Slow Security Response Raises Questions Regina Hall's Trespasser's Escape Creates Doubts About Efficiency of Campus Safety Measures

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Slow Security Response Raises Questions Regina Hall's Trespasser's Escape Creates Doubts About Efficiency of Campus Safety Measures THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 122 THURSDAY, APRIL 17,2008 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Slow security response raises questions Regina Hall's trespasser's escape creates doubts about efficiency of campus safety measures book says that "members of the By LIZ HARTER Department of Safety and Saint Mary's Editor Security will act in the best inter­ ests of public safety, respecting This is the first article in a two­ the rights of all members of this part series examining student community and its guests" and concerns of security policies at director of Security Dave Gariepy Saint Mary's College. Part two said all members of the staff are will run next Thursday. fully trained. LIZ HARTER!The Observer There are 28 security person­ Clockwise from top: Ladders left by COI}­ With the recent number of nel employed by the College, he struction workers are left propped security problems that have said, with three officers per shift against Regina overnight; A red truck occurred on both the Saint and a fourth who drives the like the one the trespasser used to gair1 Mary's and Notre Dame campus­ escort vehicle, Blinkie, at night. access to Regina's roof is parked near es in the form of burglaries and But even with these assurances the building; The Saint Mary's Security trespassers, many College stu­ of a secure campus, there are emblem on the side of its security cars. dents have raised questions many students who think the about the effectiveness of Saint security department isn't operat­ Mary's Security. ing to its fullest potential, includ­ "The only functions I see !Saint ing a student who said Security Mary's) Security performing are "brushed off' her and the safety making sure students get from of Regina Hall residents with parking lots and Notre Dame to their reaction to a security alert their dorms safely, ticket cars for raised on April 5. parking violations and provide a She said it took two phone calls lost and found," junior Jessie to Saint Mary's Security for Sobczyk said. "Maybe they have Security respond to her claims other purposes, but I don't know that a "suspicious ... white man about them." The Saint Mary's student hand- see SECURITY/page 4 Conference to connect disciplines with Faustian themes Scholars from Cambridge, Columbia, UPenn, ND will explore Faustian influences in literature, science, film, philosphy will speak at the conference, Mathematics professor Alex Columbia University, lectual Johann Gottfried By CLAIRE REISING said that visiting and Notre Hahn, who organized the Northeastern University and Herder had on Johann News Writer Dame professors will show conference, said a group of the University of Wolfgang Goethe, who would how Faustian themes relate Notre Dame faculty members Pennsylvania. eventually go on to write Scholars will connect disci­ to their academi·c fields and began searching in November "We were looking for pow­ Faust. Norton said that plines ranging from literature in some presentations, how 2006 for a variety of academ­ erful scholars who had pub­ Goethe was a law student to physics at an academic these themes remain relevant ics with a background in lished substantial treatises on when he met Herder, but conference Friday and in today's society. Faust. The conference will these themes, [such as) liter­ Herder helped convince him Saturday, as one of "Faust at "One of the [best) things of feature six presenters, ature, history, science, phi­ to choose poetry and writing Notre Dame's" concluding the Faust [theme) is it's not including Norton, and guest losophy and film," Hahn said. as his vocation. events. confined to a single culture speakers will come from the According to Norton, his "He had a great influence German and Russian pro­ or a single theme," Norton University of Cambridge, the presentation will cover the fessor Robert Norton, who said. University of Chicago, influence that German intel- see FAUST/page 6 'Entourage' analyzed in ROTC holds Pass in Review wom.en's issues debate Student cadets, midshipmen receive awards, salute Jenkins at ceremony the Boston Globe and adjunct By THERESA CIVANTOS professor of American Studies By ELIZABETH KUHN News Writer and Journalism, Ethics, and News Writer Democracy served as modera­ Men Against Violence (MAY) tor. The panel included Dr. University President Father teamed up with several differ­ Eileen Botting, director of the John Jenkins watched more ent campus organizations and Gender Studies program; Dr. than 300 members of the ROTC departments Wednesday to Agustin Fuentes, associate pro­ program march and salute him present "The (Un)lloly Trinity: fessor of Anthropology; Dr. and other commanding o!licers Entourage, Media, and Men," Cathy Kaveny, law and theology during the annual Pass in an event that examined the por­ professor; and Father Mark Review ceremony at the Joyce trayal of relationships between Poorman, theology professor Center Wednesday. men and women by the media and vice president of Student A staple of the program's tra­ by taking a look at the popular AfTairs. The panel also included dition at Notre Dame, the cere­ tnlevision series r.F.ntourage." two students: freshman Maggie mony provides members of the Thn event opened with a Molitor and senior Michael Navy, Army and Air Force screening of the "Entourage" Redding, a political science and ROTC branches with an oppor­ episode "Three's Company", fol­ philosophy major and president tunity to demonstrate their pre­ lowed by a question-and­ of MAY. cision and discipline. The regi­ answer session with a panel of Storin opened the conference ments' reviewing officer, HY PHAM!The Observer faculty and students. The commanding officers of the ROTC branches stand to watch the Matt Storin. former editor of see ENTOURAGE/page 8 see ROTC/ page 6 units march and salute at the Pass in Review ceremony Wednesday. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, April 17, 2008 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: IF YOU COULD BE ANY KIND OF DINING HALL FRIES, WHAT WOULD YOU BE AND WHY? English and vvet LONDON - It took thrno months and a bucket's worth of' water, but yester­ Josh Bartrom Christina Zoccoli Desiree Zamora Colin Reimer John Haravan Ill day I developed a stilT upper lip. Since January I have been living in junior junior senior junior junior London, but I think my American citi­ Dillon McGlinn Walsh Dillon Dillon zenship has been obvious, at times Kaltlynn Rlely painfully so. "Sweet potato "Curly, so I could "Seasoned, "Krinkle Cut, "Seasoned, I lowever, I wanted Assistant fries 'cause no spring into the because I've 'cause they're 'cuz I'm hot to immerse myself' News Editor ketchup." been here for like regular in the culture, so one would want and loved by I've <:hanged some to eat me. " four years. " fries only everyone. of' my bf~havior and habits so I don't different." stiek out quite so badly. Now, I only wear tennis shoes - trainers - when I'm exereising, and not when I'm just walking around the city. I don't say soecer; I say football. I go t.o, not google.eom. But as soon as I open my mouth and rnvnal my accnnt, the game is up. And IN BRIEF I'll nevnr got usnd to the unspoknn rule that no onn talks on the Tube. Also, try The play "The Tragical as I might, I just don't enjoy drinking History of Doctor Faustus", a tea. Christopher Marlowe play Sincn I am doing an internship here, about a professor who snlls his two days a week I am tlw sole soul to the devil. will be pnr­ Anwrican in a building full of' mostly formed April 17 and 1H at 7:30 Brits. On those clays, I am far more p.m. in the Deeio Mainstagc aware of' my obvious Amnriean-ncss Theater at the DeBartolo than on tlw days when I lllll in the Performing Arts Center. classroom building with UO other Not.rn Damn sl.lHlPnts. Author Barbara Fiend will YestPrclay, onp of' my co-workers deliver tlw 24th annual ducked into tlw of'f'ice wlwre I was Madelcva Lcctu1·e entitled working to takP nw to lunrh. I grabbed "Awe-l'illed Wonder: The my coat, and we !waded out tlw build­ Interface of Sdenec and ing toward tlw restaurant to mont up Spirituality" on tonight at 7 in with a man who f'rPqw•ntly dons work the Little Theater in Mo.-eau f'or organization. Wn were planning Center for the A1·ts on Saint on spending tlw lunch talking about a Mary's Campus. project I had been doing for thnm. l.iz and I wen~ walking down the The Class of' 200S is hosting a st.rnnt. toward tlw mstaurant, when all Beer Tasting event at Legends of' a suddnn, snemingly from out of' a tonight f'rom 5-7::m. 8 dill'ernnt cloudless sky, I was completely beers will be samplod and f'ood drenelwd by a downpour of' water. will be served. The seniors only Dripping, I looked up, and saw that Observer event eosts $10 at the door. water had poured out of' a spout in the Current Bengel Bout champions Andrew Lorenz, Bernardo Garcia, Alex Lough and former building, all over my head. Liz had champion Lawrence Sullivan, pose with their trophies in the Joyce center Wednesday. "The Shirt" will be unveiled doubled over laughing, and three girls Friday at the Hammes Notre sitting on the bench across the street Dame Bookstore.
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