Stella Amanda Gunadarma University Jl. Margonda Raya 100 [email protected]

ABSTRACT strategy is one of the aspects that a translator should master in order to produce an acceptable and a natural translation. This research discusses the translation strategies in translating terms in English version of Twitter into its Indonesian version. The aims of the research are to find out kinds of translation strategy that the translator uses and to find out the most dominant type of translation strategy. This research is analyzed by using theory of translation strategy by Chesterman and any other relevant theories. The result showed that the translation strategies found in terms in English version of Twitter and its translation are literal, calque, loan, paraphrase, naturalization, and unit shift. The most dominant strategy is with 33 data and its precentage are 44 percent.

Keywords: Translation, Strategy, Terms


1.1 Background of The Study connect or interact with people Internet helps people in co- around the world. mmunication. People nowadays can Not all internet users espe- communicate with other from all cially Twitter users can speak around the world only by a single English. Therefore, in accordance click. Social networking websites with the global usage of Twitter, have created new ways to socialize Twitter Company announced Tweet and interact. It is possible to Translation Center in February find existing acquaintances, to 2011. Twitter has been translated allow communication among existing into 48 languages including Bahasa groups of people. Twitter is one of Indonesia. Language selection helps the popular social networking web- Indonesian users to keep using sites. Twitter was created in March Twitter. Indonesian users, who 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, cannot speak English, will not face Biz Stone and Noah Glass and by problems using Twitter since the July 2006 the site was launched. terms in Twitter are translated Anyone can sign up for Twitter and into Indonesian.

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Translating terms used in Twi- procedures and determining the tter is not easy since the trans- translation quality of Sony Erics- lators need to pay attention many son Live with Walkman Startup aspects so that the terms in Guide. He used translation proce- Twitter is clear in Indonesian as dures proposed by Newmark and Vinay the target language, not to make & Darbelnet in order to support his the terms even more confusing. research. Siregar’s (2016) research Chesterman (2000) stated that deals with the investigation of translators are, after all, people translation procedures used in the who specialize in solving parti- process of translation of an Eng- cular kinds of communication pro- lish motivational book into Indo- blems. It is not always possible to nesian. Vinay and Darbelnet’s the- translate from the source language ory of translation procedure is into the equivalent from the target used in these research. language. Translation strategy is often used by translator in order 1.5 Position of The Study to assure the translation. Accor- The researcher used Chester- ding to Chesterman (2000) stated man’s strategies to analyze the that translation strategies help terms used in Twitter, both English translator not to achieve equi- and Indonesian version, as the valence, but simply to arrive at theory is simple and easy to under- the best version they can think of, stand. Translation strategies were what they regard as the optimal classified into three strategies: translation. syntactic, semantic and pragmatic strategy. Each strategy covers sub- 1.2 Problem Formulation strategies, with total of 38 Based on the research back- strategies. ground, the writer formulates the problem of the study are what kinds 1.6 Significance of The Study of translation strategies that used The researcher chooses this by translator in Twitter terms- research in order to enhance her English and Indonesian version? knowledge in the field of trans- lation especially in translation 1.3 Objective of the Research strategy. The objectives of the study are to find out the kinds of 2. LITERATURE REVIEW translation strategies that used by translator in Twitter terms-English and Indonesian 2.1 Definition of Translation version. In A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Catford (1965:1) sta- 1.4 Previous Research ted that translation is a process Several related researches ha- of substituting a text in one ve been conducted such as by language for a text in another Listiani (2010) whose research used language. Furthermore, he defined another social networking websites. that translation is the replacement Her research focused on analyzing of textual material in source lang- strategies found in the terms used uage by equivalent textual material in Bahasa Indonesia Version of in target language. Facebook Social Networking Website Translation in general is a which is translated from the Eng- process of transferring meaning of lish Versions. She used Vinay and a text from one language to ano- Darbelnet’s theory of translation ther. Wilss (1982: 3) stated that procedures to analyze the data. “translation is a transfer process Satriadi (2014) conducted a which aims at the transformation of research analyzing the translation a written source language (SL) into

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an optimally equivalent target 2. Amplification language (TL). Brislin (1976: 1) Amplification is the technique “translation is a general term re- of introducing the details that are ferring to the transfer of thoughts not formulated in the SL: infor- and ideas from one language to mation, explicative paraphrasing. another, whether the language is in 3. Borrowing written or oral form. Nida and Borrowing technique is imple- Taber (1948:83) stated in his book mented by taking a or ex- The Theory and Practice of Trans- pression straight from another lation, “translation consists of language. reproducing in the receptor lang- 4. Calque uage the closest natural equivalent Literal translation of a fo- of the source language message, reign word or phrase; it can be first in terms of meaning and lexical or structural. secondly in terms of style.” 5. Compensation The technique of making up for 2.2 Types of Translation the translation loss of important There three types of trans- SL features by approximating their lation stated by Roman Jacobson effects in the TL through means (1959): other than those used in SL (Hervey a. Intralingual translation or re- and Higgins 1992:248). wording is a translation within 6. Description the same language, which can This technique replace a term involve rewording or paraphrase, or expression with a description of b. Interlingual translation or its form or/and function in the SL translation proper is an message to make it clear in the interpretation of verbal signs target text. by means of some other language 7. Discursive Creation or in the other trans- This technique is implemented lation from one language to ano- by finding a temporary equivalence ther, that is totally unpredictable out c. Intersemiotic translation or of context. It’s usually used in transmutation is a translation the tittle of novel, drama or film. of the verbal sign by a non- 8. Established Equivalence verbal sign,for example music or This technique is also known image. as recognized translation / accep- In this research, a novel en- ted standard translation (Newmark, titled Jane Eyre that has been 1988) or “terjemahan resmi” (Hoed, translated from English into Indo- 2006; Suryawinata & Hariyanto, nesian becomes the research object. 2003). The implementation is by It means the type of translation using common term which has been used in this research is inter- stated in the dictionary or it has lingual translation. been used in the society. 9. Generalization 2.3 Translation Techniques Generalization technique is There are at least 18 techni- applied by using a more general or ques that applied to solve the neutral term. translation problems from Molina 10. Amplification and Albir (2002): It is the technique of trans- 1. Adaptation lation process to add the lingu- This technique replaces the istic elements in the TL. cultural element of the source 11. Linguistics Compression language (SL) with one of the ele- It is the technique of trans- ment in the target language which lation to synthesize linguistics is similar. elements in the TL. It is in oppo- sition to linguistic amplification.

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12. Literal Translation the SL item at one linguistic level Literal translation is to (grammar) has at a different level translate a word or an expression (e.g lexis). Category shifts in- word for word. E.g : book transla- volve structure, class, unit and ted as buku in Indonesian. intra system shifts.

13. Modulation 1. Level Shift This technique is implemented Shift of level is when a by changing the point of view, source language item at one lingu- focus or cognitive category in re- istic level has a target language lation to the SL; it can be lexical translation equivalent at a differ- or structural. E.g : you are going rent level. Catford (1965) said ca- to have a child, instead of, you ses of shifts from grammar to lexis are going to be a father. First are quite frequent in translation phrase focuses on the child, second between languages. sen-tence focuses on the father. 14. Particularization 2. Category Shift This technique is applied by Category shifts refer to un- using a more precise or concrete bounded and rank-bounded trans- term in the translated text. lation. The first being approxi- 15. Reduction mately normal or free translation A technique in the process of in which source language and target translation to suppress an SL in- language equivalents are up at formation in the TL. whatever rank is appropriate. It is 16. Substitution clear that category shift is un- The implementation of a trans- bounded, which might be normal of lation that bears little or no free translation, depends on what morphological resemblance or seman- rank is appropriate. It includes tic relation to the SL. e.g: to structure shifts, class shifts, translate the Arab gesture of putt- unit shifts, and intra-system ing your hand on your heart as shifts. Thank you. It is used above all in interpreting. 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 17. Transposition Transposition technique is implemented by changing a gramma- 3.1 Research Design tical category. (Note: some people This research used descriptive might consider this a case of esta- qualitative method. In this re- blished equivalence) search, the data collected are in 18. Variation the form of words and phrase, which To change linguistic or para- are not in the form of number. linguistic elements (intonation, Although some statistical ways are gestures) that affect aspects of used in this study, most of the da- linguistic variation: changes of ta are presented in words. textual tone, style, social dia- lect, geographical dialect, etc., 3.2 Source of The Data e.g., to introduce or change dia- In this research, the re- lectal indicators for characters searcher collects 75 data. The co- when translating for the theatre, llected data are taken from the changes in tone when adapting no- terms used in Twitter Website vels for children, etc. ( both in Indo- nesian version and English version. 2.4 Translation Shifts

Catford classified two kinds 3.3 Research Procedure of shifts, namely level shifts and The procedure of this study category shifts. Level shift where will be as follows:

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1. Examining both English and Indo- No English Indonesian nesian version of Twitter and 21 Apps Aplikasi 22 Jobs Karier marking the terms used in both 23 Advertise Beriklan version. 24 Business Bisnis 2. Analyzing all the data to find 25 Media Media out the strategies used by the 26 Account Akun 27 Password Kata sandi translator to translate the 28 Cards and Kartu dan source text into the target text shipping pengiriman by using Chesterman’s theory of 29 Order history Riwayat pemesanan translation strategy and with 30 Mobile Ponsel any other relevant theories, such as Duff’s theory of prin- 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ciple of translation, Larson, etc. From 75 data collected, the 3. Applying the following formula researcher found 7 kinds of trans- to find out the most dominant lation strategies and used in type of translation strategies translating terms from English ver- found in the terms used in Indo- sion of Twitter website to Indo- nesian version of Twitter web- nesian version. The translator em- site which is translated from ployed literal translation strategy the English version: in 33 collected data, calque

� strategy in 17 collected data, loan ×100% = � strategy in 9 collected data, para- � phrase strategy in 3 collected da- where: ta, naturalization in 2 collected data, and unit shift in 2 collected X = number of data in specified type of translation stra- data. Furthermore, the researcher tegy found that the translator employed Y = total number of data 2 strategies in each datum, and N = percentage of each type of there are 9 data. The most dominant strategy by found is literal trans- translation strategy in the data lation with its percentage 44%. 3.4 Data Collection From the 75 analyzed data, below The researcher chooses 75 da- is a few of them: ta, but in the Table 1 below is A. Literal Translation: just a few of them: ST TT

Following Mengikuti Table 1. Data collection in this research No English Indonesian 1 Home Beranda Analysis: 2 Notification Notifikasi The word Following in the 3 Messages Pesan source text is a and is trans- 4 Discover Temukan 5 Tweets Tweet lated literally into Mengikuti 6 Following Mengikuti which is a verb in the target text. 7 Followers Pengikut According to KBBI (2008), meng- 8 View profile Lihat profil refers to prefiks pembentuk verba. 9 Lists Daftar 10 Help Bantuan 11 Settings Pengaturan ST TT 12 Log out Keluar Followers Pengikut 13 About Tentang 14 Terms Persyaratan Analysis: 15 Privacy Privasi 16 Username Nama Pengguna According to Kamus Inggris 17 Time Zone Zona Waktu Indonesia by Echols and Shadily 18 Brand Merek (2010), Follower means 1) pengikut; 19 Blog Blog 2) penyokong. The word Followers in 20 Status Status

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the source text is a and is translated literally into Pengikut Analysis: in the target text, which is also a According to Kamus Inggris noun. Indonesia by Echols and Shadily (2010) Home means 1) rumah; 2) tem- B. Calque: pat diam; 3) kampung halaman, but ST TT then Home in the source text is Notifications Notifikasi translated into Beranda in the tar- get text in order to make the

translation sounds natural, because Analysis: if it was translated into Rumah, The word Notifications in the Tempat Diam, or Kampung Halaman it source text is translated by adap- would not be natural since it has ting and changing it into Notifi- nothing to do with networking kasi in the target text. One of the terms. examples of the adaptation of Eng- lish suffix to Indonesian Suffix F. Unit Shift: according to Pedoman Umum Ejaan Ba- ST TT hasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan (1997) is -(a)tion,… menjadi –asi, Username Nama pengguna -si. According to Chesterman (2000) calque refers to a deliberate choi- Analysis: ce, not the unconscious influence Username in the source text is of undesired interference. translated into Nama pengguna which is a noun phrase in the target C. Loan: language. Thus, there is a shift ST TT from a word to a phrase. Blog Blog G. Two Strategies: Analysis: ST TT The English term Blog has no Time Zone Zona Waktu equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia. Hence, it is retained as Blog in Analysis; Indonesian. The translator uses lo- The translator used two an strategy. strategies: literal and calque strategy. The word Time…in the sou- D. Paraphrase: rce text is a noun and is transla- ST TT ted literally into …waktu in the Sign out Keluar target text, which is also a noun. While The word …Zone in the source Analysis: text is translated by adapting and According to Oxford Advanced changing it into Zona… in the Learner’s Dictionary (2003), Sign target text. out is a phrasal verb which means to write your/somebody’s name when you leave an office. According to 5. Conclusion and Suggestion Duff (1990), English phrasal verb belongs to idiomatic expression. In After analyzing the transla- the source text, Sign out is a tion strategy in TwitterTerms, some phrasal verb and is translated into conclusions are drawn as the fo- a non idiomatic expression in Indo- llowing: nesian into Keluar. 1. Based on the data, some kinds of the translation techniques of 18 E. Naturalization: techniques has done by the ST TT translator in the Twitter Terms- Home Beranda English and Indonesian version,

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they are: literal translation Duff, A. (1990), Translation, and calque. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 2. The translator use loan stra- Echlols, J.M. and Shadily, H. tegy, paraphrase, naturalizeti- (2003), Kamus Inggris Indonesia, on, and two strategies to trans- Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka lated some of Twitter terms. Utama. 3. There is a translation shift, Hornby, A.S. (2003), Oxford i.e. unit shift, from a word to Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, a phrase in translation of Twi- Oxford: Oxford University Press. tter term username-nama penggu- Listiani N.M.A. (2010), An Analysis na. of Translation Procedures of the The researcher would like to Terms Used in English Version of suggest for having further discu- “Facebook” Social Networking ssion about other social media Website into Its Bahasa terms, such as Instagram, etc and Indonesia Version, Udayana compare the results to other pre- University: Published Master vious research, for example Face- Degree Thesis. book. That would expected to give R.S. (2016), Translation Procedures generalization to analyzed the Analysis: English-Indonesian translation strategy in social Motivational Book, IOSR Journal media. Of Humanities And Social Science, 21(5): 51-57. 6. REFERENCES Satriadi, N.P. (2014), An Analysis Of Translating Procedures On Sony Ericsson Live With Walkman Chesterman, A. (2000), Memes of Series Startup Guide, Journal of Translation: The Spread of Ideas English and Education: 39-48. in Translation Theory, Anonymous. (2011), Kamus Besar Amsterdam: John Benjamins Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Publishing Co. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

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