^ aver ag e OAILT CBODLAnON ^ ^ fer the Moath of April, 1988 d ^ s ^ ^ . 6,124 r Bfenber e< Ifee Aodt* , - Bureau of ClreulatloM Q «««rany fair tonight and Wednea- ^ ellghtly cooler tonight. MANCHESTER — A CTTY OP VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL,i»|0. ^ tCfaaaUled AdverUslBg oe F iv e U ) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, MAY 10.1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTB CHURCHILL IN Clubs Fly As U. A. W. Pickets and Police Clash *9- LEAGUE ASKED NEW PLEA FOR 72 MEN A R E KILLED, TO AH) CHINA 10 P O m P A U l AGADCT JAPS SoHgeste Scheine Of Keep-| 49 HURT BY BLASTS Armed Peace Based Oo Dr. Koo Ifints That Only One Nation Has Done Any* league CoyenanE Would IN AN ENGLISH MINE thng To Help Chinese Protect SmaHer Nations. To Resist The Invaders. Number Of Others Trapped Loodon, May 10.—(AP) — Brlt- Fifty Men on Strike ala’i RebelUoua tory, Winitoo Churchill, atepped forward today aa (SenevA May 10— (A P )—Dr. V. Underground; Women the natlon’a new champion of Inter- K. Wellington Koo. Chinese delegate At Bigelow-Sanford national Idealism and offered a plan to the League df NaUona, today And Children Gather for armed peace based upon League asked the League Council to apply of Nations principles. provisions of the (Covenant In giv- ’The fighting wartime chief of Thompsonviile Plant Around Shaft As Dead British sea forces. In a speech at ing (China aid against Japan. Manchester last night, touched off a He cited two resoIuUons. one by Thompsonville, May 10.— (A P ) — *era tonight at And Injured Are Brought tountry-wlde campaign to whip to- the League Assembly last October _ a mass meeting called About 50 employes In the shipping for 7 p. m. gether a non-party movement dedl- and another by the (Council In Feb- cat^, to formation of a teu-power ruary, which recommended that department of tte ThompsonvUIe- A fter listening to tte shIpperA To The Surface— Fear entente with the League Covenant League members consider Individusl plant of tte Blgelow-Sanford (Jar- Fortier asserted: * as ita guiding star. aid to (ChlnA pet company walked out today “They (shippers) walked out In The Manchester gathering was “ W itt one excepUon.” he said, claiming tte firm waa making "ex- protest claiming the company was Many More Liyes L o it toe first of a series under the guid- none of the League members had tra efforts to expedite shipments on' niaklng extra efforts to expedite ance of the powerful League of Na- shipments on the day before a come to China’s aid. He did not tte day before a atrike ultimatum tions Union calling on the world—In name the country which had sup- becomes effective." strike ultimatum becomes effective CburcblU’s . words— to '(arm and They report extra help was brought Duckmanton. Derbyshh% plied the help, but It was believed The shippers arrived at union stand by the covenant." Into tte shipping department from EnglaniJ, May 10.__ (A P)-— he referred to Soviet RussIa quarters here aimuitaneously with Churchill said he would like to ■otter departments and tte ahippera the arrival of a committee of rep- Seventy-two miners were kill- see France and Britain ’’go to all “China expects to receive from had been asked to do more work otter members of the League ma- resentatives of tte Carpet Work- ed, 49 were known to be in- the smaller states that are"menaced! Automob^ Workers’^lnef*outawt” th!f’M Detroit patrolmen than usual. I forced path through United terial aid and effecUve cooperation ers’ Union local here headed by jured and a number o f othesn ^ t are going to be devoured one at least four men te m ^ ra rS ^ to h ^n ltaU 1/Company plant. “An executive committee of tte by one by N ail tyranny, and say t o _________ -uporaruy « , nospltaU is pictured above at toe heigh The melee which sent In restraining the forces of aggrea' President Arthur Fortier, who had loc^ union Is meeting with Elliott were entombed in the wredeed height of the club swinging. been In New York conferring with them “We aren’t going to help you Sion," he declared. I. Peterson, superintendent of the company officials over a 10 per cent workings today after two vio- If you aren’t going to help your- “ Such aid and cooperaUon Is more plant here, in an effort to adjust urgent because It will hasten the wage cut ordered by tte latter. these difficulties.” w«MJlo8ions in the selves. Are you prepared to take Fortier aaid: special service In defense of the ! termination of hoetlllties and Insure Before Fortier and his committee Markham coal mine. ^ “A strike Is Imminent on Wednes- Covenant?” ’ the defeat of the forcee o f disorder returned here, Gilbert Vaughan, While rescue squads search- CAPT. INGERSOLL and violence. day morning unless tte company The states he listed as possible BIG SPENDING BILL agrees to arbitrate.” vice president o f tte union, said ed underground fo r trapped members of the Entente were Yugo- "In the name o f roy government that things look “very dark” aa tte He stated be would make a com- victims, Captain H. p I S. slavia, Rumania. Hungary, Czecho- I ask toe Council to apply provl' more than 2,800 workers awaited a slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece and Tur- plete report before tte-union work- report from the union prealdent. Crijokshank, minister for WINS PROMOTION sions of the (Covenant and ImpIC' key— with the way left open for aid ment the resolutions of the assem^ mines, Informed the House of from Soviet Russia In the event of SUPPLIES JOBS FOR bly and council with concrete meas- war. ures. Commons of the disaster. Italy May Help Chief Of Navy’s W ar Hans Would End War Through grim coincidenei*. He expressed toe belief that Italy “By such action, Japanese aggres- ANOTHER JURY WITNESS the question of danger frem also might cooperate eventually in 4 MILLION PERSONS sion Witt all its horrors and cruelty explosions in mines was up be- such an alliance, adding “If we Division To Be Made A may effecUvely be brought to an rauld get as far as that, toe war fore Commons as a result of early end and the principles of the danger would be removed perhaps League, Indispensable for the eatab- MISSING IN WATERBURY EUis Smith, Laborite, aakinp’ for our lifetime and the United Rear Admiral; His Record llehmenta of durable peace In the what waa being done to pro- ” ^ ^ s would signal her encourage- Honse Body ReporU On The JAPS REINFORCE world, may be fully vindicated." vent repetition of such bluto ment and sympathy." Formation of a combination of na- Measure Which Is Being Earlier British Foreign Secretary aa the one last July at t)io Wiuhlngton. May 10 — (A P ) __ Viscount HalUax told the League Business Associate of For- tions “for mutual defense against ^ P te in Royal E. Ingersoll, chief of Brympo coal mine at Stoko- : Council that the recent Angto-ltal- probable aggreasor", ChurcbUi aaid. ntOOPS IN CHINA the Navy’s war plans division, who LATE NEWS o n -^ e n t when 27 miners lort ^ a “highest moral duty and vir Poshed Toward Passage lan agreement waa a contribuUon to JStMw iripi British naval authori- world peace, thereby aiding tte mer City Comptroller their lives. ties In evolving a program for blg- “We must gather together around cause tor which the League waa Women GiMier As Qnickly As Possible. ger tattleships, was promoted today built. ^ Joint strengths of Britain and five New Divisions On Way to the rank o f rear admiral. Takes Ship For Europe; FLASHES! Sobbing women gathered arooad rranee and under authority of a The tall Briton was followed by President Roosevelt sent bis name tte pithead aa the dead and Injunid League of Countries prepared to re- France’s foreign minister, (Ceorges were brought to the aurtaeo. Sconoi Washington, May 10 — fA P ) — to the Senate for confirmation, and Sod BEARING POSTPONED sist and If possible prevent acta To Help StaHed Soldiers Bonnet, who echoed bis words In Says Father WasE wer® parUcularly grievoua la when the Senate approves his new Bridgeport, May 1(^(AP)— A the violent aggression’’, be declared Th« admIniBtraUon’B 13,084,428,000 W k . Ingersoll will be sent to San defending tte French-Itallan agree- little morttiary where • wlvea -nd »t*«mpt to quuh Path to Safety •pending-lendlng bill will provide ^ d ro , Ctallf., to command the Sixth ment which still la under negotia- relaUvea sought to Identify the “ There Is the path to safety and In South Shantung Area. tion. Waterbury, May 10.,^(AP) —The Merritt Parkway Grand Jury Indlct- Jobs for 4,138,000 persona, the House O iilser Division consisting of four m wta charging oommon law eon- bodies, marked by yeUow taga. there Is the only guarantee of free- heavy cruisers. r Lord Halifax said the fact that Waterbury Grand Jury working One woman found that tour m e*- dom.” It was Ingersoll who went to Britain and Italy were able to reach ^ '’ tS a y esUmat- against the handicap of a swelling bera of her famUy were atlU la tha He scathingly condemned any Shanghai. May lO— (A P ) —Three London during the winter to confer an agreement enUUed both to claim !Sr • * * "* 7or the state, was list of unavailable witnesses, re- postpoM nntJI Thursday In Sn- blasted workings, tte lr fate un- poata pact Witt Germany which 1 Included that Japanese columns advanced steadily with British navy officials on the a contribution "to tte cause of In- might return her war-lost colonies sumed work today In the midst of perior Court here today.
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