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Welcome, Prospective Freshmen IT The eather Oldes and Large Today: Clouding up, 51°F (1 lOC) Tonight: Cold rain, 36°F (2°C) ewspaper Tomorrow: Clouding up, 48°F (9°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 121 umber 16 Cambridge, a achusetts 02139 Friday, April 6, 2001 OpenCourseWare To Place Most Class Material on Internet By Naveen Sunkavally ers alike were optimistic that an MIT NEWS EDITOR education could tand alone from the At a high-profile press conference material in its courses, and that, if Wedne day, MIT publicly announced anything, the project would improve its commitment to a ten-year plan to the value of MIT's educational expe- make material from nearly 2,000 rience. courses freely available over the "OpenCourse W are is not going to Internet. stop students from coming to MIT," OpenCourseWare, the project to said Undergraduate Association Pres- put the material online, is expected to ident Peter A. Shulman ' 0 1. "It is no cost about $100 million and has the accident that when alumni look back goal of providing lecture notes, at MIT they point to non-academic course outlines, and assignments things, such as their dorms, FSILGs, from 500 courses over the web within relationships, and contacts." the next two years. Lerman said that the MIT educa- KATHY CHEN-THE TECH David Horowitz responds to Dorothy Benton-Lewis' opening remarks on African-American slavery repara- Chair of the Faculty Steven R. tion also encompassed UROPs, advanced projects, and learning tions. The debate took place Wednesday in 1.0-250. Lerman '72 presented the project as a challenge to the "privatization of between students. knowledge" and a way to encourage "I don't know ifOCW will make the world-wide dissemination of edu- a difference. All it is is course notes Horowitz, Benton-Lewis Debate cational ideas. ... it doesn't devalue the education," Faculty participation in Open- said Professor of Electrical Engineer- Reparations Discussed inWake of Controversial Advertisement Courseware is completely voluntary, ing and Computer Science Harold although most faculty are expected to Abelson PhD '73. Abelson said, By A. s. Wang and Dana Levine Horowitz, an editor for Front of the Daily Californian and success- go along with the project, said Dean however, that OCW will stimulate STAFF REPORTERS Page Magazine, recently submitted fully procured an apology from the for Undergraduate Education Robert serious discussion about the type of Noted political columnist David an advertisement entitled "Ten Rea- newspaper for running the ad. P. Redwine. education MIT provides and chal- Horowitz, who gained notoriety sons Why Reparations for Slavery Is At Wednesday's forum Horowitz lenge faculty to think about why stu- recently over a controversial adver- a Bad Idea - and Racist too" to 51 expressed general support for repara- What is the value of MIT? dents should come to their class. tisement, came to MIT for a well- university newspapers across the tions but not for descendants of A common question regarding Chair of the UA Subcommittee attended debate on Wednesday. country. African-American slaves. "I am 100 OpenCourse W are concerns the effect on Advising and Faculty-Student The debate, which packed Room At Brown, the publication of this percent for reparations ... I would be the project will have on the value of Relations Jason H. Wasfy '01, who 10-250, featured Horowitz and repa- ad in the Brown Daily Herald the first to support reparations for the an MIT education. If MIT is provid- organized an survey last month rations activist Dorothy Benton- prompted enraged students to steal all slaves. But the slaves are dead and ing all of its course material online, which brought to light possible Lewis and brought up several impor- copies of the issue and raid the news- their children are dead. There is no some may question why students problems in MIT's undergraduate tant issues, including reparations, room. At the University of California, should pay to come to MIT. racial inequality, and free speech. Berkeley, students raided the offices Reparations Debate, Page 17 Administrators and student lead- OpenCourseWare, Page 18 GSC Elects New Officers NOWPresident Ireland Visits Institute By Katie Jeffreys land after the talk to discuss issues relevant to the For Next Academic Year STAFF REPORTER MIT campus and the broader goals of OW. Patricia Ireland, president of the National Organi- Ireland said that NOW has chosen reproductive By Michael J. Ring The GSC president-elect said he zation for Women, spoke to an audience of about 40 freedom rights as the issue to organize around EDITOR IN CHIEF will focus on living expenses, on Wednesday. because reproductive freedom rights act as a symbol The Graduate Student Council improving graduate students' quality Featu re The Tech had the oppor- for many other human right , such as the right to self- elected Dilan A. Seneviratne, a sec- of life, and upgrading support ser- tunity to sit down with Ire- determination, health, and equality. It is a "metaphor ond year PhD student in the Depart- vices for graduate students. "There for the attacks that are coming on so ment of Materials Science and Engi- are quite a number of issues to be many of our rights," Ireland said. neering, as its new president for the addressed this year, and the GSC has Ireland offered infringements on 2001-2002 academic year at a meet- to keep the pressure on," Seneviratne civil rights in Florida during the presi- ing on Wednesday. said. dential election and President George Seneviratne will be joined by Seneviratne, while pleased with Bush's repeal of environmental and incoming vice-president Manish Jeth- recent increases in graduate stipends, workplace regulations as other exam- wa, a third-year PhD student in Elec- said further increases are necessary ples of attacks on human rights. trical Engineering and Computer Sci- and should be a continued priority for In addition, Ireland said that people ence, newly-elected secretary Ronak the GSc. Additionally, the president- can rally around the cause of reproductive 1. Bhatt, a third-year PhD student in elect said he would like to obtain freedom. Ireland feels that using Social physics, and treasurer-elect Jimmy Z. dental coverage for graduate students Security, for example, would be a harder Zhang, a first-year MBA student in and ensure that the new graduate dor- sell than abortion rights. Because abortion the Sloan School of Management. mitories are affordable for graduate is a "personal issue,' Ireland said, it can students. serve as an issue around which people Seneviratne discusses goals Seneviratne also said he would KATIE JEFFREYS-THE TECH will organize for a broader purpose. Seneviratne, who served as chair work for increased interaction Patricia Ireland spoke to a group of students about the "The more activism on all these of the GSC Academics, Research, between students, faculty, and alum- National Organization of Women, of which she is the presi- issues, the more likely we are to sue- and Careers Committee this year, ni, and he called for an increase in dent. Her talk covered many issues, including the right to defeated Sloan student icholas C. reproductive freedom. Ireland, Page 18 Smimofffor the presidency. GSC Elections, Page 16 Pre-fresh arrive for Campus Pre- J\lST 1.001'.A' ALL Dr Comics QPINIO World & ation 2 E:M... l"PS Soo EAS '/ view Weekend 2001. '"ft) "P1 c..~ 0o-r Michael J. Borucke write from Opinion 4 THE,1>RE- "\-1tost-t the U.S.-Mexico border on Arts 8 J EI Paso's AFrA-era decline. On the Screen 9 On the Town .10 Page 15 Page 11 Page 5 Events Calendar .12 Page 2 pri16,2001 ORLD& TIO nsiti e Doc Ineident ay Cause Review De ed er F LOS ANGELES TIMES After the fall of former Yugoslav Pre ident lobodan ilosevic, Of China's MF 'Irade Status but while hi former secret police chief remained in office, ton of police document were destroyed and illegal copies of files on former By Elaine S. Povich realize that it's time for our people oppo ed normal trade relations with oppo ition leaders were pirited away, erbian Interior Minister EWSDAY to be home. ' China, nonethele s said Thursday WA HI GTO Dusan Mihajlovic aid Thursday. In June, the administration and that "if thi ituation does not get "The period from Oct. 5 until Jan. 25 wa u ed for the active dmini tration official and Congre s may have to decide resolved with hina, then all of our destruction of evidence," Mihajlovic told a ses ion of the erbian members of ongre s, treading cau- whether to e tend 0 t Favored relationships and policie will come parliament' Defense and ecurity Committee. ' In our mini try ton tiously, Thur day held out the po i- ation trade relations with China if into que tion." and tons of materials were destroyed." bility of retaliating against China for negotiation over China participa- Lugar and en. John McCain (R- There also was 'unauthorized copying onto CDs of data from the its holding of a U.. py plane and tion in the odd Trade Organiza- Ariz.) noted American public opin- files of all oppo ition leaders, which was taken away from the ervice it American crew members. tion are not completed. ion is often instrumental in deciding for till unknown reasons," Mihajlovic aid. Charge have been filed While emphasizing that the situa- , e will di cu s Taiwan the course of relationship with for- against people su pected of responsibility for the de truction and tion was till fluid and expre ing the (weapons) and WTO and F eign nations.