Syria Crisis Countries
Issa - Syria Aleppo. Crisis 2016 Humanitarian Results ©UNICEF/ Syria 2016/ Aleppo/ Khudr Al Khudr Aleppo/ 2016/ Syria ©UNICEF/ Following intense fighting in east Aleppo, a UNICEF UNICEF a Aleppo, east in fighting intense Following supported mobile nutrition team screens children Jibreen, in malnutrition for ANNUAL 2016: SYRIA, JORDAN, LEBANON, IRAQ, TURKEY AND EGYPT SITUATION IN NUMBERS Highlights In Syria In 2016, there were verified reports of over 2,300 grave violations 5,800,000 against children by armed forces and groups throughout Syria. Of # of children affected these, killing and maiming of children and recruitment and use of children were the most prevalent violations. The actual numbers are 13,500,000 likely to be much higher. # of people affected (HNO, 2017) UNICEF has supported the coordination of the No Lost Generation across the Syria crisis countries. The scale up of education support by Outside Syria sector partners inside Syria has contributed to a decrease in the number of out-of-school children from 2.12 million (40%) in 2014/15 to 1.75 million 2,308,897 (32%) in 2015/16. UNICEF and partners reached over 1 million children with # of registered Syria refugee children structured psychosocial support, and expanded programming for adolescents and youth, including social cohesion and life skills. 4,860,897 # of registered Syrian refugees UNICEF has scaled up cash based programming across the Syria crisis (UNHCR, 5 January 2017) countries in 2016, including providing 12,963 Syrian teachers with incentives in Turkey, and supporting over 21,000 vulnerable households in Jordan, Iraq and Syria with regular cash to support their basic needs.
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