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A—14 **WASHINGTON, D. U, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1940. Southern Enters Rose Bowl Grid Tilt Slight Favorite Over Tennessee

NOTE TO THE NEW YEAR -By JIM BERRYMAN Power MSSfe: ----— Choice Win, Lose or Draw Against Trojans By FRANCIS E. STAN. Versatility in At 8-7 Odds Casual Almanac for 1940 Now that 1939 has been embalmed properly In alcohol and honorably buried it is good high time our undivided attention was turned to 1940. We Bowl Yols shall now wash the eggnog bowl thoroughly, turn it over to drip dry, leave Sugar Over the icebag and Turkish towel on our head and look into the crystal: The scenery looks to be Florida’s. Gracious, it is Florida! There is Kimbrough Held Chief Host Team Uncle Clark Griffith, chewing on a cigar and wearing a topcoat and Superior muffler. Uncle Clark is looking over a rookie pitcher named Gilberto Hope of Texas Ags - In Weight, Man Power; Torres, a Cuban discovered by Scout Joe Cambria. v more stuff and finesse than the old “You Tulane Still “He’s got Ruffing,’’ says gent. Against (C\ W'-, f Cafego Enigma can quote me as a-saving this much about our pitching staff It'll be the By KENNETH GREGORY, RUSSELL surprise of the American League. Chase is due for a great year. Kra- By NEWLAND, Associated Press Sports Writer. A. P. Sports Writer. kauskas is due for a great year, too They're just like Walter Johnson used PASADENA, Calif., Jan. 1.—Down to be. They just don’t know how to pitch yet.” * fcEW ORLEANS, Jan. 1.—After l JuU, \ in the bottom of Rose Bowl today a Now the scene shifts. There are hills and the is a vast welcoming the New Year at oxnv^ backdrop night W^M couple of teams squared off to settle race track. Horses are walking onto the track. Thousands of bleary- spots in an old way, the burning question of the hour- eyed suckers are tapering off and betting on a colt named Bimelech to thousands of football fans headed £ ** does Tennessee play better football win the They're off! Bimelech is out in front! For a than Southern California, or vice Kentucky Derby. stadiumward today to see the big versa? mile Bimelech leads the field and then he is caught and passed. Another Sugar Bowl clash between two stal- VrvA, mAmxjwtCii After weeks of drum beatine. de- colt wins the Derby! His name is the glass becomes blurred. Anyway, wart gridiron machines—Texas A. ^ bate and relative It's another colt. We can't think of the name of another and M. and Tulane’s Green Wave. ^jjA argument over just eligible Fifteen thousand Texans and merits of the squads, some 92,000 fans into the stadium visitors from nearly every State in jammed big to find out for themselves. the Union were on hand to join the Tony Galento Answers Two Bells record crowd of 70.000 who will Pigskin jargon was the universal language of the day. Since the Another vision passes across the crystal bottom of the eggnog bowl. cheer the undefeated teams. The starts U. S. C. Trojans won the nomina- A ballplayer is sliding into a base. Now it's clear! The Browns and Ath- game at 1:15 p.m. (central standard time). tion and reached into the old South ... it must be the Browns and Athletics are a bitter letics waging hand an Clear and fairly crisp weather, to invitation to the Volun- battle for last place in the American League. Now there is a picture of j the with perhaps only slight cloudiness, teers, house of football found MacPhail. He has discarded his yellow and green sports coat. He itself divided over the Larry was forecast. An entertainment ^v*4^**rdV outcome of The Red Sox are the Is wearing mauve and buff, with pin stripes. leading program, featuring the Texas | the latest renewal of the oldest and Yankees American League race. Cleveland is second by a length and the Aggies’ 210-piece band and others, I ,m best known of the bowl classics. 8-7 Favorites. are third. The Red Sox finally win, with New York second and Cleve- was arranged for more than an hour °uf^. <*,<<'- Trojans ft a Unscored on in 10 land third. Washington is fifth. In the National League the St. Louis before game time. .\M games this last season and unbeaten in a string of Cardinals win by six games. Cincinnati seems to be second. Tulane Stresses Power. 23 games reaching back into 1937, Shh! Here is a fight scene. Fat Tony Galento is answering the bell Tulane’s Greenies. with a and big Tennessee had a remarkable record Joe Louis. Fat answers the second, too. There powerful line, behind which (the first) against Tony operates that nevertheless failed to impress such fleet-footed and backs Is no bell for a third round. This seems to take care of the heavyweight crashing the odds makers. Those who back as Bobby (the Jitterbug) Kellogg. situation for another year. their opinions with money, folding Harry Hays and Buddy Banker, was A celebrated mile runner from Germany visits the to or clinking types both acceptable, expected' to concentrate on power run in the second annual “mile of the century.” Glenn Cunningham is installed Southern California's tactics for the most part. The Wave chair for the occasion. Chuck Fenske comes twice-tied but undefeated team as helped out of his wheel has two fine teams, with Coach Red the favorite. The margin was back. There are the Rideout twins, each wearing elbow protectors and Dawson using the unit substitution slight, 8 to 7, or even with a three- hip pads in case of a traffic jam at one of the turns. The German wins plan. point drag for the Volunteers. tnai an is launciieu. nc is a sanva On the other hand, the Texas easily, so easily investigation given Poundage and numbers in the it is learned that he was Aggies, rated the Nation's No. 1 test, which proves nothing, but later promised matter of outstanding replacements but team, were to hand it to a dozen extra ration cards in the event he won. He is disqualified, expected were Southern California advan- the Greenies with "Jarring Jawn" rather than return to the Fatherland he disappears. Later he is found tages. These factors probably in- Kimbrough, that big 210-pound playing halfback on the West Coast. He is saving his earnings to put fluenced the thin layer of favoritism. crashing fullback, with his power- the Bund back on its feet. Tennessee's greatest halfback, house traveling supported by some George "Bad News" Cafego, pro- fancy short pass from which flips, vided a problem that could be solved Another Comeback Tulane may expect a lateral at The 'Biscuit Makes any only in the heat of battle. The un- time. A fellow who sayg his name is Mike Jacobs is looking for a handout certainty of his injured knee was "Our boys prepared for this about in Fairmont. W. Va. An ex-marine game sufficient to give the stanchest and talking promoting fights as if it were the toughest game they backer a case of Ihe creeps. He was named Heinie Miller is the new fistic czar ol New York, and some Con- have ever played." remarked Coach assigned to start, but the question gressmen with time on their hands are talking about investigating the Homer Norton of the Aggies, "and it was how long would his knee hold and it The National Association awards its racket cleaning up. Boxing is well they have. As I see it. Tu- ; out. annual convention to N. C. People still are trying to lane's vast reserve will us Fuquay Springs, power put Able replacements were on hand but Lowell still is all to a test we haven't had all make Harry Thomas talk. Harry doesn't, doing right. season.! in the persons of Buist Warren, slick You can't wear that crowd out.’’ Hist! Here is another vision. Games at Griffith Stadium passer, and Johnny Butler, broken- now frequently are starting at 8:15. Jimmy Wasdell is not playing first Aggies' Attack Varied. field-running specialist, but the base. Somebody else is on the bag It can’t be but it is! It is From Skipper Dawson came this mere presence of Cafego in a game last-minute Roberto Ortiz, whom the Nats sent to Charlotte last year to learn the comment: "The Aggies' j Bowl Rivals vs. was assurance of a substantial up- attack, built around all-America Orange Aims to Lick Climate East West lift for the team. outfielding trade. Wasdell has been shipped to Springfield to learn how Bergman Charity Kimbrough, is varied and they were Five thousand Tennessee followers to catch. In 1941 Griffith plans to bring him back to play third base. the best defensive club in the coun- were noisily confident that with or Here is something that seems to be a cloud. A thin, wisp of a cloud. to at El Paso try for 1939. Our boys have shown Likely Unwrap Bugaboo Today Grid Battle Today without Cafego their team would a rumor. A baseball trade rumor. Quiet, now, and we’ll try to No, it is fine spirit and well go into the break the spell the Trojans have Now it comes. It’s clear. The rumor is that Cecil interpret it. quite game in good physical condition ex- Use of held on the Rose Bowl—five pre- to Detroit for York. Now it’s By Frequent Subs Travis may be traded Rudy gone. cept for Halfback Bob Glass and the Surprise Packs Rated Toss-Up vious wins in that number of New it is a race track. In the background absence from of a Year Flash! Another vision. Again practice couple By WALTER McCALLUM, stay at Tempe. The other head- Day appearances. of I are mountains, covered at the peaks with snow. Eight horses are walking boys." Star Staff Correspondent. I lined climax performer for Tempe Defensively, the club Maj. Bob The Tech, Missouri ! Likelihood of Rain brilliant to the post. Another is being carried by a dozen assistant starters. probable line-ups: Georgia EL PASO. Tex., Jan. 1.—Over- is Hernandez. 145 pounds of shiftv- Neyland’s coaching built Pos. Texa* Aggies. Tulane Green Wave. a noble comeback. favorites to win the ball who has into an unscored-on power in 1939 The barrier goes up and Seabiscuit wins again in L E. H. Smith Bodney Both Use whelming hipped broken field runner, Puts Teams on Even May Running UULi CU1IV.CU 111“ XXUJtUl team in Uie A glamorous movie actress plants a floral wreath around the Biscuit’s L.T._Boyd _ White game. Catholic University's husky run up more than 600 yards of LG... Robnctt _ Dailey football team met the Border Con- pre-game size-up. On the offense hoss looks sad. When he was a little fellow on spindly legs and C. Vaughn _Mandich Instead of Air Game ground gaining against Tempe's op- Terms at 'Frisco neck. The Southern California outranked R G. Henke _ O Boyle ference team from in the late season. side, after birth the same w-as an championship ponents romping around on the farm shortly gal R T. Pannell _McCollum the other. By the Associated Press. Arizona State Teachers’ at Py the Associated Press. _ 3 3 i- — fUn WTn if* Lr c- n om nvoH Iricc vicitiniT RE. Wenzel College as usual, a Sterling_ Bergman, predicted Favor Q. B. Price _ Nyhan here in the sixth an- Weights Homeguards. MI AMT. Fla.. Jan. 1.—Observers Tempe today close game, with the team getting SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 1.—De- in 1922 for the still And call L.H. Moser _Kellopg were Rose Bowl warriors photographers. they of a nual The is Weights decidedly in favor R. H. Thomason Banker speculated on the likelihood game. game the breaks the winner. Howell, the spite the threatening skies, a near- (the 'Biscuit! old! PR Kimhrnnch fJlnripn the a of the homeguards. The U. S. C. him package full of surprises when the outstanding athletic event of Arizona coach, who used to cavort sellout crowd of 59.000 was expected Referee—Mr W E (Auburn*. i Arnold celebration in a line carried a 207-pound average Umpire Mr. Jimmie C. Hibbins ‘Southern Georgia Tech and Missouri teams week-long city gone around Griffith stadium for the Red- for the 15tn annual Shrine today onto Methodist* Head linesman. Mr. Harry mad with football fever and a little the field. Tennessee was much Galento Enlists as a Finnish Tank tome together in the Orange Bowl skins, cannot see anything but a East-West football game, a charity Viner (Missouri*. Field judge. Mr. Harry with its own as lighter at 196 pounds. Backfield Mouatt (Armour Tech). football game today at 2:15 P.M. dizzy importance victory for his Arizona boys. “It contest bringing together 44 hand- Now a lot of visions appear. They come quickly and go faster. the hub i poundage differences also were con- tEastern standard timet. of the Sun Carnival. Kick- isn't a question of who will win. picked college stars from all sec- Gerald Walker steals second base while George Case is on the bag. Two off time is 2 Mountain time, siderable. with the Trojans averag- It has been freely predicted that p.m. We ll win. It's only a question of tions of the country. j later Case him one better. He steals third while Bloodworth which is 4 o'clock time. ing 187 to 180 for the Volunteers. innings goes ooth teams would strike Washington the score." he said. That's new stuff chiefly The Eastern forces, well stocked Southern California was and Pofahl are the base. The winner of the Indianapolis 500- Seeks Third Here in this 3.800-foot altitude for a football coach, but Dixie hap- prepared occupying Maryland through the air, with Tech's midget with ball carriers and deadly speedy to throw three , one race sets a new record. He is racing a 1928 model car. Head Coach Bergman of Catholic pens to double as a ball player. mile Johnny Bosch matching pitches passers, were the favorites a couple after And not another, at the opposition. are still in and Alice Marble remains the most popular blond University plans to lick the bugaboo ball players notoriously are Shorts style sgainst Missouri's bomber, of days ago. but the probability of This phase of a of short breath and shov- violets. gridiron strategy Clark Griffith locks himself in his office and plots Successive Paul Christman. height by shrinking a feminine athlete. Victory rain made the game toss-up. worked Southern California into the International more ing in substitutes as soon as a player The visitors from Brookland have move to stop the Newark Bears, who keep winning the Ergo: What would be logical Last year the West struck twice bowl. If Grenville Lansdell failed :han to cross the and run begins to lag. For the altitude gets been installed as 10 to 7 favorites, League pennant. Joe Cambria is fined twice in July by Judge Landis, who up enemy through the air to win, 13 to 0. This to turn on the momentum, with the ball? visiting athletes down here. ‘‘Visi- with few takers. For Catholic Uni- scaring Clemson time the East coaches, Kerr Ambrose Schindler or is wearing the same hat. Against tors from the lowlands need Andy Doyle have really versity the game is their second big of and Bemie Bierman loses a game and Alonzo Stagg is named as the new Mentors May Be Kidding. Calgate of usually managed to find the com- Maj. Neyland 10 days or more to become accli- post season contest in four years. in three and Ill loud tones all last week Coach Minnesota, are armed with passers bination. the scoreless tie with the coach of Tennessee. Georgetown loses its first game years Invade Tomorrow mated,” said one sports authority The Cardinals licked in Tigers Bill Alexander of Tech reiterated his Mississippi of their own and a defense against University of California at Los An- 6ome New York alumni want to pay off Jack Hagerty and get somebody today. "The athletes don’t feel it at the Miami Orange Bowl game of :remendous respect for Christman, Western aerial trickery. geles being the single exception. else. A German tennis player, jailed, tries to hang himself in his cell, To Start Week first, but they begin to drop after 1936. Tough fn Alexander had all the Nave was the hero of the Rose practice tiic ni.'it ici ui turn West Has Edge in Weight. belt hurts his neck. One of Uncle Sam's top amateur netmen turns qutu tilt* So but the boys, and Bosch, throw- the big hurdle for the Brook- Bowl a year when his For Colonial Five particularly don’t know But has The West has a ad- ago, passes and Landis is as the man why.” Bergman landers is altitude and shortness of decided weight in his expense account supplanted highest paid ing the bah around. Yet it is known to A1 turned almost cer- % team three in all Ten of the 22 on the Krueger the Finnish as a tank. virtually deep breath. Bergman was all set to toss vantage. boys in sports. Galento joins Army in as tnat Teen very effectively used run- tain defeat into a 7-to-3 victory over Seeking Its third triumph positions, with a flock of substitutes roster are up in the 220 s and 230's. abandons football and opens checker relations with the ning plays after fake passes during a couple of new scoring plays at Duke in the last 40 seconds. Pittsburgh many starts, the University of Mary- crazy to get in there and do or die If rain should hamper the Western Krueger a under A1 the season. Tempe, but he wouldn't discuss also was on hand University of Chicago. Maryland goes through grid campaign land basket ball team returns to ac- regular for dear old Brookland, D. C. Co-coaches Babe Hol- again today, am- them except to say that if they passing game, declines to hire or fire as official coach. a It isn't likely, however, that Coach bitious to carve himself another Woods, whom President Byrd tion tonight at , facing to See Son lingbery and Biff Jones can turn Don Faurot of Missouri will be Guyon Play. worked they were touchdown plays. piece of fame. Hist! Tire is becoming blurred. We see hey, are you sure Clemson five which still is deemed to such runners as Olie crystal In the stands as a colorful El Paso Both teams use a modified Notre powerhouse the absence of :aught napping there. Probable starting line-ups: the was off the bottom? dangerous despite Cordill of Rice. Frank Emmons of eggnog scraped "Don't he said, "that this crowd jammed all seats and stood at Dame system, stressing compara- Pos. Tennesseee. U S C Banks McFadden. its man, who forget,’’ L E.. key and Oregon. Ray Hare of Gonzaga and ..Cifers _ Fisk Bosch can run with the the top and sides of the bowl of the tively light backs placing the was with the loy ball, b- -Stoecker playing Tiger gridders accent on and "Kay Eakin of Arkansas. L. J-Clay too.” Texas College of Mines, a mile away speed deception, G-Molinskl _ Smith in the Cot- C Hike against College from the center of the was rather than sheer bulk. took one and -Dempsey If both teams choose to try passes, city, Injuries possibly two R. G. Suffridge_ Sohn ton Bowl today at Dallas, Tex. R. T.-Shires Joe the old Tech The lineups and from the -- Gaspar Clemson's Banks McFadden the running may be something to Guyon, Georgia weights: players Western ranks. Triumphant by top-heavy scores Pos. Catholic U Arizona. R.E-Coleman _Winslow and Carlisle all-America, come from Bob Smith, Oregon is out B. lehold. Christman, although he L. E. Shine (178) Andrews (170) halfback, Q. Batholomew _Lansdell over Western Maryland and Ran- L. H. B. Arizona to see his son Joe, L. T.. Conlen (200) McConnell (215) wiui a aum gusu. Cafrao Hoffman earned his fame passing, is a runner nearby uiyae teuiiaog) R. H. dolph-Macon, Maryland was expect- L. G. Sabo (1801 Sanserino (185i B. Foxx Robartson Threat to Boston if no mean Missouri jr„ play football for the last time. Turner, 225-pound Hardin-Simmons F. B Coffman Peoples Chief also C. .White (1721 Green ability. (1011 its first stiff test from the Officials: Referee—L. G. ing Joe, jr., halfback on the Catholic F.O. Calabrese (185) Riggs (101) center, has a Turner Conlan (St. :an turn loose Dick Gale, Bill Cun- charleyhorse. Mary's). Umpire—H. W. Sholar «.i»u waa iui an R. T. C. Pirro (170) Anderson (101 I (Presby- i-igfia xuvsiwiig team, is a senior and is see some but terian). Head ningham, one of the most powerful University R. E. Carrie (170) Shainblre (105) might action, Johnny linesman—George Gardner indication of how much to expect (Georgia Tech). in Cotton Bowl lacks in the Six, and others. playing his last game of college Q. B. Sachon (losi Ruth (103) Schiechl, Santa Clara, likely is in College from sensa- Big L. H Moutenot (175) Davis (1051 Charley Weidinger, football. So are 14 other Cardinals. for a 60-minute at Tech can call on the whirling R H. Brostek (175) Ybarra (182) job the pivot spot. me Associaieu r-itraa. Ui UO VUUUM11 VllOl v ivuuinv, tional thus far this season against F. B cy icj Howard Ector, Outstanding stars of the two R. Pirro (201) Pitts US.'l) Steve Sitko of Notre Dame has Also Golf Ace who astonished formidable foes. Bosch, driving Bobby Officials: Referee—Coutchie (Illinois). Codings DALLAS, Jan. 1.—Boston College a 153-pound Irisher. teams which faced each other with the as Eastern Pair, a sprinter, Bobby Beers and Umpire—Katkman (St. Louis). Head opening assignment Albert crack of that fans in the East with his Clemson will invade Washington no on linesman—Mr. Phillips (Texas Field Collings, wingman and Clemson, a couple of teams amazing several others. weight advantage either side ig signal caller, probably with George record—71 and 31 tomorrow night, stacking up against Judge—Mr. Van Surdam (Wesleyan). the New York Rovers of the Eastern missed national gridiron greatness pass flips comple- were Rocco Pirro, the high-scoring So the battle is a Stirnweiss of North Carolina at left With Tropical Park conducting joined, with team that Amateur is amateur of tions for 556 That’s talking the improving George Washington fullback of Catholic has come 2,100 mlies and is not ac- halfback Hockey League, by a combined total eight points, j yards. ts in the a line-plunging and George McAfee of outfit at Tech at 8: SO racing morning, capacity climated. on the heavy of the odds, golf champion of the Province of off in the fourth re- language. High gym University, and Pete Sachon, the a team Duke at square today irowd of 38,600 was predicted for against that is acclimated and right half. The East men- Manitoba. the Cotton Bowl classic. o'clock. The Colonials face tough , whose booming punts, only has traveled a few hundred miles. tors had to newal of Clemson, co-champion of the the with clear weather. is choose between Ben | in the next week, game, cool, My guess that it will be a low-scoring estimated 30.000 will sit in a sledding meeting averaging better than 45 yards In the game, with the Cardinals Kish of An Southern Conference, looked like The probable starting lineups: winning by Pittsburgh and Ed Boell of Georgetown Saturday night and C. U. schedule, were to 3 points. cool, clear weather to witness a game million even in losing to mighty ’os. Missouri. Georgia Tech. expected New York University for the full- Former Colonials into the Bradley j.E_Bud Ison drive Dixie Howell’s lads back to- Toiling between a Southern power that lost Tulane, 6-7. bumping powerful Orl_ back job. .i.T_Wetzel _ Wood Davis Osborne, former to Tulane and an East- Tech here next Monday. ward their goal and keep them there, George only mighty j.G_Waldorf _ Cavette Proceeds Go to Hospital. The weather seemed pretty well Two Germanns in Game Washington basket ball now team but for an Elmer Ripley's Georgetown team I_Moser_Wright and Wayne “Ripper” Pitts and Joe Proceeds star, tern that, early- suited to both teams—not too from the game go to the hot, t.G_Crocker _ Aderhold is an insurance while Jack tumble before Florida. 7-0, will return to practice tomorrow in Hernandez of Tempe, as they call Mike Germann, handsome wing- Shrine agent, season not too cold, although it favored t.T_Haas _L Lackey Hospital for Crippled Chil- for the Colonials. Vic- 1.E_Bob Orf_Webb the Arizona team here. Pitts, the man of the Washington Butterworth, another ex-Colonlal would be ranked with the top clubs either team. preparation Eagles, dren. Last year's game netted $60,- Clemson if it did _ torious in two of three before S.B_Christman Murphy son of a at a little Eastern Amateur court flash, is teaching school in of the country. games j.H_Starmer_ Bosch postman way Hockey League 000. The has received more had the heavier hospital Orponn Boston Colege for the season, _ station in Arizona, is 183 of entry, has a The drawing power of the game, disbanding holiday t.H_Notowitz Pair pounds brother, Vince, per- than a half million dollars from team, averaging about 194 pounds the will invade ^.B.,_Cunningham _ Ector fullback with the however, is Banks McFadden, the Hoyas Philadelphia Referee--Mr. T G. Kain (Georgia). line-bucking, smashing forming Philadelphia the annual contest. to 189. Its margin in the line was for an with with a here on Ramblers of the 6tringbean all-American from Clem- Friday night argument Jmpire—Mr. Dwight Ream (Washburn! mighty reputation International- The West has won 8 of the 14 7 pounds, but in the backfield Clem- but it is the G. W. scalp jinesman—Mr. B. M. Hackney, ir. (North the border. He has turned down American Both son. This 180-pound youngster, who Temple, larolinal. Field judge—Mr. Parke Car- League. play right games played. One was a tie. son held the edge by 6 pounds are two or three other football bids to does everything, including run the they particularly seeking. oil (Kansas City!. wing. Probable staring (kick-off around. lineups Country Gentlemen on the field, is 2p.m„ P. S.T.): the principal reason Clemson rates Some 1,500 or 2,000 followed Clem- Pok. East. West son here. them was Gov. r ?-,NotLe Dame)..Ivy (Okla.) a betting favorite. Among L.T.-Kolman iTemple)..Artoe (Calif.) But Boston College is quite proud Burnet R. Maybank of South Caro- Doomed—Machine to Record Balls and Strikes -Turner (Holy Cr.) Poole (S. C.) C. -Haman (N'w'n) lina, who arrived Umps .Schiechl (S. C.) by plane early R.O-McGee (Temple) Beezley (K. S ) today. The band of 85 members By BILL WHITE, for his Wichita tourney, and if We hear the answer is definitely ver Post, boomed last week as the R.T-Pedersen (Minn.).Stubler (S. C.) and the drill of 43 from Ptnchhittlng for Eddie Brietz. you die in 10 years, your estate “yes.” The National League’s Nation's best. Nice Doc. or platoon going, _ Andersen (Stanford) Facts and Clemson rolled into town NEW YORK, January 1 (4>).— gets the original price. If you baseball film is so good it was stars: Messrs. RE-Stulgaitis (Col.)__Anahu (S. C.) Figures yesterday. Today’s guest Q 8-Sitko to die of heart failure at shown four times the other (Not. D.)_Favor (Okla.) The Southern Methodist University Incidental intelligence: Last min- manage night Barker, Fullerton, Robertson, L.H-Stirnweiss (N. C.)..Eakin (Ark.) Rose Bowl Band will for Boston ute bowl odds—Texas Ags 6-5 over a tourney game, your folks’ll get in the Manhattan area. You can Martin, or On play College. Talbot, Brietz, Boni, Cahill (Holy Cross) Massachusetts sent about Tech over see it nearest et the Associated Press. 1,000 Tulane, ditto Georgia $5,000. by contacting your Bailey, Fedder al., saying ‘‘a , R.H-McAfe (Duke)_Cordill (Rice) By F.B-Kish fans, but the Governor was unable Clemson 13-10 over Bos- National League office. If Okie new (Pitt.)_Emmons (Oreg.) PASADENA, Calif., Jan. 1.— Missouri. happy year.” or to attend. ton and Southern Cal 11- Note to all Get out Joe Hernandez runs wild in the Boell (N. Y. U.) on the 25th con- College umpires: Facts and figures Mr. Bob Evans (Mil- Probable line-ups: 10 over Tennessee. The Thomas your social security cards, boys, Sun Bowl, the reddest faces will Golden is ..Officials—Referee. secutive Rose Bowl football game: gloves boxing getting liken). Umpire. Dr. Albert Boles (Minne- Pos Boston College. Clemson. In Wichita a be in home of the sota). Head Mr. unde- Smith, jr„ of Tennessee who the the end is in sight. Norman, Okla., so popular nobody’ll be surprised linesman. Lloyd Yoder Opponents—Tennessee, L. E_Harrison _ Blalock (Carnegie Tech). Field judge. William on a U. L. T_Manao _ coast will see in the Rose Bowl is is to reg- O. Sooners. They passed up if form a six feated, untied, unscored upon in Fritts guy working plan they big league Kelly (Chicago). L. G_Schowtaer _ Moorer a of Gen. J. F. Howell ister balls and strikes—with a Okie, a home town boy, a grand with Kansas City, Oklahoma 10 games, and the University of C_Gladchuk_Sharpe grandson R. the U. C. V. in machine. Jack tennis back, whose is an O. U. pro- St. Louis, as Southern California, undefeated G_Kerr_Tisdale who represented Harris, pro papy City, Omaha, etc., R. T_Yauckoes _ Hall the before the North- back from fessor. Wilson (Doc) Walker members. Manager Dick Porter Carbeau Is Experienced but twice tied in nine games. R. E_Goodreault_Black parade promoter, England, B_Tocaylowskl_Payne Alice Marble's tennis at Wim- writes that his of the baseball club Bert new coach of the Attendance—92.000 Q. South game in Montgomery. Ray says forecasting per- Syracuse Corbeau, spectators. L. H_O'Rourke _ McFadden baseball bledon last summer made the ex- for the still is catching bouquets for the Atlantic City Sea Gulls of the East- Probable gate receipts—$300,000 R. H_Ananis _Bryant Dumont, the semi-pro centage F. B_Cignetti _ Timmons has into the life in- all about Lenglen and Times-Trib has varied between way he handled his pitchers. ern Amateur Hock League, was a (unofficial). Referee—Paul N Swaffleld (Brown). biggie gone perts forget the old £22 and .888 for the last 18 Latest to hail him is Frank former star with the Montreal time—2:15 o'clock (Pa- Dmpire—Sam H. Sanders (Texas A. and surance business—for 100 smack- Moody. Is Ernie Quigley, Kickoff Frank B. Moon (Ne- M ). Linesman—Dr. ers can a lifetime ticket ’em on hie alrshow? years, which beats out the Den- Shaughnessy, league prexy. Canadians.' cific standard time). braska). Field Judea—A. B. Curtis (Texas). you buy ump, wowing * ( L A k * A