Multiple Sclerosis Associated with Defects in Neuromuscular Transmission

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Multiple Sclerosis Associated with Defects in Neuromuscular Transmission

Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1972, 35, 385-394 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from

Multiple sclerosis associated with defects in neuromuscular transmission

BERNARD M. PATTEN, AVERY HART, AND ROBERT LOVELACE' From The Neurological Clinical Research Center, Department ofNeurology, College ofPhysicians andSurgeons, Columbia University, New York City, U.S.A.

SUMMARY Three patients with characterized by exacerbations and remissions of nervous system disseminated in time and space also had the kind of easy fatigu- ability seen in myasthenia gravis. In each case abnormal decrements to repetitive stimulation were electromyographically demonstrated and treatment with or anticholinesterase drugs increased the patient's functional capacity while improving the electromyographic abnormality. The suggestion is that these patients represent an overlap syndrome, analogous to the overlap syndrome existing between systemic erythematosus and where clinical and laboratory features of two diseases coexist in the same patient at the same time. Presumably some patients with multiple sclerosis have deficient production of , just like patients with myasthenia, and treatment with agents useful in myasthenia is able partially to correct the the The cases illustrate how in greater attention to the symptoms caused by deficiency. Protected by copyright. more immediate cause of clinical symptoms, in the absence of a known aetiology, may result in benefit to the patients.

Multiple sclerosis continues to be a disease of eases coexist in the same patient. The recognition enigmas. Not only are we ignorant of its cause of the multiple sclerosis-myasthenia gravis over- or cure, but also we can not adequately explain lap syndrome has both fundamental and practical the exacerbations and remissions, or the lack significance in view of our ignorance of the cause of correlation between the patient's functional of both conditions, as well as the possible diag- capacity and the number and severity of the nostic and therapeutic benefit that may be ob- demyelinated plaques (Namerow and Thompson, tained for multiple sclerosis patients by drug 1969). The significance of the peculiar epidemi- induced improvement of neuromuscular trans- ology of the condition escapes us, as do the mission. In the absence of a known aetiology, reasons for the reported association of multiple our cases illustrate how an approach to therapy sclerosis with migraine (Watkins and Espir, might be found in a better understanding of the 1969) and narcolepsy (Ekbom, 1966). causes of symptom formation. The existence of so much unexplained data has led some to postulate that multiple sclerosis CASE 1 not a disease but is a clinical is entity, merely O.R., a 26 year old Negro woman, was well until syndrome which includes many disorders of January 1968 when she noted episodes of marked different causation (Ekbom, 1966; Connor, and easy fatiguability. By May 1968 she 1970). An alternative explanation is that some would wake up feeling normal but became quite diseases may use similar mechanisms of expres- fatigued on dressing, and at times was so weak on October 2, 2021 by guest. sion. To support this idea, we wish to report a she could not comb her hair. On lying down for class of multiple sclerosis patients who have 10 minutes the weakness remitted. She said she had signs and symptoms of both multiple sclerosis occasional double vision and decreased vision which and myasthenia gravis analogous to the overlap cleared spontaneously. Because of her fatiguability, syndrome existing between systemic lupus she was unable to work at her job as a maid. In and rheumatoid arthritis in which June of 1968, she presented to the Presbyterian erythematosus Hospital complaining of double vision. On examina- clinical and laboratory features of the two dis- tion, she had mild weakness of both deltoid muscles. She could not walk on her toes or heels. No 1 Reprint requests: Dr. Robert Lovelace, Neurological Institute, 710 objective West 168th Street, New York, New York 10032, U.S.A. evidence for extraocular movement dysfunction was 385 386 Bernard M. Patten, Avery Hart, and Robert Lovelace J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from found. Intravenous saline gave no response but 10 Horwitz, 1968). Conduction velocities in median, mg (Tensilon) made the patient feel ulnar, peroneal, and posterior tibial nerves were nor- strong, relieved the , and increased strength mal. Repetitive stimulation of the median nerve at in the deltoid muscles. For the duration of the the wrist was performed, with the right arm, hand, effect of Tensilon, she was able to walk on her toes and fingers rigidly controlled for movement. Record- and heels. She was admitted to the Neurological ing of evoked potentials in the thenar muscles was Institute for evaluation of possible myasthenia made by firmly affixed surface electrodes. Repetitive gravis. stimulation of the right median/thenar system at WBC was 4150/cu mm with 47°/ lymphocytes. 2/sec revealed decrements between 20 and 25%Y Lumbar puncture showed no RBC or WBC, sugar (Fig. 1); at 5/sec a decrement of 15% and less 67 mg and protein 15 mg/100 ml. on two determina- marked changes at 10/sec, with normal potentiation tions, with gamma globulin of 17%. The following there and at 20 and 40/sec (Fig. 1). As shown tests were normal: sedimentation rate, fasting blood (Fig. 2), well performed exercise of thenar muscles sugar, blood urea nitrogen, VDRL, two LE prepara- for one minute produced initial potentiation with tions, creatine phosphokinase, lactic dehydrogenase, disappearance of the decrement at 2/sec. The decre- SGOT, plasma electrophoretic pattern, sodium, ment progressively returned one minute after cessa- potassium, CO2, Cl, Ca"+, Mg ++, latex fixation, tion of exercise. Similar changes were seen on repeti- urinalysis, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, tive stimulation of the ulnar/hypothenar system. skull, and chest radiography. Unipolar needle of right arm Tensilon test in a double blind controlled manner muscles was normal except for some excessive again produced remarkable improvement, but the variation in amplitude of single firing motor unit effect lasted over 20 minutes, so she was not con- potentials. sidered to have typical myasthenia. The patient was These findings indicated a defect in neuromuscular discharged without a diagnosis and was further transmission suggestive of myasthenia gravis, since observed in clinic. the greatest change was at 2/sec; but with demonstra-Protected by copyright. tion of an atypical exercise study. ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC STUDIES Standard techniques In July 1968, the patient was depressed over the were used as previously described (Lovelace and apparent hopelessness of her condition. She asked FIG. 1. Repetitive stimulation of the right median-thenar system: case 1. Supramaximal stimulation showing decrements (A and B) and potentiation (C and D). A. 2/sec. B. S/sec. C. 10/sec. D. 20/sec. Calibration = 1 mV. on October 2, 2021 by guest. Multiple sclerosis associated with defects in neutromuscular transmission 387 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from

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FIG. 2. Exercise study ofright thenar muscles with repetitive stimulation: case 1. Evokedpotentials are recorded at 2/sec stimulation and superimposed: amplitude when varying always decrements. Tracings are obtained before (first tracing) andat intervals after well-performed maximal exercise ofthenar muscles. Readingfrom left to right intervals after well-performed maximal exercise of thenar muscles are: 10" = 10 sec, 30" = 30 sec, 1' =1 min, Protected by copyright. 2' = 2 min, etc. Calibration= I m V. if she could take 'that medicine' (Tensilon) again, turned. By July 1969, her examination was normal since she thought it was the only thing that had except for downward drift of the right arm and some helped. weakness of the left psoas muscle. In October 1969, Examination showed nystagmus on vertical gaze. she developed a numb sensation in the whole right Repetitive hand gripping produced early . lower extremity with decreased pain perception. She had absent abdominal reflexes and a right sided In addition there was a Babinski sign on the right. hyper-reflexia. By January 1970, the patient felt entirely normal. Anticholinesterase therapy in the form of pyrido- Her neurological examination revealed no evidence stigmine (Mestinon) 60 mg three times daily was of cord or brain-stem pathology and she continued prescribed. The patient improved remarkably with on Mestinon for relief of fatigue. She continued this agent and she was able for the first time in nine to work, but found the need for the medicine was months to return to work. gradually declining. By July 1970, she was able to From September to December 1968, because of do her job while taking only one tablet of Mestinon the side-effects of dry and abdominal cramps, daily. Examination at that time showed nystagmus she stopped her medicine four times. Each time, her on left lateral gaze, bilateral Babinski signs, absent original weakness returned forcing her to restart right knee and ankle jerks, and of the left the Mestinon in order to continue earning a living. eyelid. The Tensilon test was repeated in January Examination in December revealed only vertical 1971, after cessation of Mestinon therapy for 12 and horizontal gaze nystagmus. The right sided hours. Before injection, repetitive stimulation at 1 hyper-reflexia had disappeared. Repeat electrical and 2/sec (Fig. 3) showed some decrement by ap- on October 2, 2021 by guest. studies using the above techniques showed decre- proximately 15% which improved with continued ments at 2/sec (23%) and 5/sec (12%), but no stimulation. This was less marked at 5/sec with clear abnormalities at 10 and 20/sec. This was still consist- later potentiation. Ten milligrams of Tensilon was ent with a defect in neuromuscular transmission given intravenously, which produced complete clear- under therapy. ing of the decrement. In April 1969, in spite of her medicine, the patient developed ataxia, positive Romberg test, left inter- nuclear ophthalmoplegia with failure to adduct the COMMENT This woman had a clinical syndrome left , and coarse nystagmus in right eye (converg- characterized by a myasthenic defect in neuro- ence was normal). The right hyper-reflexia had re- muscular transmission associated with signs of 388 Bernard M. Patten, Avery Hart, and Robert Lovelace J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from

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FIG. 3. Successive thenarpotentials are recordedfrom left to right directly on afibre optic recorder (F. 0. 100, Teca Corp.). A = Ilsec, B = 2/sec, and C =5/sec. Repetitive median nerve stimulation with thenar recording is

exhibited both before and at 2 min after the intravenous injection of10 mg edrophonium (Tensilon). Protected by copyright.

CNS dysfunction that spontaneously exacerbated ness of both legs lasting several weeks and improving and remitted. Her complete remission in January spontaneously. He also complained of day-long epi- 1970 was remarkable, but not unknown either sodes of numbness and tingling of the legs. At age in multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis. 41 years, the weakness became rapidly worse and he According to Norris (1963), decrements in the developed diplopia and numbness of the left side of his face and tongue. On examination there was supramaximally evoked potential at stimulus hypalgesia of the left side of the face, nystagmus on rates 10/second or below, as were seen in this horizontal gaze, bilateral Babinski signs, and cere- patient, are diagnostic of myasthenia. Other bellar ataxia of the left arm. Routine laboratory criteria considered essential for the diagnosis of evaluation similar to case 1 was normal. Lumbar myasthenia gravis in our laboratories and by puncture with CSF examination was normal Simpson (1966a), such as an increment at except for a colloidal gold curve of 0013211000. stimulation rates of 10/sec and higher, together Gamma globulin was not estimated. He was diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis and over the with the retention of post-tetanic facilitation were seen (Fig. 1). The elevated percentage of ensuing two weeks, spontaneous dramatic improve- gamma globulin in the cerebrospinal fluid in the ment occurred. He was then well except for mild face of normal globulins in the blood episodic leg weakness until age 46 years when he peripheral developed numbness of the right leg, paraparesis, is highly significant and characteristic ofmultiple bilateral Babinski signs, and nystagmus. These sclerosis (Schneck and Claman, 1969). We there- gradually cleared, leaving only a mild paraparesis. fore believe that the laboratory and clinical At age 50 years, he had an episode of blurred vision features of both myasthenia gravis and multiple which cleared After the spontaneously. attack, visual on October 2, 2021 by guest. sclerosis were present in this case, and that she acuities were 20/30, but optic disks were pale and has an overlap syndrome in which features of visual fields constricted to red test objects. His dis- both conditions coexist in the same patient at ease then stopped progressing, and he has remained the same time. with fixed neurological deficits. Because he com- The remaining illustrative cases will be pre- plained of easy fatiguability and had decreased sented in less detail. strength with successive hand grips, electrical studies were performed. CASE 2 J. F., a 57 year old white man, was well until the ELECTRODIAGNOSIS Nerve conduction velocities were age of 37 years when he developed attacks of weak- slightly slow with right median and ulnar motor Multiple sclerosis associated with defects in neuromuscular transmission 389 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from



FIG. 4. Results of treatment in case 2. A. Untreated supramaximal stimulation ofthe median-thenar system at the rate of 10/sec for 15 sec produced a 20% decrease in the amplitude of the evoked muscle actioni potential. B. Ephedrine treated: after one week of ephedrine 25 mg t.i.d., stimulation in the same cirumstances produced no decrement. C. Mestinon treated: after one week ofMestinon 60 mg b.i.d., stimulation in the same circumstances produced no decrement. Time line (0J1 sec) forms lower quarter oftracings B and C. Protected by copyright. conduction velocity being 44 and 42 m/sec respective- the course of two weeks. Her main complaint was ly. Median motor and sensory distal latencies were weakness of her hands, but questioning revealed prolonged at 6-1 and 4 5 msec respectively. On that she suffered from easy fatiguability. Indeed, needle electromyography, there were occasional while doing housework she became so fatigued that spontaneous positive waves, but otherwise no she had to rest every few minutes to recover her abnormalities were seen. Repetitive stimulation strength. On examination, there were bilateral showed decrements at 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50/sec. Babinski signs, decreased vibration and position These decrements were less marked when the patient sense in hands, nystagmus on lateral gaze, ataxic was treated by ephedrine and (Fig. tandem gait, and bilaterally absent abdominal and 4). Serial studies each week over the course of two triceps reflexes. months indicated unequivocal electrophysiological Lumbar puncture and CSF examination was nor- and clinical improvement while under therapy and mal except for a protein of 38 mg/100 ml., 21% of there was a rapid relapse to the original state of which was gamma globulin. Colloidal gold curve disability when medicines were temporarily stopped. was 2223300000. ESR was 40 mm in the first hour and EEG was mildly and non-specifically abnormal

COMMENT Whereas case 1 presented primarily due to bilateral slow waves. The rest of the routine with excessive fatiguability suggestive of myas- laboratory tests were normal. thenia and only subsequently was found to have features of multiple sclerosis, case 2 presented ELECTRODIAGNOSIS Conduction velocities and needle in the reverse fashion: initially a picture of electromyography were normal. Repetitive sti- sclerosis followed by the laboratory mulation showed decrements especially at 10, 20, multiple and 50/sec (Fig. 5). During the two minutes after findings of myasthenia gravis. The use of ephe- intravenous edrophonium (Tensilon), there was drine and Mestinon in this latter patient has clear improvement in the weakness and fatiguability on October 2, 2021 by guest. enabled him to work again as a carpenter, together with a less marked decrement on repetitive something he had not been able to do for several stimulation. years. One month later, she had an ataxic gait, a right medial longitudinal fasciculus lesion with failure CASE 3 to adduct the right eye and coarse nystagmus in the This 41 year old Negro woman was well until one left eye on attempted left lateral gaze. In addition, year ago, when she noted episodic burning of the there was rotatory nystagmus on upward gaze with hands, and difficulty in buttoning her clothes. She the quick component clockwise. Decreased position also had attacks of unsteadiness with frequent falls. sense in the right hand was still present, but position One episode of diplopia cleared spontaneously over sense in theleftwasnormal. Babinski's sign, previously 390 Bernard M. Patteni, Avery Hart, anid Robert Lovelace J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from

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FIG. 5. Decrements in patient 3. A. Supramaximal stimulation ofmedian-thenar system at 10/sec for 15 sec produceda 20% decrease in the amplitude ofthe evokedmuscle actionpotentiaL B. At the rate of20/secfor 15 sec the decrement was again 20%. C. At 50/sec for 15 sec the decrement was 35%. Tensilon test in patient 3: D. Control trace: in spite ofrecovery ofthe amplitude of the single , supramaximal stimulation at 10/secfor 15 sec shows 40%. decrease in amplitude. This decrement is greater thanpreviouslyseen in this patient atthisrate(seeAabove)andprobably indicatedresidualfatiguefrom the 50/sec stimulation which hadtaken place, 10min before. E. Tensilon trace: one minute after the injection ofTensilon intravenously a repeat tracing wasmade for 15 sec. The amplitude ofthefirstpotential is the same as in the control(D). However, subsequentpotentials in the Tensilon trace are 10 % greater than the controlfor thefirst 10 sec. However, the ultimate decrement at 15 sec is the same as in D (40%). Time line (0 1 sec) is seen in all tracings below lower horizontal line; at lower edge of potentials in A, B, and C, but superimposed on D and E. bilateral, was now present only on the right. One demyelinating disease. Myasthenia gravis was month after that, she felt less fatigued and had no not considered at all. Yet without invoking that trouble in buttoning her clothes. Her Romberg test diagnosis the decrements to repetitive hand grip, was negative, the medial longitudinal fasciculus electrical findings, and positive Tensilon test lesion had disappeared, and sensation was normal. cannot be explained. In retrospect, her easy The Babinski sign was also gone. Repetitive hand fatiguability takes on a greater meaning and was grips produced no decrements in strength. on October 2, 2021 by guest. the first clue to the presence of a defect in neuromuscular transmission. COMMENT The clinical presentation of this patient's disease was puzzling. Her initial dis- ability could have been explained by a cervical DISCUSSION syrinx, but the elevated gamma globulin and Stimulation for 15 seconds of the median-thenar abnormal colloidal gold curve of the CSF system in normal controls in our laboratory suggested multiple sclerosis. The subsequent at frequencies including 50/sec produces a slight carefully documented exacerbation and remis- potentiation but no decrements in the amplitude sions of CNS signs support the diagnosis of of the evoked muscle action potential (Fig. 6). Multiple sclerosis associated with defects in neuromuscular trantsmissiont 391 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from

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FIG. 6. Comparison ofnormal, myasthenic, and multiple sclerosis neuromuscular response to repetitive stimula- tion. A. Normal (BP): supramaximal stimulation ofmedian-thenar system at SO/sec for 15 sec produces a slight increase in the amplitude ofthe evoked muscle action potential. B. Myasthenic: stimulation under the same con- ditions produces an initial decrement, followed by potentiation, followed by decrement. C. Multiple sclerosis: stimulation ofcase 2 under same conditionsproduces a 70% decrease in the amplitude ofthe evokedactionpotential. Protected by copyright. The potenltiation seen in niormals and in myasthenics is not present. A and C include lower time line as in Figs 4 and 5.

We, therefore, believe that normal human muscle gravis than repetitive stimulation alone. In this action potential evoked by supramaximal stimu- regard, all of our cases showed definite, and at lation in these circumstances maintains its times dramatic, improvement in amplitude of amplitude and does not decrement. By contrast, evoked muscle potential with Tensilon confirm- the fatiguability demonstrated electrically and ing that repetitive stimulation studies during the clinically in our cases occurred within one to maximal effect of this short-tracing anticholin- two seconds at low stimulus frequencies and esterase drug are quite useful and provide a resembles the fatigue seen in myasthenia gravis. quantitative, objective assessment of the patient's Harvey and Masland, in their original studies response. of repetitive stimulation, noted that patients with The suggestion is that acetylcholine is deficient myasthenia gravis showed initial fatigue, then in our patients, just as it is in myasthenia gravis some recovery, and finally more fatigue (Harvey (Roberts and Wilson, 1968), and that the decre- and Masland, 1941). The cause of the temporary ments reflect the easy fatiguability of metabolic- recovery is unknown, but initial decrement, ally deficient neurones. The clinical and electrical followed by potentiation, followed by decrement improvement with Tensilon, ephedrine, and was not characteristic of our patients with Mestinon, drugs effective in myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis (Fig. 6). Harvey and Masland indicates that the defect in neuromuscular thought that some apparently normal individuals transmission is in part correctable. In this on October 2, 2021 by guest. had unusually rapid fatigue, but they did not connection, it must be remembered that the identify these controls or specify how many were patients reported here are a highly selected studied, and what stimulus frequencies produced group in which myasthenic features were easily what degrees of decrement. They did say that detected clinically, and were superimposed on an none of these allegedly normal people had any underlying substrate of multiple sclerosis. Anti- significant change in either strength or evoked drug therapy, because of possible potential during Tensilon testing, and, therefore, toxic side effects, is not needed in all cases of concluded that the favourable response to multiple sclerosis. Certainly, only those patients Tensilon was a more reliable sign of myasthenia with unequivocal clinical and electrodiagnostic 392 Bernard M. Patten, Avery Hart, and Robert Lovelace J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from responses to these agents are suitable candidates primary involvement in myasthenia gravis for long-term treatment. (Desmedt, 1966) should lead us to consider Milder defects in neuromuscular transmission whether myasthenia gravis is a primary neuro- than reported here may be more common than genic disorder. Other muscle conditions such as generally realized, as studies indicate some and fatiguability to repetitive stimulation in amyo- have been associated with intellectual defects trophic lateral sclerosis (Simpson and Lenman, and central nervous system pathology (Worden 1959; Mulder, Lambert and Eaton, 1959), and Vignos, 1962; Rosman and Rebeiz, 1967), chronic polyneuritis (Baginsky, 1968), and polio- and Engel has recently reported abnormal muscle myelitis (Hodes, 1948). Of course, myasthenic enzymes and muscle biopsies in patients with features have been noted with carcinoma of the acute psychoses (Engel and Meltzer, 1970). The lung, botulinus intoxication, magnesium intoxi- cases reported here indicate that multiple sclero- cation (Lambert, 1966), thyroid disease (Norris, sis is another condition in which association be- 1966), trimethadione therapy (Peterson, 1966), tween central and peripheral nervous system may and with the use of various antibiotics (McQuil- be found. Even though nerve histopathology len, Cantor, and O'Rourke, 1968). None of these (Ward, Cannon, and Lindsay, 1965), conduction known causes of a myasthenic syndrome was velocity, and needle electromyography are nor- present in our cases. One case of multiple mal in multiple sclerosis (Rinne and Tuovinen, sclerosis-myasthenia gravis overlap syndrome 1968), the demonstration of a defect in neuro- has been previously identified (Margolis and muscular transmission in some patients with this Graves, 1945), and Keane's patient (Keane and condition indicates that further study of the Hoyt, 1970) with tingling in the hands and feet, peripheral nervous system should be undertaken. unsteady gait, blurred vision in the evenings, It is difficult at present to draw any firm con-Protected by copyright. 'dubious' Babinski sign on the right, pale optic clusions about the significance of the multiple disks, vertical gaze nystagmus with a rotatory sclerosis-myasthenia gravis association. Simpson component who had a positive Tensilon test, points out that the factors which may be associa- reported as a puzzling case of myasthenia gravis, ted with the first attack or later relapses of seems to more closely fit the overlap syndrome myasthenia gravis are emotional disturbances, reported here. infection, and trauma (Simpson 1966b). In The interrelationships between peripheral and this respect, and also in sex incidence, age of central nervous system are only recently coming onset, and remittent course, there are strik- to light. Antineuronal have now been ing resemblances with the collagen vascular reported in myasthenia gravis (Kornguth, Han- diseases and multiple sclerosis. The occurrence son, and Chun, 1970) and muscle biopsies in of myasthenia gravis with other diseases of myasthenia gravis are said to show neurogenic supposed autoimmune origin including pemphi- atrophy (Engel and McFarlin, 1966). Sensory gus (Beutner, Chorezelski, Hale, and Hausma- loss, psychosis, epilepsy, face numbness, loss nowa-Petrusewicz, 1968), haemolytic anaemia of taste and smell were well recognized in myas- (Halperin, Minogue, and Komninos, 1966), thenia gravis, especially in early studies (Simp- ulcerative colitis (Engel and Meltzer, 1970), son, 1966b). In fact, Simpson at the Erb Muscle polymyositis (Halperin et al., 1966), and thyroid- Symposium in Heidelberg in 1966 commented on itis, systemic lupus, and pernicious anaemia 10 cases of myasthenia gravis with raised protein (New England Journal of Medicine, 1966) could in the cerebrospinal fluid, one of which had not have been an accident. Thymic germinal increased gamma globulin level (an abnormal centres, identical to those seen in myasthenia

Lange curve), probably due to multiple sclerosis gravis, have been reported in lupus erythematos- on October 2, 2021 by guest. associated with myasthenia gravis (Simpson, us, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and thyroiditis 1966c). Indeed, some of the older necropsy (New England Journal of Medicine, 1966), and reports of myasthenia gravis concentrated on should increase our consideration of the possible cerebral and spinal pathology exclusively with relation of myasthenia gravis to these diseases no mention of peripheral disease (McAlpine, and to the autoiminune diseases in general. In 1929; Mott and Barrada, 1923). These observa- myasthenia gravis the most significant observa- tions, our own data, and Desmedt's electro- tion has been the finding of muscle antibodies physiological evidence that the presynaptic region directed against thymic epithelial cells, that of the is the site of cross-react with the A band of striated muscle Multiple sclerosis associated with defects in neuromuscular transmission 393 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.35.3.385 on 1 June 1972. Downloaded from

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