District Census Handbook, Sirohi, Part XII-A & B, Series-21, Rajasthan

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District Census Handbook, Sirohi, Part XII-A & B, Series-21, Rajasthan '*"'11'((1 Cffr 'l1~:aIOI~1 1991 CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 ~@HI21 SERIES 21 =(1\i1~I:I1 RAJASTHAN ~ XII- en am-lY PART XII- A & B f\ifH 1 \J1'1"" 0 , .... , y:f~CfiI (~ q "4TR Frt (!T!{ICf) I am '"ID1l q ~ >TT~ ,jFP I 0 HI "BR) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK (VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY AND VILLAGE & TOWN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT) r~(l~1 f\i1HI SIROHI DISTRICT 3m. tit. Jr ''FI, B'gCRi f'ieJ( ICfI. ,iF:P I OH I ~ ~ R. P. TOMAR JOINT DIRECTOR CENSUS OPERATIONS, RAJASTHAN 'l111101'11, q'r'lf'1tCflI(l-aey ~~iI+li!.f)i '1'fh 31if~~ @'ilf"1<tl ~ait~~~'iftm"tR (4if@6fl14 31T~m~m~ I J!1 110HI 'Cfl"T<i 11~~iI('14 ~ mD ~ ~~:rd ~ lJTq q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffil:l: 3R'(lT-amrT ~ ~ \lI1 Wt I ~ fcf-'lffi1 ?: f4; ~ ~fw'hl~ 111 J!'1lf61\'\Y, !Hilfl'h'j, mw mft:;r:IT ~ ~~~:m ~ m ~ ~ , *i'Cl11,qCfl -am ~ m itrft I -m-~ 'l11110111 ~~c:T 'l{1Tt ~ I ~~ WT '<.fit ~ ~ mt:r~ ~ ~.l"lf'1-~m:m ~ ~~ ~ c:T rp;fi ~ -as>.IT 'IWT '"&t if lJTl:fruT ~ ~ -mt?-,f if, lJTq -:w ii'fi crey mft f$ff ~ ~~ if cntrm ft ~"tR m~ \111'1 0111 'BR R<rr 1fl.IT i I m~ Ji'1 J1 01'11 mn:cr; 14~ <=qgyi ~ t ~ ~ eft ~, 1i1'14lf#'l1, maR, ~ \ifTfu q ~ ~ eft 1i114:i@1 C[ Cf.1l1 <!if.f r;m;IT <tt -rr ~ ~ if fq'l1cffi ~ "%Jl1 CfiB~, mqrl"flCfl 'Efi1tr ~ ~ Of <fiTl1 P( CfiB CfRiT qft ~ ~ -~, 1TJl1 ~/ ~ Wl1rn/ ~ Of ~ «t<: -qr iT 1P-ft t,- I . "Sfom,~. f~~1r<~41, ~\lj1ljl]l1lq;r:f, ~qm~l\lllnllll', ~~~~C!iT~'Cfl'tnr~~~ '3f;:.rn ~.q q~!{!'(11 ~ -m~ ~ 'Cfl1: ~ ~ t 'atmt ~ m ~ I 3ii.f1F 2~,1994 FOREWORD Populatlon Census provides data-base for economic and social ptannlnQ to planners and administrators at all levels. The village and town-wise Census data compiled and processed by the Directorate of Census Operations. Rajasthan are being published in the form of District CensuS Handbook for each district separately, which, I am sure, Will be found l1uite useful. informative and Interesting by the planners and administrators as well as academicians and research scholars. Each District Census Handbook comprises two parts. Part-A of the book provides information on the amenities available In each village/town and Part-B gives the Primary Census Abstract at village level in the case of rural areas and at ward/town level in the case of urba n areas. Primary Census Abstract is an important table which gives number of households, population, literates, population of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, main workers cross classified by nine Industrial categories of workers, marginal workers and non-workers by sex at viliage/town/ panchayat samiti/tehsll and district level. Dr. V.S. Sisodia, Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan and his colleagues who have compiled the voluminous data and completed these comprehensive volumes In a rEasonable time deserve to be congratulated. for the accuracy of the work and timely publication. M.L. MEHTA JAIPUR Chief Secretary October 2, 1994 Government of Rajasthan ~Bl 'i1"1110111~3#CfiT~ 1951 Cfft 'i1"11101'11~~~'qfcni:rrTf1.l1 ~I~~~ ~(jCfi~~ 'i1"11101"11~ I 'l1 ~~~tmn~il1m~it gf«1ChI~~qft'llTm~ Im«RCfiT"lfQ~~~%"'i1T~~~1 ~ W1:f an ~ CfiT am it 'i1"1 1101'11 ~ ~ ~ M ~ % 1~ ~ omIT if; -m~-m~~..ffif f;rffi ~ ~ mt! 3Th -m q;r ~ ~ 'i1"1*1iF&Ffi'i ~ *1 ill if-ll Ch-:mf$t; ~aii q~ ~ lj{(tcI'lu\ ~ ~'l:.TIaii c8 ~ if; qft it ~/ ~ 1nl(f itill % I ~]¢fiR, ~-f.n:rfillaii, ~, fua.-nfcrcff am Wt~aii il1 ~ "lfQ ~ ~ ~ ft:R;: ~JTI % I 31R'I1 it m ,51111 0 1'11 ~m it 'iI"lfi@:l1 ~ ~ it ~ lj~f'lL[U\ 'i1"11101'11~, 31lf$t 3lh: *1lljlf~Ch fliqlfdCh ~ -3itt m~it~~~1lTl1 amm (cni-crrO cnrm~ 'i1"11101'"11"flRQT~~~ ~ 11961 Chl 'i1"1 1101'11 ~l:f.(:;:ffir>rCfi"TfuGfur;rr 'i1"1 l loMI ~0TI'#~Cfir~ttT, \Hlfflf1Ch fliflYFhl, ;J1'1lI ol"1l ~ ~>IT~ 'i1'i'10!"1I'~Tn1mr1JTl1 ~';flR F1~F~ICfllti, *1 Fc:q F«1 <:1 oit~ ~ 11971 C!ft \11"1 1101'11 ~~"f[.qr~ 3th:~~ !$ifit~ \1I"11101'11~:if~~ WT~f~;ipTill WT-CfiillJTl1 dn: 1Tn: f;l~f!(ICflI~ q~ 'IWF& it 1)Tq' am ~ m~ \11'1 1101'11 'ffil: mwr M rmr I Sl~!I{if1ifl flif&!lCfll ~ fu"ffi 'i1"1'10111 ~ -m flf"lF«1\1 ~ ~ m 'i1'i110 1"11 ~ CfiT WT-lT .qr ~ fcfim ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffil1lit if; ~ it 3W-W:rCfi wit ';jjf.f if; CflITUT Ofl{ ~~ W1:f ~ if ~ ~ ~ M ~"ffCfiT 11981 it 1JTI1 ~ ~ f1~f~l:hl if; 'tfif#if CfiT ~ ~ ~ ~ m~-m~ fJK;n Sl"llj0111 ~aii if ~ 1i FC4i)Q\1IQ ~fr nFOOfF«1\'1 Cfft ~ 11981 cn1 'i1"1 110111 ~ ~ ~ ~ m %~~ if ~ wTi it ~ MTf1.l11 WT-Cfi'ifmt! 3fu:~ f1~f!(ICflI QBf"lf<1\i m~ WT-'&it~~~(fcfiif; ~'\11'l'fu/~~m~ 'iI"1l1ol'iI~~1J11=lT ~m (ent-em:) Cfi'Tm?Tfi:rcf; 'JI'i1101'i1~ BflOl4f<1<:1 ~ l~t~~,*njt~~'it1'n1.qr~~.n3TI e8 m11 f1~R!I,*,1 it 1% m~ Rm IT<Tf am '1R CFiW ~'I:.TI '3'B m11 if ~ ,m ~ m'WG nrr it '3'B f1Ch2:\1!j ~ Cfi1 ~ eft 'It. ~ ~~'I:.TI~;r m1~'tT(f~ JilcW'ICfl\11 ~Chl¥9 Jilq~llCfl(jI31T<it1U~if;~mqif~m8RGT~, m~~ l'11 ~ 3fu: *1i1jt:IF4Ch ~ Cfl4T.1IRl{'i ~ ¥J 1i ~ ~ qft it \iJT'iCfilft eft TTt I ~ m, m11 (jCfi ~ if; lWT il1 om ~ tft wffi 'iffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i'fJ'fcf; ~ m it m 1JIlTI <1ft 'fi'&:rr CfiT 1'f(11 T.J'(1 ~ I ~ Jil iHllCh\11 ~ Cfi1 }j 1F.j ~4Chctl3TI Cfi'r . ' >'W]' it ~ ~ "1"I'R: ~Taif if ~ rpft ornft if> mt il fcrmur -IV ct~.r CfiW-IT 'TflIT mfc!;' ~ - f.l't1tm 1Rft qfup:jT if ~ ~ ~ ~~~.mt>re:RctB~m~Wm: ~ ~ 1~fcfcRuT'# err[ I 3fuerr[ II ~ Cfi1l'Rft~ ~~ 3th: ~~'m3TI '$ ~ ~TJ1Z I ~ 31ffiCIT, ~~ ~ ~ -iI'l'i1lfd4i Cfft 'i11ti&11 o~~ maro=rr ct~~/ ~ ~qft if~: fcrc:RuT Ivw~vif~-~~.qr~TPlTI ' 1991 CfiT 'i1"1'101"l1Cfi1~'JI;PI01'iI:rft:('ffl)Tdti!;'SH:8}f)Ch{OICfiT~~crtt%"'i1T 1981 it ~lT<Tf~ lo~, ~~3li ~ Bl'ii if; ~ 1991 cit \l1"1 110 1'1 I if m~ 'i1"111 OHI 'BR if> ~ if ~ 'ffi:c«f.rFct~ Tf11: ~ 1~ C!i1l1 ~ mBf CfiT;j1.#:rr:IT if ~ qlnCh{ol 'Rm lTm % ~ 1981 Cfft 'JI"1 I I01'i1 it'T.1'R ~ if ~ qJITCfl{O! 'fu:m TPIT 9;r]' I ~ 3WfTCn, m~ "'I"IlllJ1"11 w if 0 63Wl~Chl~fTi1T-cm:~tft~om:flrc:qf(1ct<lft~~,N~~3'lf~Fql?Cffl1l4m~~~m~ 1991 cf.t \i1'i'l o111 i!;''fl1Tlr 7 qtf ~ Cfil13Wl if; ~~ ~ em f.:n:~'\l1AFT'1T% 131mr%fcf;~-mrr~ ~ ~f.l't1tm-m cF,r w. 3Wff lJ'iiTGlT fcrcrn:l ~ ~ ~ if ~ fi:rWft 1 1991 ~ 'J1 "1 11 01'11 CfiT~ 3w:i\i' !j6("ClqO[ "'f['\1'~t fcf;mq f1~fi?ICflI -3TI\ >rT~ 'JI"1ljol"1l-mrif Q{P1{IIJ\i ~,~f13frm 9-TA­ ~ 'n: ~ if>~ ~ ~ en: ~ ~ m-rn: ~ ~~. ~ l:mm %fcfiml1 f1~f~ICflI 3ffi m~ 'i11'l ol1lrw -q~'ffil:l'ftni'n:'1TI~i!;'~'B<Tr~-f.l"J:mrr:ifCfi'r~«n:'1TIfCjCfllfll("l1Ch~mii~fiiWfr~fqifllfl"l1Cf. ~ ifi ~ ~ ~ if ~ ~ ~ mit ~HIIBRCfl ~ m t 1 ~ ZtIT/'R1(f\:p:fi '-IT ~ ~ -a lJT11 f1~fi(IChlro~ \J11 110 111 BR ~. qjl m ~ ~ ~ , <ihRT -f.1qfuran ~·~ip·.:r~blf~~Cfi1~~~~~~-a 1981 ~~~ 1991 ctt 1li1jIOI1(i{~"Wl1Cfi1~ am~3Wf~ it~~~~l ~ ~ ~ ~ 3itt 1li"i IIU111 r-fTro;:r qjl ~ wm1 t I W)f~ iI=i ~ ctt i?fTTf(i ~ mc!iR ~ ~ ctt t 3ffi ~ ~ ~'-fiT 3i'n:it~ ~'~, ~ fflB(fC:i~I,~, \Jj;:I'I OI1I ~~~~i{~ 3itt~fffif'f~it~~ l~~ "hl ~, ~ ;3fu ~ 'Chl 'Chl<t ~ '3'q- t:j~ I<F~~({ ('814If~Cf1 ~~~) -:sr. ~. 1ft. WlR .3fu ~ ~ .:it -q:tl. ~. ~311 m<T 'JlW'l1 ~ 'l"lm ~ I ~ I~ ~ '.lIftld'i<:fl{ol i{ l0fi{Ol4ctl ~ it am ~ 'RR 't:n: 1li1 1011IrTR-Ili"i IIOI11 ~ ~ FC(~c?ltlol it ctt ' ~"1r~ ~~~3TICfiT~'[1:!: fc1~c?lqoll('4Cfl flu:!uftm~t~crcf11R'3'q 4wf~~I{ Cm. ~.) ST. ~. t. ~iI=i~ it ~ ~ 3th: ~ ~ ~ ctt ~--~ ~ m 'if111URl ~ qft fllt:jIf~Cfl ~~ >f'l1T7T i{ ~an ctt 7Tt'l <ffl" 'Cf1TI:f .:it~. ~. f~, TI~IDUfc8rr-rr:rram m113.~. 'ffnl, ~~amm'RPli~~~~ctt 1~'l1-qrrcf'3'f 4wf;;J1f$R .~) -:sr. m.~. m~ am ctt<t~:qlq~TI- 4~I(f~l."?I{ (~) ~fl:Rrcfr,:_;f)-q~~~~"if ctCfl1t'lll ~ fOflI.lT ~rM~ 'iffi1 it;- '""' !w f~ ""? I( PREFACE ublication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is continuing since P then with sOfTIe innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Govt.lUnion Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economlc characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators. academicians and researchers. The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain. important census tables on population. economic and socio-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district.
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