Section 731, Begin Line 1, Insert As Follows: Section 731 - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Walls

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Section 731, Begin Line 1, Insert As Follows: Section 731 - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Walls R 3-01-05 MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH RETAINING WALLS The Standard Specifications are revised as follows: SECTION 731, BEGIN LINE 1, INSERT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 731 - MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH RETAINING WALLS 731.01 Description. This work shall consist of furnishing materials and placement of mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls in accordance 105.03. 10 The Contractor shall perform the necessary work to verify that the foundation is at the correct elevation, that the wall is constructed to the correct alignment, and that the work is in accordance with the specified tolerances. The checking of alignments and tolerances shall include verifying that the plumbness of the face panels is in accordance with 731.10 over the entire height of the wall. Alignment shall be checked at each layer of panels after the backfill behind the panels has been compacted, and the results shall be recorded. 731.02 General Design Requirements. The mechanically stabilized earth wall 20 shall consist of a non-structural leveling pad, concrete face panels, coping, and ground reinforcement elements mechanically connected to each panel. Ground reinforcement shall have sufficient strength, frictional resistance, and quantity as required by design. The mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls system is to be selected from the Department's list of approved Retaining Wall Systems. A Retaining Wall System manufacturer may be included on the Department’s list by following procedure J of ITM 806. The quantities shown in the Schedule of Pay Items will be the same for all mechanically stabilized earth wall systems. All mechanically stabilized earth walls shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans and panel shop drawings based on 30 the requirements herein. The recommendations of the wall system suppliers shall not override the minimum performance requirements contained herein. If the wall manufacturer needs additional information to complete the design, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining such information. All appurtenances behind, in front of, under, mounted upon, or passing through the wall such as drainage structures, utilities, or other appurtenances shown on the plans shall be accounted for in the stability design of the wall. 40 The mechanically stabilized earth wall design shall follow the general dimensions of the wall envelope shown on the plans. The plans will locate the leveling pad at or below the theoretical leveling pad. The top of the face panel shall be at or above the top of the panel elevation shown on the plans. Where coping or barrier is utilized, the wall face panel shall extend up into the coping or barrier a minimum of 50 mm (2 in.). The top of the face panels may be level or sloped to meet the top of the face panel line noted. Cast-in-place concrete will not be an acceptable replacement for panel areas noted by the wall envelope. 731-R-202 1 of 15 R 3-01-05 50 Where walls or wall sections intersect with an included angle of 130 degrees or less, a vertical corner element separate from the standard panel face shall abut and interact with the opposing standard panels. The corner element shall have ground reinforcement connected specifically to that panel and shall be designed to preclude lateral spread of the intersecting panels. Face panels shall be designed to accommodate differential settlement of 1 linear unit in 100. Face panels of greater than 3.0 m2 (32 sq ft) up through 6.0 m2 (64 sq ft) in area shall be designed to accommodate differential settlement of 1 linear unit in 200. Where shown on the plans, slip joints to accommodate excessive or differential 60 settlement shall be included. A project that is part of a contract with multiple projects or contracts containing MSE walls shall only use rectangular face panels. 731.03 Design Criteria. The design by the manufacturer shall consider the internal and the external stability of the wall mass including the applied bearing pressure, overturning, sliding, and stability of temporary construction slopes. The design shall be in accordance with the design, construction, and commentary divisions of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, unless specified 70 otherwise herein. The analysis of settlement, bearing capacity, and overall slope stability will be the responsibility of the Engineer. The theoretical failure plane within the soil mass shall be analyzed so that the soil stabilizing component extends sufficiently beyond the failure plane to stabilize the material. External loads which affect the internal stability such as those applied through piling, bridge footings, traffic, and slope surcharge, shall be accounted for in the design. The size of all structural elements shall be determined such that the design load stresses do not exceed the allowable stresses found in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, unless otherwise shown on the plans. 80 The maximum allowable yield stress for reinforcement shall be 450 MPa (65,000 psi). The phi (φ) angle for the internal design of the volume shall be assumed to be 34 degrees. The φ angle of the backfill behind the mechanically stabilized earth mass shall be assumed to be 30 degrees. The wall shall be defined by the wall envelope as shown on the plans. For design purposes, the height of wall H shall be measured from the theoretical top of the 90 leveling pad to the top of the wall. For a level surcharge situation, the top of the wall shall be measured to the top of the coping or to the gutter line of the traffic barrier. The top of the wall shall be the theoretical top of the face panels only when a coping or barrier is not used. For an abutment face, the design height H shall be defined as the height measured from the top of the leveling pad to the top of the roadway surface. For a wall with a sloping surcharge the top of the wall shall be measured at a point 0.3H back from the face where the design height is H and the actual wall height is H. 731-R-202 2 of 15 R 3-01-05 For aesthetic considerations and to make differential settlement unnoticeable, the panels shall be erected such that the horizontal site line is discontinuous at every other 100 panel. This shall be accomplished by starting erection with the lower panel level of each wall by alternating full height and half height panels. Panels above the lowest level shall be of a standard size except as required to top out the wall to be in accordance with the plan elevations. The connections of the ground reinforcing steel to the panels shall be in two elevations for standard panels. The connections shall not be more than 750 mm (30 in.) apart vertically. To prevent out-of-plane rotation, standard face panels shall be connected to ground reinforcement on at least three different points in two different planes. However, preapproved systems utilizing a horizontal stabilizing leg to prevent 110 rotation shall only require ground reinforcement attachments in one plane. Partial panels shall have three different connection points, but only one plane shall be attached to ground reinforcement. Panels, which are located at the top of the wall, shall not be attached to the coping or the traffic barrier. The ground reinforcement shall be the same length from the bottom to the top of each wall section whether bar mats, grids, or strips steel are used. Differing ground reinforcement elements shall be clearly marked for ease of construction. This element may be used individually or in a prefabricated grouping. The minimum length of the ground reinforcement shall be 2.5 m (8 ft) or 0.7H in accordance with the AASHTO 120 Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges for an abutment on a spread footing. The ground reinforcement for the mechanically stabilized earth volume shall be sized using the lesser of the allowable forces for each specific connection and each specific reinforcing element. The connection's allowable force shall be taken as 2/3 of the connection test load at the allowable pullout deformation limit of 13 mm (1/2 in.) or one half of the ultimate load, whichever is less. The ground reinforcement length shall be as required for internal design or as shown on the plans. The length shall exceed the minimum noted as required for design 130 consideration. One hundred percent of the ground reinforcement, which is designed and placed in the reinforced earth volume shall extend to and shall be connected to the face panels. For mats, grids, or strip steel, the minimum zinc coating thickness shall be 610 g/m2 (2 oz/sq ft). Such thickness shall be assumed to be 86:m for purpose of calculation of reduced structural section. The actual applied bearing pressures under the stabilized mass for each reinforcement length shall be clearly indicated on the shop drawings and shall be equal 140 to or less than the maximum allowable soil pressure shown on the plans. Passive pressure in front of the wall mass will be assumed to be zero for design purposes. 731.04 Submittals. The Contractor shall submit one copy of the design computations for approval. If the computations are computer generated, one sample set of hand calculations, for one wall location, shall also be submitted. The Contractor 731-R-202 3 of 15 R 3-01-05 shall submit eight sets of design drawings for approval after the design computations are approved and before beginning wall construction operations. Design computations and design drawings shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer. 150 (a) The design drawings shall include all details, dimensions, quantities and cross-sections necessary to construct the wall and shall include but shall not be limited to the following: 1.
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