Inside: l Ukrainian Canadian women take lead role in Canadian politics – page 3 l Statements at the Holodomor Memorial dedication – page 9 l Photo report: Dedication of the Holodomor Memorial – centerfold

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXIII No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 $2.00 Over 5,000 witness dedication of Holodomor Memorial in Washington

Yaro Bihun Patriarch Sviatoslav of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Patriarch Filaret of the Christine Syzonenko Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Patriarchate and Metropolitan Antony of the The newly dedicated Holodomor Memorial in Washington. Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., lead the blessing of the Holodomor Memorial.

by Roma Hadzewycz er Larysa Kurylas called “Field of Wheat.” The memorial was blessed by Patriarch WASHINGTON – Thousands of Ukrainians Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv from across the United States traveled to Patriarchate, Patriarch Sviatoslav of the Washington for the dedication and blessing of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and the long-awaited Holodomor Memorial on Metropolitan Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Saturday, November 7. Church of the U.S.A. The blessing was viewed by They came on charter buses, in private cars and the masses gathered at Columbus Circle near the via all modes of public transportation from capital’s historic Union Station, where a huge Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, screen transmitted images of the religious rite. Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Before and after the memorial’s blessing, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and beyond, including there were speeches at Columbus Circle, where , to bear witness to a genocide long con- dignitaries were seated on a raised platform cealed from the world: the Holodomor that and a jumbotron was erected to allow all to see killed millions of Ukrainians in 1932-1933 on the proceedings at the podium, as well as at the the orders of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. site of the Holodomor Memorial, which could “Famine-Genocide in . In memory of not accommodate the huge number of attend- the millions of innocent victims of a man-made ees. The huge screen also allowed organizers to famine in Ukraine engineered and implemented air video messages from a number of prominent by Stalin’s totalitarian regime.” That is the sim- individuals who could not attend, among them Tamara Olexy ple inscription on Washington’s newest memo- A view of the crowd watching the dedication ceremonies at Columbus Circle rial, a stunning work of art by architect/design- near Union Station. (Continued on page 14) Several days of events in D.C. devoted to Holodomor

by Yaro Bihun the main hall of Union Station. Titled The exhibit also showed a collection of mental in getting Congress to pass legisla- “National Holodomor – Genocide by books and pamphlets about the tion allowing the building of the memorial WASHINGTON – The dedication of the Famine,” it enlightened visitors about how Holodomor – including Robert Conquest’s in Washington. Ukrainian Holodomor Memorial in Stalin brought about this horrendous “Harvest of Sorrow” – and a video of Following Saturday’s main memorial Washington on Saturday, November 7, crime against the Ukrainian people and Slavko Nowytski’s documentary film dedication ceremony, there was another was not a single-day event in front of the humanity. “Harvest of Despair.” reception, this time at the Embassy of U.S. capital’s Union Station and the nearby Organized by Andrij Chornodolskyj, and To help fund the exhibit, there was a Ukraine, attended by Ukraine’s First Lady memorial site. It was accompanied by sev- with the help of a number of volunteer benefit reception at the Union Station’s Maryna Poroshenko – the prime dignitary eral noteworthy related events: a large guides, visitors deepened their knowledge Columbus Hall on the evening before the at the dedication – and invited guests. informative exhibit about the Holodomor, about this barbaric crime by studying the memorial dedication. Several hundred On Sunday morning, Mrs. Poroshenko special liturgies in local Ukrainian church- informative texts and photographs on generous donors from around the United also attended the special Holodomor es, two receptions and a grand concert in some 50 large panels placed in the center States and Canada attending the event memorial liturgies in two local Ukrainian one of Washington’s leading concert halls. of the station’s entrance hall. The exhibit had a chance to listen to Philadelphia’s churches – St. Andrew Ukrainian The commemoration of this historic materials, as Mr. Chornodolskyj pointed Prometheus Ukrainian Male Chorus and Orthodox Cathedral and the Ukrainian tragedy began on November 1 with the out, came from earlier Holodomor exhibits personally meet with and listen to Rep. opening of a two-week-long exhibit inside in New York and Canada. Sander Levin of Michigan, who was instru- (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46


Dzhemilev denies Russian allegations White House offers Ukraine $1 billion tioned as a witness in that case. More than 100 people were killed on and around WASHINGTON – The White House has Kyiv’s central Independence Square – of Crimean Tatars recruiting fighters for IS offered to provide a third $1 billion loan known as the Maidan – by sniper fire on guarantee to Ukraine that would be contin- ogies and we do not know who represents February 18-20, 2014. An ongoing by Idil P. Izmirli gent on the country’s continued progress what, we reiterated to them that Syria was Ukrainian investigation has not yet identi- Eurasia Daily Monitor toward eliminating corruption and reform- not their cause and that there was no need fied who was behind the attacks. Ms. ing taxes. Vice-President Joe Biden, in a In recent months, a debate arose about to become involved in this war,” said Mr. Lukash served as Ukraine’s justice minister telephone conversation with Ukrainian the formation of a Muslim Battalion in Dzhemilev. “In any case, only a handful of in 2013 and early 2014. She was dismissed President on November Ukraine (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, Crimean Tatars – approximately 30, mostly on February 27, 2014, days after 5, said the United States was ready to help September 5). This was soon followed, in members of Hizb ut-Tahrir [HuT] – went to Yanukovych was toppled from power and Ukraine, but Kyiv must first enact economic the Russian media, by rumors about the Syria, but none of them joined ISIS [Islamic fled to Russia. In February 2015, Ukraine’s reforms. The U.S. financing and a $1.7 bil- Crimean Tatar leadership’s alleged links State of Iraq and Syria – another common, procurator general requested that the lion loan disbursement from the with the Islamic State (ISIS). On October 5, though former name for the Islamic State]. Internal Affairs Ministry and Security International Monetary Fund have been the head of the State Committee of the We know for sure that they are definitely Service of Ukraine arrest Ms. Lukash on held up by squabbling between the Crimean government for International not aligned with ISIS. In fact, they are fight- suspicion of involvement in masterminding Ukrainian Parliament and the Finance Relations and Deported Citizens, Zaur ing alongside forces that are opposed to the shootings of antigovernment protest- Ministry over proposed tax cuts. Ukrainian Smirnov, claimed that after the March 2014 ISIS,” Mr. Dzhemilev affirmed (QHA, ers. In May, the Procurator General’s Office Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk warned Crimean referendum, radical Islamists fled October 23). It is worth noting that HuT filed charges in absentia against Ms. Lukash on November 4 that the near-deadlock the peninsula and relocated to the believes in establishing a global Caliphate for the alleged mismanagement of public over the level of planned tax cuts threat- Ukrainian mainland, where they immedi- first and then launching an army, whereas funds, forgery and abuse of office. Ms. ened to derail the government’s 2016 bud- ately started forming local cells to spread IS is a regional Islamic organization with Lukash said on November 6 that she was get and Western financing that is linked to their ideology (RIA Novosti, October 9). state-like structures and an already existing certain her friends would deposit her bail it. Lawmakers want steep cuts that the And just days after Mr. Smirnov’s com- army (Idil P. Izmirli, “Fragmented Islam and and that the court would ultimately acquit Finance Ministry says are not sustainable. ments, on October 9, Crimea’s Deputy Inter-Ethnic Conflict in Crimea,” George her of the corruption charges. She also said “We now have many allies in the West and Prime Minister Ruslan Balbek alleged that Mason University, January 13, 2013) she considered the court order for her these allies will stand with us so long as we the leadership of the Mejlis (the represen- When it comes to the Muslim Battalion, arrest to be unfounded. (RFE/RL Ukrainian show political will, responsibility and the tative body of the Crimean Tatars in Mr. Dzhemilev stated that the idea first Service, with reporting by the Associated unchanging nature of our goals and values Ukraine) had begun recruiting volunteers came out of conversations with young Press, Interfax and UNIAN) as we carry out reform,” he said. “We must to join the Islamic State. According to Mr. Crimean Tatars who want to serve in the all speak in one language.” (RFE/RL, with Korban transferred to house arrest Balbek, the goal was to have these IS mili- Ukrainian army but hesitate to do so reporting by Reuters) tants later return to Ukraine and then join because the army uses pork and pork prod- KYIV – A Ukrainian court has ordered the Ukrainian Muslim Battalion. Once back ucts in its rations and meals. Second, “there Ex-justice minister arrested house arrest for Ukrop party leader in Ukraine, these former IS fighters could is no Muslim chaplain/imam in the Hennadiy Korban until December 31. Kyiv’s capitalize on their experience fighting in Ukrainian Armed Forces, and I doubt that KYIV – A Ukrainian court on November Pecherskyi district court issued the ruling the Middle East to help the government in they will hire one for a handful of Crimean 6 ordered the arrest of former Justice on November 6. Mr. Korban’s lawyer, Kyiv recapture Crimea. Mr. Balbek specifi- Tatar soldiers,” Mr. Dzhemilev argued. Minister Olena Lukash on corruption Oksana Tomchuk, said the court’s decision cally accused long-time Crimean Tatar lead- “There was a need for some sort of a battal- charges, a day after she was detained in would be “most likely” appealed. Mr. er Mustafa Dzhemilev of such subversive ion to reinforce Ukrainian presence in the connection with an investigation into dead- Korban, 45, was initially detained on activities because he is purportedly sur- Kherson region and to protect Crimean ly Maidan shootings of February 2014. The October 31 on suspicion of involvement in rounded by these particular radical groups Tatars who had to move out of Crimea to charges against Ms. Lukash include misap- organized crime, embezzlement and kid- in mainland Ukraine (, October this region after the annexation. When we propriation of state funds worth about $2.5 napping, and released 72 hours later as 9). brought these issues to the President of million, as well as forgery and abuse of her prosecutors failed to issue an arrest war- In an interview with the Crimean news Ukraine [Petro Poroshenko], he authorized office. The November 6 arrest order by rant against him. He was detained again on agency QHA, Mr. Dzhemilev denounced all the formation of a Muslim Battalion within Kyiv’s Pecherskyi District Court granted November 3 after investigators obtained allegations of the Crimean Tatar leader- the Ukrainian Army, fully subordinated to her the possibility of paying bail of 5.1 mil- some more “evidence” of his alleged ship’s recruitment efforts on behalf of the the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. Again, this lion hrv ($221,000 U.S.) within the next five “involvement into a number of crimes.” Islamic State. And he denied any plans to had nothing to do with ISIS or radical days. Prosecutor Vladislav Kutsenko says Ukrop activists say Mr. Korban, a former benefit from returning IS militants’ combat Islam,” he noted (QHA, October 23). Ms. Lukash was not being charged in con- deputy governor of the Dnipropetrovsk experience in a future Ukrainian Muslim Over the course of last two weeks, this nection with the Maidan shootings during Oblast, is being harassed for political rea- Battalion in order to destabilize Crimea. author carried out her own interviews with opposition protests in 2014 that brought sons. Mr. Korban’s party, the Ukrainian “These could not be further than the truth. individuals in Ukraine. And the vast majori- down the pro-Russian government of then- Union of Patriots (known as Ukrop), was Lies work well in conflicts; one small lie ty of Crimean Tatars also deny such charg- President Viktor Yanukovych. However, Mr. ignites like a small twig, which then es of any connections to the Islamic State. Kutsenko said Ms. Lukash was being ques- (Continued on page 12) spreads like wild fire,” he stated (QHA, At present, they are solely focused on their October 23). peninsular homeland’s return to Ukraine According to Mr. Dzhemilev, in the midst and the national territorial autonomy that of the Syrian war, a handful of Crimean was promised to them by Foreign Affairs he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 Tatars were interested in going to Syria, but Minister Pavlo Klimkin during the Second T U W the Crimean Tatar leadership repeatedly World Congress of Crimean Tatars (, An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., reminded them not to violate Ukrainian August 1). Because of their religious affilia- a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. laws. “Because the opposition in Syria is Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. made of diverse forces with different ideol- (Continued on page 7) Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. (ISSN — 0273-9348) The Weekly: UNA: Ukraine Caucus urges House Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Postmaster, send address changes to: The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz to investigate downing of MH17 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas WASHINGTON – House Ukraine Caucus investigation. P.O. Box 280 Chairs Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Michael “The report makes it clear that the Buk Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), Sander Levin (D-Mich.) is a Soviet, and later Russian-made, medi- and 18 other Ukraine Caucus members, on um range, mobile weapon system. We urge The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: November 2 sent a bipartisan letter to the the committee to examine the circumstanc- chair and ranking member of the House es surrounding the crash of flight MH17, The Ukrainian Weekly, November 15, 2015, No. 46, Vol. LXXXIII Foreign Affairs Committee urging the full with particular attention to communication Copyright © 2015 The Ukrainian Weekly committee to hold a hearing investigating of Russia-backed rebel groups,” the mem- the circumstances surrounding the crash of bers wrote to Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). and Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.). ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA The Dutch Safety Board, conducting its own official investigation, recently released The full text of the letter from the House Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 Ukraine Caucus may b e read at: http:// and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 findings on the crash that implicate a mis- e-mail: [email protected] sile launched from a Russian Buk missile documents/UKR%20Caucus%20Letter%20 Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 system. Russia has blocked attempts by the e-mail: [email protected] United Nations to pursue a more complete to%20HFAC.pdf. No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 3

Ukrainian Canadian women take lead role in Canadian politics

by Christopher Guly out details quickly. She will need those Alberta riding of Edmonton-Spruce Grove will live across the street (Sussex Drive) Special to The Ukrainian Weekly skills. The recently released final version of until this year, when she was re-elected in from one another, and it’s possible their the TPP numbers more than 6,000 pages. the newly named Edmonton-area riding of neighborliness could extend beyond their OTTAWA – Canada’s new prime minister, Meanwhile, Ms. Mihychuk – who said Sturgeon River-Parkland. geographic proximity to one another. liberal , unveiled a gender- “Diakuyu” (thank you in Ukrainian) to After spending her first two years as a Shortly after Conservative MPs and sen- balanced Cabinet that includes two female Janice Charette, clerk of the Privy Council, member of Parliament in the Official ators chose her over seven candidates as Ukrainian Canadian ministers. after being sworn into office on November Opposition, Ms. Ambrose was appointed their new interim leader, Ms. Ambrose sig- The new Official Opposition Leader he 4 – is set to play a role in the collective bar- environment minister when Mr. Harper naled a departure in tone and position will face in the House of Commons also is a gaining process with the federal public ser- won the 2006 federal election and formed a taken by Mr. Harper on a few key issues. woman of Ukrainian Canadian descent. vice, which had a fractious relationship minority government. She became the She said she would attend the United The two female Ukrainian Canadian par- with the Harper government. youngest female Cabinet minister in Nations climate change talks in Paris later liamentarians in Mr. Trudeau’s Cabinet are: Canada’s new employment and labor Canadian history. this month, at Mr. Trudeau’s invitation, and high-profile journalist and author Chrystia minister, and Liberal MP for the Winnipeg The environment file became one of Ms. supports the prime minister’s commitment Freeland, who made the transition from riding of Kildonon-St. Paul, has significant Ambrose’s highest-profile Cabinet jobs, and to hold an inquiry into missing and mur- opposition Liberal international trade critic experience overseeing civil servants. one of the most contentious when she was dered indigenous women and girls in to become Canada’s new International During her nine years as a member of the placed in the politically uncomfortable Canada. (Mr. Harper’s government with- Trade Minister – only the second woman in Manitoba legislature, 60-year-old Ms. position of announcing that Canada would drew Canada from the Kyoto accord almost Canadian history to hold that post; and Mihychuk served as industry, trade and not meet its greenhouse gas emission- four years ago, and he rejected calls for an MaryAnn Mihychuk, a former provincial mines minister (she’s also a geoscientist) reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol, inquiry on the latter issue.) Cabinet minister from Manitoba who now and later as intergovernmental affairs min- which former Prime Minister Jean Ms. Mihychuk’s and Ms. Freeland’s serves as Canada’s Minister of Employment, ister in Manitoba’s pro-labor New Chrétien’s Liberal government signed in appointment to Prime Minister Trudeau’s Workplace Development and Labor. Democratic Party government. 1997 and ratified in 2002. Cabinet marks a “historic first,” noted Taras Trade was a big deal for the She left the NDP and joined the federal Ms. Ambrose headed the Environment Zalusky, national executive director of the Conservatives. Under Prime Minister Liberals last year when she won the nomi- department for less than a year before she Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) in Harper’s watch, Canada concluded trade nation to run this year as the party’s candi- was shuffled into Intergovernmental Ottawa. agreements with 39 countries, including one date in Kildonon-St. Paul, where the Affairs, followed by Labor, Public Works “In the 125 years since Ukrainians first with Ukraine earlier this year. But two Liberals placed third in the last federal elec- and Government Services, and her most immigrated to Canada, the Ukrainian major trade deals await ratification: one tion four years ago. recent Cabinet posting as Health Minister. Canadian community has never had such involving the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Rona Ambrose, who held nine Cabinet When Parliament returns to business strong representation in the Federal Partnership; the other, with the 28 member portfolios in Prime Minister Stephen next month, Ms. Ambrose will take her seat Cabinet,” he said in a news release. states in the European Union. Minister Harper’s Conservative government, suc- as Opposition Leader in the House of UCC National President Paul Grod issued Freeland’s job will be to shepherd both ceeded him on November 5 as the Commons, which would have been Mr. his own statement following Ms. Ambrose’s agreements through Parliament. Conservative Party’s interim leader. Since Harper’s had he not resigned, and lead her election as Opposition leader, which along Fortunately Ms. Freeland, the Harvard the Tories will hold the second-party posi- Conservative caucus in the next parliamen- with the appointments of Ministers Freeland and Oxford-educated, 47-year-old Liberal tion in the House with 99 seats they won in tary session as its temporary leader. (The and Mihychuk is “a showcase of the talent MP for the Toronto riding of University- the October 19 federal election, 46-year-old federal Conservative Party’s constitution and intellect of Ukrainian Canadian women Rosedale, earned her stripes as a freelance Ms. Ambrose will also serve as leader of prohibits her, as interim leader, from run- elected in this Parliament.” reporter in Ukraine, later editor, with such Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition (the title ning as a candidate in the party leadership The UCC also announced that Ukrainian prominent publications as London’s makes reference to Queen Elizabeth II as race, a date for which has not yet been set.) President Petro Poroshenko was the first Financial Times, the Toronto-based Globe Canada’s head of state). However, Ms. Ambrose’s new parliamen- foreign leader to call Mr. Trudeau once he and Mail and Thomson Reuters, and as the Born Ronalee Chapchuk in Valleyview, tary role affords her some privilege. She assumed the office of Prime Minister of author of the much-talked about 2012 book, Alberta, on March 15, 1969, Ms. Ambrose gets a car with a driver, and a $80,100 Canada on November 4 and noted that the “Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global (she kept first husband Bruce Ambrose’s (about $60,000 U.S.) increase in the president had invited him to visit Ukraine. Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else,” family name) was first elected to $167,400 (about $126,000 U.S.) base salary Mr. Trudeau also reportedly assured Mr. which gave her an eye and an ability to pick Parliament in 2004 and represented the she receives as a Member of Parliament. Ms. Poroshenko that Canada would continue to Ambrose and her husband, JP Veitch, a pri- help Ukraine protect its sovereignty and vate investment businessman and former territorial integrity, as well as implement rodeo bull rider, will also live at Stornoway, “systemic internal reforms.” Sycamore above the Water,” “The the Opposition Leader’s official residence. It also turned out that the October 19 Several days... Boundless Field” and “Woe and Anguish”; (By contrast, the Prime Minister’s official Canadian election resulted in a dozen and Ms. Zaliznyak-Derzhko sang “Under (Continued from page 1) residence, which is badly in need of repairs, Ukrainian Canadian MPs, or one more than Your Protection.” remains unoccupied as Ms. Ambrose’s fel- the 11 previously reported. Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family, The Dumka Chorus (Vasyl Hrechynsky low Generation X-er, 43-year-old Mr. Conservative star candidate Dianne where Patriarch Sviatoslav of the Ukrainian conducting) concluded the 90-minute first Trudeau, his wife and three young children Watts, the former three-term mayor of Catholic Church bestowed the Order of half of the program with Myroslav Skoryk’s have chosen to live on the grounds of British Columbia’s second-largest city of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky on the “Candle” and four religious songs. Governor General David Johnston’s resi- Surrey, won the newly created British artistic designer of the Holodomor The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus (Oleh dence, Rideau Hall, in a 22-room room Columbia riding of South Surrey-White Memorial, Larysa Kurylas, and Michael Malay conducting) led off after intermis- home, called Rideau Cottage, normally occu- Rock for the Tories with 24,394 votes or Sawkiw, the head of the Holodomor sion with eight emotionally moving songs, pied by his secretary.) 1,439 votes more than the Liberal candi- Memorial committee. among them “My Testament,” “Tilled Black Prime Minister Trudeau and Opposition date, who placed second. The memorial weekend concluded on Soil,” “March of the Fallen,” “Why Have You Leader Ambrose – who have both been The 56-year-old rookie parliamentarian Sunday afternoon, November 8, in the Blackened, O Green Fields” and “The voted the “sexiest MPs” by The Hill Times is a second-generation with Ukrainian and 1,500-seat Lisner Auditorium at George Gathering Clouds.” weekly newspaper covering Parliament – Yugoslavian roots. Washington University, with “An Artistic And after violinist Solomiya Ivakhiv’s Tribute” to the Holodomor. The concert and pianist Angelina Gadeliya’s rendition of featured such long-renowned choral and Yevhen Stankovych’s “Angel’s Touch,” the musical ensembles as Detroit’s Ukrainian three-and-one-half-hour memorial concert Quotable notes Bandurist Chorus and New York’s Dumka concluded with the all the choruses, Chorus, other choral, instrumental and ensembles and soloists on stage singing Mr. “On December 20, Ukraine is supposed to pay Russia $3 billion in return for a dance groups, and instrumental and vocal Hrechynsky’s “My Country” and – with the Eurobond that Russian President Vladimir Putin issued in December 2013. Ukraine soloists performing emotionally moving audience joining in – Mykola Lysenko’s has no reason to pay. compositions by Ukrainian and other com- prayer “Almighty God” (Bozhe Velykyi “In February 2014, the Kremlin launched military aggression against Ukraine, posers that carried a special meaning in the Yedynyi). first annexing Crimea and later pursuing military subversion in southern and eastern context of the Holodomor. The performanc- The emotional theme of the Holodomor Ukraine. For more than a year, Russian-commanded troops with a mixture of volun- es repeatedly brought members of the commemorative concert was intensified teers and regular Russian soldiers have occupied 3 percent of Ukraine’s easternmost audience to their feet and tears to their with stage lighting changes on the perform- territories. eyes. ers and background. And the somber theme “Moscow’s war has caused major damage to Ukraine. Russia has not only usurped Beginning with the Chicago-based was not interrupted when the curtain was the territory of Crimea but also many enterprises, goods in storage, cash, and other Hromovytsia Dance Ensemble’s interpreta- brought down to set the stage for the next bank assets. In , Russian troops have devastated buildings, factories, tive performance of “We Shall Never performers: the auditorium remained dark, and bridges. The war has cost Ukraine at least 7 percent of GDP in lost production, Forget,” the concert continued with sopra- as the audience listened to voice-over nar- and foreign investors have been scared off. Russia has also pursued a trade war no Marta Zaliznyak-Derzhko singing rations about the Holodomor by Natalya against Ukraine, eliminating 18 percent of the country’s prior exports. Ukraine has “Mother, I Shall Soon Perish,” an excerpt Turchyn. no reason to pay such an aggressor; in fact, Russia ought to pay reparations to from the “Holodomor Memorial Requiem.” The commemorative concert was spon- Ukraine. …” The youthful Kobzarska Sich Bandura sored by the Selfreliance Ukrainian – Anders Aslund, writing on November 2 in the “New Atlanticist” blog on the Atlantic Ensemble followed with its rendition of American Federal Credit Union and its Council’s website (to read the full commentary, go to “The Wind in the Grove” and “Harvest”; foundation, and the Ukrainian Institute of blogs/new-atlanticist/ukraine-must-not-pay-russia). baritone Oleh Chmyr sang the “The America. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46 Congress passes bill authorizing lethal military aid to Ukraine RFE/RL to U.S. prisons. which eliminated an entire class of nuclear- Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Sen. But he does not appear to be threaten- capable missiles from Europe in the late Portman originally introduced his amend- WASHINGTON – Congress has passed a ing a veto on the latest bill over the 1980s. ment in June as part of his efforts to provide defense policy bill that authorizes up to Guantanamo prisoner issue. The State Department’s most recent targeted and effective military assistance to $50 million in lethal military aid for Among other things, the package appro- arms control report released in June said Ukraine as it struggles to defend itself Ukraine and mandates a White House priates $300 million to help Ukraine in its Russia was testing a missile system that against Russian aggression. response if Russia is deemed to be violat- fight against Russian-backed separatists. violated the treaty. “As Russian aggression continues in east- ing a key arms control treaty. That includes $50 million for lethal Moscow, for its part, has denied the ern Ukraine, NATO and the U.S. must pro- The White House said hours after the weaponry such as anti-armor weapon sys- allegations and accused the United States vide sustained economic, political and mili- $607 billion bill was passed by the Senate tems, mortars, grenade launchers, small of deploying banned weapons systems. tary support to enable Ukraine to secure a on November 10 that President Barack arms and ammunition. The legislation also includes $715 million democratic future,” Sen. Portman stated, Obama was likely to sign the legislation. The Obama administration has previous- for Iraqi forces battling Islamic state militants. according to a release from his office. The House of Representatives passed a ly resisted calls to provide Ukraine with * * * “These provisions will help to ensure the similar version of the bill last week. lethal aid, fearing that could provoke Russia. U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), co- U.S. is providing enough resources and Mr. Obama vetoed the previous bill over The legislation also sets a deadline for chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, com- equipment to allow Ukraine to defend provisions that forbade the White House the administration to tell Congress whether mented that key elements of his Ukraine itself. The president himself supports these from moving the remaining prisoners at Russia continues to be in violation of the security assistance amendment were provisions, and I am pleased that they will the Guantanamo Bay military base in Cuba Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty, passed by the Senate as part of the National now become law.”

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THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FORUM Advisor changes to the UNA General Assembly by Christine E. Kozak Dr. Wasyl Szeremeta, a three-term member of the UNA UNA Auditing Committee. Mr. Gavdanovich is president of UNA National Secretary Auditing Committee, resigned as auditor in order to accept UNA Branch 234 of Eatontown, N.J., and was elected as an a position on the board of directors of the Ukrainian advisor on the UNA General Assembly at the 2014 Regular PARSIPPANY, N.J. – At the 38th Regular Convention of National Foundation. Convention. the Ukrainian National Association, held in May 2014, the With a position vacated on the UNA Auditing Olya Czerkas of UNA Branch 381 of St. Petersburg, Fla., delegates attending the convention elected the UNA Committee, and as specified in the By-Laws of the and a former advisor on the UNA General Assembly, General Assembly. However, during the course of 2015, Ukrainian National Association, the Executive Committee accepted the position of advisor vacated by Mr. changes occurred in the composition of General of the UNA, at its most recent meeting, unanimously Gavdanovich. Ms. Czerkas was previously UNA advisor Assembly. appointed Andrij Gavdanovich as the third member of the serving two terms, 2006 -2010 and 2010 -2014. UNa well-represented on the Ukrainian festival circuit by Yuriy Symczyk and community events. As a sponsor and vendor at various Ukrainian festivals, PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Nothing brings the Ukrainian com- the UNA had a booth allowing every visitor the opportuni- munity together like a great festival filled with spectacular ty to receive UNA memorabilia ranging from colorful tote dance performances, delicious “Kozak” platters and copi- bags filled with an assortment of UNA giveaways, including ous vendors. The Ukrainian National Association has been the UNA magazine; its newspapers, Svoboda and The a part of these festivals for decades and continues to sup- Ukrainian Weekly; a UNA pen and note pad, etc. For the port them in keeping with our motto, “UNA and the younger visitors, the children’s goody bags given out con- Community – Partners for Life!” tained coloring books, crayons and bubbles. The UNA uses these festivals as an opportunity to reach In addition, at each event, the UNA organized a compli- out to our local Ukrainian communities, the goal being to mentary raffle, whereby festival-goers received a chance to preserve the principles of fraternalism, to educate the gen- win a custom UNA cooler filled with all the items needed to eral public about our life insurance and annuity products, have a wonderful family picnic. and to promote our fraternal benefits. A heartfelt thank- The Ukrainian National Association would like thank you goes out to all UNA representatives and agents for everyone who stopped by our vendor booth at all the dif- embracing these ideals and volunteering at local festivals ferent festivals we attended and extend an invitation to our

At the festival in Carteret, N.J., Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) is flanked by UNA Fraternal Coordinator Yuriy Symczyk and UNA sales representative Maria Drich. next upcoming fraternal event: a presentation by Dr. Petrusia G. Kotlar titled “Wellness and Nutrition as a Means to Healthy Longevity.” The presentation by Dr. Kotlar, a chiropractor with a holistic wellness practice, will be on Sunday, November 15, at 1 p.m. at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, 60C North Jefferson Road, Whippany NJ 07981. It is organized by the UNA’s New Jersey District Committee. UNA Fraternal Coordinator Yuriy Symczyk and UNA sales representative Marika Drich with UNA raffle winner Hope to see you there! Bogdan Mykhaylyuk and family at the Ukrainian Festival in Clifton, N.J.

UNA sales representative and Branch 37 Secretary Oksana Stanko alongside Lyubov Shumylo and UNA Branch 254 Secretary Adam Platosz, UNA UNA Advisor Lubov Streletsky at the UNA tent Branch 269 Secretary Valentina Kaploun and UNA sales repre- Advisor Gloria Horbaty and the winner of the UNA during the Ukrainian Independence Folk Festival sentative Nina Bilchuk hand out UNA giveaways at the Connecticut District raffle, Peter Varga, at the annual in Horsham, Pa. Ukrainian Festival in Jersey City, N.J. Connecticut Ukrainian Day Festival in Stamford.


The Ukrainian Weekly CONFERENCE ADDRESS: U.S. envoy GUEST EDITORIAL: speaks about reform in Ukraine Excerpted below are remarks by U.S. activists, students, workers – to join the dis- Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt at the cussion. The shape of Ukraine’s justice sys- The Holodomor Memorial in Washington U.S.-Ukraine Business Council and Kyiv tem is not just for policymakers and aca- Remarks by Michael Sawkiw Jr., chairman of the U.S. Committee for Ukrainian School of Economics Conference on Legal demics. All those who look to the courts to Holodomor-Genocide Awareness 1932-1933, at the November 7 dedicated of the and Governance Reform, which was held in uphold their individual rights, defend the Holodomor Memorial in Washington. Kyiv on October 30. Constitution, and protect the integrity of In a city of monuments, a city of hope where dreams motivate a nation, a city the the rule of law in Ukraine should care deep- captive world reveres as an inspiration for democracy, this city – the capital of the free …What a difference a year makes. ly about the outcome. world, now bears a new memorial, a memorial of a 20th century tragedy that so reviles When we gathered here last year, the In that regard, I welcome President one’s innermost instinct as to that event in Ukraine in 1932-1933, which so brutally, Kremlin-backed war in the east was in full Poroshenko’s decision to submit both the maliciously, and indiscriminately annihilated millions of men, women, and children! force. The battle for Donetsk Airport was in Constitutional Commission’s and the The inscription on the Holodomor Memorial is short, simple, yet powerful: “Famine- its third week. Political leaders were cam- Reanimation Package of Reforms’ proposals Genocide in Ukraine. In memory of the millions of innocent victims of a man-made paigning for parliamentary elections – elec- to the Venice Commission for review. …This famine in Ukraine engineered and implemented by Stalin’s totalitarian regime.” tions that voted in the most reformist gov- week, the Venice Commission released its We Ukrainians refer to the period of 1932-1933 as the years of the “Holodomor” – ernment in Ukraine’s history. opinion on the Constitutional Commission’s simply meaning – murder by starvation. Today, the guns are quieter. We are see- proposed amendments and also weighed But the relevance and importance of this memorial is not only to remember and ing the first, tentative, positive results from the views of civil society. The commission commemorate, but to understand. Past habits of domination, Russia’s centuries-old the Minsk process as heavy weapons with- found the amendments to be “very positive, demand to control Ukraine have re-surfaced. Ukraine knows that Moscow is still drawal goes forward and the ceasefire well-drafted and deserves to be supported,” capable of brutality. Let us be clear: Vladimir Putin threatened to reduce Ukraine to holds, more or less. But make no mistake: adding that “after so many attempts… the venal poverty in the 21st century; instead of starving people to death, he promised Ukraine’s two wars go on. The war against time has come to proceed with this long to let them freeze. Here, the lessons of the Holodomor are relevant today. Despite the a determined aggressor in the East. Against overdue reform in order to finally move veneer of modernity and sophistication, Moscow is still capable of deep cruelty, a relentless propaganda machine. And, less towards achieving an independent judiciary.” Russia’s leaders are willing to break people and destroy lives in pursuit of their gran- visible but arguably even more insidious, I urge Ukrainian authorities to hold inclusive diose worldview. As we honor the Holodomor, we must also be wary of our present. on the home front, the war against corrup- discussions around these recommendations Therefore, the remembrance of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide is not simply a tion, the central battlefield in the struggle and to move forward with constitutional “Ukrainian issue.” It is worldwide issue; it is an American issue. America’s long- between Old Ukraine and New Ukraine. amendments in line with international stan- standing role as the foremost champion of human rights in the world makes This past Sunday, Ukrainian citizens dards. I am told the relevant working group Washington, D.C., the most-fitting location for a memorial to this tragedy. voted in local elections that showed the met this week, and we may see some draft For these reasons, the unfortunate act of genocide 82 years ago must be recog- resiliency of Ukrainian democracy in the bills before the Rada next week. nized, and recognized now, so that history never repeats itself again. The world com- face of difficult economic conditions and However, while that process continues, munity must take up this mantle to ensure that humanity does not forget about the Russian aggression in Crimea and Donbas. Ukraine can also push forward in three Ukrainian Holodomor of 1932-1933. With sincerest appreciation, we humbly thank The estimated turnout of 46 percent was in areas to strengthen judicial independence, our elected officials – most notably Rep. Sander Levin, for championing and sponsor- line with previous local Ukrainian elections, accountability and integrity. ing our cause for the establishment of this memorial, and for standing up for the and significantly higher than U.S. local elec- First, implement the Law on Restoration principles of truth and human value, lest once again peaceful co-existence, this time tion participation. We urge Ukrainian of Trust in the Judiciary. Lustration is in the modern era, thwarts the recognition of this genocide or future tragedies. authorities to hold postponed elections in incomplete. More than a year into the pro- We assemble today to bear witness to a truly remarkable moment as we dedicate this Mariupol and other locations as soon as cess, corrupt judges are still on the job. memorial, which will become a beacon of hope for those who view it and marvel in its possible. We appreciate that President Judges continue to go unpunished when meaning and significance. May those who participate in today’s ritual ceremony shine Poroshenko has pressed for them to occur they disregard human rights and demon- the light of truth upon others. And may those who frequent this memorial pass the on November 15, alongside the second- strate contempt for the rule of law. The knowledge from generation to generation and inspire the youngest to stand firmly in round of mayoral elections. Interim Special Commission for Vetting honor and memorialize the millions who needlessly suffered at the hands of a dictator. The solid turnout and results show us Judges needs more time to get its vital Our common unifying theme is clear: “Ukraine Remembers – The World that the Ukrainian people are firm in their work done. And the judiciary needs to act Acknowledges!” demand for change. Newly elected leaders on its recommendations so that the lustra- Today, Ukraine needs support from the world much like it did 80 years ago when the countryside was ravaged in a politically calculated engineered famine. The best must take those demands seriously, and tion process brings real results. The way to honor the sacrifices of the past, of the millions needlessly murdered during stay firm in their commitment to reforms, Ukrainian people deserve no less. the Holodomor, is to continue to fight for a strong, independent, democratic, and including the decentralization of power. Second, strengthen judicial self-gover- prosperous future for Ukraine. We all know that reform is not a single nance so that Ukraine’s judiciary can work I ask, that as we gather here today, let us pledge to one another that we will action. For Ukraine, it is a long process without political interference and corrup- always recall the victims of the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide and their incredible sac- requiring difficult and sometimes unpopu- tion. When an influential or corrupt person rifice, as well as to thank those who continue to bring tragic episodes of man’s inhu- lar change. To bring to life the Ukrainian calls, looking to buy a decision or threaten a manity to man to the attention of the world. people’s demand to choose their own judge, that judge should be able to hang up future as a strong, free, successful, the phone fully confident that he or she is European state, both leaders and citizens shielded by her independence and protect- must act with courage and resolve to over- ed by the judiciary. Judges should feel come the obstacles ahead. … empowered and protected to act indepen- Turning the pages back... We all talk a lot about the importance of dently, knowing they will not face punish- Nov. rule of law. But we all also know that the ment or reprisal for deciding a case on its most beautifully written laws in the world legal – not political – merits. Two years ago, on November 21, 2013, the BBC reported that are worthless if they are not enforced, and The Constitutional Commission has pro- Ukraine had suspended preparations for a trade deal with the 21 applied equally to all citizens. We also posed changing Ukraine’s Constitution to European Union. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) know that equal enforcement requires an strip Parliament, the Presidential quoted Aleksander Kwasniewski, leader of the EU diplomatic 2013 independent, accountable judiciary that Administration and Cabinet of the right to mission to Ukraine, as saying that Kyiv would not sign an acts with integrity to fight corruption. appoint judges, establish or abolish courts, Association Agreement (AA) with the EU at the upcoming Ukrainians today do not believe their or make decisions about how funds sup- Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius on November 28-29. judiciary can or will do that. According to a porting judicial operations are spent. The BBC noted: “A government statement said the decision [to suspend preparations for recent poll, only 5 percent of Ukrainians However, those amendments alone will not a free trade agreement] had been taken to protect Ukraine’s ‘national security.’ Hours earlier approve of the job judges are doing. Five guarantee judicial independence. To suc- MPs rejected a bill that would have allowed jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko to percent! For the majority, the courts exist ceed, judges need to understand the scope leave the country – which the EU had demanded as a condition for the deal to proceed.” not to defend them, but to protect the finan- of their independence and exercise it with RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service noted that Mr. Kwasniewski, who along with Pat Cox [for- cial and political interests of corrupt and confidence and, critically, integrity. At the mer president of the European Parliament] had traveled numerous times to Ukraine as powerful special interests. This Soviet lega- same time, other branches of government part of a special EU mission, told Poland’s TVN24 the Association Agreement would not be cy, sprinkled liberally with oligarch influence must give up control – control that has signed at the Vilnius summit. This came following the Ukrainian government’s decision to in the 24 years since independence, must be given them power, influence, and, in many suspend preparations for signing the agreement. cast off if Ukraine’s judiciary is to act with cases, opportunities for corruption. RFE/RL’s report continued, “…A government decree on November 21 said the process independence and integrity. If it is to uphold Third, reinforce judicial accountability, was halted in order to fully analyze the impact of the planned agreement on industrial pro- the rule of law, protect human rights and transparency and integrity. U.S. Federal duction and trade with Russia. Russia had been angered by the proposed deal, and has serve the Ukrainian people. If it is to meet Judge Mark Wolf, known for uncovering the warned Kyiv of trade repercussions. Also, on November 21, the government proposed set- the European standards and aspirations that corrupt relationship between Boston mob- ting up a three-party trade commission between Ukraine, the European Union and Russia.” Ukrainians stood on the Maidan two winters ster Whitey Bulger and the FBI that is fea- “This is a decision by Ukraine, not Europe,” Mr. Kwasniewski underscored. “In essence, ago to defend, and have fought and died for tured in a recent Hollywood movie, “Black this is a request for a suspension in negotiations until such time as economic questions in in the nearly two years since. … Mass,” frequently travels overseas on judi- Ukraine are put in order.” …we encourage all Ukrainians – entre- (Continued on page 7) preneurs, business leaders, civil society (Continued on page 15) No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 7


Furthermore, Mr. Fedynsky needlessly attacks those Ukrainian Americans who Fedynsky’s column happen to agree with the Republican Party on the need to curb illegal immigration attacks GOP supporters because they (or their parents, like Mr. Dear Editor: Fedynsky’s) came to this country legally and shared the American dream. Andrew Fedynsky’s column on immigra- Perhaps he should point a finger instead tion (October 25) was both thought-pro- at those Ukrainian Americans who sup- Teaching in time of war voking and disappointing. He argues well ported Democrat Barack Obama over for immigration reform. Unfortunately, he Republican John McCain. Nobody can deny When I arrived in Lviv at the end of mation” begins. The Collegium (on one of feels it is appropriate to take a swipe at that Ukraine today is paying a bloody price August, I expected to see evidence of the three campuses on the outskirts of Lviv) those who support the Republican Party’s for their shortsightedness. war everywhere. Press reports had given houses not only students, but faculty, visi- views on illegal immigration, while he fails me the impression of a country tottering tors, priests, nuns and at least one devel- to make the crucial distinction between Leo Iwaskiw from repeated blows by an overwhelming- opmentally handicapped person. This legal and illegal immigration. Philadelphia ly superior enemy. Some friends seemed gives students an experience of life funda- surprised I was traveling to Ukraine at all. mentally different from the “student cul- For the first few weeks, the news from ture” of binge-drinking and casual sex so and the Crimean Tatar leadership’s nonvio- the front was distressing. On Freedom typical of American universities. Dzhemilev... lent conflict resolution strategies (see EDM, Boulevard, a burned out SUV anchored Naturally, liturgy is an integral part of October 2), pro-Russian media invents (Continued from page 2) rows of stands and kiosks where dona- everyday life at UCU. While the 7:30 a.m. these types of rumors to construct a space tions were collected for the armed forces services generally attract only a couple of tion – Islam – however, they believe they for a directed disinformation campaign. It and the families of servicemen. Even now, nuns and faculty, the Collegium is so con- inevitably become prey to such rumors remains to be seen if this assault of when Russia has turned its attention to figured that students pass by the doorless aimed to discredit their Crimean Tatar untruths may be a prelude to further crack- Syria and the Donbas is relatively quiet, chapel on their way to breakfast or class. leadership. Russians see the Mejlis gaining downs on Crimean Tatars living under one constantly hears stories about friends While few 18-year-olds may fancy spend- greater support and respect not only in Russian occupation – particularly consider- or relatives serving in the anti-terrorist ing an hour in prayer before breakfast (at Ukraine (on October 13, Mr. Dzhemilev ing the ongoing economic blockade of the operation or ATO (a term I initially that age, I certainly would have balked at received an award from Mikheil peninsula, spearheaded by the Crimean thought contrived, but which I have come the notion), witnessing an early-morning Saakashvili, the governor of the Odesa Tatars themselves. to see as quite accurate). All over town liturgy in passing may plant the seeds of Oblast), but also in Europe and the United one sees groups of men in camouflage. spiritual growth. The midweek evening States (as illustrated by the several peace The article above is reprinted from The need for rehabilitative medicine, services that I witnessed were packed, and medals and grants Mr. Dzhemilev has Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from improved prostheses and therapy for there are regular matins and vespers. received in the past two years). its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, post-traumatic stress syndrome are topics Many UCU students, I imagine, come To discredit Mr. Dzhemilev’s reputation of everyday news and conversation. This from homes where the Ukrainian Greek- year, for the first time, the Feast of the Catholic Church survived the Soviet years wants him to think.” Intercession of the Mother of God on in the hearts and minds of their grandpar- Turning... The stall gamble misfired for the October 14 was a state holiday. It had a ents and parents. But what is it like for Yanukovych administration and Russia, double significance: not only does it com- post-Soviet or Western-educated scholars (Continued from page 6) and sparked the Euro-Maidan protests memorate the protection of our ancestors to teach at such a university? Those who EU leaders knew the gravity of the situa- (Revolution of Dignity) on November 24 from foreign invaders (or of the Byzantine were formed in the Soviet tradition, tion for Ukraine’s future in Europe. Roman that saw Mr. Yanukovych and his officials Greeks from our ancestors), but it honors where the Communist Party claimed a Olearchyk of The Financial Times wrote: flee Ukraine to Russia and other countries those who defend Ukraine today. monopoly on truth, may (depending on “Stefan Fule, the EU’s enlargement commis- beyond Ukraine. Later, Ukraine’s President And yet, even in a country at war, civil- temperament) find it either all too easy – sioner, is racing back to Kyiv on Thursday Petro Poroshenko signed the Association ian life goes on more or less normally. In or entirely impossible – to accept a [November 21], making his second visit to Agreement with the EU on June 27, 2014, my case, that has meant teaching history Church that likewise claims access to the the Ukrainian capital this week. His mis- in Brussels. It is awaiting the ratification by at the Ukrainian Catholic University’s truth. Yet the Church rather claims to sion: to rescue historic association and free eight remaining signatories out of 31 mem- Faculty of Philosophy and Theology. This know the source of truth – not all of the trade agreements that both sides say they ber states from the European Union. was my idea of helping Ukraine: nothing truth itself. There is thus no lack of space hope to sign in Vilnius during an Eastern dramatic like volunteering for the army – for intellectual inquiry and scholarly Partnership Summit next week. His chanc- Source: “Kwasniewski: Kyiv will not sign just a modest contribution to strengthen- research. es are slim. Or perhaps that is just what AA at Vilnius summit,” The Ukrainian ing the nation’s intellectual resources. The Still, for those of us educated in the Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s president, Weekly, November 24, 2013. teaching itself is not fundamentally differ- Western liberal tradition, particularly in ent from teaching in the United States, its post-modern phase, the habit of disbe- though 80-minute classes take some get- lief may have deadened our receptivity to ting used to. One has to break up the lec- the transcendent. Some will argue that tures with Socratic questioning and hand- there should be no difference between a outs for reading and discussion. The stu- secular and a Christian scholar. The disci- dents, both male and female, are pleasant, pline of history, or physics, or literature is cooperative and reasonably attentive. A the same, they would insist, regardless of few have overcome their post-Soviet reti- one’s personal beliefs. Yet the philosophi- cence and learned to ask questions. There cal assumptions underlying a scholar’s is one American and one Russian. approach, whether acknowledged or not, In some ways, however, UCU is different are determinative. It is not easy to see the from other universities in Ukraine or the limitations of the philosophy in which we United States. It is a bribe-free zone. It is a have been educated, and still harder to genuinely Catholic institution. It aspires to overcome them. It may take years of study education in the full sense, including “for- and reflection to grasp the bracing open- mation.” The fall semester opened on ness to truth of the Christian intellectual September 14, the beginning of the church tradition, and to parlay that into one’s year, with a liturgy at an overflowing own teaching and research. Church of the Blessed Martyrs of Ukraine. From my window in the Collegium I see At the new cafeteria-cum-auditorium, a large construction site. On the left, the benefactors handed scholarships directly future university church of St. Sophia (or to their beneficiaries, establishing at least rather, Holy Wisdom) is rising into the sky. a momentary relationship of trust. One On the right stands the steel and concrete senior student spoke of his experiences framework of the new library. Faith and not just in terms of goals and achieve- reason – fides et ratio – are growing up ments, like his contemporaries worldwide, together. That, I believe, is the future of but of sin and reconciliation. At my faculty, education. And education, more than guns students are required to engage in social and tanks and rockets and planes, is the work. One chilly October evening, I accom- future of a free Ukraine – impervious to panied some of them to a state-run home corruption, lies and deception, wherever for abandoned children, many of whom they may originate. suffer from developmental disabilities. But it is in the residential life of the Andrew Sorokowski can be reached at first- and second-year students that “for- [email protected]. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46 No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 9


today and religious leaders, and to my dear friend Congressman Sander Levin of Michigan, thank you for the Rep. Marcy Kaptur personal invitation to join you at this unforgettable Rep. Sander Levin momentous event. Thank you for the years it took to Following is the text of the speech delivered by Rep. Marcy achieve this great memorial. Kaptur (D-Ohio). The text was provided by the congress- It is appropriate today that we gather in our nation’s woman’s office. capital, a city marked by symbols of liberty and our most sacred monuments. To freedom-lovers everywhere, these Thank you, Michael. Mrs. Poroshenko you honor us by enduring sites make permanent what is most precious to your presence today. Mr. Severyn we bow before you. us. We do this to encourage the people of our nation and all Thank you for your noble life. To all esteemed guests here nations to honor history. Monuments are lights illuminat- ing humanity’s path forward. More rare are the monuments to events so tragic and singular that we know in our hearts that we must never ever forget them. They help us turn grief into conviction so that we never forget the hard lessons learned. Today we mark the anniversary of the birth of such a monument, an indelible marker that will outlive us. Generations to come must not forget the murderous and inhuman violence of Ukraine’s Holodomor genocide during the Soviet regime. The Holodomor was unprecedented in recorded history. Millions of Ukrainians of all confessions were condemned by Joseph Stalin to die by starvation at the hands of a bru- tal and repressive Soviet government. For decades, this profound massacre was denied its rightful place in history. Our nation, too, failed to recognize and respond to that Christine Syzonenko brutality, a wrong that by our presence here today we con- Rep. Sander Levin tinue to right. Following is the statement (remarks as prepared) by Rep. In 1985, as a junior Member of Congress, I was privi- Sander Levin. The text was posted on Rep. Levin’s congres- leged to co-author the legislation to create the Holodomor sional website. Commission to document the forced starvation of untold Stefan Slutsky Reverend Clergy, Mrs. Poroshenko. It is my honor to Rep. Marcy Kaptur (Continued on page 13) join all of you assembled in such large numbers here. Today is a memorable day for keeping memory alive. Today we are lighting the way for those still uninformed gressional delegation to Kyiv to monitor the Ukrainian about the truth. Today we express our faith that speaking presidential elections back in of May 2014. the truth will prevail over the power of those who deny it. Sen. Rob Portman There I saw the still smoldering ruins of the protesters’ The horrors of the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 camps in the Maidan, where the first battles in the war for Following is the text of the video message presented by resulted from the deliberate effort by the Soviet Union to Ukraine’s future were fought. I saw the true spirit of the destroy Ukrainian identity and thwart the battle of the Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), co-chairman of the Senate Ukrainian people, and just as the brutal repression failed to Ukrainian people for their independence and freedom. Ukraine Caucus. The text was provided by the senator’s break the Ukrainians’ spirit in the last century, so too will That battle has taken on added meaning in recent office. (A video of the message may be viewed by accessing this latest effort to determine Ukraine’s destiny fail. years. Thousands fighting for freedom in the Maidan the link shared on The Ukrainian Weekly’s Facebook page.) History is testing us once more and it is clear that we stirred hearts and minds everywhere where freedom mat- must stand together. We must stand with Ukraine against ters. Hi, I am U.S. Sen. Rob Portman. I am very sorry I cannot continued aggression. Russian forces make a mockery of This monument in our nation’s capital testifies that be with you today, but I wanted to take a few moments and the so-called ceasefire, and they continue their occupation Americans will not yield in our support for the Ukrainian thank everyone at the Embassy of Ukraine, members of the of sovereign Ukrainian territory in Crimea and in Donbas. people, as they persevere in their hard fought efforts to U.S. Holodomor Committee, the Ukrainian Congress The United States, in my view, should provide direct, build a free and democratic nation, with a society open Committee of America and everyone else who has played a lethal military assistance to Ukraine to give Ukrainians the and secure for all of its citizens. part in the unveiling of this memorial to commemorate the tools they need to defend themselves. We must tighten With this monument, we Americans also signify our millions of innocent people who were victims of the sanctions until Russia understands its actions are unac- determination to speak out and to speak up against geno- Famine-Genocide in Ukraine in the last century. ceptable and respects Ukraine’s sovereignty. We must help cide. This memorial will now stand as an eternal tribute to win the information war and help fight back against the When I was a student, I read a book about the Soviet the men, women and children who were killed through propaganda machine which seeks to convince the world starvation as part of then the Soviet Union’s ruthless cam- that somehow Russians are the victims of this and not the Union. I was reading a portion supposedly explaining the paign to stamp out any trace of Ukrainian national identity aggressors. economic policies and practices of the Soviet Union. and political and cultural independence. It will also help We need sustained, long-term support for strengthening In its dealing with the Ukrainian Famine, I came upon educate people who may not know about one of the most this U.S.-Ukrainian relationship. This is why Sen. [Dick] words which tried to minimize the loss of life and the hor- horrifying tragedies of the last century and the 20th centu- Durbin and I founded the Senate Ukraine Caucus. It’s a group rors of the Famine of 1932-1933. I was startled by those ry, and encourage them to learn more. Finally, it reminds us of senators committed to supporting Ukraine’s democratic, callous words. They stayed with me. that evil is real, and it will only be defeated if we stand up pro-Western future. This is our mission, and we stand shoul- Decades later, when I came to meet families at home in and fight it together to ensure that these horrors of the der to shoulder with everyone who supports this goal. Michigan who had suffered from Holodomor, those words past remain in the history books. It’s important that we learn from the past to best shape haunted still more so. Today, the people of Ukraine face a different, but a famil- the future. The best way to honor those who have fallen in So the endeavor ensued – beginning almost 15 years iar foe. An aggressive Russia has violated sovereign territo- a struggle for their country is to reach our shared destinies ago – to bring about an American monument to the mil- ry and ignited a conflict that has now left thousands dead in a time in which peace and freedom are known to every- lions whose lives were lost in the Famine. During this and ceasefires broken. However, after visiting Ukraine one. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak arduous effort some argued that a remembrance of twice in the past year and a half, I have seen that the spirit with you today. I wish you all the best of luck. God Bless Holodomor should be combined with other events which of the Maidan is alive and well. I saw it when I led a con- America and Slava Ukrayini! had occurred in other places. We said no, absolutely no. A genocide if not clearly told can spawn another. The to abandon their drive for freedom and independence. monument to Holodomor, we said, must tell its own tragic And as the Ukrainian people face new threats to their ter- story. This monument we unveil today does just that. White House ritory and well-being, they have once again demonstrated It is so located that thousands in the capital of our their resolute commitment to human dignity. Ukraine’s nation will pass it every day. Hopefully many will pause to The statement below was issued by the White House, modern struggle for freedom and democracy is a testa- reflect and to vow to remember. Office of the Press Secretary, on November 7. ment to the unbreakable spirit of its people and honors This Holodomor monument is so evocatively and cre- the memory of the many who perished under Stalin’s bru- atively rendered that it will perpetually keep alive and Today we join Ukrainians here in America and around tal rule. honor the memory of the millions lost. the world to remember the catastrophe of the Holodomor, It is incumbent upon us to remember the horrors of the So many have joined in this effort – in both govern- and the millions of innocent Ukrainians who starved to past as we renew our commitment to the prevention of ments and in numerous communities in our two nations death more than eight decades ago as a result of the bru- future atrocities. Through the tireless efforts of the and beyond. This monument we launch today embodies tal policies of Joseph Stalin’s regime. It was the Soviet Ukrainian American community and friends of the our deep American commitment to our basic values. regime’s deliberate seizure of Ukrainian crops and refusal Ukrainian people, a memorial now stands in the heart of For all of us here, wherever we come from, this monu- to provide food relief that turned Europe’s breadbasket our nation’s capital, allowing Americans to share in the ment represents our hopes for victory for our shared val- into a land of immeasurable human suffering. somber memory of the Holodomor and reflect upon our ues and for our humanity that closely binds us together, Despite decades of totalitarian rule, Ukrainians refused shared determination to build a better world. both today – and may it be – for all the days ahead. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46

Yaro Bihun Christine Syzonenko Introduced from the podium by his First Lady, Maryna, Ukrainian Pesident Petro Poroshenko speaks Michael Sawkiw Jr., chairman of the U.S. Committee for about the meaning and importance of the Holodomor in his video address to those taking part in the Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Awareness 1932-1933 dedication of the Holodomor Memorial in Washington. (Holodomor Committee), leads the program at Columbus Circle. H olodOMOR Memorial DEDICATION

Roma Hadzewycz Roma Hadzewycz Some of the more than 5,000 gathered near Washington’s historic Union Station. A sign in the crowd reads: “Sorrow and pain become strength.” A placard in the background identifies a group from Ohio.

Yaro Bihun The crowd of several thousand people participating in the Washington Holodomor Memorial dedication brought with them Ukrainian, American, Canadian and other flags and signs to the Columbus Circle in front of Union Station, where the ceremo- Matthew Dubas ny was taking place — a block and a half from the Memorial site and a few more Patriarch Sviatoslav, joined by Ukrainian Catholic bishops and clergy, offered mole- blocks from the U.S. Capitol building. ben prayers in front of the White House following the march from Union Station.

Matthew Dubas Yaro Bihun Ukrainians and others view the informative panels on display at Union Station. A visitor to the exhibit, Amy Bodniewicz, reads about Stalin’s genocide in Ukraine. No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 11

Christine Syzonenko Matthew Dubas Processing toward the site of the Holodomor Memorial are Patriarch Marchers proceed to the White House from Union Station. The site of the Sviatoslav, Patriarch Filaret and Metropolitan Antony. Holodomor memorial can be seen in the distance on the left.

Yaro Bihun At the conclusion of the Holodomor Memorial Dedication ceremo- Yaro Bihun ny at Columbus Circle, Ukraine’s First Lady Maryna Poroshenko At the new memorial (from left) are: Michael Sawkiw Jr., Rep. Sander Levin, Maryna walked to the memorial and placed flowers before the monument. Poroshenko and Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Valeriy Chalyi.

Yaro Bihun Congressman Sander Levin (D-Mich), who was instrumental in getting the U.S. At the reception held to mark the opening of the Holodomor exhibit, historian Congress to pass legislation for the building of the Ukrainian Holodomor Memorial in Volodymyr Viatrovych (second from left) is seen with UNA officers (from left) Washington, addresses a memorial donors reception in the Union Station’s Columbus First Vice-President Michael Koziupa, Treasurer Roma Lisovich and President Room as the members of Philadelphia’s Prometheus Male Chorus listen in. Stefan Kaczaraj.

Yaro Bihun Christine Syzonenko The commemorative concert at Lisner Auditorium in Washington concludes with all of the participating The Hromovytsia Dance Ensemble’s interpretative perfor- choruses, soloists and the audience joining in the singing of “Almighty God” (Bozhe Velykyi Yedynyi), fol- mance of “We shall never forget.” lowed by a long standing ovation and the presentation of flowers to the performers. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46

the time. Much of the surrounding Donetsk He said the delivery of humanitarian assis- immediately and allowed to return to NEWSBRIEFS region and the neighboring Luhansk region tance to eastern regions also is vital. The Ukraine – along with all other Ukrainians are controlled by pro-Russian separatists. chief monitor for the Organization for held by Russia for politically motivated rea- (Continued from page 2) The two self-declared separatist republics Security and Cooperation in Europe sons.” (U.S. Mission to the OSCE) officially registered in September 2014. agreed last month that they would post- (OSCE), Ertugrul Apakan, said earlier in the (RFE/RL, based on reporting by UNIAN pone their own elections until sometime week that the ceasefire has been “largely Ukraine, Baltic leaders slam pipeline plan and Interfax) next year. The concession by the separatists holding” since September but that the situ- RIGA – Ukrainian and the Baltic leaders was made after negotiations between ation remains “volatile.” There have been Warplane crashes during training flight have criticized a planned second Nord Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and sporadic outbreaks of violence, but there Stream pipeline to funnel natural gas from KYIV – Ukraine’s Defense Ministry says a Russian President Vladimir Putin in Paris. also have been exchanges of prisoners Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea. Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi Su-25 military No date has been set for elections in the under the Minsk agreements. Officials at The project would cost Ukraine $2 billion a plane crashed during a training flight near separatist-held regions. (RFE/RL, based on the Berlin talks acknowledged that on year in lost revenues as it takes away busi- Zaporizhia on November 11, killing the reporting by Deutsche Presse-Agentur and many points, parties to the conflict are lag- ness from the land-based pipeline that 23-year-old pilot. A Defense Ministry Interfax) ging behind the timetable set down under transits Ukraine and Poland, Ukrainian spokesman did not specify the cause of the the Minsk agreements to end the conflict. Lavrov for Minsk deadlines’ extension Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said at a crash. But an Interfax correspondent That suggests that the aim of completing all press conference with Baltic leaders in Riga reports that the plane crashed in a field BERLIN – Russian Foreign Affairs the steps by the end of 2015 is no longer on November 5. Poland and Slovakia would close to a motorway near the village of Minister Sergei Lavrov says it is clear that achievable. (RFE/RL, with reporting by also lose $300 million and $800 million, Ternovka in the Volnianka district of the deadlines on political reforms in Ukraine Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Interfax and respectively, in annual pipeline revenues, Zaporizhia region after it clipped a power under the Minsk agreements need to be TASS) while it would deprive the European Union transmission line. The Soviet-era SU-25 air- extended into 2016. Mr. Lavrov issued the of real energy independence. “We do Poroshenko congratulates Trudeau craft was designed during the 1970s to pro- statement after meeting in Berlin on believe that this project has nothing based vide close air support for ground forces. It November 6 with the foreign ministers of KYIV – President Petro Poroshenko of on economic issues – it is more a political has been used repeatedly by the Ukrainian Germany, France and Ukraine to discuss the Ukraine had a phone conversation on one,” he said. Mr. Yatsenyuk, whose govern- air force against pro-Russian separatists in next steps toward ending Ukraine’s conflict. November 5 with Prime Minister Justin ment has been fighting Russian-backed eastern Ukraine since the conflict began The meeting took place amid a growing Trudeau of Canada. Mr. Poroshenko con- separatists since last year in eastern there in 2014. Several SU-215s used by awareness that progress on a peace plan gratulated Mr. Trudeau on assuming the Ukraine, called on the European Union to Ukrainian government forces have been has been slower than hoped for in the con- office of Prime Minister of Canada on “seriously” examine the issue. He warned shot down by pro-Russian separatists in flict between Ukrainian government forces November 4. He noted significant support against allowing Moscow to “facilitate a the conflict. Pro-Russian separatists also and Russian-backed separatists in eastern of citizens received by the Liberal Party in bottleneck and to control the energy mar- have indirectly acknowledged their use of Ukraine, which has killed more than 7,900 the parliamentary elections. Mr. Trudeau ket of the EU, too.” Latvian Prime Minister the warplane against Ukrainian forces dur- people since April 2014. The conflict also said the Ukrainian president was the first Laimdota Straujuma said she was “highly ing fighting near Debaltseve in February of has soured relations between Russia and foreign leader who congratulated him and concerned” about the project and called for this year. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by the West, which accuses the Kremlin of with whom he had a conversation as prime a thorough EU review of the proposed sea- Reuters, TASS and Interfax) playing a direct military role in the conflict. minister. He underlined the important role bed pipeline. Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Mariupol elections on November 29 Russia continues to deny that it is sending of Ukrainians in the life of Canada. Roivas questioned whether the plan was in its troops and weaponry into eastern President Poroshenko noted the fact that compliance with EU rules. “It is quite clear KYIV – Ukraine’s Parliament voted on Ukraine, despite growing evidence to the two Ukrainians had been appointed to the that it would have a very significant nega- November 10 to set November 29 as the contrary. The trust-building pact reached in new Canadian government – Chrystia tive impact on the gas supply of Ukraine,” date for local elections in the eastern city of Minsk has sharply deescalated the violence, Freeland and MaryAnn Mihychuk. He also Roivas said. Gazprom agreed in June with Mariupol and the nearby town of but the situation in eastern Ukraine thanked the prime minister for Canada’s Western European partners Anglo-Dutch Krasnoarmiysk. The localities, which are on remains fragile. After the November 6 talks constant support of Ukraine in its struggle Shell, Germany’s E.ON, and Austria’s OMV government-held territory in the turbulent in Berlin, Germany’s Foreign Affairs against the Russian aggressor. Prime to build the Nord Stream-2 pipeline to Donetsk region, were supposed to partici- Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: “We Minister Trudeau assured that Canada Germany to bypass conflict-torn Ukraine pate in regional elections last month. can be glad that the ceasefire regime has would further help Ukraine in the protec- but also neighboring Poland. The route However, hundreds of polling stations in been observed to a certain extent.” But he tion of its sovereignty and territorial integ- under the Baltic Sea from Russia would the localities did not open for the elections said “some serious challenges” remain, rity, as well as the implementation of sys- have a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters because of an unspecified “mistake in the including organizing fair local elections in temic internal reforms. In the course of the per year and would double the flow of the ballots,” the Internal Affairs Ministry said at separatist-held areas of eastern Ukraine. conversation, the president invited the new existing Nord Stream pipeline currently prime minister to make a friendly visit to linking the two countries. No time frame Ukraine. (Ukrainian Canadian Congress) was given for the deal. For both Germany and Russia, the new pipeline would elimi- U.S. Mission to OSCE cites hostages nate the uncertainty about winter gas sup- plies caused by a constant tug of war VIENNA – U.S. Ambassador Daniel B. between Ukraine and Russia over gas TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 Baer of the U.S. Mission to the Organization issues, while it would boost Germany as a or e-mail [email protected] for Security and Cooperation in Europe distribution hub for Russian gas in Western (OSCE) on November 5 spoke before the Europe. (RFE/RL, with reporting by Agence OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, stating: France-Presse and Deutsche Presse- SERVICES PROFESSIONALS “The United States condemns again in the Agentur) strongest possible terms the continued detention of Ukrainian citizens Nadiya Council of Europe blasts Odesa inquiry Savchenko, Oleh Sentsov and Oleksander Kolchenko by Russia.” Mr. Baer added: “The KYIV – The Council of Europe says the United States continues to closely monitor Ukrainian government’s investigations into Ms. Savchenko’s trial. We note that Ms. violence that killed 48 people amid sepa- Savchenko’s trial will resume later this ratist tensions in the southern city of Odesa month, and we expect that the court will in May 2014 have fallen short of European allow her sister, Vira Savchenko, to testify standards. Presenting its findings in Kyiv during the trial. Mr. Sentsov’s lawyer has on November 4, the council said the official stated that the Supreme Court of Russia is probes into last year’s street clashes and scheduled to hear an appeal from Mr. the deadly fire in Odesa’s Trade Union Sentsov on November 24. This is an oppor- Building “failed to comply with the require- ments of the European Human Rights PERSONAL tunity for the Russian justice system to right itself consistent with its international Convention.” Its report also concludes that obligations and overturn this miscarriage substantial progress “has not been made” in investigating the violent events and the Single Ukrainian male looking of justice.” The U.S. ambassador went on to underscore that “Russia’s continued deten- deficiency has undermined authorities’ for a single Ukrainian lady to ability to bring to justice those responsible. correspond, date and perhaps tion of these three hostages is also a viola- tion of the commitments it has made, The unrest was part of a wave of protests marry! Please e-mail me: and counterprotests that swept Ukraine [email protected] including under the Minsk Package of Measures in February, when Russia following the Euro-Maidan ousting of for- My name is Vasyl mer President Viktor Yanukovych in late OPPORTUNITIES pledged it would ‘ensure release and February in Kyiv. On May 2, 2014, clashes exchange of all hostages and unlawfully broke out in Odesa between what were detained persons.’ ” He reiterated that said to be pro-Russian supporters of great- Earn extra income! Russia should “adhere to international law WANT IMPACT? er federalism in Ukraine and pro-union The Ukrainian Weekly is looking regarding the treatment in detention of Run your advertisement here, rivals. As the fighting turned deadly and for advertising sales agents. Nadiya Savchenko, Oleh Sentsov and police failed to restore order, the pro-feder- in The Ukrainian Weekly’s For additional information contact Oleksander Kolchenko. The charges against alism protesters retreated into the Trade Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, all three hostages should be dismissed, and CLASSIFIEDS section. The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. all three hostages should be released (Continued on page 13) No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 13

“ineffective,” in part because of the authori- NEWSBRIEFS ties “failing to show sufficient thorough- ness and diligence in initiating and pursu- (Continued from page 12) ing” the inquiries. The Council of Europe Union Building, where they were surround- panel cites as “the most striking example of ed by pro-unionists. The two sides a lack of diligence” the fact that “the first exchanged shots and hurled Molotov cock- real efforts to investigate an unexplained tails through the windows at each other, delay of over 40 minutes in the arrival of with each subsequently blaming the other firefighters to the Trade Union Building for the fires that broke out in the building. were not made until December 2014.” The The Council of Europe’s report does not report of the International Advisory Panel seek to determine the cause of the fires. It also finds that the government’s investiga- simply notes that official forensic examina- tion into the street violence and fire, plus a tions suggested the fires started in five separate inquiry into the conduct of emer- places and that “other than the fire in the gency services staff during the fire, “lacked lobby, the fires could only have been start- institutional and practical independence” ed by those inside the building.” The panel and expressed “concern” about the prose- also takes note of a report by a local non- cution and trials of suspects, particularly governmental organization, the 2 May decisions to terminate the proceedings Group, which says the fire spread to the against two suspects on grounds of lack of building after a barricade in front of the evidence. As well, it faults authorities for entrance was set ablaze as a result of the not taking “coordinated measures” to exchange of Molotov cocktails. However, inform victims and next-of-kin about the the International Advisory Panel does fault progress of the investigations. The the subsequent official investigations into International Advisory Group in Ukraine is the events for failing to fully establish what led by a former chairman of the European happened because “certain forensic exami- Court, Nicolas Bratza, and includes a for- nations were not diligently carried out.” It mer judge of the European Court, notes that the first forensic report on the Volodymyr Butkevych, and Oleg Anpilogov, fire was prepared in July 2014 without any a former prosecutor of Ukraine. The on-site inspection of the Trade Union Council of Europe is the continent’s leading Building. Nine months later, the panel says, human rights organization, with 47 mem- an interagency complex forensic examina- ber states, including Ukraine. All of the tion was ordered in April 2015 and, at the member states have signed up to the end of August, was still under way. More European Convention on Human Rights, a generally, the panel says it considers the treaty designed to protect human rights, official investigations into the Odesa events democracy and the rule of law. (RFE/RL)

quer the spirit of a people who refuse to Rep. Marcy Kaptur kneel. And this, this is the spirit of Ukraine. The people’s undying drive to liberty has (Continued from page 9) foiled and infuriated tyrants time and millions of Ukrainians at the hands of the again. And it will do so now. Soviet Union. And in 2002, I proudly lent This monument ensures that the memo- my strong support to Congressman Levin’s ry of the Holodomor genocide lives on. This effort to construct the monument for which monument alerts future generations about we are assembled today. And then last the cost of liberty and the fight for it, and December, we were united in our support against allowing oppressive regimes to rule of passage of the Ukraine Freedom Support over any people. The value of such a Act to meet the aggression that currently memorial should not be underestimated. It has invaded Ukraine, threatening her sov- reminds us of our own history. It helps us ereign territorial integrity. educate and inform generations to come. Our own family’s maternal grandparents And it serves as a daily reminder of the emigrated to America from what is Ukraine despicable deeds of totalitarian regimes today in the early 20th century, penniless that ultimately collapse under the weight of and seeking sustenance, as the post-World their own moral corruption. War I Bolshevik Revolution drove peasants In closing, in his book “Bloodlands,” Dr. into oblivion, unable to survive. However, Timothy Snyder, who was born in the as I discovered 60 years later, our great Buckeye State of Ohio, describes the tragic uncle was unable to escape and was forced sacrifice of the millions upon millions of to spend 20 years in the Soviet gulag, people who were forcibly starved to death where his brother died. The village of their in the Holodomor genocide. He says, “The childhood was transformed forever by the good people died first. Those who refused to Holodomor. As one cousin related to me, steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those her horrible memories of crawling on the who gave food to others died. Those who ground in the winter of 1932-1933 scratch- refused to eat corpses died. Those who ing the frozen soil with her fingernails try- refused to kill their fellow man died. Parents ing to find a single onion to make soup for who resisted cannibalism died before their her family. children.” This was not an act of God, but of This historical event is deeply personal politics and therefore of humanity. for me as well. But it is one of which the Today, three-quarters of a century later, American people have little knowledge our country, a former ally of Stalin’s regime, since so many who could have lived to tell in the complexities of the 20th century, is the story perished. So today we honor working to right the historical record. In those who perished, and we remember this act of the remembering of truth, we those who fought and died – and fight show our commitment to the spiritual today – for liberty. admonition, “You will know the truth, and The century-long Ukrainian longing for the truth will make you free.” Today we liberty has flowered in our own time, and I seek to make America more free as well, see it in the faces of the young people in even from the long shadow of our darkest Ukraine as travel there. It is a new day for alliances. That is why we have gathered Ukraine, and the Ukrainian people have here in our nation’s capital at the monu- walked toward liberty for a long time. Their ment to the Holodomor genocide: to passion for freedom and self-determina- remember and honor noble sacrifice, and tion reminds me of America’s fight for inde- face that evil which man hath wrought; to pendence 250 years ago. It is a passion that make certain it will not happen again and burns white hot. We have seen it repeated- that those who come after us will never, ly in recent years in the Orange Revolution ever forget. and again at Euro-Maidan. You cannot con- God bless you all. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46

thanked Ms. Kurylas for her “creative and noted, “The memorial that you dedi- ment alerts future generations about the Over 5,000 witness... embodiment of historical truth.” cate today provides further assurance that cost of liberty and the fight for it, and Dr. Poroshenko then introduced a video- generations to come will remember those against allowing oppressive regimes to rule (Continued from page 1) taped message from President Petro who were starved at the hands of Josef over any people. The value of such a memo- President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, Poroshenko, speaking against the backdrop Stalin’s tyranny.” rial should not be underestimated. It and Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and of the evocative Holodomor monument in Speaking in Ukrainian and addressing reminds us of our own history. It helps us Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). Kyiv’s St. Michael’s Square. the audience in a strong voice, a survivor of educate and inform generations to come.” The ceremonies were opened by Michael “Right here and now, due to the joint the Holodomor, Alexander Severyn, said Similar sentiments were expressed by Sawkiw Jr., chairman of the U.S. Committee efforts of the Ukrainian community in poignantly: “Please believe me when I say Sen. Portman, co-chairman of the Senate for Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide America and the Ukrainian state, this sincerely how unspeakably difficult it is for Ukraine Caucus, who spoke to those gath- Awareness 1932-1933 (Holodomor memorial is being unveiled in Washington me, a member of a different generation of ered at Columbus Circle via video. “This Committee), who also served as MC for that as yet another attestation of the fact that Ukrainians – a generation almost gone memorial will now stand as an eternal trib- afternoon’s nearly two-and-a-half-hour our nation cannot be overcome by any from the scene – to address you here ute to the men, women and children who program. troubles, any malicious intentions of foes, today. At the same time, I am filled with joy, were killed through starvation as part of “In a city of monuments, a city of hope for Ukrainians strive for truth, freedom, because a memorial to the victims of the then the Soviet Union’s ruthless campaign where dreams motivate a nation, a city the democracy and peace on their land and in Holodomor has been consecrated and to stamp out any trace of Ukrainian nation- captive world reveres as an inspiration for their country,” the president stated. unveiled in the capital of a mighty nation, al identity and political and cultural inde- democracy, this city – the capital of the free “The memorial in Washington is being the United States of America.” pendence. It will also help educate people world, now bears a new memorial… in opened when Ukraine is defending its inde- Mr. Severyn said the memorial “will who may not know about one of the most stand tall for centuries as a warning for the memory of the millions of innocent victims pendence, overcoming obstacles and horrifying tragedies of the last century and future, so that never again shall the world of a man-man famine in Ukraine engi- rebuffing the aggression of Russia. Again, as the 20th century, and encourage them to allow a Holodomor of any kind” and stated neered and implemented by Stalin’s totali- in the times of the Holodomor, the Kremlin learn more. Finally, it reminds us that evil is of the Holodomor’s victims: “May they for- tarian regime,” Mr. Sawkiw began. is trying to wipe Ukraine off the map. Death real, and it will only be defeated if we stand is coming from the east once again,” Mr. ever live in our memory.” He underscored that “the importance of up and fight it together to ensure that these Poroshenko said. Sen. Schumer of New York, well-known this memorial is not only to remember and horrors of the past remain in the history The president cited the work of Dr. James to the Ukrainian American community for commemorate, but to understand,” as “the books,” he said. Mace, describing him as “a great American his annual participation in Holodomor lessons of the Holodomor are relevant Turning to current events. Sen. Portman and a great Ukrainian, one of the most prom- memorial services at St. Patrick Cathedral today” and this “act of genocide 82 years stated: “Today, the people of Ukraine face a inent researchers of the Holodomor, one of in New York was next to speak via video. ago must be recognized, and recognized different, but a familiar foe. An aggressive those called ‘men of truth,’ a tireless knight of “It’s our sacred duty to honor those whose now, so that history never repeats itself Russia has violated sovereign territory and truth who told the bitter truth about the memory calls down to us through decades again.” (Mr. Sawkiw’s speech appears on ignited a conflict that has now left thou- events of the 1930s in Ukraine to the entire for justice – the innocent victims of the page 6 of this issue as a guest editorial.) sands dead and ceasefires broken. world, as well as to Ukraine itself.” Ukrainian genocide.” Stalin “tried to annihi- His opening remarks were followed by However, after visiting Ukraine twice in the As well he recalled the work of Dr. Robert late the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian the presentation of colors by the Ukrainian past year and a half, I have seen that the Conquest, whose book “The Harvest of sprit, but, praise God, he failed both,” the spirit of the Maidan is alive and well. … I American Veterans, and the singing of the Sorrow” countered “the falsifications of the senator said. “Stalin is gone, Soviet Russia is saw the true spirit of the Ukrainian people, American and Ukrainian national anthems Soviet Russian regime about Holodomor.” gone, but the Ukrainian people live on. and just as the brutal repression failed to by Yuliya Stupen. President Poroshenko concluded his Long may they live.” break the Ukrainians’ spirit in the last cen- The first featured speaker on the program address by calling on all to “pray for the Speaking in person was Rep. Marcy tury, so too will this latest effort to deter- was Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.), who cham- innocent souls of our ancestors” and to Kaptur, a co-chair of the House Ukraine mine Ukraine’s destiny fail.” pioned the Holodomor Memorial cause for “pledge to never forget or betray them.” Caucus, who, according to Mr. Sawkiw, “has “History is testing us once more and it is nearly 15 years and shepherded legislation A message from the White House, Office traveled to Ukraine more frequently than any clear that we must stand together. We must on its establishment through the U.S. of the Press Secretary, was read to the gath- other member of Congress that I know of.” stand with Ukraine against continued Congress. Rep. Levin, who is a co-chair of the ering by Dr. Charles Kupchan, special assis- Rep. Kaptur began her essential and elo- aggression. Russian forces make a mockery House Ukraine Caucus, articulated the signif- tant to the president and senior director for quent address by observing: “It is appropri- of the so-called ceasefire, and they continue icance of the day’s events: “Today is a memo- European affairs at the National Security ate today that we gather in our nation’s their occupation of sovereign Ukrainian rable day for keeping memory alive. Today Council, who noted that his grandparents capital, a city marked by symbols of liberty territory in Crimea and in Donbas,” the sen- we are lighting the way for those still unin- had left Uman, in central Ukraine, in 1922, and our most sacred monuments. To free- ator continued. “The United States, in my formed about the truth. Today we express and that is why his participation in the day’s dom-lovers everywhere, these enduring view, should provide direct, lethal military our faith that speaking the truth will prevail events hold special significance for him. sites make permanent what is most pre- assistance to Ukraine to give Ukrainians the over the power of those who deny it.” “The Holodomor has been etched into cious to us. We do this to encourage the tools they need to defend themselves. We “A genocide if not clearly told can spawn our collective consciousness, and it is now people of our nation and all nations to must tighten sanctions until Russia under- another,” Rep. Levin commented, adding imprinted in bronze here in Washington, honor history. Monuments are lights illumi- stands its actions are unacceptable and that advocates of the Holodomor Memorial just down the street behind the podium,” nating humanity’s path forward. More rare respects Ukraine’s sovereignty. We must felt the monument to Holodomor “must tell Dr. Kupchan noted. “This day of remem- are the monuments to events so tragic and help win the information war and help fight its own tragic story.” He continued: “This brance and solidarity with all Ukrainians is singular that we know in our hearts that back against the propaganda machine monument we unveil today does just that. particularly meaningful, as we witness the we must never ever forget them. They help which seeks to convince the world that It is so located that thousands in the capital destructive actions being taken against the us turn grief into conviction so that we somehow Russians are the victims of this of our nation will pass it every day. Ukrainian nation today.” never forget the hard lessons learned. and not the aggressors.” Hopefully, many will pause to reflect and to The official statement from the White Today we mark the anniversary of the birth (Editor’s note: The texts of remarks by vow to remember. This Holodomor monu- House noted, in part: “Today we join of such a monument, an indelible marker Reps. Levin, Kaptur and Portman, as well as ment is so evocatively and creatively ren- Ukrainians here in America and around the that will outlive us. Generations to come the statement released by the White House dered that it will perpetually keep alive and world to remember the catastrophe of the must not forget the murderous and inhu- Office of the Press Secretary appear on page honor the memory of the millions lost.” Holodomor, and the millions of innocent man violence of Ukraine’s Holodomor 9 of this issue. Next week’s issue will carry Indeed, the Holodomor Memorial is locat- Ukrainians who starved to death more than genocide during the Soviet regime.” the texts of other speeches as they become ed in downtown Washington, just a few eight decades ago as a result of the brutal “For decades,” she continued, “this pro- available. The Ukrainian Weekly is publish- blocks from Union Station and the U.S. policies of Joseph Stalin’s regime. …It is found massacre was denied its rightful ing these texts for the historical record.) Capitol, at the intersection of heavily traveled incumbent upon us to remember the hor- place in history. Our nation, too, failed to Another Holodomor survivor’s perspec- streets. The interest of passers-by in the new rors of the past as we renew our commit- recognize and respond to that brutality, a tive was offered by Olha Matula, who was 5 monument was evident as people stopped ment to the prevention of future atrocities. wrong that by our presence here today we in 1933, and shared some of her mother’s to take a look and sought information from Through the tireless efforts of the continue to right.” testimony before the U.S. Commission on the Ukrainians attending the ceremonies. Ukrainian American community and Noting that her family’s maternal grand- the Ukraine Famine. Mrs. Matula also told To the great applause of the crowd, Mr. friends of the Ukrainian people, a memorial parents had emigrated in the early 20th cen- the audience that she herself had volun- Sawkiw thanked Rep. Levin for his remarks now stands in the heart of our nation’s cap- tury from what today is Ukraine, the Ohio teered to work with the commission, “tran- and said he “will forever be our Ukrainian ital, allowing Americans to share in the congresswoman revealed that she discov- scribing more than a hundred of the inter- congressman.” somber memory of the Holodomor and ered “our great uncle… was forced to spend views of witnesses from the tapes.” She Ukraine’s first lady, Maryna Poroshenko, reflect upon our shared determination to 20 years in the Soviet gulag, where his explained, “They were survivors who came was the keynote speaker for the dedication. build a better world.” brother died. The village of their childhood to America after World War II as refugees. She commented: “Not only are we opening Mr. Sawkiw then noted that it was was transformed forever by the Holodomor. Some of them – your parents or grandpar- the memorial to victims of Holodomor in President George W. Bush, who signed House As one cousin related to me, her horrible ents. The horrors of the stories of those Ukraine in 1932-1933, but we are also Resolution 562 – which authorized the memories of crawling on the ground in the who survived the Famine, are forever in my commemorating every martyr, every vic- establishment on federal land of a memorial winter of 1932-1933 scratching the frozen memory.” tim, every soul. This monument is a resur- to the Holodomor – into law on October 13, soil with her fingernails trying to find a sin- She concluded her remarks with these rection of our national memory.” 2006, calling the president’s move “an act of gle onion to make soup for her family.” words: “Let this Memorial serve as a remind- Referring to the millions of innocent courage.” The resolution was introduced on “This historical event is deeply personal er to all people that Russian aggression people murdered in the course of the February 2, 2005, by Rep. Levin and passed for me as well. But it is one of which the towards other nations should be stopped. Famine-Genocide, she said, “We cannot by the House of Representatives on American people have little knowledge God Bless America and save Ukraine.” change the past, but we can keep their November 15 of that year; it was passed by since so many who could have lived to tell Among the final speakers of the after- memory alive.” Dr. Poroshenko expressed the Senate on September 29, 2006. the story perished. So today we honor noon was the design architect/sculptor of gratitude to the Ukrainian community Dr. Paula Dobriansky, undersecretary of those who perished, and we remember the Holodomor Memorial, Ms. Kurylas, who members for their efforts to seek recogni- state for global affairs in the Bush adminis- those who fought and died – and fight offered personal reflections on her decision tion of Ukraine’s genocide and to the tration, read a message from the former today – for liberty,” she said. to tell the story of the Famine-Genocide American people for their support and president in which he said of the Ukrainian Rep. Kaptur emphasized: “This monu- through this monument in Washington. “condemnation of those who committed a Famine-Genocide that “Such a scale of ment ensures that the memory of the crime against the Ukrainian nation.” She human suffering is hard to comprehend” Holodomor genocide, lives on. This monu- (Continued on page 15) No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 15

still comes up short. Maidan: Enough. Enough business as usual. Such grassroots efforts are helping to U.S. envoy... Like the judiciary, the procuracy must Enough corruption and impunity. The solidify a psychological change from the transform itself into a modern, politically Ukrainian people rightfully demand change Soviet rule by law to the democratic rule of (Continued from page 6) independent and professional institution now. Too many people have sacrificed too law. But more must be done. cial capacity building efforts. His mantra is to fight corruption, uphold the rule of law, much to do anything else. Whistleblowers in government need pro- that judicial integrity is the most important and protect Ukraine’s government and The United States is encouraged and was tections against retaliation. Journalists principle to uphold, since independence people. … proud to support the selection and training need unfettered access to officials’ financial without integrity creates its own set of Ukraine’s “Prokuratura” must abandon of a new group of detectives and analysts at asset declarations so they can “follow the problems, particularly for countries with a the Soviet legacy of political control and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. We money” to any sources of corruption. Your tradition of corrupt judiciaries. Posting all corruption which has allowed the powerful have great hopes for these anti-corruption people need to be inoculated against cor- judicial decisions online, so that they are – including those in government – to get crusaders. Now a qualified, capable, and ruption and learn the habits of engaged cit- available to the public, is an important step. away with influence peddling and human committed Independent Anti-Corruption izens at school, through civics classes and Appointing spokespersons in almost rights abuses. These acts of impunity Prosecutor must be appointed to unlock extracurricular activities. Government offi- every court also serves as a critical link to undermine the rule of law and Ukraine’s the anti-corruption bureau’s potential to cials must redouble their efforts to listen to the community. Citizen report card surveys, future place in Europe’s community of free, take down high-level corrupt officials. … their constituents and provide opportuni- which USAID launched in Today, much is ties for them to be part of the process. Civil Ukraine, make it easier for offi- being done to raise service reform is absolutely crucial, cials to understand what people The authorities’ willingness to prose- legal awareness and because a society and government that want and need. Thanks to citi- cute all corrupt officials and oligarchs, foster a culture of rule pays its civil servants less than a living zen feedback, there have been regardless of their political party or of law in Ukraine. The wage is essentially expecting them to real improvements in how jus- Constitutional engage in corruption. tice is served in Ukraine’s personal wealth, is a critical indicator Commission is con- This is a heavy lift. As part of the battle courts. Looking to the future, of its commitment to the rule of law. vening roundtables in between Old Ukraine and New Ukraine, ensuring that all judges and the regions to edu- Ukraine is undertaking difficult, life-chang- court personnel file their public On this indicator, Ukraine post-Revolu- cate citizens about ing, future-changing reforms to how offi- financial asset declarations tion of Dignity still comes up short. proposed constitu- cials are chosen, how they do their work, online will be another signal of tional amendments. and to whom they are accountable. This is the judiciary’s commitment to greater prosperous, democratic nations. …the The Ministry of Justice is expanding legal happening in every ministry, in every city transparency and accountability. Prosecutor General’s Office must stop aid across the country, both in terms of and town, and in every organization. But Of course, reforming the judiciary is only undermining reforms, stop protecting cor- scope and access. Civil society organiza- the justice sector is the central battlefield in part of the story of ensuring a justice sys- rupt prosecutors within its ranks, such as tions like the Ukrainian Helsinki Human this struggle. Without genuine reform here, tem that delivers justice for all. Equally vital the notorious “diamond prosecutors” Rights Union are empowering students other reforms will falter. is an independent procuracy that acts with arrested in July, and stop blocking criminal through Human Rights Summer Camps to So today, I ask you to help. integrity. This means prosecutors who will investigations into bribery, graft, and politi- demand accountability for human rights Find allies among businesses, academ- take on complex corruption cases and pun- cal dealing. … violations, whether on the Maidan, in occu- ics, civil society, and political leaders. Press ish or imprison even the richest and most We strongly support President pied Crimea, in Donbas, or in their own the judiciary, the prosecution, the powerful when the law requires it. Poroshenko’s commitment to renew the towns. Constitutional Commission, the Parliament As one civil society activist put it, the PGO with reformers, with prosecutors who The posters, billboards and television and president to kick reforms into high true measure of Ukraine’s commitment to respect rule of law and fight corruption, spots produced by Transparency gear. Use your voices, your connections and fight corruption is the number of officials and who are dedicated to public service. To International Ukraine encourage citizens your influence openly and unashamedly to from the current administration in prison that end, the United States, with our not to stay silent, but to blow the whistle on engage in the policy debate and hold the for corruption. The authorities’ willingness European partners, is supporting indepen- corruption. Transparency International’s government and each other accountable to prosecute all corrupt officials and oli- dent, merit-based testing of procuracy can- new website empowers people with practi- for implementing reforms. And, most garchs, regardless of their political party or didates. More still needs to be done to cal information about how to get health important, when you see corruption hap- personal wealth, is a critical indicator of its ensure that the procuracy is led by people care, enroll their kids in school, file a court pening, blow the whistle. Take a stand. Be commitment to the rule of law. On this indi- of the highest integrity. People who will claim, or get help from the police without courageous to stand up for what you cator, Ukraine post-Revolution of Dignity heed the call expressed so clearly on the having to pay a bribe. believe in. For the future of Ukraine. …

Melanne Verveer, who served as ambassa- Putin’s illegal invasion and annexation of neighbors.” Over 5,000 witness... dor-at-large for global women’s issues in the Crimea, his continued aggression in eastern It was noted during the program that administration of President Barack Obama Ukraine and his efforts to expand Russia’s messages were received also from Sen. (Continued from page 14) under Secretary of State Clinton. She read hegemonic influence elsewhere. Today, Marco Rubio of Florida (a candidate for the “All of us, each in our own way, have con- Secretary Clinton’s message, in which she Moscow’s aggression threatens not only Republican Party’s nomination for presi- tributed to honoring the memory of the vic- noted that the word “Holodomor” is “a Ukraine, but Europe, the United States and dent) and Reps. Rodney Frelinghuysen tims, whether through spoken testimony, hauntingly simple name to describe such a the very international order and peace our (R-N.J.) and Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.). the written word, political action, scholarly barbaric act of hate and oppression.” parents and grandparents gave so much to The ceremonies concluded with the research, requiem services, or with the Ms. Clinton went on to say: “Many in build. Allowing Putin to act with impunity singers of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus simple act of being present here today. My Ukraine and here in the United States have will only embolden him and other despots performing the “Prayer for Ukraine” (Bozhe contribution has been visual – in rendering long waited for today, and I am so heartened who seek to subjugate their citizens and Velykyi, Yedynyi). a simple field of wheat as it transforms to know that for years to come, visitors to from beautiful bounty to haunting nothing- our nation’s capital will stop here, stare into ness,” she said. “My hope is that when the disappearing wheat, and learn about the standing before this memorial, people will lives that were lost in the Holodomor. This pause to reflect on the Holodomor, a famine monument …is also a tribute to the strength of massive proportions, a famine deliber- and resilience of Ukrainians who are today ately executed and cynically denied, a fam- once again fighting for their nation’s future, ine in which millions of innocent victims and who believe so strongly in the promise of perished in what once was the breadbasket peace. The United States has a duty to stand of Europe.” with them, to help the Ukrainian government Robert A. Vogel, regional director of the defend its sovereignty and maintain their National Park Service, explaining that the democratic institutions, and to ensure that all service cares for such sites as the Taras Ukrainians face a brighter and more promis- Shevchenko monument and the Victims of ing future with limitless opportunities.” Communism memorial in Washington, Robert Karem, a foreign policy advisor to promised his agency’s stewardship of the Gov. Bush, read a letter from the candidate Holodomor Memorial and expressed his in which he spoke of the “tremendous suf- hope that it will “inspire future generations fering endured by Ukraine, but also of the to create a more tolerant, unified world.” moral depravity and unconstrained brutali- Also addressing the gathering were the ty of the evil empire of the Soviet Union, and presidents of the Ukrainian World the lengths to which Soviet rulers would go Congress and the Ukrainian Congress to subjugate its Captive Nations.” Committee of America, respectively, Eugene Gov. Bush stated: “This reminder of Czolij and Tamara Olexy. (The full texts of Soviet aggression is an especially poignant their remarks will appear in next week’s counterpoint to the revisionist propaganda issue of The Weekly.) of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Representatives of two presidential unabashedly proclaims his nostalgia for a hopefuls, Democrat Hillary Clinton and whitewashed version of the Soviet Union. Republican Jeb Bush, delivered their mes- Unfortunately, it is not only history that sages to the memorial gathering. Putin seeks to revise, but the very borders Speaking on behalf of the former secre- of Ukraine and Europe. It is past time for tary of state was Ukrainian American the free nations of the world to resist 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46

Shakhtar exiled from Donetsk The club has the biggest budget and the ries-long history of European influences an easy win, besting Olimpik 6-0. The game biggest stadium (the $425 million Donbas left a renowned mix of architectural styles. was one-sided as Olimpik was relegated up The ball strikes the back of the goal, the Arena) thanks to its billionaire owner, The city of Donetsk can best be described to Ukraine’s Premier League this year to fill crowd swells, but not with its usual elec- Ukraine’s richest man, Rinat Akhmetov. The as Stalin-era blocs with a few unimagina- a void created when Russia annexed tricity. There are no fireworks, no orange 70-year-old manager, Romanian Mircea tive high-rise glass business centers. Lviv is Crimea, taking the region’s top soccer smoke, no anthems are sung. The mere Lucescu, is a proven winner with a legend- definitively pro-Western with Ukrainian, teams with it. 2,000 fans present on March 14 in the ary resume. The deep pockets and recent not Russian, the effectual language. Some of the homegrown Shakhtar play- 35,000-seat stadium to witness the successes continue to attract quality inter- A powerful essence of patriotism is evi- ers enjoy the comforts of a plush Kyiv hotel Donetsk derby soccer match between national players from as far away as Brazil. dent all over Lviv, from underground tav- after the match in Lviv, some 430 miles Shakhtar and Olimpik only randomly rise Shakhtar’s roster has a 2:1 ratio of foreign erns to the street-side markets where arti- away from Donetsk, the home to which they and applaud. A group of youngsters lets out vs. local talent. sans sell their crafts to raise money for the cannot return. They may be temporarily screams, but no organized chants. Absent Coming off its fifth consecutive league are Shakhtar’s hard-core fans: the rowdy, war effort. Blue-and-yellow national flags residing in Kyiv, but the reminders of what’s title last year, Shakhtar was set to be one of wave from most buildings, sometimes next happening in Donetsk are omnipresent. shirtless and sometimes mask-clad crew of the top European franchises and a serious young men known as “ultras.” to the red-and-black flag of nationalists. News of the war’s ongoing destruction is a challenger for the UEFA Champions League It certainly shocked very few when staple on all television channels. Billboard The simple explanation for the above Cup. Then war exploded in eastern Ukraine, Shakhtar Donetsk’s arrival in Lviv was signs request Ukrainian men to join army abnormalities is because the match took and Donetsk went from a hustling million- greeted by some local residents with a bit and national guard ranks to battle back the place not on the team’s home field in war- person metropolis to an embattled center of rancor, hanging signs from their new separatist insurgency in the east. torn Donetsk, but 700 miles west in Lviv. of fighting between Ukraine’s government Every aspect of life has been touched by forces and Russia-backed separatists. home field, the 35,000-seat Lviv Arena, that A year ago, the idea Shakhtar might not Ukraine’s separatist war – even the sport of In place of home football matches, read “Get Out of Lviv!” The often-heard be able to go back and play in Donetsk soccer. Donbas Arena is home to humanitarian Ukrainians from the west don’t like their never crossed anyone’s mind. Last summer, Soccer clubs from Donetsk, Luhansk and workers feeding displaced hungry civilians brethren from the east and vice versa mani- when the conflict reached its peak as rock- Mariupol have been dislodged and relocat- caught in a conflict claiming over 6,000 fested itself at this sporting event. ets rained death down upon Donetsk, some ed because of the fighting there, just like a casualties since April 2014. In October However, one must also believe that soc- of the players recognized they and their vast number of the region’s population. 2014, shock waves from a rocket strike cer fans from all of Ukraine, no matter their team may never return. They may never get Nearly half of Ukraine’s teams do not enjoy destroyed several stadium windows, nar- home city, support each other and their back to their city, their stadium and their true home arenas this season. Among them rowly missing innocent pedestrians. nation, and are all patriots of their land. fans. is Shakhtar, living and practicing in Kyiv, The soccer team’s future today is as Filling the stadium in Lviv has been a A delicate ceasefire agreed to by both while playing home matches in Lviv. unsure as the outcome of the conflict itself. huge challenge. It has become almost warring sides does not forecast an immi- Arguably Ukraine’s greatest football The situation is most unique – never has a impossible to organize Shakhtar’s fans, nent return. The temporary truce does little club, Shakhtar Donetsk has not played on team played one or two years away from scattered throughout the country after in regard to addressing the fundamental its own home field since May 2, 2014. The home and continued to participate in the evacuating their homes. The team from issues between Ukraine and the Russian- past five years this team has won Ukraine’s Champions League. Donetsk lives in Kyiv and plays its home backed “separatists.” A victory for anyone matches in Lviv. It has turned into an involved in this conflict is still a long way Premier League Championship, played in Pro-Western Lviv European competitions, including the UEFA uncomfortable paradox. off. Champions League, and won the UEFA Cup The city of Lviv is very different from Poor attendance notwithstanding during Ihor Stelmach may be reached at iman@ in 2009. Russian-speaking Donetsk. A rich, centu- the March 14 match, Shakhtar romped to

Family Compound in Kerhonkson NY just a few minutes from Soyuzivka Heritage Center:

Two beautifully renovated homes on 19+ acres with large barn (formerly used as a theatre). e main house has four bedrooms and four baths, with a large kitchen and other useful rooms. 2,800+ sq.  . e second home has 2,600+ sq.  . with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Other features, including a pond on the property, an in ground pool, and a tennis court (both in need of restoration), and a number of bungalows in need of rehab complete the picture. e owner is retiring out west. Asking price is $895,000. Contact Licensed Real Estate Broker Gerald Goldman with Simon Gray Realty, LTD for more information and/or showing. 845-331-2321 or 914-388-1191 No. 46 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 17 Ukraine’s soccer clubs perform in European competitions by Matthew Dubas Ukraine’s men’s national team (ranked in Umaglesi Liga. Federation of Sevastopol. 28th place by FIFA for November) finished TSK Symferopol tied 2-2 with Rubin Former Manchester United player PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Ukraine’s soccer in third place with 19 points in Group C of Yalta on November 7; two more matches Andrey Kancheliskis, who was born in clubs – specifically Shakhtar Donetsk and the UEFA European qualifiers for the Euro are scheduled – on November 14 Okean Kirovohrad and began with Dynamo Kyiv Dynamo Kyiv in the UEFA Champions Cup 2016. Ukraine lost 0-1 against Spain on Kerch plays against Symferopol and on and Shakhtar Donetsk, is rumored to be a League, and Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk in the October 12, won 2-0 against Macedonia on November 18 FC Bakhchisarai plays candidate for a coaching job with UEFA Europa League – continue to climb October 9, and tied 0-0 against Slovakia on against TSK Symferopol. Symferopol leads Yevpatoria. After the break-up of the Soviet up the standings. September 8. Group C was won by Spain, the standings with 27 points, followed by Union, Kanchelskis chose to represent the Shkahtar Donetsk, in Group A, is in third with Slovakia in second place, and Ukraine FK Sevastopol, Rubin Yalta, FC Russian Federation instead of Ukraine, and place with three points after four matches did better than Belarus (fourth place, 11 Bakhchisarai, Kafa Feodosia, FC Yevpatoria, his last coaching job in Latvia (2014) saw played. Shakhtar won 3-0 against Malmo points), Luxembourg (fifth place, four Okean Kerch and Titan (Berkut) Armyansk. the team relegated. (Sweden) on November 3; lost 0-1 in its points), and Macedonia (sixth place, four Results from the Crimean Football Union The RFU, UEFA, FIFA and the FFU held a first-leg match against Malmo on October points). Ukraine is set to compete in the can be found at series of meetings in September, where a 21; lost 0-3 against Paris Saint-Germain playoffs against Slovenia on November 14 matches.priemierleague. decision was made then to set up a work- (PSG) on September 30; and lost 0-4 (at home) and November 17 (away). The top two teams in the Crimean ing group that would be given the task of against Real Madrid on September 15. Crimea’s soccer clubs’ status within Football Union are relatively financially settling the situation in Crimea. A UEFA del- Dynamo Kyiv, in Group G of the UEFA has been in limbo since Russia’s independent, while the remaining six teams egation, led by Frantisek Laurinec, indefi- Champions League, is also in third place forced annexation of the Ukrainian penin- are directly funded by Russia’s Ministry of nitely postponed its visit to Russia-annexed with five points after four matches played. sula in 2014. Earlier this year, UEFA Sport, as reported by Crimea-based journal- Crimea for a scheduled October 3 meeting Dynamo lost 1-2 against Chelsea in its sec- President Michel Platini met in Moscow ist Denis Trubetskoy for Der Spiegel. that was to open the Crimean Football ond-leg match on November 4; tied 0-0 with Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko, The league does not offer qualification Union in Symferopol. Mr. Laurinec was for- with Chelsea on October 20; won 2-0 regarding UEFA’s proposal of setting up an for European competitions. The Crimean mer president of the Slovak Football against Tel Aviv on September 29; and tied independent soccer structure that would Football Union is headed by its president, Association (1999-2010). 2-2 with Porto on September 16. unite existing soccer federations in Crimea Yury Vetokha (who ran unopposed and was As Mr. Trubetskoy explained, people liv- Shakhtar’s remaining match schedule under the temporary jurisdiction of UEFA. likely selected by Moscow), and includes ing on the Crimean peninsula may not miss includes Real Madrid on November 25 and UEFA did not penalize the Russian Football members of the Republican Football Ukraine, but they certainly miss the PSG on December 8. Dynamo’s next match- Union (RFU) for incorporating three Federation of Crimea and the Football Ukrainian Premier League. es are against Porto on November 24 and Crimean clubs – TSK Symferopol, SKCF against Tel Aviv on December 9. Sevastopol and Zhemchuzhina Yalta – into Dnipro is in third place of Group G of the the Russian Second Division for the 2014- Europa League with four points after four 2015 season, but instead blocked the RFU matches. Dnipro lost 0-3 against Saint- from incorporating the clubs, by creating a Etienne on November 5; lost 0-1 against Crimea-only competition. The Football Saintt-Etienne (France) on October 22; lost Federation of Ukraine (FFU) lodged a com- 0-1 against Rosenborg (Norway) on October plaint against the RFU with UEFA and FIFA, 1; and tied 1-1 with Lazio on September 17. and UEFA banned the RFU from incorpo- Dnipro plays against Lazio on November 26 rating Crimean clubs into its competitions. and against Rosenborg on December 10. Gianna Infantino, UEFA general secretary, Ukraine’s WFC Kharkiv finished in sec- said Crimea would be designated a “special ond place of Group 8 of the UEFA Women’s zone for football purposes.” Champions League standings. The second- The first match of the Crimean Premier place finish knocked the club out of the League (comprising eight teams) was a 2-2 main round. Ukraine finished in third place draw between FK Sevastopol and TSK with 19 points, tied with Slovakia, but Simferopol on August 22. The FFU Slovakia led on points. announced in June that it would incorporate Ukraine’s women’s team is in fourth place Tavriya Symferopol (SC Symferopol) into the in Group 3 of the UEFA Women’s European Ukrainian Premier League and re-establish its Championship. Ukraine tied 2-2 with base in Kherson. The FFU stated that it wants Romania (second place) on October 22 and to return to a 16-team format for the 2016- lost 0-3 against France (first place) on 2017 season. October 27. Other members in Group 3 There is speculation that a conflict will include Greece (third place) and Albania emerge by the next season as to the legal (fifth place). The team’s match schedule standing of each team of the same name – picks up in 2016 on March 4 against Albania, one in Russia-annexed Crimea and one in against Greece on March 8, against Albania Ukraine. The precedent was set in Georgia, again on April 8, against France on April 12, with a South Ossetian club – Spartaki against Greece on June 3 and 7, and against Tskhinvali – that has been based in Tbilisi Romania on September 15. since 2006 and plays in the Georgia 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46

Through November 29 Art exhibit, “Retrospective by Oksana Teodorowycz,” November 21-22 Christmas Bazaar, Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine, Chicago Ukrainian National Museum, 321-421-8020 Washington 202-526-3737 or

Through March 12 Exhibit, “Double Exposure: Russia’s Secret Police Under November 22 Thanksgiving dinner, Ukrainian Homestead, Stanford, CA the Last Tsar,” Stanford University, Lehighton, PA

November 18-19 Film screening, “Babushkas of Chernobyl,” Doc NYC Film November 22 Harvest dinner, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Greek-Catholic New York Festival, IFC Center, 212-924-7771 or Scranton, PA Church, 570-346-4164

November 20 Discussion, “A Day on the Front with Borys Penchuk – November 22 Book launch, “New Imaginaries: Youth Reinvention of Sacramento, CA Soldier, Volunteer, Activist,” Ukrainian Heritage Club, New York Ukraine’s Cultural Paradigm” by Marian J. Rubchak, Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, The Ukrainian Museum, 914-645-2652 or November 20 Fund-raiser, Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, [email protected] Calgary St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Cultural November 22 Discussion, “A Day on the Front with Borys Penchuk – Center, [email protected] San Francisco Soldier, Volunteer, Activist,” Ukrainian American November 20 Film screening, “The Ukrainians” by Leonid Kanter and Coordinating Council, Minneapolis Ivan Yasen, Hopkins High School Auditorium, 612-424-1377 or [email protected] November 22 Christmas Bazaar, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin November 20 Lecture by Brent Bezo, “The Long-Term Ottawa Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, 613-728-0856 Toronto Intergenerational Impact of the Holodomor Genocide on November 24 Symposium, “The Role of Religion in the Russian- Ukrainians,” Shevchenko Scientific Society, St. Vladimir New York Ukrainian Conflict,” Columbia University, Institute, 416-966-1819 212-854-4623 or [email protected]

November 21 Book launch, “Courage and Fear” by Prof. Ola Hnatiuk, November 26 Thanksgiving celebration, Soyuzivka Heritage Center, New York Schevchenko Scientific Society, 212-254-5130 Kerhonkson, NY

November 21 Fund-raiser in memory of Luba Markewycz, Ukrainian November 26 Lecture by Lubomyr Luciuk, “Tell Them We Are Chicago Institute of Modern Art, or Calgary, AB Starving: The 1933 Diaries of Gareth Jones,” Danish 773-227-5522 Canadian Club, [email protected]

November 21 Indoor volleyball tournament, Ukrainian Sports November 26 Book presentation and discussion with Sofiia Whippany, NJ Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada, Ukrainian Toronto Andrukhovych, “Felix Austria,” Munk School of Global American Cultural Center of New Jersey, Affairs, University of Toronto, [email protected] [email protected] Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events November 21 Fund-raiser, Ukrainian Federation of America, The advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Philadelphia Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum, from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

JACQUES HNIZDOVSKY PRINTS DRAWINGS PAINTINGS William Greenbaum Fine Prints has been in business now for more than 50 years. We currently have 50 signed prints by Mr. Hnizdovsky for sale and we are seeking to purchase more of his prints as well as his drawings and paintings.

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Plast scouts share impressions of pope’s visit to Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA – Three members of the Philadelphia branch of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization attended the papal liturgy in Phila- delphia on September 27. They opted to wear their Plast scout uniforms for the special occasion. Below they share a little about their experience. Olesyk Firko, 18, a senior in high school, said: “Zachar Firko, Markian Shust and I ventured from a local train station at 7 a.m. on Sunday morning to see the pope and take part in his Lit- urgy. Even though we waited in line for two and a half hours, we still had a great time. We met new people, from Levittown, Pa., to Austin, Texas. Everyone was kind, offering us food, drinks and conversation to pass the time. When we fi nally entered the gates to the Ben Franklin Parkway (where the mass was being held), every secu- rity guard, police offi cer, state trooper, National

Guard members were nice enough to direct us Andrew Zvarych toward our seating. At some points we were even On the Ben Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia, where a papal mass was celebrated by Pope Francis, escorted through mobs of people. (from left) are: Olesyk Firko, Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.), Markian Shust and Zachar Firko. “As we stood waiting for the liturgy to start, we had tons of news reporters approach us. only uniformed scouts and that made for interest- Zachar Firko, 15, a sophomore in high school These reporters ranged from small-town Catholic ing conversation. We told them all about Plast added: “It was neat all the attention our plastovyi television to mainstream Italian news stations. I – Ukrainian scouting. The experience of giving odnostriy brought us. Representing Plast and believe it was the plastovyi odnostriy (Plast uni- interviews was surreal and exciting, and I would Ukraine was a great honor – especially at a time form) that captured their attention. We were the not mind doing it again. when the pope was in town.” New Haven “Ridna Shkola” Mishanyna Find the capitalized words, all related to events in November, holds Halloween celebration hidden in the Mishanyna grid. ALL SAINTS day HOLODOMOR PUMPKINS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS commemorations REMEMBRANCE day time ends Dedication (Canada) ELECTION day (U.S.) of the Holodomor THANKSGIVING day MEMORIAL (U.S.) FOOTBALL games PARADES VETERANS day (U.S.)

NEW HAVEN, Conn. – On Saturday morning, October 31, the younger stu- dents of the New Haven School of Ukrainian Studies (“Ridna Shkola”) cel- ebrated Halloween. Schoolteacher Halia Lodynsky led this celebration with games that the children enjoyed. All the children wore beautiful costumes. – Halia Jurczak-Lodynsky 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2015 No. 46

PREVIEW OF EVENTS Saturday, November 21 NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific Society invites all to a book launch of “Courage and Fear” (2015) by Prof. Ola Hnatiuk (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy). In September 2015, the book received a Grand Prix Award at the Book Forum in Lviv. The book launch will take place at the society’s building, 63 Fourth Ave. (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 5 p.m. For additional information, call 212-254-5130 Sunday, November 22 NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Museum and the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America will launch the book “New Imaginaries: Youthful Reinvention of Ukraine’s Cultural Paradigm” (Berghahn Books 2015), whose editor/translator is Dr. Marian J. Rubchak. The new book offers fresh perspec- tives from Ukraine’s new generation of femi- nist scholars and is dedicated to the women of the Maidan. The program starts at 2 p.m. with introductions (Dr. Martha Kebalo) followed by the book presentation and concludes with an update about the UNWLA’s endowed lecture- ship in women’s studies at the Ukrainian Catholic University. Refreshments will follow. The Ukrainian Museum is located at 222 E. Sixth St., between Second and Third avenues. Tickets may be purchased at the door ($15, $10 for seniors, $5 for students). For more information visit Saturday-Sunday, December 5-6 NEW YORK: Do not miss The Ukrainian Museum’s Christmas Bazaar and its unique gifts from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. This annual sale organized by the “Wednesday Volunteers” is a great opportunity to purchase folk art items, ornaments, Christmas cards, books, artwork, contemporary crafts and jewelry, home-baked goods and much, much more. Come early for the best selections, or check the online gift shop at Admission is free. The Ukrainian Museum is located at 222 E. Sixth St., between Second and Third avenues; telephone, 212-228-0110.

NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Museum and Yara Arts Group present “Koliada Winter Songs and Music from the Carpathians” featuring the Koliadnyky from Kryvorivnia, Ivan and Mykola Zelenchuk, with “troista” musicians Mykola Ilyuk, Vasyl Tymchuk and Ostap Kostyuk. They will be joined by special guest bandurist Julian Kytasty. The event is directed by Virlana Tkacz with projections by Volodymyr Klyuzko. Seating is limited; order tickets in advance online at www.ukrainian- ($25; $20 for museum members, seniors, students). Shows are on Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Museum, 222 E. Sixth St.; telephone, 212-228-0110. Sunday, December 6 HILLSIDE, N.J.: You, your family and friends are invited to visit with St. Nicholas at 12:30 p.m. in the church hall of Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, located at the inter- section of Liberty Avenue and Bloy Street. The parish children will present an informal bilingual entertainment program. Complimentary refreshments will be served. For those attending the Sunday divine liturgy at 10:45 a.m., a light lunch will be provided after the liturgy. If you would like to attend the luncheon, contact Teresa Szpyhulsky at 908-289-0127, Patricia Shatynski at 908-322-7350 or e-mail the parish at [email protected] by November 30. Additional information and directions to the parish may be found on the parish website,, or on its Facebook page. Saturday-Sunday, December 12-13 NEW YORK: Create your own traditional Ukrainian Christmas tree ornaments such as spiders, cradles, stars, mobiles and garlands, using beads, walnut shells, colored ribbons and paper. This is a great activity for the entire fami- ly (children age 7 and up). The program is on Saturday, 2-4 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-1 p.m. or 2-4 p.m. Fee: adults – $15; students over age 12 and seniors – $10; children age 7-12 – $5; members get a 10 percent discount. Pre-registration is required. The Ukrainian Museum is located at 222 E. Sixth St., between Second and Third ave- nues; telephone, 212-228-0110; website, www.