'*"'11'((1 Cffr 'l1~:aIOI~1 1991 CENSUS OF 1991

~@HI21 SERIES 21


~ XII- en am-lY PART XII- A & B

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3ii.f1F 2~,1994 FOREWORD

Populatlon Census provides data-base for economic and social ptannlnQ to planners and administrators at all levels. The village and town-wise Census data compiled and processed by the Directorate of Census Operations. Rajasthan are being published in the form of District CensuS Handbook for each district separately, which, I am sure, Will be found l1uite useful. informative and Interesting by the planners and administrators as well as academicians and research scholars.

Each District Census Handbook comprises two parts. Part-A of the book provides information on the amenities available In each village/town and Part-B gives the Primary Census Abstract at village level in the case of rural areas and at ward/town level in the case of urba n areas. Primary Census Abstract is an important table which gives number of households, population, literates, population of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, main workers cross classified by nine Industrial categories of workers, marginal workers and non-workers by sex at viliage/town/ panchayat samiti/tehsll and district level.

Dr. V.S. Sisodia, Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan and his colleagues who have compiled the voluminous data and completed these comprehensive volumes In a rEasonable time deserve to be congratulated. for the accuracy of the work and timely publication.

M.L. MEHTA Chief Secretary October 2, 1994 ~Bl 'i1"1110111~3#CfiT~ 1951 Cfft 'i1"11101'11~~~'qfcni:rrTf1.l1 ~I~~~ ~(jCfi~~ 'i1"11101"11~ I 'l1 ~~~tmn~il1m~it gf«1ChI~~qft'llTm~ Im«RCfiT"lfQ~~~%"'i1T~~~1 ~ W1:f an ~ CfiT am it 'i1"1 1101'11 ~ ~ ~ M ~ % 1~ ~ omIT if; -m~-m~~..ffif f;rffi ~ ~ mt! 3Th -m q;r ~ ~ 'i1"1*1iF&Ffi'i ~ *1 ill if-ll Ch-:mf$t; ~aii q~ ~ lj{(tcI'lu\ ~ ~'l:.TIaii c8 ~ if; qft it ~/ ~ 1nl(f itill % I ~]¢fiR, ~-f.n:rfillaii, ~, fua.-nfcrcff am Wt~aii il1 ~ "lfQ ~ ~ ~ ft:R;: ~JTI % I

31R'I1 it m ,51111 0 1'11 ~m it 'iI"lfi@:l1 ~ ~ it ~ lj~f'lL[U\ 'i1"11101'11~, 31lf$t 3lh: *1lljlf~Ch fliqlfdCh ~ -3itt m~it~~~1lTl1 amm (cni-crrO cnrm~ 'i1"11101'"11"flRQT~~~ ~ 11961 Chl 'i1"1 1101'11 ~l:f.(:;:ffir>rCfi"TfuGfur;rr 'i1"1 l loMI ~0TI'#~Cfir~ttT, \Hlfflf1Ch fliflYFhl, ;J1'1lI ol"1l ~ ~>IT~ 'i1'i'10!"1I'~Tn1mr1JTl1 ~';flR F1~F~ICfllti, *1 Fc:q F«1 <:1 oit~ ~ 11971 C!ft \11"1 1101'11 ~~"f[.qr~ 3th:~~ !$ifit~ \1I"11101'11~:if~~ WT~f~;ipTill WT-CfiillJTl1 dn: 1Tn: f;l~f!(ICflI~ q~ 'IWF& it 1)Tq' am ~ m~ \11'1 1101'11 'ffil: mwr M rmr I Sl~!I{if1ifl flif&!lCfll ~ fu"ffi 'i1"1'10111 ~ -m flf"lF«1\1 ~ ~ m 'i1'i110 1"11 ~ CfiT WT-lT .qr ~ fcfim ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffil1lit if; ~ it 3W-W:rCfi wit ';jjf.f if; CflITUT Ofl{ ~~ W1:f ~ if ~ ~ ~ M ~"ffCfiT 11981 it 1JTI1 ~ ~ f1~f~l:hl if; 'tfif#if CfiT ~ ~ ~ ~ m~-m~ fJK;n Sl"llj0111 ~aii if ~ 1i FC4i)Q\1IQ ~fr nFOOfF«1\'1 Cfft ~ 11981 cn1 'i1"1 110111 ~ ~ ~ ~ m %~~ if ~ wTi it ~ MTf1.l11 WT-Cfi'ifmt! 3fu:~ f1~f!(ICflI QBf"lf<1\i m~ WT-'&it~~~(fcfiif; ~'\11'l'fu/~~m~ 'iI"1l1ol'iI~~1J11=lT ~m (ent-em:) Cfi'Tm?Tfi:rcf; 'JI'i1101'i1~ BflOl4f<1<:1 ~ l~t~~,*njt~~'it1'n1.qr~~.n3TI e8 m11 f1~R!I,*,1 it 1% m~ Rm IT'W]' it ~ ~ "1"I'R: ~Taif if ~ rpft ornft if> mt il fcrmur -IV ct~.r CfiW-IT 'TflIT mfc!;' ~ - f.l't1tm 1Rft qfup:jT if ~ ~ ~ ~~~.mt>re:RctB~m~Wm: ~ ~ 1~fcfcRuT'# err[ I 3fuerr[ II ~ Cfi1l'Rft~ ~~ 3th: ~~'m3TI '$ ~ ~TJ1Z I ~ 31ffiCIT, ~~ ~ ~ -iI'l'i1lfd4i Cfft 'i11ti&11 o~~ maro=rr ct~~/ ~ ~qft if~: fcrc:RuT Ivw~vif~-~~.qr~TPlTI '

1991 CfiT 'i1"1'101"l1Cfi1~'JI;PI01'iI:rft:('ffl)Tdti!;'SH:8}f)Ch{OICfiT~~crtt%"'i1T 1981 it ~lT ~ if ~ 'ffi:c«f.rFct~ Tf11: ~ 1~ C!i1l1 ~ mBf CfiT;j1.#:rr:IT if ~ qlnCh{ol 'Rm lTm % ~ 1981 Cfft 'JI"1 I I01'i1 it'T.1'R ~ if ~ qJITCfl{O! 'fu:m TPIT 9;r]' I ~ 3WfTCn, m~ "'I"IlllJ1"11 w if 0 63Wl~Chl~fTi1T-cm:~tft~om:flrc:qf(1ct

1991 ~ 'J1 "1 11 01'11 CfiT~ 3w:i\i' !j6("ClqO[ "'f['\1'~t fcf;mq f1~fi?ICflI -3TI\ >rT~ 'JI"1ljol"1l-mrif Q{P1{IIJ\i ~,~f13frm 9-TA­ ~ 'n: ~ if>~ ~ ~ en: ~ ~ m-rn: ~ ~~. ~ l:mm %fcfiml1 f1~f~ICflI 3ffi m~ 'i11'l ol1lrw -q~'ffil:l'ftni'n:'1TI~i!;'~'B

~ ~ ~ ~ 3itt 1li"i IIU111 r-fTro;:r qjl ~ wm1 t I W)f~ iI=i ~ ctt i?fTTf(i ~ mc!iR ~ ~ ctt t 3ffi ~ ~ ~'-fiT 3i'n:it~ ~'~, ~ fflB(fC:i~I,~, \Jj;:I'I OI1I ~~~~i{~ 3itt~fffif'f~it~~ l~~ "hl ~, ~ ;3fu ~ 'Chl 'Chlf'l1T7T i{ ~an ctt 7Tt'l

~rM~ 'iffi1 it;- '""' !w f~ ""? I( PREFACE

ublication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is continuing since P then with sOfTIe innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Govt.lUnion Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economlc characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators. academicians and researchers.

The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain. important census tables on population. economic and socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the distnct, administrative statistics. census tables and Village and Town Directories including PCA. Afterthe 1971 Census. two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third Part-C of the District Census Handbooks comprising administrative statistics and district census tables, which was also to be brought out, could not be published in many States/UTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant materiAl. In 1981. some new features Alongwlth the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Censl:Js. While Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA upto tehsil/town level were provided In Part-B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub·centres and comm unity health workers in the village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Tow.n Directories also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme, a Statement IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In thiS statement details on civic and other amenities wp.re reported tor the slums of Class I'and Class II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population and another on adult literacy classes/ centres were added in Statements IV and V respectively.

The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census is by and la';ge the same as followed In 1981. However, the format of PCA has been resrtuctured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. Nine-fold Industrial claSSification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this. the sex ';\lIse population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the first time With a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age 'lAve been treated as Illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modificatIOns Will help the planners IS chalking out more effective developmenta! programmes. One of the most Important Innovations In ttle 1991 Census IS the Panchayat Samitl level presentation of data In the Village Directory and PCA Instead of the traditional Tehsll/Taluk/Pollce Station level presentation. It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory and peA data at Panchayat Samltllevel Will help the planners In formu\atlon of miera-level developmental plans. as the Panchayat Samlti IS the lowest administrative unit for development planning In Rajasthan.

In order to facilitate the task at admlfllstrators. planners and researchers intending to use Village Directory/PCA ,lata, either from the magnetic tapes/floPPies or from the published records, both the computer and manual codes for A(lch village ha~e been prOVided ior the 1991 Census alongwlth the corresponding codes of 198i.

TillS publication IS a JOint venture of the State Govt. and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected ,md compiled under the direction of Dr. V.S. Sisodia, Director of Census OperatIOns. Rajasthan on behalf of the State Governmen~whlch has borne the cost of pnnting. The task of planning, designing and coordination at the publication WflS Initiated by Dr K.P Ittaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shn M M, Dua. JOint Director. r or the s

I i-irn thankful to all those who have contnbuted to thiS prOject


: ,1,[ 11, 19q2 REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA "'1 10111 it ~ ~ c8 ~ Cfif.; if ~ ~ mill ~ ~ ~ ~ morn it 1Jfu 3TI~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1!!i. ~. ~, ' 1f9!l~, ~ cf, 6lt ~ ~ ~ "'1'I'J111 ~ m~!:TliT it 1 ~ w:r;q-Bli

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We are deeply indebted to the State Government for their prompt help to us at all stages of Census Operations. We are beholden to Shri M.L. Mehta. Chief Secretary, Rajasthan for his unstinted support and continued encouragement to us at all stages of work as also for having consented to wnte the Foreword for the series. The former Chief Secretary, Shn T.V. Ramanan had infused a sense of urgency and seriousness in the minds of Collectors and other officers engaged In Census work at the district level, which went a long way in gearing up the entire administrative machinery and we are extremely grateful to him. Several departments of the State Government among which General Administration, [ducation, Community Development, Economics & Statistics, PubliC Relations, Printing and the Department of Personnel deserve speCial mention, extended utmost cooperation and help in both the phases of Census Operations. Th~ District Collectors played a pivotal role in successfully conducting and supeNising Census Operations despite their rnultifarious responsibilities. They were well assisted by ADMs, SDOs, DSOs, Tehsildars and Municipal Officers and other Charge Officers. The Supervisors and Enumerators, the basic Census functionaries worked ceaselessly in the entire period of field-work to make 1991 Census Operations smooth and successful.

We are deeply grateful to Shri A.R. Nanda, Registrar General & Census Commissioner India for his sustained support and spontaneous. unfailing guidance throughout our endeavours. Our grateful thanks are due to Dr. M.K. Jain i'ltld Mrs. Mlnati Ghosh. the two Deputy Registrar Generals and their colle::

The Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan, Dr. V.S. Sisodia under whose gUidance the e.ntire operations were carried out deserves all credit for its success, but he was repatriated to the State Government for taking up some C)ther important assignment before this volume could be lDade for the press.

Shri R.C. Bhargava, the former Deputy Director incharge of District Census Handbooks, who was ably aSSisted t1Y Shri Shamsher Singh. Assistant Director, Shn Wali Haider, Investigator and their team of workers deserve all praise tor their perseverance and dedication in preparing Village and Town Directories.

The Primary Census Abstract. the population profile for all the administrative units of district was first prepared H, Regional Tabulation Office headed by Shri H.S. Meena, ASSistant Director. who put in hiS 'Labour of Love' to ensure its timely preparation. In thiS task he was assisted by Shri Ganesh Lal Verma. Investigator.

The PCA and various other tables were scrutinised and finalised for publication under the close superviSion and fjuldance of Shri R.C. Bhargava, former Dy. Director by his team of zealous workers headed by Sarvashn M.M. Goyal. R.N. Verma and H.C. Sharma. Investlgato s. Their precision and promptitude In delivering goods deserve speCial ,rnention. Shri H.S. Meena. ASSistant Director has taken pains In drafting the DI8trict Profile and the Analytical Note for the distriCt. The members of the staff In the Map Section did a commendable job under the gUidance of late Shn M.L. Kumawat. R.O. (Map), a highly experienced Census hand and later under Shn M.e. Vimal, Sr. Geographer. Shn iv1 M. Goyal, Investigator and official In charge of printing personally looked to VariOUS aspects of printing work along vlth hiS associates. which has ensured the timely release of volumes and all credit goes to him for getting them through Ihe press. We are thankful to Mis Samrat Printers, New Delni for the pnntlng of this handbook In a short time .



1 . Shri Abdul Waheed Investigator 8. Shri V.K. Punjabi StatisticalAssistant 2. Shri G. Fernandes Investigator 9. Shri V.K, Gupta Computer 3. Shri N.K. Ba) Investigator 10. Shri R.C. Balrwa Computer 4. Shri R.A. Agarwal Investigator 11. Shri S.N. Singh Computer 5. Shn J.P. Kateja Statistical Assistant 12. Shri R.K. Nagar Computer 6. Shri M.L. Slndhl Statistical Assistant 13. Shn B.P. Sharma Computer 7. Shri O.P. Sharma Statistical Assistant 14. Shri Mukesh Bhargava Computer


1 . Shn K.B. Sharma Statistical ASSistant 8. Shri D.N. Pareek Statistical Assistant 2. Shri P.L. Meena Statistical Assistant 9. Shri K.C. Gupta Statistical Assistant 3. Shn S.N Misra Statistical ASSistant 10. Smt. Charu Mathur Computer 4. Smt. Santosh Mafakar Statistical Assistant 11. Shri A.K. Srivastava Computer 5. Smt. .Usha Sharma Statistical ASSistant 12. Shn Arun Jain Computer 6. Shri M.L. Gupta Statistical Assistant 13. Shri H.L Gupta Computer 7. Shri Bhupendra Goyal Statistical ASSistant 14. Smt. Asha Saxena Computer


1. Shri P.K, Jain Computer Operator 3. Shri Yogesh Bhargava Computer Operator 2. Shri Deepak Snvastava Computer Operator 4. Shri Lokesh Jain Computer Operator


1. Shn G.L. Verma Investigator 9. Shri Lallu Lal Draugh!sman 2. Shri N.R. Sisodia Geographer 10. Shri Babu Lal Draughtsman 3. Shri Pankaj Kumar Geographer 11. Shri Indra Naraln Draughtsman 4. Shn D.L. Verma Senior Artist 12. Shn Nandlal Draughtsman 5. Shn Sardul Singh Artist 13. Shri Oeepak Sood Draughtsman 6. Shri Hem Singh Senior Draughtsman 14. Shri Kishan Singh HPMO 7. Shn M.S. Panwar Artist 15. Shri Oiwakar Sharma HPMO 8. Shn P.K. Sharma Artist 16. Shrl Tara Chand Ferro Print Operator


1. Shri Manohar Lal Senior Translator


1. Shn Verughese Mathew Stenographer 3. Shri S.K. AJmera Computer 2. Shn D.P. Sekra Jun:or Stenographer 4. Shn B. L. Verma Assistant Complier


1. Shn Hasan Mohd Pnntlng Inspector 2. Shn Kanhaiya Lal Proof Reader. qg(q,!of flif@Cfll IMPORTANT STATISTICS ~~ fm'rm fm;rr RAJASTHAN SIROHI STATE DISTRICT 'S1iB@:\\ "¥I ~ Persons 44,OO5,9Q(l 654,029 POPULATION Total ~ Males 23,042,780 335,517 fur;rt Females 20,963,210 318,512

~ "O!lfcR1 Persons 33,938,877 526,447 Rural ~ Males 17,686,463 267,938 fur;rt Females 16,252,414 258,509

~ "O!lfcR1 Persons 10,067,113 127,582 Urban ~ Males 5,356,317 67,579 fur;rt Females 4,710,796 60,003 ~ ~ 'J1'1B@1 ~ ~ 1981-91 +28.44 ' 20.66 DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATE 1981-91 ~ (qrf % . .n.) 342,239 5,136 AERA (Sq. km) crtiB@1 Cfi1 ~ (ma crt fcn. +ft.) 129 127 DENSITY OF POPULATION (Per Sq. km) BIT, ~ ~ (-m'ff 1 ,000 ~ 1R fur:IT CfiT ~) 910 949 SEX RATIO(Number of Females per 1,000 Males)

-m8R'ffi ~ "O!lfcR1 Persons 38.55 31.94 LITERACY RATE ~ Males 54.99 46.24 fur;rt Females 20.44 16.99

~ ~§'.Tf q;'f 8:ffiT it ~ crt'1I::i@1 CfiT ~ 22.88 19.51 PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION ~ crt;:j1ie~1 CfiT 8:ffiT if 9fdl!lddl PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION (i) l}&1CfilB~~ "O!lfcR1 Persons 31.62 31.25 Main Workers, ~ Males 48.53 49.34 fur;rt Females 13.04 12.19 (ii) WJOj ifelCh CflTJOj C!i8 ~ ~ Persons 7.25 7.14 Marginal Workers ~ Males 0.77 1.00 fur:rt Females 14.36 13.61 (i i i) Cfill=f 101 C!i8 crrB ~ Persons 61.13 61.61 Non-Workers ~ Males 50.70 49.66 ~ Females 72.60 74.20 ~ cnrq m fi 'fiT cPITCfl{OI BREAK-UP OF MAIN WORKERS OflIl!dChR ~ Persons 58.80 40.16 Cultivators ~ Males 56.22 41.64 fur:rt Females 69.34 33.S7 II 'cirfum ~ ~ Persons 10.00 21.03 Agricultural Labourers ~ Males 7.99 14.54 m

\i14(1wn - ~ .~ - 1991 POPULATION PROFILE-1991

N ~ ~

2 3 5 6 7 8

mmrR 'RAJASTHAN 342,239 44,005,990 100.00 +28.44 38.55 91,0 31.62

'tftlRrR: Ganganagar V' 20,634 2,622,m 5.96 +29.20 41.82 8n 30.15

~ Blkaner " 27,244 1,211,140 2.75 t42.70 41.7~ 885 29.88

~ Churu if 16,830 1,543,211 3.51 +30.84 34.78 937 30.00 in JhunJhunun ./ 5,928 1,582,421 3.60 +30.61 47.60 931 24.41

~ Atwar ./ 8,380 2,296,580 5.22 +30.82 43.09 880 30.38

~ Bharatpur / 5,066 1,651,584 3.75 +27.14 42.96 832 27.05

""'~ Ohaulpur .; 3,034 749,479 1.70 +28.10 35.09 795 27.48 ~ lJI1:ltF Sawal Macllopur.( 10,527 1,963,246 4.46 +27.83 36.27 854 30.16

~ Jaipur .; 14,068 4,722,551 10.73 +37.44 47.88 891 30.08

~ Slkar./ 7,732 1,842,914 4.19 +33.81 42.49. 946 25.07 ~ 8,481 1,729,207 3.93 +20.05 52.34 918 ,35.78

itcn Tonk 7,'94 975,006 2.22 +24.42 33.67 923 35.87 ~ Jaisalmer 38,401 344,517 0.78 +41.73 30.05 807 29.48

~ Jodhpur 22,850 . 2,153,483 4.89 +29.12 40.69 891 30.68

_ Nagaur 17,718 2,144,810 4.87 + 31.69 31.80 942 33.43

~ Palj lZ,387 1,486,432_ 3.38 + 16.63 35.96 956 31.53

~ . Barmar 28,387 1,435,222 3.26 +28.27 22.98 891 33.57

- Jalor 10,640 1,142,563 2.60 +26.52 23.76 942 31.99 Sirohi fmltt 5,136 654,029 1.49 +20.661 31.94 949 31.25 ~ Bhllwara 10,455 1,593,128 3.62 + 21.58 31.65 945 40.38

~ 17,279 2,889,301 6.57 +22.59 34.38 965 33.02

~ Chittaurgarh 10,856 1,484,190 3.37 +20.42 34.28 950 41.45

~ Dungarpur '3,nO 874,549 1.99 +28.07 30.55 995 30.25

~ Banswara 5,037 1,155,600 2.63 +30.34 26.00 969 32.50

~ Bundi 5,550 770,248 1.75 +25.85 32.75 889 34.21

~ Kota 12,436 2,030,831 4.61 +32.32 47.88 887 31.41

~ Jhalawar 6,219 956,971 2.17 +21.91 32.94 918 38.25




/". / i ......

Bha!ana :"'\ . r' '. ,J "\l_..\ ~ J A


Sased upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. © Government a' india CopyriQht, 1994. 3i1~qfOli:h1 CONTENTS ~ ~ Pages FOREWORD (Iii)

~ PREFACE (v) 31T'Iffi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .... (IX) ~CiiT~ MAP OF THE DISTRICT fCll(<¥I"l0llfl:Ffi ~ ( qRoqqlfG<:fl ~, "11'1 0111 :8<:fl<"'"l114', ml1 ~ -rn: f1~flIl<:fl1 n~.f[ m~ ~ 'B'R CiiT ~ ~, fm:;rr-~~ ~ n~ln::rT11 ~ '1'1'R f1~flIl<:fl1 3trnJT~~~ Cf;n:if8.1'

~ q;: 'Wl:r ~ ';frIt f.:1~~ICfi I PART A : VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY

3fj'lWT I: 'ITJl1 f1 ~ f!(ll Cfll SECTION I : VILLAGE DIRECTORY ~(MAPS) m f1a>flIl<:fl1 it Mf'IA ~~.f[m


1'1R f"1~~jCfij it fclf'I-A ~maff qft ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ...... 103 Codes used for various amenities in Town Directory 1'1R f1~~ICflI ...... 104-115 TOWN DIRECTORY fcrcwJT- I ~ afu: ~ ~ ...... 104 Statement-I Status and growth history fcffiur-II ~ CfiT ~ 11a;r afu:~, 1989 106 Statement-II Physical aspects and location of towns, 1989 fcffiur-III 1'1R~fcmf, 1988-89 ...... 108 Statement-III Municipal finance, 1988-89 fcrcwJT-IV ~ afu: 3P1 ~m ~~, 1989 .... 112 Statement-V Medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, 1989 fcfcr{ur - VI cx::rrm:,~, m-rr afu:~, 1989...... 114 Statement-VI ' . Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1989 ~:~~~~\iI'i~@4I~ ...... 116 APPENDIX: Towns showing their outgrowth with population m-rr~: ~ "''''101''11 mr PART B : PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

118 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 124-187 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 1. ~ ~ ~ Panchayat Samiti $heoganj 124 2.~~~ Panchayat Samiti Sirohi .... 136 3. ~ 'IDl:rfu fLjO:gqI~1 Panchayat Samiti Pindwara 148 4.~~~~ Panchayat Samiti Abu Road .... 160 5. ~ 'IDl:rfu ~ Panchayat Samiti Reodar 174t 1'1R m~ \iI'i'jOi'il ~ 188-199 TOWN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~: APPENDICES: 1- fclf'I-A ~ it Bf"""'fl1<'1 ~ ~ CfiT fcrcwJT ?OO Details of Panchayat Samities included in various Tehsils 11- ~m~\iI'i'IOi'iI~(<'1~~fl(1cm) ...... 201 District Primary Census Abstract (Tehsilwise) 111- ~'\ij'mf11:ci ~~CfiT'¥1' \iI'i~@4i- ~ i!('1ICfi2m 207 Total Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population -Urban Blockwise . ~'~nf~P1:ci~~CfiT~m~~~ ...... 215-229 SPECIAL PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 1.~'\iI'Tfu~~~CfiT~-~ ...... 216 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes-Rajasthan

2.~ '\iIlfu<:IT it; m fc:W'l ~ m~ \iI'i'IOI'ii ~ •••• # 218 Special District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 3.~ \iI'i\iliRllj'j ~ ft;rit fc:W'l ~ m~ \iI'i'IOi'ii ~ .... Special District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (xix)

5. 'it~ ~~if ~ 3"fu:~~ ~ ~m ~fWr~~,~, 'Il-~, SlI{IIflf1Cf)Gt;=.rr3ltt , 1991 Cfi'T 'i1'1'lol'1l it ~"&1fCk1'I\1 -q-:;;ff" 3"fu: "1:!ftcm: ~"\1'~ QfdtllfflCf) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.rn ~ m Cfi'T ~"~"GT~~~fcl:iit~ ~it~-~~ . ~ "'6fiiCl>l ~ 1R ~ "fI"111Pl ~ '1ft ~ flfUif<1\1 Cfi'T , q fll(oflCf)(OI it ~ ~ 'i1"1'l ol1l ~aTI Cfi'T ~ m llf+<1Cf)I~ ~ m "CflT fcrqn: ~2P1 1951 Cfi'T 3. ~aTI it ~ Qn: Olll4fC1'6q, ~~, ';;:iT \lRlTUT11 if; ~ m it ~ m ~"lJT11/ ~ i'ICfi Cfi'T ~ fcrcrn:r ~ 3"fu: ~ Cfi'T31T'tffi~ Sll{llfI f1Cf) ~~, cnT it '"'1"1'1 0 1"11 ~ cnT wr~ m Cfi'T ~~ ~ 31'Af.I Cfi'T ~ om: 1981 Cfft 'i1"1'IQI"I1 if, ~ f;;wff it ~ if ~"3"1Ciil _ ~it ~"fI"Tlf.r ~ 131"\1': ~fcr;m~ ~fW:rrfcn~ o m.mt ~ it ~"fI11R ~~, 31WT ~ ~ ~ TmT I ~~cnT flfAOff<1\1 ~~~ 'i1"!'l l"ll ~~"1Tl1~ o ~"WmTit~if~~~ ~ifWrn~m14 ~ m ~ I ~ ~ "B ~ ~ 'i11'l l1l 9>f+<1Cf)I~ ~ Cfi'T \lfTcft ~ I if 'i1"1~&llit~"\1'~~~maTI~~~~ Wt "~~ 'i11'l ol1l ~" '1T11cfi" 31Wn9U~if ~~~ 8. 1951 Cfi'T ~ '"'11'1 0111 ~aTI Cfi'T ~ ~ "WIT if ?) 1"\1'~"~~'i1"1'IOI"lI~" if~~~~'lITI1lCfft ~ ~ 2ft I ~2P1 WI if, -qtq "fI"111Pl '"'11:8&l1 ~ (T1: ~~m.mt~~~ml11R2ff, ~~~ ~),"ffi";r :mf~ (oft ~), -qtq QIn:cun:Cf) ~ 3WJ~I-.ft ~~if~~ flfAfdljlif~ "11:8&llit"flT( 3"fu:~'I-.w.t (m ~), "fI"ffi flll4lf"1Cf) ~ flil1"fdCf) ~ (~ ~) ~~~ml flfAOff<1\1 Cfi'T TIt 2ff I ~ '"'1"1'1 0 1"11 ~ it ~ WI if "m~ \lRlTUT11 "fIT( ~ m f1e:~ICf)1 " ';;:iT ~ m "lIT ~ 4. ~ "CflT~Cfi"f.rqrffi Cfi'T ~ 3i IcW:fCf)\1laTI Cfi'T ~ it 3i1'l1l fqCf)1 it 3lT'l-ffi 1R ~ 31T'l-ffi~ 'i1"1~&l1 ~ ~ *" ~"\1'~ ~"Q!i TT~\lRlTUT11 TIt 2ff I "fIT(~ ~ Q(""4(I'I\1~~~~~~"fIfi:lfu ~1R~fcl:iit~ I~ ~~fcnm f1e:f~ICf)I3"fu:m~ 9. \lRlTUT11196.1 if;~~ 'i1"1'lol1l~,mCfi'T ~ '"'11'1011I"f1T(it~~~~1R~m"B~ ~ft~if ~ CffrTIt 2ft~~mu:r.i~,rqrt ~ «R"B' fuCf;rn ~ ffi if £11 'i1"1ICf) Iii em -w;p:rffi"fl:rWTI ~ if; ~ m~ \lRlTUT11"f1T( 3fu: m f1~f?{ICf)1 ~ m ~ fu1l: ~~aTIif;~~~~ Sll{llflf1Cf) ~ ~ I ~ Cfi'T TIt 2ft I ~ ~aTI if ~ mcFiR if; rcrr'IR fu'IWiT ir (f9.mq, ~"CflT~ m ~ '=liT ~mif;~ 3"fu: ~ ~ ~"'8"fu"\1'T.ffi"fl"111Pl '"'1"1~@1 ~ (~ ~), ~ «R 1R ~ Cfi'T 8S11k14Cf)\11 c8 ~~, >TT~ \lRlTUT11"f1T( ~~"Q!i qln:Cllf

10. ~"I'1(j1"l11971 if;twl~~ "1"1'IOI1I~alf 14, ~, '41"1"1ICflIU a:l'h Wt~w 'it ~ ~/ rtf ~iimtf f1e:P.lICflllilf41f<1\'1

18. 1981. am: 1991 if ~'l'IT 'IlCR~t' I~ \il1fi&:lI11RT'l'I

23. q:;'Ift-~~if~"5Iffifi~~cit~~ <:JT ~ 'Efl1ll) ~<:JTmcmmm% amnr1ifm~-mr 't I-Q:m ~ ~

~:m CfiT ~ ~ fif 3p;[~ ~if;~ifm I~?f ~"ffc;ff.rrrqctt~, ~ 4illl1:li'iif;~ if ~ ~ 't fcf; m if;"{<\11-q ~ CfiT ~ crwft -Q:m 3WflT if% I-Q:m~~em~ 31WT ~1iRTTf I, '1lffi, 3ffi -mfi if <:ffi" >!P1 : ~ if 3lffiT't fer. mitcf; ~ CfiT ~, ~ 1:fl: 11cfi'R 0A1 g;31T t '=IT m, ~ it 29. ¥§ ~ if "::J1"11T11RT l1cfiA CfiT -m'lW'IT CfiT 31&Ra:!: "ffi1l 31T~.:m: 1:fl: l' 1< qIf~ if> I~ mY ~ ~ ~ ";SfTffi '% I~ 'll"f>T< in mif~m~'t l~inWro:~~ ~if~ ~ ~ CfiT ~ it 'ilT< -zyoo if -M ~ ~ m, Zi11' I0 111 if; "iil'1 ~ if 5 ~ t 3ffi ~ ~ if ~ if; '>iR "lIT 31frr.1 if m~~ in~~m fii;"ffi t IW'>1l1IT if; ~ T-%' ~ ~1'1 OI1Il1cfiA ~~~%, ~ l1cfiRl1R "311CR ~ ~ ~ %' I 1iRT ~ I ~ ~ '~';p~;lffi if ~ m-qfum ~ m mm ~ ~~if~CfiTlFf~~mmtfcf;~~ ~ '3j1'IOI1111cfiR11FRT~mm 1~~iflJ&fl1cfiA m , m- ~?f ~ em ~-~ ~ ~ ~i*,Iif>I< mr inmlq~~in' '~q;r~' 'CfiT 'afRif-nsrn~~. fmlif ~ eft Km g;31Tm, fcfiTI ~ -m:ft ~ ~, m I-Q:m o 0!iT m ~ "H'I 0 111 "f.J'CfiR 1iRT Tf!IT 't I~ 3ih: ~ ~ 31WT - 3lWT ~ ~ f.w;:.rn m ~ in ~ ~ am Zi1"1'l l"1l ~ T.ffum: ~ 1:ft:q ~ if w mm, mii T0fi %1ffi1 "ffi";f ~ 3ffi -qy;:fi 7flft 't I ~ if;-qmm~mm~CfiT ~~if wRt ~~rfRCfilffi -=iT ~ Zi11'l ol'ill1cfiA ~"ir1iT ~ m= CfiT ~ ~ ~ 33.1:Jl:q~, ~ am ~ 11'f>R "f>l 3PT ~:m 0fiT 'l.fr !:JRI TPn %'lB! ~ ~ Cfl1:m 31WT- 3WTlT ~ if; 1ffi1 m m "::J1"11T11RT l1cfiR 11T1T 1f'TI %, ~ m-; fun ~ t, ~ ~ v. (xxiii)

~ ~ t ~ f.m;;rn m V:m ~3TI CfiT 'li11101OfilTcfiFPm ~~~~, tftqlf~Cfi~~~afR~",~ lWl'T~, "lffG ~ ~ -rniT m, fcFi ~ ~ ~ ~ OJ ~ ~I

, 38. "'CflT11" CfiT fcfim am~~ t) ~~.q ~ 'Z¥t ~ ~ i:i w'lTfiffi fcFir\lTCft ~a:fO'T 3i'h: ~ ~ "01 ~ '\'I) ~ m ~ <.fiT ~ '3AT ri iT I'G'f'tm ~ ~ <.fiT fllbif<'1('j t I it ~ t ~ 3lf1m i:i ~-ml'l:l m3't?,fqT~ ml'l:l"Ol ~ m, ~ ~ zyrr)l"CflR ~ ~ m 1 ~m~ ~'G'f'tm~ 39.1981 qft 'li"1'101"11 i:i 1961CJ 1971 q;1 'li1'IOI113TIi:i ~ ~~~~,~,~,~~,~,~, ~ ~~~"Cfl)m ~Tf'lIT ~"OI fcFi~~ qft 3TI~:mfG 1~"~~"1 ~ CfiT m 'B~ 'Cfil'(elq('jj i:i ~'tlRT~ 1~~~CfiT1!,Ct 31WT~l1RT~, ~TPlT ~ 11961 Cfft 'li1'j0l1j i:i'lfR:'fcl:im~-;t~~ ~~~~fcFiq;if1!,Ct'1:ffi:cm:t 3't~~, ~ 4~M'i0f i:i 'Cfil7.f fcFi 'CflT11 m em;) ~ 1961 it 'CflT11 m cr ffi ~t, maRl1RT~t 1qr;~"l17fu1t~~t, ~ ~~8Jm~1 'ft.:reI ~~, maR m 'tlRTTf'lIT % I maR ~ %~ ~ ~ m% fcFi"l1l ~maR m, ~ ~ cpt t) cpt 'q'{t!!:lT ~-qrn 40.1991 i:i ~Cfft'WRT"Cfl) ~'Cfi'f.i*~ 1981 q;1 0 CfiT it f ~ 6 'fIR1 <:JT ~ cpt ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'CflT maR lWl'T 'liOf,r 1"11 i:i ~ '7J'tJ: :8Cf><:"G"lI3TI am W~ ~ 3WT \iI1ft ~ TPlTt 'lffim~~~m, 3i'h:~-~~~m& <.fiT f.ruP:l' fu<;rr ~ 1~ ~ f.ruP:l' fu<;rr Tf'lIT fcFi tffi:p:ft 3fu ~ ..n'itiTl ~m'Cfl17.l-~it~~ *~ ~l~';J1l?)~% , (xxiv)

1981 Cf>1 'l11'I OI11 it ~ Tf'lft 2ft I -&a <:JT qlRClIRCfl ~m it ~, ~ am:~~, i1~ f1 Cfl 1<.'11 I, ~n2lTto~~, ~~if; 31Tf?fcf;fin1W«G'"~ 11"":'-'~(1<:JTql RCli RCfl~~~~~V1q"I"" " ~~ '~" ~.:q~(1fi R9 ( V ) fCip.fqIOI, lhmA, flfcfffhl am-~~m:- ~ ~ fcf;<:n ~ I 0fiT11 Cf>1 ~~.RfT if; ~ 1R '7.ff. f.luP;r tWrr Tf7.IT 1 ~ CfiT ~ m if; ful:t ~ ~ fu1 'iffilm/ ~ if; ~~~ it, ~ ~)W1 CffIro/ ~.RfT it t <:JT ~ ? V( (fi ) ql(l:c:U R(fI' ~ : ~ crirrT %'it 'lftClTft ~ ~ bRT ~ am: lj&ffi: 11ftcm: ~ 3BI ~ bRT or: 'tR <:JT mlftur arir it 1'Jl'q Cf>1 mm ~ ~ am: ~ $ it -a-f! 1icfiR ~ ~ 7.JT ~ if f;rni( ~ Ufffi %~ \;ffiIT ~ ~2lT ~ v:cn ~ ~ il1 ~ if ~ ~ "fT WT m, qlRClIRCfl crirrT CfiT ~ Mmil1~,~, ~,'~<:JTmt!R~~ ( I ) CfIlliJ ctCfl f'( : - v:cn ~ 1~, mcfi11: it ~ ( ~) ~ >rI1:(f ~ 3llWT 1 "fT -m mI . ~"@eft Cfl@T ~ <:JT 3iff.t ~ 312.TCll ffi· tlSl it ~ ~'1:R ~'CflT1 ~ .wm if; 3Mllffi 31ffi %I ~~~~~bRT, mbRT"lj"(.'1' ~

( IX ) ~~:- ~ ~ if ~ ~'Ift q;m m"C!ffi 3lffi t' ~ ~ f. 17:TR1 ~~ifw~~ Cfi1: rm m,

(iii)~ 42. fl141f"*1Cfl ~~ CflB ct ~ t ~ ~ ~ 46. ~~il~'lft3TIf~~Wuafu:~1"~~~. ~ ~ ~ CI'"f.t if M '1ft ~"¥§ '1ft ~ fcfi7:rT t ~ ~ TI cw ~~ mil' fcfim 3A CfIi if m 3lI if, ~?Jl ~ 1R :mf~ if, ~ q;m~t 1~3 fu:;!'it "Cf)"11t;~ m4IF"*1Cfl CRl1m CTTffi m rt m m 1):m ~"\lIT:pm ~full:~1R 3TIf~m, ~~rmir l1FIT 11

47. ~~~ tlqif1q(1 m'lCfllt ~ctW~CfiT"l1m rrt('! I %I ~ 1" m CIffiT F1L1F(1F&(1 7 wIT il it fcfim '1ft ~ qrf

(i)~q;ref AS. ~ A if -1 ~ arm~. J!T f~

";iWJ;~'W~~it~m~~~m~I~~ ~~mftR1R~w:m~~~m~3lI11ClT~ ~ it ~NlIlf""k1i 3NU't'ft ~ 3l111ClT~ ~ ~ it fcfim ~~ 53. 1W1 if ~ ~m3TI "Cf)) ~~ 1W1 ~ 1111 ~ awl ~, ~-T11f?f"llT tf;ftF.qF

50. ~~itc)~~~-;r~qWr31ffi~~~~si 54. ~fcf;ffi1W1ifcittwarm~.:rm%m~~ ~: €tfUrlfT it it fcfim it ~ -;r 3lffi m am: ~ CWf - ~~) Cll't cwrm if~ [-] ~M11mt ~~~~~1W1it ifml'W~"lfT~~rn&n~~~t"lfT~~ F1Cficiltf~Cfft~q:;), ~'Wwarm~t ~ ~

1JTlflfci-::f1R H~~ICfiI I ~" ~ 11fV-.zn:r it ~ ct>l ~ (iii) Cfla.1T-;:fi"Q:q~crWt"~~~q;l ~Cfios{\ ~l1RT ~ 1 ~ ~3TI Cll't ~ ORR ~ wm ~ fcroqrff am: 11mtl 3lf~it ~~-qm~.:r~>mf cf;T~~ I~m3TI ~ ~~.:r if ~Cfft ~ ~~ ~ qr;I1989 Cfft ~ ~ ~­ (iv) Cfla.1T TlfTW"Q:q ~ ~ ~~ ~ "*r iITit 141qf421am:~~ ~ fllU4Ff1ct ~ I

56. ~~~~ ~CfianCJTiT"Cf))~-~~ 52. ~~ if TI ~ fcrTm Cfi1: Wn ~ m ~ ~ 11m %1 ~?f, ~ fcf;;ft ~ if ~ it ~ CfCfi Cfi8:TTtt ~ 1W1 F1~fi(ICfiI it ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ TIfl1 it ~~ ~ ~ mem l!,Cfi >n~~, l!,Cfi ~~, ~ ~i:h os~l 3fu: ~~~~~if IOiI'<.lII'I "'"'V\"II. )41,(18JUT~ if w -a- ~ Cfft ~ "Cfi) ~ fc8:n 11m 't 1 TIfl1 if ~ ~ ~ rn8JUT mr3Tf ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ mr3TI Cfi) ~9--lT3TI"Cfi)~ 5-13 if ~11m'g 1~~~~~ "3F<.:r" ~~~~~tl ~~14~18iflfClFte

filfct>ffilZV1fu:li:r -Q:m men t \lfOl ~ mtT .q 63. f-llJ1f(.'1f@C1 ;m:~iim f-l~f~ICflI ~~.qii~ ~~ir'ifTOT't I~~~~~~ 3W.fcli1Wfm, ~W:!ft:r:lT "Q,C!l{~~~lJTlftur?:Wi ii ~::r~"-TT3:fT m~ ~~ m ap.:f ~ .q Wrn ~, ~.rn -uw.r CfiT .-mare~i':i~i':i~l'fc:rT't 1~"';fIR"~~~ T-f~~i':i~fefim~~t ~ 1991 CfiT~ii ~...I-.rn -uw.r GRI ';fIR l1AT l'fc:rT 't I 111- -Qir 3llGIR mt=ii cn1 ~ ~ cm: ~, csrM ~~1fUrq;-,~, ~Cfil-qr;fy, STCfl"r.nm 31'l'Rcn1cF.rs 61. ~~fcIf"A~~~'1-::rii~~it~ ~~"-TT~::r";:fir('f?IT~~jmt:nm~R-=r ~'ifum.q~~::r~m~"~~"~~ ";:fwmm, ~~"Q,C!l{~ ~~ ...wt~::r ~ ~ l'fc:rT i I ";:fml

IV - "¥l 'S11B@H ii ~ ""I1fu/~ ~ if; ~iF;~,~Bfl:lfucm:m~l~ 62. ~~~

1- CR ~mw,1I1:W~GRI'CR' ~ fcf;TIfT:rn

em: fcf~ c@ ~ m l'fc:rT t ii 1fl'Tftcfi (f?IT 3P::r ~"-TT3:fT ii; om ii ~ ~ cn1 'ill

111-3lft:if;:.rn ~ (xxviii) >J?fl1 it \it) fcfi ~ 7:fT G) "it an'l:TCfi ~ 1'lT"{f "it ~ -aR ~ n2IT 70. ~~-q"~" [-] ~r~~~tfcfit¢''ifu ~ it~~1'lT"{f"it ~sv:"IDlfi"oT &Wi-q ~~~ ~q;)~'ifu \JI'iIIOI'iI-q~m~"'1'tf 2IT I \51'i 1Iol'i11991 m~~n2IT~~~'ifu~rfuq-rt r'6l."i'II::fk< \JI'iB{§tI1 'fiT ~ ~ 18 -q ~ . mTf')~1 lT7:fT t n2IT -rn-~ ~ [>rfu 1000 ~ 1R fuJ1 ~ M 71. ~ ~ ~ if; ~ ~ 3:ffi: 1989 -q ~ 1TJ\ cn1 lT7:fT~I~~J?fl1 G) Cfi'R'111 ~ Cift $fil1 qof$fi"'llj'8R 31ffiJt ~~~lT7:fT~ I'm~~~ ~,~qA-~~I~~3"itS~~3l~ 'fiT qof$fi"'llj'8l{ ~ M lT7:fT ~ n?il ~" oo'ifu ~ ~ qtjf 3:ffi: "ffil1llR ~ ~"l-q ~ I qtjf ~v..ft ~ Cf1l1989-90 -q ~"rfuqtf -q ~ TIll: ~ 1 3lfv.~ ~ ~"ffil1llR ~ -q ~ ~"itfl:R;n;lm~I~II,III3:ffi:VI-q~~~~m TIll: ~ I GI'R"ffil1llR cn1 ~ ~ 1TJ\ ~ <:ITt -q ~ "'1'tf ~, ffif.IT -q" ~ ~ Cffr ~"c;1 ftu:roft ~ TJ7ft t n?il ~ err f"1ctli!(1"'1 ~~~~TJ7ft~. ~~~r~ 10'8' f"1ctli!(1"'1 ~ 3R1'I"it ~ ~\ft ~ ~ om: -q ~. ~ "Il

67. ~~ ~ 1'lT"{f ~ ~ Cffr ~ fcn7:fT lT7:fT ~ I ~ 72. fi:rf'IR SI¥II'8f"1ctl Ij{§tli(;pi'i ~ f"1ctli!(1"'1 ~"it oo'ifu ~ "it ~.ffl ~ 3lWl-3lWl"1 ~ ~I'ffi ~ CfiT ;1l11: ~ ~ q;) ~ ~ 6 "it 9 ii ~ TJ7:fT t IOO'ifu • ~m -q '8 flXl f~t(1 c;1 TJ

~ ~ ~ 'IWl "Cfi fl. ~ 311'lWT II ~ ~~ -q ~ "Il1 A-Cfil f.:Jv..ffiuJ 1991 Cfi1 \51'i IIOI1I-q ~ \51'iB{§tI1 ~ 31I'tffi 1R fcn7:fTlT7:fT~ 1 3Th: Slllll'8f"1ctl ~ 'fiTqrfCf".f 1990 ~ ~M 73. ~ ~ ~ ~ Cffr f.r

74. ml1A~1R~~~i:i~CfiT~~~ 77. ~ ~ it ~ filfCfifftI, ~~, ~ ~ ~-qffi~, ~1R~ ~ 3'lICflffl"fCfl ~{f~~CfiT~ ftiq;fdCfl ~'l:.TT3iT~Wf'=l-qfcrcRur~ip.n~ {f~~'B~ 1T11: ~. ?ItIJT q 3iftrq 311ft:' ftf'"'l f<:'1d %I ~ - wan Wtt i:i ~ m~~'l:.TT3iT~-mmrCfiT \ft~~~CfiTw:I;i:i~ ~ OWl ~ a:ffiTh; 3W:l ~ W:m:t. ~. 1fAt, ~ ~~ ~ 1'flfT t I ~lTlt @d{1ICfl q :8 Cfl2'" 1Cfl c;qj1::IT{

~ f~~FT"lIT t 1~ ~/&lClfllfl1Ch $]"fu8.lUT ~31T 1n11,"1"l'IOI1I~~~~mmam~mG~ '1Jit &lCl~lf1 flfA4f<1d fcf;~PT"l!T t (f~ ~ ~ Wqfu ~ ~ ~ ~ if ~ mq~.wft Bsft.,-m t- f.Ii. -;;ffi if ~ ~ ~ fctcRur ~ ~ 1:fre: - W:q-uft if ~ ~ ;p;ft ?:fR~~~~it31f%~~:mrm:mmtciT %1 mm Cf>1 dtH"tI<'1ClR ~ 1"f?rT t 1~ 111RT I ~ ~ it ~""m ~ ~~~if;..m::, ,3trif~~~ fcrcn"uT VI ~ 1""1'10111 ~ 3ffi~mf.:rcI:;~ctt~~-m~ ~if; rn~if 3mft~, ~~~iIi~ WI 82, if 01 ~ t 1

83. m~"11'IOI11W'{it, ~~~~~~ 88. ~ ""fTftr:IT $ ~ ""1"1tfd l ll iii ~ ~ cn'T WY-rr, -qft:qTff ctt WY-rr, '¥'I "11 fi@l, ~ "'11fu $ m~ "1"1'1 0111 W'{ if ~ m~ ~ -rrt t ""11 ~ ~~q:fr "11fi@l, m&n:, ~~- ~it~'mf 1JT~ ""1'1 0111 W'{ if; ~ ~ -rrt % 1 9 ~ ~ ~if~~~m~, li;)l:Hf~Ch "fiP.f rm9' 3ffi CfiTI11 'Ch"f.! orR9T ctt WY-rr W -~ ~ :m~.m m 89. ~ m~ ""f'1lliJT'1T W{ if Wd ~ ~ 1~ ~ 'R ~.,-m 131d': ~ fcrt'~ SPwflf1Ch ~ "11B&l1 t it "'1ft it if ~14B&l1 $ ~ ~ if fm;rr~ ~~ ~I "".fiT ~ fll14IF>lfCh :mf~ ~31T ctt ~ ~ t- 1 1'1n:~ ctT ~ m 1"f?rT % 1¥if 1ITIftur/ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ @m~1"f"l!Tt- 1oo'ifu~ Cf;T ~~ 4 if wi FChMilof'l(!{ if@m~'T1 ffi~ l1l1T 'T1 fiR;n~'WifuRTTtt<:f ~f'1lR~~'tR Wm M1"f?rT %1 fiR;n m~~ 90. ~ 13-15 am 16-18 9fi1rn: ~ ;;nfu $ mtif~if;~ ~ 31WTit~~~~, (i9.TTfi:r~ ~""f1-""flfu q:,l '" "1 fi &ll iF;Blt -~ ern:fucRuT it~.... Tc'I 1JT~ "11' 10111 'fl'n: ~ m2l ~ 31WT ~ ~ m 1"f?rT %-m %1 wa.-Rf iii om if ~ CfiR1l119- 21 if c:1-rrt ~ 1CfiR1l1 22 - 24 ~if~~/~if;~3fflTTitm~""1'loI11'fl'n: it ~ 'ChTtr 'Ch"f.! ~ ctT W - ~ ern: fcr~ fcfi"l!T 1"f?rT %" 3fu: ~;;frT[Cf>1~t 1~~wn~

1981 Cfi1 A IV ( 3Pr Cfil1l ~ 'CfT"ffi) -ct>T1991 Cfi1 \if1'11'URT if ~ ~~ -q 't ~ ~ 20 ~ 39 ~ Cfil1l ~ IT~ \l1.1'l ol.11 "8Riff;rffi/ -q 'Rfa:jf~('f 2ft'1 ~~f1"1Ttt<:r~~~«R1R -31WT~~-rm ~ I ~ >mr if ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 'CfiR'fl"! 'furffif1tr.wrcf "8f1:Ifcf/ "11Tfrl~f"ITR~"CfIT~: ~~ 3fn;1"Tll~~ I~ !II Q"{!%.11, ~~~, ~"4lffi, 3 T~~ICfiR'I11 57 ~~ I 'ff1~~'i'f>1 IV ~.am-~ '\l11~@1 ~-~em:0f<'ITffi~ 10-6 it ~~ifw-~em: V [~J QIRqlRCfI '3WT ct ~ \l1.1~@1 'i'f>T fq~ ~ 8-10 if ~ 11T ~ 'Cfi'f.t ~ ~ >IT~ 98. ~it ~~-rnm~~~~~ I'f~#t~'¥'T \if1'11'URT ~ -q f<'lljlf~'8 'C:fiR1I1 ~ I ~ 'C:fiR1I1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !$r it~ ~ 'Ilffif~lWT~aFI1&m ~l 'i'f>'UlZ - ~rW~ 'it ~~ -q 'CfiR11"r 3 -q ~ TIm ~ I ~~I3th:~l"!'1l"!ffi'if~~~ ['lWT] ~~t ~ ~ ~ 'CfI1 ~ mt TJm 't I fcnm '1ft ~ ~ 93. CfiR'I11 4 .am- 5 ~'ifu ~ if ~ l1CfI'AT 3th: m qlfdfqCfl m>fiuT ~ 'i'f>T f.rcf;rz;R it ~ ~ it '¥'T ~ RcTm ~ ~ '4'ft:crffi q,l ~ ~ ~!-lif ~ I '¥'T \l11~@1 ~ ~ -q ~ '¥'T ".1l'TWl ~ -ct>T ~ TJm ~ I ~ ~ CfiR'I116 ~ 8if ~-~ fq~ "8ffif ~ ~ ~ I ~ \l11~@1 -q ~ 3th: ~ \l11~@1 'Rfa:fk1('f ~ I ~ 99. ~ "8fi:lfu~ «f{ 1R ql«'1fqi'f) "11Tfrl3itt 'ffi1"ftur ~ 0-6if~-~-cm: \l11<8@1 Cfi"R1l19-11 if -ey~ ~ I ~ it ~ -ct>T ~ T~~~~I~ 94. ~ ~ 3th: ~ ~ q,l \l11~@1, ~­ WJfiR

~ mWl<-l1flf 'l1'crU 1J1=ICfi ~ CfiT 'm?l ~ I ~ it '~' ~ ~mrlTlTT 11950 ~~ ~~ fi:rc;rr<)-rrit m 'CfI111TTl ~ ~ ~ CR 1:!?'fi ~ if roo T[<:IT I ~~~~Gfarur-~~~ 3l&lffil:w~ 24° 20 'it25°17 '(l2IT~~'t&T~72° 16 'it 73° 10 '~fflOjl1h'H 6. ~~~Cfftf-8Cfllfft.) ~~ft:riIm (i«1I11:R: ~~ Cfi) 2. ~~~~~1:R~fuOO~~;;Tll Cfft~~~~ ~~ (582.7~CJlT~. m.) q;{ TJ?lT 1 W1lr 1R 1:fi'q 'R, -it~"Cfl' $ 1'RqIT~Cfft IWfm~~:prWffu:i1Tr'l"i:{m1CIT~ a:rcW--l ~ ~ ~ 'l1'crU CfiT ~ -mit ~ ~ it ~ mr T[<:IT 1 . ~ ~ ~ 1R ~,-<)";flT1 ~ ~ f;Rr -m fuOO ~ q;r "'ffiRT ~ -z;rn I ~ Wl<-l ~ -e:crom it; 'Cfffi COT 'ffm ~ ft:rmT ~ -z;rn 1

4. 1947 ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ fq~l·f'Cfl(OI 8. lHllfff1Cfl ~mit;~, ~m~, cfr aq&oif, '4tq *~, ~ 31m 'Cfffi ~ ~ ~ t1>'lll::tl{ol COT f.fuf<;r fWlT ft:RTm ~ am ~: 1lTfi it fci~ f'fi~"S3lT ~ ~ 5 ~, 1949 it ~ m:

9. ~?-.fm ~

('H! fil C1 e:R ~ 31f'l:l"Cfi'R: if Wffi ~ I 3fu: ~ ~ ~R ~ ~ am: -crcrn11K9T3TI ~ ftm S31T~ 1 :itft?41 RmtuT Cfi«ft ~ 1~ 'Of'1'R1 ~ a);r 'CfiT ~ &:I Q('q 'to[ -::rm ~ Ji'r MOMI~I d~-IT mo;..m~ifw.rn 31lOtfu'fTm ~~'¥f~ 11. uw::rif 1959 if \NlIdif?ICfi FqCi:;~ICfi{OI ~'RPl m ~ "8T2T it ~ it ~ ~ '8F&lfM1' iltll'8fiCfi ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'Cfi'rf C!i1 t& '& ~ ~~ ~(f2T1~ ~ ~1TtctT qft ~a:IT CfiT ~ ~ ~ 'f, Ji'r ~ ~ fcfRR 'CfiTffi ~ (f~ ~ ~fcIf~ w:ftur 15. ~~wiffi~ ~1{f~~~~wiffi ?,~ it fcrcf.m Cfi 14Sti 4'i 'CfiT ~ mq;«ft ~ 1 ~~~d~ a:p;J~1R ~fe'n'i'.lWT it "ffi ~ [ir iffii ~ ~ t ~ ~ fu'fTm d~ fuc.rrr;:r ~ it ~-~ am: ~ ~ it it t 1 ~ '4"Cfu l1Tffi-m it 16. ¥1~~~7.fi1~~~d2T1~q~­ ~ ft:ffiit ~ it W.ffi ~ *"-it '4"Cfu r.frit Ji'r 583 W *"-it ~ fiR 1R ~ a:p;J '8!:i1 qqill flrffi Cfit 'WAf if lTlff ~ 'Cfi'll i, ~w:r~~itWm% I~~it~w:rifi wm~ rltim~~~]W-

11lW 'CfiT ~ ~: 695 q 999 W 1 fuc.rrr;:r ~ it Wrcf t ~ *' 3M'! (fCl) &:I 11 +[11 Q{h'1 q;r Cfi'R1 urm t I 'W,j ~'I ~ ~arm -~ fct:l;n"t ~"WI if fll'lffl"'ll w:r it 639 ~~, ~w:r~~it 665 W, ~it 721 W, 17. ~ if ~ ~ mw:r-~ il.. ~ %~ '1f3"UC 31lOt JWCIT it 683 ~ d~ ~ it 696 ~ iii! %I ~ 31ffiCfT ~ if Wrcf t ~ ~ ~ ~ -rn: fP.R; ~ 3Tcf: ~ ~ 1W-<'f m ~ mit mit ~ ~ fcml::rR 'g I ~ ~ ~r1-.ru (l[1111fI q a:p;J mw:r ~ ~ cffi ~ (xxxiv)

~ ett ~ ~ ~ if 7JmI m '1AT ~ ~ I am: ~ 10,000 C1rni Cf!t ~ t ~ -m-~ ~ if fl:R;f.'r fi #;~~en1~~m~qft~mmlRw.rn tm'lffi m qft ~, '\jJ) WroT--JllT 3WfiR ~ ~ ~ ~ mthmwr ~ ~

I 21.~~~m~m~~CfiT'('j'14VH~, 19. ~-qcfu ~if~Cfft~~~~~~ ~, mcrr(lP.1T

9fl. 'ft. ~

000 I ~o if


1. ~ 26.0 31. ~. 7 2. ~ ooo'~ 42,0 6925.9 348

3. 'fIT-q-~ 632.0 33967.5 63 4. Cfr<'4i211r~2 ., 64.9 22619.8 1251 s. ~ 2.119 356.0 31 6. 'G 3TItFi ~ 3lr; 3877.5 56

7. ~~ ~ ~ ~


"rfT -q-ffl 000' z;f 118.0 3778.0 304

(~~) (xxxv)

~ ff77 gzz- afmrr 000 '~o if ~qfr rf&:rr

2. ~ 000' z;r 1.337 467.9 63 5.9 3. ~ J! 149.5 40

4. {c:~ J! 9.9 247.5 80 5. ~ 13.5 (on) 6958.1 (on) 607 22.1 (it) 663.1 (it)

6. ~~ 13.2 131.7 29 7. ~l1ffl 96.5 2349.8 411

t '\J113W1 (f~ ~ ~an cnl Wf!Tffi ir ~ t IfJffi it ft:f'tfTT ~ (nl{j{'5111~ f~c(ICflllJ(Vji) (f~~ (itfun~) 'l.lT>f"T{{liRT 23. 1989-90 crt it ~ iT '¥1 !1IF<:~~('j ~ Cfil 30.62 -qw:r~~ I ~ 'IfT1T 3l~ ('IlT'lflT 151225 ~ ~ cp:r i1it'it 3Mf1ffi I'.TI 1~C83lF~'IfT1T~an~~-B~t I~~ 26. m -q fcrf~ m it '\J1'RCR w:r ~ ~ ~ T-fCfiT 'BW-n &nif it 'WI'lflT 1 ~ ~~R it ~ if m it"ffi~ -"ffi~ -q ~ 'Ian: 'tfiTLF>1111"5IT -q ~ I f;=tcnm J1F>J1Cflfi ~ (f~ ~PdUT-~ it w.m ~ Cf>1 ~ if ~ (f~ CfiK11 ~), dAIRlAi (~mimr), ~ (~ ~19Mfi)ll), ~ <~ ~1R(f1'.TI ~.'Ch'-qm-q~'Tf(f~tsrn~w:r~ ~).*(~~)([I'.TI~(m-mfl:m~), %~ mf&l([ 'W1 it ~ -q CflI~1(lCli1 w:r ~ %' 1 ~ (~ ~), '\J1lB 3W: fu1( fi05t 1'51 {I lffitCliT 3fu: fl05tl.s1{1 dlf("!lI'lfs4=1) (f~~rrfUT<:IT ~1 {llIfftlJ11)

~ ~ 1R (f~ ~ (~ CflHiml) -:rn ~ 1R i.lr:ft it-wiM ~ 'crrq GTCR tt %~ ir ~- -qf~ c€T ~ '\J1T ~ ~%~CfiTm{t-rmtq 3~ %1~~&TCf>1~-m:it~ %(f~ 1:Jffi it Lff~ c€T ~ ~ it fu<) • (f~ 'lfRt m ~ 0fiT '\J1Tdl t I "mf~~~ I

25. ~ CfiT ~ (f~ WI it 3mr:rm w:r ~ ~ 'laTI (f~ ~it~ (~~), 3lTI1 (~~), ~-TT3TI 0fiT '¥§ ~ (311'1"1lfi4=1 8

( 31Mf1~iT~Tf~ 1989-90iT 517,9-t7 ~~ I~~it 3Wiq;wrfuCf>1~ it 'fiCf!ftfcfiWl1?T ~ ~{I'.TII, 1980 -81 (f~ 1988 -89 if ~~it~~ iI311O!if;~~~-if~(~~)wft~ C8 cjlITOf1{OI ~ ~ f.p::;f m iT~: (xxxvi)

1988-89 1980-81 ~ ~ CfiT I:flIT€fl(U! ~ ~ ~ (~~-q) (~l)')

2 3 4 5

1. Cf'f 141,882 27.39 151,225 30.62 2. Th:~~~: (31)~~fW.t~~ 24,172 4.67 25,015 5.06 ('at)~~~~ 93,700 18.09 80,190 16.23 3. 3R~~~~~~. 33,232 6.42 33,665 6.82 4. ~m~~ 26,054 5.03 12,823 2.60 5. ~~ 55,783 10.77 43,297 8.77 6 . ~lfltT~~ 143,124 27.63 147,723 29.90 ..:.'

29. ~'Ol'Tn~ 3lf~~lfltT ~ 1989-90 ff 26,753 ~~ 1 2 3 m~ 1980-81 if~ ~ 28046 ~ m Imif~~ 5 ~ 2,031 3,492 -qq.ff~ 31~ ~if~~s

a. ~ 1 "-AT 4,969 3,749 30. ~ fufr -q eft ~ ~ mm ~?;f?1[" mTq;" ~ ~ 2 3Pl~~ 14,183 3,260 'lTIm il ~~t 'O?1[~?;JT ~ 10ft CfiT~ ~ 3 arm"lfTCF 301 104 -q '09.iT ~ cn1 't:fim1 eft ~ ~ ~ r~ CftIi ~ >IW-'l1 4 3PlW~ 232 114 it \jff'ffi %I f.p::;jfRfua ~ if 1988-89 if ~ if"@ro '09.iT

~ ~ oW! ~ furo: cti]'q -q 'ffi Tr:ft ~ CfiT ~ m lfltT If. OlIcHllf4Cf1 ~ 1 m3ffiri 24,549 5 2 ~ 22 9 ~ ~ 3 ~ 140 155 (~il) 4 muit 5,376 2,150

2 3 ~: 31Tf~~~~.~

3{~ ctll~i'lctllil 1 ~ 34,663 . 16,362 2 Ji5fl1: 6,330 3,274 ~ ~ ~ 31. CflI~('jCfiRj 'Cfil' ~. f.Iw:A ~ CfiI~('jCfiI~l :; 11cP-fiT 23,906 29,036 3TI~, 1955 ~~fc!;

34. ~~~'-IT~%\jj) 1959ii~ am f~~c;ID '5r~ q;'1 ~ 1R m mu fi (f!c;CflI~d ~

""11lfuCfi II ~

~q;T tp.(_l~ 71mm awm fcr@ '¥1~ ~ ~~ ~ 1:(P1

1977 37,088 11,181 2,660 32 699 224 72 1983 40,712 11,642 4,159 11 5,267 419 1988 32,026 9,171 3 7,837 4,445 741 42

38. ~ii~q,C'r~'rf~1~~~~-m'l--R~ I 1988-89ii 40. ~~if~~-if'¥'l8~'~itl1~~~ ~ii'¥156,608~&f;r~~~91~-if~ ~ 3289 ~ ~ Cfl) ~ Cfft?lT I ~ m ~ ~ q~ it, n;mf!?mii w:it'd'~ 2 ~-if m:q 3Am .~q'l1'1-2!11 ~q;'1~ qf(li)\l111~Bf1lq;'1l'fftuT~~I1~~ ~~ (xxxviii)

if 1988 if~3TIq:;1"¥1~ 589,086 9ft~ 1983 if 804,238 9ft I ~ if ~3TI ctt ~ cri{ 0fil1 mcri{ CfiR1!T :w:re: wmm ~, Cf ~3TI if; ~ "lit q errn ctt ~ ~ %I ~ ~ ~'liT~~~t:

qq ... Tfl71 ~n ~ ~ ~Cf TT~) diG ~31{ ~ ~

1977 239,738 63,419 189,593 263,429 5-48 2,983 5,257 253 46 22,483 1983 261,611 70,362 190,215 248,521 968 2,200 4,419 2,040 187 42,121 1988 132,873 58,015 166,381 197,168 262 3,055 5,857 617 224 24,638

~: fw9T ~ m< fui\it,1991

42. qtf 1988-89if~dTif; ~-i:pfu'tJ,miff¥;;~~mt 73.086 it. c. ~ "n ~ fq;m 'l17.Il1 ~19.ff1

1. ~ f€lfcflf8I<1'4 20 2. ~ a:)1q\;JI<1'4 8 44. ~ if '1:A' ~~.t ~ t (l~ 'fur0 if 9nfrvr TW'P' 3. ~~~~ 2 ~:r %(l~ 5 m mAT 'liT ~ Cfl1 Tflft t I ~ Wl.J 4. ~TTm~-TR~ 29 ~ ~ in '1ffi ~ 1:JTCR ~ '!ft ~-l '& I 5 :m~m '!lTI1 ~ 45. ~ fq ~l ,:fl Cfl {Ol if> ah" if ~ m -it 3 0}J@;fjl(WTfu'Cfl1 tim 1989 (fCf) 433 'l'Tic.IT CfiT P:'I~.j5,jCfl{01 'Cfl1: fu<:rr 'l17.Il ~ (l~ 1989· 90 in a:Mf ('fGI16543

mifw:fr~CfT"0t1JT9 ~q;'11'Wf~t I~m 46. 1988-89if>qt{if 198.71 0 "fi1iW:R fCfl<1ICjI2:~~ if ~-l ~ CfiT ~ fuDit '1l1i ~ fl J!TCfr t ~~: if ~ 1P-ft ~ ~ ~ RP1 t: ~~:r ~ CfT"0t t I~ Cf '3i1 mm ~ C!lT~ ~ir1 ~ Cfl11ffi 'll-nG ~ if> ~ ~ CflT ~ (l~ ~ 'tlTi'R crrz:;IT CfiT anI'Cfll' '3l1~ ("fi1iW:R f Cfj ('1'1 Cj 12: if) ~ CfiT t I ~ if ~ ~ rW.mt '!ft t' ~ ~ ~ crrz:;IT 'fiT T-1 Cfl1 ~ q ~ *fum ~ >RR q;rcft %' I 1. ~ 19.029 2. "",~cn:llfilCfl (~) 5.974 3. ~: (1)W?l 10.648 -ru ~ if; ~ ~ ~ iF." '<:1TrIT CfiT ~ (2) 11Vl11 5.312 fi:ffifuf foflipPt (l~ qq 1988 -89 (1cf) 506 ~rrnm~ ffi~ £il (3)~ 32.151 ~-l I ~ 31fufu:p ~, ~ Cfl1 ~ CflT ~1-.JlT-l if; Flit 4. '81 ci "1 f1 Cfl Wlirn 0.267 ;~ ~ if> BrrIT CfiT ~ eFt ~ fcRif '!ft fi:ffifuf q:;1 S. 32.087 rp.ft 2ft I ~ 6. OliIc1'llf"iCfl ~ ~ 2.055 43. ~ -qfffi if> fuir '!ft ~ if ~ ~ t I ~ fuir 7. 3M 1.187 'IT:t ~ ~ Urn ~-l %' 1rB tcm M1, fi:Ti:r<:1T, ~ ~ *-1 'l9-l1 ~ (~m~), ru (fui'riT~), ~ 108.710 11Tl'P: (~1ln:) (l~';:p::fl~ (ft1I]-sCjI~I~) ~I 191'9 90 if m if ~ TW'R if> 200 .q. -;:. (9f9:l * ~ if (xxxix)

"¥1l'l"fq1 Fq~(11'fi<:1 0fiTl1-q ~~(1I'fi(1 ¢~

2 3 4 5 6 7

~ 80 80 2,822 1,391 96 2 ~ 64 64 2,233 1,639 137 3 fyO:gql~1 97 97 4,070 1,962 89 4 ~ 112 112 3,177 1,103 124 5 ~ 80 80 2,219 451 94

47. 1988--89 -q~-q~~~:mlCR f.rqfur 'Jfcll-mi ~~ Cfi"{17.ft Tf"Iit 'g I ~ 31'fufu!l1985 if; ~ ~ ~ 13 231 60 ;f.-P:IT'IA ~ ~:rm-q ~ ¢ 'i.fr ~~~ 11:ct ~ 1:["{ 31Tl'-rrfuf gl 2,381 149,245 7,287

49. 'B1: 1961 (fCfl"~-q~~:~~ ~~ ~ 1980 -q ~ 75 m~ ~9-TT ~ 770 mrn CfiT ~ fi:r1r ~3lT ~ I 1983 ;f.- 1:fmi ~ ~ 'IDU ~ ~ if; mm 50. ~ 11:ct ~ ~ if; 31ffiCI1 fu"itm ~ -q 1988-89 (fCfl" ;f.- "Cfl"R"UT fm -q ~ ~ r:rg: 11:ct ¢ m-rr ~ ~ T[it (i~ 'tIR~~cr~T{~l1l'-~ -\Wt~~~, ~ 2965 ffiTr~ '11: 1988 89 if;- 3fu (fCfl" fsrfr ij 2381 ~ 11:ct ~"3W1 ~ ~1~~-q(1~~~. if;.~, ~~(i~ it 1'J"ir 9) f;Rij 7,287 mrn Cfi1 ~ fJ:rT-TT £3lT 9-TT I f.fJ::;1 ~ ~r:g~h ~ 31fiSi m, ~ ~ ~ 31fiSi m, (i~ ~ -q ~ ~ >fCfiTI:, f1im ~ ~ (i~ m 'IDU ~ ~ ~crctm 3lr.lm 31ffit r~l1~ ~if;~-q~ ~-;;_ffi-qfcR:¥~"lRRm% : ~q~~~~m,3M~~3Wt, m ~ miR ~ ~, fuiTIft m, ~ miR ~ 3lTOl Us, ~ ~ ~ ~ 3Wt,m, fuq ~q;r ~ 'Pft~ ~-qWt ft:q-;m:y_ ~ 3lr.l m, ~ lAl1'If'"1{11d'l ~ 31fiSi m, >fCfiTI: ~ (~~ij) ~lWmT 3W:rn~ ~,Us, ~~ ~~~ ffrf'i:Rs ~ m, ~ ~ ~ fufi:Rs, 31fiSi m ~ '& I 2 3 4

51. fui'rit~-q~~-q 84081nm~ iTl 1. ~ 1:["{ 3lTl'-rrfuf 246 16.181 571 1988 - 89 it 3Rl -q ~ fc!cRuT f.fJ::;1 m ~ 9-lT:- (xl)

1. 6lIICI'8lf<1C'ii, ~ 'tfci ~~ 501 55.1990~~~ 14~'q'P1~d'i!fT~~ 5~lJlr ~ 2. \HII'8f'1"!l ~ ~ 7 "lll~:~, ~ m, ~J ~ ~ d'~ fl:tO:sqI~1 if 3. ~~~~ 11 w.rn~I~~~~CliT¥'I~1.7~~WT~~1 4. ~,~, ftrcf,1ft 'tfci ~~ 75 5. ~,~, 'rtcf ~.$om 56.1988-89 if 88 ~'Wr~~ m 2ffd'err 13 ~ 'lffi1i~ f.ffl::rn~ ~d'~ 12 ~q1'JtirCliT~ ?iT I~~ ~~,~d'err ~ 266 'l.lT«f 4. 3 'l.lT«f 2.77 6. ~ ~ 3T::<:f C!iQT ~ if if 'f.1fl:ffi fuR ~~, ~ 'Rfl:fu' ~ '(1T1Sl'~, 5.Q2 '(1T1Sl' ~ ~ ~ d'2fT 570 m. ~ (ierr ~ ~ fc~i~PT

'Cf!'f 1988-89~¥I247 31f~~~"ft 194 fuIi'R '>R ~ I ~ B 84 '6lIftpalf Cfil ~ mcIiR ~ W~ fcf'lWTf if 57.1988-89 if ~ ~ 659 Wf~ ~ m, f;Rif"ft 2 ~ fl:rffi, 65 Cfil ~ mcIiR ~ fcf'lWTf if, 32 Cfil31~ mcfiffi 'm4'P-l fua:rr q 'lfcfi Ollc('8lfllCfl fua:rr ~ ~ it I ~ 31ffiCIT 48 q ~ ~ ~ (ferr ~ 13 ~ 'fiT f.lf;:r 1ffirnRf if ftwTR ~/~~~, 103'GT~~,419m~ i11ffi I ~ d'~ 8 OlllcH"llfllCfl ~ mI ~ 3lC!'fV-.l~ W'lA ~alf ~ 96,769 fcrm~ (71836~, 24933 <1~fCfl'4i) fua.1T-mruTCfi1: ~ it d'~ 2841 fua1cfi ( 2356 ~, 485 ~) 3F~ 'Cfi'T'rCflT{ ~ it >rfu fu&fCfi fcrwf$IT Cfil ~ 34 2.TT I 52. ~, ~, ~ d'err tm g3TI~, ~, ~, offi:r, ~CliT~, ~, ~, m, ~, ~ 31IR~~ 58. 1988 -89if~ifW~Cfia:rralfif¥l120,445fcRrT~ '8 f.:r1fu iR cm;ft ~ ~ ~ -aerr~, m, B1m, ~ it~'B 15916 ~\jjlfud'2lT 15062 ~~~ d'~n 3T::<:f ~-ITTI. ~ Cfil im, ~, ~, fl, ~, ~, it I ~ if ~ \jjlfu ~ fu<) 5 01311C1lff d'~ ~ ~, ~, ~, m ~ CliT .rnA, ~, 3frqf~, 'll1'l1lf(lll" ~~ 9 -mm it I ~ 31'Cl'f~ ~~ 'lfcfi ~ '!TIt! ~ 'Wl1R, q~i ft."F14 31T'R: Cfil -3Wmrf~;m ~ %I ;ji~ *:121 Ie:, 31T53m ~ m~ ~ 535 fcroTI$IT it; ffiit ~ ~ I ~, ~ d'~ Cfil11F 'fiT ~ "ft 'BTl1R ~Tcfi('I'{ f.:r1fu -gtrr % ~ ~ l1R1 31Q4(':"'~Ie:, ~, ~, "flT, 'l1ftsT, 59. fua:rr ~ ~ 31ffiCIT 3'f.tCfi OllCffflfi~Cfl ~ ~ fl:h~h'l{,~,~, ~q~"ft"Tc\im~~ 3Wmf ~ >rfu~ ~ 31T'Ifu~ ~ rqiJ:sqI'~I. qbl~Cf)F'1q:; ~ d'~ ~ ~ >rfu~ ~ ~ 'I.fi ~ it 'q(1 W~ I it ~ W'lA-tmf 53. ~ if ~ '6lIl'W: 'fiT 'i:ffi ~ ~ I fu'frit l:JUit if ~ ~ fi:n'cl:, ~, ~~, ~~ ~,~ ~ ~ '8 wfr:r ~ TJi'cff 'B l1R13lRfT %~~, 4Alf'q'i'll ~, ~ ~&1fq;;!F:tI~1, ~·(':su'F1.:rrRif~>Ifu~>rzyr d'~ ~ mWm 3T::<:f iR ~ if ~ 3TId1 t f;Rii 1Jll& ~ 'CflT "fiT'f ~ ~ I ~ itt ~, "R'T, 'ii1'T'llU, lW-fil, ~ (f~ lW11 ~ 0lJTllT'l: ett ~~n 'J'I.fi~ 1"j}§'1I<11.:j'i 11\~~ I~ 31ffiCITfrfuu ( rq OsClI ~I 60. 1940 if ~ fua:rr Cfil ~ if 'lfcfiwWT ~ ~ if 'QW'q%n~ ~mm~ett 5~, 1985-86 it 1988-89 (lqi 50249 ~Cfil~~~-lTCfilffi'q~ ~ 'lJTl:ftur ~ ett 26 ~ d'~ ~ O'.:jIQIRCf5 ~ CliT 4 (i~ 50.23 rzyr ~ I , m WTR m % ~, whF'1Cfl ~'81CflI<1~, l"IW'C ~ d'~ ~ 'l«'lCflIWl (xli) ~ l1~('CI'"I0f~ 1~1' gf<1q;I(;:p~''i-qW~~~~~ 67. ~

~ CfiI':;m ~ 62. f,jffi # em 1988-89 in ~ 40 ~ ~~ f,.~F6fiffil ~~ ~ I~~~ 4 ~~FCflffiIMll) 20 1. ~ ctiR q ilfrq 880 m~~~, 8 &film m~, 6 Tl:Stffi:c ~~, 2. ~~ 161 ' 1 m=[fu,~ ~~~, om 3r.<:! ~'IWiT b1U ~ ~ 1 3. ~~, 4,162 I+.IFCflffiIMll ~ I ~ 1988-89, ~ ~ ~ if 15 ~ CJffi 2 :mit ft

64. r:rt 1988-89 -qffi'l1fT 9529 3=Rf :frrft~ 3.25 'MT&:~ 68. f!1c{"If1q;f.f$r~'lWT~~,~, 3BT?J,~. irfTr;iT

~('f?lT~ 69. f~rC'fn:in'1rCfft 'fIR -1991 if ft:il ~ in 31T~.TfN{ 1988- 65. 1988-89 (lCfi ~ "B ~ C!'ili ~ ~ ~ if '!fr 89i(~if 162 mcntR, 37''('fRtR, 30 f!lci'Jlf1Cfi ~~ m~ ~11989 it~,~, mr, ~it~ (l~14mm'~~1 (~) 'fiT ~ qrffi ~ 'fiT ~ ~ ffi FITif~fmI.,'7.T, ~(lm~~,mf7.:,& l¢Tm ~~it~tl '1JI{Qlf(1Cflldi<:fiT~~, ~, mT~, "I(1"'~Ji~, f.:n:ITur 66. ~ 1880it~'#iT'J;[2l11lfrv7nT~~'I1Cfi1~ ;;w:t o~ 3Pi fcrcfim m lR ~ %I "JiT {1::1tY/'1I'1I- ~ 1:Wt CfiT ~ 'lWT mI q~ it, 'lj$ ~ 71. ~ if ~.wfl7.nr~Tl~, ~ if; .3P1 wIT cn1 'I1ifu ~ ~ it '¥.1~:m t o~ fzyffi -~'6A~I64I~ if; m'Wf lR m W.rn~ Im-q1:fm~-qRR 'fiT'iT 86 ir~ I 1988-89 it' 180~~iiir 123 ~'lJTlftur ~rn if i'l9.rr 57 ~ ~ ~m if 9ft I 1% ~ ~ ~ ~ 8118 'l9-TI "(f':h m~ "!fi1 fcfonm ~ 'liT ~ 9-TI ~ ~ q,l tim: m 1'W:n:i'l9.rr CfiI'~!!f1<:'11fir~: "iT q{LqiJ l ll1 Fn -rom if --qfflP.,1Uf r:r ~ '!.fr"!lGR q,1 Tf7.ft I 20S.40 1Vfmfi'l~ 2391.40 i"'fT& ~ 9.fi I "31'~~fc:1!. Tfl:l: 1981-89 ~ ifRR 'liR -qftqffi "'fiT 10,901 ~ ~ 'liT l3_TlT 266.28 ~ ~ if, ~ "ijl>-n ~ c8 ~ 173.59 ~

77. -ro ~ if; ·3Mf1Ji'l1981 ir 89 Wf; 2896 ~ ~ m ~{;.ff 1rit :qrqp:f ~ cr.M, -.:im: rl!~hlf, ~, ~ ~,~-ml11,~, ~7:ffRT,~, 3TlfG:ii'9fuzyJl~ TT

75. ~if ~ ~~~(1m1fturfcJcf;m~, 79. ~ ~ in ,3R!1Ji'I ~ ~rq!:ZfB ~ if; fc1ir <'1'q ~ ~ w:frJT irvrm~, w:frJT ~ ~ TTRit ~ -&;Cfi'1"1if CfiT ffim 'f'Tf %I~ 1984 ~ 1989 nq:; hIB if 2,598 'f3TI 1"1>.f[ iffi:rcT ~ ~ ~ Ur .:g I Cf)T f.fI::rruT fc!;7.rr Tf'1TI I

76. hriI ii 1986 87 nq:; ¥ fqm-l: 26832 -qfrcm '1iP:fr c8 '-t-rsrr i:1-::fm?F: 14\f;q (1 Cfif.t ~ wm 'T.j7.R fo/:n Tfl!T ~ ~ 84. ~~ 3Frftrncf -B W-lCf) ffi'rr ~ ~ ~ 2) I mffi, ~, '\a:TI ~~R, ~~, 'l'lUJTih: (i~ ~ t I ~~~if~, ~fi:Rn:, ~~, ~-1J:-~ fllcl'J1f-i4> mTCIffi, ~ mm ~ ~ ~3if, ~ (i~omr~~1 f~lPt,('fll(1il 'IlCR, 3'fl1d!f ~ 15593 ~ I ~m~~i1'rf, ~; im %' ';iff ~ 1fl17.11R 'f!'1ffi %' (i9.J1 'S1'CfiT 't ~ fu1J: ~ - .". ~.. " '__:;""";';-±-~mit;ll1mlm"Rt f,T(1'f <' I '~l1'191RT~ ~ <:'11'11 '-l'l .' ~ "'~ eft'@: ~. q;ff, 'ifffi r:r '1Tffi' i1 f1:m ~31T ~ ~ fWt F0 ir~ 3ifuft;:pr-s'.J1;ft"

&HCiI S I TTf.;;:r ~ ~ Cffr ~ ~ '11 ir iAT 9?f ~ 13 ;;f,r 1i~711T\1Tt I ~(i~11Tun':Jflfu~(VfT['l1TT 30.000 ~P1it'<9 -q ~ ~ -iT ~ fq;. Tfi. r;1 ~ it'1m fP.m ~ \1'~ q~m%'1 1rf.p:ff OFf 1ft9~ ~ t I~ it; ~ 11~~ 'l-Tmf it '11M em ~ ~ ~ ~ if> ~ if ~ %' 11i1ii -iT 1JlpsI'QT'l'l1Rl' ~ ~ Jif;;;;f.r -~ ~ fsr1i1' 'i:r ~ 'fqq-fr WF. ,(f9.J1 ~ in -qm m1-ff, ~ f, I "1(,'0T ~ 'fcr:rr1 m -2f ( "-llq~ U"J11 'i.:fh:n ~ fffirir it; f.fq;-c: ~ ~ if ir irm WTm t -iT I if; TJ'Cfi 31f,..m;r1t) .q fuqT 'WI 1,031 -q q.pw:jj '9.J1 ~ ~ 13 '~in rrn ~ in 12ii ~ WTm t I mii WI ir2t ~ if eft '!(TIlT~ if ~?!m ~ 1Tl1 in~ ~ ~.q ~ ~ : tcnft ~ ~ w:Rt JfTfu it; fcf:rrG: 7:ff.T tn' ~ f, ISB it'<9 2) ~ 1rf.p:ff if; 2274 rfr9m ~9-l C!iT ~ f. I ~ ~ if ~ 10, 000 c;q-ftp 'IWT

f1TI(lT (i9TI iftfrMr '1117f7' C6T itMT %~ ~ ir 31"~ ~J 'Cfi11'i9'

~ 'l'fr 11 ciT ~ 'ire" ~ in ~ 1JTl1 ~ 'J:fI=frq "n" iv-n ~ 711T\1T t hruii 3W1'ffi1 in P.rRT i1 "flIlq 10, 000 ~ (xliv) ~~it1Ffl~~it~~~~~~ m. ~~~~t~lTT~~'TliTit~mn~ ~~~~ I~~~~t ~~Cfi~:m~~ ~ l-qrn it q ~ %~ ~"Ul1, ~a:tfTJT v:ci ~ ~ ctt ~3ff~ ~~it~Cfi{~ m, ~ 31T?-m1Rit~ ~~ l-qrnm ~ 'ift~~'&~~~ 31ft;; 7:ffl" ~~ ('f~"I1l'R ~ ctt ~it ~ 3W-Jqi~ it Tft ~ ~ ~ -?r 'Cfim -:mm ~ fEfi;;ffiT ~ croT efiT ~ s31T I t I ~ ~ ~ it ott St'~-'ffiit ~ ~ m"G1: ·qrp~~ ~ ~ .~~ I~~~'lf~~~-T~ l-qmt"~it~1JIiT!t ~ fJr:lit it ': mm ~ ", "wrn"TfiT" ~ 'Lnq ~" ~ ~ MO:gqI~1 ~ CfiT ~ mer m m1i ~ "IT Mo~q!~! ~ tl m~ it 5. f

~Wp; -a:mrn

?1\rt it ~ ~ fufrtt -us ~~ it ~ ~~f.1cR %I ~

~ ~ CfiC.lCI it ~ g31T illGT -m ~ ~ ~ ~ 31m ~ '-TI ,~ lffil1 ttl ~ ~~, ~ l:fP:ffiT ~ ~ 3~. -m ~ ftto~q! ~! ~ C!iT ~ TJtq %'\jj) ft:RTm ~ it ft:riIm CfiT <~ ~ ~ I ~ CfiT~ ~ ~ ~1R ~ I 'W m w.rn 'irs ~ cn#t 11'J1i 'R w.m %I

, '~~~ ~ II 1)l:fCf, 't%' Qfct~ If~Cfi m * 1=fffiT ~ ~ %~W-lot ~~ 7n\"l::rr~tfcf;~ ~~~-lil ~urnt ?fr 3fu: ~ it ~ 1JR ~~-l "ffif it I nnwcff rW-~ iRft t I ~ ~ it 10 fcn. 31T l}.fq o~ ¥rrft cn.m 3ll'fC:: ~ ~ 1 (xlv)

1mf~';flR'f"'~~I2flI3lR~ 1j'f"f 4101"f1 if fcrf~ Wcr~mn '6fiT ~:rnr ~ 31T~ 11l: ,.,;m ~ fcIm1lT it ~~-rrit~1 mr '2fIT m&m' fq¥H iSf 01

7. ~onr~~-qvqrn~~-qrna:n~mii~-l rrtrfu~l(nfCfi 't I ~ 'B aW.fcii Tficr ~ ~ ~ M 'lft 1JCfil"I: Cfft fu8:lT ~~~ ~.r~t l3Wiim~~ii"Oo1 ~TJtcfiCfiT~ 8. ~~m"Q'.CfiW~"TI~'il1T~'iftffiTIT 3fu:'ffiTq ~ aW.fcii (96.15) t ~ m&rr W·F--TTtt ~ t ~ ~ 'B rrfcff if m ~ ffiTIT ~ ~ ~.fcii ~ t I ~ 86.59 ~ ~ m~ ft:RTtt ~ ~ CfiT 3ffirq ~ t I 31'i.ft 0Cfi TTTr.fi -q ~ crrffi 1i11+i&:l1 it ~ 43.40 ~ Tffi% 'I".fBl1Jiqit ~~ ~'ift Tffi t 1nffi' Cfft 86. 38 ~ w:ftur ~ i'{ ft:rUm ~ ~ ~ 31f~rTtTftrno 'l1fcIT i'{ ~ 'W'!'l-rr ~.T %I ~ 'fIfi:Ifu i:( 0if fcf;7;ff"1"f7:fT %I fm1T am ~ ~ 11l:, fcIT~ ~'1:1Ta:IT Cfft~.rnT it 31T~ 'R 'JWftur il11ti&11 CfiT ~ 5. fucI'$r C{ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ m- 'l1tcIT ii wuft - 2 -q fcr@n: 'B ~ 7p:(l %I ~~ ctt ~'1:1T ~-l % I 40 ~ 'B "¥9 aW.fcii TTtcIT mcn~182%i:(om~q~~~~~~-l1 9. ~~ ~~"il11~t 31'lft ~"¥9TJtq~~ ~-l ~ I ~ rrfcff i'{ ~ ~ ffiTIT CfiT31tf.f 1'RCWl Gcfi ~ ~ 'il1m "¥9 ~~m: ~ 1if ~ I ~ 1f1 ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ C{ ('ffi'1'R Cfft ~'1:1T~: ~ ~ it 97.56 ~ l'Jiq f154'gol't'd ~ (f~ ~ ~ 68.83 ~ o~ 59.19 ~ -rrtcIT -q >fll{f ~ t 1,"Oo1-rrtcIT Ofil T..9-lRt 131TO!m~~CfiT~ 3M1-q 31T\1l%~ 31'ift ~ ~ '¥§ ~~-l1 ~ ~ % o~ ~ ~ "Wi:T'1:1T ~1 ~~ 61.54 ~llioITii'm fqQdl6fi{Olm1lf"<:IT% 1'Bfl:1liT 1 %em it 1Jiq C!>l ¢ CfiT 'Bfl:1liT 3 -q fu9r:n 7p:(l t I (xlvi)

10. -rrtcn it m ~ m-rrr 'liT '8 ilil f"l Cfi C[ ,'mf$i; "ijcf-'rm2.T ~ aTI~rRt~mm~~ ..ftcfrTPit%, ~ q Bir ~ ~ it >T'l.TTfcrn m % I fJr~ ~ TftcIT 'liT 3W-TCfiWl 31fuftm flffi it ~ ~ CfR1 (f2.TT f"1f.t it 3W!R1 C[ f.:r."Bt. 'CfiT~1R fr..9..fil t 147 Tfiq ~ ~ ~ Tficif 'liT 1O. 54 ~ t 3l('1'.lf% 1:'. hrB i:i 1Tn: ~ it: mw:r ~ ::fng;~ CfiT m iT Tffi1 W ft.2.T(f ~ '02.TT ~ ~ iT '0Cfil ~ SO tn. "Bt. it Cfili -.,m 1'fffilT %fcf> ~ >Tfu oqfu) crrfTtcl:; 31m 202.51 m % fimii it ~ I ¥ 37 TTfq (8.30%) T!:if 'g"iT ~ ~ it 5 fcn . .n. it 101.69 m'CfiU iT '02.TT 100.82 m0A'cirnTit 1,ffifm% I ''f,11 q;"r mf~~ ~ en: W~ '%' I ~ .. ~~~1R 31f~~>Ifu$.m.:ffm 31m ~ % I ~ ~ C[ 11. ~'%~~mfc!1~~it oiT 5 fufttt CfiT ~ 1;1~ ~ 'Cfi1>rfu ~ .m<1' ~ rit 3ffi:rn 31m f:n.lTI. rf,t~1R~TTfq1 it it :m~~-rrtcn it ~imTfu~~C7.fl1 ~'nTfiqitit~% I~ 4 it~~itTftq'CfiT~ 135.99~.% \~~~~<:ffl'7.f{':~·~.i1'31f~~cr'l1TCff\ ~9n W~ ~~n.m 'CfiT ~-RIT ~ 31T'.ffi 1R TTfq1 ~ fcrcRuT CfJ1 if~% I~Offrfcrf115T~if 3RCfiP:iti4'"V:f7.1" ·lrf"~ 52.78 ~rr:rr% I ~. % ~ ~ "illcf"1f~Cfl "CfiT'1t (39.22 ~. ) Cf 7:fl11P:r ~ (19.38~.) 'liTP-lR ''_'wrr% 1f;wrr~1R '8I"hF"lCfl~..rRfif~ 12. ~ ~ TficIT ~ 28.70 ~ TTtm it 500 it Cfi11 ~~ 2.99 'f..lJR~itfrmT;qiTfu;l.rr~% I~~ i11+4tAl f,- I 500 it 1999 "11+4@~1 -.::rr0 ~ ~ crf it 247 Tfiq ~ 1R ~ CfiP:it cr '814"1 f"lCfl -::nr:rr it 31f ....~ ~ ~ 31T1. i ~ '¥f -rrtcn 'liT 55. 38 ~ t 164 Tfiq il:ir f, -m 2000 il3WTcfi ~ if fcn;>n -;;;mr t, I ~ cir ~ 'B'I11 ~ i:i >Tfu 'O!1ftp ~-.::rr0~qrfit 3Wr~'02.TT 7 Tfiq 5000 iT 3WTcIl "11+4@1 ~, >rfu 'O!1ftp 3wrir Cfi1=! % I fqo s'"1l ~I ~ it fll<'l\ljf1Cfi ~ ~ crf it 3Wr ~ I~ (fCf) 3W~ TftcIT cf,r -.:fwTI 'liT ~ % ~ it ~ Cfil11 ~ fc8n Jf1C'IT %Cf2.TT ~ Us, fill) S q I,~ I cr fufttt if -.:fwTI 247 7.Cf2.TTif 500-1999 "11+4@Iif;crf-if:miff, 1<:ffl'''8RUft- filch f"lCfi ~ r.r flfcp-n.m 1jT clilfo'17.f '1it ~ Jf1C'IT % I~ 5 it 'P11! m % ~ TJicif ~ "1'1+4&:11 crf C[ ~-T "Wcr~n ~ 31fufull'l1f31JC ~ ,FYI) 5"l I~ I, ~C[fuirtt~ -if '81':l"1 f"lCfl 31T~.ffi 1R ~ RfCI)R 'liT ~ -;w,T fCfl?:rT -;;;mr t I ~ 7 it ~ C[~it~1R"Wi q'ITCf,{OI it ~~cfi>Tfu~ 31Pl' 13. hrB~~ ~'liT43.01 ~ 'lWT~mrrr% cr C7.fl1 if;" ~ ~ TJit % I hrniiiT~21.22~'lWT~tIOO~~it ~fT.p;rrn.:r ah'liT3W~ ~ ( 56.98% ) t ~~ Cfili 17. ~ fua.-n tIiT ~m 312.Tfu WR flEhoS{I~ro.'p:fr/ ~ (21.53 %) 3lfrfu ~ it ~ ~ rfu 10,000 rit \lj1+4&11 if;fuiffcrf~>TCW~~Tfuoqfu) .m<1'C[~, 10,000'CfiT f1'&rr cfr TFft %I ·~1R~'CfiTrf&n'09n~~if~-Tf.w.JiT i=; ~ Kit 'l'l'il ~ \~ 31fuftm m 'Cfi1 ~ ~ if ~ (xlvii)

~ -q-gfu 1000q;1 'l1"1:8&lliFfu'it 2.34 ~~t ~~~"l1nfCfiffitfcf;1911 ~ 1921 *~-q~ 0.48~ ~~~~~~-q aW~ (6.05) ~~ wm~ ctiTCfilfi 31I""'I; cWT~~~~ 4~14IR,~''iCflT~fc:f;m~m t I~90~ (1901 ~ 1991) it~cfit 'l1"1:8&lI-q 4.91"ffi@ ctiTf.Rit~~~t I~it~ 1.26 'ffi'@cnT~~~ iIi~~Cf1'1l-q~t~~'f1:!OO~~if 1.11"ffi@ 20. ~-q~flftrn~ntt %I ~ -@t ~ 'IDlft'oT ~~~iK1iF~~~ 1~-10-qlJw:f~,~ ~-q~~ 18.29 ~~~~ ~if 31.53 ~m% r.r f.r~ffffiFff~pn *om: -q ~ ~ 7J'?ft 't I 31~m *wft ~if 'IDlft'oT !$rctiT CFRT -q 31f~Tcfi~ it ~ ~tl

25. ~*~ 31lCiim~9.TTTcw~if aW~~ 24.91 ~ ~ q;11'f

21. 'l1"1 110 1"11 q;1 affi:!l1 f1Rcft * 31T?-.ffi"1R 1 ~, 1991 * ~ Cfi4" ~ ~ 14.45 1Jft:mi ~ ~ -q ~ ctiT Tf.fi, ~~~q;1 'ri'ffi * 'IDlft'oT '6! ~ ~ -q ~ ~ Cfi131WT 31WT fCll(zq q 01 Tiw:n 335,517 ~9.rrfur

22. '!Tl'IftuT 'l1"1:8&11 "fiT 31f~ ~ (25.10~) ~ ~ 'illi=Ifu -q f.rqrn <.fi<:nT t ~ ~ 24.32 ~ 26. ~-@t~~-@t'¥1461 TJicIT-q'fr 446 'I'li'6! ~ BfTT fq oM I ~ 1~~ 20. 10 ~"ffiTr fuiTit -q f.r=mrcf,'~ ~ 1'furB it ~9n itq 15 TfTcf iT<: ~ it I 7lici'i * 31T'fiR if ~ ~~ 't~ ~-q"¥1~ 'l1"1;G&l1 in 31.20 ~ 'IWT*CfiR1JT 'l1"1:8&l1 ~ iii 31T~m 1R 1lft=.rcR ~ 1'¥1 ~ 'I"1i<.ft

32. m:Cfft ~~~it;-rn~ ~~~ CfiT 31~~"B~tRfI~%fCfi 1991 i[~en1 'Jf1~&lr 27. ~iI~~mtmrif;~CfiT~~~~ Cfft 'WRT iI fu

28. ~~~CfiT "S11~@1 ~ 127 ~~crtfCfi. m. ~ f,m~nT~iI 18m ~ %I ~ ~ $ '!WftuT q mrft &hi .iT ~ ~ i:i CfiTthl ~ ~ 1 nrcq $ '!TI1ftoT f$r CfiT "S11~ @I ~ 33. 1991 CfftIlf1TlT1RTif; ~~ 'l11~@1 in 19.24 ~ . ~ 104 ~~crtfCfi.>ft. ~~mrft ~CfiT~ 1608 ~~it;~ ~ 1981 Cfft 'l11 110111 iI~ ~ 18.74 ~'9fucrtfCfi.>ft. t-m~ ~$~i\ 15 ~i\ 'I:f\ 3TI1-:rcfi ~~, ~~ 1981-91 it;~if~lfucrt fCfio >fto it 1.18 'TIT 31fv..fCfitl ~ '1'ln:tRt ~ ':jfffuen1%~~ a:T;ril~ 18.73~ 'l11~@4I~Cfli "i:ffm atr %(9'9..fT ~ 'l11~@41 ~ 4139 '&Ifui' ~ crf fCfic '!:fto i:i 3mfT %1 1981 CIft ~ iI 7.!"{t ~ 1JTl1Tur q mit ~ i; t ~ 'I1ICR1 (~o eno) '1'l'n: CfiT 'l11~@1 OR'('CI-m 605 ~ fuit~: 19.02(l~17.47~~1 >lfu crf %0 ofto %1 34. f;ret iI ~ ~ 'l11+i&11 CfiT 'WRT -q' ~ 29. f;ret i:i '¥1 174 TTtq (39.01 ~) 'Q:B ~ f;RCfiT ~ 'l11B&11 CfiT ~ 31fw.n %11991 CfiT 'l11 110111 iI ~ S11~@1 ~ 101 it 200~~crffCfi. m. %(9'~:rfm ~ crf %. mm-ur ~il' 27.13 ~~MT['1:[T%-m 1981 ClftWfTTURl m. t 160 TTtq"'S1T~ 3Wl'R1"ficfi$13.45 ~% CfiT 'l11~@1 iI 26.30 ~ 9n, ~miT a:T;ril7.!it ~~: 7,98 ~ 201 it 300 it; oft':q CfiT tim 31fuft;:p 52 TTicTt CfiT '"11 ~ @I :;rfum:r d'~ 8.44 ~ ~ I ~ 21 it 50 '&1fu' ~ crt fcn. "!ft. %I ~ ~"'!'-T iI m\UfT-16 oFT ~ it 3:rf~-TCl'i ~ cmcfrt WlR 3mfT %fwm ~ 'ffil:Ifu 35. ~~1J:Cf ~~Cfft 31f~~ 'l11~@1 NTI 11l: TftciT in '"11 ~ &11 "-Ri'CI ~ ~ 'fit ~ fcF;

~ 'ffiTT Tftq (l~ 5.65 ~ 'ffiTT m' if ~ ~ 1

30.mil1901in~~~ilW~~()ifu 36. w:ftur ~ ~ 'l11B&11 ~ ~ 'ffil:Ifu -m 11l: 1000 ~ 11l: fuin ~ ~ it 31f'l--TCl'i mif tfrlIT 1~ -17 iI 1901 it ~ ~ (l2.lT 10.43 ~ 'S11~&l1 ~ ~ ~ if 1991 (iCf; fuA in w~ ~ 'fit <::W:n Tr:IT~ 1 urcit~ 1-miT ~~ 'l11B&1IC!1l 33.05 ~ 'l11A@1 (xlix)

~w;~it('l~~ 66.95 ~ ;JH +i&l I "l1R-;mUitwffi

~ t 1 21. ~ ~ ~ 1R"¥,! lJTlftur ~ qft"BT8:ffifT ~ ft:Rrit 37. wftur ~ 1:11: ~ -;;rrfu ('I~ ~ '5A -;;rrfu ~m'i1fuftul ~ if ft:Rrit ~ TTiciTii~"'lITfu"1'1fi&l116it20~(lCI)% 1417:fT9.20 m'i1fu ~'4 it ~ ~ it "Bl1A ~ it fcrufuf % 1<:rei 7N -;:ftc ~ 116 ~ qui m fcf; 93 Trfcr wftur <$I it f11J~11'1i '1Cfl ~ ~ 3W:ft t 1wftur aft if ft:w;it 'lIl¥1 ~TTtcITCfiT20.86 ~%~>fCfi1l:~'g'~ ~ cnl"BT8:ffifT ~ ~ 7.17 ~ ~ m ~ ~ if ('1m ""11fu qft "11fi&11 ~ t I 10.74 ~ f'lO,sql~1 ~~if't 1¢31tl:-mff ~if ft:;rTI Cfin:UT;muc ~ ~Cfi1~ ~ TrfcIT ~ 15.25 1ffir.mf Trfcr l):B 'g' ~ "¥'! "11fi@1 if ~me: 3ffiIT't 1f;rB~-mff aftif"¥,!ma.n:ill~ 67.33 ~ -~~cn1 "11+i@1 5 ~it '>TIcp:ff; 1101 ?:IT 26.65 %('I~"lWftuT aft if 7N ~ 23 .05 ~ 't 1wftur cr -mff ~ ~TrfcritB'€'~~~"11fi&116it15~ it; ft.;rl 31Wl-31Wl Wm Cfll TPft ~ 22 ('I~ 23 if ~ (fCf; % 1 ~ 94 ?:IT 21.08 ~ TrfcIT if ~ \lH+i@116 it 50 gC1'11<:-GCfl m:cih: en) ~ TflIT t 1 ~ ~ ofrq if % 1¥1125 Trfcr (28.03 ~) l):B %~ -~~qft "1'1fi@ICfi1~'fC1 "1'1+i@I~ 50~ it 31f~-lCn % 1'W '>TI ~""11 ~ f; fen cp1 3WITG TrfcIT ~ 13.01 >rftmi; TTtcIT it mcnT ~ 58 t ~ ~ qft "1'1fi@1 22. 1991 cir~iff'irm;ft 'l11'IOI'i13~l'Cfft'ct'WmmTI-:m1t I~if;m~~ ~t"'l11~aftifcnR~mfiif;71.41i1ftrnait~ if it ~ w; it ~ ~ "11 fi&1 I CfiT 3W-lCn ~ (24.7 CJ1ll t m+ftur &tf if 1f&l Cfi11i ~ qwff (f~ m 111f-fl Cfl Cfi11i m >rftmi;) t ~ ~ ~ if ~""11fu "11fi@1 ~ CfTC1lCfi13TT!ffi~: 32.19 (f2fT 8.58 ~t I~-mff ~ 12.79~%I~~"11fi@I~~:rif'>TI ~ *iF1f~-qct M TflIT % "¥'! mt%¥1~ \lj'1+i&:lIit> 52.05 ~~'fiP1~m \lj'1fi@1 it> 23.05 ~ 'ffirT"BTa.n: 'g' 1~ Bft~ TI '>TI ~ ~'t 1f;rB~U'>TI wrr 31~-mGtuTcr-mff ~ ftl GI f -fl Cfl Cfi11i m crrJl 'g' 1 (I)

24. "¥f~ctt\i1'1('i@lI~~74.20~ft?r:rtCfiT'l"";f~ ~ (l2TT ill 41 f'*1Cfi CfiT'l" 'Cfi"f.r qwff rfCrmf) q ~141 RiCfi Cfil11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cfil11 ~ qffit -mrm

I JmfUrn Wtm ~ fcI:; lJIlftar ~ ~ ~ ~~l]7:JT~ 1~~Ti"¥f \i11('i&l1, "¥f \i11 ('i&l I Tim ~~ 1:R~Cfil11~cm:rr0fiT ~~ ~mrn 'll'1('i&l1 0fiT ~, ~ \i1'1('i&l1 ~ cm~~, Cf?tT~ ~ (34.44 >rfCrmf), fI:loMI~1 Cf ~ -q:qrrcnrrttfij ctt g;wn ~ ~~ \i1'1('i&lltf'R'crcn:;ft~~~~~~~ an~~ I~ '8f~f~p:;'i~~~: 32.13 (l?tT 31.75 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ "11'8ir&4Cfl~j<:J ~:m ~ 1{111!:4Cfl 3lV-flR ~ m 1T

AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE Directory and Primary Census data at the Panchayat Samiti level instead of the traditional Tehsil level pres­ The series of District Census Handbooks has been entation. It is expected that the presentqtion of Village prepared after compilation and tabulation of data col­ Directory and Primary Census Abstract data at lected through "Individual Slip" and "Household Sphed­ Panchayat Samiti level will help the planners in forma­ ule" on full count basis for which nearly 1800 workers tion of micro-level developmental plans, as the Panchayat were engaged for a period extending to more than 18 Samiti is now the lowest administrative unit for develop­ months. ment planning. However, for the convenience of the data-users and for the sake of comparability of data at 2. In 1981 Census, for the first time, an attempt was Tehsillevel, the Primary Census Abstract has also been made in the series to bring out demographic and other presented at the Tehsilffown level in the form of an data in diglot, Hindi and English, for a more beneficial Appendix. use by data-users of all categories. Hindi being the official language of the State, a Hindi version of the 5. A general note on each district covering informa­ analytical notes was also added with a view to cater to tion of general interest regarding its history, topography, the needs of all sections of readers. The manner of physiography, administrative set-up and places of tour­ presentation of the District Census Handbooks for the ist and historic importance etc. has also been included 1991 Census is by and large the same. with a view to provide comprehensive and more pur­ poseful information about the district as a whole. Pop­ 3. As a necessary corollary to the Handbooks, ulation figures of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Panchayat Samities, the basic administrative units of Tribes constituting the core of 'Weaker-Section' have development, administration and planning, were listed also been presented at district, panchayat samiti and out separately for the first time in 1981 Census in town level so as to facilitate planning for their w~lfare relation to those districts wherein they were not co­ both at micro and macro levels. terminous with their tehsils. As an additional attempt, information relating to population figures as well as 6. It is earnestly hoped that this publication will serve amenities available in each village located in the juris­ its purpose for planners and administrators of welfare diction of each Panchayat Samiti were also presented in schemes and other data-users in general. a separate volull1e undefthe title "Supplement to District Census Handbook". However, for reference in the main 7. Prior to 1951, Census Reports were printed for District Census Handbook, a list of villages forming part the whole province/state. The idea of preparing the of each non-coterminous Panchayat Samiti was provid­ District Census Handbooks separately for each district ed alongwith the abstracts of population and amenities was conceived during 1951 Census as a part of a plan for such Panchayat Samities as a whole in the form of intended to secure an effective method of preserving Special Annexures. the Census data below the district level. The idea was 4. In order to cater --to the over-all needs of the data- that all the district t;ensus tables would be bound togeth­ users and to facilitate the task of administrators and er in a single volume called the District Census Hand­ planners it has now been decided to present the Village books. Since then the District Census Handbooks are (Iii) being published regularly. changes in economic and other questions canvassed in the 1981 Census but at the same time, all efforts were 8. The 1951 Census series of District Census made to retain comparability with 1971 Census data. Handbooks was printed in two parts. Part'l contained The inclusion of Special Primary Census Abstract for five General Population Tables (A Seriest,-tl'tree-Eco­ Scheduled Castes and Tribes at the TehsillTown level nomic Tables (B Series), five Household and Age Ta­ was another innovation introduced in 1981 Census bles(C Series), and seven Social and Cultural Tables (D series. Series). rn Part II of District Census Handbook "Primary Census Abstract and Village Directory" which showed . 12. The manner of presentation of the District the basic pqpulation figures for each village or town Census Handbooks for the 1991 Census is by and large classified by livelihood classes, were included alongwith the same as followed in 1981. However, the format of some information of general n~ture. Primary Census Abstract has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census, for the benefit of data users. Nine­ 9. The 1961 Census series of District Census fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classification pre­ Handbooks..... were printed in single volume in which Primary Census Abstract upto village and town/ward sented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, the sex­ level and Village Directory upto village level were given. wise populq,tion in the 0-6 age-group has also been Besides, some official statistics collected from various included in Primary Census Abstract for the first time state departments, four General Population Tables (A with a view to enabling data users to compute more Series), sixteen Economic and Household Tables (B realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age Series), seven Social and Cultural Tables (C Series), have been treated as illiterate at ·the time of the 1991 four Housing Tables (E Series) and eight Special Tables Census. It is expected that the above mentioned for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes were also pro­ modifications will help the planners in chalking out more vided in District Census Handbooks. For the first time effective developmental programmes. in 1961 Census the maps for the district and tehsil were also included in the District Census Handbooks. 13. One of the most important innovations in the 1991 Census is the Panchayat Samiti level presentation 1O..ln 1971 Census series of District Census Hand­ of data in the Village Directory and Primary Census books villagewise 'Village Directory' giving services, Abstract instead of the traditional tehsil level presenta­ facilities or amenities available in the village was given. tion. It is expected that the presentation of Village 'Town Directory' was introduced for the first tir:ne giving Directory and Primary Census Abstract data at useful information in respect of every town of the district. Pancklayat Samiti level wi" help the planners in formu­ Rural Primary Census Abstract upto village level and lation of micro-level developmental plans, as the Urban Primary Census Abstract upto enumeration block Panchc

a) All places with a Municipality, Corporation, \ 20. The 1971 concept of urban agglomeration has Cantonment Board or Notified Town Area remained operative in the 1981 and 1991 Censuses Committee etc. without any change or modification. Very often large b) All other places which satisfy the following railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, mil­ criteria: itary camps, etc. come up outside the statutory limits of the city or town but adjoining it. Such areas may not by (i) A mimimum population of 5,000: themselves qualify to be treated as towns but if they form a continuous spread with the town, they are outgrowth (ii) atleast 75 per cent of the male work- of the town and deserve to be treated as urban. Such ing population engaged in non-agri­ towns together with their out-growths have been treated cultural pursuits; and as one urban unit and named 'Urban Agglomeration'. (Iii) a density of population of at least 400 An urban agglomeration may constitute: persons per sq.km. (or 1,000 per sq. mile). (a) A city or town with a continuous outgrowth. The outgrowth being outside the statutory limits but 18. The urban criteria of 1981 and 1991 vary slightly falling within the boundaries of the adjoining from that of 1961 and 1971 Censuses, in that the males village or villages; or working In activities such as fishing, logging etc. were treated as engaged in non-agricultural activity and there­ (b) TINO or more adjoining towns with their fore, contributed to the 75 per cent criterion in 1961 and outgrowths, if any, as In (a) above; or 1971 Censuses whereas in 1981 and 1991 Censuses these activities have been treated as on par with cultiva­ (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns with or tion and agricultural labour for the purpose of this without outgrowths all of which form a continu­ criterion. ous spread. (liv)

Building of flats or blocks which are independent of one another having separate entrance from a common courtyard or 21. A building is, generally, a single structure on the staircase and occupied by different households, eadl ground. Sometimes it may be made up of more than one such flat or block has been considered as a separate component units which are used or likely to be used as census house. dwellings (residences) orestablishments such as shops, business houses, offices, factories, workshops, 25. Usually a structure has four walls and a roof. But worksheds, schools, places of entertainment, places of in some areas the very nature of construction of houses worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible that is such that there may not be any wall. For example, a buildings which have component units may be used for conical roof almost touching the ground having no walls a combination of purposes such as shop-cum-resi­ as such and an entrance is provided. Such structures dence, workshop-cum-residence, office-cum-residence, have been treated as buildings and census houses, as etc. the case may be.

22. Sometimes a series of different buildings are 26. If there are more than one structure within an found along a street which are joined with one another enclosed or open compound (premises) belonging to by common walls on either side looking like a continu­ the same persons e.g., the main house, the servants' ous structure. These different units are practically quarter, the garage, etc., the whole premises have been independent of one another and likely to have been built treated as only one building and each of the constituent . at different times and even owned by different persons. separate structures has been taken as a census house In such cases, though the whole structure with all the provided these structures satisfy the definition of a adjoining units apparently appears to be one building, 'Census House' given hereafter. each portion has been treated as a separate building. On the other hand, one may come across cases, Census House particularly in large cities, of mUlti-storeyed ownership flats. In these cases, while the structure looks like one 27. A Census House is a building or part of a building building, the flats are owned by different persons. In having a separate main entrance from the road or case of such multi-storeyed structures, having a number common courtyard or staircase, etc., used or recog­ of flats owned by different persons, the entire structure nised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. has been treated as one building and each flat as a It may be used for a' residen\ial or non-residential separate census house. purpose or both.

23. Sometimes in metropolitan cities the local au­ 28. If a building has a number of flats or blocks which thorities have considered the flats in a block or in large are independent of one another having separate en­ colonies as separate buildings and numbered them as trances of their own'from the road or a common stair­ such. If the house numbering system of the local case or a common courtyard leading to a main gate, they authorities has been adopted as such, each flat has also are considered as separate census houses. If within a been treated as separate building in order to avoid large enclosed area, there are separate buildings owned renumbering of these houses'. by different persons then each such building is treated as one or more separate buildings. Within an enclosed 24. If within a large enclosed area there are sepa­ compound there may be separate buifdings owned by rate structure owned by different persons, each such an undertaking or company or even government, actu­ structure has been treated as one or more separate ally in occupation of different persons. For example, in buildings. Sometimes there may be a number of struc­ Indian Oil Corporation Colony where the buildings are tures within an enclosed area or compound owned by an owned by the corporation but they are in occupation of undertaking or company or government which are occu­ its employees. Each such building has been reckoned pied by their employees. Each such structure is treated as a separate building. But if in anyone of these as a separate building. If such buildings have a number buildings, there are flats in occupation of different house-

• No such numbering done by town authOrities has been adopted for any urban unit in Rajasthan. (Iv)

holds, eaoh such flat is treated as a separate census 31. It is also possible that a household uses another house. structure, e.g., a baithak, separated from the main residence by some distance or by other structures or by 29. It may be difficult to apply the definition of a road. In such cases, separate structure used as Census House strictly in certain cases. For example in baithak is treated as a separate census house. an urban area, a ((at has (ive rooms, each room having a direct entrance to the common staircase or courtyard. 32. It is usual to find in municipal towns and cities By definition, this has to be treated as five census that every site, whether built up or not, is numbered by houses. If all those five rooms are occupied by a single the municipal authorities on property basis. Such open household, it is not realistic to treat them as five census sites, even if they are enclosed by a compound wall are houses. In such a case, 'singleness' of use of these not listed for census purposes. Only cases where a rooms alongwith the main hoUse is considered and the structure with roof has come up are treated as census entire flat is treated as one census house. On the other houses and listed. But in some areas the very nature of hand, if two independent households occupy these five construction of houses is such that there may not be any rooms, the first household living in three rooms and the wall, for example, with a conical roof almost touching the second household occupying two rooms, considering ground and an entrance is also provided thus there the use, the first three rooms together are treated as one would not be any wall as such. Such structures have, census house and the remaining rooms as another of course, been treated as buildings and census hous­ census house. But if each room is occupied by an es. independent household, each such room is treated as a separate census house. 33. Pump houses, temples and other similar struc­ tures have also been treated as census houses as these 30. In case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door are places where people can live. Obviously, such of each room in which an inmate lives opens to a structures would not be treated as census houses if they common verandah, staircase, courtyard or common are so small that no person can live in them. room, as it happens almost invariably, the entire hostel/ hotel building is treated as one census house. But if Household such hostels/hotels have out-houses or other structures used for different purposes or the same purpose each 34. A household is a group of persons whQ com­ such structure attached to the main hostel/hotel is monly live together and would take their meals from a treated as a separate census house. In some parts of common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevent the country, in rural areas, the pattern of habitation is any of them from doing so. There may be a household such that a group of huts located in a compound, of persons related by blood or a household of unrelated whether enclosed or unenclosed is occupied by one persons or having a mix of both. Examples of unrelated household. While the main residence may be located in households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, one hut, other huts may be used for sleeping, or as a residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams etc. kitch'en, bathroom, baithak etc. Though each of the huts 'These are called 'Institutional Households'. There may is a separate structure, they form a single housing unit be one member households, two member households and, therefore, have to be treated collectively as a single or multi-member households. For census purposes, census house. If some of the huts are used by one each one of these types is regarded as a 'household'. household and the others by a second household as 35. if a group of persons who are unrelated to each residence, then the two groups of huts are treated as other live in a census house but do not have their meals separate census houses. However, if there are also from the common kitchen, they would not constitute an other huts in the compound used for other purposes and institutional household. Each such person has to be not as a part of the households residence such as, treated as a separate household. The important link in cattleshed, workshed, etc., they are treated a.s separate finding out whether there is a household or not is a census houses. common kitchen. • (Ivl)

Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes treated as a worker only if he had spent his time mainly in work or if he had worked atleast for a day in regular 36. A person is identified as a member of a Sched­ (non-seasonal) work during the preceding week. The uled Cds e or a Scheduled Tribe on the basis of the dichotomy of worker/non-worker of 1961 and 1971 prescribed lists of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Censuses was discarded at the 1981 Census and Tribes as per the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled instead a trichotomy of main workers, marginal workers Tribes Lists (Amendment) Order, 1976 issued by the and non-workers was adopted. For main worker the President of India. Scheduled Castes can be from time criteria of engagement in work for the major part' of among or or Buddhists only while 8 the year I.e. 183 days or more was adopted while those member of a Scheduled Tribe can profess any religion. who worked for sometime during the last year but not for If the person belonging to a Scheduled Caste or Sched­ the major part of the year Le., 183 days or more were uled Tribe has returned to his/her caste or tribe, it is treated as marginal workers. Those who had never reckoned as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe only worked during the last year were treated as non-work­ If that name finds place in the prescribed list. ers. This trichotomy partially permitted a comparability of 1981 Census economic data with that of 1971 as well Literates as 1961. The main workers of 1981 Census were expected to correspond to the workers of 1971 and main 37. A person who can both read and write with understanding in any language is treated as literate. A workers and marginal workers of 1981 together to the person who can merely read but cannot write, is not workers of 1961. literate. It is not necessary that a person who is literate should have received any formal education or should 40. In 1991, to ensure comparability of data, it was have passed any minimum educational standard. How­ decided to continue the concepts and definitions used in ever, all children of the age of 6 years or less are treated 1981 Census. rt was further decided that the long as illiterate even if the child is going to a school and may reference period of one year for both season sal and have picked up reading and writing a few odd words. regular activities would also be adopted as was done in 1981 Census. in order to ensure that the economic Main Worker, Marginal Worker and Non-Worker activity of unpaid workers on farm or in family enterprise, specially the women and children who are the predom­ 38. 'Work' may be defined as participation in any inant constituents of this work force, if properly enumer­ economically productive activity. Such participation ated in the 1991 Census, it was decided to Incorporate may be physical or mental in nature. Work involves not the words "including unpaid work in farm or in family only actual work but also effective supervision and enterprise" in the Schedule itself. On the question of direction of work. seeking/available for work it was decided that this question should be canvassed only for non-workers. 39. The 'Work' concept of 1961 and 1971 Census­ Further to ascertain the number of entrants to the labour es, as opposed to the Income or economic independ­ force for the first time, it was decided that in respect of ence concept of the earlier censuses, was adopted for non-workers seeking/available for work, information 1981 Census, but the criteria for classification of per­ whether they are seeking/available for work for the first sons as workers was changed. While in the 1961 and time or not should also be ascertained. 1971 Censuses different approaches, namely usual status and current status were adopted with reference Main Workers period of one year and one week for seasonal and regular work rE1spectively, in the 1981 Census the usual 41. The .activity of main workers is classified into status approach was adopted uniformly for all work. In following nine industrial categories: 1961 a person qualified as a worker if he had worked regularly during the last season or if he had worked I. Cultivator: A persons is considered as a cultivator if atleast for a day in regular non-seasonal work dUring the he or she has been engaged either as an employer, preceding fortnight. At the 1971 Census, a person was single worker or family worker in cUltivation of land (ivii) owned or held from government or from private persons the household lives in urban areas and that it does not or institutions for payment in cash, kind or share in run as a registered factory. A Household Industry cultivation including supervision or direction of cUltiva­ further related to production, processing, servicing, tion. Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and har­ repairing or making a~ selling (but not merely selling) vesting and production of cereals and milled crops such (.Ii goods. It does not ~Iude professions such as that of as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajara, ragi, etc. and other a pleader, astrologer etc. or merely trade or business, crops such as sugarcane, groundnut, tapioca, pluses, even if such professions, trade or services are run at raw jute, klndered fibre crop, cotton etc. It does not home by.members of household. Include fruit growing, vegetable growing or keeping orchards or groves or working on plantations like tea, V (b). Other than k:lousehold Industry: This category coffee, rubber, chinchona and other medicinal planta­ of industry deals with production, processing, servicing tions. and repairing done in places other than in household industry. II. Agricultural Labourer: A person who works Gil another persons' land for wages in cash, kind or share VI. Construction: All persons engaged in construction IS considered as an agricultural labourer. He/she has no and maintenance of bUildings, roads, railways, tele­ risk in the cultivation, but he/she merely works 'on graphs, telephones, waterways and water reservoirs, another person's land for wages. An agricultural labour­ hydro electric/projects, Industrial plants and activities er has no right of lease or contraGt on land on which he/ allied to constructions such as plumbing, heating and air she works. conditioning installatiOn, setting of tiles, marble, brick etc. are treated as workers under this category. III. Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards & Allied Activities: Those who VII. Trade and Commerce: This category Includes all are engaged in rearing up goats, sheep, horses, pigs, workers employed in wholesale and retail trade of all ducks, bees, silk-worms are treated as workers under kinds and other commerCial activities like finanCing, livestock. Similarly, persons engaged in fishing or dOing Insurance, real estate and business services and legal plantation or conservation of forests come under this services as are rendered by advocates, barristers, category of workers. pleaders etc.

IV. Mining and Quarrying: Persons engaged In VIII. Transport, Storage and Communications: All different type of mines such as coal, lignite, crude persons employed in any form of transport either by petroleum, natural gas, Iron ore, manganese, gold, road, rail, water or air and persons participating In silver, copper ores and quarrying of stones, clay and storage, warehousing activities and communications sandpits, precIous and semi precIous stones, mica etc. such as postal, telegraphs, telephones and broadcast­ come under this category of workers. Ing are treated workers under this category.

V. Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Re­ IX. Other Services: This class includes all workers pajrs: engaged In services like electricity, gas, water, public administration and defence services, sanitary services, The category has been diVided Into two sub­ education, scientific and research services, medical categories namely (a) Household Industry and (b) Other and health services. religious and welfare services, than Household Industry. recreational and cultural services and personal servIc­ es. Thus, it would appear that thiS category covers all V (a). Household Industry: A Household Industry IS such workers who do not come under any of the defined as an Industry conducted by the head of the Industrial categories mentioned in the foregOing para­ household himself/herself and/or mainly by the mem­ graphs and also those whose activities have not been [)ers of the household at home or within the village In adequately deSCribed. General labourers who are rural areas and within the premises of the house where accustomed to work In various miscellaneous Jobs are (Iviii) also classified under' other services', other hand, a person who mainly attended to house~old duties but took a correspondence course or attended a Marginal Workers part-time class would be treated as engaged in house­ hold duties and is not treated as student. 42. Marginal workers are those who have worked any time at all In the year preceding the enumeration but Dependents have not worked for major part of that year. In other words, those who have worked any time at all in the year 46. This category Includes all dependents such as preceding the enumeration but the period for which they infants or children not atter.lding school or a person have worked is less than 183 days are categorised as permanently disabled from work because of illness or marginal workers. Those who have worked for a major old age. Dependents include even able bodied persons part of that year. i.e. for 183 days or more, are catego­ who cannot be categorised in any other category of non­ nsed as main workers. Thus, 'other workers' can be workers but are dependent on others. However, if such either main workers or marginal workers. a person who IS dependent on others for subsistence has been seeking work, he or she is categorised as Non-Workers "other non-worker".

43. To distinguish between an 'other-worker' and a Retired persons or Rentiers 'non-worker' a reference to the definition of 'work' would be relevant. While the 'other-worker' participated in an 47. A person who has retired from service and is doing no other work, i.e. not employed again in some economically productive activity and thus did "work", a full-time work or not engaged in work such as cultivation, non-worker has never worked in connection with an business, trade etc. or a person who is a rentier or living economically productive activity any time at all in the on agricultural or non-agricultural royatly, rent or divi­ year preceding the enumeration. Non-workers can be­ dend, or any other person of independent means for long to one of the following seven categories. securing of which he or she does not have to work, will come under this category. However, if a retired person, Household Duties apart from draWing penSion, is doing some other work also, he has to be treated as a worker and not as a retired 44. This covers all persons who were engaged in person. lInpaid household duties and who had not done any . work" during the last one year preceding the enumer­ Beggars atton. If a person who normally attended to household duties and was also engaged in some economic activ­ 48. This category covers beggars, vagrants or Ities, then he/she IS a worker and not a non-worker. For cases such as persons without indication of source of example, a housewife may have helped in family culti­ income and those With unspecified sources of subSist­ vation or agriculture or made and sold cow-dung cakes ence who are not engaged in any economically produc­ at odd times, or prepared papar, pickles etc. and sold tive work. them. She would be treated as a worker and not as a non-worker though she is matnly a housewife. Inmates of Institutions

Students 49. This covers convicts In jails or inmates of a penal, mental or charitable institutions, even if such 45. This category covers all full-time students and persons are compelled to do some work such as car­ children attending school. If a student partiCipated in pentry, carpet-weaving, vegetable-growing etc., in such some economically productive work. say by helping as institutions. But an undertrial prisoner enumerated in a an unpaid family worker in family cultivation, or in jail has to be recorded for the work he or she was doing household industry, trade or business, such student has before he or she was apprehended. Similarly a person to be treated as worker and not as a student. On the temporarily in a hospital or other similar institution has (Iix) to be recorded for the kind of work he or she was doing number, name, area in hectares, population and number befcre he or she was admitted into the hospital/institu­ of households residing in v.Hlages as per Census 1991. tion. But for a long-term undertrial prisoner or convict in The amentities available in the village have been shown a prison or for long term inmate of penal or charitable or in columns 5-13. The information regarding land-use mental institutions, the person's previous work would pattern has been given in columns 14-18. In case of not be recorded. A person is to be considered as 'long uninhabited villages, the information has been given term' inmate if he or she has been In such an institution relating to columns 1·3, 12 and 14·18 only and in the for six months or more. remaining columns the word 'uninhabited' has been mentioned. At the end of the entries of each Tehsill P.S. Other. Non-workers the totals relating to columns 3-6 and 14-18 (total area. amenities and land-use break-up) have also been 50. This category includes all non-workers who given. might not have come under any of the" above six categories but who were looking for work. A boy or a girl 53. Various amenities like drinking water. commu­ who had completed education or had stopped studying nication, post and telegraphs etc. have been shown and was looking for work comes under this, category. against the name of the referent village if they are available within the village With the help of vanous SCOPE OF VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY AND codes. The Code Structure relating to vanous colurrns PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT has been given in the beginning of SG'ction-1 to Part-A of this book. The number of each type of amenity has been 51. In Part-A of the District Census Handbook, indicated in parentheses after the SUitable code in case entitled as Village and Town Directory. an attempt has of educational, medical and post & telegraph facilities been made to present Information regarding vanous Clmentttes/facilttl€S available In every rural/urban Unit of 54. It any amenity IS not available Within the village the State. The unit of the rural areas IS village and that a dash (-) has been shown In the relev'\nt column and of urban area IS town/urban agglomeration. Information next to It. the distance of the nearest place from the regarding rural areas and Census Towns has been referent Village where the faCility is available has been gathered through patwanes while that In respect of given In broad distance ranges viz .. - 5 km .. 5-10 km. & Urban areas other than Census Towns has been col­ 10 + km. lected thro~gh the concerned Munlclpaitty/Cantonmetlt Board/Notified Area Committee. In order to have the 55. The follOWing pattern has been adopted for aforesaid information authenticated, the concerned Indicating the educational institutions: departments and agencies were also contacted to fur­ nish Information available with them. All the information (i) Schools upto Class V have been treated as gathered about amenities relate to year 1989 and those primary schools. They include Nursery pertaining to land-use pattern pertain to Samvat Year Schools, Kindergarten Schools, Pre-baSIC 2045 I.e. the agricultural year ending on the 30th June. and Pre-primary Schools and Junior Basic 1989. Schools upto Class V.

VILLAGE DIRECTORY (Ii) All schools having Classes VI to VIII have been treated as Middle Schools, 52. It Will be helpful at the outset to have an idea of the items for which information has been Included in the (iii) A" schools having Classes IX and X have Village Directory. Information in respect of each village been treated as Secondary Schools. has been presented through a eighteen column format In which villages have been presented in order of their (IV) All schools having Classes XI and XII have location codes assigned at tehsll level. The first tour been treated as Higher Secondary Schools. columns give general information I.e. location code They Include Senior Cambridge Schools, (IX)

Schools under 10+2 scheme, Intermediate, 61. In order to give an idea about the uses which Pre-University and Junior College etc. electricity is put to, the information has been given under the head "power supply" if it is available in the 56. In case of composite schools relevant groups of village. classes have been treated separately, e.g. a school having classes I to XII, has been shown as having one Land-Use Pattern primary, one middle, one secondary and one higher secondary school. The term 'College' includes all types 62. The land-use pattern has been presented under of colleges whether Arts/Science/Commerce/ Medical/ the following five headings: Eflgineenngl Agriculture and others Imparting education nt Graduate or Post-Graduate level. Institutions other I. Forest: than industrial schools, training schools and adult liter­ acy classes/centres have been shown under 'others'. It denotes those lands which have been termed as 'forest' by the competent authority. 57. In case of Medical institutions, Hospitals and Dispensaries, Allopathy, Ayurvedlc, Unanl and Homoc­ II. Irrigated land: apathy have been shown together. Other institutions Include all type of Yogic, Naturopathy Hospitals/ Dis­ It relates to land which has actually been irrigat­ pensaries, Leprosy Centres etc. ed in the referent year. The sourcewise break­ up has not been presented as no such informa­ 58. In case there are more than one source of tion was available in respect of the net irrigated potable water facility available 'r the Village all such area. sources have been shown separately. Postal amenities Include Post Office, Telegraph Office and Telephone III. Unirrigated land: which are shown separately. Actual day or days of market/hat have been shown wherever such market/hat The term covers all the unirrigated land cultivat­ IS held. ed during the referent year and land lying fallow upto four years. 59 In case there are more than one communication facilities these have been indicated separately by rele­ IV. Culturable Waste: vant codes. Approach to the village refers to the state of roads etc. leading to the village from the communica­ It includes Gaucher i.e. pasture and grazing tion centres. I.e. bus-stand/railway station etc. This is to land and tree-groves. give an Idea whether the Village is easily approachable In all types of weather or becomes inaccessible for V. Area not available for cultivation: sometime in the year. Where there are more than one approach roads these have been indicated separately It refers to land which has not been classified in by relevant codes. any of the above mentioned types and also includes house sites, roads, rivers, nullahs, 60. Information regarding the nearest town Indi­ cates the name of such town alongwith the distance hillocks etc. tram the referent village irrespectIve of the fact whether such town IS located within Rajasthan or in some other 63. The following four appendices have also been adjOining states. In case of town situated In states other prOVided to present the position obtaining in Panchayat than Rajasthan, the concerned State has been men­ Samlti and district as a whole regarding various tIOned agalnt ItS name in parentheses with the help of amenities available in rural areas, villages classified by abbreviations. The term 'town' here refers to one of characteristics of the population and land-use patern In those urban centres which have been treated as towns Census Towns in connection with the Village in the concerned State dUring 1991 Census. Directory: (lXI) (i) P.S. wise Abstract of educational, medical and urban agglomeration as a whole have not been num­ other amenities. bered but the constituent units as and when they occur in the alphabetical order have been numbered so that (ii) Land Utilisation data in respect of Census the last number agrees with the total number of towns in Towns. the districtconcerned. In respect of statements II, III and VI in the lines relating to agglomeration a note "See (iii) P.S. wise list of those inhabited villages where constituent units" has been shown and information has no educational, medical, drinking water, post been provided separately in respect of all the constitu­ and telegraph, day of the market/hat, ents below it. communications and power supply facilities are available. 67. In case of towns having out-growth, an asterisk mark has been placed against their names. Information (iv) P .S. wise list of villages according to the propor­ in respect of out-growths has been included in the tion of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes concerned town and has not been shown separately. population to total population by ranges. It consists of two parts: Part-A relates to Sched­ 68. The amenities and other data have been indicat­ uled Castes and Part-S to Scheduled Tribes. ed by codes. A list of columnwise code structure and other abbreviations used In each statement has been TOWN DIRECTORY provided at the beginning of Section - II of Part-A of this book. We may now discuss the various Town Directory 64. Particulars about each town have been present­ statements. ed in the form of six statements. In towns where there are notified slums an addditional Statement (IV-A) has Statemel!lt I also been given in which information regarding civic and other amenities available in the notified slums have 69. It deals with the status and growth history of the been shown. In each statement towns have been town. Columns 2 to 7 give information regarding class, arranged in alphabetical order. name and civic status of the town, its location code number, name of the tehsilipanchayat samiti in which it 65. As has been explained earlier, urban is situated, its area in sq.km. and number of households agglomerations are of two types: first those constituted including houseless households residing in the town as by two or more independent towns and second those per 1991 Census. The class of the town has been where the urban characteristics have developed in the determined on the basis of its population as per Census. adjoining rural areas which have developed as out­ 1991 and the civic administration status relates to the growth of the referent town. year, 1990. Columns 8 to 17 show the population of the town in different decennial censuses beginning from 66. Where an urban agglomeration includes two or 1901 upto 1991. The growth rate in terms of percentage more independent towns, the names of towns constitut­ in respect of previous censuses has been shown below ing the agglomeration have been indicated in the alpha­ th~ population figures pertaining to each Census begin­ betical arrangement but 1heir names have also been ning from Column 9 onwards. repeated in, th'e alphabetical order under the name of the agglomeration after the name of the main or core town 70. A 'dash" under these columns indicates that the and information relating to these has been shown here. referent town did not have an urban status in the referent The particulars of the conSfitaeryt .units of the Census. Density of population per sq.km as per Cen­ agglomerations have not been repeated wherever they sus, 1991 has been shown in column 18 and sex-ratio occur separately in the alphabetical order and a note"See (numberoffemales per 1 ,000 males) have beemndicated referent agglomeration" has been given against such for three censuses viz. 1971 to 1991 in columns 19,20, names. The lines relating to the information regarding 21. (lxli)

Statement _II broad categories and total receipt ahd·columns 11 to 17 present expenditure under broad categories and total 71. This statement gives ioformation about the expenditure. The receipt and expenditure has been. physical aspects and locational particulars of the town presented under six broad categories each. While In 1989. First two columns give the serial number, name receipt through taxes implies all receipts from taxes and class of the town. Columns 3 to 5 deal with the obligatory or others and revenue derived from municipal physical aspects viz. rainfall and temperature. Rainfall properties and power apart from taxation, it also in­ figures are the average of the rainfall for the last ten clueles income derived from holding of fairs and e~hiQh years ending 1989-90. If the information in respect of tions, supply of milk, licence fee, cattle-ponds, fines and rainfall is not available for any town it has been given for penalties, transport seNices, places of entertainment, . the nearest place for which it is available. Rainfall has allotment/sale/lease of land and rent etc. Government been shown in millimetres per annum. Maximum and grants include per capita grant, grant from Public Works minimum temperatures have been given in centigrade. Department and grant from the Social Welfare and other If the information regarding temperature is not available departments. Other sources of receipts have been In respet of any town it has been given for the nearest specified, wherever possible but generally they are of place for which it is available and the name of the centre miscellaneous nature. has been shown in footnote. 74. Expenditure on general administration covers 72. The location of the town with respect to various salary and wages of staff, contingent expenditure 01'1 administrative headquarters and nearest city is indicat­ staff, grants, loans and advances to the staff etc. Ex­ ed in columns 6 to 9. While showing the location of the penditure on public safety cover fire-fighting, light, water referent town with respect to various administrative and lease facilities, regulating the dangerous/hazard­ headquarters, names and their distance from the refer­ ous trades/works/occupation, water supply, registra­ ent town in km have been given in parenthese below the tion of births and deaths, disposal of garbage, rubbish name of the place where it is situated. In case the and night-soil. Public health and conveniences cover all referent town itself happens to be the seat of the types of medical aid and maintenar:ce of the destitutes administrative headquarters, this distance has been etc. Public-works include maintena(1ce and construction shown zero. Information regarding the nearest city of of roads and buildings and relief works in times of famine population one lac or more has been given in respect of and scarcity. Expenditure on public institutions covers its situation within the State or even if this city may be all types of social, cultural, educational, religious institu­ situated in other State. In case the nearest city happens tions etc. which are run or partronised by the municipal­ to be situated in other State, the name of the concerned ity. Other sources of expenditure have been specified State has been shown against the name of the city in wherever possible but mostly these are of miscellaneous parentheses. How the refere!)t town IS approachable is nature. given in columns 10 to 12 which indicate the availability of communication facilities viz. railway station, bus­ Statement IV route and navigable river/canal within 10 km. There is no navigable river or canal in Rajasthan. 75. This statement deals with the civic and other type of public amenities and provides information about Statement III total population, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population, road length, system of sewerage, number 73. It gives information about the finances of the and types of latrines, method of disposal of night-soil, civic bOdy controlling the local civil administration and It protected water supply, availability of fire-fighting seN­ has been presented in '00 rupees. A 'dash' in this Ice and electrification besides general information. In Statement Indicates that no receipt or expenditure has case of water supply the source of water as also the occurred under the particular head and 'N' represents system of its storage have been shown. The storage negligible amount. FI~st three cclumns give general capacity has been shown in litres. In case of disposal Inf()~mation, columns 4 to 10 present receipt under of night-soli and protected water supply particulars have (Ixiii) been given in respect of two methods/sources in order followed (See para 55). In case of composite schools of their importance if more than one exist in the town. In relevant classes have been treated separately e.g. a case fire-fighting service is not available in the town the school having classes I to XII has been treated as being name of the nearest place if in the same district or the composed of one Primary, one Middle, one Secondary name of the nearest district if in the same State or other and one Higher Secondary School. State where available alongwith distance from the refer ~nt town has been mentioned. 81. All other types of educational institutions which are not covered in column~ 6 to 14 have been shown in Statement IV- A _ column 15 under 'Others' and include technical/voca­ tional and training institutions like Applied Art Painting 76. Information about notified slums in Class I and College, Pharmacy College, Agricultural College, Teach­ II towns has been shown in this statement in order to ers' Training College/Institutions, Music/Dance School give an idea about the amenities available to the slum etc. and the details regarding these have been shown in , dwellers. Particulars about paved roads, system of footnote below the statement. sewerage, number and types of latrines, method of disposal of night-soil, number of tap points/public hy­ Statement VI drants for supply of protected water and electrification have been provided in respect of every slum ;11 each 82. This statement contains particulars regarding town, if there are any. trade, commerce, industry and banking. It gives names of three most important commodities imported, export­ Statement V ed and manufactured in the town besides the number of banks, agricultural and non-agricultural credit societies 77. Particulars of medical, educational. recreational functioning in the town. A list of the outgrowths, if any, and cultural facilities available in the town have been along with their population and name of the core town given in this statement and the number of each type of has also been provided at the end of the Town Directory these facilities has also been shown In parentheses as an Appendix. alongwith the appropriate code. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (PCA) 78. In case of medical facilities the number of beds wherever available has also been shown. Allopathic, 83. The Primary Census Abstract gives for each Ayurvedic, Unani and Homoeopathic hospitals/ dispen­ territorial unit the number of occupied residential hous­ saries have been shown separately. No code has been es, households, the total population, the scheduled provided for allopathic institutions and their numbers caste and scheduled tribe population, literates, main have been shown only in figures. Thus '1' beside H, workers by nine broad industrial categories of main code for hospital means an Allopathic Hospital. Separate activity, marginal workers and non-workers by sex. It, codes have been provided for other three systems of therefore, indicates the basic socio-economic charac­ medicine. teristics of the population for the territorial units.

79. If a medical or educational facility is not available 84. Primary Census Abstract has been presented at in the town, the name of the nearest place, if in the same three levels: district or the name of the nearest district if in the same State or other State where available and its distance (in 1 . District Primary Census Abstract, km) from the referent town has been mentioned. Details of medical institutions shown under 'Others' have also 2. Village/Town Primary Census Abstract, been explained in the footnote below the Statement V. 3. Special Primary Census Abstract for 80. Arts, Science and Commerce Colleges have scheduled castes/scheduled tribes. been shown separately. While showing the educational Institutions upto Higher Secondary level the same pro­ 85. Tlrle District PCA has been prepared at District! cenure as adopted in case of Village Directory, has been Panchayat Samiti/Town/City/UA level. Separate data (Ixiv) for tehsils have not been presented in the District PCA. tion has been given for the first time and will enable data However. a separate Appendix to District PCA has users to compute more realistic literacy rate, as the been given which provides separate PCA totals for 1991 Census has treated all persons below 7 years of Aach TehsillTown etc. In the district. This appendix age as Illiterate at the time of counting. provides continuation of earlier census presentation. 90. Columns 13-15 and 16-18 deal with the sex·' 86. Panchayat Samiti is the main unit of presenta­ wise presentation of scheduled caste and scheduled tion of data In the village PCA rather than the traditional tribe population respectively. Information regarding tehsils etc. The district figures in the village/town PCA literates has been shown in columns 19-21. Columns IS followed by the first pa(1chayat samiti, its villages and 22-24 deal with the sex-wise break-up of main workers census towns and outgrowth, if any, and thereafter the and columns 25-54 deal with the classification of main second panchayat samitl and its constituents and so on. workers Into nine industrial categories sex-wisoe corre­ While presenting the data for each panchayat samiti sponding to categories of workers used in 1971 Census. care has been taken to arrange villages tehsil-wise, if As compared to 1981 Census, while categories I (Cul­ the panchayat samiti lies in more than one tehsil. The tivator), II (Agnculturallabouer) and III (Manufacturing, data pertaining to Towns/Cities/Urban Agglomerations Processing, Servicing and Repairs in Household Indus­ are being presented in the end after the last panchayat tries) corresponds to categories I, II and V(a) of the 1991 samiti. Census Towns and out-growths of the statutory Census, the category IV (Other Workers) of 1981 has towns falling within the jUrisdiction of panchayat samitl been bifurcated into following categories in 1991 have, however, been included as the urban portion of Census: the panchayat samitl. At the end of Village/Town PCA an appendiX has been given which contains the name Categories of workers of 1991 and code of panchayat samities or-parts of panchayat Census Included In 'Other Description samitles included in each tehsil. Workers' of 1981 Census

87. The Town PCA also has·an appendix. This III Livestock, Forestry. Fishing, Hunting appendix gives at urban enumeration block level the and Plantalions. Orchards and Allied total population and scheduled caste and scheduled activities. tribe population. IV Mining and QuarrYing

V(b) Manufacturing, Processing. SerVicing 88. In case of Special PCA for scheduled castes and Repairs in other than Household and scheduled tribes, similar presentation as adopted Industries for the District PCA has been followed. VI Construction

89. There are sixty columns in the District Primary VII Trade & Commerce Census Abstract. The first column shows the serial VIII Transport, Storage and Communication number and the second column gives the name of the IX Other Services distrlct/panchayat samitl/urban agglomeration/city/town. Total/Rural/Urban levels have been Indicated in column 91. Columns 55,57 and 58-60 deal with sex-wise 3. Area of the referent unit has been indicated in column distribution of marginal workers and non-workers 4 In square kilometres. Columns 5 and 6 deal with the respectively. number of occuiped residential houses and number of households residing in the referent unit. Information 92. There are forty three columns in the Primary regarding total population, including Ilistitutional and Census Ab:.,tract for presenting data at the vlHage/town house less population, has been presented in columns level. The first column shows the location code num­ 7-9 with sex-wise distribution. Population in the age bers of the unit for which the information has been CJroup 0-6 with sex-wise break-up for each of the refer­ prOVided and the second column gives the name ;f /, ent unit has been given in columns 10-12. This Inform a- panchayat samlti/village/town/ward. In the case of (Ixv) village, area has been presented in hectares and in,the group of 0-6 with sex-wise break-up has been given in case of panchayat samit!town, in square kilometres in tolunins 8-10. column 3. 97, Columns 11-13 show the sex-wise break-up of 93. Columns 4 and 5 deal with the number of literates among Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. occupied residential houses and number of households Columns 14-16 deal with the number of main workers residing in the referent unit. Information regarding total while columns 17-46 present the sex-wise break-up of population has been given in columns 6 to 8 with sex­ main workers into nine industrial categories. Columns wise break-up. The total population here includes 47-49 deal with sex-wise distribution of marginal work­ Il1Stitutional and houseless population. Population in ers and columns 50-52 present the sex-wise distribution age group 0-6 with sex-wise break-up has been given in of non-workers among the Scheduled Castes/Sched­ columns 9-11. uled Tribes.

94. Information regarding Scheduled Caste and Area Scheduled Tribe population has been presented in columns 12-13 and 14-15 respectively by giVing sex­ 98. Area figures have been adopted from two sourc­ wise distribution. Information regardmg number of es. The figures for the total geographical area of the literate males and females in each referent unit nas district have been made available by the Surveryor been given in columns 16-17. General, India. Since the Surveyor General's area figures are not available below district level for rural! 95. columns 18 and 19 deal with number of male urban areas separately, data for individual towns was and female main workers respectively while columns 20 collected from the municipal and other local authorities to 39 deal with classification of main workers into nine and in a few cases, where outgrowths (part) are formed, Industrial categories. Columns 40-41 deal with male approximate urban areas have been made use of. The and female marginal workers and columns 42-43 deal rural area figures for a district have been derived by With male and female non-workers. subtracting the total urban area from the total geograph­ ical area of that district. 96. As stated earlier, the data in respect of sched­ uled castes and scheduled tribes have separately been 99. At the panchayat samiti/tehsil level, however, presented in the Special Primary Census Abstract at the totals have been arrived at by adding the actual urban District/Panchayat Samiti/U.A'/City/Town level. There and rural area figures, the later having been obtained by are fifty two columns in this format. The first two adding up the area figures of all the cons~tuent villages. columns give the serial number and name of the District! Thus It will be seen that while urban area figures in the Panchayat Samiti/U.A'/City/town respectively. Column tehsil will add up to the urban component at the district 3 indicates whether the information is for total, rural or level, the same is not true for rural area in as much as urban areas. Column 4 gives the number of households the panchayat samlti/tehsil level rural area figures will with Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe members. Col­ not add up to the rural areas as reported at the district umns 5-7 give the sex-wise distribution of Scheduled level. The area figures have been given in sq.km. upto Caste/Scheduled Tribe population, Population in age two places of decimal at all levels. (lXVI)

DISTRICT PROFILE ~hile Sirohi State was partitioned and, as a sequel, Abu Historical Backdrop of the District Road tehsil and a part of tehsil were merged with the then Bombay state while the remaining part of The district is situated in the south-west of Rajasthan the S~ate was transferred to Rajasthan. Later, this area between the parallels of 24° 20' and 25° 17' north became the part of the newly created Banaskantha latitudes and 72° 16' and 73° 10' east longitudes. It is district of State. bounded on the north east by . on the east by , on the south by of 5.The former Sirohi State was divided into six Gujarat State, and on the west and north-west by Jalor tehsils namely Abu Road, Delwara, Pindwar'a, Reodar, district. Sheoganj and Sirohi. Just before the merger, another tehsil Bhawri was changed from a 'hath-Kharch' tehsil to 2. The district derives its name after Sirohi town, 'Khalsa'. In 1950, the area which was merged into being the district headquarters, and the later is said to Rajasthan State, was divided into five tehsils and placed have taken its name from the Saranwa hill, on the in a single sub-division. wemern slop of which it stands. Tad has suggested that the name of the territory might have been derived from - 6. During the period 1951-61, by an inter-State its position at the head (sir) of the desert (rohi). This has transfer, Abu Road taluka (786.8 sq. kms) of also been suggested that the original name of the town Banaskantha district under Gujarat State was trans­ was 'Shivpuri' of which the present name is a derivative. ferred to this district of Rajasthan State, on the recom­ The word 'Sirohi' also means a sword, and this has led mendations of the State Re-organisation Commission. some people to believe that this State of brave Deora Accordingly, a new Abu Road tehsil was constituted in was so named due to the widespread fame . In the process of inter-tehsil re-adjust­ of its swords. ments, former Bhawri tehsil (582.7 sq. kms) was merged 3.lt was regarded as part of 'Marubhumi' and has in Pindwara tehsil as such, at that time, there remained always been referred to as Arbudh Pradesh in Puranic five tehsils viz. Sheoganj, Sirohi, Pindwara, Abu Road traditionf). After a lapse of time, Chandrawati became and Reodar. Besides, four villages (73.6sq. kms) were the capital of Arbudh Pradesh and. during the reign of transferred from Reodar tehsil to the newly formed Abut Parmars, it was known as Ashtadhashati Desh, which Road tehsil, as a result of inter-tehsil transfers. No inter­ Sirohi was supposed to comprise of 1,800 villages. In district or inter-tehsil transfers of the territory took place 1,405 Rao Sobhaji, the ancestor of the Deora cian of during 1961-71 and 1971-81. Chauhans bu1Tr'the Sirohi town in a bay of the hills near the site of the present capital. Rao Sains Mal, son of Rao 7. Regarding the urban areas of the district, three Sobhaji built the new City on a healthier site, on the towns namely Sirohi, Sheoganj and Pindwara of 1951 western slopes of the Saranwa hills which was also . Census continued to be classified as towns in 1961 called Sirohi. Afterwards, the whole of the area under Census and Rohira town of 1951 Census was de­ the charge of Deoras was known as Sirohi. classified and became a revenue village in Pindwara tehsil However. subsequent to the transfer of Abu Road 4. Prior to the final merger of this area with Rajasthan tehsil, two more towns viz, and Abu Road State, in December 1947, a decision was taken for were also adderj to the list of towns in the district during integration of all the States around Sirohi. In March, 1961 Census. After 1961 Census there has been no 1948, Sirohi was placed under Western India States change in the list of towns in the district. During the inter Agency and thus it was removed from the censal period of 1981-91 a census town Bhawari was Agency. In November 1948, an agreement between the also classifed in the list of urban areas. 'ninor ruler of Sirohi and the Government of India was Administrative set-up of the district ';Igned and accordingly. BomjJay Government took over the administration on behalf of the Central Government, 8. Forthe purpose of administration, the district wa.s since January 5, 1949. On January 25. 1950 the erst- divided into two Sub-divisions, five Tehsils and six \ (Ixvii) towns, as mentioned below: and technical assistance forthe poor people through the Panchiyat Samities and also looks after several devel­ Sub-Divisions Tehsils Towns opmental activities in the rural areas of the district. 1. Sirohl 1. Sirohi 1. Sirohi Phy~iography 2. Sheoganj 2. Sheoganj 12.The district is in the shape of an irregular triangle. 3. Reodar 3. Abu Road A large part of the district is a vast semi desert. Plain. marked by isolated hills and chains of hillocks forming 2. Mount Abu 4. Abu Road 4. Mount Abu the eastern fringes of the Thar desert. It is bounded by the north~eastern, south western trending Aravalli Rang­ 5. Pindwara 5. Pindwara es on the east. Abu Sirohi range divides the district into two parts. In the western portion. four groups of scat­ 6. Bhawri (CT) tered hills (off shoots of the ) are available one each in tehsils Sirohi and Sheoganj and two in Apart from the five tehsils, there was one sub-tehsil Reodar tehsil. The highest point in Sirohi tehsil is an situated at Bhawri in the district. isolated peak west of village Mandwara reaching a height of 583 metres, in Jairaj group of Reodar tehsil 90. The Collector is the administrative head of the near village Padar being 1,090 metres, and in the district and also fUnctions as the District Magistrate, Nandwar group in the north-east of village Rohua (695 while the SUb-division is under the charge and the metres) and Neebaj (999 Metres). The south west supervision of a Sub-divisional Magistrate, and tehsil fringes of detached hills in Sheoganj tehsil begin with an administration is under the charge of a Tehsildar. isolated peak reaching a height of 639 metres near village Sagaliya, west of villages Mochhal (665 metres). 1O.For the administration of justice there are seven Jogapura (721 metres), Alpa (683 metres) and Rewara courts in the district, as detailed below: (696 metres) above the sea level. Besides, numerous small hillocks also exist. 1. District and Sessions Judge, Sirohi. 13.Detatched hills of the Aravalli range are situated 2. Civil Judge-cum-Chief Judicial magistrate, Sirohi. in the south-east of the central portion of this district. Mount Abu is situated at about 1,219 metres above sea 3. Civil Judge-cum-Add!' Chief Judicial Magistrate, level and is built on an irregular plateau which is sur­ Mount Abu. rounded by several projecting peaks and ridges. Anoth­ er important plateau is Oriya in Abu Road tehsii, which 4. Munsif-cum-Judicial magistrate. Sirohi. is at a distance of about eight kms from Mount Abu station and it is 152 metres higher than Abu, and lies 5. Munsif-cum-Judicial magistrate, Abu Road. below the main peak of 'Guru Sikhar' which is 1,722 metres above the mean sea level and is the highest 6. Munsif. cum-Judicial magistrate, Sheoganj. point between the Himalayas and Nilgiris. East of the Abu hills, across the valley of Banas, is the tract known 7. Judicial magistrate, Pindwara. as Bhakar, which consists of successive ranges of steep and rugged hills of no great height. 11.with the advent of democratic decentralisation In 1959, five Panchayat Samities are set up in the 14.Jawai is the largest and longest of the rivers of district. The Panchayat Samities function under the north-west, which eventually join Luni. It rises in the tenuous control of the Zila Parishad, headed by the Zila Aravalli hills and after flowing through various villages Pramukh, as its chairman, but are administratively forms the boundary between Pali and Sirohi districts. supervised by the Collector of the district, who is also the Western Banas is the most important river of the district ex-officio District Development Officer. D.R.D.A is the draining almost all the area east of Abu-Sirohi range in main agency now in the district, whlcht>rovides financial Pindwara and Abu Road tehsils. Other rivers which flow (lxVliI)

'n the district are Khari, Sukri, Kachmaoli or Bodi, 80.79 em. dunng the year 1990. During the period, the Kapalganga. Krishnavati, the most Important tributary of humidity percentage at Ennpura Road and Mount Abu Khan also flows through the boundanes of several Centres were 71° C. On an average the rainy days are villages of the district. 29 in & year In the plains, while they are 53 at Mount Abu.

15.No natural lake exists in the district but there are Geology and Minerals traces of old artificial ones at Garh In the east and also at other places. The picturesque 'Nakkllake' holds pride 19.The Delhi Super Group of rocks occupy the of place. An old reservlor called Chandela is situated at Aravalll ranges in the eastern part of the distnct and also the foot of Abu hills, 12 km. west of Abu Road. The tanks the small chain of hills to the west of Mount Abu. Among tile main rock types are phylite, mica SChist, limestone, famous in the district are Jubilee and Siwera in Pindwara marble calc silicate rocks, quartzite etc. These rocks tehsil, Akhelao and Mansarovar in the north east of range in age from 1,650 to 1,400 million years and are Sirohi town, Lakherao in Sirohi town, Abbot at Matrimata, intruded by the grey and the pink Jalor gran­ Dudhia between Sarneshwarji and Sirohi and Vi sola ites. The subsequent rhyolites are ancient volcanic north of Sirohi town on way to village Kolar (Sheoganj rocks that erupted sometime between 745 and 1000 tehsil). Perennial springs of Water are few and small in million years ago whereas the variety of basic rocks the district. near Mer-Mundwara area, which form a ring structure, are considerd to have erupted during the Cretaceous Climate period.

16.0n the whole, the district has a dry climate with 20.Among the minerals found in the district mention the hot season somewhat milder than in the adjoining may be made of calcite, copper, lead and zinc, lime­ districts to the north and north-west. Generally cOld stone and wollastonite. Small pockets of calcite occur season begins from December and lasts up to February near villages Bhoola and Moras of Pindwara tehsil and which is followed by the hot season which continues up villages Tankiya, Siyawa and Upla Knejra of Abu Road to the middle of June, while the period from mid-June to tehsil. While village Deri (Abu Road tehsil) contains mid-September is of the south-west monsoon, the next multi-metal deposit of copper, lead and zinc reserves of remaining period till the end of November constitutes about a million tonnes, a number of smaller deposits are the post-monsoon season. located near villages Basantgarh and Rohira (Plndwara tehsil) village Goili (Sirohi tehsil) and Swaroopganj. 17.There is only one meteorological observatory in Limestone is available in villages Danvav, Morthala, the district established at Mount Abu. Since this place is Kiwarli, Maval and Akra-Padbori area of Abu Road a hill station, a true picture regarding the data of temper­ tehsil. Sizeable deposits of wollastonite have been ature and other meteorological elements cannot be recently discovered in the Upla Khejra area of 'Abu Road considered representative of the conditions prevailing tehsil of which major portion falls in this district. This In the whole district. Hence, for the plain areas of the mineral is used in the ceramic, paint, paper and plastic district, meteorological data available for Erinpura Road industries, a station set up just outside the district on its western border, may be taken as truly representative. During the 21.ln addition to the above mentioned minerals is year 1990, the maximum, minimum and mean temper· found in the district, there are- large deposits of good atures were recorded as 37° C, 6.00 C and 25.5° C at quality marble at Hara Magra near villages Selwada, Erinpura Road Centre. ' Perwa, Serwa and Bhatana (Reodar tehsil) amphibole asbestos near village Bori-Buj (Abu Road tehsil) and 18. The rainfall generally decreases from the south­ talc near Abu. east to north-west in the district. Over 90 per cent rainfall constitues during the period June to September. The 22. The data regarding production of various main rainfall at Mount Abu is much higher than at the stations and secondary minerals in the district, their average in the plains. The normal annual rainfall at the district sale and average labour engaged in them for 1990 is head-quarters is 63.84 cm. While the actual rainfall was given below ilxlx)

SI.No. Name of the Minerals Unit Production Sale in No. of average 000 Rs. labourers engaged

2 3 4 5 6

Main Minerals

1 . Chalk Ton 26.0 N.A. 7

2. Calcite OOOTon 42.0 6925.9 348

3. Lime Stone 632.0 33967.5 63

4. Wallstonite 64.9 22619.8 1251

5. Tungsten Ton 2.119 356.0 31

6. Run of Minor are 3877.5 56

7. Fluorite Nil Nil Nil

Secondary Minerals

1 . Lime Stone (Burning) OOO'Ton 118.0 3778.0 304

2. Granite 1.33'7 467.9 63

3. Murrum 59 149.5 40

4. Bncks soil 9.9 247.5 80

5. Marble 13.5 (8) 6958.1 (8) 607 22.1 (K) 663.1 (K)

6. Kankar Balan 13.2 131.7 29

7. Masonry s~one 96.5 2349.8 411

Source Director ot Minerai and Geological Deptt. Rajasthan. Udaipur.

Forest. Flora and Fauna bengalensis) and Gular (Ficus glomerate).

23.During the year 1989-90, 151225 hectares of 24.Among the bushes, which cover three fourths of 'tim] I.e. 3062 per cent of the total reporting area In the -the plains of the district, mention may be made of Ber d:~-;trlct, was under forests. Major portion of the district is (Zizyphus nummulana), Anwala (Cassia aUriculate) and covered with trees and bushes. The most common tree Khair (Acacia Catechu) togther with Khelra (Prosopis I', Dhall (Anogelssus pendula), which IS found on the low splcigera), Babul (Acacia arabica), Jhal or Pilu (Salvadora rocky hills scattered allover the district. Apart from Its perslca and S. Oleoides) and Kair or Karel (Cappairs 'ise as fire wood It is also utilised for preparing carts and aphylla) at places. Thor (Emphorbla royleana) IS found 19ncultural implements. Other trees found are Neem throughout the dlstnct, especially on the hills a round the (Azadirachta indica). Pipal (Fir.us religiosa), Ber base of Mount Abu and Dhak (Butea frondosa) in the (l,zyphllS IUJuba) Tamarisk (Tamanz dloica), Bar (Ficus area where the soil is deep and good. The bark of Dhak (Ixx) tree IS used in making ropes for the water pots of persian the south-east. Nilgai(Boselaphus tragolamelen) is wheels. seldom seen and black-bucks are rare. Regarding small game, grey partridge, hares, some varieties of 25. The trees and shrubs found on the slopes and quail and sandgrouse are found in the district. Junglefowl round the base of Abu are bamboo (Bambusa strictus), and red spur-fowl are plentiful on Abu and some other Am (Manglfera indica), species of Dhao (Anogeissus high hills while Floricans inhabit some of the large grass­ latifolia and Pendula etc.) Siris (Albizzia lebbek), Bel preserves. (Aegle marmelos), Jamun (Eugeniajambolana), Rohira (Tecoma undulata), the horese radish tree (Moringa 27. There is a game sanctuary at Mount Abu which concanesis) etc. Abu is considered the richest spot in was established in 1960-61. In order to ensure preser­ vegetation in the whole State of Rajasdthan. On the vation of wild life, the State Government has Prohibited higher parts of Abu, Ambartari (Aerides affine) is found the shooting, hunting, netting and trapping of animals wh,ch clings to :nan ago and other trees. Stiging nettle <..' ,d birds in ·!1is areas. There is a facility of watch tower (Girardinai heterophylla) and Karanda (Carisa carandas) at Trevor Tal besides watertroughs nearby and plat­ are also found in abundance. forms for bird-feeding.

26. The fauna of the district is rather varied though Land Use not very plentiful. Panthers are commonly found while wild boars are available in most of the hIlls. Ravine deer 28.The total Geographical area of the district is 5136 Sq.K.M. and the reporting area for the land utilisa­ (Chinkara) are fairly common while fourherned ante­ tion purposes was 517947 hectares in 1988-89. The lope are rarely available. Tigers and black bears are following table indicates the classification of the land found on the Abu-Sirohl range and in Neebaj hills in the use in the district for the years 1980-81 and 1988-89 south-west while Chital (Cervus aXIs) contine themsevles along with the percentage to total reporting area: to the grass lands and lower slopes of the Aravallies in

Classification of Land Use 1988-89 1980-81 Area in Area in Area in Area In Hectares Per cent Hectares Per cent

2 3 4 5

1. Forest 141,882 27.39 151,225 30.62

2. Not available for cultivation

(I) Land put to non 24,172 4.67 25,015 5.06 agricultural use

(Ii) Barren and unculti- 93,700 18.09 80,190 16.23 vated land

3. Other uncultivated land 33,232 6.42 33,665 6.82 exculding fallow land

4. Culturable waste 26.054 5.03 12,823 2.60

5. Fallow land 55,783 10.77 43.297 8.77

6. Nel~uea sown 14:;,124 27.63 147,723 29.90

Total 517,947 100.00 493,938 100.00

Source:-Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Rajasthan \ (Ixxi)

29.The area sown more than once was 26753 Tenancy hectares in 1989-90 as against 28046 hectares in 1980- 81. There has been a progressive increase in the area 31 .Tenancy in the State is governed by the Rajasthan covered under forests in the district during the last Tenancy Act. 1955. It is one of the most important and decade which rose to 30.62 per cent in 1988-89 as progressive laws relating to agrarian reforms. The pro­ compared to 27.39 per cent during 1980-81. visions of the Act apply in respect of land held by tenants Crop Pattern as if the State Government were the land holder acting through the Tehsildar in relation to the land held by him. 30.There are two main crops In the district viz., the Every person IS either a tenant or a sub-tenant, an Kharif or locally called 'barsala' and the Rabi or Unali. allottee or a trespasser. A tenant is one who is required The Rabi crops are usually sown in November and the to pay some rent on account of use and occupation of Kharif crops begin with the first rains in July. The Table land let out to him tor agricultural or allied purposes. given below records the gross area utilised under food and non-food crops in the district during 1988-89. Grantee with a favourable rate of rent, ijaredar, thekedar or trespasser is not considered a tenant. Name of Crop Area Production (in (in hectares) Tonnes) 32.There are following classes of tenants

A. Cereals (a) Khatedar tenants, . 1 . Bajara 34,663 16,362 (b) Mallks, (c) Tenants of Khudkasht, and 2. Jowar 6,330 3274 (d) Ghair-Khatedar tenants. ~~. Maize 23.906 29,036 33.A Khatedar tenant is entitled to all the rights 4. Wheat 15769 33,426 conferred and is SUbj8ct to all the liabilities imposed on S. Barley 2.031 3,492 Khatedar tenant by the Rajasthan Tenancy Act. On the date of coming into force of Rajasthan Tenancy Act. 0. Rice 13 19 Zamindar or a Biswedar holding khudkasht was treated

, - as Khatedar tenant irrespective of whether he was or not Small Millets 12.628 2,813 in occuption on the date of vesting. B. Pulses 34.Malik is a Zamindar or Biswedar who has be- l. Gram 4,969 3,749 come Malik of Khudkasht land held by him on abolition of Zamindari and Biswedari in 1959. The word 'Malik' ,2 Other Kharif-Pulses 14,183 3,260 was also added to section 14 of the Rajasthan Tenancy Act to classify It as a class of tenants. Section 13 of the :\. Tur 301 104 Act provides that a Malik is entitled to all the rights

~ . Other Rabi Pulses 232 114 conferred and is subject to all the liabilities imposed on Khatedar tenant and in substance, this class of tenancy C. Commercial Crops IS nothing but a Khatedar tenant.

1. Rape & Mustard 24.549 5 3S.Zamindars and Biswedars holding Khudkasht ._! Linseed 22 9 were treated as Khatedar tenants. A tenant of khudkashat is essentially a SUb-tenant in view of the lact that a sub J Ground Nut 140 155 tenant is also eligible for protec:tlon of hiS cUltivatory rights even against Khatedar tenants. Every tenant of 1 Castor Seed 5,376 2.150 land other than a Khatedar. a tenant ot Khudkasht or a ;ourcc Directorate of Economics & Statistics RIJasthan. sub-tena,'" is a Ghair-Khatedar tenant. (IXXII) 36.A trespasser is a person who takes or retains and conditions of allotment during this period. Similar is possession of land Without authority or who prevents the case of other allottees who were otherwise allotted another person from occupying land duly let out to him land by the State Government. by the State. After regularisation, the trespasser be­ comes an allottee. An allottee is treated as a Ghair Agricultural Implements and Machinery Khatedar tenant on whom Sub-Divisional Officer shall 37.According to the Livestock Census of 1977, suo moto confer khatedari rights after ten years of 1983 & 1988 the foljowing table gives the detailed 3110tment provided that the allottee fulfils all the terms information in the district

Year Total No. of Animal Sugarcane Oil Electric Tractors Ghanies ploughs drawn crushers Engines Pumps carts

1977 37088 11181 2660 32 699 224 72

1983 40712 11642 4159 11 5267 419

1988 32026 9171 3 7837 4445 741 42

On the basis of the above table number of Electric of land. After Independance various minor and medium Pumps and Tractors IS increasing rapidly as compared irrigation Projects were taken up by the Government to the traditional equipments. and 33 dams were got completed. Thus, a total number of 41 dams with their irrigation capacity of 42,255 acres Irrigation were available in the district, during the year 1988-89. For increasing the irrigation capacity of the existing 18 38.Wells and Tube-wells are the main source of dams in the district, various programes like under tnble Irrigation in the distri~t, during 1988c89, the gross Irrigat­ scheme, drought relief programme, NREP and National ed area in the district was 56608 hectares of which 91 per cent was Irrigated by wells and tube-wells, 7 per cent land-less Employment Guarantee Programmes were by tanks and 2 per cent was irrigated by canals and other launched by the Government during the year 1988-89 sources. Animal Husbandry 41. Accord!l1g to the Live Stock Census 1977, 1983 39.The Irrigated area under food crops was 26,644 & 1988 total number of animals were 589086 In 1988 hectares, whereas 2153 hectares comes under cotton whereas In 1983 there were 804238 animals in the and 27811 hectares area was under other types of distriCt. The population of animals have decreased crops dunng the year 1988-89 in the district. perhaps due to continuous drought. lack of cattle fodder 40. During pre independance, there were 8 dams In and grass land In the district .The following table gives the district with an irngation capacity of only 3289 acres us detailed Information of the district:

Year Cows/ Buffalows Sheep Goats Horses Donkeys Camels Pigs Ducks Fowls Bullocks. & Ponies

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1977 2~9738 63419 189593 263429 548 2983 5257 253 46 22483

1983 261611 70362 190215 248521 968 2200 4419 2040 187 42121

1988 132873 58015 166381 197168 262 3055 5857 617 224 24638

Source - District Statistical Abstract of Sirohl 1991 (Ixxiii)

42.For treatment of animals, the following facilities against a target of 200 M.T, 73.086 Mt. fish was pro­ were available in the district during the year 1988-89. duced in the districr.·

1. - Veterinary Hospitals 20 Power and Electricity .2. Cattle Aushdhalya 8/ 3, Mobile Veterinary units 2 44 .. No hydro electric power IS available in the 4. Artificial insemination Centres 29 district. However thermal power in available in the 5. Key Village units district and five Grid stations have been established. The Rajasthan "late Electricity Board has five diesel The following animal developmental programmes power houses In the distnct. are functioning In the district. 45.There has been a remarkable progress In the (I) Sheep and Wool Developmental Programme district In the field of rural electrification. 433 villages have been electrified up to the August 1989 and 6543 Marwari was the Important sheep breed found in the . wells and Tube-wells have also been electrrfled by the district, while the goat bread available in the district IS end of 1989-90. known as "Sirohi breed", which IS maln'ly milch type. Under the Sheep and wool developmental programme 46.During the year 1988-89 the Consumption of the main object is to improve the'sheep breed, enhance­ electnclty In the dlstnct was 108.710 million kwh as per ment of average wool production and to Increase the details given below. income of shepherds. There are 'two Co-operative SOCI­ eties in the dlstrrct which provide loans to the shepherds Purpose Consumption (In million Kwh) for the purchase & sale of their wool. 1. Domestic 19.029 (1/) Intensive Poultry Development Centre. 2. Commercial (Non-Domestic) 5.974 3. Industrial: Under thiS programme chickens are distributed to the people of schoduled Tribes and 506 people were (i) Small 10.648 hemfited till the year 1988-89. Besides thiS, better breed (il) Medium 5.312 of he-Goats were also distributed to the people of (Iii) High 32.151 scheduled tribes to increase the breed of goats. 4. Public lighting 0.267 5. Agrrculture 32.087 43 The district also offers a good scope for 6. Public water works 2.055 plslculture. For thiS purpose, there are faCilities ot water 7. ~Jthers 1 187 sources at T revortal, Plpella Bund, Bhoola Tuda and the tanks known as Achalgarh (Abu Rd Tehsil) Renela Total 108710 (Sirohi Tehsll), Swaroop sagar (SIrohi town) and NaYA Source· RSEB Jalpur. Rajastllan Sanwara (Pindwara Tehsil). Dunng the year 89-90

The position of electrification In the district was as below In 1988-89:

S.No. Tehsil Total No. of Villages Wells . Wells Electnflcatlon Villages Electnfled In use Electnfied under Kutlr- Jyotl Scheme

1. S,rohi 80 80 2822 1391 96

2. Sheoganj 64 64 2233 1639 137

3. Pmdwara 97 97 4070 1962 89

4. Reodar 112 112 3177 1103 124

5. Abu Road 80 80 23-19 451 94 (lxXlv)

47. DUring 1988-89 the number of electric Consum­ Swaroopganj, Mandar and Sheoganj, Besides, 584 Ars in the district was 57,730. Out of which 40827 developed Industrial plots were also alloted after 1983 connections were for domestic, 7990 for Commercial, in different Industrial areas of the district. 1566 for Industrial, 6922 for agriculture, 274 for public water works and 151 were utilising the electricity for • 49. There were only six registered factories in the public lighting purposes. In the area of non-conventional district by 1961, whereas the number rose to 75 by 1980 . energy, 275 Bio-gas plants were established by employing 770 Persons. On account of the develop­ 88-89. ment of industrial areas by the state Government after 1983 small and cottage industries were established Industries and labour rapidly in the district and by 1988-89 2381 small and cottage industries were registered in the district employ­ 48.Sirohi has been declared as a Non-Industrial ing 7287 p.ersons.The following table gives us detailed district by the Government of India on 1.4.1983, After information regarding the type of the Industriers, the that, Government has provided infra-Structural ameni­ level of investment and the employment provided by ties In S'x places Viz Sirohi Abu Road, Pindwara, them:

Type of Industries Total No. of Capital Average number units investment of persons in thousand rupees employed

1. Agro based 246 16,181 571

2. Forest based 237 2318 639

3. Mines based 139 23,647 1,115

4. Textile based 347 15988 1275

5. Engineering based 349 18348 992

6. Chemical based 347 70,247 1625

7. Animal Husbandry based 653 2,285 980

B. BUilding matenal and 13 231 60 ceramic based

Total 2,381 149,245 7,287

Sour,p - Dlstnct Plannlnq Cell. Collectorate 51ro111. 1990

50.Besldes small and cottage Industries, the Sirohl Road, MIs S,rohi Cement Private limited Sirohi Road. rjlstnct had tour large scale and twelve medium scale Mis Sudarshan Cement Limited Abu Road, Mis Alignate tndustnes by 1988-89: emplOying 2965 Persons. The Marbles Pnvate Limited Abu Road, Mis Spinners large Scale Industries '1'ere Messers L3xmi Cement, Limited Abu Road, MIs Global Granommnau Limted J.K. Puram, Tlrupati Fibres and Industries Limited Abu Abu Road, Mis Adarsh Dyeing and Chemicals Road, Modern Insulators Limited Abu Road and Rail­ Abu Road, MIs Rajasthan Dyeing and Chemicals Abu '.vay work Shop Abu Road. while the medium Scale Road, Mis Sumit Pipes and Tubes private Limited, Abu Industries were MIs Centuary Marble and Granite pn­ Road, and MIs Newar Marbles Private Limited, Abu 'fate limited Abu Road, Mis Om Marble Limited Abu Road. (Ixxv)

51. There were 8408 persons on the live register of trade exist at all the tehsil headquarters. BeSides, a few the Employment Exchange in Sirohi district. At the end big villages like, Rohira (Pindwara tehsll), Klwarli (Abu of the year 1988-89 the details of which are shown Road tehsil), Anadra, Mandar, (Reodar tehsil), below. and Barloot and (Sirohi tehsll) also have retail trade facilities. 1. Professional, Technical and related 501 54.By the end of the year 1989, there were 26 ? Administrative and managenal 7 branches of commercial banks, 10 cooperative banks. 5 Primary land Development banks, 26 Marwar Gramin 1. Clerical and related 11 banks and 4 District CommerCial banks. BeSides these other agencies like RIICO, RFC, Rajasthan Khadl 4. Agriculture, Fishing, Hunting and related 75 Gramodyog and National Small Industries Corporation are also providing loans for putting up Industrial units. 5. Production, Transport and Allied tool operators, Drivers and Labourers 266 55. During the year 1990,14 petrol Pumps operated In the district, the number of cinema houses one each at o. labourers not Included elsewhere 7548 Sirohi, Abu Road, Sheoganj, Mount Abu and Pindwara remained at five. with a seating capacity of around 1.7 :)OUice Directorate of Economics and StatistiCS, Rajasthan thousand persons.

Out of a total of 247 vacanCies notified during 1988- 56.During the year 1988-89, 88 shops were se!lif'"lg Fl9 in the district, 194 were filled. Of these 84 got country liquor, 13 shops Indian made foreign liquor and (~mployment In state Government Departments, 65 In 12 shops hemp drugs In the district and 4.3lakh htres of Central Government Departments, 32 in Quasi Indian made spnt, 2.77 lakh litres of Indian made Beer, Government and Local bodies and only 13 in pnvate 5.02 lakh litres country made liquor, 570 K.g. hemp fmterprises. drugs and 25638 K,g. Bhang and others were con­ sumed in the district. Trade and Commerce Education 52.The major articles exported out of the district Include sheep, goats, raw and tanned hides, Skin. 57. During the 1988-89,659 educational institutions tloney, bamboo, anwala bark, g'um, charcoal, ghee. were running In the district of which two were general swords, oil-seeds etc, the Imports consist of textiles, colleges and one was a profeSSional college. BeSides grain, iron, steel and other metals, kerosene, salt, these 48 higher secondary/secondary schools. 103 sugar, tobacco, spices, hosiery, cutlery. crockery, var­ middle schools, 419 Primary schools and eight profes­ ious types of machines, medl~lnes, matches, buildln9 Sional schools. were functioning. Dunng this period materials, petroleum etc. The articles are mostly sent to 96,769 students (71836 boys and .?4933 9lrls) were ,1hmedabed Bombay, Deihl and Kanpur and the articles getting education In all.tvpes of llistilutlons and 2841 reqUired are generally Imported from . teachers (2356 males and 485 tamales) were engaged Mehsana, Bombay, Poona. Bhatlnda, Flrozpur, Rewan, in teaching. Thus there were 34 students per teacher In AJmer, Beawar and Pachpadra. the district

53.There were four 'mandies' In the dlstnct dealing 58. Dunng the year 1988-891 20,445 students were In wholesale trade. At the Sirohl Mandl most of the studying in different classes in the district, Out of which arnvals are in bullock-carts from the nearby Villages. 15916 were from the scheduled castes an'd 15062 from The remaining three mandies have been set up at the scheduler] tnbes. There were fivp hostels for Sheoganj, SwaroopganJ and Abu Road, where most of secheduled castes and 9 hostels for scheduled tnbes the arrivals are of the food-grains, mainly wlleat. barley. and one grant aided. Ashram school in the district during (jram, baJra, maize, jowar and 'til'. The faCllltes for retail the same period, which accomodated 535 students, (Ixxvi) 59.Besides educational institutions, various voca­ also treated in Ayurvedic institutions In the district tional institutions like Industrial traintng Institute, Abu during the same period. Road and Sirohi, minllTI training centre Pindwara, Poly Technical college and Carpet furniture training centre, Transport and communication Abu Road. These provides technical training in various trades like, fiter, Wireman, diesel mechenlc, electronic, 65.Up to 19~8-89, there was no National High way general machenic, general electritian, welder etc. passes through the district. In 1989 the road conneted through Sheoganj, Sirohi, Reodar, Mandar to Kandla , 60 .An expenment of starting education among adults (Gujarat) was proposed to be constructed as a National was begun In the district in 1940 and special incentives High way. It is well connected by several state High were given In the form of cash awards to those attending ways, major district roads and village roads and others. classes regularly. After the formation of Rajasthan The district had about 881 km. roads during the year state, social education programme became a part of the 198Q-81 which rose to 1,149 km in the year 1990-91 of development programmes in the state. Under the Adult which 918 km were painted, 66 km metalled and the rest Education scheme, 100 centres by the state Govern­ 165 km were fair weather & dressed-up tracks and 289 ment scheme and 300 Centre by the Central Govern­ villages have been connected with approach road dur­ ment scheme were functioning In the district dunng the ing the same period. year 1988-89. During the year 1985-86 to 1988-89. 50429 persons were benifited and 50.23 lakh Rupees 66. The first metre gauge line In the district was were spent during the same pertod. opened In December, 1880 and was a part of Rajputana­ Malwa Railway. Presently, the district is connected by 61.Among the Important public libraries. mention Western Rallw'ay and is on the Delhi-Ahmedabad route. may be made of Shri Sarneshwar District Library, Sirohl, The metre gauge enters the district at Mon Bera and PubliC Library, Mount Abu, and Tehsll Library, Sheoga'1j. crosses It at Mawal. There are eleven railway stations in A large number of books on vanous subjects are avail­ the district. Passengers bound for and commlng from ilble In these librartes. Sirohi and Mount Abu have to detrain or take the train at Sirohl Road and Abu Road railway stattons respective­ Medical and Public Health ly. An alrstnp has also been constructed In the district, but It IS spanngly utilised at present. 62.ln all 40 GovernmfCnt i1l1opathl(; medical institu­ tions functtoned in the district durtng 1988-89. These 67.The Registration of Motor vehicle is Increasing. Institutions consisted 4 General Hospitals, 20 Primary 1154 new vehicles were registered dUring the year Health centres. 8 TB cliniC Dispensaries, 6 Aid post 1988-89. The follOWing table gives the total number of Dispensaries. one maternity and Child Welfare Centre registered vehicles tn the district during the year 1988- dnd one hospital aided by the other Departments In the 89 'llstnct The district also operated 2 Ayurvedic Hospitals With 15 beds and 58 Aushdhalayas during 88-89. Type of motor vehicles Number

63. The total number of beds available in various 1. Private Cars & Jeeps 880 Allopathic medical Institutions were 519. during the year 2. Stage Carriages 161 1988-89. Out of which 175 beds were In the General Hospitals. 204 beds in Primary Health Centres. 34 beds 3. Motor Cycles. Auto-Rickshaw 4162 'n meternlty hospital. 15 beds In TB Hospital, 24 beds were In departmental hospitals a:1d 50 beds were In 4. Taxi and Contract Vehicles 479 I'rtvate hospitals and rest of the 17 beds were In other i iospltals. 5. Public & Private Carnages 431

64.ln the year 1988-89, 9529 Indoor and 3.25 lakh 6. Tractors 1529 'lutdoor patients were treated In Government auopathise 'lleriical Institution and 4.25 lakh outdoor patients were Sourr.e District Statlstlcat Abstract 1991 (lxXVli)

68.The Public Works Department maintains the 72.ln Sirohl district, by the end of June 1981, there rest houses at Sirohi, Kalandn, Anadra, Sanwara, were 194 Co-operative Societies of various types (in­ Mandar, Abu Road, Mount Abu Pindwara, Swaroopganj, cluding one central Co-operative Bank and one Primary Sheoganj, Oda etc. in the district. Mount Abu town has Land mortagage Bank), having 70,501 members, but, serveral Oak Bangalows and rest houses maintained by the number of societies got reduced to 180 by the year the State Government and Government of India. 1988-89, whereas the number of members increased to 1,17,105 out of the 180 Co-operative Societies In 69.As per the statistiCS available from the Distt. 1988-89, 123 Societies were in rural areas and 57 statistical Abstract, Sirohl there were 162 Post Offic­ Societies were In urban areas. One central Co-opera­ es, 37 telegraph offices, 14 telephone exchanges, tive Bank and one Primary Land Development Bank 30 PCO's and 6 Local offices in the district, during the functioned with membership of 820 and 20178 respec­ year 1988-89. tively.

Local Bodies and the Co-operative Movement 73.During the year 1988-89 the share and working capital of these Societies were about 208.40 lakhs and 70.There are Municiapl Boards at Sirohi, Mount 2391.40 lakhs respectively. The amount of loans ad­ Abu, Abu Road, Sheoganj and Pindwara. The main vanced by these Societies was Rs. 266.28 lakhs, while source of income of these municipalities is through recoveries made amounted to Rs. 173.59 lakhs. octroi. However, the other sources of income are Grants­ In-aid, sale of land, license fee etc. Similarly, the' ex­ Other Developmental Activities rendlture items of these mUnicipalities interalia include drainage, sanitation, publJc lighting, water supply, con­ Poverty Elimination Schemes struction and other developmental works. 74. Through DRDA, the Various poverty elimination 71.A three-tier system of local Government viz. schemes are launched in the district The main objective Gram Panchayat at the village level, Panchayat Samiti of the schemes are to provide same means of livelihood at the Block level and the lila Parished at the district means for the up-lifment of those families which are level is functioning in the district as in other parts of the residing in the rural areas below the Poverty line.Under state. After the ushering in of the Panchayat Raj in the the various poverty elimination Schemes the DRDA State, five Panchayat Samities have been functioning in Provides 25 Per cent grant for small farmers, 33 Per the district, one each at Sirohi, Abu Road, Pindwara, cent grant for marginal farmers and 50 Per cent grant for Sheoganj and Reodar. The jurisdiction of each of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes. Panchayat Samities is co-terminus with the correspond­ Ing tehsil. These Panchayat Samlties are under the 75. Various Schemes like Integrated Rural Devel­ control of the lila Parishad which is headed by the lila opmental Programmes, National Rural Employment Pramukh as its chairman, but these institutions are Programmes, Rural Land Less Employment Guarantee administratively overseen by the Collector of the district Programme and massive programme etc, are launched who is also the ex-officio District Development Officer. in the district A Panchayat Samiti is mainly responsible for various developmental activities in its area, which include, among 76.ln ali, 26,8;32 families below the poverty line other things, the implementation of the community' de­ were residing in the district till '86-87. Selection process velopment Progra'mmes. Government has posted skilled of poor families is still continuing, out of which 8,718 personnel, technicians and agricultural extension offi­ poor families were benifitted from 1986-89, by providing cials in these Panchayat Samities f~ ~roviding guid­ them some means of livelihood. The following table ance and assistance to the villagers. gives us the detailed Information. (Ixxviii)

Massive Programme Type of the assistance No. of families provided benefitted 79.Underthis Scheme. minor irrigation works h ..ve been taken up for the small and marginal farmers. A. '" the field of Agriculture During the year 1984 to 1989. 2598 wells were Con­ structed in the district. 1. Bullock/Bullock pairs 3,549 Jawahar Rojgar Yojna 2. Bullock Carts. Camel Carts. Camels. 3,813 80. Jawahar Rojgar Yojna has been launched in the 3. Horse. Horse Carts 04 year 1988-89 in t~e district. Under this scheme Central Government have sanctioned same budget to the State 4. Soil Erosion Works 143 Government, through the DRDA the entire amount was to be distributed to the village Sarpanchs In the districts 5. Animal fodder works 422 for the construction of essential works In the Villages for providmg employment to the Villagers. During the year B. In the field of Minor Irrigation 1988-89, 1354 works were sanctioned which created work of 3.482 lakh man days, and Rs 49.83 lakh were 1. Construction of New wells 291 proposed to be spent on these works. In Sirohi. 2. Deepening the old wells 310 Tribal Developmental Sub-Plan 3. To provide electric and Diesel Pumping' Sets 86 81.The main objective of this scheme is to develop the tribal areas and to up lift the tribal people. Abu Road Total 8718 and Pindwara tehsils, were selected for the execution of this Scheme, because more than 50 Per cent people

Source - District Plan Col/ectorate Sirohl 1990 residing in the Villages. were from the Scheduled tribes.

Besides these. 9051 selected poor families were Various developmental works like construction of also benifitted through providing them with training or publiC wells, Hostels, Animal Hospital Bhawan, Ayurvedic some assistance and means In traditional cottage Aushdhalaya Shawan, Primary School Shawan, Roads Industnes during 1981-1989.ln all 10.901 useful animals and Panchayat Bhawans were Completed during the were also distributed among poor families dunng, 81- year 1985 to 1989 with an expenditure of Rs 49.17 89. lakhs.

Trysem Scheme SOCial and Cultural Activities

77.Under this scheme, 2896 persons were trained Fair and Festivals in Various fields, like General Machinary Work, Motor Winding, Weaving, Watch Repairs. Tanning, Tailoring, 82.Most of the fairs held in the district are either Shoe Making, ','yping etc. from 1981 - 1989, out of which religious or social In nature which also have some 1840 persons also found employment till 1989. commercial importance and are organised on some specific dates. These fairs besides being an important 78.Various developmental schemes and drought source of joy and get-together also provide income to prone area programmes have been launched in the the local bodies, the important fairs organised in the district to cope with the famine striken conditions. In this district are described below: rilstrict. 369 villages and 417712 persons were affected tUring the year 1988-89. During this period developmer.· Gautamji Fair !al wor~s like schools bUildings. Road side forest-devel- JUlllent. anti-soil erosion works. deepening the old wells This fair IS held at Choteela's Pahan in Sheoganj ·'te. have been taken up In the distriCt. tehsil on Chaitra Sudi 13 every year. Nearly 30,000 (IXXIX) people congregate in the fair, mostly belonging to the and records a population of 15,593 according to 1991 communities of Bhils and Minas. Census. It is approached by a circutous road from Abu Road railway station. The actual ascent is marked by Sarneshwar Mahadeo Fair sharp turns and deep chasms and gorges, passing through picturesque natural scenery, fringed with trees It is anually held at Sarneshwar temple near Sirohi of primeval forest and rivulets. A tourist bureau and a town on 12th day of second half of Bhadra Pada. Among game sanctuary were set up here in 1958-59 and 1960- the chief participants are Rebaries who are said to settle 61 respectively. The important places worth-seeing in their caste disputes on this occasion. About 10,000 and aroung the town are as follows: rersons participate in this fair. Delwara Temples Sheet/a Mata Fair These are about two and half kilometres from Nakkl This fair is held at Sirohi on Chaitra Badi 7, every lake towards Achalgarh and is a place of pilgrimage for year. Arouhd 10,000 persons belonging to all communi­ the Jains. The Deh"ara temples are famous for the best ties participate in the fair for worshipping the Mata. The specimen of stone-carving of mediaeval India. The main Mata is believed to bring relief to persons affected by group consists of five temples constructed almost en­ small pox. Sheetla Mata fair is also organised in several tirely of white marble. Of these five temples, only two other villages in the district. temples, of Vimal Vasahi and of TeJpala are more famous. The former was built by Vimala Sah (an officer Rishikesh Mahadeo Fair oftheChalukya king Bhim I) in 1,031 A.D. while the latter belongs to the 13th century and was bUilt by the two A fair IS held annually near village Umarni (Abu famous brothers, Vastupal and Tejpal and is dedicated Road tehsil) on Bnadra Pad a Sudi, 11 Around 10,000 to Neminath, the 22nd Tirthankar of the jalns. The most persons assemble In this fair from the neighbouring strikmg feature of the Tejpal is the marble pendant in the areas and worship the deity. dome of the porch. It drops from the ceiling like a cluster of half-open lotus whose cups are so finaly wrought that 83.Among the other important fairp held in the they appear to be almost transparent. It has its elephant­ district, mention may be made of Gor's and Meghwani's room which is much larger, and is enclosed by a pierced fairs held at Siyawa and Mungthala In Abu Road tehsil, screen of open tracery. Of the remaining three Jain Mahadeojl and SabhugJi Mahadeo fairs at Amli and temples, one is located outside the group across the Waloriya in Plndwara tehsil. Several other {airs of local road while the second is dedicated to Parasnath (called Importance are also organised at various places in the Chaumukha) and the third is named as temple Adlnath. . district. At the spot known as 'Balam Rasiya' behind the group of these Jain temples are the remains of old Hindu 84.As in other districts of the State, the principa.l temples. r~lnrju festivals are Holi, Diwali, Dashera, Raksha­ Bhddhan, Sheetla Saptml, Gangaur and Akha Teej. The NakkiLake cl-'Ief Muslim festivals are Muharram, Idul-Fitr, Idul Zuha, Sr.1b-e-barat and Barawafat. Nakki Lake IS situated in the most picturesque setting, between the high hills from its western end one Places of ReligiOUS, Historical and Archaeological can see a view of the plain through a gorge. The.beauty importance and Tourist interests of Mount Abu town is very much enhanced by this lake, which is an artificial sheet of water and is said to have 85. Following places are of great Interest in the been excavated by the finger-nails (nakhi) of the Gods district: and hence named as such. There are a number of rocky Isiands In the take having palm trees. Boats are also Mount Abu available for a cruise. Besides, there are several caves In the adjoining hii:ocks, of which the prominent ones are The town IS the only summe; I eson In Rajasthan 'Hathl Gupha', 'Champa Gupha' and Rilnl Jhmokha·. (txxx)

Nun and Toad Rocks starts for this place. It is at a distance of about ten kilometres fr~m Abu and is one of the beauty spots At a short distance from Nakkl lake there are two where a little stream flows and looks like a replica of a rocks ca11ed Nun and the Toad for theIr resemblance in cow's mouth (Gao MUkh). Close by is thEJ t€mple of outline to a veiled women and an immense toad, respec­ Vashistha where the Idols of Rama, Lakshman and tively. Vashlstha are seen. Numerous images are found lying about, of these ttIe oldest IS the fire-pit, where the four Sunset Point Agmcula Clans are said to have been originated near the temple. This place is famous as a tourist interest as it presents a marvellous phenomena of ttle setting sun Ajari like the hanging red ball from the peak at hillock. This is a small VIllage fn Pindwara tehsil at a dis­ Arbuda Devi's Temple tance of five kilometres south of Pindwara on the way leading to Abu Road. To the north west of the village, A small whIte temple IS built out of a natural cleft on there is a temple of Mahadeo. The scenery is pictur­ the SIde of the hill whIch is popularly known as 'Adhar esque, honey-combed with date-trees and a small Devi' or 'Arbuda Mata' or Ambika a tutelary goddess of rivulet flows nearby. It is a fine picniC spot. Abu. The shrine lies in the rock below the temple. The Markandeshwar Rishi is said to have meditated here. place can be approached by two different routes one There are small images of God Vishnu and Goddess from Nakki lake via Adam Hospital and the other by a Saraswati. Close by is a pond known as 'Gaya-Kund' SIde track Intersecting the Delwara road. where people immerse the mortal remains of"their dear ones. Dudh Baori Derasuri A historical place 'Dudh Saari' is also situated at the This is a place near Saranwa hills to the west of bottom of Arbuda Devi's temple which is said to have Sirohi Road. There are fourteen Jain temples which are always been filled with milk which was consumed by the famouns for theIr sculpture. The place IS famous for its 'Rishies'. beautiful sur,roundings. Achalgarh Rohira The fort of Achalgarh is situated in the north east of Delwara temples at about a distance of five kilometres It is a village in Pindwara tehsil and is situated on the and is famous for being an old stronghold of the way, from Sirohi town to Sirohi Road. There are three Paramaras of Chandrawatl and Abu and also for temples of archaeological importance, of which two are Achaleshwar tempre. 'Mandakini tank' a water reservoir located outside the village and one within the village IS Just before the temple. The water of the tank is itself. Among these temples, the first belongs to Thakuqi considered to be as holy as that of the Ganges. To the (Vishnu) the second to Rajeshwar Mahadeo and the south of the tank is an enclosure containing several third is a Laxmi Narayan Temple. shrines, notably that of Achaleshwar. Toe nail of God Sh~va is an object of great sanctity and in front of the Wasa temple is a big brass 'Nandi' (the bull with Lord Shiva on Its back) Besides, several other images are also placed. There is a fine temple of Surya (The sun god) of the Bhara thari caves which are not far away can also be eleventh or twelfth century on the outskirts of village easIly visited. , the highest spot of Mount wasa (Pindwara tehsil). The village has a temple with a Abu, is at a short distance beyond Achalgarh. 'Lingum' in the shrine and an Image of 'Tirthankar' over its door. Jamdagni, the famous 'tirth' is about three Gao Mukh kilometres north of village Wasa, which IS saId to be the Ashram of Jarndagni Rishi. It is approachable by a metalled road from Nakki­ lake to the temple of Hanumanji from where ascent 86. Other Worth-seeing places In the district are (lxXXI) villages (Sheoganj tehsll) and Jeerawal (Reodar the sun god, Swaroopganj for being a good grain Mandl, tehsll) which are famous for their Jain temples, Chan Sarneshwar temple about three kilometres to the north rirawatl (Abu Road tehsil) being an ancient City, of Sirohi town is famous for its temple of Shri Sarneshwarji, Karodidhwaj temple about 38 kilometres south-east of Basantgarh (Plndwara tehsll) having an old fort and a Sirohi town, Kolar Ambeshwar IS a pICniC spot famous Kshemarya temple, a shnne of Khlmel Mata which 118S for Shlva temple (Sheoganj tehsil) Matarmata-place In to the west of the fort. Besides these Vyas Tlrth, Nag the hills near Sirohi town is attractive because of ItS Tlrth, Hanuman Ashram, Lakh Chaurashl, Kumbha scenery, small rivulets, tall trees and a temple, village Swami temple, Kheti-Kund, Mrig Ashram. Vashthanji, Mungthala (Abu Road tehsil) is famous for its three village Oriya, Satsang Ashram and Kunwan Kanya are temples, Pindwara having an old temple dedicated to the other noteworthy places worth a viSit (Jxxxil)

BRIEF ANALYSIS OF THE VILLAGE & TOWN 6. About 18 per cent of the villages in. the distnct do DIRECTORY AND PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT not have electncity. Of the total 446 inhabited villages only 362 have been provided with electric connectIOns A -,VILLAGE DIRECTORY for agricultural, demestic or any other uses. From the villages elp.ctrified point of View, it is obseNed that Sirohi There are 461 villages in Sirohi district out of which panchayat samiti tops all the panchayat samities having 446 villages (96,75 per cent) are Inhabited and the 97.56 per cent of its villages electrified, panchayat remaining 15 villages i,e (3,25 percem) are uninhabited samiti Abu Road ranks last where only 61.54 per cent of villages, its total villages could be electrified so far. The table 1 gives the data regarding the distribution of villages 2, Educational facilities are available in 404 inhab­ according to the availability of various amenities. ited villages, More than 9 per cent of the villages at the district level still do not have any type of educational 7. Much effort have been made to provide educa­ facilities. Abu Road Panchayat samiti is reported to tional faciiities specially in the rural areas during the post have the highest percentage (96.15 percent of inhat_2ited ir.ciependence period. Only 1.15 per cent of the rural Villages served with educational facilities while Siror'i population do not have the educational facilities at their panchayat samiti ranks last with 86.59 per cent Joor step. The proportion of rural population s8Ned with school facilities ranges from 98.09 per cent in 3. Inhabited villa~~,: ~,d.vJng at least one type of Reodar to 99.71 per cent in Abu Road panchayat samiti. medical institLition numbered only 109 constituting 24.44 per cent of the/total villages. In this way, the inhabitants 8. Medicial facility is another important amenity of the remaining 75.51 per cent villages have to rush to which is essential for the people specially for thClse living nearby villages or towns for getting medical ald. The in the rural areas. However, only 43.40 per cent of rural proportion of villages having medical facilities within the population could so· far have this facility Within the village$ is the highest (30.30%) in SheoganJ panchayat villages while the others have to travel to nearby villages samiti,and lowest (17.21 %) In Reodar panchayat samiti. or towns lor thiS ald. There is only one Village In Plll.j';;~r? : ,;:,nc!iClypt samlti of the district whose popu- '<-",I'T\I ' >f,o reople 4. All the Villages of the district except one village of lation do not have drinKing VVdlv, . _ _ rH Iu "" Plndwara panchayat samltl enjoy dnnking waterfaciiity. of this village have to depend oM nearby Villages tu ~~~ A little more than 31 per cent of the Villages In the district this facility. Postal and telegraphic amenities are avail­ enJoy the facility of post and telegr~ph. Among the able within the villages to 61.31 per cent of the rural various panchayat samities Sirohl has the highest pro­ population. Market/hat facilities are available only in a portion ot villag~s having postal facilities, say in 48. 78 few villages of Sheoganj & Reodar panchayat samitis. per cent villages while F3eodar panchayat samiti has Only 1.66 percent population of the district are benefited such facilities only in 22.95 per cent of Its villages, With this facility. Communication facilities are available to 61.28 p,=r cent of the population .0111 rl_If:":~ approach 5. Market/hat faCIlity IS available in a few Villages in road from their villages to the nearest Bus stA.nd or the panchayat samiti of SheoganJ and Reodar. A little Railway station is ayallable to only 72.48 per cent of the over 40 per cent of the Villages (182 in number) have rural population. As many as 86.38 per cent rural communication facilities like Bus stand/Railway station, population of the district enjoy power supply facility. The The people residmg in the remaming Villages have to highest percentage of power supply facility 1s available travel to other neighbouring villages/towns in order to in Sirohi panchayat samlti while the lowest percentage avail of the facility of the trail'} or bus for reaching their of this facility is noticed in Sheoganj panchayati samlt. \ . desired destination. In panchayat samitl Sirohl the Details about proportion of rural population seNea by proportion of villages having such facilities IS the highest different amenities at district and panchayat samiti level (46.34%) whereas, Abu Road and Reodar panchayat have been,given in table nO.2. samities ranks last with 32.05 per cent of the villages having the facilities of communication Within Its limit. 9. As already mentioned earlier there are still sev­ Out of the total inhabited Villages only 201 (45.07%) eral villages in the distric:t where certain amenities are have approachable pucca road. not available. Efforts have been made to collect Infqr- (IXXXIII) matlon about the distances from such villages ~o those the next higher range of 500 to 1,999 persons there are nearE?st places where such amenities exist. In all there 247 villages constituting 55.38 per cent of the villages. are 42 villages where no educational facility is available There are 64 villages In higher population range having but among these children of 34 villages (80.95%) can population over 2,000 persons and only 7 villages have reach a school within a radiUS of 5 km. There are 7 population range above 5000. So far as the highest villages where the school going children have to cover number of village IS concerned It locates in population a distance of 5 to 10 km. and In case of only one village range 500-1,999 viz. 247 villages, as may be reflected they have to cover a distance of more than 10 km to from tile table 5 which gives the distribution of villages reach their school. Similarly, among 337 villages med­ according to population ranges 3nd amenities. ' Ical facility IS available to 157 villages Within a distance 13. Out of tile total area of the district 43.01 per cent of 5 km, Within 5 to 10 km., in case of 108 villages and IS cultivable area of which only 21.22 per cent IS irrigat­ beyond a distance of 10 km to 72 villages one village. ed. Reodar panchayat samiti has the highest proportion where potable water facility does not eXist IS such where of cultivable area (56.98%) while the lowest IS noticed in the residents of the villages have to fetch It Within a Abu Road panchayat samitl ((21.53%). Abu Road distance of 5 km. The postal and communication panchayat samiti has the highest proportion of Irrigated facilities are not available in case of 68.83 and 59.19 per area to cultivable area (26.43%) while the lowest such cent villages respectively. The distribution of vlll<;lges I proportion is found IS Sirohi panchayat samiti (17.85%). not haVing certain amenities have been given In table 3 It IS Interesting to note here that Reodar panchayat 'by showing distance ranges from places where these samltl which has the highest proportion of cultivable are available. area to total area rank II from below In respect to proportion of Irrigated area to total cultivable area. Table 10. The social and economic life of the rural masses 6 supports this statement. This table gives the distribu­ no doubt is influenced by their proximity to the urban tion of villages according to land use. centres. The largest proportion (58.07%) of villages In the district are located Within a distance of 16 to 50 km 8- TOWN DIRECTORY from the nearest towns. As many as 103 vill~ges (23.09%) are within a distance range of 6 to 15 km. while 14. In this section an attempt has been made to 47 villages constituting 10.54 per cent of the total depict townwise data relating to per capita receipt and Inhabited villages are located In actue remote area and expenditure, schools per ten thousand population and their distance from the nearest town IS not less than 50 number of beds In medical institutions besides, shOWing' km. in any case. There are only 37 villages (8.30%) the notified slum area in the urban units of the district, rf which are within a convenient distance range of less any, together with the details of most important com­ than 5 km. modity manufactured, imported and exported.

11. It IS worthwhile to mention here that the villages 15. ObserVing the muniCipal revenue at the dlstnct at a distance range of 0 to 5 km. from the nearest town level, it is revealed that the annual per capita receipt have the highest proportion of villages haVing the amen­ comes to Rs. 202.51 of which Rs. 101.69 is obtained Ities of post and telegraph and approach by pucca road through taxes and Rs. 100.82 from all other sources. At while the distance range of 6 to 15 km. rf3cords the the town level, Mount Abu has the highest per- capita highest proportion in case of education, medical and receipt while the lowest is reported In Bhawari census communication facilities. Interestingly all the villages at town. Except Mount Abu and Sirohi all the towns have a distance range of 0 to 5 km and beyond a distance of per capita receipt less than the district average. Taking 51 km. have the facility of drinking water at the door­ Into the conSideration the receipt through taxes it IS step. Table 4 presents the distribution of villages highest In Mount Abu town and the lowest in Bhawari according to vanous distance ranges from the nearest Census Town. The highest receipts from all other town and availability of different amenities in such sources IS observed In Sirohi and lowest in Pindwara villages. towns.

12. About 28.70 per c.ent of the total inhabited 16. On the expenditure side, the annual per capita villages have ~he population of less than 500 souls. In municipal expenditure works out to Rs. 135.99 at the (lxXXlv) shoes. Vegetables, marble, electrical goods, granite district level. At the town level, It IS highest In Mount Abu and lowest In Bhawan. Among the various items of and cement are the most Important commodities which expenditure It is highest on other aspects being RS.57. 78 are exported from the urban centres of the district. The followed by public works (Rs.39.22) and general admin­ commodities which are imported include sugar, food­ Istration (Rs.19.38) at the district level. Very nominal grains, cloth and also oil seeds. The table 10 shows the expenditure on public institutIOns Rs. 2.99 per head at most Important commodities manufactured, imported district level has been Incurred. The highest expendi­ and exported: ture on other aspects and public works have been Incurred In Mount Abu at the town level Per capita expenditure is less than receipts In all the towns except C-PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Sheoganj. No expenditure has been incurred on public works In Pindwara. on public health and convenience in Distribution and gowth of population Abu Road. Pindwara and Sirohi, on public institutions In Mount Abu. Pindwara. Sheoganj and Sirohl towns. 21.Accoring to the final tally of the census count at Table 7 shows the per capita receipt and expenditure the sunrise of March 1, 1991 the total population of the according to broad clasSification at the district and town district was 654029 of which the males numbered level 335517 and females 318512. The population of the district is predominantly rural In character as 526447 or 17. The facility of higher education i.e. for the 80.49 per cent of the people live in 446 inhabited villages standard of higher secondary/lnter/P.U.C.lJunior Col­ while only 127582 persons or 19.51 per cent reside in 6 lege IS available In all towns. Analysing the educational urban centres viz Abu Road, Sirohi, Sheoganj and Institutions per ten thousand of population in these Pindwara etc. There are 15 uninhabited villages in the higher educational Institutions, it IS highest (1.92) In district. Mount Abu town and the lowest (0.66) IS reported In Plndwara town. The average number of educational 22. The highest proportion of the rural population Institutions upto the level of Secondary/matriculation (25.10 per cent) reSide In Reodar panchayat samitl per ten thousand populalion works out to be highest followed by 24.32 per cent In Pindwara and 20.10 (3.21) In Mount Abu town and the lowest (0.50) In percent In Sirohl. In the urban areas of the district Abu Sheoganj town. At the Junior secondary/middle school Road ranks at the top with 31.20 per cent share in the It IS more than the district average In the towns of Mount total urban population of the district while Bhawri (CT) Abu. Bhawarl and Sheoganj, and at the primary level In ranks lowest with only 7.07 per cent. There has been Sheoganj Sirohl and Abu Road towns as may be seen change In the urban areas of the district dUring the past from the table 8 giving number of various types of decade as one new census town namely Bhawarl has educational institut:ons per ten thousand population at emerged in the district. Table 11 and .12 present the the district and town level. rural-urban dlstnbution of population in the district and the various panchayat sa.mltles and towns alongwith the 18. So far as the medical 'aid IS concerned, It IS total number of villages and towns. observed that average number of beds In medical InstltutlOflS per thousand population comes to 2.34 at 23. The population of the district has increased by the district level and the highest number (6.05) In Sirohl more than four times In the present century. It has been town and the lowest(0.67) in Bhawan town. The table 9 growing steadily and has nearly doubled over the past gives townwise number of beds In medical Institutions. thirty years haVing risen from 3.52 lac in 1961 to 6.54 lac In 1991. From the study of the variation in population of 19.There IS no notified slum area In t'le urban the dlstrit since 1901, It will be seen that the decade 1911 centres of the distriCt. to 1921 witnessed a decrease of 0.48 per cent. but after 1921 there has been a steady increase in the growth 20. Among the manufactured Items In the dlstnct rate of population, the highest growth rate, however, has mention may be made of Marble tiles, bamboo articles. been recorded during 1981 to 1991, Among the rea­ stone statue, cement, engineering goods and leather sons contributory to the fall in population during the (Ixxxv) period 1911-21 mention may be made of the epidemics 2000 to 4999 persons. A part from this there are 7 of Influenza, plague and smallpox, In absolute terms, villages which have a population exceeding 5000 per­ the population of the district has increased by about 4.91 sons. There is not a single villages in the entire district lac during the past 90 years (1901-91). Of this, only which has population of 10.000 or more. The distribu­ about 1.26 lac were added during the first fifty years of tion of Villages by various size classes of populatIOn for the present century while dUring the past ten years the district and Its panchayat samltles is reflected In alone 1.11 lac persons have been added to the district's table 15. population. This increase IS nearly 15 thousand less than the addition to the population over first fifty years Density of population from 1901-1951. Table 13 shows the population of the district from 1901 onwards and the decadal growth rate. 27. Looking to the size of each panchayat samiti within the district it will be seen that Plndwara panchayat 24. In 1991 census, the district has recorded a samitl has the maximum share with 22.47 per cent qrowth rate of 20.66 per cent as compared to the state proportion In the total area of the.distnct. Abu Road growth of 28.44 per cent. The growth rate In the rural panchayat samltl ranks at the bottom covenng only areas of the district during the decade works out to 18.29 16.94 per cent of the total rLiral area ot the distriCt. In per cent while in urban areas it comes ot 31.53 per cent terms of population we find that the highest contribution meaning thereby that the district has grown at a faster of the dlstnct's rural population is made by Reodar rate In urban areas than its rural areas. panchayat samitl which has a share of 21.46 per cent In terms of area. 25. Among the tehsils, Abu Road and Reodar each have recorded the highest growth of 24.91 per cent 28. On an average the density of population in the ,lUring the decade as against Pindwara and Sirohl 22.48 district works out to 127 persons per sq.km. which ranks per cent and 15.51 per cent respectively whereas the 18th In the state. However, there IS a sharp variation In lowest growth of 14.45 per cent has been recorded In thiS respect in the rural and urban area s of the district; Sheoganj tehsil. Analysing the growth rate In rural and whereas In the rural areas the denSity of population IS urban areas of the tehslls separately we find that Reodar only 104 persons per sq. km .. it has worked out to 1608 tehsil has recorded the highest growth rate both In rural persons in the urban areas, the later being fifteen times and urban areas as compared to other tehslls. In each more than the former. In the rural areas of the district, tehsil there is one town and therefore. growth rate for the Reodar panchayat saml!i has highest denSity of 122 urban areas In each of the tehsils reflects the growth in persons per sq.km. which IS 1.18 times more than the each of the towns in these tehsils. The decadal change average density of 104 persons recorded for the entire In distribution of population separately for total, rural and rural areas. Sheoganj IS thickly populated. the density of urban areas of the district IS presented In table 14. popuatlon In Sheoganj town works out to 4139 per sq Villages classifietl by populCJtion km. While It IS only 605 in case of Bhawan (CT) town.

26. Out of the total461 villages In the district 446 are 29. There are In all 174 villages (39.01 per cent) In populated and remaining 15 villages were found unin­ the district which have density ranging between 101 to Ilablted at the time of census count. The villages vary 200 persons per sq.km. Such Villages constitute more In size not only in terms of area but In population too. than one third of the total inhabited Villages. Another set However, the maximum number of 245 villages or 54.93 of 100 villages (22.42 per cent) have denSity ranging per cent of the total inhabited villages can be grouped in between 51 to 100 persons per sq.km. 60 Villages the population range of 500-1999 persons. Another constituting 13.45 per cent of the total Inhabited villages group of 81 villages 18.16 per cent have population are having denSity of population between 201 to 300. rAnging between 200 to 499 persons. In the category uf Apart from thiS, 52 villages are having density of popu­ small villages haVing populallon less than 200 persons. lation between 21 to 50. A more clear picture will there are 49 Villages In the district which comes to 10.99 emerge If we glance through the data given In Table 16 per cent of the total Inhabited Villages. There are in all persentlng the pattern of denSity of population as no­ 64 Villages (14.35 percent) having population between ticed In Villages at panchayat samtl level. (IXXXVI)

30. There has been a sharp fluctuation In the sex­ 34. MajOrity among scheduled castes an~ sched­ ratio (number of females per thousand males) in the uled tribes reSide In the rural areas of the district. Out of district over the decade sine 1901. The population of the total scheduled castes population of 125863 per­ females In the district as a whole has always been on the sons the bulk I.e. 101968 persons (81.02 per cent) are lowe, side as compared to males. rural based. In the case of scheduled tribes, out of 153005 persons 93.35 per cent live In rural areas and 31 If we compare the trend of sex-ratio In the rural 5.65 per cent in urban areas of the distriCt. and urban areas we notice that since 1901 to 1991 the sex-ratio IS favouring females In the rural areas of th'3 35. Analysing the dispersal of rural schepuled caste district although in 1951 and 1971 It has gone somewhat population at panchayat samlti level, it IS evident that the higher In urbafl areas In comparison of other years but highest concentralon (42.68 per cent) is found In Reodar It could not exceed rural areas figures. Table 17 gives panchayat samlti followed by (23.19 per cent) in Sirohl the sex-ratio of the district for the period 1901-1991. and 15.69 per cent,in Sheojanj panchyat samlti. Among the urban scheduled castes, while the highest propor­ 32. A study of the pattern of sex-ratio In all the five tion has been found In Abu Road town (39.31 per cent) panchayat samities of the district wou!d revel that in It is 19.05 per cent In Sirohi town. As regards the 1991 the proportion of females to total male population dispersal of scheduled tribe population In all the five IS highest In Sirohl followed by Plndwara and Sheoganj panchayat samltles 38.32 per cent of thiS population panchayat samitles, the sex-ratio being 1010. 964 and lives In Abu Road panchayat samltl followed by 36.70 961 respectively as compared to other panchayat per cent In Plndwara and 10.43 per cent in Reodar samltles. Among the SIX urban centres, while Plndwara panchayat samitl. As regards the urban scheduled tribe and Sheoganj towns have recorded sex-ratio of 972 and population while 33.05 per cent live in Abu Road town 944 respectively, it IS only 769 In the case of Mount Abu the remaining 66.95 per cent live in five towns. town. Table 18 provides the panchyat samiti-wise and town-Wise sex-ratio data as obtained during 1991 census. 36. Analysing the dispersal of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population at village level we find that Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 157 or 35.21 per cent of the total inhabited villages are 33. Acording to 1991 census, 19.24 per cent people such where the number of scheduled caste people among the total population belong to scheduled castes constitute more than 20 per cent in the total population. while In 1981 this proportion was 18.74 percent. Thus A total of 58 or 13.01 per cent villages have schedlJ'led during the decade 1981-91 the Increase III the propor­ caste population ranging from 16 to 20 per cent; 41 tion of scheduled caste population to total population of villages or 9.20 per cent from 11 to 15 per cent, 36 the district comes to 0.50 percentage pOints. 19.37 per villages or 8.08 per cent from 6 to 10 per cent and 61 cent of the population in rural areas comprised of villages or 13.68 per cent are such which have less than scheduled castes while In urban areas only 18.73 per 5 per cent of the scheduled caste population. ThiS cent of the population has been recorded In this catego­ indicate that schedu.led caste population IS almost even­ ry. The corresponding proportion of rural and urban ly distributed In the villages. It IS however, Significant to areas In 1981 was 19.02 and 17.47 percent respectively. note that 93 villages constituting 20.86 per cent of the total inhabited villages do not have any scheduled caste 34 In contrast to scheduled castes, the proportion population. of scheduled tribes In the total population of the district IS on the higher side. Total scheduled tribes in 1991 37.As far as the scheduled tribe population is con­ constitute 23.39 per cent of the total population of the cerned 68 or 15.25 percent of the Inhabited villages are distriCt. In 1991 the proportion of tribal population In the those where the proportion of scheduled tribe popula­ rural areas of the district is recorded as 27.13 per cent tion to total population is even less than 5 per cent. There as against 26.30 per cent In 1981 while in urban areas are 101 villages which constitute 22.65 per cent of the of the district the corresponding proportions were 7 98 total inhabited villages have their proportion between 6 per cent and 8.44 per cent respectively. to 15 per cent of the total population. Another 94 or 21.08 (lxXXVII) per cent villages are such where their population varies where their literacy rate touch the lowest of 7.17 per cent between 16 to 50 percent. Interestingly only 125 villages in Abu Road panchayat samltl with meagre 10.74 per (28.03 percent) are such where their proportion exceeds cent In Pindwara panchayat samiti. In urban areas, on 50 per cent of the total population. It may. however. be the other hand, females have attained higher literacy \ noted that 13.01 per cent of the total Inhabited villages rate with their maximum b6.45 per cent in Abu Road numbering 58 do not have any scheduled trible town followed by 56.03 per cent in Mount Abu town. In population.The distribution of scheduled caste and the urban areas, the over all literacy rate recorded for scheduled tribe population in villages at the panchayat the district as a whole works out t067.33 per cent while samltl leveLis reflected in table 19 and 20 respectively it is only 23.05 per cent for the rural areas of the district. prepared separately for scheduled castes and scheduled A comparative picuture IS reflected in tables 22 and 23 tribes. prepared separately for rural and urban areas.

39. If we look at the dispersal of scheduled caste Working population· and scheduled tribe population in urban areas of the district we find that scheduled castes constitute oniy 42. In 1991 census, as in the previous censuses, 18.73 per cent of the total population while the sched­ the population of the district is broadly classified into two uled tribes are not even 8 per cent ((7.98). Among the categories on the basis of economic activity. These two urban centres in the district Abu Road has the major categories are workers and non-workers. The workers concentration (24.07 per cent) of scheduled castes are further classified into two categories of main work­ ers and marginal workers. As per this classification, while their proportion in Sheoganj town IS only 12.79 per 61.61 per cent of the total population of the district cent. The same pattern is seen in case of scheduled consists of non-workers. The main workers constitute tribes. Their proportion in the total population in Mount 31.25 per cent, while the marginal workers form only Abu IS 15.16 per cent as against 4.49 per cent In 7.14 per cent of the total population. In rural areas of the Sheoganj town. Table 21 presents the proportion of district the proportion of nO,l-workers 59.23 per cent is scheduled caste and scheduled trible population to total much less than In urban areas where It is 71 41 per cent. population in each of the urban unit. The proportion of main workers and marginal workers in the rural areas is 32.19 and 8.58 per cent respectively. Literacy while In urban areas thiS proportion works out to 27.38 and 1.21 per cent respectively. 40. The broad stratum of literates in the district forms 23.05 per cent of the total population as ascer­ 43. In case of males, 49.34 per cent of the total male tained during 1991 census. However, there is stili a population are main workers, 1.00 per cent are marginal marked difference in the literacy rates of two sexes. workers and the remaining 46.66 per cent are non­ Female literacy rate IS falling behind male literacy rate workers. In rural areas, however, 49.78 per cent of total , In all parts of the district i.e. both In rural and urban areas. male population are main workers. Significantly, It is little less than the proportion o(male non-workers (49.06 per 41. At the panchayat samitl level the literacy rate for cent) and margmal workers are only 1 .16 per cent. In the total rural areas varies from 29.22 per cent in Sirohi urban areas, we notice that While 52.05 per cent of the to 18.53 per cent in Abu Road panchayat samlti. How­ total male population are non-workers and 47.60 per cent ever, in case of urban areas the literacy rates for Abu are main workers and only 0.35 percent are marginal Road and Mount Abu towns are 72.53 and 71.60 per workers. cent respectively. Amongst males In rural areas the percentage of literacy ranges between 46.49 in Sirohi to 44. Among females, non-workers constitute 74.20 28.89 per cent In Abu Road panchyat samlt\. In urban per cent of the total female population while the main areas, on the other hand Sheoganj town has recorded workers and the marginal workers are only 12.19 and 86.78 per cent literacy rate as against 69.42 per cent in 13.61 per cent respectively. In the rural areas, however, Bhawri (CT) town. However, a rather depressing picture the number of female non-workers is less than that m IS observed In case of females specially in rural areas urban areas. the proportion being 69.79 and 93,22 per (IXXXVIII)

cent respectively. On the other hand, while only 4.60 per (63.41 per cent) of non-workers followed by 62.23 per cent of the total female population in urban areas are cent In Sirohi and 58.97 per cent in Abu Road panchayat main workers. in rl,.lral areas of the district the proprotion samiti. But in case of urban areas, we see a different of females main workers IS much more (13.95 per cent) pattern where the porportion of main workers (32.80 per Similarly In case of marginal workers, while only 2.18 cent) is higher in Mount Abu town than Abu Road town. per cent of the urban females are categorised as mar­ Obviously, the proportion of non-workers (73.42 per ginal workers. in rural areas their proportion is again cent) and marginal workers (5.10 per cent) IS higher in much higher i.e 16.26 per cent of the total female Sirohi and Bhawari (CT) town as compared to other population. Table 24 gives the distribution of population towns. In terms of total workers, main workers, marginal workers and non workers for the rural areas. the corre­ Changes during last forty years sponding table 25 gives the same Information for the urban areas. 46. Soon after the Independence and ushering in an area of democratic set up in states, a lot ~f development 45. From these tables it IS eVident that at the took place at atl levels for Improving socio-economlc panchayat samiti level in rural areas the proportion of conditions of the people. In table 26 an attempt has main workers is more In Reodar panchayat samlti 'been made to provide statistics to indicate the trends (34.94 per cent) than In Pindwara and SheoganJ since the turn of the penod I.e. expiry of the pre­ panchayat samities where It works out to 32.13 and Independence era. It shows the total population, pro­ 31.75 per cent respectively. However, the same IS not portion of urban population to total population, decadal true In regard to the proportion of marginal workers vanations In the urban population and changes in the which works outto 12.50 per cent in Plndwara panchayat density and sex-ratio from decade to decade corre­ samltl followed by 9.57 per cent in Abu Road and 7.07 sponding figures for the state as a whole have also been per cent In Reodar panchayat samlt!. On the other hand, given in the table with a view to have a comparative Sirohl panchayat samltl has the highest proportion picture about these demographic aspects. (Ixx*)



fsrc;n~ ~"llllli f1"1f<:'1f@i1 if it ~r-rr w.rq; ~m3TI m"llllli Of "iW 7.fT'jffi,~ ~ lJl1i (jCf) ~ Samltl villages q~ "11

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

f:;wrr : fuirr;T 446 404(90.58) 109(24.44) 445 (99.18) 139(31.17) 3 (0.67) 182 (40.81) 201 (45.07) 362 (81.17) DISTRICT: SIROHI

~ 66 61 (9242) 20 (30 30) 66 (10q 00) 23 (34 85) 2 (3 03) 30 (45 45) 28 (42 42) 59 (89.39) SheoganJ

2 fuiritn 82 71 (86.59) 21 (25.61) 82 (1,0 00) 40 (48.78) 38 (46 34) 34 (4146) 80 (97.56) 81rohi

3. ~ 98 87 (88.78) 29 (29 59) 971~98 98) 26 (26.53) 43 (43.88) 47 (47 96) 64 (65.31) Pindwara

4. ~-m; 78 75 (96.15) 18 (23 08) 7$ (100 00) 22 (28 21) 25 (32.05) 44 (56.41) 48 (61.54) Abu Road

5 ~ 122 110(90.16) 21 (1721) 122(100.00) 28 (22.95) 1 (082) 46 (37 70) 48 (39.34) 111 (90.98) Reodar (xc)

mwft ; 2 M'mT ~ ~m ~ ~ "{ITlftuT ~


~~ ~~ fcIf'q?[ ~~.rr3:ff "$" ~~ ~ ~ qif 3lJ:'lm ~ it ~ 1Jllii cnm: qnrn:;m ~ 1Jlli ~ ~&fr Panchayat Population ~CTit :m'ffil Samlti of inhabited ~ "B6'l1 villages in the Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Communi- Approach by Power Panchayat Samiti water Telegraph Hat cations Pucca Road Supply

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fuR;rr: ~ 526447 98.85 43.40 99.86 61.31 1.66 61.28 72.48 86.38 DISTRICT: SIROHI

1. fucrrt;J 79876 98.80 62.27 100.00 67.83 6.51 68.78 98.01 65.25 Sheoganj

2. fu"Utft 10806 98.84 5163 100.00 78.48. 66.36 66.05 9968 Sirohi

3. ~ 128032 99.13 5431 99.42 30.37 64.47 68.95 83.82 Pindwara

4 ~m 80611 99.71 4.41 100.00 5l.' 46 46.46 7383 76.11 Abu Road

5 ~ 132122 98.09 38.66 100.00 49H,i 2.66 58.62 6481 97.24 Reodar ----\ (XCI)

~ 3; ~ri~~, ~~~~"Itttomm~lR~~t", cm~zyili~"WlJ


mli ~ f.rn ~m ~ "'1if % mm ctt mmr ~ ~ ~ "'1if %il2l1 i"rzJ fc:ifurn

- 2 3 4 5

1r~ 34 7 42 Educational 2. ~ 157 108 72 337 Medical 3. 1f.\q;r'lT'ft Drinking Water 4. Sf1Ii" 3:fll: (!R 90 78 39 207 Post & Telegraph

5 ~fnC 23 29 133 185 MarkellHat 6 ~ 159 60 45 264 Communications

f:oa:!uft : ~ -mtmr ft:riTm. ~ q ~ Us ii ~ ctt ~m ~ "'1if % I Note:- No market! hat facilities are available In the Panchayat Samities of Sirohi. Pindwara and Abu Road:

~ 4; ~-;p-rr~~omfuf~~e@~iIi ~ri~~


~"l'11: '.R% q-rj ii M"1f<:1rsi1 if it ~ 'IT ~ ~~.:rr:m ~ lJTIiT ctt ~ (~ ~, itc;ft ~'lJTlif No (wih percentage of villages having the amenitlng oi ) (fcF m. ii) ctt~ Distance No of In- mfill ~ 1f.\q;r-qr;ft sr

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0-5 37 35 (94 59) 5 (13 51) 37 (100.00) 14 (37 84) 14 (37.84: 22 (59 46) 27 (72.97)

6 -15 103 103(100.00) 40(38.83} 103 (100.00) 32 (31.07) 53 (5~ .J;6) 57 (55.34) 84 (81 55)

16 - 50 259 233 (89.96) 59 (22.78) 258(99.61) 81 (31 27) 3 (1 16) 100 (3~,.61) 113 (43.63) 208 (80 31)

51 + 47 33(7021) 5 (10.64) 47(10000) 12 (25.53) "15 (211.91) 9 (1915) 43 (9149)


~5:-..:rrm CfiT~CI1Tom~~~~~


~crrt ~crrt~ fm'lffl "W'!'.n.m -in ~ 1J1lii 'lit -;fum (~ .) ~wn Number (with percentage) of villages having the amenilies of

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

·499 128 93 (72.66) 6 (469) 127 (99.22) 2 (1.56) 26 (20 31) 23 (17 97) 93 (72.66)

500·1999 247 241 (97.57) 49 (19 84) 247(100.00) 69 (27.94) 1 (0040) 101 (40.89) 110 (44.53) 201 (81 38)

2000 - 4999 64 63 (98.44) 49 (76.56) 64(10000) 63 (98.44) 2 (3.13) 52 (81 25) 64(100.00) 62 (96 88)

5000+ 7 7 (100.00) 5 (71 43) 7 (100.00) 5 (71 43) 3 (42 86) 4 (57.14) 6 (85.71)

<.itTT 446 404(90.58) 109(24.44) 445(99.78) 139(31.17) 3 (0.67) 182(40.81) 201 (45.07) 362(81.17) Total (xciii)



2 3 4 5 fuIm : ft:ri'rtt ( "Wlftttt ) 446 496813.3f 43.01 21.22 DISTRICT: SIROHi (RURAL)

~ 66 87849.68 50.19 2160 SheoganJ

2. fuirfr 82 108175.23 5229 17.85 Sirohl

:3 ~ 98 112974.83 30.87 22.10 Pindwara

4 2.Tf.jm 78 79875.08 21.53 26.43 Abu Road

5. ~ 122 107938.53 56.48 22.08 Reodar (xciv)

mnm 7 : ~ if "lffif 01:Iftn 3mf 3it< ~


"'f'TI ''fir ~m3Ti f.:fl:!fuT ~cr: cr: 1'i1.1i-T C>:f'I Total Receipt Receipt from Total General Expenditure Public Expenditure Others Receipt through all other Expendl- admlnl- on public works on public aspects taxes sources ture stration health and Institutions conveniences

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

m.r 202.51 101.69 100.82 135.99 19.38 16.62 39.22 2.99 57.78 Total

III ~m(1",1:f[.) 176.95 8649 90.46 89.06 1088 527 956 6335 Abu Road (M)

V ~ (~. 'l1.) 11.73 1.73 10 00 11.73 3.25 007 0.20 021 799 Bhawri( C.T)

IV ~ :m

IV ~(",!.1:f[.) 62.56 5268 9.88 4445 39.51 494 Pmdwara (M)

IV ~(1".1:f[.) 150.19 103.98 46.21 15482 20.45 5177 2668 5531 Sheoganj (M)

III ~('11:f[.) 258.86 6371 195.15 17860 17.64 92.53 6842 Sirohl (M) (xcv)

~8 :~iilAfuZY~~1:fr~


"'1'R 'fiT ~, "'fI11 >rfu ~ ~ -;fi"'i7:§!!1 "tf\ ~ 'fiT ~ Number per 10,000 population *' "'1T'1ful; ~ Class, Name and Civic status of the '3""'iT.Im~~~/ "lW-~/ ~m~/ 1JT~ Town cIT. '1' m.~ ~ ~~ ~ Higher Secondary! Secondary! Junior Primary Inter/PUC! Matriculation Secondary/ Junior Callene Middle

2 3 4 5

III ~ Us (,'1. 1TI.) 0.75 0.75 4.02 Abu Road(M)

V 'lWffi (-;jf. CP.) 1.11 2.22 2.22 Bhawri (CT.)

IV ~ 31JO! ('1. '!T.) 1.92 3.21 3.85 3.85 Mount Abu (M)

IV ~ ('1. 1TI.) \ 0.66 0.66 0.66 2.63 Pindwara (M) \ \ IV fuqli;;r ('1. '!T.) 1,d,1 0.50 201 5.03 I Sheoganj (M)

III ft:Mfl ('1. '!T.) 1.07 0.71 1.42 4.27 Sirohi(M) IXCVI)


"'f111: q:;"t ~, 'll11 ~~ii:W!l.000~ mr'W1fun~ "l1:frmdi q:;"t~ Class Name and CIVIC Number of beds in medical status of the Town Institutions per 1 ,00 population

2 m-rr Total 2.34

III *'i Us ("4. 'n ) 075 Abu Road (M) V ~(""jj.CF.) 067 Bh


"'fTR qft wm, "'1Jl1 ~~ am"'fl'l'lftq;~ Most Important Commodity Class name and Civic status fqf.Wfu f.r

;2 3 4

III ~ 'i15 ("! ''IT.) Marble Tiles Marble Sugar Abu Road(M)

V 'lWW ("I. CIi.) Stone Statue Granite 011 seed Bhawri(CT)

IV ~ 31T'l ('l. ''IT.) Bamboo Articles Vegetables Wheat Mount Abu (M)

IV ~C"."lT.) Cement Coal Stone Powder Rice Pindwara (M)

IV ~\'l."lT.) Engineering goods Electric Conductor Cloth Sheoganj (M)

III fl::rmft ('l. ''IT.) Leather Shoes Cement Cloth Sirohi (M) (xcviii)

~ 11 : 1JllifO!ft~3ttnf~, 1991

TABLE 11 POPULATION AND NUMBER OF VILLAGES, 1991 ilil1ti ~~Bfqfu lJTlfi?fiT~ wIT ?fit riw.rr S. No. DistnctlPanchayat Samitl Population of village Number of Villages

~ ~ ft?r:li "¥I .~ Persons Males Females Total Inhabited

2 3 4 5 6 7

f;;wrr :.~ 526447 267938 258509 461 446 DISTRICT: SIROHI

~ 79876 40724 39152 70 66 Sheoganj

2. ~ 105806 52639 53167 85 82 Sirohl

3. ~ 128032 65180 62852 99 98 Pindwara

4 ~m 80611 41533 39078 81 78 Abu Road

5 ~ 132122 67862 64260 126 122 Reodar (xcvix)

~ 12 ; ~m ~


~B. "'l'T1: 'fiT -:w:!:om ~ ~ Population mm:R"i.fi1W 81. No. Name and CIVIC ""'Ifm ~ ~ administration status Persons Males Females of Town

2 3 4 5

fm;rr; rn--mt 127582 67579 60003 DISTRICT: SIROHI

1. ~ C"f. 'II.) 19866 10218 9648 Sheoganj (M)

2. fumiT ('l. 'II.) 28117 14829 13288 Sirohl(M)

3. ~ ('l. 'II.) l"i185 7700 7485 Plndwara (M)

4 ~(;jf. q;.) 9019 4668 4351 Bhawri(CT)

5 ~ ~. ('l. 'II.) 15593 8814 6779 MountAbu (M)

6. ~m'l."B, 39802 21350 18452 Abu Road UA

(I) ~m ('l 'II.) 38982 20851 18131 Abu Road (M)

(II) ~(

~ 13: 1901 ~~r


~"Iti ~ ~~ 1901 ~ >rftwre ~ ~ "ij3Rfl: il' 3Rfl: Census Year Population Percentage Percentage Males Females deeadal variation variation over 1901

2 3 4 5 6

1901 162,965 84,997 77,968

1911 189,684 +16.40 +16.40 97,905 91,779

1921 188,781 -0.48 +15.84 97,499 91,282

1931 216,602 +14.74 +32.91 111,323 105,279

1941 235,760 +8.84 +44.67 121,077 114,683

1951 289,791 +22,92 +77.82 147,479 142,312

1961 352,303 +21.57 +116.18 180,853 171,450

1971 423,815 +20.30 +160.07 216,504 207,311

1981 542,049 +27.90 +232.62 276,178 265,871

1991 654,029 +20.66 +301.33 335,517 318.512 (cil

lm1Jit 14 :~~.q:~~.1981-91


f;;rr.rr~ ~ ~ (1981-91) ~~ Dislnct/TehsiJ Population )lfcron iT 3RR 7fi1 )lfcron

1981 1991

7.[rrr 1JT1ftuT ~ 7.[rrr lJllftuJ "fTTtI

>:frrr ~T ~ 1981 1991

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 fffion: ft:mtT 542049 445048 97001 654029 526447 127582 20.66 18.29 31.53 17.90 19.51 OISTT. : SIROHI

I. ~ 87151 70384 16767 99742 79876 19866 14.45 13.49 18.48 19.24 19.92 Sheoganj

fWrit 115943 92040 23903 133923 105806 28117 15.51 14.96 17.63 20.62 20.99 Sirohi

3. ~ 124297 111959 12338 152236 128032 24204 22.48 14.36 96.17 9.93 15.90 Pindwara

4. 311"PJ5 108882 64889 43993 136006 80611 55395 24.91 24.23 25.92 40.40 40.73 Abu Road

.J ~ 105776 105776 132122 132122 24.91 24.91 Reodar (cil)

mn:m15 ;~~~~ ritfiTWrw, 1991

TABLE 15: PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY POPULATION RANGES, 1991 f:¥lT~ ~mm"!ft ~ it ~ "JTI1'l7 "fiT W5rr am- ~ (~-q ~ Tf1Z ~ ~ 3tuft if "JTI1'l7 it >Tftrnq ~ %" :qfr:IT;" W§':!1-a:~ No, and percentage of Villages in each range) Dlstncei No and percentage (Figures In parenthesis Indicate per centage ot villages In each range) Panchayat of inhabited Villages Saml!1 200 i'I q;q 200-499 500-1999 2000-4999 5000-9999 10000 Less sthan 200 ~:;W.j"if; 10000 and above

2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 fi!ffi ; ft:m'm 446 49 81 245 64 • 7 DISTRICT: SIROHI (100.00) (10.99) (18.16) (54.93) (14.35) (1.57)

1 fu-cT1hr 66 5 14 37 9 1 Sheogan) 1100.00) (758) (2121) (56.06) (13.64) (1.51)

2 Tmrtt 82 10 13 46 11 2 Sirohl (10000) (12.20) (15.85) (56.10) (1341) (2.44)

3 ~ 98 14 16 47 18 3 Plndwara (10000) (1428) (16,33) (4796) (1837) (3.06)

4 '~m 78 7 17 44 10 Abu Road (100.00) (8.97) (21.80) (5641) (12.82)

5 'r-m 122 13 21 71 16 1 Reodar (10000) (1066) (17.21) (58.20) (13 11) (082) (chi)

mruft 16 : ~~;}; ~wif~fercmT


~~ Fl3lIlinc: ~~ ~ crt it mtTI 'li1 ~ m'imI , lJT11 (q:,Tgq:; it ~ ~ ~ ~ crt it mtTI ~ ~ q;) ~ 't) Districel Total No. of No.of Villages in each density range Panchayat Inhabited (Figures in parenthesIs indicate per centage of villages in each range) Samiti' villages 10 (fq) Upto 10 11 -20 21 -50 51 -100 101-200 201 -300 301-500 501 +

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

~mmr 446 18 9 52 100 174 60 30 3 DIST:.SIROHI (100.00) (4.04) (2.02) (11.66) (22.42) (39.01) (13.45) (6.73) (0.67)

1 ~ 66 3 1 14 18 18 8 3 1 Sheoganj (100.00) (4.55) (1.52) (21.21) (27.27) (27.27) (12.12) (4.55) (1.51)

2 ~ 82 6 2 9 29 26 6 4 Sirohi (100.00) (7.32) (2.44) (10.97) (35.36) (31.71) (7.32) (4.88) (0.00)

3 ~ 98 4 2 7 10 48 18 9 Plndwara (100.00) (4.08) (2.04) (7.14) (10.21) (48.98) (18.37) (9.18) (0.00)

4 ~-m- 78 3 2 10 19 20 16 7 1 Abu Road (100.00) (385) (2.56) (12.82) (24.36) (25.64) (20.51) (8.98) (1.28)

5 ~ 122 2 2 12 24 62 12 7 1 Reodar (100.00) (1.64) (1.64) (9.84) (1967) (50.82) (9.83) (5.74) (0.82)

mruft 17: 1901 ~-m -~ ~


'f'1'l1'lA1 qq 'llfu 1000 ~ en: fur:IT qft ~ ~qq 'llfu 1000 ~ en: fur:IT qft ~ Census Year No. of females per 1000 males Census Year No.of females per 1000 males

'¥' m

2 3 4 2 3 4

1901 917 926 869 1951 965 965 964

1911 937 952 841 1961 948 960 889

1921 936 962 771 1971 958 968 909

1931 946 961 847 1981 963 981 881

1941 947 957 882 1991 949 965 888 (civ)


lJllftuJ ~ Rural Population ~ ~ Ur_ban Population

f;;rffi~ trli1fu ~-~~ ~,r.:(l"R ~~~ District IPanchayat Sex Ratio DistnctrTown Sex Ratio Sami!i

2 3 4

~ : fuiTtt ( 1JT1ilm ) 965 ~:mm;t(~) 888 DISTRICT: SIROHI (RURAL) DISTRICT: SIROHI (URBAN)

~ 961 ~ ("."'iT.) 944 Sheoganj Sheoganj M

2 !'9 IJir 1010 2. Writ ("l. "'iT ) 896 Sirohi Sirohi M

3. ~ 964 3. ~ ("l. "'iT.) 972 Pindwara Pindwara M

4. ~311

5. ~ '1.~ 947 5. ~31l'q ("f. "'iT.) 769 ReOdar Mount Abu M

6. ~m- 'f:R 864 Abu Road UA

(I)~m ('. "'iT.) 870 Abu Road M

(Ii)~ (OfT. cr.) 643 Santpur OG (Cv)

W{1Jft 19 : mm if f.:!'cnftm 'Fl ~ if ~ ~


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

~tmrtt 440 93 61 36 41 58 85 72 DISTT. SIROHI

~ 66 7 4 7 6 16 20 6 Sheoganj

2 fumft 82 9 7 5 8 6 37 10 Sirohl

3. ~ 98 32 17 11 14 13 7 4 Pmdwara

4. :m

5. ~ 122 11 6 7 9 19 20 50 Reodar (cvi)

-mtUft 20 : mm if f.Icn'fu"ff~ ~if ~ ~ctt ~ ~ ~


~~~ ~~"WI ~~.q ~~-:mfu'fiT~<);~~ Aiiwrr

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

~: ft:ri'Itt 446 58 68 101 43 25 26 125 DISTT.: SIROHI

1. ~ 66 4 9 21 10 5 10 7 Sheoganj

2. fuWt 82 15 26 25 8 3 4 Sirohi

3. ~ 98 8 5 15 7 12 7 44 Pindwara

4 ~m- 78 3 2 6 2 3 2 60 Abu Road

5. ~ 122 28 26 34 16 4 4 10 Reodar (cvii)

mruiT 21 : mit~"::iITffi /~~qft~q;J~, 1991


"'flR ~~ ~~'f>l'F" ~~'f>l~ ~~ii 1fA~ii ~ ~ 3'1. -:;n. q:jJ"IIfimfI 31. "T. -:;n. q:jJ ~ Town Total population Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of S.C Percentage of S.T. Caste population Tribe Population population to total population to total population population

2 3 4 5 6

flrffi: fuiItt DISTRICT: SIROHI 127582 23895 10179 18.73 7.98

1 ~ \" '11.) 19866 2540 892 12.79 4.49 Sheoganji M

2. fm'lit (,. '11.) 28117 4552 2065 16.19 7.34 Sirohi M

3.~ ("f. '11.) 15185 2603 840 17.14 553 Pmdwara M

4. 'IWffi ("T. en.) 9019 1770 654 1963 7.25 Bhawri CT

5. l1RR~. ("f. '11.) 15593 3038 2364 19.48 15.16 Mount Abu M

6. ~m- ,. B. 39802 9392 3364 23.60 8.45 Abu Road UA

(I) 31T'

(II)~ (Off. -q) 820 10 151 1.22 1841 Santpur OG (cvili)

"mrofr 22 : 'Mft/~-cnr~Tlr.n:mmrm=

TABLE 22.: LITERACY RATES FOR RURAL POPULATION OF PANCttA'iAr SAMITIES OY SEX. 1991 (excluding children in the age group 0-6) fw1l{Tl~r:m 7WW\ ~('~O·6

'J 3 4 5 6 7

fm;rr : mittr 418847 211710 207137 23.05 36.57 9.23 DISTT. : SIROHI

j:VI'T'1 644(15 _ :.,75 :119.'0 24.03 3938 836 SnfJ0\lanj

nmir 84903 41522 43381 28.22 46.49 10.74 Sirohl

j'T'1SQI ~I I01fj75 51476 50399 22.76 34.67 1060 fJlIldwara


~ 103929 53139 50790 21.26 33.71 8.23 Flp{;(Jar (cix)

mtrft 23 : ';fllit it mawrr~, (0-6 mq ~ if;...m


-:rtR ffip fu;rri administration status ~ Cl.lfm "T"'1T frni of town Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 f-irm: ftmtt DISTRICT SIROHI 105205 56038 49167 67.33 82.78 49.72

~ (':f.'qj. ) 16423 8432 7991 68.65 86.78 49.52 Sheoganj M

2 ft:rm1 (-q.'qj. ) 23255 12276 10979 67.83 8325 50.58 Sirohi M

3 ~ (':f.'qj. ) 12256 6168 6088 55.54 75.71 35.10 Pindwara M

4 ..m (>i!.Cfi. ) 7222 3761 3461 51.27 69.42 31.55 Bhawari CT

5 ~~ 31T

6 jWiUs ~:R 33111 17971 15140 72.53 85.65 56.95 Abu Road UA

(I) "Til *:: ("f.'qj. ) 32434 17533 14901 72.53 85.80 56.92 Ahu Hoad M

(iI)~ ("-iI.''P 677 438 239 72.23 79.45 59.00 Santpur OG (cx)

tm"OiT 24 ; ~ ftrn RIel!{ mmvr ~ 1)' ~ CfillJ ~ cm>lT, 4l'uf-i'l'*i cnm ~ CITFit ~ cnm Of ~ CITFit CfiT~, 1991


~~ ¥"~mft ~ 1)' ~ Percentage to total/male / female population ~

01lftp 01lftp ~ "Bfr "&!fti ~ "Bfr ~ ~ "Bfr F"1 "Bfr Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 fm;n";~ 32.19 49.78 13.95 8.57 1.16 16.26 40.76 50.94 30.21 59.24 49.06 69.79 Dlsn.: SIROHI

1. ~ 31.75 48.89 13.93 6.02 0.61 11.64 37.77 49.50 25.57 6223 50.50 74.43 SheoganJ

2. ft:lfm't 29.72 45.80 13.79 6.87 1.33 12.37 36.59 47.13 26.16 63.41 52.87 73..84 Sirohi

3. ~ 32.13 51.03 12.53 12.50 1.54 2387 44.63 52.57 36.40 55.37 47.43 63.60 Pindwara

4 ~m 31.46 52.91 8.66 9.57 0.97 18.72 41.03 53.88 27,38 58.97 46.12 72.62 Abu Road

5. 00 3494 5030 1871 7.07 1.11 13.36 42.01 51.41 32.07 57.99 48.59 67.93 Reodar (cxi)

mruit 25 : "flT'if q,'t ~ ~ l)' ~ q:;n::r q;r-f 'CIR"iT, f{I III f-kli!fi q:;n::r'i!fi'r'f 'CIR"iT ~ q:;n::r ";f q;r-f 'CIR"iT cnr mm, 1991


f;rffil "'fIR C!iT "'fIl1 3fu: ~fT""IfBit ~ -if >Iftmo percentage to total/male/female population ~~C!iTm DistnctITown and civic ~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

~: ft:rittT 27_38 47_60 4.60 1.21 0.35 2.18 28.59 47.95 6.78 71.4.\ 52.05 93.22 DISTT.: SIROHI

1. ~(1.T.lT.) 26.21 47.43 3.73 1.08 0.18 2.03 27.29 47.61 5.76 72.71 52.39 94.24 Sheoganl (M)

2 ft:Rrm (1. '1T.) 25.54 44.18 474 1.04 0.41 1.75 26.58 44.59 6.49 73.42 55.41 9351 Sirohi (M)

3. ~(1.'1T.) 25.80 46.08 4.93 2.59 0.39 4.86 28.39 46.47 9.79 71.61 53.53 90.21 Pindwara (M)

4 ~ C;;J. CIi.) 25.63 45.63 4.18 5.10 1.39 9.08 30.73 47.02 13.26 69.27 52.98 86.74 Bhawri (eT)

5 "I11"R 3TI'! (1. 1U.) 32.80 53.27 6.20 0.26 0.00 0.50 33.06 53.35 6.70 66.94 46.65 93.30 Mount Abu (M)

6 ~U61. ~. 28.13 48.68 4.35 0.35 0.26 0.46 28.48 48.94 4.81 71.52 5106 9519 Abu Road UA

(I) ~U6 (1.1U.) 27.86 48.25 4.40 0.36 0.26 0.47 28.22 48.51 4.87 71.78 51.49 95.13 Abu Road (M)

(ii)~ (qJ.~.) 41.10 66.73 1.25 p.OO 0.00 0.00 41.10 66.73 1.25 58.90 33.27 98.75 Santpur (OG) (CXIl)

mnrft 26 : Willqfr~if~qfr~~~. ~ am--m-~ ~


tmrf.r hwn Sirohi Distnct ~ ~ Rajasthan State

~ 'fA' ~ ~ 'frTfr<:! ~ Bft-~ ¥'l ~ ~ ~ ~ Bft-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'P ii~ 'fiT ii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rf~l'·I'il fcrf~ Census Total Urban Percent Decadal Density Sex Total Urban Percent Decadal Density Sex Year Popu- Popu- urban percentage of ratio Population Population urban percentage of ratio lation lation Popu- vanatlon Population Population variation in Population lalion urban population

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1951 289,791 44,843 15,47 NA 964 15,970,774 2,955,275 1850 NA 928

1%1 352,303 57,747 16.39 +28.78 338 889 20,155.602 3,281,478 16.28 +1104 598 882

1971 423,815 75,717 17.87 +31.12 1,300 909 25,765,806 4,543,761 17.63 +38,47 1.198 875

1981 542,049 97,001 1790 +28.11 2,100 BB1 34,261,862 7,210,50B 21.05 +5B.69 1,603 B77

1991 654,029 127,582 19,51 1-31.53 1.608 888 44,005,990 10,067,113 22.88 +39.62 2,070 879 mTf (if): m-q ~ 1'1R f.:t gfill Cfi I PART A : VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY

3R~'-!) I : lJrn, F1~~IChI SECTION I : VILLAGE DIRECTORY lJTll F'"1~F~1 Chi it fcff'mf 'B'rcnrr3U~ fir zyrR hQ~ ~~ fcnif TTit ~ CODES USED FOR VARIOUS AMENITIES IN VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Tfl7"TI Tf8TI 8 ''111 "1lP11 Col No 21 No Amen,ties Codes Col No SI No Amenities Codes

2 2 ------~------+------

~ ~ Col. 5;ir~ Educational Co I. 7 tIR 'liT -.wiT Dnnklng Water

I TlJ ~ ?:J1 '1'JT[r'.ff, ""F"'l PrlfnilfY School P 'IT'l 'n TJTir TapWiltRr r ''(iTICf,]'lf1! WeliWater w ;, -~~'n~ MlueJleScl100l M ~ "lil'1Rr Tank Water TK -l'Wl1i"'!Cf,l'1Rr Tube Well WClt8r T'N :1 m0F '11 ~ vp! Secondary School H ~ ;;;rrs 'Wi Hand Pump flP ,t ~ ir'f,Trc;ir ~ I1I[ji)('er Secondary! PUC C' 'f'fy "Fl '1ffT RlverW

T~m~ jTTf"i: SC;UllC:l~ ilnd Commerce etc ~ Col. 8 STCfi & l' olrrm% ~ Ind~lstnal School ,worr Post Telegraph 1 ST'F 1'j1 Post Office PO - 'li:Tr2{U1 vpl Tr8lnln~1 School Tr 'll7 '1l' TeleQraph Office TO Adult Literacy AC 3T"F ',w CW "IT Post and Teleqraph Class! Centre Office '1"'1 ~:,-r;; '.cT";c, (~ Others I, Includes o Telephone Connection TJTj-;p:p ~ ~ Sanskrit Pathshalas, q;f(;m ~ "'P'l, ~ 'lTP. ::;,:llIlr 1],151C SChool. CoLiO ~ Communication ',m) 1\'i3~t)lJ ,)Ie I -V!-r-:T'l Iilus Stand 9~ Railway Station

CoL6 Medical '>1'("IQ hnspltill H Col. 11 '!mi (fCfi ~ q;r mrf Approach to Village Maternity and Child MCW \ q:;:;fr ~ Kutcha Road KR '1"fir ~ Pucka Road PR Welfare Centre

~'P Mdterrllty Home MH en! (1'tf ~ ~ V":f11JT ~ Clllld Welfare Centre ewc Col. 13 ~

o ~21~M Health Centre HC I i9 TIirTJ ~ fc;r1 Electnclry for Domestic purpose (' -q]qfqi'f, RW27j ~ PI Imilrv Health Centre PHC ~ 'y,fq T, Mit ~ Eleclncty tor [AG 'TI'~ V:WY,)l --O;f] ~ r'rW:1Clry health PHS Agnculture Su:.c,Cenlre ;1TriTrn; ~ ,w. ElectriCity tor other FO lJI~pPllsary D -'R ,l~ 'rir:i'1i -i:;; m purposes Like Indus- F,:llllly Planning Centre FPC f~~ tn;,,1. CornrnerclClI etc T G CliniC TB 4 -n:r'm '1'q; ,~ -i:;; EleelnC\ly tor ,ill E/\ l1eglstered Private RP m f:T:o/iT purposes IlsterJ above PI actltl()ner ~ hiurslflg Home NH Col. 15 'Iffrr ~ Umd Utilisation SubSidised Medlcdl SMP I T;;7 Canal ,--: f]~ IJractltloner '1T'lPl Tanh TK 1\ ~U:W.!>7l Community Health CHW C''': cr;<:j Tube-Wpil TW -+ ~·jTi Well W ~ Workor :1 oAern Other o Others o Sources ql~fTa MAPS

i I 1 1 1 • ~-~IIt"'-: ~ .1';1 i J 1 1 •• 1 1 o L_J f I @

c Ii ..% I !ItE 0 10- ,¢ ..~ .. ~ ....!. ~.. -1 ;1 ~ d I~ < • >- / :1;~ il ~~ 0:- ..1 4.

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( ......

l l 8 u \ BOlNJARY I OISTRtCT . R TEHSt. . o A 0 F-' ~ VlJ.AGE WITH L.OCA TlON COO£ MMlER . ~ __ll __ J TEIi!Il. ~AATERS @ VlJ.AOES WITH POi'I.l.ATIOH SIZE:I!€LOW 200, 2D0-499, 100-9119, 1000-4999, 5000 , ABOVE · r ------, L __ ~TEIl VllAG£9 WITH L.OCATION CODE .tt. __ J




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7 qO(¢f)'iI'1f1H wm Cift ~ '" '" ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


~31<'! ~ ~31<'! ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6


~~ Akhapura Kharal 2111911128 211191001010028 1811811126 181181001010026 2 ~~ Akhapura Khuni 2111911/41 211191001010041 18/18/1/40 18/18/0010/0040 3 3lTf'qT Alpa 21/1911110 21/191001010010 18/18/1/9 18/18/0010/0009 4 3RT< Andor 21/19/1/31 21/19/001010031 18/18/1/30 18/18/0010/0030

5 ~ Arathwara 21/19/1/34 21/19/001010034 18/18/1/33 18/18/001010033 6

7 ~ Bagseen 21/1911/60 21/19/001010060 18/18/1/59 18/18/0010/0059 8 ~ Baravera 21/19/1/69 21/19/001010069 9 ~ Barewara 21/19/1/61 21/19/0010/0061 18/18/1/60 18/18/0010/P060 10 ~ Bargaon 21/19/1/43 21/19/0010/0043 18/18/1/42 18/18/001 0/Q042 11 '4q Bhalv 21/19/1/33 21/19/0010/0033 18118/1/32 18/18/0010/0032 12

19 ~ Dhuwana 21/19/1/51 21/191001010051 18/18/1/50 18/18/001010050 20 ~ Fatehpura 21/19/1/17 21/19/001010017 18/18/1/16 18/18/0010/0016 21 1fW"IT Godana 21/19/1/54 21/19/0010/0054 18/18/1/53 18/18/001010053 22 TJli"lT Gola 21/19/1/9 21/19/0010/0009 18/18/1/8 18/18/0010/0008 23 ~ Jaitpura 21/19/1/39 21/191001010039 18/18/1/38 18/181001010038 24 mTi'ft Jhadoli 21/19/1/11 21/19/0010/0011 18/18/1/10 18/18/0010/0010

25 ~ Jogapura 21/19/1/13 21/191001010013 18/18/1/12 18/18/001010012 26 SlT'

30 CfiRT~ Kana Kolar 21/19/1/52 21/19/0010/0052 18/18/1/51 18/18/001010051 31

1li'JTll?I mlffir. 1 ~ PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 1 SHEOGANJ

'F.I! ~o TJiqCfi1~ 1991~ 1991~ SI. No. Name of Village 1991 Census 1981 Census

" ". ~~~o ~~-;;o Location Code No. Location Code No

~3li"'I ~ lr13li"'1 ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

32 ~ Kesarpura 21/19/1/40 21/19/0010/0040 18/18/1/39 18/18/001 010039

33 ~ Khandra 21/19/1/37 21/19/001010037 18/18/1/36 18/18/001010036 34 ~ Khejariya '21/19/1/49 211191001010049 18/18/1/48 18/18/001010048 35 Cfiffi Kolar 21/19/1/65 2+f191tlO1010065 18/18/1/63 18/18/001010063 36 ~~ Kukri Khera 21/19/1/45 21/19/001010045 18/18/1/44 18/18/001 010044

37 ~~ Lakhmawa Bara 21/19/1fi 21/19/001010007 18/18/1/6 18/18/001 010006

38 ~-mcr Lakhmawa Chhota 21/19/1/6 21/19/001010006 18/18/1/5 18/18/001010005 39 ~~ Lotlwara Bara 21/19/1/23 21/19/001010023 18/18/1/22 18/18/001 010022 40 ~UrGT Lotiwara Chhota 21/19/1/21 21/19/001010021 18/18/1/20 18/18/001010020 41 ~ Madani 21/19/1/27 21/19/001010027 18/18/1/27 18/18/001010027 42 'fI\'Ire"r Manadar 21/19/1/2 21/19/001010002 18/18/1/2 l1l/18/001010002

43 mm<'! Mochhal 21/19/1/18 21/19/001010018 18/18/1/17 18/18/001010017 44 ~ Morl! 21/19/1/64 21/19/001010064 18/18/1/62 18/18/001 010062

45 ~ Naradra 21/19/1/24 21/19/001010024 18/18/1/23 18/18/001010023

46 "I

55 ~~ Rewara 21/19/1/4 21/19/001010004 18/18/1/3 18/18/0010/0003

56 ~ Rukhada 21/19/1/36 21/19/001010036 18/18/1/35 18/18/001010035 57 ~ Sanaliya 21/19/1/32 21/19/001010032 18/18/1/31 18/18/001 010031

58 ~ Sardarpura 21/19/1/62 21/19/001010062 18/18/1/61 18/18/0010/0061 59 ~ Sawali 21/19/1/26 21/19/001010026 18/18/1/25 18/18/001010025

60 ~ Seuda 21/19/1/25 21/19/001010025 18/18/1/24 18/18/001010024 (,1 ~ CIiT~ Sikhon-ka-Jor 21/19/1/53 21/19/001010053 18/18/1/52 18/18/001010052 1,2 m-;;pm Surajpura 21/19/1/50 21/19/0010/0050 18/1811/49 18/18/001010049 -. ~ 9 d Uiaol iWf+4' ~ '!l1'1tl cnT ~ '" "'- ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


lJiq'l'iT'fI'If 1991~ 19'tl~ 51. No. Name of Village 1991 Census 1981 Census

~~"'Io ~cm-;fO Location Code No. Location Code No.

Tr!3R ~ ~~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6


65 "3llG~ Ummedgarh 21/19/1122 21119/001010022 18/18/1/21 18/18/0010/0021 66 "J2!l!1lT Uthman 21/19/1/59 21/19/0010/0059 18/18/1/58 18/18/0010/0058 G7 qr;s<'fiT Vadka 21/19/1/16 21/19/001010016 18/18/1/15 18/18/001010015

68 qjUf Van 21/19/1/19 21/19/001010019 18/18/1/18 18/18/001010018 6Cl

NOTE:- In the Column Nos. 5 & 6 of Location Code of villages in 1981 Census, dash(-) has been indicated against those villages which were newly created during the 1991 Census. 10 1mr f.t4fii1QiI ~g:lfuq$r '~tcf1ir~

mit ~ 'iH~f'*ll~ (11ft ~ JlTlT it ~ mt m( -) ~ m cI; 'IR m;r ~ forn:ft r;U Ill: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mz "ffil: Ill: ~ J!C!ii\ ~ -5 fcj;o mo, 5-10 fti;o me 't!:'f 10 fcj;o mo * 'UI"I1Pf m it '* 1ft~) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash ( - ) has been shown in the column and next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the nearest place where the facility is available has been given.) rirf;m JlTlTq;r:rrq JlTlT'lif

'llf1f~ Land use (~ 1tr -$ ~ - ~ q;jf -$ aR!1fu ~ - ~ il ~ -$ m-~amil~ (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

lIlll (fcli f.rcRi;q ~ ~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 TEHSIL : SHEO GANJ (FULL) Sheoganj(20) 271.00 108.00 Purari Khera PR Takhatgarh(28) EA 1266.85 W(163.26) 5126.13 1024.15 1550.99 Manadar

PR Takhatgarh(23) ED,EAG W(41.18) 549.14 21.85 25.10 JubliGanj KR Sheoganj(30) EA 2591.80 W(180.94) 534.05 120.94 852.00 Rewara KR Sheoganj(26) EA W(122.20) 35.24 125.53 3.00 Keral Sheoganj(23) EA W(68.25) 10.58 0.65 52.93 LakhmawaChhota

Sheoganj(25) EA W{77.66) 45.49 8.53 195.91 .Lakhmaw~ Sara Sheoganj(20) ED,EAG W(147.24) 173.00 68.00 246.00 Buderi PR,KR Sheoganj(21 ) ED,EAG 161.00 W(64.00) 186.00 90.00 116.09 Gola PR Sheoganj(3) EA 657.00 W(314.00) 619.00 286.00 208.79 Alpa PR,KR Sirohi(42) ED,EAG 918.26 W(205.99) 1816.50 399.94 625.63 Jhadoli Sheoganj(60) ED,EAG 1071.00 W(44.00) 541.00 2900 892.00 Taleta KR Sheoganj(14) EA 165.07 W(31370) 1027.63 111.35 226.90 Jogapura KR Sheoganj(10) EA W(273.97) 445.34 36.84 205.66 Joyla

PR Sheoganj( 12) EA 104.28 W(552.26) 936.70 2.29 401.46 Posaliyan

Sheoganj(16) ED,EAG W(4734) 260.50 42.35 14.96 Vadka Sheoganj(16) W(5.27} 240.80 16.82 19.97 .Fatehpura Sheoganj(25) ED,EAG W(16.84) 720.16 143.80 782.50 Mochhal KR Sheoganj(30) ED,EAG 709.46 W(166.95) 1216.26 107.68 370.18 Van

PR,KR Sirohi(36) EA 272.00 W(770.00) 3434.00 297.00 1297.00 Kailash Nagar @ Las

KR Sirohi(33) EAG W(114.00) 378.00 248.00 48.00 Lotiwara Chhola KR Slrohi(36) EAG -W(10.00)(C-31.00) 352.00 152.00 144.00 Ummed Garh KR Sirohi(31) EAG W(5000) 440.00 19500 206.00 Lotiwara Bara C(107.00) 12 11m f.1~~Ij(.fi1 $Wrf "Ufiifu : 1 ~ ~rt&W4~

1mf it ~ !Ji4fJfall!4; (~ Wm 1lT:r i't ~ ~ ~ m- ( -) ~ m ~ ~ 1lT:r itf~~ 'R prtt ~t ~ ~*iit{ 'R ~~ . ~ -5 ffl;o mo, 5-10 ffl;o mo 1!!t 10 ffl;o mo q\f mqpf ~ it <:t lit t) Amenities available (if not available withil' the village, a dash ( - ) has been shown in the column and next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the nearest place • where the facility is available has been given.) ~ 1lT:r

19/1124 :rmGTI 155500 1204(244) P(l),M(l ), NH(l) W,HP,O PO, ~(10+) as AC(l) PHONE 19/1125 msr 778.38 799(169) P(l) -(-5) W,HP PHONE -(10+) BS 19/1126 ~ 1025.00 778(159) -(-5) -(-5) HP,O -(-5) -(10+) BS 19/1/27 "I1T9Rt 925.36 1265(264) M(l) -(5-10) W,HP) PO -(10+) BS

19/1128 ~ '@1m" 52763 503(99) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

19/1/29 aTr9r 2330.00 1836(349) P(l) -(10+) W,HP PO -(10+) BS 19/1/30 ~~ 404.10 7(1) -(15) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) 19/1/31 ~ 916.35 1836(380) P(l),M(l), PHS(l) W,O PO -(10+) BS AC(1)

19/1/32 WTlfu

~~ Land use (.Wlf;; ';{fi1 ~ ~ - Wf.Ii qlif ~ 3Rf1hr ~ - ~ it ~ ~ ir~amit~ (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

1lIl1' "if.Ii ~~ mm

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PR.KR Slrohi(26) ED,EAG W(98.00) 695.00 311.00 249.00 Naradra C(202.00) PR Slrohi(31) ED.EAG TW(1B4.05) 414.18 35.12 145.03 Seuda KR Sirohi(28) EA - W(49.00)C(50.00) 61000 195.00 12100 Sawali PR Sirohi(35) ED,EAG C(45.03) 376.17 15504 189.07 Madani TW(160.05) PR Slrohi(30) ED C(5211) 399.49 67.00 2.02 Akhapura Kharal TW(701) KR Sirohi(25) ED.EAG 206.01 TW(39999) 1030.89 350.00 343.11 Oda Sirohi(27) W(1563) 35981 507 23.59 Raniya Khera PR,KR Sirohi(26) ED,EAG 17.52 W(144.64) 553.65 73.29 127.25 Andor

KR Sirohi(30) ED,EAG 23476 W(6695) 61477 4334 132.52 Sagaliya PR Sheoganj(20) EA 236.03 W(304.74) 940.05 203.45 199 32 Bhaiv

PR.KR Sheoganj(16) EA W(381OO) 1111.55 167.00 367.00 Arathwara

KR Sheoganj( 16) EA W(161OO) 9788 7200 Sutharon-ka-Gurha KR Sheoganj( 15) EA W(240.oo) 105.00 2700 116.00 Rukhada KR Sheoganj(12) ED,EAG W(34.68) 9871 18.96 18.25 Khandra KR Sheoganj(10) ED,EAG W(5369) 194.23 24.45 22.23 Veta Rampura PR Sheoganj(8) ED,EAG W(98.13) 274.12 5336 86.73 Jailputa PR.KR Sheoganj(3) EA W(15.07) 321 15 61.50 74.72 Kesarpura

Sheogan)(3) W(20.58) 192.14 492 38.14 Akhapura Khunl PR Sheoganj(2) EA W(38.58) 9464 4960 35.07 Chandana PR Sheoganj(2) EA 156.00 0(13200) 114100 638.00 1002.00 Bargaon 14 1J11J f.t~lllijil ~ ufJlffr : 1 ~ ~~W4~

1lT1f it ~ "'4~f¥l1~ (w. ~ JillT it ~ -=m t liT ( -) -rn m

~ JillT q:;r 41lf JillT

19/1/44 ~ 353.00 419(83) P(l) PHS(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 19/1/45 ~~ 464.98 52(11 ) P(1) -(10-+) HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5) 19/1/46 ~ 468.07 403(84) P(1),AC(1) -(10+) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

19/1/47 ~;g 177 69 ill: - 3iloflG UN-INHABITED

19/1/48 ~ 392.86 1I~ - 3TJ<.1TG UN-INHABITED

19/1/49 ~ 635.24 1253(254) P(1),M(1) PHS(1) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) BS AC(1)

19/1/50 ~ 329.01 304(62) P(l) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 19/1/51 !jC!RT 127546 708(148) P(1),AC(3) -(10+) HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

19/1/52 CflT~lctl!c1{ 1123.43 467(105) P(1) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

19/1/53 fucRm i:fj[ ~ 52769 i'R 3jT~ UN-INHABITED 19/1/54 ~ 145025 639(132) P(l).'AC(l ) -(10+) TW,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

19/1/55 ~ 1436.40 959(199) p(l) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(10+) BS 19/1/56 ~ 1801.93 990(201) P(1),M(1) -(5-0) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS 19/1/57 ~ 108678 697(148) P(2),AC(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) 19/1/58 'ffi;irr 1Tiq 307506 1391(257) P(l),AC(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) (10+) -(5-10) 19/1/59 3l'JllUT 1342.85 2716(561 ) P(l),M(l) PHS(l) T,TW,HR,R,O PO -(10+) BS PHONE 19/1/60 ~ppft1 1419.52 2675(504) P(1),M(1) PHS(l )SMP(l) W,HP PO, -(10+) -(-5) AC(2) PHONE 19/1/61 ~ 297,86 781(152) P(l),AC(l) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 15 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYATSAMITI: 1 SHEOGANJ

'lfir~ Land use (~~$~ - ~ri$ ~~ - ~it~$ ~ f:f.Rwr ai"# it ~ (Le. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

llTI1" il'fi ~~ ~ 'lit q.j ~&ro ~ ~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

KR Sheoganj(6) EA 0(43.00) 168.00 15.00 127.00 Deoh Sheoganj(15) EAG 13.11 W(28.93) 220.66 4.33 197.95 Kukn Khera KR Sheoganj(12) EA C(12.39) 141.12 49.65 23805 Badia W(26.86) Sheoganj( 12) C(13.S8) 95.24 3.18 48.40 Nawabas W(16.99) Sheoganj(10) 19703 C(58.46) 8135 55.32 Phachanya W(0.70) PR,KR Sheoganj( 11 ) ED,EAG 7.28 W(3148) 400.03 11229 84.16 Khejarliya

SheoganJ(10) ED,EAG W(8072) 217.74 1823 1232 Surajpura PR SheoganJ(14) EA 526.98 C(8170) 23761 111.40 200.06 Dhuwana W(11771) Sheoganj(12) ED 626.15 C(032) 11052 48.56 32773 Kanakolar W(10 15) Sheoganj( 16) 527.69 Sikhon-ka-Jor KR Sheoganj( 14) EA C(188.91) 189.74 947.33 5640 - Godana W(67.S7) KR Sheoganj(20) EA 66074 W(98.82) 236.59 89.19 351.06 Chooli KR Sheoganj(20) EA 1341 16 W(11127) 107.45 4022 20183 Radbar Sheoganj(20) EA 56400 W(82 00) 7800 21.78 34100 Choteela SheogarTJ(20) EA 182300 W(268 00) 127.00 28.00 829.06' ChhlbaGaon PR Sheoganj(20) EA W(368 00) 59600 12600 252.85 Uthman

PR Sirohi j( 18) ED,EAG 3786 W(41783) 74186 81 41 14056 Bagseen

KR Sirohl(20) EA W(135.89) 10682 8.62 4653 Barewara 16 1111f~I(.fi1 ~Ti,q~~

lIllf it ~ "'1~fC4i(lQ: (~ ~ mlf il ~ 1ift t m( -) ~ m ;t m

19/1/62 ~'J 373.87 655(137) P(l),AC(l) -5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS 19/1/63 :rqr~ 278.61 379(66) P(l),AC(l) -(510) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS 19/1/64 l1Tffit 55931 952(190) P(1) -(10+) W,HP PO, -(10+) -(-5) 19/1/65 cirm 491.S8 14(S) -(-S) -(5-10) W -(-S) -(10+) -(-S) 19/1/66 ~~ 448.86 587(119) P(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) BS 19/1/67 ~ 2562.67 4516(871) P(3),M(2) PHC\:l T,W,HP PO, -(10+) BS H(1),AC(1) PHONE 19/1/68 ~ 1324.95 633(96) P(1) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 19/1/69 ~ 1471.94 381(67) P(l) -(S-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/WO ~CflT~ 1502.00 397(79) P(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(S-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

~ 89230.78 79876 P(64).M(21). H(6).D(2) (15944) H(5),AC(51), HC(3),PHC(1), 0(4) PHS(14).TB(1)


'3fl1~ Land use (3l'i1fu' ~

1I'('If (fcIi ~cmr ~*

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PR.KR Sirohi(23) EA W(45.33) 123.15 131.72 73.67 Sardarpura PR.KR Sirohi(23) EA W(48.26) 107.73 31.73 90.89 NawaKhera PR.KR Sirohi(2O) EA W(97.15) 249.27 64.91 147.98 Morli Sirohi(8) 175.21 23.05 251.69 41.63 Kolar PR,KR Sirohi(12) ED.EAG 187.71 W(4.57) 157.24 38.54 60.80 Vera Vilpur PR.KR Sirohi(17) EA 434.66 C(110.29) 1216.04 204.03 403.05 Palri W(194.60) KA Sirohi(30) 1117.77 W(10.79) 73.22 1.32 121.85 Kaldari 'KR Sirohi(24) 1287.69 74.60 3.18 106.47 Baravera Sirohi(24) 594.00 W(4.00) 126.00 2.00 776.00 Devon-ka·Bera

18889.08 C(953.09) 34988.98 8445.13 17289.74 TOTAL TW(751.10) W(n38.66) 0(175.00)

4+.41(;4(1 ttfqf(1: m{l~l PANCHAYAT SAMITI: SIROHI



;rnm lJiqq;r:ntT 19910l:fltuRT 1981~ SI.No. Nameotviliage 1991 Census 1981 Census

~m:{o ~m;to Location Code No. Location Code No.

~~ ~ ~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

mffi;f : 1mtIf(~ TEHSIL: SIROHI (FULL)

1. 31Tif"!T Akoona 21/1912146 21119/002010046 1811812145 1811810020I0045 2. ~ Amlari 21/1912178 21/19/002010078 1811812177 181181OO2OIOOn i 3. 3'IfI!'ffi Amli 2111912183 21/19A)02010083 18118/2/82 181181002010082 4. . 31UJ1iTr Angore 21/1912122 21/19/002010022 1811812f22 18118/0020I0022 5. .m:rr Badeli 21/1912157 211191002010057 1811812156 181181002010056 6. 'IlT Bag 21/1912179 21119l0020l0079 1811812178 19118l0020l0078

7. ~ Balda 21/1912130 21/191OO~ 1811812J29 181181002010029

8. ~ Baida 21119/2155 21/19/002010055 18118/2/54 181181002010054 9. ~ Baoli 21/1912116 21/19A)02010016 1811812116 181181002010016

10. ~ Barada 21/191211 21/19/0020l0001 181181211 18118l0020l0001 11.

17. ~ Dhanta 21119/2/59 21119/0020I0059 1811812158 181181002010058 18. ~au DocIua 21/1912121 21/19/002010021 1811812121 181181002010021 19. ~ Ewadi 21/191218 21/19/002010008 181181118 18118/0020I0008 20. ~ Goeli 2111912127 21/19/002010027 1811812127 18118l0020l0027 21. ~ Gol 21/191217 21119/002010007 181181217 1811810020l0007

22. ~ Gura 21/1912118 21/19/002010018 1811812118 181181002010018 23. ~~ Guwari Khera 21/1912166 21/19/002010066 1811812165 181181002010065 24. ~ Haliwara 21/1912148 21/19/0020I0048 1811812147 181181Q()2OO()47 25. ~ Jaila 21/1912152 21/19/002010052 1811812151 18118l0020l0051 26. .~~ JajarKhera 21/1912163 21/19/002CVQ(N)3 1811812162 181181002010062 27. ~ Jamotara 21/191215 21/19/002~ 181181215 1811810020l0005 28. ~ Jawal 21/191216 21/19/002010006 181181216 1811~ 29. ~ Kakendra 21/1912170 21119/002010070 18118/2/69 18118/00200069 30. ~ Kalandri 21/1912120 21/19/002010020 1811812120 18118100200020 31. ~ Karjal 21/1912181 21/19/002010081 1811812180 18?181OO201OO8O 32. ~ Khambal 21/1912123 21/19/002010023 1811812123 18118l0020l0023 22 qUldiQljijl( 1fTlIT Cb1 ~ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


~cirs:to ~m:to Location Code No. Location Code No.

itJam ~ ~3lC1 ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

33. '['IT Kooma 21/19/2/54 21/19/002010054 18118/2/53 18118l0020I0053 34. ~ Kotra 21/19/2/50 21/19/0020/0050 18118/2/49 181181002010049 35. ~ KishanGanj 21/1912184 21/191002010084 1811812J83 181181002010083 36. ~~ KuaKhera 21/19/2162 21/19/002010062 18118/2/61 18118l0020I0061 37. ~ Madiya 21/1912147 21/19/002010047 1811812146 181181002010046 38. ~ Mamawali 21/19/2135 21/19/002010035 1811812134 181181002010034 39. ~ Mandawria 21119/12114 21119/002010014 1811812114 181181002010014 40. ~ Mandwa 21/19/2128 21/19/002010028 1811812128 181181002010028

41. ~ Mandwara 21/19/2/12 21119/002010012 1811812112 181181002010012 42 . ~ Mankroda 21/19/2160 21/19/oo201006Q 1811812159 181181002010059 43. • Manora 21/19/2/3 21119/002010003 1811812!.3 1811810020l0003 44. ~ Meerpur 21/19/2164 21/191002010064 1811812163 181181002010063 45. frr~ Mer Mandwara , 21/19/2172 21/19/0020/0072 18118/2/71 181181002010071 46. ~11R Mohabbat Nagar 21/19/2119 211191002010019 1811812119 181181002010019 47. ;rqro Nawara 21/19/2117 21/19/002010017 1811812117 181181002010017 48. ~ Nembora 21/19/2145 21/19/002010045 1811812144 181181002010044 49. F Noon 21/19/2144 21/1910020/0044 18118~43 181181002010043 50. P Padeev 21/1912110 21/191002010010 1811812110 181181002010010 51. ~~ Pad roo Khera 21/19/2/68 21/19/0020/0068 1811812167 1811810020/0067 52. ~ Palri. 21/19/2124 21/19/002010024 1811812124 181181002010024 53. ~ Peepalki 21/19/2126 21/19/002010026 18118J2J26 181181002010026 54 ~ Phachariya 21/19/2140 21/191002010040 1811812139 181181002010039 55 ~ Phalwadi 21/19/2/53 21/19/002010053 1811812152 18118l0020I0052 56 ~ Phoognl 21/1912143 21/19/002010043 1811812142 181181002010042 57 ~ Poseetara 21/19/2171 21/19/002010071 18118/2/70 18118l0020l0070 5R }lFIl Punawa 21/19/2176 2111910020/0076 18118/2/75 ,8I181OO2LVOO75

59 {f~ Rajpura 21/19/2/31 21/19/002010031 18118/2130 1811810020l0030

'i(l . ~J{' &0 Rajpura Khera 21119/2/58 21/19/002010058 1811812157 181181002010057 61 1'rr"';:1 Aampura 21/19/2125 21/19/0020/0025 1811812125 1811810020/0025 62. Wl¥ Rampura 21/19/2177 21/19/0020100n 18118/2/76 181181002010076 63. ~ Ranela 21/1912182 21/19/0020/0082 18118/2181 181181002010081 64. ~~ RodaKhera 21/19/2175 21/19/002010075 18118/2/74 181181002010074 23 ct Oi#lJiljf1l( "IDlit ctT ~ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


:q;lfm "Iliq

~irs"o ~irs;jo Location Code No. Location Code No.

4:J:om ~ 4:J3ffi ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

65. ~ Sanpur 21/19/2/80 21/19/0020/0080 1811812179 181181002010079 66. {lR~~cR'il Sarneshwarji 21/19/2129 21/191002010029 67. mou Sartara 21/1912138 21/191002010038 18118/2/37 181181002010037

68. ~ Satapura 21/191212 21/191002010002 181181212 1811810020l0002

69. ~ Savrata 21/19/2151 :? 1119/002010051 18118/2/50 1811810020l0050 70. lmro 2111912174 21/19/002010074 1811812173 181181002010073 71. ~ Silohia 21/19/2136 21/19/002010036 1811812135 181181002010035 7'2.. ~ Sindrath 21/19/2/34 21/19/0020/0034 1811812r.J3 181181002010033 73. ~ Sirodki 21/1912173 21/19/002010073 1811812172 181181002010072 74. m ("lIllliur) Sirohi (Rural) 21/19/2/32 21/19/0020/0032 1811812131 181181002010031 75 lWlmr Siyakara 21/19/2169 21/1910020/0069 18118/2/68 181181002010068 76. 1fG"U Tawari 21/19/2142 21/1910020/0042 1811812141 181181002010041 n. H~ TelpiKhera 21/19/2185 21/1910020/0085 18118/2/84 181181002010084

78. ~ Tua 21/1912149 21/1910020/0049 1811812148 181181002010048 79. ~ Ud 21/19/2111 21/191002010011 1811812111 181181002010011 80. iGr~ UntaKhera 21/19/2167 21/19/002010067 18118/2/66 181181002010066 81. <11ST~ VadaKhera 21/19/219 21/1910020/0009 181181219 181181002010009 82. "1lm1 Varal 21/1912137 21119/002010037 18118/2/36 181181002010036 83. 'i'IW! Vardara 21/1912139 21/19/0020/0039 1811812138 181181002010038 ~. ~ VeraPura 21/19/2/33 21/19/0020/0033 1811812132 18118l0020I0032 85. imrr ~ Verusa Padar 21/1912165 21/1910020/0065 18118/2/64 181181002010064

Note: In the column Nos. 5 & 6 of location code of villages in 1981 Census, dash( -) has been indicated againstthose villages which were newly created during the 1991 Census. 24 lI'11f f.t~N'CG' >Mrrir wmt : 2 rnwt ~¢f~mrrr

lI'I1f ~ ~ "'4if¥il~ ("life: pr lirl1 it ~(i""f :m t tit ( -) ~ m cf; ~ ~ ~f,m;it ¢ 'R ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢llrt~ 'R f(T lI'm ~ ,5 ftl;o lito. 5-10 ftl;o lito 11?t 10+ fc1io lito

191213 m 893.23 2171(460) P(1),M(1) PHS(1) HP PO,PHONE -(10+) AC(l) 191214 'iiflifq 430.61 1627(304) P(1),M(1) -(-5) W,HP PO,PHONE -(10+) AC(1} 191215 'ijj'1ffim 693.25 1361(249) P(1),AC(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+)

19/2J6 ~ 2467.53 7401(1402) P(1),M(2) O(l),RP(l) T,W.TW.HP PTO, BS H(1),AC(1) PHONE 0(1 ).PUC(l) 191217 '!fh;r 1493.00 1794(393) P(1),M(1) -(5-10) T,W.HP PO, BS 1912/8 ~ 232.00 311(65) P(1) -(-5) T,W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912/9 ~~ 5268.00 62(8) -(-5) (5-10) W.TW,HP -(5-10) -(-5) 1912110 ~ 4309.01 4221(839) P(1),M(1) O(1),CHW(1) T,W,HP PTO,PHONE BS

1912111 3? 885.28 2435(481) P(1),M(1), 0(1 ),CHW(1) T,W,TK.HP PO.PHONE BS AC(3) 1912112 ~ 1230.42 1837(355) P(1),AC(2) -(-5) W,TK.HP PO -(-5) 1912113 "ffi¥ 2277,65 3776(754) P(4).,M(1) PHS(1) W,HP PTO,PHONE BS H(l) 19"" .,(iIT 820.00 1781(387) P(2),H(1), 0(1),PHS(1). T,W,HP PO,PHONE BS AC(2) RP(1),CHW(1) 1912115 ~ 972.24 1649(333) P(1),AC(1) O(1)PHS(1) T,W,TW,HP PO,PHONE BS CHW(1) 25 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 2SIROHI

'lfif~ Land use (m '1fi1 ;f; ~ - ?f

lI!1T 'Ai ~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 TEHSIL : SIROHI (FULL) KR,PR 5irOO(28) EA W(loo.oo) 461.00 385.00 106.00

KR Sirohi(27) EA TK(9.25) 233.67 58.55 152.08 Satapura W(38.77) KR Sirohi(25) EA TK(79.80) 460.04 34.07 133.82 Manora W(l85.50) PR Sirohi(22) EA TK(58.49) 150.37 30.15 60.49 BhootGaon W(131.11) PR Sirohi(20) EA TK(112.32) 258.16 9102 51.74 Jamotara W(180.01) PR Sirohl(1S) EA W(639.20) 1362.67 315.47 275.19 Jawal . C(5S00)

KR Sirohi(1S) EA W(414.00) . 759.00 128.00 192.00 Gol Sirohi(17) ED,EAG W25.00) 146.00 27.00 34.00 Ewadl PR Sirohi(9) ED,EAG 4305.00 W(18.OO) 906.00 39.00 VadaKhera KR,PR SlrOO(10) EA C(358.99) 2078.01 246.00 1011.00 Padeev W(61S.01) PR Sirohi(12) EA W(75.00) 688.28 66.00 56.00 UD

KR Sirohi(12) EA W(124.OO) 767.00 34.42 305.00 Mandwada PR Sirohi(22) EA W(237.50) 1246.00 185.22 608.93 Bartoot

KR,PR 5Irohi(26) EA W(115.00) 483.00 99.00 123.00 Manclawarlya

KR,PR Sirohi(27) EA W(131.00) 566.00 125.00 150.24 Deldar 26 wr r:ta1l14i1 ~m:2_ ~ttcf1fir~

1rIlfit~ 1ii4qf$llct (~~JIIlI"it~~tm (-) ~m ~q'f'G JII11 tfflrn::lt¢~ ~ ~r t ~ ~*~ ~ ~ lI

~ JIIlI"'iiI"~ JIIlI"'iiI"~ ¥f~ ~ ~ 1f.i'iil" m~ ~Imc Wm~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1912116 ~ 1088.42 1308(262) 0(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) 1912117 ;r;mr 1752.53 1485(286) M(l),AC(l) PHS(l) W,HP,O PO -(-5)

1912118 ~ 503.56 667(121) P(l) -(-5) W,HP,O -(-5) BS 1912119 ~ ";fIR 3099.17 3312(684) P(2),M(1) 0(1 ),PHS(l) T,W,TW,HP PO,PHONE BS H(l),AC(l) CHW(2) 1912120 ~ 5547.10 6704(1353) P(2),M(1) H(l),D(l) T,W,HP PTO,PHONE -(10+) H(l),PUC(l) HC(l),PHC(l ) AC(6) PHS(1),RP(1) 1912121 2261.00 1707(344) P(l),M(l) PHS(l) W,HP PO BS • AC(l) 1912/22 3T1JTlfn: 1041.00 714(140) P(l),AC(l) -(-5) T,HP -(-5) BS

1912123 ~ 1154.00 1441(299) P(l),AC(l) PHS(l) T PO,PHONE BS 1912124 ~ 347.10 935(177) P(l) -(-5) W,T,TK,N PHONE BS 1912/25 ~\T 598.17 2571(511) P(2)M(1)O(1)ACI1) -(-5) T,W,HP,N PO,PHONE BS 1912/26 ~ 441.23 454(85) P(l) -(5-10) W,TW,HP -(-5) -(-5) N,TK 1912127 1lltffi 947.08 3983(757) M(l),H(l) -(5-10) T,W,HP PO,PHONE B6 1912128 ~ 816.00 1043(206) P(l),AC(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) BS 1912129 ~RU!}/q<"'1 2834.17 277(60) P(l),AC(l) -(-5) W,TK,HP,N -(-5) BS

1912130 ~ 579.00 631(140) P(l),M(l) -(5-10) HP PO BS -(5-10) -(5-10) 1912131 ~ 935.00 886(191) P(l) HP BS 1912132 ~ (1ll+l11lf)lncluded in 335(54) -(10+) -(10+) W,N -(10+) -(5-10) Sirohl Town 19/2/33 ~\T 254.18 460(90) P(l) -(5-10) W,TK,HP,C -(-5) BS 1912134 ~ 1485.00 1648(313) M(l),AC(l) PHS(l) W,HP PO,PHONE BS 1912135 ~ 1552.00 885(179) P(l) -(-5) W,HP PO -(10+) 1912136 ~ 1268.00 967(180) P(l) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) 27 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 2SIROHI

'1f1r~ Land use (am 'lfii' '" ~ - ~ CfliT '" ~ ~ - twrn it ~ '" ~~amit~ (i.e. area under different types of land use in hec~es rounded up to two decimal places)

lIIlf WIi ~~ ~~ q.r mmr ~ ~~ ~~~ 1IJlT'iiI'';[If ~'1fiI' ~~~ rom (wr~ ffi'lfii'(~ ~ llJ1f (ffl;o llTo it) • ~) ~ 3lICR' mmr) ~ Approach Nearest Town and Power Forest Irrigated Un Irri- Culturable Area not Name of Village 10 vnlage distance (in Kms.) supply by source gated waste (includ- available (including ing gauchar for cultivation fallow and groves) land)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

KR Sirohi(30) EO,EAG W107.49) 858.26 52.17 70.50 Baoli KR,PR Sirohi(32) EO,EAG 17.57 W(68.80) 1319.66 264.12 82.38 Nawara PR Slrohi(35) EO,EAG W(29.6S) 247.41 121.21 105.29 Guda KR,PR Sirohi(39) EA W(183.77) 1726.25 235.37 953.78 Mohabaat Nagar

KR,PR Sirohi(28) EA TK(242.oo) 3218.08 573.99 105003 Kalandari W(463.oo)

KR,PR Sirohi(13) EA W(370.OO} 973.00 132.00 672.00 DoOua TK(114.oo) PR Sirohi(12} EA 82.00 W(112.OO} 230.00 43.00 57400 Angor KR Sirohi(9) EA 128.00 W(123.OO) 577.00 178.00 148.00 Khambal PR Sirohi(11) EA W(43.01) 259.08 45.01 Palri PR Sirohi(2) EA W(38.02) 395.06 43.03 122.06 Rampura KR Sirohi(5) EA W(40.12) 250.03 45.03 106.05 Peepalki

PR Sirohi(5) EO,EAG W(71.22) 570.50 112.08 193.28 Goill PR Sirohi(1) EA W(29.oo) 589.00 66.00 132.00 Mandwa PR Sirohi(3) EO 2210.08 W(2.03) 209.Q1 313.30 99.75 Sarneswar ji KA,PR Sirohi(7) EO W15.oo) 230.00 156.00 178.00 Balda PR Slrohi(7) EO,EAG 33.00 W(1'.OO) 394.00 98.00 399.00 Rajpura KR Sirohi(10) Sirohi (Rural)

KR Sirohi(5) EA - C(8.02)W(6.02) 166.06 54.05 30.03 Verapura PR Sirohi(9) EA 380.00 W(170.OO) 519.00) 86.00 330.00 Sindrath KR Slrohi(22) EO,EAG 257.00 W(126.OO) 729.00 71.00 369.00 Mamawali KR Sirohi(22) EO,EAG W(52.OO) 552.00 98.00 566.00 Siloiya 28 1I11J.~IlICfiI ~mrmr:2~ ~~'9f4~

1IT1f it W. '3I""'I~ ('Itft ~ JIIiT it ~ -:m t

1912137 ?fmr 800.00 501(109) P(1) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) (10+) 1912138 m

1912141 ~ 893.00 1053(221) M(1),AC(2) D(1),CHW(1) W.HP PO as

1912142 m 1315.00 1932(388) P(1).H(1) H(1) W.HP PO,PHONE as AC(2) 1912143 ~1f.ft 971.09 999(221) P(l)H(l) H(l) 0 PO as 1912144 "{1 1665.00 1555(323) P(l) -(-5) 0 -(-5) as 1912145 ~ 430.27 401(86) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912146 ~ 1337.27 744(136) P(l) -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(5-10) 1912147 lfIfs1rr 1579.64 1538(323) P(l),M(l) -(5-10) W,TK,HP PO BS 1912148 ~ 145.24 1230(254) P(l),M(l) -(5-10) W.TK.HP PO as 1912149 {3Tf 473.40 468(96) P(l) -(-5) W.TK,HP -(-5) as 1912150 ~ 97.83 90(13) -(-5) -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912151 ~ 202.83 619(115) P(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) as 1912152 ~ 865.01 969(184) P(l),M(l) -(-5) .W,HP PO as 1912153 ~ 2571.15 414(79) P(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912154 ClllT 1043.35 69(13) -(5-10) -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -10+) 1912155 ~ 3053.00 984(185) P(1) -(-5) W,HP' -(-5) "(-5) 1912156 ~ 1531.96 2866(576) P(l),M(l) O(1),CHW(1) T,W,HP Po as H(l) 1912157 ~ 1147.00 361(61) P(l),H(l) -(10+) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912158 ~~ 341.15 53(10) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 29 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SM11TI : 2SIROHI

Land""~ use (m ~ ~ 'J.'II'Ii - 'J.'II'Ii ~ *aRfli;r ~ - ~ it ~ ~ it~,amlt~ (i.e. area under dfferent types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

llPl ~ f.I:li2;p:r ~ ~ llt If:r ~mr ~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

KR Slrohi(18) EA W(89.00) 363.00 37.00 311.00 Vetal KR Slrohi(38) ED.EAG W(94OO) 436.00 61.00 779.00 sartara KR Sirohi(36) ED.EAG W(l53.oo) 453.00 83.00 856.00 Vardara KR SirOO(37) ED.EAG TK(56.oo) 194.00 180.00 Phachariya W(55,00) KR.PR SirOO(36) ED.EAG TK(98 00) 488.00 315.00 ChaduaJ W(52.OO) PR Sirohl(40) ED.EAG W(94.00) 887.00) 334.00 Tawsri

KR Sirohi(35) ED.EAG W(32.00) 529.00 191.03 219.06 Phoogru KR Sirohi(40) ED.EAG W(65.00) 1005.00 226.00 369.0.0 Noon KR 5irohi(44) ED W(B.9O) 293.42 27.78 100.17 Nimbora KR Sirohi(47) ED W(31.51) 949.95 27.19 328.62 Akoona KR 5IrOO(45) EA W(89.00) 1002.64 119.00 309.00 Madya KR Sirohi(50) EA W(22.00) 956.00 47.00 431.24 HaJiwara KR SirOO(47) EA W(ll.oo) 311.00 26.00 125.40 Tua KR SirOO(44) ED.EAG W(16.53) 67.37 4.73 9.14 Kotra PR Sirohi(44) EA W(34.04) 115.66 17.27 35.86 Saurata PR SlrOO(42) EA W(39.09) 567.08 64.54 193.40 Jaiia KR Sirohj(42) ED W(75.64) 747.90 26.38 1721.23 PhaJwadi KR Sirohi(60) ED.EAG W(12.02) 88.04 2.96 940.33 Kooma KR SirOO(35) ED 878.00 W(131.OO) 477.00 65.00 1502.00 BaIda KR.PR Sirohi(18) EA W(82.00) 694.98 293.99 460.99 BelMgari

KR 5IrOO(14) EA 69.00 W(33.00)· 579.00 3n.OO 89.00 Badeli KR Sirohi(14) EO.EAG 137.59 W(22.26) 107.24 21.45 52.61 Rajpura Khera 30 wr~flldil 'F1rtil m : 2 mum ~~~~

1J'I1r ~ 3IIRWf "'49f4a1Q; (~ ~ JIIlr it ~ 'itt t -at (._) -rn m cf; ;w. JIIlr .q ftr-ft "¢ 1R ~ ~ t ~ ~it1n?: tR 1R ~ lI

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1912159 'qRff 2387.00 1126(230) P(1)AC(2) -(-5) W,HP Po -(-5)

1912160 ~ 1512.49 1422(288) P(1),M(1) PHS(1) HP PO -(-5) AC(1) 1912161 ~~ 508.78 499(81} P(1} -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912/62 't3fT~ 482.66 if{ _ 3TfoffG UN INHABITED 1912163 ~~ 186.15 1I{ - 3TfoffG" UN INHABITED 1912164 ~': 1515.08 655(131) P(1),AC(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) as 1912/65 ~~ 195.47 I)'-{ _ 3TfoflG" UN INHABITED 1912/66 ~~ 547.03 16(3) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) 1912/67 W~ 173.79 92(17) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912/68 ~~ 820.99 72(14) -(-5) -(10+) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 1912/69 fwnq;'U 772.89 621(107) P(1).AC(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912170 ~ 1681.31 932(172) P(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 1912171 mmm 707.84 675(139) P(1}AC(1) -(-5) HP,R -(-5) -(-5)

1912172 ir:~ 4380.75 3208(632) P(1),M(1) -(10+) T,W,TW,HP PO,PHONE as H(1) 1912173 ~ 857.31 727(137) P(l) -(-5) W,HP,TW,HP PHONE -(-5) 1912174 fm:R;: 1418.46 1985(412) P(1),M(1), -(10+) T,W,HP, PO,PHONE BS H(1),AC(6) R,N 1912175 ~~ 662.14 306(50) P(1) -(-5) W,HP PHONE -(-5) 1912176 :r;ncrr 340.78 666(142) P(1),AC(1) -(-5) W,TK,HP -(-5) -(5-10) 1912177 7JlrJ.'U 212.71 192(40) -(-5) -(-5) HP,R,N -(-5) -(-5) 1912178 ~ 1492.71 1753(361) P(1),M(1) MCW(1),CWC(1) T,W,TK, PO -BS AC(l) RP(1),CHW(2) TW,HP.O PHONE 31 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 2SIROHI

1lJ:fir~ Land use (am ~ ~ ~ - Tft'i 'I1i

llJIl iI'fi f.i

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

KR Sirohi(12) EA 850.00 TK(91.00) 309.00 115.00 859.00 Dhanta W(163.00) KR Sirohi(9) EA 368.08 TK(150.13) 468.71 112.25 338.36 Mankroda W(56.96) KR Sirohi(13) EA 351.24 W(6.32) ,50.60 100.62 Darbari Khera Sirohi(2O) 481.86 0.80 Kua Khera Sirohi(17) 186.15 Jajar Khera PR Sirohi(15) EA 646.00 W(49.37) 248.66 190.97 380.08 Meerpur Sirohl(17) W(28.00) 90.53 76.94 Verusa Padar Sirohi(18) W(25.61) 442.05 79.37 Guwari Khera Sirohi(21) ED,EAG W(28,00) 93.99 36.79 15.01 Unta KOOra KR Sirohi(26) ED,EAG 260.99 W(18,00) 86.00 60.00 396.00 Padroo Khera Slrohi(63) ED,EAG 6.01 W(109.03) 171.01 254.02 232.82 Siya Kara Sirohi(56) EA W(173.99) 414.01 323.98 769.33 Kakendra KR Sirohi(S5) ED,EAG TK(52.00) 168.00 71.01 343.83 Poseatara W(73.00) KR,PR Sirohi(50) EA C(273.22) 1907.64 161.40 1720.35 Mer Mandwara W(378.14) KR Sirohi(55) ED,EAG W(12161) 463.41 113.24 159.05 Sirodki KR,PR Sirohi(55) EA W(187.S5) 840.64 24.54 365.73 Sildar

-KR Sirohi(58) ED,EAG W(59.16) 421.99 58.47 122.52 RodaKhera KR Slrohi(65) ED,EAG W(46.91) 155.71 37.74 100.42 Punawa KR Sirohi(56) ED,EAG W(22.69) 139.73 4.21 46.08 Rampura KR Sirohi(65) EA W(l33.00) 788.00 87.42 484.29 Amlari 32 '1m MWi4ii ~ ttcr1fif~

'VTIr ~ ~ '*"W4liict (~ r~ 1IIlf it ~ ~ t

19/2179 "flJ' 1192,83 607(114) P(1),AC(1) -(-5) TK,HP,N,O -(-5) -(-5)

1912180 ~~ 2361.40 1240(232) P(l)M(l) -(5-10) W,HP PO BS 19t2/8t ~ 443.32 158(25) -(-S) -(S-10) HP (-S) -(-S) 1912182 if.fm 503.95 106(19) -(-5) -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) 19W83 ~ 1697.99 384(68) P(l) -(-5) HP -(5-10) -(-5) 19f2184 ~~ 3041.58 2511(505} P(1jM(1) O(1)PHS(1) T,W,HP PO,PHONE BS H(l)AC(1) CHW(l) 19t2/85 ~~ 1567.66 910(164) P(l) -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -(SolO)

.qrq 109039.51 105806 P(71),M(29), H(3),0(11) (20979) H(13)PUC(2), HC(1),RP(4) AC(50),0(5) PHC(1),PHS(12) MCW(l)CWC(l) CHW(11) 33 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 2SIROHI

~~ Land use (am'lfif ;f; ~ - ~ ~;f; ~ ~ - ~ it ~

lII1l Q

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

KR SirOO(67) ED W(60.82) 598.42 229.12 304.47 Bag KR Sirohl(59) EA 113.03 W(ln.OO) 653.95 587.96 829.46 Sanpur Sirohl(64) ED,EAG W(25.00) 94.32 13.00 311.00 KarjaJ 5IrOO(25) EAG 429.99 W(500) 45.98 5.99 16.99 Ranela Sirohl(23) ED,EAG 685.99 W(22.00) 5n.98 204.03 207.99 AmIi PR Sirohl(18) EA 645.96 W(l44.33) 1336.82 513.83 400.64 Krishan Ganj

PR Sirohl(25) EA 443.97 W(42.00) 105.04 27.96 948.69 Telpi Khera

13984.51 C(635.23), 46553.03 1578.50 287M.54 TOTAL TK(1002.91), W(8488.71)

ciilllh1 fqugcllsl tlfqrn: • PANCHAYAT SAMITI: PINDWARA

37 CluiChql3ijj{ 101ft c6t ~ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES mw~:3~ PANCHAYAT 5AMITI: 3 PINDWARA iti1t~ "IIi'!f

~m-:ro ~m-:ro Location Code No. Location Code No.

~ ~ ~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6


1. ~ Achpura 2119/3m 21/191003010077 18/1813m 18/181003010077 2. ~ Ajari 211913146 21119/003010046 18/18/3/46 18/181003010046 3. aum;It Ami; 211913119 21/191003010019 1811813/19 18118l0030l0019 4. 3lMt:~ Apri Khera 211913139 21119/003010039 18/18/3/39 18/181003010039 5. amm:Ir Arasana 2119/3/12 21/191003010012 1811813/12 1811810030I0012 6. ~ Banas. 211913161 2111910030/0061 1811813/61 18118l0030/0061 7. ~ Bara 2119/3179 21/191003010079 8. ~ Basantgarh 211913158 2111910030/0058 18/1813158 18/181003010058 9. ~ Bhadaver; 211913152 21/191003010052 18118/3/52 181181003010052

10 ~ Bharja 211913180 211191003010080 1811813179 18/181003010079 11. fifIlRr Bhimana 21/19/3/82 21/19/003010082 1811813/81 181181OQ301OO81 12. 'FIT Bhoola 21/1913198 2111910030/0098 18/1813198 18/1810030/0098 13. ~:ro '< Block No.2 21/1913174 21/191003010074 18/18/3174 18/181003010074 14.


~ til§!tf "llitPfl~ 1991~ 1981~ SI. No. Name of village 1991 Census 1981 Census

~~;fo ~~;fO Location Code No. Location Code No.

~ ~ ~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

33. ~ Kalabor 21119/3132 21/19/0030/0032 18/1813132 18/18/oo3O/()032 34. ~ Kalumbri 21/19/3125 21/191003010025 18/18/3125 181181003010025 35.


If;l1'm 'lJicrClif:tfl1 1991~ 1981~ SI No. Name of vittage 1991 Census 1981 Census


~ ~ ~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

68 . ~lIlG\ Peetari Padar 21/1913196 21/19/0030/0096 1811813/96 18118/003010096 69. Peshua 21/19/3/64 21/19/0030/0064 18/18/3/64 18/181003010064 70. •'t@l"(~T~ CIif ~ Phoola Bai-ka-Khera 21/19/3171 21/19/0030/0071 18/18/3171 18/1810030/0071 71. ~ Phulera 21/19/3141 211191003010041 1811813141 1811810030/0041 72. ~(Aur) PindNara (Rural) 21/19/3199 21/191003010099 18118/3199 18/1810030/0099 73. ~ Rajpura 21/19/3/16 21/191003010016 18/1813116 18/18/003010016 74. ~ Rampura 21/19/3159 21/191003010059 18/1813159 18/181003010059 75. ~ Reechhri 21/19/3/63 21/191003010063 18/18/3163 181181003010063 76. ~ Rohira 21/19/3/86 21/19/0030/0086 18/18/3186 18/18/0030/0086 n. ~ Sabeia 21/19/3121 21/1910030/0021 18/18/3121 18/1810030/0021

78. ~ Sadalawa 21/19/3118 21/191003010018 18118/3118 1811810030/0018 79. ~~ Sada Pahti 21/1913193 21/19/003010093 1811813193 1811810030/0093 SO. ~ Sangwara 18/1913172 21/191003010072 1811813172 18118/0030/0072 81. ~ Sanwara 21119/3/87 21/1910030/0087 1811813/87 18118/003010087 82. wmlt'3Tt~ Sawarli @Chawarli 21/19/3/45 21/19/0030/0045 18/1813/45 18/1810030/0045 83. ~ Semli 21/19/3192 21/19/0030/0092 18118/3192 18/18/003010092 84. ~' Shivgarh 21/19/3/42 21/19/0030/0042 18/18/3142 18/18/0030/0042 85. Rfqu Siwera 21/19/3/5 21/19/0030/005 1811813/5 18/1810030/0005 86. ~ Taroongi 21/19/3/81 21/19/0030/0081 18/1813180 1811810030/0080 87. ~ Teipur 21/19/3/11 21/19/0030/0011 18/1813/11 18118/0030/00 11 80. o:it~ Thandi Bari 21/19/3120 21/19/003010020 18/18/3120 18/181003010020 89. ~ Ubera 21/19/3/36 21/1910030/0036 18/18/3/36 18/181003010036 90. ~ Udbariya 21/19/3/84 21/19/0030/0084 18/18/3183 18/18/003010083

91. ~ Undra 21/19/3/7 21/19/0030/0007 18/18/317 18/18/003010007 92. ~ Vagdari 21/19/3150 21/19/0030/0050 18/1813150 1811810030/0050 93. qrm~ Varki Khera 21/1913/40 21/19/003010040 18/18/3/40 18/1810030/0040 94. CRm- Varll 21/1913/24 21/19/0030/0024 1811813124 18/1810030/0024 95. crnr Vatera 21/1913/83 21/19/003010083 1811813/82 18/~ 8/003010082 96. ~ Veerwara 21/19/3/13 21/19/0030/0013 18/18/3113 18/181003010013 97. m Viroli 21119/3/2 21119/0030/0002 18/18/3/.2 1811810030/0002 98. ~ Waloriya 21/19/3191 21/19/0030/0091 18/18/3191 18/1810030/0091 99. qrm Wasa fl/19/3/89 21/19/0030/0089 18/18/3/89 181181003010089

NOTE: In the column Nos. 5 & 6 of location~ode of villages in 1981 Census, dash (-) has been indicated against those viliages which were newly created during the 1991 Census. 40 Vflf~I.' ~~:3~ ~lt

1mf it 1IftIIWr ",.. ,f¥llIt (~ ~ 'JITIl it ~ ':Itt t m- ( -) ~ m

"lf1r~ Land use (~ 'fir *';!Ifcfi - ~ q7]f *aRrfq ~ - ~ it ~ '" €t~amlr~ (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

JI!II" (f

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 TESHIL: PINDWARA (FULL) Sirohi(16) 1831.00 92.00 33.00 29.00 Khari Gegarwa KR Pindwara(12) EAG 839.00 W(3.OO) 335.00 348.00 141.00 Viroli Sirohi(14) 852.00 Darlapadar Pinclwara(12) 317.00 50.00 250.00 Muri PR,KR Pindwara(9) ED 63.00 484.00 195.00 294.00 Siwera KR Pindwara(12) EAG 53.00 204.00 23.00 80.00 Kerlapadar KR Pindwara(10) EA W35.OO) 462.00 214.00 186.00 Undra KR Pindwara (12) ED,EAG W(7.OO) 223.00 73.00 84.00 Kotra Sirhhi(13) EAG 161.46 188.00 284.00 Juna Sanwara PR,KR Sirohi(11) EA 634.00 302.00 326.00 Nava Sanwara

KR Pindwara(14) EO W(31.OO) 310.00 194.00 214.00 Telpur PR Pindwara(12) ED W(27.OO) 437.00 86.00 351.00 Arasana PR,KR Pindwara(10) EA 84.00 W(93.00) 811.00 253.00 530.00 Veerwara PR Pindwara(7) ED,EAG W(35.OO) 112.00 37.00 4700 Parlai PR,KR Pindwara(3) EA 147.00 TK(190) 762.00 342.00 545.00 Jhadoli W(139.OO) KR Pinclwara(8) ED TK(64.oo) 110.00 36.00 35.00 RaJPura KR Pindwara(9) ED TK(02.oo) 68 .. 00 40.00 14.00 Keshavganj KR Pindwara(14) EAG W(08.00) 200.00 90.00 117.00 Sadalwa PR P;ndwara(10) EA W(65.00) 451.00 210.00 414.00 Amli KR Pindwara(18) ED,EO W(63.OO) 257.00 01.00 442.00 Thandiberi KR Pindwara(10) 467.00 .-.: 145.00 240.00 Sabala KR Pindwara(4) W(14.00) 157.00 575.00 Malap Pindwara(5) W(39.00) 84.00 39.00 56.00 Kunda! PR Pindwara(5) EAG 60.00 W(34.OO) 109.00 336.00 Varli Pindwara(6) W(62.00) 123.00 1600 39.00 Kalumbri 42 1lJ11 f.t'aftJlilil t'W«f R' ; 3 ~ ~tJ:q~~

1n'If ~ ~ ;;j'lttfa.mt ("Ilk P 1IIlT 1i ~ ':Itt t iIt ( -) ~ m ;f. ~ 1IIlT itf-lrn':lt;;:u1I'{ ~~t ~ ¢*~ 11'{ rn l!lliI'I: ~ -5 ~o mo, 5-10 f1j;o mo ~ 10+ ~o mo

19/3126 ~ 916.98 2697(522) M(l),H(l)AC(l) PHS(l) W,HP PO -(-5) 19/3127 mCR 580.99 1134(197) P(l),AC(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 1913128 '1iR

19/3/37 ~~ 215.00 466(91) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) as 19/3138 ~ ~ ~.s7100 ,2873(543) P(1),AC(3) -(-5) W,TK,R PO BS . ~

19/3139 awro~ 557.00 1360(241) P(1),O(2) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 1913/40 ~~ 391.00 279(49) P(1).AQ1)O(l) -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(-5) 1913/41 ~ 524.00 501(99) P(l),AC(l) -(-5) W,TK,HP -(-5) -(-5) 19/3142 ~ 835.00 1531(292) P(l),M(l)O(l) PHS(l) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 19/3143 ~ 296.00 10(02) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) 19/3144 ~ 714.00 2292(452) P(l),M(l) H(l ).PHS(l) W,HP PO BS H(1)AC(2).0(3) 19/3145 m«i~~ 735.84 759(147) P(l),AC(l) -(-5) W,TK.HP,R,N -(-5) BS 19/3146 ~ 1495.00 4458(798) P(l),M(l). D(l),PHS(l) T,W,HP PO,PHONE -(5-10) H(l),AC(l) 19/3147 ~ 529.00 817(159) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) BS 43 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAVATSAMITI: 3 PINDWARA

'lfir~ Land u~ (~'Wr


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PR Pinclwara( 4) ED,EAG 94.98 W(232.96) 318.00 138.05 132.99 Janapur PR Pinclwara(4) ED,EAG W(99.98) 315.97 91.02 74.02 Jhankar PR,KR Pinclwara( 15) EA 1187.00 W(126.00) 1127.00 307.00 400.00 Nandiya

KR Pinclwara(14) EAG W(07.00) 52.00 23.00 4.00 Jlapura

Pinclwara( 16) ED.E~G W(18.00) 185.00 238.00 638.00 Digar PR Pindwara(19) EO 1022.00 W(16.00) 318.00 180.00 61.00 Lotana KR Pinclwara(49) ED 1850.00 W(10.oo) 121.00 30.00 59.00 Kalabor PR,KR Pindwara(40) EA 24700 W(66.00) 326.00 148.00 285.00 Ker KR Pinclwara(40) 138.05 W(41.40) 177 55 69.15 392.85 Churli Khera PR Pindwara(38) EA W(59.oo) 203.00 122.05 191.95 Isra KR Pindwara(39) W(29.05) 46.00 20.95 59.05 Ubera

PR Pmdwara(S7) W(4.95) 115.80 30.25 64.00 Khokhri Kho!1ra PR Pinclwara(35) EA 1107.00 TK(191.oo) 629.00 51.00 351.00 Mandawara Khalsa W(42.00) KR Pinclwara(20) EO 60.00 W(07.oo) 396.00 25.00 69.00 Apri Ki1era KR Pindwara(25) 315.00 W(OS.OO) 60.00 04.00 0900 Varkl Khera KR Pindwara(18) ED,EAG W(29.00) 259.00 141.00 95.00 Phulera PR,KR Pindwara(14) EA W(05.00) 440.00 299.00 91.00 Shlvgarn -(-5) Pindwara( 14) w(29.00) 191.00 39.00 37.00 Dhandhpura PR,KR Pinclwara(10) EA w(159.00) 285.00 166.00 104.00 Kojra

PR,KR Plndwara(10) EA W(63.13) 407.78 97.96 169.97 Sawarli @ Chawarli PR Pinclwara(7) EA T\«eo.OO)O(4.00) 51700 356.00 275.00 Ajari W(283.OO) PR Pinclwara(3) ED,EAG TK(20.oo) 148.00 78.00 192.00 Kantal W(91.00) 44 1I1Jr ~flicsi ~rn:3~ ~ttq~~

lnlf ~ ~ ;;j"9MII~, ("Ilfu ~ 1IfIl it ~ ':Itt t -at ( -) ~ m ~ ~ 1IfIl -e- fflRRt ~ 1R ~ ~ t

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1913148 ~ 221.01 276(56) P(1) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) BS 19/3149 fiTlTT 417.00 689(121) P(1) -(5-10) W,HP,R,O -(5-10) -(5-10) 1913150 ~ 356.00 342(57) (P1) -(5-10) HP,N,O -(5-10) (5-10) 19/3151 ~cg;[ 7484.34 410(89) P(1) -(10+) HP -(5-10) -i5-10) 1913152 ~ 78.08 96(14) -(5-10) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) .. 19/3153

19/3158 ~ 4014.00 5141(1226) M(1),PUC(2) -(-5) W,HP,R,N PTO,PHONE BS C(1),TR(1),AC(2)

19/3159 ~\T 670.00 1166(229) P(1) -(-5) W,TK,HP,N -(-5) -(-5) 19/3160 ~ 243.00 1105(204) P(1),M(1), HC(1),PHS(1) W,TK,HP,R -(-6) BS H(1),AC(1) MCW(1)RP(1) 19/3/61

1913168 ~ 484.00 700(137) P(1) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 45 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYATSAMITI: 3 PINOWARA

'lfif~ Land use (~ 1ftr


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PR PinctNara(5) 104.76 W(09.42) 41.53 13.30 52.00 Gadiya KR PlnctNara(6) W(25.00) 49.00 343.00 Ohanga KR Pindwara(9) 71.00 30.00 255.00 Vagdn PinctNara(35) 6463.32 W(2.87) 29.22 28.00 961.03 Pahar Kalan PinctNara(40) W(0.76) 37.37 22.74 17.21 Bhadaven PR Pindwara(3O) 5.36 1.04 1.00 Cheeniyaband PR PinctNara(25) 184.00 W(68.97) 696.68 23.00 993.00 Moras Pindwara(2O) 1.04 W(2O.04) 188.32 7.00 107.60 Matera PR,KR Pindwara(2O) W(39.92) 278.94 20.00 623.14 Gharat PR Pindwara(15) 12.55 32.95 3.40 58.10 Nawawas KR Pindwara(8) EA 2096.00 W(252.OO) 476.00 388.00 760.00 Basantgarh 0(42.00) KR Pindwara(15) EA 267.97 W(27.35) 178.97 80.99 114.98 Rarnpura PR,KR PinctNara(15) EA W(53.OO) 82.00 24.00 84.00 Ooongri

PR,KR Pindwara(12) W(12 .. 14} 45.32 08.09 81.69 Banas

PR,KR Pindwara(11 ) W(17.OO) 42.00 15.00 . 27.00 Ghodiyawa > PR,KR Pindwara(12) EA W(2O,00) 108.00 37,00 22.00 Reechhri PR,KR Pindwara(15) EA W(78.00) 216.00 219.00 114.00 Peshua

PR,KR Pindwara(15) EA 62.00 W(67.00) 333.00 84.00 245.00 Kodarla PR,KR Pindwara(22) EO,EAG 96.00 W(357.00) 683.00 360.00 915.00 Ohanari PR Pindwara(3O) EA 154.00 TK(98.oo) 632.00 267.00 331.00 Nitora W(165.00) Pindwara(33) ED,EAG TK(16,00) 256.00 152.00 Nanarwada W(60.oo) 46 vn:r r.rer~ICIII 'l'Wf

VI'If it ~ ",4gfllUl

19/3/69 (imiFql'$' 726.00 1659(339) P(1)AC(2) PHS(l) W,HP,R.C,N -(-5) BS

19/3(70 ~ 670.00 2004(428) P(l)M(l) PHS(l) W,HP,R, PO,PHONE BS H(l)AC(l) C 19/3(71 ~-cm-~ 850.00 1293(226) P(1)AC(2) -(10+) W,HP,R, -{-5) BS C,N 19/3(72 ~ 432.00 505(94) P(l) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(-5) 19/3.173 ~q{if 646.79 1453(253) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5)

19/3.174 _1'0 8934.35 120(22) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) 19/3(75 ~ 91.00 355(71) P(l) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5)

19/3(76 1f1T1l~ 604.00 1749(306) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5)

1913.177 3Pf1PT 231.00 893(176) M(l) H(l)D(l) PHS(l) W,HP PO BS

19/3.178 ~ 362.00 702(43) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) BS


'lfir~ Land use (m ~ eli '1'f

1IJlf iFli f.r~~ ~cfit q.r mrrmT 3mif..n; ~~ ~cf;~ 1IJlf 'fiI" -:m1 ~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

KR Pinclwara(26) EA TK(201.oo) 220.00 12.00 278.00 Khakharwara W(17.oo) PR,KR AbuRoad(22) EA TK(171.00) 284.00 85.00 109.00 Kachholi W(21.oo) KR AbuRoad(22) EA 81.00 TK(354.00) 272.00 06.00 135.00 Phoolabai-Ka-Khera W(02.oo) KR AbuRoad(15) ED,EAG W(41.oo) 201.00 81.00 109.00 Sangwara KR AbuRoad(23) TK(21894) 242.08 1295 125.05 Panchdewal W(47.75) AbuRoad(21 ) 8904.25 W(07.00) 14.10 9.00 Block No.2 AbuRoad(22) EA TK(31.oo) 18.00 01.00 27.00 Kolra W(14 00) KR AbuRoad(22) EA TK(227oo) 11000 11.00 190.00 Nagpura W(6600) PR AbuRoad(20) EA TK(57 00) 9900 27.00 32.00 Achpura W(16 00) PR AbuRoad(18) EA TK(45.00) 128.00 53.00 107.00 Kaseendra W(29oo) PR,KR Abu Road(15) EA 3300 W(17.oo) 288.00 2.00 5.00 Bara PR,KR AbuRoad(15) EA 219.00 TK(36.oo) 1033.00 235.00 830.00 Bharaja w(08.oo) PR AbuRoad(25) ED,EAG 213.00 W(23.00) 217.00 56.00 130.00 Taroongi PR,KR AbuRoad(15) ED,EAG W(18.00) 599.00 161.00 530.00 Bhlmana PR AbuRoad(25) EA 222.00 TK(ll.oo) 708.00 411.00 533.00 Vatera W(l63 00) KR AbuRoad(20) ED,EA W(11.OO) 186.00 89.00 301.00 Udbarlya Rindwara(25) ED,EAG TK(33.oo) 26.00 23.00 7510 Patumbri W(15.oo) 48 1mr~tait ~R:3~ ~~~~

1JT1f it R=I1If ;jj'lgf_4: (~ ~ lIfJJ it ~ :m ~ m( -) ~ m ct>~ lIfJJ 'itf>FRt ¢"R ~~ t ~ ~wmr "R ~'lI"I'ill ~ -5 f

~ lIfJJ 'fir ":l1ll lIfJJCfiT~ ~~ ~ ~ 1f.t'fir m'!!!l ~tmc m~ ~-:io ~ 1!.'t~ ~

1913186 -~ 4085.00 5972(1214) P(1)M(1)H(2) H(1), T,W,TK, PTO,PHONE as AC(2) PHS(1) HP,R

19/3/87 ~.,-qr9T 561.93 1163(227) P(1)AC(1) -(-5) W,TK,HP,C,N -(-5) as

19/3188 ~9T~ • 282.99 950(160) M(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5)

1913189 1-'tIT{( 79.76 206(39) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) 19/3191 ~ 8306.00 4063(774) P(3) PHS(l) W,HP,R PO,PHONE -(5-10) 19/3192 Wr'rft 2167.00 526(91) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) 19/3193 ~1'lT 348.00 256(54) P(l) -(5-10) TW,HP,W -(5-10) -(5-10)

19/3194 "l:ITqffi ~cf) 36.00 12(05) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-S) -(-S) 19/3195 ~.~ 577.06 127(23) -(S-10) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+)

19/3196 ~a llfG{ 403.98 797(138) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) 19/3197 1Tqr-qru (m-cffil) 511.00 749(127) P(l) -(-S) HP.N -(-5) -(-5)

19/3/98 ~ffi 4581.87 3944(679) P(1)M(1)AC(1) H(1)PHS(1) W,HP,N -(5-10) BS 19/3199 ~~-sT (u-r4tuT) 4882.00 938(181) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5)

113,826.83 128032 P(82) •..,(24). H(8),D(5), (24901) H(18),PUC(2), HC(4),PHS(19). C(l),TR(l). MCW(8),CWC(2). AC(39),O(24) FPC(l ),RP(3), CHW(l) 49 vtLLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYATSAMITI: 3 PINDWARA

"1fit~ Land use (~~;l;~- ~

lIJlJ ifCIi ~~ ~cR 1f:f m-mr ~ ~~ ~~fm!: lIJlJ CR ":lIlf WftCR ~~"¢ 3lT'f\to it) "I)lf) i\I!lr~~ m Approach Nearest Town and Power Forest Irrigated Un Irri· Culturable Area not Name of Village to village distanoe (in Kms.) supply by source gated waste (includ- available (including ing gauchar for cultivation fallow and groves) land)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PR.KR .. Pindwara(26) EA 1060.00 C(228.87) 92509 301.38 1100.00 Rnhira W(469.75) PR.KR Pindwara(32) EA C(106.84) 134.76 128.08 180.63 Sanwara W(11.62) KR AbuRoad(3O) EA TK(6.60) 160.75 76.73 37.08 Mandwara Oeo W(1.83) PR,KR Pindwara(28) EA C(70.00) 357.00 271.00 316.00 Wasa W(210.OO) AbuRoad(33) W(O.36) 38.57 0.20 40.63 Kedar·ka·Padar PR,KR Pindwara(38) 5266.00 W(29.OO) 1053.00 225.00 1733.00 Waloriya AbuHoad(37) 2018.00 W(10.OO) 42.00 97.00 Semli KR Pindwara(39) 221.00 W(9.OO) 51.00 67.00 Sadaphali KR Pindwara(34) W(7.OO) 08.00 21.00 Nayawas (Oso) Pindwara(39) 570.n 0.92 5.37 BorUmri AbuRoad(34) W(2.27) 153.74 2.90 245.07 Peetari Padar KR Pindwara(30) 355.00 W(12.oo) 92.00 52.00 Nawawas(Khaisa) PR,KR Pindwara(35) 14.54.19 W(80.25) 546.83 0.75 2489.85 Bhoola Pindwara(4) TK(187.00) 798.00 518.00 3054.00 Pinciwara (Rural) W(325.oo)

40475.78 C{40571) 27172.97 9845.98 28625.38 TOTAL TK(2217.54) W(5037.47) 0(46.00)


53 qij'etiq'j~'( ri c6t ~ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES iliff_$w«rm: 4~-m PANCHAYATSAMITI: 4 ABU ROAD "lJiqq;r':Jl'lT 1991~ 1981~ SI No. Name of village 1991 Census 1981 Census

~m:to ~~:to Location Code No. Location Code No.

~ ~ ~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

~ : a111J: ifg (~ TEHSll : ABU ROAD (FULL)

1. ~ Achalgarh 21/19/415 21/19/0040/0005 18/18/4/5 181181004010005 2. ~ Akhi 21/19/412 21/19/0040/0002 181181412 181181004010002

3. 3lTlIiU ~ Akra Bhatta 21/19/4/42 21/1910040/0042 18/1814/32 1811810040/0032 4. ~ Amba 2111914/62 21/19/0040/0062 1811814/64 1811810040/0064 5. ~ Ambaweri 21/19/4123 21/19/004010023 1811814123 181181004010023

6. ~ Amthala 21/1914111 21/191004010011 1811814/11 181181004010011 7. ~ Andaliya 21/19/4/34 21/191004010034 1811814155 18118/004010055

8. ~ Arna 21/19/419 21/19/004010009 18/181419 18/18/004010009

9. ~ Awal 21/19/4/35 21/19/0040/0035 1811814/54 18/1810040/0054 10. ~ Bageri 21/1914122 21/19/0040/0022 1811814122 18118/004010022 11. ~ ~adurpura 21/19/4127 21/19/0040/0027 18/18/4127 18i18/OO4010027 12. ~~ Bhaisa Singh 21/19/4/66 21/191004010060 1811814/65 18/1810040/0065 13. ~ Bhamriya 21119/4174 21/191004010074 18118/4174 18/1810040/0074 14. ~-;fo 1 Block NO.1 21/19/4/10 21/19/0040/0010 1811814/10 18/18/0040/0010 15. ~-:fo3 BiockNo.3 21/19141i' 2111910040/0007 181181417 18118/0040/0007 16. W~ Bori Booj 21/19/4/51 21/19/0040/0051 1811814/39 1811810040/0039 17


~~-:j"o ~m-:j"o Location Code No. Location Code No.

~ ~ ~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

33. ~ Jamboori 21/19/4176 21/19/0040/0076 18/18/4176 18/181004010076 34. ~ Jawai 21/191414 21/191004010004 18/18/414 18/18/0040/0004

35. ~ Jaydara 21/19/4154 21/19/004010054 18/18/4/42 1811810040/0042 36. C!iRtm Karoli 21/19/4116 21/1910040/0016 18/18/4116 181181004010016 37. lm(T Khadat 21/1914/58 21/19/004010058 18/18/4/47 18/18/004010047 38. 1SlU Khara 21/19/4/65 21/19/0040/0065 18/1814/62 18/18/004010062 39. fiI;

SO. ~ Mudarla 2111914/13 21/191004010013 18/18i4/13 18/1810040/0013 51. ~~ Muliya Mahadeo 21119/4128 21/19/004010028 1811814/58 18/1810040/0058 52. ~ Mungthala 21/19/4121 21/19/0040/0021 18/18/4/21 18/18/0040/0021 53. f.i"«<;rr~ Nichla Garh 21/19/4156 21/19/0040/0056 18/18/4144 18/18/0040/0044 54. ~~ Nichla Khejra 21/19/4153 21/19/0040/0053 1811814/41 18118/004010041 55. ~;ltt Nichli Bor 21/19/4170 21/19/004010070 18/1814r10 18/18/0040/0070 56. • Ode 21/19/4/45 21/19/004010045 18/18/4/45 18/18/0040/0045 57. ~ Oriya 21/191416 21/19/0040/0006 1811814/6 18/181004010006 58. 11m Paba 21/1914152 21/19/004010052 18/18/4140 18/18/004010040 59. ~ Pandoori 21/19/4/15 21/19/0040/0015 18/18/4/15 18/18/004010015 60. ~ Rada 2111914178 21/191004010078 16/18/4178 18/181004010078 61. "{lJ1tu Ranora 21119/4/73 21/1910040/0073 18/18/4173 18/18/004010073 62. 't>cIr q;ffi RedwaKaian 21/19/4138 21/19/0040/0038 18/18/4152 18/1810040/0052 63. 'tS

Tfflrfrr m: 4 ~ -m PANCHAYAT SAMITI: 4 ABU ROAD

'ifillm l1i

~':i)s -:to ~"lE-;to Location Code No. Location Code No.

~ ~ ~ ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

65. ~ Salgaon 21/19/4/8 21/19/0040/0008 18/18/418 18/18/004010008 66 ~ Sangna 21/19/4/57 21/19/004010057 18/18/4/46 18/18/004010046 67. ~ ("rioT) Santpur (Rural) 21/19/4/60 21/19/004010060 1811814/50 18/1810040/0050 68. ~ Sllergaon 21/19/4/1 21/19/0040/0001 18/18/4/1 18/18/0040/0001 69. fW1Tqr Siyawa 21/19/4/67 21/19/0040/0067 1811814/67 18/1810040/0067

70. ~ Soorpagla 21/19/4/68 21/1910040/0068 1811814/68 18/1810040/0068 71. m Talati 21/19/4/81 21/19/0040/0081 18/18/4181 18/18/004010081 72. ~q;r.":fI'1fiT Talwaron-ka-Naka 21/19/4120 21/19/0040/0020 18/18/4/20 18/18/004010020 73 '2ifiI;

77 ~ Uplagarh 21/19/4/69 21/19/004010069 18/18/4/69 18/18/0040/0069 78. ~~ Upla Khejra 21/19/4172 21/1910040/0072 18/18/4172 18/18/0040/0072 79. ~~ Upli Bor 21/19/4f17 21/19/0040/00n 18/18/4177 18/18/0040/0077 SO. 31i0T Utraj 21/19/4/3 21/19/004010003 18/18/4/3 18/18/004010003

81. crrnw Wasra 2'~/19/4/64 21/19/0040/0064 18/18/4/61 18/18/0040/0061 56 1fIll' f$1Cfil ~m:4~"Us ~ltq~~

lIT1fit~ "'"1~f®Ic!:(~~mqlt~~tm (-) ~m tf; ~ ~ ~ ~ r;tr 'i{ ~mt ~ ~ ~ <;it l~ih~t 'i{ ~ 'lI

~ ~Cl'iI'~ 'lITIPl\T~ ~~ *<1fUrq; ~ 1f.r'ifir M~ ~;mz ~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~: 3U{m(1J.iif) 19/4/1 ~ 4354.00 118(22) P(l) -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) 19/412 ~ 295,00 i1< - 3Jr0flG UN-INHABITED 19/413 ~ 2855.00 251(56) P(1) -(10+) W,TK PO -(10;.) 19/4/4 ~ 213.00 131(30) P(l) -(10+) W,TK,HP,N -(-5) -(-5) 19/415 ~ 142.00 224(51) P(1) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) BS 19/4/6 ~ 820.00 611(139) P(1) -(5-10) T,W,HP PO,PHONE BS 19/417 ~~o. 3 5499.00 '0/, - 31r~ UN-INHABITED 19/4/8 ~ 189.00 168(38) P(l) -(5-10) W,TK,HP -(-5) -(-5) 19/419 3TTm 259.00 140(34) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) 19/4/10 ~~o 1 5560.00 62(9) -(-5) -(10+) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) .19/4111 amBT 645.00 2112(431) M(i),AC(l.) MH(l) T.W,TK.HP.R PO BS


19/4/13 ~~ 440.00 1487(276) P(1).AC(1) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5)

19/4/14 fc!;cr{ffi 1086.00 2522(514) P(l).M(i) PHS(1) T.W.HP PO(1) BS.RS H(I)AC(2) 19/4/15 ~ 308.00 509(99) P(1)AC(1) MH(l) T,W,HP,A -(-5) -(-5)

19/4/16 q;ffiffi 344.00 949(216) P(1),AC(1) -(-5) T,W,HP.R,O -(-5) -(-5)

19/4/17 ~ 224.00 402(79) P(I) ~(-5) W.TK,HP,C,N -(-5) BS 19/4/18 3ll"ctt 272.00 587(104) P(1).C(2) -(-5) W,TK,HP.C.N -(-5) -(-5)

19/4/19 1J171'CIiT 473.00 965(171) P(I) ~(-5) W,TK,HP,R,C,N -(-5) -(-5) 19/4/20 ~ -ifiT-1TifiT 444.00 1020(181) P(1) -(-5) W.HP.C.N -(-5) BS 19/4121 ~ 1531.00 4200(751) P(4),M(1) H(1) W.HP PO,PHONE BS H(1)O(3) PHS(1) 57 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIESAND LAND USE PANCHAYATSAMITI :4ABU ROAC

~~ Land use (:wmr ~

llfl1 '!'Ii ~~ ~* 'i'R 'lit (including ing gauchar lor cultrvabon fallow and groves) land)

11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 2 TEHSIL : ABU ROAD (FULL) Mount Abu(24) 4218.00 11.00 12.00 113.00 8hergaon Mount Abu(24) 283.00 1.00 2.00 9.00 Akhi Mount Abu(22) ED,EAG 2744.00 W(2.00) 31.00 20.00 58.00 Utraj PR Mount Abu(12) ED 1SO.00 W(2.00) 11.,00 12.00 38.00 Jawai PR Mount Abu(10) EA 96.00 W(3.00) 6.00 1.00 36.00 Achalgarh PR Mount Abu(8) EA 549.00 w(22.00) 36.00 81.00 132.00 Oriya Mount Abu(4) 5049.00 W(1.00) 4.00 339.00 106.00 Block No. 3 KR '. Mount Abu(S) ED 51.00 w(5.00) 40.00 42.00 51.00 8algaon PR Mount Abu(7) ED 1SO.00 W(2.00) 3.00 11.00 93.00 Arna Abu Road(20) 4818.00 23.00 719.00 Block No.1 PR Abu Aoad(14) ED, 10.00 C(227.00) TW(1.00) 197.00 31.00 156.00 Amthala EAG W(8.00)O( 15.00) Abu Road(17) ED, 6.00 C(12.00)O(3.00) 43.00 7.00 57.00 Kyara EAG TW(2.00) PR Abu Road(16) ED, 40.00 C(33)TW(61) 188.00 6.00 80.00 Mudrala EAG W(2.00)O(30) KR,PR Abu Road(12) EA 249.00 C(16.45) 329.00 22.55 292.00 Kiwarli TW(177) KR Abu Road(13) ED, C(1.00)W(35) 147.00 6.00 110.00 Pandoon EAG TW(9.00) PR Abu Road(14) ED,EAG C(44.00)W(15) 201.00 34.00 SO.OO Karoli PR Abu Road(7) EA W(52.00) 84.00 88.00 Danvav KR,PR Abu Road(4) ED,EAG W(92.00) 97.00 45.00 38.00 Umarni KR,PR Abu Road(5) ED,EAG W(112.00) 253.00 34.00 74.00 Ganka KR,PR AIXl Road(S) ED,EAG 17.00 W(119.00) 233.00 21.00 54.00 Talwaron-ka-Naka 526.00 235.00 Mungthala PR Abu Road(10), EA 26.00 W(377.00) 367.00 58 l.l1tr ~fiIlC61 ~ wmr : 4 31l

1I'J1f it ~ 'lIOf9f

~ JlT11

19/4/22 orTrU 441.00 954(166) P(l)AC(l) -(-5) HP -(-5) BS 19/4/23 ~ 118.00 218(42) P(1) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) BS 19/4124 ~ 1120.00 2063(370) pel) -(10+) T,W,HP PO BS 19/4/25 ~ 212.47 308(66) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) 19/4126 ~ 363.20 696(122) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(10+) -(-5) 19/4127 ~~ 698.00 864(143) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) BS 19/4/28 ~~ 142.00 'Ttl:-~ UN·INHABITED 19/4129 ~~ 848.00 107(19) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) 19/4/30 ~ 209.00 240(38) P(1)O(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) 19/4/31 .m~ 752.00 1072(189) P(2)AC(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) BS 19/4/32 men: 961.00 2714(449) P(2)M(1) H(l)PHS(l) T,W,HP PO,PHONE BS H(1)AC(1)

19/4/33 ~ 1117.00 2572(460) P(l )M(1)O(2) -(-5) HP PO, -(10+) PHONE 19/4/34 ~ 260.00 507(84) P(l) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) 19/4/35 31l"'ffi 790.00 1941(335) P(1 )M(1) NH(1) 0 PO -(-5) H(l)AC(l) 19/4/36 WIT~ 347.00 63(12) -(-5) -(10+) HP -(10+) -(-5) 19/4/37 ~ 107.00 380(68) P(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) 19/4/38 WIT ~ 648.00 1355(231) P(1)AC(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(5-10) 19/4/39 ~ 133.00 267(49) pel) -(5-10) HP -(-10) -(-10) 19/4/40 ~ 679.00 673(129) P(l) -(5-10) HP,R -(5-10) -(10)

19/4/41 ~ (wftur) 430.00 1291(240) P(l) -(-5) W,HP,R,N -(-5) BS 19/4/42 3Wf.\T ~ 123.00 1622(348) P(l)M(l) -(-5) W,HP,R,C PTO, BS PHONE 19/4/43 ~ (JWftur) 255]2 1011(184) P(1)M(1)H(1) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) 59 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYATSAMITI : 4 ABU ROAD

'lfir~ Land use (aw.;~;f;l)'4'!i- ~'11iT;f; 3R%;~ - ~tr~;f; ~~ami't~ (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

JlllI" (fq; ~~ ~ Cli q:r m

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PR Abu Road(13) ED 21.00 C(8oo)W(59.oo) 192.00 47.00 114.00 Bageri KR,PR Abu Road(15) ED,EAG 33.00 TK(1.00)W(16.00) 55.00 13.00 Ambaweri KR,PR Abu Road( 15) ED,EAG 487.00 TK(172)W(34) 258.00 169.00 Chandela KR Abu Road(20) 101.00 85.00 26.47 Sakoda KR Abu Road(20) 157.00 W(25.OO) 128.20 53.00 Fatehpura KR,PR Abu Road(20) EA 443.00 W(31.00) 148.00 76.00 Bahadutpura Abu Road(30) 142.00 Mulia Mahadeo Abu Road(26) 840.00 W(l.oo) 5.00 2.00 Forest Chotila KR Abu Road(25) 58.00 W(19.oo) 64.00 4.00 64.00 Chotila PR Abu Road(20) ED,EAG 82.00 C(93.oo)W(85.oo) 213.00 160.00 119.00 Mahi Khera Pi-! Abu Road(18) ED,EAG 89.00 W(l82.oo) 465.00 76.00 149.00 Girwar

KR,PR Abu Road(23) EA TK(141.oo) 608.00 3.00 228.00 Chanar W(137.oo) KR,PR Abu Road(18) 55.00 W(28.58) 135.42 41.00 Andaliya KR Abu Road(16) ED,EAG 30.00 W(211.oo) 441.00 3.00 105.00 Awal

KR Abu Road(12) 232.00 W(39.OO) 39.00 37.00 RedwaKhurd KR Abu Road( 11 ) ED,EAG W(58.00) 34.00 15.00 Meergarh KR Abu Road(6) ED,EAG SO.OO W(53.OO) 360.00 85.00 100.00 RedwaKaian PR Abu Road(5) EAG W(16.oo) 67.00 29.00 21.00 Dunakakar KR Abu Road(5) C(l03.oo) 395.00 53.00 112.00 Kyariya W(16.oo) PR Abu Road(4) ED,EAG 04.00 W(49.oo) 155.00 49.00 173.00 Manpur(Rural) KR,PR Abu Road(4) ED,EAG W{26.oo) 37.00 7.00 53.00 Akra Bhatta

PR Abu Road(2l EA 17.96 W{65 05) 94.32 4.62 73.77 Tartoli (Rural) 60 1I1lf R{f1(>ICflI ~m :43l11its ~.mt ltq ~ :wirr

llI1I' it ~ '31'1yf®lQ: ('1l'ft ~lT l!I'IT it ~ -:m ~ m( -) '%w m ;f; ~ llm ~ f%rn:ft ¢ tR" ~ ~l ~ 1!I'i? ¢ mt mtR" ~ W{ ~ -5 fc!;o ~o, 5-10 fc!;o ~o ll'?'f 10+ fc!;o ~o cti ~ ~ it <:t lit t) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash ( - ) has been shown in the column and next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the nearest place where the facility is available has been given.)

~ l!I'IT Cfif 1Jll Jl!l1'Cjif~ ~~ ~ fWif;;m ~Cfif m'fiT!,'t ~1l?T2' ~ Ul"

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


19/4/63 ~ 1126.00 1784(349} H(1) PHS(1) T,W,HP PO,PHONE BS,RS

19/4/64 ~ 658.00 1869(359) P(1) PHS(1) W,HP,O -(-5) BS 19/4/65 mu 983.00 661(109) P(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) 19/4/66 ~ 1367.00 958(155) P(1) 0(1) HP.O -(-5) -(-5) 19/4/67 fWnqr 1828.00 2565(473) P(2),M(1), PHS(1) W,R,N PO BS 61 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYATSAMITI :4ASU ROAD

I@T~ Land use (~1;lffr

llfl1" '!lfi ~~ ~* q.:r W

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

KR Abu Road(3) ED,EAG W(16.00) 69.00 38,00 160.00 Morthala KR,PR Abu Road(5) ED,EAG 24.00 W(108.00) 261.00 113.00 114.00 Od PR Abu Road(10) ED,EAG 122.00 W(89.00) 59.00 56.00 32.00 Derna PR Abu Road(12) ED,EAG 123,00 W(33.00) 121,00 26,00 39,00 Toonka PR Abu Road(12) ED,EAG 622.00 W(101.00) 454.00 130.00 164.00 Deldar

KR Abu Road(26) 2950.00 W(4.00) 165.00 2000 169.00 Tankiya KR Abu Road(48) 1725,54 W(1.04) 214.85 26201 Dotra

KR,PR Abu Road(49) 890.00 W(3.50) 163.99 207.00 Sori BooJ KR Abu Road(38) 1012.47 W(1.02) 172.26 186.67 Paba KR.PR Abu Road(2g) 1111.14 W(4.49) 116.04 241 147.04 Nichla Khejrl: KR Abu Road(18) 1180.00 '''1(6.00) 75.00 6.00 30.00 Jaydara PR Abu Road(17) 668.00 W(900) 46.00 48,00 Kyan

PR nOU Road(19) ED,EO 1220,00 W(36.00) 218.00 4.00 173.00 Nichlagarh KR Abu Road(4) 441.00 144.00 24.00 160.00 Sangna PR Abu Road(3) EA 112.38 W(144.43) 136,98 91.68 Khadat KR Abu Road(3) ED,EAG 352.00 C(56.00),W(11.00) 152,00 24.00 72.00 Kui PR Abu Road(3) EA 158.00 W(163.00) 416.00 180.00 307.00 Santpur(Rural

PR Abu Road(7) EA 262,00 W(87,00) 273,00 14,00 18500 Chandrawati Abu Road(13) 4.00 W(13,00) 4200 103,00 147.00 Amba PR Abu Road( 11 ) ED,EAG 19.00 W(194.00) 398.00 88.00 427.00 Maval PR Abu Road(13) ED,EAG W(130,00) 256,00 24.00 248.00 Wasda Aba Road(14) 542.00 W(41.00) 161.00 188.00 51.00 Khara Abu Road(15) 840.00 W(30.00) 95.00 9.00 393.00 Bhaisasingh KR,PR AbuRoad(7) ED,EAG 878.00 W(31.00) 467.00 45200 Siyawa 62 1Jllf f~&I

'IlT1f it ~ ;q.j~~I~ ("1Ifu ~ lIrtr it ~1 :lift t m( -) ~ Bl!f.T '*

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

19/4/68 :r,r~lffiT 4917.00 1565(320) M(1),AC(2) H(l),D(l), W,HP PO, BS HC(l),O(l) PHONE

19/4/69 ~ 3601.00 1674(297) P{l) 0(1 ),CHW(l )W,HP -(-5) -(10+) 19/4170 f.tq(;jt

19/4171 ~\iIT 650.71 480(73) P(l),AC(l) -(10+) W,N -(10+) -(10+) 19/4172 ~~ 1341.34 644(98) P(l),AC(l) -(10+) W,H,P,O -(10+) -(10+) 19/4173 t:ITU 837.92 504(88) p(i),AC(l) -(10+) W,HP,N -(10+) -(10+) 19/4174 ~ 944.82 389(69) P(l),AC(l) -(10+) W.HP,N -(10+) -(10+) 19/4175 irm 1615.00 595(77) P(l) H(l) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) 19/4176 ~ 1422.00 932(174) P(1),AC(3) H(ll,D(l), W,HP PO -(5-10) CHW(l) 19/4177 ~.m 554.00 472(76) P(l) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(10+) 19/4178 \1m 597.00 303(43) P(1),AC(l) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) 19/4179 ~ 2706.00 1307(220) P(l),AC(l) -(10+) W,HP PO,PHONE -(5-10) 19/4/80 m-;r 1712.96 904(158) P(1),AC(3) -(-5-10) W.HP -(10) -(5-10) 19/4/81 aBiT 894.00 1164(168) M(1),AC(3) -(-5) W,R,HP -(-5) -(-5)

~ 65811.08 80611 P(76),M(17), H(6),0(7), (14789) H(8),AC(39), HC(2),PHS(6), 0(14)- MH(2),NH(3), CHW(3),O(1) 63 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHA YA T SAMITI . 4 ABU ROAD

'l3ftr~ Land use (3Mf;f ~

Jll1i 'l'li ~~ ~qit 7f.i ~mr 31fiiffi :iftr~ tfirT"0 3T!'ffif fuf.:m (wr'1"?'T ~~(fi ~.r mi (ffl;o mo it) ~) f1\'1T 1'TiB \lfu;r) ~n Approach Nearest Town and Power Forest Irrigated Un Irri- Culturable Area not Name of Village to village distance (in Kms.) supply by source gated waste (inc Iud- available (including ing gauchar for cultivation fallow and groves) land)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

PR AbuRoad(12) ED,EO 4154.00 W(10.OO) 217 00 33.00 503.00 Soorpagla

PR AbuRoad(24) 3239.00 W(30.OO) 194.00 13.00 125.00 Uplagarh KR AbuRoad(21 ) 550.00 W(9.OO) 31.00 30.00 Nichli Bor AbuRoad(38) 514.17 W(4.09) 66.60 1.74 6411 Buja KR,PR AbuRoad(31) 1206.04 W(2.21) 78.09 55.00 Upla Khejra KR AbuRoad(35) 746.13 49.12 42.67 Ranora KR AbuRoad(36) 85209 W(309) 50.50 8.17 30.97 Bhamnya AbuRoad(30) 1498.00 89.00 28.00 80sa KR,PR AbuRoad(35) 1110.00 W(8.OO) 23800 66.00 Jamboori

AbuRoad(26) ED 362.00 W(8.00) 94.00 90.00 Upli Bor AbuRoad(35) 535.00 38.00 24.00 Rada KR,PR AbuRoad(22) ED 2364.00 W(2.OO) 175.00 36.00 129.00 Dari KR AbuRoad(38) 1388.00 W(4.OO) 168.00 152.96 Mean KR,PR AbuRoad(30) ED 490.00 W(4.OO) 208.00 192.00 Talati

55562.92 C(593.45) 12656.37 2914.49 10131.35 TOTAL TW(250.00) TK(314.00) W(3340.S0) 0(48.00)

cj:qlt4cl mqfo: ~qG~ PANCHAYAT SAMITI: REODAR 66 qOi~qljtm mtIT aft ~ , '" ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


'IiI1 W§!II 1!T"f'liT "'1m 1 991 "3RTf1lRT 1981 -;jf'I1J1lRT SI.No. Name of village 1991 Census 1981 Census


iq31r1 ~ itj3ffi ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

~:~(~ TEHSIL: REODAR (FULL) 1. 3fIroTT Amrapura 21/19/5/45 21/19/0050/0045 18/1815/43 18/18/0050/0043 2. 3f.I1W Anadra 21/19/5/64 21/19/0050/0064 18/18/5/59 18118/005010059 3. m1TJ Anapura 21/19/5/6 21/19/0050/0006 1811815/5 18118/0050/0005 4. 3flJTCf Asao 21/19/5(72 21/19/0050/0072 1811815/66 181181005010066 5. ?i!mi'IT Asawa 21/19/5/19 21/19/005010019 1811815/18 18118/0050/0018 6. 3lJCI'm Awada 21/19/S176 21/19/005010076 1811815170 1811810050/0070 7. ~ Awaliya 21119/51123 21119/0050/0123 1811815/113 181181005010113 8. ~ Badechi 21/19/5/122 21/19/0050/0122 1811815/112 18118/005010112

9. ~ Bahadurpura 21/19/5/106 21/19/0050/0106 18/18/5196 1811810050/0096 10. 'iii? Bant 21/19/5/84 21/19/0050/0084 18/18/5178 181181005010078 11. ontt~ BariKhera 21/19/5/22 21/19/0050/0022 1811815121 181181005010021 12. 'I1!lllJ Bhamra 21/19/5/38 21/19/0050/0038 18/18/5/37 181181ooSOI0037 13. 'IfCRT Bhatana 21/19/5/120 21/19/00S0/0120 18118151110 181181OOS0/0110 14. ~'G9r Bheelra Khera 21/19/S/92 21/19/0050/0092 18118/5/82 181181005010082 15. ~ Bheroogarh 21/19/5/119 21/19/0050/0119 18/18151109 1811810050/0109 16. m~ BiJwaKhera 21/19/5/99 21/19/0050/0099 18/18/5/89 18/181005010089 17. 'f!iT Booln 21/19/5/117 21/19/0050/0117 18118151107 181181005010107 18. ~iJ9r Burari Khera 21/19/S/23 21/19/005010023 1811815122 18118/005010022

19. ~ Chhapol 21/19/5/62 21/19/0050/0062 18118/5/57 18/18/0050/0057 20. s;rr;fr Oabani 21/19/5/68 21/19/0050/0068 1811815/62 181181005010062

21. ~ Dadarla 21/19/5/32 21/19/005010032 18/18/5131 1811810050/0031 22. ;srq; Oak 21/19/5/66 21/19/0050/0066 18/18/5/60 1811810050/0060 23. SflR"j(;fr Oangrah 21/19/5/12 21/19/0050/00 12 18/18/5/11 18118/0050/0011

24. ~ Oanpura 21/19/5/89 21/19/005010089 25. ~ Oantrai 21/19/5/9 21/19/005010009 18/18/5/8 1811810050/0008 26. ~ Datani 21/19/5/110 21/19/0050/0110 18/18/5/100 18/1810050/0100 27. tmt Oerli 21/19/5/121 21/19/0050/0121 18/18/S/111 18/18/00S0/0111 28. ~ Deroe 21/19/S/S9 21/19/0050/0059 18118/5/S5 18/18/0050/0055 29. muT Dhan 21/19/5/10 21/19/0050/0010 18/18/5/9 18/18/0050/0009

30. mtI'pJ (~) Dhancihpura 21/19/5/63 21/19/0050/0063 18118/5/58 18/181005010058 31. m Dhanera 21/19/5/67 21/19/0050/0067 18118/S/61 18/18/0050/0061

32. ~ Dhanpura 21/19/5179 21/19/005010079 67 qOldiqlj~l( lmit Cb1 ~ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES



1B3R1 ~ 1B:w;r ~ Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

33. <1cffi\ Dhawli 21119151105 21/19/0050/0105 1811815195 181181005010095 34. ~ Dheebri 21/19/5/125 21/19/0050/0125 18118151115 18118/005010115 35. fwRT~ Didmana Khera 21/19/5/98 21/19/ooSOI0098 18118/SI88 181181OOSOIOO88 36. ~ Dolpura 21/19/51103 21 /19/ooS0/01 03 18118/5193 181181005010093 37. ~ Fatepura 21/19/5/91 21/19/005010091 18118/5/81 181181005010081 38. 111(c4i Goreli 21/19/51116 21/191005010116 1811815/106 1811810050/0106

39. ~.; GulabGanj 21/19/5/28 21/19/ooSOI0028 18/1815127 181181005010027

40. ~ Gundwara 21/19/5/80 21/19/005010080 18/18/5/73 1811810050/0073 41. Wlf;rn Hadmatiya 21/19/5114 21/19/005010014 1811815113 181181005010013

42. ~ Hadmatiya 21/19/5/46 21/19/00501~ 1811815144 181181005010044 43. wm Hadmatiya 21/19/5/65 21/19/0050/0065 44. ~~(~) Harni Amarpura (Hami) 21/19/5/7 21/19/0050/0007 18118/516 181181005010006

4S. ~ Hathal 21/19/5/31 21/19/0050/0031 1811815130 1811810050l0030 46 funlo'Fl' Himmatpura 21/19/5/4 21/19/005010004

47. ~ Idarla 21/19/5/11 21/19/005010011 1811815110 181181005010010

48. ~ Jalampura 21/19/5/1 21/19/005010001 18118/511 1811810050l0001 49. ;jj'Jljill Jamtha 21/19/5/96 21/19/005010096 18118/5/86 181181005010086

SO. ~ Jawal 21/19/5197 21/19/0050/0097 1811815187 181181005010087 51. ~ Jeerawal 21/19/5/40 21/19/005010040 18118/5/39 181181005010039 S2. ~ Jetawara 21/19/5/83 21/19/0050/0083 18/18/5/77 18/181005010077 53. ~ Jolpur 21/19/5/34 21/19/00S0/0034 18118/5/33 181181005010033 54. 1~ Juadara 21/19/S/94 21/19/ooSOIOO94 18118/5184 181181005010084 55. ~ Kaleri 21119/5m 21/19/0050/0077 1811815/71 18/18100SOI0071 56.. ~ KarJiya 21119/5/109 21/19/0050/0109 18/18/5/99 18118/00SOIOO99 S7. m 21/19/5/102 21119/0050/0102 18/18/5/92 18118/005010092 58. ~ Kesuwa 21/19/5/3 21119/00S0/0003 18118/513 181181005010003 59. <9J1lT Khan 21/19/5/5S 21/19/0050/0055 18/18/5151 1811810050100S1 60. ~ Kolapura 21/1915144 21/19/0050/0044 18/18/5/42 181181005010042 61. ~ Kotra 21/19/5/86 21/19/0050/0086 18118/5179 181181005010079 62. imr~ KotraKhera 21119/5/95 21/19/0050/0095 1811815/85 1811810050/0085

63. ~ Kusma 21/19/5/52 21/19/0050/0052 18118/5/49 181181005010049 64. ~ Leelora 21/19/5/104 21/19/0050/0104 18118/5/94 18/18i00501oo94 68 ctUldiqlj(Ol1( mm c6t ~ ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

$tr«r W!fu . 5 'mt PANCHAYAT SAMITI: 5 REO DAR iliTTm l1fcPliT :wr 1991 0f1i11lRT 1981 ;;r;rTURT SLNo. NameotviUage 1991 Census 1981 Census

~m-:to ~m-:to Location Code No. Location Code No.

~3ffi ~ 93«1 ctill2JP Manual Computer Manual Computer

2 3 4 5 6

65. ~ loonol 21/19/snO 21/19/005010070 1811815164 181181005010064 66. "t!1lU~ Magriwada 21/19/sn8 21/19/005010078 1811815172 181181005010072 67. ~~ Mahobbatpura 21/19/5/85 21/19/005010085

68. ~ Makawal 21/19/5/115 21/19/005010115 1!il181511 05 181181005010105 69. lR'ITCIT Malawa 21119/5137 21/19/005010037 18118/5/36 181181005010036 70. ~ Maleepura 21/19/5151 21/19/005010051 71. 11T(11liq Malgaon 21/19/5129 21/19/005010029 1811815/28 181181005010028 72. lJlBlJU Malpura 21/19/5153 21/19/005010053 73. ll5R Mandar 21/19/5/90 21/19/005010090 1811815/74 181181005010074 74. llRm Maral 21/19/5/100 21/19/005010100 18118/5190 181181005010090 75. llI2PR Matasan 21/19/5147 21/19/0050/0047 18118/5/45 181181005010045 76. ~ Meetan 21/19/5/74 21119/005010074 18118/5168 181181005010068 n. itmgu Methipura 21119/51126 21/19/005010126 18118151116 18/181005010116 78. lTIw~ Mokhara 21/19/5/48 21/19/0050/0048 18118/5/46 18/1810050/0046 79. lJfWrr~ Maoliya Khera 21/19/51108 21/19/0050/0108 1811815/98 181181005010098 SO. :wrr:ir Naganl 21/19/5/13 21/19/0050/0013 18/1815112 1811810050/0012 81. m Neebaj 21/191515 21/19/005010005 1811815/4 1811810050/0004 82. ~ Nimbora 21/19/5/101 21/19/005010101 18/18/5191 1811810050/0091 83. ~ Nimtalai 21119/5/42 21/19/0050/0042

84. ~ Padar 21/19/5/124 21/19/oo50!0124 18/18151114 1.811810050/0114

85. ~~&r Padroo Khera 21/19/5/21 21/19/005010021 1811815/20 1811810050100'20 86. ~ ii":&r Pad roo Khera 21/19/5/118 21/19/0050/0118 1811815/108 181181oo50iOl08 87. ~~ PalriKhera 21/19/5/107 21/19/0050/0107 1811815;97 1811810050/0097 88. qJim Pamera 21/19/5/15 21/19/005010015 18118/5/14 18118l0050l0014 89. 1[Q?r.fc;r Panch Dewal 21/19/5/8 21/19/005010008 181181517 18118iOO50/0007 90. ~ Peepaliya 21/19/5/113 21/19/0050/0113 18118/5/103 181HlI0050/0i 03 91. ~l Peethapura·1 21/19/5/49 21/19/0050/0049 1811815147 181181005010047 92. ~Ii Peethapura·1I 21/19/5/26 21/19/0050/0026 18118/5/25 181181005010025 93. twrr Perwa 21/19/5/71 21/19/005010071 1811815/65 18/181005010065 94. tffifRm Poseelara 21/19/5/30 21/19/0050/0030 18118/5/29 1811810050/0029 95. Wly Ralpur 21119/5143 21/19/0050/0043 18118/5/41 181181005010041

96. ~ Rajgarh 21/19/5173 21/19/0050/0073 1811615167 18/181005010067 69 qOi~'Hjfll< 1l'Tlit arr ~ ~ I:' ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


Sli1T m9!lT ljjq q;r 1JlT 1991~ 1981 'i-'fl11lRT SI.No. Name of village 1991 Census 1981 Census

~m;ro ~m;jo , Location Code No. Location Code No.

~:m:r' ~ ~ ~ Manu~1 Computer Manual Computer

I 2 3' 4, 5 6 1 •

97. ~ Rampura 21/19/5/36 21/19/005010036 1811815/35 181181005010035 98. W1TJ~ Rampura Khera .2111915/114 21/19/0050/0114 18118151104 181181005010104 I 99 . ~~ Rampura Pilosi 21/19/5/93 21/19/0050/0093 1811815183 1811810050/0083 • 100. '{RI91 Ranari 21/19/5/57 21/19/0050/0057 101. ~ Reodar 21/19/5/60 21/19/0050/0060 1811815/53 18118l0050I0053 102. trs3IT Rohua 21/19/5141 21/19/0050/0041 1811815140 181181005010040 103. ~ Salotra 21/19/5/112 21/19/005010112 18118151102 181181005010102 104. ~ Sanwara 21/19/5/18 21/19/005010018 1811815117 181181005010017 105. murlflT~ Saran-ka-Khera 21/19/5/39 21/19/0050/0039 1811815138 181181005010038 106. ~ Selwad . 21/19/5/33 21/19/005010033 1811815132 181181005010032 107. mcrr Serwa 21/19/5/61 21/19/0050/0061 18118/5/56 181181005010056 108. fu'!lmjt ~ Singarli Khera 21/19/5/25 21/19/005010025 1811815/24 181181005010024 109. fuUt Siroi 21/19/5/27 21/19/005010027 1811815/26 181181005010026 110. mm Sonani 21/19/5/82 21/19/0050/0082 1811815/75 181181005010075 111. ~ Sonela 21/19/5/81 21/19/005010081 112. mm Sorda 21/19/5/88 21/1,9/005010088 18118/5/76 1&'181005010076 113. ~ Sui iva 21/19/5/50 21/19/0050/0050 18118/5148 181181005010048 114. ~ Thai 21/19/5/69 21/19/0050/0069 1811815/63 181181005010063 115. ~~ Titmiya Khera 21/19/5/17 21/19/0050/0017 18118/5/16 18/181005010016 116. imT Tokra 21/19/5/24 21/19/005010024 18118/5/23 181181005010023 117. ~ Udwaria 21/19/5/20 21/19/005010020 18118/5/19 181181005010019 118. ~ Vahan 21/19/5/16 21/19/005010016 18118/5115 181181005010015 119. cm!r Vanti 21/19/5/75 21/19/005010075 18118/5169 181181005010069 120. Cf1:llT1lT Varman 21/19/5/54 21/19/005010054 18118/5150 181181005010050 121. ~ Vidmiya 21/19/5/111 21/19/0050/0111 18118151101 181181005010101 122. ~ Vikanwas 21/19/5/58 21/19/005010058 18118/5/54 181181005010054 123. CfIS"

124. ~ Wadwaj 21/19/5/2 21/19/0050/0002 18118/5/2 181181005010002

125. ~ Wasda 21/19/5/87 21/19/0050/0087 18118/5180 181181005010080 126.

NOTE: In the column Nos. 5 & 6 ot'location code of villages in 1981 Census, dash (-) has been indicated againstthose villages which were newly created during the 1991 Census. 70 lI1ll' ~IQiI tMrmT m'iifu : 5 ~ ~l(ctWir~

'UT'If it ~ "I4gfq,mt (~ ~ 1I!li it ~ mt m( -) ~ m

~ 1I!liClif1rl1 1I!liClif~ ~~ ~ ~ ~CIif STCIi~ ~roz WlR~

19/5/16 ~ 288.17 294(57) P(l) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/17 ~ ~ 151.00 ~ - 3lRR U N - IN HABITED 19/5118 ~ 1123.50 1767(372) P(l)M(l) PHC(l) W,HP,N PO -(10+) BS 9/5/19 mnqr 1989.00 1029(188) M(l) -(-5) W,TK,HP,C,N -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5120 ~ 301.00 1124(190) P(l) PH$,(l ) W,HP,C PO -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5121 ~ ~ 491 14 68(12) -(-5) -(-5) W,TK,HP,C,N -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5122 ~ ~ 739.00 49(11) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5123 ~ ~ 728.25 400(69) P(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 71 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 5 REODAR

'3Jir~ Land use '(~ 'lfil ~ ~ -~ qiff ~ ~ ~ - ~ il ~ ~ it ~ afci;t it ~) (Le. area under different types 01 land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

lIl'If (ICI; f.jq;z(!l1' ~ ~* cr:T ~mr alftim C§N~ C§N~~ lIl'If'tfi1' ';j!l'f ~tfi1' ~~~ fuffrn (ll1T~ ~ 'lfil (fi ~ 'I1'f1f (fti;o l\to ill • 'Wr) (f<1T '31m' ~ m Approach Nearest Town and Power Forest Irrigated Un Irri- Culturable Area not Name 01 Village to village distance (in Kms.) supply by source gated waste (includ- available (including ing gauchar for cultivation fallow and groves) land)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

TEHSIL : REODAR (FULL) Abu Road(75) EA 295.55 W(89.68) 606.97 232.64 536.05 Jalampura KR Abu Road(78) EA 1921.93 W(101.44) 741.91 303.78 409.82 WadtYaj KR Abu Road(65) EA 236.74 W(33.99) 80.93 36.04 111.29 Kesuwa Abu Road(63) EA 252.12 W(35.61) 140.83 184.94 25.90 Himmatpura PR,KR Abu Road(61) EA 1037.32 W(139.52) 468.73 494.09 323.29 Neebaj

PR,KR Abu Road(46) EA W(l09.26) 254.55 63.13 169.56 Anapur PR,KR Abu Road(49) EA 175.55 W(225.10) 1028.24 107.82 678.96 Harni Amarpura(Harni) KR Abu Road(45) EAG 448.10 W(4.23) 156.42 22.43 176.10 Panch Dewal PR,KR Abu Road(47) EA W(52.14) 1267.25 352.29 545.45

PR,KR Abu Road(52) EO,EAG W(127.94) 528.79 33.97 115.95 Dhan KA Abu Road(48) EA W(74.97) 518.79 101.96 288.88 ldarla KR Sirohi(40) EAG W(39.oo) 291.81 131.10 114.02 Dang-ali PA Abu Road(52) ED,EAG W(178.93) 580.01 133.94 344.86 Nagani

Sirohi(35) EA W(41.71) 163.19 299.46 Hadmabya PR 5irOO(32) EA C(274.29) 646.29 137.91 705.46 Pamera W(115.55) Sirohi(3O) ED,EAG W(39.32) 199.80 15.33 33.72 Vahan Sirohi(26) 71.00 W(B.oo) 60.00 2.00 10.00 Titrniya Khera PR Sirohi(26) EA W(l36.30) 521.20 175.00 291.00 Sanwara PR Sirohi(3O) EA 120.00 W(246.OO) 872.00 344.00 407.00 AsaNa KR Sirohi(33) EA 23.00 W(83.OO) 100.00 26.00 69.00 Udwaria 5irohi(34) ED,EAG 213.00 W(53.14) 148.00 n.oo Padrookhera Sirohi(37) 727.00 W(l.oo) 7.00 4:00 Bari Khera Sirohi(36) EA,EAG 524.00 W(54.03) 92.19 58.03 Burari-Khera 72 'VN f4W.lijll $w.rnW: 5 ~ ~ttq~~

llT1f ~ ~ "'4gfit&lIt ("IIR' ~ 1Illi it mar ':Itt t

19/5124 irifi\T 1551.00 925(169) ~(-5) ~(-5) W,TK,HP,C,N ~(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5125 fWrm;ft ~ 591.99 349(57) P(l), -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) AC(l) 19/5126 ~-II 258.14 668(129) P(l)AC(l) -(-5) HP,C -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5127 ~ 931.22 2975(581) P(l ),H(l) H(l),D(l), W,HP,C,N PO -(10+~ as ..... AC(4) HC(l)FPC(l) 19/5128 ]ffiGf~ 1403.29 2314(433) M(l) HC(1) W,TK,HP,O PO,PHONE -(10+) as 19/5129 lffi1"11iq 737.70 1660(336) P( 1)t>I(l)AC( 1) HC(1) W,HP PO,PHONE -(10+) as 19/5130 ~ 1365.00 1682(332) P( l)t>1(l )AC(2) -(-5) W,HP PO,PHONE -(10+) as 19/5131 ~ 1350.40 1015(227) P(l)M(l)O(l) 0(1) W,HP PO,PHONE -(10+) as 19/5132 ~ 505.00 578(109) P(1)AC(1) -(5~10) W,HP,N -(5-10) -(10+) BS 19/5133 ~ 1187.88 1414(262) P(l)O(l) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5134 ~ 884.94 920(160) P(l)AC(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) BS 19/5135 ~ 493.04 946(190) P(l)AC(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 19/5136 m;rU 195.80 388(71) P(1)AC(1) -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 19/5137 lfffiCIT 481.00 660(140) P(1)AC(l)o(l) -(5-10) T,W,HP,R,N,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 19/5138 'Wrn 636.00 534(103) P(l)AC(l) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 19/5139 ~-CfiT-~m 1135.26 482(86) P(l)O(l) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS 19/5140 ~ 3395.00 2034(384) P(l)M(l) PHC(l) W,HP,O PO, -(10+) BS 19/5/41 ~3lT 5157.08 1497(264) P(l) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 19/5142 ~ 931.48 862(159) P(l) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 1915143 ~ 1563.25 762(158) P(1)M(1) -(10+) T,W,O PO, -(10+) BS 19/5144 ~ 457.90 124(21) -(-5) -(10+) HP,R -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5145 ~ 576.81 380(72) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/46 ~ 598.30 464(92) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) BS 19/5147 'IlT2lm' 744,37 1005(181) P(l)M(l) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 19/5/48 lffim 619.99 896(160) P(1)AC(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 73 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 5 REO DAR

~~ Land use (-'!fir~~ - ~ criif~ aRflfom -~it ~ ~ ~~:rirlr~ (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

lI11f (Ill) ~~ ~~ cr:r llmmT ~ ~~ ~~~ llllPliI" 1Jlf ~ctiT ~~~ ~ ~ (~~ ffi '!fir (fi ~ m (f

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

Sirohi(31) ED,EAG 649.00 W(174.OO) 346.00 46.00 336.00 Tokra, KR Sirohi(30) ED,EAG 422.00 W(3.OO) 73.99 66.00 Singarli-Khera

KR Sirohi(30) ED,EAG w(58 16) 66.96 75.02 60.00 Peetha-Pura II PR Sirohi(28) ED,EAG W(203.10) 312.06 267.05 149.01 Sirodi

PR Sirohi(30) EA W(329.08) 839.20 17.45 217.56 GulabGanj PR,KR Sirohi(25) EA W(231.2O) 255.50 158.00 93.00 Malgaon PR Sirohi(33) EA W(196.50) 836.50 131.00 201.00 Poseetara PR Sirohi(32) EA W(l44.oo) 700.25 270.08 236.07 Hathal PR Abu Road(44) ED,EAG W(62.00) 347.00 96.00 Dadarla KR Sirohi(42) EA W(147.09) 604.51 110.11 326.17 Selwada PK,KR Abu Road(43) EA 20.00 W(125.79) 575.11 55.01 109.03 Jolpur Abu Road(39) EA W(64.23) 260.88 45.98 121.95 Wadka PR,KR Abu Road(40) EA W(29.89) 112.94 1.00 57.97 Rampura KR Abu Road( 41) ED,EAG W(67.00) 294.00 41.00 79.00 Malawa KR Abu Road(41) EA W(41.OO) 429.00 9.00 157.00 Sharma KR Abu Road( 41 ) ED,EAG 246.52 W(161.28) 511.26 31.07 185.13 Saran-Ka·Khera PR,KR Abu Road(41) EA 2249.00 W(115.OO) 604.00 95.00 332.00 Jeerawal KR Abu Road(48) EA 2580.24 W(161.88) 1294.12 278.04 842.80 Rohua Abu Road(66) EA W(221.46) 537.46 87.52 85.04 Nimtalai KR Abu Road(n) EA W(54 .. 2O) 559.25 856.48 93.32 Raipur Abu Road(70) EAG W(23.05) 265.10 147.65 22.10 Kolapura Abu Road(72) EA W(34.97) 318.71 140.89 82.24 Amrapura KR Abu Road(70) EA W(42.10) 294.65 167.65 93.90 Hadmatiya KR Abu Road(67) EA W(123.42) 493.04 83.09 44.82 Matasan KR Abu Road(59) EA W(198.02) 285.50 101.07 35.40 Mokhara 74 1JTIf f.t~fiiICbI ~mrmr:5~ ~Ti,q~~

11T1f it ~ :jj"1~f®i~ (~ P JIllT it ~ mt m( -) "hi" m

~ JIllT'fiI'";fl"I1 JIllT'fiI'~ ~~ mfu ~ lft'fil' sr

19/5/49 ~ I 1439.65 1791(312) P(1)AC(1)0(1) -(5-10) W,O PO. PHONE -(5-10) BS 19/5/50 ~ffiqr 74051 860(169) P(1)AC(1) -(5-10) W,HP,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 19/5/51 ~ 136.96 944(164) P(1)M(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 19/5/52 'fj~ 402.33 163(28) -(-5) -(-5) HP,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 19/5/53 llm1'U 420.42 790(134) P(1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 19/5/54 cwnur 1673.95 2361(447) P(2)AC(1) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS

19/5/55 ~ 453.97 778(162) P(1)AC(1) PHC(1) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS 19/5/56

19/5173 ~ 26513 554(91) P(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) ,5 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 5 REODAR

,m~ Land use (m ~ ef; ~ - ~ CfIif ef; 3MflTo ~ - ~ it ~ ef; iT~aml'r~) (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

1ITIl' O

  • 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

    KR Abu Road(59) EA W(282.10) 859.28 159.42 138.85 Peethapura I KR Abu Road(50) ED,EAG W(76.00) 517.51 54.00 93.00 Suliva KR Abu Road(49) AE W(44.00) 87.98 0.99 3.99 Maleepura Abu Road(49) ED,EAG W(36.33) 233.00 57.00 76.00 Kusma KR Abu Road(39) ED,EAG W(119.94) 220.00 38.50 41.98 Malpura PR Abu Road(42) EA 45.06 W(38692) 690.95 171 .. 06 379.96 Varman PR,KR Abu Road(43) EA W(42.99) 331.00 47.99 31.99 Khan PR,KR Abu Road(37) EA W(267.99) 820.02 185.94 147.08 Wasan PR,KR Abu Road(38) EA W(66.73) 151.44 10.56 30.16 Ranari KR Abu Road(38) EA W(101 16) 182.07 106.04 111.03 Vikanwas PR,KR Abu Road(38) EA W(65.78) 119.26 16.80 93.71 Derol PR,KR Abu Road(35) EA W(11346) 740.95 225.23 194.09 Reodar

    KR Abu Road(36) EAG W(32.87) 347.80 40.59 94.82 Serwa PR Sirohi(43) ED,EAG W(187.19) 164.34 16.17 119.14 Chhapol Sirohi(43) EA W(263 03) 209.07 143.11 111.01 Dhandhpura (Dhanpur) PR,KR Abu Road(41) EA W(299.37) 1389.49 227.87 247.00 Anadra

    KR Abu Road( 44) EA W(112.00) 160.00 16.00 109.00 Hadmatiya KR Abu Road(40) EA W(108.oo) 590.00 104.50 81.00 Oak PR Abu Road(39) ED,EAG W(40.14) 249.01 43.25 66.80 Dhanera PR Sirohi(l) EA W(110.10) 344.14 42.02 104.02 KR Abu Road(39) ED,EAG W(123.00) 473.96 97.84 130.32 Thai PR,KR Abu Road(35) EA W(97.11) 490.64 191.61 119.30 Loonol KR Abu Road(36) EA W(33.08) 198.74 54.28 64.93 Perwa KR Abu Road(33) ED,EAG W(4262) 132.84 17.41 25.08 Asao KR Abu Road(31) ED,EAG W(50.24) 112.06 34.86 67.97 Rajgarh 76 Wf~1

    1l11f it ~ "'''9fCiijIQ; (~ ~ 1ITIl it ~ :m t m( -) ~ m

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    19/5174 m 529.75 951(192) P(1),AC(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5175

    19/5/81 ~ 184.00 576(111) P(1) PHC(1),MCW(1), W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) CWC(1), 19/5/82 m1RT 735.02 835(145) P(1),AC(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5-10) BS 19/5/83 ~ 1274.99 1866(362) P(1),M(1).AC(2) D(1),CHW(1) W,HP PO -(10+) -(5-10) 1915184 ~ 1431.82 2058(323 P(1},M(1},AC(2) -(-5) W,HP PO -(10+) BS 19/5/85 253.00 317(49) P(1).AC(1),0(1) CHW(1) HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) ~~ r 0(1) 19/5/86 CfiTcu 351.00 641(107) P(1) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(-5)

    19/5187 ~ 748.04 972(188) P(1) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/88 mw 1558.00 2975(547) P(1),M(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS 19/5/89 GTWT 267.90 429(83) P(1),O(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5190 ~ 3005.32 8159(1602) P(2),M(2),H(1 ), D(1},PHC(1) T,W,HP PTO,PHONE -(10+) as AC(1),O(7) MCW(1),RP(1),O(1) 19/5/91 ~ 116.04 iR - ~ U N- INHABITED 19/5192 ~~ 190.18 467(86) P(1),AC(1),0(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 19/5193 ~(~) 369.10 460(86) P(1),AC(1),O(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 19/5194 ~~ 244.10 329(58) P(1) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 19/5/95 ~~ 173.71 240(43 -(-5) -(5-10) HP,R -(-510) -(10+) -(5-10) 77 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 5 REODAR

    "lfir~ Land use (~ \jfIi'

    1I!lf (fcli ~

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

    PR,KR Abu Road(38) EA W(110.OO) 263.84 89.03 66.88 Meetan

    Abu Road(39) EA W(2001) 7~.99 40.07 12.00 Vanti KR Abu Road(40) ED,EAG - W(67.35)TK(131.52 239.42 64.45 154.17 Awada PR,KR Abu Road(40) EA W(86.OO) 88.99 34.99 57.00 Kaleri PR Abu Road(45) EA W(214.2O) 1058.26 104.48 262.20 Magariwara KR Abu Road(7) W(92.50) 145.32 1.49 14.73 Dhanpura Abu Road(55) EA C(6.04) 306.20 30.04 188.12 Gundwara W(136.82) PR Abu Road(47) ED,EAG . W(58.OO) 83.00 17.00 26.00 Sonela

    KR Abu Road(55) EA W(212.48) 391.45 95.54 35.55 Sonani PR,KR Abu Road(59) EA W(294.64) 75412 12.09 214.14 Jetawara PR,KR Abu Road(65) EA (292.19) 85832 11.93 269.38 Bant KR Abu Road(62) W(53.OO) 172.00 1.00 27.00 Mahobbatpura

    Abu Road(60) ED,EAG W(71.OO) 213.00 18.00 49.00 Kotra KR Abu Road(58) EA,EAG W(158.62) 475.26 81.90 32.26 Wasada PR Abu Road(54) ED,EAG W(470.OO) 823.00 208.00 57.00 SCirda Abu Road(54) ED,EAG w(118.90) 125.90 7.90 15.20 Danpura PR Abu Road(51) EA C(8.32) 1690.70 451.30 315.00 Mandar WA(540.oo) Abu Road(60) W(1.04) 8000 5.00 30.00 Fatehpura KR Abu Road(55) ED,EAG W(40.18) 88.00 16.00 46.00 Bheelra Khera KR Abu Road(55) ED,EAG W(81.OO) 151.10 47.98 89.02 Rampura Pilosi Abu Road(55) ED,EAG W(43.28) 115.94 11.02 73.96 Juadara Abu Road(50) EAG W(19.94) 115.65 2.62 35.50 Kotra-Khera 78 1fl1r ~ljlijil ffi'fwmr: 5 ~ ~ttq~~

    1IT1f it ~ "'"lgf¥lI~ (~ Wlm 1IIlf it ~ ~ t -at ( -) -rn m *~ 1IIlf ~~~"'R ~~t em ~~*"'R~"!Tim ~ -5 fci;o "4ro, 5-10 fci;o "4ro ~ 10+ fci;o "4ro cR mlIPf ~ it tT 'lit ~) Amenities available (if not 'available within the village, a dash ( - ) has been shown in the column and next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the nearest place where the facility is available has been given.) ~ 1IIlf

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    19/5/96 ~ 588.48 555(100) P(1),AC(1) -(10+) HP,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(510)

    19/5/97 ~ 512.20 687(113) P(1),AC(1),0(1) -(10+) HP,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5/98 ~~ 320.68 itt - ~ UN-INHABITED 19/5/99 ~~ 153.24 itt - 31TOITi:" UN-INHABITED 19/5/100 mm"l: 1032.16 1530(300) P(1 ),M(1 ),AC(2) 0(1 ),HC(1) W,TK,HP,R -(10+) -(10+) BS 19/5/101 ~ 448.08 947(171) P(1),AC(1), -(5-10) W,TK,HP,R, -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/102 m 313.82 534(92) P(1) -(-5+10) HP -(-5) -(10+) as 19/5/103 ~ 637.51 2287(417) M(1),AC(1) 0(1) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS 19/51104 mm-u 301.37 334(62) P(l) -(-5) W,HP PO -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/105 w:rffi 1304.39 1840(342) P(1),M(1)AC(1) -(-5) W,HP PO -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/106 ~ g:cr 96.59 128(19 P(1) -(-5) W,HP,C -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/107 ~~ 233.76 771(138) P(l) -(-5) , W,TK,HP,C,N -(10+) -(10+) as 19/5/108 ~~ 557.79 384(62) P(1) -(-5-10) W,HP,N -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5/109 ~ 446.57 488(81) P(1) -(5-10) HP,N -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5/110 -earn 1068.28 2096(409) P(1),M(1) -(10+) W,TK.HP,N -(10+) -(10+) BS H(1),AC(1) 19/5/111 ~ 189.56 52(10) -(5-10) -(10+) N -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5/112 mm-rn 1005.68 638(103) -(-5) -(10+) W,TK,HP,N -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/113 ~ 247.70 158(27) P(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS 19/&1114 ~~ 400.24 595(106) P(1),AC(l)O(1) -(-5) W,TK,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5/115 'IfcfiTCrn' 815.43 170(327) P(1),M(1)H(1) -(5-10) W,TK,HP,R -(10+) -(10+) BS 19/5/116 ~ 44294 602(99) P(1),0(1) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/117 ~ ~,364.18 408(68) P(1),AC(1) -(-5) W,HP,P -(-5) -(10+) BS

    19/5/118 ~~ 101.92 85(13) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(10+) -(10+) -(-5) 19/5/119 ~~ 596.10 893(140) P(1),AC(1) -( -5) W,HP PO -(10+) -(-5) 0(1) 79 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 5 REODAR

    ~'31liI1T Land use (am ~

    1IIlf (JCIi ~~ ~* q.r maID"U ~ ~~ ~

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

    Abu Road(52) EAG 139.80 W(64.74) 235.37 53.15 95.42 Jamtha Abu Road(50) EAG 6.09 W(152.45) 145.89 29.30 178.47 Jawal Abu Road(51) W(114.23) 138.14 68.31 Didmana-Khera Abu Road(48) 142.40 10.84 BijWa-Khera PR Abu Road(37) EA W(06.14 514.21 226.79 185.02 Marol PR,KR Abu Road(32) EA W(45.88) 299.00 103.20 Nimbora PR Abu Road(52) EA W(29.99) 213.24 33.65 36.94 Karoti PR,KR Abu Road(29) ED,EAG W(106.06) 359.62 99.34 72.49 Dolpura KR Abu Road(37) EAG TW(69.86) 129.96 47.10 54.45 Leelora PR,KR Abu Road(31) ED.EAG TW(220.77) 649.30 254.47 179.85 Dhawli Abu Road(28) EAG W(13.07) 48.15 9.17 26.20 Bahadurpura PR Abu Road(20) EA W(41.30) 14121 14.10 37.15 Palri-Khera KR Abu Road(28) W(16.05) 366.32 25.25 150.17 MooIiya-Khera KR Abu Road(33) W(15.05) 203.20 31.15 197.17 Karjiya PR Abu Road(25) EA W(86.03) 434.10 105.05 443.10 Datani

    KR Abu Road(30) W(2.10) 87.10 19.17 81.19 Vidmiya KR Abu Road(28) EAG W(45.05) 336.38 54.19 570.06 Salotra PR Abu Road(25) 106.10 22.20 119.40 Peepaliya Abu Road(3O) ED.EAG W(7.20) 24495 48.05 100.04 Rampura Khera PR Abu Road(32) EA W(46.26) 597.31 128.04 43.82 Makawal Abu Road(32) ED.EAG W(96.20) 235.04 25.50 86.20 Goreli PR Abu Road(30) EAG TK(94.26) 132.26 39.80 44.98 Bootri W(42.88) Abu Road(33) ED,EAG W(4.82) 68.05 3.97 25.08 Padroo Khera KR Abu Road(35) ED.EAG TK(134.17) 275.87 4135 95.94 Bheroogarh W(48.77) 80 1ll1f~lqjl ~1tq~~

    ln1fit~ "'4tJf$lltt(~~1If'ITit~~t"ilr (-) ~m ~~ 1If'IT tm:ft~1I\ ~ ~t ~ ~~~ 11\ ~ II'IiR ~ -5 fil;o 'ljto, 5-10 fil;o 'ljto ~ 10+ ffl;o 'ljto 'Ii ~ ~ it ~ lit t) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash ( - ) has been shown in the column and next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the nearest place where the facility is available has been given.) ~ 1If'IT

    19/5/120 'IlTZRT 3010.51 3174(616) P(3),M(1) D(l),HC (1) W,HP,O PO,PHONE -(10+) as 0(7) PHC(l) 19/5/121 ~ 201.08 71(13) -(-5) -(5-10) _ HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/51122 ~ 833.08 753(133) P(1) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5/123 ~ 1116.14 511(90) P(l) -(10+) W,HP,N -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

    19/51124 ~ 1924.92 985(155) P(l) -(5-10) W:rK,HP PO -(10+) BS 19/5/125 ~ 1007.88 315(57) p(l) -(5-10) W.N -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 19/5/126 ~ 137698 704(105) P(l) -(10+) W,HP (5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

    1itrr 108679.49 132122 P(112)M(30) H(4),D(12) (24887) H(8),AC(68) HC(6),PHC(11) 0(40) PHS(2),MCW(2) CWC(1),FPC(3) AP(3),CHW(2)0(2) 81 VILLAGE DIRECTORY AMENITIES AND LAND USE PANCHAYAT SAMITI : 5 REODAR

    'lfif~ Land use (~ ~ cf; 1lfcIi - 1lfcIi qijf cf; 3RfIRr ~ - ~ it ~ cf; GT ~ am it 1IftcIftfu) (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

    1JI'If (fc1i ~~ ~* q:r "ljrnmr ~ ~

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

    PR,KR Abu Road(35) EA 342.20 C(9.05) 1658.33 211.00 672.04 Bhatana W(117.89) Abu Roacl(52) 42.82 W(10.84) 109.14 1.25 37.03 Derli KR Abu Road(48) EA 133.08 W(32.88) 294.00 134.08 234.04 Badechi Abu RoacI(45) 822.98 W(17.08) 129.00 56.98 90.10 Awal-rta KR Abu Roacl(40) ED,EAG 785.10 W(36.60) 459.14 411.98 232.10 Padar Abu Road(42) 746.64 W(6.18) 166.78 65.20 23.08 Dheebri Abu Road(54) 1027.08 W(22.98) 183.96 51.92 91.04 Methipura

    16302.92 C(297.70) 47782.02 12057.20 18950.37 TOTAL TK(359.95) TW(396.69) W(12532.64) 82

    1J1lf f.l~ICfiI qfd~11! I ~) ~fcnct-1I3W3Pl~.:mCfiT~ ~mft:rcm:'BR

    EDUCATIONAL ~R;"!q o I 'Pl ~ "!1fufu CfiT "'ITli cn~~ ~"¥f ~ ~r:n" '3;" "Bt '1' mu:rfl:rcfi '¥f $;ZlAIf-~r!,c~ ~ 81 Name of Panchayat Primary School Middle S~hool Matnculation/ Higher Secondary/ No Samiti Secondary School PUC/Intermediate! Junior College

    1JTll ~ 1JTll ~ lJll1 Ww! lJll1 ~ Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    ~ 57 64 17 21 5 5 ~~ 57 64 17 21 5 5 2 fumff 67 71 27 2P 13 13 2 2 fumffmm 67 71 27 29 13 13 2 2 3 ~ 78 82 22 24 17 18 2 2 ~~ 78 82 22 24 17 18 2 2 4 JW.!m 70 76 16 17 8 8 31I


    lJTIl ~ lJTIl ~ lJTIl ~ Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

    26 51 4 5 Sheoganj 26 51 4 5 Sheoganj T ehsil 32 50 5 5 12 Sirohi 32 50 5 5 12 Sirohi Tehsil 29 39 13 25 10 Pindwara 29 39 13 25 10 Pindwara Tehsil 30 39 6 14 3 Abu Road 30 39 6 14 3 Abu Road Tehsil 52 68 19 40 12 Reodar 52 68 19 40 12 Reodar Tehsil

    169 247 44 88 42 TOTAL 134

    1TIlf ~<1~I,*,1 ~-I ~, ~~ffil 3i'R~~,m CfiT ~ ~rnfucm m\ ~ MEDICAL ;;nil ~~q;f'l1ll ~ 3WIO'R'[ .li,qfmJ~~1 l1T~~iRl 71" . .~fiimr~iR ~~ SI. Name of Panchayat Dispensary Hospital Maternity and Child Pnmary Health Centrel No Samiti Welfare Centrel 'Health Centre Maternity HomelChild Welta[!'l ~eot[e lJlll ~ lJlll ~ lJlll ~ lJlll ~ Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions

    2 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    ~ 2 2 5 e 4 4 ~~ 2 2 5 6 4 4 2 fui'Ili\ 11 11 3 3 2 2 2 .2 ~~ 11 11 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 ~ 5 5 8 8 10 10 4 4 ~~ 5 5 8 8 10 10 4 4 4 ~-m 6 7 6 6 2 2 2 2 ~-m~ 6 7 6 6 2 2 2 2 5, ~ 11 12 12 4 3 3 17 17 ~~ '1 12 12 4 3 3 17 17


    fufumrr MEDICAL

    1J1i! ~ 1J1i! ~ 1:n'l ~ 1J1i! ~ Villages Ins.titutions Villages Institutions Villages Number Villages I nstitution~

    26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2

    14 14 2 5 6 47 SheoganJ 14 14 2 5 6 47 Sheoganj Tehsil 12 12 11 11 4 4 60 Sirohl 12 12 11 11 4 4 60 Sirohi Tehsil 19 19 3 3 69 Pindwara 19 19 3 3 69 Pindwara Thsll 6 6 3 3 4 4 60 Abu Road 6 6 3 3 4 4 60 Abu Road Tehsil 3 4 2 2 2 2 5 5 101 Reodar 3 4 2 2 2 2 5 5 101 Reodar Tehsil

    4 5 53 53 18 19 21 22 337 TOTAL 86

    w:T f.I~f?lc:tIl ~-I ~, fufCfiffil 3ID:3R ~m CfiT ~ ~R:tffiqH "BT\

    2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 .43 44

    1. ~ 12 52 6 8 6 71 ~~ 12 52 6 8 6 71 2, fumft 20 63 12 7 3 82 fumft~ 20 63 12 7 3 82 3, ~ 7 67 12 23 2 99 ~~ 7 67 12 23 2 99

    4, ~.m 10 57 8 8 6 88 ~m~ 10 57 8 8 6 88 5, ~ 6 88 15 2 12 5 138 ~~ 6 88 15 2 12 5 138

    "IiTTT 55 327 53 17 52 13 458 87



    ~ on: ~ ~ on: ~er ~ om ~ "'f1T1'l'1" ~ ~ ~mtlfu m m 1J.Cfon: m mer on: m "lCJ1l' «:ffl ~ "fiT 'ITIT m ~ ~ mt ~ PO T.O. PT.O. P.O.& T.O.& PT.O. Phone Bus Railway Navigable Available Not Name of Phone, Phone & Stop Station Water Available Panchayat Samlti Phone Way

    45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 2

    10 10 2 30 59 7 Sheoganj 10 10 2 30 59 7 Sheoganj T ehsil 16 17 4 2 38 80 2 Sirohl 16 17 4 2 38 80 2 Sirohi Tehsil 12 12 2 42 3 64 34 Pindwara 12 12 2 42 3 64 34 Pindwara Tehsil 12 8 24 3 48 30 Abu Road 12 8 24 3 48 30 Abu Road Tehsil 16 10 3 48 111 11 Reodar 16 10 3 48 111 11 Reodar Tehsil


    66 57 12 4 182 6 362 84 TOTAL 88 Qr"'~le II w:f f~~fii»Ia?1 APPENDIX-II VILLAGE DIRECTORY itt '1 JI(Qlf<1&l1 ~ (::l1'1JIUI'1I~) ~ ~~ ~ LAND UTILISATION DATA IN RESPECT OF NON-MUNICIPAL TOWNS (CENSUS TOWNS)

    Land use (Le. Area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places)

    "$I! ~ 3ftr ~ W:ifu '¥l~ i'ft ~W ~ ~mn.rffi~ ~$fc;!q ~o ffil~~i( ~ (rnm~ ~~ "31m~) 81 . Name of Town and ::rota! atea - Forest Irrigated by Unirrigated Culturable ;vaste Area not available No. Panchayat Samiti sources (including gauchar for cultivation within brackets & groves)

    I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    'IWfer(~) 8hawri (Pindwara) 1491.00 TK(229.00) 259.00 350.00 580.00 W (73.00)


    ~ 1J'Tf:ff ctr ci"qilict fifiifuql< ~ ~ ~ful&lilfCf)ffil, -qA- q)f -qr;fl, ~ 3lR m\, '~I\i1I<~le iFi f0"l1T ~$'TIl1, ~~~q5t .q5t~~'Th1% I


    ~mT!fu~ ~m lJIl'T<'IiT~ <'liT "'Wf Name of Panchayat Location Code Name of Village

    Samiti {Tehsil

    2 3

    -.p.r NIL 89 qf",~'e IV '!fllf f.:t~~,a;f APPENDIX - IV VILLAGE DIRECTORY \i1"1«"i®1 Cfft ~ -if ~ ~ 3r-:mTr 3i"1Hliid \i11f~tfi 3i.,Hliid \i1"\i1lf~qi Cfft \i1"1«"i®1 ,-:u;rm ~ .....:;t .....!) '-.!)'~ m ~'e..: -'~-1''''


    hui\ ~ "t1fum "t1fum Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 2 3 1 2 3

    a;-~~ 19/1/61 Barewara A • SCHEDULED CASTES 19/1/64 Morli P.S. SHEOGANJ 19/1/66 VeraVllpur ~:~('!'1f) 19/1/67 Palri TEHSIL' SHEOGANJ (FULL) 21·30 19/1/4 Rewara 0-5* 19/1/12 Taleta ~ 19/1/5 Kerala 19/1/16 Vadka 19/1n Lakhmawa Bara ~ ~ 19/1/62 Sardarpura ~ 19/1/9 Gola l]n;rr 19/1/63 Nawa Khera "'fq[~ 19/1/10 Alpa 3lWQT 6-10 19/1/6 Lakhmawa Chhota ~mct 19/1/11 Jhadoli ~ 19/1/18 Mochhal llRm 19/1/14 Joyla ~ 19/1/28 Akhapura Kharal ~W«'I 19/1/19 Van qJUT 19/1/40 Kesarpura ~ 19/1/20 Kailashnagar @ Las ~ 0f7T\ ~ ('Iffi 19/1/41 Akhapura Khunl ~~ 19/1/25 Seuda ' ~ 19/1/46 Badia ~ 19/1/26 Sawali ~ 19/1/50 Suraipura 19/1/27 Madani ~ 11-15 19/1/2 Manadar 19/1/29 Oda 3l'm 19/1/39 Jaitpura 19/1/32 Sagaliya "WTTfW:rr 19/1/44 Deoli ~ 19/1/34 Arathwara ~ 19/1/52 Kana Kolar q;ffi

    . Excludes Villages with no Scheduled Caste population, 90 qfd~'r~-IV ~ f.t~~ICf)1 APPENDIX - IV VILLAGE DIRECTORY ~ \i11fi@1 cn1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3i1f1fil<:i \i1lfdtfi 3lR 3i;rofilct \j'j1\i1lfdtfi cn1 \j'j1fi@1 .:wfQl'O if) ,~ -..!) -..:. ~C\...... :>e...... :> ~mmq.ff~ LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES TO THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES

    'JUiI ~m lJ1lr

    0-5' 19/2/9 Vada Kheda ~ 19/2/13 Barloot

    19/2/31 Rajpura ~ 19/2/17 Nawara "!'ffi1 19/2/32 Sirohl (Rural) fui:lm (lJTll\uT ) 19/2/20 Kalandn ~

    19/2/49 Tua ~JIT 19/2/21 Dodua ~JIT

    19/2/75 Roda Khera

    19/2/79 Bag lq1T 1912139 Vardara ~

    11-15 19/2/7 Gol 1JTM 19/2/40 Phachariya ~ 19/2/16 Baoll ~ 1912141 Chadooal ~ 19/2/33 Verapura 'ffl1IU 19/2142 Tawari 'W'fit 19/2/36 Silohia fuFtrfum 19/2/43 Phoognl "i'T'it 19/2/44 Noon 1'l 19/2/51 Savrata 11"roCT 19/2148 Hallwara ~ 19/2/52 Jaila J!"lT 19/2/71 Poseetara l:1Tffirm 19/2/56 Belangali ~

    19/2176 Punawa 'fI!C1T 19/2/58 Rajpura Khera ~~ 16-20 1912111 Ud TI 1912/64 Meerpur ~ 19/2/15 Deldar ~ 19/2/69 Siyakara ~

    19/2/19 Mohabbat Nagar ~"'f1R 19/2nO Kakendra ~

    19/2/35 Mamawall l!i1TcIl'it 19/2n2 Mer Mandwara m~ 19/2/47 Madiya ~ 19/2/74 Sildar ~ 19/2/83 Amll ~ 19/2/77 Rampura ~ cl-30 19/2/1 Barada ?l1"rn 19/2n8 Amlari 3m!i'TTti 19/2/2 Satapura ~ 19/2/80 Sanpur ~ 19/2/3 Manora l1"'I1U 1912/84 Krishnganl ~ 19/2/4 Bhutgaon ~ 31 and above 19/2/8 Ewadi ~

    19/2/5 Jamotara >filT1m 19/2/23 Khambal ~

    19/2/6 Jawal -:;new;! 19/2/30 Balda ~ 19/2/10 Padeev ~ 19/2/34 Sindrath RR<~

    19/2/12 Mandwara ~ 19/2/38 Sartara "l1'nrrr 91 Qf(~fe -IV mIf R~fiifa:;f APPENDIX - IV VILLAGE DIRECTORY ¥ \i1"1~@q1 Cfi1 ~ if ~ $ ~ 3ij}ifild \i1lf{1~j 3ffi: 3i:Wfoqd \i1"1\i1lfd4j qft \i1"1~@q1 ~ $ ~lJTtfi~·~ LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPO~TION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES TO THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES

    ,J1Iit ~~ lJTI! q;r 'fTIf ;JUit ~~ lJTI! q;r "ITl! "1f;rnn 1Jfrwrn Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 2 3 1 2 3

    19/2/45 Nembora ~ 19/3/83 Vatera "1IRU 19/2/55 Balda ~ 19/3/88 Mandwara Deo ~~ 19/2/59 Ohanta m:ICf)1 APPENDIX - IV VILLAGE DIRECTORY i!fi(1 \J1 '1<8 &II cn1 ~ -it ~ it 3Rmr 3i'1Wild \5'11 fd£fi JfR 3'f'1~ild \J1'1 \5'1lfo4i cn1 \5'1 '1B&l1 3Rllffi it -..:> .....:;l ...... !l""" ,....:> ...., ~ lJlllt cn1 ~ LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES TO THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES

    ,JUi\ ~~ lJ111 CfiT '!p:[ 0uft ~CfiTS lJ111 CfiT '!p:[

    ~ ~ Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 2 3 1 2 3

    19/3/82 Bhlmana fqm;rr 19/4/79 D~rJ ift

    19/3/87 Sanwara ~ 19/4/81 Taletl

    ~'~m(-quf) 19/4142 Akra Bhatia ~'4CT

    TEHSIL. ABU ROAD (FULL) 11-15 19/4/ 17 Danvav ~

    OS 19/4/4 Jawal ~ 19/4/45 Ode 3lrS

    19/4/6 Onya 3TThm 19/4/48 Deldar ~ 1914/64 Wasra 19/4/11 Amthala 31TIl1

    19/4/16 Karoh ~ 19/4/58 Khadat ~

    19/4/19 Ganka lfU]qiT 19/4/60 Santpur (Rural) ~(lJll'i\ur)

    19/4/22 Bagen ~ 19/4/63 Maval lWV'!

    19/4/24 Chandela ~ 21-30 19/4/44 Morthala '111:~ 31 and above 19/4/5 Achalgarh 19/4/27 Bahadurpura ~ ~ 19/4/32 Glrwar ~ 19/4/43 Tartoli (Rural) ~(lJll'i\ur) 19/4/38 Redwa Kalan '<:smCfli'!i ~mtlfif~ P.S. REODAR

    19/4/40 Kyanya ~ ~,~(-qui)

    19/4/41 Manpur (Rural) ~(lJll'i\ur) TEHSIL. RAODAR (FULL) :wrr:m 19/4/46 Derna ~ 0-5' 19/5/6 Anapura 19/5/19 Asawa 31Tf1CI r 19/4/47 Toonka ~

    1914/50 Dotra ~ 19/5/23 Burari Khera '{'T"t ~

    19/4/53 Nichla Khejra f.riTc;rr~ 19/5/81 Sonela 11R<'IT

    19/4/54 Jayadra JIPRU 6-10 19/5/2 Wadwal ~ 19/4/59 KUI '¢ 191513 Kesuwa ~3lT 19/4/61 Chandrawatl ~ 19/5/7 Haml Amarpura (Harnl) p-.jt~(~) 19/4/66 Bhalsa Singh mnf;:W 19/5/44 Kolapura ~ 19/4/67 Slyawa i11mm 19/5/46 Hadrnatlya ~ 19/5180 Gundwara 19/4/68 Soorpagla ~ ~ l1fr;{m , 19/4/76 19/5/108 Moohya Khera Jamboon ~ o ~ 1914n7 Uph Bor jt1'1'\) c\. ~ lJ"Tl{tctT~~ LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES TO THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES

    >J1li\ ~~ lJTlf C@ '1l1l >irufi ~C@S lJ1ll C@ '1l1l

    ~ "1Jfum Percent Location Name of Village. Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 2 '3 2 3

    19/5/24 Tokra m 19/5/33 Selwada ~ 'l!T1m 19/5/40 Jeerawal ~ 19/5/38 Bhamra -m~1 19/5/41 Rohua ~3lT 19/5/49 Peethapura I

    19/5/73 Rajgarh ~ 19/5/52 Kusma 'fW1T ~ 19/5/83 Jetawara ~ 19/5/58 Vikanwas

    ~ 19/5/87 Wasada ~ 19/5/62 Chhapol 19/5/94 Juadara '>l3lTCU 19/5/72 Asao WWf 19/5/126 Methlpura -ir~ 19/5/78 Magnwada ~ Il"'l'ro 16-20 19/5/1 Jalampura ~ 19/5/79 Dhanpura 'ITC 19/5/4 Himmatpura ~ 19/5/84 Bant 19/5/5 NeebaJ ~ 19/5/85 Mahobbatpura ~

    'lR'R) 19/5/25 Singarll Khera fi:irn";9\ ~ 19/5/120 Bhatana 19/5/28 Gulabganj ~Ti;;f 31 and above 19/5:26 Peethapur II -ril"WIT II 19/5/29 Malgaon lffi11'ifq 19/5/31 Hathal j"j\'lM'

    ~ 19/5/34 Jolpur ~ 1915/32 Dadarla 19/5/37 Malawa 1!M{C{T 1915/35 Wadka ~

    19/5/42 NimTalai f.m~ 19/5/36 Rampura Tfl1"T17T

    19/5/45 Amrapura 31llTf -qn 19/5/39 Saran-Ka-Khera 1WTT - :::fiT - l'3"S1 TrnT< 19/5/48 Mokhara ~ 19/5/43 Ratpur "tfTClW( 19/5/63 Dhandhpura (Dhanpur) ~(m'f'l') 19/5/47 Matasan 19/5/68 Dabanl ?CIT:fl 19/5/S0 SUliva ~ 19/5/82 Sonant w.wn 19/5/51 Maleepura ~ 19/5/88 Sorda 1!1TST 19/5/54 Varman 'WWlT 19/5/117 800tr; ~ 19/5/55 Khan '!31UT 21-30 19/5/10 Dhan UJUT 19/5/56 Wasan lWlUT 19/5/13 Nagani 'WTT'1t 19/5/57 Ranari TRrST 19/5/15 Pamera -qp:n-r 19/5/59 Derol ;:n;'1 19/5/18 Sanwara

    19/5/20 Udwana ~ 19/5/61 Serwa men 19/5/27 Sirol fum 19/5/64 Anadra 3ffiGTT 19/5/30 Poseetara -.mwm 19/5/65 Hadmatlya ~ 94 qFH~tt! -IV 'w:f f.1~ftita1t APPENDIX - IV VILLAGE DIRECTORY \J"l'1fi&:l1 cnl (ffRT if ~ -$ 3FmR 3H~f.:qd \J"llfdl(i 3fR 3

    ,Pm ~~ 1Jm «iT '1J1f ;,un ~"fiT& lJTlf

    ~ ~ Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 1 2 3 2 3

    19/5/66 Dak ~ w-~;;r:r~

    19/5/67 Dhanera ;,1T'fT[ B • SCHEDULED TRIBES ~~fWJTt;r P. S. SHEOGANJ 19/5/69 Thai ~R ~:~(-qui) 19/5/70 Loonol ~ TEHSIL: SHEOGANJ (FULL) 19/5/71 Perwa 1Tf"l1 0-5 ' 19/1/6 Lakhmawan Chhota ~m!T 19/5/74 Meetan "Iilc1" 19/1/9 Gola 1TT"fT 19/5/75 Vanll ~ 19/114 Joyla J!17Tc'IT ;.m:sr 19/5/76 Awada 19/1/16 Vadka ~ 19/5/77 Kalen ~ 19/1/23 Lotiwara Bara ~~

    19/5/86 Kotra ;mcn 19/1/24 Naradra ~

    19/5/92 Bheel-Ka-Khera '4WFf;r~ 19/1/26 Sawah 11"11'it 11'1ST'it 19/5/98 RarnplJra Pliosl 7J"Il"qn fucm:ft 19/1/27 Madani 19/1/66 Vera Vilpur im~ 19/5/96 Jamtha JWlOT 6-15 19/1/2 Manadar TWI1Gl:" 19/5/97 Jawal JWTi'I 19/1/3 Jubliganj ~~ 19/5/101 Nlmbora f;;Pm-r 19/1/11 Jhadoh ~ 19/5/102 Karotl ;-1i'1it 19/1/19 Van "'lTllT ?Ff1TIT 19/5/103 Dolpura 19/1/20 Karlashnagar @ Las ~ "ffi ~ "1m

    19/5/104 Leelora ~ 19/1/29 Oda ~ 19,5;105 Dhawh 'm 19/1/31 Andor 3RJ< 19/5/107 Pain Khera ~~. 19/1/33 Bhalv -1m

    19/5/110 Datanl GcWfr 19/1/34 Arathwara ~ 19/1/36 Rukhada l

    19/5/119 Bheroogarh ''fJ; TIS 19/1/59 Uthman j~

    19/5/121 Derlr SFi1 19/1/60 Bagseen ~

    19/5/122 Badechl ~ 19/1/61 Barewara ~ 19/1/64 Morli 1IT17'i\ 19/5/124 Padar TTf?T


    ';;uj1 ~cm- 1JTli

    ~ ~ Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range . Code 2 3 2 3

    ~~,mrttt P.S. SIROHI 19/1/67 Palri 'W'rS1 ~: fu1'Iit (~) 16-25 19/1/5 Keral "li1T1'! TEHSIL' SIROHI (FULL) 19/117 Lakhmawa Bara ~f'3T1mwri\ 19/2/19 Mohabbat Nagar iH,~~ 19/1/44 Deolt ~ 19/2/20 Kalandn T~ 19/1/63 Nawa Khera 'VlT~ 19/2/21 Dodua ~m 2f)-35 19/1/4 . Rewara ~ 19/2/22 Angore ' f'Tf1TTT 19/1/8 Buden ~ 19/2/23 Khambal ~ 19/1/10 Alpa 3l17"TI 19/2/25 Rampura ~ 19/1/13 Joga Pura J!TiTT ':p1 19/2/27 Goeh 'lllt.9\ 19/1/50 Sural Pura "J'iI':p1 19/2/33 Verapura crrqn '\6-50 19/1/12 Talela W'lCT 19/2/35 Mamawah l!lWll'it 19/1/22 Ummedgarh ~ 19/2/37 Varal 'TIF1 19/1/28 Akhapura Kharal ~'3l" -...!)'=' , ~wITCfI1~ '-" '" LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES TO THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES

    'ruTI m~m "IJll! '1fiT '1JlT >iruTt ~om "IJll!

    ~~,~ P.S. : PINDWARA 19/2/12 Mandwara ~ ~m:~(-quf) 19/2/24 Pain ~ TEHSIL' PINDWARA (FULL) 1912134 Sindrath ~'

    19/3/80 Bharja ~ 19/2/49 Tua ~311 26-35 19/3/5 Siwera fwro 19/2/58 Rajpura Khera ~~ 19/3/14 Panal ~ 51and above 19/2/50 Kolra ~ 19/2/61 Darbari Khera ~~ 19/3/17 Keshavganj q;;nq'l'f;;! 19/3/18 Sadalawa 19/2/81 KaTjai ~ ~ 19/3/46 Ajari 19/2/85 Telplkhera ~~ ~ 97 qfd~~le -IV 'Wf f"~~Ia;1 APPENDIX - IV VILLAGE DIRECTORY "¥T \31'1fi@'l1 cn1 W'AT if ~ ~ ~ ~1*iJ.q(i \31lfd4i m 3111!.q(i \31'1\31lfd£!'i cn1 \iHfi&:l1 ~ ~ ~ lJl1trcffi~~ LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES TO THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES

    ,;,urr ~

    19/3/60 Doongari ~ 19/3/49 Dhanga ~ 19/3/61 Banas 0I'Im 19/3/50 Vagdan 'WlGft 19/3/65 Kodarla ~ 19/3/51 Pahar Kalan ~'IWIi 19/3172 Sangwara ~ 19/3/52 Bhadaveri ~ 19/3/79 Bara ~ 19/3/53 Cheeniya Band ~~

    19/3/83 Vatera ~ 19/3/54 Moras llml

    19/3/89 Wasa cm:rr 19/3/55 Malera (Watera) ~(CITC\T\ 36-50 19/3/11 Telpur ~ 19/3/56 Gharat tnG Digar 19/3/30 ~ 19/3/57 Nawawas ~ Ker 19/3/33 -i.n1: 19/3171 Phoola Rai Ka Khera "'fii'lT~-W-ST 19/3/58 Basantgarh ~ 19/3173 Panchdewal ~~ 19/3/59 Ram Pura ~ 19/3174 Block No 2 ~'1°2 19/3181 Taroongi M 19/3175 Kotra

    19/3/19 Amli ~ 19/3/93 Sadaphah ~

    19/3/20 Thandi Ben o.:it~ 19/3/94 Nayawas (Deo) ~(tq) 19/3/21 Sabela mirc9r 19/3/95 Bor Umri .m:m 19/3/22 Malap lW'I'l 19/3/96 Peetari Padar -mmt~ Kundal 19/3/23 ~ 19/3/97 Nawawas (Khalsa) ~ ("ISiR'lm) 19/3/24 Varli mm 19/3/98 Shoola 'If'lT 19/3/25 Kalumbn ~ ~~:~-m P. S. ABU ROAD 19/3/31 Lotana ~ ~:~~(~) 19/3/32 Kalabor ~ TEHSIL: ABU ROAD (FULL) Churli Khera 19/3/34 ~~ 0-5' 19/4/14 Kiwarh ~

    19/3/35 Isra TIHT 19/4/43 Tartoh (Rural) ~(lJTI'iIuT) 19/3/37 Khokhn Khera ~~ 6-15 19/4/5 Achalgarh ~~ 19/3/38 Mandawara Khalsa ~"ISiR'lm 19/4/6 Onya mhm 19/3/39 Apri Khera 3Wffi~ 19/4/42 Akra Bhatta ~ Varkl Khera 19/3/40

    ;JUil ~m lJ11l CfiT 'i1l1 ,;pm ~m lJl11 CfiT 'i1l1 ~ ~ Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 2 3 1 2 3

    19/4/64 Wasra ~ 19/4/40 Kyariya ~ 16-25 19/4/9 Arna 3ffi"!T 19/4/41 Manpur (Rural) ~ (lJTIflur) 19/4/16 Karoli ~ tIfATliq 19/4/44 Morthala lll1:W9T 26-35 19/4/8 Salgaon 19/4/46 Derna iT-rr 19/4/37 Meergarh 'llh:"'1G 19/4/47 Toonka ~ 19/4/61 Chandrawati ~ 19/4/48 Deldar ~ 36-50 19/4/45 Ode 3ihs 19/4/49 Tankiya i'rct1m 19/4/58 Khadat '13m 19/4/50 Dotra 60n 51 and above 19/4/10 Block No,' ~'Of°l 19/4/51 Bori Booj ....:J",;lC\. 0~ ~



    ~ ~ Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 2 3 2 3

    P.S. : REODAR 19/5/23 Burari Khera ~~ ~:~C'l'ui1 19/5/26 Peethapur II -rfI~1I TEHSIL: REODAR (FULL) 19/5/28 Gula~ganj ~~ 0-5' 19/5/4 Himmatpura ~ 19/5/30 Poseetara ..mmm 19/5/9 Dantral 19/5/33 Selwada 19/5/10 Ohan 19/5/47 Ma!asan 19/5/13 Nagani 19/5/48 Mokhara 19/5/15 Pamera 19/5/54 Varman 19/5/18 Sanwara 19/5/56 Wasan 19/5/27 Siroi 19/5/58 Vikanwas

    19/5/29 Malgaon 19/5/60 Reodar ~

    19/5/31 Hathal 19/5/63 OhandhpurJ (Dhanpurh~ ('-IT'I'q<) 19/5/34 Jolpur 19/5/64 Anadra 19/5/35 Wadka 19/5/66 Oak

    19/5/39 Saran ka Khera

    19/5/55 Khan 13llJf 19/5/88 Sorda 19/5/70 Loonol 19/5/90 Mandar 19/5/71 Perwa 19/5/100 Marol 19/5/74 Meetan 19/5/105 Ohawli 19/5/75 Van!i 19/5/115 Makawal

    19/5/76 Awada ~ 19/5/117 Bootn

    19/5/87 Wasada "1ffi1rST 19/5/119 Bheroogarh 19/5/93 Rampura Piiosl ~~ 19/5/120 Bhatana

    19/5/103 Dolpura ~ 19/5/122 Badechi 19/5/110 Oatani GlWit 19/5/124 Padar

    19/5/1 Jalampura ~ 16-25 19/5/5 Neeba) 19/5/6 Anapura 3f'!T"T1 19/5/19 Asawa 19/5/7 Harm Amarpura (Harnl) m :wrrqn (-.rruil) 19/5/24 Tokra 19/5/11 Idarla 19/5 /25 Singarii Khera 19/5/20 Udwana 19/5/37 Malawa 100 qf~fi>I~ IV '!l1'tf f.:f~fi>lctil APPENDIX· IV VILLAGE DIRECTORY \J11~@'I1 Cfft 'WAf if ~ $ ~ 3'l1Bfilct \illfct~i m 3'l1Bfilct \J11\J1lfi:141 Cfft \J11~@'I1 311"QT(i' $ '" '" '" '" -:> '" -:> 3FmR -:> 1Jrnt cn1 ~"'- LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEqULED TRIBES TO THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES

    ,JUft ~~ 1Jm ~ 'lTI< ~ ~cm 1Jm ~ 'lTI<

    ~ ~ Percent Location Name of Village Percent Location Name of Village Range Code Range Code 1 2 3 1 2 3

    19/5/38 Bhamra tTJln:T 19/5/96 Jamtha ~

    19/5/62 Chhapol ~ 36-50 19/5/2 Wadwaj ~

    19/5/65 Hadmatlya ~ 19/5/41 Rohua ~J1T ~ 19/5/68 .Dabani 19/5/53 Malpura ~ 19/5/69 Thai 21M 19/5/111 Vidmlya ~ 19/5/81 Sonela ~ 51 and above 19/5/8 Panch Dewal "$.f "imr 19/5/83 Jetawara ~ 19/5/22 Ban Khera

    19/5/107 Palri Khera ~~ 19/5/94 Juadara '-iJ:~ ~ 19/5/112 Salotra 19/5/106 Bahadurpura ~ 26-35 19/5/3 Kesuwa ~ 19/5/108 Moollya Khera ~~ 19/5/40 Jeerawal ~ 19/5/109 Karjiya ~ 19/5/46 Hadmatlya ~ 19/5/123 Awaliya ~ 3f1~ II : -;:prr f~ gfi! I Cfi I SECTION II: TOWN DIRECTORY

    103 "fIR r~gr~'f$l' ittclM~3ffCfil~~~m-~~ CODES USED FOR VARIOUS AMENITIES IN TOWN DIRECTORY

    ~ .~ ~miI ~ ~ iIil'I ~1:TTlt m 1if&:rr ~ ~ ~ Col. No. SI. ~o. Amenities Codes Col. No. SI. No. Amenities Codes

    2 3 4 2 3 4

    ~-I Statement-I ~-(iv)-?fi Statement-IV A 1 Municipality M ~ ~-IV'$~-msm As explained in relation Col.2 2 1'1R~ Municipal Council M.CI. Col.7 7#~~ to Column No. 7 of 3 -rnq.ft

    ~-II Statement -II ~ 3W«'I'R'I Hospital H Col.4 (i)~~ (i) Allopathic No Code No Codes Applicable ~ ~ "ffi'l "lit (ii)~ (ii) Ayurvedic A ~-III Stat.. ment -III (iiry~ (iii) Homeopathic Hom (iv) 'I{'lFft (iv) Unanl U ~ ~-- 1'$

    1 ~. ~ ~~~1pIf Tubewell Waterl Hand TW Cfiffi1:r wi~ ShortHand SH Col. 12 Pump Col. 10 2 cl~Q{I~f.2' I Type writing Type 2W!'1.fiT"tT'ft Tap Water T 3 ~ C! cl~q

    _cR'~ '$l1 ';flR oR ~, 1IJf '6'IT ~ ~"1f.T ~ ~ ~ ~ it ';flR oR ~ ~~~ m:lo 1111' 'WIftr (

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    1. III 3lT'{ ~ (1". 1lf.) 19/4NI Abu Road See Abu Road ant its -:r :~r. 13.35 7853 6.661 7.180 8.199 9,725 (+7.79) (+14.19) (+18.61) III ant ~ (-=r. 1lf.) 12.35 7594 6.661 7,180 8,199 9.725 (+7.79) (+14.19) (+18.61) 2. V ~ (~. 11i.) 19/311V Pindwara Pindwara 14.91 1747 3. 1\1 lJ!31Ie 3111 (1". 1lf.) 19/4N Abu Road 15.54 3146 3,488 3,286 2,804 4,165 (-5.76) (-14.67) (+48.54) 4. IV ~ (1". 1lf.) 19/31111 Pindwara 10.00 2968

    5. IV ~ (1". 1lf.) 19/111 Sheoganj 4.80 3550 4,361 4,010 3,599 4,230 (-8.05) (-10.25) (+17.53) 6. III ~ (1". 1lf.) 19/2111 5irohi 20.72 5610 5,651 6.615 6,197 7,463 (+17,06) (-6.32) (+20.43) 105 TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT-I STATUS AND GROWTH HISTORY'

    ~am:1tG{ 'ffI(q (1991) ~~~ :rR qi~, ~ ~ town at the Censuses of Sex Ratio :JTlJftI; '!I'mA" ~

    1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 1971 1981 1991 ~ ;;r;{"II1!RT ~

    Density Class, name and civic (1991) Census Census Census Administration status of town

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    Urban AgglomeratiOn 111- Abu Road (M) ~. 9,935 12,544 17,728 25,331 31,280 39,802 2,981 907 894 864 Abu Road U. A. (+2.16) (+26.26) (+41.33) (+42.89) (+23.49) (+27.24) 9,935 12,544 17,728 25,331 31,280 38,982 3,156 907 984 870 III· Abu Road (M) (+2.16) (+26.26) (+41.33) (+42.89) (+23.49) (+24.62) 9,019 805 932 V-Bhawrl (C, T.) 4,316 4,439 8,Q75 9,840 12,713 15,593 1,003 792 715 769 IV-Mount Abu (M) (+3.63) (+2.85) (+81.93) (+21.84) (+29.20) (22.65) 6,521 7,726 9,743 12,338 15185 1,519 938 964 972 IV·Plnciwara (M) (+18.48) (+26.11) (+26.63) (23.10) 4,166 5,720 9,766 12,029 16,767 19,866 4,139 976 928 944 IV·Sheoganj (M) (·1.51) (+37.30) (+70.73) (+23.17) (+39.39) (+18.48) 9,501 11,956 14,451 18,n4 23,,903 28,117 1,357 920 888 896 III-Sirohi (M) (+27.31) (+25.84) (+20.87) (+29.91) (+27.32) (+17.63) 106 ';ffR f.t~ 141 fircrorr - II ~ (fiT _ 1W ~ ~, 1989

    aw ~qIT":JfIf Physical aspects@ Name of and iJ;lf 'iTIPil ~ 3frnrll' iiiif ~(.1i) ~~ ~~ m (fifo 'lito it) Temperature (in centigrade) ~ ~ SI. Class and name of town Rainfall Maximum Minimum StateHQ. District HQ. No. (inmm)

    2 3 4 5 6 7

    1. III aut ~ ('i. 1lT.) See Abu Road 31l1. ~ 'i. ~. 587.9 N. A.@1 N.A.@l Jaipur (485) Sirohi (72)

    III 31l1. ~ ('i. 1lT.) 587.9 N.A.@l N.A.@l Jaipur (485) Sirohi(72)

    2. V 'lfCfU (<{. q;.) 405.4 N.A.@l N.A.@l Jaipur (418) Sirohi (44)

    3. IV 1Il31IC atIi ('1. 1lT.) 1306.5 34.9 -1.3 Jaipur (515) Sirohi (100)

    4. IV ~ ('i. 1lT.) 533.0 N.A@l N.A.@l Jaipur (3961 Sirohi (23)

    5. IV ~ ('i. 1lT.) 365.0 N.A.@l N.A@l Jaipur (368) Sirohi (40)

    6. III RRm ('i. 1lT.) 391.0 N.A.@l N.A.@l Jaipur (418) Sirohi(O)

    @ Average Rain fall and temperature figures based on Indian Meteorological Department (1980-89)

    @ 1 The nearest place for which temperature figures are available is Mount Abu 107 TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT-II PHYSICAL ASPECTS AND LOCATION OF TOWNS, 1989 aiR ~ 1tf1f it ¢ (~o 'lft'o) If road distance (in km) from

    ~I ~~am-mt m~~ ~~ ~~

    8 9 10 11 12 2

    Urban Agglomeration III-Abu Road (M) Mount Abu (27) Udaipur (163) Abu Road (0) Abu Road (0) Abu Road U A Abu Road (0) Mount AbU(27) Udaipur (163) Abu Road (0) Abu Road (0) 111- Abu Road (M) Abu Road (0) Mount Abu (SO) Udaipur (125) Bhawri (0) Bhawri(O) V-Bhawri (C.T.) Pindwara (22) Mount Abu (0) Udaipur (185) Abu Road (30) Mount Abu (0) IV-Mount Abu (M) Abu Road (30) Pali(220) Mount Abu (80) Udaipur (105) Sirohi Road (1) Sirohi Road (0) IV-Pinclwara (M), Pindwara (0) Sirohi (40) Jodhpur (154) Jawai Bandh (9) Sheogani (0) IV-Sheoganj (M) Sheoganj (0) Sirohi (0) Udaipur (135) Sirohi Road (22) Sirohi (0) III-Sirohi (M) Sirohi (0) Pali (141) 108 ~ f.t(ffilldil fcIeroJ1' - III 11R qtfWu frffl, 1988·89

    arrr (li111It it .0 0 ) Receipt (in Rs. '00) ifiU _ 'Ii ~ 111\ q\t ~ m ;rrq 1f1fu; JmRR" ~ %3R'ITm 111\- mtrtt ~ ~ mrmro- 1l1fc;m mr " m Government (1990) ~ itll11{f~ ~ 'illT SI. Class and name of town Civic adminis- Receipt through Revenue derived Grant Loan Advance• No. tration status taxes etc. from municipal (1990) properties and power apart from taxation

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    1. III 3!TlU? :r. 'qJ'j M See AbU Road ~it91. lr. 34426 36006 III atI1l~ :r. 1lf'/ M 34426 36006 2. V \W.!ir ~. Cfi./ CT 156 171

    3. IV ~ 3l1l :r. 1lf'/ M 48581 19985 1271 4. IV ~ :r. 1lT.! M 8000 250 1250 6. IV ~ :r. 1lf.! M 20656 807 2256 316 6. III RmT :r. 1lT.I M 17913 42511 7360 5000 109 TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT-III MUNICIPAL FINANCE, 1988-89

    awf (~ it '00) lXf?f (~ it '00) Receipt (in Rs. '00) Expenditure (in Rs. '00)

    3R'~ ~awf mrR 1Iml1 7jj:f ~JT 7jj:f~ ~ ~ W1 ~~ ::r!1*.ltuit~::mr (tmJ) am f.r'qf1!f ~ (fmJ) ~ Other sources Total General Public Public Public Public Other Total Class and name of town (specify) Receipt Administration safety health Works insli- (specify) Expenditure and tutions Conveniences

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

    Urban Agglomeration III-Abu Road 70432 4332 14906 2096 3805 10309 35448 Abu RoadU. A 70432 4332 14906 2096 3805 10309 35448 III-Abu Road 731 1058 293 160 7 18' 19 561 1058 V-Bhawri 4917 74754 5073 10909 16606 16689 49277 IV-Mount Abu 9500 6000 750 6750 IV-Pindwara 5801 29836 4063 10285 5301 11107 30756 IV-Sheoganj 72784 4960 12919 26017 6320 50216 III-Sirohi 110 ~ f.taftil4i1 fircron' - IV 11lIfuf; am: ~~, 1989

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ·10

    1. 1I1~ir9 :r. "tIr./ M See Abu Road ~~ :r. lJ./ 39,802 9392(3364) PR 31.30 OSD, BSD 700 1100 KR 25.00 1II~ir9 :r. 1lT.I M 38,982 9382(3213) PR 31.30 OSD,BSD 700 1100 KR 25.00

    2. v'lfCffi ~. "'.IC.T. 9,019 1770(654) PR 8.50 OSD 157 KR 7.50

    3. IV lIT3'OC ~ :r. 1tr./ M 15,593 3038(2364) PR 51.00 OSD.S 2629 KR 5.00 4. IV~ :r. 1lT.I M 15,185 2603(840) PR 3.00 OSD 350 150 KR 8.00 5. IV~..r Of 'IT 1M 19,866 2540(892) PR 800 OSD 773 221 KR 10.00 6 III~ 'I. tIT / M 28,117 4552(2065) PR 15.00 OSD,BSD 2800 110 60 KR 26.00 111 TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENTalV CIVIC AND OTHER AMENITIES, 1989

    ~q:jt cit ~ 3lfT:r ~ ~(~cltm) 1IR cit .torr am- 1J1f Protected Water ~r.rr Electrification (Number Sup?!y of connections) ~f.i"ricR ~%f iF.itl4. ~ §fmh"¥ Qijd,§$j¥ Wif;1" 3f.ff ~ m Q~ lm'!1l' ~lIm~ (~) it (~it) Method of Source of System of Fire Domestic Industrial Commercial Road Others Class and name disposal of Supply Storage with fighting lighting of town night soil Capacity in Service (points) iitres (in brackets) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

    Urban Agglomeration III-Abu Road WB,ST TW,W OHT (726,400) yes 3613 158 1385 600 45 Abu Road U. A.

    WB,ST W,TK OHT (726,400) Yes 3613 158 1385 600 45 III-Abu Road

    BS TW,W SR (325,000) Sirohi (44) n9 29 395 2 37 VaBhawri

    we T SR (14,25,560,000) Pali(200) 1517 26 839 1200 21 IV-Mount Abu (Dumping) Sirohi (100) WB,ST TW,T OHT (454,000) Sirohi (23) 1609 95 335 415 74 IV-Pindwara

    ST W SR (679,000) St.merptx(2) 2,475 85 1017 850 72 IV-Sheoganj

    WB W,T OHT (2,837,500) Yes 4691 132 1263 1300 1n IIi-Sirohi SR 112 ~ f.I~~I4i1 fcrcrorr - v ~, ~, ~ am: ;g.i~f8Cfl ~, 1989

    ~~ mm Medical facilities Educational if,l1 ·:t1!PR ~ am ":lilt ~ ~/ 'fiWl11 4 if 'fim/mR/ 311iififu.i $liili4n i l qh,lWH&i l1P1m mQf ~ ~/ -;8e~lJ'l1: ~m m m ~.~ 19 ito ;;ito ~ (fsllt ~ ~ aitt fcR:rf.!q; ~it ~3W3i'lt &l q{llrlEli 3lIfu malt eN "'~"') mmur mmr ~ 81. Class and name Population Hospitals/ Beds in Artsl Medical Engineering Polytechnics Recognised No. of town Dispensa- medical Science! Colleges Colleges Short·hand. riesl instibJtions Commerce Typewriting T.B. Clinics noted in Colleges (of and Vocatio- etc. column 4 degree level naJ training and abovel instibJtions

    1. III ~~ (:t. 'lr.) See Abu Road an,~ :t. \1. 39,802 H,D(2,A·1 30 ASC Udaipur JocIlpur Udaipur O@ Hom.·1).FC (163) (268) (163) III ~~ (:t. 1!T.) 38.982 H.D(2.A·1 30 ASC Udaipur Jodhpur Udaipur O@ Hom.-1). FC (163) (268) (163) 2. V \1'T

    @ Industria! Training Institute. @ 1 S.T.C. School. Institute of Security Academy and Mountaineering Institute. @2 Industrial Training Institute for S.T .. @3 Industrial Training Institute. 113 TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT-V MEDICAL, EDUCATIONAL, RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITIES, 1989

    ~ ~am~~

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    Urban Agglomeration III-Abu Road (M) 3 3 16 6 3 3 PL.(3) Abu Road U. A. RR(3) 3 3 .16 6 3 3 PL.(3) III-Abu Road (M) RR(3) 2 2 Udaipur V-Bhawrl(C.T.) (130) 3 5 6 6 0(3)@1 PL.(1 ) IV-MoUltAbu(M) RR(1) 4 PL(1) IV-Pindwara (M) RR(1) 2 4 10 10 PL(1) IV-Sheoganj (M) RR(1) 3 2 4 12 7 1(18) PL.(1) III-Sirohi (M) RR(1) 114 11R f.tif\J 1411 finmr - VI ~, ~, m afR~, 1989

    m ~

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    1. III an;_~ ('1. 111'.) See Abu Road an;_~ ':f. ~. Sugar Cloth Petrol Marble Granite Earthen Jar ~~ (':f. 111'.) Sugar Cloth Petrol Marble Granite Earthen Jar 2. V'" 'Wftt (~. 'lfi.) Oilseed Food grain Raw material Granite Food Oil Diamond o'Diarnond 3. IV lft'3IIe ~ ('1. 111'.) Wheat Pulses Oil Vegetables Mango Black Berries 4. IV ~ (':f. 111'.) Rice Electrical Jaggery Coal stone ClC'th Marble goods Power 5. IV ~ ('1. 111'.) Cloth Medicine Vegetables Electric Cement Hancioom Conductor Poles Cloth 6. III ~ (':f. ~.) Cloth Sugar. Jaggery Oil Cement Vegetables Leather - 115 TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENT-VI TRADE, COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND BANKING, 1989

    m:r ~ • '" :n'If Name of three most important commodities manufactured ~

    9 10 11 12 13 14

    III-Abu Road (M) Urban Agglomeration Abu Road U. A. Marble Granite Fibre 9 2 2 III-Abu Road (M) Marble Granite Fibre 9 2 2 V-Bhawri (C.T.) Stone-statues Lea1her Iron Box 4 and Drum IV-Mount Abu (M) Bamboo Articles Shoes Handicraft 6 1 IV-PinctNara (M) Cement Cloth Coal stone 4 2 Powder Engineering Cement Pipes Hand loom Clot! 7 2 QOOds and Poles and Nowar III-Sirohl (M) leather Shoes Furniture Cement 7 116


    '.f,11 Wq;y~~ 'Il?1l 'lTfT >tt ~ ~~ iWi{I~'1fi1~ J~ cits 7.tfu-1t 31. Name of Town with Population of the core town Outgrowth Population. of Outgrowth No. Location Code

    2 3 4 5

    ~ 38982 ~(m·'l) 820 Abu Road Santpur (O.G.) 19!4NI ~ 'lSr: W~rqCf) 1J11 J IOI?i1 ~ PART B: PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 118

    ~ mfli.~./ ~ ~ '1funU 9ft 'f"1 ~ (~ 3i'n: 0-6 3W[ ~ ij ~~.) ~ 'l.'l;l.RTn:~ qrf ~ m'm ¥'I~ ~o'tfto ~9ft Total populatton (Including Total population in the ij ~ Institutional and age-group 0-6 81. DistrictJP.8.1 Total! Area in No. of No. of houseless population) No. U.A.lCity! Aural! sq. km. occupied households Town Urban residential houses

    '&Ifm ~ 1m ~ ~ 1m Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    m. rr 5,136.00 124990 126374 654029 335517 318512 1299n 6n69 62208 m. fR 5,056.68 100720 101500 526447 267938 258509 107600 56228 51372 'f./U 79.32 24270 24874 127582 67579 60003 223n 11541 10836

    1. m.1T 892.31 15873 15944 79876 40724 39152 15381 8149 7232 m./A 892.31 15873 15944 79876 40724 39152 15381 8149 7232 "f. IU

    2. fu'U!ft m. IT 1,090.40 20825 20979 105806 52639 53167 20903 11117 9786 m. IA 1,090.40 20825 20979 105806 52639 53167 20903 11117 9786 "f. IU

    3. ~ >it. IT 1.153.18 26449 26648 137051 69848 67203 27954 14611 13343 m.IR 1.138.27 24750 24901 128032 65180 62852 26157 13704 12453 "f. IU 14.91 1699 1747 9019 4668 4351 1797 907 890

    4. 6flit. IT 859.11 14908 15048 81431 42032 39399 17109 8596 8513 m./R 858.11 14649 14789 80611 41533 39078 16966 8535 8431 ,. IU 1.00 259 259 820 499 321 143 61 82

    5. 'tcm: m. IT 1,08679 24623 24887 132122 67862 64260 28193 14723 13470 m./R 1,086.79 24623 24887 132122 67862 64260 28193 14723 13470 , IU


    1. ~ ("I'.1fT.) "I'/U 4.80 3488 3550 19866 10218 9648 3443 1786 1657

    2. fmTIft ('l1fT. ) 'l IU 20.72 5348 5610 28117 14829 13288 4862 2553 2309

    3. ~ ("'I.'TI.) "'IIU 10.00 2940 2968 15185 7700 7485 2929 1532 1397

    4 ..m (Ol.q;.) "!. IU 14.91 1699 1747 9019 4668 4351 1797 907 890

    5. 15.54 3105 3146 1 15593 881~ 6779 2655 1384 1271

    "I'.~. "I'/U 13.35 7690 7853 39802 21350 18452 6691 3379 3312

    6. (i) ~ m ('l.'TI.) "I'./U 12.35 7431 7594 38982 20851 18131 6548. 3318 3230

    (ii) ~ (


    ~~ 3~~ mi\R fsRorrfti. R I Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates "I. Rpr11:r1'fi~

    DistrictlP. S./ U.A'/City/ Town

    ft:;r;ri O

    . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    125863 66009 59854 153005 78928 74077 167367 123809 43558 DISTRICT: SIROHI 101968 53320 48648 142826 73524 69302 96533 77422 19111 23895 12689 11206 10179 5404 4n5 70834 46387 24447

    15915 8359 7556 13796 7284 6512 15497 12827 2670 SHEOGANJ 15915 8359 7556 13796 7284 6512 15497 12827 2670

    23642 12341 11301 6991 3618 3373 23962 19303 4659 SIROHI 23642, 12341.... 11301 6991 3618 3373 23962 19303 4659 15770 8182 7588 53069 27224 25845 26891 20456 6435 PINDWARA 14000 7275 6725 52415 26872 25543 23188 17845 5343 1770 907 863 654 352 302 3703 2611 1092

    4904 2566 2338 54885 27971 26914 12283 9882 2401 ABU ROAD 4894 2557 2337 54734 27889 26845 11794 9534 2260 10 9 1 151 82 69 489 348 141

    43517 22788 20729 14890 7861 7029 22092 17913 4179 REODAR 43517 22788 20729 14890 7861 7029 22092 17913 4179


    2540 1333 1207 892 470 422 11274 7317 3957 SHEOGANJ (M)

    4552 2439 2113 2065 1093 972 15773 10220 5553 SIROHI (M)

    2603 1384 1219 840 457 383 6807 4610 2137 PINDWARA (M)

    1770 907 863 654 352 302 3703 2611 1092 BHAWRI (CT)

    3038 1643 1395 2364 1243 1121 9263 6177 3086 MOUNT ABU (M)

    9332 4893 4409 3364 1789 1575 24014 15392 8622 ABU ROADUA

    9392 4983 4408 3213 1707 1506 23525 15044 8481 (I) ABU ROAD (M)

    10 9 151 82 69 489 348 141 (II) SANTPUR (OG) 120

    ~ CfiJtl ~ <:W'ii wri Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    cU.rr 204390 165555 38835 62084 68932 13152 42968 24071 18917 m. IR 169461 133389 36072 80243 67312 12931 41043 22636 18407 "'. IU 34929 32166 2763 1841 1620 221 1945 1435 510

    >:iT. IT 25363 19909 5454 10568 9135 1433 7392 40GH 3324 m./R 25363 19909 5454 10568 9135 1433 7392 4068 3324 "I. IU

    2. fufrir >:iT. rr 31441 24108 7333 11080 9374 1706 9137 4730 4407 m. IR 31441 24108 7333 11080 9374 1706 9137 4730 4407 "I. IU

    3. ~ >:iTrr 43450 35394 8056 19065 16448 2617 9869 5490 4379 m./R 41138 33264 7874 18658 16090 2568 9629 5301 4328 "! IU 2312 2130 182 407 358 49 240 1139 51

    >:iT IT 25697 22308 3389 14948 13512 1436 4343 3006 1337 m IR 25360 21975 3385 14908 13475 1433 4340 3003 1337 '1 IU 337 333 4 40 37 3 3 3

    5 'IT .'T 46159 34133 12026 25029 19238 5791 10545 5534 5011 m fR 46159 34133 12026 25029 19238 5791 10545 5534 5011 "I IU


    1. m-~ ("I.'qT) 1./U 5207 4847 360 141 132 9 343 233 110

    2 fl:miT ("I 'qT. ) "I. IU 7182 6552 630 316 278 38 323 242 81

    3. fi:rrs~ ("I. 'qT.) 1. IU 3917 3548 369 486 415 71 412 244 168

    4 'I.Wn1 (';i!."fi'. ) "I IU 2312 2130 182 407 358 49 240 189 51

    5 ~ :*'1 \ "I.TfI. ) "I IU 5112 4695 420 110 106 4 84 74 10

    "l.R "l./U 11196 10394 802 381 331 50 543 453 90

    6. (I) 1ffij 'ffi? ('l.TfI.) "l IU 10859 10061 798 341 294 47 540 450 90

    (II)~ ('l!T'!) "l/U 337 333 4 40 37 3 3 3 121


    ~ q;rt! m

    Industrial Category of Main Workers "l. "./"'f11T(~l ~. ~ ii q;rt! "f;B1. m.9r'fT ~q~ fuf:ri:ltur, :qJ:jJ~.R. ~. f.1rw ',w "-WTR'. ~ q ~ 3:ffi 'tJ'TIl'[(! 'f.l DlstncVP S. ~"'1(j~

    10713 9480 1233 1327 1072 255 5510 4692 818 DISTRICT: SIROHI 10204 8999 1205 1252 998 254 4264 3639 625 509 481 28 75 74 1 1246 1053 193

    2125 1964 161 48 44 4 599 485 114 SHEOGANJ 2125 1964 161 48 44 4 599 485 114

    2808 2474 334 36 31 5 1259 1111 148 SIROHI 2808 2474 334 36 31 5 1259 1111 148

    1741 1564 177 342 321 21 1056 904 152 PINDWARA 1699 1522 177 332 311 21 860 730 130 42 42 10 10 196 174 22

    1065 819 246 370 298 72 270 247 23 ABU ROAD 1065 819 246 370 298 72 270 247 23

    2507 2220 287 466 314 152 1276 1066 210 REODAR 2507 2220 287 466 314 152 1276 1066 210


    57 56 9 9 256 208 48 SHEOGANJ (M)

    256 238 18 28 27 259 229 30 SIROHI (M)

    55 52 3 7 7 122 99 23 PINDWARA (M)

    42 42 10 10 196 174 22 BHAWRI (C~)

    50 45 5 6 6 49 47 2 MOUNT ABU (M)

    49 48 15 15 364 296 68 ABU ROADUA

    49 48 15 15 364 296 68 (i) ABU ROAD (M)

    (ii) S~NTPUR (OG) 122

    ~"1JT~ \it;PIOI~IW.

    hIFn~. ,".i "f"I1 ~"1f>1llm<.!R'ii

    &1ft!; fu;p:Jt fu;p:Jt ~ ~ fu1

    2 3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 fm:rr: fuittt "tiT. IT 11235 10797 438 6357 5876 481 15921 15104 817 m./A 6369 6041 328 4865 4447 418 7866 7330 536 ";f. IU 4866 4756 110 1492 1429 63 8055 7774 281

    1. ~

    2. ~

    3. ~

    4. '3Wi.~

    5. ~


    1. ~ ("'1.'TI. ) "'1. fU 765 737 28 203 196 7 1973 1940 33

    2 . fi::mir ("'!."G1.) ,. /U 442 431 11 353 322 31 1428 1370 58

    3. ~ ("'!."G1.) ,. /U 716 707 9 291 288 3 795 777 18

    4. ..m (~.1'.fi. ) ·lIU 229 227 2 76 70 6 503 494 9

    5. 11f3'JC ~ ("I. 'TI. ) ,. /U 200 196 4 187 180 7 1271 1210 61

    ~~ "1.<.1. "'1./U 2514 2458 56 382 373 9 2085 1983 102

    6. (1)~~ ("'!."G1. ) "I. /U 2346 2291 55 347 338 9 2029 1927 102

    (11)~ (Gff.~.) 1./U 168 ·167 35 35 56 56 123


    ~"1.fi1"Il q;T.i ~ 'liT ~ ~ "$ll Industnal Category of Main Workers ~ ~,~ .'W'-1 ~ ~'-'iltI~cmiI

    Transport. Storage Other Services SI.' and Communications No,


    ft:;p.ri ~ 'f?l ft:;r:ri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '5:ri Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ' 56 57 58 59 60 6163 6088 75 22092 19443 2649 46685 3342 43343 402954 166620 236334 DISTRtCT 1993 1967 26 11362 10020 1342 45144 3107 42037 311842 131442 180400 4170 4121 49 10730 9423 1307 1541 235 1306 91112 35178 55934

    217 213 4 2164 1906 258 4807 251 4556 49706 20564 29142 217 213 4 2164 1906 258 4807 251 4556 49706 20564 29142

    379 375 4 3010 2651 359 7272 698 6574 67093 27833 39260 2 379 375 4 3010 2651 359 7272 698 6574 67093 27833 39260

    620 614 6 3263 2903 360 16469 1068 15401 77132 33386 4374 3 386 381 5 2888 2570 318 16009 1003 15006 70885 30913 39972 234 23~ 375 333 42 460 65 395 6247 2473 3774

    600 599 1220 1075 145 7717 401 7316 48017 19323 28694 4 583 582 1202 1057 145 7717 401 7316 47534 19157 28377 17 17 18 18 483 166 317

    428 416 12 2098 1836 262 9339 754 8585 76624 32975 43649 5 428 416 12 2098 1836 262 9339 754 8585 76624 32975 43649


    302 301 1158 1035 123 214 18 196 14445 5353 9092

    559 554 5 3218 2861 357 292 60 232 20643 8217 12426 2

    L63 263 770 696 74 394 30 364 10874 4122 6752 3

    234 233 375 333 42 460 65 395 6247 2413 3774 4

    220 218 2 2938 2613 325 41 7 34 10437 4112 6325 5

    2592 2552 40 2271 1885 386 140 55 85 28466 10901 17565

    2575 2535 40 2253 1867 386 140 55 85 27983 10735 172_ -6-

    17 17 18 18 4S3 166 3\'f' 124

    J Tf. ~. 'fiT ¥i"~(~~ 0-6 3f11J q1T it ~ q1T f;. 1jf ~~.) ¥~ ~ alR lJiq Total population (including Total population in the 'fiT~it institutional and age group 0-6 LocatIon Name of Area of PS No. of No. of houseless population) Code Panchayat in occupied households No. SamibfTehsill sq. km. and residential ~ Ff.~ ~ Ff fmt VIllage of vIllage houses Persons Males Females Persons MIlI~s Females in hectares

    2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11

    892.31 15873 15944 79876 40724 39152 15381 8149 7232 892.31 15873 15944 79876 40724 39152 15381 8149 7232

    ~ ; Wrm (1J:Uf) 19/1/1 ~~ 37900 8 8 35 16 19 6 2 4 1911/2 l1'm 9131.38 857 860 4302 2160 2142 945 499 446 19/1/3 ~ 637.27 172 173 900 448 452 198 98 100 19/1/4 ~ 4279.73 231 231 1083 561 522 204 112 92 19/1/5 ~ 285.97 227 230 1208 599 609 262 139 123 19/1/6 ~ -mer 132.41 119 120 647 312 335 140 75 65

    19/1n ~~ 327.59 145 145 607 301 306 99 52 47 19/1/8 ~ 634.24 89 91 445 228 217 65 34 31 19/1/9 mm 617.09 55 55 281 147 134 47 27 20 l~/l/lO 2084.79 334 336 1520 804 716 300 155 145 . 19/1/11 3966.32 348 348 1709 859 850 301 156 145 19/1/12 2577.00 127 127 650 340 310 124 82 42

    19/1/13 1844.10 482 484 2407 1258 1149 469 232 2~7 19/1/14 961.81 528 528 2670 1344 1326 588 315 273 19/1/15 1996.99 1037 1037 4922 2474 2448 889 460 429 19/1/16 365.15 72 72 402 190 212 79 39 40 19/1/17 282.86 ~-~ 19/1/18 1663.30 143 145 709 379 330 118 64 54 19/1/19 7.fTUT 2570.53 238 238 1346 714 632 296 158 138 19/1120 ~ '3't c:rm 6070.00 1126 1141 6134 3176 2958 1206 655 651 19/1/21 ~-mcr 788.00 94 94 400 195 205 82 39 43 19/1/22 ~ 689.00 78 78 367 199 168 62 33 29 19/1/23 ~~ 998.00 101 101 450 225 225 91 49 42 19/1/24 ~ 1555.00 244 244 1204 610 594 261 132 129 19/1/25 mr 778.38 163 169 790 384 406 150 69 81 19/1/26 ~ 1025.00 157 159 778 378 400 137 68 69 1911/27 mmt 925.36 258 264 1265 644 621 223 116 107

    19/1/28 ~~ 527.63 99 99 503 262 241 88 52 36 19/1/29 3ltsr 2330.00 349 349 1836 967 869 331 143 188 19/1/30 ~~ 404.10 7 3 04 19/1/31 aR:R 916.35 379 380 1836 901 935 390 202 188 19/1/32 ~ 109234 150 150 677 351 326 135 73 62 125


    ~~ .~~ Worr :rerq;mmmm*~A ~ m'iIf,t/ Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Industrial Category of Main Workers ~flTM

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    8359 7556 7284 6512 12827 2670 19909 5454 9135 1433 T P.S. SHEOGANJ 8359 7556 7284 6512 12827 2670 19909 5454 9135 1433 R U TEHSIL : SHEOGANJ (FULL)

    12 Purari Khera

    340 312 216 ~o 586 90 1089 544 495 87 Manadar 87 84 77 55 77 8 244 22 152 10 Jubli Ganj 142 149 155 143 110 5 285 52 76 3 Rewara 137 131 101 96 250 95 286 145 83 6 Keral 25 32 7 5 114 7 137 139 98 111 lakhmawa Chhota 81 61 74 79 74 22 158 23 139 22 Lakhmawa Bara 44 34 61 57 66 27 117 58 67 Buder; 29 31 6 3 51 8 57 27 13 Gola 180 152 296 241 183 30 410 78 175 26 Alpa 192 190 54 50 229 34 453 87 309 22 Jhadoli 11 17 145 121 49 14 159 130 Talala 226 203 364 317 350 62 600 309 291 167 Jogapura 335 298 28 21 540 89 621 182 238 23 Joyla 487 438 520 448 1200 284 1101 252 354 53 Posaliyan 4 3 2 3 75 22 88 18 52 Vadka UN-INHABITED Fatehpura 23 16 234 209 81 25 216 66 120 6 Mochhal 211 196 58 61 176 21 387 31 258 Van 729 597 272 221 996 157 1546 396 769 100 Kailash Nagar Las 39 39 39 32 16 3 111 43 59 Lotiwara Chhota 66 49 87 74 25 3 108 3 42 Ummed Garh 101 93 45 9 115 43 72 7 Lollwara Bara 218 183 32 27 162 31 321 151 185 81 NaradrA 109 99 51 4 206 123 155 97 Seuda 91 73 19 14 145 28 159 34 75 22 Sawali 162 125 5 3 218 47 308 33 195 10 Madani 19 21 124 110 71 3 133 23 92 8 Akha pura Kharal 236 215 88 76 170 12 467 31 324 6 Oda 2 2 Raniya Khera 159 146 49 54 229 23 439 156 208 22 Andor 92 78 85 79 52 12 205 90 143 Sagaliya 126 ~Wiffr:1~ Vf1f lINIfi«Ii \iI:j31 QI:j I ~

    ~ ~ro/ ~ qm q;f.t qtm * ~ ft ~:to mffi;r fIIfq Industrial Category of Main Workers tfiT-=!IIT

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. Samiti/TehsiV ~ m ~ m FT fu"Irt Ff fu"Irt ~ m ~ fmi Village M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    ~~:~ lit. 4068 3324 1964 161 44 4 485 114 591 19 472 76 lIT. 4068 3324 1964 161 44 4 485 114 591 19 472 76 :f. ~:~(~

    19/1/1 ]Uit~ 12 19/112 ~ 363 445 49 10 26 2 9 19/1/3 ~ 39 11 27 9 2 3 19/1/4 ~ 94 44 67 3 4 2 19/1/5 ~ 91 130 4 2 2 29 5 3 19/1/6 ~~ 18 20 2 7 2 19/117 ~ 'I9T 1 7 3 19/118 ~ 16 53 18 3 3 19/1/9 'Ijfm 2 25 22 6 7 4 19/1/10 ~ 102 47 63 2 11 8 4 19/1/11 rim 56 63 38 11 2 19/1/12 m 27 - 19/1/13 ~ 91 129 67 40 9 12 12 19/1/14 ~ 139 136 61 8 6 46 29 4 19/1/15 ~ 225 182 48 38 55 10 3 19/1/16 ~ 02 8 11 3 3 ,5 1911117 ~ m- amm:: 19/1/18 ~ 59 51 28 9 2 19/1/19 crrur 74 30 42 3 2 19/1/20 ~m{1ffi 427 265 54 13 13 41 41 19/1/21 ~~ 33 41 16 1911122 ~ 52 3 14 1911/23 ~~ 27 35 10 19/1/24 ~ 67 54 29 2 3 10 6 19/1125 mr 14 06 20 19 19/1/26 ~ 29 07 16 4 9 4 19/1/27 ~ 13 19 06 40 11 1

    19/1/28 ~~ 7 1 11 5 12 1911129 am 65 18 34 2 4 2 18 2 8 19/1/30 U:m~ 01 19/1/31 ~ 64 112 30 4 24 4 4 20 1911/32 ~ 8 85 42 2 2 127


    ~ q;Jll ~ ;m;It eN ~ ~ ~ q;Jll 'fif.t qffi- 'liIll'1 'fif.t ~ ~mma/ Industrial Category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers ~flIiq

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat Ff m'!ft Ff fwlt Ff fwlt Ff m'!ft :'Fl m'!ft SamitilTehsill M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    1031 61 213 4 1906 258 251 4556 20564 29142 T P.S. SHEOGANJ 1031 61 213 4 1906 258 251 4556 20564 29142 R U TEHSIL : SHEOGANJ (FULL) 4 19 Purari Khera 77 3 3 57 6 4 315 1067 1283 Manadar 8 4 10 219 194 211 JubliGanj 8 2 32 • 37 276 433 Rewara 25 2 46 2 6 19 307 445 Keral 3 9 5 175 175 191 Lakhmawa Chhota 6 85 142 198 Lakhmawa Bara 10 3 111 159 Buderi 3 14 13 76 94 Gola 18 2 29 15 101 379 537 Alpa 13 24 40 406 723 2 176 181 134 Taleta 22 4 60 3 11 37 647 803 Jogapura 37 1 3 01 62 8 3 127 720 1017 Joyla 119 3 0 212 10 14 89 1359 2107 Posaliyan 6 01 1;3 1 101 194 Vadka UN-INHABITED Fathpura 3 4 7 78 156 • l86 Mochhal 3 5 326 327 275 Van 51 3 8 141 14 6 262 1624 2300 Kailash Nagar Las 84 162 LotJwara Chhota 91 165 Ummed Garh 3 2 110 182 Lollwara Bara 8 17 9 289 443 Naradra 10 7 3 178 280 Seuda 7 8 16 145 203 221 Sawali 19 1 22 2 17 180 319 408 Madani 16 2 2 1 129 217 Akha Pura Kharal 24 2 18 283 469 555 Oda 2 2 Ramlya Khera 40 4 48 9 36 461 743 Andor 4 7 146 236 SagaJiya 128

    Ii. ~

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    19/1/33 '4q 1883.59 340 341 1652 825 827 339 176 163

    19/1/34 ~ 2026.55 744 746 3961 1979 1982 758 386 372 19/1/35 ~

    19/1/36 ~ 488.00 194 196 1066 535 531 189 98 91 19/1/37 1F:T 170.60 184 184 947 470 477 197 1e3 94 19/1/38 ~ W!1JU 294.60 125 126 657 348 309 140 76 64 19/1/39 ~ 512.34 258 258 1233 647 586 237 139 98 19/1/40 ~ 472.44 379 379 1673 878 795 332 197 135

    19/1/41 ~ ~ 255.78 30 30 126 64 62 35 14 '21 19/1/42 ~ 217.89 117 117 647 335 312 122 64 58

    19/1/43 ~ 'IJiq 306900 501 505 2482 1272 1210 456 249 2'16 19/1/44 ~ 353.00 83 83 419 224 195 54 26 28 19/1/45 ~~ 464.98 11 11 52 30 22 10 6 4 19/1/46 w:m 468.07 84 84 403 212 191 81 36 45

    19/1/47 :jqf ~m 177.69 ~-~ 19/1148 ~ 392.86 ~-~ 19/1/49 ~ 635.24 251 254 1253 630 623 241 121 120

    19/1/50 ~ 329.01 62 62 304 165 139 52 33 19

    19/1/51 ~ 1275.46 148 148 708 371 337 123 56 67 19/1/52 'IiRT Cfirm 1123.43 105 105 467 262 205 84 46 38 19/1/53 ~ q;r ~ 527.69 ~-~ 19/1/54 msr-rr 1450 25 131 132 639 328 311 100 51 49

    19/1/55 ~ 1436.40 199 199 959 466 493 175 93 82

    19/1/56 ~ 1801 93 201 201 990 517 473 186 109 77

    19/1/57 ~ 1086.78 146 ~48 697 378 319 100 52 48

    19/1/58 ~ 3075.06 256 257 1391 704 687 263 152 111 19/1/59 3'lJ1lllT 1342.85 555 561 2176 1389 1327 508 298 210 19/1/60 1419.52 504 504 2675 1364 1311 512 272 240 19/1/61 297.86 152 152 781 386 395 126 69 57 19/1/62 373.87 137 137 655 358 297 133 83 50 19/1/63 27861 66 66 379 192 187 88 43 45 19/1/64 559.31 190 190 962 468 494 175 103 72 19/1/65 491.58 5 5 14 9 5 19/1/66 448.86 119 119 587 - 308 279 105 257 48 19/1/67 2562.67 869 871 4516 2283 2233 819 438 381 129


    ~~ ~~ mm ~ CfiI11 'Iif.t cm:lt 'lit ~ ft 'f9I"Inf ml Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Uterates Industrial Category of Main Workers

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    297 296 119 109 240 50 385 81 195 38 Bhaiv 491 429 111 114 747 160 922 197 436 47 Arathwara 45 51 39 39 64 15 80 5 48 Sutharon ka Gurha 211 192 69 72 242 43 258 120 128 Rukhacla 163 144 118 105 150 27 210 16 78 Khanara 59 50 129 29 161 21 80 10 Vera Rampura 73 65 312 277 220 65 311 84 110 21 Jailpura 58 64 800 728 355 60 383 89 19 Kesarpura 4 4 15 16 25 14 35 9 Akhapura Khuni 84 59 42 41 148 41 145 7 23 Chandana 339 323 97 93 706 280 599 126 62 10 Bar Gaon 26 24 49 29 54 8 131 25 54 8 Deal! 30 22 7 14 10 Kukn Khera' 11 17 112 77 54 8 94 2 65 Badia UN-INHABITED Nawabas UN-INHABITED Phachariya 125 115 225 224 162 17 330 81 74 2 KheJariya 16 9 50 39 53 14 85 7 44 Surajpura 70 54 146 139 117 19 202 7 103 Dhuwana 31 24 108 82 31 104 5 42 Kana Kolar UN-INHABITED Sikhon Ka Jar 34 34 51 46 70 33 169 74 52 Godana 93 92 41 33 147 44 250 71 124 15 Chooli 145 119 64 62 143 35 255 26 103 Radbar 50 45 167 147 42 2 224 10 80 Choleela 103 120 68 57 193 47 341 74 131 6 Chhlba Gaon 319 302 172 142 432 114 676 263 401 95 Uthman 266 240 114 105 408 63 668 222 395 92 Bagseen 75 71 36 27 147 32 200 185 131 103 Barewara 11 12 199 167 37 176 4 15 Sardarpura 4 5 43 39 47 3 89 35 56 Nawakhera 69 87 57 68 138 25 250 143 126 19 Morli 4 5 3 6 Kolar

    64 52 11 15 49 159 38 41 4 Vera Vllpur

    448 392 147 145 975 241 1020 132 403 13 Palri 130 ~m'iifu: 1 ~ lI11I'~~;:lIIal::tl~

    ~ $lrrn mrmt'/ ~

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No SamitiITehsill ~ ft:re Ff tWrt ~ ~ ~ m ~ m'Iff ~ m'Iff Village M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33

    19/1133 ~ 115 41 38 11 3 19/1/34 ~ 156 121 67 4 38 4 15 37 19/1/35 ~'Ii~ 16 4 10 19/1/36 ~ 78 117 17 8 '2 19/1/37 ~ 39 6 17 20 2 5 6 2 19/1/38 im~ 31 11 16 4 19/1/39 ~ 30 45 21 3 3 3 13 21 2 19/1140 ~ 53 53 9 5 18 48 119 25 19/1/41 ~~ 1 20 19/1/42 'l'iG=rr 15 2 20 3 19/1/43 ~'IJi

    1911162 ~ 134 3 12 2 3 1911163 - 25 34 3 ~ 19/1/64 m 52 122 46 4 5 19/1/65


    ~ q;pr ~ cm;it

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat ~ fWrt ~ fWrt 'Ff fwtt "Ff fwtt ~ fwrt SarnitiIT ehsiV M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    8 15 2 3 197 437 549 Bhaiv 89 10 15 65 14 5 325 . 1052 1460 Arathwara 5 12 78 90 99 Sutharon ka Gurha 4 5 15 2 277 411 Rukhada 6 4 38 260 461 Khandra 12 2 15 187 288 Vera Rampura 7 9 94 13 335 501 Jaitpura 10 33 69 8 27 64 468 642 Kesarpura 5 29 62 Akhapura Khuni 10 73 3 190 305 Chandana 87 15 116 4 5 81 668 1003 Bar Gaon 5 8 93 169 Deoli 2 12 16 10 Kukri Khera 6 12 83 106 106 Badia UN-INHABITED Nawabas UN-INHABITED Phachariya 12 4 37 2 49 300 493 Khejariya 2 2 2 2 8 78 124 Surajpura 3 6 157 169 173 Dhuwana 3 6 158 200 Kana Kolar UN-INHABITED Sikhon Ka Jor 4 2 7 3 19 156 218 Godana 13 2 21 13 3 46 213 376 Chooli 3 3 5 40 13 6 95 256 352 Racl:lar 4 28 3 2 124 152 185 Choteela 15 2 39 25 362 613 ChhibaGaon 26 4 9 64 37 7 203 706 861 Ulhman 34 5 28 2 29 696 1060 Bagseen 4 7 -. 186 210 Barewara 4 6 4 91 178 202 Sardarpura 4 103 152 Nawakhera 8 3 6 3 90 215 261 Morli 6 3 5 Kolar 10 45 12 149 241 Vera Vilpur

    105 11 ~ 161 19 6 59- 1257 2042 Palri 132 'F-IPlif WWr : 1 m<$r 1JTlr~ iiI~llaFIi ~

    ~ tMrm &1 1f. "{f. 'liT 311'w. mrif ~~(~am 0-6 3!1?! q1f it "#s" ;To ~flliq ~ q1f fc!;. ljt. ~ q\f~ m~.) ¥~ 'liT~ it am: 1Jiq If'!iRT Total population (including Total population in the 'liT ~ it ~~ institutional and age group 0-6 Location Name of Area of PS No. of No. of houseless population) Code Panchayat in occupied households No. SamitilTehsill sq. km. and res iclential ~ ~ ft.11tt FT fmi Village of village houses . Persons Males Females Persons• Males Females in hectares

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    1911/68 ~ 1324.95 96 96 633 308 325 114 55 59 19/1/69 ~ 1471.94 67 67 381 200 181 79 41 38 19/1170 ~'liT~ 1502.00 79 79 397 208 189 70 37 33

    ¥lI'T1ftur 89230.78 15873 15944 79876 40724 39152 15381 8149 7232

    ~~ 133


    ~~ ~~ mm ~ 'C!iJll q;f.r crrm ~ ~ ~ $wrn R'I Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Cat~!Y of Main Workers ~/1liq ¥f~CIiIlrq;f.r~ CiiT~ Total main Name of workers (I-IX) Panchayat SamitifTehsill Ff fu'"Ili Ff fu'"Ili Ff ~ Ff fu'"Ili Ff ~ Village M F M F M F M F M F

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    262 269 45 5 169 81 103 50 Kaldari 131 114 33 115 29 26 2 Baravera 77 75 21 124 33 25 2 Devon-Ka-Bera

    8359 '1556 7284 6512 12827 2670 19909 5454 9135 1433 Total RuraJ

    Total Urban CENVPCA 134 ~wmr:l~ lfllf Sli "I~Cfi \it~~IUI~1 "ffi"{

    ~ 1f'II1«f ml ~ q;rlf ctt.f qrffi

    Locatlon Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. SamitilTehsiU ~ mm FT mm ¥If fWrt :Ff ft:rn Ff fmt ~ fmt Village M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    19/1/68 ~ 9 9 52 19 2 19/1/69 ~im 52 27 34 19/1170 ~q;r~ 9 76 9 4 4 3 9 2

    '§M1mfrvr 4068 3324 1964 161 44 4 485 114 591 19 472 76

    "¥'mtN ." 135


    ~ CIiIlf em-

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat ~ ftffi ~ fWIt ~ ftrIrt ~ ~ Ff ~ SamitilTehsiV M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    2 4 139 240 Kaldari 2 81 85 71 Baravera 14 3 22 82 62 74 Oevon-Ka-Bera

    1031 61 213 4 1906 258 251 4556 20S64 29142 TolalRurai

    Total Urban 136


    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    -QT.ncm lffirnr : ~ 1fr. 1090.40 20825 20979 105806 52639 53167 20903 11117 9786 lIT. 1090.40 20825 20979 105806 52639 53167 20903 11117 9786 ';1".



    ~~ ~~ mm ~ q;jTf 'fiB qrc:jt 'lit ~ ~ ~~I Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Uterates Industrial Category of Main Workers ~f1lfq ¥lpfCfill1"'fiB~

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    12341 11301 3618 3373 19303 4659 24108 7333 9374 1706 T. P.S. SIROHI 12341 11301 3618 3373 19303 4659 24108 7333 9374 1706 R. U. TEHSIL : SIROHI (FULL) 284 315 7 8 447 128 392 91 79 Warada 83 78 44 38 81 7 171 17 83 Satapura 284 294 16 18 387 117 440 206 112 48 Manora 221 225 49 51 322 64 363 51 172 Bhutgaon 158 159 268 58 292 99 178 Jamotara 855 813 216 194 1535 447 1735 683 547 185 Jawal 133 116 157 151 329 106 388 114 124 12 Gol 55 61 48 71 17 28 6 Ewadl 2 6 3 22 9 18 4 9 4 Vada Kheda 455 434 233 233 756 185 933 239 416 65 Padeev 248 237 110 108 526 136 582 125 110 Ud 192 194 64 52 390 85 382 50 184 5 Mandwara 390 401 3 904 244 744 166 170 50 Barloot 231 224 35 31 433 111 367 90 83 21 Mandaswaria 156 157 35 35 335 79 354 128 120 12 Deldar 84 92 217 32 305 48 25 Baoli 165 154 197 42 295 19 147 Nawara 29 32 2 2 88 12 130 6 61 Gura 270 262 31 37 598 152 619 291 253 141 Mohabbatnagar 795 707 121 119 1493 473 1406 481 383 66 Kalandri 199 183 12 14 309 81 390 58 131 10 Dodua 119 79 2 99 14 192 28 120 4 Angore 329 314 42 35 237 48 352 116 76 14 Khambal 137 90 37 36 270 104 204 16 Palri 276 252 25 30 711 138 608 71 105 Rampura 5 3 82 40 63 :.: 2 19 Peepalki 527 483 33 31 986 267 924 205 133 28 Goeli 140 128 105 87 194 40 272 181 48 33 Mandwa 96 34 61 3 1 Sarneshwarji 131 116 57 42 136 31 183 88 73 26 Balda 22 16 124 99 144 20 266 56 35 2 Rajpura 92 73 18 6 106 8 33 2 Sirohi (Rural) 138

    ~ q;rIJ em- ~ q\t afrn ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    Location Name of IV Via) V(b) VI II '" Code Panchayat No. SarnitiITehsiV Village

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    ~ ~ : ftriI1T lif. 4730 4407 2474 334 31 5 1111 148 612 47 824 170 lW. 4730 4407 2474 334 31 5 1111 148 612 47 824 170


    191211 "lRm 37 9 26 30 17 23 13 191212 ~ 59 17 14 14 191213 m 131 143 28 23 6 28 2 10 2 1912/4 ~ 81 48 4 18 19 20 191215 ~ 37 91 24 3 2 4 3 15 1912/6 ~ 248 325 108 34 127 15 57 4 103 50 19/2/7 m:r 164 95 10 17 9 12 191218 ~ 25 10 3 191219 ~ 3 1912110 $ 240 159 57 2 41 2 12 11 1912111 ~ 219 119 63 37 5 16 46 1912112 ~ 100 43 25 4 4 4 1912/13 ~ 51 56 17 89 4 33 45 19 1912114 'l-siUR:

    ~ q;m llif.t ;m;it

    VII VIII IX Narneof Panchayat SamitiITehsil/ Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    1926 153 375 4 2651 359 698 6574 27833 39260 T. P.S. SIROHI 1926 153 375 4 2651 359 698 6574 27833 39260 R. U. TEHSIL : StROHl (FULL)

    53 3 12 115 64 10 73 667 1056 Warada 4 75 128 180 Satapura 63 12 33 5 10 173 564 778 Manora 16 32 2 5 428 780 Bhutgaon 17 1 13 1 1 37 365 567 Jamotara 268 40 43 234 29 23 217 1955 2788 Jawal 24 3 27 11 71 462 748 Go! 11 3 12 42 71 98 Ewadi 6 1 3 15 21 Vada Kheda 65 4 8 83 8 54 290 1046 1659 Padeev 24. 18 49 14 182 640 892 Ud 27 5 32 2 4 133 5(}7 761 Mandwara 171 2 24 144 33 9 119 1094 1644 Barloot 58 4 16 33 7 2 188 498 636 Mandwaria 32 3 26 20 414 733 Deldar 43 8 42 205 313 395 Baoli 9 3 8 4 1 67 429 674 Nawara 4 2 15 2 105 184 240 Gura 61 11 9 109 18 24 119 893 1366 Mohabbatnagar 140 5 47 232 45 36 354 1911 2516 Kalandri 21 3 32 6 44 451 758 Dodua 4 2 24 187 306 Angore 29 2 54 21 18 154 345 456 Khambal 35 9 55 289 442 Palri 71 2 26 2 223 16 3 157 713 1019 Rampura 16 1 21 1 64 131 193 Peepalki 102 13 38 253 39 2 87 1083 1682 Goeli 20 1 5 27 2 10 24 266 290 Mandwa 8 3 44 77 136 Sarneshwarji 6 2 3 31 7 23 32 140 165 Balda Rajpura 15 4 11 2'.: 10 143 204 207 2 3 6 . 5 80 68 68 Sirohi (Rural) 140


    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    1912.133 . it~ 254.18 89 90 460 239 221 75 44 31 1912134 ~ 1485.00 310 313 1648 854 794 321 175 146 1912135 ~ 1552.00 179 179 885 435 4SO 163 89 74 1912136 ~ 1268.00 180 180 967 484 483 183 93 90 1912.137 qm;r 800.00 105 109 SOl 249 252 184 63 41

    1912.138 ~ 1370.00 121 121 622 307 315 140 82 58 1912.139 ~ 1545.00 228 233 1198 592 606 234 119 115 1912.140 ~ 485.00 102 102 494 253 241 100 56 44 1912141 ~ 893.00 220 221 1053 518 535 192 99 93 1912.142 "if?fU 1315.00 385 388 1932 957 975 360 200 160 1912143 ~ 971.09 221 221 999 478 521 185 105 80 1912144 'i1 1665.00 323 323 1555 759 796 332 186 146 1912145 ~ 430.27 86 86 401 196 205 70 31 39 1912.146 ~ 1337.27 136 136 744 369 375 109 73 36 1912.147 ~ 1579.64 323 323 1538 753 785 341 183 158 1912.148 ~ 1456.24 254 254 1230 588 642 246 137 109 1912149 ~ 473.40 94 96 468 224 244 87 51 36 1912.1SO ~ 97.83 13 13 90 44 46 24 14 10 1912151 wrocr 202.83 115 115 629 307 322 123 70 53 1912152 ~ 865.01 184 184 969 503 466 149 86 63 1912.153 ~ 2571.15 79 79 414 196 218 89 40 49 1912154 ~ 1043.35 12 13 69 35 34 13 5 8 1912.155 ~ 3053.00 175 185 984 489 495 168 80 88 1912156 ~m 1531.96 575 576 2866 1476 1390 549 282 267 1912157 ~ 114700 61 61 361 195 166 74 37 37 1912158 {1\SIj{lcl'$l 341.15 10 10 53 27 26 11 6 5

    1912159 ~ 2387.00 225 230 1126 553 573 235 116 119 1912160 ~ 1512.49 288 288 1492 778 714 334 182 152 1912161 ~{dll{iclSI 508.78 81 81 499 251 248 125 58 67 1912162 prm,r 482.66 Tn: . 3TlOfIG 1eW63 ~~ 186.15 Tn: . 3W<>IT~ 1912164 ~ 1515.08 131 131 655 349 306 138 78 60 1912165 ~~ 195.47 m· 3Ir~ 19t2166 ~~ 547.03 3 3 16 8 8 5 4 19t2167 ~~ 173.79 14 17 92 51 41 21 15 6 141


    ~~ ~~ mm ~ 'fi!lr q;f.t r.nm * afmtfirq; ft ~ W!ft;/ Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Categol) of Main Workers ~JlIiq ~~'fi!lr~~ Cf>T~ Total main Name of wolkers t\-\X) Panc'naya\ SamitifTehslll ~ ~ ~ ~ fu7tt fu

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    31 19 119 56 106 33 Verapura 312 269 72 72 232 57 457 175 131 5 Sindrath 97 76 7 6 153 44 196 22 102 Mamawali 52 52 33 30 170 23 243 93 127 20 Sliohia 56 47 12 11 74 4 99 34 15 Veral 128 122 20 16 57 19 149 104 75 40 Sartara 132 118 39 37 218 47 308 305 56 2 Vardara 73 60 99 29 113 73 51 54 Phachariya 164 134 17 15 241 81 228 150 78 12 Chadooal 215 214 333 81 434 24 232 5 Tawari 122 123 20 9 195 54 206 35 108 21 Phoogni 105 n 24 22 216 12 327 96 183 78 Noon 65 62 62 22 92 53 74 33 Nembora 40 34 23 22 115 9 183 83 121 16 Akoona 140 119 5 5 212 25 326 265 168 128 Maaya 84 79 35 27 195 18 230 52 130 36 Haliwara 12 8 89 87 73 6 82 92 16 Tua 33 32 6 23 7 Kotra 88 66 28 22 78 131 4 73 Saurata 127 112 61 51 180 25 246 52 153 18 Jaila 14 11 3 5 65 17 107 4 38 2 Phalwadi 3 24 5 Kooma 234 210 178 24 239 158 85 28 Balda 416 354 48 34 525 167 730 414 390 126 Belangari 15 8 27 16 52 9 110 68 67 24 Badeli 5 7 12 8 9 17 8 13 3 Rajpurakhera 263 234 19 23 140 34 292 71 129 6 Dhanta 310 275 69 65 223 5 358 8 160 1 Mankroda 171 HIO 2.0 136 28 83 5 Oarbarw.Mo:a UN-INHABITED KuaKhera UN·INHABITED Jajar Khera 89 94 68 58 71 13 179 20 63 7 Meerpur UN·INHABITED Verusa Padar 4 3 3 Guwari Khera 7 22 16 Unta Khera 142 ~~ :2_ 1IT1:f~'it:f~1D1:f1 ~

    ~ ~~/ 1pJ'r q;rIf m ~ '* ~ ~ T ':!!Ii

    Location Name of III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat " No. SamitiffehsiV p;'i ~ p;'i ~ F-T m'Ift ~ mrrt ~ ~ F-T !WIT Village M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    1912133 'it~~ 19 31 2 3 1912134 ~ 127 143 63 5 22 3 4 34 1912135 ~ 28 13 34 8 12 1912136 rnmro 67 73 23 8 2 1912137 qm;r 47 33 15 8 2 1912138 m.ou 17 47 37 15 2 2 3 1912139 '1'f1m 146 243 60 50 15 2 5 1912140 ~ 20 17 18 4 1912141 86 131 17 2 15 3 3 ~ 1912142 m 31 11 22 63 4 11 1912143 "t'l1-ft 28 8 15 2 14 3 3 '" 1912144 1.1 41 14 39 16 2 7 9 1912145 ~ 10 19 6 1912146 m

    19f2160 ~ 72 6 51 5 5 11 1912161 ?,'iIli,&:s1 8 8 43 15 i,7- :m;:.m: 1912162 'f:3tT~ 19/2/63 ~~ ltt- ~ 1912164 lW1]'{ 18 4 68 8 , 1912165

    ~'C"til1tmmm'1l'it~!;uft ~ q;pf CIif.1'..w.t q;pf ~ m..w.t ~~/ Industrial category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat ~ fWtt ~ fWtt Ff m'ltf Ff ~ p;tT m SamilirrehsiV M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    3 14 133 221 Verapura 16 3 5 55 14 3 87 394 532 Sinaath 5 14 7 63 232 365 Mamawali 4 12 92 241 298 Silohia 2 9 24 150 194 Vera! 5 9 19 70 139 141 Sartara 8 6 7 11 42 31 242 270 Vardara 10 3 6 19 8 121 160 Phachariya 16 2 13 5 290 380 Chadooal 30 4 6 34 3 24 266 499 685 Tawari 10 3 3 22 11 174 261 312 Phoogni 19 12 49 325 383 375 Noon 11 104 141 Nembora 3 4 15 45 172 247 Akoona 15 6 23 3 109 426 411 Madya 19 2 13 15 215 343 375 HallWara 5 5 142 147 Tua 21 46 Kotra 9 17t 318 Saurata 25 4 8 51 257 363 Jalla 9 5 2 48 87 166 Phalwadi 2 10 9 24 Kooma 13 3 21 250 337 BaIda 59 5 60 7 66 746 910 Belangari 2 9 7 22 78 76 Badeli 3 10 15 Rajpurakhera 4 2 30 261 501 Dhanta 5 48 15 207 405 ' 499 Mankroda 2 104 115 116 Darbarikhera UN-INHABITED Kua Khera UN-INHABITEIJ Jalsr Khera 5 2 22 2'0 14~' 14:, 144 Meerpur UN-INHABI1ED Verusa Padar ", & (,uwarr Khl'ra

    /'...J ." UT1t~ Khera 144 ~ m.2 ftRnft vrtr~\iI;:j~IOI;:j1 ml

    ~ ~ml t tT. 'liT 3fJ

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , 1912168 ~~ 820.99 8 14 72 40 32 22 13 9 1912169 ~ 772.89 107 107 621 317 304 162 89 73 19/2/70 ~ 1681.31 172 172 932 498 434 210 121 89 19/2/71 tftmcm 707.84 139 139 675 351 324 136 81 55 19/2/72 iR~ 4380.75 631 632 3208 1629 1579 663 340 323 1912173 ~ 857.31 137 137 727 365 362 154 95 59 19/2/74 ~ 1418.46 409 412 1985 980 1005 419 214 205 1912175 ~~ 662.14 50 50 306 157 149 62 34 28 1912176 :flTCIT 340.78 141 142 666 328 . 338 124 67 57 19/2/77 ~"U 212.71 40 40 192 83 109 39 17 22 1912178 ~ 1492.71 361 361 1753 .869 884 382 196 186

    19/2/79 -PT 1192.~ 109 114 607 305 302 129 77 52

    1912180 ~1; 2361.41.) 232 232 1240 621 619 290 147 143

    19/2/81 ~ 443.32 25 25 ~58 79 79 37 19 18 1912182 mm 503.95 19 19 106 57 49 19 8 11 19/2/83 ~ 1697.99 68 68 384 210 174 78 41 37 1912184 ~ 3041.58 504 505 2511 1282 1229 568 303 265 1912185 ~~~1~91 1567.66 162 164 910 461 449 193 97 96

    ¥1IllfuJT 109039.51 20825 20979 105806 52639 53167 20903 11117 9786


    ~~ ~~ mm ~ q;m

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    19 8 Padrro Khera 86 78 46 135 12 109 4 Siyakara 150 92 102 94 70 3 224 36 105 15 Kakendra 43 42 61 46 92 8 149 69 76 48 Poseetara 352 309 107 88 473 68 800 154 475 45 Mer Mandwara 160 135 36 28 86 2 165 91 93 19 Sirodki 253 212 72 81 365 84 416 31 172 18 Sildar 4 4 43 45 31 11 78 67 RodaKhera 52 46 48 60 105 12 163 37 116 16 Punawa 15 25 3 6 35 33 2 29 Rampura 238 219 72 63 276 49 400 85 243 25 Amlan 29 19 48 45 75 7 150 179 101 Bag 171 150 64 53 153 35 310 22 182 2 Sanpur 46 43 7 2 45 32 28 7 Karjal 4 2 8 30 22 Ranela 47 31 23 24 31 2 121 51 48 Amli 369 329 42 37 401 184 609 183 246 19 KrishnganJ 7 7 253 266 66 258 94 157 78 Telpikhera

    12341 11301 3618 . 3373 19303 4659 24108 7333 9374 "1706 Total Rural

    Total Urban 146

    ~«a'2_ 1JT1I' 511V1f'qii iit~IIQI~1 ~

    ~ ¢.'.ITl«r -m'if

    LocaliOn Name of III IV V(a) V(b} VI COde Panchayat " f{:flrr ft;:flIt No SamitifTehsiV Ff ~ "'Ff mm ~ mt pi'f ~ Ff ~ Village M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    19f2168 ~~ 11 1912J69 fWwtiu 5 7 21 1912f70 ~ 79 20 21 5 1912f71 mmm 40 20 16 4 1912f72 m~ 66 62 87 14 19 4 14 3 23 1912f73 ~ 19 61 19 1 16 10 6' 1912f74 ~ 75 10 33 2 42 2 5 2 1912f75 im~ 5 4 1912f76 1f1T

    ~wnvr 4730 4407 2474 334 31 5 1111 148 612 47 824 170


    lfI3'l 'fiTl1 q;f.r ~

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat p;tl hvrr T'1l fmT '[m hvrr T'1l ftro 'p:tr ~ SamitiITehsiV M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    21 32 Padrro Khera 181 292 Siyakara 7 6 91 274 ':!JJ7 Kakendra 4 8 202 255 Poseetara 53 13 5 58 12 13 170 816 1255 Mer Mandwara 6 5 6 55 194 216 Sirodkl 31 4 50 41 303 523 671 SIkIar 2 53 79 95 AodaKhera 6 4 4 11 137 154 164 Punawa 3 2 5 59 45 48 Rampura 36 19 2 5 66 464 733 Amlari 6 2 155 123 Bag 14 16 311 597 Sanpur 34 47 Karjal 27 27 Ranela 89 123 Amli 48 11 12 27 10 80 663 966 KrishnganJ 5 2 b 118 197 237 Telplkhera

    1926 153 375 4 2651 359 678 6574 27833 39260 Total Rural

    Total Urban 148

    "If. ~. q;r 3lroG ~ "¥I'~(~am 0-6 -3ll?{ Cf1f it ~Cf1ffc!;. llt. ~ Cflm ~~~ ~~ il am 'IJiq "I!"

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    ~ ~ : NUiql,1 ~. 1153.18 26449 26648 137051 69848 67203 27954 14611 13343 lIT. 1138.27 24750 24901 128032 65180 62852 26157 13704 12453 ":1'. 14.91 1699 1747 9019 4668 4351 1797 907 890 ~-NUsql'l (1{1If) 19/3/1 ~~ 1985.00 19 19 123 63 60 31 17 14 19/3f2 Fcrffi;ft 1666.00 155 161 846 428 418 156 83 73 19/3/3 ~~ 852.00 TR - ~ 19/3/4 :rU 617.00 179 179 874 463 411 200 113 95 19/3/5 mmr 1036.00 287 287 1525 823 702 265 147 118 19/3/6 cRm~ 360.00 84 84 503 248 255 118 55 63 1913fl ~ 897.00 258 258 1342 698 644 267 150 117 19/3/8

    19/3/18 ~ 415.00 88 90 443 213 230 89 46 43 19/3/19 ~ 1140.00 419 419 2139 1121 1018 494 267 227 19/3120 ~~ 76300 236 236 1401 707 694 354 169 185 19/3121 mmn 852.00 120 120 671 342 329 172 86 86 19/3122 llffi1T 746.00 157 157 848 450 398 226 129 97 19/3123 218.00 77 77 439 221 218 106 52 54 19/3124 529.00 165 166 942 463 479 254 121 133 1913f25 240.00 108 108 461 149 212 100 55 45 19/3126 916.98 521 522 2697 1335 1362 563 290 273 1913/27 58099 197 197 1134 598 536 242 126 116 19/3128 3147.00 788 792 3782 1803 1979 716 378 338 19/3129 86.00 36 26 191 96 95 26 13 13 19/3130 1079.00 137 137 731 393 338 79 41 38 149


    ~~ ~~ mm­ ~q;mcm~'ll1~~ ri'WFr rrfiWTl Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers 'fF~(lji . '§<1:pgr'li!1'fcm~ '1'1" ;n., Total mam Nail'') ",' workers (I-IX) Pa,

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    8182 7588 27224 25845 20456 6435 35394 8056 16448 2617 T. P.S.PINDWARA 7275 6752 26872 25543 17845 5343 33264 7874 16090 2568 R. 907 863 352· 302 2611 1092 2130 182 358 349 U.

    TEHSIL: PINDWARA (FULL) 63 60 8 32 3 22 Khari Gegarwa 5 4 167 24 153 78 Viroli UN-INHABITED Darla Padar 15 11 349 333 26 2 256 89 165 62 Muri 248, 206 255 198 347 73 446 161 235 17 Sivera 15 14 209 215 29 6 139 138 KerlaPadar 161 133 35 36 229 50 360 172 79 22 Undra 13 12 42 15 102 14 44 Kotra 27 37 3 26 Juna Sanwara 392 360 54 39 465 161 793 125 206 31 Naya Sanwara 81 103 304 276 115 5 341 204 141 94 Talpur 65 57 108 88 198 16 283 20 24 4 Arasana 306, 278 148 122 805 323 701 66 256 19 Vaarwara 36 35 46 43 88 37 57 26 9 4 Parlai 415 388 • 270 229 937 462 1196 378 312 155 Jhadoli 4 6 317 294 120 144 61 64 51 Rajpur 38 32 26 28 69 36 34 2 7 Kashavganj 10 18 68 72 100 48 80 10 39 Saclalawa 144 120 856 809 226 21 609 116 444 19 Aarnli 10 12 697 682 68 8 413 17 360 Thandi Beri 342 329 9 138 161 Sabala 450 398 56 2 225 49 180 MaJap 221 218 17 118 10 96 3 Kundal 2 2 461 477 22 2 250 142 139 113 Varli 6 5 243 207 34 2 31 8 87 5 Kalumbri 252 235 45 28 575 150 533 81 147 43 Janapur 87 n 91 71 285 61 295 100 63 14 Jhankar 284 284 160 177 739 298 800 158 229 3 Nandiya 44 47 48 9 49 5 15 Jiapura 62 60 150 138 87 24 228 24 138 8 Digar 150


    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No SamitlfTehslll ~ ft

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28, 29 30 31 32 33

    'IIT.mrn 1Ifirflf : Nasa IfI ~. 5490 4379 1564 321 21 904 152 2734 143 2204 61 lIT. 5301 4328 1522 In 311 21 730 130 2507 141 2134 55 ;r, 189 51 42 10 174 22 227 2 70 6 ~-NOgCii,i (~ 19'3'1 2 3 4 191312 32 2 193:3 9 17 23 24 3 2

    19,'1/5 13 135 59 6 4 12 4 10 19,3,6 19/3,7 55 139 61 7 43 2 41

    1~/3/P- ~ 28 13 23 3 1!1/3/d "FT~ 3 2

    19/3/10 w.~ 176 65 81 2 25 1 67 2 41

    1~'; "3/11 128 94 45 10 4 2 2 2

    1~,! '2 154 14 11 8 6 45

    ~9/~~ • '1 52 34 11 22 15 71

    ;9/3/',1 ,HI,! 6 16 2 2 14 7~ 124 190 31 51 12 106 5 165 9 6 15 22 2

    1'-1"l,'8 11~-"!-"- 10 6 7 3 4 ,',T)TIm 53 67 16 18 12 38 12

    19.' ,,~, ~-'1iJ 37 8 3 2

    18/::'" 1 198 161 19'3/;,. 6 18 26 29 7 12 1 7 5 32 5 35 3 9 91 33 13 21 2 72 30 100 77 5 55 8 10 227 150 22 2 42 43 73 , . 3 5 2 3 14 52 12 26 3 151 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PANCHAYATSAMfTI: 3 PINOWAAA

    ~1R1I'~~*~~ ~ 1iIIf em ~ Inc1Istrial category of Main Workers tMrginal workers

    VII VIII IX Name of , Panchayat Ff' ft:ro Ff ft:ro Ff SamitilTehsiV M F M F M Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    2212 140 614 6 2903 360 1068 15401 33386 43748 T. P.S. PINOW~A 1718 131 311 6 2610 318 1003 16006 30913 3"72 R. 494 g 239 1 333 42 65 395 2473 3174 U. TEHSlL: PlNDWARA (FULL) 2 4 27 27 30 Khari Gegarwa " 13 4 23 4 2 271 415 Viroli UN-INHABITED DarIaPadar 5 27 7 16 137 191 185 Muri 16 93 2 206 375 335 Sivera 151 109 103 KerlaPadar 19 4 8 46 2 125 337 347 Undra 2 41 117 160 Kotra 7 13 19 41 41 Juna Sanwara 62 13 12 122 10 3 227 .712 991 Nays Sanwara 9 10 3 79 131 204 260 Telpur 24 2 9 3 245 261 182 Arasana 106 3 21 146 7 3 265 974 1351. Veerwara 3 6 15 5 2 8 100 148 Parlar 162 29 216 15 16 78 1407 2281 JhadoIi 34 4 127 177 112 Raj)ur 16 7 4 20 63 76 Keshavganj 2 5 12 18 59 115 161 Sadalawa 11 5 24 6 20 473 492 429 AamIi 4 6 8 372 294 305 ThandI Beri 144 168 '3abe1a .1 4 225 349 Malap

    3 6 6 102 102 106 Kum~al 4 66 17 14 114 199 223 Varll 19 82 99 122 Kalumbri 66 10 83 3 99 284 703 997 Janapur 19 8 34 28 303 408 Jh<>r,k.lI' 97 6 59 5 88 1003 1733 4 a 23 47 67 3 5 4 19 132 146 182 Digar 152

    If. \1. q;r ~ llftllif ~ -:;F'lW9'lT (~ di 0-6 awr q7f it ~ em fifi. lit. ~ qt- ~~~) 'f'f~ it am: lJicr m Total populat:on (including Total population in the q;r ~ it

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    19/3131' ~ 1597.00 328 329 1617 811 806 308 153 155 19/3/32 ~ 2070.00 Q1 61 414 217 197 127 65 62 19/3133 cf;;: 1072.00 260 260 1297 669 628 268 135 133 1913134 ~~ 819.00 67 67 339 190 149 58 32 26 1913135 tmr 576.00 356 356 1854 971 883 451 215 236 19/3136 m 155.05 23 23 132 68 64 22 14 8 19/3137 ~~ 215.00 91 91 466 237 229 100 55 53 19/3138 ~~ 2371.00 539 543 2873 1465 1408 600 307 301 19/3/39 all1Rt~ 557.00 241 241 1360 619 741 332 142 190 1913140 Glrof;t~ 391.00 49 49 279 140 139 78 39 39 1913141 ~ 524.00 98 99 501 241 260 112 67 19/3142 ~ 835.00 292 292 1531 824 707 284 173 111 19/3143 ~ 296.00 2 2 10 6 4 3 2 19/3144 ~ 714.00 449 452 2292 1131 1161 506 273 233 1913145 wmrr~~ 735.84 145 147 759 383 376 160 90 78 19/3146 aRRt 1495.00 795 798 4458 2262 2196 803 443 360 19/3147 ~ 529.00 159 159 817 . 426 391 180 90 90 19/3148 m

    19/3/51 ~~ 7484.34 89 89 410 231 179 70 28 42 19/3152 ~ 78.08 14 14 96 49 47 18 11 7 19/3153 ~~ 7.40 6 6 28 12 16 5 2 3 19/3/54 mw 1965.35 462 463 2327 1215 1112 459 247 212 1913155 llrffir 324.00 136 136 838 437 401 202 112 90 19/3/56 '

    19/3158 ~ 4014.00 1208 1226 5141 2785 2356 1151 597 554 19/3/59 ~ 670.26 229 229 1166 S96 570 272 137 135 19/3/60 (lTU 243.00 203 204 1105 544 136 71 65

    19/3161 ~ 147.24 73 100 341 197 144 70 28 42 19/3162 ~ 101.00 4 4 23 9 14 7 2 5 1913163 ~ 187.00 99 99 567 266 301 109 45 64 1913164 • 627.00 448 448 2011 1000 1011 371 193 178 153 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PANCHAYATSAMITI: 3 PINDWARA

    ~~ ~~ W-l1' If&r q;rq m qrffi ~ ~ ~ ~W/ Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Categary of Main Workers ~fI1iq "¥f~1i1lfilir~ q;r1fll Total main Name of workers (I-IX) Panchayat SamitifTehsill tp;tf frnt ~ ft.r1IT ~ Village M F M F M

    12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 2

    31 32 541 528 156 47 453 197 118 44 Lotana 216 197 18 2 120 112 73 66 Kalabor 54 48 328 309 116 40 366 131 138 39 Ker 190 149 29 2 121 98 105 91 Churli Khera 108 104 537 503 82 17 593 52 385 19 Isra 7 19 5 44 47 39 33 Ubera 237 8 2 126 111 84 61 Khokhri Khera 110 108 851 178 20 807 229 542 91 Mandawara Khalsa 3 2 612 49 16 338 98 187 1 Apri Khera 140 18 76 84 61 63 VarkiKhera 41 38 127 50 99 15 56 6 Phulera 84 62 99 'J6 248 30 424 57 71j 3 Shivgarh 3 2 '~ Dhanct'lpura 198 192 9 6 464 111 500 156 153 25 Kojra 70 55 78 79 133 57 176 24 ¥ 10 Sawarli Chawarli 285 262 627 '~86 683 296 1217 252 411 111 Ajari 12 17 103 91 149 26 230 7 12/) Kantal 140 136 18 2 76 7 35 3 Gadiya 357 332 85 13 209 8 173 Dhanga 175 165 18 97 90 Vagdari 10 6 139 140 70 9 173 9 79 Pahar Kalan 49 47 33 29 Bhadaveri 12 2 2 7 4 Cheeniya Band 3 5 1201 11LJ2 78 5 658 34 636 21 Moras 137 4.01 47 234 8 110 Malera lQ 5 694 683 75 379 3 327 Gharat 32 31 22 16 Nawawas

    ~06 264 1313 1196 853 384 1646 277 484 Basantgarh 94 102 239 237 132 8 292 7 {M 1 Rampura

    8~ 70 169 153 215 60 270 110 36 2 Doongari 59 53 51 37 102 22 120 19 6 Banas 6 5 5 4 Ghodiyawa 33 35 109 18 124 56 Reechhri 309 286 146 139 403 153 492 133 75 3 Peshua 154

    $irrn m :3 ~ 1l11f~ ~;j~IUI;jllfR mcrn; ~m/ "i19'f "f>111 m ;;m:lt 'fit ~ ~ ~-:fo ~~ Industrial Category of Main Workers


    \ Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. SamitilTehsill :Fl fWn ~ fWtt ~ ~ ~ fWtt ~ mm ~ mm Village M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    19/3/31 mm 153 113 48 28 9 8 45 7 19/3/32 ~ 19 39 16 7 7 19/3/33 *' 73 68 111 10 5 2 11 19/3/34 ~~ 13 7 3 19/3135 m 51 29 112 2 11 2 2 19/3136 mr 4 14 1913137 ~ irn 41 49 19/3/38 ~ T3TmIT 125 131 66 4 23 16 19/3/39 am~ 141 92 3 19/3140 ~~ 11 14 6 19/3/41 ~ 16 9 14 19/3142 ~ 216 49 5 12 3 49 19/3143 ~ 19/3144 ~ 114 108 18 21 5 60 37 5 19/3145 ~-a

    19/3/51 ~~ 93 9 19/3152 ~ 3 ., 19/3153 ~~ 2 1913154 m 9 10 3 2 2 19/3155 ~ 104 7 14 4

    19/3156 ~ 38

    1913157 ~

    19/3158 ~ 72 182 17 56 27 599 SO 190 2 19/3159 ~ 79 4 22 1 . 8 51 32 1913160 ~ 116 103 2 2 80 2 19/3161 ~ 2 16 7 16 2 1913162 ~ 19/3/63 ~ 7 9 2 40 19/3/64 • 243 128 21 18 45 155 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PANCHAYATSAMfTI 3 PINDWARA

    ~ ;w:r Cfif.r

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat Ff furIIt ~ mm ~ mm ~ fmt Ff mm SamitiffehsllI M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    6 65 4 18 112 340 497 Lotana 4 97 85 Kalabc'f 12 4 14 6 16 152 287 345 Ker 69 51 Churl! Khera 14 15 2 486 378 345 Isra 24 17 Ube a

    111 118 Kho~nTi Knera 16 4 15 3 10 236 648 943 Mandawara Khals.l 2 4 5 4 263 277 380 Apn Khera 2 64 55 Varkl Khera 9, 2 2 3 126 139 119 Prulera 49 4 16 16 186 384 464 SllIVgarr, 2 4 2 Dhandhr,u;3 42 5 50 11 30 143 601 862 KOl'a

    10 2 28 5 31 138 176 214 !3 J.w,,:11 Ch:t"'1 J' 114 2 12 121 19 10 329 1035 1615 Ajar,

    9 9 10 131 186 253 K"mt~l 14 88 50 41 GiYI:,cI 2 96 148 228 Dn311ga 6 78 74 87 \' 19dan 73 58 97 i-'n')ar !'\:I;:tr 32 16 15 Enada' ( 10 4 " Chel;:" :ya S~q(f 5 3 15 615 542 -:63 ~tl(tS

    15 215 188 178 f .. !c1lt'Hd 9 3 357 324 331 Cihnrdt 5 23 11 8 Nawawas 41 8 152 10 16 523 1123 1556 Basantgarh 4 11 171 303 392 Rdmpur2

    21 3 2 9 2 291 433 C')on(~ap 8 62 17 10 76 115 Barlds 4 1-1 Gl1odiyal'vo. 2 5 137 142 164 Re8chhn 28 10 51 70 508 808 Peshua 156

    t '{f. 'liT ~ ¥~ (mnmaih: 0-6 3W{ r.rT it ~ CflT Fli. llt. 3l'1"1mft

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    19/3/65 ~ 791.00 162 162 841 436 405 182 95 87 19/3/66 m 2411.00 744 755 4145 2143 2002 815 4?9 386 19/3/67 ~ 1647.00 597 604 3279 1711 1568 637 351 286 19/3/68 ~ 484.00 137 137 700 341 359 155 83 72 19/3/69 @1€WIi91 728.00 339 339 1659 835 824 343 170 173 19/3170 ~ 670.00 425 428 2004 975 1029 369 195 174 19/3171 ~q:;r~ 850.00 226 226 1293 650 643 287 138 149 19/3172 ~ 432.00 94 94 505 252 253 113 64 ·49 19/3173 ~ 646.79 253 253 1453 737 716 338 177 161 19/3174 ~:to 2 8934.35 22 22 120 65 55 29 16 13 19/3175 ~ 91.00 71 71 355 178 177 86 44 42 19/3176 1T'I1J'U 604.00 304 306 1749 888 861 405' 213 192 19/3177 ~ 231.00 171 176 893 478 415 163 94 69 19/3178 ~ 362.00 143 143 702 385 317 139 75 64 19/3179 'IT?T 345.00 114 114 559 271 288 119 65 54 19/3/SO "1"!nii 2361.00 691 694 3629 1862 1767 711 392 319 19/3181 m;lfr '.1'100 218 223 1089 551 538 243 121 122 19/3/82 f':rn:rr 1328.00 311 315 1414 715 699 264 138 126 19/3/83 ~ 2048.00 678 682 3522 1706 1816 723 363 360 19/3184 ~ 587.00 107 107 603 314 289 129 74 55 19/3/85 ~ 172.10 30 30 179 87 92 36 18 18 19/3/86 ~ 4085.00 1205 1214 5972 2958 3014 1191 626 565 19/3/87 ~ 561.93 227 227 1163 628 535 213 119 94 19/3/88 ~~ 282.99 160 160 950 483 467 209 101 108 19/3/89

    14.91 1699 1747 9019 4668 4351 1797 907 890 14.91 1699 1747 9019 4668 4351 1797 907 890 157


    ~_i '.~~ ~~ W-17 ~'lif1lmmm'it~.\!!uii: Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industria) Category of Main Workers ~/lJtq ~~'lif1lmm#r 'lir;nl1 Total main Name of workers (I-IX) Panchayat SamilllTehsill :Ff Village M

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    40 43 144 128 246 65 200 16 75 Kodarla 339 314 115 96 679 183 1044 133 333 35 Ohanari 161 133 347 313 487 96 829 210 396 3 Nitora 60 54 57 49 157 27 159 4 85 2 Nanarwara 140 136 54 60 380 79 403 155 149 23 Khakharwara 188 186 67 62 303 65 459 185 131 14 Kachholi 15 13 478 484 139 10 332 224 312 220 Phoolabai Ka Khera 11 15 78 84 63 29 141 96 59 Sangwara 729 710 68 9 411 106 397 43 Panchdewal 54 51 23 5 33 21 14 Block No.2 154 150 51 95 66 70 Motra 21 26 779 746 121 10 470 131 278 10 Nagpura 17 15 66 50 190 39 263 30 168 8 Achpura 45 42 79 57 176 29 210 8 126 Kaseendra 52 43 70 82 79 20 146 98 54 36 Bara 326 306 309 254 602 204 965 479 362 229 BharJa 61 48 242 239 117 25 306 107 160 11 Tarrongi 170 154 73 66 190 39 357 123 157 59 Bhimana 145 139 526 504 488 106 798 178 425 48 Valera 125 96 34 46 139 16 148 2 61 Udbanya 6 5 22 46 5 38 Patumbri 370 346 401 381 1098 642 1351 132 495 10 Ronira 137 122 39 30 169 54 334 101 137 19 Sanwara 32 35 260 254 126 20 240 53 185 48 Mandwara Deo 220 212 401 436 581 243 811 294 401 223 Wasa. 107 99 56 14 46 6 Kedar Ka Padar 2096 1953 119 18 1113 119 883 37 Walonya 261 265 10 127 8 120 SemI! 132 124 12 70 17 60 Sadapahll 8 4 6 2 6 Nayawas )Oeo) 69 58 3 42 41 Bor Umn 405 388 44 5 184 7 161 Peetari PaetH 380 362 22 3 212 4 185 Nawawas (Khalsa) 2 2 1968 1896 156 28 1151 193 839 34 Bhoola 187 185 166 37 220 60 105 48 Pindwara (Rural)

    7275 6725 26872 25543 17845 5343 33264 7874 16090 2568 Total Rural 907 863 352 302 2611 1092 2130 182 358 49 Bhawri CT 907 863 352 302 2611 1092 2130 182 358 49 Total Urban 158

    1p.9!T 'fiTl1" '!it cum 'It ~ ft Industriaj Category of Main Workers

    Location Name of II III IV Via) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No Samitiffehsill 1J

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    19/3/65 22 13 6 21 7 19/3/66 115 80 37 6 16 195 153 3 19/3/67 146 200 41 20 68 50 19/3/68 28 2 2 13 19/3/69 @l!l{qi$i 57 126 40 17 42 40 19/3(10 ~ 118 154 50 41 11 14 58 1913(11 ~'Iir~ 2 3 2 19/3(12 ~ 63 93 3 7 19/3(13 ~ 6 63 3 19/3(14 ~;fo 2 11 20 2 19/3(15 timr 16 65 9 19/3(16 1flllU 135 111 3 19 19/3177 3Ff1lU 7 11 23 6 5 20 4 4 19/3178

    189 51 42 10 174 22 227 2 70 6 189 51 42 10 174 22 227 2 70 6 159


    ~ 'fiI'If .m- cnm C!l afrm

    vrr vrn IX Name of Panchayat ftr!IT ftr!IT Samiti/Tehsil/ F F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    9 2 58 2 4 41 232 348 Kodarla 68 13 113 7 9 379 1090 1490 Ohanan 47 3 57 5 536 882 822 Nitora 6 1 , 22 2 222 179 133 Nanarwara 24 1 4 30 4 61 432 608 Khakharwara 16 2 2 29 3 4 86 512 758 Kachholi 8 6 1 3 144 315 275 Phoolabai Ka Khera 2 5 110 157 Sangwara 4 121 325 489 Panchdewal 3 3 32 34 SlockNo.2 83 111 Kotra 3 31 9 146 417 582 Nagpura 21 15 10 214 375 Achpura 3 1 9 3 134 175 175 Kaseendra 7 6 2 4 2 7 124 183 Bara 67 9 16 68 12 21 226 876 1062 Bharja 5 7 8 4 24 137 221 294 Tarrongi 12 1 40 3 10 32 348 544 Bhimana 44 3 6 46 5 42 636 866 1002 Vatera 9 5 2 2 166 287 Ucilariya 2 41 87 Patumbri 148 2 43 199 29 40 880 1567 2002 Rohlra 60 9 2 20 2 2 103 292 331 Sanwara 10 3 15 3 96 240 318 Mandwara Oeo 61 13 10 62 14 55 445 698 892 Wasa 39 51 46 Kedar Ka Padar 4 3 3 3 113 926 878 914 Walonya 1 37 161 97 96 Semh 3 9 52 53 55 Sadapahh 2 Nayawas (Oeo) 3 29 24 28 BorUmri 1 3 2 36 180 188 202 Peetari Padar 2 17 206 156 154 Nawawas (Khalsa) 20 32 5 13 8 3 532 858 1207 Shoola 23 2 31 2 67 249 342 Plndwara (Rural) 1718 131 381 5 2570 318 1003 15006 30913 39972 Total Rural 494 9 233 333 42 65 395 2473 3274 Bhawri C.T 494 9 233 333 42 65 395 2473 3274 Total Urban 160

    '1'Wlii 1lfTlf;;,' '1'. 1f ~ :mw. ¥i~(~W 0-6:~

    ~!TTIq ~ 1 ::rfI! it W lj)q 1l'tT:fi Total population (including Total population in the ~~i:r

    2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    858.11 14908 15048 81431 42032 39399 17109 8586 8513 858.11 14649 14789 80611 41533 39078 16966 8535 8431 1.00 259 259 820 499 321 143 61 82

    19/4/1 irnrtq 4354.00 22 22 118 66 52 30 17 13 19/4/2 :m&I 295.00 19/4/3 2855 l)O 56 56 e::51 128 123 54 26 28

    19/4/4 21:l.O0 3(J 30 ! ~31 08 63 19 9 10 19/4/5 3rq(~111 142.00 51 51 224 124 100 48 25 23 19/4/6 ~ 820.00 129 139 611 328 283 150 91 59 19/4(7 ~1" 3 5489 VO

    'I(' 19/4/8 ~q lu900 38 .). ~ 168 9li 72 27 17 10 19/4/9 31mT 259.00 34 34 140 70 64 30 13 19/4/1 0 1i{1Tcfi 1 () 5560.00 9 9 62 39 23 11 4 7 19/4/11 ~ 64500 431 2112 10el7 1025 403 199 204 19/4/12 "i.Pll(T 13000 40 211 115 96 38 20 18 19/4/13 'IC«1T 276 276 1487 766 721 404 191 213 19/4/14 ~ lUdG OU 514 2522 1283 1239 442 217 225 19/4/15 ~ 30tWO 39 89 509 270 2:39 80 40 40 19/4/16 CfiTirm 34400 216 216 !:t48 508 441 173 78 95 19/4/17 mmq 224.00 78 79 402 223 179 73 37 36

    19/4/18 ~ 2noo lU4 104 587 ~10H 279 131 71 60 19/4/19 lJ1lfcfiT 473.00 171 171 965 484 481 214 104 110 19/4/20 ~ if,[ 1fcf.T 444.00 181 181 1020 507 513 211 89 122 19/4/21 1pl'4m 1531.00 747 751 4200 2128 2072 986 487 499 19/4/22 til7rft 441.00 166 166 954 478 4'16 159 77 82 19/4123 31~ir 11800 42 42 2Hl 101 117 48 19 , 29 19/4/24 ~ 112000 350 3'10 2063 1102 961 492 279 213 19/4/25 ~ 212.47 55 66 308 52 30 22 19/4126 ~ ~63.20 122 122 696 352 344 143 62 81 19/4/27 ~'1n 698,00 141 143 864 452 412 200 103 97 19/4/28 ~ mir.?,T 142.00 1R - 31T'W. 19/4/29 ~ ·it; :'11 8·.13 (JO 19 19 107 54 53 24 11 13 19/4/30 #c','I; 20:.1.00 38 38 240 120 120 55 25 30 19/4/31 l1iT ~ 752.00 189 189 1072 510 550 284 124 160 19/4/32 f1p:q, 961.00 445 449 2714 1426 1288 598 304 294 161


    ~~ ~~ 'IIT~H ~ 'fiIlT T.f.t :w:ir

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    2566 2338 27971 26914 9882 2401 22308 3389 13512 1436 T. P.S.AbuRoad 2557 2337 27889 26845 9534 2260 21975 3385 13475 1433 R. 9 82 69 348 141 333 4 37 3 U. TEHSIL: ABU ROAD (FULL) 4 31 26 Shergaon UN - INHABITED Akhi 34 77 8 49 5 Utraj 21 4 42 4 32 Jawai 38 43 14 13 62 17 74 10 5 Achalgarh 6 6 34 29 140 18 176 37 15 Oriya UN - INHABITED • Block No.3 33 24 35 7 51 15 28 Salgaon 17 13 23 45 12 20 Ama 28 23 11 17 17 Block No.1 44 50 622 591 306 79 549 41 233 2 Amthala 115 96 10 58 2 44 Kyara 55 42 597 562 158 3 402 194 316 100 Mudarla 228 221 70 49 741 163 566 34 180 12 Kiwarli 7 10 187 138 60 12 139 2 73 Pandoori 5 3 106 112 286 64 285 12 64 2 Karoli 31 25 124 118 99 15 144 38 37 Danvav 23 21 219 211 76 15 157 44 64 Umarni 10 13 411 407 81 19 263 12 217 5 Ganka 436 449 38 8 279 28 253 27 Talwaron ka Naka 124 108 1602 1574 376 85 1096 104 791 10 Mungthala 15 9 449 456 49 2 276 43 230 21 Bageri 91 105 5 2 54 1 54 Ambawen 58 48 869 791 79 10 572 137 370 90 Chandela 137 121 6 106 82 Sakoda 345 338 6 3 215 34 194 15 Fathepura 15 8 393 356 35 3 249 66 215 51 Bahadurpura UN - INHABITED Muliya Mahadeo 54 53 17 27 2 27 2 Forest Chotil 120 120 25 56 24 54 23 Chotila 512 551 35 2 287 10 265 MahiKhera 41 3"7 1131 1007 281 45 782 43 587 11 Girwar 162 ~ Wiftr 4 3lTil m- 1I1lJ ~ :JI'I~IUI'l1 ~

    ~ ~ Wtfrr/ lJ1§11' q;f!1 q;f.r ~ eft ~ ft

    Location Name of II III IV VIa) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. SamitiiTehsil/ 'Fl fi1

    2 22 23 24 25 26 Zl 28 29 ~ 31 32 33

    ~ ltfirnf : ~ ~ m. 3006 1337 819 246 298 72 247 23 1581 55 471 35 lIT. 3003 1337 819 246 298 72 247 23 1414 54 442 35 ";{. 3 167 35 ~-~ 19/4/1 Vrm 3 19/4/2 3ffi91 7rr - ~ 19/4/3 ~ 4 3 4 19/4/4 ~ 7 3 19/415 ~ 2 2 2 19/4/6 3llfuT 63 8 38 22 7 19/417 ~10 ~ 1R - 3lfoll(! 19/4/8 mB11TC1" 11 13 2 3 19/4/9 31T8T 5 12 6 2 19/4/10 "ii(1Tcfi -=To ~. 19/4/11 3lJlll'mT 123 25 11 8 6 83 26 19/4/12 Cf1m:r 10 2 1 19/4/13 ~ 27 93 5 3 26 4 19/4/14 fq;;:m;ft 53 15 24 17 65 54 19/4/15 ~ 56 2 5 19/4/16 cmrm 45 5 19 1 122 8 1 19/4/17 ~ 15 23 4 42 2 4 4 19/4/18 3m:;fr 15 32 17 13 1 13 10 3 19/4/19 "IJ"Uf:fiT 8 6 4 9 6 19/4120 ~ 'liT 1fitT 1 21 19/4121 ~ 128 90 40 16 19 3 19/4122


    1]&1" 'Iif1i 'if-ir ~ c€r ~ ~ ~ 'Iif1i q;i.r cm'f 'Iif1i "1 q;i.r cm'f ~~/ Industrial Category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers rmi'm/Tffq Cfi[1Jll

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat ~ fum ~ fum ~ m

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    694 39 599 1 1075 145 401 7316 19323 28694 T. P.S.AbuRoad 638 39 582 1 1057 145 401 7316 19157 283n R. 56 17 18 166 317 U. TEHSIL: ABU ROAD (FULL) 2 8 35 43 Shergaon UN - INHABITED Akhi 19 40 51 75 Utraj 2 18 26 41 Jawai 36 2 29 6 32 50 58 Achalgarh 24 4 25 6 107 152 139 Oriya UN - INHABITED Block No. 3 7 2 45 55 Salgaon 5 3 4 31 52 Arna 11 22 12 Block No. 1 29 3 5 32 3 9 41 529 . 943 Amthala 3 57 94 Kyara 4 2 14 364 527 Mudarla 42 3 38 93 3 64 717 1141 Kiwarli 5 131 237 Pandoori 6 6 14 3 2 24 221 405 Karoli 8 7 26 8 3 23 76 118 Danvav 4 5 15 6 12 93 139 142 Umarni 15 4 66 221 403 Ganka 1 4 150 227 335 Talwaron ka Naka 25 4 70 2 2 309 1030 1659 Mungthala , 4 38 246 164 187 Bageri 53 47 63 Ambaweri 14 2 10 268 530 556 Chandela 1 73 56 72 Sakoda 2 184 137 126 Fathepura 2 1 2 138 203 208 Bahadurpura UN - INHABITED Muliya Mahadeo 27 51 Forest Chotla 1 64 96 Chotil 3 6 19 327 210 219 MahiKhera 21 4 29 3 20 674 624 571 Girwar 164

    1fi'1'T71if 1lfi:rfrr1 '< 'T. 'f.T .3Ww. 'f1~(~3W 0-6 3WJ 'llf it ~/l1T'1 ~r:rw- cn'i f'.l;. lir 31FiTm

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    19/4/33 "T:fm 1117.00 460 460 2572 1317 1255 606 328 278 19/4134 ~ 260.00 84 84 507 270 237 136 74 62 19/4135 3ITCiff 790.00 332 335 1941 991 950 459 220 239 19/4/36 tsm ~ 347.00 12 12 63 31 32 15 6 9 19{4/37 ~ 107.00 66 68 380 199 181 77 37 40 19/4/38 tsm Cf.<.1t 648.00 231 231 1355 659 696 348 158 190 1914139 ~1Tif.1Cf,\ 133.00 49 49 267 135 132 61 28 33 19/4/40 'P-lTfr

    ~0fIWif ~~ mm ~ q;rq

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    105 117 868 806 250 ,53 650 130 440 5 Chanar 270 237 18 144 90 114 65 Andaliya fil 71 664 657 214 50 525 92 425 54 AwaJ 31 32 22 22 RedwaKhurd 64 54 43 9 100 7f} Meergarh 4 5 647 685 48 7 366 75 340 14 RedwaKalan 122 124 17 2 74 74 Dunakakar 7 4 301 319 19 2 181 168 Kyariya 30 33 501 451 177 69 361 83 136 30 Manpur (Rural) 55 41 51 40 457 87 470 88 22 8 AkraBhatta 269 251 21 14 343 163 202 10 30 Tartoli(Rural) 148 125 408 367 293 66 306 107 60 14 MorthaIa: 151 136 331 431 485 212 524 58 137 Cd 9 9 276 257 101 13 242 59 114 31 Derna 3 4 190 201 38 2 99 16 43 Toonka 150 147 694 657 309 73 592 32 307 9 Deldar 686 630 41 3 458 391 452 3ffl Tankiya 3 732 642 102 2 311 8 273 5 Dotra 503 518 15 290 19 244 4 BoriBooj 564 547 42 4 300 9 275 2 Paba 3 400 371 19 210 3 153 2 Nichla Khejra 6 3 295 270 22 1 185 124 173 121 Jaydara 147 155 28 6 85 84 Kyari 777 736 151 10 417 6 340 1 NichlaGarh 624 550 50 351 lJ6 13 2 Sangna 125 102 268 270 279 70 334 36 88 2 Khadat 6 3 570 583 76 4 304 46 119 18 Kui 340 314 201 182 1280 455 1081 79 204 17 Santpur (Rural) 17 23 150 150 1.74 49 314 99 91 57 Chandrawati 125 129 11 80 1 15 ArTila 195 157 118 149 355 134 491 98 74 13 Maval 110 98 76 65 217 31 478 36 312 11 Wasra 334 315 15 159 18 134 10 Khara 10 6 452 479 22 2 238 7 230 4 Bhaisa Singh 28 25 1269 1186 146 8 667 73 537 32 Siyawa 166 ~ wmr . 4 3llt irs 1lT1f ~ 'iI~~IUI~llrR

    ~ ~ WWrI ~

    q;r ~

    Location Nameof . II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. SamitiITehsil! ~ fWrr ~ fmT ~ fur

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    19/4133 ~ 113 122 25 23 9 19/4/34 ~ 28 24 . 19/4135 ~ 57 33 2 9 7 3 19/4/36 tScrr~ .. 19/4/37 ~ 7 7 3 19/4/38 tScrr cnm 15 59 2 2 3 19/4/39 ~ 19/4140 crznfw 1914141 lllW (~) ~7 44 27 8 3 32 3 19/4142 3WRT 'I1ID 67 67 3 1 181 4 16 5 19/4143 ~(~) 13 8 6 4 48 2 19/4144 ~ 33 36 1 87 42 7 3 27 2 25 19/4145 198 43 28 3 1 4 39 3 14 19/4146 •m 102 25 .., 1 4 19/4147 tcf.T 48 11 3 2 '" 19/4/48 ~ 112 21 2 9 53 17 19/4149 ~ 19/4/50 ~ 17 2 19/4151 ~ 43 13 1914152 '1'M 21 5 19/4153 f.RR;rr ~ 55

    19/4/54 ~ 9 3 :. 19/4/55 Cf'1lTfT 1914156 ~ 42 1914157 mlRT 320 104 17

    19/4158 ~ 123 27 23 32 2 3 19/4159 cg_, 130 23 7 3 7 19 19/4160 ~ (JWftur) 94 40 48 3 60 4 296 3 46 1914/61 ~ 43 20 47 2 46 15 56 19/4/62 31'J1

    If&l 'lim CIif.t ~ 'lit ~ ~ ~ 'lim. CIif.t rm:t 'lim ;r ,CIif.t rm:t ~ W!fttl Industrial Category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers ~m lIiT';fI'I1'

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat ~ funrr ~ fwrr 'J"If funrr ~ fur

    34 35 36 ':5l 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    14 3 23 2 20 242, 647 883 Chanar 30 126 117 Andaliya 12 12 31 437 435 421 AwaJ 19 9 13 RedwaKhurd 4 72 99 108 Meergarh 4 2 293 621 RedwaKalan 61 132 Dunakakar 13 155 148 188 Kyariya 24 14 19 5 314 533 Manpur(Rural) 15 135 29 3 420 644 AkraBhatta 7 53 39 2 10 7 300 482 Tartoli (Rural) 22 5 31 13 4 ,51 316 389 MorthaIa 23, 9 7'f 8 144 515 863 Od 8 11 3 6 12 255 374 Derna 2 3 3 3 26 91 163 Toonka 26 21 45 6 ' 136 523 896 Deldar 2 4 4 229 239 Tankiya 4 2 14 . 1 84 309 358 328 Dotra 2 10 289 203 210 Bori800j 4 • 2 28 221 240 321 Paba 193 374 Nichla Khejra 2 19 116 130 Jaydara 77 62 77 Kyari 8 2 4 21 3 438 793 NichlaGarh.. 1 111 273 333 Sangna 15 l1 39 ·5 316 569 Khadat 2 3 17 1 283 54{1 Kui 81 5 97 152 10 13 1096 1883 Santpur (Rural) 18 3 4 7 14 76 192 280 Chandrawati 73 47 55 Arrtla 47 6 45 29 5 2 29 444 720 Maval 9 25 8 17 193 483 662 Wasra 25 108 158 193 Khara 2 13 181 217 302 Bhaisa Singh 10 10 13 5 658 1167 Siyawa 168 ~ wmr : 43lT1 U9 1nlI' '5mlIfircI; \3I::j 'IUI~ I lm'

    ~ ~ WI 'i' "Ii ~ iii1T~ 1TfRilir ~(ff ~i o1~~j {J.i~<~! J!~ 3T:7 0-6 ~

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    19/4168 ~WlR1T 4917.00 293 320 1565 831 734 319 164 155 19/4169 ~ 3601.00 297 297 1674 836 83B 356 176 180 19/4170 ~ om 620.00 43 47 289 144 145 71 31 40 19/4171 ~ , 650.71 73 73 480 255 225 65 34 31 19/4/72 '3lffiT ~ 1341.34 98 98 644 317 32J 133 54 79 19/4173 ruTr'U 837.92 88 88 504 251 253 122 55 67 19/4174 ~ 944.82 69 69 389 198 191 70 32 38 19/4/75 mID 1615.00 77 77 595 292 303 144 71 73 19/4176 ~ -1422.00 '174 174 932 463 469 100 92 98 19/4/77 ~

    <§Rll1lft1lT 85811.08 14649 14789 80611 41533 39078 16966 8535 8431

    ~(.r.~) 1.00 259 259 820 499 321 143 61 82 ~~ 1.00 259 259 820 499 321 143 61 82 169 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABS1'RACT PANCHAYATSAMITl: 4ABUROAD , ~~ ~~ mm :pY1" 1WI q;f.t qrffi

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    8 8 670 599 ,58 39 430 35 295 3 Soorpagla 836 838 34 548 50 541 44 UplaGarh 144 145 14 71 1 66 NichliBor 254 224 71 7 171 19 144 3 Buja 314 324 17 3 156 99 UplaKherja 250 251 19 3 144 53 124 19 Ranora 198 191 19 113 21 109 1'9 8hamriya 292 30.3 21 154 22 139 10 Bosa 3 459 466 17 290 33 249 9 Jamboori 256 212 16 5 145 3 126 1 UpliBor 156 147 1 108 22 108 22 Rada 3 3 608 608 51 17 302 7 242 2 Deri 459 445 3 290 68 162 2 Maen 4 2 547 526 137 15 367 91 207 Taleli

    2557 2337 27889 26845 9534 2260 21975 3385 13475 1433 Total Rural ~'

    9 1 82 69 348 41 333 4 37 3 Santpur (O,G.) 9 1 82 69 348 41 333 4 37 3 Total Urban 170 .~N: 4 3lIl iTs lIN ~ ::iI:fIIUI:f1 ml

    ~ ~ wmrl lJ&1' lfilll'

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Paochayat fu-qy • fu"qt fu"qt fu"qt No. SamitiIT ehsiV ~ fu

    2 22 '23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    1914168 ~mc1T 24 26 28 3 14 18 19/4169 ~ 19/4170 ~~ 2 1914171 ~ 9 10 9 6 2 5 1914172 ~~ 53 19/4173 ~ 16 30 19/4174 'Illift

    ~1l11ftur 3003 1337 819 246 298 TJ. 247 23 1414 54 442 -35


    p9'l "ifirIl m emit q\f ~ ~ ~"ifirIlmo:rB "ifirIl ,·m o:rB ~ mtmrl Industrial Category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers , ~/l1tq Cfil'';f('Il'

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat Ff fum y;q fum y;q fum ~ furn 'jm fum SamitiffehsiV M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 '39 40 4~ 42 43 2

    8 27 13 4 87 401 612 Sqprpagla 7 6 288 788 UpiaGarh 74 73 70 NichliBor 109 84 97 Buja 2 37 161 290 UplaKherja 2 4 3 25 104 175 Ranora - 85 84 B5 Bhamriya 2 4 5 41 138 240 Bosa 4 3 2 270 171 166 Jamboori 2 2 105 114 105 UpliBor 48 125 Rada 2 357 641 Deri 3 1 5 233 164 144 Meen 5, 2 12 2 280 226 200 Taleti

    638 39 582 1 1057 145 401 7316 19157 283n Total Rural

    56 17 18 166 317 Santpur(o.G.} 56 17 18 166 317 Total Urban 172

    t ~. '!fir 3ll'I1G ~~(~am 0-6 ~ q'lf it ~ q'lf f

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    1fr. 1086.79 24623 24887. 132122 67862 64260 28193 14723 13470 lit. 1086.79 24623 24887 132122 67862 64260 28193 14723 13470


    19/5/1 ~ 1760.89 97 117 608 312 296 170 82 88 19/5/2 ~ 3478.88 147 152 850 467 383 154 85 69 19/5/3 ~ 498.99 114 115 647 318 329 171 83 88 19/5/4 ~ 639.40 42 42 248 130 118 45 21 24 19/5/5 -:1m! 2462.95 422 422 2148 1049 1099 420 230 190 19/5/6 ~ 596.50 234 234 1332 698 634 273 147 126 19/5(1 m~(ri) 2215.67 279 279 1491 778 713 322 186 136 19/5/8 ~~ 807.28 4 5 29 15 14 1 1 19/5/9 ~ 2217.13 731 734 3513 1739 1774 656 354 302 19/5/10 m1lT 806.65 244 244 1236 626 610 250 132 126 19/5/11 -rom 984.60 142 142 577 294 283 84 41 43 1915/12 ~ 575.93 106 107 523 261 262 117 65 52 19/5/13 ';fT'I1T';ft 1237.74 374 374 1821 910 911 405 214 191 19/5/14 ~ 504.36 16 16 80 37 43 18 10 8 19/5/15 • 1879.50 441 447 2471 1218 1253 497 251 246 19/5/16 <1m 288.17 57 57 294 148 146 64 35 29 19/5117 Rla!ll III l§'$1 151.00 3!TGI'IG

    19/5/18 ~ 1123.50 370 372 1767 873 894 426 226 200 19/5/19 arorqr 1989.00 188 188 1029 504 525 226 109 117 19/5/20 ~ 301.00 186 190 1124 581 543 257 143 114 19/5/21 ~~ 491.14 12 12 68 31 37 7 3 4 19/5122 ~~ 739.00 11 11 49 25 24 5 3 2 19/5123 ~~ 728.25 68 69 400 222 178 57 24 33 19/5/24 ifcI;u 1551.00 169 169 925 479 446 180 85 95 19/5/25· ftrlR:ffi' ~ 591.99 57 57 349 181 168 86 46 40 19/5/26 ~II 258.14 126 129 668 359 309 143 82 61 19/5127 ~ 931.22 564 581 2975 1538 1437 583 311 272 19/5128 ~ 1403.29 430 433 2314 1125 1189 500 250 250 19/5/29 'Iffiilifq 737.70 335 336 1660 834 826 312 175 137 19/5/30 1ffimr 1365.00 331 332 1682 824 858 350 188 170 19/5/31. mm; 1350.40 205 227 1015 496 519 221 110 111 173 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PANCHAYATSAMITI:5 REO DAR

    ~~ 31R.R«r ~ mm ~CIifIl'~qrc;Jtq\'t~~ ma~/ Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Uterates Industrial Category of Main Workers ~/1Ifq ~~CIifIl'~~ 'IiT';fI'If Total main Name of workers (I-IX) Panchayat SamitilTehsill Village

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    22788 20729 7861 7029 17913 4179 34133 12026 19238 5791 T. P.S. REODAR 22788 20729 7861 7029 17913 4179 34133 12026 19238 5791 R. U. TEHSIL: REODAR (FULL) 52 45 44 45 44 4 168 14 143 10 Jalampura 46 31 207 156 69 9 279 10 131 Wadwaj 31 28 98 101 66 17 140 4 64 Kesuwa

    18 21 3 5 33 73 5 53 2 Hi~matpura 218 200 183 152 323 143 499 56 218 36 Neebaj 20 18 80 74 119 3 341 34 132 Anapura 77 66 66 48 20$ 27 357 137 215 95 Harni Amarpura (Harni) 1 4 10 8 11 8 10 7 Panch DewaJ 304 277 77 72 706 335 795 50 209 33 Dantrai 172 190 14 15 176 13 297 64 136 Dhan 39 34 37 37 72 2 175 3 145 ldarla 50 34 69 10 123 52 68 11 DangraJi 226 205 43 41 237 45 413 203 229 108 Nagani 7 14 9 5 Hadmatiya 260 247 33 19 418 83 521 61 298 14 Pamera 64 8 57 83 54 10 Vahan UN-INHABITED Titmiyakhera 229 218 15 12 324 77 390 199 140 Sanwara 18 11 107 98 94 45 198 119 139 7 Asawa 136 131 42 36 134 11 289 178 152 15 Udwartya 9 20 25 6 Padroo Khera 16 16 20 16 12 Bari Khera 10 9 27 25 24 5 144 84 32 Burar; Khera 69 45 120 115 77 10 276 247 103 Tokra 26 36 27 29 34 83 81 50 1 Singarli Khera 144 107 42 38 130 19 164 141 75 30 Peethapura II 383 305 8 7 681 230 687 316 159 111 Sirodi 234 221 118 112 426 93 548 314 255 63 Gulabganj 167 137 21 20 353 124 334 82 140 8 MaJgaon 192 177 60 56 304 54 347 238 158 136 Poseetara 222 199 2 199 76 233 43 119 24 Hathal 174 .~mtmt: 5~ 1JTlf~~::jIIOI::j1 ~

    ~ ~~I ~

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. SamitiITehsiV ~ furIT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    ~~:~ lit. 5534 5011 2220 287 314 152 1066 210 917 67 575 82 lIT. 5534 5011 2220 287 314 152 1066 210 917 67 575 82 ;r. ~: ~ (1J.Uf) 19/5/1 ~ 4 13 3 4 '1915/2 ~ 124 9 11 8 191513

    19/5/11 ~ 15 5 5 19/5/12 mum 12 36 2 23 4 3 19/5/13 ~ 78 89 -33 28 2 4 3 19/5/14 mfir!Ir 8 8 19/5/15 m 98 44 26 23 3 7 19/5/16 '1m 2 73 19/5/17 Rtaflilllcl~1 fr: - 3lTOIre

    19/5/18 ~ 114 180 49 34 13 9 19/5/19 arnTCIT 27 107 6 7 1 2 2 19/5/20 ~ 64 153 49 8 14 19/5/21 W!(i~ 2 25 11 19/5/22 mr~ 4 15 4 19/5/23 ¢t~ 76 84 35 19/5i24 imr 95 246 78 19/5/25 fW1m:ft ~ 5 66 28 14 19/5/26 . ~II 63 101 12 5 6 5 19/5/27 ftrott 135 160 30 14 4 42 12 56 9 5 19/5/28 ~ 145 236 38 28 4 19 3 14 2 19/5/29 lffiirIIfq 72 68 17 2 15 6 5 1 19/5/30 ~ 68 81 45 10 22 5 2 9 19/5/31 mvm- 58 13 2 4 15 175




    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat :Ff m"Ift :Ff m"Ift ~ m"Ift ~ m"Ift ~ mt SamitilTehsill M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    2017 152 416 12 1836 262 754 8585 32975 43649 T. P.S.REODAR 2017 152 416 12 1836 262 754 8585 32975 43649 R. U. . TEHSIL: REODAR (FUll)

    3 138 144 144 Jalampura 3 162 187 211 'Wadwaj 6 2 2 178 325 Kesuwa 2 21 57 92 Himmatpura 61 9 73 7 2 548 1042 Neebaj 9 5 22 5 2 45 355 555 Anapura 13 2 8 11 4 126 420 450 Harni Amafpura (Harni) 4 6 Panchdewal 143 2 13 86 5 5 943 1719 Dantrai 8 4 329 546 Dhan 2 4 5 4 114 276 Idarla 7 2 6 138 210 Dangrali 19 2 17 4 9 60 488 648 Nagani 23 34 Hadmatiya 41 3 22 2' 35 417 662 775 Pamera 1 90 63 Vahan UN-INHABITED Titmiyakhera 25 17 6 11 107 472 588 Sanwara 7 2 8 2 1 99 305 307 Asawa 3 4 2 8 118 284 247 Udwarya 11 12 Padrookhera 5 8 Bari Khera 78 94 Burari Khera 203 199 Tokra 98 87 Singarli Khera 4 3 195 168 Peethapura II 171 7 11 70 7 19 41 832 1080 S;r~ 23 5 20 5 13 106 564 769 Gulabgan) 35 7 37 2 2 500 742 Malgaon 24 19 6 7 81 470 539 Poseetara 4 2 28 5 2 88 261 388 Hathal 176

    t \1. 'fir ~ ~~(~3iR 0-6 3!1!

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    19/5/32 505.00 109 109 578 300 278 127 66 61 19/5/33 1187.88 258 262 1414 742 672 291 157 134 19/5/34 884.94 160 160 920 477 443 208 117 91 19/5/35 493.04 190 190 946 496 450 214 124 90

    19/5/36 ~ 195.80 71 71 388 199 189 97 54 43 19/5/37 -qmqr 481.00 140 140 660 327 333 92 37 55 19/5/38 'Wro 636.00 103 103 534 258 276 104 48 56 19/5/39 mur-"lliT-~T 1135.26 86 86 482 252 230 91 50 41 19/5/40 ~ 3395.00 360 384 2034 1065 969 473 236 237 19/5/41 "Usarr 5157.08 264 264 1497 776 721 317 167 150 19/5/42 *rm 931.48 159 159 862 453 409 177 90 87 19/5/43 "UW 1563.25 158 158 762 363 399 193 98 95 19/5/44 ~ 457.90 21 21 124 66 58 31 19 12 19/5/45 204 51 35 ~ 576.81 72 72 380 176 86 19/5/46 ~ 598.30 92 92 464 237 227 94 44 50

    19/5/47 ~ 744.37 176 181 1005 520 485 209 109 100 19/5/48 llTmr 619.99 158 160 896 454 442 200 100 100 19/5/49 ~I 1439.65 312 312 1791 951 840 393 201 192 19/5/50 ~ 740.51 168 169 860 430 430 180 82 98 19/5/51 ~ 136.96 162 164 944 481 463 240 132 108 19/5/52 402.33 28 28 163 90 73 46 26 20 19/5/53 420.42 129 134 790 413 377 167 104 63 ~ 19/5/54 1'R1ITIlT 1673.95 441 447 2361 1220 1141 458 283 175

    19/5/55 ~ 453.97 162 162 778 403 375 150 84 66 19/5/56 cmror 1421.03 471 472 2530 1388 1142 545 304 241 19/5/57 mm '258.89 101 101 488 242 246 112 50 62 19/5/58 ~ 500.30 154 158 757 380 377 161 89 72 19/5/59 Wi 295.55 67 67 355 186 169 89 44 45 19/5/60 't-m 1273.73 930 937 4663 2413 2250 1005 504 501 19/5/61 m 516.08 97 97 532 282 250 94 47 47 19/5/62 mqt;r 486.84 140 140 636 335 301 151 85 66 19/5/63 726.22 203 203 1174 601 573 256 120 136 ~(~) 19/5/64 909 915 4841 2423 1064 527 537 ~ 2163.73 2418 300 301 1380 741 639 310 157 153 19/5/65 ~ 397.00 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PANCHAYATSAMITI: 5 REO DAR

    ~~ ~~ mm ~

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    244 219 38 2 162 13 146 11 Dadarla 162 137 76 56 126 7 371 210 167 81 Selwada 89 76 28 21 127 6 234 63 133 25 Jolpur 457 415 4 72 10 2n 185 102 89 Wadka 71 74 46 5 102 19 63 6 Rampura 55 53 79 75 41 4 199 155 103 24 Malava 76 83 49 53 71 6 135 25 76 12 Sharnra 141 126 8 9 71 28 134 83 127 82 Saran-Ka-Khera 153 155 325 270 254 53 551 204 236 40 Jeerawal 96 104 347 327 117 11 413 280 278 193 Rohua 69 68 64 5 232 185 Nim taIai 129 141 20 18 113 20 174 51 103 33 Raipur 7 3 37 35 14 27 8 22 7 Kolapura 36 24 135 123 17 104 24 66 15 Amrapura 25 20 71 51 81 7 121 22 n 19 Hadmaliya 310 285 79 70 127 14 265 233 225 208 Matasan 39 41 7 252 57 181 45 Mokhara 68 75 131 , 238 199 24 15 165 13 519 164 381 75 Peethapura I 221 207 90 6 237 108 157 42 Suliva 234 225 18 15 174 12 226 15 144 Maleepura 22 20 2 2 22 40 34 Kusma 146 147 87 4 239 104 198 57 Malpura 713 638 74 71 237 27 6n 189 495 94 Varman 251 220 14 23 109 41 205 58 149 18 Khan 518 454 179 133 346 43 694 225 466 136 Wasan 242 246 38 140 42 110 Ranari 107 105 47 31 53 2 186 n 88 39 Vikanwas 76 n 62 11 95 29 63 6 Derol 791 710 141 137 1154 507 1165 224 287 88 Reodar 194 166 54 5 154 98 88 65 Salwa 99 80 81 64 83 6 157 82 104 56 Chhapol 98 103 57 57 129 17 296 98 147 61 DhancIlpura (Dhanpur) 829 766 301 321 920 251 1130 354 470 73 Anadra 423 368 182 158 85 380 70 271 62 Hadmaliya 178 ~8: 5~ lmr Slll!IflI~ \jJ;:PIQlo:jl m"{ mcf;m ~ Wlful ~ 1Rlf m

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No, SamitifTehsiV :Ff fWrt 1p>1f m-m , 'FT fmt ~ mt pi1T ftrIft tpi'If ft:Plt Village M F M F M F M' F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33

    19/5/32 ~ 5 3 4 1 19/5/33 ~ 132 108 27 12 7 11 3 5 5 5 19/5134 ~ 32 26 37 3 3 6 4 4 19/5/35 ~ 4 10 10 156 84 19/5136 ~ 7 7 9 2 4 3 19/5/37 lffiTcIT 88' 131 19/5/38 'IlJ1!U 28 5 6 5 ' 3 11 2 19/5/39 ~-

    ~ 'Iifll 'Cfi;l qrc;jt cfl ~ ~ ~ 'Iifll q;f.r qffi­ 'Iifll ':f 'Cfi;l qffi­ Industrial Category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat :Ff m-m 'FT fmt fmt Samitifrehsil/ M F M . F F Vnlage

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    2 7 20 131 245 Dadarla 15 2 27 370 435 Selwada 13 2 5 3 22 175 221 205 Jolpur 2 3 22 91 197 174 Wadka 11 7 48 97 122 Rampura 3 3 3 128 175 Malava 2 8 78 122 . 173 Bhamra. 2 1 1 118 146 Saran-Ka-Khera 16 2 6 39 9 67 514 698 Jeerawal 7 15 2 123 362 318 Rohua 2 4 215 221 194 Nim talai 7 24 3 103 189 245 Raipur 2 9 23 30 27 Kolapura 12 81 88 71 Amrapura 17 9 17 97 99 108 Hadmatiya 11 255 252 Matasan 5 1 12 2 143 201 242 Mokhara 11 2 4 - 11 16 149 416 527 Peethapura I 5 3 3 9 67 184 255 Sullva 26 2 10 2 9 233 246 215 Maleepura 4 . 26 49 47 Kusma 2 2 24 140 150 133 Malpura 25 10 2 16 32 384 511 568 Varman 5 9 82 198 235 Khan 21 3 12 26 3 16 147 678 770 Wasan 3 4 38 102 166 Ranarl 1 . 3 85 194 215 Vikanwas 4 3 2 45 91 95 Derol 221 5 30 257 18 3 83 1245 1943 Reodar 2 9 128 143 Serwa 6 178 219 Chhapol 6 4 29 '48 276 I 327 DhanctJpura (Ohanpur) 136 4 19 119 14 70 299 1218 1770 Anadra 6 4 22 101 339 468 Hadmatiya 180

    "l.~. 'liT ~ ~ ~~(~3ffi' 0-6~~lr ~ q1f fcl;. 'Ijf. ~ tN_ ~~m) '¥f~ it 3ffi' 'IJiq m Total population (including Total population in the 'liT~it *_ institutional and age group 0-6 Location Name of Area of PS No. of No. of houseless population) Code Panchayat in occupied households No. SamitiITehsiV sq. km. and residential 0'1ft!; ~ fupIT 0'1ft!; Village of village houses Persons Males Females Persons Males Females in hectares

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    19/5166 m 883.50 335 339 1691 916 775 366 194 172 1915/67 'f.lRu 399.20 142 142 731 380 351 148 72 76 19/5/68 ~ 600.28 203 204 1142 592 550 218 110 108 1915169 ?ffi 825.12' 294 294 1755 924 831 388 212 176 1915170 ~ 890.66 358 363 1817 933 884 399 210 189 19/5n1 1ttc!T 351.03 114 118 648 333 315 170 81 89 19/5172 arnr

    19/5173 ~ 265.13 88 91 554 276 278 142 61 81 19/5174 lIrz:r 529.75 192 192 951 481 470 208 108 100 19/5175 crrm 146.07 32 32 183 100 83 44 22 22 19/5176 3l'rn 657.31 174 174 959 507 452 251 124 127 19/5177 ~ 266.98 85 89 534 292 242 144 81 63 19/5178 lfIliI<.rrsr 1639.14 404 420 2345 1194 1151 477 229 248 19/5179 ~ 254.04 101 101 597 297 300 149 70 79 19/5180 FCIT9T 667.22 129 131 607 321 286 108 58 50 1915181 HI 184.00 111 111 576 298 278 146 80 66 1915182 mAt 735.02 145 145 835 425 410 186 96 90 19/5183 ~ 1274.99 353 362 1866 978 888 410 226 184 19/5184 m 1431.82 321 323 2058 1035 1023 480 230 250 19/5/85 ~ 253.00 49 49 317 169 148 77 40 37 19/5186 emu 351.00 102 107 641 330 311 153 83 70 1915/87 '1.IR1T5T 748.04 188 188 972 477 495 207 104 103 19/5/88 m 1558.00 547 547 2975 1542 1433 635 340 295 19/5/89 ~ 267.90 83 83 429 229 200 94 46 48 19/5/90 lim 3005.32 1592 1602 8159 4164 3995 1594 846 748 19/5191 ~ 116.04 ~ - an

    19/5196 ~ 588.48 95 100 555 284 271 122 58 64

    19/5197 ~ 512.20 113 113 687 357 330 148 85 63 19/5/98 ~~ 320.68 ~-~ 19/5199 ~~ 153.24 ~-~ 181 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PANCHAYAT SAMITI: 5 REOOAR

    ~~ ~~ mm ~ CfiI'T ~

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    465 402 99 80 172 33 474 180 247 114 Dak 271 254 28 28 42 2 194 147 95 83 Ohanera 118 109 117 97 246 37 287 57 110 11 Dabani 599 567 170 123 100 21 501 238 356 119 ThaI 373 363 48 43 324 93 464 124 189 13 Loonol 247 238 2 20 180 104 83 56 Perwa 27 24 29 3 45 2 31 Asao 28 42 18 13 67 2 147 63 104 31 Rajgarh 219 219 3 5 110 9 249 13 162 4 Meetan 88 74 5 5 3 70 13 55 Vanti 422 380 13 13 49 255 141 216 126 Awada 256 209 79 23 141 9 113 3 Kaleri 286 257 129 114 427. 119 669 130 483 15 Magriwada 71 70 50 159 1 148 1 Ohanpura 23 18 44 33 43 155 28 129 14 Gundwara 10 10 74 66 89 3 146 111 84 91 Sonala 71 65· 61 49 132 15 220 25 140 17 Sonani 156 132 163 135 251 45 490 74 278 19 Jetawara 230 248 223 '207 163 27 588 559 486 469 balt 37 32 21 100 89 97 89 Mohabbatputa \ 135 117 48 186 167 175 166 Kotra ,58 45 29 21 83 274 74 227 71 Wasada 301 291 207 164 422 21 829 277 616' 217 Sorda 36 34 34 2 138 107 102 87 Oanpura 923 844 298 263 1652 677 2154 551 684 283 Mandar UN-INHABITED Fathepura 197 217 7 123 86 109 22 Bheelra khera 198 159 2 15 3 136 . 72 81 44 Rampura Pilosj 23 15 113 86 11 97 19 80 15 Juaclara 31 3 71 25 30 13 Kolra'Khera 90 93 102 88 52 145 8 94 3 Jamtha 161 133 79 7" 188' 122 130 85 Jawal UN-INHABITED Didmana Khera UN-INHABITED BijwaKhera 182 ~ W!fit; 5~ 1l1lr SlIIIfi:I(fi ~;:j~IOI;:j1 ~

    ~ ~~I ~~m

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. SamitiffehsiV ~ Mlft ~ ~ ~ Mlft ~ m

    19/5166 5ICfi 132 57 36 11 4 11 1915167 mtu 78 61 11 2 2 1915/68 m 91 42 11 15 19/5/69 m; 100 98 7 12 8 19/5170 ~ 88 87 19 37 18 25 2 14 11 19/5171 iI\qr 31 15 24 30 26 6 5 19/5172. a:rmq 10 ." 19/5173 ~ 21 14 3 8 19/5174 lfte:r 45 9 9 18 2 19/5175 mit 14 13 19/5176 31

    519!r CRJf em com cR ~ ~ ~ CRJf em ~ CRJf l' em ~ ~m/ Industrial Category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers ~f11tq CfiI'';fllf

    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat ~ ~ ~ furtlt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fWft SamitifTehsiV M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    18 2 15 4 2 111 . 440 484 Oak 5 20 37 166 167 Ohanera 39 3 17 3 6 97 299 396 Oabani 11 12 11 423 593 Thai 44 15 22 4 7 137 462 623 Loonol 3 2 9 62 144 149 Perwa 3 37 53 39 Asao 8 6 3 3 50 126 175 Rajgarh 6 6 155 232 302 Meetan 3 30 67 Vanti 4 3 27 76 225 235 Awada 8 111 151 122 Kaleri 29 1'2 20 525 1021 Magriwada 4 3 83 135 216 Ohanpura 166 258 Gundwara 30 12 2 22 152 145 Sonela 8 10 9 159 196 226 Sonani 23 10 9 50 2 97 487 717 Jetawara 14 4 11 4 2 446 462 Bant ,. 69 59 Mohabbatpura 3 144 144 Kotra 3 2 4 193 199 228 Wasada 13 10 4 37 2 9 366 704 790 Sorda 2 91 93 Danpura 340 37 137 300 45 12 234 1998 3210 Mandar UN-INHABITED Fathepura 4 3 29 104 122 Bheelra khera 2 2 2 2 111 137 Rampura Pilosi 2 9 68 79 57 Juadara 2 3 20 58 66 Kotra Khera 5 3 22 110 117 153 Jamtha 4 169 208 Jawal UN-INHABITED .Didmana Khera UN-INHABITED Bijwa Khera 184

    t \T. q;r ~ 1lftqffi ¥f ~ (~ am 0-6 3!l?I 'fIf it ~ 'fIf fcj;. 1lt. 3llCffiftlf

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19/51100 • 1032.16 291 300 1530 777 753 307 160 147 19151101 ~ 448.08 170 171 947 488 459 178 86 92 19151102 CJiU"2t 313.82 92 92 534 258 276 127 61 66 19151103 ~ 637.51 417 417 2287 1199 1088 511 262 249 19151104 ~ 301.37 62 62 334 192 142 55 35 20 19151105 If

    19151124 ~ 1924.92 155 155 985 521 464 190 94 96 19151125 m 1007.88 57 57 315 157 158 66 27 29 19151126 ~ 1376.98 105 105 704 343 361 182 83 99

    108679.49 24623 24887 132122 67862 64260 28193 14723 . 13478 185 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT. PANCHAYAT SAMITI: 5 REODAR

    ~~ ~~ ~ ~ 'IiI'If m cum

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    204 194 72 69 289 48 393 19 297 8 Marol 406 380 75 11 261 91 217 Nimbora 128 133 59 8 130 14 75 6 Karoti 1081 978 5 7 150 9 612 88 455 56 Dolpura 192 142 13 110 . 87 106 82 Leelora 502 452 106 93 287 36 449 139 255 70 Dhawali 65 63 38 30 BahadJrpllr 308 250 69 70 57 4 202 59 139 32 Palri Khera 13 14 1n 163 23 4 101 68 Mooliya Khera 239 229 4 124 2 64 Karjiya n4 707 34 33 271 55 574 280 372 173 !;Iatani 19 9 13 11 18 1 6 Vidniya 269 232 54 62 6 165 4 162 4 Salotra 72 58 42 6 14 Peepaliya 276 273 20 167 32 110 7 Rampura khera 223 199 84 65 274 73 392 273 148 74 Makawal 311 264 44 4 167 146 128 117 Goreli 38 31 30 22 65 3 96 16 54 Bootri 44 41 5 23 13 21 Paaookllera 290 266 42 31 85 28 234 105 206 81 Bheroogarh 456 417 258 206 431 135 731 207 294 107 Bhatana 38 33 21 18 Derli 215 184 26 32 49 5 208 119 104 79 Badechi \ 245 221 10 131 37 46 7 Awaltya 198 171 47 43 102 33 297 57 183 8 "Padar 2 94 17 15 5 ,Dheebri 60 46 248 280 19 189 162 125 105 Methipura

    22788 20729 7861 7029 17913 4179 34133 12026 19238 5791 Total Rural '" Total Urban 186 $w.rn'm: 5~ 1lTlf 511?1~i1i ~:j~IQI:jI"«R

    ~ ~m/ ~ CIillf


    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code Panchayat No. SamitiITehsiV ~ m"I1i ~ m"I1i Fi m"I1i Fi ff:Frt ~ m"I1i ~ m"I1i Village M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    19/5/100 m 20 9 20 11 4 19/5/101 ~ 10 84 8 2 9 19/5/102 m 18 3 6 5 19/51103 ~ 47 20 15 9 2 36 2 5 3 19/51104 ~ 4 5 19/51105 ~ 65 42 53 12 4 2 19 5 7

    19/5/106 ~ 8 19/51107 ~~ 40 25 3 3 19/51108 ~~ 33 19/51109 ~ 60 19/5/110 "G"iIRt 64 90 60 2 22 2 4 19/51111 ~ 11 19/5/112 ~ 19/51113 ~ 18 5 9 19/51114 ~~ 40 23 14 2 19/51115 ~ 95 172 60 32 13 2 8 4 19/51116 n 25 23 3 4 2 19/51117 ~ 24 16 12 19/51118 ~ 2 13 19/51119 ~ 22 23 4 19151120 'm:IT 161 67 56 2 44 5 17 3 20 3 19/51121 ~ 19/51122 ~ 44 36 42 4 2 3 19151123 ~ 6 3 16 13 58 14 4 19/51124 ~ 25 39 65 8 5 19151125 -mt 3 76 12 19/51126 ~ 19 26 25 21 3 3 8 2 2 4

    5011 287 314 152 1066 210 917 67 575 82 ~1mftur 5S34 2220 'P~ 187



    VII VIII IX Name of Panchayat p;tr ttm Ff ttm p;tr ttm Fl' ttm pi'If fu'1.rt SamitilTehsill M F M F M F M F M F Village

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    8 3 28 2 291 384 443 Marol 6 3 8 5 121 227 247 Nimbora 21 3 12 3 2 128 262 Karoti 7 9 4 29 148 587 852 Dolpura 82 55 Leelora 22 2 22 7 5 47 489 711 Dhawali 23 27 39 Bahadurpur 6 2 8 217 292 Palri Khera 53 100 130 Mooliya Khera 21 5 103 233 Karjiya 19 3 10 23 10 13 73 507 649 Datani 2 4 12 15 Vidmiya 4 33 165 267 Salotra 45 65 PeepaJiya 3~ -137 259 Rampura khera 30 6 3 15 2 53 476 507 Makawal 3 4 3 159 129 Goreli 4 109 187 Bootri 21 208 Padrookhera 40 228 285 Bheroogarh 58 2 15 4 65 14 79 299 816 1042 Bhatana 2 3 20 14 13 Derli 5 4 29 192 205 Badechi 3 30 98 108 107 Awaliya 5 3 7 2 16 224 391 Padar 63 141 Dheebri 3 4 4 18 150 181 Methipura

    2017 152 416 12 1836 262 754 8585 32175 43649 Total Rual • Total Urban , 188

    ~ ¥'I~(~:om 0-6 ~ err! if ~w1fii;:qr, ~ ~~.) ~~ if ~ Total population (Including Total population In the '1@' li&:rr institutional and age group 0-6 Location Name of Area No, of No, of houselesspopulation) Code TownlWard In occupied households ------____ No, sq, km residential 01'.Ifui' ~ ft:;r1:rt 0!Ift:ti' ~ ft:;r1:rt houses Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    2111911 ~ (';f. 'QT. ) 4.80 3488 3550 19866 10218 9648 3443 1786 1657

    >:nt 'oi 1 314 328 1668 902 766 285 157 128 >:nt 'oj, 2 220 225 1245 659 586 236 125 111 >:nt 'oj, 3 225 227 1218 606 612 203 99 104 qrtoi, 4 182 185 1058 514 544 210 101 109 '!!lIt of, 5 250 256 1471 757 714 266 142 124 qrtoi. 6 215 219 1284 679 605 237 135 102 qJt 'oi. 7 231 236 1448 747 701 265 141 124 qrtoi, 8 203 204 1101 592 509 150 79 71 crrt 'oi, 9 205 215 1279 645 634 208 103 105 qrtt 10 233 239 1265 665 600 266 138 128 mi'oi, 11 190 190 973 458 515 134 58 76 qrtoi, 12 179 184 945 473 472 144 ' 75 69 -.m'oi, 13 175 176 913 477 436 121 65 56 >:nt 'oj, 14 158 158 1008 543 465 167 95 72 'CIl't oi. 15 324 324 1913 943 970 381 183 198 qrtoi, 16 184 184 1077 558 519 170 90 80

    21/19111 ft::ri'rtT (';f. 'qT. ) 20.72 5348 5610 28117 14829 13288 4862 2553 2309

    crrtoi. 315 336 1637 869 768 269 137 132 "nt oi, 2 321 328 1639 890 749 313 171 142 "nt -;t, 3 242 289 1441 798 643 288 160 128 crrt oi. 4 270 319 1655 877 778 319 154 165 mtt 5 352 380 1938 1034 904 390 204 186 "nt -::i, 6 282 282 1406 773 633 241 126 115 mt'oi, 7 324 324 1564 904 660 307 159 148 "nt t 8 340 345 1756 904 852 301 157 144 "nt "i. 9 281 281 1348 723 625 283 161 122 "nt "i, 10 307 358 1805 917 888 344 182 162 "nt "i, 11 223 223 1102 555 547 154 79 75


    ~~ ~~ ~ 'l'ifI'f

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M M M M M

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    1333 1207 470 422 7317 3957 4847 360 132 9 SHEOGANJ (M)

    144 110 107 78 606 219 417 33 20 Ward No. 1 132 124 53 49 417 207 336 53 5 Ward No. 2 50 66 499 360 303 18 Ward No. 3 25 25 386 284 243 21 Ward No 4 229 221 507 261 346 20 5 Ward No. 5 363 302 1 426 151 305 20 4 Ward No. 6 51 46 3 540 240 338 15 4 Ward No 7 62 58 3 2 447 196 264 8 11 Ward No. 8 8 8 3 495 264 324 17 14 Ward No. 9 130 116 3 472 219 304 30 14 Ward No. 10 2 4 387 312 203 . 13 Ward No. 11 1 366 288 218 13 Ward No. 12 8 5 8 8 399 304 246 13 3 Ward No. 13 24 22 13 8 410 235 262 7 3 Ward No. 14 93 90 53 70 608 258 467 32 13 1 Ward No 15 12 10 222 204 352 159 271 47 34 7 Ward No. 16

    2439 2113 1093 972 10220 5553 6552 630 278 38 SIROHI (M)

    20 13 8 6 696 435 369 28 4 Ward No. 104 90 69 65 547 304 365 23 33 Ward No. 2 46 51 9 6 460 168 352 30 20 Ward No 3 48 35 46 60 582 208 417 52 24 4 Ward No. 4 594 503 143 137 574 146 475 90 16 2 Ward No. 5 302 277 152 117 446 158 348 40 15 1 Ward No 6 32 24 371 310 466 68 491 54 34 20 Ward No. 7 114 77 76 81 622 340 375 46 66 4 Ward No. 8 448 382 103 74 386 108 305 18 16 Ward No. 9 63 65 87 98 639 371 387 27 8 Ward No. 10 116 119 468 360 243 28 Ward No 11 191 176 12 9 603 376 386 68 11 2 Ward No 12 9 10 4 4 590 460 290 31 Ward No 13 11 5 4 486 368 278 12 2 Ward No 14 93 77 548 344 305 13 Ward No 15 30 24 5 2 485 278 279 4 Ward No. 16 161 152 468 231 246 18 3 Ward No 17 190

    '!Wi 'WI m qrjf "1it ~ ~ Industrral Category of Main Workers

    Location Name 01 11 III lV V(a) V(b) Vl Code TownM'ard No. ~ ~ ~ fur:;t ~ fi::.~ M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    21/1911 ~ ('f. 'QT. ) 233 110 56 9 208 48 737 28 196 7

    1 45 7 2 1 48 2 32 2 30 31 8 4 52 4 14 2 3 29 11 31 2 4 19 4 75 2 5 2 5 3 4 110 8 6 . "1'1i -::i. 6 11 8 71 2 28 2 ent -::i. 7 4 2 4 2 7 3 66 5 33 qJi -::i. 8 6 1 13 27 5 13 9 qrl-::i. 9 26 6 3 7 14 9 qrl t 10 13 8 3 ·1 10 7 57 2 27 cni "4. 11 7 3 54 2 10 1 ent t 12 15 6 16 qrg "4. 13 6 3 25 ent "4. 14 4 13 53 6 cni "4. 15 45 16 4 7 2 71 2 23 crrt -::i. 16 43 38 4 4 4 2 25

    21/19/11 ft::Ii1'tT ('f. 'QT. ) 242 81 238 18 27 229 30 431 11 322 31

    8 5 7 7 11 29

    2 5 9 25 22 8 3 6 7 23 7 17 19 4 36 15 16 6 10 40 2 27 2 ~-::i. 5 115 40 3 9 23 14 2 crrt -::i. 6 13 2 34 13 26 7 2 cnit 7 9 10 50 6 14 13 13 crrt "4. 8 5 12 11 6 22 22 5 crrt "i. ':} 2 11 24 2() 2 cnit 10 24 11 5 4 16 18 <'l1i -::i. 11 4 1 20 2 2 ~-::i. 12 25 8 2 32 8 20 3 .5 ')' 13 11 4 5 19 3

    crrt "4. 14 4 2 12 46 cnt'9. 15 20 7 24 40 3 15 16 6 8 22 61 17 5 9 25 191


    ~ CfiTI1 ~ CIR'if qft ~ ~ ~CfiTI1~~ CfiTI1 -;P.f;7't CIW.I Industnal Category of Main Workers Marginal workers Non-workers

    VII VIII IX Name of TownlWard .. ~ fup:lt ~ ~ ~ fur

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    1940 33 301 1 1035 123 18 196 5353 9092 SHEOGANJ (M)

    123 2 39 107 21 485 733 Ward No. 1 105 2 21 100 10 323 533 Ward No. 2 174 3 11 55 3 303 594 Ward No 3 81 5 57 11 2 2 269 521 Ward No. 4 137 4 19 62 7 14 411 680 Ward No. 5 101 5 20 62 . 11 374 584 Ward No. 6 129 35 54 5 4 20 405 666 Ward No. 7 88 1 17 79 1 29 328 472 Ward No. 8 159 7 23 69 4 2 20 319 597 Ward No. 9 79 2 10 90 9 4 360 566 Ward No. 10 76 7 44 11 255 502 Ward No. 11 135 3 49 6 8 13 247 446 Ward No. 12 146 2 8 54 11 231 423 Ward No. 13 117 10 56 5 281 458 Ward No. 14 201 3 39 64 8 93 475 845 Ward No. 15 89 34 33 287 472 Ward No. 16

    1370 58 554 5 2861 357 60 232 8217 12426 SIROHI (M)

    117 16 170 22 4 6 496 734 Ward No. 1 83 10 34 146 11 12 17 513 709 Ward No. 2 124 3 39 3 103 10 446 613 Ward No. 3 95 6 50 119 16 2 458 725 Ward No. 4 33 17 82 179 26 559 814 Ward No. 5 53 1 23 163 34 425 592 Ward No. 6 14 2 10 341 7 6 1 407 605 Ward No. 7 39 32 166, 29 7 81 522 725 Ward No. 8 60 3 20 151 11 19 57 399 550 Ward No. 9 77 2 42 182 22 1 9 529 852 Ward No. 10 60 13 143 25 312 519 Ward No. 11 67 2 24 199 45 31 444 683 Ward No. 12 122 5 20 106 24 414 597 Ward No. 13 81 13 118 12 313 549 Ward No. 14 44 13 142 7 7 398 625 Ward No. 15 70 14 98 2 2 379 613 Ward No. 16 36 51 116 16 405 586 Ward No. 17 192

    ~ '1'ftc!rU

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    mti, 18 275 291 1529 796 733 218 111 107 mtt 19 275 283 1317 650 667 189 96 93

    211191111 NOsqi$i (Of, 'QT.) , 10.00 2940 2968 15185 7700 7485 2929 1532 1397

    ~i, 239 239 1246 648 598 232 117 115 mti. 2 199 199 1082 530 552 201 97 104 1':lTi i, 3 189 191 927 437 490 166 87 79 ~i, 4 247 250 1291 691 600 263 153 110 mii, 5 332 332 1698 905 793 368 208 160 1':lTi i 6 254 254 1403 709 694 264 140 124 ~i 7 171 178 1001 493 508 200 92 108 ~';j 8 184 184 793 338 455 122 73 49 1':lTi i, 9 199 200 1131 538 593 233 102 131 qr:g i. 10 227 227 1088 557 531 210 115 95 mit 11 169 177 999 496 503 166 83 83 mi, 12 219 224 1099 582 517 232 128 104 qr:g i, 13 311 313 1427 776 651 272 137 135

    21/19nv ~ ('if.

    mt-::i, 95 97 527 240 287 116 48 68 mt;!, 2 126 126 652 336 316 137 79 58 ~-;j, 3 183 187 925 471 454 232 121 111 qr:g -::i. 4 197 205 1038 528 510 202 86 116 mii, 5 174 174 1131 601 530 234 128 106 mi, 6 116 123 618 337 281 116 59 57 cni -::i, 7 206 217 1030 532 498 205 113 92 cni -:i, 8 155 155 817 423 394 167 B7 BO crrt i, 9 101 102 462 243 219 82 37 45 mt-::i, 10 67 82 393 209 184 47 22 25 crrt· i, 11 163 163 914 473 441 153 75 78 qr:g i. 12 116 116 512 275 237 106 52 54

    21119N ~ 3tn!{ (Of. 'QT.) 15.54 3105 3146 15593 8814 6779 2655 1384 1271

    163 163 1092 599 493 178 102 76 mt-;i, 2 137 152 934 460 474 148 62 86 mt-;i. 3 194 195 990 568 422 117 74 43 crrt -;i, 4 251 264 1353 813 540 225 118 107 "11't i. 5 329 329 1650 916 734 }86 167 119 193 raWN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    ~~ ~~ m8R lJl!i

    fup:ri fup:ri fup:ri fup:ri fup:ri ~ ~ ~ ~ M F F M F M F M F

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    27 18 4 2 643 407 359 24 23 Ward No. 18 30 15 511 423 282 24 2 Ward No. 19

    1384 1219 457 383 4670 2137 3548 369 415 71 PINDWARA(M)

    309 294- 40 36 329 55 302 14 77 Ward No. 1 4 4 2 373 198 214 7 12 Ward No. 2 18 10 324 230 181 5 20 Ward No. 3 113 107 80 77 321 98 344 104 29 Ward No. 4 491 407 95 78 394 . 67 432 52 37 10 Ward No. 5 83 79 2 474 235 313 12 14 3 Ward No. 6 28 22 1 327 204 232 16 20 Ward No. 7 2 5 2 3 257 310 122 3 2 Ward No. 8 335 139 240 37 38 30 Ward No. 9 95 84 20 11 309 105 257 37 43 2 Word No. 10 24 29 2 356 227 237 18 35 7 Ward No. 11 98 76 13 7 347 72 268 54 75 19 Ward No. 12 118 101 200 169 524 197 406 10 13 Ward No. 13

    907 863 352 302 2611 1092 2130 182 358 49 BHAWRI(CT)

    16 15 5 4 112 44 107 2 62 Ward No. 9 4 114 14 156 7 110 4 Ward No. 2 137 151 45 41 142 20 228 65 50 36 Ward No. 3 44 42 138 138 366 188 262 28 39 Ward No. 4 21 19 6 2 379 207 251 8 7 Ward No. 5 129 115 3 2 214 95 144 13 6 1 Ward No .6 151 133 9 7 243 62 235 31 29 7 Ward No 1 196 186 4 3 209 39 174 6 47 Ward No 8 36 32 81 66 165 50 113 7 Ward No .9 17 12 11 7 165 100 86 3 Ward No. 10 13 8 3 3 380 239 243 5 3 Ward No. 11 138 146. 47 29 122 34 131 7 5 Ward No. 12

    1643 1395 1243 1121 6177 3086 4695 420 106 4 MOUNT ABU (M)

    190 144 442 298 324 27 Ward No. 72 77 14 390 330 230 16 Ward No. 2 85 65 44 34 443 279 299 43 Ward No 3 237 194 178 151 494 160 490 44 Ward No. 4 154 119 149 113 633 411 501 29 5 Ward No. 5 194

    lfl§1i Cfip:f ~ CIfffi q,'t ~ wm Industrial Category of Main Workers

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code TownlWard No. ft:;p:rt ~ ft:wn ~ fu;r:rt ~ ft:;p:rt F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    ~"9. 18 1 9 35 2 19 7 ~"9. 19 3 7 3 15 39 5

    21119/111 fQUSi'.!I'$1 (~. lIT. ) 244 168 52 3 7 99 23 707 9 288 3

    ~"9. 1 18 6 5 87 36 "CIT"i. "9. 2 2 1 14 3 24 60 ~i. 3 2 15 2 38 7 mi"9. 4 118 96 20 10 48 30 "CIT"i"9 5 47 13 8 2 14 8 126 6 43 3 oni "9. 6 1 4 72 2 36 oni "9. 7 9 2 18 5 67 4 ~"9. 8 2 17 1 orrt"i 9 10 5 4 45 36 oni "i 10 23 15 :30 6 orrt"9. 11 2 2 2 2 5 24 6 ms"i. 12 12 30 2 3 21 12 ~"i. 13 2 4 7 12 108 11

    21J1911V mcm (';if. Cfi. ) 189 51 42 10 174 22 227 2 70 6

    G!Ti "i. 10 13 4 crri "i. 2 6 3 4 15 1 r.nt i. 3 12 5 2 3 42 12 18 6 5 "'!Ii -oi. 4 21 14 7 1 3 4 20 5 cnit 5 7 1 3 4 6 2 57 5 "I1i i. 6 3 2 7 2 41 crrit 7 37 12 19 1 20 24 -cui·i. 8 40 6 4 5 20 15 -cui i. 9 18 5 3 4 3 "ITt -;j. 10 9 5 6 qri -oi. 11 85 7 ;;nti. 12 45 3 3 2 7

    74 10 45 5 6 47 2 196 4 180 7

    12 24 74 2 2 41 1 cnt -i. 3 4 2 8 13 2 "!lit 4 8 2 2 10 15 qri"9. 5 3 5 6 61 10 ··r- 195



    VII VIII IX Name of Town/Ward fup:rt ~ fur:rt ~ fur:rt ~ ft;r:rt ~ :Fl fur:rt M F M F M F M F M F

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    113 1 30 121 19 6 9 431 700 Ward No. 18 82 3 28 98 19 8 367 635 Ward No. 19

    T17 16 263 696 74 30 364 4122 6752 PINDWARA(M)

    16 13 44 14 346 584 Ward No. 1 53 4 43 2 316 545 Ward No. 2 53 2 7 39 10 255 475 Ward No. 3 30 2 14 45 6 347 495 Ward No. 4 53 8 30 72 4 3 87 470 654 Ward No. 5 87 15 84 7 396 682 Ward No. 6 58 23 32 8 261 492 Ward No. 7 81 2 17 2 216 452 Ward No. 8 72 8 26 2 5 60 293 496 Ward No. 9 44 2 8 103 17 2 2 298 492 Ward No. 10 93 11 62 3 4 23 255 462 Ward No. 11 55 24 63 5 13 168 301 295 Ward No. 12 82 2 104 66 3 2 13 368 628 Ward No. 13

    494 9 233 333 42 65 395 2473 3774 BHAWRI(CT)

    7 2 3 8 2 65 131 220 Ward No 13 7 99 180 210 Ward No. 2 33 3 35 27 4 5 65 238 324 Ward No. 3 70 47 49 9 3 1 263 481 Ward No. 4 96 49 17 4 20 16 330 506 Ward No. 5 39 12 35 8 4 193 264 Ward No. 6 44 2 10 51 7 9 28 288 439 Ward No. 7 12 1 30 25 117 224 271 Ward No. 8 27 36 22 130 212 Ward No 9 40 20 5 3 122 181 Ward No. 10 91 13 44 3 230 436 Ward No. 11 22 7 38 3 144 230 Ward No. 12

    1210 61 216 2 2613 325 7 34 4112 6325 MOUNT ABU (M)

    137 2 5 71 24 275 466 WardNo. 1 122 4 11 53 12 229 458 Ward No. 2 148 10 29 96 27 268 378 Ward No. 3 163 7 35 256 34 323 496 Ward No. 4 206 8 21 183 20 5 415 700 Ward No. 5 196

    ~ ~ '¥'l ~ (~ 3fu: 0-6 ~ qrj ii ~ qrj fq;.m. ~ q;1~ iIm~.) '¥'l~ ii l1'IWiT Total population (including Total population in the 'q;1~ institutional and age group 0-6 Location Name of Area No of No. of houselesspopulation) Code Town/Ward in occupied households ------No. sq. km. residential '&1ft!; ~ ~ oqfm ~ ~ houses Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    crrt -:t. 6 309 312 1564 873 691 249 129 12

    3.35 7690 7853 39802 21350 18452 6691 3379 3312

    21119NI ~("" 'tIT.) 12.35 7431 7594 38982 20851 18131 6548 3318 3230

    crrt 'OJ. 1 396 460 2275 1260 1015 377 205 172 crrt t 2 243 262 1576 812 764 288 142 146 crrt -:t. 3 372 379 1842 1003 839 346 181 165 crrt -:to 4 277 277 1361 719 642 204 98 106 0Ilt 'OJ. 5 243 243 1335 703 632 226 118 108 crrt -:t. 6 257 257 1386 722 664 214 105 109 cot 'OJ. 7 209 209 1342 686 656 177 89 88 cot -:to 8 308 308 1620 849 771 239 116 123 cot 'OJ. 9 382 384 2029 1061 968 457 222 235 cot -;oj. 10 240 249 1464 736 728 321 161 160 cot -;oj. 11 250 251 1340 719 621 182 93 89 cot-:i. 12 253 253 1458 742 716 240 125 115 cot t 13 286 298 1743 911 832 232 119 113 crrt 'OJ. 14 272 272 1638 831 807 334 158 176 cot 'OJ. 15 411 412 2005 1093 912 328 157 171 crrt -:t. 16 497 499 1822 1158 664 333 162 171 0Ilt 'OJ. 17 378 378 1986 1074 912 333 186 147 cot-:t. 18 257 257 1261 686 575 197 91 106 cot 'OJ. 19 605 620 3154 1665 1489 619 323 296 crrt 'OJ. 20 211 216 1187 612 575 231 118 113 crrt -:to 21 238 263 1108 617 491 194 102 92 ~-:t. 22 234 235 1017 588 429 131 72 59 crrt 'OJ. 23 266 266 1363 732 631 171 89 82 crrt 'OJ. 24 346 346 1670 872 798 174 86 88

    ~ (CIT. ~.) 1.00 259 259 820 499 321 143 61 82 197


    ~~ ~~ m~ ~ 'IW! ~

    ~ W;r:rt ~ W;r:rt ~ fuIr1i ~ ~ ~ ~ M F M F M F M F M F

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    216 186 152 154 574 283 429 60 Ward No. 6 75 57 97 85 468 219 194 36 Ward No 7 149 152 95 102 476 249 343 37 Ward No. /1 86 79 174 167 331 65 289 25 40 4 Ward No. 9 35 20 2 3 975 339 851 20 Ward No. 10 134 111 108 101 290 153 214 37 Ward No. 11 110 103 94 72 315 139 274 28 54 Ward No 12 100 88 149 124 346 161 257 18 6 Ward No 13

    4983 4409 1789 1575 15392 8622 10394 802 331 50 ABU ROADUA

    4974 4408 1707 1506 15044 8481 10061 798 294 47 ABU ROAD (M)

    500 399 200 163 808 345 547 58 11 4 Ward No. 160 167 158 167 528 222 363 25 20 20 Ward No. 2 555 497 45 32 679 284 453 19 34 Ward No. :i 105 97 12 8 582 408 344 23 5 Ward No. 4 274 249 65 51 526 249 334 41 4 Ward No. 5 91 93 11 10 598 418 386 16 Ward No. 6 589 501 355 15 Ward No. 7 58 51 83 78 643 447 439 36 7 Ward No. 8 329 285 87 74 490 218 538 120 32 10 Ward No. 9 47 36 89 87 478 193 355 19 102 2 Ward No. 10 94 80 2 1 563 374 333 21 3 Ward No. 11 38 40 31 30 592 433 292 12 2 Ward No. 12 20 22 770 608 443 41 2 Ward No. 13 212 201 19 16 546 216 371 67 12 5 Ward No. 14 121 121 24 23 778 424 548 42 14 3 Ward No. 15 146 115 186 162 757 217 797 35 Ward No. 16 505 449 76 52 707 304 466 16 15 Ward No 17 227 213 25 25 561 327 326 12 5 Ward No 18 392 337 405 368 1092 550 796 64 2 Ward No 19 177 177 • 16 15 411 260 281 26 18 3 Ward No. 20 216 173 40 40 475 286 278 20 Ward No. 21 280 216 26 20 481 229 303 11 Ward No. 22 255 215 63 48 600 380 316 34 Ward No. 23 172 175 44 36 770 588 397 25 3 Ward No. 24

    9 82 69 348 141 333 4 37 3 SANTPUR (O.G.) 198

    ~ ~~ ~1'fiTl'f~~1~~ -m~o 'lTI'!1mt Industnal Category of Main Workers

    Location Name of II III IV V(a) V(b) VI Code TowntWard No. ~ ft.;p.ri ~ ft:;nrt ~ ft:;nrt 'Ftl ft:;nrt 'Ftl fup:rt ~ fup:rt M F M F M F M F M F M F

    2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    cnt "'i. 6 4 10 2 15 24 23 cnt~. 7 6 2 3 1 mt~. B 5 11 6 mt-:t. 9 57 9 6 cnt~. 10 cnt..f. 11 2 2 2 3 cni..f. 12 3 3 21 2 cni ..f. 13 7 B 11 8

    ~";f.'q. 453 90 48 15 296 68 2458 56 373 9

    21/19NI ~ (";f.-qr.) 450 90 48 15 296 68 2291 55 338 9

    cni..f. 76 31 9 20 9 111 7 11 CITt ..f. 2 1 5 38 7 CITt -:t. 3 102 1 1 10 52 3 ~-:t. 4 6 3 2 67 13 ClTtt 5 17 2 11 10 53 9 7 cut of. 6 11 67 8 cut of. 7 7 42 8 cni ..f. 8 1 2 3 14 5 65 2 6 cnt~. 9 31 2 2 38 11 74 5 15 cut of. 10 51 5 5 26 5 33 4 cut of. 11 6 5 69 3 cut of. 12 2 30 50 2 5 ~of. 13 3 64 8 cntof. 14 59 21 12 5 58 4 cntt 15 14 2 6 2 8 5 240 5 6 cut ~. 16 37 27 3 513 50 cnti. 17 20 28 2 105 22 mt-i. 18 2 105 3 38 qrg -i. 19 7 4 6 8 226 14 91 6 cni-i. 20 20 47 3 41 3 1 crrt -:to 21 22 2 ~-i. 22 2 10 49 12 mot -i. 23 54 10 mtoi. 24 8 93 4

    ~(~.,,) 3 167 35 199



    VII VIII IX Name of Town/Ward fur;ri fur;ri ~ fur;ri ~ fur;ri ~ ft:;r.rt M F M F M F F F

    34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

    132 7 26 195 51 2 4 442 627 Ward No. 6 40 4 15 127 32 436 367 Ward No. 7 55 2 21 244 35 316 562 Ward No. 8 25 4 7 153 7 24 272 423 Ward No. 9 850 20 302 593 Ward No. 10 61 12 7 139 22 .1 250 353 Ward No. 11 53 15 124 24 1 273 441 Ward No. 12 68 25 122 17 311 461 Ward No. 13

    1983 102 2552 40 1885 386 55 85 10901 17565 ABUROAD UA

    1927 102 2535 40 1867 386 55 85 10735 17248 ABU ROAD (M)

    31 205 72 5 713 957 Ward No. 19 95 1 178 3 11 449 728 Ward No. 2 17 194 7 39 10 550 820 Ward No. 3 87 85 75 22 374 619 Ward No. 4 76 2 31 134 16 369 591 Ward No. 5 183 42 73 13 3 333 648 Ward No. 6 217 32 48 14 331 641 Ward No. 7 145 3 98 2 98 24 2 12 408 723 Ward No. 8 190 79 39 115 14 2 2 521 846 Ward No. 9 71 1 40 22 5 6 38 375 671 Ward No. 10 149 4 39 58 15 386 599 Ward No. 11 108 57 38 9 10 411 694 Ward No. 12 216 64 86 38 6 467 785 Ward No. 13 53 96 1 77 35 2 460 738 Ward No. 14 75 84 3 99 23 545 870 Ward No. 15 52 50 91 7 361 628 Ward No. 16 33 2 129 113 12 608 896 Ward No. 17 14 89 1 72 7 360 563 Ward No. 18 126 6 174 2 159 28 869 1425 Ward No. 19 22 66 66 17 2 331 547 Ward No.' 20 18 213 5 23 14 339 471 Ward No. 21 9 175 3 46 8 285 418 Ward No. 22 4 213 9 33 24 416 597 Ward No. 23 12 225 52 23 474 773 Ward No. 24

    56 17 18 166 317 SANTPUR (O.G.) 200


    f;;wn ~ ~~ R"1'lft District Tehsil Panchayat Samiti Remarks 'WI 'fi"I1]1'q Name Total Villages

    2 3 4 5

    ~ ~ Sheoganj ~ Sheoganj 70 Wl~~ Co-terminus Sirohi fuUit Sirohi ft:r{rit Sirohi 85 Wl~~ Co-terminus ~ Pindwara ~ Pindwara 99 Wl-~ Co-terminus ~ Abu Road ~ Abu Road 81 Wl-~ Co-terminus ~ Reodar ~ Reodar 126 Wl-~ Co-terminus 201

    QR~I(~-II ~'1JT21fT:wCfi \it=t~IQI=tIlm'( (ff;~(=t~H )

    ~ f;y-ffi~.1 "¥'II ~ ~ "tIfurrU em "¥'I ~ (~ am: 0-6 3Wi wrr: if ~~.) ~ "Of."B.f"\'I'R~ "!lfIftuT1 cri ~ ~ ~~ "fl'Tft

    oqfu; ~ fu1;.ri ~ 'P"l fmr Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 film: ftrott

    1. ~~

    ~ ("Of. 'fl.) "Of./U 4.80 3488 3550 19866 10218 9648 3443 1786 1657

    2. ~~ m. IT 1.111.12 26173 26589 133923 67468 66455 25765 13670 12095 m. IA 1,090.40 20825 20979 105806 52639 53167 20903 11117 9786 "Of. fU 20.72 5348 5610 28117 14829 13288 4862 2553 2309

    ~ ("Of. 'fl.) "Of. /U 20.72 5348 5610 28117 14829 13288 4862 2553 2309

    3. ~~ m. IT 1.163.18 29389 29616 152236 77548 74688 30883 16143 14740 m. iA 1.138.27 24750 24901 128032 65180 62852 26157 13704 1<'453 "Of./U 24.91 4639 4715 24204 12368 11836 4726 2439 2287

    ~ ('f. 'll. ) 'f./U 10.00 2940 2968 15185 7700 7485 2929 15:12 1397

    "W-lit (~. en.' "Of. fU 14.91 1699 1747 9019 4668 4351 1797 907 890

    4. 31l'i~~ m.IT 887.00 25444 25788 136006 71697 64309 26312 13298 13014 m. IH 858.11 14649 14789 80611 41533 :3')078 16966 8535 8431 "Of. /U 28.89 10795 10999 55395 30164 25231 9346 4763 4583

    ~ :m

    :mq~ "Of. ". "f. /U 13.35 7690 7853 39802 21350 18452 6691 3379 3312

    (i) 31l'i ~("Of. 'fl.) "f./U 12.35 7431 7594 . 38982 20851 18131 6548 3318 32~lO

    (Ii) ~ (

    5. ~~


    ~~ ~~ tlTllR fm;n~/ Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates "'I. t:I.l17T!J

    District/TehslV U.A.lCltyl Town

    fu;I:ri ~ ~ fu;I:ri ~ ~ ~ ~ fu;I:ri Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

    125863 66009 59854 153005 78928 74077 167367 123809 43558 DISTRICT: SIROHI 101968 53320 48648 142826 73524 69302 96533 77422 19111 23895 12689 11206 10179 5404 4775 70834 46387 24447

    18455 9692 8763 14688 7754 6934 26771 20144 6627 SHEOGANJ TEHSIL 15915 8359 7556 13796 7284 6512 15497 12877 2670 2540 1333 1207 892 470 422 11274 7317 3957

    2540 1333 1207 892 470 422 11274 7317 3957 SHEOGANJ (M)

    28194 14780 13414 9056 4711 4345 39735 29523 10212 SIROHI TEHSIL 23642 12341 11301 6991 3618 3373 23962 19303 4659 4552 2439 2113 2065 1093 972 15773 10220 5553

    4552 2439 2113 2065 1093 972 15773 10220 55!;3 SIROHI(M)

    18373 9566 8807 53909 27681 26228 33698 25126 8572 PINDWARA TEHSIL 14000 7275 6725 52415 26872 25543 23188 17845 5343 4373 2291 2082 1494 809 685 10510 7281 3229

    2603 1384 1219 840 457 383 6807 4670 2137 PINDWARA (M)

    1770 907 863 654 352 302 3703 2611 1092 BHAWRI(CT)

    17324 9183 8141 60462 30921 29541 45071 31103 13968 ABU ROAD TEHSIL 4894 2557 2337 54734 27889 26845 11794 9534 2260 12430 6626 5804 5728 3032 2696 33277 21569 11708

    3038 1643 1395 2364 1243 1121 9263 6177 3086 MOUNT ABU (M)

    9392 4983 4409 3364 1789 1575 24014 15392 8622 ABU ROAD U.A.

    9382 4974 4408 3213 1707 1506 23525 15044 8481 (i) ABUROAD (M)

    10 9 151 82 69 489 348 141 (ii) SA,NTPUR (OG)

    43517 22788 20729 14890 7861 7029 22092 17913 4179 REODAR TEHSIL 43517 22788 20729 14890 7861 7029 22092 17913 4179 203

    qfH~11l! II nwrr~ ~;:WIIOI;:WI ~( ~~~~ClH ) m f;mr~! ¥TI ~ cnp:f ~ qrffi <1ft ~ ~ rfw:rT 'I.".ATR~ mrWrrl Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ ~CfiTl?~~ ~ ~~ Total main workers Cultivators Agricultural Labourers SI. District/T ehsiV Total} No. U.A.lCityl Rurall Town Urban (l-tX) II

    &Ifui ~ fut

    2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 fuwrr: fuittr m.rr 204390 165555 38835 82084 68932 13152 42988 24071 18917 m. IR 169461 133389 36072 80243 67312 12931 41043 22636 18407 ~. /U 34929 32166 2763 1841 1620 221 1945 1435 510


    ~ ("'I. '1T.) "'I. IU 5207 4847 360 141 132 9 343 233 110

    2. ~~

    ful:T{t ("'I. '1T.) 'i. IU 7182 6552 630 316 278 38 323 242 81

    3. ~~

    ~ ("'I. '1T.) 'i. IU 3917 354B 369 486 415 71 412 244 168

    'lTCIiT c;;r.'fi·) "'I. IU 2312 2130 182 407 358 49 240 189 51

    4. ~~~

    l1W'C 3lr.!: ("T. 'lI.) "I. IU 5115 4695 420 110 106 4 84 74 10

    ~~ "I. tl. "I. IU 11196 10394 802 381 331 50 543 453 90

    (i) m

    (H)~ (~.~.) 'i. IU 337 . 333 4 40 37 3 3 3

    5. ~~ 'lit. IT 46159 34133 12026 25029 19238 5791 10545 5534 5011 m./R 46159 34133 12026 25029 19238 5791 10545 5534 5011 "I. IU 204


    If?l ~ ~

    Industrial Category of Main Workers ~. B.I'f7R~

    T·;rn-·Ti. ~ it 'fiTI1 ~, liW<'fr "l'R"'~ ~. mw'.fl, 'FT.~. br'.f>17 'in: 1iWlR, ~ '" ~:;frT~~ Dlstrict/T ehsil' 11Plf-"'liI ~ "fi1':t~~it U.A.lCityl Livestock, Forestry. Fishing. Mining and Manufactunng. Processing, Town Hunting and Plantations, caporchards Quarrying Servicing and Repairs in and allied activities Household Industries III IV V(a) ;;qf;T, '11f;r, 'f:ir:t ~ ~ ~ ?7.Ifm '1JT~ ~ P(~rsons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2

    10713 9480 1233 1327 1072 255 5510 4692 818 DISTRICT: SIROHI 10204 8999 1205 1252 998 254 4264 3639 625 509 481 28 75 74 1 1246 1053 193

    2182 2020 162 57 53 4 855 693 162 SHEOGANJ TEHSIL 2125 1964 161 48 44 4 599 485 114 57 56 1 9 9 256 208 48

    57 56 9 9 256 208 48 SHEOGANJ (M)

    :1064 2712 352 64 58 6 1518 1340 178 SIROHI TEHSIL 2308 2474 334 36 31 5 1259 1111 148 2')6 238 18 28 27 1 259 229 30

    £:r)t3 238 18 28 27 259 229 30 SIROHI(M)

    1 :"JG 1616 180 349 328 21 1178 1003 175 PINDWARATEHSIL 11)9') 1522 177 332 311 21 860 730 130 !l7 94 3 17 17 318 273 45

    S5 52 3 7 7 122 99 23 PINDWARA (M)

    42 42 10 10 196 174 22 BHAWRI(CT)

    1164 912 252 391 319 72 683 .590 93 ABU ROAD TEHSIL 1065 819 246 370 298 72 270 247 23 {)!1 93 6 21 21 413 343 70

    r)o 45 5 6 6 49 47 2 MOUNT ABU (M)

    49 48 15 15 364 296 68 ABU ROADUA

    49 48 15 15 364 296 68 (I) ABU ROAD (M)

    (ii) SANTPUR (OG)

    2507 2220 287 466 314 152 1276 1066 210 REODAR TEHSIL 2507 2220 287 46n 314 152 1276 1066 210 205

    qR~UlJ II ~VT~ \ito:t~'O'o:t, ~( a~~("fcm )

    .;Fill f.;p_;rr~/ ~/ :ps

    oqfu; ft:;r

    2 3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 fffi;rr: ftmtT '?:it.fT 11235 10797 438 6357 5876 481 15921 15104 817 w. fR 6369 6041 328 4865 4447 418 7866 7330 536 "f. IU 4866 4756 110 1492 1429 63 8055 n74 281

    1. ~~ m. rr 1375 1328 47 751 668 83 3065 2971 94 m. IR 610 591 19 548 472 76 1092 1031 61 "l. IU 765 737 28 203 196 7 1973 1940 33

    ~ ("l. 'l1.) "l. IU 765 737 28 203 196 7 1973 1940 33

    2. ft:RWt~ m. rr 1101 1043 58 1347 1146 201 3507 3296 211 m. IR 659 612 47 994 824 170 2C!79 1926 153 "l. IU 442 431 11 353 322 31 1428 1370 58

    fi:ffiit ("I. 'l1.) "I. IU 442 431 11 353 322 31 1428 1370 58

    3. ~~ m. rr 3593 3441 152 2556 2492 64 3147 2989 158 m. IR 2648 2507 141 2189 2134 55 1849 1718 131 "l. IU 945 934 11 367 358 9 1298 1271 27

    ~ ("l. 'l1.) "t. IU 716 707 9 291 288 3 795 777 18

    ~ (~.~.) "t. /U 229 227 2 76 70 6 503 494 ')

    4. 3l1'!.~~ m.rr 4182 4068 114 1046 995 51 4033 3831 202 m./R 1468 1414 54 477 442 35 677 6:38 39 "1'. IU 2714 2654 60 569 553 16 3356 31 ~)~ 163

    ~ 3l1'!. ("t. 'l1.) "t./U 200 196 4 187 180 7 1271 1210 61

    3l1'!.~ "l. "B. "l./U 2514 2458 56 382 373 9 2085 1'lA~ 1(12

    (i) 3l1'!. ~ ("l. 'qJ.) "l./U 2346 2291 55 347 338 9 202'1 1()~7 Ill?

    (ii)~ (

    5. ~~ m.rr 984 917 67 657 575 t1~ <.'Hi') ;',11 ! lC::').1, m./R 984 917 67 657 57') K2 21ll': ~r /1 I~ 1:12 "l. IU 206


    'J:W!~~~qft ~ri Sf;ll Industrial Category of Main Workers ms:m ~,~ 3R~ ~q;p::f~~ Cfill1 ., ~ em'! ~Wm: Marginal Workers Non-Workers

    Transport, Storage Other Services 81. and Communications No.


    "i'Zlf;j; 'Fl ftw:rt "&!fin ~ m

    49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 .so 6163 6088 75 22092 19443 2649 46685 3342 43343 402954 166620 236334 DISTRICT 1993 1967 26 11362 10020 1342 45144 3107 42037 311842 131442 180400 4170 4121 49 10730 9423 1307 1541 235 1306 91112 35178 55934

    519 514 5 3322 2941 381 5021 269 4752 64151 25917 38234 217 213 4 2164 1906 258 4807 251 4556 49706 20564 29142 302 301 1158 1035 123 214 18 196 14445 5353 9092

    302 301 1158 1035 123 214 18 196 14445 5353 9092

    938 929 9 6228 5512 716 7564 758 6806 87736 36050 51686 2 379 375 4 3010 2651 359 7272 698 6574 67093 27833 39260 559 554 5 3218 2861 357 292 60 232 20643 8217 12426

    559 554 '5 3218 2861 357 292 60 232 20643 8217 12426

    883 877 6 4033 3599 434 16863 1098 15765 88006 37508 50498 3 386 381 5 2888 2570 318 16009 1003 15006 70885 30913 39972 497 496 1 1145 1029 116 854 95 759 17121 6595 10526

    263 263 770 696 74 394 30 364 10874 4122 6752

    234 233 375 333 42 460 65 395 6247 2473 3774

    3395 3352 43 6411 5555 856 7898 463 7435 86437 34170 52267 4 583 582 1 1202 1057 145 7717 401 7316 47534 19157 28377 2812 2770 42 5209 4498 711 181 62 119 38903 15013 23890

    220 218 2 2938 2613 325 41 7 34 10437 4112 6325

    2592 2552 40 2271 1885 386 140 55 85 28466 10901 17565

    2575 2535 40 2253 1867 386 140 55 85 27983 10735 17248

    17 17 18 18 483 166 317

    428 416 12 2098 1836 262 9339 754 8585 76624 32975 43649 5 428 416 12 2098 1836 262 9339 754 8585 76624 32975 43649 207

    qrU~le - III APPENDIX - III ~ ;s;a ICfl q R "¥f, 3"ij)*ifT:! d ~ Cf 3"l:rifT:! d \l11 \lilfd \l11 ti @'II TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION - URBAN BLOCKWISE

    ~ ~ 'IlT -.w:r;qrtl ¥o ~ ~ ~ ~ 'IlT 1Jl'Ir

    2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

    21/19/1 ~(";f."QT.) 19866 2540 892 21/19/1 ~-;j. 19 494 75 5 SHEOGANJ (M) Block No. 2C 607 45

    cnt-;{. 1668 254 • 185 cni-;{. 9 1279 16 4 Ward No. Ward No.

    ~-;f. 709 50 34, ~-;:j. 21 678 15 4 Block No.2 639 23 61 Block No. 22 601 1 3 320 181 40 cni-;{, 10 1265 246 4 cnt-;{. 1245 256 102 2 Ward No. Ward No. ~-;j. 23 535 ~-;j. 4 697 173 102 Block N 0.24 730 246 4 Block NO.5 548 83 cni-;{. 11 973 6 cnt-;{. 116 3 1218 Ward No. Ward No. ~-;f. 25 349 6 ~-;f. 441 116 6 Block No. 26 231 Block No.7 425 27 393 ? 352 cni-;{. 12 945 cnt-;{. 4 1058 50 Ward No. Ward No. ~-;j. 28 442 ~-;f. 9 407 32 Block No. 29 503 Block No. 10 651 18 cni-;{. 13 913' 13 16 cri-;{. 1471 450 5 Ward No. Ward No. ~-;j. 30 455 4 4 ~-;j. 11 447 35 Block No. 31 458 9 12 Block No. 12 337 214 13 463 26 cni-;{. 14 1008 46 21 14 224 175 Ward No. qrt-;{. 6 1284 665 2 wW:f; -;:j. 32 318 14 Ward No. 5 Block No. 33 398 6 34 292 35 7 ~-;j. 15 654 505 2 Block No. 16 630 160 cni-;{. 15 1913 183 123 Ward No.

    cri-;{. 8 1101 120 5 ?ITt -1. 16 1077 22 426 Ward No. Ward No. 208

    qfU'~112 - III APPENDIX - III ~ &:1IChqR ~, 3ijWild ~ q 3ijWild \l1"1\l1lm \if "1 <8&1 I TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION - URBAN BLOCKWISE

    "f1R q;'! "'f1l1,1qrgj ~ "f1R

    2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

    21/19/1 ~-;f. 39 441 159 21!19/11 ~-;f. 18 480 32 81 Block No. 40 636 22 267 Block No. 19 270 17 212 20 814 7 388 21/19/11 fl:mtt ( 'Of. 'QT. ) 28117 4552 2065 'SIROHI (M) CfTt-.r. 8 1756 191 157 Ward No. crl-.r. 1637 33 14 Ward No. ~-;f. 21 800 132 33 Block No. 22 654 30 80 ~-;f. 311 23 302 29 44 Block No.2 529 3 797 33 14 CfTt-.r. 9 1348 830 177 Ward No. crl-.r. 2 1639 194 134 Ward No. ~-;f. 24 652 407 112 Block No. 25 432 244 36 ~-;f. 4 699 123 126 26 264 179 29 Block No 5 561 63 8 CfTt of. 10 1805 128 185 6 379 8 Ward No.

    cniof. 3 1441 97 15 ~-;f. 27 661 119 3 Ward No. Block No. 28 728 9 7 29 416 175 ~-;f. 7 770 90 7 Block No.8 671 7 8 CfTt of. 11 1102 235 Ward No. crrt of. 4 1655 83 106 ~-;f. 30 407 57 Ward No. Block No ..31 695 178

    ~1h> -4. 9 766 41 97 CfTt"i. 12 1613 367 21 Block No. 10 42 9 889 Ward No.

    1097 280 crlof. 5 1938 ~-;f. 32 636 106 17 Ward No. Block No. 33 427 209 34 550 52 4 ~-;f. 11 483 182 61 Block No. 12 637 178 214 CfTt of. 13 1333 19 8 13 412 391 5 Ward No. 14 406 346 ~-;f. 35 810 13 7 crrtof. 6 1406 579 269 810ck No. 36 222 5 Ward No. 37 301

    ~-;f. 15 819 231 151



    ~ "fln: 'fit ";ffl1/mt! ¥l ~ ~ ~ ~ 'fit ";ffl1rcrrt/ ¥l ~ ~ ~~o ;:ffit

    2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

    21/19/111 cni-:%. 12 1099 174 20 21/19/1V GI'Tt ~. 8 817 382 7 Ward No. Ward No.

    ~~ 24 748 166 19 ~~. 12 817 382 7 Block No. 25 351 8 1 Block No. cni~. 13 1427 219 369 Ward No. mt~. 9 462 68 147 Ward No. ~-;j. 26 622 106 171 Block No. 27 805 113 198 ~~. 13 462 68 147 Block No. 21/i9/IV ~ (~. 'fi. ) 9019 1770 654 BHAWRI (CT) crrt~. 10 393 29 18 mt~. 527 31 9 Ward No. Ward No. ~~. 14 393 29 18 <<'IT'h ~. 527 31 9 Block No. Block No. 11 914 21 6 mt..f. 2 652 13 crrt~. Ward No. Ward No.

    ~-;i. 2 652 13 ~q. 15 914 21 6 Block No. Block No

    crrt ..f. 3 925 288 86 crrt~. 12 512 284 76 Ward No. Ward No.

    ~~. 3 438 123 21 ~-.:j. 16 512 284 76 Block No.4 487 165 65 Block No. mi..f. 4 1038 86 276 Ward No. 21/19 V ~ 3mf_ ( ~. 'QT. ) 15593 3038 2364 MOUNT ABU (M) ~~. 5 541 69 276 Block NO.6 497 17 crrt..f. 1092 334 2 Ward No. cni-:%. 5 1131 40 8 Ward No. ~~. 568 96 2 Block No.2 524 238 ~-;j. 7 448 27 4 Block NO.8 683 13 4 mt~. 2 934 149 14 qrt..f. 6 618 244 5 Ward No. Ward No. ~~. 3 386 56 ~-;j. 9 618 244 5 Block No.4 548 93 14 Block No. cni..f. 3 990 150 78 1030 284 16 cni..f. 7 Ward No. Ward No.

    ~~. 5 524 55 27 ~-;i. 10 407 252 8 Block NO.6 466 95 51 Block No. 11 623 32 8 211

    qfU~U! - III APPENDIX - III ~ IS(1I Cfl ct 1< ¥1, 3Fl+[1""l d \lTIfu Cf a:! 11!-q d \jj '1 \jj 1ff, WH"i &11 TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION - URBAN BLOCKWISE

    ~ "'flT"{ CfiI ""lJl1rqrt / 'fC'I ~ .~ ~ "'flT"{ CfiI ""lJl1rqrt/ '¥' ~ ~ m~o ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~* ~~ ~ ~ ~ Location Name of Town/ Total Scheduled Scheduled Location Name of Town/ Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Ward/Urban Population Castes Tribes Code No. Ward/Urban Population Castes Tribes Block Block

    2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

    21/191V GIlt-.r. 4 1353 431 329 21/19/V ~t 22 671 212 177 Ward No. Block No. 23 184 33 32

    ~~. 7 420 66 62 cn-t-.r. 12 1017 213 166 Block NO.8 582 316 79 Ward No. 9 351 49 188 ~-::j. 24 348 165 117 mt-.r. 5 1650 273 262 Block No. 25 669 48 49 Ward No. cn-t -.r. 13 1047 188 273 ~-;f. 10 564 75 202 Ward No. Block No. 11 349 82 22 12 737 116 38 ~-;j. 26 237 39 72 Block No. 27 810 149 201 mt-.r. 6 1564 402 306 Ward No. ~~";f:R 39802 9392 3364 ABU ROAD UA ~'4. 13 675 248 123 21/19NI (I) ~ m (";f.m. ) 38982 9382 3213 Block No. 14 243 18 24 15 646 136 159 ABU ROAD (M)

    mt-.r. 7 1033 132 182 ~-::j. 2275 899 363 Ward No. Ward No.

    ~-::j. 16 452 93 51 ~""i. 453 161 37 Block No. 17 581 39 131 Block No.2 658 182 192 3 482 295 57 65 682 261 77 mt-.r. 8 1258 301 197 Ward No. Cfrt-.r. 2 1576 327 325 Ward No. ~-::j. 18 651 238 139 Block No. 19 607 63 58 ~-;j. 4 294 147 58 Block No.5 589 83 78 c.nt-.r. 9 1034 165 341 6 693 97 189 Ward No. Cfrt-.r. 3 1842 1052 77 ~-;j. 20 548 21 315 Ward No. Block No. 21 486 144 26

    ~-::j. 7 471 351 10 10 1766 55 5 crrt-.r. Block No.8 673 404 23 Ward No. 66 698 297 44

    ""iTCh -;j. 28 393 Cfrt-.r. 4 1361 202 20 Block No 29 337 32 5 Ward No. 30 682 23 31 354 -fjfq; -::j 9 392 60 7 Block No 10 449 54 5 c.nt-.r. 11 855 245 209 11 520 88 8 Ward No.


    qrH~Ifl! - III APPENDIX - III ~ is(1ICfiClI'("¥', 3ij*{l-q(l ~ q 3ij*{l-q(l 'J11\jjlfd \jj14~1 TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTE AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION - URBAN BLOCKWISE

    ~ '"1'11<: CfiT ;;J>!rcrrt/ "¥' ~ ~ ~ '!lR CfiT ;;J>!rcrrt/ "¥' ~ ~ m;:jo ~'iffiCfi ~ ~ ~ m* ~'iffiCfi ~ ~ ~ Location Name of Townl Total Scheduled Scheduled Location Name of Townl Total Scheduled Scheduled Code No. Ward/Urban Population Castes Tribes Code No. Ward/Urban Population Castes Tribes Block Block

    2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

    21/19NI crrt-:f. 19 3154 729 773 21/19NI cnt-:f. 22 1017 496 46 Ward No. Ward No.

    ~-t 55 638 126 280 ~-t. 71 479 142 21 Block No. 56 926 332 61 Block No. 72 538 354 25 57 491 18 259 58 544 96 165 cnt-:f. 23 1363 470 111 59 555 157 8 Ward No.

    ~-t. 73 491 134 35 crrt-:f. 20 1187 354 31 Block No. 74 872 336 76 Ward No.

    crrt ;t. 24 1670 347 80 ~-t. 60 299 67 9 Ward No. Block No. 61 431 190 8 62 457 97 14 ~-t. 75 945 163 27 68 Block No. 76 725 184 53

    cnt-:f. 21 1108 389 80 (ii) ~ ( OU.CJ ) 820 10 151 Ward No. (ii) SANTPUR (O.G)

    ~-t. 69 503 224 61 ~;:j. 63 387 5 37 Block No. 70 605 165 19 Block No. 64 433 5 114

    ~1~~(1" \ifl rn·~ ~1~r~(1" \iI.,\il1 ftd CfIT f€l:(t'"1 f~(11 ~ \iI;r41019i1 mt SPECIAL DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ' FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 216

    " CF;- 3i'1~i4~ \i1lfo~i

    \. ~w~ ,\tl,. ~ 3'3. ~

    2. 3WU 19. "S'WR 40. ~,~

    3. qreJ 20. 'l-WfC.fi' 41. 'lW"{, ~, -q irr

    4. ~,~ 21. 'l-Wlfq;

    6. ~ 23. ~ 44. -.:riTr, ~, 81'1IQjc;JI

    7. ~ 24. iP:1 45. m-rr~. B1l~

    8. iSli*iqi'I~, iSli*itils 25. Tff0n 46. irq, ~, ip:;rcm:

    9. mqft 26. 'l'TUm, TTtm 47. ~

    10. "ffiTft, crrMt, ~ 27. 7lTfr. ~, ~, TJirnr 48. -;:rc:

    11. ~ 28. 'l"CITft7.rr 49. 'qn:fi

    12. ~,,~ 29. -m'i-fr 50. 'UClC1

    13. ~ 30. ~ 51. B'TWft

    14. *TI, TIT, ~, ~, ~, 31. CflIM~Fi'111I, mu 52. mm ~, $MIM($j'I{, ~, ~1c:41Cf>1. '~ , , ql(Cqji:f> , ~, '*~4R1r 32. q:;]"I1S, Chi q F.s III 53. ~,~

    15. fq<:::IfCt;'~1 33. ~ 54. m$fr

    16. -;;ffi;rr 34. ,*dqF.slll mm 55. 'ffi1qT

    17. ~,~m,~, ~m,~, 35. 'Wn 56. furf'lqr-ctT ~, ~, llF.ft, ~, ~. trn:, trR, {IQi!lfW~I, ~, .miriT, 36. -&ir"f; 57. ~W, '1'T'-fCfl oqIQF:Slll, W'l.ffi, ~, ~, ~,~,~,~, 37. cirz:;ft, cim 58. ~,~ -qzy, ~, im'rJ~, Cfil1iit ~, 'D1TTR, m, ~ 38. ~ 59. rp1

    ~- 3i1f4J~d \l1 "Nil fo?Oj i

    1. ~,~~,~'iffi1,~ 5. 9. "$n '4ffi,~~,~~. 'WWf 'i.fu;r, ~ ~, ~, 6. 'CflTmir, ~, in: 'CflTmir, in: 10. ~, 1'V-I'CflT, .,.:il

    1. Adi Dharmi Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, 37. Koli, Kori Madig, Telegu Mochi, 2. Aheri Kamati Mochi, Ranigar, Rohit, 38. Kooch Band, Kuchband Samgar 3. Badi 39. Koria 18. Chandal 4. Bagri, Bagdi 40. Madari, Bazigar 19. Dabgar 5. Bariwa, ~erwa 41. Mahar, Taral, Dhegumegu 20. Dhanak, Dhanuk 6. Bajgar 42. Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Dheda, 21. Dhankia Vankar, Maru Vankar 7. Balai 22. Dhobi 43. Majhabi 8. Bansphor, Bansphod 23. Dholi 44. Mang, Matang, Minimadig 9. Baori 24. Dome, Dom 45. Mang Garodi, Mang Garudi 10. Bargi. Vargi. Birgi 25. Gandia 46. Megh, Meghval, Meghwal, 11 . ~awaria Menghvar 26. Garancha, Gancha 12. Bedia. Beria 47. Mehar 27. Garo. Garura. Gurda, Garoda 13. Bhand 48. Nat, Nut 28. Gavaria 14. Bhangi. Chura, Mehtar, 49. Pasi Olgana. RUkhi. Malkana, 29. Godhi Halalkhor. Lalbegi, Balmiki, 50. Rawal Valmlki. Korar, Zadmalli 30. Jingar 51. Salvi 15.' Bidakia 31. Kalbelia, Sapera 52. Sansi 16. Bola 32. Kamad, Kamadia 53. Santia, Satia 17. Chamar. Bhambhi, Bambhi, 33. Kanjar, Kunjar Bhambl, Jatava, Jatia, Jatav, 54. Sarbhangi Mochl, Raidas, Rohldas .. 34. Kapadia Sansi Regar. Raigar, Ramdasla, 55. Sargara Asadaru, Asodi. Chamadia, 35. Khangar Chambnar, Chamgar. 56. Singiwala Haralayya, Harall.Khalpa. 36. Khatlk 57. Thori, Nayak 58. Tirgar, Tirbanda

    59. Turi


    1. Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi Bhil. 5. Garasia (Excluding Rajput 9. Mina Dunqn Bhil, Dungri Garasia. Garasia) Mewasl Bhll, Rawal Bhil. 10. Naikda. Nayaka, Choliva~a Tadvi Bhll. Bhagalia. Bhllala. 6. Kathodl. Katkari, Dhor Nayaka, Kapadia Nayaka. Pawld. Vasava, Vasave Kathodl. Dhor Katkari. Mota Nayaka,Nana Nayaka Son Kathpdi, Son Katkari 2. Bhil Mlna 11. Patella 7. Kakna. Kokni. Kukna 3. Damar. Damaria 12. Seharia, Sehria, Sahariya 8. Kall Dhor. Tokre Koli, Kolcha, 4. Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi Koigha 218

    3l;_~~~ \iI'Tfir(fil~~ \jf~~II]I~1 'mt

    ~ f;R:nfti :~.1 ~/ ~~ ~~;;nfu 0-6 ~~.q ~ 1":f:RRJR~ w:ftuT/ if;~~ qft~ ~ ~ ;;nfu qft ~ ~ ~'!fft~ Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Caste Caste Population Population SI. District/P .S.I Totall No. of in the age-group 0-6 No. U.A.lCityl Rurall households Town Urban with S.C. members

    cx:rftD "F' ft:;rI.rl cx:rftD ~ ft:;rI.rl Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


    1. ~

    2. mutt "lit.fT 4872 23642 12341 11301 4724 2567 2157 "!IT./R 4872 23642 . 12341 11301 4724 2567 2157 ~. IU

    3. ~ "lit. fT 3365 15770 8182 7588 3176 1671 1505 m./R 2997 14000 7275 6725 2805 1477 1328 ~. IU 368 1770 907 863 371 194 177

    4. amtm-

    5. ~


    1. ~ ("'t.'lT. ) ~. IU 482 2540 1333 1207 495 259 236

    2. ft:rmt ("'t.'lT. ) ~. IU 905 4552 2439 2113 888 488 400

    3. ~ ('1.'lT. ) ~. fU 525 2603 1384 1219 550 309 241

    4. ~ ('>il.~.) "'I. IU 368 1770 907 863 371 194 177

    5. ~~ (~.'lT. ) "'I. IU 614 3038 1643 1395 571 300 271

    6. amt~ ':'I:R "'I. /U 1802 9392 4983 4409 1649 825 824

    (i)~~ (':'I.'lT. ) "'I. IU 1799 9382 4974 4408 1648 825 823

    (ii)~ (0fI.~. ) "'I. IU 3 10 9 219


    maR ~~~'!!IR'Ifq,'f~~ ~fti.RI Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers 'I. ~.f"IlTl:~

    ~CfiTI'!1fif.I~ ~ DistrictJP.S.I Total Main Workers Cultivators U.A./City/ (I-IX) I Town

    o:lIftli' ~ ~ '61:Ifui ~ ~ 'O!Iftt; ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

    24277 20331 3946 43340 32337 11003 15861 12715 3146 DISTRICT: SIROHI 14197 12977 1220 36907 26621 10286 15660 12534 3126 10080 7354 2726 6433 5716 717 201 181 20

    2213 2045 168 5646 4223 1423 1965 1756 209 SHEOGANJ 2213 2045 168 5646 4223 1423 1965 1756 209

    3665 3413 252 8479 5811 2668 2350 2012 338 SIROHI 3665 3413 252 8479 5811 2668 2350 2012 338

    3369 2989 380 5126 4010 1116 1404 1175 229 PINDWARA 2890 2597 293 4694 3627 1067 1380 1153 227 479 392 87 432 383 49 24 22 2

    1596 1285 311 1325 1200 125 281 264 17 ABU ROAD 1589 1278 311 1318 1194 124 279 263 16 7 7 7 6 1 2 1 1

    3840 3644 196 16770 11766 5004 9686 7350 2336 REODAR 3840 3644 196 16770 11766 5004 9686 7350 2336


    945 750 195 686 599 87 8 8 SHEOGANJ (M)

    1752 1322 430 1202 1040 162 33 27 6 SIROHI (M)

    739 624 115 721 640 81 73 64 9 PINDWARA (M)

    479 392 87 432 383 49 24 22 2 BHAWRI (CT)

    1468 988 480 954 849 105 14 14 MPUNTABU (M)

    4697 3278 1419 2438 2205 233 49 46 3 ABU ROAD UA

    4690 3271 1419 2431 2199 232 47 45 2 (i) ABU ROAD (M)

    7 7 7 6 2 (ii)SANTPUR (OG) 220

    3ti~"'~(=1 \fflfuCfIT~~ \ilo:t'llJ,o:t' 'IDr

    ~ ~!'i:~.1 "¥II ~ Cf;l11 ~ CW'ff ih:

    o;qfu; ft:;r:ri ft:;r:ri ~ 1.S1:!fui ~ 1.S1:!fui ~ fuI

    2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    ~;fmItT -Q\'./T 14035 7930 6105 303 256 47 462 323 139 m./R 13448 7474 5974 252 209 43 446 307 139 "f. /U 587 456 131 51 47 4 16 16

    1. ~ m. IT 2509 1451 1058 50 39 11 11 11 m. IR 2509 1451 1058 50 39 11 11 11 ,. IU

    2. ~ m./T 4131 2251 1880 71 62 9 17 12 5 m./R 4131 2251 1880 71 62 9 17 12 5 "'f. IU

    3. ~ m. IT 1699 985 714 25 17 8 33 32 m./R 1575 880 695 21 13 8 33 32 "'f./U 124 105 19 4 4

    4. amt m m./T 275 205 70 25 24 4 4 m./R 275 205 70 25 24 4 4 "'f. IU

    5. ~


    1. ~ ("'f. 'tIT.) "'f. IU 74 52 22 7 7

    2. ~T ("'f. '11.) "'f. IU 135 95 40 20 19 11 11

    3. ~ ( 'I. "lTI.) "'f. IU 85 59 26 7 6

    4. ~ (':iI. 'Ii. ) "'I. IU 124 105 19 4 4

    5. ~ 3rr.l. ("'I. "qT.) "'I. IU 6 6 4 3 2 2

    6. ~,~ "'f.~. "f. IU 163 139 24 9 8 3 3

    (i) amt~ ("'I. 'tIT.) "f. IU 163 139 24 9 8 3 3

    (iI)~ C

    ~Cfimw'tcrrffiq;'t~~ flIffi tti. <=1.1

    Industrial Category of Main Workers '1. ~.RTR~ ~, t:imlcfo'l, fcff.!moT, ~, ~ ~.om~

    ~ ~ ~ ~ 'F' fh

    29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2

    1099 917 182 2106 1995 111 1383 1174 209 DISTRICT: SIROHI 847 719 128 1223 1155 68 1001 813 188 252 198 54 883 840 43 382 361 21

    157 142 15 169 163 6 70 56 14 SHEOGANJ 157 142 15 169 163 6 70 56 14

    212 189 23 192 179 13 322 193 129 SIROHI 212 189 23 192 179 13 322 193 129

    197 163 34 466 439 27 336 331 5 PINDWARA 139 115 24 419 392 27 325 322 3 58 48 10 47 47 11 9 2

    37 30 7 244 240 4 47 47 ABU ROAD 37 30 7 243 239 4 47 47 1 1

    302 243 59 200 182 18 237 195 42 REODAR 302 243 59 200 182 18 237 195 42


    26 15 11 134 120 14 64 61 3 SHEOGANJ (M)

    62 49 13 72 69 3 44 37 7 SIROHI (M)

    10 4 6 199 197 2 49 46 3 PINDWAAA (M)

    58 48 10 47 47 0 11 9 2 BHAWRI (CT)

    16 15 38 36 2 65 61 4 MOUNT ABU (M)

    80 67 13 393 371 22 149 147 2 ABU ROAD UA

    80 67 13 392 370 22 149 147 2 (I) ABU ROAD (M)

    (If)SANTPUR (OG) ~:a

    ~;_~""'I5Ift ~cnrf~r("ln1T~ ~o:t~IQlo:tl ~

    Ifil1 f;rffil'l. ~.1 ~I ~ ~ CIif.t CW'if


    c;qf;n '1l1:!fu; ~ fur

    2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

    ~: funtI' m.IT 1659 1387 272 1539 1500 39 4893 4140 753 m./A 817 655 162 487 471 16 2726 2284 442 "1'. !U 842 732 110 1052 1029 23 2167 1856 311

    fuqrhl m.IT 125 105 20 46 46 544 454 90 m./A 125 105 20 46 46 544 454 90 "I. IU

    2. fu'{rtt m.IT 186 139 47 104 103 894 671 223 m./R 186 139 47 104 103 894 671 223 "l'. IU

    3. ~ m. IT 163 123 40 129 126 3 674 619 55 m./A 126 92 34 85 82 3 591 546 45 "I. IU 37 31 6 44 44 83 73 10

    4. ~~ m.IT 86 75 11 137 137 189 174 15 m.IR 82 71 11 137 137 189 174 15 "I. IU 4 4

    5. ~ m.IT 298 248 50 115 103 12 508 439 69 m. fR 298 . 248 50 115 103 12 508 439 69 "I. IU


    1. fucrt;! ("I. '1T.) "I. IU 101 97 4 44 44 228 195 33

    2. fu-mt ('9. 'l11.) "I. IU 116 110 6 79 79 630 544 86

    3. ~ ('9. 'l11.) "I. IU 66 56 10 62 62 170 146 24

    4. '41C1ft C;;f. 'if.'.) "I. IU 37 31 6 44 44 83 73 10

    5. ~ ~ C'I. '11.) '9. fU 211 195 16 60 59 538 458 80

    6 3mi~ '9. <1. "I IU 311 243 68 763 741 22 518 440 78

    (I) ~ 'in? ("I. 'l11.) "I. IU 307 239 68 763 741 22 518 440 78


    ~~~~ ~'9'Cfi"f.t~ Marginal Workers Non-Workers

    DistrictlP .S.I U.A'/City/ Town

    "&!fui :FI ~ "&!fui :FI fur;rt Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    47 48 49 50 51 52 2

    7739 625 7114 74784 33047 41737 DISTRICT: SIROHI 7443 588 6855 57618 26111 31507 296 37 259 17166 6936 10230

    1073 47 1026 9196 4089 5107 SHEOGANJ 1073 47 1459 9196 4089 5107

    1633 174 1459 13530 6356 7174 SIROHI 1633 174 1459 13530 6356 7174

    1530 122 1408 9114 4050 5064 PINDWARA 1433 105 1328 7873 3543 4330 97 17 80 1241 507 734

    167 17 150 3412 1349 2063 ABU ROAD 167 17 150 3409 1346 2063 3 3

    3137 245 2892 23610 10777 12883 REODAR 3137 245 2892 23610 10777 12883


    32 31 1822 733 1089 SHEOGANJ (M)

    65 10 55 3285 1389 1896 SIROHI (M)

    82 4 78 1800 740 1060 PINDWARA (M~

    97 17 80 1241 507 734 BHAWRI (CT)

    14 3 11 2070 791 1279 MOUNT ABU (M)

    6 2 4 6948 2776 4172 ABU ROAD UA

    6 2 4 6945 2773 4172 (i) Abu Road (M)

    3 3 (ii)SANTPUR (OG) 224

    ~"!~fI \j:fo:t\itlffi q;rRrMT~ \jf~~IOl"fl 'rot

    "B1 fu!ffi I'l. "./ ~I ~.~ ~~~ 0-6 ~"Wii ~ "'1.".A'1"\~ ~I ir;~it ~~ ¥I~~7:Ji1~ ~ ~>it~ Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Tribe Trrbe Population Population 81. DlstnctiP S.! Total/ No. of In the age-group 0-6 No U.A.lCityl Rural! households Town Urban with S.T. members

    "&If;p ~ ft:5I"'-li ~ ~ fut!ri Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    fuwrr: fuirtt m.IT 28747 153005 78928 74077 32937 16636 16301 m./R 26498 142826 73524 69302 30968 15623 15345 "f. IU 2249 10179 5404 4775 1969 1013 956

    ~ <:IT. IT 2899 13796 7284 6512 2709 1438 1271 w. fR 2899 13796 7284 6512 2709 1438 1271 "f. IU

    2. tmm" it. IT 1:187 6991 3618 3373 1509 764 745 TIl fR 1~3e7 6991 3618 3373 1509 764 745 "f. JU

    3. ~ -,no IT 10088 53069 27221 25845 11676 5940 5736 TIl. fR 1)D30 52415 26872 25543 11541 5876 5665 "f. IU 158 654 352 302 135 64 71

    4 ''!Wi in? -,no iT 9G43 54885 27971 26914 11778 5783 5995 TIl IR :J601 54734 27889 26845 11753 5770 5983 'i. IU 42 151 82 69 25 13 12

    5. ~ it .T 2681 14890 7861 7029 3456 1775 1681 m. ,'R 2681 14890 7861 7029 3456 1775 1681 "f. IU


    1. ~ ('i. '11". ) 'i. IU 207 892 470 422 129 65 64

    2. P1iTtrr ("'1.'11". ) "'1 fU 462 2065 1093 972 443 232 211

    3. ~ ("!.T.JT.) 'i IU 196 840 457 383 151 82 69

    4. 'llTrr>1 (''i'I:Cfl. ) "I iU 158 654 352 302 135 64 71

    S 11~ ;~ ( .., 1l'1. ) 'i. IU 497 2364 1243 1121 485 252 233

    6 lffilTf'? 'i.R "I fU 729 3364 1789 1575 626 31(1 308

    (1\ -w.; m "1.'11 "I IU 687 3213 H07 1506 601 :lOS 296

    (II!~ ('IT,,;! I "I IU 42 151 82 69 25 13 12 225


    man: ~ '1.f,TR ~ em'if <1ft ~ wm fW:rr M. 'B.I Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers "I. 'I1.f'ffi~

    :rw:rCfiTll'q;f.fCl'ffi ~ DistnctlP.S.l Total Main Workers Cultivators U.A./Cityl (!-IX) I Town

    vffil; f1:;;r;IT o>:!fm ~ fuv.!i ~ W;r:rt o>:!fm "F'l Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

    11411 10169 1242 53405 42460 10945 29n6 26006 3nO DISTRICT: SIROHI 8315 n12 603 50353 39794 10559 29593 25839 3754 3096 2457 639 3052 2666 386 183 167 16

    1685 1544 141 4881 3642 1239 1660 1407 253 SHEOGANJ 1685 1544 141 4881 3642 1239 1660 . 1407 253

    501 479 22 2635 1888 747 879 735 144 SIROHI 501 479 22 2635 1888 747 879 735 144

    2956 2759 197 19201 15048 4153 11571 10129 1442 PINDWARA 2798 2607 191 19010 1487.9 4131 11548 10108 1440 158 152 6 191 169 22 23 21 2

    2773 2553 220 18129 15288 2841 12897 11583 1314 ABU ROAD 2758 2539 219 18080 15240 2840 12859 11546 1313 15 14 49 48 38 37

    573 543 30 5747 4145 1602 2647 2043 604 REO DAR 573 543 30 5747 4145 1602 2647 2043 604


    268 223 45 303 242 61 12 12 SHEOGANJ (M)

    534 471 63 624 532 92 44 34 10 SIROHI (M)

    215 195 20 300 252 48 23 23 PINDWARA (M)

    158 152 6 191 169 22 23 21 2 BHAWRI (CT)

    751 574 177 674 604 70 3 3 MOUBTABU (M)

    1170 842 328 960 867 93 78 74 4 ABU ROAD UA

    1155 828 327 911 819 92 40 37 3 (i) ABU ROAD (M)

    15 14 49 48 38 37 (II)SANTPUR (OG) 226

    ~:r~"'~O ~"~IRI ctrrfiwrr~ ~"~.lal"l mt

    ~ f..;R;nf1:i:~ .I '¥II ~ ~ ~ com ett ~ !liuft >t&n '1."'.f91n:~ m>fiuT1 Industnal Cate~0!:X of Main Workers ~ ~~ ~, ~ if ~ Cfi\'IT, .~ <9'Rq~ ~, ~ am: OWTR, ~ q Sl. OistricllP .S.! Total! ~~ No. U.AJCityl Aural! Agricultural Labourers Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Town Urban Hunting and Plantations, caporchards Quarrying and allied activities· II III IV


    2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


    1. ~ IT./A 2143 1310 833 201 159 42 27 24 3 "I./U

    2. ft:fmT m. IT 1349 840 509 238 167 71 2 2 >IT./A 1349 840 238 238 167 71 2 2 "f./U

    3. ~ miT 5382 3060 2322 207 131 76 79 70 9 >IT./A 5318 3012 2306 206 130 76 79 70 9 "I./U 64 48 16 1 1

    4. ~m m./T 3352 2259 1093 458 245 213 325 254 71 >n./R 3350 2257 . 1093 458 245 213 325 254 71 "I. IU 2 2

    5. 'tero IT./A 2306 1475 831 307 234 73 14 12 2 "I. IU


    1. ~ (""I.1ll. ) '1. IU 139 82 57 6 6 4 4

    2. ~ (""I.llI. ) '1. IU 72 51 21 51 44 7 3 3

    3. ~ (""I.1ll. ) '1 IU 100 58 42 8 7

    4. 'Wffi C~. 'ifi.) '1. IU 64 48 16

    5 ~ ~("I.1ll.) ""I./U 63 54 9 25 22 3 2 2

    6. ~~ ('.~.) "I. IV 165 127 3B

    (i) ~ ~ ("'I.'lI.) "I. IU 163 125 38



    ~ 'IiTIl ~ 'Cffi'i'i cn't ~ ~ ~I't.~./

    Industrial Category of Main Workers "I. ~.f'fTT1:~ ~, m:rr1ofl, ~, Wlofl, mwr ~am:~'1.fiT afu:~'1.fiT'1.fiT'4 DistrictlP.S.I q;p.f ~ '3Wl.q; ~ '3Wl t" 31fultm U.A.lCity/ Manufacturing, Processing, Manufacturing, Processing, Constructions Town Servicing and Repairs In Servicing and .Repairs in Household Industries other than Household Industries V(a) VI(b) VI


    29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2

    114 105 9 1215 1068 147 1130 980 150 DISTRICT: SIROHI 94 90 4 993 860 133 996 867 129 20 15 6 222 208 14 134 113 21

    16 15 70 69 208 171 37 SHEOGANJ 16 15 70 69 208 171 37

    25 19 6 30 28 2 SIROHI 25 19 6 30 28 2

    50 47 3 405 337 68 469 429 40 PINDWARA 43 42 1 396 328 68 464 424 40 7 5 2 9 9 5 5

    19 18 373 341 32 202 170 32 ABU ROAD 19 18 365 333 32 202 170 32 8 8

    15 14 137 111 26 92 74 18 REODAR 15 14 137 111 26 92 74 18


    27 26 12 12 SHEOGANJ (M)

    2 14 14 41 26 15 SIROHI (M)

    2 2 40 37 3 11 11 PINDWARA (M)·

    7 5 2 9 9 5 5 BHAWRI (CT)

    8 8 33 29 4 MOUNT ABU (M)

    9 7 2 124 114 10 32 30 2 ABU ROADUA

    9 7 2 116 106 10 32 30 2 (i) ABU ROAD (M)

    8 8 (ii)SANTPUR (OG) 228

    ~ 1.~(t \ito:t\jU Rt cnT f~w'nrr~ \it o:t~ 10 lo:tl -mr

    ;nq f;rmrcr.~.1 '¥9'1 ~'1fiTl'!~'C!Tffi'1fIT~~ J:jw.n "l.~.f'fl'T\~ ~I Industrial Categor~ of Main Workers rrrtt<:r '5':!Tt:m:~~ ~.~ 3R~ 31'R tf;m SI. DistrictlP.S.I Totall Trade and Commerce Transport, Storage Other Services No. U.A'/Cityl Aurall and capommunicatlon Town Urban


    'CZl'ftp '&.!fm ~ ~ '6!l'fm ~ ftw:!t ~ ftwn Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 fuwIT: fufrtT m.rT 745 612 133 669 662 7 2729 2326 403 m./R 411 322 89 234 231 3 1709 1394 315 "'1'. IU 334 290 44 435 431 4 1020 932 88

    1. rnm

    2 fumft

    3. ~ m./T 129 102 27 96 94 2 813 649 164 m./R 110 84 26 61 60 785 621 164 "I. IU 19 18 1 35 34 28 28

    4 ~Us m. IT 126 115 11 86 85 291 218 73 m./R 126 115 11 86 85 290 217 73 '1 IU

    5 ~ m.rr 111 69 42 24 24 94 89 5 m./R 111 69 42 24 24 94 89 5 '1 IU


    1. ~ ('1."l1. ) '1./U 23 22 27 27 53 51 2

    2. miriT ('1."l1. ) '1. iU 69 48 21 30 29 298 282 16

    3. ~ ('1.'1T. ) '1 IU 12 12 58 58 46 44 2

    4 ~ ('ll.C6. ) '1. fU 19 18 35 34 28 28

    5. 'ffi'UC :m

    6 ~m "l.~. '1. !U 80 72 8 233 233 238 209 29

    (I) ~ ~ ('1.'1T.) '1. /U 80 72 8 233 233 237 208 29

    (II)~ r


    . Marginal Workers Non-Workers '1. 'f.rf'Tl:~

    District/P S./ U.A /Cltyf Town

    ~ 'Fl'f ~ C'1fin ~ ftwrt Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

    47 ~8 49 50 51 52 2

    18461 1100 17361 81139 35368 45771 SJROHI 18337 1078 17259 74136 32652 41484 124 22 102 7003 2716 4287

    1060 82 978 7855 3560 4295 SHEOGANJ 1060 82 978 7855 3560 4295

    738 63 675 3618 1667 1951 SIROHI' 738 \ 63 675 . 3618 1667 1951

    8610 433 8177 25258 '1743 13515 PINDWARA 8593 431 8162 24812 11562 13250 17 2 15 446 181 265

    6600 331 6269 30156 12352 17B04 ABU ROAD 6600 331 6269 30054 12318 17736 102 34 68

    1346 171 1175 7797 3545 4252 .REODAR 1346 171 1175 7797 3545 4252

    TOWNS: 588 228 360 SHEOGANJ (M)

    43 19 24 1398 542 856 SIROHI (M)

    25 25 515 205 310 PANDWARA (M)

    17 2 15 446 181 265 BHAWRI(CT)

    24 23 1666 638 1028 MOUNT ABU (M)

    14 14 2390 922 1468 ABU ROADUA

    1·1 14 2288 888 1400 (I) ABU ROAD (M)

    102 34 68 (II) SANTPUR (OG)