^ aver ag e OAILT CBODLAnON ^ ^ fer the Moath of April, 1988 d ^ s

^ ^ . 6,124 r Bfenber e< Ifee Aodt* , - Bureau of ClreulatloM

Q «««rany fair tonight and Wednea- ^ ellghtly cooler tonight. MANCHESTER — A CTTY OP VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL,i»|0. ^ tCfaaaUled AdverUslBg oe F iv e U ) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, MAY 10.1938


CHURCHILL IN Clubs Fly As U. A. W. Pickets and Police Clash *9-





SoHgeste Scheine Of Keep-| 49 HURT BY BLASTS Armed Peace Based Oo Dr. Koo Ifints That Only One

Nation Has Done Any* league CoyenanE Would

IN AN ENGLISH MINE thng To Help Chinese Protect SmaHer Nations.

To Resist The Invaders. Number Of Others Trapped Loodon, May 10.—(AP) — Brlt- Fifty Men on Strike ala’i RebelUoua tory, Winitoo Churchill, atepped forward today aa (SenevA May 10— (A P )—Dr. V. Underground; Women

the natlon’a new champion of Inter- K. Wellington Koo. Chinese delegate At Bigelow-Sanford national Idealism and offered a plan to the League df NaUona, today And Children Gather for armed peace based upon League asked the League Council to apply of Nations principles. provisions of the (Covenant In giv- ’The fighting wartime chief of Thompsonviile Plant Around Shaft As Dead British sea forces. In a speech at ing (China aid against Japan. Manchester last night, touched off a He cited two resoIuUons. one by And Injured Are Brought Thompsonville, May 10.— (A P ) — *era tonight at tountry-wlde campaign to whip to- the League Assembly last October _ a mass meeting called About 50 employes In the shipping for 7 p. m. gether a non-party movement dedl- and another by the (Council In Feb- cat^, to formation of a teu-power ruary, which recommended that department of tte ThompsonvUIe- A fter listening to tte shIpperA To The Surface— Fear entente with the League Covenant League members consider Individusl plant of tte Blgelow-Sanford (Jar- Fortier asserted: * as ita guiding star. aid to (ChlnA pet company walked out today “They (shippers) walked out In The Manchester gathering was “ W itt one excepUon.” he said, claiming tte firm waa making "ex- protest claiming the company was Many More Liyes L o it toe first of a series under the guid- none of the League members had tra efforts to expedite shipments on' niaklng extra efforts to expedite ance of the powerful League of Na- shipments on the day before a come to China’s aid. He did not tte day before a atrike ultimatum tions Union calling on the world—In name the country which had sup- becomes effective." strike ultimatum becomes effective CburcblU’s . words— to '(arm and They report extra help was brought Duckmanton. Derbyshh% plied the help, but It was believed The shippers arrived at union stand by the covenant." Into tte shipping department from EnglaniJ, May 10.__ (A P)-— he referred to Soviet RussIa quarters here aimuitaneously with Churchill said he would like to ■otter departments and tte ahippera the arrival of a committee of rep- Seventy-two miners were kill- see France and Britain ’’go to all “China expects to receive from had been asked to do more work otter members of the League ma- resentatives of tte Carpet Work- ed, 49 were known to be in- the smaller states that are"menaced! Automob^ Workers’^lnef*outawt” th!f’M Detroit patrolmen than usual. I forced path through United terial aid and effecUve cooperation ers’ Union local here headed by jured and a number o f othesn ^ t are going to be devoured one at least four men te m ^ ra rS ^ to h ^n ltaU 1/Company plant. “An executive committee of tte by one by N ail tyranny, and say t o ______-uporaruy « , nospltaU is pictured above at toe heigh The melee which sent In restraining the forces of aggrea' President Arthur Fortier, who had loc^ union Is meeting with Elliott were entombed in the wredeed height of the club swinging. been In New York conferring with them “We aren’t going to help you Sion," he declared. I. Peterson, superintendent of the company officials over a 10 per cent workings today after two vio- If you aren’t going to help your- “ Such aid and cooperaUon Is more plant here, in an effort to adjust urgent because It will hasten the wage cut ordered by tte latter. these difficulties.” w«MJlo8ions in the selves. Are you prepared to take Fortier aaid: special service In defense of the ! termination of hoetlllties and Insure Before Fortier and his committee Markham coal mine. ^ “A strike Is Imminent on Wednes- Covenant?” ’ the defeat of the forcee o f disorder returned here, Gilbert Vaughan, While rescue squads search- CAPT. INGERSOLL and violence. day morning unless tte company The states he listed as possible BIG SPENDING BILL agrees to arbitrate.” vice president o f tte union, said ed underground fo r trapped members of the Entente were Yugo- "In the name o f roy government that things look “very dark” aa tte He stated be would make a com- victims, Captain H. p I S. slavia, Rumania. Hungary, Czecho- I ask toe Council to apply provl' more than 2,800 workers awaited a slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece and Tur- plete report before tte-union work- report from the union prealdent. Crijokshank, minister for WINS PROMOTION sions of the (Covenant and ImpIC' key— with the way left open for aid ment the resolutions of the assem^ mines, Informed the House of from Soviet Russia In the event of SUPPLIES JOBS FOR bly and council with concrete meas- war. ures. Commons of the disaster. Italy May Help Chief Of Navy’s W ar Hans Would End War Through grim coincidenei*. He expressed toe belief that Italy “By such action, Japanese aggres- ANOTHER JURY WITNESS the question of danger frem also might cooperate eventually in 4 MILLION PERSONS sion Witt all its horrors and cruelty explosions in mines was up be- such an alliance, adding “If we Division To Be Made A may effecUvely be brought to an rauld get as far as that, toe war fore Commons as a result of early end and the principles of the danger would be removed perhaps League, Indispensable for the eatab- MISSING IN WATERBURY EUis Smith, Laborite, aakinp’

for our lifetime and the United Rear Admiral; His Record llehmenta of durable peace In the what waa being done to pro- ” ^ ^ s would signal her encourage- Honse Body ReporU On The JAPS REINFORCE world, may be fully vindicated." vent repetition of such bluto ment and sympathy." Formation of a combination of na- Measure Which Is Being Earlier British Foreign Secretary aa the one last July at t)io Wiuhlngton. May 10 — (A P ) __ Viscount HalUax told the League Business Associate of For- tions “for mutual defense against ^ P te in Royal E. Ingersoll, chief of Brympo coal mine at Stoko- : Council that the recent Angto-ltal- probable aggreasor", ChurcbUi aaid. ntOOPS IN CHINA the Navy’s war plans division, who LATE NEWS o n -^ e n t when 27 miners lort ^ a “highest moral duty and vir Poshed Toward Passage lan agreement waa a contribuUon to JStMw iripi British naval authori- world peace, thereby aiding tte mer City Comptroller their lives. ties In evolving a program for blg- “We must gather together around cause tor which the League waa Women GiMier As Qnickly As Possible. ger tattleships, was promoted today built. ^ Joint strengths of Britain and five New Divisions On Way to the rank o f rear admiral. Takes Ship For Europe; FLASHES! Sobbing women gathered arooad rranee and under authority of a President Roosevelt sent bis name The tall Briton was followed by tte pithead aa the dead and Injunid League of Countries prepared to re- France’s foreign minister, (Ceorges were brought to the aurtaeo. Sconoi Washington, May 10 — fA P ) — to the Senate for confirmation, and Sod BEARING POSTPONED sist and If possible prevent acta To Help StaHed Soldiers Bonnet, who echoed bis words In Says Father WasE wer® parUcularly grievoua la when the Senate approves his new Bridgeport, May 1(^(AP)— A the violent aggression’’, be declared Th« admIniBtraUon’B 13,084,428,000 W k . Ingersoll will be sent to San defending tte French-Itallan agree- little morttiary where • wlvea -nd »t*«mpt to quuh Path to Safety •pending-lendlng bill will provide ^ d ro , Ctallf., to command the Sixth ment which still la under negotia- relaUvea sought to Identify the “ There Is the path to safety and In South Shantung Area. tion. Waterbury, May 10.,^(AP) —The Merritt Parkway Grand Jury Indlct- Jobs for 4,138,000 persona, the House O iilser Division consisting of four m wta charging oommon law eon- bodies, marked by yeUow taga. there Is the only guarantee of free- heavy cruisers. r Lord Halifax said the fact that Waterbury Grand Jury working One woman found that tour m e*- dom.” It was Ingersoll who went to Britain and Italy were able to reach ^ '’ tS a y esUmat- against the handicap of a swelling bera of her famUy were atlU la tha He scathingly condemned any Shanghai. May lO— (A P ) —Three London during the winter to confer an agreement enUUed both to claim !Sr • * * "* 7or the state, was list of unavailable witnesses, re- postpoM nntJI Thursday In Sn- blasted workings, tte lr fate un- poata pact Witt Germany which 1 Included that Japanese columns advanced steadily with British navy officials on the a contribution "to tte cause of In- might return her war-lost colonies sumed work today In the midst of perior Court here today. determined. recommending northward toward the vital Lunghal BriUsh blft battleship program and ternational peace, thereby strength- or result In muzzling the BriUsh "ubmltted the projeeftd naval program of tola growing speculation as to whether P ^ *P °'»«n en t waa agreed to Whole Shift Trapped railway today as Bve new divlaions ening tte cause which this great by ^ a Attorney Lerln W. WIIUs press. ttortly tefore the House began de- country. society exists to serve.” It would formally acquaint the 3u- 81 bate on the measure. of troOTs were reported enroute The two terrifle exploslooa, trap* ■T ^ t policy", he asserted. "Is one He waa atlll In England when the Booemelt’* Statement pclor Court with Ita difficulties. ping an entire shift In tte oolUm , wWch, In my view would be dlsgrace- from Japan to reinforce the stale- purpose of the legis- Congressional hearings on the big Among the facta Halifax cited In Officials connected with tte In- spread grief through tte little vil- ffll and disastrous. In the first place lation the report said, la to furnish mated drive In south Shantung. quiry Into Waterbury municipal ^ n n e d to argue the motion today navy bill opened, and some (Con- defense of tte agreement waa Presi- lage of Duckmanton, a neat cluatar It would lead us straight to war. speedily “direct employment on the Foreign military observers ex- affairs appeared outwardly unnif- before Jndge Kenneth WynnA ^ gressmen sought to bring out that dent Roosevelt’s statement on the of red brick cottages lying some We should be helplessly gagged, ap- f^^Sn'♦h *“ <|‘rect employment away P'‘t^®^ the beUef the Shantung Captain Ingeraoll’s converaatlona fied by the absence of persons whom subject which tte British foreign demands (X>NFERENCE distance from tte mine. I ^ U y consenting spectators to f i ^ the Bite of work, for some of '^“ Uld remain deadlocked leaned toward a naval entente be- tte Jury wishes to question. Relia- untU the Invadbra, could organize a secretary said was "peculiarly the horrors which would spread tta many mlUlons who are unem- tween the two countries. The gov- ble sources, however, reported some (Jhlldren whoM fathers wer* to through Central Europe." new offensive when the fresh troops gratifying to his Majesty’s govern- Preelilent Roosevelt waa tte pit gravely went to schooL Opa ployed and desUtute or haraased by arrived. ernment aald bis talks were solely ment.” apprehension was being felt that The press gave the elder states- exploratory. tte Jurors might be forced to pro- o^led upon today by PhlUp Murray, aaked a teacher: j ’Pleaae Mlaa, la It "ceptlon, some Chinese odnflrmed reports that (Prealdent Roosevelt said April long ttelr deliberation because of to bold bad?" group " unfortunate As director of the war plans divi- 19 that the United States govern- rojwrtlng It curtly and otters sion of the Navy, It haa been Inger- Immrtlotely a national conference Scores of rescuera stripped to Iragttlly but buried among obltu- (Uonttnoed on Page Two) ment viewed conclusion of the of Indoatriallato, labor Ics^re. conceded there soll 8 duty to draw up plans of bat- (UontlDaed on Page Two) the wralats, fought through ttxif falla agreement “with sympathetic Inter, farimra, financicra and mcrchanta Chroniri®"'^ Liberal News- t toe tte recent Anglo-Itallan agreement escape was blocked by fallen debris. has surrounded the country’s lead- He waa educated at toe Naval ra tlo n such a conference must w like a foul miasma’’, the News- •■nnarklng of the funds with ref- and French-Itallan negotlatlona, Rescuers, with gas masks, sealad ^ c e to Individual projects, local- A ca^ray and during the World War *” open” instead of BABY’S LEFT EYE received toe Navy Croma for hla W k ^ of Italian and Germin aid to NEW AIR SERYICE behind closed doors." Too nanv up one section of the pit to pravant whl?h*h * h"****' clarion call u*' otherwise would bog the Insurgenta In Spain’s civil war. gas from seeping through to the wnichhe haa sounded will find an vrork In organizing the communica- “ selfish gronps” hod been rum d ^ toe program and defeat the Oonoeriis Spain trapped miners. “ 11^°?* o^BrlUsh homes tions office of the Navy Depart- ning to the l ^ l t c House In their now tomayed by government feeble- p riM ry urgent end and aim of the Alvarez Del Vayo, although not entire proposal." Went. oum Interests," he said, and the time The second explewlon occutrad ness. on tte council, was given a seat at ahortly after 8 a. m. while Injured Hopeful They May Save Vi- -Admiral today’s public session because the Making Surrey For Landing had come for all “to get together succese of ChurehlU’e ‘ “ tal. the Standley to the London naval con- omelfishly around tte*^ o o n f e S from the first blast were being plan ^ I d mean defeat of the Con- “ sverage of 2,800,000 ference which resulted in the Lon- outline by Viscount Halifax, British brought out. ^ I d be employed by the Works rarvative government’ overthrow of sion In Other; Had Rest- don naval treaty of T936. foreign secretary, of tte Anglo- Fields In Pacific Between The first blast about 6 A m. Prime Minister NevlUe Cbamber- Progress Administration for the Itallan agreement vitally concerned Ingersoll’s present home la at Spain. financier DIES ed heavy roof falls, and tte nearby ^ U c ^ “ upheaval In government ending next January LaPorte. Ind. hospital was told to expect un to ful Night In The Hospital For tte same reason Ethiopia’s Montclair, N. J., >Uy 10.__ (AP) PubUc Worlw General James 8. Jones Canada And New Zealifnd 100 casualties. Ad^nlstratlon for toe period of ita two representatives were among the — Italph T. Oane, (Ml, vice president to ^ ’ nominated spectators. One of them will ait M Brown Herriman and Uo„ New A dull rumbling followed by *78,000 by the to be a brigadier general In the ad- flashes o f flame and clouda of dust ]f°“ th AdmlnlstraUon In York Investment bankrra, and torm- CTlcago, May 20—(AP) — Baby jutant general’s department reserve. l^ndon. May 10 .— ( A P ) _ The signaled tte first blast to a shale Helalne Colan’s left eireball, remov- (Oontlnned Oo Page Eight) w president of the Investment SENATOR BRIDGES y **'’ “ <* 80,000 on BrltlBh government announced in seam 2,550 feet , deep aa tte nlgbt Federal public buildings. ed In an effort to save her Ufe, went ^ k e r s Association of Am encA the House of Commons today it was olea today, following a heart attack. shift was preparing to come to the Otter Jobe Provided under the microscope today for surface. In addition to the 4,138,000 total. examinations that might help physl. eonaldering establishment of an air • • • SCORES SPENDING ^ M m m lt t e e aald approprlaUons clTOs to preserve the vision In her service across tte Paclflc ocean PLAN COOPERATION. Rescue squads and anxious rsla- Wrov^ for the Civilian otter eye. Big Camouflaged Bombers from Canada to New Zealand. New York, .May 10.— (\P) — tlvae rushed to tte pithead. Sixty OMirarvatlon Corps would provide The 8% week old infant spent a Negotiations already are under ExmUves of fourteen of the ooun- stretchers were sent Into tte abaft. employment for 800.000 Indlriduals comfortable night after the surgical w jV W itt tte Dominions, and also ir y s largeet public ntaity boldins Telephone communlcatl(« waa Dechre* It b V ote-B q^ W toe next fiscal year, while 600.000 operation which a council o f 10 Poised For the W^ar Games ^th tte United States over owner- rompenlm today announced they maintained with the trapped men. “ ore i^ p ie would obtain work on medical experts decreed as the only ship o f certain Paclflc islands along had created a committee of live to and an adequate flow of air waa general pubUc works carried on un- recourse against death from glioma the proposed route, A. J. Muirhead. cooperate with the securitira and being maintained. of the retina. Scheme Of The New Deal M rragu lar appropriations to the undersecretary of state for air. an- erobange eommlsslon “ to brine The colliery la one of three owned 'venous government departments, TTiey were asked to make* a de- crazy-quUt patterna of war- ttorea. ’ - N »w England nounced. atout Bound and constructive solu- by tte Stavely Ctoal and Iron Com- time camoufiage hit tte gleaming tions of the problems oonfrontlne — of the big lending clslra whra Helaine’s parents were He wras replying to Abraham pany. An explosion to one of ^ Seye It b A Sweidle. unable to decide whether she ahould ■ra® ^ o n d Wing waa called hur- these companies." ®ad spending; measure became the *'“ * * bombers and L3^ , conservative, who had asked mines In January, 1937, killed alna undergo an operaUon and risk total tte blue-and-orange colorings of 7rom Ita home bsaea around The a^O n, taken In response to a men. Immddlata goal of admlnlatraUon Washington to temporary posts at whether “ In view of British Paclflc blindneaa or to be allowed to die f p ^ y attack and pursuit planes totaresta it la proposed to establsb augpstlon from the SEC,- was made edjourament by Pa . C^rd, N. H„ May 10—(AP)- , '*'1'* CMCeroua growth had des- tSday « 5e gSeral helS^ ' ?® ““llcan ranks haa Impaired that In the tte skies. ^ *“ “ *® •" 1 and to Allentown, P a . Lto- ; man of the SEC. dated May 6. right j caster. Pa , Camden, N. any and what steps have been taken ! Ig e M m ta l spending under the New Medical exper*- experts aald tte d l s ^ Ground crews wielded and ' •••*'• Rexford, N. Y,, May 10—(A P ) — »^jm,000,0MI4 ^ l^ n lvl“‘®’ pump-prlmlng *‘*y *" pro-“t® paint Aberdeen, Md. In tbe matter." roheme and aa would beB fatalf a t If_ It______reached_ the b ^ e a while tte fliers and r tiff MARKETS AT A GLANCE State police began dragging the ^ortt by the President of the Y°u*d end the practice*^ of brain through tte optic nerve. office™ awaited orders that would A t tte same time, the First Wing Muirhead said "tentative discus- New York, May 10.—(A P)— Mohawk river near here today for ^ n g lu in p -^ peUef approprU- was hurried to from the Paclflc B ta ^ . n o t t l^ more than a Dr. Robert H. Good, who perform- put them on a 24-bour-a-day war- sions have taken place with gov- Stocks— Irregular; earlv rally tte body o f a woman, believed to coast to northern New York state “1 swindle.** t l ; ^ t o t l » Prealdent. It v ^ d ed tbe operation, aaid tbe baby re- beginning Wednesday ernments of the Dominions concern- falls to bold. have been slain and tossed Into tte and pie lower New England states address prepared for dellv- ratain for him, however, the right acted favorably, experienced no midnight and continue without In- M and preliminary surveys are be- water. and tte Third Wing from the mid- Strong: traction Issues W y > ^ r o a gathering sponsored by f? y . ° " work relief and pub- pain, and lost leas than a half a tea- terruption tor six days. ing made on a number of Paclflc bid up. Ue worka projects. dle west to Long Island flelds. The action was taken after tha w ^JPubllcan Women's club of spoon of blood. - ?’ ’*- "Ulcers and enilrted men Islands which might be suitable, as finding of two female legs and an 1 Filers and ground crews of all Curb— Higher; utilltleB resist ad- Bridges asserted .,°y t;W •PPropriaUoos of 82,- Optic Nerve NornssI who fly the 170 planes, man t ^ air bases. vance. arm near here within a week. The W ort?'**T ^ _ Included. The ^ n s and bomb releases, or stay on ttree wings looked to the "brass “«*»ure8 have been He raportad tte eyeball waa eon- bate’" of the G. H. Q. A ir Force "The matter will be further con- ForelgB Exchange—Quiet; ster- second leg was (Uscovered yester- P™»l*™®tarlsUc o f the The ayeball, nervA and bone play to fighting off the Invader Asked by Lyons If “ these conver- Sugar—Improved; steady spot ed from tte same bo<^ . M en tal—hU face must be saved. PSrtnga were turned over to radio- war Involving tte entire O, H. O sations will be resumed torthwrltt,’’ mork^ts Air Force. w- Once tte "‘war” begins, aome- *‘® •oa to save hiaM ffk - —os a M - moat of t® Interrupt the Pacific coasta. delayed, unexpected resistance de- goverament of tte United States day exceeded by 6,488 Ita goal arttb n g ^ y e and savs what vlslea re- velops. «ro concerned. Washington, May 10 — (AP) __ t>MM faoe-savlng gestures have probably t o m ^ w . T^e American battle fleet bad ita a total of 851,114,38. to accept a oompromlae on the tax h a ^ full around Hawaii; t t e u w There win be simlUr disturbaaees ‘TTie matter Is Intimately bound 2i® o f toe Treasury on Donald Kaffenburgh, gaoesa) A b ^ t a l buUetln said Bafav ®^ng the aerial war games, to • * *) < ^ y enough alUps tor coast pa- ^ with the question of ownership chairman. p(4nted out today *«»»t •• Pifa Zm ) i trol give tte officers practice to quickly Recetota 838.841,428.77; expendl- « to the AUanUe while enemy o fo erta jn Iswods in the PaclflA acblaveniaat o f tbe goal would aaoRa w w h lp s and treop transports analyzing changing attuatloas and M out which eamwraatlons are tak- turaa 834.087,363,38: balance 83.- it poaalble for 33 ovarataa gM revlsisg thefr ptans accordingly. 811,485,234,90; customs receipts tn i.ig pUes^ toe menUi UonaJ-ofganixatlooa to racahw *tuu 4am m origtoaDy *%onsa to house" flower show in five old Wethersfield houses, on Oomars ea Bunflay afternoon. Oon- imd Mrs. Gardner Webster and son ENaUBSALE Tuesday, May 17, from 3 to tf p. m,. TEHRAN BANDSMBf tradletoiy to what the final score the Federated church are planning A-NaUBTOFEIE BIG SPENDING N U MAY ASSIGN PAYMENTS Raymond Mason Steele. Trinity CoUega, Hartford, spent toe to which the public la Invited. Lo- would le ^ one to believe, the game Bl UDGE0)MMnTEE to attend toe Older Boya and Girls cal people might combine the lat- The weekly Reading CTub met week-end at toe home of his par- '®‘® 8 »ln »n was not a thriller, nor did either Monday afternoon with Mrs. Mari- Conference to be held Friday and Millard la conveyed to Addle U Mil- ter with the garden openings for the Saturday at Stafford. ents, Mr. and Mra. Emery Clough. STATE NURSES OPEN SAHIRDAY, MAT 21 ENDORSE CAMPAIGN team show the pep that baa charac- TO SUPPLY JOBS FOR ON FARM CONSERVATION on A g ^ d Baker and sister. Miss lard. The property affected Is lo- benefit of Hartford A rt school on HI GH S CHOOL TEAM terised moat of the games between SEES CHANCE NOW The burial of Mra. Minnie B. W il- Hay 17 and again May lA tickets Lucile Agard. consists Weldon Drug these two teams. This winning nine liams * of Manchester, formerly of or about 11 acres. HARTFORD SESSIONS for which may be purchased of Mrs. 4 MILUON PERSONS May Be Used As Seenrity For .n ot theTolland waa held at toe South cem- Austin Cheney before Thursday at la the team that will carry the Tolland Federated church will serve Administratrix Deed Columbia colors In the city league Cash Or Advances To F i- etery, Tolland, In tha family plot PUBUejiKORDS According to an administratrix’ Tt Be Held h Vacant Store a reduced price. Deplore Fact That Yooths toe monthly supper at toe church Sunday afternoon. To Giye Testimonial Party In WUllmantle to compels In twi- fOeattamefl fro n Pag* Oao) Hopeful Of Getting PWA A1 nance 1938 Crops. Friday evening. May 13, at 6 Warrantee Deeds Mias Mary Chapman, past presi- The funeral of Mra. Ada Winter Pott®'-. Hartford, May 10—(A P ) — The light games for the city champion- o’clock, d. a. L Michael A. OrfitelU has deeded to administratrix of the estate of the dent of the club, gave a short talk Herricks of Ashford, a former Tol- Connnecticut State Nuraea’ Aaao- On Mam Street Between Hare Not Had Opportooi ship. revision bill and a*nd It U> 'ba Agricultural Conservation pay- AU roads will lead to the Commu- toe Town of Manchester, a atrip of late A ^ u r N, Potter, has convey- on "Hardy Borders," ths subject of To Basketball Champions lobnent; Assodation In land resident, waa held at toe Smith laet night's discussion. She advised On Friday evening in Yeomans White HOum. The Bsnats ments may be assigned as security land bordering Village atreet. ac- ed to Mary A. Benton and Sanford clatlon, representing more than 8.- opening to the Sam- and Walker funeral home in Put- digging and fertilising the soil for Hall the Columbia Orange playen Proved the tax legUlatlon yesterday. for cash or advancea to finance 1938 ple Fair sponsored by toe Tolland cording to a conveyance reconled deceased’s undivided 500 registered nurses, opened Its I Oak And Maple Streets. ty To Learn lostmments. presented------a three act comedy "The - ' All regular apprOpriationa Mila crops. Assignments may not be nam, Saturday afternoon. Several one half Interest In realty at 15 such a border two feet deep, and On Th irsday Might Meeting Last Niglit. Will follow toe from this vicinity attended. today by the Town a erk . The land 34 th annual meeting, a three-day while some people prefer a narrow Blue B ag" to a large and apprecla-. have passed the Houn, and another made to secure any Indebtedness Fair. Thirty-five prizes are to be la transferred to toe town for use LAncaater road. session, here today. Henry Hayden, a student at Trin- border. In her opinion 6 feet waa not tlve audience. The players were $1,104,000.00(1XWf meaaure1 for which waa Incurred In previous awarded during the evening. The In connection with highways. Notioa _ Mrs. Ethel P. Oarke. president of I H i* KwnchMter Oardm club'i Old time musicians, met'with the years, nor as payment of rent or ity College, spent the week-end at too wide for the proper display of The Manebeetar High aehool bM- HIM Harriet RoMnson, Mlaa Vlr- D#P«rtme«t-Jweat The Oonnectleut River Bridge As rommlttee have been untiring In Addle L. (Jelser, formerly Addle *®'' ''’ ® Diamond the association and principal o f toe I M ay mMUnK waa held la«t night at the variety of plants such a border committee from the schools con- ginia Maoht, Mlae M aty Saegda, yeaUrday. purchase of a farm. The payments their energy to make this affair a the home of hla parents. Mr. and Bridgeport hospital school of nura-l ketball taam. New England CSiam- aodatlon, comprised of represents^ Mra. W. Hoyt Hayden. L. Millard, has transferred to Louise “ 'ocporation. to : ■ tha T . M. C. A. with a good attend- should hava. Miss Chapman said at ducting the campaign for a fund to Mlaa Vivian Brouasaau, Mias Helen “Naval Expaatiesk" ““ assigned are not to be discounted, J^cess. Come and pro\-e their abll- Samuel Diamond, one of toe incor- in^:. was on band to 'take charge of I purchase school Instruments last Mrs. Ada Luhrsen Rhodes sub- C. England, approximately 11 acres anee o f memban and fiienda. A t tha outset of the work the plan plona. Coach Wilfred aarka. faculty Zmutakl, Spencer Maoht, Frederick A committee compromise on the . tivoe of communities In the vldnlty by charging more than the current of land on Vernon atreet according ** f ° “ ^*ned in a notice of tho general sessions. An Imposing I the busliieaa aeeslon President W. should be made on paper as it is night In the Hotel Sheridan, hearti- manager Dwight Perry and all High House and Senate versions of th e' cash price for auppllea furnished by sUtuted at the primary room of intent to aell, filed lato yesterdav upeaklng program and several aec-1 ly endorsed the plan to secure band Maeht, William Robinson. Josepn o f the Connecticut river, held a Miss Grace E. Clough left Satur- to a warrantee deed recorded todav IL Buckley announced that the an* easier to remove a plant or shrub school athletic coaches will be the Saegda, Bertram Starkey and Weat- bllllon-dollar naval expansion bill deducting interest in advance, or In Hicka Memorial school last \^-eek With Town aerk Samue/Crklng"; tion meetings were planned. [ and orchestra Instruments for the short meeting at the Hotel Sheridan rela- owing to toe Illness of toe regular by Town Q erk Samuel J. Turklng- noal May sale, which la the sole with an eraser than with a spade. guests of the Arm y and Navy Club oott Rice. Sponsored by the aronge put that legislation in Une for a any other manner whatsoever. Uvea at Flushing. L. I. financial undertaking of tha club, use of the school children. iqst night to discuss latest develop- teacher, Mrs. Eva Doyle. ton. Stamps Indicate a consldera- owns an As the first feature o f their meet- Succession or continuity o f blooms at a teatimonlal party In tha club and coached by Mrs. Theodore trip to the Whits House as soon as A county or community commit- Mother's Day waa appropriately Uon o f $500. ouUet here, and others In Hartford. would be held on Saturday, May 31, The roeinbers of the old Manches- menta for the construction of a Mr. and Mrs. Shlrey and family Ing^ the nurses heard Sophie C. Nel. is aU-lmportant. She stressed the Thuraday night at 8 o’clock. Tha LOughrey, the players sire planning both chambers give routine ap- teeman or the executive secretary observed with the sermon and mu- Portia Potter of Woodhaven, L. I Putnam, Rockville and Norwich son. of Boston, director of toe visit-1 and that Mrs. C. T. Willetts had con* Importance of background and ad- ter musical groups deplored the proval. bridge at Hartford. Elmer A of the Agricultural Conservation have returned to their Tolland farm fact that pupils of the present-day party waa deferfad saveral weeka to present the play In the sur- sic at toe Federated church Sunday haa conveyed to Mary A. Benton sale price Is noted aa $10,000. plus Ing nurse service for toe John Han- aented to act as chairman. Garden vised the use of occasional shrubs due to the fact that apeclai gabar- The 90 Rouse RepubUeans called Weden, chairman of the Aaeoda- Association must witness the signa- morning aervlce. home after several months being schools have ao little opportunity to rounding towns for similar organi- ,tion, preaided. and Sanford 1. Benton an imdlvided nrnrH®J ‘^'■editors’ claims cock Mutual Life Insurance com- chib members are urged to remem- in the border to give variety. While dine coata, white with the emblem. their first party conference o f the ture of the farmer assigning hla employed In Pennsylvania. ber this sale, and if they have a sur- study their favorite instniments In Members of the old-Umo bands have rallied to the support of the sation or social societies. Mlsa Florle Blnhop Bow^ring of one half Interest In realty at 15 provided creditors will accept that pany, discuss the "missing links ini most gardeners hold to the rule that New England Champions on the aeaalon late in the dey to discuss Judge Raymond A. Johnson, payment. Each county office haa a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams nursing," | plOi of idants or bulbs, or anything school, permitting them later to at- current drive to secure $2,000 for new InstrumenU for the town’e On Sunday Mother's Day waa ob- ^ s to n waa at her Tollaml summer Lancaster road, according to a war- provision for settlement the tallest flowers should be cod- front, had to be made up specially their strategy against the Mending- chairman of the etate bridge com- supply of assignment forma. have had as guests for a week their aabUe, deliver them at the store tain roemSSishlp In either , bands or school children. One of the early bands Is shown above. The mem- served In the local church with home over the week-end. rantee deed recorded today by tho ♦ Drince, president of fined to the rear of the border, and for the team. lending blU. miaaion, told the Association that The Tolland County Committee Mrs. Fritz Oometz is spending two grandsons, Frank and Dean the New York state nurses’ oseocla- once robbed between 7 to 8 Friday evening pre- orchestras. They stressed the fact •*-*’^<* Welraan, leader, Jamee Harrison, esere- special music by the combined Moulton of West Hartford. Town aerk. Stamps Indicate a con- SL.AVER EXECUTED others in proportion, one should not Thomas Gvoricyk, Frank Schlebel, Walter Tedford, James Ted- Willard B. Rogers of this town, RepreaenUtlve Taber (R., N. Y.). the bridge project haa been present- voted May 6 to have all assignments some time in New York City as tton, was on the afternoon program I asdlng the sale. It will be held in follow this rule too strictly. The that unless an Interest Is created choirs, and flowers presented by the ed to P W A headquarters In New The remains of Mrs. Charles sideration of $500. Huntsville. Tex., May 10— (API them of tha vacant store next to Mrs. for music during school days, pupils ford, Jack Crawford. William J. Waddell, George E. BlaseU, WlUlam chairman of the CoonecUcut Public- senior minority member o f the ap- typed at the Rockville office, but gmeat of relaclvcs and friends. "dhcrihg laws to safe- aim ehould be to plant flowers in girl scouts. Yorl^ calling for an appropriation Leonard Newcomb of Holyoke Dlstribotlon —Paid Layes, 34. died In the elec- XDlott'a Rug and Gift shop, and have little or no opportunity later ^p ln all, Alfred E. Graze!, Ebble Welman, Robert J. Smith and ity Commlsalon and managing di- propriations committee, comment- they may be witnessed at the home piard the public" and this evening the various forme of bloeeom and Ths WUllmantle Pastors' Union u Y."!; "^h'ter Pearson of Mass., was brought to Tolland According to a certificate of dis- tric chair at state prison here early win open at • a. m.. May 21. In life to begin the study. They Charles Hoffner, mascot. The picture was taken at Coventry lake. rector of the Bond Hotels, wUl ba the ed: of $5,500,000, and that unofficial re- of an officer or member of the Hartford was a Sunday guest of toe association wdll heard Dr. A l-I their sununert color, and also to provide variety waa entertained by the Columbia Monday afternoon for burial In toe tribution recorded today, real estate today for slaying a vegetable grow President Buckley ^ le d atten- brought out the fact that bands and guaet speaker of the evening. Guests Tt Is not a relief bUI at all, but ports seem to Indicate that approval Ck>unty Committee. their Tolland relatives. Prosident of Con- In foliage, and at the recent New Congregational church on Monday. will be given the project. family plot at the South cemetery. tien to tha Laurel Garden club’s orchestras were an Important factor at the party beside the team and va- one for tha construction of enor- Several of the young people of ficcticut Stata collaga. York flower show tbia waa demon- *8- A mooting waa held In the church The Association voted to defer Warren Oough, a student at May garden event at the grounds in community life 20 years or more EMERGENCY DOCTORS rious coaches, will be Judge Harold mous projects." of M ^ Wallace Famham, Rye strated, Miss Chapman said. In sec- ago. They believed that there Oarrlty, Deputy Judge Thomas Dan- In the morning, after which a WPA projsoU .era wasteful. Ta- any action imtll Congress haa acted ■traat. Bast Windsor, Friday after- tions of hardy borders. The speak- should be four times as many bands ABOUT TOWN naher. Judge William S. Hyde, luncheon waa served In the town bar said, and have a "demoralising upon the Mil that will provide er adviaed the use of annuala to add Physicians of the Manchester hall by the Ladles Aid society. $988,000,000 In funds tor P W A TOLLAND noon of this week from 3 to 8 and orchestra,f Hralim . needy farmera Tha Puerto Rican and a social period will follow. tee aaaisted by Sam Robb and Ollle consumed In attem pting to I reconstruction admlnlstratlra maximum operating cost Wady aad traiaiag aaaUa ' Mahieu's Ralph A. Leander of 8 Lewis Osbiack. locate prospective wUnesses. be given $6,000,000, and about $30,- Mrs. Sidney French and Miss yaar dertor Is yaa atreet won the free trip to Bermu- The new red and white gabardine Only yesterday, the jury learned 000,000 Is Included for administra- mm i Jean French of Toirlngton, former- coata ordered several weeks ago Appointments VENETIAN Food Store da. or Its equavllant In cash of $100, that a witness whom It wished to tive expenses of various sgendes ly o f Manchester, will present a I la ItaaM af kckaaaa Yaa ^ on which the Swedish Junior League have arrived and win be presented to quMtlon again had sailed for Eu- which co-operate with W PA. musical program tomorrow aftar- have been selling tickets for the the membera of the team at the ropa The absentee, James P. Yo u know before you eaa aarra him by glviag WheatlcB, r j f noon at 2:30 at Center church house, party by a member of the oommlt- Restrictions on ths P W A fund benefit of Ita milk fund. The league Hsaley, Waterbury buslneasman and limit outright grants to $780,000,- 2 pkg8...... ^ I C under auspices of the Women’s Is composed of young women from tee. They are of fine manufacture an associate of former a t y Ck>mp- William o •raio aUratfoMa bowovor ^ Guild. Mrs. C. K. Burnham la In troM7rK.„ui Y Comp- 000, construcuon of federal ptojeeto Over 12 Teora of I st a r t using the hea ter Telescope Free! Hartford, New Britain and this and admirably aultefi *for members BLINDS charge of the entertainment and of the team to wear as the Eastern b? wl h a^7 ial^7 h ^^ $100,000,000. and admln&ratlve Baooty Experience ■aulUaUieblllhaiaBda. f town. The drawing waa held at the kJII!-..‘ * . ‘•’® ‘Hp I expenses to $11,000,000. Money With O, Fox and 4 Helen Mra. Robert Russell heads the hos- scholasUc basketball title holders. because of til health. Several yeara o f t h a t your bill will not •... Ha wll apfradata . bpry, tess committee. annual Mother and Daughter ban- Heslev hli son Uft w.. I ** allotted for any proj- Sage-Alien quet last night at the Y. W. C. A. Beauty Experience 1 lb. can . . . A9c rope last’wedneada^ ’ ^*’*** commenced With .Sage-Alien I yaar thoaghtfalBcaa. ' Port Orford Cedar The Gleaners group of the Wce- on Broad street, Hartford. e x c e e d a c e r t a i n The only wood we can guarantee against warping. My - T - Fine Butterscotch Ie3?an Guild will have a special COLUMBIA the doorstep of Leary. I b ^ r e June 80, 1040. meeting tonight at 7:48 at the South Htttlng the highest weekly pay- Although five days have elapsed a deadline Aug. 81 Pudding, 1 >1 ^ Methodist church. All membera are ment average since the old age aa- since Leary’s scheduled a p p e a r s ^ appllcaUona a m o u n t — Up to 26"x60" long $2.95 3 pkgs...... 1 fr C urged to attend, and are requested elitance program went Into effect there has been no Indication aa to projects, to bring to the meeting all of the here a year ago, dlaburaementa for GAMARCHE BOILS UP bla probable whereabouts. Manchester laat month amounted bedquUt squares they have com- Three witnesses previously before 27"to32"x60"long $3.45 Octagon Laun- Q ty to $6.33 weekly per capita It waa Electricity for normal pleted. MAPLE SUGAR SPREE the jury were on hand today when Tlduf dry Soap. 3 bars ^ ^ C announced today by the town wel- the secret body reported for work. 3 3 " to 3 9 "x «0 " long $4.45 The S. A F. Motor Sales Corpora- fare office. During laat month 180 In the trio was John M. Golden, use o f a 6 0 -gallon local persons received old age aid. Lifebuoy Soap, tion of 285 Main street. Incorporated Over 200 Invited To Annual New Haven director of public works Larger Sizes At 35c Per Square Foot. for $2,000 with $1,000 In cash and which averaged $1,310 weekly total m d for many years prominent In T^reuyi^dion. bar ...... a,I during April. Event, Climaxed By Real Rustproof Hardwe. Washable Paint Finish. 6c $1,000 In property paid In, has or- Democratic politics. maNeNtaTfiii heater cannot exceed $MI1 Not Collect Dust. ganized by electing Harry F. Flagg, Old Fashioned Hoe-Down, Others recalled were John H. today and tomorbow Rinso, 10c size president and Emanuel C. Bollmene! Automobile taxes are now due Crsry, city assessor snd chairman r ^ h e n your doctor writei and payable at the office of the Tax and is usually less than Pkg...... secretary and treasury. Theae two with an the free maple sugar o f the Waterbury town committee; 8c men with Mildred E Flagg form the Collector. Penalties are provided they could eat, and dancing to the and Frank Santalucla, head of a ^',S ' " a prescription he pre- by law for late paymenL OF HUNAN HEARTS board of directors. music of a three-piece hill-bllly band company which rented equipment to -Hfcwayie mitTQM • laawa scribes especially for you; NU-HOME from Wllllmanllc, two hundreour individual 20% TO 40% OFF! ssking the commlttse to prepare a Lsary, made hla only appearance be- DISHES TO THE LADIES rats rise schedule that will be the large barn for the real eld style Also A Few Anto Radloa. The Emblem club will hold Ita fore the secret body April 28. physical make-up...... recommended by the Board at the barn dance. BEAUTY SALON Easy Terms. regular monthly meeting tomorrow He waa reported by a reliable mTTT ^ ^ Enjoy Electric Water Heating On Our Novel Rentol October town meeting. Each year Mr. Gamarche makes THURS. - FRL AND SAT. STATE! TTHEATER H E A T F . P BUILDING Guaranteed Service. afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Elks source as having been excused after about a hundred pounds of maple "The Girl of the Goldea West" Standard Americaji CALL 8838 Home In Rockville. Plana will be hU first appearance with the under- MAIN STREET Only individualized med- ftlgM Company No. 4 of the South euger and Invites hla friands to completed at thU time for the In- standing tbs Jury might call Mm Purchase Plan - The finest heater on the market for la k tf BENSON FURN. & RADIO Manchester Fire Department this come and eat all they can hold, then again. ication is professional stallation and dinner on Wednee- afternoon extinguished a chlmnsy 1* - Eoeyelopedla 713 Main Street • day of next week. make room for more by dancing a Whan tnvastigators sought to no- firs at 807 Gardner streeL good old fashioned hoe-down. tify Healey yesterday they found s* -k COMPLETE a $2.50 or $3.00 a month rental charge (depending medication. . . . See your Arrested for drunkenets after be- him out of the dty. TOMORROW AND THURS. doctor. Mrs. Hinton Smith has returned Voloae-a-Week ing picked up on the Oolumbla- A son, James F. Healey, said that to her home In Beachwood, N. J., THE NEW I on the size.) * TO NAME HOUSING OROU'P WUllmantlc roed on Friday morn- Insofar as he knew hit father waa e^tvtce. SPEQAL CONCESSION after apendlng a week with her par- not aware ha waa subject to future ents. Mr. and Mra. P. C. M c L ea n ing by State Policeman LaBeckey COUPON- Hartford, May 10—(A P )—Mayor o f the Stafford Springs barrseks, call by the Ihvaatigatora. of Centerfleld streeL Her husband, Thomas SpeUacy was under orders circle] F. E. BRAY James Keenan, formerly emplojred T m poalUvs he would not have Ueutenant Smith, Is Instructor at today to name a five-man housing ^ ooupoa (wttk five by Lorlng Ls>rd of Hebron, waa fined gone If he knew they wanted to Rental payments applicable JEWELER the naval station at Tom’s River authority for Hartford as plans for A no ther great WELDON oin»nim/»ii«iy adopt- Europe for some time and would be A OrcRt Star in A Pietaro Women e f Mnncheeter svlth the tag we are proud to bring you a Beauta nie Dixon Welch on Saturday morn- back next month. complete VOLUME ef the standard *d a resolution favoring the project Greater Thaa 'Baek Street* aervlee Inelading . Prescription Pharmadatfi dmerinen BncyelopadI Personal Notices laat night and Instnictad ths mayor ing. Keenan waa obMrved by pass- . * ^ y father was atek with ths flu chUdrai’s if you wish. I ing motorists asleep In tha ditch CLAUDETTE w bent III bemaiy equipment. Oup new whea preaeated at The W a tch and Je w elry to appoint a flvs-man board. First two months ago,” the young m«n "®®**o«® with other beauty ahopa. ^ ^ m u a t rrolly be .een to be ipJSJ! Herald Offlee, with the CARD O F rH A N K S task of the authority will be to de- with Ms feet nearly in the road and aald, *Mnd h a s t ^ in p oortealth .' COLBERT 90S Main Street naeial parrhiee priee We with to extend to nelchbora termine what districts are to be bis hat pulled over his eyes. When . ‘ •‘“ ® Tor Europe Repairing A t and frlende our aineere thaalie for classed as alum areas and to pre- called to Investigate, PoUceman La- lart Wednesday, hla ton reported. “IM ITATION W e Deliver — T e l 5321 their manr thoushtful ex>reMl6na pare a survey outlining plans for Beckey found him In the ditch, dead The jury struck this latest «n «g J®*'’® •■F heantj problem from ^^M iiw t *k l^ will tell m sra’ve awcsirrslcsl . Wn of eympathr In Uie Iom of our •■S yonr peraoaal ^ m a a e n t. •‘‘“ d of eoametloa yon ahonld M ^ T d evelo p - Your Plumber Or Reasonable Prices Mother. the project drunk with a quart o f obeap'wtiis- while stUI awaiting some word from OP LIFE** to y nearly gone. Mrs. Welch found (O * L a n Editioii The WllUama Family. Those win then be eubmttted to with WARREN WILLIAM tha Federal Hensiag Authority. Keenan guilty of both charges Thd fdrttitr dty comptrolbr waa ROCHELLE HUDSON 8TOP Df - EXPERIENCE COMPLETE AND COMPETE.VI 8EB VICE Ptkm P v Volume step In and See One o f Man- AN APPRECIATION fined Mm $8 on each charge In addi- jtoted to appear aa a witness last M Ccati) chceter'a L a rg ^ Sclectiona We with to exprett datp npprecU* tion to ten days in tha ToUaiut n u rsd ay hut a sununont laft on “SWING YOUB MANICURE tion to nembert of XMannel LnUi* Diamonds are o f tbs County jaU. hla doorstep went unanswered. ALSOI I of Greetingng Cards for All •ran church, aad other fritadt, for LADY" Electric Division tho party la honor of our SIth Wed- tsrlal aa tha soot o f a In t b ^ first bonw gsms at ths wild that whfie Oeenaions. dlnp Aanlvertary.' ney, or ths so-eallsd "Isai" of ■oason, ths Columbia bitthsll taam they had been unsucoeaaful In loeat- Laat Timai IM probaMy was en a “BUCOANEERF f JSSiv ■ eaeen- aa4. psaefi,. hut srltb ths matocuUs ar-'squesssd c o t a siilevse TODAY: "BLONDER Telephone 4879 For An Appointment— isagsd dursnatty. toeg ovsr n tdr^ at trip and tmawaro a aub- At WtmSt • \ PAGBPOUll MLANCHMSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAT 10, 198S MAjfUHiarrEB evening her ald. Manchester , conn.. T uesday, may lo, i93s PAGE ADVERTISEMKNT— ADVERTISEMENT- AD VERTIS EME NT- AD VE RTIfi EMKNT— ADVICRTISEMEm'— ADVERTISBafeNT-^ ADVERTISEMENT— ADVERTiaiCMENT— ADVERTISEMENT— ADVERTISEMENT— ADVER’nSEMENT— ADVER’nSEMENT- fATECONVENnON Overnight News AD’VERTISEMENT— ADVER'nSEMENT- S. Hospital, pbllanthroptc or elMmosynaiy InstituUoa othsr ♦hgii p » i« i Section V n . Buy any building destroyed in the manner sffareestd to Institutions or saylums for the insane. on extent exceeding fifty per cent (80 per cent) of its value at the time O f Connecticut ' 8. Greenhouses and nurseries, water supply reservoir or filter bed OF ARCH MASONS (By Awoeisted Ptms) of such destruction may be reconstructed and thereafter used only in ZONING REGUUTIONS and cemeteries. such manner as to conform to all the provisions of these regulations. 7. Accessory uses ordinarily incident to the abovs uses. Danbury—Donald E. Targett, 33, 8. In a dwelling or apartment occupied as a private residence, one or more rooms may be rented by the week or table board fumUbed by secretary of Targett's, Inc., a clean- SECTION XI. PLATS. finuHl High Priest Bliss W. ing and dyeing firm, and Charles E. tbs week. FOR THE TOWN OF 0. Roadside stands for the sale of farm produce and bome-mads Stbbitt, !i5. an employe, were burn- articles when accessory to the premlaea adjacent to the said stands. All applications for building permits ehall be accompanied by a plan Qark Reports On Work ed in an explosion of cleaning fluid drawnra to scale showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon. at the plant. A garage or group of garages for more than three motor vehicles the size of the building to be erected, the location of the building upon the Rockville—State's Attorney Mi- shall not be permitted as an accessory use, except as provided for In Sec. V. lot, the location of buildings upon the adjacent lota when necessary, the Done Daring The Year. chael O’Connell of Stafford Springs MANCHESTER, CONN. dimensions of all open spaces, the established building lines withbi the was named president of the Tolland A billboard, or advertising sign shall in no case be permitted as an block and such othsr Information aa may be necessary to provide for the County Bar Association. Accessory use, except that the placing of signs, not mors thmn six sq. ft. enforcement of these regulatlpns. Rockvlile— Paul Cramer, a mer- In area, in connection with the sale, renting, oonstrucUon or Improve- Hartford, May 10.—(A P)—Con- SECTION I. ment of the property shall be permitted aa an accessory use. chant here, was fined 32S and costa aiderable growth In capitular by Superior Court Judge Eklward J. Zoning reguUGbna and diatricU oa herein set forth are approved, SECTION XII. REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE USE ICaaonry waa noted by Grand High Daly after a plea of nolo contendre established and adopted. The zoning map which accompanies these SECTION V. GARAGES IN RESIDENCE ZONE, OF PROPERTY AT ZONE INTERSECTIONS. M eat Bliaa W. aark of New Bri- on a charge of violating the state regulations is hereby declared to be a part thereof. No building or labor law. The man wan charged premlaea shall be erected, altered or used except in conformity with the In a residence "C " diatrict a garage or group of garages for more tain in his address this morning at with employing a minor in a mer- regulations herein prescribed. than three motor vehicles may be allowed where the lot contains at least No building shall be erected or structurally altered adjacent to a tha 140th annua) convention of the 1500 sq. fL for each car stored thereon. cantile establishment. Edward zone different from that zone In which said building is to be erected or Grand Oiapter of Connecticut Knebel, 11, died in a fire in the Ehecept as an accessory use on the same lot with the building served, so altered unless such erection or alteration shall be so placed, planned Ro}ral Arch Mason.s, at the Ma.sonic not more than two motor vehicles shall be stored on any lot. and executed and shall be of such character aa best to conserve the value store basement March 11. SECTION II. DEFINITIONS. o f adjacent property in said different zone. Temple here. Deep River—Fred Brodtman, 86 On a vacant lot a private garage may be erected on the rear ^^lf of the lot only. In case of a corner lot, fronting upon two streets, ah Many chapters, he said, which missing farmer, waa found deaid in Certain words in these regulations are defined for the purpose hereof have baid candidates for a number as follows: accessory building shall be erected eo ae not to encroach upon that quar- a thicket by neighbors. Dr. William ter of the lot depth nearest each street o f yeara, have had work and there J. Tate, medical examiner, said (a) Words used In the present tense include the future; the singu- SECTION XIII. OBSTRUCTIONS TO VIEW AT STREET has been a renewed Interest by the lar number Includes the plural and the plural the singular; and the word No accessory building in a Residence Zone shall be located within death waa due to a heart attack. three feet of the rear or side line of the lot on which It is constructed. INTERSECTIONS. officers and a larger attendance. Nearby waa the carcaaa of a cow "lot" includes the word "plot"; the word "building Includes any structure Much of the renewed enthiuitasm and a newly born calf, apparently other than a fence or boundary wall. On any corner lot on which a building line is established no wall, was credited by the grand high well and lively. (b ) The “street" line is the dividing line between the street and SECTION VI. BUSINESS ZONE. fence, or other structure shall be erected and no hedge, tree, shrub or p leat to the committee of ciia- New Haven—Fire in a tenement the lot. other growth shall be maintained In auch location between such building todlana, headed by Past Grand High (c ) The "establUhed grade” is the elevation of the strN t grade os A use permitted In the Residence Zone shall be permitted hi the line and the street line as to cause danger to traffic by obstructing the building on Maltby Place drove four Business Zone. Prteat Edgar B. Ellis. familie.s to the atreet in a two- fixed l)y the town. view. In a Business Zone no building or premises shall ba used, and no alarm fire. (d) ’The "height of a building” la the vertical distance measured . The grand prieat reported the building shall be erected or structurally altered, which la arranged or daaths during the Grand Chapter at the center line of its principal front from the established grade or from the average ground level of tlie portion of the lot adjoining and designated to be used for other than the following uses; yaar of Past Grand High Priests within 10 feet of the building, where it seta back from the street line 1. Store or shop for retail trade; shop for making of articlea to be SECTION XIV. SUBDIVI^ON DEVELOPMENT PLAN. flamuel 8. Lamb, Wallingford: Colin sold at retail on the premises; Restaurant; Hotel; Theater; 'Bank; Office' 10 feel or more, to the level of the highest point of the roof beams The owner or owners of any unaubdivtded or ipibullt land not leas B. Buell, New London; Edgar B. WORKING ON PU N S In the case of flat roofs or roofs mclining not more than one inch to the Studio; Sample Room; Public Utility Building; Newspaper Printing and E lla, Bridgeport. than 2 acres In area may submit to the Zoning Commission a complete foot, and to the mean height level of the top of the main plate and the Job Printing; Mortuary: Amusement Park; Billboard or Advertising Sign, development plan for such a n a showing proposed streets, building lines, The grand high priest visited the highest ridge in the case of other roofs. Where there are structures if not more than 15 ft. in height and 60 f t in length and set back at least 30 f t from the street line. parks and other public-or private permanent open spaces, together with Grand Chapters of Pennsyivanta, FOR THE NEXT WAR wholly or partly above the roof, the height shall be mea.sured to the a proposed building plan indicating lots for single family or two family MaasachusetU and New York and level of the highest point of the building Including such atnictures wholly 2. A garage for the housing of motor vehicles and a motor vehicle repair shop. bouses and areas where group houses or apartment houses or local stores IMveaterIveater Baxter Chapter. West or partly above the roof. and shops are proposed to be built. Such building plan ahall indicate for wsrwich. (•) A ’’rear yard" ia an ojie.n u*>ccupled space on the same lot No garage for more than five vehicles, no gasolins or other motor each lot or proposed building unit the maximum number of families that fuel filling station shall locate an entrance or exit for motor vehicles He was given a reception by his With a building between the rear line of the building and the rear line may bo housed tberson; the minimum yard requirements; water and Hiirtecn MilEon Men WiU of the lot. mtbln 200 ft. of the property of a public or private school; playground esan chapter, Oiddings Chapter, church, hospital or Public Library. f re . sewer conditions. Such subdivision development plan If approved by New Britain, November 18. He at- (^) A “front jrard’* ie an open unoccupied apace on the aame lot the Zoning Commission shall be construed to modify and supplement these vdth a building between the front line of the building and the front line No existing garage or service station, as above defined, shall be regulations as related to the land included In such subdivision. tended the Grand Master’s Day at Be CaUed In The First of the lot. deemed to become a non-conforming use, through the aubaequent erec- the Masonic Home, Wallingford, in tion of such a school, etc., within the above prescribed area. September, and visited several of .. {.’Ll *“ “ °P *" unoccupied "pace on the same lot with the chapters in the state. a building situated between the butldlng and the side line of the lot and Draft, Officers Say. extending through from the street or from the front yard to the rear SECTnONXV. BOARD OF APPEALS. The grand high priest Issued 182 SECTION vn. INDUSTRIAL ZONE. yard or to the rear line of the lo t Any lot line not a rear line or a The Board of AppeoU may In a specific cose after pubUe notice and dispensations for various purposes. front line ahall be deemed a aide line. In an Industrial Zone, no building or premises shall be used and no hearing and subject to appropriate conditions and safe-guards determine Deputy Grand High Priest Fred- .San Francisco, May 10.— (A P )— (h) The "least dimension" of a yard Is the least of the horizonUl building shall be erected which is intended or designed to be used for erick Nv. Edgerton of New London D.etaila of a national lottery plan and vary the application of the regulations herein established in harmony dimenalnnH of auch yard. If two oppo.sitc aldca of .a yard are not parallel any of the following uses: (except any euch use existing at the time of with their general purposes and Intent, as follows; gave a summary of his visits to for conscripting citizens into the such leaat dimenHion ahall be deemed to be the mean diatance between the adoption of these regulations shall be deemed a conforming use unon nine chapters. He attended annual armed forces of the United States in them. the plot devoted to such use.) ^ 1. Hear and decide appeals where It Is alleged there is error in any convocations of the grand chapters order, requirement, or decision made by the building inspector in the wartime, were worked out here to- (D A "lot” is a parcel of land occupied, or designed to be occupied 1. The manufacturing of Ammonia, Chlorine or Bleaching Powder enforcement of these regulatlona o f Nsw York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- day by TT. 3 , War Department offi- by one building and the accessory buildings or uses customarily Incident 2. Blast furnaces. vania and Rhode Island. cials' and Army officers. 3. Distillation of coal, petroleum, refuse or bones. 2. Where a zone boundary line divides a lot tn a single ownership to it. including such open spaces aa are required by these regulations and at the time of the adoption of these regulations, permit a use authorized Reports of their vlaitatlona were 4. Manufacturing or storage of Explosives. Thirteen million men between 21 such open spaces as are arranged and designed to be used in connection on either portion of such lot to extend to the entire lot, but not more made by Grand King Richard and 31 years of age would be sum- with such buildings. A lot may be or may not be the land shown oa a 8. FertUlzer manufacture, except In connection with the operation lot on a duly recorded plot. of a Sewerage Dispoeal Plant ^ than twenty-five feet beyond the boundary line of the zone In which such Hughes of Torrington and Grand moned in the first draft, military use Is authorized. Scribe Ehigene H. finils of Nauga- officials disclosed. (J) A "fam ily’’ ,1a any number of individuals living together aa a 6. Refining and recovery of producU from fish, animal refuse or tuok. single housekeeping unit, and doing their cooking upon the premises offal. 3. Permit the extension of a non-conforming use or building upon Colonel V. J. O’Kelllber and Major 7. Smelting of Iron, Copper, Tin, Zinc or load, the lot occupied by such use of building at the time of the passage of The Grand Chapter was opened In Lewis B. Herahey, both of the Army .... i \ ^ '‘dwelling" U a building arranged. Intended or designed to be these regulations. ample form at 10 o’clock. occupied by not more than two families living independently of each 8, Manufacturing of sulphurous,ilphu nitric, picric, carbolic of hydrochio- general staff In Washington, headed other and doing their cooking upon the premises. lie acid. 4. Permit the erection of an additional building upon a lot occupied Many grand officers and past at the time of the passage of these regulations by a business or Indus- a group of Army authorities and (1) An "apartment houae" la a building arranged, intended or de- No use permitted in a Business Zone ahall be excluded from an In- gnuid officers from other grand Army Reserve aperlalista who met dustrial Zone. trial establishment where carrying out the strict letter of the provisions d ie te r s were received with honors signed to be occupied by three or more families living Indopen.lently of would result In practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships. here yesterday for a four-day con- each other and doing their cooking upon the premises, or by three or and seated In the east. 6. Adopt from time to time such rules and procedure as may be ference. Their visit was to perfect more Indlvldiiala or groups of individuals living Independently but having A t the session this afternoon In the seven wastern states the far- a common heating system and a general dining room. SECTION VIII. SCHEDULE OP AREA, HEIGHT AND deemed necessary to carry Into effect tbe provlslona of these regulations. Frederick W. Edgerton of New Lon- 6. Vary any requirements of theae regulations in harmony with its flung mechanism of the selective ^ nonconforming use” la one that does not comply with the BULK OF BUILDINGS. don was elected grand high priest. servici* plan for the next war. regulations of the use district in which it is situated. general purposes and intent, so that substantial Justice may be done. No building ahall be erected, altered, enlarged or rebiitlt except tn Other elections were: Major Hershey anid the driilt (n) An "iiccessory use" or building da a subordinate use or bulldine This authority shall be executed In a manner to secure the public health, conformity with the rcgulationa herein prescribed. safety and welfare solely In Instances where there are practical diffIcuIUea Deputy Grand High Priest— Rich would be conducted by an Indcpen ciistumarily birldent to and located on the lot occupied by the main use In the Buriness and Industrial Zone on Main Street between CenUr or unnecessary hardships In the way of carrying out the strict letter of aid Hughes, Torrington. dent government agency, permit- or building. Grand King— Eugene H Ellis, Street and North Main Street tbe minimum front yard ahall be five feet: these regulations. ting the armed forces to concern ^ elaewherea to conform with the schedule. 7. Permit any public utility tn a restricted zone. Naugatuck. themselves entirely with the enemy. Grand Scribe—J. Fred. Porteous, " " '^*'*'*' A building is or shall be erected shall be reduced or 8. Grant In undeveloped sections of the city temporary snd eoodi- "W e had to look for our men in SECTION III. ZONES OR DISTRICTS. diminished ro that the yards, courts, or open spaces shall be smaller Middletown. tiona] permits for not more than two years for structures and uses In the last war," he said. "But the pro- than prcHcribed by the following schedule: _ contravention of these regulations. Grand Treasurer— George N. gram has been changed. In the For the purpose of promoUng the health, safety, economic and gen- •PR O H IB ^E D USES. No building to be luied aa a dwelling or ten- Dsisp, Hartford. future, war will be fWliKht by an eral welfare of the community, the Torni of Manchester ia divided into ement house ahall be constructed, or altered In the rear of or moved to seven zones or districts as follows: Grand SecreUry— William organUed nation, with the army the rear of a building situated on the same lot. Nor shall any building Obrt, New Haven. SECTION XVI. REGULATIONS CONCERNINC THE SALE looking to the civilian population Residence Zones — ''Rural” Districts ^ cona^cted In front of or moved to the front of a dwelling or tenement Grand Captain of Host—Walter for men. money and material.” " " — “A A” house altuated on the same lot. OP ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. U Taft, Hartford. No blinding or premlse.s shall be used for military training or drill- The m.ijor said the project called '* — "A" No building or premises shall be used and no building ahall be erected Grand Principal Sojourner - for the setting up of a Selective — mg with or without arms except by the legally consUtuted armed forces Charles W, PettengiU, Greenwich. of the United SUtes, or the several States of the United States, or the or altered which ia arrangred, intended or designed to be used for the sale Service Board headquarters In ••C" or exchange of spirituous and alcoholic liquors either at wholesale or re- Grand Royal Arch Captain—John Washington with division offices in Busineu **D" legally constituted police forces thereof, or of any municipality thereof. E Plerpont, Hamden. Industrial •• — tail, or whether for consumption upon the premises or otherwise, or for the states, and aubdivlalons In coun- *'E" the storage of spirituous and alcoholic liquors for purposes of sale or sk- ties. A total of 6,000 draft board These zones and districts are further defined on the map which ac- SECTION IX. ZONE BOUNDARIES. change if any part of such building or premises is situated. olTiceia were contemplated. companies these regulations and In the following schedule. (a) Within one thousand feet in a direct line from any other butld- Future conscripts, he said, would The zone boundaries are, unless otherwise indicated, either .street ^ SPANISH REBS ADVANCE Ilne.H or lines drawp parallel to and one hundred feet back from one or lng or premises tn which spirituous and alcoholic liquors are stored, sold be divided into four rlasaitlcatlon.s.' more of the street lines bounding the block. or exchanged. Those ready to go, those with a rea- SECTION IV. RESIDENT ZONES. Where two or more zone., are shown within a block two hundred (b) Within two hundred feet of any part of any building used for ON ROAD TO VAUNCIA sonable reason for delay, those with feet or less In width the boundary of the more restricted zone shall be the purpose of a public school, a duly organized school other than a pub- d. pendents, and those unfit or rsnk- district no building or premisei shall be used and deemed one hundred feet back from Ita street line. lic school, a church, a charitable Institution, whether supported by publle ed as office holders. no building shall be erected or structurally altered which la arranged A lot situated In the Interior of a block and divided by the zone or private funds, a hospital, or library. Hendayt, France (A t the S)>anlah When the men were registered, it or designed to be used, for other than a single family residence with such boundary lines Into two d ifferA t zones may. In so far as It Is situated at The provisions of this regulation ahall not bo deemed to be retro- Frontier), May 10.— ( A P ) — Spanish was cxplaineil, each would be given other accessory buildings or appurtenances ordinarily incident to com- least 100 feet from any .street bounding the block In which it ia located active. except that where a place existing for the selling of alcohollo tosurgenta concentrated the main number. Identical in each of the mercial or part-time farming. be used in accordance with the use regulations of tbe less restricted beverages for consumption on the premises prevtoualy In use has been fbree of their attack toda.v on 6.000 offlcea, to constitute, a A ll land not otherwise defined ia In the Rural District. zone into which the lot is divided. discontinued for a period of thirty days, such use shall not be resumed coastal approaches to Caatelion de Is "Class. ■’ ^ ^ * dlstHct no building or premlaea shall be except In conformity with these regulations. riana and V’alencla. used and no building shall be erected or structurally altered which is I>5ttery procedure will be follow- SECTION X. COMPLETION The fighting oh the eastern front ed. with numbers being drawn Irom a r ^ g e d or designed to be used, for other than a single family residence AND RESTORATION OF centered about Cuevas de Vinroma, a drum in Washington to determine with tuch accessory buildings ordinarily apurtenant thereto. EXISTING BUILDINGS. SECTION CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 30 miles to the north of Castellon, xvn. the order of the draft. Within a “ B" district no building shall be erected, altered or used snd the InsurgenU sought to regain Nothing herein contained ahall rsquire any chAugs In tha plAcs, con- No land be - Army officials estimated a mil- family detached or semi-detached dwelling. suuction or designated use of a building for which a buUdlng permit has thou an area they lost yeaterdav. Within a XT' district no building shall be erected, altered or used ex- or altered shall be OOdup The .Insurgent strategy' waa to lion men could be summoned to cept as permitted in the schedule of areas, heights, etc. been heretofore issued, or plans for which are On fils srtth the Building arms the first month. Thereafter, Inspector at the time of the adoption of these regulations and the con- whatsoever, except for I ___ force the government fig'htera’ right In a Residence Zone subject to the provisions of Sec V and V in a cerufleata of occupancy shall have been issued by the Bulidliiglnmso- fiank to fall back westward, thereby men would be called at the rate of no building or premises shall be used, altered or designed to be used ex- stroctlon of which. In either ease, shall have been dIUgenUy prosecuted within one year of the date of such permit and the ground-stoiy frame- tor. stating that the premises or building complies with all provisions of widening the narrow strip which 330.000 the second month, 260,000 cept for one or more of the following u.ses: the Zoning Regulations. General ^Franco holds along the the third month, and 3(X),000 the 1. Dwellings or apartments Including the office of a physician, sur- work of which, In^cludlng the second tier of beams stall have ^ n com- Mediterranean. fourth month. Military needs would p eted within such year, and which entire buUdlng shall have been com- No change or extension of use and no alteration shall be made in a geon, dentist, architect, engineer, lawyer, artist, dressmaker or other non-conforming use of premises without a certificate of occupancy having Much of the InsurgenU’ heavy determine the rate of conscription profeaalonal p ew n . when altuated in the same dwelling or apartment “ “ or'IIng to such plaM as filed, within two years from the date field artillerj- was reported moved thereafter. used as their private residence. ^ or the adoption of theae regulations. ^ first been issued by the Building Inspector that such change; extenaioti to this front, oi-er a highway skirt- Nothing In these reguIaUons shall prevent the restoration of a build- or alteration ts In conformity with the prortslone of the Zoning Regula- Wsr Department officials have 2. Cniurcheo, Schools, Public Libraries or Public Museums. tions. ing the sea and one of the few main prepared a blanket bill to be pre- 3. aubs, except club.s the chief activity of which 1s a sen-ice car- ing destroyed by fire, explosion, act of God. or act of the public enemy arteries which remained passable ried on as B buslnr.ss. to extent of not more than fifty per cent (80 per cent) of iU value, o'r A certificate of occupancy shall be applied for at the same time that during the past 18 days of rain. sented to Congress to autborlze such a conscription agency. 4. Parks and playgrounds or stadium, aviation field. prevent the continuance of the use of such buUdlng or part thereof or the building permit is applied for and shall be issued within ten days Inaurgenl Galician troops fought prevent a change of auch exlatlng use under the UmlUtlons provided In after the erecUon or alteration of the building ahall have been completed.’ slowly behind a rolling barrage from "Past wars have shown com- pulsory service Is necessary," de- A record of all certificates shall be kept on file In the office of the Build- 78 millimeter guns and 165 milli- ing Inspector and coplea ahall be furnished upon request to any person meter "long rifles’’ and howitzers. clared Major Hershey. "It’s our Job having a proprietary or tenancy interest' In the bidldlng affected. A The action was typical of Insur- t " see that when and if the need la fee of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) shall be charged for each orig- gent use of their superiority in ar- there, wo will have the technical inal certificate and seventy-five cents, ($0.75) for each copy thereof. tillery. After a general prepara- details as nearly up-to-date as pos- N o permit for excavation for, or the erecUon of, any building stall be sible ” MANCHESTER, CONN. tory barrage had pounded strong Issued before application has been made for a certificate of occupancy. government fortlficntlons. In an ef- No building or premises for which a certificate of occupancy ts required fort to soften resistance, the artil- may ba oecuptsd until such oertlfleata shoU have bssa Moued.' lery increased ita range to form a Schedule of Area, Height and Bulk of Buildings moving curtain of shells to screen the advancing infantry. Quotations— While heat-y field guns kept the Mini mum SECTION xvm . ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES. barrage rolling, some lighter units Families MAX IMUM Mil«M U M YAR ZONE DS moved up along with lnfantr>-. fr.r loss of my music? No. On Distret Size c f Plot Per Building These regulaUons staU be enforced by the Building Inspector who Area is empowered to cause any building, structure, place, or premises to be use at point-blank range as anti- contrarj*, 1 now feel I am giving Width Building Area Height Front Side Rear tank weapons. the people something fundamental inspected and examined and to order in writing the remedying of any and I am happy. condiUon found to exist therein or thereat in violation of any provtslons 1 — I rederlo l-'radkln, fitrnwv con- RESIDENCE Rural 1 A building or premises certnia.-.ler of the Koston Sym- » Acre - 40* lO* where a vtolation o f any provlaion of said rcgulationa shall have been POLICE COURT phony Urrheolra, whose doetors committed or shall exist, or the leases or tenant of on enUre b“ wing or ortk-red "N o hiusic,” and who s n ^ premises where such vlolaUon ahall have been committed or shaU •4 Sii% of ^ t , or the o ^ e r , agent, leasee, or tenant of any port of the buUdlng or boa gone Into tbe reetaurant AA □* 80* 1 25% In Town <3ourt last night, Frank bualneM, 12,000 85* 40* 10’ Lot prsmlsss In editoh such violation shall have been committed or stall exlsL Macri, 24, o f 3 Walnut street, ar- ... Depth or Any other person who a l ^ raigned on a charge of driving By the time I was half through coniinlt,^ V tiUce part i o or asaiit l a in t any i o n or who stall maintain M intain ^ i whUe under the Influence of Uquor. it many of my friends could not A □’ any building or premisesprem lM in which any such vloUtlon stall exist ahall 50’ 1 30% 85* M ialW w *V btadly In the old Japanese proverb: munism. Hera la the Japanese pleaded not guilty, and sought to understand what it waa about. 6,000 25' 4' guUty of a misdemeanor puntahable by a fine of not less than ten d o I l » 'Love mokes every girl beeuUful to erly. and many of them are in dire M d not more than rae hundred dollars for each and every day that JP G it Is story in part, from their viewpoint; to provide livelihoods for all who taling 100,000 people, have been prove that be waa In a fit condition — John P. Marquand. PuHtzer Sent to Monchttvio her men.” want are born to the soil. Sons and to operate a car at the Ume of his prize'novelist, on writing the violation continues but If the offense be wilful, on conviction thereof The total area of Japan proper is sent to Manchuria. They are be- «« □’ ^ ^ e colonization scheme Is, az tae Due to the Japanese family sys- daughters either become virtual arrest. The testimony offered In |>rlzo-w'lnner. B 50* 2 m P tm lsh ^ t s ^ b s a l l n s o f n o t i ss s t h a n o i U h im S w d JS l^ ^ m o n r only about 148,000 square mOes— tem. there Is no way of getting an ing helped financially by the govern- A Thought ... 6,000 40% 40* 20* 4' been said, the mopping up of a con- almost exacUy the size of New Eng- pensioners o f their parents, or seek this attempt faUed to impress the i**M^-*^ hundr^ and fifty dollars for each and every day that such vlo- o Become Colonial Brides quret Japan’s virtual onnexatim estimate of actual unemployment There is no auch thing as an un- latlon Stan con^us, or by Imprisonment for ten deys for each and every land snd New York state. Into tWs their fortunes In the big cities, fre- ment. The colonization will be court, and Judge Harold W. Garrit, Manchuria by force has let loose In the land of the Shoguna the mem- quently to land in the twelve-foot found Macri guUty, Imposing a fln’e reasonable profit If the risk la great comparatively small territory are speeded up as the settlements grow. But Jesus turned him abuot and m By DEWITT MACKENZIE an avalanche of condemnation, and bers of a family stand together. If cell of the slums. o f 8100 and costs with |60 remit- enough. C 1-6 o f Jammed 70.000,000 people. This program la calculated not I when he saw her, he said. Daughter, 50* 70% SO' New York. May 10__ Several U>A_»nguard pf 8.000.- p ^ p lU t e d a controversy which a man or woman la hungry and ted. — iMnuiol dn Pont, prreldcnt E. 15’ 10* 000 N ip ^ e a e who wlU be sent out The population per square mile ia Naturally such conditions produce I he of good comfort; thy (alth hath Height thousand lovelorn young Japonsaa will outlast this generation. 469. without work, he or ahe returns to many serious social problems. One only to relieve the congestion at Jacob Ashler. 67, of TLF.O. I. dll Pont de Netnours g CV>. the ancestral home or turns to other made thee whole. And the wetnoa Immigrant-farmers ore sighing un- Jspaaese Angle. To get an Idea of tbe density, you of them Is political unrest, and borne, but as the Japanese colony was mode whole from that hour.— WUlimantIc, also In court on SECTION XIX. CHANGES IN REGULATIONS. ^or which relatives for support. Tboeo who have looked down on business D ^ the spring moon o f Manchoukuo It Is not the writer’s purpose to have only to stop.to figure that the Japan has tad her share of this gri)ws it will absorb an increasing .Matthew 9:22. drunken driving charge, pleaded 50* (Manchuria) and counting the lag* nSuJSs. «* solved ours. grls who ore being sent out from in t ^ e c U o n with a historic colon- to the square mile. That is, Japan Is estimated that at leaat two mil- ease the situation by sending a mtl- Found guilty, Ashler was ’ fined S3 the homeland to become colonial ^ «B»U ba adjudfadoiijuawBd lavalid,invaUd. auchsuch adjudicationofijudlcatto ahAiistaiT7i>mv the wncM'a grtatsat eotaUtatloa w buu/tam es^ narrow confines they eat and sleep about twenty years, that is, the tale marks of rubber on tha W-* « PLY ABOVE 1ST STORY. undoubtedly wlU agriculture and industry must suf- er sons o f hard-hit formers, ^ r W > record ot ^ raaaoaa. such os give birth to ta blss, suffer and PBINTlNa COMPa KT, INC. are you doing about preventing a signs are changed, except at Main CONNIE BOSWELL ^maka a wheel-chair do tricks. doctor In the heart of (?hlna who admitting be maintained a Love nest The name of Mrs. Annie Tedford II Bt«MU atiMt nesday afternoon at 2 at hU late ried by 100 pretty Chineae girls clad It appealed for six to : permanent depression by establish- street, so that the fright of way will SINGS AWAY BLUES She could make a ’cello moon came across a mysterious epidemic. for Miss Ludwig in an Akron apart- of 27 Garden street was Incorrectly lfuMkMt*r, Oena. home oh Park street. Rev. Rowland Y.M.C.A.’S PROGRAM Hip Sing And On Lcnng Mem- In form-fitting ebung gee dresses— authentic reproductions o f the i TROUAS niRaUBOR ing a permanent recovery? be held by Turnpike Iraffic. The low. a banjo swing high. Although be isolated the bacillus toe long split-skirt native costumes. ment. Miss Ludwig likewise admit- used Saturday as the principal In a dress of Indian Chief | 0«Btta] Maiiacar By GEORGE ROSS J. Martin, pastor of the First Washington, May 10.— (AP) — X, Mrs. Harriman said she was tm- Connie and the klda loved this Mrs. J. Borden Haniman, Amen pressed by the amiable way in concerned, he had not the equip- bers Join In Huge Parade Of ted the relationship, extending over suit for damages against ths Circle to be used In pageants. Offeri i RaiBdal Oatobar 1. lilt termination of the Pike with other musical harmonizing, and so did Methodist church will officiate. i Ited. we hope to use soma ef tha a period of 3reare. the chief said. theater resulting from injuries re- Burial will be In Nathan Hale ceme- con minister to Norway, sraillngly I which Norwegians conduct their ment to Investigate or fight It. But 12,000 Chineee. ed In by maU and telegraph, VabUabsl BTstT sbIbi Ihteept roads at Love Lone aleo could be New York, May iO—A tear and the critical audience composed of Frank Wood And Joseph treasury money for baseball equip- he realized toe John Hopkins Uni- Manderbaugh said tis greatest In- ceived when a theater seat collapsed. OARS VS. GADGETS smile—that’s the formula for tale tery, South Coventry. Mr. Richard- said today she baa bought a loom government—a Monarchy. WOMAN KILLS SELF from far-scattered donors iva and Beltdaya. Bataral at tba marked with a warning. their classmates. After a whUe ment. During the winter the mem- versity laboratory would be able to New York, May 10— (APi —Rival terest today was in a note which he The person bringing the suit ts Mrs. by parcel post. Six wets i, omea at Manabsatar, .Oaea., aa telling. If the eye-dew may be son died Sunday following a short and learned to weave. The King and Crown Prince sit bership of the club haa Increased to Sarah A. Tedford, widow of David Doubtless there are old man-o- It doesn’t seem as If the change they became pretty much of a do It, If anybody could. As he could tongmen burled the hatchet .yester- said he was Informed had been left from as far east aa si««»«b _ I COaaa Mall Hatter. brushed away so the story leaves--fixturefixture at benefits and amateur illness. He was bom here Sept. 24, In Norway, the pointed out, vir- in on Cabinet meetings, sbs said. A Murphy Read Essays At 21. The cooperation of the boys has Tedford. of 12 Warren streeL Mrs. E war'a men In many a Snug Harbor of the signs, for the time, being, la you laughing...... tually all wromen are interested in not import any patient In this con- day aa 12,000 CHiinese paraded FOLLOWING A QUARREL behind by Miss Ludwig before she theatricals down at the Gymnas- 1869, son of Solomon and Elizabeth Leftist government Is In control, but been shown by their regularity of through downtown New York In ob- Annie Tedford of 27 Garden street who are today making disdainful For Instance, there's the etrang- handicrafts. And Mrs. Harriman, dition, he hurrit^ home aa fast as stretched out under her automobile too much to ask If, by doing It. tic Club. And she knew by now (Willla) Richardson. He was a the Conservative prssident of attendance. Through the coopera- seia-ance of "national humiliation with the engine running, funneled has no connection with the suit. The er-than-fictlon truth about Con- known here as a hostess, sportswo- 20th Anniversary Cele- tion of the county YMCA, ths boys possible taking a sample of the Herald ts pleased to make this cor- remarks about a Navy that can't, lives may be saved. And It’s -Just that a theatrical careqf was what member of the Sons of Veterans and Parliament haa been re-slsctad for day." toe 2Srd annlversarv of Police Not Satiafled Wlih Some toe exhaust Into her face with her nie Boswell. She has been on the she lived to achieve. was engaged In farming until sev- man, political speaker and social have bad tha opportunity to explore bacillus en route, and with "In- rectlon. in a whole naval district, raise from as liable to be the local cross-town, 11 years. Japan's famous 21-demand ultima- Angles Of Caae—Man To coat—and died. stage and In the movies. Her Suceeee—And Romanes eral years ago when he retired from worker, has added a few crafts to some of the Important buUdlngs In domitable courage" landed at John Its personnel s pulling boat’s crew Mrs. Harriman, who has dined at bration Held In Hartford. tum to CThlna. Re Questioned. "I am not ^tisfled at all." .Man- iM Bncn or m aisociatro er who Is killed at an Intersection, threnodies are popular on the Joe Schenck—not the movie man, active work. He leaves a daughter, her repertoire while serving as the Hartford. Hopkins, 111. but determined. They MEETING THE DEMAND benson s PRESS the palace, said King Haakon is so studied hts case, cured him, and It was the flrat time Chlnato«-n’s derbaugh said, "with the story that -| * to race around Boston Harbor as It Is some passing stranger, who radio. Her records sell 1,000 per but the Schenck of Van and Mrs. Florence Truteau of Wllllraan- nation’s second woman diplomat. "Two of these buildings were the ancient foes —the men of the Hip Tba s sea elated Prase is esaliislTsii cent above the average. She has popular that many people believe sent him back to hi* work In China. Connesut. O., May 10.— (AP) she took her life because she was in antltlsd ta tbs see ef rapabllaatlaa against the Coast Guard. It Is a may. wholly unwlehlngly, cause the Schenck, vaudeville headliners — tlc, an sunt, Mrs. Sarah B. Brown Visiting Washington for the first Aetna Life Insurance Co., and the Sing Tong and those of the on Des Moines, la —The Iowa Works SPECIAL SALEl M all news llapatabes arsditel ta It fame. And she has fortune. Yet "discovered" the Boswell talent. time since her appointment a year he would be elected President Manchester was well repreaented Hartford Times. This visit was "8. Breadth of vision. . . . for In- Police Chief Ira Manderbauth of poor health.” ar aet atberwlss eredliel la tbis situation that ought to make the crash. with whom he made his home, 9 unanimously If the country should last evening at the annual conven- Leong Tong, the monarchists and Canton, O., searched for a reported there was a time when life look- And with bis help the old ago, Mrs. Harriman mentioned the greatly appreciated by tha boys. stance the work of Sir Wilfred the communists —had marched to- Coroner C. C. Webater relumed aaar aal else tbs laeal aewe psb< Navy blush, and we imagine that ed dreary to Connie Bo.swell. grandchildren and a great grand adopt a democratic form of govern- tion of the Hartford County Y last letter today for the secret that a verdict of suicide by carbon LE O N A R D BSael berela folks were persuaded to let their child. enthusiasm for handicrafts as only This club has greatly Improved the Grenfei on toe Labrador Pentniula. gether in peace. Chinese leaders said from now on many a naval officer Put a reverse toss on Tlnje’s fledglings try their wings of song. ment. which celebrated its twentieth an- character of the boys; It has Im- Faith.... "What can you ex- sent Theresa Ludsrig to her death monoxide poisoning. The body waa All ricbu «l repablieatloDS at Mr. and Mrs. David McCormick one of the ideas which she thinks niversary at the Hartford Seminary the parade was the largest Chinese Spaelal dispalebas barala are else. ra> THE IDEAL PERSON flip-book snd riffle back twenlyl It was still an Instrument act. but Mrs. Harriman, whose close-crop- Toved their personality and sense of pect of a man who has no faith in demonstration ever held In the and wrote a new question mark be- held In the establishment of Gor- Refrig erators ears ad.______will flush like a galley sink every years to a day when the second of Highland Terrace have been en- could be exchanged between the Foundation. Eleven of the local Big Soper DeLmo by now standard melodies were United States and Norway. ped white hair harmonicas with lumor as well as having a good anything or anybody?" We must United States. hind the mysterious shotgun killing don Thompson, which was guarded time he meets the superior type of of Ma and Pa Boswell’s three being played In new rhythmic ar- tertaining, Mr. and Mrs. William group were people from Highland time. From the having of a good of Mrs. Dueber 8. Cable, In Canton Fall sarslaa allatil sf N. R A Sera* At a teachers' round-table In Ney Wood of Springfield. "We can learn from Norway,” pearl earrings said she went to see have faith In ourselves—faith In our Rather than "lose face," all Chlh- by policemen throughout the night ioi Sinus Triublt 9.87 CoMc Foot Food ArM las laa salt that the Coast Guard pro- daughters was a little girl play- rangements, with plenty of hot Park: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Case, time, the boys will grow up to help a little more than a year ago. on orders of Police Chief Kenneth York the other day the "idekl Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Sullivan she said, "how better to distribute the whaling fleet two weeks after Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Purlnton, Mr. God. For the past 20 year* the eae business men. Including i,600 ducea. ing in the summer sunshine of licks being dropped In at the the County YMCA and appreciate It. The body of the 48-year-old di- Pounds of Connesut. Al iGit leiciiCB h«i # wrr Raabar Aaiaclcaa Itswapapar Pab- teacher’’ was constructed out of have returned to their home In West our wealth within the capitalistic her arrival at her post. and Mrs. James McKay. Monroe Hartford County Y has placed laundrymen In Klanhattan alone, gentle old New Orleans. There right places. The tr>--out was In Sturdy bodies are developiMl by the shut their doors for the day. Bus vorcee waa found under her. new $ 1 3 9.9 5 Ushers AssoelaUoA For from Boston comes news were dozens of other kids romp- Stafford after .-ipendlng a few days framework; Norway can learn from "I learned to ski.” she disclosed, Morris. Welle* Dennison, Joseph emphasis on these very qualities tor to r. M«dtcin«i wiih HtGiImvm that, challenged by the Coast school children. was a contract for an RKO vaude- thing today If toe problema facing sey City, Boston. Philadelphia, Wil- or' - a few hours after she returned Bellingham, Wash.—Judge John SA'VE $60.00! iaUas Mathews Ipaelal A«aaaF—New day, but It had to be the lively, ville tour which took a year. Mable Morse of Woodstock. Strickland. other*. Good sportsmanship ia a N O S ' O E N r h o i i G d iit d Tark. Cblaasie, Datrall aal Sostaa. Guard to an oarsmen': race, the WTiat emerged was a being who us are ever to be solved." mington and Washington Joined in from a trip to Canton where she McOUnn held court on the side- 30 NIonths To Pay! leaping Boswell babe who got a Pictures came next — "Moulin Miss Margaret Moore of Spring- A high honor was given to Joseph great quality present in this group ^ • g tlo b u e ll G t O bG8G — fiG Navy hsa had to quit by default, Murphy and Frank Wood, members The music for the evening ses- the parade. visited Cable, quarreled with him walk--the defendant was accused of 6-Ye«r Onaraalaot MRRBBIt' AHOrr stntRAn would: not be a tyrant, but a ride In the home-made wagon of Rouge", "The Big Broadcast," field spent the week-end with her boys and girls In Stafford Hollow of boys. Guests who are eordlally •p h A drfn e. A < l ye«p d r v f t l t t fer MAY ROBSON ILL of the Highland Pioneer Boys’ club. sion provided by the Shubert Trio Aa the many-hued pageant, ltd by and finally shouted: breaking a scarlet fever quarantine. SEE CaRCOLATlONS and admit that Its tar la only friend; be a Just person, and well the neighbor’s boy. "Artists and Models" —and, of sisters, the Misses Nellie and Eliza- and Staffordville will be held at a Invited to attend, have aa enjoyable No one knew Just how It hap- Hollywood. May 10.—(A P)—May Because of the two splendid essavs of Rockville, contributed s cheerful a ferocious dragon rumbling defiance "You haven’t heard toe last of Judge MdOIlnn suspended hls 60- tMi gvick Getlef iDrey •Glutlee. Tbs BaiaM Priatlaa Oaapaar laa. cologne and its seamen are Just a adjusted; place the children on course, radio. Connie found her- beth Moore on Benton street. meeting of the Stafford Women’s time, for all the boys have pleasing of Japan, wound through China- me." pened. Really It doesn’t make self In demand on the airwaves, Rob.son, veteran actresi who re- they had turned In to a contest, personalities. There Is a broad smile atmosphere. After repefrts and brief day sentence provided ne etsy home aaaaaiss aa laanalm responslbllltp bunch of motorboat boys. They Mr. and Mrs. William Greene who Christian Temperance Union to be cently observed her 74th birthday, they were guest.* of honor at the town’s narrow, crooked streets, six Both Cable and Mlsa Ludwig were BENSON FURN. R RADIO lar Irreeraphlaal errors apassHaf Si their own and give them self-confi- much difference. There was a with her ability to sing either were married, Saturday afternoon present at all times on attendants' speeches by various other county Y until cured. 718 Mata S t fa l l SSSH Wlaartlsamaau Is the MaasSt as can’t muster a Navy boat's crew of. scream and a crash. And Connie held this afternoon I'uesday at the was under a physician's care today. convention, and also were requested officials, the session closed with the dence; think In the child’s terms; ".sweet" or "hot" placing her In a In Manchester are now occupying a •Staffordville Methodist church. faces. The night passes so quickly Rsaalaa BsralC oarsmen In greater Boston—nor a Boswell lay unconaclous at the class by herself. Her studio said she apparently suf- to read their own compositions to everyone Is Burprieed snd disap- singing of the hymn: "O Maater, let ------— - J explain things fully; know whst newly furnished apartment at IV There will be a brief discussion ot fered ptomaine poisoning. Shs Is ex- the entire dinner assembly. They pulling boat. foot of a telegraph pole. At the Never has Connie permitted Maple street. Mrs. Greene was pointed when ths parting song me walk with Thee" to toe tune ot TUESDAY, MAT 10 she was talking about; not n« hospital the surgeons looked seri- what might have been considered current events and group alnglng pected to be able to resume work did this so well, the audience re- "America” Is to be simg. Maryton. We have a heap of admiration for bound by the book; nile not by fear ously Into the anxious eyes of the formerly Mlse Florence Benson ot by the Staffordville girl*. later thia week. sponded with much applause. her "Infirmity" to hamper her ac- Manchester. "All this fun could not be avail- parents, then shook heads sadly. The first on# by Frank Wood, of able without the splendid coopera- the Coast Guard, and we admire but by respect; crea'e a sense of tivities or interfere with her liv- The Stafford Fish A Game club DEPRESSION. RECOVERY It she lived, they said, she’d never ing. She isn’t one to watch plac- 26 Roberta Road, aged 12. gives a tion of the Hartford Ctounty YMCA, too Its practice of keeping up with unity; and see that differences of move again. The lively laugh- will hold a meeting In the Legion flne account of the club activities. By Hsthiaa Spleaa idly from a wheel-chair while the and our patient. leaders. We take PEOPLE MUST APPROVE all that's new» In navigating aids and opinion were brought out. These ing child was paralyzed from the world rushes past. Connie’s Rooms, Wednesday night, at which In his own words: this opportunity to thank the YMCA Ooeat Editor Today machinery without sacrlflclng any were not all the required character- head down. It looked as If all wheel-chair la right In the rush. time plans for the coming skeet ‘The club that I am going to and our leaden who are responsible To the average worker and his light were out of her life. Modlahly, but raodeetly, gowned season will .be discussed. write about Is the Highland Park for this developing "Pioneer" club.” ANOTHER FOREIGN WAR of the stout ..eamansblp that Is an istics. but they were some of them. Miss Regina Russell of Terryvllle Pioneers. This club was once mis- famUy, it is immaterial whether a and groomed, she gets around to During the dinner assembly, tha Must It Take A Major accomplishment of the true sailor. A woman possessed of all these Undaunted by Psrali'sis theatera, the night-clubs, at the has been spending a few days with taken for the Highland Park Ponies basketball award was given to' the period of unemployment Is called The Coast Guard Is an "emergency attributes ought not bo confined It must have been pretty dis- ball park, at the ring-aide, at the her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. In the sports headlines. It was In West Avon Boys group. M^.-Gen. Tschappat Speaks At hard times, crisis, panic, depression service"—called In on the Job when to a schoolroom, but made the ruler couraging for all the Boswells in race track — anywhere there’! and Mrs. David Mitchell on East ths headlines because we won at The guest speaker for ths dinner Hartford Meeting Of Ord- the first few years that follow- the Hartford County T meet. Tnat or raceaslon. To him siieh times the trappings of mechanization and of an entire people. She might not something going on. Main street. hour was Lawis Fox the vice-presi- nance District. ed. But the rndomltable Connie Nor has she been slighted by AttUio Serafln manager of the was a great honor to the club. The dent of tbs Hartford County Y. He Mean misery and want the gadgets of precision go wrong. do badly as a dictator. piece was cut out and put on the was determined to get well, and the boy wlth\the bow ’n’ arrows. Workers Cooperative Union apoke gave an evaluation of tha last 30 Hartford, May 10— (A P )—Anoth- t» the United States we have had Each year there would be him- But this Is the catch: the teach- the family mind was made up to Never at a loia for escorts, Con- on the "Cooperative Movement" at club bulletin board. years of this movamsnt, packing give her every helping hand. So "TTje club has started a basket- er foreign war Involving the United altamating phases—periods of pros dreds of more drowned castaways er* at the round-table agreed that nie never bent an ear to catch the a meeting In Thompsonvllle recent- into a brief talk the Ideals, the prac- States would need the sanction of that’s how It was that, skipping rumblings of romance. Then, all ball team and a baseball team tbis Ucal value, and the Inspiration in Catastrophe To Make parity and of depression. We have from wrecked veseels If the Coast the "Ideal teacher" was a pure fig- ly year. We are planning a swim- the American people as a whole. over months of massage, mud- of a ludden, along came love, end Miss Frances Berry has resumed back of the county Y. Ha recollect- bad great crises beginning In 1S19 Guardsmen forgot how to pull on ment of the Imagination. baths, constant care, Connie In ming team. The dues are five ed Highland Park being one of the Major (Seneral W. H. Tschappat, Connie had been whisked before her studies aa Student nurse at St. clilef of ordnance, told reserve of- an oar to handle a longboat or a And thst’s the catch to all dic- her teens made the old Camp cents a week and we have bad no very first to be organised, and men- i n r , 1887,187S, 1893, 1907 and 1929, the preacher to become Mrs. Mary’a hospital In Waterbury, after expenditures aa yet. ficers snd Induatrisllsts. stirfboat by the "armetrong" meth- tatorships. street home a rendezvous of the Harry Leedy, wife of the person- Uoned a Father and Son banquet aach lasting from two or three to prep school beaux and belles. She visiting at her home on Morton “Quite often we go Interesting held here when the spirit of com General Tschappat addressed od. able lad who was—and atlU is— street for the past week. six or seven years, excepting the couldn’t walk, but she could her manager. places such as the Hartford Police radeship was so strong. It was al about 200 persons from this state latest which is now nine years old Of course, the Coast Guard Is Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner are Barracks. Mr. Langrlsh showed us most tangible. "If that spirit could and western Massachusetts last spending some time at Sweetheart how to shoot. He showed us a tar- night at toe l3th annual meeting of and tba end is not iret within sight really closer to the deepj than la b« trwiilAtcd Into Industry, th® tnis Lake. get that he had Invented and told gospel of love would permeate Into the Hartford ordnance district Some Conscious Of The Prssident Roosavelt enlightened us the Navy. Primarily they are when It appears. Watch for the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hunter have us about It. Then we went to the article in this newspaper. Open every Tuesday and Thursday eve- our economic Mfe,” challenged Mr "It Is safe to say toe United iseantly over the radio with these small vessel men, down on a level W ashin g ton Health and Diet returned to their home In New Lon- Hartford County T meet. Once 7ox. States will never engage In another don after spending the week end at ning until 9 p. m. Other eveninffs by we saw a mock trial. Mr. Goodrich He tdd the aaaembly about Camp foreign war unless the people aa a words; ‘T came to the conclusion" with the rolling eeas, the swirle of QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS donated the tickets for that. One tides and currents, the breath of D aybook the home of her parents, Mr. and Woodstock, where the boys get whole desire It, ” toe speaker said. (mind you, after six years of ex- Advice. Mrs. David Wasserman on High appointment. Closed Wednesdaya at 12, night we had movies at the club. closer to nature, and therefore clos- -B f Pr0Umm Grm (Voice Questions) He pointed out however, that the perimenting) “ that the present-day winds. They are Neptune’s Inti- By UR. FRANB MoDUl street, One night some of us put the light* er to God. This pioneer movement oountiy’B remoteneas from other Question: L. J. asks: "Is there out and we had to go through the problem calls for action both by mate friends, and know that a sud- Washington — Whether through Elaine and Ramon Ugone who noon. Other days, including Saturdays, haa meant greater opportunities for large powers feeling the need for panic or principle. Congress has al- any connection between the time of min for doing that rural youth, spiritual stimulus snd government and by the people, that den call to visit a while with The THE SLUGGISH LTVER sexual maturity and the voice? have been confined to their home on "Our clubhouse Is donated to us expansion has tended to produce an Great Need And Value ways fought shy of making Its own Morton street for the past month by store closes at 5:30 p. m. recreaOonal outlets. Healthy nor- apathy ^ t h respect to thorough we suffer from a failure of con- Old Man may find engines unde- Doea diet have anything to do with by Mr. Case. It has spring water mal boys are not interested in salaries subject to state taxea. And Illness are now able to be out again. piped in and we Uke to get drinks preparedness for war in time of aumer demand because of lack of pendable and muscles mighty. You win not find the term alug- the character of the voice? W’ould creeds of ethical formula . . their peace. the members are not throwing bou- catarrh of the noie or sinus trouble Mlsa Anne Berry who has been of that water because It baa Iron buying power. It Is up to us to cre- Some of the soojey-seamen might gleh liver used In medical textbooks, visiting with relatives In New York comradeship is based upon some General Tschappat said an refer- quets at that part of the President’s change the voice?" In It. Many people come up there thing Infinitely deeper. All denom- ^ ate an economic upturn.” well put In a little time breaking plan to end exemptions. but It la frequenUy used by the lay- city haa returned to her home on Just to get water for their health. ence to the part munitions makers Answer: According to the studies inations- all religions — all races play In war: To Mr. Rooeevalt this “present- oars, eveB if it Is hard, for one Within the last few days the man who explains such symptoms of Dr. Robert Rldpath, there la a Morton etreet. The club house ts green and hat can find a place In this Oninty Y House again rejected a prd'poaal to Mrs. Attlllo Frasslnelli and In- "I am not a believer in the asser- standing on the secure deck of a aa headache, dizziness, mental de close relationship between the rate four doors. Other clubs use It movement— this spiritual basis, day problem" is a period ot ovar- permit the District of Columbia to fant Bbn David Allan have been dis- too. We have men to work with tion that munitions makers etart large ship to imagine being a cast- preseion and faultg. digestion by of eexual maturity and the type of WATKINS ‘Instead of the superficial goodness Of Our Hospital? producthm and his remedy was to tax congrresstona] and other fed- charged from the Johnson Memorial • R O T H E R S I N C na so we are fortunate. Their wars, parUcuIarly not American eral salaries. They know there la saying the liver la sluggish. voice: thus, the tenor matures early, names are Mr. McKay. Mr. Denni- of our Umes"—as Dr. Feedlck anUv munitions makers.” destroy commodities and create an away from that veeryl. in an emer- the basso matures late, and the hospital and rstumed to their home puts It When faced with the real artlflelal scarcity, thus raising gency at sea. It Isn’t slwava easy no question shout a District of Co The English have adopted a terra on West Main street. son, Mr. Morris and Mr. Matslkan- iMues of modem life. It takes more lumbla Income tax on federal aala baritone maturea at a at^ e in be- lan. They are aU good men to prices. It did not occur to him that to let George Contraption do the which describes the condition fair- tween. The tenor la likely to be The medal speaking contest for tosn superficial goodness to give ries being constitutional, because ly well and they say a person who work with ehUdren. We are lucky toe spiritual roots so badly nesded. SECOND MOTORCYCLE the eternal economic law of supply Job. Congrc.sa itself fixes the amount of short and to have a soft akin, and to have them to move the club is feeling out of sorts Is feeling there may be a lack of a heavy p ie county Y Is a vital need—giv- T o w it: If the nu m ber of people kille d by auto m o and demand could not be tinkered And there Isn’t an engined small the District tax. "liverish" but the Americans do not along. ®ur club house has three ing toe foreign bom. the rich and "If you are going to have out growth of hair on the chest or face; rooms and a Mtehen, and we are PATROL IS STARTED with by the application of artifleial boat anywhere that la aa pretty or have any special term which exact- the basso on the other band la very very lucky." Catholics and Pmtestant__all salaries taxed by the states," says ly describes the state which de- squal opportunity to understand monkey glands. Now after six aa smart as s manned ciitter, the Representative Short of Missouri, masculine, has a noticeable Adam’s Joseph Murphy of Birch Moun velops when the liver Is lazy. each other as human beings—and to The second of the motorcycles biles in one year (greater in number th an the men we years be arrived _ at the conclusion sun flashing on oar blades as they "you are going to have Missouri apple and U likely to be tall. In tain Road, aged 14, wrote the fol The Uver la one of the moat Im- become better American citizens, owned by toe Manchester police de- ''that we suffer from a failure of swing gleaming In perfect stroke. taxing uM>crhaps 20 per cent, Iowa women. It la the soprano who ma- lowing, giving In hie own words the 10 per cent and Maine none." portant organs In the body, being tures early and who la exceedingly avalustioa of the club to tha mem k sPLerdlnner session, partment was put Into use last night consumer demand because of lack Our first naval victory, so It la Important not only because of its hers: held In toe chapel, special awards when Officer Raymond Griffin was But Representative Celler of feminine, while the contralto tends were given to four Highland Park iost in actio n in the W orld War) lost their lives in one of buying power.” He hsa now said, w^as won wrhen John Barry, New York worries about another large size, but also, because It has to mature late. The aoprano utu "Last FaU the boys of Highland assigned by Chief Gordon to ride the people; Lawrence W. c:sse, for 20 motorcycle during the night. The learned what the average worker with a cutter crew, boarded and pha.se. "The Supreme Court," he such a long list of known functions. ally has the short step of the "worn Park were aaked to assemble In the eommunlty club. Highland Park Is yeare sendee; and Welles Dennison, assignment of Officer Griffin to the and his family knew since tha be- captured an enemy sloop. Today .says, "has found that the power to It Is Intimately bound up with di- anly" woman, while the contralto tax Is the power to destroy, and If gestion. playing a part In the dlgea- a neighborhood on the outskirts of « and Monroe Morris motorcycle Is scheduled so that he m ajor d isaster public opinion would be cryst aliz e d will probably ,Uke on a longer stride J^^__^^lr^®ctlvjUes ctorlng the ^ast start at an hour when the traffic la ginning of the depression. If the he would have to do it In a Navy the federal government were em- tion of starches, sugars, proteins which auggeats a masculine walk. Manchester. In spite of the fact that only nine boye were present. y**’’ Boys’ Pioneer Clui heavy between Manchester and necessaries of life cannot be bought motorboat if he had the gasoline powered to tax willy-nilly the se- and fats. It secretes an important When we hear-an Individual having R. B. Purlnton has also given curities of states and municipali- thw showed splendid cooperation Hartford and gives an opportunity at low prices, how can they be at It seems rather as If a service that digestive fluid, knowm as bile, which a deep voice, who la tall, and who i ^ y years service as a leader In to patrol the streets and roads In into im m e dia te actio n to prevent such a thin g hap ties It would have power to de- la mixed with the food as It enters walks with a confident stride, then and bad an enjoyable time. Games high prices unless purcha.sing pow- can support a Navry Band, very sea- stroy them” such as “Capture the flag”, "Sar- toli movement. In toe Hlghlanda U. the west part of the town. There er Is established T the first psrt of the Intestinal tract. It is probable that the time of ma- W. Holman of Manchester, too, is have been several complaInU made going with Its ra-ta-ta. might also On that subject, however, the The liver also plays a most Impor- ( ex- tion of the local medical society Many arguments have raged back And At ( he Sbbic Time gines, machinery, etc., to the back- pected, he completed within a group members must hire an out- and forth as to how much of a de- toxicating organ the liver actuaH;.- ward countries. For a time this month, but aa things are, during .sld* physician before they can 16,000 MILE JOURNEY versus inco m e in m ain t ain in g this most h u m a nita created Jobs at home, but as fast enter local ho.spllals for aiirglcal la, but many physiologlata agree that month, ' Is highly probable that the Uver alters chemically Help Your Hospital •;¥j as foreign countries such as Japan. treatment. The grovip hafi both is built to H O L D IN the C O L D that Manchester may wltne** a fa- friends and enemies in Congress many of the aubatances which reach I" China, India and a large part of it and In this aeries of chemical I-os Angeles. May 10.—(AP) — 15% OP OUR LOCAL GROSS SALES rian of instit u tio ns in our co m m unity? tal automobile accident, or one In- and there Is ,irospert for a first-line Five Polish airmen studied the maps flareup about It. changes It Is more than likely that a. BE donated South America and Africa develop- volving grave personal Injuries, un- of a 16.500-mlle route today over ®// ed, those countries largely ceased to some of those which are potentially which they hope to fly their Call- MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL less steps are taken to correct the poisonous are changed In such a be purchasers of goods from us and Osdlt Where Due fomia-bulH transport monoplane to p r o d u c e d b y t h e . R o l l a t o r "stop sign" positions as they are • Columbia Broadcasting System way at to become non-polsonous be- W’areaw. yaWBelf Md In tk^ w t lJ r became themselves competitors in I now on the Turnpike. has flooded Washington with a fore they reach the general circula- Only thing lacking before the Mandmetor the world market. handsome colored document on how tion. Pole! can hop off from Union Air oca products — and at the SI DorW,™ Ssreeoe bi a I In normal times, when the like It reported German absorption of It Is only reasonable to suppose H ERE'S Thus we have reached a point in Terminal tomorrow or Thursday is Qsa^ Root Is Tbs IS not used nearly aa much aa the Austria. After complimenting; that the poisons absorbed from the permission from certain South m e c h a n i s m ! wJPgy*"***^*"*»«W human civilization where the lack north and south cross streets, there European networks for assisting, Intestinal tract are Increased In American countries to cross their H O W 15,000 Needed For The Hospital of purcbaslnr power asserts Itself Is sense In giving a right of way on and commending advertisers for amount when cooatlpatlon la pree- territory. giving up time on the air to permit However. If last-minute changes an a wrorld-wide scale. Today de- streets which bear the main traffic ent aa the retained feces would en- the newa broadcasts, Columbia courage a longer period of absoi'p- demand It. the $90,000 twin-engined The cold-producing efficiency of the Rollator T O pression of business can be truth- burden. Lately the jltuatlon has concludes with a brief three tines Lockheed will )>e flown to New York mechanism (exclusive with Norge) is match- ealaa made by Isem I ^ridaal os 8b$e SUaglaa fas tlon. Hence, constipation would sneen ar loeal boi____ fully described as an International been changed, and Middle Turnpike saying; tend to throw a heavier burden than for crating and ahlpment to Poland. ed by the cold-saving efficiency of the Norge 'All the news-flashes came salesmen. 8a get an the band tbroDlc dlaeaae for which there ts la the more heavily travelled, large- usual upon the liver because of more Pan-American Airways said the cabinet. Completely sealed, it gives you D O IT Sut one remedy, namely, the atabill- through the offices of the Presa- poisons being sent to It. five aviators had asksd for use of THIS YEAR! ly by driven who are strangen Radlo Bureau, directly from the their facUlUea on a non-stop flight more cold at less cost. But the exclusive tttioa of purchaaing power. Another causa of liver aluggleh- here, and who are not familiar with typewriter! of Associated Press neea which Is worth mentioning. Is to Mexico City, thence by easy Rollator mechanism and the super-saving 9 stages along the wrest coast to Chile, f/ This can be done by retiring our atop aign locations. They are United Press and International too free a use of atarchea and fats. cabinets are only two of the many, many Oiosa who have reacheu the age of News Service correapondents.” across South America to Argentina travelling on a main route, and, Excessive amount of meata, used and northward to NataL Brazil. features that make Norge for 1938 the re- Bay the ProdaeU Listed Below tety yeara and paying them an an- along with too much of other vari- MRBER Bensscs rightly enough according to the From our own library of alm- From the Brazilian dty. they face frigerator of greater economy, greater con- Proai Y otr Own Independent Groocr luity BufficienUy large enough to leaa information: etlei of food would also throw a an 1,goo-mile Journey over tte South venience and greater protection. Come in common aystem of road marking, heavy burden upon the Uver. Aa or PhmM 1948 SHIN6US wrehaae all of what Is now knosvn Senate page boy*. aU under 16, Atlantic ocean to Dakar. Africa, tonight (store open until 9 p. m.) and learn ANNUAL SOLICITATION OF FUNDS they no doubt feel that they a n on tha Uver is intimately concerned whence they would proceed to War- Is surplus of consumption goods, get about 8112 a month and must all about this finer refrigerator. a through right of way. Under- attend a part-time school conduct- with digestion, over-eating must saw. Roo^ In M Manchester J'’*’*'*™** we No longer can we ook to foreign cause it to be ovrer-worked, and It Major Maclaw MakowrtU, preai- atandably then, they have not paid ed for them In the capitol___ TO fentnrinr « very low price. barkets. It is the home market George Washington vetoed a bin may In time cease to function nor- dent of the Polish L. O. T. Air Line, aa close attention as they otherwise Is leader of the quinteL Hie long- vhich we must open and keep open for the Washington monument and mally because of such abuse. In would to IntersecUons Uke Summit It didn’t get started again for yaan. aoma patienta, tba exceasive use of distance project, he explained, would b order to ha lance production with xtreet and Parker street and Wood- coffee, tea and cocoa aeem to favror be largely an edu cation one for MANCHESTER BLEACH men. kmaumptlon. II we fail in this, oo- brldga street tha tendency toward Uver alugglah- Moaohostor Bloadi W. HARRY The maximum temperature on Their Lockheed, last of six order- SIkCHyBlondi MAY to imsBloBs wtli be more frequent un- nasa when such a tendency la al- 11 18 B r^ e marks at all of Uieae totar- record of the air- in shade la iSfl ready praaeoL ed by L. O. T. for uae ea Poland’s Gold Crown Bhdnc •Bk CUy Anunenla D we ftnaily reach a depreastoo degrees Fahrenheit obaerved at govemmant-sponsored system, has a WATKINS ENGLAND aectioDS tosUfy to tba nearness of • R O T H E R S TomorroWa arUcla will continue fuel capacity of BOO gallosia. aufB- I N C Manchester Green wfn be permanent, which In aeddsat ta asany eases, and aoma Greenland Ranch, Calif..' Juiv 10 the dlarnaaiea of "Liver Sluggiah- This A t v rtlsiwiMH Prtd Fer By g E. Wmfa > $<». 1913. i dsnt for enfiatag 8,000 lailea: Top Telephone 3451 rifab Btartwbib Oo. Mid Thb W . ( 'Os. aaaa" and wU tan you what to do spasd ia SSO miiaa aa hoar. PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, MAY 10. 1938

boy waa folding boxea in the base- MANCHESTEB BVBKINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY. MAY 10. 1938 ment of the store. atanUy Increasing Interest In male JARVIS AWARDED County Bar Meets- START HOSPITAL General Chairman LOCAL GLEE CLUB singing on toe part of music lovers. f- At the annual meeting of the As a result most of the clubs play Manchester BAZAAR W INNE Tolland County Bar Association to capacity houses and toe grand PROGRAM await YBIT HERE PRONAVLJOB held on Monday morning. State's DRIVE THURSDAY concert, the May festival of music, Attorney Michael D. O'Connell of IN CHOIR OF 1,000 is taken each year to one of toe Date Book New Star Is Discovered; T Stafford Springs was reelected presi- larger New England communities. ACCEPTS MONEY TUESDAY, MAY 10 (Central and Eastern Standerd Ttine) dent Other officers, ail reelected In recent years toe FederaUon has Tonight. (Proeram* Standard Tima—Dai/llght Tim e ana Sour later) OF GRAND MASTER are, vice president. Attorney Donald given concerts In Boston, Hartford, May 10.— Merchants' Division l«cal Ciiitnctor Gets Con- C Fisk, of this city; secretary. Campaign To Get $15,000 Pawtucket. FaU River and many meeting at Hotel Sheridan. 4 May Be Earth*s Nearest Beethovens To Take Part In other cities of smaller size. Clerk of the Court, Willis H. Tomorrow. Mrs. Renee Porter Settles ■ Reed; treasurer, George V. Smith, The gathering at Springfield NBaw7:;“?BM;’ NEVwoR\'’‘^ .*''1 •'•1 8 * ^» o Kfbh Odd Fellows To Greet Head Wllllama Bay, Wte., May 10.—# tnct For BdUhig Qas For Insdtotion To Con- also looked upon as a great social “-SL Bridget’s Dramatic A S IC — E s i l i w M wn a a wUo w j s r C O A S T — k n Ylio iii k ol k f p r k r i k s f o koy Dr. Struve sold toe sU r ■ attorney of Willington. Big Concert In Springfield C a n t. K a a t. (AP)—A Btar new to toe aetronom- The secretary waa instructed to occasion reaching lu climax In i Of Cornea Ctoarlle ” For Cash; Claims Her If*** " I tl »ben ablv It gither th# Marggt or thR grand ball and entertainment fol at St. Bridget's parish hall. Kf* **•'" ""'1 ’'•al ’•‘iel: Mldwtitt f 'W — 4 :S ^ N I I a M a c k , L a t ’ a Pra t a nd Of Order And Staff To Ical charts claimed attention today OQd cearett ttar la gpaoG.** It ^41 toibary State Aid Road. send a letter of appreciation to At- Hone Throngh May 18. Tl*® •‘’at ’•Ira S»ip: 4 :0 0 - 5:00— Pr a a a-R a dlo N a w a Parte d torney Charles Phelps of this city Saturday, May 14. lowing toe concert This Week. p.eiSlV 1.0•rn'Kli: 4:05— 5 : 0 ^ T e Bo A nnouncod because It may be the nearest one were an **tinreeolved n i i T i n i u i ? 8 * * k omo khq k po k s u : 45®9“ 8:10— Bo a k o C a rt a r'a Co m m a n t ^tuted ot two parte—its onnmnlSaa for a number of law books which Among toe men. Interest centers »f Cabaret dance Prize Here Yesterday. SHTlSTlo*" • ' ATIONS (opersts Inter- Lodge Friday Night. to the earth. he has presented to the association in the contest In which each club at Rainbow in Bolton M a x in e S u lliv a n dtstMce might be somewhat g rsab .^ n» Alocaader Jarvla Oonstnic- Next Week. SStSSS*’!*' *r BLUB 8:00— Ju a t B n to rt a ln m a n t — a .; The star's existence wee disclosed er than AJ^ba Centauri, ha and which will be added to the Bar The 1938 Memorial hospital fund The Beethoven Glee Club will be la r e q u l^ to sing two numbers, ••an work wcol; MidwMii wood wsl - ^ «4 4 l o H eu a o a t th e O rg a n — woa t tlaa Oampany of Mancheater was Library. one of Its own choice and one se ~ ^ n u a i conflrraaUon • 116— a:15— H o llyw o o d'# Sera a nteoopa by spectra obtained by Prof. O. P. organization, numbering two hun- among the 1,000 male singera from Mr*. Renee Porter, of Washing- JTIS, ••>«» •••>« kioo kan* OTHBH , T o Bo A n n o u n c o d — wo a t Kuiper of the University o< Cauca- Place Reservations. lected by the Conductors' Club of reunion at Concordia Lutheran ~ C s n s d ls n i Grand Master <3arl E. Weeks and TMterday awarxled a contract to dred and fifty leaders and workers, 30 New England cities and towns cnurclL ton, D. C„ came to Manchester yes- w i. wiom waaj , • ' 8 ^ 8J30— H a la n Mon k on'o S e ri a l— go's Yerkea Observatory here. Eben H. Cobb, chairman of the the FederaUon. They are rated on fc fyr k o a m : So u th) w u r w p t f wlo w j a x _ Ch a o. W aul a t O rg a n — woat his staff of the 1. O. O. F., Is to visit build a section of road In Glaston- opens the current drive for 815,000 that will participate In the grand terday to claim the chief award, an i • : 0 ^ 7:00— E d w a rd Q. R o b ln i e n P l a y It has been designated Wolf 424 Public Works Committee has Issued diction, ensemble, tone. InterpreU- May 16-21 — Outdoor bazaar wIoS wooe wfbd ww n o wcoc Manchester on Friday evening of EASTERN STXl buiy at a cost of 158.240.66. The in sustaining funds Thursday morn- concert of too New England Fed- sponsored by U C. club at club lot automobile, given at toe closing of ' wxb w a p! wm ob w !d t J®'*®" W i t h Hla Sh e w and Is of the 12th visual magnitude, a notice of a meeting to be held Uon and pitch by Judges concealed the bazaar held by the Red Men and rvcksa -W ------t:0 O — A l Poareo a nd H i t O a ng this week, as guests of King David ■^r. Otto Struve, observatory di- eontract calls for the construction eration of Men’s Glee (Hubs In the behind screens. No applause la per- on Golway street. ilfZ TeH? 7^*? 7:10— 1:30— G o o dm a n S w i n g — alao ca t _ RUMMAGE SALE this evening in the City Council ing. The annual campaign for pub- Giuseppe Garibaldi Societies. In- H f c f MJl oun t a ini k f lr Lodge of Odd Fellows. District rector, said last night It waa found of 8,220 feet of bituminous macadem Springfield Municipal auditorium mitted. Judges are not permitted Coming Event* ^ h j k u r k ob: Paciffo k f b k k w g k m j K a m p t. Bob Hop e.oto. Chamber at seven o’clock, daylight lic subscriptions, augmenting in- k o in 8.30— 0:30— R a y H o a th e rto n'a Songo— Deputy Arthur M, Bateman and his •niursday At 9 A. M. oa Hebron avenue. It is a state aid next Saturday evening. May 14. a t to consult with each other. Their stead of taking the car she accepted/ to have "a very late M-type spec- time, when reservations for the come from all other sources, will 8 o'clock. The local chorus will be „ — Swedish Tercentenary * cash settlement. C o nt. Salt. ^ l o ; 8 t. ^ u i a P o lly F olllo o— m id w staff are also expected. It will be trum ' duplicated only by the etar. HELD AT tOM ftlAlN STRElnr road and was awarded yesterday Henry Park diamond will be dis- Joint decision Is flnal and not open celebration at 'Emanuel Lutheran *4>— 8t45— F o u r Clu bm e n a n d Vecafa (Formerly Oarroae’e .Market) continue through to Wednesday, under toe direction of Robert Knox to criUclam, which la expressly Mrs. Porter Is a traveling repre- • :0 ^ 1 0 :0 (^ A b o L y m a n A Orchoo.— the first time in a number of years Wolf 359, the Intrinelcally faintest afternoon when bids were opened cusaed. May 18, at which time a final report church, 4 p. m. O rp h a n A n n i a ^ M t t o ; Ju a t E n t e rt a in m e n t — w. r p L that the local lodge has received a star known. ____Opposite High School under the supervision of the new Chapman and will also compete in forbidden under the rules. sentative for a corset concern and All baseball teams dealring to use meetUig will be held In the Masonic the Federation contest In the after- 4^2 meet- was demonstrating In Hartford O r c h t t .— we st 8:11— 10:15— Serte na eo opo— r p t to w. visit from both grand officers. Alpha Centaur! heretofore has State Highway Commissioner Wil' Henry Park for baseball games this noon. It is noteworthy that the clubs F olt on'o Ore h e o tra Temple. have constantly gained In their of Commerce at when she purchased the ticket that i I t r Pro gra m 1 0 :0 ^1 1 :0 0 — A rt io S h a w Ore h e o tra — The meeting will open at 7:45. An been the nearest star known. It Uam J. Oox, It being among the summer are Invited to send a rep- General Chairman William Knofla The contest will be held at Tech- Hotel Sheridan. J i J t Now a Pa rlod *di E ldro dg o O ro h .— woot entertainment will be followed with la about 4 1-3 light year* or more fliat awards made for new roads resentative to the meeUng. Appll striving for toe perfect score of 200 May 25— Third annual outdoor proved to be the winner. After be- Holm e # Ore h e o tra haa assembled one of the finest or- WllUam A. Knofla nical high school with all entranta points. The highest ever achieved 4.45— 5:45— P a y K i n n t y A Ore h e otra refreshments and dancing. All Odd w .ui™ ^ M. D. ^ ^ than 25 trillion mile* away. yesterday and the first since Com cations will be received and aaslgn- singing the prize song. "Through Musical FesUval by l.ooo school ing given the money last evening at 11:00— ^2:0 0— D a nc e M u ti e — weot o n ly ganizations ever, each worker in- was a score of 173 polnU by toe An- 4:45 she left at once as she is to be O rp h a n A n n io — ra ld w rp t N Q C-W JZ ( B L U E ) N E TW O R K Fellows are urged to attend and to Tha probable dlstenoe of Wolf mlssloner Cose took office. ments will be made for both after- spired with the knowledge that un- Leader of the annual Memorial Eastern Gates" by Granville Ban- dover Male Cniolr. The Highland singers at Educational Square. 5:00— Amo a *n* A n d y — o a a t; To invite their wives or friends. 424 was computed at 3.7 light years At the opening of bids yesterday noon and twilight games as well as tock and also a number of their ► J u n e 6-11 — Carnival sponsored In one of toe southern states today So An n o u n co d — woot B A S IC — E a a t) w j a w b i* w b c a w b a j less the amount sought, represent- Hospital Fund Drive to secure 815,- Glee Club of Newton, winner In 5*15“ f i l E — Vo e a f V arlo tlo a b y Ch ora l w h o m k d k o w g o r w x y i w jt n w a yr w m o l Gueqjs are expected from Pioneer less than that of Alpha Centauri. the new commissioner took the op week-end games. own choosing. This Is to 13th an- by Manchester Fire Department to continue her work. o t M n . i J A M M c u p o n I h , ing the difference between annual 000, William A. Knofla, general 1937, haa been the most consistent 5:3 0->Un t a on J u r y — w a a f; B y w n i w o b y w o b r w c k y wapd w e a n wlce Junior Lodge No. 1 of this town and Thus, according to toe layman’s cal- SPECIAL SALE OF portunlty to meet the different con WlUlam R, Stone. rccelpta and expenses of operating chairman (above) issues an appeal nual contest and concert. This winner In recent years. In toe June 17 — Manchester High grad- Ca ndlollghte Mua lOal P ro a .— no tw k w io u: M idw o a ti w o n r w | i k w k ko!1 wre n from the lodges in Stafford Springs, C p p , t , r . N . H . . P n d t h . L p n p t a i e p - H o r n t . i « ” * o f t P e L o o p H o n t i o p i H o i p i t o l . M a p . culations. toe new star would be m etors who were present when year new rules will govern the com- uation exercises at State theater in 7 :0 ^ P u a a M org a n A O ro h o t tr a w m t k ip w o w o w e tn: S o u t h: w rt d w n br ■ William H. Stone, 90, of 57 Tal- the hospital, aoroe other more radi- to all Manchester residents to con- earlier days of the organizaUon toe morning. • • JJ— W a y n o lOng*a Oroh a a tra k f dm wrol kria w jb o wd a u w a n Rockville, East Hartford, and Re- about 3.780.000,000,000 mllas away. bids were opened being introduced cott avenue died on Monday after- cal and exacting means detrimental tinue to support the fine local In- petition. Including pro\islon for a Mendelssohn Mole Chorus of Water- MISS ANNE BROOKINGS T:0O— tsSO—Vex Poppof’o Q______uo atlono w agn k x T t ; M o u n t a in) k lo kvod k a h f j bekah lodges in this vicinity. ■Of. D,. wnna.. co...‘ir.ri^’; “C ’.a^”'"’- CRAW FORD to the contractors by Deputy Com noon at the home of his daughter, to the Institution will have to be stitution. Cash or pledge contri- confidential, competitive rating of bury. Conn., held a similar position July 18-24 — American Legion i ’l^F^Ebor McQoo Prog.—to « F®olflp) k f o k afd k e x k go k e e a k jr* each club. Some of the clubs will Carnival at Dougherty's lot !*!?!* PlpI«y*o P ro g — l o ’ w t W E A F -N B C f o r op tion a l mlssloner Clinton Q. Nichols. The Mrs. James R. Quinn with whom he resorted to to secure the annual de- butions are acceptable. and prior to that honors were divid- t:SK K-Jlm m lo Pldlor, T a l k — to e Hat of atattona. GSD GSC GSB London, 8—English ADVER’n S E WITH Combination new commissioner in speaking to had made bis home. He had been ficiency finances. sing for a rating only; others will ed about evenly between toe Mc- ST. MARY'S SPEAKER D al# Ca rnoglo'a Pro gra m C o n L E a a t. song writers; YV5RC Caracas, 8 30 Newcastle and Durham where a 72- the different contractors said that confined to his bed for only two compete for the bronze plaques and STUDENT WINS PRIZE t:0 0 — 1 0 :0 (^ D . O a op arro O r e h .— o a a t: 4 :3 0 -^ h o Sin gin g L a d y — «a a t | HIGHWAY HEAD MEETS The plan of securing the needed Dowell Male Choir of Springfield * .*^ "'* * *"* A n d y — re p e a t for woat —Continentals orchestra; GSI GSU day spell was ended by heavy raln- be hoped that their relations would weeks, and in spite of his age was certifleatea offered as awards by the N o w m a n ’a Orohoot. ^ , E d w a rd D a vlo o, B a rito n e — wa a t faU. There aleo were light ahowera RANGES finances la similar to that employ- EARLY MORNING RAIN Federation, which la now In Ita 19th Cl'^b*** Men’s Singing New Haven. May 10.—(AP) — Missionary' To Africa To Be J'1 S “ Ore h e o tra GSC GSB London, 10:60—"Escape' be "pleasant and friendly” and that active. He was bom in North ed for the past several years. The season. 11:00— H orblo K a y A Ore h a a tra 4:00— 5 :0 0 -N o w o ) J . Rich a rd s O rc h . RADIO^e;*'*^ by prisoners of war. in some eectlons of Scotland and rOR 10 DAYS they were welcome to come Indi- Branford, the son of Bennett and Among toe smaller organlzaUons, Charles Doolittle of Woodmont, a Guest Of Women’s Auxiliary 10:10— 11:30— Ja c k M a ra n a rd Oroh a a tra 4:10— S i l^ J o h n n l o Jo h n o ton In Song STATE CONTRACTORS snow fell In the Shetland Islea. workers will call at local homes The Beethovens are scheduled to 4 :3 ^— 6:35— Soren adoro — w j i o n ly; ==——— Day vidually to him at any time. Ruth (Butler) Stone and lived in properly identified by the commit- HALTS ROAD BUILDING toe Beverly Men's singing club with Milford High school student, look- At Friday Night Meeting. C B 8 W A B C N E TW O R K Mm I heavily damaged were the SIGNS FREE! 6-Piece Breakfhst Branford the greater part of his sing tomorrow evening at toe Tal- four firsts and three seconds to Its ed forward today to a round trip Jo h n n i e Jo h n a ton. C o n t in'd — c h a in Easter* Standard Time tee's official Identification cards, cottvUle Congregational church B A S IC — K a a ti wa bo wa do wo k o wcao 4:45— 6:45— L e w t ii Th o m a a — o a a t; RUDY VALLEE YISITS Hartford, May 10— (AP) — Wll. northwest midlands and southeast Suite and 9x12 Felt Bass life. He came to Rockville a little and will ask that the residents credit. Is outstanding. airplane flight to Washington, ail Miss Anne Brookings, missionary wa a l w a r w k b w w k rc w h k w j r wdre Chie a po Co nc e rt Ore h o a tr a — w e a t Ham J. Cox, state highway commis- England. The emerald isle of Ire- Tnicka Lettered and Striped Rug. over 16 years ago. He leaves two East Center Street Job Held and on Sunday afternoon at the Local arrangements for tola expenses paid, which he earned w e a n wja a w pro w f b l w i a v w g a r: M ld- B:0 C^ 8:00— E a t y Ae ea S k it — also cat sioner, and (Connecticut road con- land was patched with dusty brown other daughters, Mrs. Charles Mont- either give a substantial cash or Masonic Home In Wallingford at toe ySar’s concert are in charge of the to Uganda protectorate, Africa, will w oo ti w b b m w f b m k m bo k m o x wh a a 8)15— M r. K a t n A Lo a t Poradna New York. May 10—Birds that Window Lettering pledge donation to the fund. The Up This Morning; Progress annual visitation of Manchester with hla prize winning essay in a be the speaker at the regular meet- k f a b k rn t • :30— 6:10— D o ro th y Thompoon* T a l k talk are in their flnal days of WITH GOVERNOR CROSS tractors were better acquainted to- scare, typical of the patchwork pat- A Complete Kitchen for the Pries gomery of Branford and Mrs. Harry MacDowell Male Choir of Spring- competition connected with toe cele- A S ^ w b n a w p # w h p whoo w ore e frb . H a p p y Ja c k and So n g— w e st day after an informal meeting in tern of drought in most sections. ROCKVILLE Llndblade of New Haven, eight correct transaction will be noted on In Construction Thus Far. Masons to toe home. field, toe host club. G. Loring Bur- ing of toe Woman's Auxiliary of St. e k ao w lb z wm a a wa ag w n b f wlb a w k b n 1 ) 4 ^ 8)45— M aglo Moledloo — w j a ; preparation for a broadcast. They Showcards Board Signa of Range! I the workers card. If a cash dona- Provision has been made at the bration of National Air Mail Week Mary’s church on Friday evening. w h io w k b! - Ooiia Chioa a S o n g— n e tw ork will be competitors in what WELAF- which be expressed the hope their 20 Months A Pay! I grandchildren and three great well of Waterbury. director of the Postmaster Patrick J. Goode an- p I X I B — wga t wa fa w bre w q a m wdod M a d rlg u tr a Orch o a tra Hartford, May 10.—(AP)—Two relations would be "pleasant and tion the donor will be credited with huge Springfield auditorium for an May 13 at 8 p. m. The meeting kJra wra o wla c w w l wtoo k rid k trb ktsa NBC describes a national talking Eight signers of toe Declaration For Prompt Senrice grandchildren. The funeral will be MacDowell Male Choir and toe nounced Doolittle as the winner to- H a v e H a pp e n e d Connecticut Yankees, both Yale friendly." the amount at once. If a pledge to Rain this morning put s stop to audience of 3,500 music lovers, In- Mendelssohn Male Chorus of Wat- will be held in the parish house, and w a e o k oin a wdbo w b t wd a a w b ia w d bj 7:00— 8:00— Hora e # H o ld t'o Brlg a dior a parrot contest on Sunday after- OT ■ Independence were foreign BENSON PURN. « RADIO | held on Wedneoday afternoon at two cluding large delegations from each day in the essay contest for all Con- all women of the parish are cordially w w v a w m b f waj a w m b r w a la k tu i kgk o Z*Z9“ 8:10— N B C ’o Ch ic a go Ja m b or e e men, held a reunion in the governor’s The newly appointed commission, CALL 6282 •It Mala St. mum o clock at the Gri.swoid funeral be paid during the ensuing year, work that was being done on East erbury. haa been named aa guest w e oA wd o o w n o x k w k b k n o w wm rom noon. record will be kept by the Man- of the numerous colleges and pre- necticut High school students. There Invited to hear Miss Brookings tell J iJ f c s X 'JS r j y * '* * ® ?5®'®®/ Orch o a tra office today. One was Governor er attended a big opening by his JAMES R. QUINN DIES; home in Branford. Burial will be Center street as far as mixing conductor. of her experiences. w j n o wab a w p a r wm a a wooo w rv a ^^ 8 F f n g'a Ja a ta ra To date an even dozen parrots Cross, the other Rudy Vallee, band department tn the hall of toe state chester Trust Company and pay- paratory schools of the greater As over 60% of the membership were over 5,000 entries. M I D W I S T — w m M wla n w lb w k fb ®^®*® * Oroh a a tra have been entered, with toe list still at Mill Plain cemetery, Branford. batches of concrete and spreading Refreshments will be served fol- w k b b w t a s w k b h woe e w a b t 1 ^ w n a x 1 0 ;0 0 -1 1 ;0 0 -C h l c k W a b b A Orch o a tra leader of too Connecticut Yankees. house df repreaentauves and waa menta may be made by mall or in Springfield area. lives within 75 miles of Springfield, Doolittle and toe other 47 state woo open. New York bos put in four, WAS FUNERAL DIREaOR Joint Celebration Tonight. It was concerned. The north sec- To Miss Marlyn Crlttendon, lowing toe meeUng, and hostesses 10:10— 11:10— C a rv e l C r a ig A Orch o a tra "I believe I am the only man who introduced aa "our new chief" by Ellen G. Berry Auxiliary will ob- person at the Trust Department of- the associate members, as toe winners will-fie entertained Sunday Philadelphia two, and Chicago, Hol- ever graduated from Yale without Clinton O. NIchola, executive deputy fice. tion of the south aide of the street Springfield's premier violinist, who wives and sweethearts and friends night in Washington at which Ume for toe occasion are Mrs. Henry serve its 25th anniversary this eve- has been completed as far as the has played in Springfield Symphony Weir. Mrs. Max Kasulkl. Mr* lywood, San Francisco, San Fran- taking Latin or higher mathe- commissioner. ning, May 10th in the G. A. R. At the dinner meeting tomorrow of toe organizations are called, will the national winner’s name will be cisco. Boston, Washington and matics”, Vallee said. "Probably I am the only man In night in hlasnnic Temple Charles East Cemetery and work waa start- Orchestra under the direction of the be In attendance In goodly numbers. announced. George Torrance, and Mrs. Mar- 9:30—Benny Goodman's Orcbes- One Of City’s Most Active Res At this time the auxiliary ed yesterday eoming back on the late Arthur H. Turner, looked upon garet Sargent. tr* Seattle one each. "Billy Phelps never icould do any- this room who never attended one will Join with James W. Milne W. Holman, chairman of the board Springfield Is bound to be the musi- thing with mathematics either". idents Passes Away This of trustees, C. Elmore Watkins, and south lane of the north part of the a.* the "dean of male glee club con- cal mecca of New England next 30:00—Time to Shine. Judging wlU be on toe basis of of the .meetings," the commissioner Morning; Funeral Friday. Camp of the U. S. W. V. In observ- street. The concrete had been laid ductors" to whom the singers will WTIC 10:80—Ray Heatherton. diction, vocabulary, originality of Governor Cross said. He referred said. ing the 40th anniversary of being other hospital directors and leaders Saturday. There will be "music In Travelers Braadcasttng Servlee, 10:45—Four Clubmen. to Prof. William Lyon Phelps. will Impress upon the workers the to a point almost to the Intersec- pay special tribute as they sppear toe air” literally to greet Music expression and voice quality, with Fourteen contractors, an unusual, ATTENTION! mustered Into service. tion of Spruce street on the return In concert In Springfield, hU home Hartford, Conn. 11 ;00—Sports—News. too board of five judges to include Vallee recalled that when as a ly largo number, offered bids on a Rockville, May 10—James Rich- There will be a supper served at need for a vigorous campaign dur- Week and spring In New England. 11:15—Organ Reveries. student, he and bis orchestra played ing the coming week. lane when work came to an end last city, goes the signal honor of selec- 80,000 W. 1040 K. a 28.2 M. Will Cuppy, humorist; C. D. Stryk- contract for construction of a two- ard Quinn, 67, for the past 25 years alx thirty o'clock to which all the night Because of the rain this tion as the guest artist. She haa MAY DAYS Eoatern Daylight Saving Time 22=80—Happy Felton’s Orchestra. er. curator of the SUten Islana at the Yale dining hall, he played an lone cut-off around Berlin on the one of Tolland County's best known members are invited and an enter- The campaign committees: been the recipient of two Junior 12:00—Artie Shaw's Orchestr* zoo, and Pat Kelley, supervisor of old march In Professor Phelps’ class- Hartford-New Haven road. The Parents—Business Houses General committee: William A. morning work waa not started at room for the profeisor. funeral directors and furniture deaJ- tainment program will follow. the mixing plant nor was anything League music scholarships and is 12:30—Herbie Holmes' Orchestra. NBC announcers. Lane construction corporation Of ats, died at 9:45 this morning. He Sample Fair Tonight. Knofla, chairman; Robert J. Camp- now studying In New York under Tn«*Iay, May 10. Every time he can. Vallee told toe Meriden offered the apparent low had been in serious condition for bell, vice-chairman: William 8. done on the spreading of the con- Louis Perslnger. LEAGUE ASKED ALL THIS WEEK V. M. But Just in case some or all of governor, he plays that song of bid of 144,014.70. The Tolland Grange will sponsor crete. The scraper and roller is at Tnmomwv'e Program. the parrots encounter microphone Sc6 The IjBTgG Selection Of Typewriters some time and his death was not Sampls Fair at the Community Hyde. D. M. Caldwell. M.D.. Elmer The male singing movement was <:00—Backstage Wife. A. M. Professor Phelps, and hopes to play unexpected. Weden, Joseph Pern, C. Leroy Nor- work on the north side of East Cen- first organized in 1920 by Herbert 4:15—The Story of Mary Marlin. 7:00 - Eta Alpha Programma. fright, there will be a flll-ln- or- again for the Yale teacher when House in Tolland. The fair will ter street leveling out the roadway chestra set to go from the New DROUGHT IN ENGIaAND He came to Rockville a quarter start at seven thirty o’clock, day- ris, John Pickles, Thom.as Danna- J. Gurney of Wollaston, Mass,, now TO AID CHINA 4:30—"Hugheareel" presenting 7:30—Shoppers Special. Professor Phelps goes on the radio London. May 10.—(AP)—Rains In On Display In Our Window; esntuiy ago to purchase the B. H.‘ her, N. A. Burr, M.D., Thomas H. over which the concrete will be President Emeritus of the Wolla- Rush Hughes, news commen 7:45—News Service. York studios and as a possible with him May 26. Tonight the Yale light time, with the Home Econom- spre.ail when work is again resumed. Manha ttan theme Fields and Hail are to offer scattered sections checked drought Preston undertaking business. He ics committee of the Grange In Weldon. M.D., Mrs. George W. Che- ston Glee Club, still actively singing tatbr. 8:00—Treasure House. class of 1926 will give Vallee a din- aomewhat today, but over much of has since conducted the business charge. Following the fair there ney. Harry C. Smith, Harry Rus- Because of the bad condition of with the organization which haa 4:45—The Road of Life. 8:15—Shoppers Special. a aoflW. "I’m a talking par- ner her* He entered Yale with that the British Isles too burning eun and Royals, U C Smith’s, Remingtou under the Preston name. He earned will be dancing. sell. Jay E. Rand. Parker Soren, the road flagmen arc not stationed over 100 members and recently play- AGAINST JAPS 8:00—Dick Tracy. 9:00—Fred Felbel at the Organ. class but flnlehed with toe class of 1927. continued to spread Its wreckage. an excellent reputation throughout Will Enter League, Rev. K. E. Erickson, Ronald Fergu- at the intersection of Summit and ed Its 250th concert with a history SH IRTS 8:15—Terry and the Pirates. 9:15—Madison Ensemble. The moat favored points were the state as a funeral director. son. Charles Kimball. Arthur \ East Center streets and at Parker of 38 years as its musical back- (Contlnoed from Page One) 5:30—Your Family and Mine. 9:2.5—sta r Gazing in Hollywood Tuning tonight: The Ellington Grange will enter Patterned—Regnlariy 82. Active dvlcally and poUUcally, he team m the East Central Pomona Knofla. D. C. Y. Moore, M.D., Mrs street and Summit street. Through ground. Mr. Gurney has been the 5:45—"Little Orphan Annie." 9:30—Phil BoudinI, accordionist. Talks, WJZ-NBC, 7:30—Charles had never sought public office. He C. F. Burr. Mrs. Julia P. Crawford. traffic is being sent over Summit Federation's prime mover through- with toe council when the question 6:00-—News. 9:45—Dan Hardings Wife. R. Hook on "Obligations and He- Prices Range From $24-50 to $42-50 was a Republican in politics and Grange softball league this year. out the entire history of the move- of recognizing the death of their NOW $ 1 , 7 9 6:15—Fred Rosy, Sports Round- The team has been practicing at Ml.sa Laura House, Charles L. Wl- street to Middle turnpike and east Empire comes up for official action. 10:00—Pretty Kitty KeUy. sponsibllitleB of Buslneas Leaden to took an active part in all city and gren. Mrs. D. M. Caldwell, John I to Middle turnpike and east to Man- ment and is Its perpetual president. 10:15—Mjrrt and Marge. toe Oommunlty"; WABC-CBS, 9:45 town meetings. the Ellington Center ballgrounds. Originally begun uitl. four clubs, At yesterday's secret session, 2 Shirts $3.35 6:80—l^gfatvllle Clarion. Edward Miller will serve as captain Olson. Mrs. C. A. Goodrich, Mrs. chester Green. The Connecticut Great Britain and France won as- 10:30—Hilltop House — starring —Sen. W. H. White, Jr., on "The PARENTS: We are making It poMible for you to b«y a typ*. Hr. Quirm had several fraternal of the team. H. B. De Wolf snd Raymond Reid. Company buses are following a namely Wollaston, Malden, Newton Buy several of theM fln* 6:48—Insurance Week Skit. Bess Johnson. International Radio Conference"; and Beverly, singing concerts In surances they would be freed of the 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. 10:45—Stepmother. eonnecUons. He was a member of L, A. -\. O. II. 5feetlng. Organizing committee: William route from Main street to Parker league obligation not to recognize shirts now! They’ll make WOR-MBS, 10:15—Postmaster Gen- writer for your non or daughter who needs one for achotd the Knights of Pythias for 38 years, A. Knofla, chairman; Robert J. street and then over Parker street turn in each of the four communi- an Ideal gift for Father’s 7:16—Vocal Varietlea. 11:00—Greenfield Village Chapel. eral James A. Farley; also WJZ- a member of the Foresters of Division No. 8. laidlos' Auxiliary tlea represented In Its membership, Italy's conquest of the African Em- Da.v which is not so far T:80—'TTue or Folae." 11:15—Pappy Cheshire and Nation- work. of the A. O. H. will hold their reg- Campbell, vice-chairman; Mrs. C. C. to .Middle turnpike to the Opeon and pire, League members were pledg- NBC, 9:45—Sen. James Murray ot America, the Independent Order of Currier, Miss Mary McGuire! are returning from the Green ovei the Federation haa now grow'n until away. 8:00—Johnny erlth Ruta Morgan. al Hillbilly Champions. FREE MOVIE ular meeting this evening at their ed against recognizing the fruits of Montana on "The Mooney Case and Odd Fellows, the Benevolent and Charles O'Dowd, Mrs. Sophia the same route. I it has within its membership over 8:30—Wayne King's Orchestr* 11:80—Big Sister. American Justice." ProtecUve Order of Elks, and the rooms In the Prescott block. Fol- 1.500 male singers. All clubs but aggression but France and Britain, 9:00—Vo* Pop. 11:4.5—Aunt Jenny’s Real Life Stor- IN COLOR AN id e a l GRADUATION GIFT lowing the meeting there will be a HolmcH. as a part of their wooing of Italian WEAF-NBC, 6 15—Vocal Varie- Independent Order of Red Men. He Executive committee: William A. I one are located In New England, 0:30—Fibber McGee and Company. ies. was also associated with the auxil- grocery bingo, with prlzc.s being j The Saint John, New Brunswick, friendship, have undertaken to have CAP E C O D 10:00—"Believe It or Not.” 12:00- Mary Margaret McBride. ties; 7^—Johnny and Rush Morgan; awarded for each game. Knofla. chalrm.m; Robert J. Camp- the ban lifted. 10:30—Jimmy Fiddler. 8—Vox Pop; 8:30—Fibber MCUee; MR. BUSINESS MAN: Trade in your old machine which has ontllTsd its aw fu h is^ iaries of those orders where sueh bell, vlce-ciialrman; William J SURGEONS REMOVE [ club Joined about live years ago. P. M. auxiliaries exist. Enibleni ('liib .Meeting. . The Federation Is the largest sec- To Recognize Conquest SHIRTS 10:45—Dale Carnegie. 12:15—News Service. ft—Bob Ripley; 9:45—Dale Carne- for one of these nicely Rebuilt T^ewritera. The coat will be very littls. Tilt Rockville Emblem club will Shea, Philip Cheney, C. Elmore tional organization of male singers Delegates from Soviet Russia, 11:00—News. gie. “WHERE CHICK During the World War Mr. Vtatkln.s, Harold Alvord, Charles Patterned—Reg. 82.00 12:25—Conn. Produce Market Bul- TERMS AS LOW AS $1.00 A WEEK. Quinn served as a lieutenant in hold an Important meeting on Wed- BABY’S LEFT EYE In America. China, New Zealand and Bolivia re- 11:15—Polish Orchestra. letin. W’ABC-CBS, 7—Edward G. Rob- Rockville's Home Guard company. nesday afternoon at two thirty W. Holman. William W. Robert.son In preparation for Its annual con- fused to back the proposal but other 12:45—Ruby Newman's Orchestr* 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. inson Big Town; 7:30—AI Jolson; 6 These Typewriters Are Rebuilt and Guaranteed By ths National ITpswrltsr Ooi. biG o’clock. At the time plans will oe Publicity committee; Leon Thorii, rerts, which Include the most diffi- members agreed. That meant that Now 12:00—Weather Report. Besides his wife he leaves two Archie Kilpatrick. 12:45—. —Al Pearce Gang; 8:30—Benny of Hartford, Conn. daughters, Mrs. Richard Westcott. complete

PACT TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. B1ANC3UESTER. CONN« TUESDAY, MAY 10, li?88 MAN*JHI!;SI bR BVKMNG HEHALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1938 PAGE ELEVEIT Charley McCarthy Provided NOVELTY FEATURES New Circle Tomorrow and Thursday FIRE DISnUCT TAX With New Arms and Legs FOR VETS’ CARNIVAL COLLECTIONS COOD TRIAL FLIGHT I ITradc Hands M. H. S. Nine Sound Lacing Bu 11-2 BY ADELAIDE HUMPHRIES COPVRNMT, l « M , IT M A 80MCI, MC Bolljpirood, M iy 10.— (A P )— ^ 'Some one aroimd here needs ChsrU* McCarthy, the pinewood head worse than I need a leg, but Win Be Held Week Of June CAST OF CUARAtTrERM rm not mentioning any names," George Hunt Reports 70 ty, a dinner and dance with over a -yttxUgy, walked like a man today. JACKIE DUNN — heroine; she RED SOX TOPPLE INDIANS FROM LEAD stand s them on heads ^Cliff Touics said Charlie. wanted to fly, hundred guests. It would be hard ■dear Bergen's litUe dummy baa It took a week or so to equip 13 At Mam And Maple liens Released Since ROOER BRECKNER—beroi he enough anyway, but If Roger did fcaan furnished with p ilu le legs and the red-beaded mouthpiece with his wanted to test tlw stratoephere. not show up. It would be a farce. ■im s which more whenever Bergen new manual and pedal extremities. Streets LoL BERYL MELRU8B — wealthy "W hy don't 3TOU come, too 7" iGAIN 15 TO 3 WIN Urtahes— Just Bka Charlie's Jaw. Bergen acted like an anxious Meeting Last November. widow; she wanted Roger. Jackie asked on a sudden Impulse, Schmeling^s New Weapon JOE LOUIS LEAVES CharUs tells It, the operation father. As EVELYN LA FAROE—JackteM addreasing Mra. Melrose. She would was a harrowing one, teking place "There is nothing WTong with show Roger that she did not care Kelleyites With 3 Hits ta tbs carpenter shop at Universal Charlie that a creosote bath won't mother; she wanted a son-in-law. Many new and novel features for The South Manchester Fire Dis- Yesterday: lackle Is stonned to how much time he spent with some AS SENATORS MOVE Is Right To Solar Plexus ■tadlo vrtiero be la swapping cal- cure," he said. the annual Veterans' Carnival to be other girl. "W e would like very MICHIGAN HOME TO 7%s new McCarthy is expected to trict has collected .82902.93 in delin- find Roger with Beryl Melrose at tnsBlous retorts with Adolphe Men- much to have you,” she added, try^ Jouto a movie. be even more snippity than usual held June 13 to the 18 will be In- quent taxes. Interest and lien fees the Colony Reetsdrant. Then ode troduced this year. Plans for the realizes that Beryl Is Roger's back- Ing to make her voice sound INTO FIRST PLACE By HARRY GRAYSON »year, sometimes a longer period of 1 BOX SCORE 1 Universal officials had Insisted toward bis stand-in dummy. Sturdy since the annual meeting in Novem- Sports Editor, NEA Servloe LAUNCH 1KAINING Cbaille needed realistic limbs. He Oak O'Sullivan. For the old O'Sul- largest midway ever exhibited In er. Her mother warns her ot dlfflcnl- though she really meant It. She] ^idleness was behind him when he ber. This represents many small, ac- tles. hated women who had that sleek, started. He was rusty, the same ties Off Hilinski And 01* Trade School Mtould get off Bergen's knee and livan, the studio carpenter made no Manchester are nearly completed New York, May 10—WUllam Leo stand OB hla own feet, they argued. arms or legs. and according to Edward Copeland counts some of which were outstand- (THAPTER V in the-world-le-ray-oyster air about , as he wras against Thomas. AB R H PO A B ing since 1923. Seventy liens on them. McCarney Insists that he speaks tbe "Louis lasted 12 rounds against Kulasenskl, as .. .4 2 2 4 2 0 the largest spacious lot at the cor- Jackie knew that her mother bod ton Trips Browns property have been released during "I'd like very much to oome," truth, and nothing but the truth, Schmellng two years ago, and Shoots Verbal Hooks At bert, Steal 12 Bases As Wlerzblckl, c ... .3 0 0 1 0 0 ner of Main and Maple, streets will not meant that she ought to try to this period. Beryl Melrose returned promptly In when he says that Max Schmellng am taking Into consideration the Wylie, l b ...... 4 0 4 10 0 a Kenneth EHlls, song "Maytlme" by be ready for the caruival within a Warren William and CTaudette Colbert In 'Imitation of Life". The stop Roger from making hla strato- will be more formidable than ever week. There Is still outstanding on the her sm(x>th, effortless way. Her dark Behind Leonard’s Hnrl- fact that Max wrlll be crowding Becker, 3b ...... 4 1 2 0 3 0 Mrs. Ruth Lewis and Andrew sphere trial flight, because ot the l.n hlB return IS-round match with Rivals Play Dumb Base- Instead of having an act by some companion feature Is "Swing Your Lady" with Nat Pendleton, Louise books of tbe Fire District 89549.82 eyes, looking Into Jackie's seemed, 33 when be comes up for the sec- Schmeling; Says He Will Bycholskl, If . . . . .1 1 i 1 0 0 NORTH COVENTRY Hooker, play "Major Operation", danger and risk Involved. Evelyn Joe Ixiuls Barrow at Yankee the Ma>’or, Homer Hills, the wife, vaudeville star the general commit- Fazenda at the Circle Wednesday and Thursday. of collectible taxes which represents ht'Wevcr, to see through the young- ond edition, but itlll I do not be- Hilinski, If ...... 2 1 0 0 0 0 did not know anything about that. Stadium, June 22. Mrs. Annie C. Porter has retum- Annie Foote, the nurse, May tee are almost ready to announce a about 750 accounts mostly small er girl's pretense. "It Is Indeed nice mg; Cards Belt Dodgery lieve that the Negro will last half Beat Him To Tbe Punch ball; Both Play Tomorrow Poggl, 2 b ...... 4 0 3 4 3 0 ones and a great many on automo- But she did understand huiqan na- Professor McCarney k n o w s as long OS he did tbe first time. Belflore, cf ...... 1 0 sd from a two day visit with her Hooker, the lawyer, Lawrence new feature. This innovation, while o f Mother's Day,” Helen Ives, whb of 3TOU to Invite me.” Schmellng as well os anybody. 1. 4 0 0 biles. ture. And the danger Involved when "Schmellng bos been given Quartus, c f ...... 3 1 sister Mrs. John Wilson oi Vernon. Merrie and Mr. Blennerhasset, Ken- not new, will be given to the public read the Scripture lesson, from Pro- Bees Defeat The Pirates. The professor was closely associ- 0 0 0 0 The program presented at the neth Ellis, tap dance by Miss Betty In a new form. Plana call for eleven All those owing the District for. another woman came Into the pic- royal run-around for two years. And ‘Knock Him Crazy.” Skinner, rf ...... 4 1 1 0 0 1 verbs. 31:10, and 25-31. The Litany BOLTON taxes levied prior to 1937 have been 'That's ewell," Roger said hearti- ated with Schmellng as co-man- He has a burning desire to be U e Heavily favored Manchester High last Orange meeting was a program Johnson and the grand finale sung booths with merchandise all pur- ture. especially such an exceptional- Raiitenberg. p .. .4 1 2 0 3 0 on the back of the program was In rebllled by the new collector, George ager from 1928 to 1933, Inclusive. first to regain the heavyweight absorbed an ,11 to 2 shellacking OB "Springtime.'' The entire by the whole chorus. Dancing was chased In Manchester. Three big ly attractive woman as Beryl Mel ly. But he looked from one to the XXX Mlkollet .... .0 1 0 0 0 0 charge of Marie Smith, Barbara Hunt and those who still owe 1937 rose. other of them In a sort of puzzled By HUGH 8. F U L L E R T O N , JR. The o r CHo’seman of Fiatlana bad throne. Doing this long since be- from Manchester Trade In aeven Ckange assembly united in singing enjoyed until 12:30 o'clock with rides, a huge refreshment tent that An error appeared In these Items his Steve Dudas stopped by Stevenaville, Mich, May 10— (A P ) xxx Belflore . . .. .0 2 0 0 0 0 will open onto Main street and a Brehant recited a poem, "There Are taxes are being rapidly notified by It was Roger who phoned Jackie masculine way. Perhaps he felt the Awoclated P m t Sports Writer came on obsession with him. Innings at St. Nebo yesterday after' "Bud In Bloom." Worthy Lecturer music by the "Barnstorm” orches- Still Mothers." Carlton Jones, Jr., recently In regard to the Norway Schmellng just tbe other after- —This village, on the ahores of tra with Jesse Hills prompter. brand new lighting scheme. personal call, telephone, and letter. that next day to ask her to post- undercurrent In the air. "You'll be Schmellng has devoted the post noon at Cliff Rautenberg, allm. 34 11 Sister Gertrude Anderson read a was In charge of the offertory. An The collector especially wishes to noon In Hamburg by way of two years to keeping In shape. 12 21 10 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hills and son The various veteran organiza- Spruce tree that has been put in pone her flying lesson once more. glad to know,” he said to Jackie, One of the most Intereating an- Lake Michigan, has seen tbe last blond right-hander ot the Mechanica High School poam entitled "Spring Fervor,” and anthem, "Mother's Song," was ren- warming the German up. He is more ambitious Coday than Homer and Mr. and Mrs. Wlnthrop tions, such as. The Spanish War front of the Methodist church. The call attention of those who are de- He told Jackie that the plans for "that everything la hunky-dory— gle* In the American League scram- of Joe Louis, Its most famous visit- baffled the Kelleyites most of the Suchy, 3b ...... gave a few remarks about National dered by Miss Lillian Grlfflng and linquent for small sums on automo- "Against Dudas, Sebmellng's leg he wraa at the outset of his career. or. until after his battle with Max .1 0 0 0 0 0 Porter motored to Middlefleld to tbe Veterans, the Army A Navy Club, thanks to Beryl.” His smile now ble this season la likely to be the way and yielded only three hits Greene 3b ...... Muale Week. In observance of this the choir. Some of the young peo- tree was given by the Houston biles and personal property to get his flight were practically "In the work was speedy and perfect," i This is rare In men who have Schmellng to defense of the world's .1 0 0 0 2 0 tbs Music Committee were In "Apple blossom" festival held at Veterans of Foreign Wars. Disabled Nursery, Mansfield, through the In- bag". He seemed eo steamed up was Just for her. "I'm to make a race between the teams owned by serta Professor McCarney. "Max while be an his mates garnered Thurner, cf ...... 3 1 1 1 0 0 Veterans, The British War Veter- ple worked very hard to gather these small Items paid up and spent eo many years In the ring, heavyweight championship In New twelve blows off the pitching of t^arge of the music for the evening tbe Lyman farms last Sunday. fluence of Fred Johnson. This tree about this that his conversation had few experimental trial flights for waa deadly accurate In bis punch- Kose, If ...... 3 0 1 1 0 1 ans and the Y.D. Club have seven flowers for the decorations and the cleared off the books as soon as pos- the man who tried to buy a pen- but not unusual to those who York June 22. Johnny HUtoskI and ZIg Olbert. taMeaux "Signs Of Spring" were Miss Laura Gallup of Plainfield been almost Incoherent and decid- altitude first right here. Then Beryl ing, with a abort left hook being Wlnzler, ss ...... 3 1 0 2 4 1 members working for the success of church looked very beautiful. will be lighted through the Christ- sible. It will be necesatry for the nant and failed luid that owned by know Schmellng. Today was moving day for the Rautenberg. whose main weak' then presented. An original poem and her friend Miss Anna Cogan of mas season. edly sketchy. and I will go out to the coast— used ever lo often. , Squatrlto, rf ... .2 0 0 0 0 the carnival this year. Edward Services for St. Peter's Episcopal collector to request the Motor the "old fox'* who doesn't spend negro champion. ness seems to be a lack of staying 0 was written and read with the dlf' Wllllmantic spent tbe week-end at It was only afterwards that that's eo I can have a tail-wind— "He has a brand-new weapon— Schleldge, 2b ... .2 0 0 3 2 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Copeland. president, Thomas Church were held Sunday at 11 a m., Mrs. George Rose has entered the Vehicles Department soon to act on much cash but gets some good ball TakM Tidiet on Max In a white framed house, third power, breezed through the first tsrsnt scenes for each verse. The Jackie realized he had not mention- and then for the flight! I hope to a right-hand drive to tbe solar Canade, lb ...... 3 0 1 9 0 0 Buell. Mr. and Mrs. Buell motored Conlon, secretary, Lawrence Con- in the Rectory Hall instead of at Manchester Memorial hospital, hav- those who withhold payments. This playdfs by trading. "Max differs from former from the last on the highway lead- five innings and had a no-htt, no- first was "Spring Styles," by June ed tbe fact that he, too, had gone do 450 miles, at least. There'll be a plexue delivered Inside a left hook Robinson, c ...... 2 0 0 3 1 1 to Essex with Miss Gallup, Sunday verse, treasurer, are in active the church, owing to the work in ing underwent an operation. will cause quite a little trouble for Tom Tawkey's gold-plated Bos- champions In every way. He ing out of town, Louis packed his run achievement to his credit until Loomis; "Planting the Garden,'' sealed barograph Installed, ot —and It la a darb. He shoots It Molln. c ...... 1 0 0 evening so she could resume her charge of the entire affair. The gen. renovation which is going on. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Jones were the car drivers who are reported and into New York the day before. He ton Red Sox appear all set to pro- lived carefully while he waa grip sacks to leave for Lafayette- the sixth when Johnny Thurner 2 0 0 Bamry Hill; "Game Of Baseball,' course, for recording. The eeal will like he shoots hla gun, and he's ■vllle, N. Y „ up In the O tsk lll moun- Hilinski, p ...... 0 0 duties as teacher in the Essex eral merchandise committee Is Keen, the rector, announced that the Sunday visitors at the home ot It can so easily be eliminated by a had not said a word about having duce a real return on the club own- champion, and has lived the same opened up with a booming triple to 0 0 2 0 Blmors Clark; "Fiabing," Wilfred not be broken imtll I deliver It at a corking big game hunter. way ever since. Brainier than tains, to begin his six week training Olbert, p ...... 1 0 0 0 schools. headed by Fred Baker of the Brit- next two weeks will probably suf- Mrs. Ellen White, in Hebron. prompt payment of the accounts. lunched at the Ckilony. er'e big investment. But to reach Center and Ed Koae singled him 1 0 Bauelt; "Houaeeleaning," Camilla Not that she cared, Jackie told Washington. Doesn't It eound pret- "Sebmellng's blocking and coun- most big fellows, he has not lived siege for that encore with the Ger- • Murdock ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Stedman ish War Vets and George Johnson fice for the work in the church. It Bolton Grange earned the at- the top they not only must dispose tering was of the highest order. home. Wlnzler tallied the other HIghter, Emma Hill and Anna An- herself rather more emphatically ty thrilling? Jackie? Aren't you In the present, but has kept his man challenger. •• Murphy . ... .1 0 0 0 0 0 and children of West Hartford are of the Spanish War veterans will is hoped that tbe church can be tendance banner at the last East of the world champion New York He waa vaaUy different In every run when be reached on a fielder's deiKn. Mrs. Peggy Turner played spending a few days at their sum- have charge of the lot during the opened the first Sunday In June for than was necessary. Not that It waa pleased as punch?” Yankees and the highly-rated eyes open to the future. H i never Louis was happy over the oppor- choice and circled tbe bases on two Central Pomona meeting. A speaker way from the man I eaw stop tunity of returning to action, al- a saxophone solo accompanied by mer home here. day time the week of the carnival. its regular service of Holy Com- MARLBOROUGH any business of hers where Roger It sounded as though everything I Cleveland Indiana, but also Clark permitted himself to slip Into tbe wild pitches and a fielder's choice 25 2 3 21 12 4 from the Conn. State College ex- Harry Thomas. though he doesn't hate loafing or Mias Sylvia Smith on the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson The entire committee will meet at munion. As there Is a good deal to went or with whom he lunched. was very definite. Entirely too Griffith's Inexpensive Washington soft living stage. He wouldn't Canada contributed the third hit In Trade School . .. 1103— 11 plained the song and dance festival enjoy. It, an yw i^ eating plenty of fried chicken. Past Master Brother Rajwond called on Mrs. Lovtna Hutchinson the Army A Navy Club Friday eve- bo accomplished, however. It seems Richard Daniels, age 71, a native Their engagement waa only a ruse, definite for anyone to put a stop Senators, current leaders of the the seventh. High School ...... 000 0020— 2 that will be held at the college, dur- ReeUy Wanned Up "Take my tip. Have a ticket That's what he has been doing Jobnaon read an article on "Safe Sunday and they also attended the ning to hear the reports of the vari- doubtful If the work can be com- of this towm and who spent most of anyway. to, even If he wished. And Beryl pennant parade. Ready to stand judges and spectators on their heads were Patty Rautenberg got only one strike- Batted for Olbert. ing Farm and Home week. "It la the first time since his on old Max Schmellng against mostly since he flattened swingmon Driving." Miss Ebther Koehler morning service at the Gilead Con- ous committees at 8 o'clock sharp. pleted In that time. Mr. Keen his life here passed away at Miss But he had not eald when he Melrose was to accompany Roger Leonard Again Winner battle with Paiillno In 1929 that Robinson, left, and Helen Crlenkovich, youthful home-grown out and Issued two posses but tbe *• Batted for Hilinski. gave a monologue, "Entertaining A gregational church. Rev. Alfred Kline and Mrs. Kline Post's Convalescent Home in East to the coast. While Jackie sat home young Joe Louis, and this one Harry Thomas In Chicago on the Red and White batters spent most XXX Ran for Poggl. took for the theme of his sermon would be able to give her her les- Washington took over the lead Schmellng has been so active night of April Fool's day. divers. In bids for national women’s indoor springboard champion- Visitor." Plano solo by Miss Fran- Mrs. Lovlna Hutchinson and Mrs. are visiting In West Rutland, Ver- Hampton Saturday night after an —doing nothing. "It sounds good," yesterday by trimming the hapless from a bloke who ordinarily pre- of the afternoon In knocking harm- Runs batted In: Kose. Becker, Sunday "The Christian Family." son. or when he would see her, or prior to a big fight. In fact, he fers to string along with the ' ihips in San Francisco. eaa HUL A paper was wriitten on E. E. Foote were dinner guests at mont. Mr. Kline will continue on to illness of several months. Jackie admitted, but try as she St. Louis Browns, 7 to 1, while Bos- Getting even with Schmellng la less rollers armmd the infield, only Rautenberg, 2; Belflore, 2; Kulascn- Miss Marjorie Martin of Dalton, the New England Conference on the phone again or anything. He had never baa had a warm-up fight young ones.” National Music Week by Mrs. Peggy the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert He was the son of the late Jere- might she could not make her voice ton gave a convincing demonstra- Blnce he stopped Johnny Rlako be- the paramount thought In Louis' two chances being accepted by aki. Two base hits: Becker. Three HEBRON Mass., was present and as.sisted In Rural Church which Is held In merely mumbled something about There you have Professor Mc- mind. He is positive he will knock Turner and wras read by Mias Ethel Foote, Sunday, They aJI motored to miah and Phoebe (Wilcox) Daniels. sound as though she really meant it tion of strength by bowling over fore tackling Paulino. Always a Trade outfielders. One of the latter baae hits: Thurner, Skinner. Hits the choir. There will be no more being "tied up" for a while— Jackie Cterney'e story. him ouL There Is a dangerous Orlckmore. Tha Legend of Flora Durham with Miss Lovlna Foote and A traveling salesman whose name Keene, New Hampshire, from May The deceased leaves two nieces, now. "O f course I'm pleased,” she aevelsnd IS to 3 and knocking the waa hobbled by Skinner to right and off Hllenskl 8 In 5; Olbert 4 to 2. choir rehearsals until further notice. 10 to the 13th. This is one of several supposed that meant more lunch- squint to the champion's eyes when TheWStanding; was given In tableau, Mias Ruth were callers at the Mr. and Mrs. was not learned narrowly escaped It was announced that there will be Mrs. Llela Flickenger of East made another attempt. What on Indians off the top. As the other Racing Notes got Rautenberg to trouble In the Sacrifice hits: Skinner. Stolen regional conferences. on Rural Hampton and Mrs. Pearl Harring- eons with Mra. Melrose—and ended the name of Schmellng la men- YBSTERD.AY’S RESULTS fifth but he came through without Vinton who holds the office of Flora Clarence Chittenden In Killing- death or serious Injury when hla a "Quiet Day" service next Sunday earth was wrong with her? Anyone American League clubs were rained bases: Kulaaenskl, 3; Belflone, 4; worth. churches, and is open to laymen as ton of South Roylston, Mass., and with a vague "so long, be seeing tioned. By ASSOCIATED PRESS damage. in the Grange took the. part of car, a Chevrolet, skidded and he afternoon at Christ Church, Nor- you.” would think she didn't want Roger out, Cleveland and the Yankees National Becker, 3; Rautenberg, Greene, Mlk- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fogll and well as to ministers. several grand nieces and grand Smellin’ Is In for a good slam- Play Dumb Baseball Vtera la the tableau. She wore lost control coming down Post Hill wich, from 4 to 8, to which men of to have his big chance! "1 think wound up in a second-place tie a Boston 7, Pittsburgh 5 ( 10). Sun Crest, A. C. Compton's speedy oUet, Hilinski. Double plays: Rau- children were week-end guests at Forty-nine were present at the nephews. Several days had passed and he mln' himself. If you are asking St. Louis 9, Brooklyn 7. colt which won six races in nine Trade, moonwhile, tallied to every a pink silk robe with a garland of Friday towards night The car was the church arc Invited. A supper had not called again. They were the it',' wonderful,” she ended, but half game behind the SensSors with JAYVEES BEAT MOHAWKS tenberg to Poggl to Wylie. Losing ^ p le blossoms oA her bead and a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Center church school Sunday morn- Funeral services will be held at the Red Sockers another game me,” Louis said. "He'll meet a Cincinnati 9, Philadelphia 4. starts to California and Maryland Inning but the sixth when Olbert badly smashed up and posts of the will be served at 6 p.m. longest, dreariest days Jackie had eomewbat lamely. different Joe Louie when he turns pitcher: Hlhnskl. Left on base*: la ^ e bouquet In her arm. The Dorau in Wallingford. Miss Patty ing. Notices were given out of the the Congregational church here back. (Other game postponed.) before he waa stopped in the Chesa- relieved Hilinski, who was nicked guard rails were broken down or ever known. Oh, the eun waa shin- It would have been. If for some around to face me this time. I'm High 4; Trade 7. Base on balls off badiground was one mass of apple Fogll 1s spending this week with her Thus far the sum of 8100 has Young People's religious confer- Tuesday at 3 p. m. d. s. t., and burial It was a "bargain counter” pitch- American pciiko Stakes and suffered a minor for eight hits, gave up two passes dislodged. The road was very ing brightly enough. Too brightly. unknown reason Beryl Melrose had hitting harder. I think I am Hlllnekl 2; Rautenberg 2. Hit by bloasoms making a very lovely grandparents in Wallingford. been raised for the Crippled Chil- ences In June, that will be held at will take place In the family lot in er. Emu (Dutch) Leonard, who sent IN JUNIOR LEAGUE, 4 TO 2 Boston 15. Cleveland 3. leg Injury, look* to be In good shape and fanned three. Including his slippery at the time. This is a very not taken all tbe Joy out of It. punching faster, and I aim to beat pitcher: Squatrlto by Rautenberg, Miss Florence Jones spent the dren fund, from the towns of He- this place. Rev. Elmer T. Thienes There wasn't a cloud In the sky. the Senators to the top. Picked up Washington 7, St. Louis 1. for Saturday's running of the btother Joe twice. Four mlsplays scene. Mias Aim Miner read the dangerous hill and many accidents the Conn. State College, for juniors (T o Be Continued) him to the punch." Wlerzblckl by Olbert. Struck out Legend at the close of which Miss week-end and Monday In Columbia bron. Colchester and Columbia. Col- and seniors, and at Washington. will officiate. Perfect flying weather. Which, of from Atlanta this season after one (Other games postponed.) Proakness. in the field were contributing factors at the home of Mrs. Hattie Johnson. have occurred on It. It Is remark- chester has contributed 843. Hebron Mrs. William Coffyn and children course, waa the only reason why t; “Dat's right, absolutely right.” Eastern Although beaten by Hal Price but didn't count near as much as by Olbert 1; Hilinski 3; Rauteobeirg Adeline Hoff sang "Sweetheart" able that so far no fatalities have Connecticut, for freshmeii and major league failure, the 30-year- chimed In Jack Blackburn, the 1. Time: 2 hours. Umpire; O’Leary. Which was taken from "Springs Twenty members, seven “Moth- 838 and Columbia 817. Mr. Keen sophomores. Miss Claudia McKee, of Rockville spent the week-end here Jackie sat around tbe house, wait' old knuckle ball expert baa won Fine Pitching By Calvert Williamsport 2, Elmira 1. Headley’s slx-ycar-old preeminent High's dumb baseball on numerous resulted. This is a steep hill with with relatives. Sports Roundup trainer. "Beat him to the punch occosiona. And Trade rubbed It In time." A short sketch entitled ers” and two guests were present at hopes that there will be additional and Miss Jean Phillips, attended Ing for the phone or tbe doorbell to three of his five starta. He allowed (Other game postponed.) In the Jennings Handicap at Pimlico a sharp curve at the foot for which About 75 attended the Mother is right. Louis ain't goto' to fool by stealing no less than twelve "Mother Machree" wras presented by the "Woman's Club" meeting held at contributions, enough at least to the Conference In Washingtt>n last ring. She supposed when Roger got ANDOVER only seven singles yesterday and (Only games scheduled.) yesterday, the son of Sun Brlar- committed by Kose and Skinner of motorists unaccustomed to the lo- equal that of la.st year. 8113 or more and Daughter Banquet which was time to give her another lesson the And Correnti Features As By EDDK BRIETZ this time. He won't be scared of Polly Egret appeared to be out bases on Howie Mohr and Stu Rob- High and Trade respectively in drop- Bisters Grace Wood, Elizabeth M ra Edmund Horton's last week. A year. It is hoped they will be able drove In 'hree tallies blmself with noUilng.” Joe la already In good cality are not prepared, though if possible. held at the vestry of the church Sat- sky would start to rain cats and New York, May 10.— (A P )—Max STANDINGS more for a “ windup" than to make inson, Belflore pilfering four and ping fly balls that should have been Haddad, Frances Hill and Marjorie fine program was prepared by Mrs. to go to Connecticut State College a triple and single. shape and will need only about two Berl Lewis, Roll call "M y Mother” there would not need to be any un- Dwight .Martin was one of the urday night. dogs. It was enough to make any' Charles E. White, president and Schmellng "looks great.. .Sambo a real bid for victory. He finished Becker and Kulosenakl three apiece. easy outs . . . High played any. Hill. A musical contest was held certainty if they would take heed of this year. The Red Sox, who have been get' M. H. S. Nine Enters 3* weeks of boxing to put him on edge. National by all present; solo, " I f Mother singers in the annual glee club and Miss Miriam MacNaiight is visit- one feel low to have to miss heaven- general manager of Andover Lake Ung along very well on the excel- LeaUe baa built himself a brand w. L. the six furlongs four lengths be- A walk, a atolen baae, a fielder's thing but beads up baseball, mak- after this, Mias Sylvia Smith played danger signs with which the hill is The Tolland County Conference ing friends In Middletown, N. Y. We are goto' to rough It up there in Pet. Could Live Forever" sung by Mrs. orchestra concert given at the ly spring days that should have corporation died at the Hartford lent pitching o f the veteran Lefty new 11-room house at Pascagoula New York ...... 16 3 hind Preeminent, which was timed choice and Becker's stogie to right ing error* o f judgment anil omto- short measures of different refrains amply pasted. The driver of the car for older boys and girls will be held Miss Frances MocNaught of New the mountains until after Barney .842 scored TVade'e first run to the Karl Links; a paper, "Tribute to Windham High School Auditorium been spent trying one's wings, In- Grove and John (Footsie) Marcum, Way Tie For Lead; Lat- Mias., the good folk of which once Chicago ...... IS 7 .650 in 1:11 4-5 for his second straight ston too numerous to mention . , . and eyer3rone guessed the name of escaped Injury. at the Methodist church In Stafford York City spent the week-end here hoepital Sunday evening after sev- Rosa fights Henry Armstrong on getaway stanza. Poggi’a single over Motherhood” , read by Mrs. Lewis; a Sunday afternoon. Several glee stead of cramped iip Indoors. really went to town for young Jim presented him with a watch... Joe Pittsburgh ...... 11 9 .550 victory. Thoma.s J. Healcy'a Black and the way those Tradera stole the refrains. Brother Raymond Sprlngse May 13 and 14th. with her parents Rev. and Mrs. eral weeks of Illness. Mr. White was May 26. Then two days later we'll second, Schleldgc'a error at first, solo, "The Songs My Mother Used The Hebron Parent-Teacher or- clubs from surrounding high schools Bagby yesterday when the rookie K doesn't appear on the Cincinnati ...... 10 n .476 lx)ok, the only other starter, was bases waa a caution .... High Johnson won the prize which was a Mother's Sunday wak observed at George K. MacNaught. born In Hebron, March 30, 1867 tha ter Fans 14 Batters. pitch camp at Pompton Lakes. Dat's 2 >4 lehgths further back. a sacrifice and Rautenberg's single to Sing", by Mrs. Herbert Porter, ganization accepted an Invitation to took part In the program, which Finally Jackie could not stand It faced bis dad's old club for the first ball field an average of a dozen St. Ixjuis ...... 8 10 .444 needed a whole police force to atop package of flower seeds. Their was the Center church Sunday. Many Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hinckley son of Edwin C. and Aurelia Tlck- our lucky spot." to right tallied two more counters and a song "Mother" by Mrs. Mary meet with the Ellington chapter was greatly enjoyed. Several of any longer. She decided to drive out time. Young Jim pitched slx-hlt UmM a year, yet always directs the Boston ...... 7 9 .438 'em .... an exchange of plants, bulbs, seeds Monday evening. Hebron furnished enjoyed the altar bouquet of fiowers, and children and Mrs. William nor White. In 1895 he married Miss Louis, who weighed 202 >.4 Munds For once, the boys who aren't In- In the second and another crossed Cummings. Each guest and shut-in Dwight's relatives and friends from to the field, even though Roger had ball, although he passed seven, to Yankees from the bench clad In for hla engagement with Tffomas. Brooklyn ...... 7 13 .350 and shrubs after, which was very part of the program. Mrs. Philip brought by the Christenson sisters, Hinckley of Wllllmantic were callers Eva Webster, daughter of Mr. and terested In a horse race unless they the plate when Kose dropped a fly mother was presented with a plant Hebron attended the concert. not given any signs of being alive, gain hla second victory. Behind him Manchester High's Jayvees came full uniform.. .that auto St. Louis tips the beam at 212 and expects Philadelphia ...... 4 14 .222 Rautenberg'* sldearm delivery gratifying to many, Motz gave a reading. Mrs. Karl in memory of their mother. The here the last of the week. Mrs. Dwight E. Webster and they have a few bob onjOne of the entries In left. bynhe president of the club Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Paul Llchanec and or of remembering that she was. tbe Sox added eleven blows to a through with a 4 to 2 triumph over fans gave Leo Durocher waa the to melt off about ten pounds for American didn't possess much steam behlml Wednesday, May 11 at 8:30 p.m. Charles Fish. Ice cream, cake and Links of Gilead sang several solos. choir gave a special number with Local schools will be closed made their home In Andover. In hla ttlrd such gift Leo baa received will be disappointed today. The 82,- Two more runs were produced In It but hla lazy shoots were too much dn,t., O o v e n ^ Grange will neigh children of Stafford Springs were Thursday afternoon so that the Maybe, since she was soloing now, youngar days Mr. White did an ex. dozen walks off three Cleveland the Mohawka in a Leglon-Moriarty the title defense. Blackburn says W. L. Pet. the third on Becker's double Into punch were served by Mrs. Horton. A short comedy was also presented Mrs. Edward .Mlllhoiise. taking the flingers. from his fans.. .the first Eddie Nell Washington 500 survivor stakes at Pimlico drew for High . . . he weaken^ to th* bor with Ashford Grange at the callers Sunday at the home of Mr. teachers may attend the teachen? she could take the ship up, even It tensive lumber business which took Junior league encounter at ML Nebo that would be his beat weight be- ...... 14 7 .667 only two entries. They are Ral left, a walk, two stolen bases and Mrs. Annie Wright and Mrs. Ann by several members from Hebron. and Mrs. Paul Potocek. solo part. Manager Joe Cronin, who appar- golf tournamenL la memory of the cau-'e Louis, at 23 years of age New York ...... 13 sixth but had enough left to flnlah Knowlton Memorial Hall in WarreO' meeting In Colchester. he was not there. If so It would not him to many ,parts of the country. last night to move Into a three-wray 7 .650 Parr's Hypocrite and the Brandy- two fielder's choices. What was Patrick. Michael Yurega was taken to the A state-wide vacation church ently baa been inspired In the Maxle late sports writer, will be played continues to grow bigger and Cleveland ...... 18 out and gain cradlt for the victory vlUe and furnish a twenty minute Professor Odell Shepard and Mrs. Mra. Henry J. Blakeslee and son make the slightest difference to her, A t one time tie spent quite a Mt of deadlock for first place with the 7 .650 wine Stab’.e'a Bull Whip, both probably the shortest triple ever hit A Mothers' Day and Birthday Windham Community Memorial school conference was held at the Baer manner to do great deeds Sunday at Barney Rose' Ferndale stronger. Boston ...... 12 . . . Hllinakl was charged with th* program which will be a piano duet Shepard of Hartford were dinner Heaton P. Blakeslee and . wife of whether he was or not. time In Tennessee. Shamrocks and O n ter Springs. The 8 .600 Prcaknecs candidates. With only at Nebo waa credited to Skinner In party was given In honor of Mrs. A. Hospital Friday. He was stricken Hartford Seminary, May 7th. rhls since the birth of a eon a couple of training camp.. -only sports wrrlters "Chappie," which Is Louis' nick Chicago ...... 7 loss, bis first In as many starta. by Sylvia and Clara Smith, mono- guests Sunday at the home of Mr. Durham have returned from a Which was rather a contradiction Mr. White, a large property boI(L game was featured by the fine 10 .412 two starters, there will be no mutuel this frame when he lifted a tower- H. Post, Sunday, at the home of her with a slight paralytic shock at his conference was held for those work- days ago. opened the firing In the can enter. name for Blackburn, says Joe has Detroit ...... 7 logue, "Entertaining' A Visitor” by and Mrs. Charles C. Sellera Pro- motor trip to Washington, D. C., and considering the way her heart leap- er In Andover baa always been very pitching of Calvert of the Jayvees, 11 .389 betting. ing fly to front of the plate. Both daughter, Mrs. Charles Fish. Those home Thursday. His physician. Dr. ing in the summer vacation school. first with a homer with two -jn corrected the defensive (law that Philadelphia ...... 6 12 .333 Yesterday’s victory was Trade’a EsUier Koehler and a vocal solo by present were Mr. and Mrs. Myron fessor Shepard has Just been award- Mt. Vernon. ed Into her throat and her pulses prominent In town affairs. It waa who allowed only three hits, and Mohr and Hilinski went for It, the C. E. Pendleton of Colchester was Most of the rural towns, have a 10- base. Jimmie Foxx duplicated the Only 4 of the 33 race pickers we was glaringly evident In his first St. Louis ...... 5 15 .250 first over High since Ckiacb Frank Adelaide Hoff. ed the Pulitzer Prize for his "Ped- Mrs. Lillian Slebert of East started racing madly the moment through the untiring efforts of Mr. Correnti of the Mohawks, who gave So far as Eddie Argaro Is con- ball dropped between them and Post. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Post and summoned and believes the patient day course during the summer. 'eat In the six-run slxtli, then sock- followed Saturday picked Lawrtn In battle with Schmellng. He ha* Crowley's charges swept both games lar's Progress," issued during the Hartford has been spending the past she saw him. He was standing by White that Andover Lake waa start- up only four blows, both going the cerned. Uawrin's victory In the bounced off Into foul territory, 'eav. of the 1935 aeries. July 28 the 4-H Club Extension children Wallace and Eleanor, Miss will straighten out in time. Yurega Many of the women attended the led another with one aboard In the the first three: only one put him out made an Intensive study ot the mo- Work will celebrate its twenty-flfth Nellie Neelan and Louis Twining of past year. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tbe side of a plane, a silver ship ed luid he has given his life to tha distance. w. L. Pet. Kentucky Derby was obviously no ing all but Skinner considerably be- lives alone at his house on Godfrey Homemakers meeting at the home venth. In fro n t... Prof. Paul Mlckclson tion pictures of that bout, watching Binghamton anniversary with a silver Jubilee East Hartford. Henry Hurley of Sunday visitors at the home of Henry J. Blakeslee. that Jackie did not remember ever project since It began In 1926, hav- The Jayvees did all their scoring ...... 8 3 .727 fluke. Eddie returned to Belinont fuddled. He raced around to third Hill, since the death of his wife a of Mrs. Fred Johnson recently. In- ing been president and general Card* Best Dodgers picked Lawrtn, but lost him by one every move that Schmellng made Hartford ... song festival at Storrs. The com- Glastonbury. Mr. and Mrs. Fish and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lord were Mr. Miss Helen Woodford of New having Been at the field before, talk- In the first three Innings and the ...... 7 4 .636 Monday and again proved he's one and Wlnzler finally came In from year or two ago. His condition was valid back rests were made. manager all that time. Besides bis The "comeback” of the St. Louis In the pool...hope everyone read aa well as hi* own faults. Trenton ...... 7 mittee la trying to get a chorus of children the Misses Barbara and and Mrs. Wilbur V. Payne and their York City spent Mothers' Day with ing with someone. It wasn't until Mohawks got their two rune In the 4 .636 of the best rldera In the business by ■short to recover the ball and pre- League discovered by men with whom he wife he is survived by three daugh- rdlnals again featured the Na- Wea Legler'e nifty on Joe Jacobs "W e ain't f^lng to make no mls- Hazelton . .. 5 one thousand voices. If you will Shirley Fish and Calvin Fish. son Gaylord of East Hartford. Mr. The parish supper will be held her mother Mrs. John Walker. she was within hailing distance— first, after which Calvert and Cor- ...... 7 .583 winning two race* and finishing In vent a homer. works. Tney stopped for him and ters, Mrs. Cfariatlne Covell, Miss lonal League's program aa rain and Jim Farley In the World-Tele- takea this time." Louis said. " I ’m Albany ...... 6 6 help, get in touch with Miss Ger- A clinic to give the last treatment and Mra. Frederick L. Perry of New May 26. Those wishing tickets call Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean and had made a "mistake'' of calling renti settled down to a nifty pitch- JSOO the money In two others. Another unique play took place to found him In bed unable to rise, Mrs. Alfred Saffery, Phone 7054. moved to Montvlllc Saturday. Evelyn White and Miss Caroline Umlnated the second Glanta-Cuba ing duel. Correnti issued four pass- rram recently... It's a rip... has gettln’ even with Smellin’. I’ll Elmira ...... 6 7 .462 the fourth when Kulasenki singled trude Anderson so you will be regis- of diphtheria toxin to all pre-school Haven, and the Rev. and Mrs. How- his name— that Jackie realized a show him who Is the harder punch- Arcaro didn't have a mount to Leaders though he had worked the day be- The regular meeting of the Miss Dorothy Pettenglll has been White all of Afldover, one sister, lash. The cards, who have won five es to Calvert's three but struck out tha Great Oehrtnger (and he waa Williamsport ...... 4 8 .333 and went around to third on a tered. The song festival will be held and school children will be held at ard C. Champe and three children second later the person be was talk- er. Didn't he take seven rounds the 85,000 Toboggan Handicap, By ASSOCIATED PRESS for at his Job. a recent guest of Miss Dawn Wilson Mrs. Harriett Hayes of Seattle, d tied one of their last seven 14 batters to six for hla rival. Mohr great, too) finally begun to slip?, Wllkea^BarrA ...... 2 9 .182 stolen baae and a fielder's choice. from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. From 9:30 Hebron Town Hall, Thursday mom- of Lebanon. Grange will be held Friday evening ing with waa Beryl Melrose. to knock Out Thomas? Well I which went to Dcllbcrator, from Edmund H. Horton, a director of in East Glastonbury. Washington, also three grandchil- :amea while climbing from seventh and Anderson contributed doubles. he admits he's a step slower than Fred Burton's Everglades stable, Wylie lifted a foul fly that Robinson NATION.AL LEAGUE to 10:30 p.m., a square dance fes- Ingi May 12 at ten o'clock. Dr. D. Robert F. Porter, returning from at the Community House. It will be Jackie would have gone on Into knocked him crazy In five. That is the Tolland County Soil Conserva- work and carrying two workmen, Parents Night. 'The program la as The selectmen held their monthly dren, Eleanors, Wlllls and Virginia ilace to fifth, belted over the The league standing followrs: he wraa ten years a g o ... Max TO D AY’S GAMES with Wayne Wright In saddle, De- put away a few feet from the plate Batting— L. Waner, Plttaburgb, tival will be held. A goal for one C T. Moore of Manchester and the the hangar, but Roger motioned for Covell. Just what Mr. SmtIIln' Is going to school nurse Miss Teresa Vincent tion program attended a meeting of had his car sldewiped by a Mans- follows: March of all parents, greet- business meeting Monday night. rooklyn Dodgers, 9 to 7. Joe Med- Shamrocks ...... 2 0 1.000 Schmellng has made nineteen tripe National llberator broke In front and sped and Kulaaenskl scored after the .366; Lclber, New York, .361. thousand participants has been set her to Join them. "I want jrou to The funeral will be held at the get. Get knocked crazy.” will be In charge of the clinic. the directors In Rockville Friday field driver Saturday towards night. ing to parents by Past Master Miss Elaine S. Entz of Mansfield .Ick'e big bat shifted the balance Center Springs___ 2 0 1.000 across the Atlantic,.. (two via tha New York at Chicago. six furlongs In 1:11 to beat C. R. catch aa Hilinski forgot to cover Buns—Ott, New York, 22; Mar- for that also. They plan to have know Jackie Dunn. Mrs. Melrose,' Andover Congregational church, Louis at last got around to pack- Brooklyn at St. Louis. The first three grades of the White evening. Quotas for tobacco and The Mansfield motorist made good Thomas Daly Jr., musical reading has been engaged to teach the Cen- a 30-blt game when he tripled H. S. Ja3rvees...... 2 0 1.000 Hlndenburg)...since he first began Flelschman's speedy Parmelee T „ home. ty, Chicago, 19. 138 sets but only those who register ter school next year. he said, flishing his engaging grin. Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. th two aboard and the score tied Eagles ...... 0 2 .000 to stalk Joe Louie.. .Larry Mac- ing his ring paraphernalia and Boston at Pittsburgh. school accompanied by their teacher potatoes were planned at the meet- the damage and no arrest w*as by Sister Loomis and Hazel Hutch- heaved a sigh of relief. Since the by a nose. Howard Bruce’s Jay Trade scored again In the fifth Runs batted In—Ott, New York, can take part Enroll at once with ing. The local firemen held their "Jackie's one of my best students; with Rev. WiUlam B. Tuthlll offici- n the eighth. It waa hla fourth hit Hollister ...... 0 2 .000 Phall Is quoted In western paper Philadelphia at Cincinnati. when Poggl singled over third. Bel- Mrs. Alice Fogll and Mrs. Romolo made. The car was considerably in- inson, tableau "The Family A l- a Thomas fight he has been occupy- Jay. a slight favorite over the win- 22; Marty, Chicago, and MeCtorthy. sitber Miss Anderson Grange Lec- monthly meeting at the library she's nutty about flying. And— ” bis ating and burial In the family plot if tbe game. Mohawsk ...... o 3 .000 as saying thla year's Dodgers ^11 American ner,! was third. Saglio visited the firehouse in He- There was a large attendance at jured, but the occupants escaped bum", paper. Responsibilities of ing the summer home here of Julian florc ran for him, stole second and New York, 20. turer or your County Farm Bureau. Monday night. grin broadened as be gave Jackie In the Center cemetery. The fourth-place Cincinnati Reds Box score: finish fourth. Chicago at New York. third and scored on a long fly. bron last week. The children are the meeting of the Hebron Women's harm. Parenthood, by Sister Catherine Black, his (X)-manager and doing Hits— McCormick, Cincinnati, 31; Instructions will be sent so the Miss Billy Mack of East Hampton an open and knowing wink, "In- Miss Jean Shepherd has returned apt pace with the Cards by pound- Mohawks. Detroit at Philadelphia. Wind Up Scoring studying about firehouses and the Club, held Thursday afternoon at Hebron people feel keenly the Rose, solo, Frank Tolpl, poem, "Like nothing more strenuous than play- OUEEN^TO PR..\CTICB Rizzo, Plttsburgli, and Slaughter, dances can be rehearsed at Grange equipment used In fighting fires. the home of Mrs. Edmund H. Hor- has been spending the past week cidentally Jackie and I are engag- to her home In New Haven after ng out a 9-4 decision over the ab r h po a e Cleveland at Boston. The Manchester Green team will Olbert. Hlgh’a small southpaw, St. Louis, 28. death of -Miss Alice Foster, of Hart- Father Like Son", reading, "White having epent the week with her Joe DlMagglo told a reporter be ing golf and taking long hikes along meetings The farm bureau will hold Its ton. Thirty or more were present. with her grandparents, Mr. and ed.” lUIaa. Ray Davis' seven-hit hurl- Anderson, cf .. .. 2 0 1 0. 0 St. Louis at Washington. practice tomorrow night at 6 took over In the sixth and retired ford who with he'r sister Miss Emma Carnations", by Sister Mae Jensen. uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph could chop" enough base hits to tbe shore of ths lake. Doubles— Herman, Chicago, 9; A son was bom last mgbt at the monthly meeting at the home of The program was based on Moth- Mrs. Paul Roberts. "I am very glad to know you In- ig made up for the fact that hla Zapatks, cf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 EAstern Trade In order but he wasn't so Foster was one of the largest land The Juvenile Grange will meet Base. wto the American League cham- o clock on the West Side diamond. Mize, St. Louis, and McCormick Memorial hospital to Mr. and M rs Mrs. E. E. Foote. Thursday. May 12 er's Day. Among items of the pro- Mrs. Dan Sagarino and daughter deed,” Beryl Melrose said cordially, eammates left 14 men stranded. Pallein, 2b ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 HATtford At BlnAbAtnton All players are requested to be fortunate or effective In the seventh. holders In the town. People here Saturday afternoon at the Com- Mrs. Ralph Bass spent several pionship, but the fans Uke home Lincoln, Neb— John Pesek, 200, and Cooke, Cincinnati, 7. Harry Olsen ot North Coventry. at 2 o'clock, d. s. t. The subject. gram was a paper on "Women" by Helen spent the week-end with rela- extending her band. She waa even The Boston Bees, who bad lost Correnti, p ...... 2 1 0 0 1 1 Hasolton at WlUlamsport. Pinch hitter Bycholskl singled over greatly appreciate the fact that the munity House, with Miss Elsie Deer days this past week with her sister, Davidson, s s ...... 3 1 0 1 1 0 runs and "I like 'em, too. When you Ravenna, Neb., defeated Ole Swen- Trenton at Albany. present as meaeuremente for new Triples—Rizzo. Pittsburgh. 5; “Clothing as an expression of Per- Mrs. B. A. Lewis, wife of the He- tives In Plalnville and Forestvllla more attractive than at a distance. wo straight extra-inning games, uniform* will be token. second and went down on Roblnson’i Misses Foster have preserved the as matron. Mrs. Anne Shepherd In New Haven. Tedford, c .. you swing son 215, St. Paul, (Btralght faUe). Wilkes-Barre at Elmira. Goodman. Cincinnati, 4. .sonallty" will be discussed by Miss bron and Gilead Congregational Graduation exercises for this town She had the most beautiful big ame back to win one In the tenth. wild peg to first. Then Poggl got a old Clement Sumner house, one of Wednesday night the choir will Edward Whitcomb spent iMveral Hamilton, lb ^ t h all you've goL” he sold... Home runs—Goodman. Ctocto- Ellen Van O eef from Storrs. pastor. Mrs. Karl Links and Mrs. will be held Friday, June 3. 1938 at brown eyes Jackie had ever seen. cy beat Pittsburgh's Pirates 7-5 Camden, N. J. _ Drop Kick scratch hit to third when Stichy held the interesting and historic houses meet at the church at 8 p. m. 8 p. m., d. a. t., at the Congrega- days this last week visiting hla Martin, 3b , ^rolln s papers almost yelled their mftl, and Ott. Leliier and McCarthy, GILEAD Herbert Porter sang appropriate Her akin was like a gardenia petal. ■hen Debs Garms connected for Murphy, 193, Ireland, won over the ball to keep Bycholskl at sec- New York, 5. of the town. Thte is of the salt box Mr. and Mrs. B. L. McGurk and tional church. Twenty pupils from brother and sister and their famlliea Moore. If ... Oscar OuUfoll, solos. Refreshments were served. But " what Jackie noticed—and pinch single with two out. and the Herb Schultz, 195, Germany, when ond. Belflore'e single over second type, and it is furnished with appro- the Northwest school and four pu- in Rocky Hill. Gorman, If . father of the easy-to-Iook-at Syra- scored both runners and be then Stolen bases—Koy, Brooklyn, and The Mothers' Day service held at Edmund H. Horton, a director of family plan to occupy their cottage asea full. latter disqualified after 17:24 of Ciilozza, New York, 3. priate antiques, and left In charge pils from the Center school will as- envied—moat of all was her poise. Miss Verna Smith, a student at Cruden, rf .. ^ e star.. .asked to rank the first I stole eecond and third again only to the Gilead Congregational church. the Tolland County Soil Conserva- June 4. Young Milers Threaten second fall. (Murphy won first WAPPING of a caretaker. The bouse would sist with singing folk songs In cos- For some reason Jackie felt all the Andover Grammar school won Dardis, rf .. ten women golfers, Oscar put Patty be nm down between third and home Pitching— Melton, New York, Sunday morning was well attended tion program attended a meeting of R. Ward and Ml.sa Catherine O. 52^21). doubtless have fallen into complete tume. hands and feet, as though she did tbe first prize In a Poster contest Nimerowrakt 2b ..1 0 0 0 ^ r g and Marion MUey ahead of when trying to score on Skinner's 5-0; Hubbell, New York, 4-0. Tbe young peciple's story was told by the directors In Rockville Friday ■Hanolln of New Jersey, will occupy I^ESTERDflY-S^STBRS Mrs. Ethel Tracy and her daugh- decay but for the appreciative care not know what to say. or how to sponsored by the Tolland County EateUe Lawson Psg*. th* women's grounder. The latter tallied on Mias Lovina Foote, an anthem, "M y evening. Quotas for tobacco and their cottage the middle of this Parent-Teachers Aasociation. Thla 3 Cunningham *s Supremacy .AMERIC.AN LEAGUE ter Connie from Lynn. Mass., were o f the Foster sisters. Miss Foster's month. act. Maybe it waa because ot (By Associated Press) 28 3 8 18 J champion...ouchl...Just because Kulasenakl's single to left to com- Mother", was sung by young peo- potatoes were planned at the meel- Roger's remark about their engage- Is the second year the contest boa High Sobool Jajrveea. vto printed a equlb he sent uo. State Max Back for Fight Batting—Trosky, aeveland, .443; guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. death, as noted in The Herald, oc- The Manchester Memorial hospi- Ducky Medwick, Cterdlnoli— Hla plete tbe scoring for the day. ple's choir, and Rev. ^ r l Lewie paid ing. HIGHLAND PARK ment. Jackie felt she could have been held and Mike Mlaovitcb of *t Whitewater. T Hayes. Philadelphia, .409. a tribute to mothers in his sermon. Ansel Christenson and Mrs. George curred Monday, May 2, at the age tal drive will begin Thursday, May Iple drove In winning rune In 9-7 1 0 -(A P )_ B .-4 a th e tort rix month.. Tlte Wloconrin It was High’s second defeat to Runs—Trosky, Cleveland, and Marks over the week-end. Fred Underbill, a Dartmouth of 91. The property owned by the slain him gladly for making It. Cer- Andover won the first prlae laat Mohr, sa ...... (J- Wla. boa instsiled Jimmy Fbrd a* five starta this season and Trade's The Misses Allene and Charlotte 12th. Mrs. EHsle Jones is the cap- lefeat o f Dodgers; also clouted fore you know It, a bunch of fel boy ran 4:08.9 Indoors and then Cramer. Boston, 20. The annual meeting and also the College student has accepted a Job two sisters Is in the vicinity of the The Ladles' Sewing arcle will tainly that wink bad not been year. Verna received honorable BuckloniL lb . director of pubUetty.. .nice going, fifth triumph to seven games. High Warner and Robert Foote were re- on the farm of Edward A. Smith, in tain and the various workers ore hold Its regular meeting this com- mention laat year and so all are |ouble and two singles. Wilson, cf . , . . Jimmy.,, anyway, some of our Iowa who were running errands cboasd Cunningham to 4:09.9 at Runs batted to—Foxx. Boston, second birthday party of the Wap- former "Gay Glty," once a bustling neceeaary. I f Mrs. Melrose had seen Dutch Leonard, Senators— Held faces Meriden here tomorrow in a ceived into membership of the order to leam farming from the Mrs. Margaret Haling, Miss Alice ing Wednesday, May 11th. The very proud of our pupils from An- Beilis, 2b ___ academic friends know their stuff, y*rAs to 34; Dickey, New York, 19. church and a communion service plng Young Mothers' club will t>e manufacturing settlement, now- It. what on earth would she think? |t. Louis to seyen bits, all singles, when Glenn Cunningham waa win- twilight game at Mt. Nebo at 5:10 held at the home of Mrs. John Ko- ground up. Ho wants practical ex- Frederickson and Mias Telma Mun- hosteases will be: Mrs. Iva Tomm, dover. The posters were Judged In Hutchinson, If don't they. 2.10.7 at the Drake Relays, whip- o'clock, while Trade meets Hart- Hits—Fox, Detroit. 31; Lewis and was held. fallen completely Into ruins. ad batted In three runs with triple ning his flrrt race will be clamber- Travis. Washington. 30. canUk of Avery street (in the Dart perience and thinks this would be roe. Luncheon will be served Wed- Mrs. Frances Tedford and Mrs. Roger seemed to have forgotten Ellington by Miss Hazel Lutz, draw- (Jalvert. p . . . . ping the most consistent of Glenn’s ford Trade away. The Hebron Giangc No. I l l , will The Hebron junior Red Sox lost ne.sday at 6:30 at the Masonic hall. Helen Bengtsoo. ing superintendent of the Hancheo- nd single In beating Browns, 7-1. Symington, 3b ing all over the champion to the big Doubles—Cronin. Boston, 10; district) next Thursday evening at the best way to get It. The young a baseball game. Saturday to the that he had promised to see this . ecribee with ths Giants mile runs. pursuers, Archie San Romani. 4 sponsor a card party at the Gilead A t the last meeting of the Ladles Jack Hastings U spending a few ter schools, Mias Frances Blakesty Deb Garms, Bees— Hi* tenth-m- Buttery, rf ... Kress and Bell, St. Loula. 7. eight o clock. Rev, Douglas V man has completed two years of WtUimantlc Junior Indiana, by a engagement bualneae through to tbe In C h lc ^ soy a strangely quiet Rideout, running for North Texas The three best looking ball play- hall this evening at 8:30 o'clock, study at Dartmouth. society of the Center church, held days with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crow- ot the Wethersfield ocboola and Mlos ag pmcb-htt single with three on Lundberg, e .. Glenn to partly responsible. HU Triple.s— Lewis, Washington, and d. a. t. Bridge, setback and pinochle MacLean will be the speaker of the' score of 8-5. Donald Griffin pitched bitter end and that they h ^ agreed and well behaved Dlssy |, State teacbere, has whItUed hto Urae ers In action yesterday were How- evening. Miss Beatrice Cummlng of New at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bent- ell. With him la Albert B. Lord, LUUan Dolls of Ellington. Tha nd twTO out whipped Pirates, 9-7. epic feats encouraged a whole army from around 4:15 to 4:10.6 (soma ard "Doc" Wiley who covers first Krcevlch, Chicago. 3. will be played and prizes will be for the local team and Carlton they must behave oa though it were g a t in g vliltorB to *he Cub bench of high and prep school athletes to A large maple tree in front of Londpn was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. ley, Mrs. Alexander Bunce gave a whom Mr. Hastings accompanied prize will be swarded by Mrs. Hyde I Jimmy Foxx, Red Sox—Belted 21 4 4 31 6 toese days...watch Bear Wolf and watches caught him a second brllllanUy for Trade and handled Home runs— Foxx, Boston, 7; ven for each also refreshments will Jonea Jr., was catcher. The He- on the European trip In behalf of a reality before other people. of Ellington, chairman of the poster VO home runs to drive to five runs H. 8. Jayveea...... 121 000 •- try the mile; now, as be enters the Greenberg, Detroit, 6. I served. Ashur A. Collins' house was struck Charles C. Sellers Saturday. Miss bron team were winners Sunday af- very interesting report of their trip "Sorry I haven't hod time to his North Carolina football team faster) to the Penn Rela3rs. A fine everything that came hto way with S by lightning during the thunder folk lore. A t present Mr. Hastings committee at tbs annnei party si Ed slaughter of Indians. Mohawks ...... 200 000 0—2 twilight of his career, these young- remarkable ease . . . Raynold Stolen bases— Lewis, Washington, "The Gilead Follies", an entertain- Cummlng Is a landscape artist and ternoon over the Wllllmantic Rock- this winter, in CoroUnos. Mrs. phone you.” he sold now, making tola year...about tbe only way to competitor. Rideout should be down shower the other morning and sev- has painted a number of pictures of James Roger, president, presided at Is assisting Mr. Lord with hla work ranged by the Andover P r ’eaU B i* Davis, Reds— Shut out Two base hits: Mohr, Anderson. sters. plus a group ot bom and bred Becker, strapping third aacker, a (tod Kree\1ch, Chicago, 5. ment given by the Hebron Grange ets. winning by a score of 13-3. at Harvard University. matters worse. Instead of better. Teachers oosoclaUoa for the figure It but Is that Van Mungo la around 4:08 with a year of concen- eral nearby telephones were put out Connecticut scenery which bava the meeting. Mrs. Thomas Bentley *even of nine Innings and Stolen bases: Martin, OorrentL milers, ore Just getting good. tration on the mile. heavy hitter and a lad who's in there Pitching—Grove. Boston, 4-0; No. I l l and the Gilead church choir, Milton Porter pitched and Jones "Haven't hod minute, have we. iD&r the unluckleet pitcher aUv^TT.hla of commission. been exhibited in connection with a school chlldrea ts tov lly seven bits os mates Double play: Mohr to Buekland. Johil Woodruff. C3iuck Feaske, every minute . . . Ctoptaln John Kennedy, Detroit, 3-0. Friday evening at the Gilead hall W'as catcher. The Hebron boys are and Mrs. Arthur Merrill acted as ME.NTHIN TO MARRY. Beryl?" their parents. n *'*• P"** Ceferino Zamperinl, the Southern Call- Louis A. Juno who has been WPA work. hostesses. 9-4 decision. Baae on balls off; Corretitl 4, Cal- Btotoe Rideout, Lou Zsmpertol, Lea- Wlnzler. High shortstop, who seem- was wen attended. One hundred putting up a splendid game. So It was "Beryl'* already! They vert 3. G o ^ right back to th* fistic spot- fom ia U. ace, baa run the distance and twenty-flve or more were pres- spending the past three weeks in Miss Marjorie Thompson of Au- State Cattle Appraiser Qaude light now...bard to see how Bar- Ue MscMltcbell and Eddie Morgan ed to be the only K elle^te who had P-V.A.C. PRACTICE Florida has returned to his home John Lyman of Marlborough London, May 10.— (A P )—Yehudi must have been spending a lot of Hit by pitcher: Buttery (by Cor- In 4:18.7 and to credited with even ent. A fine program was pre- burn. Maas., spent tbe week end Jones and Mrs. Jones were recent OOUNTE88 PASSES AW AT CUPPERS SAIL “ y

Wby do flprtag f m r «nd tmrden A young lady was out walking PlanUMr MMon oobm a t tba fiame with a handsome former-lad, who tlm* of jm t T was carrying a large basket on hie M- back, bolding a chicken In one hand, The aylator 'waa taiHur U s wife a cone in the other and leading a LOST AND 1>DUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 MILLINERY- REPAIRING 2.'t ELECTRICAL LEGAL NOTICES with all bills paid It has now a bal for bar flrat air rid e T ^ goat. Thoy came to a dork ravine. . Wlffr—Walt a moineBt. George. lost —BROWN AND WHITE DRESSMAKING 19 APPLIANCES—RADIO 49 ance of $45.82. The principal unde^ She—Pm afraid to walk here 1632 STUDEBAKER light 6 aedao, MOWER SHa KPENINO, repairing. At a Court of Probaf. Holden at NORm METHODISTS We’ll have to go down again. wlUi you. You might try to kiss me! Potatar dog. Reward #or return. newly painted, dark green, motor WANTED—DRESSMAKING coats, Vacuum cleaners recondlUdneo. Columbia within «nd for the District taking of this wide-awake orgarj IMPORTANT NOTICE — larg e of Andover on theJjOth dny of April, zatlon la the purchasing of coal Atriatop—What’s wrong 7 He—How could 1 with all these O dl CBaatonbury 3367. and Urea excellent, very attractive plain sewing and alterations. Key making, lock repairing, safe family size—between 5 1-2 and 6 A. Jj. 1 il 3 8 Wife—I believe Pve dropped one things I am carrying? car inaide and out, 6195. Cole Prices reasonable. Mrs. Perkins combination changing. Bralthwalte, Present CLAYTON E. HUNT. Esq., heat the church. The paat yt< of the pearl buttons off of my Jacket ft. capacity—1938 Stewart Warner IN ANNUAL MEETING donations were made to last auini She —Well, you might stick the Motors, 6463. and Mrs. H. Peckham, -17 Jackson 52 Pearl S t Refrigerator—139.95—Brand new Judge. alaeve. cane In the ground, tie the goat to ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 street. Telephone 7621. On motion of Johu H. Teomani of mer’a vacation school, toward th' Aviator—Keep your seat, my LAWNMOWEKS sharpened and re- —not a floor sample or left over Andover, ponn., admlnintrator on the purchase of 150 new hymnals fn It and put the chicken under the K C rC L E S FOR RENT—25c tiour. from last year—Complete with all intestate estate of Mabel P. Mac- dear. That’* a lake. basket. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 paired. Precision grinding. De- Donald late of Andover within said the church, and to other causes. Aak about 5 for i plan. 8p«cial MOVING— TKIJCKING-I" livery eervlce Karisen and Bdger- accessories and a full set of re- Melvin G. Oox, financial rates by day George B. Williams, TOMATO PLANTS, BEDDING frigerator dishes. 5 year guaran- district, deceased. Final Local Conference Of Worth While Never eus{>ect people. I t Is bet- ton, Auckland. Phone 7885. This Court doth decree that lUx tary, reported on collections; Ihera’a no ikill ta easy sailing 106 Oxford, off Strickland. Tele- planta for flower heda, strlndow STORAGE 20 tee. 13.3 square feet shelf area— monthe .be allowed and limited for ter to be wrong occasionally than es, $1839.77; loose collec' then the skies are clear and blue to be eternally suspicious of every phone 6234. boxes and cemetery urns, cut FTJRNITURE MOVING. Two cover- LAWN MOWERS sharpened and Makes 96 cubes or 8 pounds of ice. the creditors of said estate to ex- Fiscal Year Held—Inyite $188.93; Keeney legacy. $150; llowera for all occaslona. Ander- hibit thetr claims against the same ■ -T here’* no Joy In merely doing body around you. ^ - -r ed vans, with Common Carrier reconditioned. Free delivery serv- Limited time only. M. McKcever— to the Administrator and directs that pledges, 635.25; donations. .52J fAhlnga that anyone can do; BICYCLES Ff5R RENT. 35c hour. Bon Greenhouaea, 153 Eldridge S t ice. Snow Brothers, 282 No. Main Tuckel’s—1083 Main, Hartford. Spedal rates for the day. Free plates for out of town moving. L. public notice be given of this order Rey. Wallace Again. initial offerings, $5.70; evci But there Is some satisfaction Phone 8486. T. Wood Co. Phone 4496. street. Tel. 4506—4531. Phone Manchester 6536—Hartford by advertising in a newspaper hav- lections. 658.50; totalling $2562.50. at U mighty aweet to take BIG OBOP LOSS h w r with every five. 71 Oelmont 7-3138. ing a circulation In said district, and Toonerville Folks street, comer Summit. Phone 6323. FOR SjALe " — TRANSPLANTED HARNESSES, COLLARS, luggage by posting^ a copy thereof on the Cyrus G. Tyler, as collector o When you reach a destination AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS when you public sign post In said town of An- that thoy said you’d never make! Loe Angeles—(AP) —Losses to Arnold Ne.eon. tomato, pepper, lettuce and cab- want the best in Local and Long and harness repairing, sport tops benevolences reported up to dat< dover nearest the place where the The second and final Local Con- $177.70. agriculture in Loa Angeles county T he oss has rented that vacant office across the hal l bage planta at Odermann'e, 504 Distance Moving. Dally Express and curtains repaired. 90 Cam- GARDEN—FARM - deceased last dwelt, all .within fifteen B ference ^of the North Methodist Rev. W. T. Wallace in his firs WPA Worker (to another)—Poor from the rain* and floods In early Parker street. Hartford, Manchester, Kockvuie. bridge street Telephone 4740. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 days of the date of this order. BlU! He’s so short-sighted he March are estimated a t $691,000 OUR BOARDING HOUSE Phone 6260, 68 BoUtster street. Certified from llecord Episcopal church for the Conference year's report as pastor of th by Harold J. Ryan, county agri- FOR SALE — TRANSPLANTED LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED — CLATTON E. HUNT year of 1937-38 was held last eve- church showe^______“Courtesy Auto". Alberts Furni- DROPS IN MONTH ing: something new such aa dogs like A CORNER ROR •neb count m • word and oompound meat? AVY CLOTHES AND words as two words. Utnlmam cost td ADVERTISEMENT BUSINESS ture Co., Waterbury, Conn. WEARLV AN HOUR THE ONLY THIwe ^ nrle* ot thro« lines. R E P A IR IN G ^ "Re.iolvcd; AND THEN SHOW 1*1DS rates per day for transient Notice of Public Hearing For a Cer- OPPORTUNITIES 32 FOR SALE—A GLENWOOD 2 lid “WHEREAS; It has plea.sed Al What would she have done If she 1 COULD ORAB tifleate of Approval for a Gaso- were really hungry? •ds. WE SPECIALIZE In recovering FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS sec- kitchen stove, with double oU burn- mighty God. the ruler of this grea UP DOLLED OUT CffseclTe liafsh 1T» i n t line Filling Station In the Town er complete. George Hunt. 21 West First Reduction Since Fall Is Percy—Did you fill your big date THAT VMOULD OF^LE Cash Cbarffs roofs, and applying asbestos gidmg. tion. brick mercantile building Universe, to take from this worl lest night? LIKE M OTHER Of Bolton, Connecticut. Years of experience. Workmanship street. and to His long home our dearly be MV WAIST UME • OonscouUvs Days T etsj • sts with 3000 ft. of ground floor space. H u b b a r d / t Conssontivs Days ssl • etsi U ets guaranteed. Painting and carpen- Attributed To Transfer loved brother. Dr. LeVernc Holme, Alfred—I ho]>e so; she ate every- \NA5 ONE OF 1 Day ...... I 11 eul U ets Upon the application of Giovanni Suitable frjr light manufacturing. SAVE MONE5' ON NEW furniture. thing In sight at two night clubs Peace of Bolton, for a certiOcate try. A. A. Dion, 81 Wells. Phone Apply Edward J. Holl. we, his brothers and sisters ot th and a restaurant. MRS. HOOPLEfS Alt orders (or trrsEutar Insortlons 4860. Visit Benson’s Furniture * Radio will bo ebsrssd at tbs ons Urns rata. of approval of the location of a gaa- Co. Call 3.535, 713 Main street, North .Metho<1ist church of Mar SKIRTS / Spsclal rales (or long torn every ollne flUlng station to be locAted on Of Recipients To WPA. Chester. Connecticut, cause day advertising given open roqnast. Manchester. If he has won an oratorical con- Ads erdsrod before tbs third or d(th the premises of OlevannI Peace on HELP WANTED— spread upon our records, our lov test, he will become a lawyer or day will bo ebargod only (nr tie ao« Weal Street on Connecticut Route ______FEMALE 35 FOR SALEl—DINING room table, and greatest respect for him as preacher. tnal ntunbor o( tlnos the nd appear* No. 85 in Town of Bolton, It waa chairs, buffet.and bedroom rug. In- A drop In town charity expense, member «md brother. sd, eharging at tbs rats samsd but voted and ordered: Real Estate the first monthly reduction In relief "RE80L57ED; That by the deatj no altowanes or rs(unds ean bo mads FOR SALE—^To settle an estate. quire 67 Elro street. costs since early last fall, was ef- A little Negro waa fishing In th* on sit time ado stopped after tbs That the foregoing application be WANTED - EXPERIENCED sale.s- of our brother Holmes, Our Churc river and hooked a nine-foot stur- fifth day. heard and determine at the base- So. Main street—lO-Ronm Sin- Indics. Apply McLcllan's Store. fected here during last month, has suffered a great lo.is of a u'seti n which pulled him out of tha No **t11l forbids**! display Unas not ment of the Congregational Church gle. excellent shape, steam MACHINERY AND n)OI,S .52 when, according to the rejrort sent heat; garage; large lot. Priced member in whose every act beapoh Ct He turned loose' the line, sold. In said Town of Bolton on the 25th WANTED—GIRL OR woman to as- Into the State Welfare Department, that Reverence to God and Loyall climbed back Into the boat, got The Herald will not bo roaponslblo right. Blat with housework, full or part IT’S THE CASE RC tractor that Manchegter’s charity burden was (or more than on# Inoorrset tnssrtlon dasra of May at 8 o'clock P. M., FOR SALE—2-Acre Plot, Wup- to man which are ^o richly In down on his knees and offered the new ViMMnt U. S. Benjamin of any advorttssmsnt ordered (or D.8.T., and that notice be given to time. Telephone 3670. Is superior to others In Its class and cut by 61,760.28. The reduction, ac- following prayer: Franklin stamp of the regular plng highway. Cheap for can be depended upon to meet the cording to town officials. Is due to culcated In our teachings. Such me Boro than ons time. all persona interested In said ap- qnirk sale. maintain the high standards of th “Good Lord, there’s ons thing series will be placed on first-day Tbs Inadvertent omission of tnoor* plication of Its pending and of the p«'ak of loads. Sec us about Case the transfer to WPA of many re- this |)oor little nigger would love to 50CWB roet pnblioatton of advertising will bo FOR HALE—New .1-Uoom Sin- cipients of direct aid, this change- founders of pur church and also in sale for the first time at the Ben- campy roeilflsd only by eaneoUatJon of tbo time and place of hearing thereon, SITUATIONS WANTED— tractors. Dublin Tractor Co.,' know and that is, is this hare nigger jainin ^ a n k lin Memorial {iostal gle, the last word In modem Providence Rd., Wlllimantic. over resulting in a lessening of per- crease our faith in our God, ebargs mads for tbs oervles rendered. by publiahing a copy of this notice construction and detail. Attach- FEMALE 38 “RESOL'VED; That ns we cherls fishing, or is that there fish nlgger- staUon in Philadelphia, Msy 19, All advsrtlssrasnta mast conform at least three times In the Man- sons getting help, and making {>os- Ing?" la style, copy and typography with ed garage; large lot. .Mortgage WANTED—BY COMPETENT re- alble the approximate 15 per cent his memory we commend the eor end at |>ost offlees throughout the chester Evening Herald, aad by cowtor as soon afterward as dis- rsgnlatlons onforosd by tbo gnblish* arranged. Let me show you llable young woman, general MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 slash of ex{>en8e. very harmonious meeting, and when rowing ones to Him who doetb a I READ IT OR NOT— •rs and thoy roasrvo tbo right ta sending a oopy of this notice by reg- this one. Besides the cut In coats, the num- the m atter of the return for a *ec- things well. Be It further tribution will permit. edit, revise or reject any copy eon* istered mail to said applicant at housework. No Sundays. Drive car. FOR SALE—A GABLER 6 ft. Into th* hands of two men, FOR SALE—Several attractive Write Box Y, Herald. ber of cases on relief waa diminish- ond year of the Rev. Wm. T. Wal- “RESOLVED: That a copy ‘m. '■renklln •Idsred objeotlonebla. least seven days before the date of buys In one and two-family Grand piano. In excellent condition. ^ o m a s Riggs and Noel J. Ogllvie, CLOSINO HOURS—Classtfiad add ed by 19, and the actual number of lace a.s pastor was brought up, and these resolutions be Inscribed the United States and the mUsh adhesive wlU be IdenUcal in size to bo published aarao day mnst bo ro* said hearing, to appear at said time houses. Inquire Mondays, Tuesdays, and persons getting aid is 67 less for and general design with the new and place If they see cause, and be WANTED—HOUSEWORK or will Dr. B arrett asked how many would the pages of our records, and a cop Empire entrust the task of main- Mlved by IS o'clock noonj latardays FOR SALE—Attractive Building care for Invalid, or children by the Wednesdays. Mrs, Ada N. Merrl- April than was carried during like his return, there was a loud i-cent George Washington stamp [boV B beard relative thereto. Lots. All sertione of town. be sent to the family." taining 6JH8 miles ot boundary be- hour or day. Write Box X, Herald. fleld, 865 Main street. Tel. 7643. March. and unanimous chorus of “Ayes", tween the United States and Csn- i ^ e d April 25. The design Is W IL L F I N D ' For and by Order of the Board of During last month the total thown above. TELEPHONE YOUR Selectmen of the Town of Bolton, and the District Su{)erlntendent said In the re{x>rt of Mrs. Catherine A adA y A WAV«y To Renf charity cost to the town was 69.- he would do all In his {xjwer to have Balch, president of the Ladles Al stamp collectors desiring first- WANT ADS Connecticut. ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 WANTED—TO BUY 58 785.79, with 357 cases cared for rep- THOMAS W. WILSON, Cumberland St.—4! rooms, fire- the wish of the church carried out. society, she said the society has 3 Harold—Do )mu know what good day covers and cancellations May IcaBLi* iT s ii Ada ata aoo.pt.d m r tk. talapkeaa place. Excellent eondlllon. resenting 1,416 persons. Dur- clean fun is? 19 may tend not in excess of 10 First Selectman. FOR SALE—FLAT TOP desk, 5VANTED—ALL YOUR saleable Bro. Wallace is Invited back at an members, divided Into four depart at tha CHAROB RATH clvaa abov* 815.00. junk. Best prices paid. Wm. Os- ing the month of March the increase of salary. William F. Had- ments. church aid; hospitality an Edith—No, what good Is It? fully addressed covert to the post- aa a eenvaalMM to ad.ortltan, bat .lOHN ALBASI. Pitkin St.—7 reoms; 3-car gar- washing machine, dog house with cost was 611.546.03, with 376 cases tbo CASH RATES wlU ba aoeptod aa Second Selectman. trlnsky, 182 Btssell atreet. Tele- den, of Franklin street, was elect- membership; recreation and eu! master at Philadelphia with a cash FULL PAYMENT It paid at tbo baal- age. 670.00. nice run If wanted, luggage car- phone 5879. representing 1.483 persons. April ed as a tnistee and member of the CONSTANT READER oaks If It or postal money order remittance. SCORCHY SMITH GEORGE O. ROSE. Porter St,—7-room bungalow. riers etc. Make us an offer at figures this year are atUl far ahead ture; devotional and altar service Pros and Cons atso offlo# oa at bafor. th. aavaatb Third Selectman. Quarterly Conference, to fill the She also told of the followln; Is true that boy legs are a sign of The stamp will be available at the By JOHN & TERRY day taUowins tbo drat laaartloa at $.50.00. once - moving. Phone 7685 or call WANTED—A 36 foot extension of the totals for April 1937, when courage. If they are worn with Washington Philatelic agency May , LMTisN, M ierrip - aaoh ad otbarwtaa tbo CUAROB Dated May 10, 1938. Cohurn Road—6-room single. at 42 Gerard street. the total coat was 67,838.02— $1.- vacancy caused by the death of Ur. B{)eclal accomplishments during th , THVrl* MIVHTV__ RATE wiU ba oollaatod. No raaponal* ladder. Inquire Vancour, ,55 Wells LeVorne Holmes. year, and of funds raised by K shorts, the answer Is Yes. 2a Orders must be limited to the vov KNOW THoeff blllty tor arrara la t.I.phonad ad. 665.00. street. 947.77 less than this {>ast April's H-cent stamp. TALK, BOV>- VeVp THINK’ . Several Others. I.ef iMe Show outgo. In addition, last year's Rc{X)rts were given by the vari- Simple Simon Sandwich Shop at] WBffpM'r SE4L will ba aatam.d aad th.lr aeearaay ous officers of the society. Including other efforts, which show what Mrs. Duff—I always fael lots bet- e • e P l f r e ^^ B N T (f YOl/'D *V0N Y*K aajiDat ba caaraata.A Yon. FUEL AND FEED 49-A figures show 111 less relief case* tsr after s good cry. AmpcNTajBive Bfrenvett BLowBP up 'pokm R4K)MS WITHOU'I HOARD 59 during April, and 471 lees {>ersons those of the recording steward, Mrs. wonderful factor the society Is. i First-day sale of the new George MV QUM l l t A o o H * INDEX OF FOR SALE—WELL seasoned Darn dependent on aid. Fayette B. Clarke; Connectional BUp{>ortlng the work of the church Mrs. Jawsom—So do 1. It sort of Washington stamp April 25 totaled Y » r B Y » - - Lit e r J BAYII Arthur A . Knofla gets things out of my aystam. $10,544 In Washington. A total of WHY THBY P W ' r wood Apply Edward J. HcH, tele- FOR KENT—LARGE front room, Although there is a reduction In Steward, on Benevolencles, Cynis BV *TVfrrt>!! CLASSIFICATIONS EMERGENCY 875 MAIN ST. TEL. .5110-,50.38 phone 4642 or 8025. Mrs. Duff—It doesn’t get any- 124,000 covers was canceled. with vrramla, (*omplctcly furnish- costs noted for April, and, at this G. Tyler; Disburalng Steward, Leon- thing out of my system, but It does • • • Rlrtba a ,\genl—Miinehesler Building A ed for light housekeeping. Grube, time, it appears that the oxpcndl- ard B. Burt; and the FTnanclal Basasam.iita m ...... m ...... B Loan Pro|M-rfles. get things out of my husband. Abraham Lincoln appears for afarrlaaM G 109 Foster. turea may be kept relatively low Secretary, Melvin G. Cox. Agent -i- Home Owners’ Loan during May. it Is the opinion of All rcfwrta showed excellent pro- FILMS the first time in history on a for- Daatba ...... m . u . u . D CALLS Corp. Proi>erlles DEVELOPED AND oq Sonny (who has been Inquisitive eign stamp with issuance of the Card of Tkaaba .b ..u ....m . w E Read The Herald Advs. town officials who have reviewed gress In the various departments of PRINTED ...... i 3 u7C aU evening)—I* early baldness In fa M.niotiaai ...... m . F APARTMENTS—Fl, ATS— the charity situation that, unless church work. The membership ot San Marino souvenir sheet to com- Lo.t aad Poaod l Any Size Roll, men caused by hats? memorate the dedication of a stat- Annoane.m.nu ...... | POLICE , TKNEMEN IS 63 there Is an unusual drop in costs of the Booster club has increased from Father —Yes, by their wives. Paraonali ...... s the department during the summer, 27 to 32; and Its treasury had dis- ue to Lincoln. Two values were FOR RENT—2—3 and 4 room there wUl be a deficit of a substan- Arthur Drug Store issued, 3-lire blue and 5-lire scar- AataaiobtlM apartments. Call Centennial Apart- bursed during the year $175.83, and A lot of so-called ’’ex|>erta’’ are AutamobllM Cot Bala « 4343 tial amount, posribly as large as Just ordinary fellows—a long way let San Marino made Lincoln an AutonoblUa fat BzetaanBO . .... S ments. 4131 or 4279. $15,000, in the charity account by from home. "honorary citizen” In 1861. Auto Aee.taorlaa—Ttraa ...... t Automobile Owners the end of the fiscal year on August (Copyright, nil, NBA B.rvle., Inc.) Auto Rapaliiaa—Palattas mtmmt T FOR RENT—THREE room heated Auto debooU ...... »-A Autoa—Ship br Tniek ...... t FIRE apartment, centrally located. Tel. No town official would venture an Auloa—For HIra ...... • warning 4674. Call after 5. opinion today as to whether a part F L A P P E R F A N N Y B y Sylvia FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser amin.s:r.-. Oaraa.a—B.rvlca—«iora*a M Sooth — - of the past month’s charity saving SlSI^IramC Mot«raral.a—BleraUa ...... II FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement -coss.miaviMKiracc.Mc. i. m. n o u. s » i. ______WASHINGTON TUBBS Wam.d Autoa—Moioreyolaa U is due to the posting of names of By CYane OUT OUR WAY with all Improvemunts. Inquire at wash Eaalaaai aad PralsaaUaal Sirritaa l a s t D A Y T O P AY YO U R TA X E S 177 Maple stre e t persons known to use liquor to ex- 4321 cess, who have received aid from c » TH E Y e e r ' t m a t •^appeals ^ A6AIWST. AAft.jruBBSX/'y o u'l l CATtH UMFOETUNATILV!! T H A T S A Bualaaaa Bantieat Offtrad . . . . . II WELL.'tOU V6 S, and Hoiu.bold Sarrlcaa Olfarod ....ll-A FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, nil the town during the past six months. WAY ? I T SAYS IN T V e TO THE HIVA IN PLENTY THOUGH, VOUBEI N E W O N E O N FOLDIN' BulMlnv—Ooatraatlna 14 North M A Y 16 It has been estimated that up to D ID , A t TH E »uT WE C A N T I T / p e o p l e a b e OF AiCT8 AT BEVONOTHE ClTyf W H E N nr Florlata—Nortanaa ...... l | Improvemrnts, centrslly located. In- Wie u SOUDOL PAPER. T H A T DEB ATE i P OUCB.. M E — P U TTI N ' THEM UP Fanaral DIraaiori ...... i« 7.2‘v, INTEREST AFTF.R MAY 16 quire 10 LUlty stre e t 6500 was previously spent on liquor APKAIO TO TESTlpy. IHEVB OOT 30 CATCH MtY PLACE. UKAITS ANO OUTI r a i n s w e l l by various persons on relief. It is 1 PUNCHED D u o WANGLE S D e C U R TA IN S ISN'T SO Haatlns—Plureblna—R ^dac . . . 11 5432 AFTER JUNE 15 PENALTY; LOSS OF MARKERS O N TWe NOSE / ^ HWA IN A CBIKMMAL ACT. OP OUR JURIS* IN A T I R E ! H AV E t o 600D for \ Inauranea ...... n felt that the effects of fwatlng may USE o u r . Mllllnary—Draaimablog ...... | | H o u s e s COR R K N T f>5 be reflected In some measure In the this iMrrxnoNi Uavlna'—Trueklar—Starasa k .. M total amount of the pa.it month’s c l o t h e s glass—tow Public Paaunaar Barrlea ...... M -A Office Hours: 9 A. M. tft 5 P. M. Daily and 9 A. M. to FD R 9 D E , Painting—Paparlng ...... II A M B ULA N C E 9 P. M. Thursday. May 12. and 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Salur- kOR RENT— SEVERAL single cost reduction. TELL TOO Profauronal Bfrrloaa ...... If bouses and Hats, thoroughly mod- ^rTA iNsy THAT/ RaPaIrtng St (Doufian) day. May 11. and 9 A. M. In 9 P. M. Monda.v, May 16. em, excellent locations. Inquire ot Yallorlng—Oy.Ing—Claaning . . . S4 rollat Goods and Barrla* IS SAMUEL NELSON. JR.. Edward J. HoU, 865 Main atreet, MISS HUE m i i i s Wanted—Businaaa Barrloa 14 5630 telephone 4642. Cdaralt.aal Tax Collector. fourata and C'.aasaa ...... M FOR RENT—EIGHT room single, TENNIS CLUB A T ‘TT Privat. Instructions Is (Holloran) garage, garden, steam heat, lawns, shade. Inquire 42 Florence street, Musical—Oramatlo...... -...... “-Asi To Tell Some Of-Her Experi- anted—Inevruotlons ,,w'g*sE.g» M 3060 after 6 p. m. ences At Organization Meet- naaaelal ing Thursday At 7:30 P. M. Einods—Stocks—Mortgaged fil (Qoish) Business Opportanltlei ...•••«• M SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 Honey to Loan ...... II . Miss Eleanor Huebner has af- Help aad llm tle n e 434 0 RAISE CASH filiated with a new tennis club 'Jf*,'” Wao'*>>—E«mala ...... S4 In a hunY? FOR RE.’^T—7 ACRES of land, which is meeting a t the Y. M. C. A. THE MY STARS! i V e GOT ONLY 5 ______Hslp Wanted—...... |« 8o m sny folks don't will b« easiest for you to partly {Houghed. Phone 8934. on Thursday evening May 12th at SHERIFF, WELL.SOMWY, TU . 00 THE B E ST bsletmcD Wsoted ...... *as.ll*A renllse they can get rrpny small Instalments. T h a t w a s . I P R OMISED J u n e ^ ANO YWJRE THE TWENTIETH PERSON* I CAN. BUT HOW THE SAfA HILL Help Wanted—Male or Female.. II u loan on a business- Th© rest is sim^lo at Per- 7:30. Miss Huebner. has had uh- H O SPITAL W E E K S A G O l u s e f i s t s BESSIN FOR PROTECTION. Agent* Wanted ...... me.I1*A like basis without asking sonal....Our main require- usual opportunities In the tennis 1 W OULO N T I’kA GOING TO PROTECT TWENTY ment !• just your ability to HOUSES FOR SALE 72 TH IS ITEM SltosUon# Warned—Paraale II favors of anyon* ...... world and will tell some of'her ex- IN S ETTU N G OIF F B 3 E N C- PLACES AT THE 6AWC TlMf Sltjaifona Wanted—Male ..ms.* 19 repay... .Strict privacy... periences to those who attend the IS SUPPOSED Empioyinant Agenclta ...... 44 Wh*ilher you wish 990 or We will spprectat« your FOR SALE—54 HUDSON Street, E S WITH DUD W ANGLE • IS A AAVSTEBY 3D MEl 5131 organization meeting. This meet- I D B E I.l*« rtorh—sf-ete—PealtfT— ▼•hldce 9390, just tell ur'how It Inquiry. house, all Improven ents. On lot SH E W O N T EVEN S r * D-'ga—Birds—Pete ...... 41 extending through from Hudson to ing Is open to the general public F R B S H NEWS / M E IF S H E READS Live Stock—VetilcUe ...... 4t Prraoaal f^aua ap ta fiSM lAth Year Manrheeter who may be interested in pla3rlng on I F JU N E RE2H0S Pou.iry and Supplies ...... 41 William stieet. Width 99 ft., length W ATE R DEPT. 185. Large garden. Phone 7900. the "Y” court this year which is in rr, S he'Ll be wan:*d— Pete—Poultry^^took 44, PERSONAL FINANCE CO fine condition for the aeason. SORE AT ME.' Per bet^—MIeeeUaaoone Artieiee I w gale ...... 41 Miss Huebner will help Instruct B^'ate and Acceaeorlee ...... 44 3077 REAL ESTATE on Saturday afternoons at S o’clock Building Materials ...... at and although she’s affiliated In D amonde—Watebea—Jewelry 41 (AftcrBP.JL) FOR EXCHANGE 76 Electrical Appltanceo—Padlo ,, 49 Hartford with the Aetna Ufe Ins...... MTLL TRADE good central buUd- Oo. team and has played in state Garden—Farm— Dairy Pradueta M 7868 ing lot for a lake shores lot. Write tournaments her Instruction will be these weddings are over.*’ Boueebold Goods ______gi Lot, car* of Herald. . Yeah, I always get soaked by bridal showers.” Machlnsiy and Tools ...... ts ' free to tennis club member*. Moelcal Irtatrumente II OBlcs aad 8tors Equlm aat . . u g4 M A N C H ESTE R Bpaelals at tba Btorsa...... g« MYRA NORTH, SPEQAL NURSE No More Talking Waarmg Apparal—Fura t 1 By. THOMPSON AND COLL Wanted—r» Boy ...... as W ATE R CO. Leeeti ______n Reetanrmata '^OF aX ieS E T BUT WElRE OETTWeUNO ^ 3 TIU. CAMT bel ieve IT, AOSKW.'AH usren! LAWCY,' MO'TBOUBLE' 5974 WABMEE.. THAT MUST HAJJE AUMT B ESSIE-. BLIT ;------Boardais Waatad ...... «.m .«.M-A AINTBPENGN’ THERE’GA THKTSTH’DEATH BEEN THE'PERFESSOe'HIM’ CHARM IB SO I out hm a iu Country Board—Rodortd 40 300A cK) A S * 'B & , OOGHOWUNG t HOWL SHO’ MUFF-1 Botela—KaatauramU fl , SELF.' TOMOCeOW VVE CAM 'KICXI >MOW'T MIND TELLING UB NOHOW, BOMEWHEOfer. r r s COMIM'FBOM Waatad—Raawa- Board ....v . fl GAS C O. .5 HE ' GET A FRESH HOWTO FIND THIS J£& B£NiTUB/'S: A Eaal Batata Paa Baat LEACMS •EVIL EieS" HANG* Apartaiaala, Flata, TaaoBouta « id AUWT Buataaa I « e a ^ . la, Beusaa Par Boat ..I. aa 5075 BEdSlEIS If ■uburbaa Par tLmmt g! lAJHACMeO, iasmar Kaaaa Par BaM JZml d1 VNEA - Vaatad la Baat ...... gg CASHES' Baal Batala Paa M o ELECTRIC C O. OUT OF THE Jbaaaa M fa J a ------8n 5181 CABIKJ ^Atg Bfild 1g TO * !i MEET far Idxahaaga — 14 Evgning Herald •JACK.., ~ Bbtata . . . . * * f i 5121 iifiB r:.. :,„%:^i-;., . A ', .

, pa g e P O D M U B H ’>' ilanrlf»Btnr £vntfug Umlii i TU E SD A Y. H A Y 16; 1688 • The Hustlers group of the Wes- Juniors of the Women’s Benefit The Ladiea Aid society of the Miaa Viola M. Johnson of 60 Ridge Past chief daughters of Helan leyan Guild will have an all-day :: soclatlon will hold a rehearsal to- North Methodist church will meet Ueutanant Jamen Scott of the The Men’s 600 (3ub win meet to street wss the guest of honor at a Davidson Lodge, Daughters of Putnam Batvatloa Anny corps will .ABOUTTOWN meeting tomorrow from 9 o’clock morrow afternoon at 4 o’clock in tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 with night at 7:30 at the home of Hay miscellaneous shower glvgn at East Scotia, will hold their monthly meet- lead the Toimg PiMpIe’s Legion den Griswold, 132 Oakland street ' * ^ - . -■ on at the South Methodist church. Odd Fellows hall. Miss Helen Gor- Mrs. E. R. Walker, 45 Mather Hampton. The decorations were man and Mrs. Ethel Cowles will be ing thta evening with Mrs. Mary meeting at the Salvation Army here street Mrs. W. E. Hibbard and green and pink. Games and a salad Thomson of 208. Center street tomorrow evening at 7:45. Lieuten- no prMr o f Eavtorn Star will in charge. Mrs. Arthur Starkweather will be hold a nimmafa sale Thursday Amaranth officers who were to supper were enjoyed. Mias John- ant Campbell of the Putnam corps Mr. Isenstadt organizer for thi the assisting hostesssa. I.U G.W .U „ now In charge o f strik* Qom laa at P o’clock at 1099 Main have held a meeting Thursday night son who Is to be married In June to will also be present Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will Mrs. Eva Kennedy and Mrs. acUvlUea here, requests as many oi atraet In the store that waa former- with Mrs. Frank LltUe of 33 Lan- Albert Van Gaabeck of Ekiat Hart- Emma Taggart will be hostesses at caster road, are hereby notified of a meet tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock Teachers of the Concordia Lu- ford, received numerotu beautiful the garment workers aa possible t( ly Garrone’s Market. Members the meeting o f the Women’s Home postponement to Wednesday eve- at the home of Mias Alice Aiken of theran church will meet tonight at and useful gifts In linen, glassware, The CecUlan Club win rehearse be at the office of the union in th« who have anything to contribute art League, tomorrow afternoon at the Uila evening at 7:80 at the South gplced to ciin Mrs. Horton, 6303. ning, May 18, at the same address. 9 cross streeL 8 o’clock at the church. pyrex and china. Tinker block tomorrow morning al Salvation Army hall. Methodist church. nine o’clock. —

•ning Shoppers-Rea Wednesday Moi id These Advts. For Bargain News | _ I POPULAR MARKET HOUSE’S HALE’S And Self Serve Groceries Wednesday Morning Specials 855 Main Street Rubinow Building Wednesday Morning Specials “ Where Th rifty Shoppers Shop” Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Another Lot of Men’s Blue Pepperell WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIALS! 1 Tlfbe Perlox Magnesia Horizontal Striped Store Closed A t 1 P. M. Wednesdays. WORK SHIRTS .. Tooth Paste and “I PT * Summer Curtains SMOKED . _ Reg. 75c. 2 for $ 1 . 0 0 1 T o o t h B r u s h J . Men's 25c Fancy Hose, ^ ^ I Splash and open nets 25c Men's Black Dress* A with gaily colored hori- SHOULDERS ■‘12»4« 6 pairs V *00 »>' / 1 ing Combs x l / C Eontal stripes that are ASPARAGUS, particularly fine for sun . WAX BEANS, bunch ...... 2 q u a r t s ...... $1.00 Moore a ^ porches, cabins," Summer 9c 15c Air-Tred Shoes cottages and Summer Keep the feet young. Regular $6.00 Fountain Pens

SFi windows in general. Tailored style with stripes and $6.50 va lu es...... $5-00 Discontinued ModeL Wednesday Only! Each

o f green-brown-and-tan, yelIow-orange>and>tan,

or green-orange^nd-tan. Limited quantities of

all colors so come early. Regular $1.25 a pair. Odd Lots To Close*Out From the N o ’phone orders or charges. Domestic Department C.fH0US€^S0N, Limited Quantities of Each Item. INC.

12'/tc 50% Linen Dish Toweling ...... 10c yd.

59c 42” x42” Pure Linen Lunch C loth s...... 39c ea.

12Vjc 16” xl6” Rayon and Cotton Napkins ... .3 for 25c

15c Orchid Hand Size Turkish T o w e ls ...... 10c

29c Pure Linen Glass T o w els...... 15c ea. WATKINS



Limited Quantity Of

95c Reversible Chenille Rugs

23” x34”. Variety of patterns and BENDIX Waller N. Leclerc Printed nM BooecMor to the Colors 88c — Washlog Mschlne Funeral Director Wednesday 2«9 No. Main St. Phone 5249 PERCALES Morning WASHES — RINSES At Yard Only! $1.29 Chenille Rugs DAMP-DRIES 22” x44” . AUTOMATICALLY

Mary Carney Hat Shop A RCPEAT EVENT Opposite St. James’s Church Paper Window Shades KEMP’S, he. 1 In ecru or green colors. 76S tla lB Street “I made iq> mrl m in d to get a l SATEEN

MODERN icfrif.r

erator renttflewl of coat froagtnel 1 CRETONNE my delidil when 11 A 20c Value! foimd the price o fl Th€ JW.HALC CORP. Cool era tor, the air| ROOFING SPECIAL cooditkeed refrig ...... Yard MANCHESTER COHH* erator, wa» n e a r l i ______and a hundred doUan under many lem Wednesday Morning Only! up-to-date kindi. My foods are fresh- . A SB EST O S er, more delicious, and Fm sating West Point money erery day.” SIDING Coolcrator ket^ foods fresher he- KITCHEN HAND TOWELS cauM air eonditkming protidcs four W.T. G rant Co . Made By Martex, Fa- A Onr Specialty! ementials of ideal rclrigeration i

1. Constant Cdd. 2. Positive one-way 815 M A IN S TR E E T ' mous Towel Makers. ** circulation. S. Balanced Humidity.

• Estimates Freely Given 4. Washed Air. Instead of catting Colored Borders. HALE'S SELF SERVE raer^ these advanced features coat The Original In New England! • Workmanship Guaran- A Regular 60c Value! 4 9 c yon LESS. If yon want fresher foods teed at lem cost, investigate Cooleratorl

• Highest Quality Mate- FOR YOUR 10 DAY HtEE THE TEXTILE STORE And Health Market TRIAL CALL 913 Main Street Next to the Bank rials BUY YOUR ROOF NOW Morning Specials WednesdiiY • Time Payments Ar-

ranged. also Green Stamps Given W ith Cash Sales, wkiU jf2ticQ 5 ate low! L. T. WOOD CO. A. A. DION Phone 4496 Large Family Sine Caa Friend’s

CONTRACTOR Cana 81 W ells S treet U. S. D AYS Beans 2 25c

Vi-Potnid Bar Baker’s Baking Telephone 4860 Coblerdtor WEDNESDAY 8 A. M. TO 12 rwf rr • . a*.. ♦ Ri» 8is„i KAtoe


Chocolate 14c Tomorrow morning (we*re closed Wednesday afternoons) and ^ day Thmeday we bring WEDNESDAY MORNING AT PINEHURST you this week’s specials for XSS. Days. Each Carnation Milk 3 Cans 23c week we offer spedala‘'for D. 8. Daya Watch for them! Regular Sine Caa MoOmth’s Rhubarb Radishes Summer Cucumbers Squash 2 lb«. 9c 3c bun. 5c em. Soups Cana 11c lb. 5 23c t

OTBBdmuther*n Just received . . Health Rod Cnvlsr, In a 4 on. glass to retell (g e n u in e nt I9c; ilrarts of Artichoke* In glaM Jars; three kinds Black LOWER PRICES pro-

Catlar, .>IaJor Grey's Chutney and 88e Jars of Smlthlleld Deviled Apple Jelly Bam. THAR IN 1937; JOHRS-MAIIVILLE * 1 Lb, Jar Our Vegetable Buyer will bring In New Spring Spinach, 13c 2 for 25c ASPHALT SHIHGLES Watcremm, Rnuialne and Native Lettnoe. Fresh Pena, Green

Beanv KCMMER SQUASH Is dower and will seU at lie lb. Armour's Pure Lord u. 10c Yams. 2 lbs. ISc. PluUu IM oday, roofing prioan ara lomoot PM hurst closes at noon Wednesday. . A . M . A N D A L L No, I. Frenh. Faaey DAY THTJBSDAT TO ~ in yearn. Taka ndvnntage of tUa I M P O • T A N T I Chicken Potato Cole 9 P. M. Cold Chop Suev Salad Slaw Cuts op portunity to re-roo f your honse Asparagus Lb, 15c

29c Ib, 15c Ib, 18c lb. >4 Ib, 23c and aava W e recommend Johns- MEN’S 3-PC. SUITS ManviOe Anphah Shinglea. A wide Onr Meat Department oRers two budget spedala . . a limited (Coat-Vest-Tronsers) Fresh Summer Squoshu. 5c number of Rib Cuts of Corned Beef at 10c lb., and very tender. variety of colors and atydee from » I * ' at 26c Ib. . . SUced Bacon to ^ k with CLEANED AND PRESSED It, Ilk. For M^at Loaf or Moat BaJIa. Ptnehorat tSc Chopped wMdi to dwoee. 75 ymt* of roof- Beef fivea you fuU \'aloe and freah meat HaTor. Called For and Delivered Fresh Rhubarb Lb, il ing experienca are behind these 3 MOW M n w run quality eWnglee, Can be eaaily ap- Fresh, Ripe Strawberries qt. 25e HEALTH MARKET

plied over your preaent roof.

Wednesday momlag la yonr last dmoee nt these two Btrda Eyn Lb, spedala . . . Birds Eye Bptnach. 19c, or Birds Eye Raapberriet Frankfurts 27c

at 19e n box. Yon save 4e as the regnlar price la 2Je pkg. Ibis qieeUI price for WedRseday TH E W. G. G LEN N EY CO. Thomday we start a Mg sale on Peaches . . . It win pay yon raomtaig and aU day Thursday te CoaL Lamber, Masoue* BnppUee, Palat 9 P. M. Spiced Ham Lb. 27c «n boy • down cans. We tsmilnd yen . . Wedneodny enr atom IM He. Bfala Street eleaan at bo o b.

DIAL 7100 r r Hf AOOUARIfKS *Ok I ^ i Jk mi For Prompt Pick-Up Service I Loaf Cheese Lb. 27c

J O H N S - fVI A N V I LiL E

yt?/ ncfiuTjt G/vcen/J/ic. HUIIOING MATERIALS /


V 'ir POST CFF CF ■ 0 \ c BLOCK Fk CM J A :[ AK'^CR'r AND DYERS TM CORK 836 Main Street Manc hbst iii Conn* ADVERTISE Ifl THE HERALD ~ IT PAYSI