THE CLAUDE A. BARNETT PAPERS: THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS, 1918-1967 Part Three Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967


BLACK STUDIES RESEARCH SOURCES: Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections

August Meier and Elliott Rudwick General Editors

THE CLAUDE A. BARNETT PAPERS: The Associated Negro Press, 1918-1967

Part Three Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967

THE CLAUDE A. BARNETT PAPERS: The Associated Negro Press, 1918-1967

Part Three Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967

Seri es A: Agriculture, 1923-1966 Seri es B: Colleges and Universities, 1918-1966 Seri es C: Economic Conditions, 1918-1966 Ser es D: Entertainers, Artists, and Authors, 1928-1965 Ser es E: Medicine, 1927-1965 Ser es F: Military, 1925-1965 Seri es G: Philanthropic and Social Organizations, 1925-1966 Seri es H: Politics and Law, 1920-1966 Seri es I: Race Relations, 1923-1965 Seri es J: Religion, 1924-1966 Seri es K: Claude A. Barnett, Personal and Financial, 1920-1967

Microfilmed from the holdings of the Historical Society

Edited by August Meier and Elliott Rudwick

A Microfilm Project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. 44 North Market Street • Frederick, Maryland 21701 NOTE ON SELECTIONS Portions of the Claude A. Barnett papers at the Archives and Manuscripts Depart- ment of the Chicago Historical Society do not appear in this microfilm edition. The editors chose not to include African and other foreign relations materials and to film only the American categories of the Barnett papers that hold the greatest potential research value. Materials of negligible or specialized research interest that were not microfilmed include some pamphlets, some categories composed entirely of news- clippings, partial sets of minutes of institutions which Barnett served as a board member, a small group of materials that are closed to researchers at present, and routine financial records. Questions about the Barnett papers should be directed to the Archives and Manuscripts Department. Photographs, primarily dating from the 1940s to the 1960s, also are not included in this microfilm set. They are housed in the Prints and Photographs Department of the Chicago Historical Society.

Copyright ® 1986 by the Chicago Historical Society. All rights reserved. Series A. ISBN 0-89093-759-1. Series B. ISBN 0-89093-760-5. Series C. ISBN 0-89093-761-3. Series D. ISBN 0-89093-762-1. Series E. ISBN 0-89093-763-X. Series F. ISBN 0-89093-764-8. Series G. ISBN 0-89093-765-6. Series H. ISBN 0-89093-766-4. Series I. ISBN 0-89093-767-2. Series J. ISBN 0-89093-768-0. Series K. ISBN 0-89093-769-9. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Historical Sketch vii

Description xi

Series A: Agriculture, 1923-1966 1

Series B: Colleges and Universities, 1918-1966 9

Series C: Economic Conditions, 1918-1966 21

Series D: Entertainers, Artists, and Authors, 1928-1965 31

Series E: Medicine, 1927-1965 39

Series F: Military, 1925-1965 47

Series G: Philanthropic and Social Organizations, 1925-1966 53

Series H: Politics and Law, 1920-1966 59

Series I: Race Relations, 1923-1965 67

Series J: Religion, 1924-1966 75

Series K: Claude A. Barnett, Personal and Financial, 1920-1967 83

Subject Index 89

HISTORICAL SKETCH The Claude A. Barnett Papers

Claude A. Barnett founded the Associated Negro Press (ANP) in March 1919 and remained its director through nearly half a century of enormous social change. The ANP was the largest and longest-lived news service to supply black newspapers in the United States with news of interest to black citizens, opinion columns, reviews of books, movies, and records, and occasionally poetry, cartoons, and photographs. The ANP provided its member newspapers with professionally written, detailed coverage of activities within black communities across the country and the latest news about national trends and events. It thereby helped create a national black culture and increased black awareness of national news. It also provided a national forum for black leaders, helped set professional standards of news writing for the black press, aided many small black newspapers to survive, and enabled black jour- nalists to gain reporting experience. .Nearly all of the major black newspapers as well as many of the smaller ones became members of the ANP. In general, over seventy newspapers received ANP news releases, including the Pittsburgh Courier, Norfolk Journal and Guide, Afro American (Baltimore and other cities), New York Age, Amsterdam News (New York City), Houston Informer, Black Dispatch (Oklahoma City), Kansas City Call, Atlanta World, and (briefly) Chicago Defender. Nearly all black newspapers published once a week, and so the ANP was a mail service rather than a wire service. According to the standard contract, newspapers agreed to pay modest weekly service fees, to print an ANP credit line with each news item from the releases that they published, and to act as a local correspondent for the ANP. In return, class "A" members received two (in later years, three) mailings of ANP news releases every week. The central staff of the ANP, working out of offices on the South Side of Chicago, compiled the news releases from many sources. They sifted information from the black newspapers and from daily newspapers, from news releases of government agencies, foundations, organizations, and businesses, and from ANP correspondents throughout the country. After 1939, the ANP also maintained a regular staff reporter in Washington, D.C. For background information, the ANP's editors referred to the ANP's morgue containing topical files of clippings from newspapers and from past ANP news releases. Generally, the ANP followed a middle-of-the-road editorial policy that Barnett hoped would be acceptable to all of the member newspapers. Barnett performed some of the editorial work, usually anonymously, although sometimes he wrote under the penname Albert Anderson. Mostly, however, he relied on the ANP's editors and on Irene Roland, his secretary for nearly thirty years, to handle day-to-day production. Many respected journalists served as editors over the years, including Nahum Daniel Brascher, Percival L. Prattis, Frank Marshall Davis, Charlece Harston, Albert G. Barnett, Luix Virgil Overbea, Zack Weston, James J. Foree, Eddie L. Madison, Enoc Waters, J.H. Randall, and Lee Blackwell.

vii Much of Barnett's time was spent in routine administration, arranging for local correspondents to cover upcoming news events, cajoling publishers to pay overdue service fees, and promoting advertising. Because the service fees were insufficient to cover operating costs, Barnett always sought ways to supplement the ANP's income. The ANP survived through the early 1930s because Barnett paired it with an advertis- ing exchange. He provided ANP service to newspapers in exchange for "white space," unsold space in their pages. Another company in which Barnett was involved, Associated Publishers' Representative, then sold this space to advertisers. Poro Col- lege, a company that Annie M. Turnbo-Malone built into one of the first million- dollar black cosmetics manufacturers, was a major advertising client. In later years Barnett turned increasingly to private donors and institutional sup- porters, some known as "associate members" of the ANP, who contributed funds to help sustain the news service. Frances P. Bolton, U.S. Representative from Ohio, became a substantial private donor. Claude A. Barnett resided most of his life in Chicago, , although he also traveled extensively. He was born on September 16, 1889 in Sanford, Florida, where his parents, William and Celena Barnett, were living temporarily. His father was a domestic worker who divided his year between Chicago hotels and Southern resorts. His parents' marriage dissolved while Barnett was young, and his mother worked as a housekeeper in the homes of wealthy Chicagoans to support herself and her son. Claude Barnett attended elementary schools in Chicago and in Mattoon, Illinois, where members of his mother's family operated barbershops and worked as chefs and as teachers. Celena Anderson Barnett traced her roots to a small band of free black families who migrated from North Carolina to Lost Creek, Indiana, before the Civil War, and thence to Mattoon, Illinois. During the years 1902-04, Barnett attended Oak Park High School while working as a houseboy in the home of Richard W. Sears, co-founder of Sears, Roebuck & Company. In September 1904, Celena Barnett sent Claude to Tuskegee Institute to continue his education. At Tuskegee, Barnett finished the advanced course in only two years, but one can scarcely overestimate the influence of Tuskegee on the rest of his life. During his time there, he came to share his mother's admiration for Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee's founder and president, and for the principles he taught: self-help, moderation, respectability, vocational training, and black capital- ism. His fellow Tuskegeeans•classmates, staff, and alumni•formed a network of associates that Barnett found congenial and helpful throughout his career. Returning to Chicago in 1906, Barnett took a job with the post office, where he remained ten years. His duties included sorting the many publications sent through the mail, and he later recalled his experience as a good opportunity to peruse the newspapers and magazines and to develop an eye for effective writing and advertis- ing. After a bout with ill health forced him to leave the post office in 1916, Barnett tried his hand at several ventures. He set up his own advertising agency (C.A. Bar- nett Advertising: "I Reach the Negro.") and helped organize the Kashmir Chemical Company, manufacturer of Nile Queen cosmetics. In a few years the cosmetics com- pany folded, but by then he had established the Associated Negro Press. The ANP placed Claude A. Barnett at the center of a national information net- work, introduced him to black leaders throughout the country, and made him a valuable ally to those who sought to shape modern black life. During the 1920s, Barnett was active in Republican politics, eventually serving as secretary of the pub- licity committee of the Colored Voters Division of the Republican National Commit- tee during Herbert Hoover's 1928 presidential campaign. Barnett's acquaintance with President Hoover began earlier: in 1925-26 while Hoover was Secretary of Com- merce, Barnett persuaded him to create a government position for a black man as adviser to small businesses. In 1927 Barnett served on the blue-ribbon committee chaired by President Robert R. Moton of Tuskegee Institute and appointed by Secre- tary Hoover to inspect the distribution of Red Cross aid to black victims of Southern floods. Also in the 1920s, Barnett participated in the fact-finding conferences of black leaders held at North Carolina College at Durham.

VIII In 1932 Barnett and another black man became the first graduates of Tuskegee Institute to be elected to its board of trustees. He served in this position for over thirty years. With Albon Holsey, a Tuskegee Institute administrator who was also executive secretary of the National Negro Business League, Barnett worked to con- vince national advertisers of the importance of the Negro market. He also assisted the Conference of Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges in drawing the attention of the Democratic administration in Washington to the needs of black colleges. From 1942 to 1952, Barnett and President F.D. Patterson of Tuskegee Institute served as special assistants to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, advising the U.S.D.A. on the effectiveness of federal programs relating to black farmers. When Patterson took the lead in organizing the United Negro College Fund, Barnett loyally supported him in alumni relations and fund drives. Meanwhile, in Chicago, Claude A. Barnett served as president of the board of Provident Hospital during the 1930s and became a director of the Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company. He was also one of the principal organizers of the Ameri- can Negro Exposition, held in the summer of 1940. In 1934 Barnett married Etta Moten, a well-known concert singer and actress. They reared her three daughters from a previous marriage, Sue, Etta Vee, and Gladys. Mrs. Barnett's career became another factor in Barnett's many travels and promo- tions, although it soon outgrew his ability to manage it on a part-time basis. In the 1930s and 1940s Etta Moten Barnett made annual concert tours, primarily through the South and Midwest where her appearances were sponsored by black colleges, churches, and other organizations. For several months in 1942, the Barnetts lived in New York while Mrs. Barnett sang the lead in on Broadway. During the 1940s Barnett used the ANP to press for an end to segregation in the armed forces, served on a Red Cross committee opposed to racial segregation of blood donors, and later was appointed to the national board of governors of the Red Cross. He also advised the Harmon Foundation on a traveling exhibition of portraits of prominent black Americans and on an exhibition of African art. Claude and Etta Barnett made their first trip to Africa in 1947, traveling under the auspices of the Phelps-Stokes Fund. Barnett's primary purpose was to inspect Booker T. Washington Institute in Kakata, Liberia, which had been founded with the aid of consultants from Tuskegee Institute and partially funded by the Phelps-Stokes Fund. Barnett toured extensively on the African continent during this visit and made many more trips to Africa over the next two decades. Fascinated by African culture in general, his interest focused on Liberia, where he became well acquainted with President William V.S. Tubman, other government officials, American diplomats, and businessmen. He served as a board member of Booker T. Washington Institute, of the Phelps-Stokes Fund, and of The Liberia Company, Inc. Between 1961 and 1963, Barnett also operated a World News Service that sent news releases prepared in the ANP's Chicago office to over one hundred African newspapers. The Associated Negro Press began to lose membership in the 1950s, although still serving about fifty newspapers. As the civil rights movement developed, major American daily newspapers increased their coverage of the black community. Some of the more prosperous black newspapers joined a national wire service, and a few began to publish daily. But the ANP remained a weekly mail service. The National Newspaper Publishers Association set up a rival news service. However, despite the forces reshaping the press, the ANP remained remarkably strong as long as it could draw on Barnett's experience and contacts. In 1963 Ebony magazine ranked him among the one hundred most influential black Americans. When declining health persuaded Barnett to retire in July 1964, the Associated Negro Press closed its doors. He began writing an autobiography, but a series of strokes ended this effort, and Claude A. Barnett died in Chicago on August 2, 1967. Linda J. Evans Associate Curator Chicago Historical Society


DESCRIPTION Part III: Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967 These papers describe the world of black America at the height of its separate development: after the urban migration of the early twentieth century produced suf- ficient concentrations of population and other resources to support it and before integration changed it. The common link in the generation of these materials was Claude A. Barnett's extraordinary range of overlapping and interconnected interests and activities, including operation of the Associated Negro Press; service as Special Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and as an informal adviser to other policy makers; participation in Republican party campaigns, the National Negro Bus- iness League, and the United Negro College Fund; and membership on the govern- ing boards of Tuskegee Institute, Provident Hospital (Chicago), Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company, Phelps-Stokes Fund, the American Negro Exposition (Chicago 1940), and the American National Red Cross. Materials reflect the many roles that Barnett played as journalist and news distributor, as adviser and confi- dante, as administrator and consultant, as promoter and critic, as family man and friend. This microfilm set contains most of the materials found in eleven series of the Claude A. Barnett papers. They are organized by subject. The series begin with General Files that relate broadly to the subject of the series. These usually contain correspondence, memos, reports, clippings (from newspapers and from news re- leases of the ANP and of other organizations), and a few pamphlets. They are fol- lowed by specific Topical Files that usually also contain correspondence and clip- pings. The Topical Files include many stories clipped from ANP news releases and filed by topic; however, there is no guarantee that they contain all ANP stories on a given topic. Materials from the years before 1928 are rare, but later files seem to have survived intact. Often a letterhead or an address determines where an item is filed: for example, letters with the letterhead of Fisk University are generally found in the Fisk University folders. The eleven series are A: Agriculture, 1923-1966; B: Colleges and Universities, 1918-1966; C: Economic Conditions, 1918-1966; D: Entertainers, Artists, and Authors, 1928-1965; E: Medicine, 1927-1965; F: Military, 1925-1965; G: Philanthropic and Social Organizations, 1925-1966; H: Politics and Law, 1920-1965; I: Race Relations, 1923-1965; J: Religion, 1924-1966; and K: Claude A. Barnett Personal Files, 1920- 1967.

XI Series A: Agriculture, 1923-1966 This series documents efforts to improve the lives of the black, rural, primarily southern population. The General Files contain correspondence with black and white officials of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A), Department of Inte- rior, Extension Service, and various other federal agencies•in Washington, D.C., and in local offices throughout the U.S.•who dealt with this constituency. Subjects include job appointments for blacks; race relations within government agencies and in rural communities; access for blacks to federal programs for adult education, health, crop insurance, farm loans, etc.; home economists; 4-H Clubs; farmers' organ- izations; and migrant labor. Barnett's letters from his service as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture (1942-52) are filed here, but related correspondence is found in Series B under the category "Tuskegee Institute." Extension agents are represented both in the General Files and, occasionally, in the Topical Files under the name of the college that sponsored them. Topical Files include correspondence of Thomas M. Campbell, the U.S.D.A. Field Agent stationed at Tuskegee Institute, and of James P. ("Jim Perry") Davis,! an agriculture official in Little Rock who shared Barnett's national political interests and contributed news stories to the ANP. The category "Negro Land Grant Colleges" is divided into general correspon- dence, which relates to most of the colleges, and separate files for each school. Much of the general correspondence concerns government agencies and the Con- ference of Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges (a group which included the black, southern, state agricultural colleges as well as Tuskegee Institute, Hampton Institute, and Wilberforce College as associate members). The separate files on the Negro land grant colleges in each southern state sometimes also contain items relat- ing to the southern, state-supported, black colleges (such as the state normal schools). Most correspondence with administrators, faculty, and students is arranged in these college files although some correspondence of the presidents is found with the general correspondence of the Conference of Presidents.

Series B: Colleges and Universities, 1918-1966 Series B contains correspondence and clippings relating to administrators, faculty, students, and alumni of institutions of higher learning. Correspondence with Barnett discusses news coverage, federal government programs and funding, studies of black life and other faculty achievements, job appointments, and occasionally, na- tional politics. The General Files contain miscellaneous items relating to colleges•black and white•for which there are no other file categories in the Barnett papers. Also pres- ent are files on academic honors won by blacks, on the concept of southern regional education and its relation to segregation, and on the United Negro College.Fund. The Topical Files contain files arranged alphabetically on black colleges and on universities with significant black programs. The largest portion of this material con- cerns Tuskegee Institute, which Barnett served as a member of the board of trustees from 1932 to 1965. Barnett also maintained strong ties to President Mordecai John- son of Howard University (who shared his interest in national politics), Dr. Numa P.G. Adams of Howard University Medical School, President Charles S. Johnson of Fisk University (who wrote a regular column for the ANP), President Albert W. Dent of Dillard University, and President James E. Shepard of North Carolina College at Durham (sponsor of the Fact Finding Conferences). The texts of papers presented by prominent blacks at the Durham Fact Finding Conferences of the late 1920s give an overview of such topics as politics, hospitals, religion, and the press.

XII The Tuskegee Institute general correspondence consists of correspondence with Presidents Robert R. Moton, F.D. Patterson, and Luther L. Foster, and various other administrators and faculty. Subjects include Tuskegee operations, relations with chari- table foundations, the Alabama State government, federal government agencies, white neighbors in the town of Tuskegee, and state and national politicians. Patterson's correspondence after June 1953, when he became director of the Phelps-Stokes Fund, is found in Series G. The Tuskegee Institute Topical Files show the ANP's involvement in a proposal to found an agriculture newspaper and in the production of Service magazine. They also relate to Chicago alumni interests, including the aviator John C. Robinson (whose exploits in Ethiopia were publicized by the ANP and by James C. Boyack), discuss Southland Manufacturing Company's exemption from N.R.A. regulations, and include correspondence of Tuskegee administrators Lucien Green (Barnett's cousin) and Albon Holsey (a friend of Barnett). Holsey's letters are particularly exten- sive and deal with Tuskegee, politics, the U.S.D.A. and other government agencies, and the National Negro Business League. The "Hospitals" category concerns federal government-supported hospitals elsewhere as well as the Veterans Administration hospital at Tuskegee.

Series C: Economic Conditions, 1918-1966

Materials in Series C relate to companies, business organizations, labor unions, federal and state governments, and American economic conditions in general. Cor- respondence discusses newsgathering for the ANP, black business development, and jobs and training for black workers. Large groups of materials relate to beauty products companies, insurance companies, the National Negro Business League (N.N.B.L.), railroad companies and workers, unions, and U.S. government offices, particularly the Department of Commerce and the Department of Labor. Correspondence of the cosmetics companies often refers to Barnett's advertising business (the files of which are located in Part II of this microfilm edition with other materials about advertising and public relations). Barnett was a partner in Kashmir Chemical Company, manufacturer of Nile Queen cosmetics. The series also con- tains significant materials about Poro College, founded by Annie M. Turnbo-Malone, for whom Barnett handled a great deal of advertising. Correspondence with officials of insurance companies concerns advertising, news, company policies, personnel, and financial achievements. Occasionally other interests that Barnett shared with these men are discussed, such as membership in fraternal societies and in the N.N.B.L. Files of the National Negro Business League include correspondence with Albon Holsey, the long-time executive secretary of thé N.N.B.L., about the routine opera- tions of the organization, the CM.A. stores (a cooperative purchasing association for grocers in the late 1920s), home economists, studies of the Negro market, and efforts to promote advertising. Correspondence of newspaper publishers who were N.N.B.L. members is found in Part II of this microfilm edition. Additional correspon- dence of Albon Holsey is located in Series B under the category "Tuskegee Insti- tute." The U.S. government general correspondence includes newsgathering efforts by Barnett during the 1930s to determine how aid and jobs were being distributed to blacks. Correspondence with the Commerce Department and the Census Bureau largely concerns the gathering and analysis of statistics about black Americans as part of Barnett's ongoing interest in documenting achievements of black Americans and in persuading national advertisers that blacks were a significant consumer audi- ence.

XIII Series D: Entertainers, Artists, and Authors, 1928-1965 Series D contains correspondence between Barnett and entertainers, artists, architects, authors, press agents, managers, ANP reporters on entertainment, pub- lishers, producers, directors, theater owners, broadcasters, and executives of radio stations, recording companies, broadcasting networks, and motion picture studios. Two subjects frequently overlap: newsgathering for the ANP and Barnett's interest in career opportunities for black people in the arts. Otherwise, the materials are dis- parate. ANP news releases designed for use by radio stations, 1957-58, are found in Part I of this microfilm edition. This series includes some letters by and to Etta Moten Barnett, the wife of Claude A. Barnett. Her career as a singer, actress, and lecturer, performing in motion pic- tures, concert tours, radio, television, and Broadway (Porgy and Bess), introduced her to many of the people whose correspondence is filed in this series. Because Claude Barnett promoted her career, some of her correspondence is found among his office files. However, the major portion of her correspondence is located in the Etta Moten Barnett papers at the Chicago Historical Society and is not a part of this microfilm édition. Significant portions of this series pertain to the ANP, including its reporters who covered the Hollywood scene (Fay Jackson, Harry Levette, and Calla Scrivner); writ- ers whose pieces appeared in the ANP (Langston Hughes, Eslanda Robeson, Carl Diton, and Andy Razaf); and E.M. Glucksman, whose All-American Newsreels com- pany produced ANP newsreels shown in black motion picture theaters. Generally, materials relating to creative writers appear in this series, but corres- pondence with authors of non-fiction works on the black experience usually are filed in Series I: Race Relations or under the name of the college where they taught.

Series E: Medicine, 1927-1965 Series E concerns the medical professions, hospitals, and health care in general, the U.S. Public Health Service, and foundations for the research and treatment of disease. Two large groups of materials relate to Provident Hospital (Chicago) and to the Red Cross. Provident Hospital correspondence from the period when Barnett served as a member (1931-42) and president (1939-41) of its board of trustees concerns the quality of health care, accreditation of the hospital, staff training, segregation of hospital services in Chicago, insurance, fund-raising, and the budget. The Red Cross general correspondence and. Chicago Branch correspondence concern various committees on which Barnett served as well as routine newsgather- ing for the ANP. Extensive materials on the Flood Relief Advisory Committee detail the committee's investigation of charges of racial discrimination in the distribution of aid to victims of the great Mississippi River flood of 1927. Barnett's correspondence with Jesse O. Thomas relates to his work with the Urban League, the Red Cross, and the U.S. Treasury Department. Additional material on physicians, nurses, and hospitals is located in Series B, especially under the category "Hospitals of Tuskegee Inst., Veterans Administration, & other U.S. government hospitals."

Series F: Military, 1925-1965 The General Files of this series chiefly contain correspondence between Claude A. Barnett and white and black personnel of the U.S. armed forces, civilian employ- ees of the U.S. Defense (War) Department, and other persons involved with issues of: racial discrimination and segregation within the U.S. armed forces; wartime press censorship; recruitment policy and the draft; promotions, honors, medals, and "firsts" achieved by blacks in the armed forces; the development of Tuskegee flying field into a training base for the first all-black Army Air Corps units during World War II;

xiv hiring and training of civilian war workers in private industry; and relations with the local population wherever black troops were stationed. Correspondence with ANP war correspondents and other who sent news items to the ANP over the years is included in the General Files. The folders entitled "Assistant Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War" contain Bar- nett's correspondence with three black men who held that post: William Hastie, Truman K. Gibson, Jr., and Robert Marcus. Barnett and Gibson•both Chicagoans• had served together on the governing board of the American Negro Exposition in 1940, and both were associated with the Supreme Liberty Insurance Company. Their wartime correspondence shows each expressing the special interests of his position: Barnett requesting more information on racial incidents and Gibson emphasizing the importance of responsible news coverage that would not inflame public opinion. In general, subjects that are represented only by newsclippings in the Topical Files are discussed in scattered correspondence in the General Files and in the cor- respondence of the Assistant Civilian Aide. Additional material on the Tuskegee airmen is found in Series B in the "Tuske- gee" categories. The "Hospitals" category under Tuskegee Institute also contains materials on Veterans Administration and U.S. military hospitals, including the one at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. In Part II of this microfilm edition, the correspondence of the ANP's Washington, D.C., reporters during World War II (Alvin White and Ernest Johnson) discusses government and military news and policy makers.

Series G: Philanthropic and Social Organizations, 1925-1966

Materials pertaining to philanthropic foundations and to black social organiza- tions that sponsored social service programs are arranged in Series G. Much of the correspondence involves routine ANP coverage of their conventions, conferences, grants, social activities, scholarship awards, and service programs. However, Barnett participated more directly in some of these organizations. As a trustee of Tuskegee Institute, Barnett discussed various grant proposals for the school with Jackson Davis, assistant director of the General Education Board, and with Edwin Embree, president of the Rosenwald Fund. In addition, their corres- pondence ranged over a variety of racial issues. Davis recognized Barnett's interest in African affairs and, in 1943, nominated him to the board of trustees of Booker T. Washington Institute, located in Kakata, Liberia. Three years later Barnett joined the board of trustees of the Phelps-Stokes Fund and of the New York State Colonization Society as well. The Phelps-Stokes Fund provides scholarships for Africans to study in the Uni- ted States and sponsors programs to improve race relations in the U.S. During World War II, Barnett had served on the Fund's Committee on Africa and Peace Aims. After he joined the board of trustees, he began to correspond extensively with Dr. Chan- ning H. Tobias, director of the Fund, Dr. Thomas Jesse Jones, L.A. Roy, and Dr. F.D. Patterson (former president of Tuskegee Institute), who succeeded Tobias as direc- tor in 1953. In 1947, the Phelps-Stokes Fund sponsored Barnett's first trip to Africa. Barnett's African interests appear also in his correspondence with Mary Brady, the executive secretary of the Harmon Foundation. He advised her on a traveling exhibit of portraits of outstanding black Americans and on an exhibition of African art in New York in the late 1940s. Other organizations in which Barnett was inter- ested personally include Alpha Phi Alpha, a fraternity of black professional and bus- iness men, which Barnett joined in 1950, and the Knights of Pythias, run by Barnett's uncle (by marriage), S.W. Green. Materials from and about women's organizations make up a large portion of Ser- ies G. Correspondence refers to the activities of many prominent black women who belonged to these groups (Etta Moten Barnett was a member of )

xv as well as to the social welfare programs that they sponsored. Correspondence with and about Mary McLeod Bethune is filed under the National Council of Negro Women and includes items about Bethune-Cookmán College and the National Youth Administration. Series H: Politics and Law, 1920-1965

The General Files of this series contain correspondence, memos, reports, and lists pertaining to national political campaigns, issues, legislation, appointees, presi- dents, senators, representatives, and judges. Correspondents include office holders and candidates for national offices, their staff members, campaign organizers and volunteers throughout the country, supporters, and critics. Much of the material concerns black participation in the Republican party although Democratic party materials become more common over the years, particularly in the 1940s. Barnett worked in every Republican presidential campaign from 1920 to 1932 and continued to maintain ties with his cohorts from those years. Materials relating to 1928 are especially extensive because Barnett moved to Washington, D.C., during the campaign to serve as secretary of the Publicity Committee of the Colored Voters Division of the Republican National Committee. While in Washington, he cor- responded regularly with P.L. Prattis and R. Irving Johnson of the ANP's Chicago office. Most of these letters are filed with Prattis's correspondence in Part II of this microfilm edition, and a few are located in the Illinois political correspondence. Prat- tis and Johnson were doing publicity work for the Chicago Democratic organization at the same time. Press releases issued for the Republican 1932 campaign by one of Barnett's companies, the National Feature Service, are found in Part I of this micro- film edition (after the ANP news releases). The Topical Files contain materials on the courts, attorneys, and the National Bar Association; extensive files on the Scottsboro (Alabama) Case, 1931-36, which John L. Spivak covered for the ANP; publications of the Republican party and of the Democratic party; and correspondence, news releases, and publications of several left political groups and parties. The last section concerns black participation in government and politics, primar- ily on the state and local levels, including such subjects as black appointed and elected officials of state and local governments, voter registration, poll taxes, jury duty, and election analyses. The general correspondence is diverse. Other files con- tain correspondence with the District of Columbia Recorder of Deeds (traditionally, a black patronage appointee); Clinton P. Anderson, a former Secretary of Agricul- ture whom Barnett supported in his senatorial campaign; Judge Irvin Mollison of Chicago and New York City; Lethia Fleming, an Ohioan who was a leader in Repub- lican women's activities; and Raymond and Sadie Alexander of Philadelphia. The Illinois and Indiana categories are very diverse, including correspondence with and about local politicians, government workers, and the general citizenry. A large por- tion of the Illinois files relates to Chicago politics, neighborhoods and housing, courts, transportation, and other city and county issues. Some of it concerns the Douglas neighborhood of Chicago, where Barnett resided and owned rental proper- ties. Additional correspondence relating to national politics is found in the Tuskegee Institute general correspondence and the Albon Holsey correspondence in Series B. The correspondence of the ANP's Washington, D.C., reporters located in Part II of this microfilm edition is relevant also.

Series I: Race Relations, 1923-1965 This series contains materials relating to racial concepts and interracial prob- lems. Whereas other series of the Barnett papers contain files on particular race relations issues affecting such institutions as the Methodist Church or Provident

xvi Hospital, this series deals with broader subjects•segregation, the study of black history, civil rights•and with race relations organizations. A major portion of the files pertains to black history (primarily Afro-American history) and efforts to assess the achievements of black people in the United States, to promote self-pride, to publicize their accomplishments before a wider audience, and to record and interpret their struggles. Extensive files concern the American Negro Exposition held in Chicago in the summer of 1940. Known formally as the Diamond Jubilee Exposition, it publicized the achievements of black Americans since emancipation. Barnett helped organize the exhibits and programs on the black press, agriculture, the postal service, art, and theater. Materials on racial concepts and legal definitions of the term "Negro" are present in this series, including some references to the gradual acceptance of the term "Negro" in standard English usage (although most comments pertaining to publish- ers and the use of racial labels are found in Part II of this microfilm edition). The NAACP and the Urban League are both represented by extensive files in this series. Barnett corresponded with Walter White, Roy Wilkins, and other national officers of the NAACP as well as local leaders in several parts of the country, includ- ing Leslie Perry in Washington, D.C., and Herbert L. LaGrone in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Subjects range from Barnett's occasional clashes with the NAACP over his moderate stance on racial issues to his cooperation in the 1930s drive to persuade Congress to pass an anti-lynching bill. Materials on W.E.B. Du Bois, Charles Houston, and William Pickens are arranged separately in this section. These files concern not only their NAACP activities but also other roles that they played: Du Bois's achievements as an historian and his later activities in Africa, Houston's law career and involvement in Howard University affairs, and Pickens's role as an ANP columnist and his later career with the U.S. Treasury Department. With the Urban League, the correspondence again ranges from national leaders like Eugene Kinkle Jones to materials concerning local chapters, especially the Chi- cago Urban League, where Mr. and Mrs. Barnett served on various committees.

Series J: Religion, 1924-1966

Series J contains correspondence and other materials with and about religious leaders and church members. Subjects discussed in Series J range from routine ANP coverage of church activities to policy statements on segregation and struggles for leadership within black churches. The series also contains most of the Barnett papers relating to foreign missionaries, in Africa and elsewhere. Most of the material is filed by denomination, arranged alphabetically. Two short sections containing inter- denominational organizations and non-denominational (evangelical) churches and ministers precede the materials filed by denomination. The quantity and depth of materials varies greatly from denomination to denomi- nation. Barnett had little contact with denominations that included few black mem- bers but carried on lengthy correspondence with Baptists, particularly officers of the National Baptist Conventions, and with Methodists, particularly the bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Significant subjects include reactions of Meth- odist Church clergymen and lay leaders to the proposed church merger of the 1930s; dispute over the reelection of the Reverend J.H. Jackson to the presidency of the National Baptist Convention in the 1950s; Dean Gordon Hancock of Virginia Union University, who wrote an opinion column for the ANP for over twenty years; and Bishops Richard R. Wright, Jr., and Frederick D. Jordan of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Small amounts of correspondence with other denominations include two ministers whom Barnett probably met while they lived in Chicago, the Reverend Owen A. Troy (Seventh Day Adventist) and the Reverend Harold Kingsley

XVII (Congregationalist). After they moved to California, they corresponded with Barnett about local conditions and church practices. Series J includes correspondence with several clergymen who published or edited newspapers (some of which were ANP members), including the Charleston Messenger (South Carolina) in reel 2 (0001); the Nashville Globe, the Nashville Inde- pendent, and the Nashville Sun in reel 3 (0488); the Nashville Defender in reel 7 (0167); and the Kansas City Plaindealer (Kansas) in reel 9 (0356). In addition, some churches or other religious organizations held associate membership in the ANP which entitled them to print items from ANP news releases in their house publica- tions. Materials about many church-supported colleges are filed by denomination in this series. Although materials on a few more church-affiliated colleges are located in Series B: Colleges and Universities, those files seldom refer to the churches. A few of the ministers whose correspondence is filed in Series J spoke frequently on radio evangelical programs. Materials in Series D relate to two more radio series: "Radio Church of God," by Elder Solomon Lightfoot Michaux, and "Wings Over Jordan," by the Reverend Glenn T. Settle. Very little material concerning the personal religious beliefs and practices of members of the Barnett family appears in the series, although Mr. and Mrs. Barnett attended St. Mary's A.M.E. Church in Chicago for many years. Mrs. Barnett's father was the Reverend F.F. Moten of the A.M.E. Church (Kansas). Most items relating to Talladega College (Alabama), the alma mater of Mrs. Barnett and of her daughters Sue and Etta Vee, are filed in the A.M.E. Church general correspondence.

Series K: Claude A. Barnett Personal Files, 1920-1967 This series includes some of Barnett's personal correspondence with family and friends; drafts of many speeches, non-ANP articles, and reports that he wrote on various topics; and his unfinished autobiography and other biographical notes and newsclippings. Much of Claude A. Barnett's correspondence with and about his many aunts, uncles, and cousins is located here, although additional materials are scattered throughout the Barnett papers. His correspondence with his wife is located in the Etta Moten Barnett papers and is not a part of this microfilm edition. Barnett's articles, speeches, and reports are invaluable resources for understand- ing the public image that he projected. They focus especially on the role of the black press, the mission of Tuskegee Institute, Booker T. Washington Institute in Liberia, goals of the Negro land grant colleges, Alpha Phi Alpha and the type of leadership produced by the black community, the growth of black capitalism and pride in black culture, and recognition of African heritage and support for the developing nations of Africa. The texts of other speeches by Barnett are filed by topic in other series of the Barnett papers. Barnett's autobiography, tentatively entitled "Fly Out of Darkness," reveals his attitudes late in his life and includes many details on the early years of his career that are not recorded anywhere else. He wrote it after he retired from the ANP in July 1964 but completed only the outline and five typescript chapters. Linda J. Evans Associate Curator Chicago Historical Society

XVIII Series A: Agriculture, 1923-1966


Reel Index Reels 1-5 General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life 5 Reel 6 General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life cont 6 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) 6 Reels 7-11 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and New Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont 6

REEL INDEX Series A Agriculture, 1923-1966 ReeM

General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1923-1936. Box 214, Folder 2. 145pp. 0137 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1937-1938. Box 214, Folder 3. 124pp. 0260 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-June 1939. Box 214, Folder 4. 139pp. 0399 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July 1939-March 1940. Box 214, Folder 5. 182pp. 0580 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, March-July 1940. Box 214, Folder 6. 136pp. 0717 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, August-September 1940. Box 214, Folder 7. 137pp. 0854 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October-December 1940. Box 215, Folder 1. 93pp. Reel 2

General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, March-September 1941. Box 215, Folder 2. 133pp. 0134 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October 1941-February 1942. Box 215, Folder 3. 128pp. 0263 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, March-June 1942. Box 215, Folder 4. 182pp. 0445 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July-September 1942. Box 215, Folder 5. 116pp. 0561 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October-November 1942. Box 215, Folder 6. 148pp. 0708 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, December 1942. Box 215, Folder 7. 147pp. 0863 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-May 1943. Box 216, Folder 1 . 167pp.

Reel 3

General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, June-October 1943. Box 216, Folder 2. 140pp. 0141 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, November-December 1943. Box 216, Folder 3. 135pp. 0276 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-March 1944. Box 216, Folder 4. 133pp. 0408 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, April-June 1944. Box 216, Folder 5. 130pp. 0536 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July-November 1944. Box 216, Folder 6. 152pp. 0687 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, November 1944-January 1945. Box 216, Folder 7. 189pp. 0971 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, February-June 1945. Box 217, Folder 1. 216pp. Reel 4

General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July-November 1945. Box 217, Folder 2. 134pp. 0132 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, December 1945-March 1946. Box 217, Folder 3. 294pp. 0426 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, April-September 1946. Box 217, Folder 4. 196pp. 0623 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October-December 1946. Box 217, Folder 5. 156pp. 0779 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-June 1947. Box 217, Folder 6. 123pp. 0900 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July 1947-February 1948. Box 218, Folder 1. 204pp. Reel 5

General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, March-September 1948. Box 218, Folder 2. 141pp. 0142 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October-December 1948. Box 218, Folder 3. 111pp. 0253 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-July 1949. Box 218, Folder 4. 152pp. 0405 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, August-October 1949. Box 218, Folder 5. 193pp. 0598 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October-December 1949. Box 218, Folder 6. 167pp. 0765 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, December 1949-February 1950. Box 219, Folder 1. 80pp. 0844 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, March-June 1950. Box 219, Folder 2. 159pp. Reel 6

General Files: U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, Farmers, and Rural Life cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July 1950-February 1951. Box 219, Folder 3. 123pp. 0124 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, March-May 1951. Box 219, Folder 4. 163pp. 0284 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, June-December 1951. Box 219, Folder 5. 159pp. 0453 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1952-February 1954. Box 219, Folder 6. 188pp. 0643 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, March 1954-October 1965. Box 220, Folder 1. 168pp.

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0812 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenancy Bill, January-March 1936. Box 223, Folder 4, 173pp. Reel 7

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenancy Bill, April-July 1936. Box 223, Folder 5. 166pp. 0166 Campbell, Thomas M. (Tuskegee Institute, Alabama), 1925-1935. Box 224, Folder 1. 175pp. 0339 Campbell, Thomas M. (Tuskegee Institute, Alabama), 1936-1956. Box 224, Folder 2. 209pp. 0545 Davis, James Perry (ANP•Little Rock, Arkansas), 1928-1946. Box 224, Folder 3. 230pp. 0774 Davis, James Perry (ANP•Little Rock, Arkansas), 1947-1948. Box 224, Folder 4. 104pp. 0878 Davis, James Perry (ANP•Little Rock, Arkansas), 1949-1951. Box 224, Folder 5. 78pp. Reel8

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Davis, James Perry (ANP•Little Rock, Arkansas), 1951-1957 and Pamphlets. Box 224, Folder 6. 209pp. 0209 Roberts, Thomas N. (Tuskegee Institute and Washington, D.C.), 1935-1943. Box 225, Folder 1. 218pp. 0431 Rural Electrification Administration, 1935-1962. Box 225, Folder 2. 134pp. 0565 Negro Land Grant Colleges General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1927-1934. Box 225, Folder 3. 199pp. 0762 Negro Land Grant Colleges General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1935-1939. Box 225, Folder 4. 85pp. 0847 Negro Land Grant Colleges General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1940-1941. Box 225, Folder 5. 136pp. Reel 9

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Negro Land Grant Colleges: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1942-1944. Box 226, Folder 1. 164pp. 0161 Negro Land Grant Colleges General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1945-1949. Box 226, Folder 2. 171pp. 0331 Negro Land Grant Colleges General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1950-1965. Box 226, Folder 3. 108pp. 0439 Negro Land Grant Colleges Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 226, Folder 4. 38pp. 0477 Negro Land Grant Colleges Pamphlets. Box 226, Folder 5. 77pp. 0553 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Bond, Horace Mann (Georgia and Pennsylvania)•Materials Written to and about Bond, 1932- 1965. Box 227, Folder 1. 167pp. 0731 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Alabama A&M Institute (Normal), 1931-1963. Box 227, Folder 3. 54pp. 0785 Negro Land Grant Colleges Arkansas AM& N College (Pine Bluff), 1933-1963. Box 227, Folder 4. 85pp. 0870 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Delaware State College (Dover), 1941-1955. Box 227, Folder 5. 34pp. Reel 10

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Florida A&M College (Tallahassee), 1927-1962. Box 227, Folder 5. 171pp. 0171 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Georgia, Fort Valley State College (Fort Valley), 1936-1963. Box 227, Folder 7. 74pp. 0245 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Georgia State College (Industrial College), 1933-1963. Box 228, Folder 1. 70pp. 0314 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Kentucky State College (Frankfort), 1933-1961, and West Kentucky Vocational Training School (Paducah). Box 228, Folder 2. 47pp. 0361 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Louisiana, Southern University (Baton Rouge), 1928-1946. Box 228. Folder 3. 132pp. 0491 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Louisiana, Southern University (Baton Rouge), 1946-1964. Box 228, Folder 4. 110pp. 0599 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Maryland, Princess Anne and Morgan State University, 1933-1963. Box 228, Folder 5. 49pp. 0649 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Missouri, Lincoln University (Jefferson City)•Correspondence, 1936-1964. Box 228, Folder 6. 181pp. 0829 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Missouri, Lincoln University (Jefferson City)•Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 229, Folder 1. 122pp. Reel 11

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Mississippi, Alcorn A & M College (Alcorn), 1934-1963. Box 229, Folder 4. 126pp. 0126 Negro Land Grant Colleges: North Carolina A&T (Greensboro), 1931-1963. Box 229, Folder 5. 75pp. 0201 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Oklahoma, Làngston University (Langston), 1933-1963. Box 229, Folder 6. 99pp. 0300 Negro Land Grant Colleges: South Carolina State College (Orangeburg), 1931-1954. Box 230, Folder 1. 22pp. 0321 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Tennessee A&l College (Nashville), 1933-1963. Box 230, Folder 2. 130pp. 0451 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Texas, Prairie View University (Prairie View), 1933-1961. Box 230, Folder 3. 101pp. 0549 Negro Land Grant Colleges: Virginia State College (Petersburg), 1933-1953. Box 230, Folder 4. 85pp. 0633 Negro Land Grant Colleges: West Virginia State College (Institute), 1933-1961. Box 230, Folder 5. 62pp. Series B: Colleges and Universities, 1918-1966 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Reel Index Reell General Files: Administrators, Faculty, Students, and Alumni Organizations of Institutions of Higher Learning 13 Reels 2-16 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) 13


REEL INDEX Series B Colleges and Universities, 1918-1966 ReeM

General Files: Administrators, Faculty, Students, and Alumni Organizations of Institutions of Higher Learning

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1928-1965. Box 230, Folder 6. 160pp. 0161 Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 231, Folder 1. 90pp. 0251 Phi Beta Kappa and Other Academic Honors. Box 231, Folder 3. 49pp. 0300 Southern Regional Education, 1939-1954 and 1963. Box 231, Folder 4. 174pp. 0473 United Negro College Fund Correspondence, 1944-1964. Box 231, Folder 5. 228pp. 0700 United Negro College Fund Newsclippings, and News Releases. Box 231, Folder 6. 73pp. 0773 United Negro College Fund News Releases. Box 232, Folder 1. 123pp. 0895 United Negro College Fund Pamphlets. Box 232, Folder 2. 152pp. Reel 2

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Atlanta University System (Georgia) and Clark College (Atlanta), 1940-1960. Box 232, Folders 3-4. 18pp. 0019 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Bennett College (Greensboro, North Carolina), 1936-1955. Box 232, Folder 5. 90pp. 0110 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Cheyney State Teachers College and Other Pennsylvania State Colleges, 1942-1958. Box 232, Folder 6. 40pp. 0149 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Dillard University (New Orleans, Louisiana)• Correspondence, 1933-1963. Box 232, Folder 7. 126pp. 0274 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Dillard University (New Orleans, Louisiana)• Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 233, Folder 1. 61pp. 0334 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Fisk University (Nashville, Tennessee)•General and Mis- cellaneous Correspondence, 1931-1965. Box 233, Folder 2. 173pp. 0507 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Fisk University (Nashville, Tennessee)•Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 233, Folder 3. 118pp. 0623 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Fisk University, Johnson, Dr. Charles S. (Nashville, Tennessee)•Correspondence, 1929-1959. Box 233, Folders 4 and 5. 227pp. 0848 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Fisk University, Johnson, Dr. Charles S. (Nashville, Tennessee)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 233, Folder 6. 62pp. 0908 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Fisk University, Johnson, Dr. Charles S. (Nashville, Tennessee)•ANP "A Minority View" Correspondence, 1943-1959. Box 234, Folder 1. 162pp.

13 Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Fisk University, Lorch, Dr. Lee (Nashville, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas), 1955-1960. Box 234, Folder 2. 54pp. 0053 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Grambling College (Louisiana), 1947-1963. Box 234, FolderS. 16pp. 0069 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Hampton Institute (Virginia)•Correspondence, 1927-1954. Box 234, Folder 4. 51pp. 0117 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Hampton Institute (Virginia)•Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 234, Folder 5.109pp. 0225 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tennessee), 1957- 1959. Box 234, Folder 6. 30pp. 0255 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Howard University (Washington, D.C.)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1932-1965. Box 234, Folders 7 to 8. 305pp. 0555 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Howard University (Washington, D.C.)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 234, Folder 9. 92pp. 0644 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Howard University (Washington, DC.)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 235, Folders 1 and 2. 206pp. 0850 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Howard University (Washington, D.C.)•Medical School and Freedmen's Hospital: Correspondence, 1930-1955. Box 235, Folder 3. 184pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Howard University (Washington, D.C.)•Medical School and Freedmen's Hospital: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 235, Folder 4. 128pp. 0126 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Howard University, Scott, Emmett J. (Washington, D.C), 1920-1944. Box 235, Folder 5. 192pp. 0318 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Huston-Tillotson College (Austin, Texas), 1943-1950. Box 235, Folder 6. 34pp. 0351 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Jackson College (Mississippi), 1942-1957. Box 236, Folder 1. 86pp. 0438 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Johnson C. Smith University (Charlotte, North Carolina), 1929-1963. Box 236, Folder 2. 160pp. 0596 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Lincoln University (Pennsylvania), 1941-1963. Box 236, Folder3.115pp. 0711 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Meharry Medical College (Nashville, Tennessee), 1937- 1955. Box 236, Folder 4. 136pp. 0845 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: North Carolina College (Durham)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1937-1964. Box 236, Folder 5. 98pp. Reel 5

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: North Carolina College (Durham)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 236, Folder 6. 73pp. 0074 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: North Carolina College (Durham)•Shepard, Dr. James E. 1927-1942. Box 237, Folder 1. 209pp. 0281 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: North Carolina College (Durham)•James E. Shepard Memorial Foundation, 1948-1961. Box 237, Folder 2. 40pp. 0320 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: North Carolina College (Durham)•Durham Fact-Finding Conferences (and Southern Conference on Race Relations), 1927-1929. Box 237, Folders 3 and 4. 304pp.

14 0624 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), 1941-1961. Box 237, Folder 5. 76pp. 0696 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Palmer Memorial Institute (Sedalia, North Carolina), 1935- 1952. Box 237, Folder 6. 65pp. 0762 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Roosevelt University (Chicago)•Correspondence 1950- 1962. Box 237, Folder 7. 18pp. 0781 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Roosevelt University•Drake, St. Clair and Cayton, Horace (Chicago), 1937-1965. Box 238, Folder 1. 91pp. 0872 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Saints Industrial and Literary School (Lexington, Mississippi), 1942-1964. Box 238, Folder 2. 44pp. 0916 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Texas Southern University (Houston), 1948-1961. Box 238, Folder 3. 55pp. Reel 6

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1918-1930. Box 238, Folder 4. 216pp. 0215 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1931. Box 238, Folder 5. 113pp. 0328 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1932. Box 238, Folder 6. 103pp. 0428 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1933. Box 238, Folder 7. 163pp. 0590 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1934. Box 238, Folder 8. 119pp. 0707 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1934. Box 239, Folder 1. 104pp. 0808 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1935. Box 239, Folder 2. 218pp. Reel 7

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1936. Box 239, Folder 3. 118pp. 0119 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1937. Box 239, Folder 4. 76pp. 0195 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1938. Box 239, Folder 5. 123pp. 0318 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1939. Box 239, Folder 6. 133pp. 0457 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1940-1941. Box 239, Folder 7, 152pp. 0609 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1941. Box 240, Folder 1. 112pp. 0721 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1942. Box 240, Folder 2. 150pp. 0871 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1943. Box 240, Folder 3. 213pp.

15 Reel8

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1944. Box 240, Folder 4. 152pp. 0150 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1945. Box 240, Folder 5. 132pp. 0279 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1946-1947. Box 240, Folder 6. 194pp. 0473 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1948. Box 241, Folder 1. 115pp. 0584 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1949. Box 241, Folder 2. 195pp. 0777 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1950. Box 241, Folder 3. 168pp. , Reel 9

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1950. Box 241, Folder 4. 139pp. 0138 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1951-1952. Box 241, Folder 5. 129pp. 0263 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1953-1954. Box 241, Folder 6. 176pp. 0432 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1955-1956. Box 242, Folder 1. 125pp. 0556 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1957-1959. Box 242, Folder 2. 81 pp. 0635 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1960-1961. Box 242, Folder 3. 88pp7 0721 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1962-1964. Box 242, Folder 4. 119pp. 0837 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1965, and Undated. Box 242, Folder 5. 58pp. 0895 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 242, Folder 6. 140pp. Reel 10

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 243, Folder 1. 121pp. 0121 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 243, Folder 2. 120pp. 0240 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 243, Folder 3. 121pp. 0359 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•ANP Proposal for Improvement of Negro Life, 1931-1932. Box 243, Folder 4. 117pp. 0476 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•ANP Proposal for Improvement of Negro Life, 1933-1934. Box 243, Folder 5. 141pp. 0616 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•ANP Proposal for Improvement of Negro Life, 1935. Box 243, Folder 6. 219pp. 0828 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•ANP Proposal for Improvement of Negro Life, 1936-1938. Box 244, Folder 1. 146pp. 16 Reel 11

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•ANP Proposal for Improvement of Negro Life, 1940-1959. Box 244, Folder 2. 205pp. 0202 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Alumni and Alumni Organizations: Correspondence, 1931-1941. Box 244, Folder 3. 212pp. 0413 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Alumni and Alumni Organizations: Correspondence, 1942-1954. Box 244, Folder 4.146pp. 0558 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Alumni and Alumni Organizations: Correspondence, 1955-1965. Box 244, Folder 5. 191pp. 0746 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Alumni and Alumni Organizations: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 245, Folder 1. 70pp. 0815 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Board of Trustees: Correspondence, 1930-1938. Box 245, Folder 2. 203pp. Reel 12

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Board of Trustees: Correspondence, 1939-1946. Box 245, Folder 3. 173pp. 0173 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Board of Trustees: Correspondence, 1947-1952. Box 245, Folder 4.166pp. 0336 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Board of Trustees: Correspondence, 1953-1955. Box 245, Folder 5.139pp. 0476 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Board of Trustees: Correspondence, 1956-1962. Box 245, Folder 6. 113pp. 0592 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Board of Trustees: Correspondence, 1963-1965. Box 246, Folder 1.119pp. 0711 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Board of Trustees: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 246, Folder 2. 68pp. 0777 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Boyack, James E. (New York), 1935-1940. Box 250, Folder 1. 73pp. 0846 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Bruce, Roscoe Conkling (New York), 1931-1950. Box 250, Folder 2. 102pp. Reel 13

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Chisum, Melvin (Philadelphia), 1924-1954. Box 250, Folder 3. 142pp. 0142 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Carver, George Washington•Carver Foundation: Correspondence, 1931-1947. Box 250, Folder 4. 120pp. 0260 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Carver, George Washington•Carver Foundation: Correspondence, 1947-1962. Box 250, Folder 5. 112pp. 0370 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Carver, George Washington•Carver Foundation: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 250, Folder 6. 148pp. 0510 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Green, Lucien (Tuskegee, Alabama), 1934-1964. Box 251, Folder 3. 100pp. 0609 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holly Knoll Associates (Capahosic, Virginia), 1945-1966. Box 251, Folder 4. 131pp. 0822 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1922-1930. Box 251, Folder 5. 92pp. 0911 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1930. Box 251, Folder 6. 127pp. 17 Reel 14

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1931. Box 252, Folder 1. 119pp. 0119 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1932-1934. Box 252, Folder 2. 157pp. 0284 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1935-1936. Box 252, Folder 3.151pp. 0431 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1937-1939. Box 252, Folder 4. 203pp. 0627 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1940-1942. Box 252, Folder 5. 188pp. 0813 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1943-1947. Box 252, Folder 6.180pp. 0990 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1945. Box 253, Folder 1. 118pp. Reel 15

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1946-1947. Box 253, Folder 2. 198pp. 0197 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Holsey, Albon (Tuskegee Institute and New York), 1948-1959. Box 253, Folder 3. 180pp. 0376 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Hospitals of Tuskegee Institute, Veterans Administration, and Other U.S. Government Hospitals: Correspondence, 1923-1939. Box 253, Folder 4. 198pp. 0572 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Hospitals of Tuskegee Institute, Veterans Administration, and Other U.S. Government Hospitals: Correspondence, 1940-1945. Box 253, Folders. 128pp. 0860 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Hospitals of Tuskegee Institute, Veterans Administration, and Other U.S. Government Hospitals: Newsclippings, News Releases, Reports, and Pamphlets. Box 254, Folder 1. 143pp. 1002 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Hospitals of Tuskegee Institute, Veterans Administration, and Other U.S. Government Hospitals: Newsclippings, News Releases, Reports, and Pamphlets. Box 254, Folder 2. 82pp. 1083 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Imes, Dr. G. Lake (Baltimore, Maryland), 1933-1956. Box 254, Folder 3. 39pp. 1121 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Moton, Dr. Robert R. (After Retirement) and Family (Capahosic, Virginia), 1928-1966. Box 254, Folder 4. 135pp. Reel 16

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Negro Year Book and Department of Records and Research, 1935-1955. Box 254, Folder 5. 143pp. 0142 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Otis, J.R. (Washington, D.C. and Tuskegee Institute), 1934-1959. Box 254, Folder 6. 95pp. 0233 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Patterson, John B. (Montgomery, Alabama), 1939-1949. Box 254, Folder 7. 30pp. 0262 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Phillips, Sidney J. (Booker T. Washington's Birthplace), 1942-1962. Box 254, Folder 8.130pp. 0385 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Service Magazine Correspondence (Chicago and Tuskegee Institute), 1933-1944. Box 255, Folder 1. 130pp.

18 0514 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Southland Manufacturing Company (Montgomery, Alabama), 1933-1944. Box 255, Folder 2. 202pp. 0707 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Stewart, Ollie (ANP and Tuskegee Institute), 1932-1959. Box 255, Folder 3. 26pp. 0732 Black Colleges and Universities with Significant Black Programs: Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee, Alabama)•Washington, Booker T. and Family (Tuskegee Institute) [no Booker T. Washington Correspondence], 1925-1959. Box 255, Folder 4. 162pp.


Series C: Economic Conditions, 1918-1966



Reel Index Reell General Files: Businesses, Organizations, and Economic Conditions 25 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) 25 Reels 2-13 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont 25


REEL INDEX Series C Economic Conditions, 1918-1966 ReeM

General Files: Businesses, Organizations, and Economic Conditions

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1930-1942. Box 259, Folder 1. 180pp. 0179 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1943-1948. Box 259, Folder 2. 108pp. 0287 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1949-1951 and 1953-1964. Box 259, Folder 3. 124pp. 0404 Pamphlets. Box 260, Folder 2. 18pp. 0421 Illinois and Indiana: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1931-1943. Box 260, Folder 4. 96pp. 0514 Illinois and Indiana: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1944-1964. Box 260, Folder 5. 90pp.

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0603 Airlines and Black Aviators, 1934-1953, Box 261, Folder 1. 143pp. 0743 Banks, Savings and Loan Institutions, and Accountants: Correspondence, 1924-1964. Box 261, Folder 2. 65pp. 0809 Banks, Savings and Loan Institutions, and Accountants: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 261, Folder 3. 68pp. 0876 Banks, Savings and Loan Institutions, and Accountants: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 261, Folder 4. 75pp. Reel 2

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Banks, Savings and Loan Institutions, and Accountants: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 261, Folder 6. 120pp. 0116 Beauty Culture: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1925-1957, 1962, and 1966. Box 261, Folder 6. 120pp. 0236 Beauty Culture: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 261, Folder 7. 98pp. 0333 Beauty Culture: Godefroy Manufacturing Company, Larieuse Company (St. Louis), 1937-1941, and 1950. Box 262, Folder 1. 72pp. 0405 Beauty Culture: Kashmir Chemical Company, Nile Queen Products (Chicago), 1918-1921. Box 262, Folder 2. 127pp. 0532 Beauty Culture: Kashmir Chemical Company, Nile Queen Products (Chicago), 1922-1947. Box 262, Folder 3. 98pp. 0630 Beauty Culture: Madame Walker Manufacturing Company (Indianapolis), 1928-1950. Box 262, Folder 4. 79pp. 0709 Beauty Culture: Poro College (St. Louis and Chicago)•Correspondence, 1926-1930. Box 262, Folder 5. 189pp. 0898 Beauty Culture: Poro College (St. Louis and Chicago)•Correspondence, 1924-1927. Box 262, Foldei 6. 143pp,

25 Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Beauty Culture: Poro College (St. Louis and Chicago)•Correspondence, 1930-1950. Box 262, Folder 7. 150pp. 0150 Beauty Culture: Poro College (St. Louis and Chicago)•Stone, Charles (St. Louis and Veterans Administration Hospital), 1928-1951. Box 263, Folder 1. 61pp. 0209 Cemeteries, Especially Burr Oaks Cemetary (Alsip, Illinois), 1927-1931. Box 263, Folder 2. 83pp. 0292 Funeral Directors, Especially Kelsey Pharr (Miami, Florida), 1934-1962. Box 263, Folder 3. 91pp. 0381 General Foods (White Plains, New York): Correspondence, 1931-1956. Box 263, Folder 4. 122pp. 0503 General Foods (White Plains, New York): Correspondence, 1957-1959. Box 263, Folder 5.109pp. 0611 General Foods (White Plains, New York): Correspondence, 1960-1963. Box 263, Folder 6. 76pp. 0684 Insurance Companies: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1927-1938. Box 263, Folder 7. 165pp. 0847 Insurance Companies: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1938-1941. Box 263, Folder 8. 138pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Insurance Companies: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1942-1947. Box 264, Folder 1. 127pp. 0127 Insurance Companies: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1948-1960. Box 264, Folder 2. 142pp. 0269 Insurance Companies: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 264, Folder 3. 137pp. 0402 Insurance Companies: Pamphlets. Box 264, Folder 4. 101pp. 0502 Insurance Companies: Pamphlets. Box 264, Folder 5. 347pp. 0857 Insurance Companies: Afro-American Life Insurance Company (Jacksonville, Florida), 1935-1944. Box 264, Folder 6. 117pp. Reel 5

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Insurance Companies: Afro-American Life Insurance Company (Jacksonville, Florida), 1945-1949, and 1958. Box 265, Folder 1. 0089 Insurance Companies: Bankers Fire Insurance Company (Durham, North Carolina), 1923-1927. Box 265, Folder 2. 93pp. 0181 Insurance Companies: Bankers Fire Insurance Company (Durham, North Carolina), 1928-1961. Box 265, Folder 3. 90pp. 0266 Insurance Companies: National Benefit Life Insurance Company (New York City)•Correspondence, 1927-1930. Box 265, - Folder 4. 124pp. 0384 Insurance Companies: National Benefit Life Insurance Company (New York City)•Correspondence, 1931-1933. Box 265, FolderS. 161pp. 0541 Insurance Companies: National Benefit Life Insurance Company (New York City)•Memos, Reports, and News Releases. Box 265, Folder 6.136pp. 0677 Insurance Companies: North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (Durham)•Correspondence, 1925-1943. Box 266, Folder 1. 184pp. 0859 Insurance Companies: North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (Durham)•Correspondence, 1944-1966. Box 266, Folder 2. 178pp. Reel 6

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Insurance Companies: North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (Durham)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 266, FolderS. 164pp. 0163 Insurance Companies: North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (Durham)•Pamphlets. Box 266, Folder 4. 69pp.

26 0232 Insurance Companies: North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (Durham)•National Negro Finance Corporation. Box 266, Folder 5. 49pp. 0280 Insurance Companies: Supreme Liberty Insurance Company (Chicago)•Correspondence, 1932-1953. Box 266, Folder 6. 164pp. 0441 Insurance Companies: Supreme Liberty Insurance Company (Chicago)•Correspondence, 1954-1955. Box 266, Folder 7. 137pp. 0573 Insurance Companies: Supreme Liberty Insurance Company (Chicago)•Correspondence, 1957-1960. Box 267, Folder 1. 113pp. 0686 Insurance Companies: Supreme Liberty Insurance Company (Chicago)•Correspondence, 1961-1966. Box 267. Folder 2. 168pp. 0851 Insurance Companies: Supreme Liberty Insurance Company (Chicago)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 267, Folder3. 82pp. 0932 Insurance Companies: Supreme Liberty Insurance Company (Chicago)•Pamphlets and Newsletters. Box 267, Folder 4. 22pp. 0953 Insurance Companies: Supreme Liberty Insurance Company (Chicago)•Dickerson, Earl B. (Chicago, Illinois), 1939-1965. Box 267, Folder 5. 65pp. Reel 7

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Insurance Companies: Universal Life Insurance Company (Memphis, Tennessee), 1935-1954. Box 275, Folder 6. 86pp. 0086 Insurance Companies: Universal Life Insurance Company (Memphis, Tennessee), 1955-1964. Box 276, Folder 1. 69pp. 0155 Insurance Companies: Victory Life Insurance Company (Chicago and New York)•Correspondence, 1928-1960. Box 276. Folder 2. 177pp. 0327 Insurance Companies: Victory Life Insurance Company (Chicago and New York)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 276, FolderS. 112pp. 0439 Inventors and Scientists: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 276, Folder 6. 76pp. 0507 Julian Laboratories, Percy Julian (Chicago): Correspondence, 1944-1965. Box 276, Folder 7. 64pp. 0570 Julian Laboratories, Percy Julian (Chicago): Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 276, Folder 8. 35pp. 0605 George W. Kerford Company (Atchison, Kansas): Correspondence, 1941-1949. Box 276, Folder 9. 158pp. 0760 George W. Kerford Company (Atchison, Kansas): Correspondence, 1950-1959. Box 277, Folder 1. 117pp 0873 George W. Kerford Company (Atchison, Kansas): Correspondence, 1961-1964. Box 277, Folder 2. 122pp. 0994 George W. Kerford Company (Atchison, Kansas): Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 277, Folder 3. 32pp. Reel 8

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 National Negro Business League: Correspondence, 1925-1940. Box 277, Folder 4. 159pp. 0154 National Negro Business League: Correspondence, 1941-1946. Box 277, Folder 5. 113pp. 0272 National Negro Business League: Correspondence, 1947-1957, and Undated. Box 277, Folder 6. 107pp. 0375 National Negro Business League: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 277, Folder 7. 126pp. 0499 National Negro Business League: Pamphlets. Box 278, Folder 1. 162pp. 0755 National Negro Business League: Pamphlets. Box 278, Folder 2.161 pp. 0904 National Negro Business League: Pamphlets. Box 278, Folder 3.194pp. Reel 9

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Railroad Companies, Pullman Porters, and Transportation Unions: Correspondence, 1923-1925. Box 278, Folder 4. 130pp. 0130 Railroad Companies, Pullman Porters, and Transportation Unions: Correspondence, 1926-1944. Box 278, Folder 5. 138pp. 0267 Railroad Companies, Pullman Porters, and Transportation Unions: Correspondence, 1945-1964, and Undated. Box 278, Folder 6. 119pp.

27 0383 Railroad Companies, Pullman Porters, and Transportation Unions: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 279, Folder 2. 118pp. 0495 Railroad Companies, Pullman Porters, and Transportation Unions: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 279, Folder 3. 52pp. 0547 Railroad Companies, Pullman Porters, and Transportation Unions: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 279, Folder 4. 71pp. 0615 Railroad Companies, Pullman Porters, and Transportation Unions: March on Washington during World War II, 1941-1942. Box 279, Folder 5. 57pp. 0671 N. Rathblott and Sons, 1930-1949. Box 279, Folder 6. 76pp. 0747 Remington Rand: Correspondence, 1950-1963. Box 279, Folder 7.101 pp. 0846 Remington Rand: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 279, Folder 8. 64pp. 0909 Steel Companies and Unions (Chicago and Gary, Indiana), 1936-1942. Box 280, Folder 1. 92pp. Reel 10

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Steel Companies and Unions (Chicago and Gary, Indiana), 1944-1964, and Undated. Box 280, Folder 2.111 pp. 0110 Unions: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1944-1959. Box 280, Folder 3.108pp. 0217 Unions: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 280, Folder 4. 93pp. 0308 Unions: Amalgamated Meatcutters and United Packinghouse Workers, 1946, and 1950-1957. Box 280, Folder 5. 68pp. 0376 Unions: American Federation of Labor and AFL-CIO•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 280, Folder 6. 110pp. 0486 Unions: Congress of Industrial Organizations•Newsclippings, News Releases, and Correspondence, 1937-1949. Box 280, Folder 7. 139pp. 0624 Unions: Teamsters, Luther White, Public Relations•Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases, 1959. Box 281, Folder 1.130pp. 0752 Unions: United Auto Workers•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 281, Folder 2. 88pp. 0839 United States Government: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1932-January 1936. Box 281, Folder 3. 106pp. 0941 United States Government: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, February-June 1936. Box 281, Folder 5.106pp.

Reel 11

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 United States Government: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1937-1939. Box 281, Folder 5. 83pp. 0084 United States Government: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1940-1946. Box 281, Folder 6. 127pp. 0210 United States Government: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1947-1966. Box 281, Folder 7. 114pp. 0323 United States Government: News Releases, 1933-1940. Box 281, Folder 8.102pp. 0425 United States Government: News Releases, 1941-1961, and Undated. Box 282, Folder 1.185pp. 0607 United States Government: Newsclippings. Box 282, Folder 2. 88pp. 0693 United States Government: Newsclippings. Box 282, Folder 3. 98pp. 0791 United States Government: Newsclippings. Box 282, Folder 4.175pp. Reel 12

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 United States Government: Commerce Department and Census Bureau•Correspondence, 1927-March 1930. Box 282, Folders. 142pp. 0140 United States Government: Commerce Department and Census Bureau•Correspondence, April 1930-October 1964 and Undated. Box 283, Folder 1. 184pp. 0327 United States Government: Commerce Department and Census Bureau•Publications. Box 283, Folder 4. 87pp. 0414 United States Government: Commerce Department and Census Bureau•Jackson, James A. and Klein, Julius, 1924-1929. Box 283, Folder 5. 115pp.

28 0527 United States Government: Commerce Department and Census Bureau•Jackson, James A. and Klein, Julius, 1930-1964, and Undated. Box 283, Folder 6. 189pp. 0655 United States Government: Housing and Federal Housing Administration•Correspondence, 1941-1961. Box 283, Folder 7. 60pp. 0714 United States Government: Labor Department, NLRB and FEPC•Correspondence, 1927-1964. Box 284, Folder 1. 181pp. 0893 United States Government: Labor Department, NLRB and FEPC•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 284, Folder 2. 97pp. 0986 United States Government: Labor Department, NLRB and FEPC•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 284, Folder 3. 102pp. Reel 13

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 United States Government: Labor Department, NLRB and FEPC•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 284, Folder 4. 114pp. 0115 United States Government: Labor Department, NLRB and FEPC•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 284, Folder 5. 99pp. 0214 United States Government: Labor Department, NLRB and FEPC•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 284, Folder 6. 92pp. 0306 United States Government: Labor Department, NLRB and FEPC•Newsclippings about State FEPCs. Box 285, Folder 1. 140pp. 0446 United States Government: U.S. Postal Service (and Commemorative Stamps)•Correspondence, 1938-1954. Box 285, Folder 2. 54pp. 0500 United States Government: U.S. Postal Service (and Commemorative Stamps)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 285, Folder 3. 72pp. 0572 United States Government: U.S. Postal Service (and Commemorative Stamps)•National Alliance of Postal Employees, 1932- 1958. Box 285, Folder 4. 173pp. 0745 Entertainment: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1928 and 1932-1942. Box 285, Folder 5. 201pp.


Seríes D: Entertainers, Artists, and Authors, 1928-1965



Reel Index Reell General Files: Correspondence with and about Entertainers (Including Actors, Actresses, Comedians, Dancers, Singers, Musicians) and Reporters and Press Agents 35 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) 35 Reels 2-7 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont 35


REEL INDEX Series D Entertainers, Artists, and Authors, 1928-1965 Reel 1

General Files: Correspondence with and about Entertainers (Including Actors, Actresses, Comedians, Dancers, Singers, Musicians) and Reporters and Press Agents

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1943-1948. Box 285, Folder 6. 140pp. 0141 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1949-1955. Box 286, Folder 1. 147pp. 0286 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1956-1964, and Undated. Box 286, Folder 2.130pp. 0416 The Official Theatrical World of Colored Artists the World Over, 1928. Box 286, Folder 3. 52pp.

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0467 Actors and Actresses: McDaniel, Hattie [Biographical Newsclippings (M-W)]. Box 287, Folder 3. 23pp. 0490 Actors and Actresses: Muse, Clarence (Hollywood, California), 1933-1947. Box 287, Folder 13. 18pp. 0508 Actors and Actresses: Sims, Margaret (Jacksonville, Florida), 1937-1950. Box 287, Folder 14. 26pp. 0535 Actors and Actresses: Unions and Organizations of Actors and Actresses•Newsclippings. Box 287. Folder 15. 23pp. 0558 Artists, Architects, and Designers: Correspondence, 1936-1965. Box 287, Folder 16. 60pp. 0618 Artists, Architects, and Designers: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 287, Folder 17. 129pp. 0747 ANP Reporters on Entertainment: Ellis, Robert (Hollywood, California), 1949. Box 287, Folder 19. 43pp. 0789 ANP Reporters on Entertainment: Jackson, Fay (Los Angeles, California), 1930-1935. Box 287, Folder 20. 144pp. 0931 ANP Reporters on Entertainment: Jackson, Fay (Los Angeles, California), 1936-1938, and 1957. Box 288, Folder 1. 146pp. Reel 2

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 ANP Reporters on Entertainment: Levette, Harry (Los Angeles), 1937-1956. Box 288, Folder 2. 224pp. 0225 ANP Reporters on Entertainment: Levette, Harry (Los Angeles), 1957-1961. Box 288, Folder 3. 164pp. 0389 ANP Reporters on Entertainment: Scrivner, Calla (Los Angeles), 1960-1963. Box 288, Folder 4. 77pp. 0466 Authors (Fiction, Poetry, Plays, etc.): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1934-1963. Box 288, Folder 5. 104pp. 0570 Authors (Fiction, Poetry, Plays, etc.) Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 1936. Box 289, Folder 3. 40pp. 0610 Authors (Fiction, Poetry, Plays, etc.) Holt, Rackman and Nora (New York City), 1944-1955. Box 289, Folder 23. 33pp. 0643 Authors (Fiction, Poetry, Plays, etc.) Hughes, Langston (New York City), 1940-1953. Box 289, Folder 24. 100pp. 0743 Authors (Fiction, Poetry, Plays, etc.) Hurston, Zora Neale (Florida), 1939-1946. Box 289, Folder 25. 39pp. 0781 Authors (Fiction, Poetry, Plays, etc.) Wright, Richard (Chicago and New York), 1940-1952. Box 289, Folder 26. 80pp. 0861 Comedians: Newsclippings. Box 290, Folder 7. 28pp.

35 0889 Dancers: Dunham, Katherine (New York City), 1938-1949. Box 291, Folder 2. 43pp. 0932 Dancers: Robinson, Bill (Los Angeles and New York City), 1935-1939. Box 291, Folder 3. 64pp. Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Motion Picture Studios: General and Miscellaneous, 1929-1955. Box 291, Folder 4. 160pp. 0160 Motion Picture Studios: General and Miscellaneous, 1937-1941. Box 291, Folder 5. 145pp. 0305 Motion Picture Studios: General and Miscellaneous, 1945-1961. Box 291, Folder 6. 135pp. 0439 Motion Picture Studios: E.M. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels, (Chicago and New York City), 1942-1951. Box 291, Folder 7. 259pp. 0696 Motion Picture Studios: EM. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels, (Chicago and New York City), 1952. Box 292, Folder 1. 164pp. 0857 Motion Picture Studios: E.M. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels, (Chicago and New York City), 1952. Box 292, Folder 2. 178pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Motion Picture Studios: E.M. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels (Chicago and New York City), 1953. Box 292, Folder 3. 155pp. 0154 Motion Picture Studios: E.M. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels (Chicago and New York City), 1953. Box 292, Folder 4. 127pp. 0281 Motion Picture Studios: E.M. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels (Chicago and New York City), 1954. Box 292, Folder 5. 130pp. _ 0410 Motion Picture Studios: E.M. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels (Chicago and New York City), 1955-1957. Box 292, Folder 6. 136pp. 0546 Motion Picture Studios: E.M. Glucksman, All-American Newsreels (Chicago and New York City), 1958-1964. Box 292, Folder 7. 100pp. 0646 Music: Composers and Conductors•Miscellaneous Correspondence and Newsclippings. Box 293, Folder 1. 117pp. 0762 Music: Composers and Conductors•Cook, Will Marion, 1938-1945. Box 293, Folder 2. 32pp. 0794 Music: Composers and Conductors•Dett, R. Nathaniel, 1930-1941. Box 293, Folder 3. 42pp. 0836 Music: Composers and Conductors•Diton, Carl (ANP•New York City), 1943-1961. Box 293, Folder 4. 47pp. 0883 Music: Composers and Conductors•Razaf, Andy (ANP•New York City and Los Angeles). 1937-1963. Box 293, Folder 5. 80pp.

Reel 5

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Music: Composers and Conductors•Still, William Grant (Los Angeles), 1940-1949. Box 293, Folder 5. 54pp. 0055 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Classical and Popular: Anderson, Marian•Correspondence, 1929- 1961. Box 293, Folder 9. 133pp. 0187 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Classical and Popular: Anderson, Marian•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 293, Folder 10. 113pp. 0300 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Classical and Popular: George, Zelma Watson and Clayborne George (Cleveland), 1950-1960. Box 294, Folder 1. 18pp. 0318 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Classical and Popular: Jarboro, Caterina, 1928-1940. Box 294, Folder 2. 82pp. 0399 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Classical and Popular: Robeson, Paul and Eslanda (ANP), 1935- 1963. Box 294, Folder 3. 176pp.

36 0575 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Classical and Popular: Robeson, Paul and Eslanda (ANP)• Newsclippings. Box 294, Folder 4. 171pp. 0744 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Classical and Popular: Walker, Mercedes, 1949-1956. Box 294, Folder 5. 28pp. 0772 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Jazz, Blues, Popular, and Rock: Cole, Nat King, 1946-1963. Box 297, Folder 1. 108pp. Reel 6

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Jazz, Blues, Popular, and Rock: Ellington, Duke, 1935-1951 Box 297, Folder 2. 122pp. 0121 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Jazz, Blues, Popular, and Rock: Jessye, Eva and Choir 1935-1966. Box 297, Folder 3. 31pp. 0150 Music: Musicians, Concert Artists, and Choral Groups•Spirituals and Folk Music: Newsclippings. Box 297, Folder 4. 67pp. 0217 Music: Recording Companies•Correspondence, 1935-1965. Box 297, Folder 5. 171pp. 0388 Music: Symphony Orchestras•Newsclippings. Box 297, Folder 8. 20pp. 0408 Radio and Television: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1936-1945. Box 299, Folder 10. 123pp. 0530 Radio and Television: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1946-1950. Box 299, Folder 11. 158pp. 0688 Radio and Television: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1951-1955. Box 299, Folder 12. 134pp. Reel 7

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Radio and Television: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1956-1957. Box 299, Folder 13. 160pp. 0161 Radio and Television: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1958-1965, and Undated. Box 299, Folder 14. 141pp. 0301 Radio and Television: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 300, Folder 1. 142pp. 0445 Radio and Television: "Amos n' Andy"•Newsclippings. Box 300, Folder 2. 65pp. 0501 Radio and Television: ANP "Magazine of the Air" Proposal, 1964. Box 300, Folder 3. 129pp. 0628 Radio and Television: Midway Television Institute (Chicago), 1947-1963. Box 300, Folder 4. 16pp. 0644 Radio and Television: "Radio Church of God" and Elder Michaux (Washington, D.C.), 1934-1946. Box 300, Folder 5. 25pp. 0699 Radio and Television: "Wings Over Jordan" (Cleveland, Ohio), 1938-1948. Box 300, Folder 6. 90pp. 0759 Theaters, 1934-1964. Box 300, Folder 7. 143pp.

37 * à>'M SGNGS EI Medicine, 1927-1965



Reel Index Reel 1 General Files: Health Care, the Medical Professions, Foundations for Medical Research and Health Care, and Hospitals 43 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) 43 Reels 2-7 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont 43


REEL INDEX Series E Medicine, 1927-1965 Reel 1

General Files: Health Care, the Medical Professions, Foundations for Medical Research and Health Care, and Hospitals

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1929-1944. Box 300, Folder 8. 202pp. 0204 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1945-1949. Box 300, Folder 9. 163pp. 0364 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1950-1952. Box 301, Folder 1. 200pp. 0558 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1953-1958. Box 301, Folder 2. 86pp. 0644 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1959-1965. Box 301, Folder 3. 55pp.

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0699 King, Dr. N. Curtiss (Los Angeles), 1940-1961. Box 302, Folder 6. 59pp. 0757 National Medical Association and National Hospital Association: Correspondence, 1931-1939. Box 302, Folder 7. 135pp. 0888 National Medical Association and National Hospital Association: Correspondence, 1940-1950. Box 303, Folder 1. 171pp. Reel 2

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 National Medical Association and National Hospital Association: Correspondence, 1951-1964. Box 303, Folder 2. 159pp. 0160 National Tuberculosis Association: Pamphlets, 1936-1938. Box 303, Folder 6. 94pp. 0253 National Tuberculosis Association: Pamphlets, 1940-1942. Box 303, Folder 7. 60pp. 0313 National Tuberculosis Association: Correspondence, 1943-1953. Box 304, Folder 1. 138pp. 0447 Nurses' Associations and Nurses: Correspondence, 1938-1959. Box 304, Folder 2. 168pp. 0614 Nurses' Associations and Nurses: Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 304, Folder 3. 87pp. 0699 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1928-1934. Box 304, Folder 4. 116pp. 0813 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1935. Box 304, Folder 5. 91pp. 0873 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-September 1936. Box 304, Folder 6. 119pp.

43 Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, September-December 1936. Box 304, Folder?. 125pp. 0126 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-June 1937. Box 305, Folder 1. 116pp. 0207 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July-December 1937. Box 305, Folder 2. 260pp. 0393 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-July 1938. Box 305, Folder 3. 237pp. 0594 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, August-December 1938. Box 305, Folder 4. 210pp. 0774 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1938, and Undated. Box 305, Folder 5. 113pp. 0870 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-May 1939. Box 306, Folder 1. 134pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, June 1938-Apnl 1940. Box 306, Folder 2. 160pp. 0138 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, May 1940-December 1941. Box 306, Folder3. 174pp. 0305 Provident Hospital (Chicago): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1942-April 1956. Box 306, Folder 4. 179pp. 0478 Provident Hospital (Chicago): Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 306, Folder 5. 118pp. 0582 Provident Hospital (Chicago): Board of Trustees•Correspondence, 1931-1937. Box 306, Folder 7. 231pp. 0791 Provident Hospital (Chicago): Board of Trustees•Correspondence, 1938. Box 307, Folder 1. 131pp. Reel 5

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Provident Hospital (Chicago): Board of Trustees•Correspondence, 1939-1940. Box 307, Folder 2. 155pp. 0156 Provident Hospital (Chicago): Council of Social Agencies of Chicago, 1934-1941. Box 308, Folder 2. 58pp. 0214 Lawlah, Dr. John W. (Chicago and Washington, D.C.), 1928-1934. Box 308, Folder 3. 142pp. 0356 Lawlah, Dr. John W. (Chicago and Washington, D.C.), 1940-1963. Box 308, Folder 4. 76pp. 0431 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1929-1941. Box 308, Folder 5. 153pp. 0593 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1942. Box 308, Folder 6. 205pp. 0798 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1943-1944. Box 308, Folder 7. 119pp. Reel 6

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1945-1947. Box 309, Folder 1. 97pp. 0093 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1948-1949. Box 309, Folder 2. 215pp. 0299 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1950-1952. Box 309, Folder 3. 238pp. 0517 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1953-1954. Box 309, Folder 4. 133pp. 0637 Red Cross: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1955-1965, and Undated. Box 309, Folder 5. 168pp. 0802 Red Cross: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 309, Folder 6. 80pp. 0880 Red Cross: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 309, Folder 7. 82pp. 0961 Red Cross: Red Cross News Releases. Box 310, Folder 1. 106pp.

44 Reel 7

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Red Cross: Chicago Branch of Red Cross Correspondence, 1937-1945. Box 310, Folder 2. 171pp. 0165 Red Cross: Chicago Branch of Red Cross Correspondence, 1946-1964, and Undated. Box 310, Folder 3. 124pp. 0288 Red Cross: Flood Relief Advisory Committee, 1927•Correspondence, 1927-1934. Box 310, Folder 4. 153pp. 0436 Red Cross: Flood Relief Advisory Committee, 1927•Reports, 1927-1929. Box 310, Folder 5. 128pp. 0562 Red Cross: Flood Relief Advisory Committee, 1927•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 310, Folder 6. 116pp. 0669 Red Cross: Thomas, Jesse O. (Atlanta and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1927-1933. Box 310, Folder 7. 93pp. 0756 Red Cross: Thomas, Jesse O. (Atlanta and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1934-1935. Box 311, Folder 1. 105pp. 0853 Red Cross: Thomas, Jesse O. (Atlanta and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1936-1942. Box 311, Folder 2. 106pp. 0953 Red Cross: Thomas, Jesse O. (Atlanta and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1943-1945. Box 311, Folder 3. 177pp. 1110 Red Cross: Thomas, Jesse O. (Atlanta and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1946-1953, and Undated. Box 311, Folder 4. 147pp. 1248 Red Cross: Thomas, Jesse O. (Atlanta and Washington, D.C.)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 311, Folder 5. 10pp.


SGNGS FI Military, 1925-1965



Reel Index Reel 1 General Files: U.S. Department of Defense (War), Armed Forces Military Bases, Training Programs, War Correspondents, ANP Reporters in the Military, and Censorship 51 Reel 2 General Files: U.S. Department of Defense (War), Armed Forces Military Bases, Training Programs, War Correspondents, ANP Reporters in the Military, and Censorship cont 51 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) .... 51 Reel 3 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont 51


REEL INDEX Series F Military, 1925-1965 Reel 1

General Files: U.S. Department of Defense (War), Armed Forces Military Bases, Training Programs, War Correspondents, ANP Reporters in the Military, and Censorship

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, April 1924-April 1941. Box 312, Folder 4. 133pp. 0132 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, May 1941-December 1941. Box 312, Folder 5. 184pp. 0310 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1942-June 1942. Box 312, Folder 6. 216pp. 0512 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July 1942-December 1942. Box 313, Folder 1. 155pp. 0665 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1943-July 1943. Box 313, Folder 2. 200pp. 0861 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, August 1943-December 1943. Box 313. Folder 3. 187pp. Reel 2

General Files: U.S. Department of Defense (War), Armed Forces Military Bases, Training Programs, War Correspondents, ANP Reporters in the Military, and Censorship cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1944-June 1944. Box 313, Folder 4. 213pp. 0214 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, July 1944-December 1944. Box 313, Folder 5. 152pp. 0361 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1945-December 1945. Box 313, Folder 6. 202pp. 0548 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1946-December 1949. Box 314, Folder 1. 246pp. 0773 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1950-December 1952. Box 314, Folder 2. 143pp. 0915 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1953-December 1965. Box 314, Folder 3. 172pp. 1079 Army, Defense Department, Military in General: News Releases. Box 314, Folder 4. 131pp.

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

1206 Academies: Newsclippings. Box 315, Folder 3. 98pp. 1303 Assistant Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War: Correspondence, 1940-1942. Box 315, Folder 4. 194pp. Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Assistant Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War: Correspondence, 1943-1963. Box 315, Folder 5. 159pp. 0157 Assistant Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 316, Folder 1. 70pp. 0227 Army: Davis, General Benjamin O. and Davis, General Benjamin O., Jr.•Newsclippings. Box 316, Folder 2. 52pp.

51 0279 Army: Mann, Theophilus (Chicago), 1946-1958. Box 316, Folder 4. 24pp. 0303 Air Force (Army Air Corps): Newsclippings. Box 316, Folder 5. 57pp. 0359 Air Force (Army Air Corps): Tuskegee Air School and 99th Pursuit Squadron•Newsclippings and Pamphlets. Box 316, FolderS. 156pp. 0514 Air Force (Army Air Corps): 332nd Fighter Wing•Newsclippings. Box 316, Folder 9. 44pp. 0557 Air Force (Army Air Corps): 477th Composite Group•Newsclippings. Box 316, Folder 10. 17pp. 0575 Home Front during World War II: Correspondence, 1940-1945. Box 316, Folder 13. 69pp. 0643 Home Front during World War II: Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 317, Folder 1. 197pp. 0834 Marine Corps: Newsclippings. Box 317, Folder?. 9pp. 0843 Merchant Marine, Liberty Ships: Newsclippings. Box 317, Folder 3. 59pp. 0900 Navy: Dorrie Miller and Navy Fliers•Newsclippings and Pamphlets. Box 317, Folder 5. 141pp. 1040 Selective Service and Draft Resisters, 1941-1943. Box 318, Folder 1. 68pp. 1107 War Correspondents and Censorship: Newsclippings. Box 318, Folder 4. 42pp. 1147 Women in the Armed Forces: Newsclippings. Box 318, Folder 5. 60pp.

52 Series G: Philanthropie and Social Organizations, 1925-1966



Reel Index Reels 1-5 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) • 57


REEL INDEX Series G Philanthropic and Social Organizations, 1925-1966 Reel 1

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0001 Elks: Correspondence, 1925-1965, and Undated. Box 320, Folder 1. 152pp. 0153 Elks: Department of Education (and Civil Liberties)•Correspondence, 1944-1955. Box 320, Folder 2. 147pp. 0300 Elks: Department of Education (and Civil Liberties)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 320, Folder 3. 37pp. 0337 Educational Foundations: Miscellaneous Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 320, Folder 5. 30pp. 0367 Educational Foundations: General Education Board [Rockefeller Foundation), 1936-1945. Box 320, Folder 8. 149pp. 0516 Educational Foundations: General Education Board [Rockefeller Foundation], 1946-1950. Box 321, Folder 1. 125pp. 0641 Foundations: Harmon Foundation•Correspondence, March 1942-December 1947. Box 321, Folder 2. 190pp. 0831 Foundations: Harmon Foundation•Correspondence, January 1948-December 1950. Box 321, Folder 3. 189pp. Reel 2

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Foundations: Harmon Foundation•Correspondence, January 1951-December 1952. Box 321, Folder 4. 208pp. 0209 Foundations: Harmon Foundation•Correspondence, January 1953-December 1955. Box 321, Folder 5. 86pp. 0295 Foundations: Harmon Foundation•Correspondence, March 1956-July 1965. Box 321, Folder 5. 91pp. 0386 Foundations: Harmon Foundation•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 322, Folder 1. 49pp. 0435 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1936-1947. Box 322, Folder 2. 135pp. 0560 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1948-1951. Box 322, Folder 3. 149pp. 0709 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1952-1958. Box 322, Folder 4. 133pp. 0842 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1959-1964, and Undated. Box 322, Folder 5. 92pp. 0934 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•Jones, Thomas Jesse (New York City), 1925-1930. Box 326, Folder 4. 72pp.

Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•Patterson, Dr. F.D. (New York City), 1953-1956. Box 326, Folder 7. 119pp. 0120 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•Patterson, Dr. F.D. (New York City), 1957-1963. Box 327, Folder 1. 108pp. 0228 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•Tobias, Dr. Channing H. (New York City), 1933-1948. Box 327, Folder 2. 175pp.

57 0403 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•Tobias, Dr. Channing H. (New York City), 1949-1950. Box 327, Folder 3. 124pp. 0527 Foundations: Phelps-Stokes Fund•Tobias, Dr. Channing H. (New York City), 1951-1962, and Undated. Box 327, Folder 4. 119pp. 0646 Foundations: Rosenwald Foundation (Chicago)•Correspondence, 1927-1933. Box 327, Folder 6. 198pp. 0844 Foundations: Rosenwald Foundation (Chicago)•Correspondence, 1934-1942. Box 327, Folder 7. 185pp. 1029 Foundations: Rosenwald Foundation (Chicago)•Correspondence, 1943-1962, and Undated. Box 328, Folder 1. 192pp. 1222 Fraternities: Alpha Phi Alpha (Chicago and National)•Correspondence, 1946-1955. Box 328, Folder 6. 120pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Fraternities: Alpha Phi Alpha (Chicago and National)•Correspondence, 1955-1965. Box 329, Folder 1. 175pp. 0176 Knights of Pythias: Correspondence, 1928-1963. Box 329, Folder 5. 188pp. 0364 National Association of Colored Women, 1928-1946. Box 329, Folder 7. 121pp. 0485 National Association of Colored Women, 1938-1964. Box 330, Folder 1. 81pp. 0566 National Council of Negro Women and Mary McLeod Bethune: Correspondence, 1928-1941. Box 330, Folder 2. 221pp. *; 0787 National Council of Negro Women and Mary McLeod Bethune: Correspondence, 1942-1964, and Undated. Box 330, Folder 3. 160pp. 0947 National Council of Negro Women and Mary McLeod Bethune: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 330, Folder 4. 78pp. 1025 National Council of Negro Women and Mary McLeod Bethune: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 330, Folder 5. 78pp. 1103 Sororities: Miscellaneous Sororities•Correspondence and Newsclippings, 1946-1962. Box 330, Folder 7. 95pp. 1198 Sororities: Alpha Kappa Alpha•Correspondence, 1932-1946. Box 331, Folder 1. 122pp. Reel 5

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont. .

0001 Sororities: Alpha Kappa Alpha•Correspondence,1941-1964, and Undated. Box 331, Folder 2. 118pp. 0119 Sororities: Alpha Kappa Alpha•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 331, Folder 3. 60pp. 0178 Sororities: Delta Sigma Theta•Correspondence, 1930-1958. Box 331, Folder 5. 134pp. 0311 Sororities: Delta Sigma Theta•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 331, Folder 6. 39pp. 0350 Sororities: lota Phi Lambda, 1936-1962. Box 331, Folder 7. 69pp. 0419 Sororities: Phi Delta Kappa•Correspondence, 1938-1962. Box 331, Folder 8. 143pp. 0562 Sororities: Phi Delta Kappa•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 332, Folder 1. 23pp. 0585 Sororities: Zeta Phi Beta•Correspondence, 1934-1948. Box 332, Folder 2. 135pp. 0720 Sororities: Zeta Phi Beta•Correspondence, 1949-1963. Box 332, Folder 3. 124pp. 0843 Sororities: Zeta Phi Beta•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 332, Folder 4. 14pp. 0857 YMCA/YWCA and Phillis Wheatley Foundation: Correspondence, 1929-1939. Box 332, Folder 5. 140pp. 0997 YMCA/YWCA and Phillis Wheatley Foundation: Correspondence, 1940-1965, and Undated. Box 332, Folder 5. 166pp. 1163 YMCA/YWCA and Phillis Wheatley Foundation: Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 332, Folder 7. 49pp.

58 Seríes H: Politics and Law, 1920-1966



Reel Index Reels 1-3 General Files: National Politics, Campaigns, Legislation, Appointees, Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Judges, etc 63 Reels 4-5 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) .... 64 Reel 6 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont 64 Black Participation in Government Including Black Appointed and Elected Officials, Voter Registration Drives, Poll Taxes, Election Analyses, and Black Employees of State and Local Governments 65 Reels 7-9 Black Participation in Government Including Black Appointed and Elected Officials, Voter Registration Drives, Poll Taxes, Election Analyses, and Black Employees of State and Local Governments cont 65


REEL INDEX Series H Politics and Law, 1920-1966 Reel 1

General Files: National Politics, Campaigns, Legislation, Appointees, Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Judges, etc.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-November 1920. Box 333, Folder 1. 131pp. 0132 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, November 1921-June 1927. Box 333, Folder 2. 24pp. 0156 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-July 1928. Box 333, Folder 3. 102pp. 0259 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, August-September 1928. Box 333, Folder 4. 215pp. 0474 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October 1928. Box 333, Folder 5. 79pp. 0553 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October 1928. Box 333, Folder 6. 197pp. 0750 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, October-December 1928. Box 333, Folder 7. 119pp. 0869 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1928. Box 334, Folder 1. 225pp. Reel 2

General Files: National Politics, Campaigns, Legislation, Appointees, Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Judges, etc. cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1929-December 1931. Box 334, Folder 2. 92pp. 0093 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, September-October 1932. Box 334, Folder 3. 103pp. 0196 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, February 1932-October 1932. Box 334, Folder 4. 170pp. 0366 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, November 1932. Box 334, Folder 5. 78pp. 0444 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1933-December 1935. Box 334, Folder 6. 130pp. 0574 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January-December 1936. Box 334, Folder 7. 154pp. 0728 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1937-October 1938. Box 335, Folder 1. 153pp. 0881 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, February-November 1939. Box 335, Folder 2. 114pp. Reel 3

General Files: National Politics, Campaigns, Legislation, Appointees, Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Judges, etc. cont.

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1940-December 1941. Box 335, Folder 3. 181pp. 0182 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, February 1942-November 1946. Box 335, Folder 4. 153pp. 0335 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1947-December 1950. Box 335, Folder 5. 202pp.

63 0537 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1951-December 1952. Box 335, Folder 6. 173pp. 0710 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1953-December 1959. Box 336, Folder 1. 220pp. 0930 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1960-April 1965. Box 336, Folder 2. 100pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0001 Courts and the Legal System: Attorneys and the National Bar Association•Correspondence, 1935-1964. Box 339, Folder 2. 138pp. 0139 Courts and the Legal System: Attorneys and the National Bar Association•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 339, Folder 3. 116pp. 0255 Courts and the Legal System: Attorneys and the National Bar Association•Pamphlets. Box 339, Folder 4. 149pp. 0404 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•Correspondence, 1931-1936. Box 340, Folder 1. 108pp. 0512 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•Telegrams. Box 340, Folder 2. 53pp. 0565 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•News Releases and Statements. Box 340, Folder 3. 118pp. 0683 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•Newsclippings. Box 340, Folder 4. 71pp. 0754 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•Newsclippings. Box 340, Folder 5. 62pp. 0816 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•Newsclippings. Box 340, Folder 6. 76pp. 0892 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•Pamphlets and Miscellany. Box 340, Folder 7. 55pp. 0947 Courts and the Legal System: Scottsboro Case (Scottsboro, Alabama)•Pamphlets. Box 340, Folder 8. 31pp. 0978 Democratic Party: Pamphlets and Handbills, 1928-1960. Box 341, Folder 1. 3pp. 0981 Republican Party: Pamphlets and Handbills, 1920-1928. Box 341, Folder 4. 22pp. Reel 5

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Republican Party: Pamphlets and Handbills, 1932. Box 340, Folder 5. 135pp. .; 0136 Republican Party: Pamphlets and Handbills, 1940-1960. Box 340, Folder 7. 79pp. 0215 Republican Party: News Releases (Republican National Committee Primarily), 1932. Box 342, Folder 1. 14pp. 0324 Republican Party: News Releases (Republican National Committee Primarily), 1939. Box 342, Folder 3. 57pp. 0381 Republican Party: News Releases (Republican National Committee Primarily), 1940. Box 342, Folder 4. 89pp. 0470 Republican Party: News Releases (Republican National Committee Primarily), October 1940-March 1942. Box 342, FolderS. 96pp. 0566 Republican Party: Nixon, Richard M. (California and Washington, DC), 1946-1962. Box 342, Folder 6. 78pp. 0644 Left Political Groups and Parties: Miscellaneous Groups Correspondence (and Newsclippings), 1925-1956. Box 342, Folder 7. 95pp. 0739 Left Political Groups and Parties: Communists, ILD, etc.•Correspondence, 1931-1950. Box 342, Folder 8. 36pp. 0775 Left Political Groups and Parties: Communists, ILD, etc.•News Releases and Newsclippings. Box 343, Folder 1. 150pp. 0925 Left Political Groups and Parties: Communists, ILD, etc.•News Releases and Newsclippings. Box 343, Folder 2. 71pp. Reel 6

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Left Political Groups and Parties: Communists, ILD, ect.•ANP News Releases. Box 343, Folder 3. 71pp. 0072 Left Political Groups and Parties: Communists, ILD, etc.•Pamphlets. Box 343, Folder 4. 120pp. 0192 Left Political Groups and Parties: Communists, ILD, etc.•Newton, Herbert and Emery, Jane (Chicago): Newsclippings. Box 343, Folder 5. 33pp. 0225 Left Political Groups and Parties: Anti-Communism•Correspondence, 1931-1964. Box 343, Folder 6. 160pp.

64 0385 Left Political Groups and Parties: Progressive Party: Correspondence, 1938-1950. Box 343, Folder 8, 35pp. 0420 Left Political Groups and Parties: Progressive Party: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 343, Folder 9. 63pp. 0483 Left Political Groups and Parties: Socialist Party and Socialist Workers Party, 1932-1948. Box 343, Folder 10. 53pp.

Black Participation in Government, Including Black Appointed and Elected Officials, Voter Registration Drives, Poll Taxes, Election Analyses, and Black Employees of State and Local Governments

0536 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1927-1946. Box 344, Folder 1. 123pp. 0659 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1947-1964. Box 344, Folder 2. 169pp. 0828 National and Regional Topics, Miscellaneous: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 344, Folder 3. 205pp. Reel 7

Black Participation in Government, Including Black Appointed and Elected Officials, Voter Registration Drives, Poll Taxes, Election Analyses, and Black Employees of State and Local Governments cont.

0001 National and Regional Topics, Miscellaneous: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 344, Folder 4. 151pp. 0152 National and Regional Topics, Miscellaneous: Pamphlets. Box 344, Folder 6. 272pp. 0424 District of Columbia Politics and Government, Newsclippings: Recorder of Deeds, D.C., 1932-1942. Box 345, Folder 6. 110pp. 0534 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1919-1926. Box 345a, Folder 1. 127pp. 0661 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1927-1929. Box 345a, Folder 2. 106pp. 0767 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1930-1933. Box 346, Folder 1. 109pp. 0876 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1934-1935. Box 346, Folder 2. 108pp. Reel 8

Black Participation in Government, Including Black Appointed and Elected Officials, Voter Registration Drives, Poll Taxes, Election Analyses, and Black Employees of State and Local Governments cont.

0001 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1936-1939. Box 346, Folder 3. 165pp. 0166 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1940-1945. Box 346, Folder 4. 229pp. 0395 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1946-1949. Box 346, Folder 5. 157pp. 0552 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, 1950-1953. Box 346, Folder 6. 154pp. 0706 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, November 1950-July 1954. Box 347, Folder 1. 147pp. 0853 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, November 1950-August 1955. Box 347, Folder 2. 118pp. 0971 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, August-December 1955. Box 347, Folder 3. 104pp. Reel 9

Black Participation in Government, Including Black Appointed and Elected Officials, Voter Registration Drives, Poll Taxes, Election Analyses, and Black Employees of State and Local Governments cont.

0001 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, January 1956-November 1957. Box 347, Folder 4. 178pp 0179 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, January 1958-December 1959. Box 347, Folder 5. 143pp 0322 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, January 1960-December 1962. Box 347, Folder 6. 100pp. 0422 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, January 1963-December 1964. Box 348, Folder 1. 67pp 0489 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, January 1965-August 1966. Box 348, Folder 2. 75pp 0564 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Brown, Edgar G. (Chicago and Washington, D.C.), 1938-1954. Box 348, Folder 8. 38pp. 0602 Illinois Politics, Government and Race Relations: Stevenson, Governor Adlai, 1951-1966. Box 349, Folder 6. 31pp. 0633 Indiana Politics, Government, and Race Relations: Correspondence, July 1928-December 1937. Box 352, Folder 1. 98pp. 0731 Indiana Politics, Government and Race Relations: Correspondence, July 1940-November 1964. Box 352, Folder 2. 88pp.

65 0819 New Mexico Politics, Government and Race Relations: Anderson, Clinton P., 1948-1957. Box 353, Folder 7. 48pp. 0867 New York Politics and Government: Newsclippings•Mollison, Judge Irvin (Chicago and New York City), 1945-1961. Box 354, Folder 2. 182pp. 1049 Ohio Politics and Government: Newsclippings•Fleming, Lethia (Cleveland), 1939-1950. Box 357, Folder 1. 165pp. 1249 Pennsylvania Politics and Government: Newsclippings•Alexander, Raymond and Sadie (Philadelphia), 1928-1965. Box 357, Folder 4. 61pp.

c •

66 Series I: Race Relations, 1923-1965



Reel Index Reel 1 General Files:Government Agencies (Federal, State, and Local), Organizations, and Individuals Involved in Miscellaneous Race Relations Issues in the United States Including Desegregation and Law Enforcement (most of these files were not filmed) 71 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) .... 71 Reels 2-8 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont 71


REEL INDEX Series I Race Relations, 1923-1965 ReeM

General Files: Government Agencies (Federal, State, and Local), Organizations, and Individuals Involved in Miscellaneous Race Relations Issues in the United States Including Desegregation and Law Enforcement (Most of these files were not filmed)

0001 Race Relations: Pamphlets. Box 364, Folder 1. 21pp.

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0022 Asian-American and All Hawaii Topics: Correspondence, 1932-1960. Box 364, Folder 5. 76pp. 0098 Asian-American and All Hawaii Topics: Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 364, Folder 6. 70pp 0168 Black History: Achievements, Honors, Wealth of Afro-Americans•Women's Achievements, Honors, Wealth: Correspondence, 1933-1965, and Undated. Box 365, Folder 1. 54pp. 0222 Black History: Achievements, Honors, Wealth of Afro-Americans•Women's Achievements, Honors, Wealth: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 365, Folder 2.163pp. 0385 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•Pamphlets. Box 366, Folder 2. 5pp. 0390 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), February and March 1940. Box 366, Folder 3. 180pp. 0570 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), March-April 1940. Box 366, Folder 4. 168pp. 0737 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), April 1940. Box 366, FolderS. 174pp. 0911 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), April-May 1940. Box 366, Folder 6. 172pp. Reel 2

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

• 0001 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), May 15-22. 1940. Box 367, Folder 1. 187pp. 0188 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), May 23-June 3, 1940. Box 367, Folder 2. 191pp. 0379 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), June 4-13, 1940. Box 367, Folder 3. 217pp. 0596 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), June 14-21. 1940. Box 367, Folder 4. 186pp. 0782 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), June 22-30. 1940. Box 367, Folder 5. 170pp.

71 0952 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), July 1-8, 1940. Box 367, Folder 6. 146pp. Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), July 11-19, 1940. Box 368, Folder 1. 115pp. 0116 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), July 20-31. 1940. Box 368, Folder 2. 125pp. 0241 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), August 1-14, 1940. Box 368, Folder 3. 178pp. 0419 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), August 15-31, 1940. Box 368, Folder 4. 162pp. 0581 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), September- December 1940. Box 368, Folder 5. 211pp. 0792 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), January 1941-February 1963, and Undated. Box 368, Folder 6. 182pp. 0974 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), Lists, Memos, Notes, Newsclippings, News Releases, and Undated Items. Box 369, Folder 1. 90pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), Lists, Memos, Notes, Newsclippings, News Releases, and Undated Items regarding Art, Posters, and Poetry. Box 369, Folder 2. 91pp. 0092 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago), Lists, Memos, Notes, Newsclippings, and News Releases. Box 369, Folder 3. 29pp. 0121 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•American Negro Exposition (Chicago): International Harvester Company (Chicago), Afro-Mexican Exposition, 1937-1954. Box 369, Folder 6. 181pp. 0302 Black History: Association for the Study of Negro Life and History•Negro History Week, Woodson, Carter and Logan, Rayford: Correspondence and Newsclippings, 1928-1946. Box 370, Folder 1. 95pp. 0397 Black History: Association for the Study of Negro Life and History•Pamphlets. Box 370, Folder 2. 39pp. 0436 Black History: Schomburg Collections (New York Public Library)•Correspondence, 1927-1961. Box 370, Folder 5. 103pp. 0539 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•Texas Centennial Exposition, 1936: Correspondence, 1936-1937. Box 371, Folder 2. 189pp. 0728 Black History: Teaching, Celebrating, and Preserving Black History•Texas Centennial Exposition, 1936: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 371, Folder 3. 41pp. 0769 Black History: Historians, Sociologists, and Studies of Black Life•Correspondence, 1930-1964. Box 371, Folder 4. 89pp 0858 Black Towns (Especially Mound Bayou, Mississippi): Correspondence, 1929-1958. Box 371, Folder 7. 84pp. Reel 5

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Black Towns (Especially Mound Bayou, Mississippi): Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 372, Folder 1. 93pp. 0094 Commission on Interracial Cooperation and Southern Regional Council (Atlanta), 1923-1958. Box 372, Folder 5. 202pp. 0296 Lynching and Mob Violence: Correspondence, 1931-1960. Box 373, Folder 2. 49pp. 0345 Lynching and Mob Violence: Pamphlets. Box 374, Folder 1. 59pp. 0404 NAACP (National Office and Branches): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1922-1938. Box 374, Folder 8. 152pp. 0556 NAACP (National Office and Branches): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1939-1948. Box 374, Folder 9. 186pp. 0742 NAACP (National Office and Branches): General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1949-1965. Box 374, Folder 10. 207pp.

72 Reel 6

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Du Bois, W.E.B. and Graham, Shirley•Correspondence; 1928-1959. Box 375, Folder 6. 159pp. 0160 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Du Bois, W.E.B. and Graham, Shirley•Correspondence, 1960-1963. Box 376, Folder 1. 56pp. 0216 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Du Bois, W.E.B. and Graham, Shirley•Newsclippings. Box 376, Folder 2.103pp. 0319 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Du Bois, W.E.B. and Graham, Shirley•Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 376, Folder 3. Mpp. 0403 . NAACP (National Office and Branches): Houston, Charles (Washington, D.C.), 1932-1947. Box 376, Folder 4.117pp. 0520 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Pickens, William (New York City and Washington,. D.C.)•Correspondence, 1927-1933. Box 376, Folder 6. 194pp. 0713 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Pickens, William (New York City and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1934-1935. Box 376, Folder 7. 202pp. 0914 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Pickens, William (New York City and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1936-1939. Box 377, Folder 1. 221pp. Reel 7

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Pickens, William (New York City and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, 1940-1941. Box 377, Folder 2. 250pp. 0251 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Pickens, William (New York City and Washington, D.C.)•Correspondence, Undated (1930s and 1940s). Box 377, Folder 3. 45pp. 0296 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Pickens, William (New York City and Washington, DC.)•Correspondence, 1942-1954. Box 377, Folder 4. 251pp. 0547 NAACP (National Office and Branches): Pickens, William (New York City and Washington, DC.)•Newsclippings regarding Pickens and/or U.S. Treasury Department. Box 377, Folder 6.101 pp. 0648 "Negro"•Racial Definitions and Interracial Marriage: Correspondence, 1928-1962. Box 378, Folder 1.103pp. 0751 "Negro"•Racial Definitions and Interracial Marriage: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 378, Folder 2.117pp. 0868 "Negro"•Racial Definitions and Interracial Marriage: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 378, Folder 3. 82pp. 0950 "Negro"•Racial Definitions and Interracial Marriage: Newsclippings. Box 378, Folder 4. 116pp. 1066 "Negro"•Racial Definitions and Interracial Marriage: Pamphlets. Box 378, Folder 5. 74pp. 1139 Segregation and Desegregation: Housing and Neighborhoods•Newsclippings. Box 378, Folder 8. 165pp. 1304 Segregation and Desegregation: Schools, Public and U.S. Government Agencies•Correspondence, 1925-1949. Box 379, Folder 4. 116pp. 1420 Segregation and Desegregation: Schools, Public and U.S. Government Agencies•Correspondence, 1950-1965. Box 379, FolderS. 104pp. ReelS

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Segregation and Desegregation: Schools, Public and U.S. Government Agencies•Pamphlets. Box 380, Folder 1. 59pp. 0060 Segregation and Desegregation: Teachers' and Other Educators' Organizations•Correspondence, 1951-1963. Box 380, Folder 2. 140pp. 0200 Segregation and Desegregation: Travel•Correspondence, 1945-1959. Box 380, Folder 5. 34pp. 0234 Segregation and Desegregation: Travel•General Guides and Pamphlets. Box 380, Folder 7. 197pp. 0429 Segregation and Desegregation: Travel•Airlines and Airports, 1946-1962. Box 380, Folder 8. 50pp. 0479 Segregation and Desegregation: Travel•Buses and Transit Systems: Correspondence, 1930-1952. Box 380, Folder 9. 26pp. 0505 Segregation and Desegregation: Travel•Cabs, 1943. Box 381, Folder 2.14pp. 0519 Segregation and Desegregation: Travel•Railroads: Correspondence, 1930-1951. Box 381, Folder 3. 21pp.

73 0540 Universal Negro Improvement Association [No Marcus Garvey Correspondence], 194Ó-1959. Box 381, Folder 5. 55pp. 0595 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Correspondence, 1921 and 1929-1934. Box 381, Folder 6. 107pp. 0702 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Correspondence, 1935-1939. Box 381, Folder?. 141pp. 0843 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Correspondence, 1940-1946. Box 381, Folder 8. 154pp. 0997 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Correspondence, 1947-1965. Box 382, Folder 1. 123pp. Ir 1120 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Urban League News Releases. Box 382, Folder 2. 127pp. 1247 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Urban League News Releases. Box 382, Folder 3. 158pp. 1405 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Urban League Newsclippings. Box 382, Folder 4. 79pp. 1484 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Foster, A.L. (Chicago), 1931-1964. Box 382, Folder 5. 64pp. 1548 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Chicago Newsclippings and News Releases, December 1935-June 1962. Box 382, Folder 6.125pp. 1673 Urban League (National Office and Branches): Chicago Newsclippings and News Releases, July 1962-April 1964, and Undated. Box 382, Folder 7. 76pp.

74 Series J: Religion, 1924-1966



Reel Index ReeM General Files: Religion and the Ministry 79 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) • 79 Reels 2-9 Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont '• 79


REEL INDEX Series J Religion, 1924-1966 Reel 1

General Files: Religion and the Ministry

0001 General and Miscellaneous Correspondence and Newsclippings, 1934-1963. Box 383, Folder 1.151pp.

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled)

0152 Interdenominational and Nondenominational Organizations: Miscellaneous Organizations' Correspondence, 1930-1963. Box 383, Folder 2. 80pp. 0233 Interdenominational and Nondenominational Organizations: Christian Institute for American Democracy, 1946-1963. Box 383, Folder 3. 44pp. 0277 Interdenominational and Nondenominational Organizations: National Conference of Christians and Jews (Chicago and National), 1946-1965. Box 383, Folder 4. 60pp. 0337 Interdenominational and Nondenominational Organizations: National Council of Churches of Christ (New York City), 1932-1963. Box 383, Folder 5. 122pp. 0459 Interdenominational and Nondenominational Organizations: Foreign Mission Conference of North America (New York City), 1939-1961. Box 383, Folder 6. 145pp. 0604 Interdenominational and Nondenominational Organizations: National Fraternal Council of Churches, 1944-1958. Box 383, Folder 7. 41pp. 0644 Interdenominational and Nondenominational Organizations: World Council of Churches, 1948-1957. Box 383, Folder 8. 160pp. 0896 Evangelists and Nondenominational Churches: Miscellaneous Correspondence and Newsclippings, 1946-1964. Box 383, Folder 9. 47pp. 0853 Evangelists and Nondenominational Churches: Daddy Grace, Newsclippings (Washington, D.C.). Box 384, Folder 1. 53pp. 0906 Evangelists and Nondenominational Churches: Father Divine, Newsclippings (New York City). Box 384, Folder 2.108pp. Reel 2

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Evangelists and Nondenominational Churches: Jenkins, Reverend D.J. (Charleston, South Carolina), 1924-1941, and 1957. Box 384, FolderS. 51pp. 0052 Evangelists and Nondenominational Churches: Thurman, Dr. Howard (Boston and San Francisco), 1936-1955. Box 384, Folder 4. 20pp. 0072 Baha'l, 1946-1963. Box 384, Folder 5. 27pp. 0099 Black Jews: Newsclippings. Box 384, Folder 6. 4pp. 0103 Black Muslims: Correspondence, 1960-1964. Box 384, Folder 7. 25pp. 0128 Black Muslims: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 384, Folder 8. 48pp.

79 0175 Black Muslims: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 384, Folder 9. 93pp. 0286 Black Muslims: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 384, Folder 10.112pp. 0380 Baptists: General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1925-1964. Box 384, Folder 11.123pp. 0503 Baptists: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 385, Folder 1.115pp. 0618 Baptists: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 385, Folder 2.132pp. 0749 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1929-September 1953. Box 385, Folder3. 133pp. 0882 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, January 1954-December 1961. Box 385, Folder 4.129pp. Reel 3

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•Williams, Dr. L.K. (Chicago), 1932-1963. Box 385, Folder 5. 70pp. 0071 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•Jackson, Dr. J.H. (Chicago): Correspondence, 1940-1963. Box 385, Folder 6. 87pp. 0158 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•Jackson, Dr. J.H. (Chicago): Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 385, Folder 7.114pp. 0272 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•Jackson, Dr. J.H. (Chicago): Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 385, Folder 8. 60pp. 0332 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•Austin, Reverend Junius C. (Chicago), 1937-1953. Box 386, Folder 1. 49pp. 0381 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•Taylor, Dr. Gardiner and Jackson, Richard (Brooklyn), 1948-1964. Box 386, Folder 2. 107pp. 0488 Baptists: National Baptist Conventions•Jackson, Howard (Brooklyn), 1957-1962. Box 386, Folder 3. 63pp. 0551 Baptists: National Baptist Publishing Board (Nashville, Tennessee), 1930-1961. Box 386, Folder 4. 73pp. 0622 Baptists: Sunday School Publishing Board (Nashville, Tennessee), 1939-1959. Box 386, Folder 5. 94pp. 0707 Baptists: National Sunday School and B.T.U. Congress (Washington, D.C.)•Newsclippings, 1932 and 1941-1960. Box 386, Folder 6.128pp. 0835 Baptists: Bishop College (Marshall, Texas), 1933-1963. Box 386, Folder 7. 78pp. 0914 Baptists: Graham, Reverend Billy•Newsclippings. Box 386, Folder 8. 31 pp. Reel 4

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Baptists: Hancock, Dean Gordon B. (Richmond, Virginia), 1941-1965. Box 386, Folder 9. 153pp. 0153 Baptists: King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.•Correspondence, 1956-1968. Box 386, Folder 10. 36pp. 0189 Baptists: King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.•Montgomery, Alabama, Bus Boycott: Newsclippings, November 1957-December 1958. Box 387, Folder 1.102pp. 0291 Baptists: King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.•Montgomery, Alabama, Bus Boycott: Newsclippings, April 1956-January 1963. Box 387, Folder 2. 98pp. 0389 Baptists: King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr•March on Washington: Newsclippings, 1960-1963. Box 387, Folder 3. 144pp. 0533 Baptists: King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.•March on Washington: Newsclippings, 1963-1964. Box 387, Folder 4. 81pp. 0614 Baptists: King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.•March on Washington: Newsclippings, 1960-1964. Box 387, Folder 5. 65pp. 0678 Baptists: Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention (Washington, D.C), 1941-1958. Box 387, Folder 6. 72pp. 0751 Baptists: Women's Organizations and Baptist Foreign Missions, 1938-1964. Box 387, Folder 7.188pp. 0939 Baptists: Baptist World Alliance•Newsclippings, 1938-1956. Box 387, Folder 8. 35pp. ReelS

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Catholics: Correspondence, 1931-1963. Box 388, Folder 1.96pp. 0097 Catholics: Bishops and the African Church•Newsclippings. Box 388, Folder 3. 57pp. 0153 Catholics: Bishops and the African Church•Newsclippings. Box 388, Folder 4. 73pp.

80 0227 Catholics: Priests and Brothers•Newsclippings. Box 388, Folder 5. 36pp. 0263 Catholics: Priests and Brothers•Saint Augustine's Seminary (SVD): Newsclippings. Box 388, Folder 6. 11 pp. 0274 Church of God in Christ, 1948-1963. Box 388, Folder 12. 59pp. 0333 Community Churches and Reverend Joseph Evans: Newsclippings, 1937-1956. Box 389, Folder 1. 26pp. 0359 Congregationalists/United Church of Christ: Correspondence, 1931-1963. Box 389, Folder 2. 72pp. 0432 Congregationalists/United Church of Christ: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 389, Folder 3. 88pp. 0520 Disciples of Christ: Newsclippings, 1949-1950. Box 389, Folder 4. 38pp. 0558 Episcopalians and Protestant Episcopal Churches: Correspondence, 1934-1959. Box 389, Folder 5. 95pp. 0653 Episcopalians and Protestant Episcopal Churches: Colleges and Schools•American Church Institute for Negroes, 1931-1953. Box 389, Folder 6. 129pp. 0782 Jehovah's Witnesses: Newsclippings, 1957. Box 389, Folder 7. 8pp. 0790 Jews and Jewish Organizations: Newsclippings, 1938-1963. Box 389, Folder 8.180pp. 0971 Lutherans: Newsclippings, 1955-1958. Box 389, Folder 9.14pp. Reel 6

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Methodists: the Methodist Church•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1929-1936. Box 390, Folder 1. 132pp. 0133 Methodists: the Methodist Church•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1936-1965. Box 390, Folder 2. 151pp. 0284 Methodists: the Methodist Church•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 290, Folder 3.134pp. 0417 Methodists: the Methodist Church•Methodist Information: Correspondence, 1938-1964, and Undated. Box 390, Folder 4. 76pp. 0493 Methodists: the Methodist Church•Boswell, Reverend Hamilton T. (San Francisco), 1954-1961. Box 390, Folder 5. 51pp. 0544 Methodists: the Methodist Church•Richardson, Dr. Harry V. (Tuskegee Institute and Atlanta), 1935-1963. Box 390, Folder 6. 61pp. 0605 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1933-1951. Box 390, Folder 7.130pp. 0735 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1952-1964. Box 390, FolderS. 110pp. 0845 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Newsclippings. Box 391, Folder 1. 71pp. 0916 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Newsclippings. Box 391, Folder 2.104pp. Reel 7

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Pamphlets. Box 391, Folder 3.166pp. 0167 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•African Methodist Episcopal Sunday School Union (Nashville, Tennessee), 1937-1964. Box 391, Folder 4. 44pp. 0211 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Greene, Bishop Sherman L. (Atlanta and Little Rock), 1937-1964. Box 391, Folder 5. 50pp. 0261 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Gregg, Bishop John A. (Kansas City and Jacksonville), 1931-1951. Box 391, Folder 6. 84pp. 0345 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Jordan, Bishop Frederick Douglas and Jordan, Artisha, 1946-1964. Box 391, Folder 7. 172pp. 0517 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Lowry, Reverend Frank C. (Chicago), 1948-1960. Box 391, Folder 8. 70pp. 0587 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Nichols, Bishop Decatur Ward (Philadelphia and New York), 1939-1964. Box 391, Folder 9. 86pp. 0673 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Tookes, Bishop Henry Young (Little Rock and Jacksonville), 1938-1948. Box 391, Folder 10. 85pp. 0758 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Williams, Bishop Noah A. (St. Louis and Columbia, South Carolina), 1931-1959. Box 392, Folder 1.130pp. 0888 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Wright, Bishop Richard R., Jr. (Wilberforce, Ohio): Correspondence, 1928-1950. Box 392, Folder 2. 146pp.

81 Reel 8

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Wright, Bishop Richard R., Jr. (Wilberforce, Ohio): Correspondence, 1951-1963. Box 392, Folder 3. 83pp. 0084 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Wright, Bishop Richard R., Jr. (Wilberforce, Ohio): Newsclippings, News Releases, and Pamphlets. Box 392, Folder 4.107pp. 0191 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Colleges of AME and Other Methodist Churches: Correspondence, 1923-1963. Box 392, Folder 5.118pp. 0309 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Colleges of AME and Other Methodist Churches: Wilberforce University (Ohio)•Correspondence, 1928-1962. Box 392, Folder 6.158pp. 0467 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Colleges of AME and Other Methodist Churches: Wilberforce, University (Ohio)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 392, Folder 7. 47pp. 0514 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Colleges of AME and Other Methodist Churches: Wilberforce, University (Ohio)•Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 393, Folder 1. 58pp. 0572 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Foreign Missions of AME and Various Other Denominations: Correspondence, 1933-1947. Box 393, Folder 2.136pp. 0707 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Foreign Missions of AME and Various Other Denominations: Correspondence, 1948-1949. Box 393, Folder 3. 101pp. 0808 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Foreign Missions of AME and Various Other Denominations: Correspondence, 1950-1963. Box 393, Folder 4.132pp. 0940 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Foreign Missions of AME and Various Other Denominations: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 393, Folder 5.177pp. 1117 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)•Foreign Missions of AME and Various Other Denominations: Newsclippings and News Releases. Box 393, Folder 6. 186pp. Reel 9

Topical Files: Correspondence, Newsclippings, and News Releases (Unless Otherwise Labeled) cont.

0001 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)•Correspondence, 1930-1949. Box 393, Folder 7. 96pp. 0097 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)•Correspondence, 1950-1957. Box 394, Folder 1. 46pp. 0143 Methodists: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)•Correspondence, 1958-1966. Box 394, Folder 2. 111pp. 0255 Methodists: Christian Methodist Episcopal Churches (CME)•Correspondence, 1936-1963. Box 394, Folder 3. 101 pp. 0356 Methodists: Christian Methodist Episcopal Churches (CME)•Hamlett, Bishop J. Arthur (Kansas City, Kansas), 1932-1947. Box 394, Folder 4. 133pp. 0469 Methodists: Christian Methodist Episcopal Churches (CME)•Hamlett, Bishop J. Arthur (Kansas City, Kansas), 1948-1960. Box 394, Folder 5.116pp. 0586 Methodists: Christian Methodist Episcopal Churches (CME)•Womack, Robert W. (Indianapolis), 1953-1963. Box 394, Folder 6. 22pp. 0609 Moslems: Newsclippings, 1957. Box 394, Folder 7. 24pp. 0633 Presbyterians: Newsclippings, 1929-1962. Box 394, Folder 8.116pp. 0749 Seventh Day Adventists: Correspondence, 1938-1963. Box 394, Folder 9. 130pp. 0879 Seventh Day Adventists: Message Magazine Correspondence (Nashville, Tennessee), 1938-1964. Box 395, Folder 1. 78pp. 0957 Spiritualist Churches, 1938-1946. Box 395, Folder 2. 7pp. 0964 Unitarians, 1958-1962. Box 395, Folder 3.14pp.

82 Series K: Claude A. Barnett, Personal and Financial, 1920-1967



Reel Index Reels 1-3 Personal Records 87


REEL INDEX Series K Personal Records, 1920-1967 Reel 1

0001 Family Correspondence, 1923-1939. Box 403, Folder 1. 166pp. 0167 Family Correspondence, 1940-1943. Box 403, Folder 2. 174pp. 0341 Family Correspondence, 1944-1949. Box 403, Folder 3. 359pp. 0700 Family Correspondence, 1950-1952. Box 403, Folder 4. 167pp. 0867 Family Correspondence, 1953-1957. Box 403, Folder 5. 197pp. 1064 Family Correspondence, 1958-1962. Box 404, Folder 1. 198pp. Reel 2

0001 Family Correspondence, 1963-1966. Box 404, Folder 2.171pp. 0172 Articles, Reports, and Speeches by Barnett, 1937-1942. Box 404, Folder 3. 128pp. 0300 Articles, Reports, and Speeches by Barnett, 1943-1944. Box 404, Folder 4. 216pp, 0516 Articles, Reports, and Speeches by Barnett, 1945-1949. Box 404, Folder 5. 270pp. 0786 Articles, Reports, and Speeches by Barnett, 1950. Box 405, Folder 1. 133pp. 0919 Articles, Reports, and Speeches by Barnett, 1951-1953. Box 405, Folder 2. 155pp. Reel 3

0001 Articles, Reports, and Speeches by Barnett, 1956-1958. Box 405, Folder 3.129pp. 0130 Articles, Reports, and Speeches by Barnett, 1959-1964. Box 405, Folder 4. 179pp. 0309 Newsclippings and News Releases about Barnett. Box 405, Folder 6. 80pp. 0389 Autobiography of C.A. Barnett: Chapters 1-4. Box 406, Folder 1. 86pp. 0475 Autobiography of C.A. Barnett: Rough Draft of Chapters 1-4. Box 406, Folder 2. 86pp. 0568 Autobiography of C.A. Barnett: Outline of Chapters 5-14. Box 406, Folder 2.11 pp. 0577 Autobiography of C.A. Barnett: Notes for Autobiography and Miscellaneous Biographical Data. Box 406, Folder 5. 84pp. 0661 Autobiography of C.A. Barnett: Notes for Autobiography and Miscellaneous Biographical Data. Box 406, Folder 6. 86pp 0747 Johnson, Lizzie (Champaign, Illinois), 1953-1956. Box 408, Folder 3. 33pp. 0770 Mackey, Harvey A. and Anita (Chicago and Los Angeles), 1945-1965. Box 408, Folder 4. 142pp.



This is a combined subject index of the major subjects in Series A-J of Part III. The capital letter before the first Arabic number corresponds to the series. The first Arabic number refers to the reel, and the Arabic number after the colon refers to the frame number at which a subject is located on the microfilm. Hence A 3:0934directs the researcher tothe subject which can be found at frame 0934 of Reel 3, Series A. [By referring to the Series Reel Index, which comprises the initial section of this guide, the researcher can find the file title for this subject.]

Achievements; honors; wealth Afro Americans I 1:0168,0222 see Black history; Negro•racial definitions and inter- see also Alpha Phi Alpha; Black history; Inventors and racial marriage scientists; Negro Encyclopedia; Phi Beta Kappa and Agriculture other academic honors A 1: 0001-0854; 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001-0971; 4: 0001-0900; Actors and actresses 5: 0001-0844; 6: 0001-0812; 7: 0001-0878; 8: 0001- 0 1:0001-0535 0847; 9: 0001-0870; 10: 0001-0829; 11: 0001-0633 see also Archer, Osceola; Associated Negro Press- see also Alexander, Will; American Negro Exposition; reporters on entertainment; George, Zelma Watson; Anderson, Clinton; Hampton Institute; Illinois- Robeson, Paul; Swarz, Lucile H. politics and government [1950s]; Mound Bayou, Adams, Numa P.G. Mississippi [Rural Resettlement Administration]; B 3: 0850; 4: 0001, 0126 Negro land grant colleges; Otis, JR.; Rosenwald Foundation; Tuskegee Institute Africa Bureau Foreign Mission Conference of North America J 8: 0572 Airlines and black aviators C 1:0603 African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) see also Tuskegee Air School; Women in the armed J 6: 0605-0916; 7: 0001-0888; 8: 0001-1117 forces African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) and other Alabama Methodist church colleges agriculture A 1: 0001-0854; 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001-0971; 4: J8:0191-0514 0001-0900; 5: 0001-0844; 6: 0001-0812; 7: 0001 see also Livingstone College (Salisbury, North Carolina); Alabama A & M Institute [Normal] A 9: 0731 Bennett College (Greensboro, North Carolina); Campbell, Thomas M. A 7: 0166, 0339 Lane College (Jackson, Tennessee); Miles College Congregationalists [Talladega College] J 5: 0359, 0432 (Birmingham, Alabama); Texas College (Tyler); Clark King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. J 4: 0153-0614 College (Atlanta); Edward Waters College (Jackson- lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 ville, Florida); Jordan, Bishop; Campbell College National Baptist Convention [Jemison, Dr. D.V.] J 2: (Jackson, Mississippi); Morris Brown College 0749, 0882 (Atlanta); National Council of Negro Women; Negro land grant colleges A8:0565-0847; 9: 0001-0553 Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach, Florida); Otis, J. R. [Southern Observer] B 16: 0142 Nichols, Bishop; Daniel A. Payne College (Bir- Roberts, Thomas N. A 8: 0209 mingham, Alabama); Richardson, H.V.; Gammon Scottsboro Case H 4: 0404-0947 Theological Seminary (Atlanta); Huston College Southland Manufacturing Company B 16: 0514 (Austin); Western University (Kansas City; Kansas); see also Tuskegee Institute Williams, Bishop; Allen University (Columbia, South Carolina); Wright, Bishop; Shorter College (Little Albright, Joseph F. Rock, Arkansas) B15: 0376-1002 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ) Alcorn A & M College (Alcorn, Mississippi) J 9:0001-0143 A 11: 0001 African studies programs Alexander, Archie A. see Black history; Fisk University; Roosevelt University; B 11:0815; 12:0001-0711 Tuskegee Institute; Carver, George Washington- Museum Alexander, Raymond Pace and Sadie H 9: 1249 Afro-American Life Insurance Company (Jacksonville, Florida) Alexander, Will W. C 4: 0857; 5: 0001 I 5: 0094 see also African Methodist Episcopal Church see also Agriculture; Rosenwald Foundation 89 All-American Newsreels, Inc. Asian-Americans D 3: 0439-0857; 4: 0001-0546 I 1:0022,0098 Allen University (Columbia, South Carolina) see also Home front during World War II J 7: 0758 Assistant Civilian Aide to Secretary of War Alpha Kappa Alpha F 2: 1303; 3: 0001, 0157 G 4: 1198; 5: 0001, 0119 Associated Negro Press•donation of African art and books Alpha Phi Alpha to Tuskegee Institute G 3: 1222;4:0001-0364 B 13:0142-0370 Amalgamated Meatcutters and United Packinghouse Associated Negro Press•feature "Between the Lines," by Workers Gordon B. Hancock C 10; 0308 J 4: 0001 AME Sunday School Union Associated Negro Press•feature "Gossip of the Movie J 7: 0167 Lots," by Calla Scrivner D 2: 0389 American Church Institute J 5: 0653 Associated Negro Press•feature "A Minority View," by see also Fort Valley State College (Ft. Valley, Georgia) Charles S. Johnson B 2: 0623-0908 American Federation of Labor (AFL) and AFL-CIO newsclippings C 10: 0376, 0486 Associated Negro Press•feature "Pulpit Voice," by Reverend see also Unions; Congress of Industrial Organizations Hamilton T. Boswell (CIO) J 6: 0493 American Missionary Association Associated Negro Press•feature "Sentence Sermons" and 6 2:0334,0507 "Lowry's Life Lines" by Reverend Frank C. Lowry J 7: 0517 American Negro Exposition (Chicago) I 1: 0390-0911; 2: 0001-0952; 3: 0001-0974; 4: 0001-0121 Associated Negro Press•lynching reports see also Agriculture; Carver, George Washington; I 5: 0296, 0345 Fleming, Lethia; U.S. government; U.S. government- Associated Negro Press•"Magazine of the Air" Proposal Postal Service D 7: 0501 "Amos n' Andy" Associated Negro Press•membership: radio stations newsclippings D 7: 0445 D 6: 0408-0688; 7: 0001-0301 Anderson, Clinton P. Associated Negro Press•newsreels H 9: 0819 D 3: 0439-0857; 4: 0001-0546 see also Agriculture Associated Negro Press•proposal for improvement of Anderson family Negro life K 1:0001-1064; 2:0001 B 10:0359-0828; 11:0001 see also Green, Lucien; Green, S.W. Associated Negro Press•reporters on entertainment Anderson, Marian D 1: 0747-0931; 2: 0001-0389 D5:0055,0187 Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Inc. Anti-Communism I 4: 0302, 0397 H 6: 0225 see also Negro encyclopedia see also Highlander Folk School; Howard University; Atlanta University System (Georgia) ANP•proposal for improvement of Negro life B 2: 0001 Archer, Osceola see also Du Bois, W.E.B.; Negro land grant colleges B 3: 0850; 4: 0001 Austin, Reverend Junius C. Architects and engineers J 3: 0332 0 1:0558,0618 see also National Baptist Conventions Arizona Authors Tuskegee Institute•hospitals of Tuskegee, Veterans D 2: 0466-0781 Administration, and other U.S. government hospitals see also Poets [Fort Huachuca] B 15: 0376-1002 Baber, Bishop George W. Arkansas J 8: 0572-1117 agriculture A 1: 0001-0854; 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001-0971; 4: Baha'i 0001-0900; 5: 0001-0844; 6: 0001-0812; 7: 0001 J 2: 0072 Arkansas A M & N College (Pine Bluff) A 9: 0785 Bass, Harry K 1: 0001-1064; 2: 0001 Bankers Fire Insurance Company (Durham, North Carolina) Davis, James Perry A 7: 0545-0878; 8: 0001 C 5: 0089, 0181 Lorch, Lee B 3: 0001 see also North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenancy Bill Negro land grant colleges A 8: 0565-0847; 9: 0001-0553 A 6: 0812; 7:0001 Artists, architects, and designers Banks, savings and loan institutes; accountants 0 1:0558,0618 C 1:0743-0876; 2:0001 see also Carver, George Washington•Museum; see also Universal Life Insurance Company; National Alexander, Archie; Harmon Foundation; American Negro Finance Corporation; Agriculture; Wright, Negro Exposition; Dawson, Charles C. Bishop

90 Baptists Black Jews J 2: 0380-0882; 3: 0001-0914; 4: 0001-0939 J 2: 0099 Baptist women's organizations and foreign missions see also Ethiopia; Jews and Jewish organizations; J 4: 0751, 0939 Selective Service and draft resisters Baptist World Alliance Black Muslims J 4: 0939 J 2: 0103-0286 see also Selective Service and draft resisters Barnett, Claude A.•African travel General Education Board G 1: 0367, 0516 Black towns Harmon Foundation G 1: 0641, 0831; 2: 0001-0386 1 4: 0858; 5: 0001 Phelps-Stokes Fund G 2: 0435-0934, 3: 0001-0527 see also Mound Bayou, Mississippi Barnett, Claude A.•articles, reports, and speeches Bond, Horace Mann K 2: 0172-0919; 3: 0001, 0130 A 9: 0553 see also Fort Valley State College (Fort Valley, Georgia); Barnett, Claude A.•autobiography Lincoln University (Lincoln, Pennsylvania); Negro K 3: 0389-0661 land grant colleges; Tobias, Channing H. Barnett, Etta Moten Book publishers and bookdealers Associated Negro Press•"Magazine of the Air" Proposal authors D 2: 0466-0781 D 7: 0501 black history II: 0168-0911; 2: 0001-0952: 3:0001-0974; Carver, George Washington B 13; 0142, 0260 4: 0001-0769 Jessye, Eva D 6: 0121 Negro Encyclopedia B 16: 0001 motion picture studios D 3: 0001-0305 Tuskegee Institute•Department of Records and Muse, Clarence D 1: 0490 Research [Negro Year Book] B 16: 0001 radio and television broadcasting D 6: 0408-0688; 7: 0001-0301 Booze, Eugene and Mary (Mound Bayou, Mississippi) Sims, Margaret D 1: 0508 I 4: 0858; 5: 0001 Battle, Dr. Wallace A. Boozer, Thelma Berlack J 5: 0653 A 10: 0649, 0829 see also Alpha Kappa Alpha Bayen, Malaku E. Victory Life Insurance Company C 7: 0155, 0327 Bos well, Reverend Hamilton T. J 6: 0493 Beauty products, contests, and models C 2: 0116-0898, 3: 0001, 0150 Bousfield, Dr. Midian O. see also Overton, Anthony; Poro College B 15:0376-1002 see also Supreme Liberty Insurance Company Bennett College (Greensboro, North Carolina) B 2: 0019 Boyack, James E. B 12:0777 Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach, Florida) G 4:0566-1025 Boyd, Henry Allen J 3: 0551 Bethune, Mary McLeod G 4: 0566-1025 Brady, Mary see a/so Anti-Communism; National Association of Harmon Foundation G 1: 0641, 0831; 2: 0001-0386 Colored Women; National Negro Business League; Bright, Bishop John D, Sr. Red Cross (1942] J8:0572-1117 Binga, Jesse Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters C 1:0743-0876; 2; 0001 C 9: 0001-0615 Bishop College (Marshall, Texas) see also Railroad companies, Pullman porters, and J 3: 0835 transportation unions Black history Brown, Charlotte Hawkins I 1: 0168-0911; 2: 0001-0952; 3: 0001-0974; 4: 0001-0769 B 5: 0696 see also African studies programs; Achievements; honors; Brown, Edgar G. wealth; Spirituals and folk music H 9: 0564 Black history•historians, sociologists, and studies of black Bruce, Roscoe Conkling life B 12: 0846 authors D 2: 0466-0781 see also Tuskegee Institute; Tuskegee Institute•Board Du Bois, WEB. I 6: 0001-0319 of Trustees [1933-35] Drake, St. Clair and Horace Cayton B 5: 0781 Bryant, Ira T. Durham Fact-Finding Conferences B 5: 0320 J 7: 0167 Hurston, Zora Neale D 2: 0743 Negro Encyclopedia B 16: 0001 Burr Oaks Cemetary Tuskegee Institute•Department of Records and C 3: 0209 Research B 16: 0001 Burroughs, Nannie H. U.S. government•Commerce Department and Census J 4: 0751 Bureau C 12:0001-0527 Businesses see also Colleges and universities, by name C 1: 0001-0876, 2: 0001-0898; 3: 0001-0847; 4: 0001-0857; Black history•teaching, celebrating, and preserving 5: 0001-0859; 6: 0001-0953; 7: 0001-0994: 8: 0001- I 1: 0385-0911; 2: 0001-0952; 3: 0001-0974, 4: 0001-0121 0904:9:0001-0909; 10:0001-0941: 11:0001-0791: 12: see also Wright, Bishop R. R. [National Freedom Day) 0001-0986; 13:0001-0572

91 International Harvester I 4: 0121 Chisum, Melvin National Negro Business League C 8: 0001-0904 B 13:0001 Southland Manufacturing Company B 16: 0514 see also Otis, J.R.; Tuskegee Institute California Christian Advocate agriculture [migrant labor] A 4: 0900, 5: 0001-0844; 6: J 6: 0001, 0133 0001-0453 Christian Institute for American Democracy Asian-Americans I 1: 0022, 0098 J 1:0233 Boswell, Reverend Hamilton T. J 6: 0493 Congregationalists [Kingsley, Reverend H.] J 5: 0359, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME) 0432 J 9: 0255-0586 Golden State Mutual Insurance Company C 3: 0684, Christian Recorder 0847;4:0001-0502 J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 King, Dr. N. Curtiss E 1:0699 Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples (San Francisco, Nixon, Richard M. H 5: 0566 California) publications•California News D 1: 0931 J 2: 0052 Seventh Day Adventists J 9: 0749 Thurman, Dr. Howard J 2: 0052 Church of God in Christ J 5: 0274 California News see also Saints Industrial and Literary School (Lexington, D 1: 0931 Mississippi) Campbell College (Jackson, Mississippi) Church of the Living God (Nashville, Tennessee) J 7: 0345 J 1:0896 Campbell, Thomas M. Churches A 7: 0166, 0339 see Series J see also Agriculture; Tuskegee Institute Clark College (Atlanta, Georgia) Caribbean area B 2: 0001 agriculture [migrant labor 1940s and 50s] A 1: 0854; 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001-0971; 4: 0001-0900; 5: 0001-0844; Clayburn, Bishop John H. 6:0001-0643 J 7: 0673 Wright, Bishop R.R., Jr. J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME); Foreign missions of AME Carter, Jeannette H 9: 1049 C.M.A. Stores see Holsey, Albon Carver, George Washington B 13:0142-0370 Cobb, Reverend Clarence H. J 9: 0957 Carver, George Washington•Foundation B 13:0142-0370 Coffey, Lillian B. Church of God in Christ J 5: 0274 Carver, George Washington•Museum B 13:0142-0370 Cole, Nat King D 5: 0772 Catholics J 5: 0001-0263 Colleges and universities see Series B Cayton, Horace B 5: 0781 Colorado see also American Negro Exposition medicine [Dr. Holmes] E 1: 0001-0644 Cemetaries Comedians C 3: 0209 newsclippings D 2: 0861 see also Funeral directors Commission on Interracial Cooperation Censorship (military) I 5: 0094 see World War II [news coverage] Communists Census Bureau H 5: 0739-0925; 6: 0001-0192 U.S. government C 12: 0001-0527 see also Anti-Communism; Politics•Left political groups; Central State University (Ohio) Scottsboro Case; Selective Service and draft resisters; see Wilberforce University (Ohio) Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tennessee) Cheyney State Teachers College (Pennsylvania) Community churches B 2: 0110 J 5: 0333 Chicago Concord Baptist Church of God (Brooklyn, New York) see Illinois Taylor, Dr. Gardiner J 3: 0381, 0488 Chicago•Douglas Neighborhood Conferences of Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges Illinois•politics and government H 7: 0767, 0876; 8: see Negro land grant colleges 0001-0971; 9:0001-0322 Mollison, Judge Irvin H 9: 0867 Congregationalists/United Church of Christ Supreme Liberty Insurance Company C 6: 0280-0953 J 5: 0359, 0432 Chicago•Tuskegee Club see also Fisk University; American Missionary Association B 11:0202-0746 Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) see also Tuskegee Institute•Alumni C 10: 0376, 0486 Chisholm, Frank P. see also Steel companies; Unions; American Federation 6 11:0202-0746 of Labor and AFL-CIO

92 Cook, Will Marion Howard University B 3: 0255-0850; 4: 0001, 0126 D 4: 0762 Howard University Medical School and Freedmen's Cosmetics Hospital B 3: 0850; 4: 0001 C 2: 011.6-0898; 3: 0001-0150 Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention J 4: 0678 NAACP [Leslie Perry] I 5: 0404-0742 The Crisis [NAACP] National Benefit Life Insurance Company C 5: 0266-0541 I 5: 0404-0742; 6: 0001-0319 National Sunday School and B.T.U. Congress J 3: 0707 Crusader News Agency [Communist] "Radio Church of God" and Elder Michaux D 7: 0644 H 5: 0775 Recorder of Deeds, District of Columbia H 7: 0424 Curry, Bishop George E see also U.S. government [Washington officials] J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 Diton, Carl Curtis, Constance D 4: 0836 C 2: 0116, 0236 Divine, Father Daddy Grace newsclippings J 1: 0906 newsclippings J 1: 0853 Dodd, Edward Dancers see Tuskegee Institute•Department of Records and D 2: 0889, 0932 Research Daniel A. Payne College (Birmingham, Alabama) Draft resisters J 7: 0587 F 3: 1040 Daniels, George M. Drake, St. Clair J8:0572-1117 B 5: 0781 Davis, General Benjamin O. and General Benjamin O., Jr. Drew, Dr. Charles newsclippings F 3: 0227 B 3: 0850; 4: 0001 see also Assistant Civilian Aide to Secretary of War; see also Red Cross; Harmon Foundation Military; Military academies; Tuskegee Air School and Du Bois, W.E.B. and Shirley Graham 99th Pursuit Squadron 16:0001-0319 Davis, Jackson see also ; NAACP; Negro Encyclopedia General Education Board G 1: 0367, 0516 Dunbar, Paul Laurence Davis, James Perry news releases D 2: 0570 A 7: 0545-0878; 8: 0001 Dunham, Katherine Davis, John W. D 2: 0889 I 5: 0404-0742 Durham Fact-Finding Conferences see also Negro land grant colleges; West Virginia B 5: 0320 Dawson, Charles C. Economic conditions B 13: 0142-0370 see Series C Dawson, William Education see Tuskegee Institute see Series B Delaware Edward Waters College (Jacksonville, Florida) Delaware State College A 9: 0870 J 7: 0261 see also Tookes, Bishop H.Y. Delta Sigma Theta G 5: 0178, 0311 Eichelberger, Dr. James W. J 9: 0001-0143 Democratic Party pamphlets H 4: 0978 Elks see also Series H G 1:0001-0300 Dent, Albert W. Ellington, Duke 8 2:0149,0274 D 6: 0001 Dett, R. Nathaniel Ellis, Robert D 4: 0794 D 1:0747 Diamond Jubilee Exposition (Chicago) Embree, Edwin see American Negro Exposition Rosenwald Foundation G 3: 0646-1029 Dibble, Eugene A., Jr. Entertainers, artists, and authors 6 15:0376-1002 see Series D Dickerson, Earl B. Episcopalians and Protestant Episcopal Churches C 6: 0953 J 5: 0558, 0653 see also National Bar Association; Illinois•politics and see also Fort Valley State College (Fort Valley, Georgia) government; NAACP [1952] Ethiopia Dillard University (New Orleans, Louisiana) Black Jews J 2: 0099 B 2: 0149, 0274 Peace Movement of Ethiopia F 3: 1040 Disciples of Christ Victory Life Insurance Company C 7: 0155. 0327 J 5: 0520 Europe, travel in District of Columbia Jackson, Fay D 1: 0931 Baptist women's organizations [Burroughs, N.] J 4: 0751 Evangelists and nondenomlnational churches Elks and Washington Eagles G 1: 0001-0300 J 1: 0896-0906; 2: 0001, 0052 Grace, Daddy•newsclippings J 1: 0853 see also "Radio Church of God"; "Wings over Jordan"

93 Evans, Reverend Joseph M. see also Associated Negro Press•proposal for J 5: 0333 improvement of Negro life; Negro Encyclopedia; Falconer, Reverend John B. Phelps-Stokes Fund; Tuskegee Institute J 4: 0751 General Foods Father Divine C 3:0381-0611 newsclippings J 1: 0906 George, Zelma Watson and Clayborne Federated Colored Catholics D 5: 0300 J 5: 0001 Georgia Fieser, James L. Atlanta University System B 2: 0001 see Red Cross Bond, Dr. Horace Mann A 9: 0553 Commission on Interracial Cooperation I 5: 0094 First Church of Deliverance (Chicago) [Spiritualist] communists H 5: 0739-0925; 6: 0001-0192 J 9: 0957 Fort Valley State College A 10: 0171 Fisk University (Nashville, Tennessee) Gammon Theological Seminary J 6: 0544 B 2: 0334-0908; 3: 0001 Georgia State College (Industrial College) A 10: 0245 Fleming, Lethia King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. J 4: 0153-0614 H 9: 1049 lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 Flood Relief Advisory Committee, 1927 Negro land grant colleges A 8: 0565-0847; 9: 0001-0553 Red Cross E 7: 0288-0562 Richardson, Dr. Harry V. J 6: 0544 Thomas, Jesse O. E 7: 0669-1248 Florida see also Agriculture; African Methodist Episcopal Church Afro-American Life Insurance Company C 4: 0857; (AME) 5: 0001 Bethune, Mary McLean G 4: 0566-1025 Ghana Florida A & M College (Tallahassee) A 10: 0001 Drake, St. Clair B 5: 0781 funeral directors C 3: 0292 Jordan, Bishop F.D. J 7: 0345 lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 Gibson, Truman K. Negro land grant colleges A 8: 0565-0847; 9: 0001-0553 Supreme Liberty Insurance Company C 6: 0280-0953 Sims, Margaret D 1: 0508 Gibson, Truman K., Jr. see also Agriculture F 2: 1303:3:0001,0157 Foreign Mission Conference of North America see also American Negro Exposition; Supreme Liberty J 1:0337,0459 Insurance Company see also Phelps-Stokes Fund Global News Syndicate Foreign missions of AME and various other denominations G 5:0585-0843 J 8: 0572-1117 see also Missionaries and international religious Glucksman, E.M. organizations D 3: 0439-0857; 4: 0001-0546 Fort Huachuca (Arizona) Godefroy Manufacturing Company hospital B 15:0376-1002 C 2: 0333 Fort Valley State College (Fort Valley, Georgia) Golden State Mutual Insurance Company A 10:0171 C 3: 0684 see also Bond, Horace Mann Gomez, Bishop Joseph Foster, A.L. J 8: 0191 I 8: 1484 see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) see also Urban League Good Shepherd Congregational Church (Chicago) Foster, Luther H., Jr. J 5: 0359, 0432 see Tuskegee Institute see also Drake, St. Clair; Cayton, Horace 4-H Clubs Gow, Bishop Francis H. A 1: 0001-0854; 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001-0971; 4: 0001-0900; J 8: 0572-1117 5:0001-0844; 6:0001-0643 Grace, Daddy Fraternities newsclippings J 1: 0853 G 3: 1222:4:0001 Graham, Reverend Billy see also by name newsclippings J 3: 0914 Freedmen's Hospital Graham, Shirley B 3: 0850; 4: 0001 Du Bois, W.E.B. 16:0001-0319 Funeral directors Grambling College (Grambling, Louisiana) C 3: 0292 B 3: 0053 see also Cemeteries Graves, Patsy Gammon Theological Seminary (Atlanta, Georgia) A 1: 0001-0854; 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001-0971; 4: 0001-0900; J 6: 0544 5:0001-0844;6:0001-0453 Garvey, Marcus Great Britain newsclippings I 8: 0540 Jackson, Fay D 1: 0931 Gaston, A.G. Tuskegee Air School and 99th Pursuit Squadron [in see Tuskegee Institute Britain] F 3: 0359 General Education Board (Rockefeller Foundation) Green, Lucien G 1:0367, 0516 B 13:0510

94 Green, S. W. Hospitals G 4: 0176 E 1: 0001-0888; 2: 0001-0873; 3: 0001-0870; 4: 0001-0791; Greene, Bishop Sherman L. 5: 0001-0798; 6: 0001-0961; 7: 0001-1248 J 7: 0211 Housing and neighborhoods see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) newsclippings I 7: 1139 Gregg, Bishop John A. see also U.S. government•Housing agencies and F.H.A.; J 7: 0261 Chicago•Douglas Neighborhood see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) Houston, Charles Grigsby, Snow I 6: 0403 C 13: 0572 see also Howard University; NAACP Hall, James Lowell Howard, Dr. T.R.M. B 3: 0850; 4: 0001 I 4: 0858; 5: 0001 Hamlett, Bishop J. Arthur Howard University (Washington, D.C.) J 9: 0356, 0469 B 3: 0255-0850; 4: 0001, 0126 see also Anti-Communism; Houston, Charles; Negro Hampton Institute (Hampton, Virginia) Encyclopedia; Negro land grant colleges 6 3:0069,0117 Howard University Medical School and Freedmen's Hospital see also Home front during World War II; Mitchell, John (Washington, D.C.) W.; Moton, Robert R.; Negro land grant colleges; Spaulding, C.C.; Washington, Booker T. B 3: 0850; 4:0001, 0126 see also Negro land grand colleges [U.S. Interior Hancock, Dean Gordon B. Department); Tuskegee Institute•hospitals of J 4: 0001 Tuskegee, Veterans Administration, and other U.S. see also Durham Fact-Finding Conferences government hospitals Handy, Reverend W. Talbot Hughes, Längsten J 6: 0001-0284 D 2: 0643 Harmon Foundation Hurston, Zora Neale G 1: 0641, 0831; 2: 0001-0386 D 2: 0743 see also American Negro Exposition; Tuskegee Institute Huston-Tillotson College (Austin, Texas) B 4: 0318 Hastie, William F 2: 1303; 3:0001,0157 Illinois airlines and black aviators C 1: 0603 Hatcher, Bishop E.C. Alpha Kappa Alpha G 4: 1198; 5:0001,0119 J 8:0572-1117 Alpha Phi Alpha G 3: 1222; 4: 0001-0364 Hawaii Amalgamated Meatcutters and United Packinghouse Asian-Americans I 1: 0022, 0098 Workers C 10:0308 AME Zion Church [Eichelberger, Dr. James W.) J 9: 0001- Haynes, George Edmund 0143 J 1:0337, 0459 American Negro Exposition [1940] I 1: 0390-0911; 2: Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tennessee) 0001-0952; 3: 0001-0974; 4: 0001-0121 B 3: 0225 banks, savings and loan institutions; accountants C 1: see also Communists 0743-0876; 2: 0001 Holly Knoll Associates Baptists [Jackson, J.H.; Williams, L.K.] J 2: 0380-0882: B 13:0609 3: 0001-0914; 4: 0001-0939 see also Patterson, F.D. beauty products, contests, and models C 2: 0116, 0236 Black Muslims J 2: 0103-0286 Holsey, Albon cemeteries C 3: 0209 B 13:0822, 0911; 14:0001-0990; 15:0001,0197 community churches J 5: 0333 see also National Negro Business League; Tuskegee Congregationalists J 5: 0359, 0432 Institute Council of Social Agencies of Chicago E 5: 0156 Holt, Rackham and Nora Dickerson, Earl B. C 6: 0953 D 2: 0610 economic conditions C 1: 0421, 0514 Home front during World War II home front during World War II F 3: 0575, 0643 general F 3: 0575, 0643 International Harvester Company I 4: 0121 Scott, Emmett J. B 4: 0126 Jews and Jewish organizations J 5: 0790 Selective Service and draft resisters F 3: 1040 Julian Laboratories and Percy L. Julian C 7: 0507, 0570 U.S. government•armed forces and War Department F Kashmir Chemical Company C 2: 0405, 0532 1: 0001-0861; 2: 0001-1303; 3: 0001-1147 Lowry, Reverend Frank C. J 7: 0517 U.S. government•Treasury Department [war bonds] Lawlah, Dr. John W. E 6: 0299, 0517 I 6:0914; 7:0001-0547 Mann, Theophilus F 3: 0279 see also World War II; Red Cross Mollison, Irvin H 9: 0867 NAACP I 5: 0404-0742; 6: 0001-0914; 7: 0001-0547 Honors National Conference of Christians and Jews J 1: 0277 see Achievements: Honors; Wealth National Council of Negro Women [National Youth Hoover, Herbert Administration in Illinois] G 4: 0566-1025 H 1: 0001-0869; 2: 0001-0574 Northwestern University (Evanston) B 5: 0624 see also Holsey, Albon; Republican Party; Tuskegee Overton, Anthony C 1: 0743-0876; 2: 0001 Institute; U.S. government•Commerce Department; Poro College (St. Louis and Chicago) C 2: 0709, 0898; Red Cross•Flood Relief Advisory Committee, 1927 3:0001,0150

95 Provident Hospital E 2: 0699-0873; 3: 0001-0870; 4: 0001- Ish, Dr. Stanley 0791; 5:0001,0156 Supreme Liberty Insurance Company C 6: 0280-0953 radio and television broadcasting D 6: 0408-0688; 7: Jackson College (Jackson, Mississippi) 0001-0669 B 4: 0351 railroad companies, Pullman porters, and transportation unions C 9:0001-0615 Jackson, Fay Rathblott, N. & Sons Company C 9: 0671 D1:0789,0931 Red Cross [Chicago Branch] E 7: 0853, 0953 Jackson, Howard Reliance Manufacturing Company B 16: 0514 J 3: 0381, 0488 Remington Rand C 9: 0747, 0846 Jackson, Ida L. Roosevelt University (Chicago) B 5: 0762, 0781 G. 4: 1198; 5:0001, 0119 Rosenwald Foundation G 3: 0646-1029 Selective Service and draft resisters F 3: 1040 Jackson, James A. and Julius Klein Seventh Day Adventists J 9: 0749 C 12:0414, 0527 Southland Manufacturing Company [Reliance Jackson Dr. J.H. Manufacturing Company] B 16: 0514 J 3: 0071-0272 spiritualist churches J 9: 0957 see also National Baptist Conventions steel companies and unions C 9: 0909; 10: 0001 Jackson, Richard A. Supreme Liberty Insurance Company C 6: 0280-0953 J 3: 0381, 0488 theaters D 7: 0759 Tuskegee Institute•alumni B 11: 0202-0746 Jamaica Tuskegee Institute•hospitals of Tuskegee, Veterans agriculture [migrant labor, 1940s and 1950s] A 1: 0854; Administration, and other U.S. government hospitals 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001-0971; 4: 0001-0900; 5: 0001- United Negro College Fund B 1: 0473-0895 0844; 6: 0001-0643 United States government [W.P.A.] C 10: 0839, 0941; foreign missions [L.A. Lennon] J 8: 0572-1117 11:0001-0791 Jarboro, Caterina U.S. government•housing and F.H.A. C 12: 0655 D5:0318 Urban League I 8: 0595-1673 Jehovah's Witnesses YMCA-YWCA and Phillis Wheatley Foundation G 5: J 5: 0782 0857-1163 Jemison, D.V. Illinois•politics and government J 2: 0380-0618 H 7: 0534-0876; 8: 0001-0971; 9: 0001-0602 Jenkins, Reverend D.J. Imes, G. Lake J 2: 0001 B 15: 1083 Jernagin, Dr. William H. see also Holsey, Albon; Southland Manufacturing National Sunday School and B.T.U. Congress J 3: 0707 Company; Tuskegee Institute; Tuskegee Institute- Board of Trustees Jessye, Eva and the Eva Jessye Choir 0 6:0121 Indiana Barnett CA.•autobiography [Vigo Co.] K 3: 0389-0568 Jewell, Bishop M.L. Barnett, CA.•personal [Vigo Co.] K 1: 0001-1064, 2: J 1:0896 0001-0516 Jews and Jewish organizations economic conditions C 1: 0421, 0514 J 5: 0790 Madame Walker Mortgage Company C 2: 0630 see also Black Jews; Meharry Medical College (Nashville, politics and law H 9: 0633, 0731 Tennessee); National Conference of Christians and steel companies and unions C 9: 0909; 10: 0001 Jews Womack, Robert W. J 9: 0586 Johnson C. Smith University (Charlotte, North Carolina) Industries B 4: 0438 see Series C Johnson, Charles S. Institute for American Democracy B 2: 0334-0908 J 1:0233 see also Durham Fact-Finding Conferences Institute of Race Relations (Fisk University, Nashville, Johnson, Lizzie Tennessee) K 3: 0747 B 2: 0623-0908 Johnson, Mordecai Insurance companies Howard University B 3: 0255-0850; 4: 0001, 0126 C 3: 0684, 0847; 4: 0001-0857; 5: 0001-0859; 6: 0001-0953; Jones, Eugene Kinkle 7:0001-0327 18:0595-1673 International Harvester Company Jones Methodist Church (San Francisco, California) I 4:0121 J 6: 0493 International Labor Defense Jones, Prophet H 5: 0739-0925; 6: 0001-0192 J 1: 0896 see also Scottsboro Case Jones, Thomas Jesse Interracial marriage G 2: 0934 I 7:0648-1066 see also Phelps-Stokes Fund; Tuskegee Institute- Inventors and scientists Trustees C 7: 0439 Jordan, Bishop Frederick D. lota Phi Lambda J 7: 0345 G 5: 0350 see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)

96 Journal of Negro Education LeMoyne College (Memphis, Tennessee) B 3: 0255 J 5: 0359, 0432 Joyner, Marjorie Stewart Lennon, Archdeacon L.A. 0 2:0116,0236 J 8: 0572-1117 Julian Laboratories and Percy L. Julian Levette, Harry C 7: 0507, 0570 0 2:0001-0225 Kansas Lewis, A.L. and J. Leonard Lewis Hamlett, Bishop J. Arthur J 9: 0255-0469 Afro-American Life Insurance Co. C 4: 0857; 5: 0001 Kerford (George W.) Company C 7: 0605-0994 Liberia Kansas City Plalndealer Baptist women's organizations and Baptist foreign J 9: 0356, 0469 missions [Rev. J.B. Falconer et al.) J 4: 0751 Kashmir Chemical Company Drake, St. Clair B 5: 0781 C 2: 0405-0532 foreign missions [Bishop E.G. Hatcher] J 8: 0572-1117 funeral directors [Kelsey Pharr, Liberian Consul, Miami, Kentucky Florida] C 2: 0292 Kentucky State College (Frankfort) and other Kentucky Jordan, Bishop F.D. J 7: 0345 state colleges A 10: 0314 Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention J 4: 0678 see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges Phelps-Stokes Fund G 2: 0435-0934; 3: 0001-0527 Kerford (George W.) Company Saints Industrial and Literary School B 5: 0872 C 7: 0605-0994 Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Missouri) Kernan, Reverend William C. A 10:0649,0829; 11:0001 J 1:0233 Lincoln University (Lincoln, Pennsylvania) King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. B 4: 0596 J 4: 0153-0614 see also Bond, Horace Mann see also Jackson, Dr. J.H. King, Dr. N. Curtiss Livingstone College (Salisbury, North Carolina) El: 0699 J 9: 0001-0143 King, Bishop Willis J. Logan, Rayford J 8: 0572-1117 1 4: 0302, 0397 see also Methodists; Liberia Lorch, Lee Kingsley, Dr. Harold N. B 3: 0001 J 5: 0359, 0432 Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention (Washington, see also Drake, St. Clair; Cayton, Horace D.C.) Klein, Julius J 4: 0678 C 12:0414,0527 Louisiana Knights of Pythias Dillard University and Flint-Goodridge Hospital B 2: G 4: 0176 0149, 0274 Knoxville College (Knoxville, Tennessee) Grambling College B 3: 0053 J 9: 0633 Knights of Pythias G 4: 0176 Southern University A 10: 0361, 0491 Labor•migrant see also Negro land grant colleges; Agriculture agriculture A 4: 0900; 5: 0001-0844; 6: 0001-0453 see also Caribbean area; Jamaica Louisville Municipal College (Louisville, Kentucky) A 10:0314 Labor unions C 10:0110-0752 Lowry, Reverend Frank C. J 7: 0517 LaGrone, Herbert L. I 5: 0404-0742 Lutherans J 5: 0971 Land grant colleges see Negro land grant colleges Lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 Lane College (Jackson, Tennessee) J 9: 0255 McDaniel, Hattie Längsten University (Längsten, Oklahoma) newsclippings D 1: 0467 A 11:0201 Mackey, Harvey and Anita K 3: 0770 Laricuse Beauty Products Godetroy Manufacturing Company C 2: 0333 McKinney, T.E. B 4: 0438 Latour, Lou Swarz, Lucile G 5: 0585-0843 Madame Walker Manufacturing Company C 2: 0630 Law see Series H Mallory, Arenia C. Saints Industrial and Literary School (Lexington, Lawlah, Dr. John W. E 6: 0299, 0517 Mississippi) B 5: 0872 see also Howard University Medical School and Malone, Anne May Freedmen's Hospital; Provident Hospital Poro College C 2: 0709, 0898; 3: 0001, 0150 Legal definitions of race Mann, Theophilus see Negro•racial definitions and interracial marriage F 3: 0279

97 March on Washington Stewart, Ollie B 16:0707 newsclippings J 4: 0389-0614 see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges see also King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. Missouri March on Washington during World War II Godefroy Manufacturing Company C 2: 0333 C 9: 0615 Lincoln University (Jefferson City) A 10: 0649, 0829 Marcus, Robert lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 F 2:1303; 3: 0001, 0157 National Alliance of Postal Employees C 13: 0572 Poro College (St. Louis) C 2: 0709, 0898; 3: 0001, 0150 Maryland Williams, Bishop Noah J 7: 0758 Imes, G. Lake B 15: 1083 see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges Morgan State College (Baltimore) and other Maryland state colleges A 10: 0599 Mitchell, John W. see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges 8 3:0069,0117 see also Agriculture; Campbell, Thomas M.; Hampton Massachusetts Institute Thurman, Dr. Howard J 2: 0052 Mollison, Judge Irvin Medicine and health care H 9: 0867 see Series E Morgan State College (Baltimore, Maryland) Meharry Medical College (Nashville, Tennessee) A 10: 0599 B 4: 0711 Morris Brown College (Atlanta, Georgia) Merchant marine; Liberty Ships J 7: 0211 newsclippings F 3: 0843 see also Wright, Bishop R.R., Jr. Message Magazine Morris, S.S., Sr. J 9: 0879 J 7: 0167 Methodist Informer Moslems J 6: 0417 J 9: 0609 Methodists see also Black Muslims J 6: 0001-0916; 7: 0001-0888; 8: 0001-1117; 9: 0001-0586 Motion picture studios Michaux, Elder Solomon Lightfoot D 3: 0001-0857; 4: 0001-0546 D 7: 0644 see also Jessye, Eva; Muse, Clarence; Still, William Grant; Theaters Michigan economic conditions C 1: 0001-0404 Moton, Robert R. National Alliance of Postal Employees C 13: 0572 Holly Knoll Association [Moton Memorial Foundation] B 13:0609 Midway Television Institute Moton, Robert R. [after retirement and family] B 15: 1121 D 7: 0628 National Benefit Life Insurance Company C 5: 0266-0541 Miles College (Birmingham, Alabama) National Negro Business League C 8: 0001-0904 J 9: 0255 National Negro Finance Corporation C 6: 0232 Military Red Cross E 5: 0431-0798 see Series F Red Cross•Flood Relief Advisory Committee, 1927 E 7: 0288-0562 Military academies see also Tuskegee Institute; Negro land grant colleges newsclippings F 2: 1206 see also Davis, General Benjamin O., Jr. Mound Bayou, Mississippi I 4: 0858; 5: 0001 Missionaries and international religious organizations see also Alpha Kappa Alpha American Missionary Association B 2: 0334, 0507 Baha'i J 2: 0072 Muhammad Speaks Baptist women's organizations and foreign missions J 2: 0103-0286 J 4: 0751 Muse, Clarence Baptist World Alliance J 4: 0939 D1: 0490 Catholics J 5: 0001-0263 see also Carver, George Washington Fisk University B 2: 0334, 0507 Museums Foreign missions of AME and other denominations see Teaching, celebrating, and preserving black history J 8: 0572-1117 Foreign Missions Conference of North America J 1: 0337, Music 0459 D 4: 0646-0883; 5: 0001-0772; 6: 0001-0388 Jordan, Bishop F.D. J 7: 0345 Music•composers and conductors Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention J 4: 0678 D 4: 0646-0883; 5: 0001 Phelps-Stokes Fund G 2: 0934; 3: 0001-0527 Nation of Islam World Council of Churches J 1: 0644 see Black Muslims Wright, Bishop R.R., Jr. J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 National Alliance of Postal Employees Mississippi C 13: 0572 Alcorn A & M College A 11: 0001 Congregationalists [Tougaloo College] J 5: 0359, 0432 National Association for the Advancement of Colored Jackson College B 4: 0351 People (NAACP) lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 I 5: 0404-0742; 6: 0001-0914; 7: 0001-0547 Mound Bayou and other black towns I 4: 0858, 5: 001 see also Scottsboro Case; Red Cross; U.S. government- Saints Industrial and Literary School (Lexington) armed forces; Williams, Bishop [Allen University B 5: 0872 (Columbia, South Carolina)]

98 National Association of Colored Women National Tuberculosis Association G 4: 0364, 0485 £2:0160-0313 see also Moton, Robert R.; National Council of Negro National Urban League Women see Urban League National Association of Negro Musicians National Woman's Magazine D 4: 0836 H 9: 1049 National Baptist Conventions Negro Encyclopedia J 2: 0749; 0882, 3: 0001-0488 B 16: 0001 National Baptist Publishing Board see also Association for the Study of Negro Life and J 3: 0551 History; Du Bois, W.E.B.; General Education Board; National Baptist Voice Howard University; Phelps-Stokes Fund J 2: 0380-0618 Negro History Week National Bar Association I 4: 0302, 0397 H 4: 0001-0255 Negro land grant colleges National Beauty Culturists League A 8: 0565-0847; 9: 0001-0870; 10: 0001-0829; 11: 0001- C 2: 0116, 0236 0633 National Benefit Life Insurance Company see also Atlanta University System; Hampton Institute; C 5: 0266-0541 Howard University; Tuskegee Institute; Wilberforce University; Southern Education Reporting Service; National Conference of Christians and Jews - Agriculture [extension agents] J 1:0277 see also Julian Laboratories and Percy L. Julian Negro•racial definitions and interracial marriage National Council of Churches of Christ 17:0648-1066 J 1:0337,0459 see also Newton, Herbert and Jane Emery; Red Cross; Beauty products, contests, and models National Council of Negro Women G 4: 0566-1025 Negro•used as a label see also Bethune, Mary McLeod I 7:0648-1066 National Farm Ownership Association Negro Year Book A 7: 0545-0878; 8: 0001 B 16: 0001 National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Nelson, Reverend Clarence T.R. B 11: 0815; 12:0001-0711 J 6: 0417 National Fraternal Council of Churches New Mexico J 1:0604 Anderson, Clinton P. H 9: 0819 see also Jernagin, Dr. William; Wright, Bishop R.R. NAACP [H.L. LaGrone] I 5: 0404-0742 National Freedom Day politics and law H 9: 0819 J 7: 0888, 8:0001,0084 Newton, Herbert and Jane Emery National Hospital Association newsclippings H 6: 0192 El: 0757, 0888; 2: 0001 New York National Medical Association Boyack, James B 12: 0777 E 1:0757, 0888; 2: 0001 Bruce, Roscoe Conkling B 12: 0846 communists H 5: 0739-0925; 6: 0001-0192 National Negro Business League Diton, Carl D 4: 0386 C 8: 0001-0904 Divine, Father•newsclippings J 1: 0906 see also Holsey, Albon L; Jackson, James A.; National Dunham, Katherine D 2: 0889 Negro Finance Corporation; National Negro Insurance General Education Board G 1: 0367, 0516 Association; U.S. government•Commerce Harmon Foundation G 1: 0641, 0831; 2: 0001-0386 Department Holsey, Albon [C.M.A. Stores] B 13: 0822, 0911; 14: National Negro Congress 001-0990:15:0001,0197 H 5: 0644-0925; 6: 0001-0483 Methodists Information J 6: 0417 National Negro Finance Corporation Mollison, Irvin H 9: 0867 C 6: 0232 O'Connor, Basil B 11: 0815; 12:0001-0711 see also North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company Phelps-Stokes Fund G 2: 0435-0934; 3: 0001-0527 National Negro Health Week Pickens, William L. I 6: 0520-0914; 7: 0001-0547 £1:0001-0644 politics and law•newsclippings H 9: 0867 Razaf, Andy D 4: 0883 National Negro Insurance Association Schiefflin, William J. B 11: 0815; 12:0001-0711 C 3: 0684, 0847; 4: 0001-0502 Schomburg Collection I 4: 0436 see also National Negro Finance Corporation Taylor, Dr. Gardner J 3: 0381, 0488 National Organization of Negro Women Tuskegee Institute•Negro Year Book B 16: 0001 Republican Party H 9: 1049 Universal Negro Improvement Association I 8: 0540 National Sunday School and B.T.U. Congress Victory Life Insurance Company C 7: 0155, 0327 J 3: 0707 Nichols, Bishop Decatur Ward see also National Baptist Conventions; National Fraternal J 7: 0587 Council of Churches see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) National Technical Association Nile Queen Cosmetics CI: 0001-0404 C 2: 0405-0532

99 Nixon, Richard M. Holly Knoll Associates B 13: 0609 H 5-. 0566 Phelps-Stokes Fund G 2: 0435-0934; 3: 0001-0527 Roberts, Thomas N. A 8: 0209 North Carolina African Methodist Episcopal Church [Star of Zion] United Negro College Fund B 1: 0473-0895 J 9: 0001-0143 see also Agriculture; Tuskegee Institute; Red Cross Bankers Fire Insurance Company C 5: 0089, 0181 Patterson, John B. Bennett College (Greensboro) B 2: 0019 B 16: 0233 Durham Fact-Finding Conferences B 5: 0320 Paul Quinn College (Waco, Texas) Johnson C. Smith University (Charlotte) B 4: 0438 J 8: 0191 North Carolina A & T College (Greensboro) A 11: 0126 North Carolina College (Durham) B 4: 0845; 5: Peace Movement of Ethiopia 0001-0320 F 3: 1040 Palmer Memorial Institute (Sedalia) B 5: 0696 Pennsylvania see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges Alexander, Raymond and Sadie H 9: 1249 North Carolina College (Durham, North Carolina) Bond, Horace Mann A 9: 0553 B 4: 0845; 5: 0001-0320 Cheyney State Teachers College B 2: 0110 Chisum, Melvin B 13: 0001 see also North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co. Lincoln University (Lincoln) B 4: 0596 North Carolina Mutual Lite Insurance Company politics and law•newsclippings H 9: 1249 C 5: 0677, 0859; 6: 0001-0232 see also Bankers Fire Insurance Company; Hampton Perry, Leslie I 5: 0404-0742 Institute; Insurance companies; National Negro Bus- iness League; North Carolina College Pharr, Kelsey Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois) C 3: 0292 B 5: 0624 Phelps-Stokes Fund G 2: 0435-0934; 3: 0001-0527 Nurses and nurses' organizations E 2: 0447, 0614 see also General Education Board; Foreign Missions Conference of North America; Negro Encyclopedia; see also Tuskegee Institute-hospitals of Tuskegee, Veterans Administration, and other U.S. government Red Cross; Richardson, H.V.; Tuskegee Institute hospitals Phi Beta Kappa and other academic honors Oak wood Junior College (Huntsville, Alabama) B 1:0251 J 9: 0749 Phi Delta Kappa O'Connor, Basil G 5: 0419, 0562 B 11: 0815; 12: 0001-0711 Philander Smith College (Little Rock, Arkansas) see also Red Cross J 8: 0191 Official Theatrical World of Colored Artists, 1928 see also Lorch, Lee D 1:0416 Philanthropic and social organizations see Series G Ohio Fleming, Lethia H 9:1049 Phillips, Sidney J. George, Zelma W. and Clayborne D 5: 0300 B 16: 0262 politics and law•newsclippings H 9: 1049 Phillis Wheatley Foundation Wilberforce University J 8: 0309-0514 G 5: 0587-1163 Oklahoma Physicians Längsten University A 11: 0201 see Series E see a/so Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges Pickens, William Olivet Baptist Church I 6: 0520-0914; 7: 0001-0547 Jackson, Dr. J.H. J 3: 0071-0272 see also National Association for the Advancement of Williams, Dr. L.K. J 3: 0001 Colored People; Anti-Communism Opportunity [Urban League] Pilgrim Baptist Church I 8:0595-0997 Austin, Reverend Junius C. J 3: 0332 Orphan Aid Society Poets J 2: 0001 D 2: 0466-0781 Otis, J.R. Polio B 16:0142 see also Agriculture; Alcorn A & M College (Alcorn, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis B 11: 0815; 12:0001-0711 i Mississippi); Negro land grant colleges [U.S. Interior Department]; Tuskegee Institute Politics and law see Series H Overton, Anthony C 1:0743-0876; 2: 0001 Politics•black participation in politics and government see also Victory Life Insurance Co. H 6: 0536-0828; 7: 0001-0876; 8: 0001-0971: 9: 0001-1249 Palestine Politics•left political groups Williams, Bishop Noah [1935] J 7: 0758 H 5: 0644-0925; 6: 0001-0483 Palmer Memorial Institute (Sedalia, North Carolina) see also Brown, Edgar; Highlander Folk School (Mont- B 5: 0696 eagle, Tennessee); Communism; Anti-Communism; Scottsboro Case Patterson, F.D. Campbell, Thomas N. A 7: 0166, 0339 Politics•national campaigns, parties, and government general G 3: 0001, 0120 see Series H 100 Poro College (St. Louis and Chicago) Publications•The Southern Observer (Tuskegee Institute) C 2: 0709, 0898; 3: 0001, 0150 B 16: 0142 The Postal Alliance Publications•Sfar of Zlon (Charlotte, North Carolina) C 13: 0572 J 9: 0001-0143 Post Office Publications•The Women's Voice [Republican Party] see U.S. government•Postal Service H 9: 1049 Prairie View University (Prairie View, Texas) Pullman Company, porters, and unions A 11: 0451 C9:0130-0615 Presbyterians Race relations J 9: 0683 see Series I see also Johnson C. Smith University (Charlotte, North Racial concepts Carolina) Asian-Americans 1: 0022, 0098 Pride, Armistead S. black history I 1: 0168-0911; 2: 0001-0952; 3: 0001-0974; A 10: 0649, 0829 4:0001-0769 Negro racial definitions and interracial marriage Princess Anne College (Maryland) I 7:0648-1066 A 10: 0599 "Radio Church of God" and Elder S.L. Michaux (Washing- Progressive Party ton, D.C.) H 6: 0385 D 7: 0644 Protestant Episcopal Churches Radio and television broadcasting J 5: 0558, 0653 D 6: 0408-0688; 7: 0001-0669 Provident Hospital see also Seventh Day Adventists; Taylor, Dr. Gardiner E 2: 0699-0873; 3: 0001-0870; 4: 0001-0791; 5: 0001-0356 Railroad companies, Pullman porters, and transportation see also Howard University Medical School and unions Freedmen's Hospital C 9:0130-0615 Publications•California News see also Patterson, John [Atlanta and West Point Rail- D 1:0931 road]; Lowry, Reverend Frank; Mound Bayou [Illinois Publications•Christian Advocate [Methodist Church] Central] J 6: 0001, 0133 Randolph, A. Phillip Publications• The Christian Recorder [AME Church] C 7: 0001-0615 J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 Ransom, Bishop Reverdy C. Publications•The Crisis [NAACP] J 8: 0309, 0467 , I 5: 0404-0742; 6: 0001-0319 Rathblott (N.) & Sons Co. Publications•Journal of Negro Education [Howard C 9: 0671 University] Razaf, Andy B 3: 0255 D 4: 0883 Publications•Kansas City Plalndealer (Kansas City, Recording companies Kansas) D 6: 0217 J 9: 0356, 0469 Red Cross Publications•Message Magazine (Nashville, Tennessee) E 5: 0431-0798; 6: 0001-0961; 7: 0001-1248 J 9: 0879 see also Drew, Daniel; O'Connor, Basil; Patterson, F.D. Publications•Methodist Information Red Cross•Flood Relief Advisory Committee, 1927 J 6: 0417 E7:0288-0562 ' ' Publications•Muhammad Speaks see also Thomas, Jesse O. J 2: 0103-0286 Reddick, L.D. Publications•National Baptist Voice I 4: 0436 J 2: 0380-0618 Reddix, James L. B 4: 0351 Publications•National Woman's Magazine [Republican Party] Reid, Bishop Frank Madison H 9: 1049 J 8: 0572-1117 see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) Publications•Negro Encyclopedia B 16: 0001 Reliance Manufacturing Company 6 16:0514 Publications•Negro Year Book B 16: 0001 Religion see Series J Publications• Opportunity [Urban League] I 8: 0595 0997 Religion•interdenominational and nondenominational organizations Publications•The Postal Alliance J 1: 0001-0906; 2: 0001, 0052 C 13: 0572 see also King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. [S.C.L.C.]; Publications•Service [magazine] (Chicago and Tuskegee) Missionaries and international religious organizations B 16: 0385 Remington Rand see also Associated Negro Press•proposal for C 9: 0747, 0846 Improvement of Negro Life; Holsey, Albon; Railroad companies, Pullman porters, and transportation; Republican Party Tuskegee Institute news releases and pamphlets H 4: 0981; 5: 0001-0566

101 Reynolds, Louis B. Settle, Reverend Glenn T. J 9: 0879 D 7: 0669 Rhodesia Seventh Day Adventists foreign missions [Bishop J.D. Bright, Sr., et al.] J 9: 0749, 0879 J 8: 0572-1117 Shaw University (Raleigh, North Carolina) Jordan, Bishop F.D. J 7: 0345 J 2: 0380-0618 Richardson, Dr. Harry V. Shepard, James E. J 6: 0544 North Carolina College (Durham) B 4: 0845; 5: 0001-0320 Roberts, Thomas N. Shepherd, Marshall A 7: 0209 H 7: 0424 see also Tuskegee Institute Shorter College (Little Rock, Arkansas) Robeson, Paul and Eslanda J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 D 5: 0399, 0575 Sierra Leone Robinson, Bill foreign missions [Reverend Isaac Steady] J 8: 0572-1117 D 2: 0932 Simmons, Reuben Rockefeller Foundation see Agriculture [1953] G 1:0367, 0516 Simmons, Roscoe Conklin Roman Catholic Church H 7: 0534-0876; 8: 0001-0971; 9: 0001-0489 J 5: 0001-0263 Roosevelt University (Chicago, Illinois) Sims, Bishop David Henry B 5: 0762, 0781 J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 Rosenwald Foundation Sims, Margaret G 3: 0646-1029 D 1:0508 see also ANP•proposal for improvement of Negro life; Smith University Tuskegee Institute Johnson C. Smith University (Charlotte, North Carolina) Ross, Emory B 4: 0438 Foreign Mission Conference of North America J 1: 0337, Socialist Party and Socialist Workers Party 0459 H 6: 0420 St. Augustine's College (Raleigh, North Carolina) see also Politics•Left political groups J 5: 0653 Sociology St. Augustine's Seminary, S.U.D. see Black history newsclippings J 5: 0263 Sororities see also Catholics G 4: 1103, 1198;5:0001-1163 St. Paul N & I School (Lawrenceville, Virginia) see also Fraternities ' , J 5: 0653 South Carolina Saints Industrial and Literary School (Lexington, Jenkins, Reverend D.J. J 2: 0001 Mississippi) South Carolina State College (Orangeburg) All: 0300 B 5: 0872 Williams, Bishop Noah J 7: 0758 see also Church of God in Christ see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges Schieffelln, William J. Southern Christian Leadership Council 8 11:0815; 12: 0001-0711 J 4: 0153-0614 Schomburg Collection (New York Public Library) Southern Conference on Race Relations I 4: 0436 B 5: 0320 Schools•public and U.S. government agencies Southern Education Reporting Service 17: 1304,1420;8:0001 B 2: 0334-0908 see also Illinois•education; Catholics [schools] The Southern Observer (Tuskegee Institute) Scott, Emmett J. B 16: 0142 B 4: 0126 Southern Regional Council see also Howard University Medical School I 5: 0094 Scottsboro Case Southern University (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) H 4:0404-0947 A 10: 0361, 0491 Scrivner, Calla Southland Manufacturing Co. D 2: 0389 B 16: 0514 Segregation and desegregation Space flight and astronauts 17: 1139-1420;8:0001-0519 newsclippings F 3: 0359 Selective Service and draft reslsters Spaulding, C.C. F 3:1040 C 5: 0677, 0859; 6: 0001-0232 see also Black Muslims; Black Jews Spiritualist churches Sen/Ice [magazine] (Chicago and Tuskegee) J 9: 0957 B 16: 0385 see also Associated Negro Press•proposal for Spirituals and folk music improvement of Negro life; Holsey, Albon; Railroad newsclippings D 6: 0150 companies, Pullman porters, and transportation; Spivak, John L. Tuskegee Institute H 4:0404-0947

102 Star of Zion (Charlotte, North Carolina) Texas J 9: 0001-0143 Bishop College (Marshall) J 3: 0835 Steady, Reverend Isaac Huston-Tillotson College (Austin) B 4: 0318 J 8: 0572-1117 Prairie View University (Prairie View) A 11: 0451 Texas Centennial Exposition, 1936 I 4: 0539, 0728 Steel companies and unions Texas College (Tyler) J 9: 0255 C 9: 0909; 10: 0001 Texas Southern University (Houston) B 5: 0916 Stevenson, Adlai Thomas, Jesse O. E 7: 0669-1248 H 9: 0602 Texas Centennial Exposition, 1936 see also Democratic Party•pamphlets I 4: 0539, 0728 Stewart, Ollie Texas Southern University (Houston, Texas) B 16: 0707 B 5: 0916 Still, William Grant Theaters D 5: 0001 D 7: 0759 Stone, Charles see also Official Theatrical World of Colored Artists, 1928 C 3: 0150 Thomas, Jesse O. Stoody, Dr. Ralph I 4: 0538, 0728 J 6: 0417 see also Red Cross•Flood Relief Advisory Committee, Storer College (Harpers Ferry, Virginia) 1927; Texas Centennial Exposition, 1936 J 2: 0380-0618 Thompkins, William Sunday School Publishing Board H 7: 0424 J 3: 0622 Thurman, Dr. Howard Supreme Liberty Insurance Co. J 2: 0052 C 6: 0280-0953 Tobias, Dr. Channing H. Swarz, Lucile H. G 3: 0228-0527 G 5:0585-0843 see also Phelps-Stokes Fund; YMCA-YWCA Symphony orchestras Tookes, Bishop Henry Young newsclippings D 6: 0388 J 7: 0673 Talladega College (Talladega, Alabama) see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) J 5: 0359, 0432 Tougaloo College (Tougaloo, Mississippi) Täte, Merze J 5: 0359, 0432 G 4: 1198;5:0001,0119 Travel in the U.S. Taylor, Corneff segregation I 8: 0200-0519 E 5: 0432-0798; 6: 0001-0880 Trent, William J., Jr. Taylor, Dr. Gardiner 6 1:0473-0895 0 3:0381,0488 see also Holly Knoll Associates see also National Baptist Conventions Troy, Reverend Owen A. Taylor, Robert R., Jr. J 9: 0749 C 12: 0655 Tuberculosis see also Tuskegee Institute E 2: 0160-0313 Teacher's organizations and organizations of other educators Tuskegee Air School and 99th Pursuit Squadron 1 8: 0060 newsclippings F 3: 0359-0557 Teamsters Union Tuskegee Institute (Alabama) C 10: 0624 B 6: 0001-0808; 7: 0001-0871; 8: 0001-0777; 9: 0001-0895; 10:0001-0828; 11:0001-0815; 12:0001-0846; 13: Television broadcasting 0001-0911; 14:0001-0990; 15:0001-1121; 16:0001- D 6: 0408-0688; 7: 0001 -0669 0732 Tennessee African Methodist Episcopal Church J 6: 0605-0916; 7: Tuskegee Institute•alumni 0001-0888; 8: 0001-1117 B 11:0202-0746 AME Sunday School Union [Nashville Defender] Tuskegee Institute•Board of Trustees J 7: 0167 B 11: 0815; 12:0001-0711 Baptists [National Baptist Convention] J 2: 0380-0882; Tuskegee Institute•Department of Records and Research 3: 0001-0914; 4: 0001-0939 B 16: 0001 Fisk University (Nashville) B 2: 0334-0908; 3: 0001 see also Lynching and mob violence; Negro Encyclopedia Highlander Folk School (Monteagle) B 3: 0225 Tuskegee Institute•hospitals of Tuskegee, Veterans Lorch, Lee B 3: 0001 Meharry Medical College (Nashville) B 4: 0711 Administration, and other U.S. government hospitals 6 15:0376-1002 Message Magazine J 9: 0879 National Baptist Publishing Board [Nashville Globe and Union of South Africa Independent] J 3: 0551 foreign missions [Reverend Francis H. Gow et al.] politics [J.B. Martin] H 2: 0728, 0881; 3: 0001-0537 J 8: 0572-1117 Tennessee A & I State College (Nashville) A 11:0321 Jordan, Bishop F.D. J 7: 0345 Universal Life Insurance Company (Memphis) C7: 0001, Reid, Bishop Frank Madison J 8: 0572-1117 0086 Wright, eishop R.R., Jr. J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084

103 Unions Universal Negro Improvement Association CIO: 0110-0752 I 8: 0540 see also National Alliance of Postal Employees; Railroad Urban League companies, Pullman porters, and transportation 18:0595-1673 unions; Steel companies and unions; Teacher's see also Thomas, Jesse O. organizations and organizations of other educators; Vernon, Bishop William T. Teamsters Union J 7: 0261 Unions of Actors and Actresses Victory Life Insurance Company newsclippings D 1; 0535 0 7:0155,0327 Unitarians Virgin Islands J 9: 0964 Assistant Civilian Aide to Secretary of War [Hastie, United Auto Workers William] F 2: 1303; 3: 0001, 0157 newsclippings C 10: 0752 Tuskegee Institute•Board of Trustees [Alexander, United Church of Christ Archie] B 11: 0815; 12-. 0001-0711 J 5: 0359, 0432 Virginia United Nations Hampton Institute B 3: 0069, 0117 Tobias, Channing G 3: 0228-0527 Hancock, Gordon B. [Virginia Union University] J 4: 0001 Holly Knoll Associates B 13: 0609 United Negro College Fund Virginia State College (Petersburg) A 11: 0549 6 1:0473-0895 see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges; Moton, United Service Employees Union Dr. Robert R. C 9: 0001-0615 Vocational education U.S. government airlines and black aviators C 1: 0603 C 10: 0839, 0941; 11: 0001-0791; 12: 0001-0986; 13: 0001- Associated Negro Press•proposal for improvement of 0572 Negro life B 10: 0240-0828; 11: 0001 U.S. government•Air Force economic conditions [general; trade and business F 3: 0303-0557 schools] C 18:0001-0514 see also Airlines and black aviators; Tuskegee Air School medicine see Series E and 99th Pursuit Squadron; Women in the armed military see Series F forces Poro College [beauty culture] C 2: 0709, 0898; 3: 0001 schools•public and U.S. government agencies I 7: 1304, U.S. government•armed forces and War Department 1420:8:0001 see Series F U.S. government•Labor Department C 12: 0714-0986; U.S. government•Census Bureau 13:0001-0306 C 12: 0001-0655 see also Tuskegee Institute; Negro land grant colleges U.S. government•Commerce Department Vorhees N & I School (Denmark, South Carolina) C12:0001-0655 J 5: 0653 U.S. government•hospitals Voting rights, poll taxes, etc. 15:0376-1002 see Politics•black participation in politics and U.S. government•housing agencies and F.H.A. government CI 2: 0655 Walker, J. U.S. government•Interior Department C 7: 0001, 0086 A 8: 0762, 0847 Walker, Mercedes U.S. government•Labor Department, Civil Service, and D 5: 0744 FEPC Wallace, Henry A. C 12: 0714-0986; 13: 0001-0306 H 6: 0385 U.S. government•Navy Walls, Bishop W.J. F 3: 0900 J 9: 0001-0143 see also Assistant Civilian Aide to Secretary of War; Waring, Dr. Mary Military academies; Women in the armed forces H 9: 1049 U.S. government•Postal Service Washington, Booker T. and family C 13: 0446-0572 B 16: 0732 U.S. government•Rural Electrification Administration Washington, Booker T.•Birthplace Memorial A 8: 0431, 0565 B 16: 0262 U.S. government•Veterans Administration Washington [Booker T.] Insurance Company Howard University Medical School and Freedmen's see Gaston, A.G. Hospital B 3: 0255-0850; 4: 0001, 0126 Washington, Booker T.•U.S. commemorative stamp, 1940 Stone, Charles C 3: 0150 B 16: 0732 Tuskegee Institute•hospitals of Tuskegee, Veterans Administration, and other U.S. government hospitals Washington, Spike 8 15:0376-1002 C 4: 0857; 5: 0001 U.S. government•Works Progress Administration Wealth C 10:0839,0941; 11:0001-0791 see Achievements; honors; wealth Universal Life Insurance Company Wesley, Dr. Charles H. 0 7:0001,0086 J 8: 0309-0514

104 Western University (Kansas City, Kansas) Harmon Foundation [Brady, Mary] G 1: 0641, 0831; 2: J 7: 0261 0001-0386 West Virginia Holt, Nora D. 2:0610 West Virginia State College (Institute) A 11: 0633 Hurston, Zora Neale D 2: 0743 see also Agriculture; Negro land grant colleges Jackson, Fay D 1: 0789, 0931 Jackson, Ida G 4: 1198:5:0001,0119 Wherry, Charles D. Jarboro, Caterina D 5: 0318 0 2:0001,0225 Jesseye, Eva D 6: 0121 White, Hubert Johnson, Lizzie K 3: 0747 1 1:0022,0098 Jordan, Artisha J 7: 0345 White, Luther, Public Relations lynching and mob violence I 5: 0296, 0345 C 10: 0624 National Association of Colored Women G 4: 0364; 0485 National Council of Negro Women G 4: 0566-1025 White, Walker nurses and nurses' organizations E 2: 0447, 0614 NAACP I 5: 0404-0742; 6: 0001-0914; 7: 0001-0547 Palmer Memorial Institute [Brown, Charlotte Hawkins] Wilberforce University (Ohio) B 5: 0696 J 8: 0309-0514 Poro College [Malone, Anne May] C 2: 0709, 0898; 3: Wiley College (Marshall, Texas) 0001-0150 J 8: 0191 Robeson, Paul and Eslanda D 5: 0399, 0575 Saints Industrial and Literary School [Mallory, Arenia C] Wilhoit, Roy O. B 5: 0872 C 13: 0572 schools•public and U.S. government agencies I 7: 1304, Wilkens, Roy 1420; 8: 0001 I 5: 0404-0742 Scrivner, Calla D 2: 0389 Williams, Dr. U.K. Sims, Margaret D 1:0508 J 3: 0001 sororities G 4: 1103, 1198;5:0001-1163 see also National Baptist Conventions; Victory Life Southland Manufacturing Company B 16: 0514 Insurance Company Walker, Mercedes D 5: 0744 YMCA-YWCA and Phillis Wheatley G 5: 0857-1163 Williams, Dr. Mary E. see Barnett, Etta Moten G 4: 1198:5:0001,0119 Women in the armed forces Williams, Bishop Noah A. newsclippings F 3: 1147 J 7: 0758 see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) The Women's Voice [Republican Party] H 9: 1049 Williams, Paul D 1:0558,0618 Woodson, Carter I 4: 0302, 0397 "Wings Over Jordan" (Cleveland, Ohio) D 7: 0669 World Council of Churches J 1:0644 Womack, Bishop Arthur W. J 9: 0255 World War II see also Womack, Robert W. Asian-Americans I 1: 0022, 0098 Assistant Civilian Aide to Secretary of War F 2: 1303; Womack, Robert W. 3:0001,0157 J 9: 0586 Ethiopia F 3: 1040 Women home front F 3: 0575, 0643 achievements; honors; wealth [women] I 1: 0168, 0222 Rosenwald Foundation G 3: 0646-1029 airlines and black aviators C 1: 0603 war correspondents and censorship•newsclippings Alexander, Sadie H 9: 1249 F3: 1107 AME Women's Missionary Society J 8: 0572-1117 Washington, Spike C 4: 0857; 5: 0001 Anderson, Marian D. 5: 0055, 0187 see Series F Baptist women's organizations and foreign missions Wright, Bishop R.R. J 4: 0751, 0939 J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 beauty products, contests, and models C 2: 0116-0898; 3: see also African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME); 0001-0150 Wilberforce University (Ohio) Bethune, Mary McLeod G 4: 0566-1025 Boozer, Thelma Berlack A 10: 0649, 0829 Wright, Major R.R., St. Catholics [sisters] J 5: 0001-0263 J 7: 0888; 8: 0001, 0084 Du Bois, W.E.B. and Shirley Graham I 6: 0001-0319 Yergen, Max Dunham, Katherine D 2: 0889 H 5: 0644-0925; 6: 0001-0483 Fleming, Lethia H 9: 1049 YMCA/YWCA and Phillis Wheatley George, Zelma Watson D 5: 0300 G 5: 0857-1163 Graves, Patsy A 1: 0001-0854; 2: 0001-0863; 3: 0001- 0971; 4: 0001-0900; 5: 0001-0844; 6: 0001-0453 Zeta Phi Beta G 5:0585-0843


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