PAPERS: the ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS, 1918-1967 Part Three Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967
THE CLAUDE A. BARNETT PAPERS: THE ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS, 1918-1967 Part Three Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967 UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA BLACK STUDIES RESEARCH SOURCES: Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections August Meier and Elliott Rudwick General Editors THE CLAUDE A. BARNETT PAPERS: The Associated Negro Press, 1918-1967 Part Three Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967 THE CLAUDE A. BARNETT PAPERS: The Associated Negro Press, 1918-1967 Part Three Subject Files on Black Americans, 1918-1967 Seri es A: Agriculture, 1923-1966 Seri es B: Colleges and Universities, 1918-1966 Seri es C: Economic Conditions, 1918-1966 Ser es D: Entertainers, Artists, and Authors, 1928-1965 Ser es E: Medicine, 1927-1965 Ser es F: Military, 1925-1965 Seri es G: Philanthropic and Social Organizations, 1925-1966 Seri es H: Politics and Law, 1920-1966 Seri es I: Race Relations, 1923-1965 Seri es J: Religion, 1924-1966 Seri es K: Claude A. Barnett, Personal and Financial, 1920-1967 Microfilmed from the holdings of the Chicago Historical Society Edited by August Meier and Elliott Rudwick A Microfilm Project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. 44 North Market Street • Frederick, Maryland 21701 NOTE ON SELECTIONS Portions of the Claude A. Barnett papers at the Archives and Manuscripts Depart- ment of the Chicago Historical Society do not appear in this microfilm edition. The editors chose not to include African and other foreign relations materials and to film only the American categories of the Barnett papers that hold the greatest potential research value. Materials of negligible or specialized research interest that were not microfilmed include some pamphlets, some categories composed entirely of news- clippings, partial sets of minutes of institutions which Barnett served as a board member, a small group of materials that are closed to researchers at present, and routine financial records.
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