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Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 36, June 22, 1994

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 36, June 22, 1994" (1994). Central Florida Future. 1237. UCF hosts practice game for Dutch World Cup team- Sports, pg. 12 Central Florida Future WUCF off ·air until Druggies of the '90s • FCC gives an·OK Drugs are Pricier now, but still have a niche by ALYCIA SEVERSON testing in what has been a long, by JORGE ALVAREZ marijuana, cocaine Staff writer involved process," Manuez­ Staff writer and other drugs. Cuadra explained. "When deal­ And last Janu­ If you recently tuned in to ing with bureaucratic institutions What do The Beatles, ary, the most recent 89.9 WUCF-FM and only heard like the FCC, it has taken some Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Den­ University of Michi­ % *&@)*z! - static, then be as­ groups up to 10 years to get ap­ nis Hopper and William S. gan study found that sured you are not missing·the sig­ proval." Burroughs have in common? after a decade of de­ nal. WUCF is, once again, t~mpo­ Indeed, it has been a long They all did some of their cline, drug use among rari ly off air. process for the radio station. most memorable (some would high-school students · In an effort to get the new 40 WUCF has been trying to increase say best) work as a direct result was again increasing. kilowatt antenna installed and the power of its signal for the pa~t of drug use. If these artists had Researchers claimed working at full capacity, WUCF eight years. The station originally not had a "drug phase," we may that marijuana use had has been intermittenly off and on applied for a 100-kilowatt signal never have had the landmark fisen sharply. They air· for the past in 1986 but did album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely also reported in­ month. ('" C not receive the Heart's Club Band, the vision­ creases in the use of T h e •• FCC's ap­ ary poem "Kubla Khan," the LSD, prescripti.on and station's general This is the last stage of proval at that most successful independent other drugs. man ager Jose testing in what has been time because film of the 1960s, Easy Rider, "We have the Manuez-Cuadra the strength of or the seminal novel Naked unenviable role of in­ said he was a long, involved such a signal Lunch. forming the country "very concerned process. would havein­ But these artists also felt that drug use is mak­ about the pos- terfered with the negative effects of drug use. ing a comeback, that sible loss of -Jose Maunez-Cuadra, other local ra­ Paul McCartney and John the epidemic could be some of the WUCF general manager dio stations. Lennon of The Beatles were de­ re-emerging," Lloyd · station's audi- After much de- tained or arrested various times D. Johnston, the chief photo illustration/Solares ence, but, there --======:=. C~C~ liberation, in during their careers due to drug of the Michigan re­ A UCF student takes a pipe swat is nothing [the 1992, WUCF applied again for its possession. Coleridge's addic­ search project told and displays parephernalia. · station] can do about it." present 40 kilowatt signal and tion to opium hurt his writing. . WUCF will be off air until won't get its final approval until Hopper's drug problems culmi­ If one browsed through the Smells Like Greeri Spirit," the Federal Communications sometime next week. nated with a stay in a psychiat­ latest issue of High Times, one where musicians like Kim Deal Commission gives the approval Meanwhile, program direc­ ric hospital. And Burroughs might think that drug use never (The Breeders), Gibby Haynes to operate at the increased power tors at the radio station are b.urst­ didn't publish Naked Lunch waned. The July issue of the drug (Butthole Surfers), Scott level. This final part of the ap­ ing with enthusiasm and anticipa- until he was 45-years-old and culture magazine hypes its 20th Hackwith (Dig), et al, praise proval process requires the radio ti on. was abte to kick a 15-year-long annivers~ry. It also includes ar­ the use of pot. station to shut down operations Wayne Parkins, musical di­ heroin addiction. ticles extolling the virtues of grow­ Despite the cheery drug and do more tests to insure 'that rector at WUCF, hopes to attract Most people aren't ing organic or hydroponic mari­ scene High Times depicts, there the strength of the new signal a larger audience with the new ground-breaking artists, yet ac­ juan'a and how the hemp plant can remains a harsh and often meets FCC standards for non-com­ variety of music on UCF in the cording to a University ofMichi­ save the old-growth forests in the deadly reality connected with mercial FM broadcasting. Afternoon as well as its many . gan research project, drug use northwest . Another drug use. Last Thursday in Se "This is the ·last stage of other diverse musical programs. peaked in 1985, when 37 mil­ feature is a special music section lion people admitted to using called "Rockers For Pot '94: See DRUGS, page A4 Will Miss UCF be Miss Florida?


Vying for the tiltle of Miss Florida, Jennifer Alvarez will represent UCF when she competes in the Miss Florida Scholar­ ship pageannhis week. Alvarez, a senior majoring in physi­ cal therapy, was crowned Miss UCF on March 5. Her platform is to promote health care volunteerism in America. She be­ lieves that community service, especially by young people, will help relieve the health The 1994 World Cup kicked off (!t the Citrus Bowl on June 17 with care crisis. She is a member of the on­ Germany ~winning . against Bolivia, 1-0, and Spain tying with South campus organiz.ation Volunteer UCF. ' : . ··,:~ : •-# : t· · ~ ._, t.; Korea, 2-2.Tne24c0}Jntries Wiii compete in 52 games total, held in nine "We're very excited to have [Alvarez] cities accross \fle Unites States, ending in Los Angeles July 17. working for Volunteer UCF," said Kathy Above, Moroccan fans cheer for their team during Sunday's game Bond, assistant director for the organiztion . • against Belgium. ·Belgium won, 1-0. "She's making great strides." At right, ·f~~J:Ujkaard, midfielder for the Netherlands, signs Alvarez is establishing an Adopt-a­ autographs aftertiha,leam practiced at the field near the UCF Arena last Grandparent program and planning a health Wednesday. For more World Cup action, see page 12. photos/ARMANDO SOLARES See PAGEANT, page 3

News t-3 Opinion 4-5 Classified 6 Features 1-10 Sports 11-12 • • 2 June 22, 1994 The Central Florida Future •

0 Students attend conference of synthesizers and computers as well as nominations for its 1994 Environmental ticipate in the fourth annual WMMO MusiclnstrumentDigitallnterfaceSequenc- Public Service Awards. Applicants are Wekiva Riverfest until July 8. The event ing from July 18 through 29 from 8:30 a.m. asked to submit a 500-word summary with will be held on _the festival grounds near until 4:30 p.m. Details: 823-2864. supporting materials by July 29. Details: Weldva Marina on October 15 from IO (904) 385-1528. a.m. until 5 p.m. Details: 422-9890. 0 Music workshop and festival The UCF Music Department is hosting the 0 Law workshop 0 Alternative fuels American Matthay Association 36th An­ The Law School Advantage will hold a A research team from UCF and the Florida nual Workshop Course and Piano Festival workshop, designed to prepare students for Solar Energy Center are developing a blend from June 21to25. Lectures will be held at their first year of law school, from August of cleaner-burning hydrogen and methane the Canterbury Center near Oviedo, evening 1 through 4 at the Holiday Inn at the Tampa fuel. The team will present its findings at performances will be held in the UCF Visual International Airport. Contact: 1-800- the 10th annual World _Hydrogen Energy • Arts Auditorium. Costs: $150forentireevent, LA W-SCOL. Conference in Cocoa Beach, this week. $5 for evening recitals. Details: 823-2869. The conference is sponsored in part by ISAmembers 0 Wekiva Riverfest NASA and the U.S. Department ofEnergy, • 0 Environmental award WMMO is accepting applications from non- and seeks to explore ways to make hydogen

Seven UCF International Stu- ..------K_e_ep_F_lo_ri_d_a_B_ea_u_ti_fu_l_ , I_n_c._,_,i_· s_a_cc_e_pt_in_g_p_ro_fi_1t_en_v_ir_o_nm_en_t_al....::.g_ro_u.::...p_s w_i_sh_i_ng.::...t_o.::...p_ar_- _t_he_m_ai_n_e_ne_r_gy_so_u_rc_e_o_f_th_e_f_ut_u_re_. _ dent Association members at­ tended the Association ofln­ tern a tional Educators Na­ Get excellence in dentistry, and care you'll feel comfortable with. tional Conference in Miami I'm Dr. George Yarko, D.D.S., and I've provided the people • Beach from May 28 to June of Orl~ndo with the latest, safest dental treatments and $24 complete dental exam and consultation 4. coffifortable care for over eight years. And I'd like you (an $89 value) includes: to experience my personalized care, too. So please Health history taken • Check for loose fillings or • 0 Campus theater crowns • Check gums for disease • Oral cancer accept my offer for a complete dental exam for only Move over, Mrs. Markam, ~ screening • Cosmetic screening to check for chip_ped, S24, an $89 value. Call 282-2101 for your appointment. comedy by Ray Cooney and crooked, or discolored teeth • TMJ screening to check Only for U. C.F. Students with Valid i.D. for cause of jaw pain, if any • Discuss findings ·• Get John Chapman, is running at treatment recommendations Theatre UCF through June c'all today, because this offer ends 8/31/94 26. Details: 823-1500. <.ieorge Yarko, D.D.S. • Certified: Dental Implant Prosthetics East Orlando Dental 0 Music course Member: American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Academy for 17780 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32817 The UCFDepartmentofMu­ Sports Dentistry, Florida Dental Association, Dental Society (Corner of Hwy. 50 and Alafaya Tr.) sic will offer a two-week Team Dentist: Unl~erslty of Central Frutldal course, "Digital Synthesis," Call 282-2101 which covers the integration It is our office policy that the patieni and any other person responsible for pay.ment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimhurned for payment for any other .~ervke , examination, or 1realmcn1 whidi is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding io the advertisement for rhe free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination, or treatment. • Woodley Dudley, D.V.M. Birds, cats, dogs, reptiles and exotics. . • *Special rates for students, faculty and staff' ..

Mitchell Hammock Veterinazy Oinic 45 Alafaya Woods Blvd Oviedo, Fl 3Tl65 (407) J66..7323 Real Ainerican Steaks 2 V2 miles north of campus in World Gym Shopping Center ,·. University of Central Florida NEW Students! You are very special ·to us so take a 10 %Discount VISION - off your next .lunch or dinner ENTERTAINMENT Seeks just bring your student ID and • 1 Artist · your appetite . .,

+ 1 Writer 2 for 1 Cocktails r· 2 Special People 4Pl\l-6 Pl\I Are you one of these? UCF Area •• University Blvd., at Alafaya Trail Join a young and growing company ( 407) 27 6-7336 Be a part of the action! • Open 7 Days a Week Call Now! Mon. - Sun. 4 PM - 11 PM Office (407)345-0639 • Beeper (407)526-8819 • • June 22, 1994 The Central Florida Future 3 Need a job? Sit back and.dial ••• by OMAR A. DAJANI ''Three Florida universities are cur­ out to n_ew employers." Contributing writer rently using the telephone jobsline." Listing are free for employers One university with the ser­ until July 1. Attention couch potatoes: now vice is University of Florida. To access the system, a job you can look for a job while sitting ''UCF will find it very work­ seeker must dial 823-6200 after ob­ on your couch. BEEPER able," said Vince Carnes, assistant taining a password from the Career Knightlink is a new .service director at the Career Resource Cen- · resourse Center, located on the first available to those with or without ter at UF. "Overall, we're very floor of the Administration Build­ degrees who are looking for part­ (permonth) happy with this system. It has saved ing. s 6.99 time, seasonal, full-time, internship us money and manpower." . ·A password is valid for an ! or co-op positions. It is accessable Direct Page Nebgen continued, "In Or­ en~e semester. 6584 University Blvd. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. lando, wehavealargestudentpopu­ Orlando, Fl All the job-seeker needs is a tele­ lation that works. Put that together 677-1500 phone. and what you have is a connection The service is a telephone between students and the graduates jobsline. Jobs may be selected de­ with jobs in the community." COMPUTER NUTS pending upon major, interests or ~~ Knightlinkhad been "on line" ~ ~ail order prices .. .locally skills. since May 24. The UCF Career As an advantage to studens, Resource Center has since then sent Knightlink is free, user-friendly and out 3,800 mailings to local busi­ Custom PC Systems • Upgrades • Parts • Repairs fully automated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- nesses. DELUXE SYSTEMS CUSTOMIZATIONS ''This service has been a suc­ "We've had about 20 new ------cess in many parts of the nation," listings a day, and that number will · 486DX2-661128K VLB 1449 Extra 4 Meg RAM Add 176 Microsoft Mquse Add 25 Extra 12 Meg RAM Add 540 Paradise Accel 24 Add 130 said Ron Nebgen, associate director grow with time," said Nebgen. of the UCFCareerResourceCenter. 486DX·50/128K VLB 1459 VLB IDE with 1/0 Add 12 Paradise Value Add 30 "We'regoingtocontinuouslyreach .486DX-40/128K VLB 1309 'VLB vtdeo 1 Meg Add 30 17" CTX 1760DF Add 440 425 MB Hard Drive Add 80 15" CTX1561LR Add 110 486DX·33/128K VLB 1299 356 MB Hard Drive Add 30 14.4 Fax Modem Add 99 Miss UCF goes to state 486SX·33/128K VLB 1199 540 MB Hard Drive Add ~ 60 24196 Fax Modem Add 42 387DX40 Math Co. Add 49 250 VA UPS Add 109 From PAGEANT, page 1 486DLC·40/128K ISA 1159 250 MB Tape Drive Add 164 Surge Arrest WT el Add 35 Systems ·lnclude: Motherboard w/CPU, 4MB'RAM, 251 MB Hard Drive, 1.2 MB and 1.44 MB Floppy fair to promote volunteer oppor­ Drives, IDE 2H/2F/2S/1 P/1 G Controller, 1 MB Video Card, 14" SVGA .28 NI Monitor, 101 Keyboard, tunities in the health care field. Case w250 Watt Power Supply, DOS 6.2, Windows 3.1, 3-Button Mouse The fair is scheduled for Sept. 12. The pageant will be held at ~ FANTASTIC NEW PRICES ON MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTS ~ the Bob Carr Auditorium. Pre­ NEC 510 3X CD ROM 429 Pro Audio Spectrum 16 119 Sound Galaxy NX Pro 99 liminaries will last from June 22 Panasonic CDR 562 CD ROM 169 Sound Blaster 16 Basic 109 80 Watt Speakers 69 to 24 with the finals June 25. All Mitsumi CD ROM 109 Sound Blaster Pro Deluxe 99 LABTEC PC Speakers 19 - shows will commence at 8 p.m. · Choose from our selection of CD titles Great Price~ Alverez will perform an 7359 Lake Underhill Road Phone: (407) 382-9031 operatic version of "Qt.iando Men (At the comer of Lake Underhill and Mon-Sat lOam - 6pm Fax: (407) 658-9615 Vo" for the talent portion of the Goldenrod at the EW Expre.s~way Exit) VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER ACCEPTED pageant. Other categories in which she will compete are inter­ view, even_ing wear and swim­ suit. Alvarez is the vice-presi­ dent of music sorority Sigma Al- pha Iota and a member of the uni- SOLARES/Future versity choir. .Jennifer Alvarez was crowned As of this year, the Miss Miss UCF March S. UCF pageant was reaffiliated with the Miss America organization. scholarship opportunities.'.' "The reaffiliation allows Harden added Miss UCF is Jennifer to represent the univer­ ecstatic and enjoying the whole sity at the state level-and possi­ experience of the pageant. bly nationally," Dawn Harden, ex­ Ticke.ts are available ~cutive director of the Miss UCF through TicketMaster at 839- pageant, said. "It also gives con­ 3900. The pageant can also be testants growth, development and seen-on WKCF Channel 18. 10%) Student/Faculty discount (( 111· Onh ) - STylEs &:T. OF THE trJ 1I MES INC. HAIRDRESSING SALON 1$10~------, off full set of Acrylic nails 1 That doesn't n1ean you can't get insurance fron1 a • L_L~2~:!1~!!~~~~~l_J We Carry: good, solid, reliable company. We have coverage just for •Nexus •Sebastion •Paul Mitchell •Aveda you, priced right! U ' · ' dh d •Biolage Call me for detail£ ioure 1I1 goo an S: We are a Full Service Salon Michael A. La Pella, LUTC AllSfale Hours: For Appointment 1340 Tuskawilla Road Ste 9 Mon. 9-5 Call 277-3766 On the corr:ier of Red Bug & Tuskawilla Tues-Fri. 9-8 11790 E. Colonial Dr. Winter Sp_rings, Fl. 32708 Sat. 9-4 Orlando Florida 32817 Bus.: 407-695-1600 • • The Central Florida Future 1ll10ll une 22, 1994 Million dollar house a bad idea for UCF So, are you still struggling to pay for rent, tuition, food and all those crazy, life things? Well, rest easy while you're scrapping together pennies to pay rent, the University has some great new plans for housing. Million dollar plans, in facL Recently, UCF officials announced plans to build a brand new house for the university president. This house will be on campus, and will serve as a home for the president, and as a reception area. This mansion will have a pool, guest quarter~, office and a dining room capable of seating 35 people - for those quiet family dinners. So what does all this do for me, you ask? Nothing. Keep scraping those pennies, kids. This proposed house will cost a meager $1 million. But don't worry, it's alumni money. After all, what's more important, a million dollar mansion so the president can schmooz, or maybe 100 $10,000 scholarships to help students get an education? With this house, the president will be able to host large parties for the alumni, and tell them how much the university appreciates the money they give, and to please continue giving. Yes! Please keep giving, because when the account - ,,,,. gets big enough, maybe the university will buy a nice beach - - house, and everyone can come on down to the coast for a big Distributed by T rioune Media Serv1r,es schmooz-fest sleepover. Who's got the weenies? In an article in The Orlando Sentinel Monday, some UCF officials said that they chose to build the house because it gives everything a more personal touch. The house, as President Clinton may be saving your life opposed to a reception hall, will make the guests "feel special." UCF Foundation president Dennis Eloe said, 'We Occa5ionally politics works for the good of the people. Not think the special feeling they (the guests) get... will put them in very often, mind you, but once in a blue moon it actual! y happens a giving mood.'~ that people are actually helped by the government. . Why, so they can give more money that doesn't go to To understand how Clinton is saving your life, you have to the students? It's difficult to believe that at a·university where go back in time. A long time. classes are difficult to get, tuition continues to rise, and Now, I~ neither pro-republican nor pro-democrat. (al­ housing is scarce, that the money donated by Mr. and Mrs. Fat though, I did really piss off my roommate the time he came up Wallet can't be put to better use. rnjssing about four pages of Rush Limbaugh's The Wa)' Things labeled Russia the "evil empire" and had Americans checking President Hitt already receives a $15,

News Editor Hurry to your phone Distribution Manager Don Bates Sports Editor Jason Swancey . .Central Florida·Future Advertising Production Manager Rodney Ellison Entertainment Editor . Sean Perry © 1994 The Central Florida Future, Inc. Advertising Manager 12243 University Blvd.• Orlando, FL 32817 Jason Meder Opinion Editor David G. Barnett Business Office (407) 823-8054 News Office (407) 823-8192 Advertising Sales Chad Deckard, Sean Perry Photo ·Editor Armando Solares Fax (407) 823-9495 Copy Editor Only 19 of this item left Publisher/Editor in Chief Staff Writers: Robin Longaker, Andi Johnson, Derek Art Director .Rodney Ellison Dave Bauer Krause, Tom James, Justin Delias, Sean Devaney, Production Manager Matt Baclar Managing Editor Business Manager Cynthia Conlin Steve Norris Rosibel Monserrate, Brynner Yee

Opinions expressed in The Central Florida Future are lhose of the newspaper or individual columnist and not necessarily those of the University administration or Board of Regents. Letters \o the Editor must be typed, a maximum of 300 words and include the author's signature; major and phone number. Letters are subject to editing tor grammar and space and become the property of the newspaper, subject to their publication. The Central Florida Future is a tree, non-profit newspaper published weekly during the academic year and weekly during the ~ummer. The Central Florida Future, Inc., is a 501 c (3) Florida not-for·profit corporation, and is not officially associated with the University of Central Florida. · June 22, 1994 The Central Florida Future 5 A students look into the injustices of financial aid: Part II of Ill

...... '...... To fully understand why financial aid has failed, we present tax contributions as a plus in the determination of must explore the flawed political theories it rests upon. The need. It needs to stop sending letters of rejection stating "You renaming of the Scholarship and Grant Office to the Office of are ineligible, due to your present income level and your Financial Aid is reflective of the socialization of student parents contribution margin." support in universities throughout America. . Why should I be punished by the government that I Once financial support for college was a privilege to be support? Why am I being neglected by UCF when a good earned, through academic achievement, or a gift from private portion of my taxes go to it every year? Nobody has a right to philanthropic sources; now it is a "right" to be computed with a •wing types would paint me as a reactionary. We have gotten redistribute my income without my consent, and the demo- formula even UCFadministratorsdon'tknow. This is wrong.Itis so used to one theory , however imbecilic, that we cannot . crats don't represent me. They didn't represent most students, the essential cause of the injustice most students suffer. accept the opposing concept, even if it is completely correct in or their parents, when they passed these bills; they represented Previously, I said that most students have a right to get its pure form. This resistance to change is psychologically their special interests. more in grants and that it was a right earned through payment. normal. People are creatures of habit who find comfort in Lastly, less money needs to be given to educational Now I am stating that financial aid should not be a "right" in dogmatism, and the leftist dogs o_f idealism are in vogue . institutions.for grants ~d aid. Although the pool of aid should the tradition of food stamps and other subsidies. It is the fair When you first started lying, guilt overwhelmed you, be distributed with acknowledgment of the contributors, the expectation of taxpayers to receive proportionately what they but then it became easier - sinning becomes less of a burden contributors are best served by a reduction in the pool. This contributed in the form of public services, and a percentage of on the conscious over time. Once one drink was enough, but will result in lower t~es, and more personal income for higher this should be to' fund their educational expenses (as stated on now it takes four to get a buzz. Both acts are bad for you, but education. the 1993 tax return booklet). people get used to it. They start liking it. It becomes a part of Why should I give the financial aid office $500 in taxes However, students do not lzave the right to receive life. Yet, it is wrong. Lying is immoral. Alcohol in excess so they can pocket $20-50 for bureaucracy? I'd do better money just because they are in school, or happen to be broke. causes physical damage. Still, most drunks and habitual liars without financial aid. Only a limited amount of money should The United States doesn't have enough money to support all would consider quitting beer "cold turkey" and telling the be designated for truly deserving students such as: the men­ the needy people in its midst without making more needy people truth too radical a set of solutions. tally disabled and doctorate candidates doing valuable re­ bytaxingtherniddleclassintopoverty. Governmentdoesn'tbear It is just as ridiculous to consider me a fanatic just search. All other funds should be diverted for support services, the moral obligation to help the poor. Individuals do. because I propose the polar opposite of socialism as a solution, capital and plant tosls, and staff and faculty salaries. But we do have another moral obligation-to not take especia11y since it is the right choice. Alniost all the commu­ Then the average students at UCFmightjustget a better other's property andcal1 it ours. Whengovem.menttakesfrom nist regimes are turning to democracy and capitalism, and deal and have more money _in their pockets, because less will one group and gives to another it is STEALING. The liberals hist

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-:111~ n;; n ;s. u:J, ,, ':.."'.J., ••ti fO R Ai i. .!.Jttff~. f\, Qt.1 C .t rl-0.Pfl' lt' A.f t Charles Barkley's 'Dealh Week' may be . -the solution to crime

Being a big fan of the NBA, I hate to see the end of the season come around. This year I hate it even more so than most, because it could mean the end of the road for my favorite round mound . of rebound, Charles Barkley. I don't like Barkley for his Nike, Right Guard or McDonald's commercials, or for his physical presence on the court or even for his team . I like him because he's got enough guts to say what's on his mind. As a matter of fact, he said something about three weeks before the playoffs began that has real1y stuck with me. In an interview before a game, Barkley joked that he'd like to run for office someday. He mentioned a couple of platforms: getting Martin Luther King Day to be recognized in Arizona, being honest with the people about what's going on in their government and would be out of work because their clients would be dead. member of society.' something about the d~ath penalty. No more costly appeals or parole hearings for the Last but not least, how about my thirst for justice being To be exact, he joked that if he were the man, there government. No longer would our tax dollars be going to these quenched by seeing murderers and rapists die for their cruel wouldn't be a Death Row. He said there would be a Death lawyers who are trying to get threatening people back onto the acts of inhumanity. I've had enough of living in fear and Week where the government tries to kill all the violent streets. Shucks. grievance. I want and I demand justice. criminals they can in seven days. But it's more than just lawyers and construction work-· Ha! Who am I trying to kid? I don't have enough money This would be harsh. This might even be Gruel. But for ers; think about the psychologists. or lobbying power to demand anything from my elected sure this would be effective and practical. The money that Just imagine an the psychologists who are trying to get officials. wouldn't be spent on feeding and housing these criminals_ into the heads of these 'victims of society' so that they can The people running this country are all career politi­ would certainly be useful. Making room for keeping less understand them. After that understanding is established, they cians who are out of touch with society. Goodness forbid that violent threats to society in prisons would be quite handy as can teach these troubled souls how to become productive and these law-school graduate Representatives and their rich, well. normal citizens of our forgiving country. suburban lifestyles would ever be.even remotely affected by Do I need to mention the fear factor? Would you think All we need is love. As a society we need to understand a rape .or a murder. twice about killing somebody if you knew thatit would get you the pain and suffering that these murderers and rapists have It would take 100 million people like me, screaming and .. killed? gone through their whole lives, so that, together, we can yelling, to make them even take notice of any of the thoughts But it's not going to happen. All the offensive rebounds welcome them back with open arms and give them another and feelings that we peasants may have. It isn't the wants and in the world couldn't get Barkley's simple logic to get passed chance. the needs of the people that dominate the actions of our through Congress. There's simply too much of an industry that Sorry if I'm just a stupid kid or something, but how government like it's supposed to be-it's the wants and needs would be forsaken. about I use my love to grieve with the families who lost a of the highest bidder. To begin with, imagine all the prison builders who person they Jove to one of these murderer's actions. How If I may take a page out of the basketball shoe, commer­ would be out of jobs. about my tears being held back at the grave site of a murdered cial marketing warfare book, I'd like to remind the world that We know how much lobbying power these prison friend rather than at the thought of how badly these people wearing Charles Barkley's shoes won't make you play like builders have. Watch your back, because they' re buying your have had it their whole lives? · him. They won't make you rich like him. Representatives off left and right. How about my heart going out to the women of this And finally, they won't make you handsome like him. Along these same lines there's the prison catering world who live in paranoid fear of men because they were I only hope that it doesn 't take Charles Barkley's shoes to industry that we wouldn't want to endanger either. raped by one of these 'potentially productive and normal make people truthful, honest, and bold. Shed tears for all those poor lawyers out there who The Central Florida Future June 15, 1994


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I I .\2 ,\.\16 June 22-28. l'-N4 Concerts & Shows

(June 22-28) 22 •BIGWIDTE by DEREK KRAUSE otherprojectshavereamedhisradio sion, listeners today ponder the Channel, with a show highlighting UNDIES Staff Writer show and took the edge out of his meaningofStearn'senviousinsults the best from his morning pro­ (CLUB NOWHERE) commentary. about a certain fat, conservative, gram, Stern has subsequently • JOHN HAMMOND It used to be that for teenag­ multi-media success named Rush shied away from his morning show (DOWNTOWN JAZZ ers, listening to The Howard Stem­ Limbaugh. and has concentrated on other AND BLUES CLUB) Show was new, exciting and some­ The missing edge, forms of media. thing to brag about back home. Now, however, is not necessar­ Although he still shouts out 23 •DASH RIP ROCK • in New York City, as well as all over ily Stem's fault. Rather some humorous commentaries (i.e. (DOWNTOWN JAZZ the country, Stem's radio show has his show, as well as his last Friday's show: a question to­ AND BLUES CLUB) exploded through the airwaves. personality, have be­ ward Mark Messier, from the Like Stem has done himself, come a victim of main­ Stanley Cup Champion New York the show has reached a pinnacle of stream media and suc­ Rangers, "So, Mark, did you spike 24 •TORY VOODOO success. cess. Madonna?"), his show, overall, lacks (YAB YUM) It has reached the mainstream As a highly pub­ that intense feeling of on-the-edge •ROACH THOMP- recently, when audiences as far away licized personality conversation with a man, mouth so~ BLUES BAND from New York as Florida began grows successful, his always wide open, eagerly awaiting (DOWNTOWN JAZZ hearing the highly controversial talk performance weakens a raw comment. AND BLUES CLUB) show. In the Orlando area it can be due to restraints on suc­ The Howard Stem Show will heard weekday mornings on WTKS­ cess, more importantly be successful for the Stem's remain­ 25 •GHOSTBEAT ing one and a half years on the FM "Real Radio" 104.1. ratings. His edge is lost (YAB YUM) A few years ago, a Stearn as a result of his popu­ radiowaves. • MR. NATURAL Whether the old Howard listener heard crude, sexist, yet larity (as was Eddie (CLUB NOWHERE) I highly enjoyable, entertainment. Murphy after Satur­ comes back, or the new Howard Today, Howard Stem has seemed to day Night Live). stays on, Stem will continue to shock mellow out a bit from that original Stern has also his audience and intrigue his listen­ 26 •CAKE and prestigious title of The Shock lost his motivation to ers, simply by being himself. He is (CLUB NOWHERE) Jock. His antics and wisecracks are perform originally and still an incredible performer, but just as genuine and controversial, from the heart pro­ just that edge that provoked his fame 27 •CHAINSAW but today's audience listens to a less HDWA RD grams. This stride to has slipped off. KITTENS ·motivated and over-successful per­ STERN shock and upset viewers Howard Stern is like no other (DOWNTOWN JAZZ former. · has been upset by his suc- personality in the media, and a bless­ AND BLUES CLUB) Stem's success has ruined the ~,kj~~J'~99.. ces~ and his attempt to sue- ing to the country. , 1 · -0\ ' ' ceed m other forms of commu- heart of his.once-shocking program. 28 • TABITHA'S SE- After Private Parts, his numberone, nication. CRET best-selling autobiography, and his Instead of lesbian From his ambition to be­ . (THE MILL) short-lived, but successful talk show games and on-going battles with the come a. successful movie star to on.The Entertainment Channel, his Federal Communications Commis- his return to The Entertainment lllllt

Medicine WarrenG. Various Artists Dash Rip Rock Sounds Of Medicine Regulate ... G Funk Era. Soccer Rocks the Globe . Tiger Town (American) (Polygram) (Polygram) (Mophead)

What has Jesus and Mary Once again, the city of Long Since I sipcerely dislike the In the 1980s, MTV and oth­ Chain wrought? · Beach has yet another superstar entire idea of World Cup soccer ers earmarked Dash Rip Rock for Check your copy of JMC's arising from within its borders. being forced upon this nation, I may greatness. Their punk/ country/ seminal 1985 LP Psychocandy, and This time it's not a Dogg, but notbethemostfavorableincritiqu­ rockabilly style was.different from • then listen to Medicine's new EP more appropriately, a "G." · ing an album composed for this the norm, yet they appealed to many. Sounds of Medicine. This will give Yes, Warren G's much an- event. Strangely,DashRipRockhas you a crash course in the evolution of ticipated Regulate . . . G Funk The various artists are as dis­ not attained a great deal of commer­ pop melodies, drenched in layers of Era, long awaited because of its tinctly different as in musical genre cial success. Their mix of rock and guitar feedback and random noise track "Regulate," has finally hit as the tournament teams are in ge­ humor definitely deserves the expo­ bursts. the record stores. ography. The producers spared sure. Tiger Town, their latest effort, The Los Angeles trio collabo­ "Regulate," a little duet with us the cultural background of each showcasesthegroup'slaid-backdon't­ rates with alterna-stars Cocteau Warren and Nate Dogg, was re- teamandjustusedAmericanartists. give-a-f--k attitude: Lead singer Twins on the alternate take of "Time leased months ago on the Soitmaynottrulyrepresentthecup, Bill Davis will never be accused of Baby 3" (which is also featured on soundtrack for Above the Rim. (. but does exempljfy the reason the having the classic voice, but neither he The Crow soundtrack).BillyCorgan .. which personally I don.'t mind, event was brought to this country; nor the rest of Rock cares. And it of Smashing Pumpkins remixes because, as Future editor in chief for the money. doesn't matter. These guys rock. "Everything." Dave Bauer would say about the Bon Jovi gives us ''Blaze of Titles like "True Drunk Love" Unfortunately, "Zelzah" and soundtrack, "It rocks.") Glory" and of course Gary Glitter and "All Liquored Up" give you an Volume 1, Issue 6 ''.Lime 6" are the only new tracks As amatter of fact, the whole makes ano~er buck off his only hit, idea of where Dash Rip Rock is included on the six-song EP. album is Pfat with a capital P. "Rock and Roll, Part II." Classic coming from. Butsongs like "Fallin' Editor: Sean Perry "Zelzah" is a white-noise nug­ Warren G's style of laid-back rap artists like Santana (''Luz, Amor Y Apart" and ''Loosen Up Your Wig" Music Editor: Jorge Alvarez get in which Beth Thompson es­ is very similar to that of Snoop Vida"), TinaTurner's("TheBest",) areirnpossibletoignore. TigerTown Film Critic: Derek Krause chews her sweet voice for a corro­ Doggy Dogg, the only difference Kool & The Gang, Queen, is not a perfect album. Some may Staff Writers: Andi Johnson, sive bullhorn-vocal approach and, being that this CD is much better. Fleetwood Mac and The Moody find Dash Rip Rock's humor juve­ Tom DiPaulo, Jamie Thomas with Dada-e~que aplomb, sings, The reason it's better is because , Blues were somehow lured into the nile, their boorish lyrics repetitive. "your plums are dangerous." The Warren G knows how to edit his.· World Cup scheme. Again, this is not rocket-science Cover illustration by Andi latter sounds like a live Velvet Un­ songs to a length that's just right, If you want a novelty piece of rock. Johnson. Design by Andi derground-inspired feedback fest and his background beats and memorabilia then pick it up; but if But for a ·fun, guitar-driven Johnson and Oave Bauer. and lasts nearly 17 minutes. music tends to be slightly funkier. you want to spend your $15 wisely, experience, Tiger Town is the ticket. The "stripped and reformed The sole problem with this then buy a Shaq hat. Now that's And live, Dash Rip Rock is even Next week: Music edition, sounds" of Medicine left me want­ CD is that it's too short. American! better. featuring Toad the Wet Sproket ing more. •RAY GUNN VIRUS •JASON SWANCEY •SEANPERRY •JAMIE THOMAS ' · June 22-28. 1994 i\Xl6 N3

'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,' jlSI say yes Got an opinion on Prozac or any of the other subjects covered? Let us know what you thing. Write: Axis, 12243 inmyinsides.Notonlywasmyyoung relax the physical being that is on call heart broken, but I think I was actu­ 40 hours a week, and allow the other University Blvd., Orlando, Fl 32817 or fax to 823-9495. ally physically nauseated. being to explore within, as well as the Those names still bring back uninhibited environment. Most will •••••••••••••••••••••• that agonizing heart-wrench, yet the understand which substances I speak I 1~:1 c9nfe~o!1~ T~k~!ut !~~t~n~~?!s~3l!P I insides seem tohavesurvived.Justas of, and if you don't, just ask someone the thought of a high school sweet­ around you. heart brings back the bitter disap­ Many "Just Say No" and con­ : ~~ ~ : pointment of Jost love, so does it tinue on their way down that straight I ~ I materialize those feelings of inno-: and narrow rpad. And then there are cence and missed culfews. Those those who have seen the heavens and : D ;r~ l~~ Co t-t ~+ : JUST A THOUGHT aspirations of a World Series cham- hells of other roads. They have ex­ I FINE 9.CHINESE CUISINE I Sean Perry . pion residing in Boston may have plored immaculate interstates and I Open I ( been foiled, but they were prevalent grim, dark detours, yet they sit here I - I the entire summer of '87. today and are capable of conquering I Mo..Jay ·· Sat"'rday 11:00a•Y\ - ·fo:OOph'\ I To view 'things in hindsight is As the days drop by the way­ the challenges of the nine-to-fiver. I Sunday 12:00- 9:00pm I always somewhat of a challenge to side and the years disappear, the real­ The recollection of my Bosox I I the mind and displays all the ization that all we truly carry with us getting dusted is as vividly agonizing I - Luncli.eonSpec.ia!S 'Daily - I shouJd've, could've and would've's. is our own memories. as it was on that cool October evening I Monday Thru Saturday 11 :00 ~ 3:00 I This usually tends to make an We can either see as much as eight years ago, and I probably burned unreputable, as well as unretrievable, the mind can see, touching every a few brain cells while sitting too close I I I I decision seem as agonizing as those emotion and visual escapade with the to the television. But without those I Located at the. tAnive1'11if)'. Paltn Skoppi"'9 Ce. .... te.I' I dirememoriesofW orld Series losses. very being of our souls, or we can sit memories, I would not be able to tell 4!250 .Alafa~a Tr.ail, S~ite 200 . My favorite baseball team, or along the roadside with those deterio­ my tale, and sing my song, and hope I ·, Fl. 32765 1 should I say collection oficonoclasts, rating days and allow the memories that someone carries them on. I (407) 359-1888 I was the 1986 Boston Red Sox. As I to leave us behind. There are some positive expe­ I ~J~~~\~.. I witnesse.d the World Series slip away I do not promote certain sub­ riences to gain from listening to Sgt. as Bob Stanley launched a wild pitch stances which can alter the heart rate Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, •••••••••••••••••••••• into the backstop, and th~ immortal or destroy the physique, but I do offer andifyoudon'tknowwhatlmeanjust error at first base, I felt a gripping pain the alternatives. Certain substances ask someone around you. take Kaplan and get rrozac: society's answer a higHer score ... The government says yes to some, no to others, who is rjght? by ANDI JOHNSON for these particular aliments because bring the patient from a depressed Staff writer · the drug has only been officially 'state to a normal emotional state. approved for the three aforemen­ During that transitional time, the Since Prozac was first intro­ tioned problems. feelings of inadequacy.and fear are , duced in the United States in 1988, Prozac, the brand name for replaced with energy and courage. it has quickly become one of the 10 fluoxetine, facilitates the brain's re­ However, the level of depression is most frequently prescribed drugs in ception of serotonin, thebody'snatu­ the last part to rise. the world. ral chemical that lightens the moods As a result, for the first month "Now it's becoming popu­ and thinking of depressed people. or so that an in di vi dual takes the lar. Sure, everyone wants to get rid ''Prozac is great," said "Mary," drug, he or she walks around with of their depression," said Al a senior majoring in English. "Be­ energy and courage, but still with a Cumberbatch, a pharmasist with fore Prozac, it was very hard for me low self-esteem. This mixture can Class Starts July 30, 1994 Class Starts June 29, 1994 Eckard Drugs in Orlnado. to do anything. allow him or her to actually make Prozac brings a smile also to "I have a social phobia and feelings of aggression and self-ha­ More students take Kaplan's courses every the faces of its maker, the Eli Lilly low self-esteem. ldidn'thavefriends tred a reality. year than any other test prep company's. Co., as the drug brings in more than for five years. I thought everyone In need of relief, patients turn Call us today to find out why. $1 billion per year. hated me and that they were right for to Prozac for help. However, in the Mi1lions of people take Prozac doing so. I didn'teven have enough recovery process, they are not al­ 1-800-KAP-TEST for treatment of depression, bulimia energy to wash laundry. Now I have ways emotionally equipped to and obsessive-compulsive disorder friends - and a closet full of clean handle the transitional period. KAPLAN (an abnormal fixation or clothes!" See PROZAC, page A-4 The Answer to the test question proccupation). "It is primarily an The media has taken a more anti-depressent-amood-elevater," serious and shocking view ofProzac. Cumberbatch confirmed. It linked the drug in stories to murder and suicide. Last month, for instance, . a mechanic in Wi11its may have been ,.,. on Prozac before killing his wife and three sons with an ax and shooting I didn't even have himself. eno11gh energy to In 1989, a Kentucky man, Jo­ seph Wesbecker, shot 20 people and wash laundry. killed eight, including himself, in a factory. In Novemherof 1992, an­ -"Mary" other man, Lynwood Drake ill, shot and killed six people including him­ prozacuser self. Thirteen months later, Stephen Leith of Chelsea, Mich. went to a school meeting and shot to

Problems With: .ti ·remedy for ~ocieti~ ill~ Landlords Insurance .Contracts PROZAC, from page A-3 suicide attempt in a month and has being dependent on a drug. Traffic Tickets experienced only twidges of the life­ No study has shown Prozac A way to prevent or remedy threatening urge. to be addictive, but no one is clearly Need: this situation is for the psychiatrist "I can't image the feelings of sure about the long-term side ef­ A Wil~ prescribing the drug to warn the suicide completely going away, but fects. Prozac has caused anorexia, • - / ' I" '';... • 1 • they are much more manageable memory problems in smokers, in­ A Name Change patients of possible side effects and Uncontested Dissolution closely monitor the emotional roller and easier to live with," Mary added. creased incidence of cancer in mice, coaster the patients may experience "I, personally, won't try to and seizures from overdoses. during the transitional period. kill myself, and neither will my sis­ Because millions are pre­ UCF's Student Legal Servkes provides free "My sister, 'Sarah,' had three ter. I hope not, anyway." scribed Prozac, and since the exact legal consultation and representation in suicide attempts during the first two Prozac does not help every­ nature of its effect has not been certain legal areas for qualifa:~d UCF students. months of using Prozac," Mary con­ one. It has a 65 percent rate ofrecov­ completely discovered, it will con­ tinued. "But it wasn't because of ery. tinue to be the most controversial For informatio~ or an appointment Prozac; she had been suicidal be­ Another UCF. student and scrutinized drug of this era. call 823-2538 fore. And anyway, Prozac makes shrugged and said, "Prozac did not "I have to weigh the pro's and or stop by the Student Center you really drowsy at first - too work for me. It didn't really do con's," Mary said. "And I'd rather Room 210 drowsy to get a glass of water-let anything." live liking myself or not live at all. Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. alone to make a suicide attempt." Although Mary enjoys the The outcome is worth it to me. I Funde~ through Activity & Service Fee Sarah has been on Prozac for positive effect Prozac has on her have my life back now. Before, I by the Student GoveJnment Association four months. She has not had a life, she still does not like the idea of didn't have much of a life." , June 22, 1994, The Central Florida Future 11 Stars from Georgia and Rorida get their chance to shine in Daytona FOOTBALL~ from page 12 defensive attack. the line of scrimmage. Dale Terrell The 51-yard attempt fell just With their last high-school The Georgia all-stars domi­ capped an 11-play, 70-yard drive short. One final flurry by Georgia football game now behind them, Lamarr Glenn, Magic Benton, nated what turned out to be a stag­ with a one-yard touchdown run. came up short, and the teams were these athletes can look forward Samari Rolle and and nant first half. The defense lim­ Immediately afterward, forced to kiss their sisters and settle to an equally successful coJle­ future Florida Gator Faimie ited Florida's offense to just 33 Florida tied the game by going 62 for a 10-10 tie. giate career. Richardson. yards. yards to set up a 33-yard field goal Green was named by USA A fumble by Florida's by Jason Walraven to tie it up. Today as the National Defensive Magic Denton led to a 13-yard Georgia retaliated and Lan­ Player of the Year. t<:mchdown scramble by quarter­ gley attempted a 60-yard field goal He showed why he earned back Hines Ward, who showed that just missed. Langley would, the accolades by earning the MVP definite similarities to a 1993 however, end the game as award after leading Florida in tack­ Reisman Trophy winner of the Georgia's MVP. • les with eight. same last name. On the next series, Florida · Georgia was Jed by· Parade Georgia kicker Dax Lan­ · receiver Magic Benton made an All-American running back gley added a record-setting, 55- incredible catch on third down George Lombard, quarterback yard field goal on the last play of and 19 to set up a field goal at­ Hines Ward, and wide outs Nafis the first half. tempt. first 20 Studel)ts get 10 free wiQgs every Tuesday Hite!! Darim and Steve Johnson. FSU Florida came out strong in Lamont Green would later $1 Drafts signers Demetro Stephens and the second half. They established go on to describe Benton as "the $1.50 ·Bud Lol)~l)ecks Sean Mitchell spearheaded the theirrunning game and controlled best pure athlet~ here." 25tWi~s 25( Oysters Sandberg shows class by bowing out, his sudden retirement shocks ·baseball · end his career like Willie Mays. that has earned him the fourth spot Mays was one of the best ever, but on the all-time homeruns for a ..I he insisted on continuing play with second baseman list. Not bad for ~THIS BUD'S the New York Mets and ended a someone who was just a throw-in ~fORYOU. brilliant career bumbling under in the 1982 Larry Bowa for Ivan On June 13th, baseball lost fl Y ba 11 s, Ja· d'mg th e memones· o f DeJesus blockbuster trade. 2699 Cassal Creek Blvd. one of its greatest second baseman hts. f amous b as ket-catc h t h atyears These memories don't in- Casselberry, Fl. 32707 andoneofthehestplayers to ever earlier filledtheheadsofaspiring elude the one for 28 slump wear a Chicago Cubs uniform. baseball players with a vision of Sandberg was in, or the fact that 407-767-8822 beauty sa·ndberg wasn't about to he was hitting a dismal .238-. 51 Offer valid with current student ID Ryne Sandberg shocked team- · mates and fans alike by announc- stay in baseball when he felt he no points below his career average. · h' ( t H ( . longer deserved the money or the On that Monday Sandberg mg d' I~ ~e lfemen , e ec ive Im- :. starting position. . didn'tjust give a le~son on how to me Y· . t ti b b I've never seen a finer ex- go out of baseball on top, he also ta~ 11 ore impor an Y• ase a amp 1e o f hum1 · ·1· 1ty t h an San db erg showed how. to be a father. He The Roommate Fixer... I os t one o f th e I as t o f a b ree d th a t . lk d b h. h' tellmg the media he felt he no ta e a out ow is children is few and far between in profes- · longer had the right to ask the would be going to college soon, si€lnal sports today. Sandberg is a Cubs organization and fans to pay and the fact that he wanted to player that values what he's ac- his salary when his performance spend time with them by being a complished throughout his career was falling short of full-time father before they left more than picking up a fat pay- his lofty expectations. Sandberg home. In a time when smiles are check every week. He was in the finishes his career ranking among rare for Sandberg, his children second year of a four-year, 28 the top 1O Cubs in eight maJ·or managed to plaster one on his face. million dollar contract and had offensive categories. That's how Their approval told him this was the opportunity to make up to Sandberg, a 10-time All St~ and the right thing to do. $5. I million this season. He de- Tired of living on top of your roommate? nine-timeGold Glove winner, de- The City of Chicago has cided however, that his dignity serves to be remembered. · suffered tremendous losses re- Reflections has the answer! We offer a spacious two was worth more than that. . ReflectionofSandberg'sca- cently. This was the second time bedro~m, two bathroom apartment with a split Hats off to Sandberg for reer conjures imag~s of him set- in eight months that the city has .floorplan. Two master suites, optional washer/dryer, going out on top like a true cham­ ting records for errorless games, lost a sports legen.d with the num­ pion. It would have been sad to and private balcony or patio make REFLECTIONS a and hitting homeruns at a pace ber 23 (just in case you're sports see Sandberg stick around and great place to call home. retarded, the other one was Michael Jordan). Both men went out like gentlemen, and neither should ~ ­ considered a cop out. Just in case $299 moves you in! thiscompajson is beginning to make yourmind wander, let Mr. Sandberg *Offer expires 7 /31/94 put a stop to that. "Basketball, Come by and visit our models- hockey, and football are out of the question." 100 Reflections Circle, Casselberry ( 407) 678-7555

ARBOUR VILlAGE APARTMENTS n600 Mac.Kay Blvd., Orlando, FL 32826 • 282-7333 . STUDENT MOVE IN SPECIALS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT HOMES • Private Clubhouse • ·Breakfast bars • 2 pools & sauna • 25 acres of wooded atmosphere • Complete ·fitness center • Generous closet space • • Sand volleyball court • Window coverings • Lighted tenrus court • Fully-equipped kitchens • Lighted basketball court • Minutes from UCF • 2 laundry facilities • Laser bus right to school • 24-hour emergency maintenance Directions: From University Blvd., OFFICE HOURS: turn right on Alafaya Trail, on the right. Or from H~. 50 (east), tum M-F 9-6; SAT. 10-4; left on Alafaya Trail, on the left. SUN.12-5 The Central Florida Future June 22, 1994 Irish sweat it out as Dutch practice at UCF by ANDREW VARNON Staff writer

The big story last week was the shock­ First came the Irish looking for the ing news out of Los Angeles about O.J. heat. They complained when they got rain. Simpson. They complained when it boiled off, and they After a bizarre road chase and stand got the sweat they were looking for. Still, off, Simpson was finally arrested and charged everyone seemed to like the Irish, throughout with two counts of homicide for killing his Seminole County and elsewhere. ex-wife and a 25-year-old male that was also From the affable Coach Jack Charlton at her residence. O.J. Simpson was a weJl­ to the carousing band of singing fans who liked and charismatic sportscaster and actor, follow his national club fro~ pitch to pitch or and to think that he could commit such a pub to pub, the Irish seem to radiate a frolick­ heinous act seems inconceivable. • ing confidence. In baseball last week, t}1e big news was The one game that Ireland will play in the surprising retirement of the Chicago Cub's Orlando will be against Mexico, who recently Ryne Sandberg. At least he did the honorable played Northern Ireland in a friendly match. thing; he could've kept leaching the Cubs out Asked what he thought about the match, of millions for a few more seasons, but he Charlton complemented the Mexicans, but chose not to. didn't seem overly_ serious about scouting Also in baseball, Ken Griffey Jr. tied them. Babe Ruth's old record of 30 home runs "We'll have another good look at them before June 30th. Ruth did it twice, in 1928 before we play them," he said. "But basically and 1930. I saw what I wanted to see. ." In hoops news the NBA has tempo­ About his team's first competition, the rarily rejected the sale of the Minnesota Italians, Charlton was all compliments. Timberwolves to Top Rank Boxing of Loui­ "Everyone knows the Italians can be siana. the best team in the world on a given day," . The rejection needs to be ratified later Charlton said. "They have tremendously gifted this month by the Board of Governors. This players. They are a great country .... You action could provoke a long court battle. don't need me to tell you that. You've seen Orlando Magic assistant coach Bob them play. Yoti don't win three World Cups Hill is being consider~d for open coaching if you' re second rate." positions around the league. New Jersey and Although their coach talks like a man Portland are a couple of the teams that are buying you a drink at a bar, the Irish playing expressing interest. Bob Hill was coach of the style shows little respect for their opposition. · Indiana Pacers until last year when he was The Irish don't play cautious ball, waiting for . SOLARES/Future fired and picked up by the Magic. opportunities to drop in their lap. They come Holland-teammates Aaron Winter(right) and superstar forward Dennis Also in coaching, former San Antonio straight at their opponents with aggressive . Bergkamp prepar~d last W:ednesday for World Cup action at the UCF field. Spurs coach John Lucas has taken over as defense and a lot ofEnglish-sty le longballing. coach and General Manager of the struggling The Dutch team, who followed the The Dutch also had a few things to say One weekend i~to the tournament, Ire­ 76'ers. Irish to Orlando, take their Jjsks in a slightly about our June weather here in Orlando. land is riding on an emotional wave after its 1- In some lone NFL news, the New York different manner. "You can only go full for about a half­ 0 upset over Italy. Kissimee guests Morocco, Giants unexpectedly cut veteran quarterback The Netherlands' team playa with one hour in the heat," said team captain Ronald who defeated the Orlando Lions in a friendly . Simms became yet another vet­ forward more than most teams in the World Koeman. "You can't play 100 i}ercent for a 6-0, lost to Ormond Beach's Belgium squad eran to fall victim to the salary cap, the Giants -Cup, two more than others. The gamble is that full match. We'll never get used to it, but at the Cit~s Bowl Sunday by a score of one couldn't fit his $2.5 miliion salary under the they play with one less defender, and in some compared to yesterday, it's already better." goal to too many missed opportunities .. cap. cases, also one less midfielder. · ·. The Netherlands are known for their The American boys managed a 1-1 tie On the local football scene, the 10th With the Fort Lauderdale Strikers as brilliant playmakers, dating back to the leg­ on the power ofEric Wynalda's right-foot dip­ annual Florida-Georgia High ~chool All­ sparring partners, the Dutch system worked endary John Cruyuf. per. The American team'stjeearned it one point Star game ended in a tie. Both times the game fine as they romped, 7-1. Although highly-touted Ruud Gullit in the World Cup scoring system, whereas a has been played away from the Citrus Bowl However, the baJI spent almost all its quit the team before the tournament because victory would have earned them three. it's ended in a tie. Georgia jumped out to an tiine where the Dutch threw their extra for­ of a dispute with Coach Dick Advocaat, the The next game at the Citrus Bowl will early 10-0 lead, however Florida calne back ward anyway, .so that probably doesn't indi­ Dutch are hoping Dennis Bergkamp can cre­ be the Ireland-Mexico match this Friday af­ strong with 10 points of their own in the cate much. ate the oppurtunities they need to win. ternoon. second half to end the game in a tie. In the exciting world of soccer, the Irish team upset the Italian team in an action­ Rorida, Georgia battle to 1()..10 in annual showdown packed 1-0 World Cup thriller. The Ameri­ by SEAN De VANEY on each team's roster was an all-state selec­ Many of these players will be playing can team managed only a tie against the Staff writer tion. on. the same college teams. Florida State Swiss teaml-1 last Saturday afternoon. The game provides a chance for thyse University wi11 be raking in the most talent Finally, in boxing last week, after a The finest football players from players to measure their talent agaJnst q ual­ with 11 players heading to Tallahassee, miracle healing at the hands of Orlando's Florid.a and Georgia gathered in Daytona ity competition. It's a preview of what they with six a piece going to the University of own Benny Hinn, Evander Holyfield said he Friday for the 10th annual Florida-Georgia will face later this year when they begin Georgia and Auburn. Five other all-star wants back in the ring. Boxing regulatory High School All-Star game. Every player college play as freshmen. talents wiJl·be playing for the Florida Gators agencies irisist on hard medical proof before and Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets once letting Holyfield box again, but a recent next season rolls around. medical exam confirmed that Holyfield' s Defensive back Antoine Alexander heart has made definite improvements. from Jacksonville's Mandarin High School, Also in boxing, Riddick Bowe has who participated in this all-star game on signed to fight Lennox Lewis sometime in special teams, will be playing for UCF's either November or December for the WBC Golden Knights next season. HeavyweightChampionship belt. Back when The high school all-star game has Bowe used to be the undisputed heavyweight never had trouble finding young talent. champion, he threw the WBC belt into the Former participants who have since found trash rather than fight Lewis. Looks like stardom after playing in the "border war" Bowe's now the one digging through the game include Charlie Ward, Marvin Jones, trash. Garrison Hearst, Sammie Smith and Der­ On a sad note, last week in Indiana, rick Brooks. AH of them, with the excep­ Judge Gifford denied Mike Tyson an early tion of Jones, also managed to walk away release from prison. Tyson did improve his with the all-star Most Valuable Player reading level from a fourth to a 12th grade award. level, but his failure to get his diploma hurt This year's talent was as deep as ever. his chances. Tyson will apparently remain in DeVANEY /Future Florida was Jed by FSU signers Lamont Green, jail until May 1995. Florida Magic Benton pulls the old disappearing act as he That's aJI for this week, kids. sprints past Georgia defensive back Jason Bray and a levatating Jeff Smith See FOOTBALL, page 11