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FMS Premier Freres COVER MULTILINGUA:Layout 1 8-10-2009 12:36 Pagina 3 FMS Premier freres COVER MULTILINGUA:Layout 1 8-10-2009 12:36 Pagina 3 BROTHER JEAN-BAPTISTE The accounts of the Brothers’ lives presented in this book are, for the most part, an abridgment of “Biogra- phies de quelques Frères”, published by Brother Jean- Baptiste in 1868. He, then, is the principal author. Brother Louis-Marie, Superior General, in the Circular written shortly after the death of this Brother, in 1872, declared: «The venerable Father Champagnat has lived on, these thirty-two years, in an Assistant who continued his work and brought it to comple- tion… Is he not for us like a second Founder?» (Circulaires, Vol. IV, p. 250) In these lines can be perceived the admiration and gratitude of the Superior, for one he had known for more than forty years and with whom he had shared a life and ministry in the service of the Brothers, since 12 October 1839, the day of their election as Assis- tants to Brother François, to the great joy of Father Champagnat. May the reading of these pages arouse our own admi- ration and gratitude towards Brother Jean-Baptiste. Brother Alain Delorme OUR FIRST BROTHERS OUR FIRST BROTHERS – Marcellin companions of Marvellous Cover photos Above: Hamlet of Maisonnettes where Gabriel Rivat, Brother François, 1st successor of Father Champagnat, was born. His house is second from right. The institute purchased it in November 1984. Photo: Br. Jean-Paul Mounard. Below: The La Valla house where the Founder gathered his first Brothers and companions. He came to live with them and share their meals in November 1819. Photo: Br. Jean-Pierre Destombes. Brother Alain Delorme Brother FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 1 OUR FIRST BROTHERS Marvellous companions of Marcellin FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 2 Publisher : Institute of the Marist Brothers General House - Rome P.le Marcellino Champagnat, 2 00144 Roma – ITALIA Tel. (39) 06 545171 – Fax (39) 06 54517217 – Formatting and Photolithography: TIPOCROM S.R.L. Via A. Meucci, 28 – 00012 Guidonia (Roma) ITALIA. Printing: C.S.C. GRAFICA, S.R.L. Via A. Meucci, 28 – 00012 Guidonia (Roma) ITALIA. FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 3 PREFACE This book by Brother Alain Delorme takes a fresh look at the Institute’s early years and brings us closer to the young men who formed the foundation of the Institute that we know today. The sanctity of Father Champagnat quickly becomes evident as does his positive and profound influence on the lives of our first brothers. The book is well named for the young men whose lives it captures became over time truly marvelous companions to our Founder. More than 20 different portraits are presented by the author and together they give witness to the holiness of these “rough country lads” and the Marist Family itself. Each tale reminds us that sanctity has a way of attracting others and moving them further along in their pilgrimage home toward God. FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 4 [ Our first Brothers ] Brother Alain also gives us a contemporary and refreshing understanding of the lives of these saints by emphasizing their human matu- rity as well as their spiritual legacy. Brother John Baptiste Furet, the Founder’s biographer, tells us that “they had their heads firmly on their shoulders.” He cites Marcellin as the source of their passion for the Lord and our Good Mot- her and also credits him for helping to develop their apostolic zeal. Serving as a fine complement to the Life of the Founder, this book should find its way into the hands of those in formation and be made available to a wide audience of professed brot- hers and Marist laywomen and men. The author’s style of writing lends itself well to thoughtful and meditative reading, thus making the book an excellent resource for a retreat. Each chapter ends with a prayer. We cannot help but be inspired by these tales about the lives of the young men who gathered [ 4 ] FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 5 [ Marvellous companions of Marcellin ] around the Founder. Their courage, spirit of sa- crifice, and genuine goodness comes through time and again. In coming to know each of them better, we also will be encouraged in our life of faith. For over time, the Lord shaped them into his disciples and made them proclaimers of his Word. We would do well to reclaim the very qualities that we will come to admire in each of them. I encourage you to read this book and to re- commend it to others. For within its pages you will discover the Founder’s simple formula for becoming a Little Brother of Mary. That formula is as contemporary today as it was almost two hundred years ago. Brother Sean Sammon, Superior General [ 5 ] FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I want to say a special thanks to Brother Seán Sammon, Superior General, who has given permission for the publication of this book in the period of the 21st General Chapter. Thanks are equally due to the translators: Brother Desmond Crowe for the English version, Brother Tony Aragón for the Spanish version, Brother Claudio Girardi for the Portuguese version. To Brother Josep Roura for reading over the texts, and Brother Giovanni Maria Bigotto, Postulator General, for supervising the work of printing the book. Now that the bicentenary of the foundation of our religious family is approaching, I hope that these pages will help Brothers and lay Marists to discover or rediscover some of the first Brothers, who contributed in a decisive manner to the birth and development of this work of Mary, born from the heart of her faithful servant, Saint Marcellin Champagnat, our “good father”. May Our Lady of the Hermitage continue to accompany us in the following of Jesus, in the carrying out of our daily work. Brother Alain Delorme FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 7 Table of Contents MEETING OUR FIRST BROTHERS Introduction . 11 Brother Louis. 18 Praying with Brother Louis. 29 Brother Laurent . 31 Praying with Brother Laurent . 38 Brother Antoine . 41 Praying with Brother Antoine . 47 Brother François. 49 Praying with Brother François. 64 Brother Jean-Pierre. 66 Praying with Brother Jean-Pierre. 74 Brother Stanislas . 76 Praying with Brother Stanislas . 86 Brother Jean-Baptiste . 89 Praying with Brother Jean-Baptiste . 107 Brother Dorothée . 110 Praying with Brother Dorothée . 118 Brother Hippolyte . 120 Praying with Brother Hippolyte . 126 Brother Jean-Marie . 128 Praying with Brother Jean-Marie . 139 FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 8 Brother Jérôme . 141 Praying with Brother Jérôme . 147 Brother Bonaventure . 149 Praying with Brother Bonaventure . 160 Brother Sylvestre . 163 Praying with Brother Sylvestre . 174 Brother Louis-Marie. 176 Praying with Brother Louis-Marie. 190 Brothers Cassien et Arsène . 193 Praying with Brothers Cassien et Arsène . 203 Brother Avit. 207 Praying with Brother Avit. 214 Brother Pascal . 219 Praying with Brother Pascal . 240 Brother Paul. 246 Praying with Brother Paul . 256 Brother Ambroise . 259 Praying with Brother Ambroise . 268 Brother Marie-Candide . 272 Praying with Brother Marie-Candide . 296 Prayer to the Lord with our First Brothers. 303 FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 9 ABBREVIATIONS AFA Archives des Frères Maristes. Rome. ALS Avis, Leçons, Sentences. Ed. 1927. Amphiloque Biography of Brother Jean-Baptiste, unpublished. Archives Rome. AVIT Annales de l’Institut. 3 volumes. Rome, 1993. BQF Biographies de quelques Frères. Ed. Em. Vitte, Lyons 1924. C (CSG) Circulaires des Supérieurs Généraux. Const. Constitutions and Statutes, Rome 1986. L Lettres du Père Champagnat. Vol. I, Brother Paul Sester, Rome 1985. LBS Le Bon Supérieur. Ed. 1951. NN Notices nécrologiques. Volume I (1890-1900) Lyons, Imp. X. Jevain. NS Nos Supérieurs. Ed. Économat Général, Saint-Genis-Laval, 1954. OM Origines Maristes. 4 volumes, J. Coste S.M. and G. Lessard S.M., Rome 1961. R Répertoire, Vol. II of the Lettres, Brothers Paul Sester and Raymond Borne, Rome 1987. S Sylvestre. Frère Sylvestre raconte Marcellin Champagnat, Rome 1992. V Life of Marcellin Champagnat. Bicentennial Edition, Rome, 1989. [ 9 ] FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 10 FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 11 MEETING OUR FIRST BROTHERS COMPANIONS OF MARCELLIN Introduction “You cannot be surprised enough…” These are the words of Brother Théodose, extracts from the evi- dence he gave during the open diocesan inquiry held at Lyons from October 1888 to December 1890 in regard to the beatification of Marcellin Champagnat. He stated: “The first brothers received by the Servant of God had at their entry scarcely anything but good will and the courage to succeed. Their religious instruction was incomplete; only with difficulty did they learn to read and write. The manners of polite society were practically unknown to them. Their country ways were in keeping with the rugged mountains where they had been born. You cannot be surprised enough at their rapid transformation, due to the Servant of God. It took only a few years for them to show, by their conduct, that they had become good religious, and by the good management of their schools, capable administrators” (Vol. I, p. 95). [ 11 ] FMS Premier freres INGL:Layout 1 9-10-2009 15:37 Pagina 12 [ Our first Brothers ] We in our turn have to be surprised, and to marvel, when we revisit the biographies of the first brothers who might be seen as co-founders of the Institute.

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