies Center at the University of Warsaw, 1987–1990, Managing Editor of the Center’s periodical American Studies (now The Americanist) in the years 1985–1994, and a co-founder of the Polish Association for American Studies in 1990. His academic trajectory began in Poland with studying Protestantism as a vehicle for the diffusion of scientific ideas across seventeenth-century northern Europe and England. Then he went on to look at how metropolitan cultural values changed when transmitted to British America, and explored the colonial origins of American identity. These lines of inquiry
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