MMH Budget Cut to Be Litigated
PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Sept. 21, 1976 Hornet tor Sale 23 Hornet For Sale Hornet For Sale 23 Artlclaa lor Sale 41 Anllquat 48 Apartmanta For Rant 53 Butinett lor Rant 55 Auloa For Sale SI CAPE - Bowers School - large FURNITURE - Klngsized WANTED Antiaue furniture, MANCHESTER - Main 1968 MAROON GTO - Good The weather eat-ln kitchen, living room bed, queen sized headboard, glass, pewter, oil paintings, or RENTAL OFFICE Inside today QANUTO ENTERPRISES Street, retail store, 700 square condition. 400 cubic inch, 350 with fireplace, formal dining dressers and chest with other antique items. R. feet, good location. Paul W. hp, automatic transmission, room, three bedrooms, matching mirror. Call 643- Harrison, 643-8709. Large variety of Apartments and Mostly sunny, cool today, high in up Townhouses throughout Dougan Realtor, 643-4535. radial tires, power brakes and Area news . 18-19 Fam ily............ 30 * 1 8 5 , 0 0 0 " " aluminum siding, 2<ar gar 9459. per 60s. Clear, cool tonight, low 40-45. Manchester. steering. $ ^ . Call Pete 649- Business ... 9 Kitchen 29 age, treed lot, immaculate ANTIQUES Wanted - fur Rantal Offica open dally 9*8. Thursday fair, high in upper 60s. Ten Wanted to Rant 57 2570. Classified . 24 28 Second Thoughts 29 condition. »39,500, Philhrick SINGLE BED, Nutone wall niture, oriental rugs, pain Sat. 10-3, Sunday 11-3 per cent chance precipitation Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. exhaust fan, bathinette, tings, pewter. Windsor chairs, Dear Abby. .27 Sr. Citizens B uiltitM tqulpm«nl, and Raal Eatatal Vary 646-1021 WANTED TO LEASE - 1972 OPEL GT, canary Thursday.
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