Work Study Report


“Work Study on Review of Staff Strength vis-a-vis workload of Lorry Garage / Howrah under Sr. DME/P/Howrah.”

(Study No. WSER - 4/2017-18). (Submitted on 30.06.2017)

Study Guided By: Sri S. Chandra, AEO./E.Rly.

Study Conducted By:

Sri K.K.Chatterjee, CPLI




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Acknowledgement, Authority and Terms 1. I of References & Methodology adopted.

2. Summary of Recommendation II

3. Executive Summary III

4. Chapter – I : Introduction 1

5. Chapter – II : Existing Scenario & Critical Analysis 2 - 25

6. Chapter – III : Financial Appraisal 26


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The study team hereby acknowledges its gratitude to Sr.DME/P/Howrah for his valuable suggestions and guidelines to the study team and AME/P/Howrah for his co-operation to conduct the study. The study team will ever be thankful to MF/Lorry Garage/HWH along with staff of Lorry Garage for their heartiest assistance by supplying all necessary information and related data to complete this study in time.


As approved by the competent authority, the subject work study has been undertaken by the GM‟s Efficiency Cell of Eastern Railway in the financial year 2017-18 under the following terms of reference:-

(i). Evaluate the quantum of work load catered by E.Rly. Lorry Garage/Howrah.

(ii). To assess the revised manpower consequent upon the latest changed scenario.


The following methodology has been adopted in carrying out the study:

i) Collection of data in regard to the work load of E.Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah. Discussion with MF/Lorry Garage/HWH in connection with the present pattern of working.

ii) Studied the existing workload and deployment of staff.

iii) Analyzed the above and recommendation made.

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Sl. Para Recommendation

No. Ref.

The study team recommends that 20 posts of E. Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah to be surrendered immediately 1. 2.49.0. from the existing sanction Strength. Therefore, the Revised Sanction Strength will be 55 instead of 75..

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“Work Study on Review of Staff Strength vis-a-vis workload of Lorry Study Name & No: Garage / Howrah under Sr. DME/P/Howrah.” (Study No. WSER - 04/2017-18).

Year of conducting the study: 2017-18

As approved by the competent authority, the subject work study has been undertaken by the GM‟s Efficiency Cell of Eastern Railway in financial year 2017-18 under the following terms of Authority & Terms of reference: reference:-

(i) Evaluate the quantum of work. (ii) To assess the revised manpower consequent upon the changed scenario. i) Collection of data in regard to the work load of E.Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah. Discussion with MF/Lorry Garage/HWH in connection with the present pattern of working.

Methodology adopted: ii) Studied the existing workload and deployment of staff.

iii) Analyzed the above and recommendation made.

Existing Sanctioned Strength: 75

On roll strength 56 Vacant post: 19 Proposed Surrender: 20 Already implemented: NIL Pending implementation NIL The requirement of man power under E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Justification Howrah has been made based on the departmental maintenance work of Rly. Vehicles.

Correspondence made ------

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1.1.0. Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah, was established to take care of the lorries and cars belongs to Howrah Division and Head Quarters at Fairlie Place. Presently, the unit is holding only 12 nos. of vehicles / cars for the purpose of transportation of SAG and above ranking officers for their office duty.

1.2.0. SAG officers can also utilise those cars depending on the availability, for their personal purposes too by paying the charges as per extant rule.

1.3.0. Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah, alike any other well equipped garages, has its limitations of undertaking the repairing works of vehicles / cars. Specially, as there are no machining facilities, complete repairing of engine and body of any vehicles is beyond the scope. Thus, Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah is very much dependable on Non-Rly. Out-side agencies for heavy repairing works.

1.4.0. Manpower resources being very costly day by day. In this context, exploring the viability of Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah is the one of the objective of this Work Study.

1.5.0. Regarding the scope of the study, it is very much clear that except the capacity and system of working of Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah, other such transportation units / Garages of this Railway are not been covered up neither in the discussions nor in the analysis made in this study.

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2.0.0. Existing Scenarios & Critical Analysis:

2.1.0. In the Prima facie, Eastern Railway Lorry Garage / Howrah, look after the Cars / Vehicles of E. Rly. Hd. Quarters and Howrah Division. Moreover, fuelling of Division vehicles as well as of Hd. Quarters are also done here. The details of the vehicles under supervision of Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah is tabulated below.

Particulars of Cars / Vehicles under the purview of Eastern Railway Lorry Garage / Howrah :

Year of Pool / Controlling personnel Particulars of Sl. Regn. No. of Model of Make comm.- Deptt. under whom the Vehicle's present No. Vehicles Vehicles ission enlisted vehicles are deployed Condition. 1 WB 12D 6046 CIAZ Maruti 2016 DRM/HWH DRM/HWH Working 2 WB 11A 5135 TATA 2003 DRM/HWH DRM/HWH(Stand-by) Working 3 WB 06G 0835 SX4 Maruti 2011 Mechanical ADRM/ER/HWH Working 4 WB 12A 6590 AMB Mercedes 2003 SRM/HWH SRM/HWH Working 5 WB 20H 2695 TATA SUMO TATA 2007 Mechanical Sr. DME(P)/HWH Working 6 WB 12A 8128 Bolero Mahindra 2004 Mechanical Sr. DME(C&W)/HWH Working 7 WB 12A 8129 Bolero Mahindra 2004 Accounts Sr. DFM/ER/HWH Working 8 WB 12B 8973 SX4 Maruti 2011 Mechanical CME / E.Rly. /KKK Working 9 WB 22V 4447 Scorpio TATA 2012 Mechanical CME / E.Rly. /KKK Working 10 WB 11B 0208 TAVERA Chevrolet 2007 Mechanical CME/Plg./ER/KKK Working 11 WB 12A 9755 TATA SUMO TATA 2006 Mechanical CMPE/ER/KKK Working 12 WB 11A 5182 TATA Qualis TATA 2003 Mechanical PS to CME Working Condemn. is 13 WB 11A 3438 TATA SUMO TATA 2002 Mechanical under process 14 WB 11A 5280 TATA SUMO TATA 2001 Operating Condemned

15 WB 12B 2619 TATA 2008 Condemned

16 WB 11A 4906 TATA SUMO TATA 2000 Mechanical Condemned

17 WB 11A 1510 Lorry 1999 Mechanical MF/HWH Condemned 18 WBI 5803 Lorry 1984 Mechanical MF/HWH Condemned The vehicle was used and maintained by Sr. DSO/HWH. Codal Life expires 19 WB 11A 3637 TATA SUMO Processing for disposal for codal life expired vehicle will be w.e.f. 29/05/17. processed by respective user department. 20 *WB 02N 9763 TATA SUMO TATA The vehicle is used and maintained at Hd. Qrs. by CSO/ER/KKK *Motor Foreman (MF) /E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah is not the custodian of Vehicle Nos. WB 02N 9763 & WB 11A 3637. CSO/ER/KKK & Sr. DSO/HWH respectively are the user vis-à-vis custodian of the same. All the related papers/documents of the vehicles are maintained & kept by the respective custodians. Presently, MF/HWH books driver for the Vehicle No. WB 02N 9763 only, from his driver pool and made fuelling . The codal life of Vehicle No. WB 11A 3637 already expires. However, both the vehicles are stabled at the premises of E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah.

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2.2.0. It is learnt from the above table that -

 Presently, Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah is the custodian of total 18 nos. of cars / vehicles out of total 20 nos. cars / vehicles tabulated above.  Other two Vehicles having Regn. Nos. WB 02N 9763 & WB 11A 3637 are under the control of CSO/ER/KKK & Sr. DSO/HWH respectively. E. Rly. Lorry Garage only booked „vehicle driver‟ and made „Fuelling‟ for CSO/ER/KKK from their respective & specified fuel quota.  Maintenance of the said two vehicles are not look after by Eastern Railway Lorry Garage, Howrah. All the car related papers/documents of the said vehicles are maintained & kept by the users of the cars. The said vehicles are stabled at E. Rly. Lorry Garage/Howrah premises.  Out of 18 nos. of cars / vehicles under E. Rly. Lorry Garage/Howrah, only 12 nos. are presently under working condition and rest 06 nos. are either declared as condemned or under the processing of condemnation.

Break -up of 18 nos. of Cars / Vehicles based on their ‘CODAL LIFE’:

Due Codal Nos. of vehicles Nos. of vehicles Nos. of vehicles Sl. Regn. No. of Life of having due Codal having due Codal having due Codal No. Vehicles Vehicle Life of Vehicle Life of Vehicle Life of Vehicle (in Yrs.) from 1 to 5 Yrs. from 6 to 10 Yrs. above 10 Yrs. 1 WB 12D 6046 14 2 WB 11A 5135 1 3 WB 06G 0835 9 4 WB 12A 6590 1 5 WB 20H 2695 5 6 WB 12A 8128 2 08 Nos. of Vehicles 03 Nos. of Vehicles 01 No of Vehicle. 7 WB 12A 8129 2 8 WB 12B 8973 9 9 WB 22V 4447 10 10 WB 11B 0208 5 11 WB 12A 9755 4 12 WB 11A 5182 1 13 WB 11A 5280 NIL 14 WB 12B 2619 NIL 15 WB 11A 4906 NIL Vehicles which are already declared as condemned 16 WB 11A 1510 NIL 17 WBI 5803 NIL 18 WB 11A 3438 NIL Condemnation of vehicle is under process

Thus, out of the above 18 nos. of vehicles, only 12 nos. are currently in working condition and rest 06 nos. “codal life expired vehicles” are under process for onward disposal. The Break-up, in respect of vehicles codal life, is summarised below -

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 08 nos. of vehicles have due Codal Life from 1 to 5 Yrs.  Only 03 nos. of vehicles have due Codal Life from 6 to 10 Yrs.  Only 01 no. of vehicles have due Codal Life above 10 Yrs.  06 nos. of vehicles have already completed their Codal life i.e. more than 15 years.

2.3.0. The Study team further observed that JAJ, SAG & above ranking officers use all the 12 nos. Vehicles/Cars which are presently in working condition and under the custody/supervision of E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah.

2.4.0. From the records of Lorry Garage /Howrah, Study Team noticed that previously immense logistical support was provided by this Unit to E. Rly. Hd. Quarters, Divisional Stores / Accounts / Medical Department, etc. as this unit had a nos. Lorries, Staff car, Mini Bus, Matador, Jeep, etc. But nowadays, the scenario has been changed drastically. The present picture may be more clear from the under mentioned Table -

Types of Vehicles under the supervision of Motor Foreman/ E.Rly. Lorry Garage/ HWH

(A) DIESEL Operated Vehicles:

Sl. Qty. Present Status of Other Remarks Type of Vehicles Nos. (In Nos.) Vehicles (If Any)

1 Lorries 2 Condemned NIL


3 Mini Bus NIL NIL NIL

4 Diesel Jeep NIL NIL NIL

5 Staff Car (TATA INDIGO) 1 Condemned NIL

6 Ambassoder NIL NIL NIL

7 Matador NIL NIL NIL

8 Bolero 2 Working NIL

9 TATA SUMO 4 Working NIL

10 TATA SUMO 2 Condemned NIL

Stabled for 11 TATA SUMO 1 NIL condemnation

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12 TRAVERA 1 Working NIL

13 Qualis 1 Working NIL

14 Scorpio 1 Working NIL

Total→ SUMMARY Total Nos. of DIESEL Operated Vehicles under the custody of MF/ : 15 Nos. Lorry Garage/Howrah Total Nos. of DIESEL Operated Vehicles under Working Condition : 09 Nos.

Total Nos. of DIESEL Operated Vehicles declared as condemned : 05 Nos.

Total Nos. of DIESEL Operated Vehicles stabled for condemnation : 01 No.

(B) PETROL Operated Vehicles:

Sl. Qty. Present Status of Other Remarks Type of Vehicles No. (In Nos.) Vehicles (If Any) 1 Petrol Jeep NIL NIL NIL 2 Maruti Omni NIL NIL NIL 3 Ambassoder 1 Condemned NIL 4 Maruti Jipsy NIL NIL NIL 5 Maruti SX4 2 Working NIL 6 MARUTI CIAZ 1 Working NIL Total→

SUMMARY Total Nos. of PETROL Operated Vehicles under the custody of : 04 Nos. MMF/Lorry Garage/Howrah Total Nos. of PETROL Operated Vehicles under Working Condition : 03 Nos.

Total Nos. of PETROL Operated Vehicles declared as condemned : 01 Nos.

Total Nos. of PETROL Operated Vehicles stabled for condemnation : NIL

2.5.0. It is worthwhile to mention here that E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah supplies Fuel (H.S.D. Oil i.e. Diesel & Motor Spirit i.e. Petrol) to 112 nos. nominated vehicles pertaining to...

2.5.1. Vehicles under the direct supervision / custody of E. Rly. Lorry Garage /Howrah 2.5.2. E. Rly. Hd. Quarters / Fairlie Place / Kolkata 2.5.3. The vehicles of Howrah Division but not under the direct supervision /custody of E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah.

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2.6.0. Out of 112 nos. nominated vehicles, to which E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah supplies fuels as per the allotted quota, there are 21 nos. Petrol operated Vehicles & 91 nos. Diesel Vehicles.

2.7.0. Besides the above 112 nos. nominated vehicles, E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah supplies Fuel (H.S.D. Oil i.e. Diesel & Motor Spirit i.e. Petrol) to some other under mentioned nominated Railway units of Howrah Division -

2.7.1. RPF/HQ/Liluah : having Monthly Quota 24 Litres. 2.7.2. DME/DSL/Bardhaman : having Monthly Quota 40 Litres. 2.7.3. SSE/Elect./Howrah : having Monthly Quota 200 Litres. 2.7.4. CMS/Howrah : having Monthly Quota 08 Litres. 2.7.5. ART/Rampurhat : having Monthly Quota 50 Litres. 2.7.6. ART/Howrah Loco : having Monthly Quota 19 Litres. 2.7.7. DME/DSL/HWH : having Monthly Quota 25 Litres.

The consumption of fuels in the above 7 units are recorded / shown in E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah, as “Misc. Consumption”.

2.8.0. The work study team noted that E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah maintain records related to H.S.D. Oil i.e. Diesel consumption in 04 different Heads and Motor Spirit i.e. Petrol consumption in 03 different Heads.

2.9.0. The 04 different Heads in H.S.D. Oil i.e. Diesel consumption are L/G (Lorry Garage, Ref. Para 2.5.1.), Howrah (Ref. Para 2.5.3.), KKK i.e. Kolkata (Ref. Para 2.5.2.) and Misc. (Ref. Para 2.7.0. and Paras 2.7.1. to 2.7.7.).

2.10.0. The 03 different Heads in Motor Spirit i.e. Petrol consumption are L/G (Lorry Garage, Ref. Para 2.5.1.), Howrah (Ref. Para 2.5.3.) and Misc. (Ref. Para 2.7.0. and Paras 2.7.1. to 2.7.7.).

2.11.0. Particulars of H.S.D. Oil i.e. Diesel consumption in 04 different Heads, mentioned above, for the period of F.Y. 2016-17.

L/G Howrah KKK Misc. Total Month (In Litre) (In Litre) (In Litre) (In Litre) (In Litre) April, 2016 1602 3077 4370 480 9529 May, 2016 1555 3296 4199 480 9530 June, 2016 1458 3214 4584 480 9736 July, 2016 1411 3328 4390 480 9609 August, 2016 1319 3465 4919 520 10223 September, 2016 1444 3542 4723 520 10229 October, 2016 1297 3538 3817 520 9172 November, 2016 1449 3851 4055 480 9835 December, 2016 1536 3633 4293 40 9502 January, 2017 1453 3510 4254 480 9697 February, 2017 1410 3191 4296 480 9377 March, 2017 1342 3388 4498 920 10148 TOTAL → 17,276.00 41,033.00 52,398.00 5,880.00 1,16,587.00 Page | 6

2.12.0. Particulars of Motor Spirit i.e. Petrol consumption in 03 different Heads, mentioned above, for the period of F.Y. 2016-17.

L/G Howrah Misc. Total Month (In Litre) (In Litre) (In Litre) (In Litre) April, 2016 446 124 208 778 May, 2016 510 199 208 917 June, 2016 640 173 208 1021 July, 2016 733 121 208 1062 August, 2016 721 180 216 1117 September, 2016 662 183 216 1061 October, 2016 664 183 208 1055 November, 2016 713 179 408 1300 December, 2016 664 150 208 1022 January, 2017 607 171 208 986 February, 2017 697 150 208 1055 March, 2017 614 132 273 1019 TOTAL→ 7,671.00 1,945.00 2,777.00 12,393.00

2.13.0. In the Howrah Lorry garage, Fuelling is done as per sanctioned quota against each vehicle. Study team noted the monthly supply of fuel to the vehicles under the supervision of Howrah Lorry garage during F.Y. 2016-17.

M S (PETROL) Consumption Particulars during F.Y. 2016-2017:

CAR No.→ WB 12D 6046 WB 06G 0835 WB 12A 6590 WB 12B 8973 Month (In Litres) (In Litres) (In Litres) (In Litres) ↓ Apr-16 0 95 195 156 May-16 0 159 95 160 Jun-16 285 240 140 175 Jul-16 110 268 155 200 Aug-16 96 293 152 180 Sep-16 92 285 175 110 Oct-16 139 285 125 115 Nov-16 103 315 145 150 Dec-16 143 271 95 155 Jan-17 109 293 85 120 Feb-17 99 293 115 190 Mar-17 66 240 120 188 Total Annual MS (Petrol) 1242 3037 1597 1899 Consumption→ Monthly Average 104 253 133 158 consumption→

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HSD Oil (DIESEL) Consumption Particulars during F.Y. 2016-2017:

CAR No.→ WB 11A WB 20H WB 12A WB 12A WB 22V WB 11B WB 12A WB 11A WB 11A WB 11A WB 02N WB 12B Month 5135 2695 8128 8129 4447 0208 9755 5182 3438 3637 9763 2619 ↓ (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) (In Ltre) Apr-16 173 186 205 109 145 220 170 145 131 191 124 259 May-16 95 185 195 188 209 210 160 173 161 191 47 170 Jun-16 115 216 200 207 176 210 200 221 95 191 172 0 Jul-16 81 245 190 175 148 180 150 195 132 191 135 0 Aug-16 105 115 200 166 147 190 210 185 110 191 160 0 Sep-16 105 115 200 180 154 180 210 215 170 191 187 0 Oct-16 124 115 200 225 117 200 200 150 140 185 177 0 Nov-16 110 115 190 130 155 230 230 228 170 191 191 0 Dec-16 191 125 167 236 168 200 270 125 170 156 190 0 Jan-17 184 115 168 311 134 170 220 130 170 191 191 0 Feb-17 191 150 161 299 156 180 230 30 170 152 182 0 Mar-17 129 113 311 311 86 180 210 140 170 138 191 0 Total 1603 1795 2387 2537 1795 2350 2460 1937 1789 2159 1947 429 Consmp. Monthly Average 134 150 199 211 150 196 205 161 149 180 162 36 consump

12 nos. vehicles (under the supervision of MF/Lorry Garrage) & 01 no. vehicle (used and maintained at Hd. Qrs. by CSO/ER/KKK) are plying presently. But during the period 2016-17, total 16 nos. of vehicles were in working condition. So, in both the above tables, fuel consumption position of 16 nos. of vehicles was tabulated. (during F.Y. 2016-17, 03 vehicles i.e. WB 12B 2619, WB 11A 3438 & WB 11A 3637 were also in working condition but now either declared as condemned or under processing for condemnation) Summary of the above two tables:

Consmption of Fuel for the cars/vehicles which are under direct supervision of MF/HWH Lorry Garage : Average Monthly Actual Annual Nature of Fuel Sanc. Monthly Fuel Personnel under Fuel Consumption Sl. Regn. No. of Type of Consumption Quota for Fuel Consumption whom the vehicles during No. Vehicles Vehicles MS (Petrol) / consumption during are deployed F.Y. 2016-17 Diesel (In Ltrs.) F.Y. 2016-17 (In Ltrs.) (In Ltrs.) 1 WB 12D 6046 CIAZ DRM/HWH MS (Petrol) 277 1242 104

2 WB 11A 5135 TATA SUMO DRM/HWH (Stand- by) HSD Oil (Diesel) 191 1603 134 3 WB 06G 0835 SX4 ADRM/ER/HWH MS (Petrol) 293 3037 253 4 WB 12A 6590 AMB SRM/HWH MS (Petrol) 257 1597 133 5 WB 20H 2695 TATA SUMO Sr. DME(P)/HWH HSD Oil (Diesel) 115 1795 150

6 WB 12A 8128 Bolero Sr. DME(C&W)/HWH HSD Oil (Diesel) 200 2387 199

7 WB 12A 8129 Bolero Sr. DFM/ER/HWH HSD Oil (Diesel) 311 2537 211 8 WB 12B 8973 SX4 CME / E.Rly. /KKK MS (Petrol) 255 1899 158 9 WB 22V 4447 Scorpio CME / E.Rly. /KKK HSD Oil (Diesel) 300 1795 150 10 WB 11B 0208 TAVERA CME/Plg./ER/KKK HSD Oil (Diesel) 150 2350 196 11 WB 12A 9755 TATA SUMO CMPE/ER/KKK HSD Oil (Diesel) 150 2460 205

12 WB 11A 5182 TATA Qualis PS to CME HSD Oil (Diesel) 253 1937 161

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13 WB 11A 3438 TATA SUMO Cond. HSD Oil (Diesel) 170 1789 149 14 WB 11A 3637 TATA SUMO Cond. HSD Oil (Diesel) 191 2159 180 15 WB 02N 9763 TATA SUMO Controlled by HQ HSD Oil (Diesel) 195 1947 162 16 WB 12B 2619 TATA Indigo Cond. HSD Oil (Diesel) 258 429 36

2.14.0. Study team noted the unit price of fuel to evaluate the cost of fuel (consumed during F.Y. 2016-17) for 14 nos. Vehicles/Cars under the supervision of Lorry Garage and 02 nos. vehicle used and maintained at Hd. Qrs. & HWH Division by CSO/ER/KKK & SR. DSO/HWH respectively.

Vide COS/ER‟s P.O. No. 05/16/6003/2/46098, dtd.04/07/2016, price of MS (Petrol) was Rs.64.02 per litre and COS/ER‟s P.O. No. 05/16/6005/2/46058, dated 03/03/2016, price of HSD Oil (Diesel) was averaged as Rs. 59.88 per litre. The above mentioned expenditure due to fuel consumption is tabulated below -

Consumption of Fuel for the cars/vehicles which are under direct supervision of MF/HWH Lorry Garage & under Hd. Quartes control during F.Y.2016-17 :

For HSD Oil (Diesel) operated Vehicles:

Average Nature of Personnel Monthly Fuel Rate of Regn. No. Fuel Value of HSD Sl. Type of under whom Consumption HSD Oil of Consumption Oil (Disel) (In No. Vehicles the vehicles are during (Disel) Vehicles MS (Petrol) Rs.) deployed F.Y. 2016-17 (In Rs.) / Diesel (In Ltrs.)

DRM/HWH 1 WB 11A 5135 TATA SUMO HSD Oil (Diesel) 134 Rs. 8,023.92 (Stand-by) 2 WB 20H 2695 TATA SUMO Sr. DME(P)/HWH HSD Oil (Diesel) 150 Rs. 8,982.00

3 WB 12A 8128 Bolero Sr. DME(C&W)/HWH HSD Oil (Diesel) 199 Rs. 11,916.12

4 WB 12A 8129 Bolero Sr. DFM/ER/HWH HSD Oil (Diesel) 211 Rs. 12,634.68

5 WB 22V 4447 Scorpio CME / E.Rly. /KKK HSD Oil (Diesel) 150 Rs. 8,982.00

6 WB 11B 0208 TAVERA CME/Plg./ER/KKK HSD Oil (Diesel) 196 Rs. 59.88 Rs. 11,736.48 per litre 7 WB 12A 9755 TATA SUMO CMPE/ER/KKK HSD Oil (Diesel) 205 Rs. 12,275.40

8 WB 11A 5182 TATA Qualis PS to CME HSD Oil (Diesel) 161 Rs. 9,640.68

9 WB 11A 3438 TATA SUMO Cond. HSD Oil (Diesel) 149 Rs. 8,922.12

10 WB 11A 3637 TATA SUMO Cond. HSD Oil (Diesel) 180 Rs. 10,778.40

11 WB 02N 9763 TATA SUMO Cond. HSD Oil (Diesel) 162 Rs. 9,700.56

12 WB 12B 2619 TATA SUMO Cond. HSD Oil (Diesel) 36 Rs. 2,155.68

Total Value of Consumed HSD Oil (DIESEL) → Rs. 1,15,748.04

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For M S (Petrol) operated Vehicles:

Average Nature of Personnel Monthly Fuel Rate of Fuel Value of HSD Sl. Regn. No. of Type of under whom Consumption HSD Oil Consumption Oil (Disel) No. Vehicles Vehicles the vehicles are during F.Y. (Disel) MS (Petrol) (In Rs.) deployed 2016-17 (In Rs.) / Diesel (In Ltrs.)

1 WB 12D 6046 CIAZ DRM/HWH MS (Petrol) 104 Rs. 6,658.08

2 WB 06G 0835 SX4 ADRM/ER/HWH MS (Petrol) 253 Rs. 16,197.06 Rs. 64.02 per litre 3 WB 12A 6590 AMB SRM/HWH MS (Petrol) 133 Rs. 8,514.66

4 WB 12B 8973 SX4 CME / E.Rly. /KKK MS (Petrol) 158 Rs. 10,115.16

Total Value of Consumed MS (PETROL) → Rs. 41,484.96

Thus, total value of average monthly fuel consumption during F.Y. 2016-17 is Rs. 1, 15,748.04 + Rs. 41,484.96 i.e. Rs. 1, 57,233.00.

2.15.0. Study team observed the working procedure of E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah, to have a clear idea of present system of working, the capacity and the infrastructure of the Garage along with its manpower.

2.16.0. A layout diagram may communicate a clear picture of the Garage. Herein, it may be understood from one sign like ‘˥’. One limb of the said sign is utilised in keeping the cars only. Repairing Room, Staff Room, etc. are located in the same line with this part of the garage. The other limb of said sign is utilised for both the purposes of keeping the vehicles and it‟s maintenance works. The under mentioned facilities are available in this part.

2.16.1. Hydraulic Lifter with water jet washing facility.

2.16.2. Deep Pit facility for carriage works of Vehicles/Cars.

2.16.3. Screw Jacks and hydraulic Jacks.

2.16.4. Air Compressor for pumping air to car wheels with correct tyre pressure.

2.16.5. A few inactive screw Jacks which are used as a steady rest.

2.16.6. Welding facility, etc.

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2.17.0. To perform day to day vehicles maintenance the subject Lorry Garage Unit needs some consumables like Soap Bar, SAE 40, etc. which are Stocked. The consumption of such stock items in the unit during F.Y. 2016-17...

Book av. Rate Stock Item Qty. Total Value Sl. No. (BAR) Particulars consumed in Rs. in Rs.

1 Soap Bar 140 Pcs. Rs. 34.89 Rs. 4,884.60

2 SAE 40 201 kgs. Rs. 93.36 Rs. 18,765.36 3 Soap Bar 100 Pcs. Rs. 34.89 Rs. 3,489.00 4 Seal Lead 05 kgs. Rs. 178.69 Rs. 893.45 5 seal wire 05 kgs. Rs. 100.78 Rs. 503.90 Total → Rs. 28,536.31

2.18.0. To conduct minor vehicles Maintenance Work of vehicles at the said unit, different kinds of Coolants, Tyre, Battery, etc. of cars/vehicles are purchased as Non-Stock Item. Study team noted the total procurement of such items in the unit during F.Y. 2016-17.

2.19.0. Sl. Qty. Total Value Non-Stock Item Particulars No. consumed in Rs.

1. Coolant 210 Kgs. Rs. 33,182.00

2. 205 X 65 Tyre with Tube for Qualis Car 3 Sets. Rs. 16,333.42

3. EM 35R Battery 2 Pcs. Rs. 7,600.00

4. 195/65-R-15 Tubeless for SX4 Car 2 Sets. Rs. 9,668.00

5. Battery 12Volt 70Z 5 Nos. Rs. 26,793.00

6. 195/70 R-14 Tyre and Tube 4 Sets. Rs. 18,228.40

Total → Rs. 1,11,804.82

2.20.0. The Howrah Lorry Garage is not having the suitable infrastructure for machining and complete repairing/maintenance of Vehicle components/spares like engine, body, etc. Even painting after repair is not possible to be undertaken at Howrah Lorry garage due to lack of suitable infrastructure. Therefore, these types of Major/Heavy repairing works of vehicles are off-loaded from the subject unit and outsourced to selected Non-Rly. Agencies / Firms. In case of Minor Repair of vehicles also, mostly outsourcing is the only option.

It is significant to cite here the below mentioned Works contracts were undertaken during F.Y. 2015-16 & F.Y. 2016-17. -

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Works Contract related to Breakdown / Preventive Maintenance of the vehicles under the supervision of E.Rly. Lorry Garage/HWH during the F.Y. 2015-16.

SL. W.O. NO. & Value of Other Vehicle No. Firm's Bill No. & date No. date Contract Remarks PE/30, dated PMW/01/15-16, dated 1 WB 22U 4447 Rs. 29,600.00 ……… 27/03/2015 04/04/2015 PE/30, dated PMW/05/15-16, dated 2 WB 2619 Rs. 19,800.00 ……… 03/07/2015 08/07/2015 PE/30, dated PMW/06/15-16, dated 3 WB 12B 3507 Rs. 19,900.00 ……… 03/07/2015 20/07/2015 PE/30, dated 4 WB 12 8973 12059, dated 20/08/2015 Rs. 19,541.00 ……… 21/07/2015 PE/30, dated PMW/14/15-16, dated 5 WB 12A 6590 Rs. 19,960.00 ……… 01/12/2015 10/12/2015 6 WB 20H 2695 PE/30, dated PMW/23/15-16, dated Rs. 76,000.00 ……… 7 WB 12A 9755 23/02/2016 11/03/2016

Total Value of Works Contract during F.Y. 2015-16 → Rs. 1,84,801.00

Works Contract related to Breakdown / Preventive Maintenance of the vehicles under the supervision of E.Rly. Lorry Garage/HWH during the F.Y. 2016-17.

SL. W.O. NO. & Firm's Bill No. Value of Other Vehicle No. No. date & date Contract Remarks PE/30, dated 1 WB 06G 0835 12799, dated 16/05/2016 Rs. 1,06,094.00 ……… 05/05/2016

PE/30, dated PMW/10/16-17, dated 2 WB 12D 6046 Rs. 17,900.00 ……… 09/08/2016 01/09/2016

PE/30, dated 121717, dated 3 WB 06G 0835 Rs. 19,900.00 ……… 18/11/2016 06/02/2016

PE/30, dated 121718, dated 4 WB 12B 8973 Rs. 9,900.00 ……… 17/11/2016 06/02/2016

PE/30, dated PMW/13/16-17, dated 5 WB 12A 9755 Rs. 19,940.00 ……… 13/02/2017 27/02/2017

PE/30, dated NMW-71, dated 6 WB 12A 6590 Rs. 36,100.00 07/10/2016 07/03/2017 ……… PE/30, dated NMW-77, dated 7 WB 11A 5182 Rs. 49,300.00 13/02/2017 15/03/2017

Total Value of Works Contract during F.Y. 2016-17→ Rs. 2,59,134.00

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2.21.0. E. Rly. Lorry Garage/ Howrah perform daily maintenance of the aforesaid vehicles. Study Team noted the scope of the said daily Maintenance job of cars/vehicles which are mentioned below:-

1. Regular wiping of car body and removal of dust/dirt. 2. Washing of car body, cleaning & checking of car under gear 3. Charging of coolant water 4. Changing of Car seat covering Towel, etc. 5. Servicing of Car Batteries 6. Repairing of Head Light, Cabin Fan, Front Show-Guard, Door Lock, Horn, Door Lock Handle, , 7. Engine Tuning. 8. Replacement of punctured tyre with Stepney 9. Attention for Mobil oil leakage, 10. Attention to suspension mechanism, Tie Rod Joints, Gearing arrangement, Master Cylinder, Clutch, Alternator, AC Fan Belt. 11. Cleaning and lubricating of Braking System, Engine, Timing gears, etc. 2.22.0. In course of daily maintenance of vehicles and to meet any emergent situation while Vehicles are required within no time, a fund viz. “Cash Imprest Fund” is utilised by MF/Lorry Garage/HWH for petty purchase of car spares, payment of laundry charges of car seat covering towels, servicing charges for Misc. Car attention work by Non-Rly. Technicians, etc. The maximum amount of such expenses is limited to Rs. 20,000.00. Time to time, after expenditure, the said fund is recouped by competent authority. In this respect, Study team noted the particulars of utilisation of “Cash Imprest Fund” during F.Y.2016 -17.

Utilisation Particulars of "Cash Imprest Fund" during F.Y. 2016-17.

Date of Expenditure Amount Remarks

Maximum sanctioned drawn 18-04-2016 Rs. 19,657.00 amount is Rs. 20,000.00 only. 12-05-2016 Rs. 19,644.00 - Do - - Do - 28-06-2016 Rs. 17,318.00

- Do - 01-08-2016 Rs. 17,882.00 - Do - 07-09-2016 Rs. 18,775.00 - Do - 17-10-2016 Rs. 18,253.00

- Do - 20-12-2016 Rs. 19,489.00

13-02-2017 Rs. 18,420.00 - Do - Total → Rs. 1,49,438.00

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2.23.0. Study team thus observed the main features of the involvement of HWH Lorry garage.

A) To provide Driver for different SAG Officers vehicles and other vehicles of Hd. Quarters & Howrah Division. B) To provide Fuel & Lubricant to 112 nos of departmental Vehicles and some Rly. Units as per the quota / sanction of the competent authority. C) To provide daily attention i.e. cleaning, washing and makeshift running maintenance based on Driver‟s Report/complaint of aforesaid 12 nos. departmental vehicles. D) To organize and supervising the job conducted by outside Non-Rly. Agencies through various Works Contracts.

2.24.0. During the Work Study, the prices of departmental cars/vehicles (As per Supply Order i.e. S.O. / Purchase Order i.e. P.O.) which are presently plying under the supervision of E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah were taken into consideration. The procurement prices of the above vehicles & auction sold prices of some „codal life expired‟ vehicles are tabulated below.

The prices, as per Supply Order i.e. S.O. / Purchase Order i.e. P.O. which are presently plying under the supervision of E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah :

Sl. Regn. No. of Type of Year of Remarks, if Make Purchase Price No. Vehicles Vehicles commission any.

1. WB 12D 6046 CIAZ Maruti 2016 Rs. 7,02,156.00 NIL 2. WB 11A 5135 TATA SUMO TATA 2003 Rs. 3,66,784.94 NIL 3. WB 06G 0835 SX4 Maruti 2011 Rs. 6,41,422.96 NIL 4. WB 12A 6590 AMB Mercedes 2003 Rs. 3,38,985.00 NIL 5. WB 20H 2695 TATA SUMO TATA 2007 Rs. 4,90,022.00 NIL 6. WB 12A 8128 Bolero Mahindra 2004 Rs. 4,04,502.22 NIL 7. WB 12A 8129 Bolero Mahindra 2004 Rs. 4,04,502.22 NIL 8. WB 12B 8973 SX4 Maruti 2011 Rs. 6,41,422.96 NIL 9. WB 22V 4447 Scorpio TATA 2012 Rs. 8,42,675.00 NIL 10. WB 11B 0208 TAVERA Chevrolet 2007 Rs. 5,73,223.00 NIL 11. WB 12A 9755 TATA SUMO TATA 2006 Rs. 3,93,281.64 NIL 12. WB 11A 5182 TATA Qualis TATA 2003 Rs. 4,43,064.74 NIL Condemned 13. WB 11A 4906 TATA SUMO TATA 2000 Rs. 3,85,980.57 & sold (Truck/ 14. WB 11A 1510 Lorry 1999 Rs. 5,07,107.24 -----Do--- Diesel) Auction sale prices of some recently sold ‘codal life expired’ vehicles are tabulated below.

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Date of Sl. Vehicles CMM/Auction Remarks, Auction Make Sale Price No. particulars Sales LOT No. if any. Sale

No. WB 02Y 6722 of 1. 08/03/2016 Maruti Rs. 13,001.00 0853930117 NIL Dy. CEE/EMU/HQ

No. WB 02V 6875 2. 13/06/2016 Ambassador Rs. 21,111.00 0850660616 NIL of GM/RT Sold No. WNW 6643 of Except 3. 19/08/2016 Maruti Jeep Rs. 13,600.00 0851480816 DEN/HWH Care Tyres

No. WB 02Q 7823 of 4. 24/09/2016 Ambassador Rs. 21,100.00 0852090916 NIL Secy. To GM

No. WB 02J 3937 of 5. 09/05/2017 Maruti Gypsy Rs. 24,786.00 0850140417 NIL Sr. DSC/RPF/HWH 2

No. WMF 550 of 6. 18/05/2016 Jeep Rs. 17,500.00 0854740316 NIL JE/Tele/ASN

No. WB 11A 4906 7. 17/06/2017 TATA SUMO Rs. 86,211.50 0850860517 NIL of MF/HWH No.

WB 11A 1510 of Truck 8. 17/06/2017 Rs. 86,211.50 0850860517 NIL MF/HWH (Diesel)

It is seen from the above two Tables that the only 02 vehicles (No. WB 11A 1510 of MF/HWH & No. WB 11A 4906 of MF/HWH) of the said tables are tallying. Thus, we can get a rough idea about the salvage value i.e. Residual value of any vehicle after expiry of its codal life in comparison to its Purchase value in ref to above 02 vehicles.

We may compare the average purchase value of 02 vehicles (No. WB 11A 1510 of MF/HWH & No. WB 11A 4906 of MF/HWH) with their salvage / residual value i.e. recent auction sale value.

The av. Value of procurement of above 02 vehicles is [(Rs. 3,85,980.57 + Rs. 86,211)/2] i.e. Rs 4,46,543.91.

The av. Value of Auction sale of above 02 vehicles is Rs. 86,211.50.

Thus, the residual value of the vehicles are approximately [ (Rs. 86,211.50 X 100) / Rs 4,46,543.91%] i.e 19.30% ≈ 20% approx. of the new value of a vehicles.

For simplicity of drawing conclusion, we may say that after completion of Codal Life (i.e. 15 Years) of a vehicle / Car, only about 20 % of its purchase value can be retrieved.

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2.25.0. The Sanctioned Staff Position of E. Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah (As on 01/05/2017) after Cadre Re-structuring vide letter no. E/TP/D/Restructuring/MF/HWH, dated 10/04/17 -

Wing: Mechanical Power MF (Non-Safety) under Sr. DME (P)/E.Rly./Howrah.


Category Remarks

MOR Sanc. Sanc.

No. Sr. Vacanc Strength 1. Motor Foreman (MF) 1 1 0 Non-Safety Posts

2. CHARGEMAN 'B' 1 0 1 Non-Safety Posts

3. TECH. MCM MV 1 0 1 Non-Safety Posts

4. TECH. MCM (A/M) 3 3 0 Non-Safety Posts 5. MCM (Lorry DR.) 8 5 3 Non-Safety Posts 6. MCM (CARPENTER) 1 0 1 Non-Safety Posts 7. MCM (AUTO MECH.) 3 1 2 Non-Safety Posts 8. TECH. GR.I (AUTO MECH.) 6 2 4 Non-Safety Posts 9. TECH. MISC-I 6 3 3 Non-Safety Posts 10. TECH.GR.II (AUTO MECH.) 1 2 -1 Non-Safety Posts 11. TECH. GR.II (MISC) 0 0 0 Non-Safety Posts 12. TECH. GR.III (AUTO MECH.) 2 3 -1 Non-Safety Posts

13. TECH. MISC GR.III 2 3 -1 Non-Safety Posts

14. LORRY DRIVER GR.I 16 12 4 Non-Safety Posts

15. LORRY DRIVER GR.II 3 0 3 Non-Safety Posts

16. LORRY DRIVER GR.III 5 8 -3 Non-Safety Posts 17. HELPER 12 10 2 Non-Safety Posts 18. PEON 1 1 0 Non-Safety Posts 19. DARWAN 2 1 1 Non-Safety Posts

20. SWEEPER 1 1 0 Non-Safety Posts

75 56 19

2 2 2 21. *Ministerial Staff *Besides the above posts (vide Sl.1 to Sl. 20 of the table) 02 more Sanctioned posts of Ministerial Staff pertaining to Mechanical / Power Branch (Howrah) is separately allowed to operate at E.Rly. Lorry Garage.

2.26.0. Thus, In a nutshell, Category / Function-wise sanctioned staff strength distribution by the competent authority is tabulated below-

Sanctioned Staff Sl. No. Category Strength 1. Supervisor 2 2. Lorry Drivers 32 3. Mechanic 12 4 Miscellaneous 13 5. Helper 12 6. Peon 1

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7. Darwan 2 8. Sweeper 1 Total → 75 Ministerial Staff allowed from Mechanical 9. 2 Power branch pool

2.27.0. Study team noted the records related to month wise staff salary bill paid to the staff of Howrah Lorry Garage during F.Y. 2016-17.

Gross Salary Earning of Staff pertaining to E.Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah for F.Y. 2016-17. Bill Unit No. : 02-265.

Average Monthly Salary Month Amount Remarks earning during F.Y. 2016-17.

Apr-16 Rs. 37,27,973.00 NIL May-16 Rs. 33,30,284.00 NIL Jun-16 Rs. 24,75,347.00 NIL Jul-16 Rs. 36,73,525.00 NIL Aug-16 Rs. 53,45,939.00 NIL Sep-16 Rs. 33,55,069.00 NIL Rs. 33,26,576.92 Oct-16 Rs. 31,36,169.00 NIL Nov-16 Rs. 28,66,239.00 NIL Dec-16 Rs. 27,11,818.00 NIL Jan-17 Rs. 27,16,526.00 NIL Feb-17 Rs. 37,79,681.00 NIL Mar-17 Rs. 28,00,353.00 NIL

Total→ Rs. 3,99,18,923.00

It is seen from the above Table that Gross Salary Earning of Staff pertaining to E.Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah vide Bill Unit No. : 02-265 was Rs. 3,99,18,923.00 during F.Y. 2016-17.

Thus, Average Monthly Salary earning during F.Y. 2016-17 was evaluated as Rs. 33,26,576.92.

2.28.0. Study team explores the reason for such hefty average monthly salary bill amounting to 33.27 Lakhs. In this connection, the office records related to „Km. of daily Run‟ of the vehicles / cars of HWH lorry garage has been studied and extract of 03 months record is tabulated below :-

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‘Km. of daily Run’ Particulars for the Vehicles pertaining to E.Rly. Lorry Garage / HWH Controlling

Particulars Monthly Running Km. personnel under Regn. No. of Types of of Vehicle's whom the Remarks Vehicles Vehicles present Avg. of Sl. No. Sl. Feb./17 Jan./17 Dec./16(In vehicles are 03 Condition. (In Km) (In Km) Km) deployed months 1. WB 12D 6046 CIAZ DRM/HWH Working 748 1058 1263 1023 ……..

In Dec./16, DRM/HWH Under 2. WB 11A 5135 TATA SUMO Working 1257 1297 387 980 (Stand-by) Repair upto 21st.

3. WB 06G 0835 SX4 ADRM/ER/HWH Working 2367 2358 2301 2342 ……..

Under Repair 4. WB 12A 6590 AMB SRM/HWH Working 791 568 783 714 From 23/12/16 to 6/1/17.

5. WB 20H 2695 TATA SUMO Sr. DME(P)/HWH Working 1368 1913 1545 1609 ……..

Sr.DME(C&W)/H 6. WB 12A 8128 Bolero Working 1086 1219 1127 1144 …….. WH Sr. 7. WB 12A 8129 Bolero Working 1676 2002 1337 1672 …….. DFM/ER/HWH CME / E.Rly. 8. WB 12B 8973 SX4 Working 1414 1018 1348 1260 …….. /KKK CME / E.Rly. 9. WB 22V 4447 Scorpio Working 1260 1000 1345 1202 …….. /KKK CME/Plg./ER 10. WB 11B 0208 TAVERA Working 1527 1518 1863 1636 …….. /KKK 11. WB 12A 9755 TATA SUMO CMPE/ER/KKK Working 1862 1880 2029 1924 ……..

Under Repair 12. WB 11A 5182 TATA Qualis PS to CME Working NIL NIL 760 253 From 20/12/16 .

The above table shows that a Vehicle / Car while running uninterruptedly (i.e. without any major Break-down), covers distance from 1500 Km to more than 2000 Km. per month.

Each of the above vehicle is driven by a „Driver‟ booked by HWH Lorry garage. The driver is supposed to drive a car from 1500 Km to more than 2000 Km. per month.

To perform the said nature of duty, Drivers are supposed to book Overtime while as a policy matter, booking of Overtime is restricted in other fields of Railway activities.

In this connection, extract of approximately 11 months Overtime Booking particulars were collected and tabulated below:

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Period of booking Total Hrs. of booked Remarks, If any. Overtime From To

20/03/16 16/04/16 1646.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

17/04/16 28/05/16 2670.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

29/05/16 25/06/16 1771.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

26/06/16 23/07/16 1794.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

24/07/16 20/08/16 1715.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

21/08/16 17/09/16 1568.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

18/09/16 29/10/16 2039.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

30/10/16 26/11/16 1303.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

27/11/16 24/12/16 1251.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

25/12/16 21/01/17 1275.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

22/01/17 04/03/17 2034.00 Man-Hrs. NIL

Total booked O.T. Hrs. for 11 months → 19,066.00 Man-Hrs. i.e. 1733.27 Man- Hrs. per month.

Total nos, of existing Driver in the Men-on-Roll of HWH Lorry Garage = 25 nos.

Thus, on an average, each driver booked on Overtime for (1733.27 Man-Hrs./ 25 nos.) i.e. 69.33 Man-Hrs.per month R/o. to 70.00 Man-Hrs. per month.

Therefore, it is clear that the main reason of salary bill hike is due to Overtime Allowance paid to the Drivers of E.Rly. Lorry Garrage/Howrah.

2.29.0. Each and every departments of E.Rly. Hd. Quarters & Howrah Division requires transportation service. In comparison to „transportation service‟ needed, nowadays, Eastern Railway Lorry Garage caters a minimum load, providing only 12 nos. of vehicles for transportation service to E.Rly. Hd. Quarters & Howrah Division. Major requirement in this field is meet up through outsourcing i.e. through “Car Hiring Contract”.

2.30.0. Thus, the Work Study team collected particulars about some referral “Car Hiring Contract”. The details in this respect are tabulated below.

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Extracts of Car Hiring Contracts executed by Eastern Railway.

Break-up of Total Value of Contract incl. all taxes

Sl. No. Sl.

per vehicle per

(InRs.) (InRs.) (InRs.) (InRs.) (InRs.)

h h

Hiring Contract Hiring

Particulars months 24 Particulars


Tittle of Contract of Tittle Cotract Periodof

Expenses per per Expenses

Fixed Charges FixedCharges

Total Value of of Value Total of Value Total

for 24 months months 24 for

Value of Fixed Fixed of Value

LOA No. & date of Car Car of date & No. LOA

Total Value of Contract of Value Total Running of Value

Fixed Charges for for FixedCharges

Running Expenses Expenses Running Expenses Running

Charges per month month per Charges mont

1 Director/I&L/ Hiring of 01 2 Years The Hiring charge Rs. Rs. Running Rs. Rs. Kolkata's no. four i.e. 24 Rs. includes Cost of 19,900.00 4,77,600.00 Expenses per 9,225.00 2,21,400.00 LOA No. Wheeler Months 6,99,000.00 Maintenance, Km of usage I&L/RDSO/Ko ( , Registration, @ Rs.6.15 per l./Hiring Vista/TATA (Incl. all Repair, Salary of Km. (Approx. Vehicle-IV, Indigo CS or taxes) Driver, taxes, lube 1500 Km per dtd. Equiv. for Rly. oil, fuel, etc. @ Rs. month) 10/11/2014 Use . 19,900.00/- per month.

2 Sr.DFM/ER/H Hiring of 02 2 Years Rs. The Hiring charge Rs. Rs. Running Rs. Rs. WH's LOA nos. Non A.C. i.e. 24 15,60,000.0 includes Cost of 20,500.00 9,84,000.00 Expenses per 12,000.00 5,76,000.00 No. Vehicle (TATA Months 0 Maintenance, Km of usage 44/A/CASH SUMO / (Incl. all Registration, @ Rs.6.00 VAN/F/2015- Bolero/ taxes) Repair, Salary of per Km. per 16, dated Scorpio or Driver, taxes, lube vehicle 02/09/2015 equivalent) oil, fuel, etc. @ Rs. (Approx. 2000 for 20,500.00/- per Km per disbursement vehicle per month) of cash to month. outstation under Sr. DFM/ER/HW H. 3 Dy. Hiring of 01 3 Years Rs. The Hiring charge Rs. Rs. Running Rs. Rs. CVO(T)/E.Rly' no. TATA i.e. 36 10,66,500.0 includes Cost of 19,000.00 6,84,000.00 Expenses per 10,625.00 3,82,500.00 s L.O.A. No. Sumo Diesel months 0 Maintenance, Km of usage G.157/Hiring Non-AC . (Incl. all Registration, @ Rs. 5.10 Vehicle/Dy. vehicle for taxes) Repair, Salary of per Km. CVO(T)(2017 official use, Driver, taxes, lube (Approx. 25, to 2020), inspection of oil, fuel, etc. @ Rs. 000 Km per dated Station, Foot 19,000.00/- per Year) 02/06/2017. Plate and month. Secret Service Work.


Monthly Expenses in Hiring of 01 no. four Wheeler (TATA Indica Vista/TATA Indigo 1 : Rs. 29,125.00 CS or Equiv. for Rly. Use ( Ref. Sl. No. 1) Vide LOA dated 10/11/2014.

Monthly Expenses in Hiring of 01 no. Non A.C. Vehicle (TATA SUMO / Bolero/ 2 Scorpio or equivalent) for disbursement of cash to outstation under Sr. : Rs. 32,500.00 DFM/ER/HWH (Ref. Sl. No. 2) Vide LOA dated 02/09/2015.

Monthly Expenses in Hiring of 01 no. TATA Sumo, Diesel, Non-AC vehicle for 3 official use, inspection of Station, Foot Plate and Secret Service Work. ( Ref. Sl. No. : Rs. 29,625.00 3) Vide LOA dated 02/06/2017.

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For the sake conducting work study, we may consider one „Hiring Contract‟ of highest value vide Ref. Sl. No. 2 above.

It is seen that Monthly Expenses in Hiring of 01 no. Non A.C. Vehicle (TATA SUMO / Bolero/ Scorpio or equivalent) is Rs. 32,500.00. per month. This charges includes two aspect charges / expenses -

1. Fixed Charges, which includes Cost of Maintenance, Registration, Repair, Salary of Driver, taxes, lube oil, fuel, etc. @ Rs. 20,500.00/- per vehicle per month. 2. Running Expenses Rs. 12,000.00 per month per vehicle for Approx. 2000 Km per month per Km of usage and having charges @ Rs.6.00 per Km. per vehicle.

2.31.0. Therefore, at the consolidated expense of Rs. 32,500.00. per month per vehicle, Rly. Authority enjoys the comprehensive transportation service without any further expenditure and liabilities. (Para 2.30.0.)

2.32.0. The study team had taken into consideration the different under mentioned features of expenditures to maintain E. Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah.

(1) For providing fuel to 14 + 2 nos. i.e. 16 nos. vehicles related to Howrah Lorry Garage, average monthly expenditure in the head of fuel consumption during F.Y. 2016-17 is Rs. 1, 57,233.00 (Ref. Paras 2.1.0. & 2.14.0.).

Thus, total value of average monthly fuel consumption during F.Y. 2016-17 is Rs. 1, 15,748.04 + Rs. 41,484.96 i.e. Rs. 1, 57,233.00.

(2) Average Gross monthly Salary paid to Staff pertaining to E.Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah for F.Y. 2016-17. Bill Unit No. : 02-265. (Para 2.27.0.) is evaluated as Rs. 33,26,576.92. The staff of E.Rly. Lorry Garage / Howrah provides different kinds of service as mentioned above to 14 nos. vehicles of providing. But for other 02 nos. of vehicles, the garage provides Driver & Fuel only.

(3) Annual Expenditure for the consumption of stock items in the unit during F.Y. 2016-17 is evaluated as Rs. 28,536.31 i.e average monthly Rs. 2,378.00. (Para 2.17.0.).

(4) Annual Expenditure for the consumption of non-stock items in the unit during F.Y. 2016-17 is evaluated as Rs. 1,11,804.82 i.e. average monthly Rs. 9317.07 (Para 2.19.0.).

(5) Annual consumption of "Cash Imprest Fund" in the unit during F.Y. 2016-17 is evaluated as Rs. 1,49,438.00 i.e. average monthly Rs. 12,453.17 (Para 2.22.0.).

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(6) Annual Expenditure for Works Contract related to Breakdown / Preventive Maintenance of the vehicles under the supervision of E.Rly. Lorry Garage/HWH during the F.Y. 2016-17. is evaluated as Rs. 2,59,134.00. Thus, monthly average for said expenditure becomes to Rs. 21,594.50.

2.33.0. All the expenditures, as stated in the above para., is tabulated below -

Nos. of Vehicles Average Expenditure Average monthly Sl. Expenditure Served at E.Rly. per vehicle per Expenditures Remarks No. Particulars Lorry Garrage / month at E.Rly. Lorry (In Rs.) HWH Garrage / HWH

Vehicle nos. WB 11A 3637 & WB 02N 1 Fuel Consumption 1,57,233.00 16 9,827.06 9763 included vide Ref. para 2.1.0.

2 Gross Salary 33,26,576.92 16 2,07,911.06 ……Do…..

Vehicle nos. WB 11A Stock Item 3637 & WB 02N 3 2,378.00 14 169.86 Consumption 9763 not included vide Ref. para 2.1.0.

Non-Stock Item 4 9,317.00 14 665.50 ……Do….. Consumption

Cash Imprest Fund 5 12,453.17 14 889.51 ……Do….. Consumption

Works Contract for 6 Vehicle 21,594.50 14 1,542.46 ……Do….. Maintenance

Total → 35,29,552.59 2,21,005.45

2.34.0. The above table shows that -

A. Average monthly expenditure to manage the E.Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah is Rs. 35,29,552.59.

B. Average monthly expenditure to maintain and supply of fuel in one vehicle at E.Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah is evaluated as Rs. 2,21,005.45.

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2.35.0. Vide para 2.31.0., a consolidated expense of Rs. 32,500.00. per month per vehicle has to be borne by Railway authority in case of hiring of vehicles from the outside Non-Rly. agency.

2.36.0. Vide para 2.34.0. B., an expenditure of Rs. 2,21,005. 45 per month per vehicle has to be borne by Railway authority, only for maintenance, fuelling, providing driver in case of Rly. departmental vehicle.

2.37.0. Besides the Running expense vide para 2.36.0., in case of departmental vehicle, a lump sum capital investment to be made for procuring a new vehicle. Though there has a residual value of the vehicle after completion of its codal life. [vide para 2.24.0., it is found as merely 20% of its procurement value].

2.38.0. From the above analysis of expenditure, it is clear that cost incurred due to hiring of vehicles is 85.30% cheaper than departmentally maintained vehicles (While not considering the capital expenditure of procuring a new vehicle).

2.39.0. From the analysis in para 2.34.0. to 2.38.0. it is established that there is an enormous difference in expenditure between the „hired vehicle‟ and „departmental vehicle‟. Such a vast difference certainly put a question mark on the very existence of E.Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah.

2.40.0. However, study team, in course of conducting the subject work study, highlighted the ground reality only (vide para 2.39.0.) and abstain from passing any remarks in this regard, rather present the matter before the consideration of competent authority.

2.41.0. Though, hiring of vehicles from the outside Non - Rly. Agency is financially viable to Railway, still a skeleton structure of E. Rly. Lorry Garage has to be maintained for supply of fuel to all departmental vehicles, Howrah Divisional Rly. Units like, RPF/LLH, etc. vide para of 2.7.0., emergency maintenance of vehicles, arrangement of vehicles with Driver within no time in any urgent requirement

2.42.0. Study team, in course of consideration of the present work pattern / practice of the Lorry garage, proposed the bare requirement in different category of staff to maintain a skeleton structure of E. Rly. Lorry Garage.

A. Supervisory Staff: 01 Supervisor is proposed as ‘Bare requirement in Supervisory Pool.’

B. Lorry Drivers: Lorry Drivers are deputed for driving the aforesaid 12 nos. Cars which are involved for official Transportation service. It is noticed by the study team that considerable overtime booking of Drivers are to be provided except the cars used by DRM. In case of DRM Cars, 02 drivers are booked in two shifts which ultimately reduced overtime booking Hrs. considerably.

Accordingly, to reduce the Overtime Hrs. into bare minimum, in case of 8 Cars, Study team proposed 02 drivers in two shifts against each car i.e. 8 x 2

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i.e 16 drivers and for the further 05 nos. comparatively less run cars drivers are proposed in single shifts Thus, 5 x 1 i.e. 5 drivers totalling 16+5 i.e. 21 Drivers are necessary as ‘Bare requirement in Driver Pool.’

C. Mechanic: Staff, having the designation of Mechanic performs maintenance job of vehicles which are „Minor Repair‟ in nature. Major Repair / Overhauling of Vehicles are executed through Works Contracts. This is due to lack of expertise as well as lack of infrastructure at Lorry Garage. Considering the quantum of Work, like Mechanical and Elecrical repair work, Engine Tuning, Brake adjustment, Tyre/Tube dismantling & Fitting and other related work, three groups comprising 2 Mechanic in each group plus 1 Mechanic for electrical repair ( 2 Mechanic x 3 gangs) i.e. 6 Mechanic may be the proposed as ‘Bare requirement in Mechanic Pool.’

D. Miscellaneous : As it is discussed earlier, „Mechanic‟ are sufficient enough to perform the Misc. maintenance job of vehicles which are „Minor Repair‟ in nature, No further assistance from the part of Misc. Fitter like Carpenter, Welder, etc. are necessary. According to their expertise, they may be deployed any other mechanical unit under Mechanical Department of Howrah Division. So, in this case, Study Team proposed to redeploy this staff to any mechanical unit under Mechanical Department of Howrah Division.

E. Helper: Study team proposed 3 Helpers in 3 gangs (As stated in Col. B. above). Besides that 03 Helpers are proposed for the purpose of daily car washing & cleaning and 01 Helper are proposed for Misc. Purposes. Thus, total 07 Helpers are proposed as ‘Bare requirement in Lorry Garage.’

F. Peon, Darwan & Sweeper : According to the work load, Study team proposed 03 incumbents as ‘Bare requirement in Lorry Garage.’

G. Ministerial Staff: Out of presently Deployed 02 nos. of incumbents 01 staff is to deployed at fuelling installation of Lorry Garage with individual for maintaining accountal of Fuelling installation along with the assistance of the Helper kept for Misc. Purpose (vide Col. D above). Another 01 staff to be deployed for other misc. Office Job.

2.43.0. Finally, the above proposal of „Bare requirement in Lorry Garage.‟ Is tabulated below. Moreover, the final proposal of Study Team after providing the necessary „Allowances for „Leave Reserve‟ & „Rest Giver‟ on barely assessed staff strength‟ will also be incorporated in the Table:

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Proposed ‘Allowances Present Final Proposed Sl. ‘Bare for ‘Leave Sanctioned Category Proposed Surplus No. Requirem Reserve’ & Staff Strength Posts ent’ ‘Rest Giver’ Strength

1. Supervisor 01 02 02 NIL

2. Lorry Drivers 21 29 32 03

3. Mechanic 06 9 12 03

4 Miscellaneous 0 40 % on Bare 0 13 13 5. Helper 07 Requirement 10 12 02 6. Peon 01 7. Darwan 03 4 02 NIL 8. Sweeper 01 Total → 38 55 75 21

Ministerial Staff allowed from Mechanical 9. Power branch pool without any pinpointing 2 2 NIL for MF/Lorry Garage.

2.44.0. On bare requirement of 38 nos. of staff, 40% allowance is allowed in each group of staff to consider Leave Reserve & Rest Giver.

2.45.0. Thus, the proposed Staff Strength of E. Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah is evaluated as 55 posts.

2.46.0. Therefore, considering proposed revised staff strength as 55, nos. of posts to be directly considered as surplus (para 2.25.0.) is (Sanctioned Strength 75 posts - 55 Posts) i.e. 20 Posts.

2.47.0. Considering the evaluation in above paras, the present sanctioned strength of Staff pertaining to E. Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah is proposed to be revised as 55 posts in place of present sanctioned strength of 75 posts which rendered direct surplus of (75-55) Posts i.e. 20 posts.

2.48.0. The under mentioned table shows that the actual requirement of Manpower i.e. the Revised Sanctioned strength is assessed as 55 posts as against the present Sanctioned strength of 75 posts which will result in surrender of 20 posts.

Existing Existing Present Revised S/S Recommended surrender S/S MOR Vacancy

75 56 55 19 20

2.49.0. Recommendation: The study team recommends that 20 posts of E. Rly. Lorry Garage, Howrah to be surrendered immediately from the existing sanction Strength. Therefore, the Revised Sanction Strength will be 55 instead of 75.

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3.1.0. To appraise the approximate financial implication of proposed surrender, the minimum pay scale and grade pay is considered for the sake of simplicity of calculation.

Total Emoluments/Staff/ Mean Scale of Mean Grade Month DA @ 4% Nos. of Pay + Monthly Savings Annual Savings Pay Pay Pay (Considering 2.57 Posts G.P. (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) as multp. Factor in (In Rs.) Surplus (In Rs.) 7th CPC ) (In Rs.)

5,200/- - 12,700/- 1,800/- 14,500/- 37,265 /- 1,491 20 7,75,120 93,01,440 20,200/-

3.2.0. As per recommendation made in Para – 2.49.0., Minimum Annual financial savings achieved on account of surrender of 20 (Twenty) posts under Sr. DME(P)/E.Rly./HWH is calculated as Rs. 93,01,440/- (Rupees Ninty-three Lakh one thousand four hundred forty only)

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