University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 6-22-1994 Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 36, June 22, 1994 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 36, June 22, 1994" (1994). Central Florida Future. 1237. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1237 UCF hosts practice game for Dutch World Cup team- Sports, pg. 12 Central Florida Future WUCF off ·air until Druggies of the '90s • FCC gives an·OK Drugs are Pricier now, but still have a niche by ALYCIA SEVERSON testing in what has been a long, by JORGE ALVAREZ marijuana, cocaine Staff writer involved process," Manuez­ Staff writer and other drugs. Cuadra explained. "When deal­ And last Janu­ If you recently tuned in to ing with bureaucratic institutions What do The Beatles, ary, the most recent 89.9 WUCF-FM and only heard like the FCC, it has taken some Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Den­ University of Michi­ % *&@)*z! - static, then be as­ groups up to 10 years to get ap­ nis Hopper and William S. gan study found that sured you are not missing·the sig­ proval." Burroughs have in common? after a decade of de­ nal. WUCF is, once again, t~mpo­ Indeed, it has been a long They all did some of their cline, drug use among rari ly off air. process for the radio station. most memorable (some would high-school students · In an effort to get the new 40 WUCF has been trying to increase say best) work as a direct result was again increasing. kilowatt antenna installed and the power of its signal for the pa~t of drug use. If these artists had Researchers claimed working at full capacity, WUCF eight years. The station originally not had a "drug phase," we may that marijuana use had has been intermittenly off and on applied for a 100-kilowatt signal never have had the landmark fisen sharply. They air· for the past in 1986 but did album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely also reported in­ month. ('" C not receive the Heart's Club Band, the vision­ creases in the use of T h e •• FCC's ap­ ary poem "Kubla Khan," the LSD, prescripti.on and station's general This is the last stage of proval at that most successful independent other drugs. man ager Jose testing in what has been time because film of the 1960s, Easy Rider, "We have the Manuez-Cuadra the strength of or the seminal novel Naked unenviable role of in­ said he was a long, involved such a signal Lunch. forming the country "very concerned process. would havein­ But these artists also felt that drug use is mak­ about the pos- terfered with the negative effects of drug use. ing a comeback, that sible loss of -Jose Maunez-Cuadra, other local ra­ Paul McCartney and John the epidemic could be some of the WUCF general manager dio stations. Lennon of The Beatles were de­ re-emerging," Lloyd · station's audi- After much de- tained or arrested various times D. Johnston, the chief photo illustration/Solares ence, but, there --==============:=. C~C~ liberation, in during their careers due to drug of the Michigan re­ A UCF student takes a pipe swat is nothing [the 1992, WUCF applied again for its possession. Coleridge's addic­ search project told and displays parephernalia. · station] can do about it." present 40 kilowatt signal and tion to opium hurt his writing. The New York Times. WUCF will be off air until won't get its final approval until Hopper's drug problems culmi­ If one browsed through the Smells Like Greeri Spirit," the Federal Communications sometime next week. nated with a stay in a psychiat­ latest issue of High Times, one where musicians like Kim Deal Commission gives the approval Meanwhile, program direc­ ric hospital. And Burroughs might think that drug use never (The Breeders), Gibby Haynes to operate at the increased power tors at the radio station are b.urst­ didn't publish Naked Lunch waned. The July issue of the drug (Butthole Surfers), Scott level. This final part of the ap­ ing with enthusiasm and anticipa- until he was 45-years-old and culture magazine hypes its 20th Hackwith (Dig), et al, praise proval process requires the radio ti on. was abte to kick a 15-year-long annivers~ry. It also includes ar­ the use of pot. station to shut down operations Wayne Parkins, musical di­ heroin addiction. ticles extolling the virtues of grow­ Despite the cheery drug and do more tests to insure 'that rector at WUCF, hopes to attract Most people aren't ing organic or hydroponic mari­ scene High Times depicts, there the strength of the new signal a larger audience with the new ground-breaking artists, yet ac­ juan'a and how the hemp plant can remains a harsh and often meets FCC standards for non-com­ variety of music on UCF in the cording to a University ofMichi­ save the old-growth forests in the deadly reality connected with mercial FM broadcasting. Afternoon as well as its many . gan research project, drug use northwest United States. Another drug use. Last Thursday in Se "This is the ·last stage of other diverse musical programs. peaked in 1985, when 37 mil­ feature is a special music section lion people admitted to using called "Rockers For Pot '94: See DRUGS, page A4 Will Miss UCF be Miss Florida? by ROSIBEL MONSERRATE Staff writer Vying for the tiltle of Miss Florida, Jennifer Alvarez will represent UCF when she competes in the Miss Florida Scholar­ ship pageannhis week. Alvarez, a senior majoring in physi­ cal therapy, was crowned Miss UCF on March 5. Her platform is to promote health care volunteerism in America. She be­ lieves that community service, especially by young people, will help relieve the health The 1994 World Cup kicked off (!t the Citrus Bowl on June 17 with care crisis. She is a member of the on­ Germany ~winning . against Bolivia, 1-0, and Spain tying with South campus organiz.ation Volunteer UCF. ' : . ··,:~ : •-# : t· · ~ ._, t.; Korea, 2-2.Tne24c0}Jntries Wiii compete in 52 games total, held in nine "We're very excited to have [Alvarez] cities accross \fle Unites States, ending in Los Angeles July 17. working for Volunteer UCF," said Kathy Above, Moroccan fans cheer for their team during Sunday's game Bond, assistant director for the organiztion . • against Belgium. ·Belgium won, 1-0. "She's making great strides." At right, ·f~~J:Ujkaard, midfielder for the Netherlands, signs Alvarez is establishing an Adopt-a­ autographs aftertiha,leam practiced at the field near the UCF Arena last Grandparent program and planning a health Wednesday. For more World Cup action, see page 12. photos/ARMANDO SOLARES See PAGEANT, page 3 News t-3 Opinion 4-5 Classified 6 Features 1-10 Sports 11-12 • • 2 June 22, 1994 The Central Florida Future • 0 Students attend conference of synthesizers and computers as well as nominations for its 1994 Environmental ticipate in the fourth annual WMMO MusiclnstrumentDigitallnterfaceSequenc- Public Service Awards. Applicants are Wekiva Riverfest until July 8. The event ing from July 18 through 29 from 8:30 a.m. asked to submit a 500-word summary with will be held on _the festival grounds near until 4:30 p.m. Details: 823-2864. supporting materials by July 29. Details: Weldva Marina on October 15 from IO (904) 385-1528. a.m. until 5 p.m. Details: 422-9890. 0 Music workshop and festival The UCF Music Department is hosting the 0 Law workshop 0 Alternative fuels American Matthay Association 36th An­ The Law School Advantage will hold a A research team from UCF and the Florida nual Workshop Course and Piano Festival workshop, designed to prepare students for Solar Energy Center are developing a blend from June 21to25. Lectures will be held at their first year of law school, from August of cleaner-burning hydrogen and methane the Canterbury Center near Oviedo, evening 1 through 4 at the Holiday Inn at the Tampa fuel. The team will present its findings at performances will be held in the UCF Visual International Airport. Contact: 1-800- the 10th annual World _Hydrogen Energy • Arts Auditorium. Costs: $150forentireevent, LA W-SCOL. Conference in Cocoa Beach, this week. $5 for evening recitals. Details: 823-2869. The conference is sponsored in part by ISAmembers 0 Wekiva Riverfest NASA and the U.S. Department ofEnergy, • 0 Environmental award WMMO is accepting applications from non- and seeks to explore ways to make hydogen Seven UCF International Stu- ..-------K_e_ep_F_lo_ri_d_a_B_ea_u_ti_fu_l_ , I_n_c._,_,i_· s_a_cc_e_pt_in_g_p_ro_fi_1t_en_v_ir_o_nm_en_t_al....::.g_ro_u.::...p_s w_i_sh_i_ng.::...t_o.::...p_ar_- _t_he_m_ai_n_e_ne_r_gy_so_u_rc_e_o_f_th_e_f_ut_u_re_. _ dent Association members at­ tended the Association ofln­ tern a tional Educators Na­ Get excellence in dentistry, and care you'll feel comfortable with. tional Conference in Miami I'm Dr. George Yarko, D.D.S., and I've provided the people • Beach from May 28 to June of Orl~ndo with the latest, safest dental treatments and $24 complete dental exam and consultation 4. coffifortable care for over eight years. And I'd like you (an $89 value) includes: to experience my personalized care, too.
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