Geology of Tlie Rodeo Greek N and Eureka Cbunty, Nevada
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Geology of tlie Rodeo Greek N and Eureka-.-.-, ..-.' *.":. -.Cbunty, '.: '' .-J- ' ,>. ;'.: / ' y -- ..'Nevada ..;. G t d L o Wi c A L s v IE Y BULLETIN 1473 Geology of the Rodeo Creek NE and Welches Canyon Quadrangles, Eureka County, Nevada flv JAMES G. EVANS G K () 1, () <; I C A I, S U R V E Y BULLETIN 1473 I'M'IKI) SIAIKS (IOVKRNMKN'1 1 I'KIN'I'INC OFFICE. tt'ASHIXC'FON : 1SWIP UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Evans, James George, 1938- Geology of the Rodeo Creek NE and Welches Canyon quadrangles, Eureka County, Nevada. Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 19.3:1^73 1. Geology--Nevada Eureka Co. I. Title. II. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Bulletin ; 1^73, QE75.B9 no. 1^73 [QE138.E8] 557.3s [557.93'32] 80-607 llj-2 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. 20402 CONTENTS Page Abstract --_-___---_--_-_-_-___-__'__-_-____-___-_-_--_--_-__--_-----_----..- 1 Introduction -_-__-..__-_-__-_.__-___-_.___-___-.-_-_-_---_-__------_-_____ 2 Location and geologic interest ------------------------------------------ 2 Previous work ...__.___.__.___--____.________.________________--_-____ 3 Acknowledgments-_-____-______-___._._-_____._.__-____-_____--_-__-_-_ 3 General statigraphy of Paleozoic rocks ---------------------------------- 4 Descriptions of the Paleozoic rocks ------------------------------------------ 5 Carbonate (eastern) assemblage _-______-___-__________--__-__----____-- 5 Hamburg Dolomite ------------------------------------------------ 5 Pogonip Group __---___-_---_-_--__-_.-_-_-___-_-_-_-__-----_-__-__- 6 Eureka Quartzite -------------------------------------------------- 11 Hanson Creek Formation -_-_-..______-_.._-_._-_.___-_---_-_-_-_-- 14 Roberts Mountains Formaton ______________________________________ 18 Popovich Formation _.__________.___.___....________.______-._._-___ 26 Silurian and Devonian limestone undifferentiated-------------------- 33 Epithermally altered Silurian and Devonian limestone __.______-_.__ 37 Siliceous (western) assemblage------------.--------.---------.-------..--- 39 Transitional assemblage------------------------------------------------ 47 Geological summary of Paleozoic rocks ---------------------------------- 47 Igneous rocks --_----___-_-_-_____--_--___--_--_____-_-_--____---_--__-._--- 55 Basalt --------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Cretaceous granodiorite -_-_-___-_--____-_.-____-____-____-_--_-__----__ 56 Quartz monzonite ------------------------------------------------------ 57 Rhyodacite __-_..____-__-__--_--_-_-_____.___.-___._______.--_-_____-___ 60 Andesite --------___..__..._....._._....____-------_.... 60 Tertiary granodiorite ---_-_-_-_--_-_____--_-_._._____.___-_-_---__._.__ 62 Quartz latite ---_------.__.__------._..-----...._._.__.__ -__-._._.--_ 63 Intrusive breccia __----__._._-___-.-_-_____-_..____-_____--______._-___ 64 Pyroclastic rocks --________--_--_-_____.-._________._..._________--..__.__- 67 Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary rocks and deposits -------------------- 70 Carlin Formation .___._-..___..._._.___._____________.___._._____._.__. 70 Siltstone -------------------------------------------------------------- 71 Fanglomerate.--_---------.--------_----_---_---_-----------------_---- 71 Landslide deposits ---__--_-_-_-_-.__._-._______-__.__-____----___.____ 72 Alluvium----__-----____.___--_-___-__________-.. 72 Structural geology -------_-_...___-___.___._..________....______-_...._.__ 72 References ci ted _---__-.-_____-___..__._________._..._._._._.-____._______._ 78 ILLL'SIRAIIONS PLATE 1. Geologic map of the Rodeo Creek NE quadrangle, Nevada --In pocket 2. Geologic map of the Welches Canyon quadrangle, Nevada __In pocket HI IV CONTENTS FIGURE 1. Index map of study area in north-central Nevada ....... 2 2. Stratigraphic column showing Paleozoic rocks of Lynn Window, Rodeo Creek NE and Welches Canyon quadrangles ....... 5 3. Diagrammatic stratigraphic sections of Pogonip Group showing position of fossil collections ..... ......... ...... ...... 8 4. Photograph of typical exposure of dark-gray thick-bedded Hanson Creek Formation --_____._.-_-._..._._._...-._...-.-... .. 16 5. Columnar section of Hanson Creek Formation showing positions of fossil collections-----_---.-.--..........-.-...-.. ........... .. 20 6. Photograph of typical exposure of Roberts Mountains Formation 21 7. Photograph of metamorphosed Roberts Mountains Formation . 24 8. Columnar section of Roberts Mountains Formation showing po sitions of fossil collections -.-_--.__-__--.-.---.-.-.-.- ....... 27 9. Photograph of intraformational breccia in Popovich Formation . 28 10. Columnar section of Popovich Formation showing positions of fos sil collections --------_--_-...-_-.__.-....-.-.-.- .-..._.-.._. 32 11-14. Photographs of: 11. Epithermally altered Silurian and Devonian limestone 40 12. Laminated chert, siliceous assemblage ....-.-.-.-.-.... 41 13. Typical exposure of black chert, siliceous assemblage . 42 14. Thin-bedded limestone with chert lenses, siliceous as semblage '---.---_---_..._.-__--.-.--.--.-_-..- .-.-... 43 15. Photomicrograph of intrusive breccia -.-.-----.-._--.-.---.-... 66 16. Photomicrograph of rhyolitic welded tuff ..._..-.......-....... 68 17. Photographs of Roberts Mountains thrust in main pit at Carlin goldmine -.---_---. --_----_--._-.-.-.--.._.-.-.-....-..... 74 18. Photograph of Richmond Mountain thrust -.-.-.--..-.-._..... 75 19. Equal-area diagram of 73 fold axes from the siliceous assemblage 76 20. Equal-area diagram of 300 poles to bedding in carbonate as semblage rocks on Richmond Mountain ..__-._.-.-._._..._. 77 21. Photograph of West Lynn thrust .............................. 78 TABLKS TABLE 1. Fossils from Pogonip Group -.- ._..___...._....___..__. ___....... 10 2. Fossils from Hanson Creek Formation ........ --_.'..-._.-.__ 19 3. Graptolites from Roberts Mountains Formation .............. 25 4. Conodonts, ostracods, and brachiopods from Roberts Mountains Formation .__-----_.-_-__----_.........-...-.__.......-..... 26 5. Conodonts from Popovich Formation - ..-...-.-.---.-.-...... 34 6. Ostracods, brachiopods, and trilobites from Popovich Formation 37 7. Additional fossils collected from Popovich Formation ........ 38 8. Conodonts and ostracods from Silurian and Devonian limestone undifferentiated ....-.-..--._.-..-..-.. ... ........'.._ ... 39 9. Conodonts from limestones in siliceous assemblage ............ 46 10. Graptolithina from the siliceous assemblage ............ .... 48 11. Conodonts from the transitional assemblage .._..-...._... 50 12. Analysis of basalt from SW'/tSE'/t sec. 5. T. 33 N., R. 51 E., Welches Canyon quadrangle -..-..---.-----.-.---..-.----. 56 CONTENTS V Page TABLES 13-18. Chemical analyses and CIPW norms: 13. Cretaceous granodiorite---------------------------- 58 14. Quartz monzonite.--------------------------------- 59 15. Rhyodacite..-.-----.-.---------------------------- 61 16. Tertiary granodiorite ------------------------------ 63 17. Quartz latite -.---------------.-------------------- 65 18. Rhyolitic welded tuff .................._......_._._ 67 By JAMES G. EVANS ABSTRACT The Lynn Window in the Roberts Mountains thrust exposes 2,572 m of strata, pre dominantly carbonate rock, of Cambrian through Late Devonian age (carbonate, or eastern, assemblage). These strata include Hamburg Dolomite, Pogonip Group, Eureka Quartzite, Hanson Creek Formation, Roberts Mountains Formation, and Popovich Formation. The upper plate of the Roberts Mountains thrust is predomi nantly shale and chert (siliceous, or western, assemblage) or Ordovician and Silurian age that could represent at least 3,000 m of section. Thrust slices of an Upper Devonian limestone with abundant sand-sized clasts of quartz and chert (transitional as semblage) occur within the upper plate. The total known thickness of this limestone is 915 m. Several kinds of igneous rock intruded the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, possibly as early as Paleozoic time and as late as Tertiary. Most of the intrusions are minor. In the Cretaceous, however, granodiorite (121±5 m.y.) and quartz monzonite (106±2 m.y.) intruded Paleozoic rocks, producing large contact metamorphic aureoles. In the early Tertiary, granodiorite (37±0.8 m.y.) and quartz latite (36.6±0.7 m.y.) intruded the siliceous rocks south of the Lynn Window, producing narrow contact metamorphic aureoles. Rhyodacite flows of Cretaceous or early Tertiary age were deposited on the Paleozoic siliceous rocks south of the Lynn Window. Rhyolitic welded tuff (14.2±3 m.y.) was deposited just west of the Lynn Window, probably contemporaneously with part of the Carlin Formation (sandstone, siltstone) of Regnier on the east side of the window. Deposits of late Tertiary and Quaternary age occur on both flanks of the window. The Antler orogeny in Late Devonian to Early Mississippian time produced the earliest deformation recorded in the area. The allochthonous siliceous and transitional assemblages were imbricated and brought into the area in the upper plate of the Roberts Mountains thrust. Large and minor folds in the allochthon are predominantly gently plunging to the north-northeast and south-southwest. During this episode, the autochthonous carbonate assemblage was severely deformed by thrusting. In the late Paleozoic or Mesozoic the carbonate aissembage was folded into a broad asymmetric anticline plunging