Red Purge Spreads in Czech
5,000 County Scouts Stage Oceanport Fair SEE PAGE 15 Sunny, Mild Mostly sunny and mild to FINAL day. Clear and cool tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Partly cloudy tomorrow. Long Branch EDITION (Sea Details, Fata 2> 1 JMonmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years /OL. 93, NO. 65 RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1969 26 PAGES Register Invites Candidates to Debate Issues KED BANK — The Daily issues, with an opportunity liam T. Cahill and former state Unfair Advertising and Register today invited the for county newsmen to ques- Democratic Gov. Robert B. Packaging Study Commission four candidates in the coas- tion them, the candidates Meyner, for the 10-debate se- because he owns two super- tal district 5B Assembly con* and Sen. Beadleston would ries they had scheduled, markets, opposed legislation test to meet face-to-face in enlighten the voters and "Their example should be mandating transparent pack- the newspaper's conference serve the public interest. followed at all levels of the aging of meat, and because room for a full discussion of Ask Reporters campaign," the Register his legislative aide, James the controversial issues in To assure that the inter- says. Neilland, is executive direc- their battle for election. views reach as many .voters Radio Station WRLB-FM tor of the N. J. Food Coun- The invitation is to Assem- as possible, the Register al- offered the district 5B candi- cil, an organization of super- blymen Joseph Azzolina and so invited newsmen from dates a half-hour last Friday market owners which has lob- James M.
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