European Parliament 2014-2019
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European Parliament 2014-2019 Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs LIBE_PV(2018)0308_1 MINUTES Meeting of 8 March 2018, 9.00-12.00 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 9.05 on Thursday, 8 March 2018, with Barbara Kudrycka (Vice-Chair) presiding. 1. Adoption of agenda LIBE_OJ (2018)0308_1 The agenda was adopted with the following changes: - addition of a new point 7: presentation of the draft report "On the annual report on the functioning of the Schengen area", Rapporteur: Carlos Coelho. 2. Chair's announcements Linguistic profile: The Chair indicated that interpretation in Croatian and Gaelic was not available for this meeting. 3. European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) LIBE/8/05432 Exchange of views with the Europol Executive Director, Rob Wainwright. The Chair made introductory remarks. Rob Wainwright, Europol Executive Director, took the floor. The following Members took the floor: Barbara Kudrycka (EPP), Birgit Sippel (S&D), Cornelia Ernst (GUE/NGL), Jeroen Lenaers (EPP), Maria Grapini (S&D), Josep-Maria Terricabras (Verts/ALE), Caterina Chinnici (S&D). PV\1161822EN.docx PE626.692v02-00 EN United in diversity EN *** Electronic vote *** 4. Regulation on ENISA, the "EU Cybersecurity Agency", and repealing Regulation (EU) 526/2013, and on Information and Communication Technology cybersecurity certification (''Cybersecurity Act'') LIBE/8/11044 ***I 2017/0225(COD) COM(2017)0477 – C8-0310/2017 Rapporteur for the opinion: Jan Philipp Albrecht (Verts/ALE) AD – PE615.394v03-00 AM – PE618.105v01-00 Responsible: ITRE* – Angelika Niebler (PPE) Adoption of draft opinion The draft opinion was adopted with 35 votes in favour, 2 votes against and 4 abstentions. The following amendments were adopted: COMP: COMP 1, COMP 2, COMP 3, COMP 4, COMP 5, COMP 6, COMP 7, COMP 8, COMP 9, COMP 10, COMP 11, COMP 12, COMP 13; AM: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 53, 54, 55, 62, 63, 68, 69, 71, 72, 80, 83, 84, 92, 94, 96, 99, 116, 117, 125. The following amendments were rejected: 78, 79, 95, 98, 105, 106, 107. The following amendments were fallen: AM: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, 36, 47, 48, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Heinz K. Becker (EPP) requested a correction to his vote via e-mail: he intended to vote against AM 68 on the Article 4 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1a (new)). Maria Grapini (S&D) requested a correction to her vote at the meeting: she intended to vote in favour of AM 94 on the Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point m. *** End of electronic vote *** 5. European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice LIBE/8/10385 Rapporteur: Monica Macovei (ECR) Presentation of the state of play of trilogue negotiations PE626.692v02-00 2/9 PV\1161822EN.docx EN The following Members took the floor: Monica Macovei (ECR), Caterina Chinnici (S&D). 6. Study “EU and Member States’ policies and laws on persons suspected of terrorism-related crimes” LIBE/8/12372 Presentation of the study commissioned by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs, by Quentin LIGER, Optimity Advisors. Quentin Liger, Optimity Advisors, presented the study. The following Members took the floor: Birgit Sippel (S&D), Judith Sargentini (Verts/ALE). The meeting suspended at 10:54. The meeting resumed at 11:01. 7. Draft report “On the annual report on the Functioning of the Schengen area” LIBE/8/11551 Rapporteur: Carlos Coelho (EPP) AM – PE619.140v01-00 Consideration of the draft report Deadline for amendments: 14 March 2018, 13:00 Carlos Coelho (EPP), Rapporteur, took the floor. The following Members took the floor: Sylvie Guillaume (S&D), Cecilia Wikström (ALDE). Carlos Coelho (EPP) concluded the debate. 8. Any other business No points raised. 9. Next meetings 12 March 2018, 19.30 – 21.00 (Strasbourg) 19 March 2018, 15.00 – 16.15 (Brussels) 20 March 2018, 9.00 – 12.30 (Brussels) The meeting ended at 11:19. PV\1161822EN.docx 3/9 PE626.692v02-00 EN Results of roll-call votes Contents 1. Proposal for a regulation on ENISA, the "EU Cybersecurity Agency", and repealing Regulation (EU) 526/2013, and on Information and Communication Technology cybersecurity certification (''Cybersecurity Act''), (COM(2017)0477 – C8-0310/2017 – 2017/0225(COD)), Rapporteur: Jan Philipp Albrecht........................................................5 1.1. Final vote..............................................................................................................5 Key to symbols: + : in favour - : against 0 : abstention PE626.692v02-00 4/9 PV\1161822EN.docx EN 1. Proposal for a regulation on ENISA, the "EU Cybersecurity Agency", and repealing Regulation (EU) 526/2013, and on Information and Communication Technology cybersecurity certification (''Cybersecurity Act''), (COM(2017)0477 – C8- 0310/2017 – 2017/0225(COD)), Rapporteur: Jan Philipp Albrecht 1.1. Final vote 35 + ALDE Filiz Hyusmenova, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Cecilia Wikström ECR Monica Macovei, John Procter, Branislav Škripek GUE/NGL Cornelia Ernst PPE Asim Ademov, Heinz K. Becker, Andrea Bocskor, Rachida Dati, Kinga Gál, Barbara Kudrycka, Jeroen Lenaers, Jaromír Štětina, Patricija Šulin, Traian Ungureanu, Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Rainer Wieland S&D Caterina Chinnici, Maria Grapini, Sylvie Guillaume, Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, Sylvia- Yvonne Kaufmann, Dietmar Köster, Andrejs Mamikins, Péter Niedermüller, Ivari Padar, Birgit Sippel, Sergei Stanishev, Josef Weidenholzer VERTS/ALE Jan Philipp Albrecht, Julia Reda, Judith Sargentini, Josep-Maria Terricabras 2 - ENF André Elissen, Auke Zijlstra 4 0 EFDD Kristina Winberg PPE Reimer Böge, Monika Hohlmeier, Axel Voss PV\1161822EN.docx 5/9 PE626.692v02-00 EN ПРИСЪСТВЕН ЛИСТ/LISTA DE ASISTENCIA/PREZENČNÍ LISTINA/DELTAGERLISTE/ ANWESENHEITSLISTE/KOHALOLIJATE NIMEKIRI/ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΠΑΡΟΝΤΩΝ/RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/ LISTE DE PRÉSENCE/POPIS NAZOČNIH/ELENCO DI PRESENZA/APMEKLĒJUMU REĢISTRS/DALYVIŲ SĄRAŠAS/ JELENLÉTI ÍV/REĠISTRU TA' ATTENDENZA/PRESENTIELIJST/LISTA OBECNOŚCI/LISTA DE PRESENÇAS/ LISTĂ DE PREZENŢĂ/PREZENČNÁ LISTINA/SEZNAM NAVZOČIH/LÄSNÄOLOLISTA/DELTAGARLISTA Бюро/Mesa/Předsednictvo/Formandskabet/Vorstand/Juhatus/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Predsjedništvo/Ufficio di presidenza/Prezidijs/ Biuras/Elnökség/Prezydium/Birou/Predsedníctvo/Predsedstvo/Puheenjohtajisto/Presidiet (*) Jan Philipp Albrecht (3VP), Kinga Gál (1VP), Barbara Kudrycka (4VP), Sergei Stanishev (2VP) Членове/Diputados/Poslanci/Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Parlamendiliikmed/Μέλη/Members/Députés/Zastupnici/Deputati/Deputāti/Nariai/ Képviselõk/Membri/Leden/Posłowie/Deputados/Deputaţi/Jäsenet/Ledamöter Asim Ademov, Heinz K. Becker, Caterina Chinnici, Rachida Dati, Cornelia Ernst, Sylvie Guillaume, Monika Hohlmeier, Filiz Hyusmenova, Dietmar Köster, Monica Macovei, Péter Niedermüller, Ivari Padar, Judith Sargentini, Birgit Sippel, Traian Ungureanu, Josef Weidenholzer, Cecilia Wikström, Kristina Winberg, Auke Zijlstra, Branislav Škripek Заместници/Suplentes/Náhradníci/Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/Asendusliikmed/Αναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suppléants/Zamjenici/ Supplenti/Aizstājēji/Pavaduojantysnariai/Póttagok/Sostituti/Plaatsvervangers/Zastępcy/Membros suplentes/Supleanţi/Náhradníci/ Namestniki/Varajäsenet/Suppleanter Carlos Coelho, Maria Grapini, Marek Jurek, Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann, Jeroen Lenaers, Andrejs Mamikins, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, John Procter, Josep-Maria Terricabras, Axel Voss, Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Jaromír Štětina 200 (2) Andrea Bocskor, Reimer Böge, André Elissen, José Manuel Fernandes, Ramón Jáuregui Atondo, Julia Reda, Rainer Wieland, Patricija Šulin 206 (3) 53 (8) (Точка от дневния ред/Punto del orden del día/Bod pořadu jednání (OJ)/Punkt på dagsordenen/Tagesordnungspunkt/ Päevakorra punkt/Ημερήσια Διάταξη Σημείο/Agenda item/Point OJ/Točka dnevnog reda/Punto all'ordine del giorno/Darba kārtības punkts/Darbotvarkės punktas/Napirendi pont/Punt Aġenda/Agendapunt/Punkt porządku dziennego/Ponto OD/Punct de pe ordinea de zi/Bod programu schôdze/Točka UL/Esityslistan kohta/Föredragningslista punkt) PE626.692v02-00 6/9 PV\1161822EN.docx EN Наблюдатели/Observadores/Pozorovatelé/Observatører/Beobachter/Vaatlejad/Παρατηρητές/Observers/Observateurs/Promatrači/ Osservatori/Novērotāji/Stebėtojai/Megfigyelők/Osservaturi/Waarnemers/Obserwatorzy/Observadores/Observatori/Pozorovatelia/ Opazovalci/Tarkkailijat/Observatörer По покана на председателя/Por invitación del presidente/Na pozvání předsedy/Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung des Vorsitzenden/Esimehe kutsel/Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chair(wo)man/Sur l’invitation du président/ Na poziv predsjednika/Su invito del presidente/Pēc priekšsēdētāja uzaicinājuma/Pirmininkui pakvietus/Az elnök meghívására/ Fuq stedina taċ-'Chairman'/Op uitnodiging van de voorzitter/Na zaproszenie Przewodniczącego/A convite do Presidente/La invitaţia preşedintelui/Na pozvanie predsedu/Na povabilo predsednika/Puheenjohtajan kutsusta/På ordförandens inbjudan Съвет/Consejo/Rada/Rådet/Rat/Nõukogu/Συμβούλιο/Council/Conseil/Vijeće/Consiglio/Padome/Taryba/Tanács/Kunsill/Raad/ Conselho/Consiliu/Svet/Neuvosto/Rådet (*) Комисия/Comisión/Komise/Kommissionen/Kommission/Euroopa Komisjon/Επιτροπή/Commission/Komisija/Commissione/Bizottság/ Kummissjoni/Commissie/Komisja/Comissão/Comisie/Komisia/Komissio/Kommissionen