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2011-09-26 2011-09-26File Name: B005PY2U8Q | File size: 34.Mb

Terra Harmony : Water (The Akasha Series Book 1) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Water (The Akasha Series Book 1):

122 of 123 people found the following review helpful. Nothing Says 'Eco' Like a Whole Lot of RapeBy Kathryn HoganThe GoodI found the premise of someone being able to control elements really, really cool. It's part of what kept me reading until the end.The initial romance between Micah and Kaitlyn is pretty steamy, and pretty nice. I wanted to find out what happened, and I especially wanted to understand Micah's motivations for screwing it up so badly.A lot of the prose is really lovely, and the descriptions are lucid. For much of the book, I found myself whisked away to the various exotic locales being described.The BadI hoped to see a new perspective or learn something about the eco-movement or environmentalism, given the eco-fiction thing. No such luck. There were short episodes about composting, recycling water, and saving plankton... but they were not what drove the story.Instead, I was constantly confused. It felt like I had missed a page, somewhere, in which everything was actually EXPLAINED - if not to me, then at least to the main character. Kaitlyn gets kidnapped, given magical powers, and is initiated into a secret organization without anyone ever sitting her down and saying exactly what it is they want from her, what it is this organization does, what it's rules are, etc. Because of that, there are multiple misunderstandings, without which (conveniently for the author) the plot would not exist.There was a whole lot of rape. This could have been an interesting opportunity to talk about rape... and perhaps in the sequel, that will be explored. As it stands, I was CRINGING for about 1/6 of the book. I mean, there was a lot of extreme detail, very disturbing psychological games, etc. I didn't expect to be reading a psychological horror when I picked up an "eco-fiction".The characters were confusing, and poorly developed. I didn't know how old anyone was, for example. Without the big plot holes that kept the story going, the characters may have been able to get along, and there may not have BEEN a plot.The one exception was the crazy bad guy character. He was cliched, but at least I knew where he was coming from.He threatens and attacks Kaitlyn right from the start, but for some reason, no one takes his violence seriously. In fact, he is protected by his community. He also sexually harasses the only other female character NON-STOP, and the other characters all laugh it off. Haha! Boys will be boys! That is, of course, until he makes good on his threats, kidnaps Kaitlyn, and rapes for her like a million pages in excruciating detail.Kaitlyn was a disappointing protagonist. She made a lot of jokes all the time, indicating that the author has a great sense of humour. But that was Kaitlyn's only personality trait, other than making a mess out of things because she doesn't have enough information because of gaping plot holes. She landed herself in all sorts of sticky situations, and is saved every time by Micah.Overall, this was a disappointing read.58 of 59 people found the following review helpful. Truly Bad, Bad, BadBy E A PhillipsSupernatural Eco-warriors: we'll clean up the oceans then we'll rape and murder you.Set aside the convoluted, confused and ultimately pointless plot. Forget the flat dialog and two-dimensional characters (not one of which had any redeeming qualities - including the heroine). If you can find enough entertainment value to make it through the first two hundred pages of sludge (only sheer curiosity of 'how bad can it get?' kept me going), you are rewarded for your perseverance with a plot twist that leads to the most graphic, brutal and gratuitous rape scenes it has ever been my misfortune to read.You better have a willingness to suspend all critical thought and a strong stomach to get through this one but I would suggest that you just don't even bother.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. WaterBy AngieI was pretty excited to read Water. I really like elementals and this story had an environmental twist. However, it's completely horrible and when it's not horrible, it's boring and frustrating. When it starts Kaitlyn gets hit by an avalanche. She fully expects to die, but then she wakes up. She has no clue where she is, but she's told that she's a Gaia and must join the Seven to save with her abilities. Obviously Kaitlyn has no idea how to use her abilities so that's most of what this is about. Kind of.Water is one of those tales where the main character has no idea that they're special, even though weird things have been happening to them. Then someone finds them, essentially kidnaps them, and says they'll now get training to save the world from doom. That's all fine, but I absolutely hate the whole "You need to learn to control your power, so I'm going to train you even though I can't tell you how to control your power. Instead I'm just going to attempt to kill you and or rape you and hope that makes you gain control" type plot. It doesn't make any sense! And yes, the (possible) love interest does attempt to rape Kaitlyn to get her powers to jump start, because that is obviously what needs to happen. I don't think so.Then another guy does rape Kaitlyn because....I don't know actually. Possibly just to establish him as the bad guy, because he ends up being the bad guy. It was really, really, really unnecessary and that was the point I dropped off another star. Before then, it had just been painfully boring. Every time they were discussing an environmental issue, I'd perk up, expecting them to use their elemental abilities to fix things. They just keep talking and maybe move stuff around. That's telekinesis rather than elemental power though, soooo? I don't know.Water was just not good at all. There's a great idea here, but nothing goes anywhere. Why do these special people get together to save the planet if they're not actually going to do anything except be misogynistic jerks and rapists? I really don't understand.

Elemental powers in the palm of her handhellip;and it won't be enough to save her. When Kaitlyn Alder is involuntarily introduced to a life of magic, she becomes part of an organization hell-bent on saving the Earth. Her newfound life holds promises of purpose, romance, and friendship, but the organization divides and a rogue member holds Kaitlyn hostage. Now one of the most terrifying men the human race has to offer stands between her and Earth's survival.This novel contains sexual situations, some non-consensual, and is for mature readers only.

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