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ANNUAL REPORT OF TIIE AMERICAN HISTORICAL AssocIATION FOR THE YEAR 1899. JN T"WO VOLUMES. VOLUME I. ,, WASHINGTON: GOVRRNllmNT PRINTING OFFICE. 1900. LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION' Washington, D. O., June 6, 1900. To the Congress of the United States: In accordance with the act of incorporation of the American Historical Association, approved January 4, 1889, I have the honor to submit to Congress the annual report of that Asso ciation for the year 1899. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, s. P. LANGLEY, Seoretary. Hon. WILLIAM P. FRYE, President p1'0 tenipore United States Senate. III ACT OF INCORPORATION. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Andrew D. White, of Ithaca, in the State of New York; George Bancroft, of Washingt-0n, in the District of Columbia; Justin Winsor, of Cambridge, in the State of Massachusetts; William F. Poole, of Chicago, in the State of Illinois; Herbert B. Adame, of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, ClarenC!l W. Bowen, of Brooklyn, in the State of New York, their associates and successors, are hereby cre ated, in the District of Columbia, a body corporate and politic, by the name of the American Historical Association, for the promotion of histori• cal studies, the collection and preservation of historical manuscripts, and for kindred purposes in the interest of American history and bf history in America. Said Association is authorized to hold real and perilonal !'lState in the District of Columbia so far only as may be necessary to its lawful ends to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand. dollars, to adopt . a constitution, and to make by-laws not inconsistent. with· Jaw. Said Association shall have itS principal office at Washington, in the District of Columbia, and may hold its annual meetings in such places as the said incorporators ehall defermine. Said Association shall report annually to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution concerning its proceedings and the condition of historical study in America. Seid Secretary shall communicate to Congress the whole of such reports, or such portions thereof as he shall see fit. The Regents of the Smit11sonian Institution are authorized to permit said Association to deposit its collections, manu scripts, books, pamphlets, and other material for history in the Smith sonian Institution or in the National Museum at their discretion, upon such conditions and under such rules as they shall prescribe. [Approved January 4, 1889.] IV LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL . .AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, 0FFIOE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, D. 0., May 9, 1900. Srn: In accordance with the act of incorporation of the American Historical Association, I have the honor to transmit herewith a general report of the proceedings of the :fifteenth, annual meeting of the association held at Boston and Cam bridge, December 27 to 29, 1899. Some o:f the papers read · and discussed at that meeting have been printed elsewhere .and some o:f them are recommended for publication in this report, as are also several papers read by title only. The most extensive and most important portion o:f the report consists of a large collection of letters from and to John C. Calhoun, gathered and prepared for publication at considerable expense to the association, under the direction o:f Prof. J. F. Jameson, chairman o:f the Historical Manuscripts Commission, and form ing the :fourth report o:f that commission. There is also included in the report a complete bibliography o:f Mississippi, compiled by Mr. J. M. Owen, on the same plan as the bibli- _ ography o:f Alabama, published in the 1897 report. The association has enlarged its activities by the establish ment o:f a Public Archives Commission for the special study of the character and the means taken for the preservation and publication o:f State and national archives. A bill has already been introduced in Congress calling upon the asso ciation for an investigation o:f this subject and making an appropriation for the purpose. Very respectfully, A. HowARD CLARK,£stant Se(Jretm'Y. Mr. S. P. LANGLEY, Se(Jretary of tlie Sm£tltSoniian Institution. v AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Organized at Saratoga, N. Y., September, 10, 18&1. Incorporated by Congress January 4, 1889. OFFICERS FOR moo. PRESIDENT: EDWARD EGGLESTON, L. H. D., Joshua's Rock, Lake George, N. Y . • VICE-PRESIDENTS: MOSES COIT TYLER, L. H. D., LL. D., Professor Cornell Univermy. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, LL. D., Boston, Mass. SECRETARY: HERBERT BAXTER ADAMS, Ph. D., LL. D., Professor Johns Hopkins Univi>rmy, Bciltimore, Md. ASSISTANT SECRETARY AND CURATOR: A. HOWARD CLARK, Curator Departnumt American History, Smithsonian Instil!Ltion, vVa;ihington, D. C. SAMUEL MACAULEY JACKSON, D. D., LL. D., Secretary Church History Section, 692 JVc,~t End avenue, New York. TREASURER: CLARENCE WINTHROP BOWEN, Ph.D., 180 Fulton street, New York. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: In addition to above-named officers. (Ex-Presidents.) Hon. ANDREW DICKSON WHITE, L. H. D., LL. D., Ithaca, N. Y. CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LL. D., President Wfaconsin University, Madison. Hon. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, LL. D., Richmond, Ya. VII VIII AMERICAN IDSTORICAL ASSOCIATION. JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., President University of 1lfichigan. HENRY ADAMS, LL. D., Washington, D. C. Hon. GEORGE FRISBIE HOAR, LL. D., Worcester, 1lla,;s. RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D. D., LL. D., Brooklyn, N. Y JAMES SCHOULER, LL. D., Boston, .ilfass. GEORGE PARK FISHER, D. D., LL. D., Professor Yale University. JAMES FORD RHODES, LL. D., Boston, .ilfaJJs. (Elected Councilors.) GEORGE BURTON ADAMS, Ph. D., Professor Ylile Univerwify. Hon. MELVILLE WESTON FULLER, LL. D., Washington, D. C. ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, Ph.D., Pi·o.fessor Harvard University. A. C. McLAUGHLIN, A. M., Professor University of Michigan. WILLIAM A. DUNNING, Ph.D., Professor Columbin UniverB"ity, New York. Hon. PETER WHITE, .ilfarquette, Mich. TERMS OF OFFICE. EX-PRESIDENTS: Hon. ANDREW DICKSON WHITE, L. H. D., LL. D., 1884-85. t Hon. GEORGE BANCROFT, LL. D., 188f:>-SG. t.HJSTIN WINSOR, LL. D., 1886-87. tWII,LIAM FREDERICK POOLE, J,L. D., 1887-88. CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LL. D., 1888-89. tHon ..JOHN JAY, LL. D., 1889-90. Hon. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, J,I,., D., 1890-91. JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., 1891-ml. HENRY ADAJllS, A. B., 1893-94. Hon. GEORGE FRISBIE HOAR, LL. D., 18%95. tRICIIARD SAIJfER STORRS, D. D., LL. D., 1895-96. JAJllES SCHOULER, LL. D., 18HtHl7. GEORGE PARK I<ISIIER, D. D .. LL. D., 1897-HS • •TAMES FORD RHODES, u,. D., 1898-99. };X-VICE·PltESIDJCNTS: t.HJSTJN WINSOR, LL. D., 1884-86. CHARLES KENDALI, ADAMS, LL. D., 188•1-88. tWILLJA!II l•'REDERICK POOLE, LL. D., 1886-87. tIIon. JOHN ,JAY, LI,. D., 1887-89. Hon. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, LL. D., 1888-90• •TAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., 1889-91. HENRY ADA!llS, A. B., 1890-93. tEDWARD GAY MASON, A. J\f., 1891-93. Hon. GJWRGE FRISBIE HOAR,' LL. D., 1893-91. tJUCHARD SALTER STORHS, D. IL LL. D., 1894-95. JAJ\IES SCHOULER, Lh D., 1895-9(;. GEORGE PAHK FJSHER, D. D., LL. D., 1896-97• .TAJ\IES JCOJW JUlODES, LL. D., 1897-98. ' EDWARD EGGLESTON, l8H8-\)9, SEUHET A IUES: HERBERT BAXTER ADAJllS, Ph.D., LL. n., 1884- A. HOWAIW CLARK, 1889- '1'REA8Ultlrn: CLARENCE WINTHROP BOWEN, Ph.])., 18&1- I~XEUU'fIVB COUNCIL: (In addition to ubove-numed officers.) Hon. WILLIAM BABCOCK WEEDEN, A. !If., 1881-86. tCHARLES DEANE, LL. D., 1884-87. l\fOSES COIT TYLER, L. II. D., LL. n., 1884-8r:.. EPHRAIM El\IERTON, Ph.D., 1884-85. l!'RANKLIN BOWDI'l'CH DEX1'ER, A. l\f., 188r:.-87. tWILLIAllf FHANCIS ALLEN, A. !If., 188f:>-87. HIST 99-YOL I--II IX x AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Hon. WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, LL. D., 1886-88. tHon. RUTHERFORD BURCHARD HAYES, LL. D., 1887-88• •TORN W. BURGESS, 1887-91. ARTHUR MARTIN WHEELER, A. M., 1887-89. GEORGE PARK FISHER, D. D., LL. D., 1888-91. tGEORGE BROWN GOODE, LL. D., 1889--96. JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT, D. c, L .. LL. D., 1889--94. JOHN BACH McMASTER, A. 11!., 1891-94. GEORGE BURTON ADAMS, Ph. D., 1891-97; 1899-- HENRY MORSE STEPHENS, A. M., 1895-99. FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER, Ph.D., 189&-99, EDWARD MINER GALLAUDET, Ph.D., LL. D., 1896-97. MELVILLE WESTON FULLER, LL. D., 1898- ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, Ph.D .. 1898- A. C. McLAUGHLIN, A. M., 1898- WILLIAM A. DUNNING, Ph. D., 1899- Hon. PETER WHITE, 1899- Tho term of offiee l8 indicated by the d><le" following the name. Deceased officers are marked thus t. CONTENTS. \'OLUME I. Page. I. Report of Proceedings of Fifteenth Annual Meeting in Bos ton and Cambridge, December 27-29, 1899, by A. How- ard Clark, Assistant Secretary__________________________ 2 II. Inaugural Address by James Ford Rhodes, President.,____ 43 III. Removal of Officials by the Presidents of the United States, by Carl Russell Fish ______________ ; _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ 65 IV. Legal Qualifications for Office in America (16Hl-l899), by Frank .Hayden Miller_________________________________ 87 V. The Proposed Absorption of l\Iexieo in 1841-±8, by Edward ·G. Bourne____________________________________________ 155 VI. The Problem of Chinese Immigration in Farther AAia, by F. W. Williams_______________________________________ 171 VII. The Droit de Banalite during the French Regime in Canada, by W. Bennett Munro __________ -----------_-----______ 205 VIII. The Restoration of the Proprietary of Maryland and the Legislation against the Roman Catholics during the Gov ernorship of Capt.• John Hart (1714-1720), by Bernard C. Steiner_______ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ 229 IX.