Chapter 5. St Katherine by the Tower
153 Chapter 5. St Katherine by the Tower The Royal Peculiar of the Hospital of St Katherine by the Tower has long suffered a bad reputation. In a 1601 House of Commons debate over its fate, Sir Stephen Soame, a member for London, called the liberty ‘the very sink of Sin, the Nursery of naughty and lewd People, the Harbour of Rogues, Theeves, and Beggars, and maintainer of idle Persons.’1 In the 1603 edition of his Survey of London, John Stow described St Katherine’s only slightly more charitably as ‘pestered with small tenements, and homely cottages, having inhabitants, English and strangers, more in number then in some cities in England.’2 Modern scholars have tended to accept Soame and Stow’s characterisations as accurate, and St Katherine’s has generally been treated as typical of London’s early modern liberties. Valerie Pearl uses it as an example of the ‘social ills, bad sanitation, vagrancy and disorder’ that characterised the liberties, and John McMullan describes it as ‘a low haunt of sailors and mariners’ that ‘catered to the whoring craft.’3 St Katherine’s, however, was not a typical liberty. The ancient hospital on which the precinct’s franchises rested was the only religious foundation in the capital to survive unaltered into Mary’s reign.4 Still, it is clear that both contemporaries and later writers considered the hospital’s survival little reason to separate St Katherine’s from the other jurisdictional enclaves around London. The survival of St Katherine’s hospital inspired a series of antiquarian studies between 1782 and 1878.
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