LARGEST PAID CIRCULATION IN CISCO AND EASTLAND COUNTY — WITHOUT CONTESTS OR LOTTERIES. Cisco—A city witn all the requis­ The Cisco Daily Press ites of industrial and commercial development—five lakes of water Is the Official Paper —three railroads ; enormous gas field; electric power, federal for the City of Cisco and state highways; ideal central T h e Cisco d a i l y P r e s s location; miles of paved streets. AND THE CITIZEN-FREE PRESS and CISCO CITIZEN VOLUME VI. Member of the Associated Press CISCO, TEXAS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1935 (AP) Means Associated Press NUMBER 4 BRITAIN ★ * ★ * * * * * READY* ★ ★ * TO ★ ATTACK★ * ★ * ★ ★ * * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * ‘ Peak of Appropriation Reached Says FDR Three-Man Liquor Control Board For Texas Through the CAN LOOK TO JAPS BLAMED PROPOSED OIL Editor's IECREASE IN FOR N. CHINA EMBARGO IRES Spectacles DEFICIT, SAYS SEPARATION ITALIAN DUCE By GEORGE Nippon Is Evasive in Although the Abilene football Substantial Achieve­ France Warns She Will team swamped the Cisco Lobo ment Is Reported to Reply to Western Back England “Un­ team at Abilene Thursday after­ Powers’ Queries noon, the Abilene band was a Georgia Crowd reservedly” poor second in - showing to the BULLETIN Cisco band, spectators who watch­ ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 29. (JP) — (By Associated Press) TOKYO, Nov. 29. (JP) — ed the two school organizations President Roosevelt today told the Informed official sources at parade at the half declared. The Georgia “homecoming day” crowd Japan officially told Great Britain today she would not Rome today said that Italy was Abilene band had more instru­ that the government had passed ready to attack the British Medi­ accept responsibility for ments but their training, playing the “peak of appropriation,” and terranean fleet if the League of North China developments. and marching was much inferior announced that substantial Nations imposes the oil embargo. She said the autonomy move­ tc the Cisco band. The locals made achievement of the administration From official quarters it was ment was Chinese and spon­ a smart appearance as they per­ employment goal had been reach­ reported that France had advised taneous. formed a series of intricate drills, ed. “We can look forward to a Italy that France would back led by their drum major, Miss decreasing deficit, as things stand Great Britain unreservedly if (By Associated Press) Jewel Ely, by the way, is show­ today, and in the light of definite Mussolini does anything “desper­ China today made the accusa­ ing the boy drum majors of the and continuing economic im­ ate” in the Mediterranean. It was tion that the Japanese army was district how drum majoring provement, we have passed the reported that Premier Laval gave largely responsible for the North should be done. I nominate her peak of appropriation revenues, into the British demand for action China autonomy movement. Jap­ all-district. without the imposition of new After more than 16 years of on the oil embargo proposal. an made denial of the accusation, * * * taxes, are increasing.” prohibition in Texas, sale of Ethiopian officials are quoted and simultaneously Japan is re­ The boys of the Cisco Volun­ Repeating his determination to alchoholic beverages has been as saying that they recaptured ported to have answered evasive­ Fairness to Old Two Big Projects teer Fire department are eager end the dole, the president said legalized. The regulatory act Walwal, near the Italian Somali­ ly the queries of representatives this year to repair toys for poor 3.125.000 individuals are off the will ' be administered by a land border. of western nations, notably Great kids. If some Cisco organization relief and were working last Wed­ three-member board and an Britain, regarding Japan’s plans Folks Promised To Be Initiated Ethiopian confirmed Rome dis­ will provide the slight cost of nesday. administrator. Left to right: in North China. patches saying the Italian bomb­ purchasing paints, nails, etc., He said orders have already D. B. Benson of Bowie, chair­ ing squadrons wrought destruc­ In a note of protest China said needed in the repair of the toys, been issued for the remainder of By Pension Chief man and “dry” member; D. by Laguna Hotel tion on Daggahbur, an important the department will be only too 3.500.000 employables to go to that “ disgruntled elements act­ J. Dechard of Flatonia; ad­ fortress between the Italian work. ing in connivance with Japanese glad to devote its idle time to AUSTIN, Nov. 29.—“We are go­ ministrator C. R. Miller, for­ Between $2,000 and $3,000 will southern armies and Jijiga and “ fixing up” playthings that are He compared the financial con­ officers” planned the separation ing to be fair to the old people of merly of Electra, and Joe W. be spent by the. Laguna hotel in Harar. Ethiopia said many wo­ ditions today and in “those fools’ move. contributed by more fortunate Texas.” said the new pension Williams of Port Arthur. (As­ remodeling shower baths through, men and children had been killed, paradise years before the crash.” families. The cost of paint, tacks, chief this week. sociated Press photo). out the hotel, contract for which but no soldiers. “We were insolvent then,” he nails, and the inevitable materials W . K. Johnstons Are Orville S. Carpenter, 36-year- has been let to Truscoin Lava­ The American naval delegation said, “today we are solvent.” for repair of toys is so slight that old state auditor, was named ex­ tories company of Houston, Man­ prepared to sail tonight for Lon­ any group like the Rotary or Back From El Paso ecutive director of the old-age ager Dallas F. Wales „ announced don for the December 9th confer­ Lions club ought to be willing to assistance board, November 20, by CLIPPER AT today. Wales said that in so far ence, carrying a mandate to op­ donate it. Those who have toys W. K. Johnston, former Cisco the new three-member commis­ as possible local labor and ma­ pose an increase in naval costs. to give to the cause may either LOBO BAND grocer, and Mrs. Johnston have sion. He will resign as auditor terials will be used in this work. A rigid censorship of news dis­ bring them to the fire depart­ returned from El Paso where Mr. and take .up his new duties when The project, said the manager, is patches, prohbiting sending out ment or to the Daily Press office MANILA TODAY Johnston spent several months re­ the pension law becomes effec­ one of two large ones which have information of the Italian military where they will be taken care of. * * * TO BANQUET cuperating from an illness. They tive February 14. been under consideration by the moves and the publication of the were brought to Cisco by Judge MANILA, P. I. Nov. 29. (JP) hotel company for some time. The commanders’ names, has been The Cisco beer business insti­ “ We are going into the matter S. J. Isaacks and his daughter, The China Clipper, four minutes other project, which is scheduled clamped down by the Italian ar­ tutions are in a quandary of “ du­ The annual banquet for the carefully. I am studying the pen­ Miss Maude, of El Paso who went late on the first trans - Atlantic to be started within a short while, my chief. Correspondents will be biety and doubt.” The ruling of Cisco Lobo band will be held on to Fort Worth to see the TCU - sion systems of other states that airmail flight in history, alighted is the installation of an individual held responsible. the state supreme court that wet the roof garden of the Laguna SMU game Saturday afternoon. have pension laws,” he said. on Manila bay today amid wild power plant for the hotel. Plans areas cannot legally exist in dry hotel this evening at 7:15. Victor Wade, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. acclaim. are now being drafted for this counties had thrown the status of Lawson, band president, will pre­ Mr. Carpenter probably knows Johnston, was here today from The enthusiasm of the thous­ purpose, he said. uncertainty over their license, al­ side. more about pensions than any ands swarming the bay and wat­ the University of Texas to spend Work upon the shower bath re­ though it was voted by the people The roof garden will be decor­ other man in the state. At request erfront caused the Clipper’s fail the weekend with his parents. modeling project is scheduled to of the city two years ago. The re­ ated in black and gold, the colors ure to land exactly on time, com­ ---------------- o---------------- of Governor Allred, Mr. Carpen­ get under way within the next 30 solution submitting the 3.2 beer of the band. Band members and pleting its 8,000 mile hop from ter made a survey in September days, Wales said. All baths which amendments to the now-repealed their “dates” and ex-band mem­ California. Numerous small craft have developed defects or leakage prohibition amendment to the bers and their “dates” are invited Tax Experts to on the “Cost and General Plan on the surface of the bay caused FORT WORTH, Nov. 29.—Hogs will be put in first class condition. state constitution provided that; to attend. for Old-age Pensions.” This was the Clipper to proceed cautiously —Receipts 700, including 110 di­ where a county as a whole voted | W. J. Leach, chairman of the prepared for the legislature, and The first letter delivered was rects. Market on truck hogs 10c against legalization of the sale of band committee, will be the prin­ Aid Schools in the new law reflects his survey in from President Roosevelt, at to 20c higher than Wednesday.
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