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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1919 PROVIDING FOR CONCURRENCE BY Congress has no constitutional authority to necessary for a science education, such as HOUSE WITH AMENDMENT IN single out any one academic discipline as de- labs equipment and computers, these bills will SENATE AMENDMENT TO H.R. serving special emphasis. Instead, the deci- particularly benefit those citizens who wish to 4886, TARIFF SUSPENSION AND sion about which subjects to emphasize improve science education. I therefore urge TRADE ACT OF 2000 should be made by local officials, educators my colleagues to reject the failed, unconstitu- and parents. tional command-and-control approach of H.R. SPEECH OF H.R. 4271 not only singles out science for 4271 and instead embrace my legislation to HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH special emphasis, certain positions of the bill return control of education resources to the will lead to a national science curriculum. For OF OHIO American people. instance, the bill calls for the Department of f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Education and the National Science Founda- Tuesday, October 24, 2000 tion to coordinate and disseminate information SUPPORTING THOSE WHO REAF- FIRM THE OCCURRENCE OF THE Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise on ``standard'' math and science curricula as ARMENIAN GENOCIDE today in support of H.R. 4868, the Miscella- well as licensing requirements for teachers of neous Trade and Technical Corrections Act. math, science, engineering or technology. This legislation is of great importance and its While local school districts are not forced to HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO passage must be concluded rapidly in order to adopt these standards, local schools will be OF MASSACHUSETTS be voted on by the 106th Congress. pressured to adopt these standards because IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This legislation contains vital provisions from they are the ones favored by their DC±based Wednesday, October 25, 2000 H.R. 1622, the Dog and Cat Protection Act, a overlords. I would also ask the drafters of this Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in bill which bans the import, export, and sale of bill what purpose is served by spending tax- to express my disappointment that the House products containing dog and cat fur. This payer moneys to create and disseminate a of Representatives chose not to consider H. issue is of the highest moral imperative. An model curriculum at the federal level if their in- Res. 596 last Thursday. This was the second estimated 2 million dogs and cats are killed tent is not to have local schools adopt the fed- time this resolution had been pulled from con- each year for their fur as part of the inter- erally-approved model? sideration, despite pledges by the leadership national fur trade. These animals are kept in I also object to the provision of this bill pro- that the US would go on record to affirm their deplorable conditions, subjected to unbearable viding special assistance to science teachers support for the Armenian genocide. It now ap- treatment and face brutal deaths including for training and professional development as pears that the House will not have such an clubbing and skinning alive. This abuse of ani- well as grants for so-called ``Master Teach- opportunity before we adjourn the 106th Con- mal rights must be stopped. ers.'' Of course, I recognize that, like other citi- gress. There is strong support for this legislation in zens, teachers are underpaid because they This resolution recognized the suffering of Congress. The Dog and Cat Protection Act are overtaxed. This is why I have introduced nearly two million Armenians from 1915 has broad bipartisan backing and 93 cospon- the Teacher Tax Cut Act (H.R. 937) which through 1923, as the Ottoman Empire strove sors. The Miscellaneous Trade and Technical provides all teachers with a $1,000 tax credit. to wipe out an entire race of men, women, Corrections Act was approved unanimously by H.R. 937 effectively raises teacher salaries by and children. Those who were not murdered both the House and the Senate. The concern lowering their taxes. In contrast H.R. 4271 were effectively removed from their homes of for animal welfare is also shared by the Amer- raises the salaries of certain congressionally- 2,500 years in what is now modem day Tur- ican people. Over 65 million households have favored educators by effectively cutting the key. a dog or cat. In my own district of Cleveland, pay of engineers, doctors, truck drivers, wait- It called upon the President of the United Ohio a local Television report by Dick God- ers, and even their fellow educators. Mr. States to do three things. Ensure that US for- dard succeeded in raising public awareness Speaker, I cannot find any constitutional nor eign policy reflects consideration and sensi- on this issue. His commendable work encour- moral justification for Congress to redistribute tivity for human rights, ethnic cleansing, and aged thousands of Cleveland residents to ex- money to any favorite class of professionals. genocide documented in US records relating press their opposition to this abusive treatment If the steady decline of America's education to the Armenian Genocide and the con- of animals. system over the past thirty years has shown sequences of the Turkish court's failure to en- Madam Speaker, I rise today to urge Con- us anything, it is that centralizing control leads force judgments against those responsible for gress to finish the Conference Report on H.R. to a declining education system. In fact, ac- committing genocide; recognize, during his an- 4868, and allow a vote on this vital piece of cording to a recent Manhattan Institute study nual commemoration of the Armenian Geno- legislation. I believe that every effort should be of the effects of state policies promoting pa- cide on April 24th, that this was a systematic made to ensure that the 106th Congress is al- rental control over education, a minimal in- and deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 peo- lowed to vote on this issue. Americans de- crease in parental control boosts students' av- ple, and reflect upon the United States' effort serve to be protected from unknowingly par- erage SAT verbal score by 21 points and stu- to intervene on behalf of Armenians during the ticipating in this brutal trade. dents' SAT math score by 22 points! The genocide; and finally, in his annual commemo- f Manhattan Institute study also found that in- ration of the Armenian Genocide, emphasize creasing parental control of education is the that the modem day Republic of Turkey did NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION best way to improve student performance on not conduct the Armenian Genocide, which ACT the National Assessment of Education was perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire. Progress (NAEP) tests. Clearly, the drafters of It was eighty-five years ago that Ottoman SPEECH OF the Constitution knew what they were doing leaders used the guise of war as an oppor- HON. RON PAUL when they forbade the Federal Government tunity to eliminate the Armenian population OF TEXAS from meddling in education. from the Empire. What began as confiscation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In order to put education resources back of Armenian property in order to ``support'' the into the hands of the American people I have war effort, ended with the murder of 1.5 million Tuesday, October 24, 2000 introduced the Family Education Freedom Act people and the deportation of 500,000 others. Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- (H.R. 935). This act provides a $3,000 per In May 1915, the Allied Powers of World leagues to reject the National Science Act child tax credit for parents to help cover K-12 War I charged the Ottoman Empire with a (H.R. 4271), which violates the limits on con- education expenses. I have also introduced ``crime against humanity'' and vowed to hold gressional power found in Article 1, section 8 the Education Improvement Tax Cut Act (H.R. responsible those involved in committing and the 10th amendment to the Constitution 936), which provides a $3,000 tax deduction genocide. Despite commitments by the Allied by using tax monies unjustly taken from the for contributions to K-12 education scholar- Powers and indictments by the post-war Turk- American people to promote the educational ships as well as for cash or in-kind donations ish government of the top leaders involved in objectives favored by a few federal politicians to private or public schools. HRs 935 and 936 perpetrating the Armenian genocide and the and bureaucrats. As an OB-GYN, I certainly move control of education resources back into destruction of Armenian property, justice has recognize the importance of increasing the the hands of the American people and help not been served to those responsible for the quality of science education as well as under- ensure parents can provide their children an atrocities against Armenians. taking efforts to interest children in the excellent education. In fact, since the tax cred- It is a shame that America does not have sciences. However, while I share the goals of its contained in H.R. 935 and H.R. 936 may the courage to support the 2 million Arme- the drafters of this legislation, I recognize that be used to help finance the purchase of items nians that suffered through a genocide. We E1920 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 25, 2000 should look more towards our friends in the entrusted him with their congressional seat by of globalization on workers around the world. international community who have not been electing him as a write-in candidate in 1982.