Pablo Ruiz 1881-1973 Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain, in 1881. He died at the age of 92, in the year 1973.

As a child he was terrified of school, but found comfort in drawing and his artwork.

He painted this painting in 1896 with oil paint on canvas. He was only 15!!!!!

First Communion, Barcelona.

Oil on canvas, 1896.

Picasso was an incredible artist from a young age, and worked realistically for many years. He is even known for two periods of painting called the Blue Period and the Rose Period, in which he uses many hues of blue and pink.

Self-Portrait with Cloak, 1901-2 The Family of Saltimbanques, 1905 Picasso is most famous for a style of art called

Cubism (1906)

Self Portrait, 1907, Oil on Canvas

The beginning of his style change can be seen in the orange portrait.

VS. What is ? It is a type of artwork that makes an image look like it is broken into pieces.

Let’s look at some of Picasso’s Cubist portrait paintings….

Why is Cubism so important?

Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler


Cubism broke all the rules! Few artists had tried this new style of art before Picasso... Portrait of Ambroise Vollard

1910 1909 Woman With

Pears What does abstract mean? Abstract art is one without a recognizable subject, one which doesn't relate to anything or try to "look like" something. Abstract art can be many things...

Picasso was amazing at creating abstract

portraits too!

Let’s look at a few of his Abstract portraits! 1939

The Sailor 1937 Weeping

Woman The Yellow Sweater,


1939 Check out this other famous work of art by Picasso!

Three Musicians

1921 Bull Skull, Fruit, Pitcher 1939 A still life by PIcasso! Picasso’s hands look unusual?

What did he do to them?

HINT: He’s in his kitchen!