22A bus time schedule & line map

22A Balderton - View In Website Mode

The 22A bus line (Balderton - Grantham) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Claypole: 3:40 PM (2) Grantham: 7:46 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 22A bus station near you and nd out when is the next 22A bus arriving.

Direction: Claypole 22A bus Time Schedule 27 stops Claypole Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:40 PM Walton Academy, Grantham Kitty Briggs Lane, Grantham Tuesday 3:40 PM

Bethesda Hall, Grantham Wednesday 3:40 PM

Belvoir Avenue, Grantham Thursday 3:40 PM Friday 3:40 PM Screwx, Grantham Harlaxton Road, Grantham Saturday Not Operational

Earleseld Lane, Grantham

Esso Filling Station, Grantham 22A bus Info Bus Station, Grantham Direction: Claypole Stops: 27 Kesteven & Grantham School, Grantham Trip Duration: 55 min Line Summary: Walton Academy, Grantham, St Mary's School, Grantham Bethesda Hall, Grantham, Belvoir Avenue, Grantham, Screwx, Grantham, Earleseld Lane, Grantham, Esso Filling Station, Grantham, Bus Station, Gorse Rise, Grantham Grantham, Kesteven & Grantham School, Grantham, St Mary's School, Grantham, Gorse Rise, Grantham, Wyndham Park School, Grantham Wyndham Park School, Grantham, Slate Mill Place, Grantham, The King's School, Grantham, New Street, Slate Mill Place, Grantham Grantham, Eden House Hotel, Grantham, Playing Slate Mill Place, Grantham Fields, Grantham, Cliffe Avenue, Gonerby Hill Foot, Orchard Close, Gonerby Hill Foot, The Knoll, Great The King's School, Grantham Gonerby, Primary School, Great Gonerby, Post Oce, Great Gonerby, The Reindeer Ph, , New Street, Grantham Village Hall, Long Bennington, Council Houses, Westborough, Claypole Lane, , Village Eden House Hotel, Grantham Hall, Claypole, Gretton Close, Claypole

Playing Fields, Grantham Gonerby Road, Grantham

Cliffe Avenue, Gonerby Hill Foot

Orchard Close, Gonerby Hill Foot The Knoll, Great Gonerby

Primary School, Great Gonerby

Post Oce, Great Gonerby High Street, Great Gonerby

The Reindeer Ph, Long Bennington Pinfold Court, Long Bennington Civil Parish

Village Hall, Long Bennington Great North Road, Long Bennington Civil Parish

Council Houses, Westborough

Claypole Lane, Dry Doddington

Village Hall, Claypole

Gretton Close, Claypole Direction: Grantham 22A bus Time Schedule 23 stops Grantham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:46 AM Gretton Close, Claypole Tuesday 7:46 AM Village Hall, Claypole Wednesday 7:46 AM Claypole Lane, Dry Doddington Thursday 7:46 AM

Council Houses, Westborough Friday 7:46 AM

Village Hall, Long Bennington Saturday Not Operational Great North Road, Long Bennington Civil Parish

The Reindeer Ph, Long Bennington

Post Oce, Great Gonerby 22A bus Info High Street, Great Gonerby Civil Parish Direction: Grantham Stops: 23 Primary School, Great Gonerby Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Gretton Close, Claypole, Village Hall, The Knoll, Great Gonerby Claypole, Claypole Lane, Dry Doddington, Council Houses, Westborough, Village Hall, Long Bennington, The Reindeer Ph, Long Bennington, Post Oce, Orchard Close, Gonerby Hill Foot Great Gonerby, Primary School, Great Gonerby, The Knoll, Great Gonerby, Orchard Close, Gonerby Hill Cliffe Avenue, Gonerby Hill Foot Foot, Cliffe Avenue, Gonerby Hill Foot, Playing Fields, Grantham, Eden House Hotel, Grantham, Premier Playing Fields, Grantham Court, Grantham, The King's School, Grantham, Kesteven & Grantham School, Grantham, Bus Eden House Hotel, Grantham Station, Grantham, Esso Filling Station, Grantham, Earleseld Lane, Grantham, Kfc Drive Thru, Premier Court, Grantham Grantham, Belvoir Avenue, Grantham, Bethesda Hall, Broad Street, Grantham Grantham, Walton Academy, Grantham

The King's School, Grantham Albion Place, Grantham

Kesteven & Grantham School, Grantham

Bus Station, Grantham William Street, Grantham

Esso Filling Station, Grantham

Earleseld Lane, Grantham

Kfc Drive Thru, Grantham Springeld Road, Grantham

Belvoir Avenue, Grantham

Bethesda Hall, Grantham

Walton Academy, Grantham Kitty Briggs Lane, Grantham 22A bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved