CAROLINE POMEKOY MAKGAKET FITZSIMMONS Institute of Manne Sciences Environmental Studies Board Earth 8( Mantle Sciences Building A316 University of California University of California Santa Cmz, California 95064 Santa Cruz, California 95064 [email protected] cporneroy~cats.~~cs~..edu

ABSTRACT fect-and be affected by-the fishery. We are explor- Recent events in the fishery for California market ing these questions through a Sea Grant-sponsored study squid (Loltjp opalescetzs), especially the rapid increase in entitled “Socio-Economic Organization of the California landings and participants, have raised concerns about Market Squid Fishery: Assessment for Optimal Resource its socioeconomic as well as its biological sustainability. Management.” As management options for the fishery are considered, This paper prefaces that study by providing an intro- it is essential to take into account the fishery’s social duction to social science and its application to and economic organization, including its structure; its fishery management elsewhere, followed by an overview temporal and spatial organization; the relationships among of the squid fishery, of social and economic questions fishers, processors, and others involved in the fishery; relevant to its potential management, and of our plans and the informal and formal rules and strategies by which to address those questions through our study. its participants operate. These factors will influence how different management options would affect-and be FISHERIES SOCIAL SCIENCE affected by-the fishery. We have begun to explore these aspects of the fishery in a Sea Grant-sponsored study en- Overview titled “Socio-Economic Organization of the California Several aspects of commercial fisheries interest social Market Squid Fishery: Assessment for Optimal Resource scientists. Chief among these are fisheries’ direct de- Management.” This paper begins with an overview of pendence upon the natural environment, uncertainties fisheries social science and its application to fishery nian- associated with , the common-pool nature of - agement elsewhere. We then provide an overview of the ery resources, and fishers’ and processors’ individual and social, economic, and regulatory history of the fishery, collective adaptations to contingencies created by these followed by an introduction to our study and questions characteristics. it will address toward contributing to consideration and Fisheries are strongly influenced by environmental, implementation of management for the fishery. technological, economic, and regulatory uncertainty and risk (see Acheson 1981 for an extensive review). Most INTRODUCTION marine resources are hidden from direct view; their life Since the passage of the Magnuson Act in 1976, there histories and interactions with other species are com- has been growing recognition of the importance of so- plex; and their availability in space and time is highly cial and economic information to effective fishery man- variable. Additional environmental uncertainty stems agement (Orbach 1978; Clay and McGoodwin 1994; from changeable weather, climate, and oceanographic Buck 1995). Fisheries social science entails the study of conditions that influence when and where fish are, and the social, cultural, and econoniic aspects of fisheries, to fishers’ ability to find, catch, and land them safely. Tech- afford basic understanding of the human dimensions of nological uncertainty stems from fishers’ use of heavy, fisheries and to contribute to resource management (AFS potentially dangerous equipment, and fish-finding and 1993). The latter goal is based on the idea that fishery navigation technologies (e.g., radar, sonar, loran). Even management is as much people management as it is bi- with the best gear, the sturdiest and best-equipped ves- ological resource management (Fiske 1990). sel, and the best technology, there is no guarantee that Recent events in the fishery for California market fishers will find, catch, and deliver fish to market (and squid (Loligo opalescens), especially the rapid increase in do so safely). Economic uncertainty arises from unpre- landings, have raised concerns about its socioeconomic dictable variations in supply, and the changing demand and its biological sustainability, and have led to discus- of local and global markets. Finally, changing regulatory sions of management options for this, the last major open and management structures, from the Law of the Sea access fishery on the West Coast, Questions have been and the Magnuson Fisheries Conservation and Manage- raised about the fishery’s social and economic organiza- ment Act to state regulations, are an additional source tion, and how different management options would af- of uncertainty (Maiolo and Orbach 1982; Pollnac and


Littlefield 1983). Although the implementation of stan- rules, norms, and strategies to coordinate the use of dardized management institutions (e.g., the federal fish- shared resources. These “institutions for CPR manage- ery management council system) has eliminated some ment” have attracted the attention of social scientists and aspects of regulatory uncertainty, others persist because resource managers as alternatives or complements to tra- rules change in response to changing environmental, po- ditional, state-centered (i.e., top-down) fishery man- litical, economic, and social conditions. Moreover, rules agement (NRC 1986; McCay and Acheson 1987; Berkes have differential, and often unanticipated, social and eco- 1989; Ostrom 1990). They may be locally generated and nomic implications for both harvesters and processors operated, independent of state management systems, or (Pollnac and Littlefield 1983; Hilborn 1985). For ex- they may be coordinated (officially or unoficially) with ample, seasonal closures can result in idled vessels and state resource management, as forms of cooperative (or processing facilities, temporary unemployment, accu- co-) management (Pinkerton 1989). mulation of or default on debt, and conflict on the fish- ing grounds when fishing resumes. Similarly, regulatory Applications to Fishery Management changes in one fishery (e.g., gear restrictions, closed sea- Traditional fishery management tends to focus almost sons, limited entry) can displace fishers, prompting them exclusively on the biological resource, to the exclusion to enter or increase their effort in other fisheries. of the “human dimension” (Orbach 1980). The ratio- Fisheries also interest social scientists because of their nale for conducting social science research on fisheries common pool resource (CPR) nature.’ that is that management decisions informed by an under- inhabit a large territory and thus are not easily desig- standing of people’s practices, values, and beliefs are more nated as private property are best used by a group, or acceptable and successful, and less disruptive (Hanna and “in common.” This poses both opportunities and chal- Smith 1994). lenges to resource users and managers. Without regula- Social scientific research and the information it pro- tion, almost anyone can catch fish to eat or sell. Yet if duces can play a critical role at various stages of fishery everyone does this without restraint, the resource be- management. For example, social and economic impact comes vulnerable to overuse. The resulting tragedy of assessment can help prepare those who will be affected the commons (Hardin 1968) is marked by resource by a change in the rules (ICGP 1994), and can help man- scarcity, social conflict, and economic hardship. These agers anticipate resistance or other problems associated outcomes are evident, for example, in crowding on the with implementing new management policies (Orbach fishing grounds, pressure to fish longer or in more dan- 1980; Fiske 1990; Orbach et al. 1990). Social science re- gerous conditions, and insufficient supplies of fish to search also is useful in situations where the biological keep processing plants running and staff employed. condition of the resource is unknown or not clearly an People in fisheries have found diverse and innovative issue, but where social and economic concerns are asso- ways to deal with the uncertainties and challenges asso- ciated with its use (e.g., where continued growth in that ciated with CPR use, and to organize life effectively use could threaten both the industry and the resource). around fishing. Individual and collective adaptations Such research can also give managers information to fa- are found in work organization at sea, relationships at cilitate their work with the industry. As one California the docks, and life on land (Acheson 1981). For exam- Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) biologist noted, ple, the share system commonly used in fisheries in- “It’s not required that we have such information to man- vests the crew in the process and outcome of fishing. age the fisheries, but it sure makes it a lot easier if you Other adaptations include coordination with other boats know who and what you’re working with” (anon. pers. while at sea (e.g., through code groups), and other forms comm.). Social and economic information about a fish- of information and shll management (e.g., Orbach 1977; ery can help those who design and implenient policy by Acheson 1981; Eales and Wilen 1986). Fishers and proces- giving them a fuller understanding of how management sors also adapt by acquiring new skills, adopting inno- measures will affect and be uffected by the individuals and vations, managing capital, and maintaining the flexibility groups involved. to switch among fisheries as conditions and opportuni- Social science disciplines, from anthropology to eco- ties change interannually, seasonally, and even daily at nomics, have increasingly been applied to fisheries. How- sea, on the market, and in fishery management. In some ever, the particular interests and approaches across the cases, resource users cooperate to establish and uphold social sciences differ. In short, anthropology and soci- ology focus on culture and social organization, geogra- phy on the spatial and temporal organization of social ‘There is an important distinction between common pool and common property and economic life, political science on politics and resources. Whereas the former refers directly to the biophysical nature of the resource and its use, the latter pertains to the resource as the subject of the legal policy processes, and economics on the costs, benefits, institution of property (Brodey 1991). motivations, and behaviors associated with fishing. While

109 POMEROY AND FITZSIMMONS: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH AND SQUID MANAGEMENT CalCOFl Rep., Vol. 39, 1998 political scientists and economists work principally with areas from intrusion by “outsiders.” Within this terri- public data sets and then argue from theory to explain torial system, Acheson distinguishes between “nucle- their results, anthropologists, sociologists, and geogra- ated” and “perimeter-defended” areas. In nucleated areas, phers often conduct fieldwork-involving interviews, the sense of territoriality is strong close to the harbor observation, and archival research-in an effort to under- mouth (and the core of individual territories), but di- stand how, why, and what people are doing. Systematic minishes with distance from it. Perimeter-defended areas collection and analysis of this information then enables are characterized by a strong sense of territoriality, with the detailed descriptive, explanatory, and perhaps pre- sharply drawn boundaries both within and among groups dictive characterization of fisheries as a human endeavor.2 (Acheson 1987). Fisheries social scientists focus first on elements com- Ecological and economic analysis of these arrange- mon to most or all fisheries-direct dependence on a ments showed that perimeter-defended lobster territo- natural resource system, uncertainty, the use of a shared ries had higher catch per unit of effort, larger lobsters, resource, and adaptation. These elements taken together and higher densities of lobsters compared to nucleated in context have led to the identification of a “subcul- areas (Acheson 1975). Acheson argues that “perimeter- ture of fishing,” with reference to the people involved, defended territories. . . serve both to restrict entry into the work, the communities where fishing is based, and the fishery in these areas and enable the enactment of the organization of life around fishing (Poggie and local conservation measures” (Acheson 1987:48).3Con- Gersuny 1974). Researchers have examined the occu- trary to many observers’ expectations, the lobster fish- pational, social, and cultural identities of fishers and ery has remained biologically and economically robust, fishing communities and how these influence percep- governed by the local institutional arrangements first de- tions, attitudes, and behavior (Poggie and Gersuny 1974; scribed by Acheson in 1975 (Wilson, pers. comm.). In Orbach and Beckwith 1980; Miller and Van Maanen 1995, the Maine Department of Marine Resources rec- 1982). The particular values associated with work, fani- ognized those arrangements with a plan to transfer re- ily life, and community are found to be common among source management responsibility for the lobster fishery fishing communities and yet distinct from the larger to the local level through the establishment of experi- culture. Even as fisheries have much in common, how- mental “lobster zone management councils” (Lobster ever, each is unique, owing to the particular life histo- Institute 1997). ries, , and ecologies of the species involved, and Hanna and Smith’s (1994; Smith and Hanna 1993) to the distinct historical, social, and cultural context of recent survey of Oregon trawl captains’ attitudes about the fishery. Fisheries differ also in the nature and extent work, resource use, and fishery management challenges of their markets, and the ways they have been managed key assumptions that underlie much of fishery manage- and regulated, both informally (through local institu- ment. It is often assumed that fishers from a single-gear tions) and formally (by state and federal governments). fleet are homogeneous in their views and practices, and A growing number of research programs provide so- that they have myopic, short-term views of the resource cial scientific information useful to fishery manage- and do not recognize the collective effects of fishing on ment (AFS 1993). Notable among these are James the resource. Hanna and Smith (1994) found, however, Acheson and others’ work on the Maine lobster fish- that trawl captains were heterogeneous. Differences in ery, and Susan Hanna, Courtland Smith, and others’ individuals’ experience, family associations, education, work on Oregon coastal fisheries. Acheson’s research on age, and place of residence contribute to differences in the practices and social organization within the Maine their views on work, environmental and economic risk, lobster fishery led to the identification of “harbor gangs,” and the environment. Individuals differed also in their port-based groups of lobster fishers along the coast who fishing practices. Whereas some captains make shorter have a system of shared norms and rules about who , trips in the interest of landing quality, others take longer where and how (Acheson 1988). Membership in a har- trips to land quantity. Such differences are important, bor gang is contingent upon one’s ethnic identity and for example, when considering trip limits and the dif- community ties. Group members set their lobster traps ferential effects they would have on the fleet (Hanna and in areas adjacent to their home port, and defend those Smith 1994). Hanna and Smith (1994) also argue that because assumptions of homogeneity among trawl cap- tains and their operations do not hold, the use of land- ings data (assuming homogeneous links between a fishing ’Although informative, this work is also difficult because of the ethical issues associated with conducting research on human beings. Interviews and ohserva- tion are intrusive; people feel uncomfortable being studied. Yet the local knowledge they have is important, and can (and should) be brought together with information from other sources and situations to help inform efforts to ’Fishers have devised and implemented rules such as trap limits, closed seasons, solve problems both locally and elsewhere. and prohibitions against keeping berried (eggbedling, i.e., reproductive) females. POMEROY AND FITZSIMMONS: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH AND SQUID MANAGEMEN1 CalCOFl Rep., Vol. 39, 1998 trip and fishing effort) may be inappropriate and lead 1996), and have developed a taste for squid products to dangerous results for both the resource and the fish- marketed under the more appealing name of “calamari.” ery (see also Hilborn 1985; Smith and Hanna 1990). Declines in other squid fisheries (e.g., Falkland Islands) Hanna and Smith argue that acknowledging these dif- and the opening of new markets have prompted growth ferences when designing management strategies can lead in international demand from both traditional consumers to more appropriate and successful management; fail- such as Greece and Italy and new ones, most notably ure to do so often leads to unpredictable (and often neg- China (Redmayne 1996). In addition, fluctuating sup- ative) results. ply and demand in other domestic fisheries have con- These and other research programs’ attention to the tributed to growing demand for squid. social and economic organization, institutional arrange- This growing demand has spurred changes in fishing ments, and diversity within fisheries, as well as to their practices that have resulted in increased catch and in fun- implications for resource management, have informed damental alterations in the structure and spatial distri- our approach to the fishery for California market squid. bution of the fishery. Purse seiners using round haul In the remaining sections of this paper, we provide a gear are now the dominant type of operation, although brief history of the squid fishery, describe recent changes a number of lampara boats still operate in southern in its social and economic organization and regulatory California. Some squid fishers use spotter planes, as well status, and conclude with an overview of the study we as depth sounders and sonar, to locate fishable aggrega- are ~ndertaking.~ tions of squid. The use of light boats-small vessels that scout for fishable aggregations, and use halogen lamps THE FISHERY FOR CALIFORNIA MARKET SQUID to attract and hold the squid for a seiner to catch-has become widespread (although they are prohibited in History District 10).6 These innovations have greatly increased The fishery for California market squid was started the efficiency and scope of squid fishing operations. The in the 1860s at Monterey by the Chinese, who used central California fishery has spread from the inner wa- torches to attract squid and caught them with small purse ters of Monterey Bay to outer bay waters, while the seines (Dewees and Price 1983; Lydori 1985). In the southern California fishery has expanded its coverage of early 1900s, Monterey’s Italian fishers introduced lam- Channel Islands fishing sites. para nets into the fishery. The fishery was centered in The fleet’s capacity has increased as well. The CDFG the Monterey Bay area until the 1960s, when the south- estimates the fleet’s maximum capacity in 1995 at 4,520 ern California fishery developed on spawning aggrega- net tons, compared to 3,640 net tons in 1982 (M. tions near the Channel Islands (Dewees and Price 1983). Vojkovich, pers. comn~.).~Both CDFG and fishers’ Since then, landings in southern California have been records show an increase in the number of out-of-state on the rise, while those at Monterey have remained about vessels participating in the southern California fishery. the same (LMR 1995). Of the 137 vessels that landed squid in 1982, 6 were Through the early 1980s, annual squid landings re- from out of state and landed 6% of the catch; by 1995, mained below about 25,000 metric tons (t), largely be- 22 of 117 vessels in the fishery were from out of state, cause of limited demand (LMR 1995). Following record and accounted for 27% of landings (M. Vojkovich, low catches associated with the 1982-83 El Niizo, how- pers. comm.). A list compiled recently by fishers shows ever, landings increased greatly. By 1996, squid ranked that the number of vessels fishing squid on the south- first among California fisheries in both volume and value, ern California grounds doubled between 1994 and with landmgs of more than 86,000 t, worth over $32 mil- lion (Vojkovich 1998).

This phenomenal growth in the squid fishery is the ‘Light boats, as discussed here, are registered vessels, distinct from purse seiners result of developments in markets, processing, and fish- and seine skiffs, that are equipped with lights and are used primarily to scont for, attract, and hold aggregations of squid for capture by the purse seine vessel. ing strategies over the past 10 to 15 years.5 Domestic Light boats are owned or contracted by a seiner operation, or operate as free- markets have grdwn as consumers have come to value lancers, and receive a percentage of the catch for their services. District 10 includes the ocean waters and tidelands between the southern the nutritional benefits of in general (NMFS boundary of Mendocino County and a line extending west from Pigeon Point Lighthouse in San Mateo County, including Tomales Bay, to a line drawn from the mouth of an unnamed creek about 1,500 feet north of Tomasini Point to the mouth of an unnamed creek at Shell Beach; excluding Bodega Lagoon, that “The following is based on preliminary research on the fishery (literature portion of Bolmas Bay inside of Bolinas Bar, that portion of Bay review, informational interviews, and observation) that we conducted in prepa- east of a line drawn from Point Bonita to Point Lobos, and all rivers, streams ration for submitting the proposal to California Sea Grant and in anticipation of and lagoons (CDFG 1998). receiving funding. ’Although CDFG data show little change in the number of boats, there have ’Research on squid biology, processing, and marketing in the 1960s and 1970s been changes in vessel size, gear, and practices such as the use of light boats, stimulated many of these developments (e.g., Fields 1965; Rccksiek and Frey all of which influence the fleet’s fishing power and capacity. Spratt and Ferry 1978; Kato 1970; Brooks 1977; Brown and Singh 1981; Berntsen 1988). (1993) have documented such changes in the Monterey fleet.


1996, from 18 to 36.8 These increases in fleet capacity 8-person) crews.l1 The Ventura/Channel Islands/Port and in numbers of out-of-state vessels participating in Hueneme fleet is more ethnically diverse, and primar- the fishery are attributed to strong demand and good ily uses fiberglass or steel-hull vessels, newer gear, and prices for squid, and to limited entry and/or declines smaller crews. The Monterey fleet is dominated by Itahan in other fisheries in California, Oregon, Washington, skippers and increasingly nontraditional crews, which and Alaska. now include many Vietnamese (Spratt and Ferry 1993). These changes reflect a blurring of territorial dis- The Washington-based fleet, which operates out of sev- tinctions between the Monterey and southern California eral California ports (except San Pedro), consists pri- fleets and fisheries. Many vessels from the Monterey fleet marily of Scandinavians and Slavs who run well-equipped now also fish in southern California, and the central steel-hull vessels. In addition, while the San Pedro fleet California processors they work with have invested in depends primarily on squid and other coastal pelagic receiving, transporting, and (in some cases) processing species, many fishers from other ports participate in other capabilities in southern California to receive catch at nonlocal fisheries (e.g., Alaska salmon, San Francisco Bay those locations. A smaller number of vessels and proces- herring). Processors also vary in their social and cultural sors from southern California also participate in the cen- backgrounds, the nature and extent of vertical and hor- tral California fishery. izontal integration, and the relative importance of squid The fishery’s growth notwithstanding, it remains con- and other fisheries to their operations. These differences strained by environmental, technological, and economic underscore the need for detailed understanding of the uncertainties. It is particularly vulnerable to changing squid fishery’s participants, their social and economic re- oceanographic condtions (especially temperature), which lationships, values, perceptions, and attitudes, and how play an important role in the spawning, distribution, and all of these influence their behavior. abundance of squid (Hixon 1983). Declines in the avail- ability of squid appear to be correlated with El Niiio Management events, including the 1997-98 event (Leos 1998). As of Historically, squid fishing has been regulated by the early 1998, the southern California fishery had landed state with legislative measures that restrict the use of reduced nunibers of squid, and some fishers were con- lights to attract squid, limit days or times when fishing cerned that the same would happen at Monterey in the is allowed, and for several years prohibited the use of spring. Technological uncertainty is associated with squid purse seines in Monterey Bay (see Dewees and Price fishers’ reliance on fish-finding devices, light boats, and 1983). Current regulation includes a prohibition on the spotter planes to locate fishable aggregations.’ In addi- use of light boats in District 10 (Half Moon Bay) and a tion, once caught, squid is highly perishable, so vessels closure of the fishery &om noon Friday untd noon Sunday must have reliable refrigeration systems or be able to de- north of Point Conception (California Fish and Game liver the catch within hours of capture, and processors Code Sec. 8399.1 and 8420.5). Many of these regula- must have dependable squid pumping, cleaning, pack- tions have been prompted by harvesters or processors. ing, storage, and transport technologies. Economic un- The squid fishery has not been regulated under a fed- certainties affect both supply and demand in the fishery. eral fishery management plan (FMP), but it was taken For example, according to one squid processor, the into consideration in the development of the 1994 Coastal growth in international demand for squid has been damp- Pelagic Species (CPS, i.e., northern , Pacific sar- ened by recent downturns in Asian markets.“’ dine, and Pacific and jack mackerel) FMP. Specifically, It is even more important, perhaps, that heterogene- the FMP would have allowed squid landings to count ity within the fishery persists, and includes fundamen- toward vessel landings requirements for qualification to tal social, cultural, and economic difl-erences within participate in the CPS fishery. The rationale for doing and among ports. The San Pedro fleet consists primar- this was linked to the fishery’s close ecological, economic, ily of traditional Slav, Italian, and Portuguese skippers; and social ties to the CPS fisheries (CPS FMP Develop- older, wooden-hull seiners and gear; and large (about ment Team 1993a, b; Thomson et al. 1994). Although the CPS FMP was canceled in early 1996, it has been revived as of early 1998.

“Industry members expect many new entrants in 1998 following the passage of SB 364. ‘According to some squid fishers, seining for squid can be especially dangerous for those accustomed to seining for finfish. Squid respond differently in the net “Jacobson and Thomson (1993) note the changing ethnic composition of crews and can shift a vessel’s balance quickly, thereby increasing the risk of capsizing. in their analysis of ethnicity, opportunity cost, and decisions to fish for northern ”The nature, extent, and seriousness of recent downturns in Asian markets for anchovy. They highlight fundamental social and cultural differences between California market squid will be explored as part of our Sea Grant-sponsored “traditional” European-American and increasingly ethnically mixed crews, and study of the fishery. See Moo (1998) and Ess (1998) for discussions of interna- the implications of these differences and changes for the organization and con- tional markets for squid and other marine species caught by U.S. fishers. duct of the fishery.


As the fishery continued to grow, members of the in- sors used to adapt to changing conditions in the fishery? dustry called for scientific, regulatory, and managerial at- Where are vessels, fishers, and processors based? What tention to the fishery, citing concerns about its biological is the nature and extent of their geographical mobility and economic sustainability. Opponents argued that there in terms of the squid fishery and in terms of other fish- was no evidence of a resource problem, and therefore eries? How have these spatial factors and relationships there was no need for regulating the fishery. The CDFG changed over time? agreed that a resource problem was not evident, but We will address these questions in our recently initi- noted that it had insufficient information to make a clear ated study of the California market squid fishery. The determination. (These positions and arguments are more study’s objectives are (1) to characterize the changing complex, but are beyond the scope of this paper.) In practices and institutions in the California market squid 1997, the California Legislature passed SB 364 (Sher), fishery; (2) to determine the relationship between fish- instituting a $2,500 permit requirement for fishing ves- ers’ and processors’ dependence on the fishery and their sels and light boats to participate in the squid fishery, fishing and processing strategies; and (3) to ascertain the with the funds to be used to support a three-year pro- spatial patterns, linkages, and developing relationships gram of research on the resource and the fishery (CFG between the central and southern California fisheries. Code Sec. 8420-8429). In the two-year project, we will examine the chang- ing (social, cultural, and economic) relations of produc- Social and Economic Information Needs tion, adaptation, and flexibility within the industry, as Fishery management in the form of regulations gov- well as resource dependence. We will collect and ana- erning human use of fishery resources is often directed lyze data through a combination of archival (background toward fisheries in biological crisis or subject to multi- documentary) research; observation of fishing, process- ple-use conflict. With a lack of clear evidence of bio- ing, and other industry activities; and interviews with logical crisis or multiple-use conflict in the squid fishery, industry participants and others knowledgeable about why think about regulating squid now? From a social the fishery. Using this information, we will compare the science perspective, the interest emerges from local present fishery with that of the past; the social and eco- knowledge of the observed rapid changes in the fish- nomic institutions which organize the fishery within and ery, placed in comparative perspective with recollections among fishing areas and landing ports; and this fishery of other cases where such rapid change led to resource with other fisheries. The proposed research will give re- decline or economic hardship (e.g., the fishery; source managers and industry participants systematic doc- PCFFA 1996). It is not clear that squid can reasonably umentation of the fishery as a human enterprise. This be compared to other fisheries. What is more important information can be integrated with existing and new in- is the articulation of concerns about the social and eco- formation on the nature and condition of the resource nomic, as well as biological, sustainability of the fishery. to contribute to the design and implementation of ef- The suggestion that squid receive regulatory considera- fective resource management. tion now-before apparent biological or socioeconomic crisis-is unusual in fisheries, and may provide a rare op- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS portunity to develop management that is more appro- We thank the California Seafood Council (CSC), the priate and workable than it would be if action were California Department of Fish and Game, and CalCOFI deferred until a time of crisis. organizers for enabling our participation in this sympo- In addition to the biological and ecological questions sium, and appreciate the input and support received from about squid, industry participants and resource managers the CSC, CDFG, the National Marine Fisheries Service, have articulated many questions about the fishery’s so- and industry members in our efforts to develop the proj- cial and economic organization. For example: What are ect and secure funding from California Sea Grant. We the vessel, crew, and work configurations in the squid also thank Cindy Thomson and Andy Fisher for help- fishery? What are the social, cultural, and economic re- ful feedback on earlier drafts of this paper. lationships between harvesters and processors? How and The Sea Grant project is being funded by grant num- why have these characteristics, configurations, relation- ber NA66RG0477 from the National Sea Grant College ships, and institutions changed over time? For which or Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- what types of vessel configurations, processing opera- tration, U.S. Department of Commerce, project num- tions, or individuals is the squid fishery the (or a) pri- ber R/MA-39 through the California Sea Grant College mary fishery in both economic and social terms? What System, and in part by the California State Resources other fisheries do fishers and processors participate in? Agency. The views expressed herein are those of the au- How is participation in these fisheries coordinated in thors and do not necessarily reflect those of NOAA or time and space? What strategies have fishers and proces- any of its subagencies.


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