Complete Programs to Be Broadcast Week Ending October 29

Lucille Manners will sing the "Blue Danube Waltz" Friday night-NBC RADIC DOUBLES YOUR RADIO ENJOYMENT 731 PLYMOUTH COURT, , ILL.

him Ahead playwrights; some would call Careers the greatest living playwright writ- to the list of things your son Add ing in English. 'Beyond the Hori- want to be "when I grow up" may zon' is one of his more important No more that of swing musician. plays. The reason given by the in this advanced cowboy ambitions FCC for this ruling was that three inventor or sol- radio age; no more expressions in the O'Neill play- Nowadays youthful dier or sailor. 'damn,' 'Hell' and 'for God's sake' or a minds choose to be a G-man -are 'obscene and indecent.' Credit the latter to trap -drummer. "The FCC member who voted No jitterbug era. this was Commander T. A. M. Craven, Heroic examples are before them. U. S. N. Ret., who denounced the is King of Swing Benny Goodman ruling as an FCC attempt to 'censor his scepter. Bunny and a clarinet is the air.' man among trum- Berigan is high "We agree with Commander Cra- is the high peters, Tommy Dorsey ven. And we believe that now is of trombone -players, Gene priest the time for citizens, broadcasters, Oom of Krupa is the Omnipotent newspapers, magazines, etc., etc., drummers. Add the bank accounts to get up on their hind legs and do together and of those gentlemen some fighting on Commander Cra- would get a sum you probably ven's side. twice as great as that owned by four even unusually successful bus- LIMITS OF CENSORSHIP inessmen of their own age. Indeed, "This paper will not be barred at their age it is hard to find any from the mails for publishing the unusually successful businessman. above headline. But readers are Swing pays and the kids know. entitled to stop reading any paper There is a glitter about the work, whose language they don't like. too. It puts you on a pedestal, the Barring use of a handful of well- public at your feet. You know stars, above heading, on the ground that "This seven -member outfit super- known English words which all ball -players, heroes, statesmen, it is cheap, weak writing -tactics to vises radio. By a vote of four to agree are too dirty to print, that is celebrities. try to attract attention by the use one, with two members absent, the the only censorship to which the Once, boys rode to manhood on of profane language. FCC decided Thursday to silence a press should be subject-reader imaginary white chargers, clad in "We agree. The reason why we lot of radio stations for having censorship. the invisible armor of Sir Lancelot. are using that language this morn- broadcast Eugene O'Neill's 'Beyond "The same reasoning applies to Now they ride on the beat of ding- ing is that we want to call all the the Horizon' last July 28 as part of the radio. When Mae West broad- donging broadcasts, hammering attention we can to a ruling day an NBC -Blue network educational cast her Adam and Eve skit some their feet against scarred floors, before yesterday by the Federal drama series. months ago, various Legion of De- twisting their backbones in vain at- Communications Commission. "O'Neill is one of our greatest cency sympathizers had a perfect tempts to outjitter the King Jitter, right to make the protest which Gene Krupa himself. they did-or to go on and boycott There are those among us who the station broadcasting the pro- wonder how it will all come out. CONTENTS gram or the advertiser sponsoring it if their protests were not heeded. "Damn It to Hell, 13 By Wireless from Berlin 1 Father Devine "But the dangerous line is It's Dangerous" "To Jessica, With Love" 2 Listening to Learn 14 15 crossed when attempts are made Highlights of This Week 4 Mr. Fairfax Don't be alarmed. We have not Program Selector 16 to have government cut off news- Playbill: "Vic and Sade" 6 Records of the Week 17 or radio And it lost our sense of the proprieties. The March of Music 8 Crossword Puzzle 19 papers programs. But we saw that head in the New Airialto Lowdown 10 This Week's Programs 20-35 is a very dangerous line indeed. 36 News the other day, on that Hollywood Showdown 11 On Short Waves "We have all seen evidence in York The Radio Tattler 12 Football Broadcasts 37 great paper's editorial page, and the last few days of the terrific when we saw what that publica- M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher power of the radio in Hitler's to accomplish fierce war speech from Berlin, in tion was attempting CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor we decided to borrow both the Mussolini's various trumpet -voice headline and the editorial. We be- Vol. 8. No. 2 October 29, 1938 orations, in Chamberlain's tired -old - lieve it is the most forceful way in peacemaker speech. A[ark It,'giileleli I'. 5. Pat. (Ribs,. Volume A'Ill. Number 2. ANice], ending It CI lum ,Ttade ('putt, Chicago. Illiuoi:. 1 731 urliabcr Y!I, I!I ;u. l'ubli.hed l reklp by Ite;l,l Pre.., Ime.. I'I,Iwmtb which we can plant our banner on Chicago, Illinois, l'cbruaey 2 I. 1912, under act et. Ilnelyd as and-class mattere et the tost (IRi AN INSTRUMENT OF by (Mice Deli attmcnt. (Viole,,. Canada, a, d rund-rlasa matter. (opy- 1 l'ust \larrh :I, sSa. Authorized d'l'tassy, Iten- the side of the listener and against by ltegal rn,:.. Inr. All rlghG s . ecrd. Arnold6ru.c. I9 r.ideut; George light Iu:IS, Manager. l'nsolirt ted nl:tlulsrrit,t'i TOTALITARIANISM erat yl:ma#er; ('w li; llltchell, Vice -President 1i1''r1y. ('ii-culatiuu rd if rue return. '('en rout: per ropy in the United the decision of the Federal Com- .lpllld bH at'l'plllpallied l{ .sl:llllpclI. elt-adlll'eyr ens, 5nb.eriptipn rate, in the U. S. and posesºions and countries mt the Pan-Anlerir,ul Postal `lates. foreign eptllltries: . ]intintlei, Union: , luuntb., F2.5a One ,ear. $'.1.1111. iptisn rate: in "It may well be that whoever can munications Commission. Hereun- X:0u0; by pp:tal lmlm order. rvOil's money asdes, pr sleek drauu In order der is the editorial: p( Itapll, (:l'II,F.. (Mummy sent tit :nbserillel-. control a nation's radio facilities in "Many readers will dislike the (Continued on Page 15)

S/2 N Map, left, shows points between which William L. Shirer was shuttle - cocked during the war crisis in order to re- port events via radio


Another RADIO GUIDE First! ried at prospect of war; the various reactions of men bed at 6 a. m. say, then at about 7 or 8 a. m. the Wars and war scares require a new technique of in the face of danger, and your passion to make the news started coming in. Correspondents started coverage these days. The old romantic figure of American public see this via radio kept you going phoning from Sudetenland, and by 9 a. m. the Richard Harding Davis, the beau ideal of former at top speed all the time. Probably I wouldn't have government ministries and local radio engineers newspaper days, is gone. In his place is a hard- slept or eaten much even if I could have. were on the phone with the news and broadcast hitting American news -hunter who mixes sweat and But, of course, sleep was impossible when you schedule. Or at 7 a. m., after an hour's sleep, you speed and an expert's knowledge of economics into were either broadcasting or gathering news until were setting out on a drive of 200 or 300 miles a word -brew and pours it into a microphone. He four or five in the morning. And if or through Sudetenland, which is mountainous and knows diplomats, prime ministers and cab -drivers. London didn't phone you at 6 a. m. with the day's slow going in any old trap of a car you could find He was born in America-usually in the Middle news and schedule of talks, you phoned them. It (since the army had taken the best) and there were West. He is tireless, fearless, and sometimes reck- was only midnight in New York, and if you went to nerve-wracking breakdowns when you had to be less. He was responsible for the most exciting radio back in Prague, a hundred miles away, in a couple week America has known when, three weeks ago, of hours to broadcast at a scheduled time. he talked from the frying -pan of Europe. At Godesburg the night of the Hitler -Chamberlain Wherever the fire was hottest, American voices talks, which finished at 1:30 a. m., I finished my recorded the temperature. One voice was that of SHIRER work at 5 a. m., since the phone service to the William L. Shirer, central European representative outside world was terrible. At 5:50 a. m., my car of the Columbia Broadcasting System. How he got COVERS left for Cologne to catch the Berlin airplane leaving there and what he saw is a great story. RADIO GUIDE at 7 a. m. So I just lay down on the nearest table is proud to present in him today's newest hero, the in the hotel lobby and snatched forty minutes sleep. radio war correspondent. CZECH At Munich I finished broadcasting at 3 a. m., spent the next hour trying to find a sandwich and THEY are dismantling the big anti-aircraft gun on CRISIS took a New York phone call at 5 a. m. Then at 6 the building across from the Adlon Hotel here, a. m., I received a call from Murrow that had been so it looks like this assignment is finished. This put in from London at noon the day before; up at is the way it was: eight to cover the last meeting between Chamber- Since leaving peaceful, sleepy Geneva on Sep- GET back to Prague in two hours! lain and Hitler; dashing from that to catch a noon tember 10 for Prague, on a hunch that a tremendous Report to Berlin in the morning. train to Berlin to get army passes to go into Sudeten- story was about to break, until I arrived at Berlin Godesburg is on the wire. Call Paris, land with troops. We arrived at Berlin at 8:15 p. m., yesterday, October 2, after having seen the German London, Munich, New York. That was were told at the station we must leave at 9:14 p. m. army finish that story by its occupation of the the staccato pace at which William L. for the "front," though in that hour I was lucky to Sudetenland-in these short three eventful weeks Shirer, lately appointed CBS repre- get a bath, some warm food, call the London office which saw Europe on the brink of war until Britain sentative in Europe, lived during the and arrange in Berlin for a speaker to replace me on and France had capitulated to Hitler, my own activi- recent war crisis. For the well-known the night schedule. t:es could be summed up like this: Chicago journalist was reporting events By air, train, truck, bus, car and horse -pulled army via radio from the trouble zone to CAUGHT the train, got four hours sleep, and be- carts I traveled exactly 2,950 miles (practically the America. By truck, plane, horse-drawn fore dawn was in Regensburg, where we met the distance from New York to ). I aver- army carts, sometimes afoot, he trav- army staff officers and then set out by bus for Pas- aged two hours sleep daily, mostly in my clothes, eled, living on sandwiches, hot-dogs and sau. October 1 we spent all day going up with the and often snatched only on train or airplane. I've coffee, snatching sleep when and where German troops, and I got back to Passau that night lived largely on sandwiches, hot-dogs, and coffee he could. During those weeks when all only to find that military censorship forbade all until I would rather starve than face another one. Europe was a powder -keg with the lid broadcasting. Telephone service was also practically And I've bellowed so long into microphones or bad off, he traveled nearly three thousand impossible from Passau, as the army had taken It telephones that my doctor says that if I don't keep miles, broadcasting history in the mak- over. I got the train, however, to Regensburg, where my mouth shut for a few days my voice will be ing, once at a railway station just be- I arrived just before midnight in time to telephone gone entirely. fore boarding a train. The fact that he the story through to Paris for relay by wireless to But it's been the most interesting, exciting three speaks French, German, and Italian New York. The next morning it was impossible to weeks of my life. After the first few days you forget made his work a trifle easier. Chicago- get an airplane, so I spent the day on the train to the lack of sleep and food. The excitement and born (1904) , Shirer first went to Europe Berlin, where I arrived an hour before my scheduled difficulties you met on all sides and your efforts to for the Chicago Tribune in 1925. broadcast, only to find that military censorship still overcome them; the first-hand view you got of all forbade me to talk on Sudeten occupation. When I the so-called big -shots of Europe, nervous and wor- (Continued on Page 15) b 8/2 1 ON OCTOBER 6, 1937, Jessica petite singer, who is herself the nation's Dragonette stepped to the mi- official "Star of Stars." crophone and said to her radio One hundred and fifty thousand audience with the same appealing ear- Dragonette fans jammed Grant Park to nestness that marks her singing: "I am hear her sing that night. An eager, en- leaving radio for a while so that I may thusiastic crowd they were, anxious to devote my time to concert work ... I see their angel of the air in person. She to me. JESSICA, lived up to their expectations, both in never forget your devotion "TO shall It has been my highest inspiration." beauty and in song. What they loved With the singing of "I'll See You most was the fact that she gave them Again," her voice died away. the melodies she has made famous over I was one of the millions who sat by the air. As each old favorite greeted a radio that night, stunned by her good - them, they applauded joyfully. LOVE" Her last scheduled song was "Indian the WITH by. I had listened to Jessica since old Philco days, when our family Love Call," the first number she ever owned a small battery radio set and sang over the air. Dragonette listeners each of us fought for the one pair of OFF THE AIR AT PRESENT, MISS DRAG-. have always associated it with her. She earphones on "Jessica's night." I had finished it with exquisite tenderness. "You belong to me, I belong to you." heard her opening Cities Service con- ONETTE IS ONE RADIO STAR WHO STILL cert in 1930, and throughout that glori- Appealingly she stretched her arms ous series of seven years I had spent to her public as she sang those words. each Friday evening with her and her DWELLS IN THE HEARTS OF THOUSANDS The crowd went mad! They jumped to music. their feet, clapping, whistling, shouting When she decided to change pro- their approval. They called "Bravo, grams and give us a light -opera series, Jessica!" They begged for "Alice Blue I was at the radio to welcome her, and summer a smartly dressed, intense young woman called Gown," probably the best -loved num- of sang did not miss one of those delightful LASTon me. "I should like to write an article telling how much ber her large repertoire. She it with infinite charm, and her blue Beauty Box Theater presentations. Miss Dragonette means to her fans," she said. to its spell. They asked for Now, on October 6, 1937, Jessica was is suspicious of visitors who "want to write an dress added An editor "I'll See You Again." She sang that, saying in her warm, tender voice, "I article." He has a technique for handling them. "Miss Drago - that I too. Finally the orchestra ran out of am leaving radio for a while so the our policy doesn't permit . . ." I nette is not on air and music and she could sing no more. may devote my time to concert work." began. to the of the stage, I heard the announcement with a "But she won your Star of Stars poll without being on She came edge heavy heart. It meant that she must the air," the lady told me. "And she just sang before the gratefully acknowledging their ap- temporarily leave radio. It meant that largest crowd ever gathered in Grant Park. Her fans haven't plause. Still they would not let her go. for the first time in ten years I, and forgotten her." She returned again and again to curtsy, millions like me, had to get along with- Fans! The word is one an editor mistrusts. Usually it to smile, to wave a graceful hand to out the magic of her voice. means an empty-headed dullard who tears off a star's clothes the adoring throng. It was the most for souvenirs. Or an autograph -seeker begging a prop to his spontaneous ovation I have ever wit- HOWEVER, I thought she was right But these eyes were so sincere and this face was nessed. Here spoke the people who own vanity. had sat by their radios year in and year to take the tour. It was not fitting so earnest. She was no ordinary fan. for her to have a radio career only the story and send it to me." That is also out, loving Jessica's music. She was I said, "Write deeply moved. Coming to the micro- when the concert halls were crying for of an editor's technique for dismissing visitors. The a part phone she said in a choked voice, "My artists such as she. It was all wrong for to him after a week or two and is rejected. story comes heart is too full for utterance." the majority of Jessica's admirers to go But this story was not rejected. For I had never read through their lives without the faintest like it, nor do I think one is likely to be written. In another SIMPLICITY and charm! It is no won- conception of what she looked like. Her way, "To Jessica, With Love" is a historical document. It its der that after pictures never show her beauty. Even attests to the miracle of radio and the satisfaction it has brought her popularity continues the best ones lack that ethereal expres- during its first years to millions of lonely and uneasy people. ten consecutive years of radio singing. sion of hers that goes hand in hand Because Jessica Dragonette had something to give that people Just recently she won the greatest radio with her equally ethereal voice. The needed, people adored her without stint. Growing up with poll of all time, RADIO GUIDE'S "Star of only way to estimate her personal broadcasting, her following broadened and its devotion deep-. Stars" contest. After winning one sec- charm and beauty is to see her. ened. In this devotion there is something that must be like tion of the contest, the feminine classi- The concert hall has provided that the faith which soldiers gave to Joan of Arc. cal singers' division, Jessica ran away opportunity to us. Her tour this past Please read "To Jessica, With Love." I don't pretend to with the final poll, which embraced all season extended all over the United the bonds of devotion which created it, or the radio entertainers in the broadcasting understand world. She is now radio's "Star of States and even to far-off Honolulu. 'magnetic force which created those bonds. But as an editor, I Stars." It is the greatest tribute that will I followed her concerts as best I recognize sincerity. And in its presence here, I feel humble. could, poring over musical magazines -The Editor. ever be afforded Jessica, coming as it for news of her. One day I read she did in the midst of her first concert tour was to sing in Chicago at a summer and at a time when she was not appear- concert in Grant Park. Here was my ing in a regular broadcasting series. We chance. After ten years of silent adora- of her loyal legion look forward eagerly which we tion by a radio, I might have the privi- heir to bequeath the fan to when she She saw but a few movies, wrote only to her next radio program, lege of paying public homage to her! herself died. She loved it more than occasional letters. hope will coincide with her fall concert so that have the intense I planned the trip that would take me any possession she had, and could not "I gave all of my eyesight for that tour we may to her, and arrived in Chicago excited bear the thought of its passing to a year to Jessica," she said, "because it pleasure of having Jessica come to us and thrilled! stranger later on. is the most precious thing I have." via radio each week, as well as in per- Her concert began at eight o'clock in "I sent it to Jessica," she told me, I was particularly impressed with the son to our cities. It will mean an all - for the evening, but the Dragonette follow- "because I wanted someone I loved story of a small, middle-aged man who absorbing winter her, but "hard ers began to gather as early as noon. dearly to have it. Though I had never sat directly in front of me at the Grant work" is Jessica's middle name. Her Not only from Chicago did they come, seen her, her music brought her close Park concert. Some years ago he was love of music, her many sacrifices, her but from all over the country as well. to me." in a Chicago hospital. Jessica Drago - long hours of practise and rehearsals From Michigan, Ohio, North Dakota, Another girl told a different story. "I nette came there to see a sick friend. are not forgotten by those of us who Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin-even have never been able to send Jessica a The news of her visit spread quickly love her. She may feel that our devo- from Canada, they poured into the con- gift which would in any way indicate through the building. The men's ward tion to her is her highest inspiration, cert, lured to Grant Park for this one my deep appreciation of her singing," sent word to her, asking that she stop as she said so charmingly in her final precious night with Jessica. They sat in she said thoughtfully. "This spring I in the doorway for a moment on her broadcast last winter; but what of her the broiling sun for hours, waiting for decided to find such a gift." way out, so that they might see her. devotion to us? She shows it in every Jessica; and because they came to see She chose one, to be sent Jessica at She did not stop in the doorway. She song she sings! Jessica, they talked to each other about Easter time. It turned out to be far more came in-and sang a song for them! How can we prove our affection to her. They told how they loved her, how expensive than she had intended. The her? How can we let her know what many years they had listened to her only way she could buy it was to use C HE was so beautiful," added this her singing has meant to us all these singing on the radio. Very few of them the money she had been saving for a J man, "I thought afterwards I must years? That is always a problem. We had seen her in person. Tonight, at new spring coat. have dreamed it." give her so little in return for so much. last, they would! "I gave up the coat," she said smil- But when Miss Dragonette walked out Realizing my own inadequate meth- ing, "and sent the gift to Jessica. Her on the stage of the Shell in Grant Park, ods on this subject, I have written this BEGAN to exchange stories music will warm my heart until I can Chicago, and sang "Liebestraum" for article as a gesture of appreciation for for. WE about her. We told of our devo- save for another coat." her opening number, the little man all she is-all she stands And, like admirers I met at her tion to her, a devotion that has lasted One girl said she had deficient eye- turned to me. "No," he said softly, "I the Dragonette through the years with ever-increasing sight and could devote but a short time didn't dream it." Chicago concert, who prefer to remain day to fine needlework. She She was a vision of loveliness that unknown, so do I prefer it. tenderness. Each person offered a dif- each could have been written This was one of the best: A spent over a year sewing on a special night, dressed in a pale -blue gown This article ferent tale. one or every one of Jessica woman said her mother had gift to be sent Jessica on her birthday. which was sprinkled here and there by any young followers. I am sure that a and beautiful fan. At her During that time she could not use her with sequins, shining like stars. There Dragonette's owned rare each would close it as I am doing, fell heir to it and realized eyes for anything else. She did not were stars in her eyes, too, and in her death she "To Jessica, with lots of love." with regret that she had no feminine read a book or sew on any other article. bright hair. She fairly glowed, did this N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 2 N Radio Guide ® Week Ending Octr:ber 29, 1938 HIGHLIGHTS PREVIEWS OF SOME OF THIS

constructed collapsed - and "HADDY, EV'BUDDY!" -Sun.,, Tues., Fri., NBC passed it off lightly as just another "Hail! Hail! Here comes Uncle Ezry, here joke, not realizing how utter its comes Uncle Ezry!" "Give him a toot on the sit significance. Maybe you smug- tooter, Tommy!" Here's the old jumping jenny - ly in your fortieth -floor office with- wren himself, back with us in person. The out one thought of the colossal beloved old busybody has had a nice summer magnitude of its structural stature. vacation (probably fishing and puttering around Perhaps you have floated on a down in Rosedale, with a few flings thrown liner through the Panama Canal in to keep him young and pert), and now he's -asleep in your berth. Maybe ready to get back into the radio harness with you have seen a newsreel of the same old pep and perspicacity, by cracky! Boulder Dam or the They can't keep a good man down, can they, muttered, Bay bridge and merely Ezry? This time, besides two week -day fifteen - "Very nice," with a shrug. And minute spots, the saucy small-town sage blos- perhaps we'd be less blase and soms into an additional half-hour Sunday show. more appreciative of our wonder- More power to you, Old -Timer. If your air ful world if we should listen to activities are as homely, as peppy, as humor- the amazing story of American ous, as lifelike as they have been in the past, engineering accomplishment Sun- you may be sure not only the good folk of day when "The World is Yours." Rosedale but many friends far and wide will 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time; 3:30 p.m. Central welcome you back to the microphoney. And Time; 2:30 p.m. Mountain Time; 1:30 p.m. that's our "thought for the day." Pacific Time (Sun.) 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time; 4:00 p.m. Central Time 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time; 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time Jimmy Stewart and Rosalind Russell will be the principals CASE DISMISSED -Sunday, CBS (Tues. 10:45 p.m. Eastern Time; 9:45 p.m. Central Time in the dramatic performance "aired" by the "Silver Theater" & Fri.) 8:45 p.m. Mountain Time; 7:45 p.m. Pacific Time Rosalind Russell has won ac- claim in several Shakespearian COFFEE AND CANDLES -Monday, NBC YOU AND YOU -Sunday, NBC roles, but Portia is one character she doesn't Quiz programs, comedians and crooners may life, anyway. If law - Ibsen, Tolstoi, care to play-not in real come and go, but like the babbling brook, Euripides, Shakespeare, Hugo, had had his way, daughter to conjure with in practising Papa babbling Don McNeill and his Breakfast Club Shaw, Anderson-names Rosalind would have grown up before the bar of great writers, whose go on and on. Don, the democrat of the break- the theater, names no, not the kind of bar you're thinking of; as long as society! The -no, fast table, and his fellow entertainers of the great plays will live rather the imaginary bar of justice. Although of the world paint a morning board, are preparing to celebrate an great dramas picture- she is now known to be partial to severe coif- vivid, forceful and deep-of life and its con- anniversary. Monday marks the sixth milestone fures, strictly tailored costumes and the color consistently, exten- sequences. The National Broadcasting Com- herself for this, one of the most "Great black, still Rosalind just couldn't picture sively and perennially popular of sustaining pany, in its current series entitled or exhorting a jury, so- of the tormenting a witness airshows. Six years in the life of a human Plays," endeavors to re-create a few she became an actress and went to Hollywood. spokes in the giant wheel of dramatic literature involved with It wasn't as easy as that. The process so that we on the rim may be in contact dramatic school, tent -shows, stock, vaudeville, the hub of truth about which we revolve. Last hard work. Miss Russell, con- was with Broadway, and season's inaugural series greeted of Hollywood's most vivid person- as well as the sidered one such enthusiasm by educators is considered also to have one of the set of plays alities, general public that the present most perfect airwave voices. Sunday she will is being selected and built with a view to an have another opportunity to demonstrate those even more complete and striking panorama of qualities when she is presented by the "Silver the world's theater, with the scene moving Theater" with popular, personable Jimmy Stew- to Broadway in chronologically from Athens art in the first of two consecutive dramatic per- thirty weeks. In this, the second in the group, formances by this couple for the same program. front center "Everyman." On the comes and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time; 5:00 p.m. Central Time loom of medieval England's morality allegories 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time; 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time is woven a pattern of universal life, and by the side of our 1939 radio receivers we can SWINGING, ROCKING -Sunday, MBS hear ourselves portrayed even as the first 1529 Have you met Mr. and Mrs. Swing? Maybe audience saw its own life pictured in the plot you know that personified couple as Red Norvo of "Everyman." and Mildred Bailey. Red is one of the chief ex- 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time; 12:00 noon Central Time ponents of that same color -scheme in music- 11:00 a.m. Mountain Time; 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time red hot. He himself cavorts nimbly and nastily a "pile of bones"-xylophone to the tender- WANT THE WORLD? -Sunday, NBC on feet of swing-along with his band -directing "If you can fill the unforgiving minute duties. The feminine half of the famous Mr. With sixty seconds full of distance run, and Mrs. act rocked herself to musical glory Yours is the world and everything that's and the title of "Rocking Chair Lady" by her in it .. ." individual rendition of that ballad of pathos on According to that criterion, there are thirty rockers, "Old Rocking Chair." Whether or not chances each week to claim the world in the you are acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Swing Smithsonian Institution's Sunday afternoon (there's that word again!) and their stock in program, "The World is Yours," for there are trade, you may have the opportunity of meet- thirty times sixty seconds dealing with the ing or remeeting them under auspicious cir- world's great accomplishments. This Sunday cumstances when he of the torrid tempos and the engineering world-and thereby the whole she of the tremulous tones will be the spotlight magnificent vista of today's physical costume entertainers on the MBS "Show of the Week" -is yours for the listening. Perhaps you have on Sunday. Always listened to, if not always agreed with, is heard about the engineer who stormed, "Curse 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time; 5:30 p.m. Central Time Michigan's orator -senator. Arthur Vandenberg that decimal point!" when the bridge he had 4:30 p.m. Mountain Time; 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time Week Ending October 29, 1938 4 Radio Guide OF THIS WEEK WEEK'S BETTER PROGRAMS

means he's ready to go to school and learn "Golden Hoofs," by William Cary his three R's. But six years in the life of a radio Duncan, and "Drivers Up," by Dwight program means it has graduated from the Akers. Not to be outshone, the rooster elementary branches and is ready to work on swaggers forward, crowing that he too its entertainment master's degree. So Monday will get a slice of publicity when the morning the Breakfast Club can put on its long book about cock -fighting, "Courage," pants, stand right up to the mike and proclaim, by Tom Pridgen, will be discussed on "Today I am a man," confident that its three -Ft the same program. Who's this guy Di curriculum of razzing, rousing and rhythmatic Maggio, anyway? has been absorbed with honors. In fondling 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time; 3:45 p.m. Central Time his Breakfast Club souvenirs, as one is wont 2:45 p.m. Mountain Time; 1:45 p.m. Pacific Time to do on his birthday, Don finds such evidences of far-flung acquaintanceship as an Alabama FORUMARATHON bale of cotton, a Maine pine cone, a rope of -Tues., Wed., Thurs., NBC sailors' knots from sea -going sailors, a South The Herald Tribune "Forum on American poisoned dart, a Virgin Island floor - is one of the big. mat, and a Hawaiian cocoanut -head. An orange - Current Problems" juice toast to the Breakfast Club for six gest programs ever to go on the air sparkling years! from the standpoint of the amount of time allotted in one week for its pres- 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time; 8:00 a.m. Central Time eight and three- (Not available in Mountain and Pacific zones.) entation. This week quarter broadcasting hours are to be OF HOOFS AND SPURS -Tuesday, CBS consumed by the eighth annual For- Well, fellers, the Series is over, the last sad um as an exclusive NBC feature, and rites have been said over the ashes of the when a network turns over that much Nora Cuneen and Pat Barrett, the Cecilia and Uncle Ezra Cubs' hopes, and the post-mortems and proph- valuable radio time to one feature, of the airlanes, are back again after a summer vacation ecies are blending into the frenzy of a football then it should be somewhat of an mob witnessing the annual cataclysm between indication of the project's merit. The the Titans of Tiffany and the Gargantuans of general theme, "America Facing Tomorrow's EXTRA GOOD NEWS -Thursday, NBC Gondola. These are the two sports that most World," stimulates, at least, some attention to Maybe that potent body referred to casually often make the sports -page headlines, but the wide range of vital problems to be dis- as the public is growing a bit weary of movie there are many other popular and exciting cussed by men and women of national and monopoly in radio. Maybe a great many lis- sports. Two of these have their day in the sun international reputation. There is a challenge, teners resent their taste being insulted by a when Professor John T. Frederick presents his a mystery, a suspense, a potency that poises sponsor paying a kleig cutie a moderate for- Tuesday edition "Of Men and Books." Our just beneath the surface in the unpredictable tune to answer an m.c.'s stereotyped questions friend the horse trots and paces into the spot- world of tomorrow that lures young and old, about her latest films, her diet, and her strug- light when Professor Frederick discusses two man and woman, today into militant contem- gles. But it is good news to appreciative listen- books on the venerable sport of harness -racing: plation. Such subjects as these to be delved ers when a real dramatic star or stars appear into cannot help but whet the intellectual appe- before the microphone. So, it will be a rare tite: "Keeping the World Young," "Shall We treat for many when Clark Gable and Lionel Break With Tradition?" "Business and Gov- Barrymore appear together on the "Good News ernment," "War Over the World," and "The of 1939" program Thursday. One has the rare World of Tomorrow." Eight and three-quarter quality of appealing to both strong men and hours is not too much time for prospecting in sentimental women. The other is one of the such potential fields. supreme actors of our time. That should guar- (See program listings for various times of broadcast) antee merit. 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time; 8:00 p.m. Central Time A REAL RECORD -Thursday, NBC 7:00 p.m. Mountain Time; 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time In the ring the count of nine means some- body is just about out. On the diamond the VOLUBLE VANDENBERG -Saturday, CBS ninth inning means it's usually some team's "Double, double, toil and trouble"-the last chance. This week to Rudy Vallee and political cauldron is boiling, Hallowe'en is NBC it is the count of nine and the end of the near, and, true to good old American tradition, ninth inning, but there the analogy ends, for spielbinders are abroad. But not of the common Rudy is still on his feet, fresh as ever, and the run of political spielers is Senator Arthur Van- radio game goes right on into extra innings. denberg. He is in the select class who speak Thursday Rudy celebrates the end of the ninth with conviction and authority and, consequent- and the beginning of the tenth year with NBC. ly, are called authorities or leaders. Senator They have been years of consistency and bril- Vandenberg has been and is still considered liance, and there is no indication of any slack- Republican presidential timber and has often ening in the Vallee pace. You can't take it from been prodded in the direction of the White the fellow. He came up on his own, stead- House by his associates, but he continues to ily and spectacularly. As a singer, as a mu- press noncommittally but militantly forward as sician, as a talent -discoverer, and especially as one of the outstanding leaders of the liberal - an all-around showman, Rudy Vallee continues conservative faction. Considered one of the year after year to collect and hold a huge and Senate's most distinguished orators, Vanden- faithful audience, together with the sometimes berg is listened to, if not always agreed with, grudging commendation of cooler critics. To by others than his own party. As a member of Rudy, his music, his talent -sponsoring activities, the Republican National Committee, the Sen- and his showmanship, it looks like a long game. ator from Michigan will address a meeting in No one can deny that his place in the enter- the Memorial Hall in Columbus, Ohio, Satur- tainment world represents a story of genuine day. His talk on "Current National Issues" will accomplishment. be broadcast over CBS. Genial Don McNeill, who emcees the "Breakfast 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time; 7:00 p.m. Central Time 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time; Club," other 8:00 p.m. Central Time shows, used to be a cartoonist 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time; 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time 7:00 p.m. Mountain Time; 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time

A Radio Guide Week Ending October 29. 1938 5 THE RADO P THIS WEEK-"VIC AND SADE"

M:t.iriet Seyi,00r -M.i,titcr St ti,oi,r

VIC is the type of small-town character that No -man Rockwell brings SADE RUSH met and married Vic in her home town, Dixon. Illinois. One to life on Saturday Evening Post covers. and Clarence Budington Kel- of those rare women who make really tolerant wives. Sade takes her land portrays so aptly in some of his short stories. Bluff, hearty. and good-natured husband as she does all the shortcomings of the human race. good-natured. Vic is a bookkeeper for the Continental Kitchenware Com- Vic and her son Rush come first in her life, but her main outside inter- pany. Plant 14. located in a middlewestern town. A humorist of sorts. est is the Thimble Club. which meets once a week to sew and gossip Vic calls his wife Sade "Kiddo," and his son Rush by a series of zany about local doings. Sade's chief annoyance is Hank Gutstop, Vic's ne'er- names. Aside from his family, his chief interest is his lodge, in which do-well fellow lodge member. Among Thimble Clukbers. it's trouble -mak- he serves as Exalted Big Dipper. Art Van Harvey plays the role of Vic ers Mis' Applerot and Mis' Brighton. Bernardine Flynn plays the Sade role

THE air for more than six years now, the tremendous appeal of "Vic and 0NSade" to radio audiences lies in the author's ability to make his characters do and say just what ordinary real -life folks do in small towns the length and breadth of the nation. The setting is Bloomington, Ill., where the author lived for many years, and resi- dents of the town say they can recognize many points in the show as coming direct

from real life 1 -here. The Gooks live in "a smal house half -way up the block." Their homely every -day doings make the show. Often it's nothing more important than Vic and Sade's conversation on "beef punkles" and "Limberschwartz cheese," or a ride with the Stembottoms. The big thing about this show that makes it unique is the fact that there's never a tear, tragedy or heart-throb. Nobody ever tries to steal Sade from Vic, and Rush, their son, never gets into serious trou- ble, nor is any one of the trio ever rushed to a hospital near death. The phone rings and the door slams, but that is about all that's ever heard in the way of sound -effects on the program. Occasionally when Vic rummages around the pantry, there's the sound of fall- ing crockery or tinware. The one really indis- - Sla,,, ec, Seymour pensable prop is the telephone, as it is the PAUL RHYMER. who authors "Vic and Sade," RUSH GOOK, Vic and Sade's teen-age son, got means by which the neighbors are brought has an abrupt sense of humor that startles ev- his mother's maiden name. Rush thinks his into the life of the Gooks. "Vic and Sade" are people, and one girl, Mildred eryone, including himsel`. Paul joined NBC in parents swell is heard Mondays through Fridays over Tisdel, attracts and repels him all at once. His 1929, originated the Gooks in 1932, and has been at NBC at 11:15 a.m. EST; 10:15 a.m. CST. Uncle Fletcher wants him to take "pianny" les- them ever since. A college graduate. author Paul CBS at 1:15 p.m. EST; 12:15 p.m. sons; Rush is more interested in American -boy Again over likes to say he's driven taxis in Chicago, sold sports and pals in the games with him, especially CST; 11:15 a.m. MST; 10:15 a.m. PST. An- magazines in Cicero, had his fortune told in St. baseball. Billy Idelson plays the part of Rush Gook nouncer for the show is Vincent Pelletier. Louis. and his wallet stolen in a mining town

N 6 Radio Guide Week Ending October 29. 1938 RUTHIE STEMBOTTOM is Sade's dearest friend. \ AR. BULLER, traveling inspector in Vic's terri - MR. GUMPDX, the garbage man, is a fine ex- Together they solve problems of the universe. tory, is no softy. He has a prodigious appe- ample of leisurely industry and sound integ- Sweet and kind, Ruthie never wants or needs much tite, works hard, and lives in a granite world rity. He can be depended upon in any emergency

CHARACTER most inquired about by listeners is BLUE -TOOTH JOHNSON is Rush's pal. He got SMELLY CLARK is another member of Rush's Uncle Fletcher, retired businessman who lives D his name from a peculiar incisor that lends a J gang. He holds the long-distance record for in Dixon, Ill. Eccentric is the word for Uncle bizarre note to his ready grin. He loves baseball spitting, and is adept at sneaking into the movies

ALTHOUGH Vic, Sade and Rush are the only next time a belligerent motorist bawls you out for meals. Hank's Exalted Little Dipper for the Drowsy voices ever heard on the sketches, artist Del same minor driving error, take a good look at him; it Venus chapter of the Sacred Stars of the Milky Way. Poore's conception of other characters in the may be Mr. Buller. Uncle Fletcher is Sade's uncle Mr. Gumpox works up and down the alley between serial (on this page), as well as scores of neighbors, who specializes in addlepated ideas. While dinner University and Virginia Avenues. A target for wit- relatives and friends, are just as well known to radio is cooking, Sade often reads his wacky letters to Vic ticisms, he can always be depended upon to run er- through the Gooks' frequent mention of their names, and Rush. Hark Guts+op, the town loafer, spends his rands or help hang up the Monday wash for house- and heated discussions of their good points as well t me figuring out ways and means of getting free wives along his route. In addition to his other tal- as failings. Fred and Ruth Stembottom are a young ents, Smelly Clark is a master at jimmying penny married couple who live down the block. Fred's a gum -machines; and if anyone wants Blue -Tooth John- factory foreman and Ruth is the perfect example of NEXT WEEK: son in a hurry, he can always be found in the vicinity miraculous housewifery. Mr. Buller, traveling inspec- of third base over on Tatman's vacant lot. Alto- tor for the Consolidated Kitchenware Company "" gether, Rhymer's characters rival those of Dickens' where Vic is employed, is aggressive to a fault. The for odd names, and far outstrip them in humor.

Nit Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 The March of Music

A Weekly Preview Edited Dy Leonard Liebling "... An ampler Ether, a diviner Air ..." Wordswc:.ii

Canada in Tone One hears about "the concert of nations," or, in particular, "the European concert," but neither has anything to do with music except -Delar it be the chorus of cannon or the song of shrapnel. Different from -Lucas and Pritchard Fritz Stiedry, conductor of Elisabeth Rethberg, soprano, all that is the fifth real world concert, which is being aired this time in "La Forza del Destino," Fri. "New Friends of Music," Sun. from the Dominion of Canada to fifty-five countries on all kinds of waves, Sunday, October 23, 2:30 p.m. EST, through NBC, CBS and SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 "Lemminkainen" (rarely done in its MBS in International Broadcasting Union at on NBC at 12 noon EST; 11 a.m. CST: cooperation with the entirety) the last section is "The Swan 10 a.m. MST; 9 a.m. PST Geneva, Switzerland. of Tuonela," dealing with the Hades The imaginative thought underlying the presentation is to put of Finnish mythology. The dire lo- The Radio City Music Hall of cality (Tuonela) is surrounded by a the Air forth, through the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, a musical pan- broad river of black water and rapid "CARMEN" orama of the five main geographical divisions of Canada, depicting current, in which a fabled swan glides its sweep from ocean to ocean. Starting at Lunenberg on the sea- majestically and sings affecting strains. By Georges Bizet The sad melody is first played by the way across the The Cast: shores of Nova Scotia, the program will whirl its English horn, answered occasionally by the Carmen Hertha Glantz three thousand miles to the Pacific, stopping at Quebec to pick up the cello or viola, sounding like Viola Philo of Quartet and at Ontario for a recital by farewell sigh of some soul outward Micaela the voices the Alouette bound. Mysterious pianissimos of the . Jan Peerce Don Jose Ernest Seitz, Canadian pianist (composer of "The World is Waiting strings lead back to the swan -song Escamillo . Robert Weede and a chant for Mercedes Rosa Akersten for the Sunrise"). In Winnipeg, an old-time orchestra offers tunes concluding rueful Louis Purdey we move on cello. El Remendado representative of the wheat -growing provinces, then Sibelius, passionately loving his . . Louis Purdey El Dancairo again to British Columbia, land of tall trees and the lumber industry. Finland, has, through his music, done more than the country's historians and If I were a poet, I would write: All the music has been arranged and linked together by Percy with lovely tune ap- philosophers to acquaint the world "Carmen" comes Faith, young Canadian composer, conductor. The entire performance with the character of his land and the peal verbal interruption except to introduce each his Just before our Sabbath midday meal. will flow swiftly without nature and ideals of people. Hertha Glantz intones the title part region visited. As a grand finale, there is the actual felling of a giant is of the broken heart. Peerce Jose tree in a British Columbia forest, with authentic lumberjack songs by SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 does the simple village maid Philo on NBC at 6 p.m. EST; 5 p.m. CST; Voicing tender love with sorrow the logging crew at the scene. 4 p.m. MST; 3 p.m. PST weighed. Of course this is propaganda to show the size, might and re- Robert Weede bravely kills the bull sources of Canada, but the method and manner form a strong con- The New Friends of Music the casting full. Other artists make to The New Friends of Music Orches- Leading all with sure and skilful beat trast to the proclamations of Herr Hitler whenever he sets out the show com- of to all the world. tra Rapee's baton makes advertise the same qualities Germany Fritz Stiedry, plete. conductor Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 3 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 23 Pianistic (Bach) on CBS at 3 p.m. EST; 2 p.m. CST; 1 p.m. MST; 12 noon PST Parade six so-called `Brandenburg" ßACH'S Alfred Wallenstein confides to this department that the present concertos (his first venture into The absolute instrumental music on a sym- Orchestra violin concerto series (MBS), with Joseph Coleman, will be succeeded phonic scale) were commissioned by John Barbirolli, conductor by a procession of piano concertos embracing all the best examples Christian Ludwig, Margrave of Bran- denburg, Germany, and the composer Overture to "Der Freischnetz" in that form. Wallenstein now is seeking the proper soloist to do (Weber) finished his task in 1721. the comprehensive job. The Margrave had a of Tounela" private orches- "The Swan (Sibelius) tra of his own, doubtlessly with few of Lemminkainen" "The Return first -rank members, and therefore he (Sibelius) liked idea of concertos in which Suite from "The Fire Bird" the (Stravinsky) groups of players rather than individ- Fugue for (Mozart) uals served as soloists. Adagio and Strings Bach made each concerto for a dif- Symphony No. 5 in C Minor (Beethoven) ferent set of instruments. Nos. 1 and 2 are for small combinations of strings, we symphonically woodwinds and brass, while No. 3 em- THE farther travel ploys strings only. Naturally the works the more Beethoven's "Fifth" seems show sparse virtuoso demands. No. 1 to gain in vitality and significance. has much merry banter in the first That is one of the values of the major movement between the grouped solo- masterpieces in all art. ists and their fellows, but the general Whether or not one accepts the sug- is full. The second of effect rich and gestion that the opening four notes movement consists of ornate, expres- the Beethoven symphony represent sive song. The opus ends with a set of "Fate knocking at the door," the fact delightful dance tunes. score stirs the remains that the entire Concerto No. 2 brings forth much imagination and engages the emotions trumpet activity, the airs of the open- even without putting a "story" under ing movement suggesting Italian influ- the music. To me the first movement ence, the middle section being a sort stands out as easily approached sym- of quartet for flute. oboe, violin and phonic communion. Anyone should cello; and the fin; e. rather showy be able to fix upon the terse initial writing asking the trumpet to climb second theme, motif and the songful to higher altitudes than is customary and then to follow their recurrence, these days. in intertwining of separately and the In No. 3 we have three groups of both, which the genius of Beethoven three instruments each, violin, viola with such continuous accomplishes with the "Met," in motion pic- and cello, treated with marvelous skill dramatic and lyrical results. Lawrence Tibbett has won equal success and in radio. Will be Ford's guest Sunday and scope. Of the lengthy symphonic trilogy tures, on the concert platform, N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 8 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 on CBS at 9 p.m. EST; 8 p.m. CST; Also Recommended 7 p.m. MST; 6 p.m. PST Times given are EST. For CST subtract 1 hour; MST, 2 hours; PST. 3 hours. The Ford Sunday Evening Hour For stations. see our program pages. The Symphony Orchestra Sunday, October 23 Jose Iturbi, conductor ....,9.','.ti.'.....s:ln%',<..+,...`9L..'b, Metropolitan Auditions of the Air. Lawrence Tibbett, baritone 5 p.m. EST, NBC. Try -outs for the Overture to "The Barber of Seville" Metropolitan Opera House. Orchestra, (Rossini) conducted by Wilfred Pelletier. Ed- The Orchestra ward Johnson, master of ceremonies. Largo al Factotum from "The Barber Contestants are Vicki Chase, colora- of Seville" (Rossini) tura soprano from Cincinnati, O.; Rob- Lawrence Tibbett ert Nicholson, baritone from ; William Horne, tenor from New Carillon from "L'Arlesienne" (Bizet) York City. The Orchestra Bach Cantata Series. 8 p.m. EST, "Oh, Caesar, Great Were Thou" from MBS. Alfred Wallenstein, conductor. "The King's Henchman" (Taylor) Genevieve Rowe, soprano; Mary Hop- La Gitana (Langes) ple, contralto; William Hain, tenor; In Summerfields (Brahms) Raoul Nadeau, baritone. Cantata No. Danny Deever (Damrosch) 25, "Wo soll ich fliehen hin" (Whither Lawrence Tibbett shall I flee). The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Dukas) Monday, October 24 The Orchestra Curtis Institute of Music. 3 p.m. EST, CBS. William Horne, tenor; Lynne THE present program has distinction British -born John Barbirolli is conductor of the New York Philhar- the Broadcasting Sunday Wainwright, harpist; Burnett Atkin- and puts forward euphony, senti- monic Orchestra, heard over Columbia System son, flutist; Nathan Stutch, violincel- ment, ebullience and humor, the last list. Morgengruss; Wohin (Schubert); represented by Rossini and Dukas. Aria (Cimarosa); Pieces de Clavecin Brahms' song is a striking example New York Philharmonic en Concert (Rameau); Morgen; Zueig- of how an accompaniment may be nung (Strauss) ; Flower Song from made as descriptive as the vocal part. In 1938-39 Series "Carmen" (Bizet). First movement of The text recounts the pleasure of ly- Sonata in B Minor (Loeillet); Minuet ing on the grass, harking to the birds NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC founded in New York ninety-six years (Valensin); The Little Windmills and gazing happily at the canopy of programs resume on the air ago. At the first concert there were (Couperin); Dorienne (Mouquet). the skies. Follow the simple, heartfelt (Sunday, 3 p.m. EST, 2 p.m. CST, fifty-two players, and all stood while The Rochester Civic Orchestra. 3 rapture of the piano measures. 1 p.m. MST, 12 noon PST, CBS) with performing except the cellists. Four of "Danny Deever" had its premiere p.m. EST, NBC. Guy Fraser Harrison, twenty-eight concerts, welcomed warm- the members acted as ushers, wearing conductor. Eileen Malone, harpist. when Damrosch and a singer per- ly by those to whom this winter series white kid gloves and carrying long formed the composition in New York Overture di Ballo (Sullivan) ; Chorale has become an indispensable part of white wands. Financially the under- Variation for Harp and Orchestra (Wi- for Kipling, author of the words. He Sunday musical broadcastings. As for taking was on a cooperative basis, and was so perturbed by the necessary the dor); Petite Suite (Debussy); Blue the past several seasons, John Barbi - at the end of the initial season Danube Waltz (Strauss). rhythmic changes in his lines that he rolli will do the baton -swinging and profit for each executant was exactly ran from the room. The public, how- give his well -pondered and feeling $25, which indicates that they must The Voice of Firestone. 8:30 p.m. ever, took the sinister, stirring song interpretations. have been playing because they loved EST (For the West, 8:30 p.m. PST), into lasting affection. Youth, by the way, seems to be the music. Unions now decree that while NBC. Symphony orchestra, Alfred A "carillon" is a peal of bells in keynote of the Philharmonic plans, for there is no objection to loving music, Wallenstein, conductor; Margaret scale character. Bizet tellingly imi- its seven new members, just engaged, it must be well paid for, and some men Speaks, soprano. Morning, Noon and tates the chimes of three bells by hav- range downward in years from a patri- at the solo desks receive as much as Night in Vienna (Suppe); One Night ing the players mute their horns and arch of 43 to a lad of 19; the former, $250 per week. Time marches on and of Love (Schertzinger); Romance (Ru- pluck their strings. Joseph Fick (viola), and the latter, orchestral fees march up! binstein); Kiss Me Again (Herbert); This week marks the third appear- Calmen Fleisig (viola). Harry Hyams At this season's broadcasts, emi- Dance of the Camorrists (Wolf-Fer- ance of the fiery Iturbi as Ford's con- (viola) is 21; Albert Goltzer (oboe), nent guest soloists are promised, in- rarri); Selection from "Shanewis" ductor. 22; Homer Mensch (double bass), 24; cluding Kirsten Flagstad, Iturbi, El - (Cadman). Milton Forstat (cello), 28; Carlo Ravi - man, Spalding, Cassado, Milstein, Tuesday, October 25 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 ola (double bass), 36. Schnabel, Serkin, Arthur Rubinstein, The American School of the Air on NBC at 10 p.m. EST; 9 p.m. CST; Barbirolli himself is an antique vet- Gieseking, Schelling, Bustabo and (Music). 2:30 p.m. EST, CBS. Bernard 8 p.m. MST; 7 p.m. PST eran of 39 as compared with those Mishel Piastro, concertmaster of the Herrmann, conductor. Music from the The NBC Symphony Orchestra adolescent striplings, Toscanini, 71; Philharmonic. days of George Washington. Stock (Chicago Orchestra), 68; Kous- Associated directorially with Barbi - , conductor sevitzky ( Symphony), 64; Sto- rolli will be Georges Enesco, versatile Joseph Coleman, violinist, and the kowski, 58; Monteux (San Francisco), Roumanian musician, and Ernest WOR Symphony Orchestra. 9:15 p.m. Brandenburg Concerto (Bach) EST, MBS. Alfred Wallenstein, con- "Horn Signal" Symphony (Haydn) 63; Klemperer (Los Angeles), 53; Schelling, who has charge of the Reiner (), 50. Young People's Concerts on Saturday ductor. Symphony No. 6 "Pathetique" (Tschaikowsky) The Philharmonic is the venerable mornings. Deems Taylor is to serve Thursday, October 27 orchestra of our land, having been again as the intermission commentator. Sinfonietta, 8:30 p.m. EST, MBS. SOME uncertainty still is the keynote Small symphony orchestra, Alfred of Toscanini's advance program- Wallenstein, conductor. ming, for, as RADIO GUIDE goes to New Friends of Musk Friday, October 28 press, he has not decided whether to Music Appreciation Hour. 2 p.m. play the second or third of the Bach Introduced to Radio EST, NBC. Dr. Walter Damrosch, con- Brandenburg concertos. At any rate, ductor. Series A, Violins and Violas. readers may find comment about both IT WAS in 1936 in New York that a of two of the 1937-38 concerts were Finale from Serenade (Tschaikowsky); works in the "New Friends of Music" novel enterprise came into exis- broadcast by NBC, with the response Air for G String (Bach-Wilhelmj); program. tence, calling itself New Friends of of the air listeners so enthusiastic that Pantomime from "Little Trifles" (Mo- Of busy Haydn's 125 symphonies, Music. The old friends of the art (as the same network is now doing the zart); Finale from Concerto for Vio- only a few retain an abiding -place in well as its friendly enemies, the crit- entire 1938-39 cycle of sixteen pro- lins and Violas (Mozart); Molly on the repertoire, and hold that honor ics) had long thought that the metrop- grams (works by Bach, Beethoven and the Shore (Grainger). because .of their exalted form and fac- olis was already overcrowded with Haydn), the broadcasts to be Sunday Series B, Animals in Music. Three ture and wealth of attractive melody. concerts, and some skepticism ex- afternoons (6 p.m. EST, 5 p.m. CST, excerpts from the "Carnival of Ani- Toscanini, devoted interpreter of pressed itself when the fledgling or- 4 p.m. MST, 3 p.m. PST, over CBS), mals" (Saint-Saens) ; Dance of the Haydn, animates all that creator's sen- ganization announced as its initial emanating from Town Hall in New Mosquito (Liadow); Looking Glass In- timent, humor and sparkle. activity a series of late Sunday after- York. While the previous offerings of sects (Taylor); Overture to Midsum- In his earlier years, considering noon programs devoted to the master- the Friends were confined to small mer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn); Tschaikowsky exaggeratedly emotional works of chamber music, the added instrumental groups, the present more Ride of The Valkyries (Wagner). sensational, Toscanini inducement being admission prices ambitious venture includes the forma- and deliberately "La Forza Del Destino" (Last act). performed him only rarely, but re- within the range of modest purses- tion of a special orchestra of forty a "top" and twenty-five players, led by Fritz Stiedry, 12 mid. EST, NBC. San Francisco cently the maestro seems to have un- one -dollar to be Elisabeth dergone a change of mind, for he now cents for music students. noted batonist from Vienna. Famous Civic Opera Company. Reth- bills the Russian composer's music Then the unexpected happened. string quartets to be heard are the berg, Ezio Pinza. fairly frequently. Ninety-seven percent of subscriptions Kolish, Budapest, Stradivarius and Pro Saturday, October 29 This, by the way, is the first time were sold out before the first concert; Arte. Some of the concerts list well- Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. the great Italian will conduct the work and even now not one ticket is left in known soloists, among them Myra Hess, 11 a.m. EST, CBS. All-French pro- in America. the box-office for this winter. Parts Ernst Wolff and Yella Pessl. gram.

N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 9 NEW YORK.-By the time you read this, Sophie The Waring Glee Club all wore tuxedos, the boys Tucker should have put her signature on the dotted in the band wore tan formal jackets and black dress line for a thrice -weekly series over CBS for a cigar - trousers. All the men had carnations in their button- ON THE JOB maker, which is good news to this loudspeaker holes, and most of the gals had orchids pinned to eavesdropper, who can't understand why she hasn't their lovely evening gowns. It being Saturday night, been on a regular series long before this ... Maxine many people in the smart -looking audience were Sullivan will be heard regularly on the "Saturday dressed in formal attire and the entire setting was Night Swing Sessions" from now on and will also a grand sight to behold. have her own show on Tuesday nights . Eddy Duchin's new songstress, Penny Wise (and not a Jim McWilliams had quite a few celebrities on pound foolish), is really Doris Fisher ... "Life Can hand for the opening of his new "Ask -It -Basket," Be Beautiful" switches from NBC to CBS starting providing a real treat for the studio audience. Mc- November 7 ... Barrytone Wood has organized his Williams introduced from the stage Bess Johnson own band and will make a series of Brunswick of "Hilltop House," Colonel Norman H. Schwarzkopf recordings ... Ray Heatherton is another singer to of "Gang Busters," and two old friends of his vaude- be dropped from the CBS schedules. ville days, Myrtle Vail and Donna Damerel, better known to you as Myrt and Marge. All the above - Ben Bernie has been under observation and treat- named stars work on the programs produced by ment for a stomach ailment, at the Le Roy sanitar- the same advertising agency. ium in New York. He left the place accompanied by a nurse on Sunday, October 8, but only long Mentioning Jim McWilliams reminds me of what enough to do his two broadcasts, after which he took place the other Saturday night, which probably returned immediately for more rest and more treat- caused Norman Frescott's face to turn crimson. ment. One wag reports Winchell sent Bernie a lily. Frescott, as you may know, is the new "Uncle Jim;" having succeeded McWilliams on the "Question Bee." Last week I told you that Graham McNamee got Anyway, what I started out to tell you is that Fres- the job of announcing the Vox Pop program on the cott did the customary thing on this program and recommendation of his friend, Wally Butterworth. called a lady up from the studio audience to plug David Ross doesn't know it, but Wally was also his sponsor's product. Adding a new note to the responsible for his new announcing assignment on hitherto same drab commercials, the lady in ques- the Fred Waring program. Here's how it happened: tion launched into great praise of "Uncle Jim." She The advertising agency handling the Waring pro- said, "I've listened to your wonderful program for gram wanted McNamee and so did Vox Pop. It was years, and I think you have done a fine job." She impossible for Mac to do was not aware, of course, both shows, because they that Frescott was the new followed each other. Sales- "Uncle Jim" and that he man Butterworth told his took over the program A stranger from his , N. Y., home, CBS friend at the agency that from McWilliams only a news -commentator H. V. Kaltenborn enjoyed David Ross had just the AIRIALTO few weeks ago. Frescott the soup his wife brought to his office each day type of voice for the prod- looked a little embarrassed uct the Waring show ad- having to listen to all that vertises it had dignity praise which was really and fitted- in with the mu- intended for his predeces- sic. He also reminded him LOWDOWN sor. that Ross was with War- ing on the Old Gold pro- The co-authors of "Her gram several years ago. Honor, ,Nancy James," one Wally did not have to say of the newer script -shows, another word-he sold his seem to have almost more bill of goods. fun at rehearsals than anyone else. They're Dave Fred Allen's broadcast Victor and Herbert Little, goes on the air from the Jr., and this is their first largest studio at NBC, yet radio script, though they his opening broadcast of have written a lot for the the season couldn't accom- magazines. They've be- modate all who tried to come completely fasci- get in. Five minutes be- nated by radio, and like fore broadcast time Harry to take a part in as many von Zell comes out and of the programs as they makes his prebroadcast BY MARTIN LEWIS can. One day they're speech. He tells the audi- crowd noises, saying "wal- ence they can even up an la walla walla" like veter- old score by "hollering ans; the next day they back" at those who heretofore have hollered at them, toot horns for a street -corner scene. I went up there which is a new way of getting studio applause. At the other day and they were doing a little bit of this point, Allen enters the studio, coming down everything-and having a grand time doing it. And the center aisle, and walks on the stage. He reads they're not the only ones outside of the regular cast a telegram just received, "Glad to welcome you who go on the air. The director, Basil Loughrane, back on the air, we have been getting the blame who, up until a few weeks ago, produced and an- On twenty -four-hour duty during the recent all summer!" and signed by the Chicago Stockyards. nounced the "Lady Esther Serenade," plays a very crisis across the Big Pond, Kaltenborn averaged It goes over big with the audience. For the "Town important part in the continuity of the program. four hours sleep on the couch in his office Hall News" and announcements, Allen speaks into His is the voice you hear at the end of each show, the larger end of a megaphone, the kind used by the Voice of Fate, which summarizes the theme of college cheer -leaders, in order to get those curious what has just happened and points the way toward tonal sounds. About fifteen minutes before the end future events. The entire acting cast are all radio of the program, the show is two minutes behind veterans. There's blond, curly -headed Barbara schedule. A production man rushes from the control - Weeks, who plays the title role, co-starring with room and whispers to Fred that he will have to cut Ned Weyer, one of radio's busiest actors, who also the "Mighty Allen Art Players" skit. Allen assures has a prominent part in "Big Sister." Like so many the p. m. that it won't be necessary to cut and that radio people these days, Ned is busy rehearsing for he will make up the time. He keeps his promise: a Broadway play, "Case History." Alice Reinheart the show finished "on the nose," as they say in plays a newspaper woman, and she was the center radio. of attention the day I visited the program, because she'd suddenly got married the week before. Her I attended the opening Fred Waring broadcast husband is Burke Miller, night program manager and, frankly, I was sorry I did. It's the type of pro- at NBC. Joseph Curtin plays a major part in this gram that you enjoy more when you listen to it program, as well as in Helen Menken's "Second come out of your loudspeaker. Fred thanked me Husband," and, incidentally, is surprisingly young, for coming, but added that he was sorry I did not though most of his parts seem to be those of an hear it over the air. The Waring show is one that older man. Mel Allen, who announces "Nancy is definitely put on for the listeners at home and James," is still one of my bets for one of radio's not for the studio audience. The program was most funniest cut -ups. Altogether the cast has a lot of enjoyable despite the fact that almost everyone on fun, but that doesn't stop them from broadcasting the show had the jitters. For that reason, I'm going one of the best of the season's new dramatic serials. to reserve my decision on Donna Dae, Fred's new "Her Honor, Nancy James" is about a woman law- songstress, who couldn't possibly have been more yer's fight for slum clearance, and is well worth nervous and naturally didn't do her best vocalizing. listening to. The rhythm trio, "Two Bees and a Honey," seemed the only group to be at ease, and they were very If you're a regular listener to the Vox Pop pro- pleasing to the ears; and if you heard Stuart gram, you may recall that when they first came on Churchill and the Glee Club sing "The Rosary," the air watches were awarded each week to the you probably agree it was one of the most beautiful listeners who sent in questions that were used on renditions you've ever heard, (Continued on Page 17) Kaltenborn "holding the air" until Director Waite interrupts with "Chamberlain talking," Radio Row in and London is switched into the CBS network This and that from along

N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 10 HOLLYWOOD.-With Texaco Star Theater and out to be only a severe concussion, and Kenny's Joe E. Brown premiering, and Joe Penner, Al wife will recover. Pearce and Jack Haley resuming their air series during the past week, the studios here are becom- Honest 'n' truly: Little Joan Benny, the Jack - IS HE MAD? ing repopulated quickly. Let's look over the re- and -Mary heiress, started to kindergarten last turners and newcomers. Texaco Star Theater, CBS, Monday and was asked by her teacher what her October 5: More stars and stuff on a single stage favorite program is. Joan answered, "Uncle Whoa than your reporter has ever witnessed on a steady Bill." She thinks Papa and Mama are silly . . . weekly show. Bette Davis superb in her dual role Bob Hope and wife Dolores sold the most tickets in "Alter Ego." Most -talked -of thing on air since to the bazaar of the St. Charles Church in North Mae West, but not for same reason. Jane Froman, Hollywood and won a set of new dishes-which they Kenny Baker and Dave Broekman's music great promptly gave to the new rector. Same church asset to show. Una Merkel, Ned Sparks and Charlie boasts as member one Bing Crosby, who last year Ruggles for laughs, but I'm wondering if the provided $2,000 electric organ ... Wallace ("Viva Ruggles "double -take" registers on the mike? Villa") Beery, walking along Sunset Boulevard, Menjou, immaculately dressed, keeping the show refused autograph to young girl who proffered fast-moving with Jimmy Wallington's aid. In- book. Maybe Wally, like Villa, can't write? . cidentally, the whole cast dressed formally for the Martha Raye forgot to come home from her opener-a practise I hope they'll continue in the Mexican elopement in time to act in her Jolson hope that other Movietown shows may follow. show preview ... Eddie Cantor, supported by Mary Livingstone, and with Edgar Bergen and Tiny Joe Penner Show, CBS, October 6: Wholesome Ruffner, tried out the ice at the new Pan -Pacific Joe in a new but fitting part as football player Auditorium rink. Tiny tried to make a left turn, and college student -of -sorts; Roy Atwell as the but instead parked -his -carcass. Moral: In Holly- spoonerizing dean, Ed McDonald as coach, Gay wood it's hard for a man to keep up his end . (Susabella) Seabrook as coed girl friend of Joe. Mickey Rooney, faddist, turned song -writer and Plumful routine for check -sending parents, adoles- announced completion of "Jitterbug in A Flat," or cents or youngsters. Eleven -year -old Tommy Lane, some similar title ... NBC slyly opened its Holly- singer fresh from , Georgia, contest victory, wood Radio City without fanfare or kleig lights- will be a regular. After his Penner bow, a major but not slickly enough to escape a postcard from movie-studio scout phoned Tommy and arranged France (no, not that kind) asking for pictures of a screen test. the plant and "especially your new swimming -pool studios." Paris just cannot imagine anything being Joe E. Brown, CBS, built in Hollywood with- October 8: New bright out a swimming -pool. spot for Saturday with Vital Statistics: Mar- It's been a moot question for months whether Brown, Gill and Demling, Bert (Mad Russian) Gordon is really mad. a talking (Jack Mather) ried, October 7, Cantor horse, and Don Wilson, HOLLYWOOD and Haley chorister Marie Above: Stunned with surprise at the accusation with music by Margaret Comings to Paul Green, McCrae and Harry Sos- NBC engineer ... Dialec- nik, who sounded off a tician Artie Auerbach and doming hit in "Ferdinand Cleo Manning spoke their the Bull." Ahead of SHOWDOWN vows October 9 ... Ditto broadcast, when artists October 1, Eleanor Ren- were being introduced to nie, radio contralto, and studio audience, Gill and Glenn Dolberg, NBC pro- Demling rushed out of gram manager at San wings and began tossing Francisco . Born, Oc- Post Toasties over the tober 10, eight -pound son footlights. Not to be out- to wife of CBS musician done, Don Wilson started Erno Neufeld. tossing packages of Jell- O, whereupon Gill and Reports from the "Mo- Demling drew cap -pistols tion Pictures Are Your and shot him "dead." (Next) Best Entertain- Brown, rabid Cubs fan, ment" front-line trenches then asked audience to are: That Margaret Sul - stand silently for a mo- lavan, after looking over ment (and they did) "in the flicker lots, chose Bill reverence to the trend of BY EVANS PLUMMER Goodwin, purely radio the World's Series," which actor -announcer, as her then totaled three for the leading man for her Sil- Yanks! ver Theater rendition of "The Moon's Our Home" ... That several picture Al Pearce and Gang, NBC, October 10: A sail- companies are really considering meeting the boat replica four feet long done in flowers with $250,000 per picture demand of all -radio -and - grapes tied on one rail and nuts on the other dance -spot entertainer Kay Kyser . That the greeted Al and his cohorts to the NBC lanes in disappearance of Elza Schallert from NBC is not token of their new and George and Gracie's old all "vacation"; the radio -movie feud rather puts sponsor. Munroe Upton, the Gang's writer, and her on the spot ... That Vick Knight, Camel pro- He answers his hecklers with some stinging ex -Lord Bilgewater, took a bow with gags, and ducer and tunesmith, has turned out a nifty for retorts, up with Eddie Cantor to warble entitled, "Motion Pictures follows them "Eddie Cantor after a novel commercial theme lyric by little doesn't harbor madmen on his Camel Caravan" Carole Tevis, broke loose in the accustomed Pearce Are Your Best Entertainment, but Tonight You manner. You're right, that's Lou Bring's piano you Belong to Me." heard In Carl Hoff's new band. Claudia's daughter Joan has finally become ar- Jack Haley Wonder Show, CBS, October 14: A ticulate in "One Man's Family." The youngster is real threat for first -division comedy honors is played by six -year -old Aleanor Taylor who, like Haley's new vehicle, Conn and Fimberg written, Bobbie Larson, your newly added Hank, memorizes and supported by Ted Fio -Rito, Lucille Ball, and her lines. Bobbie, quite a guy of six years, sees çellar-voiced singing star Virginia Verrill. Novel no reason why his mother should drive him to the opening, that "Due to circumstances beyond our studios; why he can't ride his bicycle there. Author control, we present Jack Haley-etc." Also, the Carleton Morse explained that Aleanor Taylor and playlet routine was done without scripts and en- Winifred (Teddy) Wolfe were driven, but young tirely from memory, a feature Haley desired in man Bobbie simply commented, "Nuts! They're order to prepare his company for the coming Girls." television. If Fio-Rito's music seemed more like itself than last year, it's because he is using his Only thing really hillbilly about Judy Canova, own men-not just a set-up of CBS staff musicians. sister Annie and brother Zeke is their home high in the Hollywood hills. So high is it that after Though not publicized for fear it would hurt his driving into its garage, you enter an elevator which fan mail, the married life of tenor Kenny and lifts you to the home proper. They weren't even Geraldine Baker is one of the cleanest and nicest born hillbillies, for Jacksonville, Florida, claims things about Hollywood, so why should the public them. And all of them are city slickers and dress be 400led? Three months ago, news of the birth of like fashion -plates, except when in the studio or their daughter Susan Louise was hush -hushed. But on the stage. Then they give the public the best smack onto the front page, unfortunately as the burlesque of hillbilly dress ever seen. Those last- result of a motor accident, popped Mrs. Baker's year stories of Judy suing Edgar Bergen for breach name last Monday, October 10, when a two -point of promise etcetera were, of course, merely a gag, buck deer ran out onto a mountain road in front for Judy's a married woman. Incidentally, if she of the car Mrs. Baker was driving alone. The car sang straight you wouldn't recognize her voice be- struck the deer, overturned and seriously injured cause it's so beautiful . . . And there, customers, the singer's wife. Luckily, a head injury turned (Continued on Page 19)

Proof of sanity: Out of character looking like a stock -broker. Gordon is heard on CBS Mondays, Intimate air news and views from out Hollywood way 7:30 p.m. EST; 10:30 p.m. EST for Midwest. West

N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 CHICAGO.-To the premiere of Guy Lombardo's didn't expect to marry for another two years. Hal broadcast on the Lady Esther Serenade. Compared confided that he was caused a great deal of em- to Wayne King's broadcasts, Lombardo's initial show barrassment when Walter Winchell thrice wrote that IN CHICAGO for the cosmetic company was unusual in many re- Kemp was shortly to become a groom. In fact, he spects. In the first place, in all the seven years said he apologized to the girl's family after Win- Wayne King was sponsored he never permitted a chell's stories appeared. The girl, incidentally, is studio audience. At Lombardo's premiere, Colum- Martha Stevenson, a Dixie belle. The bandleader bia's main studio was packed to capacity with many said she was a lovely girl but that marriage for people even standing. I don't think that Wayne him at the present time was just "not in the cards." King ever spoke to his radio audience, although I s * * did hear him sing on the show. Guy Lombardo in- Unfortunately, Hal's music is not being broadcast troduced all the numbers himself and personally during his stay at the Drake's Gold Coast room. expressed his thanks to his well-wishers as well as And it is not only the Drake Hotel that does not . outlining his plans for the Lady Esther series. (In- have any broadcasts, but all Chicago hotels. Here's cidentally, he plans on picking a future hit tune on the story behind that. Last spring, practically all each broadcast as well as playing one "old-timer.") orchestras in Chicago hotels were broadcasting over And a loud cheer for the sponsor! True, it was Chicago stations with the programs being fed good business and created plenty of good -will on nation-wide over the networks. In practically all opening night, but nevertheless not every sponsor instances, the hotels were not paying anything for will let a half-hour program go by without at least the broadcasts, with only a few of them contributing putting in one commercial. Yet that's exactly what to the "line charges." (Line charges, in this case, the sponsor did. With the exception of announcer were the cost of the use of the telephone wires from McCormick's brief opening and concluding an- the hotel to the radio station. Broadcasts from nouncements and Guy's brief speeches, the whole hotels go over a telephone wire to the station and program was devoted to music. There wasn't a sin- are then broadcast). The stations had been forced gle commercial. And it was a swell show. Outside to hire more musicians by James C. Petrillo, "czar" of Guy, who led the band but played no instru- of Chicago's musicians. To make up in a small ments, the busiest man on the stage was brother way for this added expense and figuring that the Carmen. He was jumping up and down like a veri- publicity attendant to the hotel broadcasts was table jack-in-the-box. One minute he was playing extremely valuable for the hotels, Chicago stations his sax, then he would pop up to do a vocal; a sec- said the hotels would have to pay $100 a week for ond later he was playing the flute, and three or four the broadcasts. The hotels countered by saying they times during the show he joined two other band wouldn't pay anything, inasmuch as the stations members when they did were getting famous bands some numbers as a vocal without any talent costs. trio. It's no wonder that To date both the hotels Carmen alongside Guy is and stations have re- so thin. Guy is a big, mained adamant in their heavy -set fellow. Carmen THE RADIO stand. And that is why, --Max F. Kolin is a medium-sized chap though Hal Kemp is play- Eddie Guest of "lt Can Be Dore," CBS Wednes- and more of the thin -man ing at the Drake, Buddy days. listens while Debris Taylor of Wichita, type. Rogers at the Hotel Sher - Kansas, tries to out mi -mi Frankie Masters * * * man's College Inn, and Just why was Wayne Guy Lombardo at the King replaced by Guy TATTLER Palmer House's Empire Lombardo? That had the Room, radio listeners are boys along radio row won- being deprived of hearing dering ever since the first nightly broadcasts of these startling announcement splendid orchestras. Chi- was made that the King cago night-clubs and ball- had abdicated in favor of rooms, however, figure the Guy. Many of the that $100 a week is a "wise -boys" had said for cheap price to pay for years that King owned a presenting their orchestras piece of the cosmetic firm before millions of listen- that was sponsoring him, ers. And so Abe Lyman but that theory was blast- is heard from the Chez ed when the Waltz King Paree, Bob Crosby from and Lady Esther parted. the Blackhawk and Dick There seems to be no reli- Jurgens from the Aragon. able story as to the real BY HAL TATE Buddy Rogers, for once, reason for the split-up. knows the valuable pub- However, one story which licity attached to nightly is as good as any of the broadcasts. When he others being circulated simply states that King learned that there would be no pick-ups from Chi- wanted more money than the sponsor was willing cago's College Inn it is reported that he did not -Drucker to pay. That seems about as logical a story as any. want to come there. But the contracts had already been signed and so he had to go through with his Les Tremayne (I.), Barba -a Luddy, "First Night - Kemp celebrate opening Chicago Tries a New Experiment agreement. er" stars, helped Hal script -shows in Gold Coast Room of Chicago's Drake Hotel Are listeners tired of the numerous Happy Birthday! on the air? The answer, if in the negative, would be of vital importance to Chicago, which, as I men- The NBC Breakfast Club will celebrate its sixth tioned in an earlier column, is the script center of anniversary on the air October 24. This show the country. Personally, I think the women are en- boasts of some prominent alumni, including Fibber joying their serials more now than they ever did McGee and Molly, the Merry Macs and Gale Page. before, as witness the debut of many new script - Incidentally, I saw Gale in the picture "Four shows this fall in addition to all of the old standbys Daughters," in which she did a splendid job. I continuing right on. Still it's interesting to note got a big kick out of the fact that when in Chicago NBC's experiment in Chicago. They have started she was featured as a singer. In Hollywood, she what they call "The Story of the Month." Instead does not utter a note but is being built up as an ac- of having a serial run on and on forever, each story tress. I do hope what the correspondent of a Chi- is completed in a month. The third story of the cago trade -paper told me is not true. He said that month, "Twenty-two Days to Live," is currently on while out in Hollywood last summer he went up the air and NBC executives in Chicago report that to say "hello" to her, but she snubbed him coldly. this form of serial is proving very popular with The correspondent has known Gale in Chicago, but many women. However, I doubt if it will ever re- he said that sitting with Hollywood friends, she place the current serial style of script -writing. apparently did not care to have her Chicago "back- Once a show "catches on" with the audience, the ground" publicized too much. I certainly hope Gale loyalty of the listeners is amazing. They will send hasn't "gone Hollywood." by the thousands to insure the continu- in box-tops The Tattler's Tidbits ation of their favorite star and program on the air. And as long as that condition exists, sponsors of Edgar Guest will soon observe his 350th consecu- the numerous serial shows need have no fear of a tive performance for sponsors of his "It Can Be monthly "tabloid" show replacing the serial in the Done" program. He has been on the air continu- audience's favor. ously since May 19, 1932. . Emulating Dorothy Lamour's success, who rose to stardom after run- Hal Kemp Returns fo Chicago ning an elevator at Marshall Field's (no pun in- I attended Hal Kemp's recent opening at the Gold tended), is Eloise Kummer. Last Christmas she Coast room at the Drake Hotel. Though a south- was selling hats in Field's bargain basement. Today erner, returning to Chicago was more or less of a 21 -year -old Eloise has risen to the 20th floor of the homecoming for Hal, as, he rose to fame with his Merchandise Mart, where she is heard as Marcia WGN and Mutual broadcasts from Chicago's famous Mannering in "" . Lovely Ryth Blackhawk Cafe. I asked Hal if reports that he Barth, Chicago NBC actress, is the author of the would be married shortly were true. Hal said he month's current story, "Twenty-two Days to Live." -Drucker Hugh Wedlock, gag -writer for "The Laugh Liner" show, Ed Suuivain, Howard Snyder ( Radio Studios-here East meets the West r.) go in a huddle with laugh -getter Billy House Chicago N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 12 '1


No seed -catalog farmer is Andy Dev ne (above with the IVrs.j. honorary In addition to horses, chickens, turkeys, and pigeons. Andy now has ten mayor of Van Nuys, California. He keeps the gravel in his voice by actually calves, some baby pigs. The ranch's latest innovation is a "calf shoot" working his San Fernando Valley ranch, aided by his sma'I son, Tad. used by the radio -screen comedian for daily exercise of roping calves

Ardy's ranch home is a low, rambling farmhouse - Hunting eggs s one of small Tad's savorite farm Two of the comedian's most prized possessions are style building with all modern conveniences. chores. Dad is training him to be a good rancher. a brace of English pointers, both well -trained Above: Tad hitches a barrow ride to the henhouse The kid loves it. and isn't Andy proud of him! hunters. Above: Andy removing annoying splinter

darrate I,otot, raphs by Art cartel A gasoline tractor does plowing on the ranch, lo- Ranching takes every spare minute of Barnyard Mayor Andy's time away from the movies and the cated according to Andy in "Gravel Flats." Son mike. Just now the corral gate needs a few nails. "Father Devine" is still on the Jack Benny Jell-O Tad likes the plowing business with 'choo-choo" show. Sunday night over NBC, at 7 p.m. EST; 6 p.m. CST. For the West: 9:30 p.m. MST; 8:30 p.m. PST

Radio Guide Week Ending Octabter 23, 1938 13 LISTENING TO LEARN

Prof. Gordon and his studio helpers gave music lessons to 22,000 Good reception and skilful handling by teachers are rules for successful children last year. His series began eighth year on the air this Sept. school listening. Radio brings aid and inspiration to Wisconsin's schools

Back Seat for the WISCONSIN'S RADIO WORKSHOP Notes Love Thy Neighbor . . . R's" . "Three .. SEVEN years ago, when pioneer Mc - far from the truth-to make radio a Washington, D. C.-Officially Uncle many ad- Napoleons and Alexanders Carty, then as now program di- useful servant of the teacher Sam cannot say "Naughty, Naughty" "Let the had to be made. Station of our day and generation come into rector of state - owned station justments to Europe's glorified dictators for their and classrooms and WHA, founded the Wisconsin School WHA radio teachers tackled this prob- unchristian -like tactics in dealing with our living-rooms at the top, probing speak to us directly," advises America's of the Air, the conception of the radio lem by starting those among their countrymen who do a supplementary into the broadcast possibilities of 1 on matters educational, broadcast as valuable not measure up to state -designated No. authority school studies and designing programs John W. Studebaker* of the United aid to classroom work was not only specifications for citizenship privileges. Education. very vague but was outwardly poo- to meet the necessities of the students. That subtle criticism will be made, States Office of Another realization that had to be met In a recent release from Washington. poohed in many quarters. That was however, is evident in Secretary of the Studebaker, who 1931. Today witness was that the develop- Interior Harold L. Ickes' recent an- D. C., Commissioner - as a of the idea Cleveland, Chicago and ment of radio nouncement of a new radio series be- is the outstanding exponent classroom aid depends of making education vital for young numerous other mu- ing prepared by the Office of Educa- crucial nicipalities efforts to finally upon skilful tion. Titled "Immigrants All-Ameri- people by bringing the more - the teach- questions into the classroom for exami- exploit the many -fold handling by cans All," the programs will have as by students, elaborated on possibilities of radio er. To solve this prob- their keynote, quoting the O. of E., nation the lem, pamphlets con- the above statement in making the in education are being "tolerance of all national and racial vigorously sponsored taining helpful data groups in appreciation of what each following opportune suggestions to and educators: in many sectors. The were compiled has contributed to American life." into the class- idea has since become distributed along with "Bring the world crisis advisory bulletin It is worth the trouble it takes accepted universally as an New Field .. . room. listing a number of to rearrange and organize the high one of substantial mer- it. valuable guide -posts to Paterson, N. J.-Lawrence Marks school or college schedule these days stepped from writing scripts to teach- to enable the students to hear first- Much of the credit purposeful listening. for proving to doubt- The final conclusion ing others how it is done when he was hand the most important pronounce- reached recently appointed instructor in radio ments being made by history -making ing -Thomas educators that has been that radio can be a H. B. McCarty founded after a seven-year script -writing in the College of Pater- leaders. Wisconsin School of Air can son. Following attendance at Battle "The student who missed hearing valuable tool of the study is that radio Creek College , and the University of he was teacher-if wisely used be a useful servant Chamberlain or Hitler because be- Wisconsin, Larry entered radio via forced by an inflexible school program -goes to the Wisconsin School of the only when there is coordination Air.* It was in this experimental tween those who prepare scripts, those acting and production. During the last to conjugate German verbs or to report presidential campaign, he was a mem- on the Elizabethan period of English workshop that many of the problems, who present them, the broadcaster and unanswered in 1931, were approached the teacher. ber of Roosevelt's personal staff and history was deprived of some real edu- has since authored numerous MBS cation. He missed the significant ex- scientifically, reduced to their lowest common denominator and dressed up * The General Education Board, na- scripts, a couple for Fred Allen and perience of a close observer of a per- Tim and Irene. formance which future historians may for the classrooms. tional philanthropic organization, put quite accurately. One of the first illusions shattered their stamp of approval on the excel- never be able to tell Choke . , . today is grist after careful study in Wisconsin's stu- lent work of the Wisconsin School of "What is happening the Uni- for the mills of the teachers of psy- dio -laboratory was that educating by the Air recently by granting Cincinnati, Ohio.-Besides offering chology, sociology, civics and history. radio meant the installation of a re- versity of Wisconsin money for the the classroom series, "The Nation's There is nothing in the text -books to ceiving -set in the classroom. This was further study of school broadcasting. School of the Air," to outlets of the compare with it." Mutual network, station WLW is also This message, though primarily granting them the privilege of tran- aimed at America's educators for the scribing the programs for use later in benefit of students, holds much for the the day if this will prove more advan- layman listener ... he too can expand tageous to the schools within their his knowledge of current issues, dip range. Joseph Ries, educational di- his cup into the bountiful well that is rector at WLW, supervises the series. opened to him by the twist of a dial. One Candle .. . * no John Ward Studebaker, "stuffed Chicago, Ill.-The Board of Educa- shirt," is a product of the days when tion's radio council passed its first the vitals of learning were embodied 6) and now looks He milestone (October in the mysteries of the "three R's." back on what has been an extremely earned his way through college work- active year. The radio council now ing as a union bricklayer, started his supervises ten programs weekly for career as an educator in the high school classroom use, supplies Chicago schools of Guthrie Center, Iowa, meeting the with helpful pamphlets of supplemen- joint obligations of principal and ath- tary data and trains teachers to wisely letic director, and for several years apply broadcasts to school work. The prior to his Washington appointment epidemic of September, his administra- poliomyelitis was widely known for of 2,300 students 1937, broke down the barriers here be- of instruc- Critics thrilled at performance, after one rehearsal, tive abilities and knowledge radio instruction tween broadcasters and educators. tional technique. who came to Madison this summer to climax one year's x Guide Week Ending October 29. 1938 14 Radio RADIO GUIDE FROM BERLIN BY WIRELESS MR. FAIRFAX

(Editorial, Continued) (Continued from Page 1) fee in the garden of the Dresden Hotel ORRIN TUCKER, orchestra leader, in Godesburg and the Fuehrer brushed was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in the future will control that nation. finally got the censor's okay, the mes- by me on his way to inspect his pri- 1911, later moved with his family to "If we want a totalitarian United sage had already been read in New vate yacht. His face was grimmer than Wheaton, Illinois, where he attended States, one way to bring it nearer high school. Spent a year at North- York. I had ever seen it, set with terrific western fast is for us to take these censorship There wasn't real censorship of my determination. This was just before University studying music, rulings followed that with two years at North- of the FCC without protest- stuff from Prague, though once I he had his first meeting with Central College (Illinois), finally leav- to let the FCC gradually increase its evoked official displeasure because I Chamberlain. The Nazi party man re- ing school to find a job. Proficient with power over the radio until it runs the mentioned that roads were "blocked." marked about his peculiar nervous sax and clarinet, he entered the mu- radio. At Godesburg, on the night the talks little walk and the way he cocked his sical field in earnest, established his "If we don't want totalitarianism broke up, we were forbidden late that shoulder in a nervous gesture. Second, reputation in Chicago, and since has here, we must keep the FCC within night to broadcast anything but offi- at 1:30 the next morning in the same been featured throughout the country. bounds, and narrow bounds at that. cial communiques. was hotel in He is not married. L. A. C., Shenan- That because Godesburg, as Chamberlain doah, Iowa. "We believe that President Roose- things looked bad. At Munich, when took his leave, I stood in our rigged - velt, himself the greatest master of things looked good for the "home" up broadcasting -studio in the porter's PHIL HARRIS, Jack Benny's maes- radio delivery in the world today, side, we were free to say what we lodge a few feet away, and saw Hit- tro, was born in Linton, Indiana, on must understand the vital necessity of wanted, though of course there are ler's gracious but grim handshake with June 24, 1905. Besides his radio as- keeping the radio free if democracy is understood limits within which all Chamberlain on the steps before us, signments, he has been featured in to survive here. We appeal to the correspondents ör broadcasters in Ger- and Chamberlain with Hitler's ulti- vaudeville and motion pictures. He President to give his personal attention matum started as a drummer, switched to many have to work. in his pocket-his bird-like singing, ended up leading his own or- to what the Federal Communications Both in Czechoslovakia and Ger- face nonchalant but with no sign of Commission, of chestra and crooning. He is married an agency his admin- many I made a few talks which strain or displeasure-saying a hearty to Mascotte, Marcia Ralston of pic- istration, is doing to the freedom of America never heard. In Prague, two good -by to his host. I remember the tures, whom he met in Melbourne, the radio." days following Hitler's Nuremberg deep gloom among Germans in Dres- Australia. Phil is five feet eleven and speech, atmospheric conditions over den headquarters that night as war one-half inches tall, weighs about 168 the Atlantic made broadcasting im- seemed near. Third, Hitler at the pounds, has brown hair. S. S., May- Happy Birthday possible, though at the time we didn't Sports Palace in Berlin the following wood, Ill. know it. For two days, with a tre- Monday night, when it looked like RANSOM SHERMAN, emcee of Stars whose friends may wish to war. remember them mendous story in my lap, I sat several The look of his face as he jumped "Club Matinee," "People I Have are: times a day bellowing into a mike excitedly, like everyone else, to his Known" and the new sponsored vari- October 23-Lucy Monroe, Margaret and nobody heard a word. In Ger- feet as Goebbels swore they would ety program, "Smile Parade," was Speaks, Ford Bond, Neil Buckley. many, it was partly due to atmospheric never suffer defeat as in 1918. Hitler, born in Appleton, Wisconsin, on Oc- conditions and partly to the break- with a look of fire and enthusiasm in tober 15, 1898. His father was an ac- October 24-B. A. Rolfe, Vamp Carl- down of his face that I complished pianist, his mother a ca- telephone lines, which would shall never forget, pable violinist. One of the original son (one of the "Jesters"). be suddenly taken over in the middle bringing his arm high above his head "Three Doctors," Sherman entered ra- of a talk-or just before a talk-for and swinging it down on the table to dio in 1923, came to NBC in 1931. He October 25-Don Landt, Richard Gor- important government say "Ja!" It was drowned out by don, Cyril Pitts, Wallace Butterworth. business by ' was married in 1927, has two children, state order. cheering. Fourth, Hitler two nights George and Ann. "Ranse," as he is October 26-George Sherbari, Mar- later on the balcony of his chancel- known in NBC's Chicago studios, was garet Gent, Pat Barnes, Ted Brewer. had totally inadequate lery in Berlin, just at dusk, as the educated at Appleton, Northwestern GODESBURG mechanized -division troops rolled by, University, University of Michigan, communications. Once when I Ripon College and Lewis October 27-Sue Roberts, Mignon thought I was talking to London by his grim, set determination to go Institute. He Schreiber, Bob Becker. he is five feet eleven inches tall, weighs phone, I got the British Ambassador in through with what had started, but 167 pounds, has blond hair and blue most surprising of all the cold silence October 28-Mario Cozzi. a near -by hotel. When Webb Miller eyes, writes poetry occasionally and tried to phone his colleague, Ed Beatty, of the German people in the street admits that he's lazy. A. C. M., Long October 29-Charles P. Hughes, Jack from one hotel in Godesburg to an- below, who couldn't find even a word Island, N. Y. Pearl, Ben Gage, Elza Schallert, Fanny other, he was unable to get through, of cheer for their glorious army, be- Brice, Virginia Clark (Helen Trent). and after waiting three hours, tele- cause they wanted peace. Finally, Sally of "Cecil and Sally" (now off phoned his Paris office to telephone Hitler at 2:15 last Friday morning in the air) was portrayed by HELEN Beatty and ask him to please come Munich, when I got caught on the TROY, last featured on Eddie Can- marble tor's program, inactive in radio at over to Miller's hotel two miles away. stairs of the Fuehrerhouse just present. W. P. S., Winfield, Kans. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGE- as MENT, CIRCULATION, ETC.. REQUIRED BY If you knew the German language the dictator, followed by Goering, THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24. 1912. you had no difficulties on this assign- Ribbentrop, Goebbels, Hess and Keitel EDGAR AND MARCH 1933 BERGEN'S real name is 3. ment. Most Czechs I dealt with spoke strode out past me with the firm, un - Edgar Bergren. His mother, whose Of Radio Guide published Weekly at Chicago, Illinois for October 1. 1938. good German. In Sudetenland some nervous gait this time and the strained first name is Nellie, resides with him State of Illinois. County of Cook, aa: to but triumphant face-for only a few in Hollywood. Reports regarding his Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and correspondents had telephone their county aforesaid, personally appeared George d'Ctassy, stories in German in the presence of minutes before he had triumphed over marital intentions have not been con- who. having been duly sworn according to law, deposes firmed. M. M., Aurora, Ill. and says that he is the Business Manager of the Radio officials so that they wouldn't be in- Britain and France. Then against this, Guide and that the following is. to the best discreet. the drooping, beaten, sad look of Dala- of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the LANNY ROSS' picture, "The Lady ownership, management (and If a daily paper, the cir- The i dier as he came down the steps of culation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date assignmen was hard on your Objects," has been released for show- shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August wardrobe. I left laundry in Prague, Chamberlain's hotel in Munich at 1:45 24. 1912. as amended by the Act of Mane) 1933. ing early in September. Lanny is in embodied In section 537, Postal Lates and Regulations. Godesburg, Munich and Regensburg the same morning a few minutes after New York at present, considering some printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher. which I will never see again, and ditto capitulation-too tired and discour- radio offers. W. F. S., Dallas, Tex. editor, managing editor, and business managers are: aged to more nod Publisher, Regal Press, Ina., 731 Plymouth (umt. with worn-down shoes left here and than to us. Chicago. Illinois. there to be repaired. REG KNORR, formerly Sanfield Ma- Editor, Curtis Mitchell. 731 Plymouth ('curt, Chicago. Illinois. There wasn't time to waste on I'LL remember, too, the calm bravery lone in "Myrt and Marge," has re- Managing Editor. Curtis Mitchell, 731 Plymouth Court, turned to Chicago after two years in Chicago. Illinois. trifles. There wasn't a minute respite, of the Czech population in Prague the Hollywood. Business Managers, George d'Utasay, 731 Plymouth not Not active in radio at Court. Chicago. Illinois. even on the night we all left Berlin first night they all thought war was present. K. L., Chicago, Ill. 2. That the owner is: (If owned by a corporation, for Godesburg. The left coming its name and address must be stated and also immediately train before at dawn with bombing planes; thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders own- my scheduled talk began, and just as the night most foreigners got panicky CECIL SECREST is Sidney Brooks ing or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stork. If not owned by a corporation, the names and I was arranging for a substitute and and fled; the bewildered surprise and in the serial, "David Harum." FRANK addresses of the individual owners must he given. If BEHRENS owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated con- thinking rest from the mike might do delirious joy of the German people succeeds Jim Ameche as cern, its name and address, as well as those of each me good, New York in Munich the new "Jack Armstrong." The individual member, must be given.) suggested my and Berlin when they Regal Press. Ine., whose stockholder la The Cecelia talking from the railway station just learned on Friday that it was not only theme song of "Win Your Lady" (now Company, whose stockholders are M. L. Annenberg, W. H. off the air) was an original manuscript Annenberg. A. W. Kruse. H. Ames, E. Frieda. E. Haupt. before we left, which we did-thanks peace but victory; the quantities of J. A. Kahn. L. Hazen, P. A. Levee. E. Simon, all to the written expressly for that series. M. located at 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago; Illinois. last-minute appearance of radio champagne and beer drunk that W., Champaign, Ill. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other van and portable mike. night; the beaten looks of the security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of Su- total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: As to food-the best meals I had deteners after Czechs put down their (If there are none. so state.) Nene. FELIX KNIGHT, NBC tenor, was 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the were with Czech and German troops uprising and the change in their faces born in Macon, Georgia, on November names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and in the field. It was at least warm and when German troops marched in Sat- 1, 1913. In 1930, after dabbling in avi- security holders as they appear upon the books of the wholesome. Trading my ation, he decided on singing as a pro- company but also, in cases where the stockholder or American cig- urday; the burgomaster of the Sudeten security holder appears upon the books of the company arettes against their food was a fair town of Unterwaldau, Mr. Schwarz- fession, went to Santa Barbara to as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of study. In 1932 he came to New York the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting. bargain. American cigarettes were bauer (Mr. Black Peasant), taking me is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain state- worth weight in gold. to represent the West in the Atwater ments embracing afriant's full knowledge and belief as their aside from German troops and saying Kent Auditions. He has filled many to the circumstances and conditions under which stock- Things I saw I'll the worst holders and security holders who do not appear upon the that always re- thing the Czechs did to him operatic engagements, played musical books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities member: The calm, brave dignity of was take away his radio so he couldn't In a capacity other than that of a bona fide ownér: and and dramatic productions in the thea- this amant has no reason to believe that any other person, President Benes on the night he sat hear the leader's speeches and wasn't ter and motion pictures. Knight is association. or corporation has any interest direct or in- direct in the said stork, bonds, or other securities than as before the mike in the Czech broad- it the crime of crimes! And last, only five feet eight inches tall, weighs 158 so stated by him. casting house and pounds, has dark -brown hair and eyes, 5. That the average number of copies of each issue answered Hitler's a fortnight ago the Czech troops going of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails Nuremberg insults with such sweet up to the frontier singing gaily their an olive complexion. He is married to nr otherwise, to paid subscribers dining the twelve months Alice Moore, whom he met in Holly- preceding the date shown above is (This reason and decency. songs about what they would do to information is required from daily publications only.) I saw wood on the set of "Babes in Toy - (sleeted) GEORGE D'CITASSY, Business Manager. Hitler five times. First, on a Hitler-as brave men as I've ever land," musical picture in which he had Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of lovely sunny morning, September 21, seen. I wouldn't have the heart to face September. 1938. MARION E. SPIRO. the juvenile singing lead. J. M., New (My commission expires May 9, 1939-) on the Rhine, when I was having cof- them now. York, N. Y.

N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 15 NEWS Friday Burns & Allen. Ray Noble's Sunday Oreh.; Tony Martin; Paul Europe Calling. Overseas YOUR PROGRAM SELECTOR Douglas, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 news broadcast, 1:30 p.m. p.m. for West) CBS. CBS. Hollywood Hotel. William Headlines and By-Lines. This is an exclusive Radio Guide Feature Powell Frances Lang- Ralph Edwards, H. V. Kal- ford; Jea Sablon; Victor tenborn and Gilbert Seldes, Young's (rch., 9 p.m. CBS. 10:30 p.m. CBS. Smile Parade. Ransom Sher- University of Chicago Round Eastern Standard Time 8 9 10 II 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 man; Rex Maupin's Or- Table Discussion. 12:30 (Time Given in Li¢.np.( a.m. a.m. a.m, aal, neon chestra; Fran Allison; Ca- p.m. NBC. dets Quartet, 9:30 a.m. The People's Rally. John B. Central Standard Time 7 8 9 10 II 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II (12:30 p.m. for West) Kennedy; Bob Hawk, 3:30 NBC. p.m. MBS. Waltz Time. Abe Lyman's Winchell, Walter. 9:30 & 11 Mountain Standard Time 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Orch.; Frank Munn; Man- p.m. NBC. p.a. r.n. hattan Chorus, 9 p.m. 9:25 a.m. CBS; 11 a.m. & NBC. 11 p.m. NBC. Pacific Standard Time 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 What's My Name? Budd Hu- am. aan, P.A. am, amt. am, am. noon p.m. p.m. p m. p.m. p.m. p.m. pa p.m. pa lick; Arlene Francis; Ray Block's Orch., 8 p.m. MBS. Monday Wonder Party. Jack Haley; Farm Radio News. Mon. thru Program Selector Time is Eastern Standard. Use This Table to Find Yours Ted Fio-Rito's orchestral Fri. 1:15 p.m. NBC. Lucille Ball; Virginia Ver- Hour of Charm. Phil Spi- rill, 7:30 p.m. (12:30 a.m. talny's Orchestra; Dorothy The Program Selector is a classified index of network programs-listing each program for West) NBC. Thompson, 9 p.m. NBC. in complete detail under its particular classification and that of any one of its individual Human Side of the News. Saturday Edwin C. Hill, Mon. Wed., stars. For example: if the program as a whole is of a varied nature you will find it under Brown, Joe E. Gill & Dem- 7:15 p.m. (11:15 p.m. for "Variety." However, should there be a comedian or concert star on the same program it ling; Margaret McCrae; West) NBC. Harry Sosnik' Orchestra, Lewis, Fulton, Jr. Mon. thru can also be found under "Comedy» or `Classical." Look for your favorite program in the 7:30 p.m. (11 p.m. for Fri. 7 p.m. MBS. Selector in Eastern Standard Time, find your time in the table above, then turn to the West) CBS. Thomas, Lowell. Mon. thru Fred Waring's Oreh. 8:30 Fri. 6:45 p.m. NBC. RADIO GUIDE program pages to find your station carrying the program. p.m. (12 mid, for West) Today. Bob Trout, Mon. thru NBC. Sat. 6:30 p.m. CBS. National Barn Dance. 9 p.m. 9:25 a.m. CBS; 9 a.m. & Pageant of Melody. Phillip Pageant of Melody. Phillip Monday The Show of the Week. Ray and 11 p.m. NBC. 4:55 p.m. NBC; 6 p.m. Kaufman; Raphael Spiro, Kaufman; Raphael Spiro, Alfred Wallenstein. 8:30 p.m. Perkins, 6:30 p.m. MBS. Quaker Party. Tommy Riggs; CBS; 6:25 p.m. NBC. violinist Attilio Baggiore, violinist Attilio Baggiore, (11130 p.m. for West) Betty Lou; Larry Clinton's tenor; Symphony Orches- tenor; Symphony Orches- NBC. Monday Orchestra; Bea Wain, 8 tra, directed by Henry p.m. NBC. Tuesday tra, directed by Henry Contented Program. Lullaby Al Pearce's Weber, 10:30 p.m. MBS. Weber, 10:30 p.m. MBS. Lady; Marek Weber's Gang. Arlene Your Hit Parade. Fredda George McCall's Screen- Or- Harris; Tizzie Lish; Carl Gibson; Buddy Clark; Al Scoops. Tues. Thurs. 7:15 chestra, 10 p.m. NBC. Hoff's Tuesday Tuesday Hour of Charm. Phil Spi- Orch.; Haywire Goodman's Orch.; W. C. p.m. (12:30 a.m. for West) Mack, 8 p.m. (10:30 p.m. Fields, 10 p.m. CBS. CBS. Symphony Orchestra. Alfred Symphony Orchestra. Alfred talny's Orchestra; Dorothy for West) NBC. Hollywood Gossip. Jimmie Wallenstein, conductor, Wallenstein, conductor, Thompson, 9 p.m. NBC. Eddie Cantor. 7:30 & 10:30 Fidler, 10:30/p.m. NBC. 9:15 p.m. MBS. 9:15 p.m. MES. Pageant of Melody. Phillip p.m. CBS. COMEDY State of thé Nation. Jay Kaufman; Raphael Spiro, Eddy Duchin's Orch. 9:30 Sunday Franklin, Tues. Fri. 10:45 Wednesday Wednesday violinist Attilio Baggiore, p:m. NBC. Ben Bernie's Orch. Lew Lehr; p.m. NBC. Paul Whiteman's Orch. Joan College of Music. Cincinnati tenor; Symphony Orches- Guy Lombardo's Orchestra, 5:30 p.m. (11 p.m. for 9:25 a.m. CBS; 9 am. & 4:55 (11:30 tra, directed by Henry 10 Edwards, 8:30 p.m. Symphony Orchestra, 8 10:30 Mon. p.m. CBS; Fri. West) CBS. p.m. NBC; 6 p.m. CBS; p.m. for West) CBS. p.m. MBS. Weber, p.m. MBS. 10 p.m. NBC. Don Ameche. Nelson Eddy; 6:25 p.m. NBC. Star Theater. Adolphe Men- Star Theater. Adolphe Men- Hour of Charm. Phil Spi- Edgar Ber en; Charlie Mc- jou; Una Merkel; Charlie jou; Una Merkel; Charlie Tuesday talny's Orchestra; Dorothy Carthy; Judy, Annie & Wednesday Ruggles; Jane Froman; Ruggles; Jane Froman; Symphony Orchestra. Alfred Thompson, 9 p.m. NBC. Zeke Canova; Dorothy La- 9:25 a.m. CBS; 9 a.m. & 4:55 Kenny Baker; Max Rein- Kenny Baker; Max Rein- Wallenstein, conductor, Monday Night Show. Connie mour; Robert Armbruster's p.m. NBC; 6 p.m. CBS; hardt; Dave Broekman's hardt; Dave Broekman's 9:15 p.m. MBS. Boswell; Ted Husing; Orch., 8 p.m. NBC. 6.:25 p.m. NBC. Orch., 9:30 p.m. CBS. Orch., 9:30 p.m. CBS. Richard Himber's Orch.; Jack Benny. Mary Living- Waltz Favorites. Concert Or- Wednesday Benny Youngman, 8. p.m. stone; Kenny Baker; Phil Thursday chestra, 2:30 p.m. NBC. Thursday College of Music. Cincinnati CBS. Harris' Orch., 7 p.m. Pick & Pat. Edward Roecker; (11:30 p.m. for West) Football News. Eddie Dooley, Hour. Major Symphony Orchestra, 8 6:30 p.m. (12:30 a.m. for Thursday Amateur Bowes, p.m. MBS. Benny Kreuger's Orches- NBC. West) NBC. Amateur Hour. Major Bowes, 9 p.m. CBS. Waltz Favorites. Concert Or- tra, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. Sunday Night at Seth Park- Thurs. 9 p.m. CBS. Concert Revue. Attilio Bag- chestra, 2:30 p.m. NBC. for West) CBS. er's. Philips Lord, 7:30 9:25 a.m. CBS; 9 a.m. & 4:55 giore, tenor; Kathryn Wit- p.m. (12 mid. for West) p.m. NBC; 6 p.m. CBS; Concert Revue. Attilio Bag- giore, wer, soprano; Henry Web- NBC. 6:25 p.m. NBC. tenor; Kathryn Wit- er's orchestra, 10:30 p.m. Thursday Tuesday wer, soprano; Henry Web- Concert Revue. Attilio Bag- The Laugh Liner. Billy 10:30 MSS. Al Jolson; Martha Raye; House; Jack Fulton; Carl Friday er's orchestra, p.m Eastman School of Music. Dr. giore, tenor; Kathryn Wit- Parkyakarkus; Lud Glus- MBS. wer, soprano; Henry Web- Hohengarten's Orchestra, Holmes, George, R. 6:30 p.m. Robert Howard Hanson, conductor, kin's Orch., 8:30 p.m. (12 6:30 p.m. CBS. NBC. Good News of 1939. 8:30 p.m. NBC. er's orchestra, 10:30 p.m. mid, for West) CBS. Ray Young; Fanny Brice; MBS. The Show of the Week. Hollywood Gossip. Jimmie Frank Morgan; Meredith Good News of 1939. Robert Benny Goodman's Orch. 9:30 Perkins, 6:30 p.m. MSS. Fidler, 7:15 p.m. (I0:30 Young; Fanny Brice; Eastman School of Music. Dr. p.m. CBS. Uncle Ezra. Pat Barrett, Sun. p.m. for West) NBC. Willson's Orch., 9 p.m. Morgan Meredith Howard Hanson, conductor, Bob Hope. Jerry Colonna; NBC. Frank 8:30 p.m. NBC. 5 p.m.; Tues. & Fri. 10:45 9:25 a.m. CBS; 9 a.m. & 4:55 Music Hall. Bing Crosby; Willson's Orch., 9 p.m. Skinnay Ennis' Orch., 10 p.m. BC. p.m. NBC; 6 p.m. CBS; NBC. Good News of 1939. Robert p.m. NBC. Bob Burns; Johnny Trot- Young; Fanny Brice; Fibber McGee Monday 6:25 p.m. NBC. 10 NBC. Music Hall. Bing Crosby; & Co. Donald ter> Orch., p.m. Bob Burns; Johnny Trot- Frank Morgan; Meredith Novis; Billy Mills' Orch., Al Pearce's Gang. Arlene Saturday ter's Orch., 10 p.m. NBC. Willson's Orch., 9 p.m. 9:30 p.m. NBC. Harris; Tizzie Lish) Carl Football News. Eddie Doo- Friday NBC. For Men Only. Peter Van Hoff's Orch.; Haywire ley, p.m. Lucille Manned. Grantland Friday Steeden's Orch. Peg La- Mack, 8 p.m. 10:30 p.m. p.m. Friday Centra, Fred Uttal, 8:30 for West) NEC.Mon. for West), NBC8:45 Rice; Frank Black's Orch., Lucille Manners. Hollywood Hotel. William a.m. NBC; 8 p.m. NBC. Grantland p.m. NBC. Amos Andy. thru 9 9:25 a.m. CBS; Rice; Frank Black's Orch., Powell; Frances Lang- Fri. 7 & 11 p.m. NBC. 6 p.m. CBS; 6:25 p.m. Symphonic Strings. Orches- Johnny Presents. Jack John- NBC. tra conducted by Alfred 8 p.m. NBC. ford; (ean Sablon; Victor stone; Russ Morgan's Or- Eddie Cantor. 7:30 & 10:30 Wallenstein, 8:30 p.m. Music Appreciation Hour. Dr. Youngs Orch., 9 p.m. CBS. chestra; Glenn Cross, Tues. p.m. CBS. MBS. Walter Damrosch, conduc- Lucille Manners. Grantland 8 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for Happy Gilman's. Mon. thru LIGHT MUSIC Waltz Time. Abe Lyman's tor, 2 p.m. NBC. Rice; Frank Black's Orch., West) NBC; Sat. 8 p.m. Fri. 1:45 p.m. NBC. Orch.; Frank Munn; Man- Symphonic Strings. Orches- 8 p.m. NBC. (11:30 p.m. for West) Lum á Abner. Mon. thru Fri. Sunday hattan Chorus, 9 p.m. NBC. tra conducted by Alfred Music Appreciation Hour. Dr. CBS. 7:15 p.m. (11:15 p.m. for American of Familiar Wallenstein, 8:30 p.m. Walter Damrosch, conduc- West) CBS. Music. jean Dickenson; Saturday MBS. tor, 2 p.m. NBC. Wednesday Monday Night Show. Connie Frank Munn, 9:30 ¡ì.m. Symphonic Strings. Orches- Boswell; Ted Musing; Rich- NBC. NBC Symphony Orchestra. Saturday tra conducted by Alfred Edythe Wright. Jack Leon- ard Himber's Orch.; Benny 8:30 p.m. ard; Tommy Dorsey's Orch. Don Ameche. Nelson Eddy; Arturo Toscanini, conduc- Symphony Orchestra. Wallenstein, Youngman, 8 p.m. CBS. Edgar Bergen; Charlie Mc- tor, 10 p.m. NBC. NBC MBS. 8:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. for Pick & Pat. Edward Roecker; Saturday Night Serenade. Arturo Toscanini, conduc- West) NBC. Carthy; Judy, Annie & tor, 10 p.m. NBC. Benny Kreuger's Orches- Zeke Canova; Dorothy La- Mary Eastman; Bill Perry; Saturday Hobby Lobby. Dave Elmas; tra, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. Saturday Night Serenade. Symphony HarryNBC.Sosn.ik's Orch., 8:30 mour; Robert Armbruster's Gus Haenschen's Orch., Mary Eastman; Bill Perry; NBC Orchestra. for West) CBS. Orch. 8 p.m. NBC. 9:30 p.m. CBS. Arturo Toscanini. conduc- p.m. Radio Theater. Cecil B. De Gus Haensehen's Orch., tor, 10 p.m. NBC. It Can Be Done. Edgar Guest; Magic Key. Milton Cross; 9:30 p.m. CBS. Mille, 9 p.m. CBS. Frank Black's Orchestra. CLASSICAL Saturday Night Serenade. Frankie Masters' Orch., Vie & Sade. Mon. thru Fri. 2 p.m. NBC. Mary Eastman; Bill Perry; 10:30 p.m. CBS. 11:15 a.m. NBC & 1:15 Major Bowes Capitol Family. Sunday Gus Haenschen's Oreh., Kay Kyser's Musical Klass & p.m. CBS. Helen ORCHESTRAL 9:30 p.m. CBS. Dance. Virginia Sims; Dalton Brothers; Don Ameche. Nelson Eddy; Harry Babbitt; Sully Tuesday Alexander, soprano; Nich- Edgar Bergen; Charlie Mc- Sunday Ma- olas Cosentino, son, 10 p.m. NBC. Al Jolson; Martha Raye; tenor; Carthy; Judy, Annie & American Album of Familiar Paul Whiteman's Orch. Joan Parkyakarkus; Lud Glus- Charles Magnante, accor- Zeke Canova; Dorothy La- DANCE dionist; Sam Herman, xylo- Music. Jean Dickenson; Edwards, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 kin's Orch., 8:30 p.m. (12 mour; Robert Armbruster's Frank Munn, 9:30 p.m. Sunday p.m. for West) CBS. mid. for West) CBS. phonist; Waldo Mayo's or- Orch. 8 p.m. NBC. chestra, 11:30 a.m. CBS. NBC. American Album of Familiar Star Theater. Adolphe Men- Bob Hope. Jerry Colonna; Magic Key. Milton Cross; Don Ameche. Nelson Eddy; Music. Jean Dickenson; jou; Una Merkel; Charlie Skinnay Ennis' Orch., 10 Manhattan-Merry-Go-Round. Frank Black's Orchestra. Edgar Bergen; Charlie Mc- Frank unn, 9:30 p.m. Ruggles; Jane Froman; p.m. NBC. Rachel Carlay; Pierre Le- 2 p.m. NBC. McGee & Co. Donald Kreun, 9 p.m. NBC. Carthy; Judy, Annie & NBC. Kenny Baker; Max Rein- Fibber Major Bowes Capitol Family. Zeke Canova; Dorothy La- Bandwagon. 7:30 p.m. NBC. hardt; Dave Broekman's Novia; Billy Mills' Orch., Metropolitan Opera Auditions Dalton Brothers; Helen of the Air. Wilfred Pelle- mour; Robert Armbruster's Ben Bernie's Orch. Lew Lehr; Orch., 9:30 p.m. CBS. 9:30 p.m. NBC. Alexander, soprano; Nich- Orch. 8 p.m. NBC. .5:30 p.m. (11 p.m. for Town Hall Tonight. Fred For Men Only. Peter Van tier's orch.; Edward John- olas Cosentino, tenor; Orch.; Peg La- son, 5 p.m. NBC. Magic Key. Milton Cross; West) CBS. Allen; Portland Haifa; Steeden's Charles Magnante, accor- Frank Black's Orchestra. Don Ameche. Nelson Eddy; Merry Macs Peter Van Centra Fred Uttal, 8:30 Musical Steelmakers. Sara dionist; Sam Herman, xylo- Rehm; The Old Timer; 2 p.m. NBC. Edgar Bergen; Charlie Mc- Steeden's Orch, 9 p.m. (12 p.m. NBC. phonist; Waldo Mayo's or- Major Bowes Capitol Family. Carthy; Judy, Annie & mid. for West) NBC. Steele Sisters; Singing chestra, 11:30 a.m. CBS. Wednesday Millmen, 5 Dalton Brothers; Helen Zeke Canova; Dorothy La- p.m. MBS. Manhattan-Merry-Go-Round, Alexander, soprano; Nich- mour; Robert Armbruster's Kay Kyser's Musical Klass & Radio City Music Hall of the Rachel Carlay; Pierre Le- Thursday Virginia Sims; Air. 12 noon NBC. olas Cosentino, tenor; Orch. 8 p.m. NBC. Danse. Evening Hour. Jose Kreun 9 p.m. NBC. Charles Magnante, accor- Horace Heidt's Orchestra. Good News of 1939. Robert Harry Babbitt; Sully Ma- Sunday Metropolitan Opera Auditions dionist; Sam Herman, xylo- 10 p.m. NBC. Young; Fanny Brice; son, 10 p.m. NBC. Iturbi, 9 p.m. CBS. of the Air. Wilfred Pelle- phonist; Waldo Mayo's or- Jack Benny. Mary Living- Frank Morgan; Meredith Star Theater. Adolphe Men- tier's orch.; Edward John- chestra, 11:30 a.m. CBS. stone; Kenny Baker; Phil Willson's Orch., 9 p.m. Una Merkel; Charlie Monday son, 5 p.m. NBC. Manhattan-Merry-Go-Round. Harris' Orch., 7 p.m. NBC. Rou;uggles; Jane Froman; Alfred Wallenstein. 8:30 p.m. Musical Steelmakers. Sara Rachel Carlay; Pierre Le- (11:30 p.m. for West) Joe Penner, Ben Pollack's Kenny Baker; Max Rein- (11:30 p.m. for West) Rehm; The Old Timer; Kreun, 9 p.m. NBC. NBC. Orch., 7:30 p.m. (8:30 hardt; Dave Broekman's NBC. Steele Sisters; Singing Metropolitan Opera Auditions Musical Steelmakers. Sara p.m. for West) CBS. Orch., 9:30 p.m. CBS. Between the Bookends. Ted Millmen, 5 p.m. MBS. of the Air. Wilfred Pelle- Rehm; The Old Timer; Kate Smith. Abbott & Cos- Town Hall Tonight. Fred Al- Malone, reading; Irma Radio City Music Hall of the tier's orch.; Edward John- Steele Sisters; Singing tello; Ted Straeter Choir; len Portland Hoffa; Mer- Glen, organist, Mon. thru Air. 12 noon NBC. son, 5 p.m. NBC. Millmen, 5 p.m. MBS. Jack Miller's Orch., 8 p.m. ry Ìäacs Peter Van Steed- Fri. 3:45 p.m. NBC. Sunday Evening Hour. Jose Passing Parade. John Nes- Passing Parade. John Nes- (11.30 p.m. for West) en's Orch, 9 p.m. (12 mid. Contented Program. Lullaby Iturbi, 9 p.m. CBS. bitt; All Garr; Oscar Brad- bitt; Al Garr; Oscar Brad- CBS. for West) NBC. Lady; Marek Weber's Or- Iey's Orch., 7:30 p.m. CBS. ley's Orch., 7:30 p.m. CBS. Music Hall. Bing Crosby; Thursday chestra, 10 p.m. NBC. Monday Radio City Music Hall of the The Laugh Liner. Billy Bob Burns; Johnny Trot- 10 Amateur Hour. Major Bowes, Hour of Charm. Phil Spi- Alfred Wallenstein. 8:30 p.m. Air. 12 noon NBC. House; Jack Fulton; Carl ter's Orch., p.m. NBC. 9 p.m. CBS. talny's Orchestra; Dorothy (11:30 p.m. for West) Sunday Evening Hour. Jose Hohengarten's Orchestra, Rudy Vallee'' Variety Hour. Thompson, 9 p.m. NBC. NBC. Iturbi, 9 p.m. CBS. 6:30 p.m. CBS. 8 p.m. NBC. (Continued on Page 18)

N 16 Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 sr..Nsr,,taMereere...../1!wwrar1..rc-+eri.,.,_ . . . . _ . _ . . . ei?iAj , . . -


A new department reviewing the recordings of your radio favorites IN RESPONSE to a deluge of requests from lis- teners everywhere, RADIO GUIDE has the privi- lege of announcing that Lucille Manners, song- Classical: "CHANGE PARTNERS," by Fred Astaire. stress on the NBC Cities Service Concert program, THE mighty Johannes Brahms comes "THE NIGHT IS FILLED WITH MUSIC," will sing "The Blue Danube" on Friday night. The by Will Hudson. Danube, mighty river that formed the frontier of up for refurbishing on the latest the ancient Roman Empire, and which inspired the record list, with both his First and However, we'll probably continue to stuff, since song, was famous in history centuries before the Fourth symphonies benefitting from string along with the swing waltz king, Johann Strauss, was born; but it re- 1938 versions. The magnitude of these it is the lustiest and healthiest kind of mained for him to immortalize its majestic beauty titans in music is too well established popular music, and has been ever since in music when he composed "The Blue Danube," for us to dwell upon, but the improve- Beiderbecke and Teschmaker and Lang universal favorite of all the four hundred waltzes ment in recording standards makes started it. Our carping at the out -of - that he wrote. Then more than half a century was to pass before the magic them all the more powerful. key and saccharine and fakey orches- of radio might bring it to listening millions who love it. Not a single note tras is based on the same beef a per- of the glorious melody will be lost when Miss Manners sends the song that The First, waxed abroad by Bruno for over the airwaves. America's Jenny Lind, Walter and the Vienna Symphony Or- son might have with a product, how- radio fans have clamored ever it may sell, that is cheap and Lucille Manners, coloratura star of many NBC concerts, has been a prima chestra, lacks the dynamic punch it donna at heart ever since she was three years old, and hummed nursery might have had if made at Camden, flimsy. rhymes before she could talk. When she was sixteen, Lucille was a but in general fares well with an ex- Apropos of early swingmen, the stenographer in a small office in New Jersey, but she spent every penny tremely live pick-up and the excellent sharp record -shopper may pick up that she could scrape together for singing -lessons. "You're silly," friends interpretation of Herr Walter. (Victor some former collectors' items now re- kept telling her. "It takes pull and a lot of money to get anywhere singing. album 470. $7.50.) issued on regular releases, and mostly Why don't you have some fun with your salary instead of wasting it?" The Brahms Fourth is also an im- for 35c, at that. Bluebird has brought But Lucille, with an amazing tenacity in one so small, clung to dreams, one of most popular soloists by her ported set of recordings -a strong out several old King Olivers and Louis reached her present goal as NBC's reading by Felix Weingartner conduct- Armstrongs recently, although they are singleness of purpose. ing the London Symphony Orchestra. none too satisfactory against present- 8 p.m. EST; 7 p.m. CST; 6 p.m. MST; 5 p.m. PST (Columbia album 335. $7.50.) day standards. Vocalion has Bix Beid- Both these symphonies were written erbecke's "Since My Best Gal Turned after Brahms' forty-fourth year, repre- Me Down" on 3149, and "The Jazz Me senting the full musical maturity of the Blues" on 3042, both tremendous buys. composer-grand and glorious music Stuff Smith's "After You've Gone" is for anyone. on 3201, and Louis Armstrong's "St. Two concert records of distinction Louis Blues" is reissued on Vocalion get attention this month, both on sin- 3008. And most of Artie Shaw's Bruns- gle disks. One is the sparkling and wick cuttings are now reissued on spirited Bacchanale from "Samson and Vocalion for the lor, cost. Delilah," Saint-Saens opera with the All of which brings us to the discus- oriental flavor. This is another, and sion of low-cost records. Both Victor, one of the best, in the series of popular with Bluebird, and Brunswick, with symphonic works which Arthur Fiedler Vocalion, are strengthening their 65c and the Boston Pops Orchestra is mak- market considerably with better bands, ing. (Victor 12318. $1.50.) and, in fact, some of the best stuff The other is a pair of dances from available nowadays. Bluebird offers Gluck's "Orpheus"-the fragile Dance the solid Jan Savitt band, a fine new of the Spirits and the lively and smash- colored outfit that should attract a lot ing Dance of the Furies, both performed of attention; Erskine Hawkins and his creditably by the Orquestre Sympho- orchestra, the tremendous Artie Shaw nique de Paris, Henri Tomasi conduct- band, Eddie de Lange, Les Brown, ing. Columbia 69250. $1.50.) Glenn Miller, Ozzie Nelson, the popular and fizzy Shep Fields, and in the near Swing or Sweet??? Low-cost Records: future, Filmland's Ginger Rogers. On Uncle Sam's mail has brought this Vocalion, such fine artists as Mildred department numerous squawks on its Bailey, Tony Martin, Nan Wynn, Penny preference for swing and its depreca- Wise, the orchestras of Johnny Hodges, tion of sweet music. In defense, we Leith Stevens, Cootie Williams, Roger cite the following sweet records re- Pryor, and more. commended recently: These junior labels to the 75c prod- "MY REVERIE," by Larry Clinton. ucts all are geared to buck the stiff "My OWN," by Tommy Dorsey. competition offered by Decca, whose "BY A WISHING -WELL," by Tony top artists are too numerous to men- Bergen: "What are you looking at, Charlie?" Martin. tion, and which has offered the 35c "THE MIST IS OVER THE MOON," by records since the company began some Charlie McCarthy: "Oh-er-I'm looking in RADIO Tony five Martin. years ago. GUIDE'S program section to find out when we're on." AIRIALTO LOWDOWN RADIO GUIDE gives you a complete listing of programs (Continued from Page 10) schedule, which is larger than any previous year, the name of Rosaline for a full week in advance plus interesting articles and The program. A winner was Miss K. Greene is conspicuous by its absence. Andler, of Chicago, whose name and I'll never understand why, because, picture -spreads of your favorite radio stars. RADIO GUIDE address were read over the air during frankly, this department always re- the program. Listening in was a Mr. garded Rosaline as one of the better IS THE ONLY COMPLETE RADIO PUBLICATION. K. Andler, residing in Newport, New microphone actresses. We followed her Hampshire. Because it was an odd work on "Show Boat," the "Palmolive name, Mr. A. wrote Miss A. to find out Beauty Box," "Death Valley Days," Be Assured of Getting YOUR Copy Every Week by Subscribing Today! if they were related and they've been "Hour of Charm," and any number of writing to each other ever since. Last other shows and she always gave an Send This Coupon NOW week, Andler of Chicago was in New excellent performance. We honestly York with her mother on vacation and believe a sponsor of a dramatic show RADIO GUIDE, Subscription Department, Desk 10-29, their last two days were to be spent is overlooking a good bet by overlook- visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. Andler and ing Rosaline Greene. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois their new baby in New Hampshire. After listening to Sigmund Spaeth Enclosed please find $4. Please send RADIO GUIDE for one year. From Evans Plummer's column in try his hand at sports announcing (he Enclosed please find $2.50. Please send RADIO GUIDE for a half -year. the last issue: "Chet (Lum) Lauck has broadcast half of the Army -Columbia o sprouted a mustache. He started grow- football game) , I suggest he stick to ing it after seeing how much sweeter his music. Spaeth, who is known as Name your reporter looks than do his un- the "Tune Detective," gave this re- adorned colleagues, Martin Lewis and porter a laugh when he leaned over to St. & No. Hal Tate." Evans, my frand, everyone ask a cadet the name of the song the is entitled to their opinion, but I mus- Army band was playing. Sportscaster tache the readers what they think. Will Joe Hasel, who did the other half of City State you tell us-huh? the game, is plenty good. His spieling If this is a renewal . .. please check here compared to Spaeth's resembled each In looking over this season's drama other-by contrast. Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 17 Aunt Jenny's Stories. Mon. Coast to Coast on a Bus or from Page 16) Town Hall Tonight. Fred Al- We, the People. Gabriel Heat- Johnny Presents. Jack John- (Continued len; Portland Hoffa; Mer- ter; Harry von Zell; Mark stone; Russ Morgan's Or- thru Fri. 11:45 a.m. (2:15 the White Rabbit Line. Good News of 1939. Robert ry Macs; Peter Van Steed- Warnow's Orch., 9 p.m. chestra; Glenn Cross, Tues. p.m. for West) CBS. Milton J. Cross, conduct- M o n . ing, 9 a.m. NBC. Young; Fanny Brice; en's Orch., 9 p.m. (12 mid. CBS. 8 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for Bachelor's Children, Frank Morgan; Meredith for West) NBC. The State of the Nation. Jay West) NBC; Sat. 8 p.m. thru Fri. 9:45 a.m. CBS. Willson's Orch., 9 p.m. Franklin, commenta tor, (11:30 p.m. for West) Backstage Wife. Mon. thru Monday 10:45 p.m. CBS. Fri. 4 p.m. NBC. NBC. Tues., Fri., Fri. American School of the Air. Joe Penner. Ben Pollack's Thursday NBC. Smilin' Ed McConnel. Tues. Betty & Bob. Mon. thru Mon. thru Fri. 2:30 p.m. p.m. (8:30 p.m. of 1939. Robert Thurs. 10:30 a.m. & 5:30 2 p.m. CBS. Orch., 7:30 Good News Mon. Fri. CBS. for West) CBS. Young; Fanny Brice; p.m. and Fri. Sat. 10 a.m. Big Sister. thru & Rush & Silent Wednesday NBC. 11:30 a.m. (2 p.m. for Dad Jr. Ford Kate Smith. Abbott & Cos- Frank Morgan; Meredith Wed. Fri. Slim; Tinkle Toy Band, tello; Ted Straeter Choir; Willson's Orch., 9 p.m. Betty Crocker. Vocal Varieties. Jerry Coop- West) CBS. Mon. Wed. Fri. 5:45 p.m. Jack Miller's Orch., 8 p.m. NBC. 2:45 p.m. NBC. er, Tues. & Thurs. 7:15 David Harum. Mon. thru Fri. MBS. p.m. for West) Kate Smith. Abbott & Cos- It Can Be Done. Edgar Guest; p.m. (Tues. only 11 :15 11 a.m. NBC. Fri. (11:30 Frankie Masters' Orch., Tracy. Mon. thru Fri. Dick Tracy. Mon. thru CBS. tello; Ted Straeter Choir; p.m. for West) NBC. Dick 5 p.m. NBC. Crosby; 8 p.m. 10:30 p.m. CBS. We, the People. Gabriel Heat- 5 p.m. NBC. Music Hall. Bing Jack Miller's Orch., of the Navy, Don Winslow of the Navy, Bob Burns; Johnny Trot- (11:30 p.m. for West) ter; Harry von Zell; Mark Don Winslow Mon, thru Fri. 5:30 & 6 ters' Orch., 10 p.m. NBC. CBS. Thursday Warnow's Orchestra, 9 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 5:30 & 6 p.m. NBC. Hour. Bing Crosby; Football News. Eddie Dooley, CBS. p.m. NBC. Rudy Vallee's Variety Music Hall. Alone. Betty Winkler; Jack Armstrong. Mon. thru 8 p.m. NBC. Bob Burns; Johnny Trot- Thurs. 6:30 p.m. (12:30 Wednesday Girl Fri. 5:30 p.m. NBC. ter's Orch., 10 p.m. NBC. a.m. for West) Sat. 6:30 Pat Murphy, Mon. thru Let's Pretend, Nila Mack, Friday Hour. p.m. (8:45 p.m. for West) Ask-It-Basket. Jim McWil- Fri. 4:45 p.m. NBC. Rudy Vallee's Variety liams, 7:30 p.m. (10:30 Mon. Fri. Mon. Thurs. 5 p.m. CBS. Burns & Allen. Ray Noble's 8 p.m. NBC. NBC. Goldbergs. thru Little Orphan Annie. Mon. p.m. for West) CBS. 1 p.m. CBS. Orch.; Tony Martin; Paul Jack Leon- thru Fri. 5:45 p.m. NBC. Douglas, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 Friday Edythe Wright. . Mon. thru Fri. Mon. Wed. Fri. Friday ard; Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 3:45 p.m. NBC. Lone Ranger. p.m. for West) CBS. Alma Kitchell's Briefcase. 8:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for 7:30 & 8:30 p.m. (10:30 Hollywood Hotel. William Criminal Case Histories. Talks of interest to wo- Happy Gilman's. Mon. thru p.m. for West) MBS. Powell; Frances Lang- Warden Lewis E. Lawes, West) NBC. Fri. 1:45 p.m. NBC. Mon. men, 6:05 p.m. NBC. Hobby Lobby. Dave Elman; Her Honor, Nancy James, Malcolm Claire. thru ford; jean Sablon; Victor 8 p.m. NBC. American Viewpoints. 10:45 Harry Sosnik's Orch., 8:30 Fri. 6:15 p.m. NBC. Youngs Orch., 9 p.m. CBS. Curtain Time. 10 p.m. MBS. p.m. CBS. Mon. thru Fri. 12:15 p.m. Stamp Club. Captain Tim Parade. Ransom Sher- Death Valley Days. 9:30 p.m. NBC. CBS. Fri. Smile Exploring Space. Hans Chris- It Can Be Done. Edgar Guest; Hilltop House. Mon. thru Healy, Mon. Wed. man; Rex Maupin's Or- p.m. (11:30 p.m. for West) tian Adamson, 5:15 p.m. Orch., 7:30 p.m. MBS. chestra; Fran Allison; Ca- NBC. Frankie Masters' Fri. 10:30 a.m. (4:30 p.m. Mon. CBS. 10:30 p.m. CBS. for West) CBS. Terry & the Pirates. dets Quartet, 9:30 a.m. First Nighter. Barbara Lud- Musical Klass & Tues. Wed. 5:15 p.m. NBC. (12:30 p.m. for West) dy; Lester Tremayne, 8 Kay Kyser's Houseboat Hannah, Mon. thru The Mighty Show. Mon. thru Saturday Dance. Virginia Sims; Fri. 10 a.m. (5 p.m. for NBC. p.m. (12 mid. for West) 10:45 Sully Ma- Fri. 5:45 p.m. CBS. Party. Jack Haley; CBS. Florence Hale Forum. Harry Babbitt; West)° NBC. of the Wonder a.m. NBC. son, 10 p.m. NBC. Jack Armstrong. Mon. thru The Nation's School Ted Fio-Rito's orchestra; Hollywood Hotel. William News. Dr. Orch. Joan Air. Mon. thru Fri. 10 a.m. Lucille Ball; Virginia Ver- Powell; Frances Lang- Religion in the Paul Whiteman's Fri. 5:30 p.m. NBC. MBS. Victor Walter Van Kirk, 6:45 p.m. Edwards, 8:30 p.m. (11:30 . Mon. thru Fri. rill, 7:30 p.m. (12:30 a.m. ford; Jean Sablon; NBC. p.m. for West) CBS. Tom Mix Straight Shooters. for West) NBC. Youngs Orch., 9 p.m. CBS. 10:15 a.m. NBC. Mon. & 6:45 This Wonderful World. 12 Star Theater. Adolphe Men- John's Other Wife. Mon. thru thru Fri. 5:45 noon MBS. jou; Una Merkel; Charlie Fri. 10:15 a.m. NBC. p.m. NBC. Saturday Saturday Ruggles; Jane Froman; Joyce Jordan. Girl Interne, Brown, Joe E. Gill & Dem- Quaker Party. Tommy Riggs; Kenny Baker; Max Rein- Mon. thru. Fri. 9:30 a.m. Tuesday ling; Margaret McCrae; Betty Lou; Larry Clinton's VARIETY hardt; Dave Broekman's Music for Fun. Child Guest, Harry Sosnik's Orchestra, CBS. Orchestra; Bea Wain, 8 Sunday Orch., 9:30 p.m. CBS. . Mon. thru 5 p.m. CBS. 7:30 p.m. (11 p.m. for p.m. NBC. Town Hall Tonight. Fred Al- Fri. 10:30 a.m. NBC. West) CBS. American Album of Familiar len; Portland Hoff a; Mer- Kitty Keene. Mon. thru Fri. Wednesday Fred Waring's Orch. 8:30 Music. Jean Dickenson; ry Macs; Peter Van Steed- Frank Munn, 9:30 p.m. 11:45 a.m. NBC. March of Games. Wed. Fri. p.m. (12 mid. for West) en's Orch., 9 p.m. (12 mid. . Mon. 5 p.m. CBS. NBC. TALKS NBC. for West) NBC. thru Fri. 4:30 p.m. NBC. National Barn Dance. 9 p.m. Don Ameche. Nelson Eddy; Little Orphan Annie. Mon. Friday and 11 p.m. NBC. Sunday Edgar Bergen; Charlie Mc- p.m. NBC. Judy, Annie & Thursday thru Fri. 5:45 Music Appreciation Hour. Dr. Quaker Party. Tommy Riggs; Passing Parade. John Nes- Carthy; Amateur Hour. Major Bowes, Lone Ranger. Mon. Wed. Fri. Betty Lou; Larry. Clinton's Oscar Brad- Zeke Canova; Dorothy La- (10:30 Walter Damrosch, conduct- bitt; Al Garr; Robert Armbruster's 9 p.m. CBS. 7:30 & 8:30 p.m. ing, 2 p.m. NBC. Orch.; Bea Wain, 8 p.m. ley's Orch., 7:30 p.m. CBS. mour; Good News of 1939. Robert p.m. for West) MBS. NBC. Olympic Previews. 2:45 p.m. Orch. 8 p.m. NBC. Young; Fanny Brice; . Mon. thru Red Foley. Kitty O'Neill; Jack Benny. Mary Living- Saturday NBC. stone; Kenny Baker; Phil Frank Morgan; Meredith Fri. 11:15 a.m. NBC. Neighbor Boys; Rhythm Second Guessers. Comments Willson's Orch., 9 p.m. Lum & Abner. Mon., Wed. Calling All Stamp Collectors. Singers; Del King, 7 p.m. day's Harris' Orch., 7 p.m. on the previous (11:30 for West) NBC. Fri. 7:15 p.m. (11:15 p.m. Captain Tim Healy, 5:15 (12:30 a.m. for West) games by outstanding foot- p.m. Joe Penner. Ben Pollack's for West) CBS. p.m. NBC. NBC. ball coaches and sport NBC. Orch., 7:30 p.m. (8:30 p.m. Madame Courageous. Mon. Cincinnati Conservatory of Your Hit Parade. Fredda writers, 3:30 p.m. NBC. Magic Key. Milton Cross; 10:30 a.m. NBC. Music. 11 a.m. CBS. Clark; Al Frank Black's Orchestra. for West) CBS. Wed. Fri. Gibson; Buddy The Farmer Takes the Mike. Kate Smith. Abbott & Cos- . Mon, thru Fri. No School Today. Safety Pro- Goodman's Orch.; W. C. Interviews, 2 p.m. CBS. 2 p.m. NBC. 10:45 a.m. & 3:15 p.m. featuring Jolly Bill CBS. Musical Steelmakers. Sara tello; Ted Straeter Choir; gram Fields, 10 p.m. The Master Builder. Series of Jack Miller's Orch., 8 p.m. NBC. Steinke, commentator; the auspices of Rehm; The Old Timer; Hall in songs talks under Steele Sisters; Singing (11 p.m. for West) Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Fields and DRAMA the Federal Housing Ad- MBS. CB$30 Patch. Mon. thru Fri. 10 and stories; Music by the ministration, 5:45 p.m. Millmen, 5 p.m. Music Hall. Bing Crosby; a.m. NBC. Mountaineers, 11 a.m. Spelling Bee. Paul Wing, Mon. NBC. Sunday NBC. 5:30 p.m. NBC. Bob Burns; Johnny Trot- Myrt & Marge. thru The People's Platform. Ly- ter's Orch., 10 p.m. NBC. Fri. 10:15 a.m. (4:15 p.m. Our Barn. Madge Tucker, Court of Human Relations. man Bryson presiding, 7 Sunday Night at Seth Park- for West) CBS. conductor, 11:30 a.m. NBC. 4:30 p.m. MBS. er's. Phillip Lord, 7:30 Rudy Vallee's Variety Hour. p.m. CBS. 8 p.m. NBC. Our Gal Sunday. Mon. thru The Pet Club. Steve Severn, Don Ameche. Nelson Eddy; of Chicago Round p.m. (12 mid. for West) 12:45 CBS. 10:30 a.m. MBS. Edgar Bergen; Charlie Mc- University NBC. Fri. p.m. Table Discussion. 12:30 Billy Friday Pepper Young's Family. Mon. Carthy; Judy, Annie & p.m. NBC. The Laugh Liner. thru Fri. 11:30 a.m. & 3:30 Zeke Canova; Dorothy La- House; Jack Fulton; Carl Burns & Allen. Ray Noble's RELIGIOUS mour; Robert Armbruster's Hohengarten's Orchestra, Orch., Tony Martin; Paul p.m. NBC. 8:30 p.m. (11:30 Pretty Kitty Kelly. Mon. thru Orch., 8 p.m. NBC. Monday 6:30 p.m. CBS. Douglas, Fri. 10 a.m. (4 p.m. for Sunday Hollywood Playhouse. Charles The People's Rally. John B. p.m. for West) CBS. Between the Bookends. Ted Hotel. William West) CBS. Catholic Hour. Guest Speak- Boyer, 9 & 10:30 p.m. Malone, reading; Irma Kennedy; Bob Hawk, 3:30 Hollywood Road of Life. Mon. thru Fri. er, 6 p.m. NBC. NBC. Mon. p.m. MBS. Powell; Frances Lang- of the Air. Guest Glen, organist, thru Sun. Sablon; Victor 11:45 a.m. NBC & 1:30 Church Irene Rich. 9:45 p.m. (11:15 NBC. Uncle Ezra. Pat Barrett, ford; Jean 10 a.m. & 1 p.m. Fri. 3:45 p.m. 9 CBS. p.m. CBS. Speakers, p.m. for West) NBC. Farm Radio News. Mon. thru 5 p.m.; Tues. & Fri. 10:45 Young's Orch., p.m. Romance of Helen Trent. CBS. Jack Benny. Mary Living- 1:15 p.m. NBC. p.m. NBC. Smile Parade. Ransom Sher- Fri. 12:30 p.m. Let's Go Back to the Bible. stone; Kenny Baker; Phil Fri. man; Rex Maupin's Or- Mon. thru Get Thin to Music. Mon. thru Fran Allison; Ca- CBS. Speaker, 2 p.m. MBS. Harris' Orch., 7 p.m. Fri., 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Monday chestra; Stella Dallas. Mon. thru Fri. Lutheran Hour. Dr. Walter (11:30 p.m. for West) dets Quartet, 9:30 a.m. 1 MBS. Al Pearce's Gang. Arlene for West) 4:15 p.m. NBC. A. Maier, speaker, & 4:30 NBC. Inside of Sports; Sam Baiter, Harris; Tizzie Lish; Carl (12:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. p.m. MBS. Magic Key. Milton Cross; NBC. Stepmother. Mon. thru Sat. 7:45 p.m. Hoff's Orch.; Haywire Budd Hu- 10:45 a.m. CBS. Old Fashioned Revival Hour. Frank Black's Orchestra. (Tues. Thurs. Sat. 10:15 Mack, 8 p.m. (10:30 p.m. What's My Name? Story of Mary Marlin. Mon. Rev. Charles A. Fuller, 2 p.m. NBC. NBC. lick; Arlene Francis; Ray 11 p.m. MBS. p.m. for West) MBS. for West) 8 p.m. thru Fri. 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. 9 & Silver Theater. Conrad Na- Mary Margaret McBride, Carson Robison's Buckaroos. Block's Orchestra, NBC. National Vespers. Dr. Harry 6 CBS. MBS. gel, p.m. Mon. Wed. Fri. 12 noon. 8 p.m. NBC. Haley; Terry & the Pirates. Mon. Emerson Fosdick, speaker, Sunday Night at Seth Park- CBS. Contented Program. Lullaby Wonder Party. Jack Tues. Wed. 5:15 p.m. NBC. 4 p.m. NBC. er's. Phillips Lord, 7:30 Monday Night Show. Connie Lady; Marek Weber's Or- Ted Fio-Rito's orchestra; The O'Neills. Mon. thru Fri. Radio Pulpit. Dr. Ralph W. p.m. (12 mid. for West) Boswell; Ted Husing; Rich- chestra, 10 p.m. NBC. Lucille Ball; Virginia Ver- 12:15 p.m. NBC. Sockman, speaker, 10 a.m. NBC. & 10:30 rill, 7:30 p.m. (12:30 a.m. ard Himber's Orch.; Henny Eddie Cantor. 7:30 NBC. The Woman in White. Mon. NBC. The Shadow. 4:30 & 5:30 Youngman, 8 p.m. CBS. p.m. CBS. for West) thru Fri. 10:45 a.m. NBC. p.m. MBS. National Farm and Home Edward MacHugh. Mon. thru Those We Love. 8:30 p.m. Monday Hour. Guest speakers, Fri. 1:45 p.m. CBS. Saturday NBC. Getting the Most Out of Life. Monday Mon. thru Sat., 12:30 p.m. Get Thin to Music. Mon. thru Brown, Joe E. Gill & Dem- Tom Mix Straight Shooters. Dr. William L. Stidger, Alias Jimmy Valentine. 7 NBC. Fri. 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. ling; Margaret McCrae; Mon. thru Fri. 5:45 & 6:45 speaker, 11:45 a.m. NBC. p.m. NBC. National Radio Forum. Speak- MBS. Harry Sosnik's Orchestra, p.m. NBC. Time for Thought. Dr. Daniel Monday Night Show. Connie ers, 10:30 p.m. NBC. Hour of Charm. Phil Spi- 7:30 p.m. (11 p.m. for Two On a Shoestring. Mon. Poling, speaker, 12:30 p.m. Boswell; Ted Husing; Rich- Radio Garden Club. Horticul- talny's Orchestra; Dorothy West) CBS. thru Fri. 2 p.m. MBS. NBC. ard Himber's Orch.; Henny turist program, 1:15 p.m. Thompson, 9 p.m. NBC. Fred Waring's Orchestra. Valiant Lady. Mon. thru Fri. Youngman, 8 p.m. CBS. MBS. Hymns of All Churches. Mon. 8:30 p.m. (12 mid. for 2:30 p.m. CBS. Tuesday Radio Theater. Cecil B. De Science in the News. Dr. Ar- Tues. Thurs. 2:45 p.m. West) NBC. Vic & Sade. Mon. thru Fri. Getting the Most Out of Life. Mille, 9 p.m. CBS. thur H. Compton, 6 p.m. CBS. National Barn Dance. 9 and 11:15 a.m. NBC & 1:15 Dr. William L. Stidger, NBC. Monday Night Show. Connie 11 p.m. NBC. p.m. CBS. speaker, 11:45 a.m. NBC. Science on the March. Dr. Boswell; Ted Husing; Rich- Prof. Quiz. Bob Trout 8:30 . Mon. Tuesday for West) Time for Thought. Dr. John Big Town. Edward G. Robin- Carroll L. Fenton, 7:43 ard Himber's Orch.; Henny p.m. (12 mid. thru Fri. 11:30 a.m. NBC. Sutherland Bonnell, speak- son; Claire Trevor, 8 p.m. p.m. NBC. Youngman, 8 p.m. CBS. CBS. Your Family and Mine. Lu- er, 12:30 p.m. NBC. (11:30 p.m. for West) Voice of Experience. Mon. Pick & Pat. Edward Roecker; Quaker Party. Tommy Riggs; cille Wall; Bill Adams; CBS. Wed. Fri. 1:45 p.m. MBS. Benny Kreuger's Orches- Betty Lou; Larry Clinton's Joan Tompkins, Mon. thru Wednesday Dr. Christian. Jean Hersholt, tra, 8:30 p.m. (11 :30 p.m. Orchestra; Bea Wain, 8 Fri. 5:15 p.m. NBC. Getting the Most Out of Life. 10 CBS. for West) CBS. p.m. NBC. Dr. William L. Stidger, p.m. Tuesday True or False. Dr. Harry Red Foley. Kitty O'Neill; For Men Only. Peter Van Rhythm Tuesday speaker, 11:45 a.m. NBC. Steeden's Orch.; Peg La- Viewpoints. 10:45 Hagen, 10 p.m. NBC. Neighbor Boys; Aces. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Time for Thought. William American Singers; Del King, 7 p.m. Easy Centra, Fred Uttal, 8:30 p.m. CBS. 7 p.m. NBC. Hiram Foulkes. speaker, Tuesday (12:30 a.m. for West) 12:30 p.m. NBC. p.m. NBC. Angler and Hunter. Raymond NBC. Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Per- Johnny Presents. Jack John- R. Camp, sports writer and Al Jolson; Martha Raye; Bee. sons. Tues. Wed. Thurs. stone; Russ Morgan's Or- editor, 6:30 p.m. NBC. Parkyakarkus; Lud Glus- Uncle Jim's Question 7:15 p.m. NBC. Thursday 8:30 p.m. (12 Norman Frescott, 7:30 p.m. 10 Getting the Most Out of Life. chestra; Glenn Cross, Tues. George McCall's Screen- kin's Orch., NBC. True Detective Mysteries. 8 p.m. (11:30 p.m. for Scoops. Tues. Thurs. 7:15 mid. for West) CBS. p.m. MBS. Dr. William L. Stidger, Sexes. Frank Your Hit Parade. Fredda speaker, 11:45 a.m. NBC West) NBC; Sat. 8 p.m. p.m. (12:30 a.m. for West) Battle of the Gibson; Buddy Clark; Al (11:30 p.m. for West) CBS. 9 p.m. (Mon. 12:30 a.m. Wednesday Time for Thought. Dr. Har- for West) NBC. Goodman's Orch.; W. C. old Paul Sloan, speaker, CBS. Hollywood Gossip. Jimmie Fields. 10 p.m. CBS. One Man's Family. 8 p.m. Mary and Bob's True Stories. Fidler, Tues. 10:30 p.m. & Bob Hope. Jerry Colonna; (Sun. 12:30 a.m. for West) 12:30 p.m. NBC. 9 p.m. NBC. Fri. 7:15 p.m. (10:30 p.m. Skinnay Ennis' Orch., 10 NBC. for West) NBC. p.m. NBC. SERIAL Friday Kate Smith. Tues. Thurs. Sat. Don't You Believe It. Alan Getting the Most Out of Life. Wednesday Tues. Friday Gang Busters. Colonel H. 12 noon CBS. Kent; Tom Slater, Sunday 10 Dr. William L. Stidger, Thurs. 7:30, 7:45 & 9 p.m. Grand Central Station. a.m. NBC. Norman Schwarzkopf, 8 Mary Lee Taylor. Tues. Tale of Today. 6:30 p.m. p.m. CBS. speaker, 11:45 p.m. (12 mid. for West) Thurs. 11 a.m. (1:45 p.m. MBS. NBC. Time for Thought. Rev. Elden CBS. for West) CBS. Fibber McGee & Co. Donald H. Mills, speaker, 12:30 Tues. Thurs Novis; Billy Mills' Orch., Monday p.m. NBC. Star Theater. Adolphe Men- Mystery Chef. Andy. Mon. thru CHILDREN'S jou; Una Merkel; Charlie 9:45 a.m. (1 p.m. for 9:30 p.m. NBC. Amos 'n' NBC. For Men Only. Peter Van Fri. 7 & 11 p.m. NBC. Ruggles; Jane Froman; West) Arnold Grimm's Daughter. Sunday Saturday Kenny Baker; Max Rein- Of Men and Books. Prof. Steeden's Orch.; Peg La- Lou Rog- Message of Israel. Guest Centra, Fred ttal, 8:30 Mon. thru. Fri. 2:15 p.m. Animal News Club. hardt; Dave Broekman's John T. Frederick, 4:45 ers, 8:45 a.m. NBC. speaker, 7 p.m. NBC Orch., 9:30 p.m. CBS. p.m. CBS. p.m. NBC. CBS. N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 18 COMPLEXION LIKE RADIO GUIDE'S X -WORD PUZZLE PEACHES & CREAM 7. 3 4 6 7 9 10 If your skin is dry or oily -fair or muddy- clear or mottled -you will be delighted with S *s "Laksmi". This new skin and complexion dis- covery contains no mineral oil, wax, paraffin, borax or other artificial emulsion. Mixed with Smooth action pure dairy cream, "Laksmi" guarantees you a 12 13 14 16 17 makes him a star wholesome, exceptionally efficient beauty aid * performer on ice! for the entire family at a great saving. Con- Smooth shaving 19 ZO vince yourself how "Laksmi" improves your IS makes Star Single - complexion. Send for FREE TRIAL. Enclose Ils edge Blades star per- IOc to cover postage, packing and handling. 21 22 23 formers on your Laksmi,3807 N. LawndaleAve., Dept. GB, Chicago, III. face! Famous for keenness since 1880. 24 26 For Y,Nur Radio IU World's Master of Airways 27 28 29 30

MIRACLE RADIO CONTROL 32 33 34 Marvelous - Unbelievable For long and short wave amateur; police & ship calls; etc.-no fade 36 37 36 o out, foreign stations, clear and loud,' in use two years rom coast to coast; nothing like it on the market; easy tb attach to radio. List price $4.75. Ten day trial: 40 absolute satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. We will ship C.O.D. plus postage CI cash with order ship. 41 42 43 ped preyaf,l. Special factory adv. price $2.QraVV N/ MIRACLE MFG. CO., Conshohocken, Pa. 44 45 46Ili47

51 STAR 48 49 50 52 BLADES 54 55 56 57 56 59 FOR GEM AND EVER -READY RAZORS SIZABOUTE OF DIME GIVEN `::r 60 NOTHING TO BUY! GIRLS! LADIES! Send Name and Address. Charming Watch or Big Cash Commission. Send LLI LF No Money. Given for SIMPLY GIVING AWAY FREE 62 Big Colored Pictures with our well known White Cloverine 63 64 WAVE Your HAIR AT HOME Salve, used for burns, chaps, sores, etc., easily sold to friends at 25c a box (with picture FREE) and remitting per catalog. SPECIAL: Choice of 20 gifts for returning with "JACKET" Wave Setter only $3. Be first. 93rd year. Write today for order of Salve and Pictures, postage paid. HORIZONTAL 57. Musical instruments 7. Joe -, comedian New amazing devie, WILSON CHEM. CO., INC., Dept. 85.19, Tyrone, Pa. 1. A hunting expedition 58. Gratis 8. Soft, plastic earth gives you professional 5. Small snake of Egypt 60. Defensive arms 9. Ruby bandleader wave In 5 minutes - -, also re -sets your per- Florida 10. Hubbard, radio actress 8. 11. Star in the portrait 61. City in manent. Jackey does 12. Shut violently 52. Bird dwelling 12. - Kay, bandleader One Cent a Day for you, mechanically. 14. The betel leaf 63. Bunny bandleader 13. -It takes a bow -, exactly what the 15. Period of time 64. Moody 16. The soil beauty operator does Brings $100 a Month 18. Pertaining to aeronautics 17. Kay bandleader with her fingers and a -, comb, 19. Ennis, bandleader VERTICAL 22. Stick fast when she gives you a finger wave. It Over One Million Dollars in cash benefits have 20. -Numerous 2. Narrow lane 23. Mark bandleader -, took her 6 months to been paid by already to one -cent -a -day policyholders 21. Loy, screen star 3. Small tree of the peach 28. One who edits National Protective Insurance Co., the oldest and learn it, you can do it PAT. NO. 2100538 largest company of its kind. 23. -Merchandise family 30. Feminine name instantly by placing Their new policy pays maximum Principal Sum 24. Eccentric 4. Large wading bird 31. In Spanish America, a for- "Jackey" on your hair and merely pushing your benefits of $4,000, increasing to $6,000. Maximum 25. and the Pirates 5. Yearn for better things eigner thumb and forefinger together. It automatically monthly benefits of $100 are payable up to 24 draws any type of wave, void of amateurish look 26. -An emmet 6. Aquatic bird . 32. Johnny bandleader to months. Large cash sums are paid immediately for -, -best suited to your personality -saves $13.50 fractures, dislocations, etc. Also liberal benefits are 27. Large evergreen tree 33. Neck of land connecting $26.00 a year on beauty bill. Uses no heat; no paid for any and every accident. Same old price- 29. Pronoun Solution to Puzzle two larger portions electricity; no dangerous chemicals. Made of sturdy just one cent a day. Age limits for policy -men, 31. Jewel Given Last Week 34. Felix -, tenor comb -like material, lasts many years. Light as a women and children -ages 7 to 80 years. 33. Writing -fluid 36. Canal in New York feather, a child can handle it. Costs only $1.00. Just send $1.00 Or send Send No MONEY 35. announcer 38. Indigo dye for "Jackey" postpaid. Andre, your name and address and we'll ship C.O.D. For 10 days' free Inspection of policy, simply send name, 37. Musical composition 41. Emil bandleader relationship. ap- -, Pay postman $1.00 plus charges on arrival. Guar- age, address, beneficiary's name and No plication to fill out, no medical examination. After reading 39. Proves by experiment 43. Gus bandleader anteed as advertised in Good Housekeeping. It policy, which will be mailed to you, either return it or send 40. Wind around 45. Pierce with a sword not delighted we insist you return it within 10 $3.65, which pays you up for a whole year-365 days. 41. Stamped money 46. Fastidious days for your dollar back. Order today. Write National Protective Insurance Co., 913 Pickwick Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., today while offer is still open. 42. River in Arizona 48. Virginia -,songstress JACKET PRODUCTS, Box 61-%A, Louisville, Ky. 44. Portland Hoffa was born in 50. Gentle flow Portland, 51. Key note of musical scale 45. Source of light 52. Out in the ocean Aerial 47. Gustav -, famous com- 53. Spoken word F R E,E Eliminator poser 55. Part of "to be" 49. Sent out from a broadcast- 56. Destiny, fortune WITH NEW ing station 58. Pear-shaped fruit 54. Carried by post 59. Australian bird /N6 _ NOISE ELIMINATOR Now by simply attaehins With an ACCORDION your WONDER -TONE NOISE ELIMINATOR to your radii "TITO" tells you how! (long or short wave) distractio Whether you play an aecordios buzzes and clicks will vanish (or want to) you'll welcome a like magic. Entirely differ copy of "HINTS ON SWING HOLLYWOOD SHOWDOWN MUSIC FOR THE ACCOR- ant, this amazing new inven DION", by, TITO (of Tito tion insures thrilling, clear - tand his Swi ngtette). It con- tone reception on local and dis ains: arranging for swing, stations, 5 -DAY TRIAL hints to the swinnater, har- tant and temp*: for - mony,y,fngering OFFER. Send $1.00 (coin or stamps) your WONDER of Tito's swing ar- TONE NOISE ELIMINATOR -with Aerial Eliminator (Continued from Page 11) Crosby in "Paris Honeymoon"? That's rangements, and recordings. included FREE -ends the need for aerial wires! Re- it. More recently Angela tried her Also popularity of the so- turn merchandise after 5 days' trial, if you're not delighted ordion, future, developing go illusions pop; pop! hand at radio -writing. She wrote a your ability,.secrets of suc- WONDER -TONE LABS., Dept ..'i ñ ßëó your -pop, cessful playing, program send u (enclosing 1 00 They swear they've been drinking called "The Wanderer" and stamps or coin for postage nothing but tomato juice, but the NBC placed it on the air as a weekly t and handling)foryour co=; Hollywood Hotel staff is arousing your Wednesday night feature. The soft, MMMMMMMM JITTERMANIA EXCELSIOR, Dept Bg,e Newvyork is If you don't reporter's suspicions. Not long ago, dreamy voice of the Wanderer that play we will Bob Benchley of her husband, Bob Yep, alati send Narrt City Herbert Marshall gave Sherwood. you a FREE -A New Movie Menace? a $50 cello. The tone wasn't quite that's the same Bob Sherwood who is ACCORDION BOOK! Addreee State right to the unmusical ear of Benchley. the "punch" announcer (you'd like to I play an accordion I do not "Dangerous Business," famous psy- He examined the instrument and dis- punch) on the Jimmie Fidler pro- ow chiatrist warns in exclusive statement covered in its sound -box four lettuce grams. in SCREEN GUIDE. Is jittermania bad sandwiches, a match -cover, and three the movies cigar butts ... The other morning two Radio's such a youngster that you for morals? How will men in evening clothes were seen can hardly believe it's been going on fight it? Read Dr. Louis E. Bisch's walking down Hollywood Boulevard. now for nearly a score of years, but article and see SCREEN GUIDE'S They were producer Brewster Morgan on November 1 its age may be forcibly scoop pictures of two champion and writer John McClain, and they brought to your mind when Bill Hay, TATES "cats" cutting a rug. See them do the alibied that after a dinner party the Amos 'n' Andy's veteran announcer, UNITSD "Corrigan Cut" (so named because night previous they were struck by an celebrates his fifteenth anniversary as a GOVERNMENT they n'Nver know where they'll land). inspiration, went to their office and mikeman. Thirteen of those years, by START worked till 7:30 a.m. the way, have been spent with A&A- right from the day they started as $1260 to $2100 Year Revealed in Pictures in Angela Sherwood decided to try her Sam 'n' Henry over a Chicago station. Men -Women / FRANKLIN INSTITUTE hand at movie -writing. She did, and How many of you remember tuning in Rochester, N.Y. DECEMBER Thousands / Dept. 0190, her first story was bought by Para- Hay in 1923 when he announced Appointments Sirs: Rush to me without charge, O (1) 32 -page book with list of many mount Pictures. Maybe you saw Bing "K -F -K -X, Hastings, Neb-r-r-r-aska"? Each Year U. S. Government Big Pay Jobs. Qualify Now O (2) Tell me how to qualify for one of SCREEN GUIDE I0c O these jobs. The picture magazine devoted exclus- RADIO GUIDE'S PROGRAM LOCATOR APPEARS IN THE Mail Cou- / Name pon Today ively to Hollywood. ISSUE DATED THE SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Sure. / Address

N Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 19 Page 20 8/2 E SUNDAY THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMS SUNDAY

WHO-Demoeratle Committee MORNING Schedule Changes usually listed on this WIRE -Rhythm Makers Revue WJJDPigskia Previews WOWO-News 8:00 a.m. CST page can be found on page 34 this week WROK-News: Sunday Song Ser- Turn Back the Clock: WIRE vice (sw-21.5) WSUI-Campus Activities: World Bookman Coast to Coast on a Bus: WMAQ Log of Stations Listed in Edition WLW WMT KWK (sw-15.21) E-Midwestern 2:15 Sunday Drivers: KSD From the Organ Loft: News: Call Kilo- WCCO WBBM WKBB WFBM Power Net- Call Kilo- Power Net- The Three Cheers; WOWO Letters cycles Watts Location work Letters cycles Watts Location work (sw-21.52) On a Sunday Afternoon: KWK 8:15 KMOX 1090 50,000 St. Louis, Missouri CBS WISN 1120 1,000 WENR-Donald Novia, tar. Tom Milwaukee, Wisconsin CBS Terris: WIRE KOA(8 pm WHIP -Interstate Tunes 8:30 on) 830 50,000 , Colorado NBC -R WJBC* 1200 250 Bloomington, Illinois Local KSD 550 5,000 St. Louis, Missouri NBC -R WJJD 1130 20,000 Chicago, Illinois Local WJJD-Football; Chicago Bears Melody Moments: tVIRE (sw- vs. KWK 1350 5,000 St. Louis, Missouri NBC -B & MBS WJR 750 50,000 Detroit, Michigan CBS Chicago Cardinals 21.5) WLW-Charles WAAF 920 1,000 Chicago, Illinois Local WKBB 1500 250 Dubuque, Iowa CBS Sawyer WMT-Bean Wings Over Jordan: WKBB WBAA 890 1,000 West Lafayette, Indiana Local WKBH 1380 1,000 La Crosse, Wisconsin CBS Ball WSUI-Within the Classroom WFBM WBBM WCCO KMOX WBBM 770 50,000 Chicago, Illinois CBS WLS 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC -B (sw-21.52) WBOW 1310 250 Terre Haute. Indiana NBC W LW 700 500,000 Cincinnati, Ohio NBC & MBS 2:30 Second 9:00 WCCO 810 50,000 Minneapolis -St. Paul, Minn. CBS WMAQ 670 50,000 Chicago, Illnois NBC -R Guessers, Football Com- ments: WCFL 970 5,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC WMBD 1440 5,000 Peoria, Illinois CBS WO%VO WENR KWK Russian Melodies, dir. Alexander (,ts-15.21) Kiriloff: WLW WCFL (sw-15.21) WENR 870 50,000 Chicago, Illinois NBC -B WMT 600 5,000 Cedar Rapids and WFAM 1200 100 South Bend, Indiana CBS Waterloo, Ia. NBC -B & MBS Olympic Preview: WIBA the WCCO WHO Church of Air: KMOX WFBM 1230 5,000 Indianapolis, Indiana CBS WOC 1370 250 Davenport, Iowa CBS WBOW WMAQ WIRE WBBM WMBD WKBH WOC WGN 720 50,000 Chicago, Illinois MBS WOWO 1160 10,000 Fort Wayne, Indiana NBC -B (sw-21.52) WHA 940 5,000 Madison, Wisconsin Local WROK 1410 1,000 Rockford, Illinois Local People's Rally (Mennen Co.): This program celebrates the WGN WLW 25th anniversary of St. Thomas W HA St 820 50,000 Louisville, Kentucky CBS WSBT 1360 500 South Bend, Indiana CBS Church and T. Tertiva Noble's WHIP 1480 5,000 Hammond, Indiana Local WSUI 880 1,000 Iowa City. Iowa Local WAAF-Melody Medley 25th year as organist. WHO 1000 50,000 Des Moines, Iowa NBC -R WTAD 900 1,000 Quincy, Illinois Local WCFL-Health Ceusade WIBA 1280 5,000 Madison, Wisconsin NBC 1070 50,000 Cleveland, NBC -R The Radio Pulpit; Radio Choris- WTAM Ohio WHIP -Budapest Hour WIND 560 5,000 Gary, Indiana Local WTAQ 1330 1,000 Bay, CBS ters: WMAQ (sw-21.5) Green Wisconsin WROK-Week in Review WIRE 1400 5,000 Indianapolis, Ind. NBC -R WTMJ 620 5,000 Milwaukee, Wisconsin NBC 2:45 News: WTMJ WROK WMT Rangers' Serenade: WIBA WHO 9:15 Frequencies of Stations Carrying Rebroadcasts: KSL, 1130; KNX, 1050; KPO, 680; KOA, 830; KPRC, 920; WBAP, 800; WOAI, 1190; KFI, 640 WBOW WIRE Russian Melodies: WOWO KWK WMT WMAQ-To be announced 9:30 WMT-Sunday Afternoon Melodies To be announced: WMAQ WIBA N BC-National Broadcasting Company NOTICE: The programs as presented here were as correct WROK-Shilkret Serenade WBOW (sw21.5) CBS-Columbia Broadcasting System and as accurate as the broadcasting companies and RADIO GUIDE 3:00 MBS-Mutual Broadcasting System could make them at the time of going to press. However, emer- National Vespers: WENR Horn & Hardart Children's Hour: NBC-B-National Broadcasting Company gencies that arise at the studios sometimes necessitate eleventh Dr. Fosdick speaks on "The (sw-21.52) Basic Blue Network hour changes in program listings, time, etc. Unrecognized God." Broadcasting Company Dreams of Long Ago: KWK NBC-R-National If your favorite station is not listed at quarter or half hour Autumntime Concert, Joseph WCFL WOWO WMT Basic Red Network periods, consult the time listings immediately above. The chances Cherniaysky, cond.: WBOW t-Night Programs Only are that a network program of 30 or 60 minutes' duration is on the WLW WIRE (sw-9.53) Aubade for Strings: WKBB 'k-10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Only air at a quarter-hour when you do not find your station listed. WCCO WBBM WKBH WMBD Benay Venuta's Prgm: WGN WFAM WISN Symbols in parentheses, such as (sw-9.53), after a program listing indicates that this program may be heard by KWK PLEASE NOTE: tuning in 9.53 megacycles oa your short-wave dial. For foreign short-wave programs, please see page 36. KMOX-Piano Recital WAAF-Jimmie Kozak, pianist WAAF-The Orchestra Pit WBAA-Concert Review WFBM-Christian Men Builders WCFL-Komedy Kingdom WGN-Sunday Morning Concert WAAF-Music in the Air Juan Capistrano mission in Cal- WLW-Mary & Bob's True Story vs. Detroit WHO-Republican Committee ifornia again make their per- Lions WHIP -St. Adelbert's Mass WBBM-Piano Parade renial departure for points un- WMAQ-News: Sing an Old Song WJJD-Fred Beck, organist WIBA-Lutheran Hour WHO -Crescent Hour of Music WCFL-Hit Revue known. NBC will bring a de- WMT-Sunday Melodies: True Life WTAD-Keeping Step with the WJBC-Elementary Dept. WIND -Lew White, organist WFAM-Reverie scription of the event, cele- Drama Schools WMAQ-Strange As It Seems WIRE -Indiana University Prgm. WGN-U. of C. Chapel Service brated with songs by Ramon WOWO-Missionary Hour 1:30 WMT-Bishop Oxnam Yorba, an interview with the WLS-Little Brown Church WHIP -Doris Keane mission guide, Reyes Yorba, WROK-Dan, the Funny Man Fifth World Concert: WMBD WOWO-Temple Radio Service WLW-News WHO -M. E. Church Service and a talk by Father Hutchin- WTAD-Bible Story KMOX WKBH WCCO WKBB WROK-Old Refrains WOC-Crescent Hour of Music WIBA-First Congregational son. WTAQ WOC (sw-15.27) WSUI-Adventures of Story Land WTMJ-Masters of Rhythm WIND -Jewish Hour Great Plays: WENR WBOW 12:45 The Fifth Intercontinental 3:15 9:45 WISH -German Hour "Everyman," the famous mo- Talk by Elmer T. Andrews: Concert arranged by the Inter- WAAF-Newsroom national Radio Union of Geneva Oddities News: WIBA WLS WMT WMBD WJJD-Dr. Preston Bradley rality play first produced in WKBB WFBM KMOX WISN WCFL-Stars of Tomorrow 1529, will be dramatized. will be broadcast from Canada. 10:00 WLW-Cadle Tabernacle Choir WOC (sw-15.27) Canada Is the fifth 55 WIND -The Fifth Quarter More detail on page 4. The and ad- of the Charles Paul, organist: WCCO WMAQ-Thrills Behind the News "Wages Hours" countries that are members of WJJD-Dressing-Room Interviews Church of the Air: KMOX ministrator will talk from the Radio Union to originate WBBM WFAM WMBD WKBH Reels Washington, C. WMAQ-A Step Ahead with Nor. WCCO WFAM WBBM WOC D. i bese programs. Inaugurated in WKBB WOC WMBD-First Presbyterian Church 1936 to effect a better under- man Ross WOC-Musical Fanfares American Wildlife: WGN Bob Becker's Chats About Dogs, standing among nations through WROK-Music Graphs News; Alice Remsen, contr.: drama (Red Heart Dog Food): the use of radio, the WSUI-Within the Classroom KWK-To be announced world con- WSUI-Waltz Interlude WLW' WOWO WTAQ-Organ Recital WHO KSD certs are broadcast every six WAAF-Musical Hour months by a country chosen by 3:30 News; Pine Tree Tavern, sketch: WTMJ-Say It With Music WCFL-Mid Day Melody Mart WCCO-Exclusive the Union. They are available The World Is Yours; Smithsonian WIBA WBOW 11:15 WFBM-Song Hits WCFL-Curtain Calls to all 55 member -countries, more Institute Drama: WBOW WHO than 40 of which have already l WGN-Alice WIBA WIRE (sw-9.53) Shakespeare's E n g a n d: (sw- Blue, pianist WFAM-Young America on the Air indicated their intention of More on page 4. Edna Sellers ,organist: WGN varrying detail WIRE 15.33) WHIP -Hungarian Music WIBA-Interlude the CBC presentation WIBA-Tony Salerno's Orch. WIRE -Concert Hall to an aggregate audience esti- Lutheran Hour (Lutheran Lay- News: WAAF WTAQ mated at 100,000,000 KMOX-My Brother's Keeper WIND -German Hour WJJD-Sunday Melodies listeners. man's League) : WGN KWK WBBM-Voice of Romance WMT 10:15 WFAM-First Presbyterian Church WIRE -Sunday Newspaper WMAQ-Say It With Music Fifth World Concert: WMAQ Matinee Neighbor Nell, philosopher: WTMJ-Question Bee WISN-Radio WMBD-To be announced KSD (sw-15.33) WAAF-Matinee Melodies WOWO WMAQ WMT WLW KWK 11:30 WJBC-Organ Melodies WTAD-Blended Voices WAAF-Tower Tunes WCFL-News WKBB-Singing Strings Dawes, sop. WIRE Radio City Music Hall of the WTAQ-Clara WBBM-Dave Bacal, organist WENR-Vivian Della Chiesa, sop. by the Side of the Reviewing Stand: WGN Air: WLW WLW-Church WTMJ-Philip LaFollette WCFL-Hit Tunes of Tomorrow 1VHIP-Rt. Rev. Leon Grochowski 10:30 Road WFBM-Home Life Hour WIND -Organ Moods, Fred Beck Lake City Tabernacle Choir 1:00 Major Bowes' Capitol Family; Salt WKBH-Cathedral Hour WGN-Alice Blue, pianist WJBC-Church Choirs & Organ: WKBB WTAQ KMOX WMBD-News The Magic Key of RCA: Sym- Dalton Bros.; Nicholas Cosentino, WHO-Strange As It Seems WLW-Robt. A. Taft, talk WFBM WOWO-To be announced phony Orch.; Frank Black, dir.; Charles Magnante, accord- (sw-21.52) WISN-Bowling Highlights WMAQ-Question-Air with Bob tnr.; WSUI-Rhythm Rambles Milton J. Cross, m.c,; Guest: ionist; Sam Herman, xylophon- Univ. of Chicago Round Table WROK-True of Health: Brown WTAQ-Red Raven's Orch. WLW WMT WENR KWK WIRE Stories ist; Robt. Reed, m.c.; Waldo Discussion: WMAQ (sw-15.33) WIBA WOWO WTMJ WBOW Concert Hall WOWO-Lutheran Hour Mayo's Orch.: WFAM WKBB WAAF-Melody Parade 12:15 (sw-15.21) 1:45 WROK-North Shore String Trio WCCO WMBD WOC (sw-21.52) To be announced: WGN WMT Rose Rampton, Metropolitan Fifth World Concert: WMAQ WSUI-Iowa State League of Wo- WBBM-Waltz Time Opera singer, will be guest. The WCCO-World We Live In Meridian Music, dir. Walter Lo- KSD men Voters Southernaires: WOWO WMT last half hour of the program WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. W CI L -Varieties gan: WTMJ WMAQ WHO (sw- will be devoted celebration of WLS to WAAF-So You Want to Ride 3:45 WIND -Methodist Church Prgm. 15.33) Navy Day. Program will show, WBBM-Rep. State Committee Madrigal Singers: WBOW WLW Youth by pickups from Navy boats and WAAF-The Star, drama (sw-21.5) WIRE -Fountain of planes in all parts of the world, WCFL-Spanish Lesson WHO WIBA WCFL WLS-Howard Peterson News: WJBC WKBH WKBB WENR-To be announced WTAQ the activity of the Navy and WGN-Chats About Dogs 4:00 Los Cumbancheros: WGN WOC-Ports of Call will feature a description of WHO -News WCFL-Today's Hits, Buddy Clark Entertains; Doris WTMJ-That Was the Song current maneuvers. WJJD-Eddie Fitzpatrick's It Happened So Quick: KMOX WFBM-Bohemians Orch. Rhodes, songs; Mark Warnow's WBBM 11:45 WGN-Edna Sellers, organist Sunday Dinner at Aunt Fanny's: WROK-Bernice Whitchurch Orch.: WMBD WISN WBBM WTAD-Bessie Tabernacle Choir: WMBD WFAM KSD WMAQ WHO (sw-15.33) Dean Reinert WFAM KMOX WKBB WOC. 10:45 WIRE-Music of the Masters 2:00 Canary Chorus (Amer. Bird Prod- Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir: WMBD-For Men Only WCCO (sw-15.27)- The Farmer Takes the Mike: Philharmonic - Symphony Society ucts, Inc.): WGN KWK WKBH WROK-News: Musicale WKBB WFBM WCCO WBBM of N. Y.: KMOX WOC WBBM Musical Steel Makers, All Em- WTAD-Debutantes ployee Prgm. (Wheeling Steel KMOX-The Camera Speaks WBBM-Magic Numbers WOC (sw-15.27) WFAM WFBM WMBD WKBB WTMJ-Wisconsin Voters Corp.): WLW WGN WAAF-Let's Dance WCFL-Fashions on Parade WAAF-Remember with Joy WTAQ WCCO WISN (sw-15.27) 12:30 Music detail on page 8 this week. Dorothy Anne Cros will sing WBBM-Headlines WHIP -Gospel Melody Time Prgm. Beautiful Dreamer, Eloise Bosso Great Plays: WENR WBOW WCFL-Spotlight WIND -Rosario Bourdon's Orch. WIRE -To be announced WFAM-News; Hungarian Hour Sunday Drivers: WMAQ WIBA will offer Old Rockin' Chair, WTMJ WBOW (sw-15.33) 11:00 WMAQ-Say It With Music WGN-Don Pedro's Magic Violin the Steele Sisters will sing WMT-George Sir Venka's Orch Europe Calling: WKBB KMOX Teacher's Pet, the Millmen will Radio City Music Hall of the WHIP -Historic Poland Smoke Dreams: Orch., dir., Vir- offer Charmaine and the quartet Air; Symphony Orch., dir. Erno WSUI-Farm Flashes WCCO WFBM WKBH WISN WIND -Football Preview with ginio Marucci (H. Fendrich Ci- will sing Moonlight on the Rapee: KWK WOWO WLS (sw- WTAD-Football Resume (sw-15.27) Russ Hodges gars): KWK WLW WENR WMT Ganges. The Musical Steel- WTMJ-Harry Ford makers will offer Rachman) off's 15.21) Benno Rabinoff, violinist: WHO WISH -Polish Merrymakers Prelude in G Minor and the Excerpts from "Carmen," by KSD (sw-15.33) WJJD-European Roadways Dog Heroes, sketch (Thrive Dog orchestra will play The One Bizet, with Jan Peerce, Robert WROK-Dixon Community Hour Food): (sw-15.21) O'Clock Jump and A Bench in Weede, Viola Philo, Bertha Men with Wings, drama: WGN the Park. Glatz, Rosa Akersten and Louis AFTERNOON KWK WSUI-Musical Chats On a Sunday Afternoon: WGN Purdey. Opera Music detail on page a this week. News: WIBA WOC 1:15 Football; Green Bay Packers vs. Metropolitan Auditions WBBM-The Round Lake Funster WAAF-Musical Newsy Pittsburgh: WKBH WTMJ (Sherwin Williams Co.) : WENR Major Bowes: KMOX 12:00 WOWO KWK WMT (sw-15.21) Departure of the Swallows: WHO WFAM-Funny-Paper Man WCFL-Walkashow WAAF-Kourt of Knowledge Shakespeare's England: WTAM Contestants: Vicki Chase, col- WMAQ (sw-15.33) WIRE -To be announced WGN-To be announced WCFL-Concert Hour oratura soprano from Cincin- Church Services: WBOW WMT The famed swallows of San WJJD-Salon Ensemble WIND -Football; Chicago Cardinals WHIP -B. S. Patzkowski nati, Ohio: Robert Nicholson,

rYtid:..,Xd_-.s-_..., - - .ïM' :.- baritone, from New York City: A Tale of Today, drama (Princess WCCO-Drama Time E 8/2 Page 21 William Hoaaa, tease, from Good Listening for Sunday WCFL-Amateur New York City. Pat): WMAQ WLW (sw-9.53- Hour 15.21) Further details and Stations which will broadcast these program may be WIBA-Club Chanticleer found in the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated Uncle Ezra's Sunday Afternoon KSD-Life of a Song WIND -Charlie Agnew's Oreb. in Rosedale (Alta - Seltzer) : WBAA-Band Concert MORNING WKBB-Continental Nights SUNDAY WIRE WMAQ WHO WTMJ WCFL-Lithuanian Hour WMBD-Captains of Industry WIBA (sw-9.53) WHO -To be Announced 11:00 CST Radio City Music Hall. WROK-Little Theater Group For ether details see apeaeer's aw- WTAQ-Entertainment 23 nouncoment ea Otte peas. WIBA-Joe Tantillo's Orel. Symphony orchestra directed by Erno Rapee. Excerps October More detail as PAN 4. WIND -Concert Hour from "Carmen" will be presented, with Jan Peerce 9:15 WAAF-Musical WIRE -On to Victory WCCO-Bernie Bierman 10:15 Moderne and others. Irene Rich, drama (Welch Grape WBOW-Sunday Song Service WROK-Salvation Army String WENR-Vocal Varieties WSM KOA WCFL-John H. Lyle, talk Band 11:30 CST WIND -Eddie Neubaur's Orch. Juice): KPRC WRAP University of Chicago Round Table (also see 8:45 WFBM-Court of Human Relations WSUI-Musical Moods Discussion. WMBD-To be announced WHIP -First Slovak Hour WTMJ-Civic Concerts WTAQ-Dance Orch. Johnny Messner's Orch.: WENR WIND -News 5:45 AFTERNOON 9:30 WIBA WJBC-Brandt Sisters Hollywood Playhouse, Barry McKinley, bar.; Piano: drama Count Basie's Orch.: WMBD WROK-News: Concert Interlude WMT 12:00 CST The Flight of the Swallows. (Woodbury's): KOA KFI (also WSUI-Iowa State Medical Society The annual departure of the swallows from San Juan WOC WBOW-Quarter Hour Serenade see 8 p.m.) WTAQ-Ave Maria Capistrano Mission in California will be described. WHO-Headlines of the Weds News: WIRE WHO Good Will Hour (Ironized Yeast): KSD-Catholic Hour 4:15 WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air 12:00 CST Great Plays. WLW WBBM-Around the Dial KWK-Smiling Ed McConnell "Everyman," early English morality play, Is today's Talk by Col. Frederick Palmer: WCCO-Cedric Adams WCFL-Philip Warner, oiaaist offering. (sw-9.53) WIND-WPA Prgm. WGN-Dick Jurgens' Orch. NIGHT The American war correspon- WJR-Headlines & By -Lines WJJD-Dreaaing Room Interviews 1:00 CST The Magic Key; Symphony Music. dent speaks on "Prospects of WROQ-Freeport Studios World Peace." WLW-Los Amigos Address by Admiral Leahy and music featuring Navy WTAM-Music WSUI-Federal Symphony 6:00 You Want Day. Cheerio: Talk & Music: WTMJ WTAQ-Dance Orch. 4:30 Jell-O Prgm., starring Jack Benny KWK WENR WOWO (sw-11.87) 10:30 To be announced: WKBB WTAQ with Mary Livingstone Kenny 1:30 CST Fifth World Concert. Baker, tar.; Andy Devine; Phil Headlines & By -Lines with Gilbert Jell -0, starring Jack Benny with The Shadow (D. L. W. Coal Co.): Harris' Orch.: WMAQ WTAM 2:00 CST Philharmonic -Symphony Society of Seldes, Ralph Edwards & H. V. Mary Livingstone; Kenny Baker, WGN KSD WLW WHO WBOW WIRE New York. Kaltenbom: WISN WOC WKBH tnr.; Andy Devine; Phil Harris' WTMJ WIBA (sw-9.53) (also at John Barbirolli, conductor. WSBT WFBM WBBM KMOX Orch.: KPO KFI KOA (also see Ben Bernie & All the Lads with 6 p.m.) Lehr (Half Half Tobacco): 10:30 p.m.) WKBB (sw-11.83) Lew & pictures en page IS. 8:30 WBBM WISN WCCO KMOX CST The World Is Yours; Dramatization. WBOW-Leo Baxter's Orch. Ray Kinney's Orch.: WBOW WFBM (sw-15.27) (also KSL Edward Tomlinson Talks on 4:00 CST Uncle Ezra's Sunday Afternoon in WCCO-To be announced WHO (sw-953) KNX at 10 p.m.) South America: WENR KWK WHAS-Old Fashioned Revival (sw-11.87) Rosedale. WHO -James Melton & Vic Ar - Cab Calloway's Orchestra: WISN Vincente Gomez, guitarist: WIBA Dr. Francisco Castillo Naiera, 4:00 CST Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the den's Orch. WSBT WMBD WBBM WKBH WENR WBOW (sw-15.21) Mexican Ambassador to this WIND -The Walkathon WFBM WKBB WCCO WOC country, former president of the Air. WTAQ (sw-6.12) Paul Wing's Spelling Bee (Ener- League of Nations, and chair- WIRE -Answers gine): WMAQ WHO WIRE WLW man of the delegation from 4:30 CST Ben Bernie's Orchestra and Lew Lehr, WJR-The Hermits Cave; drama Abe Lyman's Orch.: WIRE WMAQ Mexico to the forthcoming Pan- 'WMAQ-Vocal Varieties KSD (sw-9.53) American Congress. will also be Comedian. Contestants: Traffic Police- heard. WMBD-Sunday Night Swing News: KWK WHAS men and Women Drivers. 5:00 CST Silver Theater; Conrad Nagel, m.c. WMT-Danceland Orch. KMOX-Headline Highlights The People's Platform: WHAS WENR-Earl Hines' Orch. KWK-Piano Recital Rosalind Russell and Jimmy Stewart will be featured WROK-Aloha Land KMOX WFBM WTAQ WBBM WTAM-Symphonic Variations WGN-Joe Sanders' Orch. WAAF-George Morgan, tar. this week and next week. WJR WKBH WCCO WISN WTAQ-Dance Orch. WIBA-Sunday Night Serenade WCFL-Union Label League WSBT (sw-11.83) 6:30 CST Show of the Week. WLW-Johnny Lewis' Orch. WFAM-Invitation to the Waltz A dinner -table discussion of 9:45 Headlines & By -Lines: WCCO WTMJ-Rhythm Time WHIP -Roseland Bethany Church what a liberal really is and NIGHT 10:45 WIND -Waltz Time what he stands for will be held between a New Dealer, a Larry Clinton's Orch.: WHO Cab Calloway's Orch.: KMOX WJBC-Women's Club radical, a conservative and an 6:00 CST Jack Benny, Comedian. (sw-9.53) WJR WHAS WJJD-The Oklahoma Outlaws individualist. Mary Livingstone, Kenny Baker, Andy Devine, Phil WKBH-Bert Castle's Orch News: WROK WTAQ WMT Ray Kinney's Orch.: KSD Stan Harris' orchestra. WMBD-To be announced Lomax, sports: WMT WCCO-Musicale WIBA-Aloha Land Abe Lyman's Orch.: KWK WMT-Reverend Chenault Sports Review: WKBB WMBD 6:30 CST Seth Parker; Down East Character. WOC-Gerry Morissey, songs WOC WIND -Brooks Connally, comm. WLW-Mel Snyder's Orch. WMAQ-Four Tonight WOWO-Church of the Nazarene WCFL-Typographical Union Talk 7:00 CST Variety Show; Ameche, Bergen, Mc- Stars 11:00 WSUI-Elementary German WGN-Dick Jurgens' Orch. Carthy, Eddy, Lamour, Canovas. WMBD-Money Matters Eddie Varzos' Orch.: WTAM 4:45 10:00 WIND -Polish Prgm. 7:00 WBOW WHO WMAQ KSD The Master Builder, talk: WIBA WROK-News: Organ CST Orson Welles and Mercury Theater. Walter Winchell (Jergens Jour- Orch.: WOWO WENR WBOW WSUI-Dinner Hour Prgm. Booth Tarkington's "Seventeen" will be enacted. nal): KOA WSM KPRC WBAP Freddy Martin's (also see 8:30 p.m.) WMT WIRE KWK (sw-6.14) KWK-Musical Prgm. 6:15 8:00 CST Ho l l y w o o d Playhouse; Starring Parkers WAAF-News Dick Jurgens' Orch.: WGN WMT Charles Boyer. Count Basic's Orch.: WTAQ Sunday Night at Seth WCFL-Oddities in the News WKBB WBBM WISN WCCO (Vicks): KOA KFI (also see News: WOC WKBB WMBD WFAM-W. P. A. Prges. 8:00 CST Sunday Evening WSBT KMOX WFBM 6:30 p.m.) KWK-Sports Review: News Hour; Symphony WIND -Don Cossack Russian Choir M usic. News: Don Bestor's Orch.: Jerry Blaine's Orch.: WGN WJBC-Lillian Lynch WROK-Veterans of Foreign Wars: Organ Music Jose Iturbi, conductor; Lawrence Tibbett, soloist. WMAQ WBOW WTMJ Henry King's Orch.: WISN WJJD-Suppertime Frolic 6:30 WTAQ WBBM WKBB WCCO WOC-Romance in Rhythm 8:30 CST American Album of Familiar Music. Old Fashioned Revival: WIND Passing Parade (Gulf Oil); John KMOX WMBD WJR WOC WFBM WTAD-Baraey Thompson WMT WCFL WIRE (sw-6.12) 5:00 Conte; John Nesbitt; Al Garr, 8:30 CST Walter Winchell; News and Gossip. tnr.; Oscar Bradley's Orch.; News: Johnny Messner's Orch.: To be announced: WTAQ WCFL-Pentecostal Church WKBB WHAS WJR 9:00 CST Horace Heidt and His Orchestra. KWK (sw-11.83) WENR-Music As You Desire It Silver Theater, Dramatic Prgm.; News: WMBD WOC Fitch Bandwagon; Guest Orch.: WHAS-Dance Band Conrad Nagel, m.c.; Guests (1847 WENR-News; Globe Troter WHO WBOW WMAQ WIRE WIBA-Club Chanticleer Rogers Brothers) : WISN WCCO WGN-Concert Orch. WIBA WTAM KSD WIND -Gene Eve's Orch. WBBM KMOX WFBM WLS-Don Kelley's Sport Scoop WIBA-Master Singers WHO -Johnny at the Piano WKBH-Weather Rosalind Russell and Jimmy Week -End Potpourri: WOC WROK-Freeport WIBA-Night News Edition Stewart will be starred. Studios WIND -Sunday Evening Club WLW-Moon River, Poems, Organ Mote detail on page 4. WKBH WCCO WKBB WMBD WSUI-Children's Hour WJR-Jack King, news WTMJ-Dance Orch. 8:30 WKBH-Dance Orch. Catholic Hour: WMAQ WBOW 7:15 11:30 Sunday Night at Seth Parker's: Walter Winchell (Jergens Jour- WLW-Paul Sullivan, news WIBA WIRE (sw-9.53) Bach Cantata Series: KWK nal): One Man's Family: KPO KFI Drama & Music (Vicks) : WTMJ WENR WMT WLW KWK WOWO-Back Home Hour Rev. J. J. McLarney, O.P., (sw-11.87) (also (also see Wed. Prgm. at 9 p.m.) takes for the title of his ser- WMT WENR KWK (sw-11.87) WLS-News at 10 p.m.) WTAM-News: Tom Ireland: Mu- (also at 11 p.m.) 7:30 mon "Liberty." American Album of Familiar Mu- sical Bulletin Board End of Sunday Programs Out of the West; Ernest Gill's sic (Bayer's Will Osborne's Orch.: WGN KMOX-The Onward Road WBOW Aspirin); Frank WBBM-Wayside Orch.; Narrator: WMT Munn, Theater WLS (sw-11.87) tnr.; Jean Dickenson, New Friends of Music; Concert WCFL -W alkashow sop.; Buckingham Choir; Arden Orch., Fritz Stiedry, conductor: WGN-Joe Sanders' Orch. WGN-Tiny Hill's Orch. & Arden, piano duo; Bertrand KWK WISN-Down Hirsch, Music detail On page 8 this week. by Herman', WIND -Charlie Agnew's Orch. violinist; Elizabeth Len- WLW-Peter Grant, news WSUI-Evening Musicale nox, contr.; Gus Haenschen's UNCLE KSD-News: Rosario Bourdon's WROK-Lone Ranger 7:45 Orch.: WHO KSD WIRE WMAQ Orch. WTAQ-News WSUI-The Writer Himself WTAM WIBA WTMJ KOA (sw- s, 1 WAAF-Shadowland 6:45 8:00 9.53) WCFL-Evening Bells EZRA KMOX-France Lau., sports Hollywood Playhouse, a WBOW-Social WENR-Sach's Amateur d r ma, Securities Prgm. Hour WCFL-Douglas Wilson starring Charles Boyer (Wood- WGN-News: Sports WHIP -I Am the Law of Life WKBB-Pop Concert bury): WENR WMT WLW KWK WKBB-Musical Clock WHO-Songfellows WLW-Jimmy James' Orch. WMBD-Men N. B.C. -Sunday (sw-11.87) (also at 9:30 p.m.) for Work WIND Dancing Party WMBD-Rashid Sisters WSUI-Songs and Melodies Is Back on WKBH-Jules Lande Ensemble WTAQ-Entertainment Ford Sunday Evening Hour; Red WLW-Sing Time 7:00 Symphony Orch., dir. Jose Iturbi: 8:45 Network WMBD-To be announced Chase & Sanborn Hour; Don WOC WJR WBBM WISN WSBT Irene Rich, drama (Welch Grape The Air! WMT-Evening News Ameche, m.c.; Edgar Bergen and KMOX WTAQ WCCO WFBM Juice) : WENR WMT KWK WLW WOC-Romantic Museinga Charlie McCarthy; Nelson Eddy. WHAS WKBH (sw-11.83) (sw-11.87) (also at 10:15 p.m.) SUN. WSBT-Moment Musicale bar.; Dorothy Lamour, sop.; Soloist: Lawrence Tibbett, baritone. WBOW-On With the Dance New half hour TUES. WSUI-Elementary Spanish Judy, Annie & Zeke Canova: Music detail on page 9 this week. WTAD-News Robert Armbruster's WGN-Bob Crosby's Orch. show every Sun- Orch.; WSUI-Daily Iowan FRI. WTMJ-Lone Ranger Guest: KSD WIRE WMAQ WHO Manhattan Merry -Go -Round (Dr. of the Air day afternoon, 5:15 WIBA WTMJ WTAM WLW Lyons); Pierre LeKreun, tnr.; 9:00 KSD-Federal Agent, drama (sw-9.53) Men About Town. trio; Rachel Good Will Hour (Ironized Yeast): Quarter hour every Tuesday WHO-Vox Pop Carley, vocalist; Don Donnié s WGN and Friday night. Hear this WKBH-To be announced The Mercury Theater with Orson Orch.: WTAM KSD WMAQ WHO Horace Heidt's radio character in a WMBD-Al Flo & Billie Welles: WJR WSBT WCCO KOA WIRE (sw-9.53) Alemite Briga- popular WHAS WTAQ KMOX WKBB diers: WHO KOA WIRE KWK WMT-Dance Orch WBOW-Songs show that is new, different and WROK-Musicale WKBH WFBM WBBM WOC Styled by Marian WLW WTAM WMAQ (sw-9.53) WISN WMBD (sw-11.83) Mace Mary Pickford will read the better than ever! 5:30 WCFL-Irish Hour poem "Teach Me to Love"; Laugh Liner (Wrigley's Gum) Booth Tarkington's charming Choir of Christ's Church, New story of adolescence, "Seven- WGN-Your Sunday Date: Orch. York City. Billy House, comedian; Jack Ful- teen," will be presented. & Soloists WMAQ WTMJ WIBA ton, tnr.; Carl Hohengarten's Out of the West; Ernest Gill's WIBA-The New Norway Accent on Music: WISN WSBT SUNDAY Orch.: WOC WMBD KMOX WIND -Concert Review WKBH WFBM WJR WKBB WOC WSBT WFBM WCCO WKBH Orch.; Vocalists; Narrator: WMT 4:00 to 4:30 P.M., CST WBOW (sw-11.87) WKBB-Review of the News KMOX WHAS (sw-11.83) WTAQ WBBM WKBB WMBD-Music Call Russ Morgan's Orch.: WOWO WMAQ WTMJ New Friends of Music: Bach Cantata: WGN WROK-Swedish Free Church WBOW Music detail on page 9 this week. WMT WENR WTMJ TUESDAY and FRIDAY The Show of the Week: Ray WSUI-Dept. of Speech Prgm. 9:45 to 10:00 P.M., CST Perkins, m.c. (Chrysler Corp.): KWK-Old Fashioned Revival WTMJ-Musical Spelidown KSD-Console Reveries Guest Orch.: WISN WGN WCFL-Jack Kelly's Orch. 8:15 WBBM-Riddles in Rhythm More detail on page 4. WIND -Eddie Neibaur's Orch. WBOW-Musical Workshop WBOW-Caravan of Song Sponso ed By ALKA-SELTZER Page 22 8/2 E WROK-Town Crier WTAQ-Hollywood on Parade WJJD-Anything Can Happen WSUI-Morning Melodies: Service Good Listening for Monday WTMJ-Bettv and Bob, sketch WKBH-Avanelle De Witt Sings Reports Further details and stations which will broadcast these programs may be WMT-Question Man: Varieties found in the adjacent columns at the time hereunder 11:15 WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. program indicated The O'Neills, sketch (Ivroy WOWO-Purdue Agricultural Prgm. MONDAY WTMJ-Those Happy Gilmans Soap): WMAQ WLW WSBT-News; Stork Report; 9:00 MORNING Farm Flashes Paul Page, songs: WBOW WOWO 8:05 CST Breakfast Club; Don McNeill, M. C. Her Honor, Nancy James, sketch WSUI-Rhythm Rambles 24 (Kleenex) : WBBM KMOX October WCFL McNeill and his gang celebrate the sixth anniversary WTAD-Musical Moments WCCO WFBM 12:15 Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava of the club. Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) To be announced: WKBB 11:30 WBBM KMOX WCCO WISN CST Farm and Home Hour. Judy & Jane: WCCO WGN Pictures and review on pages 6 MORNING Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch and 7. (Wonder Bread): WISH WFBM KSD-Xavier Cugat's Orch. NIGHT K W K-Swingtime WCCO KMOX WBBM WOC Let's Talk It Over: (sw-15.33) 6:30 CST Eddie Cantor, Comedian. WAAF-Willie Winn 7:00 a.m. CST WKBB WFAM-Merrie Goodyear Farm Radio News: Mad Russian, Sid Fields, Walter King, Carroll and Melodies Milt Herth Trio: WBOW (sw- WHIP -Marjorie Warren, songs WMAQ WLW KWK WIBA Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, Fairchild's orchestra. 21.5) sketch (Old English Wax): WHO -Caroline's Golden Store WBOW Bob Byron, songs: (sw-21.52) WMAQ WIRE WHO KSD 7:00 CST Al Pearce's Gang; Comedy and Music. WIBA-Editor's Daughter News: WKBB WJJD WOWO WIND-Priscilla, pianist WKBH WIBA Elmer Blurt; Arlene Tizzie Mack; WIRE WFBM Musical Clock: Nation's School of the Air: WLW Harris; Lish; Haywire WIRE -Linda's First Love WIRE WOC WKBB Carl Hoff's orchestra. WBAA-Sports 7:15 News: WAAF WROK WMT KWK WISN-Morning Musicale WCFL-Walkashow WFAM-Concert WJBC-Paradc of Bands Gene & Glen, songs: (sw-21.5) Time 7:30 CST Symphony Orchestra with Margaret WGN-Luncheon Music WGN-The Party Line Speaks, Soprano. WJJD-Criminal Court Interviews WHIP -Englewood Hour Eton Boys: (sw-21.52) WHA-Your Health WKBH-Club Calendar WHO-Dinner Hour Concert WHIP -Down the Mississippi WMBD-Honeymoon Latte News: WMT WHO 8:00 CST Radio Theater; Cecil B. DeMille, WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WIBA-Organ Melodies Producer. WMT-Magic Kitchen WJBC-Hot vs. Sweet Musical Clock: WBOW WHIP WOC-Caroline Ellis 7:30 WIND -Headline Music Carole Lombard in "She Married Her Boss." WKBH-Man on the Street; WJJD-Gene Austin, songs WTMJ-Hymns of All Churches Luncheon Music Musical Tete -a -Tete: WHO (sw- WKBH-Olive Hagen, organist 8:00 CST WM13D-Town Crier: Fark Markets 21.5 ) Spitalny's All -Girl Orchestra. 11:30 WMBD-Messenger: Weather Dorothy Thompson, commentator. Romance of Helen Trent, sketch WMT-Voice of Iowa: Markets Robinson's Harmonicas: (sw- WSUI-Within the Classroom: (Edna Wallace Hopper); Virginia WOC-Jacksprat Melodies 21.52) Greek Epic in English, Prof. 8:30 CST Symphony Orchestra. Clark: WBBM KMOX WROK-Column Left, news Dorante S. White WSBT-In Movieland Musical Clock: WMBD WBBM WTAQ-Theater Organ with Em 8:30 CST Eddy Duchin and His Orchestra. Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: Guest WMT 12:30 Owen 9:00 Speakers: WMAQ WIBA WBOW News: WKBB WTAQ WHIP CST True or False; Quiz Program. KWK (sw-15.21) Road of Life, sketch (Chipso): WTMJ-What's Newt KMOX WBBM 7:45 9:15 9:00 CST Contented Hour; Musical Program: Farm Credit Admin- George Perrine, talk: WTAQ Variety. istration sketch titled 'Does Jane Arden, sketch (Ward Bak- Marek Weber, director; Lullaby Lady; Continentals Industrial Credit Fit the Farm- Pauline Alpert, pianist: KWK (sw-21.52) ing Co.): WLS KWK (sw-15.21) Hove Hambidge, quartet. er's Needs"; Words & Music: (sw-15.33) Radio Rubes: WLW (sw-21.5) John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis editor, Yearbook of Agriculture 9:00 ou ''Soils and Men-Here Are News: WHO WOC Philippe) : WMAQ WIRE WHO CST Guy Lombardo's Orchestra. Musical WKBB Some Remedies": Wallace "fad- Rascals: WTAQ Clock: WHIP KSD derly ou "Farm Science and Rhythm WTMJ 8:00 Business News". WBAA-Luncheon Dance Time Myrt & Marge, sketch (Super News: Breakfast Club: Vocalists: WBOW-Strcet Reporter Suds) : KMOX WFBM WCCO News: WCFL WHIP WCCO-Musical Prgm. Don McNeill, m.c.; Orch.: WCFL KSD-Heart of Julia Blake WISN WBBM WMBD David Harum, sketch WIND -Mid WCFL-Curtain Calls WBOW (sw-21.5) (Bab -0): Morning dance WAAF-Live Stock Market; Sweet More detail on page 4. Josh Higgins of Finchville: KSD KSD WIRE WMAQ WHO (sw- WJBC-Dollar Daze WFBM-Stepmother & Slow WGN-Markets; Maxwell, tnr.: WFAM WOWO WCFL WBOW WMT (sw- 15.33) WJJD-Joe Alexander, organist Mid -day Service Richard WCCO-Those Happy Gilmans WHA-Farm Prgm. KMOX WOC WTAQ WKBB 15.21) WKBB-House of MacGregor The Story of Mary Marlin, WKBH-Arkansas WFAM-Harlan Hogan WHIP -What Can They Do WFBM (sw-21.52) Nation's School of the Air: WLW Travelers WFBM-Town Crier: Hoosier Farm sketch (Ivory Soap): WLS (sw- WLW-News- WIBA-Noon News: Markets News: WKBB WOC 15.21) Livestocks: River: Circle News: The Band Goes to Town: Weather: Markets WIND -Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue WLW WAAF-Rhythm Rhapsody Originalities: WIBA WMT WGN-Quin Ryan's News Eyes, hillbilly songs WGN-Betty Crocker WMT-Tom Owen's Cowboys WHA-Organ Gems WOC-Radio WIRE -Reporter News: WKBH WMBD WJJD WHA-Wis. Political Forum KMOX-Jean Abbey, talk Bazaar WHO-Myrt & Marge, sketch Musical Clock: WIBA WROI( WOWO-Linda's First Love WISN-Musical Heat Wave WIND -Priscilla Holbrook. pianist KWK-Singing Cowboys WIND -Organ Moods W'.I,I1) Loop Noon Day Service WMT WJJD-Board of Education WAAF Woman's Page WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Woman's WIRE -Farm Hour Forum WKBB-Man on the Street KWK-Bedtime Stories for Night - WKBH-Music Makers WBBM-The Heart of Julia Blake WISN-Organ Melodies Watchmen WSUI-The Book Shelf WLS-Checkerboard Time WROK-On the Mall WBOW-Christiansacience Prgm. WJBC-Singing Sam WLW-Voice of the Farm 8:15 W TAD -Party Line WTAQ-Crimson Trail WCCO-Ma Perkins, sketch WJJD-Safety Court WMAQ-News: Montana Slim, songs; News: WTAQ-News: Merr-v Go Round Sing An Old Song 9:30 WCFL-Variety Prgm. WKBB-What's Where on the Air: WMBD-Farm News WFAM WKBH WTAQ WKBB WGN-Morning Melodies 10:45 Farm Flashes: Do You Want a WFBM (sw-21.52) Hilltop House (Palmolive Soap): WMT-Hillbillies: Joe Doakes WHA-Homemakers Aunt Jenny's Stories (Spry): Job? WOWO-Honolulu Serenaders WISN WMBD KMOX WBBM WIND -Traffic Court KMOX WMBD WFBM WBBM WKBH-Rhapsody and Rhythm The Family Man, poetry and WCCO WROK-Couple on the Street: In- philosophy: (sw-21.5) WJBC-Theater Time WISN WCCO Livestock Quotations terlude Just Plain Bill, sketch (Koly- WJJD-Journal of Livine WLS-Gene & Glen WSBT-The Day Dreamer Family Man: KSD WKBB-Hollywood Reporter Viennese Ensemble: WBOW WLW-News: Livestocks: Poultry nos) : WMAQ WIRE WHO WMT WCFL (sw-21.5) WTAD-Farm: Weather: Markets KMOX-Ozark Varieties WKBH-Home Economics Prgm. Reports WTMJ-Rhythtn Rascals Norman Cloutier's Orch.: WCFL WLW-Heart of Julia Blake Kitty Keene, Inc.. sketch WMBD-Thrift Message: Jack Ly- WHA-Morning Melodies 12:45 WHIP -Stars Over Manhattan Madame Courageous, sketch (Dur- WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue (Dreft) : WHO on, organist WSUI-Homemakers' Forum WMT-Sweet and Swing Those Happy Gilmans, comedy WHO -Fruit Reporter kee's Margarine) : WLW WLS WTAD-News The Road of Life, sketch (Chip - WOC-Hymns of All Churches sketch (Corn-Kix): WLW WMAQ WIND -The Passing Show KWK so) WMAQ WTMJ WLW KSD (sw-15.21) WIRE -Carl Baker WTMJ-True Stories 1V.111 -O -Con solaires WTAD-Ben Bernie WJJD-The Toastmaster WAAF-Canary Serenade 10:15 Getting the Most Out of Life Gospel Singer; Edward MacHugh, WLW-Myrt & Marge, sketch WBOW-Club Reporter (Fleischmann's Yeast) (sw- WTAQ-Mailman bar.; Organ (Ivory Soap): WFAM-Shoppers' Guide Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): 15.21) WTMJ-Heinie and Dinty WMT-Gospel Baritone WLS WLW Isw 15.21) KMOX WBBM WCCO Clock WFBM-Mrs. Farrell's Kitchen of Pictures and review on pages 0 11:45 WOC-Musical To be announced: WIBA WIRE Voice of Experience (Lydia E. WSUI-Education Notes the Air and 7. Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: WLW WGN-Get Thin to Music KSD-Just Plain Bill Pinkham): WCFL WIRE KWK 8:30 Lorenzo Jones, sketch (Phil- KWK-News: Musical Interlude Our Gal Sunday, sketch (Ana- WHA-Afield with Ranger Mar lips): WMAQ WIRE WHO KSD News: WKBH WTAQ Joyce Jordan. Girl Interne. WHIP -Music Box WAAF-Novelettes cin): WBBM KMOX sketch (Calox Toothpowder & WFAM-Jane WBAA-Rosemary Robinson, piano WIBA-Church of the Air Ruth Carhart. songs: WFAM Arden, sketch WBOW Luncheon Solidified Albolene): WBBM 11 Painted Cobwebs & Cadenzas: WCFL Dance Music WIND -Down South G Dreams WFBM-Community Fund: Bohe- WJJD-Adult Education Council Breen & de Rose. songs: WIBA WHA-Wis. Interesting Places KSD-Lady Courageous Happy Jack, songs: KSD KWK WBOW mians (sw-21.5) WKBB-Eb & Zeb WHIP -Morning Concert WAAF Myrna Dee Sergent. talk WHIP-Airlane Dance WIND -News & Livestock Reports WKBH-Questions & Answers Party Line: WFBM WMT WCCO-Grandma Travels WHO-Lem & Martha Troubadors: WKBH (sw-21.52) WJBC-Peggy Payne, pioneers WMT-Radio Gossip Editor's Daughter, sketch: WFAM-Homespun Verse WIND -News & Livestock Reports Breakfast Club: WOWO WOC-WPA Prgm. WBBM WOWO WJ,1D-Dick Jtlrgens' Orch. WFBM-Market Reports: Farm WKBB-Pet Corner WBOW-Radio Gospel WOWO-Tri-Topics KMOX-Let's Compare Notes WKBB-Treasure Chest Bureau Prgm. WLS-Livestocks: Listeners' Mike WCCO-Hymns of All Churches WROK-Morning Varieties KWK-Great Works of Man WKBH-Famous Homes - WGN-Man on State Street WMBD-Colonel Beeney: Noonday WLS-Market WFAM-Your Engagement Book WTAD-Ma Perkins, sketch WAAF-Jen & Birdie Reports: News WHIP -String Fantasies Frolic WOC-Screenfans Prgm. WFBM-Roundup WTAQ-Round-Up WCCO-Tena 8y Tim WHO -Hilltop House, sketch WMT-Tune Time WOWO-Party Line, sketch WHO -Those Happy Gilmans WTMJ-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WCFL-Variety Prgm. WISN-Dance Music WOC-Old & New Rhythms WROK-Freeport Studios WJBC-Reid & Vin WIBA-Today's Almanac; Society 9:44 WGN-Bachelor's Children WOWO-Ambrose & Mary Lou Reporter WHIP -Alice Oleson, pianist WTAD-Those Happy Gilmans WKBH-Hits & Encores WROK-Home Folks Hour Woman in White, sketch (Pills- 11:00 WLS-Illinois State Cornhusking WIRE-Prgm. Highlights WTMJ WISN-Attn Leslie's Scrapbook WSBT-Man on the Street WKBB-Chancel Steps bury) WMAQ WIRE Mary Margaret McBride, column- Contest WHO KSD WJBC-Women in the News WROK-Round the Town WLS-The P -X Ranch WKBB-What's New ist (La France & Satina): WOC WMBD-Polly of the Range WTMJ-Sidewalk Reporter WLW-Hilltop House, sketch Asher & Little Jimmy: WIBA WKBH-Your Home Prgm. WFBM KMOX WBBM WCCO WMT-News: Frank Voelket, or- 1:00 WMAQ-Whistler & His Dog; News (sw-21.5) WMBD-Linda's First Love WFAM WMBD WISN ganist Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Med- WMBD-Bandwagon WOC-Morning Melodies WOC-Farrn Bureau al): WIRE WMAQ WLW WHO Stepmother, sketch (Colgate): KSD-News: Tel -a -Tunes WMT-Musical Clock WROK-Musicale KWK-Texas WOWO-Market Service KSD (sw-15.21) WBBM WCCO KMOX Drifter Town WROK-Morning Devotions WSUI-Yesterday's Musical Fa- WAAF-Train Time, interviews WROK-Round the WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air WSUI-Farm Flashes Irene Beasley, R. F. D. No. 1: Singing Strings: WMT vorites WBAA-Amer. Institutions:: News WOC WSBT WKBB WFBM WTAD-Interchurch Devotional WTAD-Bea & Vea WTAQ-Farmhands sketch (Oxydol): WBOW-Presentation Grenadiers WISN (sw-15.27) WTAQ-Sunshine Hour Ma Perkins, WTAQ-Black and White, twin WCFL-Peekers in the Pantry WTMJ-Heinie's 8:45 WLS (sw-15.21) pianos WGN-Manhattan Mother, sketch Adventures in Reading: (sw- The Wife Saver, Allen Prescott: News: WMBD WISN WTMJ-Blue Room Ensemble WHA-Magazine Rack 15.33) KSD (sw-21.5) KWK-The Party Line 10:30 WHO-Vic & Sade AFTERNOON Two on a Shoestring, sketch Time WIBA-Linda's First Love Bachelor's Children, sketch (Old WAAF-Dance Family, sketch (Oakland Chemical Co.): WGN WBOW-Teachers College Hour: Pepper Young's WIND -Bob Atcher and Bonnie Dutch Cleanser) : KMOX WCCO The Modern and the Past, an (Camay Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) Blue Eyes, songs 12:00 Man on the Street: WMBD WTAQ Breakfast Club: WIRE interview with Wayne Schomer Story of the Month: WCFL WIRE-Singin' Sam The Goldbergs, sketch (Oxydol): WBBM WOC WKBB WCCO WBBM News: WHIP WIND WCFL Bittersweet Melodies WBOW WJBC-Surprise Party KMOX-On KMOX Tomorrow (sw-15.27) KWK-Backstage Wife KWK-Pop Wise & Filbert WGN-Musical Mail Box Big Sister, sketch (Rinso): WJJD-Bureau of Missing Persons WAAF-Symphonic Encores: Don WBBM-Troubadors WHIP -Women & The Home WCCO WBBM WISN WMBD WKBB.Book of the Hour The Happy Gang: WGN WFAM-Morning Devotions WIND -Musical Varieties KMOX WFBM WKBH-Magic Violin Bolt, commentator WJJD-Tommy Tucker's Orch WLS-Martha Crane; Helen Joyce; News: WMBD WJBC WIND WBAA-Town Crier WFBM-Apron Strings Young Widder Brown, sketch WHO-Musical Clock WKBB-Rhythm & Romance Otto & Novelodeons KMOX-Ma Perkins, sketch WBOW-Farm Visits: Sportcasting (Cal-Aspirin) : WIRE KSD WHO WLW-Editor's Daughter, sketch KSD-News: Markets WCCO-Noon Extra WJJD-Chicago Tuberculosis In- WKBH-Swing Interlude (sw-15.33) WLW-The Goldbergs, sketch WMAQ WMAQ-The Carters of Elm Street, WAAF SymphonicHour WCFL-Spotlight Prgm stitute Prgm. Forum WHA-Wisconsin Political Forum WKBB-Today's Almanac WOC-Melodic Variations Do You Remember?: WIBA sketch WBAA-Agricultural WOWO-Modern Home Forum WMT-Tom Owens' Cowboys WCFL-Hit Review WHIP -Rhapsody in Brass WKBH-Uncle Bob Get Thin to Music: KWK WFBM-Bohemians WIBA-Dane County Hour WLS-Hal Culver; Melody Weavers WSUI-Prgm. Calendar: Weather WOWO-Farm Flashes: Billboard Keene, Inc.. sketch WAAF Swing High WSUI-Within the Classroom: WHA-Noon Musicale WIND -Lupi Italian Hour WLW-Linda's First Love, sketch WTAD-Kitty Church Hou, WKBH-Ma Perkins, sketch Nor- 10:00 WFAM-Health Talk: Lou Pike Shakespeare, Prof. John W. Ash- WHIP-Southtown WMAQ-A Step Ahead with WLS-School Time: Early Amer -- Deep River Boys: WFAM WFBM WGN-Don Pedro's Magic Violin ton WHO -Markets & Weather man Ross for the Ladies W1SN E ''nn ,.nd I can Composers WMBD-Jays Women of Today WISN WMBD WTAQ WOC WHIP -Monitor Views the News WTAD-All

- --....s..-- WMT-Hillbillies: Happy Returns W'TAD-Hannibal Prgm WROK-Ma Perkins KSD-Washington U. Educaláccal E 8/2 Page 23 WOWO-Richard Trojan 2:15 WSUI-Daughters of the Ameri- Series WSUI-Illustrated Musical Chats, Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, sketch: can Revolution Prgm.: The Ar- WAAF-Sport Shorts NIGHT Mozart, Symphony in G Minor WMAQ WTMJ WHO KSD WLW my's Plan for Peace, Lieut. Col. WBAA-Story Book Hour WTAD-News H. E. Pride, Ames. Coast Ar- WBBM-Todd Hunter MONDAY Rochester Civic Orch.: WCFL WCCO-Front Page Parade 6:00 WTMJ-Daily Bulletin Board tillery Reserve Kaye's Orch.: WHAS WMT Prgm. WGN-Melody Time Sammy 1115 WTAD-Hannibal WMBD (sw-11.83) Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch KMOX-One Woman's Opinion WTAQ-Herman Daumler, violinist WIND -Swing Quartet (Gold Medal): WIRE WMAQ KWK-Jam Session WTMJ -Variety Revue WJBC-Screen Guide Gossip Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's October 24 WHO WLW WTMJ KSD (sw- WBAA-Melody Moments 3:45 WJJD-Suppertime Frolic Soup): WTAM KSD WLW (also 15.21) WBBM-Meet the Misses Matinee Promenade: WTAQ WOC WKBH-Kiddies' Hour at 10 p.m.) WCCO-Musical Prgm. WFBM WFAM WKBH WISN WLW-Paul news KWK-Sports Review: News Sullivan, WBBM-Rep. Committee Enoch Light's Orch.: WKBH WGN-Kaffee Klatsch WMBD WKBB (sw-15.27) WMAQ-Concert Miniature Alias Jimmy Valentine, sketch State WSBT WKBB WFBM WTAQ WHIP -Dancing Party (Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder): WCCO-North Star School WIBA WTAD-Lawrence Glosemeyer WOC WISN WIND -Matinee Variety Club Matinee: News: WTMJ-Around tire Town WENR WMT WOWO KWK (sw- WCFL-Pop Tunes WENR WOWO (sw-1521) 11.87) WFAM-Down the Avenue To be announced: WCFL WJJD-Two of A Kind 5:00 WLS-Homemakers' Prgm. WFBM-Piano Twins , sketch; Betty Winkler Science in the News: WCFL News: WFBM WMAQ WGN-Concert Orch. As You Like It: WMT WGN WMBD-Window Shopper : & Pat Murphy (Quaker Oats) Sports: WKBH WOC WHAS-Spotlighting the News WROK-Judy Marsh, songs KSD WHO WIRE WMAQ Don Winslow of the Navy (Kris - KMOXFrance Laux, sports KMOX-Judy & Jane, sketch 2:30 pies): WENR WLW KWK WHIP -Homespun KWK-Midstream WBBM-Dr. Preston Bradley, com WIBA-Football s Institute of Music: WOC Mad Hattersfields, sketch: WLW Interview WAAF-Soliloquy: Markets Curtis News: Rhythm Roundup: KMOX mentator WIRE -Marion County WKBB WSBT (sw-1527) Democrats WBAAViewing the News KMOX-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WTAQ WFAM WKBB WCCO WBOW-Sports: This Minute WKBB-Sweetheart Serenade WBBM-HAL TATE Pepper Young's Family. sketch WBBM-Tina & Tim WBBM WCCO-Jack Armstrong, sketch WKBH-To be announced WCCO-Julia Blake Radio Tattler, Radio Guide (Camay Soap): WMAQ WTMJ WCFL-Tower Tunes WLS-Sport Review WCFL-Music Hall of Fame KSD-News: Dick Leibert, organ WFAM-Crimecasts Columnist presenting News WLW WHO KSD WMT-Sports Roundup WGN-Margery Graham Book -a - WAAF-Shadowland and Gossip WGN-Captain Midnight WROK-Monroe Community Hour Richester Civic Drch.: WCFL Week WBOW-Merry-Go-Round WHO -Johnny at the Piano WTMJ-Easy Aces (sw-1521) WHA-Music Album WCFL-Tea Time WIBA-Dinner Concert 6:45 WFBM-News:' WPA Speaker WCCO-Kitty Keene Harold Stokes' Urch.: WGN WHIP -Remote Control WIND -German Hour Chicagoans: WOC WHA-Organ Melodies WIND -Piano & song WGN-Len Salvo, organist WIRE -To be announced WHIP -Speaking of Love KMOX-Magic Kitchen WJBC-Concert Hour WHO -Captain Midnight WISN-Down by Herman's Science on the March: WCFL WIBA-Concert Trio KWK-Richard Hayes, organist WROK-Helene Kimberley, songs WIBA-The Plainsmen WJR-Vocal Varieties KSD WJJD-Livestock Markets WBAA-Foods, Facts, Fancies 4:00 WIND -News WKBB-Sports Review WBBM-Missus Goes to Market WIRE -Lone Ranger, drama Inside of Sports (Phillies Cgars): WLS-Palatial Palace of Wonders Let's Pretend: WISN WKBB WMBD-Dinner Music: Music Mart WLW WGN KWK WMBD-Dr. WCCO -Markets WKBH WTAQ WFBM WFAM WISN-Show Window WROK-News: Song Hit of the Caldwell Party Line News: WKBB WLS WKBH WMT-Bulletin Board: Hillbillies WHA-Music of the Masters WCCO WOC WMAQ-Dick Tracy, sketch Day: Interlude WIRE -Matinee Varieties WMBD-Happy Train WSUI-Dinner Hour Prgm. WIRE WOWO-To be announced Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava WBBM-Derr. Committee WTAD-Little Theater WISN-News: Prgm. Preview WMT-Hit Tunes & Topics WTAQ-Mutiny on the High Seas State : WHO WJJD-Dance Orch. Soap) WLW KSD WOC-Captain Midnite WTMJ-Heinie's Grenadiers WBOW-Man in the Tavern 1:30 WCCO-Elmer A. Benson WLS-Homemakers Prgm. Edna O'Dell, blues & organ: WGN WSUI-Elementary Spanish, Prof. American School of the Air: WMBD-Petticoat Parade Ilse Probst Laas WFBM-Community Fund: Ross WISN WFBM WSBT WKBB KWK WIRE 6:15 WOWO-Stork Express WTAD-Sports Lum & Abner, comedy team Haywood's Orch. KMOX WBBM WKBH WTAQ of sketch: WMT WHO -Jerry & Four Dons WROK-Rhythm Before Three Affairs Anthony, WTMJ-The Plainsman (Postum) : WBBM WJR WHAS WOC WCCO (sw-15.27) WTAD-Gems of Melody WENR WIBA WBOW (sw-15.21) WIBA-Musical Interlude Speaker: Don Montgomery. 5:15 KMOX WFBM WCCO (sw-11.83) WTAQ-Fiddlers Three Claire: (also KNX KSL at 10:15 p.m.) WMT-Lifesavers: Band Wagon chairman of the Consumer KMOX-Barnyard Follies Malcolm News: WENR WTAQ-Talking Drums Council of the Department of 2:45 songs (sw-9.53) Agriculture. Captivators: WKBH WCCO WOC WAAF-Eunice Clark, Human Side of the News: Edwin WTMJ-Kilowatt Hour Mother, sketch WSBT WTAQ WFBM WISN WBBM-Manhattan Howie Wing, sketch (Corn C. Hill (Campbell's Soup): KSD Alma Kitchell, contr.: WOWO WCFL-Make Believe Danceland 7:00 WKBB (sw-15.27) Flakes): WBBM WFBM WCCO WHO WIRE WTAM (also at Ernie Fiorito's WBOW WHA-Organ Reverie Studies In Con- KMOX 10:15 p.m.) trasts: WGN The Guiding Light, sketch (White WHIP -Monday at Four WMT Valiant Lady, sketch (Gold Med- To be announced: WISN Naptha) : WHO WMAQ WTMJ WIND -News To be announced: WKBB WTAQ Al Pearce's Gang (Grape Nuts); al): WLW WIRE WMAQ WHO KSD WLW WJBC-Wesleyan Hour To be announced: WOWO Tizzie Lish; Arlene Harris; Hay- KSD WTMJ (sw-15.21) Dick Tracy, sketch: WHO KSD Ted Malone's Between the Book- WJJD-Islanders. wire Mack; Carl Hoff's Orch.: KWK-Sketches in Melody News: WMBD WFAM WTAM WLW WIRE KSD WHO KWK-News: Musical Interlude ends: WIBA WBOW WOWO WMT WMAQ-Four Way Questionnaire WCFL-Walkashow Keene, Inc., sketch WBOW-Si and Ezra WMAQ WTMJ WIBA (also at WAAF-The Hour ref the Magic WCFL (sw-15.21) WMBD-Kitty WFAM-Killer Boots WOWO-News: Radio Chatter Dillers WCFL-Tune Teasers 9:30 p.m.) WBAA-Story Reminiscing: KWK Musicale WGN-Terry & the Pirates WGN-Bob Elson, sports Time WROK-News: WIBA-Outdoor Wisconsin Monday Night Show; Richard WCFL-Men of Vision WBAA-Mrs. A. M. Martin, violin- WSUI-Iowa State Medical Society WKBB-Circle Service Boys WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WKBH-Dinner Music Himber's Orch.; Benny Young- WGN-The Lady's Answer ist Connie Boswell; Ted WBBM-Pappy Cheshire's Nat'l 4:15 WKBH-Today's Almanac WLW-Four Stars Tonight man; WHA-Agricultural Horizons $using: WTAQ WFBM KMOX WHIP -Afternoon Concert Hillbilly Champions Frank Papile's Jive Five: KWK WLW-Little Orphan Annie WMAQ-Better Business Bureau WMAQ-Advs. of Allen WHAS WCCO WISN WKBH WIBA-Market Reports WGN-Good Health & Training WMT WBOW WOWO Jimmie WOC-Organology WMBD-Pet Hod WOC (sw-11.83) WIND -W. P. A. Program WHIP -Raymond Pracht, comm. Corner: Hiatt. WROK-Nick & Pete The Johnson Family: WGN organist WJJD-Daughter of Amer. Rev. WIND-Tango' Time WTAQ-Parade of Bands Carson Robinson's Buckaroos WMT-Lamp Lighting Time WLS-Grain Market Summary WIRE -Hoosier News Review Terry & the Pirates (Dart Rich): 6:30 (Musterole): WLS WOWO WMT WLW (sw-15.21) WOC-Piano Modulations WMBD-His Majesty WLS-News Report Capt. Tim Healy's Stamp Club KWK (sw-11.87) WMT-News: Novelty Parade WTAD-Edith Raye WROK-Sport Review Your Family & Mine (Sealtest) WTAD-Jack Armstrong, sketch (Kellogg's): WLW WBBM-Jerry Cooper WROK-Stars on Parade sketch: KSD WTMJ WIBA WBOW-Did You Know?; Studio WTAD-Medical Assn. 3:00 WTMJ-Twenty Flying Fingers Chicagoans: WISN WMBD Patterns in Swing: WISN WKBH WMAQ 5:30 Party 1:45 The Right Thing To Do, Emily WFAM-What's in a Song WTAQ WFBM WOC WKBB WAAF-All About Dogs, talk Today with Bob Trout: WKBB Hymns of All Churches (Gold Post (Tangee : WIND -University Broadcasting WSBT WMBD (sw-15.27) WBAA-Melody Moods WCCO (sw-11.83) Lipstick) WMAQ Medal): WIRE WMAQ WHO WTAM Council KSD WLW Club Matinee: News: WENR WBAA-Campus Personalities Rose Marie, songs: KSD WBOW (sw-15.21) Eddie Cantor's Camel Caravan; WJR-Republican Committee WMT WBOW WOWO WBBM-Houseboat Hannah, sketch (sw-9.53) Mad Russian; Sid Fields; Walter WKBB-Star Revue Manhattan Melodies; Norman WEN R-Swingtim e Serenade WMBD-Melody Magic Backstage Wife, sketch (Dr. Thomas E. Dewey Campaign King; Carroll & Fairchild's Or- Cloutier's Orch.: WIBA KWK WHIP -Polish Merchants Hour WROK-Freeport Studios : WTMJ WIRE Speech: WENR (sw-15.21) chestra: WFBM WISN WKBH WOWO Lyons) WMAQ WHO-The Goldbergs WSUI-Children's Hour WHO WIBA WJR (ów-11.83) (also at 9:30 KSD-Rosario Bourdon's Orch. WIND-Take It Easy Music from the Maritimes: WGN WIRE -News: Minute Interviews p.m.) 7:15 WAAF-The Merton@ of Maple St. 'KMOX-Refreshment Time WJJD-Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue Jack Armstrong, sketch: WOC WBBM-James Melton, tor.; Vic WCFL-Chicago Teachers' Union KSD-To be announced Oscar Shumsky, violinist: KWK Eyes, songs WMAQ WTMJ WHO Arden's Orch. Talk KWK-Midafternoon Madness Dick Tracy, sketch: WIRE KSD WCFLDouglas Wilson WAAF-News: Weather WMBD-Your Family & Mine WBAA-Market Reports WISN Ennio Bolognini's Orch.: WBOW WFAM-Democratic Central Com- WBOW-County Agricultural Agt. WBAA-Symphony Hall WROK-Freeport Studios WSUI-New York State Symphon- KMOX-Headline Highlights mittee WGN-Ed Fitzgerald di Co. WCCO-Ladies First KSD-Sportlights News: WTAQ IOC WHO ic Band KMOX-Today's Favorites (Continued on Next Page) WIND -Organ & Vibraharp WCFL-News 4:30 KWK-Terry & the Pirates WLS-Chore Boys with Evelyn WGN-Your English Jack Armstrong, sketch (Wheat- WBBM-Chicago Hour Arkie & Pokey Martin WHA-The Job Outlook WCFL-Charlie Cook ies) : WLW WMBD-To be announced WHIP -Gay Caballeros WFAM-Dan Dunn, sketch WMT-, sketch WIND -Men About Town Landt Trio: WMAQ WBOW WFBM-Indiana Teachers' Ass'n WJBC-God's Cheer for Shut -Ins WOWO-Markets Cadets Quartet: WENR WMT WIBA-Fiore News Edition 060 WROK-Old Refrains WLW-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch Nan songs: WKBB WOC WINDLate Afternoon Varieties WTMJ-Home Harmonizers WROK-Women of the Hour Wynn, WKBH-Captain WFAM WKBH WISN WTAQ Midnight 2:00 WSUI-Advs. in Story Land WLW-Denton & Barber, sports 9P.M. Rochester Civic Orchestra Mati- WTAD-Pop Concert Don Winslow of the Navy: (sw- WMBD-Dean & Giil E. S. T. nee WIBA WBOW WTAM-Variety Prgm. 1521) WMT-Crimson Concert: Trail N. B. C. RED WCFL 3:15 Ross WOC-Twilight Musicale Musk detail on page 9 this week. Pierce's Orch.: KWK WGN NETWORK Stella Dallas, sketch (Milk of WIRE WROK-Tubby Weeks, songs Magnesia) : WIRE WTMJ WIBA WSUI-Musical Moods Curtis Inst. of Music: WISN KSD-Life Be Beautiful WMAQ WHO Can WTAQ-Al Michel's Sports WKBB WKBH WFBM WTAQ WAAF-Tea Dance DOROTHY THOMPSON WOC (sw-15.27) 5:45 Music detail on page a this week. Midstream, drama: WLW WBAA-Vinnie, Fran & Jack Leading Lady of Journalism WBBMKitty Keene, Inc., sketch Tom Mix' Straight Shooters (Ral- The Story of Mary Marlin, sketch KMOX-Linda's First Love, sketch WCCO-Livestock ston Wheat Cereal): WMAQ (Ivory Flakes): WMAQ WTMJ WAAF-Janet Lynn, songs WFBM-Tea Time Tunes KWK TFAW WHO WLW KSD WCFL-In the Modern Manner WHA-Wisconsin Political Forum WHIP -Flying Lessons Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WFBM Us WHO-Tea & Crumpets Marriage License Romances: Beck, organist WKBB Iî/' WIND -Fred WGN WMT KWK WIBA-The Dance Hour WJJD-Piano 8w Song WIND -Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue Lowell Thomas, news commenta- News: WHIP WIND WSUI-Musical Matinee Eyes, songs tor (Sun Oil): WLW (sw-15.21) PHIL SPITALNY KMOX-Travelog 3:30 WJBC-Request Hour Music from the Maritimes: WIRE WAAF-Madcap Carnival Life Can Be Beautiful, sketch WJJD-Alexander McQueen Dynamic Maes- WBAA-The World We Live In WMBD-News: Melody Miniature Captain Midnight, sketch: KSD (Ivory Soap) : WIRE WMAQ tro of the All WBBM-Linda's First Love WLW WHO WOWO-Terry Evans WCCO WCCO-Judy & Jane WSUI-Elementary German, Dr. Little Orphan Annie, sketch: Girl Singing WHA-Community Living Four Clubmen: WFAM WISN Fred L. Fehling WHO KMOX WGN Orchestra on WIRE -Street Spelling Bee WFBM WKBH WCCO WKBB WTAD-News Summary Sports: WIBA WTMJ The WJJD-Sentenced Men, interviews (sw-15.27) WTMJ-Down a Country Road WBBM-Piano Parade Hour of WLS-Chore Boys Charm: with Evelyn: Club Matinee: News: WIBA 4:45 WBOW-Jerry of the Circus Arkie & Pokey WENR-Totten on Sports Girl Meets Boy: WGN Console Echoes: WFAM WKBB WMBD-The Editor's Daughter WFAM-Grid Forecast Sponsored by WOWO-The Observer News: WOC WJBC WISN WOC WMBD WTAQ WISN-Sports Parade: Interlude WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue KMOX-Editor's Daughter, sketch Tom Mix' Straight Shooters (Ral- WKBH-To be announced WSBT-Old Time Gospel Taber- WAAF-The International Pot- ston Wheat Cereal): (sw-1521) WMBD-Paul Welton's Oreit. WMT-Weather: News nacle pourri Vaughn de Leath, songs: WOWO eak GENERAL WSUI-Campus Aetivities: World WHA-Parent-Teacher Talk WMT KWK WOC-Mountain Boys Bookman: Within the Classroom, WHIP -Gypsy Caravan WROK-Dance Hour Modern Music, Prof. Philip G. WJJD-Frankie Trumbauer's Oreh. Charles Sears, songs: WBOW WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air ELECTRIC Clapp WMBD-Bargain Counter WHO WIBA WENR WTAQ-Josephine Kopitzke, sop. Page 24 8/2 E WIND -Max Miller Swing Quartet Tarentelle for Flute and Clar- WOC-Know Your Navy 10:00 Cab inet (St. Saena). Calloway's Orch.: WFBM WISN-Music That Lives WROK-Musicale Don Bestor's Orch.: WBOW (sw- WKBB WKBH WSBT WJR WOC WKBH-Sweet Swing Symphony Orch.; Frank Black, WTAQ-Club Normandie Entertains 9.53) (sw-6.12) WOC-Gems of Melody cond.: WENR WIBA WOWO 9:15 Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WTAQ MONDAY WSUI-Federated Business & Pro- WBOW Charioteers: WGN Jose Manzanares' Orch.: WGN fessional Women's Club Prgm. WSBT WHAS WMT WGN-News: Sports WTAQ-To be announced WCFL-To be announced Amos 'n' Andy, sketch (Camp- WIND -Melodies of Romance WIND -Franklyn Robert's Orch. News: WBBM KWK October 24 bell's Soup) : WMAQ WIRE WHO 8:00 WKBB-Echoes of Stage & Screen WISN-Reflections KMOX-H. W. Flannery, news KOA KFI (also see 6 p.m.) Lux Radio Theater, Cecil B. De - WKBH-Postal Oddities WKBB-Swing Your Partner WCCO-Rollie Johnson (7:15 p.m. Continued) Mille, producer: WISN WJR WLW-Unsolved Mysteries WMBD-To be announced News: WKBH WMBD WKBB WCFL-Herr Louie Ss the Weasel WBBM KMOX WCCO WFBM WOC-Let's Swing It WOC-Circle Service Boys WMT WOC WFBM WENR-Earl Hines'- Orch. WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WMBD WHAS (sw-11.83) WROK-Tea on the Terrace WROK-Boy Scouts KMOX-The Goldbergs, sketch WHAS-Dance Orch. WJR-Musical Guest: Carole Lombard is WSUI-Favorite Melodies WTAQ-Dream Time KOA-Old Age Pension Prgm. WIBA-Symphony Band Concert WKBB-Chamber "She Married Her Boss". WIND -Country of Commerce For news of Hollywood read "Hol- WTAQ-World Varieties 9:30 KWK-Ray Schmidt, sports Club Speaker lywood Showdown" in every issue WLW-Mel Snyder's Orch. of Radio Guide. Nat'l Radio Forum: WENR WMT WBBM-Americans at Work WMBD-Gus Stonebock, speaker: 8:45 WCCO-Ervin WMAQ-Abe Lyman's Orch. variety prgm.: (sw-11.87) for Attny. Genii Swingsters Sing Song, WBOW WGN-Yar Concert Orch. WENR-Globe WMBD-Sports Review: Prgm. Re- WIBA WENR Trotter 7:30 WOWO WKBH-Dance Time Pageant of Melody: WGN WIBA-Night News Edition view Hour of (General Elec- WTMJ-Rhythm Time Those We Love, drama (Pond's Charm WROK-The Builders WIND -Swedish Prgm. ; Al Pearce's Cream): WLS KWK WOWO tric) Phil Spitalny's All -Girl Or- WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air Gang (Grape Nuts); WISN-News: Wrestling Matches 10:45 chestra; Dorothy Thompson, com- Tizzie Lish; Arlene Harris; Hay- WMT (sw-11.87) 9:00 WJR-Jack King, news e Çab Calloway's Orch.: WBBM mentator: WHO WTAM WIRE wire Mack; Carl Hoff's Orch.: WLW-Paul Sullivan, news KMOX WMBD Pick & Pat (Model To- Smoking WTMJ WLW WMAQ KSD KOA Guy Lombardo's Orch. (Lady KOA KFI (also see 7 p.m.) WOWO-Maurie Cross' Orch. bacco); Benny Krueger's Orch.; (sw-9.53) Esther): WFBM WHAS WCCO Al Donahue's Orch.: WCFL The Story of the Song: WKBB WROK-Robert Heeñ s Orch. Edward Roerker, bar.: WBBM For other details see sponsor's an- WJR WBBM KMOX (sw-11.83) WLW nouncement on page 23. (sw-11.83) WTAM-Musical Bulletin Board WCCO KMOX WHAS WFBM Jose Manzanares' Orch.: KWK Bob Crosby's Orch.: WGN Carnation Contented Program; WTMJ-Today's Events: Sports WJR (sw-11.83) (also KNX KSL KWK Eddie Cantor's, Camel Caravan; at 10:30 p.m.) Orch. directed by Marek Weber: 10:15 WCCO-To be announced WCFL-Showboat Carnival Queen Mad Russian; Sid Fields; Walter Human KSD WHO WMAQ KOA WIRE King; Carroll Side of News; Edwin C. WIND -News The Voice of Firestone; Margaret WIND-Concert review & Fairchild's Or- Hill (Campbell's Soup): 11:00 WIBA WTMJ WTAM (sw-9.53) chestra: KMOX WOC WFBM WMAQ Speaks, sop.; Symphonic Orch., WKBB-Hollywood on Parade The Lullaby Lady will KOA (also see 6:15 p.m.) George Hamilton's WSBT sing WTAQ WBBM WCCO WHAS Orch.: dir Alfred Wallenstein: WMAQ WKBH-Barn Dance Baby of Hindustan (Engle- KMOX WTAQ WKBB WBBM WTAM WTMJ WIRE WIBA WMT-The Parks Family Kempivaki), the quartette will WMBD WISN WKBH WSBT Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WKBB sing Till I Wake WMBD WOC WFBM WHAS WLW WHO (sw-9.53) (also at WOC-German Band (Woodforde (also see 6:30 p.m.) WFBM WKBH WOC WBBM Finden) and the chorus will WJR WISN (sw-6.12) 10:30 p.m.) WROK-Alexander Sisters sing Temple Bells (Finden). Larry Clinton's Orch.: WBOW Music detail on page 9 this week. Top Hatters' Orch: WMAQ WSBT-Polish Hour Mr. Weber will offer the violin WMAQ KSD WHO (sw-9.53) Pancho's Orch.: WGN WMT WHO solo Kashmiri Love Song (Fin- Lone Ranger, drama (Silvercup): WSUI-Dept. of Speech Prgm. WBOW KSD WTAQ-Dick Sampson, bar. den) and the orchestra will play KWK-Musical Prgm. News: WHAS WHO WSBT WIRE WGN Approaching Hindu Joe a Temple, WCFL-Make Believe KMOX-Hot Stove League Sudy's Orch.: WIBA WOWO 8:15 Song of India (Rimaky-Koraa- Danceland WIRE KSD-Garden Melodies kow), Oriental (Cut), Fantasie WIND-Walkathon KWK-Smiling Ed McConnell Bob Crosby's Orch.: WMT WCFL-Seeley Institution Oriental (Lange) and Song of WIRE -James Melton, tnr.: Orch. WCCO-Cedric Adams Dick Barrie's Orch.: WGN WMT the Young Princess (Rimsky- WJR-Peaceful WENR-Ennio WFAM-The Three Men WKBB-Facts About the Commu- Korsakow). Valley Bolognini s Orch. WFBM-Orchestra Salute nity Chest WLW-True Detective Mysteries WIBA-Aloha Land KWK-Jeter Pillar's Orch. WIND -News WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue True or False, quiz prgm. (J. B. WOWO-Music by Ci}gat WLW-Spotlight KOA-Music by Cugat WISN-Your Health, talk WTAQ-News Williams Co.): WENR WOWO WROK-The Balladeers WMBD-Value Hints WCCO-Billy Swanson WCFL-Your Daily Visitor WKBB-America Thru the Years 8:30 WMT WLW KWK (sw-11.87) WTAM-Sammy Watkins' Orch. WOC-Circle Service Boys WTMJ-Dance WTAM-Music You WENR-Music As You Desire It WKBH-Rapid Ad Eddy Duchin's Orch. (Pall Mall Raymond Gram Orch. Want Swing, commen- WTMJ-Dance Orch. WIND -Gypsy Rhapsody WMBD-Good Neighbor Cigarettes): WMAQ WTAM WHO tator: WGN 9:45 WIND -Brooks 10:30 WJR-Joe Venuti's Orch. WOC-Sesqui-Centennial Prgm. WTMJ KSD WIRE WIBA KOA Connally, commen- WSUI-Evening Musicale, Louise WBOW-Poetic Moods tator Dance Orch.: WOWO WKBH-Weather Symphony Orch.; Eric Delamar- WCFL-News WIRE ,Marion County Democrats WLW-Moon River, Poems, Organ Gibbons Sueppel The Voice of Firestone; cond.: WIND -Organ & Vibra WLW-Johnny Margaret WTAM-Ralph Malvin's Orch. WTAQ-Piano Moods ter, KWK WMT Harp Lewis' Orch. Speaks, Program: Intermezzo from WISN-Musical Moments WOWO-Bob Wilson, news sop.: KFI KOA (also 11:30 see 7:30 7:45 ' 'Neila" (Delibes), Aubade - WKBB-Let's Waltz WROK-News p.m.) Battle of Sexes: KFI (also see Winds and Harp (Luigini), Tues. at 8 p.m.) WCFL-Labor Flashes Aubade Printauniere (Lacombe), WKBH-Barn Dance WTAM-Paul Burton's Orch. Al Donahue's Orch.: WIRE WHO WFAM-Notre Dame Faculty Talk Pastorale d'Ete (Honegger) and WMBD-Wings Over the World WTMJ-Slumber Music WLW WBOW (sw-9.53) End of Monday Programs

8:30 25, 1938 10:15 10:45 MORNING Joyce Jordan. Girl Interne, TUESDAY, October Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): Kitty Keen e, Inc.. sketch sketch (Calox Toothpowder & WLS WLW (sw-15.21) (Dreft): WHO Pictures and review on pages Solidified Albolene) : WBBM and 7. 7:00 a.m. CST Viennese Ensemble: WBOW WIRE Forum on Current - Problems: News: WAAF WROK KWK WROK-Joe Dumond's Music Mak WMT (sw-21.5) Milt Herth Trio: WBOW (SW - Breen & de Rose: WBOW WIBA WOWO WBOW WCFL WIRE WFAM-Concert Time ers WTMJ The Road of Life, 21.5) Subject: "Keeping the World WGN-The Party Line WTAD-Ma sketch (Chip - Perkins. sketch so): WMAQ WTMJ Bob Byron, songs: (sw-21.52) Young..' WHA-Your Health WTAQ-Round Up Rhythmaires: WFAM WLW WHIP -Take It Easy WTMJ-Kitty Aunt Jenny's Musical Clock: WOC WKBH Happy Jack, songs: KSD KWK Keene, Inc., sketch Lorenzo Jones, sketch (Phillips): Stories (Spry): WIRE WKBB WIBA WIBA-Organ Melodies 9:45 KMOX WISN WCCO WFBM Troubadors: WKBH (sw-21.52) WIND -Headline WMAQ WIRE WHO KSD Early Risers: WISN WROK Music Woman in White, sketch (Pills- WBBM WMBD WJJD-Morning Dance Time Editor's 7:15 WBOW-Radio Gospel bury) : WMAQ WIRE KSD Daughter, sketch: WBBM WHO Getting Gene & Glen, songs: WBOW (sw- WCCO-Hymns of All Churches WKBH-Olive Hagen, organist WTMJ WOWO the Most Out of Life 21.5) WFAM-Your Engagement Book WMBD-Messenger: Weather Party Line: WFBM WMT (Fleischmann's Yeast) : (sw- WFBM-Favorite Melodies WMT-News: Radio Gossip Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, KMOX-Let's Compare Notes 15.21) Deep River Boys: (sw-21.52) WGN-Good Morning Prgm. WSUI-Within the Classroom; Crit- sketch: WLS (sw 15.21) KWK-Great Works of Man KSD-Just Plain Bill, sketch ical Studies in Oratorical Theory, News: WMT WKBB WHO WHO -Those Happy Gilmans WAAF-Jen & Birdie KWK-News: Musical Interlude WIBA-Today's Almanac: Society Prof. H. Clay Harshbarger Stepmother, sketch (Colgate): WCCO-Tena & Tim WAAF-Novelettes Musical Clock: WBOW WHIP KMOX WCCO Reporter WTAQ-Morning Potpourri WBBM WGN-Bachelor's Children WCFL-Echoes of Havana 7:30 WTMJ-What's New? Musical Tete -a -Tete: WHO (sw- WKBB-Chancel Steps Singing Strings: WMT WHIP -Variety Time WFAM-Jane Arden, sketch 21.5) WLS-The P -X Ranch 9:15 WISN-Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WGN- WLW-Hilltop House, sketch Myrt & Marge, sketch (Super Asher & Little Jimmy: WBOW WJBC-Women in the News WHA-Novelty Shop Edith Dick & Jack Shannon, WMAQ-Whistler & His Dog: News Suds): WFBM KMOX WBBM News: WISN WMBD WKBB-What's New? WHIP -At the Tavern songs: (sw-21.52) WMBD-Bandwagon WCCO WMBD WIEN KWK-The Party Line WKBH-Your Home Prgm. WIBA-To be announced WMBD-Linda's Musical Clock: WMT WBOW WMT-Musical Clock WCFL-Bittersweet Melodies First Love WIND -Markets; News WROK-Morning Devotions Josh Higgins of Finchville, sketch: WOC-Rendezvous in WBBM WMBD WGN-Musical Mail Box Waltz Time WJRC-Peggy Payne, pioneers WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air KSD WCFL WMT WOWO WIBA WROK-Musicale WJJD-Dick News: WHIP WTAQ WBOW WHIP -Women & The Home Jurgens' Orch. WTAD-Interchurch Devotional WIND -Swing Melodies WSUI-Musical Favorites WKBB-Mixing Bowl 7:45 WTAQ-Sunshine Hour WTAD-Bea & John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis WJJD-Tommy Tucker's Orch. Vea WKBH-Songs in Review Radio Rubes: WLW (sw-21.5) WTAQ-Music in a Sentimental 8:45 Philippe): WMAQ WIRE WHO WKBB-Gems of Melody WLS-Market Reports: News Mood WOC-Screenfans Prgm. Ruth Brine, talk: (sw-21.52) Bachelor's KSD WKBH-Swing Interlude Children, sketch (Old WLW-The Goldbergs, sketch WOWO-Party Line, sketch Musical Clock: KMOX WKBB Dutch Cleanser): KMOX WCCO Jane Arden, sketch (Ward Baking 10:30 Co.): WLS KWK (sw-15.21) WOC-Melodic Variations WROK-Freeport Studios WHIP WOWO-Modern Home Forum Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs Pro- Johnnie Johnston, bar.: KSD Nation's School of the Air: WLW 8:00 WROK-Land of Manatoumie gram: WIBA 11:00 Romany Trail: WFAM WOC Morning Moods: (sw-21.52) News: WKBB WOC Melody Weavers: WSUI-Prgm. Calendar: Weather Pepper Young's Family, sketch WCCO WBBM WKBB WTAQ WFBM (sw-21.52) News WIND WHIP WAAF-Rhythm Review WTAD-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch KMOX WISN WOC (Camay Soap) : WLS (sw-15.21) KWK-Pop Wise & Filbert WGN-Betty Crocker News: Breakfast Club: WCFL 10:00 KSD-News: Tel -a -Tunes WIBA WBOW (sw-21.5) WBBM-Troubadors WHA-Wis. Political Forum WIBA WBOW Big Sister, sketch (Rinso): WIND Priscilla Holbrook, pianist Originalities: WMT KWK-Texas Drifter WFAM-Morning Devotions WCCO WBBM WISN WMBD WAAF-Train News: The Band Goes to Town: WFBM-Apron WKBH-Betty Simonsen David Harum, sketch (Bab -0): KMOX WFBM Time, interviews Strings WBOW-Presentation: Agricultural WLW WROK-On the Mall WMAQ KSD WHO WIRE- WHO-Musical Clock Agent W.I.JD-Salon Young Widder Brown, sketch News: WKBH WJJI) WMBD Echoes 9:30 The Story of Mary Marlin, WCFL-Peekers WKBB-Today's Almanac (Cal -Aspirin): WMAQ KSD WHO in the Pantry WIRE Hilltop House with Bess John- sketch (Ivory Flakes): WMAQ WIRE (sw-15.33) WFAM-In the Radio Limelight Musical Clock: WOC WROK WKBH-Uncle Bob son (Palmolive Soap) : WCCO WLS WIRE WHO KSD (sw- WFBM-School Prgm. KMOX-Headline Highlights WLS-Teena & Tim WBBM KMOX WISN WMBD 15.21-15.33) The Story of the Month: WCFL WGN-Manhattan Mother, sketch WLW-Linda's First Love, sketch WBOW KSD-News: -Dick Leibert, organ Walter Blaufuss' Orch.: WBOW Mary Lee Taylor (Pet Milk): WHA-Music Appreciation KWK-Bedtime Stories for Night WMAQ-A Step Ahead with Nor- WHIP -Morning Concert man Ross Just Plain Bill, sketch (Koly. WMBD KMOX WFBM WBBM Get Thin to Music: KWK Watchmen - nos): WMAQ WIRE WHO WOC WHO -Vic & Sade WAAF-Breakfast Express WMBD-Jay's Women of Today: WAAF-Swing High WIBA-Linda's First Love WGN-Everyday Words; Good WROK-Town Crier Smilin' Ed McConnell. songs KWK-Singing Cowboys WFAM-Lou Pike WIND -Bob Atcher and Bonnie Morning Prgm. WSUI-Morning Melodies: Service (Acme Paints): WLS WLW WAAF-Musical Memories WGN-Don Pedro, violinist Blue Eyes, songs WHA-Band Wagon Reports KWK-Swingtime WCCO-Ma Perkins, sketch WHIP -Virginia Lee Winslow, songs WIRE-Singin' Sam 8:15 WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. WAAF-Canary Serenade WCFL-Variety Prgm. WIND -Serenade to the Ladies WJBC-Surprise Party Montana Slim, songs: News: WTMJ-Happy Gilmans, sketch WCFL-Hit Revue WFAM-Hollywood Fashion Parade WJBC-Lady in White WJJD-Bureau of Missing Persons WFAM WKBB WKBH WTAQ 9:00 WFAM-Shoppers' Guide WGN-Morning Melodies WJJD-Women's Exchange Prgm. WKBB-Book of the Hour WFBM (sw-21.52) WFBM-Mrs. Farrell's Kitchen of WHA-Homemakers WKBB-House of MacGregor WKBH WPA Musicale Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage the Air WIND -Municipal Court WKBH-Arkansas Travelers WLS-Martha Crane; Helen Family Man: KSD (Old English Joyce; Patch, sketch WGN-Get Thin to Music WISN-Morning Musicale WLW-News: Livestocks: River: Chore Boys & Soloist KMOX-Ozark Varieties Wax): WMAQ WIRE WHO KSD WHA-Stories for Primary Grades WJBC-Theater Time Weather: Markets WLW-Editor's Daughter, sketch WGN-Jean Abbey Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch (Won- WHIP -Music Box WJJD-Journal of Living WMT-Tom Owens' Cowboys WMAQ-The Carters of Elm Street, WHA-Morning Melodies der Bread) : WOC WBBM WISN WIBA-Church of the Air WKBB-Hollywood Reporter WOC-Radio Bazaar sketch WHIP -Carnival WFBM WCCO KMOX WKBB WIND-Jimmy Dean, cowboy songs WKBH-Home Economics Prgm. WOWO-Linda's First Love WMBD-Pekin Homemaker WLW-Short, WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Woman's WMT-Corntussel Nooz WHO -Fruit Reporter Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava WJJD-Illinois Medical Society Short Story WIND WKBB-Eb & Zeb WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue Forum WOWO-Farm Flashes: Billboard -The Passing Show Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) WIRE -Carl Baker WKBH-Questions & Answers WSUI-Homemakers' Forum WSUI-The Book Shelf WSUI-Within the Classroom: WJJD-The Toastmaster Paul Page, songs: WOWO WBOW WMT-Louise Hathaway WTAD-News WTAD-Party Line Economic History of the United WLW-Myrt & Marge, sketch WCFL WOC-Library Prgm. WTAQ-Let's Waltz WTAQ-News: Merry Go Round States, Prof. C. Woody Thompson WSUI-Chamber Concert Orch. Nation's School of the Air: WLW WOWO-Tri Topics WTMJ-True Stories WTMJ-Commonwealth Symphony WTAD-All for the Ladies WTAQ-Farmhands Forum on Current Problems: WBBM-Linda's First Love Accent on Music: WKBB WTAQ E 8/2 Page 25 Frequencies WTMJ-Heinie & His Grenadiers WBOW WBOW-Teachers' College Prgm.; WFBM WISN WMBD WSBT KMOX-1090 WISN-1120 Subject: "Shall We Break Dr. Doolittle & the Shellfish WOC (sw-15.27) KOA-830 WJBC-1200 With Tradition?" WCCO-Judy & KSD-550 WJJD-1130 More detail on page s. Jane KMOX-Linda's First Love KWK-1350 WJß ^60 WCFL-To be announced TUESDAY AFTERNOON Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Med- WFBM-Concert KSD-Rhythm Makers WAAF-920 WKBB-1500 Echoes WAAF-Ted WBAA-890 WKBH-1380 al): WIRE WTMJ WHO WLW' WGN-Songs of Yesterday Smith, tnr. WBBM-770 WL8-870 KSD WMAQ (sw-15.21) WHA-Let's Draw WBAA-Corrine Ragins, sop. October 25 WBOW-1310 WLW-700 12:00 WCFL-Music in Modern Man- WIRE -Police Court the WCCO-810 WMAQ-670 The Goldbergs, sketch (Oxydol) : Two on a Shoestring, sketch ner WCFL-970 WMBD-1440 WOC WKBB WBBM WCCO (Oakland Chemical Co.): WGN WJJD-Sentenced Men, interviews WENR-870 WMT-600 WMBD-Editor's Daughter WHIP -Concert Internationale WJBC-Wesleyan Hour WFAM-1200 WOC-1370 News: WMBD WJBC WTAD News: WCCO WTAD WIND -Concert Echoes WJJD-Islanders WFBM-1230 WOWO-1180 WOWO-The Observer piano, songs KMOX-Ma Perkins, sketch Man on the Street: WMBD WTAQ WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue WJJD-Ben Kanter, WMAQ-Concert Miniature WGN-720 WROK-1410 WKBH-To be announced WHA-940 KSD-News: Markets WBBM WSBT-Old Time Gospel Taber- WMBD-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WEBT -1380 WSUI-Memory Hour WHAS-820 W817I-880 WAAF-Symphonic Hour KMOX-Inquiring Reporter nacle WROK-News: Musicale WHIP -1480 WTAD-900 WBAA-Court of Safety KWK-Backstage Wife 3:30 WSUI-Simpson College Prgm. WHO -1000 WTAM-1070 WSUI-Campus Activities: Organ WCFL-Smoke Rings Sere.ade WAAF-Piano Er-cores: Don Bolt, Recital Life Can Be Beautiful (Ivory 4:15 WIBA-1280 WTAQ-1330 Soap) WIRE WMAQ WIND-560 WFBM-Bohemians commentator WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. sketch: Nancy Martin, songs: WOWO WTMJ-620 WHO WIRE -1400 WGN-Luncheon Music WBAA-Monitor Views & News WLW KWK WBOW WMT Prgm. z:15 WHA-Noon Musicale WCFL-Spotlight Accent on Music: WFAM WKBH Terry and the Pirates, sketch WHIP-Southtown Church Hour WHA-Farm Organization Forum Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, WTAQ-Em Owen, organist WMAQ KSD WTMJ (Dari -Rich): WLW (sw-15.21) WHO -Markets & Weather WHIP -Organ Interlude sketch: Forum on Current Problems: WTMJ-Betty and Bob, sketch WIND -Indiana News WIBA-Concert Trio WHO WLW WIBA Mine 11:15 Your Family & (Sealtest): WISN-Even as You and I WIND-Lupi Italian Hour on Problems: WMAQ WIBA WTMJ KSD Her Honor, Nancy James, sketch Forum Current Two Keyboards: WGN WJJD-Anything Can Happen WKBH-Ma Perkins, sketch WIBA WBOW WCFL (sw-15.21) Johnson Family, sketch: WGN (Kleenex): KMOX WBBM WCCO WKBH-Magic Violin WLS-School Time News: WJBC WOC WFBM WLS-Dinnerbell Program WMT-Many Happy Returns: Bul- Sing Incorporated: WCCO KMOX-Editor's Daughter, sketch WAAF-Hollywood Brevities The WAAF-The of Maple O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WMT-Question Man: Varieties letin Board Three Quarter Time: WIRE Morions WBAA-Stinson Brothers Soap): WMAQ WLW WOWO-Ohio State Agricultural WOWO-Familiar Hymns Street WBBM-Houseboat Hannah, sketch KMOX-One Woman's Opinion To be announced: WKBB WKBH Prgm. WSUI-Illustrated Musical Chats, WBAA-The Magic Carpet WENR-Swingtime Serenade WSBT-News; Stork Report; Farm Brahms, Quartet in A Minor KWK-Jam Session WCCO-Betty & Bob, sketch WHIP -Polish Merchants Hour Bailey Axton, tnr.: KWK WBOW Flashes WTMJ-Daily Bulletin Board WBBM-Meet the Missus WHA-U. S. Weather Bureau WHO -The Goldbergs WFBM-Public Schools Music KSD-Master Singers WSUI-Rhythm Rambles 1:15 WIND -To be announced WIND -Take It Easy WAAF-Willie Winn WGN-June Baker, home manage- WJJD-Frankie Trutnbauer's Orch. WIRE -News: Minute Interviews 12:15 Forum on Current Problems: ment WBAA-Social Security Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): WCFL WMT WMBD-Bargain Counter WJJD-Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue WCFL-News WHIP -Dancing Party WOWO-Old Time Religion Eyes, songs WBBM KMOX WCCO WISN Harry Cool & Harmonettes: WFAM-Merrie Melodies Pictures and review on pages 6 WIND -Priscilla Holbrook, pianist WROK-Ma Perkins WMBD-Your Family & Mine WGN-Judy and 7. WOC WKBH WSBT WKBB WJJD-Two of a Kind WSUI-Views and Interviews WROK-Freeport Studios & Jane WFBM WISN (sw-15.27) WHO -Caroline's Golden Store Vagabonds: KSD (sw-15.33) WLS-Homemakers' Hour WTAD-Hannibal 4:30 Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch WMBD-Window Shopper WIBA-The Editor's Daughter WTMJ-Variety Revue Three Romeos: WMT WENR Goodyear Farm Radio News: : WMAQ WMBI-Gospel Music WIND -Priscilla at the piano (Gold Medal) WIRE 3:45 KWK WBOW WBOW WLW WMAQ WIBA WHO WLW WTMJ KSD (sw- WMT-Court Hussey's Orch. WIRE -Linda's First Love Girl Alone, sketch (Quaker Oats); KWK 15.21) WROK-Bob Kail, cowboy songs Lyrics by Lorraine: WOC WKBB WISN-Spmphonette Betty Winkler & Pat Murphy: WISN WKBH WTAQ WFAM WJBC-Panade of Bands Lawrence Welk's Orch.: WGN KMOX-Judy & Jane, sketch 2:30 KSD WHO WIRE WMAQ WKBH WFBM WJJD-Criminal Court Interviews WIRE WFBM KWK-Midstream Four Clubmen: Jack Armstrong, sketch (Wheat- News: WKBB WTAQ (sw- Of Men & Books: WTAQ WKBH WKBH-Club Calendar WAAF-Sololoquy WOC WSBT WKBB ies): WLW WMBD-Honeymoon WOWO WFBM WISN WSBT WFAM Lane WBAA-Jim Hoffman, pianist WBAA-Electrical Shops 15.27) WMT-Magic Kitchen WCCO WOC WKBB WBBM (sw- Landt Trio: WIBA WCFL-Walkashow WBBM-HAL TATE Young's Family, sketch WOC-Caroline Ellis Pepper 15.27) WHIP -Englewood Hour Radio Tattler, Radio Guide (Camay Soap): WHO WLW KSD More detail on page S. Smilin' Ed McConnell, songs WTMJ-Hymns of All Churches Columnist presenting News 11:30 WHO -Voice of the Farm WMAQ WTMJ (Acme Paints): WHO WIND -Tommy Ott, organist and Gossip Mad Hatterfields, sketch: WLW National Farm & Home Hour; Moods in Music: WGN Don of the Navy: (sw- WJBC-Dance Time Jack Fulton, guest today Forum on Current Problems: Winslow Spkrs; Walter Blaufuss' Orch.: the Street 15.21) WIBA WMAQ WKBH-Man on To be announced: WBOW WCFL WENR WIBA WBOW KWK W BO W -Sportscasting (sw-15.21) Luncheon Music (sw-15.33) Ross Pierce's Orch.: WIRE WGN WMBD-Town Crier: Farm Mar WCCO-Kitty Keene KMOX-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch Speakers: Josephine Hemphill KMOX-Magic WAAF-Jimmie Kozak, pianist and Morse Salisbury on "Mod- kets WGN-To be a mounced Kitchen KSD-Life Can Be Beautiful ernizing Farm Homes". WMT-Voice of Iowa: Markets WHA-Wis. Political Forum KWK-Richard Hayes, organist WBAA-Patricia Keiser, pianist WAAF-Song Webs WOC-You Shall Have Music WHIP -I Am the Law of Your Life WBAA-You & Your Child WCFL-Musical Hall of Fame WBAA-Prof. Charles Murphy Romance of Helen Trent (Edna WROK-Column Left, news WJJD-Livestock Markets WBBM-Piano Parade WGN-Margery Graham WBBM-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch Wallace Hopper) : KMOX WBBM WSBT-None-Such Neighbors WLS-Palatial Palace of Wonders WCCO-Markets WHA-Richard Kepler, bar. WCCO-Livestocks KSD-Songs of Jean Carmen 12:30 WMBD-Party Line WGN-Moods in Music WHIP -Variations in Syncopation WFBM-Tea Time Tunes WAAF-Live Stock Market: Sweet Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs: WOWO-Rhythm Ramblers WHA-Music of the Masters WIND -Ben Kanter, pianist WHA-Wis. Political Forum & Slow (sw-15.33) WTAD-Yellow Fang WIND -W. P. A. Program WJBC-Classical Music WIBA-The Dance Hour WIRE -Matinee Varieties: News WMBD-Sidney Baldwin WIND-Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue WBAA-Home Makers: News (Chipso): WTAQ-Matinee WCCO-Happy Road of Life, sketch 1:30 WISN-News: Prgm. Preview WROK-Helene Kimberley, songs Eyes, songs Gilmans KMOX WBBM WCFL-Today's Troubadours Valiant Lady, sketch (Gold Med- WJJD-The Old Song Shop WSUI-Travel Radio Service WJBC-Request Hour WLS-Homemakers Prgm. - McQueen WFAM-Harlan Hogan Denver Darling's Trail Blazers: al) : WLW WIRE WMAQ WTMJ 4:00 WJJD-Alexander WFBM-Town Crier: Hoosier Farm KWK WHO KSD (sw 15.21) WMBD-Petticoat Parade The Affairs of Anthony: WMT WMAQ-Musical Varieties Circle WOWO-Stork Express WBOW WENR WIBA WMBD-News: Melody Miniature News: WOC WHO Forum on Current Problems: WROK-Ballad Time WOWO-Our Yesterdays WGN-Quin Ryan's News WLS WTMJ Music for Fun: WCCO WKBH Voice of the Farin: WBOW WIBA WOWO WSUI-Radio Child Study Club German, Dr. WHIP -News WBAA-Luncheon Dance Time WKBB WFAM WTAQ WFBM WSUI-Elementary WTAD-Let's Waltz Fred L. Fehling WHIPMyrt & Marge, sketch Reporter ' American School of the Air: WISN WBOW-Street WOC (sw-15.27) WTAD-News Summary WIND -Joe Alexander, organist WCCO-Tune Time WSBT WFBM WISN WTAQ 2:45 Guests: Four Bronx school WTMJ-Down a Country Road WIRE -Farm Hour WCFL-Curtain Calls WOC WKBB WCCO WKBH The Guiding Light (White Nap- children. WJBC-Singing Sam WFBM-Stepmother KMOX WBBM (sw-15.27) tha): WMAQ WHO WTMJ KSD Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava 4:45 WJJD-Safety Edward Davies, bar.: WIBA Court WGN-Markets: Midday Service KWK-News: Musical Interlude WLW Soap): WLW KSD WHO WKBB-What's Where on the Air: WHA-Farm Prgm. WBOW WMAQ WIRE Farm Flashes: Do You Want a WAAF-Markets; Adult Education Forum on Current Problems: Gunther Decker, organist: KWK WHIP -Rube 'n' Cy de Leath, songs: WENR Job? Council WBOW WIBA WMT WCFL WGN Vaughn IBA -Noon News: Markets WMT KWK WKBH-Rhapsody and Rhythm; Prgm. 'WBAA-Scientific News Review WOWO IlVIND-Christian Science WOWO WIND Livestock Quotations WCFL-Pieces of Eight News: Shooters, WIRE -Reporter Reminiscing: KWK KMOX-Barnyard Follies Tom Mix' Straight WLS-Gene & Glen Heat Wave WGN-Hits of Today (Ralston Wheat Cereal): WISN-Musical WHA Good Books WAAF-The Rhumba Beat sketch WLW-News: Livestocks Noon Day Service Melody Ramblings: WOC WSBT WJJD-Loop WHIP -Concert WBAA-Hearlds of Destiny (sw-15.21) WMBD-Thrift Message: Melody WKBB-Man on the Street WKBH WFBM WTAQ WISN Miniature Listen WIND -Safety Talk WCCO WKBB (sw-15.27) WBBM-Manhattan Mother, sketch To be announced: WIBA KSD WLW-Invitation to WCFL-Make Believe Danceland WMT-Sweet and Swing Sing An Old Song WJJD-Radio Council WHO WMAQ-News: WLS-Grain Market Summary WAAF-Music in the Air WHA-Organ Reverie WOC-Hymns of All Churches WMBD-Farm News WOC WMBD-His Majesty WBAA-Treasure Chest WHIP -Reba Lessard. concert pi- Four Notes & Dave Bacal: WOWO-Consolaires WMT-Hillbillies: Joe Doakes WBBM-Pappy Cheshire's WTAQ WISN WKBB WTAD-Quincy Police WMT-News: Musical Interlude Nat'l anist News WOWO-Honolulu Serenaders Hil:billy Champions WTAQ-Mailman the WROK-Memory Lane WIRE -Indiana University (Continued on Next Page) WROK Couple on Street: WTAD-Sentimental Music WGN-Good Health & Training WTMJ-Heinie-Spam Health Talk 1:45 WHIP -Fed. of Women's Clubs 11:45 WSBT-The Day Dreamer be Hymns of All Churches (Gold WIND -To announced Music Makers: WCFL KSD WTAD-Farm: Weather: Markets WROK-Rhythm Before Three Dr. Joseph E. Maddy. profes- WTAQ-Water System Medley Medal): WMAQ WHO WIRE sor of music at the University KSD WLW (sw 15.21) WTAD-Piano Classics of Michigan, returns to the air- 12:45 3:00 ways with his weekly radio mu- Those Happy Gilmans, comedy Forum on Current Problems: Backstage Wife, sketch (Dr. Ly- LAUGHS! sic. lessons. Dr. Maddy instructs sketch (Corn-Kix): WMAQ WLW WCFL ons): WMAQ WTMJ WIRE school children throughout the KSD (sw-15.21-9.53) WHO WIBA nation in the playing of every KWK-Story of the Month musical instrument. Gospel Singer; Edward MacHugh. WAAF-The Moutons of Maple Forum on Current Problems: THRILLS! Our Gal Sunday, sketch (Ana- bar.; Organ (Ivory Soap) : WCCO Street WBOW WOWO WMT WBBM KMOX WBAA-Market Reports cin): KMOX WBBM Highways to Health: WISN WOC WIND -Organ &-Vibraharp National Farm & Home Hour: Armchair Quartet: KWK Berrens' WTAQ WFBM WMBD WKBB WJJD-Freddie Orch. WKBH WSBT (sw-15.27) TEARS! WLW News: WTAQ WKBH WLS-Chore Boys with Evelyn & KMOX-Singin' WAAF-Myrna Dee Sergent, talk WBAA-Songs & Melodies Arkie Sam ...WHEN RADIO'S MOST NOVEL WBOW-Luncheon Dance Music WMBD-To be announced KWK-Midafternoon Madness WCCO-Grandma Travels WAAF-News PROGRAM IS ON THE AIR! WFAM-Civic Safety Council WCFL. Know Yourself WMT-Judy and Jane, sketch Flashes and Weather WFBM-Markets: Farm Bureau WFBM-Community Fund: Buhe- WOWO-Markets WBAA-American Legion Auxiliary Every Tuesday night -- tune in "We, Prgm. mians WROK-Tabernacle Hour Prgm. The People," and real people WCCO-Ladies hear WGN-Man on State Street WHIP-Airlane Dance WTAD-Bessie Dean Reinert First WCFL-News -not actors-tell the amazing sto- WHA-Campus News WHO -Checkerboard Time WTMJ-Home Harmonizers ries of their personal experiences. WHIP -String. Fantasies WIND -News & Livestock Reports WENR-Club Matinee WIRE -To be announced 2:00 WGN-To be announced Men, women, and children- some WHO -Hilltop House, sketch Sing Incorporated; Vocalists; Or- WISN-Dance Music WKBB-Pet Corner WHA-Following Congress famous, some obscure-with first- WLS-Livestocks: Gabriel Heatter chestra: WKBB WISN WKBH WHIP Gav Caballeros WJBC-Rhythm Review WOC WTAQ (sw-15.27) hand tales that are hilarious, pa- WKBH-Gladys Glickman Enter- WMBD-Noonday Frolic WIND -Men About Town thetic, astonishing, thrilling! Noth- tains WMT-Tune Time Story of Mary Marlin, sketch WJBC-Bible Study Hour WLW-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch ing like it on the air. WLS-Weather; News WOC-Old & New in Rhythm (Ivory Flakes) : WMAQ WHO Women of Sponsored by Sanka Coffee. WMBD-Ray Olson, songs: Auction WOWO-Ozark Sweetheart WLW WTMJ KSD WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Prgm. WROK-Home Folks Hour the Hour WSBT-Man on the Street Forum on Current Problems: WSUI-Geography in Week's News WMT-News: Frank Voelker, or- WIBA WMT ganist WTAD-Luncheon Music WTAD-World Varieties "WE, THE PEOPLE" WOC-Farm Bureau WTMJ-Sidewalk Reporter News: WIND WHIP 3:15 GABRIEL HEATTER Stella Dallas, sketch ,Milk of WOWO-Market Service 1:00 KMOX-On KMOX Tomorrow MASTER OF Magnesia) : WIRE WTMJ WIBA CEREMONIES WROK-Round the Town Irene Beasley, R.F.D. No. 1: of Man KWK-Great Works WMAQ WHO WSUI-Farm Flashes WKBB WFBM WISN WOC WAAF-Madcap Carnival COLUMBIA NETWORK TUESDAY EVENING WTAD-Debutantes WSBT (sw-15.27) WBAA-Concert Review Midstream, drama: WLW

3 Pais 26 8/2 E Adrian Rollini's Orch.: WENR Don't You Believe It (Sensation 9:45 (sw-9.53) Good Listening for Tuesday Cigarettes) : WGN KWK American Viewpoints: WOC WISN Further details end stations whieh will broadcast these programs may bs Battle of Sexes (Molle Shave) WKBH WSBT WKBB WTAQ Angler & Hunter, talk: WBOW found in the adjacent program polsmns at the time hereuder indicated conducted by Frank Crumit & WCCO WBBM (sw-11.83) TUESDAY (sw-1521) Dr. 0. Willard *matter, pres- MORNING Julia Sanderson: KSD WIRE ident of the American Dental Jack Armstrong, sketch: WHO WHO WTAM WMAQ WLW KOA Assn., will speak on "Dentistry WTMJ WMAQ 8:30 CST Forum on Current Problems. (also see Mon. prgms. at 11:30 and Public Health." October 25 Dick Tracy, sketch: WIRE WISN p.m.) KMOX-Headline Highlights 11:30 CST Farm and Home Hour. Uncle Ezra, sketch & music (Alka KSD-Sportlights To be announced: WIBA WBOW Seltzer): WTAM WLW KSD Continued) WTMJ WHO (4:45 p.m. KWK-Terry & the Pirates AFTERNOON Mary & Bob's True Stroies (True KOA WMAQ (sw- WBBM-Accordiano Story Magazine): WENR 9.53) KSD-Anti-Diphtheria Campaign 1:00 CST Forum on Current Problems. WOWO More detail en page 4. Talk; Dlck Leibert, organist WCFL-Charlie Cook WCFL-Showboat Carnival Queen State of the Jay Frank- WAAF-Sport Shorts WFAM-Dan Dunn, sketch 3:45 WIND -Concert Nation; CST Of Men and Books; Prof. John T. Review lin, commentator: WENR (sw- WBAA-Story Book Hour WFBMNYA Prgm.: Bohemians Frederick. WKBB-Conservation Prgm. WBBM-Todd Hunter. news WGN-Concert Orch. WKBH-Variety Revue 11.87) WIBA-News WCCO-Front Page Parade Edition NIGHT WMT-The Parks Family News: WIND WOWO WROK WFAM-Perpetual Help Novena WIND -Late Afternoon Varieties WROK-Musicale KMOX-Musical Moments WGN-Evening Serenade WKEH-Captain Midnight 7:00 CST Edward G. Robinson and Claire Tre- WSBT-Dance Orch. KWK-Musical Prgm. WHA-University Band Concert WLW-Denton & Barber vor; Drama. WSUI-Guest Artist Prgm. WFBM-Know Your Government WIND -Swing Quartet WMBD-Lone Ranger WTAQ-Supper Club WIBA-Club Chanticleer WJJD-Suppertime Frolic WMT-Lamp Lighting Time 7:00 CST Johnny Presents; Russ Morgan and WTMJ-The Gondoliers WIRE -To be announced WKBH-Kiddies' Hour WOC-George Sokolsky Talks His Orchestra. WMBD-Aristocrats of Rhythm WLW-Paul Sullivan, news WROK-15 Minutes with Evelyn - 8:15 7:30 Symphony Orch.: WMBD-Polly of the Range WSUI-Musical Moods CST Al Jolson, Singer and Comedian. WOR (710 kc) 10:00 Sports Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's WOWO-Home Folk Frolic WTAQ-Al Michel's KWK-Musical Prgm. 8:00 CST We, the People; Drama and Music. Soup): WMAQ WIRE KOA KFI WTAD-Barney Thompson 5:45 WCFL-Circle Service Boys WHO (also see 6 p.m.) WTMJ-Musicale Lowell Thomas, news commenta- 8:30 CST Benny Goodman's Swing Orchestra. WGN-Clifton Utley on Foreign Af- tor (Sun Oil): WLW (sw-15.21) 5:00 fairs Cab Calloway's Orch.: WISN WOC 8:30 CST Fibber McGee, Comedian, and Donald WIBA-Clarice Lee News; Eton Boys Quartet: WFAM Barry Wood, songs: WKBB WSBT WTAQ WHAS WBBM Novia, Tenor. WIND -Tommy KMOX WKBB WCCO WTAQ WFAM WFBM WOC Ott, organist WTAQ WKBB-Gaslight Harmonies Eddie Le Baron's Orch.: WBOW WBBM 9:00 CST Dr. Christian, Drama; Starring Jean (sw-9.53) Tom Mix' Straight Shooters, Hersholt. WKBH-Plays in Streamline Benno Rabinoff, violinist: WCFL sketch (Ralson Wheat Cereal): WMT-Band Wagon News: WKBB WMBD WMT (sw-9.53) WMAQ KWK 9:00 CST Bob Hope, Comedian and Singer. WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue WOC WFBM 8:30 Gray Gordon's Orch.: WIRE To be announced: WIBA Jerry Colonna, comedian; vocal sextet; Skinnay Ennis' KMOX-The Goldbergs, sketch orchestra. Benny Goodman's Orch. & Guest KWK-Sports Don Winslow of the Navy, sketch To be announced: (sw-9.53) (Camel Cigarettes) : WJR WOC WCCO-Don't Believe It WMBD KMOX WCCO WHAS (Krispies) : WENR WLW KWK To be announced: WIRE 9:30 CST Jimmie Fidler; Movie Gossip. . WENR-Globe Trotter WBBM WFBM WSBT WTAQ WGN-Hugo DePaul's Orch. KSD-News: Gabriel Heatter Little Orphan Annie, sketch: 9:45 CST Uncle Ezra; Comedy and Music. WISN WKBH WAAF-Shadowland WHO WGN KMOX WIBA-Night News Edition WIND -Charlie Orch. WBOW-Merry Go Round Sports Review: WIBA WTMJ Fibber McGee & Co.: Billy Mills' Agnew's WFBM-Christian Science Prgm. Captain Midnight: WCCO KSD Orch.; Donald Novis, vocalist WJR-Jack King, news WGN-Harold Turner, pianist WBBM-Chicago Hour (Johnson's Wax): WIRE KSD WKBH-News: Music of Circus 6:15 cerna player whom gambler at- WHO WLW WTAM WTMJ WIBA WLW-Paul Sullivan, news WHO -Captain Midnight WBOW-Jerry the tempts to intimidate. WIBA-The Plainsmen WCFL-Jack Kelly's Orch. George McCall's Screenscoops KOA WMAQ WOWO-Maurie Cross' Orch. (Old Gold Cigarettes) : WBBM The WROK-Robert Heen's Orch. WIND -News WENR-Hal Totten, sports Green Hornet, drama: WGN Jamboree: WENR WFBM WHAS KMOX WISN WMT KWK WBOW WMT WTAM-Musical Bulletin Board WISN-Show Window WIND -News: Sports KWK (sw-11.87) WISN-Sports Parade: Interlude WCCO WOC WJR (also KNX WTMJ-Today's Events: Sports WMAQ-Dick Tracy, sketch Johnny Presents Russ WMBD-Happy Train WKBH-To be announced KSL at 11:30 p.m.) Morgan & WGN-News: Sports 10:15 For news of Hollywood read "Hol- His Orch. (Philip Morris); Jack WMT-Ralph Slade's Orch. WMT-Weather: News lywood Showdown" in every issue WIND -Law of Life Vocal Varieties (Turns) : KOA Radio Johnstone's Dramas: WROK-Dance Hour of Guide. Genevieve WKBB-W. P. A. Prgm. KFI KPO (also see 6:15 p.m.) WOC-Captain Midnite Rowe; Swing Fourteen; Floyd WSUI-Spanish Reading, Prof. Ilse WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air Vocal Varieties (Turns) ; Jerry WOWO-Musical Moments Sherman, tnr.; Glenn Cross & Cab Calloway's Orch.: WOC WJR Probst Cooper, bar.: WMAQ WLW WHO WROK-Amateur Hour Laas Beverly: WHO WTMJ WTAM WFBM WKBH WKBB WTAM WIRE KSD (sw-9.53) WSUI-Stephen Foster Melodies WTAD-Sports WLW WIRE KSD WMAQ Fats Waller's Orch.: WOWO WTMJ-Lone Ranger, sketch (also at 10:15 p.m.) WIBA NIGHT (sw-9.53) (also KNX at 10:30 8:45 WIBA WMT Heatter, commentator 5:15 Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Per- p.m.) Gabriel News: WSBT WHAS WIRE WHO (R. B. Semler, Inc.) : WGN Howie Wing, sketch (Corn 6:00 sons, drama (American Home Joe Usifer's Orch.: WBOW WLS KMOX-At Your Leisure, inter- :. WBBM Prod.): WENR WMT KWK (sw- Flakes) WFBM WCCO Easy Aces, sketch (Anacin): (sw-11.87) Benny Goodman's Orch.: (sw- views 11.87) KMOX WENR WMT WIRE KWK (sw- WFAM-Hits & Bits 11.83) KWK-Smiling Ed McConnell Malcolm Claire, children's stories; 11.87) News: WMBD WFAM WIND -The Road to Crime WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. WCCO-Cedric Adams News: WENR (sw-9.53) WBOW-Si and Ezra WKBB-Star Revue WKBB-Hollywood on Parade WENR-Ennio Bolognini's Orch. Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's WKBH-Archibald WGN-Dick Jurgens' Orch. To be announced: WTAQ WISN WCFL-Tune Teasers String Ensemble WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air Soup): KSD WLW WTAM (also WGN-Bob Elson, sports WLS-The Magic Hour 9:00 WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. WKBB at 10 p.m.) WIBA-W. P. A. Musicale WOC-Vbices of Friendship Jamboree: WENR WLW-Magic Hour WMAQ-Fort Pearson, news Gray Gordon's Orch.: (sw-15.21) To be announced: WTAQ WHAS WKBB-Music in the Air WROK-Freeport Studios WSUI-Children's Hour, Dr. Christian, starring Jean Hers - WMBD-Value Hints Airliners: WIRE WBBM (sw-11.83) WKBH-Dinner Music the Land WROK-Practical Diesel of the Story Book holt (Cheseborough Mfg. Co.): WTAM-Music You Want Dick Tracy, sketch: KSD WHO Sports: WOC WKBH WKBB WTAQ-Camera Club WTAQ-WPA Concert WHAS WJR WBBM WCCO WTMJ-Dance Orch. KMOX (sw-11.83) KWK-Sketches in Melody News: WFBM WMAQ 6:30 7:15 10:30 WCFL-W alkashow KMOX-Alpine Varieties: Orch. Don't You Believe It (Sensation WBOW-Magic Hour Pepsodent Prgm.; Bob Hope; Glenn Miller's Orch.: WOC WISN WBOW-Luke Walton on Sports WJR WSBT WTAQ WKBH WENR-News Cigarettes): WLW WCFL-Douglas Wilson Skinnay Ennis' Orch.; Jerry Co- WFAM-Killer Dillers WCCO-Jack Armstrong, sketch WKBB WFBM (sw-6.12) Quite By (Nes- WFAM-Amer. Family Robinson lonna; Vocal Sextet; Jack Smart; WGN-Terry & the Pirates WCFL-Labor Flashes Accident, sketch tle's Cocoa): WMAQ WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. Guests: WIRE WTAM WMAQ Abe Lyman's Orch.: WMAQ WIBA-W. P. A. Musicale WFAM Crimecasts WKBB-Sentimental Music KSD WTMJ WLW WHO WIBA WBOW (sw-5.53) WIND -Cocktail Melodies WGN-Captain Midnight Helen Menken in "Second Hus- WKBH-American Weekly KOA (sw-9.53) Johnny Presents Russ Morgan WKBH-Today's Almanac WHO-McConnon Melodies Guest: Martha Raye. band," drama (Bayer Aspirin) : WLS-To be announced & His Orch. (Philip Morris) WLW-Little Orphan Annie WIBA-Dinner Concert For other details see sponsor's an- WFBM KMOX WBBM WHAS WTAQ-House of Peter MacGregor nouncement on this page. KOA KFI (also see 7 p.m.) WMAQ-Adv. of Jimmie Allen WIND -German Hour with William WJR (sw-11.83) WMBD-Pet Corner; Paul Welton's L. Klein 7:34 True Detective Mysteries (Lister - Frank Novak's Orch.: WMT Console Reflections: WFAM Me): WGN Orch. WISN-Down by Herman's WCCO For Men Only (Vitalis); Peg La Salute to Cities: WLW WMT-Mutiny on the Bounty WJR-To be announced Centra, vocalist; Fred Uttal; KWK-Answer Game News: WOC WHO News: WBBM KWK WOC-Piano Modulations WMBD-Sports: Music Mart WTAD Peter Van Steeden's Orch.; Guest: WCFL-Double in Stars KSD-Tel-a-Tunes Request Prgm. KMOX-H. W. Flannery, news WROK-Sports WROK-News: Song Hits of the WLW WIRE WIBA WTMJ WHO WIND -Political Talk WCCO-Rollie KWK-Sports & News Johnson WTAD-Jack Armstrong, sketch Day: Concert Hall: Practical Die- WMAQ KSD WTAM (sw-9.53) WISN-To be announced: Bernard Louie Weasel WBOW-The Magic Claw WCFL-Herr & the 5:30 sel Al Jolson Show; Parkyakarkus Lewison WENR-Earl Hines' Orch. Today with Bob Trout: WCCO WSUI-Dinner Hour Prgm. WCFL-Pop Tunes WKBB-Dance Time WGN-Concert Orch. & Lud Gluskin's Orch. (Lifebuoy WGN-Joe Sanders' Orch. WKBB (sw-11.83) WTMJ-Heinie & His Grenadiers Soap): WBBM WMBD KMOX W K BH-Radiotorial WHAS-Dance Orch. WIBA-Football Interview WMBD-To be announced WIRE -Marion County Democrats WISN WCCO WHAS WJR WHO-Back to the Bible WFBM (sw-11.83) (also KNX at WOC-Play Burgemeister WIBA-Evening Concert WISN-Ruby Newman WSBT-Curtain Calls WKBB-Sweetheart 11 p.m.) WIND -Mark Fisher's Orch. Serenade Guests: Olson and Johnson. WSUI-American Legion Prgm. WKBH-Tune Time WIRE -The Magic Hour Kay Thompson will be vocalist, WTAQ-Club Normandie Entertains WTMJ-Rhythm Time TUESDAY WLS-Sports Review 9:15 WMBD-Jack Lyon, organist Information Please: WBOW WLS 10:45 WMT WOWO (sw-11.87) WCFL-Roller Derby Glenn Miller's Orch.: WBBM WMT-Sports Roundup WGN-Concert Orch. TUNE IN ar WROK-Lone Ranger KMOX WMBD Morton Gould's Orchestra: WGN WIND -Charlie Agnew's Orch. WTAM-Musical Moments KWK WISN-Helen Wittman, songs Frank Novak's Orch.: WCFL WTMJ-Talk by Mr. Wiley WMBD-To be announced KWK 6:45 /CFL-Health Talk Round Table WFAM-The WMT-Football Abe Lyman's Orch.: WHO WIRE Inside of Sports (Phillies Cigars): Three Men WTAQ-Dream Time WGN WLW KWK WIND -News WCCO-To be announced WKBB-Concert Hall 9:30 Vivian della Chiesa, sop.: WOWO of the Air Maxine Sullivan, songs: WCCO WIND -News *BOB WKBH-Rapid Ad 11:00 WKBH WOC WSBT WKBB News: WKBB WLS WKBH WOC-Virginia Sellers, songs Dance Orch.: WIBA WIRE WSUI-Evening Musicale WISN WTAQ (sw-11.83) KSD-Roving Prof. WTAQ-Em Owen. pianist Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood Gos- Count Basis's Orchestra: WISN WCCO-Elmer A. Benson WSBT WKBB WBBM WFBM 7:45 sip (Drene) : KSD KOA WLW WCFL-Jack Kelly's Orch. WCFL-Townsend Plan WHO WIRE WTMJ WIBA KMOX WHAS WMBD WTAQ W HO-Songfellows WFAM-George E. Sokolsky WMAQ WTAM WOC (sw-6.12) .HOPE WIBA-Dinner Music For news of Hollywood read "Hol- WIND -Swing Quartet lywooddshowdown"w in every issue Richard Himber's Orch.: WMAQ WISN-Fiddlers Three WKBH-Sweet Swing of Radio Guide. WMBD-Rashid Sisters WBOW KSD WOC-Symphony Hall Blaine, WENR WMT-Twenty Fingers of Harmony Ralph tnr.: KWK Dick Barrie's Orch.: WGN WMT Rod New Ieo WSUI-The Woodland Rambler WBOW (sw-11.87) WOC-Tunes in Tempo WTAM-Sammy Watkins' Orch. WIRE Cast WTAM-Sammy Watkins' Ore. WTAQ-Ray McMonigle, tenor KMOX-France Laux, sports with All Star WTAQ-Ramblin' Trio KOA-Westernaires 8:00 WBBM-Sports Huddle KWK-Jeter Pillar's Orch. WTMJ-Magic Hour We, the People (Sanka Coffee): WCFL-Make Believe Danceland 7:00 WCFL-Your Daily Visitor N BC -Red Network Gabriel Heatter, Harry Von Zell, WFBM-The World We Live In You Desire Big Town, newspaper drama; Ed- WENR-Music as It Mark Warnow's Orch.: Guests: WGN-The Northerners WHO -American Legion Prgm. 10 p.m. E. S. T. 9 p. m. C. S. T. ward G. Robinson, with Claire WJR WHAS WBBM WCCO WHAS-Musical Revue WISN WMBD WIND -Charlie Agnew's orchestra 8 p. m. M. S. T. 7 p. m. P. S. T. Trevor: WBBM KMOX WFBM WOC WISN WIND -W alkathon Orch. WFBM WHAS WJR-Joe Venuti's KMOX WCCO WMBD (sw-11.83) WJR-The Beachcomber WKBH-Weather WJR (sw-11.83) (also KNX at Karl Schmidt, cellist, who WMBD-B. F. Fitzsimmons will WLW-Moon River, Poems, Organ PRESENTED BY 10:30 p.m.) played with Victor Herbert, WMT-Mary & Bob Present WTAM-Paul Burton's Orch. Drama: "Football hero," story be one of the guests. WOWO-Hoosierettes by Ray Huffman and produced For other details see sponsor's an- THE PEPSODENT CO. by Clark Andrews. Plot con- nouncement on page 25. WROK-The Balladiers End of Tuesday Programs WHA-Wis. Political Forum WROK-Musicale The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory 12:15 E 8/2 Page 27 MORNING WIND -Joe Alexander, organist WSUI-Musical Favorites Soap): WLW WMAQ Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): WKBH-Music Makers WTAD-Bea & Vea WBBM KMOX WCCO WISN To be announced: Pictures and review on pages 6 WROK-On the Mall WTAQ-Black & White, two pi- WKBB WKBH and 7. 7:00 a.m. CST WTAQ-Crimson Trail anos KSD-Melodeers WEDNESDAY WTMJ-Blue Room Ensemble Goodyear Farm Radio News: Milt Merth Trio: WBOW (sw- 9:30 K W K-Swingtime WAAF-Willie Winn WMAQ KWK WIBA WBOW 21.5) Just Plain Bill, sketch (Kolynos): 10:30 WFAM-Merrie Melodies WLW October 26 WMAQ WIRE WHO Big Sister, sketch (Rinso). Bob Byron, songs; (sw-21.52) WGN-Judy & Jane WBBM WISN WCCO WMBD News: WJJD WOWO WKBB Musical Clock WKBH WKBB Hilltop House, Bess Johnson WHIP -Musical Spotlight WIRE WFBM KMOX WFBM WTAQ-Man on the Street WIBA WOC WIRE (Palmolive Soap): WBBM WISN WHO-Caroline's Golden Store WBAA-Sports Review KMOX WCCO WMBD WIBA-Editor's Daughter WTMJ-Daily Bulletin Board 7:15 Young Widder Brown, sketch WBOW-Street Reporter 1:15 Gene & Glen, songs: (sw-21.5) (Haley's M -O): WIRE WMAQ WIND -20th Century Serenade WCFL-Walkashow Jerry Sears' Orch.: WCFL To be announced: WOC WSBT KSD WHO (sw-15.33) WIRE -Linda's First Love WGN-Luncheon Music Deep River Boys: (sw-21.52) Madame Courageous, sketch WISN-Morning Musicale WKBB WISN WKBH WTAQ WHIP -Englewood Hour (sw-15.27) News: WMT WHO (Durkee's Margarine): WLW Do You Remember?: WIBA WJBC-Parade of Bands WHO-Dinner Hour Concert WLS KWK WJJD-Criminal Court Interviews Musical Clock: WHIP WBOW Pepper Family, sketch WIND -Tommy Ott, organist Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch Young's WKBB-House of McGregor KMOX-Music Man & Tell a Story WAAF-Canary Serenade (Camay Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) WJBC-Variety Prgm. (Gold Medal) : WMAQ WIRE Lady WBOW-Club Reporter WKBH-Club Calendar WKBH-Man on the Street; WLW WTMJ WHO KSD (sw- 7:30 WFAM-Shoppers' Guide The Story of the Month: WBOW WMBD-Honeymoon Lane Luncheon Music 15.21) Musical Tete -a-Tete: WHO (ew- WFBfvI-Mrs. Farrell's Kitchen of WMT-Magic Kitchen WMBD-Town Crier: Farm Mar- Get Thin to Music: KWK To be announced: WGN WOWO 21.5) the Air WOC-Caroline Ellis kets WTMJ-Hymns of All Churches WMT-Voice of Iowa: Markets KMOX-Judy & Jane, sketch WGN-Get Thin to Music WAAF-Swing High KWK-Midstream Greenfield Village Chapel Choir: WHA-Nature Tales WCFL-Varieties WOC-Jackspratt Melodies WAAF-Soliloquy ' (sw-21.52) WHIP -Music Box WFAM-Lou Pike 11:30 WROK-Column Left, news Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; WSBT-In Movieland WBAA-Monitor Views the News Musical Clock: WMBD WBBM WIBA-Church of the Air WGN-Don Pedro, violinist TATE WIND -Jimmy Speakers: WIBA WBOW WMAQ WBBM-HAL WMT Dean. cowboy songs WHIP-Monitor Views the News 12:30 WJJD-School for Taxpayers WIND -Mid morning dance KWK (sw-15.21) Radio Tattler, Radio Guide News: WTAQ WHIP WKBB Road of Life (Chipso): KMOX WKBB-Eb & Zeb WJBC-Dollar Daze Special broadcast from Uni- Columnist presenting News 7:45 versity of iMnnesota College of WBBM Radio Rubes: WLW (sw-21.5) WKBH-Songtime WJJD-Harry Zimmerman, organ- Agriculture. and Gossip WMT-Radio Gossip ist Nora, Ned & Peables, sketch: George Perrine, talk: (sw-21.52) WOC-Melodic Variations WKBB-House of MacGregor Romance of Helen Trent (Edna KWK WBOW-Sports WOWO-Tri Topics: Markets WKBH-Albin Bina Wallace Hopper): WBBM KMOX Musical Clock: KMOX WKBB WCCO-Kitty Keene WROK-Morning Varieties WFAM-Lou Pike Shirley Howard, blues: KWK WHIP News: WHIP WGN WCFL WCFL-Varieties WTAD-Ma Perkins, sketch WJBC-Dollar Daze Rhythm Rascals: WTAQ 8:00 KSD-Heart of Julia Blake WTMJ WHA-Organ Melodies WTAQ-Roundup WJJD-Organ Selections News: WOC WKBH WHO News: Breakfast Club: WCFL WAAF-Livestock; Sweet & Slow WHIP -Speaking of Love WTMJ-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WLW-News: Livestocks: River: Man the \VBOW (sw-21.5) WCCO-Those Happy Gilmans on Street: WKBB WJJD-Livestock Markets 9:45 Weather: Markets WOWO WFAM-Harlan Hogan WLS-Palatial Palace of Wonders News: The Band Goes to Town: & Little Jimmy: WMT-Tom Owens' Cowboys WBAA-Luncheon Dance Asher WIBA WFBM-Town Farm Time WMBD-Party Line WLW (sw-21.5) WOC-Radio Bazaar Crier: Hoosier WBOW-Street Reporter Circle WMT-Cedar Valley Hillbillies Richard Maxwell, tnr.: WKBB WOWO-Linda's First Love, WCCO-Voice of the Farm Woman in White, sketch (Pills- WHA-Organ Gems WTAD-Little Theater WFAM WTAQ WOC (sw-21.52) sketch WCFL-Curtain Calls bury): WMAQ KSD WHO WIRE WROK-Kaye Woman's WHO-Myrt & Marge, sketch 1:30 Kreamer, WFBM-Stepmother American School of the Musical Clock: WIBA WROK WTMJ Forum WIND -Organ Selections Air: WGN-Markets: Midday Service WFBM WISN WBBM KMOX WMT WSUI-The Book Shelf WIRE -Farm Hour Ma Perkins, sketch (Oxydol): WHA-Farm Prgm. WTAQ WOC News: WIRE WJJD WKBH WTAD-Party Line WISN-Organ Melodies WKBH WKBB WMBD WLS (sw-15.21) WHIP -Rube 'n' Cy WSBT WCCO (sw-15.27) WTAQ-News: Merry Go Round WJBC-Singing Sam 8:15 WIBA-Noen News: Markets Stepmother, sketch (Colgate): 10:45 WJJD-Judge Stephen Adamow- WIND -Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue Forum on Current Problems: Montana Slim, songs; News: WBBM KMOX WCCO Aunt Jenny's Stories (Spry): ski's Safety Court Broadcast Eyes, hillbilly songs & guitar WOWO WIBA WBOW WKBH WTAQ WKBB WFAM WKBB-What's Where on the Air: Singing Strings: WMT WCCO KMOX WFBM WMBD WIRE -Reporter Valiant Lady, sketch (Gold Med- WFBM (sw-21.52) WBBM WISN Farm Flashes; Do You Want a WISN-Musical Heat Wave al) : WLW WIRE WMAQ WHO Family Man: KSD News: WISN WMBD Job? WJJD-Noonday Service KSD WTMJ (sw-15.21) 8:30 KWK-The Party Line The Road of Life, sketch (Chip - WKBH-Rhythm and Romance: WLS-Checkerboard Time Livestock Quotations KWK-News: Musical Interlude Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne (Cafox WAAF-Dance Time so) : WLW WTMJ WMAQ WLW-Voice of the Farm WLS-Gene & Glen WAAF-Markets; Health Talk Toothpowder & Soldified Albo - WBOW-Teachers' College Pgm.: WMAQ-News: Sing An Old Song Viennese Ensemble: WBOW (sw- WLW-News: Livestock WBAA-Geography in the News lene) : WBBM "Thomas Jefferson & the Loui- WMBD-Farm News WLS-Organ Conrert WCBD-Scripture Truth Hour siana Purchase" 21.5) WMT-Hillbillies: Joe Doakes Breakfast Club: WOWO WCFL WCFL-Bittersweet Melodies WMBD-Thrift Message: Jack Ly- WCFL-Mundelein College Work- Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WROK-Couple on the Street: In- shop WGN-Musical Mail Box on, organist terlude Troubadours: (sw-21.52) (Dreft): WHO WMT-Sweet and Swing WGN-The Lady's Answer WKBH WHIP -Women & The Home WSBT-The Day Dreamer WOC-Hymns of All Churches WHA-Over at Our House WIND -Songs of the Island Getting the Most Out of Life W1AD-Farm: Weather: Markets Happy Jack, songs: KSD KWK WJJD-Tommy Tucker's Orch. WOWO-Consolaires WHIP -Afternoon Concert 8:45 (Fleischmann's Yeast) : (sw- WTAD-Police News 12:45 WIND -Nat'l Emergency Council WKBB-Rhythm & Romance Those Happy Gilmans, The Wife Saver, Allen Prescott: 15.21) WTAQ-Mailman comedy WJJD-Radio Council WKBH-Swing Interlude sketch (Corn-Kix): WMAQ KSD WLW-The Goldbergs, sketch Beth Chandler, songs: WMT WTMJ-Heinie & D;nty WLS-Grain Market Summary KSD WLW (sw-15.21) WMT-News: Novelty Parade WOWO-Modern Home Forum KSD-Just Plain Bill, sketch 11:45 Bachelor's Children, sketch (Old WSUI-Prgm. Calendar: Weather KWK-News: Musical Interlude The Voice of Experience (Lydia WMBD-His Majesty Dutch Cleanser) : KMOX WCCO Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: WLW WTAD-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WAAF-Novelettes E. Pinkham) : WCFL WIRE WMT-Tune Time Fiddlers' Fancy: (sw-21.52) WCFL-Hit Revue KWK WROK-Stars on Parade 10:00 Our Gal, Sunday, sketch (Ana- WFAM-Jane Arden, sketch WTAD-Music in Sentimental Mood Breakfast Club: WIRE The Story of Mary Marlin, sketch Gospel Singer; Edward MacHugh, WGN-Painted Dreams cin): WBBM KMOX 1:45 (Ivory Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) bar. & Organ (Ivory Soap): News: WHIP WIND WHA-Novelty Shop Betty Crocker (Gold Medal): Dorothy Crandall, pianist: WCFL KMOX WBBM WCCO KWK-Pop Wise & Filbert Pappy Cheshire's Nat'l Hillbilly WHIP -Concert Miniature WIRE WMAQ WHO WLW KSD WBBM-Troubadors Champions: WOC WTAQ WMBD WIBA-To be announced KSD-Lady Courageous Man on the Street: WTAD WSBT (sw-15.21) WFAM-Morning Devotions WIND -Livestock Markets News: WTAQ WISN WFBM WFAM WAAF-Myrna Dee Sergent, talk WKBH KWK-Story of the WFBM-Apron Strings WIRE -Jimmie Grier's Orch. WBAA-Wanita Month WCCO-Grandma Travels Wilson, soprano WAAF-The Mortons of Maple St. WHO-Musical Clock Originalities: WIBA WMT (sw- WJBC-Peggy Payne, pioneers WBOW-Luncheon WFAM-Luncheon Dance Dance Music WBAA-Market Reports WJJD-Chicago Tuberculosis Insti. 21.5) WJJD-Dick Jurgen> Orch. WFBM-Community Fund: Bohe- WFBM-Markets: Farm Bureau WGN-Ed & Co. 9:00 WKBB-Treasure Chest mians Fitzgerald David Harum, sketch (Bab Prgm: WIND -Organ and Vibra Harp Paul Page, songs: WOWO WBOW -0): WKBH-P.-T. A. Talk WHIP-Airlane Dance KSD WMAQ WHO WGN-Man on State Street WJJD-Freddie Berrens' Orch. 1VCFL WIRE WLS-Market Reports: News WHO -Lem & Martha WHIP -String Fantasies WLS-Chore Boys News: WIND WTAD WOC-Screenfans Prgm. WIND -News; Livestock Reports Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch (Won- WHO -Hilltop House, sketch WMBD-To be announced KMOX-Travelogue WOWO-Party Line, sketch WKBB-Pet Corner der Bread): WOC WBBM WFBM WISN-Dance Music WMT-Judy and Jane, sketch KWK-Singing Cowboys WROK-Freeport Studios WLS-Livestock: Listeners' Mike KMOX WCCO WISN WJBC-Reid & Vin WOC-Latch String Luncheon Club WKBB WTAD-Those Happy Gilmans WMBD-Noonday Frolic: George WAAF-Woman's Page of the Air WKBH-Voice of the Farm WOWO-Markets Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava WBBM-Heart of Julia Blake 11:00 WLS-Markets: Weather: News McDonald Mary Margaret McBride, col- WMT-Tune Time WROK-Old Refrains Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) WBOW-Christian Science Prgm. WMBD-Polly of the Range WTMJ-Home Harmonizers WCBD-Uncle John umnist (La France & Satina): WMT-News: Frank Voelkcr, or- WOC-Old & New in Rhythm 2:00 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, WCCO-Ma Perkins, WBBM KMOX WFBM WISN WOWO-Ambrose & Mary Lou sketch ganist Marriage License Romances:WGN sketch (Old English Wax): WIRE WCFL-Variety Prgm. WCCO WMBD WFAM WFBM Bureau WROK-Home Folks Hour WMAQ WHO KSD WOC-Farm WMT KWK WGN-Morning Melodies WOC WOWO-Market Service WTMJ-Sidewalk Reporter Nation's School of the Air: WLW WHA-Homemakers KSD-News: Tel -a -Tunes WROK-Round the Town 1:00 Time Out for Dancing: WFBM WJBC-Theater Time KWK-Texas Drifter WSUI-Farm Flashes Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold WKBB WKBH WTAQ WOC News: WROK WAAF KWK WJJD-Journal of Living WAAF-Train Time, interviews WTAD-Dance Revue Medal) : WMAQ WIRE WLW WISN KMOX (sw-15.27) WFAM-Cuncert Time WKBB-Hollywood Reporter WTAQ-Farmhands KSD WHO (sw-15.21) WBAA-Amer. Institutions: News The of Mary Marlin, sketch WHIP -Down the Mississippi WKBH-Home Economics Prgm. WTMJ-Heinie & His Grenadiers Story WBOW-Presentation: Agricultural Irene Beasley, R.F.D. No. 1: (Ivory Flakes): WMAQ WGN-The Party Line WLW-Heart of Julia Blake Arent WHO WHA-Your Health WOC WFBM WKBB WISN (sw- WLW WTMJ KSD WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue WCFL-Peekers in the Pantry WHIP -In the Gloaming 15.27) WSUI-Homemakers' Forum WGN Manhattan Mother, sketch Forum Problems: WIBA-Organ Melodies on Current WTMJ-True Stories WHA-Magazine Rack Two On a Shoestring, sketch WIND -Headline Music AFTERNOON WIBA WCFL WIRE 10:15 WHIP -Redeemer Lutheran (Oakland Chemical Co.): WGN WJJD-Morning Dance Time News: WIND WHIP Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): WHO -Vic & Sade WKBH-Olive Hagen, organist WAAF-Madcap Carnival WLS WLW (sw-15.21) WIBA-Linda's First Love 12:00 KMOX-Voice of the- Farm WMBD-Messenger: Weather Pictures and review on pages e The Goldbergs, sketch WBAA-Afternoon Musicale and 7. WIND -Bob Atcher and Bonnie (Oxydol): KWK-Backstage Wife Radioadio Gossip WBBM-Linda's First Love Blue Eyes, WOC WKBB WBBM WCCO the songs WAAF-Piano Encores, Don Bolt, WBOW-Teachers' College Prgm.: WSUI-Within Classroom: Lorenzo Jones, sketch (Phillips): WIRE-Singin' Sam in English, The Happy Gang: WGN commentator "Nancy Goes to College" The Greek Epic Prof. WMAQ WHO WIRE KSD WJBC-Surprise Party WBAA-Meditations Dorance S. White WCCO-Judy & Jane WJJD-Bureau of Missing Per- News: WMBD WJBC WTAD WBBM-Man on Street WTAQ-Theater Organ the WHA-Professor Gordon's Music Breen & de Rose, songs: WBOW sons WIND WBOW-Medical Society WTMJ-What's New? WIBA WKBB-Book KMOX-Ma Perkins, sketch Class of the Hour WCBD-J. C. O'Hair WJJD Sentenced Men, interviews 9:15 WKBH-Magic Violin KSD-News: Markets Extra WCCO-Noon WLS-Chore Boys with Evelyn Myrt & Marge, sketch (Super The Editor's Daughter: WBBM WLS-Martha Craae;Helen Joyce; WAAF-The Symphonic Hour WCFL-Spotlight Prgm. e, Daughter Suds): WBBM WCCO KMOX WOWO Otto & Novelodeons; Soloist WBAA-Farm Facts for Farm WHA-Wis. Political Forum WMBD-Editor's WOWO-The Observer WFBM WMBD WISN Party Line: WMT WFBM WLW-Editor's Daughter. sketch Folks WHIP -Rhapsody Brass in WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue KMOX-Let's Compare Notes WMAQ-The Carters of Elm Street, WCFL-Smoke Rings Serenade WIBA-Concert Trio Josh Higgins of Finchville, sketch: WSBT-Old Gospel Taber- KWK-Great Works of Man sketch WFBM-Bohemians WIND -Lupi Italian Hour Time WBOW WMT KSD WCFL WOWO nacle WAAF-Jen & Birdie WMT-Corntussel Nooz WHA-Noon Musicale WKBH-Ma Perkins. sketch WSUI-Campus Activities: World WCCO-Tena & Tim WOWO-Farm Flashes: Billboard WHIP-Southtown Church Hour WLS-School Time; Furnishing a John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis Bookman: Within the Classroom, : WMAQ WIRE WCFL-Variety Prgm. WSUI-Within the Classroom: WHO -Markets & Weather Home Philippe) WHO Modern Music, Prof. Philip G. KSD WGN-Bachelor's Children Shakespeare, Prof. John W. Ash- WISN-Even as You and I WMBD-Men on the Street WHIP -Alice pianist ton Tunes: Clapp Jane Arden, sketch (Ward Bak- Oleson, WJJD-Anything Can Happen WMT-Hit Many Happy Prgm. -Broadway for the Ladies WTAD-Hannibal ing Co.) : WLS KWK (sw-15.21) WIND Memories WTAD-All WKBH-Avanelle De Witt Returns 2:15 WISN-Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WTAQ-Hollywood on Parade WLS-Dinnerbell Program WOWO-Richard Trojan Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, sketch Nation's School of the Air: WLW WJBC-Women in the News WTMJ-Betty and Bob, sketch WMT-Question Man: Varieties WROK-Lion's Club Luncheon WTMJ WHO KSD WLW News: WOC WKBB WKBB-What's New 11:15 WOWO-Voice of the Farm WSBT-Your Club & Mine WMAQ WAAF-Rhythm Rhapsody WKBH-Your Home Prgm. "Her Honor, Nancy James," WSBT-News; Stork Report: Farm WSUI-Illustrated Musical Chats, Time Out for Dancing: WCCO WFAM-P.-T. A. Prgm. WMBD-Linda's First Love sketch (Kleenex) : KMOX WCCO Flashes Debussy, La Mer: Nocturnes WGN-Betty Crocker WOC-Morning Melodies WFBM WBBM WSUI-Rhythm Rambles WTAD-News (Continued on Next Page) Page 28 8/2 E West & Matey: WGN WMT-Weather: News WBOW-Did You Know News: WJBC WOC Good Listening for Wednesday WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air WCFL-News KMOX-Editor's Further details ndc stations which will broadcast these programs may be WTMJ-Sport Flash WFAM-You Shall Have Rhythm Daughter, sketch found in WAAF-The Mortons of Maple the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WGN-Musical Moments WEDNESDAY WIND -Traffic Street MORNING Court WCCO-Betty & Bob, sketch NIGHT WKBB-Star Revue WHA-U. S. Weather Bureau 11:30 CST Farm and Home Hour. WKBH-Rapid Ad October 26 WIND -Gems from musical com- WMBD-E. M. Dirksen, speaker edies AFTERNOON 6:00 WOC-German Band WROK-Freeport Studios (2:15 p.m. Continued) WJJD-Frankie Trumbauer's Orch. Easy Aces, sketch (Anacin): WMBD-Bargain Counter 1:00 CST Forum on Current Problems. WENR WMT KWK WIRE (sw- WSUI-Children's Hour Forum on Current Problems: 11.87) WTAQ-Earl Bottnmley, baritone WOWO-Old Time Religion 3:00 CST Forum on WBOW WMT WIBA WIRE WROK-Ma Perkins, sketch Current Problems. 7:15 WCFL To be announced: WMBD WJR WSUI-American Association of WBOW-Leonald P. Kincade, talk NIGHT WHAS (sw-11.83) KMOX-One Woman's Opinion University Women WCFL-Douglas Wilson KWK-Sarli Jam Session WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. 6:30 CST Jim McWilliams' Ask -It -Basket; Qulz Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's WFAM-Amer. Family Robinson WBBM-Meet the Missus WTAQ-Works of the Masters Program. Soup): WTAM KSD WLW (also WGN-Concert Orch. WGN-Kaffee K13tsch WTMJ-Variety Revue at 10 p.m.) WKBB-Sentimental Music WHIP -Dancing Party 7:00 CST Gang Busters; Crime Fighting Drama. WKBH-Musical Comedy Time 3:45 Sports Review: WKBB WKBH WMBD-Spelling WIND-Matinee Variety Eton Boys: WKBH Bee WFBM WOC 7:00 CST One Man's Family; Serial Drama. WOC WTAQ-House of Peter MacGregor WJJD-Piano Reflections WFAM WTAQ WMBD WKBB KMOX-France Laux, sports WLS-Homemakers Prgm. 7:30 WISN (sw-15.27) 7:00 CST Forum on Current Problems. WBBM-Dr. Preston Bradley, com- Whiteman's WMBD-Window Shopper Paul Orchestra and Girl Alone, sketch (Quaker 7:30 mentator Guests (Chesterfield Cigarettes): WROK-Musicale CST Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra. WBOW-Sports: This Minute 2:30 Oats) ; Betty Winkler & Pat WKBB WBBM WFAM WMBD 7:30 WCCO-Jack Armstrong, sketch KMOX Pepper Young's Family, sketch Murphy: WMAQ KSD WIRE CST Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra. WISN WTAQ WHAS WHO WCFL-Tower Tunes WFBM WOC WCCO WKBH WJR (Camay Soap) : WTMJ WMAQ 7:30 CST Hobby Lobby; Interviews with Hob- WFAM-Crimecasts WHO WLW KSD (sw-11.83) (also KNX KSL at Mad Hatterfields, sketch: WLW byists. WFBM-News 10:30 p.m.) Leon Goldman, violinist: WFBM Forum on Current Problems: WGN-Captain Midnight 8:00 CST Fred Allen, Comedian. WHO-Songfellows Lone Ranger, drama (Silvercup): WSBT WKBH WKBB WOC (sw- WENR WIBA Portland 15.27) Hoffa, Merry Macs, and Peter Van Steeden's WIBA-Dinner Concert WGN orchestra. KMOX-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WIND -German Hour Hobby Lobby, with Dave Elman The Buckeye Four: WGN WAAF-Matinee Melodies WISN-Down by Herman's 8:00 CST Forum on Current Problems. (Fels Naptha): WMT KWK KMOX-Magic Kitchen WBBM-Tina & Tim WMAQ-Toy Center Tonight WOWO WLS WBOW (sw-11.87) KWK-Richard Hayes, organist WCCO-Julia Blake 8:30 CST Star Theater; Adolphe WMBD-Sports: Music Mart Hobbyists: A man who col- WCFL-Music Hall of Fame Menjou, m.c. WROK-News: Song Hits of the lects musical instruments, and WBAA-The Home Decorator Una Merkel, Charlie Ruggles, Ned Sparks, Jane Froman, WGN-Margery Graham, Book -a- Day: Sweet & Swing: Practical the president of the Red-Headed WBBM-Missus Goes to Market Kenny Baker, James Wallington, Max Reinhardt, David League of America. WCCO-Markets Week Diesel Broekman's orchestra. Verree Teasdale, Menjou's wife, WHA-Music of the Masters WHA-Dave Machtel, tnr. WSUI-Dinner Hour Prgn). Tommy Dorsey, His Trombone will also appear on the program. WIRE-Dessa Byrd; Hoosier News WHIP -Remote Control WTAQ-Mutiny on the High Seas & Orch. (Raleigh & Kool): WIND -Music & Banter WTMJ-Heinie & His Grenadiers Edythe Wright; Jack Leonard; WISN-News: Prgm. Preview 9:00 CST Kay Kyser's Musical Klass and Dance. WJJD-Fred Beck, organist WJBC-Classical Music 6:15 Paul Stewart, m.c.: WMAQ WHO WLS-Homemakers Prgm. WROK-Swedish Gospel Service 9:30 CST Edgar A. Guest; True Stories of Human Side of the News; Edwin WLW WTAM WIRE KSD WTMJ WMBD-Petticoat Parade 4:00 Achievement. C. Hill, comm. (Campbell's (also at 10:30 p.m.) WOWO-Stork Express The Affairs of Anthony: WENR Soup) : WTAM KSD WIRE WHO WCFL-Seeley Institution WROK-Rhythm Before Three WMT WIBA WBOW 11:30 CST Lights Out; Experimental Drama. (sw-9.53) (also at 10:15 p.m.) WIBA-To be announced WTAD-Gems Melo of yd March of Games: WFAM Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Per- WIND -News WTAQ-Fiddlers Three WFBM WSUI-Evening Musical WTAQ WKBH WISN WKBB sons, drama (Amer. Home Pro- 2:45 WCCO WOC ducts): WMT WENR KWK (sw- 7:45 Lebrun Sisters, vocal trio: WTAQ WJBC-News Dick Tracy, sketch: KSD WHO 11.87) Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava WCFL-Labor Flashes WFBM WSBT WKBH WISN WJJD-Alexander McQueen KWK-Sketches in Melody WIND -Swing Quartet Soap): WLW KSD WHO WMBD-News: Lum & Abner, comedy team WCCO WKBB WOC (sw-15.27) Dr. Kadesky Prgm. WCFL-Walkashow WLW-To be announced WOWO-Home Folk Frolic WFAM-Killer (Postum): WBBM WJR WFBM Mark Love, basso & Organ: WGN Dillers WSUI-German Prose & Poetry, The Guiding Light, sketch (White WSUI-Speech Clinic of the Air WHAS KMOX WCCO (also KNX KWK WGN-Terry & the Pirates Mr. Frederick Schwartz Naptha): WHO WMAQ WTMJ WTAD-News Summary WIBA-Pacific Fog KSL at 10:15 p.m.) KSD WLW WTMJ-Down a Country - KMOX-Barnyard Follies Road WIND -Tommy Ott, organist News: WMBD WOC WFAM 8:00 WAAF-Eunice Clark, songs Fred Forum on Current Problems: 4:45 WKBH-Today's Almanac WBOW-Si & Ezra Town Hall Tonight, starring WOWO WBOW WIBA WCFL WBAA-Contract Bridge Chats Tom Mix Straight Shooters, WLW-Little Orphan Annie WCFL-Tune Teasers Allen with Portland Hoffa (Sal WMT WBBM-Manhattan Mother, sketch sketch (Ralston Wheat Cereal): WMAQ-Adv. of Jimmie Allen WGN-Bob Elson, sports Hepatica & Ipana); Peter Van WCFL-Make Believe Danceland (sw-15.21) WMBD-Pet Corner: Dean & Gail Steeden's Orch.; Merry Macs; Reminiscing: WKBB-Circle Service Boys KWK WHA-Deutsche Musik Stunde WMT-Mutiny on the Bounty WKBH-Dinner Music Guest: WIBA WTAM WMAQ WHIP-Razzberry College To be announced: WIBA WBBM-Pappy Cheshire's Nat'l WOC-Piano Modulations WLW-Melody Grove WIRE WLW WHO KSD KOA WIND -Current news WROK-Sports 11 Hillbilly Champions Charles Sears, tnr.: KSD WHO WMAQ-Ennio Bolognini's Orch. WTMJ (sw-9.53) (also KFI at WIRE -High School News WBOW WTAD-Jack Armstrong, sketch WTAQ-Parade of the Bands p.m.) WGN-Good Health & Training Emma 3chatzman, taxi- WHIP -Grandmother's WJBC-Wesleyan Hour WTMJ-Say It With Music 6:30 Mrs. Scrapbook WJJD-Islanders Vaughn de Leath, songs: WMT dermist, will be the person "you WIND -Of All Things Colgate's Ask -It -Basket with Jim didn't expect to meet." WMAQ-Concert Miniature KWK WENR 5:30 McWilliams: WFBM WBBM WJR WLS-News Report Problems: WTAD-Edith Raye WMBD-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WAAF-Sport Shorts Today with Bob Trout: WKBB KMOX WCCO WHAS WMBD Forum on Current WOWO-News WBAA-Story Book Hour WCCO (sw-11.83) WISN (sw-11.83) (also KNX WBOW WLW WENR WOWO 3:00 WROK-News: Musicale (sw-11.87) At the Music Counter: WTAQ WBBM-Todd Hunter, news Music Is My Hobby: WBOW KSL at 9:30 p.m.) WSUI-Stamp Lore WCCO-Front Page Parade WFBM WKBH WISN WMBD (sw-9.53) Xavier Cugat's Orch.: WBOW Columbia Concert Orch.: WFBM WSBT WKBB WOC (sw-15.27) 4:15 WGN-Afternoon Serenade Guest: Dr. Elliott Ward WOC WKBB WTAQ WHAS WJR Terry & the Pirates (Dart -Rich): WIND -Swing Quartet Cheney, of Washington, N. J., Capt. Tim Healy's Stamp Club WSBT WISN (sw-11.83) Backstage Wife, sketch (Dr. WLW (sw-15.21) WIRE -To be announced physicist on the staff of Con- (Kelloggs): WLW Lyons) : WMAQ WTMJ WIRE sumers' Research, whose hobby Bob Crosby's Orch.: WGN KWH Fran Allison, songs: WOWO WMT WJBC-Variety Prgm. is playing the piano. He will WHO WIBA WJJD-Suppertime Frolic present News: WTAQ WHO a program of two -piano KSD-Tel-a-Tunes, Request Prgm. KMOX-Hot Stove League Forum on Current Problems: So You Want to Be:- WFAM WKBH-Kiddies' Hour music with his professional WBBM-We, the Wives WTAQ WKBH WISN WKBB WLW-Paul Sullivan, news friend, Robert Buehler. KWK-Sports & News WOWO WMT WCFL-Pop Tunes WCCOTo be announced WFBM WCCO WOC WMAQ-Say It with Music Lyon & Marlowe, piano duo: WCFL-Showboat Carnival Qom be announced: WFAM-Symphonetta To WBOW Guest: Grantland Rice, talk- WMBD-Dr. Sumner Miller: Mel- WENR (sw-15.21) WIND -Thinking Straight ing on sports writing. ody Miniature WGN-Concert Orch. KMOX-Singin Sam WIBA-String Quartet WKBH-The Curtain Rises Johnson Family: WGN WOWO-Family Council Jack Armstrong, sketch: WTMJ WMBD-Seriously Speaking KWK-Midafternoon Madness WHO WMAQ WIRE -Marion County Democrats WAAF-News & WSUI-News Highlights WMT-The Parks Family Weather Your Family & Mme, sketch Dick Tracy, sketch: WIRE WISN WKBB-Sweetheart Serenade WBAA-Concert Review WTAD-Lawrence Glosemeyer WROK-Penthouse Players : WTMJ WKBH-Sweet Swing WCCO-Ladies (Sealtest) WMAQ WIBA WTMJ-Around the Town KMOX-Headline Highlights Hour First KSD KSD-Sportlights WLS-Don Kelley's Sport Review WSUI-Drama WCFL-News 5:00 8:15 KWK-Terry & WMAQ-News: Musical Entre KWK-Child Conference, spkr. American Schools; Dr. Bel- the Pirates on Current Problems: WENR-Club Matinee Our WBBM-Chicago Hour WMT-Sports Roundup Forum WAAF-Hollywood Brevities mont Farley: WCFL (sw-9.53) KWK WGN-Household Hints WCFL-Charlie Cook WOC-Rosemary, songs WHA-Mental Health & Happiness WBAA-Dick Curtner, pianist Adrian Rollini's Orch.: WMT WFAM-Dan Dunn, sketch WROK-Italian Hour Columbia Concert Orch.: KMOX WHIP-Gay Caballeros WBBM-Houseboat Hannah, sketch WTAM-Famous Concerts WBOW-St. WFBM-Bohemians WBBM-World We Live In WIND -Men about town Mary of the Woods News: Organ Melodies: WTAQ WTMJ-Easy Aces WJBC-Devotional Hour WENR-Swingtime Serenade WFAM WKBB KMOX WCCO WGN-Armchair Melodies WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WIBA-News Edition WMBD-Melody Magic WLW-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WHIP -Polish Merchants Hour WBBM 6:45 WHO -The Goldbergs WIND -Late Afternoon Varieties Gray Gordon's Orch.: WMT WMT-Max Daehler, piano duo WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Women of Don Winslow of the Navy, sketch the Hour WIND-Take It Easy WKBH-Captain Midnight WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue WIRE -News: Minute Interviews (Krispies): WENR WLW KWK WLW-Denton & Barber, sports Inside of Sports (Phillies Cigars) : WSUI-Stories Out of Iowa's Past, WMBD-Paul Welton's Orch. WLW WGN KWK 8:30 Iowa State Historical Society, WJJD-Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue Dedication of San Francisco Ex- Texaco Star Theater; Adolphe Eyes, songs WMT-Crimson Trail News: WKBB WKBH WIRE Dr. William J. Petersen position "Theme House": WGN WOC-Twilight Musicale Menjou, m.c.; Una Merkel, Char- WTAD-World Entertains WMBD-Your Family & Mine WLS Captain Midnight, sketch: WHO WROK-Symphonic Orch. lie Ruggles, Jane Froman, Kenny 3:15 WROK-Freeport Studios KSD-Song Stylist Baker, Max Reinhardt, Ned Orchestra & WOC WSUI-Men of Tomorrow Midstream, drama: WLW WSUI-Mexican Chor- WBOW-Man in the Tavern Sparks, David Broekman's Or- us KSD-News: Dick Leibert, organ WTAQ-Al Michel's Sport Wheel WCFL-Tom Cook, tnr. WAAF-Shadowland chestra: WFBM WTAQ WISH Stella Dallas, sketch (Milk of 4:30 WFAM-W. P. A. Prgm. WHAS WSBT WBOW-Merry-Go-Round 5:45 WMBD WKBB Magnesia) : WTMJ WIRE WIBA Cadets Quartet: WENR KWK WHO -Jerry & the Four Dons WFBM-Wheeler Mission WKBH KMOX WCCO WBBM WHO WMAQ WMT Nan Wynn, songs: WOC WTAQ WMAQ-Jerry Cooper, songs WJR WOC (sw-11.83) WHA-Organ Reverie WOC-Tunes in Tempo (Mrs. Ross Pierce's Orch.: WIRE WFBM WFAM WMBD Guest: Veree Teesdale Columbia Concert Hall: WFBM WIBA-The Plainsmen WTAM-Romance in Song Adolph Menjou). WKBH WISN WMBD WSBT The Castillians: WISN WFAM WIND -News Tom Mix Straight Shooters, WTAQ-Talking Drums Forum on Current Problems: WKBB WOC (sw-15.27) WTAQ WKBB WKBH WOC WIRE -Lone Ranger, drama sketch (Ralston Wheat Cereal): WTMJ-Kilowatt Hour WENR WBOW WIBA WOWO Window WISN-Show WMAQ KWK. WLW KWK KMOX-Linda's First Love, sketch WTMJ WIBA sketch 7:00 WAAF-Janet Lynn, J-andt Trio: WMAQ WMAQ-Dick Tracy, songs Lowell Thomas, news commen- One Man's Family (Tenderleaf by Percy Faith: WMT WCFL-Music WMBD-Happy Train Music in the Modern Man- Don Winslow of the Navy: (sw- tator (Sun Oil): WLW (sw- Tea) : WMAQ WIRE KSD WHO ner WMT-Tea Time Tunes 15.21) WSUI-Tea Time Melodies 15.21) WIBA WLW WTAM WTMJ (also WGN-News: Sports WHIP -Behind Kitchen Doors WTAD-Sports Summary see Sun. Prgms. at 11:30 p.m.) WIND-Amateur Hour WIND -Modern Variations Jack Armstrong, sketch (Wheat- Rhythm Boys & Ostth.: WIRE WROK-Verna Davis, songs WLW WTMJ-The Plainsmen drama WJJD-Ben Kanter, piano, songs ies): Captain Midnight: WCCO KSD Gang Busters, Colgate): WSUI-Melody Time WFBM WBBM WCCO WSUI-Waltz Interlude KSD-Life Can Be Beautiful 5:15 Little Orphan Annie: WGN KMOX 8:45 WTAQ Fiddlers Three WAAF-Salon Concert Malcolm Claire. children's stories; KMOX WHO WJR WHAS WISN (sw-11.83) WGN-Yar Concert Orch. 11 p.m.) 3:30 WBAA-Purdie Round Table News: WENR (sw-9.53) WBBM-Piano Parade (also KNX KSL at WROK-Social Security Life Can Be Beautiful, sketch WBBM-Kitty Keene, sketch Dedication of San Francisco Ex- WBOW-Jerry of the Circus Forum on Current Problems: WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air (Ivory Soap): WIRE WMAQ WCCO-Livestock position "Theme House": WGN WCFL-Jack Kelly's Orch, WLS WMT (sw-11.87) 9:00 WLW WHO WFBM-Tea Time Tunes WENR-Totten on Sports Subject: "War Over the Jury Trials: WGN WMT To be announced: WISN WIBA-Sportscast World." Famous WGN-Harold Turner, pianist More detail On paye s. KWK Forum on Current Problems: Forum Howie Wing, sketch (Corn WIND -News: Sports WIBA WHA-Wis. Political Dramatization: The State vs. WHO -Tea & Crumpets Flakes): WBBM WFBM WCCO WISN-Sports Parade: Interlude College of Music; Cincinnati Wm. Evans or "The Mystery of Columbia Concert Hall: WFAM WIND -Bob Atcher KMOX WKBH-To be announced Symph. Orch.: KWK the Running Footsteps." WCFL-News 9:45 WTAM-Musical Bulletin Board Dick Jurgens' Orch.: WGN WMT E 8/2 Page 29 Frequencies WIND -Football; Cardinals vs. WCCO-Elmer A. Benson WTMJ-Today's Events Russ Morgan's Orch.: WENR KMOX-1090 WISN-1120 WISN-Concert Miniatures 10:15 WIRE KOA-830 WJBC-1200 WROK-Musicale WMBD-Young Communists League Human Side of the News (Pep- KBD -550 Abe Lyman's Orch.: WMAQ WHO WJJD-1130 9:15 Prgm. sodent) : KOA WMAQ (also see WEDNESDAY KWK-1350 WJR-750 WBOW (sw-9.53) WAAF-920 WKBB-1500 WCFL-To be announced WOWO-Bob Wilson, news 6:15 p.m.) WROK-News News: KMOX KWK WBBM WBAA-890 WKBH-1380 WROK-Gospel Fellowship Hour Count Basie's Orch.: WFBM WBBM-770 WL8-870 9:30 WSBT-Men of Vision WCCO-Rollie Johnson's Orch. October 26 WBOW-1310 WKBH WKBB WOC KMOX WLW-700 Minstrel Show: WMT WBOW WTAQ-Interviews with the Past WCFL-Herr Loure & the Weasel WCCO-810 WMAQ-670 Dance Orch.: WMT WCFL-970 WMBD-1440 WENR KWK 10:00 WHAS-Dance Orch. WENR-870 News: WHAS WIRE WIBA-Evening Concert Earl Hines' Orch.: KSD WBOW WMT-600 It Can Be Done (Household Fi- Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's WSBT WFAM-1200 WOC-1370 WHO WLW-Mel Snyder's Orch. WMAQ WTAM 'WIRE nance); Edgar A. Guest; Frankie Soup) : WMAQ WIRE KOA KFI WFBM-1230 WOWO-1160 WOC-Nat'l Radio Revival WGN-720 WROK-1410 Master's Orch.: WJR WFBM WHO (also see 6 p.m.) KWK-Smiling Ed McConnell Larry Clinton's Orch.: WOWO WCCO-Cedric Adams WOWO-Maurie Cross' Orch. WHA-940 WSBT-1360 WBBM WHAS KMOX WOC Count Basie's Orch.: WTAQ WIBA WHAS-820 WSUI-880 WENR-Ennio Bolognini's Orch. WTMJ-Rhythm Time Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WGN WHIP -1480 (sw-11.83) WSBT WBBM WISN WHAS WTAD-900 Guest: Capt. John Craig, WGN-Joe Sanders' Orch. WMT WHO -1000 WTAM-1070 Johnny Orch.: WBOW WIBA-1280 WTAQ-1330 Hollywood's foremost authority Messner's WIBA-Club Chanticleer 10:45 on underwater photography. (sw-9.53) WJR-Lions Tales: Reminiscing Dick Jurgens' Orch.: KWK KOA-Civic Association WIND -560 WTMJ-620 KWK-Jeter Pillar's Orch. WIRE -1400 from the Sky: WGN WLW-Spotlight Melodies KMOX-The Goldbergs, sketch Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WOC WJR WCFL-Your Daily Visitor WMT WMBD-Value Hints KSD-Description of Veiled Proph- News: WKBB WMBD WBBM KMOX WMBD WENR-Music As You Desire It KWK-Sports Review WTAM-Music You Want Magnolia Blossoms; Fisk Jubilee: et's Ball WTMJ-Dance Orch. WHO -Veterans Forum WCFL-Make Believe Danceland WOC WFBM Russ Morgan's Orch.: WCFL WIND -Eddie Neibaur's Orch. WOWO WBOW WENR (sw- WCCO-Elmer A. Benson WOWO 11.87) WISN-Your Government 10:30 WJR-Joe Venuti's Orch. WKBB-Dance Time WENR-Globe Trotter Tommy Dorsey, His Trombone & WCCO-To be announced WKBH-Weather Kay Kyser's Musical Klass & WKBH-Parade of Favorites WIBA-Night News Edition Orch. (Raleigh & Kool): KOA WLW-Moon River, Poems, Organ Dance, with Virginia Sims, Harry WMBD-To be announced WJR-Jack King, news KFI 7:30 p.m.) 11:00 WTAM-Ralph (also see Dick Barrie's Orch.: WSBT Malvin's Orch. Babbitt & Sully Mason, vocalists WOWO-Music by Cugat WKBH-News: Music WISN WLW-Paul Sullivan, news Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WKBB WTAQ WKBB WBBM KMOX 11:30 (Lucky Strike) : WTMJ WTAM WROK-The Balladiers Lights Out: WMAQ WHO WMAQ WIRE KSD KOA WSBT-Musical Moments Revue WOWO-Alias Jimmy Valentine WSBT WFBM WTAQ WKBH WMBD WOC WFBM WHAS (sw- WIBA WLW (sw-9.53) WTAQ-Club Normandie Entertains WROK-Robert Heen's Orch. WISN (sw-6.12) 6.12) End of Wednesday Programs

WFBM-Favorite Melodies WJBC-Peggy Payne, pioneers WFBM-Town Crier: Hoosier Farm WHO -Those Happy Gilmans THURSDAY, October 27, 1938 WJJD-Dick Jurgens' Orch. Circle MORNING WIBA-Today's Almanac: Society WKBB-Mixing Bowl WGN-Quin Ryan, news Reporter WLS-Market Reports: News WHO-Myrt & Marge, sketch WOC-Screenfans Prgm. WIND-Joe Alexander, organist 7:00 CST WIND -Hawaiian Melodies a.m. WKBB-Chancel Steps 9:30 WTAQ-Let's Waltz WOWO-Party Line, sketch WIRE-Farm Hour Milt Herth: WBOW (sw-21.5) WLS-The P -X Ranch Just Plain Bill, sketch (Bi -So - WTMJ-True Stories WROK-Freeport Studios WISN-Movie Chat WLW-Hilltop House, sketch Dol): WMAQ WIRE WHO 10:15 WTAD-Those Happy Gilmans WJBC-Singing Sam Bob Byron, songs: (sw-21.52) Captivators: WFAM WMAQ-Whistler & His Dog: News Smilin' Ed McConnell, songs 11:00 WJJD-Safety Court WISN Early Risers: WROK WMBD-Bandwagon (Acme Paint) : WLS WLW Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): Tower Town Tempos: WOC WISN WKBB-What's Where on the Air: Musical Clock: WOC WKBH WROK-Morning Devotions Hilltop House, sketch (Palmolive WLS WLW (s w-15.21) WTAQ KMOX WBBM WFAM Farm Flashes: Do You Want a andnd view on. pages 6 Job? WKBB WIBA KMOX WIRE WSUI-Daily Iowan- of the Air Soap); Bess Johnson: KMOX and 7. Forum on Current Problems: WKBH-Piano Melodies: Livestock 7:15 WTAD-Interchurch Devotional WBBM WCCO WISN WMBD Breen & de Rose: WIBA WBOW WBOW (sw-21.5) WTAQ-Sunshine Hour Quotations Gene & Glen, songs: (sw-21.5) Lorenzo Jones, sketch (Phillips): Subject: "The World Tomor- 8:45 Walter Blaufuss' Orch.: WBOW WLS-Gene & Glen Deep River Boys: (sw-21.52) WIRE WMAQ WHO KSD More detail on page 5. WLW-News: Livestocks sketch (Old K W Bachelor's Children, K-Swingtime KSD-News: Tel -a -Tunes WMBD-Thrift Message: The Lady News: WHO W"JT WCCO Dutch Cleanser): KMOX WCCO WAAF-Canary Serenade Party Line: WMT WFBM KMOX-Let's Compare Notes KWK-Texas Drifter and the Doctor: Melody Minia- Musical Clock: WBOW WHIP WCFL-Hit Revue WAAF-Train Time, interviews ture Cadets', Quartet: KSD WFBM-Mrs. Farrell's Kitchen of KWK-Great Works of Man 7:30 WAAF-Jen & Birdie WBAA-P.-T. A. Prgm. WMT-Sweet and Swing Musical Tete -a -Tete: WHO (sw- Morning Moods: (sw-21.52) the Air WCCO-Magic Hour WOC-Hymns of WFAM-Shoppers' Guide WBBM-Editor's Daughter All Churches 21.5) News: WHIP WIND WCCO-Tena 8i, Tim WCFI: Peekets in the Pantry WOWO-Consolaires Wise & WGN-Get Thin to Music WFBM-School Prgm. & Jack Shannon, KWK-Pop Filbert WCFL-Better Homes WTAD-I)en Bernie Edith Dick WHA-Music Enjoyment Mother, sketch songs: (sw-21.52) WBBM-Troubadors WGN-Bachelor's Children WGN-Manhattan WTAQ-Mailman WFAM-Morning Devotions WHIP -Music Box WHA-Music Appreciation WTMJ-Heinie-Spam the Air WHIP -Variety Time News: WTAQ WKBB WHIP WFBM-Apron Strings WIBA-Church of WHIP -Morning Concert 11:43 WIND-Jimmy Dean, cowboy songs WISN-Ann Leslie's Scrapbook Musical Clock: WMT WMBD WHO-Musical Clock WHO -Vic & Sade Do You Remember: WCFL KSD WJJD-Illinois Medical Society WJBC-Women in the News WBBM WIRE -Magic Hour WIBA-Linda's First Love WKBB.Eb & Zeb WKBB-What's New? Our Gal Sunday, sketch (Old 7:45 WJJD-Ill. League of Women Vot- WIND -Bob Atcher & Bonnie WKBH-Questions 8s WKBH-Your Home Prgm. English Wax): WBBM KMOX Ruth Brine, talk: (sw-21.52) ers Answers Blue Eyes, hillbilly songs WMT-Louise Hathaway WMBD-Linda's First Love Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: WLW WKBB-Today's Almanac WOC-Rendezvous in Waltz Time WIRE-Singin' Sam Radio Rubes: WLW WKBH-Uncle Bob WOC-Jungle Jim WJBC-Surprise Party WAAF-Myrna Dee Sergent WOWO-Tri Topics WOWO-Editor's Daughter, sketch KMOX WKBB WLS-Hal Culver & the Melody WJJD-Bureau of Missing Persons WBAA-Club Prgm.: News Musical Clock: WROK-Joe Dumond's Music Mak- WROK-Musicale WHIP Weavers WSUI-Musical Favorites WKBB-Book of the Hour WCCO-Grandma Travels WLW-Linda's First Love, sketch ers WKBH-To be announced WFAM-Four-Eleven Alarm KWK-News: Rapid Service WTAD-Ma Perkins, sketch WTAD-Bea & Vea WHO -Happy Hank WMAQ-A Step Ahead with Nor- WTAQ-Music in a Sentimental WLS-Martha Crane; Helen Joyce; WFBM-Markets: Farm Bureau man Ross WTAQ-Round Up Otto & Novelodeons Prgm. WJJD-Hawaiian Melodies WTMJ Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch Mood WKBH-Breakfast Melodies WMBD-Jay's Women of Today WTMJ-Blue Room Ensemble WLW-Editor's Daughter. sketch WGN-Silver Serenade 9:45 WMAQ-The Carters of Elm Street, 8:00 WROK-Town Crier 10:30 WHA-Campus News WSUI-Morning Melodies: Service The Woman in White, sketch sketch WHIP -String News: Breakfast Club: WCFL Young's Family (Camay Fantasies Reports (Pillsbury): WMAQ WHO KSD Pepper WMBD-To be announced WHO -Hilltop House, sketch WBOW (sw-21.5) Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. WIRE WTMJ WMT-Corntussel Nooz WIND -Farm Talk by Lloyd Cutler Milton Charles, organist: WTAQ WTMJ-Happy Gilmans, sketch Big Sister, sketch (Rinso): WISN WOWO-Farm Flashes: Billboard Stepmother, sketch (Colgate): WISN-Dance Music WKBB WFAM WOC WFBM WCCO WBBM KMOX WMBD WSUI-Within the Classroom WJBC-Rhythm Review (sw-21.52) 9:00 WBBM KMOX WCCO Paul Page, songs: WOWO WBOW WFBM WTAD-All for the Ladies WKBH-Sweet Swing and Bob, sketch Musical Clock: WROK WIBA WCFL Ma Perkins, sketch (Oxydol): Young Widder Brown, sketch WTMJ-Betty WLS-Indiana State Cornhusking News: WJJD WKBH WMBD WLS (sw-15.21) (Haley's M -O): WIRE WMAQ 11:15 Contest WMT WIRE Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava WHO KSD (sw-15.33) Her Honor Nancy James, sketch WMBD-Jack Lyon, organist Soap) : WLS (sw-15.21) Singing Strings: WMT KMOX-Headline Highlights Story of the Month: WCFL (Kleenex): WFBM KMOX WCCO WMT-News: Frank Voelker, or- & Jimmy: WIBA KSD-News: Dick Leibert, organ Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch (Won- Asher Little WBOW WBBM ganist KWK-Bedtime Stories for Night WBOW (sw-21.5) WOC-Farm Bureau der Bread): WOC WBBM WFBM Get Thin to Music: KWK To be announced: WKBB Watchmen KMOX WCCO WISN WKBB News: WISN WMBD WOWO-Market Service WAAF-Breakfast Express KWK-The Party Line WAAF-Swing High Laura Suarez & George Griffin, WROK-Round the Town WGN-Everyday Words; Good Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, WCFL-Bittersweet Melodies WFAM-Lou Pike songs; Orch.: KWK WSUI-Farm Flashes Morning Prgm. sketch (Old English Wax): WIRE WGN-Musical Mail Box WGN-Don Pedro's Magic Violin WTAD-Debutantes The O'Neills, sketch (Ivory WHA-Band Wagon WMAQ WHO KSD WHIP -Women & The Home WHIP -Names & Their Stories WTAQ-Farmhands Pot Soap): WLW WMAQ WTMJ-Heinie and His Grenadiers WHO -Coffee Inn Nation's School of the Air: WLW WIND -Swing Variations WIND -Song Shop WIND -Abundant Life, talk WJJD-Tummy Tucker's Orch. WJBC-Lady in White KSD-Buccaneers WLS-Morning Devotions News: WROK WAAF WMT WKBB-Rhythm & Romance WJJD-Women's Exchange Prgm. WAAF-Willie Winn WLW-Magic Hour KWK-Sidelights on the News WKBH-Swing Interlude WKBB-House of MacGregor WBAA-Charlotte Friend Stewart AFTERNOON WMAQ-Your Neighbor WFAM-Concert Time WLW-The Goldbergs, sketch WKBH-String Serenade WFAM-Merrie Melodies WOWO-Markets: Bible Class WGN-The Party Line WOC-Radio Bazaar WLW-News: Livestocks: River: WGN-Judy & Jane, sketch 12:00 WSUI=Morning Chapel WHA-Your Health WOWO-Modern Home Forum Weather: Markets WHO -Caroline's' Golden Store sketch Melodies The Goldbergs, (Oxydol): WTAD-Morning WHIP -Budapest Hour WROK-Morning Varieties WMT-Tom Owens' Cowboys WIBA-Editor's Daughter WOC WKBB WBBM WCCO 8:15 WIBA-Organ Melodies WSUI-Program Calendar: Weather WOC-Weekly Shopper WIND -Music for the Morning Montana Slim, songs; News: WIND -Headline Music Report WOWO-Linda's First Love, sketch WIRE -Linda's First Love The Happy Gang: WGN WKBB WKBH WTAQ WFAM WJJD-Morning Dance Time WTAD-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Woman's WISN-Morning Musicale News: WMBD WJBC WTAD WFBM (sw-21.52) WKBH-Olive Hagen, organist 10:00 Forum WJBC-Parade of Bands KMOX-Ma Perkins, sketch WMBD-Messenger: Weather The Family Man: KSD Story of Mary Marlin (Ivory WSUI-The Book Shelf WJJD-Criminal Court Interviews KSD-News: Markets WSUI-Within the Classroom: Flakes): WLS (sw-15.21) WTAD-Party Line WKBH-Club Calendar WAAF-The Symphonic Hour WMT WOC Critical Studies in Oratorical WTAM-Women's Hour WBAA-Russ Mock, pianist Musical Clock: Originalities: WIBA WBOW WMT WMBD-Honeymoon Lane KMOX-Ozark Varieties Theory, Prof. H. Clay Harsh- WTAQ-News: Merry Go Round WCFL-Smoke Rings Serenade David Harum, sketch (Bab -0): WMT-Magic Kitchen WHA-Morning Melodies barger 10:45 WOC-Caroline Ellis WFBM-Bohemians WTAQ-Morning KSD WIRE WMAQ WHO WHIP -Carnival Potpourri The Road of Life (Chipso): WLW WTMJ-Hymns of All Churches WHA-Noon Musicale Mary Lee Taylor (Pet WHO -Fruit Reporter WTMJ-What's New? Milk): WMAQ WTMJ 11:30 WHIP-Southtown Church Hour WIND -The Passing Show 9:15 WBBM WMBD WFBM KMOX Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; Guest WHO -Markets & Weather Viennese Ensemble: WBOW WIRE -Carl Baker John's Other Wife. sketch (Louis WOC WBOW WIBA WIND -Indiana News WIRE WMT (Sw-21.5) Spkrs.: WMAQ WJJD-The Toastmaster Philippe): WMAQ WIRE WHO KWK-Singing Cowboys KWK (sw-15.21) WISN-Even as You and I WLW-Myrt & Marge, sketch KSD WAAF-Musical Memories Aunt Jenny's Stories (Spry): Speaker: Ruth Van Deman WJJD-Anything Can Happen Angeles Symphony Or- WMBD WFBM KMOX WBBM on The Household Calendar"; WKBH-Magic Violin WSUI-Los Myrt & Marge, sketch (Super WCCO-Ma Perkins, sketch Busi- WCCO WISN E. J. Rowell on "Farm Man: chestra Suds) : WFBM KMOX WBBM WCFL-Better Homes, talk ness Facts", and Wallace Had- WMT-Question Vigortone 8:30 WISN WCCO WMBD WFAM-Hollywood Fashion Parade Getting the Most Out of Life derly on "Farm Business and Varieties Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne, sketch Science News". WOWO-Purdue Agricultural Prgm. Jane Arden, sketch (Ward Bak- WGN-Morning Melodies (Fleischmann's Yeast): (sw- (Calox Toothpowder & Soldified WSBT-News; Stork Report; Farm ing Co.): WLS KWK (sw-15.21) WHA-Homemakers 15.21) Romance of Helen Trent, sketch Albolene): WBBM WIND -Traffic Court WBBM Flashes Josh Higgins of Finchville, Kitty Keene, sketch: WHO (Old English Wax): WSUI-Rhythm Rambles Happy Jack, songs: KSD KWK WISN-Mrs. Shiras KMOX sketch: WIBA KSD WCFL WMT WJBC-Theater Time KWK-News: Musical Interlude 12:15 WBOW WOWO Breakfast Club: WOWO WCFL WJJD-Journal of Living WAAF-Novelettes News: WHIP WCFL Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco) : WIRE News: WOC WKBB WKBB-Hollywood Reporter WCFL-Echoes of Havana KSD-Grace Hennefer, soprano WBBM WCCO KMOX WISN WAAF-Rhythm Rhapsody WKBH-Home Economics Prgm. WFAM-Jane Arden, sketch WAAF-Live Stock Market: Sweet Pictures and review on pages 6 The Troubadors: WKBH (sw- and 7. WLW-Short, & Slow 21.52) WGN-Betty Crocker, sketch Short Story WGN-Painted Dreams WHA-Wis. Political Forum WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue WHA-Organ Interlude WBAA-Tippecanoe County Feder- Goodyear Farm Radio News: WBOW-Radio Gospel WIND -Priscilla Holbrook, pianist WSBT-Two-Way Harmonies WHIP -At the Tavern ated Clubs WMAQ WLW KWK WIBA WCCO-Hymns of All Churches WKBH-To be announced WSUI-Homemakers' Forum WIBA-To be announced WCCO-Those Happy Gilman, WBOW WFAM-Your Engagement Book WROK-On the Mall WTAD-News WIND -Markets; News WFAM-Harlan Hogan (Continued on Next Page) Page 30 8/2 E 1:15 Good Listening WHA-Madison Concert Orch. Howie Wing, sketch (Corn Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch for Thursday WHIP -Musical Stories Flakes): WBBM WFBM WCCO (Gold Medal): WIRE WMAQ Further details and stations which will broadcast these program4 may be WIND -News KMOX WLW WTMJ WHO KSD (sw- found in the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WIRE -Indiana University THURSDAY 15.21) MORNING WJBC-Wesleyan Hour To be announced: WTAQ WISN Social Science Prgm.: WBOW WJJD-Islanders WKBB WOC WMT WMAQ-Concert Miniature WCFL 11:00 CST Forum on Current Problems. Malcolm October 27 WOWO-News: Radio Chatter Claire, childrens' stories; Enoch Light's Orçh.: WKBH 11:30 CST Farm and News: WENR (sw-9.53) WOC WKBB WSBT WCCO Home Hour. WROK-News: Musicale (12:15 p.m. Continued) WFBM WISN WTAQ (sw-15.27) WSUI-Junior Academy of Science Dick Tracy, sketch: KSD WHO AFTERNOON 4:15 KWK-Sketches in Melody News: WOWO WKBB WFBM KMOX-Judy & Jane, sketch 3:00 The Four of Us: WOWO KWK WCCO-To be announced WIRE K WK -Midstream CST Forum on Current Problems. WBOW WMT WBAA-Civic Chats WAAF-The Pit W CFL-W alkashow Orchestra WFAM-Christian WCFL-Walkashow WBAA-Pat Wolcott, sop. NIGHT Your Family & Mine (Sealtest): Science Prgm. WHIP -Englewood Hour WBBM-HAL TATE WMAQ WIBA WTMJ KSD WIBA-Wildlife Federation WHO -Voice of the Farm Radio Tattler, Radio Guide 6:30 CST Joe Penner, comedian. WIND -Tommy Ott, organist Johnson Family: WGN WIND -Tommy Ott, organist Columnist presenting News Gay Seabrook; Dick Ryan; Tommy Lane; Ben Pollack's WKBH-Today's Almanac WLW-Little WJBC-Variety Prgm. and Gossip orchestra. WAAF-Hollywood Brevities Orphan Annie WMAQ-Adv. of Jimmie Allen WKBH-Man on the Street: WBAA-Martha Whitehead, sop. 7:00 CST Kate WMBD-Pet Corner: Melody Minia- Luncheon Music WCCO-Kitty Keene Smith's Songs and Variety. WBBM-Houseboat Hannah, sketch WMBD-Town Crier: Farm Mar- Abbott and Costello, comedians; Ted Straeter Choir, WENR-Swingtime ture: Gus Stonebach WGN-Melody Time Serenade WMT-Mutiny on the Bounty kets WHA-Wis. Political Forum Jack Miller's orchestra. Glenda Farrell will be Kate's WHIP -Polish Merchants Hour WMT-Voice of Iowa: Markets guest. WOC-Piano Modulations WHIP -I Am the Law of Your Life WHO -The Goldbergs WROK-Sports WOC-You Shall Have Music WIND -Take It Easy WJJD-Livestock Markets 7:00 CST Rudy Vallee's WTAD-Jack Armstrong. sketch WROK-Column Left, news WLS-Palatial Palace of Wonders Variety Program. WIRE -News: Minute Interviews WSBT-None-Such Neighbors with Pat Buttram 8:00 CST Major Bowes' Amateur Hour. WJJD-Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue 5:30 WSUI-State Corn Husking Con- WMBD-Party Line Eyes, songs Eddie Dooley, Football News test WOWO-Closing Markets 8:00 CST Good News of 1939; Comedy and Mu- WLW-Jamboree Prevue (Chesterfield): WENR WMT 12:30 WTAD-Radio Workshop sic. WMBD-Your Family & Mine WBOW (sw-15.21) (also at 11:30 of Life, (Chipso): Road sketch 1:30 Frank Morgan, Fanny Brice, Meredith Willson's orches- WROK-Freeport Studios Pm.) KMOX WBBM WSUI-Los Angeles Folk Lore American School of the Air: tra. Clark Gable and Lionel Barrymore will be starred. Choir Today with Bob Trout: WKBB Lawrence Welk's Orch.: KWK WSBT WISN WCCO WKBH WCCO (sw-11.83) KMOX WBBM WTAQ WFBM 9:00 CST Columbia Workshop, Drama. 4:30 News: WOC WHO Doris Rhodes, songs: WKBH WKBB WOC (sw-15.27) Orson Welles and Aline McMahon will be featured in Rhythm School; KWK (sw-9.53) Voice of the Fam: WTMJ WLS WKBB WISN WFAM KMOX WBAA-Luncheon Dance Time Air Raid." Jack Armstrong, sketch: WMAQ Valiant Lady, sketch (Gold Med- WOC WTAQ WHO WTMJ WBOW-Street Reporter WIRE WMAQ WLW WHO 9:00 CST Bing al): Crosby, Singing M.C., and Bob Cadets' Quartet: WBOW WMT Dick Tracy, sketch: WIRE WISN WCCO-Tune Time WTMJ KSD (sw-15.21) Burns, WCFL-Curtain Calls Comedian. WOWO WENR KMOX-Headline Highlights KSD-Sportlights WFBM-Stepmother Opera Selections: WIBA WBOW Jack Armstrong, sketch (Wheat- WGN-Markets: Midday Service WOWO WBBM-Accordiana ies) : WLW WHA-Farm Prgm. WCFL-Charlie Cook Charley & His Zany Family: WGN WHIP -Rube 'n' Cy 2:30 Midstream, drama: WLW Don Winslow of the Navy: (sw- WFAM-Dan Dunn, sketch WIBA-News; Markets KWK-News: Music Hoosier Hop, variety prgm.: 15.21) WFBM-Red Grange WIND -Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue WBBM WBOW WIBA WMT (sw- KMOX-Linda's First Love WGN-Harold Turner, pianist WAAF-Markets; Meat Board Smilin' Ed Eyes, hillbilly songs Talk; Interlude 15.21) WAAF-Ted Smith, tnr. McConnell, songs WIBA-News Edition WBAA-Musical Moments (Acme Paint) : WHO WIND -Late Afternoon Varieties WIRE -Reporter WBAA-Footnotes on Headlines Ray Bloch's Varieties: WKBH Wave WCFL-Let's WCFL-Music in the Modern Man- Ross Pierce's WKBH-Captain Midnight WISN-Musical Heat Take a Trip WSBT WTAQ WKBB WFBM ner Orch.: WIRE WGN WJJD-Loop Noon Lay Service WHA-Living Music WLW-Denton & Barber, sports WOC (sw-15.27) WHIP -Universe of Melody KSD-Life Can Be Beautiful WMBD-Lone Ranger WKBB-Man on the Street WHIP -Afternoon Concert KWK-Musical Headlines Pepper WIND -Gypsy caravan WOC-Twilight Musicale WLW-Silver Serenade WIND -W. P. A. Program Young's Family, sketch WJJD-Ben WAAF-Tea Dance WMAQ-News: Sing An Old Song WJJD-Radio Council (Camay Soap): KSD WHO WLW Kanter, piano, songs WROK-Storybook Lady WSUI-Memory Hour WBAA-Stamp Club of the Air WSUI-Musical Moods WMBD-Farm News WLS-Grain Market Summary WMAQ WTMJ WBBM-Kitty Keene, sketch WMT-Cedar Valley Hillbillies: WMBD-His Majesty 3:30 WTAQ-Al Michel's Sports Harold Stokes' Orch.: WGN WCCO-Livestocks Joe Doakes WMT-News: Musical Interlude Life Can Be Beautiful (Ivory WFBM-Tea Time Tunes 5:45 KMOX :Magic WOWO-Rondoliera WROK-Memory Lane Kitchen Soap), sketch: WMAQ WIRE WHA-Wis. Political Forum Crossroads Hall: WTAQ WFBM WROK-Couple on the Street: WTAD-Music in a Sentimental KWK-Richard Hayes, organist WLW WHO WIBA-Dance Hour WKBB WBAA-You & Your Child Health Talk Mood Club Matinee: News: WIND-Bob Atcher Tom Mix' Straight Shooters, WSBT-The Day Dreamer 1:45 WBBM-Piano Parade WIBA WENR WBOW WOWO WMT WJBC-Request Hour sketch (Ralston Wheat Cereal): WTAD-Farm: Weather: Markets Hymns of All Churches (Gold WCBD-News Oddities WJJD-Alexander McQueen WCCO-Markets WMAQ KWK WTAQ-Water System Medley Medal) : WMAQ WIRE WLW Wilson Angel, songs: WFAM Varieties WMAQ-Musical Lowell Thomas, news commenta- KSD WHO (sw-15.21) WCFL-Hoosier Hop WKBB WKBH WFBM WTAQ WMBD-News: Melody Miniature tor (Sun Oil) : WLW (sw-15.21) 12:45 Light Opera WCFL WHA-Music of the Masters WISN (sw-15.27) WSUI-Elementary French, Miss Selections: WIND -Priscilla, Those Happy Gilmans, comedy pianist Virginia Kruse Nola Day, songs WIRE WENR KWK-Story of the Month WIRE -Matinee Varieties: News Two Keyboards: WGN sketch (Corn-Kix) : WMAQ WLW WTAD-News Summary (sw-9.53) WAAF-The Mortons of Maple St. WISN-News: News: WJBC KSD (sw-15.21) Prgm. Preview WOC WTMJ-Down a Country Road WBAA-Market Reports WJJD-The Old Song Shop KMOX-Editor's Daughter, sketch Sports: WIBA WTMJ Gospel Singer; Edward MacHugh WIND -Organ and Vibra Harp WLS-Cornhusking Contest WAAF-The Mortons of Maple 4:45 Captain Midnight: WCCO KSD (Ivory Soap): WCCO WBBM WJJD-Freddie Berrens' Orch. WMBD-Petticoat Parade Street Tom Mix' Straight Shooters, Little Orphan Annie: KMOX WGN KMOX WKBB-Pet Corner; What's Where WROK-Rhythm Before Three WBAA-Navy Day Prgm. sketch (Ralston Wheat Cereal) : WHO News: WKBH WTAQ on the air WSUI-Radio Child Study Club WCCO-Betty & Bob, sketch (sw-15.21) WBBM-Chicago,- Hour WLS-Chore Boys & KWK-Silver Serenade with Evelyn WTAD-Let's Waltz WHA-In Deutscher Sprache Johnnie Johnston( songs: WMAQ WBOW-Jerry of the Circus WBAA-Arsene Summers, contr. Arkie WIND -Books in Review WBOW KSD WHO WCFL-Jack Kelly's Orch. WBOW-Luncheon Dance Music WMBD-To be annòunced 2:45 WJJD-Public School P.rgm. WIND -News: Sports WCFL-Know Yourself WMT-Judy and Jane, sketch The Guiding Light, sketch (White WMBD-Bargain Counter Rhythm Boys & Orch.: KWK WISN-Sports Parade: Interlude WFBM-Community Fund: Bohe- WOWO-Markets Naptha) : WMAQ WHO WTMJ WOWO-Old-Time Religion WIRE WGN WKBH-To be announced mians WROK-Tabernacle Hour WLW KSD WROK-Ma Perkins, sketch WMT-Weather: News WTAD-D.A.R. Prgm. Vaughn de Leath, songs: WMT WHIP-Airlane Dance Ted Malone's Between the Book- WSUI-Views and Interviews WENR WIBA WOC-News WHO-Checkeboard Time WTMJ-Home Harmonizers ends: WBOW WIBA WOWO WTAD-Hannibal WROK-Dance Hour WIND -News & Livestock Reports 2:00 WCFL (sw-15.21) WTMJ-Variety Revue Songs for You: WOC WTAQ WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air -To KMOX WFAM WKBB WIRE be announced Army Band: WOC WISN WSBT WKBB-Pet Corner Ray Bloch's Varieties: WOC 3:45 WKBH WTAQ WFBM WKBB WCCO WISN WKBH WSBT Girl Alone, sketch; Betty Winkler WAAF-Spor.t Shorts WLS-Livestocks: Gabriel Heatter KMOX (sw-15.27) Hour WMBD-Aladdin Lamp Prgm. (sw-15.27) & Pat Murphy (Quaker Oats) : WBAA-Story Book NIGHT KSD news WMT-Iowa Cedar The of Mary Marlin, sketch Reminiscing: WHO WIRE WMAQ WBBM-Todd Hunter, Cornhuskers: Story KWK WCCO-Front Page Parade Valley Hillbillies Many Happy (Ivory Flakes) : WMAQ WTMJ Mad 6:00 KMOX-To be announced Hatterfields, drama: WLW WIND -Swing Quartet Returns: To be announced WHO WLW KSD Easy Aces, sketch (Anacin); WBAA-Treasure Chest WISN-Xavier Cugat's Orch. WOC-Old & New in Rhythm Matinee Promenade: WKBB WOC James Ace: WMT WIRE KWK Grand Slam Revue: WIBA WMT WBBM-Pappy Cheshire's Nat'l WTAQ WFAM WISN WMBD WJJD-Suppertime Frolic WOWO-Ozark Sweetheart WKBH-Kiddies' Hour WENR (5w-11.87) WROK-Home Folks Hour WBOW WCFL Hillbilly Champions WKBH (sw-15.27) WLW-Paul Sullivan, news To be announced: WTAQ WHAS WSBT-Man-on-the-Street Moods in Music: WGN WGN-Good Health & Training WHIP -Nina Winans, Book Review Club Matinee: News: WIBA WMBD-Polly of the Range WBBM (sw-11.83) WTAD-Luncheon Music WENR Frolic WTMJ-Sidewalk Reporter News: WHIP WIND WIND -To be announced WOWO-Home Folks Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's KWK-Great Works of Man WMT-Judy and Jane KMOX-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WTAD-Barney Thompson Soup): WTAM KSD WLW (also 1:00 WAAF-Madcap Carnival WTAD-Piano Classics WAAFJimmie Kozak, pianist WTMJ-Musicale: Gabriel Heatter at 10 p.m.) WBAA-The Apothecary WBAA-Morey J. Doyle, pianist 5:00 Irene Beasley, RFD 1: WOC Sports: WOC WKBH WKBB WSBT WFBM WISN WBBM-Linda's First Love 3:00 WBBM-Know Your Job News: Four Clubmen: WTAQ You News: WCFL WFBM (sw-15.27) WCCO-Judy & Jane Do Remember?: WMBD WCCO-Peggy Tudor WCCO WFAM WKBB KMOX WHA-Neighbors 'Round the World WISN WFBM WTAQ WKBH WCFL-Musical Hall of Fame WBBM KMOX-Alpine Varieties: Orch. WBOW-Luke Walton on Sports Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Med- WIRE -Police Court WOC WKBB WSBT (sw-15.27) WFBM-D.A.R. Prgm. Red Grange (Pure Oil): WFBM WIRE WHO WLW WFAM-Crimecasts al): WMAQ WJJD-Sentenced Men, interviews Backstage Wife, sketch (Dr. WGN-Margery Graham KSD (sw-15.21) WHIP -Variations Norman Cloutier's Orch.: WOWO WGN-Captain Midnight WLS-Chore Boys with Evelyn Lyons): WTMJ WIRE WMAQ on Syncopation WIND -Ben WHO-McConnon Melodies Two on a Shoestring, sketch WMBD-Editor's Daughter WHO WIBA Kanter, pianist Don Winslow of the Navy, sketch WJBC-Classical Music WIBA-Dinner Concert (Oakland Chemical Co.) : WGN WOWO-The Observer (Krispies): WENR WLW KWK WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue Forum on Current Problems: WMBD-Camel Bells with Sidney WIND -German Hour Social Science Prgm.: WBOW WISN-Down WSUI-Campus Activities: Organ WENR WBOW WOWO WMT Baldwin Montclair College Choir: WCFL by Herman's KMOX-Inquiring Reporter Melodies More detail on page 5. WROK-Helene Kimberley, songs (sw-9.53) WJR-Republican Committee KWK-Backstage Wife WMAQ-Toy Center Tonight WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. KMOX-Singin' WSUI-Musical Parade Henry Weber's Orch.: WIRE WAAF-Symphonic Encores: Don 2:15 Sam WMBD-Sports: Music Mart Bolt, commentator KWK-Midafternoon Madness 4:00 WGN WROK-News: Concert Hall Ma Perkins, sketch (Oxydol) : Affairs of WBAA-I Want Job WAAF-News: Weather Anthony, sketch: KSD-News: Gabriel Heatter WSUI-Dinner Hour Prgm. a WMAQ WTMJ-WHO KSD WLW WENR WBOW WBBM-Man on the Street WBAA-Men of Vision WIBA WMT WAAF-Shadowland WTMJ-Heinie and His Grenadiers WCCO-Noon Extra Grand Slam Revue: WMT WIRE WCCO-Ladies First Hannah, sketch WBOW-Merry Go Round 6:15 WCFL-News Houseboat (Lava WCFL-Spotlight Prgm. (sw-15.33) Soap) : WLW KSD WHO WHA-Organ Reverie Vocal Varieties (rums); Jerry WGN-To be announced WHO -Captain Midnight WHA-Farm Organization Forum Army Band: WCCO Cooper, bar.: WHO KSD WIBA WHIP -Organ Interlude WHA-Contemporary Economics Harold Turner, pianist: WGN WIBA-The Plainsmen WTMJ WTAM WIRE WMAQ WIBA-Concert Trio KMOX-One Woman's Opinion WHIP -Gay Caballeros KWK - WIND -News WLW (sw-9.53) WIND -Men about town WIND -Lupi Italian Prgm. KWK-Sarli Jam Session Let's Pretend: WFAM WOC WISN-Show Window WKBH-Ma Perkins, sketch WBAA-Your Safety WJBC-Prophetic Hour WMAQ-Dick Tracy, sketch Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Per- WLW-Kitty Keene, Inc. WFBM WTAQ WISN WKBB sons, drama (Amer. Home Prod- WLS-School Time: Little Lessons WBBM-Meet the Missus WCCO WKBH WMBD-Happy Train for Little Folks WGN-June Baker, home manage- WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Women of WMT-High School Football Revue ucts): WENR WMT KWK (sw- 11.87) WMBD-Men on the Street ment the Hour Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch: WLW WOC-Captain Midnite WSUI-Advs. in Story Land WMT-Hillbillies: Many Happy WHIP -Dancing Party WMBD WSUI-Vergil's Aeneid, Prof. Dor- George McCall's Screen Scoops WTAD-Hits of Yesterday & To- Returns: Bulletin Board WIND -Matinee Dance KMOX-Barnyard Follies rance S. White (Old Gold Cigarettes): WHAS WOWO-Richard Trojan WJJD-Two of a Kind day WAAF-The Rhumba Beat WTAD-Sports WBBM KMOX WISN WCCO WSUI-Illustrated Musical Chats WLS-Homemakers Prgm. 3:15 WBAA-America's Hours of Des- WTMJ-Lone Ranger, drama WOC WJR WFBM (also KNX WTAD-News WMBD-Window Shopper Stella Dallas, sketch (Milk of tiny 5:15 KSL at 11:30 pp m.) WIRE WTMJ WIBA WBBM-Manhattan Mother, sketch Beverly Lane, songs: Orchestra: For news or -nollywood WTAQ-Man on the Street WOWO-Hoosier Hop Magnesia): lywood Showdown" in every issueiuuue WTMJ-Daily Bulletin Board WROK-Musicale WMAQ WHO WCFL-Make Believe Danceland WIRE WOWO f Radio Gold.. 6:45 7:45 Major Bowes: (sw-11.83) WOWO-Social Security Spkr. E 8/2 Page 31 Frequencies WMT WCFL-Labor Flashes WROK-The Balladiers Song Pictures: WGN-Dick KMOX-1090 WIEN -1120 WFAM-Republican Central Com- Jurgens' Orch. WTAQ-Ballroom Orch. KOA-830 WJBC-1200 Inside of Sports (Phillies Cigars): WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. mittee - KSD-550 WJJD-1130 KWK WLW WGN WKBB-Let's Waltz 9:45 KWK-1350 WIND -Swing Quartet THURSDAY WAAF-920 WROK-Musicale News: WROK WTAQ WOWO WKBB-1500 News: WIRE WKBB WKBH WKBB-W. P. A. Prgm. the Air KMOX WMT WBAA-890 WKBH-1380 WSUI-Traffic The Society WSUI-Daily Iowan of To be announced: WBBM-770 WLS School: WBBM-Del Bright's Orch. WLS-870 of the Forty and Eight 9:00 October 27 WBOW-1310 WLW-700 WCFL-Jack Kelly's Orch. WINND-News Commentator WCCO-810 WMAQ-670 WHO -Four Stars Tonight 8:00 People I Have Known, variety WCFL-970 prgm.: WBOW WENR KWK WMBD-Texaco Circle Service WMBD-1440 WIBA-Interlude Don't You Believe It (Sensation Boys WENR-870 WMT-600 WMAQ-Four Stars Tonight WMT (sw-11.87) Joe Sanders' Orch.: WGN WMT WFAM-1200 WOC-1370 Cigarettes): WGN KWK 10:00 KWK WFBM-1230 WOWO-1160 WTAM-Fishing & Hunting Kraft Music Hall: Starring Bing Eastman School of Music: KWK Amos 'n' Andy, sketch (Camp- WGN-720 W80K-1410 WTAQ-Talking Drums Crosby with Bob Burns, come- KMOX-H. W. Flannery, news WHA-940 bell's : WMAQ KOA WIRE WEBT -1360 7:00 Good News of 1939 (Maxwell dian: Johnny Trotter's Orch.: Soup) WBBM-News With Todd Hunter WHAS-820 WSIII-880 Vallee's Variety Hour WHO (also see 6 p.m.) WCCO-Rollie Johnson WHIP -1480 WTAD-900 Rudy House Coffee); Frank Morgan; Paul a ,lor Chorus; Ken Car- WHO -1000 WTAM-1070 (Royal Desserts): WTMJ WHO Fanny Brice; Meredith Willson's penter; Guests: KSD KOA WHO Sports Question Box: WBOW WCFL-Herr Louie & the Weasel WIBA-1280 WTAQ-1330 WIRE WTAM WIBA WLW KSD Orch.; Guests: WIRE KSD WHO WTMJ WTAM WMAQ WIRE (sw-9.53) WENR-Earl Hines' Orch. WIND -560 WTMJ-620 WMAQ (sw-9.53) WHA-Musical Varieties WIRE -1400 WTAM WMAQ WTMJ WIBA WIBA WLW (sw-9.53) WLW KOA (sw-9.53) Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WHAS WHAS-Dance Orch. Kate Smith Hour (Swansdown Guests: Clark Gable and Columbia Workshop: KMOX WSBT WISN WBBM WTAQ WHO -National Radio Revival & Calumet Baking Powder; Ab- Lionel Barrymore In special WBBM WKBB WKBH WFBM WIBA-Evening News: WMBD WFAM News: WMBD WKBB WOC WMT Concert bott & Costello, comedians; Jack dramatic sketch. There will al- WSBT WOC WISN WHAS WIND -Mark WBOW-Si and Ezra so be a preview of "Great WFBM Fisher's Orchestra Miller's Orch.; Ted Straeter: Archibald MacLeish's poetic WJR WLW-Jack Crawford's Orch. WCFL-Pop Tunes Waltz." drama, "Air Raid," will be KMOX-The Goldbergs, sketch Guests: WFBM WCCO WHAS More detail on page 5. WMAQ-Abe Lyman's Orch. WGN-Bob Elson, sports KMOX WTAQ WISN WBBM For news of Hollywood read "Hol- dramatized with Aline McMahon KWK-Sports Review WIBA-Vocal Varieties lywood Showdown" in every issue and Orson Welles acting. WMBD-Sports: Prgm. Review WMBD WKBH WJR WOC (sw- of Radio Guide. WCCO-Don't Believe It WTMJ-Rhythm Time WKBB-Singing Strings WENR-Globe Trotter 11.83) (also KNX KSL at 10:30 Major Bowes' Amateur Hour WCCO-To be announced 10:45 WKBH-Dinner Music WCFL-News WIBA-Night News Edition p.m.) (Chrysler): WBBM WHAS WJR Richard Himber's Orch.: WHO WROK-Nick & Pete: Practical Guest: Glenda Farrell, ac- WGN-Banking Law of State, talk WIND -Gene Eve's Orch. KMOX WMBD WISN WCCO Diesel tress. WIND -Political Talk WKBH-News: Music Cab Calloway's Orch.: KMOX WOC WFBM WTAQ WKBH WTAQ-Gems of Melody To be announced: (sw-11.87) Please WLW-Paul Sullivan, news WBBM WMBD (sw-11.83) WJR-Number 6:30 Green Hornet: WMT WGN KWK WMBD-Moskins Real Life Dra- WOWO-Maurie Cross' Orch. KOA-Civic Association WCFL-Showboat Carnival Queen mas WROK-Robert Heen s Orch. WCCO-To be announced Joe Penner, comedian: Gay Sea- WBOW-Did You Know? WENR-To be announced WOWO-Mississippi Four WTAM-Musical Bulletin Board brook; WCFL-Dance Orch. Dick Ryan; Tommy Lane; WCFL-News WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WROK-Winnebago County Tuber- WTMJ-Today's Events: Sports WFAM-Music Group Roy Atwell; Ben Pollack's Or- WFAM-Memorial Park Chimes: WKBB-Pop Concert culosis Association WIND -News chestra : WFBM WISN 10:15 (Huskies) Symphonetta WMT-The Parks Family WTAQ-Club Normandie Entertains WLW-Johnny Lewis' Orch. WHAS WMBD WJR WOC KMOX WIND -News Behind the News WOWO-Down the Field Don Bestor's Orch.: WBOW (sw- 11:00 WCCO WBBM (sw-11.83) 9:15 - 9.53) (also WKBB-Star Revue WROK-Musicale Sammy Kaye's Orchestra: WISN KNX KSL at 7:30 p.m.) of International Re- WCFL-Circle Service Boys WLS-Library WSBT-Hayloft Jamboree Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WKBH WKBB WBBM WSBT WTAQ lations WSUI-Sports Review WGN-Concert Orch. WOC WKBB WFBM WJR Mario Cozzi & Nina Dean, songs: WMBD-Rashid Sisters KMOX WMBD WFBM WHAS WBOW WROK-Freeport Studios Dance Orch.: WOWO WOC (sw-6.12) WSUIChíldren's Hour 8:15 WOWO-Studio Party Don't You Believe It (Sensation '7:15 Whispering Voice Choir, dir. Jo- WROK-Voice of Christian Youth News: WHAS WSBT WIRE WHO Dean Hudson's Orch.: WBOW Cigarettes): WLW seph Lilley: WOWO WENR WTAQ-Ballroom Orch. KMOX-The Marshall Family KSD WHl-WIRE WBOW-Republian Comm. Prgm. 9:30 Bob Crosby's Orch.: WGN WMT KOA-Talent of All Ages Dance WIBA News: WHO WTAQ WCFL-Douglas Wilson Americans at Work: WOC WJR Orch.: WFAM-Amer. Family Robinson KWK KWK-Smiling Ed McConnell KSD-Trailing the Highway Patrol WKBH WCCO WISN WHAS Adams Dick Barrie's Orch.: WGN WMT WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. WBOW-To be announced WCCO-Cedric KWK-Sports & News WSBT WFBM WKBB (sw- WENR-Ennio Bolognini's Orch. News: WMAQ WMBD WOC WKBB-Sentimental Music WIND -Circle Service Board WCFL-Songs in the Making 11.83) WGN-Dick Jurgens' Orch. KOA-The World We Live In WENR-Ennio Bologninï s Orch. WLS-Know Your School WROK-News: Prem. Prevue Columbia takes you to one of Pillar's 7:30 factories WIBA-Club Chanticleer KWK-Jeter Orch. WFAM-You Shall Have .Rhythm 8:30 the country's pottery WLW-Sweet Adeline WCFL-Your Daily Visitor WGN-To Alfred Wallenstein's Sinfonietta: in East Liverpool, Ohio, to lis- be announced We Want a Touchdown: KWK ten to pottery workers tell WMAQ-Romance in Song WENR-Music As You Desire It WFAM-Dinner Dance WGN KWK about their jobs and the things To be announced: WOWO WENR WMBD-Value Hints WIND -Charlie Agnew's orchestra WGN-Concert Orch. Eastman WBOW they make. WMT-Electric Park Band WJR-Joe Venuti's Orch. WIBA-Football School of Music: Interview WOWO WLS WGN-News: Sports Concert Revue: WTAM-Music You Want WKBH-Weather WIRE -Marion County Democrats WIND -Political Henry Weber's Talk WGN WTMJ-Dance Orch. WLW-Moon River, Poems, Organ WKBH-Rapid Ad WCFL-Health Talk WKBB-Music in the Air 10:30 WTAM-Ralph Malvin's Orch. WLS-Don Kelley's Sport Review WFAM-The Three Men WMT-Refreshing Rhythms KMOX-France Laux, sports Richard Himber's Oren.: WBOW 11:30 WMAQ-News: Musical Entre WIND -News WROK-Navy Day Prgm. WBBM-Sports Huddle WIRE (sw-9.53) Eddie Dooley, Football News WMT-Sports Roundup WKBB-Amer. Family Robinson WSUI-Melody Review WCFL-Make Believe Danceland (Chesterfield): KOA KFI (also WROK-Lone Ranger WMT-Bohemian Frolic 8:45 WIND-Walkathon Cab Calloway's Orch.: WSBT see 5:30 p.m.) WTAM-Four Stars Tonight WSUI-Wings of Song, James To be announced: WMT (sw- WMBD-Constitutional Amendment WFBM WKBH WKBB WISN WTMJ-Sears Roebuck Waery 11.87) Prgm. WOC WTAQ WJR (sw-6.12) End of Thursday Programs

WCCO-Betty Crocker Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): 10:45 WBOW-Radio Gospel October 28, 1938 WLS WLW (sw-15.21) Aunt Jenny's Stories (Spry): MORNING FRIDAY, Pictures and review on pages a 8:45 and 7. KMOX WISN WMBD WFBM WBBM WCCO The Wife Saver, Allen Prescott: Ruth Carhart, songs: WFAM 7:00 a.m. CST (sw-21.51) The Road of Life, sketch (Chip - Josh Higgins of Finchville, sketch Stepmother. sketch (Colgate): Milt Herth Trio: WBOW Lorenzo Jones, sketch (Phillips): so) : WLW WTMJ WMAQ Bachelor's Children, sketch (Old WIBA WOWO WBOW WCFL WBBM KMOX WCCO Bob Byron, songs: (sw-21.52) WMAQWIRE WHO KSD WIRE Ensemble: WBOW Dutch Cleanser): KMOX WCCO KSD WMT Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, Musical Clock: WOC WIBA Party Line: WFBM WMT WIRE (sw-21.5) Sunny Melodies: (sw-21.52) Myrt & Marge, sketch (Super sketch: WI,S (sw-15.21) WIRE WKBH WKBB KMOX-Let's CompareP Notes Suds): WFBM KMOX Asher & Little Getting the Most Out of Life KMOX-Checkerboard Time News: WHIP WIND WISN Jimmy: WIBA KWK-Great Works of Man WBBM WCCO WMBD WBOW (sw-21.5) chmann's Yeast): (sw- 7:15 KWK-Pop Wise & Filbert WAAF-Jeu & Birdie 15.21) Robinson's Harmonicas: (sw- WBBM-Troubadors John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis Singing Strings: WMT WBBM-Editor's Daughter Philippe) : WMAQ WIRE WHO WCCO-Tena & Tim Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch 21.52) WFAM-Morning Devotions News: WISN WMBD WFBM-Apron Strings KSD WGN-Bachelor's Children (19reft): WHO News: WLW WMT WHO KWK-The Party Line WHIP -Alice Oleson, pianist WHO-Musical Clock News: WKBB WOC WAAF-Dance Time To be announced: WMT Musical Clock. WBOW WHIP WIRE -Magic Hour WISN.-Ann Leslie's Scra P book WAAF-Rhythm Rhapsody WCFL-Bittersweet Melodies WJBC-Women in the News KSD-Just Plain Bill, sketch 7' WJJD-Know Your Portal Service WFAM-Readers' Review WGN-Musical Mail Box Edith Dick & Jack Shannon, WKBB-Today's Almanac WKBB-What's New? KWK-News: Musical Interlude WGN-Betty Crocker WHIP -Women & The Home songs:g (sw21.52 ) WKBH- Odaye Bob WKBH-Your Home Prgm. WAAF-Novelettes WHA-Wis. Political Forum WIND -Leon Bolero's Tango Orch. WMBD-Linda's WCFL-Echoes of Havana Musical Tete -a -Tete: WHO WWLS-Hal Culver & the Melody WIND First Love -Memory Lane: Joe Alexan- WJJD-Tommy Tucker's Orch. WOC-Morning Melodies WFAM-Jane Arden, sketch Musical Clock: WMT WMBD der, organist WKBB-Gems of Melody WOWO-Editor's WGN-Painted Dreams WLW-Linda s First Love, sketch WKBH-Music Daughter,g sketch WBBM Makers WKBH-Swing Interlude WROK-Musicale WHA tes WKBB WMBD-Jay's Women of Today WROK-On News: WHIP WTAQ the Mall WLW-The Goidbergs, sketch WSUI-Musical Favorites WHIP-Concertceta MiniFavoature 7:45 WROK-Town Crier WTAQ-Crimson Trail WOC-Radio Bazaar WSUI-Morning Melodies: Service WTAD-Bea & Vea WIBA-To be announced George Perrine, talk: (sw-21.52) WOWO-Modern Home Forum WTAQ-Black and White, twin WINDLivestock Markets 9:30 WSUI-Prgm. Calendar: Weather WLW WHO WTAD-Hannibal g pianos WJBC-Peggy Payne, pioneers Radio Rubes: Prgm. Hilltop House, Bess Johnson Keene, Inc., sketch Gilmans, (Palmolive Soap): WMBD WISN WTMJ-Blue Room Ensemble WJJD-Dick Jurgens' Orch. Clock: WKBB WTMJ-HappyWTAD-Kittysketch 10:00 Musical KMOX9:00 WBBM KMOX WCCO 10:30 WKBB-Treasure Chest WHIP David Harum, sketch (Bab -0): Big WKBH-Songs in Review 8:00 PrettyKittyKelly,y, sketch Just Plain Bill, Sister, sketch (Rinso): sketch (Bi -So- WIRE WMAQ KSD WHO WMBD WISN WCCO KMOX WLS-Market Reports: Newa News: Breakfast Club; Musical (Wonder Bread): WOC KMOX Dol): WMAQ WIRE WHO WISN WBBM WFBM The Story of Mary Marlin, sketch WBBM WFBM WOWO-Party Line, sketch Prgm.: WBOW WCFL WKBB Madame Courageous,WCCO sketch (Dur- WROK-Freeport Studios WKBB Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) Pepper Family Richard Maxwell, tnr.: WTAQ kee's Margarine): WLW WLS (Ivory Young's (Csmay WTAD-Those Happy Gilmans WFBM WOC (sw-21.52) Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava KWK Reminiscing in Rhythm: WFBM Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) 11:00 Soap): WLS (sw-15.21) Jerry WISN KMOX WTAQ WFAM Young Widder Brown, sketch Mary Margaret McBride, column- News: The Band Goes to Town: Sears' Orch.: WCFL WOC (sw-21.5) Paul Page, songs: WOWO WBOW (Haley's M-0): WIRE WMAQ ist (La France & Satina): WOC WAAF-Canary Serenade KSD WHO (sw-15.33) KMOX WCCO WMBD WBBM Musical Clock: WROK WMT WCFL WBOW-Club Originalities: WIBA WMT (sw- Reporter Story the WFBM WISN WFAM WIBA Mrs. Wiggs99 of the CabbageWFAMPatch, Shoppers'ppers' Guide 21.5) of Month: WCFL WKBH WMBD sketch (Old English Wax): WBOW KSD-News: Tel -a -Tunes News: WJJD WFBM-Mrs. Farrell's Kitchen of The Heart of Julia Blake: WLW WIRE WMAQ WIRE WHO KSD the Air WBBM Do You Remember?: WIBA. KWK-Texas Drifter 8:15 Smilin' Ed McConnell, philosophyWGN-Get Thin to Music KWK-Singing Cowboys Get Thin to Music: KWK WAAF-Train Time, interviews Slim, songs; News: Montana and sonsg Ovenread Biscuits): WHA-Rhythm & Games WAAF-Woman's Page the Air WAAF-Swing High WBAA-Amer. Institutiºns: News WKBH WTAQ WKBB WFAM ( y Agricultural KWK WHIP -Music BoxWBOW-Presentation:WBOW-Christian Science Prgm. WFAM-Lou Pike WFBM Agent (sw2l.52) News: WAAF WROK WIBA-Church of the Air Perkins, sketch WGN-Don Pedro. violinist g WMTWCCO-MaWIND-Jimmy cowboy in the Pantry WFAM-Concert Time Dean, songs WCFL-Fashion WCFL-Peekerstt The Family Man, poetry & phi!. Show WHIP -Monitor Views the News WGN-Manhattan Mother, sketch WGN-Party Line WJJD-Illinois Congress of Par- WGN-Morning Melodies -Mid osophy: KSD (sw-21.5) WIND morning dance Rack 8:30 WHA-American Red Cross ents & Teachers, spkr. WHA-Homemakers WJBC-Dollar Daze WHA-Magazine WKBB-Eb & -Woman's Club of the Air Breakfast Club: WCFL WGWO WHIP -Budapest Hour Zeb WIND -Municipal Court WJJD-Organ Selections WHIP WIBA-Organ WKBH-Son g time WHO -Vic & Sade Melodies WJBC-Theater Time WKBB-House of MacGregor WIBA-Linda's First Love Happy Jack, songs: KWK (sw- WIND-Headline Music WMT-Radio Gossip WJJD-Journal of Living WKBH-Arkansas Travelers Page Drama WIND -Bot Atcher & Bonnie Blue21.5)WJJD-Morning Dance TimeWOC-Front WKBB-Hollywood Reporter WLW-News: Livestocks: River:WOWO-Tri Topics: Markets Eyes, hillbillysongs Jordan, Girl Interne (Calox WKBH-OliveHagen, organist WKBH-Home Prgm. Weather: Markets Joyce WROK-Morning Varieties WIRE-Sin g'gin' Sam & WLW-Open House WMBD-Ne s: announced WMT-Tom Owens' Cowboys Toothpowderp Solidified Albo- WTAD-Ma Perkins, sketch WJBC-Sur p rise Party lens): WBBM WMBD-Messenger: Weather WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue WOC-Screenfans Prgm. WSUI-Within the WTAQ-Roundup WJJD-Bureau of Missing Persons Sunbrite Smile Parade: Ransom Classroom WSUI-Homemakers' Forum WOWO-Linda's First Love WKBB-Book of the Hour Owen at the Organ WTMJ-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WTAD-News Sherman, m.c.: WMAQ WMT WTAQ-Em WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Woman's WKBH-Sweet WTMJ-What's New? 9:415 WTMJ-True Stories Forum Swing KSD WLS-MarthaW Crane; Helen Joycech 9:15 Woman In White, sketch (Pills- 10:15 WSUI-The Book Shelf WLW-Editor's Daughter, sketch The Troubadors: WKBH (sw- Jane Arden, sketch (Ward Bak- bury): WMAQ WTMJ KSD WHO Breen & de Rose, songs: WTAD-Party Line 21.52) ing Co.): WLS KWK (sw-15.21) WIRE WBOW WIBA WTAQ-News: Merry Go Round (Continued on Next Panel Page 32 8/2 E The Goldbergs, sketch (Oxydol): WIRE -Matinee Varieties WGN-Margery Graham WKBB WCCO WBBM WOC Good Listening for Friday WJJD-Fred Beck, organist WHA-Julia Benoy, pianist News: WMBD WJBC WTAD urther details nd stations which wilt broadcast these programs may be WISN-News: Prgin. Preview WHIP -Remote Control found in the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated KMOX-Ma Perkins, sketch WLS-Homemakers Prgm. WIND -Music & Banter, Ben FRIDAY KSD-News: Markets MORNING WMBD-Petticoat Parade Kanter WAAF-Symphonic Hour WOWO-Stork Express WJBC-Classical Music WBAA-Agricultural Forum 11:30 CST Farm and Home Hour. WROK-Ballad Time WROK-Helene Kimberley, songs October 28 WCFL-Hit Review WTAD-Gems of Melody WSUI-Piano Interlude WTAQ-Fiddlers Three WFBM-Bohemians AFTERNOON 4:00 WHA-Noon Musicale 2:45 (11:00 a.m. Continued) 1:00 CST Music Appreciation Hour; Dr. Walter The Guiding Light. sketch (White March of Games: WFBM WOC WHIP-Southtownvn Church Hour WFAM WCCO WISN WTAQ Naptha) : WHO WMAQ WTMJ WMAQ-The Carters of Elm Street, WHO -Markets & Weather Damrosch, Conductor. WKBB sketch WIND -Indiana News KSD WLW WMT-Corntussel Nooz WISN-Even as You and I NIGHT Harrisburg Varieties: WTAQ Houseboat Hannah, sketch (Lava Flashes: Billboard Soap): WLW KSD WHO WOWO-Farm WJJD-Anything Can Happen 6:30 WCCO WISN Angeles Federal Sym- WKBH-Magic Violin CST Jack Haley, Singer -Comedian. WSUI-Los Affairs of Anthony: WENR phony WLS-Dinnerbell Program Lucille Ball; Virginia Verrill; Ted Fio-Rito's orchestra. Ted Malone's Between the Book- ends: WBOW 'VOWO WBOW WMT WIBA (sw-15.21) WTAD-All for the Ladies WMT-Question Man: Vigortone 7:00 CST Lucille Manners, Sopr., and Soloists. WIBA WMT WTAQ-Hollywood on Parade Varieties WCFL (sw15.33) Louis Rich Entertains: KWK WTMJ-Betty and Bob, sketch WOWO-Voice of the Farm 7:00 CST First Nighter; Original Drama. KWK-Musical Prem. WIRE WGN WSBT-News; Stork Repot; Farm 11:15 WBAA-Musical Review KMOX-Barnyard (Ivory Flashes 7:30 CST Burns and Allen, Comedians, with Follies The O'Neills, sketch WBBM-Pappy Cheshire's Nat'l WAAF-Eunice Clark, songs Soap): WLW WMAQ WSUI-Rhythm Rambles Tony Martin, Tenor. Hillbilly Champions 12:15 WBAA-Contract Bridge Chats 8:00 WGN-Good Health & Training To be announced: WKBB Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): CST Hollywood Hotel; Drama and Music. WBBM-Manhattan Mother, sketch William Powell, m.c.; Frances Langford and Jean WHIP -Men of Vision WCFL-Make Believe Daneeland Nancy James, sketch WBBM WCCO WISN KMOX WIND -Jr. Assn. of Commerce Her Honor, Pictures and review on pages 6 Sablon, vocalists; Victor Young's orchestra. Ida WHA-Alpine Melodies (Kleenex) : WFBM KMOX and 7. WLS-News Report Lupino and Charles Butterworth with Powell present WHIP-Razzberry College WCCO WBBM Let's Talk It Over: KSD (sw- WROK-Magie Carpet WIND -Current news "By Candlelight." WTAD-Edith Raye WJBC-Wesleyan Hour Alden Edkins, basso: KWK (sw- 15.33) 2:50 15.33) Geraldine Farrar, whose long- 9:00 CST Guy Lombardo and His Orchestra. WJJD-Islanders awaited autobiography was pub- Mozart's Opera "Figaro": WLW WKBH-German Hour KSD-William Wirges' Orch. lished yesterday, will talk it 9:30 CST WGN KWK WMAQ-Four Way Questionnaire over with Milton J. Cross, and Jimmie Fidler; Movie Gossip. This program will originate WAAF-Willie Winn thereby recall a happy partner- from the international concert WMBD-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WFAM-Merrie Melodies ship. This lovely and gracious 9:45 CST Uncle Ezra; Comedy and Music. at Stuttgart, Germany, and WOWO-News: Radio Chatter & Jane, sketch lady of "the golden age of will feature a presentation of WGN-Judy 11:00 CST San Francisco WROK-News: Musicale WHIP -Marjorie Warren, songs opera" worked side by side Opera Company. the second act of Mozart's WSUI-Travelog with Cross. broadcasting com- A portion of Verdi's "La Forza del Destino" will be opera, "Figaro." The cast stars WIIO-Caroline's Golden Store ments between the acts of the Matthieu Ahlersmeyer, Margaret WIBA-Editor's Daughter 1934-33 Metropolitan Opera sea- sung. Teschesmacher, Paul Schoenier, 4:15 - WIND -Twentieth Century Sere- son. Maria Cabotari and Marta Rohs. Adrian Rollini's Orch.: KWK Karl Bohm will conduct. nade Goodyear Farm Radio News: WBOW WLW WMT WOWO WIRE -Linda's First Love 3:00 WMAQ WLW KWK WIBA Your Family & Mine (Sealtest) : WISN-Morning Musicale WBOW Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold 1:45 Club Matinee: News: WENR WJBC-Parade of Bands WMT WBOW WOWO WMAQ WIBA WTMJ KSD (sw- Medal) : WIRE WHO WLW Betty Crocker (Gold Medal): 9.53) WJJD-Criminal Court interviews News: WKBB WOWO WFBM WMAQ KSD (sw-15.21) WMAQ WIRE WHO WLW KSD Backstage Wife, sketch (Dr. WKBB-Hits & Encores WIRE WROK Johnson Family: WGN (sw-15.21) Lyons) : WMAQ WHO WIRE WKBH-Club Calendar WBAA-Sports Irene Beasley, R. F. D. No. 11: WTMJ WIBA WMBD-Honeymoon Lane WCFL-Walkashow WOC WSBT WKBB WFBM Ed Fitzgerald & Co.: WGN Exploring Space: WTAQ WFAM WMT-Magic Kitchen WGN-Luncheon Music WISN (sw-15.27) Rubbertown Revue: WKBH WOC WFBM WKBB WISN WCCO KWK-Story of the Month WOC WOC-Caroline Ellis WHIP -Englewood Hour WAAF-The Mortons WFBM WISN WTAQ WSBT Hour Man on the Street: WBBM of Maple St. WSUI-The Bookman WHO-Dinner Concert WTAQ WBAA-Market Reports WMBD WKBB (sw-15.27) WAAF-All About Dogs, talk WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WTMJ-Betty Crocker KMOX-Voice of WIND -Organ and Vibraharp WBAA-Paul Mitchell, songs WJBC-Hot vs. Sweet the Farm KMOX-Singin' Sam 11:30 KWK-Backstage Wife WLS-Chore Boys with Evelyn, WBBM-Houseboat Hannah, sketch Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: WIBA WKBH-Man on the Street; KWK-Mid Afternoon Madness WAAF-Symphonic Encores: Don Arkie & Pokey Martin WAAF-News: Weather WENR-Swingtime Serenade KWK WMAQ WBOW (sw-15.21) Luncheon Music WHIP -Polish Hour Howard Zahniser, Bolt, commentator WJJD-Freddie Berrens' Orch. WBAA-Lafayette Music Society Merchants Speaker: WMBD-Town Crier: Farm Mar- WMBD-To be announced WHO -The Goldbergs Bureau of Biological Survey, kets WBAA-You & Your Health Prgm. "Studying Wildlife In Schools". WCCO-Noon Extra WMT-Judy and Jane, sketch WCCO-Ladies First WIND -Take It Easy WMT-Voice of Iowa: Markets WCFL-Spotlight Prgm. WROK-Old Refrains WIRE-News: Minute Interviews Romance of Helen Trent, sketch WOC-Jack Sprat Melodies WCFL-News Floor Wax): WHA-Worker's Education Today WTAD-Rhythm and Romance WJJD-Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue (Old English WSBT-In Movieland WGN-To be announced Eyes, songs WBBM KMOX WHIP -Rhapsody in Brass WTMJ-Home Harmonizers WHA-Public Discussion Clinic WMBD-Your Family & 12:30 WIBA-Concert Trio 2:00 WHIP -Gay Caballeros Mine News: WCFL WGN WHIP Road of Life, sketch (Chipso): WIND -Lupi Italian Hour Syncopation Piece: WTAQ WOC WROK-Freeport Studios Blake WIND-Men about town KSD-Heart of Julia KMOX WBBM WKBH-Ma Perkins, sketch WFBM WKBB WISN KMOX WJBC-Int. Sunday School Lesson WSUI-Los Angeles Capella Choir WAAF-Livestocks; Sweet & Slow WLS-School Time WKBH (sw-15.27) 4:30 Happy Gilman. Pauline Alpert, pianist: KWK WLW-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WCCO-Those WMBD-Men on the Street The Story of Mary Marlin, sketch WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Women of Three Romeos: KWK WENR WFAM-Harlan Hogan Words & KSD WMT-Many Happy Mu- Music: (sw-15.33) Returns: (Ivory Flakes) : WMAQ WHO WSUI-Forensic Forum, Prof. A. WMT WOWO WFBM-Town Crier: Hoosier Farm sical Interlude WLW WTMJ KSD Man on the Street: WKBB Craig Baird Don Winslow of the Navy: (sw- Circle WOWO WOWO-Wilbur Pickett's Orch. WTAD-Campus Jamboree Gems Marriage License Romances: 15.21) WHA-Organ News: WHO WOC WSUI-Illustrated Musical Chat,. WHO-Myrt & Marge, sketch WTAD-News WGN KWK WMT 3:15 organist Rhythm Rascals: WTAQ WTMJ Stella Dallas, sketch (Milk of Landt Trio: WLW WBOW WMAQ WIND -Joe Alexander, WBAA-Luncheon Time WTMJ-Daily Bulletin Board Swingtime WTMJ (sw-9.53) Dance Trio: WIBA WIRE Magnesia) : WIRE WTMJ WIBA WIRE -Farm Hour WBOW-Street Reporter 1:15 WCFL WMAQ WHO Ross WISN-Organ Melodies WCCO-Voice of the Farm Al Bernard's Minstrels: WSBT Pierce's Orch.: WGN WJBC-Singing Sam News: WHIP WIND Opera: WLW WCFL-Curtain Calls WTAQ WKBB WISN WFBM WAAF-Madcap Carnival Jack Armstrong, sketch WJJD-Safety Court WFBM-Stepmother Where on the Air: WKBH WOC (sw-15.27) WBAA-Vocational Guidance KMOX-Linda's First Love, sketch (Wheaties): WLW WKBB-What's WGN-Markets; Midday Service WAAF-Jimmie Farm Flashes: Do You Want a Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch WBBM-Linda's First Love Kozak, pianist Doris Rhodes, songs: WKBH WHA-Farm Prgm. WCFL-Music in the Modern Man- Job? (Gold Medal) : WMAQ WLW WBOW-To be announced WFAM WISH WTAQ WKBB WHIP -Rube 'n' Cy WCCO-Judy & Jane ner WKBH-Romance and Rhythm: WIBA-News: Markets WIRE WTMJ WHO KSD (5w- WOC Quotations WHA-Radio Reading Club WHIP -What Is It? Livestock WIND -Let Them Live, Traffic 15.21) WIND -Fred Beck, KSD-Life Can Be Beautiful & Glen WJJD-Sentenced Men, interviews organist WLS-Gene School Broadcast, Harold Brown WAAF-Tea tDance WLW-News; River; Weather; As You Like It: WGN WLS-Chore Boys with Evelyn WJJD-Ben Kanter, piano, songs WIRE -Reporter WMBD-Editor's Daughter 3:30 WBAA-Purdue Scrapbook Livestock WISN-Musical Heat Wave Music Appreciation Hour: WOWO Good WOWO-Markets: Observer Life Can Be Beautiful, sketch WBBM-Kitty Keene, Inc. WMBD-Thrift Message: WJJD-Loop Noon -day Service KMOX-To Neighbors be announced WROK-News: Rhythm Before (Ivory Soap) : WMAQ WIRE WCCO-Livestocks Morning WLS-Checkerboard Time KWK-Midstream WLW WHO WFBM-Tea Time Tunes WMT-Sweet and Swing Three (sw-9.53) WLW-Smilin' Ed McConnell WAAF-The Orchestra Pit WSBT-Old Time Gospels Taber- WHA-Wis. Political Forum WOC-Betty Crocker WMAQ-News: Sing An Old Song Club Matinee: News: WIBA WHO -Tea WOWO-Consolaires WBBM-HAL TATE nacle & Crumpets WMBD-Farm News WSUI-Campus Activities; World Mollie Steinberg, talk: (sw- WIBA-The Dance Hour WSUI-Songs & Melodies WMT-Hillbillies: Joe Doakes Radio Tattler, Radio Guide WIND -Bob Atcher Police News Bdokman: Within the Classroom, 15.27) and Bonnie WTAD-Quincy WROK-Couple on the Street, In- Columnist presenting News Blue Eyes & Dinty Modern Music, Prof. Philip G. Eton Boys, quartet: WKBB WTMJ-Heinie terlude and Gossip WIRE -Song 11:45 Clapp WKBH WFAM WFBM WISN Shop WSBT-The Day Dreamer WJBC-Request Hour Farm & Home Hour: WLW WTAD-Hannibal Prom. Nat'l WTAD-Farm: Weather: Markets News: WOC WJBC WJJD-Alexander McQueen WBAA-Viewing 2:15 Sunday, sketch (Old 12:45 the News KMOX-Editor's Daughter, sketch WMBD-News: Dr. Kadesky Prgm. Our Gal WCCO-Kitty Keene Oxydol's Own Ma Perkins, sketch: Wax) : WBBM Those Happy Gilmans, comedy WAAF-International Potpourri WSUI-Elementary French, Miss English Floor WCFL-Tune Trails WMAQ WTMJ KSD WHO WLW sketch (Corn-Kix) : WMAQ WLW WBAA-Keeping Ahead of the Virginia Kruse KMOX WHA-Wis. Political Forum KSD (sw-15.21-9.53) Continental Varieties: WIBA Joneses WTAD-News Summary Do You Remember?: WCFL WHIP -Speaking of Love WCFL WIRE WBOW WMT (sw- WCCO-Betty & Bob WTMJ-Down a Country Road Words & Music: WIBA WJJD-Livestock Markets 15.33) WGN-To be announced 4:45 KSD-Lady Courageous WLS-Buttram's Palatial Palace of Dee talk Gospel Singer; Edward MacHugh, WHA-U. S. Weather Bureau Not So Long Ago: WOC WISN WAAF-Myrna Sergent, Wonders KMOX-One bar. & Organ (Ivory Soap): Woman's Opinion WHIP -Fred C. Rathje, talk WTAQ WFAM WFBM WKBB WCCO-Grandma Travels WMBD-Party Line KWK-Jam Session WFAM-Luncheon Dance WBBM WCCO KMOX WJJD-Frankie Trumbauer's Orch. WMT-Bulletin Board: Hillbillies WBAA-Edward Foley, pianist WMBD-Bargain Counter Vaughn de Leath, songs: WENR WFBM-Markets: Farm Bureau The Voice of Experience (Lydia WTAD -Little Theater WBBM-Meet the Missus KWK Prem. WOWO-Old-Time Religion E. Pinkham) : WCFL WIRE 1:30 WCCO-Magic Hour the Hour Johnnie Johnson, bar.: WIRE WGN-Man on State Street KWK WGN-Kaffee Klatsch WHIP -String Fantasies American School of the Air: WROK-Ma Perkins, sketch WHO WBOW WIBA WSBT WFBM WISN WCCO WHIP -Dancing Party WSUI-Views and Interviews WHO -Hilltop House, sketch Man on the Street: WTAD WSBT WIND -Matinee Dance Tom Mix Straight Shooters WISN-Dance Music News: WIND WKBH WTAQ WKBH WTAQ WKBB KMOX WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. WBBM WOC (sw-15.27) WJJD-Piano Reflections WTAQ-Herman Daumler, violinist (Ralston Wheat Cereal): (sw- WJBC-Reid & Vin WBAA-Eugene Finegan, violinist WLS-Homemakers Prgm. 15.21) WKBH-Voice of the Farm WBOW-Luncheon Dance Music WTMJ-Variety Revue Valiant Lady, sketch (Gold WMBD-His Majesty the Baby 3:45 WLS-Markets: Weather: News WFBM-Community Fund: Bohe- Medal): WMAQ WLW WIRE KSD-Washington U. Educational WROK-Musicale Barry Wood, songs: WFAM Series WMBD-Polie of the Range mians KSD WHO WTMJ (sw-15.21) 2:30 Voelker, or- WHIP-Airlane Dance WKBH WTAQ WISN WMBD WAAF-Sport Shorts WMT-News: Frank Pepper Young's Family, sketch ganist WHO -Lem & Martha Music Appreciation Hour: WCFL WOC WKBB (sw-15.27) WBAA-Story Book Hour WIBA (sw-15.33) (Camay Soap) : WMAQ WLW WBBM-Todd Hunter, news WOC-Farm Bureau WKBB-Pet Corner KSD WTMJ Girl Alone, sketch (Aunt Jemima): WLS-Livestocks: Vitality Jim WHO WCCO-Front Page Parade WOWO-Market Service KWK-News: Musical Interlude Harrisburg Varieties: WFBM WOC WMAQ KSD WHO WIRE WMBD-Window Shopper WGN-Afternoon Musical WROK-Round the Town WAAF-Markets; Health Talk WSBT WKBH WKBB (sw-15.27) WSUI-Farm Flashes WMT-Tune Time WBAA-Grade School Prgm. Opera: WLW WIND-Max Miller's Swing Quar- WTAD-Dance Revue WOC-Old & New Rhythm WGN-The Lady's Answer KMOX-Magic Kitchen tet Club Matinee: News: WENR WJBC-Radio Guide Gossip WTAQ-Farmhands WOWO-Ambrose & Mary Lou WHA-American Youth Speaks KWK-Rich Hayes, organist WIBA WBOW WTMJ-Heinie's Grenadiers WROK-Home Folks Hour WHIP -Afternoon Concert WBAA-Famous Homes of Famous WJJD-Suppertime Frolic WTMJ-Sidewalk Reporter WIND -W. P. A. Program Americans KMOX-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WKBH-Kiddies' Hour 1:00 WJJD-Radio Council WBBM-Missus Goes to Market WBAA-Melody Moods WLW-Paul Sullivan, news Music Appreciation Hour; Dr. WLS-Grain Market Summary WCCO-Markets WBBM-Tina & Tim WMAQ-Concert Miniature AFTERNOON Walter Damrosch, rond.: WBOW WMBD-Better Vision WCFL-Music for Today WCCO-Julia Blake WMBD-Polly of the Range Music detail on page 9 this week. WMT-News: Novelty Parade WGN-Harold Stokes' Orch. WCFL-Musical Hall of Fame WOWO-Family Council Glosemeyer 12:00 Two on\ a Shoestring, sketch WROK-Stars on Parade WHA-Music of the Masters WFBM-League for Hard of Hear- WTAD-Lawrence P. A. ing WTMJ-Around the Town The Happy Gang: WGN (Oakland Chemical Co.) : WGN WTAD-Medical Assn. WIND -W. Program 5:00 The Little Review: WIRE Capt. Titi Healey's Stamp Club Symphonic Strings: KWK Grand Central Station (Lister- E 8/2 Page 33 ine) : WBBM WJR WHAS Yoichi Hiroaka, xylophonist: Little Orphan Annie: KMOX (Kellogg's): WLW WBOW-Magic Claw WFBM KMOX WCCO WCFL (sw-9.53) WGN WHO News: WHO WTAQ WCFL-Seeley Institution Don Winslow of the Navy, sketch To be announced: WKBH WMAQ KSD-Tel-a-Tunes, Request Prgm. WFAM-Dance Orch. Curtain Time: WGN FRIDAY (Krispies): WENR WLW KWK Sports: WIBA WTMJ KWK-Sports & News WIND -News WLW-Carson Buckaroos WCFL-Double in Stars News: Organ WCCO Captain Midnight, sketch: KSD WBOW-Herbert Criss, talk Robison's Orch. Melodies: WMT-Boyson's Serenade WIND -Fred Henkel's WTAQ WSBT WKBB WBBM WCCO WFAM-Speaking of Sports WISN-Reflections 28 WSUI-Evening Musicale October WFAM KMOX WBBM-Piano Parade WGN-Concert Orch. WKBB-Hollywood on Parade WBOW-Jerry of the Circus WHAS-Music to Your Taste 7:45 WKBH-Dance Orch. Captain Midnight: WHO WOC WCFL-Jack Kelly's Orch. WIBA-Football Interview Symphonic Strings: WMT WOWO-Maurie Cross' Orch. KSD-News: WLW-Open House Dick Leibert, organ WENR-Totten on Sports WIRE -Marion County Democrats WCFL-Labor Flashes WMBD-Rashid Sisters WTAM-Musical Bulletin Board WAAF-Shadowland WFAM-Grid Forecaster WISN-Medley Time WIND -Max Miller's Swing Quar- WTMJ-Today's Events: Sports WBOW-Merry WMT-Musical Moments Go Round WFBM-Favorite Melodies WKBB-Sweetheart Serenade tet WSUI-I Blanket Hop 10:15 WFBM-Ho-Po-Ne Club WIND -News: Sports WKBH-Tune Time WSUI-History in Review, Mr. WTAQ-Club Normandie Entertains Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WKBH WGN-Harold Turner WISN-Sports Parade: Interlude WLS-Don Kelley's Sport Review L. O. Leonard 9:15 KMOX WKBB WFBM WJR WHA-Organ WMAQ-News: Musical Entre Reverie WMT-Weather: News 8:00 To be announced: WISN WMBD Al Donahue's Orch.: WIBA WIBA-The Plainsmen WROK-Dance Hour WMBD-Studio Spelling Bee Paul Martin's Music: KWK WOWO WIND -Current WBOW-Musical Moments News WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air WMT-Our Man Friday WOWO WIBA WENR WBOW WCFL-Roller WIRE -Lone Derby Joe Sanders' Orch.: WGN WMT Ranger, sketch WROK-Italian Hour WIND -Eddie Neibaur's orchestra WISN-Show Window WTAM-Shanghai Nights Waltz Time (Phillips); Frank News: WSBT WHAS WIRE WHO Munn, tnr.; Abe Lyman's Orch.: WKBB-Gaslight Harmonies WMAQ-Dick Tracy, sketch WTMJ-Easy Aces Talk WMAQ NIGHT WMAQ WTAM KSD WIRE WMT-Style WMBD-Happy Train 6:45 WTAQ-Dream Time KOA-Civic Association WMT-Tea Time Tunes WHO (sw-9.53) 9:30 KWK-Smiling Ed McConnell WSUI-Vergil's Aeneid, Prof. Dor- Inside of Sports (Phillies Cigars): 6:00 WLW WGN KWK Hollywood Hotel (Campbell's Felix Knight, tnr.: WOWO WMT WCCO-Cedric Adams ranee S. White Dick Todd, songs; Richard Lei- Soup) ; William Powell, m.c.; KWK WBOW WENR-Ennio Bolognini's Orch. WTAD-Sports Summary bert, organist: WMT WENR Trio Time: WMT (sw-11.87) WKBB-Dance Time WTMJ-The Plainsman Frances Langford; Jean Sablon; KWK (sw-11.87) Xavier Cugat's KSD Niles; Victor Young's Orch.: Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood Gossip WLW-Spotlight Orch.: Ken WMAQ 5:15 KMOX WMBD WFBM WBBM (Drene): KSD WLW WMBD-Value Hints Howie Wing, sketch (Corn Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's Soup) : News: WHO WKBB WLS WIRE WIRE KOA WTM.1 (sw-9.53) WKBH WCCO WHAS WJR (sw-11.83) WOC-You Said It Yourself Flakes): WBBM WFBM WCCO WTAM KSD WLW (also at 10 Guests: Ida Lupino, Charles (also see 6:15 p.m.) WROK-The Balladiers KMOX P.m.) WBOW-The Man in the Tavern Butterworth and William Powell WCFL-Philip Kinsman Jack Berth, songs: WKBH WTAM-Music You Want in "By Candlelight". Orch. Norman Cloutier's Orch.: (sw- To be announced: (sw-11.83) WFAM-Dinner Dance For news of Hollywood read "Hol- WKBB WISN WTAQ WMBD WTMJ-Dance lywood Showdown" in every ¡sº» 10:30 15.21) WHO & ( Radio Guide. (sw-11.83) Sports Review: WKBB WKBH -Jerry Four Dons WSBT WIBA-Dinner Music Leighton Noble's Orch.: Malcolm Claire, children's stories; KMOX WOC Crimson Wizard, drama: WGN KMOX-Hot Stove League WOC WJR WISN WTAQ WKBH News: WENR (sw-9.53) WBBM-Dr. Preston Bradley WMAQ-Melody Moments WMBD-Swingsters KOA-Golden Melodies WBBM-Sports Huddle WFBM WKBB (sw-6.12) WBOW-Luke Walton on Sports: WCFL-Showboat Carnival Queen WBOW-Magic Claw To be announced: WMBD WTAQ-Talking Drums Russ Morgan's Orch.: WBOW This Minute WIND -Instructions to Judges & WCCO-Sportsmen's Special WTMJ-Kilowatt Hour WHO (sw-9.53) Dick Tracy, sketch: KSD WHO WCCO-Jack Armstrong, sketch Clerks of Election WCFL-Make Believe Danceland KWK-Sketches in Melody WCFL-Tower Tunes 7:00 WISN-Rendezvous WENR-Radio Ranfare Harry Candulla's Orch.: WOWO WCFL-Walkashow WFAM-Crimecasts Cities Service Concert; Lucille WKBB-Dubuque Hour WFBM-Musical Moments WIRE WFAM-Killer Dillers WFBM-News Manners, sop.; Grantland Rice; WKBH-Pop Concert WGN-I Need a Job, interviews WGN-Armchair Melodies WGN-Captain Midnight Frank Black's Orch.: WMAQ KSD WLW-Boone County Jamboree WHAS-Musical Moments The Nation's Playhouse: WLW WIBA-Silver Springs Hour WHAS-Dr. Chas. W. Welch WTMJ WIBA WIRE WTAM WMT-The Parks Family WHO-Farmers' Forum WMT WIND -Cocktail Melodies WHO-Songfellows WHO (sw-9.53) WOC-Football Game WIBA-Lawyers' Guild Death Valley Days, drama (Bor- WIBA-Dinner Concert Story on pages 2 and 3. WKBH-St. Theresa's College WROK-Musical Moments WIND-Walkathon ax) : KOA KFI (also see 8:30 WIND -German Hour WLW-Little Orphan Annie Johnnie Presents What's My WSBT-To be announced WJR-Seymour Simons p.m.) WMAQ-Advs. of Jimmie Allen WIRE -Marion County Republi- Name? (Philip Morris) With WSUI-The Parade of Events WMT-Bohemian Band WMBD-Pet Corner: Paul Welton's cans: Safety Prgm. Budd Hulick, m.c.; Arlene WTAQ-Wings Over the World WTAM-Ohio Newspaper Women's News: KMOX KWK WBBM Orch. WISN-Down by Herman's WTMJ-U. W. Homecoming Rally Ass'n WCCO-Rollie Johnson Varieties Francis & Ray Bloch's Orch.: WENR-Earl Hines' WMT-Lamplighting Time: Song WJR-Vocal WGN WLW 8:15 9:45 Orch. Hit of the Day WMAQ-Toy Center Tonight Paul Martin's Music: WMT Uncle Ezra, sketch and music WGN-Dick Jurgens' Orch. WOC-Piano WMBD-Dinner Music: Music Mart Criminal Case Histories, with (Alka-Seltzer): WMAQ WTAM WHAS-Dance Orch. Modulations WBOW-Democratic Central Com- WROK-Sports WROK-News: Song Hits of the Warden Lewis E. Lawes (Sloan's WLW KSD WTMJ KOA WIRE WIBA-Continental Nights Day: Concert Hall Liniment) : WMT WLS KWK mittee WIND -Mark Fisher's Orchestra WTAD-Jack Armstrong, sketch WROK-Football; Rockford vs. (sw-9.53) WTMJ-Twenty Flying Fingers WSUI-Dinner Hour Prgm. (sw-11.87) More detail on page 4. WMAQ-Abe Lyman's Orch. WTAQ-Mutiny on the High Seas West Aurora WMBD-Sports: Prgm. Review 5:30 Campana's First Nighter; Drama, WSUI-Men of Vision State of the Nation; Jay Frank- WTMJ-Heinié s Grenadiers Barbara Luddy & Les Tremayne: lin, comm.: WENR WBOW WMT WROK-Robert Heen's Orch. George R. Holmes, commentator: 6:15 WTAQ-News WTMJ-Rhythm Time WBOW (sw-15.21) WBBM WFBM WHAS KMOX 8:30 (sw-11.87) Ennio Bolognini's Orch.: WMAQ WJR WCCO (sw-11.83) (also 10:45 WHO Death Valley Days, drama (Bor- American Viewpoints: WMBD Leighton Noble's Orch.: WBBM Today with Bob Trout: WCCO KNX at 11 p.m.) ax): WIRE WMAQ WHO WTAM WFBM WKBB Jimmy Fidler's Hollywood Gossip WKBH WTAQ KMOX WBBM KMOX WMBD WBOW-Did You Know? WLW KSD (also at 10:30 p.m.) (sw-11.83) (Drene): WTAM (sw-9.53) (also K\VK Lyon & Marlowe, piano duo: WCFL-News Title: "Chicken -Thief Char- Harry Candulla's Orch.: at 9:30 p.m.) lie." KWK-Dance Music WENR news Hollywood read "HeI- WFAM-Hits & Bits For of WFBM-Chamber of Commerce WCCO-To be announced owoody Showdown" in every issue WIND-Governmeat & Business To be announced: WMT WENR The Little Review: KWK of Radio Guide. WHAS-Dixieland Band WIND -News WISN-Concert Contrasts WOWO (sw-11.87) 11:00 Dick Tracy, Lum & Abner, comedy sketch WIBA-Club Chanticleer sketch: WIRE WISN WKBH-Rapid Ad Richard Himber's Orch.: WMAQ Jack Armstrong, (Postum) : WBBM WJR KMOX Dick Jurgens' Orch.: KWK WIND -News Commentator sketch: WMAQ WKBB-Dubuque Star Revue WHO WIRE WBOW KSD WTMJ WHO WHAS WFBM WCCO (also KNX WMBD-Brooks Brain Teaser KOA-Telephone Company Prgm. WISN-Post Office Drama Wilson, news KMOX-Headline Highlights KSL at 10:15 p.m.) WOC-Out of the Past to You WGN-News: History Repeats WOWO-Bob San Francisco Opera Co.: WOWO KSD-Sportlights WIBA-Pop Concert WROK-News Jack Crawford's Orch.: KWK WROK-Freeport Studios WIBA WBBM-Chicago Hour WIND -Law of Life 10:00 The Monastery Scene. Act II, WIRE WSUI-Children's Hour WCFL-Charlie Cook WTAQ-Music of the Masters WISN-American Weekly Amos 'n' Andy (Campbell's Scene 2, front Verdi's opera Soup): WMAQ WIRE KOA WHO "La Forza del Destino." with WFAM-Dan Dunn, sketch News: WOC WFAM WKBH-Gospel Melodies Rethberg, Pinza, and Salvatore WIBA-News Edition KSD-James Melton, tnr. 7:15 WMAQ-To be announced KFI (also see 6 p.m.) Baccaloni in the leading roles, WIND -Late Afternoon Varieties WBOW-Si and Ezra WBOW-County Republican Comm. WSUI-Musical Varieties Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WBBM supported by a chorus of monks. WKBH-Captain Midnight WCFL-Tune Teasers WCFL-Douglas Wilson WTAQ-Supper Club WISN WSBT WHAS WTAQ Gennaro Papi will direct. WLW-Denton & Barber, sports WENR-Words of Thunder WFAM-Amer. Family Robinson WTMJ-Dance Orch. Johnny Messner's Orch.: WBOW Little Jack Little's Orch.: WSp WMBD-Paul Welton's Orch. WGN-Bob Elson, sports WIND -Hal Munro's orchestra 8:45 WKBB WBBM WISN KM( WKBB-Melodic Moments WMT-Crimson Trails WKBB-Singing Strings Dick Jurgens' Orch.: WGN Old Heidelberg Orch.: KWK WTAQ WMBD WOC WF' WKBH-Popular Melodies WOC-Twilight Musicale WKBH-Dinner Music KOA-Consumers' Council WGN WHAS (sw-6.12) WROK-15 Minutes with Evelyn WLW-Four Stars Tonight WOC-Musical Moments WBOW-To be announced News: WKBB WMBD WMT Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WSUI-Musical Moods WMT-Circle Service Boys 7:30 WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. WOC WFBM WROK WMT WTAQ-Al Michel's Sport Wheel WROK-Girls in Blue with Hel- Burns & Allen (Chesterfield) Ray WISN-To be announced ene: Practical Diesel Noble's Orch.; Tony Martin, tnr; KMOX-The Goldbergs, sketch WKBH-Football Review KWK-Ray Schmidt, sports KOA-Sterling Young's Orch. 5:45 WTAQ-Parade of the Bands Paul Douglas, announcer: WBBM WOC-Rosemary Sings KWK-Jeter Pillar's Orch. Political Party Speaker: WOC WCCO-Elmer A. Benson 6:30 WHAS WFBM KMOX WMBD WSUI-Daily Iowan of the Air Daily Visitor WTAQ WKBB WMBD WCFL-Novena Broadcast WCFL-Your Wonder Show; Jack Haley, sing- WKBB WTAQ WCCO WISN 9:00 WENR-Music As You Desire It er -comedian; Lucille Ball; Vir WOC WKBH WJR (sw-11.83) Guy Lom- WENR-Globe Trotter Lowell Thomas, news commen- Lady Esther Serenade; WIBA-Night News WIND -Gene Eve's Orchestra tator (Sun Oil): WLW (sw- ginia Verrill; Ted Fio-Rito's Or- (also KNX KSL at 10:30 p.m.) bardo s Orch.: WTAM WIRE WJR-Joe Venuti's Orch. chestra (Wonder Bread & Hos- WIND -Swedish Prgm. 15.21) Lone Ranger, drama (Silvercup) : WHO WTMJ WIBA KSD WMAQ WJBC-Personality Hour WKBH-Weather tess Cake): KMOX WBBM WJR WGN KOA (sw-9.53) Poems, Organ Tom Mix' WJR-Jack King, news WLW-Moon River, Straight Shooters (Ral- WCCO WISN WOC WFBM (sw- WTAM-Paul Burton's Orch. ston Wheat Cereal) : WMAQ 11.83) (also KSL KNX at 11:30 If I Had the Chance; Interviews; Maurice Spitalny's Orch.: KWK WKBH-News: Music KWK p.m.) Orrh.: WOWO WLS (sw-11.87) WBOW WENR WOWO WLW-Paul Sullivan, news End of Friday Programs

WMAQ-Suburban Hour WHO -Coffee Pot Inn Breakfast Club: News: WOWO 29, 1938 WIND -Melody Magic WIRE MORNING WMBD-Breakfast Club SATURDAY, October WOWO-Morning Roundup WIRE -News: Footnotes Internationale News: KSD WLS-Morning Devotions Music WROK-Early Risers WHO (sw-21.5tionale) WTAD-Airline News WLW-Magic Hour 7:00 a.m. CST WTAQ-Mike's Uprisin' Musical Clock: WMBD WBBM WMBD-Police Bulletins ''WMAQ-Your Neighbor KWK-Magic Carpet of Melody WTMJ-Top o' the Morning WMT WTAD-Airline News WOWO-Markets: Bible Class WBOW-Radio Gospel Milt Herth Trio: WBOW News: WHIP WTAQ WKBB WTAQ-Today's Almanac WSUI-Morning Chapel WCCO-Money Makers KMOX-Informative Rilig. Forum WTMJ-Dick Tracw: Top o' the the Air Bob Byron, songs: (sw-21.52) 7.15 WTAD-Market Basket WFAM-Young America on WCCO-Musical Chimes Morning: Jeff Barclay WIBA-Today's Almanac: Society Eton Boys: (sw-21.52) 8:15 Song for Saturday: WLW WGN-The Music Box Reporter WIBA-Morning News: Musical 8:00 Montana Slim, Yodeling Cowboy: WLS-The Pairie Singer Musical Clock: WKBB WKBH News: WHO WMT Clock News: WKBH WFAM (sw21.52) WMAQ-Whistler & His Dog: News Musical Clock: WBOW WHIP News: Breakfast Club: WCFL WMT WOC WIRE WIBA WJJD-Christian Science Prgm. WMBD-Bandwagon KMOX-A Case of Questions: Chas. KWK-Billy Swift, Boy DetectiveWBOW (sw-21.51) Music Internationale: KSD (sw- WKBH-Morning Devotions Devotions Pappy Hillbilly WBBM-Morning Matinee 21.5) WROK-Morning Stookey Cheshire: WLS-Boys from Virginia be Band WCCO-News Slants To announced: WFBM WKBB Breakfast Club: WLW WSBT-Cafe Continental WROK-Morning Parade WTA Q the Air KWK-Band Music WJJD-It's Risin' Time (sw-21.52) WSUI-Daily Iowan of WLS-Musical Prgm. KMOX-Ozark Varieties WTAD-Sunday School Lesson WRAF-Breakfast Express 7:45 News: The Wise Man: (sw-21.5) KWK-It's Natural WBBM-Morning Reporter WLW-Peter Grant, news 8:45 Chapel Ruth Brine, talk: (sw-21.52)/ WHA-Morning Melodies WCCO-Air Almanac WMBD-Wayside Musical Clock: WMT WROK It Easy Amanda Snow, songs: KSD (sw- WROK-Breakfast Melodies Jack & Loretta Clemens, son WHIP-Take WFAM-The Morning Bugle: News 9s News: W.IJD WKBH WMBDWHO-Fruit Reporter 21.5) WTAD-Market Basket & patter: WLW WOWO (sw- KMOX-A Case of Questions WFBM-Earl Y Birds WIND 15.21) Leibert, organ -The Passin Show Fiddler's Fancy: KMOX WCCO WGN-Billy Swift, the Boy De- KSD-News: Dick WIRE -Carl Baker 7:30 KWK-Singing Cowboys tective Musical Clock: WKBB WHIP WJJD-Fred Beck, organist Musical Clock: WHO WMT WHIP -On the Farm Front Dick Leebert; Dorothy Dreslin, KMOX-Travelogue WAAF-Breakfast Express News: WHIP WIND Forum WLSNews WHO -Mother Randall sop.: WLW KWK-News: Rapid Ad Prgm. KMOX-The Open WSUI-Los Angeles Symph. Orch. KWK-Pop Wise & Filbert WHO -Happy Hank KWK-Singing Cowboys WIND -Polish Prgm. Edith Dick & Jack Shannon, WFAM-Sunshine Express Melodies WFAM-Broadway Tabernacle 8:30 WISN-Early Risers' Club songs: (sw-21.52) WJJD-Hawaiian WIRE -Magic Hour WJJD-Hillbilly and Cowboy Songs WKBH-Breakfast Melodies WGN-Good Morning Prgm. Fiddler's Fancy: WBBM WKBB RA drat Tote a.Tete WH(1 Wt C.i..1l, Ine R. Pet Pale WHA.Rand Waenn WFRM WKBH WTAQ (ow -21.521 (Continued on Next Pace) Page 34 8/2 E Man on the Street: WTAQ WMBD Schedule Changes for October 23 to October 29 WBBM KMOX-Inquiring Reporter This department announces programs which change their networks or KSD-Midday Sports Preview SATURDAY WAAF-Symphonic Encores: Jack hour of broadcast. Consult the program listings for your local station. Odell, news October 29 NEW PROGRAMS Sunday, October 23, can be York for the next six weeks WBAA-Radio Stage Dog WCCO-Noon Extra Heroes (Thrive Dog Food), heard at 12 noon CST or 3:30 instead of Hollywood as in the WFBM-Mid-day Meditation a dramatization depicting the p.m. CST. past. The cast of the program WHA-Taxation in Wisconsin (8:45 a.m. Continued) heroic deeds of man's greatest Mary and Bob's True Stories will remain the same except WHIP -Spanish Fiesta friend, his dog, can be heard (True Story Magazine) re- that Martha Raye will not be WHO -Agricultural Conservation WJJD-Salvation Army Chorus on Sundays at 2 p.m. CST. turned to the air Tuesday, heard WIBA-Melody Moments WKBH-Uncle Bob Oc- during this time, due to Criminal Case Histories (Sloan's tober 18, at 8 p.m. CST. commitments in the film capi- WIND -Lupi Italian Prgm. WLS-Teena & Tim WJJD-Your Illinois, talk WLW-Synagogue of the Air Liniment), with Warden Lewis Uncle Ezra's Sunday Afternoon tal. The broadcast can be E. Lawes as a in Rosedale WKBH-Kal Kalsow's Orch. WMAQ-A Step Ahead with Nor- narrator, started (Alka-Seltzer), a heard at 7:30 p.m. CST. WLS-Home Talent Prgm. man Ross new series of programs Friday, variety show with the Hoosier Bing Crosby (Kraft) returned to WTMJ-Daily Bulletin Board WMBD-Jay's Women of Today October 21, at 7 p.m. CST. Hotshots, Vass Family and the helm of the Music Hall WROK-Town Crier Dr. 1:15 Christian (Vaseline), a dram- others, starts a new series of program Thursday, October 20, Football; Army vs. Notre Dame: WSBr-The Laf f Parade atization of a' country doctor programs Sunday, October 23, at 9 p.m. CST. WMBD WTAQ KMOX WCCO WSUI-Morning Melodies: Service starring Jean Hersholt, who at 4 p.m. CST. Then on Tues- Reports Tony Martin Matinee in Rhythm: made the doctor characteriza- day and Friday nights at 9:45 (Chesterfield) re- WHO WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. placed Frank Parker on the WAAF-Estelle Barnes, tion famous, returned to the air p.m. CST, Pat Barrett (Uncle Burns pianist Tuesday, October 18, at 9 p.m. Ezra) returns to the airlanes and Allen program. WBBM-Meet the Missus 9:00 CST. Tony can be heard on Friday WHA-Die Deutsche Musik Stunde with his mythical radio station, nights WHIP -Hungarian Hour Saturday Morning Club: WCFL Lutheran Hour (Lutheran Lay- EZRA, the powerful five -wat - at 7:30 p.m. CST. WBOW (sw-21.5) WJJD-Mid Day Round Up man's L e a g u e), emanating ter of Rosedale. The program W. C. Fields (Lucky Strike) was WLS-Palatial Palace of Wonders Nat'l Hillbilly Champions: WOC from the Concordia Seminary starts October 25. added to the cast of "Your Hit WMT-Saturday Afternoon Frolic WCCO WKBB WTAQ WKBH in St. Louis, Mo., will feature Parade" and can be heard on WTAD-Yellow Fang WISN (sw-21.52) Dr. Walter A. Maier as speaker CLOSINGS Saturday nights at 9 p.m. WTMJ-Dance Orch. Three Romeos: WOWO WMAQ and choral music by the Lu- March of Time (Time, Inc.) CST. 1:30 (sw-15.21) theran Hour Chorus, a selected left the air Friday, October 21. Football Game: WLW WOWO William Powell (Campbell's (sw-15.21) Smiling Ed group from the student body of Soup) McConnell, philosophy PROGRAM takes over Herbert & song (Ovenready Biscuits): Concordia Seminary and the CHANGES Marshall's spot on Hollywood Football; Army vs. Notre Dame: KSD WLW St. Louis A Cappella Choir. AI Jolson's Show (L i f e b u o y Hotel Friday, October 21, at WFBM WKBH WKBB WTAQ The program, which begins Soap) will originate in New 8 p.m. WISN WCCO WMBD WOC (sw- News: WAAF WROK WMT CST. 15.27) KMOX-Carolyn Pryce KWK-Sidelights on News Football Game: WBOW WMAQ the 10:00 WHA-Audrey Hennings, violinist To be announced: WMT WSBT-News: Stock Report: WBBM-Saturday Sunshine WHIP KSD (sw-15.33) Cincinnati Conservatory of Music: -Concert Miniature KMOX-Barnyard Follies Farm Flashes WFBM-Symphony Society WIND -Valparaiso Prgm. WBBM WKBB WCCO Univ. KSD-Jean Carmen, songs WSUI-Len Carroll's Orch. KMOX-Safety Brigade WGN-Alice Blue, pianist WTAQ WJBC-Peggy Payne, pioneers WOC WFAM WISN (sw-21.52) WAAF-Livestock; Sweet & Slow KWK-News: Musical Interlude WHIP -Budapest Hour WLS-Markets: News WAAF-Markets; WHO-Junior WBAA-High School Guest Prgm. 12:15 Optometry Talk All -Star Revue No School Today, childrens' prgm., WMT-Kiddies Revue News: WKBB WFBM WBAA-Music, Maestro, WIB11.-Organ Melodies WBBM-Pappy Cheshire's Hillbilly Please Jolly Bill; Fields & Hall: KSD WOC-Screenfans Prgm. WBAA-The Woman Shopper WBBM-To be announced WIND Headline Music Champions WBOW WMAQ WIBA (sw-21.5) WROK-Freeport Studios WCFL-Youth 'Round the World WBOW-On the Mall WCFL-Whittemore & Lowe WIRE -Store Shopper WCFL-W alkáshow WGR-Walter Flandorf, Vaughn de Leath, songs: WFBM-Town Crier: Hoosier Farm organist WJJD-Morning Dance Time WCFI, WHIP -Englewood Hour WHO -Pigskin Parade WLS-Patsy & Her Pards WMT (sw-15.21) 11:00 Circle WGN-Quin Ryan, news WIND -Tommy Ott, organist WIBA-Gridiron Parade WMBD-Messenger: Weather WIRE WIND -Sports Chats News: WTAD WIND Choir Symphonette: WIBA WHA-Hubert Thompson, pianist -Headlines Review WSUI-Illustrated Musical WJBC-Variety Prgm. WIRE -Golden Melodies WTMJ-What's New? WAAF-Musical Memories WHIP -News WFBM-Morning Serenade Kate Smith Speaks (Diamond WIND -Gary Civic Theater Prgm. WKBH-Man on the Street; WJJD-Priscilla, pianist WGN-Morning Crystal Salt) : (sw-21.52) Luncheon Music WLS-Grace Wilson, contr.: 9:15 Melodies WIRE -Farm Hour How- WHA-Homemakers In the Music Room: WISN WOC WISN-German Hour WMBD-Organ Melodies: Markets ard Peterson, organist Viennese Ensemble: WLW WMAQ WHIP -Keyboard Rhythm KMOX WKBB WMBD WBBM WJBC-Hawaiian Serenaders WMT-Voice of Iowa: Markets WROK-Kiddies Club WTAD-Music WIBA WMT WOWO (sw-15.21) WHO -Peggy Tudor Bailey Axton, tnr: WIRE WMAQ WJJD-Tommy Tucker's Orch. WROK-Column Left, news in Sentimental Mood WIRE -Indianapolis Symphony So- WLS-Musical Feature WOWO-Today's News WTMJ-Charlie Nevada Saturday Morning Club: KSD ciety This Wonderful World: KWK WMBD-Thrift Message: Police WSBT-Non-Such Neighbors: Wait 1:45 WJBC-Theater Time ing for the Whistle Football Game: WKBB KMOX Nat'l Hillbilly Champions: KMOX KSD-News: -a -Tunes Bulletins WJJD-Piano Reflections Tel WAAF-Charlie Duke of WOWO-Dial. Twisters Football Game: WMAQ News: WKBB WOC WKBH-Home Economics Johnson, 12:30 Prgm. the Uke WSUI-Concert Gems KWK-Musical Prgm. WLW-Short, Short Story WTAD-Police News Ray Kinney's Orch.: WOWO Football; Minn. vs. Northwest- WBAA-Just Kids KWK (sw-15.21) WAAF-Rhythm Rhapsody WMBD-Variety Prgm. WBOW-Presentation: Agricultural WTAQ-Mailman ern: WGN WJJD WIND WFBM-Clyde Lucas' Orch. WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue Agent WTMJ-Heinie-Spam Buffalo Presents: WFBM of All Churches Football; Wisconsin vs. Indiana: WGN-Hymns WSUI-Iowa State Teachers Assn. WCCO-Magic Hour WTMJ WHA-Wis. Political Forum WTMJ-Blue Room Ensemble Campus Capers: WMAQ KSD WOWO WCFL-Peekers in the Pantry (sw-15.33) Football Game: KWK WIBA WIND -Walter Remsen's Light WFAM-Saturday Serenade 11:45 Concert Orch. 10:15 WLW WFBM WGN-Poetry Old & New News: WOC WHO Football; WIRE -Old Fashioned Hymn Singer Iowa vs. Purdue: WHO Radio City Four: WOWO WMT WHA-Parents' Question Box Along Gypsy Trails: News: KSD KMOX-Headline Highlights: Of WMT WSUI WLS-Patsy & Her Pards WIRE (sw-1521) WHIP -Joan 8I WFCL WHO Men & Books WAAF-Pacific WMBD-Juvenile Theatre Co. Paradise WHO-Religion in Action Enoch Light's Orch.: WBBM WBAA-Luncheon Dance Time WBBM-The Kickoff WROK-On the Mall No School Today: WHO WIND -Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue WMBD WBBM-Meet Chicago WCFL-Football; Univ. of Illinois News: WKBB WMBD WOC Eyes WAAF-Myrna Dee Sergent WBOW-Street Reporter vs. Northwestern University 9:30 KWK-Health Dept. Speaker WJBC-Surprise Party WCCO-Safety Talk WCCO-Tune Time WHA-Football Parade WAAF-The Old & the New WJJD-Fred Beck. organist WFBM-Markets: Farm Bureau WCFL-Curtain Calls WHIP -Football; Depauw Univ. The Child Grows Up: WOWO WBOW-To be announced WLS-Across the Mike: News Prgm. WGN-Markets; Midday Service Univ. of Chicago (sw-15.21) WCFL-Rhythm Roundup WKBH-To be announced WGN-Melody Time WHA-Farm Prgm. WKBH-Football; Wisconsin vs. WGNPune Baker WLS-Martha Crane; Helen Joyce WHA-Magazine Rack WHIP -Rube 'n' Cy Indiana Ward & Muzzy, piano duo: WIRE WHIP Variety WIBA-Noon News: Markets WBOW WCFL WIBA Time WLW-Cincinnati Business Wo- WHIP -String Fantasies WLS-Variety Prgm. WMAQ WIND -The Curtain WIND -Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue (sw-21.5) Rises men's Clubs WIND -Fred Beck, organist WTAD-Bessie Dean Reinert WJBC-Women in the News WOWO-Farm Flashes: Music by WJBC-Rhythm Review Eyes 2:00 Four Corners Theater: WFBM WJJD-Frankie Trumbauer's Orch. Cugat WJJD-Debator's Forum WIRE -Reporter Football; Army vs. Notre Dame: WKBH WCCO WISN WTAQ WKBH-Your Home Prgm. WSUI-Mexican Orch. & Chorus WLS-Fruit & Vegetable Markets WJJD-Happy Harmonies WKBB WMBD WTAQ KMOX WOC (sw-21.5) WLW-My Health WTAD-All for the Ladies WMT-News: Frank Voelker, or- WKBB-Man on the Street (sw-15.27) WLS-Grain Markets: KMOX-Magic Kitchen WROK-Musicale WTAQ-Les Parker's Orch. ganist Livestock WTAD-Bea & Vea WTMJ-Don WLW-Afternoon Edition Football Game: WMAQ KSD K W K-Swingtime Alvardos WOWO-Market Service WBOW (sw-15.33) WAAF-Canary Serenade WROK -Freeport Studios WMBD-Farm News WBBM-The Parkers at Breakfast 10:30 WSUI-Farm Flashes WROK-Couple on the Street: Football Game: WCCO WIRE 11:15 Health Talk Iowa WFAM-Mrs. Riley's Shoppers' Music Styled You; WTAD-Y.M.C.A. Prgm. Football; vs. Purdue: WOC for Orch.: WSBT-Football: Army vs. Notre WBAA Guide WHO WMAQ WBOW Al & Lee Reiser, piano duo: KSD WTAQ-Farmhands WIBA KSD Dame WAAF-Madcap WGN-Get Thin to Music (sw-21.5) WHO WMAQ WTMJ-Heinie and His Grenadiers Carnival WHA-Musical Varieties WTAD-Farm: Weather: Markets WBBM-Football; Northwestern U. Cincinnati Conservatory WTMJ-IIome WHO -May I Suggest of Music: Carol Weymann, sop.: WIBA Harmonizers vs. Univ. of Minnisota WKBB WBBM WCCO WFAM WTMJ WHIP -Parade of Youth WOWO (sw-15.33) WFAM-To be announced WISN WKBH KMOX (sw-21.52) WIND -Jimmy Dean, cowboy songs Melody Ramblings: KMOX WOC AFTERNOON 12:45 WHA-Football; Wis. vs. Indiana WJJD-Salon Echoes Our Barn: WOWO (sw-15.211 WFAM WKBB WFBM WISN Football; Army vs. Notre Dame: WISN-Footballs Iowa State Col- WKBB-Eb & Zeb Army Band: WGN WMT WIRE (sw-21.52) WMBD KMOX WOC lege vs. Marquette WLS-Trailer Tim 12:00 Campus Capers: WIRE WROK-News: Prgm. Prevue KWK-Texas Drifter Collegiate Revue: KWK WIRE 2:15 WLW-Mail Bag WAAF-Swing High News: WTAQ WKBH WMT-Rev. R. J. Wells WAAF-Willie Winn All Hands on Deck: WCCO WOC KMOX-One Woman's Opinion WCFL-Sat. Morning Revue WBBM WKBB WFBM WBAA-Market Reports WLS-Homemakers Prgm. WROK-Joe Dumond's Music Mak- WFBM-Children's Hour WBAA-Carolyn Wood, soprano WBBM-Chicago Park District ers WBBM-American Dental Assn. America Presents; Musical See- WROK-Helen Benson, cowgirl WHIP -Names & Their Stories WBOW-Luncheon Dance Music 2:30 WTMJ-Boy Scouts WIND -Song Shop WCCO-Dr. O'Brien saw; Robert Emmett Dolan's WCCO-Markets WGN-Dorothy Foster, pianist Orch.; Choir; WMAQ Football; Army vs. Notre Dame: WJBC-Lady in White Soloists: WCFL-Know Yourself WHA-Federal Music Group WTAQ WMBD WKBB (sw-15.27) 9:45 WJJD-The Council for Youth News: WMBD WJBC WIND WHIP-Airlane Dance WLS-High WIND-Priscilla Holbrook. pianist WHO -Checkerboard Time Football Game: WMAQ WBOW Florence Hale Forum: WBOW School Hour Bands WTAD WLW-News: Livestocks: WJBC-Parade of KSD-News: WJJD-Freddie ,Berren's Orch. WIBA KSD WHO WMAQ WTMJ River: WKBH-Club Calendar Markets Football Game: KMOX KSD Weather: Markets WAAF-The Symphonic Hour WKBB-Pet Corner (sw-21.5) WLW-Republican Talks WLS-Poultry Service WROK-Rhythm Before Three WMBD-Pekin Visitor WMBD-Honeymoon Lane WBAA-Tune Time WTAD-Let's Waltz Four Corners Theater: WKBB WOC-Radio Bazaar WBOW-Road to Romance WLW-Ramona's Orch. WMT-Magic Kitchen WROK-Home Folks Hour 2:45 WROK-Kaye Kreamer, Woman's WCFL-Musical Prgm. WTMJ Swing Serenade: (sw-15.21) WSUI-High School News Ex- WTAD-Luncheon Music Football Game: Forum change WFBM-Meditation WGN-To be announced WTMJ-Sidewalk Reporter WLS-News News: WMBD WISN WSUI-The Book Shelf WTAQ-Hollywood on Parade KWKTop o' the Morning WTAD-What's Your Answer WHA-Noon Musicale WROK-Rhythm Before Three WCCO-Dr. O'Brien WTAQ-News: Children's Hour 11:30 WHIP-Southtown Church Hour 1:00 WTAD-Piano Classics WCFL-Bitter-Sweet Melodies WTMJ-Farm Roundup WHO -Corn Belt Farm Hour Matinee in Rhythm: WBOW 3:00 Football; vs. Notre Dame: WGN-Musical Mail Box Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KWK WISN-Musical Heat Wave WCFL WIRE (sw-15.33) Army WIND -Andre Ross' Novelty Quar- 10:45 WLW WIBA WBOW WMAQ (sw- WJJD-Anything Can Happen Football; Army vs. Notre Dame: WTAQ WMBD (sw-15.27) De Witt tet Army Band: WLW 15.21) WKBH-Avanelle WISN WOC WFBM WKBB Football Game: WMAQ KSD (sw- WJJD-Story Book Lane WLS-Man on the Farm Call to Youth: WHO Bill Krenz' Orch.: WLW WMAQ 9.53) WLS-Spelling Bee KWK-News: Musical Interlude WMT-Question Man: Vigortone WOWO KWK (sw-15.21) WOWO-Modern Home Forum WAAF-Novelettes Enoch Light's Orch.: WKBB Varieties WAAF-News Flashes & Weather WROK-Morning Varieties WBBM-Prep Sports WKBH WFAM WCCO WOC WOWO-Joe Trimm Anthony Candelori's Orch.: WGN WENR-Football Game WSUI-Prgm. Calender: Weather WCFL-Hit Revue (sw-21.52) WROK-Round the Town News: WTAD WSBT WJBC-Children's Hour 5:15 Saturday Night Serenade (Pet E 8/2 Page 35 Frequencies Leighton Noble's Orch.: WFAM Good Listening for Saturday Milk); Mary Eastman, sop.; Bill KMOX-1090 WISN-1120 WKBB WOC KMOX WTAQ Further details and stations which will broadcast these programs may be Perry, tnr.; Gus Haenschen's KOA-830 WJBC-1200 found in the adjacent program columns at the time hereunder indicated WFBM KSD-550 WJJD-1130 WISN WKBH WBBM Orch.: WBBM WJR WOC KWK-1350 WJR-750 WHAS KMOX WMBD SATURDAY WAAF-920 WKBB-1500 Gene Erwin's Orch.: WLW MORNING Mary Eastman will sing So WEAA-890 WKBH-1380 I-Ielp Me and Kiss Me Again, KWK-Sketches in Melody 11:30 CST Farm and Home Hour. and Bill Perry will sing Tommy WBBM-770 WLS-870 WCCO-Tourist Bureau October 29 WBOW-1310 WLW-700 Lail and Now It Can Be Told. WCCO-810 WMAQ-670 WCFL-Walkashow AFTERNOON The Serenaders will sing There's WCFL-970 WMBD-1440 WIBA-Today's Football Scores ,nnethiug About an Old Love, WENR-870 WMT-600 WIND-Cocktail Melodies 5:00 Id the ensemble will play Jose Manzanares' Orch.: WGN CST Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten; Class- of These Days. The or - WFAM-1200 WOC-1370 WIRE -Football iue WFBM-1230 WOWO-1160 Scores room Comedy. I1, -etra will offer Lambeth News: WOC WMT WKBB WMBD WGN-720 WROK-1410 WISN-Show Window Walk and Night Ride. WFBM WJR WHA-940 WSBT-1360 WMBD-Pet Corner: Melody Min- NIGHT KSD-Community Forum WHAS-820 KMOX-Interviews with G. B. WSUI-880 iature: Ill. State Employment WCCO-Pine Corners Social Norris WHIP-1480 WTAD-900 6:30 CST Joe E. Brown, WHO -1000 WTAM-1070 WMT-Parade of Features Comedian. WGN-News: Sports KWK-Ray Schmidt, sports WIBA-1280 WTAQ-1330 WROK-Sports Gill and Demting; Margaret McCrae, vocalist; Harry WIND -Law of Life WIBA-Night News Edition WIND -560 WTMJ-620 WTAD-Football Results Sosnik's orchestra. WIRE -Republicans WIND -Gene Eve's Orchestra WIRE -1400 5:30 WISN-Curtain Calls 7:00 WJJD-Sons of the Pioneers Today with Bob Trout: WTAQ CST Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou; Com- WKBB-Supper Club WKBH-News: Music WCCO WKBB WISN (sw-11.83) edy and Variety. WKBH-Dance Orch. WLS-Nat'l Barn Dance Larry Clinton's orchestra and Bea Wain, vocalist. WROK-Saturday Matinee Eddie Dooley, football news: WSBT-Concert Hall WLW-Paul Sullivan, news WTAD-Hits of Today & Yester- WENR WBOW WOWO WMT WTAQ-News WROK-Robert Heen's Orch. 7:00 CST Johnny Presents Russ Morgan's Or- 8:48 day (sw-15.21-9.53) (also KOA KFI chestra. WTAM-Ralph Malvin's Orch. 3:15 at 7:45 p.m.) America Dances: WIRE 10:15 Football Game: WMAQ (sw.9.53) 7:30 Glenn Miller's WFBM Les Brown's Orch.: WIRE WTMJ CST Fred Waring and His Orchestra. Playboys: WMT Orch.: WAAF-Melody Medley WKBH WKBB WJR Saturday Review: WGN KWK 7:30 CST Professor Quiz; Question Program. WBOW-Democratic Committee 3:30 WGN-Joe Sanders' Orch. Symphony Orch.; Arturo Tosca- Dancepators: WTAQ WKBB -KMOX-Headline Highlights 8:00 CST National Barn Dance. WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. nini, cond.: WMAQ WIB/t WOC KSD-Sportlights Top Hatters Orch.: WBOW 8:00 WTAQ-Club Normandie Entertains Joe Sanders' WBBM-Chicago Hour CST Talk by Sen. Vandenberg. Orch.: WGN KWK WMAQ (sw-9.53) 9:40 WLW WCFL-Music in the Modern Man- 8:30 CST Mary Eastman, Soprano, and Bill Lucky Strike Hit Parade; Al Club Matinee: WTMJ ner Perry, Tenor. Goodman's Orch.; Fi edda Gibson Francis Craig's Orch.: WTAM WAAF-Jimmie Kozak, pianist WFAM-Football Scores & Buddy Clark, vocalists; Song - News: WSBT WHO WCCO WIRE WFAM-Central-Mishawaka Game WFBM-Red Grange 9:00 CST Hit Parade; Most Popular Tunes. WJBC-News smith Quartet; W. C. Fields, in WMBD-Value Hints WHO -Down the Field W. C. Fields, comedy sketches. Guests: WSBT WKBB WMT-Electric Park Band WMBD-Bargain Counter WIBA-News sketch; WISN WCCO WMBD WFBM 10:30 WROK-Bible Story Hour WIND-Late Afternoon Varieties 9:00 CST Symphony Orchestra; Arturo Tosca- WBBM KMOX WTAQ WHAS Charles Baum's Orch.: WKBB WTAD-Hannibal Prgm. WKBH-To be announced nini, conductor. 3:45 WJR WOC WKBH (sw-1 i.83) WSBT WFBM WTAQ WOC WLW-Denton & Barber, sports WJR WISN WKBH (sw-6.12) Dancepators: WMBD WMAQ-Say It With Music The Crickets; Buddy Twiss, m.c.; WAAF-Piano Novelties, Jimmie WMBD-Lone Ranger Frank Hodek's Orch.: KSD (sw- Dance Orch.: WIBA Kozak WOCSunset Serenade 9.53) WCFL-Pop Tunes WLS-Barn Dance Party Abe Lyman's Orch.: WMAQ WHO WJBC-Classical Music WROK-The Wanderers Plantation Party (Bugler Cigar- 5:45 WGN-Concert Orch. WLW-Barn Dance KSD WLW WIRE (sw-9.53) 4:00 WKBH-Dinner Music WOC-Maple Leaf Quartet ettes): WLW WGN Bailey Axton, tnr.: WMAQ WIRE Songs for You: WCCO WTAQ WLS-Don Kelley's Review Dick Jurgens' Orch.: WGN WOC Sport W ROK-Musicale Orch.; Arturo Tosca- WBOW (sw-9.53) WFBM WKBB WFAM WLW-Renfro Valley Dance WTAQ-To Symphony Barn be announced nini, cond.: Samuel Chotzinoff, KMOX-H. W. Flannery, news in News; Dr. Walter WMT-Football Scores Columbia Salon Orch.: WKBB Religion the 7:45 WIBA WMT WIRE KWK-Jeter Pillar's Orch. K5D WBOW WROK-Pilgrim Rest Hour WBOW-The commentator: WKBH WTAQ (sw-15.27) Van Kirk: WMAQ Central Singers WTMJ WMAQ KWK WBBM-News With Todd Hunter- (sw-9.53) WSUI-Dad's Day Dinner WIND -Tommy Ott, organist Music detail on page 9 this week. WCCO-Rollie Johnson Al Roth's Orch.: WENR WTMJ-Heinie's Grenadiers WKBH-Sports Les Brown's Orch. WENR KOA-Democratic State Committee WCFL-Herr Louie & the Weasel WAAF-Rhumba Beat WOWO (sw-11.87) 6:45 WOC-Tempos in Swing WIND -Mark Fisher's Orchestra WTAQ-American Weekly Drama WCFL-Insurance Talk WBBM-Fifth Quarter Sports Review: WTMJ WIBA Richard Himber's Orch.: KSD WIND -Charlie Agnew's Orch. WMBD-Sports WCFL-Make Believe Danceland KMOX-Flicker Flashes (sw-9.53) 8:00 WLS-Barnyard Jamboree WMT-Danceland Orch. WIND -College Songs: Scores of Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance; WTAM-Otto Thurn's Orch. WBBM-John Harrington, sports Inside of Sports (Phillies Cigars): WROK-Musicale Other Games Henry Burr; Hoosier Hot WTMJ-Today's Events: last WHO-Football Scoreboard WGN KWK Shots; 9:15 WJBC-Wesleyan Hour WIND -News: Uncle Ezra; Maple City Four; Word in Sports Sports WCFL-Circle Service Boys 10:45 WMBD-Kitty Keene, Inc., sketch WISN-Sports Parade: Interlude Rendezvous with Ricardo: WMT Joe Parsons; Lucille Long; Joe WIND -Eddie Neibaur's Orch. WROK-News; Musicale WMTWeather: News Kelly, m.c.; Guests: WTCN KWK WROK-Musicale Charles Baum's Orch.: WHAS 4:15 News: WKBB WLS WIRE WLS WLW WIBA WTMJ WMT Dick Jurgens' KWK WROK-Carolina Harmony Sisters WKBH 9:30 Orch.: WMT Calling All Stamp Collectors; Iowan of the Air (sw-11.87) (also at 10 p.m.) Tosca- WSUI-Daily WCFL-To be announced Symphony Orch.: Arturo KMOX-Old Fashioned Barn Capt. Tim Healy: WMAQ WIBA nini, cond.: WMT KWK WTMJ WBOW (sw9.53) WFAM-W. P. A. Prgm. Talk by Sen. Arthur Vandenberg: Dance WHOThis Business Week WFBM WKBH WHAS WSBT (sw-11.87) WBBM-Del Bright's Orch. Salon Orch.: WMBD WCCO-To be announced WBBM NIGHT WIBA-Today's Birthdays: Sports WBBM WISN WKBB WTAQ Dance Orch.: WMAQ WTAM Al Roth's Orch.: (sw-15.21) WTAQ-American Weekly (sw-11.83) (sw-9.53) WIND -News Senator Vandenberg, member WTAM-Paul. Burton's Orch. 6:00 7:00 WAAF-Hollywood Brevities Quaker Party with Tommy Riggs of the National Republican Com- Col. Merriwether's Minstrels: WTMJ-Rtlythm Time WGN-Bill Anson Saturday Night Swing Club: mittee, will address a meeting WLW WBBM WFAM WISN WTAQ & Betty Lou; Bea Wain, vocalist; in Memorial Hall, Columbus, 11:00 WIND -Take It Easy Larry Clinton's Orch.; Guests: Ohio, on the subject of "Cur- WIRE -News WHAS (sw-11.83) rent National Issues." KOA-Light on the West Dick Barrie's Orch.: WGN KWK WIRE WTAM WMAQ WTMJ More detail on page WBOW-Leo Baxter's Orch. WMT WJJD-Oklahoma Outlaws Message of Israel: WENR (sw- 5. WHO KSD WLW (sw-9.53) WCFL-Make Believe Danceland WROK-Freeport Studios 11.87) Vox Pop; Park & Wally with Larry Clinton's Orch.: (sw-6.14) 4:30 Johnny Presents (Philip Mor- Graham McNamee (Kentucky WGN-Tiny Hills' Orch. Avalon Time with Red Foley WIBA-Club Chanticleer Dance Orch.: KSD WHO WIRE Gray Gordon's Orch.: WOWO ris) ; E. R. Johnstone s Drama- : Neighbor Boys; Club Tobacco) WIRE WTAM WLW WMT WENR (sw-15.21) Kitty O'Neill; tizations; Russ Morgan's Orch.; KSD WMAQ (sw-9.53) WIND-Walkathon WTAM WBOW Del King; Chorus & Orch.: Frances Adair; Glen Cross, vocal- WLS-Open House; Variety Prgm. Swingology, variety prgm.: WHO KSD Fred Waring's Orch. (Bromo - WLW WTMJ WHO WIRE ist & Mixed Ensemble: KMOX Hawaii Calls: WGN WROK-The Balladiers WBOW WIBA WMAQ (sw-9.53) Quinine) : KOA KFI (also see WMAQ WTAM (sw-9.53) (also WFBM WHAS WISN WBBM 9:45 at 11:30 p.m.) KMOX-AnlericAns at Work 7:30 p.m.) Eddy Duchin's Orch.: WKBH WJR WOC WCCO (sw-11.83) KOA-Colorado's Hour Political Party Speaker: WKBB WKBB WFBM WTAQ WOC Sports: WKBH WOC WKBB (also KSL KNX at 10:30 p.m.) WBOW-Concert, Hall WJR WTAQ WKBH WOC WCCO Kay Kyser's Orch.: WMBD WISN KMOX WBBM WFAM (sw-15.27) WMBD Al Donahue's Orch.: WBOW WCCO-Country Party WSBT WMBD (sw-11.83) WKBB WBBM WSBT WFBM KMOX-Alpine Varieties WTAQ (sw-6.12) Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WGN WMT (sw-11.87) WCFL-Showboat Carnival Queen Symphony Orch.; Arturo Tosca- WIRE KWK-Dance Orch. WHO -Iowa Barn Dance Frolic WBOW-Melody Time To be announced: WIBA nini, cond.: WIBA WMAQ Dance Orch.: WTMJ WHAS WIND -Montparnasse Forum WCFL Bob Atcher & Bonnie Blue Eyes, WCCO-Football Scores Lawrence Welk's Orch.: KWK WJR-Four Stars Tonight KMOX-France Laux, sports songs: WIND WJJD WCFL-News: Where to Go WIBA-Club Chanticleer WFAM-Memorial Park Chimes: WKBH-Men Against Death WBBM-We the Wives Agnew's WAAF-Playroom Antics WFBM-News WFBM-Waltz Time WIND -Charlie Orchestra Symphonetta WOC-Turner Hall Dance WJR-Joe Venuti's Orch. WCCO-Football Review WGN-Evening Serenade WGN-Concert Orch. WROK-Freeport Studios WHAS-Kentucky Play Party WHA-Wis. Political Forum WIBA-Dinner Concert WIND -News WKBH-Weather WIND -Swing Quartet 8:15 Commentator WLS-National Barn Dance WJBC-Request Hour WINEt-German Hour WKBB-Star Revue WJR-Vocal Varieties WISN-College Capers WMBD-News: Melody Miniature WJR-News Comes to Life WROK-News WLW-Moon River, Poems, Organ WKBH-Rapid Ad WKBB-Music in a Sentimental WMAQ-Earl Hines' Orch. WTAD-News Summary WMT-Dinner Dance Music WLS-The PX Ranch Mood 10:00 4:45 WOWO-Home Folk Frolic Barn Dance: WOC-Bill Voss' Fun Club WMBD-Farmer Bill's Happy Fam WTAQ-House of Peter MacGregor Alka-Seltzer KOA 11:30 Eddy Duchin's Orch.: WMBD WROK-News: Concert Hall: Prac- ily 8:30 WTCN WBOW (also see 8 p.m.) tical Diesel Avalon Time with Red Foley; WAAF-Sport Shorts WROK-Carl G. Westerdahl, talk America Dances: WTAM WMAQ Francis Craig's Orch.: KSD (sw- Kitty O'Neill; Neighbor Boys; WSUI-Dinner Hour Prgm. - WTAQ-Al Michel's Sport Wheel WBOW (sw-9.53) WBBM-Todd Hunter, news 6:15 9.53) Del King; Chorus & Orch.: KOA WCCO-To be announced Club: 7:15 Rhythm Rendezvous: WKBB Glenn Miller's Orch.: WBBM KFI (also see 6 p.m.) WFBM-Scholarship Saturday Night Swing Hour WCCO WKBH WKBB WCFL-Keep in Time (sw-11.83) WCCO WISN WSBT WTAQ End of Saturday Programs WIND -Max Miller's Swing Quar- WFAM-Amer. Family Robinson tet Will Osborne's Orch.: KWK WIND -Hal Munro's Orch. WJJD-Suppertime Frolic News: WMBD WOC WKBB-Gaslight Harmonies WKBH-Kiddies Hour KMOX-Piano Recital WKBH-News from the State Cap- 11_ DISCARD YOUR OLD AERIAL WLW-Paul Sullivan, news WBOW-To be announced itol It Is Most Likely Corroded and Has Poor or Loose Noisy Connections WTMJ-Wisconsin Taxpayers WFBM-Bohemians WTAQ-House of Peter MacGregor Complete No MORE BUZZES, CLICKS and shorts from summer rains and winter snow sleet when & Anyone can connect 5:00 WGN-Bob Elson, sports 7:30 Does away with and using an F H Capacity Aerial Eliminator. 1t in a moment's time to the radio set- eccupies only 11/2 inch by 4 inch space News: Console Echoes: WFAM WROK-Practical Diesel Professor Quiz, with Bob Trout Aerial entirely behind the set. yet enables your radio to operate without an aerial and tune in -Just place an short wave WISN WCCO WKBB WBBM 6:30 (Noxzema): WFBM WJR KMOX F&H Capacity stations over the entire broadcast band frequencies and channels. WTAQ WOC Joe E. Brown, comedian with WCCO WBBM WHAS (also KNX Aerial Elimin- ELIMINATE THE AERIAL FOR GOOD Gill & Demling; Margaret Mc- ator (size 11 Attach this unit to your radio --make your set complete in itself -forget KSL at 11 p.m.) aerial wires and troubles-move your set anywhere-no more roof climbing, Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten; Crae, vocalist; Harry Sosnik's in. s 4 in.) News: WMAQ WIBA WHO KSD To be announced: WFBM WCCO within your set. unsightly lead-in or aerial wires. Orch. (Post Toasties): WFBM Simple instructions NOT NEW-VALUE ALREADY PROVED WBOW WTMJ (sw-9.53) WCCO WBBM WHAS KMOX George Olsen's Orch.: WGN WMT furnished with unit. On the market five years. 100,000 customers in U.B. and foreign countries. WOC Fred Waring's Orch. (Bromo - Easily connected by In use from the Arctic Region of Norway to the Tropics of Africa. Each Red Grange (Pure Oil): WFBM WISN WJR WMBD (also anyone to aerial and factory tested on actual long distance reception. Cannot harm set -Easily KNX KSL at 10 p.m.) Quinine) : KSD WHO WTMJ ground of set. Your connected to any radio, including radios having no ground or radios for El Chico, Spanish Revue: News: WTAM WIRE WMAQ (sw-9.53) radio will then operate doublet aerial. Note:It will not operate on battery or automobile radios. Uncle Jim's Question Bee (G. KSD KWK WOWO WMT WENR (also at 11 p.m.) and tune in the same Mail coupon at once. Pay postman $1.00 plus a Washington Coffee); Norman manner as if It were con- 5 DAYS TRIAL few pennies postage on delivery. If not entirely an aerial. tidied, return within five days and dollar will berefunded without Gene Erwin's Orch.: WGN KWK Frescott, cond.: WMAQ WTAM Original Play: WIBA (sw11.87) nected to Operates your question. on both short and long waves. ------JUST MAIL THIS COUPON-- - KMOX-On KMOX Tomorrow (sw- KWK-Feature Parade F & N Radio Laboratories, Dept. 112, Fargo. N. flak. WAAF-Shadowland WHAT USERS SAY I Send F & H Capacity Aerial. Will pay, postman $1 plus few cents I Richard Himber's Orch.: WIBA WBOW-Musical Workshop LaPorte, Tex. After using the Capacity Aerial postage.If not pleased will return within 5 days for $ I refond.Check I WCFL-Armour Institution WCFL-Ports Eliminator over a year on my 1935 small 7 tube set here O if sending $1 with order-thus saving postage cost -same re- WBOW WIRE of Call caw say it brings in reception with fine volume and fund guaranteed. Check here El if interested in dealer's proposition. I WHA-Organ Reverie WFAM-Varsity clarity, pulling In stations from Japan, Europe, South Drag stations from all over the To be announced: WKBB . America, and broadcast I WIND -Current News WIND -News U. S. Efficiency proven, I took down my old outside NAME I WIRE -Outside Looking In News: WTAQ WHO WFAM aerial. Signed - WISN-Rhythm Revue 1 ADDRESS Davenport, Ia. Received your Radio Aerial Eliminator WLW-Trio Time KSD-Tel-a-Tuiles, Request Prgm. WKBB-Bordertown Barbecue and it surf works fine. Also works swell on Short Wave WMBD-Church World KWK-Sports: New. WKBH-Music As You Like It band. Wish I had found It long ago. Signed: (SiCTY STATE J Log of Short -Wave Stations Whose Programs Are Listed Monday, October 24 (Megacycles or thousands of kilocycles shown) §8 a.m.-Program from Hong Kong: ZBW3 COCH, Cuba 9.43 JZR, Japan 15.18 110:30 a.m.-Program from the Vatican: HVJ COCQ 9.725 OLR3A, Czecho- (15.12) COGF, " 11.805 slovakia 9.55 Waves 12 On Short noon -Canadian program from Germany: DJB CSW, Portugal 9.74 OLR4A, " 11.84 §§2:45 p.m. CHAS. Uruguay 9.64 OLR4B, 11.76 -German mail bag: W3XL (17.78) DIE. Germany 15.20 OLR5A, 15.23 §§3:45 p.m. -French mail bag: W3XL (17.78) DJC, 6,02 OLRSB, " 15.32 t4 p.m. -Broadcast from St. Kitts: VP2LO DJD, 11.77 OZF, Denmark 9.52 Edited by Chas. A. Morrison t4 p.m. (ex. Sat.) -News in Portuguese (South DJL, " 15.11 PCI, Holland 9.59. 15.22 America): W2XE DIO, " 11.796 PHI, " 17.775 (11.83) DIP, 11.855 RAN, U.S.S.R. 9.60 President, International DX'ers Alliance 6 p.m. -Short-wave cabaret: DJB DJD DJO EAJ43, Canarias 10.37 RKI, " 15.08 j6:45 p.m. -Sports review: W2XAF (9.53) EAQ. Spain 9.855 RNE, " 12.00 t7:15 p.m. -Today in Germany: DJB DJD DJO EAR, 9,49 RV59, " 6.00 f7:55 p.m. (ex. Sat.) American Program EA9AH, Spanish SBP, Sweden 11.705 -North Times given are EST. For CST subtract 1 hour; 2 Morocco 14.05 SPD, Poland 11.53 MST, hours; PST, 3 hours from Czechoslovakia: OLR4A FO8AA Tahiti 7.11 SPW, " 13.64 8 p.m. -Leo Chernievsky's orchestra: LRX GSA. England 6.05 ,, SP19, " 15.12 8:45 p.m.-Ketty Mago, and Sinfonietta Flava: GSB, 9.51 SP25, " 11.74 CANADA will provide the Inter- zuela; YV3RN (4.82), "Radio Bar- YV5RC GSC, " 9.58 TFJ, Iceland 12.23 GSD, " 11.75 TGWA, Guatemala 9.685 national Broadcasting Union's quisimeto," Barquisimeto, Venezuela, 9:30 p.m.-Special Broadcast Dedicated to Louisi- GSE, "PP 11.86 TI4NRH, Costa Fifth World Concert on Sunday, and HJ7EAB (4.75), relaying HJ7EAK ana: DJB DJD DJO GSF, 15.14 Rica 9.698 October 23, at 2:30 p.m. EST. This of Bucaramanga, Colombia. The lat- t9:30 p.m. (ex. Sat.) -Amateur hour direct from GSG, " 17.79 TPA2, France 15.24 "Teatro GBH, " 21.47 program, which will be relayed by ter station uses several gong strokes Nacional": YV5RC TPA3, " 11.88 t9:50 p.m. (ex. Sat.) -Czechoslovak news in En- OSI, " 15.26 TPA4, " 11.71 practically all of the fifty-five coun- and three cuckoo calls as interval OW, " 21.58 TPB7. " 11.885 glish: OLR4A M tries that constitute the Union's mem- signals and signs off at 10:10 p.m. ß5L, " 6.11 VE9DN, Canada 6.005 10:30 p.m. -Central European Review of Affairs: OSO, 15.18 VK2ME, Australia' 9.59 bership, will present a kaleidoscopic EST with the organ solo "Kiss Me OLR4A GSP 15.31 VLR, " 9.58 HAW, Hungary 15.37 VP2LO, St. Kitts 8.385 picture of Canada in music and Waltz" . .. YSP (10.4), "La Voz de HAT4, 9.12 VUD2, India 9.59 sound, each of the five provinces that Cuscatlan," San Salvador, El Salva- Tuesday, 25 KB!, Switzerland 14.535 VUD3, 15.16 make up the Dominion, being repre- dor, reported recently as October HBL, " 9.34 W1XAL, Boston. Mass. under con- HBO, " 11.402 15.25. 11,79. 6.04 sented in turn. struction, is now on the air and being 6:45 a.m.-Jack Wilson's Versatile Five: GSF IMP, " 7.80 XEUZ, Mexico, D.F. 6.12 heard with fair signal -strength 10:15 a.m.-Drama, "Steamboat": GSF GSG GSJ H362S. Haiti 5.955 YSD, El Salvador 7.894 2 p.m. I See Viscount Samuel: GSG Gracie Fields, world-famous come- nightly until 11 p.m. EST. -"As It" HJ7ABD, Colombia 9.63 YV5RC, Venezuela 5.97 2:15 p.m.-Hugo Wolf Lieder: GSG GSI HP5A, Panama 11.7 ZBW3, China 9.526 dienne, will be the featured star in HP5J, 9.60 ZIK2, British 4:35 p.m.-The Close of the Empire Exhibition: HS6PJ, Siam 15.23 Honduras 10.6 a special' tribute performance to be Elmo Smith of Red Wing, Minn., GSG GSI 3188PJ, 9.51, 19.02 ZRE, So. Africa 9.61 broadcast from Royal Albert Hall, writes that VLR (9.58) of Melbourne, tt5 p.m.-Monjttor News: W1XAL (11.79) IQY. Italy 11.676 MI, S.B. Kanimbla 6.01 London, on Friday, October 28, at Australia, has a new 2,000 -watt 6:20 p.m.-"Topics of the Day," A. G. MacDonell: IRF " 9.83 2R03, Italy 9.835 JDY, Kwantung 9.925 2R04, 11.81 4:45 p.m. EST, over GSG and GSP. transmitter in operation, which will GSD GSP JZJ, Japan 11.80 soon radiate programs on three ad- 7 p.m. -Budapest program: HAT4 7:45 p.m.-Empire notes: 2R04 IRF IQY Short-wave programs of American stations are The "SWL Chatterbox," a program ditional frequencies. shown along with the regular listings beginning of unique interest to all short-wave 8:30 p.m.-Talk, "Thoughts and Things": DJB on page 20. These are indicated, for example, by 9:15 p.m.-Stars of German Opera: DJB DJD (sw-1 87) in parentheses following a program listeners, is now being broadcast over SHORT-WAVE SHORTS: Benny 10:05 p.m. Arnold, cello: GSD GSI ing. list- -Hildegard This means that on 11.87 megacycles the same W8XWJ (41), Detroit, on Wednes- Fiederowicz of Jersey City, N. J., 10:50 p.m. -Frills and Finery: GSD GSI program may also be heard over an American short- 10:30 . wave station. Please note that foreign stations do days at p.m. EST Each writes that "Radio Malaga (14.44), not always adhere precisely to their announced Monday at 12 noon EST, the Cana- Spain, broadcasts program schedules. simultaneously on Wednesday, October 26 dian Broadcasting Commission's net- 7.22 megs . The new slogan for work relays a program arranged es- YV5RF (6.375), Caracas, Venezuela, 10:10 a.m.-Description of "The Sesarewitch" from Newmarket: GSF GSG GSJ News Broadcasts pecially for it by the German Short - is Estudios America" . Bob Hetzel Daily -12:35 11:40 p.m. -"World Affairs," Prof. J. L. Brierly: a.m., J"LK; 3:50, GSB, GSD, GSE, Wave Station and radiated by sta- of Milwaukee, Wis., is the proud pos- GSF GSJ GSI, GSO; GSG 7:45, JDY; 8:30, GSF, GSG, GSH, tions DJB (15.2) and DJE (17.76) sessor of what is believed to be the 1:45 p.m. from the Royal Library: GSG GSJ; 8:55, -Notes JZJ; 11, GSF, GSG, GSH, GSJ; . Ed Wulf e of Bloomington, Ill., re- first verification of reception from 3:30 p.m. -Play, "Behind the Door": GSG GSI 1 p.m., GSD, GSG, GSI; 3:10, TPA3; 4:15, ports to an announce- "Radio Leo" Leopoldville, 5:10 p.m. -Comedy, "Men of Action": GSG GSP GSB, that according (6.14), GSF, GSG, GSO, GSP; 4:30, OLR4A or 6:20 p.m. -Cards on the Table: GSD GSP OLR4B; 4:45, EA9AH; ment heard over that station, CSW7 Congo, received in the . 6, HP5A; 7, EA9AH, (9.735), of Lisbon, Portugal, is now This confirmation, which is in the 7 p.m. -Budapest program: HAT4 HP5J, RAN, RKI; 7:30, 2R04, IRF, IQY, EAQ; Hour: VP2L0 radiating a special English program form of a poorly typed letter, states 7:30 p.m. -North American 7:40, GSB, GSC, GSG, GSO, GSP; 8, EAJ43; #8 p.m. -Program from Sweden: SBP 8:05, JZK; 8:15, DJB, DJD, DJO; 8:45, EAQ; for listeners in the United States, on that the station is soon to have a new 8:15 p.m.-Vitorio Angeloni's quartet: 2R04 IRF 9:45, CJRO, CJRX; 10:30, DJB, DJD, DJO, Fridays at 9:45 p.m. EST. Collins 250 -watt transmitter, and 9:15 p.m. -Rafael Guinand: YV5RC GSB, GSC, GSD, GSI; 11, TPA4, TPB7. programs will be broadcast on Sun- 9:35 p.m. -"Men Who Make the Shows," Archie Daily except Sundays -7:30 a.m., VLR. The new Vienna, Germany, 50,000 - days 5:35 to 7 a.m. EST. Re- Pitt: GSD GSI Mon., Tues., from Wed., Thurs., Fri. -9:50 p.m., watt transmitter, due on the air ception reports will be cordially wel- 10:30 p.m.-SWL Chatterbox: W8XWJ (4.1) OLR4A or OLR4B. 10:40 p.m. -songs: OLR4A shortly, will operate under the fol- comed . Earl Roberts of Indian- -Folk lowing calls and on the following apolis, Ind., is hearing HJ1ABG Sunday, October 23 frequencies: DJK (21.64), DJJ (4.86), Cartagena, Colombia, on a Thursday, October 27 *7 a.m.--Overseas hour (Eastern U.S.A.): JZJ (2.1.565), DJH (16.81), DJG (17.715), new frequency of 4.86 megs . . *8 a.m.-Variety program: DJL DJZ (11.801), DJF (11.745), DJX HP5G, "Ron Dolly," Panama City, 9:55 a.m.-Television in action: GSF GSG GSJ 8 a.m.-International church: COCQ (9.675), DJW (9.65), DJI (7.29), and Panama, has shifted back to its for- 11:20 a.m._"Matters of Moment," Edward *8 a.m.-Overseas hour (South Seas): JZJ Thompson: GSF GSG GSJ 9 a.m.-Program from Budapest: HAS3 DJY (6.072). mer frequency of 11.78 megs . 2:30 p.m. -Canadian Regimental Marches: GSG 10:45 a.m.-League of Nations: HBH (18.48) Valuable prizes, including expensive 4:40 p.m -Royal Philharmonic Society's Concert; 11:30 a.m.-Eugene Pini s tango orchestra: GSF The Newark News Radio Club re- all -wave receivers and camera equip- London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Thomas GSG GSJ ports the following new stations: ment, will be awarded by the Ger- Becham, conductor: GSG GSP *12:45 p.m.-Rio de Oro Marimba Band: TGWA YV5RM (5.01), "Radiodifusora Vene- man Short -Wave Station for the best 6:30 p.m. -Play, "A Message from Beyond": DJB (15.17) zuela," relaying broadcast station snapshots picturing listeners in the 7:15 p.m. -Rhapsody Hour: W3XL (17.78) *1:30 p.m. -Italian news: W3XL (17.78) YV5RD of Caracas, Venezuela; act of reception from that 8 p.m. -Chopin recital: GSD GSP 1:30 p.m. -20th Anniversary of Czechoslovakia: enjoying 8:40 p.m. -Czechoslovak folk -songs: OLR4A OLR4A (11.84) or OLR5A (15.23) YV6RU' (4.88), "Ecos del Orinoco," station. All photographs must be in 9:40 p.m. -BBC Empire Orchestra: GSD GSI *2 p.m. -German news: W3XAL (17.78) relaying YV6RA of Ciudad Bolivar, Berlin not later than December 15, 12:45 a.m.-Samisen music: JZK 2:30 p.m. -World Concert from Canada: principal Venezuela; YV2RN (4.87), "La Voz 1938. Winners will be announced short-waw stations of the world de Tachira," San Cristobal, Vene- over German stations Christmas Day. *3 p.m -French news: W3XL (17.78) Friday, October 28 4:20 p.m, -War news in English: EA9AH 9:20 a.m.-Sylvan Trio: GSF GSG GSJ 5 p.m. -Tropical Gazette: GSG GSI 2 p.m.-Ballad opera, "Hugh the Dorver": GSG 105 & 7 p.m. -Portuguese news: W3XL (17.78) Perform- *6 p.m. Polish 4:45 p.m. -The Gracie Fields Tribute program: SPW SPD SP19 SP25 ance: GSG GSP 6 & 8 p.m.-Spanish news: W3XL (17.78) LRA *6 p.m. 5 p.m. -News resume from Argentina: -Program from Portugal: CSW7 (9.735) (18.115-9.69) *6:15 p.m. (ex. Sat.) -Morning Express: PCJ (15.22) 6:45 p.m. -Travelog, "Sussex by the Sea": GSD 7:30 Molina, songs: YV5RC p.m. p.m. -Carmen 6:45 -Spanish news: W2XE (11.83) 7:30 p.m. -Cologne Broadcasting Station Choir: 7 p.m.-League of Nations program: HBO (11.4) DJD DJO *7 p.m. DJB -Soviet program: RAN KKI of the March on Rome: 7:15 7:45 p.m. -Celebrations p.m.-Phohi Program: PCJ (9.59) 2R04 IRF IQY *7:30 p.m. -English news: 2R0 IRF IQY 8 p.m. Esso Hour: COCH 7:45 p.m. "Andrea -The -Opera, Chenier": 2R04 IRF 9 p.m. -Program for Latin America: W1XAL IQ (11.79) *8 p.m. -Experimental program from Switzer- 9:45 p.m. -American Hour: CSW7 (9.735) land: (9.535) 10:40 p.m.-Commentary on the Czechoslovak *8 p.m. : -Overseas hour (Eastern America) JZK Day of Independence: OLR4A *8 p.m. -Nationalist program: Salamanca (10.37) 8 p.m. -Guitar Recital: GSD GSP *8:15 p.m.-English news: DJB DJD DJO Saturday, October 29 *8:30 p.m.-Jamaica on the Air: HH2S (5.955) *830 p.m.-Spanish news: GSB GSO 10 a.m.-H. Robinson Cleaver, organ: GSF GSG 8:30 p.m.-Choral Society: DJB DJD DJO 2:30 p.m. -In Town Tonight: GSG GSI *8:45 p.m.-Portuguese news: GSB GSO 3 p.m. -Sing -Song: GSG GSI *9 p.m. -Program from Miami, Fla.: W4XB (6.04) 6 p.m.-Budapest program: HAT4 *9:30 p.m.-North American broadcast: TPB7 6 p.m. -Tourist hour: HP5A *9:30 p.m. -Danish program: OZF 6:15 p.m. -Non-stop variety show: DJB DJD 10:30 p.m. -Bucaramanga Mild Coffee Hour (In 6:20 p.m.-London log: GSD GSP English) : HJ7ABD 7:15 p.m. -Morning Express: PCJ (15.22) *11 p.m. -English news: TPB7 TPA4 8 p.m.-The Hour of Costa Rica: TIPG (6.41) *11:45 p.m. (ex. Sat.) -Program from South Af- 8:15 p.m.-Journalism in Japan: JZK rica: ZRK ZRH 8:15 p.m. -Jose Betancourt, songs: YV5RC 12:30 a.m.-Overseas hour (West Coast) : JZK 8:30 p.m. -Aloha Land: W2XAD (9.55) 9 p.m.-Dance music: YV5RC Key to Symbols Used: *Daily; ¡Week Days; Televising the return of the Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain from his 9:50 p.m. -Monthly survey of Ice Hockey: GSD §Monday, Thursday; *Monday, Wednesday, Fri- first meeting with Herr Hitler at Berchtesgaden. Mr. Chamberlain 10 p.m. -Opera: OAX4J day; §§Monday, Friday; ttTuesday, Thursday, 12 mid. -Hawaii Calls; native Hawaiian music: Saturday; **Wednesday, Saturday. can be seen in the center of the crowd (just behind the stepladder) KQH (14.92) 36 Radio Guide Week Ending October 29, 1938 N BE A RADIO EXPERT Kidneys Must FOOTBALL BROADCASTS Learn at Home-Make Good Money Mans' men I trained now make $30, $50, $73 a week in Radio. Many started making $5, $10, $15 a meek extra in spare time soon after enrolling. Illustrated 64 -page book points out Radio's Molly opportunities, also how I train Sunday, October 23 Iowa State College at Marquette FREQUENCIES you at home to be a Radio Expert through my practical Clean Out Acids University: WISN 50-50 method. Television training is included. Money Back lixees. Acids :nil poisonous washes in your Mood East Agreement given. Mail Coupon today. Get book FREE. I hot 9 de] mum e Kid- For CST subtract 1 hour; are removed chilli) million tiny Purdue University at University ney tubes or filters. And functional disorder, of the MST, 2 hours; PST, 3 hours KDKA-980 WIP-610 of Iowa (1:45 p.m. CST) : J. E. SlIl'l'II, President, Dept. 8KT6, Kidneys or Bladder may cause Getting l'p Nights, KYW-1020 WJEJ-1210 National Radio Institute, Washington, D. C. Pains. Eyes, Dizzi- Chicago Cardinals vs. Detroit WHO WOC WBAA WMT Nervousness, Leg Circles Under WAAB-1410 WJZ-760 Send me, without obligation, your 64 -page book "Rich ness, Backache, Swollen Ankles, or Burning Pas- Liens (2 p.m. EST): WIND Rewards in Radio" FREE. (Please svrlte plainly.) sages. help your kidneys purify your blood with WiR University of Illinois at Univer- WABC-860 WKOK-1210 Cystex. Usually the very first dose starts helping sity of Michigan: WJ R WABY-1370 WLLH-1370 AGE your kidneys clean ont excess acids, and this soon Cleveland Rams vs. Chicago Univesity of Kansas at Kansas WADC-1320 WLEU-1420 NAME only make you feel like new. Yoder the money -back Bears p.m. EST): (3:15 State College (1:45 p.m. WBRY-1530 WMAL-630 guarantee Cystex must stilisty completely or cost WJJD nothing. Get Cystex Isis. -tex) today. Only 3c a dose CST): KMBC WBT-1080 WMAS-1420 :ADDRESS at druggists. The guar:inlet, firm you. vs. Green WBZ-990 WNAC-1230 Pittsburgh Pirates University of Minnesota at ('ITT STATE Bay Packers (2:30 p.m. Northwestern University (1:45 WCAE-1220 WNBF-1500 EST): KQV WJMS WTMJ p.m. CST) : KFKA WAAB WCAO-600 WNBH-1310 WKBH WDGY KGFF KVSO KCRC WCAU-1170 WMCA-570 WJJD WTCN KSTP KROC WCBA-1440 WNLC-1500 ASTHMA Friday, October 28 WBBM WCFL WIND KBIX WDEL-1120 WNYC-810 WGN KHJ KADA Attacks So Severe For CST subtract 1 hour; WDRC-1330 WOKO-1430 LANGUAGES 2 3 hours WEEU-830 She couldn't walk across the Floor! MST, hours; PST, University of Missouri at Uni- WOR-710 Cambridge, Mass., had asthma versity of Nebraska: KFRU WEEI-590 WORC-1280 Made By "I Football Game (9 p.m. EST) : paroxysms for three years. My at- KGNF KOIL KFOR WEAF-660 WORK -1320 tacks were severe. I was weak, WHLB couldn't walk across the floor. We University of North Dakota at WEAN -780 WPRO-630 saw your wonderful treatment ad- Georgetown University at Tem- WESG-850 LINGUAPHJNE vertised andsentfor a bottle. I had North Dakota State (1:45 WPG-1100 four bottles and obtained relief. ple University (8:30 p.m. p.m. CST): WDAY KFJM WEST -1200 WRC-950 This amazing new Method enables Your medicine is worth twice its EST): WIP WFBG-1310 WRDO-1370 you, in your own home, to speak and weight in gold to me." Mrs. Ami University cf Santa Clara at read any of 23 foreign languages in Janeliunas-September, 1936. Villanova College at University Michigan State College: KSFO WFBI-1360 WRVA-1130 an incredibly short time. Endorsed by Write For FREE BOOK About Asthma of South Carolina (2 p.m. WXYZ WJIM WFDF WELL WFBL-1360 WSAN-1440 leading university professors and If you suffer from Asthma Paroxysms, coughing, EST): KYW WFBC WIS WOOD WIBM WKZO KPMC WGAL-1500 WSAR-1450 gasping, wheezing, a one -cent postcard may open thousands of men and women as the wide the door to real relief. Thousands of other suf- South WGBI-880 WSAL-1200 quickest, simplest and most thorough ferers report remarkable results with Nacor Method Saturday, October 29 WGR-550 WSJS-1310 language method. Send for catalogue -fully explained in amazing new FREE BOOK. Where no time is given the WGY-790 WSPR-1140 Rush name and address for your copy today. East games will start at approxi- and FREE Trial Offer. Nacor, 8811-G State Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. WHEB-740 WSYR-570 mately 2 p.m. EST; 1 CST; Where no time is given the WHEC-1430 WTBO-800 LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE 12 noon MST; 11 a.m. PST New York City games will start at approxi- WHP-1430 WTIC-1040 43 Rockefeller Center mately 2 p.m. EST; 1 CST; Auburn (Alabama Poly) at Rice WICC-600 WTAG-580 MONEY FOR YOU IN PRIZE CONTESTS 12 noon MST; 11 a.m. PST Institute: WAPI WSFA WIBX-1200 WWSW-1500 -+-^' Contests are on the level, you CAN win, but you ust know HOW. has helped thousands; it will help YOU. Albright at Bucknell Univer- CONTEST MAGAZINE Biggest, Baylor University at Texas M id west a bol and most widely circulated contest medium in the field today. sity: WEEU Christian University: WBAP Like Manikin - DOLLAR, NOW, TODAY CKLW-1030 LB -1370 SEND US ONE our all ra-nvnhrn inatvrt ire Magazine turns We will send you t next ive, big issues end give you our hag, ,alueole Colgate at Holy WFAA University KADA-1200 WIBA-1280 human kind inside out and makes everything thirty six e book of WINNING SECRETS -REE and .ost.aid. Cross: WEEI WORC WMAS Davidson College at Furman KANS-1210 WIBM-1370 plain for snide -awake men who want the lat- FREESE PUBLICATIONS. P.O. Drawer G . UPLAND. INDIANA WDRC WDAE University: WFBC WIL-1200 est on: Physical Fitness, Personal Hygiene. KFAB-770 Social Prestige. Virile Manhood, Masculin- Cornell University at Columbia Duke University at University KFJM-1410 WIND -560 ity. Modern Social and Married Life, Sex University (1:45 p.m. EST): KFOR-1210 WISN-1123 Higirne, Sex Efficiency. Ineompatibillty, of North Carolina: WPTF pivorre. Psyrhnlogy, Personality, Physical MACHIN WMCA WNYC WHN KFRU-630 WJIM-1210 and Marital Dilflrulties and a score of sim- Georgia Tech at Vanderbilt Uni- KFYR-550 WJJII-1130 ilar topics gleaned and digested from pro- Dartmouth College at Vale Uni- GROWS HAIR versity: WSB WTOC WBT fessional and other publications the world versity (1:45 p.m. EST): KGLO-1210 WJR-150 satisfactory as this Intermittent Vacuum" WRDW WDNC WSM KGNF-1430 WKBH-1380 over! No dozen books ran possibly be as R_1 stimulaloVacuum"deep -lying --I WNAC WTIC WEAN WTAG ultra -modern magazine; always up-to-the-minute with latest v,Yp scalp blood ffi and KMBC-950 WRRC-550 dependable understandable information you need! Endorsed GROWS HAIR WSAR WICC WNBH WLLH Louisiana State University at by physicians. to meet a long -felt need. Thous- !auras andsea ses of rothous.baldness. KOIL-1260 WKZO-590 And edited Stopsfalling hare. talreurE WNLC WSPR WBRY WOR University of Tennessee (3 ands would not sell their copies for money. You will know see 1t. 1f are married or ever expert to n'°A u scalp. NessEasy in WFBL KYW WOKO WBAL p.m. EST): KRMD WDSU KROC-1310 WLB-760 WHY when you you ch Ease bn use this court, me. KS00-1110 WLW-700 be both you and wife will benefit-for IT DOES NOT Fully chine qt home. Only $9.95 tete. Mississippi State College at DUPLICATE ANY OTHER MAGAZINE. Enthusiastic quick for FREE TRIAI. OFFER. Drexel Institute of Technology KSTP-1460 WMFG-1210 men everywhere urge closest friends to get it! So take Guaranteed RAND. Deft. P-1658, Newport, Ky. Tulane University (2:45 p.m. at Franklyn & Marshall Col- WBAA-890 WMT-600 tins tip yourself; be rep -lo -date, be informed, be a regular lege (2:15 p.m. EST): WGAL EST): WJDX WSMB reader. It will supply you with information long wanted. WBNS-1430 WOC-1370 Wires! Shorn this ad to your husbands. Not sold on news- PAMATCHED WORK University of Alabama at Uni- stands-spite by mail. OUR BIG OFFER: Send $1 now WBOW-1310 WO1-640 for Special 8 -Month Trial subscription with 01 worth of Football Game: WEAF WJZ versity of Kentucky: WBRC WDGY-1180 WOOD -1270 Back Issues Free! (.1 $4 Value). SAMPLE COPY 25e. NTS WJRD Your money refunded it not 100% satisfactory. No chance Fordham University at Univer- WELL -1420 WOBU-570 to lose! I) you an nlrft. wideamake, you will accept alma TOOANY SUITear University of Arkansas at Texas WE W-760 WOWO-1160 offer at once! Be II'i-! BeSafe! BeSmart! Wake up. Men? twice as I1.1g sity of Pittsburgh: WCAE your coat and vest 'il A. & M.: KARK Mich. with trousers matched expertly \K,V Ii Ile, WLEU WTBO WFBG WFAM-1200 WRNL-880 THE CONFIDANT, Dept. 331, Battle Creek, - P from 0,0110 patterns. Pants are hand 1 X n University of Dayton at Mar- WFBM-1230 WSAU-1370 tailored to your measure. Guaranteed to fit. Gettysburg College at Muhlen- Send a piece of cloth or vest TODAY for FREE 'I p.m. WFDF-1310 WSBT-1360 shall College (2:15 SAMPLE of the best match obtainable. Write to ` , berg College: WSAN AMERICAN MATCH PANTS COMPANY,ygl EST) : WSAZ WGN-720 WTAM-1070 DEPT.12-DS, 6 W. RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Navy at University of Pennsyl- of Florida at Boston WDWS-1370 WTCN-1250 vania (1:45 p.m. EST): WPG University College: WRUF WHA-940 WTMJ-620 FOR ALL THE PROGRAMS BUY WGBI WKOK WJEJ WCAO WHIP-1480 WXYZ-1240 WCAU WHP WSAL University of Tulsa at Univer- sity of Oklahoma: KTUL South YOU WIN! RADIO GUIDE! Ohio State University at New CAN Ycrk University: WBNS WKY KTOK KARK-890 WHIS-1410 WTAM WOSU Washington & Lee University KBIX-1500 WIOD-610 Get your share of CONTEST MILLIONS! at University of Richmond: KCRC-1360 WJAX-900 St. Anselm's at University of Learn to win from a WINNER! My Hampshire: WHEB WRNL KFBC-1300 WJDX-1270 Free for Asthma New KIMM -560 WJRD-1200 STUDENTS have already won over William & Mary College at Uni- If you suffer with attacks of Asthma so ter- St. John's of Annapolis at Uni- ONE QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS if versity of WRVA KFKA-880 WKY-900 rible you choke and gasp for breath, restful versity of Delaware: WDEL Virginia: sleep is impossible because of the struggle to WCHV WLVA WBTM WDBJ KGFF-1420 WLVA-1200 in PRIZES! breathe, if you feel the disease is slowly Syracuse University at Penn WSVA KRMD-1310 WMC-780 wearing your life away, don't fail to send State College: KDKA WSYR KTOK-1370 WNOX-1010 FREE HELP! a of at once to the Frontier Asthma Co. for a West Write for gift copy WGR WHEC WGY WIBX KTUL-1400 WOAI-1190 BUL- free trial of a remarkable method. No matter Where no time is given the my "CONFIDENTIAL CONTEST where you live or whether you have any WESG WNBF KVSO-1210 WPTF-680 LETIN". faith in any remedy under the Sun, send for games will start at approxi- WRD W-1500 Tufts College at Brown Univer- WAGA-1450 this free trial. If you have suffered for a mately 2 p.m. PST; 3 MST; WAPI-1140 WREN-1220 lifetime and tried everything you could learn sity: WJAR 4 CST; 5 EST WAVE -940 WRNL-880 This Bulletin will bring you news of of without relief; even if you are utterly University of Notre Dame at WBAP-800 WRTD-1500 discouraged, do not abandon hope but send Football Game (11 a.m. PST): WBRC-930 WRUF-830 the latest contests, $44,000 Worth of today for this free trial. It will cost you Army (1:45 p.m. EST): KGHF KFSD WBTM-1370 WRVA-1110 Winning Entries, Winning Tips on the nothing. Address WABC WSBT WCHV-1420 WSAZ-1190 Frontier Asthma Co. 336-C Frontier Bldg. Football Game: KOOS KRKD WDAE-1220 WSB-740 Crisco, Bisquick, Ovaltine and $250,000 462 Niagara St. Buffalo, N. Y. Ursinus College at Lafayette KFI WDBJ-930 WSFA-1410 "MOVIE QUIZ" Contests, and THE IDEA College: WEST WDBO-580 Wsllti-650 Loyola University (Calif.) at WDNC-1600 WSMB-1320 INCUBATOR (a unique contest aid). Midwest WDSU-1250 WSOC-1210 CAN YOU SOLVE THESE Centenary College: KEHE WFAA-800 WBUN-820 9 9 9 Where no time is given the WFBC-1300 WSVA-550 An Iowa Housewife sent for one of my AT A GLANCE' Oregon State College at Univer- WTOC-1260 7 games will start at approxi- sity of KMED WGST-890 Bulletins and the tips in it enabled her 72x22%=? 281/%X24 =? 98X96 - California: 2240x121k=? 57%x32 =? 88x13%=? mately 2 p.m. CST; 3 EST; KPO KGW KERN K0V West to win a $1,000 Prize in a Camay Soap 2424x1265=? 732X18 =? 253X24 = 1 MST; 12 noon PST 13%x 72 =? 688X28%=? 198X32 =? Stanford University at Univer- KDB-1500 KLZ-560 Contest. You, too, can win! Mail the It's all very simple when you know "Arith-Magic". Carnegie Tech at Akron Univer- sity of California Los Angeles KDON-1210 KMED-1410 Coupon NOW! This amazing figuring method complete Is yours by paying KEHE-780 1tMJ-580 postman $1.98, plus postage or sent for $2.00 postpaid. sity (1:45 p.m. CST) : WADC (2:15 p.m. PST): KVEC KhRN-1370 KNX-1050 ARITH-MAGIC, Dept. 85, Elmhurst, Ill. WWSW KORE KDB KGB KQW KHJ KFBB-1280 KOB-1180 KGDM KFRC KDON KTKC Its BK -1420 KOH-1380 WILMER S. SHEPHERD, JR. Centre College at Washington KFI-640 KOIN-940 1015 Chestnut St. University: WEW KMOX University of Denver at Uni- KFPY-890 KOM O-920 Philadelphia, Pa. WIL versity of Utah (1:15 p.m. KFRC-610 KOOS-1200 PST): KLZ KFSD-600 KORE-1420 Please send me my FREE copy of your DePauw University at Univer- KGA-1470 KPMC-1550 "CONFIDENTIAL CONTEST BULLE- sity of Chicago (1:45 p.m. University of Idaho at Univer- KGAR-1370 KPO-680 TIN", as described above. CST): WHIP KGB -1330 KPRC-1210 sity of Montana: KIDO KGDM-1100 KQW-1010 (',+nisi e"mpleie-rea,lY to use. No bat- KGHF-1320 KRKD-1120 teries, tubes or electrical connections Football Game (1:30 p.m. University of Southern Califor- NAME ceded. Beautiful tune, clear recep- CST): WHLB nia at University of Oregon: KGMB-1320 KSFO-560 tion. Guaranteed. Works immediately. KGR-1330 KTAR-620 Use anywhere in bed, office, hotel, KO!N etc. Not a Toy. A practical set that Indiana University at Univer- HGU-750 KTKC-1190 ADDRESS bring youmusic, ports, announcements, etc. Genuine sity of Wisconsin (1:45 p.m. Washington State College at KGW-620 KVEC-1200 Wailllnut Cabinet. Send No Money! Pay postman $2.99 KHJ-900 XVI -570 plus few cents postage. On cash orders we pay postage. CST): WJMS WIBA WTMJ Gonzaga University: KIRO AND STATE American Leader, 1606 W. 78th St., Dept.2029, Chicago. KHQ-690 KVOA-1260 CITY (Attractive proposition for agents.) WSAU WHA WKBH WOWO KVI KFPY KFBB KIRO-710 KWSC-1220


To run local COFFEE AGENCY`S Splendid Chance $6o To Make UpTo %I in aWeek NOT A CONTEST If you want an unusual opportunity to make a fine cash income operating a Coffee Agency Not a lottery. Not a game of chance. You don't right in your locality, send your name at once for full details about my plan-FREE. have to "win" to get a Ford Car of your own. I give these Ford Cars to producers as a bonus This opportunity is open to one person-man or woman-in each locality, or two persons over and above their cash profits, to encour- age prompt service to their customers. The operating in partnership. Local Coffee Agency is ideally suited for married couples; wife car becomes your personal property with no strings takes care of orders and handles calls at home, while husband delivers and collects. Earn- attached. ings start very first day. Prosperous business of 200 regular customers quickly developed AND HERE IS through remarkable, tested plan. POSITIVE PROOF OF BIG EARNING Start Earning at Once POSSIBILITIES Can you make money with a Coffee Agency? I'll send you everything you need-your complete The plans I send you took years to perfect. You Yes. Here's a way to make it FAST! If only also know they must be good because they have brought three or four people had made money as fast outfit containing full-size packages of products, as this, you printed forms, blanks. advertising matter, samples, quick help to hundreds of other men and women, might call it an accident. But money. many have done it! Here are only a few-if etc. together with simple, proven plans showing ex- both married and single, who needed space permitted I could print scores of excep- actly what to do to make good money right from the tional earning reports: start. Make as high as $45.00 your very first week. Amount Earned Everybody uses Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Spices, Flavoring Ford Cars Given In One Week Extracts, Cosmetics, Soaps, Toilet Goods, and other Over and above the cash earnings you make, I offer F. J. Mosher, Wyo. $ 60.00 food products and similar daily necessities. They you a brand new Ford Sedan as a bonus for produc- Wilbur W. Whitcomb, Ohio 146.00 MUST BUY these things to live. You simply take ing. This is not a contest or a raffle. I offer a Ford Clare Wellman, N. J. 96.00 of your customers right in your locality Mrs. A. Anderson Conn. 75.00 care regular Car-as an extra reward-to every one who starts A. Pardini, keep them supplied with the things they business. Calif. 69.09 -just in this Norman Geister, Mich. 136.50 need. You handle all the money and pocket a big Gunson R. Wood, N. Y. share of it for yourself. You keep all the profits- 82.10 Money Lamar C. Cooper, Mich. 82.00 you don't divide up with any one. Hundreds of Make Fast! Helen V. Woolmington, Penna. 45.00 housewives in many localities are waiting, right Look in the box on the right! See how fast these Ruby Hannen, W. Va. 73.00 now. to be served with these nationally famous men and women made Hans Coordes, Nebr. 96.40 products. money, according to their Lambert Wilson, Mich. 79.00 own bona -fide reports. W. J. Way Kans. 78.15 Some of them even The above reports of exceptional earnings I Send Everything worked alone without show the amazing possibilities of my offer. any help from their hus- Don't let this opportunity pass-send me your Just as soon as I hear from you I will send you bands or wives. They name for FREE Facts. complete details-tell you all the inside workings of used this same plan that this nation-wide Coffee Agency Plan. I will explain I will now send you. You just how to establish your customers; how to give read it; then if you see them service and make good cash earnings. You the possibilities, I'll help can plan it so you give only 5 days a week to your you start without asking business, collect your profits on Friday, and have you to risk a penny of all day Saturday and Sunday for vacation or rest. your own money. MAIL COUPON 1/fF! YOU DON'T RISK A PENNY SEND NO MONEY - FREE a Coffee Agency and make money week. You ALBERT MILLS, President, 6576 Monmouth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 You can start the first don't have Send your free book telling how to start a Local risk a cent. I absolutely guarantee this. No experience is needed. Coffee Agency in to You use which a married couple (or a single person) can make up to $60.00 in a ' your home as headquarters. You can build your business on my money. Full week. I will read it and then let you know if I want to accept this details of money -making plans are free. Send your name today for the free opportunity. book giving all inside facts, then you can decide. Don't waste a minute as you might lose this opportunity through unnecessary delay. ACT AT ONCE. Name Address ALBERT MILLS, President 6576 Monmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio i (Please Print or Write Plainly) i