MINUTES of the 46Th MEETING of the CABE (MAR, 8-9, 1991)

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MINUTES of the 46Th MEETING of the CABE (MAR, 8-9, 1991) MINUTES OF THE 46th MEETING OF THE CABE (MAR, 8-9, 1991) 353.8225 IND - I D6607 'Kinu-tes of the 46th meetiing of the Central Acv;-.^ory E a r -. of Education (CAEE) held at Convention Hall, JmLa Harnaarf Nagar, New Delhi~-6 2 on 8--9^March, 1991_. __ ____ The 46th meeting o±f the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABS) was helci at the Jamie Hamdard University, New Delhi on March 8-9, 11991 under the Chairmanship of Shri Rajrnangal Pande, M i n i s t e r of Human Resource Developm ent. 2. list Of participants is furnished in Annexure-I . '3. 3hri Anil Bordia, Education Secretary, welcomed the member.? of the Beard'and invitees to the meeting. He expressed regret at the cielay in convening the- meeting of the Doird, despite several efforts during the last l1/2 years. He thanked the prrevious Chairmen Sllri P Shivshankar and Shri. Ch.iJB«f}bbai Mehta and the outgoing members of the Board for their contributions. He gave a brief resume of the discussions held at fclve meeting of the Education Secretaries and Directore: held on 7th March, 1991. He then outlined the business listed for the meeting of the Board and introduced briefly tJke Agenda items (Annexure- II). He thanked the Vice-Chancellor, -the Sarnia namdar^l University for making available the excellent facilities on the campus for the CAE32 m eeting. T h e re a fte r, he i n v i ­ ted the Cnairrrtan to deliver his inaugural address. 4. • In his address, Shrri Rajmangal Pande, Union-Minis.ter of Human Resource Development, highlighted--.the policy initiatives undertaken in recent years,to extend the benefits of education-to weaker sections of the society and to rural areas. He imade special mention o.f the i . •. ‘ • scheme of Navodaya VidyaLayas which was designed to.;.nu»Cure' rur-jl te. lent. He commenci^d the practice adopted by Nave *5 ay a to migrate a fixced percentage of students of Class IX and above to different linguistic regions~*of NIEPA DC the country. Such migration promotes national i n teg r a a - r er a ~ tion. He appealed to all the States and Lnion Terri to ;>rtc tor: to give a big push to the adult literacy programmes, a?.s £ as illiteracy is a national shame and an obstacle to the nation1 s advancement. He expatiated on the need for we- v va education for all-round development of personality, fooif<for promoting values such as India's common cultural herittei'ita; secularism, communal hariw-ny, removal of social barrilerrrrie and egalitarianism. He expressed his great appreciati.icititioi of the role of CABE, which comprises eminent educationjnio.oni: and Ministers in charge of Education. He concluded hiii hhis address by calling upon the august body to ' meaningfullLl'alrlly discuss th® items and to offer advice to the Central and State Governments. The address of Shri RaRa P Raj mangal Pande, Union M i n i s t e r of Human Resource DeVelo£o£leloprri as c ir c u la t e d at the m e e tin g , is appended at Annei£ure-e-rere-I 5. On conclusion of the inaugural address of the ; Chairman, Minister of Education (P&S),. Government of V- f We Bengal raised his doubts about the desirability of holoih'hold the meeting of CABE at the present juncture. The polijloo olit situation was fluid, he said, and the Eighth Plan and ida.n,nd t Central Budget were yet to be finalised. That apart, ;,rt't, a decision has to be taken on the recommendations of theth t the Report c f the Committee fo r Review of NPE, 1986 (Acha"ncch:haryi Ramamurti Committee). All these have a vital bearing ncir.ng o the agenda items listed for the meeting. While some e mae member-: concurred with this view, a large number made deaade a plea for the meeting to proceed as scheduled. The Minister cf Higher Education, Bihar called for prompt ip'imjnpt c o n s ia e r a d o ii of the A ch arya Ramamurti Committee Repo.jp^epporii i In response, the Chairrnan assured that due consideratjrasr-ratic; would be given to the Acharya Ramamurti Committee Repfte RRepo} Union Education Secretary explained the position obtaining in regard to the Report. He recalled that atnaat NPE 1986 was formulated after a great deal of consultulsuultai tion; it was adopted by the CABE, considered in a . • ^-^ •c specially convened meeting of the National Development Council and was finally approved by both Houses of Parliament. Acharya Ramamurti Committee submitted its report to the Government on 26 December, 1990. The Committee made several recomrnendationc ranging across the whole educational spectrum. The normal procedure adopted to process reports of committees is to constitute an Empowered Committee of officials to examine the recommendations made by such a Committee. Keeping in view the importance of the Ramamurti Committee Report and since education is a concurrent subject, it was felt that it would be better if the matter was considered by a CABE Committee which includes State Education Ministers as well as eminent educationists. Education Secretary said that the Chairman, CABE had decided that rather than goinc ahead with constitution of the Committee he should be guided by the CABE as to how the Report should be processed. Therefore, the entire matter regarding action on Ramamurti Committee Report was before consideration cf the C/-JE. The consensus that emerged after discussions was to constitute a CABE Committee to examine the Report and tc go ahead with the business nr. scheduled. 6. The minutes of the 45th meeting of CABE were confirmed. ’ 7. thereafter, the agenda items were taken up for discussion in the plenary session. The written texts of the speeches of the Education Ministers are appended at Annexure-IV. Some of the salient issues touched upon by the Education Ministers and by the members of the CABE during the plenary’' session on 8th March are outlined b e lo w . ' 8. The Education Minister (Higher Education), Bihar stated that universities in Bihar are passing through a severe financial crisis. There were practical prcblorv’.s; ; in raising fees. He desired that a Rural University should be set up in Bihar. The State Government has already set up the Malanda Open University. fie regretted:! 1 that in spite of the requests cf the State Government the 2 ; Central Government has not established a Central Universi.t.ty in Bihar. He desired that either the Patna University bee 3 converted into a Central University or a new Central 9. The Education Minister (Elementary -Education), Bi'narr,', listed the measures taken by the State Government to promote national integration among the school children. He stated that a common prayer had been introduced for children of all communities to remove communal tension. He urged that sioecial attention should be paid to education of tribal s. 10. The Education Minister (Secondary Education), Uttar Pradesh, sought higher allocation of funds for the educational programmes in the State, particularly for Non formal Education and Adult Education. Education policy should be such that the standard and quality of education are of high order; the policy should instil in the students a spirit cf discipline, self-reliance and n a t i o n a l integration, He suggested that there should be mr re interaction erncna the members of the CABE and that they should be kept abreast of the developments in e d u c a t io n „ 11. Education Minister (Mass Education Extension), West Bengal, referred to the Adult Education Programme and the Mass Campaigns in the State particularly in districts of Burdwan, Hooghly, Birbhum, Bankura, Cooch Behar and Midnapur. He said that 15 lakh illiterates had been made literates in Midnapur district alone. He further stated that the school students were being involved in the programme. Me also informed the Board tiat the West Bengal Government was trying to reorganise tie l-Teriformal Education Programme with the involvement of local bodies end Panchayati Raj institutions in the existing socio-economic framework. He also stressed the need for involvement of local bodies and Panchayat insti­ tutions in educational planning and management. 12. Education Minister, Sikkim enumerated the various steps taken by the Government of Sikkim to provide education. He suggested that the block should be the basic unit for teacher training instead of districts. He also pleaded that, a scbcol for the development of Bhutia, Lepcha and Limbec- languages should be established. He further stated that the needs of the State must be taken into account to modify particular schemes if it suited the State's needs. The central assistance should not be limited only to a plan period but should continue fDr a period of ten years. 13. Education Minister, Orissa wanted Central assis­ tance for the construction of school buildings and funds f:r the upgradatien of primary to secondary schools and tie strengthening of teaching of science and mathematics. • 14. Education Minister, Kerala expressed the need for construction of school buildings in his State. He noted chat the Central Government sought to tap external funding for basic education? such funds should be made available to Kerala also. He also made a plea for carrying forward funds under the World Bank assisted project for technical education from one year to the next year. He informed the CABE that Kerala would be fully literate by ^pril/ 1991. This statement was widely welcom ed. 6 15. Education Minister, t;adhya Pradesh referred tc the developments in the field of education in the otate in spite of acute financial constraints.
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