Cisco—A city witn all the requis­ The Cisco Daily Press ites of industrial and commercial development—five lakes of water Is the Official Paper —three railroads ; enormous gas field; electric power, federal for the City of Cisco and state highways; ideal central T h e Cisco d a i l y P r e s s location; miles of paved streets. AND THE CITIZEN-FREE PRESS and CISCO CITIZEN

VOLUME VI. Member of the Associated Press CISCO, TEXAS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1935 (AP) Means Associated Press NUMBER 4 BRITAIN ★ * ★ * * * * * READY* ★ ★ * TO ★ ATTACK ★ * ★ * ★ ★ * * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ‘ Peak of Appropriation Reached Says FDR

Three-Man Liquor Control Board For Texas Through the CAN LOOK TO JAPS BLAMED PROPOSED OIL Editor's IECREASE IN FOR N. CHINA EMBARGO IRES Spectacles DEFICIT, SAYS SEPARATION ITALIAN DUCE By GEORGE Nippon Is Evasive in Although the Abilene football Substantial Achieve­ France Warns She Will team swamped the Cisco Lobo ment Is Reported to Reply to Western Back England “Un­ team at Abilene Thursday after­ Powers’ Queries noon, the Abilene band was a Georgia Crowd reservedly” poor second in - showing to the BULLETIN Cisco band, spectators who watch­ ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 29. (JP) — (By Associated Press) TOKYO, Nov. 29. (JP) — ed the two school organizations President Roosevelt today told the Informed official sources at parade at the half declared. The Georgia “homecoming day” crowd Japan officially told Great Britain today she would not Rome today said that Italy was Abilene band had more instru­ that the government had passed ready to attack the British Medi­ accept responsibility for ments but their training, playing the “peak of appropriation,” and terranean fleet if the League of North China developments. and marching was much inferior announced that substantial Nations imposes the oil embargo. She said the autonomy move­ tc the Cisco band. The locals made achievement of the administration From official quarters it was ment was Chinese and spon­ a smart appearance as they per­ employment goal had been reach­ reported that France had advised taneous. formed a series of intricate drills, ed. “We can look forward to a Italy that France would back led by their drum major, Miss decreasing deficit, as things stand Great Britain unreservedly if (By Associated Press) Jewel Ely, by the way, is show­ today, and in the light of definite Mussolini does anything “desper­ China today made the accusa­ ing the boy drum majors of the and continuing economic im­ ate” in the Mediterranean. It was tion that the Japanese army was district how drum majoring provement, we have passed the reported that Premier Laval gave largely responsible for the North should be done. I nominate her peak of appropriation revenues, into the British demand for action China autonomy movement. Jap­ all-district. without the imposition of new After more than 16 years of on the oil embargo proposal. an made denial of the accusation, * * * taxes, are increasing.” prohibition in Texas, sale of Ethiopian officials are quoted and simultaneously Japan is re­ The boys of the Cisco Volun­ Repeating his determination to alchoholic beverages has been as saying that they recaptured ported to have answered evasive­ Fairness to Old Two Big Projects teer Fire department are eager the dole, the president said legalized. The regulatory act Walwal, near the Italian Somali­ ly the queries of representatives this year to repair toys for poor 3.125.000 individuals are off the will ' be administered by a land border. of western nations, notably Great kids. If some Cisco organization relief and were working last Wed­ three-member board and an Britain, regarding Japan’s plans Folks Promised To Be Initiated Ethiopian confirmed Rome dis­ will provide the slight cost of nesday. administrator. Left to right: in North China. patches saying the Italian bomb­ purchasing paints, nails, etc., He said orders have already D. B. Benson of Bowie, chair­ ing squadrons wrought destruc­ In a note of protest China said needed in the repair of the toys, been issued for the remainder of By Pension Chief man and “dry” member; D. by Laguna Hotel tion on Daggahbur, an important the department will be only too 3.500.000 employables to go to that “ disgruntled elements act­ J. Dechard of Flatonia; ad­ fortress between the Italian work. ing in connivance with Japanese glad to devote its idle time to AUSTIN, Nov. 29.—“We are go­ ministrator C. R. Miller, for­ Between $2,000 and $3,000 will southern armies and Jijiga and “ fixing up” playthings that are He compared the financial con­ officers” planned the separation ing to be fair to the old people of merly of Electra, and Joe W. be spent by the. Laguna hotel in Harar. Ethiopia said many wo­ ditions today and in “those fools’ move. contributed by more fortunate Texas.” said the new pension Williams of Port Arthur. (As­ remodeling shower baths through, men and children had been killed, paradise years before the crash.” families. The cost of paint, tacks, chief this week. sociated Press photo). out the hotel, contract for which but no soldiers. “We were insolvent then,” he nails, and the inevitable materials W . K. Johnstons Are Orville S. Carpenter, 36-year- has been let to Truscoin Lava­ The American naval delegation said, “today we are solvent.” for repair of toys is so slight that old state auditor, was named ex­ tories company of Houston, Man­ prepared to sail tonight for Lon­ any group like the Rotary or Back From El Paso ecutive director of the old-age ager Dallas F. Wales „ announced don for the December 9th confer­ Lions club ought to be willing to assistance board, November 20, by CLIPPER AT today. Wales said that in so far ence, carrying a mandate to op­ donate it. Those who have toys W. K. Johnston, former Cisco the new three-member commis­ as possible local labor and ma­ pose an increase in naval costs. to give to the cause may either LOBO BAND grocer, and Mrs. Johnston have sion. He will resign as auditor terials will be used in this work. A rigid censorship of news dis­ bring them to the fire depart­ returned from El Paso where Mr. and take .up his new duties when The project, said the manager, is patches, prohbiting sending out ment or to the Daily Press office MANILA TODAY Johnston spent several months re­ the pension law becomes effec­ one of two large ones which have information of the Italian military where they will be taken care of. * * * TO BANQUET cuperating from an illness. They tive February 14. been under consideration by the moves and the publication of the were brought to Cisco by Judge MANILA, P. I. Nov. 29. (JP) hotel company for some time. The commanders’ names, has been The Cisco beer business insti­ “ We are going into the matter S. J. Isaacks and his daughter, The China Clipper, four minutes other project, which is scheduled clamped down by the Italian ar­ tutions are in a quandary of “ du­ The annual banquet for the carefully. I am studying the pen­ Miss Maude, of El Paso who went late on the first trans - Atlantic to be started within a short while, my chief. Correspondents will be biety and doubt.” The ruling of Cisco Lobo band will be held on to Fort Worth to see the TCU - sion systems of other states that airmail flight in history, alighted is the installation of an individual held responsible. the state supreme court that wet the roof garden of the Laguna SMU game Saturday afternoon. have pension laws,” he said. on Manila bay today amid wild power plant for the hotel. Plans areas cannot legally exist in dry hotel this evening at 7:15. Victor Wade, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. acclaim. are now being drafted for this counties had thrown the status of Lawson, band president, will pre­ Mr. Carpenter probably knows Johnston, was here today from The enthusiasm of the thous­ purpose, he said. uncertainty over their license, al­ side. more about pensions than any ands swarming the bay and wat­ the University of Texas to spend Work upon the shower bath re­ though it was voted by the people The roof garden will be decor­ other man in the state. At request erfront caused the Clipper’s fail the weekend with his parents. modeling project is scheduled to of the city two years ago. The re­ ated in black and gold, the colors ure to land exactly on time, com­ ------o------of Governor Allred, Mr. Carpen­ get under way within the next 30 solution submitting the 3.2 beer of the band. Band members and pleting its 8,000 mile hop from ter made a survey in September days, Wales said. All baths which amendments to the now-repealed their “dates” and ex-band mem­ . Numerous small craft have developed defects or leakage prohibition amendment to the bers and their “dates” are invited Tax Experts to on the “Cost and General Plan on the surface of the bay caused FORT WORTH, Nov. 29.—Hogs will be put in first class condition. state constitution provided that; to attend. for Old-age Pensions.” This was the Clipper to proceed cautiously —Receipts 700, including 110 di­ where a county as a whole voted | W. J. Leach, chairman of the prepared for the legislature, and The first letter delivered was rects. Market on truck hogs 10c against legalization of the sale of band committee, will be the prin­ Aid Schools in the new law reflects his survey in from President Roosevelt, at to 20c higher than Wednesday. 3.2 beer, the old local option stat­ cipal speaker. The program will many ways. Washington, to Manuel Quezon, No rail hogs offered. A top of us would govern. Eastland coun­ include music by band members The Dallas businessman was ap­ president of the Philippine com- 1,300 REBELS $9.60 was paid by packers and and guest artists. Delinquencies ty, at the time of state constitu­ pointed last August by the gov­ conwealth. small pellers. Good to choice 160 A chicken a la king menu will tional prohibition in 1919, was a ernor to reorganize the office of ------o------to 300 lb. averages $9.50 to $9.60; be served. Collection of a big portion of dry county. The supreme court the state auditor. To the legisla­ light lights mostly $9 to $9.35. the $60,000 in delinquent school Livermore’s Son ARE LINED UP determined the issue upon the ture, he made reports on pensions, Packing sows steady to quarter taxes outstanding is the job that basis of the 3.2 amendment. liquor, and fees. Other surveys higher or $8.50 to $8.57; light Accidents Victims Rex Ragan, expert in this work, Shot by Mother were on taxation, bank deposit RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Nov. lights $7.60 to $9.30; lights .$8.70 Just what s going to happen to has taken for himself with the Are Recovering insurance, and a number of lesser 29. (JP) ;— At least 1,300 rebel sol­ to $9.60; medium $9.45 to $9.60; the beer business is, therefore, a Cisco Independent School district. SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Nov. subjects. He is now conducting j diers were lined up today for heavy $9.30 to $9.50; packing sows really serious problem. Cisco has Mr. Ragan, employed by the 29. (JP) — Jesse Livermore, Jr., court martial, and more plotters Delma Fay and Duluth May audits of the treasury and bank­ $7.75 to $8.75. two large beer distributing agen­ school board on very favorable ing departments. 15, son of the famous Wall street were being hunted as the govern­ cies in addition to several places Richardson, cousins, seriously in­ terms, is an expert at the busi­ ments hand descended. Cattle — Receipts 3800; calves He estimated that there were operator, was probably fatally where it is retailed. These, as jured in two highway accidents ness. All military precautions are be­ 1500. Market active and fully on No. 23 south of Cisco last week, 283,199 people in this state 65 well as the retail establishments, He proceeds on the basis of co­ wounded during what officers ing maintained. Politicians believ­ steady to strong on all classes of are recovering from their injuries years of age or older. Consider­ would have to close or move else­ operation with the tax-payers, said was an argument with his ed that President Vargas’ hand is cattle and calves. Load long at Graham sanitarium. Both were ing the experiences of other states, where. and is not a collector in the sense mother over his drinking. Under­ stronger than ever. yearling steers $9.25; 4 loads good doing fine today, hospital attend­ he calculated that there would * * * that a collector is usually under­ steers and yearlings eligible to sell ants reported. probably qualify for old-age sheriff Jack Ross said the mother Manager Dallas Wales and the stood. around $8.75 or above; few loads Delma May, 9-year-old daugh­ assistance in Texas 62,933 peo­ fired the shot. He said both were Meeting of Farmers medium to good short feds $7 to Laguna hotel staff were praised He believes that the tax-payers ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rich­ ple. intoxicated, the mother too much $8; grassers largely $5 to $6.25; by the Boosters for the dinner have the interest of the schools they provided on the roof garden ardson, was injured when struck “As there are 41,787 persons 65 to talk. Here Saturday, Dec. 7 few good yearling heifers $7 to $8; by a car as she alighted from a sufficiently in mind to make his years of age and over on the Tex­ last week on the occasion of Con work with them pleasant. Mr. most grassy heifers $3.50 to $5.50. gressman Blanton’s visit to the Rising Star school bus. Her cou­ as relief rolls, this apparently is A meeting of the farmers of Beef cows $3.75 to $5, odd head sin, 10-year-old Dulath May Ragan will spend much of his the minimum number able to Fundamentalist Boy city. Services so far from the time here getting acquainted with I the Cisco area will be held at the above $5; low cutters and cutters daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. qualify for old-age pensions,” Mr. Preacher Here Sunday $2.50 to $3.50; bulls $4.25 down; kitchens of the hotel, is difficult the people. Cisco chamber of commerce of at best, but the manner in which Richardson, was injured when the Carpenter stated. common and medium calves $4 The burden of operating the the dinner was carried out and car in which she and other rela­ “ I am not sure about the reduc­ fices Saturday, December 7, for to 5.50, few good $5.75 to $6.25 schools on available revenues is | B. W. Wallis, Jr., the 15-year- the quality of the food was more tives were drivving to the hospi­ ing effect of the regulations pass­ the purpose of pooling a car of Small lots good stacker steer not appreciated by the average in­ old pre-millinialist Baptist preach­ than pleasing to the Boosters. At tal to see Delma Fay crashed into ed by the 44th legislature. My calves $6 to $7; 5 loads good feed­ a bridge railing. dividual, he said. The school j er hom Coleman, will preach at seed Irish potatoes, W. B. Starr, such a time, it is desirable that calculations were made in Sep­ er steers $6.35. board for the past several years the 11 o’clock hour and also at chairman of the farmers commit­ the serving of the food be carried tember before the new law had Sheep—-Receipts 1400, includ­ has struggled heroically with the the evening service Sunday, Dec. tee in charge of the project, an­ out with dispatch to save time been passed,” he said. New Books Added to problem. The outstanding delin­ 1, at the local Fundamentalist nounced. The meeting will be ing 700 on through billing. Mar­ and allow the program to get un­ ------o------quent taxes are sorely needed to Baptist church, located at 501 called at 2 p. m., Mr. Starr said, ket on fat lambs steady. Bids on der way without hindrance and Ward School Library keep the schools on a solvent Mrs. Irby to Speak East Eighth street. and the committee is anxious that aged wethers 25c higher. Fat move through to a conclusion on basis, it was explained. Young Wallis is perhaps one of there be a large attendance be­ yearlings scarce. Feeder lambs schedule. A set of the books, “Lands and ------o------For Ranger Club the youngest active ministers in cause matters of special interest unchanged; good to choice fat Thc> dinner and program, in­ People” has been purchased for Texas, being now but 15 years of to the community cooperative lambs $9.75; medium grade lambs cluding the congressman’s speech, the Cisco ward schools by the Duff Named Upon Mrs. Alfred Irby, Cisco high age, and has been in the ministry movement will be discussed. down to $8.50. Packers bidding were excellent. For one time the school board. These are source school librarian, will address the already two years. He is the eldest ------o------$5 for good shorn aged wethers; folks had a good meal, a good books to be used in connection Curriculum Group Twentieth Century club of Ran­ son of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wallis Gin derives its name from a feeder lambs $7.75 down, some and profitable program, and got with the study of geography. ger at its meeting on Thursday, of 707 South Pacus street, Cole­ corruption of the French and held higher. away in time to read the evening Three large dictionaries have been C. C. Duff, associate principal December 5, it was announced. man, and during his two years of Dutch equivalents of juniper. Advance estimates for Novem­ apers and retire leisurely. Or- added to the ward school libraries of Cisco high school, has been Mrs. Irby’s address will be the ministry has been graciously re­ ber 30: Cattle 700; calves 300; f inarily they have been kept un­ together with books on Texas made a member of the state cur­ feature of the program. ceived by practically every con­ hogs 400; sheep 400. til 11 or near midnight, resentful history and one set of “The Book riculum production committee of ------—o------gregation to whom he has minist­ Weather ------o------of the wasted time, any pleasure of Knowledge.” the curriculum revision program BROKEN ARM ered. His two years of preaching GUESTS OF WALLACES they may have had ruined by the ------o------of the state department of educa­ Togo Ray was in Graham sani­ has been marked with success. West Texas — Fair tonight and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace ^lateness of the hour, and in no THANKSGIVING GUESTS tion. tarium today receiving treatment The Pioneer Fundamentalist Saturday; little change in tem­ have as guests over the weekend Vmood to wish to come back again. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Green had for a bad fracture of the left arm church (Gunn church) will pres­ perature. their son, Forbes Lee, and J. F. ------o------as Thanksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. Belle De Marce is making in the elbow, sustained yesterday ent its young people’s Bible Study East Texas — Fair, with frost Carter, L. W. Barlowe of Lodge Mrs. T. D. Shaffer is visiting Mrs. Edward F. Collins of Dallas. her home with her sister, Mrs. afternoon in a collision of cars on Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. The in the south portion; temperature Pole, Neb., and R. B. LaSelle of friends in Henrietta, this week­ They returned home Thursday Charles Robarts, 705 West 5th Highway One west of Cisco, as he public is invited to attend these of 36 to 42 in the lower Rio Gran­ Chappel, Neb., all students at end. i evening. street. was driving to Baird. services. de Valley tonight; Saturday, fair. Schriener’s Institute at Kerrville. PAGE TWO THE CISCO DAILY PRESS Friday, November 29, ’935

great many more can follow with­ of the states in which they are lo­ in the next 12 months. cated. Politics In short, the Republicans now Of course the conduct of these find courage to hope that the tide big urban machines in national has turned definitely. That is politics usually is unpredictable, A t Random why they make so much of their but their importance is unques­ 1935 victories. tioned. If they can be kept solid­ By BYRON PRICE ly in line for Mr. Roosevelt in 1936, Piggly- (Chief of Bureau, The Associated The Democratic Picture that will be big news indeed for Press, Washington) Looking now at the other side the democrats. Placed end to end, the com­ of the picture, democratic observ­ ments of political leaders on the ers see in the election returns only Little James Fowler, son of Mr. I® !! 1935 election returns get nowhere. one real surprise, and that sur­ and Mrs. W. E. Fowler of Rich­ AtsIPrites Women W lg g ly To an unusual degree, everyone prise was favorable to the demo­ mond, Va., cut a tooth when 10 professes to be pleased, no one crats. days old. Serve Yourself and admits anything. The inescapable It arose from the abnormally ------o------Appreciate conclusion is that both sides have large majorities rolled up by dem­ A Buenos Aires commission in Get the Best found something to be encouraged ocratic city machines, particularly Brazil is preparing for the visit of about, and something to think in New York city, northern New 3,000 Argentine tourists to the about. Jersey and at some points in Brazilian industrial exposition. uThis Is a Home Owned Store” Unquestionably the republican Pennsylvania. There were excep­ ------o------legislative gains, particularly in tions, notably in Ohio, but it is Let us launder your clothes the sanitary way. Cisco Steam Laun­ New York and New Jersey, have the big eastern centers of popu­ bucked up the G. O. P. leaders lation which have worried the dry. Phone 138. Special for Saturday Only tremendously. Whatever anyone democrats most. may say about the total popular Tammany, after several rocky vote, the fact remains that nu­ years, came back with a venge­ CISCO merous districts which went dem­ ance. The only two congressional apples, YAMS, ocratic last year, went republican elections were in New York city, DAIRY this year. On that basis such Fancy Jonathans, dozen Pound------2c and they resulted in democratic 10c drift as there was, manifestly was majorities far greater than those Phone 9010 ORANGES, SUGAR, Pure Cane, away from the democrats. of a year ago. The Hague organ­ On the other hand, the great ization in north Jersey appears to “ Pasteurized For Good and Juicy, dozen _. 19c 10 lb. bag, limited______54c power developed by the demo­ have astonished even its own lead­ cratic city machines in New York, ers by its overwhelming strength. Safety” LARD, COFFEE, Maxwell House, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Taking the figures year by year, heartens those democratic doubt­ We have raw milk 8 Pound Carton ______1.02 3 lbs. 18c; l lb. ------27c it is well established that the $ ers who had been fearful that Mr. willingness and ability of such E. N. STRICKLAND, Roosevelt would be able to count organizations to deliver usually Proprietor Texas Marsh Seedless on very little next year from the has controlled the electoral votes industrial east. Large Size 4c These two aspects of the case Grapefruit generally overshadow the less- spectacular returns from republi­ can Philadelphia, where the vot­ PECAN MEATS, ers turned back a determined democratic drive, and democratic Halves, l/2 lb. 18c; 1 lb.______Kentucky, where a determined republican drive was similarly COCOANUT, Long Shreds, defeated. y2 lb., 10c; 1 Pound ______Psychological Factors The number of legislative seats MINCE MEAT, picked up by the republicans in PHOC€5S 3 Packages ______New York and New Jersey was POWELL CLEANING PLANT not proportionately great, and not 612 Avenue D. Phone 282 CANDY, 1 lb. Box Chocolate even the most enthusiastic repub­ Covered Cherries______- lican claimer would refer to the result as anything approaching a handslide. TUNA FISH, Politics, however, is not all a matter of figures. There are rea­ Light Meat, 2 Cans sons why the returns from these RESOLE - REPAIR - REHEEL two states cheer republican hearts No. 2 Can to a degree out of all proportion Tired of looking at the to the gain as recorded in cold same old shoes? Bring them 2 Cans mathematics. to us and we’ll remodel A o m a i First of all. this is the first en­ them to look like new . . . couragement the party has had, Reasonable Prices. PEAS, Kuner’s, MARSHMALLOWS, on so wide a front, since the palmy 1 pound ._ days of the 1928 republican tri­ CISCO SH OE NU-SHU SHOP Tender Garden, 3 Cans______25c 15c umph. A .few congressional dis­ tricts, or an isolated state here HOSPITAL Laguna Hotel Building CATSUP, 708 Ave. E Avenue D CORN, and there have been won back, Large Bottle but all of these victories were Extra Standard, 3 Cans 25c 12c within more or less restricted lim­ its. GOOSEBERRIES, Even more encouraging to the FRUIT CAKES— G. O. P. is the fact that any gain No. 2 Cans; 2 Cans 25c at all was registered over this PRICED Extra Quality, 1 lb., 33c; wide territory. The national elec­ PINEAPPLE, Fancy Grade, tion is a year away. If voters are FOR SUM 2 lbs., 59c; 4 lbs.______$ 1 1 drifting away from the democrats, Sliced or Grated, 3 Cans ___ 25c say the republican calculators, a BUDGETS

WANTED! USED FURNITURE and STOVES A . S. N ABO R S 208 W. 8th. Street SPECIALS M arket Good For All This Week MAYHEW BROS. C A S H O N LY Specials Where You Will Always Find Your Friends S u g a r 25 Lbs. $ l . 4 0 Home killed meats 116 West Broadway our specialty Lard su*. $1.02 Ice Cream and Beer BEEF ROAST, Rib or | C - CHEESE, L a r d 4 Lbs. 5 5 c Brisket, lb. 12c; Flesh, lb.______I v v Wisconsin Cream, lb 23c PREPARE STEW MEAT, OLEO, Allsweet Brand, Pound______I A v Fresh, pound______19c YOUR C o c o a 2 Lbs. BHsS1 8 c BACON, Best Northern O E ^ RAD90 Sugar Cured, pound______O v G Fresh Select Oysters For that Beautiful Christmas Music Raisins 4Lbs 3 0 c Hayes knows how! HAYES RADIO Lar«e Size SERVICE Post Toasties 11c Over Garner’s Phone 134— Ask for Hayes M e a l 20 Lbs. 4 5 c

WE WANT TO SELECT Low Prices — Honest Weights Reliable young men, now employed, with Foresight, fair Quality Foods Every Day at education and mechanical in­ clinations, who are willing to train spare time or evenings at home to qualify as INSTAL­ LATION and SERVICE ex­ perts in Electric Refrigeration arid Air Conditioning. New, profitable field. For inter­ R. H. BOON view write, giving age and present occupation. UTILITIES GROCERY ENGINEERING 44 9 9 INSTITUTE 208 W est 8th Street This Is a Home Owned Store 409 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Friday, November 29, 1935. THE CISCO DAILY PRESS PAGE THREE

! room into a cold hall or unheated Whitford of the University of ette girl of Vaccaria. Brazil, eats i adjoining room they have sub-! North Carolina botany depart­ no food for. days on end and yet Dixie Howell and Alabama | jected themselves to a condition ment. doctors watching her say she ! that makes them highly suscep-1 ------o------moves about daily household Pal to Play for IL of Mexico j tible to communicable winter di- j . A father, a son and a grandson chores without tiring. I seases. — all with the same name — An­ The common cold germ is call­ drew Broaddus I, II and III — Freedom from presentrestric- D. A . W illiam s By CLARK LEE around a small open flame heater served an unbroken pastorate at MEXICO, D. F., Nov. 29. (/P)— ed America’s Public Health Ene­ tions to buy foreign exchange for with windows and connecting Salem church in Sparta, Va., for Dixie Howell and Charley Marr, doors tightly closed,” says a cur­ my Number One, because, accord­ wool exports is requested in ■ a GROCERY more than 100 years — 1820 to two of the greatest stars in Ala­ rent ad in the heat-for-health ing to medical authority 50 per 1926. memorial sent President Getulio bama’s football history, are go­ campaign. “If you are a huddler, cent of all diseases are traceable ------o------| Vargas of Brazil by the Rio Gran­ 900 W. 8th and Ave. L ing to appear once more as col­ you are violating one of the most to the cold germ. In order to re­ de do Sul federation of rural as- lege gridiron players — for the important rules of personal hy­ duce this menace, the gas com­ The firing of the “Nine O’clock University of Mexico. giene and good health. Without pany advises an even temperature Gun” at Portmouth, Va., is a ' sociations. Now coaching here, with Dixie adequate circulation air may be­ throughout the home with warm survival of ante-bellum days ------o------cast in the head-man role and come as foul and unhealthful as air in every room. when negroes were not allowed All diamonds mined in Brazil We Feature Price Marr as his assistant, they will that of a tenement slums even ------o ------on the streets after 9 p. m. and : would be marketed by the Banco serve both as coaches and play­ though the home may be the most A good pond of water should were thus summoned to their do Brasil under a project being ers when Mexico closes its sea­ beautiful in the neighborhood.” j produce as many pounds of fish quarters. I studied by the Federal Council son at San Antonio, December 8, The advertisement states that per acre as a pasture will pro­ ------o------] for Foreign Trade to protect min- We Stress Qualit’ against St. Mary’s College of if people go from an overheated duce pounds of beef, says L. A. Camilla Dutra, peppery brun- ers from speculators. U Texas. St. Mary’s asked them to take part in the game, Howell at his old backfield station and Marr in the line, at guard or tackle. They’ll Be Needed Specials for Considering the season’s rec­ ord so far, the help of the two coaches will be needed, for Ho­ well is finding the road to coach­ Saturday ing success much more dfficult & than thd touchdown trail he fol­ lowed to Rose Bowl fame last New Year’s Day. GRAPEFRUIT, The former Alabama backfield ace who is rated by the Tide’s Nice Size, 6 for 25c Coach Frank Thomas as one of the greatest of all time, if not the best, has yet to come close to ac­ New Crop Naval ORANGES, complishing his principal object­ ive — winning a game from an 176 Size, dozen 35c American team. Dixie’s charges made a fair showing against Occidental of Los, CRANBERRIES, Angeles in their opening game, I Pound which they lost by 26-7, but 20c slumped badly against Lamar! College of Beaumont, Tex., which j Fall Frocks of handed them a 32-0 setback in a j Fresh PRUNES, game here. Street Styles in No. 2 y2 Can; 2 Cans Dixie’s Team ‘Is Best’ COTTON 25c Louisiana College, which holds an unbroken string of victories Fast Colors! Dark Prints APRICOTS, Heavy Syrup, over the Mexican boys, took its sixth in a row recently by the T r a v e l No. 2y2 Can 20c count of 27-7, but had a lot hard­ er first than the score shows. Coach Red Waldron of the Loui­ Prepared SPAGHETTI, siana eleven said the team pro­ 98c duced by Dixie was the smooth­ Crepes 3 Cans ______25c est and best he had seen in Mexi­ Inexpensive enough to co since football was introduced here as a major sport in 1929. wear as kitchen frocks, but PORK & BEANS, With Marr’s help, Howell has so good-looking you’ll wear worked hard to get together a Philips, Can _ _ 5c first class eleven and has succeed­ them many places! So prac­ ed in cleaning up all his games tical and so smart for fa ll! against local teams, but the in­ * 3 . 9 8 PEAS, Kuner’s Tender Styles in 14 to 20 for young ternational jinx which the uni­ Garden, No. Cans; 3 Cans versity has been unable to shake things; 38 to 44 for women; 1 25c continues to hang over the Mex­ * icans’ heads. extra sizes, 46 to 52 in 2 Mystery To Dixie Practical! Smart! flattering styles and small KRAUT, No. Cans, Marr, who does the line coach­ 2 Cans ing and incidentally most of the patterns. See them now! 15c f talking for Dixie, is at a loss to explain the failure of the team Easy to wear, hard to to play up to what he considers TOMATOES, No. 2 Cans, its potentialities. wrinkle! And so good-look- 3 Cans “The boys have plenty of spirit” i ' 25c Marr says, “and they seem ready ing! Monotone tweed pat­ Trimmed rayon taffeta to go places, but somehow they terns, interesting color ef­ Kellogg’sW heat CRISPIES, don’t click at the right time. Of SLIPS course the squad is smaller and fects. Novelty trimmings 2 Boxes much lighter than the average the kind you like at 25c i first-class American high school of taffeta, smart new short team, and this is an important MINCE MEAT, factor. sleeve treatments, intrigu- > ' , “ In addition, the Mexican play­ 3 Packages___ ing belts and buttons! 14 Smooth finished — they hang 25c ers show in a game the lack of years of training which nearly straight and free and don’t toj>0 and 38 to 44. All “ride” over the hips! Famous every American boy has. They ' - for long wear, too! Bias-cut— SALMON, Tall Can, make too many mistakes which amazing values! V, bodice tops! Sizes 32 to 44! are little ones in themselves but 2 Cans 25c prove the deciding factor in win­ ning games. However, we are still hoping to lick an American team Shredded COCOANUT, and believe we have a good Pound chance to do it.” - - 10c They Take Up Golf Look at this Value! Five other American coaches, including Reggie Root, now fresh­ Hershey’s COCOA, Famous Cynthia Arch man mentor at Yale, have handl­ Dress P p l l l t S 1 Pound Can ed the University of Mexico in 13c the past. OXFORDS in lots of smart patterns In their spare time, all of the PICKLES, Sour or Dill, i- former stars in the footsteps of fashion have taken up golf, which is play­ J 0 C yard Quart Jar ed the year round in Mexico, and 15c one of them, Bill Joss of Yale, $ 2 * 9 8 won the national championship COMPOUND, * several years ago. Much better quality than you’d Howell is the latest convert to Black or brown kid, smartly expect for this price. Fast color 8 Pound Carton the game, and although he can trimmed and delightfully com­ of course and with many uses. $1.02 fortable. Quality difficult to :It’s our famous 36 in. Nu-Tone! drive consistently over 250 yards equal; style hard to beat. 3-10. and fairly straight, he is still a APPLE BUTTER, better halfback and forward pass­ Lot Nos. 4160-8, 4161-6 er than a golfer. 2 Pound, 8 Ounce Jar . 23c Colds Cause Half SPUDS, SATURDAY 9 A. M. 10 Pounds _____ of All Diseases 20c SINGLE Plee-Zing Pancake Gas Company Says Get yours! They’re FLOUR, 3 Packages perfect, flawless 25c A caution against huddling in Cotton one room with windows closed SILK HOSE during the winter has been issued by the Community Natural Gas at company, which is continuing its Market series of educational messages on 59c Blankets prevention of colds by proper And that’s not all! They’re In heating and ventilation. smart new fall colors . . . and Large size Single Cotton Blankets, Prices The company started the winter well reinforced at sole, heel, toe heating season with a program of — for durability! Chiffons or colors are tans and greys with information designed to assist service-weights. Sizes 8V4-10'/4! striped borders. Be Here on Time SUB ROAST more comfortable and more healthful. According to investiga­ EACH Per pound 10c tions by the company, many colds and other respiratory diseases prevalent in this section in the SEVEN or CHUCK ROAST, winter time are due to improper house heating. After exhaustive Per Pound______14c study and advice from the medi­ cal profession, the gas company Cisco, Cisco, advises its customers that an even temperature throughout all rooms Texas N E Y 'S Texas of the house with a certain MPA NY, Incorporated amount of moving fresh air is one of the best preventatives of Cisco’s Busiest Store IkO** FOODS colds to be found. “Many families huddle in one or two rooms during cold days! PAGE FOUR THE CISCO DAILY PRESS Friday, November 29, ’935 THE PRESS been steadfast. No one questions the sin­ CISCO DAILY cerity nor the ability of the senior senator THE GAY THIRTIES 10 Horned Frogs (Successor to the Cisco Weekly Citizen and from Texas. Texas has a pride in his work Citizen-Free Press) and a confidence in him that stands as a com­ Play Last Upon Published each afternoon, except Saturday, and forting assurance that courage arid honesty Sunday morning at Cisco, Eastland County, Texas, by the Free Press Publishing Corporation, incorpo­ in public life is certain of reward. As long Home Field Sat. rated under the laws of the state of Texas. Editori­ as the congress can command al and Publication offices at 117-119 West Seventh Street. Telephone 608. the services of men like Sen. Sheppard there FORT WORTH, Nov. 29.—Ten is eloquent assurance that the country is a members of the 1935 Horned Frogs football squad will don CHARLES J. KLEINER------President long way from the spoilers and the dogs. J. H. REYNOLDS,______Vice President their uniforms for the last time B A BUTLER____Vice President and Sec’y-Treas. on the home field when T. C. U. F.’ D. WRIGHT______Counsel plays S. M. U. here Saturday in LEONARD HUDSON_____— Advertising Manage). A Practical Move the No. 1 game of the nation. Directors in Addition to Officers: Six of the 10 are due to be R F GILMAN, W. D. BRECHEEN and T^HE problem of the collection of delinquent R. W. H. KENNON. starters against the Mustangs, A taxes is a serious one in any field of tax- and one other fourth-year man might get the nod. Manuel “Ti­ A Home-Owned and Home-Controlled news­ supported government. Uncollectable ac­ paper devoted to the upbuilding of Cisco and East- ny” Godwin, Hot Springs, Ark., land county, independently democratic in politics. counts simply increase the burden to be is the one question mark. Suf­ borne by collectible accounts. How to cut fering an early season injury, he SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR------— $5.00 has been forced to stay on the down the percentage of delinquents and sideline much of the time, and National advertising representatives, Frost- keep the support of the administration a has not been available as a start­ Landis and Kohn, New York City, Dallas, Texas burden equitably distributed over the whole ing lineman. and Detroit. Other seniors in the forward field is a problem of good management and wall are Capt. . Any erroneous statement reflecting upon the good diplomacy combined. Various meth­ character or reputation of any person will be gladly Jacksboro, all-American center; corrected if brought to the attention of the publish­ ods and expedients have been adopted in the Tracy Kellow, Lufkin, fiery-top- ped guard; and Wilson Grose- ers. The Cisco Daily Press assumes no respon­ effort to solve the problem. Statutory re­ sibility for errors in advertising insertions beyond close, Abilene, 215-pound right the price of tiie advertisement.______bates and inducements which permit sav­ tackle who rates as one of the ings to the delinquent tax-payer if the past conference’s best. Entered as Second Class Matter December 11, Lester came to T. O. U. as an 1934, at the post office at Cisco, Texas, under the due taxes are paid within a certain period end, but was moved to the pivot act of March 3, 1879. ______have been uniformly held unconstitutional post when Coach MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as violating the constitutional provision that found himself without a center. The Associated'Press is exclusively entitled to j taxation shall be equal and uniform. It is a Darrell was a natural for the po­ the use for publication of all news dispatches cred­ sition, made the all-conference ited to it or not otherwise credited to this paper j question then, simply up to the administra- as a sophomore, all-American a's and also local news published herein. j tion to secure the best possible payment of a junior, and will undoubtedly 1 taxes with the means at hand. . . 'P a y in g f o r u \ e repeat in both roles this year. Kellow, although he weighs only BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY iI ADVERTI5ING SPACE- ! 172 pounds, is one of the best de­ Thou art my help and my deliverer, O Lord, 'HE Cisco public schools, faced with the ne­ fensive men in the conference and is even more outstanding on of­ let all them that seek thee rejoice and be glad in Kellogg, “ unless the district at­ cessity of collecting all its revenues to fense. ■ His interference running thee.— 70: 4, 5. torney wants you.” * * * carry on a system in keeping with the de­ is a great factor in the Frogs’ Anne glanced at the district at­ H IG H COURAGE power attack. Heaven disapproves that care, though wise in mands of the patrons and the times, has torney. He wore a baffled look, by Jeanne Bowman, ., show, and shook his head, at which sign Groseclose, right tackle, is re­ adopted a promising plan. It has secured, garded by the T. C. U. coaches as That with superfluous burdens load the day, Sampson scurried from the room. on very economical terms, the services of an the equal of any tackle in the And when God smiles a cheerful hour, refrains. SYNOPSIS: With dramatic- “ I will now call Charlie White | ■—MILTON. beach and let her make her way conference. He is one of those expert whose duties are not those of a col­ suddenness Ansel Kellogg, back into, town from there.” Deer.” * * * steady, dependable performers lector but those, we might term it, of an “in­ Anne Farnsworth’s oldEst The squat figure of a Chinook ‘Welcome with joy each day the day that God “Your honor, and gentlemen of who are often overlooked from and best friend, bursts into was brought in. The man, visibly has called his day. Sunday is a day of love. On ducer.” Where ordinary methods of tax the jury,” said Ansel Kellogg at the stands. But the coaches and the midst of her trial for the frightened, shrank from the quick Sunday we array ourselves in garments not only the conclusion of John’s testi­ players know him as the best of­ collection fail, he has been able over a long murder of her foster uncle, gaze of eyes from every part of fresher, but more choice and graceful. Why not mony, “I have attempted to prove fensive blocker in the circuit and prepare the heart even as we prepare the body?” period of experience, to inspire a greater Lee Farnsworth, and takes the court room. through these- witnesses- that the a defensive man who ranks with ------o------complete charge of her de­ “White Deer,” began Kellogg response among the school tax-paying pat­ gun which fired the shot that the best. fense. Anne’s freedom and kindly, “ where were you on the killed Lee Farnsworth was never Three of the four starting backs Sen. Sheppard rons to the need of the schools for their sup­ good name depend on the out­ night of August 3rd?” in the possession of the defendant. will be winding up their home port. This expert, Mr. Rex Ragan, is a for­ come of the trial. Even her “A t ------at bootleg fish trap.” HE testimonial of west Texas admiration “ I will now prove that it has grid career. fortune hangs on the same “Were you alone?” T for Sen. Morris Sheppard at Abilene mer school man who has been engaged in been in the custody of another oub-Capt. Jimmie Lawrence, “Yes.” peg. Now Judge Kellogg is person. I will call Jake Samp­ hard-driving right halfback, from Wednesday evening when 250 or more peo­ j this type of work for a long while. Equipment proving by the former Farns­ son.” “Did you see the defendant; see : ~ arlingen, will cut a big slice out j for his sort of work is a peculiar endowment worth butler that Anne did ple from this section gathered at a banquet There v/as a commotion at the '^ s y°unS lady?” He pointa ' x the Purple eleven as he plays in his honor in the Hilton hotel was an in­ i of nature and not the result of mere training. not have the weapon which door, then two deputies appear­ Anne. The answer was l out his eligibility. He has been killed Farnsworth in her ed, a small man between them. “Did you see her fire a sho1 r the heart of the Frogs’ power at­ spiring demonstration to occur after so long j- I possession at the time of the He was forced to his place on the Lee Farnsworth, the man who was tack and one of Sam Baugh’s best . shooting. a period of public service. Sheppard is the UPHE Cisco school system now has outstand- stand and sworn in. killed?” targets in the forward passes. dean of the American congress, having serv­ j ing approximately $60,000 in delinquent “Your name,” snapped Kellogg. Surprisingly, there was no ob­ Taldon “ Tilly” Manton, full­ Chapter 40 “J-J-ake, J-Jake Sampson,” an­ jection from the district attorney. back, Fort Worth, is the work ed in that body longer than any other mem­ ' taxes. If a third of this amount can be col­ BOMBSHELL swered the man, his gaze seeking He was listening avidly. horse of the Frog squad. He picks “ When did you last see this re­ ber. During that long and enviable period, lected the services of Mr. Ragan will have the ceiling as if there was some- “No,” said the Indian emphat- up sorely needed short yardage, volver?” Kellogg went on. his service has been marked by a fidelity to | been of great value to the system. It is a i one in the courtroom he did not icaUy- blocks for the other ball carriers, I “The day after Miss Anne le ft,' wjsj1 ^-0 see “C'ould you have 'seen her do principle that is of itself inspiring. Whether ! practical move on the part of .the school ad­ protects the passer, throws one ] sir,” said Jones. “We were that “Your occupation:” it? I mean where was your boat the ideal was popular or unpopular, he has himself once in a while, and ministration. I worried over her going away by | “ Gunsmith.” in relation to hers?” place-kicks on occasion. Coach | herself, that we got to thinking! Dutch Meyer will look for a long 1 l would she do away with herself,! “Have you a store, if so what do you sell?” The trial reaches a dramatic time before he finds a better man cording to the University of Texas | month last year. Total liabilities having been treated so bad. I climax, tomorrow. , for AIanton’s place. Commercial Failures “Everything to do with shoot- bureau of business research. To- of $160,000 was 3.2 per cent above went upstairs and looked for the ° I George “Dutch” Kline, of Greg-, Decline in Numbers | tal liabilities of the bankrupt the. preceding month but 2.4 per revolver, the only firearm in the j in§;shells, guns, cartridges, good A -angle raw oR corn 20 miles | oryj )eft half, is the third senior house. It was still there.” | stock.” He was boasting now, be- j long is on Grady Orr’s farm near back ■ ------| firms showed only a moderate de- cent under October last year. j Kline has been troubled AUSTIN, Nov. 29.. -— Commer- ! cline. There were eleven failures, “Did you at any time touch * | Shfl^hST ^ ^ cial failures declined in numbers1 declines of 15.4 and 42 per cent disturb it, take it away, send it Let us launder your clothes the “Ever see this before?” . , ...... , , , ------hard driving in Texas during October as com- respectively from the preceding sanitary way. Cisco Steam Laun- to Miss Farnsworth, or to your j lashion until, three days later, back, a good blocker and an ex- pared with October last year, ac- month and the corresponding I dry. Phone 138, knewledge did any of the other i Judge Kellogg thrust erhibit A his one-row farm is plowed. i cclleni pass receiver. servants send it to her?” towards him. j Rex Clark, Longview, valuable American dance records ‘Noi\u sn sir we we uiudid i not. i u l . We vve uicuididn’t ii “Betcha ^ life I have. v I sold that . . . . are i left half, alternates with Kline know where to reach her had we M-0 ^uke way back in 1919, it’s a i l°slnS then popularity in Ger­ and has furnished some fine speed ever thought of it.” I peach— ” many to records of the classics. tor the Frog attack this season. “Just a minute Mr. Sampson, Germans are buying more folk Melvin Diggs, Weslaco, senior “That will be all.” J song records, too. The next witness was a Mrs. j we’re not questioning your wares. end, was a regular until he broke J. C. Irving, whom Anne identi- | Have you seen it recently?” his ankle last year. Harold Ful- fied as the woman at the service Jake Sampson wet his lips ner­ enwider, Waldo, Ark., relief half­ is The TIME station located near the foot of vously. “Y-yes” he stammered. back, is also a senior. the Clatsop Ridge grade. She told “When?” of seeing Afme, on thej night of “Evening of August 3rd a man Air-mindedness in Brazil was March tenth. She said she had brought it in to be cleaned and evidenced in a “mushroom crop” been a “talkative ninny,” telling oiled. He called back for it and of civil aviation clubs at the con­ the young lady about the spot on I sold him some cartridges for it. MEDICATED WITH , clusion recently of “Wings Week.” To Buy the ridge where the Farnsworth Thirty-two automatic.” INGREDIENTS OF car had gone over the cliff, and “ Is that man in this court i The tallest mammal, the giraf­ Vicks Va po R ub that not until a young man had room?” asked Kellogg. fe, reaches 18 feet, 7 inches in told her who the girl was, had There was a moment of tense height. It is almost entirely voice­ she realized she had been talking silence then, “Yes,” the voice less. a Good to Anne Farnsworth. came faintly, “over there.” He “That will be all,” droned An­ pointed towards the group at the Daily Press Want Ads Click. sel Kellogg. “ Call John Neu­ district attorney’s table. Seated man.” there was Rob Crocker and Tom John Neuman. Anne’s heart Farley. USED seemed to stand still. John Neu­ Anne sat frozen, incredulous, Farm Welding intent upon her own innocence, man. Then he was here. How had A SPECIALTY the judge found him? Or had he she had only vaguely wondered USED CAR found the judge? who had been guilty. Her illness, Portable Equipment — Day He strode into the court room, | which had cast an opaque screen or Night Service. CAR sat down He looked at Anne, smil- j over tlle events of that night, was Service on Binders, Thresh­ ed at her, and in the love and | Partly responsible for this. Now Modern successor to ers, all types of farm ma­ kindness of that smile she found j s^e stared as Sampson pointed a chinery. her whole world righted. How j grimy finger at the two men. old-fashioned cough handsome and clean-cut he look- | “Stand up please,” ordered Kel- syrups .. . more con­ SCHAEFER BROS. ed, how different from Rob | l°gg- venient . . . less ex­ Telephone 5927 FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TRIP Crocker. No lines of selfishness Crocker stood up, thin lipped, pensive . . . lingers Night Phone, 783W angry, defiant no— but the judge was question­ longer in the throat. 1105 D Ave. We have taken in some mighty good used Cars on our new 1936 Ford ing him. “That’s him,” the man declar­ V-8’s, and we are passing these wonderful values on to you for Riding ser­ “Yes, I know Anne Farns­ ed. vice and comfort. worth,” he declared, and enum­ “You’re excused Sampson,” said erated the times he had met her Here are a few listed here that will make mighty good buys. prior to the night on Clatsop ridge. “Are you in a position to say Electric and 2— 1929 TUDOR FORDS 2— 1929 CHEVROLET Coupes whether or not she has returned to Portland since that time.” Acetylene 2— 1928 TUDOR FORDS 1929 CHEVROLET COACH “ I know she has not and can 2—1932 CHEVROLET TRUCKS call any number of witnesses to WELDING 1932 FORD V-8 TUDOR prove this.” Boilers Repaired and p n and This Coupon Will Purchase a Simulated 1931 CHEVROLET TRUCKS He then corroborated Anne’s Reflued J u t MEXICAN DIAMOND or BIRTHSTONE RING 1932 DODGE TRUCK testimony concerning her reason 1932 CHRYSLER Sport Coupe Over 500 Rings to Select From for being at the fishtrap the night Bailers Repaired and Reset These Beautiful SIMULATED GEMS have the same Fiery of the murder, concluding with Portable Equipment an erplanation of her landing at Day or Night Service Brilliancy, the same Beautiful Cutting and the same Blue- far end of town. White color as the genuine Diamond costing 100 times as much. “1 knew Miss Farnsworth had H. T. HUFFMAN (Guaranteed Simulated White Gold Mounting) NANCE MOTOR CO. never been treated fairly by the I will trade you a ring for any kind of old broken or discarded remaining members of her fam­ WELDING SHOP white or yellow gold plain ring or any old gold ring with sets S. H. NANCE, Manager ily and I knew that should she 108 E. 9th. lost out. be found near the scene of the PHONE 244-246 CISCO, TEXAS Night Phone 617J Located Next Door Moore Drug Store shooting, she would be involved. ' 2 DAYS ONLY—FRIDAY and SATURDAY Therefore, I told the Sorki boys Good Trailer for sale. to take her somewhere along the Friday, November 29, 1935. THE CISCO DAILY PRESS PAGE FIVE

Frogs Work to Mustangs and Frogs Tangle in Grid Classic p Stop Wilson in Saturday Game

FORT WORTH, Nov. 29.—How ® to stop Bobby Wilson? That is the question facing the TO OUR FRIENDS Horned Frogs as they go about m eir practice sessions this week. They have successfully answer­ ed the questions of how to stop Jack Robbins of Arkansas; how to stop Homer Pitner of A. & M. how to stop Lloyd Russell of Bay­ lor; how to stop Hubert Jurecka and CUSTOMERS of Texas; how to stop Bill Wal­ lace of Rice. To our Friends and Customers: W e are truly grateful for The Frogs believe they can stop Bobby Wilson. Or, at least, if they the splendid increase in our November business. W e are can’t stop him, that they can also appreciative of the good will and favorable reports chalk up markers faster than Wil­ son and Company. from our customers as to the good price, high quality and Of course, the Frogs may be wrong. That is the reason why I free service found at SK1LES. W e sincerely desire the more than 30,000 persons will throng to Fort Worth next Sat-1 privilege and pleasure of trying to serve each one better urday to see the Christians and \ for December. At request December accounts opened k the Methodists fight it out for the I ^ Southwest Conference flag— and Saturday. maybe a chance at the mythical | national title. The- Frogs came out of the Rice K game with only a few bruises. Dutch Kline, who started at left half, was taken out of the game early in the first quarter, after! he had bruised his hip. But h e1 will be ready to go Saturday. Capt. Darrell Lester suffered! a bad cut over his eye early in the game, but played all but thej last few minutes against the Owls. Two mighty elevens boasting undefeated, untied season records, and lineups dotted with all-America “He played even better after his SKILES candidates, will clash when the Mustangs of Southern Methodist meet the Horned Frogs of Texas Chris­ THE HOME head had been taped up than he tian at Fort Worth, Tex., November 30. , star T. C. U. ; Bobby Wilson, sensa­ PLENTY OF did before,” a Houston sports ] tional S. M. U. back; Darrell Lester, T. C. U. center; and Truman Spain, S. M. U. tackle, are expected to OF CONVENIENT PARKING writer observed. play a big part in t(ie tussle. The game may have an important bearing on selection of one of the Rose The week’s work will be de- j Bowl teams. (Associated Press Photos) GOOD EATS SPACE voted to polishing both defense j and offense. Those who have seen! after the ball changed hands on the various conference teams in j the opening kickoff. The Loboes FREE DELIVERY and CREDIT PRIVILEGES action report that the Mustangs j LOBOES LOSE FINAL GAHE received but could do nothing1 Phone 376-377' 14th and Ave. D have the best line of any of the with the Abilene defense. Stans-1 seven teams. The defensive rec­ burg kicked deep into Abilene1 ord of S. M. U. is outstanding, 10 ANCIENT RIVALS 42-0 territory where Couch received and the Frogs knew they will and ran the ball back to the have to be at their top form if Eagles 37. Harris and Couch drove they score against the Mustangs. The Cisco Loboes ended their were ineffective against the heav- down the field in a success of The game will be played on a season yesterday afternoon ier Abilene eleven, paced by the off-tackle smashes to the 8-yard dry field, in spite of the rain, un- against their bitterest rivals of the swift feet of Ray Moser and line and Moser ran it over stand-J less rain is falling at game time.; Oil Belt with their worst defeat, swept along on the victory trail ing up for the score. A 15-yard The field is covered with a water- ! The score at the end of the con- by the power of a charging for- penalty temporarily halted the Specials proof canvas which will not be test was 42 to 0 in favor of the ward wall and a coterie of driv- Eagles on their next touchdown removed until just before the Abilene Eagles. The light Cisco ing backs. march, which started after Wende opening whistle. ! team played gamely, but they The Eagles scored immediately of Cisco had recovered a fum­ bled punt on Abilene’s 40-yard line and three passes and a line for Saturday SCORCH Y SMITH play had failed to gain. Couch opened the campaign with a 25- r MICKEY/ NOW THAT YOUR ALL RIGHT, MR.SMITH , yard canter. The 15-yard assess­ Carrots Sweet Potatoes, FATHER IS DEAD, W E 'D - X RECKON X GOTTA ment was for holding on the next Radishes Each l/2 Bushel______S e v e r a l d a y s BETTER STARTTO WORK FACE THINGS-WHAT'S play. With the ball back in Abi­ Sic HAVE PASSED ON T H E GOLDMINE p o n e 's PONE-/ ____ - lene country Couch overcame the Green Onions ~ SINCE THE DEATH PROJECT— THIS LAND set-back when he tossed a pass OFJEAN LAFARGE BELONGS TO YOU NOW. to Moser for a touchdown. Mustard Greens “ t o Irish Potatoes for Break Gives Score Baking, lb ._____ SCORCHY AND The Eagles scored again in the Turnips and Greens 4c HlMMELSTOSS second quarter when an Abilene DECIDE THE player recovered a fumbled Cisco TIME HAS COME lateral on the Cisco 15-yard line. Nice Apples for Red Irish Potatoes TO GO AHEAD Two plays scored the touchdown. Cooking, doz. 12 Pound ______WITH THE The Loboes threatened for the © 3c development first time after one of Stansbury’s OF THE GOLD punts was killed on the Abilene MINE PROJECT.. 4-yard line, 75 yards from the Apples, peek___ _-.-33c Eggs, White point of the kick. Abilene punted [ out on their 35 but intercepted a Infertile, dozen i Rylee pass on the next play to Eating Apples, 11-27 j retrieve the ball and pull out Romm Beauty, doz I of a danger spot temporarily. But 23c Dates, splendid THE CORPORATION'S ALL HIS ENGINEERS WILL a 15-yard penalty against the I Eagles forced them back to their quality, 2 lbs. s e t ! ~ YOU NOW OWN BE ALONG SOON TO Eating Apples, lie I 17 where Couch fumbled and Ry- THE MAJORITY STOCK ESTABLISH THE MINE i lee recovered. IN THE FIRM . MR. Winesaps, The Cisco threat fell helpless 19c Raisins, TRELLING IS SHIPPING ; against an unyielding Abilene MINING MACHINERY 2 lb. package ___ i front, however, after Stansbury Sweet Potatoes, 21c AS SOON AS WE i passed to Rylee for 7 yards, plac­ LOCATE THE ing the ball on the Abilene 13. Pound ______2c Stansbury lost six yards on a Prunes, | fake and two passes were inef- 2 lb. pkg. ______| fective. Sweet Potatoes, 19c The Eagles scored again near 10 Pounds______I the last of the second period when 17c Harris earned the ball over from Pintos, New Crop, A 4* the three-yard line in the culmi­ 5 Pounds _ J_____ nation of a drive that began at Coffee, Shiles midfield where Abilene intercept­ Blend, lb. ____ 22c ed a pass. Moon Rose Oats, Lobo Drive The Eagles scored once each in Tomatoes, large size_____ b y g o l l y / it 's IT<5 A FLOATING DREDGE ' Lo o k / v the third and fourth quarters. No. 2 Can, 3 for FOR M IN IN S GOLD OUT PART OF POT The second string of the Abilene 25c t h e r e 's t h a t OF A <5TREAMl!- BUT / MACHINERY POT team was unable to hold the Lo­ Meal, Aunt SNAKE KRAG 7 WHAT'S IT DOING V KRAG FELLER. boes at the beginning of the , HISSELF/ > Brown Sugar, —jif-A HERE f HAD ON DER < fourth period, although the Cisco Jemima, 5 lbs. ___ team had suffered injuries to POCK IN TOWN/ 3 lb. bag_____ practically every man on the 23c squad in a game battle against Coconut, Corn, No. 2 Cans, the superior odds of the Eagles. Shredded, lb. __ Rylee cantered off tackle for al­ 19c 2 fo r ______25c most 20 yards on two plays and Beasley raced 35 yards to take the ball to the Abilene 35. The first, team was rushed back to the field to stop the threat, which Market Specials they did at their own 30-yard line. The Eagles scored their final Roast Pork, 100 Per Cent Pure Pork marker on a 70-yard drive. Pound _____ Sausage Starting Lineups Were: Right* Reitrvcil. CISCO — Burnam, le; Wagley, Roast, Beef It; Merkett, lg; Ivie, c; Rainbolt, Baltimore WHAT'RE YOU BRINGING rg; Barnes, rt; Wende, re; Stans­ Chuck, lb .______THAT THING UP HERE FOR? bury, qb; Rylee, yi; Beasley, rh; Oysters, pint Wood, fb. Hamburger Meat, -BETTER DRAG IT AWAY ABILENE — Merman, le Alsa- ANc>sSAVE y o u r s e l f brook, It; Campbell, lg; Jones, c; Fresh ground, lb. Oleomargarine, S O M E TROUBLE LATER: Hayes, rg; Joeris, rt; Dodd, re; Couch, qb; Moser, lh; Cumpton, Stew Meat, Wilson, lb .___ Bei« rh; Harris, fb. Rib, pound ______------o------Armour’s Stamped Need for musicians for the Ger­ Chilli, 1 lb. man army led to establishment of Beef that country’s “First Public School Brick for Military Music” at Buecke- burg. Old Fashioned Roast, Chuck, ------o - — ------— The art of engraving stones is Stew, 1V2 lb. can Pound believed to have originated in south Mesopotamia. f t r C - Daily Press Want Ads Click. PAGE SIX. THE CISCO DAILY PRESS Friday, November 29, ’935

with the low spirits of some advantage. It was Robert E. Lee will react to its own hindrance. Radio waves are reflected from graves and small tombstones, is Vienna Official’s Criticism of [ friend you will take the time and who refused the use of his name I But the worthy enterprise, the layers of ionized air high in the located high on the parapet of I have the patiece to cheer him out to sell a nefarious business. It is church that was established by atmosphere, scientists say. Fortress Monroe, the oldest con­ of his blues. This is not that hy- deplorable to use acquaintance­ ------o------tinuous garrison in the United I his evangelistic zeal, the college Duce Rouses Austrian Regime | pocritical kind of sympathy that ship or friendship with a great A dog cemetery, with seven tiny States. j is scorned by the one who is man as an inducement that will that has been founded out of his suffering. Rather it is the kind promote one’s selfish advantage educational vision, these are the s to counteract the peace feelers ex- VIENNA OFFICIALS DC 24 that wins respect by its sincerity in position or income. Yet with ' tended towards France by the most enduring and most service- By ROBERT F. SCHILBACH and wins gratitude by its service­ what different motives we will VIENNA, (JP) — Ernst Karl Austrian Emperor Charles (able monuments that one could ableness. be claiming to have known Broth­ through the mediation of Prince INSURANCE- Winter, vice-burgomaster of Vien­ er Randolph. Organizations will desire to leave after him. But if na and fearless commentator on Sixtus of Bourbon.” I believe it is Emerson who has written on Uses of Great Men. use his name for a generation or such an enterprise is not to prove FIRE, THEFT, TORNADO, ETC. political matters, embarrassed the Another rebuke for the gov­ unworthy of claiming relation­ Of course they are hardly great two to promote their success. federal government by writing ernment’s pro-Italian policy came ship with Randolph Clark it must unless they are useful. But at Fortunately I believe that and Old Line Life Insurance nublicly that “the Italian adven­ from the outlawed but still ac­ be undertaken in his sacrificing the same time I think it is hard ture in Ethiopia is highly unpopu­ tive Austrian nazis. In a pamph­ nothing unworthy can very well spirit. If an institution is to to know just how much we can lar in Austria.” let, distributed in Vienna and be promoted in the name of this honor his name and make use of throughout the provinces, the use their greatness without com­ COLEMAN FOLEY This frank expression was so man. If it should be undertaken his influence it must enter into PHONE 292 critical of an authoritary regime Austrian Hitleritest condemned mercializing it. Yesterday I sat amidst the congregation that had the enterprise will suffer from its task just as unselfishly and which has allied itself closely the Italian policy towards Ethio­ the inconsistency; the attempt just as heroically. with Italy that police promptly pia. gathered in memory of Randolph confisctead the little magazine in “ Italian troops, in the midst of Clark. The large number of his which Winter had aired his view. peace, have crossed the frontiers descendants, the many friends with whom he had associated Winter was appointed to his of another member of the League INSIDE AND OUTSIDE of Nations,” the pamphlets stated. through the years, the churches post by the late Chancellor Doll- from which members had come, THE DASHING fuss, who told him to bring about and the colleges whose represen­ a reconciliation between former tatives were present were some socialist workers and the govern­ Human and of the impressive evidences of his WAVES BREAK ment. He has been attempting to unmeasurable usefulness. These pacify the socialists, but his poli­ Other Nature individuals and institutions will tical independence frequently has continue to draw inspiration and caused uneasiness at the chancel­ By W. F. BRUCE power from his memory. HIGH OR— lery. But how contemptible to turn “The Ethiopian policy of Italy,” We often hear people express Winter wrote, “has created a wide the name into mere advertising Low or at the sides or any way you like. We style sympathy for some one who has your hair to suit your face and your personality_____ gap between England and Italy, fallen into misfortune. This sym­ Bringing out the highlights of your best features. You’ll which shows that despite Stresa, pathy for another is literally “suf­ the irrational element in Italian fering with” the other. The sym­ Electro-Brew We have everything for building the house. Bur- find our services true “appearance aids.” fascism is still prevalent. | lon-Lingo quality is the safest investment for your pathizer has usually had some PERMANENTS—Prices______$1, $2, $4, $6, $8, $10 “Italian fascism, for the sake j previous similar trouble that en- COFFEE building needs. SHAMPOOS and SETS______50c, 75c of a colonial adventure behind | ables him to put himself into the The Best Coffee Made which the prestige of a single per­ | present sufferer’s place. So he Lumber, Millwork, Paints, Varnishes, Oik, Glass, W AVE S E T S ______z____ 15c, 25c, 35c son stands, does not hesitate to | can in a measure share experi­ DELICIOUS Shingles, Roofing Materials of all kinds— in fact, any­ OIL SHAMPOO ______$1.00 put the peace of Europe at stake. ences with his friend. And the MEALS thing you need at prices that are right. The latest in all Beauty Work— Plenty of Operators Says Duce Ignores History one in trouble can get some con- COLD BEER “After due consideration of all I solation from this expression of political, military and economic sympathy. BURTON-LINGO LUMBER CO. aspects, the Italian adventure But a big word in the meaning SAVOY CAFE l-WAY BEAUTY SHOP of sympathy is this word “ shar­ Avenue E and Seventh Street must be regarded as absurd. Mus­ Phone 294. LEWIS LINDER 705 Ave. D. solini today, takes the same atti­ ing.” It does not consist in look­ J. T. BERRY, Manager. tude towards Ethiopia which Eng­ ing down in pity and wondering “Nick” and “Sam” land took towards Transvaal, or how the victim could have come France towards Marocco, with­ into such a plight. Nor can the out, however, remembering that word be fully defined in terms half a century has gone by and of wishing luck or relief upon that many a thing has happened the unfortunate. in the meantime. There is no sharing in that. “It’s a dangerous play which And even if one does enter into ‘II Duce’ has made and it may the distressful emotion of his end in castastrophe for his re­ brother he has not completed his gime if his plans fail to be real­ sympathy, because his brother’s ized.” feeling is not all of his misfor­ Considering Austria’s situation tune. There is some need along from the point of view that the with it. Sympathy is completed League of Nations decided on eco­ by a sharing of the other fellow’s nomic sanctions which may gradu­ need; in other words I must need ally turn to military sanctions, with him. I can usually do that Winter came to the conclusion by sharing with him the goods that there is no other possibility that satisfy the need. Then he for Austria “ but to stand solidly and I will come to a common with both feet, and without res­ level; if the goods are insufficient trictions, in the League of Na­ each of us will now have only tions front. partial need; if they are abund­ “What ever may happen, to ant neither will be left with any fascist Italy goes the sad glory need and so we will be on a level. of having started a new war which Sympathy then is a practical may develop into a second world human expression. It will do a war. great deal for our turbulent world. Nazis Also Denounce Italy But if you have sympathy for the “Italy again is driven by the needy of this community you will same insatiability which drove find some mite or some heap to the then nationalistic Italy into give them. If you sympathize with the world war after it had safely the hardships of Randolph College determined the winning side, and you will meet your material ob­ which also induced this same Italy ligation to it. If you sympathize

Under New Management LET US GIVE YOU A SMARTER PERMANENT WAVE You’ll thrill at the loveliness of your appearance after you’ve had one of these smart new waves that give the tight ring­ let ends so necessary to the new, modish hairdress. ALL WAVES GUARANTEED ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Phone 144. ELIZABETH M


Neil Lanes Funeral Home Many families "huddle” in one or two rooms, during cold days, around a small open 209 West Ninth Street flame heater with windows and connecting doors tightly closed. If you are a "huddler,” you are violating one of the most important rules of personal hygiene and Phone 167. good health! Stagnant air is depressing and fails to produce the stimulating effect of air in motion. Connecting doors left open between adjoining rooms, when the entire house is ade­ quately heated for comfort, provide a natural circulation of pure, warm air from one room to the other. Without adequate circulation air may become as foul and unhealthful as that of the tenement slums, even though the home may be the most BUILD- beautiful in the neighborhood. If you heat only one or two rooms at a time . . . if you "huddle” in these rooms with connecting doors tightly closed, sudden temperature changes are unavoidable. Your REPAIR family goes from an overheated room where the temperature has climbed past the point necessary for comfort, into a cold hall or unheated adjoining room. Then, shivering and chilled, they return to the heated room. This happens many times a REMODEL HOW! day and each time they have unnecessarily subjected themselves to conditions that Wise Home Owners will take advantage of the un­ make them susceptible to highly communicable winter diseases. America’s Public usually favorable condition now for building, repair­ Health Enemy Number One, the common cold germ, finds a fertile field in an inade­ ing and remodeling. Material and labor prices are quately heated and poorly ventilated home. still low— the greatest dollar-for-dollar building values are to be found now. Don’t "huddle” in one or two rooms during the short winter season. . . . Guard the Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. health of your loved ones with adequate heat and proper circulation of pure, warm air in every room in the house. Tune in each Thursday Builders Supplies of All Kinds and night at 6 :3 0 , W F A A - WBAP, for vital facts to help you guard your fam­ GOOD LUMBER! ily against the common , . . Community Natural Gas Co. ^ cold germ. Rockwell Bros.&Co. I l l East Fifth Street. ______Phone 4. Friday, November 29, 1935. THE CISCO DAILY PRESS PAGE SEVEN.

pole and overturned. Not an easy edge of the runningboard, where back seat, the case of eggs for the of the hill and hit the loose gravel. this small town of not quite 3,000. thing to telephone the poor fath­ it joins the rear finder, resting on grocer intact, but the beautiful The warning sign was up so the Add what befalls us here to the The Aftermath of Sudden Death er out on the Coast and inform his head. Why do they always life of a little schoolgirl was gone Highway Department had fulfill­ tragic toll in metropolitan cities him that the body of his boy lies have their heads smashed up so? forever. ed its duty, but there it lay where apd the countless towns larger in our mortuary. I wonder if this isn’t the hope of A foggy morning, a narrow it had skidded and turned com­ Three little kiddies, poor little than ours, and we have a very By A. J. BRACKEN in the A wig that matches his hair, every embalmer when he receives bridge. The sharp, splintered end pletely around and over. A tykes, the oldest only seven. They faint idea of what is happening on Reader’s Digest an auto accident call: “ I hope the of the bridge rail drove through twisted mass of hot iron, that hardly know what it is all about. plastic art and dermasurgery re­ our highways. After the sensation created head is all right.” They usual­ the windshield and tore away one fetid smell of burning flesh and a by “—And Sudden Death,” This time it is a young mother re­ store the body to almost lifelike Over 36,000 killed this way last appearance, but we cannot bring ly are not. side of her face. few bones to tell the tale. The Reader’s Digest was turning home, with her husband year. Will it be more next year? back that youthful smile or hap- I Such a great fine fellow in the Poor little brother, who had How will we prepare these re­ bombed by proffered “fol­ and children, from a happy visit. And will you be one of that num­ py laugh which he carried when been driving, how heartbroken mains for burial? Well, how low-ups.” But we thought Kiddies are playing in the back pink of health and prime of life. ber? Why won’t you? he left hcime. These are only and sorrowful. It was hard to see, would you? ------o------enough had been said. Then, seat of the car. Bang. Crash! a And his poor young wife. . . . We memories to his loved ones. and how was he to know that he And so it goes, on and on, in Daily Press Want Ads Click. from an embalmer in the vil­ sickening twisting and tearing and put her to bed when she arrives should have pulled to the side of We natives all knew that was lage of Chappel, Nebraska, it is all over. and try to make her comfortable the road and stopped until the fog a mean corner, properly marked came the following — poig­ Just two drunks in an old car until we can finish our work, so lifted, even though they were late with a turn sign, but such a sharp nant in its emotional sinceri­ coming over the top of the hill she will never know what he look­ for school? turn. To take it at more than 20 ty, impressive in its photo­ on the wrong side of the road, ed like when we found him. Loose Gravel miles was unsafe. He must have graphic directness. As in the but what slaughter. We work fe­ A babe to come soon, who will Not much to do this time. The been going 50 at least. No one base of the previous article, verishly all night attempting to never know a father except by whole thing was on fire when we ' The Aladdin Lamp 1 saw it happen. They found him tales which are told. we caution the sensitive read­ place a new nose and one side of arrived. We could see his tracks 1 with the car overturned, the sharp er not to read too much of it. the face on this mangled body The lunch for school was in the where he had come over the top What kind of lamp do you which has been the loving mother use? If you use the old style JUST PASSING of these three small helpless chil­ Two o’clock in the morning. Is dren, now in the hospital, two not PHONE 687-W yellow flame lamp, get the that the phone? There it goes expected to live. BUY A HOME! W . O. W . Camp Super Nu-Type Aladdin that again. I grope my way sleepily We secure a recent picture of E. L. WISDOM will give you twelve times as to it. Hello . . . yes, I understand this mother and by long hours of I have many desirable Cisco Camp No. much light. Save your eye­ . . . a wreck on the highway two patching and filling those muti­ PLUMBING- 500 meets first and lated features and showing the pieces of residential prop­ miles east . . . We’ll be right out. third Tuesday ( sight and light the house. body under indirect light we keep What a sight. One car, a new ELECTRICAL erty in Cisco for sale on nights in each This amazing lamp from the loved ones the horrible one, now a tangled heap of scrap WORK easy terms. month. $4.95 off on one side of the road, shat­ picture of this mutilation. complete. tered glass everywhere. The The Lonely Pedestrian All Work Guaranteed crowd has gathered and they have Such a freak. We found his Especial Attention Given to CONNIE DAVIS dug one body out and it lies a arm, hanging on the latch of the Out of Town Trade bloody, grotesque, twisted thing car door, torn completely from Telephone 198 700 W .IrH Piprtn Tov under the pale light of the moon. the socket at the elbow. The Another lies groaning and mumb­ mangled body lay doubled up in ling, “ My back is broken I think.” the ditch nearby. We lift him as gently as possible Just an old man walking along to the ambulance cot and hurry in the dark on the wrong side of to the hospital. He dies two the road, the car coming over the hours later calling for “ Edith.” brow of the hill, headlights shoot­ How did it happen? The report ing up. Not a chance of escaping is they were trying to pass a car it. against a too close oncoming car. Just three happy boys on their What does it matter. We go back way across the country to De­ for the dead body and in the ope­ troit. Constantly driving, day rating room under the strong light and night, with a change at the we find that we have a job on wheel every four hours, but en­ hand trying to embalm this poor durance lost and we pick them Up thing, to put it back together as on the side of the road where best we can in an attempt to re­ they have crashed a telephone Your School Needs Help lieve the terrible heartache of those loved ones who will hasten to see him. What a mess. Ragged bones sticking out through torn KIZER’S coat sleeves, head crushed to a pulp. Can we make it look like a human being and resemble the STUDIO fine strong young man that it was only an hour ago? It is just QUALITY PORTRAITS our job and we’re getting used to it. Commercial Photograph Does it make us gun-shy of this and fast driving? Well, we wish all Kodak Finishing the speeders could spend a night Five years have gone by without you knowing all the hardships confronting your school’s financial condition. Your with us, occasionally, in the ope­ 703 Ave. D. — Cisco board of trustees, realizing the burden of taxes through conditions atffecting your ability to pay, have been very lienicnt on rating rooms of the mortuary. delinquent tax matters. In fact, lenient to the extent that today more than $60,000.00 or twice the amount of the annual tax levy is past due and outstanding. The seriousness of this condition can readily be seen and reason calls for immediate one hundred per cent co-operation in adjusting this local and community problem, which effects our sixteen hundred school children tomorrow, together with the value of your investment today. This condition can be corrected without embarrass­ CHEERFUL ing or offending the citizenship and patrons through a co-operative spirit. The facts involved creating conditions herein and the adjustment of same, necessitates the employment of one experi­ enced in tax laws, who can efficiently serve the tax payers as well as your school board. For this service we have employ­ Winter Comfort ed Mr. Rex Ragan to assist Mr. Walker in working out the many difficult problems in tax matters. Mr. Ragan conies to you highly recommended by tax payers as well as government authorities, engaging him._ A great deal of time, deliberation and thought have been given the matter and we sincerely ask your co-operation, to the extent of WITH your ability. Mr. Ragan’s duties are to pursue every available effort to collect the many thousands of dollars on unknown and non-resident property and to assist and work with you in arriving at some defniite plan of settlement that will come within the law giving you the greatest advantage possible. His several years experience in this chosen profession is at your disposal and the board of trustees heartily endorse the introduction of Mr. Ragan, as one trained and experienced and anxious to help you, thereby effecting a harmonious program in a community interest. Sincere co-operation is needed.

YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS HELP NOW. NEEDED $20,000.00 TODAY. In our call for financial assistance today, this month, do what you can. The schools are our own schools. The problem, our problem. Let’s work together. An effort on the part of every individual is our wish and hope.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration and approval, by the board of trustees.


“Hearth-F yre” MRS. T. R. W ARW ICK, Secretary. HEATERS

Approved by American Gas


CISCO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, We have a large stock of heaters in all sizes and styles. CISCO, TEXAS.

Moderately Priced An introduction to you was made possible only after your board of trustees through investigation and coming to you on recommendations of friends and acquaintances where I have worked. I trust you will allow me the privilege of an endeavor to render a profitable service to you and looking forward to meet you face to face, with hopes of meriting THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE your approval, when my work is done, I am, <*> FOR PERSONAL SERVICE Respectfully Yours,


Cisco Gas Corporaho ~ ir;z "HOME OF HI-HEAT GAS

Phone 122 71 3 Ave D PAGE EIGHT THE CISCO DAILY PRESS Friday, November 29, ’935

ham returned home Thursday to her home in Houston after a ,1 evening, but Mrs. Graham and visit with Mrs. T. D. Shaffer. J The Notebook little Miss Sheila will remain un­ C. A. Cox of Dallas is spending j Personals til Sunday. the weekend in Cisco with friends. Friday. Miss Martha Coleman of Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Shelley! Community Choral club will Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Graham and Clarksburg, W. Va., is expected to left this morning for Austin and meet at the Baptist church at 7:301 Thanksgiving—Day interesting little daughter, Sheila, arrive Sunday to visit her aunt Caldwell where they will spend p. m. | arrived. Thursday for a visit to Mrs. W. W. Wallace. the weekend. I The Twentieth Century club their father, J. Q. Clark. Mr. Gra­ will meet at the club house at 3 j What is it and what does it mean to us? Dr. Carter and Bill Thomas of i Mrs. Paul Woods and children, o’clock. I Rising Star were guests of friends Rose Ann and Paul Harlan, are The Friendly Twelve Forty-Two i This Is the The first Thanksgiving Day was in Novem­ here Thursday. expected to return Sunday from club will meet with Mr. and Mrs. I ber, 1621, by the Pilgrim Fathers. • PALACE • Bartlett where they have been E. C. McClelland at 8 o’clock. Mrs. W. R. Bolton has returned visting Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Harlan. Saturday BANK All down through the years since that date NOW SHOWING Twentieth Century club will we have as a Christian Nation set aside this E. B. Shelton has returned to hold open house from 3 to 6 at that Autumn day as the end of Harvest Time to the liberary in observance of, G EO. BURNS his home in Fort Worth after a give thanks for the golden grain and the visit with relatives here. • “Book Week.” The public is invit­ and • IDEAL • ed. SERVICE blessings that come with it as a Nation and as individuals. GRACIE ALLEN TOMORROW Dr. Roger Gray of Breckenridge r \\r-r r J C t i Is Building spent Thursday in Cisco with I l X - W l t e P o u n d O ilO t How proud we are of this opportunity to in KEN friends. Dead and Beaten give sincere thanks for the prosperity of Cisco and its community and we are truly “HERE Mrs. Bess Paschall of Ranger thankful for the loyalty and confidence of MAYNARD spent Thanksgivng with her! TWIN FALLS, Itaho, Nov. 29. our customers and friends. mother, Mrs. W. C. Shelton, and (il3) — The shot and beaten body j COMES and his wonder horse other relatives. of Mildred Hook, 22, sought since1 T A R Z A N her former husband, Douglas Van1 Modern Vlack, had abandoned her, was j Misses Agnes Bearman and Ida COOKIE” in found under a railroad culvert to-1 Safety Deposit Mae Collins left this morning fo r( day near Berger, Ind. This Bank Will Be Closed a visit in Austin. Service Officers said that a bullet taken Thursday, November 28th. TOMORROW WESTERN from her head was similar to Among Thanksgiving season those fired from Van Vlack’s pis­ visitors to Cisco was Robert Lee tol. Van Vlack was held here on ■ Ray, who lived at Scranton until) a charge of murder in connection1 FRONTIER his removal to Fort Worth about, with the slaying of Highway Pa-j 1919. i trolman Fontaine Cooper. First National Bank Ken and Tarzan! Master ------o------and wonderhorse! Roairing VISIT MRS. KITTRELL GUESTS OF GRAHAMS IN CISCO, TEXAS headlong into a nest of ban­ W. H. Kittrell of Dallas, Miss Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Graham had Member Federal Reserve System. dits! Laura Kittrell of Winters and’ as Thanksgiving guests and Mrs. Sally Sterrett of Conroe,! through the weekend, Mrs. For­ spent Thursday with Mrs. W. H.| rest Connally and daughters, Kittress, Sr., Mrs. Sterrett who is Misses Francis, Kathleen and a sister of the late W. H. Kittrell. Jane, and Tom Bailey of Mc­ PALACE Sr., will remain for an extended Gregor. visit. SUNDAY-MONDAY ------o------HAS OPERATION i Classified Ads APPENDICITIS OPERATION Jeanine Booth, small daughter1 THE Little Jeaneane Booth, daugh­ of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Booth, was' FOR SALE— Upright piano, splen­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Booth doing nicely this afternoon fol­ did condition. $75.00. Tel. 257. of Humbletown, underwent an lowing an operation for appendi­ 2-3t. McClelland's Grocery LAST DAYS operation for appendicitis at the citis at Graham sanitarium last Graham sanitarium about 6 p. m. night. WANTED:—Second-hand lumber Thursday and is reported to be ------o------and sheet iron suitable for cow and Market improving today. ft shed. Wm. H. Cole, phone 191-W. 1308 Avenue D. Phone 42. « ADIO OF POMPEII J. S. Burnam Rites ______2-3t Picture FREE DELIVERY A love story 2,000 years old Held at Putnam FOR RENT — Hunting Leases — Directed by . . . written for this very 80,000 acres four dollars per day Fred Guiol hour! PUTNAM. Nov. 29. ■— Funeral —Fort Mason Hotel, Mason, Tex. SATURDAY SPECIALS service for J. S. Burnam, 88, pio­ 169—14t. with neer resident of Callahan coun­ ______FOR CASH, ONLY PRESTOR FOSTER ty, was held Tuesday afternoon FOR RENT—Several choice bed­ 10:00 Preview * at 3:30 o’clock from the Metho­ rooms, 510 W. 5th. Phone 716W dist church. The pastor, Rev. 169-tf.______COFFEE, a 7 ALAN HALE Charles I. Rhea, officiated, and WANTED—Magazines—we are in BASIL RATHBONE Folger’s, Pound ______0 / C THE CASE burial was made in the Putnam the market for Love, Fiction, JOHN WOOD cemetery beside the grave of Mrs. Detective and True Story maga­ of the missing man’’ Burnam, who died last March. Bulk COFFEE, LOUIS CALHERN zines— buy, sell and exxchange. Come in an 9:00 p. m. and Mr. Burnam died Monday night Mayhew Bros., W. Broadway. DAVID HOLT at his home. He is survived by ten 2 Pound Jar ______: ____ see two shows for price of 165—tf DOROTHY WILSON children. one WYRLEY BIRCH Dressmaking and Designing. 404 COFFEE, McClelland’s Break- 4 A Geisha is a Sino - Japanese West 4th Street. Mrs. Bills. 3t. Siberia, was grown in England fast Delight, Pound ______|J)C as early as the sixteenth century. LOST — Watch charm, one I been ------o------wearing for several years. Elk’s William Ged, the Scotchman head on front, bears name “Bres- who inventer stereotyping, pat­ lin” on reverse side. Reward for • Just ented his invention in 1725. return. R. W. H. Kennon 3t 50c ------o------Let us launder your clothes the A YEAR Geisha is a Sine - Japanese sanitary way. Cisco Steam Laun­ Silver Dust word meaning “person of pleas­ dry. Phone 138. ___ Received! ing accomplishments.” OPERATING ------o------WANTED — Quilts to quilt, 506 Giant New Pack A A . The Most Gorg­ POWER Daily Press want ads click. West 10th St., Mrs. W. L. Hall. 3t. 2 for ZdC eous Line COST • of LAUNDRY SOAP, SPECIALS 0. if., Six Bars _ 25c CASH ONLY SATURDAY MUSTARD, Quart size 14c FLOUR, Light Crust, Cherry Beil, Cold K. C. Baking Powder, Medal and Hill Billy, C 1} I I ) 50-Ounces 29c 48 Pounds______BH Dairy Maid Baking Powder Ladies FLOUR, “Mighty Good” AM O Q with Cup and Saucer 25c New Spring Guaranteed, 48 lbs. ______i f ! » O v BLACK PEPPER, pound 25c Silver Dust, 2 pkgs.______— 25c TOILET PAPER, Fresh Country, 4 9 a Per Roll ______5c Dresses EGGS, dozen______O L h COCOA, Our buyer has just COFFEE, H. & H. Vacuum Packed in Glass Q A ^ Hershey’s, Pound sent us our first ship­ Jar; Plate, Cup and Saucer, 3 lbs------« /U v 25c ment of New Spring COFFEE, Texas Girl, pou nd------23c Dresses. They are love­ BISQUICK with Sherley ly, the styles alluring CRISCO, 3 pounds______55c Temple Mug and so reasonably priced. K. C. BAKING POWDER, 5O-Oz------29c 35c Surely you will find ^ a All Kinds of Candy for Fruit Cakes style here that will thrill CHILLI POWDERS, Extra Q C n you at a price you will -LONG DISTANCE4* RIBBON CANE SYRUP, want to pay. Quality, Bulk, lb .______Ow U FARM RADIO SCOTT TISSUE, 1000 Sheets, 3 rolls 19c East Texas, Gallon 60c Zenith has effected a special arrangement with the manufac­ OXYDOL, Q flft RIBBON CANE SYRUP, turers of the Winchorger, so that I Large and 1 Small Box------v U v East Texas, y2 gallon every owner of a Zeni th Farm Radio 33c can reduce his operating power cost PINTO BEANS, Pound ------5c to 50 cents a year for 10 hours radio HOMINY, 3 Cans 25c Other Styles enjoym ent every day. . This* means ENGLISH W ALNUTS, Pound ------20c no more dry A, B dr C batteries to TOMATOES, 3 Cans 25C buy. No more dead storage bat* to $12.95 teries to take out and recharge. Tomatoes, No. 2; Kraut No. 2, Zenith Farm Radio, Model No* TOMATO JUICE, 3 Cans 25c 6-V-27, illustrated above, is a 6-tuba Peas No. 2; Hominy No. 2l/z, 3 for—L v v Green Cut BEANS, 3 Cans 25c Ladies receiver— tunes American stations, police calls, amateur, aviation con­ versations, ships at sea and Foreign PHONE 209 DEL MONTE PEARS______15c New Spring S tations. Has Black Magnavision dial employing Split-Second Tun­ PEACHES, No. 2% Can______16c ing that enables logging and relo­ See Us Before You Sell Your Turkeys cating foreign stations accurately. KRAUT, No. 2»/2 Can____ 10c Operates from a 6- We will continue to give FREE COUPONS on DISHES Hats volt storage battery f a ju a r with each purchase PEANUT BUTTER, Pint _ 19c —kept charged by M $1.98 and $2.98 th e Wincharger— n U FREE DELIVERY ON $1.50 OR MORE Zenith Frepotcer. *699.5 All Kinds Fresh Meats and Vegetables C. O. D. Grocery ESTES RADIO G. M. Meglasson & Son, 913 Avenue D We buy Cream, Chickens, Eggs. SHOP TOP PRICES PAID FOR YOUR The Best Prices Paid for All Produce The Store CREAM, EGGS, POULTRY and PECANS I. MOLDAVE, Prop. CISCO, TEXAS Phone 505 112 West 6th Street