400 YEARS OF IMAGINARY FRIENDS A JOURNEY INTO THE WORLD OF ADEPTS, MASTERS, ASCENDED MASTERS, AND THEIR MESSENGERS KENNETH PAOLINI TALITA PAOLINI PAOLINI INTERNATIONAL, LLC LIVINGSTON, MONTANA Copyright © 2000 Kenneth Paolini and Talita Paolini All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents in whole or in part without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Published by: Paolini International, LLC 52 Cascade Lane Livingston, Montana 59047 U.S.A. (406) 333-4475 Internet: http://www.factsource.com E-Mail:
[email protected] Manufactured in the United States of America First Edition Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication (Provided by Quality Books, Inc.) Paolini, Kenneth. 400 years of imaginary friends : a journey into the world of adepts, masters, ascended masters, and their messengers / Kenneth Paolini, Talita Paolini. - 1st ed. p. cm. Four hundred years of imaginary friends Includes biographical references. LCCN: 99-91181 ISBN: 0-9666213-0-1 1. Ascended masters. 2. Church Universal and Trium- phant--Controversial literature. 3. Occultism--History. 4. New age movement--History. 5. Paolini, Kenneth. 6. Paolini, Talita. 7. Spiritual biography. 8. Ex-cultists. I. Paolini, Talita. II. Title. III. Title: Four hundred years of imaginary friends BP605.I18P36 2000 299.93 QB199-500488 Dedication Kenneth: To Talita: wife, best friend, and coauthor. To Angela and Christo- pher, may you learn the necessary tools and techniques to avoid repeat- ing our mistakes. I also dedicate this book to Maurizio and Shirley Paolini; you taught me the value of family, truth, friendship, and the power of unconditional love. Talita: To my husband, Kenneth, who had the courage to speak the truth when it was unpopular, and who taught me that our love and marriage was more important than any person, guru, or event.