Hi, it’s me, your Le Grand citybike. I am delighted that you’ve selected me for the city rides. Tell me please, what did attract you to me? Was it my urban functionality, my timeless style or maybe this unique turquoise colour?

Did you know that my frame was designed in Poland by the Kross’s designers? This distinguishes me from the other bicycles available on the market. Specialists have paid attention to each slightest detail, in order to match my graphics with the colour of the saddle, grips and basket liner.

I remind you that I am a natural born urban beast. My standard equipment will make your everyday commutes around the city e ortless: full fenders protect your clothes from the rain, smart enables to “park” me easily and chainguard keeps your skirt clean and fl ying.

Do you remember fi rst bicycles from the beginning of the XX century? These are my grand- grandparents. Bikes changed a lot after that time – defi nitely I am a modern product, however, you will still notice the retro spirit of those past times in my frame line.

And now surprise time: this year some of my modern friends decided to keep up with the times and take advantage of electric assistance. You don’t believe me? Have a look at the next pages!

02 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 03 Hallo, hier bin ich dein Stadtrad Le Grand. Ich freue mich, du mich als den Gefährten von Stadtfahrten gewählt hast.

Sag’ bitte, was dich in mir beeindruckt hat? Ob meine städtische Funktionsfähigkeit, ob überzeitlicher Stil, oder einfach diese einzigartige türkise Farbe? ;-)

Und weißt du, mein Rahmen in Polen durch Kross’ Designer entworfen wurde? Das hebt mich von allen auf dem Markt zugänglichen Fahrrädern ab. Fachleute sorgten für jedes winzigste Detail, so dass meine Grafi k mit der Sitz-, Gri - oder Korbfarbe im Einklang stehen.

Ich weise darauf hin, ich ein typisches Stadttier bin. Meine Standardausrüstung macht dein Fahren durch die Metropole leichter: ich meine z.B. volle Schmutzfänger zum Schutz deiner Kleidung beim Regen, die Stütze, dank welcher du mich schnell „parken” kannst oder der Kettenschutz, der Hosenbeine vor Verschmutzung schützt.

Erinnerst Du dich an die ersten Fahrräder aus dem Anfang des XX. Jahrhunderts? Das sind meine Ururgrosseltern. Seit damals hat sich viel geändert, denn ich bin sicher E ekt der Modernität, aber in meiner Linie fi ndest du Anlehnung an Retrostil dieser Zeiten.

Und nun Überraschung: dieses Jahr einige meine moderne Freundinnen Lille entschieden sich den Zeitgeist zu folgen und elektrischen Antrieb zu nutzen. Glaubst du das nicht? Sieh bitte die nachstehenden Seiten!

Ich bin sicher, dass Anfang einer ungewöhnlichen Freundschaft wird.

04 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 05 Hola, soy tu bicicleta urbana llamada Le Grand. Muchas gracias por haberme elegido como tu acompañante de las excursiones urbanas.

¿Dime por favor, que es lo que te impresionó más respecto a mí? ¿Quizá, puede ser mi nueva funcionalidad urbana irrepetible, o quizá puede ser la mezcla elegante con un estilo atemporal o tal vez, este color maravilloso y único turquesa?

¿Das cuenta que mi marco ha sido fabricado en Polonia por los mejores diseñadores de bici contratados por la empresa Kross? Es lo me distingue entre otros modelos de bicicletas existentes en el mercado. Los profesionales se encargaron de cada, aun el mas pequeño detalle para asegurar que mi aspecto grafi co sea correspondiente al color del sillín, puños o relleno de cesta.

Te quiero recordar que soy un animal típicamente urbano. Mis accesorios estándar te moverán muy rápido pasar por las calles de cada metrópolis: cabe destacar que no son solo los guardabarros completos que mantienen la bici y tu ropa más limpias, especialmente durante la lluvia, la portabici, por la que podrás “aparcarme” o adherirme fácilmente al suelo o a la pared o el cubre cadena completa que facilita la protección de tus piernas y pantalón ante suciedad.

¿Recuerdas las primeras bicis que nacieron a principios del siglo XX? De verdad, son mis bisabuelos. Desde este tiempo se han cambiado mucho, incluso yo mismo, he evolucionado muchísimo por convertirse a ser actualmente, y absolutamente, a un producto de la modernidad, sin embargo, dotado de un diseño típico para esta serie refi riéndose y correspondiendo al estilo retro en vigor en esos tiempos pasados.

Ahora, es tiempo de presentarte nuestra sorpresa: este año, algunas damas más modernas de serie Lille han decidido seguir avanzando, adoptándose y aprovechando la tecnología robótica que ofrece un acelerador o transmisión eléctrica al pedaleo, una opción para circular más cómodo y conseguir más autonomía. ¿No lo crees? ¡Acede las siguientes paginas!

Estoy seguro de que esta opción facilitara entablar una nueva amistad muy extraordinaria.

06 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 07 Привет, это я, твой новый городской велосипед Le Grand. Я рад, что ты выбрала именно меня в попутчики для поездок по городу.

Скажи, что тебя во мне восхитило? Моя функциональность для города или вневременной стиль, а может, просто неповторимый бирюзовый цвет? ;)

А ты знаешь, что моя рама разработана в Польше дизайнерами фирмы Kross? И это меня выделяет среди других велосипедов, предлагаемых на рынке. Специалисты позаботились о каждой детали, так чтобы дизайн рамы сочетался с цветом седла, ручек и вкладыша в корзинку.

Напоминаю, что я чисто городской зверь. Мое стандартное оборудование облегчит тебе передвижение по мегаполису: я говорю о сплошных крыльях, защищающих твою одежду во время дождя, подножке, которая позволит быстро «припарковаться» и защите цепи, которая предохранит штанины от грязи.

Помнишь первые велосипеды начала ХХ века? Это мои прапрапрадедушки. С тех пор многое изменилось, так как я определенно являюсь продуктом современности, но в моем силуэте ты узнаешь ретро-стиль тех времен.

А теперь сюрприз: в этом году некоторые мои модные подружки модели Lille решили идти в ногу со временем и обзавестись электромотором. Не веришь? Взгляни на следующие страницы!

Я уверена, что это станет началом необычной дружбы.

08 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 09 12 80

42 64





Electric bikes boost your pedalling power. It means that you still need to make e ort to move forward.

Do you like trips to the countryside? You will discover new places thanks to e-bike.

Do you seek an alternative to a car Do you fi nd ecology signifi cant? in the crowded city? Electric bike is more environment-friendly Le Grand Electric will get you quickly to your than a car. destination and in addition you will avoid problems with parking.


Do you feel that your health condition prevents you from biking? Thanks to Le Grand Electric you will feel Do you live in a hilly region? the wind in your hair again! eLille electric bike will give you extra boost during demanding uphills.

• 250W power • Waterproof (IP65 certifi cate) • Charging in 6,5h (with 2A charger) • 5 support modes • Walk assistance • Max range: 100km (fully charged) • Control of light • Distance calculation • Battery capacity • Speed 14 15 eLILLE 3 eLILLE 2

SIZES 17 ” 19 ” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS SIZES 17 ” 19 ” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS


Frame Alloy Grips Synthetic Leather Frame Alloy Grips Synthetic Leather

Fork HL Corporation 730AMS Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas Fork HL Corporation 730AMS Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas

Derailleur Shimano Nexus Lights Retro Shimano Nexus Lights Retro

Brake front V-brake Alloy Battery Bafang 43V / 10.8Ah Brake front V-brake Alloy Battery Bafang 43V / 10.8Ah

Brake rear V-brake Alloy Display Bafang LCD / walk assistance / USB Brake rear V-brake Alloy Display Bafang LCD / walk assistance / USB Bafang Central drive 36V / 250W, Bafang front drive 36V / 250W, Saddle Synthetic Leather Motor Saddle Synthetic Leather Motor torque 80Nm torque 30Nm

white / pink glossy black / silver matte

16 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 17 Sie warf den Laptop in ihre Tasche hinein und hängte sie an den Gepäckträger ihres beliebten COMMUTE, Damenfahrrads an. Sie war schon vor 9.00 Uhr auf dem Weg. Vor ihr waren ein paar Geschäftstre en und jedes am anderen Ende der Stadt. Sie wusste, dass ihr Terminkalender gespannt war, aber das Bewusstsein, dass sie doch das Fahrrad fahre und dem Stau nicht ausgesetzt sei, bewirkte, dass sie FREELANCE... doch ein bisschen Zeit fand, um eine Tasse Morgenka ee in ihrem beliebten Cafe zu trinken. Und dann AND RELAX kam ein Gedanke, dass sie das Fahrradfahren entspanne, sogar an einem höchst beanspruchten Tag. Ella puso su portatil al bolso y lo fi jó al portabultos de su bicicleta femenina. En el viaje estaba ya antes de las 9 de la mañana. Por delante ha tenido varias reuniones, cada uno en el otro extremo de la She put the laptop inside black stylish and attached it to the rack ciudad. Sabía que tiene la agenda ocupada, pero consciente de que es sobre los atascos de tráfi co porque tiene la bici, ha encontrado un momento para tomar una taza de café en su cafetería favorita. of her beloved bike. It was 9 a.m. and she was already on the go. She had some Ella ha entenido inmediatamente que paseó en bicicleta puede relajarse mientras los momentos más meetings ahead all around the city. She knew her schedule was tight, but as she goes laboriosos en una ciudad. by bike, tra c jams don’t a ect her. That’s why she found some time for the morning cup of good co ee in her favourite café. Instantly she realized that the Закинула ноутбук в сумку и прикрепила ее к багажнику своей любимой дамки. Еще не было 9 утра, а она уже была на трассе. Впереди ее ожидало несколько встреч, и все в разных концах joy of bike ride make it possible to chill out even during the busiest times in the city. города. Она знала, что у нее загруженный график, однако благодаря осознанию того, что она едет на велосипеде и пробки ей нипочем, ей все же удалось найти свободную минутку, чтобы выпить утреннюю чашечку хорошего кофе в любимом кафе. И в тот момент ее посетила мысль, что именно за такие минуты маленьких удовольствий и радости, которую ей доставляет каждая прогулка на велосипеде, она столь сильно любит этот шумный и оживленный город.

18 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 19 QUICK AND COMFORTABLE

UTILITY bikes were designed to make city life easier. They are a quick and convenient form of urban transport thanks to their lightweight construction. A frame-integrated rack allows for carrying all those items that large city dweller just… must have on them during the day.

Das Fahrrad von UTILITY-Linie ist für Nutzung in der Stadt entworfen. Durch seine leichte Konstruktion eignet es sie sich hervorragend als schnelles, bequemes und zugleich stilvolles Verkehrsmittel in der Stadt. Der Gepäckträger ist mit dem Rahmen integriert und damit lässt alle Sachen komfortabel transportieren, die jeder Einwohner einer pulsierenden Metropole einfach dabei haben… muss.

Las bicicletas de la serie UTILITY fueron diseñadas para que sea útil en la ciudad. Gracias a su construcción ligera es perfecto como un modo de transporte rápido, práctico y sin embargo elegante en la ciudad. El portabultos integrado permitirá llevar cómodamente todas estas cosas que todos los habitantes de la metrópoli llena de vida... debe tener con sí mismo.

Велосипеды из серии UTILITY разработаны с учетом городских особенностей. Благодаря легкой конструкции они превосходно подходят в качестве быстрого, удобного и в то же время стильного средства передвижения в городе. Встроенный багажник позволит комфортно перевозить все те вещи, которые каждый житель бурлящего мегаполиса просто... обязан иметь с собой.

20 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 21 LILLE 7 SIZES 17 ” 19 ” WHEEL 28 ” 8 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Meet Lille 7, the top fair sex of Utility line.

Frame Alloy Saddle Light foam / elastomer She is a typical large city dweller: busy, Fork Suntour CR8-R Grips Synthetic Leather constantly on the run, but always paying extra Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas attention to her looks. High curbs won’t be a Brake front Shimano Nexus Roller Brake Lights Front dynamo hub / Rear battery

Brake rear Shimano Nexus Roller Brake problem thanks to front suspension fork and suspension . Spacious basket with the matching liner will carry all your necessary stuff from home to work and finally… to your date at the coffee shop when the day ends.

black matte

white glossy

22 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 23 LILLE 6 LILLE 5

SIZES 17 ” 19 ” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS SIZES 17 ” 19 ” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS


Frame Alloy Saddle Light foam / elastomer Frame Alloy Saddle Light foam / elastomer

Fork Suntour CR7-V Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights Front dynamo hub / X-Ray Steady Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights Front / Rear battery

Brake rear V-brake Alloy Brake rear V-brake Alloy

celadon glossy navy blue glossy dark brown matte white glossy

24 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 25 LILLE 4 LILLE 3

SIZES 17 ” 19 ” WHEEL 28 ” 3 GEARS SIZES 15 ” 17 ” WHEEL 26 ” 3 GEARS


Frame Alloy Saddle Light foam / elastomer Frame Alloy Saddle Light foam / elastomer

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 26" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights - Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights -

Brake rear V-brake Alloy Brake rear V-brake Alloy

graphite matte red glossy blue matte pink glossy black matte white glossy

26 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 27 LILLE 2 LILLE 1

SIZES 17 ” 19 ” WHEEL 28 ” 6 GEARS SIZES 15 ” 17 ” WHEEL 26 ” 6 GEARS


Frame Alloy Saddle Foam Frame Alloy Saddle Foam

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano RD-TZ50 Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas Derailleur Shimano RD-TZ50 Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front V-brake Lights - Brake front V-brake Lights -

Brake rear V-brake Brake rear V-brake

celadon glossy cream glossy black matte white glossy

28 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 29 30 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 31 METZ 2 SIZES 19 ” 21 ” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Meet Lille 7’s companion, Metz 2 who is

Frame Alloy Saddle Light foam / elastomer a famous urban rider. He is in his element Fork Suntour CR7-V Grips Synthetic Leather each time he feels the need to get from one Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas part of the city to another, carrying items Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights Front dynamo hub / X-Ray Steady

Brake rear V-brake Alloy on his frame-integrated rack. He attracts girls by the modern design of the frame and matching accessories like ding-dong bell and retro looking, yet modern LED equipped light. Metz 2 is now ready for an adventure in the concrete jungle!

navy blue glossy

black matte

32 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 33 METZ 1

SIZES 19 ” 21 ” WHEEL 28 ” 6 GEARS


Frame Alloy Saddle Foam

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano Altus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front V-brake Lights Front / Rear battery

Brake rear V-brake

black glossy dark brown matte

34 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 35 36 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 37 TOURS 2 SIZES 17 ” 19 ” 21 ” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Tours 2 joins the Utility family!

Frame Alloy Saddle Light foam/elastomer Universal, classic and functional – Fork Suntour CR7-V Grips Synthetic Leather for exceptional girls and non-ordinary boys. Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas Hop on it easily and ride comfortably in Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights Front / Rear battery

Brake rear V-brake Alloy varied terrain thanks to Nexus 7-speed hub. Tours 2 is ready to explore new streets!

silver glossy

black matte

38 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 39 TOURS 1

SIZES 17 ” 19 ” 21 ” WHEEL 28 ” 6 GEARS


Frame Alloy Saddle Foam

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano RD-TY500 Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights -

Brake rear V-brake Alloy

blue matte black glossy

40 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 41 Wenn es nur warm wird, niemand und nichts kann uns zu Hause anhalten. Das Wochenende bedeutet nur das Fahrrad. Diesmal haben wir uns auf etwas Untypisches entschieden und wir sind mit dem LET THE Fahrrad in einen Regio-Zug eingestiegen. Nach dem Plan sind wir auf der ersten Station ausgestiegen, die mit dem Buchstaben „S“ beginnt. Gleich sind wir tief in den Wald eingetaucht. Ohne Eile sind wir ADVENTURE BEGIN! über ein paar Stunden durch den Wald gefahren und die zum Leben erwachende Natur bewundert. Seit der Zeit nennen wir solche Ausfl üge „Natur – Safari”.

As soon as it gets warm, we can’t stay at home during the weekend. Because Cuando hace sol, no podemos quedarnos en casa el fi n de semana. Porque el fi n de semana signifi ca la bici. Esta vez hemos decidido hacer algo loco y hemos subido al tren suburbano con las weekend means bike! This time we decided to do a crazy thing. We caught a local bicicletas. Según el plano hemos bajado en la primera parada, que su nombre empieza por la letra train, of course with our two-wheelers, and decided to get o on the fi rst station “S”. Inmediatamente fuimos al bosque…y montando en bicis hemos mirado a la naturaleza que se ha starting with the letter „S”. We immediatelly ducked into the forest… and kept on despertado a la vida. Desde ese momento los paseos similares llamamos “los safaris vegetales”. cruising without any rush, admiring the blooming trees and fl owers for the next couple of hours. From this time on, we use to call such trips „plant safari”. Как только на улице становится тепло, ничто не может нас удержать дома в выходные дни. Ведь выходные - это велосипед. В этот раз мы решили действовать нестандартно и сели с велосипедами в пригородный поезд. Согласно плану мы вышли на первой станции, название которой начинается на „С”. И сразу же нырнули в лес… и так не спеша крутя педали, любовались в течение следующих нескольких часов пробуждающейся природой. В такие моменты подобного рода прогулки мы называем „лесным сафари”.

42 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 43 RECREATIONAL

COMFORT bikes were designed specifi cally for recreational riding: they perform equally well in the concrete jungle, on the park alleys as well as on the forest trails.

Das Fahrrad von COMFORT-Linie ist so entworfen, dass es die Bequemlichkeit sowohl in dem städtischen Dschungel, in den Parkwegen als auch auf den Waldrouten sichert. Sie sind für Entspannung gescha t.

Las bicicletas de la serie COMFORT fueron diseñados así para garantizar la comodidad del paseo tanto en la jungla urbana, en los senderuelos en el parque, como en las rutas del bosque – entonces fueron creadas para el viaje recreativo.

Велосипеды из серии COMFORT разработаны с учетом комфорта езды как в городских джунглях, по парковым аллейкам, так и по лесным тропинкам - они созданы для отдыха.

44 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 45 PAVE 3 SIZES 16 ” 18 ” WHEEL 28 ” 6 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Come closer and take a look at Pave 3,

Frame Alloy Saddle Foam the top model of Le Grand Comfort line. Fork Suntour CR7-V Grips Synthetic Leather Don’t be misled by her innocent, delicate Derailleur Shimano RD-TY500 Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas feminine looks – she will do well on rougher Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights -

Brake rear V-brake Alloy forest trails thanks to front suspension and suspended seatpost.

white glossy

celadon glossy

46 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 47 PAVE 2 PAVE 1

SIZES 16 ” 18 ” WHEEL 28 ” 6 GEARS SIZES 14 ” 16 ” WHEEL 26 ” 6 GEARS


Frame Alloy Saddle Foam Frame Alloy Saddle Foam

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Kraton

Derailleur Shimano RD-TY300 Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas Derailleur Shimano RD-TZ50 Tires 26" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights - Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights -

Brake rear V-brake Alloy Brake rear V-brake Alloy

brown matte sky blue glossy cherry glossy cream glossy

48 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 49 Das war ein guter Tag, um durch die Stadt zu streifen. Als er sich nur aufs Fahrrad setzte und die Straße ARTISTIC SPIRIT entlang fuhr, erinnerte er sich, wie er den Klang der Fahrradklingel auf den Kopfsteinpfl astern und… den sanften, bequemen Sattel seines Fahrrads mag. Er hielt an der Ampel, am stilvollen Holländer an und sie lächelte ihn an… und beide sind in zwei verschiedene Richtungen gefahren. Er ist hingefahren AND TOUCH OF und dachte unterwegs, Habe ich gerade die Liebe meines Lebens verloren? So darf ich sie nicht loslassen! Er kehrte zurück und trat in die Pedale so viel Kraft er in seinen Beinen hatte, er holte sie ein. DECADENCE Als sie ihn bemerkte, lächelte sie ihn wieder an und sagte: „Was für ein schönes Fahrrad“… Ese día fue ideal para andar por la ciudad. Cuando él subió a la bici y fue por la calle de empedrado, It was a perfect day for hanging around the city. As soon as he hopped on his bike recordaba como le gusta el tono de timbre que suena en los adquirines y… el sillín muy cómodo de su bici. Paraba en la calle en la bici femenina de estilo, y ella… se sonría a él y… cada uno se fue en su and rode down the narrow paved street, he noticed the sound of his brass bell ringing dirección. Iba y pensaba: y ¿ si acaba de pasar con el amor de su vida? ¡No se puede simplemente on the cobble stones. How much he appreciated his comfy saddle! He stopped on dejarlo! Entonces se volvió y pedaleó tan rápido para alcanzar a esa chica. Tan pronto como ella le notó, the tra c lights while the girl on a stylish dutch bike… smiled at him and soon after ella sonrió de nuevo, diciendo: “que bicicleta tan bonita “... rode in the opposite direction. He wondered: what if I had just passed the love of a Это был идеальный день для шатания по городу. Как только он сел на велосипед и поехал lifetime? It can’t be like that! He turned back pedaling quickly and caught up with the по выложенной брусчаткой улице, он вспомнил, насколько сильно ему нравится звук звонка, girl. She noticed him smiling again and said: „Fancy bike…” разносящийся над булыжной мостовой и…. мягкое и удобное сиденье его велосипеда. Он остановился на светофоре на своей стильной дамке, а она… улыбнулась ему и… каждый из них продолжил свой путь. Он ехал и думал: а что если я только что упустил любовь всей своей жизни? Этого ни в коем случае нельзя было допустить! Поэтому он развернулся и что было сил крутя педали, догнал девушку. Только увидев его, она ему снова улыбнулась, сказав: „классный велосипед”…

50 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 51 ORIGINAL AND STYLISH

ORIGINALS line bikes are inspired by the early models of urban bicycles. These are the classic projects that combine functionality with refi ned retro design. ORIGINALS bike will complement your personal style and is meant for city rides.

Das Fahrrad von ORIGINALS-Linie ist durch die ersten Modelle der Stadtfahrräder entstanden. Das sind klassische Projekte, die eine Gebrauchsfunktion mit einer durchdachten, gut bearbeiteten Retrostilistik verbinden. Sie glänzen mit Schick für ihren Besitzer, eignen sich hervorragend während der täglichen Reisen durch die Stadt.

Las primeras bicicletas urbanas fueron la inspiración para las bicicletas de la serie ORIGINALS. Estos son los proyectos clásicos que unen las funciones usuales con el dieseño retro. Mostrando elegancia a su dueño es muy adecuado para los paseos cotidianos por la ciudad.

Идея создания велосипедов из серии ORIGINALS заимствована у первых моделей городских велосипедов. Это классические модели, сочетающие в себе практичную функциональность и продуманную, доработанную до мелочей ретро-стилистику. Придавая своему владельцу шик, они идеально подойдут для ежедневных поездок по городу.

52 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 53 VIRGINIA 3 SIZES 18 ” 20” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Meet Virginia 3, our top female model from

Frame Steel Saddle Leather Brooks / spring the Originals line. Be enchanted by her Fork Steel Grips Leather retro, Dutch-type frame. Fall in love with her Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28” × 1,75” Schwalbe retro skirt guard, romantic wicker basket Brake front Shimano Nexus Roller Brake Lights Front dynamo hub / Rear battery

Brake rear Shimano Nexus Roller Brake with liner and original chain guard. Be amazed by the ultimate comfort

DRESS delivered by Brooks hand-crafted leather GUARD saddle and grips. Ride proudly, keep the upright position and admire your beloved city from the best perspective possible.

black matte

white glossy

54 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 55 VIRGINIA 2 VIRGINIA 1

SIZES 18 ” 20” WHEEL 28 ” 3 GEARS SIZES 18 ” 20” WHEEL 28 ” 3 GEARS


Frame Steel Saddle Synthetic Leather / spring Frame Steel Saddle Synthetic Leather / spring

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28” × 1,75” Mitas Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28” × 1,75” Mitas

Brake front Shimano Nexus Roller Brake Lights Front / Rear battery Brake front Calliper Steel Lights Front / Rear battery

Brake rear Shimano Nexus Coaster Brake Brake rear -

pink glossy blue matte red glossy black glossy celadon glossy

56 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 57 58 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 59 WILLIAM 3 SIZES 22 ” 24” WHEEL 28 ” 7 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Let us introduce William 3, the highest

Frame Steel Saddle Leather Brooks / spring model in the hierarchy of men’s Originals. Fork Steel Grips Leather Handsome as hell thanks to his sleek frame Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28” × 1,75” Schwalbe design reminding of all those old-fashioned Brake front Shimano Nexus Roller Brake Lights Front dynamo hub / Rear battery

Brake rear Shimano Nexus Roller Brake bicycles from the beginning of the past century. Brooks leather saddle and grips will add extra comfort and boost your style. Drum brake works perfectly in all weather conditions and moreover does not ruin your looks. Prepare yourself for ultra-vintage experience.

black glossy

60 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 61 WILLIAM 2 WILLIAM 1

SIZES 22 ” 24” WHEEL 28 ” 3 GEARS SIZES 22 ” 24” WHEEL 28 ” 3 GEARS


Frame Steel Saddle Synthetic Leather / spring Frame Steel Saddle Synthetic Leather / spring

Fork Steel Grips Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28” × 1,75” Mitas Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front Shimano Nexus Roller Brake Lights Front dynamo hub / Rear battery Brake front Calliper Steel Lights Front / Rear battery

Brake rear Shimano Nexus Roller Brake Brake rear -

green glossy black matte graphite glossy

62 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 63 Endlich eine Pause im Unterricht. Das war ja Mai, alles blühte. Es ist super, studieren zu können, aber an einem solchen Tag ist es schwer, an einer Bank im Unterricht zu sitzen. Besonders wenn ich mich mit einem Mädchen im Park für einen Picknick verabreden möchte. Er hat sich ans Fahrrad gesetzt, unterwegs kam er noch in eine Bäckerei. Beim Picknick müssen Hörnchen dabei sein und dann bleiben THE BEST die Krümel für die Vögel. Danach ist er auf den Markt gefahren und warf in den Korb die Erdbeeren hinein. Seine Freundin mag sie sehr. Er konnte so den ganzen Tag lang hin- und herfahren, aber sie MOMENTS OF LIFE wartete schon auf ihn im Park. Und fahren kann man immer weiter zu zweit. Por fi n un rato de descanso. Estabamos a mayo, todo fl orecía, es muy divertido estudiar, pero en los Finally it ’s spring so all the fl owers and trees are in full bloom. It is good to be a días calurosos como ese, es difícil sentarse en clase…especialmente cuando se puede quedar con su novia para un picnic en el parque. student but sitting inside the university room is tiring especially when you can meet Entonces subió a la bici, pasó por la panadería. En el picnic tiene que tener unos cruasanes para tener your girlfriend for a picnic in the park. He hopped on his bike, passing by a local unas migajas para dar a comer a los pajaritos. Después fue a un mercadito y puso a su cesta las fresas, bakery. He bought some croissants - the breadcrumbs will be left for sparrows. Then a su novia le gustan. Quería montar en bici todo el día, pero su novia ya esperaba en el parque…se he dropped by the grocery and picked some ripe strawberries – his girlfriend is very puede montar siempre y es major si se puede hacerlo en parejas. fond of them. He could be cruising like this all day long but she was waiting for him in Наконец-то перерыв в занятиях. Наконец-то наступил май, все вокруг цвело, даже учиться было the park. And riding together is the best thing! приятно, однако в такой день как этот, трудно было усидеть на занятиях… особенно когда можно договориться с девушкой и устроить небольшой пикник в парке. Поэтому он сел на велосипед, по пути заскочив в пекарню. Для пикника обязательно нужны рогалики, после которых останутся крошки для птиц. Потом он заехал на рынок - и в корзинке появилась клубника - ведь его девушка ее очень любит. Он мог бы так ездить весь день, но ведь она уже ждала его в парке… а покататься можно всегда успеть, а лучше всего вдвоем.

64 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 65 CLASSIC AND ERGONOMIC

CLASSIC line bikes, are a unique combination of style and ergonomics, inspired by the classic models from the 50’s of the twentieth century. It means not only riding in comfort, but what is equally important, standing out from the crowd.

Das Fahrrad von CLASSIC – Linie erinnert an klassische Modelle aus den 50er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das ist eine einzigartige Verbindung von Stil und Ergonomie. Dadurch kann man die Freude aus der Fahrt nicht nur durch die Bequemlichkeit haben, welche die Anpassung des Fahrrads an die städtische Verhältnisse mitbringt, sondern auch durch die Blicke der beindruckten Passanten.

Los modelos clásicos de los años 50 del siglo XX fueron la inspiración para las bicicletas de la serie CLASSIC, que unen perfectamente el estilo con la ergonomía. Gracias a esto se puede disfrutar del paseo no sólo por la comodidad, porque la bici es adaptada a las condiciones urbanas, pero también disfrutar de las miradas llenas del encanto de la gente.

Велосипеды из серии CLASSIC, созданные по образцу классических моделей 50-х годов XX века, это уникальное сочетание стиля и эргономики. Наслаждение от езды доставляет не только комфорт, обеспеченный функциональностью велосипеда, адаптированной к городским условиям, но и исполненные восхищения взгляды остающихся позади прохожих.

66 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 67 MADISON 3 SIZE 18 ” WHEEL 28 ” 3 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Get to know Madison 3 - the queen of our

Frame Steel Saddle Vinyl / spring Classic line. Her retro, yet modern design Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather of the frame guarantees ergonomics and Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas joy of ride. She has all the features of a Brake front Caliper Steel Lights Front / Rear battery

Brake rear - city bike: practical kickstand, 3-speed hub, LED lightning, a functional rack and a chain guard with attractive floral motives for that girly touch.

white glossy

celadon glossy

68 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 69 MADISON 2 MADISON 1

SIZE 18 ” WHEEL 26 ” 3 GEARS SIZE 18 ” WHEEL 26 ” 1 GEAR


Frame Steel Saddle Vinyl / spring Frame Steel Saddle Vinyl / spring

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas Derailleur - Tires 28" × 1,75" Mitas

Brake front Caliper Steel Lights - Brake front Calliper Steel Lights -

Brake rear - Brake rear -

black glossy white glossy mint matte brown glossy

70 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 71 72 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 73 Eisbombe… Wa eln… Zuckerwatte… und vielleicht die Himbeeren? Eine solche Wahl war von den Cruiser- Fahrern zu tre en, als sie auf eine Meerespromenade hingefahren sind. Und dann PURE SUMMER standen sie, schauten sie um und wegen der schönen Meereslandschaft haben sich entschlossen, eine Entscheidung irgendwie später zu tre en. Sie haben also ihre Flip-Flops ausgezogen, in den PLEASURE Fahrradkorb hineingeworfen und ihren Platz am Strand gefunden. Die Sonne ist gerade langsam untergegangen.

Ice-cream, cotton candy or maybe a basket of ripe raspberries? It was a hard decision ¿Los helados… los gofres… el algodón de azúcar… o las frambuesas? Es una elección muy difícil que tenían que hacer los que iban en las bicis cruiser cuando fueron al malecón. Después se pararon, to take for cruiser riders who just entered the seaside promenade. Suddenly they miraron a su alrededor y por hermosas cirunstancias naturales, decidieron dejar para más adelante la stopped, took a look around and agreed to keep their options open, taking into decisión. Quitaron las chancletas, las pusieron a la cesta de bici y encontraron un sitio en la playa. En account the marvellous views. They took o their fl ip-fl ops, put them in the bike ese momento había la puesta del sol. basket and found their perfect place on the beach. It was the beginning of sunset. Мороженое… вафли… сахарная вата… а может, малина? Именно такой сложный выбор предстояло сделать велосипедистам-круизерам, когда они выехали на приморский бульвар. А потом они остановились, осмотрелись вокруг и учитывая красоту окружающей природы, решили отложить принятие решения на неопределенное „потом”. Сняли сандалии, закинули их в корзинку велосипеда и нашли себе место на пляже. Был закат, солнце клонилось к горизонту.


CRUISER line bikes were created based on the designs of “beach” bicycles dating back to the 30’s of the twentieth century. Thick wheels, comfy saddles and upright position that makes for admiring the surroundings, mean that even in the city you may feel like on holidays.

Das Fahrrad von CRUISER-Linie ist aufgrund der Projekte von Strandfahrrädern aus den 30er des 20. Jahrhunderts entstanden. Der Hauptgrundsatz von den Fahrrädern war ihre Bequemlichkeit. Die dicken Räder, sanfte Sättel und aufrechte Körperhaltung ermöglichen, die Umgebung zu bewundern und bewirken, dass man sich sogar in der Stadt wie in den Sommerferien fühlen kann.

Las bicicletas de la serie CRUISER fueron creadas en base de los proyectos de las bicis de la playa de los años 30 del siglo XX. Su regla principal fue la comodidad. Las ruedas anchas, los sillínes blandos y la postura estirada hacen que aun en la ciudad se puede sentirse como en las vacaciones.

Велосипеды из серии CRUISER разработаны на основе моделей „пляжных” велосипедов 30-х годов XX века, основной задачей которых был комфорт. Благодаря толстым колесам, мягким сидениям и прямой посадке, удобной для любования окрестностями, даже в городе можно почувствовать себя как в отпуске.

76 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 77 SANIBEL BOWMAN

SIZE 17 ” WHEEL 26 ” 3 GEARS SIZE 18 ” WHEEL 26 ” 3 GEARS


Frame Alloy Saddle Vinyl / spring Frame Alloy Saddle Vinyl / spring

Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather

Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 26" × 2,35" Schwalbe Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 26" × 2,35" Schwalbe

Brake front - Lights - Brake front - Lights -

Brake rear Shimano Nexus Coaster Brake Brake rear Shimano Nexus Coaster Brake

turquoise glossy white / pink glossy black / silver matte dark brown glossy

78 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 79 Zuerst muss man das ganze Team holen. Wir mussten ein bisschen warten, weil jeder das höchst gepfl egte Fahrrad haben möchte. Die Jungen haben den Lack poliert und die Mädchen haben WHAT A RACE! die meist abgefahrenen Klingen zugeschraubt. Und dann ging es los. Jemand hat eine Flagge mit Schachbrettmuster mitgebracht, jemand hat abgezählt und dann sind wir bis zum Ende der Straße um die Wette gelaufen! Wer hat gewonnen? Es ist schwer zu sagen. Weil es nicht nur die Schnelligkeit zählt, First we needed to complete the team. Everybody wanted to pimp up his bike so we aber auch der Stil, wie man gewinnt! needed some extra time. Boys polished the frames, the girls installed the fancy bells. Al principio tuvimos que reunir todo el equipo. Había que esperar un poco porque cada uno quería And so it began. Someone brought the start fl ag, the other counted down 3…2..1 and tener la bici más bonita. Los chicos pulían y las chicas apretaban los timbres juveniles. Y después we raced till the end of the street! Who won? It’s hard to tell, because it is not only the empezó. Alguien trajo una banderita ajedrezada, alguien contó y después corrimos en competencia speed, but also the style that counts! hasta el fi nal de la calle. ¿Quién ganó? Es difícil decir, porque hay que tener en cuenta no solo la rapídez, pero también estilo con que gana.

Сначала надо было собрать полную команду. Немного пришлось подождать, потому как каждый хотел, чтобы его велосипед был самым крутым. Парни полировали лаковое покрытие, а девушки прикручивали крутезные звонки. Ну а потом началось. Кто-то принес гоночный флажок, кто-то начал отсчет, после чего мы начали заезд на скорость до самого конца улицы! Кто победил? Сложно ответить, ведь тут важна была не только скорость, но и стиль достижения победы!

80 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 81 YOUTHFUL & FASHIONABLE

JUNIOR series bikes are smaller counterparts of CRUISER, UTILITY and COMFORT bikes. Equally stylish and comfortable like their “adult” versions, will be a pride of each fashionable girl and every trendy boy.

Das Fahrrad von JUNIOR-Linie ist eine Jugendentsprechung für Fahrräder von UTILITY-, CRUISER- und COMFORT-Linie. Auch stilvoll und bequem wie die „erwachsenen“ Modelle, sie werden der Stolz jedes modebewussten Mädchens und eines modebewussten Jungen.

Las bicicletas de la serie JUNIOR son los modelos juveniles de las bicis de serie CRUISER, UTILITY y COMFORT. También son cómodos y con estilo como sus versiones adultos, serán un orgullo para cada chica de moda y para cada chico que sigue las tendencias.

Велосипеды из серии JUNIOR - молодежные аналоги велосипедов серии CRUISER, UTILITY и COMFORT. Такие же стильные и удобные, как и их „взрослые” версии, они станут предметом гордости любой модной девушки и следящего за последними трендами парня.

82 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 83 LILLE JR SIZE 13 ” WHEEL 24 ” 3 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Lille Jr is a mini equivalent of adult Lille.

Frame Alloy Saddle Foam This means that mother and daughter can Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather make a perfect couple now. Its 3-speed hub Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 24" × 1,95" Mitas will now make mother chase her girl! Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights -

Brake rear V-brake Alloy

white glossy

pink glossy

84 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 85 PAVE JR SIZE 14 ” WHEEL 24 ” 6 GEARS

SPECIFICATION Pave Jr is a classic bike for young city bike

Frame Alloy Saddle Foam lovers. Flower motives and colourful cable Fork Steel Grips Kraton cords stand out in the crowd. 6-speed hub Derailleur Shimano RD-TZ50 Tires 24" × 1,95" Mitas enables rides in the varied terrain. Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights -

Brake rear V-brake Alloy

white glossy

celadon glossy

86 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 87 SANIBEL JR BOWMAN JR

SIZE 14 ” WHEEL 24 ” 3 GEARS SIZE 14 ” WHEEL 24 ” 3 GEARS

SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION Frame Alloy Saddle Vinyl / spring Frame Alloy Saddle Vinyl / spring Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Fork Steel Grips Synthetic Leather Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 24" × 1,95" Mitas Derailleur Shimano Nexus Tires 24" × 1,95" Mitas Brake front - Lights - Brake front - Lights - Brake rear V-brake Alloy Brake rear V-brake Alloy

pink / green matte mint glossy white / pink glossy navy blue / lime matte black / red matte

88 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 89 WINNIE KEVIN

SIZE 11 ” WHEEL 20 ” 1 GEAR SIZE 11 ” WHEEL 20 ” 1 GEAR

SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION Frame Steel Saddle PCV Frame Steel Saddle PCV Fork Steel Grips PCV Fork Steel Grips PCV Derailleur - Tires 20” × 2,125 Derailleur - Tires 20" × 2,125 Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights - Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights - Brake rear Coaster brake Brake rear Coaster brake

pink peach red / black navy blue / red

90 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 91 SANIBEL KID BOWMAN KID

SIZE 11 ” WHEEL 20 ” 1 GEAR SIZE 11 ” WHEEL 20 ” 1 GEAR

SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION Frame Steel Saddle PCV Frame Steel Saddle PCV Fork Steel Grips PCV Fork Steel Grips PCV Derailleur - Tires 20” × 2,125 Derailleur - Tires 20" × 2,125 Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights - Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights - Brake rear Coaster brake Brake rear Coaster brake

celadon pink white black / yellow brown / blue

92 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 93 ANNIE GILBERT

SIZE 10 ” WHEEL 16 ” 1 GEAR SIZE 10 ” WHEEL 16 ” 1 GEAR

SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION Frame Steel Frame Steel Saddle PCV Saddle PCV Fork Steel Fork Steel Grips PCV Grips PCV Derailleur - Derailleur - Tires 16” × 2,125 Tires 16” × 2,125 Brake front V-brake Alloy Brake front V-brake Alloy Lights - Lights - Brake rear Coaster brake Brake rear Coaster brake


white pink red mint brown blue red cream

94 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 95 Pfeff erminz – Fahrrad, ein luftiges Kleid mit Blumenmuster und Schuhe mit Absatz. Was fehlt hier noch? Vielleicht eine stilvolle Satteltasche, die in einem Hui zu einer Damentasche wird. Vielleicht ein Schoner für den Sattel ? Dann wird die Fahrt nach dem Regen sehr bequem. Und vielleicht die Spiegel, die die Fahrt durch die Stadtdschungel erleichtern. Griff e, Klingel, Handschuhe, Beleuchtung und viel mehr – Entdecken Sie bei unser Kollektion von schönem und funktionellem Zubehör.

Una bicicleta de color verde menta, un vestido sutil a fl ores y unos zapatos de tacón… ¿Aún falta algo? ¿Tal vez un bolso distinguido para el portaequipajes que un abrir y cerrar de ojos se convierte en un bolso de mujer? ¿Tal vez una funda para el sillín, que permite viajar cómodamente justo tras la lluvia? Mint green bike, fl ying fl ower patterned dress and high-heel shoes. What else is ¿Tal vez unos espejos, que te ayudan a desplazar en el laberinto urbano? Mangos, timbres, guantes, iluminación y mucho más – descubre nuestra colección de accesorios hermosos y útiles. missing? Maybe a stylish pannier, which turns into a women bag in two shakes? Maybe a saddle cover, which makes a ride straight after the rain enjoyable? Велосипед мятного цвета, воздушное платье в цветочек и туфли на каблуке. Чего-то не хватает? Or maybe a bike mirror which facilitates commuting in concrete jungle? Может быть, стильной сумки на багажник, которая мгновенно превращается в дамскую сумочку? Grips, lights, gloves, bells and much more – discover our new accessories collection: Может быть, чехла на седло, благодаря которому ездить после дождя комфортно? А может быть зеркальца, облегчающего передвижение по городским джунглям? Держатели, звонки перчатки, functional and stunning. освещение и многое другое - откройте для себя нашу коллекцию красивых и функциональных аксессуаров.

96 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 97 What a pleasant, sunny day: perfect for a bike ride to work. Spacious bicycle bag will fi t all your documents and extra pocket will carry your laptop securely. If you want to stop by the favourite café, don’t hesitate to take away – your latte will fi t perfectly in the . How far will you travel today? Your colourful bicycle computer will indicate this at the end of the day.

Heute haben wir ein schöner, sonniger Tag – ein guter Tag für die Zufahrt mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit. Eine große Tasche enthält Unterlagen und eine andere Tasche fährt Ihren Laptop durch die Stadt. Unterwegs möchten Sie noch Ihr beliebtes Cafe besuchen um einen Kaff ee-Becher mitzunehmen? Er hat seinen idealen Platz im Griff am Lenker. Wie viele Kilometer möchten Sie heute fahren? Das zeigt am Ende des Tages ein bunter Zähler.

Hoy de nuevo disfrutamos de un día precioso y soleado – perfecto para ir al trabajo en bicicleta. Coloca tus documentos en el bolso amplio, mientras que tu portátil viaje seguro en el bolsillo adicional. Te apetece comprarte un café para llevar – el mango en el volante es un lugar perfecto. ¿Cuántos kilómetros has hecho hoy? Lo verás en el contador.

Сегодня у нас снова погожий солнечный день - как раз подходящий, чтобы ехать на работу на велосипеде. Вместительная сумка поместит документы, а дополнительный карман безопасно перевезет Ваш ноутбук. По пути можно еще заехать в любимое кафе, взять кофе на вынос - идеально поместится в ручке на руле. Сколько километров Вы сегодня проедете? Это в конце дня покажет цветной счетчик.

98 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 99 15” 15”


Waterproof and durable rear carrier bag with refective Waterproof and durable rear carrier bag with refective UPDATE UPDATE strips. Features built-in laptop pocket with many strips. Features built-in laptop pocket with many Stylish double for a classic bicycle. Will carry all A classy bag that preetys-up your rack. Whenever you additional inner pockets. Quick hook on-system. additional inner pockets. Quick hook on-system. the things that are important to get you through your day. are meeting friends for a cafe or just riding down the park, this compact, yet spacious bag will fi t all your Material Material Polyester 600D Polyester 600D Material Canvas essentials: wallet, phone, sandwich and much more. Dimensions 40 × 29 × 10 cm Dimensions 30 × 40 × 10 cm Dimensions 2 × 31 × 12 × 27,5 cm Material Canvas Capacity 12 L Capacity 12 L Capacity 20 L Dimensions 30,5 × 12 × 18 cm

Capacity 7 L

15” 15” 15”


2 in 1! This stylish backpack, quickly transforms into an A functional bicycle bag which matches all your daily Love shoping? Dublin Handy is the ideal pannier for you! This practical bag is a must have for daily commuters. It easy to use bicyle bag which hangs on to your bike rack. needs. Commuting or shopping, the Lisboa can take it! Its quick release, adaptable design means that taking features pockets specially designed for work and school It features quick release straps, 3 pockets and refl ective your bike to the shop is no longer a hassle. items. The laptop case includes extra padding. After strips. Material Canvas removing, the hooks can be hidden so that no one will Material Polyester 600D Dimensions 28 × 14 × 58 cm notice your backpack is also a bicycle pannier. Material Canvas Dimensions 36 × 33 × 19 cm Capacity 15 L Material Polyester 600D Dimensions 28 × 14 × 58 cm Extras Laptop sleeve Dimensions 40 × 30 × 16 cm Capacity 18 L Capacity 20 L Extras Laptop sleeve, detachable straps BAGS BAGS 100 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 101 VIENNA PARIS

If you seek permanently mounted carriers, choose Spacious and very convenient double bike bag. double panniers. These panniers are both spacious and Remember to have it always with you when going convenient in the city. shopping. Feminine fl oral motive makes it a perfect bag for all romantic ladies. Main compartment and outer Material Polyester 600D pockets. Refl ective stripes on both sides. Dimensions 35 × 10 × 28 cm Material Polyester 600D

Dimensions 36 × 12,5 × 31 cm


A chic handlebar bag roomy enough for either some New model for everyone who already fell in love with our bike tools or just your mobile and a lipstick. Attache it classical bags. Can be easily mounted on to a handlebar easily with velcro loops. with a quick release bracket.

Material Canvas Include Quick Branch - quick release handlebar mounting system Dimensions 20,5 × 6,5 × 9,5 cm Material Canvas Capacity 1,5 L Dimensions 22 × 12 × 33 cm

Capacity 8 L


A bicycle bag that can be easily mounted on to a Carry your everyday essentials safely and comfortably Rear steel basket mounted on the rack is a practical Rear steel basket mounted on the rack is a practical handlebar with a quick release bracket. Make a CHIC set with this lightweight basket. Waterproof fabric and a top accessory not only for a city bike. It will comfortably carry accessory not only for a city bike. It will comfortably carry with saddle cover or rear pannier! cover will protect your stuff from getting wet. Attached your groceries. This steel rear basket is equipped with your groceries. This steel rear basket is equipped with via a quick-release handlebar mount. quick release system. It will make your shopping easy quick release system. It will make your shopping easy Quick Branch - quick release Include and comfortable. and comfortable. handlebar mounting system Include Quick Branch - quick release handlebar mounting system Material Polyester 600D Mounting On a carrier Mounting On a carrier Mounting QR bracket for handlebar Dimensions 25 × 30 × 18 cm Material Wire mesh Material Wire mesh Material Polyester 600D Capacity 10 L Dimensions 400 × 300 × 190 mm Dimensions 445 × 330 × 210 mm Dimensions 36 × 28 × 22 cm Weight 1070 g Weight 1257 g Weight 960 g


Front basket is must-have for a city cyclist. It will securely This is basket will securely carry your groceries and your Rear steel basket mounted on the rack is a practical This lightweight steel mesh rear rack basket is ideal for carry your groceries and your handbag. Easy “click- handbag. Easy “click-on” mounting on . accessory not only for a city bike. It will comfortably carry everyday commuters. Use our rubber straps to protect on” mounting is unifi ed in front baskets. Comes in two your groceries. your cargo from escaping. colours. Mounting On a handlebar stem Mounting On a carrier Fastening Rear rack Material Wire mesh Quick Branch - quick release Include Material Wire mesh Material Steel net handlebar mounting system Dimensions 310 × 220 × 225 mm Material Wire mesh Dimensions 445 × 300 × 210 mm Dimensions 41 × 28 × 19 cm Weight 922 g Dimensions 345 × 250 × 260 mm Weight 1112 g Weight 670 g

Weight 1143 g

BAGS & BASKETS BASKETS 104 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 105 FREESIA I’M NEW! HYACINTH I’M NEW! Front PVC basket is perfect in all weather conditions. Rear basket made of PVC will prove useful during POPPY I’M NEW! LILY I’M NEW! Match it with nice liner for a stylish and comfortable ride. everyday shopping as it may carry heavier stuff . Use Easy “click-on” mounting is unifi ed in front baskets. rubber straps to protect cargo from escaping. If you want to travel with your pupil, then Poppy basket Front basket is a stylish and practical accessory for a is for you. Additional cover will make travel more safety young cyclist. Made of steel will be long lasting. for your pet. Include Quick Branch - quick release Mounting On a carrier handlebar mounting system Mounting On a handlebar Material Material Polyrattan Mounting On a carrier Polyrattan Material Wire mesh Dimensions Dimensions 410 × 310 × 170 mm Material Polyrattan + wire mesh 350 × 250 × 250 mm Dimensions 255 × 175 × 160 mm Weight 1615 g Weight 1683 g Dimensions 500 × 350 × 210 / 270 mm Weight 2200 + 519 g


Rear basket with quick release system make everyday Classical wicker basket mounted on the handlebars is a If you own more that one bike and a single basket, Our basket liner is the best idea to personalize your bike. shopping easier. It is made of PCV, which is resistant to must-have for a stylish city bike. Quick releasy system is having a spare quick release mounting bracket will be a Wide variety of bike liners enable you to change the look all weather conditions. compatible with all Le Grand baskets. good option. Fits all Le Grand front bags and baskets! of your bike any time you want. Pair it with a matching bell and a saddle cover to create your unique style. Quick Branch - quick release Mounting On a carrier Include Material handlebar mounting system Plastic Material Polyrattan Material Polyester 600D Material Wicker Mounting QR bracket for handlebar Size Uni Dimensions 360 × 270 × 260 mm Dimensions 450 × 320 × 210 mm Weight 1939 g Weight 1654 g


Our basket liner is the best idea to personalize your bike. Wide variety of bike liners enable you to change the look of your bike any time you want. Pair it with a matching bell and a saddle cover to create you unique style.

Material Polyester

Size Uni


Take your favourite drink on a bike ride with our light and colourful water bottle. Fits in Izzycup holder.

Capacity 500 ml


Not enough time for a morning coff ee? Thanks to our Izzybar handlebar can carry not only a bottle but also cup holder you can take it with you on your way to work. thermic mug fi lled with coff ee from your favourite café. Easy attachement to the handlebars. Comes in three Izzybar is mounted on the handlebar so you will have classic colours. your drink always within your reach. Izzybar is made of aluminum and is intended for city bikes. Clamp fits handlebar 18 - 25,4 mm Fits bars up to 25,4 mm Material Aluminium Material Aluminium

Color Black, silver BASKET LINERS & WATER BOTTLES 108 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 109 VOYAGE I’M NEW! SAFARI I’M NEW!

Rear carrier is a must-have for a city bike. This one Light alloy rear carrier is an aff ordable city bike is made od light alloy and has special plate for Easy equipment. Mount here one of Le Grand panniers and Convoy straps. Comes in three classic colours. everyday shopping will be more fun! GRAND TOUR ROUND TRIP Have you ever felt uneasy when carrying your precious Have you ever felt uneasy when carrying your precious Fits bikes 24” - 28” Fits bikes 24” - 28” stuff behind you on the rear rack? Finally the solution stuff behind you on the rear rack? Finally the solution to Material Aluminium Material Aluminium to this problem: a very stylish wood-fi nished front rack this problem: a handlebar mounted front rack which will which will fi t all your smaller and bigger essentials. It is fi t all your smaller and bigger essentials. It is not only not only fucntional, but also has a very stylish, Dutch- fucntional, but also has a very stylish, Dutch-type sturdy type sturdy look. Suitable for bicycles with 24’’ to 28’’ look. Suitable for bicycles with 24’’ to 28’’ wheels without wheels without front fork suspension. This rack is not front fork suspension. This rack is not designed to be designed to be used with quick release wheels. used with quick release wheels.

Wheel size 24” - 28” Wheel size 24” - 28”

Material Steel hollow tube O/D 16 mm Material Steel hollow tube O/D 16 mm

Max load 15 kg Max load 15 kg

Weight 2,25 kg Weight 2,5 kg


If you wish to give extra look to your bike, choose rear Either you live in the city or in the village, the rear rack is rack with wooden fi nish. It is both functional and good- the choice for your bike. Mount classic double panniers, looking on the city bike. a metal basket or just use rack straps and have a cargo bike! Center shelf protects the luggage as well as your Wheel size 26” jeans from mud and water. Material Steel hollow tube O/D 12,7 mm Mounting Two-point EASY CONVOY I’M NEW! EXTRA CONVOY I’M NEW! Max load 25 kg Wheel size 26” - 28” Bicycle rack strap is a cheap and practical accessory Universal rack straps for securing your cargo on the front Weight 930 g that makes your everyday shopping easy. Fits all carriers or rear rack. Metal plates included. Material Alluminum alloy equipped with holes for mounting straps (Voyage, Safari). Max load 25 kg Lenght 580 mm Lenght 580 mm Weight 0,66 kg Included Metal plates for mounting CARRIERS CARRIERS & STRAPS 110 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 111 BASIC CONVOY

Rack straps are an easy way to keep your groceries safe on the rack. Choose the best colour for your bike.

Lenght 580 mm


Have you ever got a fl at tyre in the middle of nowhere It’s good to have a pump mounted on your frame - just in and the only thing you lacked to fi x it was the pump? No case. Comes in a few diff erent colours. more worries, the pump will be always on your rack. Material Steel Material Plastic composite Valve system DV, A/V Valve system DV, F/V and A/V Max pressure 60 PSI Max pressure 80 PSI Fastening Frame tube with pegs Rear rack with pegs Fastening (distance 235 mm) Weight 170 g Length 24 cm

Weight 99 g


This simple yet stylish long bike pump will make you feel CONVOY SAFE AND SOUND safer during city rides. Comes in a few diff erent colours.

Protect your cargo from slipping out with this durable Your luggage will never fall down of your rack with this Material Plastic rear rack straps. If you decide to put your luggage on the elastic cargo net. Great for carrying odd shaped items. Valve system DV, A/V rear rack, the strap is the best idea to safeguard it. Attaches to rack or basket with durable, coated hooks. Fits most racks/baskets. Max pressure 60 PSI Hooks 2 Fastening Frame tube with pegs Size 25 cm x 25 cm Lenght 580 mm Weight 85 g Color Black, white, beige, brown, red Wheel size 24” - 28” Black, white, green, beige, grey, Color brown, red


Fallen out of fashion in the 1970’s, the kickstand is now A solid kickstand is priceless when you need to infl ate Economic model that will make your bike looks good In city bikes details create unique style, so do not forget back in city bikes. This double-leg kickstand is also very your tyre. It is defi nitely an urban accessory that proves so you can enjoy your ride. Refl ectors on both sides. about retro pedals. This model will satisfy fans of classic smart - it folds in one direction. very useful. Supplied as a pair, for left and right. style. Refl ectors on both sides. Supplied as a pair, for left and right. Size Adjustable 24’’ - 28’’ Size Adjustable 26” Material One-piece PP body inlaid TPE tread Body CP steel, black PVC rubber blocks Mounting Mounting Axle 7 mm boron steel location Central location Central Axle Boron steel Material Aluminium Material Aluminium Bearings Ball bearings Bearings ball bearings Additional Additional Size 111 x 80 mm information Double leg information Double leg Size 119 x 80 mm Weight Weight 540 g Weight 630 g 345 g/pr Weight 620 g/pr Reflector included Reflector included


Pedal comfortably and in style with our Joyride pedals. This premium model will satisfy even the most Refl ectors on both sides. Supplied as a pair, for left and demanding city riders. Refl ectors on both sides. Supplied SEATED WITTY right. as a pair, for left and right.

When you get off your bike in an open space, a A kickstand is a typical urban bike accessory.This Barrel polished aluminum, inlaid TPE Body Body Barrel polished aluminum kickstand is very useful. This central stand will keep your adjustable rear kickstand is a solution for diff ferent bikes’ tread Cage barrel polished aluminum bike stable and safe. sizes. Axle Boron steel Axle Boron steel Bearings Ball bearings Size Adjustable 24” - 29” Size Adjustable 24” - 28” Bearings Ball bearings Size 107,5 x 68,5 mm Mounting Center, behind BB Mounting Central location location Size 111 x 60 mm Weight 370 g/pr Material Aluminium Material Chain stay Weight 350 g/pr. Reflector included Weight 310 g Additional Fits on rectangular and oval tube information chain stay Reflector included Weight 320 g PEDALS 114 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 115 11 11

C11W C11

This smart bicycle computer answers the most important This smart bicycle computer answers the most important cycling questions. Equipped with easy to read display. It cycling questions. Equipped with easy to read display. It tells you how fast you cycle, how far, how long and it also tells you how fast you cycle, how far, how long and it also shows your maximum and average speed. With backlight shows your maximum and average speed. With backlight you can also cycle during dark night. Choose color that you can also cycle during dark night. Choose color that matches your bike. matches your bike.

Speed, clock (12/24h), stopwatch, trip Speed, clock (12/24h), stopwatch, trip time, trip distance, max speed, avg time, trip distance, max speed, avg Functions Functions speed, odo meter, auto on/off , auto speed, odo meter, auto on/off , auto scan, backlight scan, backlight Colors white, black, grey, rose, celadon Colors White, black, grey, rose, celadon


Made of tear-resistant polyester. To protect the bike Multitool is an essential piece of cyclist equipment. against the rain, snow, or intense sunlight. Will also work Woodman contains 12 basic tools, in a classical wooden as a protection against dust. casing. Woodman is an indispensable companion during trips and picnics. Material Waterproof Polyester 170T Allen keys 2 / 2,5 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 mm, Velcro closure, compatible with bike Additional fl at screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, information locks Tools bottle opener, corkscrew, Size 195 cm x 77 cm x 90 cm wrench 14 g / 15 g Rose wood, nickel antique copper Material fi nish


Back in times when your parents mounted a regular stick Young riders use up their equipment very quickly. Be on the back to assist you with your fi rst two-wheel adult ready to replace it with the new ones. bike? Now you can have a professional pushing rod for DUBLIN your own kids. Fastening On wheel axle - 2 stainless steel bolts Material Steel Don’t let the rain stop you! This lovely seat cover comes Material Steel Size 12” - 20” in handy during rainy days. Forget about nervously Size 12” - 20” looking for a tissue to wipe a wet seat when returning Certificate EN 14765 CITY CAPE Certificate to your bike left alone in the rain. This little gadget not EN 14765 Rain will be no longer your enemy thanks to our stylish only helps keep the saddle dry but also prevents it from rain cape. getting scratched or dirty.

Material Polyester Size Uni

Material Polyester 600D

OTHERS KIDS ACCESSORIES 118 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 119 You love yourself and… your bike, so pay attention to security of both of you. Stylish helmet not only matches your dress, but most of all gives you confi dence in the city. Colourful light keeps you visible and also corresponds with the colour of your bike. And when you need to leave your bicycle, use one of our locks to be sure that you will meet again in a while.

Lieben Sie sich selbst und Ihr Fahrrad, denken Sie an gemeinsame Sicherheit. Ein stilvoller Radhelm passt nicht nur zu Ihrer Kleidung, aber vor allem gibt Ihnen eine Sicherheit in der Stadt. Eine bunte Lampe sorgt für die gute Sichtweite und spielt mit der Farbe Ihres Fahrrads. Und wenn Sie Ihr Fahrrad verlassen müssen, benutzen Sie eine Sperre, damit Sie die Sicherheit haben, dass Sie bald Ihr Fahrrad treff en.

Te amas a ti… y a tu bicicleta, entonces cuida la seguridad de vosotras dos. Un casco distinguido no solo queda bien con tu ropa, pero sobre todo te hace más segura en la calle. Una lámpara que armoniza con el color de la bici también te hace más visible. Y cuando necesites alejarte de tu bicicleta, pon uno de los bloqueos para asegurarte de que os vais a ver de nuevo.

Вы любите себя... и Ваш велосипед, поэтому заботитесь об общей безопасности. Стильный шлем не только подходит к Вашей одежде, но, прежде всего, придает Вам уверенность в городе. Цветная лампочка обеспечит видимость, гармонируя с цветом Вашего велосипеда. А когда Вам нужно расстаться с велосипедом, воспользуйтесь одним из замков, чтобы быть уверенной, что вскоре Вы снова встретитесь.

120 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 121 3 3

KING I’M NEW! KNIGHT I’M NEW! No more forgetting about your bicycle lock. This solid U-lock Knight guarantees security and reasonable 2 1 and resistant lock can be mounted permanently on the weight and size. Comes in a few attractive colours. bike frame and after use folds to the smaller format. Available in two colours. Size 255 mm x 143 cm DUKE LONG I’M NEW! DUKE SHORT I’M NEW! shackleand barrel - hardened alloy Basic lock Duke proves perfect when security needs are Basic lock Duke proves perfect when security needs are Size 60 mm x 130 mm x 200 mm steel, dust cover protecting cylinder Features moderate. Match colour with your bike! Longer lock. moderate. Match colour with your bike! Shorter lock. from rusting, double locking system, Material Shear resistant steel, frame bracket plastic plating fi nish, frame bracket Size 12 mm x 1500 mm Size 8 mm x 900 mm

Material Steel Material Steel Modern streamline design, dust modern streamline design, dust Features Features cover protecting cylinder from cover protecting cylinder from rusting rusting, frame bracket


If you seek higher safety, heavy chain lock is a wise If you seek higher safety, heavy chain lock is a wise Do you pay special attention to the safety of your bike? solution. solution. Choose solid frame lock with a robust plastic housing. Made of reinforced steel, 10 mm locking arm. Safety Chain diameter 10 mm Size 8 mm catch to prevent accidental locking while riding. Chain lenght 100 cm Chain lenght 90 cm Hole spacing 68 - 105 mm 2 keys are supplied with the lock, 2 keys are supplied with the lock, Locking arm Additional weather-resistant nylon sleeve Additional weather-resistant nylon sleeve diameter 10 mm information prevents scratches, reinforced plastic information prevents scratches, reinforced plastic Maximum padlock case padlock case mudguard width 65 mm Maximum tire width 56 mm Weight 936 g LOCKS LOCKS 122 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 123 METROPOLIS I’M NEW! URBO

Light and comfortable city helmet, which will keep you Enjoy the cycling in the city with a versatile & stylish bike dry during hot days thanks to 19 vents. Equipped with helmet to keep your head cool and protected. Urbo is washable antibacterial padding, anti-bug net, removable made for your lifestyle. LED safety light and removable visor. Double shell In- mould structure is more fi rm and durable. Air vents 6 Size S/M (50 - 54 cm), M/L (54 - 58 cm) Vents 19 Weight 300 g Size M/L (52 - 58 cm), L/XL (58 - 62 cm)

Weight 350 g

HELMETS 124 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 125 3 + 2


Safety fi rst! This classical set with their bright leds, will guide you through dark evenings. Easy to fi t, the lights can be quickly installed on any bike.

front: AA × 2 Batteries rear: AG13 × 2 (Included) front: Flash-Steady-Off Functions rear: On – Off With low battery indicator 2 2


Be visible! Practical rear light has special Give your bike a classic look with this retro rear light protection that will prevent it from damage. mounted on rear carrier.

Batteries AAA x 2 Material Plastic composite

Functions On - Off Mounting location Rear rack Additional information 1 Super Bright Led 0,2 W Fitting 2 bolts LED Illuminance 5,1 lux / 2 m

Light power 2 lumens

Source 2 batteries AA

1 2

3 2 RED FLASH SUNDOWN Having a reliable light on your bicycle is crucial for your Give your bike a classic look with this retro rear light safety. Be visible with this rear LED light. Mounting to the mounted on rear carrier. SUNLIGHT SUPER I’M NEW! SUNLIGHT II fender with screws. Material Plastic composite Front LED battery light will keep you visible and safe at Old-fashioned on the outside, modern on the inside. This Material Plastic composite Mounting night. Comes in a few attractive colours - match it with retro, powered by baterry, LED light will help you ride location Rear rack Fastening Bolts your bike. safely and in style. Fitting 2 bolts Light source 3 LED’s Batteries AA × 2 Material Plastic composite LED Illuminance 5,1 lux / 2 m Power source 2 batteries AAA Functions 20 LUX - 10 LUX - Off Mounting Light power 2 lumens location Front fork Modes 1 constant Light source 3 LED Source 2 batteries AA Features Waterproofness, built in refl ector Power source 4 batteries AAA Weight 60 g Modes 1 constant

LIGHTS LIGHTS 126 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 127 1


Lightweight lighting set made of plastic composite and silicone protection against damage. Both the front and rear-light are equipped with LEDs, ensuring long service life. Diff erent operating modes allow you to choose the type of light. It is easy to use it on diff erent bikes thanks to quick-to-mount silicone strap.

Material Silicone + plastic composite Mounting location Any frame tube Fastening Silicone clamp

Light source 2 LEDs

Power source 2 CR2032 batteries (included)

Modes 1 constant, 2 pulse - tool free fastening - waterproofness IPX1 Features - ultra-light - ultra-thin Weight 20 g


A plastic bike mirror proves handy during city rides. A bike mirror is a useful gadget for a city biker. Easy Comes in two colours. attachment to the handlebars. Comes in two classic colours. NIGHTOWL Handlebars Fits 22 - 25 mm Fits handlebars 18 - 25 mm Universal Be visible and be safe with this elastic, refl ective wrist or Left - right Shock resistant, wide range of Material Steel ankle band. Additional information adjustment, spherical mirror provides excellent visibility Size 3 cm x 33 cm

Color Blue, silver, orange, red

LIGHTS MIRRORS 128 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 129 Will fl ower patterned bell or white trumpet better match the mint dress? Will colourful streamers or rainbow windmill catch passers-by’s attention? And if we add pastel striped gloves and socks, the romantic bicycle outfi t is ready!

Eine geblümte Klingel oder eine weiße Trompete passen besser zu einem Pfeff erminz-Kleid? Bunte Fransel oder ein kleines Regenbogen – Windrad passen besser zu einem Pfeff erminz-Kleid? Bunte Fransel oder ein kleines Regenbogen – Windrad machen Passanten besser aus Sie aufmerksam? Und vielleicht Handschuhe mit Pastellstreifen und Socken noch dazu? Dann ist die Romantikoutfi t fertig!

¿Un timbre a fl ores o una trompeta blanca quedan mejor con el vestido verde menta? ¿Unos fl ecos coloridos y un molinete iridiscente atraen las miradas de la gente? Y si a esto le agregamos unos guantes rayados en tonos pastel y unos calcetines, ¡ya tenemos un estilo de bici listo!

Звонок в цветочки или белый рожок больше подходят к мятному платью? Цветная бахрома или радужная вертушка привлекут... внимание прохожих? А если к этому еще добавить перчатки в пастельную полоску и носочки - романтический образ для поездки на велосипеде готов!

130 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 131 CHILLY MEN I’M NEW! CHILLY LADY I’M NEW!

Riding a city bike does not necessarily mean Riding a city bike does not necessarily mean compromising comfort. Our stylish and smart t-shirt is compromising comfort. Our stylish and smart t-shirt is equipped with a pocket and a hole for your headphones. equipped with a pocket and a hole for your headphones. Light and breathable. Light and breathable.

Material 90% Polyester, 10% Elastane Material 90% Polyester, 10% Elastane Pocket with a hole for headphones; Pocket with a hole for headphones; Features Features Refl ective printed design; Quick dry Refl ective printed design; Quick dry


The upper part of Sport gloves is made of elastic, The upper part of Sport gloves is made of elastic, breathable material. We know that sometimes you like to breathable material. We know that sometimes you like to cycle a bit faster so we added the high quality terrycloth cycle a bit faster so we added the high quality terrycloth material on the thumbs. Velcro fastener will ensure good material on the thumbs. Velcro fastener will ensure good fi t to the hand. fi t to the hand.

84,3% Polyester, 15,7% Elastane / 84,3% Polyester, 15,7% Elastane / Top Top 65% Nylon, 35% Cotton 65% Nylon, 35% Cotton Palm side 100% amara Palm side 100% amara


Be a legend! Stylish look, breathable cotton top layer Be a legend! Stylish look, classical top layer made of and soft padding providing comfort to your hands make breathable cotton and soft padding providing comfort to Stich timeless. your hands make Stich timeless. PAW MEN PAW LADY

Top 100% cotton Top 100% cotton PAW are not ordinary socks. Do not be ashamed to show PAW are not ordinary socks. Do not be ashamed to show them while cyclilng. You will appreciate them after a long them while cyclilng. You will appreciate them after a long Palm side 100% amara Palm side 100% amara day. day.

Cotton 65 %, polyamide 33 %, Cotton 65 %, polyamide 33 %, Material Material elastane 2% elastane 2%


What would you say to look smart and feel comfy? What would you say to look smart and feel comfy? Elegant gloves were designed for your comfort during Elegant gloves were designed for your comfort during daily rides, with a stylish and classy look. daily rides, with a stylish and classy look.

Top 100% leather Top 100% leather

Palm side 100% amara Palm side 100% amara


Sumac, a suede grip with comfortable ergonomic handle Get Smiley grips and ride with smile! Comes in a few Be stylish but also ride in ultimate comfort with these Soft Acorn grips will make you feel comfortable will support entire palm and thumb. You will doubly cheerful colours. A set of two. ergonomic cork/TPR grips. Also a solution for those who and relaxed after a lng ride. They will fi t any regular appreciate it during long rides. Engraved rings and thick refrain from real leather but seek grips with a natural handlebar. thread stitching will make your bicycle chic. Set of two. Length 125 mm look. Pair them with marron saddle and classic double panniers for a full retro look. A set of two. Length 125mm Length 137 + 100 mm Material Natural cork + TPR Material Rubber, suede Length 130 mm

Weight 143 g


If you want to pimp up your bike quickly and you prefer CHESTNUT SALICE I’M NEW! monochromatic colors, the smarttest idea is to use the If you are like natural materials, choose cork/TPR Salice ergonomic grips are not only comfortable for your pair of foam grips. They will not only match your personal material grips. It is known for its ability to absorb shock wrists but also colourful and attractive. Comes in a few style but also add extra comfort. and does not get slippery during the rain. These grips colours. A set of two. Material are also very elegant and will match your classic style. A Foam PP set of two. Length 128 mm Length 300 mm

Fits Shimano Nexus Weight 84 g Material Natural cork + TPR

Length 120 mm

Weight 99 g

GRIPS GRIPS 136 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 137 3 2


Comfortable saddle - perfect for an urban cyclists. The Carter saddle brings both comfort and style to your Features spring suspension system ideal for shock bike. Its perfect combination will make your bike stand absorbption. out from the crowd while travelling in comfort.

Dimensions 270 x 245 mm Fill High density foam

Weight 1125 g Dimensions 250 x 190 mm Additional Double springs Weight 536 g information

2 1


A comfortable saddle suitable for long and short The Hauler is a saddle fi lled with a shock absobring distance trips. The subtle design perfectly matches other foam to ensure maximum comfort during your daily rides. Le Grand accessories. Fill High density foam Fill High density foam Dimensions 260 x 210 mm Dimensions 265 x 220 mm 550 g 380 g 550 g 550 g

SADDLES 138 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 139 XXL GONG

A bell is obligatory for every cyclist so why not have some fun with it. Not only will you dazzle passerbys by its looks but also alert them by its clear two-tone ring (can RETRO BUZZ DING-DONG be heard from up to 100 metres!). Attaches to bike with Here comes the real chic classic! Fits all bike handlebars. Indispensable for each cyclist. This minimalistic bell will two metal brackets. Fits all standard bike handlebars. Comes in a variety of colours. keep both you and other road users safe. Fits all bike Comes in a variety of motives and colours. handlebars. Material Steel Material Steel Material Alloy, plastic Diameter 60 mm Diameter 80 mm Diameter 40 mm Weight 189 g Weight 252 g Weight 17 g


Brass is the new gold! A stylish bell made of durable, high quality brass will alert pedestrians of your approach. Combine it with retro panniers, a classic saddle and time travel to the past. Fits all bike handlebars.

Material Brass

CHIC HORN Diameter 55 mm

Bored with normal bells? Try this retro trumpet. Loud dual Weight 84 g tone will announce your approach in style. Comes in a variety of colours. Fits all kinds of bicycles.

Material Steel

Weight 148 g






This classic durable rubber mud fl ap protects the bike The Rainbow Windmill is perfect for accessorising every and cyclist from fl ying mud and dirt. It will make your bike bike! This cute windmill will spin when you keep going LYCRA MOUNTING REMOVABLE look classy and stylish. on your bike, providing a touch of magic to your ride. ON FRAME VISOR

Material Rubber Material Plastic Mounting To the fender, with two screws Color Mix POLYESTER TOOL FREE ERGONOMIC 600D MOUNTING HANDLE Colour Black







BOW CHARM BOTTLE HEADPHONES OPENER PULSE LIGHT HOLE Everyone will love these. Dress up any bike, new or With an eye-catching valve caps you can easily pimp-up old and it will look special with these streamers. The your bike. Choose romantic hearts or shiny dices! They streamers are simply inserted into the handlebars of will be perfect for schrader valves. Set of two. most bicycles. CORKSCREW

Material Cloth ribbon Fits AUTO / Schrader valve Colour Mix Colour Mix OTHERS ICONS DESCRIPTION 142 www.legrandbikes.com # BIKECITYLIFE 143 # BIKECITYLIFE

studio photography: www.adamklimek.pl outdoor photography: www.maciejparczewski.com

The producer reserves the rights to modify elements of the specification with reference to any product presented in the catalogue. Due to limitations of printing color may slightly vary from real product.