Book-Entry Only -~. $109000000 Alaska Student Loan
NEW ISSUE BOOK-ENTRYONLY In the minion of Wohlforth. Johnson. Brecht. Cartledee. & Brookine. IIC.. Bond Counsel. based an an analvsis oferistinestatotes. reeulotioaq~ . -~. -. - - ~ ~~ ~~. dings, and courr decisions, nnd oswming, ornong ulher ihtngs, cornplionce 4, rhe Corporalton w~lhrri coucnonts relaltng lo cerloin requwernenrs conloinrd L rke inrerml Reuenur. Code of 1986, as amended, tn1err.d on rhe 2007 Bond? is aeluded front gross tneonle of registered owwrs thereof for federal tncomelarpurporcs. lloweuer, inleresl on rlcr 2007 Bonds ts a spmficprefm-nr.Ifern forpurpocr.soflbr frdmd indtutdt~olandcorporare olternatiue minimum tares. Bond Counsel expresses no opinion regarding myother tar consequences relating to the ownership or disposition of or the occrual or receipt ofinterest on, the 2007Bonds. Interest on the 2007 Bonds is erempt from taration by the State ofAlaska wept for inheritonce and estate tares and tares on transfers by or in contemplation ofdeath. See "TAXEXEMPTION" $109,000,000 ALASKA STUDENT LOAN CORPORATION Education Loan Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2007A $41,500,000 $18,500,000 $49,000,000 Senior Series 2007A-1 (AMT) Senior Series 2007A-2 (AMT) Senior Series 2007A-3 (AMT) (Auction Rate Securities) Fixed Rate Bonds Fixed Rate Bonds Dated: Date of Delivery Due: As shown on inside front cover The Education Loan Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2007A, consisting of $41,500,000 Education Loan Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2007A-1 (the "2007A-1 Bonds"), $18,500,000 Education Loan Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2007A-2 (the "2007A-2 Bands"), and $49,000,000 Education Loan Revenue Bonds, Senior Series 2007A-3 (the "2007A-3 Bonds,'' and together with the 2007A-1 Bonds and the 2007A-2 Bonds, the "2007 Bonds") are being issued by the Alaska Student Loan Corporation (the "Corporation") in fully registered form only, without coupons.
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