Armantrout Wins Pulitzer
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TAYLOR WEARS SHORT SKIRTS, THEY WEAR T-SHIRTS. PAGE 9 VOLUME XLII, ISSUE XLVII MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2010 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG 4(205.;/,*<; &R2SVWR ;90;65-66;)(33:;<+,5;:(+405/09,*65:<3;(5; 1HJRWLDWH Minority /RZHU5HQW Admit A potential pay-as-you- can policy would allow Rate Up 7 the student co-ops a chance to get back on their feet. Percent By Sarah Smith University attributes Senior Staff Writer increase in minority The student-run co-operatives at applications to bolstered UCSD have begun redrafting their rent agreement with the university outreach programs. in hopes of reducing their monthly payments to a more sustainable level. By Ayelet Bitton Representatives from the co-ops Associate News Editor — including the Che Cafe Collective, the UCSD Food Co-operative, Football consultant The number of students admit- Groundwork Books and the UCSD ted from underrepresented races General Store Co-operative — hired despite incoming to UCSD for Fall Quarter 2010 recently decided to request that they A.S. president’s desire increased dramatically since last no longer be required to pay rent for year, according to statistics released their on-campus spaces. to table the team. by the UC Office of Though they said that this is still the President last ADMITTED the ultimate goal of negotiations with .S. President Utsav Gupta week. The admis- the administration, the focus of their has recruited university sions office accept- officials to pitch in for a ed 16.6 percent — 381 April 16 meeting with Director of A AFRICAN- consultant to evaluate moving or 3,041 — more University Centers Paul Terzino, A.S. AMERICANS President Utsav Gupta and Graduate sports teams to Division-I and the black, Hispanic Student Association President Alex possibility of starting a football team and American- James shifted instead to simply low- at UCSD. Indian students out 1,937 of the total admit ering their rent. Together, Gupta — along with MEXICAN- All those present at the meeting Chancellor Marye Anne Fox, Vice pool, a 6.9-percent AMERICANS agreed it was time to redraft the rent Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny increase from last contract between the co-ops and the Rue and Director of Athletics Earl fall. 615 university. Edwards — hired consultant Carl It was also a Co-op representatives also McAloose from Athletics Staffing record year for LATINO- AMERICANS requested that their Master Space and Consulting — a company that overall applications Agreement be reworded to define specializes in advising universities and admits: 48,073 them as student organizations rather on the development of their athletics students applied, 108 than businesses. This request, they programs. compared to last AMERICAN- said, is in response to financial hard- McAloose will begin work this year’s 47, 708, and INDIANS ship the co-ops fell into following a quarter analyzing the university’s the total number of remodeling of the Student Center budget and determining if either D-I students admitted UARDIAN or football is feasible. If so, he will G increased by 3.7 percent, or 655 stu- and the opening of Price Center. / then estimate how much it would dents. The overall admissions rate was James said the co-ops believe their HIE current rental rates are negatively cost to implement either plan. R 36.8 percent, down from 38 percent in 2009. A total of 18,334 students were FOOTBALL HILIP See CO-OPSCO-OPS page 7 See page 2 P admitted. There was a rise in the num- ber of minority applicants this year, <5*64465-632<5*64465-632 but Associate Vice Chancellor of Admissions Mae Brown said she attributes the higher admit rate to the university’s augmented publicity and outreach efforts. )ZUIV\ZW]\?QV[8]TQ\bMZ “We experienced an increase in applications during the November #Z/FEB4BMBNBUt4FOJPS4UBGG8SJUFS#Z/F is typical of Armantrout’s work: cognitive, com- pressed and acute. Armantrout wrote the latter part filing period, which included under- n case you failed to notice the giant after being diagnosed with adrenal cortical cancer represented students,” Brown said in three-quarter ad page dedicated to lit- — or cancer of the adrenal gland — in June 2006. an e-mail. “We visited high schools, erature professor Rae Armantrout on Sixty-three-year-old Armantrout said she was participated in college fairs and I used technology to extend our reach page six, hear it now: She’s become quite the surprised to hear she’d won a Pulitzer — especially celebrity. on the day before her April 13 birthday. throughout the fall recruitment peri- Just last week, the San Diego native was “So far, it is amazingly exciting,” Armantrout od. We are very excited about our awarded the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, said. “It’s really not something I expected. Of increase in applications.” along with $10,000. The honor was a grand course, I thought about winning things, but the A.S. Campuswide Senator and finale to the heap of praise she has received Pulitzer was not one of them — that was just like a Black Student Union board member for “Versed,” her tenth volume of poetry, bolt from the blue.” Desiree Prevo said the BSU has made ppublished in 2009. It also received the 2009 Since her win, Armantrout has been flooded with recruitment community outreach a NNationalat Book Critics Circle Award, and was a congratulations and media attention, including a priority. This year, the BSU sent out a finafinalistl for the 2009 National Book Award. front-page feature in the San Diego Union-Tribune. “Black Book” to black admits detailing Divided into two parts — “Versed” and cultural outlets on and off campus. “Dark Matter” — the 87-poem assortment See ARMANTROUTpage 8 See ADMISSIONSpage 7 >,)7633:762,5:762,5 -69,*(:; :<590:, 50./;>(;*/50./;>(;*/ :<9-9,769;:<9-9,769; .(:7,9.(3365 05:0+, LOW SHOULD PROFESSOR MONDAY TUESDAY *VTPJZ DOMINGUEZ BE PUNISHED 6:12 A.M. Height: 4 ft. Height: 4 ft. $2.92 3PNO[ZHUK:PYLUZ FOR HIS VIRTUAL SIT-IN? MONDAY TUESDAY Wind: 3-5 mph Wind: 4-6 mph Quick Trip, El Cajon H 66 L 53 H 64 L 51 MONDAYTHURSDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY Water Temp: 64 F Water Temp: 64 F 596 N Mollison Ave. & I-8 )LOPUK[OL*V\U[LY √ Yes :<5:,; HIGH 3L[[LYZ[V[OL,KP[VY √ No WEDNESDAY THURSDAY :P[L:LLU √ I don’t know Height: 4-9 ft. Height: 8-12 ft. $3.89 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Wind: 10-12 mph Wind: 6-17 mph 76, Point Loma *SHZZPÄLKZ WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG H 58 L 49 H 60 L 50 7:23 P.M. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Water Temp: 64 F Water Temp: 64 F 1704 Rosecrans St. & Nimitz Blvd. :\KVR\ 2 THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2010 NEWS TWO COKES SHORT By Sam Pelle :PTVUL>PSZVU Editor in Chief (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Managing Editors 9LaH-HYHaTHUK /H`SL`)PZJLNSPH4HY[PU News Editors (UNLSH*OLU (`LSL[)P[[VU Associate News Editors 9LNPUH0W ;YL]VY*V_ Opinion Editor *OLY`S/VYP Associate Opinion Editor =PZOHS5H[HYHQHU Sports Editor 4H[[*YVZRL` Associate Sports Editors 3PHT9VZL ,K^PU.VUaHSLa Focus Editor (WYPSSL4\ZJHYH Associate Focus Editors 5LKH:HSHTH[ 1LUUH)YVNHU Hiatus Editor 4H[[OL^7LJV[ Associate Hiatus Editors AS PER USUAL By Dami Lee (YPLSSL:HSSHP :TY\[P(YH]PUK Copy Editors 2LSZL`4HYY\QV ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor 1VOU/HUHJLR Associate Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editors 7OPSPW9OPL :HYP;OH`LY Web Editor 4HYPH:VRVSV] Training and Development Page Layout 4LSVK`*OLYU;YL]VY*V_9LaH-HYHaTHUK,TPS`2\ )PUO5NV5HVTP:OPMMTHU:PTVUL>PSZVU Copy Readers (T`.\aKHY4VUPJH/HPKLY1VUH[OHU2PT 4HYPH:VRVSV]5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ Editorial Assistants *VUUPL8PHUAVL:VWOVZ Web Designers );+W]VKQT8IZ\VMZ[?Q\P=VQ^MZ[Q\a7NNQKQIT[\W8IaNWZ.WW\JITT+WV[]T\IV\ 1HRL:JOULPKLY1LUU`;>HUN ▶ FOOTBALL, from page 1 ing one-fourth of the total costs,” regarding the feasibility of making a However, she said she would not 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager The $28,000 McAloose is charg- (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director Gupta said. “It is an unprecedented move from Division-II to Division-I support the creation of a football team, 9VI*VYLH Marketing Team Leader ing for his services will be split evenly level of partnership.” athletics and the optimal mix of even if the consultant determined the ,]HU*VVR Network Administrator among A.S. Council, the chancellor’s Chancellor Fox said she was will- sports, based on the size, resources idea was financially feasible. Student Marketing and Events @LSLUH(RVWPHU+HYH)\2PYI`2VV fund, the vice chancellor ing to help pay for the and fundraising capabilities of the “I am against forming the foot- :OHUUVU>PU[LY:OH^U?\ of student affair’s fund consultant in order to university,” Fox said. “The consul- ball team right now, because I don’t Business Assistant and the athletics depart- explore all options on tant’s findings will inform decision ;PMMHU`/HU CONSULTANT Advertising Design and Layout ment, according to Gupta. the table for the athletics about any future steps.” See page 7 )YHUKVU*O\,]HU*VVR2PT*VVWLY “We are getting a department. The $7,000 cost paid by the A.S. Distributors I am against (SHYPJ)LYT\KLa:HS.HSSHNVZ:JV[[/H]YPZPR good deal with this con- “Intercollegiate ath- Council will be taken from enterprise ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ W\ISPZOLK 4VUKH`Z HUK sultant,” Gupta said “We forming the letics are an important income: money generated by council- ;O\YZKH`ZK\YPUN[OLHJHKLTPJ`LHYI`<*:+Z[\KLU[Z CORRECTION HUK MVY [OL <*:+ JVTT\UP[` 9LWYVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ have debated the issue “football team part of the college expe- owned businesses, such as A.S.